Re: baking cakephp on MAC OS

2009-01-20 Thread bookme

Thanks your suggestions...I tired all above solutions but not get

I  install fresh mysql, phpmyadmin but not working ?
still have same problem.

please can somebody help me?

On Jan 20, 2:45 pm, Martin Westin  wrote:
> I second Mark's reply. If you simply call path/to/cake/console/cake
> you will be using the system's version of php.
> If you are committed to using a lot of shell stuff (such as bake), you
> really should switch to using the system's php install. It will make
> things easier in the long run. The setup is actually very easy. The
> only real snag is the MySQL socket but I think that has been taken
> care of in the latest builds of MySQL... but I may be wrong on that
> one.
> You need:
> Install MySQL (from
> Open /etc/apache2/httpd.conf and uncomment "LoadModule php5_module..."
> around line 114. (and restart apache)
> Drop your cake files into /Library/WebServer/Documents/ or /Users/
> myname/Sites/
> Do the trick for MySQL described in the post linked earlier
> (Webweave's reply)
> Optionally you can add production-style vhosts to serve several sites
> and fake some nive domain names for each... then you will be in Cake
> heaven. :)
> There is a lot of info in the following bakery article. (But not all
> of it is relevant 
> still.)
> /Martin
> On Jan 20, 1:05 am, mark_story  wrote:
> > Also since you are on macos check which php you are using.  I bet you
> > are using the stock Apple PHP
> > which php
> > Should give you the path to the PHP that is the cli default.
> > -Mark
> > On Jan 19, 3:36 pm, leo  wrote:
> > > If you're using XAMPP, I don't think it's a php/mysql config problem.
> > > that is precisely  the problem these *AMP stacks are designed to
> > > avoid. However, you might want to try the following. Incidentally,
> > > that should be "Applications" PLURAL in your path.
> > > Open a terminal, and type:
> > >     ps -af | grep mysql.sock           [enter]
> > > The result on my machine is:
> > >     sh-3.2# ps -ef | grep mysql.sock
> > >               74  2405  2379   0   0:15.88 ??         1:57.74 /usr/
> > > local/mysql/bin/mysqld --basedir=/usr/local/mysql --datadir=/usr/local/
> > > mysql/data --user=mysql --pid-    file=/usr/local/mysql/data/
> > > --port=3306 --socket=/tmp/mysql.sock
> > >     0  4814  4805   0   0:00.01 ttys000    0:00.01 grep mysql.sock
> > > sh-3.2#
> > > see the last bit? port=3306 socket=/tmp/mysql.sock
> > > that path (/tmp/mysql.sock) is the path to MY socket (and the port is
> > > the port!) yours will be different because mine is not an *AMP stack.
> > > Now, in your htdocs directory create phpinfo.php with 
> > > > as the sole content. Make sure there is no new line after the ?>
> > > View the file in Safari and halfway down the first screen is the path
> > > to the loaded configuration file. This is the one you need to edit to
> > > configure php. Continue down the page - you'll need to scroll about
> > > halfway down and see if there is a mysql section. If there is, I don't
> > > think you have a problem with php.ini. If there isn't, mysql isn't
> > > talking to PHP and you'll need to find and edit the appropriate part
> > > of the ini file.
> > > If I remember correctly, XAMPP already has a phpinfo link.
> > > I don't pretend that this is a solution, but if you post the results
> > > here, at least we'll have something to work with.
> > > Good luck.
> > > On Jan 19, 8:46 pm, bookme  wrote:
> > > > Thanks for your solution...but still not working.
> > > > I tried both above solution but not working.
> > > > I am using xampp on MAC OS..
> > > > ERROR :  Can't connect to local MySQL server through Socket '/var/
> > > > mysql/mysql.sock ?
> > > > I also set envornment variable using
> > > > echo 'export PATH=Application/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/clalumni/cake/
> > > > console/cake:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
> > > > echo 'export PATH=Application/xampp/xamppfiles/lib/php:$PATH' >>
> > > > ~/.bash_profile
> > > > but still not able to run cake bake?
> > > > Please help me to run cake bake on MAC OS.
> > > > Thanks
> > > > On Jan 19, 8:22 pm, leo  wrote:
> > > > > I used to use MAMP. It used a non-standard port for the DB. Check
> > > > > which port you're using and add it as shown in the database.php
> > > > > comments:
> > > > >  * host =>
> > > > >  * the host you connect to the database.  To add a socket or port
> > > > > number, use 'port' => #
> > > > >  *
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Re: baking cakephp on MAC OS

2009-01-19 Thread bookme

Thanks for your solution...but still not working.

I tried both above solution but not working.

I am using xampp on MAC OS..
ERROR :  Can't connect to local MySQL server through Socket '/var/
mysql/mysql.sock ?

I also set envornment variable using
echo 'export PATH=Application/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/clalumni/cake/
console/cake:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile
echo 'export PATH=Application/xampp/xamppfiles/lib/php:$PATH' >>

but still not able to run cake bake?

Please help me to run cake bake on MAC OS.

On Jan 19, 8:22 pm, leo  wrote:
> I used to use MAMP. It used a non-standard port for the DB. Check
> which port you're using and add it as shown in the database.php
> comments:
>  * host =>
>  * the host you connect to the database.  To add a socket or port
> number, use 'port' => #
>  *
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baking cakephp on MAC OS

2009-01-18 Thread bookme


I am trying to bake cake application on MAC OS but can not get

I have tried two solution but not working.

1 when I run cake bake command in app folder
 xampp/htdocs/cakephp/app> cake bake
it's showing cake : command not found on terminal

2 In parent directory when I run
xampp/htdocs/cakephp > ./cake/console/cake bake
App : app
Path: /Application/xampp/xampfiles/htdocs/cakephp/app
Interactive Bake Shell
[D]atabase Configuration
What would you like to Bake? (D/M/V/C/P/Q)
> M

Model Bake:
Database Connection:
[default] >
Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through
socket '/var/mysql/mysql.sock' (2) in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/
htdocs/cake/cake/libs/model/datasources/dbo/dbo_mysql.php on line 370

Warning: mysql_select_db(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-
Link resource in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/cake/cake/libs/
model/datasources/dbo/dbo_mysql.php on line 375

Warning: mysql_get_server_info(): supplied argument is not a valid
MySQL-Link resource in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/cake/cake/
libs/model/datasources/dbo/dbo_mysql.php on line 383

Warning: mysql_query(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL-Link
resource in /Applications/xampp/xamppfiles/htdocs/cake/cake/libs/model/
datasources/dbo/dbo_mysql.php on line 407
Error: Your database does not have any tables.

But My database have one table..then what's wrong here?
can any body tell me what's wrong I am doing here?

or please tell what's tseps to run cake bake on MAC OS.


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Re: the Gift of 1.2 Final

2008-12-27 Thread bookme


On Dec 27, 2:00 am, Webweave  wrote:
> Thanks for all your hard work !
> On Dec 25, 4:51 pm, Gwoo  wrote:
> > //Warning: this message is long and full of goodies.
> > History does not happen, it is made.
> > Today, the history of the CakePHP grows stronger. December 25, 2008
> > will be remembered as one of the most important points in this
> > history. After exactly 2 yrs from the first development release, we
> > can happily say we have the most stable and powerful web framework
> > available. Please enjoy our big present to you, CakePHP 1.2 stable
> > [1]. For this release, we have removed the test files from the build,
> > and created a tag in SVN.
> > Through the last two years, we have been blessed by a dedicated,
> > talented, and opinionated community[2]. We have shared disagreements
> > [3] and triumphs. We have won popularity contests[4] and been hated
> > on. We have seen CakePHP grow into a truly international community[5].
> > All of these events have generated an immense amount of passion for
> > CakePHP.
> > No one is more passionate about CakePHP than the developers[6] who
> > close tickets and fix bugs.  We started out two years ago with a small
> > team that dedicated countless hours to implementing new features into
> > 1.2 and maintaining 1.1 stable. This team ensured the integrity of
> > code and vision of the project. When we needed to grow, we found
> > members of the community who showed the same amount of dedication and
> > passion for CakePHP.  And with the launch of CakeBOOK, 
> > on,
> > we have seen the dedication and passion further extend to all the
> > contributors and translators[7] of the fantastic documentation that
> > makes learning about the power of CakePHP a bit easier.
> > We have seen CakePHP adopted by large projects[8] and the growth of
> > dedicated service companies[9]. We have held a workshop[10] to spread
> > the knowledge and passion of CakePHP. And ultimately, we implemented a
> > huge list of features...
> >         - Tests!
> >                 - All classes are test-covered, with good code coverage
> >                 - Test suite now integrated into the framework
> >                 - test generation
> >                 - support for coverage analysis
> >         - Command-line infrastructure
> >                 - with more shell scripts and ability to write custom ones 
> > easily
> >         - Plugin architecture
> >                 - Plugins are now distributable as packaged collections of 
> > files
> >                 - Can be loaded from your main app with a dot syntax
> >         - Internationalization and Localization support
> >                 - i18n and l10n classes
> >                 - Support for unicode strings
> >         - Auth component
> >                 - automatically handles sessions for authenticated users
> >                 - ties into ACL for automatic denial of protected content 
> > or actions
> >         - Email component
> >                 - for generation of text and html email
> >         - Security component
> >                 - HTTP auth support, great for web services
> >                 - CSRF protection
> >         - Cookie component
> >                 -  for secure cookie handling
> >         - Custom model finders
> >                 - simplified syntax
> >                 - powerful and extensible
> >         - Join models
> >                 - for modeling and accessing HABTM join tables
> >         - Behaviors, new way to extend models
> >                 - Supports "mixing in" new functionality
> >         - Containable behavior
> >                 -  simplified query optimization
> >         - Validation system extended
> >                 -  with new Validation class, lots of rules
> >                 - multiple rules and messages
> >         - Database drivers
> >                 - support for many more databases including DB2 and Oracle
> >         - Caching
> >                 - Adapter-driven caching, with support for 
> > APC/XCache/Memcache
> >         - Set class,
> >                 - for magical array hacking
> >         - Socket and HttpSocket classes
> >                 -  for dealing with remote data and services
> >         - Debugger class, for detailed introspection of errors
> >                 - Get stack traces anywhere in your code
> >                 - Introspected help on errors, with context information
> >         - Pagination
> >                 - one of the first additions to the new version
> >                 - one of the simplest systems known
> >         - Proper Routing
> >                 - mapResources() method for exposing controllers via REST
> >                 - Reverse routing support
> >                 - Named arguments
> >                 - Magic variables for common regexes
> >                 - Support for file extensions with custom content type 
> > mappings
> >         - View stuff
> >                 - 

Re: Suggest a better brilliant tutorial for implementing ACL with Auth in Cakephp

2008-12-23 Thread bookme

A nice tutorial for ACL is
you must be see demo example attach with it

On Dec 23, 6:43 pm, "Jon Bennett"  wrote:
> >  Warning (512): DbAcl::check() - Failed ARO/ACO node lookup in
> >  permissions check.  Node references:
> >  Aro: Array
> >  (
> >     [User] => Array
> >         (
> >             [id] => 1
> >             [username] =>
> >             [group_id] => 1
> >             [created] => 2008-12-22 21:39:48
> >             [modified] => 2008-12-22 21:39:48
> >         )
> >  )
> >  Aco: Posts/add [CORE/cake/libs/controller/components/acl.php, line
> >  239]
> You have most likely added the 'posts>add' method after you last ran
> buildAcl, you have to call that again each time you add new methods.
> cheers,
> jon
> --
> jon bennett
> w:
> iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett
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Pagination Issue with group by

2008-12-22 Thread bookme


I have problem when using pagination with Group BY.

I have two tables:
problems : id, title
problem replies : problem_id, reply_title

Here is hasMany relation between problem and problem replies

I am defining pagination in problems_controller

  'fields' => array('ProblemReply.problem_id','COUNT
(ProblemReply.problem_id) AS count_problem'),
  'group' => 'ProblemReply.problem_id',
  'order' => array('count_problem' =>'DESC'),
   'limit' => 2,
'contain' => array(
   'Problem' => array(
'fields' => array('', 'Problem.title',
'Problem.description', 'Problem.created'),

Here Pagination count is not working properly because of GROUP By

Pagination count query is :

SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `problem_replies` AS `ProblemReply`
LEFT JOIN `problems` AS `Problem` ON (`ProblemReply`.`problem_id` =
`Problem`.`id`)  WHERE 1 = 1  GROUP BY `ProblemReply`.`problem_id`

I can not use custom query pagination because I am using pagination at
many places in problem controller.

please tell me how should I solve issue of Group BY in pagination?


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CakePHP and calling ajaxStart with jquery

2008-12-20 Thread bookme


I am working on a cakephp websites and have some problem with jquery.
I am trying to call two times $.ajax  request using type: "POST" for
different actions on same page.
For this I am showing a loader image on  ajaxStart and hiding on
ajaxStop. I am using different id for diffrent functions but when I
call any one ajax request other's loading image also showing.

My mean to say that ajaxStart  and ajaxStop function are not working
for their respectively ids.

1) first Function call

Add to Favorite

jQuery('#id_fav_loading').ajaxStart(function() {
  }).ajaxStop(function() {

2)  second function call


  jQuery('#id_problem_too_loading').ajaxStart(function() {
  }).ajaxStop(function() {

like example;  when I call problemToo(); (second function) then loader
image is displaying on both places. while it must be display for only

Can any one tell me whats my mistake here.

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Re: How can I hide the content on ajax request into CakePHP Ajax Pagination

2008-12-19 Thread bookme

I tried this also

   'onCreate' => 'hideProcessing();',
   'onComplete' => 'showProcessing();',

   'url' => array('controller' => 'problems', 'action'
=> 'index', 'slug' => $business_entity_slug),
'indicator' => 'LoadingDiv'));

using hideProcessing I was trying to hide content and  using
showProcessing trying to show content.

But control is not going in these function.

Please help me for hiding content?

On Dec 19, 4:01 pm, bookme  wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying CakePHP ajax pagination using prototype.js
> My code is below :
>      $paginator->options(
>             array('update'=>'CustomerPaging',
>                     'url'=>array('controller'=>'Customers',
> 'action'=>'display'),
>                     'indicator' => 'LoadingDiv'));
> ?>
>     image('ajax-loader.gif'); ?>
>     renderElement('customers/paging'); ?>
> I want to hide the content of div id "CustomerPaging" when 'ajax-
> loader.gif' image is being displayed on ajax request.
> I think that it can be done using Ajax.Responders.register, but where
> should this java script function be called ?
> Ajax.Responders.register({
>   onCreate: showProcessing,
>   onComplete: hideProcessing
> });
> Is there any way that I can hide the content of  div Id
> "CustomerPaging" when the "loader" image is displaying using
> Prototype.js in CakePHP ajax pagination.
> Please help me
> Thanks
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How can I hide the content on ajax request into CakePHP Ajax Pagination

2008-12-19 Thread bookme


I am trying CakePHP ajax pagination using prototype.js

My code is below :

'indicator' => 'LoadingDiv'));

image('ajax-loader.gif'); ?>

renderElement('customers/paging'); ?>

I want to hide the content of div id "CustomerPaging" when 'ajax-
loader.gif' image is being displayed on ajax request.

I think that it can be done using Ajax.Responders.register, but where
should this java script function be called ?

  onCreate: showProcessing,
  onComplete: hideProcessing

Is there any way that I can hide the content of  div Id
"CustomerPaging" when the "loader" image is displaying using
Prototype.js in CakePHP ajax pagination.

Please help me

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Re: Integration of Sphinx Search with CakePHP

2008-12-16 Thread bookme

Thanks Alexandru,

I looked your links. First link is for plugin and second for sphinx
behaviour. Second link is useful for me but commenting inside in this
not in english so it's difficult to implement for me.

Can you provide me some other links?


On Dec 16, 5:25 pm, Alexandru Ciobanu  wrote:
> bookme wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I want to implement Sphinx Search with my CakePHP website.
> > Some days back I saw one article on cake bakery
> > now
> > it's  not displaying  and giving  message "Unable to provide the
> > article you requested because it is currently pending approval for
> > publication".
> > Is there any tutorial or help so that I can integrate Sphinx Search
> > with my cakephp application?
> > Thanks
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Integration of Sphinx Search with CakePHP

2008-12-16 Thread bookme


I want to implement Sphinx Search with my CakePHP website.

Some days back I saw one article on cake bakery but now
it's  not displaying  and giving  message "Unable to provide the
article you requested because it is currently pending approval for

Is there any tutorial or help so that I can integrate Sphinx Search
with my cakephp application?


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sort a column (username) based on above HABTM associations

2008-12-15 Thread bookme


I want to sort a column based on HABTM associations using pagination.
1) problems(id, title)
2) users(id, username)
3) problems_users(problem_id, user_id)

Relation ship between problems and users table is HABTM

 var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
   'User' => array( 

'className' =>
'joinTable' =>
'foreignKey' =>

'associationForeignKey' =>

I am getting pagination data like below:
[0] => Array
[Problem] => Array
[id] => 5
[title] => 33
[User] => Array
[0] => Array
[id] => 1
[username] => business user
[ProblemsUser] => Array
[problem_id] => 5
[user_id] => 1
) )))

I am successfully able to sort on problem title column using sort('Title', 'Problem.title'); ?>
but when I am trying to sort on username using sort('Username', User.username'); ?> its generating errors:

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'User.username' in
'order clause' [CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo_source.php, line

Query: SELECT `Problem`.`id`, `Problem`.`slug`, `Problem`.`title`,
`Problem`.`description`, `Problem`.`business_id`,
`Problem`.`reviewed`, `Problem`.`replied`, `Problem`.`status`,
`Problem`.`created` FROM `problems` AS `Problem`   WHERE
`Problem`.`business_id` = 2   ORDER BY `User`.`username` asc  LIMIT 5

How can I sort a column (username) based on above HABTM associations?

Please help me.


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Saving Extra field in HABTM join table

2008-12-09 Thread bookme


 I want to save an extra field in a HABTM Join table.

1) tags : id, tag .
2) blogs : id, title, body
3) entity_tags : id, entity_id, entity_type_id, tag_id .

Blog Model :
 array('className' => 'Tag',
'joinTable' => 'entity_tags',
'foreignKey' => 'entity_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'tag_id',
'unique' => true,
'conditions' => 'EntityTag.entity_type_id = 1',
'fields' => '',
'order' => '',
'limit' => '',
'offset' => '',
'finderQuery' => '',
  'deleteQuery' => '',
   'insertQuery' => ''


Tag Model :

I am calling $this->Blog->save($this->data) in blogs_controller for
saving tags and blog.

3 things are happening here :

1) Tags are getting saved into tags table using tag behavior and also
setting $model->data['Tag']['Tag'] = $tags;

function beforeSave(&$model)  {
---Tag Behaviour-

  foreach ($tagList as $tag) {
$Tag->save(array($this->settings[$model->name]['tag_label'] =>
// Store newly added tag's id in array
$tags[] = sprintf($Tag->getLastInsertID());
  // Store tags list then unset not needed data and return true
  $model->data['Tag']['Tag'] = $tags;
  return true;

2) Blog-Posts (blog title, blog body) are getting saved into blogs

3) id(auto_increment), entity_id(blog_id), tag_id is getting saved
into entity_tags table but entity_type_id is not getting saved.

I don't know where and what should I write for saving entity_type_id
into entity_tags table.

I also wrote a similar problem some days back but did not get a
satisfactory solution...

Please help me to come out of this problem

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Re: How to resolve SQL Error: warrings

2008-12-09 Thread bookme

Thanks AD7six

On Dec 9, 6:32 pm, AD7six <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 9, 2:28 pm, bookme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > But I have 125 GB free disk space on my system?
> > Are u talking abut RAM..then I have 3 GB RAM on my system..?
> > Is there any solution..?
> The solution is for you to find the reason for this:
> "Can't create/write to file 'C:\xampp\tmp\#sql_12f8_0.MYD"
> It's not a cake problem and not necessarily a db problem either.
> Happy hunting,
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Re: How to resolve SQL Error: warrings

2008-12-09 Thread bookme

But I have 125 GB free disk space on my system?

Are u talking abut RAM..then I have 3 GB RAM on my system..?

Is there any solution..?


On Dec 9, 6:06 pm, AD7six <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 9, 1:46 pm, bookme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am getting below warrings in red color at randomly when page is
> > executing but after refreshing this warring disappears.
> > Warning (512): SQL Error: 1: Can't create/write to file 'C:\xampp\tmp
> > \#sql_12f8_0.MYD' (Errcode: 13) [CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources
> > \dbo_source.php, line 521]
> > Query: DESCRIBE `blogcategories`
> > Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [CORE\cake\libs
> > \model\datasources\dbo\dbo_mysql.php, line 194]
> > I checked my database table, Association between modal, permission to
> > tmp folder and also loop condition in .ctp file but not getting
> > success.
> > Please tell me what's possible region for these warring.
> You've run out of disk space
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How to resolve SQL Error: warrings

2008-12-09 Thread bookme


I am getting below warrings in red color at randomly when page is
executing but after refreshing this warring disappears.

Warning (512): SQL Error: 1: Can't create/write to file 'C:\xampp\tmp
\#sql_12f8_0.MYD' (Errcode: 13) [CORE\cake\libs\model\datasources
\dbo_source.php, line 521]

Query: DESCRIBE `blogcategories`

Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [CORE\cake\libs
\model\datasources\dbo\dbo_mysql.php, line 194]

I checked my database table, Association between modal, permission to
tmp folder and also loop condition in .ctp file but not getting

Please tell me what's possible region for these warring.


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Re: save extra filed 'entity' in HABTM join tabel

2008-12-03 Thread bookme

Thanks Rob,

I tried your solution but I am using tag behaviour for inseritng tag
by beforeSave function so I can not get entity_id that's blog's tabel
id (blog_id) in beforeSave function.

So your suggest solution is not working.

Multiple tags and entity_id is successfully inserting into
entites_tags tabel without use of EntitiesTag module.

Is there any other solution for saving one extra filed 'entity' ?

Should I use custom query solution for this If cake can not provide me
a better solution?

Please help me.


On Dec 4, 9:30 am, Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I get this correctly, you want to update the related entities from
> the blogs_controller, then you need to set the associated data by
> referencing it properly.
> The saveAll should handle this OK for you as long as you are setting
> the data the way you stated.
> You could also manually do thesavefor thejointable by doing a
> separatesaveafter you do yoursavefor the Tag:
> // for the 'add' action ...
> $this->Tag->create();
> if ($this->Tag->save($this->data)){
> $this->data['Tag']['tag_id'] = $this->Tag-
> >getLastInsertId();
> $this->data['EntitiesTag']['tag_id'] = $this->data
> ['Tag']['tag_id'];
> $this->data['EntitiesTag']['entity'] = 1;
> $this->Tag->EntitiesTag->create();
> // Thensavethe EntitiesTag ...
> if ($this->Tag->EntitiesTag->save($this->data
> ['EntitiesTag'])) {
>$user_slot_id = $this->User->UserSlot-
> >getLastInsertId();
> On Dec 2, 11:24 pm, bookme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am trying this from last three days but can not solve
> > problem...Please help me to find a solution to this problem.
> > I want tosaveaextrafield inHABTMJointabel.
> > 1) tags : tag_id, tag_name .
> > 3) blogs : id, title, body
> > 4) entities_tags : tag_id,entity, entity_id .
> > I am usingHABTMrelation ship between Tag and Blog modal
> > *Blog Model*
> >  > class Blog extends AppModel {
> > var $name = 'Blog';
> > var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
> > 'Tag' => array('className' => 'Tag',
> > 'joinTable' => 'entities_tags',
> > 'foreignKey' => 'entity_id',
> > 'associationForeignKey' => 'tag_id',
> > 'with' => 'EntitiesTag',
> >  'unique' => true,
> > 'conditions' => 'EntitiesTag.entity= 1',
> >),
> >  );
> > }
> > ?>
> > entity_id, tag_id is saving in database successfully butentityis not
> > saving intabel.
> > I tried following solution for this in blogs_controller
> > 1 $this->data['EntitiesTag']['entity'] = 1
> > 2 $this->data['EntitiesTag'][0]['entity'] = 1
> > 3 I read one 
> > tutorial
> > I tried it but not successed.
> > It would be gr8 for me if somebody tell how can Isavethisextra
> > field 'entity' intoJointabelentites_tags ?
> > Is there missing something or doing wrong?
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Re: save extra filed 'entity' in HABTM join tabel

2008-12-03 Thread bookme

Thanks Smelly,

my requirment is that data must be insert in entitles_tabel if I will
change name of modal specified by with than I have to use new tabel.
 var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
'Tag' => array('className' => 'Tag',
'joinTable' => 'entities_tags',
'foreignKey' => 'entity_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'tag_id',
'with' => 'EntitiesTag1',
 'unique' => true,
'conditions' => 'EntitiesTag1.entity = 1',

If I will use modal name EntitiesTag1  than I have to use new tabel
name entities_tag1..that's not my requiremnet.

Can you write a little example using my tabel stracture that is define
above... sothat I can come out this problem also please write how
should I assign 'entity' valueinside $this->data
like: $this->data['EntitiesTag']['entity'] = 1  or something else ?

Please help  me

Thanks a lot to u and everybody

On Dec 3, 8:19 pm, Smelly_Eddie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I believe the with attribute will conflict with 'join_table' because
> the model specified by 'wiht' already knows what table it wants to
> use.
> You should use one or the other.
> I have successfully added additional fields in a HABTM using
> 'with' ..without issue
> > var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(
> > 'Tag' => array('className' => 'Tag',
> > 'joinTable' => 'entities_tags',
> > 'foreignKey' => 'entity_id',
> > 'associationForeignKey' => 'tag_id',
> > 'with' => 'EntitiesTag',
> >  'unique' => true,
> > 'conditions' => 'EntitiesTag.entity = 1',
> >),
> >  );
> > }
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save extra filed 'entity' in HABTM join tabel

2008-12-02 Thread bookme


I am trying this from last three days but can not solve
problem...Please help me to find a solution to this problem.
I want to save a extra field in HABTM Join tabel.

1) tags : tag_id, tag_name .
3) blogs : id, title, body
4) entities_tags : tag_id, entity, entity_id .

I am using HABTM relation ship between Tag and Blog modal

*Blog Model*
 array('className' => 'Tag',
'joinTable' => 'entities_tags',
'foreignKey' => 'entity_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'tag_id',
'with' => 'EntitiesTag',
 'unique' => true,
'conditions' => 'EntitiesTag.entity = 1',


entity_id, tag_id is saving in database successfully but entity is not
saving in tabel.

I tried following solution for this in blogs_controller

1 $this->data['EntitiesTag']['entity'] = 1

2 $this->data['EntitiesTag'][0]['entity'] = 1

3 I read one tutorial

I tried it but not successed.

It would be gr8 for me if somebody tell how can I save this extra
field 'entity' into Join tabel entites_tags ?

Is there missing something or doing wrong?

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Re: How to use Prefix Routing for form submit

2008-12-01 Thread bookme

 Hi ,

I got solution for above problem but facing a new problem in case of

echo $form->create(null, array('url' =>  array('controller' =>
'blogs', 'action' => 'education_index', 'education' => true), 'name'
=> 'blogform'));

it's generating url : 

this is working fine but in case of edit it's generating unexpected

echo $form->create(null, array('url' =>  array('controller' =>
'blogs', 'action' => 'education_edit', 'education' => true, 'id' =>
'12'), 'name' => 'blogform'));


action : /project_name/blogs/education_edit/12/education:1/ is must be /project_name/education/blogs/edit/12/

I debug this problem and find that it's due to sending $this->data
from controller in edit case.

why is it happening in edit case ?

Is there any solution for this?


On Dec 1, 10:01 am, bookme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Kyo,
> Your solution is working fine but sometimes I am not using URL asform
> action in this case I am finding problem...
> like if url ishttp://localhost/test/education/blogs/add/
> and I want to handaleformpost action on education_index then your
> suggested solution is not working
> Please tell me how should I do this?
> Thanks
> On Nov 28, 6:54 pm, Kyo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Try something like:
> >         echo $form->create(null, array('url'=>"/{$this->params['url']
> > ['url']}"));
> > $params['url']['url'] holds the url of the current page.
> > That should do the trick.
> > hth- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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Saving data in HABTM relation ship

2008-12-01 Thread bookme


I have a problem to saving data in HABTM relation ship.

1) tags : tag_id, tag_name .
2) entity_types : entity_type_id, entity_type_name .   [(0, Posts),
3) teachers : teacher_id, teacher_name .
4) entities_tags : tag_id, entity_type_id, entity_id .

I am using HABTM relation ship between Tag and Teacher modal

*Teacher Model*
 array (
'className' => 'Tag',
'joinTable' => 'entities_tags',
'foreignKey' => 'entity_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'tag_id',
'conditions' => 'entity_type_id = 1'


here 'entity_id', 'tag_id' is saving in database tabel
'entities_tags'  but 'entity_type_id  is not saving. here it's always
default value 0 is saving but it must be save1.

Please tell me where should I define 'entity_type_id  = 1  other than
relation ship so that it can be save.

or is there any solution so that I can be save one extra filed
'entity_type_id  in database with  'entity_id' , tag_id?

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Re: Building "Tagging" feature in my site

2008-12-01 Thread bookme

Good post..I have same problem...It's working but in my case
entity_type_id is not saving in entities_tags tabel...

 Currently I am using it only in

*Teacher Model*
 array (
'className' => 'Tag',
'joinTable' => 'entities_tags',
'foreignKey' => 'entity_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'tag_id',
'conditions' => 'entity_type_id = 1'



here 'entity_type_id  is always saving 0 but it must be save 1 in

Please tell me where should I define 'entity_type_id  = 1  other than
relation ship so that it can be save.

On Nov 3, 2:59 pm, Marcus Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> If i did understand what you are trying to achive you could design
> your tag relationship in the following way:
> Tables
> ---
> Tags
> id
> name
> model
> created
> updated more if needed etc...
> then you would have a linking table which would link tags to its
> repective  associated model.
> Example:
> model_tags //name it as you like
> foreign_id   //id of associated model
> tag_id
> Lets say thatmyusers uses tags etc...
> User -- model
> var $hasAndbelongsToMany = array(
>         'Tag' => array(
>                 'className' => 'Tag',
>                 'joinTable' => 'model_tags',
>                 'foreignKey' => 'foreign_id',
>                 'associationForeignKey' => 'tag_id',
>                 'unique' => true,
>                 'conditions'   => array(Tag.model' => 'User'), // Tag.model =>
> Associated model class name
>                 'fields' => '',
>                 'order' => '',
>                 'limit' => 5,
>                 'offset' => '',
>                 'finderQuery' => '',
>                 'deleteQuery' => '',
>                 'insertQuery' => ''
>         )
> );
> In the tag model you could do the same thing.
> I know that it works because I used it before ...
> Hope it helps you out.
> Cheers
> On Nov 1, 2:42 pm, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > I am trying to build ataggingfeatureinmysitewhich is a community
> >sitefor a school.
> > Inmysite, I have various entity types like : Blog Post, Teacher,
> > Book .
> > Every entry for these entities will have tags associated with it . So,
> > atagmay belong to one or more items of different entities.
> > In a normal core PHP project, I would have designed tables for this in
> > the following manner :-
> > 1) tags : tag_id, tag_name .
> > 2) entity_types : entity_type_id, entity_type_name .   [(0, Posts),
> > (1, Teachers), (2, Books)]
> > 3) posts : post_id, post_name .
> > 4) teachers : teacher_id, teacher_name .
> > 5) books : book_id, book_name
> > 6) entities_tags : tag_id, entity_type_id, entity_id .
> > So, if a book (entity_type_id = 2) with book_id = 6 has 2 tags
> > (tag_id, tag_name) : (11, 'Chemistry') & (23, 'Grade A') , then the
> > entry in entities_tags for this will be : (11, 2, 6) & (23, 2, 6) .
> > I am using CakePHP formyproject and I am not able to design the
> > tables in CakePHP for thisTaggingFeature.
> > It would be great if people could come up with their suggestions.
> > Thanks a lot !!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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Re: How to use Prefix Routing for form submit

2008-11-30 Thread bookme

Thanks Kyo,

Your solution is working fine but sometimes I am not using URL as form
action in this case I am finding problem...

like if url is

and I want to handale form post action on education_index then your
suggested solution is not working

Please tell me how should I do this?


On Nov 28, 6:54 pm, Kyo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Try something like:
>         echo $form->create(null, array('url'=>"/{$this->params['url']
> ['url']}"));
> $params['url']['url'] holds the url of the current page.
> That should do the trick.
> hth
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How to use Prefix Routing for form submit

2008-11-28 Thread bookme


I am using Prefix Routing for my website.

I am working on a education section and calling a add action of blogs


and my router.php contains
Router::connect('/education /:controller/:action/*', array('prefix' =>
'education ', 'education ' => true));

I have made an

action : education_add in blogs controller
and view:  education _add.ctp in view/blogs

but problem is How should I give action so that form submit can be
handle in education_add function.

I tried but could not be succeed
create('Blog', array('name' => 'blogform', 'action'
=> 'education_add', 'education ' => true));?>

create('Blog', array('name' => 'blogform','action'
=> 'education_add'));?>

Please tell me what should be do so that form summit can be handle in
education_add action.


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CakePHP and PHPBB3 Integration

2008-11-19 Thread bookme


I want to integrate my CakePHP site with PHPBB3.

I saw integration on PHPBB2 and cakephp..but it's not working.

Can any body tell me what changes should I do in PHPBB2 and cakephp so
that it can work for PHPBB3...

Is there any tutorial or help for PHPBB3 and cakephp integration..I
tried google on this but not find satisfactory solution.

Please help me

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Re: How to apply permission to XML folder in webroot

2008-11-19 Thread bookme

Thanks Rob...

I used .htpasswd and .htaccess and deny access outside world using a
user name and password..

but my problem is that I am using XML file inside when ever
flash is running it also require authenticationthat must be not

Is there any solution for it ?

On Nov 19, 6:39 pm, Rob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree with David, if you really don't want anybody to have direct
> access to it, don't put it in the webroot.
> That said, you can have files in a particular folder in your web site
> that you deny access to by using the .htaccess file.
> You deny the whole directory, specific files, or even set it up to
> require authentication. Look at the Apache site, or Google how to do
> this.
> On Nov 19, 5:01 am, bookme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Can I do it providing permission chmod -R 711 to this folder on linux
> > server...
> > I try's working but don't know is it secure or not?
> > Please tell me what should I do ?
> > On Nov 17, 12:43 pm, "David C. Zentgraf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > You'd do this on the server side by setting file system permissions or
> > > with .htaccess directives (hardly a Cake question).
> > > The better thing to do though would be to not put it in the webroot to
> > > begin with, if it's not supposed to ever be accessed.
> > > On 17 Nov 2008, at 16:33, bookme wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > I am working on aflashapplication usingXML.Flashfile andXMLis
> > > > inside webroot folder. I want to apply permission   onXMLfile so
> > > > that no body can accessXMLfiles because theseXMLfiles contains
> > > > some secrete data.
> > > > Please tell me how can I apply permissions on webroot/flash/xmlfolder
> > > > so that no body can access or viewxmlfiles.
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Re: How to apply permission to XML folder in webroot

2008-11-19 Thread bookme

Can I do it providing permission chmod -R 711 to this folder on linux

I try's working but don't know is it secure or not?

Please tell me what should I do ?

On Nov 17, 12:43 pm, "David C. Zentgraf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You'd do this on the server side by setting file system permissions or
> with .htaccess directives (hardly a Cake question).
> The better thing to do though would be to not put it in the webroot to
> begin with, if it's not supposed to ever be accessed.
> On 17 Nov 2008, at 16:33, bookme wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am working on aflashapplication usingXML.Flashfile andXMLis
> > inside webroot folder. I want to apply permission   onXMLfile so
> > that no body can accessXMLfiles because theseXMLfiles contains
> > some secrete data.
> > Please tell me how can I apply permissions on webroot/flash/xmlfolder
> > so that no body can access or viewxmlfiles.
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How to apply permission to XML folder in webroot

2008-11-16 Thread bookme


I am working on a flash application using XML. Flash file and XML is
inside webroot folder. I want to apply permission   on XML file so
that no body can access XML files because these XML files contains
some secrete data.

Please tell me how can I apply permissions on webroot/flash/xml folder
so that no body can access or view xml files.

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Multiple login system

2008-10-31 Thread bookme


I am working on a site and want to implement two types of users with
different logins
1. User Login
2. Business Login

Should I use Auth using ACL?

Also, please suggest if you have better solution for this ?

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Re: Tags implementation

2008-10-30 Thread bookme

Thanks RyOnLife !!

Finding a tag details from the suggested design by you,  need to find
from all tables so extra 4 SQL Join query will be perform

1. tags_users (tag_id, user_id) (SQL Join)
2. brands_tags (brand_id, tag_id)
3 products_tags (product_id, tag_id)
4 posts_tags (post_id, tag_id)

Should I go ahead without worry abt SQL performance?


On Oct 26, 4:14 am, RyOnLife <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm having some trouble with save/delete HABTM myself, but I can at least
> help you on your table design. Following Cake conventions (plural,
> lowercase, abc order) and assuming you want everything taggable, your join
> tables would be:
> tags_users (tag_id, user_id)
> brands_tags (brand_id, tag_id)
> products_tags (product_id, tag_id)
> posts_tags (post_id, tag_id)
> --
> View this message in 
> context:
> Sent from the CakePHP mailing list archive at
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Tags implementation

2008-10-25 Thread bookme


I want to implement tag functionality for my site.

I have four modal
1 Tag
2 User
3 Brand
4 Product
5 Post

I am thinking to make two tables
tags : id, tag_name
entities_tags : tag_id, entity_id, entity_type

here entity is User, Brand,  Post and their corresponding ids..

Should I follow this above design or make a different join table for
each entity like;

tags : id, tag_name
tags_users : tag_id, user_id
brands_tags: brand_id, tag_id
posts_tags: post_id, tag_id

please tell me in terms of save, edit, delete, get..searching for  a
tag name which one is best design for CakePHP
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Re: Tag functionality design

2008-10-24 Thread bookme

Thanks Hannibal,

I read it..this Polymorphic Behavior is only for two tables..but In my
case I have

Tag-- HABTM enities_tags---User,
Brand, Product..
Still should I follow this behaviour..
is there any other way to doing this?

On Oct 24, 4:11 pm, "dr. Hannibal Lecter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I understood your idea correctly, polymorphic behavior might be of
> interest to you:
> Hope that helps!
> On Oct 24, 1:02 pm, bookme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am new to CakePHP ..want to implement a Tag functionlity for my
> > website.
> > I have four modal
> > 1 Tag
> > 2 User
> > 3 Brand
> > 4 Product
> > I am thinking to make two tables
> > tags : id, tag_name
> > entities_tags : tag_id, entity_id, entity_type
> > here entity is User, Brand, Product and their corresponding ids..
> > Should I follow this above design or make a different join table for
> > each entity like;
> > tags : id, tag_name
> > tags_users : tag_id, user_id
> > brands_tags: brand_id, tag_id
> > products_tags: product_id, tag_id
> > please tell me in terms of save, edit, delete, get..which one is best
> > design for CakePHP
> > Thanks
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Tag functionality design

2008-10-24 Thread bookme


I am new to CakePHP ..want to implement a Tag functionlity for my

I have four modal
1 Tag
2 User
3 Brand
4 Product

I am thinking to make two tables
tags : id, tag_name
entities_tags : tag_id, entity_id, entity_type

here entity is User, Brand, Product and their corresponding ids..

Should I follow this above design or make a different join table for
each entity like;

tags : id, tag_name
tags_users : tag_id, user_id
brands_tags: brand_id, tag_id
products_tags: product_id, tag_id

please tell me in terms of save, edit, delete, get..which one is best
design for CakePHP


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SEO friendly

2008-10-20 Thread bookme


I want to make my wesite SEO frienldy?

I  read SlugBehavior and going to implement it.

I saw SeoHelper in bakesale code and see that it's generating url like


but I didn't get any help on bakery for this..can some body tell me
how can I generate link like above because bakesale code is in version
1.1..and I am doing  work on 1.2

Is there any other way doing this?


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Re: Use Ajax without using library: like prototype.js, jquery.js

2008-10-17 Thread bookme

Thanks Everybody!!

I'll try my best

On Oct 18, 12:53 am, qwanta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For a pure javascript/ajax template, go here
> and download the sample chapter
> This should give you a basic working xmlhttprequest that should be
> easy to modify to do what you need.
> On Oct 17, 11:57 am, bookme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am using jquery for ajax  in my application.. and was getting very
> > good results using it.
> > But when I was working on a registration page then this jquery is not
> > providing me seamless effect.
> > There is two select box - drop down
> > 1 State
> > 2 City
> > when ever a user select a state correspondingly city comes in city
> > drop down. jquery - ajax  is working fine but it's taking time to
> > displaying results.
> > So I have to use simple ajax approach
> > 1 Create a HTTP object : httpObject
> > 2  open http connection
> >"GET", url,  true);
> > httpObject.send(null);
> > httpObject.onreadystatechange = setOutput;
> > 3 getting response on httpObject.readyState == 4
> > till now working fine but in next line creating problem
> >  top = httpObject.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("cities")[0];
> > JavaScript Error : httpObject.responseXML has no properties ??
> > I tested it using httpObject.responseText it's working fine.
> > Also my controller is generating xml ..xml is showing in view source
> > but i think it's not correct because View Genearted Source not showing
> > xml instead of it showing HTML
> > View Source is
> >  
> > 
> > 0100
> > 
> > Is I am going on write track?
> > How should I generate xml for this ajax request ..I have alraedy added
> > Xml, RequestHandler everything but can not solve problem ?
> > Thanks !!
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Re: Use Ajax without using library: like prototype.js, jquery.js

2008-10-17 Thread bookme

Thanks Xavieruni!!

Here  problem is not in AJAX logic because everything is working fine
in webroot folder if I don't use concept of controller.
I think problem is in cake.
because Cake is not generating XML correctly .. I read some manual for
cake XML also..but still in problem.

Please help me.

On Oct 17, 9:12 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You may want to post this in the AJAX groups also!
> On 10/17/2008, bookme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am using jquery for ajax  in my application.. and was getting very
> > good results using it.
> > But when I was working on a registration page then this jquery is not
> > providing me seamless effect.
> > There is two select box - drop down
> > 1 State
> > 2 City
> > when ever a user select a state correspondingly city comes in city
> > drop down. jquery - ajax  is working fine but it's taking time to
> > displaying results.
> > So I have to use simple ajax approach
> > 1 Create a HTTP object : httpObject
> > 2  open http connection
> >"GET", url,  true);
> > httpObject.send(null);
> > httpObject.onreadystatechange = setOutput;
> > 3 getting response on httpObject.readyState == 4
> > till now working fine but in next line creating problem
> >  top = httpObject.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("cities")[0];
> > JavaScript Error : httpObject.responseXML has no properties ??
> > I tested it using httpObject.responseText it's working fine.
> > Also my controller is generating xml ..xml is showing in view source
> > but i think it's not correct because View Genearted Source not showing
> > xml instead of it showing HTML
> > View Source is
> >  
> > 
> > 0100
> > 
> > Is I am going on write track?
> > How should I generate xml for this ajax request ..I have alraedy added
> > Xml, RequestHandler everything but can not solve problem ?
> > Thanks !!
> --
> Xavier A. Mathews
> Student/Developer/Web-Master
> GG Client Based Tech Support Specialist
> Hazel Crest Illinois
> "Fear of a name, only increases fear of the thing itself."
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Use Ajax without using library: like prototype.js, jquery.js

2008-10-17 Thread bookme


I am using jquery for ajax  in my application.. and was getting very
good results using it.

But when I was working on a registration page then this jquery is not
providing me seamless effect.

There is two select box - drop down
1 State
2 City
when ever a user select a state correspondingly city comes in city
drop down. jquery - ajax  is working fine but it's taking time to
displaying results.

So I have to use simple ajax approach

1 Create a HTTP object : httpObject

2  open http connection"GET", url,  true);
httpObject.onreadystatechange = setOutput;

3 getting response on httpObject.readyState == 4

till now working fine but in next line creating problem

 top = httpObject.responseXML.getElementsByTagName("cities")[0];

JavaScript Error : httpObject.responseXML has no properties ??

I tested it using httpObject.responseText it's working fine.
Also my controller is generating xml ..xml is showing in view source
but i think it's not correct because View Genearted Source not showing
xml instead of it showing HTML

View Source is


Is I am going on write track?

How should I generate xml for this ajax request ..I have alraedy added
Xml, RequestHandler everything but can not solve problem ?

Thanks !!

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Re: complex query : HABTM Association between multiple model

2008-10-16 Thread bookme


I know what query can return my's here:

SELECT `Product`.`id`, `Product`.`product_name`, `Brand`.`brand_name`,
`Brand`.`id`, `ProductsUser`.`user_id`, `ProductsUser`.`product_id`
FROM `products` AS `Product` JOIN `products_users` AS `ProductsUser`
ON (`ProductsUser`.`user_id` = 2 AND `ProductsUser`.`product_id` =
`Product`.`id`) JOIN `brands_products` AS `BrandsProduct` ON
(`BrandsProduct`.`product_id` = `Product`.`id`) JOIN `brands` AS
`Brand` ON (`Brand`.`id` = `BrandsProduct`.`brand_id`) WHERE 1 = 1

This query is working fine but I don't know how to write it in

I found all products accordingly users by using Containable behavior
but can not find complete solution.

code is:
debug($this->User->find('all', array('conditions' => array(''
=> $this->Auth->user('id');

But now don't know how to find all brands accordingly a users product?

Is CakePHP very complex for writing function for such query..because I
am trying it from last two days also no body is replaying me.

Please tell me how should I go ahead with this?


On Oct 16, 12:18 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sorry, I forget that I used this solution but could not succeed
> $brands = $this->User->Product->Brand->find('all',array(
>   'fields' =>
> array('','Brand.brand_name'),
>'conditions' =>
> array('' => $this->Auth->user('id')),
>   'recersive' => 0)
> Please help me
> On Oct 16, 12:15 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have three Model with following association
> > 1 User
> > 2 Product
> > 3 Brand
> > User HABTM (brands_users)--Brand
> > Brand---HABTM (brands_products)--Product
> > User---HABTM (products_users)--Product
> > I want to find a list of all brands which product had been selected by
> > a user.
> > Means first user select some products then he will be select brands.
> > So I am unable to display all brands accordingly user's products
> > Thanks a lot you for my help
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Re: complex query : HABTM Association between multiple model

2008-10-16 Thread bookme

I found all products accordingly users by using Containable behavior.

code is:
debug($this->User->find('all', array('conditions' => array(''
=> $this->Auth->user('id');

But now don't know how to find all brands accordingly a users product?

Is CakePHP very complex for writing function for such query..because I
am trying it from last two days also no body is replaying me.

Please tell me how should I go ahead with this?


On Oct 16, 12:18 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sorry, I forget that I used this solution but could not succeed
> $brands = $this->User->Product->Brand->find('all',array(
>   'fields' =>
> array('','Brand.brand_name'),
>'conditions' =>
> array('' => $this->Auth->user('id')),
>   'recersive' => 0)
> Please help me
> On Oct 16, 12:15 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I have three Model with following association
> > 1 User
> > 2 Product
> > 3 Brand
> > User HABTM(brands_users)--Brand
> > Brand---HABTM(brands_products)--Product
> > User---HABTM(products_users)--Product
> > I want to find a list of all brands which product had been selected by
> > a user.
> > Means first user select some products then he will be select brands.
> > So I am unable to display all brands accordingly user's products
> > Thanks a lot you for my help
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Validation for HABTM association

2008-10-15 Thread bookme


I tried for a solution for my below problem but could not find any
where satisfication answer.

I have two Model  User and  Product they have HABTM relation

A user can select multiple checkbox of products, if he not selected
any checkbox then a message should be displayed here. So I am not
getting where and what validaton should I apply for it.

combine table name is products_users with product_id and user_id.

Please tell me what and where validation should I apply?
or is there any other method for it ?


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Validation using controller

2008-10-13 Thread bookme


I am using Integrate CakePHP with Kcaptcha from bakery.

Finding problem at the time of captcha validation from controller.

I found below code
$this->User->validate = array('captchaText' => array('Mycaptcha' =>
array('method' => 'validateCaptcha', 'message' => 'your error

I tried to find out definition for this method but could not succeeded

Can any one tell me what's Mycaptcha here and where should I write
code for validateCaptcha function.

I put this code at three different places but could not succeed, User
model , captcha component or a helper validation.php

Please tell me what 's Mycaptcha and where should i put code of
validateCaptcha function.

Or can somebody tell me how to set error message from controller ?

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captcha validation from controller

2008-10-12 Thread bookme


I am using Integrate CakePHP with Kcaptcha from bakery.

Finding problem at the time of captcha validation from controller.

I found below code
$this->User->validate = array('captchaText' => array('Mycaptcha' =>
array('method' => 'validateCaptcha', 'message' => 'your error

I tried to find out definition for this method but could not succeeded

Can any one tell me what's Mycaptcha here and where should I write
code for validateCaptcha function.

I put this code at three different places but could not succeed, User
model , captcha component or a helper validation.php

Please tell me what 's Mycaptcha and where should i put code of
validateCaptcha function.

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Re: Automagic JavaScript Validation Helper - Beta integration problem

2008-10-11 Thread bookme

Same problem I am facing?
Ant body have any solution?

On Aug 21, 10:52 am, Pascal Messana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am facing the same problem.
> I just posted on the author page 
> :
> If you solved this problem, can you post the solution then ?
> Thx
> kaushik a écrit :
> > I am facing problem to integrate 'Automagic JavaScriptValidation
> > Helper' in my formvalidation.
> > Here is my model:
> >  var $name = 'Category';
> >  var $primaryKey = 'categoryId';
> >  var $displayField = 'categoryName';
> >  var $validate = array(
> > 'categoryName' => array(
> > 'too_short' => array('rule' => array('minLength',
> > 1),'message'=>'Category Name cannot be empty'),
> > 'unique' => array('rule' => array('isUnique'),
> > 'message'=>'That Category Name is not available'),
> > 'must' => array('rule' => array('minLength', 4),
> > 'required' =>true, 'message'=>'Category Name is required'),
> > ),
> >);
> > Here is my view:
> > link(array('jquery', 'validation'), false);?>
> >  >$options = array('inline' => 'false','messageId' => 'message');
> > ?>
> > rules('Category');?>
> > create('Category',array('type'=>'file')); ?>
> > > align="center" class="border"
> > cellpadding="5" cellspacing="2">
> > > class="TDHEAD" bgcolor="#799BE1" style="color:#ff">
> > > colspan="3">Add Category
> >
> >
> > > colspan="3">
> >
> >
> > > align="right" valign="top" class="tbllogin">Category
> > Name
> > > align="center" valign="top" class="tbllogin">:
> >
> >  > size="40" value="" id="categoryName" class="inplogin"> > >error("Category.categoryName",array('wrap'=>'div'));?>
> >
> >
> > > colspan="2"> 
> >
> >     
> >  > onClick="javascript:window.location='../categories';">
> >
> >
> >end(); ?>
> > After html, it is giving-
> >";>
> > 
> > Test Control Panel
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > head>
> >  > marginheight="0" marginwidth="0">
> > .
> > 
> > $(document).ready(function(){ $
> > ('form').submit( function() { return validateForm(this,
> > rules); }); });
> > var rules = eval({"CategoryCategoryName":[{"rule":"\/^.{1,}$
> > \/","message":"Category Name cannot be empty"},{"rule":"\/^.{4,}$
> > \/","message":"Category Name is required"}]});
> > 
> > .
> > 
> >  > action="/admin/categories/add">
> >  > value="POST" />
> > 
> >  > value="" id="categoryName" class="inplogin">
> > ...
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > It doesn't showing any error although the field is blank but required.
> > It is also not showing any javascript error also. Moreover for valid
> > or invalid entry, the form submission is not occurring.
> > Can anyone help me. Where is the bug in my code?
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jquery validation

2008-10-11 Thread bookme


I am using jquery validation for signup form. But facing problem when
I am using CakePHP helper class.

if I used  instead of

text('username')); ?>  that's generate " "
it's working fine.

Jquery validation code is

var validator = $("#UserSignupForm").validate({
rules: {
firstname: "required",
lastname: "required",
data[User][username]: {
required: true,
minlength: 2,
remote: "users.php"

I could not replace data[User][username] because it's need in form
submission. so what should I changed either in
 text('username')); ?> or jquery function .

I think problem is creating from data[User][username].

Please help me


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Ajax Login using Jquery and Auth component

2008-10-07 Thread bookme


I am new to cakephp. I have no idea how to use ajax login using Jquery
and Auth.
It would be great for me if  anybody tell me any tutorial or steps to
do this.

Thanks a lot you!!
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Rehased password field value

2008-10-06 Thread bookme

I am working on Signup action in users controller using Auth
signup.ctp file includes username, password, password2(confirm

text('username', array('class' => 'fullwidth'))); ?>
password('password', array('class' => 'fullwidth'))); ?
Confirm Password
password('password2', array('class' => 'fullwidth'))); ?

Using "passwordSimilar"  in user model, I am verifying username,
password and password2.
problem is that when either both password is not same or user did not
enter username then value of password is hash value in it's
corresponding text box.

How can I show actual password value in text box instead of hash
value ?
My mean to say..How can I rehashed password field value ?

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Database design for local information specific site

2008-10-02 Thread bookme


I am using CakePHP as the framework for a highly content driven,
dynamic, location based site.

But I am confused for database design.

Whenever a user visits the site, he sees most of the data specific
only to his city. There is very little generalized data to be shown.

For this, I have 2 designs in mind :-
(1) Have a single database encompassing all cities
   In this case, for every page, I will have to do extra JOINS to pull
out data corresponding to a particular city and the tables will become
very large.
 But then, the database will not have redundancy and will be

(2) Have 1 common database for tables storing GENERAL INFORMATION and
user specific information AND have 1 database PER CITY (city specific
databases having the same design). i.e. :-
city3-database..and so on
   In this case, the number of JOINS being performed are reduced and
wherever they occur, they may be between tables belonging to different
databases (is this good ?). But this design introduces redundancy and
difficulty in feature scaling.

Please give your views on which of the above 2 designs would be better
for this city-specific site. A good reasoning will be very
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Data Modeling Tool

2008-10-01 Thread bookme


Can any one tell me best  Data Modeling Tool for CakePHP that follow
CakePHP convention

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Re: Accessing Multiple database

2008-10-01 Thread bookme

Thanks your reply!

Each city specific datbase have 10 can i make them?
suppose common database has brands table and city1 database has stores
table, becuase every city has different stores and no realtion to
other city. so making diffrent database for different city is good I

Can any one help me?

On Oct 1, 3:13 pm, techiguy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> sorry i mean to say one common database and have tables
> city1,city2,city3 instead of separate databases??
> On Oct 1, 12:31 pm, bookme <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I am working on a highly dynamic web content site.
> > This website have two types of data one is common data and second is
> > city specific. The homepage has listing of all the available cities
> > which then takes you to that specific cities page.  All the code for a
> > specific city is the same as any other city, the only difference is
> > the data being pulled from the database only relates to that specific
> > cities.
> > I want to make different database for every city and one common
> > database. suppose this website have city1, city2, city3 then there
> > will be 4 different database.
> > common-database
> > city1-database
> > city2-database
> > city3-database
> > Can I do my database design int this way in CakePHP? I tried for this
> > but don't know how can I access multiple database with a single query
> > in CakePHP?
> > Please tell me what is better way making this city specific site?
> > Thanks- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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Accessing Multiple database

2008-10-01 Thread bookme


I am working on a highly dynamic web content site.
This website have two types of data one is common data and second is
city specific. The homepage has listing of all the available cities
which then takes you to that specific cities page.  All the code for a
specific city is the same as any other city, the only difference is
the data being pulled from the database only relates to that specific

I want to make different database for every city and one common
database. suppose this website have city1, city2, city3 then there
will be 4 different database.

Can I do my database design int this way in CakePHP? I tried for this
but don't know how can I access multiple database with a single query
in CakePHP?
Please tell me what is better way making this city specific site?


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