Re: PHP mail() function not working in

2009-02-09 Thread Miles J

Why not update to 1.2? Or check your cake lib files to see if email
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Re: AclComponent methods not working

2009-02-09 Thread AD7six

On Feb 8, 11:41 pm, thesubtledoctor wrote:
 Hi All,

 I have a page which should allow a user to set and deny permissions
 for a controller action for each group. But this code

 $this-Acl-allow('Administrator', 'Profiles/edit');

 and this code

 $this-Acl-deny('Administrator', 'Profiles/edit');

 Both have the same effect of adding a permission to the aros_acos

In what way is that unexpected?

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Database Relationship and Design Help

2009-02-09 Thread ramonmaruko
I'm have a problem on how I should 'design' my database for my current  

This is my current design:
(In the image it shows member_int, but the actual field name is member_id  
with a data type of int)

Here is what I want it to be:
Each member can apply for zero or more short term loan(s)
A short term loan must have 1 or up to 3 comakers
A comaker must also be a member.
A member could be a comaker.
It matters to know which member is the main 'loaner' and which member is  
the comaker for each loan.

Here is what the relationship looks like atm in my source:

Member $hasOne = array('ShortTermLoanComaker');
Member $hasMany = array('ShortTermLoan');

ShortTermLoan $belongsTo = array('Member');
ShortTermLoan $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('ShortTermLoanComaker');

ShortTermLoanComaker $belongsTo = array('Member');
ShortTermLoanComaker $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('ShortTermLoan');

I hope someone could help me with this. Thank you everyone. :D

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ACL question regarding Acl example

2009-02-09 Thread Dcahrakos


I just started using cakePHP, im almost done reading through the
documents, but I was wondering something,

I was reading the example for the ACL controlled application, and on
one part it says

Our controllers and models are now prepped for adding some initial
data, and our Group and User models are bound to the Acl table. So add
some groups and users using the baked forms. I made the following

what baked forms is this referring to?

and when inserting users, if I made a registration function in the
users controller, and made a form to insert a user into the database
would it automatically update everything for acl to work properly?


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Media view not working

2009-02-09 Thread Miles J

So im trying to get this media view working, but it doesn't seem to
force the download. All it does is show a white page and the query
output, any ideas? Heres my action:

 * Downloads a file
 * @param int $upload_id
 * @return media
function download($upload_id) {
$this-view = 'Media';

$file = $this-Upload-find('first', array(
'conditions' = array('' = $upload_id),
'contain' = array('Current')

if (!empty($file)) {


$params = array(
'id' = $file['Current']['filename'],
'name' = $file['Upload']['name'] .' v'. 
'download' = true,
'extension' = $file['Current']['type'],
'path' = 'files'.DS

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Re: ACL question regarding Acl example

2009-02-09 Thread Mirthis

For baked forms it means the forms autogenerated by bake. If you
haven't used bake yet, it's a command line utilities that let you auto-
generate basic models, controllers and views, starting from your db
structure. You can find more informations on the documentation.
The basic class created by bake with allow you to perform the basics
Create, Read, Update and Delete operation for all your entities,
including Users and Groups.
The link bettween this entities and ACL is not automatic bt it
requires the implementation of some code in both the User and Group
model. You should find all the info in the tutorial.
I hope this few info can help you, unfortunately I'm at work and I'm
not able to check the docs and give you more details.

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Validation rule with or

2009-02-09 Thread Henrik Gemal

I have a form where you have to enter either (firstname AND
lastname AND phone) OR (companyname AND phone)

how do I make a validate rule like that?
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Re: Media view not working

2009-02-09 Thread Miles J

Ah nvm, it seemed I had the filename misspelt. Stupid me.
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Autocomplete items above input instead of below

2009-02-09 Thread safl

Hey People,

How can i get Ajax::autoComplete() to popup suggestions above the
input element instead of below it?

This mockup illustrates what i want it to do:

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Re: Autocomplete items above input instead of below

2009-02-09 Thread Miles J

Wouldn't you just edit the css to position somewhere else?
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Re: How long run the sql statement?

2009-02-09 Thread amarradi

Thanks a lot. I know this configuration, but is there any other way to
get the process time? So i can customize is easier... I don't need the
sql statement, only the time for running

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ClassRegistry::init vs loadModel

2009-02-09 Thread Henrik Gemal

I'm not sure what the most correct way to dynamicly load a model is:


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Re: cookie and sessions available for subdomains (again) *

2009-02-09 Thread Paamayim

No idea?

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Re: Mod Rewrite problem

2009-02-09 Thread thankyou

I'm not very familiar with modrewrite -- do I just add the text
RewriteBase to the .htaccess file?

On Feb 9, 12:17 am, Webweave wrote:
 You need to add the RewriteBase to the .htaccess files in the folder
 where you blog is.

 Assuming that is set up to serve the files from
 the /blog folder, you just need to make sure you have the .htaccess
 files as described here:

 On Feb 8, 8:17 am, thankyou wrote:

  I have the .htaccess file setup so that it makes cakephp work fine at
  The problem is that I also want to add a blog to the website at the
  folder /blog,
  so I can make work.  The folder is in /blog.

  My .htaccess file info is below, what do I need to do to make the work?

  IfModule mod_rewrite.c
     RewriteEngine on

     RewriteCond    $1 !^favicon.ico
     RewriteCond    $1 !^sitemap.xml

     RewriteRule    ([^/]*)(.*) app/webroot/$1$2 [L]

  Thank you.
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Re: Translate Behavior internals

2009-02-09 Thread Sebby

To correctly implement i18n and l10n for your purpose you need first
to create the following MySQL tables:

Categories table:

CREATE TABLE `categories` (
`created` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`updated` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
KEY `created` (`created`),
KEY `updated` (`updated`)

Note that the `name` field is only virtual and should not be present
on table schema.

In case if you use TreeBehavior categories table should be like this:

CREATE TABLE `categories` (
`parent_id` INT(10) UNSIGNED,
`created` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`updated` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
KEY `parent_id` (`parent_id`),
KEY `lft` (`lft`),
KEY `rght` (`rght`),
KEY `created` (`created`),
KEY `updated` (`updated`)

And of course the i18n table:

`foreign_key` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`locale` VARCHAR(6)   NOT NULL,
`model` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
`field` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
`content` MEDIUMTEXT,
KEY `row_id` (`foreign_key`),
KEY `locale` (`locale`),
KEY `model` (`model`),
KEY `field` (`field`)

The php code for Category model is:


class Category extend AppModel {

public $name = 'Category';

public $actsAs = array(
'Translate' = array(



To correctly save a category to database (english and german) the data
array should be like the following (title field value should be an
associative array with locales as keys and titles as values) :

$data = array(
'Category' = array(
'title' = array(
'eng' = 'some english title',
'ger' = 'some german title'

And under the controller use this to save the category:


Hope this will help!

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Re: ClassRegistry::init vs loadModel

2009-02-09 Thread mscdex

On Feb 9, 7:57 am, Henrik Gemal wrote:
 I'm not sure what the most correct way to dynamicly load a model is:



I use App::Import if I'm going to use a model instance more than once.
Otherwise ClassRegistry::init can be used for one-time usage (e.g.

However,  you should make sure you are not loading a model in which
the current model (of your controller) has an association with. If it
does, then you can just do $this-Bar-Foo-find(all); instead if
Bar is the current model.
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Re: Database Relationship and Design Help

2009-02-09 Thread mscdex

On Feb 9, 3:11 am, wrote:
 Here is what I want it to be:
 Each member can apply for zero or more short term loan(s)
 A short term loan must have 1 or up to 3 comakers
 A comaker must also be a member.
 A member could be a comaker.
 It matters to know which member is the main 'loaner' and which member is  
 the comaker for each loan.

 Here is what the relationship looks like atm in my source:

 Member $hasOne = array('ShortTermLoanComaker');
 Member $hasMany = array('ShortTermLoan');

 ShortTermLoan $belongsTo = array('Member');
 ShortTermLoan $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('ShortTermLoanComaker');

 ShortTermLoanComaker $belongsTo = array('Member');
 ShortTermLoanComaker $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('ShortTermLoan');

That looks alright to me. To meet that last requirement, maybe you can
have a column in ShortTermLoan for the main loaner member ID and
force it to be non-null. Then of course all ShortTermLoanComakers
associated with that ShortTermLoan that do not have the ID contained
in that column, would be the comakers for the loan.
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Re: Database Relationship and Design Help

2009-02-09 Thread mscdex

Also, this is just a personal design decision but I would remove the
'id' field on the join table and make both of the other two columns
primary keys. That enforces the rule (at the database level anyway)
that a member/comaker cannot be associated with the same loan multiple
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Re: Using Configure class in custom AppError

2009-02-09 Thread oleonav

Hi Loboto, that thought came across my mind already. So I will
refraise my question;

How do I run functions etc. found in the beforeAction of the
AppController or at least run actions needed to initialize the
Configure class without duplicating all code from the AppController -
beforeAction to my AppError class..

Any guesses?


On Feb 7, 1:06 pm, Dr. Loboto wrote:
 AppController::beforeFilter() isn't called if no controller found to
 serve request. So yours Configure just do not contain values you need
 on Missing Controller errors as they wasn't set.

 On Feb 6, 8:54 pm, oleonav wrote:

  Hi there,

  I have some variables set using the Configure class in the
  beforeFunction of the main AppController. I use for multiple things,
  for example to set the title of the page.

  I need a custom 404 error page, so I made a custom AppError class
  containing the function error404, which overrides the build function
  from the framework (see below).

  The problem is that the Configure class is not working at all in

  Any suggestions?


  class sample --
  class AppError extends ErrorHandler
          function error404()
                  //read the config file
                  $config = Configure::read('siteConfig');

                  //set it so it's available in layout  views
                  $this-set('config', $config);

                  ... run other code 

                  //run parent class function

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Re: PHP mail() function not working in

2009-02-09 Thread Marcelo Andrade

On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 11:04 PM, peterhf wrote:

 This code is not working:

$result = mail('', 'This is a test.',
 'This is a test.', 'From:' );

// Show the login page.
$this-redirect( '/pages/home' );

 If I echo $result, I get a 1.

 I have tried commenting out the redirect and exit code to no avail. I
 have tested the host email capability with this code:

 echo mail( '', 'TEST', 'TEST');

 and it works.

 What am I missing?

What error message do you have?

Best regards.

MARCELO DE F. ANDRADE (aka eleKtron)
Belem, PA, Amazonia, Brazil
Linux User #221105

[...@pará ~]# links

For Libby's backstory be told on Lost

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Firefox Search Engine Plug-In

2009-02-09 Thread Hernan

Hi there,
This is my first CakePHP post by the way. I'm kind of new to CakePHP
but I already love it.

I've created a search engine plug-in to search the 1.2 docs.
You can download it here:

You'll have to register if you want to use it. This is because of
their secutiry policy to new plug-ins.
To make it public I'd need other people to review it so if try it and
you like it, please review it so I can make it available to general

Any feedback or help with it would be greatly appreciated!
Also, the code is available if anyone wants it. It's just an XML with
a base64 encoded icon.


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Re: Very slow response times with CakePHP

2009-02-09 Thread Emanuel Nedelcu

I've reduce the request time of a page by changing bootstrap.php file
like this:
 //App::import('Core', array('Dispatcher'));

I've noticed that it takes a lot of time to load the dispatcher using
the App::import function, so since bootstrap and dispatcher are in the
same folder I thought it won't be a problem to load the dispatcher
using include.


On Dec 16 2008, 4:09 pm, GeneSys wrote:
 Hey Folks!

 So I'm using CakePHP for a couple of months now. The company I am
 working at asked me to write a new web portal for them, so I thought,
 Well, Cake could make it!

 After spending some hours the website was (nearly) finished and so I
 put it on the webspace the old webpage was at.

 I already noticed during development that the site requests took about
 3 - 5 secs until the page displayed, but I thought this is due to my
 development environment (i just installed the XAMPP from apachefriends
 with all default settings), but after uploading the website on the
 host it got even worse.

 Request times are between 4 to (up to!) 15 secs. Which is really ..
 tooslowfor a business website. I also tried to cache a lot of
 database requests so I limited most of the page calls to only 3 or 4
 queries. But still load times are as high as they were before.

 So there are some facts about my project: It is just a small
 project ...
  - Core
    - 1 Model, 1 Controller, some views
  - 5 Plugins: Often containing nothing more than a model and a
  - intended use: about 1000 visitors per month

 So i don't have the faintest idea why cakePHP is running thatslow?

 Probably someone could take a look at the website:
 (cakePHP) website, plain PHP and
 html) and tell what could be the problem about the high load times?

 I don't know which configuration settings to post and due to security
 concerns I just don't want to publish the whole cake config or
 phpinfo. But if any information is necessary needed please don't
 hesitate to ask.

 Thank you all in advance guys!

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Re: Mod Rewrite problem

2009-02-09 Thread Webweave

Here's a good writeup from the bakery:

On Feb 9, 5:53 am, thankyou wrote:
 I'm not very familiar with modrewrite -- do I just add the text
 RewriteBase to the .htaccess file?

 On Feb 9, 12:17 am, Webweave wrote:

  You need to add the RewriteBase to the .htaccess files in the folder
  where you blog is.

  Assuming that is set up to serve the files from
  the /blog folder, you just need to make sure you have the .htaccess
  files as described 

  On Feb 8, 8:17 am, thankyou wrote:

   I have the .htaccess file setup so that it makes cakephp work fine at
   The problem is that I also want to add a blog to the website at the
   folder /blog,
   so I can make work.  The folder is in /blog.

   My .htaccess file info is below, what do I need to do to make the work?

   IfModule mod_rewrite.c
      RewriteEngine on

      RewriteCond    $1 !^favicon.ico
      RewriteCond    $1 !^sitemap.xml

      RewriteRule    ([^/]*)(.*) app/webroot/$1$2 [L]

   Thank you.

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Re: Autocomplete items above input instead of below

2009-02-09 Thread safl

Then let rephrase/  add the question: how do i edit the css to
position somewhere else?

On Feb 9, 12:01 pm, Miles J wrote:
 Wouldn't you just edit the css to position somewhere else?
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Re: Autocomplete items above input instead of below

2009-02-09 Thread dr. Hannibal Lecter

Simply check which HTML elements are generated by the autocomplete
(via FireBug or whatever you use), and write some CSS for those

On Feb 9, 5:02 pm, safl wrote:
 Then let rephrase/  add the question: how do i edit the css to
 position somewhere else?

 On Feb 9, 12:01 pm, Miles J wrote:

  Wouldn't you just edit the css to position somewhere else?
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Re: Database Relationship and Design Help

2009-02-09 Thread ramonmaruko

column member_id in ShortTermLoan is the id of the applicant.

On Feb 9, 10:27 pm, mscdex wrote:
 On Feb 9, 3:11 am, wrote:

  Here is what I want it to be:
  Each member can apply for zero or more short term loan(s)
  A short term loan must have 1 or up to 3 comakers
  A comaker must also be a member.
  A member could be a comaker.
  It matters to know which member is the main 'loaner' and which member is  
  the comaker for each loan.

  Here is what the relationship looks like atm in my source:

  Member $hasOne = array('ShortTermLoanComaker');
  Member $hasMany = array('ShortTermLoan');

  ShortTermLoan $belongsTo = array('Member');
  ShortTermLoan $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('ShortTermLoanComaker');

  ShortTermLoanComaker $belongsTo = array('Member');
  ShortTermLoanComaker $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('ShortTermLoan');

 That looks alright to me. To meet that last requirement, maybe you can
 have a column in ShortTermLoan for the main loaner member ID and
 force it to be non-null. Then of course all ShortTermLoanComakers
 associated with that ShortTermLoan that do not have the ID contained
 in that column, would be the comakers for the loan.
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Re: Database Relationship and Design Help

2009-02-09 Thread ramonmaruko

I thought I read somewhere that every table has to have an 'id' column
in CakePHP. Anyway, I deleted the column and everything seems to be
working fine still. I think I got it already. Thanks.

On Feb 9, 10:40 pm, mscdex wrote:
 Also, this is just a personal design decision but I would remove the
 'id' field on the join table and make both of the other two columns
 primary keys. That enforces the rule (at the database level anyway)
 that a member/comaker cannot be associated with the same loan multiple
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Re: Email Notification Problem

2009-02-09 Thread brian

Well, I'm certainly no expert, so you might well benefit from someone
else jumping in here. ;-)

Try removing these lines:

   $this-Email = new EmailComponent();

... as well as the inititlaize line I suggested. Then, add this line
to the top of AppController:

public $components = array('Email');

(replace public with var if you're stuck with PHP4.x)

See if that works. I have a feeling the problem stems from the fact
that you're importing a component into AppController, rather than
loading it in the normal fashion. If you don't send email from many
controllers, this may not be the most efficient way, but you'll at
least be a bit closer to figuring out why it's failing for you.

The crux of it is that the component isn't getting a handle to the
controller for some reason.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Kyle Decot wrote:

 When trying to use the initialize method, I get a undefined method

 Fatal error: Call to undefined method EmailComponent::initialize() in /
 on line 60

 Any ideas?

 On Feb 9, 2:22 am, brian wrote:
 change the method name to _sendEmailNotification (single underscore)
 to make it protected, rather than private

 $this-Email = new EmailComponent();

 Those are the only things that I can think of. I've never imported a
 component inside of an AppController method - private, protected, or
 public. Maybe that's the problem?

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Kyle Decot wrote:

  Ah, stupid mistake but I've updated the set to be body instead of
  email_body and am still getting the same results. Any other ideas?

  On Feb 9, 1:55 am, brian wrote:
  sorry, I should have unquoted that. This should be clearer.


  Notice (8): Undefined variable: body [APP/views/elements/email/html/
  email_notification.ctp, line 1]

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Re: need help with Views and models

2009-02-09 Thread monirr444

h1sorry for not giving enough info 
ok here is my categories
index=paging /h1

?php $paginator-options(array('url' = $this-passedArgs)); ?
table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
$i = 0;
foreach ($categories as $category):
$class = null;
if ($i++ % 2 == 0) {
$class = ' class=altrow';
tr?php echo $class;?


?php endforeach; ?

h1when i click on this it wont show me the recipes in that category 

and here is the category controller /h1
class CategoriesController extends AppController {

var $name = 'Categories';
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form');

function index() {

function paging() {
$this-Category-recursive = 0;
$this-set('categories', $this-paginate('Category'));

function view($id = null) {
if (!$id) {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('Invalid Category.', true), 
array(), 'error');
$category = $this-Category-read(null, $id);
$this-set('category', $category);
$this-set('recipesFormAction', '/recipe/add/category/'.$id);

h1and this is my recipes controller /h1

class RecipesController extends AppController {

var $name = 'Recipes';
var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form');

function index() {


function paging() {
$this-Recipe-recursive = 2;
$filters = $this-Recipe-getFilters($this-passedArgs);
$this-set('recipes', $this-paginate('Recipe', $filters));

function view($id = null) {
if (!$id) {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('Invalid Recipe.', true), 
'default', array(),
$recipe = $this-Recipe-read(null, $id);
$this-set('recipe', $recipe);

function form($form_action = 'add', $id = null) {
$recipe = $this-Recipe-read(null, $id);
$this-set('recipe', $recipe);
if (!empty($this-data)) {
if ($this-Recipe-save($this-data)) {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('The Recipe has 
been saved', true),
'default', array(), 'info');
$this-redirect(array('action' = 
'view', $id));
} else {
$this-Session-setFlash(__('The Recipe could 
not be saved. Please, try
again.', true), 'default', array(), 'error');
$this-data = array();
$this-data['Recipe'] = array();
$this-data = $recipe;
foreach($this-passedArgs as $fieldName = $value){
$this-data['Recipe'][$fieldName] = $value;
$categories = $this-Recipe-Category-find('list');
$form_url = '/' . $this-params['url']['url'];
$this-set('form_url', $form_url);
$this-set('form_action', $form_action);

h1this is my category model/h1

class Category extends AppModel {

var $name = 'Category';

var $actsAs = array(
'Slugged' = array(
'overwrite' = false,
'unique' = true,
'case' = 'low',


//The Associations below have been created with all possible keys, those
that are not needed can be removed

var $hasMany = array(
'Recipe' = array('className' = 'Recipe',
'foreignKey' = 
'dependent' = 
'conditions' = 
'fields' = '',
'order' = '',

Re: Autocomplete items above input instead of below

2009-02-09 Thread safl

Allrighty then...

Autocomplete() uses absolute positioning.

The default behavior adds the attribute top: XXpx;.
For it to behave the way i want it i simply add the attribute:
bottom: XXpx and remove the attribute top: XXpx;.

I've tried and tested it by using firebug and changing the attributes.

This is great I found the CSS i need, hurray.

But, the attribute top is constantly added dynamically and overrules
the effect of the bottom property.
How can work around this?

On Feb 9, 5:08 pm, dr. Hannibal Lecter wrote:
 Simply check which HTML elements are generated by the autocomplete
 (via FireBug or whatever you use), and write some CSS for those

 On Feb 9, 5:02 pm, safl wrote:

  Then let rephrase/  add the question: how do i edit the css to
  position somewhere else?

  On Feb 9, 12:01 pm, Miles J wrote:

   Wouldn't you just edit the css to position somewhere else?
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Re: Very slow response times with CakePHP

2009-02-09 Thread brian

Do you have Firebug installed, by any chance? While it's incredibly
useful, I've see it cause load times to exceed 30 seconds in some
cases where I have a bunch of jquery stuff. I actually thought it was
Cake at first. Suspending it showed an immediate drop in load times.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 10:19 AM, Emanuel Nedelcu wrote:

 I've reduce the request time of a page by changing bootstrap.php file
 like this:
  //App::import('Core', array('Dispatcher'));

 I've noticed that it takes a lot of time to load the dispatcher using
 the App::import function, so since bootstrap and dispatcher are in the
 same folder I thought it won't be a problem to load the dispatcher
 using include.


 On Dec 16 2008, 4:09 pm, GeneSys wrote:
 Hey Folks!

 So I'm using CakePHP for a couple of months now. The company I am
 working at asked me to write a new web portal for them, so I thought,
 Well, Cake could make it!

 After spending some hours the website was (nearly) finished and so I
 put it on the webspace the old webpage was at.

 I already noticed during development that the site requests took about
 3 - 5 secs until the page displayed, but I thought this is due to my
 development environment (i just installed the XAMPP from apachefriends
 with all default settings), but after uploading the website on the
 host it got even worse.

 Request times are between 4 to (up to!) 15 secs. Which is really ..
 tooslowfor a business website. I also tried to cache a lot of
 database requests so I limited most of the page calls to only 3 or 4
 queries. But still load times are as high as they were before.

 So there are some facts about my project: It is just a small
 project ...
  - Core
- 1 Model, 1 Controller, some views
  - 5 Plugins: Often containing nothing more than a model and a
  - intended use: about 1000 visitors per month

 So i don't have the faintest idea why cakePHP is running thatslow?

 Probably someone could take a look at the 
 (cakePHP) website, plain PHP and
 html) and tell what could be the problem about the high load times?

 I don't know which configuration settings to post and due to security
 concerns I just don't want to publish the whole cake config or
 phpinfo. But if any information is necessary needed please don't
 hesitate to ask.

 Thank you all in advance guys!


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Re: Autocomplete items above input instead of below

2009-02-09 Thread safl

And the answer to my own question is to add the !important tag so
the properties aren't overridden.
For reference then this is the css i ended up with:

div.auto_complete {
  position: absolute;
  width: 150px;
  bottom: 60px !important;
  top: auto !important;
  background-color: white;
  border:1px solid #888;
  margin: 0;

Thx, for input people!

On Feb 9, 5:51 pm, safl wrote:
 Allrighty then...

 Autocomplete() uses absolute positioning.

 The default behavior adds the attribute top: XXpx;.
 For it to behave the way i want it i simply add the attribute:
 bottom: XXpx and remove the attribute top: XXpx;.

 I've tried and tested it by using firebug and changing the attributes.

 This is great I found the CSS i need, hurray.

 But, the attribute top is constantly added dynamically and overrules
 the effect of the bottom property.
 How can work around this?

 On Feb 9, 5:08 pm, dr. Hannibal Lecter wrote:

  Simply check which HTML elements are generated by the autocomplete
  (via FireBug or whatever you use), and write some CSS for those

  On Feb 9, 5:02 pm, safl wrote:

   Then let rephrase/  add the question: how do i edit the css to
   position somewhere else?

   On Feb 9, 12:01 pm, Miles J wrote:

Wouldn't you just edit the css to position somewhere else?
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Re: DebugKit plugin: not available for Windows users?

2009-02-09 Thread LunarDraco

If your using Aptana or Eclipse for your IDE you can install the git
plugin for source control and check it out from within the IDE

On Feb 6, 9:48 am, rcurzon wrote:
 I guess it would work fine in Windows... but you can't get it without
 git... which isn't ready for Windows?  Let me know if I missed
 something please!

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Re: PHP mail() function not working in

2009-02-09 Thread peterhf

 Why not update to 1.2?

This is plan B, the client doesn't want to upgrade at this time.

 What error message do you have?

None! And debug is set to 3.

On Feb 9, 7:10 am, Marcelo Andrade wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 11:04 PM, peterhf wrote:

  This code is not working:

     $result = mail('', 'This is a test.',
  'This is a test.', 'From:' );

     // Show the login page.
     $this-redirect( '/pages/home' );

  If I echo $result, I get a 1.

  I have tried commenting out the redirect and exit code to no avail. I
  have tested the host email capability with this code:

  echo mail( '', 'TEST', 'TEST');

  and it works.

  What am I missing?

 What error message do you have?

 Best regards.

 MARCELO DE F. ANDRADE (aka eleKtron)
 Belem, PA, Amazonia, Brazil
 Linux User #221105

 [...@pará ~]# links

 For Libby's backstory be told on 
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Re: PHP mail() function not working in

2009-02-09 Thread Gonzalo Servat
On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:58 PM, peterhf wrote:

  Why not update to 1.2?

 This is plan B, the client doesn't want to upgrade at this time.

  What error message do you have?

 None! And debug is set to 3.

This might actually be related to the sendmail wrapper (provided the mail
function is enabled in php.ini). I had this exact problem just recently on a
cPanel server and after looking the apache log, I found an error message
saying sendmail couldn't be called directly, or something along those lines.
If you *are* running cPanel, you have to turn off the following setting in
exim: Track email origin through X-Source email headers. This setting
causes the sendmail binary to be wrapped by a Perl script which tracks the
email origin before calling the real sendmail binary. If you're not using
cPanel, you might still want to check if the path to sendmail is a wrapper
or a real sendmail (or equivalent) binary. If it is wrapped, try either
changing the path to sendmail in php.ini to the real sendmail binary *or*
renaming the wrapper and placing the real sendmail binary in its place.

Good luck.

- Gonzalo

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Re: illegal offset type in components/acl.php

2009-02-09 Thread fain182

On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 10:52 AM, fain182 wrote:
 I am trying to use IniAcl, but after a lot of attempts, it gives me
 always the same error...

 in cake/libs/controller/components/acl.php at line 490:
if (isset($aclConfig[$aro]['deny'])) {

 but $aro is an array, so it gives error:
 Warning (2): Illegal offset type
 [COREcake/libs/controller/components/acl.php, line 490]

while i was looking for the problem, i discovered that in acl.php at line 82:
  * @param string $aro ARO
so, there is a problem in tha cakephp code, I suppose... no one can help me?
thank you

 what should I do?
 add a simple: $aro = $aro['User']['username']  ?

 this is the complete page of errors, with code and context:


 PS. sorry for my bad english...

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Re: nice new API layout

2009-02-09 Thread Marcelo Andrade

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 6:02 PM, brian wrote:

Just announcing: I created a small API search plugin for Firefox 3.
Maybe it could be usefull for someone... :-P

Best regards.

MARCELO DE F. ANDRADE (aka eleKtron)
Belem, PA, Amazonia, Brazil
Linux User #221105

[...@pará ~]# links

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Re: PHP mail() function not working in

2009-02-09 Thread peterhf

Thank you all for your consideration and especially you, Gonzalo, for
this solution to my problem. I do not have access to php.ini as it is
the hosting server. In addition, as I stated in my original post, a
vanilla PHP file containing a call to the mail function works.

I have decided to address the issue be upgrading to v1.2.1.8004 and
try the Email Component.

Peter -

On Feb 9, 9:11 am, Gonzalo Servat wrote:
 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:58 PM, peterhf wrote:

   Why not update to 1.2?

  This is plan B, the client doesn't want to upgrade at this time.

   What error message do you have?

  None! And debug is set to 3.

 This might actually be related to the sendmail wrapper (provided the mail
 function is enabled in php.ini). I had this exact problem just recently on a
 cPanel server and after looking the apache log, I found an error message
 saying sendmail couldn't be called directly, or something along those lines.
 If you *are* running cPanel, you have to turn off the following setting in
 exim: Track email origin through X-Source email headers. This setting
 causes the sendmail binary to be wrapped by a Perl script which tracks the
 email origin before calling the real sendmail binary. If you're not using
 cPanel, you might still want to check if the path to sendmail is a wrapper
 or a real sendmail (or equivalent) binary. If it is wrapped, try either
 changing the path to sendmail in php.ini to the real sendmail binary *or*
 renaming the wrapper and placing the real sendmail binary in its place.

 Good luck.

 - Gonzalo
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how to update comments

2009-02-09 Thread test


I paginate the previous comments. When I add a new comment, how should
I put it on the top and removes the last shown comment. Can I just
keep the middle comments unchanged?




I will add comment 1*, so it display



just remove the comment3

Thank you in advance


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Re: How to Manage Multidimensional Array in Cakephp

2009-02-09 Thread BrendonKoz

I hope you understand the language POWERING CakePHP - that being PHP

foreach, while, for loops, as well as the SPL class (optionally).
...then there's also the count() function which can count the number
of records within an array, or the number of records of an array
within an array if an index to an array contains an array which was
sent to the count() function.

CakePHP assists with some of this in other aspects, such as the Set
class, and certain helpers or behaviors, depending on your *specific*

On Feb 7, 5:15 am, WebbedIT wrote:
 Maulik, That is a very generalised question.  I advise you begin
 building your app and when you come to a specific real-time problem
 post your query along with some example code and someone will be happy
 to help.
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Re: ClassRegistry::init vs loadModel

2009-02-09 Thread Gwoo

Ok hopefully this will be the last time we need to explain this...

App::import() only includes the file. So you would new to create a new
instance every time. This is not recommended

ClassRegistry::init() loads the file, adds the instance to the a
object map and returns the instance. This is an easy and convenient
way to access models.

Controller::loadModel(); Uses ClassRegistry::init() adds the model to
a property of the controller and also allows persistModel to be

While you can do any of these things, you should ask yourself why
you are creating dependencies on models that are not natural to the
controller. If you have to do use any of these, then I would do so
in reverse order of the way i described them. IE, Controller::loadModel
() then CR::init() and actually I never use App::import() for models.

Hope this helps.
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Re: Extract Data From An Array - Question

2009-02-09 Thread BrendonKoz

As an aside, you can also use the find('first' ...) method rather than
find('all', ...) like you did, since you limit the result to one in
your query anyway.  Not much different, they both achieve the same
thing, but it may be more readable in the code itself.

On Feb 8, 5:06 pm, Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil wrote:
 I really appreciate it guys, for some reason I didn't try this:

 Set::extract($aDestinationSummary, '{n}.0');

 That extracts exactly the set I want, I knew there had to be a simple,
 clean way to get it but didn't try that for some reason.

 Thanks so much for the help.


 On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 2:32 PM, brian wrote:

  On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 10:47 AM, Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil wrote:

  I have the following query:

             $aParams = array(
                 'fields' = array(
                     ifnull(CcCall.destination, 'Total')    as destination
                     ,'sec_to_time(sum(CcCall.sessiontime))  as duration'
                     ,'truncate(sum(CcCall.sessionbill), 2)  as charged'
                 ,'conditions' = $aConditions
                 ,'group' = 'CcCall.destination with rollup'
                 ,'limit' = 1

  $aDestinationSummary = $this-CcCall-find('all', $aParams);

  which returns data as follows:

  2009-02-07 23:52:19 Debug: Array
     [0] = Array
             [0] = Array
                     [destination] = algeria cellular algerie telecom
                     [duration] = 00:01:30
                     [charged] = 0.51



  Typically I would use Set::extract to extract the data I want and
  format it to json to be rendered by the view. However, in this
  particular case, the data is returned in such a way that doesn't at
  least at first glance allow me to use Set::extract.


  1- Is there a way to format the query above in such a way that returns
  the Model Name as the sub-index for the arrays, hence allowing me to
  use Set::extract?

  Cake can't know the model name here because of the use of DB
  functions, hence the 2nd 0 key. The first key is the results index,
  and so corresponds to Set's '{n}'. The 2nd key will always be 0. So,
  for example, to extract destination you just need to do:

  Set::extract($results, '{n}.0.destination');

  2- If 1 is not possible or even if it is, Do we hae a way to just get
  the elements containing data from the array. For instance, something
  like the following:

  $aDestSummary = Set::extract($aDestinationSummary, '{n}');

  I'm not sure what you mean by that, based on the example result you
  posted. Perhaps you want an inner join?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -
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Re: Email Notification Problem

2009-02-09 Thread Kyle Decot

Well if I remove the App::import(... and load the Email Component via
the components var, then everything goes smoothly. I would like to
avoid this however since this function is used across a large number
of controllers but I'd really like to load it only when needed, as my
app is already beginning to run slow. Any ideas?

On Feb 9, 11:43 am, brian wrote:
 Well, I'm certainly no expert, so you might well benefit from someone
 else jumping in here. ;-)

 Try removing these lines:

        $this-Email = new EmailComponent();

 ... as well as the inititlaize line I suggested. Then, add this line
 to the top of AppController:

 public $components = array('Email');

 (replace public with var if you're stuck with PHP4.x)

 See if that works. I have a feeling the problem stems from the fact
 that you're importing a component into AppController, rather than
 loading it in the normal fashion. If you don't send email from many
 controllers, this may not be the most efficient way, but you'll at
 least be a bit closer to figuring out why it's failing for you.

 The crux of it is that the component isn't getting a handle to the
 controller for some reason.

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Kyle Decot wrote:

  When trying to use the initialize method, I get a undefined method

  Fatal error: Call to undefined method EmailComponent::initialize() in /
  on line 60

  Any ideas?

  On Feb 9, 2:22 am, brian wrote:
  change the method name to _sendEmailNotification (single underscore)
  to make it protected, rather than private

  $this-Email = new EmailComponent();

  Those are the only things that I can think of. I've never imported a
  component inside of an AppController method - private, protected, or
  public. Maybe that's the problem?

  On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Kyle Decot wrote:

   Ah, stupid mistake but I've updated the set to be body instead of
   email_body and am still getting the same results. Any other ideas?

   On Feb 9, 1:55 am, brian wrote:
   sorry, I should have unquoted that. This should be clearer.


   Notice (8): Undefined variable: body [APP/views/elements/email/html/
   email_notification.ctp, line 1]
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Re: Firefox Search Engine Plug-In

2009-02-09 Thread BrendonKoz

That's actually a really good idea, Hernan.  The OpenSearch plugins
are quite easy to make, and can be very helpful (I love using the
Sourceforge opensearch plugin).  Similar functionality to bookmarklets
but with less typing.  ;)

Using it for the CakePHP documentation is one of those Eureka moments
that I just didn't have.  :D

On Feb 9, 10:04 am, Hernan wrote:
 Hi there,
 This is my first CakePHP post by the way. I'm kind of new to CakePHP
 but I already love it.

 I've created a search engine plug-in to search the 1.2 docs.
 You can download it 

 You'll have to register if you want to use it. This is because of
 their secutiry policy to new plug-ins.
 To make it public I'd need other people to review it so if try it and
 you like it, please review it so I can make it available to general

 Any feedback or help with it would be greatly appreciated!
 Also, the code is available if anyone wants it. It's just an XML with
 a base64 encoded icon.

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Re: Email Notification Problem

2009-02-09 Thread brian

Well, you're closer to a solution, at least. AFAIK, you shouldn't need
to do anything special with the component after loading with
App::import(). But, the component is obviously missing a handle to the
controller. So, the problem might be a combination of the fact that
you're doing this in AppController and that the method is
private/protected. You could try making it a public method. That last
bit is not much better than a wild guess, though.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:27 PM, Kyle Decot wrote:

 Well if I remove the App::import(... and load the Email Component via
 the components var, then everything goes smoothly. I would like to
 avoid this however since this function is used across a large number
 of controllers but I'd really like to load it only when needed, as my
 app is already beginning to run slow. Any ideas?

 On Feb 9, 11:43 am, brian wrote:
 Well, I'm certainly no expert, so you might well benefit from someone
 else jumping in here. ;-)

 Try removing these lines:

$this-Email = new EmailComponent();

 ... as well as the inititlaize line I suggested. Then, add this line
 to the top of AppController:

 public $components = array('Email');

 (replace public with var if you're stuck with PHP4.x)

 See if that works. I have a feeling the problem stems from the fact
 that you're importing a component into AppController, rather than
 loading it in the normal fashion. If you don't send email from many
 controllers, this may not be the most efficient way, but you'll at
 least be a bit closer to figuring out why it's failing for you.

 The crux of it is that the component isn't getting a handle to the
 controller for some reason.

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Kyle Decot wrote:

  When trying to use the initialize method, I get a undefined method

  Fatal error: Call to undefined method EmailComponent::initialize() in /
  on line 60

  Any ideas?

  On Feb 9, 2:22 am, brian wrote:
  change the method name to _sendEmailNotification (single underscore)
  to make it protected, rather than private

  $this-Email = new EmailComponent();

  Those are the only things that I can think of. I've never imported a
  component inside of an AppController method - private, protected, or
  public. Maybe that's the problem?

  On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Kyle Decot wrote:

   Ah, stupid mistake but I've updated the set to be body instead of
   email_body and am still getting the same results. Any other ideas?

   On Feb 9, 1:55 am, brian wrote:
   sorry, I should have unquoted that. This should be clearer.


   Notice (8): Undefined variable: body [APP/views/elements/email/html/
   email_notification.ctp, line 1]

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Re: how to update comments

2009-02-09 Thread brian

'order' = array('Comment.created' = 'DESC')

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 12:08 PM, test wrote:


 I paginate the previous comments. When I add a new comment, how should
 I put it on the top and removes the last shown comment. Can I just
 keep the middle comments unchanged?




 I will add comment 1*, so it display



 just remove the comment3

 Thank you in advance



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-~--~~~~--~~--~--~--- works OK but cannot manage to get Model.savaAll() to work (rollback)

2009-02-09 Thread Aktarus


I am starting with CakePHP, the latest version.
I have created 2 tables: 'users' and 'user_details' - they are
obviously related ;)

I am creating a record using, it works OK.
I am trying to do the same with saveAll(), expecting that my user
**and** his details will be saved in the same transaction but I get a
rollback immediatly after the user record is created :-(

I am using MySQL innodb.

I don't seem to get any more details as to why I get a rollback before
the user details are stored - I am stuck.
I was expecting to get a SQL error displayed in case some NOT NULL
constraint or other SQL constraint was not met - I checked my code
many time.

Thanks for your help.

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getting information from all your plugins

2009-02-09 Thread Evert

I'm trying to build a cms that works a lot with plugins. Now I need to
compose a few menu's which are filled with links to my plugins. Those
links also need to be provided by all my plugins. So my question is,
how do I get info from all my plugins? It would be nice if I could do
it like this:

[CODE]/* /plugins/blog/blog_app_controller.php */

class BlogAppController extends AppController {
var $name = 'Blog';

var $menuLinks = array(
'Blog' = array('plugin' = 'Blog', 'controller' =
'blog', 'action' = 'index'),

var $adminLinks = array(
'Blog Settings' = array('plugin' = 'Blog', 'controller'
= 'blog', 'action' = 'settings', 'admin' = true),

of course, the admin-links will have the admin-routing, so that would
be '/admin/blog/settings'

Could anyone help me?
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iphone version of my site

2009-02-09 Thread monirr444

i made an iphone version of my site is there any way to put a code in my
index.ctp whenever iphone users go there redirect them to iphone version  or
any other solutions

thank You 

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Re: iphone version of my site

2009-02-09 Thread Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil

I am not sure if cakephp supports this; but you usually would have to
find a way to recognize mobile headers. There might already be a
library out there for this. Last time I worked on this was using
modperl and we had all the headers in the DB allowing us to recognize
the device.

See this below to give you an idea:

Hope this helps and leads you in the right direction.



On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:25 PM, monirr444 wrote:

 i made an iphone version of my site is there any way to put a code in my
 index.ctp whenever iphone users go there redirect them to iphone version  or
 any other solutions

 thank You

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Re: Extract Data From An Array - Question

2009-02-09 Thread Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil

Appreciate the comment. The limit 1 was just there while I was testing
the stuff, it went away soon after I found out the correct syntax.

Thanks for the help,


On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:22 PM, BrendonKoz wrote:

 As an aside, you can also use the find('first' ...) method rather than
 find('all', ...) like you did, since you limit the result to one in
 your query anyway.  Not much different, they both achieve the same
 thing, but it may be more readable in the code itself.

 On Feb 8, 5:06 pm, Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil wrote:
 I really appreciate it guys, for some reason I didn't try this:

 Set::extract($aDestinationSummary, '{n}.0');

 That extracts exactly the set I want, I knew there had to be a simple,
 clean way to get it but didn't try that for some reason.

 Thanks so much for the help.


 On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 2:32 PM, brian wrote:

  On Sun, Feb 8, 2009 at 10:47 AM, Alfredo Quiroga-Villamil wrote:

  I have the following query:

 $aParams = array(
 'fields' = array(
 ifnull(CcCall.destination, 'Total')as destination
 ,'sec_to_time(sum(CcCall.sessiontime))  as duration'
 ,'truncate(sum(CcCall.sessionbill), 2)  as charged'
 ,'conditions' = $aConditions
 ,'group' = 'CcCall.destination with rollup'
 ,'limit' = 1

  $aDestinationSummary = $this-CcCall-find('all', $aParams);

  which returns data as follows:

  2009-02-07 23:52:19 Debug: Array
 [0] = Array
 [0] = Array
 [destination] = algeria cellular algerie telecom
 [duration] = 00:01:30
 [charged] = 0.51



  Typically I would use Set::extract to extract the data I want and
  format it to json to be rendered by the view. However, in this
  particular case, the data is returned in such a way that doesn't at
  least at first glance allow me to use Set::extract.


  1- Is there a way to format the query above in such a way that returns
  the Model Name as the sub-index for the arrays, hence allowing me to
  use Set::extract?

  Cake can't know the model name here because of the use of DB
  functions, hence the 2nd 0 key. The first key is the results index,
  and so corresponds to Set's '{n}'. The 2nd key will always be 0. So,
  for example, to extract destination you just need to do:

  Set::extract($results, '{n}.0.destination');

  2- If 1 is not possible or even if it is, Do we hae a way to just get
  the elements containing data from the array. For instance, something
  like the following:

  $aDestSummary = Set::extract($aDestinationSummary, '{n}');

  I'm not sure what you mean by that, based on the example result you
  posted. Perhaps you want an inner join?- Hide quoted text -

 - Show quoted text -

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Re: iphone version of my site

2009-02-09 Thread Brett Wilton

I haven't used it yet but the RequestHandler component has an
isMobile() function call that may be enough to help change layouts
depending on the device.

Brett Wilton

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Custom validation error message not displaying

2009-02-09 Thread WebbedIT

I have created a custom validation rule which is working as required,
but does not pass the error message to $this-validationErrors when it
is triggered.

// Model: validate rules
var $validate = array(
  'partner_information' = array(
'rule' = array('__validatePartnerInformation'),
'message' = 'This field cannot be left blank'

// Model: validate method
function __validatePartnerInformation($data) {
  return $this-data[$this-name]['nature_id'] == 3  $this-data
[$this-name]['partner_information'] == '' ? false : true;

// View
echo debug($this-validationErrors);
echo $form-input('', array('label' = 'Name'));
echo $form-input('Scheme.partner_information');

I set debug to 2 when validation fails so I can echo debug($this-
validationErrors); and whilst leaving the field
blank triggers and displays this field cannot be blank my custom
validation on Scheme.partner_information fails validation but does not
show an error message.
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Re: iphone version of my site

2009-02-09 Thread BrendonKoz

If ModelBaker can do it (built with CakePHP as the core), I'd imagine
we can too!  I haven't figured out how to make an iPhone based layout
yet though so I won't be much help in that department.  :(

On Feb 9, 2:43 pm, Brett Wilton wrote:
 I haven't used it yet but the RequestHandler component has an
 isMobile() function call that may be enough to help change layouts
 depending on the device.

 Brett Wilton
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Re: Form validation error not being displayed

2009-02-09 Thread WebbedIT

I've just came across the same problem, my validation rules stop the
form from submitting at thr right times, but no the error messages are
not being sent to $this-validationErrors to be displayed apart from
my one validation rule from an associated model which displays fine.

Anyone else experiencing this/got a solution?

My recent post on this topic:
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Re: Custom validation error message not displaying

2009-02-09 Thread WebbedIT

Update: After searching and finding someone else having a similar
unresolved problem last month (whoops - I should have searched first)
I modified my validate variable to a single 'notEmpty' rule on one
field (to take my custom rule out of the equation).

Leaving that field empty stopped the save as expected, but still
failed to pass the error message to $this-validationErrors.

My related model validation message is passed perfectly if it
triggers, could this be something to do with saveAll overwriting $this-
validationErrors array when checking validation for my related
tables?  Grasping at straws here.


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Re: iphone version of my site

2009-02-09 Thread monirr444

i have the layout and the java script for the iphone  i used the Joe Hewitt's
IUI layout and javascrpt it worked fine just i dont have much  experience
with cakephp i dont know how this deafult.ctp works whatever i put in there
it share it with other view if u can help with some

BrendonKoz wrote:
 If ModelBaker can do it (built with CakePHP as the core), I'd imagine
 we can too!  I haven't figured out how to make an iPhone based layout
 yet though so I won't be much help in that department.  :(
 On Feb 9, 2:43 pm, Brett Wilton wrote:
 I haven't used it yet but the RequestHandler component has an
 isMobile() function call that may be enough to help change layouts
 depending on the device.

 Brett Wilton

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Submit not translated in baked views

2009-02-09 Thread Jonathan


I used the console to bake some views and noticed that Submit in
forms is not translated.

I guess that line 47 in the template (cake/console/libs/templates/
views/form.ctp) should be changed from:
echo ?php echo \$form-end('Submit');?\n;
echo ?php echo \$form-end(__('Submit', true));?\n;

- but maybe there is an even better way? (E.g. $form-end(array))
would give a submit button with the default submit text from the form



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extended saveAll method

2009-02-09 Thread mradosta

Let's see if some one can help me.

I'm try to test is the method appSave in app_model.php ( ) makes everything (insert,
update or delete) in a single transaction, but I can't figure out how
to do this.

Here is the test_case so you can see it clear.



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Re: iphone version of my site

2009-02-09 Thread Andras Kende

something like this should work (from modelbaker...)

var $components = array(

function beforeFilter() {
if ($this-RequestHandler-isMobile() ||  
stripos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'Android')) {
if ($this-RequestHandler-isAjax()) {
$this-layout = 'ajax';
} else {
$this-layout = 'iphone';
$this-mobileView = '.iphone';

On Feb 9, 2009, at 2:25 PM, monirr444 wrote:

 i made an iphone version of my site is there any way to put a code  
 in my
 index.ctp whenever iphone users go there redirect them to iphone  
 version  or
 any other solutions

 thank You

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Andras Kende

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Re: Firefox Search Engine Plug-In

2009-02-09 Thread Marcelo Andrade

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 12:04 PM, Hernan wrote:

 Hi there,
 This is my first CakePHP post by the way. I'm kind of new to CakePHP
 but I already love it.

 I've created a search engine plug-in to search the 1.2 docs.
 You can download it here:

 You'll have to register if you want to use it. This is because of
 their secutiry policy to new plug-ins.
 To make it public I'd need other people to review it so if try it and
 you like it, please review it so I can make it available to general

 Any feedback or help with it would be greatly appreciated!
 Also, the code is available if anyone wants it. It's just an XML with
 a base64 encoded icon.


MARCELO DE F. ANDRADE (aka eleKtron)
Belem, PA, Amazonia, Brazil
Linux User #221105

[...@pará ~]# links

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MooTools Ajax Pagination

2009-02-09 Thread Arak Tai'Roth

The project that I am currently working on is constrained by the fact
that I have to use MooTools for a few things we are using. I also
don't really want to use Prototype as the load times in certain cases
aren't exactly friendly.

So I was wondering if there is anywhere I can learn how to implement
AJAX Pagination with MooTools, I know there is a tutorial in the
bakery for JQuery, I was hoping for something similar using MooTools.
Or if someone can give me some examples here.

Any help is appreciated, thank you.
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Re: Email Notification Problem

2009-02-09 Thread Kyle Decot

I tried changing the method to be public but the problems still
persist. Any other suggestions? I'm really stumped on this!

On Feb 9, 1:51 pm, brian wrote:
 Well, you're closer to a solution, at least. AFAIK, you shouldn't need
 to do anything special with the component after loading with
 App::import(). But, the component is obviously missing a handle to the
 controller. So, the problem might be a combination of the fact that
 you're doing this in AppController and that the method is
 private/protected. You could try making it a public method. That last
 bit is not much better than a wild guess, though.

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:27 PM, Kyle Decot wrote:

  Well if I remove the App::import(... and load the Email Component via
  the components var, then everything goes smoothly. I would like to
  avoid this however since this function is used across a large number
  of controllers but I'd really like to load it only when needed, as my
  app is already beginning to run slow. Any ideas?

  On Feb 9, 11:43 am, brian wrote:
  Well, I'm certainly no expert, so you might well benefit from someone
  else jumping in here. ;-)

  Try removing these lines:

         $this-Email = new EmailComponent();

  ... as well as the inititlaize line I suggested. Then, add this line
  to the top of AppController:

  public $components = array('Email');

  (replace public with var if you're stuck with PHP4.x)

  See if that works. I have a feeling the problem stems from the fact
  that you're importing a component into AppController, rather than
  loading it in the normal fashion. If you don't send email from many
  controllers, this may not be the most efficient way, but you'll at
  least be a bit closer to figuring out why it's failing for you.

  The crux of it is that the component isn't getting a handle to the
  controller for some reason.

  On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Kyle Decot wrote:

   When trying to use the initialize method, I get a undefined method

   Fatal error: Call to undefined method EmailComponent::initialize() in /
   on line 60

   Any ideas?

   On Feb 9, 2:22 am, brian wrote:
   change the method name to _sendEmailNotification (single underscore)
   to make it protected, rather than private

   $this-Email = new EmailComponent();

   Those are the only things that I can think of. I've never imported a
   component inside of an AppController method - private, protected, or
   public. Maybe that's the problem?

   On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Kyle Decot wrote:

Ah, stupid mistake but I've updated the set to be body instead of
email_body and am still getting the same results. Any other ideas?

On Feb 9, 1:55 am, brian wrote:
sorry, I should have unquoted that. This should be clearer.


Notice (8): Undefined variable: body [APP/views/elements/email/html/
email_notification.ctp, line 1]
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Re: Firefox Search Engine Plug-In

2009-02-09 Thread Hernan


I'm not sure what you mean by that Marcelo. If you want my full name
is Hernán Calabrese (hernancalabrese arroba

I'll add that the MIT license to the plugin, good idea.

Glad you liked it. What I do, is assign the keyword cake to that
plugin so I can type directly in the address bar cake something and
it will search something in the cake docs.

To assign a keyword to a Search Engine plugin you have to click
Manage Search Engines..., then select and edit the keyword.

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International validation messages in a contact form

2009-02-09 Thread ohcibi

Hi everybody,

i have set up a Contact-Model like this:
(according to
i want to provide international validation messages so i output the
form-fields like this: .. however
the error-messages are still some default-ones... does anybody know
why this could be?

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Re: Email Notification Problem

2009-02-09 Thread brian

Actually, yes, I think I have one more idea. When I suggested calling
$this-Email-initialize($this) I think that I should have said

So, go back to what you had initially (heh):

$this-Email = new EmailComponent();

If that doesn't work, I'm afraid you'll need to consult an expert.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 6:28 PM, Kyle Decot wrote:

 I tried changing the method to be public but the problems still
 persist. Any other suggestions? I'm really stumped on this!

 On Feb 9, 1:51 pm, brian wrote:
 Well, you're closer to a solution, at least. AFAIK, you shouldn't need
 to do anything special with the component after loading with
 App::import(). But, the component is obviously missing a handle to the
 controller. So, the problem might be a combination of the fact that
 you're doing this in AppController and that the method is
 private/protected. You could try making it a public method. That last
 bit is not much better than a wild guess, though.

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:27 PM, Kyle Decot wrote:

  Well if I remove the App::import(... and load the Email Component via
  the components var, then everything goes smoothly. I would like to
  avoid this however since this function is used across a large number
  of controllers but I'd really like to load it only when needed, as my
  app is already beginning to run slow. Any ideas?

  On Feb 9, 11:43 am, brian wrote:
  Well, I'm certainly no expert, so you might well benefit from someone
  else jumping in here. ;-)

  Try removing these lines:

 $this-Email = new EmailComponent();

  ... as well as the inititlaize line I suggested. Then, add this line
  to the top of AppController:

  public $components = array('Email');

  (replace public with var if you're stuck with PHP4.x)

  See if that works. I have a feeling the problem stems from the fact
  that you're importing a component into AppController, rather than
  loading it in the normal fashion. If you don't send email from many
  controllers, this may not be the most efficient way, but you'll at
  least be a bit closer to figuring out why it's failing for you.

  The crux of it is that the component isn't getting a handle to the
  controller for some reason.

  On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Kyle Decot wrote:

   When trying to use the initialize method, I get a undefined method

   Fatal error: Call to undefined method EmailComponent::initialize() in /
   on line 60

   Any ideas?

   On Feb 9, 2:22 am, brian wrote:
   change the method name to _sendEmailNotification (single underscore)
   to make it protected, rather than private

   $this-Email = new EmailComponent();

   Those are the only things that I can think of. I've never imported a
   component inside of an AppController method - private, protected, or
   public. Maybe that's the problem?

   On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Kyle Decot wrote:

Ah, stupid mistake but I've updated the set to be body instead of
email_body and am still getting the same results. Any other ideas?

On Feb 9, 1:55 am, brian wrote:
sorry, I should have unquoted that. This should be clearer.


Notice (8): Undefined variable: body [APP/views/elements/email/html/
email_notification.ctp, line 1]

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Re: Firefox Search Engine Plug-In

2009-02-09 Thread Hernan

Oh, I just saw your 1 star review in the mozzila dev site. Thank you
very much. Well, I didn't know it existed and no, I didn't copy from
it. I've made it from scratch wasting my time reading specification
BS, coding it and uploading it, converting the icon to base64 etc. Do
you really think I'd really waste my time on this add-on if I knew
there was one??? C'mon man. I code, I don't steal other people's code
for fun or money.

I don't know when you coded that, but if you would have uploaded to
the add-ons page you would saved me some time I could have used for
something more productive for ME, instead of the community. But don't
worry, if this is the trearment I'm going to get for contributing I'll
prefer just to leech everything and keep my code for me (you know
very well it takes an extra effort to publish it)

Also, you should have come to me in the first place. We, people, talk.
You have to understand that I don't visit every fking page on the
internet just to be sure nobody has ever written something like that
before...Specially when we are talking about something as dumb as a
search plug-in!

Oh, and BTW, mine uses another icon, and it searches the doc, not the
API like your version. So it would be great if you could publish yours
too so we, the community, can search both the doc AND the API.

Voçe não comprende? Eu comprendo (mas o menos) português, fala
português. (Aunque español sería melhor)

Take care
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Re: Email Notification Problem

2009-02-09 Thread Kyle Decot

Thanks for all your help but I'm still getting an undefined function
for init as well as the other errors. Does anyone else have any ideas?
Brian and myself are all out of them!

On Feb 9, 6:56 pm, brian wrote:
 Actually, yes, I think I have one more idea. When I suggested calling
 $this-Email-initialize($this) I think that I should have said

 So, go back to what you had initially (heh):

 $this-Email = new EmailComponent();

 If that doesn't work, I'm afraid you'll need to consult an expert.

 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 6:28 PM, Kyle Decot wrote:

  I tried changing the method to be public but the problems still
  persist. Any other suggestions? I'm really stumped on this!

  On Feb 9, 1:51 pm, brian wrote:
  Well, you're closer to a solution, at least. AFAIK, you shouldn't need
  to do anything special with the component after loading with
  App::import(). But, the component is obviously missing a handle to the
  controller. So, the problem might be a combination of the fact that
  you're doing this in AppController and that the method is
  private/protected. You could try making it a public method. That last
  bit is not much better than a wild guess, though.

  On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:27 PM, Kyle Decot wrote:

   Well if I remove the App::import(... and load the Email Component via
   the components var, then everything goes smoothly. I would like to
   avoid this however since this function is used across a large number
   of controllers but I'd really like to load it only when needed, as my
   app is already beginning to run slow. Any ideas?

   On Feb 9, 11:43 am, brian wrote:
   Well, I'm certainly no expert, so you might well benefit from someone
   else jumping in here. ;-)

   Try removing these lines:

          $this-Email = new EmailComponent();

   ... as well as the inititlaize line I suggested. Then, add this line
   to the top of AppController:

   public $components = array('Email');

   (replace public with var if you're stuck with PHP4.x)

   See if that works. I have a feeling the problem stems from the fact
   that you're importing a component into AppController, rather than
   loading it in the normal fashion. If you don't send email from many
   controllers, this may not be the most efficient way, but you'll at
   least be a bit closer to figuring out why it's failing for you.

   The crux of it is that the component isn't getting a handle to the
   controller for some reason.

   On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 2:29 AM, Kyle Decot wrote:

When trying to use the initialize method, I get a undefined method

Fatal error: Call to undefined method EmailComponent::initialize() in 
on line 60

Any ideas?

On Feb 9, 2:22 am, brian wrote:
change the method name to _sendEmailNotification (single underscore)
to make it protected, rather than private

$this-Email = new EmailComponent();

Those are the only things that I can think of. I've never imported a
component inside of an AppController method - private, protected, or
public. Maybe that's the problem?

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:57 AM, Kyle Decot wrote:

 Ah, stupid mistake but I've updated the set to be body instead of
 email_body and am still getting the same results. Any other ideas?

 On Feb 9, 1:55 am, brian wrote:
 sorry, I should have unquoted that. This should be clearer.


 Notice (8): Undefined variable: body 
 email_notification.ctp, line 1]
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Re: view pdf files?

2009-02-09 Thread justclint

Thanks Brian. I created a folder in webroot that leads to my pdf. It
works great!

Just on a side note, is this a standard way of doing this, creating
additional folder structures in the webroot?

I was just under the impression that all this was supposed to be done
in the views folder.



On Feb 8, 10:45 pm, brian wrote:
 Oh, I thought you meant it was a direct link to the PDF. Which your
 link appears to be. But your controller action seems to be trying to
 render the PDF. Do you have a route set up for
 health_questionaire.pdf to point to
 YourController::health_questionnaire()? Unless you've overloaded
 render() in some funky fashion, that's not going to work. If you want
 Cake to feed the PDF file, have a look at MediaView.[1]

 But, if you just need a direct link to a PDF file, the URL should
 point to wherever the file is relative to the webroot dir (eg
 /fitness_lab/forms/health_questionnaire.pdf if the file is in
 app/webroot/fitness_lab/forms dir). Just make sure it's below webroot.
 MediaView can serve files that are parked above webroot, btw (ie
 inaccessible to normal requests).


 On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 12:39 AM, justclint wrote:

  Thanks for replying Brian. Actually I had a wrong link in there but
  after fixing it I dont get the error message anymore. Now it just
  renders my index page while the url still end in .pdf.

  In my controller I got this:

         function forms() {
                 $this-pageTitle = 'Fitness Lab : Forms';
                 $this-set('page', 'forms');
                 $this-set('pageName', 'Forms');
         }// end forms()

                                 function health_questionnaire() {
                                                         $this-pageTitle = 
  'Fitness Lab : Forms : Health
                                                         // set page info
  $this-set('pageName', 'Health Questionnaire');
                                                         // set view file
                                                 }// end 

  Im not using a mode since the content is static.

  In my views folder I have fitness_lab/forms.

  My link in fitness_lab/forms/index looks like this

  a href=health_questionaire.pdf
  array('class' =
  'pdficon')); ?/a

  If it helps heres a url to the page im working on.

  You can see that when you click on the download a form link that the
  url displays correctly but the page does not render the pdf file.



  On Feb 8, 9:18 pm, brian wrote:
  I guess the obvious questions are, what does your link URL look like,
  and what's in this error.php file at line 25?

  Shouldn't that be app_error.php, btw?

  On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 12:01 AM, justclint wrote:

   Everything I've seen doing a search on google and in this group seems
   to be based on converting files/views to pdf.

   I have pdf files that I just need to link to. I keep getting this
   parse error when I click on the link to the pdf file:

   Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';', expecting T_FUNCTION in /
   data/15/1/101/96/1753748/user/1895223/htdocs/nf_dev/app/error.php on
   line 25

   Is there a way to just link to existing pdf files?


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Re: view pdf files?

2009-02-09 Thread justclint

Thanks mscdex. Your 2nd suggestion is exactly what Im trying to do.
Brian suggested adding the directory to webroot which works as

However, I did have the pdfs in a the views folder and I tried the
redirect() but I run into the same problem trying to define what the
controller and action would be for a pdf file.

How would I use this redirect to show the pdf file?



On Feb 8, 10:08 pm, mscdex wrote:
 Generally if you are manually rendering a view, you should do: 
 $this-autoRender = false;

 If you are trying to get the PDF to show up instead of the controller
 action's view, you could try doing a $this-redirect() as documented
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Re: MooTools Ajax Pagination

2009-02-09 Thread Websta*

Here is the code of a really basic mootools JS object that can pretty
much be dropped in for paging a standard cake index view

All you have to do is wrap your view code in a div and specify that id
as your pagingDivId

This is extremely basic and doesnt make allowance for request failure
events etc - just the basics.



On Feb 10, 11:45 am, Arak Tai'Roth wrote:
 The project that I am currently working on is constrained by the fact
 that I have to use MooTools for a few things we are using. I also
 don't really want to use Prototype as the load times in certain cases
 aren't exactly friendly.

 So I was wondering if there is anywhere I can learn how to implement
 AJAX Pagination with MooTools, I know there is a tutorial in the
 bakery for JQuery, I was hoping for something similar using MooTools.
 Or if someone can give me some examples here.

 Any help is appreciated, thank you.
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Re: view pdf files?

2009-02-09 Thread brian

You don't need the controller serve PDFs unless you have some reason
to keep them inaccessible to casual browsers and want to use some kind
of authorisation. In that case, you'd want to look at MediaView.
Otherwise, just let Apache serve it as any other file. Hence, you put
it under webroot. Anything that's under that directory is accessible
with a direct link--images, javascript, CSS files, etc. So, you can
create whatever directory structure you want in there if you have
reason to.

Perhaps the confusion stems from the fact that the HtmlHelper has a
method to create image links. But, if you look carefully, you'll see
that the URL points directly to the image file under webroot, not a
controller. I think that maybe the only reason $html-image() exists
is because too many people were becoming confused by Cake's mysterious
DOCUMENT_ROOT shuffling (I was) that they were messing up their img

To answer your other question about the views dir, all those files in
there are basically templates for displaying a controller's output.
That's not the webroot, but simply a convenient directory in which to
store template files. What mscdex was suggesting is, if you happened
to have a controller action where you wanted to redirect the request
to some PDF file, you'd use the public URL as the param to redirect().
Something like


But I'm pretty sure that's not what you're after here. Just leave the
controller out of it.

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 8:01 PM, justclint wrote:

 Thanks mscdex. Your 2nd suggestion is exactly what Im trying to do.
 Brian suggested adding the directory to webroot which works as

 However, I did have the pdfs in a the views folder and I tried the
 redirect() but I run into the same problem trying to define what the
 controller and action would be for a pdf file.

 How would I use this redirect to show the pdf file?



 On Feb 8, 10:08 pm, mscdex wrote:
 Generally if you are manually rendering a view, you should do: 
 $this-autoRender = false;

 If you are trying to get the PDF to show up instead of the controller
 action's view, you could try doing a $this-redirect() as documented

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Something wrong with authentication with multiple roles

2009-02-09 Thread datgs

I'm new in cakePHP. And I don't know how to question directly to
cakePHP development team.

I think Acl in cakePHP is good. But I've found some thing wrong with
authentication check, with multiple roles.


File: cake/libs/controller/components/acl.php
Class: DbAcl
Method: Check
Line: 282. Code: return false;
Line: 299. Code: return false;

I've had some tests with this method. I've seen that,

DbAcl::check($aro, $aco, $action = '*')

accept multiple request object (mean that $aro may have 1, 2, 3 or
more request object).

But in the code, return false is used at above line (282 and 299),
there is only one $aro in list to be checked.

In my case, I've change all these line to continue.

What is your opinion ?

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Re: Email Notification Problem

2009-02-09 Thread mscdex

Just out of curiousity, what version of CakePHP are you using?
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Re: Email Notification Problem

2009-02-09 Thread Kyle Decot

I'm using 1.2.1. Any thoughts?

On Feb 9, 10:43 pm, mscdex wrote:
 Just out of curiousity, what version of CakePHP are you using?
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Re: Using Configure class in custom AppError

2009-02-09 Thread Dr. Loboto

It depends on what do you do in beforeFilter (and there is NO callback
named beforeAction)

On Feb 9, 8:44 pm, oleonav wrote:
 Hi Loboto, that thought came across my mind already. So I will
 refraise my question;

 How do I run functions etc. found in the beforeAction of the
 AppController or at least run actions needed to initialize the
 Configure class without duplicating all code from the AppController -
 beforeAction to my AppError class..

 Any guesses?


 On Feb 7, 1:06 pm, Dr. Loboto wrote:

  AppController::beforeFilter() isn't called if no controller found to
  serve request. So yours Configure just do not contain values you need
  on Missing Controller errors as they wasn't set.

  On Feb 6, 8:54 pm, oleonav wrote:

   Hi there,

   I have some variables set using the Configure class in the
   beforeFunction of the main AppController. I use for multiple things,
   for example to set the title of the page.

   I need a custom 404 error page, so I made a custom AppError class
   containing the function error404, which overrides the build function
   from the framework (see below).

   The problem is that the Configure class is not working at all in

   Any suggestions?


   class sample --
   class AppError extends ErrorHandler
           function error404()
                   //read the config file
                   $config = Configure::read('siteConfig');

                   //set it so it's available in layout  views
                   $this-set('config', $config);

                   ... run other code 

                   //run parent class function

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Re: FileMaker database driver

2009-02-09 Thread Alex

Hi bdb,

I'm highly interested in your work in this area. I was just thinking
of starting this project myself. Can you tell me if you've made any
progress since April 2006?

- Alex

On Jan 13, 12:10 am, Louie Miranda wrote:
 Hi! Very interested. Where could we see the component for FX.php to be
 able to integrate cakephp+fm.
 I am also wondering if FX.php will ever work for FM 9 and 10.


 On Apr 12 2006, 7:48 pm, bdb wrote:

  I have hacked together a version of The Cake Blog Tutorial from that uses a FileMakerdatabasefor data storage and
  retrieval.  Currently it is very specific to the tutorial example, but
  I am working on making the functions generic so they can be applied to
  other projects I have going.

  I am utilizing FX,php ( which I placed in the vendors
  folder and then created a dbo_fmpro.php file in cake/libs/model/dbo/
  that defines a class called DboFmpro.  Since FileMaker does not use
  SQL, the DboFmpro class DOES NOT extend DboSource, so I have had to
  recreate much of the functionality that is typically inherited from
  dbo_sourse.php, datasource.php, and model_php5.php into either
  dbo_fmpro.php or app_model.php.  The app/config/database.php file has a
  'driver' value of 'fmpro' and contains the parameters that are usually
  found in the server_data.php file under FX.

  At this point I am curious to know if there's anyone else out there
  that would be interested in this project.  I'm very comfortable with
  the concepts of OOP and objectify my FileMaker scripts as much as
  possible, but I am currently hacking my way through this with a big,
  ugly machete -- using it as a OOPHP learning process while creating a
  framework for various FileMaker-hosted web sites that I have designed.
  The Cake Blog Tutorial uses exactly the same code as the manual
  provides so you can easily switch back and forth between the
  mysql-based system and the fmpro-based system by simply 
  changingdatabase.php and removing (or just renaming) app_model.php -- which 
  my ultimate design goal from the outset.

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using ajax helper to reload an element

2009-02-09 Thread Corey Crawford

Hello everyone,

I'm new to CakePHP (like everyone else on here, it seems), and so I'm
having trouble utilizing the ajax helper to refresh a div containing
an element.

Right now I have my default (home) controller setup to show a view
which utilizes an element to pull in a truncated version of a search

So you have:

home controller (no logic here yet) - home view - search element1

I'm trying to figure out a way to refresh the div the element is
within by calling the element with a different parameter (to apply a
filter, for example). In my home controller I have a
refreshSearchElement() method that tries to return the output of the
element, which my ajax observeField calls when a drop down menu is

Apparently that doesn't work, because I get 'Call to undefined method
HomeController::element()' when I call $this-element
('search_element_1'). I guess that only works in views?

Is there a way to pull in an element's contents inside a Controller
(and preferably utilize any caching)? Or can anyone recommend
different method to approach this?


Corey Crawford

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2009-02-09 Thread chandan


 How to make query or hasmany relation in model

There is three table

Network (Table) will provide the member associate with user. Member
(Table) will provide the type of member. then News will selected.

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2009-02-09 Thread chandan


 How to make query or hasmany relation in model

There is three table

Network (Table) will provide the member associate with user. Member
(Table) will provide the type of member. then News will selected.

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Problems with combining COUNT(*) and GROUP BY

2009-02-09 Thread seedifferently

Dear group,

I've got a questions_tags table that has a column for the tag_id and
question_id. I want to do a proper CakePHP model find('all') query to
pull the tag_id's with the related COUNT for each time a tag_id is

So far I can do this:

$this-QuestionsTag-find('all', array('fields'=array('*', '(COUNT
(*)) AS count'), 'group'='tag_id'));

However, the output is this:

[QuestionsTag] = Array
[tag_id] = 3
[question_id] = 1
[created] = -00-00 00:00:00
[updated] = -00-00 00:00:00

[Tag] = Array
[id] = 3
[title] = testtag
[created] = -00-00 00:00:00
[updated] = 2009-02-09 16:26:15

[0] = Array
[count] = 2


How can I get the $array[0][count] up there in the $array[QuestionsTag]
['count'] where it belongs? Why is it out there by itself under an
index of 0?

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Re: Session

2009-02-09 Thread sijo jose
Hi majna,

Thx for the tip. It was helpful and it works.

Sijo Jose C

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 2:40 PM, majna wrote:

 try with
 Configure::write('Session.checkAgent', false);
 Configure::write('Security.level', 'medium');

 On Feb 5, 9:26 am, Cjo wrote:
  Hi all,
  I have peculiar issue right now.
  When ever i double click on a link or a button, I get session out and
  thrown out.
  Is this my configuration issue and is there any remedies.
  Can I get some help.??
  Sijo Jose C

Sijo Jose Chakramakkil

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