Re: Automatically rendering element using RequestHandler - possible?

2009-09-05 Thread eagerterrier

@housebolt - unfortunately no

I sometimes echo directly in  controller and then exit, and sometimes
use the requesthandler to render my layout (with no layout specified,
I guess)

Perhaps if requestHandler uses the ajax layout in the cake/lib/views/
layouts/ directory, I could amend that, but then if we upgrade cake,
those changes get overwritten.
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Re: Automatically rendering element using RequestHandler - possible?

2009-09-05 Thread eagerterrier

@housebolt - unfortunately no

I sometimes echo directly in  controller and then exit, and sometimes
use the requesthandler to render my layout (with no layout specified,
I guess)

Perhaps if requestHandler uses the ajax layout in the cake/lib/views/
layouts/ directory, I could amend that, but then if we upgrade cake,
those changes get overwritten.
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Re: Automatically rendering element using RequestHandler - possible?

2009-09-05 Thread eagerterrier

@Miles J

Twitter do it already.

I need to paginate through results and have a GA record of this. In
old days it would have been multi pages, but these days clients expect
it in AJAX and want the GA data, too...

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Automatically rendering element using RequestHandler - possible?

2009-09-04 Thread eagerterrier


I have a problem that I just can't get my head around, and wonder if
anyone can help.

In my app, I have a series of normal pages that have google analytics
in footer. I then have hundreds of ajax calls that are either rendered
views, or simply echoed PHP statements in controllers.

What I want is an easy (lazy?) way of adding google analytics to all
of these myriad scripts in one go.

I thought putting something in the app_controller like this would


However, this is obviously bad and doesn't work.

I could just either echo the include file path contents using regular
PHP, but it doesn't feel very Cakey.

Is there an elegant way to do this?

Many thanks

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SOAP Server

2009-04-29 Thread eagerterrier

We have a current site built in cake 1.2 and the client has requested
that we build a SOAP server for them to use.

I have never built one before (have queried plenty), so have no idea
how long it would take.

Has anyone any experience of this? Specifically, I need to know how
long setting it up and writing the WDSL.

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Re: Can a model belong to and habtm one model?

2008-12-15 Thread eagerterrier

Thanks Rafael and Jon,

I will give it a go.


On Dec 12, 6:37 pm, Jon Bennett wrote:

   I have a facebook type app that I need to build for a client (don't we
   all?) and in it I have a model that ideally needs to be owned by one
   user, and also habtm other users (the owners friends)

 I'd say it was fine.

 Model  belongsTo  User
 Model  habtm  Friends (a different name for the habtm but also uses
 the 'user' model)

 but, are the other users always friends of the owner user? if so, can
 you not assume that they have access to all 'Model' that the owner
 has? then you wouldn't need the habtm at all! - just a thought.




 jon bennett
 iChat (AIM): jbendotnet Skype: jon-bennett
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Can a model belong to and habtm one model?

2008-12-12 Thread eagerterrier

I have a facebook type app that I need to build for a client (don't we
all?) and in it I have a model that ideally needs to be owned by one
user, and also habtm other users (the owners friends)

Before I go too far, I want to know if this approach is possible, or
should I just stick another field in the habtm join table that is
something along the lines of is_owner (boolean)

Is this crossing the streams in Ghostbusters, or is it something very
run of the mill that I just haven't done yet (8 cake sites under my
belt and counting...)
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Where do I find a cakephp developer in London?

2008-05-20 Thread eagerterrier

I work for a web design agency in NW London, UK.

We have been searching for a cakephp developer for 6 months now with
no joy. Even a sound php developer with limited MVC experience would
be good. We have spent around £2k on recruitment agency fees all with
no joy.

Does anyone know a good place to stick adverts, or does anyone know of
someone who may be interested?

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Developer needed for agency in NW London, UK

2008-02-15 Thread eagerterrier

Story goes like this -

Netro42 have recently embraced CakePHP. We have spawned 4 major
cakephp sites in the last year (including the Daily Express and Daily
Star), and have many more in development. All the work we are
currently doing is exciting and I can feel that this agency is
actually going somewhere.

We are currently looking for a developer. Experience of CakePHP is a
plus. Otherwise, it will be like groundhog day for me having taught 3
developers already.

We are ideally looking for a middleweight developer - someone who has
4 years experience working with some nice brands - but will consider
hiring a junior, too - especially if they can demonstrate an
enthusiasm for the job and a ability to work brilliantly under
pressure.  The next 3 months will be pretty tough but fantastically
rewarding for the right candidate. We will give you commercial
experience, a nice looking CV and as much coffee as you can drink in
return for your logic and typing skills.

Salary is dependent on experience etc, but could be anywhere between
£20k and £30k. Plus home broadband paid for as an expense.

If you are interested, email me or our vacancies hotline  -

And if you are going to go straight to the site, please don't judge
us. We know it's pants, but it looked mighty fine in 2001 - we've just
been too busy to make it look nice - sign of a good agency I guess?

Not sure if this is right place for this. Any other cake job posting
boards seem to be US-centric. Apologies if this has gone in the wrong
place. Don't flame me. Please.

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Re: Lots of disk activity, caching gone mad?

2007-08-29 Thread eagerterrier


are you sure that this is a caching issue?

Are there any other places that cakephp writes to disk?


On Aug 18, 3:52 pm, Adam Royle [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Just monitor your tmp/cache directory and see which timestamps/files
 are changing frequently - unless you have tonnes of cache files this
 should be pretty straightforward (I would think).


 On Aug 18, 1:45 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Sorry Luke I did read your message. My posts seem to take a while to
  appear so there is a bit of a time delay.

   define(DISABLE_CACHE, true);

  I tried this. As soon as I added it to core.php mydiskwriting
  rocketed up to 140MBps and the top half a dozen httpd processes were
  using around 30% processor and 300MB of RAM each. I quickly switched
  the cache back on.

  My latest thinking is that I have a page or section that is coded so
  that it is cached but shouldn't be and every visitor that comes to the
  site is writing their version of the page over the cached one.

  'All' I need to do is find it :-(


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Re: Rapid Developement / Bloated Product?

2007-01-17 Thread eagerterrier

nate wrote:

TT wrote:

 I will take a better look at Cake's source though, perhaps it is
 possible to influence the caching so it will not be cleared
 automatically after changes :)

As a matter of fact, there is, and we've even made information about it
available, in an easy-to-read, non-source-code format, accessible for
your viewing pleasure right here:

Firstly, may I echo TT's apreciation for your help, Nate and Chris.

I feel that I am missing something, though - the manual states: For
example, if one of your views uses information from your Post model,
and there has been an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE made to a Post, Cake
will clear the cache for that view.

But what I think TT and myself may be looking for is a way of caching
some or all pages for a given time until we give the clear cache
command. For example I may be updating some tables all the time (last
login, homepage views etc etc), but will only want to clear the cache
when someone posts a comment, or an author adds a post, which may only
happen once an hour rather than once every couple of seconds.

Would I be right in supposing that if I set up another sql user, and
did a separate mysql_connect to do all the updating that I would *not*
like to clear the cache and then let Cake do the rest as appropriate
that this would solve my problems?

Or is this like crossing the streams in Ghostbusters?

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Re: Rapid Developement / Bloated Product?

2007-01-15 Thread eagerterrier

Nate, I already have Debugging as 0 and I have SQL caching on. After
looking at your post I searched for [speed] on this group, but didn't
find anything useful.

I am, however, inspired and excited by what you are saying. I noticed
the post by gwoo on speed tests, (
) but it didn't point to specific solutions, more of a clarion call to
cake developers. Perhaps it would be useful if we could pinpoint steps
to follow in this thread so that it can be a resource for other
developers, which in time we could transpose to the bakery

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Rapid Developement / Bloated Product?

2007-01-14 Thread eagerterrier

I've been using cake for about 3 weeks now (extremely intensively), and
it is a marvellous tool for developing sites quickly and being able to
divide work up between developers in a logical way.However, with speeds
at a *minimum* of 0.2 seconds per page regardless of what's on them, I
am concerned.

The current site which I am revamping has at present *maximum* speeds
of 0.03 seconds for the home page, and it needs to be this tight
because it is a high traffic site (2m+ PIs per month). And although I'm
pleased to see that CakePHP version 1.2 has stopped carrying around
1Mb+ of repeated information in arrays, its processing speed is still
on the slow side.

What I'm looking for is a way of altering bootsrap and basics (which
appear to be the main culrpits - to
bypass some of this processor intensive stuff and replace it with
static text (for example, setting up a flat file of arrays of my SQL
table structure rather than cake looking for it the whole time). Does
anyone know how to go about this? I have presently only been looking
into *how* CakePHP works (to get my project up to speed), and not *why*
it works, so I would be grateful for the Cake aficionados to point me
in the right direction.

Perhaps I'm missing something and in the same way that you have the
bake function, you might also have a  'decorate' function that would do
what I am asking, but I can't find it anywhere and I am losing sleep
over the site performance.

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