1.1.x Testsuite and Session

2008-05-09 Thread Davide

Hello everybody,

what I'm trying to achieve is to insert a testunit of the
authentication procedure already implemented and running.

So I would not like to change the code.

The procedure access a MembersController::signin() that if has
$this-data set then do all the required operation for testing the
UID/PASS correctness and the set the suitable session paramters.

These session parameters are tested within all the application for
signed user test and used with ACL for giving the right permissions.

What I though was to do a
MembersControllerTestCase::testAuthentication() (for example) and
inside this call something like




   $data = array();
   $this-object-data = $data;

   //this should execute the authentication procedure


obviously this is not working or I wouldn't have been here asking :)

I'm browsing a bit api and google. Does someone has an idea on how
reach the goal?

I've also tried setting a local SessionComponent with

   $this-Session = new SessionComponent();

but it seems that the session I'm using in the testsuite is not the
same of the one used in the requestAction or something else.

Thanks a lot

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Re: Alias?

2008-05-05 Thread Davide

Davide wrote:
 unfortunly Router::connect() seems not to work for me. Cake
 1.1.18. It's simply ignored. But you gave me a hint and using
 $Route-connect(...) I can achieve my goal.

 However I have to add a $Route-connect() for each action and it's not
 beautiful and subject to errors. I'm thinking in a workaround
 solution. I will post it here.

Worked a bit on it, but it took too much time for achieving a good
solution so I finally opted for mapping each action in routes.php and
managing the alias in the view action. So finally here is the code[1].

Now I'm asking myself about the utility of AppError if it's disabled
in a production environment. Can someone answer me maybe with a

Thanks a lot.



   function view($id=null){
  $data = null;
  if(empty($this-params[alias])  is_null($id)){
$data = $this-Project-findById($id);
$data = $this-Project-findByAlias($this-params[alias]);

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Re: Alias?

2008-04-29 Thread Davide

Joel Perras wrote:
 For that, use:
 Router::connect('/projects/:name', array('action'='view',

Thanks Joel,

unfortunly Router::connect() seems not to work for me. Cake
1.1.18. It's simply ignored. But you gave me a hint and using
$Route-connect(...) I can achieve my goal.

However I have to add a $Route-connect() for each action and it's not
beautiful and subject to errors. I'm thinking in a workaround
solution. I will post it here.

Thanks for the hint.

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Re: Alias?

2008-04-28 Thread Davide

I wrote a code (at the bottom) that in case of missingAction will search
in the database and if found then render the proper view.

Everything works fine except when I turn DEBUG=0 (production setup). Now
cake always render the 404 without entering the AppError::missingAction().

How can I do?

Following the code.

Bye and thanks

 * app/error.php
class AppError extends ErrorHandler{
   function missingAction($params){
 case ProjectsController:
$model = new Project();
$data = $model-findByAlias($params[action]);
if(is_null($data) || empty($data)){
   $this-controller-webroot = $params[webroot];
   $this-controller-pageTitle = $data[Project][name];
   $this-controller-viewPath = layouts;


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Re: Ajax::observeField

2008-04-24 Thread Davide

Chris Hartjes wrote:
 D'oh -- that stuff I posted is Cake 1.2 specific.

 I don't use Cake 1.1 at all, so can't help you there.

Ok Chris but you gave me a hint. So searching in the core code
(session.php) I saw three points where Session.checkAgent is
present. The only way I found (puttin some debug messages) for setting
this parameter was putting the Configure::write inside the
bootstrap.php, cause inside the core.php it seems to be ignored, or
maybe the core.php is read after the session.php; I've not got deeper
the question.

I've also tried to put it to false editing the core libs/configure.php
the only Session.checkAgent (line 340) but it seems to be ignored or
to be not enough for the problem.

Finally, I've solved, after restoring the old situation, making the
CAKE_SECURITY=medium in the app core.php (it was high before). Now
everything is working out right.

Thanks a lot

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Re: Undefined variable: html

2008-04-24 Thread Davide

williamn wrote:
 Notice: Undefined variable: html in D:\xampp\htdocs\sirusananda\app
 \views\layouts\default.thtml on line 17

 Fatal error: Call to a member function css() on a non-object in D:
 \xampp\htdocs\sirusananda\app\views\layouts\default.thtml on line 17

 But when I switch back, those error messages just disappear.

Strange, generally this error appear when the HtmlHelper is not defined in
the helpers array of the controller.

Is it defined? var helpers = array(html,...);

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2008-04-23 Thread Davide

Hello everybody

I'm trying to use the method in subject with no result. CakePHP

The PHP code in thtml is:

echo $html-input(Project/name,array(maxlength=50,class=));
echo $ajax-observeField(

the rendered code (html) is the following

input name=data[Project][name]  maxlength=50 class= value=
type=text id=ProjectName /
script type=text/javascript
   new Form.Element.Observer('ProjectName', 2,
   function(element, value) {
  new Ajax.Updater('web','/projects/webAlias/', {
  asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true,
  requestHeaders:['X-Update', 'web']}

everything works except that it's returned to me that is missing
argument 1 for the controller action.

Maybe I'm missing some parameter to the observeField function.


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Re: Getting the HTTP host ?

2008-04-23 Thread Davide

Neveldo wrote:
 Or must I simply use $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ?

Don't know, I always use the $_SERVER variable.


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Re: Ajax::observeField

2008-04-23 Thread Davide

Davide wrote:
 everything works except that it's returned to me that is missing
 argument 1 for the controller action.

Solved at moment making the function argument as optional and testing
for the existence of $this-data[Project][name]

thank and bye

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Re: Problem with ajax

2008-04-23 Thread Davide

mkaelkael wrote:

 listlevel.thtml is a views and in the same directory than the

Don't know if it's right to refer directly to a thtml file, but try remove
the initial slash from /listlevel.. so linking to listlevel...


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Re: Ajax::observeField

2008-04-23 Thread Davide

A strange thing regarding this topic.

I can't understand where's the problem.

Everytime I call the method with the observeField, all my Session data
is lost and so I'm disconnected.

It's the first time I'm using Ajax+AjaxHelper+Cake, so I could do
something wrong.

When I remove the observeField call, everything is fine.

Here is the code of the methods:

// app/controllers/projects_controller.php
class ProjectsController extends AppController {
   function beforeFilter(){
   function webAlias(){
 $this-layout = ajax;
 $this-autoRender = false;
 echo $this-_webAlias($this-data[Project][name]);

 * /app/app_controller.php
class AppController extends Controller {
   function beforeFilter(){

  $aro = ALL;
 $aro = $this-Session-read(ARO);


* return a web alias starting from a provied string
* @param $string the provided string to be parsed
* @return the translated string
   function _webAlias($string){
  $ret = trim(strtolower($string));
  $ret = preg_replace(/[ ]/,-,$ret);
  $ret = preg_replace(/^[-]+/,,$ret);
  $ret = preg_replace(/[-]+\$/,,$ret);
  $ret = preg_replace(/[^a-z0-9-]/,,$ret);
  return $ret;
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Re: Ajax::observeField

2008-04-23 Thread Davide

Chris Hartjes wrote:
 You might have to change some stuff in your config/core.php file.

 Look for Session.checkAgent

 Often you have do

 Configure::write('Session.checkAgent', false);

 to preserve sessions when using Ajax

Session.checkAgent is not defined in my core.php. I tried defining it


and call the Configure::write

  function webAlias(){
 Configure::write('Session.checkAgent', false);
 $this-layout = ajax;
 $this-autoRender = false;
 echo $this-_webAlias($this-data[Project][name]);

But none of them worked.

Some other ideas? Cake version 1.1.18.

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2008-04-18 Thread Davide

Good morning,

I have a ProjectsController that works fine with the usual

I can successfully view a project with /projects/view/$id.

Each project has also a unique name, and I would like to refer to each
project even with a url like /projects/$name.

I thought about extending the AppError on the missingAction and do the
required operations (code in the footer of the mail).

requestAction retrieve successfully the project detail with the right
thtml but no layout is rendered.

How can I render the correct page without doing a redirect?

Another question: is it possible to specify a different ErrorHandler
for a controller? So it could be possible to avoid ugly
switch. Something like setting the errorHandler variable inside the

Thanks a lot

 * app/error.php
class AppError extends ErrorHandler{
   function missingAction($params){
 case ProjectsController:
$model = new Project();
$data = $model-findByName($params[action]);


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Re: Alias?

2008-04-18 Thread Davide

Davide wrote:
 How can I render the correct page without doing a redirect?

At the moment I've solved in this way. Don't know if it's the right
way but it's working.

Thanks a lot

 * app/error.php
class AppError extends ErrorHandler{
   function missingAction($params){
 case ProjectsController:
$model = new Project();
$data = $model-findByName($params[action]);
if(is_null($data) || empty($data)){
   $this-controller-webroot = $params[webroot];
   $this-controller-pageTitle = $data[Project][name];
   $this-controller-viewPath = layouts;


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Testsuite and 1.1

2008-01-22 Thread Davide

Hello everybody,

I'm trying to use the CakePHP TestSuite[1] and everything seems to
work except some little things:

The CSS has been changed from cake.default.css to cake.generic.css
fixed on line 189 of /app/tests/test.php.

When accessing http://app/tests, if I include the final slash in the
url everything works out fine. If I omit it, the url of the links
instead of being something line http://app/tests/casesapp=true is

I'm working for finding where to fix this last, however, I would like
to know if the project is still active and I can report any bugs or

Thanks and bye

PS: I'm using 1.1.18

1. http://cakeforge.org/projects/testsuite/

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Re: session problems with cake 1.18 and CAKE_SECURITY=high?

2008-01-08 Thread Davide

Martin Schapendonk wrote:
 CAKE_SECURITY set to high also means that Cake checks the referer and
 drops the session if it believes it is being tampered with.

I have the same problem but from 1.1.18 to 1.1.19. In 1.1.18
everything works out well, in 1.1.19 not.

In the authentication procedure I login in a controller setting some
session variables, then redirect to another controller. In this last
all checks of session variables are empty.

I've also tried with security HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW but none of them
works. When I get back to 1.1.18 everything is ok.

Bye and thanks

Live life like you're gonna die. Because you're gonna.
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Re: session problems with cake 1.18 and CAKE_SECURITY=high?

2008-01-08 Thread Davide

Martin Schapendonk wrote:

 On 1/8/08, Davide  wrote:
 I've also tried with security HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW but none of them
 works. When I get back to 1.1.18 everything is ok.

 This may be trivial, but the setting is case sensitive. Did you try
 high, medium and low as well?

Yes, I did. I just uppercased them in the sentence for highlighting. :)

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Re: New To Cake PHP

2007-12-21 Thread Davide

Gourab singha wrote:

 I am new To Cake PHP .It is very difficult to me that communicate
 Module,Controller,View To Each Other,Please Send me a simple coded

Sorry, I have no time to post code samples and so on, but sometime ago, I
posted on the blog[1] the resources I used for learning this framework.

Maybe something now it's deprecated.


1. http://edivad.wordpress.com/2007/04/06/learning-cakephp/

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Helper? Ajax? Which better?

2007-12-18 Thread Davide

Sorry for possible double post, but I've posted it more than an hour ago
and still didn't received back from the list.

Good morning.

I have to load the latest 5 news inside a div of an homepage. I
thought about making a function NewsController::last5() which could be
something like the following

  $this-data = $this-News-findAll(null,null,News.created desc,5,1);

Now, I should have to load it in a div inside the homepage
(/pages/home.thtml). I thought about using an helper that load the
data using the previous function and render a div.

How can I better reach this result? Using an Helper? Using Ajax? And
how for both of them?

Thanks in advance

Live life like you're gonna die. Because you're gonna.
William Shatner

Live life like you're gonna die. Because you're gonna.
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Helper? Ajax? Which better?

2007-12-18 Thread Davide

Good morning.

I have to load the latest 5 news inside a div of an homepage. I
thought about making a function NewsController::last5() which could be
something like the following

  $this-data = $this-News-findAll(null,null,News.created desc,5,1);

Now, I should have to load it in a div inside the homepage
(/pages/home.thtml). I thought about using an helper that load the
data using the previous function and render a div.

How can I better reach this result? Using an Helper? Using Ajax? And
how for both of them?

Thanks in advance

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William Shatner

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Re: Need a helpful tutorial

2007-06-12 Thread Davide

Reine wrote:

 On Jun 7, 11:39 am, Lifo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear group member
  I am new in CakePHP. So i need a free Cake PHP
 tutorial. Please give me any tutorial or link. Thanks for yours help.

I've summed up[1] some references for learning CakePHP on my blog.


1. http://edivad.wordpress.com/2007/04/06/learning-cakephp/

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Re: Understanding validator regex

2007-05-31 Thread Davide

Floyd wrote:
 I don't understand:
 - Why is used a double escape \\ bar instead of a single bar \

I think bacause with a single slash in a string you mean that you want
to escape the following character. So \\ stands for escape \

 - What is the meaning of A(?: at start of regex
 - Why there is a / at start
 -What is the meaning of \\z/i at final of regex

All of those because (always I think) because the preg_match()
function is used for re checking. So a perl like syntax should be


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Re: Does cake cache plugins

2007-05-31 Thread Davide

Davide wrote:
 It comes in my mind: Luke, use the source... But if someone else has
 an answer that can avoid me the source :)

I was looking in the source and I found that at line 117 of
cake/libs/view/helpers/cache.php[1] there's an If statement If I
comment the testing (leaving the code inside the block) the things
works fine.

In fact for the plugin the $cache variable is always not passed while
for a controller that I used for testing is passed as true. Where can
I search for the calling of that function? I missed my self inside the
code :)


1. http://api.cakephp.org/view_2helpers_2cache_8php-source.html#l00117

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Re: Does cake cache plugins

2007-05-31 Thread Davide

I got it!

The problems was in the plugin. It force to use no layout and this
make no cache. I've added /app/plugins/rss/views/layouts/rss.thtml
with this simple code

   ?php echo $content_for_layout; ?

and then in /app/plugins/rss/controllers/rss_controller.php I've
substituted line 86 from

   $this-layout = '';


   $this-layout = 'rss';

Now cache is caching. However now there's what I think to be a little
bug in cache component. If I have to cache a stream like

   ?xml version=1.0 encoding=ISO-8859-1?
   !-- generator=FeedCreator 1.7.2-ppt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) --
   rss version=2.0

it will be generated a file like

01   !--cachetime:1180623951--?php
if (!class_exists('AppController')) {
??xml version=1.0 
41   !-- generator=FeedCreator 1.7.2-ppt ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) --
  rss version=2.0

and as you see at line 41 the ?xml will generate an error in server
that interpret ? as a php starting statement.

Which would be the best way to solve this? However I'm still

Thanks in advance

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Re: Does cake cache plugins

2007-05-31 Thread Davide

Davide wrote:
 Which would be the best way to solve this? However I'm still

A quick solution to be tested. I've tested a bit but need to be tested
more: in cake/libs/views/helpers/cache.php

   260   ?' ;//. $content;
   261   $content = preg_replace(/((\\?)|(\\?))/,
   262  ?php echo '$1';?,$content);
   263   $file.=$content;

Tomorrow I'm gonna check it harder.


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Does cake cache plugins

2007-05-30 Thread Davide

Hello everybody.

I'm trying the rss plugins[1] and it works great. However, in order to
save server resources, I'm trying to cache the view. I've toggled
debug to 3 in order to see if it's caching and I've putted
CACHE_CHECK=true in config and then I tried to treat plugin controller
as a normal controller with the following result

class RssController extends RssAppController {
var $name = 'Rss';
var $helpers = array('Time', Cache);
var $uses = '';
var $model = null;
   var $cacheAction = +1 hour;

However, watching at the generated rss appened there's always the
executed query (with different time of execution). So the question is:
am I wrong with somethig or cake doesn't support cache for plugins?

Thanks a lot


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Re: Does cake cache plugins

2007-05-30 Thread Davide

Chris Hartjes wrote:
 As far as I know (I know I will be corrected if I am wrong) caching
 will only occur if you have debug set to 0.

Maybe right but there's no mention of that in the manual. If true, how can
I check for cache working?


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Re: Does cake cache plugins

2007-05-30 Thread Davide
Samuel DeVore wrote:
 request the page once...  (see if it shows up in the caches/view folder
 in temp

I thought that too and no page in app/tmp/cache/views.

It comes in my mind: Luke, use the source... But if someone else has
an answer that can avoid me the source :)


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Re: Why cake save to 0 value if you are editing a model ?

2007-05-23 Thread Davide

Chris Hartjes wrote:
 Perhaps I'm wrong, but last I checked you can't set an integer to
 NULL...the default for an integer would be zero, wouldn't it?

on MySQL 4.1.14-nt (Windows XP)

  `field1` int(11) default NULL,
  `field2` int(11) default NULL

mysql insert into xyz (field2) value (1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql select * from xyz;
| field1 | field2 |
|   NULL |  1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

I had the doubt too :)


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Re: Error while uploading files

2007-04-20 Thread Davide

Samuel DeVore wrote:


By the link you provided it's noticed that the error is raised because
there's no set for the ini variable upload_tmp_dir.

I've tried something like the following (I hoped) but didn't work, and I
can even understand why. Do you know a way to solve it, or should I have
to contact the administrators in order to set the variable?

Thank a lot

   function beforeFilter(){
  $tmp_dir = ini_get(upload_tmp_dir);
 ini_set(upload_tmp_dir,ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS . tmp);
  $this-log(ROOT . DS . APP_DIR . DS . tmp ,LOG_DEBUG);

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Error while uploading files

2007-04-19 Thread Davide

I've developed a simple file upload. Everything in development and
test environment goes fine but not in production environment.

The procedure is the simple move_uploaded_file() plus some operations
on database. It failed to upload and In logs I got the following

2007-04-19 16:12:35 [UploadsController-add()] Error: Array
[Upload] = Array
[id] =
[file] = Array
[name] = Volantino03062006.pdf
[type] =
[tmp_name] =
[error] = 6
[size] = 0



Where can I get a translations of error field? I've done a search but
without success.

Thanks a lot

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Re: Problem with Model::afterSave() callback

2007-04-17 Thread Davide

Davide wrote:
 I'm trying to use the afterSave callback in order to update a field of a
 just inserted record.

 I have this code[1]. If I didn't comment the saveField() statement, the
 browser (FireFox) will complain saying[2].

Finally after some logging I found what it is. It's a sort of loopback. If
in afterSave I try to update a field, the lifecycle (before, save, after)
restart. This until the pages goes to timeout.

So actually it's not possible to update a record in the afterSave
loopback. In order to solve it, I've moved the saveField() in the
controller method after the if($this-Model-save()).

Is this a framework bug/feature? Is this an application design mistake?
With application I mean my application, not the framework. Will make it
sense to be able to specify for example a parameter to the afterSave
callback in order to tell to the framework to skip the natuaral save

Thanks a lot

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Re: Problem with Model::afterSave() callback

2007-04-17 Thread Davide

GreyCells wrote:
 Why not just build the path when selecting the record? (afterFind()
 will do). You do not have to duplicate the record's id in the path

I thought about an additional field, 'cause if I build the path in the
afterFind(), I would have to cycle the recordset in order to add the path
and then in the view I will have to cycle again the data collection in
order to present it. I could even build the path in the view but I would
like to reduce at minimum the data manipulation in this part of

 If you must work around the framework lifecycle, then direct $model-
execute('UPDATE blah, blah') calls will work.

Hmmm i forgot this method :)

Thank bye

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Re: (HtmlHelper::submit) Deprecated: Use FormHelper::submit instead | switch off?

2007-04-16 Thread Davide

Schubidu wrote:

 I changed
 ?php echo $html-submit('Save') ?
 ?php echo $form-submit('Save') ?

 but it doesnt works.

Did you include the form helper in your controller? $helpers =

What error it gives to you?


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Problem with Model::afterSave() callback

2007-04-16 Thread Davide

Hello everybody.

I'm trying to use the afterSave callback in order to update a field of a
just inserted record.

I have this code[1]. If I didn't comment the saveField() statement, the
browser (FireFox) will complain saying[2].

What could it be?

Thanks a lot


   function add(){
return 0;
return -1;
  return 0;

   function beforeSave(){
 $this-data[Upload][name] =
 $this-data[Upload][ctype] =
  return true;

* sets some values after saved
   function afterSave(){
  $id = $this-getLastInsertID();
  $this-saveField(path,/uploads/view/ . $id);


The connection was reset

The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
*   The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again
in a few moments.
*   If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network
*   If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy,
make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

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Re: Cache?

2007-04-10 Thread Davide

jonatha wrote:

 I have had the same problem on an hosted server.
 My solution was to disable caching on webserver via meta headers.

Can you please post how you did it?

Thanks a lot

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2007-04-06 Thread Davide

I've released a site based on CakePHP. I've tested it with the 1.1.13 and
1.1.14 but the same problem seems to remain. I'm using Firefox as web

I forestall that I don't think it's a cake problem but I prefer to hear
different advices.

On development and test environments (WinXP, php 4.4.0, Apache/2.0.54) I
have no problems, after login, edit and everything else, it will be
presented to me the right results. Both environments are on my pc, the
same of the developing.

In production environment (Debian, php 5.2.0-8, Apache/2.2.3), often as
response I get the previous page. For example, after login I will be
redirected to a page and a greeting message with setFlash() is presented.
It happens that often I will be redirected to the page but the message
doesn't appear. A simple refresh and I see the message.

What do you think I could check?

Thanks a lot

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Included library

2007-04-04 Thread Davide

Good morning.

I've released a site with cakephp. The structure is the canonical cake one


when I access the site it directly point to the site directory so I got
url like http://site.domain.org/controller/param1/...

Actually when I require a page, every component, or other required files
are searched by the basic.php. I've noticed that it seems to search for
every cake file in the php ini libs directory and finally in the site
directory. This cause me the following error.

Warning: file_exists() [function.file-exists]: open_basedir restriction in
effect. File(/usr/share/pear/cake/libs/controller/components/acl.php) is
not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/theSite:/usr/share/php/) in
/home/www/theSite/cake/basics.php on line 1013

Beside the eventual server configuration error that I'm checking with the
admin, I would like to know if I missed some configuration.

I've actually solved the problem putting the @ before the file_exists() call.

Thank a lot and Bye

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Re: R: Included library

2007-04-04 Thread Davide

 is better to modify app/config/core.php
 and set

   define('DEBUG', 0);

Yes, I know that this will hide me the warning and notice, but actually
I'm in beta and I need the debug in order to trace some situations, even
the configurations problems like that :)


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Re: For every model every database table also?

2007-03-08 Thread Davide

Louie Miranda wrote:
 is it possible to only have a page ex? on the controller
 about_controller.php and just add a static page on views about.thtml
 creating a new table for abouts?

just use routing for that. I've not a framework by my hands now and I
don't remember the syntax but the logic is redirect all request of about
controller to pages controller on the action display and the page


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Re: cakephp tutorial

2007-02-05 Thread Davide

Daniel Hofstetter said:

 There is no book available yet, but try the manual (http://

or try this :)


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Re: testsuite, some examples.

2007-02-01 Thread Davide

Davide said:
 Davide said:
 The main problem is that I don't know how to use the testsuite, so I

 Actually I've solved in this way[1] and seems to work. I would like to
 know if this is the right way to proceed or there's a better way to do
 that: something more automatic.

ok, here it is a way to make it working. I still don't know if it's the
right way to do things but it seems to works right.

Following the code of the tests and of the controller.

If someone has any other ideas or know how to use the suite, he/she is
welcome :)

Thanks a lot

 * app/test/app/controllers/posts_controller.test.php

class PostsControllerTest extends UnitTestCase{
   var $posts = null;

   function PostsControllerTest($label=false){
  $this-posts = new PostsController();
  $this-posts-Post = new Post();

   function testIndex(){
  //do we get something?

   function testAdd(){
  //trying to view the page

  //try insert a right post
  $this-posts-data[Post][title] = UnitTest;
  $this-posts-data[Post][body] = UnitTest;

  //try insert a wrong post (should hang up)
  $this-posts-data[Post][title] = ;
  $this-posts-data[Post][body] = ;

 * app/controllers/posts_controller.php
class PostsController extends AppController{
var $name = 'Posts';

function index(){

function add(){
$ret = false;
$ret = true;
$this-flash(Your post has been saved,/posts);
$ret = true;
return $ret;

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Re: testsuite, some examples.

2007-01-31 Thread Davide

Davide said:
 The main problem is that I don't know how to use the testsuite, so I don't
 know if I have to manually load each component (controller and model) or
 it should be handled manually by the suite.

Actually I've solved in this way[1] and seems to work. I would like to
know if this is the right way to proceed or there's a better way to do
that: something more automatic.

Any developer of the testsuite? :)


1. ?php
 * app/test/app/controllers/posts_controller.test.php

class PostsControllerTest extends UnitTestCase{
   var $posts = null;

   function PostsControllerTest($label=false){
  $this-posts = new PostsController();
  $this-posts-Post = new Post();

   function testIndex(){

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testsuite, some examples.

2007-01-30 Thread Davide

Hello everybody.

I'm trying my first test suite with cake and I have downloaded the
testsuite from cakeforge ( and using it on the version
of CakePHP.

I'm trying to understand how to create a SimpleTest, even following the
documentation in the app/vendors/simpletest/docs/ path.

I'm using this[1] code and get the error

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
...app\controllers\posts_controller.php on line 6.

The method is missing is the set() method. The PostsController is a simple
controller I use for some testing, so the method is very simple[2].

Surely I'm missing something. Can please someone post an example 'cause
google cache is not worthwhile for the wiki and there's no more tutorial
on line.


 * app/test/app/controllers/posts_controller.test.php
require_once(APP . /controllers/posts_controller.php);

class PostsControllerTest extends UnitTestCase{
   function testIndex(){
  $posts = new PostsController();



[2]class PostsController extends AppController{
var $name = 'Posts';

function index(){

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Re: Please Help me

2007-01-30 Thread Davide

Chris Hawes said:

You could also try this tutorial; it's divided in 5 parts



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Re: testsuite, some examples.

2007-01-30 Thread Davide

Daniel Hofstetter said:

 You may try to use loadController('posts'); instead of require_once.

Unfortunately it's not working. I'm getting the same error.

The actual code is here[1]


 * app/test/app/controllers/posts_controller.test.php
//require_once(APP . /controllers/posts_controller.php);

class PostsControllerTest extends UnitTestCase{
   function testIndex(){
  $posts = new PostsController();



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Re: testsuite, some examples.

2007-01-30 Thread Davide

AD7six said:
 but the error is probably here: $data =$this-Post-findAll();

 and not here: $this-set('data',$data);

You are right. I was investigating and the problem is in the Post. It
_seems_ not to be initialized. I've tried something like
$this-set(data,null); and worked fine.

 Does that function work via the browser, if so how does the test suite
 load models..? It should be triggered by the controller constructor.
 Any possibility that cake is trying to show you an error message (any
 clues in the $post array)?

The Posts controller works fine. If I call /posts/index I get a page with
sql statements[1].

The main problem is that I don't know how to use the testsuite, so I don't
know if I have to manually load each component (controller and model) or
it should be handled manually by the suite.

However here[2] is the print_r($posts).

Bye and thanks

1. SELECT `Post`.`id`, `Post`.`user_id`, `Post`.`title`, `Post`.`body`,
`Post`.`created`, `Post`.`modified`, `Post`.`status` FROM `posts` AS
`Post` WHERE 1 = 1

2. postscontroller Object
[_log] =
[name] = Posts
[here] =
[webroot] =
[action] =
[uses] =
[helpers] = Array
[0] = Html

[params] = Array

[data] = Array

[viewPath] = posts
[viewVars] = Array

[pageTitle] =
[modelNames] = Array

[base] =
[layout] = default
[autoRender] = 1
[autoLayout] = 1
[components] = Array
[0] = Locale

[view] = View
[ext] = .thtml
[__viewClass] =
[output] =
[plugin] =
[cacheAction] =
[persistModel] =
[beforeFilter] =
[webservices] =
[modelClass] = Post
[modelKey] = post

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Re: having empty entry in selecttag selected

2006-10-24 Thread davide
 Basically I copied the function selectTag and named it to myselectTag.
 The only thing I had to do is to change the following line and mark it
 as selected:
 if ($showEmpty == true) {
$select[] = sprintf($this-tags['selectempty'],'selected');

I've not followed the thread so I could say something wrong or useless.
Why didn't you extend the HtmlHelper class directly and then reimplement
 only the required method? So in all of your application, you have only
to include your helper and will have all the htmlHelper functionality
plus yours.


By the power of Greyskull...

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Helpers and Components

2006-10-20 Thread davide
Sometime ago, I developed my own helpers for formatting date. Everything
is ok, but now I need those function even in the controller level. So I
thought about components. Everything is still fine. Now I wouldn't like
to duplicate the code, I would like something like using the components
code from the helpers. Something like

class MyHelper...
   function dumb(param1, param2){
  return $this-controller-MyComponent-dumb(param1, param2);

It seems not to working, so I ask. Which should be the best way for
obtaining this feature? Maybe a static library referenced with the


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Re: Helpers and Components

2006-10-20 Thread davide
leo.cacheux wrote:
 You forgot to call view in the helper :
 class MyHelper...
function dumb(param1, param2){
   return $this-view-controller-MyComponent-dumb(param1,

Cool, it works!

Now the question is: is this the better way to implement the feature?
Otherwise, what do you advise?

Thanks and Bye

By the power of Greyskull...

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: find specific data in table

2006-10-19 Thread davide
 Hi there,
 I have a table users, in which 2 persons have the name moore.
 How could I list those two sets of data in cakePHP?
 I'm looking for something equivalent to:
 SELECT * FROM users WHERE name=moore;

I don't think I understood you right, but if so, maybe you are looking
for something like this in your controller method



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Re: validates bug ?

2006-10-05 Thread davide
davide wrote:
 with the pattern /^[a-z0-9\_\-$/i.

Sorry, I forgot the at least 3 chars. :)



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Trimming posted data

2006-10-04 Thread davide
Good morning.

Cake, php 4.4.0 and apache 2.0.54 (Win32).

I've always used this steps for trimming the posted data, but actually
it doesn't seems to work anymore.

In the app/app_model.php I've added this function

   function beforeValidate(){

  //trimming whole data
 $buff = $this-data[$this-name];
 foreach($buff as $index=$elem){
if(is_string($elem)) $buff[$index] = trim($elem);
 $this-data[$this-name] = $buff;
  return true;

that as you can see, step through the posted data and trim them if are

So, when they pass to validation, if I have a VALID_NOT_EMPTY field, and
the user inputed only spaces, cake automatically raise an error.

A sample model is something like this

   function add(){

This method always worked but now, with 1.1.8 I was testing it and saw
that it wont work.

So putting some logs I saw that in the model::invalidFields() function
at line 1308[1] made a test. Just before this line, the $data variable
holds the originally posted data (not trimmed), and $this-data holds
the trimmed ones.

The $data is not empty, so the validation is finally made on the not
trimmed data. How can I do to set also the $data variable? I've tried
something like

   function beforeValidate(){

  //trimming whole data
 $buff = $this-data[$this-name];
 foreach($buff as $index=$elem){
if(is_string($elem)) $buff[$index] = trim($elem);
 $this-data[$this-name] = $buff;
 $data = $this-data;

  return true;

but it doesn't work. Maybe I miss something.

Sorry for the long post.

Thanks and bye

1. http://api.cakephp.org/model__php4_8php-source.html#l01308
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2006-10-04 Thread davide
Maybe this is already passed on the list, but if so I mess it. I use
this regular expression to validate amounts in my application.


Allows numbers, with optional 2 decimal digits and may be also a
negative number.

If someone would like it, he can take it and if someone want to include
it in the cake framework (maybe an improved form), can do it.


By the power of Greyskull...

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Changing parentship in ACL

2006-10-02 Thread davide
davide wrote:
 Watching at the AclNode code, I saw that in the setParent() method, at
 line 152 (more or less) there is this code:
if ($parent_id != null 
$newParent['lft'] = $object['lft'] 
$newParent['rght'] = $object['rght']) {
return false;

I have commented this[1] if and everything seems to work fine.

Someone more inside the ACL can enlight me. Does anybody things I
should have to open a bug ticket?

Bye and thanks

1. http://api.cakephp.org/aclnode_8php-source.html#l00139

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Re: Changing parentship in ACL

2006-10-02 Thread davide
AD7six wrote:
 I think it is simply a question of complexity as to why that isn´t
 Probably best to attach your comment/fix to this:

I was just looking at those ticket and thinking about improving with
comments :)

 But before you do...Does your removed-if-fix work fine in that it
 doesn´t generate sql/cake errors or does it work fine in that the end
 result is a valid tree? I think the result is likely to be a corrupted
 tree looking at the rest of the setParent code.

I've made some tests and it seems to keep the right tree. Notice that I
said it seems. I'm not very ACL proof and for me everything is ok but I
prefer to refer me to someone more ACL-Friend than me.

 Although it is more SQL work I would say it would be better to make it
 an orphan, and /then/ set the parent to be the one that you want. That
 way the lft and rght fields will have the correct values for everything
 under the original parent.

I've tried to delete the the node and then to create again and setting
the new parent, but when I do that, it's also deleted all the aros_acos
I gave to that user. I've tried something like

   $this-Aro-recursive = 0;

before deleting but then I noticed that inside the delete() method
there's no check against the recursivity[1].

Bye and thanks

1. http://api.cakephp.org/aclnode_8php-source.html#l00101

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Re: Changing parentship in ACL

2006-10-02 Thread davide
AD7six wrote:
 Are there any missing or duplicate numbers in the lft  rght fields
 after the demotion. If the same number appears in either field, the
 tree has been corrupted; if there is a gap it has been corrupted.

It doesn't seems so. However I've left this approach as the one
described by nate (the great :)) in the ticket.

 set the parent to null (or anything not under the current parent) and
 then set the parent to the node that you want. Assuming that you are
 looking for a working solution rather than hacking/fixing the core to
 get it perfect.

Yes as I was saying just some lines aboves, here is the solutions

 //yo baby!
 //manage error
  //manage error

Thanks a lot

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Re: tmp Warning

2006-09-29 Thread davide
dkni wrote:
 ok i will thx u

maybe you have extracted the zip using winzip. Winzip by default (i
don't know if it's settable) didn't extract empty folders contained in
the zip archive. If so, try for example winrar or a porting of tar for
windows :).

However as Pape said, it should be enough to create a writable tmp
folder by hand.


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Re: tmp Warning

2006-09-29 Thread davide
dkni wrote:
 I am using Fedora now. I have no idea how to do that.

Do what? Extract the archive or create/give access to tmp directory?


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Re: How can I add admin directory under cakephp framework?

2006-09-04 Thread davide
Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut wrote:

Is there a way to have the screen cast in a downloadable version? For
example in a zipped format. The content filtering of the company I work
for, block every type of video/audio and I can't see the casts.

Thanks and bye

By the power of Greyskull...

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Wrong $html-checkbox() value

2006-08-04 Thread davide
I've noticed that if I specify an array of htmlAttributes for the
$html-checkbox, the value attribute is not rendered anymore. I have
to specify it by hand in the array. Otherwise, i I don't use the
htmlAttributes array, everything is rendered right. Here some usage example:


will render

input type=hidden name=data[Member][inlist]  value=0
   id=MemberInlist_ /
input type=checkbox name=data[Member][inlist] checked=checked
   value=1 id=MemberInlist /


will render

input type=hidden name=data[Member][inlist]  value=0
   id=MemberInlist_ /
input type=checkbox name=data[Member][inlist] checked=checked
   id=MemberInlist /



will render

input type=hidden name=data[Member][inlist]  value=0
   id=MemberInlist_ /
input type=checkbox name=data[Member][inlist] id=MemberInlist
   value=1 /

Cake version:
php version: 4.4.0
apache version: 2.0.54

I've searched in the track but I didn't find this problems? Do you have
this behaviour too? Do you think this is a right behaviour? Do I have to
open a ticket?

Thanks in advance

By the power of Greyskull...

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Wrong $html-checkbox() value

2006-08-04 Thread davide
Chowsapal wrote:
 Try $html-checkbox('Member/inlist', null, array('value' = 1,
 'checked' = $members['Member']['inlist']))
 The value = 1 just indicates what value you want to use for true.

The problem is that when I don't specify attributes, the checkbox
automatically render the value=1. Instead, when I specify even only
one attribute, the value attribute is not rendered anymore. I have to
specify by my hand.

I don't know if this is a bug, or if it's wanted that the helpers works
in this way.

However, If I specify the value everything is fine.


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Re: About tabels relations in my models

2006-07-21 Thread davide
Tener wrote:
 I have 3 tables:
 id | username | password
 id | groupname
 id | user_id | group_id
 How to set members declarations (is that the proper-english-name for
 objects/classes variables?) of 3 models to make everything works

I'm writing without a sample code by my hand, so I can make mistakes.

From the table you are showing it seems to be a hasAndBelongsToMany
relationship. A user can have many groups and a group can have many users.

So create the tables as the following

users: id, username, pass
groups: id, groupname
groups_users: group_id, user_id

From the cake naming conventions, the relation table name should be a
composite name of the two related table ordered by name.

Then it should be time for model

class User extends AppModel
   var $name = User;
   var $hasAndBelongsToMany = Group;

class Group extends AppModel
   var $name = Group;
   var $hasAndBelongsToMany = User;


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: HeadHelper problem

2006-07-10 Thread davide
davide wrote:
 Maybe I mess something but I can't get what.
 I want to add a custom css to a view. Even if I added to controller,
 layout and view, I can't get the css link in the rendered page. See the
 bottom for code snippets.

Sorry guys, I'm very stupid. I was editing the wrong view... no words
about it :)

thanks and bye

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

HABTM searches

2006-06-28 Thread davide
Good afternoon.

I have 4 tables: users, states, profiles and profiles_users (model
extract at the end)

I would like to extract all users that has a particular profile.
Searching thought the list archive I found[1] the solution


This works pretty fine but it doesn't sort the records and doesn't
retrieve the State detail of the user.

I would like to achieve the same result as of this query

select a.surname as surname, a.name as name,
   c.dx as state, d.dx as profile
from users as a
   join profiles_users as b on (b.user_id=a.id)
   join profiles as d on (b.profile_id = d.id)
   left join states as c on (a.state_id = c.id)
where b.profile_id = 4
   and d.dt_end_val = current_date
order by a.surname, a.name;

is there some cake-way for doing this or should I have to use the findBySQL?

Thanks in advance


 * app/models/user.php
class User extends AppModel{
   var $name=User;
   var $belongsTo = array(State);
   var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(Profile =
  conditions  =
Profile.dt_end_val = CURRENT_DATE,
  order = Profile.dx

 * app/models/state.php
class State extends AppModel{
   var $name = State;
   var $displayField = dx;
   var $hasMany = array(User=array(limit=5));

 * app/models/profile.php
class Profile extends AppModel{
   var $name=Profile;
   var $displayField = dx;
   var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array(User);

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Application bootstrap.php

2006-06-20 Thread davide
AD7six wrote:
 Personally, I use the following (potentially flawed) upgrade approach
 backup app/config folder,
 replace the cake folder,
 replace the app/config folder
 replace the app/* folders
 overwrite the app/config folder with the backup (so that my version of
 the config files exist, but don´t miss any new files should there be

Ok, you make upgrade as I do. For me it's a must to backup every evening
and before any upgrade. :)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Trim on $this-params['data']

2006-06-16 Thread davide
eveloper wrote:
 Thanks for your reply Grant. I noticed that cleanArray does not do
 trimming for white spaces at the beginning and at the end of the string.

The Sanitize does not trim the params, just clean them in order to
prevent, for example, sql exploit.

Follows a strip of code I use to trim the whole form data.

function beforeValidate(){
   //trimming whole data
   $data = $this-data[YourModelHere];
   foreach($data as $index=$elem){
  if(is_string($elem)) $data[$index] = trim($elem);
   $this-data[YourModelHere] = $data;


   return true;

HTH, bye

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: $this-Model-findAll() with a model over 5000 records.

2006-06-16 Thread davide
Maybe you can even use pagination[1] :)

HTH bye

1. http://wiki.cakephp.org/tutorials:pagination

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: CakePHP

2006-06-15 Thread davide
Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut wrote:
 CakeForge[3] when its a little more complete. Hopefully some people will be
 interested in contributing with some translations once we get it onto
 CakeForge. As of this writing, we are one ticket away from 1000. We

First of all: great job! :)

Then I'm here, concerning my life/job engagements, for translating it in

What should/can I do?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: CakePHP

2006-06-15 Thread davide
I've downloaded this[1] version and testing it in a fresh environment
but I get the following error message:

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
H:\www\cake-new\cake\libs\view\templates\layouts\default.thtml on line 57

XAMPP for windows 1.4.16 (Apache/2.0.54 (Win32) mod_autoindex_color
mod_ssl/2.0.54 OpenSSL/0.9.8 PHP/4.4.0)


1. http://cakeforge.org/frs/download.php/204/cake_1.1.4.3083.tar.gz

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: CakePHP

2006-06-15 Thread davide
Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut wrote:
 This fixed package should correct your errors

It works fine. :)


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: extends a class that extends AppModel

2006-06-07 Thread davide
RosSoft wrote:
 Why you're extending AppController to CustomController in all your
 controllers?  (Same question for Models)
 If you want to do so, it's as easy as copy the files
 cake/app_controller.php and cake/app_model.php to
 app/app_controller.php and app/app_model.php.
 Then you can modify these files and all your controllers/models will
 inherit them. Be sure to put the files under app/  (NO
 app/controllers/app_controller and NO app/models/app_model.php)

I saw that everybody use this method in documentation on wiki, but I
prefer to keep the sources intact use the extends to add/modify objects



Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: extends a class that extends AppModel

2006-06-07 Thread davide
Felix Geisendörfer wrote:
 Use require_once instead of require and you should be fine.

Unfortunately no. I go the same error.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class custommodel in
H:\www\multi-cake\casting\models\custom_model.php on line 2

What else?

Thanks and bye

class CustomModel extends AppModel{



class User extends CustomModel{
   var $name=User;

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: extends a class that extends AppModel

2006-06-07 Thread davide
nate wrote:
 David, first of all, the AppModel and AppController that ship with Cake
 will always be empty files.  They're meant to provide the user (you)
 with a base class that all of your models/controllers can inherit from.

Oh yes. Sorry, my fault (as usual). I was looking inside the
model_php4.php and I never saw that the class there is _Model_ and not

Ok, it's easy as drink a glass of water (as almost all in cake) :)

Thanks a lot for the help

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: Strange beforeValidate() behaviour

2006-06-06 Thread davide
davide wrote:
 I'm getting a strange behaviour using the beforeValidate() callback. The
 goal is to trim the required (VALID_NOT_EMPTY) fields before passing the
 the cake validation.
 It's strange 'cause it seems that if I put all correct data I get the
 $this-data variable full of datas, otherwise if I leave a field that
 doesn't pass the validation, in the beforeValidate() I get an empty

Finally I made it works. I've updated the model_php4.php library in the
validates method as following

 * Returns true if all fields pass validation, otherwise false.
 * @param array $data POST data
 * @return boolean True if there are no errors
function validates($data = null) {
   if ($data == null) {
  $data = $this-data;
   }else{  //I've added this line.
  $this-data = $data; //I've added this line.
   }   //I've added this line.

   $errors = $this-invalidFields($data);

   return count($errors) == 0;

Should I have to open a ticket or did I use it in the wrong way?

Thanks and bye

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Some errors with scaffolding

2006-05-16 Thread davide
Hello people.

I'm trying to scaffold a table like this

mysql desc expenses;
| Field| Type  | Null | Key | Default| Extra |

| id   | mediumint(8) unsigned |  | PRI | NULL   |
  auto_increment |
| dt   | date  |  | | 1900-01-01 |   |
| dx   | varchar(250)  | YES  | | NULL   |   |
| amount   | decimal(8,2)  |  | | 0.00   |

| created  | datetime  | YES  | | NULL   |
| modified | datetime  | YES  | | NULL   |

on windows 2000, apache 2.0.55, mysql 4.1.18-nt and cake_1.0.1.2708.

When I try to insert a new record, apache goes to crash with a memory
could not be read, but this could be another problem.

So to bypass this, I tried to add via mysql a record and retrieve it.
When I list the table, I get in the action column these errors

Notice: Undefined property: primaryKey in
H:\www\multi-cake\cake\libs\view\templates\scaffolds\list.thtml on line 113

Notice: Undefined index: in
H:\www\multi-cake\cake\libs\view\templates\scaffolds\list.thtml on line 113
Notice: Undefined property: primaryKey in
H:\www\multi-cake\cake\libs\view\templates\scaffolds\list.thtml on line 114

Notice: Undefined index: in
H:\www\multi-cake\cake\libs\view\templates\scaffolds\list.thtml on line 114
Notice: Undefined property: primaryKey in
H:\www\multi-cake\cake\libs\view\templates\scaffolds\list.thtml on line 115

Notice: Undefined index: in
H:\www\multi-cake\cake\libs\view\templates\scaffolds\list.thtml on line 115

and when I try the view I get an empty data page (only labels and
buttons) and a warning on top of page

Warning: array_search(): Wrong datatype for second argument in
H:\www\multi-cake\cake\libs\controller\controller.php on line 702

maybe I wrong something with the table. Can someone help me?

Thanks a lot.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

News rss

2006-05-04 Thread davide
I was searching for a feed service about the news on cake[1].

Thanks and bye

1. http://cakeforge.org/news/?group_id=23

Description: OpenPGP digital signature