[cia-drugs] Omits

2007-07-30 Thread muckblit
Yes, Mark, that's the story, Idaho Observer 200704, Skorzeny according
to Berman.

As I was reading that, with its emphasis on Jesuits, I think I
remember that Chip McBride emphasizes the zionist Jews to the
exclusion of Jesuits. Then I wondered if maybe Sean B wasn't Boston
Irish, and thus highly likely Roman Catholic, maybe even Jesuit
educated. Chip and Sean both live in a Boston suburb and both work in
Cambridge. Maybe they are both Boston Irish and omit Jesuits from
their expozays.

Read the Gary North piece on New Mercantilism, where instead of aiming
to accumulate gold, or US dollars, foreign banks(or surrogate funds)
accumulate US equities, and China may also buy long commodity
contracts. That's a Yellow Peril thing, but omitted is that foreign
treasuries started buying equity in the form of REITs back in the last
century, a decade ago. What about REITs now, with the decline in US
real estate value? You have to at least mention REITs. Some small
countries base their currency on US REITs. Carlyle Group reportedly
advises its investors that they are hovering like vultures to pounce
on undervalued US real estate after that is tanked by rising interest
rates. North would blame China for any rise in US interest rates,
covering the Carlyle vultures, who always escape Nuremburgs, unless
this Skorzeny thing turns out well.

When my brother visited Windsor Castle, they told him we are related
to the Bush family. Now Skorzeny tells us that the Bush family are
social climbers without pedigress, other than that of Aleister
Crowley. Does that mean I get to be president? Oh, we don't have
presidents anymore, sorry.

Another omission in the Tillman execution story is the obvious
conclusion that if Jessica Lynch's nurses tried to return her to
American lines, that the Iraqis followed the Geneva Convention in
treating her well and trying to return her, not even exchange her.
Rajiv Chandrasekaran, Washington Post reporter and author, has written
that the US occupation did not at any point re-supply or reinforce
staff of Iraqi hospitals looted during the US invasion, so that they
continually smelled like corpses and feces during the entire US formal
occupation. And other mainstream news outlets reported that US forces
shot a female ambulance driver in Faluja, destroyed ambulances, and
seized hospitals in Faluja and Hit, because they followed the Geneva
Convention and treated enemy combatants like Pvt. Jessica Lynch. 
Bush does quack like a nazi, doesn't he? And then three bullets from
Goebbels' Luger to the forehead of Pat Tillman? There must be some
refugees from Nuremburg around here, maybe in Floridistan.

[cia-drugs] Re: The picture of 9-11 is coming together.

2007-07-30 Thread muckblit
I have several hours of DC local TV videotaped from 9/11/2001. There was
a pull it moment. Taken separately from NYC, it is a very plausible
Pull It moment, in which the fire department tells a TV reporter that
something is about to happen, the reporter tells us he will be back as
soon as his crew gets ready, then the camera zooms in very close to the
top of the Pentagon wall, and at that exact location the wall cracks and
the whole wall falls down. What makes that a suspicious event is when we
ask by what means the wall was brought down, by demolition charges? If
so, when placed, and who was prepared to do so on short notice? Some
people wonder why no effort was made from the crash until the demolition
to rescue survivors(not necessarily from the plane but could have been a
few Ron Browns too) from the crash area, and how did that kerosene get
lit on fire anyway? No burn victims were taken to the well prepared burn
unit at George Washington Hospital Center. If a demolition team was
present with fire suits to go in and place charges, why was there no
platoon of fire-suited rescuers searching the hole area before that? Why
was the Fort Myers fire truck and crew waiting at the site of the hole
before the plane crashed?

Then there was the drill at CIA/NRO next to Dulles airport when one of
the planes took off. And there was supposedly a drill going on in the
air, too. More gaming that served a very real function but on the wrong

And how about game spectators? What possible reason could there be for
Warren Buffett to be at Offut AFB, and General Mahmud Amad with Porter
Goss in DC, if not to have the best seats to watch the game?

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
From: Vicky Davis
e_LDcTZ8lTxI_qQIspL-OAymTYMfMO5PXkwSent: Sunday, July 29, 2007 2:16
PM Subject: Final Piece - tying it together
After watching these videos, I think I see the whole picture now:

Full Spectrum Treason -- The Objective force

Future Combat Systems -- The UP and UP

Forgive the hastily prepared webpage but I didn't want to take the time
to make it nice.


Add to the above - more succinctly stated:

The key concepts in the documents are shared situational awareness and
ubiquitous computing which - if I understand it - is just an obscure way
of saying that 'all the world's a stage' for the war games. It's taking
the gaming environment and integrating it into the 'real world' of the
game players for 'shared situational awareness'.

Both of those things would explain why the Port Authority reported -
something before it actually happened (one of the towers or WTC 7.. I
can't quite remember) and why the BBC reported the collapse WTC 7 before
it happened.

With the military link into the broadcasting network, it wouldn't have
been difficult to inject images as well as information into their news
gathering portals. Then with shill supplied supporting videos following
the event, they (thought they) could control the knowledge flow.

Vicky Davis-   The Final Piece of the 9/11 PuzzleThe
picture of 9-11 is coming together.   FEMA - DARPA - Naval War
College in Rhode Island (War Games)
Naval War College in Rhode Island plans the war games - but they are not
games.  They are terrorist attacks against the people of the United
States - and I suspect other countries.  Recall the Sarin (sp) gas
attack in Tokyo?   After that - using the same pitch line as with NYC,
Toyko built a Command and Control communications center in preparation
for a terrorist event.  The trick is that the Command and Control
communications center becomes the hub for directing local governments
from the central control point.  The Central control point is managing
both sides - the Special Forces terrorists conducting effects-based
operations.  Local officials are instructed what to do to prevent
terrorist attacks - if they don't do it, then an attack occurs.

DARPA - networked computer systems for national security   On Sept.
11, Adm. John Poindexter was in charge of DARPA. TIA was ready to
plug in.

FEMA - Disasters - training of local officials, implementer of the DARPA
computer systems

Art Cebrowski - father of net-centric warfare taught there.

Thomas Barnett - 1998   -  Planning a revolution
Coup d'etat minus 10 years

Philip Zelikow, John Deutch and Ashton Carter - Catastrophic Terrorism:
Elements of a National Policy

[cia-drugs] Re: Final Piece - tying it together

2007-07-30 Thread muckblit
Also with Hurricane Katrina, two oil drums were lit on fire with
incendiaries just before Bush flew past.

And that was four days after Bush ought to have had his USAF team set up
landing lights and radar on the concrete runway as soon as the wind died
down. Instead Bush waited until after US commercial airplanes got tired
of waiting the best part of a week for the cruel flaccid slug and landed
on the undamaged runway of the international airport, far from flooding.
Then the image team which had previously made a posterboy of Pat
Tillman, then executed a recanting Tillman, made a postergirl of Jessica
Lynch, then made sure Iraqi hospitals do not treat enemy combatants like
Lynch, and needless to say the Iraq WMD and Iraq 911 liars, lit up two
oil drums to make smoke and then shouted looters! as if to justify
Bush sending 40,000 troops for 5000 remaining citizens(looters). There
would have been no crowds of thousands of people clustering at the
stadium and the convention center if Bush had opened the airport using
the same USAF team but four days earlier, and if Bush had made FEMA
bring buses to New Orleans and back to Baton Rouge and beyond. Bush
could have closed the MRGO canal gate, too. But a gaming we must go.

--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Here's the webpage:  

[cia-drugs] Re: The Cold War Between Washington and Tehran by Noam Chomsky

2007-07-30 Thread muckblit
In the West, any wild statement of Iran's president, Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad, immediately gets circulated in headlines, dubiously
translated. But as is well known, Ahmadinejad has no control over
foreign policy, which is in the hands of his superior, the Supreme
Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The U.S. media tend to ignore
Khamenei's statements, especially if they are conciliatory.

If the Chimp would just shut up, the Iranian people would throw
Ahmadinejab out. He has failed to refine enough gasoline to serve the
needs of Iranians, and they are really worked up about that. Don't give
them a bogeyman, Chimp. Saddam Hussein, CIA puppet, would have been gone
during the 1990's if not for the Clintons' sanctions, which killed more
than a million Iraqi civilians, enough to present a bogeyman strawman to
convince the Iraqis to keep Saddam as emblem of their displeasure with
US sanctions. But the Merchants of Death Bureau knows what they are


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, Vigilius Haufniensis


 Sunday, July 29th, 2007...5:43 am
 The Cold War Between Washington and Tehran by Noam Chomsky
 Jump to Comments

 Dandelion Salad

 by Noam Chomsky
 Common Dreams
 Published on Saturday, July 28, 2007 by Zmag.org
 The following is an excerpt from Noam Chomsky's new book Interventions
published by City Lights Books.

 In the energy-rich Middle East, only two countries have failed to
subordinate themselves to Washington's basic demands: Iran and Syria.
Accordingly both are enemies, Iran by far the more important.

 As was the norm during the Cold War, resort to violence is regularly
justified as a reaction to the malign influence of the main enemy, often
on the flimsiest of pretexts. Unsurprisingly, as Bush sends more troops
to Iraq, tales surface of Iranian interference in the internal affairs
of Iraq-a country otherwise free from any foreign interference, on the
tacit assumption that Washington rules the world.

 In the Cold War-like mentality that prevails in Washington, Tehran is
portrayed as the pinnacle in the so-called Shiite Crescent that
stretches from Iran to Hezbollah in Lebanon, through Shiite southern
Iraq and Syria. And again unsurprisingly, the surge in Iraq and
escalation of threats and accusations against Iran is accompanied by
grudging willingness to attend a conference of regional powers, with the
agenda limited to Iraq-more narrowly, to attaining U.S. goals in Iraq.

 Presumably this minimal gesture toward diplomacy is intended to allay
the growing fears and anger elicited by Washington's heightened
aggressiveness, with forces deployed in position to attack Iran and
regular provocations and threats.

 For the United States, the primary issue in the Middle East has been
and remains effective control of its unparalleled energy resources.
Access is a secondary matter. Once the oil is on the seas it goes
anywhere. Control is understood to be an instrument of global dominance.

 Iranian influence in the crescent challenges U.S. control. By an
accident of geography, the world's major oil resources are in largely
Shiite areas of the Middle East: southern Iraq, adjacent regions of
Saudi Arabia and Iran, with some of the major reserves of natural gas as
well. Washington's worst nightmare would be a loose Shiite alliance
controlling most of the world's oil and independent of the United

 Such a bloc, if it emerges, might even join the Asian Energy Security
Grid and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), based in China. Iran,
which already had observer status, is to be admitted as a member of the
SCO. The Hong Kong South China Morning Post reported in June 2006 that
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stole the limelight at the annual
meeting of the Shanghai Co-operation Organisation (SCO) by calling on
the group to unite against other countries as his nation faces criticism
over its nuclear programme. The non-aligned movement meanwhile affirmed
Iran's inalienable right to pursue these programs, and the SCO (which
includes the states of Central Asia) called on the United States to set
a deadline for the withdrawal of military installations from all member

 If the Bush planners bring that about, they will have seriously
undermined the U.S. position of power in the world.

 To Washington, Tehran's principal offense has been its defiance, going
back to the overthrow of the Shah in 1979 and the hostage crisis at the
U.S. embassy. The grim U.S. role in Iran in earlier years is excised
from history. In retribution for Iranian defiance, Washington quickly
turned to support for Saddam Hussein's aggression against Iran, which
left hundreds of thousands dead and the country in ruins. Then came
murderous sanctions, and under Bush, rejection of Iranian diplomatic
efforts in favor of increasing threats of direct attack.

 Last July (2006), Israel invaded 

[cia-drugs] Corporate America: Freedom's Greatest Threat

2007-07-30 Thread norgesen
Corporate America: Freedom's Greatest Threat 
by Chuck Baldwin 
July 27, 2007 

Most of us who believe in the free enterprise system have been taught that 
business interests normally work to the betterment of America's overall health, 
both commercially and politically. While there might have been a time when this 
was true, it is definitely not true today. Not only has Big Business become 
unfriendly to the principles of freedom, it has also become freedom's greatest 

To say that Corporate America is America's greatest threat is a harsh 
accusation, but one that I believe is warranted. I will even be so bold as to 
say that freedom has much more to fear from today's Chambers of Commerce than 
it does from Al Qaida.

Today's Americans need to carefully heed the sage counsel of Thomas Jefferson, 
who said, Merchants have no country. The mere spot they stand on does not 
constitute so strong an attachment as that from which they draw their gains. 
The truth of that statement aptly explains the serious damage that Big Business 
is currently inflicting upon our liberties.

Someone rightly observed that one can determine the focus of, and influence 
upon, societies by analyzing its architecture. For example, from the founding 
of Jamestown in 1607 through the beginning of the War for Southern 
Independence, the most notable buildings (in most communities) belonged to 
churches. From the mid-nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century, the 
most prominent buildings belonged to various governments. From the 
mid-twentieth century to the present, the biggest, most lavish, and most 
notable buildings belong to Big Business. This is not accidental or 
coincidental. These buildings are the monuments of men to the ideas that mean 
the most to them. Accordingly, a vast number of today's Americans have come to 
worship at the shrine of Big Business.

However, this idolatry comes at great price. Not the least of which is the way 
we have allowed Big Business interests to virtually control governmental 
policy, including our war and defense policies.

For example, I recently obtained a copy of the U.S. Navy's Playbook. This 
Playbook succinctly summarizes the Department of the Navy's policies and 
guidelines, and is made available to naval officers and to public affairs 
professionals. Under the section entitled Vision it states, Americans secure 
at home and abroad; sea and air lanes open and free for the peaceful and 
productive movement of international commerce; enduring national and 
international naval relationships that remain strong and true; steadily 
deepening cooperation among the maritime forces of emerging partner nations . . 

Notice the emphasis of international commerce, international naval 
relations, and emerging partner nations.

Under the section entitled Focus On Execution it states, We must continue to 
embrace the vital contributions that out [sic] partners make in working to 
secure the global community.

Notice that part of our Navy's policy is to secure the global community. So, 
who is our military charged to defend? Is it the American people? Is it the 
global community, or is it Big Business? Navy brass might answer, All of the 
above. However, it should seem obvious to anyone who is paying attention that 
in the grand scheme of things, the will and interests of the American people 
are being submerged under the will and interests of Big Business, which is 
creating the global community.

Under the section Maritime Strategy it states, This new Maritime Strategy is 
required to face the threats of our interdependent societies and global 

Can the reader not see how that even our military and defense departments are 
being coerced and manipulated by the interests of Big Business? Need more 
evidence? Look at Iraq.

Are you aware that America has almost as many civilian contractors in Iraq as 
we do military personnel? According to a recent census report, there are more 
than 100,000 civilian contractors currently working in Iraq. In fact, the war 
in Iraq has become the most privatized war in U.S. history. (Source: 
Multinational Monitor, Nov/Dec 2006) The Halliburton company alone has received 
some $20 billion from both its oil and troop logistics contracts. Contracts, 
that according to MM, include [f]orty-five dollar cases of soda; $85,000 
trucks in need of minor repairs . . . tens of millions of dollars in gasoline 
surcharges; thousands of meals prepared but never served to the troops . . . 
[and] contaminated water served to the troops.

And if one were to actually believe that America has any intention of pulling 
out of Iraq, consider this: experts predict that private, civilian contracts 
will grow into a $200 billion-a-year global business by 2010. Why do you think 
that our government is currently constructing the biggest U.S. embassy in the 
world in downtown Baghdad? In fact, when our embassy in Iraq is finished it 
will be larger than the Vatican!

[cia-drugs] Re: The picture of 9-11 is coming together.

2007-07-30 Thread Vanessa Di Domenico
Here in Venezuela we have always known it was the USA
that dumped those towers- perhaps because an in-law
had worked with the CIA during the times of most
corruption here? Of course, the CIA hates Chavez
because it can't apply its I-do-whatever-I-want rules
with Hugo.

Remember that president Bush now uses only HUGO BOSS

The USA came to a close when Quakers stopped
controlling the government.

Vanessa Di Domenico
Maracaibo, Venezuela


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[cia-drugs] An Immoral Philosophy: PAUL KRUGMAN; Apocalypse Here

2007-07-30 Thread MA PA
 An Immoral Philosophy: PAUL KRUGMAN; Apocalypse Here
Monday Jul 30th, 2007 6:52 AM 
 KRUGMAN: What kind of philosophy says that it’s O.K. to subsidize insurance 
companies, but not to provide health care to children? THE COMPLETE ARTICLE AND 

 -- Health Care 

 An Immoral Philosophy 


 Published: July 30, 2007 

 When a child is enrolled in the State Children’s Health Insurance Program 
(Schip), the positive results can be dramatic. For example, after asthmatic 
children are enrolled in Schip, the frequency of their attacks declines on 
average by 60 percent, and their likelihood of being hospitalized for the 
condition declines more than 70 percent. 

 Regular care, in other words, makes a big difference. That’s why Congressional 
Democrats, with support from many Republicans, are trying to expand Schip, 
which already provides essential medical care to millions of children, to cover 
millions of additional children who would otherwise lack health insurance. 

 But President Bush says that access to care is no problem — “After all, you 
just go to an emergency room” — and, with the support of the Republican 
Congressional leadership, he’s declared that he’ll veto any Schip expansion on 
“philosophical” grounds. 

 It must be about philosophy, because it surely isn’t about cost. One of the 
plans Mr. Bush opposes, the one approved by an overwhelming bipartisan majority 
in the Senate Finance Committee, would cost less over the next five years than 
we’ll spend in Iraq in the next four months. 


Parent CCNWON 

 Labels: Bush Children Health Insurance, Health Care, Health insurance, 
Insurance, kids, New York Times, News, PAUL KRUGMAN, Politics 


 Who Really Took Over During That Colonoscopy: FRANK RICH - President Petraeus 


 The Voters Speak: Baaa!: NICHOLAS KRISTOF 


 Apocalypse here 




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[cia-drugs] Re: Omits

2007-07-30 Thread mark urban

I just can't get it out of my head that GHWB was a teenage pilot in 
WWII who came back from the war to attend Yale. (where did the Tesla 
angle enter? When did he have time to secretary for tesla?)

It seems odd that in a world where the reigns of power appear to be 
firmly in the hands of men who follow the NEOCON perspective, that 
nazis, neonazis and fascists are getting all the attention.

I remember that Bush's family was british and had to leave england 
right around the time of the failed gunpowder plot. I think the name 
was Pierce, though that might be the Barbara Bush side of the ledger.

I think the Skorzeny story is pretty far out there. I put it up 
there along with Tom Flocco's revelations about Bush and Cheney 
getting Indicted by Fitzgerald.

A person could look at the world through Mae Brussel's eyes and see 
a nazi behind every plot. I just do not think it is so.

 --- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, muckblit [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Yes, Mark, that's the story, Idaho Observer 200704, Skorzeny 
 to Berman.
 As I was reading that, with its emphasis on Jesuits, I think I
 remember that Chip McBride emphasizes the zionist Jews to the
 exclusion of Jesuits. Then I wondered if maybe Sean B wasn't Boston
 Irish, and thus highly likely Roman Catholic, maybe even Jesuit
 educated. Chip and Sean both live in a Boston suburb and both work 
 Cambridge. Maybe they are both Boston Irish and omit Jesuits from
 their expozays.
 Read the Gary North piece on New Mercantilism, where instead of 
 to accumulate gold, or US dollars, foreign banks(or surrogate 
 accumulate US equities, and China may also buy long commodity
 contracts. That's a Yellow Peril thing, but omitted is that foreign
 treasuries started buying equity in the form of REITs back in the 
 century, a decade ago. What about REITs now, with the decline in US
 real estate value? You have to at least mention REITs. Some small
 countries base their currency on US REITs. Carlyle Group reportedly
 advises its investors that they are hovering like vultures to 
 on undervalued US real estate after that is tanked by rising 
 rates. North would blame China for any rise in US interest rates,
 covering the Carlyle vultures, who always escape Nuremburgs, unless
 this Skorzeny thing turns out well.
 When my brother visited Windsor Castle, they told him we are 
 to the Bush family. Now Skorzeny tells us that the Bush family are
 social climbers without pedigress, other than that of Aleister
 Crowley. Does that mean I get to be president? Oh, we don't have
 presidents anymore, sorry.
 Another omission in the Tillman execution story is the obvious
 conclusion that if Jessica Lynch's nurses tried to return her to
 American lines, that the Iraqis followed the Geneva Convention in
 treating her well and trying to return her, not even exchange her.
 Rajiv Chandrasekaran, Washington Post reporter and author, has 
 that the US occupation did not at any point re-supply or reinforce
 staff of Iraqi hospitals looted during the US invasion, so that 
 continually smelled like corpses and feces during the entire US 
 occupation. And other mainstream news outlets reported that US 
 shot a female ambulance driver in Faluja, destroyed ambulances, and
 seized hospitals in Faluja and Hit, because they followed the 
 Convention and treated enemy combatants like Pvt. Jessica Lynch. 
 Bush does quack like a nazi, doesn't he? And then three bullets 
 Goebbels' Luger to the forehead of Pat Tillman? There must be some
 refugees from Nuremburg around here, maybe in Floridistan.

[cia-drugs] Fwd: [narconews] Trujillo: Zapatistas Host Thousands in Chiapas

2007-07-30 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

From: David B. Briones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: July 30, 2007 11:00:20 AM PDT
Subject: [narconews] Trujillo: Zapatistas Host Thousands in Chiapas

July 30, 2007
Please Distribute Widely

Dear Colleague,

Zapatista rebels in Chiapas, Mexico hosted eight days of meetings  
that moved through three of the autonomous municipal seats - known  
as Caracoles - in their territory last week. Juan Trujillo  
reports from the Caracol of Morelia:

Afternoon fell in this corner of the Chiapaneco geography; the  
cool came down from the two mountains cloaking this rebel space,  
while militiapersons descended the left hand side of the mountain  
giving way to members of the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine  
Committee General Command of the EZLN; through the commentary and  
bustle of the participants the night listened, as Lieutenant  
Colonel Moises, Comandante Zebedeo, and Subcomandante Marcos made  
themselves present for the welcoming. Rain and a slight chill  
intermittently refreshed the visitors from more than 80 countries:  
hundreds of collectives and social organizations, sympathizers,  
members of the Other Campaign and adherents of the Sixth  
Declaration of the Lancandon Jungle (La Sexta).

...For her part Ofelia, member of the Good Government Council,  
commented with notable emotion, that 'the most important thing is  
to unite our struggles and thoughts against the capitalist system  
that continues to steal our labor. Our voice and our struggle is  
one that as we walk we learn and as we walk we teach... so that we  
can recuperate what the system has stolen from us.' Finally, she  
asked all the participants for 'concentration, respect and  
discipline in the activities of the Encuentro.'

Read Trujillo's full report (additional reports await translation  
on our Spanish language pages, too), along with other Latin  
American news, at Narco News:


From somewhere in a country called América,

David B. Briones
The Narco News Bulletin

Narco News is supported by:

The Fund for Authentic Journalism P.O. Box 241 Natick, MA 01760

The Fund receives online donations at this web page:


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[cia-drugs] Fwd: Great-Beast-Bush Building Babylon the Great with Slave Labor

2007-07-30 Thread RoadsEnd

Begin forwarded message:

Date: July 26, 2007 10:22:47 PM PDT
Subject: Great-Beast-Bush Building Babylon the Great with Slave  

Foreign Workers Abused at Embassy, Panel Told
By William Branigin
Washington Post, July 27, 2007; A15


Two American civilian contractors who worked on a massive U.S.  
Embassy construction project in Baghdad told Congress yesterday  
that foreign laborers were deceptively recruited and trafficked to  
Iraq to toil at the site, where they experienced physical abuse and  
substandard working conditions.

State Department officials disputed the charges, telling a House  
committee that inspections had not substantiated the worst reported  

The accounts were delivered at a hearing of the House Committee on  
Oversight and Government Reform on allegations of waste, fraud and  
abuse in the construction of a huge new U.S. Embassy in Baghdad at  
a cost of nearly $600 million. The embassy, slated to be the  
largest diplomatic mission in the world, is being built by a  
Kuwaiti firm, First Kuwaiti General Trading  Contracting Co.,  
which was awarded the contract after no U.S. company would meet the  
unreasonable terms, the committee was told.

First Kuwaiti's labor practices are under investigation by the  
Justice Department, which is looking into allegations that foreign  
employees were brought into Iraq under false pretenses and were  
unable to leave because the company had confiscated their passports.

First Kuwaiti has termed those allegations ludicrous. The company  
declined the committee's invitation to testify or provide officials  
for interviews, said Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.), chairman of  
the oversight committee.

Testifying before the committee yesterday, John Owens, an American  
who worked for First Kuwaiti at the embassy site as a construction  
foreman from November 2005 to June 2006, said he found living and  
working conditions for the foreign laborers there deplorable.  
Because of difficulty hiring Iraqis for work inside the heavily  
fortified Green Zone, most of the laborers were from such countries  
as India, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, the Philippines and Sierra  
Leone, the committee was told.

Foreign workers lived in tightly packed trailers and had  
insufficient equipment and basic needs -- stuff like shoes and  
gloves, Owens said.

They worked 12 hours a day, seven days a week, and made as little  
as $240 a month, he said. They were verbally and physically  
abused and had their salaries docked for petty infractions, he added.

Rory J. Mayberry, an emergency medical technician who worked  
briefly at the embassy site under a subcontract, testified that he  
was asked by First Kuwaiti managers to escort 51 Filipinos through  
the Kuwait airport and onto a flight to Baghdad. However, all of  
our tickets said we were going to Dubai, he said, adding that a  
First Kuwaiti manager instructed him not to tell any of the  
Filipinos that they were going to Baghdad.

He said the men were basically kidnapped by First Kuwaiti to work  
on the U.S. Embassy. Their passports had been confiscated, and  
they were driven away on buses after landing in Baghdad, then were  
smuggled into the Green Zone, he said.

Howard J. Krongard, the State Department inspector general,  
strongly disputed the allegations in a subsequent session of the  
hearing. He testified that a limited review he conducted and  
inquiries by the inspector general of the U.S.-led military force  
in Iraq did not substantiate the abuse claims.

Nothing came to our attention that caused us to believe that human- 
trafficking violations or other serious abuses occurred at the  
construction workers' camp at the new embassy compound, Krongard  

Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL.com.

[cia-drugs] Re: Omits

2007-07-30 Thread muckblit
Perhaps we can break down the Skorzeny material into a Hatfield
softball, a Dub dancing naked on a barstool softball story, a Bush boys
duffel bags of coke softball story. If that is the case, the intent is
to Rovian-neutralize 911 Floridistan the terrorist sanctuary safer than
Osama's Waziristan, and to forestry backfire burn the fire's fuel on
Prescott Bush's history of managing Hitler's Economy for US Robber Baron
investors in nazi utopia while the plundered suffered the Great
Depression here in the US. The Skorzeny material is most likely a feint
to sucker resources away from homing in on Porter's home boys in
Floridistan, and the Bush family nazi history bulging out in current day
manifestations of war crimes and gestapo policies at home and abroad.
Tesla tech might be a target as well, as Tesla tech is moving away from
stalemated patent efforts that bog down when the fossil fuel king's
charter understandably withholds funding and the old Standard Oil thugs
take their crowbars and dynamite, figuratively speaking, to the
equivalent of independent refineries, same old same old. Tesla tech is
increasingly being GPL'd and lugged(linux user grouped) into the hands
of the masses as a loss-leader, as inventors begin to bank on making
money arond the edges, linux style, instead of waiting for cradle to
grave handouts from Big Brother paternalism and the natural enemies of a
new energy source.

The zionist neocons have been working with the German and English nazis
since Lord Cecil, the Rosicrucians, and the German fraternity we know
as Sax Goatburgers and Skull and Bones today.

Max Ratline, Vietnam's Humanist Revolutionary Worker's Party of Diem
brother Nhu and columnist Joseph Alsop, coldwar liberals, always the
neocons as outer circle for nazi dot. The outer circle serves as
motivational layer and standoff armor.

The political goals of the Rothschild family seem liberal at times. When
Nathan Rothschild, most powerful of the Rothschild brothers, sons of
Amschel Rothschild, moved to England, the Rothschilds had the liberal
goals of working against monarchy in Europe but curiously not Britain
where they(venetian) had moved their base, and winning in
austro-germanic states the rights for Jews of property and political
participation. At that point we see again the neocons as outer circle,
more popular with the masses in Europe because of working against
monarchy and for rights that actually were liberal in the political
context. And the nazis stood for the old order, like Kissinger realists
backing the Saudi monarchy and Pak heroin junta. Same old same old. The
neocons continued their penchant for liberal causes like the green
front. At the core we see that Britain, though home of strongest
Rothschild brother Nathan Rothschild, is still a monarchy. We see no
liberalism, only a nazi style racism, projecting from neocon zionists
toward Palestinians, as if the guilt of nazi partners of the neocons has
been transferred for a price to the Palestinian scapegoat, innocent of
WW2 Jewish holocaust role. The insincerity of the neocon green front is
evident in the absurdity of expanding factory farming by clearing more
farmland and burning more diesel to cultivate corn for gasohol, and in
support of electric cars with a thousand pounds of batteries instead of
on-demand hydrogen cars that have been running with Flintstone engines
since 1984, and in support of hydrogen gas stations when on-demand
hydrogen is safer without the tank, and in continued support of
centralized electricity generation instead of pollution-free
decentralized options. Neocons and nazis are the same beast because the
fake liberal green trojans of the neocons are all impossibly high
entropy and pale in comparison of technology which has already been
implemented, like water-based on-demand hydrogen cars since 1984. But
there is that relationship again, neocons as motivational circle, nazis
as dot, with neocon green lies around Houston and Saudi oilmen nazis.
Corporatist Darwinism wins both ways.

One can see a slightly different orientation between neocons and nazis
in the Baker Plan for Iraqwar versus PNAC. Kissinger nazis only wanted
to hot swap puppets, retaining national monopoly on oil to make it
easier to keep oil in the ground according to the at that time 99 year
old plan for reduced supply from Iraq and Iran. Neocons would like to
privatize Iraqi oil and topple the Saudi monarchy and possibly the Pak
heroin junta to empower political islam with nukes. The nazis would like
to retain dictatorial control, always preferring monarchs first,
dictators second, and crippled blame-soaking place-holders third. Nazis
serve Rockefeller and the Saudis first, neocons are Israel-firsters and
may prefer instability and loss of control of oil and nukes. You don't
find many Democrat nazis.

Neocons place greater emphasis on manipulative idealogies like fake free
trade, fake free enterprise competition. Nazis then need only concern
themselves with motivating 

[cia-drugs] Re: Fwd: Great-Beast-Bush Building Babylon the Great with Slave Labor

2007-07-30 Thread muckblit
Keyword Kuwait.

Kuwait is a small oil socialist empire. Small, so the nazis and neocons
are not fundamentally opposed to it as socialism, since small eclipses
strategic anathema with strategic advantage, as in this case, where
Kuwait supports the US military occupation of Iraq.

And to support the US occupation of Iraq, all Kuwaitis have to do is do
what they do in Kuwait. Every Kuwaiti has a guaranteed income from the
government, with which they hire servants imported from Asia-Pacific
nations. Now they contract at prices high enough to interest Kuwaitis to
bring some of their servants to Iraq.

And this solves the mystery of what Kuwaitis are good for. They can
work, see, they are working in Iraq.


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, RoadsEnd [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Gp1YMBi7NwN6OlywwJ7yzNfY Date: July 26, 2007 10:22:47 PM PDTTo:
KTFPJ4wJ8MeXinyiRRs4H Subject: Great-Beast-Bush Building Babylon the
Great with Slave Labor
Foreign Workers Abused at Embassy, Panel Told

By William Branigin
Washington Post, July 27, 2007; A15


Two American civilian contractors who worked on a massive U.S. Embassy
construction project in Baghdad
told Congress yesterday that foreign laborers were deceptively recruited
and trafficked to Iraq
to toil at the site, where they experienced physical abuse and
substandard working conditions.

State Department
e?tid=informline  officials disputed the charges, telling a House
committee that inspections had not substantiated the worst reported

The accounts were delivered at a hearing of the House Committee on
Oversight and Government Reform
+Oversight+and+Government+Reform?tid=informline  on allegations of
waste, fraud and abuse in the construction of a huge new U.S. Embassy in
Baghdad at a cost of nearly $600 million. The embassy, slated to be the
largest diplomatic mission in the world, is being built by a Kuwaiti
firm, First Kuwaiti General Trading  Contracting Co., which was awarded
the contract after no U.S. company would meet the unreasonable terms,
the committee was told.

First Kuwaiti's labor practices are under investigation by the Justice
ice?tid=informline , which is looking into allegations that foreign
employees were brought into Iraq under false pretenses and were unable
to leave because the company had confiscated their passports.

First Kuwaiti has termed those allegations ludicrous. The company
declined the committee's invitation to testify or provide officials for
interviews, said Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Calif.)
line , chairman of the oversight committee.

Testifying before the committee yesterday, John Owens, an American who
worked for First Kuwaiti at the embassy site as a construction foreman
from November 2005 to June 2006, said he found living and working
conditions for the foreign laborers there deplorable. Because of
difficulty hiring Iraqis for work inside the heavily fortified Green
informline , most of the laborers were from such countries as India
, Pakistan
el , Nepal
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/related/topic/Nepal?tid=informline ,
Sri Lanka
e , the Philippines
ine  and Sierra Leone
line , the committee was told.

Foreign workers lived in tightly packed trailers and had insufficient
equipment and basic needs -- stuff like shoes and gloves, Owens said.

They worked 12 hours a day, seven days a week, and made as little as
$240 a month, he said. They 

[cia-drugs] Re: Corporate America: Freedom's Greatest Threat

2007-07-30 Thread muckblit
business interests normally work to the betterment of America's
overall health, both commercially and politically

That is an example of Darwinist propaganda for corporatism.

Rockefeller's thugs taking crowbars and dynamite to independent
refineries was just Darwinists survival of the fittest, advertising
tells us.

But are crowbars and dynamite really competiton? How about KKK
church-burning, Hitler's Final Solution, and Israeli bulldozers, are
those policies just competition?

Is the king's charter really competition, or anti-competition, along
with crowbars, dynamite, and bulldozers?

How about racism, is racism just a healthy Darwinist crusade? Racism
is often presented as helping Darwin, see Vanity of the Philosopher by
David Levy for historical documentation ad infinitum.

Are you aware that America has almost as many civilian contractors in
Iraq as we do military personnel?

Try to look through Iraqi eyes at no-bid contracts for US
corporations, which employ non-Iraqi engineers and non-Iraqis in all
the good jobs, and which needs then to employ an army of non-Iraqi
security contractors. Do you see any benefit to Iraqis? Do you see the
racism? Now, are you sure you want to call racist piracy Darwin's
fore-runner, benevolent champion of higher political and economic
corporatist pirates, whitewashed by Darwinist advertising?


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, norgesen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Corporate America: Freedom's Greatest Threat
by Chuck Baldwin
July 27, 2007

Most of us who believe in the free enterprise system have been taught
that business interests normally work to the betterment of America's
overall health, both commercially and politically. While there might
have been a time when this was true, it is definitely not true today.
Not only has Big Business become unfriendly to the principles of
freedom, it has also become freedom's greatest threat.

To say that Corporate America is America's greatest threat is a harsh
accusation, but one that I believe is warranted. I will even be so
bold as to say that freedom has much more to fear from today's
Chambers of Commerce than it does from Al Qaida.

Today's Americans need to carefully heed the sage counsel of Thomas
Jefferson, who said, Merchants have no country. The mere spot they
stand on does not constitute so strong an attachment as that from
which they draw their gains. The truth of that statement aptly
explains the serious damage that Big Business is currently inflicting
upon our liberties.

Someone rightly observed that one can determine the focus of, and
influence upon, societies by analyzing its architecture. For example,
from the founding of Jamestown in 1607 through the beginning of the
War for Southern Independence, the most notable buildings (in most
communities) belonged to churches. From the mid-nineteenth century to
the mid-twentieth century, the most prominent buildings belonged to
various governments. From the mid-twentieth century to the present,
the biggest, most lavish, and most notable buildings belong to Big
Business. This is not accidental or coincidental. These buildings are
the monuments of men to the ideas that mean the most to them.
Accordingly, a vast number of today's Americans have come to worship
at the shrine of Big Business.

However, this idolatry comes at great price. Not the least of which is
the way we have allowed Big Business interests to virtually control
governmental policy, including our war and defense policies.

For example, I recently obtained a copy of the U.S. Navy's Playbook.
This Playbook succinctly summarizes the Department of the Navy's
policies and guidelines, and is made available to naval officers and
to public affairs professionals. Under the section entitled Vision
it states, Americans secure at home and abroad; sea and air lanes
open and free for the peaceful and productive movement of
international commerce; enduring national and international naval
relationships that remain strong and true; steadily deepening
cooperation among the maritime forces of emerging partner nations . . .

Notice the emphasis of international commerce, international naval
relations, and emerging partner nations.

Under the section entitled Focus On Execution it states, We must
continue to embrace the vital contributions that out [sic] partners
make in working to secure the global community.

Notice that part of our Navy's policy is to secure the global
community. So, who is our military charged to defend? Is it the
American people? Is it the global community, or is it Big Business?
Navy brass might answer, All of the above. However, it should seem
obvious to anyone who is paying attention that in the grand scheme of
things, the will and interests of the American people are being
submerged under the will and interests of Big Business, which is
creating the global community.

Under the section Maritime Strategy it states, This new Maritime