Re: Calling core devs for a quick brief on Admin Routing in 1.2

2007-09-19 Thread Grant Cox

Hi Seb,

For reference, the devs don't read every post on this mailing list.
If you find an issue like this that you are sure is a bug, post a
ticket on trac ( ).  If you just want to
discuss it to find out, there is almost always one of the devs on IRC
( ).

Can certainly be quicker than this google group, where it can be easy
to miss the occasional post.

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Re: New Router usage as of 5535 $Route->connectNamed()

2007-09-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I deduced from this line that it needs 'sort', 'direction', and

$url = am(array('sort' => $key, 'direction' => $dir), $url,
array('order' => null));

On Sep 20, 12:26 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> In light of this, anyone know which named variables (if any) are
> required for PaginatorHelper::sort() to work?
> On Sep 13, 5:16 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sep 13, 5:13 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I still don't really know whether this is all by design, but in order
> > > to get PaginatorHelper working I had to add elements for 'page' and
> > > also 'step', which Paginator uses, in order for links to form
> > > correctly.
> > > Router::connectNamed(array('step', 'page'));
> > > A regex match can be added as the value instead like
> > > array('step'=>'[0-9]+', 'page'=>'[0-9]+). I assume it will fail then
> > > if there is no match, so passed variables become more secure.
> > > On Sep 10, 3:40 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > I have been working all morning on this without any luck. This is on
> > > > Cake 1.2 (branch) / 5626. The only nonstandard thing I'm doing is app
> > > > and webroot dirs outside the normal locations (and renamed), but that
> > > > shouldn't make a difference with this.
> > > >ROUTE
> > > > $Route->connect('/:community_id/bulletins/:action/*',
> > > > array('controller' => 'bulletins'));
> > > > echo $html->url(array('community_id'=>203, 'controller'=>'bulletins',
> > > > 'action'=>'view', 'bulletin_id'=>23423));
> > > > /203/bulletins/view/bulletin_id:23423
> > > > /bulletins/view
> > > > MODIFICATION (bulletin_id param removed)
> > > > echo $html->url(array('community_id'=>203, 'controller'=>'bulletins',
> > > > 'action'=>'view'));
> > > > /203/bulletins/view

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Re: New Router usage as of 5535 $Route->connectNamed()

2007-09-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In light of this, anyone know which named variables (if any) are
required for PaginatorHelper::sort() to work?

On Sep 13, 5:16 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> On Sep 13, 5:13 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I still don't really know whether this is all by design, but in order
> > to get PaginatorHelper working I had to add elements for 'page' and
> > also 'step', which Paginator uses, in order for links to form
> > correctly.
> > Router::connectNamed(array('step', 'page'));
> > A regex match can be added as the value instead like
> > array('step'=>'[0-9]+', 'page'=>'[0-9]+). I assume it will fail then
> > if there is no match, so passed variables become more secure.
> > On Sep 10, 3:40 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I have been working all morning on this without any luck. This is on
> > > Cake 1.2 (branch) / 5626. The only nonstandard thing I'm doing is app
> > > and webroot dirs outside the normal locations (and renamed), but that
> > > shouldn't make a difference with this.
> > >ROUTE
> > > $Route->connect('/:community_id/bulletins/:action/*',
> > > array('controller' => 'bulletins'));
> > > echo $html->url(array('community_id'=>203, 'controller'=>'bulletins',
> > > 'action'=>'view', 'bulletin_id'=>23423));
> > > /203/bulletins/view/bulletin_id:23423
> > > /bulletins/view
> > > MODIFICATION (bulletin_id param removed)
> > > echo $html->url(array('community_id'=>203, 'controller'=>'bulletins',
> > > 'action'=>'view'));
> > > /203/bulletins/view

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Re: Email solution for cake 1.1

2007-09-19 Thread Langdon Stevenson

Hi hondya

I use phpmailer happily.  I am sure that either that or swiftmailer 
would do the job fine.


hondya wrote:
> I am using cake 1.1 (since it is the stable release) and would like to
> know which is the best email (SMTP emailer) solution for this release.
> I see several articles on the wiki page and am confused which one
> should I use. Also I don't want anything fancy (no HTML, no
> attachments).
> Thanks to all you folks.
> - Vishal

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RE: CakePHP and learning..

2007-09-19 Thread Gould, Adrian


I am using cake as a way to introduce OOP and MVC, some of my students have 
done Java and so have exposure to OOP, the others I am letting them expose 
themselves to cake and next term will go over what they have been doing in the 
1st week or so as a theoretic summary.

I'll have to start writing the experience up anyhow as a case study in 
education ;-)


The manual is a starter, the IBM tutorials are good for that as well as they 
get their teeth into a step by step building of a small application.

These students are diploma level and should be able to do self directed 
learning, with me guiding them. Well that the theory anyhow.

This is a test semester to see what happens, and see how they cope with the 
more self directed mode.


-Original Message-
From: on behalf of DanielSun
Sent: Wed 9/19/2007 19:58
To: Cake PHP
Subject: Re: CakePHP and learning..

I see the most importance when working in Cake (or any php framework)
to really understand the MVC idea and the Object oriented methodology
of coding. It is very frustrating and for that matter even
unreasonable to learn Cake if one doesn't understand principles of
I hope your students don't have issues with that.

It is very nice to hear, that you are teaching your students php using

On Sep 19, 4:38 am, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"

> Is there a way the manual can meet that need? It's currently being re-
> vamped and polished for the 1.2 release.
> -- John

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Re: Complex Ajax question.

2007-09-19 Thread Felix Geisendörfer

   1. Use jQuery. If you love CakePHP and write your own JS (not using
  the cake helpers) then this is the way to go, trust me ; ).
   2. Echoing some text in a cake action w/o rendering a view is done
  using: $this->autoRender = false; echo 'My text'; inside your
  controller action
   3. You may want to use "magic" numbers representing statuses. Neither
  you nor the poor fellow who may have to make some adjustments 2
  years down the road will remember them.
   4. Here are some snippets showing how I would implement your problem:

controller action (ShowSeatsController::reserve):

function reserve($show_id = null, $seat_id = null) {
if ($this->RequestHandler->isPost()) {
return $this->set('success', $this->ShowSeat->reserve($show_id, 
die('XSRF attacks suck ...');

model function (ShowSeat::reserve):

function reserve($show_id = null, $seat_id = null) {
$this->Show->id = $show_id;
$this->Seat->id = $seat_id;
if (!$this->Show->exists() || !$this->Seat->exists()) {
return 'error';
$showSeat = compact('show_id', 'seat_id');
if ($this->hasAny($showSeat)) {
   return 'taken';

if (!$this->save()) {
   return 'error'
return 'ok';

view (reserve.ctp):

echo $javascript->object(compact('success'));

jquery javascript (reserve.js):

function reserveSeat(show_id, seat_id, callback) {
$.post('/show_seats/reserve/'+show_id+'/'+seat_id, {}, callback, 

$(function() {
$('table#seats td').click(function() {
   var data = $(this).attr('id').split('-');
   reserveSeat(data[0], data[1], function(response) {
 if (response.success == 'ok') {
// ...

If you wonder why I got so detailed here is b/c I think your example is 
very nice for showing some of the strength of CakePHP in an easy to 
understand way, so I hope others will like the above snippets as well. 
(However, all of this was written off the cuff and not tested ^^).

-- Felix
My Blog:
My Business:

DGPhoebus wrote:
> Okay here is the situation, I am working on a "Ticketing" website that
> I have already created in the "old" method of making websites (not
> CakePHP).  I am redoing it now using CakePHP and I love it.  Here is
> my problem.  On the old site, I built out the layout of the theatre
> using a table with each seat being represented by a td cell.  Each td
> cell had an onclick event that called my own code that either
> "reserved" or "released" the selected seat by an AJAX call.  My AJAX
> call would return a value, '1','2', or '0' denoting "success",
> "failure", or "arleady taken" to my javascript function.  I would then
> move on based on that response:
> var response = oXmlHttp.responseText;
> switch (response.charAt(0)) {
>   case '0':
>// Alert that seat was already taken
>  break;
>   case '1':
>   // Success
>   break;
>   case '2':
>   // Alert Error
>   break;
> }
> I have re-written this code using Prototype and can make the call to
> Controller/reserve . BUT 1. I have to create a useless "view" for
> this controller action and 2. I can't return a value of either 1,2, or
> 0.  If I echo any of those characters the response text contains the
> entire "view" listing with "headers already sent" error.  If I try to
> return any of those values it returns the entire view.
> Is there a way to call a controller action without needing a view?  Is
> there a way to return a value from the controller action like I need
> 1,2, or 0?
> There are many actions that need to happen based on which return value
> I get from my AJAX call so it has to happen this way.  The AJAX helper
> only appears to follow the form of SAVE then UPDATE and that is not
> enough.
> There has to be a way to do this without doing it the old way of
> making a call to a single script sitting in the document root.I am
> still very new to Cake so if this could be solved by something like a
> Component or something I would greatly appreciate some direction.
> Redoing this site with Cake has been fantastic and I have rolled right
> along up to this point, but I have stalled out.
> Please help!

Re: Complex Ajax question.

2007-09-19 Thread DGPhoebus

Okay... it appears I found my own answer.  Not that anyone will be
doing what I am doing but for all who do not know you can call a
controller by AJAX request without needing a view.  Set the layout for
that controler = 'ajax'.  Now I can echo my litter heart away.
Hope my frustration helps someone else.

Happy baking.

On Sep 19, 11:12 pm, DGPhoebus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay here is the situation, I am working on a "Ticketing" website that
> I have already created in the "old" method of making websites (not
> CakePHP).  I am redoing it now using CakePHP and I love it.  Here is
> my problem.  On the old site, I built out the layout of the theatre
> using a table with each seat being represented by a td cell.  Each td
> cell had an onclick event that called my own code that either
> "reserved" or "released" the selected seat by an AJAX call.  My AJAX
> call would return a value, '1','2', or '0' denoting "success",
> "failure", or "arleady taken" to my javascript function.  I would then
> move on based on that response:
> var response = oXmlHttp.responseText;
> switch (response.charAt(0)) {
> case '0':
>// Alert that seat was already taken
> case '1':
> // Success
> break;
> case '2':
> // Alert Error
> break;
> }
> I have re-written this code using Prototype and can make the call to
> Controller/reserve . BUT 1. I have to create a useless "view" for
> this controller action and 2. I can't return a value of either 1,2, or
> 0.  If I echo any of those characters the response text contains the
> entire "view" listing with "headers already sent" error.  If I try to
> return any of those values it returns the entire view.
> Is there a way to call a controller action without needing a view?  Is
> there a way to return a value from the controller action like I need
> 1,2, or 0?
> There are many actions that need to happen based on which return value
> I get from my AJAX call so it has to happen this way.  The AJAX helper
> only appears to follow the form of SAVE then UPDATE and that is not
> enough.
> There has to be a way to do this without doing it the old way of
> making a call to a single script sitting in the document root.I am
> still very new to Cake so if this could be solved by something like a
> Component or something I would greatly appreciate some direction.
> Redoing this site with Cake has been fantastic and I have rolled right
> along up to this point, but I have stalled out.
> Please help!
> Daniel

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Complex Ajax question.

2007-09-19 Thread DGPhoebus

Okay here is the situation, I am working on a "Ticketing" website that
I have already created in the "old" method of making websites (not
CakePHP).  I am redoing it now using CakePHP and I love it.  Here is
my problem.  On the old site, I built out the layout of the theatre
using a table with each seat being represented by a td cell.  Each td
cell had an onclick event that called my own code that either
"reserved" or "released" the selected seat by an AJAX call.  My AJAX
call would return a value, '1','2', or '0' denoting "success",
"failure", or "arleady taken" to my javascript function.  I would then
move on based on that response:

var response = oXmlHttp.responseText;
switch (response.charAt(0)) {
case '0':
   // Alert that seat was already taken
case '1':
// Success
case '2':
// Alert Error

I have re-written this code using Prototype and can make the call to
Controller/reserve . BUT 1. I have to create a useless "view" for
this controller action and 2. I can't return a value of either 1,2, or
0.  If I echo any of those characters the response text contains the
entire "view" listing with "headers already sent" error.  If I try to
return any of those values it returns the entire view.

Is there a way to call a controller action without needing a view?  Is
there a way to return a value from the controller action like I need
1,2, or 0?

There are many actions that need to happen based on which return value
I get from my AJAX call so it has to happen this way.  The AJAX helper
only appears to follow the form of SAVE then UPDATE and that is not

There has to be a way to do this without doing it the old way of
making a call to a single script sitting in the document root.I am
still very new to Cake so if this could be solved by something like a
Component or something I would greatly appreciate some direction.
Redoing this site with Cake has been fantastic and I have rolled right
along up to this point, but I have stalled out.

Please help!


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Re: requestAction not doing anything

2007-09-19 Thread Samuel DeVore


On 9/19/07, hnr.louder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm trying to use $this->requestAction in a controller to grab an
> action that renders a table for a report. Going directly to the URL
> works fine, and I'm positive I'm passing the right url to the method.
> Any ideas?
> >

(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

- its a fine line between a real question and an idiot

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requestAction not doing anything

2007-09-19 Thread hnr.louder

I'm trying to use $this->requestAction in a controller to grab an
action that renders a table for a report. Going directly to the URL
works fine, and I'm positive I'm passing the right url to the method.
Any ideas?

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Getting started with PHP and Database Driven Sites.

2007-09-19 Thread Troy

Good evening, everyone:

I'm a very recent lurker of the group, and was hoping someone could 
point me in the direction of resources for a project I have been asked 
to undertake...

As for my background: I'm fairly proficient in HTML, but scripting and 
databases are entirely new to me, so the crash course begins.

One of my clients has asked me to assist in building a support site 
where her clients can post information by completing online forms.  The 
support site is for a group faced with certain medical conditions 
relating to military service overseas.  Due to the medical information, 
she would prefer to avoid disclosing e-mail addresses from her visitors, 
and would rather build a form for visitors to complete, then the 
information be sent to the original poster via e-mail.  The visitor 
would have the option of disclosing their e-mail address, etc.

On top of this, she needs the ability to run queries on the database in 
order to generate e-mails based on the options checked or the posting dates.

Can anyone please point me in the direction of great (relatively 
easy-to-understand) references that will assist me in completing this task?

She's asked if this can be built in a period of two-months, so I need to 
get started on this immediately.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

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Re: Calling core devs for a quick brief on Admin Routing in 1.2

2007-09-19 Thread Seb

Mmmm.. quick enough!

fixed in r5672 by phpnut!

Thanks heaps!


On Sep 20, 11:28 am, Seb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Right on! Cake is getting sweeter every day! :)
> Would it help for me to raise a TRAC ticket or is it all under
> control?
> Thanks Chris!
> Seb.
> On Sep 19, 10:45 pm, "Chris Hartjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 9/19/07,Seb<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > The error is; You are seeing this error because the private class
> > > method admin_index should not be accessed directly.
> > > and it happens the second we add function admin_index() {} to the
> > > AppController.
> > Turns out that a recent commit inadvertently added in a bug that has
> > declared all functions in app_controller.php to be considered private.
> >  I understand that a correction is on the way.
> > --
> > Chris Hartjes
> > Senior Developer
> > Cake Development Corporation
> > My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"
> > @TheBallpark -
> > @TheKeyboard -

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Re: Calling core devs for a quick brief on Admin Routing in 1.2

2007-09-19 Thread Seb

Right on! Cake is getting sweeter every day! :)

Would it help for me to raise a TRAC ticket or is it all under

Thanks Chris!


On Sep 19, 10:45 pm, "Chris Hartjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/19/07,Seb<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The error is; You are seeing this error because the private class
> > method admin_index should not be accessed directly.
> > and it happens the second we add function admin_index() {} to the
> > AppController.
> Turns out that a recent commit inadvertently added in a bug that has
> declared all functions in app_controller.php to be considered private.
>  I understand that a correction is on the way.
> --
> Chris Hartjes
> Senior Developer
> Cake Development Corporation
> My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"
> @TheBallpark -
> @TheKeyboard -

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Re: $form->input() syntax for associations not following Cake conventions

2007-09-19 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 9/19/07, Martin Schapendonk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 2007/9/18, Chris Hartjes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > How should I change the call to $form->input() to show a select-list?
> > > The list with audiences is available to the view in variable
> > > $audiences.
> >
> > Try this code using 1.2.x.x
> >
> > $form->input('ade_id', array('values' => $audiences));
> Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
> It was array('options'=>$audiences) instead of values, but I found it.

Really?  I just did one with $form->input('fieldname', array('values'
=> $array)) and it worked just fine.  Interesting...

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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Individual Radio Buttons in CakePHP 1.2

2007-09-19 Thread 1Marc

What if I only want to create one individual radio button?  In CakePHP
1.2,  $form->radio creates a set of radio widgets.

In my case I have 8 radio buttons spread out through a results table
that you can only select one.  The 'in between text' doesn't cut it.
-  I will create these radio buttons by hand unless there is a handy
way to create an individual radio button instead of a radio group.

Thanks for your help on this,


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Re: "a divine intervention" (or a Cake variables mess-up?)

2007-09-19 Thread Danijel Kurinčič

never thought of something like that. I have replaced all  relative paths
with $html & $javascript helpers. It works now. Except sometimes favicon
comes back again - and I don't know how to actually use any helper to have

Thanks alot Grant, anyhow, I was about to go ku-ku on this one.


On 9/20/07, Grant Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Your action is creating a file for every request made to that action.
> 1.thtml -> because you requested /test/test/1
> css.thtml -> because your browser is requesting /test/test/css
> (probably /test/test/css/cake.default.css or similar)
> js.thtml -> because your browser is requesting /test/test/js
> favicon.ico.thtml -> because your browser is requesting /test/test/
> favicon.ico
> I don't know why for some request you get the css and js, and some
> just the favicon.  Check the generated source, it should be pretty
> obvious.  However, the problem is just that I doubt any of these last
> three are what you are expecting - the reason your browser is making
> those requests is because you have relative links in your html
> source.  When your browser views a page at /test/test/1 , and this
> links to "css/something.css", then the browser requests /test/test/css/
> something.css .
> So basically, just don't use relative links to your js / css /
> favicon.
> On Sep 20, 6:57 am, "Danijel Kurinčič" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > class TestController extends AppController {
> > var $name = 'Test';
> >
> >  function test($a=null, $b=null){
> > $path_to_rendered='C:\appname\app\views\novice/'.$a.'.thtml';
> > file_put_contents($path_to_rendered, 'test');
> > $this->render('test');
> >
> > }
> >
> > }
> >
> > on the url 'http://localhost/appname/test/test/1/1'
> > PRODUCES THREE FILES in the folder specified:
> > - file 1.thtml
> > - file css.thtml
> > - and file js.thtml
> > it on the other hand produces TWO files if I pass only '
> http://localhost/appname/test/test/1',
> > named 1.thtml, and favicon.ico.thtml.
> >
> > Now someone tell me, this is not a "divine intervention".
> >
> > :(
> >
> > note that
> >

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Re: Scriptaculous Fade in / out message

2007-09-19 Thread Grant Cox

When I implemented this it was referred to as the "Fade Anything
Technique", and I downloaded a Javascript file from
.  Unfortunately this seems to 404 now (as does anything from that
domain), so I have pasted the JS source to

Basically put that JS in your /webroot/js folder, and include it in
your layout.  To get a message to highlight and fade like that, just
apply the class "fade" to it.  To get the session flashes to do this,
just add a span with this "fade" class around where the $session-
>flash(); is in your layout.

On Sep 20, 2:24 am, jwerd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I use programs like Wordpress, when I save my document a message
> appears at the top and fades to one color then out to the color of the
> page.  I really want this in my project but I'm not sure how to
> implement it with Cake.  What am I missing?  I know this is super
> simple I just can't put my finger on it.
> Thanks in advance :)

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Re: Using cron_dispatcher

2007-09-19 Thread Grant Cox

Put your DEBUG to 1 in your /app/config/core.php , it should give you
the real error message (ie missing controller / action / view).  The
only differences I had to make to our application for CLI was to avoid
authentication - of course there is no session on CLI.

On Sep 20, 6:36 am, keymaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've tried replying to this thread regarding invoking cake through a
> cron,
> but Google won't let me, so am starting this new thread, while
> referencing the older one.
> If anyone else has encountered the following problem, and was
> successful in resolving it, I would appreciate the heads up on what
> you did.
> As described in the very clear bakery 
> article,
> I took a copy of app/webroot/index.php,  modified it to take command
> line arguments of controller/action, then placed it in a file called
> cron_dispatcher.php in the app/ directory.
> Here is the problem:
> When I invoke the cron_dispatcher.php as follows:
> php cron_dispatcher.php /orders/my_alert
> It invokes cake fine, extracts the parameters fine, but then cake
> gives the following error:
> 404 Not found
> The requested address /orders/my_alert was not found on this server.
> However, when I invoke the
> web, it finds the action and it runs as it should.
> Any idea why through the web cake finds the controller/action, but not
> when it is invoked through the cron?

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Re: Way to mimic "modules" of zend framework on cakephp ?

2007-09-19 Thread Mech7

Maybe you could change the bootstrap file and make the array name
dynamic of the controller that is being requested ?

 $modelPaths = array('full path to models', 'second full path to
models', 'etc...');
 $viewPaths = array('this path to views', 'second full path to views',
 $controllerPaths = array('this path to controllers', 'second full
path to controllers', 'etc...');

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Re: "a divine intervention" (or a Cake variables mess-up?)

2007-09-19 Thread Grant Cox

Your action is creating a file for every request made to that action.

1.thtml -> because you requested /test/test/1
css.thtml -> because your browser is requesting /test/test/css
(probably /test/test/css/cake.default.css or similar)
js.thtml -> because your browser is requesting /test/test/js
favicon.ico.thtml -> because your browser is requesting /test/test/

I don't know why for some request you get the css and js, and some
just the favicon.  Check the generated source, it should be pretty
obvious.  However, the problem is just that I doubt any of these last
three are what you are expecting - the reason your browser is making
those requests is because you have relative links in your html
source.  When your browser views a page at /test/test/1 , and this
links to "css/something.css", then the browser requests /test/test/css/
something.css .

So basically, just don't use relative links to your js / css /

On Sep 20, 6:57 am, "Danijel Kurinčič" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> class TestController extends AppController {
> var $name = 'Test';
>  function test($a=null, $b=null){
> $path_to_rendered='C:\appname\app\views\novice/'.$a.'.thtml';
> file_put_contents($path_to_rendered, 'test');
> $this->render('test');
> }
> }
> on the url 'http://localhost/appname/test/test/1/1'
> PRODUCES THREE FILES in the folder specified:
> - file 1.thtml
> - file css.thtml
> - and file js.thtml
> it on the other hand produces TWO files if I pass only 
> 'http://localhost/appname/test/test/1',
> named 1.thtml, and favicon.ico.thtml.
> Now someone tell me, this is not a "divine intervention".
> :(
> note that

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Re: Way to mimic "modules" of zend framework on cakephp ?

2007-09-19 Thread John David Anderson (_psychic_)

On Sep 19, 2007, at 4:23 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> i didn't see your post when i posted mine hehe .. i don't know it's a
> bit dirty and not logical. My problematic seems easy but it has been
> more than 1 month i'm trying to find a real solution to this with
> cakephp ;(

Did you read the section on plugins?

-- John

> On 20 sep, 00:18, "Samuel DeVore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On 9/19/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> yep i confirm. but so how ? :(
>>> On 20 sep, 00:08, Mech7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 But this is not really about the libs and webroot but about
 selfcontaining modules.
 On Sep 19, 10:34 pm, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
> On Sep 19, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like to know if there is the same concept that the  
>> modules of
>> the zend framework on cakephp :
>> (it's like a way to make multiple sites with only one zend  
>> framework)
> Yep: check out, under
> the "Advanced Setup: Alternative Installation Options". CakePHP
> installs allow your libs and webroots to be quite separate (which
> includes the ability to share lib folders).
> -- John
>> --
>> (the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will  
>> cost you
>> - its a fine line between a real question and an idiot
>> bugs-me/
> >

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Re: Way to mimic "modules" of zend framework on cakephp ?

2007-09-19 Thread John David Anderson (_psychic_)

You might also consider encapsulating shared controller logic into  

-- John

On Sep 19, 2007, at 4:18 PM, Samuel DeVore wrote:

> On 9/19/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> yep i confirm. but so how ? :(
>> On 20 sep, 00:08, Mech7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> But this is not really about the libs and webroot but about
>>> selfcontaining modules.
>>> On Sep 19, 10:34 pm, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 On Sep 19, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi,
> I would like to know if there is the same concept that the  
> modules of
> the zend framework on cakephp :
> (it's like a way to make multiple sites with only one zend  
> framework)
 Yep: check out, under
 the "Advanced Setup: Alternative Installation Options". CakePHP
 installs allow your libs and webroots to be quite separate (which
 includes the ability to share lib folders).
 -- John
> -- 
> (the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost  
> you
> - its a fine line between a real question and an idiot
> me/
> >

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Re: Way to mimic "modules" of zend framework on cakephp ?

2007-09-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

i didn't see your post when i posted mine hehe .. i don't know it's a
bit dirty and not logical. My problematic seems easy but it has been
more than 1 month i'm trying to find a real solution to this with
cakephp ;(

On 20 sep, 00:18, "Samuel DeVore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/19/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > yep i confirm. but so how ? :(
> > On 20 sep, 00:08, Mech7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > But this is not really about the libs and webroot but about
> > > selfcontaining modules.
> > > On Sep 19, 10:34 pm, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
> > > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > On Sep 19, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > I would like to know if there is the same concept that the modules of
> > > > > the zend framework on cakephp :
> > > > >
> > > > > (it's like a way to make multiple sites with only one zend framework)
> > > > Yep: check out, under
> > > > the "Advanced Setup: Alternative Installation Options". CakePHP
> > > > installs allow your libs and webroots to be quite separate (which
> > > > includes the ability to share lib folders).
> > > > -- John
> --
> (the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you
> - its a fine line between a real question and an idiot

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Re: Way to mimic "modules" of zend framework on cakephp ?

2007-09-19 Thread Samuel DeVore

> yep i confirm. but so how ? :(
> On 20 sep, 00:08, Mech7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > But this is not really about the libs and webroot but about
> > selfcontaining modules.
> >
> > On Sep 19, 10:34 pm, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
> >
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Sep 19, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > > Hi,
> >
> > > > I would like to know if there is the same concept that the modules of
> > > > the zend framework on cakephp :
> > > >
> > > > (it's like a way to make multiple sites with only one zend framework)
> >
> > > Yep: check out, under
> > > the "Advanced Setup: Alternative Installation Options". CakePHP
> > > installs allow your libs and webroots to be quite separate (which
> > > includes the ability to share lib folders).
> >
> > > -- John
> >

(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

- its a fine line between a real question and an idiot

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Re: Way to mimic "modules" of zend framework on cakephp ?

2007-09-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

yep i confirm. but so how ? :(

On 20 sep, 00:08, Mech7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But this is not really about the libs and webroot but about
> selfcontaining modules.
> On Sep 19, 10:34 pm, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sep 19, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > I would like to know if there is the same concept that the modules of
> > > the zend framework on cakephp :
> > >
> > > (it's like a way to make multiple sites with only one zend framework)
> > Yep: check out, under
> > the "Advanced Setup: Alternative Installation Options". CakePHP
> > installs allow your libs and webroots to be quite separate (which
> > includes the ability to share lib folders).
> > -- John

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Re: Way to mimic "modules" of zend framework on cakephp ?

2007-09-19 Thread Samuel DeVore

maybe you should think about trying to package the common controllers
as plugins?

On 9/19/07, Mech7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But this is not really about the libs and webroot but about
> selfcontaining modules.
> On Sep 19, 10:34 pm, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sep 19, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > > Hi,
> >
> > > I would like to know if there is the same concept that the modules of
> > > the zend framework on cakephp :
> > >
> > > (it's like a way to make multiple sites with only one zend framework)
> >
> > Yep: check out, under
> > the "Advanced Setup: Alternative Installation Options". CakePHP
> > installs allow your libs and webroots to be quite separate (which
> > includes the ability to share lib folders).
> >
> > -- John
> >

(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

- its a fine line between a real question and an idiot

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Re: Way to mimic "modules" of zend framework on cakephp ?

2007-09-19 Thread Mech7

But this is not really about the libs and webroot but about
selfcontaining modules.

On Sep 19, 10:34 pm, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
> On Sep 19, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I would like to know if there is the same concept that the modules of
> > the zend framework on cakephp :
> >
> > (it's like a way to make multiple sites with only one zend framework)
> Yep: check out, under
> the "Advanced Setup: Alternative Installation Options". CakePHP
> installs allow your libs and webroots to be quite separate (which
> includes the ability to share lib folders).
> -- John

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"a divine intervention" (or a Cake variables mess-up?)

2007-09-19 Thread Danijel Kurinčič

class TestController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Test';

 function test($a=null, $b=null){
file_put_contents($path_to_rendered, 'test');


on the url 'http://localhost/appname/test/test/1/1'
PRODUCES THREE FILES in the folder specified:
- file 1.thtml
- file css.thtml
- and file js.thtml
it on the other hand produces TWO files if I pass only '
named 1.thtml, and favicon.ico.thtml.

Now someone tell me, this is not a "divine intervention".


note that

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Way to mimic "modules" of zend framework on cakephp ?

2007-09-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I would like to know if there is the same concept that the modules of
the zend framework on cakephp :
(it's like a way to make multiple sites with only one zend framework)


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1.2 Auth/ACL resume

2007-09-19 Thread cakeFreak

Well let's go with Cake 1.2,

while the Auth component seems to be pretty stable, the ACL one still
gives me some troubles!

I found several interesting tutorials (cheers guys!) that I'll list
for everybody else:


+ read those in the backery

Nevertheless, I don't get why if I set an ACO Users (namely the
controller) I stilll should map all its  actions.
Namely I should put (via command line) "cake acl create aco Users add"
- "cake acl create aco Users edit" etc

why should I do that if in the aco-aro table I can grant specific
rights to every CRUD operation?

Or I am wrong?

Cheers dan

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Re: Way to mimic "modules" of zend framework on cakephp ?

2007-09-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Erh, it won't work i need to share some controllers too.

basicly my wbesite 'll be divided into 2 parts : that contains all the generic things (like /join/,  /
login/, /user)
each "site" has his controllers but can access the controllers of (like the controller to know if you're loggued ..etc)

On zend framework, with the modules, you have a default module
( for me) that contains his own controllers / views/
models/ and you can add as much modules as you want.
module1, module2




default is used when is called
module1 is used when is called
module2 is used when is called

Any idea ?



On 19 sep, 22:34, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
> On Sep 19, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I would like to know if there is the same concept that the modules of
> > the zend framework on cakephp :
> >
> > (it's like a way to make multiple sites with only one zend framework)
> Yep: check out, under
> the "Advanced Setup: Alternative Installation Options". CakePHP
> installs allow your libs and webroots to be quite separate (which
> includes the ability to share lib folders).
> -- John

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Re: $form->input() syntax for associations not following Cake conventions

2007-09-19 Thread Martin Schapendonk

2007/9/18, Chris Hartjes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > How should I change the call to $form->input() to show a select-list?
> > The list with audiences is available to the view in variable
> > $audiences.
> Try this code using 1.2.x.x
> $form->input('ade_id', array('values' => $audiences));

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

It was array('options'=>$audiences) instead of values, but I found it.


  Martin Schapendonk, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Using cron_dispatcher

2007-09-19 Thread keymaster

I've tried replying to this thread regarding invoking cake through a
but Google won't let me, so am starting this new thread, while
referencing the older one.

If anyone else has encountered the following problem, and was
successful in resolving it, I would appreciate the heads up on what
you did.

As described in the very clear bakery article,
I took a copy of app/webroot/index.php,  modified it to take command
line arguments of controller/action, then placed it in a file called
cron_dispatcher.php in the app/ directory.

Here is the problem:

When I invoke the cron_dispatcher.php as follows:

php cron_dispatcher.php /orders/my_alert

It invokes cake fine, extracts the parameters fine, but then cake
gives the following error:

404 Not found
The requested address /orders/my_alert was not found on this server.

However, when I invoke through the
web, it finds the action and it runs as it should.

Any idea why through the web cake finds the controller/action, but not
when it is invoked through the cron?

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Re: Way to mimic "modules" of zend framework on cakephp ?

2007-09-19 Thread John David Anderson (_psychic_)

On Sep 19, 2007, at 2:12 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to know if there is the same concept that the modules of
> the zend framework on cakephp :
> (it's like a way to make multiple sites with only one zend framework)

Yep: check out, under  
the "Advanced Setup: Alternative Installation Options". CakePHP  
installs allow your libs and webroots to be quite separate (which  
includes the ability to share lib folders).

-- John

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Re: CakePHP Model Association

2007-09-19 Thread axpen

Ok that works fine, thank you for your effort, i'll just remember in
the future that advanced model integrations with preexisting tables
will have to be done manually.


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Re: CakePHP Model Association

2007-09-19 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 9/19/07, axpen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok then in that case what is the equivalent of $this->query from model
> in the controller class, or do I have to call $model->query or
> something
> Thanks for you help

It's usually $this->Model->query(...) from the controller if you've
added that model to $uses.

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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Re: CakePHP Model Association

2007-09-19 Thread axpen

Ok then in that case what is the equivalent of $this->query from model
in the controller class, or do I have to call $model->query or

Thanks for you help

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Re: CakePHP Model Association

2007-09-19 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 9/19/07, axpen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yeah I know about the foreign key thing, but that would still require
> that I add an ID field to the description table, which I want to avoid
> mucking with zencarts default database structure.

No 'id field', no ability to use the built-in association and other
nice built-in CakePHP model helper methods.

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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Re: CakePHP Model Association

2007-09-19 Thread axpen

Yeah I know about the foreign key thing, but that would still require
that I add an ID field to the description table, which I want to avoid
mucking with zencarts default database structure. I would make a
belongsToAndHasMany table, but that would seem silly since all the
values would be the same number. I guess it won't be possible to do it
from the model side, how would one go about doing it from the
controller side? Basically here is what I want the $products array to
look like from the views side,
[0] (
  products_id = x
  ... (product fields)
  ... (manufacturer fields)
  [Description] I want to get this row with the same ID as the
products_id from Product
  ... (description fields)

Again, thanks everyone for your help

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Re: Edit-form and

2007-09-19 Thread JuergenE


Thanks for your answer, I will take a look at this. Hopefully i can
solve the problem with the help your hints.

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Re: CakePHP Model Association

2007-09-19 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 9/19/07, axpen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---
> Basically I want to get the description field from into the products
> model from the model component. That way I can work with it from the
> controller component. Now if you guys know of a standard way this is
> supposed to be done and that standard way is through the controller
> then that is fine, i'm just trying to follow standards as much as
> possible.

Associations require keys, so if there is no key there cannot be an
association.  You can change the field CakePHP expects to be the
primary key for a record ('id' by default).  Dig around in the manual
to find out how to do it.

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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CakePHP Model Association

2007-09-19 Thread axpen

Ok my question is this. How do you associate a record from a table
without an ID tie-in. I.E. i'm developing a zencart add-on and
basically there is the following map I want to relate;

products (
  products_id #main ID field
  ... #other fields
products_description ( #i've already used $useTable since description
isn't plural like cake expects
  products_id #main ID field is same as products table, hence the no
ID tie-in
  ... #other fields
Basically I want to get the description field from into the products
model from the model component. That way I can work with it from the
controller component. Now if you guys know of a standard way this is
supposed to be done and that standard way is through the controller
then that is fine, i'm just trying to follow standards as much as

Thank you very much for your time,

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Re: Updating related select / combo boxes

2007-09-19 Thread Arash

I have the same problem and the solution provided in the comments of
tutorial didn't work for me, any one can help?!

On Sep 13, 9:17 pm, majna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sep 13, 4:19 pm, xevian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm trying to get 2 relatedselect/ combo boxes to work together.
> > What I want to achieve is when a user picks a city from a dropdown
> >selectboxthe city areasboxis populated (similar to if you choose a
> > stae another dropdown lists the cities that are in the state). I have
> > looked at using the devmoz tutorial and cannot get it to work in IE,
> > it works fine in firefox.
> > Tutorial that I 
> > used:
> > I'm using cake with wamp.
> > Any help with getting this working with IE would be greatly
> > appreciated.

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Re: Multiple Validation Rules Each with a Unique Message

2007-09-19 Thread 1Marc

I found out that this functionality is built into 1.2.  Thank you
Geoff your articles were very helpful.

On Sep 17, 9:09 am, fr3nch13 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another way to do it is by triggering a method in your model from your
> function, like so:
> Controller
>  class UsersController extends AppController
> {
> function join()
> {
> if(empty($this->data))
> {
> }
> else
> {
> $this->cleanUpFields();
> // make sure no one has this email address
> $count = $this->User->findCount(array('email' => 
> $this->data['User']
> ['email']));
> if($count)
> {
> $this->User->invalidate('emailtaken');  
> notice the emailtaken
> key ###
> $this->Session->setFlash('Um... something 
> happened. Check
> below.');
> }
> else
> {
> ... create the user stuff here
> }
> }
> }}
> ?>
> The View
>  $form->labelTag('User/email', 'Email Address');?>
>  $html->input('User/email',
> array('class'=>'text2'));?>
>  $html->tagErrorMsg('User/email', 'Please enter your
> Email Address.');?>
>  $html->tagErrorMsg('User/emailtaken', 'This email
> address already exists.');?> 
> The $this->Model->invalidate('field'); will trigger the $html->tagErrorMsg() 
> with the same name as the 'field' given to the
> invalidate() method.
> Hope this helps.

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Re: Wierd beforeFilter behavior in app_controller?

2007-09-19 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 9/19/07, MikeK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a beforeFilter in app_controller and in some other controllers,
> but have noticed that the beforeFilter in app_controller does NOT run
> when the requested controller has it's own beforeFilter.
> I am running the latest Alpha code for 1.2. I saw from another post
> the solution of putting a call to parent::beforeFilter() in the
> "child" controller, and while this works, my question is WHY?
> I was hoping/expecting that the beforeFilter in app_controller would
> always be called first, then the beforeFilter of the requested action
> would be invoked. Any explanation is greatly appreciated.

Your beforeFilter() in the child replaces the beforeFilter() in
app_controller.  It's a basic principle of object oriented
programming, where you are "overloading" existing methods inherited by
the child from the parent.  That's why you have to statically call the
app_controller beforeFilter() method from child controller.

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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Re: jQuery form validation based on model validation

2007-09-19 Thread Dr. Tarique Sani

> The idea has been floated in a couple of threads, but I'm unable to
> reply to those threads.  Does anyone have a working solution for
> automatically applying javascript validation to a form based on the
> validation rules defined in the model?  Even if this only worked for

There was one in Cheesecake-Photoblog but it works only with CakePHP
v1.1 and the error messages have to be defined in the model.


PHP for E-Biz:

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Re: newbie baffled by requirePost

2007-09-19 Thread jwerd

Why don't you do your checking at the login action, and then write a
session if everything checks out?

Off the top of my head I think it's $this -> Session -> write('User',

For more information on sessions check out:

Goodluck man.

On Sep 19, 11:04 am, bill2520 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am trying to follow the CakePHP Manual and use requireAuth and
> requirePost.
> I have a Login page consisting of login.thtml template and a login()
> action located in users_controller.php.
> When the user submits the login form and login() determines that the
> submission is valid, I want to redirect to an Index page.
> To do this I need to call,the index() action and provide it with the
> data it needs by POST.  It needs the authentication key of course and
> I also want to pass $user_id.
> I have NO idea how to do this.  The only reasonable way to POST data
> is by a form.  But I don't have a form.  I'm in the middle of the
> login() php action.  How am I supposed to be doing this?

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Re: Email solution for cake 1.1

2007-09-19 Thread Dr. Tarique Sani

There is no - - search for 'mail' and take your pick.

Swiftmailer component is a preferred one


On 9/19/07, hondya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using cake 1.1 (since it is the stable release) and would like to
> know which is the best email (SMTP emailer) solution for this release.
> I see several articles on the wiki page and am confused which one
> should I use. Also I don't want anything fancy (no HTML, no
> attachments).
> Thanks to all you folks.
> - Vishal
> >

PHP for E-Biz:

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Email solution for cake 1.1

2007-09-19 Thread hondya

I am using cake 1.1 (since it is the stable release) and would like to
know which is the best email (SMTP emailer) solution for this release.
I see several articles on the wiki page and am confused which one
should I use. Also I don't want anything fancy (no HTML, no
Thanks to all you folks.

- Vishal

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Re: Edit-form and

2007-09-19 Thread jwerd

this is a shot in the dark but i think this is happening because you
are running using $this->cleanUpFields(); in your controller.  I'm not
sure of a plausible work around and by all means do not get rid of
data sanitation, just try that without that to see if that fixes your
solution.  Then point yourself in the Data Sanitation section or the
manual to see if you can override some of the fields but protect

On Sep 19, 9:59 am, JuergenE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi group
> I have used the search, but could not find a hint to my problem.
> I have a standard-edit-form (created with the bake.php-script). This
> form is populated with the standard-functions (I didn´t change
> anything). When saving the forms, some characters of the formdata are
> turned into their html-entities (like "&" -> &).
> This does only occur with textfields, not with textareas.
> Can anybody help me, because with every edit the "&" is
> "extended" (&)
> Thanks in advance
> Juergen

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newbie baffled by requirePost

2007-09-19 Thread bill2520

I am trying to follow the CakePHP Manual and use requireAuth and

I have a Login page consisting of login.thtml template and a login()
action located in users_controller.php.

When the user submits the login form and login() determines that the
submission is valid, I want to redirect to an Index page.

To do this I need to call,the index() action and provide it with the
data it needs by POST.  It needs the authentication key of course and
I also want to pass $user_id.

I have NO idea how to do this.  The only reasonable way to POST data
is by a form.  But I don't have a form.  I'm in the middle of the
login() php action.  How am I supposed to be doing this?

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Scriptaculous Fade in / out message

2007-09-19 Thread jwerd

When I use programs like Wordpress, when I save my document a message
appears at the top and fades to one color then out to the color of the
page.  I really want this in my project but I'm not sure how to
implement it with Cake.  What am I missing?  I know this is super
simple I just can't put my finger on it.

Thanks in advance :)

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Re: log php error messages

2007-09-19 Thread CodeSith

It's pretty stand to have multiple log levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARN,
ERROR AND FATAL.  You definitely want to log ERROR and FATAL messages
in production environment.  WARN and INFO level messages might be
optional.  You should only log DEBUG level messages in dev or test

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Wierd beforeFilter behavior in app_controller?

2007-09-19 Thread MikeK

I have a beforeFilter in app_controller and in some other controllers,
but have noticed that the beforeFilter in app_controller does NOT run
when the requested controller has it's own beforeFilter.

I am running the latest Alpha code for 1.2. I saw from another post
the solution of putting a call to parent::beforeFilter() in the
"child" controller, and while this works, my question is WHY?

I was hoping/expecting that the beforeFilter in app_controller would
always be called first, then the beforeFilter of the requested action
would be invoked. Any explanation is greatly appreciated.

Bake ON!

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PHP session doesn't work outside controller...why?

2007-09-19 Thread Anna P

Hi again. Anyone had this thing? I use PHP sessions and in login()
action, when user is authenticated i set:
Under this line i use: var_dump($_SESSION) to check if the variable
was set. And it is.
The problem is, it doesn't exist outside the users controller... in
layout I try to var_dump($_SESSION) and it doesn't seem to have set
'login' ...
what's the matter? thanks in advance

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Edit-form and

2007-09-19 Thread JuergenE

Hi group

I have used the search, but could not find a hint to my problem.
I have a standard-edit-form (created with the bake.php-script). This
form is populated with the standard-functions (I didn´t change
anything). When saving the forms, some characters of the formdata are
turned into their html-entities (like "&" -> &).
This does only occur with textfields, not with textareas.

Can anybody help me, because with every edit the "&" is
"extended" (&)
Thanks in advance

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Re: CakePHP Live Broadcast: Be There Or Be Square

2007-09-19 Thread DanielSun

awesome :)

few ideas to get more interesting:

- invite someone from IBM to speak about cakephp since there are those
tutorials (which I haven't checked out). Lets have an insight from the
view of an application development HOW cake is useful.

- the first info the user searches is documentation. A podcast on how
to use different sources for a user could be REALLY useful. Tell about
manual, api, groups, irc, trac, bin, etc.

- have shows not longer than 5-10 mins and get prepared beforehand.
people get bored fast.
- Shows should be cathegorized: security show, caching show, MVC, ACL,
DB, 10 recipes for the fresh bakers.
- invite outisders - case studies: "how 'John' made the dating page in
x hours".

On 19 sep., 16:30, Aaron  Shafovaloff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree. This is great!
> On Sep 19, 7:18 am, tracyfloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Awesome! I was thinking just the other day how great a CakePHP podcast
> > would be... heading over to subscribe now!
> > On Sep 19, 1:51 am, John David Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> > > On Sep 18, 2007, at 8:51 PM, rtconner wrote:
> > > > Can I be there AND be a square?
> > > No. By being there, you are (by defintion) cool.
> > > -- John

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Re: Associations and TreeBehaviour

2007-09-19 Thread AD7six

On Sep 19, 4:06 pm, guigouz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I'm playing with the tree behaviour and trying to attach a tree to
> another Model. For example, a Post has many Comments, where Comments
> is a tree.
>  When I fetch the Comments with findAllThreaded() the tree comes
> fine.. is there any way to attach this to the association ?

I'd recommend having a post_id in each comment and define in your Post
hasMany Comment association order by lft ASC. Using the tree behavior
and findAllThreaded together shouldn't really be necessary.

There is a tree helper I wrote floating around (you can get an older
version of it from the tree demo source in the noswad cakeforge
project) that you can then use to generate your nested output.



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Re: Blank page after form submitting

2007-09-19 Thread grigri

This is a long shot, but I ran into a similar problem ages ago - and
in the end it was down to whitespace at the end of some php file -
after the closing ?> tag - which was then output directly, so normal
rendering did not occur. Check all non-view files for leading/trailing

On Sep 19, 3:37 pm, Anna P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's what I thought. Oh, and I made a mistake, I use $this->render()
> and the end of the code in controller:-)

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Re: disable POST from another site

2007-09-19 Thread DanielSun

isn't security component requirePost() used for that?

On Sep 18, 9:32 am, Sergei <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Yes, I forgot about it.
> On 18 сент, 12:48, McFadly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Sergi -
> > check out the Request Handler :

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Re: AJAX InPlaceEditor with collection?

2007-09-19 Thread fr3nch13

maybe try this:

editor('edit', '/cars/ajax_update/' . $car['Car']
['id'], array('update' => 'edit', 'type' => 'synchronous',
'collection' => array('1'=>'Ferrari', '2'=>'Lamborghini'))); ?>

where you define the keys in your collection array.
not tested but it may work for you.

On Sep 19, 9:48 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Hi all,
> I'm using an AJAX in-place-editor inside my project; it's the standard
> one provided by Cake and Scriptacolous; I have a problem: I have to
> use a collection of elements inside a SelectBox. Here's the code:
>  td>
> editor('edit', '/cars/ajax_update/' . $car['Car']
> ['id'], array('update' => 'edit', 'type' => 'synchronous',
> 'collection' => array('Ferrari', 'Lamborghini'))); ?>
> Where I have the "array('Ferrari','Lamborghini')" I need to have the
> value associated with the ID, not only the value; I looked @
> Scriptacolous Wiki and it says that the collection should be like
> this:
> [[1, Ferrari], [2, Lamborghini]]
> but how can I do this in Cake?
> Thanks!

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Re: Cake (and Bake) error in cake/libs/model/dbo/dbo_mysql.php in function describe

2007-09-19 Thread Jeff Brown
Right.  After more searching I found the problem, and it's not part of cake
or bake, or even the mysql.

But instead a problem with PHP version 4.3.10 with mysql version 5.0.22,
this combination breaks the mysql_fetch_field() function because results
include a value of 'table' that contains the name of the field, and not the

My two earlier work-arounds don't cover the problem, and there's not a
non-drastic way of passing table information down to the mysql level without
drastic modifications of code.  Our hosting provider will be upgrading our
php in the near term, and luckily our server allows us to use php5 as cgi,
and I've started using it for my cake installation... so far so good.


On 9/18/07, Jeff Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi again,
> I hadn't mentioned before but my change was done in file:
> /* SVN FILE: $Id: dbo_mysql.php 5612 2007-08-30 01:49:55Z phpnut $ */
> Anyway, another problem I discovered, trying to move my database into cake
> with bake, As I'd mentioned earlier, it was strange that bake wasn't quite
> working right.
> So I found that bake wasn't getting the names from the model.  But then it
> doesn't really use the model then
> bake.php:430 -> $modelFields = $db->describe($tempModel);
> Probably the right fix would be to modify $db->describe() to add the
> 'name' field to the array even though it's already indexed by name.  This
> would probably need to be done (or checked) in all the dbo files, but I only
> have mysql handy, so that's all you get.
> as in:
> (from my previous fix, just inside the end of the if block I proposed, add
> the following:
> 192 /*
> 193 ** to make name of column available
> 194 */
> 195 $column[0]['Field'] =
> $column['COLUMN_NAME']['Field'];
> Then we need that value shoved into the $fields array, (happens right
> after the if block closes 197 if you're following along.  I placed last
> in the construction of the fields array.
> 202 /*
> 203 ** jefkin, adding the name
> value...
> 204 */
> 205 'name'  =>
> $column[0]['Field']
> So that make the name go through.
> Jeff
> On 9/18/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi group.
> >
> > New to cake, but I like the concept,  installed, and tried bake.php on
> > a table in a database, it kept giving me very strange results.
> >
> > Finally I just went with it to see if I could get things working.
> >
> > after some other configuration issues, I pointed at my 'questions'
> > table page. http://myserver/questions/
> >
> > I received a whole slew of errors, like 'undefined index 'Type'... in
> > cake/libs/model/dbo/dbo_mysql.php
> > also an error for 'Null', 'Default',  (each multiple times) and one
> > time for 'Key'. for each column in the table.
> >
> > So being a decent debuger, I printed out the data in the database.
> >
> > mysql> describe questions;
> > +-+-+--+-+-++
> > | Field   | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra  |
> > +-+-+--+-+-++
> > | id  | int(11) | NO   | PRI | NULL| auto_increment |
> > | desc_id | int(11) | NO   | MUL | 0   ||
> > +-+-+--+-+-++
> >
> > database: mysql 5.0.22
> >
> > so as I said, I'm used to debuging, I printed out what the cake file
> > was seeing:
> >
> > describe `questions`
> >
> > Array
> > (
> > [0] => Array
> > (
> > [COLUMN_NAME] => Array
> > (
> > [Field] => id
> > )
> >
> > [COLUMN_TYPE] => Array
> > (
> > [Type] => int(11)
> > )
> >
> > [IS_NULLABLE] => Array
> > (
> > [Null] => NO
> > )
> >
> > [COLUMN_KEY] => Array
> > (
> > [Key] => PRI
> > )
> >
> > [COLUMN_DEFAULT] => Array
> > (
> > [Default] =>
> > )
> >
> > [EXTRA] => Array
> > (
> > [Extra] => auto_increment
> > )
> >
> > )
> >
> > [1] => Array
> > (
> > [COLUMN_NAME] => Array
> > (
> > [Field] => desc_id
> > )
> >
> > [COLUMN_TYPE] => Array
> > (
> > [Type] => int(11)
> > )
> >
> > [IS_NULLABLE] => Array
> > (
> > [

Re: Blank page after form submitting

2007-09-19 Thread Anna P

That's what I thought. Oh, and I made a mistake, I use $this->render()
and the end of the code in controller:-)

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Re: CakePHP Live Broadcast: Be There Or Be Square

2007-09-19 Thread Aaron Shafovaloff

I agree. This is great!

On Sep 19, 7:18 am, tracyfloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Awesome! I was thinking just the other day how great a CakePHP podcast
> would be... heading over to subscribe now!
> On Sep 19, 1:51 am, John David Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > On Sep 18, 2007, at 8:51 PM, rtconner wrote:
> > > Can I be there AND be a square?
> > No. By being there, you are (by defintion) cool.
> > -- John

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Associations and TreeBehaviour

2007-09-19 Thread guigouz

 I'm playing with the tree behaviour and trying to attach a tree to
another Model. For example, a Post has many Comments, where Comments
is a tree.
 When I fetch the Comments with findAllThreaded() the tree comes
fine.. is there any way to attach this to the association ?



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AJAX InPlaceEditor with collection?

2007-09-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi all,

I'm using an AJAX in-place-editor inside my project; it's the standard
one provided by Cake and Scriptacolous; I have a problem: I have to
use a collection of elements inside a SelectBox. Here's the code:

editor('edit', '/cars/ajax_update/' . $car['Car']
['id'], array('update' => 'edit', 'type' => 'synchronous',
'collection' => array('Ferrari', 'Lamborghini'))); ?>

Where I have the "array('Ferrari','Lamborghini')" I need to have the
value associated with the ID, not only the value; I looked @
Scriptacolous Wiki and it says that the collection should be like

[[1, Ferrari], [2, Lamborghini]]

but how can I do this in Cake?


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Re: $html->file drops off the face of the planet

2007-09-19 Thread Samuel DeVore

is your form set to handle multipart data?

cake 1.1

cake 1.2

create('ModelName', array('type'=>'file'));?>

Sam D

On 9/18/07, 2dee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Version
> I baked the MCVs for my "Bios" model with bake.  I am using a varchar
> 200 field to store the url to the image (image_url) so cake spits out
> an $html->input for the image_url field.  I have a component handling
> file sanitization and upload before save.  Basically, all I do is
> change the $html->input to $html->file and then pass the resulting
> array off to the component.  This works perfectly fine for another
> model I have, but I cannot for the life of me get this to work on my
> bios model.  The file field does not show up in the data array as it
> does in my other model, but it shows up again when switched back to a
> standard input field.
> I have played around for a while and I just can't figure it out as my
> controllers and views are quite similar across the 2 different
> models.  Any ideas?
>  file('Bio/image_url');?>
> >

(the old fart) the advice is free, the lack of crankiness will cost you

- its a fine line between a real question and an idiot

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Re: Calling core devs for a quick brief on Admin Routing in 1.2

2007-09-19 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 9/19/07, Seb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The error is; You are seeing this error because the private class
> method admin_index should not be accessed directly.
> and it happens the second we add function admin_index() {} to the
> AppController.

Turns out that a recent commit inadvertently added in a bug that has
declared all functions in app_controller.php to be considered private.
 I understand that a correction is on the way.

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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Re: CakePHP Live Broadcast: Be There Or Be Square

2007-09-19 Thread tracyfloyd

Awesome! I was thinking just the other day how great a CakePHP podcast
would be... heading over to subscribe now!

On Sep 19, 1:51 am, John David Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> On Sep 18, 2007, at 8:51 PM, rtconner wrote:
> > Can I be there AND be a square?
> No. By being there, you are (by defintion) cool.
> -- John

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Re: Unexpected behaviour in 'required' validation rule (v 1.2)

2007-09-19 Thread Farez

thanks grigri. seems to be working fine for me without 'allowEmpty'.
but the 'required' rule is still a mystery to me.

On Sep 19, 9:40 am, grigri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I ran into this too - you need to add the 'allowEmpty' attribute too:
> 'email' => array('rule'=>VALID_NOT_EMPTY, 'allowEmpty' => true)
> On Sep 18, 1:51 pm, Farez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong here (have searched docs,
> > sources and archives and can't find an answer).
> > The 'required' rule seems to be broken as it still reports an error
> > even when the field is not empty. The rule I have is:
> > 'email' => array('rule'=>'required')
> > I traced this to this part of the code in Model:invalidFields():
> > if (method_exists($this, $rule)) {
> > $ruleParams[] = array_diff_key($validator, $default);
> > $valid = call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $rule), $ruleParams);} 
> > elseif (method_exists($Validation, $rule)) {
> > $valid = call_user_func_array(array(&$Validation, $rule),
> > $ruleParams);} elseif (!is_array($validator['rule'])) {
> > $valid = preg_match($rule, $data[$fieldName]);
> > }
> > where it always lands on the preg_match(...) line in the last
> > condition, where it tries to preg_match() $rule which has a value of
> > 'required', against the data field.
> > Anyway, I tried using a pattern instead of 'required' and it works,
> > like this:
> > 'email' => array('rule'=>VALID_NOT_EMPTY)
> > ... but I'm wondering if the 'required' rule is working in 1.2?
> > Cheers,
> > Farez

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Re: Blank page after form submitting

2007-09-19 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 9/19/07, Anna P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thank you for answer:) I solved my problem by putting into controller
> $this->render();:
> function register() {
>   $this->render();
>   //.code...;
> }
> Don't know why it didn't render the page correctly..

That is normally don't have to use $this->render().

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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Re: Blank page after form submitting

2007-09-19 Thread Anna P

Thank you for answer:) I solved my problem by putting into controller

function register() {

Don't know why it didn't render the page correctly..

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Re: Blank page after form submitting

2007-09-19 Thread Chris Hartjes

On 9/19/07, Anna P <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, as in the topic - when I submit form (customer registration for
> example), cake php displays me blank page (without title and any
> content at all), although the form action, routes, URL - are good.
> My DEBUG is 3.
> Anyone please help cause it's driving me crazy:-/


I would suggest you make sure that your tmp/cache directory is empty.
If you did any work with debug set to 0 before, you probably have
cached data in there.  Also, it would be good if you have access to
your web server error logs as it might be spitting something out there
as well.

Hope that helps.

Chris Hartjes
Senior Developer
Cake Development Corporation

My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"

@TheBallpark -
@TheKeyboard -

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Blank page after form submitting

2007-09-19 Thread Anna P

Hi, as in the topic - when I submit form (customer registration for
example), cake php displays me blank page (without title and any
content at all), although the form action, routes, URL - are good.
My DEBUG is 3.
Anyone please help cause it's driving me crazy:-/

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jQuery form validation based on model validation

2007-09-19 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The idea has been floated in a couple of threads, but I'm unable to
reply to those threads.  Does anyone have a working solution for
automatically applying javascript validation to a form based on the
validation rules defined in the model?  Even if this only worked for
the basic validation types that CakePHP and the jQuery plugin have in
common, it would be very nice.

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Re: CakePHP and learning..

2007-09-19 Thread DanielSun

I see the most importance when working in Cake (or any php framework)
to really understand the MVC idea and the Object oriented methodology
of coding. It is very frustrating and for that matter even
unreasonable to learn Cake if one doesn't understand principles of
I hope your students don't have issues with that.

It is very nice to hear, that you are teaching your students php using

On Sep 19, 4:38 am, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
> On Sep 18, 2007, at 7:57 PM, Gould, Adrian wrote:
> > Hi everyone
> > Just to let you know I am using CakePHP as a teaching tool this
> > semester
> > here in Western Australia.
> > I first gave the students some foundation PHP skills, and that
> > included
> > database operations, but no OOPS at the beginning.
> > Since then they have been doing the IBM tutorials on Cake.
> > I would really like to have a good CakePHP book that took them from
> > 1st
> > principles on, explaining what is happening along the way.
> Is there a way the manual can meet that need? It's currently being re-
> vamped and polished for the 1.2 release.
> -- John

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Re: Inject PHP code into another PHP file.

2007-09-19 Thread DanielSun

i don't understand the question really...
you ARE doing this in CakePHP?

if you want to include third party php code just put it in vendors dir
and use it with vendors() method.

On Sep 17, 6:35 pm, Unite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks a bunch

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$html->file drops off the face of the planet

2007-09-19 Thread 2dee


I baked the MCVs for my "Bios" model with bake.  I am using a varchar
200 field to store the url to the image (image_url) so cake spits out
an $html->input for the image_url field.  I have a component handling
file sanitization and upload before save.  Basically, all I do is
change the $html->input to $html->file and then pass the resulting
array off to the component.  This works perfectly fine for another
model I have, but I cannot for the life of me get this to work on my
bios model.  The file field does not show up in the data array as it
does in my other model, but it shows up again when switched back to a
standard input field.

I have played around for a while and I just can't figure it out as my
controllers and views are quite similar across the 2 different
models.  Any ideas?


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Where i can find rossoft blog tutorial

2007-09-19 Thread Thrilller

Hi to all bakers

Where i can find rossoft blog tutorial.
i visited the rossoft site but the download link not working anymore

can any post the tutorial files "Gz" file with code and tutorial

thanks in advance

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Re: Unexpected behaviour in 'required' validation rule (v 1.2)

2007-09-19 Thread grigri

I ran into this too - you need to add the 'allowEmpty' attribute too:

'email' => array('rule'=>VALID_NOT_EMPTY, 'allowEmpty' => true)

On Sep 18, 1:51 pm, Farez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong here (have searched docs,
> sources and archives and can't find an answer).
> The 'required' rule seems to be broken as it still reports an error
> even when the field is not empty. The rule I have is:
> 'email' => array('rule'=>'required')
> I traced this to this part of the code in Model:invalidFields():
> if (method_exists($this, $rule)) {
> $ruleParams[] = array_diff_key($validator, $default);
> $valid = call_user_func_array(array(&$this, $rule), $ruleParams);} 
> elseif (method_exists($Validation, $rule)) {
> $valid = call_user_func_array(array(&$Validation, $rule),
> $ruleParams);} elseif (!is_array($validator['rule'])) {
> $valid = preg_match($rule, $data[$fieldName]);
> }
> where it always lands on the preg_match(...) line in the last
> condition, where it tries to preg_match() $rule which has a value of
> 'required', against the data field.
> Anyway, I tried using a pattern instead of 'required' and it works,
> like this:
> 'email' => array('rule'=>VALID_NOT_EMPTY)
> ... but I'm wondering if the 'required' rule is working in 1.2?
> Cheers,
> Farez

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