[boost] Re: Patch for function/function_base.hpp

2003-02-13 Thread Markus Schöpflin
Daniel Frey wrote:

On Wed, 12 Feb 2003 18:37:51 +0100, Markus Schöpflin wrote:

Attached is a small patch for function_base.hpp. On line 302,
there is a T missing.

Just a stupid question: Why is it missing? What is this patch
supposed to fix?

This was the original source:

templatebool, typename struct enable_if;

Visual Age doesn't like this, it needs a name here.


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[boost] 'optional' - request for extension

2003-02-13 Thread Aleksey Gurtovoy

The following is a sketch of a potential use case for the newly-accepted and
already very useful 'optional' class. 

Suppose you have a pure RAII guard/locker which unconditionally does its

struct RAII_lock
: boost::noncopyable
RAII_lock(entity e);

and you want to write a semantic equivalent to the following

boost::scoped_ptrRAII_lock lock( cond ? new RAII_lock(entity) : 0 );
// ...

expect for the dynamic allocation part. How would you do it? 

IMO the following seems only natural:

boost::optionalRAII_lock lock( cond, entity );
// ...

The only problem with the above is that currently you cannot write something
like this. It would be nice if we could, IMO.


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[boost] [test] revision two

2003-02-13 Thread Gennadiy Rozental
Hi, everybody

Today I committed second revision to Boost.Test library. I am not planning
any more code changes in this release. If I have time I will try to reflect
changes made in revision one and two in documentation (Release notes with
changes log will be present in any case). Here is approximate list of things
that came with this revision:

* XML log format is introduced
   Now user willing to automate errors processing could get a log in XML
format. Command line switch is introduced that manage log format:
  --log_format=[XML|HRF] will force XML or human readable format
* XML report format is introduced
   Now user willing to automate results analysis could get a result report
in XML format. Command line switch is introduced that manage report format:
  --report_format=[XML|HRF] will force XML or human readable format
* Command line option --output_format is introduced that both log/report
format simultaneously
* BOOST_CHECK_NO_THROW test tool is introduced
  Name says it all.
* BOOST_BITWISE_CHECK test tool is introduced
  Allows to perform bitwise comparisons of the two arguments provided. Will
report as many errors as many bits mismatch. Mismatch position is reported.
* Documentation default palette changed to white
* Components examples and test documentation page is introduced. Now all
test/examples links lead to this page that has summary information about all
of them, that include expected output, type of test and so on.
* Signal handling selection algorithm fixed.
  It's tentative fix, that will need to be substituted with
BOOST_HAS_SIGACTION checks once they are introduce. Current change allowed
to use signal handling with gcc on win32 also.
* C strings usage in minimized as much as possible.
* class_properties header modified to use Boost.Preprocessor for friends
* other minor changes and bug fixes

Let me know about any issues.



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Re: [boost] Re: Patch for function/function_base.hpp

2003-02-13 Thread Daniel Frey
Markus Schöpflin wrote:
 Daniel Frey wrote:
  On Wed, 12 Feb 2003 18:37:51 +0100, Markus Schöpflin wrote:
  Attached is a small patch for function_base.hpp. On line 302,
  there is a T missing.
  Just a stupid question: Why is it missing? What is this patch
  supposed to fix?
 This was the original source:
 templatebool, typename struct enable_if;
 Visual Age doesn't like this, it needs a name here.

Ah, that's the reason. But given my recent discomfort about
unmaintainable code, look at it again:

  #  if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__HP_aCC, = 33900)
  templatebool cond, typename T struct enable_if;
  #  else
  templatebool, typename T struct enable_if;
  #  endif

Does this really makes sense? Shouldn't we just keep one version with
names for template parameters? AFAICS this should work for all compilers
and it could be a general boost coding guideline to always provide names
for template parameters. Comments?

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Frey

aixigo AG - financial training, research and technology
Schloß-Rahe-Straße 15, 52072 Aachen, Germany
fon: +49 (0)241 936737-42, fax: +49 (0)241 936737-99
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], web: http://www.aixigo.de
Unsubscribe  other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost

Re: [boost] 'optional' - request for extension

2003-02-13 Thread Anthony Williams
Aleksey Gurtovoy writes:
  The following is a sketch of a potential use case for the newly-accepted and
  already very useful 'optional' class. 
  Suppose you have a pure RAII guard/locker which unconditionally does its
  struct RAII_lock
  : boost::noncopyable
  RAII_lock(entity e);
  and you want to write a semantic equivalent to the following
  boost::scoped_ptrRAII_lock lock( cond ? new RAII_lock(entity) : 0 );
  // ...
  expect for the dynamic allocation part. How would you do it? 
  IMO the following seems only natural:
  boost::optionalRAII_lock lock( cond, entity );
  // ...
  The only problem with the above is that currently you cannot write something
  like this. It would be nice if we could, IMO.

* Firstly, this would require optional to be able hold non-copy-constructible
types, whereas the current requirement say T must be CopyConstructible.

You could drop the CopyConstructible requirement if you said that
boost::optionalT is only itself CopyConstructible/Assignable/Swappable if T
is CopyConstructible. However, this leaves the question of how to get the
value in there in the first place; the answer to which is ...

* Secondly, you would need a templated constructor to allow T to be constructed
using another type.

Or you could initialize it with optionalEntityType, since this template
constructor does already exist, and already does the right thing.

* Thirdly, you would need a special custom constructor which takes a conditional.

You could get round it like below:

boost::optionalEntityType optionalEntity;

// if optionalEntity is not initialized, neither is lock
// else lock is constructed using the conversion constructor
boost::optionalRAII_lock lock(optionalEntity);

You can do this with the current implementation, since the CopyConstructible
requirement isn't actually verified with a concept check, but you'd have to
get the requirement dropped if you were to rely on it (which would probably
mean implementing templated constructor/reset/operator= to avoid _having_ to
use an optionalU to initialize your optionalT)


Anthony Williams
Senior Software Engineer, Beran Instruments Ltd.
Remove NOSPAM when replying, for timely response.

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[boost] suggest a select in mpl

2003-02-13 Thread Jonathan Wang

The for-each in mpl is used to generate codes, which apply some function to each 
element in a sequence. Well, I wonder if there could be more generators, select(a 
better name?) for example. 

select is used to apply some function to a specified element in a sequence(the case 
in the FSM example, not each element). So it could be used to generate codes like the 
if-else/switch structure. Here's an example.

  #include boost/mpl/range_c.hpp
  #include select.hpp
  #include boost/mpl/alias.hpp

  struct find_helper {
const double* X_;   // array
const double a_;   // element to be found
int pos_;  // result, position of the given element
find_helper(const double* X, const double a, int pos)
: X_(X), a_(a), pos_(pos) {}
bool operator ()(int i)  
if(X_[i] == a_)
pos_ = i;
return true;// true means it's been handled
return false;   // false means to continue

  template typename T, int N
  struct find_element_c {
static int do_(T* X, const T a)
int r = N;
mpl::select   // select returns true if
mpl::range_cint, 0, N//the functor has been applied,
(find_helper(X, a, r));   // otherwise false.
return r;

  #include iostream

  int main()
double X[5] = {1.0, 2.1, 3.5, 6.6, 5.4};
std::cout  find_element_cdouble, 5::do_(X, 3.5)  std::endl;

output: 2

The generated code might look like:

  if(X[0] == 3.5)
return 0;
  if(X[1] == 3.5)
return 1;
  if(X[2] == 3.5)
return 2;
  if(X[3] == 3.5)
return 3;
  if(X[4] == 3.5)
return 4;

The implementation of the select template could be rather similar to for_each.

namespace boost {
namespace mpl {

namespace aux {

template bool done = true
struct select_impl
  typename Iterator
, typename LastIterator
, typename TransformFunc
, typename F

static bool execute(
, LastIterator*
, TransformFunc*
, F
return false;

struct select_implfalse
  typename Iterator
, typename LastIterator
, typename TransformFunc
, typename F

static bool execute(
, LastIterator*
, TransformFunc* 
, F f
typedef typename Iterator::type item;
typedef typename apply1TransformFunc,item::type arg;

value_initializedarg x;
if(aux::unwrap(f, 0)(boost::get(x)))
return true;

typedef typename Iterator::next iter;
return select_implboost::is_sameiter,LastIterator::value::execute(
(iter*)0, (LastIterator*)0, (TransformFunc*)0, f);

} // namespace aux

  typename Sequence
, typename TransformOp
, typename F

bool select(F f, Sequence* = 0, TransformOp* = 0)
typedef typename beginSequence::type first;
typedef typename endSequence::type last;
typedef typename lambdaTransformOp::type transform_op;

return aux::select_impl boost::is_samefirst,last::value ::execute(
(first*)0, (last*)0, (transform_op*)0, f);

  typename Sequence
, typename F

bool select(F f, Sequence* = 0)
return selectSequence, identity (f);

} // namespace mpl
} // namespace boost



Jonathan Wang

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[boost] Re: Patch for function/function_base.hpp

2003-02-13 Thread Markus Schöpflin
Daniel Frey wrote:

Markus Schöpflin wrote:

When posting the patch, I didn't even realize that the code was legal 
and that this is a problem with VACPP6. And the aCC workaround fixes 
the problem for VA, too.

This was the original source:

templatebool, typename struct enable_if;

Visual Age doesn't like this, it needs a name here.


Ah, that's the reason. But given my recent discomfort about
unmaintainable code, look at it again:

  #  if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__HP_aCC, = 33900)
  templatebool cond, typename T struct enable_if;
  #  else
  templatebool, typename T struct enable_if;
  #  endif

Does this really makes sense? Shouldn't we just keep one version with
names for template parameters? AFAICS this should work for all compilers
and it could be a general boost coding guideline to always provide names
for template parameters. Comments?

Agreed, if it works for all compilers, let's just keep the version 
with the names. (And add a comment that it should stay like it is!)


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[boost] Re: Re: BGL bfs and dfs

2003-02-13 Thread vladimir josef sykora
  Having internal properties means the mapping edge_descriptor - 'edge
  color' and vertex_descriptor - 'vertex color' is needed.

 I don't understand what you mean, snip

I'm using customized-internal properties that do not have 'color'
information. Now, algorithms (undirected_dfs() for example) need to map each
vertex and edge to its respective color, so in the previous case, the maps
must be passed as arguments to the algorithms (OTOH, if I were using
color_maps for both vertex and edge internal properties, the
bgl_named_params version of the function would do the job, and I wouldn't
care about the mapping.) That's what I meant when I said that having
internal properties requires the mapping .

  For vertex-color
  mapping this is straightforward because vertex_descriptor is of type
  (when using vectS) and the mapping can be easily implemented with a
  random-access container.

 Unless your graph can grow! You'd have to automatically grow container
 if you want to continue using the same property map. I've implemented such
 a property map, but so far, Jeremy has not commented.

You're right. Did you overload add_vertex() and/or add_edge() functions to
receive the 'property' container or a std::back_insert_iterator (pointing to
the prop. cont.)?

  However, for edge-color mapping this is not the
  case. I did it using std::mapstd::pairsize_t, size_t, color_type,
  of course, overloading put() and get(), not without first inspecting
  edge_descriptor type has two data-members: m_source, and m_target, so
  functions would look like:

 I always though that you should be able to add external edge / vertex
 to every graph.

I guess you're saying customized properties: i.e. properties that are not
provided by the BGL. I doubt that external properties could be attached to
the graph (at least I don't know how); once the internal properties are
taken, external maps are needed. One can concatenate properties though, but
then the bgl_named_params version of the algorithms won't work anymore.

Specifically, for all graphs both vertex_descriptor and
 edge_descriptor should be comparable, so that you can use map directly.

Can you tell me more about this? AFAIK, vertex_descriptor is of type size_t
(vecS) and edge_descriptor is of type ::boost::detail::edge_base.

 For some kinds of graph, vertices and edges should have automatically

Of course, since vertices and edges are strored in Sequences, and they
inherently have indices. The point is how to enumerate them comprehensively.
For vertices is no problem: one can do: vertex-number = sequence-index. But
what happens with edges? For example, what happens when I want to get the
edge connecting v1 with v2? Which scalar should I assign to that edge? What
BGL does is navigate through the whole out-edge-list of v1 until an edge is
found that has v2 for target. Otherwise the edge is not found. But there's
no way in constant time to check if an edge exists or not.

 In both cases, you should be able to write

   edge_property_mapG, int::type pm;

 and have it work. What do you think?

AFAIK, that's for internal properties. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

 (The autonumbering can be implemented without much overhead, it seems to

  unsigned int source=key.m_source;
  unsigned int target=key.m_target;
  if(sourcetarget) std::swap(source,target);// canonizing for
  undirected graph

 Will this work for directed graph? If not, I think you should assert that
 Graph is undirected.

For directed graphs, just get rid of the canonization. Then (v1,v2) !=
(v2,v1). The strict weak ordering is preserved.


 I think that external property maps should be improved, like I describe
 or it some other way. It hits me quite often.

I guess you're refering to the documentation; if that's the case, I agree.

 - Volodya
 Unsubscribe  other changes:

vladimir josef sykora
morphochem AG
gmunder str. 37-37a
81379 muenchen

tel. ++49-89-78005-0
fax  ++49-89-78005-555


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Re: [boost] Re: Patch for function/function_base.hpp

2003-02-13 Thread Daniel Frey
Markus Schöpflin wrote:
 Daniel Frey wrote:
  Markus Schöpflin wrote:
 This was the original source:
 templatebool, typename struct enable_if;
 Visual Age doesn't like this, it needs a name here.
  Ah, that's the reason. But given my recent discomfort about
  unmaintainable code, look at it again:
#  if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__HP_aCC, = 33900)
templatebool cond, typename T struct enable_if;
#  else
templatebool, typename T struct enable_if;
#  endif
  Does this really makes sense? Shouldn't we just keep one version with
  names for template parameters? AFAICS this should work for all compilers
  and it could be a general boost coding guideline to always provide names
  for template parameters. Comments?
 Agreed, if it works for all compilers, let's just keep the version
 with the names. (And add a comment that it should stay like it is!)

No, don't add a comment. Let's make it a boost coding guideline,
otherwise we will clutter the code again with comments instead of
workarounds. Remember that this is only one example of a line with
template parameters. Would you like to add a comment for every line all
over boost?

Regards, Daniel

Daniel Frey

aixigo AG - financial training, research and technology
Schloß-Rahe-Straße 15, 52072 Aachen, Germany
fon: +49 (0)241 936737-42, fax: +49 (0)241 936737-99
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], web: http://www.aixigo.de
Unsubscribe  other changes: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost

[boost] Status of Boost, Solaris and Sun WorkShop 6 Compiler?

2003-02-13 Thread Gary Gale
I've noticed that toolsets for the Sun WorkShop C++ compiler, both with and
without STLport support have appeared in boost/tools/build/.

Does anyone on the list have any indication as to when this compiler will
make it to fully supported status?

I've seen previous mailings that suggest that support for the WorkShop
compiler is in progress; if other list members are actively following this
up then I'd be happy to join in (as deadlines permit of course!).


Gary Gale   Mail:
Senior Formscape Architect  Phone: +44 (0)1252 618731
Formscape Software Ltd  Web: www.formscape.com
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[boost] Re: Weak ref. via atomicity (RE: Smart pointers:...)

2003-02-13 Thread Alexander Terekhov

Pavel Vasiliev wrote:
 Interestingly. pthread_refcount_enroll_one() in your implementation
 really eliminates need in any explicit locking.

I hope so. Yeah, as you wrote quote ...problem is much the same: 
test and conditionally increment /quote.

 Your code showed also that I overlooked the more simple way to deal
 with weak_count. To satisfy aesthetic feelings 


 I place here the corrected version of my previous code.


Given: two threads -- A and B, 
   thread A has strong one,
   thread B has weak one,
   strong_count == 1, weak_count == 2.

Thread A, in release_strong:
   atomic_decrement(strong_count) == 0,
Thread B, in acquire_strong_from_weak:
   see atomic_increment(strong_count)  0,
   (strong_count == 1, weak_count == 2)
   return true (and unlock),
   enter release_strong()
   atomic_decrement(strong_count) == 0,
   enter strong_refs_lost(),
   see strong_count == 0,
   set strong_count  0,
   enter release_weak(),
   atomic_decrement(weak_count) == 1,
   (strong_count  0, weak_count == 1)
   enter release_weak(),
   atomic_decrement(weak_count) == 0,
Thread A, enter strong_refs_lost():

WHA.. Nah, Lukashenko retires and establishes peace and democracy in 
the Middle East. ``Not bad.'' ;-)

Well, presuming that I'm NOT missing and/or misunderstanding something
with respect to the flow above, a sort of moral is that you should
better NOT increment a ZERO count... unless you *really* wish to have
something along the lines of:

(Subject: Re: Objects in container: creation and deletion details)

with Zombies, resurrection [God rules], etceteras.

And, BTW,  Forward Inline 

 Original Message 
Newsgroups: comp.programming.threads
Subject: Re: threadsafe reference counting

Alexander Terekhov wrote:
  kinda pthread_refcount_t-SKETCHv3  

Here's the updated SKETCH:

pthread_refcount_init()  // mutex like but with initial value
pthread_refcount_destroy()   // also mutex like
pthread_refcount_getvalue()  // see COW_AtomicInt3 string example
pthread_refcount_setvalue()  // see COW_AtomicInt3 string example
pthread_refcount_increment() // without any msync whatsoever
pthread_refcount_add()   // without any msync but with r.checking
pthread_refcount_decrement() // with msync for proper mut.obj-cleanup
pthread_refcount_subtract()  // with msync and with r.checking
pthread_refcount_decrement_nomsync() // without any msync whatsoever
pthread_refcount_subtract_nomsync()  // without any msync but with r.checking
pthread_refcount_enroll_one()// without any msync whatsoever
pthread_refcount_enroll_many()   // without any msync but with r.checking
pthread_refcount_attr_*()// PROCESS_SHARED and etc. attr-stuff
std::size_t as value type  // for get/set/add/... value param
PTHREAD_REFCOUNT_DROPPED_TO_ZERO // for pthread_refcount_decrement*() 
 // and pthread_refcount_sub() to 
 // indicate dropped to zero condition
 // that MAY be used to safely destroy
 // associated ref.counted object or 
 // simply continue -- increment/setval
 // also used for weak-strong enrolls
 // by pthread_refcount_enroll_one() and
 // pthread_refcount_enroll_many()

Uhmm, as WW-aka-Attila says... Kapis?

Comments/suggestions/objections/whatever? (an essay from David Butenhof 
would be greatly appreciated as well ;-) )



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Re: [boost] Re: Re: BGL bfs and dfs

2003-02-13 Thread Vladimir Prus
vladimir josef sykora wrote:

   Having internal properties means the mapping edge_descriptor - 'edge
   color' and vertex_descriptor - 'vertex color' is needed.
  I don't understand what you mean, snip

 I'm using customized-internal properties that do not have 'color'
 information. Now, algorithms (undirected_dfs() for example) need to map
 each vertex and edge to its respective color, so in the previous case, the
 maps must be passed as arguments to the algorithms (OTOH, if I were using
 color_maps for both vertex and edge internal properties, the
 bgl_named_params version of the function would do the job, and I wouldn't
 care about the mapping.) That's what I meant when I said that having
 internal properties requires the mapping .

Understood. You can't attach vertex_color like adjacency_list class allows, 

   For vertex-color
   mapping this is straightforward because vertex_descriptor is of type


   (when using vectS) and the mapping can be easily implemented with a
   random-access container.
  Unless your graph can grow! You'd have to automatically grow container


  if you want to continue using the same property map. I've implemented
  such a property map, but so far, Jeremy has not commented.

 You're right. Did you overload add_vertex() and/or add_edge() functions to
 receive the 'property' container or a std::back_insert_iterator (pointing
 to the prop. cont.)?

No, I've made the [] method of property map resize the underlying vector if
index is out of range. Quite simple.

   However, for edge-color mapping this is not the
   case. I did it using std::mapstd::pairsize_t, size_t, color_type,


   of course, overloading put() and get(), not without first inspecting


   edge_descriptor type has two data-members: m_source, and m_target, so


   functions would look like:
  I always though that you should be able to add external edge / vertex


  to every graph.

 I guess you're saying customized properties: i.e. properties that are not
 provided by the BGL. I doubt that external properties could be attached to
 the graph (at least I don't know how); once the internal properties are
 taken, external maps are needed. One can concatenate properties though, but
 then the bgl_named_params version of the algorithms won't work anymore.

Rereading my sentence, I understand that is was poorly worded. I meant that I 
should be able to create, for every kind of graph, external property map that 
will work without requiring me to manually assign indices.

 Specifically, for all graphs both vertex_descriptor and
  edge_descriptor should be comparable, so that you can use map directly.

 Can you tell me more about this? AFAIK, vertex_descriptor is of type size_t
 (vecS) and edge_descriptor is of type ::boost::detail::edge_base.

I meant that 
std::map typename graph_traitsG::vertex_descriptor, int
std::map typename graph_traitsG::edge_descriptor, int

should always work, regardless of the type 'G'. size_t will work now (although
inefficient). But edge_base is not comparable, so it won't work. I think
it should have operator  

  For some kinds of graph, vertices and edges should have automatically



 Of course, since vertices and edges are strored in Sequences, and they
 inherently have indices. The point is how to enumerate them
 comprehensively. For vertices is no problem: one can do: vertex-number =
 sequence-index. But what happens with edges? For example, what happens when
 I want to get the edge connecting v1 with v2? Which scalar should I assign
 to that edge? What BGL does is navigate through the whole out-edge-list of
 v1 until an edge is found that has v2 for target. Otherwise the edge is not
 found. But there's no way in constant time to check if an edge exists or

I think that edge_descriptor should contain edge index inside it. When you 
create new edge, the next free index is allocated from a list of free indices
(or num_edges(g) is used). When you delete edge, it's index is added to
the list of free indices. This design requires one extra int per edge, plus
the store of free indices --- the max number of edges graph ever had,
in the worsts case, but probably quite little in practice.

  In both cases, you should be able to write
edge_property_mapG, int::type pm;
  and have it work. What do you think?

 AFAIK, that's for internal properties. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I don't know what this syntax does now :-) I mean that this or similiar syntax
should be used to find the type suitable for external property map.

  I think that external property maps should be improved, like I describe


  or it some other way. It hits me quite often.

 I guess you're refering to the documentation; if that's the case, I agree.

Documentation hits me too. But I would also like to be able to provide 
external properties for edges easily. As it is now, I prefer to assume 
edge_weight_t as internal 

[boost] Operator result type inference

2003-02-13 Thread Miroslav Silovic
I noticed that boost::lambda library has a complete implementation of 
the type inference for the operator results (i.e. inferring that char + 
int returns an int). I would really like to be able to use that in my 
code, however, the Lambda implementation is currently undocumented. 
What's the entry point for that code? Are there any tests/examples?


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[boost] Copyright in Jam files

2003-02-13 Thread Bjorn . Karlsson
with one (1) day before the branch for release, there's still time to get
those copyright statements in place without needing to merge and tag the
files - please try to add them as soon as possible. As we've just recently
concluded that copyright statements are needed for the various build files
too, we need some extra focus on that before 1.30.0.

There has been great improvement during the last few weeks with regards to
soft errors such as missing copyright statements, erroneous line endings
and tabs, broken links in HTML files, and other minor nuisances that may not
be so rewarding to fix but definitely add to the overall quality once taken
care of. 

Thanks to all for the progress, and keep up the good work!

Bjorn Karlsson
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RE: [boost] Status of Boost, Solaris and Sun WorkShop 6 Compiler?

2003-02-13 Thread James_Lyell

-Original Message-
From: Gary Gale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 10:35 AM
To: Boost Mailing List ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Subject: [boost] Status of Boost, Solaris and Sun WorkShop 6 Compiler?

I've noticed that toolsets for the Sun WorkShop C++ compiler, both with and
without STLport support have appeared in boost/tools/build/.

Does anyone on the list have any indication as to when this compiler will
make it to fully supported status?

I've seen previous mailings that suggest that support for the WorkShop
compiler is in progress; if other list members are actively following this
up then I'd be happy to join in (as deadlines permit of course!).


Gary Gale   Mail:
Senior Formscape Architect  Phone: +44 (0)1252 618731
Formscape Software Ltd  Web: www.formscape.com
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Re: [boost] Re: Live summary of regression tests.

2003-02-13 Thread Toon Knapen
On Wednesday 12 February 2003 17:38, Rene Rivera wrote:
 [2003-02-11] Beman Dawes wrote:
 At 09:01 AM 2/10/2003, Toon Knapen wrote:
  I think the traffic-light colors should suffice. I find adding black
 I agree. The traffic-light metaphor falls apart when you add black.
 Yea, but black is used in the regresion tests themselves. How does it not
 fall appart there?

you've got a point there !

 Do we just get rid of black, and the 48 hour test become green? Or is there
 some better way to show age?

I would suggest to just use 3 colors : 
or black, yellow and red 
or green, yellow and red

using both green and black is confusing.
These colors should be used for the  both the regression overview as well as the
regression-logs per platform IMHO

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[boost] Heap question

2003-02-13 Thread T

I am implementing an algorithm that requires a heap.
In my algorithm, I need to do two operations, similar
to that required by Dijkstra's algorithm:

1. Use a secondary array to index the nodes of the
heap. This is so that a node in the heap can be found
in constant time.

2. Decrease the key (priority) of a node in the heap.

The Boost heap implementation
supports the decrease-key operation. But reading the
documentation, I'm not sure if the first requirement
is satisfied. If I index the nodes using iterators,
then what I require is for these iterators to be valid
even after the heap is changed, eg after insertion,
deletion or decreasing the key. Is that the case? 


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Re: [boost] Re: Live summary of regression tests.

2003-02-13 Thread Beman Dawes
At 11:38 AM 2/12/2003, Rene Rivera wrote:
[2003-02-11] Beman Dawes wrote:

At 09:01 AM 2/10/2003, Toon Knapen wrote:

 I think the traffic-light colors should suffice. I find adding black

I agree. The traffic-light metaphor falls apart when you add black.

Yea, but black is used in the regresion tests themselves. How does it not
fall appart there?

Do we just get rid of black, and the 48 hour test become green? Or is 
some better way to show age?

SourceForge CVS browsing used a scheme where recent commits are reported as 
n hours, less recent as n days, still less recent as n weeks, and 
really old files as n months.

One the release happens, there will be a set of tests for 1_30_0 which will 
grow old, yet there is nothing wrong with that. I'm wondering if the 
hour/day/week/month scheme would work better, particularly for those 
release tests?


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Re: [boost] Re: Patch for function/function_base.hpp

2003-02-13 Thread Dave Gomboc
 Ah, that's the reason. But given my recent discomfort about
 unmaintainable code, look at it again:
   #  if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__HP_aCC, = 33900)
   templatebool cond, typename T struct enable_if;
   #  else
   templatebool, typename T struct enable_if;
   #  endif
 Does this really makes sense? Shouldn't we just keep one version with
 names for template parameters? AFAICS this should work for all compilers
 and it could be a general boost coding guideline to always provide names
 for template parameters. Comments?

Nah, the vendors will never fix problems that we hide.  In some regular
code I might just switch it, but since some vendors _are_ using Boost to
test their compiler conformance, we should leave the HP workaround in (and
use the same or a new workaround for VisualAge also).  That way, when they
compile with BOOST_NO_CONFIG they will see the problem.


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Re: [boost] Linker trouble when building regex lib

2003-02-13 Thread John Maddock
 I'm newish to C++ and very new to boost.
 I've just tried to build the object library for regex
 in Borland Builder 5 Pro on Windows XP.  I ran the make
 on bcb5, got no errors at that stage, but when I try to compile
 my app within the Builder IDE I get a fatal linker error:
 Cannot load BOOST_REGEX_BCB5_MDI.LIB.  Any ideas?

Sounds like you didn't install the libraries with:

make -fbcb5.mak install


John Maddock

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Re: [boost] Fix for some Interval library tests

2003-02-13 Thread John Maddock
 At 10:07 PM 2/7/2003, Dave Gomboc wrote:
   I suggest adding another boost defect: BOOST_BROKEN_ADL (or similar)
  How about BOOST_LIBRARY_IMPL_VULNERABLE_TO_ADL?  It's not that the
  compiler's ADL implementation is broken, it's that the library
  implementation isn't protected against ADL lookups where it needs to be.

 The rule-of-thumb is to begin these deficiency macros with BOOST_NO_ to
 make it clear a conforming implementation does not need the macro.

 So BOOST_NO_STD_LIB_ADL_PROTECTION might be a better name.

 John Maddock is really the gatekeeper for this sort of macro, and he is
 also familiar with the Borland compiler. John, what do you think?

Sorry to be dense, but I don't understand the issue (I admit I haven't been
following this thread) do you have simple a test case?



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Re: [boost] Re: Borland specific defects : new config defines?

2003-02-13 Thread John Maddock
 The two defects are:
 The various std::isdigit, islower, isalnum etc. convenience functions
 will not compile.

 Please could you post a concrete example?

#include locale

int main()
  return std::isupper('c', std::locale()); // error overload not found.

but can be fixed with:

#include locale

namespace std{
using stlport::isupper;

int main()
  return std::isupper('c', std::locale()); // OK got it now

I'm not sure if this is due to a compiler bug or what, but basically it's
due to the way that STLport is set up: the names are declared in namespace
stlport (which is an alias for either _STL or _STLD depending upon the
build), and then imported into std with:

namespace std{
using namespace stlport;

in STLports _suffix.h.  This works fine for most cases, but not when the
name is already present in namespace std (as is the case with the is*
functions for example).

John Maddock

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Re: [boost] Re: Request: BOOST_ENABLE_LONG_LONG

2003-02-13 Thread John Maddock
  Could we subordinate BOOST_HAS_LONG_LONG to
 Even if we're willing to break user code and tell them they have to
 define that macro explicitly, we'd have to be very careful; we have
 tests that exercise long long and we don't want to break those or
 disable that part of the testing.

 Yes. Those tests would simply have to #define BOOST_ENABLE_LONG_LONG.
 All the rest would remain the same.

 The idea was for defined(BOOST_ENABLE_LONG_LONG) to be a necessary
 (but not sufficient) condition to *define* BOOST_HAS_LONG_LONG. At the
 point of usage one would still deal with BOOST_HAS_LONG_LONG only, and
 the typical code snippet involving long long would still appear as:


 (Maybe the idea is clearer if one mentally renames BOOST_HAS_LONG_LONG

I hear what you say, but I keep coming back to: this is largely an Intel
compiler specific problem, and most users really do expect their libraries
to support long long whenever the compiler does.  Personally I don't want to
have to answer a flood of questions along the lines of why doesn't
some_type_traitlong long work correctly?, remember that we already have
had a minor flood of requests for better long long support in various
libraries (mainly integer).

So... under what conditions should we not define BOOST_HAS_LONG_LONG for the
Intel compiler - is this a version thing - I thought all recent EDG front
ends defined __NO_LONG_LONG when it's not available?  (How do the platform
headers detect whether long long is supported or not?)  I guess we could
also add BOOST_DISABLE_LONG_LONG as well if it's really required.

John Maddock

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Re: [boost] Re: Patch for function/function_base.hpp

2003-02-13 Thread Douglas Gregor
On Thursday 13 February 2003 04:38 am, Daniel Frey wrote:
 Ah, that's the reason. But given my recent discomfort about
 unmaintainable code, look at it again:

   #  if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__HP_aCC, = 33900)
   templatebool cond, typename T struct enable_if;
   #  else
   templatebool, typename T struct enable_if;
   #  endif

 Does this really makes sense? Shouldn't we just keep one version with
 names for template parameters? AFAICS this should work for all compilers
 and it could be a general boost coding guideline to always provide names
 for template parameters. Comments?

FWIW, I didn't apply the patch directly but instead changed it to what you 
  templatebool cond, typename T struct enable_if;

I'd be fine with making this a coding guideline...

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RE: [boost] Linker trouble when building regex lib

2003-02-13 Thread Mark Davenport
That's exactly what happened!
What an a**e!

Thanks for replies


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of John Maddock
Sent: 13 February 2003 11:11
To: Boost mailing list
Subject: Re: [boost] Linker trouble when building regex lib

 I'm newish to C++ and very new to boost.
 I've just tried to build the object library for regex
 in Borland Builder 5 Pro on Windows XP.  I ran the make
 on bcb5, got no errors at that stage, but when I try to compile my app

 within the Builder IDE I get a fatal linker error: Cannot load 

Sounds like you didn't install the libraries with:

make -fbcb5.mak install


John Maddock

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Re: [boost] Re: Patch for function/function_base.hpp

2003-02-13 Thread Daniel Frey
Dave Gomboc wrote:
  Ah, that's the reason. But given my recent discomfort about
  unmaintainable code, look at it again:
#  if BOOST_WORKAROUND(__HP_aCC, = 33900)
templatebool cond, typename T struct enable_if;
#  else
templatebool, typename T struct enable_if;
#  endif
  Does this really makes sense? Shouldn't we just keep one version with
  names for template parameters? AFAICS this should work for all compilers
  and it could be a general boost coding guideline to always provide names
  for template parameters. Comments?
 Nah, the vendors will never fix problems that we hide.  In some regular
 code I might just switch it, but since some vendors _are_ using Boost to
 test their compiler conformance, we should leave the HP workaround in (and
 use the same or a new workaround for VisualAge also).  That way, when they
 compile with BOOST_NO_CONFIG they will see the problem.

It's a reasonable approach. Another one might be a macro called
BOOST_STATIC_CONSTANT and resolves to nothing for conforming compilers
and leaves a dummy name in for broken compilers. Usage:


Note that I do not prefer this style, I just want to mention another
option. I think it's still better than #ifdef's but I won't bother too
much if there is one coding guideline which could solve all issues.
Boost is already too complicated to add political/educational stuff for
compiler vendors instead of adding just the technically needed stuff for


We could continue by adding BOOST_FOR to replace all for-loops in case a
compiler has broken scope for declared 
variables. For conforming compilers:

#define BOOST_FOR for

and for broken compilers:

#define BOOST_FOR if(false);else for

there are so many ways to obfuscate the code... hehe...


Regards, Daniel

Daniel Frey

aixigo AG - financial training, research and technology
Schloß-Rahe-Straße 15, 52072 Aachen, Germany
fon: +49 (0)241 936737-42, fax: +49 (0)241 936737-99
eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], web: http://www.aixigo.de
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Re: [boost] Re: Re: Reflection system in C++ using templates

2003-02-13 Thread Douglas Gregor
On Thursday 13 February 2003 01:01 am, Lin Xu wrote:
 Attached is a prelimary replacement for function_traits.hpp. (When should I
 use the files section on yahoo? When should I attach? copy and paste code

If it's really short, post a context diff. If it's short, attach. If it's 
longer than short, put it in the sandbox or files section.

 I added specializations for member function pointers, and for those
 specializations, a typedef class_type which is the class type of the
 pointer. For no-PTS compilers I added a set of template functions for
 function pointers.

I would have expected that for member function pointers arg1_type would be
  typedef cv class_type* arg1_type;

(where cv is the cv-qualifiers from the member function pointer). 

 Unfortunely when I tried to test this by doing:
 cout  boost::functionvoid (A::*)()::arity  endl;
 The following errors occured:
 main.cpp: In instantiation of `boost::function_traitsvoid (A::*)()':
 main.cpp:33:   instantiated from here
 main.cpp:33: base class `boost::detail::function_traits_helpervoid
has incomplete type
 It looks like the add_pointer doesn't know what to do with member function

It knows what to do, it just doesn't do what we want. The add_pointer should 
only be performed when is_pointerT::value is false. 

 This may affect many things, so I didn't touch anything else :)

 Would this affect boost::function? (from what I know it has some kind of
 member function pointer adaptor?)

It won't affect boost::function (which doesn't even use function_traits). 
boost::signal could be affect, but only if function_traits stops working for 
function types.


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Re: [boost] [PRB] boost.function and Visual Age

2003-02-13 Thread Douglas Gregor
On Thursday 13 February 2003 06:12 am, Markus Schöpflin wrote:
 Hi there,

 currently, boost.function and Visual Age don't get along very well.
 Unfortunately, I have no idea where to start in order to fix the problems.

 Could anyone please take a look at the regression logs and give me a
 hint where to start?

That doesn't look good at all. function_n_test is the first testcase to work 
on, but it's giving some frightening errors:

line 596.3: 1540-0130 (S) boost::function1 is not declared.
line 636.5: 1540-0130 (S) boost::function2 is not declared.

My first inclination would be to check the preprocessed output of the test, 
because it's possible that the preprocessor is failing miserably. Look for 
valid definitions of boost::function0, boost::function1, etc. (You can send 
me the preprocessed output privately if you'd like)

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[boost] Re: Re: Re: BGL bfs and dfs

2003-02-13 Thread vladimir josef sykora
  I'm using customized-internal properties that do not have 'color'
  information. Now, algorithms (undirected_dfs() for example) need to map
  each vertex and edge to its respective color, so in the previous case,
  maps must be passed as arguments to the algorithms (OTOH, if I were
  color_maps for both vertex and edge internal properties, the
  bgl_named_params version of the function would do the job, and I
  care about the mapping.) That's what I meant when I said that having
  internal properties requires the mapping .

 Understood. You can't attach vertex_color like adjacency_list class

No, because that template parameter was already taken by my custom-property.

  You're right. Did you overload add_vertex() and/or add_edge() functions
  receive the 'property' container or a std::back_insert_iterator
  to the prop. cont.)?

 No, I've made the [] method of property map resize the underlying vector
 index is out of range. Quite simple.

That'll be for vertex_map. If one's using std::map as the edge-color-map,
no more actions are needed because the value is simply stored in the map if
the key doesn't exist.

 Rereading my sentence, I understand that is was poorly worded. I meant
that I
 should be able to create, for every kind of graph, external property map
 will work without requiring me to manually assign indices.

That'd be nice!

  Specifically, for all graphs both vertex_descriptor and
   edge_descriptor should be comparable, so that you can use map
  Can you tell me more about this? AFAIK, vertex_descriptor is of type
  (vecS) and edge_descriptor is of type ::boost::detail::edge_base.

 I meant that
 std::map typename graph_traitsG::vertex_descriptor, int
 std::map typename graph_traitsG::edge_descriptor, int

Is here 'int' the index of the vertex/edge container?

 should always work, regardless of the type 'G'. size_t will work now
 inefficient). But edge_base is not comparable, so it won't work. I think
 it should have operator

That would be nice. Then I could create a map like: std::maptypename
graph_traitsG::edge_descriptor, default_color_type as an external
edge-color-map, without the need of put() and get() overloading. I think
that's the best solution!
Specifically, if line 688 of boost/boost/graph/detail/adjacency_list.hpp
would have returned :
this-m_source  other.m_source || (!(other.m_source  this-m_source) 
this-m_target  other.m_target), then edge mapping would have been simpler.

 I think that edge_descriptor should contain edge index inside it. When you
 create new edge, the next free index is allocated from a list of free
 (or num_edges(g) is used). When you delete edge, it's index is added to
 the list of free indices. This design requires one extra int per edge,
 the store of free indices --- the max number of edges graph ever had,
 in the worsts case, but probably quite little in practice.

What's the advantage to have an edge-index stored? The only one that comes
to my mind is to use it as edge-container index; however, if this is the
case, all indeces should be updated every time an edge is added or deleted.

   In both cases, you should be able to write
 edge_property_mapG, int::type pm;
   and have it work. What do you think?
  AFAIK, that's for internal properties. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

 I don't know what this syntax does now :-) I mean that this or similiar
 should be used to find the type suitable for external property map.

   I think that external property maps should be improved, like I
   or it some other way. It hits me quite often.
  I guess you're refering to the documentation; if that's the case, I

 Documentation hits me too. But I would also like to be able to provide
 external properties for edges easily.

Agree completely!

 - Volodya
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Re: [boost] Re: Weak ref. via atomicity (RE: Smart pointers:...)

2003-02-13 Thread Pavel Vasiliev

Alexander Terekhov wrote:

 Pavel Vasiliev wrote:
 I place here the corrected version of my previous code.


 Given: two threads -- A and B, 
thread A has strong one,
thread B has weak one,
strong_count == 1, weak_count == 2.

 Thread A, in release_strong:
atomic_decrement(strong_count) == 0,
 Thread B, in acquire_strong_from_weak:
see atomic_increment(strong_count)  0,
(strong_count == 1, weak_count == 2)
return true (and unlock),
enter release_strong()
atomic_decrement(strong_count) == 0,
enter strong_refs_lost(),
see strong_count == 0,
set strong_count  0,
enter release_weak(),
atomic_decrement(weak_count) == 1,
(strong_count  0, weak_count == 1)
enter release_weak(),
atomic_decrement(weak_count) == 0,
 Thread A, enter strong_refs_lost():

Yeah... This attempt failed :-(. Thanks for preventing me from getting
into troubles!


 WHA.. Nah, Lukashenko retires and establishes peace and democracy in
 the Middle East. ``Not bad.'' ;-)

I'd better leave my code as is. Or even dereference a NULL-pointer :-).

 pthread_refcount_decrement() // with msync for proper mut.obj-cleanup
 pthread_refcount_decrement_nomsync() // without any msync whatsoever

nomsync here stands for no memory view update even when counter drops
to 0? If yes, then you probably should not use it in

  void release_weak() {
int status = pthread_refcount_decrement_no_msync(weak_count);

Consider the following:
 Given: two threads -- A and B,
thread A has strong one,
thread B has weak one,
strong_count == 1, weak_count == 2.

Thread A releases the last strong reference.
destruct_object() deletes p_object AND modifies the refs instance
(e.g. sets p_object to NULL for debug reasons).

strong_count == 0, weak_count == 1

Thread B releases the last weak reference.
release_weak() calls destruct_self() on expired memory view.

Or am I just missing and/or misunderstanding something? :-)


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Re: [boost] 'optional' - request for extension

2003-02-13 Thread Fernando Cacciola \(Home\)
- Original Message -
From: Anthony Williams [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Boost mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 7:05 AM
Subject: Re: [boost] 'optional' - request for extension

 Aleksey Gurtovoy writes:
   The following is a sketch of a potential use case for the
newly-accepted and
   already very useful 'optional' class.
I'm glad to see optional being already exercised!

   Suppose you have a pure RAII guard/locker which unconditionally does
   struct RAII_lock
   : boost::noncopyable
   RAII_lock(entity e);
   and you want to write a semantic equivalent to the following
   boost::scoped_ptrRAII_lock lock( cond ? new RAII_lock(entity) :
0 );
   // ...
   expect for the dynamic allocation part. How would you do it?
   IMO the following seems only natural:
   boost::optionalRAII_lock lock( cond, entity );
   // ...
   The only problem with the above is that currently you cannot write
   like this. It would be nice if we could, IMO.

OK, I can see the motivation: We can have a noncopyable class
and need an optional object of it.
Following optional semantics, it would be spelled:

boost::optionalRAII_lock lock;
if ( cond )
  lock.reset( RAII_lock(entity) ) ;

But there is a probem: as William pointed out, reset() _needs_
to use T::T(T const) in order acquire its own copy of the object;
but in this case is noncopyable, so the above won't compile.

 * Firstly, this would require optional to be able hold
 types, whereas the current requirement say T must be CopyConstructible.


 You could drop the CopyConstructible requirement if you said that
 boost::optionalT is only itself CopyConstructible/Assignable/Swappable
if T
 is CopyConstructible.

However, this leaves the question of how to get the
 value in there in the first place; the answer to which is ...

With the current implementation it is possible to construct the contained
object in-place.

 * Secondly, you would need a templated constructor to allow T to be
 using another type.

One possibility would be add additional templated ctor and reset that just
forward the arguments to T's contructor
(optional's interface could use a trailing tag to differentiate these).

A problem with this is that the Argument Forwarding problem is burried
into optional's itself.
Another approach would be to create a generic delay-factory object and just
optional use it:

Something like:

templateclass T, class A0
struct in_place_factory0
  in_place_factory0 ( A0 a0_ ) : a0(a0_) {}

  T* operator() ( void* address ) const { return new (address) T(a0) ; }

  A0 a0 ;
} ;

templateclass T, class A0
in_place_factory0T,A0 in_place ( A0 a0 ) { return
in_place_factory0T,A0(a0) ; }

which requires the following changes in optional:

  templateclass T
  class optional
public :


  templateclass Factory
  explicit optional ( Factory f )


private :

  templateclass Factory
  void construct_inplace ( Factory f )
 m_initialized = true ;
  } ;

The above would allow something like this:

optionalRAII_lock l( in_placeRAII_lock(entity) );

If the same in-place idiom is used on reset(), the complete
solution will look, following optional's way:

boost::optionalRAII_lock lock;
if ( cond )
  lock.reset( in_place(entity) );

What do you think?

Fernando Cacciola

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Re: [boost] boost::ref for function objects

2003-02-13 Thread Peter Dimov
Douglas Gregor wrote:
 We've discussed making boost::ref/boost::cref work for arbitrary
 objects before. I just committed a version of ref.hpp that supports
 ability to the sandbox. With this code, you can write:

   std::transform(c.begin(), c.end(), out, boost::ref(f));

 or, if you don't want the return type deduced, specify it as in

   std::transform(c.begin(), c.end(), out, boost::reffloat(f));

 Features of this implementation:
   - Return type deduction (discussed below)
   - Argument type deduction  (discussed below)
   - Able to handle function objects that have multiple arities (e.g.,
 can be
 invoked with 0 or 2 arguments)

That's very nice!

 This version of ref.hpp is backwards-compatible with the existing
 version of
 ref.hpp on a compiler that can handle the new ref.hpp (needs partial
 specialization and proper SFINAE handling). At some point I'll write a
 stripped-down version that other compilers can handle.

I tried to do this once and failed. It's hard to make operator() work on
deficient compilers (esp. the zero-arg version that is not a template)
without breaking ref(x) where x is not a function object.

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Re: [boost] boost::ref for function objects

2003-02-13 Thread Douglas Gregor
On Thursday 13 February 2003 10:12 am, Peter Dimov wrote:
  This version of ref.hpp is backwards-compatible with the existing
  version of
  ref.hpp on a compiler that can handle the new ref.hpp (needs partial
  specialization and proper SFINAE handling). At some point I'll write a
  stripped-down version that other compilers can handle.

 I tried to do this once and failed. It's hard to make operator() work on
 deficient compilers (esp. the zero-arg version that is not a template)
 without breaking ref(x) where x is not a function object.

Yep, this is the killer. Can't try to use result_type because it might not be 
there, can't detect result_type on broken compilers, and can't stop the 
declaration from being instantiated :(. Could just go with the limitation 
that arity 0 function objects won't work unless a return type is specified by 
the user.

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[boost] mem_fun iterator_adaptors

2003-02-13 Thread Fredrik Blomqvist
Consider this case of boost::mem_fn applied to data members and in
association with boost::iterator_adaptors.

#include boost/iterator_adaptors.hpp
#include boost/mem_fn.hpp

struct foo {
int m_data;
// ..

std::vectorfoo data;
boost::make_projection_iterator(data.begin(), boost::mem_fn(foo::m_data))

The line above should IMHO work, but with the current impl (VC7, latest
CVS) it ends up as a reference-to-reference problem. I believe this is a
very important and common(?) use-case.

What's the rationale for mem_fn to (in the case of data members) make it's
return_type a reference? Should mem_fn change to use a plain typedef (like
std::unary_function) or could iterator_adaptor perhaps mangle the input type
to avoid the reference-to-reference problem?
(I haven't tested with the sandbox iterator_adaptor v2 though)

/Fredrik Blomqvist

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Re: [boost] [test] revision two

2003-02-13 Thread David Abrahams
Gennadiy Rozental [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Hi, everybody

 Today I committed second revision to Boost.Test library. 

Wow, is that a good idea one day before we branch for release?

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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Re: [boost] Status of Boost, Solaris and Sun WorkShop 6 Compiler?

2003-02-13 Thread David Abrahams
Gary Gale [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I've noticed that toolsets for the Sun WorkShop C++ compiler, both with and
 without STLport support have appeared in boost/tools/build/.

 Does anyone on the list have any indication as to when this compiler will
 make it to fully supported status?

 I've seen previous mailings that suggest that support for the WorkShop
 compiler is in progress; if other list members are actively following this
 up then I'd be happy to join in (as deadlines permit of course!).

We don't really have a notion of fully supported here, except on a
library-by-library basis at the discretion of individual developers.

That said, the level of support for Sun compilers is likely to depend
on two things in the future:

   1. Sun's willingness to address the serious bugs in their compiler
  implementation which prevent much progress at all from being
  made.  Given a reasonably well-conforming compiler, little
  specific attention should be needed in order to get most things
  working well.

   2. Someone stepping up to run regular regression tests on Sun, and
  someone at Boost getting them set up to do it.  I believe
  someone at Mentor Graphics volunteered to run the tests, but I
  think we may have dropped the ball on our side.


Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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[boost] Shared Boost library compiled with HP aCC

2003-02-13 Thread FAVRE-REGUILLON Pascal
Title: Message

  Did somebody 
  manage to link shared library with HP aCC and run the jgrep example 
  It links but the 
  excutable crashed !! (OK with the library is static built)

RE: [boost] random: request for Box-Muller implementation of normal_d istribution

2003-02-13 Thread Lapshin, Kirill


In NR they propose to do pretty much what
you are doing, but they made one step further to avoid sin/cos calls.

Here is the code from NR:

if (iset == 0) { //We don't have an extra
deviate handy, so

 do {

//pick two uniform numbers in the square extending

//from -1 to +1 in each direction, v2=2.0*ran1(idum)-1.0;

// see if they are in the unit circle,

 } while (rsq = 1.0
|| rsq == 0.0); //and if they are not, try again.


 //Now make the
Box-Muller transformation to get two normal deviates. Return one and

 //save the other for
next time.


 iset=1; //Set flag.

 return v2*fac;

} else
{ //We have
an extra deviate handy,

//so unset the flag,

 return gset;
//and return it.


As I mentioned before switching to this
schema improved performance of my app by 20%.

App is doing monte-carlo simulation, it
spends majority of the time generating normally distributed random numbers, but
does some other calculation as well, so performance improvement is even bigger.

-Original Message-
From: Matthias Troyer
Sent: Thursday,
 February 13, 2003 12:27 AM

Can you elaborate as to what the difference between
Box-Muller and the implemented method is? As far as I understand Box-Muller it
is just the implemented algorithm. 


[boost] Re: [test] revision two

2003-02-13 Thread Gennadiy Rozental
  Hi, everybody
  Today I committed second revision to Boost.Test library.

 Wow, is that a good idea one day before we branch for release?

I should have done it week ago, but was really sick. Anyway, It does not
contain anything that should break backward compartibility.


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[boost] Re: Borland specific defects : new config defines?

2003-02-13 Thread Gennaro Prota
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003 12:01:47 -, John Maddock

I'm not sure if this is due to a compiler bug or what, but basically it's
due to the way that STLport is set up: the names are declared in namespace
stlport (which is an alias for either _STL or _STLD depending upon the
build), and then imported into std with:

namespace std{
using namespace stlport;

in STLports _suffix.h.  This works fine for most cases, but not when the
name is already present in namespace std (as is the case with the is*
functions for example).

Ah! I didn't realize this was the case! Yes, that's how qualified
lookup for namespace members works; if there's a direct declaration of
the searched name in the nominated namespace then any using directive
contained therein is ignored (for the purpose of looking up the name).
Strictly speaking, the standard refers that rule to user-declared
namespaces, not std. However... :-)


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Re: [boost] Re: Live summary of regression tests.

2003-02-13 Thread David Abrahams
Rene Rivera [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [2003-02-11] Beman Dawes wrote:

At 09:01 AM 2/10/2003, Toon Knapen wrote:

 I think the traffic-light colors should suffice. I find adding black

I agree. The traffic-light metaphor falls apart when you add black.

 Yea, but black is used in the regresion tests themselves. How does it not
 fall appart there?

 Do we just get rid of black, and the 48 hour test become green? Or is there
 some better way to show age?

Whatever we do with color, most of the text that needs to be readable
should be black on white.  That's been shown to be most readable for
most people, on average.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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[boost] Re: Request: BOOST_ENABLE_LONG_LONG

2003-02-13 Thread Gennaro Prota
On Thu, 13 Feb 2003 11:52:59 -, John Maddock

I hear what you say, but I keep coming back to: this is largely an Intel
compiler specific problem,

No, it's a matter of not making a silent use of non standard features.

and most users really do expect their libraries
to support long long whenever the compiler does.

Maybe. But we can't second such attitudes. Otherwise someone might
expect __complex__, or incomplete enumeration types. Where do you

Personally I don't want to
have to answer a flood of questions along the lines of why doesn't
some_type_traitlong long work correctly?

Oh, that's really underestimating users' intelligence.


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RE: [boost] Any interest in a stats class

2003-02-13 Thread Paul A. Bristow
Stats are definitely a must-have for Boost, but as ever, the presentation is not
so easy to agree upon.

But it is also crucial to get the most accurate answer, and be able to prove it.
For example, B D McCullough, American Statistician Nov 1998 52(4), 358 and 1999
53(2) 149-159 assessed several stats packages, and some came out rather badly -
you can guess which was worst, by far!

NIST provide some test datasets


against which code can be judged (and some naive algorithms fail badly).

Although I can see the benefits of an STL-style, I also have some difficulty in
imagining how the results returned can be other than reals? Even if we 'input'
integer types, although sum can sensibly also be integer, I have some difficulty
in seeing how the the mean, variance etc are useful as integer types?
And to expose the unsuspecting user to the risk of surprise seems unhelpful?

Benefits from STL-style would be most obvious if can be applied to a circular
buffer into which new data can be fed while stats can be recalculated Kalman
filter style.

While calculating the mean and variance, it is probably worth calculating the
higher two skew and kurtosis too.

And of course the median (and some percentiles) are also often more useful than
the mean.

Finally, there is the unsolved matter of the math functions we still badly need.
Confidence intervals are more informative than standard deviations etc.


Dr Paul A Bristow, hetp Chromatography
Prizet Farmhouse, Kendal, Cumbria, LA8 8AB  UK
+44 1539 561830  Mobile +44 7714 33 02 04

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jeff Garland
 Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2003 4:19 PM
 To: Boost mailing list
 Subject: RE: [boost] Any interest in a stats class

 Scott K wrote:

  Hi all,
  I have a small family of statistics classes which I have used from time
  to time. The one I use most often is simply called stats.
  Here's an example of it's use:
  ...details snipped...

 I'm sure there are folks interested in statistical (and other)
 functions.  I've developed exactly this sort of class in the
 past so I understand the utility.  However, I suspect some of
 us would hope statistical algorithms to be formulated as STL
 Algorithm extensions.  Specifically concerning statistics see:


 and more generally:


 We definitely need volunteers to take these rough Wiki musings and
 convert them into actual documented libraries.  I'm not sure this
 is what you had in mind, but I, for one, would welcome your effort
 either way!


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[boost] Re: Operator result type inference

2003-02-13 Thread Fredrik Blomqvist
Miroslav Silovic wrote:
 I noticed that boost::lambda library has a complete implementation of
 the type inference for the operator results (i.e. inferring that char
 int returns an int). I would really like to be able to use that in my
 code, however, the Lambda implementation is currently undocumented.
 What's the entry point for that code? Are there any tests/examples?


Check  the 'types_promotion_traits' code by Aleksey Gurtovoy (both in the
Wiki and the file-area) for example. It also mentions the LL connection.
I too would like to see something like this become official!


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[boost] Re: Sockets - what's the latest?

2003-02-13 Thread Jason House
Hey, that's a cool find.  
I also found a homepage for SCTP http://www.sctp.de/

I've CC'd the point of contact from the website.

From what I've read (which is fairly minimal :[), it looks like SCTP
would work well for what I was thinking.

I guess that my original commentary could be revised to some new

* How easy will support for SCTP be to work into the boost socket
library?  ... and how easy would the interface be to use?

* I believe that the socket library is being written to allow different
protocols, but I wonder if it would handle multi-streamed protocols
easily.  I don't know if this kind of implementation would most easily
be implemented as sockets inside of a socket...

 I'm just a lurker and maybe I missed something, but what you describe
 sounds like SCTP (RFC 2960 - the 'other' stream protocol).  If the generic
 socket library supported SCTP, would that meet your requirements?
   Jason House
   Sent by:   cc:
   boost-bounces@list Subject: [boost] Re: Sockets - 
what's the latest?
   02/12/2003 03:11
   Please respond to
   Boost mailing list
 Once I heard there was a generic socket library in development, I thought
 I'd add
 a quick feature request.   I would like to see the ability to have multiple
 streams through the same socket.
 Having had recent issues with a game and a proxy/firewall, I thought that I
 try and see if I can do a long shot that might have beneficial results for
 future...  The problem with games, is that they try to form multiple
 between client and host.
 This boils down to providing two distinct benefits.
 1:  Programs can easily perform complex communications over a single port.
 2: Without multiple streams, problems can occur when there are multiple
 behind a proxy connecting to a host outside of the proxy.  If the client
 forms a single connection to the host, there won't be a problem because the
 source port will differentiate each stream.   So, when multiple clients
 connect to
 a host from behind a proxy, the host can only differentiate each stream by
 random source port.  So, when the clients form a second connection to the
 each stream gets differentiated from each other, but there is no mapping of
 source port ot the distinct client.
 Example of #2.
 Computers A  B connect to host H through proxy P.  The host will see the
 following connections:
 P:1 = H:1
 P:2 = H:1
 P:3 = H:2
 P:4 = H:2
 There is no way to pair connections on H:2 with connections on H:1
 Now, without a proxy, it would be
 A:1 = H:1
 B:2  = H:1
 B:3  = H:2
 A:4 = H:2
 Now, it is very clear how to pair the connections... both connections from
 A go
 together, and both connections from B go together.
 Of course, this might not be a role specifically for a new stream type, It
 just be a wrapper of some kind.  From the library standpoint, the wrapper
 kind of
 adds a distinctive type of functionality...  I would like to somehow make
 it easy
 and intuitive for somebody considering multiple connections between two
 to use this different socket form instead.  If it remains as an obscure
 combination of libraries, or as something unimplemented, it is likely that
 programs requiring multiple connections per client process to hit issues
 proxy servers.
 I'm interested to see what kind of reaction this creates from the list :)
 Is it normal to add a default wrapper to a library in order to make a
 common form
 of usage easier?  I guess that the class responsible for handing how
 streams gets multiplexed could be made into some kind of template
 Michel André wrote:
   Anyone who was working on it - what's the current state of play? The
   flurry of mail on here a while back seemed to fizzle out. Is that
   because development has stalled?
   If I can help out with what limited time and knowledge of the subject
   I have I will. I really want to see this library in boost, and I know
   there are
   many others who do.
  Hugo Duncan and I have been juggling ideas about a socket library for
  and discussing on the boost wiki and partly on the list.
  And we have started with an rough sketch of how a socket library for
  could look like. It's currently checked in into the boost sandbox.
  contains some of the discussions and details.
  The work has not been progressing as much as I want due to a heavy
  on my daytime job. But we certainly like some feedback on the progress so
  far. Have we choosen a dead end or a viable path. The 

[boost] Re: Borland specific defects : new config defines?

2003-02-13 Thread Alisdair Meredith
John Maddock wrote:

 I think I like that - do you want to put together the headers?

Sorry, been out the country on short notice all this week.

I suspect it's a bit close to 1.30 to be making such a change in config
now, but I'll try to get something together next week for testing after
it's branched.


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Re: [boost] Re: Live summary of regression tests.

2003-02-13 Thread Beman Dawes
At 12:35 PM 2/13/2003, David Abrahams wrote:

Whatever we do with color, most of the text that needs to be readable
should be black on white.  That's been shown to be most readable for
most people, on average.

That's a good point. Color-blind people may have trouble with anything that 
depends purely on color to convey information.


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Re: [boost] Re: [test] revision two

2003-02-13 Thread Beman Dawes
At 11:53 AM 2/13/2003, Gennadiy Rozental wrote:

  Hi, everybody
  Today I committed second revision to Boost.Test library.

 Wow, is that a good idea one day before we branch for release?

I should have done it week ago, but was really sick. Anyway, It does not
contain anything that should break backward compartibility.

However, problems with Boost.Test broke a lot of Metrowerks tests.


PS: I started the Win32 tests running this morning, and then left right 
away for a meeting.

When I got back, random_test had been looping for six hours. Sigh. I don't 
know that's related.

I'll run the Win32 tests several times a day as long as lots of changes are 
being checked in.


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Re: [boost] Re: [test] revision two

2003-02-13 Thread Rene Rivera
[2003-02-13] Beman Dawes wrote:

At 11:53 AM 2/13/2003, Gennadiy Rozental wrote:

   Hi, everybody
   Today I committed second revision to Boost.Test library.
  Wow, is that a good idea one day before we branch for release?
 I should have done it week ago, but was really sick. Anyway, It does not
 contain anything that should break backward compartibility.

However, problems with Boost.Test broke a lot of Metrowerks tests.


PS: I started the Win32 tests running this morning, and then left right 
away for a meeting.

When I got back, random_test had been looping for six hours. Sigh. I don't 
know that's related.

I'll run the Win32 tests several times a day as long as lots of changes are 
being checked in.

I had similar problems with the OpenBSD tests. It ran last night and I woke
up to it still hung, using 99% CPU, in one test (thread/test_condition).
Killed it and a few others after that to make it complete.

Since this is release time I'll try and run the tests more frequently, twice
a day at least, until things get better.

-- grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- 102708583@icq
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Re: [boost] Help with policy_ptr

2003-02-13 Thread Beman Dawes
At 01:47 AM 2/12/2003, David B. Held wrote:

...I hope there's still a chance for it to be considered for the
next version of the standard library.

The April meeting deadline is not for the next version of the Standard 
Library; rather it is for the Library Technical Report.

While nothing has been formally decided, I'm personally hoping that the LWG 
will start accumulating proposals for a 2nd Technical Report right away.

Proposals accepted for a second TR might miss the next revision of the 
standard, but they still would be on track for eventual inclusion.

Regardless of the details, please don't give up on this or any other 
valuable work just because it isn't going to be ready for the April C++ 
committee meeting. Rather, concentrate on getting it ready for Boost review 
and acceptance. That's a big step forward for a library. Standardization 
can come later.


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Re: [boost] Status of Boost, Solaris and Sun WorkShop 6 Compiler?

2003-02-13 Thread Beman Dawes
At 11:02 AM 2/13/2003, David Abrahams wrote:

That said, the level of support for Sun compilers is likely to depend
on two things in the future:

   1. Sun's willingness to address the serious bugs in their compiler
  implementation which prevent much progress at all from being
  made.  Given a reasonably well-conforming compiler, little
  specific attention should be needed in order to get most things
  working well.

   2. Someone stepping up to run regular regression tests on Sun, and
  someone at Boost getting them set up to do it.  I believe
  someone at Mentor Graphics volunteered to run the tests, but I
  think we may have dropped the ball on our side.

Now that we have both documentation and a script, a number of people have 
been able to get the tests running on various platforms.

Perhaps those that care about Sun could search the archives for the message 
from the Mentor Graphics folks, and ask them to give the tests a try.


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RE: [boost] Re: Sockets - what's the latest?

2003-02-13 Thread Boris Schäling

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Jason House
 Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 9:09 PM
 Subject: [boost] Re: Sockets - what's the latest?

 I guess that my original commentary could be revised to some new

 * How easy will support for SCTP be to work into the boost socket
 library?  ... and how easy would the interface be to use?

Noone knows as there is no consensus on how the library's architecture
should look like. There are different approaches and proposals at Boost Wiki
and in the sandbox but what's still missing is the big picture. As far as
there are no ideas of how to get a reasonable model which incorporates
different things like
blocking/non-blocking/multiplexing/asynchronous/extensible... there won't be
much progress. I've been thinking about that and hope to come up with an
idea in a few days.



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[boost] Re: Sockets - what's the latest?

2003-02-13 Thread David B. Held
Boris Schäling [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Noone knows as there is no consensus on how the library's
 architecture should look like. There are different approaches and
 proposals at Boost Wiki and in the sandbox but what's still missing
 is the big picture. As far as there are no ideas of how to get a
 reasonable model which incorporates different things like
 blocking/non-blocking/multiplexing/asynchronous/extensible... there
 won't be much progress. I've been thinking about that and hope to
 come up with an idea in a few days.

How about borrowing ideas from ACE, but implementing them in
modern C++?  Or has that been discussed already?  Or is the ACE
framework too obsolete-C++ to be a useful design?


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Re: [boost] Re: Live summary of regression tests.

2003-02-13 Thread Rene Rivera
[2003-02-13] Beman Dawes wrote:

At 12:35 PM 2/13/2003, David Abrahams wrote:

 Whatever we do with color, most of the text that needs to be readable
 should be black on white.  That's been shown to be most readable for
 most people, on average.

That's a good point. Color-blind people may have trouble with anything that 
depends purely on color to convey information.

Yes, good point.

OK, I've made some changes to the page... Added an Age column, removed
green from the age color scheme, and moved the age color scheme to the age
column only.


-- grafik - Don't Assume Anything
-- 102708583@icq
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RE: [boost] Re: [test] revision two

2003-02-13 Thread Rozental, Gennadiy
 However, problems with Boost.Test broke a lot of Metrowerks tests.

For some reason I could not locate Metrowerks compilation errors on Test
Status page.
As for Metrowerks linking errors I have a suspicion that it has something to
do with Metrowerks toolset.

Also I could not locate errors from errors_handling_test. I fixed it in last
update and it should work now (At least it works for me on 4 win32 compilers
using bjam)
The same with result_report_test.


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RE: [boost] Re: Sockets - what's the latest?

2003-02-13 Thread Boris Schling

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of David B. Held
 Sent: Thursday, February 13, 2003 10:57 PM
 Subject: [boost] Re: Sockets - what's the latest?

 How about borrowing ideas from ACE, but implementing them in
 modern C++?  Or has that been discussed already?  Or is the ACE
 framework too obsolete-C++ to be a useful design?

We probably should at least consider ACE ideas. But I guess this would
require several of us to dig into ACE which would delay further a Boost
socket library. However ACE could be a valuable investment?


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Re: [boost] Re: Sockets - what's the latest?

2003-02-13 Thread David Abrahams
Boris Schäling [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 How about borrowing ideas from ACE, but implementing them in
 modern C++?  Or has that been discussed already?  Or is the ACE
 framework too obsolete-C++ to be a useful design?

 We probably should at least consider ACE ideas. But I guess this would
 require several of us to dig into ACE which would delay further a Boost
 socket library. However ACE could be a valuable investment?

From what I've heard, the ACE architecture is highly interdependent,
with everything depending on everything else.  There /might/ be
something to be gained by looking at its interface, but I would
approach it with caution.

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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Re: [boost] Re: [test] revision two

2003-02-13 Thread David Abrahams
Rene Rivera [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [2003-02-13] Beman Dawes wrote:

At 11:53 AM 2/13/2003, Gennadiy Rozental wrote:

   Hi, everybody
   Today I committed second revision to Boost.Test library.
  Wow, is that a good idea one day before we branch for release?
 I should have done it week ago, but was really sick. Anyway, It does not
 contain anything that should break backward compartibility.

However, problems with Boost.Test broke a lot of Metrowerks tests.


PS: I started the Win32 tests running this morning, and then left right 
away for a meeting.

When I got back, random_test had been looping for six hours. Sigh. I don't 
know that's related.

I'll run the Win32 tests several times a day as long as lots of changes are 
being checked in.

 I had similar problems with the OpenBSD tests. It ran last night and I woke
 up to it still hung, using 99% CPU, in one test (thread/test_condition).
 Killed it and a few others after that to make it complete.

 Since this is release time I'll try and run the tests more frequently, twice
 a day at least, until things get better.

Didn't something just like this happen with Boost.Test just before
1.29.0 was released?

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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Re: [boost] Re: Request: BOOST_ENABLE_LONG_LONG

2003-02-13 Thread David Abrahams
Gennaro Prota [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 On Thu, 13 Feb 2003 11:52:59 -, John Maddock

I hear what you say, but I keep coming back to: this is largely an Intel
compiler specific problem,

 No, it's a matter of not making a silent use of non standard features.

and most users really do expect their libraries
to support long long whenever the compiler does.

 Maybe. But we can't second such attitudes. Otherwise someone might
 expect __complex__, or incomplete enumeration types. Where do you

Personally I don't want to
have to answer a flood of questions along the lines of why doesn't
some_type_traitlong long work correctly?

 Oh, that's really underestimating users' intelligence.

There's no need for us to argue about this, is there?  Can't we detect
whether the compiler is supporting long long and only enable the
long long code under those circumstances?  In fact, /don't/ we do

If this is just about inconvenient warnings, it seems to me that
telling people disable long long support or disable the warning is a
perfectly sensible approach.

What am I missing?

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

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Re: [boost] Re: Live summary of regression tests.

2003-02-13 Thread Beman Dawes
At 04:56 PM 2/13/2003, Rene Rivera wrote:

OK, I've made some changes to the page... Added an Age column, removed
green from the age color scheme, and moved the age color scheme to the 
column only.


The changes seem nice improvements to me.

Dropping the Age colors entirely would be fine with me, although I don't 
feel strongly about it.

Thanks for the tweaks!


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Re: [boost] Re: [test] revision two

2003-02-13 Thread Beman Dawes
At 04:19 PM 2/13/2003, Rene Rivera wrote:

When I got back, random_test had been looping for six hours. Sigh. I 
know that's related.

I had similar problems with the OpenBSD tests. It ran last night and I 
up to it still hung, using 99% CPU, in one test (thread/test_condition).
Killed it and a few others after that to make it complete.

thread/test_condition under GCC was a long time problem for Win32/GCC, 
although the symptom was a hang with no CPU activity.

Bill Kempf put in some kind of trap to detect this, and that solved the 
problem as far as testing went (although I don't think he has found why the 
behavior is pathological).

You might want to make sure he is aware the same or similar problem is 
showing up on OpenBSD. That may help him to diagnose it.

As far as random/random_test goes, it has been a problem for a long time 
(although not looping until today), failing on most or all Win32 compilers. 
Jens hasn't responded to emails, so if someone else could suggest patches 
it would be a help.



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RE: [boost] Re: [test] revision two

2003-02-13 Thread Beman Dawes
At 05:12 PM 2/13/2003, Rozental, Gennadiy wrote:

 However, problems with Boost.Test broke a lot of Metrowerks tests.

For some reason I could not locate Metrowerks compilation errors on Test
Status page. As for Metrowerks linking errors I have a suspicion that it
has something to do with Metrowerks toolset.

Also I could not locate errors from errors_handling_test. I fixed it in
last update and it should work now (At least it works for me on 4 win32
compilers using bjam)
The same with result_report_test.

Hum. I'll try clearing out old bin files and see if that helps.


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Re: [boost] Re: Sockets - what's the latest?

2003-02-13 Thread Brian Gray
On Wednesday, February 12, 2003, at 03:11 PM, Jason House wrote:

Once I heard there was a generic socket library in development, I 
thought I'd add
a quick feature request.   I would like to see the ability to have 
streams through the same socket.

This is pseudo-doable over TCP, by encoding the logical stream into the 
TCP stream.  Unfortunately, a lot of what is done with multiple TCP 
streams is done that way to keep each stream distinct and keep a single 
lost packet in one stream from holding up other streams during 
retransmission.  If you don't care about the lag, it's just a matter of 
your application-level protocol encoding the stream ID.

If you really want separate, reliable, synchronized streams over a 
single connection, you'll need a new transmission-level protocol.  It 
would be built on top of UDP (unless you have the clout to get all 
popular operating systems to ship with your protocol), and that's just 
a whole big can of worms you don't want to open.  Still, if you can't 
resist, try reading through W. Richard Stevens' _TCP/IP Illustrated, 
Volume 2_.  It walks you through the BSD implementation and can help 
you code your new protocol, either on top of TCP or over raw IP 
packets.  Also, you can get lots of good tips by reading the Linux IP 
stacks, though I wouldn't recommend the Coriolis commentary book.

If all you're concerned with is the server knowing what client is 
connecting, just have a handshake on each connection, authorizing the 
stream.  Maybe the first stream can carry a code #, server to client, 
that the client must subsequently use when establishing subsequent 
connections.  It all depends on how secure you intend to be, but at 
this point it's out of the scope of a Boost sockets implementation.

 -- Brian

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[boost] Win32 Metrowerks problems [was Re: [test] revision two]

2003-02-13 Thread Beman Dawes
At 08:17 PM 2/13/2003, Beman Dawes wrote:
At 05:12 PM 2/13/2003, Rozental, Gennadiy wrote:

  However, problems with Boost.Test broke a lot of Metrowerks tests.
 For some reason I could not locate Metrowerks compilation errors on 
 Status page. As for Metrowerks linking errors I have a suspicion that 
 has something to do with Metrowerks toolset.
 Also I could not locate errors from errors_handling_test. I fixed it in
 last update and it should work now (At least it works for me on 4 win32
 compilers using bjam)
 The same with result_report_test.

Hum. I'll try clearing out old bin files and see if that helps.

No, it is some sort of configuration problem.

The linker is looking for a symbol __CrtSetReportHook (see below).

This is part of the Windows SDK, which Metrowerks does support. It looks 
like for some reason, the library isn't being found.

My MWWinx86Libraries setup looks like this:

MWWinx86Libraries=+C:\Program Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior\MSL;+C:\Program 
Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior\Win32-x86 Support;

I changed it to the following:

MWWinx86Libraries=+C:\Program Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior\MSL;+C:\Program 
Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior\Win32-x86 Support;+C:\Program 
Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior\Win32-x86 Support\Libraries\Win32 SDK;

But still no luck.

Any Metrowerks experts out there?


mwld -search -maxerrors 5 -maxwarnings 20 -export dllexport 
-nowraplines -g -subsystem console -o 

### mwld Linker Error:
#   Undefined symbol: '__declspec(dllimport) __CrtSetReportHook 
#   referenced from 'int boost::execution_monitor::execute(bool, int) 
(?execute@execution_monitor@boost@@QAEH_NH@Z)' in execution_monitor.cpp:192

Errors caused tool to abort.

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[boost] Re: Win32 Metrowerks problems [was Re: [test] revision two]

2003-02-13 Thread Gennadiy Rozental
 No, it is some sort of configuration problem.

Look on metrowerks linking errors thread. It about the same issue with
different undefined symbol

There was also compilation error with metrowerks. I fixed it couple hours
ago. Unfortunately I do not have direct access to this compiler so
metrowerks specific errors sometime may creep in waiting for regression test
results (I hope to resolve this soon).


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RE: [boost] 'optional' - request for extension

2003-02-13 Thread Aleksey Gurtovoy
Anthony Williams wrote:
 Aleksey Gurtovoy writes:
   The following is a sketch of a potential use case for the 
   newly-accepted and already very useful 'optional' class. 
   Suppose you have a pure RAII guard/locker which unconditionally
   does its job:
   struct RAII_lock
   : boost::noncopyable
   RAII_lock(entity e);
   and you want to write a semantic equivalent to the following
   boost::scoped_ptrRAII_lock lock( cond ? new 
RAII_lock(entity) : 0 );
   // ...
   expect for the dynamic allocation part. How would you do it? 
   IMO the following seems only natural:
   boost::optionalRAII_lock lock( cond, entity );
   // ...
   The only problem with the above is that currently you cannot 
   write something like this. It would be nice if we could, IMO.

 * Firstly, this would require optional to be able hold 
 non-copy-constructible types, whereas the current requirement 
 say T must be  CopyConstructible.
 You could drop the CopyConstructible requirement if you said that
 boost::optionalT is only itself CopyConstructible/Assignable/
 Swappable if T is CopyConstructible. 

Yep, that's what I would argue for.

 However, this leaves the 
 question of how to get the value in there in the first place; the 
 answer to which is ...
 * Secondly, you would need a templated constructor to allow T 
 to be constructed using another type.

Correct, that's what I am hoping to pursue :).

 Or you could initialize it with optionalEntityType, since 
 this template constructor does already exist, and already does 
 the right thing.

Hmm, that's an interesting idea. In my case, 'entity' is already 
exist, though, (and is noncopyable itself) so it should be
'optionalEntityType' instead. Still interesting. 

But, of course, that still wouldn't work with the current 'optional'
(for one, operators * and - would have a reference-to-reference 
problem). If the CopyConstructible requirement is changed as 
outlined the above, it should though, shouldn't it? Fernando?

 * Thirdly, you would need a special custom constructor which 
 takes a conditional.

Yep. I think it's entirely reasonable. After all, 'optional' does have a
bool inside itself, and the conditional is going to map into that one

 You could get round it like below:
 boost::optionalEntityType optionalEntity;
 // if optionalEntity is not initialized, neither is lock
 // else lock is constructed using the conversion constructor
 boost::optionalRAII_lock lock(optionalEntity);
 You can do this with the current implementation, since the 
 CopyConstructible requirement isn't actually verified with a concept
 check, but you'd have to get the requirement dropped if you were to 
 rely on it 

I could if not the reference-to-reference problem, but thanks for the

 (which would probably mean implementing templated 
 constructor/reset/operator= to avoid _having_ to use an optionalU 
 to initialize your optionalT)

Yes, I would prefer the use case to be supported with the minimal
verboseness on the user side. Otherwise I might as well write
'optional_lock' with the required semantics - which is an option.

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[boost] Re: Request for Config Macro( was RE: Re: [test] unixidentification )

2003-02-13 Thread Gennadiy Rozental
  So, Let introduce one. I need something for coming release.

 Done: it's called BOOST_HAS_SIGACTION


Why it doesn't get defined for Visual Age C++ on AIX?


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Re: [boost] Re: Re: Reflection system in C++ using templates

2003-02-13 Thread Lin Xu
I would have expected that for member function pointers arg1_type would be
  typedef cv class_type* arg1_type;

But isn't the class_type pointer hidden? AFAIK, you can't call a member 
function pointer as if it's function pointer with an explicit 'this' 
parameter. So how is the arg1_type classtype?
But on the other hand, that's what bind does - so you can bind the class 
instance to be called..
Really what's better is a mem_fun adaptor - like boost::mem_fun except at 
compile time, since the member function pointer is a template parameter.
* template class PropertyKey, class Functor function
- functionprint_function, ct_mem_funvoid,A,A::print 

That way you could also call nested functors inside the class, which allows 
more flexibility.

So disregard that code for extending function_traits to work with member 
function pointers =P It wasn't very good anyway.


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