Re: lyme disease/hip dysplasia

2003-07-31 Thread Rusty C Wingate

> Also regarding hip dysplasia, my one year old has been
> diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia when she was only  about 7 mos old.
> cried when I saw her x-rays several months ago We are using different
> remedies to try and help, and 1000 mg glucosamine daily.
Bless you I know just how you feel, my Ron is severe bilaterally and I too
cried at the xrays in his fifth month.  But we immediately started the
adequan series and he had an immediate positive response, started jumping on
the couch etc.  With diet and supps he does it all and does not quit
anything any sooner than the others nor does he lay sore the second day
after !  I consider food the key to any dysplastic dog and have seen many a
'down dog' come up with just the diet alone!
There is a yahoo group  for HD, [EMAIL PROTECTED], loads of info on
supps , diet, exercise and surgeries in the archives.  It is really quite
right now but the archives are full.
Swimming is the best thing to do for an HD dog, you want to develop those
rear muscles and in massaging it is the inner thigh of the rear legs you
want to get well massages as it is that ligament that tightens and does 'the
charlie horse thing'.  It takes some work to massage and you usually have to
start slow as it is always sore there.  Once she discovers how great that
massage works she will beg you to do it when it hurts!  There is a file in
the achives of the HD group with a good description on this massage .
If you are using gluc HCL and it does not work try the sulfate and visa
versa.  Salmon oil and vit E are just standard supps but do grand things in
an ortho dog.  I will stop blabbing here as I sometimes tend to write a book
on natural things to help an HD dog ;0)  Just look in the archives on that
group , giggle.but food is a biggie! as it is in humans too.
Good luck and feel free to write me privately
Support is good with folks who are working and have worked through this
successfully as each dog is different so you need a vast supply of 'things
to use and do'
Rusty C & Good Company

Re: Seven generations from now

2003-07-30 Thread Rusty C Wingate

- Original Message -
From: "Mary-Ann Bowman" and think three litters is
> plenty for any bitch --
Having been a mother myself...well still am but referring mainly to the
"before they were weaned and thinking" ages I like to see a bitch being a
dog and having fun with herself without having to 'produce and nurse' which
I myself found to be a drain on the old body, internally, externally and
mentally, giggle.

> differently. I will never breed a bitch without hip and elbow
clearances --
But there are those who get the clearances and breed even with poor ratings,
this I deem very poor management of the breed.

>> think it is wrong to have an intelligent working dog as a decorator item
> the house and yard -- others think that is an okay life for a berner.
I don' t think there is a right or wrong to this one, but I got my Berners
to work and expect them to, the loverly Berner just a laying bored to death
is not my kind of dog.  I like the one who is literally into everything as a
pup and as an adult wants to work and works well.  This not only takes good
working stock but a thinker.My kind of Berner!

 and look
> forward to BMDCA members' input on the proposed Code of Ethics, which I
> think is a meaningful step in the right direction.
I would love to see further discussion on the Code of Ethics for your BMDCA,
it would be a grand day when no unsound or genetically deficient dog of any
breed was bred..I'll go for that and pray it happens.

Like so many others who see sires/dams dead at four from cancer and their
gorgeous kids being bred then sick at two or three, you wonder what chance
those pups have for a healthy life, at least I do.
This is the grandest of breeds you guys have, I enjoy every day with their
company...night too for they are bed hogs, and hope to have them all for
many many years and pray in a ripe old age they just go to sleep peacefully.
I pray for that small miracle every day, what a blessing.
Rusty C & Good Company

Re: Bad Experience in Class

2003-05-27 Thread Rusty C Wingate

- Original Message -
From: "Cindy Reid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  I am going one more week but if I come
> away with mixed feelings again then I'll quit this instructor and go
> elsewhere.
Cindy, I have been working with a fella who was made to scream by an
instructor...not in my control my hubby's who thought she knew what she was
doing.  This dog loved everyone one day and the next day after she made him
scream he loved/trusted no stranger.  Now grant you I believe he was 'soft'
or the experience would not have soared him so easily.
There are more instructors and this is your furkid, your job to 'let happen
to him' what you I wouldn't give her the chance to ruin your
precious baby, but then that is me.  Yanking and hard nosing are not my
preferred methods.  I wouldn't go back, I would find a positive class
instructor.  Just me.
My hubby learned through this to never trust anyone with the leashI had
told him, now he knows why.  An instructor can instruct me, but they don't
touch my dog PERIOD.
Rusty C & Good Company

Re: Doggon Wheels

2003-02-12 Thread Rusty C Wingate
Yep, Hugo's chair is paid for!  I sent the email to the listwish I knew
how to get to individuals.
No second chair, but we can get wheels to take this chair down to the
smallest size already.  I don't know how many of you have dealt with a Quad,
but this chair is not going to go down to an 80lb dog.  Hugie is at the top
end of the size!
But this chair is paid for .  They are taking no more money, sorry you
missed it!  What a giving group this.

Rusty C

Now on future use of the Chair...

2003-02-12 Thread Rusty C Wingate
I know there are other Berner kids out there who are likely to be in need of
this chair in the future.
Would you like to go ahead and tell them the size of your furkid so we can
go ahead and get the adjustments to fit the different sizes?

What you think Andrea, can you store some extra wheels etc safely?  Just if
you think you may need this in the future  like Jane, don't you have a
boy who 'might'???  we can be prepared as with these things the Berner
structure is very uniquebut then we know how unique our kids are!

I only said Andrea, someone else may have a place but she had mentioned
getting a loaner service started and by the way, think I have a used one
coming  FREE.  but it will be for a smaller dog!  As a community we can 'be

Rusty C & Good Company

Hugo's Chair is 'IN production'

2003-02-12 Thread Rusty C Wingate
Thanx go to you loverly loverly generous caring sharing .oh words can
not express the 'wonderful wonderful feeling ' I have for you guys!

Hugie's chair is getting built and you have given him a chance out of your

"Kindness is an inner desire that makes us want to do good things even if we
do not get anything in return.  It is the joy of our life to do them, When
we do good things from this inner desire, there is kindness in everything we
think, say, want and do. -"
 Emanuel Swedenborg

YOU are kind kind people with good hearts!

Rusty C & Good Company

Hugo's chair...almost there!!!!

2003-02-11 Thread Rusty C Wingate
Mel from doggone emailed at 5:37 that Hugo's Quad Chair is at $450!  We
are almost there,  $150 more and it is definitely "in production"

You guys are great...I am sure Donna will be in tears of joy when she finds
out what you have done!
Thanx to everyone for this outpouring of a helping hand for one sweet fella.

Rusty C & Good Company

Re: Hugo and His Stroke, is there a chance?

2003-02-11 Thread Rusty C Wingate

- Original Message -
From: "Jeff & Mary Chapdelaine - SnoBear .
> I will look up the info. and post the address to the list. It may not be
> help in this case, but if it saves one
Oh, Mary, I cried for you ...and me...the "if onlys"  they are hard to bear.
I would love to know this info, Please do share.

Rusty C & Good Company

Re: Doggon Wheels, et al

2003-02-11 Thread Rusty C Wingate
This was not done to handicap Andrea or BEHAF in anyway, it was done to
expedite the chair for Hugie!  I also thought it was 'on top of' and so
yesterday called doggone to see how the production was going only to find
there was no production and to just start the chair they needed 75% of the
total amount.
Yes, Melissa was getting plans for building one but Donna did not trust her
building abilities so yes, the fund is started at the company.  At this
point if folks mail checks to one place then that place waits for them to
clear then has to mail the funds the two weeks for the chairs production
would have passed.  Hugo needs this chair yesterday, it still must be built.
So instead of hashing whose "baby" it is and talking back and forth more and
wasting more time.  Let's work together and get this chair "in production" .
Bet Ellen with her horse sense can tell ya what immobility does to a giant.
So yes, let's work together, time is already lost and Hugo is still down,
let's get him up and give him a chance, who cares 'who's baby' it isit
is Donna's baby  Hugo that matters.  I tain't no talker when time is a
wasting ..
Thanx to whoever donated this daythank you so muchwe are that much
closer to starting the chair !
Rusty C praying for a small miracle
"What one does is what counts and not what one had the intentions of
doing -"
Pablo Picasso

Hugo and His Stroke, is there a chance?

2003-02-11 Thread Rusty C Wingate
A lot has gone on with this big sweet fella and I just wanted to put my 2
cents in.

I have not dealt with dogs and strokes as much to my regret I listened to
the vet when my Max was 17yrs old and had a stroke.  He would get up and
fall over etc.  Even tho' he was seventeen yrs old up until the stroke he
acted like a puppy, never ever sick.  I know in my heart today, there was a
chance, as since that time I had the pleasure to help many a stroke patient
,human , work their way back with the proper tools! and encouragement and
The emergency with Hugo is his size and down for this length of time.  He
must get mobile or the organs will fail and time is of the utmost
Doggone was so nice in setting up this account as they know the importance
of Hugie's being mobile.  They have never done this before but jumped right
in as I feel they love dogs, not just in it for profit, and know the urgency
of this chair for this giant!
Donna is the one looking in his eyes and seeing a spark still there.  I have
a pic taken January 30th , prior to the Robaxin, which shows his sparkle
there in his eyes.  And once again Hugie is fighting to come back to Donna
and we can give him the chance.  We can all pull with love in our hearts and
help this fella before it is too late.
It takes two weeks to build a chair...a chair that can help this buddy in
his fight.  Then it will be there for the next furkidJust think the next
one may be yours and what that two week wait can do!!
Bless you all for your kindness and support of Hugie and Donna.  I only wish
I had given my boy a chance, now I want Hugie to have his!
Rusty C praying for that small miracle

Any info on Lora v Hausmatt???

2003-02-05 Thread Rusty C Wingate
Fixing to pop off a letter to FCI and the tattoo registry to see if this dog
was still alive or if she has passed caused of what?
Anyone out there know?
Rusty C

Left over puppy post.......

2003-01-08 Thread Rusty C Wingate
I had to go dig as I missed this post and wanted to see how someone would
dare post a puppy for sale on the List.

Then I found it and read it and it truly sounded like she was not trying to
sell it on the list but reaching out to "friends' for advice as to exactly
how to proceed without posting an ad.  A very good idea to ask help from
friends, after all that is what friends are for.

I have over a dozen folks bugging me to breed my female.  Nope, not
yetshe is a slow maturer and would like her to have a functioning adult
brain first!  But I would be more than happy to tell her of the "good" PPOs
I personally know so she has a good chance of placing the puppy in an
excellent forever home.

Rusty C & Good Company

Re: exuberant behavior

2003-01-08 Thread Rusty C Wingate
My HD fella , Aileron, is this way.  The sounds and the spinning and the
jumping are out of character for a dog with his hips, or rather, lack of
I myself love the sounds and the demonstration of affection, I like the paw
around the leg, the other two Berners are not as demonstrative as he is tho'
their greeting when I am out of their site for only minutes is more than any
other breed I have ever had.
The consistent 'off' with the insistence on not jumping stopped that
behavior, but I have not tried to stop the spinning and hopping and the
"love sounds" he makes. nor the grabbing and hugging the leg.  He does it
with no one else, just Momma.  Some people are more tactile and
demonstrative of their affection too.

Mine have never had to share attention either, now at times both legs and
arms are giving belly rubs, but must say, I thrive on the attention

I used the clicker method to stop the jumping and it worked for me.  Had not
ever used it before but decided to try it for that and much to my pleasure
it worked!  Alas, new things can work as good as the 'old methods'  Thank
you Patricia Tackett

Rusty C & Good Company

Oooopsie, forgot to sign

2002-12-21 Thread Rusty C Wingate
Sorry folks am in a hurry to go do a rescue/transport and just rushed it
thanx for calling it to my attention
Rusty C & Good Company

Re: Hip x-ray question

2002-12-21 Thread Rusty C Wingate
Boy, I almost totally agree with you.  The ligament on the inside of the
thigh should be massaged and can in 'some' cases release the reverse pull on
the joint and the ball 'can' resetgot cases to show ya but it does take
a couple of years of constant care.  Those ligaments are booger bears but my
HD fella sure likes the rubbing now!
The dog should not be bred tho' I totally agree!  But I still say xray, see
what is going on and get him on a regime of diet, supps and appropriate
exercise to help.

Re: Hip x-ray question

2002-12-19 Thread Rusty C Wingate

We did not have your experience with the angle of the ball in the socket,
yours sounds more like 'laxity' rather than structure and loads of times it
has corrected with therapy mainly swimming so the hip muscle tightens and
pulls the bone in tight.
I xrayed my boy in the fourth month of his life to know what I was dealing
with.  In knowing I have had the advantage of giving him a specific diet and
supplements to fight the onset of arthritis and keep the pain out.
I would xray again at two, to see what exactly has happened in those joints.

Rusty C & Good Company

Re: Drafting Equipment

2002-11-25 Thread Rusty C Wingate

- Original Message -
From: "Karyn Waugh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Drafting Equipment

> I do however need a good harness.  I have a training harness to start with

Really, really good work harnesses that distribute the load well at
Newfoundland Saddlery, Gary Barnes is apt and they are grand!
that is the address and contact, here are some pics of his dogs in harness

Rusty C & Good Company

Re: okay -- now what?

2002-11-12 Thread Rusty C Wingate

- Original Message -
From: "Pat Long" > Rusty,
> I know you were probably just having some fun on this one,

Well, for a work dog, I wanted sound.  I have a friend who has a white
collared Berner and as I told her, if everything else is good I would take
him in the ring, but that is me.

I did have a white GSD way back when they were 'culling' them.  1060's
ooops that is 1960's...I tain't quite that old but just kept her from
being drowned and recessive gene that it is she was a grand addition to my
family.  So you are absolutely right Pat,  if ya can wriggle your nose and
turn Ron blue eyed , red haired with a huge collar and give him clear hips
and elbows, would ya do it please...
A sound dog above all for sure!

Rusty C & Good Company

Re: okay -- now what?

2002-11-12 Thread Rusty C Wingate
You mean you would sell a pup with blue eyes or red or with a white collar
for the same as a proper colored berner?  This ain't even fair, giggle.

Rusty C & Good Company

Re: okay -- now what?

2002-11-12 Thread Rusty C Wingate
Ah, haopinions on what to do.  Depends, if the pup was pet or show
bought.  By all means the pup should be kept if the person wants it, many
would return if not a 'show' or sound but not me.
Just in passing an outstanding breeder of Lab's offered not only another
show pup but to pay for the surgery and neutered all the dogs in this "first
time breeding"   Now this is most definately a breeder trying hard to stop
passing on the genes and she had kept a pup, female, for show and breeding
One breeder who is definately for the betterment of the breed.

What I 'think' is money should definately go back if it is HD.  Anything
else is gravy.

Rusty C & Good Company

Re: Diet-related skeletal and joint diseases in dogs, was Innova -- HATE IT!

2002-11-10 Thread Rusty C Wingate

- Original Message -
From: "Jennifer Popp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What you eat is important, no one is saying it ain'tit just ain't the
cause of HD and I like to see a well fed dog, nutrition is important for
every living thing.

Rusty C & Good Company

Re: Diet-related skeletal and joint diseases in dogs, was Innova -- HATE IT!

2002-11-10 Thread Rusty C Wingate
Dittoditto...and double ditto to every thing Mary-Ann said, well

HD is genetic, nutrition and environmental things can exaserbate it but it
is from the genes.  Two HD dogs should never be bred nor a repeat breeding
of two dogs that together produced HD for their genes together tho excellent
alone make the complete puzzle of HD .

Rusty C & Good Company

Re: Diet-related skeletal and joint diseases in dogs, was Innova -- HATE IT!

2002-11-10 Thread Rusty C Wingate
It is because of talk like this a lady has decided to breed two HD dogs and
"breed out the HD with diet"

Talk like this makes me cry, I know the pain that will comeand by the
way, had anyone else had my HD fella  the dysplasia would have probably not
been found, the ortho said he was not HDha.  Food and supplements have
kept him from demonstrating on the outside what is there on the inside.

Rusty C & Good Company

Re: Rocky and needs

2002-11-09 Thread Rusty C Wingate
If you would please write to me privately I would like to discuss Rocky and
his therapy
Rusty C

Re: More on Hips and other fun things

2002-11-09 Thread Rusty C Wingate

But on a first time breeding still give slack.
But if the breeder does not want clearances on your dog back offthat
should have been my red flag but it wasn't.

Hey, Mary, Ya a breeder, put me on your list!
Rusty C & good Company

Re: Fragility of breed/Consultations

2002-11-09 Thread Rusty C Wingate
Hi lisa, I have read your post over the last five years and do
have a heart.

No, exercise does not make a crippled dog, but penning for two years gets a
fair one.

This breed is no fragile than any other.  Just needs scrupulous breeding

Rusty C & good Company

Re: Rambling about hips

2002-11-09 Thread Rusty C Wingate
Bravo...yes it is two producing HD not to be bred again and not taken out of
the gene pool

But if a breeder tells you not to 'responsibly'
exercise your pup til twolike lock it up he is just way laying the xrays
showing the dysplasia or bad elbows.  Conscientious owners are necessary not
to take a small babe to extremes but keeping a dog penned and no exercise
will make fair hips that upon "normal" exercise will make severe  SEVERE
But this is a work in progress, the only reason I opened my quiet not so
little mouth was for the new owner sitting there with HD and thinking they
had done something to hurt their pup...not so.  I understand HD and do not
hold my breeder responsible for it was a first time breeding and I had
studied peds and clearances and waited for this dog
SurpriseHD, so we learn.  But also remember I would not give this dog
back or euthanize himhe is exactly what I wanted except for the hips...I
am not a breeder tho I have a full understanding of breeding, he has all the
characteristics I wanted he is gorgeous loves me and understands every word
I say...he would give his life for me, he is a Berner...just lacking in the
So PPOs take a lesson from me...unless you are willing to give your soul and
pocketbook to a crippled dog, take a second third or later breeding that has
clearances on more pups on the ground than 5 out of 40.
And may I tell you that I am unable to locate the siblings to my HD beware, they are out there!

Rusty C & good Company

Re: Surprised?! - Hip and Elbow testing question

2002-11-09 Thread Rusty C Wingate

- Original Message -
" noteworthy.
BARC puppy.  etc.   What would
> others do?  Go for the more expensive testing to begin with or just go to
> vet?
Is there an ortho vet at the clinic?  I have noted some of the outside
breedings in some of the dogs a couple of years ago to have been good
pedsquestionable but worth checking into IF the parents were checked!

This is in line with Sherri V's post ,  positioning is important but if it
is an ortho vet they are usually good at being sure the xrays are done
properly and Penn Hip is not necessary.  On my HD fella I am doing the xrays
for OFA but on the other two "sound" dogs so far, I will do Penn HIp.

Okay my two cents
Rusty C & Good Company

Re: Dysplasia - Nutrition & environmental factors.

2002-11-09 Thread Rusty C Wingate
Hi, Mary.Yeppers, definately nutrition can help a dysplastic or any
ortho dog.  Again take mine, a dozen super ortho vets said he would be
crippled by a year, go look at my site, he runs , jumps, does stairs using
the rear legs independent of one another , climbs on everything , stands on
his rear and walks like a beartotally, totally nutrition done, nutrition
including supps.  It took me a year tho' to get the muscles to start
developing but swimming, good old non weight baring exercise did it along
with diet a close watch on what goes in directly has a effect on what shows
You can slow the progress of HD but not stop it if the genetic
predisposition is there.

A puppy needs proper exercise just as a child does to develop properly and
strong, IF they have no genetic defect.  But with the defect they need
specific exercise and therapy to develop without causing more pain.  Not
locked up to atrophy the muscles but guided with the proper exercises ,
including massage to the inside muscles and ligaments of the thighs in an HD
case.  I also work on the fore limbs of my fella as they did take the brunt
of his weight at the start and still massage them cause I don't want the
elbows to go either!

Yep, nutrition is a good thing but if you have the genetic predisposition to
ortho nutrition won't prevent it just keep the inflammation and pain out,
that is all.

Rusty C & Good Company

re; Innova - HATE IT!/ Now Hips/Elbows

2002-11-07 Thread Rusty C Wingate

- Original Message -
From: "Ray & Pat Burgett" > When a puppy leaves your home with its new owner
who is loaded with good
> information about the best way to raise their new puppy and they chose to
> it their way, food , exercise & training, you as the breeder have lost
> of the control

That is not always the casetake mine, against my beliefs I did exactly
what the breeder said per contract, fed, exercise and all exactly as he said
against my beliefs cause he was the breeder.
Doesn't work as you say.  Yes, you can make it worse by being ignorant but
you can improve the life of a severely bilaterally dysplastic dog with
proper diet nutrients and exercise, "including " hill running after a regime
of swimming.  Proper care is the key, proper care taking of the genes for
they say it alland the genes are in the breeders hands.
Every dog in every litter should be x-rayed and every dog in every litter
should be on Bernergarde for the betterment of your breed.

I hate the look that is going to be in my boys eyes when he is required to
have the surgery
Ask Liz P she has gone through it twice and she is a human with human
At first this well bred dog will question what I have let them do to him,
Oh, God give me strengthI will be his care giver, not the breeder, I am
the one who would not euthanize him for his hips are fixable and I will do
right by him for he is my friend, but also hold any breeder responsible for
any crippled well cared for dog out there , not the PPO, accidents happen
but the genes don't lie, not in human or animal.  It is in that DNA molecule
that is where it liesthe proof is in the pudding and if it don't gel
then the genes are badtwo excellent dogs can and do produce dysplastic
pups, it is nature not nurture!

This blaming the PPO or blaming the breeder the first time a dysplastic pup
is born is ignorant, but breeding the same two dogs again is ludicrous,
cause the genes don't lie and the second time you know who knows the genes
don't mixthe breeder, not the owner.

Rusty C