RE: Dogs Call names

2003-02-18 Thread Shadowbrook
We adopted our first Berner when he was 2 and he was already named Fargo
so we left it that way after a lot of discussions. 
Our second Berner is Olympian's California Pawppy. She is named after a
wild flower, the California poppy but we changed the spelling. We had
wild poppies growing in our yard when we lived in California. Callie as
we call her is living up to her namesake she is quite a wild flower!
We have now adopted a third Berner and she came to us with the name Skye
and a nick name Skye Pilot (after an old song). We noticed the cutest
white V on her behind and she became Skye Violet and now she is usually
Violet. I have about 60 African Violets growing in the house and I am
rooting more all the time so Violet fits perfectly.

We have lots of pet pictures on the walls and next to one of Fargo's
picture is a map of Fargo, ND. Next to one of Callie's pictures is a
picture of California Poppies. 
Now we need to hang a picture of Violet with a picture of violets and
the sky next to her.

Cherie Massaro
Fargo, Callie and Skye/Violet
Hopkinton, NH

Re: Dogs Call Names

2003-02-18 Thread Ray Pat Burgett
Forwarded with permission.

My boy, Parker took longer to name than my daughter!  My husband is an
avid bow hunter, and I must admit, very accurate  ;-) and purchases bows
made by Parker.  Pup's name had to begin Carsons A (breeder) - thus, we
have Carson's A Sure Shot Parker.   Some day, I may take a photo of both
Parkers and send it to the bow manufacturer!

Jackie  Parker
Bangor, PA

p.s. please feel free to post on Berner-L

Ray  Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,,Bell, Shadow  Max
Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep

Re: Dogs call names

2003-02-17 Thread Eileen Morgan
Well, let's see.
Micawber--character from Charles Dickens. Sort of a happy, loyal, family
oriented guy. Seemed like a good name for a happy, loyal, family oriented

Lliira--a goddess from Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (my spouse and I are
both Gamers) who presides over festival and joy. Perfect for the most
mellow, happy dog I think I've ever met.

Loch Ness--what else would you name an often wet, slimy, large monster, I
ask you? Nessie the Newfie . . . .the bleeeh blh dog! (which is the
noise people make after she loads up with a drink and comes to slob you)

And Cassie came to us with Cassie, although we couldn't let it be that short
so her official name is Cassiopeia.

Eileen Morgan
The Mare's Nest

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RE: Dogs call names

2003-02-17 Thread Rose Tierney
My stud dog was born on April 1st and registered Tertzo's Jester, I had an
old lass called Jessica and everytime we called Jester to go outside the
old girl would haul herself to her feet give us a look as if to say I
don't need too so we decided to give him a new call name. We tried Kramer
but puppy didn't remotely acknowledge that name and one day we observed him
listening to the catchy song sung by the Oscar Meyer Weiner kid on TV that
wentIf I was an Oscar Meyer Weiner everyone would be in love with me so
puppy became Oska (I shrink names down to four letters:-)

Rose T.

RE: Dogs call names

2003-02-17 Thread A. Sufi
We were not sure about how to choose a call name for Zeus, because the
breeder had not yet given
the litter a name (such as the P litter, etc.). Because my daughter is
such an avid fan of mythology, she 
was pushing for Zeus. I was pushing for Romeo, my (then) 5 year old son was
pushing for Pokemon, and
my husband - looking at this 20 pound furry butterball - was pushing My God
 how big is this puppy going to GET???
The breeder eventually settled on the Summer litter, and his registered name
Sunshine's Summer Olympiad. His call name is Zeus, which turned out to be
very fitting in a comical way.
He is the biggest, most docile guy ever. Zeus is happiest when stretched out
on the bed or couch, which we
have labeled Mount Olympus, home of Zeus (the Moose)
But he's still MY sweet Romeo.

Antoinette  sweet Zeus
San Ramon, Ca. 

Re: Dogs call names

2003-02-17 Thread Teresa Dominguez
My first berner, and my first Registered dog this was very hard for me ..

Patriot was from the A litter with a 4th of July theme .. Mountainair
American Patriot CGC

Romeo .. from the C litter, actually had his call name from the minute he
was born .. he was the C-section pup, thought he was dead as it was 12+
hours after the rest of the litter .. Romeo .. after where for art thou ..
since they had to send the vet in to find him.  When he came home with me I
just couldn't change his name .. he had been Romeo of 8 weeks .. he has
grown into that name .. just such a love .. we had a slew of registered
names picked out .. but had to find something that went with his call name he is Mountainair Crime of Passion

Teresa, Patriot and Romeo

Re: Dogs Call names

2003-02-17 Thread Ray Pat Burgett
Well now, I must say I'm glad we started this thread as it is very
interesting reading all the posts about how you Berner or other breed came
by its name.
We sometimes need something funny and happy on the L as at times it is
saddening to read about all the illness and death of our Berners.
Do not get me wrong, that is what this list is for but we do need fun
threads at times. Keep the post coming as we have a lot more L members to
tell  their story.

Ray  Pat

Ray  Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,,Bell, Shadow  Max
Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep

Re: Dogs call names

2003-02-17 Thread Cindy Buhner
Our BARC boy was named by Amy Kessler who had him in her house for
about 2 months before we got him.  We had planned to change it when he
got here but upon once the large ball of fluff came barreling out of
his crate on those huge feet, we stuck to the name Paws!  He's just
over a year now and still hasn't quite grown into them.

My 14 year old cat got named Tigger after a couple of days watchinghis
little orange body bounce my mother's rather large 11 year old Maine
Coon cat and getting duly swatted for his efforts.

My newest addition - an approximately 6 month old stray kitten I found
on the side of the road starving, filthy and with an infected eye - was
named by my husband - Miss Sara Bell or Miserable.  She certainly was
*that* when I found her!


Cindy Buhner and Paws (the BARC boy)
Help a good cause

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Yahoo! Shopping - Send Flowers for Valentine's Day

Re: Dogs call names

2003-02-16 Thread Ray Pat Burgett
Lets start a thread on how your dog came to have its call name.
We have seen many Dogs called Boomer and a number of dogs called Copper.

Our first Stud dog was called Boomer and this name was derived from the fact
that I was a Boom
Operator on the Air Force KC 135 Flying Tanker.

Our Cooper that our Granddaughter now has was called Copper due to the fact
he is Copper colored Red Berner.

Ray  Pat Burgett Eaglecap Bernese
Talee,Lexi,,Bell, Shadow  Max
Draminski Ovulation Detector Rep

Re: Dogs call names

2003-02-16 Thread BLKCAT123
What a fun subject Pat.  

Before Snowden arrived home I was searching for names on a baby name website that 
gave you the meanings  origins of the names.  I already had his registered name 
picked out Skylands Storm Front, since he was born on the night that I went to a 
Billy Joel concert in Philadelphia, Storm Front was the album for the concert tour.

Snowden: from the snowy hillorman from the snow capped mountain. Came from the 
babyname website.
I thought what a great name for a mountain dog. 

So the Snowy goes w/the storm front too! 
Since that's what we are having here in the Northeast as this BIG storm is finally 
here in PA.  Looks like we are going to get 1-2 FEET of snow until it's all done 
Monday night...anyway. 
Sometimes people say He doesn't looked snowed-in Ha, Ha.
He has lots of nicknames: Snowy, Snowman, Snowdrift, Snowhead, Snowfluff...they go 

Misha was one of the BARC rescues from the 2nd auction that came from Russia.
So I wanted a russian sounding name  I remembered the mascot from the 1980 winter 
olympic games that were in Russia.  Misha was a really cute fuzzy bear that was the 
mascot  that's the name that came to my mind when I saw the little bundle of berner 
fuzz.  Her name that I gave her for the AKC ILP # is Misha BARC's Alot.  She can be 
quite vocal  I wanted to have the BARC name in there also.

Looking forward to reading about the other pups names on the berner-L

Getting snowed-in here in PA, 
Beth Schmoyer
Bethlehem, PA
Snowden 5 years old
Misha 2 years old 
 the cats.

Re: Dogs call names

2003-02-16 Thread Bruce and Faith Hopperstad
Litter theme - legal terms.  Grand Larceny - call name Lars.
Litter theme - Native American.  Morning Spirit - call name Morgen.

Faith Hopperstad
Lodi, CA

Re: Dogs call names

2003-02-16 Thread PolarisBMD
I started a list of potential dog names (both registered  call names) when I 
was about 14 (this helps explain why I didn't date a lot as a teenager).  
Still have some good ones on there, waiting for the right dog!  

In my 30's, used to joke with my then-husband that when I turned 40 I was 
going to look like Christie Brinkley.  Alas, something went awry and that 
didn't happen, but since my 40th birthday present to myself was a lovely 
puppy imported from Switzerland, she had to be called Brinkley (Ch. Zenith 
v Bernetta).

Earlier dogs included Labrador Fenway (Polaris Green Monster CDX).  
Then-hubby, who was not a Red Sox fan, but was a Cardinal's fan, wanted the 
next dog named for his team.  Wanted to call her Busch, after their 
stadium, but I refused.  So Ch. DeerPark Double Play, CD, became 
Scarlet...not for the team's colors, but because the owner of the team had 
an illegitimate daughter named Scarlett.  I was originally to have gotten a 
dog from a C litter, and her registered name would have been DeerPark 
Cardinal Sin.  (It would have been so good!)  Scarlet's son, Shiva, was named 
by the vet tech who spent 30 minutes reviving him after being born 7 days 
premature.  She said Shiva was the Egyptian god of energy.  Come to find out 
he was also a Hindu god of destruction.  He was my lesson that they always 
live up to their names!

Thus my next boy, who came along at a very difficult time in my life, was 
Better, as in life has to get better.  Ch. Edelweiss Beacon v Polaris was 
my heart and soul until succumbing to histio on Dec. 4 at 9 1/2.   He was 
definitely the best named dog I ever had.

Joanne Prellberg
Polaris Bernese Mtn. Dogs
Scottsdale, AZ

RE: Dogs call names

2003-02-16 Thread Laura Lopez Mendez
Many years ago, at the Winter Olympic Games, there was a Canadian couple in
figure skating that did a fantastic performance with the music of the Ravel
Bolero, and I loved it!
When my boy was given to me (at 7mo), his call name was TOM...I wanted
something different. As we were driving home the Bolero came to my mind, so
I called him Ravel Ü.
Laura and the MexGang
Ravel, Abby, Lloyd and our AngelDogs, Normann and Baxter

Laura Lopez-Mendez, DVM
Mexico City

Re: Dogs call names

2003-02-16 Thread Janice Parky
I for one, have to spend time with a new pup or dog to name it.  The name
has to fit the dog.  My first Berner Beau  was named by my husband.  The
man who used to say, We don't need another dog.   After a week with us and
no name,  my husband arrived home from the neighboring town, at the tip of
Cape Cod  and announced he had a name for Pup-pup.  He was driving across
a narrow stretch of land, bordered on one side by Cape Cod Bay, and the
other by East Harbor and the dunes beyond.  The sun was shining on the
water and suddenly the name Beauregard  just popped into his head.  In
spite of my husbands fears that we would all laugh at him, we immediately
agreed that Beauregard he was.

As for Halley, our re-homed BARC girl, she came to us named Brandy.  This
did not work for us at all.  She came home and after a few days of my boys
watching this whirling dervish and her boundless energy, they named her
Halley, after Halley's Comet.  Shes is fast, she is bright, she travels,
she shines.

Janice Parky and Halley
BARC's Comet Comes Home
In memory of Beau, Pond Village Beauregard
North Truro, MA

Re: Dogs call names

2003-02-16 Thread VetTec4BMD
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