Re: how to diagnose a potential bottleneck

2014-12-02 Thread .jonah

Sounds like it's time to move on.

On 12/2/14, 1:11 PM, Don wrote:
> I'm not recieving much in the way of information from the host anymore. Seems 
> they might not like me poking around too much I dont know.

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Re: how to diagnose a potential bottleneck

2014-12-02 Thread .jonah

You can also configure CF to log slow pages and if you have enterprise, 
server monitor can log/alert you to slow/hung requests.

On 12/2/14, 10:52 AM, Money Pit wrote:
> Russ Michaels wrote:
>> doing debugging and load testing on a live production server is generally
> a
>> bad idea.
> On general principles, sure... although I'd say that a diagnostic reporter
> like F-R belongs first and foremost on a production box.
> To the OP... it sounds like you are stuck, so how good is your error
> reporting?  Assuming errors are being thrown at all (you said the server
> slowed which doesn't necessarily mean its erroring) are you capturing them
> for review?  If not you should put something in to troll and see what comes
> up.  Maybe something unexpected is hanging up threads?
> If error trapping is out, what about timing the execution of pages and
> seeing who the hogs are?
> variables.CFMstart=gettickcount();
> ... stuff ...
> variables.CFMTook=int(gettickcount()-variables.CFMstart);
> Put start in Application, stop in OnRequestEnd and output to a very small
> db record that also includes, say, cgi.script_name and cgi.query_string.
> Leave it up for an hour or three and see what it finds.

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Re: how to diagnose a potential bottleneck

2014-12-01 Thread .jonah

He means you can install it on your production, testing, or dev server 
or whatever.

On 12/1/14, 9:25 PM, Don wrote:
>> There is absolutely no restrictions whatsoever on where FR can be
>> installed, it would be pretty useless if that was the case, you can install
>> it on any supported OS, FR does not know or care what you are using that
>> machine for.
> So how does that work then? You point FR to a domain? i thought it needed 
> more a intimate connection with the server its introspecting.

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Re: how to diagnose a potential bottleneck

2014-12-01 Thread .jonah

I suspect Russ meant, replicate your production environment locally and 
do your diagnostics, load testing, and performance tuning on a testing 
server before deploying your changes to production.

Another vote for moving to your own VPS. They're cheap these days and 
totally worth it.

On 12/1/14, 1:56 PM, Money Pit wrote:
> Russ Michaels wrote:
>> You don't do it on the host, you do it locally
> Huh?  The F-R installs I have are installed directly on the CF server.  I
> am aware of the Enterprise Edition's ability to monitor multiple servers
> but haven't explored it.  Don't see anything on this in a quick scan of the
> site and docs.
> To the OP:  I too would *strongly* recommend use of Fusion-Reactor,
> although if on a shared host another site can trash you at any time and all
> the diagnostics in the world won't help you.  Perhaps your first move
> should be getting off a shared platform and moving to an inexpensive CF VPS
> like whats at Viviotech.
> --Matt--

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Re: how to diagnose a potential bottleneck

2014-11-28 Thread .jonah

Just using the builtin server monitoring in CF Enterprise was pretty 
helpful to me to find the slow/hung requests. After optimizing those 
things got better but ultimately moving from CF9 to CF11 on a new box 
solved our crashing issues.

On 11/28/14, 10:01 AM, Don wrote:
>> I suggest installing fusionReactor and monitoring your local cfserver.
>> Run some performance/load testing on the app and see what happens, it
>> should you what pages are having issues
>> Run cfdebugger on those pages
> Russ, on our host installing this is not possible right now.
> is there anything else you can recommend doing? the issue at present seems 
> random

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Re: cfqueryparam & EncodeForHTML

2014-11-03 Thread .jonah

Read up on how query param works. It will protect against Johnson & 
Johnson's;delete *

On 11/3/14, 12:41 PM, Stephens, Larry V wrote:
> Text input field
> Entry is Johnson & Johnson's
> I store it in a table using cfqueryparam. All is good.
> Let's say the hacked entry is Johnson & Johnson's;delete * (or something akin 
> to that - you get the drift) I use cfqueryparam but it won't catch the hack; 
> it's still just a string.
> At some point, before storing or after retrieval, I use EncodeForHTML to make 
> that safe. Now I have either
> Johnson & Johnson's
> or
> Johnson & Johnson's;delete *
> Supposedly, that's safe. Regex could strip out the "delete" or kill the thing 
> when I tried to save the data in the first place, but I tried several 
> examples and none seemed to work.
> The thing is, Johnson & Johnson's may display correctly on the 
> screen but it's not good for a search function, particularly if I have a 
> legacy database.
> To parody a commercial for a different product, what are you using for 
> protection?
> Larry V. Stephen

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Re: Work Around for SSLv3 Vulnerability?

2014-10-30 Thread .jonah

What's preventing it from negotiating to an earlier version of SSL? 
Settings in the keystore?

On 10/30/14, 3:36 PM, Michael Grant wrote:
> I have a legacy app on CF9 (originally CF7) which uses CFHTTP to make a 
> secure connection to Chase Paymentech's Orbital payment gateway. I have the 
> SSL's installed into the Java keystore like I'm supposed to and for about 7 
> years this app has been working as expected.
> Fast forward to a few days ago and my host disabled SSLv3, as the world has 
> been instructed to do to thwart the POODLE vulnerability. The moment they did 
> that my app no longer can process transactions. I get the classic 
> "COM.Allaire.ColdFusion.HTTPFailure" type error with the message "Connection 
> Failure: Status code unavailable". This isn't the typical message of when you 
> don't have the cert installed where it says peer could not be authenticated.
> According to tech support it's only with CF that disabling SSLv3 stops 
> communication. Apparently others don't have this issue.
> Does anyone know of a work around? I'm not sure if CF9 is the problem or CF 
> as a whole. Would upgrading to CF10 help? I'm in a real bind here as the 
> client hasn't been able to process ecommerce transactions for a few days now.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Here's the cfhttp code:
>"; method="post" 
> throwonerror="yes" port="443">

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Re: IE slow, Ffox, Chrome, Opera fast

2014-10-29 Thread .jonah

It seems the IE rendering engine is slower in your particular case. Time 
re-work your app to not send 13 Megs of data and 6000 select options to 
the client.

Look into paging, live filtering, and ajax-powered searching.

On 10/29/14, 5:46 PM, Gonzo Rock wrote:
> Looking for ideas on how to fix this.
> -- IE seems to hang after it renders a very large webpage... 13Mb of html
> -- Same page in firefox or chrome or opera have no problems
> Details:
> This page is pretty much straight up html markup of a 6000 row table using
> the classic  tags generated in CF.
> Caveat.
> Above the main data table are 6 or so select boxes where the user can
> select various filters to use and once they have they submit the page with
> the selected filter to CF where a new query is run to effect the filter.
> Among the 6 selects there are upwards of 6000 various  to choose
> from. One of them holds 5000+ in that select box.
> Clicking on any of the select boxes... even the one with 6 options... takes
> 5-10 seconds before the select box  opens. However this works VERY fast in
> Chrome, FFox, Opera.
> If the user submits a filter that reduces the data returned to say 600 rows
> in the table... IE quickly shows the drop down box... as do the other
> browsers.
> The Select/Option syntax is perfect... I have reviewed it over and over
> again for errors... there are none that I see.
> The  sets are all proper
> I have worked with the doc type, the meta tags for encoding, yielding no
> improvement. Fiddler has not been useful in this effort... though I'd be
> the first to admit I don't get much of what it produces.
> Stackoverflow has a lot of discussion of javascript rendering but... this
> is all html from CF
> So what is it about IE that causes this problem? This is IE 10 and 11. I
> can't vouch for IE 9.
> Thanks for any ideas to chase down.

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Re: Adobe is just a spammer now

2014-10-23 Thread .jonah

How about on the page where you downloaded the installer? 
There's a checkbox there.

(Agreed with others that this bundling thirdparty software to eek out a 
bit more revenue is pretty lame.)

On 10/23/14, 2:55 PM, Mike K wrote:
> Jenny, thank you for your contribution.  I hate to disagree with you, but
> since I knew the flash installer was going to try to force McAfee on me as
> it did last time  (and really made a mess of my Norton - I had to reinstall
> that too as a result), I was looking for the checkbox or button so I could
> decline to install it. .
> And it didnt appear.   I had no choice to not install McAfee.
> I think there are different versions of the installer,  or it offers the
> choice in some circumstances and not in others.But i DID NOT have the
> choice to decline installing McAfee.
> On Fri, Oct 24, 2014 at 1:42 AM, Jenny Gavin-Wear <
>> wrote:
>> Yes you were.  It's just not very obvious.  It's in the middle of the top
>> area of the screen.
>> Regardless, it should default to unclicked.  I wrote to Adobe about this
>> and
>> got a prompt reply promising a change.  No change made, no change accepted.
>> But when have Adobe ever listened to user feedback?
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Mike K []
>> Sent: 18 October 2014 21:08
>> To: cf-talk
>> Subject: Re: Adobe is just a spammer now
>> You can say whatever you like, Eric but i was given NO OPPORTUNITY TO
>> DESELECT the installation of the McAfee product which I definitely DO NOT
>> WANT.
>> I downloaded the flash installer,   then ran the installer,  and it went
>> right ahead and installed two items - the flash player and then without
>> pause the McAfee crap.
>> Because of the treatment I received from McAfee a few years back, I
>> resolved
>> never EVER to do business with McAfee again, and so it's doubly bad that
>> Adobe force it on me.
>> Cheers
>> Mike Kear
>> Windsor, NSW, Australia
>> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer AFP Webworks
>> ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting
>> from AUD$15/month
>> On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 3:51 AM, Eric Roberts <
>>> wrote:
>>> can deselect is a detestable practice that should
>>> default to not checked rather than checked.
>>> --

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Re: Ruby Gems

2014-10-13 Thread .jonah

You might want to look at Java based SASS compilers.

The comments in 
has some information.

On 10/13/14, 2:26 PM, Richard Steele wrote:
> Hi Dave, All we want to use Ruby for is to compile SASS into CSS for use with 
> Zurb Foundation pages used on our Coldfusion websites. Can this be done using 
> the same IIS? If not, what is the problem that occurs? Thanks.

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Re: Using caching and threading to load a page quickly

2014-09-28 Thread .jonah

To have the rest of the page load and then the feed display later, 
you'll have to use AJAX to pull in a separate CF page clientside. (You'd 
still use caching in the feed.cfm so it'd only be slow occasionally.)

Another approach would have the feed fetching functionality in a 
separate template which is run as a scheduled task every 2 minutes. That 
task can shove the parsed (and potentially formatted) feed into the 
application scope. (With a lock.) And then your main page can output 
that variable (with a lock). Then your home page would load as fast as 
it would as if the feed were local.

On 9/28/14, 10:23 PM, Chris h wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a main index page which is in ColdFusion which gets a RSS feed from 
> another website(Newswebsite which is a WordPress 3.9.2 website running on 
> shared hosting). The Newswebsite is on shared hosting so takes about 7 
> seconds to load(a little slow, I know, but the decision to go with a shared 
> hosting was done to save on costs by the purchasing people).
> Now, people don't want the main index page to take 7 seconds to load. I 
> estimate using caching of the RSS feed so that updates are retrieved from the 
> feed only every 2 minutes and having a thread so that the main index page 
> loads(in 2 seconds or less) without waiting for the RSS feed can alleviate 
> the issue. The thread which fetches the data from RSS feed can display the 
> feeds on the main index page after the data is retrieved.
> 1. If the idea is viable, would something like the below work?
> -
>   properties="info" timeout = "180">
>target="_blank">#Left(tempTextNews, 75)#...more
>  News Feed not available
> -
> 2. Are there other better ways to tackle the issue?
> I want the other parts of the main index page which is in ColdFusion to load 
> and not get delayed because getting data from the RSS feed of news website 
> takes 7 seconds.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks

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Re: First Data Global Gateway e4 sample code

2014-09-22 Thread .jonah

Create it as a gateway to plug in to CFPayment. It's a nice framework 
for handling payment processing stuff.

On 9/22/14, 4:39 PM, Maureen wrote:
> I have a client who uses First Data, but the gateway code is in PHP.
> I could take a crack at doing a CF version if you still need it.
> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 6:27 PM, Michael Dinowitz
>  wrote:
>> According to zendesk, the file with the ColdFusion sample code does not
>> exist. I'm using php code as my sample for a ColdFusion app. Not the way
>> things should be.
>> If anyone has any First Data Global Gateway sample code that they want to
>> send to First Data and/or Adobe, please do so. It's embarrassing that
>> ColdFusion is not represented with this or any API. :(
>> yes, I'll submit some sample code but it'll have to wait till after the
>> holidays which start this week.
>> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 7:58 AM, Michael Dinowitz <
>>> wrote:
>>> I'm updating a payment gateway to the First Data e4 spec and after looking
>>> through their site, I can't find anything that looks like useful sample
>>> code. The one example they have for CF is from 2003. The link that looks
>>> like it goes to a more current sample asks me to log in.
>>> Does anyone have a login for First Data and can get me that page? I'd like
>>> to see if it has any resemblance to the code I hacked together. :)
>>> Thanks
>>> Michael

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Re: Forms not passing data?

2014-09-22 Thread .jonah

Gotit. Apologies for not tracking the thread closely.

It might be interesting to log ALL the variables in the various scopes 
when that happens and see what's coming through.

Good luck!

On 9/22/14, 1:25 PM, Phillip Vector wrote:
> Already corrected it and it's still doing it.
> I'm willing to try anything at this point.
> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 1:16 PM, .jonah  wrote:
>> But the correct answer is to correct the enctype so this won't be an issue.
>> On 9/22/14, 12:21 PM, Phillip Vector wrote:
>>> AAAa... There we go. That's the most logical answer (since I blocked
>>> the error emails from that one user and when that specific error shows up
>>> and it's been quiet).
>>> I'll pass the word along and let him know. Thank you. :)
>>> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 12:19 PM, UXB Internet 
>>> wrote:
>>>>>The issue mainly is that it's not always happening all the time. So
>> it's
>>>> not
>>>>>repeatable as far as I can tell.
>>>> If you have verified the code then check to see if the user in question
>> is
>>>> running an internet security program of some kind.  Many of the
>> firewalls
>>>> they install prevent form submissions of enctype="multipart/form-data"
>> to
>>>> prevent uploading data.  We have run into this many times where the
>>>> submitted data in forms of this type is Null until they disable their
>>>> internet security software.
>>>> Dennis Powers
>>>> UXB Internet - A website Design and Hosting Company
>>>> P.O. Box 6028, Wolcott, CT 06716 - T:203-879-2844
>>>> W:
>>>> W:

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Re: Forms not passing data?

2014-09-22 Thread .jonah

But the correct answer is to correct the enctype so this won't be an issue.

On 9/22/14, 12:21 PM, Phillip Vector wrote:
> AAAa... There we go. That's the most logical answer (since I blocked
> the error emails from that one user and when that specific error shows up
> and it's been quiet).
> I'll pass the word along and let him know. Thank you. :)
> On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 12:19 PM, UXB Internet 
> wrote:
>>>   The issue mainly is that it's not always happening all the time. So it's
>> not
>>>   repeatable as far as I can tell.
>> If you have verified the code then check to see if the user in question is
>> running an internet security program of some kind.  Many of the firewalls
>> they install prevent form submissions of enctype="multipart/form-data"  to
>> prevent uploading data.  We have run into this many times where the
>> submitted data in forms of this type is Null until they disable their
>> internet security software.
>> Dennis Powers
>> UXB Internet - A website Design and Hosting Company
>> P.O. Box 6028, Wolcott, CT 06716 - T:203-879-2844
>> W:
>> W:

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Re: ColdFusion / question

2014-08-17 Thread .jonah

I don't have much time, but post up a gist of your code or something and 
I'll take a look. Seems like you're just missing a minor detail or are 
having a conceptual issue.

On 8/17/14, 9:36 PM, Eric Bourland wrote:
> Has anyone here tried out the ColdFusion SIM* sample code from 
> I've downloaded and tested the sample code and have been reading a lot of 
> stuff in the API. I have a question that seems basic and simple: when using 
> the ColdFusion SIM, is it possible to use form fields with variable data -- 
> like Last Name, First Name, Address, Fee Amount, and so on?
> The values in the SIM Sample Code are set using the  tag. Examples:
> When I try to set up (for example) a form field for Last Name:
>  />
> ... the output to is ... empty. No data.
> Has
>   anyone here been able to develop an SIM form to include
> variables like First Name, Last Name, Registration Fees, and so on?
> If so, can you show me an example?
> My client is hoping I can show her a working payment form early 
> this week. But I have been stuck on this problem. Thank you very much for any 
> ideas or examples or other help.
> best from Eric
> * Server Integration Method
> ***
> Eric Bourland
> Internet Project Development
> Washington DC
>   kind | creative | reliable

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Re: Spelling Correction

2014-07-22 Thread .jonah

Maybe you could pass your input through something like

On 7/22/14, 12:37 PM, Byron Mann wrote:
> Working on a search feature on CF8 with Verity.  I see that it returns
> "suggestions" for alternate searches.  We were hoping to use this for a
> feature similar to Google's "Did you mean", when you fat finger a word.
> However, the suggestions returned from Verity are pretty horrible and
> useless.
> Has anyone done this type of thing previously and have any suggestions?
> I was thinking if there is an API out there to do this, that might work. I
> did the Googling with a few suggestions, but mainly came across Thesaurus
> type APIs. Doesn't seem to be too many auto-correction services.

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Re: ColdFusion and

2014-07-21 Thread .jonah

Hi Eric.

It sounds like you're a bit off on what you're looking for vs. what 
you're trying to implement.

 From the description of the process you want it sounds like you're 
looking for Simple Checkout or Server Integration Method while the code 
below is for Advanced Integration Method.

You can review the different approaches here:

Simple Checkout and SIM let you collect the payment on the 
site and then get a success/decline response back. Their docs should 
help. Basically, what you do is link or post some basic information to, they do the charge and then redirect back to your 
results/thankyou with the result in the query string, you then take that 
and update your records.

Using AIM, the billing information is posted from your form to your 
server and on the server side, you take that info and pass it to (using CFHTTP) and then parse the response and update your 
records before redirecting to/displaying your receipt/thankyou page.

If you want to use AIM, the best way to do it is using: It very nicely wraps and abstracts all 
the payment processing trickiness into a standardized API. The same 
interface works with a number of other processors so switching between 
them simply involves specifying which gateway to use and providing the 
necessary credentials. (I wrote the gateway used in 

I haven't implemented Simple Checkout or SIM but would be willing to 
take a look at what you've got once you read the docs and have some code 

(Here's the 15 minute setup for SIM: in 
PHP, but should be apparent how to translate it to CFML.)


On 7/21/14, 12:03 PM, Eric Bourland wrote:
> ColdFusion 9
> MS SQL Server 2012
> Hi. I need help with a problem, and am hoping someone here can guide me on 
> the right path.
> In brief: I need to populate an payment page using information 
> from a simple form that is processed in coldfusion.
> Details: I need to do something fairly simple -- or, I am told it is simple. 
> =) Here is what the client wants to happen:
> After the user fills out and submits the simple registration form, she should 
> then see the payment page where she pays conference 
> registration fees; the client would like the payment page to 
> already display the information (name, address, payment amount, and so on) 
> that the user already typed in the ColdFusion form
> I downloaded some sample code from -- it is given below.
> I would like the registrant to register her information -- name, address, 
> conference fee -- then go to the payment page and see all of 
> her contact information, and the conference fee that she selected, already 
> populated in the payment fields.
> Has anyone here done this with ColdFusion? I am not clear how to integrate 
> the cfhttp code with my existing, simple registration form.
> Thank you for your advice.
> Eric
>  "";>
>Sample AIM Implementation 
>  This sample code is designed to generate a post using's
> Advanced Integration Method (AIM) and display the results of this post to
> the screen. 
>  For details on how this is accomplished, please review the readme file,
> the comments in the sample code, and the AIM API documentation
> found at 
>   #response_array[i]#  
> ***
> Eric Bourland
> Internet Project Development
> Washington DC

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Re: need a host

2014-07-20 Thread .jonah

Why not Vivio? I just switched to them and they've been really good so 
far. I have CF10 and MSSQL, I'm pretty sure they'll do CF9 too.

On 7/20/14, 2:09 PM, Matthew Smith wrote:
> not newtek, no mssql), no viviotek.  Any suggestions?
> Need cf 9 and ms sql.  Thanks.

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Re: security issue with reading file with cfimage read and write

2014-05-20 Thread .jonah

The first call is to the ./resize/ directory for the already processed 
image. If that fails, the source image is read, processed, and saved 
into the ./resize/ directory.

At a glance it seems like this code should work OK. I'm no sure what 
Matthew's question is either. (As long as 
allItemsInProductKeyList.largepic1 isn't user-defined that is.)

On 5/20/14, 3:22 AM, Byron Mann wrote:
> The try catch seems peculiar. If the first CFimage fails and throws an
> error, things go inside the cfcatch. The first line inside there is the
> same as the very first, so I would assume you are really getting 2 of the
> same errors in a row, and not catching the second.
> I can only see this working, if some code just wrote the original file and
> is locked on the first try but not the second try when reading the file.
> Byron Mann
> Lead Engineer & Architect
> On May 19, 2014 10:19 PM, "Matthew Smith"  wrote:
>> /Had it working a couple of times but I think I am having pathing issues
>> here and there.  NOt sure where I am off...  Any help is appreciated...
>>  > source="/site_theartoflovingcatsanddogs_com/taolcad_images/products/resize/#qry_allItemsInProductKeyList.largepic1#">
>>  > name="myImage"
>> source="/site_theartoflovingcatsanddogs_com/taolcad_images/products/#qry_allItemsInProductKeyList.largepic1#">
>>  > ImageSetAntialiasing(myImage,"on")>
>>  > ImageScaleToFit(myImage,sq_size,sq_size)>
>>  > myImage.height>
>>  > ceiling((myImage.width - myImage.height)/2)>
>>  > ceiling((myImage.height - myImage.width)/2)>
>>  > ImageNew("",sq_size, sq_size, "rgb", "c4cba9")>
>>  > x, y)>
>>  > ImageWrite(newimg,"/site_theartoflovingcatsanddogs_com/taolcad_images/products/resize/#qry_allItemsInProductKeyList.largepic1#")>

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Mapping differences between CF9 and CF10?

2014-05-19 Thread .jonah

I'm moving from CF9/IIS/Win2008 to CF10/IIS/Win2012 and am having issues 
with my Coldfusion mappings.

Both machines have the CF apps in C:\Webroot\

On CF9 I have one mapping in the admin \ maps to C:\Webroot\

With that mapping, any absolute path in CFML is relative to that. e.g. I 
can reference "\" from within  and it knows what 
it's talking about.

This doesn't work on the CF10 install. I have to manually map 
"\" to "C:\Webroot\" in the admin or application.cfc 
to get it to know where things are.

How can I get CF10 to think map correctly?

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Re: HMail server

2014-05-12 Thread .jonah


Be sure to revoke and reissue the SSL certificate you use with hMail in 
addition to the upgrading and changing passwords you did.

If you don't there is a possibility the attacker can impersonate your 

(I run hMail too - it's simple but seems to work well.)

On 5/11/14, 8:05 AM, Scott Stroz wrote:
> On Sat, May 10, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Al Musella, DPM
> wrote:
>> I mention it here becuase it is one of the common mail servers to use for
>> cf.
> It is? I have never heard of hmail until about 2 minutes ago.

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Re: (ot) barcodes and mobile sites

2014-04-10 Thread .jonah

OK, that's cool. Great use of intents and hooks.

On 4/10/14, 5:49 PM, Dave Watts wrote:
> You might find this interesting:

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Re: Displaying page loading message

2014-03-24 Thread .jonah

Display a page with the "loading" message then a client-side (meta or 
js) redirect to the slow page.

On 3/24/14 1:53 PM, fun and learning wrote:
> All,
> I have an issue with displaying a page loading message on a page with heavy 
> database queries. My page has two frames, and I am trying to display loading 
> message on the second frame. I am using cfflush to show the loading message 
> but to no avail. The frame looks blank for 15 seconds and then loading 
> message as well as data is displayed.
> Can anyone advice what is the best approach to resolve this?

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Re: Site hanging randomly.

2014-03-13 Thread .jonah

coldfusion-out says a couple things like:

* A non-SQL error occurred while requesting a connection from .
* Timed out trying to establish connection
* 3/13 16:19:21 Information [jrpp-2087] - HTTP request completed  {Status 
Code=503 ,Time taken=84723 ms}

Before it stops responding.

Will watch server monitor again. I have in the past but didn't find the root 

On 3/13/14 5:20 PM, Russ Michaels wrote:
> have you checked the coldfusion server monitor ?
> I would also suggest installed FusionReactor for some addiitonal monitoring.
> check the coldfusion-out logs for issues.
> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 12:12 AM, .jonah  wrote:
>> I hadn't thought to check a static resource to see if it was still
>> available. I'll do that next time it hangs.
>> I'm currently running jdk1.6.0_32 with these JVM arguments:
>> -server -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
>> -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xbatch -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=60
>> -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=30
>> -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home}/../
>> -Dcoldfusion.libPath={application.home}/../lib
>> The server has 6 Gb of ram and 4 CPU cores.
>> On 3/13/14 4:56 PM, Michael van Leest wrote:
>>> Is the server responsive when CF hangs? Or is it a bit slow/unresponsive
>> as
>>> well?
>>> I had some serious crash issues with CF9 64 bit a few years back and
>>> switched over to railo after trying to debug it for weeks without result.
>>> Make sure to check the windows logs if there are any weird events before
>> CF
>>> hangs. My problem was mainly with JVM GC not doing its work properly and
>>> eventually kill CF.
>>> You could try to upgrade your JVM to a newer version that is officially
>>> supported, but not sure if that will help your issue (trial&error).
>>> Good luck!
>>> 2014-03-14 0:50 GMT+01:00 .jonah :
>>>> So, here's a tricky one. I have a server that hangs seemingly randomly
>>>> but around once a day.
>>>> Windows Server 2008, IIS, ColdFusion 9.
>>>> It will either return a 503 or the browser will just keep spinning and
>>>> never return anything.
>>>> When I go in to restart it (with a batch file) sometimes the "ColdFusion
>>>> 9 Application Server" service takes a really long time to stop and
>>>> sometimes the "W3SVC" service takes a long time.
>>>> Where do I start diagnosing this? How can I find out what's hanging?
>>>> Which windows info should I look at? ColdFusion?
>>>> Thanks!

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Re: Site hanging randomly.

2014-03-13 Thread .jonah

I hadn't thought to check a static resource to see if it was still 
available. I'll do that next time it hangs.

I'm currently running jdk1.6.0_32 with these JVM arguments:
-server -XX:MaxPermSize=512m 
-XX:+UseParallelGC -Xbatch -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=60 

The server has 6 Gb of ram and 4 CPU cores.

On 3/13/14 4:56 PM, Michael van Leest wrote:
> Is the server responsive when CF hangs? Or is it a bit slow/unresponsive as
> well?
> I had some serious crash issues with CF9 64 bit a few years back and
> switched over to railo after trying to debug it for weeks without result.
> Make sure to check the windows logs if there are any weird events before CF
> hangs. My problem was mainly with JVM GC not doing its work properly and
> eventually kill CF.
> You could try to upgrade your JVM to a newer version that is officially
> supported, but not sure if that will help your issue (trial&error).
> Good luck!
> 2014-03-14 0:50 GMT+01:00 .jonah :
>> So, here's a tricky one. I have a server that hangs seemingly randomly
>> but around once a day.
>> Windows Server 2008, IIS, ColdFusion 9.
>> It will either return a 503 or the browser will just keep spinning and
>> never return anything.
>> When I go in to restart it (with a batch file) sometimes the "ColdFusion
>> 9 Application Server" service takes a really long time to stop and
>> sometimes the "W3SVC" service takes a long time.
>> Where do I start diagnosing this? How can I find out what's hanging?
>> Which windows info should I look at? ColdFusion?
>> Thanks!

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Site hanging randomly.

2014-03-13 Thread .jonah

So, here's a tricky one. I have a server that hangs seemingly randomly 
but around once a day.

Windows Server 2008, IIS, ColdFusion 9.

It will either return a 503 or the browser will just keep spinning and 
never return anything.

When I go in to restart it (with a batch file) sometimes the "ColdFusion 
9 Application Server" service takes a really long time to stop and 
sometimes the "W3SVC" service takes a long time.

Where do I start diagnosing this? How can I find out what's hanging? 
Which windows info should I look at? ColdFusion?


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Re: ColdFusion ListServ app

2014-02-27 Thread .jonah

The other thing I'd recommend is using an email server with list 
capability and then having a CF front-end to handle web-based 
subscriptions and archives rather than doing the actual list 
distribution in CF.

On 2/27/14 2:32 PM, Russ Michaels wrote:
> why do you want CF based ?
> the most obvious and free one I can think of is google groups which works
> brilliantly
> On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 8:44 PM, Jeff Horne  wrote:
>> I have a project that I need to undertake what a usergroup wants ListServ
>> functionality.  They have Forums but in order to reply, they have to log
>> into the web site and they much prefer being able to reply to an email to
>> communicate with each other.  I do not see any CF based ListServs on the
>> web just mailing lists that are Push to subscribers based.
>> Does anyone know of any ListServ apps, open source preferred.
>> Thanks

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Re: (ot) Anyone know how to clear your google details from a browser?

2014-01-31 Thread .jonah

Are you signed into Chrome itself? Click on the chrome menu and see if 
you can signout.

On 1/31/14 1:08 AM, Mike K wrote:
> What I'm wondering is,  'why doesnt this happen in public libraries and
> internet cafes and other multiple-use situations?
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 8:06 PM, Mike K  wrote:
>> Yes   its chrome browser and the login hint is in the title,  which
>> says: G O O G  L E   - Sign In With your Google Account.
>> Cheers
>> Mike Kear
>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 7:59 PM, Timothy Heald 
>> wrote:
>>> What is and browser?
>>> Do you mean the chrome login?
>>> On Jan 31, 2014 3:57 AM, "Mike K"  wrote:
>>>> Here's how scary, Jonah.  In an incognito window,  I go to the help
>>> file,
>>>>   "Disabling automatic sign-in"  and see up in the top right corner a
>>> button
>>>> saying "sign in".Good, that would mean that I'm signed out now, so
>>> I've
>>>> achieved what I wanted.Right?WRONG!
>>>> I click that "Sign in" button, and since I unchecked the "remember me"
>>>> checkbox, I should get a blank login form.   Or so you'd think.
>>> Nope.
>>>>   I get the same signin as before - with my name,  my email address,
>>> (and
>>>> no way to change them if it's now my client trying to log in to his own
>>>> account) and the field to enter the password.  As far as I can see
>>>> there's no way for the client to get to his own email account now,  and
>>> no
>>>> way for me to remove my own.
>>>> Cheers
>>>> Mike Kear

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Re: (ot) Anyone know how to clear your google details from a browser?

2014-01-31 Thread .jonah

If it's an Incognito window and closing it doesn't make your session go 
away that's scary. What about restarting the browser? Still has your 
name there when you go to

On 1/31/14 12:38 AM, Mike K wrote:
> Thanks Andrew.  I thought that's what that was for too.  But it's an
> incognito window I'm talking about.
> Cheers
> Mike Kear

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Re: (ot) Anyone know how to clear your google details from a browser?

2014-01-30 Thread .jonah

There used to be some sort of sign-out completely link but I can't find 
it right now.

Just go into their prefs. and clear cookies for the domain...

On 1/30/14 11:44 PM, Mike K wrote:
> I recognise the auto form fill in - in chrome it colours fields yellow if
> it thinks it knows the answer.No i'm talking about something more
> elabourite here - its the whole login form, with my name, my username,
>   even my image.The form is headed up :  One account. All of Google. Sign
> in to continue to Gmail
> Then under that the circle with my image in it,   my name,  my username, my
> email address - the whole thing except my password. that's not just
> auto form fill in is it??
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 6:37 PM, Timothy Heald wrote:
>> Oh without the password?
>> That's auto form fill. Again in browser's options.
>> On Jan 31, 2014 2:33 AM, "Mike K"  wrote:
>>> Thanks Timothy.  It's a new behaviour i havent seen before.
>>> I'm at a client's office.  I look into my gmail,   i sign out,  then just
>>> to be sure i'm signed out i go to  adn there i
>> am -
>>> ready to log in just add password - it's saying it's remembered my
>> account
>>> on this computer just in case i want to log in again some time in the
>>> future.
>>> It's one thing to do that on my own computers, but how do i stop it doing
>>> that on my client's computers?
>>> Cheers
>>> Mike Kear
>>> On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 6:12 PM, Timothy Heald >>> wrote:
 There should be a master password list on the preferences/options
>>> security

 It's different by browser. Google had nothing to do with it.
 On Jan 31, 2014 2:08 AM, "Mike K"  wrote:

> Sorry for the OT post, but I dont know how to get any help from
>> Google.
>   Only boilerplate answers to questions I havent asked.
> Does anyone know how to clear your login details from a browser if
>>> you've
> logged into gmail on someone else's computer? As far as I can see
>>> it
> 'helpfully' remembers your account details so you can log in easily
>>> next
> time - but so also can anyone else  leaving only the password as the
> protection from others getting in.
> --
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks
> ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month


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Re: CFLDAP socket closed error against SSL

2013-12-10 Thread .jonah

Can you connect to it via any other tools on the CF box? If you have 
another client that might help determine whether it's a server/network 
issue or a  CF/Java issue.

On 12/10/13 4:19 PM, Dan LeGate wrote:
> Okay, so I looked up how to and used the following command syntax:
> C:\CFusion\runtime\jre\bin\keytool.exe -import -v -alias aliasname -file
> C:\temp\certfile.cer -keystore
> C:\CFusion\runtime\jre\lib\security\cacerts -storepass password
> which imported successfully (verified with the list command).
> Restarted server (in case that is required).  Still get socket closed. :-(
> I imported *just* the certificate from the server I'm connecting to.  Do
> I need anything else in there?  Like any of the intermediate/chain or
> root certs as well?
> Should I be importing some sort of combined certificate?  Or just
> individually import one at a time?
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Dan
> On 12/10/2013 2:53 PM, Russ Michaels wrote:
>> Have u imported the ssl into the key store?
>> Russ Michaels
>> On 10 Dec 2013 20:52, "Dan LeGate"  wrote:
>>> I take it back... exact same code EXCEPT my code in outside the Custom
>>> Tag folder had excluded the PORT attribute, so I assume it was going to
>>> the non-SSL port and working fine.
>>> Once I added port = "636" to that code, exact same response: socket closed
>>> Again, the LDAPS (636) port is open to the ColdFusion server.
>>> I'm thinking it's an SSL issue.  What steps need to be taken to ensure
>>> LDAPS communication works?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Dan
>>> On 12/10/2013 12:36 PM, Dan LeGate wrote:
 Here's the weirdness I'm experiencing...

 I have a Custom Tag we've been using for years that is called from most
 of our applications and authenticates them to a Sun LDAP server.

 We are moving to an Active Directory service, and when I attempt to do a
 bind against the new system, I get:

 An error has occurred while trying to execute query;
 socket closed.

 However, if I run that SAME cfldap command in a .cfm file out in a
 regular web folder (i.e. not as a Custom Tag under the ColdFusion
 directory), it works fine!

 I have restarted the server to make sure any old Custom Tag code isn't
 somehow cached.  I have verified the SSL (636) port is open to the CF

 Any ideas on this one?  Very confused by this.

 Thanks for any feedback!



Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: CFLDAP socket closed error against SSL

2013-12-10 Thread .jonah


On 12/10/13 4:18 PM, Russ Michaels wrote:
> easiest solution is to use this
> On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 11:31 PM, Dan LeGate  wrote:
>> No.  How do we do that?
>> Is it the individual server certificate(s) that we connect to that are
>> put into the key store?
>> Or a Certificate Authority certificate we need?
>> Where is the key store on the CF Server and how do we manipulate it?
>> Thanks,
>> Dan
>> On 12/10/2013 2:53 PM, Russ Michaels wrote:
>>> Have u imported the ssl into the key store?
>>> Russ Michaels
>>> On 10 Dec 2013 20:52, "Dan LeGate"  wrote:
 I take it back... exact same code EXCEPT my code in outside the Custom
 Tag folder had excluded the PORT attribute, so I assume it was going to
 the non-SSL port and working fine.

 Once I added port = "636" to that code, exact same response: socket
>> closed
 Again, the LDAPS (636) port is open to the ColdFusion server.

 I'm thinking it's an SSL issue.  What steps need to be taken to ensure
 LDAPS communication works?



 On 12/10/2013 12:36 PM, Dan LeGate wrote:
> Here's the weirdness I'm experiencing...
> I have a Custom Tag we've been using for years that is called from most
> of our applications and authenticates them to a Sun LDAP server.
> We are moving to an Active Directory service, and when I attempt to do
>> a
> bind against the new system, I get:
> An error has occurred while trying to execute query :
> socket closed.
> However, if I run that SAME cfldap command in a .cfm file out in a
> regular web folder (i.e. not as a Custom Tag under the ColdFusion
> directory), it works fine!
> I have restarted the server to make sure any old Custom Tag code isn't
> somehow cached.  I have verified the SSL (636) port is open to the CF
> server.
> Any ideas on this one?  Very confused by this.
> Thanks for any feedback!
> Dan

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: CFLDAP socket closed error against SSL

2013-12-10 Thread .jonah

That's only necessary if the certificate from the LDAP server isn't 
signed by a known CA. (e.g. it's self-signed.)

If it is, you need to import the LDAP server's public key into your CF 
server's java keystore. I wrote up a doc on how to do it a while back:

On 12/10/13 3:31 PM, Dan LeGate wrote:
> No.  How do we do that?
> Is it the individual server certificate(s) that we connect to that are
> put into the key store?
> Or a Certificate Authority certificate we need?
> Where is the key store on the CF Server and how do we manipulate it?
> Thanks,
> Dan
> On 12/10/2013 2:53 PM, Russ Michaels wrote:
>> Have u imported the ssl into the key store?
>> Russ Michaels
>> On 10 Dec 2013 20:52, "Dan LeGate"  wrote:
>>> I take it back... exact same code EXCEPT my code in outside the Custom
>>> Tag folder had excluded the PORT attribute, so I assume it was going to
>>> the non-SSL port and working fine.
>>> Once I added port = "636" to that code, exact same response: socket closed
>>> Again, the LDAPS (636) port is open to the ColdFusion server.
>>> I'm thinking it's an SSL issue.  What steps need to be taken to ensure
>>> LDAPS communication works?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Dan
>>> On 12/10/2013 12:36 PM, Dan LeGate wrote:
 Here's the weirdness I'm experiencing...

 I have a Custom Tag we've been using for years that is called from most
 of our applications and authenticates them to a Sun LDAP server.

 We are moving to an Active Directory service, and when I attempt to do a
 bind against the new system, I get:

 An error has occurred while trying to execute query;
 socket closed.

 However, if I run that SAME cfldap command in a .cfm file out in a
 regular web folder (i.e. not as a Custom Tag under the ColdFusion
 directory), it works fine!

 I have restarted the server to make sure any old Custom Tag code isn't
 somehow cached.  I have verified the SSL (636) port is open to the CF

 Any ideas on this one?  Very confused by this.

 Thanks for any feedback!



Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: CMS Vs Framework

2013-12-05 Thread .jonah

The real answer is "it depends". What's the site for? Is, as someone 
else mentioned, a primarily "content" site? How closely does it fit with 
the model the CMS provides? etc.

As for ecommerce, don't build your own unless you've used several others 
already and have a very specific reason to. There's Slatwall on the CFML 
side. Aside from that, you really should try to use one of the SaaS 
platforms if at all possible - Shopify, etc. And I say this as someone 
who's written several ecommerce engines.

On 12/5/13 3:41 PM, Nils wrote:
> Why would I choose a CF Framework over a CF CMS system? I have no real=0A=
> experience with either, other than installing both and playing around.=0A=
> If a CF CMS system such as Mura & speck already include a framework such=0A=
> as Coldbox, Model-glue FW/1. why not just go for a Mura type system?  I=0A=
> understand there's a huge oversimplification in the question,: CMS is=0A=
> managing content and page, frameworks deal with data.  But, in the end=0A=
> they both do the same in many ways. CMS includes an Framework?=0A=
> I need to build out an e-commerce system, of course a site with=0A=
> integrated blog and video and blah blah..=0A=
> Suggestion? ideas?

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Re: Creating maps with CF

2013-12-03 Thread .jonah


I used a (heavily modified) version of MuraLocations[1] by  Stephen 
Withington[2] for a project[3]. Even if you're not using Mura, it will 
probably give you some insight into how to build the scripts and format 
the data for Google Maps.



On 12/3/13 6:58 AM, Dave Long wrote:
> Can anyone suggest a link to a good tutorial on setting up an app to create
> either a Google or Bing map populated by a MySQL db using ColdFusion? (for
> real estate purposes)
> I've tried going to their sites (Google, Bing) but it seems you have to have
> been born knowing the terminology to find the correct instructions.
> Thanks,
> Dave Long

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Creating maps with CF

2013-12-03 Thread .jonah


I used a (heavily modified) version of MuraLocations[1] by Stephen 
Withington[2] for a project[3]. Even if you're not using Mura, it will 
probably give you some insight into how to build the scripts and format 
the data for Google Maps.



On 12/3/13 6:58 AM, Dave Long wrote:
> Can anyone suggest a link to a good tutorial on setting up an app to create
> either a Google or Bing map populated by a MySQL db using ColdFusion? (for
> real estate purposes)
> I've tried going to their sites (Google, Bing) but it seems you have to have
> been born knowing the terminology to find the correct instructions.
> Thanks,
> Dave Long
> ---
> This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus 
> protection is active.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Frustrated and on a deadline please assist

2013-11-18 Thread .jonah

It looks double prefixed/escaped.

You really want it to come back as:

//["Miami Area Geriatric Education Center","Miami Children's Hospital","Miami 
Research Associates","Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)","Miami Valley 
Hospital","Miami, FL-546","University of Miami\/Jackson Health System"]

On 11/18/13 9:36 PM, Torrent Girl wrote:
> This is what my response looks like:
> //"\/\/[\"Miami Area Geriatric Education Center\",\"Miami Children's 
> Hospital\",\"Miami Research Associates\",\"Miami University (Oxford, 
> Ohio)\",\"Miami Valley Hospital\",\"Miami, FL-546\",\"University of 
> Miami\\\/Jackson Health System\"]"

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Saving updated sort order in mysql jquery list to update database

2013-09-25 Thread .jonah

The callback called after you drop your sorted item should place an ajax 
call to your selected endpoint with a list of IDs in their new order. (I 
haven't used the jQuery UI sortables to know the details.)

Then on the CF side just update the DB. A naive way might be like this:

  UPDATE items
  SET sortOrder = 
  WHERE (ID = )

On 9/25/13 4:42 PM, wrote:
> I have a cfm page that displays a drag and drop ul list and I do not know how 
> to create an array of that sorted list to the mysql database.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am new to the jquery, jquery-ui 
> plugins, but loving it all so far.
> Thanks in advance,
> Terry

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Barcodes

2013-08-29 Thread .jonah

Can't you just use a barcode font with cfimage or directly on the page 
as a webfont?

On 8/29/13 8:45 AM, Chad Gray wrote:
> Just regular old code 39 type of barcodes.  I will check out the java library 
> also.
> -Original Message-
> From: Dave Watts []
> Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 11:44 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: Barcodes
>> Anyone recommend a way to create and display barcodes on a webpage?
> What kind of barcodes, exactly? QR codes? UPC? The zxing library is a free, 
> open-source Java library that's commonly used (in the Java world at least) - 
> that's probably what I'd try first.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on GSA Schedule, 
> and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized instruction at our 
> training centers, online, or onsite.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: More Mail woes with Gmail with ColdFusion

2013-08-28 Thread .jonah

So the emails are going into the Sent folder on Google's mail servers 
but not getting to their recipients? That's implying they're getting to 
Google OK and it's a deliverability issue on their end not an issue with 
getting the messages from your CF server to Google.

On 8/28/13 7:03 PM, Andrew Scott wrote:
> Ok lets be clear this is not the normal gmail, only the is
> being used to send the mail. But yes when you send mail using your google
> app account, the sent mail is sitting in the sent folder.
> This is how I found out about the spool connection issue to begin with, as
> many other customers on the same server, who sent mail using gmail, is
> sitting in my sent folder.
> Regards,
> Andrew Scott
> WebSite:
> Google+:
> On Thu, Aug 29, 2013 at 11:58 AM, Byron Mann  wrote:
>>> When you say checked sent items? If you mean do I go into my sent mail
>> and
>>> see the mail sitting there?
>>> Then the answer is yes, that is how I know the mail is not being sent.
>> This statement is a bit off to me.
>> Are you saying your Gmail sent items folder has the email in it, which was
>> sent from the ColdFusion server?

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Re: CF10 Dev Edition...

2013-08-13 Thread .jonah

Is it making multiple concurrent calls? Does the CF10 developer edition 
restriction mean only TWO concurrent calls (from any IPs?)

On 8/13/13 4:33 PM, Eric Roberts wrote:
> No...1 is calling a page that makes an http request to
> another local page hat has http requests an cfc calls...all local...
> -Original Message-
> From: Russ Michaels []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 6:04 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: CF10 Dev Edition...
> so what this would mean, is that if you have 2 requests from 2 IP's already
> happening, then the internal request from the server to itself would
> probably fail as that would make 3 IP's but if you are only running this on
> your local machine then that would of course not be the case.
> On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 11:44 PM, Wil Genovese  wrote:
>> Adobe changed the two IP restriction a bit.
>> A small but significant change in ColdFusion 10 is around IP address
>> restriction. Till ColdFusion 9, only two fixed IP addresses can access
>> the developer edition of server. But this restriction is changed in
>> ColdFusion 10. ColdFusion 10 developer edition can now be accessed
>> concurrently by any two IP addresses. The restriction is on two
>> concurrent request from any two IP addresses and not on which IP
> addresses.
>> an-now-be-accessed-by-any-ip-address
>> Wil Genovese
>> Sr. Web Application Developer/
>> Systems Administrator
>> CF Webtools
>> On Aug 13, 2013, at 5:35 PM, "Eric Roberts" <
>>> wrote:
>>> Is ther anything that limits the number of requests in the dev edition?
>>   We
>>> have some calls that use https and the call is crapping out when I
>>> use
>> https
>>> to call another page hat has cfc and http  requests.  The code works
>> fine on
>>> out cf9 production and dev servers.Iam trying to set up a local dev,
>>> but
>> I
>>> have 10 installed.
>>> Eric

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: issue with cfhttp and client certificates

2013-07-25 Thread .jonah

Good point.

Here is the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength 
Jurisdiction Policy Files 7 Download:

On 7/25/13 2:52 PM, Jon Clausen wrote:
> Long shot, but what is the key length on the encryption?  Could it be an 
> issue with the encryption capabilities currently set on the new JVM for CF10?
> Explanation:
> On Jul 25, 2013, at 4:44 PM, "Jeff Garza"  wrote:
>> Mark,
>> On the CF9 Server we're at Java version 1.6.0_17  and the arguments from
>> the CFAdmin look like the following: "-server
>> -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xbatch
>> -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home}/../
>> -Dcoldfusion.libPath={application.home}/../lib
>> -Dcoldfusion.spooltimeout=120".
>> On the CF10 server it's at Java version 1.7.0_15  and the args are:
>> "-server -XX:MaxPermSize=192m -XX:+UseParallelGC -Xbatch
>> -Dcoldfusion.home={application.home}
>> -Dcoldfusion.rootDir={application.home}
>> -Dcoldfusion.libPath={application.home}/lib
>> -Dorg.apache.coyote.USE_CUSTOM_STATUS_MSG_IN_HEADER=true
>> -Dcoldfusion.jsafe.defaultalgo=FIPS186Random
>> -Dcoldfusion.spooltimeout=120"
>> Though, based on the error, I don't think this is a handshake issue.  It
>> looks like an issue where the JVM can't even open the certificate file to
>> pass the public key on to the server.  Which is why this is so strange that
>> CF9 with the older JVM would be able to do it, but the new one can't.
>> --Jeff
>>  Original Message 
>>> From: "Mark A Kruger" 
>>> Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 1:25 PM
>>> To: "cf-talk" 
>>> Subject: RE: issue with cfhttp and client certificates
>>> Jeff,
>>> What JVM version are you using on CF9 and what do the args look like?
>>> Sometimes it's a matter of the handshake and levels of TLS/SSL - the
>> error
>>> may be not specific enough to tell. You can enable logging to get a grip
>> on
>>> it though. That would tell you more.
>>> -Mark
>>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Jeff Garza []
>>> Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2013 12:25 PM
>>> To: cf-talk
>>> Subject: issue with cfhttp and client certificates
>>> Ok, so here's the issue.  A process that was working just fine on CF9 is
>>> now broken on CF10.  We have a service that we call that requires us to
>>> submit a client certificate to the server.  In CF9, this worked just
>> fine.
>>> Use the clientcert and clientcertpass attributes of CFHTTP and you're
>> good
>>> to go.  It reads the .pfx file fine and everything runs...  This is not a
>>> cacerts issue as you do not have to have the key in the keystore to use
>>> it.
>>> Forward to CF10, the exact same code and certificates now gives the
>> error:
>>> "Error while trying to get the SSL client certificate:
>>> Could not decrypt key: Could not
>>> decode key from BER. (Invalid encoding: expected tag not there. )."
>>> It's like it's unable to open the .pfx certificate file.
>>> I know this is a long shot since there are not many folks out there using
>>> client certs, but has anyone else run across this issue?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jeff Garza

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Re: Date Ranges: Drop Down Menus vs Calendar Based

2013-04-16 Thread .jonah

Really depends on your implementation, I'd say.

Also, have you tested it with actual users? How does it work for them?

On 4/16/13 5:13 PM, Matt Blatchley wrote:
> I've been writing an application in CF that imports cost data from
> Analytics, AdWords, BING, and other APIs that generate reports based on
> selected date ranges and filtered campaigns.
> After looking into multiple types of jQuery based calendar selectors used
> in setting the date ranges, I decided to go with drop down menus with my
> own Ajax/CFC driven version instead.  Now the question has come back to me
> about adding the Calendar selection instead because I've been told it's
> more "user friendly".
> When I first started writing it, I implemented the calendar selection and
> found many issues that didn't work as well as I would like.  I also looked
> into how Google Analytics uses the date range options with their calendar
> selection to see how they did it.  There are several things that I don't
> like about these and ultimately chose to not use this type of method.
> For example, if you're selecting four or more months or a full year, it's
> faster to type in the date range than to select from the provided visual
> calendar (clicking back to Jan, selecting the 1st, then clicking forward to
> Dec etc).  However, typing in the date range manually can lead to user
> error and results in a need for more validation, which is something I'd
> rather avoid.
> With a custom created set of drop down menus it's faster than both hand
> typing it and clicking through multiple months to get the right date range,
> not to mention less space used in the interface.
> Am I wrong?  Opinions?
> -Matt

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Re: Large amounts of CF email

2013-04-11 Thread .jonah

1. 150k-200k emails/month isn't really that many for a dedicated or even 
shared server.
2. is another option and much less expensive than 
the sendgrid numbers you quoted.

On 4/11/13 11:44 AM, Michael Muller wrote:
> Hey all,
> Ok, so I'm all set on the question of SPF etc. Here's another one.
> I am taking on a client who has an existing CF application. It's one of those 
> 30%-off coupon things. They have a dedicated server right now that holds 
> CF/SQL/SmarterMail all on one box. They send out a little over 100,000 emails 
> a month.
> My existing setup is two cloud-based servers at Enterhost:  CF/DNS on one, 
> and SQL/SmarterMail/DNS on the other. I do not want to add the extra email 
> burden to my system. I already send out about 50,000 emails a month from 
> about 170 websites, not including the POP personal / business emails of 75 of 
> those clients.
> The current concept is for me to get another server specifically for their 
> email delivery, and to move their app to my CF machine and their database to 
> my SQL machine.  With the extra email-only server I get SmarterMail, though 
> I'm not sure that's the best tool for delivering large amounts of email from 
> CF.
> I saw that Russ Michaels mentioned in a post a couple days ago 
> about CFMAIL dropping some emails. This client knows that their needs are 
> going to grow beyond the 300,000 ($200/mo) limit in a short amount of time, 
> and so that will turn into an expensive solution eventually.
> So, if I stick with the new cloud server just for this one client's email 
> delivery... am I setting this up right?
> 1. Their app on my CF server with hard-coded SERVER (see 3. below) in all 
> CFMAIL tags
> 2. Their DB on my SQL server
> 3. Their own SM server (see 1. above)
> Is there a better email delivery option from CF, and if so how would you 
> integrate the two onto the on box so the customer can also get their own 
> email at their domain? I'm curious for my own needs as well.
> Is there a better way to set up the boxes?
> I know this sounds like fundamental stuff, but I'd love any opinions people 
> may want to volunteer (including "what are you crazy?!").
> Thanks,
> MM
> Michael Muller -- (413) 320-5336
> ** Powered by ROCKETFUSION **
> Information is not knowledge
> Knowledge is not wisdom
> Eschew Obfuscation

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Re: dragon dictation and CF

2013-03-22 Thread .jonah

What you need is an Amanuensis[1]. I have a friend who's used one for 
many years. It's actually an awesome opportunity for someone to learn 
from the guru.


On 3/22/13 12:01 PM, Chad Gray wrote:
> Has anyone tried to use Dragon dictation software to write CF code?
> I saw this video and it got my brain going.
> My fingers are developing some numbness and I need to be pro-active.
> Chad

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Re: Curmudgeon painted in a corner

2013-03-17 Thread .jonah

Sounds like you need Linux!

On 3/17/13 8:41 PM, Dave Long wrote:
> I want to own the machine, not have the machine own me.

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Re: Apostrophes in email addresses

2013-02-24 Thread .jonah

And you know what, I glossed over that sentence before replying. :O

On 2/24/13 8:06 PM, Adam Cameron wrote:
> Absolutely mate. I did make sure to point that out:
>> That said, this
>> is the fault of the original regex, not your fix for it.
> (Yes, I did see the smiley too though ;-)
> On 25 February 2013 15:00, .jonah  wrote:
>> I take issue! ;)
>> Kevin simply asked to his regex working with an apostrophie. My answer
>> did that. He didn't ask for the be-all-end-all of email validators.
>> Now, as to the rest of your comment and blog post, I'm in agreement.
>> It's rarely done correctly. (Not accounting for plus addressing often
>> annoys me.)
>> However, writing an RFC compliant parser is quite possible and someone
>> should probably do it. However, trying to build something that would
>> work 100% out in the wild would probably be futile.
>> On 2/24/13 11:12 AM, Adam Cameron wrote:
>>>> This seems to work, no?
>>> No. It doesn't allow for quite a number of completely legit characters,
>>> notably the + sign (which is very common), amongst others. That said,
>> this
>>> is the fault of the original regex, not your fix for it.
>>> My feedback on this got too long for a response here, so I wrote it up on
>>> my blog:

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Re: Apostrophes in email addresses

2013-02-24 Thread .jonah

Something tangential to keep in mind is BE CONSISTENT.

I've come across numerous instances out there where different features 
on a site don't have the same validation. For example, the account 
creation process might accept an email address with a plus sign in it, 
but the password reset function rejects it. Whoops!

Whatever validation method you choose, use the same one across your 
entire app.

On 2/24/13 12:21 PM, Justin Scott wrote:
>> Pretty sure isValid() incorrectly flags emails with apostrophes as invalid.
> Nope, at least not with CF9 (checked last night before I posted).
>> There are two or three bugs with isValid() and emails.
> I was about to ask if anyone had details on where isValid() might fail
> on e-mail addresses when I saw that Adam wrote up a blog entry in
> reference to this thread at
> which outlines a bunch of possibilities with tests run on CF10.  As
> noted isValid() will work with the most common "special" characters I
> see in the wild (notably + and ').  He points out a slew of others
> that fail though I don't recall ever seeing most of those in use after
> more than a decade in the industry (not to say they aren't out there,
> just very, very rare).  He notes that there is a bug open on this with
> a "will fix" note so it'll just get better in future patches/versions.
> -Justin

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Re: Apostrophes in email addresses

2013-02-24 Thread .jonah

I take issue! ;)

Kevin simply asked to his regex working with an apostrophie. My answer 
did that. He didn't ask for the be-all-end-all of email validators.

Now, as to the rest of your comment and blog post, I'm in agreement. 
It's rarely done correctly. (Not accounting for plus addressing often 
annoys me.)

However, writing an RFC compliant parser is quite possible and someone 
should probably do it. However, trying to build something that would 
work 100% out in the wild would probably be futile.

On 2/24/13 11:12 AM, Adam Cameron wrote:
>> This seems to work, no?
> No. It doesn't allow for quite a number of completely legit characters,
> notably the + sign (which is very common), amongst others. That said, this
> is the fault of the original regex, not your fix for it.
> My feedback on this got too long for a response here, so I wrote it up on
> my blog:

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Re: Apostrophes in email addresses

2013-02-23 Thread .jonah

This seems to work, no?


I added \' before the \. in the first set.

On 2/22/13 11:30 PM, Kevin Parker wrote:
> As much as I wonder why you would do it apparently the odd network admin
> does and its valid.
> 100% of the time this little bit of regex has served me well until now.
> ^[\w\.-]{1,}\@([\da-zA-Z-]{1,}\.){1,}[\da-zA-Z-]+$
> But I have a need to validate an email address that has an apostrophe before
> the @ e.g. fred.o'  - I've tried a variety
> of suggestions but all have caused errors in CF. The context I'm using it in
> is.
>  REFindNoCase("^[A-Za-z0-9_\.-]{1,}\@([[:digit:]a-zA-Z-]{1,}\.){1,}[[:digit:]
> a-zA-Z-]+$" , TheEmailAddress) EQ 0>
> I found this which took a standards based approach but they error in CF -
> I wonder if any you good folk have a little bit of regex or suggestions that
> might fix this annoying little problem.
> Thank you.
> ++
> Kevin Parker
> m: 0418 815 527
> ++

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Re: Severe memory issue

2013-01-30 Thread .jonah

Have you tuned the JVM heap size and garbage collection? It's not a 
"fix" but sometimes, that's what you've gotta do. It might keep things 
running while you re architect things at least.

I had a long-running task like that in one of my apps and one thing that 
helped was to break it up into several smaller steps. Each one would run 
more quickly and require less memory.

On 1/30/13 10:19 AM, Nathan Strutz wrote:
>>>   I see that there are millions of objects in the memory and many of them
> are LoopTags and QueryTags
> Is that from a java thread dump or something else? The thread dump should
> show you everything the JVM is doing.
> It actually sounds like your server is busy doing a lot of things. Could it
> be that you just need to build your infrastructure, split your application
> across more servers? At the very least, tune your JVM settings to
> accommodate what the application is doing or bring down your active request
> threads in the CF admin.
> The improvements you mentioned, while some of them are beneficial (vars and
> queryparams), others are probably not (query loops to index loops). Did you
> try the VarScoper tool? It's amazing!
> It sounds like  you're doing a lot of threading, which makes things faster,
> but also makes the server busier. Busier servers mean more things happening
> at once, which means you're using more memory, making your problem worse.
> Putting loops in cfthread won't make the loops faster; breaking off logical
> parts of your application into their own threads could make your
> application faster. Too many threads can cause memory leaks depending on
> what you are doing, for example, Marc Esher's cfconcurrent project
> discovered some big memory leaks when you do certain things with the
> cfconcurrent library on CF9.
> nathan strutz
> [] []
> On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 3:27 AM, Helwig, Till Helge
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm working on a very old and very badly coded CF application at the
>> moment. It contains servertasks that do a lot of batch processing where
>> huge data sets are queried from a database, processed and the results
>> written back to the DB. Unfortunately by now the jobs have become so large
>> that we frequently get heap space errors. I'm trying to figure out why the
>> process takes up so much memory and I've reached a point where I just don't
>> know what to look for anymore. When looking at the memory monitor it looks
>> to me like in every loop iteration he accumulated about 100 MB of data,
>> procceses it and throws it away, but not entirely. A small piece stays in
>> the memory every time and in the end it clutters up all the heap space.
>> What I already did:
>> -  Adding "var" to local variables
>> -  Replacing literals in queries with cfqueryparams
>> -  Replacing StructNew() at the beginning of loops with
>> StructClear()
>> -  Replacing query-loops with index-loops
>> I also started looking at dumps of the Java heap shortly before the
>> process crashes, but I'm not really getting any wiser from that. I see that
>> there are millions of objects in the memory and many of them are LoopTags
>> and QueryTags, but other than that I have no idea what to make of it.
>> I've read that placing the code of the loop within its own thread might
>> help, but that's impossible because our task already runs in its own thread
>> and apparently CF can't spawn threads from within threads.
>> If you have any ideas for me where to look for memory leaks, what else to
>> try or an explanation for what might cause the problem, I would be really
>> really thankful!
>> Greetings,
>> Till Helge

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Re: Running Coldfusion on a SSD server

2013-01-19 Thread .jonah

Some of the NoSQL systems are optimized for SSD, I don't know about 
RDBMSs. Since their capabilities are different, I'd look into tuning 
whichever DB to run best on SSD.

On 1/19/13 10:56 AM, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Claude_Schn=E9egans wrote:
>   >>Ssd makes the most difference to rdbms like mysql or mssql which involves
> lots of iops
> This is what I was mostly thinking of, and for any database system.
> Thanks.

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(OT) Selling Domains?

2013-01-08 Thread .jonah

Hi all, sorry for the OT.

If any of you have any experience valuing/selling domains would you mind 
contacting me off-list?

I've had a couple inquiries recently for some spare names I have and 
would love some input on valuing them.

(Hold your comments about domain squatting and all that, they're names I 
picked up for past projects that didn't get off the ground.)


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(OT) Selling domains?

2013-01-08 Thread .jonah

Hi all, sorry for the OT.

If any of you have any experience valuing/selling domains would you mind 
contacting me off-list?

I've had a couple inquiries recently for some spare names I have and 
would love some input on valuing them.

(Hold your comments about domain squatting and all that, they're names I 
picked up for past projects that didn't get off the ground.)


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Re: URGENT : How to Detect screen resolution in COLDFUSION?

2012-12-23 Thread .jonah

Good point.

A simple unobtrusive way to do this is to provide a "Desktop Version" 
link in the footer of the mobile version which resets the session vars 
to desktop.

Putting a popup or interstitial screen is pretty annoying in my pov and 
having a link in the footer is pretty common these days (for those sites 
that offer it.)

On 12/23/12 10:49 PM, Steve Durette wrote:
> One thing you may want to consider is giving the user an option. Sometime the 
> user doesn't want your mobile version even though they are mobile.  I find 
> sites all the time where I'm given a mobile website that doesn't work as well 
> as the desktop version. Sometimes even when they give me the option of using 
> the desktop version the first link I click throws me back into the mobile 
> version. As a mobile user give me the option and follow my wishes as to how I 
> want to use the site. If you want me to buy something from your site, the 
> easiest way to push me to the competition is to force me into what you think 
> is best.
> Just my 2 cents as a mobile user.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 23, 2012, at 11:34 PM, The Dude  wrote:
>> Claude and Kevin, you are gentlemen and scholars. It worked with virtually 
>> negligible delay in the redirect.
>> Its a workable solution for getting the screen vars and loading appropriate 
>> size jpg images on that basis for mobile. Thank you for your input.
> It seems there's no way to avoid the 2nd step either redirect or
>>> form post.
>>> The problem is not with using POST or GET, the problem is using Ajax.
>>> Ajax is good for many things, but not for this one.
>>> Just as you first attempt did, the Ajax call will be performed from
>>> client side, AFTER the templated is executed and the page read by the
>>> browser.
>>> You cannot do it without executing two steps, but wit redirection, the
>>> first step to get the values from the client is invisible for the user.
>>> Try my code, there are two steps, but you only see one.
>>> You can make a POST version of the same idea if
>>> 1. you do not like the idea of having parameters visible in the url,
>>> 2. you have other parameters to pass to the template.
>>> Try this code, same idea using a form for redirection:
>>> document.redirectForm.screenWidth.value = screen.width;
>>> document.redirectForm.screenHeight.value = screen.height;
>>> document.redirectForm.action = window.location.href;
>>> document.redirectForm.submit();

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Re: Redirecting PDF documents

2012-12-20 Thread .jonah

Would need to be done at the web server level.

On 12/20/12 1:59 PM, Dave Watts wrote:
>> Just wondering if it possible to redirect a pdf document. In coldfusion, I 
>> am assuming no since we need to have some kind of
>> redirect code on that particular page we want to redirect?
> I'm not sure what you're trying to accomplish, exactly. But no, PDFs
> don't support redirection by default.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> Fig Leaf Software is a Veteran-Owned Small Business (VOSB) on
> GSA Schedule, and provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
> instruction at our training centers, online, or onsite.

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Re: CF 7 + Apps .. minimum ram

2012-12-11 Thread .jonah

Are you just developing on it? Doing QA? Load Testing?

I develop using VMs with CF9/10 and SQL 2000 or 2005. I give them around 
2GB and with some fairly memory intensive apps, that works fine.

RAM is cheap these days though, 8-16GB should be reasonable.

On 12/11/12 10:04 PM, Byron Mann wrote:
> I'd say you should have a test server that mimics production as close as
> possible, but know the reality of budgets.
> Otherwise, I'd say 4GB minimum so things at least function, but 8GB would
> probably be a better start.
> Just pick a chassis that allows for more and you can grow with it.
> Also spend time configuring CF and SQL memory limits to help keep things
> running OK.
>   On Dec 11, 2012 9:21 PM, "Jenny Gavin-Wear" 
> wrote:
>> I'm setting up a testing server.
>> CF7, SQL 2005.  Can someone tell me the minimum RAM required please?  It
>> doesn't have to set any records
>> Thanks,
>> Jenny
>> --
>> I am using the free version of SPAMfighter.
>> SPAMfighter has removed 6923 of my spam emails to date.
>> Get the free SPAMfighter here:
>> Do you have a slow PC? Try a Free scan

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Re: Future Proofing/Backward compatibility

2012-12-06 Thread .jonah

Depending on which versions of CF you need to support, you could do either:
value = iif(structAppend( struct, { 'new_field' = 0 }, false ), 
de(struct.new_field), 0);
value = structAppend( struct, { 'new_field' = 0 }, false ) ? 
struct.new_field : 0;

As a side note, I though iif() was slow, but it's been a while since I 
tested it.

On 12/5/12 8:31 PM, Chris Velevitch wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 11:27 AM, .jonah  wrote:
>> value = structAppend( struct, { 'new_field' = 0 }, false );
> Interesting solution, however, value needs to be struct.new_field,
> structAppend returns true/false and not the resultant struct.
> I'm trying to do this inline. It would be good if structAppend return
> the resultant struct so that:-
> value = structAppend( struct, { 'new_field' = 0 }, false ).new_field
> would return the passed in value or the default.
>> On 12/5/12 3:50 PM, Chris Velevitch wrote:
>>> value = 
>>> "#iif(StructKeyExists(struct,'new_field'),Evaluate(DE('struct.new_field')),0)#"
> Chris
> --
> Chris Velevitch
> Manager - Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
> m: 0415 469 095
> Adobe Platform Users Group, Sydney
> Topic: TBD
> Date: Wednesday, 30th January at 6pm
> Details and RSVP on

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Re: Future Proofing/Backward compatibility

2012-12-05 Thread .jonah

You can also do:

value = structAppend( struct, { 'new_field' = 0 }, false );

On 12/5/12 3:50 PM, Chris Velevitch wrote:
> value = 
> "#iif(StructKeyExists(struct,'new_field'),Evaluate(DE('struct.new_field')),0)#"

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Re: Running CF-32bit on Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit

2012-11-16 Thread .jonah

Nice to know!

On 11/16/12 2:25 PM, Russ Michaels wrote:
> 32bit com wont work on 64bit windows by default.
> See this
> Regards
> Russ Michaels
> - Free CFML hosting for developers
> - CF search engine
> On Nov 16, 2012 5:51 PM, "" <
>> wrote:
>> Trying to run the 32-bit version of CF with Windows Server 2008 because of
>> problems with COM objects.
>> Verified that CF 32-bit is running, Application Pool configured to allow
>> 32-bit apps.
>> Still getting the msg about "Can not use native code: Initialisation
>> failed." when trying to instantiate a COM object.
>> Is there anything else that has to be set up to allow COM objects to be
>> called from 32-bit version of CF running under Windows Server 2008.?
>> Thanks in advance.
>> J

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Re: Running CF-32bit on Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit

2012-11-16 Thread .jonah

My understanding is that 64 bit windows does not support COM at all. So, 
it's not a matter of which version of CF you run, but rather the OS itself.

(I have to keep an old 32 bit server running for a single site that uses 
some COM objects...)

On 11/16/12 9:51 AM, wrote:
> Trying to run the 32-bit version of CF with Windows Server 2008 because of 
> problems with COM objects.
> Verified that CF 32-bit is running, Application Pool configured to allow 
> 32-bit apps.
> Still getting the msg about "Can not use native code: Initialisation failed." 
> when trying to instantiate a COM object.
> Is there anything else that has to be set up to allow COM objects to be 
> called from 32-bit version of CF running under Windows Server 2008.?
> Thanks in advance.
> J

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Re: SQL Express and CF

2012-11-15 Thread .jonah

Oh, and I don't think you can run scheduled backups either. Which is an 
issue when using it in production.

On 11/15/12 1:32 PM, Mike Kear wrote:
> the things cut out of the express version are the kinds of things we use
> coldfusion for anyway.  I havent found any issues at all in connecting
> SQLexpress versions and Coldfusion.  The only issues I've had are to do
> with things like the lack of SSIS which makes things like moving data to
> online more difficult that's all.
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> Adobe Certified Advanced ColdFusion Developer
> AFP Webworks
> ColdFusion 9 Enterprise, PHP, ASP, ASP.NET hosting from AUD$15/month
> On Fri, Nov 16, 2012 at 6:32 AM, Pete Ruckelshaus 
> wrote:
>> Works just like the full version, and it's what I use on my VPS.
>> On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 5:23 AM, Kevin Parker >> wrote:
>>> Are there any issues using Express versions of SQL Server for
>> development?
>>> Thank you
>>> ++
>>> Kevin Parker
>>> M: 0418 815 527
>>> ++

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Re: SQL Express and CF

2012-11-15 Thread .jonah

Works fine for me. (I think it has a 2GB database size limit.) It also 
doesn't support DTS and some other nice management functionality, but 
most of the features of Enterprise Manager are there.

On 11/15/12 2:23 AM, Kevin Parker wrote:
> Are there any issues using Express versions of SQL Server for development?
> Thank you
> ++
> Kevin Parker
> M: 0418 815 527
> ++

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: multi sessions in one

2012-10-30 Thread .jonah

In this case, you can't store that information in the session.

You'd have to do something like passing all the request specific keys in 
the URL from page to page. ?confID=xxx. Then, when you build your URLs, 
pass them along on every link. There isn't a way to send different 
cookies back from different windows of the same brower...

On 10/30/12 4:58 PM, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Claude_Schn=E9egans wrote:
>   >>You can prevent session-based race conditions by using CFLOCK around
> any code that reads or writes session variables,
> It is not an issue of session race and I don't see how CFLOCK could help.
> Imagine you have a big system designed to manage big events like annual 
> conferences wirh inscription, payments, etc..
> The first thing the user will do is select the conference he wants to work 
> with, then the id of this conference
> is stored in a session variable. All he will do any further wil be done on 
> this conference. It is impossible to do anything without first selecting the 
> event.
> But suppose he opens a new window in which he selects another conference, the 
> session variable will contain the id of this new event.
> Then anything he does using the first window will be done on this new 
> conference, and this may cause trouble.

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Re: cfm files bypass permissions -- htm files get 401 unauthorized

2012-10-19 Thread .jonah

Although I don't know for sure, that makes sense.

If the CF process has permissions to access the file it'll read, 
process, and return the contents to IIS. e.g. IIS doesn't touch the file 
on the filesystem.

On 10/19/12 2:36 PM, Matt Quackenbush wrote:
> I've not done anything like what you're trying to do, but I suspect that
> IIS is passing the request straight off to CF and bypassing permissions.
> Not sure there's a way around that, but hopefully that will give you enough
> info to get headed in the right direction until someone with IIS experience
> comes along.
> On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Chris <> wrote:
>> We've got a strange situation on IIS6 and ColdFusion7 on Windows
>> Server 2003: cfm files bypass permissions -- htm file get 401
>> unauthorized
>> A simple .cfm test file is displayed, despite Windows folder
>> permissions that should prohibit it.
>> The same test file saved as a .htm is correctly blocked with 401
>> unauthorized
>> Any ideas?
>> thanks,
>> Chris

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Re: cf schudule varication

2012-10-17 Thread .jonah

Under Logging Settings in the CF admin, check "Enable logging for 
scheduled tasks". Then the results should show up in your CF logs.

On 10/17/12 3:59 PM, John Barrett wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to create a script to check if my cfschedule runs at the specified 
> time, without depending on the email delivery? For example, a test script 
> that logs the time of execution for the script to a file.
> I am having the worst time getting schedule tasks to run on a Linux box.
> thanks,
> Johnny

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Re: Coldfusion and @query

2012-10-07 Thread .jonah

You can get browser width with JavaScript, then add it to a hidden form 
field, URL parameter, or cookie to send it back to the server where you 
can do whatever you want with it.

On 10/7/12 1:30 PM, Terry Troxel wrote:
> Raymond,
> Thank you.
> It sure seems like we could use a way to capture the way media query doesw
> it so we could use it to our needs in CF.
> How about javascript?
> Tweet
> On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Raymond Camden 
> wrote:
>> CSS is executed on the client. cfinclude on the server. So... no.
>> On Sun, Oct 7, 2012 at 10:40 AM, Terry Troxel 
>> wrote:
>>> I am trying to get my head around some of this CSS3 and @media queries.
>>> Is there a way to incorporate a css media query to say change the
>> template
>>> name in a cfinclude?
>>> I am really liking the Responsive fluid layout scenarios in
>>> Dreamweaver CS6 , but would like to also change page content as well.
>>> Any links, suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Terry

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Re: CF8 Instance hogs cpu

2012-10-02 Thread .jonah

Are you logging long-running requests?

Any requests hanging?

Can you correlate the memory/cpu spike with site traffic or spiders?

Like Wil said, it's probably the code in a certain request / page that's 
using more memory/cycles than it needs to.

You may need something like FusionReactor to see what's causing issues.

On 10/2/12 3:37 PM, Wil Genovese wrote:
> Perhaps code is the issue. Perhaps a custom tag is the issue. Details are 
> needed before anyone can give any sort of reasonable answer.
> How much traffic is the site getting? requests/second?
> What is the code processing?
> What is the code accessing?
> Is the database responding properly?
> These and many more questions need to be answered.
> ColdFusion iteself does not just suck up all your CPU cycles.
> Wil Genovese
> Sr. Web Application Developer/
> Systems Administrator
> CF Webtools
> On Oct 2, 2012, at 5:32 PM, Richard Steele wrote:
>> We have a problem with one of our CF8 Enterprise instances. Almost daily, it 
>> hogs the entire cpu of the server and the service has to be restarted.  Over 
>> 2.5 gb of memory is dedicated to this instance. It reaches that ceiling 
>> within several hours of use. Perhaps garbage collection can't keep up?
>> Is there a way to limit the cpu resources given to an instance?
>> How do we troubleshoot what might be causing this? Thanks! Rick

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Re: Localisation - file or database?

2012-10-02 Thread .jonah

Either way you'll want to cache all (or at least the majority of the) 
the strings in memory on application load.

If you're making an admin tool to edit the strings, whether it writes to 
a flat file or to the DB wouldn't really matter that much.

The resource bundle pattern is pretty well used these days.

On 10/2/12 2:01 AM, Edward Chanter wrote:
> We're about to embark on a project for which locallisation is a requirement
> and it's the first time I've done this. I understand the basic concepts
> about having data containing the words and phrases needed on a website
> stored with versions for each language but I'm trying to figure something
> out: what's the best way to store the data?
> I see a lot of sites using flat JSON/XML/Whatever files with the different
> translations but is this something that would work well coming from a
> database? Is it more efficient to use a flat file or simply have a database
> store the words and phrases in columns with a new row for each language?
> One advantage I can see with a database option is that it makes adding new
> languages a little easier for people with no access to the file system on
> the server. It could also be managed with web forms which seems easier than
> having a massive flat file with loads of XML or JSON data structures.
> The purpose of this question is to see how you all do it and whether there
> are any pit-falls I should watch out for?
> Thanks ;-)

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Re: Justify text in CFDOCUMENT?

2012-09-25 Thread .jonah

Thanks. I was really just interested for future reference. I'm sticking 
with cfdocument for this project.

On 9/25/12 7:09 PM, Gerald Guido wrote:
>>> Are there any writeups on doing that kind of thing?
> Not that II am aware of. This is all stuff that I figured out myself via
> trial and error. lots of error ;)
> I will be back on tomorrow and I can pull up my notes. Google RTF and CF in
> the interim. BTW I have been ALL over the whole "creating PDFs" thing for
> the last week so I am steeped in the subject matter. There are *lots* of
> ways to do it. It is just a matter of figuring out what fits your needs.
> For me it was RTF => oolib => PDF
> G!
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 7:52 PM, .jonah  wrote:
>> Interesting.
>> Are there any writeups on doing that kind of thing?
>> On 9/25/12 4:40 PM, Gerald Guido wrote:
>>>>> 2. Use iText.
>>> iText can a PITA for complex documents. I found it to be *much* less
>> labor
>>> intensive to use a RTF document and add/edit content to the text file and
>>> converting it to a PDF using oolib
>>> I have been able to get much nicer formatting with that method compared
>> to
>>> CFDocument.
>>> HTH
>>> G!
>>> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Andy Allan 
>> wrote:
>>>> This is an outstanding bug going back to 2005 when CF7 came out.
>>>> The underlying engine that provides cfdocument doesn't support it and
>>>> Adobe have confirmed numerous times they can't fix it because of the
>>>> underlying engine.
>>>> Basically, they need to rewrite it.
>>>> So your options for now are:
>>>> 1. Live with it (meh)
>>>> 2. Use iText.
>>>> Andy
>>>> On 25 September 2012 21:49, .jonah  wrote:
>>>>> I'm creating HTML with CF and then converting it to a PDF with
>>>>> It doesn't seem to support justifying text. Is there a way to make it
>> do
>>>> so?
>>>>> I've set in the CSS: p { text-align:justify; } But the text still comes
>>>>> out ragged right...

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Re: Justify text in CFDOCUMENT?

2012-09-25 Thread .jonah


Are there any writeups on doing that kind of thing?

On 9/25/12 4:40 PM, Gerald Guido wrote:
>>> 2. Use iText.
> iText can a PITA for complex documents. I found it to be *much* less labor
> intensive to use a RTF document and add/edit content to the text file and
> converting it to a PDF using oolib
> I have been able to get much nicer formatting with that method compared to
> CFDocument.
> G!
> On Tue, Sep 25, 2012 at 5:26 PM, Andy Allan  wrote:
>> This is an outstanding bug going back to 2005 when CF7 came out.
>> The underlying engine that provides cfdocument doesn't support it and
>> Adobe have confirmed numerous times they can't fix it because of the
>> underlying engine.
>> Basically, they need to rewrite it.
>> So your options for now are:
>> 1. Live with it (meh)
>> 2. Use iText.
>> Andy
>> On 25 September 2012 21:49, .jonah  wrote:
>>> I'm creating HTML with CF and then converting it to a PDF with
>>> It doesn't seem to support justifying text. Is there a way to make it do
>> so?
>>> I've set in the CSS: p { text-align:justify; } But the text still comes
>>> out ragged right...

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Re: Justify text in CFDOCUMENT?

2012-09-25 Thread .jonah

I vote for live-with-it at this point. It was a client request and I 
don't think they'll be too sore if they don't get their text justified... ;)

On 9/25/12 2:26 PM, Andy Allan wrote:
> This is an outstanding bug going back to 2005 when CF7 came out.
> The underlying engine that provides cfdocument doesn't support it and
> Adobe have confirmed numerous times they can't fix it because of the
> underlying engine.
> Basically, they need to rewrite it.
> So your options for now are:
> 1. Live with it (meh)
> 2. Use iText.
> Andy
> On 25 September 2012 21:49, .jonah  wrote:
>> I'm creating HTML with CF and then converting it to a PDF with CFDOCUMENT.
>> It doesn't seem to support justifying text. Is there a way to make it do so?
>> I've set in the CSS: p { text-align:justify; } But the text still comes
>> out ragged right...

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Justify text in CFDOCUMENT?

2012-09-25 Thread .jonah

I'm creating HTML with CF and then converting it to a PDF with CFDOCUMENT.

It doesn't seem to support justifying text. Is there a way to make it do so?

I've set in the CSS: p { text-align:justify; } But the text still comes 
out ragged right...

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Modern (and free) html/cf editor that is similar to Homesite?

2012-09-24 Thread .jonah

And there are CFML syntax coloring and code completion extensions.

On 9/24/12 12:32 PM, Rick Faircloth wrote:
> That's just appearing! Michael, are you censoring me?
> (No, actually, I've just realized I'm having email server problems...)
> -Original Message-
> From: Rick Faircloth []
> Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2012 12:14 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: RE: Modern (and free) html/cf editor that is similar to Homesite?
> +1 for Sublime Text 2!
> -Original Message-
> From: Paul Kukiel []
> Sent: Monday, August 13, 2012 11:52 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: Modern (and free) html/cf editor that is similar to Homesite?
> Sublime is amazing I have just switched.  It's not free but if you use it
> as the free version its the same just has a pop up to purchase every now
> and then.
> Highly recommended for a speedy editor.
> Paul.
> On Tue, Aug 14, 2012 at 9:43 AM, Kym Kovan  wrote:
>> Nobody has mentioned Sublime Text 2
>> a superb editor, a natural if you are moving on from Homesite
>> On 14/08/2012 00:15, Pete Ruckelshaus wrote:
>>> I teach web design and web programming at a public high school.  I have
>>> been using homesite for my classes, but it doesn't play well in our
>>> environment (locked down C drive, network me, it has
>>> issues).  Are there any current text editors that play well with HTML,
>> CSS,
>>> JavaScript, and CF, that are also free?  It doesn't need to be a super
>>> heavy duty app like Eclipse, in fact, I tried that with my web design
>> class
>>> and it was a nightmare because of its complexity.
>>> Platform is WinXP.
>>> Thanks for any suggestions,
>>> Pete
>> --
>> Yours,
>> Kym Kovan

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Re: Question about using AJAX with

2012-09-23 Thread .jonah

I don't have time right now to delve into the details of coming up with 
a new way to use and what you're trying to do isn't an 
"approved" method of integration.

Their approach for what you're wanting to do is the Direct Post Method:

Have you taken a look at its docs and examples?

Once you have that method working and you really want to try something 
new you could try to migrate it to posting via AJAX instead of directly...

On 9/23/12 6:27 PM, Rick Faircloth wrote:
> When you say "endpoint", you mean the "success"
> section of the code? That's always the way I do AJAX
> when I'm sending requests to component methods for processing.
> Is there something about sending a post to another
> server/domain that makes that unworkable?
>> not actually getting a response at all
> Yes, I've noticed that from the start...nothing in Firebug
> in the Response section in any browser.
> The only thing I see different in Firebug in Chrome is under
> headers > RequestHeaders I've got these lines:
> Content-Typeapplication/x-www-form-urlencoded
> Accept  application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
> Is there a disconnect between the content-type (sent? received?)
> and what will be accepted (by my code? by's server?)
> Does this tell you anything?
> And you asked where in the docs have I seen this
> "endpoint"... well, nowhere, but then, I haven't seen much of
> anything except a ton of PHP code and an example of CF processing
> using CFHTTP.
> I noticed that cfpayment uses CFHTTP in part of the programming.
> If I use CFHTTP to process the form, does that mean that I'm now
> handling the form data "on my server", requiring more stringent
> PCI compliance that doing a straight AJAX post?
> I'm sure there's just something I don't understand about what's
> going on, especially since this is my first experience with a
> payment gateway, as well as the first time I've ever used AJAX
> to post to another domain/site.
> So, is what I'm trying to do with my code even possible?
> I'm getting correct processing on's end. They send
> me the customer and merchant email receipts.
> I just can't figure out how to get a response back to my AJAX
> function.
> Any more suggestions?
> Rick
> -Original Message-
> From: .jonah []
> Sent: Sunday, September 23, 2012 3:51 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: Question about using AJAX with
> I don't quite know how you're using that endpoint with AJAX.
> If you click on that URL in firebug, you'll see you're not actually
> getting a response at all.
> Also, try your form in Chrome.
> I get this in the console:
> XMLHttpRequest cannot load
> Origin http:// server> is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.
> Where in the docs does it talk about using this endpoint
> in this way?
> On 9/23/12 5:54 AM, Rick Faircloth wrote:
>>  $(document).ready(function() {
>> $('#donation_form_submit').click(function() {
>>var x_login =   '25F2wqnuFs';
>>var x_tran_key  =   '3B58p37d9PJxUUR9';
>>var x_relay_response=   'false';
>>var x_type  =   'AUTH_CAPTURE';
>>var x_method=   'CC';
>>var x_description   =   'Donation';
>>var x_card_num  =   $('#x_card_num').val();
>>var x_card_num  =
>> x_card_num.replace(/\D/g,'');
>>var x_exp_date  =
>> $('#p_cc_exp_month').val()+$('#p_cc_exp_year').val();
>>var x_amount=
>> $('input[name=x_amount]:checked').val();
>>var x_first_name=
> $('#x_first_name').val();
>>var x_last_name =   $('#x_last_name').val();
>>var x_address   =   $('#x_address').val();
>>var x_city  =   $('#x_city').val();
>>var x_state =   

Re: Question about using AJAX with

2012-09-23 Thread .jonah

I don't quite know how you're using that endpoint with AJAX.

If you click on that URL in firebug, you'll see you're not actually 
getting a response at all.

Also, try your form in Chrome.

I get this in the console:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load Origin http:// is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin.

Where in the docs does it talk about using this endpoint 
in this way?

On 9/23/12 5:54 AM, Rick Faircloth wrote:
> $(document).ready(function() {
>$('#donation_form_submit').click(function() {
>   var x_login =   '25F2wqnuFs';
>   var x_tran_key  =   '3B58p37d9PJxUUR9';
>   var x_relay_response=   'false';
>   var x_type  =   'AUTH_CAPTURE';
>   var x_method=   'CC';
>   var x_description   =   'Donation';
>   var x_card_num  =   $('#x_card_num').val();
>   var x_card_num  =
> x_card_num.replace(/\D/g,'');
>   var x_exp_date  =
> $('#p_cc_exp_month').val()+$('#p_cc_exp_year').val();
>   var x_amount=
> $('input[name=x_amount]:checked').val();
>   var x_first_name=   $('#x_first_name').val();
>   var x_last_name =   $('#x_last_name').val();
>   var x_address   =   $('#x_address').val();
>   var x_city  =   $('#x_city').val();
>   var x_state =   $('#x_state').val();
>   var x_zip   =   $('#x_zip').val();
>   var x_email =   $('#x_email').val();
>   values  =   {   x_login:x_login,
>   x_tran_key: x_tran_key,
>   x_relay_response:   x_relay_response,
>   x_type: x_type,
>   x_method:   x_method,
>   x_description:  x_description,
>   x_card_num: x_card_num,
>   x_exp_date: x_exp_date,
>   x_amount:   x_amount,
>   x_first_name:   x_first_name,
>   x_last_name:x_last_name,
>   x_address:  x_address,
>   x_city: x_city,
>   x_state:x_state,
>   x_zip:  x_zip,
>   x_email:x_email
> }
>   $.ajax  ({  cache:  false,
>   type:   'post',
>   url:
> '',
>   dataType:   'json',
>   data:   values,
>   beforeSend: function() {
> $('#processing_image').fadeIn(250);
> $('#processing_text').fadeIn(250);
>   },
>   success:function(data) {
> (this alert never works...) ->  alert('inside
> success callback');
>  var parsedData =
> data.split('|');
> (nothing appears in the console log ->  console.log('Data
> Response:', data, 'Parsed Response:', parsedData);
>  if  (
> parsedData[0] == 1  )
> (this alert doesn't show) --->  {
> alert('SUCCESS\nCode: ' + parsedData[0])}
> (this alert doesn't show) --->  else{
> alert('FAILURE\nCode: ' + parsedData[0] + '\nReason: ' + parsedData[3]) }
> (this is the success code I've been trying -->  //if  (
> response != '' )
>  //{
> $('#processing_image').hide();
>  //
> $('#processing_text').hide();
>  //
> $('#processing_success').fadeIn(250);
>  //
> $('#response_code').empty().append(response); }
>  //else{
> $('#response_code').empty().append(response); }

Re: Question about using AJAX with

2012-09-22 Thread .jonah

The response string is returned in the callback. Just .split("|") it to 
get a javascript array. Then do whatever you need to in the response 

 type: "POST",
 url: authNetURL,
 data: { ... }
 }).done(function( data ) {
 var parsedData = data.split("|");
 console.log( "Data Response:", data, "Parsed Response", 
 if (parsedData[0] == 1)
 alert("SUCCESS\nCode: " + parsedData[0]);
 alert("FAILURE\nCode: " + parsedData[0] + "\nReason: " 
+ parsedData[3]);

This is what the string data looks like coming back:
3|2|33|Credit card number is 

The meanings of the columns returned are in the docs and 
can also be found starting at line 423 of this file, but remember CF 
uses 1 based indexes while JS uses 0 based.

On 9/22/12 10:16 PM, Rick Faircloth wrote:
> All that's quite beyond me, Jonah.  Partly because
> I don't make use of the createObject() methodology,
> so I don't understand it very well. The other part, is, well,
> I just don't understand how to apply everything in the docs.
> I guess I'll just need to talk to on Monday
> and see if they know what I need to make this work. I just
> don't know how to handle the data they send back; a pipe-delimited
> list of all transaction information.
> I'm not sure what it's called. Using CFHTTP, all of that is contained
> in cfhttp.fileContent. With that I know how to access the data in
> the delimited string they return.
> Using jQuery AJAX to submit my form, I'm not sure what variable
> (like filecontent for cfhttp) it would come in so I can reference it.
> Does that make sense?
> Rick

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Re: Question about using AJAX with

2012-09-22 Thread .jonah

Wait, you're doing this in CF?

Just use the cfpayment library: or the 
the good parts of the authorizenet.cfc by itself.

On 9/22/12 7:23 PM, Rick Faircloth wrote:
> After running a regular form post (no AJAX, no CFHTTP),
> I get back all my form values in a pipe-delimited string,
> along with's approval code and other transaction
> info they return. The submission is a success. I get the
> successful email notification, etc.
> However, I'm still not sure how to access the pieces of that
> string. What kind of variable is it, if any? Do I need to assign
> the string to a variable, then parse it?
> In the typical AJAX I run, I'm sending data to a component method,
> and I create a Struct and store variables I'm returning to the
> success callback in there, but access them in the AJAX code via
> response.WHATEVER. I've tried "response", "fileContent", etc.,
> trying to figure out how to reference the string that
> returns.
> Any more clues anyone?
> Thanks!
> Rick
> -Original Message-
> From: Rick Faircloth []
> Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 6:05 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: RE: Question about using AJAX with
> Looking at the sample CF code, which posts via CFHTTP,
> this is how the post response gets handled:
> -
> --
>  From that code, I get a list of all the data coming back, but I couldn't use
> the structure,
> "filecontent" to access any field of data.  Maybe I should try
> "filecontent[1]" or something.
> I made the following changes, just to see if I could access the field data
> in the response:
>   Thank you for your donation to USO Tampa Bay.
>   This donation has been made in memory of
> #response_array[69]#.
> And that works.  response_array[69] is the first name of the person the
> donation is sent
> in honor of.
> I tried using "filecontent" as the structure containing all the responses,
> which is the
> first thing I see in the CF code above, "cfhttp.filecontent". But that
> didn't work... is the
> "filecontent" part of that specific to a cfhttp post?
> I thought I'd mention this code before writing up a regular post to
> Does this help figure out the structure the code is being returned in?
> Rick
> -Original Message-
> From: Russ Michaels []
> Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 5:40 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: Question about using AJAX with
> you need to take ajax out of the loop and do a regular http post, and then
> look at the response that comes back, then you will see what variables they
> are sending you and you can then adjust your ajax code accordinly
> On Sat, Sep 22, 2012 at 10:22 PM, Rick Faircloth
> wrote:
>> Judah... (or anyone else...)
>> I'm running successful transactions to from
>> my form using AJAX to post that data to
>> I know the transactions are successful, because I'm getting
>> Customer Receipts (to myself) and Merchant Receipts (again
>> to myself).  However, in the "success" part of my AJAX code,
>> I don't know how to access the data/response that
>> is sending back.  My AJAX routine processes and submits the
>> transaction info, then displays the "Processing..." message
>> and the page sits there, because I don't know how to check
>> for the "This transaction has been approved." code. I'm not
>> sure what variable/array to check.
>> What variable should I test to make sure the transaction was
>> successful in the AJAX callback? The only ColdFusion documentation
>> I could find doesn't involve AJAX and just uses CFHTTP, which
>> I want to avoid to simply PCI compliance. (However, I will be
>> running server-side validation of the data, including credit
>> card numbers, to make sure one's been entered and is in the
>> correct format... does that mean I've now passed the data to my
>> server and causes me to have to be as stringent about PCI
>> compliance as if I were using CFHTTP to post to
>> in the first place, instead of AJAX?
>> Thanks for any feedback!
>> Rick
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Rick Faircloth []
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2012 6:37 PM
>> To: cf-talk
>> Subject: RE: Question about using AJAX with
>> Thanks for the perspective, Juday...
>> My plan is to run client-side validation via Javascript when info is
>> being entered into the form, then validate with CF in a cfc method
>> once the form passes Javascript validation and return any errors
>> that CF picks up. Usually, there aren't 

Re: (ot) How compatible is SQLServer 2012 with SQL Server 2005 databases?

2012-09-14 Thread .jonah

I don't know, but you may be able to DTS the DBs back to the older 
version - while losing any 2008-specific features?

I know I can connect to and manage a SQL 2000 database server from 2008 
enterprise manager.

On 9/14/12 2:43 AM, Mike Kear wrote:
> Thanks, Maureeen and Russ.  I fully expected to be able to upgrade 2005
> databases to 2008 or further.What I'm really worried about is whether
> I'll be able to develop databases on my laptops with the newer database,
> and deploy the resulting work onto the client's SQL2005 database somehow.
> Is there a converter utility or something  or can i create a 2005 database
> using SQL Server 2008?
> Maybe I'd be better to install only the SQL2005 on my laptops.
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> AFP Webworks
> Windsor, NSW, Australia.
> On Fri, Sep 14, 2012 at 6:38 PM, Maureen  wrote:
>> 2005 databases will likely run without problem once upgraded to 2012 - but
>> you won't be able to take those databases back to a 2005 server and run
>> them once you've upgraded them.  The issues are here:
>>  - especially the
>> link at the bottom for backward compatibility issues.
>> You can also run multiple instances of the database - different versions -
>> on the same machine.  That might be your best choice.
>> On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 7:35 PM, Mike Kear  wrote:
>>> Sorry for asking an OT question, but I've been asking around Microsoft
>> (at
>>> least 10 different people in MS Support,  and in Partner services)  for
>>> more than a week and after all this time not a single MS person will even
>>> attempt to answer this question 
>>> If i install a SQL Server 2012 product,   (any level - Express or up to
>>> Enterprise )   how compatible is it with SQL Server 2005 databases?
>>> The reason I ask is I'm building new laptops for development, based on
>>> Windows 7 Pro OS,  and want to install up to date software if i can.
>> But
>>> my major client uses SQLServer 2005 as his production database.
>> Therefore
>>> any machine I build has to be capable of developing SQL2005 databases.
>>> Does anyone here know the answer?  Or else can anyone point me towards
>>> someone who could tell me?

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Re: Embedding image to a document that is attached to an email

2012-09-13 Thread .jonah

It's been a few years since I had to do this last, so I don't remember 
exactly how  No joy. This is so frustrating.
> On Sep 13, 2012, at 3:30 PM, .jonah  wrote:
>> See if
>> works...
>> On 9/13/12 1:42 PM, Bruce Sorge wrote:

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Re: Embedding image to a document that is attached to an email

2012-09-13 Thread .jonah

See if


On 9/13/12 1:42 PM, Bruce Sorge wrote:

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Embedding image to a document that is attached to an email

2012-09-13 Thread .jonah

Aahh, OK. And then the HTML code in that that's used to generate the 
content of the PDF? (Well, just the  
> On Sep 13, 2012, at 12:49 PM, ".jonah"  wrote:
>> What tag do you have in the HTML to generate your PDF now?

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Embedding image to a document that is attached to an email

2012-09-13 Thread .jonah

What tag do you have in the HTML to generate your PDF now?

On 9/13/12 11:37 AM, Bruce Sorge wrote:
> Yeah, that is the live server and I have no control over that. My testing 
> server does the same thing and it's a MAC
> Bruce
> On Sep 13, 2012, at 12:24 PM, Russ Michaels  wrote:
>> I can;t help you with MAC, but the url you sent earlier showed an IIS error
>> page.

Order the Adobe Coldfusion Anthology now!

Re: Embedding image to a document that is attached to an email

2012-09-13 Thread .jonah

Lowercase "l":

Try  in your PDF.

On 9/13/12 9:37 AM, Bruce Sorge wrote:
> Here is what is weird;
> If you go to you see the logo.
> If you go to you get a 404 
> error.
> The IMG SRC is Images/Logo.png. I am at a loss. It seems that if a file is 
> there when you browse to it you should see it. Weird.
> Bruce
> On Sep 13, 2012, at 10:30 AM, ".jonah"  wrote:
>> Ok, so what is the url to the image that actually works in your browser
>> and what is the webroot for your server and the document root for that
>> particular site?

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Re: Embedding image to a document that is attached to an email

2012-09-13 Thread .jonah

Ok, so what is the url to the image that actually works in your browser 
and what is the webroot for your server and the document root for that 
particular site?

On 9/13/12 6:17 AM, John Drake wrote:
>> I have done the following:
> Neither that URL nor this one:
> (
> Actually pull up an image through a browser.  They give 404 errors.

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Re: Embedding image to a document that is attached to an email

2012-09-12 Thread .jonah

And actually make the path absolute to the app root:

On 9/12/12 2:16 PM, Russ Michaels wrote:
> you should reference the image locally, e.g.
> On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 10:09 PM, Bruce Sorge  wrote:
>> So I have a page that every day queries a db for new voucher
>> registrations. I am using CFDOCUMENT to create a PDF for the voucher, then
>> CFMAIL to attach the voucher to an email. Problem is that I cannot get the
>> companies logo image to appear on the PDF. I am using the folllowing code:
>>  >>"
>> ...
>> >
>> blah blah blah
>> I also tried expandpath but that did  not work either. Any suggestions?
>> Bruce

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Re: automated screen capture of web pages

2012-09-12 Thread .jonah

There are a bunch of webpage-thumbnail-as-a-service offerings. See if 
any one of them works for you!

On 9/12/12 12:50 PM, Dave Jemison wrote:
> A recent project involves removing over a thousand folders from a site and 
> archiving them. There is also a requirement to create an image of each 
> archived page.
> Rather than manually going to each page (e.g., 
> and manually take a screenshot then save it), I am hoping to find something 
> more automated.
> My boss suggested snagit, but I don't see how to create an automated process 
> like this with it.
> I suppose an option may be to loop through the folder and do a cfhttp request 
> and use cfdocument to make a .pdf file of each page?
> Other suggestions?

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Re: cfhttp ignore SSL error

2012-09-10 Thread .jonah

Good point.

Here's my writeup on importing certs into the java keystore in ColdFusion:


On 9/10/12 9:21 PM, Byron Mann wrote:
> You can download the certificate and import it into your server jre cacerts
> file using the java keytool.
> Google ColdFusion import ssl, for some more help. That article was based
> around Jrun, but applies to whatever jvm you are using.
> You'll need a CF restart after, to get it working. Didn't see that in the
> article.
> For years I wish there was an ignore certificate option like wget with
> cfhttp, or at the very least would match wildcard certs.
> Byron Mann
> Lead Engineer and Architect

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Re: Getting thread name via CF

2012-09-06 Thread .jonah

Take a look at the CFTracker source:

On 9/6/12 12:28 PM, Rick Root wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a process that runs using an event gateway.  Sometimes, I'd like to
> be able to look in FusionReactor and see what it is currently doing, if
> anything.
> But I don't alwaysk now what thread to look at, and I don't want to have to
> look and every thread to find it.
> I know that if I do a  statement, it will log the thread name...
> I wondered if there's a way I can access the current java thread name from
> within the CF code itself.
> Thanks.
> Rick

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Re: SOT: Thoughts on Hostek?

2012-08-31 Thread .jonah

Thanks All.

On 8/31/12 1:17 PM, Gerald Guido wrote:
>>> You **will not** find a better host in the CFML world. Period.
> 1++ for what Matt said. Hands down the best hosting company I have ever
> dealt with and I have had (and worked for a couple) a lot of hosting
> companies.
> G!
> On Fri, Aug 31, 2012 at 4:08 PM, Matt Quackenbush wrote:
>> I am biased as hell (no, I don't make a penny from my bias), but I would
>> strongly urge you to have your client go with Vivio instead. You **will
>> not** find a better host in the CFML world. Period.
>> On Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 8:41 PM, Jordan Michaels >> wrote:
>>> The folks at Hostek are good people that I'm proud to call "friends" of
>>> mine. They know their stuff. I'm confident they can take care of you and
>>> your client.
>>> Warm Regards,
>>> Jordan Michaels
>>> On 08/30/2012 06:35 PM, .jonah wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I have a client who's thinking of using for a fairly large
>>>> Mura site.
>>>> I don't know anything about them - any experiences / thoughts /
>>>> recommendations?
>>>> (Off list is fine too.)
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> .jonah

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SOT: Thoughts on Hostek?

2012-08-30 Thread .jonah

Hi All,

I have a client who's thinking of using for a fairly large 
Mura site.

I don't know anything about them - any experiences / thoughts / 

(Off list is fine too.)


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Re: JVM settings question

2012-08-29 Thread .jonah

Good call on looking at external and code issues.

I had a server that would hang solid every few days and FusionReactor 
showed me the culprit: a lock deep in some CF library. Took care of that 
and the server's been rock-solid since.

On 8/29/12 5:56 PM, Wil Genovese wrote:
> Do you have any metrics monitoring of the JVM?  There can be any number of 
> reason why sites are "sluggish" at times.  Blindly altering the JVM settings 
> may not help you and may hurt your cause.
> You can enable metrics logging in ColdFusion Standard by editing the JRUN.XML 
> file. 
> You can download and run CFTracker
> You can install the Trial of Fusion Reactor or SeeFusion.
> All of these will give you greater insight into your server, JVM inner memory 
> spaces and the last two can give you metrics data on the JDBC data.
> Odds are ColdFusion is keeping just fine. In most cases that I've worked on 
> there are outside factors affecting the server; database, system I/O, 
> backups, network issues,  cfhttp calls, over active spiders, unexpected 
> consequences of code when scaled etc.
> Regards,
> Wil Genovese
> Sr. Web Application Developer/
> Systems Administrator
> CF Webtools
> On Aug 29, 2012, at 7:38 PM, Robert Rhodes wrote:
>> Yes: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
>> How about I try setting min and max heap size to 2gb and see how that goes?
>> Anything else I should tweak?  Garbage Collection?
>> On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 8:05 PM, .jonah  wrote:
>>> Are you running 64bit Java?
>>> You can give the JVM as much RAM as you can spare.
>>> On 8/29/12 4:56 PM, Robert Rhodes wrote:
>>>> Hello to all.
>>>> I have several Windows 2008 R2 x64 servers running Coldfusion 9 standard.
>>>>   Each has 6 gigabytes of RAM.  Each runs about 50 fairly active sites.
>>> I
>>>> have not had any JVM errors I know about but sometimes the sites run
>>> slower
>>>> than they should, as if CF is having trouble keeping up.
>>>> Any suggestions on JVM settings for this configuration?  Currently, I
>>> have
>>>> Min and Max JVM size both set at 1GB.  I have changed no other arguments.
>>>> Thanks for the help.
>>>> -RR

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Re: JVM settings question

2012-08-29 Thread .jonah

I've got a 3 gig heap and these settings on a similarly spec'ed box - no 
claim whether they're ideal or not.

-server -XX:MaxPermSize=512m 
-XX:+UseParallelGC -Xbatch -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=60 

On 8/29/12 5:38 PM, Robert Rhodes wrote:
> Yes: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
> How about I try setting min and max heap size to 2gb and see how that goes?
>   Anything else I should tweak?  Garbage Collection?
> On Wed, Aug 29, 2012 at 8:05 PM, .jonah  wrote:
>> Are you running 64bit Java?
>> You can give the JVM as much RAM as you can spare.
>> On 8/29/12 4:56 PM, Robert Rhodes wrote:
>>> Hello to all.
>>> I have several Windows 2008 R2 x64 servers running Coldfusion 9 standard.
>>>Each has 6 gigabytes of RAM.  Each runs about 50 fairly active sites.
>>   I
>>> have not had any JVM errors I know about but sometimes the sites run
>> slower
>>> than they should, as if CF is having trouble keeping up.
>>> Any suggestions on JVM settings for this configuration?  Currently, I
>> have
>>> Min and Max JVM size both set at 1GB.  I have changed no other arguments.
>>> Thanks for the help.
>>> -RR

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Re: JVM settings question

2012-08-29 Thread .jonah

Are you running 64bit Java?

You can give the JVM as much RAM as you can spare.

On 8/29/12 4:56 PM, Robert Rhodes wrote:
> Hello to all.
> I have several Windows 2008 R2 x64 servers running Coldfusion 9 standard.
>   Each has 6 gigabytes of RAM.  Each runs about 50 fairly active sites.  I
> have not had any JVM errors I know about but sometimes the sites run slower
> than they should, as if CF is having trouble keeping up.
> Any suggestions on JVM settings for this configuration?  Currently, I have
> Min and Max JVM size both set at 1GB.  I have changed no other arguments.
> Thanks for the help.
> -RR

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Re: OT - JS Question

2012-08-29 Thread .jonah

Trigger the form serialization and AJAX form submission "onchange" and 
then trigger the popup from the success callback to the AJAX call.

Are you doing this with vanilla.js or using a library like jQuery?

On 8/28/12 3:30 PM, Bruce Sorge wrote:
> Can someone point me to a site or a sample of JS that does the following:
> User enters first name, last name and birth date (birthdate is in a specific 
> format by using drop downs and not free text).
> Once the birth year has been selected, a query is triggered to check for the 
> existence of the same information that was just entered.
> If a match is found, a pop up is displayed stating that they have already 
> registered.
> If no match, nothing happens.
> Thanks,
> Bruce

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Re: Updating SQL Lite Offline

2012-08-08 Thread .jonah

You should be able to have the CF8 system create a properly formatted 
CSV export of the new records.
Then write a script to take that and ".import" that into the sqlite.

 From my :30 of googling for "bulk load" this was the first thing I came 

Read up on sqlite's .import and see where that and a batch file gets you.


On 8/8/12 3:09 AM, Kevin Parker wrote:
> I can't see an elegant solution to this but thought I'd pose the question
> here in case someone has a better insight than me to this type of issue.
> Here's the business problem
> System Owner runs a web based system (CF8 and SQL Server 2005 on a shared
> hosting platform). Their Client orders up an assessment for an Applicant
> (via the web system) and the Applicant goes to the web based system to
> complete the assessment. The system them notifies the System Owner (by
> email) that an assessment has been done and they do some further work and
> report back to the Client.
> As part of internal processes the System Owner rekeys a subset of the data
> into their internal systems (mainly demographic data, not assessment data).
> That triggers some internal activities as part of the assessment and also
> triggers raising an invoice for the service.
> The internal system is not web facing and (they tell me) is MS Access
> interfacing to SQL Lite.
> I'm trying to identify ways to reduce the level of rekeying here when an
> assessment has been completed but I think without some major internal
> changes or moving their internal system out to the web or elsewhere then it
> will remain a manual operation.
> Thank you!!!
> ++
> Kevin Parker
> m: 0418 815 527
> ++

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Re: simple question...cfmodule

2012-07-24 Thread .jonah

Is clientID a reserved word? Have you tested calling it something else?

On 7/24/12 2:43 PM, Eric Roberts wrote:
>  template="#application.paths.includes#/meeting/MeetingFunctions.cfm"
>   action="GetSingle"
>   mode="full"
>   meetingID="#variables.meetingID#"
>   clientID="#variables.clientID#"
>   r_stMeeting="stMeeting">
> ClientID doesn't come across as an attribute...
> I do see the other attributes and they have the expected values.
> Eric Roberts
> Owner/Developer
> Three Ravens Consulting
> tel:
> 630-881-1515
> -Original Message-
> From: Alan Rother []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2012 4:25 PM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: Re: simple question...cfmodule
> Hey Eric,
> You shouldnt need to restart - can you show us the code you're using?

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Re: Error accessing COM object

2012-07-16 Thread .jonah

Are you on a 64-bit OS? They don't support COM.

On 7/16/12 12:28 AM, Megha Kolpyakwar wrote:
> hi
> Wwhen I try to use cfobject  for code it gives an error
>  name="XMLDoc">
> The error message is
> An exception occurred when instantiating a COM object.
> The cause of this exception was that: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can not use 
> native code: Initialisation failed.
> I am using coldfusion 8. Also verified that i am using 64-bit Java VM.
> Any pointers in this direction will be helpful

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Re: Code Re-Factoring

2012-07-09 Thread .jonah

IntelliJ IDEA seems to get the best rep for refactoring.

On 7/10/12 2:15 PM, Brett Davis wrote:
> Question: Has anyone ever had to do code re-factoring that involved taking 
> attributes from one set of tags and moving them to a different set of tags 
> within the same template? For example taking the attributes from the 
> following tag  useJQuery='true'> and moving them to this tag .
> Client has switched to using Boilerplate for JS stuff and wanted all the tags 
> that referenced a set of attributes from the site wide header file to be 
> moved to the footer file. My first thought was to write up some ColdFusion 
> code to parse through all the files and use RegEx to manipulate the code in 
> the templates. Then as I thought through all the variables, the amount of 
> code it would take to do it, and the fact that ColdFusion doesn't like 
> parsing thought thousands of files [read that as request time out setting 
> would be very high], I decided to just cut and paste by hand. However I was 
> just wondering if anyone else has had to tackle this problem previously and 
> what if any was your different solution to the problem.
> Side note: My quick search for GREP/ RegEx software to do it for me turned up 
> nothing useful.

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Re: In CF 10, how to force session to end when browser is closed

2012-07-04 Thread .jonah

I don't have CF10 installed to confirm, but have you tried re-setting 
the cookies without an expires? (e.g. session cookies.)

On 7/5/12 5:45 PM, Byte Me wrote:
> < used to associate requests to the session>>
> Are you saying that you have a different way to do this than the way I've 
> described above?
> Yes, the session remains on the server until it times out, but CF 10 does not 
> allow you to do what you have proposed. I did it in CF7 & 8 (never used 9) 
> for the last 7 years. The procedure I have used for the last 7 years is a 
> valid way to do this, I got it from the Web Application Construction Kit 
> written by Ben Forta & others.
>   If you have been able to set the cfid & cftoken cookies to expire when the 
> browser closes (with CF10), I would greatly appreciate it if you could pass 
> along the procedure you used. I understand that people are trying to help, 
> but has anyone actually used CF10 to verify the symptoms I've reported? thanks

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