RE: Unix Trouble

2001-05-26 Thread Raymond B.

This is *exactly* why you never run as root unless you absolutely have to
(even then you can often get away w/ running only the current command as
root using su).

First suggestion is restoring from your daily backup. You *do* have a daily
backup don't you? :)

As far as recovery goes, assuming that the OpenBoot security level is not
set to full you should be able to quickly recover with the help of the
Solaris CD. Basically it will consist of booting off the CD, mounting the
partition that normally contains /etc (and the partion where you think it
went), and restoring it to it's proper location.

For more exact details on how to do the boot and mount, you should be able
to find some FAQ or info on one of the many Solaris sites (
laris/ ) or your favourite Solaris book.

-Original Message-
From: Erika L. Walker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 26, 2001 17:02
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Unix Trouble

Thanks Tony!

I'm glad I'm not the only one! grin Makes me feel marginally better...


-Original Message-
From: Tony Schreiber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, May 26, 2001 7:18 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Unix Trouble

Haha. That's too funny. I was running OpenWindows one time and this stupid
twitchy Sun mouse (really sensitive buttons ;p) MADE me mistakenly drag
the /etc folder into the /bin folder... My mistake was to reboot - had to

On another computer I did a rm * when I meant to do a rm *~, lost that
one too. ;)

I know this isn't very helpful, but at least you know you're not the only

 OK. now don't make fun of me, yet! :)

 However...My question is: I accidentally lost the etc folder (don't
 while poking around inside the files of a Sun Solaris 8 box. I thought it
 had just dumped itself into another folder, and while in the process of
 looking for the etc folder, the system crashed. Of course it wouldn't come
 back up on reboot...what do I do next? I know it wasn't's
 there on the drive somewhere...can I boot the machine up from an external
 source such as a cdrom or a floppy?

 Thanks in advance,

 (with a duncecap)

 One of the greatest pains to human nature is the pain of a new idea. -
 Walter Bagehot

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Counting

2001-05-23 Thread Raymond B.

Heh, you answered your own question.


*** Psycically trying to probe your table/field names)***

SELECT c.class_id, c.class_name, count(r.lname)
FROM class c, registrant r
WHERE c.class_id = r.class_id
GROUP BY c.class_id, c.class_name

-Original Message-
From: David Clay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 23, 2001 05:48
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Counting

Can someone help.

Customers are signing up for classes and I need to know how many (Count) are
in a  class at any given time.  That number needs to be output on the same
row as the class number.  Looking for code on this.

Having a major brain fart.  Your help  is appreciated.  Thank you

Dave Clay
Internet Facilitator
Trus Joist, A Weyerhaeuser Business
5995 Greenwood Plaza Blvd, Suite 100
Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Compromising Security

2001-05-22 Thread Raymond B.

Code smart.

Don't allow input from a form field to ever go directly into a query: Treat
all data recieved from a user as tainted.

Don't rely on JS or HTML, there's nothing to stop someone doing a direct
post to your script.

Get rid of detailed error messages, use error templates and try/catch to
make them user friendly (and disable in admin).

Give CF only the permissions it needs, don't run as a dbms su when
select/insert/update permissions are all that's needed for the main site.

Use stored procedures, not only do you get the benifit of added speed and
lower connection overhead (though portability can be effected) you can more
readily control exactly what is being accessed.

There are tons of other suggestion, such as always staying on top of
security updates (unlike 60%+ of sysadmins out there who don't patch known
issues even years after they've been dicovered and documented). It doesn't
take much extra coding, and it quickly becomes second nature. Your
applications will be more stable, secure, and happier for it.

-Original Message-
From: Peter Tilbrook [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 22, 2001 18:57
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Compromising Security

The first thing you should do is store your databases in a folder that is
not accessible from the Internet (out of your web root). For example:

Your websites could be in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\mywebsite\

But you should store the databases somewhere else, eg:


Secure this directory and update CF Administrator to look here for
datasources instead. Don't think your databases have to be physically within
your web site for CF to access them.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Pooh Bear
Sent: Wednesday, 23 May, 2001 2:28 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Compromising Security

hey, I was wondering what are the least amount of information someone needs
to compromise my database or code?  I am.err...hacking? my
site/database through the URL.  So far, I've got 2 tablenames, the
datasource, and some field names.  I dont want to have to do a lot of coding
to prevent this from being seen by someone else, but i will if have to, but
first i want to know if anyone could do anything with this much information.
  Thanx! :)
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: What a task!

2001-05-20 Thread Raymond B.

Haven't really been following this thread, but at it's highest level your
problem seems to break down into these three steps. (If you want quick fixes
skip to the bottom.)

1. Render the HTML
2. Convert rendered screen to image
3. Resize image


You might check out for mozilla's HTML rendering
engine if you want something you can bring into your own code. There are
some other engines that are open as well, I'll leave them to you to find.

Alternately there's closed source such as the popular IE. Which you decide
to use counts heavily on the next step.


The whole purpose of the exercise is to get the render (R) to output to a
bitmapped image (I). Theoretically the easiest way would be get R  I;
somehow I doubt it's going to be as easy as a 'mozilla 
bar.jpg' though.

Given the mozilla source you may be able find where you could redirect the
screen display though. I'm not overlly familiar w/ IE but it might have some
COM objects accessable to pull the information from.


So many programs and algorithms to accomplish this, choose whichever suites
you ( is one of my favourite utils for this).


I realise this isn't exactly detail specific, but if you were floating
around wondering how to even begin tackling the problem this might provide
some grounding.

--- has a win9x/IE5 specific program to accomplish step
1 and 2 if you're on that platform. converts to PS, w/  it's only a step away from a properly sized
jpeg and it's not platform specific. (I don't have a clue how the html2ps
script renders the HTML though)

-Original Message-
From: Jon Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 18, 2001 19:28
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: What a task!

How many thumbnails are there going to be? It might be more cost effective
to train a peon (no offense to any peons out there;-)) to use a screenshot

- Original Message -
From: Michael Lugassy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 18, 2001 8:03 PM
Subject: What a task!

 I got this assignment recently:

 I need to create a thumbnail view of the front/home page of a given site.
that should be done automaticlly, ofcourse.

 for example: I run this: CF_THUMBSITE site=;;
 somehow I need to grab all of the site content and PICTURE IT as it were
 on a browser.

 this gots you thinking, ha?

 I know does something similiar.

 if anyone can solve this, I'm hearing! :)



Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Array problems

2001-05-18 Thread Raymond B.

First of all that's not a 3d array. Secondly from your data I'd say embedded
structs would suit you better (you might also hear the concept reffered to
as hashes or associative arrays).

// init struct
notebook = structNew();

// example using variables
structInsert(notebook, Notebook_Number, structNew());
structInsert(notebook[Notebook_Number], title, Notebook_title);
structInsert(notebook[Notebook_Number], owner, Notebook_Owner);

// example using hard coded data
structInsert(notebook, 34, structNew());
structInsert(notebook[45], 'title', 'Jim notebook');
structInsert(notebook[45], 'owner', 'Jim');

!--- example of accessing the info in a cfoutput ---
Get the title of notebook 45: #notebook[45].title#

If instead you wanted to use an array:

// init array
notebook = arrayNew(1);

// example using variables
arrayAppend(notebook, listToArray(data));

// example using hard coded data
arrayAppend(notebook, listToArray(45,Jim notebook,Jim));

!--- example of accessing the info in a cfoutput ---
Get the title of notebook 45: #notebook[2][2]#

The array will be much faster (among other advantages) but you loose the
ability to call data by nomen. Try reading some introduction to programming
texts for the various data structures.

-Original Message-
From: Ray Bujarski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 18, 2001 17:43
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Array problems

I am new to arrays, I have been using lists as a crutch for some time
now.  I need to insert values into this 3d array as so
Notebook_Number, Notebook_title, Notebook_Owner

I am looping through a query but do not understand how to set the values in
this array

Example needed array:

34,  Rays notebook,   Ray
45,  Jim notebook,  Jim

How would I do this?

Thank you!!!
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: setting values

2001-05-18 Thread Raymond B.

Mapping values is one option, but I really think you should consider leaving
it numeric.

update prod set price = 19 where price = 22;

Would easily change all prices of one type to another.

If it's space you're concerned about (and you use all integer prices) using
an unisigned tinyint (8 bits) will give you values from 0 to 255 and take
the same space as char(1). Really though even a dec(9,2) isn't bad at all
for only a few thousand records.

As far as input is concerned, just create a dropdown or the like so you can
quicky choose the standard values.

This will keep the data w/ the prices relevant and cut out the need for a
join table (and application array/struct) as well as the need to work w/ a

If you do want to do a mapping, here's a way.

CREATE TABLE table_name (
code char(1) not null,
price decimal(9,2) not null

Then just create a relation w/ cascading update to the products table.

You can now either enumerate the code w/ a join in the query, or use an
application struct so #application.price[query_name.price_code]# fills in
the value (after do all the locking etc.).

It really doesn't make sense from a complexity and speed view though, when a
dropdown on input would solve all your problems.

-Original Message-
From: Ken Ketsdever [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 18, 2001 18:32
To: CF-Talk
Subject: setting values

 Friday, May 18, 2001 5:14 PM

I have a table that is dynamically populated from a db to show the item
number, description, price and image of products.

Although there are several hundred items there are only about 6 prices.

Rather than inputting the price of each item into the database, I would
prefer to put a letter designation then set the letter to equal a price. so
that when prices change I only have to reset the price once per price versus
changing all the prices in my database.

I am pulling out #price# from a query.

if I use prices as a , b, c, d, ...

can I use some sort of set function to establish prices to be displayed

so if an item has a price code of a in the database it will display $22.00

if it is b then it will display $26.00

Or does this need to be done via a cfif statement and if so how would I do

Thank you for any help you can provide
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Imbedding IF statements into a tag.......

2001-05-17 Thread Raymond B.

Inline IF? IIF() :)

IIF(expression, true_expr, false_expr)

Check the lang. ref. for more detail.

-Original Message-
From: Stevens, Jason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 16, 2001 23:42
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Imbedding IF statements into a tag...

Is it possible to imbed IF statements into a tag? For example, you have the
following statement:

subject=Order Information

Of course, when the session variable session.Form.CCEmail doesn't exist, it
error's off. Would there be a way to imbed an if statement that would only
add the cc section of the cfmail tag if the variable exists without writing
is as:
cfif isdefined(session.Form.CCEmail)
cfmail with cc section
cfmail without the cc section
I would rather do it inline of the tag if possible. Even if it just leave
the variable at a zero value, so long as the variable is set and it won't
error off.

Thanks in advance, (sorry for the newbie question :)
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: HELP: Hierarchy

2001-05-17 Thread Raymond B.

Sounds like you'd be best be served by a recursive function (or for CF
recursive custom tag).

For performance sake I'd either have a table or application object to store
the full heirchy info of each category; pre-generated on a fixed basis.

You could store it w/ full html formating in a table/array:

| cat_id   | generated_data
| 5| a href=blah...  a href=

Or if you wanted a more flexible approach an array of struct containing the
cat_id and cat_name (wddxed into that field if a db or flatfile).

array[0]-{24} = 'Sevier County'
array[1]-{6} = 'Arkansas'
array[i]-{cat_id} = cat_name

(Alternately a 2D array would accomplish the same thing w/ better
performance but this is for clarity)

I'm using a Perlish notation to show the relation a bit more clearly (I

Whether you use a temporary table, memory object, or an external file really
depends on your hardware and extent of the data.

Okay, so how exactly do you implement recurision in CF you ask? Well I'm
glad you did, let's go over that.

The first thing you always want to think of w/ recursion is How the hell am
I going to stop it? or you'll introduce all sorts of fun infinite loops
your sysadmin will just love. In this case our stop criteria is when
parent.recordcount in fig. 3 (heh, I feel so official mentioning figure
numbers) becomes 0.

// fig. 3

cfquery name=parent
SELECT cat_id, cat_name
FROM table
WHERE paren_id = attributes.cat_id

Okay, well that defines our stop position and at the same time shows us a
large part of our custom tag. Now let's start our thinking at the root
parent (the absolute last interation of our custom tag) and work backward.
Well we know we want to track the heirarchy, so we need to pass that parent
value to the calling tag.

caller.parent_cat = parent.cat_id;
caller.parent_name = parent.cat_name;

Okay, so that's done.. we're now down one level and we need to pass both the
root parent, and this level is a parent too. Oviously passing tons of
scalars isn't going to go over well w/ untold levels of recursion, so
instead let's move to the more formatted data structure stated before we

So we have an id and name for each level of recursion. Let's save that as a
simple array:

current = listToArray(cat_id, cat_name)

That handles the last level (remeber root parent is the last tag to execute)
but we need to track as we go, so let's store these arrays in another so we
can pass them along and also keep track of the order (which is the whole
purpose). So we'll arrayAppend this (push, pop, etc. are named differently
in CF) array into our tracking one and pass it along to the previous caller.

arrayAppend(tracking, current);
caller.parents = tracking;

**[Okay. it's 5:04am and as fun as the last 10-15min writing this has
been... I have a bad cold and need my sleep. Someone else can probably
finish this off (or suggest a better solution overall). If not I'll continue
where I left off tomorrow sometime and it will probably be a lot more lucid
for it.

2 quick pointers:
1) you have to write a page to loop over every line in a select * type query
to start up the recursion.
2) that page will also deal w/ how you plan to store the info (key being
cat_id, data being the complete lineage of each cat_id

This is the extreme case of normalisation vs. perfomance :)

Happy coding.

-Original Message-
From: Tony Hicks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 17, 2001 03:44
To: CF-Talk
Subject: HELP: Hierarchy

I have passed this question through so many cf communities... and it has
still left me


Suppose you have a db with a table called categories..

The fields are:

ID: Each Category's Unique ID
Parent_ID: This field is the ID of the Parent Category
Category_Name: The text to display to represent the category...

So when you click a link like this: a href=browse.cfm?parent_id=5Test
Category/a (The unprocessed CF for that is a
href=browse.cfm?parent_id=#id##Category_Name#/a with a query that tells
it to select just from the parent_id..)...

Well that all works fine but I want to display the Level history at the top
like so:

Companies  Brick and Mortar  United States  Arkansas  Sevier County

And if they were on the page listing all the counties in Arkansas it would

Companies  Brick and Mortar  United States  Arkansas

Hopefully you all get the idea... does anyone know what the proper cf code
would be to display this? Allaire Forums have helped me the best they can
but the code people give me either errors out or loops into itself, thus
locking up the server...

Tony Hicks

I'd be glad to provide as much information as needed.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: HELP: Hierarchy

2001-05-17 Thread Raymond B.

Ohh quick addendum, as fun as this stuff is... I'm a big fan of letting
someone else do the work.

OSs are great at this, they provide you with a nice organised tree structure
and symbolic links should you wish to cross reference categories.

Reading dirs is A LOT easier for finding parents too and much less processor

-Original Message-
From: Raymond B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 17, 2001 05:11
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: HELP: Hierarchy

Sounds like you'd be best be served by a recursive function (or for CF
recursive custom tag).

For performance sake I'd either have a table or application object to store
the full heirchy info of each category; pre-generated on a fixed basis.

You could store it w/ full html formating in a table/array:

| cat_id   | generated_data
| 5| a href=blah...  a href=

Or if you wanted a more flexible approach an array of struct containing the
cat_id and cat_name (wddxed into that field if a db or flatfile).

array[0]-{24} = 'Sevier County'
array[1]-{6} = 'Arkansas'
array[i]-{cat_id} = cat_name

(Alternately a 2D array would accomplish the same thing w/ better
performance but this is for clarity)

I'm using a Perlish notation to show the relation a bit more clearly (I

Whether you use a temporary table, memory object, or an external file really
depends on your hardware and extent of the data.

Okay, so how exactly do you implement recurision in CF you ask? Well I'm
glad you did, let's go over that.

The first thing you always want to think of w/ recursion is How the hell am
I going to stop it? or you'll introduce all sorts of fun infinite loops
your sysadmin will just love. In this case our stop criteria is when
parent.recordcount in fig. 3 (heh, I feel so official mentioning figure
numbers) becomes 0.

// fig. 3

cfquery name=parent
SELECT cat_id, cat_name
FROM table
WHERE paren_id = attributes.cat_id

Okay, well that defines our stop position and at the same time shows us a
large part of our custom tag. Now let's start our thinking at the root
parent (the absolute last interation of our custom tag) and work backward.
Well we know we want to track the heirarchy, so we need to pass that parent
value to the calling tag.

caller.parent_cat = parent.cat_id;
caller.parent_name = parent.cat_name;

Okay, so that's done.. we're now down one level and we need to pass both the
root parent, and this level is a parent too. Oviously passing tons of
scalars isn't going to go over well w/ untold levels of recursion, so
instead let's move to the more formatted data structure stated before we

So we have an id and name for each level of recursion. Let's save that as a
simple array:

current = listToArray(cat_id, cat_name)

That handles the last level (remeber root parent is the last tag to execute)
but we need to track as we go, so let's store these arrays in another so we
can pass them along and also keep track of the order (which is the whole
purpose). So we'll arrayAppend this (push, pop, etc. are named differently
in CF) array into our tracking one and pass it along to the previous caller.

arrayAppend(tracking, current);
caller.parents = tracking;

**[Okay. it's 5:04am and as fun as the last 10-15min writing this has
been... I have a bad cold and need my sleep. Someone else can probably
finish this off (or suggest a better solution overall). If not I'll continue
where I left off tomorrow sometime and it will probably be a lot more lucid
for it.

2 quick pointers:
1) you have to write a page to loop over every line in a select * type query
to start up the recursion.
2) that page will also deal w/ how you plan to store the info (key being
cat_id, data being the complete lineage of each cat_id

This is the extreme case of normalisation vs. perfomance :)

Happy coding.

-Original Message-
From: Tony Hicks [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 17, 2001 03:44
To: CF-Talk
Subject: HELP: Hierarchy

I have passed this question through so many cf communities... and it has
still left me


Suppose you have a db with a table called categories..

The fields are:

ID: Each Category's Unique ID
Parent_ID: This field is the ID of the Parent Category
Category_Name: The text to display to represent the category...

So when you click a link like this: a href=browse.cfm?parent_id=5Test
Category/a (The unprocessed CF for that is a
href=browse.cfm?parent_id=#id##Category_Name#/a with a query that tells
it to select just from the parent_id..)...

Well that all works fine but I want to display the Level history at the top
like so:

Companies  Brick and Mortar  United States  Arkansas  Sevier County

And if they were on the page listing all the counties in Arkansas it would

Companies  Brick and Mortar  United States  Arkansas

Hopefully you all get the idea... does anyone know what the proper cf code
would be to display this? Allaire Forums have helped me the best they can

RE: Restarting CF from Web

2001-05-15 Thread Raymond B.

  Starting and stoping CF will generally require root/administrator access
in default install. If you take the following suggestions make sure you're
aware of how to exec system commands safely in a web accessible script.

  If your under *nix w/ Perl or PHP support; change to a user w/ permissions
to control the CF process then run $CF_root/bin/start and stop (default is

  Under NT w/ Perl, PHP, or ASP support; change to a user w/ permissions to
control the CF process then run:

NET START Cold Fusion Executive
NET START Cold Fusion Application Server

  I think I have the correct order, there's a cycle.bat or something under
%CF_root%\bin\ that will provide the correct order if I'm mistaken. Reverse
order for NET STOP.

  If you don't have knowledge of these languages and you'd like a Perl or
PHP script for *nix/NT I can whip you up one on request, or if you run
Webmin I've made a quick module for it (nothing fancy at all, purely for my
own use when no SSH is available). If you're IIS on NT someone w/ more
knowledge than I could probably make a quick ASP script for you.

-Original Message-
From: Tim Painter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 11, 2001 08:31
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Restarting CF from Web

Hello!  In CF 4.0 there was a nifty java app that allowed me to stop and
restart CF from a web page, however it is no more in 4.5.  I no longer have
a copy of 4.0 and really need to get a copy of this.  Does anyone have a
resource to get this or an alternative that will do the same thing?

Tim Painter
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: 2 simpl q's about locking

2001-05-15 Thread Raymond B.

The timeout value repressents how long the process will wait to obtain a
lock of the type specified. If throwontimeout is set to Yes it will raise
an exception if a lock can not be obtained, if it's No then the code will
skip to the end of the block (not executing anything in the block).


1) is exclusively locked on Page1 and is being written to for 10

2) is called on Page2 w/ a 3 second timeout only 1 second after
Page1 starts

3) Page2's lock times out and raises an exception (read: error) b/c default
is to throw on timeout.

4) Page1 finishes execution and releases the lock

-Original Message-
From: Michael Lugassy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 15, 2001 04:22
To: CF-Talk
Subject: 2 simpl q's about locking

2 questions about locking:

1. Do I need to lock application.engines whenever I try to isDefined() it
or is this enugh:

CFIF IsDefined(appliaction.engines)

2. The Timeout Value - does it represent the MAXIMUM time (in seconds) that
the var would be locked
or does it represent the ACTUAL time that the variable would be lock (no
matter if the process
has ended succesfuly before the timeout)??


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: 2 simpl q's about locking

2001-05-15 Thread Raymond B.

Sorry, it's late and I had completely forgetten about 1 by the time I
finished reading 2.. hehe.

I'm going to go a bit out on a limb here and say no. As you're only checking
the symbol table to see if the name is defined -- not trying to get a
coherent value from it or access the same memory address from possibly
multiple simultaneous threads -- it should be thread safe. I personally
don't lock on isDefined() checks but I may err in that practice (nor IIRC
have I ever seen it mentioned in articles).

If someone has more information on exactly how isDefined() works internally
in regards to multi-threading it would be interesting to know.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Lugassy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 15, 2001 05:02
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: 2 simpl q's about locking

Got it!
and what about the isDefined(question) ?
do you know the answer to it?


Michael Lugassy
IT/WEB Specialist
Interactive Music Ltd.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Scientific Notation Formatting

2001-05-15 Thread Raymond B.

numberFormat(foo/10^iif(fix(log10(abs(foo))) gt 1,
foo))) gt 1,fix(log10(abs(foo))),fix(log10(abs(foo/10

Ugly and ineffecient you say? I agree wholeheartedly.

Why log10 and not just len, other than simply the fact it counts +/- and .?
Soon as a number reaches float size CF represents it internally in E
notation w/ full precision.

foo = 0.0424352353494;

I can't say I ever do anything in CF that uses any heavy math. CF just isn't
suited for it. I can't wait for CF5.0s UDFs to write function wrappers for
CFXs to extend it something akin to Perl's modules for extending it's
functions (haven't checked out CF5.0 other than reading a bit of the RC
release notes so I could be way off on how powerful UDFs will be).

If anyone knows a nicer way (there has to be one better than above) to
represent numbers in a consistant scientific notation it would be great.

-Original Message-
From: Howie Hamlin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 15, 2001 11:10
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Scientific Notation Formatting

You can do something like:

cfset num=26000
cfoutput#numberformat(num /

Just bear in mind that this works for numbers =1


Howie Hamlin - inFusion Project Manager
On-Line Data Solutions, Inc.
631-737-4668 x101
inFusion Mail Server (iMS) - The Intelligent Mail Server

- Original Message -
From: Corina Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 1:03 PM
Subject: Scientific Notation Formatting

 Anyone have any ideas on how to format a number using scientific Notation?
 For example I  have the number 2600 and I want to display 2.6e11

 I would appreciate any help.

 Corina S. Moore
 IMDC Software Developer

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Anyone hear of the HL7 protocol?

2001-05-15 Thread Raymond B.

Yeah, when I had to work on a pharmacutical intranet.

It's a 'standard' for exchanging clinical information, etc. I didn't have to
work much w/ it as someone else was writing the parser so the website's your
best bet.

-Original Message-
From: Al Musella, DPM [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 15, 2001 13:08
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Anyone hear of the HL7 protocol?

   I have to create a medical website that communicates with a program that
uses the HL7 protocol.  I never heard of that, and I have to talk to
their programmers tomorrow and don't want to look that stupid:)  Anyone
know what they are talking about?

Al Musella, DPM
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Session variables.......

2001-05-13 Thread Raymond B.

I'm not sure exactly what you want, but if you're talking a multi-part form
(and you want to use session vars) just keep throwing all the form struct
except form.formfield (if 4.5x+) into a session struct then structClear()
the struct at the end.

-Original Message-
From: Stevens, Jason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 13, 2001 20:08
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Session variables...

Would anyone know of a way to make session variables either expire or reset
after a page is loaded? I'm having people go through a form process and want
to zero out all session variables upon submission and I'm looking for a way
to do that. If this is a duh, how could you not know the answer to that?,
I apologize, I've only been in CF dev for a month.

Thank you for you time,
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Session variables.......

2001-05-13 Thread Raymond B.

I should add, I don't mean structClear(session) but create a substruct then
clear it at the end. So it would be structClear(session.form_a) or something
akin to that.

-Original Message-
From: Raymond B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 13, 2001 20:37
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Session variables...

I'm not sure exactly what you want, but if you're talking a multi-part form
(and you want to use session vars) just keep throwing all the form struct
except form.formfield (if 4.5x+) into a session struct then structClear()
the struct at the end.

-Original Message-
From: Stevens, Jason [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 13, 2001 20:08
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Session variables...

Would anyone know of a way to make session variables either expire or reset
after a page is loaded? I'm having people go through a form process and want
to zero out all session variables upon submission and I'm looking for a way
to do that. If this is a duh, how could you not know the answer to that?,
I apologize, I've only been in CF dev for a month.

Thank you for you time,
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: cfm-resources?

2001-05-11 Thread Raymond B.

You might want to move to a language such as PHP, Perl, (ick) ASP, etc.
Using CF, which is really meant to be an enterprise product and costs min.
$1.2k USD, might not be the solution. I realise it's often much more rapid
development and has a quicker learning curve overall, but PHP and Perl are
free, ASP is in the sense it can be hosted w/ chillisoft bypassing having to
pay for the OS... Server such as this have lower operating costs to begin w/
so can often offer much lower rates.

I'm almost sure to get flamed for suggesting something other than CF, but
it's all about the right tool for the job. If the site will be manageable
enough through your admin section then the need for someone unskilled to
edit the source won't occur frequently.

Just a though.

-Original Message-
From: Robert J. Bailey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 11, 2001 10:41
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: cfm-resources?

I have been having problems with them with my free account, and a friend of
mine that has a pay account with them can not get a hold of them either, no
matter how many emails

Robert J. Bailey
(646) 526-4536

-Original Message-
From: Kay Smoljak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2001 10:39 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: cfm-resources?

Hi all,

I was wondering if anyone else was having problems with free accounts at First my password stopped working, and when I got no
response to repeated emails, I gave up and signed up for another account.
(Incidently, after a number of errors were thrown in the registration
scripts, I ended up with three accounts but that's a different story.)

Attempts to FTP in are successful after on average three or four timeouts.
Everytime I do actually manage to connect, it timeouts before I can upload
any files. The site itself takes ages to load and then I get server errors.
The cfm-resources control panel is not even up.

Now, before you tell me that you get what you pay for, I totally agree. I'm
developing a site for a non-profit organisation with next to zero funding,
which promotes science and technology career paths for high school students,
girls in particular. The aim is to create a site that they can update and
maintain themselves, thereby requiring no more funding for web work. My plan
being, if I can get the site running on the free hosting service, and they
see how great and easy it is and maybe interest some benefactors, I will get
them to move to one of the low cost hosting services. Hell, I was even
planning to pay for some of it myself. I'm not expecting great reliability
or speed out of a free service. But at the moment *I* can't even view the
site, and it's been like that all week.

What I would like to know is, what is the reliability like on their paid
accounts? I'd be reluctant to risk them after my experiences with the free
service. What are the other low cost hosting services out there like?

Sorry to bitch but this is driving me insane!

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Outputting Raw CFML

2001-05-10 Thread Raymond B.

Lots of ways, a quick fix is to run it through htmlCodeFormat() or just
enclose it in code/code tags.

-Original Message-
From: Kuehn, Matthew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 10, 2001 12:18
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Outputting Raw CFML

I want to build an app that will traverse our directories and extract the
text within ColdFusion comments. I will use this to build a kind of dynamic
help generator.

I'm trying to use cffile to read in the file so that I can use Find() to
look for the commented code. But, if I read in the file and then output it
on a page, ColdFusion tries to process the text and display it as what it
is, mainly HTML and CFML.

Is there some tag I can use to just output the file I read in as plain text,
so that none of the CFML gets processed or the HTML gets displayed? All I
want is the text contained in the file. (Normally, I won't output the entire
file, but just the results of the Find(). This is a temporary debug thing
until I can get the bugs worked out.)

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Realtime Background Task

2001-05-07 Thread Raymond B.

You could also cfexecute a batch file (w/ 0 timeout) to generate the output.
This is done by calling the shell CF interpretter... cfml.exe on NT? (*nix
person myself). There's no user wait w/ a 0 timeout but the process will run
until completion.

Or if you could wait 15min you could use cfschedule to create a run once

-Original Message-
From: Calvin Moree [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 7, 2001 15:41
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Realtime Background Task

We are currently using CF 4.5.1 on NT.  I have an application where a user
inputs data into a form and submits the form to another page that enters the
data into the database.  What I want to do is at the same time as the data
to going into the database, I also want the data to be sent to a totally
separate page in the background.  If I use CFHTTP the user can’t continue
until the CFHTTP is complete.  I don’t want the user to wait because they
don’t need a response from the background page.  I just want to send the
data and not retrieve anything back.  Is there a tag or code I can use to
perform this function?



P.S.  The background page is performing several queries.  The query results
are then used to create a text file.  We don't want the user to have to wait
for the text file to be created.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at



2001-05-07 Thread Raymond B.

Heh, not much to explain about it. On the easiest level just match the ORDER
BY clause in the SQL statement w/ the grouping levels.

[SQL statement]

ORDER BY field1, field2, field3, .. fieldn

[CF output]
cfoutput query=foo group=field1
Stuff every time new value in field1.

  cfoutput query=foo group=field2
  Stuff every time new value in field2.

cfoutput query=foo group=field3
Stuff every time new value in field3.



-Original Message-
From: Paul Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 7, 2001 17:01
To: CF-Talk


Is there a good tutorial somewhere on the Subject?

I need to group more than one level down and the subject of grouping always
hurts my head ;-)

Project Category 1
  Project Type 1
  Project 1
  Project 2
  Project Type 2
  Project 89

Project Category 2
  Project Type 7
  Project 3


  best,  paul
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Quick DB Design

2001-05-06 Thread Raymond B.

Eugh, many better ways.

CREATE TABLE table_name (
uid int not null,
gid int not null,
primary key (uid, gid)

The junction table's primary key is a composite of the usr and grp tables'
foreign keys. If your dbms supports foreign key contraints set it for
cascading update and delete (of PK), etc.

VERY inoften will you ever store a composite field (ie. list in a field) at
the lowest level of your database design.

With this structure you can find what groups a user belongs to by a simple
SELECT gid FROM table_name WHERE uid = var, or how many users are in a
group by SELECT count(uid) AS cnt WHERE gid = var GROUP BY gid, etc.

If that data was stored in a list in a field, it would negate the purpose of
storing it in a database.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Lugassy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 6, 2001 09:38
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Quick DB Design

I'm trying to normalize a table to best hold the following data:
username, group1, group2, group3, group4... groupN...

there are 1000s of unique usernames, and 1s of unique groups
every user can subscribe to 1-1 diffrent groups (so I don't know how
much group colums to put).

I need somehow to maintain a list of subscribed groups for each user.

is there a better way then 2 fields like the following:

username (nvarchar(30)
groups (longtext) =  group1,group3,group15,group7,group9 ?


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: CFSCRIPT-Reference

2001-05-05 Thread Raymond B.

Just read the online docs Allaire has up (or in CFStudio) Developing Web
Applications with ColdFusion  Extending ColdFusion Pages with CFML
Scripting. Pretty much just follow very basic JS syntax using CF operators.
It's rather limited, so don't expect ternary (? :) operators or even
anything as simple as += or ++ style shortcuts.

If in doubt semi-colon all expressions and enclose control statements in
curly brackets: They are rarely invalid in this class of syntax, just
unnecessary at times. Err on the side of extra keystrokes and you should be

-Original Message-
From: Brad Comer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 4, 2001 21:53
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFSCRIPT-Reference

Can any one recommend a good reference for CFSCRIPT code. I realize it is
similar to CF code, but it is different in syntax.

Thanks In Advance!
Brad Comer
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: [cold_fusion] Unusual Results, help

2001-05-04 Thread Raymond B.

I'm jumping into this mid-stream w/o reading through the entire history so
bear w/ me if I'm way out there.

It's a bit of a kludge but I'll often just use a for(init_expr; expr;
post_expr) {} style loop for queries if I need good control of the cursor
over multiple loops. For simplicities sake I'll use CFSCRIPT syntax to

for (i=1; i le outer_query.recordcount; i=i+1) {
for(j=1; j le inner_query.recordcount; j=j+1) {
outer_query.field1[i]; // on way of accesing the element
inner_query[var][j]; // another way

I'm not fond of how the cursors function (or fails to) w/ anything complex
either. And yes, I too despise silent discarding of empty elements.

As long as we're going for gripes here, valueList() and similar functions
ONLY work w/ queryname.field notation and won't accept any work arounds
inside them. Instead of being able to use queryname[var] when needing
dynamic assignment, you have to use a named var _outside_ the statement and
evaluate the string [evaluate(queryname.  var)] then have that variable
interpolated. It's an evil evil slowdown if you're doing lots of things
dynamically. With the new functions of CF5 this will become an even bigger
issue and I really hope it's better in that ver. (Haven't had much time to
check out the rc)

/rant :)

-Original Message-
From: David E. Crawford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: May 4, 2001 06:10
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: [cold_fusion] Unusual Results, help

I am not apologizing for Allaire, I am stating the facts about the way the
program works.  I also feel that a bug is in the eye of the beholder. Just
because it doesn't work the way you a) expect it to or b)like you want it to
doesn't mean it is a bug. This issue has been around since the first time
you could have looping constructs (cfloop, cfoutput) nested within each
other. I agree on the empty list elements issue, however.


- Original Message -
From: Aidan Whitehall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 06:31
Subject: RE: [cold_fusion] Unusual Results, help

  This has always been the behavior of CF.  I can agree that it at first
  glances appears to be counter intuitive, but at the same
  time, any reference
  to queryname.fieldname outside the context of a CFLOOP or CFOUTPUT
  results in a reference to the value of the field in the first
  row of the
  query.  The functionality is such that there is no inheritance of

 Well, I think you're at risk of sounding like an apologist for Allaire.

 There are a couple of things that I feel need fixing in ColdFusion, and
 this is one of them (the other one that springs to mind is the inability
 optionally specify that empty list elements aren't ignored - really useful
 if you are populating database tables from delimited lists).


*Crappy CFSET GetParents.ParentID code required here*


   #GetParents.ParentID# doesn't increment properly with each
   iteration of the outer loop WHY NOT ALLAIRE?!?!


  Since CF5 is feature complete and in RC testing, I would
  seriously doubt
  that a change in behavior is going to happen in this release,
  or for that
  matter even in NEO.

 Unfortunately, I think you might be right.

 Hey, we've fixed a load of old bugs! doesn't sound as good to new
 customers as Hey, there's a load of new features!.

 Aidan Whitehall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Telephone +44 (01744) 648650

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: IIS 4, 404 http error fusebox (more data)

2001-05-02 Thread Raymond B.

IIRC, due to security problems IIS disabled that form of var referening in
5.0. Possibly the SP did the same for 4.0...? (so back to ?= )

I'm far from up on most win32 matters, but you may want to check that out.

-Original Message-
Sent: May 2, 2001 02:24
To: CF-Talk
Subject: IIS 4, 404 http error  fusebox (more data)

index.cfm/fuseaction/foo/myvar/bar.htm  [doesn't work]

 index.cfm/fuseaction/foo/myvar/bar [do work!!!]

 any ideas?


 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2001 10:48 AM
 Subject: IIS 4, 404 http error  fusebox

 Hi everyone,

  We are using fuseaction URLs in our local server.
  We had a WinNT4 SP 4 box and we upgraded to SP 6 but suddenly all the
  fuseaction links don't work,
  but all the normal links work normally.

  The IIS send a 404 http error. Something like 'check your URL...'

  anybody know what the problem is ?

  thanks in advance,

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: ZIPPING with coldfusion = ARJ!

2001-04-18 Thread Raymond B.

ARJ/JAR fell into disuse years ago (as LHARC did before it), RAR superseded
it in that vein of compression utils.

Either way though, handing a LHZ, ARJ, RAR, etc. (or the shortlived ACE) to
your average windows user is like handing a gzipped tarball to a Mac user..
if they even did know how to use it they probably wouldn't bother to install
the utility to decompress it.

-Original Message-
From: Nick McClure [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: April 18, 2001 07:13
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: ZIPPING with coldfusion = ARJ!

The problem here is that most consumers will not know what to with an ARJ

At 04:57 PM 4/18/2001 +0200, you wrote:
Forget about ZIP.
I just did some testing, arj32 (
is the best solution (using CFEXCUTE)

you can arj unlimited number of files (compare with
WINZIP's limit of 65535) + more intresting switches
and options.


Michael Lugassy
Interactive Music Ltd.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: cfdirectory

2001-04-14 Thread Raymond B.

f you're displaying it alpha order (standard), then . and .. are always at
the top. CFDIRECTORY returns a query object, so just skip the first two
records using the startrow="" property.

-Original Message-
From: Joshua Tipton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: April 14, 2001 14:57
To: CF-Talk
Subject: cfdirectory

How can I keep the . and the .. from showing when I display the contents of
a directory?

Joshua Tipton
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Registry size.

2001-04-13 Thread Raymond B.

Yeah, just use proper error control. You should never have detailed error
info showing on a production server. In the admin under the debugging
section disable anything that gives info and/or proper use of cferror and
cftry/cfcatch will remove anything other than "friendly" error messages you

-Original Message-
From: Neil H. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: April 13, 2001 19:02
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Registry size.

I agree, but the problem is what if there is a problem with the DSN and CF
throws an error, then it would show the dsn name and at that point its all



- Original Message -
From: "Peter Tilbrook" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 2:43 AM
Subject: RE: Registry size.

 Just disable CF_Registry. It shouldn't be enabled unless you absolutely
 trust your customers.

 -Original Message-
 From: Bryan LaPlante [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, 11 April 2001 16:29
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Registry size.

 I am jumping in here mid discussion but a couple of post back did you
 mention a concern about using a datasource for storing client var's? I
 a question. If you use a DB for client  var's, do the customers have any
 of knowing what you named the datasource? If you set the default in CF
 to use DB for Client var's I would think the only thing you would be up
 against is getting the customer to comply with a policy that asks them not
 to purposely set Registry as the storage in their CFAPPLICATION tag.

 What -a- ya think?

 - Original Message -
 From: "Neil H." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 11:50 PM
 Subject: Re: Registry size.

  You guys don't understand this is a hosting server so I don't set the
  Understand now?
  - Original Message -
  From: "Scott, Andrew" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 10:08 PM
  Subject: RE: Registry size.
   Not if you follow the basic guidelines and user variables instead of
   coding this info, also to be 100% sure wrap these with cftry and have
   own custom message!!! That should make it harder for anyone to second
   -Original Message-
   From: Neil H. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: 10 April 2001 12:01
   To: CF-Talk
   Subject: Re: Registry size.
   If there is ever an error in the dsn won't the server throw the
   name.  This would become a security issue since user X can query user
   client info?
   - Original Message -
   From: "Jon Hall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 6:27 PM
   Subject: Re: Registry size.
Changing the client variables to be stored in a database is one of
things I do on a new server. Using an Access database is much better
the registry. SQL Server or any other real rdbms is even better.
- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, April 09, 2001 5:58 PM
Subject: Re: Registry size.
 I host several sites with people and some really sloppy code.
 MDB have any ramifications.  Also won't people be able to
 database?!  They can't manipulate the registry since it is locked
 no CFregistry.



 - Original Message -
 From: "Arden Weiss" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 9:59 PM
 Subject: RE: Registry size.

  Time to move your client variables to ODBC source, etc... to
  / \__
/  O
  -Original Message-
  Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 7:47 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Registry size.
  I noticed my registry is getting huge (128 megs) and that I
  160 megs for space sakes but are the entries in there that I can
  CF not collecting garbage?


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Numbers to Text

2001-04-01 Thread Raymond B.

That's US, the "and" is sternly tought to be dropped in CA schools and I'd
image so for other metric countries.

-Original Message-
From: Philip Arnold - ASP [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: April 1, 2001 10:46
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Numbers to Text

 If you include the and it implies a decimal.

 101.50 is  one hundred one and fifty

But if you're ignoring decimals, then the "and" is still required -
therefore if you want the words for "101" it should still be "one hundred
and one"

Philip Arnold
Certified ColdFusion Developer
ASP Multimedia Limited
T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133

"Websites for the real world"

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
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Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: [Re: An ignorance question to the masters]

2001-04-01 Thread Raymond B.

As it's your dev server I'd enable RDS and work through that. That way you
can use Studio's full debugging, as well as having direct read/write to the
files, the database view as reference, and quick preview w/in studio. RDS
uses port 80 so there should be no firewall issues to worry about it. For
easier db stuff you might want to telnet right into Oracle or grab some
client tools.

-Original Message-
From: Julia Phu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: April 1, 2001 13:35
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: [Re: An ignorance question to the masters]

Thank you, Brian.


"Brian Thornton" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I would either create a network share or a ftp directory to somewhere in
your root. Use the files in Studio and upload / copy them to the network...
- Original Message -
From: "Julia Phu" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2001 10:06 PM
Subject: An ignorance question to the masters


 I'm new to ColdFusion and yet have a stupid question.

 I have a development server which has IIS, Oracle8i, and CF Application
 installed. The CF Studio is installed on my laptop. My ignorance is how to
 my work from my laptop and connect to the development server. Is this the
 right setup?

 Thanks in advance.


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: SELECT * Queries

2001-03-31 Thread Raymond B.

  The warning about wildcards (*) is due to users wanting specific fields
yet returning a whole record b/c it's easier to type (which is a huge
waste). If you truely do want every piece of information (and will continue
to do so in the future ie. even if fields are added) then by all means
that's what a wildcard is for. One thing to consider with large queries is
the overhead of transmitting the statement itself, if you're getting a small
record set with many fields (or a single record) your sql statement can be
almost as large as the returned set. This is where stored procedures come
in, Access doesn't support them but you can store the query server side and
use it's views to mimic very basic sps. I never use Access if I have any
choice in the matter, so for the exact syntax to do so you might want to
check SWYNK out ( whenver you have to do anything even
remotely related to M$ it's a great place to start, so is MSDN
( Even with small queries executed thousands of
times daily the transmission of the query can account for a large part of
traffice. Without going into a lot of detail, other DBMSs (I use the term
loosely in regards to Access ;) with varying degrees of sp support will also
optimise/compile the query for added performance benefit.

-Original Message-
From: Bud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: March 31, 2001 07:07
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SELECT * Queries

On 3/31/01, Jonathan Lim penned:
Hi Bud,

My DBA told me that the * will mean more data has to be transferred from
DB server to your CF server. That's what slows it down. The DB time spent
getting the data for * or for a specific field is negligable. We're working
with DB2.

I understand that if I only needed data for 10 out of 100 fields,
then yes it would be quicker to name the fields. But what about when
I need the entire record? I read from someone on here that CF had to
do an extra call to the database or something. Like once to get the
field names and then to query it.

In answer to Luke, I'm using Access on this little app I'm building.

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Seeing who's logged in

2001-03-31 Thread Raymond B.

/* in the Application.cfm */

// if user logging struct isn't there, make it so
if (not isDefined('application.user')) {
application.user = structNew() ;

// insert user's id and current time (for last access calcs)
structInsert(application.user, session.uuid, now()) ;

/* on the display page */

// run through all the users that are logged in
for (u in application.user) {

// if user's last access is older than their session timeout, remove them
if (dateCompare(application.user[u], dateAdd('n', -20, now()), 'n') lt 1) {
structDelete(application.user, u) ;

// else they might still be logged in, show them as such
writeOutput(u  application.user[u]) ;

This is only to illustrate the concept, you'll want to do some heavy editing
before you use it: Locking, copying to local vars for display, etc. are all
things to consider. I have no idea the number of users you expect, etc. so
you'll have to decide if this is right for you.

-Original Message-
From: W Luke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: March 31, 2001 08:41
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Seeing who's logged in

Not sure I fully understand - could you show me an example bit of code?  I'm
still not familiar with structures.



 Yep, using the application scope just set a var in a struct (their id as
 key, now() as value) then clean it up for all entries
dateAdd('n', -session
 timeout, now()) and you'll have a pretty good idea of who's logged in
 the session timeout limit). Just make sure to lock the scope properly, you
 can also do this db in the client vars if you want.

 -Original Message-
 From: Yoshi Melrose [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: March 30, 2001 16:17
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Seeing who's logged in

 Wouldn't session variables work for this? That's what I've used in the
 for anything that was sensitive to browser sessions. I know they're kinda
 flaky sometimes, which is why I try not to use them.

 Any other ideas? I'd like to know any other suggestions as well, sounds
 something I could integrate into one of my own apps.

 - Original Message -
 Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 5:29 PM
 Subject: Seeing who's logged in

  On one of my sites users log in, and is set - for the
  members-only sections, it then checks to see if is set and
  them in (or tells them to login) accordingly.  How can I add a "Who's
  online" display which users are currently logged in? Because
  even if the user closes their browser, won't their token/cfid still be
  the Database and therefore they'll appear "online" even though they're
  Or have I lost the plot...(run out of Red just doesn't do
  Local-Advertising -=-

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Seeing who's logged in - but a question on application variab les between applications

2001-03-31 Thread Raymond B.

Server scope, or name them all the same application

-Original Message-
From: Terry Bader [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: March 31, 2001 12:38
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Seeing who's logged in - but a question on application
variab les between applications

is it possible to read variables from one application from another...

lets say you had an administrator page that was separate from the main site,
thusly a separate application name, but you wanted to see who was on...
could you actually read the mainsite.appliaction.user struct from the admin

so far, i have used 5-10 min cached database queries to do this... but
wonder about the above...  could have other value as well...

Terry Bader
IT/Web Specialist
EDO Corp - Combat Systems
(757) 424-1004 ext 361 - Work

(757)581-5981 - Mobile
icq: 5202487   aim: lv2bounce

 -Original Message-
 From: Raymond B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2001 2:03 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: Seeing who's logged in

 /* in the Application.cfm */

 // if user logging struct isn't there, make it so
 if (not isDefined('application.user')) {
   application.user = structNew() ;

 // insert user's id and current time (for last access calcs)
 structInsert(application.user, session.uuid, now()) ;

 /* on the display page */

 // run through all the users that are logged in
 for (u in application.user) {

   // if user's last access is older than their session
 timeout, remove them
   if (dateCompare(application.user[u], dateAdd('n', -20,
 now()), 'n') lt 1) {
   structDelete(application.user, u) ;

   // else they might still be logged in, show them as such
   writeOutput(u  application.user[u]) ;

 This is only to illustrate the concept, you'll want to do
 some heavy editing
 before you use it: Locking, copying to local vars for
 display, etc. are all
 things to consider. I have no idea the number of users you
 expect, etc. so
 you'll have to decide if this is right for you.

 -Original Message-
 From: W Luke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: March 31, 2001 08:41
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Re: Seeing who's logged in

 Not sure I fully understand - could you show me an example
 bit of code?  I'm
 still not familiar with structures.



  Yep, using the application scope just set a var in a struct
 (their id as
  key, now() as value) then clean it up for all entries
 dateAdd('n', -session
  timeout, now()) and you'll have a pretty good idea of
 who's logged in
  the session timeout limit). Just make sure to lock the
 scope properly, you
  can also do this db in the client vars if you want.
  -Original Message-
  From: Yoshi Melrose [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: March 30, 2001 16:17
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Seeing who's logged in
  Wouldn't session variables work for this? That's what I've
 used in the
  for anything that was sensitive to browser sessions. I know
 they're kinda
  flaky sometimes, which is why I try not to use them.
  Any other ideas? I'd like to know any other suggestions as
 well, sounds
  something I could integrate into one of my own apps.
  - Original Message -
  From: "W Luke" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 5:29 PM
  Subject: Seeing who's logged in
   On one of my sites users log in, and is set - for the
   members-only sections, it then checks to see if is set and
   them in (or tells them to login) accordingly.  How can I
 add a "Who's
   online" display which users are currently
 logged in? Because
   even if the user closes their browser, won't their
 token/cfid still be
   the Database and therefore they'll appear "online" even
 though they're
   Or have I lost the plot...(run out of Red
 just doesn't do
   Local-Advertising -=-

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Back-referencing after a REFind to set a variable?

2001-03-30 Thread Raymond B.

Heh, you're not going to get anything so nice as Perl string handling.

str = "foo123bar" ;
found = reFind("foo([[:digit:]]+)bar", str, 1, true) ;
sub_str = mid(str, found.pos[2], found.len[2]) ;

The last argument of the reFind() is 'return sub expressions', in this case
it's true. When true, the var 'found' is a struct containing two arrays: POS
is a return of all the starting positions of the expression (1 is full
string match), and LEN is an array of lenghts of the substrings matching the

Backreferencing is avail. in reReplace() though for when you want to replace

-Original Message-
From: Jamie Jackson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: March 30, 2001 11:50
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Back-referencing after a REFind to set a variable?


Is there a way to do this sort of thing?

REFind("(before)(HeresTheStringIWant)(after)", myTargetString);
variables.foundstring = \2;

If not, what's the usual way to go about it? Seems like it could get
pretty ugly if there isn't a similar way.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Seeing who's logged in

2001-03-30 Thread Raymond B.

Yep, using the application scope just set a var in a struct (their id as
key, now() as value) then clean it up for all entries dateAdd('n', -session
timeout, now()) and you'll have a pretty good idea of who's logged in (w/in
the session timeout limit). Just make sure to lock the scope properly, you
can also do this db in the client vars if you want.

-Original Message-
From: Yoshi Melrose [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: March 30, 2001 16:17
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Seeing who's logged in

Wouldn't session variables work for this? That's what I've used in the past
for anything that was sensitive to browser sessions. I know they're kinda
flaky sometimes, which is why I try not to use them.

Any other ideas? I'd like to know any other suggestions as well, sounds like
something I could integrate into one of my own apps.

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, March 30, 2001 5:29 PM
Subject: Seeing who's logged in


 On one of my sites users log in, and is set - for the
 members-only sections, it then checks to see if is set and
 them in (or tells them to login) accordingly.  How can I add a "Who's
 online" display which users are currently logged in? Because
 even if the user closes their browser, won't their token/cfid still be in
 the Database and therefore they'll appear "online" even though they're
 Or have I lost the plot...(run out of Red just doesn't do

 Local-Advertising -=-

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Why the long processing time on queries ?

2001-03-29 Thread Raymond B.

Shouldn't be doing that given an okay db structure, but try these:

- specify all the fields you wish to retrieve instead of *
- if PartNumber isn't the primary key make sure it has a unique index (I'll
assume it's a numeric field)
- remove the space from behind the first id

-Original Message-
From: Tracy Bost [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: March 29, 2001 14:06
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Why the long processing time on queries ?

I know this isn't SQL list but can someone please tell me why it could be
taking ColdFusion Server soo long to
process these two queries ?? ... Other queries to the same database server
seem to be processing just fine. But these two queries together are taking
almost 20 seconds for the CF server to process them

getprodleft (Records=3, Time=8612ms)
 FROM Products
WHERE PartNumber IN (6956122 ,6820898,6802862)

getprodright (Records=3, Time=8793ms)
 FROM Products
WHERE PartNumber IN (6820088 ,6390009,6849111)
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Code snippet - random password generator

2001-03-29 Thread Raymond B.

Why define the alphabet? Just use decimal values for the asci char set.

pass = "" ;
for (c=1; c le 7; c=c+1) {
pass = pass  chr(randRange(65,90)) ;
pass = pass  randRange(1000,) ;

That will do the exact same thing as below much more efficiently, if you
want case sensitive or nums mixed w/ chars it's just a couple extra
rangRanges()s (you can get creative and generate one of each class then
randRange(1,3) to choose which per digit).

-Original Message-
Sent: March 29, 2001 17:10
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Code snippet - random password generator

This script generates a random word 7 letters long plus 4 digits long.

Example code:

cfset random_word = ""

cfloop index="ii" from="1" to="7"
  cfset random_number = "#RandRange(1,26)#"
  cfset random_letter = "#Mid(alphabet,random_number,1)#"
  cfset random_word = "#ListAppend(random_word,random_letter)#"

cfset random_word = "#Replace(random_word, ",", "", "ALL")#"
cfset random_number = "#RandRange(1000,)#"
cfset password = "#random_word##random_number#"

cfoutputPASSWORD: b#password#/b/cfoutput
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: truncation problems

2001-03-24 Thread Raymond B.

1. urlEncodedFormat()

2. It's not CF it's you :) First off it could be the db field only allows x
chars ie. varchar(20) will store 20 max chars. Secondly, depending on how
you display the info (and where) the " is a sting start/end char so could be
ending the string in a tag (so only the first part shows). Knowing that
either experiment w/ handling, escape chars, and the various string handling
functions or read some basic programming references.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Gribbin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: March 24, 2001 02:02
To: CF-Talk
Subject: truncation problems


I've been unable to find the way to stop "truncation" in CF. I do it in
other programming languages but need to find how to do it in CF.

1. To pass information in the URL that has spaces in it.
 Such as "Somepage.cfm?category=big beach balls". I need a way to fill the
spaces with "%20's".

2. When appending to, or updating a record in a database with information
that has spaces, quotes, questionmarks, etc. The textarea/textarea input
doesn't seem to have a problem, only the text type="text". I put big red 
blue beach balls into the database and all that getback is big red. Or I put
Floor Jars (over 20" high) and all I get back is  Floor Jars (over 2O .

Thanks in advance,

Michael Gribbin
Digital Marketing Alliance
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Hostcentric concerns?

2001-03-14 Thread Raymond B.

Yeah, but they have more security holes than a old fishing net. On most
servers the user "Everyone" is given full read access to all accounts
instead of the IIS anon user, your home dir isn't below the web root, etc.
So you and the other 200+ people on that server can all access each others
datasources and files w/ no problems (passwords don't help as you can just
read them in the connect strings in the scripts or dsn entires). If you have
any data or code you don't want to share w/ everyone I wouldn't consider

-Original Message-
From: Michael [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: March 14, 2001 15:50
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Hostcentric concerns? more for your money

At least look into it.  24/7 support with a human NOT email



"Jeff Epstein" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 We originally set up on Virtualscape, but ever since Hostcentric took over
 Virtualscape, I've noticed a decline in performance and service.  More db
 errors, fewer answers, longer hold times on the phone, less knowledgable
 techs on the phone. Has anyone else had the same experience?  Is this

 Jeff Epstein
 Web Producer
 Search for Common Ground
 1601 Connecticut Avenue, NW
 Suite 200
 Washington, DC  20009  USA
 +1 (202) 265-4300
 +1 (202) 777-2238 (direct)
 +1 (202) 232-6718 (fax)

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Finding the CF Administrator password

2001-03-10 Thread Raymond B.

Go to the CF Admin, under 'Basic Security' is a list of tags you can
disable. That's of course just the first step towards securing the server.
If you're running a shared environ make sure to grab the Allaire path to
disable the CF Admin undocumented tags/functions as you can do all sorts of
fun stuff w/ them. There are of course thousands of other things to be done,
so have fun.

Just a note on template encrypting: It's scarcly worth it as the server
obviously needs a fixed key (as shown below) to make it portable and has to
be an easy scheme to make the template run w/o much decryption overhead.
Anyone w/ even basic knowledge of DES encryption and programming can sit
down and reverse engineer the simplistic algorythm used. The proliferation
of decryption binaries and the original key phrase now (I hadn't actual seen
that before) makes it a waste of server resources.

-Original Message-
From: John Fix 3rd [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: March 10, 2001 07:57
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Finding the CF Administrator password

How does one disable CFRegistry?



-Original Message-
From: CF [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 10:48 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Finding the CF Administrator password

Yeah .. someone sent me the key a little earlier and it worked like a
charm. Actually, this other peson also showed me how to find the key to
begin with ... it's amazingly simple.  I don't see why you should be
flamed .. people should not have CFRegistry active on a machine where
they wouldn't want people getting in and doing stuff like this anyway.
This is just another great example of why ;)

Todd Ashworth
Web Application Developer
Network Administrator

Saber Corporation
314 Oakland Ave.
Rock Hill, SC 29730
(803) 327-0137 [111] (p)
(803) 328-2868 (f)

- Original Message -
From: "Dain Anderson" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2001 12:07 AM
Subject: Re: Finding the CF Administrator password


 It's very easy to retrieve the admin password, and I'm sure I will get

 flamed for showing this, but what the hell:

 CFSET CFKey = "4p0L@r1$"



   Registry Password: #CFusion_Decrypt(AdminPassword, CFKey)#

 The key to decrypt it spells "4 Polaris" (Allaire inside joke?) --
 this isn't my doing; rather, I was sent this from an anonymous source
 via the [EMAIL PROTECTED] address. I hope this will show Allaire
 and ISPs that there is a need for encryption, not encoding, for things

 such as this. I
 against template encryption personally, but the administrator feature
 have much better security. We live and learn, strive and yearn.

 Dain Anderson
 Caretaker, CF Comet
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: faster count

2001-02-01 Thread Raymond B.

SELECTast, count(ast) AS counter
FROM  wweb
WHERE ast IN ('ASTIndex', 'ASTAI', 'ASTft')

You're using LIKE improperly here as it's useless w/o a wildcard (%) char;
just use = if you want a direct match. If you do need the wildcard use a ast
LIKE '%foo%' OR ast LIKE '%bar' instead of the IN().

-Original Message-
From: Robert Orlini [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 31, 2001 16:53
To: CF-Talk
Subject: faster count


I have an Access table that I need to get a count for a specific value in
each column. The coding below does the trick (on one column), but is too
slow since I have numerous columns. I'm kinda a newbie on this so I was
wondering is there away to make the count quicker by combining some of the

Thanks in advance.

Robert O.

cfquery name="Getastindex" datasource="wweb"
   Select Count(ast) AS ast_count
   FROM wweb
   Where ast like 'ASTindex'

cfquery name="Getastai" datasource="wweb"
   Select Count(ast) AS astai_count
   FROM wweb
   Where ast like 'ASTAI'

cfquery name="Getastft" datasource="wweb"
  Select Count(ast) AS astft_count
   FROM wweb
   Where ast like 'ASTft'
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Progress bar

2001-02-01 Thread Raymond B.

Expedia uses the IE specific document.readyState and a timer calling the
function (Javascript).

Both the initial search criteria and the "Please wait" section are on the
same page. When you begin the search it hides the one part and displays the
"Please wait" part. A timer is started and it periodically changes the image
(for the "status bar" look) and checks the document.readyState of the
loading page. When the document.readyState == 'completed' it switches over
to it. It's not technically a progress bar as much as a "Please wait" page,
the movement of the image is in no way tied into how far along the search

HTML overall isn't well suited to the task, the basic premise of HTML stops
any server involvement once the page is sent. Java applets, Flash, or
anything else that can either maintain a persistant connection to the server
or change content without a page reload are much more suited; these of
course have their own drawbacks.

I can think of a few work arounds that are a bit more cross-browser
compliant but none of them are pretty.

-Original Message-
From: John Anderson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 31, 2001 18:00
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Progress bar

Has anyone here implemented a progress bar.

Similar to what happens on expedia when searching for travel information.

What is the key to this with a web based app?

John Anderson
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Random letter/number value

2001-01-31 Thread Raymond B.

digits = arrayNew(1) ;
passwd = "" ;

/* fill passwd i digits long w/ random selection of number, uppercase, or
lowercase characters */
for (i=1; i le 8; i=i+1) {
digits[1] = chr(randRange(48, 57)) ;
digits[2] = chr(randRange(65, 90)) ;
digits[3] = chr(randRange(97, 122)) ;
passwd = passwd  digits[randRange(1, 3)] ;

If you're not case sensitive feel free to remove digits[3] and change the
last randRange() to reflect it.

-Original Message-
From: Peter Benoit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 31, 2001 10:56
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Random letter/number value


I'd like to produce a random letter/number value for a password field, could
be around 8 characters I suppose.  Can I get help with this please?

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Windows 2000 Professional and CF Server 4.0.1

2001-01-31 Thread Raymond B.

   Well, I'm not much of an win person... but doesn't the installer keep a
log of all system changes made? I mean, an installer can't do anything you
can't do by hand. Try exporting the applicable registry tree from the NT4
system, copying any dlls required into the system directory on the 2k
system, then do a straight file copy (if you need to make any reg changes
for differing drives do so). I'm not sure exactly what's changed between the
NT versions that would effect CF, but the system libraries may be newer and
slightly (or completely) incompatible versions that effect the functionality
of certain tags.
   If your time and lack of newer features is worth the money you might
save, might as well give it a try.

-Original Message-
From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 31, 2001 14:12
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Windows 2000 Professional and CF Server 4.0.1


Thanks.  Afraid I'd much rather install any Windows OS clean rather than
upgrading, which is another set of headaches.  For a new server, of course,
it's also twice as fast.  I wonder what it would take to get CF 4.0.1 to
install directly into Win2k.


- Original Message -
From: "Zachary Bedell" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 11:45 AM
Subject: RE: Windows 2000 Professional and CF Server 4.0.1

 Hash: SHA1

 4.0.1 works great provided it was there before Win2k.  If you do NT4,
 CF, then upgrade to Win2k, you should be okay.

 Basically 4.0.1 works fine under 2k, but the installer is brain dead.
  Rather than patch the installer, Allaire would rather you run out 
 spend  on their new version.  Big surprise...

 I've got a machine running 4.0.1 w/ Win2k Server w/ no problems what
 so ever.

 Best regards,
 Zac Bedell

  -Original Message-
  From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 12:38 PM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Re: Windows 2000 Professional and CF Server 4.0.1
  - Original Message -
  From: "Aidan Whitehall" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 7:09 AM
  Subject: RE: Windows 2000 Professional and CF Server 4.0.1
Allaire does not support anything less than cf4.5 on a WIN2K
   OK, thanks.
  I'd still be interested in whether anyone's got a stable
  workaround.  In
  general, Allaire support isn't something I use.  I'm warming
  up to Windows
  2000 - Windows 2000 Pro on workstations is great - now we're
  getting ready
  to take the plunge with our servers.  CF 4.5, however, is
  something I don't
  need.  I've still got it in a shrink-wrapped box from when we had a
  subscription.  Way too many issues for me to want to deal with it.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at



2001-01-30 Thread Raymond B.

ALTER TABLE tablename ADD (fieldname datatype() [other keywords]);

Exactly what you can do w/ the ALTER TABLE ADD|DROP|MODIFY statement is
highly dbms specific, but generally all support adding a single field per
statement. For the exact restrictions your dbms places on a this statement
(especially MODIFY when effecting a key or simply indexed field) consult
your manual.

-Original Message-
From: Phoeun Pha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 30, 2001 14:13
To: CF-Talk

hey yall, how do i make a co9lumn in an existing table and specify dataype
and length and stuff
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Sunrise/Sunset

2001-01-30 Thread Raymond B.

These guys hava a fully JS version. Here's the disclaimer:

NOTE: Algorithm used is an approximation.  Times may contain errors of +/- 2
minutes or more. For latitudes greater than 72 degrees N and S, calculations
have not been confirmed by official sunrise/sunset data.

I'm sure I've seen a C/C++ version somewhere as well as a Perl script. Look
around, the perl especially should be easy to port over (or just access

-Original Message-
From: Jim McAtee [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 30, 2001 14:45
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Sunrise/Sunset

Got the tag and it seems to work well (one or two small bugs in the tag).
One problem, however, is that in order to specify the times in local time
you must know the timezone (the offset from Universal Time) for the location
you're doing the calculation for.

I need to use the tag for many arbitrary locations around the country.  So,
probably an even greater request:  Anyone know of a means of looking up time
zone information for a given latitude and longitude?  This is a  longshot, I
realize.  I'd also have to know whether the particular location observes
daylight savings time.


- Original Message -
From: "Paul Hastings" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 12:11 PM
Subject: Re: Sunrise/Sunset

  a moon phase tag woulb be neat as well!

 well lets start with the sunrise:

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: CFLOCKS ??? (Nesting)

2001-01-28 Thread Raymond B.

There's lots of documentation on nesting locks and locking best practices
(albeit not allways overly clear).

If you have a specific situation that's you're not sure of the logic, post
it and I'm sure the group can answer it.

-Original Message-
From: Joseph Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 28, 2001 18:10
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFLOCKS ??? (Nesting)

Hi All,
It has been recomended to cflock all Application and Session
variables to avoid
Deadlocking, Session cross overs etc. There is a utlility
"Full Checking" in variables
of CF admin you can turn on for testing purposes.
When you have complicated Application files nesting over
Session and Application
varibles, how would one cflock such a situation?.
I wish there was more documentation in CFLocks.
Appretiate all help.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Web Chat using CF?

2001-01-28 Thread Raymond B.

For this type of interaction a java applet is the best way to go. CF is
server side parser, to use it as a chat interface would require constant
posting and reloading of a page... not exactly ideal. There are a whole
bunch of commercial 'live rep' chat applets available and some free ones as
well.   -- Popular one (though I'm not overly fond of
it myself)

I can't find my other bookmarks for it, but a few searches should yield some
good results. For  some nice GPLed ones check on SourceForge. Which you go
w/ will obviously be affected by your features wanted, chosen platform (for
server side component if not run in jvm), db interface, etc.

As a note: I'd remove any thought of using NetMeeting or anything else
platform specific; as well as the customer actually having to have it (and
the OS to run it), know they have it, open it up, and enter in the ip.

-Original Message-
From: Phil Palmer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 28, 2001 20:29
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Web Chat using CF?

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not understand
this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

Content-Type: text/plain;

Dear all

I am looking for a 'web chat' facility which I can use on our web page
such that people can contact us via our web page and chat with a rep
rather than phoning.  I know that one could do this with M$ Net Meeting
but I would like to use CF or a java applet perhaps that doesnt require
you to have Net Meeting installed.

Is anyone aware of a CF based approach to this??


Phil Palmer

Content-Type: text/html;

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"
META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"

META content="MSHTML 5.00.2314.1000" name=GENERATOR/HEAD
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN class=862372201-29012001Dear
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN class=862372201-29012001I am looking for
'web chat' facility which I can use on our web page/SPAN/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN class=862372201-29012001such that people
contact us via our web page and chat with a rep/SPAN/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN class=862372201-29012001rather than
phoning.nbsp; I know that one could do this with M$ Net
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN class=862372201-29012001but I would like
use CF or a java applet perhaps that doesnt require/SPAN/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN class=862372201-29012001you to have Net
Meeting installed./SPAN/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN class=862372201-29012001Is anyone aware
of a
CF based approach to this??/SPAN/FONT/DIV
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN class=862372201-29012001Phil
DIVFONT face=Arial size=2SPAN



Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: CFSCRIPT performance

2001-01-27 Thread Raymond B.

   CFSCRIPT gains about a 10% performance advantage (I wish I still had the
source for this number, but I can't seem to find it anymore... it was a good
article) and generally cleaner code if you're doing a lot of page logic;
obviously it loses out on the ease of screen display to tag based though.

   "The problem I have with CFSCRIPT and if() is that there is no
elseif()..." Actually there is, just use 'else if (expr)' with a space.

   The above comment is in the right vein though, CFSCRIPT just isn't very
powerful. In going w/ the tag based for display they seem to have left out
anything more than a meek gesture towards scripting. It's missing many tags
that would be beneficial, such as; cflock, cfthrow, etc. As well, common
short form syntax like 'var = (expr) ? true : false ;' or simple operators
like ++, --, +=, etc. (x=x+1 gets rather annoying :) are missing.

   Overall though, if you're doing more than three or four lines of
non-display coding, you might want to switch over to cfscript for speed and
easier reading. And if you plan to work w/ objects or complex structures
staying tag based is for the masochists. ;P

-Original Message-
From: Philip Arnold - ASP [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 27, 2001 11:07
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CFSCRIPT performance

 I have a question on CFSCRIPT performance.  I know that it is
 quicker to use
 CFSCRIPT than to use CFSET.  Is it likewise quicker to use the
 over CFIF?  I have a CFIF checking that one of 14 empressions are met (13
 ORs).  Would it be better to use CFSCRIPT for this?

 This is for the security on a web site, so it needs to be efficient.

CFScript is more efficient as long as you aren't just doing just a couple

The problem I have with CFSCRIPT and if() is that there is no elseif(), you
have to embed things in the else part of the code, which gets very deep if
you want to check loads of variations (and can't use switch, such as ranges)

CF4.5.2 has faster looping in CFSCRIPT than in CFML, so that's an advantage

Also, as Robert pointed out, no white-space!

Philip Arnold
Certified ColdFusion Developer
ASP Multimedia Limited
T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133

"Websites for the real world"

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: The real distance formula

2001-01-27 Thread Raymond B.

Well, it's been quite a while since I last delved into GIS and trig but here

The earth does not lend itself well to simple calculations, all the below
(except the last) assume a spherical earth and ignore any diffences in the
terrain, elevation, roadways, etc. That said, let's look at some formulas.

The formula given in the previous post [below] is a VERY UNRELIABLE way to
calculate distances (and the last lat_A, lat_B should be longitude). It's
based on the law of cosines for spherical trigonometry: Mathmatically it's
all there but for small distances the inverse cosine gives huge room for
roundoff error. In short there are much better solutions.

The haversine formula is probably most used.

latd = lat1 - lat2 ;
lond = lon1 - lon2 ;
a = (sin(latd/2)^2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * (sin(londd/2))^2 ;
c = 2 * atan(sqr(a)/sqr(1-a)) ;
R = 6367 ;
d = R * c ;

I broke the formula up into quit a few parts so you could better see what's
- 'land' and 'lond' are the differences in latitude and longitude
- 'a' is the chord length between the points
- 'R' is the accepted radius of the earth (spherical model) 6367km

Feel free to make it all one line, just sub in for the variables. There are
of course some caveats with this, as with any other equation. As stated
before, the earth is assumed to be spherical: If your application requires
greater accuracy you can vary R in respect to latitude using the
eccentricity (0.08108) of the ellipsoid (earth), the equatorial radius
(6379km), and the polar radius (6357km). I won't get into that, as I really
don't remeber how it's done... my notes from school seem to indicate I was
more interested in the brunette sitting infront of me in that class at that
point... heh. Ohh.. and this equation doesn't deal well with antipodal
points (ie. exact oposite side of the earth) seems it can be off by a few

If you're dealing with very local distances you might want to consider
treating the earth as flat; it can actually yield more acurate results over
short distances due to the assumed R. Again, not going to bother explaining
this as I'm sure you can work out the math relatively easily for asimple
polar coordinate system.

Anyways, neat question... I've been meaning to brush up on my trig and this
gave me an excuse.


-Original Message-
From: Scott Weikert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 27, 2001 21:12
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: The real distance formula

That was me, who was asking

But I'm glad you spoke up, because something I was wondering about the
formulas that were being tossed around. Do they handle the fact that two
sets of positions, with identical longitudes (east-west, right?) but
different latitu
des, would be a different distance?

For example, two sets of positions - both the same longitude, but latitudes
of several hundred miles difference - and two other positions, also the same
longitude, and the same distance apart north-south as the other two. The
northern set of positions would be a shorter distance apart than the
southern set... does the formula deal with that?
- Original Message -
From: "Dylan Bromby" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2001 4:36 PM
Subject: The real distance formula

 A week or more ago, someone posted a formula for calculating the distance
 between two points using latitude/longitude. I think the formula as
 incorrect. However, here is one that works perfectly;

 #Evaluate(((pi()*6378)/180)*(ACos((Sin(lat_A)*Sin(lat_B)) +

 This yields distance in KM. If you want miles, do the calculation after
 fact, or change the value of 6378  - the earth's radius in KM - to a value
 in miles.


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: . in urls

2001-01-25 Thread Raymond B.

I'm not big into IIS, but in the mappings section there's a "check if file
exists" checkbox. If this was checked for .cfm (for giving custom 404 in IIS
for CF is the standard use I think) would this then effect a url that had
..cfm first in it?

You might try unchecking it and seeing if it works. I don't deal enough w/
IIS to be sure.

-Original Message-
From: Michel Vuijlsteke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 25, 2001 07:47
To: CF-Talk
Subject: "." in urls

My IIS insists on turning


into a request for the file with name "MFW4" and extension ".0".

There's probably something stupid I'm overlooking, but what?

Any help appreciated,

Michel Vuijlsteke
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: CF Studio 4.0.1 - displaying .cfm files through RDS

2001-01-25 Thread Raymond B.

Did you accidentally use a filter? In the RDS view far click on the pane to
bring up the context menu, select 'Filter', then 'All Files'. Most likely
you are currently only browsing 'Web Images'.

-Original Message-
From: Smith, Melanie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 25, 2001 12:26
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CF Studio 4.0.1 - displaying .cfm files through RDS

For some reason I can't see my .cfm files anymore through the RDS tab - the
folders are there the files are just not visible, even after a right click
and a refresh.  It's happening when trying to look at files on more than one
server so it is likely some sort of studio problem.  I can't seem to find
any option under settings, etc. that might have been changed to filter these
out of the display.  I can see all my .gif, .jpg files fine.  HELP!  I
checked the Allaire forum and it looks like others have seen the problem but
no one answered the questions.

thanks in advance,
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Photo gallery custom tag?

2001-01-25 Thread Raymond B.

Yeah, there's a CFX for win32 systems on the dev exchange. I've used the old
cfx_image tag which this one is based off of, but haven't used this one
much: I think it's what you're looking for though.

"AutoResize uploads an image file and resizes it to a specified width. It
also dynamically creates a thumbnail of a specified size."

-Original Message-
From: Chris Montgomery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 25, 2001 11:59
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Photo gallery custom tag?

I have the exact same need, but my question relates to dynamically
generating thumbnail images from the full-sized image files. Anyone know if
there is a custom tag that can do this?


Chris Montgomery [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Web Development  Consulting
Allaire Consulting Partner
210-490-3249/888-745-7603Fax 210-490-4692
AIM: astutiaweb; ICQ: 7381282; Firetalk: Ag78

 -Original Message-
 From: Maia, Eric [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 1:07 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: Photo gallery custom tag?

 Has anyone seen, or written, a tag to provide a "photo gallery" type
 interface that allows visitors to browse pages of thumbnails, then go to a
 detail page to view the full-size photo? This seems very basic,
 but I can't find one in the developer's exchange.

 I can probably write this pretty quickly, but I'm hoping I can save the
 effort, since it must have been done many times before.

 Thanks - Eric
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: SQL Create Table

2001-01-25 Thread Raymond B.

Depends on your dbms what the datatype is called, if I remember correctly
you were using M$ SQL Server, which uses the BIT datatype. You might want to
check out the T-SQL reference on MSDN.

You might want to consider printing off a chart of the datatype names for
some of the popular dbms'. I find this help speed the process quite a bit
when working w/ a dbms you don't have much experience in (as you can
refference against one you do).

-Original Message-
From: Owens, Howard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 25, 2001 14:57
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: SQL Create Table

So, I still don't know how to create a boolean column 

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: array length of a dimension?

2001-01-25 Thread Raymond B.

CF doesn't have fixed dimension arrays like some other languages. So the
best you can do is find the length of the first dimension, then you have to
do each index individually to find the exact length of all the items in the
second dimension.

-Original Message-
From: Rick Lamb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 25, 2001 14:20
To: CF-Talk
Subject: array length of a dimension?

I need to find the arraylen of a 2 dimensional array. Can somebody recommend
a technique to do this?


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: BEST Reccomendations for CF Hosting

2001-01-24 Thread Raymond B.

Crystaltech's shared hosting is attrocious for security though. Your web
root is the same as your base dir, and the NT everyone user is given read to
all accounts (on most of their server). This means you if you have any
sensitive data stored, you're sharing it w/ the other 200+ users on the same
server as you (along w/ all your code).

-Original Message-
Sent: January 24, 2001 12:33
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: BEST Reccomendations for CF Hosting

If you go to the cfdj list you will find some very interesting information.
Seems like a lot of people like CrystalTech.


On Wed, 24 January 2001, "Michael" wrote:

 Any opinions on Hosting firms for CF 4.5 not alot of HD space just

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: restarting cf server

2001-01-24 Thread Raymond B.

At the command prompt type "at /?". There's some GUI way to do it as well, I
think that would either be in the control panel or in the management

CF also has a cycle.bat for win32 systems (located somewhere under the CF
Server root); all this batch file does is setup a bunch of NET STOP "service
name" and NET START "service name" commands w/ using the "at" command
mentioned above to run at ~ 2:00 every day.


anyone know how to make a scheduled task to restart cfserver on a win 2000

we have one that keep puking on us and are about to replace the box (new
ones came in today)
but are looking for a duct tape type fix for the short term until we can
switch it out.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: CFLOCK for 4.0.1 AND 4.5.1

2001-01-23 Thread Raymond B.

   The scope="" is optional as you can use the same locking syntax as in
4.0, ie. named locks (scope and name are mutually exclusive though, so don't
try both).

   I'm running 4.5.2 ENT (and a 4.5 Pro) (so if it's a 4.5.1 bug I wouldn't
know) w/ strict attribute validation and it's working fine. I don't think
Allaire would cut their own throats by being that backwards incompatible; I
mean they provide deprecated functions like parameterExists() still, which
is a pre 4.x function.

So a cflock like this:

cflock name="foobar" timeout="5"

   Should work the exact same in CF4.0x and 4.5.x, if it isn't I think I'd
contact Allaire on the issue.

   Hope it helps,
Raymond B.

Hrmm... interesting if it is something wrong w/ 4.5.1, as that could pose
some problems w/ quite a few commercial apps.

-Original Message-
From: Gene Kraybill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 22, 2001 17:31
To: CF-Talk
Subject: CFLOCK for 4.0.1 AND 4.5.1

I'm struggling with implementing CFLOCK so it runs on BOTH CF 4.0.1 and
4.5.1. (The
4.5.1 server has FULL CHECKING on.)

Given that 4.0.1 FORBIDS the SCOPE parameter in CFLOCK and 4.5.1 REQUIRES
I thought I'd do a check for which version of CF was running and stash the
CFLOCK parameters into a local variable. For example, if CF 4.5.1 or better,
I'd set the
parameter var to be equal to 'SCOPE="Application" TYPE="Exclusive"', etc.

So my CFLOCK would look like this:

CFLOCK #VersionSpecificParameter#

But... CF throws an error on the pound sign, apparently not allowing the
of parameters via variable.

Any ideas besides repeating the entire CFLOCK block for each version?

Gene Kraybill
Gene Kraybill
LPW  Associates LLC
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Netscape error whilst IE is fine

2001-01-23 Thread Raymond B.

Not exactly an answer, but...

   Instead of passing all the information in the url, you might instead want
to only pass a unique identifier. Then on the page in question, query the
database based on the unique id for the information.

A litte cleaner and perform the same function w/ db lookup.

Alternately you could also you session/client vars to store some info.

-Original Message-
From: Pty. Ltd.
Sent: January 23, 2001 05:51
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Netscape error whilst IE is fine

when I try and access this link on my site:

using ie it displays fine

when I use Netscape I receive the error:

The parameter is incorrect.

any ideas as to why this would occur in Netscape and work fine in ie  ??

Kind Regards

Claude Raiola (Director) Pty. Ltd.
Developers Of:
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Netscape error whilst IE is fine

2001-01-23 Thread Raymond B.

? I was under the impression the info being passed was the property to be
rented/leased etc. not client info (which was being entered next page).

If it was client info, then by all means don't do it the way I suggested;
and don't pass it clear text in url either as that's almost as bad. SSL for
anything sensitive.

-Original Message-
From: Philip Arnold - ASP [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 23, 2001 07:00
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Netscape error whilst IE is fine

 Not exactly an answer, but...

Instead of passing all the information in the url, you might
 instead want
 to only pass a unique identifier. Then on the page in question, query the
 database based on the unique id for the information.

 A litte cleaner and perform the same function w/ db lookup.

 Alternately you could also you session/client vars to store some info.

If you're thinking of doing it this way, NEVER (ever) pass the real
Identity as the ID - if you do people can play and pick other people's info

Philip Arnold
Certified ColdFusion Developer
ASP Multimedia Limited
T: +44 (0)20 8680 1133

"Websites for the real world"

This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Adam, you got to be kidding?

2001-01-22 Thread Raymond B.

   I don't know about Adam, but you don't have to forfeit anything you
mentioned: You develop w/ browser degradation in mind. So you don't use the
img w/ an onclick, as it doesn't degrade (unless you use another option in
addition) but the input can be used by all. Whenever you offer a fancy menu,
you make sure it doesn't even show up in older browsers (unless it degrades
well) and have a low profile text nav at the bottom of the page, etc. You don't
have to forfeit client-side data validation at all, as if the browser doesn't
have it enabled (as many embedded devices, etc.) it just isn't there to them...
but the (figurative) 98% still get the benefits: and you add in server-side
validation as well for those who don't (among other reasons).

   This of course partially depends on your target market, but the "screw those
w/ old equipment or non-standard setup" mindset should be used w/ care. Now if
you're doing some high profile game site, by all means go w/ only the coolest
tricks as you know the platform and general computer specs of your market. But
in the end, it doesn't take too much extra effort to make sure your site is
accessable to a wider variety of people.

/rant :)

-Original Message-
Sent: January 18, 2001 08:15
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Adam, you got to be kidding?

You actually develop with the mindset that a user might not have scripting
enabled? Ouch!

My guess would be that at a minimum, 98% of all users have scripting enabled.
So, you would forfeit the capability of client-side data validation,
client-side DOM manipulation, etc.?

You would add unneeded round trips to your server to accomplish scripting,
validation, etc.? So 98% of your users will pay the Performance price for the
2% of your users? Not to mention the extra load on your server and the wasted

Not a good idea ... Please!

Bill Reichard
Willow Gold
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: ASP Code within CF Code? WAS (RE: retreiving datatypes)

2001-01-22 Thread Raymond B.

   Yes it looks a lot like ASP b/c it's using an ADO (ActiveX Data Object? - I
never remember that TLA... it's a COM object by another name) which is what ASP
commonly uses. So you are using the same object, and the syntax looks
superficially similar... but it is very much CF: You could do the same tag based
if you desired (though it would be much harder to read IMO). Bear in mind though
that accessing dbs in this way is much slower in both dev time and execution
time (in almost all cases) than using CFs native functions such as CFQUERY,

   I very rarely use M$ Access so if you have a better solution for retrieving
field design info from that dbms (I use the term loosely) then I'm all ears
(well... eyes).  ;)

  So while it looks a lot like ASP, it is actually CFSCRIPT code.

P.S.  I'd also like to ask: When using an OLEDB connection to Access instead of
ODBC there are certain functions you can perform b/c of the interface? I'm not
much into the NT environ but, I've heard that Access dbs perform much better
under an OLEDB connection and that there is a command set that's part of the

-Original Message-
From: Warrick, Mark [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 18, 2001 22:13
Subject: ASP Code within CF Code? WAS (RE: retreiving datatypes)

That looks an awful lot like ASP code.  Are you saying it's possible to run
ASP-like code within CF templates?


Mark Warrick
Phone: (714) 547-5386
Fax: (714) 972-2181
Personal Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Personal URL:
Business Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Business URL:
ICQ: 346566

 -Original Message-
 From: Raymond B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 7:25 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: RE: retreiving datatypes

 Unlike most dbms's Access doesn't have the system tables that allow you to
 retrieve table and field info though SQL statements; to my knowledge (I
 avoid Access like the plague so there may be easier ways than
 what follows).

 Under win you can the ADODB.Connection class object and retrieve them this
 way (where dsn, username, pass are vars):

   // initalise the DB object and open a connection to the desired db
   dbo = createObject("COM", "ADODB.Connection") ;
   dbo.Open("DSN="  dsn, username, password, -1) ;

   // get schema (schema 4 is field info, 20 table info) recordset
   recordset = dbo.OpenSchema(4) ;
   // assign fields to "Fields" collection from returned schema
   fields = recordset.Fields ;


 The fields collection contains all the info you'll need, and can
 be accessed
 like this:

   table_name = fields.Item("TABLE_NAME") ;
   // display table current field belongs too
   writeOutput(table_name.value) ;

 Other valid fields in the schema recordset are; COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE,

   // move the cursor to the next record
   recordset.MoveNext() ;

 In the way above you can loop through all the data in the schema, to keep
 track of it all I'd suggest using a struct. This may lots more
 info than you
 need, but it's the only way I know to get datatypes and other design info
 from an Access table. Much, much, more difficult than simply
 querying the db
 as in other dbms's.

 -Original Message-
 From: Terry Troxel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: January 17, 2001 13:33
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: retreiving datatypes

 I know that I can build a list of column names in an Accrss table with the
 columnlist variable, but is there also a way I can do the same thing in
 order to retrieve the corresponding datatypes for all the fields in an
 Access table?

 Terry Troxel

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Validate against a mask

2001-01-22 Thread Raymond B.

   You're not mistaken, it's quite far from PCREs. Generally you'll be using
posix expressions instead of the \char notation; so \d becomes [[:digits:]], \w
becomes [[:alpha:]], etc. Substrings are also quite different in the handling
(read: not nearly so nice). If you're on a dedicated server there is a CFX tag
for PCREs in CF that makes life so much easier for string parsing and data
validation. (

Here's a link from the old CF4 manual:

Also read the reFind(), and reReplace() reference carefully (not the clearest of
tech writing I know):

From the venerable Fig Leaf archives g:
(only time I've ever seen back refferencing used properly in a tutorial on CF

Print refferences:
Ben Forta's "Advanced Web Application Development" by Que

List of posix character classes:
alnum   - alpha-numeric characters
alpha   - alphabetic characters
blank   - tab and space
cntrl   - control characters
digit   - decimal digits
graph   - all printable characters except space
lower   - lower case letters
print   - "printable" characters
punct   - punctuation
space   - whitespace characters
upper   - upper case letters
xdigit- hexidecimal digits

   All the standard control characters work w/in the mask, so ^ $ ? * {num,num}
etc. Sub expressions (if you set return sub expressions to true) are returned as
start postion and length in an array, and the mid() function has to be used to
retrieve them. So for basic validation CF is okay, but complex string handling
gets long and tricky compared to Perl (but nothing so annoying as string
handling in C was).

   If you don't get the more advanced stuff (ie. back referencing, substring
manipulation, etc.) from the docs, I can send over some production code examples
that might help.

-Original Message-
From: Ruslan Sivak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 18, 2001 10:32
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Validate against a mask

I also believe that I should use Regex, but I can't find any decent
reference for it for CF.  It seems to be quite different from Perl's regex.
Am I mistaken?

-Original Message-
From: Raymond B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 10:38 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Validate against a mask

Not sure if you've ever used regexps, but that is what you want. Check out
reFind() and the other regexp functions.

-Original Message-
From: Ruslan Sivak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 17:20
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Validate against a mask

Is there a way to validate against a mask like lets say in MS Access.  Is
there a CF function that does this?

Something like


Ruslan Sivak
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Questio\n

2001-01-22 Thread Raymond B.

evaluate() is the function you want

-Original Message-
From: Kevin Schmidt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 18, 2001 15:15
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Questio\n


Sorry to bother you but the list is down and I have a project to get done
asap.  I am stuck.
I have a variable that contains a string with another variable name.  I want
to display the variable not the variable name when I display the first.


cfset variable1 = "stuff"
cfset variable2 = "variable1"



I want to see stuff instead of variable1 when I output variable 2.  I have
been through all the book I have and can't figure this one out.  Is it
possible.  I though the evaluate function might work but no luck.
Kevin Schmidt, Web Technology Manager
Allaire Certified ColdFusion Developer
pwb inc.
integrated marketing communications
350 S. Main St., Suite 350
Ann Arbor, MI 48104
734.995.5000 (tel)
734.995.5002 (fax)
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: dynamic form vars

2001-01-22 Thread Raymond B.

   I like using WDDX for multipart forms. You can easily serialise the
entire form struct and pass it in a single hidden field (also means you're
not relying on cookies or session vars). As long as every field name is
unique across the multi-part form it's fast and easy.

   I stole a lot of this processing techinque from an article in CFDJ (Vol.
2 Issue 2 - Feb. 2000); while the article a little too gui/M$ infantile
naming schemes for my taste (No offence to the author here at all, just a
personal taste preference) some of its underlying principles are great.

   If you need it really quick and don't care much about code reuse for the
moment, post directly to the second form in the series, serialise the data
at the top of that form, and shove it in a hidden field. On the final page
you'll then have to just WDDX the first pages results.

   Anyways, play w/ the concept it's very flexible and doesn't require
things like cookies and sessions.

-Original Message-
From: Kay Smoljak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 22, 2001 03:17
To: CF-Talk
Subject: dynamic form vars

Hi all,

I'm not sure how to go about doing this.

I have a dynamically generated form, which can have any number of radio
buttons. I want to submit this form to a page with another form. Once this
second form is submitted, I need to process all of the data from both forms
on one page.

What I'm not sure about is how I can store the values from the first form on
the second form page. Normally I would put them in hidden fields, but it's a
problem seeing as I don't know how many there will be or what they will be

Any pointers? I'm sure it's something obvious but my brain appears to have
stopped responding.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


OT: M$ SQL equiv of Postgre's EXPLAIN

2001-01-22 Thread Raymond B.

   I know this is OT, but I figure there's some people pretty familiar w/ M$
SQL Server in here.

   I need to do some cost-based analysis on SQL Server queries, making sure
it's properly using the indices, relative costs of each section, etc. I'd
like an SQL command akin to Postgre's EXPLAIN for some manual tinkering.
I've searched the MSDN T-SQL guide but can't seem to find anything.

For those not familiar w/ Postgre's EXPLAIN, here's a sample output:

WHERE   cid=1
  AND   uid=2
ORDER BYsort_date DESC;


Sort  (cost=2.14..2.14 rows=1 width=10)
  -  Index Scan using usr_in_cat
on table  (cost=0.00..2.02 rows=1 width=10)


   Failing a command line return, if anyone knows of some free GUI utils (or
reasonable price)?

   As you can tell I'm not overly familiar w/ SQL Server, so another info
request: Are there any nice tools akin Oracle's Cost-Based Optimizer for it?

Raymond B.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Outer Join Question...

2001-01-22 Thread Raymond B.

Not using outer join, but this will do the trick.

SELECT  DISTINCT g.groupname
FROMgrouptable g
WHERE   g.groupID NOT IN (
SELECT  m.groupID
FROMgroupusertable m
WHERE   m.UserID = #userID#

Not sure the the performance costs versus doing it through a join.

-Original Message-
From: Jeffry Houser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 22, 2001 14:30
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Outer Join Question...

  I'm stuck:

 The tables:

  grouptable (groupID, groupname)
 usertable (userID, otheruserinformation)
 groupusertable  (groupID, userID)

 Given the userID, how do I get a list of groups that the user is not in?

  This will return all the groups that the user is in:

SELECT DISTINCT grouptable.groupID, grouptable.groupname
FROM grouptable LEFT OUTER JOIN groupusertable
ON (grouptable.groupID = groupusertable.groupID) and
   (groupusertable.userID = #userID#)

  This will return all groups the user is not in, but some other user

SELECT DISTINCT grouptable.groupID, grouptable.groupname
FROM grouptable LEFT OUTER JOIN groupusertable
ON (grouptable.groupID = groupusertable.groupID) and
   not (groupusertable.userID = #userID#)

  Any help, would be appreciated.  Thanks

Jeff Houser | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
AIM: Reboog711  | ICQ: 5246969 | Phone: 860-229-2781
Instant ColdFusion 4.5  | ISBN: 0-07-213238-8
Due out 3rd Quarter 2001
DotComIt, LLC
database driven web data using ColdFusion, Lotus Notes/Domino
Half of the Alternative Folk Duo called Far Cry Fly |
Promise me no dead end streets, and I'll guarantee we'll have a road
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Outer Join Question...

2001-01-22 Thread Raymond B.

If this is a double post I appologize, my mail server is acting up and I
think it just cacked on the send queue again.

Not using outer join, but this will do the trick.

SELECT  DISTINCT g.groupname
FROMgrouptable g
WHERE   g.groupID NOT IN (
SELECT  m.groupID
FROMgroupusertable m
WHERE   m.UserID = #userID#

Not sure the the performance costs versus doing it through a join.

-Original Message-
From: Jeffry Houser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 22, 2001 14:30
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Outer Join Question...

  I'm stuck:

 The tables:

  grouptable (groupID, groupname)
 usertable (userID, otheruserinformation)
 groupusertable  (groupID, userID)

 Given the userID, how do I get a list of groups that the user is not in?

  This will return all the groups that the user is in:

SELECT DISTINCT grouptable.groupID, grouptable.groupname
FROM grouptable LEFT OUTER JOIN groupusertable
ON (grouptable.groupID = groupusertable.groupID) and
   (groupusertable.userID = #userID#)

  This will return all groups the user is not in, but some other user

SELECT DISTINCT grouptable.groupID, grouptable.groupname
FROM grouptable LEFT OUTER JOIN groupusertable
ON (grouptable.groupID = groupusertable.groupID) and
   not (groupusertable.userID = #userID#)

  Any help, would be appreciated.  Thanks

Jeff Houser | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
AIM: Reboog711  | ICQ: 5246969 | Phone: 860-229-2781
Instant ColdFusion 4.5  | ISBN: 0-07-213238-8
Due out 3rd Quarter 2001
DotComIt, LLC
database driven web data using ColdFusion, Lotus Notes/Domino
Half of the Alternative Folk Duo called Far Cry Fly |
Promise me no dead end streets, and I'll guarantee we'll have a road
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Sometimes I get so sick of CF being weak.... please help

2001-01-22 Thread Raymond B.

   It has to do w/ the fact CFSETTING effects parser processes the page; so
it effects the entire page as a whole.

   "When nesting CFSETTING tags, you must match each ENABLECFOUTPUTONLY="Yes
" setting with an ENABLECFOUTPUTONLY="No " setting for ordinary HTML text to
be visible to a user. For example, if you have five ENABLECFOUTPUTONLY="Yes
" statements, you must also have five corresponding ENABLECFOUTPUTONLY="No "
statements for HTML text to be displayed again."

   So no, it's not just a toggle that when you hit off it's off. It's more
the same idea as start and end tags.

   Hope it helps,
Raymond B.

P.S. I feel your pain, CF is great but it's like working w/ 3 billion sticky
abstraction layers between you and the control.

-Original Message-
From: Ryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 22, 2001 11:56
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Sometimes I get so sick of CF being weak please help

In one of my custom tags I need to turn on ENABLECFOUTPUTONLY because
the result of this custom tag will be going inside PRE tags, so I
can't have any extra white space come out of it. Now the page that
uses this tag quit working, becuase the ENABLECFOUTPUTONLY is affecting
the entire request. Doesn't it make sense that it would only affect
the custom tag? Shouldn't that be a separate 'scope'? It is with
variables, why does the cfsetting carry across?

So anyway, I need to turn ENABLECFOUTPUTONLY back off at the end of
the custom tag, I guess. But what if (later on in development) a page makes
use of this tag, and that page already has ENABLECFOUTPUTONLY set to
on? Then the tag will turn it on again, no problem there, but at the
end of the tag it will set ENABLECFOUTPUTONLY to off, totally screwing
up the page that calls it.

Is there a way to detect ENABLECFOUTPUTONLY, so I don't need to flip
it if I don't need to?

I miss Perl...

Thanks for any help.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Single Quotes in SQL HELP PLEASE!

2001-01-22 Thread Raymond B.

If it's in a var CF will auto escape it, if not manually escape it. '' is an
escaped single quote for SQL.


Would insert a single quote into the db. Same idea as using ## to get CF to
display a # inside a CFOUTPUT.

-Original Message-
From: Phoeun Pha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 22, 2001 11:59
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Single Quotes in SQL HELP PLEASE!

ok, I want to enter this character into a SQL table.   '

but i get an error.  how do I make it enter ' into the database?

VALUES = '''
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Basic Search Engine

2001-01-21 Thread Raymond B.

  CF has ceiling(), int() [commonly called floor()], fix(), and round() for
returning integer number (input upto to real set).

cfset pages = ceiling(query.recordCount / max_rows)

  I'd suggest you read through the language reference a few times; this will
familiarise you with CFs tags, functions, and general syntax. If you're new
to programming or scripting in general you might want to read some
programming logic books first.

   Hope this helps,
Raymond B.

BTW, nice Flash intro on your site.

-Original Message-
From: W Luke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 21, 2001 06:32
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Basic Search Engine

Thanks for that - very informative.

On the subject of finding out how many pages in the search results there
are, does anyone have any tips?  The furthest I've got is to do the

Cfset nopages = (get_results.recordcount / max)

This, for example, gives results of 0.4 and 2.5 - what I need to do then is
round them up or down.  Any ideas?



 this is a very good article

 At 08:59 pm 21/01/01 , you wrote:
 I'm building a basic search engine to query a table in my Database, and
 return 10 results at a time.  At the moment I've got URL parameters of
 url.query and url.start_row and a variable #maxrows# set to 10 - if no
 inital start_row is defined, then the startrow is 1.  I was wondering the
 best way to do the following "features" of a search engine.
 * When and how to display a "previous" link.  What I mean by this is for
 first 1-10 results, we don't need a "previous results" link.
 * How to determine number of pages in the search.  E.g. if there are 48
 results, and maxrows is set to 10, then there should be 4 pages.
 Any hints or tips appreciated.
 Classifieds -=-

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: SQL syntax problem

2001-01-21 Thread Raymond B.

INSERT INTO table (field1) VALUES ('#form.field1#') ;

When you do this, CF should automatically escape all single quotes. The
preserveSingleQuotes() function is generally only needed when passing full
SQL statements as variables or inserting lists (generally already quoted).
If you find for some reason this is not the case, you can use the replace()
function to escape them manually.

-Original Message-
From: Nick Slay [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 21, 2001 20:38
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: SQL syntax problem

Hi, you can use a function called PreserveSingleQuotes before storing the
information to the database.

At least that's what I think it's for!!!  :^)

 From: "Phoeun Pha" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 19:31:42 -0600
 Subject: SQL syntax problem

 ok, i have a field where people type in the names of songs.  The problem
 if the song title has an apostrophe in it, like "I'm comin' ova", i get an
 error.  i think it's cuz SQL don't read dem apostrophes as text.  how do i
 make the database accept them?!!

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Search engine done in CF!

2001-01-20 Thread Raymond B.

No, you can programatically generate a collection using the cfcollection
tag. It's the same idea as scheduling which can be done either in admin or
w/ the cfschedule tag.

I believe there are a few cases where you might need admin but I'm not
overly fond of verity as it seem to give results that are about as relevant
as ones obtained on alta vista :) (read: completely unrelated -- look up dog
and get articles about fish in asia). There's a video dealing w/ Verity that
should answer most of your questions at .

If you're using verity to for full text searching in a db Oracle, M$ SQL
Server, etc. have much more customisable and generally much faster
capabilities. For generated page content being indexed, you might want to
consider Google which, while it's a simple search in term of keywords,
returns incredible results: Packages are rather expensive for small sites,
but if you're content doesn't change too often the "
keyword1 keyword2" style (free service allows certain logos too on the
result set) works well.

-Original Message-
From: W Luke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 20, 2001 18:53
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Search engine done in CF!

 I thought that coldfusion had a 'built in' search engine -

Never had the need to use Verity, until now - but could someone confirm as
to whether it requires Administrative access to create the collection?


Classifieds -=-
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Selecting on dates

2001-01-20 Thread Raymond B.

   If you use createODBCDateTime() it will create a timestamp, which is
generally the format you should use all throughout the application (or
datestamp -- createODBCDate() ): Only going to other formats for display.
This solves all sorts of date/time issues as it's a distinct standard
format... not variable w/ peoples prefference and locale like 'dd-mm-yy',

   I'd suggest you not use GT and the like as ANSI SQL calls for the =, ,
=, , =,  operators, so while it may work in your current db it's not
very portable.

   If you're worrying about the field having more precision than the passed
date, don't. If you pass it in datestamp or timestamp version the dbms will
work w/ it. If you create a timestamp using only .mm.dd then the time
will read 00:00:00 of that day (24h clock); if you passed a datestamp and
the db field had the precision of seconds, the dbms will handle it the same.

   In conclusion, dateFormat() should only be used when outputting to a user
(or log file w/ set format). Instantly convert all date/times to a timestamp
or datestamp object and use that format exclusively inside your application.
You shouldn't have any date/time problems again.

-Original Message-
From: Paige Chandler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 21, 2001 00:09
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Selecting on dates

Hi Jim,

I've used 'GT' in other Select statements successfully - but I'm not married
to it. The problem is that the field in the table is in the Date/Time format
(mmddyyhhmm) Hence I was trying to use the
#DateFormat(StartVisit,'mm-dd-yy')# to extract the portion of just the date
for the comparison. It works for display but I can't find any examples of
using hoe to use it, or something better, for comparison. Thanks.


- Original Message -
From: "Jim McAtee" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, January 20, 2001 11:13 PM
Subject: Re: Selecting on dates

 It might be safer to use an ODBC formatted date.  Depends on the database.
 I'm not sure what happens to your 'GT' operator (does CF translate it?),
but SQL
 usually uses operators like , =, , =, =, .

 FROM WebSite
 WHERE StartDate  #CreateODBCDate(StartVisit)#


 -Original Message-
 From: Paige Chandler [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Saturday, January 20, 2001 9:03 PM
 Subject: Selecting on dates

 Hi All,
 The following function works great for displaying a date, but StartVisit
 found when trying to compare it in a Select statement.  I'd really
appreciate an
 example of the correct syntax to use. TIA.
 Select *
 From WebSite
 WHERE StartDate GT #DateFormat(StartVisit,'mm-dd-yy')#

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: cftry/cfcatch and cfswitch issues?

2001-01-19 Thread Raymond B.

cfcatch type="exception type"

By default the exception type is "APPLICATION" which is only developer
raised exception, ie. cfthrow, cfrethrow.

Syntax for CFCATCH:

Exception types:

So if you're trying to catch code errors, etc. it won't work: To do that,
define a different exception type. If it's not catching cfthrow errors, try
defining an exception type in the cfthrow tag as well as in the cfcatch. CF
4.0x handles exceptions differently from 4.5x so depending on which version
you're using how you handle will vary.

-Original Message-
From: Scott Weikert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 18, 2001 13:00
To: CF-Talk
Subject: cftry/cfcatch and cfswitch issues?

Hey gang,

A fellow co-worker is working on adding some CFTRY/CFCATCH goodies to a site
we're working on. It's a semi-FuseBox site - not 100% Fusebox but close
enough for gub'mint work.

So what we're trying:


CFSWITCH etc etc
(all the stuff)

CFCATCH blah blah

and it doesn't seem to be catching any errors.

Are there issues wrapping the switch(s) inside the try? Do we need to, in
each of the includes that are fired up within the cases within the switches,
do try/catch?

Thanks in advance,
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Studio and PHP?

2001-01-19 Thread Raymond B.

You want killer internal PHP help support in studio?

 - The PHP website ( supports function look-ups using a
simple url get line
 - Studio supports internal scripting using it's object model

The result should be obvious :). It's easy to add F1 support alá CF tags for
PHP functions and keywords.

Also you should download the HTML version of the PHP language reference and
throw it into your Studio docs dir: A little bit of parsing/renaming based
on the manual.html and you can quickly make it into a nicer heading style.

If you like toolbars (I find moving the mouse always takes to long, so don't
use them) there might be some out there for standard functions.

Add in the colour coding for PHP (mentioned below), and all the other
functions in Studio that make it an uber text editor and PHP support is
almost as good as native CF support.

Even though I work in a *nix environ, I run win4lin for Studio b/c it's such
a great scripting tool (db viewer, etc. which for any interested work fine
as you just setup DSNs on the local machine [emulation] for all your
datasources in *nix) for web based stuff.

-Original Message-
From: DeVoil, Nick [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 19, 2001 04:22
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Studio and PHP?

 A friend tells me that Allaire's Studio might be supporting
 PHP in the future - is this true, or complete rubbish?

It already does, as far as colour coding is concerned.
I use Studio for *everything* - PHP, Perl, JavaScript, JSP,
even VBScript.


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Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Validate against a mask

2001-01-19 Thread Raymond B.

   You're not mistaken, it's quite far from PCREs. Generally you'll be using
posix expressions instead of the \char notation; so \d becomes [[:digits:]],
\w becomes [[:alpha:]], etc. Substrings are also quite different in the
handling (read: not nearly so nice). If you're on a dedicated server there
is a CFX tag for PCREs in CF that makes life so much easier for string
parsing and data validation.

Here's a link from the old CF4 manual:

Also read the reFind(), and reReplace() reference carefully (not the
clearest of tech writing I know):

From the venerable Fig Leaf archives g:
(only time I've ever seen back refferencing used properly in a tutorial on
CF regexps)

Print refferences:
Ben Forta's "Advanced Web Application Development" by Que

List of posix character classes:
alnum   - alpha-numeric characters
alpha   - alphabetic characters
blank   - tab and space
cntrl   - control characters
digit   - decimal digits
graph   - all printable characters except space
lower   - lower case letters
print   - "printable" characters
punct   - punctuation
space   - whitespace characters
upper   - upper case letters
xdigit- hexidecimal digits

   All the standard control characters work w/in the mask, so ^ $ ? *
{num,num} etc. Sub expressions (if you set return sub expressions to true)
are returned as start postion and length in an array, and the mid() function
has to be used to retrieve them. So for basic validation CF is okay, but
complex string handling gets long and tricky compared to Perl (but nothing
so annoying as string handling in C was).

   If you don't get the more advanced stuff (ie. back referencing, substring
manipulation, etc.) from the docs, I can send over some production code
examples that might help.

-Original Message-
From: Ruslan Sivak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 18, 2001 10:32
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Validate against a mask

I also believe that I should use Regex, but I can't find any decent
reference for it for CF.  It seems to be quite different from Perl's regex.
Am I mistaken?

-Original Message-
From: Raymond B. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 10:38 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Validate against a mask

Not sure if you've ever used regexps, but that is what you want. Check out
reFind() and the other regexp functions.

-Original Message-
From: Ruslan Sivak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 17:20
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Validate against a mask

Is there a way to validate against a mask like lets say in MS Access.  Is
there a CF function that does this?

Something like


Ruslan Sivak
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Studio and PHP? (OT)

2001-01-19 Thread Raymond B.

I don't want to start a PHP vs. CF war, so first I'll direct you to the


What follows are opinions, please don't take offence:

   I too would prefer to work in PHP, but the job market says otherwise
(unless I wanted to take a huge paycut). It's more feature plentiful in
areas such as; type casting, call by refference, call by value, better db
cursor control, objects, user functions, tons more internal functions, etc.
But because it's more feature plentiful, it suffers from higher development
times: The very fact of having more granular control, means that you _have_
to control the small details.

   CFs tag based system (and not so hot cfscript) is much easier on the
display side, where PHP leans more to the scripting and display becomes
harder. Now the alternate control structure syntax in PHP can mimic the tag
based idea to a point, but overall dev times are still higher.

   As always, it's pick the proper tool for the job. In no way am I banging
CF, it's great for what it is... same can be said of PHP.

(BTW if anyone doesn't know the alternate syntax and how you can sort of
mimic the CF tag based display, feel free to email outside me outside the
list or read the control structure section of the PHP manual. I find that
using the alternate syntax speeds dev time incredibly, as you're not
constantly dealing w/ printf ("vertias %s/n", $foobar): There is of course a
caveat to it.)

-Original Message-
From: Jon Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 19, 2001 14:56
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Studio and PHP?

Could you please mention a few examples of how php is more powerful?

- Original Message -
From: "Joe Sheble aka Wizaerd" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: Studio and PHP?

 There is a whole lot of support for PHP in the form of mailing lists,
 websites, books (of which there is more than one... closer to three or
 four)  It is for a whole lot more than accessing databases, and while this
 may likely get me flamed, it a lot more powerful in functionality than CF
 is.  But it's a lot more strict than CF is as well in it's syntax and code
 placement.  I prefer working in PHP, but alas, there's not a lot of jobs
 out there for PHP developers.  At least not yet

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: any ideas?

2001-01-19 Thread Raymond B.

That's a very, very nice idea. For a bit more added speed though, use array
assignment (given longer list or number of rows).

cfset rowColour = listToArray("E7,FAFAFA,808080")

tr bgcolor="rowColour[(query.currentrow mod 3) + 1]"

Your solution is quite elegant Scott, I just added it to my bag of tricks :)

As a side note, you can also do alternating rows by CSS as defined by W3C.
In praticallity though no browser I'm aware of supports it properly.

-Original Message-
From: Scott Weikert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 19, 2001 13:14
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: any ideas?


(up higher in the file)

CFSET RowColorList = "E7,FAFAFA,808080"


tr bgcolor = "#ListGetAt(RowColorList, ((CurrentRow MOD 3) + 1))#"


- Original Message -
From: "Russel Madere" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 7:53 AM
Subject: RE: any ideas?


 tr bgcolor="cfif DirList.CurrentRow Mod 3 EQ 0#E7cfelseif
 DirList.CurrentRow Mod 3 EQ 1#FAFAFAcfelse#808080/cfif"


   Russel Madere, Jr. Senior Web Developer
   ICQ: 5446158

 Some days you eat the bear; some days the bear eats you.

  -Original Message-
  From: Jay Patton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 14:52
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: any ideas?
  does anyone know how i can make this tag output 3 colors instead of 2?
  tr bgcolor="#IIf(DirList.CurrentRow  Mod 2, DE('E7'),
  Jay Patton
  Web Pro USA
  406.549.3337 ext. 203

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: SQL help needed - Apples but not Oranges...

2001-01-19 Thread Raymond B.

I take it you want to exlude a word from a search.

Valid names:

Apple Time
  Sauce and Apples


Bob's Donuts
Oranges and Apples
Apples the colour of Orange

SELECT  DISTINCT, c.firstname, c.lastname
FROMClients c, Orders o, OrderItems i, Products p
  AND = i.orderid
  AND   i.productid =
  AND ( LIKE '%Apples%'
  AND NOT LIKE '%Oranges%'

-Original Message-
Sent: January 19, 2001 14:51
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SQL help needed - Apples but not Oranges...

I'm trying to select clients who have purchased "Apples", but NOT "Oranges".
This query is returning clients who have bought either.

SELECT DISTINCT, Clients.firstname, Clients.lastname
FROM Clients,Orders,OrderItems,Products
( = Orders.clientid AND = OrderItems.orderid AND
 OrderItems.productid = AND LIKE '%Apples%'
( = Orders.clientid AND = OrderItems.orderid AND
 OrderItems.productid = AND NOT LIKE '%Oranges%'

Any help is most appreciated!

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: URLToken Algorithm

2001-01-18 Thread Raymond B.

CFID is simply a sequential integer per machine
CFTOKEN is, in default setting, assigned a random unsigned long int (0  x 

If you're client needs to know the exact algorythm used to generate the
random method, you'll probably have to ask an Allaire programmer. CF doesn't
validate the CFTOKEN anymore (as of 4.5 I think, not sure) so you can use
any value you want for it; as it's just to stop people hijacking sessions by
entering in a sequential CFID. If you want, you can have a UUID appended to
CFTOKEN by changing the UUIDToken key in the registry to 1 (I've never done
this on a system w/o a registry before so not sure where it would be


So if you're really uptight about someone guessing a 10 digit random number,
either use your own algorythm to generate the CFTOKEN or concat the UUID on
to the end.

Hope it helps :)

-Original Message-
From: Teng-Yan Loke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 21:41
To: CF-Talk
Subject: URLToken Algorithm

My client would like to know the algorithm used to generate unique values
and the ranges for CFID and CFTOKEN for session management.

Any help please? Thanx.

Loke, Teng-Yan | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | +65-2169725
E-commerce | (S) Pte Ltd
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: How to encript source code?

2001-01-18 Thread Raymond B.

   Be aware though that the encryption at best is only a slight deterent to
the completely uniformed. Due to the fact that code has to be decrypted by
any system to run (meaning a set key is present) and done quickly so as not
to impede performance (meaning a simple hash) decrypting is extremely

   If you know much about crypto you can sit down and figure out how to
reverse the hash in an afternoon, if you don't there are premade binaries or
source for most platforms that decrypt the code. I'm not slamming the
Allaire people here at all, they came up w/ the best they could I'm sure to
balance the various aspects.

-Original Message-
From: Deb Dickerson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 22:46
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: How to encript source code?

Use cfencode.exe in the \cfusion\bin directory (for 4.5x)
It was cfcrypt.exe for 4.0x


 -Original Message-
 From: George Dong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 8:25 PM
 To: CF-Talk
 Subject: How to encript source code?

 Hi there,
 If anyone can tell me to how encript source code, it can be done
 by cfstudio
 or need other application program?

 thank you very much.

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: any ideas?

2001-01-18 Thread Raymond B.

No b/c IIF() is a true/false evaluation. Mod 3 would simply be the two
colours in a false, true, true arrangement.

-Original Message-
From: Scott, Andrew [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 23:24
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: any ideas?

Wouldn't changing the mod 2 to mod 3 do the trick:-)


Andrew Scott
Senior Cold Fusion Application Developer

-Original Message-
From: Jay Patton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 January 2001 07:52
To: CF-Talk
Subject: any ideas?

does anyone know how i can make this tag output 3 colors instead of 2?

tr bgcolor="#IIf(DirList.CurrentRow  Mod 2, DE('E7'), DE('FAFAFA'))#"


Jay Patton
Web Pro USA
406.549.3337 ext. 203
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Form Post with Image

2001-01-18 Thread Raymond B.

input type="Image" src="image.ext"

or an onclick even to submit the form w/ JS.

Both have their drawbacks, you can also use CSS to change the style of the
submit button itself.

-Original Message-
From: Albert K Arhin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 18, 2001 04:56
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Form Post with Image

Hi all ,
 How can I post a form with an image instead of a button.
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Studio 4.5.2 and colour coding

2001-01-17 Thread Raymond B.

Nope, they were a navy by default I think. I too quickly changed that lovely
blistering shade of orange to a more retina friendly version.

-Original Message-
From: Aidan Whitehall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 05:44
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Studio 4.5.2 and colour coding

 Its in the Studio Settings, Editor--Color Coding, and then
 in the HTML
 Scheme, HTML Form Tags.

 I quite like the Orange, at least they standout.

Thanks for the pointers.

Can anyone remember what the old colours were (my addled brain just can't
remember... were HTML green?)

Aidan Whitehall [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Netshopper UK Ltd
Advanced Web Solutions  Services
Telephone +44 (01744) 648650
Fax +44 (01744) 648651
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Short Circuit Evaluation

2001-01-17 Thread Raymond B.

"Note: Because ColdFusion has short-circuit Boolean evaluation..." this is
the only reference I could find
( but I'm
sure I read something about it the packaged docs as well. In short CF has
supported short circuit AND statments for a while, if it's not working for
you I can only mirror the previous reply and suggest looking for typos.

-Original Message-
From: Eric Dawson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 12:09
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Short Circuit Evaluation

hmmm. I never noticed. Would have coded a few things differently. I'll check
it out tonight.

From: "Raymond Camden" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Short Circuit Evaluation
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2001 10:25:25 -0500

Last time I checked, CF _did_ have short circuit eval. Maybe you have a
slight typo in your code? This feature has been around since 4.01 I believe.
(Maybe earlier, someone feel free to correct me.)

Raymond Camden, Principal Spectra Compliance Engineer for Allaire

ICQ UIN : 3679482

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda

  -Original Message-
  From: Ruslan Sivak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 10:12 AM
  To: CF-Talk
  Subject: Short Circuit Evaluation
  I have had to write this kind of code over and over, and was wondering if
  there is a better way like in c++, where it does lazy evaluation.
  This is what I want:
  CFIF isDefined("somevar") AND somevar IS "something"
  do something
  Of course this fails, since if the variable is not defined, CF stil
  the second condition.  In languages like C++, it did lazy
  evaluation, so if
  the first condition was false, it didn't bother checking the second
  condition.  This let people write things like
  open(FILE,"file") || die "Can't open file";
  So in CF I have to rewrite my above IF statement as 2 statements
  CFIF isDefined("somevar")
   CFIF somevar IS "something"
do something
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Sessions

2001-01-17 Thread Raymond B.

What you're seeing is most likely perm cookies not being accepted.


Is how that number breaks down, if cookies aren't being accepted then your
application can't track (by default) the user therefore assigning a new
session every time (as seen by the CFID increasing, CFTOKEN is random for
security). I don't like perm cookies myself in most cases, so try setting
CFID and CFTOKEN in the Application.cfm by hand as session cookies (in
addition to the CFAPPLICATION line). Your users will need at least those to
track them unless you pass the urltoken in the url.

-Original Message-
From: Michael Ross [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 12:07
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Sessions

I have an app that sets a session id.  The first time you call any
page(which uses application.cfm)it sets a number and works great.  If i
refresh the page I get a var that looks like this tcom_686_### where
tcom is the application name, 686 is a number that is being incremented
everytime I call a new session. and  changes randomly.  Anyone ever seen

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Cross Browser DHTML Menu

2001-01-17 Thread Raymond B.   -- Menu and Nav

They have a host of free scripts. I'm not much on the front end display side
but I'm sure they'll have something you can use "out of the box" or adapt

-Original Message-
From: Paul Johnston [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 11:31
To: CF-Talk
Subject: OT: Cross Browser DHTML Menu


I need a cross browser DHTML menu asap that can do drop down, and slide

|-Item4  |-Item6

Does anyone know of a good simple API or generator, that has been tested
(the important part of the question) on NN4+ and IE4+, that they would
recommend? Please don't suggest CF_DHTMLMenu as it specifically states that
it's not for NN.


Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: any ideas?

2001-01-17 Thread Raymond B.

   IIF in an Inline IF statement, so only has boolean TRUE and FALSE (ie.
two states). If you want to vary between more use a switch/case setup again
dependent on the mod and rowcount. The nicest thing about the iif() is it's
inline and clean looking in your code; any type of if/elseif or switch
statments are either going to be slightly removed from the line or not look
as nice... but they work.

// determine row colour based on mod of current query row
switch (DirList.CurrentRow mod 3) {
  case 0:
colour = "e7" ;
  case 1:
colour = "fafafa" ;
  case 2:
colour = "a1a1a1" ;

tr bgcolor="#colour#"

   If you want gradients of a single colour you could also use mod to
generate it mathmatically, instead of a sub type operation.

tr bgcolor="0909#evaluate((DirList.CurrentRow mod 3) * 3)#9"

-Original Message-
From: Jay Patton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 15:52
To: CF-Talk
Subject: any ideas?

does anyone know how i can make this tag output 3 colors instead of 2?

tr bgcolor="#IIf(DirList.CurrentRow  Mod 2, DE('E7'), DE('FAFAFA'))#"


Jay Patton
Web Pro USA
406.549.3337 ext. 203
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Session age?

2001-01-17 Thread Raymond B.

   You could always set a session var w/ the current date and have a not
isDefined() making sure it isn't overwritten.

cfif not isDefined("session.created_at")
  cflock scope="session" type="exclusive" timeout=2
cfset session.created_at = now()

   If this was thrown into the Application.cfm you'd have a created_at var
initialised w/ the session and valid until it expires. I'm not aware that CF
tracks the absolute creation time, but it might be some undocumented var
(it's not in the session scope if you loop through the struct though).

-Original Message-
From: Katrina Chapman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 07:50
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: Session age?

Merry Meet Jon,

The way that I understand session variables to work you can't tell when the
var was originally set on the users machine because that time stamp is reset
everytime they access a new page.  If it wasn't updated with the current
time then the user would timeout even if they weren't done with your site.

Blessed Be,

-Original Message-
From: Jon Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 2:53 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Session age?

Is there a way to tell when a session variable was created?

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: retreiving datatypes

2001-01-17 Thread Raymond B.

Unlike most dbms's Access doesn't have the system tables that allow you to
retrieve table and field info though SQL statements; to my knowledge (I
avoid Access like the plague so there may be easier ways than what follows).

Under win you can the ADODB.Connection class object and retrieve them this
way (where dsn, username, pass are vars):

// initalise the DB object and open a connection to the desired db
dbo = createObject("COM", "ADODB.Connection") ;
dbo.Open("DSN="  dsn, username, password, -1) ;

// get schema (schema 4 is field info, 20 table info) recordset
recordset = dbo.OpenSchema(4) ;
// assign fields to "Fields" collection from returned schema
fields = recordset.Fields ;


The fields collection contains all the info you'll need, and can be accessed
like this:

table_name = fields.Item("TABLE_NAME") ;
// display table current field belongs too
writeOutput(table_name.value) ;

Other valid fields in the schema recordset are; COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE,

// move the cursor to the next record
recordset.MoveNext() ;

In the way above you can loop through all the data in the schema, to keep
track of it all I'd suggest using a struct. This may lots more info than you
need, but it's the only way I know to get datatypes and other design info
from an Access table. Much, much, more difficult than simply querying the db
as in other dbms's.

-Original Message-
From: Terry Troxel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 13:33
To: CF-Talk
Subject: retreiving datatypes

I know that I can build a list of column names in an Accrss table with the
columnlist variable, but is there also a way I can do the same thing in
order to retrieve the corresponding datatypes for all the fields in an
Access table?

Terry Troxel
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Validate against a mask

2001-01-17 Thread Raymond B.

Not sure if you've ever used regexps, but that is what you want. Check out
reFind() and the other regexp functions.

-Original Message-
From: Ruslan Sivak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 17:20
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Validate against a mask

Is there a way to validate against a mask like lets say in MS Access.  Is
there a CF function that does this?

Something like


Ruslan Sivak
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Validate against a mask

2001-01-17 Thread Raymond B.

Oh just to tack on an added note, you'll probably want to do it client side
first in JS (which has even better regexp support). Netscape Dev area and
others have great articles on JS regexps wether you're coming over from Perl
and just need the differences outlined, or completely new to the entire

-Original Message-
From: Ruslan Sivak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 17, 2001 17:20
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Validate against a mask

Is there a way to validate against a mask like lets say in MS Access.  Is
there a CF function that does this?

Something like


Ruslan Sivak
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Dynamic Variable Names

2001-01-16 Thread Raymond B.

  You're trouble is you're not using the evaluate() function (and you're
using # gratuitously :).

cfset varname = evaluate(""  x)

  This will now be the value of from.id1 instead of the string "form.id1"
(through whatever). There are other ways to handle this as well.

  One thing of note is instead of using the for style cfloop, use a while
(conditional) loop and you won't have to pass the number along, just add a

cfset x = 1

cfloop condition="isDefined(''  x)"
cfset varname = evaluate(""  x)
cfif varname is "Custom"
!--- do this if custom ---
!--- do this if NOT ---
cfset x = x + 1

  This will now run from x to the first break in the ints up from it; so 1
until whatever you decide w/o you having to pass a number.

  Alternately, if it's all logic you might want to use cfscript.

x = 1;

while (isDefined(""  x)) {
  field = evaluate(""  x) ;
if (field eq "Custom") {
  // do this is custom
} else {
  // do this if not
  x = x + 1 ;

-Original Message-
From: Martin S [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 16, 2001 21:22
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Dynamic Variable Names


In this example I have two pages...with a form post inbetween.

The first page has a lot of text boxes called ID1 to ID16 (so, 16 in total
;) ).these boxes are in a database loop (thus the number to
differentiate them).  Also over time the number may change from 16 to 18 there may be more text boxes.

I also pass this total number (16) to the second page in a hidden field.

On the second page I want to evaluate the value for each one..but as the
total number is not a constant I need to do a loop.

The following code is what I have come up with :

  cfloop from="1" to="#Form.TotalEvents#" index="i"
cfset varname ="Form.ID#i#"

 cfif #varname# eq "Custom"#varname# = Custom/cfifbr

..end code.

What this is SUPPOSED to be doing is checking if the passed VALUE for
Form.ID1 (through 16) equals "Custom", and if so it does something, else
something else...

.but what it is doing is a literal comparison, so there are NEVER any
results to the if statement, when infact with my current code 11 out of 12
should return true.

Can someone help me with may be trivial to some of you..but I need
to get around this ASAP.

Thanks heaps!!!
Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at


RE: Studio Removing Last Character

2001-01-16 Thread Raymond B.

I've never had that problem myself (and of course saying that it will now
happen all the time). Just my $0.02 ... and seeing as that's CAD, it's
$-2.00 in USD.

-Original Message-
From: Brendan Avery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: January 16, 2001 21:42
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Studio Removing Last Character

Does Studio delete the last character all the time?  And does it delete a
single character even if that character is whitespace itself (like a br or
tab or space) ?

Just curious if I want to bother upgrading from 4.0.1 right now...

-brendan avery / [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 08:10 AM 1/15/2001 -0500, you wrote:
Yes, I have had this problem. I dont know what causes it or how to fix it
either unfortunately. I have honestly given up caring about the myriad of
Studio bugs and just try to work around them.

- Original Message -
From: "John Bowering" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2001 7:41 AM
Subject: Studio Removing Last Character

  Every once in a while when studio (4.5.2) opens a document, it deletes
  last character if there isn't any spaces or line breaks after it.  ie:
  /CFIF turns into /CFIF
  Anyone else having this problem?  Is there any fixes or does anyone know
  what causes it to do this?

Structure your ColdFusion code with Fusebox. Get the official book at
