Circularity with beforeFilter calling redirect

2006-05-24 Thread GregL

I've read some threads that cover my situation, but they end in
solutions that don't work.

If a user is not logged in, I want all URLs a user might try to
redirect to the login page. I thought I could do

class AppController extends Controller {
   function beforeFilter() {
  if(!$this-isLoggedIn()) {

But this leads to a circular reference, because redirect() leads to a
second call to this beforeFilter(), ad infinitum.

I see two ways around it

1) access whether the requested URL is '/user/login' and make an
exception not to redirect in this case -- how can I do this in Cake?

2) Are new instances of AppController created with each redirect()? If
the same instance is re-used, then I can set a member variable to let
me know I've entered once, and then I can protect against re-entry.
While I'm at it, I'll save the user's requested URL as well, and
redirect them there after they login, as a super-helpful convenience.

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Looking for examples

2006-05-24 Thread Peter


I am completely new to CakePHP and somewhat new to web development in
general. I am trying to figure out what the best setup is for web pages
that do not fall within the typical Cake concepts.

Any examples or somewhat extended tutorials going beyond the one table
CRUD pages would be great.

To start with, I need a logon page. There is not really a model
(database table) backing up that page so I am more or less stuck,
unless of course, I just put 'normal' php code up for that page. I am
just not sure that is the way to do it.

Any guidance or references would be greatly appreciated.



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Re: How to avoid the 'EDIT' action 'ADD' a new record when you changed PK.

2006-05-24 Thread AD7six

Great - info to answer this and a few other questions.

I'll certainly read the Post-Redirect-Get stuff, and make use of the
$fieldList parameter before pondering further.

Olivier - that´s a nice technique, I wonder which other web
experiences use can be 'enhanced' in that way ;o)



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Re: Looking for examples

2006-05-24 Thread Grant Cox

Isn't there going to be some kind of User model behind that page?  If
not, how do you authenticate their login?

You would want to do this the same as any other function, have a User
model with a username and password, a UsersController with a login
function, and a users/login.thtml View.  In the UsersController login
function it checks if data has been submitted, if not then the login
view is displayed.  If data has been submitted it is validated (ie
check if a User model exists with the provided username/password), and
either the login view is shown with an error (invalid credentials), or
the page is redirected to whatever the authenticated user should see.

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Re: Looking for examples

2006-05-24 Thread John Zimmerman [gmail]
This should get you started... 5/24/06, Grant Cox 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Isn't there going to be some kind of User model behind that page?If
not, how do you authenticate their login?You would want to do this the same as any other function, have a Usermodel with a username and password, a UsersController with a loginfunction, and a users/login.thtml View.In the UsersController login
function it checks if data has been submitted, if not then the loginview is displayed.If data has been submitted it is validated (iecheck if a User model exists with the provided username/password), andeither the login view is shown with an error (invalid credentials), or
the page is redirected to whatever the authenticated user should see.

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Re: Circularity with beforeFilter calling redirect

2006-05-24 Thread AD7six

that should be:
logged in users can not* access the login page.

As I´m here again anyway:

1) It´s not really a good idea to define a general method and include
specific exlusions - hence the suggestion to override in the specific

2) a new controller instance is created for each request. Note that a
new instance of the appController is never* created in normal
circumstances - an instance of your specific controller is created,
which inherits it´s behaviour and methods (if not overriden) from the
appController, which inherits it´s behaviour and methods (if not
overriden) from the controller defined in the cake libs. You can know
where a page request came from the referrer


* AFAIK error messages (missing controller etc.) use an instance of the

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Re: Looking for examples

2006-05-24 Thread Peter


Thanks for your prompt and to the point replies.

I will look into the info you provided. I also found the rdBloggery
example which seems relevant for what I am trying to do.

I guess I will have to get used to the required 1-1-1-1 mapping between
controller, model, view and database table. I am just not sure it will
always work out.

E.g. what if I decided, for whatever reason, to store user
authentication in a local encrypted file. Would I be able to get that
working within the CakePHP framework?

Another thing I am wondering about is if I decided to expose some of
the features of what I am building through a web service (e.g. SOAP).
How could I organize the code so that both my web site and web service
implementation are able to reuse the core of the business logic code.



John Zimmerman [gmail] wrote:
 This should get you started...

 On 5/24/06, Grant Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Isn't there going to be some kind of User model behind that page?  If
  not, how do you authenticate their login?
  You would want to do this the same as any other function, have a User
  model with a username and password, a UsersController with a login
  function, and a users/login.thtml View.  In the UsersController login
  function it checks if data has been submitted, if not then the login
  view is displayed.  If data has been submitted it is validated (ie
  check if a User model exists with the provided username/password), and
  either the login view is shown with an error (invalid credentials), or
  the page is redirected to whatever the authenticated user should see.

 Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

 This should get you started...brbra 
  class=gmail_quoteOn 5/24/06, b class=gmail_sendernameGrant Cox/b 
 wrote:/spanblockquote class=gmail_quote style=border-left: 1px solid 
 rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;brIsn't 
 there going to be some kind of User model behind that page?nbsp;nbsp;If
 brnot, how do you authenticate their login?brbrYou would want to do 
 this the same as any other function, have a Userbrmodel with a username and 
 password, a UsersController with a loginbrfunction, and a users/login.thtml 
 View.nbsp;nbsp;In the UsersController login
 brfunction it checks if data has been submitted, if not then the 
 loginbrview is displayed.nbsp;nbsp;If data has been submitted it is 
 validated (iebrcheck if a User model exists with the provided 
 username/password), andbreither the login view is shown with an error 
 (invalid credentials), or
 brthe page is redirected to whatever the authenticated user should 

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Re: Looking for examples

2006-05-24 Thread AD7six

Hi Peter,

A gentle hint: search before asking.

I guess I will have to get used to the required 1-1-1-1 mapping between
controller, model, view and database table.
That's not really true, the bit relavent to what you are asking is that
you can have any number (including 0) of Models used by a controller;
You can also create Models which don´t use a database and use other

This tool is pretty useful, although the wiki results are still broken:

You´ll probably find that no matter what circumstance you can think
of, by searching you will find it is either already included in Cake,
is planned for, or is expandable to include your requirements in a
scalable not-a-hack kind of way. The IRC is a good place to pick up
hints if you can´t find an answer pretty quicky to concept type



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Variables in routes

2006-05-24 Thread ginstrom

First I would like to say that I am really enjoying using cake. It
makes site development much easier and more fun.

I am using cake 1.0.xx, PHP 4.4.3-dev (PHP 5 available, by default used
for .php5 extension)

I am trying to figure out how to handle my url structure. I am
developing a site for an annual conference. Since most of the pages for
each conference will be the same, I want to do something like:

and so on, where conf-? is a variable that I pass to the appropriate
controller, so it knows which conference to retrieve the information

What I would really like is to match /conf-(\d)+/, and use that as the
first param. So for instance,


would call
PresentationsController::view( $conf, $id )
with $conf = 'conf-1' and $id = 1

I hope someone can tell me a way to do this, or a better way to do what
I want to do. I also apologize in advance if this has been covered
before. I have done a search, and found the tantalizing reference to
dealing with i18n by AD7six, e.g. in routes.php:

$Route-connect ('/en/:controller/:action/*',
array('controller'='pages', 'action'='view', language=en));

But here the languages are hard coded.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Ryan Ginstrom

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Re: Variables in routes

2006-05-24 Thread 100rk

Hi Ryan!

Just take a look into Dispatcher::parseParams() implementation.

In Your app/config/routes.php You can access instance of Router as
$route, url as $from_url and (by dispatcher) not-touched superglobals
$_GET and $_POST.

So: if You're able apply to string some regexp matches, You can access
above mentioned variables in Your routes.php file and change everything
You want - in Your case You have to change content of variable
$from_url from '/conf-1/presentations/view/1' to
'/presentations/view/conf-1/1' in Your app/config/routes.php file. Then
You don't have to specify any route for Your controller, as then will
be dispatched correct automatically.

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enabling $recursive only in some models

2006-05-24 Thread stefano

Let's say that I have the following db schema:
Model Order
  var $belongsTo = 'User';
  var $hasMany = 'Donetask';
  var $hasOne = 'Ordernote';
  var $recursive = 2;

Model User
  var $hasMany = 'Order,Donetask';

Model Donetask
  var $belongsTo = 'User,Task,Order';

(and many others that I skip...)

If I perform a find on Order for order Id = 04 I got a lot of details
(nested arrays), wich is fine.

But let's say I need to go deep in with recursive only on Donetask (to
have the info from Task) and not from User (I don't need to know the
full list of orders saved by the user).
Is there a way to specify this or in the models or in the single find

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Re: Nice URLs and webservers other then apache

2006-05-24 Thread 100rk

Another typo (I hope last one):

Snippet from file /usr/local/etc/cherokee/ :

has to be

Snippet from file
/usr/local/etc/cherokee/sites-available/ :

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Nice URLs and webservers other then apache

2006-05-24 Thread 100rk

Hi all!

From CakePHP manual and wiki it looks we have no other choice then
apache webserver, if we want to have nice URLs. Don't worry, it is not
true. There are couple of options and I want to share with You
configuration snippets for 'nice URLs' with production install of
CakePHP at 2 nice webservers. I will assume You have Cherokee webserver
or lighttpd installed on Your system and it works with php (both of
them are able run php as cgi or fastcgi).

Let's prepare:

Sample directory structure:
# Here is CakePHP distro (dirs 'app', 'cake', 'vendors').
# Files .htaccess and index.php arent' needed.

# Here are copied subdirectories of 'app' directory for example virtual
# Files app/.htaccess, app/index.php and app/webroot/.htaccess arent'
# HERE Your app will live (controllers, models...), if You don't
touched bootstrap.php ;)

Change constant CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH in file
/www/servers/ to
define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', '/usr/local/lib/cakephp');

=== Cherokee Web Server from

Snippet from file /usr/local/etc/cherokee/ :
Server {
DocumentRoot /www/servers/
Directory /css, /files, /img, /js {
Handler common
Directory / {
Handler redir {
Rewrite /(.*)$ /index.php?url=$1


=== lighttpd from

Snippet from file /usr/local/etc/lighttpd.conf :
server.modules = (
simple-vhost.server-root   = /usr/local/www/servers/
simple-vhost.default-host  =
simple-vhost.document-root = /app/webroot/
url.rewrite-once = (
/(.*)\.(.*) = $0,
/(css|files|img|js)/ = $0,
^/([^.]+)$ = /index.php?url=$1

Enjoy! :)

- if You have CakePHP worked on other web server with some rewrite
trick, let us know, please
- if You speak English better then me, write some nice wiki article
about it, please

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Re: Acccessing Helpers from Layout

2006-05-24 Thread Nick Wientge

Well I'm a bit of a noob, but what is:

var $helpers = array('link');

Shouldn't it be:

var $helpers = array('Html');

On May 23, 2006, at 10:35 PM, modfather wrote:

 I am attempting to add a Global menu to the layout file (thinking this
 is the appropriate place to put it). I tried the css-menu tutorial
 available in the wiki and it failed. I then again scaled back to test
 the following;

 class AppController extends Controller {

   var $helpers = array('link');
 }//saved in app/app_controller.php

 class LinkHelper extends Helper
   function makeEdit()
  echo linkhelper;
 }//saved as link.php in helpers directory.

 the created this as test.thtml in the elements directory.

 line 1 ?php echo $link-makeEdit() ?

 i then inserted ?php echo $this-renderElement('test'); ? in my

 I have tried a few variations of this but i get a fatal error
  Call to a member function on a non-object in
 /cake/app/views/elements/test.thtml on line 1.

 would someone like to point me in right direction as to what i am  



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Re: Acccessing Helpers from Layout

2006-05-24 Thread hydra12

I've done this a couple of different ways.  When I had a static menu, I
put this into my layout:

?php echo $this-renderElement('menu')?

I saved menu.thtml in my elements folder
 liMenu Item 1/li
 liMenu Item 2/li

When I needed dynamic content, my menu.thtml looked like this:
?php foreach($menu as $pages): ?
li?= $html-link($pages['Webpage']['name'],
/webpages/{$pages['Webpage']['name']}); ?/li
?php endforeach; ?

and put this in my controller:

$this-set('menu', $this-Webpage-findAll());

The trick with this is to make sure you set 'menu' in your controller
for any function that uses a layout that calles renderElement('menu').
You could probably also test for $menu and only render it if menu has
been set.

There are probably other/better ways to do this, but maybe this will
help you get started.

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Re: Passing variables

2006-05-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Call me stupid.

I was setting the photo_id immediately preceding this requestAction
from Session variables.  And duh!  With debugging turned on that screws
session stuff up!

Anyway, something I did learn that I was totally oblivious to is that
you can pass stuff in the array $extra when requesting an action and
that puts it in $this-params for the action you requested to use.

Am I a nerd or what?

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Nice URLs and webservers other then apache

2006-05-24 Thread 100rk

Hi all!

From CakePHP manual and wiki it looks we have no other choice then
apache webserver, if we want to have nice URLs. Don't worry, it is not
true. There are couple of options and I want to share with You
configuration snippets for 'nice URLs' with production install of
CakePHP at 2 nice webservers. I will assume You have Cherokee webserver
or lighttpd installed on Your system and it works with php (both of
them are able run php as cgi or fastcgi).

Let's prepare:

Sample directory structure:
# Here is CakePHP distro (dirs 'app', 'cake', 'vendors').
# Files .htaccess and index.php arent' needed.

# Here are copied subdirectories of 'app' directory for example virtual
# Files app/.htaccess, app/index.php and app/webroot/.htaccess arent'
# HERE Your app will live (controllers, models...), if You don't
touched bootstrap.php ;)

Change constant CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH in file
/www/servers/ to
define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', '/usr/local/lib/cakephp');

=== Cherokee Web Server from

Snippet from file /usr/local/etc/cherokee/ :
Server {
DocumentRoot /www/servers/
Directory /css, /files, /img, /js {
Handler common
Directory / {
Handler redir {
Rewrite /(.*)$ /index.php?url=$1


=== lighttpd from

Snippet from file /usr/local/etc/lighttpd.conf :
server.modules = (
simple-vhost.server-root   = /usr/local/www/servers/
simple-vhost.default-host  =
simple-vhost.document-root = /app/webroot/
url.rewrite-once = (
/(.*)\.(.*) = $0,
/(css|files|img|js)/ = $0,
^/([^.]+)$ = /index.php?url=$1

Enjoy! :)

- if You have CakePHP worked on other web server with some rewrite
trick, let us know, please
- if You speak English better then me, write some nice wiki article
about it, please

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Re: Nice URLs and webservers other then apache

2006-05-24 Thread Olivier percebois-Garve

Hi 100rk,

why don't you do a new wiki page  for that ?


100rk wrote:
 Hi all!

 From CakePHP manual and wiki it looks we have no other choice then
 apache webserver, if we want to have nice URLs. Don't worry, it is not
 true. There are couple of options and I want to share with You
 configuration snippets for 'nice URLs' with production install of
 CakePHP at 2 nice webservers. I will assume You have Cherokee webserver
 or lighttpd installed on Your system and it works with php (both of
 them are able run php as cgi or fastcgi).

 Let's prepare:
 Sample directory structure:
 # Here is CakePHP distro (dirs 'app', 'cake', 'vendors').
 # Files .htaccess and index.php arent' needed.

 # Here are copied subdirectories of 'app' directory for example virtual
 # Files app/.htaccess, app/index.php and app/webroot/.htaccess arent'
 # HERE Your app will live (controllers, models...), if You don't
 touched bootstrap.php ;)
 Change constant CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH in file
 /www/servers/ to
 define('CAKE_CORE_INCLUDE_PATH', '/usr/local/lib/cakephp');

 === Cherokee Web Server from

 Snippet from file /usr/local/etc/cherokee/ :
 Server {
 DocumentRoot /www/servers/
 Directory /css, /files, /img, /js {
 Handler common
 Directory / {
 Handler redir {
 Rewrite /(.*)$ /index.php?url=$1

 === lighttpd from

 Snippet from file /usr/local/etc/lighttpd.conf :
 server.modules = (
 simple-vhost.server-root   = /usr/local/www/servers/
 simple-vhost.default-host  =
 simple-vhost.document-root = /app/webroot/
 url.rewrite-once = (
 /(.*)\.(.*) = $0,
 /(css|files|img|js)/ = $0,
 ^/([^.]+)$ = /index.php?url=$1

 Enjoy! :)

 - if You have CakePHP worked on other web server with some rewrite
 trick, let us know, please
 - if You speak English better then me, write some nice wiki article
 about it, please



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{n} ?

2006-05-24 Thread Bret Kuhns

I was using the generateList() method to create an array I could use in
a select drop down. Using the method without params would create an
array of the ids, but when I tried to use the $keyPath and $valuePath
params to create a key=value array that I could use, nothing was

The manual shows the path params format as just fieldName. Using this
format returns nothing and neither does Model.fieldName. Finally
after searching around I found an example in the API that says to use
the path params in the format of {n}.Model.fieldName

Changing to {n}.Model.fieldName fixed my problem, but I have no idea
*why*. I searched around google, the wiki, the API, and manual, looking
for more references to {n} and so far I've come up with nothing.

So out of curiosity... what's with the {n} ?

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Re: Nice URLs and webservers other then apache

2006-05-24 Thread 100rk

 why don't you do a new wiki page  for that ?

Because of my poor English - I hope there is someone in this group who
will do it instead of me. If anyone is involved, I can co-operate with
him, but I definitely cannot write some text and hope English-speaking
people will not laugh on CakePHP programmers just because of me ;-)

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Re: {n} ?

2006-05-24 Thread gwoo

All will become clear when we have different datasources in 2.0.

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Re: Looking for examples

2006-05-24 Thread John Zimmerman [gmail]
You can search the wiki using the following in GoogleSearch Terms site:wiki.cakephp.orgReplace Search Terms above with whatever you are looking for.
You can expand on your authentication system by using cake's built in ACL and ACO functionality.I have not completely figured it out yet, but I am currently working on it. I did get my user authentication system going though.
Web services like SOAP can be granted or denied access through ACL and ACO.On 5/24/06, AD7six [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 wrote:Hi Peter,A gentle hint: search before asking.I guess I will have to get used to the required 1-1-1-1 mapping between
controller, model, view and database table.That's not really true, the bit relavent to what you are asking is thatyou can have any number (including 0) of Models used by a controller;You can also create Models which don´t use a database and use other
sources.This tool is pretty useful, although the wiki results are still broken:´ll probably find that no matter what circumstance you can think
of, by searching you will find it is either already included in Cake,is planned for, or is expandable to include your requirements in ascalable not-a-hack kind of way. The IRC is a good place to pick uphints if you can´t find an answer pretty quicky to concept type
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Cake PHP group.  To post to this group, send email to  To unsubscribe from this group, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]  For more options, visit this group at  -~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

Re: Global variables?

2006-05-24 Thread Olivier percebois-Garve

For a while AD7six provided the following. I'm not sure its up-to-date, 
it's my version
I can't find the original anymore. The idea is to put your menu in a 
component so you load it
only where its needed.
Personally  I have a dynamic menu and I build it in the model but I 
can't say if its the best approach.


### in your controller:

var $components = array('Menu');
var $beforeFilter = array('init');

function init()
// Create menu component
$this-Menu-controller = $this;

### the menu.php component

class MenuComponent extends Object {
var $controller = true;
var $MenuItems = array (
array ('home','/') ,
array ('members','/members/'),
array ('experiments','/experiments/'),
array ('CV','/cv/',
array (
   array('skill summary','/cv/#skills'),
array ('FAQs','/faqs/',
array (
array ('contact','/contact/')
function init () {

felle42 wrote:
 Thanks 100rk. setting the variables in bootstrap.php global did it for
 But why do I have to do this? isn´t the file(bootstrap.php) included
 by a php-include or -require?

 I need the global varibals for implementing submenues. I define them as
 an array an the controller selects the right one. is there a better way
 of doing this?




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Re: Global variables?

2006-05-24 Thread 100rk

I can't find the original anymore.
I saw it also and I also cannot find it :)

When I'm in need for such as global configuration options, I'm using my
'Config' component, which API simply follows SessionComponent API. NOTE
FOR ALL: it is licensed under one term: If You will use it, check if
there is a page about it on cake wiki - if it doesn't exist yet and
You're able describe what is important in correct English, make page
about it on wiki and maintain it in future.

class ConfigComponent extends Object
function __construct() {
$config = Configure::getInstance();
$vars = get_object_vars($config);
if (!array_key_exists('custom', $vars) ||
!is_array($config-custom)) {
$config-custom = array();
function write($name, $value)
$config = Configure::getInstance();
$config-custom[$name] = $value;
function read($name = null)
if (!is_null($name)) {
if (ConfigComponent::check($name)) {
$config = Configure::getInstance();
return $config-custom[$name];
else {
return null;
else {
$config = Configure::getInstance();
return $config-custom;
function del($name)
if (ConfigComponent::check($name)) {
$config = Configure::getInstance();
function delete($name)
function check($name)
$config = Configure::getInstance();
return isset($config-custom[$name]);

Usage in controller:
var $uses = array('Config', ...);
and then
$this-set('menuArray', $this-Config-read('menuArray'));

OR anywhere outside of this controller (if dispatcher is processid it's
method) - in view, element, even in model:

$menu = ConfigComponent::read('menuArray');

So in this particular case I will have to put in bootstrap.php code:
$_conf = Configure::getInstance();
$_conf-custom = array('xyz' = 123);

and then access it as is described above.

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Re: Looking for examples

2006-05-24 Thread AD7six

Hey I just checked again, the wiki search page seems to be behaving a
little better.

Some results relavent to this thread



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Re: {n} ?

2006-05-24 Thread Marcelo Serpa
I would also be interested in desmistifying it. I´m using it too in my current project and it works fine, but I have no idea what it is all about :)- Marcelo.On 5/24/06, 
gwoo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:All will become clear when we have different datasources in 
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Re: Acccessing Helpers from Layout

2006-05-24 Thread AD7six

Hi Modfather,

If your question was more how can to define your own helpers rather
than how can I create a link, it seems to me that you were on the right
track. I copied your code from this post to make absolutely certain
before replying - I can't duplicate the error (not that that means
much) with a clean install.

Can you explain a little more how you arrived at your error, what
version of cake are your running, and what other changes if any have
you made?

If there's any code to post, save it here to avoid cluttering the group



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Re: {n} ?

2006-05-24 Thread nate

{n} represents a numeric key in an array structure.  If you look at
DataSource::getFieldValue( ) (which is the method underlying
generateList( )), you can see in a little more detail how it works.

This method is used to extract a cross-section of data from an array,
and will, as gwoo said, become more important when Cake develops more
DataSource abstractions.  The idea is that if data from different
sources (i.e. a database vs. the results of an XML-RPC query) can be
structured in a similar way, it is possible to extract data necessary
to associate different data from disparate sources.

For example, imagine having a database table with a field that
contained unique ID's of items in an Atom feed.  You could define where
to find the keys in the table, and where to find the keys in the Atom
data structure, and Cake could automatically create relationships
between the data, and return it all as a cohesive unit.

Hope that answers everyones' questions.

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Re: Circularity with beforeFilter calling redirect

2006-05-24 Thread nate

Simple fix:

class AppController extends Controller {
   function beforeFilter() {
  if(!$this-isLoggedIn()  $this-action != 'login') {


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Need Cake developer(s) to join project

2006-05-24 Thread stephenrs


I'm working on a fairly large project using Cake as the foundation, and
I need to hire/partner with 1 or 2 other PHP/MySQL savvy developers
to help out with various aspects of the system. Since much of the
system is being built using Cake, ideally I'd be able to work with
people who are already familiar with the framework. This would be a
engagement that would begin almost immediately, with the potential for
a long term relationship.

If you're interested, please email me at the address on my profile, and
we can discuss the details.

If I've posted this in an inappropriate place, please accept my
apologies, and please point me in the right direction if you can.

Best regards,


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Re: Need Cake developer(s) to join project

2006-05-24 Thread Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut
[EMAIL PROTECTED]-- /*** @author Larry E. Masters* @var string $userName* @param string $realName* @returns string aka PhpNut
* @accesspublic*/On 5/24/06, stephenrs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hello,I'm working on a fairly large project using Cake as the foundation, andI need to hire/partner with 1 or 2 other PHP/MySQL savvy developersto help out with various aspects of the system. Since much of the
system is being built using Cake, ideally I'd be able to work withpeople who are already familiar with the framework. This would be apaidengagement that would begin almost immediately, with the potential for
a long term relationship.If you're interested, please email me at the address on my profile, andwe can discuss the details.If I've posted this in an inappropriate place, please accept myapologies, and please point me in the right direction if you can.
Best regards,Stephen

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understanding models

2006-05-24 Thread kain

I've this:

// app/models/post.php
class Post extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Post';
var $belongsTo = 'State, Region, Province, City, User, Contract,
Tipology, Category';


// app/models/region.php
class Region extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Region';
var $belongsTo = 'State';

when calling $this-Region-findAll(); from controller I have the
expected results:
[0] = Array
[Region] = Array
[id] = ABR
[name] = ABRUZZO
[code] = 13
[state_id] = IT
[superficie] = 10.794 km²
[abitanti] = 1.300.000
[densita] = 120 ab./km²
[city_id] = 49

[State] = Array
[id] = IT
[name] = ITALIA

and so on, Region is linked to State model.
I only use belongsTo for my model, but now I need extra functionality.

I need to have the number of posts for each region, posts table
contains a region_id field.
is that possible? any hints how to configure relationships between
these tables?

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Re: Nice URLs and webservers other then apache

2006-05-24 Thread Olivier percebois-Garve

I'm no native english speaker and I think your english is easy to
understand ;)
If your wiki page is useful and being used, people will correct it
especially if you mention that they 
should feel free to correct mistakes in your english. That is what
makes the wiki a cool tool.
Anyway it was just a suggestion. 

100rk wrote:

why don't you do a new wiki page  for that ?

Because of my poor English - I hope there is someone in this group who
will do it instead of me. If anyone is involved, I can co-operate with
him, but I definitely cannot write some text and hope English-speaking
people will not laugh on CakePHP programmers just because of me ;-)


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Re: understanding models

2006-05-24 Thread gwoo

Region hasMany Posts

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Re: debug only in certain areas

2006-05-24 Thread gwoo

You could try adding define('DEBUG','2'); to the method.

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Re: Simple HABTM Question

2006-05-24 Thread Dee

Thanks for this post!  I ran into the same problem as brandags.

I have a question though.  Yes this does work, but why does it work?

I thought the arrow (-) referenced a member of the class like a method
or member.  Is that right?  If so how did Service become a member of

Can you give a brief explanation?


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Re: Nice URLs and webservers other then apache

2006-05-24 Thread Olivier percebois-Garve

Cool. Its of no use for me (I have only Apache) but the more the better 
in the wiki.

100rk wrote:
 Thanks, Olivier. Problem is: it allways takes a long time to me
 (explain something in English) if I cannot see person I'm talking with
 ;-), but You're surely right, so I will make some wiki page about it. I
 will let You know here.



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Re: Acccessing Helpers from Layout

2006-05-24 Thread modfather

AD7six, firstly thanks for your input and contributions in the wiki and
forum. I am using PHP Version 4.4.2 and cake version I
looked at your cssmenu code in the wiki as i need to generate a menu
from a database - i could not get your examples to work - so i
simplified the code for testing, still not working. I put static text
in the element and it appeared in the layout, but everytime i tried to
access a method of a custom helper class i get a non-object error.
Somewhere along the line the helper class is not being
recognised/registered or instantiated. I will try a clean install of
cake and see how i go.

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Re: Very Frustrated - No help for newbies !!!!

2006-05-24 Thread DavePorter

Hi Everyone,

Thanks for the responses and sorry for delay in getting back.

I certainly didn't mean to rock the boat and apologies if I came over
as being a bit heavy...

 Larry, I certainly was NOT the person who was abusive in the IRC.

I will get back to things in the next day or so and work more closely
through the suggestions as I have time.  And I will certainly document
my findings and contribute them if they are of any help to future

I'll be back with my findings.

regards, Dave Porter

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Re: Acccessing Helpers from Layout

2006-05-24 Thread modfather

Just reinstalled cake added the same pages as before but still get the

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
/cake/app/views/elements/test.thtml on line 1 - very,very frustrating
- i think these sort of php/framework errors are the reason i left php
for ruby on rails in the first place - anyway thanks for the replies.

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Custom SQL and Weird Arrays

2006-05-24 Thread Matt Allen
Guys;I'm executing this custom SQL:$sql = select  c_product_id,  count(*) as count from  c_combocontents,
  c_combos  where = c_combo_id  and  c_optioncontent_id in (1,2,3,4,5)  and
  c_combos.current =1 group by c_product_id,c_combo_id;$oc = $this-modelname-query($sql);The results i'm getting produce an array like this in dev (xp,mysql)
Array([0] = Array([c_combos] = Array([c_product_id] = 477)[#sql_dc8_0] = Array
([count] = 1)))The problem is that the #sql_dc8_0 bit changes all the time, in my live linux env the key seems to be a zero all the time. Does anyone have any ideas on this one? I have dug though the low level code but cant actually find where it creates the array.

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Re: Custom SQL and Weird Arrays

2006-05-24 Thread nate

I actually had this happen once, and I want to say it was actually
related to the database's character encoding.  Try converting it to a
findAll query and see what happens.

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Re: Custom SQL and Weird Arrays

2006-05-24 Thread Matt Allen
Hi Nate;I'm pretty sure a findAll wont work as that is sime weird-ass SQL from a cake perspective.I'll keep on playing.MattOn 5/25/06, 
nate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I actually had this happen once, and I want to say it was actuallyrelated to the database's character encoding.Try converting it to afindAll query and see what happens.
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Re: Acccessing Helpers from Layout

2006-05-24 Thread modfather

Just tried further debugging;
1. moved custom helper out of element and straight into layout result =
fatal error - as above.
2. added the custom helper to the core html helper file - result it
works in the layout, ie $html-makeEdit().
3. There must be a problem with the appcontroller file not registering
custom helpers - i also could not access the $helpers array variable in
the layout file. I also tries various combinations of case on variables
and file names to no avail.

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AppController not registering Helpers

2006-05-24 Thread modfather

I wanted to add a customer helper to my layout file. I would get the
Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in etc, i
registered the helper in the app_controller file via $helpers =
array('link'); also tried $helpers = array('Link');- still got fatal
error.I then added the customer helper to core controller.php(line
86) file, specifically var $helpers = array('Html','Link'); - now i can
access the custom helper in the layout - so i can only conclude that
helpers are not being registered/recognised in the AppController file.
I am using PHP Version 4.4.2 and cake version

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Re: AppController not registering Helpers

2006-05-24 Thread Olivier percebois-Garve

Can  you post all your code using the cakebin ?

2 things :
-Don't touch the core else nobody can help you.(Apart for 
playing/understanding it, but dev should be made with a vanillia version)
-Its probably not a bug, i've also some code with a custom helper in my 


modfather wrote:
 I wanted to add a customer helper to my layout file. I would get the
 Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in etc, i
 registered the helper in the app_controller file via $helpers =
 array('link'); also tried $helpers = array('Link');- still got fatal
 error.I then added the customer helper to core controller.php(line
 86) file, specifically var $helpers = array('Html','Link'); - now i can
 access the custom helper in the layout - so i can only conclude that
 helpers are not being registered/recognised in the AppController file.
 I am using PHP Version 4.4.2 and cake version



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Re: Nice URLs and webservers other then apache

2006-05-24 Thread Olivier percebois-Garve

so far I find it well written  :-)
100rk wrote: is the
 answer, just give me a day, people.



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Re: AppController not registering Helpers

2006-05-24 Thread 100rk

Are You sure You did call parent methods in methods which are
redefining methods of parent class?

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Re: AppController not registering Helpers

2006-05-24 Thread 100rk

It doesn't show IF Your AppController is in proper directory with
proper filename

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Re: Global variables?

2006-05-24 Thread 100rk

Little enhancement for this component for those who are using multiple
places for M/V/C files:

function getModelPaths()
$config = Configure::getInstance();
return $config-modelPaths;
function getViewPaths()
$config = Configure::getInstance();
return $config-viewPaths;
function getControllerPaths()
$config = Configure::getInstance();
return $config-controllerPaths;

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Re: AppController not registering Helpers

2006-05-24 Thread modfather

sorry -  app_controller.php is in app/controllers/app_controller.php

100rk are you saying i have to call a constuctor in a custom  helper
class, which in turn call the parent constuctor?

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Re: AppController not registering Helpers

2006-05-24 Thread modfather

just in case there was confusion between the name link i changed the
helper name to RedHelper(red.php), changed the name of the function
from makeEdit() to bye(), still the same result, no recognition when
added to app_controller.php helpers array - when added to core
controller.php, it works.

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Re: AppController not registering Helpers

2006-05-24 Thread Olivier percebois-Garve


class LinkHelper extends
Helper //tried also without extends
  function makeEdit()
 return "linkhelper";

modfather wrote:

  just in case there was confusion between the name "link" i changed the
helper name to RedHelper(red.php), changed the name of the function
from makeEdit() to bye(), still the same result, no recognition when
added to app_controller.php helpers array - when added to core
controller.php, it works.


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Re: {n} ?

2006-05-24 Thread Bret Kuhns

Thank you for your explanation. This idea seems very similar to
ASP.NET's datasource concept in which data from any supported source
(such as XML or most DBMS as mentioned) are treated exactly the same.
This should become yet another useful resource for cake.

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Re: AppController not registering Helpers

2006-05-24 Thread Olivier percebois-Garve

look I have the head helper made by rossoft:
That's functionning, nothing more, no core change.


class AppController extends Controller {
   var $helpers = array('Javascript', 'Head');

layout/default.thtml :

title?php echo $title_for_layout;?/title
link rel=shortcut icon href=favicon.ico type=image/x-icon
?php echo $html-charset('UTF-8');?
?php echo $html-css('default');?
?php  if (isset($head)) echo $head-print_registered();?
?php echo $content_for_layout;?

modfather wrote:
 Olivier, thanks for your persistance, but you could have an empty
 function with nothing returning, you still have the same result, the
 fact is if it works by adding the helper to helper array in the
 controller.php file, it should work by adding the helper to the helper
 array in the appcontroller, but it doesn't, somehwere along the line
 the class is not being registered - it might have something to do with
 the flow of logic of the chain of execution of classes.



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Re: AppController not registering Helpers

2006-05-24 Thread modfather

Thats what i mean i have tried various methods(altering the controller
was to see if there was somethingh wrong with my helper class, but
there is not) to get this to work and examples but it is not working,
thats why it is frustrating, i will try the rossoft head helper  and
see if it works - at the momment i cannot see what i am doing wrong.

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For PHPNut :: Mssql driver issue getting identity value back

2006-05-24 Thread pat

I am running PHP5 on win2003, with apache2, sql server 2000.

Cake appears to be having an issue getting the identity value back from
sql server.

When I attempt to add a new record to a table I get this error:
Notice: Undefined index: insertID in C:\Program Files\Apache
Group\Apache2\htdocs\cake\libs\model\dbo\dbo_mssql.php on line 502

I modded dbo_mssql.php like this:
   $id = $this-fetchAll('SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS insertID', false);
   pr ($id);
   return $id[0]['insertID'];

and this is this $id array that comes back back from sql server:

[0] = Array
[0] = Array
[insertID] = 5


BUT, the cake dbo code is not looking far enough into the array:
 return $id[0]['insertID'];

Is it me or Sql server or something else??



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Re: AppController not registering Helpers

2006-05-24 Thread nate

app_controller.php should be in the /app folder, not /app/controllers

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Re: {n} ?

2006-05-24 Thread nate

Yeah, it is pretty similar.  The only difference is that ASP.NET


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Re: {n} ?

2006-05-24 Thread Bret Kuhns

Ahah, after just finishing a semester on ASP.NET I feel confident in
completely agreeing with you. CakePHP is one more reason to not use

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Re: For PHPNut :: Mssql driver issue getting identity value back

2006-05-24 Thread nate

Fixed in SVN.  Next time submit a ticket at


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Offtopic? Exporting functions from namespaces

2006-05-24 Thread Michal Tatarynowicz

(Off-topic, but I didn't know where to post this, so...)

I like functional programming, but I also like classes because they
sort of auto-organize the scripts. Here's a piece of code I've come up
to join them. Is there any reason I
shouldn't use this techique (reliability, performance, limitations)? Is
there an easier way of creating new functions on the fly or mapping
functions to static methods?

Basicaly, this code takes a list of class methods and dynamically
(using eval()) creates functions that call those methods. This way you
can keep your helper functions in classes (I use quite a few), but
still be able to call them as functions to keep the code concise.

It also creates a unified class constructor method in PHP4 --

The other reason I'm playing with this is because I want to tackle the
issue of code generation. I've done some testing and it seems that a
large portion of script processing time is taken by include()/require()
calls. I want to be able to compile a whole application into a single
PHP file, and I need to organize my code to allow for that.


class Base {

/** Methods specified here will be exported into global namespace
as functions. */
var $_export = array();

function Base() {
Base_Lang::export(get_class($this), $this-_export);
Base_Lang::call($this, '_init');

/** This function is executed at object's creation.
  * To be overrided in descending classes. */
function _init () {}

} new Base;

class Base_Lang extends Base {

var $_export = array('export', 'call');

/** Exports class methods (specified with $funcs) into
  * global namespace as functions. */
function export ($class, $funcs=array()) {
$php = '';
foreach ($funcs as $func=$alias) {
if ($func*1==$func) $func = $alias;
if (!function_exists($alias)) {
$php .= function $func(){ \$args=func_get_args();
return Base_Lang::call('$class','$func',\$args); }\n;

 * An alias for call_user_func_array() with simplified syntax
function call ($obj, $fn=false, $params=-1) {
if (is_string($fn)) {
$C = array($obj, $fn);
$P = is_array($params)? $params: array();
else {
$C = $obj;
$P = is_array($fn)? $fn: array();
return call_user_func_array($C, $P);

} new Base_Lang;

class MyTest extends Base {

var $_export = array('foo', 'bar', 'baz'='woot');

function foo(){
return 'Ea';

function bar(){
return 'sy';

function baz(){
return '!';

} new MyTest;

// outputs 'Easy!'
print foo().bar().woot();


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Re: For PHPNut :: Mssql driver issue getting identity value back

2006-05-24 Thread pat

many thanks, will do.

Does this mean I'm the only one using phpcake on windows/Sql server ??


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Re: How to avoid the 'EDIT' action 'ADD' a new record when you changed PK.

2006-05-24 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

But,my aim is to allow user to change the PK value ,and also can avoid
the save method to create a new PK value while still keep the old
so I use the model-db-update method.

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