Re: Acl - inconsistent behaviour when accessing an unauthorised url

2010-04-14 Thread Tonu Tusk
Hi there, just bumping this - I would have thought that someone may
have some insight into an important core
part of the framework misbehaving?

On Apr 12, 9:31 am, Tonu Tusk wrote:
 Hi guys, I have had problems with this in the past (with a workable
 hack which might break things in the future)

 Basically, I have the following scenario. I have Auth and Acl setup as
 in the tutorial (actions based authentication)

 now if I have an authenticated user but who has restricted access to a

 I get a variety of behaviours based on how I access the page.

 If I try to access the page whilst not logged on and then logging on,
 I get a redirect, If I am logged on and directly enter the url (no
 referer) I get redirected to home ('/') and if I try to access the
 restricted page via a link in an accessible page in the app, nothing
 happens (well obviously cake is restricting access and then
 redirecting me to the referer which is the page I am already on)

 Ideally, I would like the option o being able to be redirected to an
 unauthorised notification page if I chose, but I want to be able to
 catch all of the above occurrences without hacking auth.php

 My simple solution is just to implement AppController::referer() to
 always return my unauthorised notification page - the cirucmstances I
 have found out of the box that result in it being used for a
 redirection meet my criteria, but this is obviously flaky testing, and
 also then restricts the possibility of me using referer for anything
 else in the app in the future.

 The second solution (currently) is adding extra logic to the login
 function (to catch some special case redirections), moving the
 authentication type to controller and implementing AppController
 isAuthorized() to basically manually pass the current data through to
 Acl::Check, but in the process, internally flagging up if an
 unauthorized page has been requested and no page had yet been rendered
 as a result of any redirects, and then using this flag in the
 implemented referer method to try and retain referer's standard
 behaviour wherever possible.

 This just seems really long winded, and as noted before, is going to
 be a nightmare to test for all possible scenarios of the use of app.

 Surely with the imminent release of 1.3 there should not have to be
 workarounds for such a fundamental component, or am I missing

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Re: SQL injection protect

2010-04-14 Thread Dmitry Shevchenko
Thank you for your help Sergei. It really helpfull.

I use this validation in many controllers, thats why I wrote component
for it.
I have too much urls in my project, where last parameter is  a digit -
unsigned int. And I need to validate it and show error message to user
if parameter is wrong.

I don't know better way to validate it :(

On Apr 14, 4:01 am, Sergei wrote:

 don't think, look at the source :)

 updateAll is exactly the answer. Your validation routine seems too
 heavy for one number. And you don't have to create a component to
 validate some data manually. You can always validate in controller.

 On Apr 14, 12:15 am, Dmitry Shevchenko wrote:

  I think updateAll didn't sanitize data 

  or I'm wrong?

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Re: News with Comments - how to sort by comments count?

2010-04-14 Thread WebbedIT
I would recommend using counterCache if regularly sorting data by
count, it's much more efficient hence why it;s included in Cake's



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Re: need help saving cross reference table

2010-04-14 Thread WebbedIT
No problem :)

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CouchDB as a datasource

2010-04-14 Thread Martin Kirchgessner
Hi everyone,

As a year-old CakePHP user (by the way : huge congrats to the core
team for keeping up such a pretty framework!) I'm considering to
replace MySQL by CouchDB. I had a dream where some unpredictable data
wouldn't require ugly schemas :)

So far I tried gwoo's datasource (
925615535 - see also the original topic [1])
This is a good start but it assumes that a couchDB database is the
counterpart of MySQL tables. I don't think so, as it's usual in
CouchDB to put a type field in documents : then the counterpart of
the table is rather a couch view (or sometimes show or list) which
picks up document sets. A CouchDB view sound like a good counterpart
to find('all', ...)

I tried to rewrite a datasource (if needed I can publish it on cakebin
today), keeping in mind that it would be tied to a single couchdb
database. BUT I found out that schemas are deeply implemented in the
Model class :/ so Cake started to call my source's listSources,
describe and column methods. Of course I couldn't implement these
methods as my DB doesn't have schemas... I tried to set useTable to
false in the Model but then it won't save anything.

So I'm stuck between a normal CouchDB use (a single DB for my whole
app + calls to views in mind) which doesn't seem cake-friendly and a
working datasource that puts some constraints on DB design.
That's why I would like to discuss it here. Any comments are welcome!


[1] original topic about cake+couch :

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Re: News with Comments - how to sort by comments count?

2010-04-14 Thread Jon Bennett
 I would recommend using counterCache if regularly sorting data by
 count, it's much more efficient hence why it;s included in Cake's

That's a good idea :)

jon bennett - -

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Can I stop the page from re-rendering after a form submission?

2010-04-14 Thread WhyNotSmile
I have a question which may be very basic - I'm not sure whether I've
just tied my brain in knots from thinking about it!  Apologies if so.

I have a form which has various buttons.  One of them is a 'Preview',
which pops up a new window (well, a PDF) when clicked.  At the moment,
there is some javascript going on, which enables and disables various
buttons when the page is loaded.  However, if the Preview button is
clicked, I don't want the page to reload afterwards, because it will
then apply these changes to the buttons, which I don't want...

Cake seems to insist that I have to go somewhere after form submission
(and for all the other buttons it does a reload of the current page,
which is fine), so is there a way to stop this from happening?

I hope that makes sense; I'm not sure I've explained it very well, but
as I say, my brain is confused!


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Searching whole database

2010-04-14 Thread HK

I wanted to ask for suggestions regarding a search page.

I have a DB with articles which belongsTo authors and HABTM

I want a simple search box with some category check boxes, where I can
search for the given words. Now I have a $this-paginate with two
models. Like :

$this-paginate = array(
'limit' = 
'conditions' = array(

'OR' = $searchArrayOR),

'ArticlesCategory' =array(
'limit' = 
'recursive' = 1,
'conditions' =  array(
'AND' = 
array('' = $caategoryIN),
'OR' = 
'contain' = 


If a user has checked on or more categories I paginate
ArticlesCategory, else Articles.

If I want to search also in Authors than I should create another
pagination model. But instead of this isn't it better to run a custom
query with the apropriate joins? An in case of a custom query how can
I employ pagination using the pagination helper?

How do you cope with such searches?

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Quick habtm problem

2010-04-14 Thread Bryan Paddock
Hey all,

Going a bit crazy here I think I need a break from this. Anyways,

I have the following tables + relationships

MediaSegments (a category that the judge is selected to judge)
JudgesMediaSegments (contains judge_id and media_segment_id)

How would I find all the judges that belong to a specific media segment?

I know its something really simple I just cannot seem to get it right.


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Re: Sample files?

2010-04-14 Thread John Andersen
Not quite sure what you want, but if you want the app part of CakePHP,
then just download the CakePHP source code and take the app part from
For example the 1.2.x version can be downloaded from here:

If that is not what you want, then please clarify!

On Apr 13, 6:55 pm, Validatorian wrote:
 I found a link for 'test cases' leading to '/test' which was a broken
 link -- could anyone help me out with a link to where I can find
 complete cakePHP code for applications?

 For what it's worth, I'm currently working out how to design my code
 to support modular plugins -- I want to just be able to drop them in
 and have them affect the output of existing pages, without directly
 editing the core files (this will be utilized by many people, few of
 which have any technical proficiencies)

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Re: Quick habtm problem

2010-04-14 Thread Jeremy Burns
Are you using Containable behaviour? You should be!

Try this...(typed without testing - so go easy on me if it's wrong!)...

From the MediaSegment controller:

'contain' = array(
'conditions' =array(
'' = $id

From the judges controller:

'contain' = array(
'conditions' =array(
'' = $id

From within a model, just omit the first Model in the find statement (so 

Jeremy Burns

On 14 Apr 2010, at 14:37, Bryan Paddock wrote:

 Hey all,
 Going a bit crazy here I think I need a break from this. Anyways,
 I have the following tables + relationships
 MediaSegments (a category that the judge is selected to judge)
 JudgesMediaSegments (contains judge_id and media_segment_id)
 How would I find all the judges that belong to a specific media segment?
 I know its something really simple I just cannot seem to get it right.
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Re: table naming convention

2010-04-14 Thread John Andersen
In your UsersController, your models name is not adb_ but User.
In your view, your models name is not adb_ but User.

Please change accordingly and tell us how it went.

On Apr 13, 9:19 am, Master Ram wrote:
 my table Name:adb_users
 this is my: view form:

 ?php echo $form-create('adb_', array('action' = 'register'));?
 ?php echo $form-input('username');?
 ?php echo $form-input('password');?
 ?php echo $form-input('email');?
 ?php echo $form-input('date');?
 ?php echo $form-submit('Register');?
 ?php echo $form-end(); ?

 class User extends AppModel
 var $tablePrefix = 'adb_';//var $name = 'User';



 class UsersController extends AppController
 var $tablePrefix = 'adb_';//var $name = Users;
 var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form');
 function register()

 if (!empty($this-data))
 $this-adb_-create();// its not entering in to this step;
 $this-data['adb_']['password']= md5($this-data['adb_']['password']);
 // $this-set('userMessage', 'Team successfully added!');



 help me how to assing table in view.

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Re: Can I stop the page from re-rendering after a form submission?

2010-04-14 Thread jacmoe
'onClick' = 'return false;' would do the trick I suppose. :)

On Apr 14, 1:02 pm, WhyNotSmile
 I have a question which may be very basic - I'm not sure whether I've
 just tied my brain in knots from thinking about it!  Apologies if so.

 I have a form which has various buttons.  One of them is a 'Preview',
 which pops up a new window (well, a PDF) when clicked.  At the moment,
 there is some javascript going on, which enables and disables various
 buttons when the page is loaded.  However, if the Preview button is
 clicked, I don't want the page to reload afterwards, because it will
 then apply these changes to the buttons, which I don't want...

 Cake seems to insist that I have to go somewhere after form submission
 (and for all the other buttons it does a reload of the current page,
 which is fine), so is there a way to stop this from happening?

 I hope that makes sense; I'm not sure I've explained it very well, but
 as I say, my brain is confused!


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Re: Sample files?

2010-04-14 Thread jacmoe
Check out the Just Baked section of the CakePHP front page:
Then visit GitHub and search for 'CakePHP' there.
That's probably what you want? :)
Croogo is a good example of a pluggable plugins CakePHP app.

On Apr 13, 5:55 pm, Validatorian wrote:
 I found a link for 'test cases' leading to '/test' which was a broken
 link -- could anyone help me out with a link to where I can find
 complete cakePHP code for applications?

 For what it's worth, I'm currently working out how to design my code
 to support modular plugins -- I want to just be able to drop them in
 and have them affect the output of existing pages, without directly
 editing the core files (this will be utilized by many people, few of
 which have any technical proficiencies)

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Re: Can I stop the page from re-rendering after a form submission?

2010-04-14 Thread Andy Dirnberger
Cake doesn't insist on anything. The nature of clicking a submit
button in a form is to submit the form. That means the browser sends
the post/get request to the server and loads the response. If you want
different behavior, you need to catch the submit event through
JavaScript and cancel it.

The most basic way is form ... onsubmit=return false;, although
this would block all submissions. You can do onsubmit=return
someFunction(); and have someFunction return true if you want to
submit the form, and return false if you don't. Or you can use a
library, like jQuery, and do something along the lines of $
('form').submit(function(e) { ... }); and conditionally call
e.preventDefault() if you don't want to submit the form.

You can also look into Cake's JavaScript helper.

On Apr 14, 7:02 am, WhyNotSmile
 I have a question which may be very basic - I'm not sure whether I've
 just tied my brain in knots from thinking about it!  Apologies if so.

 I have a form which has various buttons.  One of them is a 'Preview',
 which pops up a new window (well, a PDF) when clicked.  At the moment,
 there is some javascript going on, which enables and disables various
 buttons when the page is loaded.  However, if the Preview button is
 clicked, I don't want the page to reload afterwards, because it will
 then apply these changes to the buttons, which I don't want...

 Cake seems to insist that I have to go somewhere after form submission
 (and for all the other buttons it does a reload of the current page,
 which is fine), so is there a way to stop this from happening?

 I hope that makes sense; I'm not sure I've explained it very well, but
 as I say, my brain is confused!


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Re: How to pass an array trough URL??

2010-04-14 Thread Alterego
I have the same problem, but your trick doesn't work for me in 1.3
$passedArgs is empty..

Any ideas on how to pass an array in the URL?


On 29 mrt, 18:04, wrote:
 I have solved it. pretty simple.

 then just call
 $this-params['url'] to get your array 'names'.

 PS: you can also do nested arrays like names[0]


 On 29 bře, 11:59, wrote:

  Hi, is there a chance to pass simple array via URL?

  Then I should recieve back my array of names   array('John',
  'Tom', 'Susan');

  Any idea how the URL should look like?


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Re: How to pass an array trough URL??

2010-04-14 Thread Alterego
This doesn't work for me in 1.3 RC3. Any ideas on how to pass an array
to passedArgs in URL in Cake 1.3?


(Sorry if this message appeared twice, I can't see if it's been posted

On 29 mrt, 18:04, wrote:
 I have solved it. pretty simple.

 then just call
 $this-params['url'] to get your array 'names'.

 PS: you can also do nested arrays like names[0]


 On 29 bře, 11:59, wrote:

  Hi, is there a chance to pass simple array via URL?

  Then I should recieve back my array of names   array('John',
  'Tom', 'Susan');

  Any idea how the URL should look like?


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Can I create many ajax form in the same page?

2010-04-14 Thread Vinilabs
Can I create many ajax form in the same page?
I tried this but in the second form submit the auth sessios is lost
and i redirected to login page

PS. Sorry for my english

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2010-04-14 Thread frederica
hi folks

im having problems with php sessions.
i used session_start() in my site and this error comes up:

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session
cookie - headers already sent by (output started at C:\wamp\www
\muangoleshop\login.php:9) in C:\wamp\www\muangoleshop\login.php on
line 22

somebody help me please

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Re: Session

2010-04-14 Thread Jeremy Burns
If possible, I would use the session helper rather than managing the session 

As far as your error goes, I'm slightly confused you ended up with a login.php 
page? Cake doesn't work that way.

Jeremy Burns

On 14 Apr 2010, at 13:00, frederica wrote:

 hi folks
 im having problems with php sessions.
 i used session_start() in my site and this error comes up:
 Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session
 cookie - headers already sent by (output started at C:\wamp\www
 \muangoleshop\login.php:9) in C:\wamp\www\muangoleshop\login.php on
 line 22
 somebody help me please
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Re: Can I stop the page from re-rendering after a form submission?

2010-04-14 Thread WhyNotSmile
Thanks everyone.  I figured it out - I created the view page to
generate the PDF, which then pops up automatically and leaves the old
view in place.

Thanks again.

On Apr 14, 3:42 pm, Andy Dirnberger wrote:
 Cake doesn't insist on anything. The nature of clicking a submit
 button in a form is to submit the form. That means the browser sends
 the post/get request to the server and loads the response. If you want
 different behavior, you need to catch the submit event through
 JavaScript and cancel it.

 The most basic way is form ... onsubmit=return false;, although
 this would block all submissions. You can do onsubmit=return
 someFunction(); and have someFunction return true if you want to
 submit the form, and return false if you don't. Or you can use a
 library, like jQuery, and do something along the lines of $
 ('form').submit(function(e) { ... }); and conditionally call
 e.preventDefault() if you don't want to submit the form.

 You can also look into Cake's JavaScript helper.

 On Apr 14, 7:02 am, WhyNotSmile

  I have a question which may be very basic - I'm not sure whether I've
  just tied my brain in knots from thinking about it!  Apologies if so.

  I have a form which has various buttons.  One of them is a 'Preview',
  which pops up a new window (well, a PDF) when clicked.  At the moment,
  there is some javascript going on, which enables and disables various
  buttons when the page is loaded.  However, if the Preview button is
  clicked, I don't want the page to reload afterwards, because it will
  then apply these changes to the buttons, which I don't want...

  Cake seems to insist that I have to go somewhere after form submission
  (and for all the other buttons it does a reload of the current page,
  which is fine), so is there a way to stop this from happening?

  I hope that makes sense; I'm not sure I've explained it very well, but
  as I say, my brain is confused!


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Re: Session

2010-04-14 Thread jacmoe
This is a group about CakePHP, a very capable framework, not just PHP.
So if you're looking for general PHP wisdom, I think you need to look
If it isn't CakePHP related I mean.
And it does sound like it's not. :)

On Apr 14, 2:00 pm, frederica wrote:
 hi folks

 im having problems with php sessions.
 i used session_start() in my site and this error comes up:

 Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session
 cookie - headers already sent by (output started at C:\wamp\www
 \muangoleshop\login.php:9) in C:\wamp\www\muangoleshop\login.php on
 line 22

 somebody help me please

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AppController being cached?

2010-04-14 Thread Lucca Mordente
Hi guys,

I'm having a little problem with my AppController in production

Any change I make on it is reflected locally, but not when in
I tried do delete the app_controller.php file, invalidate its syntax
and nothing happens. The application still behaves the same way as

Any change in any other file is instantly reflected.

I've been dealing with this since yesterday.
What can be happening?

Thank you so much.
Lucca Mordente

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Re: AppController being cached?

2010-04-14 Thread Jeremy Burns
Try deleting the files in /app/tmp/cache/persistent (and models too for good 

Jeremy Burns

On 14 Apr 2010, at 16:18, Lucca Mordente wrote:

 Hi guys,
 I'm having a little problem with my AppController in production
 Any change I make on it is reflected locally, but not when in
 I tried do delete the app_controller.php file, invalidate its syntax
 and nothing happens. The application still behaves the same way as
 Any change in any other file is instantly reflected.
 I've been dealing with this since yesterday.
 What can be happening?
 Thank you so much.
 Lucca Mordente
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Re: AppController being cached?

2010-04-14 Thread Lucca Mordente
All cached files deleted and nothing...

On 14 abr, 12:20, Jeremy Burns wrote:
 Try deleting the files in /app/tmp/cache/persistent (and models too for good 

 Jeremy Burns

 On 14 Apr 2010, at 16:18, Lucca Mordente wrote:

  Hi guys,

  I'm having a little problem with my AppController in production

  Any change I make on it is reflected locally, but not when in
  I tried do delete the app_controller.php file, invalidate its syntax
  and nothing happens. The application still behaves the same way as

  Any change in any other file is instantly reflected.

  I've been dealing with this since yesterday.
  What can be happening?

  Thank you so much.
  Lucca Mordente

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general model association/SQL question: linking one table to many others

2010-04-14 Thread Vadim Frolov

I have a table phrases. It has fields id as INT and value as TEXT. This
table is used to store different phrases or sentences. Now I want to
describe a car with a model name and description. I want both these values
to reference phrases table. In my opinion Car hasOne name and hasOne
description. But it seems that in SQL/CakePHP notation it is not true. To
make hasOne in Cake I would need to add field car_id in my phrases table.
Then if I introduce the table cities also with name and description, I would
need additional rows in phrases table...

I think that I can create additional tables cars_names and cars_descriptions
and connect them through HABTM association with cards and phrases. But I
find inconvenient to create additional table for every phrase field  I want
to add.

Maybe someone knows what can I do in this situation?


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Re: Database sessions in version 1.3

2010-04-14 Thread zonery
thank you dear pals,
especially, your last messages are very helpful...

in addition, I am not agree with you, jacmoe. the book is not fairly
up to date for a newcomer. little things can confuse newcomers
brains. but after all, (as you said) its better to continue with
1.3... because I see that there is a very friendly community to get

thank you very much again.

On 14 Nisan, 07:46, jacmoe wrote:
 I checked, and running 'cake schema create Sessions' does create a
 cake_sessions table in your database.
 You can do this! :)
 That book is actually fairly up to date and complete. :)
 Beware that in two weeks time, CakePHP 1.3 will become the current
 stable version.
 So you better get used to it.

 On Apr 14, 5:24 am, zonery wrote:

  thank you for your interest.
  its better to continue with ver.1.2.6... because I am newcomer and the
  book is very important for me.. it seems ver.1.3 book must be
  thank you again...

  On 14 Nisan, 04:20, jacmoe wrote:

   It's cake schema create Session, isn't it?

   On Apr 14, 2:13 am, zonery wrote:

dear Jeremy Burns,
I am not asking about version 1.2.6...
My question is about version 1.3
and there is no sql folder under  /app/config/... I download ver.1.3
now, and checked again... there is no sql folder and sql file... there
is only schema folder under  /app/config/

could you look again and advice me..

thank you

On 13 Nisan, 14:32, Jeremy Burns wrote:

 It's in /app/config/sql/sesions.sql

 Jeremy Burns

 On 13 Apr 2010, at 04:52, zonery wrote:

  hi all,
  I want to store sessions in database.
  in 1.3 manual (,
  it says thedatabase sessionSQL file located in app/

  but there is nodatabase sessionsql file in app/config

  how can I create session database table (or get schema)?

  can I use app/config/sql/sessions.sql file in ver.1.2.6, for ver.1.3

  thank you
  note: sorry my bad english

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Re: CouchDB as a datasource

2010-04-14 Thread Martin Kirchgessner
If you're interested here is my current try :

it's not complete and doesn't work...


On Apr 14, 10:56 am, Martin Kirchgessner wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 As a year-old CakePHP user (by the way : huge congrats to the core
 team for keeping up such a pretty framework!) I'm considering to
 replace MySQL by CouchDB. I had a dream where some unpredictable data
 wouldn't require ugly schemas :)

 So far I tried gwoo's datasource (
 925615535 - see also the original topic [1])
 This is a good start but it assumes that a couchDB database is the
 counterpart of MySQL tables. I don't think so, as it's usual in
 CouchDB to put a type field in documents : then the counterpart of
 the table is rather a couch view (or sometimes show or list) which
 picks up document sets. A CouchDB view sound like a good counterpart
 to find('all', ...)

 I tried to rewrite a datasource (if needed I can publish it on cakebin
 today), keeping in mind that it would be tied to a single couchdb
 database. BUT I found out that schemas are deeply implemented in the
 Model class :/ so Cake started to call my source's listSources,
 describe and column methods. Of course I couldn't implement these
 methods as my DB doesn't have schemas... I tried to set useTable to
 false in the Model but then it won't save anything.

 So I'm stuck between a normal CouchDB use (a single DB for my whole
 app + calls to views in mind) which doesn't seem cake-friendly and a
 working datasource that puts some constraints on DB design.
 That's why I would like to discuss it here. Any comments are welcome!


 [1] original topic about cake+couch 

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2010-04-14 Thread Ed Propsner
Looking at the section in the book for $html-tableCells it says ...
Wrap a single table cell within an array() for specific td-attributes.

$html-tableCells(array('foo', 'bar'));

will ouput


I'm having a few issues with this one.
Could someone give me a quick example of how to output the same code
utilizing a td attrib. ?

td valign=topfoo/td

- Ed

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Re: $html-tableCells

2010-04-14 Thread Lucca Mordente
Hi Ed,
Probably you can achieve what you want using css.
It seems that isn't possible to add attributes using this html helper

Lucca Mordente

On 14 abr, 16:57, Ed Propsner wrote:
 Looking at the section in the book for $html-tableCells it says ...
 Wrap a single table cell within an array() for specific td-attributes.

 $html-tableCells(array('foo', 'bar'));

 will ouput


 I'm having a few issues with this one.
 Could someone give me a quick example of how to output the same code
 utilizing a td attrib. ?

 td valign=topfoo/td

 - Ed

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Re: CouchDB as a datasource

2010-04-14 Thread Jon Bennett
Hi Martin,

 If you're interested here is my current try :

 it's not complete and doesn't work...

If you like Cake's take on MVC and want to stick with php, then the
fork of Cake 3 Lithium has a pretty stable CouchDB datasource

hth (and doesn't miff any cakers for pointing in a different direction!).


jon bennett - -

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Cake won't save my data

2010-04-14 Thread Johnny Ferguson
I'm using InnoDB to allow data associations. Do I have to note this
fact in my database.php?

Other than that, I'm at a loss as to why this problem is occurring.

My practice_items table:
int - id
varchar(255) - name
text - description



the pr() statement successfully puts out the data I post through the
form when using the add() method. I get this as a result of pr():

[practice_items] = Array
[name] = Test
[description] = Test


As I understand it, since id is auto-increment, I shouldn't need to
explicitly pass that through the form. Cake gives me every indication
that the save method worked, so I'm at a loss as to why the data isn't
showing up in my practice_items table. I would think at the very least
that cake would spit back a MySQL error if something were wrong.

Here's my controller dump:

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Re: $html-tableCells

2010-04-14 Thread Ed Propsner
In all honesty it's easier to write out the html tags ... I was just playing
around it. Am I reading it wrong or does the book give you the impression
that it can be done?

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 4:13 PM, Lucca Mordente luccamorde...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hi Ed,
 Probably you can achieve what you want using css.
 It seems that isn't possible to add attributes using this html helper

 Lucca Mordente

 On 14 abr, 16:57, Ed Propsner wrote:
  Looking at the section in the book for $html-tableCells it says ...
  Wrap a single table cell within an array() for specific
  $html-tableCells(array('foo', 'bar'));
  will ouput
  I'm having a few issues with this one.
  Could someone give me a quick example of how to output the same code
  utilizing a td attrib. ?
  td valign=topfoo/td
  - Ed

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getting a 3rd-hand database value without recursive = 2

2010-04-14 Thread Joshua Taylor

Viewing a service.

A service has credentials.

Credentials have a credential type.

I'm using $service = $this-Service-findById($id); to set all the
data for my view.  I have all the database associations set up
correctly (I think):

Service hasMany Credential.
Credential belongsTo Service, CredentialType.
CredentialType hasMany Credential.

How can I get it to retrieve CredentialType.title, so I can display
the title instead of the Credential.credential_type_id value, which is
worthless to a person viewing the service?

I really don't want to use recursive = 2 (although it works), because
it creates enormous database overhead!  (55 queries vs. 25)

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Re: Cake won't save my data

2010-04-14 Thread Johnny Ferguson
I've checked with the folks in the IRC, and it looks like Cake
shouldn't care if I'm using InnoDB, but my data still won't show up in
the tables regardless of Cake giving me every indication that the save
was successful.

On 14 Apr, 16:43, Johnny Ferguson wrote:
 I'm using InnoDB to allow data associations. Do I have to note this
 fact in my database.php?

 Other than that, I'm at a loss as to why this problem is occurring.

 My practice_items table:
 int - id
 varchar(255) - name
 text - description



 the pr() statement successfully puts out the data I post through the
 form when using the add() method. I get this as a result of pr():

     [practice_items] = Array
             [name] = Test
             [description] = Test


 As I understand it, since id is auto-increment, I shouldn't need to
 explicitly pass that through the form. Cake gives me every indication
 that the save method worked, so I'm at a loss as to why the data isn't
 showing up in my practice_items table. I would think at the very least
 that cake would spit back a MySQL error if something were wrong.

 Here's my controller dump:

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RE: Cake won't save my data

2010-04-14 Thread Alan Asher
In your practice_items_controller.php your pr should not have the lowercase
and underscored array element.

Check your form or wherever you're assigning this array and your pr should
look like 

[PracticeItem] = Array
[name] = Test
[description] = Test

PracticeItem is the Model Name

This is part of the whole convention over configuration.


-Original Message-
From: [] On Behalf
Of Johnny Ferguson
Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 2:10 PM
To: CakePHP
Subject: Re: Cake won't save my data

I've checked with the folks in the IRC, and it looks like Cake
shouldn't care if I'm using InnoDB, but my data still won't show up in
the tables regardless of Cake giving me every indication that the save
was successful.

On 14 Apr, 16:43, Johnny Ferguson wrote:
 I'm using InnoDB to allow data associations. Do I have to note this
 fact in my database.php?

 Other than that, I'm at a loss as to why this problem is occurring.

 My practice_items table:
 int - id
 varchar(255) - name
 text - description



 the pr() statement successfully puts out the data I post through the
 form when using the add() method. I get this as a result of pr():

     [practice_items] = Array
             [name] = Test
             [description] = Test


 As I understand it, since id is auto-increment, I shouldn't need to
 explicitly pass that through the form. Cake gives me every indication
 that the save method worked, so I'm at a loss as to why the data isn't
 showing up in my practice_items table. I would think at the very least
 that cake would spit back a MySQL error if something were wrong.

 Here's my controller dump:

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Re: Cake won't save my data

2010-04-14 Thread Johnny Ferguson
Thanks Alan, my table is definitely being populated now. I've fixed up
the controller names to follow the convention.

On my PracticeItems/index view I have created a link to the add form
like so:
echo $html-link('add new item', array('controller' =
'PracticeItems', 'action' = 'add'));

When I arrive at the page, the url is /cakeRoot/PracticeItems/add

When the form submits, the url changes to /cakeRoot/practice_items/add

Why won't $html-link put the url in the conventional format?

Would it make more sense to say
echo $html-link('add new item', array('controller' =
'practice_items', 'action' = 'add'));

in order to keep with convention?

Furthermore, when I enable the redirect in
practice_items_controller.php, I get an error when the redirect
executes. The redirect line is as follows:
$this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));

which should take me to /cakeRoot/PracticeItems/index, but instead I
get the error:

Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
by (output started at /var/www/go/htdocs/practicelog/cake/basics.php:
306) [CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 644]

EDIT: I fixed this issue by disabling the line that said
$this-set('debug', pr($this-data));

It would seem sending data to the view makes a redirect impossible.
I've included this in case anyone has a similar issue in the future.

On 14 Apr, 17:17, Alan Asher wrote:
 In your practice_items_controller.php your pr should not have the lowercase
 and underscored array element.

 Check your form or wherever you're assigning this array and your pr should
 look like

     [PracticeItem] = Array
             [name] = Test
             [description] = Test

 PracticeItem is the Model Name

 This is part of the whole convention over configuration.


 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf

 Of Johnny Ferguson
 Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 2:10 PM
 To: CakePHP
 Subject: Re: Cake won't save my data

 I've checked with the folks in the IRC, and it looks like Cake
 shouldn't care if I'm using InnoDB, but my data still won't show up in
 the tables regardless of Cake giving me every indication that the save
 was successful.

 On 14 Apr, 16:43, Johnny Ferguson wrote:
  I'm using InnoDB to allow data associations. Do I have to note this
  fact in my database.php?

  Other than that, I'm at a loss as to why this problem is occurring.

  My practice_items table:
  int - id
  varchar(255) - name
  text - description



  the pr() statement successfully puts out the data I post through the
  form when using the add() method. I get this as a result of pr():

      [practice_items] = Array
              [name] = Test
              [description] = Test


  As I understand it, since id is auto-increment, I shouldn't need to
  explicitly pass that through the form. Cake gives me every indication
  that the save method worked, so I'm at a loss as to why the data isn't
  showing up in my practice_items table. I would think at the very least
  that cake would spit back a MySQL error if something were wrong.

  Here's my controller dump:

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Re: Multiple prefix routes. Second route not working.

2010-04-14 Thread Bryan Paddock
Damn, still trying to figure this out.

I did make some headway although I still get the error where its looking for
the prefixroute_controller instead of the real_controller with the
prefixroute_action function.

Anybody with any ideas?

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 2:02 AM, Bryan Paddock bryanpadd...@gmail.comwrote:

 Hey all,

 I have an application that has been running for a while using admin
 routing. There are normal users as well as admin users.

 Now the application is growing and I need to create separate judging routes
 for judges that will log in and moderate the submissions.

 In my *core.php* I have the following line:

 Configure::write('Routing.admin', 'admin');

 To which I added the new one:

 Configure::write('Routing.judge', 'judge');

 In my *routes.php* I have the following route:

 Router::connect('/admin', array('controller' = 'submissions', 'action' =
 'control', 'admin' = true), array('language' = 'us'));

 To which I added the judging one:

 Router::connect('/judge', array('controller' = 'submissions', 'action' =
 'control', 'judge' = true), array('language' = 'us'));

 *submissions_controller.php* has the admin_control function which works.
 The judge_control does not.

 In fact the whole route is broken. Upon trying to access ** I
 get the error about SubmissionsController:control() not found.

 Does anyone know why it would not be trying to access
 SubmissionsController:judge_control() ?

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Re: Quick habtm problem

2010-04-14 Thread Bryan Paddock
Ah! Thank you!

After a while of tinkering with your code I realised I had the $actsAs in
the controller and not the model :(

Works like a charm. I've modified all of my code now to use containable
behaviour. Gone with recursive = -1.

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 3:45 PM, Jeremy Burns wrote:

Are you using Containable behaviour? You should be!

 Try this...(typed without testing - so go easy on me if it's wrong!)...

 From the MediaSegment controller:

 'contain' = array(
 'conditions' =array(
 '' = $id

 From the judges controller:

 'contain' = array(
 'conditions' =array(
 '' = $id

 From within a model, just omit the first Model in the find statement (so

  Jeremy Burns

 On 14 Apr 2010, at 14:37, Bryan Paddock wrote:

 Hey all,

 Going a bit crazy here I think I need a break from this. Anyways,

 I have the following tables + relationships

 MediaSegments (a category that the judge is selected to judge)
 JudgesMediaSegments (contains judge_id and media_segment_id)

 How would I find all the judges that belong to a specific media segment?

 I know its something really simple I just cannot seem to get it right.


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Re: general model association/SQL question: linking one table to many others

2010-04-14 Thread cricket
On Apr 14, 12:34 pm, Vadim Frolov wrote:

 I have a table phrases. It has fields id as INT and value as TEXT. This
 table is used to store different phrases or sentences. Now I want to
 describe a car with a model name and description. I want both these values
 to reference phrases table. In my opinion Car hasOne name and hasOne
 description. But it seems that in SQL/CakePHP notation it is not true. To
 make hasOne in Cake I would need to add field car_id in my phrases table.
 Then if I introduce the table cities also with name and description, I would
 need additional rows in phrases table...

 I think that I can create additional tables cars_names and cars_descriptions
 and connect them through HABTM association with cards and phrases. But I
 find inconvenient to create additional table for every phrase field  I want
 to add.

This is a bit backwards but I think it would work.

Car model:

var $belongsTo = array(
'CarName' = array(
'className' = 'Phrase',
'foreignKey' = 'name_id'
'CarDescription' = array(
'className' = 'Phrase',
'foreignKey' = 'description_id'

The scenario you describe seems a little messy though. Maybe there's a
better approach. Does this concern translations?

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Re: Is there a way to speed up cake for a high traffic website ( Cake + Postgres )

2010-04-14 Thread Phang Mulianto
you can optimize your cake so it not always query to sql everytime user
access the same data.
you can do it with memcache, cake cache component with time caching method,
so if your data is not always changing, like in 1 hour you got 1 update, you
can cache it in your memcache, and in the app caching, make it query against
db in 1 hour ...

it a lot of optimization in my apps... cause user need the same data
anyway..and 500 user query the same data in 1 minute is a lot of resource..
but with cahce, you retreive it once from db, use it all the time, and
update it in the time set up for it..

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 2:07 AM, altermod wrote:

 I think I just need to turn off transactions since I'm using Postgresql. I
 get 2 transaction queries Begin / Rollback on pages where I make no db
 queries. This is definitely not necessary.

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Find() returns different formatted array when using Postgresql vs Mysql ( any way to resolve this? )

2010-04-14 Thread Adam
When I do a find and get 1 row back in Postgres it has to be
referenced like $data[0][email] whereas in Mysql you can do

I just migrated from Mysql to Postgres so I just have to go thru and
change all single result queries that formerly worked in Mysql as
$data[Account][email] to $data[0][email] in Postgres.

Or is there something I'm doing wrong here?

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Help Me about REST

2010-04-14 Thread ivan
I'm can't make REST in cakePHP. I follow step by step,
but this way can't. What do you have tutorial about REST?

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Re: REST in cakePHP

2010-04-14 Thread ivan
I'am very confused with step by step to setup REST. You have the best
tutorial all about REST cakePHP?  i hope, i have it. I hope this
tutorial can guide me ste by step until finished develop REST.

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cached views have strange names

2010-04-14 Thread erictr1ck
I have been having a problem with cached views in 1.3 RC4. First, I
noticed that when editing or adding a record none of the cached was
cleared at all, not for the direct model or associated models. I then
took a look at the cache/views folder and noticed the names of the
cached files were way different from what I saw before in previous
version of cake. I can't make heads or tails of where cake is getting
the name from, but here is an example of a cached file name:
lm_t_l_ll_t_o_d_d_ml.php. Before, cake would name cached views with
something along the following convention:

Anyhow, back to cache not clearing problem. I went ahead and manually
changed one of the strangely named view files to the convention I have
seen before and then updated an associated record. Much to my suprse,
the manually named file was cleared!

The main question here are:
1. Where is cake getting the strange names from?
2. How can I configure cake to name the cache files accordingly?


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Routing based on logged in user

2010-04-14 Thread Joost
So here I am, developing my first web application using Cake. And what
a wonderful experience it has been so far :)

Now I'm wondering: I want my site root to be two different controllers/
actions. One for when no user is logged in and one for when someone
has provided valid login credentials.

I tried it with $this-LoadsysAuth-User('id') but that doesn't work.
I get an Undefined property: Dispatcher::$LoadsysAuth error.

Is there a way to actually do this? Can it be done from the routes.php
file or do i need to alter a controller somewhere? Only important
thing is that the url doesn't contain any parameters.



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Cake won't save data in $this-data (data relationship weirdness)

2010-04-14 Thread Johnny Ferguson

I'm developing an app that has database relationships.

The table in question is like so:

tbl practice_instances
id - int (primary)
created - timestamp (default: null)
modified - timestamp (default: null)
timeminutes - int
practice_session_id - int
practice_item_id - int
tempostart - int
tempofinish - int

practice_session_id refers to an entry in the PracticeSession model
(PracticeSession hasMany PracticeInstance)
practice_item_id refers to an entry in the PracticeItem model
(PracticeInstance belongsTo PracticeItem)

I have a form under /cakeRoot/practice_instances/add which accepts the
following fields:

echo $form-create(PracticeInstance);
echo $form-input(timeminutes);
echo $form-input(practice_session_id);
echo $form-input(practice_item_id);
echo $form-input(tempostart);
echo $form-input(tempofinish);
echo $form-end(Create Practice Instance);

When I submit the form, I can see in my controller dump:

[data] = Array
[PracticeInstance] = Array
[timeminutes] = 20
[practice_session_id] = 42
[practice_item_id] = 3
[tempostart] = 120
[tempofinish] = 128


So everything is fine there, but when I look in my table, all the
fields other than id, created, and modified are set to a value of 0.
This is odd because cake is telling me that it saved $this-data, and
as you can see, the values above are not zero. I have the feeling that
I'm not understanding something about data relationships. Any idea why
these fields are getting set to 0?

In the final application users won't really create PracticeInstances
manually (it will be part of creating a PracticeSession), but I'd like
to be able to add fields for testing.

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Re: general model association/SQL question: linking one table to many others

2010-04-14 Thread Vadim Frolov
yes, I do so because I want to translate my phrases. I would use CakePHP to
translate interface, but also want my actual data to be in several
languages. Seems that creating additional table for each field is the only
way to go =(


On 15 April 2010 04:44, cricket wrote:

 This is a bit backwards but I think it would work.

 Car model:

 var $belongsTo = array(
'CarName' = array(
'className' = 'Phrase',
'foreignKey' = 'name_id'
'CarDescription' = array(
'className' = 'Phrase',
'foreignKey' = 'description_id'

 The scenario you describe seems a little messy though. Maybe there's a
 better approach. Does this concern translations?

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Re: Cake won't save my data

2010-04-14 Thread Jeremy Burns
Your conventions look a bit skewed, which is why you are getting odd results. 
The link should refer to the controller name, which is lower case, plural with 
underscores (practice_items).

Jeremy Burns

On 14 Apr 2010, at 22:48, Johnny Ferguson wrote:

 Thanks Alan, my table is definitely being populated now. I've fixed up
 the controller names to follow the convention.
 On my PracticeItems/index view I have created a link to the add form
 like so:
 echo $html-link('add new item', array('controller' =
 'PracticeItems', 'action' = 'add'));
 When I arrive at the page, the url is /cakeRoot/PracticeItems/add
 When the form submits, the url changes to /cakeRoot/practice_items/add
 Why won't $html-link put the url in the conventional format?
 Would it make more sense to say
 echo $html-link('add new item', array('controller' =
 'practice_items', 'action' = 'add'));
 in order to keep with convention?
 Furthermore, when I enable the redirect in
 practice_items_controller.php, I get an error when the redirect
 executes. The redirect line is as follows:
 $this-redirect(array('action' = 'index'));
 which should take me to /cakeRoot/PracticeItems/index, but instead I
 get the error:
 Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
 by (output started at /var/www/go/htdocs/practicelog/cake/basics.php:
 306) [CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php, line 644]
 EDIT: I fixed this issue by disabling the line that said
 $this-set('debug', pr($this-data));
 It would seem sending data to the view makes a redirect impossible.
 I've included this in case anyone has a similar issue in the future.
 On 14 Apr, 17:17, Alan Asher wrote:
 In your practice_items_controller.php your pr should not have the lowercase
 and underscored array element.
 Check your form or wherever you're assigning this array and your pr should
 look like
 [PracticeItem] = Array
 [name] = Test
 [description] = Test
 PracticeItem is the Model Name
 This is part of the whole convention over configuration.
 -Original Message-
 From: [] On Behalf
 Of Johnny Ferguson
 Sent: Wednesday, April 14, 2010 2:10 PM
 To: CakePHP
 Subject: Re: Cake won't save my data
 I've checked with the folks in the IRC, and it looks like Cake
 shouldn't care if I'm using InnoDB, but my data still won't show up in
 the tables regardless of Cake giving me every indication that the save
 was successful.
 On 14 Apr, 16:43, Johnny Ferguson wrote:
 I'm using InnoDB to allow data associations. Do I have to note this
 fact in my database.php?
 Other than that, I'm at a loss as to why this problem is occurring.
 My practice_items table:
 int - id
 varchar(255) - name
 text - description
 the pr() statement successfully puts out the data I post through the
 form when using the add() method. I get this as a result of pr():
 [practice_items] = Array
 [name] = Test
 [description] = Test
 As I understand it, since id is auto-increment, I shouldn't need to
 explicitly pass that through the form. Cake gives me every indication
 that the save method worked, so I'm at a loss as to why the data isn't
 showing up in my practice_items table. I would think at the very least
 that cake would spit back a MySQL error if something were wrong.
 Here's my controller dump:
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Re: getting a 3rd-hand database value without recursive = 2

2010-04-14 Thread Jeremy Burns
Two options...

Use $this-Service-find(); instead


I would use the Containable behaviour - this seems like such a recurring piece 
of advice from me - but it really does solve a heap of issues! If you don't use 
contain, you are more or less letting Cake decide what data to bring back - and 
I have worked on a few second hand systems where a single, simple, find 
statement has brought back almost the entire database - seriously. Imagine what 
that does to performance...

Create app_model.php and store it in the same folder as app_controller.php.

class AppModel extends Model {

var $actsAs = array('Containable');
var $recursive = -1;

Now, you have switched off recursion across the system, so by default a find 
will only bring back the 'current' model's table (in other words, no associated 
This might mean you have to revisit some existing queries. But the benefit is 
that you can now do really finds. In your case:

'conditions' = array('' = $id),
'fields' = array(..field list...),
'Contain' = array(
'Credential' =
'fields' = array(...field list...),
'CredentialType' = array(
'fields' = array(...field 

You could also just put the containable behaviour inside your Service model, 
but I don't see the point of doing something so beneficial on just a portion of 
your app.

Jeremy Burns

On 14 Apr 2010, at 22:01, Joshua Taylor wrote:

 Viewing a service.
 A service has credentials.
 Credentials have a credential type.
 I'm using $service = $this-Service-findById($id); to set all the
 data for my view.  I have all the database associations set up
 correctly (I think):
 Service hasMany Credential.
 Credential belongsTo Service, CredentialType.
 CredentialType hasMany Credential.
 How can I get it to retrieve CredentialType.title, so I can display
 the title instead of the Credential.credential_type_id value, which is
 worthless to a person viewing the service?
 I really don't want to use recursive = 2 (although it works), because
 it creates enormous database overhead!  (55 queries vs. 25)
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