[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-14 Thread charlie arehart

But what do you mean by the stack trace showing that fine so where is it
caught up and not resolving?

A stack trace in and of itself isn't valuable. You need to see it over time.
You also said, I also monitored several of the long running threads (around
2 minutes) and capture several stack traces. They were all the same.

So do you really mean they all (what? All request running? And over several
thread dumps) showed being stuck with  at
java.util.HashMap.get(HashMap.java:325) being the first line in the stack
trace? If not, then you've not really got anything to conclude from the
stack traces. 

Sorry if it sounds like I'm being contentious.  I just don't know what you
do or don't understand about all this, so am going only on your words. 

As for the sudden burden of processing at startup, that could indeed be from
a bunch of requests all coming in at once. Perhaps you could queue them up
in such a case. There's no built-in singleton processing in CF, but you
could use CFLOCK surrounding some troublesome code that you permit to only
run one at a time, but your problem is that you only want to do it at
startup, or when things are going bad, so you need to use something other
than CFLOCK. You could code something in CFML, though, that acts like a
singleton (only let one request at a time run this during a period you
detect as a trouble time). Just thinking off the top of my head here.

But I'll share one other thought: others who experience slow startup times
often find that it's because that flush of new requests is triggering a lot
of java class loading, and there's a known issue in the JVM 1.6 version
implemented with CF. Some moved back to 1.5 to solve it, while others
updated to 1.6.10 (which fixed the problem) to make it go away. Have you
tried either? 

There are various blogs about this. The first here explains the problem and
how to do it:


Others with more other detail are:



Hope that's helpful.


-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Matthew
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2009 1:30 AM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

Hi guys

We've just a server hang. It was a little different to usual
(perhaps because Fusion Reactor is installed). This time the website
was showing the JRun error message. When I looked at the JRun process
the RAM was up at 615MB!!! I restarted JRun.exe. As the website came
back up it started to chock again. There is obviously extra load as
all the objects, web services etc run for the first time. I know that
with the 3rd party web service which I've spoken of in previous posts
that always the first call takes a good couple of minutes.
Unfortunately when it happens on the live server you usually get at
least half a dozen users trying to hit the page which consumes this
web service so all requests take a long time and chew up a lot of
resources. I was watching things through FR and the Task Manager: the
CPU was up near 100% plus the RAM was quite high (it normally sits
around 200Mb but was 350+). Meanwhile I couldn't even hit a very light
weight page on the site. I used the KILL feature in FR to terminate
about 20 threads and eventually the CPU usage and RAM dropped down to
stable levels.

I also monitored several of the long running threads (around 2
minutes) and capture several stack traces. They were all the same.
Perhaps someone will be able to explain it to me so I can understand
what I'm reading. For example I read the below that the CFINVOKE was
fine so where is it caught up and not resolving?

at java.util.HashMap.get(HashMap.java:325)
at org.apache.axis.utils.JavaUtils.isEnumClass(JavaUtils.java:1040)
at org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory.init
at org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanSerializerFactory.
at org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BaseSerializerFactory.createFactory
at org.apache.axis.client.Call.registerTypeMapping(Call.java:2296)
- locked 0x1534d630 (a
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke

[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-13 Thread Matthew
at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(FilterChain.java:86)
at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.B(Unknown
at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.A(Unknown
at com.intergral.fusionreactor.filter.FusionReactorFilter.doFilter
(Unknown Source)
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(FilterChain.java:94)
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service(FilterChain.java:101)
at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(ServletInvoker.java:91)
at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(JRunInvokerChain.java:42)
at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke
at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch
at jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable
at jrunx.scheduler.WorkerThread.run(WorkerThread.java:66)

By the way: this doesn't really reflect what I raised in my first
thread because this shows what happen straight after a CF restart
where as the original issue happens when everything is stable and then
suddenly CF hangs. I'm still waiting for that to happen.


On Jan 8, 6:27 pm, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 Well, before you get too excited, be careful that you're not
 misunderstanding the report. The memory reported there is NOT for the
 current request, but rather for the entire CF server. So that number alone
 isn't too meaningful. But if it ROSE by 32 meg when you ran a request, that
 would be different (but even then you can't be positive that a given request
 caused the rise. Other things can be running to increase memory besides the
 request you're running.)

 Rather than view the memory in the stack trace, to observe how it's changing
 over time, I'd recommend instead you watch either the graphical interface
 they offer for the memory graph, or view the info in the resource-x.log
 file, both of which report it at 5 second intervals.

 But if that indeed is a stack trace of the call to the web service, notice
 the top line which says:

 java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)

 That would be the kind of thing (a native method) that CF's request timeout
 feature can't interrupt normally, but again I have confirmed that in my test
 where the TIMEOUT of a CFINVOKE webservice call works, it is indeed timing
 out while sitting in that same state. My assertion is that CF has added some
 additional timeout callback mechanism in such a case, which it doesn't do as
 a matter of course on other code. Makes sense to me.

 The question is why it doesn't timeout for you--but that will be the thing
 to confirm now. When you have a request that you see runs long, and you KNOW
 it has a timeout, if you sit there refreshing the stack trace, does it
 remain in this socketread0 method beyond that timeout time? It doesn't for
 me. :-)


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf

 Of Matthew
 Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 11:32 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

 Hi Charlie,

 Out of interest (while I await a hung server) I've configured FR 2.0.4
 on my dev PC and run a couple of calls to the web service whilst I
 watch them in FR. I was alarmed to see that my single request was
 costing 32MB of memory (32,438KB) This snapshot was taken at about
 the 30th second (the whole request finished after 55s).

 Here is the top part of the Thread Stack Trace:

 Thread Stack Trace
 Trace Time:   15:26:34.224 08-Jan-2009
 Request ID:   25
 Script Name:  http://foo
 Started:      15:26:04.177 08-Jan-2009
 Exec Time:    30047ms
 Memory Used:  (6%)32,438KB
 Memory Free:  472,457KB
 Thread ID:    jrpp-8
 Priority:     5
 Hashcode:     30900283

 jrpp-8 prio=5 tid=0x03c5f468 nid=0x3c4 runnable [559d000..559fd90]
         at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
         at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:129)
         at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
         at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
         at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.read(DashoA12275)
         at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA12275)
         - locked 0x158afd20 (a java.lang.Object)
         at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA12275)
         at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.AppInputStream.read(DashoA12275)
         - locked 0x158afc88 (a
         at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1

[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-07 Thread Matthew

I've got Fusion Reactor 2.0.0 (this is the only licence we have) up
and running and am looking at the Request History. We've not had a
hang yet but I just wanted to get familiar with the tool. I'm looking
at the requests which are taking 45+ seconds and they are all pages
which involve a call to the web service. The pages are not timing out
so I'm not getting error logs showing where the timeout occured
however is there anyway to see which lines of code are the slow bits?
I'm trying to work out if the call to the web service is the slow bit
or if it's the unpacking and trying to display the data which may be

I'll report back what I'm seeing when the next hang happens.

@Charlie: I've tried your idea of browsing to the WSDL while a hang is
occuring and I've had mixed scenerios. Sometimes it won't come up,
sometimes it comes up but when I try to submit to a method it times
out, sometimes it doesn't time out but it does take ages.

Anyway, once I get the next hang I'll be able to report back on what I


On Jan 7, 2:48 pm, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 Yes, Mark makes a good point. You are saying these are the same problems,
 right? I didn't pick up on it earlier, but when you said that when things
 hang, there's high cpu, that really does seem to point to a very different

 I'll go back to my previous point: I'd be VERY interested if you can confirm
 that when things hang, whether the stack traces for running requests really
 are doing the webservice call you say, because as Mark says, if CF's just
 waiting for them to come back, that shouldn't take up much CPU.

 Or, thinking outside the box, maybe in fact this IS where CPU time is being
 spent (and it may explain why the TIMEOUT isn't working). What if you find
 that indeed CF is in fact running the CFINVOKE when things hang, but instead
 of just waiting for the webservice result, what if the problem is that the
 web service returns a HUGE amount of data for some reason. Perhaps there's
 an error in the web service, or perhaps the variation depends on the kind of
 data users request.  Just as a CFQUERY could be written to bring back a
 million records from a database (and user input might vary that result from
 1 to a million), so too could a web service call that basically returns
 query-driven data that varies with user input.

 Or maybe it's not so much huge, but it's complex, and CF is spending time in
 the Axis java code called by CFINVOKE trying to render the result,
 converting it from whatever format it's served in to a form that CF can
 process. That would reflect in it being hung on the CFINVOKE, and possibly
 not interruptible because it's processing file system I/O. That's just a

 But all this again speaks to the value of logging the web service calls.  If
 you add in logging the input being passed, you may find that there's a
 pattern where the requests that hang up pass in some value. That's just a
 guess. I realize you may content that you know that there are times when it
 hangs on something you think should bring back one record.

 But here's another idea: if you do log it, and you do get a situation where
 CF hangs up that you think is due to the web service calls (indeed, even if
 you get the stack trace and prove it),  then I would recommend you go try to
 browse the web service yourself, separately from that CF server. Some web
 services can be called entirely in a browser, if the input arguments are
 simple (as inhttp://url/service.wsdl?method=somemethodinputarg1=value1).
 Or if that can't work, setup a CF page that you run on a different server
 (not the one that's hung), such as your laptop, and run the request there.
 See if you  get any back any input, to see what it looks like.

 Again, all just some ideas to consider.


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf

 Of Mark Mandel
 Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 10:29 PM
 To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

 Honestly, I'd be surprised if it was the problem you described
 (although I could be wrong), simply because it's maxing out the CPU,
 which tends to lean towards and infinite loop.

 If it was simply locking at the point of the webservice, then there
 would be no (or very little) CPU activity, but JRUN just wouldn't do


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[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-07 Thread charlie arehart

No, you can't with FR get any sort of profile of what lines were slowest
within a request. Only the CF8 Server monitor has the depth of insight to
report that. What I had been referring to is if you can catch the request
WHILE it's running, in which case you can get a stack trace by clicking a
button to the left of the request, while you see it running.

One other thing: you refer to my earlier suggestion as browsing to the
WSDL, but to be clear, I wasn't proposing that (though not a bad idea). I
was proposing actually running the web service, by adding the method
attribute and passing in any needed simple arguments. But the fact that you
sometimes can't even get back the WSDL alone is certainly worrisome, and
something to bring to the attention of whoever runs the server being called.
This is just like how an end user would call any of us if our servers
weren't responding to their requests. :-)


-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Matthew
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 8:04 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

I've got Fusion Reactor 2.0.0 (this is the only licence we have) up
and running and am looking at the Request History. We've not had a
hang yet but I just wanted to get familiar with the tool. I'm looking
at the requests which are taking 45+ seconds and they are all pages
which involve a call to the web service. The pages are not timing out
so I'm not getting error logs showing where the timeout occured
however is there anyway to see which lines of code are the slow bits?

I'm trying to work out if the call to the web service is the slow bit
or if it's the unpacking and trying to display the data which may be

I'll report back what I'm seeing when the next hang happens.

@Charlie: I've tried your idea of browsing to the WSDL while a hang is
occuring and I've had mixed scenerios. Sometimes it won't come up,
sometimes it comes up but when I try to submit to a method it times
out, sometimes it doesn't time out but it does take ages.

Anyway, once I get the next hang I'll be able to report back on what I


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cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-07 Thread Matthew

Hi Charlie,

Out of interest (while I await a hung server) I've configured FR 2.0.4
on my dev PC and run a couple of calls to the web service whilst I
watch them in FR. I was alarmed to see that my single request was
costing 32MB of memory (32,438KB) This snapshot was taken at about
the 30th second (the whole request finished after 55s).

Here is the top part of the Thread Stack Trace:

Thread Stack Trace
Trace Time:   15:26:34.224 08-Jan-2009
Request ID:   25
Script Name:  http://foo
Started:  15:26:04.177 08-Jan-2009
Exec Time:30047ms
Memory Used:  (6%)32,438KB
Memory Free:  472,457KB
Thread ID:jrpp-8
Priority: 5
Hashcode: 30900283

jrpp-8 prio=5 tid=0x03c5f468 nid=0x3c4 runnable [559d000..559fd90]
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:129)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.read(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA12275)
- locked 0x158afd20 (a java.lang.Object)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.AppInputStream.read(DashoA12275)
- locked 0x158afc88 (a com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.AppInputStream)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(BufferedInputStream.java:220)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:277)
- locked 0x158afad8 (a java.io.BufferedInputStream)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:111)
at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLEntityManager$RewindableInputStream.read
(Unknown Source)


On Jan 8, 12:33 pm, charlie arehart charlie_li...@carehart.org
 No, you can't with FR get any sort of profile of what lines were slowest
 within a request. Only the CF8 Server monitor has the depth of insight to
 report that. What I had been referring to is if you can catch the request
 WHILE it's running, in which case you can get a stack trace by clicking a
 button to the left of the request, while you see it running.

 One other thing: you refer to my earlier suggestion as browsing to the
 WSDL, but to be clear, I wasn't proposing that (though not a bad idea). I
 was proposing actually running the web service, by adding the method
 attribute and passing in any needed simple arguments. But the fact that you
 sometimes can't even get back the WSDL alone is certainly worrisome, and
 something to bring to the attention of whoever runs the server being called.
 This is just like how an end user would call any of us if our servers
 weren't responding to their requests. :-)


 -Original Message-
 From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf

 Of Matthew
 Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 8:04 PM
 To: cfaussie
 Subject: [cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

 I've got Fusion Reactor 2.0.0 (this is the only licence we have) up
 and running and am looking at the Request History. We've not had a
 hang yet but I just wanted to get familiar with the tool. I'm looking
 at the requests which are taking 45+ seconds and they are all pages
 which involve a call to the web service. The pages are not timing out
 so I'm not getting error logs showing where the timeout occured
 however is there anyway to see which lines of code are the slow bits?

 I'm trying to work out if the call to the web service is the slow bit
 or if it's the unpacking and trying to display the data which may be

 I'll report back what I'm seeing when the next hang happens.

 @Charlie: I've tried your idea of browsing to the WSDL while a hang is
 occuring and I've had mixed scenerios. Sometimes it won't come up,
 sometimes it comes up but when I try to submit to a method it times
 out, sometimes it doesn't time out but it does take ages.

 Anyway, once I get the next hang I'll be able to report back on what I


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cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-07 Thread charlie arehart

Well, before you get too excited, be careful that you're not
misunderstanding the report. The memory reported there is NOT for the
current request, but rather for the entire CF server. So that number alone
isn't too meaningful. But if it ROSE by 32 meg when you ran a request, that
would be different (but even then you can't be positive that a given request
caused the rise. Other things can be running to increase memory besides the
request you're running.)

Rather than view the memory in the stack trace, to observe how it's changing
over time, I'd recommend instead you watch either the graphical interface
they offer for the memory graph, or view the info in the resource-x.log
file, both of which report it at 5 second intervals.

But if that indeed is a stack trace of the call to the web service, notice
the top line which says:

java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)

That would be the kind of thing (a native method) that CF's request timeout
feature can't interrupt normally, but again I have confirmed that in my test
where the TIMEOUT of a CFINVOKE webservice call works, it is indeed timing
out while sitting in that same state. My assertion is that CF has added some
additional timeout callback mechanism in such a case, which it doesn't do as
a matter of course on other code. Makes sense to me.

The question is why it doesn't timeout for you--but that will be the thing
to confirm now. When you have a request that you see runs long, and you KNOW
it has a timeout, if you sit there refreshing the stack trace, does it
remain in this socketread0 method beyond that timeout time? It doesn't for
me. :-)


-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Matthew
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2009 11:32 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

Hi Charlie,

Out of interest (while I await a hung server) I've configured FR 2.0.4
on my dev PC and run a couple of calls to the web service whilst I
watch them in FR. I was alarmed to see that my single request was
costing 32MB of memory (32,438KB) This snapshot was taken at about
the 30th second (the whole request finished after 55s).

Here is the top part of the Thread Stack Trace:

Thread Stack Trace
Trace Time:   15:26:34.224 08-Jan-2009
Request ID:   25
Script Name:  http://foo
Started:  15:26:04.177 08-Jan-2009
Exec Time:30047ms
Memory Used:  (6%)32,438KB
Memory Free:  472,457KB
Thread ID:jrpp-8
Priority: 5
Hashcode: 30900283

jrpp-8 prio=5 tid=0x03c5f468 nid=0x3c4 runnable [559d000..559fd90]
at java.net.SocketInputStream.socketRead0(Native Method)
at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(SocketInputStream.java:129)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.InputRecord.read(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA12275)
- locked 0x158afd20 (a java.lang.Object)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.SSLSocketImpl.a(DashoA12275)
at com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.AppInputStream.read(DashoA12275)
- locked 0x158afc88 (a
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read1(BufferedInputStream.java:220)
at java.io.BufferedInputStream.read(BufferedInputStream.java:277)
- locked 0x158afad8 (a java.io.BufferedInputStream)
at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(FilterInputStream.java:111)
(Unknown Source)


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-06 Thread Mark Mandel

What makes you think this is the case?

What version of CF are you on?

If you are on CF8, you can use either - snapshots via the server
monitor, a tool like JConsole, or thread dumps to find out exactly
what is causing the infinite loop.


On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi everyone

 From time to time our website appears to hand. I believe it is CF (or
 JRun) chocking because each time it happens I can still connect to the
 web server via FTP, RDP, DB access. When I look at the Task Manager
 jrun.exe is using max CPU. If I restart the CF service or End Process
 on jrun.exe everything recovers.

 I'm pretty sure I know which bit of code is causing the problem. It's
 a web service call to a 3rd party (used quite a lot by users on the
 website). Most of the time when the website hangs I can't browse to
 the 3rd party's web service. I've tried setting timeouts on the web
 service call by using CFINVOKE, CreateObject, CFOBJECT etc but no
 improvement. I need to allow for up to 60s because some of the calls
 are quite complex.

 I'm trying to work out why it's hanging. I suspect that because CF is
 allowing 8 simaltaneous requests and each gets 60 seconds then once
 all these slots are taken up everyone else goes on a queue and with
 all that load the server appears to hang because it's in constant use
 i.e. after 60 seconds user 1 gets his timeout so user 9 takes position
 8 and round and round it goes and it never stops because with constant
 traffic taking up 8 request slots and all taking up resources for 60
 seconds it appears to hang. Does this make sense?

 So the question is: how do I save the server from getting into this
 state. I'm thinking I need some sort of scheduled task which probes
 the web service every 10 seconds to work out if it's up. Perhaps if it
 times out (3 times just to be sure) I shut of the web service (which
 means the rest of the website is still up). The scheduled task keeps
 running until no timeout occurs and then it re-activates the web
 service for everyone else. Has anyone been through something like this
 before? How did you work around it?


E: mark.man...@gmail.com
W: www.compoundtheory.com

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-06 Thread Mark Mandel

I don't believe JConsole will natively hook into Java 1.4.

Sounds like you're going to doing thread dumps.

Do a google search for them, and you will find several articles.


On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi guys,

 Sorry, I should have given more info.

 @Steve: I'm not sure if it's a CF web service but I'm pretty sure it
 isn't. I think it may be Java.

 @Mark: not sure which point you were refering to with your first
 question? It's running on a CF7 server. So I'm guessing I'll need to
 use JConsole. Where do I start?


 On Jan 7, 7:42 am, Mark Mandel mark.man...@gmail.com wrote:
 What makes you think this is the case?

 What version of CF are you on?

 If you are on CF8, you can use either - snapshots via the server
 monitor, a tool like JConsole, or thread dumps to find out exactly
 what is causing the infinite loop.


 On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi everyone

  From time to time our website appears to hand. I believe it is CF (or
  JRun) chocking because each time it happens I can still connect to the
  web server via FTP, RDP, DB access. When I look at the Task Manager
  jrun.exe is using max CPU. If I restart the CF service or End Process
  on jrun.exe everything recovers.

  I'm pretty sure I know which bit of code is causing the problem. It's
  a web service call to a 3rd party (used quite a lot by users on the
  website). Most of the time when the website hangs I can't browse to
  the 3rd party's web service. I've tried setting timeouts on the web
  service call by using CFINVOKE, CreateObject, CFOBJECT etc but no
  improvement. I need to allow for up to 60s because some of the calls
  are quite complex.

  I'm trying to work out why it's hanging. I suspect that because CF is
  allowing 8 simaltaneous requests and each gets 60 seconds then once
  all these slots are taken up everyone else goes on a queue and with
  all that load the server appears to hang because it's in constant use
  i.e. after 60 seconds user 1 gets his timeout so user 9 takes position
  8 and round and round it goes and it never stops because with constant
  traffic taking up 8 request slots and all taking up resources for 60
  seconds it appears to hang. Does this make sense?

  So the question is: how do I save the server from getting into this
  state. I'm thinking I need some sort of scheduled task which probes
  the web service every 10 seconds to work out if it's up. Perhaps if it
  times out (3 times just to be sure) I shut of the web service (which
  means the rest of the website is still up). The scheduled task keeps
  running until no timeout occurs and then it re-activates the web
  service for everyone else. Has anyone been through something like this
  before? How did you work around it?


 E: mark.man...@gmail.com

E: mark.man...@gmail.com
W: www.compoundtheory.com

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-06 Thread Kai Koenig
As far as I can remember JConsole will just run on Java5+. That being  
you should be able to run it on a Java 5 JVM and hook it remotely to  
an app on 1.4 - I'm pretty sure though that you'd be limited in which  
you can get.

There's also a knowledgebase article somewhere on Adobe.com how to
create a thread dump.


 I don't believe JConsole will natively hook into Java 1.4.

 Sounds like you're going to doing thread dumps.

 Do a google search for them, and you will find several articles.


 On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com  

 Hi guys,

 Sorry, I should have given more info.

 @Steve: I'm not sure if it's a CF web service but I'm pretty sure it
 isn't. I think it may be Java.

 @Mark: not sure which point you were refering to with your first
 question? It's running on a CF7 server. So I'm guessing I'll need to
 use JConsole. Where do I start?


 On Jan 7, 7:42 am, Mark Mandel mark.man...@gmail.com wrote:
 What makes you think this is the case?

 What version of CF are you on?

 If you are on CF8, you can use either - snapshots via the server
 monitor, a tool like JConsole, or thread dumps to find out exactly
 what is causing the infinite loop.


 On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Matthew  
 matthewbchamb...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi everyone

 From time to time our website appears to hand. I believe it is CF  
 JRun) chocking because each time it happens I can still connect  
 to the
 web server via FTP, RDP, DB access. When I look at the Task Manager
 jrun.exe is using max CPU. If I restart the CF service or End  
 on jrun.exe everything recovers.

 I'm pretty sure I know which bit of code is causing the problem.  
 a web service call to a 3rd party (used quite a lot by users on the
 website). Most of the time when the website hangs I can't browse to
 the 3rd party's web service. I've tried setting timeouts on the web
 service call by using CFINVOKE, CreateObject, CFOBJECT etc but no
 improvement. I need to allow for up to 60s because some of the  
 are quite complex.

 I'm trying to work out why it's hanging. I suspect that because  
 CF is
 allowing 8 simaltaneous requests and each gets 60 seconds then once
 all these slots are taken up everyone else goes on a queue and with
 all that load the server appears to hang because it's in constant  
 i.e. after 60 seconds user 1 gets his timeout so user 9 takes  
 8 and round and round it goes and it never stops because with  
 traffic taking up 8 request slots and all taking up resources for  
 seconds it appears to hang. Does this make sense?

 So the question is: how do I save the server from getting into this
 state. I'm thinking I need some sort of scheduled task which probes
 the web service every 10 seconds to work out if it's up. Perhaps  
 if it
 times out (3 times just to be sure) I shut of the web service  
 means the rest of the website is still up). The scheduled task  
 running until no timeout occurs and then it re-activates the web
 service for everyone else. Has anyone been through something like  
 before? How did you work around it?


Kai Koenig - Ventego Creative Ltd
ph: +64 4 476 6781 - mob: +64 21 928 365 /  +61 450 132 117
web: http://www.ventego-creative.co.nz
blog: http://www.bloginblack.de

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-06 Thread Matthew

Hi Kai

Thanks for the tip. I have already tried connecting the JConsole from
my local dev machine to the live server but can't get it to connect.
Perhaps I've got the port wrong. How do you work out which port the CF
JVM is listening on?

I'm looking into the Thread Dump idea (I've just finished reading the
Adobe article you spoke of) however there is a lot to understand.
Anyway, I've switched everything on so I can take a Thread Dump next
time the server appears to hang (or what is really called SPINNING)
however I don't think this will help in any great way.

I'm pretty certain that whatever monitoring solution I find it will
tell me what I already know, which is that because a big part of the
website relies on a web service call to a 3rd party which goes down
sometimes and because CFINVOKE won't obey the timeout parameter then
I'll always have this problem. I need to work out a way to detect that
the web service is out and disable it before too many users on the
website instantiate a connection which won't timeout properly and
cause the server to go into a spin.

I will continue to investigate. If anyone else wants to chime in
please feel free!

By the way; is there anyway to get a report/graph which shows how much
memory each variable is taking up i.e. can you take a snapshot at a
moment in time to show all the session variables and how much memory
they are costing?


On Jan 7, 11:10 am, Kai Koenig k...@bloginblack.de wrote:
 As far as I can remember JConsole will just run on Java5+. That being  
 you should be able to run it on a Java 5 JVM and hook it remotely to  
 an app on 1.4 - I'm pretty sure though that you'd be limited in which  
 you can get.

 There's also a knowledgebase article somewhere on Adobe.com how to
 create a thread dump.


  I don't believe JConsole will natively hook into Java 1.4.

  Sounds like you're going to doing thread dumps.

  Do a google search for them, and you will find several articles.


  On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com  

  Hi guys,

  Sorry, I should have given more info.

  @Steve: I'm not sure if it's a CF web service but I'm pretty sure it
  isn't. I think it may be Java.

  @Mark: not sure which point you were refering to with your first
  question? It's running on a CF7 server. So I'm guessing I'll need to
  use JConsole. Where do I start?


  On Jan 7, 7:42 am, Mark Mandel mark.man...@gmail.com wrote:
  What makes you think this is the case?

  What version of CF are you on?

  If you are on CF8, you can use either - snapshots via the server
  monitor, a tool like JConsole, or thread dumps to find out exactly
  what is causing the infinite loop.


  On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Matthew  
  matthewbchamb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi everyone

  From time to time our website appears to hand. I believe it is CF  
  JRun) chocking because each time it happens I can still connect  
  to the
  web server via FTP, RDP, DB access. When I look at the Task Manager
  jrun.exe is using max CPU. If I restart the CF service or End  
  on jrun.exe everything recovers.

  I'm pretty sure I know which bit of code is causing the problem.  
  a web service call to a 3rd party (used quite a lot by users on the
  website). Most of the time when the website hangs I can't browse to
  the 3rd party's web service. I've tried setting timeouts on the web
  service call by using CFINVOKE, CreateObject, CFOBJECT etc but no
  improvement. I need to allow for up to 60s because some of the  
  are quite complex.

  I'm trying to work out why it's hanging. I suspect that because  
  CF is
  allowing 8 simaltaneous requests and each gets 60 seconds then once
  all these slots are taken up everyone else goes on a queue and with
  all that load the server appears to hang because it's in constant  
  i.e. after 60 seconds user 1 gets his timeout so user 9 takes  
  8 and round and round it goes and it never stops because with  
  traffic taking up 8 request slots and all taking up resources for  
  seconds it appears to hang. Does this make sense?

  So the question is: how do I save the server from getting into this
  state. I'm thinking I need some sort of scheduled task which probes
  the web service every 10 seconds to work out if it's up. Perhaps  
  if it
  times out (3 times just to be sure) I shut of the web service  
  means the rest of the website is still up). The scheduled task  
  running until no timeout occurs and then it re-activates the web
  service for everyone else. Has anyone been through something like  
  before? How did you work around it?


 Kai Koenig - Ventego Creative Ltd
 ph: +64 4 476 6781 - mob: +64 21 928 365 /  +61 450 132 117

[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-06 Thread charlie arehart

Matthew mentions the challenge of getting thread dumps in this later note.
Just to clarify (as I wrote my last note before reading this one), the
thread dump referred to here is in fact the same general idea as the stack
trace I referred to. The good news again, if you use any of the 3 monitors,
is that it's just a push-button operation, or you can even get it sent to
you in an email when a problem situation is detected (in FusionReactor and
CF8 Monitor,  I know). 

Different folks use thread dump and stack trace to mean the same thing,
or they can differ. In my sense of the words (and which FusionReactor and
the CF8 Monitor uses), a thread dump is a stack trace for every thread, and
a stack trace for one thread is what tells you what line of code is running
and what java objects/methods are being called on the basis of that line of

Without those tools, as has been alluded to here, you can get a full thread
dump by some other methods that are a bit more complicated, and then you
have to hunt through them to find the stack trace for a thread of interest.
All doable, just easier with the CF monitor tools. Hope that's helpful.

To answer your last question, Matthew, the ability to view how large
variables are (or all vars in a given scope) is something that's enabled
only in the CF8 Monitor (which runs only on CF8 Enterprise and Developer,
sadly). Neither FusionReactor nor SeeFusion will tell you. There are also
ways to get at the information by using the undocumented objects like
coldfusion.runtime.SessionTracker. A google search for those will turn up
ways to access that info.


-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Matthew
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 8:21 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

Hi Kai

Thanks for the tip. I have already tried connecting the JConsole from
my local dev machine to the live server but can't get it to connect.
Perhaps I've got the port wrong. How do you work out which port the CF
JVM is listening on?

I'm looking into the Thread Dump idea (I've just finished reading the
Adobe article you spoke of) however there is a lot to understand.
Anyway, I've switched everything on so I can take a Thread Dump next
time the server appears to hang (or what is really called SPINNING)
however I don't think this will help in any great way.

I'm pretty certain that whatever monitoring solution I find it will
tell me what I already know, which is that because a big part of the
website relies on a web service call to a 3rd party which goes down
sometimes and because CFINVOKE won't obey the timeout parameter then
I'll always have this problem. I need to work out a way to detect that
the web service is out and disable it before too many users on the
website instantiate a connection which won't timeout properly and
cause the server to go into a spin.

I will continue to investigate. If anyone else wants to chime in
please feel free!

By the way; is there anyway to get a report/graph which shows how much
memory each variable is taking up i.e. can you take a snapshot at a
moment in time to show all the session variables and how much memory
they are costing?


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-06 Thread Mark Mandel

Honestly, I'd be surprised if it was the problem you described
(although I could be wrong), simply because it's maxing out the CPU,
which tends to lean towards and infinite loop.

If it was simply locking at the point of the webservice, then there
would be no (or very little) CPU activity, but JRUN just wouldn't do


On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com wrote:

 Hi Kai

 Thanks for the tip. I have already tried connecting the JConsole from
 my local dev machine to the live server but can't get it to connect.
 Perhaps I've got the port wrong. How do you work out which port the CF
 JVM is listening on?

 I'm looking into the Thread Dump idea (I've just finished reading the
 Adobe article you spoke of) however there is a lot to understand.
 Anyway, I've switched everything on so I can take a Thread Dump next
 time the server appears to hang (or what is really called SPINNING)
 however I don't think this will help in any great way.

 I'm pretty certain that whatever monitoring solution I find it will
 tell me what I already know, which is that because a big part of the
 website relies on a web service call to a 3rd party which goes down
 sometimes and because CFINVOKE won't obey the timeout parameter then
 I'll always have this problem. I need to work out a way to detect that
 the web service is out and disable it before too many users on the
 website instantiate a connection which won't timeout properly and
 cause the server to go into a spin.

 I will continue to investigate. If anyone else wants to chime in
 please feel free!

 By the way; is there anyway to get a report/graph which shows how much
 memory each variable is taking up i.e. can you take a snapshot at a
 moment in time to show all the session variables and how much memory
 they are costing?


 On Jan 7, 11:10 am, Kai Koenig k...@bloginblack.de wrote:
 As far as I can remember JConsole will just run on Java5+. That being
 you should be able to run it on a Java 5 JVM and hook it remotely to
 an app on 1.4 - I'm pretty sure though that you'd be limited in which
 you can get.

 There's also a knowledgebase article somewhere on Adobe.com how to
 create a thread dump.


  I don't believe JConsole will natively hook into Java 1.4.

  Sounds like you're going to doing thread dumps.

  Do a google search for them, and you will find several articles.


  On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 9:24 AM, Matthew matthewbchamb...@gmail.com

  Hi guys,

  Sorry, I should have given more info.

  @Steve: I'm not sure if it's a CF web service but I'm pretty sure it
  isn't. I think it may be Java.

  @Mark: not sure which point you were refering to with your first
  question? It's running on a CF7 server. So I'm guessing I'll need to
  use JConsole. Where do I start?


  On Jan 7, 7:42 am, Mark Mandel mark.man...@gmail.com wrote:
  What makes you think this is the case?

  What version of CF are you on?

  If you are on CF8, you can use either - snapshots via the server
  monitor, a tool like JConsole, or thread dumps to find out exactly
  what is causing the infinite loop.


  On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 5:20 PM, Matthew
  matthewbchamb...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi everyone

  From time to time our website appears to hand. I believe it is CF
  JRun) chocking because each time it happens I can still connect
  to the
  web server via FTP, RDP, DB access. When I look at the Task Manager
  jrun.exe is using max CPU. If I restart the CF service or End
  on jrun.exe everything recovers.

  I'm pretty sure I know which bit of code is causing the problem.
  a web service call to a 3rd party (used quite a lot by users on the
  website). Most of the time when the website hangs I can't browse to
  the 3rd party's web service. I've tried setting timeouts on the web
  service call by using CFINVOKE, CreateObject, CFOBJECT etc but no
  improvement. I need to allow for up to 60s because some of the
  are quite complex.

  I'm trying to work out why it's hanging. I suspect that because
  CF is
  allowing 8 simaltaneous requests and each gets 60 seconds then once
  all these slots are taken up everyone else goes on a queue and with
  all that load the server appears to hang because it's in constant
  i.e. after 60 seconds user 1 gets his timeout so user 9 takes
  8 and round and round it goes and it never stops because with
  traffic taking up 8 request slots and all taking up resources for
  seconds it appears to hang. Does this make sense?

  So the question is: how do I save the server from getting into this
  state. I'm thinking I need some sort of scheduled task which probes
  the web service every 10 seconds to work out if it's up. Perhaps
  if it
  times out (3 times just to be sure) I shut of the web service
  means the rest of the website is still up). The scheduled task

[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-06 Thread charlie arehart

Yes, Mark makes a good point. You are saying these are the same problems,
right? I didn't pick up on it earlier, but when you said that when things
hang, there's high cpu, that really does seem to point to a very different

I'll go back to my previous point: I'd be VERY interested if you can confirm
that when things hang, whether the stack traces for running requests really
are doing the webservice call you say, because as Mark says, if CF's just
waiting for them to come back, that shouldn't take up much CPU.

Or, thinking outside the box, maybe in fact this IS where CPU time is being
spent (and it may explain why the TIMEOUT isn't working). What if you find
that indeed CF is in fact running the CFINVOKE when things hang, but instead
of just waiting for the webservice result, what if the problem is that the
web service returns a HUGE amount of data for some reason. Perhaps there's
an error in the web service, or perhaps the variation depends on the kind of
data users request.  Just as a CFQUERY could be written to bring back a
million records from a database (and user input might vary that result from
1 to a million), so too could a web service call that basically returns
query-driven data that varies with user input. 

Or maybe it's not so much huge, but it's complex, and CF is spending time in
the Axis java code called by CFINVOKE trying to render the result,
converting it from whatever format it's served in to a form that CF can
process. That would reflect in it being hung on the CFINVOKE, and possibly
not interruptible because it's processing file system I/O. That's just a

But all this again speaks to the value of logging the web service calls.  If
you add in logging the input being passed, you may find that there's a
pattern where the requests that hang up pass in some value. That's just a
guess. I realize you may content that you know that there are times when it
hangs on something you think should bring back one record.

But here's another idea: if you do log it, and you do get a situation where
CF hangs up that you think is due to the web service calls (indeed, even if
you get the stack trace and prove it),  then I would recommend you go try to
browse the web service yourself, separately from that CF server. Some web
services can be called entirely in a browser, if the input arguments are
simple (as in http://url/service.wsdl?method=somemethodinputarg1=value1).
Or if that can't work, setup a CF page that you run on a different server
(not the one that's hung), such as your laptop, and run the request there.
See if you  get any back any input, to see what it looks like.

Again, all just some ideas to consider.


-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Mark Mandel
Sent: Tuesday, January 06, 2009 10:29 PM
To: cfaussie@googlegroups.com
Subject: [cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

Honestly, I'd be surprised if it was the problem you described
(although I could be wrong), simply because it's maxing out the CPU,
which tends to lean towards and infinite loop.

If it was simply locking at the point of the webservice, then there
would be no (or very little) CPU activity, but JRUN just wouldn't do


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[cfaussie] Re: JRUN hanging

2009-01-05 Thread Steve Onnis

Is this a CF webservice? 

-Original Message-
From: cfaussie@googlegroups.com [mailto:cfaus...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Matthew
Sent: Tuesday, 6 January 2009 5:21 PM
To: cfaussie
Subject: [cfaussie] JRUN hanging

Hi everyone

From time to time our website appears to hand. I believe it is CF (or
JRun) chocking because each time it happens I can still connect to the
web server via FTP, RDP, DB access. When I look at the Task Manager
jrun.exe is using max CPU. If I restart the CF service or End Process
on jrun.exe everything recovers.

I'm pretty sure I know which bit of code is causing the problem. It's
a web service call to a 3rd party (used quite a lot by users on the
website). Most of the time when the website hangs I can't browse to
the 3rd party's web service. I've tried setting timeouts on the web
service call by using CFINVOKE, CreateObject, CFOBJECT etc but no
improvement. I need to allow for up to 60s because some of the calls
are quite complex.

I'm trying to work out why it's hanging. I suspect that because CF is
allowing 8 simaltaneous requests and each gets 60 seconds then once
all these slots are taken up everyone else goes on a queue and with
all that load the server appears to hang because it's in constant use
i.e. after 60 seconds user 1 gets his timeout so user 9 takes position
8 and round and round it goes and it never stops because with constant
traffic taking up 8 request slots and all taking up resources for 60
seconds it appears to hang. Does this make sense?

So the question is: how do I save the server from getting into this
state. I'm thinking I need some sort of scheduled task which probes
the web service every 10 seconds to work out if it's up. Perhaps if it
times out (3 times just to be sure) I shut of the web service (which
means the rest of the website is still up). The scheduled task keeps
running until no timeout occurs and then it re-activates the web
service for everyone else. Has anyone been through something like this
before? How did you work around it?


You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
cfaussie group.
To post to this group, send email to cfaussie@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 