Re: how can access the Auth info form view

2008-04-23 Thread candesprojects

And without $session-check(''))  there is not helper or
someting that let me use $Auth-isAuthentificate and to return true or

If not I'm thinking to create a helper for this, that user $session
and get me what I want.

On Apr 22, 5:43 pm, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 in the view :

echo $html-link() ..


 On Apr 22, 4:00 pm, Sliv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  You will probably want to do that in the controller action and set a
  variable for the view
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Re: does Cache prefix work?

2008-04-23 Thread Krommenaas

I'm setting it where I'm using it. Since it's based on the domain name
I can set it anywhere. I suppose if you store the user language in a
cookie you could also read it anywhere.

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Re: how can access the Auth info form view

2008-04-23 Thread djiize

when logged, you can pass user's data to the view
$this-set('loggedin_user', $this-Auth-user());

and in your view:
if (empty($loggedin_user)) {
  // not logged in
else {
  // logged in

On 23 avr, 08:14, candesprojects [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And without $session-check(''))  there is not helper or
 someting that let me use $Auth-isAuthentificate and to return true or

 If not I'm thinking to create a helper for this, that user $session
 and get me what I want.

 On Apr 22, 5:43 pm, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  in the view :

 echo $html-link() ..


  On Apr 22, 4:00 pm, Sliv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You will probably want to do that in the controller action and set a
   variable for the view
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Re: Combine and compress js / css..

2008-04-23 Thread Grant Cox

Check out the following links:

On Apr 23, 4:53 am, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does anybody know a way to get this script working with Cake..

 I think because the cake url rewrite it does not work by default :(
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Re: how can access the Auth info form view

2008-04-23 Thread real34

I'm new with Cake, but maybe a way could be to use : $this-Auth-

I'm currently learning to use Auth so I'm also interested in other
answers ... :o)

On 23 avr, 08:14, candesprojects [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 And without $session-check(''))  there is not helper or
 someting that let me use $Auth-isAuthentificate and to return true or

 If not I'm thinking to create a helper for this, that user $session
 and get me what I want.

 On Apr 22, 5:43 pm, francky06l [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  in the view :

 echo $html-link() ..


  On Apr 22, 4:00 pm, Sliv [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   You will probably want to do that in the controller action and set a
   variable for the view

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Re: How to use not in in new find() ?

2008-04-23 Thread rob30

I've tried
'conditions' = array('not' = array('id' = $model_ids;
but its not ok :(
it generates: WHERE NOT ((`id` IN (2, 5) ))

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php4 auto-validation

2008-04-23 Thread Hugues

Hi there,

I there anyone who figured out why the auto-validation is not working
on php4 ...

1. On a php4 server, when I try to enable validation on any fields (by
setting the $validate variable in the model), my site just crash and I
get a blank page when the validation is done.

2. If I test on a php5 server, there's no problem at all, the
validation is well-done and eveything looks fine. I see the error
messages in my form.

So ... here it is, I can use php5 on my development server, but I
can't on my live server ... it's only on php4.

Anyone already addressed this issues so far?

Thanks in advance for your precious help.

P.S: I'm running cake beta

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Validation of related models in cake 1.2

2008-04-23 Thread ygneo

Hi everybody!

I've reading the posts about validation of related models. I.E.;

I've the same problem: validation errors of related model doesn't goes
to the view and Form::error doesn't shows.

I've seen in the Trac that have been fixed in 1.1., so, what's the
problem? I need to use the patch in Controller:render showed in the
post above???

Thanks a lot!

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Re: php4 auto-validation

2008-04-23 Thread Fran Iglesias

El 23/04/2008, a las 8:40, Hugues escribió:

 Anyone already addressed this issues so far?

First of all, check the class var $name in your models and  
controllers. It is needed for php4 compatibility, For exemaple:

class Post extends AppModel {
var $name = 'Post';

if not present, the application fails with no messagges or with  
apparently unrelated warnings.

Hope that helps.
Fran Iglesias

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Re: cake 1.2 r6709 - scaffolding and german umlauts

2008-04-23 Thread MonkeyGirl

 when I create an entry in the database with the scaffolding interface,
 it's possible to save german umlauts. The scaffolding webpages display
 the entered characters correct, except in input fields (if try to edit
 such an entry) or drop down boxes. The content is not corrupt, it's
 empty. It makes not difference whether I use 'encoding' = 'UTF-8' or
 not. The tables are InnoDB with charset=UTF-8.

 This worked with, but I swtiched to a newer revision since
 then HABTM relations seem to be fixed in the newer revisions. Is this
 bug or a error in my setup?

It'd help to see the relevant code, but for what it's worth, I'm
working on a CakePHP project at the moment that's using various
European languages and it's working fine with the latest nightly
release of Cake. All I had to do was make sure that /app/views/layouts/
default.ctp and the other layouts included meta http-equiv=Content-
Type content=text/html; charset=UTF-8 in the HTML headers and it's
working fine with umlauts.

 I've also noticed that the entries in the database are latin1. Should
 cake convert the form data to utf8?

Technically, it doesn't matter which character set you use as far as
storing data into a database goes. Whatever you put in, you get the
same stuff out. I would recommend using CHARSET=utf8
COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci however, because this makes the database
server realise that letters with accents and letters without accents
are the same, which makes it able to search and alphabetise things

Hope that helps a bit,
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Re: Struggling with Associations in

2008-04-23 Thread NoelC

Thanks Aaron, that's what I was missing! It seems a little counter-
intuitive, but it works, which is what is most important.

On Apr 21, 10:12 pm, aaron bauman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Your HABTM relation is backwards. Course belongsTo Accreditation, and
 Accreditation hasMany Course.

 The rule of thumb is that if a SQL table contains a foreignKey (as in
 this case the courses table contains accreditation_id), then it should
 implement a belongsTo relationship with the other table (in this case,
 accreditations). Your business logic will determine which relationship
 the other relationship (either hasOne or hasMany).


 On Apr 21, 11:49 am, NoelC [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've come unstuck when attempting to establish associations between
  models. As far as I can tell, I've designed the database using Cake
  conventions, but the results I receive from finds on models with
  associations are incorrect.  The Cake version is and the
  database is PostgreSQL 8.3.

  These are the DDL statements for two of the tables in my app.

  CREATE TABLE courses
id bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('courses_id_seq'::regclass),
course_code dm_short_code NOT NULL,
course_title dm_title NOT NULL,
course_details dm_description,
accreditation_id integer NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_courses PRIMARY KEY (course_id),
CONSTRAINT fk_course_accreditations FOREIGN KEY (accreditation_id)
REFERENCES accreditations (id) MATCH SIMPLE

  CREATE TABLE accreditations
accreditation_title dm_title NOT NULL,
description dm_description,
accreditor_id integer NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT pk_accreditations PRIMARY KEY (id)

  The two related models are defined as:

  class Course extends AppModel
  var $name = 'Course';

  var $hasOne = array('Accreditation' =
  array('className'   = 'Accreditation',
   'foreignKey'  = 



  class Accreditation extends AppModel

  var $name = 'Accreditation';
  var $belongsTo = array('Course' =
  array( 'className'  = 'Course',
  'foreignKey'  = 


  When doing a find on a Course, it seems to be joining the courses
  table to the accreditations table by using =, which is not what I would expect from the model
  declarations above.

  The generated SQL is:

  SELECT AS Course__id, Course.course_code AS
  Course__course_code, Course.course_title AS
  Course__course_title, Course.course_details AS
  Course__course_details, Course.accreditation_id AS
  Course__accreditation_id, AS
  Accreditation__id, Accreditation.accreditation_title AS
  Accreditation__accreditation_title, Accreditation.description AS
  Accreditation__description, Accreditation.accreditor_id AS
  Accreditation__accreditor_id FROM courses AS Course LEFT JOIN
  accreditations AS Accreditation ON ( = WHERE Course.course_code = 'X123'

  Perhaps I am misunderstanding the way Cake works, but I have tried
  many different combinations (including setting $primaryKey in the
  Model) but to no avail.   The last part of the SQL should read:

  ON ( = Course.accreditation_id)

  This would give the expected results.

  Can anyone give me any pointers as to what I may be doing wrong?


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Re: Session ID

2008-04-23 Thread MonkeyGirl

 Can you explain why you want to do this?  For what circumstance do
 they need a persistent unique value?

 The only thing I can think of is to store data on a persistent medium
 - ie database or file.  And in both of these cases you can easily
 generate a unique one (file / row), and just store the key (filename /
 row id) in the session...  Or, you can change the '' in
 the same file, to cause Cake to automatically save session data to
 disk / database.

 Finally, if you set the 'Security.level' to 'medium' in /app/config/
 core.php then the session id won't regenerate for every request, so
 you could just use that.

Thank you, that was very helpful!

Yes, I somehow managed to overlook the obvious. Although I was setting
the user's language preference as a standard CakePHP session variable,
I somehow got it into my head that I need to do something more complex
to store their shopping cart. You're right, there was absolutely no
need for me to try to work out some elaborate method of verifying that
each user's unique and not accidentally swapping shopping carts with
someone else - Cake's doing all that for me, so all I needed to do was
find out if a shopping cart ID is set as a regular session variable,
and if not, create a new one and set it.

Thanks for pointing that out. :)
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Re: Ajax request loads my default layout !

2008-04-23 Thread Neveldo

ok, I found my problem !

In fact, I already load a default admin template in a beforeRender()
method in the AppController :p

Thank a lot !
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Re: HABTM and conditions ?

2008-04-23 Thread Neveldo

Anybody has a solution ?

thank !

Neveldo :
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Re: Trying to use Component polymorphism, How do I load a component on the fly?

2008-04-23 Thread mixersoft

I'm trying to follow your suggestion, but with adjustment so that the
component instance is created in either a startup or beforeFilter
method, instead of calling new in every action that needs this

I think I have it done properly, but now I get an error when the
Component tries to access it's own $components, in this case Session.

Here is what I have:

class ParentComponent extends Object {
var $components = array('Session');
static function create( $controller, $type) {
switch ($type) {
case 'TypeA':
if (!($controller-Parent instanceof 
TypeAComponent)) {
App::import('Component', 'TypeA');
$controller-Parent = new 
case 'TypeB':
if (!($controller-Parent instanceof 
TypeBComponent)) {
App::import('Component', 'TypeB');
$controller-Parent = new 
$controller-Parent -startup( $controller);

function startup( $controller)
if (!empty($controller-type)) {
debug(ParentComponent - auto startup for 
ParentComponent ::create($controller, 
} else {
// component reference
debug(ParentComponent - basic startup);
$controller-Parent = $this;
$this-controller =   $controller;

class TypeAComponent extends InterfaceComponent {
var $components = array('Session');
function startup() {
debug(TypeA startup);

class TypeBComponent extends InterfaceComponent {
var $components = array('Session');
function startup() {
debug(TypeB startup);


class MyController extends AppController {
  var $components('Parent');
  var $type;

  function example() {
$this-type = 'TypeA';
ParentComponent::create($this, $this-type);
$result = $this-Session-read('Key');


and the output I get is:

ParentComponent - auto startup for TypeA

TypeAComponent constructor

TypeAComponent - startup

TypeAComponent -
startup---  I
don't know why startup is called twice, but it shouldn't hurt

Notice (8): Undefined property:  TypeAComponent::$Session   --- here
is the problem, I cannot access the Session Component, even though it
is declared

Fatal error: Call to a member function read() on a non-object

On Apr 23, 12:25 am, Joel Perras [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 App::import('Component', 'MyComponent') willloadthe component.

 In the Component::startup() you should have:

 public function startup($controller){
 $this-MyComponent = $controller-MyComponent;


 so that you can then create a component instance when you need it:

 $this-MyComponentInstance = new MyComponent();


 On Apr 22, 9:57 am, Anthony [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'm trying to solve the same exact problem, so far unsuccessfully...
  Any suggestions out there?

  On Apr 20, 5:44 am, mixersoft [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have a parent component that I want to use to implement an
   interface (java style) and multple childcomponentsthat extend
   the interface. I want my controllers to instantiate a specific
   child component, but in the code I want to reference all methods
   through the parent class or inteface

   class ParentComponent extends Object {}

   class TypeAComponent extends InterfaceComponent {
 function someMethod() { return a;}


   class TypeBComponent extends InterfaceComponent {
 function someMethod() { return 'b';}


   class MyController extends AppController {
 var $components('TypeAComponent');

 function example() {
   $result = $this-Parent-someMethod();


   The example above works fine. But I cannot figure out how toload
   'TypeAComponent' or 'TypeBComponent' dynamically. How can I set
   MyConfroller-componentsBEFORE the controller loads thecomponents?
   Or how do Iloadadditionalcomponentsafterwards?

   I tried this in ParentComponent, but while the subclassedcomponents
   constructors were called properly, thecomponentswere not loaded
   the same way (i.e. the child component's var $component array were not
   loaded, i.e. Session.)

   class ParentComponent extends Object {
   static function create($type) {
   switch ($type) {
   case 'TypeA':

Re: 1.2 Beta Manual

2008-04-23 Thread sike

Thanks, i tried that but the pdf stayed all wrong ...
I managed to get the correct .css and now its just like the online

Thanks again.

On Apr 22, 6:56 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 In Mac OS X pdf-support is built into the printing dialog. If you are
 using Windows you have to install Adobes pdf printing plugin found on
 their website:

 They also have some online service to convert documents and urls to
 pdf but after the first 5, they want your money.


 On Apr 22, 1:22 pm, sike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thank you.

  Btw how do you saved in pdf ?
  I ask this because I the css of the page is missing, i could make one
  but save it just like the online would be perfect.


  On Apr 22, 1:55 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The complete 1.2 docs in one page is available 

   I have saved this as a pdf when I have been offline for a while. You
   could also save it as a Web Archive or whatever your browser calls
   it. I prefer pdf since I have pretty good search-functionality in my
   pdf viewer.

   hope that works for you

   On Apr 22, 9:33 am, sike [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I'm starting now to learn how to work with Cake by the Online Manual,
but since i'm on a foreign country I only have internet connection for
little time.
I've searche for the manual offline do downlod but I only found the
1.1 version... There isn't the 1.2 Beta version like in the online
manual ?

Thanks in advance

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Re: HABTM and conditions ?

2008-04-23 Thread inma

Take a look at:


On 23 abr, 11:41, Neveldo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Anybody has a solution ?

 thank !

 Neveldo :

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Error During Sending Of an Email

2008-04-23 Thread Rocky

I am getting Error when I send email through PHPMAILER

  Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]:
php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not
known in /var/www/bidlower/app/vendors/phpmailer/class.smtp.php on
line 122

Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to :25
(Unknown error) in /var/www/bidlower/app/vendors/phpmailer/
class.smtp.php on line 122

I am using  cake version

Help Me Out


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Re: Error During Sending Of an Email

2008-04-23 Thread Renan Gonçalves
Where is the CakePHP there?

Try the PHPMailer support.


On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 8:55 AM, Rocky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am getting Error when I send email through PHPMAILER

  Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]:
 php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not
 known in /var/www/bidlower/app/vendors/phpmailer/class.smtp.php on
 line 122

 Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to :25
 (Unknown error) in /var/www/bidlower/app/vendors/phpmailer/
 class.smtp.php on line 122

 I am using  cake version

 Help Me Out



Renan Gonçalves - Software Engineer
Cell Phone: +55 11 8633 6018
São Paulo - SP/Brazil

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Re: How to use not in in new find() ?

2008-04-23 Thread Chris Hartjes

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 3:44 AM, rob30 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've tried

 'conditions' = array('not' = array('id' = $model_ids;
  but its not ok :(
  it generates: WHERE NOT ((`id` IN (2, 5) ))

Of course it works.  Let's say I have a table called 'teams'.

ibl_stats=# select count(*) from teams;
(1 row)

So tell me what the difference between these statements are:

ibl_stats=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM teams WHERE id NOT IN (2479, 2485);
(1 row)

ibl_stats=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM teams WHERE NOT (id IN (2479, 2485));
(1 row)

Looks the same to me.

Chris Hartjes
Internet Loudmouth
Motto for 2008: Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes...

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Re: Validation of related models in cake 1.2

2008-04-23 Thread James K

I haven't had this problem in 1.2 - even models which are nested
several levels all get picked up by the form helper. Are you sure
you're naming your form elements using the correct dot notation?

You also have to either explicitly call validates() on each model, or
have your save operations validate. Just validating the parent model
doesn't fire validation on the related models.

On Apr 23, 4:36 am, ygneo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everybody!

 I've reading the posts about validation of related models. 

 I've the same problem: validation errors of related model doesn't goes
 to the view and Form::error doesn't shows.

 I've seen in the Trac that have been fixed in 1.1., so, what's the
 problem? I need to use the patch in Controller:render showed in the
 post above???

 Thanks a lot!

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Re: Error During Sending Of an Email

2008-04-23 Thread James K

Sounds like your server is denying outbound connections on port 25

On Apr 23, 7:55 am, Rocky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am getting Error when I send email through PHPMAILER

           Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]:
 php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not
 known in /var/www/bidlower/app/vendors/phpmailer/class.smtp.php on
 line 122

 Warning: fsockopen() [function.fsockopen]: unable to connect to :25
 (Unknown error) in /var/www/bidlower/app/vendors/phpmailer/
 class.smtp.php on line 122

 I am using  cake version

 Help Me Out


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Re: Possible Bug Identified - Re: belongsTo relationship killing my app

2008-04-23 Thread aaron bauman

I'm using cake 1.2 and i have many 2 or 3 word models with abundant
belongsTo relationships and I haven't run into this problem.

jump on the bandwagon


On Apr 22, 8:27 pm, Langdon Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have finally nailed down the issue and am pleased to find that I am
 not going mad after all.

 It appears that when a model with a two word name (like FooBar1) is
 loaded by a hasMany relationship and has a belongsTo relationship to the
 parent that loaded it then PHP will fail and return a blank page.

 If you run the same test with the same name but make it one word (like
 Foobar2) then it works fine.

 Another interesting point to note is that if you have models called
 FooBar and Foobar together then it works too.

 Ultimately it appears that Cake is not handling the belongsTo
 relationship with names with two words.

 I have set up a completely new copy of Cake and reproduced the problem
 with it.  This has (mostly) ruled out anything in my application or its
 setup as being the problem (I haven't tried it on another server).

 The error is reproducible using the following process:

 1. Configure a clean copy of Cake to use a database (doesn't
 matter which)

 2. Create:

 Class trialsController extends Controller
 var $uses = array('FooBar1', 'Foobar2');

 function index ()



 Class FooBar1 extends Model
 var $name = 'FooBar1'
 var $useTable = 'some_table1';
 var $hasMany = array('EenyMeeny');}


 Class EenyMeeny1 extends Model
 var $name = 'EenyMeeny1'
 var $useTable = 'some_table2';
 var $belongsTo = array('FooBar1');}


 Class Foobar2 extends Model
 var $name = 'Foobar2'
 var $useTable = 'some_table1';
 var $hasMany = array('Eenymeeny2');}


 Class Eenymeeny2 extends Model
 var $name = 'Eenymeeny2'
 var $useTable = 'some_table2';
 var $belongsTo = array('Foobar2');}


 Some text.

 Try to view:


 The result will be a blank screen.

 However if you remove the hasMany entry for FooBar1

 Class trialsController extends Controller
 var $uses = array('Foobar2');

 function index ()



 and try again, you will get the default layout with Some text. Displayed.

 I think that this demonstrates the problem effectively.  The next
 question is: how to fix it?  I am assuming that this is a bug in the
 core model code.  I have spent some time looking, but don't know enough
 about the core code it to be able to see where the problem is occurring.

 Any suggestions welcome.  If I can identify where the problem is
 occurring, then I will look into submitting a patch.


 Langdon Stevenson wrote:
  I have a very strange problem appeared with a site that I have been
  working on for some time.

  This site is built with Cake version running on
  Apache/MySQL/Linux with PHP 5.

  The site has about 30 models, most have multiple hasMany relationships.

  Each of those relationships have a corresponding belongsTo from the
  child to the parent.  This has all worked fine with no problem in the

  I went to test some functionality today that I haven't touched for a
  while and discovered that any model that is loaded that has a belongsTo
  relationship with a model that has already been loaded caused a blank
  page to be returned.

  No Cake debug output, no error in Apache logs, just nothing at all.

  Eventually I removed all of the belongsTo relationships in the chain of
  models for one of the pages with the problem.  The page now loads fine.
 But if I add back in any belongsTo relationship it breaks again.

  I am stumped by this.  I have reviewed all of the models to make sure
  that one isn't corrupt (trailing space issue for instance).  Can't find
  anything of that nature.

  If anyone can suggest anything I would be very grateful.

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2008-04-23 Thread Davide

Hello everybody

I'm trying to use the method in subject with no result. CakePHP

The PHP code in thtml is:

echo $html-input(Project/name,array(maxlength=50,class=));
echo $ajax-observeField(

the rendered code (html) is the following

input name=data[Project][name]  maxlength=50 class= value=
type=text id=ProjectName /
script type=text/javascript
   new Form.Element.Observer('ProjectName', 2,
   function(element, value) {
  new Ajax.Updater('web','/projects/webAlias/', {
  asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
  requestHeaders:['X-Update', 'web']}

everything works except that it's returned to me that is missing
argument 1 for the controller action.

Maybe I'm missing some parameter to the observeField function.


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Getting the HTTP host ?

2008-04-23 Thread Neveldo

hi all ,

I would like to know if any view attribute exists to get the HTTP host
from an cakephp install ( = ) ? (I don't find
it in the API ...)

Or must I simply use $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?

Thank !

Neveldo :
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Re: Getting the HTTP host ?

2008-04-23 Thread Davide

Neveldo wrote:
 Or must I simply use $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?

Don't know, I always use the $_SERVER variable.


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Re: Getting the HTTP host ?

2008-04-23 Thread Sliv

you can use env('HTTP_HOST')

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Re: Ajax::observeField

2008-04-23 Thread Davide

Davide wrote:
 everything works except that it's returned to me that is missing
 argument 1 for the controller action.

Solved at moment making the function argument as optional and testing
for the existence of $this-data[Project][name]

thank and bye

Live life like you're gonna die. Because you're gonna.
William Shatner

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Problem with ajax

2008-04-23 Thread mkaelkael

I have  this js

function updateopt(id){

id= document.getElementById(id).innerthHTML;

new Ajax.Updater('div2', '/listlevel.thtml', { parameters: { id:
id }});

listlevel.thtml is a views and in the same directory than the



echo $ajax-div('div1');
echo $html-link(Ajouter un secteur, /sectors/add);
   echoselect size='10';
   foreach($sector as $sectors):
echooption id=.$id. onclick=updateopt('.$id.');.
echo '/select';
echo $ajax-divEnd('div1');
echo $ajax-div('div2');
echo $ajax-divEnd('div2');

error onclick event :

Object not found!

The requested URL was not found on this server. The link on the
referring page seems to be wrong or outdated. Please inform the author
of that page about the error.

If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 404
04/23/08 16:11:12
Apache/2.2.8 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8g
mod_autoindex_color PHP/5.2.5

Prehaps /listlevel.thtml isn't found

ANYBODY can help me

Thanks you

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Re: Problem with ajax

2008-04-23 Thread Davide

mkaelkael wrote:

 listlevel.thtml is a views and in the same directory than the

Don't know if it's right to refer directly to a thtml file, but try remove
the initial slash from /listlevel.. so linking to listlevel...


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Re: Possible Bug Identified - Re: belongsTo relationship killing my app

2008-04-23 Thread DyingFetus_666

Actually this sounds like the problem I was describing in my post:

And effectively, it looks like a problem in Cake handling some two-
word table relationships.
The problem I had was with tables called users and user_types,
Users table has a field called user_type_id that is a FK to
user_types table. If I keep this naming convention Cake wont
automatically pick up the user types.
Instead if I change things to usertypes and usertype_id and get
the model renamed from UserType to Usertype the thing works as
expected. :P

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Cake 1.2 not making instances of classes as expected.

2008-04-23 Thread mafiacooper

Hello all,

I am a seasoned developer and have been building apps with Cake for
some time. Today I came up against a bug that I cannot figure out -
Cake just STOPPED working. I'm using the 1.2 beta on php 5.x and all
has been well throughout this dev. However, I moved a block of code
into the AppController file to make it available to everything and it
was a bit buggy. So, I moved it back to where it came from... that's
all. Now I am getting a fatal error:

Call to a member function findByUri() on a non-object in C:\Program
Files\Zend\Apache2\htdocs\app\app_controller.php on line 52

In spite of this:

var $uses = array('Page', 'User', 'PageModule', 'News', 'Location',
'Content', 'UserLocation');

...and in spite of the fact it was working fine before! As I said, I
know what I'm doing and I cannot understand why Cake isn't creating an
instance of the Page  model - or any classes for that matter: the
problem exists for components as well. Here is the (abridged)
beforeRender() method I'm using for this:

function beforeRender()
// see if there's any $bodytext set to pass into the page 
with the dynamic title
$q = $this-Page-findByUri(str_replace('/', '', $this-
params['url']['url'])); // line 52
if (!empty($q)) {
$q = $this-Content-findById($q['Page']['content_id']);
$this-set('pagetitle', $q['Content']['title']);
$this-set('bodytext', $q['Content']['body']);

I am desperate to get to the bottom of this... has anyone experienced
this before? I really need a hand here! I have (somewhat desperately!)
reinstalled Cake's Core, restarted my machine (in the hope that PHP
itself was the culprit!) and looked everywhere for the cause of the
bug. No joy. The full AppController file is pasted at the bottom of
this message.

Looking forward to your responses,


class AppController extends Controller
var $components = array('ObAuth', 'Email', 'Notification',
'Submenu', 'Cookie', 'RequestHandler', 'Session');
var $uses = array('Page', 'User', 'PageModule', 'News',
'Location', 'Content', 'UserLocation');
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form', 'Ajax', 'Session',
'Javascript', 'Crumb');

var $defaultLocation = 'London';
var $defaultExpiry = 31556926;

function __construct()
// Import this [abstract] class WITHOUT instantiating 
an object
App::import('model', 'LookupModel');

function beforeFilter()
if ($this-referer() != '/users/login'  $this-here != 
$this-Session-write('UberReferer', $this-here);

// Only instantiate if it doesn't already exist..
if (!isset($this-ObAuth)) $this-ObAuth = new 

// Just in case it hasn't been started up (Which it 
hasn't it
seems, at beforeFilter() stage)

if (!$loc = $this-Cookie-read('userLocation')) {
$q = $this-Location-findByName($this-
$locationId = $q['Location']['id'];
} else {
$locationId = $loc;

// hard code user data until we have some test users
if (!$this-ObAuth-getUserId()) {
$this-userLocation = $locationId;
} else {
$q = $this-User-findById($this-ObAuth-
$this-userLocation = !empty($q['User']
['location_id']) ? $q['User']['location_id'] : $locationId;

// set user id for the app
$this-userId = $this-ObAuth-getUserId();

function beforeRender()
// see if there's any $bodytext set to pass into the page 
with the dynamic title
$q = $this-Page-findByUri(str_replace('/', '', $this-
if (!empty($q)) {
$q = $this-Content-findById($q['Page']['content_id']);
$this-set('pagetitle', $q['Content']['title']);
$this-set('bodytext', $q['Content']['body']);
// App-wide admin protection function. Override it if you 
if (eregi('admin_', $this-params['action'])) {

$this-layout = 'admin';

// set the modules that are available for this section

Re: Ajax::observeField

2008-04-23 Thread Davide

A strange thing regarding this topic.

I can't understand where's the problem.

Everytime I call the method with the observeField, all my Session data
is lost and so I'm disconnected.

It's the first time I'm using Ajax+AjaxHelper+Cake, so I could do
something wrong.

When I remove the observeField call, everything is fine.

Here is the code of the methods:

// app/controllers/projects_controller.php
class ProjectsController extends AppController {
   function beforeFilter(){
   function webAlias(){
 $this-layout = ajax;
 $this-autoRender = false;
 echo $this-_webAlias($this-data[Project][name]);

 * /app/app_controller.php
class AppController extends Controller {
   function beforeFilter(){

  $aro = ALL;
 $aro = $this-Session-read(ARO);


* return a web alias starting from a provied string
* @param $string the provided string to be parsed
* @return the translated string
   function _webAlias($string){
  $ret = trim(strtolower($string));
  $ret = preg_replace(/[ ]/,-,$ret);
  $ret = preg_replace(/^[-]+/,,$ret);
  $ret = preg_replace(/[-]+\$/,,$ret);
  $ret = preg_replace(/[^a-z0-9-]/,,$ret);
  return $ret;
Live life like you're gonna die. Because you're gonna.
William Shatner

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Re: Ajax::observeField

2008-04-23 Thread Chris Hartjes

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 11:37 AM, Davide [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  A strange thing regarding this topic.

  I can't understand where's the problem.

  Everytime I call the method with the observeField, all my Session data
  is lost and so I'm disconnected.

You might have to change some stuff in your config/core.php file.

Look for Session.checkAgent

Often you have do

Configure::write('Session.checkAgent', false);

to preserve sessions when using Ajax

Hope that helps.

Chris Hartjes
Internet Loudmouth
Motto for 2008: Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes...

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Re: Ajax::observeField

2008-04-23 Thread Davide

Chris Hartjes wrote:
 You might have to change some stuff in your config/core.php file.

 Look for Session.checkAgent

 Often you have do

 Configure::write('Session.checkAgent', false);

 to preserve sessions when using Ajax

Session.checkAgent is not defined in my core.php. I tried defining it


and call the Configure::write

  function webAlias(){
 Configure::write('Session.checkAgent', false);
 $this-layout = ajax;
 $this-autoRender = false;
 echo $this-_webAlias($this-data[Project][name]);

But none of them worked.

Some other ideas? Cake version 1.1.18.

Live life like you're gonna die. Because you're gonna.
William Shatner

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Re: Session problem

2008-04-23 Thread creationsings

Did you ever find a solution to this?  I think I am experiencing a
similar problem.  I can write to a session variable, but I can only
read the valid value if I do so before the action completes.  Once the
action completes and a new one is called, the session information is
gone.  I am extremely new to cake and would love to know the solution.

On Apr 17, 3:03 pm, Ramiro Araujo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I still have not succeded in this... The strange thing is that im
 using the Auth component, and im pretty sure It uses sessions. What I
 dont know if it uses them with $_SESSION or with thesession
 component, but I would bet for the second.

 Quite strange.. I'll try in other cake instalations around and see.

 On Apr 15, 10:38 am, Ramiro Araujo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Hi, thanks! here it is:

  Configure::write('', 'php'); //also tried with 'cake'
  Configure::write('Session.cookie', 'CAKEPHP');
  Configure::write('Session.timeout', '120');
  Configure::write('Session.start', true);
  Configure::write('Session.checkAgent', true); //also tried with false
  Configure::write('Security.level', 'low');

  Right now im asigning with $_SESSION and reading withSession
  Component :D hahahah

  Thanks for the help!

  On Apr 14, 3:58 pm, b logica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   How is your core.php configured? Post what you have for all
   Configure::write('Session.*', '...') and whether they are uncommented
   or not.

   On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 1:35 PM,RamiroAraujo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi. Im having a strange problem, and couldn't find any solution or
 anyone with a similar problem... Its quite simple:

 same controller, 2 methods:

 function sessionWriteTest ($key, $value) {
$this-Session-write($key, $value);
 function sessionReadTest ($key) {

 doesnt work...

 modifying the method sessionWriteTest like this, works:
 function sessionWriteTest ($key, $value) {
$_SESSION[$key] = $value;

 Am I missing something really simple? My config is set quite default,
 temp directories are chmod 777, and normalsessionhandling works!


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Re: Ajax::observeField

2008-04-23 Thread Chris Hartjes

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 11:52 AM, Davide [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Some other ideas? Cake version 1.1.18.

D'oh -- that stuff I posted is Cake 1.2 specific.

I don't use Cake 1.1 at all, so can't help you there.

Chris Hartjes
Internet Loudmouth
Motto for 2008: Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes...

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Simple Ajax issue

2008-04-23 Thread Neveldo

Hi all,

I'm trying myself with some ajax ...

My problem is simple : I want to insert in a page the rendered view of
an action (which contain an ajax pagination). To do that, I use
requestAction() method. Right now, it works fine.

But I want to use a different layout for the action if it is an ajax
request. How can I do that ?

Using $this-RequestHandler-isAjax()  doesn't let me know if the
action was requested normally or by requestAction() !

Thank a lot !
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Re: Simple Ajax issue

2008-04-23 Thread Neveldo

Ok, I'm sorry ... I just found the $this-params['requested'] method
which make what I want :)

Neveldo :
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Re: Why custom model functions inside plugin models are not called?

2008-04-23 Thread aranworld

Thanks.  I knew I was doing something slightly wrong, but since what I
had worked, I sort of left it alone.


On Apr 22, 2:14 pm, biesbjerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Aranworld,

 You should use

 var $belongsTo = array('Comment' = array('className' =

 On Apr 22, 9:02 pm, aranworld [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Here is what I had to do:

  in pluginname/models/article.php

  App::import('Model', 'Pluginname.Comment');

  class Article extends PluginnameModel {

  $belongsTo = array('Comment');


  Now in pluginname/controllers/articles_controller.php

  I do

  $uses = array('Pluginname.Article');

  On Apr 21, 3:59 pm, Max [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Consider a scenario:

   In file /app/controllers/users_controller.php

   //review is the plugin model which is here: /app/plugins/reviews/
   var $uses = array('User', 'Review');

   function getUserReviews()
$reviews = $this-Review-getRecent();   //this will throw sql
   error.. anyone knows a reason? findAll() still works


   On the other hand, if in bootstrap.php, I manually modify $modelPaths
   array to add the model location. It works just fine. I dont like this
   hack however...

   $Folder = new Folder(APP.'plugins');
   $plugins = $Folder-ls();

   foreach($plugins[0] as $plugin)


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Having unusual problem with Model-del() in CakePHP 1.2

2008-04-23 Thread graedus


I'm having a very strange problem with Model-del() in CakePHP 1.2.
I've not experienced this before.  This code worked well on 1.1, but I
can't see how a porting issue could have come into play here.

Here is my code:

$this-Resource-del($id); // where id is provided as an argument to
the function, but = 35 in this particular case

And the output:

Query: DELETE `Resource` FROM `resources` AS `Resource` WHERE
`Resource`.`id` IN (35)

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax
near 'Resource` FROM `resources` AS `Resource`   WHERE `Resource`.`id`
IN (35) ' at line 1 [CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo_source.php,
line 440]

Any ideas?  Thanks in advance...


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Re: Simple Ajax issue

2008-04-23 Thread Neveldo

... but I've now another problem :p

Is it possible to load a view which is not the default view of the
action ?

I try by using $this-view or $this-load-view,  but it seems to
doesn't work :(

thank !
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Format date field in 3 select

2008-04-23 Thread avairet

Hi everybody,

I'm searching for a day how format a date field from Mysql (-MM--
DD) to 3 form's selects:

- date from mysql : 2008-04-23
- my form fields are build like this:
for ($i=0;$i11;$i++) {

I'm using day, month, year instead of input() because I'm
using a date picker that is need a special DOM id to work.

How can I pass the day value, the month value and year value for each
Must I do a substr() on each of my date?

I hope my message is understandable...

Thanks for help.

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Does CakePHP's ACL have anything like Zend_Acl's Assert functionality?

2008-04-23 Thread mcjustin

Does CakePHP's ACL have anything like Zend_Acl's Assert functionality?

Our application will have a large number of business rules, which we
need to limit access based on various non-constant criteria.

If not built into cake's ACL, could anyone suggest a way to
incorporate it?


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Re: php4 auto-validation

2008-04-23 Thread Hugues

Yes it is present.

I doubled checked with different classes ... and finally realized that
this is issue is only present when I try to validate some model with
HABTM relations ...

IS this a known issue?


On Apr 23, 1:49 am, Fran Iglesias [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 El 23/04/2008, a las 8:40, Hugues escribió:

  Anyone already addressed this issues so far?

 First of all, check the class var $name in your models and
 controllers. It is needed for php4 compatibility, For exemaple:

 class Post extends AppModel {
 var $name = 'Post';


 if not present, the application fails with no messagges or with
 apparently unrelated warnings.

 Hope that helps.
 Fran Iglesias

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Re: Simple Ajax issue

2008-04-23 Thread Axel Ariel Arroyo Braconi
if you need use a view of the same controller try with:


but remember only if you need use a view of the controller if you want
render a element or a view in of other controller try this

$this-viewPath = 'route_of_view_folder';

$this-viewPath = 'elements'.DS.'header';


$this-viewPath = 'posts';

On 4/23/08, Neveldo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ... but I've now another problem :p

 Is it possible to load a view which is not the default view of the
 action ?

 I try by using $this-view or $this-load-view,  but it seems to
 doesn't work :(

 thank !



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Re: Validation Problem

2008-04-23 Thread plinto

Thanks, I understand what you are saying but what I need is to be able
to edit mutliple items at once.
For example if I have to edit 20 countries, clicking on every one,
editing it and saving it would take me alot more time then selecting
the ones I need to edit and having them presented in 1 page to be
edited and saved.
I also need to validate them but, for example, being all I don't know how to obtain this.

For the part about the parser, Thanks! I'm pretty new to php and
cakephp, but willing to learn.

On Apr 22, 6:49 pm, b logica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You might find it simpler to, instead creating a form, to put links
 around the country names pointing to an edit method. In the edit view,
 create one form to edit the table fields and one form to delete. So
 you have something like:

 h1Edit Canada/h1

 echo $form-create('Country', array('action' = 'delete');
 echo $form-hidden('', array('value' = $some_var));
 echo $form-submit('delete');
 echo $form-end();

 echo $form-create('Country', array('action' = 'edit');
 echo $form-submit('edit');
 echo $form-end();

 This way, each action points directly to the corresponding method and
 you only have to deal with one item at a time. I realise that this may
 not be practical but it may work for you.

 Regarding $some_var above, your code appears to assume that the
 country IDs  names are going to line up with your counter var $i. I
 may be missing something but that looks odd to me. I'd think it's be
 better (if your $countries array is constructed as $id = $name) to do
 it with a while like so:

 foreach ($countries as $key = $name)
$html-link($name, countries/edit/${id});


 I've used my link suggestion but it's just as applicable to a form
 setup like you have.

 BTW, in your views, you don't need to put ?php ... ? around every
 line. If you don't have any HTML markup to add then you can just open
 a block:

 echo $form-create(array('url'='/countries/process'));

 for($i =0; $i$countries; $i++) {
echo $form-hidden('Country'.$i.'');
echo $form-input('Country'.$i.'');


 echo $form-submit('Save', array('name'='save'));
 echo $form-end();

 Otherwise, you're making the parser (and anyone who has to look at
 your code) work a lot harder than necessary ;-)

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Re: Cakephp 1.2 Schema could not be loaded

2008-04-23 Thread aaady

I updated CakePHP 1.2 of latest nightly built version.

The command, cake acl initdb, has revived. Successfully the above 3
tables will be created.

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Re: Router::queryString issue in 1.2 beta

2008-04-23 Thread Chris Hartjes

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 2:04 PM, phpappdev256 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Possible Solutions:

  - Modify Router::queryString and have it pass a default delimiter

  - Modify http_socket-httpSerialize($data) function to call
  http_build_query() directly with a delimiter

File a ticket on

Chris Hartjes
Internet Loudmouth
Motto for 2008: Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes...

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Router::queryString issue in 1.2 beta

2008-04-23 Thread phpappdev256

I don't know if this has been addressed yet, but this is a problem...

In router.php the method queryString uses http_build_query($q).
There are 2 problems...

1) http_build_query is a PHP5-only function

2) the delimiter is not passed in the router function, so it defaults
to arg_separator.output = amp;

So when you are writing a datasource that uses http_socket, it will
use amp; to separate the Http-post($url, $data_array);  This causes
problems for some websites.

Possible Solutions:

- Modify Router::queryString and have it pass a default delimiter

- Modify http_socket-httpSerialize($data) function to call
http_build_query() directly with a delimiter

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Re: Combine and compress js / css..

2008-04-23 Thread Mech7

Thanks i fouind this one seems quite good.. the one from bradleyboy
looks ok too.. except it did not work with latest version of cake.

The only thing that i had a hard time was with prototyope.. it will
not work with jsmin... so i found a cope of: protoaculous.1.8.1.min.js

Which is allready compressed and work with jsmin :D

Also what is kinda annoying is that the css by default is put in a
packed dir.. but then images will not work anymore.. i put them now in
css dir but maybe i will put the in a packed dir in the root later
on :P

On Apr 23, 10:15 am, Grant Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Check out the following links:

 On Apr 23, 4:53 am, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Does anybody know a way to get this script working with Cake..

  I think because the cake url rewrite it does not work by default :(
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Changing username of Authenticated user

2008-04-23 Thread Zoltan

I've got a section where I'd like to let a user change their username,
with something like:

e.g. $this-Auth-user('username') = $this-data['User']['name'];

However this gives an error, is there a way to do this properly?

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$this-data disappearing

2008-04-23 Thread Kyle Decot

I am doing print_r($this-data) in my appController in the
beforeFilter() and I get:

Array ( [User] = Array ( [username] = kyle [password] = sample ) )

but when I do it in the UsersContoller in the login() I get:

Array ( [User] = Array ( [username] = kyle ) )

Does anyone know why password data is disappearing?
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Re: Combine and compress js / css..

2008-04-23 Thread Sam Sherlock
Also there is this built on top of the packer

On 23/04/2008, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thanks i fouind this one seems quite good.. the one from bradleyboy
 looks ok too.. except it did not work with latest version of cake.

 The only thing that i had a hard time was with prototyope.. it will
 not work with jsmin... so i found a cope of: protoaculous.1.8.1.min.js

 Which is allready compressed and work with jsmin :D

 Also what is kinda annoying is that the css by default is put in a
 packed dir.. but then images will not work anymore.. i put them now in
 css dir but maybe i will put the in a packed dir in the root later
 on :P

 On Apr 23, 10:15 am, Grant Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Check out the following links:

  On Apr 23, 4:53 am, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Does anybody know a way to get this script working with Cake..
   I think because the cake url rewrite it does not work by default :(

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Re: Combine and compress js / css..

2008-04-23 Thread MattC

Hey Mech7,
The asset helper is my code.  Sorry about the whole packed directory
image thing.  It's definitely something to be fixed.  I generally use
absolute paths in the css files, so it hasn't been a high priority for
me to fix.


On Apr 23, 2:31 pm, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks i fouind this one seems quite good.. the one from bradleyboy
 looks ok too.. except it did not work with latest version of cake.

 The only thing that i had a hard time was with prototyope.. it will
 not work with jsmin... so i found a cope of: protoaculous.1.8.1.min.js

 Which is allready compressed and work with jsmin :D

 Also what is kinda annoying is that the css by default is put in a
 packed dir.. but then images will not work anymore.. i put them now in
 css dir but maybe i will put the in a packed dir in the root later
 on :P

 On Apr 23, 10:15 am, Grant Cox [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Check out the following links:

  On Apr 23, 4:53 am, Mech7 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Does anybody know a way to get this script working with Cake..

   I think because the cake url rewrite it does not work by default :(
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Re: Changing username of Authenticated user

2008-04-23 Thread Marcin Domanski

Shouldn't you change it in db and update the auth data from the db ?
look at Auth/session how the data is stored.


On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 8:38 PM, Zoltan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I've got a section where I'd like to let a user change their username,
  with something like:

  e.g. $this-Auth-user('username') = $this-data['User']['name'];

  However this gives an error, is there a way to do this properly?


Marcin Domanski

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Re: $this-data disappearing

2008-04-23 Thread Marcin Domanski

are you using the AuthComponent ?
afaik Auth unsets the password data after login.


On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 9:10 PM, Kyle Decot [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I am doing print_r($this-data) in my appController in the
  beforeFilter() and I get:

  Array ( [User] = Array ( [username] = kyle [password] = sample ) )

  but when I do it in the UsersContoller in the login() I get:

  Array ( [User] = Array ( [username] = kyle ) )

  Does anyone know why password data is disappearing?

Marcin Domanski

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Elementary Data Validation??

2008-04-23 Thread Jee

I have a form for which the following validation rules don't work.
There are other validation rules that do work including a custom
regular expression which makes me wonder if it is the fact that these
are not text inputs that is the problem.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

My code is as follows:

 var $validate = array(
  //SELECT form field: Must exist and be two capital letters, eg CA
'state' = array(
  'alphanumeric' = array(
'rule' = array('custom', '/[A-Z]{2}$/i'),
'required' = true
  //SELECT form field: Must exist and be numeric greater than 0
'referral_id' = array(
  'referral_id_required' = array(
'rule' = array('comparison', '=', 1),
'required' = true
  //CHECKBOX form field: Must exist and == true
'agreed_to_terms' = array(
  'agreed_to_terms_required' = array(
'rule' = array('comparison', '=', 1),
'required' = true

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Re: cake and JS question

2008-04-23 Thread byBartus

Try addScript() -

You can use it like that:

?php $this-addScript($javascript-link(array('jquery','ui.tabs'))); ?

?php $this-addScript($javascript-codeBlock('$(function() { $
(#album-data  ul).tabs(); });')); ?
?php $this-addScript($html-css(array('ui.tabs'))); ?


On Apr 22, 6:15 am, . [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 in cake 1,2 How do you add a javascript function in just one of my views? I
 don't want to put it in the layout because i don't need the JS in all of the

 There are 2 cases:
 1. I want to add echo $javascript-link(array(js_file));  to one of my view
 ctp file
 2. I want to add a body onload=JS function to on of my pages

 How would I achieve the above without creating a new layout ctp file?

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Forms that add/edit Multiple Models part II

2008-04-23 Thread Jee

Can anyone give me any suggestions for adding and editing multiple
models from one form in Cake 1.2?

I found a post on the topic here:
but I get the following when I attempted it:
Warning (512): (Model::validates) Parameter usage is deprecated, use
Model::set() to update your fields first [CORE/cake/libs/model/
model.php, line 2018]

Warning (512): (Model::invalidFields) Parameter usage is deprecated,
set the $data property instead [CORE/cake/libs/model/model.php, line

Following the first logical step, I replaced validates() with set()
which cleared up the Warnings, but did not actually validate the
I wish I knew enough about cake to even come up with a second logical
step!  :)

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Re: Simple Ajax issue

2008-04-23 Thread Neveldo

Thank Axel, this is what I'm looking for !
In fact, I need for one action an normal view and an ajax view !

thank !
Neveldo :
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problems with scaffolding after submit

2008-04-23 Thread miraz

I'am experimenting with the blog tutorial from cookbook in the cakephp
I tried to change the tutorial controller to a scaffolded one in

class NotesController extends AppController
var $scaffold;


Everything is working fine up to the moment when I submit an edited
post. Then the browser is redirected to a page with only an unstyled
message about the sql queries performed and nothing more. The html
code of this page is missing even the html tag. To return to the
list I've to press several times the back button.

I'd expect some message saying the post was updated with link back to
the list.

I guess the obtained behavior is a bug or I'm doing something wrong?

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Re: Possible Bug Identified - Re: belongsTo relationship killing my app

2008-04-23 Thread Langdon Stevenson

Hi Aaron

Given that this problem has only turned up in the the last release of 
1.1 (the site was working happily prior to that), moving to 1.2 would be 
overkill (just refactoring alone would take weeks of work).  For now I 
am moving back to an earlier release, but I would rather find the bug 
and fix it thus improving Cake.


aaron bauman wrote:
 I'm using cake 1.2 and i have many 2 or 3 word models with abundant
 belongsTo relationships and I haven't run into this problem.
 jump on the bandwagon
 On Apr 22, 8:27 pm, Langdon Stevenson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have finally nailed down the issue and am pleased to find that I am
 not going mad after all.

 It appears that when a model with a two word name (like FooBar1) is
 loaded by a hasMany relationship and has a belongsTo relationship to the
 parent that loaded it then PHP will fail and return a blank page.

 If you run the same test with the same name but make it one word (like
 Foobar2) then it works fine.

 Another interesting point to note is that if you have models called
 FooBar and Foobar together then it works too.

 Ultimately it appears that Cake is not handling the belongsTo
 relationship with names with two words.

 I have set up a completely new copy of Cake and reproduced the problem
 with it.  This has (mostly) ruled out anything in my application or its
 setup as being the problem (I haven't tried it on another server).

 The error is reproducible using the following process:

 1. Configure a clean copy of Cake to use a database (doesn't
 matter which)

 2. Create:

 Class trialsController extends Controller
 var $uses = array('FooBar1', 'Foobar2');

 function index ()



 Class FooBar1 extends Model
 var $name = 'FooBar1'
 var $useTable = 'some_table1';
 var $hasMany = array('EenyMeeny');}


 Class EenyMeeny1 extends Model
 var $name = 'EenyMeeny1'
 var $useTable = 'some_table2';
 var $belongsTo = array('FooBar1');}


 Class Foobar2 extends Model
 var $name = 'Foobar2'
 var $useTable = 'some_table1';
 var $hasMany = array('Eenymeeny2');}


 Class Eenymeeny2 extends Model
 var $name = 'Eenymeeny2'
 var $useTable = 'some_table2';
 var $belongsTo = array('Foobar2');}


 Some text.

 Try to view:


 The result will be a blank screen.

 However if you remove the hasMany entry for FooBar1

 Class trialsController extends Controller
 var $uses = array('Foobar2');

 function index ()



 and try again, you will get the default layout with Some text. Displayed.

 I think that this demonstrates the problem effectively.  The next
 question is: how to fix it?  I am assuming that this is a bug in the
 core model code.  I have spent some time looking, but don't know enough
 about the core code it to be able to see where the problem is occurring.

 Any suggestions welcome.  If I can identify where the problem is
 occurring, then I will look into submitting a patch.


 Langdon Stevenson wrote:
 I have a very strange problem appeared with a site that I have been
 working on for some time.
 This site is built with Cake version running on
 Apache/MySQL/Linux with PHP 5.
 The site has about 30 models, most have multiple hasMany relationships.
 Each of those relationships have a corresponding belongsTo from the
 child to the parent.  This has all worked fine with no problem in the
 I went to test some functionality today that I haven't touched for a
 while and discovered that any model that is loaded that has a belongsTo
 relationship with a model that has already been loaded caused a blank
 page to be returned.
 No Cake debug output, no error in Apache logs, just nothing at all.
 Eventually I removed all of the belongsTo relationships in the chain of
 models for one of the pages with the problem.  The page now loads fine.
But if I add back in any belongsTo relationship it breaks again.
 I am stumped by this.  I have reviewed all of the models to make sure
 that one isn't corrupt (trailing space issue for instance).  Can't find
 anything of that nature.
 If anyone can suggest anything I would be very grateful.

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Re: Possible Bug Identified - Re: belongsTo relationship killing my app

2008-04-23 Thread Langdon Stevenson


It would be interesting to see if that problem still presents in a 
previous release of 1.1.  It certainly sounds like they are related.


DyingFetus_666 wrote:
 Actually this sounds like the problem I was describing in my post:
 And effectively, it looks like a problem in Cake handling some two-
 word table relationships.
 The problem I had was with tables called users and user_types,
 Users table has a field called user_type_id that is a FK to
 user_types table. If I keep this naming convention Cake wont
 automatically pick up the user types.
 Instead if I change things to usertypes and usertype_id and get
 the model renamed from UserType to Usertype the thing works as
 expected. :P

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Re: testing with phpunit

2008-04-23 Thread Renan Gonçalves
Why CakePHP choose SimpleTest for their Test Suite?

Because, I wanna use PHPUnit too.
PHPUnit has a extension called Selenium that test web applications (html,
javascript, ajax, etc... website).
I'ts perfect for Web 2.0!!!

Well ... Why CakePHP choose SimpleTest for their Test Suite?


On Mon, Apr 14, 2008 at 9:59 AM, Jay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes. I have to use continuous integration server XINC, which uses
 phpunit, so I have to.
 Anybody with alternate solution?


 On Apr 14, 4:10 pm, the_woodsman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Is PHPUnit essential?
  Cake's built in testing uses SimpleTest, which is, to my knowledge,
  comparable to or better than PHPUnit.
  On Apr 14, 6:50 am, Jay [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Can anybody explain me how to test cakephp in phpunit.
   If any example, then it would be great.
   Thanks  Regards,

Renan Gonçalves - Software Engineer
Cell Phone: +55 11 8633 6018
São Paulo - SP/Brazil

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Re: Validation Problem

2008-04-23 Thread b logica

I'm a dough-head. Sorry, I didn't read your post correctly.

But, would you really need to change the name f any countries? Those
don't change too often. And when one did, I'd think you'd want to
update the main DB record for it rather than the association to some
other model.

If what you want to do is to update the list of associated countries
to your model, you could do:

$form-select('Country.Country', $countries, null, array('class' =
'Required', 'multiple' = 'checkbox'));

(note the double Country--that's important)

This will create checkboxes for each country. I can't remember,
offhand, how to make the associated ones checked (sorry).

Your $countries var would be an array gotten from a find('list') call
in the controller. Or, you could replace it with

$this-requestAction('Countries/getList') if you had an appropriate
controller/action for that.

On Wed, Apr 23, 2008 at 1:57 PM, plinto [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Thanks, I understand what you are saying but what I need is to be able
  to edit mutliple items at once.
  For example if I have to edit 20 countries, clicking on every one,
  editing it and saving it would take me alot more time then selecting
  the ones I need to edit and having them presented in 1 page to be
  edited and saved.
  I also need to validate them but, for example, being all I don't know how to obtain this.

  For the part about the parser, Thanks! I'm pretty new to php and
  cakephp, but willing to learn.

  On Apr 22, 6:49 pm, b logica [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   You might find it simpler to, instead creating a form, to put links
   around the country names pointing to an edit method. In the edit view,
   create one form to edit the table fields and one form to delete. So
   you have something like:
   h1Edit Canada/h1
   echo $form-create('Country', array('action' = 'delete');
   echo $form-hidden('', array('value' = $some_var));
   echo $form-submit('delete');
   echo $form-end();
   echo $form-create('Country', array('action' = 'edit');
   echo $form-submit('edit');
   echo $form-end();
   This way, each action points directly to the corresponding method and
   you only have to deal with one item at a time. I realise that this may
   not be practical but it may work for you.
   Regarding $some_var above, your code appears to assume that the
   country IDs  names are going to line up with your counter var $i. I
   may be missing something but that looks odd to me. I'd think it's be
   better (if your $countries array is constructed as $id = $name) to do
   it with a while like so:
   foreach ($countries as $key = $name)
  $html-link($name, countries/edit/${id});
   I've used my link suggestion but it's just as applicable to a form
   setup like you have.
   BTW, in your views, you don't need to put ?php ... ? around every
   line. If you don't have any HTML markup to add then you can just open
   a block:
   echo $form-create(array('url'='/countries/process'));
   for($i =0; $i$countries; $i++) {
  echo $form-hidden('Country'.$i.'');
  echo $form-input('Country'.$i.'');
   echo $form-submit('Save', array('name'='save'));
   echo $form-end();
   Otherwise, you're making the parser (and anyone who has to look at
   your code) work a lot harder than necessary ;-)


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Re: Format date field in 3 select

2008-04-23 Thread James K

FormHelper's datetime input type already done exactly this. You don't
have to manually put together the day/month/year fields.

On Apr 23, 12:43 pm, avairet [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 I'm searching for a day how format a date field from Mysql (-MM--
 DD) to 3 form's selects:

 - date from mysql : 2008-04-23
 - my form fields are build like this:
 for ($i=0;$i11;$i++) {


 I'm using day, month, year instead of input() because I'm
 using a date picker that is need a special DOM id to work.

 How can I pass the day value, the month value and year value for each
 Must I do a substr() on each of my date?

 I hope my message is understandable...

 Thanks for help.

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Re: Does CakePHP's ACL have anything like Zend_Acl's Assert functionality?

2008-04-23 Thread James K

Cake provides perfectly generic, free-form ACL rules. It has built-in
support for controller or action based ACL via the Auth Component, but
you don't need to use either.

I have very fine grained ACOs, and use AROs as roles.

When I do an ACL check, I can write something like $this-Acl-
check('role1', 'users/address/mailing', 'read') to see if role1 has
access to other users mailing address information. You don't have to
limit yourself to controller/action or any of the other methods you'll
find outlined in the Bakery. You can build your ACO/ARO trees however
you like and the check function will be able to check against them.

On Apr 23, 12:44 pm, mcjustin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does CakePHP's ACL have anything like Zend_Acl's Assert 

 Our application will have a large number of business rules, which we
 need to limit access based on various non-constant criteria.

 If not built into cake's ACL, could anyone suggest a way to
 incorporate it?


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Re: Why custom model functions inside plugin models are not called?

2008-04-23 Thread Max

Great info... Thanks a lot.

On Apr 22, 11:38 pm, biesbjerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'll bet echo get_class($this-Review) will output 'AppModel'.

 The reason is you need to define $uses like this when accessing plugin

 var $uses = array('User', 'Reviews.Review');

 You should do the same when creating associations within the plugin's
 models: PluginName.ModelName.

 Good luck.

 On Apr 22, 12:59 am, Max [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Consider a scenario:

  In file /app/controllers/users_controller.php

  //review is the plugin model which is here: /app/plugins/reviews/
  var $uses = array('User', 'Review');

  function getUserReviews()
   $reviews = $this-Review-getRecent();   //this will throw sql
  error.. anyone knows a reason? findAll() still works


  On the other hand, if in bootstrap.php, I manually modify $modelPaths
  array to add the model location. It works just fine. I dont like this
  hack however...

  $Folder = new Folder(APP.'plugins');
  $plugins = $Folder-ls();

  foreach($plugins[0] as $plugin)
  array_push($modelPaths, APP.DS.'plugins'.DS.$plugin.DS.'models'.DS);


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Re: Possible Bug Identified - Re: belongsTo relationship killing my app

2008-04-23 Thread Langdon Stevenson

Rolling back to Cake version 1.1.5850 fixes this problem.  There are a 
lot of changes to model code in the next revision and something in there 
breaks Cake as described below.

My PHP knowledge is not strong enough to be able to work out the problem 
and successfully fix it.  So if anyone familiar with the core model code 
feels like taking a look I would be grateful.


Langdon Stevenson wrote:
 I have finally nailed down the issue and am pleased to find that I am 
 not going mad after all.
 It appears that when a model with a two word name (like FooBar1) is 
 loaded by a hasMany relationship and has a belongsTo relationship to the 
 parent that loaded it then PHP will fail and return a blank page.
 If you run the same test with the same name but make it one word (like 
 Foobar2) then it works fine.
 Another interesting point to note is that if you have models called 
 FooBar and Foobar together then it works too.
 Ultimately it appears that Cake is not handling the belongsTo 
 relationship with names with two words.
 I have set up a completely new copy of Cake and reproduced the problem 
 with it.  This has (mostly) ruled out anything in my application or its 
 setup as being the problem (I haven't tried it on another server).
 The error is reproducible using the following process:
 1. Configure a clean copy of Cake to use a database (doesn't 
 matter which)
 2. Create:
 Class trialsController extends Controller
   var $uses = array('FooBar1', 'Foobar2');
   function index ()
 Class FooBar1 extends Model
   var $name = 'FooBar1'
   var $useTable = 'some_table1';
   var $hasMany = array('EenyMeeny');
 Class EenyMeeny1 extends Model
   var $name = 'EenyMeeny1'
   var $useTable = 'some_table2';
   var $belongsTo = array('FooBar1');
 Class Foobar2 extends Model
   var $name = 'Foobar2'
   var $useTable = 'some_table1';
   var $hasMany = array('Eenymeeny2');
 Class Eenymeeny2 extends Model
   var $name = 'Eenymeeny2'
   var $useTable = 'some_table2';
   var $belongsTo = array('Foobar2');
 Some text.
 Try to view:
 The result will be a blank screen.
 However if you remove the hasMany entry for FooBar1
 Class trialsController extends Controller
   var $uses = array('Foobar2');
   function index ()
 and try again, you will get the default layout with Some text. Displayed.
 I think that this demonstrates the problem effectively.  The next 
 question is: how to fix it?  I am assuming that this is a bug in the 
 core model code.  I have spent some time looking, but don't know enough 
 about the core code it to be able to see where the problem is occurring.
 Any suggestions welcome.  If I can identify where the problem is 
 occurring, then I will look into submitting a patch.
 Langdon Stevenson wrote:
 I have a very strange problem appeared with a site that I have been 
 working on for some time.

 This site is built with Cake version running on 
 Apache/MySQL/Linux with PHP 5.

 The site has about 30 models, most have multiple hasMany relationships.

 Each of those relationships have a corresponding belongsTo from the 
 child to the parent.  This has all worked fine with no problem in the 

 I went to test some functionality today that I haven't touched for a 
 while and discovered that any model that is loaded that has a belongsTo 
 relationship with a model that has already been loaded caused a blank 
 page to be returned.

 No Cake debug output, no error in Apache logs, just nothing at all.

 Eventually I removed all of the belongsTo relationships in the chain of 
 models for one of the pages with the problem.  The page now loads fine. 
But if I add back in any belongsTo relationship it breaks again.

 I am stumped by this.  I have reviewed all of the models to make sure 
 that one isn't corrupt (trailing space issue for instance).  Can't find 
 anything of that nature.

 If anyone can suggest anything I would be very grateful.



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Re: Using pagination helper on a view element

2008-04-23 Thread Elmo

Can I add to this and say ditto?

On Apr 7, 10:19 pm, Juan Luis Baptiste [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I'm trying to make a view element and reuse it in various  views. The
 element uses the pagination helper, the problem is that the element
 can't see the paginator helper object:

 : Undefined variable: paginator [APP/views/elements/servers.ctp, line 7]

 If I add the helper to the uses variable of the controller which
 calls the action that includes the element on its view, then the
 helper is found but I get these errors:

 Warning (2): array_merge() [function.array-merge]: Argument #1 is not
 an array [CORE/cake/libs/view/helpers/paginator.php, line 139]

 The code of my element is something like the the following:

 $servers = $this-requestAction('servers/index/');
 table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
 th?= $paginator-sort('Server Name', 'name');?/th
 th?= $paginator-sort('IP Address', 'ip_address');?/th
 ?php foreach ($servers as $server): ?
 td?= $server['Server']['name']; ?/td
 td?= $server['Server']['ip_address']; ?/td
 ?php endforeach; ?
 ?php $paginate= $paginator-prev(' Previous ', null, null);?
 ?php $paginate.= $paginator-next(' Next ', null, null);?
 ?php $paginate.=  'br/'.$paginator-counter(); ?
 ?=$html-div(null,$paginate, array('align' = 'center')); ?

 on the view that includes it:

 echo $this-renderElement('servers');

 and the controller action:

 function index($id = null) {
   $servers = $this-paginate('Server');
   if(isset($this-params['requested'])) {
  return $servers;


 So how is the propper way to use the pagination helper on a view element ?

 Juan Luis Baptiste
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Re: Why custom model functions inside plugin models are not called?

2008-04-23 Thread Max

Can't we also load behaviors same way?

Inside /app/models/video.php

var $actsAs = array('Upload' = array('field' = 'video',

'type' = 'video',


'allowedExt' = array('avi','mpg','mpeg','3gp','wmv'),

'dir' = '{WWW_ROOT}{DS}uploads{DS}videos'),
'PluginName.Trackable' = 

This trackable behavior is inside some plugin.. so, will it work?
doesnt look like so.

On Apr 24, 7:04 am, Max [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Great info... Thanks a lot.

 On Apr 22, 11:38 pm, biesbjerg [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I'll bet echo get_class($this-Review) will output 'AppModel'.

  The reason is you need to define $uses like this when accessing plugin

  var $uses = array('User', 'Reviews.Review');

  You should do the same when creating associations within the plugin's
  models: PluginName.ModelName.

  Good luck.

  On Apr 22, 12:59 am, Max [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   Consider a scenario:

   In file /app/controllers/users_controller.php

   //review is the plugin model which is here: /app/plugins/reviews/
   var $uses = array('User', 'Review');

   function getUserReviews()
$reviews = $this-Review-getRecent();   //this will throw sql
   error.. anyone knows a reason? findAll() still works


   On the other hand, if in bootstrap.php, I manually modify $modelPaths
   array to add the model location. It works just fine. I dont like this
   hack however...

   $Folder = new Folder(APP.'plugins');
   $plugins = $Folder-ls();

   foreach($plugins[0] as $plugin)


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