Re: Force use of HTTPS

2004-11-23 Thread Patricia Lee
Would this help?

cfif cgi.SERVER_PORT NEQ 443
  cfset redir = 'Https://'  HTTP_HOST  PATH_INFO
  cflocation url=#redir# addtoken=No

 Hi again - how do I force hte use of HTTPS pages ? I can force the flow of
 pages with cflocation tags, but I want to stop a user just typing in the
 URL as HTTP ? Thanks

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Re: jumps

2004-11-10 Thread Patricia Lee
In CFTML: a href=somepage.htm##gohere

Doubling up the # sign escapes it.  ONly necessary if the link is within a
cfoutput block.

 Probably not the right term but I don't have my HTML guide in front of me.

 In HTML: a href=somepage.htm#gohere

 Can I do that in CF?

 Larry V. Stephens
 Office of Risk Management


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Re: OT: DB Design - Bad Case of the Mondays

2004-10-11 Thread Patricia Lee
Perhaps add a third table AuthorizedUsers that allows a many to one
between users and accounts.

You can maintain the one-one relationship between accounts and Users to
represent the primary uber-authorized user.


 I've got a db that includes the following tables:

 AccountID PK
 AccountRepID FK

 UserID PK
 AccountID FK

 The Users table will be used for logins to the system.In the Users table
 will be

 SysAdminssystem administrators
 AccountRepsaccount sales representatives
 AccountOwners Account owners
 AccountUsersAcount editors

 I have a 1:1 relationship from Accounts to sales reps in the Users.But
 I'd also like a many:1 relationship from Users who either own accounts or
 are editors of those accounts.I can't have both relationships.

 How best to approach this?

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2004-10-07 Thread Patricia Lee
Honestly, for the specific scenario you provide (and also in general for
cfif vs cfswitch) I believe it all comes down to a matter of preference. 
This is one of those things where the question is one faster doesn't
really apply, because if one *is* faster one would be hard pressed to
prove such to the point where it becomes a clear pointer that one should
always prefer method a over method b.

For what it's worth, I'd probably use cfswitch to do what you're laying
out below.Either would would just as well.


 I have a scenario where I need to display different results for
 product details, and would like to find out which would be most
 efficient to use.

 I've always used CFIF but wanted to find out along the way while
 completely redeveloping this app - code and db - which one is best.

 Here's the basic idea-

 CFIF TypeID = 0
Use Default Layout
Use Layout 1
Use Layout 2

 I think that's enough for you to understand what I mean. The #TypeID#
 and #Layout# will come from a table that could have an unlimited
 number of results, so I'd like to use the option best for dynamic

 Thanks for your help,

 Donna French


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Re: Headache with # in table colors

2004-10-05 Thread Patricia Lee
Double up on the pound signs



Leave off the pound signs all together


 Is there an easy way to go about handling table rows/columns colors as
 I am doing my page design/layout?

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Re: cflogin ?

2004-10-03 Thread Patricia Lee
cfif NOT IsUserInRole('admin') AND NOT IsUserInRole('user')

 i cant ever find anything that tells how to check for more than 1
 acceptable roles

 so, say there are 2 roles (admin, user) and both can access the same pages
 would it be?

 !--- check to see if user is logged in ---
 cfif NOT IsUserInRole('admin') OR NOT IsUserInRole('user')
 	cflocation url="" addtoken=no

 i cant find any docs that give any info on it

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Re: Problem with CreateODBCDateTime(Now())

2004-09-20 Thread Patricia Lee
You probably want

dateformat(now(), mm/dd/)

createodbcdatetime creates, well, an odbc date/time... which is exactly
what you're seeing in the database.Usually used during db inserts casue
it's the format that most discerning databases like best.

Of course, you could always insert the odbcdatetime() value and
dateformat() it on display.Choose your poison.


 I'm trying to set the date when a user logs in, but it keeps showing up in
 the database as:
 cfoutput{ts '2004-09-20 13:21:00'}/cfoutput

 on my action page I have
 cfset datetime=cfoutput#CreateODBCDateTime(Now())#/cfoutput

 cfquery datasource=dsn
 	UPDATE trackusers
 	SET Logindate='#datetime#', IP='#remote_addr#',
 browser='#http_user_agent#', remote_host='#remote_host#',
 	WHERE username = '#username#'
 	AND pwd = '#pwd#'

 What am I doing wrong?


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Re: looping through checkboxes

2004-08-25 Thread Patricia Lee
Assuming that your form has a checkbox named aging, try this syntax instead:

cfif structkeyexists(form, aging)
cfset the_dept = form.aging
I didn't attempt to replicate your entire logic, however so tweak as needed.


 I'm trying to do a cfloop to go through a set of checkboxes by an
 array of their names and if they're define, then take their value and
 make an appended string.If a variable is missing, it dies on the
 isDefined and also did so with parameterExists with this error
 Parameter 1 of function IsDefined, which is now Center on
 Aging, must be a syntactically valid variable name. The
 value that it complains about is the checkboxes value but I was
 trying to get the variable name in there through the evaluation.

 Here's the code:

 cfset the_dept = 
 cfset departments = listToArray(aging,fmst,knes,dean,pch,studserv)
 cfloop index=ii from=1 to=6
cfif isDefined(evaluate(departments[ii]))
cfset the_dept = #the_dept#|#tmp_dept#

 Daniel Kessler

 Department of Public and Community Health
 University of Maryland
 Suite 2387 Valley Drive
 College Park, MD20742-2611
 301-405-2545 Phone

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Scripting to add a mapping to CF Administrator

2004-08-25 Thread Patricia Lee
Does anyone know of a script that will write a mapping to the CF
Administrator, without the user having to open the administrator manually?

Possible?Too insecure for MM to have allowed?

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RE: Scripting to add a mapping to CF Administrator

2004-08-25 Thread Patricia Lee
Undocumented, unsupported and exactly what I need.Thank you.

 cfset factory = createObject('java','coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory')

 cfset mappings = factory.runtimeService.getMappings()
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Regex Question: All punct except...

2004-08-19 Thread Patricia Lee
I want a CF regex to replace all punctuation except for the / character.

I made it work with the following:


But I was wondering if there was a simpler way to write it with the
[:punct:] class?
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Re: Regex Question: All punct except...

2004-08-19 Thread Patricia Lee
Thanks for the repy and for the advice.Not my strong suit, regex is.


 I can't think of a clean way to use the punct class.

 However, I will state that writing out the chars you *do* want to
 replace in a class is going to run faster than what you have.On the
 other hand, it's annoying to write.:-)

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Re: keeping form data during server-side validation

2004-08-18 Thread Patricia Lee
I see a cflocation in your code for the action page.

When you cflocate back to the form page you lose your form variables. 
This is why they don't display for you.The cfparam, in this case, will
stop any errors, but it won't magically keep your values.

The easiest (but not only) way to do what you want is to have only one
page, with the form posting to itself.Pseudo-Code and additional
explanation follows.

*** pseudo code ***

cfparam name=errorMessage default=
cfif not structisempty(form)

... process action elements here ...

cfif user name already exists
 cfset message = Message


cfif len(trim(message)) GT 0
Display Message Here, Above the form
.. display form here...

*** END pseudo code ***

Then you could either follow previous advice and cfparam all your
formfields, or you could embed some conditional logic in your formfields

cfparam name=form.UserFirstName default=
input name=UserFirstName type=text
size=15 maxlength=25


input name=UserFirstName type=text
size=15 maxlength=25
cfif isdefined(form.userfirstname)

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Re: Can the following be written in cfscript?

2004-08-06 Thread Patricia Lee
or as an alternate for the listloop:

while (listlen(form.fieldnames) GT 0){
field = ListFirst(form.fieldnames);
form[field] = ;
form.fieldnames = ListRest(form.fieldnames);

 Che Vilnonis wrote:

 If yes, how would it look. :)

 cfif NOT isDefined(Form.Fieldnames)
 	cfset Fieldnames = CCType,CCNumber,CCID,CCMonth,CCYear,CCExpire
cfloop list=#Fieldnames# index=i
 		cfset Form[i] = 

 if (NOT IsDefined(Form.Fieldnames) {
Fieldnames = CCType,CCNumber,CCID,CCMonth,CCYear,CCExpire ; for (
i=1 ; i LTE ListLen(Fieldnames) ; i = i + 1 ) {
 form[ListGetAt(Fieldnames,i)] = ;


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RE: Can the following be written in cfscript?

2004-08-06 Thread Patricia Lee
We all have our preferences :)

 Why tokenize the list twice per iteration when we can do it three times


 -Original Message-
 From: Patricia Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 4:09 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Can the following be written in cfscript?

 or as an alternate for the listloop:

 while (listlen(form.fieldnames) GT 0){
field = ListFirst(form.fieldnames);
form[field] = ;
form.fieldnames = ListRest(form.fieldnames);
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RE: SOAP and Coldfusion

2001-07-05 Thread Patricia Lee

There's a chapter on the subject in the Professional ColdFusion 5.0 book by

|-Original Message-
|From: Kinley Pon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 2:50 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: SOAP and Coldfusion
|Hello everyone,
|I am looking for an example of integrating the use of SOAP (simple
|object access protocol) with Coldfusion.  
|I would be most grateful.
|thanks - Kinley
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RE: Capture URL as Variable

2001-07-04 Thread Patricia Lee

cgi.query_string will return everything after the ? in a url.  combine that
with getfilefrompath (or other cgi variables that can return pretty much the
same info) and you should be able to do what you want.

|-Original Message-
|From: Andrew Peterson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, July 03, 2001 4:14 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Capture URL as Variable
|This is probably a dumb question. Let's say a user is visiting 
|a page on my
|site called
| and I want to 
|capture the template
|name and corresponding name/value pairs (in this case,
|homepage.cfm?memberid=123) into a variable? Is there a 
|function that does
|this? I can use GetFileFromPath(GetTemplatePath()) to get 
|homepage.cfm, but
|that leaves out everything after cfm. Basically, I want to create an
|application which will allow users to bookmark their favorites 
|on my site,
|so I need everything captured after the .com.
|Thanks for any help.
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RE: Calling Application.cfm/OnRequestEnd.cfm directly

2001-06-15 Thread Patricia Lee

Don't call application.cfm or onrequestend.cfm directly.  That's it.  No
magic bullet.  It's the only thing you can do.

|-Original Message-
|From: Erki Esken [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 5:22 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Calling Application.cfm/OnRequestEnd.cfm directly
|Is there a way to disable error messages that are thrown when
|Application.cfm or OnRequestEnd.cfm are called directly ending 
|up in and
|clogging ColdFusion's application.log?
|Example from application.log:
|(compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0),Invalid Request of
|requested a template with the name APPLICATION.CFM or ONREQUESTEND.CFM.
|These file names are reserved by the ColdFusion engine for the
|specification of application level settings and therefore cannot be
|directly requested from a web client.PIf you are creating a template
|which is intended for direct access by end users you should use a name
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2001-06-05 Thread Patricia Lee

Forgive me if this sounds silly

Are you using the correct attribute?  There is no Timeout attribute to
CFCOOKIE.  it should be Expires:

cfcookie name=blah default=yo baby expires=never

Without an expires attribute, cfcookie creates a session cookie... meaning
the browser never writes the info to the cookie file and the cookie never
persists.  If you have been using the (nonexistent) timeout attribute
rather than the expires attribute, this would explain your behavior.

Also, check your browser settings.  Some browsers can be set to allow
cookies to be recieved, but then never permanently set (though I have a
feeling this might not be your problem).

|-Original Message-
|From: Michael Lugassy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 12:41 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: KILL THE COOK!
|Please try to look into this again.
|this thread has been reviewd and partially answered by many 
|(actually 13
|but still - no answer. can anyone try to help out?
| I'm getting really frustrated from this CFCOOKIE thing.
| Apparently, after I assign the cookie with Timeout=Never the cookie
| is deleted and terminated every time the user closes the browser.
| I tried to change Timeout to 14 days, but it didn't help.
| Closing the browser terminates the cookie.
| Is there a diffrent way to assign cookies?
| -=Michael.
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RE: Select Boxes limiting drop down :: Please Look

2001-05-31 Thread Patricia Lee

It would be much better to say

WHERE EmployeeID NOT IN (#QuotedValueList(Get_Golf.EmployeeName)#)

|-Original Message-
|From: Paul Ihrig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 12:48 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Select Boxes  limiting drop down :: Please Look
|thanks Alistair.
|but i just did this, it may be way wrong.
|it works but if you know it is bad, please let me know
|!--- Get the id of golfer EmployeeName for limiting drop down ---
|cfquery name=Get_Golf datasource=#MM_golf_DSN#
|username=#MM_golf_USERNAME# password=#MM_golf_PASSWORD#
|FROM tbl_Golf 
|GROUP BY EmployeeName
|CFQUERY NAME=rs_Employees
|SELECT FirstName, LastName, Email, EmployeeID
|FROM tbl_Employee
|WHERE EmployeeID NOT IN (cfloop query=Get_Golf
|   /CFLOOP)
|ORDER BY LastName 
|select name=Player4
|cfloop query=rs_Employees
|option value=cfoutput#rs_Employees.EmployeeID#/cfoutput cfif
|(#rs_Employees.EmployeeID# EQ
|FwW man what a day :]
|thanks again
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RE: Request vs application scope

2001-05-29 Thread Patricia Lee

no they aren't.  If you set a request variable in the application.cfm it's
pretty much the same as setting a local variable in terms of persistence...
every page will recreate the variable anew.

Request variables are different, though, from local variables in that they
can be seen inside of custom tags without specifically passing the

One tecnique used often is to set the variable in the application scope in
the application.cfm page (using proper locking, of course) and then to copy
the variable into the request scope immediately after.  This way you save
the cost of creating the variable every page load and/or locking a shared
scope every time the variable is used... and trade it for the smaller
footprint caused by copying the variable from the persistent shared scope to
the request scope.

|-Original Message-
|From: Steve Vosloo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 9:43 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Request vs application scope
|Brilliant! So what's the downside? The variables are not 
|persistent across
|pages are they?
| -Original Message-
| From: Daniel Lancelot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 2:56 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Request vs application scope
| Yes thats right.
| -Original Message-
| From: Steve Vosloo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: 29 May 2001 13:51
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Request vs application scope
| Thanks.
| Can I put any data in there that I want to use across the site?
| And I don't
| have to apply CFLOCKs do I?
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Daniel Lancelot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|  Sent: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 2:32 PM
|  To: CF-Talk
|  Subject: RE: Request vs application scope
|  Absolutely no problem... I do it regularly...
|  -Original Message-
|  From: Steve Vosloo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|  Sent: 29 May 2001 08:34
|  To: CF-Talk
|  Subject: Request vs application scope
|  I am using the following line of code in my application.cfm
|  cfset request.HomeDir =;
  Then elsewhere in the site I refer all links and images to:
  Is this OK to do? I'm trying to avoid using the application
  scope. Are there
  any known of issues with this method?
  Development Manager
  Vardus Internet Solutions (SA)
  Tel: (+27) 21 670 9880
  Fax: (+27) 21 674 4549

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RE: Running com objects from CF

2001-05-23 Thread Patricia Lee

 You might want to take a look at  Its a site explicitly
for CF - COM stuff.  Maybe you can find a resource there to help you out.

-Original Message-
To: CF-Talk
Sent: 5/23/01 11:05 AM
Subject: Running com objects from CF

I need a bit of help with com objects. I've built one that opens Excel
spreadsheets to pick up and output data. It does 4 different things, so
call it from cf and it is scheduled to do these spread across the hour.
problem I've got is that if one overruns the next one then the new one
to halt the first one and leaves it hanging. I don't know if this is
I have mutiple excel processes or running mutiple copies of an object. I
remember reading something about there being a count of the number of
a com object is running you could access, but I don't know where it is.
got instancing is set to MultiUse, is there anything else I need to do
allow mutilpe instances to run?


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RE: Using ParameterExists

2001-05-22 Thread Patricia Lee

While I can't say it would cause your problems, but yes, ParameterExists
does perform more slowly than Isdefined. 

|-Original Message-
|From: Tim Painter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 11:08 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Using ParameterExists
|I am going through some old code where an extensive use of 
|ParameterExists was used.  I am currently switching it over to 
|using IsDefined instead -- my question is -- does anyone know 
|if this tag has any performance degradation?  We have some 
|templates that hang every now and then, and I am trying to 
|pinpoint the problem.
|tim P.
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RE: ACP + M? What's it gonna be?

2001-05-18 Thread Patricia Lee

No.  It is MCCP or MCP.

|-Original Message-
|From: Critter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 5:43 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: ACP + M? What's it gonna be?
|Hello cf-talk,
|In   regards   to   certificaton,  I would assume that it 
|cannot be called MCP (Macromedia
|Certified Professional), will it still stay ACP (Allaire 
|Certified Professional) ??
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RE: EnableCFoutputOnly not cutting the mustard in Custom Tag

2001-05-17 Thread Patricia Lee


CFSCRIPT will cancel ALL output... even that inside of CFOUTPUT tags.  So
I suggest this configuration (tried and testing in CF pages that send info
to MM Generator.. one of the pickiest White Space haters on the planet).

cfsetting enablecfoutputonly=yes
[all kinds of stuff here, building one string]

|-Original Message-
|From: Jamie Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 4:01 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: EnableCFoutputOnly not cutting the mustard in Custom Tag
|I've got a custom tag which returns a small string, but I can't get
|rid of the extra spaces around the string when it's called. This has
|screwed me up several times, and I haven't found a solution yet.
|EnableCFoutputOnly gets rid of most of the garbage whitespace, but it
|leaves a space to the left and right of the desired output string.
|### Custom Tag 
|cfsetting enableCFoutputOnly=yes
|FinalValue = result_of_a_bunch_of_processing;
|cfsetting enableCFoutputOnly=no
|### Calling Script 
|FinalValue = cf_MyCustomTag
|## Results in Browser ##
|FinalValue =  result_of_a_bunch_of_processing 
|But, I would like to see:
|FinalValue = result_of_a_bunch_of_processing
|See those spaces that show up? What's causing them? How do I get rid
|of them?
|Obviously there are workarounds, such as:
|*Send the string back to the calling script with caller.FinalValue
|However, I would like to know if this can work without going the
|caller-scope route.
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RE: EnableCFoutputOnly not cutting the mustard in Custom Tag

2001-05-17 Thread Patricia Lee

1) Nope... as of yet no way to do a cfparam inside of cfscript.  That whole
limitation of only function calls valid from within cfscript and all.  As of
my knoweldge this still is the case in cf 5.

2) I also believe this is nope.  Check my post (came in just after your
self-posted solution).

|-Original Message-
|From: Jamie Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2001 4:40 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Re: EnableCFoutputOnly not cutting the mustard in Custom Tag
|Actually, if I modify the code as follows, I can get rid of the space
|(smash all the preceding and following tags together). However, this
|brings up another question that I asked a while ago: Is there still no
|slick way to do a cfscript version of cfparam? Also, is the
|smashing together of tags (a bit  messy) the only way to accomplish my
|original goal?
|Here is the working code:
|cfsetting enableCFoutputOnly=yescfparam name=1
|default=cfparam name=2 default=cfparam name=3
|FinalValue = result_of_a_bunch_of_processing;
|/cfscriptcfsetting enableCFoutputOnly=no
|On Thu, 17 May 2001 16:01:09 -0400, Jamie Jackson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|I've got a custom tag which returns a small string, but I can't get
|rid of the extra spaces around the string when it's called. This has
|screwed me up several times, and I haven't found a solution yet.
|EnableCFoutputOnly gets rid of most of the garbage whitespace, but it
|leaves a space to the left and right of the desired output string.
|### Custom Tag 
|cfsetting enableCFoutputOnly=yes
|FinalValue = result_of_a_bunch_of_processing;
|cfsetting enableCFoutputOnly=no
|### Calling Script 
|FinalValue = cf_MyCustomTag
|## Results in Browser ##
|FinalValue =  result_of_a_bunch_of_processing 
|But, I would like to see:
|FinalValue = result_of_a_bunch_of_processing
|See those spaces that show up? What's causing them? How do I get rid
|of them?
|Obviously there are workarounds, such as:
|*Send the string back to the calling script with caller.FinalValue
|However, I would like to know if this can work without going the
|caller-scope route.
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RE: Harpoon Release is Final Available

2001-05-15 Thread Patricia Lee

No.  It's an inherent limitation.

|-Original Message-
|From: ibtoad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 12:40 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Harpoon Release is Final  Available
|Is there any way to make the top level of the horizontal tool 
|bar scroll?
|I can only fit 4 top level options, the second level will automatically
|scroll when there are more than the ammount of options that 
|will fit on the
|-Original Message-
|From: Steve Drucker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 12:00 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Harpoon Release is Final  Available
|Well, here's some anecdotal evidence --
|Once we removed XML as a transport mechanism and started relying on
|loadvariables, the average object shrank in byte-size by over 
|50% and load
|times, in one particular case (cascading menu), went from 8 
|seconds to under
|2 seconds.
|Steve Drucker
|Fig Leaf Software
|-Original Message-
|From: Evan Lavidor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 11:00 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Harpoon Release is Final  Available
|Can you point me to any documentation/info from Macromedia or 
|Figleaf which
|shows this?  I'm going to be starting a project with one of our Flash
|developers who's excited about the concept of using XML, but 
|if it doesn't
|perform as well...
|But I'd like to have something with which to back up my claims.
| -Original Message-
| From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 2:55 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Harpoon Release is Final  Available
|   Using WDDX at this time, regrettably, is NOT a best practice.
|  Is this because of some problem with Flash?
| Yes. The current version of Flash doesn't handle XML as 
|efficiently as raw
| string data.
| Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
| voice: (202) 797-5496
| fax: (202) 797-5444
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RE: Harpoon Release is Final Available

2001-05-15 Thread Patricia Lee

I believe the explanation is in the docs (not trying to be snotty ... I
just can't bring up the explanation from memory).  

The following quote from some other written sources on the subject:

Any number of items may be placed in the second level (scrollable)
navigational menu, but the top-level menu is limited by the width and font
attribute values. 

|-Original Message-
|From: ibtoad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 2:31 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Harpoon Release is Final  Available
|-Original Message-
|From: Patricia Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 1:35 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Harpoon Release is Final  Available
|No.  It's an inherent limitation.
||-Original Message-
||From: ibtoad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
||Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 12:40 PM
||To: CF-Talk
||Subject: RE: Harpoon Release is Final  Available
||Is there any way to make the top level of the horizontal tool
||bar scroll?
||I can only fit 4 top level options, the second level will 
||scroll when there are more than the ammount of options that
||will fit on the
||-Original Message-
||From: Steve Drucker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
||Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 12:00 PM
||To: CF-Talk
||Subject: RE: Harpoon Release is Final  Available
||Well, here's some anecdotal evidence --
||Once we removed XML as a transport mechanism and started relying on
||loadvariables, the average object shrank in byte-size by over
||50% and load
||times, in one particular case (cascading menu), went from 8
||seconds to under
||2 seconds.
||Steve Drucker
||Fig Leaf Software
||-Original Message-
||From: Evan Lavidor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
||Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 11:00 AM
||To: CF-Talk
||Subject: RE: Harpoon Release is Final  Available
||Can you point me to any documentation/info from Macromedia or
||Figleaf which
||shows this?  I'm going to be starting a project with one of our Flash
||developers who's excited about the concept of using XML, but
||if it doesn't
||perform as well...
||But I'd like to have something with which to back up my claims.
|| -Original Message-
|| From: Dave Watts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|| Sent: Monday, May 14, 2001 2:55 PM
|| To: CF-Talk
|| Subject: RE: Harpoon Release is Final  Available
||   Using WDDX at this time, regrettably, is NOT a best practice.
||  Is this because of some problem with Flash?
|| Yes. The current version of Flash doesn't handle XML as
||efficiently as raw
|| string data.
|| Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
|| voice: (202) 797-5496
|| fax: (202) 797-5444
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: structure in request scope

2001-05-14 Thread Patricia Lee

Yup.  Was part of a different message, though.  shrug it's all good.

|-Original Message-
|I guess you missed the part about the query being cached.
|best, paul

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: structure in request scope

2001-05-13 Thread Patricia Lee

Problem is, then every page request you are running the query, which takes
longer than to copy the recordset from the shared-server scope.  your
way runs the danger of negating some of the time you would save by creating
the query in the shared scope.

|-Original Message-
|From: Paul Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 9:50 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: structure in request scope
|I find it easier and simpler to put the query in request scope 
|in the first 
|place (not really necessary) and cache it.  That way, none of 
|the below is 
|best,  paul
|At 09:27 AM 5/11/01 -0400, you wrote:
|And to wrap it all up
|You want to write the query in a persistent scope.  But since 
|every time you
|write to or access a persistent scope you must lock the 
|access, you want to
|copy the query to the request scope in the application.cfm.  
|This way you
|will only nead to bother with the locking process when 
|creating the query
|and copying to the request scope.  Everywhere else in your 
|site you'll call
|the request variable to access the query info... and you 
|won't have to use a
|so your application.cfm would look something like this.
|!--- Create the query in a persistent scope ---
|cflock  scope=APPLICATION throwontimeout=No timeout=1
| cfif NOT isdefined(application.myquery)
| cfquery name=application.myquery 
| [SQL Stuff]
| /cfquery
| /cfif
|!--- Copy the query to the request scope ---
|cflock scope=APPLICATION throwontimeout=No timeout=1 
| cfset request.myquery = duplicate(application.myquery)
||-Original Message-
||From: Sean Daniels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
||Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 10:54 AM
||To: CF-Talk
||Subject: Re: structure in request scope
||On 5/10/01 1:59 AM Mark Ireland wrote:
|| Could someone tell me how to load a structure into the
||request scope in the
|| application.cfm
|| once only when a user first visits a page. That is, check that the
|| structure is there and dont rerun the query code if it is
|| unless a change has been made to the database.
||It sounds like you want to put the structure into a persistent
||scope, which
||request is not. Use the application scope instead if it is
||global to all
||users. If not, client or session scope.
||cfif isdefined(application.strFoo)
||cflock type=exclusive scope=application name=strLock
||cfset application.strFoo = structnew()
||!--- etc ---
||- Sean
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: structure in request scope

2001-05-11 Thread Patricia Lee

And to wrap it all up

You want to write the query in a persistent scope.  But since every time you
write to or access a persistent scope you must lock the access, you want to
copy the query to the request scope in the application.cfm.  This way you
will only nead to bother with the locking process when creating the query
and copying to the request scope.  Everywhere else in your site you'll call
the request variable to access the query info... and you won't have to use a

so your application.cfm would look something like this.

!--- Create the query in a persistent scope ---
cflock  scope=APPLICATION throwontimeout=No timeout=1
cfif NOT isdefined(application.myquery)
cfquery name=application.myquery datasource=mydsn
[SQL Stuff]

!--- Copy the query to the request scope ---
cflock scope=APPLICATION throwontimeout=No timeout=1 type=READONLY
cfset request.myquery = duplicate(application.myquery)

|-Original Message-
|From: Sean Daniels [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 10:54 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Re: structure in request scope
|On 5/10/01 1:59 AM Mark Ireland wrote:
| Could someone tell me how to load a structure into the 
|request scope in the
| application.cfm
| once only when a user first visits a page. That is, check that the
| structure is there and dont rerun the query code if it is
| unless a change has been made to the database.
|It sounds like you want to put the structure into a persistent 
|scope, which
|request is not. Use the application scope instead if it is 
|global to all
|users. If not, client or session scope.
|cfif isdefined(application.strFoo)
|cflock type=exclusive scope=application name=strLock
|cfset application.strFoo = structnew()
|!--- etc ---
|- Sean
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Finding the last item in a loop

2001-05-03 Thread Patricia Lee

I don't know if cfloop can correctly access queryname.recordcount and
queryname.currentrow.  However, I'm confident this will work.

cfoutput query=qry_show_event_sponsors
#eventSponserName# cfif currentrow neq recordcount,/cfif

|-Original Message-
|From: Chris Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 11:13 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Finding the last item in a loop
|IS it possible to find the last item in a loop?
|Right now I have this:
|cfloop query=qry_show_event_sponsors
|   #EventSponserName#,
|Is it possible to check if the #EventSponsorName#  is the last 
|item in the
|record set, and then not display the comma?  I.E.
|cfloop query=qry_show_event_sponsors
|   #EventSponserName#cfif something,/cfif
|Thanks in advance
|Chris Martin
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: I'm sure this worked earlier

2001-05-02 Thread Patricia Lee

I believe tt is vomitting on the single quote inside the text you're trying
to send into the database...

|-Original Message-
|From: Darren Adams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 7:11 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: I'm sure this worked earlier
|Here you go:
|I have now removed the excluded text so that it is just 
|getting the headline
|and sticking it in the headline in pressoffice on cosmos1.
|Error Diagnostic Information
|ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)
|[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error 
|(missing operator) in
|query expression ''Quatre nouvelles langues d'Europe pour 
|The error occurred while processing an element with a general 
|identifier of
|(CFQUERY), occupying document position (29:2) to (29:60).
|Date/Time: 05/02/01 12:09:35
|Browser: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.0; Windows 95; DigExt)
|Remote Address:
|Template: E:\Inetpub\publicsite\menutest\pressoffice\convertnews.cfm
|-Original Message-
|From: Bruce Heerssen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: 01 May 2001 17:05
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: I'm sure this worked earlier
|It would also help if you can post the error message.
| -Original Message-
| From: Dylan Bromby [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 10:18 AM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: I'm sure this worked earlier
| can you provide the datatypes of the fields?
| -Original Message-
| From: Darren Adams [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 8:04 AM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: I'm sure this worked earlier
| Hello Folks,
| Can any of you eagle eyed people spot why I am getting a 
|ODBC Error Code
| 37000 (Syntax error or access violation)  error when I run this.
| I had it working earlier and managed ot output all the 
| my database but, I added a few more fields to the sql and now it had
| buggered it all up.
| This is bugging me,  any help will be very appreciated.
| Cheers
| Daz
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: studio upgrade

2001-04-20 Thread Patricia Lee

I've heard that Studio 5 won't be released until about 6 months after CF 5.
Which makes it somewhere around December I believe.

|Does anyone know if CFStudio will be released in a 5.0 
|version? If so, does
|anyone know what features will added, changed, etc?

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Structure with UUID for Key

2001-04-20 Thread Patricia Lee

cfloop collection="#stPropertyDefs#" item="key"
cf_objectdump object="#stPropertyDefs[key]#"

|-Original Message-
|From: Jeff Douglas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 10:54 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Structure with UUID for Key
|I have a structure that was originally created with Spectra 
|whose keys are
|UUIDs. Everytime I try to access the structure, I get an 
|"Invalid parser
|construct" error.
|Does anyone know of a way around this??
|In the code below, thisField is a UUID.
|  CFLOOP INDEX="thisField" LIST="#StructKeyList(stPropertyDefs)#"
|   CF_ObjectDump Object="#EVALUATE("stPropertyDefs."  
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: excluding application.cfm from one template

2001-04-09 Thread Patricia Lee

The only way is a workaround.  Have the template sitting in its very own
special sub-directory with an application.cfm file of its own.  That's it.

|-Original Message-
|From: Jay Brushett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 9:10 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: excluding application.cfm from one template
|I was wondering if there is a way to exclude application.cfm 
|from showing 
|up on one template.
| Strategy ~ Creativity ~ Technology  
|Jay Brushett
| ZeddComm Inc. 
|2nd Floor, The Tower | 100 Signal Hill Road
|St. John's, Newfoundland | Canada A1A 1B3
|Main: 709.570.5669 | Fax: 709.739.9003
|   St. John's ~ Toronto ~ Newport Beach ~ Ottawa  
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Newbie problem: Search on Yes/No Column

2001-04-05 Thread Patricia Lee

You can't have filters after the Order By Clause

 ORDER BY cabinName AND hashottub = 1

You need to move the "AND hashottub = 1" to at the very least just before
"Order By"

That might not be your only problem or the specific cause of this error, but
it definitely will cause you an error eventually.

|-Original Message-
|From: P@tty Ayers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 9:58 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Re: Newbie problem: Search on Yes/No Column
|Randy (and/or anyone else willing to help!) -
|Thanks very much. But I've trying this exactly the way you've 
|shown (code is
|quoted at the very bottom of this message), and I get an error message,
|which I've pasted directly below. Any idea why??
|The column name in the database is 'cabinHottub'.. does that 
|belong in the
|SQL? I apologize again for these beginner questions.
|Again, many thanks for your help.
|ODBC Error Code = 07001 (Wrong number of parameters)
|[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Too few parameters. 
|Expected 1.
|Hint: The cause of this error is usually that your query contains a
|reference to a field which does not exist. You should verify 
|that the fields
|included in your query exist and that you have specified their names
|SQL = "SELECT cabins.cabinID, cabins.cabinName, cabins.cabinCity,
|cabins.cabinBedrooms, cabins.cabinBathrooms, cabins.cabinSleeps,
|cabins.cabinNightly, cabins.cabinWeekly, 
|photos.photosThumbPhotoName FROM
|cabins INNER JOIN photos ON cabins.cabinID = photos.cabinID WHERE
|cabinDistance = 200 AND cabinBedrooms = 1 AND cabinBathrooms = 1 AND
|cabinSleeps = 1 ORDER BY cabinName AND hashottub = 1"
| You need to assign a value to the Doesn't Matter such as this
|select name="hashottub"
|  option VALUE="0" selectedDoesn't Matter/option
|  option value="1"Yes/option
| Then your query would read:
|  cfquery name="rs2" datasource=#MM_connAsheville_DSN#
|  username=#MM_connAsheville_USERNAME#
|  cabins.cabinID, cabins.cabinName, cabins.cabinCity,
|  cabins.cabinBedrooms,
|  cabins.cabinBathrooms, cabins.cabinSleeps,
|  cabins.cabinNightly,
|  cabins.cabinWeekly, photos.photosThumbPhotoName
|  FROM cabins INNER JOIN photos ON cabins.cabinID =
|  photos.cabinID
|  cabinDistance = #rs2__vardistance#
|  AND
|  cabinBedrooms = #rs2__varnumberbedrooms#
|  AND
|  cabinBathrooms = #rs2__varnumberbathrooms#
|  AND
|  cabinSleeps = #rs2__varsleepsatleast# ORDER BY
|  cabinName
|  CFIF IsDefined("hashottub") and hashottub NEQ "0"
|  AND  hashottub = 1
|  /CFIF
|  /cfquery
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Changing CF Studio Shortcuts

2001-04-05 Thread Patricia Lee

You can.  And you're even looking in the right place already. If you
contintue down the list you'll see a whole bunch of commands that don't have
shortcuts.  Including CFML comment.  Simply reassing your desired shortcut
keys to this.

I know it works.  I've done it myself.

|-Original Message-
|From: Chris Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2001 11:27 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Changing CF Studio Shortcuts
|I was wondering if it is possible to change the shortcut for
|control+shift+m.  Currently, it will insert regular html 
|comments, but I
|would like it insert cfml comments.  I went into the Options-Customize
|menu, and looked at the keyboard shortcuts, but it doesn't 
|look like you can
|edit what the shortcut does, only assign or re-assign a 
|shortcut.  There
|also does not appear to be an entry for CFML comment.  IS 
|there a way I can
|do this?
|Chris Martin
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Uploading a Zip file with cfhttp

2001-04-03 Thread Patricia Lee

Off the top of my head I come up with:

Write a cf template that uploads fia CFFTP.  Then schedule that template to
run when you like.

|-Original Message-
|From: Nathan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 3:09 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Uploading a Zip file with cfhttp
|Hello all,
|   I have hit was has proved to be an annoying little 
|hurtle.  I have a .zip
|file which is normally manually uploaded to another server via 
|a form.
|But, they now want this to happen automatically every night so 
|I switched
|the process to use cfhttp.  However, the pesky little thing is not
|accepting the file because "The requested file is not ASCII 
|text and can not
|be rendered."
|   Anyone have any suggestions as to how I can get this 
|file to automatically
|work like the standard form feature?
|Nathan Focht

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: some same value into one

2001-04-03 Thread Patricia Lee

Use order by in your query to make sure the results come out as you have
below.  Then use the "group" attribute in cfoutput, using the column name
with the repeating values.  Now that you've used the "group" attribute you
can nest an additional cfoutput tag, which will cause any other columns
associated with the repeating column to loop so that you could have an
output like:


And that code would be;

cfquery name="myquery" datasource="dsn"
Select repeatingcolumn, othercolumn
From table
Order by repeatingcolumn

cfoutput query="myquery " group="col1"

|-Original Message-
|From: summy h [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 10:18 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: some same value into one
|I got some value from the cfquery like
|(John, John, Smith, Smith, Smith, Bob, Bob)
|Now I want to display these value on the web page like
|(John, Smith, Bob)
|I'm stuck, how do you program and make it possible in 
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: cfwddx action=wddx2cfml question

2001-04-01 Thread Patricia Lee

Col2 might not contain a query.

download one of the following tools from the taggallery:


Then, select the wddx packets from the db as you have and use these tools to
examine the columns.  These tools will let you visually see what information
is in the columns and will tell you the datatype of the information.

Col2 might hold a serialized array, or structure rather than a query.

Besides, I think every developer should be using these tools it makes

|-Original Message-
|From: Evan Lavidor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 12:36 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: cfwddx action="wddx2cfml" question
|I have a table of data that was populated by an app not built 
|by me (so I'm
|starting off at a disadvantage in terms of not knowing 
|everything about it -
|I'm getting more info to help clear that up).
|In two of the columns in the table (SQL Server 7), the data 
|has been stored
|as WDDX packets.
|So, I'm doing the following to get at them and have a look at 
|the data in a
|more usable and understandable form:
|| cfquery datasource="#Request.DSN_OldData#" dbtype="ODBC" 
||  SELECT T.Col1, T.Col2
||  FROM OldDataTable T
|| /cfquery
|| cfwddx action="WDDX2CFML" input="#getpacket.col1" 
|| cfwddx action="WDDX2CFML" input="#getpacket.col2#" 
|| cfoutput
||  #col1query.recordcount#br
||  #col1query.columnlist#br
||  br
||  #col2query.recordcount#br
||  #col2query.columnlist#br
|| /cfoutput
|All pretty straightforward, right?
|Both of the cfwddx tags execute fine and I see the recordcount and
|columnlist from col1query.  However, when it gets to the 
|col2query outputs,
|I get the following:
|| Error Diagnostic Information
|| An error occurred while evaluating the expression:
|| #col2query.recordcount#
|| Error near line 26, column 2.
|| Error resolving parameter COL2QUERY.RECORDCOUNT
|| The object RECORDCOUNT is not present in the scope named 
|likely that you
|| have misspelled the name of the object you are trying to access.
|Now, if it was an invalid packet (which it doesn't look like 
|when I just
|output it to the screen), it would fail the cfwddx call, 
|right?  Since it
|passes it, why can't I access it like a query?
|Col1query works just fine.  Gives me a recordcount, a 
|columnlist, I can loop
|over records, etc. etc. etc.
|Thanks in advance for any insight anyone can offer.
|Let's not even discuss the fact that I'm working on this at 
|12:35 on April
|Fools Day ;-)
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Excluding IDs in queries

2001-04-01 Thread Patricia Lee

Use the IN operator

cfquery name="users_adverts" datasource="localads"
SELECT ID,email,subject,paid FROM advert_details
WHERE featured IN (120,145,987,564)

|-Original Message-
|From: W Luke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Sunday, April 01, 2001 12:48 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Excluding IDs in queries
|I'm trying to exclude an ID from the WHERE in a query, by 
|looping through a
|list, but it's causing a lot of headaches.  The list contains 
|delimited list
|of IDS (120,145,987,564 etc)
| cfquery name="users_adverts" datasource="localads"
|SELECT ID,email,subject,paid FROM advert_details
|WHERE featured = No
|AND (
|cfloop index="i" list="#client.troll#"
|OR ID  #i#
|I know the above is glaringly wrong, but I've tried everything 
|- is it the
|positioning of ANDs and ORs?
|Any advice would be muuuch appreciated.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Ultra Dev 4

2001-03-29 Thread Patricia Lee

not really.

I use Ultradev to edit my page layout, not to code.  I feel safe (with about
a 10% reservation factor) using Ultradev with code that has been riddled
with CF code.  I've only seen a small percentage of F***ups since Ultradev

When I decide in the middle of things that my table needs 5 more colmns, 3
additional rowspans and a few more nested form elemetns, I just might try it
in UD first.  However, it can't beat CFStudio for pure raw coding in this
girls opinion.

|-Original Message-
|From: Rick Eidson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 9:39 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Ultra Dev 4
|I use Studio is it a good idea to move to UltraDev?
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Sort Structures

2001-03-29 Thread Patricia Lee

If the key is a first-level key (meaning you're not trying to sort by a key
in a sub-structure), you can create a list of the structure's keys with 


And then sort the array

And then loop over the array, break out the keyname at myarray(i) and access
the structure value at that key as normal

There is a function structsort() in 4.5... however I have never been able to
get it to work.  The documentation is incomplete and hard to find... the
error messages help... but not enough for me to be able to tell you how to
use the function.

|-Original Message-
|From: Robert Everland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 1:53 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Sort Structures
|   How can I sory a struture by a key I have.
|Robert Everland III
|Web Developer
|Dixon Ticonderoga
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Weird CFFile behaviour with Mac IE5 upload

2001-03-29 Thread Patricia Lee

A trick I use sometimes might help.

Make a js that copies your filefield inof to a hidden form element.  Then
use CF to check the value of that hidden field (aptly named to tie it with
the sister filefield if you're doing multiple uploads) ... the field will
contain the information that you see in the filefield, so you should be able
to check the value of the contents... only accessing the actual file
variable containing the tmp information when you need to process an upload.

only caveat to this... I havent' tested with a Mac so I can't promise you
that mac js will behave the same way that IE 5.x js has been for me...

|-Original Message-
|From: Cameron [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 5:17 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Weird CFFile behaviour with Mac IE5 upload
|Ok, so MacIE5 puts a return character in all form fields 
|(explains why I was
|getting weird stuff doing updates on formfields pulling stuff from a
|Is there any way to stop Coldfusion thinking that the return 
|is an ACTUAL
|As I tried to explain before, it seems that CF sees the form 
|field as not
|being empty, creates a temp file, saves the supposed file to 
|the temp file,
|and replaces the content of the form field with the temp file name. So,
|besides checking the length of the temp file, is there anyway 
|to actually
|prevent the upload in the first place?
|this is driving me spare...
| Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 14:58:22 +0100
| From: "JustinMacCarthy" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Subject: RE: Weird CFFile behaviour with Mac IE5 upload
| Actually IE5 on Mac adds a return char to every form fields...
| Justin
| -Original Message-
| From: Daniel Lancelot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 12:52 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: RE: Weird CFFile behaviour with Mac IE5 upload
| Problem is caused by MAC
| putting space in instead of an empty field - try using trim() when
| the field to see if it has been filled.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Unbelievable! Patricia Lee wrote:

2001-03-29 Thread Patricia Lee

Well considering I work for an office where graphic designers use UltraDev
on a regular basis and we teach macromedia courses, including ultradev...
it's rather understandable that I have access to both, now isn't it?

moving on

|-Original Message-
|Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2001 5:49 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Unbelievable! Patricia Lee wrote:
|UltraDev 4 at US$600 for page layout (must be rich) and CF 
|Studio at US$495 for code (the latter I can understand).
|By the way - according to Allaire's "purchase" page it is now 
|called "Macromedia ColdFusion" - erk.
|not really.
|I use Ultradev to edit my page layout, not to code.  I feel 
|safe (with about
|a 10% reservation factor) using Ultradev with code that has 
|been riddled
|with CF code.  I've only seen a small percentage of F***ups 
|since Ultradev
|When I decide in the middle of things that my table needs 5 
|more colmns, 3
|additional rowspans and a few more nested form elemetns, I 
|just might try it
|in UD first.  However, it can't beat CFStudio for pure raw 
|coding in this
|girls opinion.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: see a problem with this code?

2001-03-28 Thread Patricia Lee

Two things... It would help it you'd also post the SQL that the database is
trying to read.  You can get this from the debug output.

Second thing... Your date should probably be formatted with the

conf_date = #CreateOdbcDateTime(Form.conf_date)#

|-Original Message-
|From: Tim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 1:50 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: see a problem with this code?
|I have a pre-filled form for users to change a record.
| The form calls an action page to update the record. 
|I keep getting the dreaded error:
|Error Diagnostic Information
|ODBC Error Code = 37000 (Syntax error or access
|[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error
|in UPDATE statement.
|I have looked backward and forward, checked spelling,
|quotes, etc., and can't figure out the problem.  I
|figureed it was time for a new set of eyes.  Is there
|something about this that I am missing:
|CFQUERY NAME="qDoUpdate" DATASOURCE="teleconference"
|UPDATE data
|conf_name = '#Form.conf_name#',
|conf_purpose = '#Form.conf_purpose#',
|conf_date = #Form.conf_date#,
|occurance = '#Form.occurance#',
|begin_time = '#Form.begin_time#',
|end_time = '#Form.end_time#',
|mod_name = '#Form.mod_name#',
|mod_phone = '#Form.mod_phone#',
|mod_station = '#Form.mod_station#',
|poc_name = '#Form.poc_name#',
|poc_phone = '#Form.poc_phone#',
|poc_station = '#Form.poc_station#',
|facilities = '#Form.facilities#',
|comments = '#Form.comments#',
|WHERE ID = #Form.ID#
|I can add and view records in the database.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: javascript to set cfvariable?

2001-03-28 Thread Patricia Lee

Shall I be the first?

No.  CF is server-side... it processes first and then sends the resulting
document to the client where it can be processed by whatever client side
languages it contains.

Javascript is client-side.  It will process AFTER any ColdFusion code has
already been done with.

The only way you can have Javascript "send back" to a coldfusion process is
to use JS to either set a value into a form and then process that form via
coldfusion, or use a hidden frame of some sort.   

To put it ultra simply, that hidden frame process with CF and the resulting
hidden document can refresh the visible one (causeing a page reload), or can
just sit, holding information in some way that the JS on the visible doc can
access (like form fields).

|-Original Message-
|From: Ethan Rosch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 7:11 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: javascript to set cfvariable?
|can I use javacript to set a cfvariable?
|onChange='CFSET var=1'
|thanks in advance...
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: CFFILE Uploads from a Mac

2001-03-27 Thread Patricia Lee

Are the mac users forgetting to put extensions on the images?  If so, you
could build your interface to disallow files sans extensions...  Would
require javascript validation.  I would assume missing extensions are the
problem but... I could always be wrong.

|-Original Message-
|From: Pete Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 10:44 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: CFFILE Uploads from a Mac
|We're having some problems with users uploading image files from Macs. 
|On some computers, they get an "Access Denied" error and on others, the
|upload is successful but the file type is not recognized as an image
|(can't be show on the site).  Has anyone encountered similar 
|problems or
|have any ideas of how we can get around this?
|Pete Miller
|GoTech, Inc.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: output

2001-03-27 Thread Patricia Lee

Use the Value="" attribute of the select tag. I modified your code below.

select name="lname"
cfoutput query="qryUsers" group="lname"
cfif lname NEQ "" and Inactive NEQ 1
option value="#id#"#lname#, #fname#"#lname#,

|-Original Message-
|From: Jones, Becky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 11:43 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: output
|i want to insert equipment data into my equipment database based on my
|employee id.  but i cant have a drop down list of just id 
|numbers because
|people wont know who the number belongs to.  
|is there a way i can show the names, but when the data gets 
|inserted into my
|equipment table that the corresponding employee id goes in, 
|not the full
|i have this as my select box:
|select name="lname"
|   option
|   cfoutput query="qryUsers" group="lname"
|   cfif lname NEQ ""
|   cfif Inactive NEQ 1
|   option value="#lname#, #fname#"#lname#, #fname#
|   /cfif
|   /cfif
|   /cfoutput
|but when i submit this form...i want the employee id to go 
|over, not the
|thanks for your help,
|This e-mail, including any attachments, is intended for the 
|receipt and use by the intended addressee(s), and may contain 
|confidential and privileged information.  If you are not an intended 
|recipient of this e-mail, you are hereby notified that any 
|use or distribution of this e-mail is strictly prohibited. 
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: What does this error mean?

2001-03-27 Thread Patricia Lee

It means (and I kid you not) "Something happened to make things go wrong and
CF has absolutely no idea what it was".

Honestly.  I've heard someone from (or related to) allaire say pretty much
the same thing.

|-Original Message-
|From: sebastian palmigiani [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 2:03 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: What does this error mean?
|I do not understand nor can I figure  out how to fix the 
|following error
|from a stored procedure.
|Doe anyone know what this error means?
|Error Diagnostic Information
|CMemoryException: unknown cause
|The error occurred while processing an element with a general 
|identifier of
|(CFSTOREDPROC), occupying document position (24:1) to (25:33).
|cfstoredproc procedure="spSelectTranslation"
|  datasource="arica"
|cfprocparam type="in"
|cfprocparam type="in"
|cfprocparam type="in"
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Title Case for proper names.......

2001-03-26 Thread Patricia Lee

Try downloading cf_capitalize from the tag gallery.  Maybe that'll work for

|-Original Message-
|From: Richard Kuryk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 3:09 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Title Case for proper names...
|I would like to write a regular expression in ColdFusion that 
|would fix the
|case from the database or a form field (ie ROY G. BIV ~ Roy G. 
|Biv).  Right
|now I have: 
|REReplace(Attributes.original, "([a-z]+)\1 ", "\1", "ALL" )
|the one thing I can't figure out is how to apply changes to the \1.  
|In perl you can do stuff like:
|\l lowercase one char
|\u uppercase one char
|\L lowercase to the end of the word
|\U uppercase to the end of the word
|I can't seem to figure out if you can do this in Cold Fusion?  I have
|written this using Left, Ucase and Lcase but I would like to 
|do it using a
|regular expression, it is probably much more efficient.
|Thank you very much
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: CFMAIL - twofold

2001-03-26 Thread Patricia Lee

Not quite. It doesn't have to be valid, or an email address, but it CAN'T
contain a space... so


would work.  

|-Original Message-
|From: Jay Patton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 4:43 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Re: CFMAIL - twofold
|someone correct me if im wrong but doesn't the "From= " line 
|have to have a
|valid email address such as: FROM="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
|and cant have a
|name like: FROM="JAY PATTON"? i think i ran into a problem 
|like this a while
|Jay Patton
|Web Design / Application Design
|Web Pro USA
|p. 406.549.3337 ext. 203
|p. 1.888.5WEBPRO ext. 203
|- Original Message -
|From: "Mark Lapole" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|Sent: Monday, March 26, 2001 2:06 PM
|Subject: CFMAIL - twofold
| i may be a complete fool (some may argue), but if i'm trying 
|to achieve 2
| emails being sent off after a submitted form... what to do?
| 1) verification email sent back to the submitter (given they supply a
| email address) with registration and seminar information
| and
| 2) email to internal events person responsible for these 
| No db involved -- should just be simple CFMAILs right?
| Can't have 2 CFMAIL tags on same action page?
| Using the following:
| --
|   FROM="Online_Registration"
|   SUBJECT="Seminar Registration"
| Name: #Form.FirstName# #Form.LastName#BR
| Company: #Form.CompanyName#BR
| Address1: #Form.Address1#BR
| Address2: #Form.Address2#BR
| Email: #Form.EmailAddress#BR
| Phone: #Form.Phone#BR
| Fax: #Form.Fax#BR
| CFMAIL TO="#Form.EmailAddress#"
| FROM="Online_Registration"
|  SUBJECT="Seminar Registration"
| Thank you for signing up to attend blahblahblah!BRBR
| The following registration information has been submitted:BRBR
| BName:/B #Form.FirstName# #Form.LastName#BR
| BCompany:/B #Form.CompanyName#BR
| BAddress1:/B #Form.Address1#BR
| BAddress2:/B #Form.Address2#BR
| BEmail:/B #Form.EmailAddress#BR
| BPhone:/B #Form.Phone#BR
| BFax:/B #Form.Fax#BRBR
| If this is not correct or you need to make changes contact A
| HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"Event Planner/A
| Your registration for blahblahblah has been received -- we 
|look forward to
| meeting you!
| --
| First snippet processes fine and even makes it to the "Your 
|reg has been
| received..." line.
| Any suggestions?
| -Mark
| Archives:
| Unsubscribe:
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: query result to list

2001-03-21 Thread Patricia Lee


|-Original Message-
|From: Ethan Rosch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 10:47 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: query result to list
|Hi all,
|what's the easiest way to get the outut of a query into a list?
| SELECT ID, Title, Name
| FROM Options
|and I want to access the resulting Names as a list?
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Read part of a string

2001-03-20 Thread Patricia Lee

Another option is to use the Mid() function

cfset temp = Mid(productcode, 1, 4) 
This grabs the first 4 characters of the varaible produdcode and sets them
to a temporary variable.  You could then, theoretically use that temp
variable in a comparison.

|-Original Message-
|From: Hayes, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 10:58 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Read part of a string
|Look at the list functions (your values can be thought of as lists,
|delimited by "/") as well as the GetToken  function.
|-Original Message-
|From: Michael Gribbin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 1:13 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Read part of a string
|Hi, I need to compare the first 4 characters of a product code 
|with the first 4 characters of the next product code in 
|sequence "BA01/DEF"
|to see if they belong to the same group. How do I "read" only 
|those first 4
|characters of each product code?
|Thanks in advance,
|Michael Gribbin
|Digital Marketing Alliance
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: I guess i was unclear...try this..

2001-03-20 Thread Patricia Lee

Actually it is


|-Original Message-
|From: Mike Nimer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 1:29 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: I guess i was unclear...try this..
|try this.
|or it's this
|Basically something to that effect. with cf queries you can 
|access each row
|using array syntax, but you still need to access each column by name.
|-Original Message-
|From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 4:38 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: I guess i was unclear...try this..
|There is no such thing as a specific row, the order the 
|records are returned
|to you (the rows) is random and undefined, it makes very 
|little sense to ask
|'what is the value of 'firstname' in the 2nd row.
|If you really wanted to (for debugging I guess), you could
|   if (i eq lookfor){ output row }
|-Original Message-
|From: Roadrunner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 2:42 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: I guess i was unclear...try this..
|I guess I was unclear. Let's suppose I have no interest in a 
|specific value
|like ID=3 but just want to know what is in a particular row 
|and column. Am I
|always stuck using a where statement having to look for a 
|particular value?
|I understand that a where statement can locate an instance of some
|particular. I would just like to do a search on a row and a column  in
|-Original Message-
|From: Bryan Love [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 9:20 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Thanks everyone but one last question
|You can create whatever WHERE statement you wish to select 
|whatever rows you
|need from the DB
|to get row 2, column 2:
|SELECT password
|FROM table
|Bryan Love ACP
|Internet Application Developer
|-Original Message-
|From: Roadrunner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 6:02 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Thanks everyone but one last question
|Thanks for the help on my newbie question. I learned a great 
|deal believe it
|or not. You were all kind.
|Now one last question before I go back to the books.
|See the database setup below.
|4  sdf  greg landry
|3  gth  tom  jones
|Lets say I wanted to see what is in the second record and see 
|what's under
|the column FIRSTNAME. What I am learning is that I have to 
|print out the
|entire database to see what is in it. I would just like to be 
|able to know
|how to access a particular element in a database. Like what's in row 2,
|column 2?
|Thank you so much for your patience and time.
|Greg "the ever curious newbie"
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: form to session

2001-03-16 Thread Patricia Lee

I can think of a couple:

cfset session = duplicate(form) 

If you're running 4.5, sp2

cfset session = structappend(session, form) (it's one of those hidden

|-Original Message-
|From: Jay Wigginton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 4:35 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: form to session
|Is there a simple way to take the values submitted from a form 
|and setting
|session variables with the same name... example:
|form submits variables Form.FirstName and Form.LastName... 
|I need to
|set... Session.FirstName = Form.FirstName and Session.LastName =
|I know I can use... cfset Session.FirstName = Form.FirstName
|But, I want to do this cfloop looping over the fieldnames... 
|cfloop index="field" list="#fieldnames#"
|   cfoutput
|   cfset session.#field# = Form.#field#
|   /cfoutput
|The above produces an error... :(
|thanks in advance
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Formatting CFQUERY Results in a Table

2001-03-16 Thread Patricia Lee

Just a comment

Nice... but it will cause improper HTML if the query results are evenly
divisible by the var your're using to Mod with Here's the results of a
table generated with this forumula... notice the extra /trtr combo.  If
you needed to display these results in netscape well, I don't have
netscape on my computer anymore to check, but we all know how picky she is.

table border="1" 
/tr tr 

I remember having to do something similar myself, and I think I got it to
work and still generate proper html... but it was a mess. Worse I can't
remember how I did it now to whip out for comparison.

|-Original Message-
|From: Nathan Stanford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 3:09 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Formatting CFQUERY Results in a Table
|This can be found on my website in Issue 1
|I. ColdFusion Code: Output Text in 2,3,4,... Rows 
|You can just modify the number 4 after the MOD 
|and change the yourquery to whatever you query name 
|is and of course the var to your own var. 
|   tr 
|   cfoutput query="yourquery" 
|   td#var#/td
|   cfif yourquery.CurrentRow MOD 4 IS 0 
|   /tr tr 
|   /cfif 
|   /cfoutput 
|   /tr 
| -Original Message-
| From:James Birchler [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent:Friday, March 16, 2001 1:27 PM
| To:  CF-Talk
| Subject: Formatting CFQUERY Results in a Table
| Hi Gang -
| I'm building an employee directory, and am adding a page 
|that displays all
| employee photos so that if you don't know someone's name, 
|you can find it
| by
| recognizing their face. My query pulls an image url and 
| from
| a database.
| I'm trying to format the output in table rows, with each row 
|containing 4
| table cells (each with one photo displayed).
| How do I let CF know when to create another table row? So 
|far I can make
| one
| really long row, or one really long column!
| Is the answer on the SQL side (using LIMIT or COUNT) or on 
|the CF side, or
| both? Any suggestions much appreciated.
| Thanks,
| James
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Javascript IsDefined

2001-03-13 Thread Patricia Lee

The correct syntax is
if (typeof(myvarname) == "undefined") {
[do your stuff]

|-Original Message-
|From: Hayes, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 10:32 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Javascript IsDefined
|You can use the "typeof" operator.
|if (typeof myVarName == "undefined"){
|-Original Message-
|From: Jeanne Sarfaty Glazer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 9:27 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Javascript IsDefined
|Hi Folks,
|What is the Javascript equivalent to the Cold Fusion IsDefined 
|(or does one even exist?!)
|- - - Jeanne
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Javascript IsDefined

2001-03-13 Thread Patricia Lee

Ah... I stand corrected.  I'll have to give that way a shot.  The person who
informed me of it used that syntax and it's worked for me but now I know

|-Original Message-
|From: Caulfield, Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:11 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Javascript IsDefined
|Actually typeof is an operator, not a function, so it is 
|generally used the
|way Dave described.
|-Original Message-
|From: Patricia Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 11:51 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Javascript IsDefined
|The correct syntax is
|if (typeof(myvarname) == "undefined") {
|   [do your stuff]
||-Original Message-
||From: Hayes, David [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
||Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 10:32 AM
||To: CF-Talk
||Subject: RE: Javascript IsDefined
||You can use the "typeof" operator.
||if (typeof myVarName == "undefined"){
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Form Fields cleared on Back

2001-03-13 Thread Patricia Lee

This is a browser setting... You can tell your browser to check for new data
every time (in which case the form will always come back blank), or you can
tell it to used cached info (in which case it comes back full).

In other words, you're most likely sol

|-Original Message-
|From: Adrian Cesana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:47 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Form Fields cleared on Back
|Im going nuts trying to figure this one out, I have a form 
|with about 110
|fields (ya i know), there is lots of server side validation, 
|if an input
|error occurs I CFABORT and give the user a JavaScript back 
|button to go back
|an correct the input.  On some users PC the form gets cleared 
|on other PC's
|it does not.  I also use some of the CF built in validation 
|(_required) so
|the user has to use the browser back button, same thing 
|happens on some of
|these peoples browsers.  Of coarse it does not happen on mine. 
| I setup a
|few test forms for the problems users and it things work ok.  
|These users
|are all using IE 5.x, any one else have such problems, could 
|it be the large
|number of INPUT fields? any browser settings? registry settings? Voodoo
|dances? anything?
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Linking to URLs with Ampersands

2001-03-13 Thread Patricia Lee

Did you try URLENCODING() the url that you're passing along the URL?

|-Original Message-
|From: Terra Durrant [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:06 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Linking to URLs with Ampersands
|For our Web site, I use a ColdFusion redirect page to display a legal
|disclaimer when linking to external sites.  To have this redirect text
|appear in the template before the user leaves our site, I must use the
|following format for a link tag:
|enfile=001_rn2.pdf" TARGET="_blank"
|Since ColdFusion uses the ampersand to define variables, I am 
|running into
|trouble linking to Web sites that use ampersands in their 
|URLs.  Because of
|the two variables previously defined in this tag, any of the 
|URL after (and
|including) an ampersand is deleted.  So, the above URL would 
|be truncated
|Thus, rendering my link useless.  I have tried using CFOUTPUT 
|tags, using
|two ampersands, and using the HTML code for an ampersand to replace the
|ampersand in the URL.  None of these options have worked.  Since the
|redirect page isn't something I can just *not* use, I am 
|wondering if any of
|you have found an alternative way to deal with this issue.
|Thanks in advance!
|Terra Durrant
|On-Line Specialist
|American Collectors Association
|(952) 928-8000, ext. 755

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Session Variables

2001-03-12 Thread Patricia Lee

This will work.

cfif IsDefined("Cookie.CFID") AND IsDefined("Cookie.CFTOKEN")
  cfset cfid_local = Cookie.CFID
  cfset cftoken_local = Cookie.CFTOKEN
  cfcookie name="CFID" value="#cfid_local#"
  cfcookie name="CFTOKEN" value="#cftoken_local#"

|-Original Message-
|From: Josh Daws [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 2:12 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Session Variables
|I'm new at CF.  I'm very experienced in ASP however.  I am now 
|working on
|one of my first CF projects and I'm having trouble with 
|session variables.
|In ASP I'm used to having the sessions expire when I shut down 
|a browser.
|However, I'm declaring a session variable in cold fusion and 
|when I close
|the browser and open the page up again in a new browser, the session
|variable is still active.  How can I get the session variable 
|to expire when
|I close the browser?  If this can't be done, is there a way to 
|clear all
|session variables the first time the application.cfm is run, 
|but not every
|Josh Daws
|428 Productions
|(941) 756-7431
|- Original Message -
|Sent: Monday, March 12, 2001 6:30 AM
|Subject: CF-Talk-list V1 #206
| CF-Talk-list   Mon, 12 Mar 2001  
|Volume 1 : Number
| In this issue:
| RE: Looping Next  Previous Buttons
| Encrypted string in forms
| Re: Looping Next  Previous Buttons
| Slightly OT: Cookie blocking at corporate firewall level -
| what gives?
| RE: Javascript: Tearing my hair out
| RE: Slightly OT: Cookie blocking at corporate 
|firewall level -what
| RE: Dates in OLEDB
| Verity error trapping
| RE: Dates in OLEDB
| RE: Dates in OLEDB
| Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 22:54:50 -0500
| From: "Chad Elley" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Subject: RE: Looping Next  Previous Buttons
| Might want to look into formatting all of your date 
|variables with the
| CREATEODBCDATE function.  I ran into a similar problem with 
|dates.  Worth
| try...
| -Original Message-
| From: Yvette Ingram [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| Sent: Sunday, March 11, 2001 6:09 PM
| To: CF-Talk
| Subject: Looping Next  Previous Buttons
| Hi:
| I'm building a scheduler that only shows a week at a glance 
| and time slots (vertically).  When a user presses the Next 
|button, I can
| only get it to go to the next week and no further.  Same 
|thing with the
| Previous button.  Here's some code snipplets.  My brain is 
|fried at the
| moment.  Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
| !---  set some variables ---
| CFPARAM NAME="CurrentDate" DEFAULT="#now()#"
| CFPARAM NAME="CurrentYear" DEFAULT="#Year(CurrentDate)#"
| CFPARAM NAME="CurrentMonth" DEFAULT="#Month(CurrentDate)#"
| CFPARAM NAME="CurrentDay" DEFAULT="#Day(CurrentDate)#"
| CFPARAM NAME="Form.WeekChange" DEFAULT=""
| !---  sets the start, end and maximum number of weeks ---
| !---  stuff to handle the form ---  (Problem Area I think)
| CFIF ISDEFINED("Form.WeekChange")
| !---   output ---
| !---  Week At A Glance ---
|   TR
|   CFLOOP INDEX="current_week" FROM="#startweek#" TO="#endweek#"
| #DateFormat(current_week, ',DD,')#
|   /TR
| Yvette Ingram
| Email: ingramrecruiting@erols or
| ICQ:  21200397
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: input type=file

2001-03-09 Thread Patricia Lee

If you want to capture the name of the file in an input type="file", you
have to write a javascript event that fires on the input field... copying
the filename to a hidden field. This *can* happen before you perform the

I do not know if you will ultimately be able to do the cfmail mime-attach,
though.  You might have to do the upload first.

Here's an example:

function copy2hidden(filefield) {   //filefield parameter is the
file html element

if (filefield.value.length != 0) {  //
filefiled must have content

document.forms["uploadfile_pickfile"].fullfilename.value = filefield.value;
// set hidden field with name of file


form name="uploadfile_pickfile" action="..." method="post"
input type="file" name="file" value=""
onClick="loadfilelist(destination.value)" readonly="1"

|-Original Message-
|From: Wilson, Craig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 7:55 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: input type="file"
|After using the following code to browse for a file (thanks Philip),
|form action="myPage.cfm" method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"
|input type="file" name="myFile"
|input type="submit"
|I want to use the variable #FORM.MYFILE# to form part of a 
|CFMAIL command
|using mimeattach :
|   subject="Submit Problem"
|   mimeattach="#form.myfile#" 
|   from="#client.mailbox#"In #form.field1#,
|For some reason (in my example I used a text file), it renders 
|the contents
|of the text document on the action page in full and doesn't 
|interpret the
|file name as a string which is what I would hope it would do.
|Can anyone help?
|The opinions expressed in this E-mail are those  of  the 
|individual  and
|not  necessarily  the  company.  This E-mail and  any files 
|with it are confidential and solely for the use of the 
|intended recipients
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Finding the CF Administrator password

2001-03-09 Thread Patricia Lee

Not the answer you're looking for

But ...

Couldn't you disable the password so you could get back in and then reset
the password?

|-Original Message-
|From: Todd Ashworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Friday, March 09, 2001 4:28 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Finding the CF Administrator password
|A while back, someone posted something about a CF tag that 
|would find the
|password for the CF Administrator for you.  Well, I need to find the
|password for the CF Administrator on one of our machines here. 
| Does anyone
|know of this tag?  Is there another way to find the password?  
|I know how to
|disable it, but I actually need to find out what it is, so that doesn't
|help.  I can see it in the registry, but it's encrypted.  
|Anyone have any
|Todd Ashworth --
|Web Application Developer
|Network Administrator
|Saber Corporation
|314 Oakland Ave.
|Rock Hill, SC 29730
|(803) 327-0137 [111]
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: CFLOOP Question/Problem

2001-03-08 Thread Patricia Lee

I answered a similar question a few days ago.  Am pasting the response again
here.  It might fulfill your need.

The only problem would be if you're allowing the user to check more of one
type of checkbox than another.  The code below will only work properly if
both lists are of the same length, and the information in both lists
correspond from one position to the next.

In any case it might start you thinking even if you can't repurpose it

|List Functions.
|I'm assuming a bit, so let me know if I'm wrong (and I'm sure 
|that others
|have a less cumbersome way to deal with your problem too, so 
|don't think
|what I'm saying is at all the only way).
|I'm assuming that Quantity looks something like this: 1,2,3,4,5
|And Item number looks somethiing like this: F004,F005,F006,F007
|And F004 has a quantity of 1; F005 has a quantity of 2 etc.
|Take a look at this code... I've mocked up the same 
|functionality set a
|counter, incremented the counter while looping over one of my 
|lists and then
|used that counter to retreive a list element at the poisitoin 
|represented by
|the counter.
|cfset list1 = "1,2,3,4"
|cfset list2 = "mom,pop,dad,sis"
|cfset counter = 1
|cfloop index="qty" list="#list1#"
|   cfoutput
|   Counter = #counter# Qty = #qty#
|list2 = #ListGetAt(list2, counter)#br
|   /cfoutput 
|   cfset counter = counter + 1
|Output looks like:
|Counter = 1 Qty = 1 list2 = mom
|Counter = 2 Qty = 2 list2 = pop
|Counter = 3 Qty = 3 list2 = dad
|Counter = 4 Qty = 4 list2 = sis
|So all you'd have to do is loop over your quantity, find the 
|list element and then input both into the db via your query, 
|which is of
|course nested in the loop.

|-Original Message-
|From: Les Mizzell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 9:04 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: CFLOOP Question/Problem
|I've had good luck using CFLOOP to run through a list of 
|checkboxes and
|write single values to record rows in a database.
|However, I've now got a PAIR of checkbox/text field that needs 
|to write to
|the same row.
|Record in database is set up like:
|On my page, there's probably fifty each AO_ORDER checkbox and 
|AO_QUANT text
|field pairs.
|Tried a nested loop like below, and it properly writes the 
|correct pairs to
|the correct rows together, except it writes the values duplicate times.
|If you could do something like:
|instead of the incorrect nested loop it would be nice, but I 
|haven't figured
|out how to get that to work either. Probably a syntax issue.
|Les Mizzell
|Who Needs Intel?
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Javascript - Reloading window

2001-03-07 Thread Patricia Lee

Can you check the http referer, if it is the same as the script name, set a
variable.. if this variable is set then don't run the timeout/reload?

I know cf can check the http referer and script name, of course.  I believe
javascript can also check the http referer (at least in ie, not sure about
cross browser), and you can get the window's current href

It might be feasable ...

|-Original Message-
|From: Sam Komolafe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 6:12 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Javascript - Reloading window
|Hi guys,
|I need to reload a window just ONCE.  I used javascript
|window.setTimeout(location.reload(),1000) function but it reloads
|continuously.  How can I reload the window just ONCE
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Protecting an admin page

2001-03-07 Thread Patricia Lee

Check the http referer.  If it is the same as the script name, don't allow
them in... kick them out.

Might not be 100% foolproof.. I believe I've heard it said that some web
serers and/or browsers don't always shell out the http_referer
information... but it's at least good for a 97% solution.

|-Original Message-
|From: Hubert Earl [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 10:48 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Protecting an admin page
|I have an admin page which can be accessed thru a login page.  
|However, as
|it now stands, if someone were to learn bookmark that page, he 
|or she could
|return to it via the bookmark, rather than via the login page. 
| How can I
|ensure that someone could only access the admin page via the 
|login page?
|Hubert Earl
|ICQ#: 16199853
|AIM: hubertfme
|See pictures of items in my Jamaican Art, Craft  More Store 
|Online Sale on
|my "Me" page on eBay (this tells you a little about myself, including a
|photo), and there's a link to the auctions themselves:
|See pictures of all items I have:
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Loops and Update queries

2001-03-06 Thread Patricia Lee

I have an idea.

List Functions.

I'm assuming a bit, so let me know if I'm wrong (and I'm sure that others
have a less cumbersome way to deal with your problem too, so don't think
what I'm saying is at all the only way).

I'm assuming that Quantity looks something like this: 1,2,3,4,5
And Item number looks somethiing like this: F004,F005,F006,F007

And F004 has a quantity of 1; F005 has a quantity of 2 etc.

Take a look at this code... I've mocked up the same functionality set a
counter, incremented the counter while looping over one of my lists and then
used that counter to retreive a list element at the poisitoin represented by
the counter.

cfset list1 = "1,2,3,4"
cfset list2 = "mom,pop,dad,sis"

cfset counter = 1
cfloop index="qty" list="#list1#"
Counter = #counter# Qty = #qty#
list2 = #ListGetAt(list2, counter)#br
cfset counter = counter + 1

Output looks like:

Counter = 1 Qty = 1 list2 = mom
Counter = 2 Qty = 2 list2 = pop
Counter = 3 Qty = 3 list2 = dad
Counter = 4 Qty = 4 list2 = sis

So all you'd have to do is loop over your quantity, find the representative
list element and then input both into the db via your query, which is of
course nested in the loop.

|-Original Message-
|From: Shannon Carr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 9:02 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Re: Loops and Update queries
|Hi Patricia,
|No errors, just not sure how to write the syntax to make it work. The
|problem I'm having is inputing a quanity in a form that was 
|generated by a
|loop, then on the next page updating a table where the 
|Quantity is paired
|with Item_Number.So far I can produce what I need in two 
|separate places.
|Don't know how to combine the two.
|Note - F004 should have Quantity of 1
|F065 Quantityof  2
|A400 Quantity of 3
|cfloop index="The_Item_Number" list="#ITEM_NUMBER#" delimiters=","
|cfloop index="TheQuantity" list="#QUANTITY#" delimiters=","
|  SET  QUANTITY = '#TheQuantity#'
|- Original Message -
|From: "Patricia Lee" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 5:48 PM
|Subject: RE: Loops and Update queries
| ARe you experiencing an error during some part of the 
|process?  Is it a
| problem or a cf / display problem?  More detailed information please?
| Inluding any error messages if applicable...
| |-Original Message-
| |From: Shannon Carr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| |Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 4:17 PM
| |To: CF-Talk
| |Subject: Loops and Update queries
| |
| |
| |I am trying to update a table using values that were input on
| |a form using
| |cfloop .
| |
| |On the input form I am using a loop query to output the Item_Number,
| |Item_Description and Quantity fields. The user can update 
|the quantity.
| |
| |On the second page I would like to display inside a table, the
| |variables for
| |confirmation, then update the table once confirmed. I am
| |having a problem
| |parsing the Item_Number and Quantity fields together on the 
|display and
| |table update. The table being updated does not have a unique ID.
| |
| |
| |
| |cfloop query="itemsbydrawing"
| | tr bgcolor="#IIf(CurrentRow Mod 2, DE('ff'),
| |DE('#tr_color2#'))#"
| |  td nowrapnbsp;#item_number#/td
| |  td nowrapnbsp;#Item_description#/td
| |  td nowrap align="center"
| |  input type="Text" name="Quantity" value="#Quantity#" size="4"
| |maxlength="6"
| |   onFocus="window.status='Quantity'; return true"/td
| |  td width="100%"nbsp;#CurrentRow#/td
| |  !--- td align="center" nowrap
| |  cfinput type="CheckBox" name="DeleteItem" 
|value="yes"/td ---
| |
| | /tr
| | input type="hidden" name="ITEM_NUMBER" value="#ITEM_NUMBER#"
| | input type="hidden" name="ITEM_DESCRIPTION"
| | /cfloop
| |
| |
| |Any help would be appreciated.
| |
| |Thanks,
| |Shannon
| |
| |
| |
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Need some help with CFCONTENT

2001-03-06 Thread Patricia Lee

A while back I was trying to map extensions to mime types.  I looked in my
registry and copied a bunch of mime types that were listed for the
extensions.  This kis what I have for exe.


maybe try that instead of application/octet-stream?

|-Original Message-
|From: Tracy Bost [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 10:48 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Need some help with CFCONTENT
|I'm trying to allow users to download  particular files which 
|are executables.
|I'm also specifying the filepath for the executable.
|If I use some bogus mime type in the cfcontent, I get the 
|download dialog box with the coldfusion file name inside of
|it such as coldfusionfile.cfm... When I save, it saves the 
|executable that I have specified inside the cfcontent tag.
|I just have to rename the file from coldfusionfile.cfm to 
|myexcutable.exe, and it works...
| I would like to eliminate the step of having the users change 
|the .cfm to .exe in the "save as" box, or renaming the file 
|once downloaded...
|Have tried using application/octet-stream for the file type, 
|but this just shows binary data in the browser window and 
|doesn't download anything.
| Thanks for any help.
|   Tracy
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: line breaks in excel

2001-03-06 Thread Patricia Lee

Try cfsilent too.  It's a bit tricky because cfsilent will severly
repress your output in that you might have to specify cfoutput in cases
where it was before not necessary.

When creating a cf page that talks to flash white space is also anathema,
and I've learned that the combination cfsilent and cfsetting works to strip
out even the most persistent white space maybe it will help.

|-Original Message-
|From: Deanna L. Schneider [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 1:51 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: line breaks in excel
|Hi folks,
|I have a page that is creating an excel spreadsheet using 
|multiple queries.
|What happens is that a bunch of blank rows are generated in 
|between the rows
|with data. This doesn't happen in the plain text file.
|I'd include the code, but it's long cause it's a many-tabled 
|database that
|I'm attempting to flatten for the client. Ugh. I've used 
|multiple loops, and
|it would appear that for each loop that is used, a blank line 
|is added. I've
|tried wrapping all the output in cfsetting 
|enablecfoutputonly="yes" But,
|that doesn't help.
|Deanna Schneider
|Interactive Media Developer
|UWEX Cooperative Extension Electronic Publishing Group
|103 Extension Bldg
|432 N. Lake Street
|Madison, WI 53706
|(608) 265-7923
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Loops and Update queries

2001-03-05 Thread Patricia Lee

ARe you experiencing an error during some part of the process?  Is it a sql
problem or a cf / display problem?  More detailed information please?
Inluding any error messages if applicable...

|-Original Message-
|From: Shannon Carr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Monday, March 05, 2001 4:17 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Loops and Update queries
|I am trying to update a table using values that were input on 
|a form using
|cfloop .
|On the input form I am using a loop query to output the Item_Number,
|Item_Description and Quantity fields. The user can update the quantity.
|On the second page I would like to display inside a table, the 
|variables for
|confirmation, then update the table once confirmed. I am 
|having a problem
|parsing the Item_Number and Quantity fields together on the display and
|table update. The table being updated does not have a unique ID.
|cfloop query="itemsbydrawing"
| tr bgcolor="#IIf(CurrentRow Mod 2, DE('ff'), 
|  td nowrapnbsp;#item_number#/td
|  td nowrapnbsp;#Item_description#/td
|  td nowrap align="center"
|  input type="Text" name="Quantity" value="#Quantity#" size="4"
|   onFocus="window.status='Quantity'; return true"/td
|  td width="100%"nbsp;#CurrentRow#/td
|  !--- td align="center" nowrap
|  cfinput type="CheckBox" name="DeleteItem" value="yes"/td ---
| /tr
| input type="hidden" name="ITEM_NUMBER" value="#ITEM_NUMBER#"
| input type="hidden" name="ITEM_DESCRIPTION"
| /cfloop
|Any help would be appreciated.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Refresh, on save

2001-03-04 Thread Patricia Lee

Go to Options  Configure External Browsers

Make sure the option for "Browse using a temporary copy (no need to save)"
is not checked.
You probably want the option for "Automatically save changes to current
document" instead.

This might fix your problem... even though the option is for configuring
external browsers, it will affect the [browse] button in studio as well,
since it the button is probably set up to use your external browser instead
of studio's browser.

|-Original Message-
|From: Philip Arnold - ASP [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 11:21 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: Refresh, on save
| I am trying to figure out what I am missing in the setup,  
|when working in
| studio, then save, and goto browse, I have to hit refresh, 
|in order to see
| my changes,  although on my system at work, once I hit browse, it
| show's the changes, automagically.
|Are your browser settings the same?
|Check how it's reading from the cache
|Philip Arnold
|Certified ColdFusion Developer
|ASP Multimedia Limited
|T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133
|"Websites for the real world"
|This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
|intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
|are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
|the system manager.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: enablecfoutputonly and the mysterious space

2001-03-04 Thread Patricia Lee

Yes, I can corroborate this.  You do want to use CFSILENT.  There are a lot
of flash guys here and I've had to work with them once or twice and we have
seen the mysterious single space problem and solved it with judicious use of
the cfsilent tag.

|-Original Message-
|From: Jeffry Houser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Sunday, March 04, 2001 11:53 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Re: enablecfoutputonly and the mysterious space
|   You may want to look into CFSILENT.  You may also want to 
|rewrite the 
|page with no line breaks.  Or (I'm not sure how or if 
|possible) re-write 
|the Flash movie to ignore whitespace.
|At 08:57 PM 03/04/2001 +1300, you wrote:
|I'm having this wonderful problem with a space being added to 
|the front of
|the document:
|first line of application.cfm is
|cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="yes"
|then it includes a server specific config file that sets the 
|stuff, i.e. cfapplication name=blah...etc
|as far as I can tell, the space exists unless there is 
|absolute no line
|breaks, etc between the cfsetting and the cfapplication 
|tags, and the
|page containing the cfapplication tag must not have any 
|line breaks as
|This is a problem because I'm trying to get Macromedia Flash to load
|variables off a CF page, and a space in front breaks Flash...
|Is there a fix for this?
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: cfmodule oddness

2001-03-02 Thread Patricia Lee

That only happens for the most basic scopes.  The behavior is a bit of a
vestigal tail...  not supported for any new variable type.


I'm not surre about cookie. (I could do a quick test but I'm feeling an
attack of laziness coming on).

All others, assume NOT.  schoolma'armYet another reason why one should
strive to properly scope one's variables.../schoolma'arm

|-Original Message-
|From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Friday, March 02, 2001 4:09 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: cfmodule oddness
|Ah ha !
|Cheers muchly :-)
|I though CF would automagicly try attributes.,cookies., etc. 
|if you just
|gave it a variable name ?
|-Original Message-
|From: Sandra Clark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 5:19 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: cfmodule oddness
|Are you using Attributes.x in the custom tag?
|-Original Message-
|From: Thomas Chiverton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 8:05 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: cfmodule oddness
|I'm using
|cfmodule name="" x="khdsgvlkh"
|but get the error
|The required parameter x was not provided.
|What gives ? The documentation says you can do this...
|Thomas Chiverton,
|Intranet Webmaster and Desktop Analyst
|Office:01565 757 909
|As a GUI, reality in useless...
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: disabling form fields

2001-03-01 Thread Patricia Lee

Here's a sample (only tested on IE 5):  

SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"
function disable() {
formpointer = document.forms[0]

if ( formpointer.testcheck.checked ) {
formpointer.testtext.disabled = true ;
formpointer.testtext.value = "I am now disabled" ;
} else {
formpointer.testtext.disabled = false ;
formpointer.testtext.value = "No longer disabled am
I" ;

input type="checkbox" name="testcheck" value=""
input type="text" name="testtext" value="stuff" size="30"

|-Original Message-
|From: Michael Wolter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 9:27 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: disabling form fields
|I would like to enable/disable some fields on a cf driven web 
|form based
|on the setting of a check box (if you check "use above address" you are
|not able to enter an address below).  I played around with some
|javaScript, but could not figure out how to make this happen.  
|Any tips or
|sample code would be much appreciated.
|Many thanks,
||  Michael Wolter [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |
||  Administrative Programmer/Analyst  Carlisle, PA 17013 |
||  Dickinson College, Computer Services   (717) 245-1527 |

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: !!!Statement Question.!!!

2001-03-01 Thread Patricia Lee

Where is the variable Resultsmanager.contestantID supposed to be coming
from?  You're problem is that it doesn't exist.  It just ain't there.

Is this supposed to be a query that ran before the gettotalpts query?
shrug impossible to tell.

You didn't include any of the CF, but I can guess from the error that this
might be *one* thing you did wrong.  Why?

|An error occurred while evaluating the expression: 

Unless there is a CF variable called resultsmanager.contestantid somewhere
on this page it is wholly predictable that this error will happen.  You're
trying to output a variable that doesn't exist.

|-Original Message-
|From: Jay Patton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 12:53 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: !!!Statement Question.!!!
|This list has been good to me so far so i thought i would ask 
|another question.
|Could anyone help me with this? ive been going over and over 
|it for a while now and cant seem to get it figured out. what i 
|have is a ResultsManager and in that i have a ContestantID 
|that is pulled from the ContestantManager. this was working 
|fine untill my client said that there may be times where 
|contestants tie in certain places so i changed the 
|ContestantID in the resultsmanager to nvarchar as the data 
|type so that it could take input like... 6,161 (contestantid 6 
|and contestantid 161) now on the output i had to change the 
|statement to the following but we get an error: (included at 
|bottom) what i would like to know is am i going about this the 
|proper way or do i need to redo my statement? ANY and ALL Help 
|will be MUCH MUCH apreciated. (please reply to on list and CC: 
|to me directly as well, it seems sometimes that i dont get my 
|list mail as often as i should. but i would like for others to 
|maybe learn from this as well:)
|cfquery name="GetTotalPts"
| datasource="#datasource#"
| dbtype="ODBC"
| username="#username#"
| password="#password#"
|SELECT ResultsManager.ContestantID, 
|ContestantManager.FirstName, ContestantManager.LastName, 
|ContestantManager.City, ContestantManager.State, SUM 
|(ResultsManager.AdjPoints) as TOTALPTS
|FROM ResultsManager INNER JOIN ContestantManager ON 
|ResultsManager.ContestantID = 
|WHERE ContestantManager.Gender = '2' AND 
|ResultsManager.NotAllAround = '0'
|GROUP BY ResultsManager.ContestantID, 
|ContestantManager.FirstName, ContestantManager.LastName, 
|ContestantManager.City, ContestantManager.State
|Error Diagnostic Information
|An error occurred while evaluating the expression: 
|Error near line 9, column 169.
|Jay Patton
|Web Design / Application Design
|Web Pro USA
|406.549.3337 ext. 203
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: !!!Statement Question.!!! (whole page)

2001-03-01 Thread Patricia Lee

Same problem.  In this line of your query

|FROM ResultsManager INNER JOIN ContestantManager ON
|ResultsManager.ContestantID = ListGetAt(ContestantManager.ContestantID,

You're referencing a variable #ResultsManager.ContestantID#

The only way you could have a variable of that name is if
1) You'd created a structure ccalled ResultsManager with a key called
ContestantID and you were referencing that key value
2) You'd run a query called ResultsManager that pulled a column called

Since neither one of these happened, you're causing an error when you run
the ListFind function in your Inner Join.

And I wholly agree with Philip on the normalisation issue (not that it
matters).  Do a lookup table.  Much better form it is.

|-Original Message-
|From: Jay Patton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 1:32 PM
|To: Patricia Lee; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|Subject: Re: !!!Statement Question.!!! (whole page)
|here is the whole CF page. i hope this helps.
|!-- Query For Women ONLY --
|cfquery name="GetTotalPts"
| datasource="#datasource#"
| dbtype="ODBC"
| username="#username#"
| password="#password#"
|SELECT ResultsManager.ContestantID, ContestantManager.FirstName,
|ContestantManager.LastName, ContestantManager.City, 
|SUM (ResultsManager.AdjPoints) as TOTALPTS
|FROM ResultsManager INNER JOIN ContestantManager ON
|ResultsManager.ContestantID = ListGetAt(ContestantManager.ContestantID,
|WHERE ContestantManager.Gender = '2' AND 
|ResultsManager.NotAllAround = '0'
|GROUP BY ResultsManager.ContestantID, ContestantManager.FirstName,
|ContestantManager.LastName, ContestantManager.City, 
|!--- cfset Place = GetTotalPts.RecordCount ---
|cfset count = 1
|cfset NOW = #Now()#
|cfinclude template="styles.cfm"
|body bgcolor="#FF"
|table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2"
|td colspan="4" bgcolor="#FF"font 
|size="2"All Around by Age Group:/font/td
|  /tr
|  tr
|td colspan="4" bgcolor="#FF"select
|" name="select"
| optionSelect an Age Group
| option
| option value="OverallWomensResults.cfm"All Around 
|Results (All Women)
| option 
| optionBy Age Group
| option 
| option value="Womens4050.cfm"Womens 40-50
| option value="Womens5060.cfm"Womens 50-60
| option value="Womens60Plus.cfm"Womens 60+
| /td
|  /tr
|  tr
|td colspan="4"font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
|size="2"bAll Around: Women/b cfoutputfont size="1"(as of
|#DateFormat(Now,"mm.dd.")# #TimeFormat(Now,"hh:mmtt")#
|  /tr
|  tr
|td width="6" bgcolor="#CC"font face="Verdana, 
|Arial, Helvetica,
|sans-serif" size="1"bPlace/b/font/td
|td width="251" bgcolor="#CC"font face="Verdana, 
|Arial, Helvetica,
|sans-serif" size="1"bName/b/font/td
|td width="85" bgcolor="#CC"font face="Verdana, 
|Arial, Helvetica,
|sans-serif" size="1"bAdj. Points/b/font/td
|  /tr
|  cfoutput query="GetTotalPts" startrow=#URL.StartRow# maxrows=25
|tr bgcolor="#IIf(GetTotalPts.CurrentRow  Mod 2, DE('E7'),
|td width="6"font face="verdana,arial,helvetica"
| td width="251"font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
|size="1"#GetTotalPts.LastName#, #GetTotalPts.FirstName# font
|size="1"(#GetTotalPts.City#, #GetTotalPts.State#)/font/font/td
| td width="85"font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
| /tr
|  tr
|td width="6" bgcolor="#CC"font face="Verdana, 
|Arial, Helvetica,
|sans-serif" size="1"bPlace/b/font/td
|td width="251" bgcolor="#CC"font face="Verdana, 
|Arial, Helvetica,
|sans-serif" size="1"bName/b/font/td
|td width="85" bgcolor="#CCCCCC"

RE: ENCTYPE=multipart/form-data problem

2001-02-28 Thread Patricia Lee

This is by no means an answer, but it could be a workaround.

You can change the encoding with javascript.  So what you could do is write
a quick function that checks to see if the file field has value, and if it's
empty, change the encoding back to normal 
document.forms[0].enctye = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

As I said... it's not an explanation or a fix, but it should work as a

Caveat: The above has only been tested on IE 5.x

|-Original Message-
|From: Scott Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 10:43 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" problem
|I don't know if this is a CF problem yet, but I haven't been 
|able to get to 
|the bottom of it:
|The problem arises when using ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" to 
|allow the use 
|of files in a form. It seems that if a file is present, then 
|all is well. 
|However if the file field is empty then none of the other form 
|data (input 
|type="text" etc.) are avalable to the processing page. You get 
|the error 
|"Error resolving parameter FORM.PRICE" or something similar. 
|Removing the 
|enctype parameter from the form cures the problem (but this 
|disables the 
|file capabilities).
|We are using: CF Enterprise 4.5.1, Windows 2000 ADV server / 
|IIS 5, IE5.0 
|(to submit the form).
|I guess the problem could be with any of these (of couse it 
|could just be me 
|doing something stupid).
|Anyway, if anyone has experienced the same problem or has an 
|explaination I 
|would be very grateful.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: ENCTYPE=multipart/form-data problem

2001-02-28 Thread Patricia Lee

I have a type... it should be

|-Original Message-
|From: Patricia Lee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 1:27 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" problem
|This is by no means an answer, but it could be a workaround.
|You can change the encoding with javascript.  So what you 
|could do is write
|a quick function that checks to see if the file field has 
|value, and if it's
|empty, change the encoding back to normal 
|   document.forms[0].enctye = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
|As I said... it's not an explanation or a fix, but it should work as a
|Caveat: The above has only been tested on IE 5.x
||-Original Message-
||From: Scott Lowe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
||Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 10:43 AM
||To: CF-Talk
||Subject: ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" problem
||I don't know if this is a CF problem yet, but I haven't been 
||able to get to 
||the bottom of it:
||The problem arises when using ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" to 
||allow the use 
||of files in a form. It seems that if a file is present, then 
||all is well. 
||However if the file field is empty then none of the other form 
||data (input 
||type="text" etc.) are avalable to the processing page. You get 
||the error 
||"Error resolving parameter FORM.PRICE" or something similar. 
||Removing the 
||enctype parameter from the form cures the problem (but this 
||disables the 
||file capabilities).
||We are using: CF Enterprise 4.5.1, Windows 2000 ADV server / 
||IIS 5, IE5.0 
||(to submit the form).
||I guess the problem could be with any of these (of couse it 
||could just be me 
||doing something stupid).
||Anyway, if anyone has experienced the same problem or has an 
||explaination I 
||would be very grateful.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Input type=File

2001-02-27 Thread Patricia Lee

not that I know of.  As far as I have ever been able to tell, you can't
change anything about the button associated with the file input type.

|-Original Message-
|From: Rick Eidson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 9:34 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Input type=File

|Is there a way to change the button text on a file field?
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: isdefined obsolete?

2001-02-22 Thread Patricia Lee

Nope.  Isdefined() is still quite valid.  It is the ancient
parameterexists() that has been deprecated.

|-Original Message-
|From: DSJ / PC1, Inc. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2001 4:18 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: "isdefined" obsolete?
|Hello All,
|Just got a new web hosting account and it appears to have some 
|old CF code
|in it, which is not working.  Do I recall correctly that 
|"isdefined" is no
|longer valid for use in CF?  I'm running CF 4.51 on my server.
|Thanks in advance for any help!
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: alternative archive?

2001-02-19 Thread Patricia Lee

It's possible.  I just tried the link however and I'm getting a "The page
cannot be found."  But that's not your problem, of course! I'll check back
later with my fingers crossed

|-Original Message-
|Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 1:09 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: alternative archive?
| Yes indeed it IS obvious.
| However it is NOT what I wanted.
| I wanted a link to an ALTERNATIVE archive I have seen (hence 
|the subject).
| It was better formatted, easier searched and more user friendly.
| I found it
| through this list, but time and misfortune have caused me to lose
| the use of
| two laptops since then and I no longer have the link.
| Now, I ask once again... Any others?
| (?)
|Ron Allen Hornbaker
|Humankind Systems, Inc.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: alternative archive? found it

2001-02-19 Thread Patricia Lee

Yep... it was tallylist.  Thanks for all your help and all of the

|-Original Message-
|From: Joseph Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 3:04 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Re: alternative archive?
| Thanks... but nope.  It wasn't an "official" version like 
|the egroups or
| yahoo.  I believe it was done by a single user who was tired 
|of the way
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


alternative archive?

2001-02-18 Thread Patricia Lee

I remember once running across a web page, mainted by a member of this list,
I think that was a searchable archive of the list.  Does one of y'all
know the url?

Patricia Lee

Cold Fusion Developer  Instructor, ACCD   
Fig Leaf Software "We've Got you Covered" 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]202.797.5426

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: alternative archive?

2001-02-18 Thread Patricia Lee

Thanks But this isn't the one I remember.

Any others?

|-Original Message-
|From: David Shadovitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 9:45 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Re: alternative archive?
|PDM's  MonkeyWerks CF Archive
|On Sun, 18 Feb 2001 21:21:05 -0500 Patricia Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| I remember once running across a web page, mainted by a member of 
| this list,
| I think that was a searchable archive of the list.  Does one of 
| y'all
| know the url?
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: alternative archive?

2001-02-18 Thread Patricia Lee

Yes indeed it IS obvious.

However it is NOT what I wanted.

I wanted a link to an ALTERNATIVE archive I have seen (hence the subject).
It was better formatted, easier searched and more user friendly. I found it
through this list, but time and misfortune have caused me to lose the use of
two laptops since then and I no longer have the link.

Now, I ask once again... Any others?

|-Original Message-
|From: Jeffry Houser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 1:20 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Re: alternative archive?
|  I hate to point out the obvious:
|   But, isn't this link at the bottom of every e-mail that goes out?
|Patricia Lee wrote:
| Thanks But this isn't the one I remember.
| Any others?
| |-Original Message-
| |From: David Shadovitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| |Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 9:45 PM
| |To: CF-Talk
| |Subject: Re: alternative archive?
| |
| |
| |PDM's  MonkeyWerks CF Archive
| |
| |
| |-David
| |
| |On Sun, 18 Feb 2001 21:21:05 -0500 Patricia Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| |writes:
| | I remember once running across a web page, mainted by a member of
| | this list,
| | I think that was a searchable archive of the list.  
|Does one of
| | y'all
| | know the url?
| |
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: alternative archive?

2001-02-18 Thread Patricia Lee

Also not the one.

sigh beginning to lose hope.

|-Original Message-
|From: Jeffry Houser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Monday, February 19, 2001 1:29 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Re: alternative archive?
| And before I step over myself:
|   I have this one book-marked...
|   If it is an archive of CF-TALK, it's outdated by about 
|about 3 weeks at the moment.
|Jeffry Houser wrote:
|   I hate to point out the obvious:
|But, isn't this link at the bottom of every e-mail that goes out?
| Patricia Lee wrote:
|  Thanks But this isn't the one I remember.
|  Any others?
|  |-Original Message-
|  |From: David Shadovitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|  |Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 9:45 PM
|  |To: CF-Talk
|  |Subject: Re: alternative archive?
|  |
|  |
|  |PDM's  MonkeyWerks CF Archive
|  |
|  |
|  |-David
|  |
|  |On Sun, 18 Feb 2001 21:21:05 -0500 Patricia Lee [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  |writes:
|  | I remember once running across a web page, mainted by a 
|member of
|  | this list,
|  | I think that was a searchable archive of the list.  
|Does one of
|  | y'all
|  | know the url?
|  |
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: alternative archive?

2001-02-18 Thread Patricia Lee

Thanks... but nope.  It wasn't an "official" version like the egroups or the
yahoo.  I believe it was done by a single user who was tired of the way any
other archives were done.

Nevermind I appreciate the help, but I'm feelin like my criteria is just
too vague.  sigh ah well... swing and miss.

|-Original Message-
|Sent: Sunday, February 18, 2001 11:20 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: RE: alternative archive?
|Just a thought, but if your memory spans back too far, you're 
|going to be
|remembering the eGroups format.  eGroups no longer exists, it 
|was taken over
|by Yahoo (much to my personal disappointment).  The archive 
|still exists on
|the new and "improved" Yahoo layout.  That would be the link Jeffry
|Hope this helps
|Hatton Humphrey

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Locking question

2001-02-17 Thread Patricia Lee

In short 

1) You need to have locks around even the Cfif Isdefined() statements.  In
order for CF to check if a function is defined it has to attempt a read of
said function.

2) When accessing a shared variable to read its value the cflock type=""
attribute should be Readonly.  

3) When accessing a shared variable to create or modify its value the cflock
type="" attribute should be Exclusive.

I would modify your code like this:

cfif  isDefined("attributes.price") and 
and isDefined("attributes.itemcode")

cflock timeout="1" throwontimeout="No" type="EXCLUSIVE" scope="SESSION"
cfif NOT isDefined("session.cart")
 cfset session.cart = structnew()

cfset temp = ListToArray('#attributes.price#,#attributes.quantity#')

cflock timeout="1" throwontimeout="No" type="EXCLUSIVE" scope="SESSION"
cfif NOT structKeyExists(session.cart, attributes.itemcode)
 cfset rs = structInsert(session.cart, attributes.itemcode,

 cfset temp[2] = attributes.quantity
 cfset rs = structUpdate(session.cart, attributes.itemcode,


I used exclusive locks because after the isdefined(), which by itself only
requires a readonly lock, you're modifying the session variables.

|-Original Message-
|From: Jon Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 5:11 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Locking question
|I have seen all of the warnings to make sure to use cflock 
|around any of
|the in memory variable types in a CF application. I hear that 
|every access
|of a session, or application variable should have cflock 
|around it, or I
|could enable automatic locking on the server which will exact 
|a performance
|hit though. Is there a different kind of lock I should use 
|when reading a
|session or app variable than when I am writing to one of these 
|How about when I create a session or app variable?
|Here is a bit of code from a shoppingcart that I have written. 
|It's is the
|addtocart()... Where should the cflocks go? Since I am not totally sure
|about cflock and it's uses I currently just cflock all of this tag,
|essentially single threading the entire function. This 
|probably isn't too
|bad, since performance isn't a big requirement for the sites 
|that I am using
|this code on. In my never ending quest for that extra 
|millisecond though,
|understanding cflock is the next step.
|cfif  isDefined("attributes.price") and 
|and isDefined("attributes.itemcode")
|cfif NOT isDefined("session.cart")
| cfset session.cart = structnew()
|cfset temp = ListToArray('#attributes.price#,#attributes.quantity#')
|cfif NOT structKeyExists(session.cart, attributes.itemcode)
| cfset rs = structInsert(session.cart, attributes.itemcode, temp)
| cfset temp[2] = attributes.quantity
| cfset rs = structUpdate(session.cart, attributes.itemcode, temp)
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Multiple conditions in a single CFIF statement.

2001-02-11 Thread Patricia Lee

Um... You've already got it.  CF supports compound expressions... you simply
use the correct combination of operators, expressions and parenthesis and go
for it.


won't be any different from the first 



I could go on.

|-Original Message-
|From: Arden Weiss [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Friday, February 09, 2001 11:15 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Multiple conditions in a single CFIF statement.
|So far I've only used single CFIF statements - hence don't 
|know syntax for 
|multiple conditions and haven't been able to find an example 
|in the books I 
|Can someone give me a hint or example of the CF syntax to do state the 
|following condition:
|without using nested CFIF statements???

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Brain Fart

2001-02-02 Thread Patricia Lee

len(form.specialrequest) returns the number of characters.

If you want to automatically chop off at 255 rather than letting them
re-enter, then you'll want to use the Mid() function as well.

What would be very nice (and I'd love to see an example from someone who
already knows how), would be to use JavaScript to alert and hopefully stop
the user when they've typed in characer 256.

Patricia Lee

Cold Fusion Developer  Instructor, ACCD   
Fig Leaf Software "We've Got you Covered" 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]202.797.5426

|-Original Message-
|From: Tony Gruen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Friday, February 02, 2001 2:03 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: OT: Brain Fart
|I am having a challenge trying to envision a solution to the following:
|Wherever I have a textarea field in my insert statement I 
|strip commas and
|returns in this fashion:
|'#Replace(form.specialrequest, "#chr(13)##chr(10)#", " ", "ALL")#',
|Is there a way to check the number of characters that was 
|entered when the
|form was submitted? I need to limit it to 255 - I have a specific group
|entering war and peace in this field and upon insert it is 
|causing problems
|down the line when a data team member (internal) tries to 
|download the form
|submissions out of the database for processing.
|Any thoughts, suggestions, ideas?
|Tony Gruen
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Help: WDDX deserialize problem

2001-02-02 Thread Patricia Lee

|What Simon says is correct.

I can't help myself are you *trying* to be punny? 

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Triggering the Find Dialog

2001-01-24 Thread Patricia Lee

I have no knowledge, but speaking out of my a** I'd say maybe via an ActiveX
control?  VBScript maybe?

Of course limitations apply, even if I am right...

|-Original Message-
|From: Jon Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:05 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Re: Triggering the Find Dialog
|It's not part of the DOM, so I dont believe so.
|- Original Message -
|From: "Duane Boudreau" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 11:33 PM
|Subject: Triggering the Find Dialog
| Does anyone know if there is a way to trigger the browser's 
|find button
| searching the text on the current page?
| TIA,
| Duane Boudreau, CTO
| CFExperts
| 603.620.8797
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Allaire on a Mac?

2001-01-23 Thread Patricia Lee

I doubt it.  Generator Server doesn't work on a Mac, and THAT's a Macromedia
product.  Besides, extending CF to a Mac Platform just seems WAY out in left
field to me (and I *like* macs).  And when I say left field... I mean on

Maybe, possibly in the future if the OSX becomes the main mac platform and
they can really starte treating the Mac OS more like a *nix platform.  ***
Maybe *** ... and still I'd say not for a few years even then.

|-Original Message-
|From: Randy Zeitman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Tuesday, January 23, 2001 8:58 AM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Allaire on a Mac?
|Anyone have any insight as to whether Allaire's apps will soon run on 
|Macintosh as a result of the merger with Macromedia?
|**This signature sponsored by - the most powerful 
|musical instrument search engine on the net!**
|"I've gotten so out of shape sittin' at the computer all day that I 
|get out of breath when I have to reach for the percent key!"  - 

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Replace

2001-01-15 Thread Patricia Lee

You need quotes around the all parameter

cfset strMyString = Replace(#strMyStringOld#, "ab", "bc", "all")

|-Original Message-
|From: Shari Jung [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 12:51 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: Replace
|I am trying to use the replace command to replace every character in a
|string with another.  I can get it to work just doing one, but 
|when I add
|the scope it errors.
|Example code:  cfset strMyString = Replace(#strMyStringOld#, 
|"ab", "bc",
|Error Message:
|Error resolving parameter ALL 
|ColdFusion was unable to determine the value of the parameter. 
|This problem
|is very likely due to the act that either: 
|You have misspelled the parameter name, or 
|You have not specified a QUERY attribute for a CFOUTPUT, 
|The error occurred while evaluating the expression: 
|cfset strMyString = Replace(#strMyStringOld#, "ab", "bc", all)
|Works fine if I leave off the ", all"  Tried all kinds of 
|variations, but
|none work.  Anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong?
|Shari Jung
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: List Loop Delete

2001-01-05 Thread Patricia Lee

Perhaps do listtoarray, loop backwards thorough the array
(from="#arraylen(myarray)#" to=1 step="-1") and do arraydeleteat(index).
looping backwards will nullify any problems you'll have with changing index
values and then you can change the array back to a list when you're

It's one method, at least.

|-Original Message-
|From: Lee Surma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
|Sent: Friday, January 05, 2001 1:54 PM
|To: CF-Talk
|Subject: List Loop Delete
|I need to loop through a list, test for a condition, and if 
|the condition is not met, delete the item from the list.
|My problem is that ListDeleteat requires a "position" and as 
|you loop through and delete the position becomes unknown 
|because the list is changing. Any ideas? 
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: !-#include file=cfFile.cfm -

2001-01-04 Thread Patricia Lee

Incluiding a .cfm file into a .cfm file isn't going to work.  The .htm file
isn't going to cause .cfm files to process because the web server will not
send it through the cf server for processing.  

The only way it would work in theory is if you set your web server up to
have files with extensions of .htm process through the cf server.  And at
that point you could just go ahead and use a regurlar cfinclude.


 -Original Message-
 From: Eric Fickes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 12:19 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: !-#include file="cfFile.cfm" -
 Hello all,
 Has anyone ever included a cfm file inside of a .html file?  
 I've got an
 HTML page that I would like to include a small CF page inside 
 of and I can't
 seem to get it to work.  I've tried the following
 !-#include file="cfFile.cfm" -
 !-#include virtual="cfFile.cfm" -
 and neither seem to do anything.  Any ideas?

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: how do I show a range of numbers?

2000-12-28 Thread Patricia Lee

cfswitch expression="#variable#"
cfcase value="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9" delimeters=","
do your stuff
and what have you

Patricia Lee

Cold Fusion Developer  Instructor, ACCD   
Fig Leaf Software "We've Got you Covered" 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]202.797.5426

 -Original Message-
 From: S R [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, December 28, 2000 4:02 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: how do I show a range of numbers?
 For example I have a CFIF statement that looks like this:
 could I do something like:

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RE: CF and JavaScript Variables

2000-12-26 Thread Patricia Lee

 HOW do I also
 assign a JavaScript Variable to a CF variable.  These does 

As Simon said, CFWDDX will import your CF variables into javascript.  If you
want to set a javascript variable and have it available on the *next* cf
page, you can use a hidden formfield and cause javascript to set the hidden
formfield with the javascript variable value.  If you want to copy a
javascript variable into CF and have it available on the *same* cf page,
you'll have to do something more complicated, probably using a hidden frame
or hidden iframe, causing javascript to write to that  hidden location, and
either reading directly from the hidden location nor causing your current
page to reload with the hidden location passing its variables to it that

Much  more complicated.  I suggest the javascript to hidden formfield method
myself (only useful for sending javascript variables onto the next page, of


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