RE: [CinCV] DVGrab with monitoring

2011-11-27 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

 Hi Daniel!

 On 11/10/2011 12:01 AM, Daniel Jircik wrote:
  $ dvgrab -f hdv [options]basename - | ffplay -f mpegts -x 640 -y 360 -

 I tried

 dvgrab -a -t -f raw - | ffplay -f dv -x 640 -y 360 -
Your command says:
program autosplit timstamp format raw output to stdout
try somthing like 
dvgrab -a -t -f raw myclip - | ffplay -f dv -x 640 -y 360 -
and you get myclipdate.dv files :) 
That's the basename in above instruction.

My test have shown that sometimes I get capture stopped when piping to ffplay. 
So beware. And interacvtive doesn't work.

Hannu Vuolasaho

Cinelerra mailing list

RE: [CinCV] How to get same video properties on multiple tracs?

2011-11-14 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

 Let me see if I understood this right:
 Do you want a pseudo-panorama video stitched together from three videos,
 with colour/brightness adjustment near the edges to conceal the seams?

Exactly. Looks like quite heavy computing and and panoramic video stitching 
hadn't much hits in google :(

Hannu Vuolasaho

Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] How to get same video properties on multiple tracs?

2011-11-13 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho


I have been wondering how do I do this.
I have three different videos from same scene from three different camera.
The footage is taken so cameras are in row and see little bit each others view.

I want to get same video properties to side tracks as the center on has.
So that color and light are pretty much same in all tracks.
So that I can just pan and zoom the wide view. 

Is there any automation available for this task? At least I couldn't figure out 

It wold be so nice if I was able to say Cinelerra: Look the upper track's left 
side of video and compare it this track's right side and adjust this track's 
properties so that they are same. Thank you Fixing cameras automation by
hand is huge task.

Best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho
Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCV] DVGrab with monitoring

2011-11-09 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho


Is there tool which can grab HDV (.m2t) like dvgrab and same time show the 

In my setup I would like to put laptop and monitor from larger screen while 
capturing data to HDD.

I believe Kino does this however it's only DV compatible, not HDV. I tried 
something like dvgrab |tee|mplayer split but no luck
Any good ideas?

best regards,
Hannu Vuolasaho
Cinelerra mailing list

RE: [CinCV] capture card recomendation

2011-01-13 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

 Subject: Re: [CinCV] capture card recomendation
 Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 08:02:25 -0800
 That sounds like a great idea.  I have no experience with digital8.  Do they 
 produce compressed output?  If so, can I assume the quality of the 
 is good?  I presume it would be mpeg2.  Currently my capture card captures 
 MJPEG which works nicely with Cinelerra.

Digital8 is like DV tape, but casette is different. You can capture it with 
dvgrab and get .dv files. Hi8 is same casette but it is analogical video.

Hannu Vuolasaho

RE: [CinCV] need clarification of user-manual comment

2010-10-07 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

 Subject: Re: [CinCV] need clarification of user-manual comment
 Date: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 06:31:39 -0700

 I'm working with 720p and 480p vertical but want to maintain close to a 16:9 
 aspect.  720p works ok at 1280x720 but 480 need 854 horizontal to achieve the 
 correct aspect...I end up scaling to 848x480 to maintain the divisible by 16 
 constraint...that is acceptable...

Also. I found that exporting to ogg from 1440x1080 m2t file from HDV dvgrab 
source doesn't work like you expect. On the bottom there was green stripe. I 
fixed this setting resolution to 1072. Ogg requires resolution of multitude of 
16. and aspect was off by less than 1 %. 

Not very good solution but first that came in to my mind.

Hannu Vuolasaho

[CinCV] -prefer-non-pic

2009-04-05 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

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Cinelerra mailing list

RE: [CinCV] Video effect - watermark??

2008-12-16 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho


 Has anyone found a Cinelerra (or, even, gimp) technique that makes this
 visual effect?  (Even if I can't do it on moving video, it would be
 worth adding it to my still image before pasting into the video track.)

I did 726x576 png file which had logo on it. The background was then put 
Then I added another video track and put it there. The video was on lower 
track. With fade slider I set the opacity.

To get this to work you need color format with alpha channel like RGBA

The results:

If you use video on other track it blends them and it is quite good transition 

Hannu Vuolasaho

Explore the seven wonders of the world

RE: [CinCV] Modeline for PAL etc

2008-10-09 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

 Subject: [CinCV] Modeline for PAL etc
 Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2008 17:42:29 +0200
 I'm searching for a modeline/xrandr spell to turn my laptop video (intel
 GM965/GL960) out to native PAL (interlaced). 

First of all, I don't believe you want to run your laptop LCD with 720x576i 
mode. The LCD 
is always progressive and it would look terrible even you didn't scale it to 
full screen.  And LCD
refresh rate is something else than 50Hz. And LCD displays look good only when 
running in native resolution.

Second thing is that TV-out usually generates itself right timings and 
interlaced image.
How it is enabled depends your HW, setup and what you want. With nvidia we have 
twinview and 
X comes with xinerama and then we have xrandr.

So to get real PAL, NTSC or whatever video format is wanted is done with HW. I 
believe you 
have to just use Option lines enable the TV-out. And xorg.conf  can also tell 
the display be
 720x576 as eextended or scale the desktop or just take part of the screen. I 
used to have
 rectangle in background image which was sent to TV-out :)

But really good X configuration help site would be great. Now that you are 
really going to 
learn the configuration of X, you should make it thoroughly :)

 If you are good with html, you could create xorg.conf generator which asks 
and order of monitors and which driver to use and then create simple xorg.conf 
different server layouts. Like xinerama, mirror, TV-out as extended desktop and 
TV-out as part of desktop, TV-out as mirror of desktop.

Just my two (Euro) cents

Hannu Vuolasaho
Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger
Cinelerra mailing list

RE: [CinCV] Synchronization problem

2008-09-15 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

 Subject: Re: [CinCV] Synchronization problem
 Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 01:45:23 +0200
 Inge en Wouter Kok wrote:
 What is it that I'm doing wrong?
 Most likely, you're doing nothing wrong. Cinelerra has an A/V sync issue.

Or you might have done it somewhere. It is really easy to lose sync while 
editing and when you disarm audio or video of track and move, cut, add or do 

Put camera recording and clap your hands in three meters away from it and repat 
it whitout stopping recording after half hour. The sound should reach one 
millisec after video...

I think the sync problems are everywhere. My camera should take 48000 samples 
in second. In winter when tape just gets out of reel to another it is near 
47300 and on hot summer day it's near 48100. Fireworks are so good to pick up 
those errors. 

I sync in the beginning to mortar flames and sounds and adjust sample rate so 
that it is correct also in the end. Then I put the audio to it's original 
place. It's stupid when there's explosion in sky and the audio comes same time. 
In real life you can see the report to rise and blast. After that there's time 
put smile on your face before the sound comes.

Hannu Vuolasaho
Discover the new Windows Vista
Cinelerra mailing list

RE: [CinCVS] Cin-3

2008-01-29 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

 Subject: Re: [CinCVS] Cin-3
 Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2008 07:44:28 +0100
 Theoretically a nice Idea, but remember that a NLE can have very
 complex, custom Widgets, like the Timeline and Previews, these should
 ideally be written only once, putting together some buttons and basic
 widgets in different Toolkits is never a Problem.

Just one stupid question. What is wrong with current GUI? It does its job very 
well. and is far more intuitive than kino or iFilm in OsX

Cinelerra has feeling that this program is meant to work and if you think you 
can't do something you just trying it doing wrong. Like terminal with black 
backround and lightgrey text :)

Hannu Vuolasaho
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Cinelerra mailing list

RE: [CinCVS] How do you make DVDs?

2007-12-08 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

 Subject: Re: [CinCVS] How do you make DVDs?
 Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2007 14:25:17 -0800
 --- Hannu Vuolasaho [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Title 1 
  chapter 1 scene 1 of the show
  chapter 2 scene 2 of the show
  chapter 20 scene 20 of the show
  Title 2
  chapter 1 interview 1
  chapter 2 interview 2
  Title 3
  chapter 1 behind the scenes
  Is there any easy way to get this kind of structure in DVD?
 Qdvdauthor should do the job for you.

I never learned use that program. Or atleast not yet. I felt it someway messy. 
I'll give it a try on next project.

 However, the description of the menu you provided is incomple.
 Do you want buttons to go directly to chapters? or you simply
 what thee titles with chapeters in them?

Actually I did want scene selection but I didn't kow how to do it so I just 
drop it. My solution was to find some examples from the net and read man pages 
and modify them. Lot of command line processing. and trial and errors. And if 
my CPU could speak, it would whine about same jobs all the time :)

Anyway I have now the poster of the show and underneath there is two choises. 
The show and teaser. Show has chapters beginning at every scene. DVD player 
returns back menu after played title.
 Oh and most proud I'm the 7 second audio loop. It should at leas get watcher 
to choose what to watch. So irritating popsong.

I want to thank you guys for your pointers. I checked those aplications and 
documentations and I feel I save time because of you. And I think I've learnt 
something. And next project will be more beautiful and pro looking. Maybe I'll 
share the Valencia 2007 Las Fallas fireworks with you :) The editing wont be 
most important thing in that video :)

 Never could understand how to use DVDStyler though...

And first tool which was recomended by my friend for DVD creation was Pinnacle. 
I tried and wished myself back home to my slow PC (Dualcore Opteron). School 
has harder hardware for the rendering job.

I don't understand why it is so hard to support RAW, type 1 and type2 DV...

Hannu Vuolasaho

News, entertainment and everything you care about at Get it now!

[CinCVS] How do you make DVDs?

2007-12-07 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho


I have this small problem. In Cinelerras manual there is easy to follow 
instructions to make DVD. On track has been enough for me. I have this time 
edited the show ready and exported it to RAW DV. interviews and bhind of scenes 
are different RAW DV clips.

Now I want to split it to chapters and burn it to DVD. I've been reading 
different howtos trough but nothing answered my problem. 

Title 1 
chapter 1 scene 1 of the show
chapter 2 scene 2 of the show
chapter 20 scene 20 of the show
Title 2
chapter 1 interview 1
chapter 2 interview 2
Title 3
chapter 1 behind the scenes

Is there any easy way to get this kind of structure in DVD?

Explore the seven wonders of the world

[CinCVS] Irritating freezing

2007-09-19 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho


I just compiled fresh Cinelerra on Ubuntu with dual core Opteron. And there is 
one problem. If I select clip from resources and go to viewer and start 
playback it goes well. But if I hit stop, pause or use the slider to search 
clip I lose control. Depending which videoplayback driver I get frozen image in 
viewer (X11-GL) or the viedo continues playback. Anyway the volume bars keep 
working and timecounter goes on. After a while I can't do anything with viewer. 
Main program- Window - Show viewer won't hide it. Same thing with moving from 
resources to track and using compositor. My material is RAW DV. I also tried 
with M2T HDV material.

I've tried to tweak with display properties. I also tried with some oher clips. 
Some cellphone avi clips work perfectly while normal Wav file causes viewer 

Any help would be nice even how to write better bug report. With this info it's 
hard to start guessing what went wrong.

So has anyone any ideas?

Terminal has these last lines, which seems to be quite OK, or am I wrong.

abf 00:00:00.00 2000-00-00 00:00:00 7b 87 04 16 36/36
abf 00:00:00.00 2000-00-00 00:00:00 7b 87 05 16 36/36
abf 00:00:00.00 2000-00-00 00:00:00 7b 87 06 16 36/36
# audio block/sample failure for 5 blocks, 180 samples of 1920
BRenderThread::start 1 map=6948 equivalent=6948 brender_start=6948 result=6948 
RenderFarmClientThread::run: Session finished.
BRenderThread::start 1 map=6948 equivalent=6948 brender_start=6948 result=6948 
RenderFarmClientThread::run: Session finished.
BRenderThread::start 1 map=6948 equivalent=6948 brender_start=6948 result=6948 
RenderFarmClientThread::run: Session finished.

Hannu Vuolasaho

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RE: [CinCVS] Irritating freezing

2007-09-19 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

 Subject: Re: [CinCVS] Irritating freezing
 Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 03:02:42 +0200
 Preferences - Alsa Settings - check Playback locks up
Oh! stupid me. 
And I thought it was video problem and I was googling totally wrong words.
Now it's much better altough playback continues about one sec or something 
after pressing stop.

But anyway as Johannes has it said well Fri, 25 Nov 2005 21:00:05 +0100 it is a 
workaround so there is no need for whining. I'm happy thet I can use Cinelerra.

Dear user, if, after you have pressed the stop button to stop playback, you 
find out that cinelerra does not stop the timeline and audio playback (but 
_does_ stop video playback) and the UI does not respond anymore properly, you 
can enable this checkbox, and audio and timeline will stop the next time you 
stop playback.

The checkbox enables a workaround for some ALSA drivers that make problems.---

Hannu Vuolasaho

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Re: [CinCVS] HDV 1440x1080 and 1920x1080 display ratio

2007-05-24 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

When camera is operating, the EIP generates uncompressed 1440x1080i with
a 4:2:2 color space. Digital 4:2:2 data are output via the HDMI port,
while 4:2:2 analog is output via component out. Therefore you can record
4.2:2 live HD cideo from the camera without MPEG-2 compression.

portable disk like the Sony HVR-DR60 HDV Hard Disk Recorder. I looked
through the menues on FX7, but I wasn't able to discover anything related
to optional hard disk recording, though I guess it will work as well as
for V1.

This is second hand information because my HDV camera is still in the shop. 
I'm waiting for 1080p :)

Anyway. there is program called mpegrab or similar which can grab trough 
firewire the uncompressed video. The need of mpegcompression comes from the 
DV-media which can't handle the stream without it.

I've seen this work with my friend when he shot a scene Sony Vaio in his 
pocket grabbing the scene. He is real gear geek.

Or am I now giving totally wrong advices? The HDMI confuses me a bit.

The CityDisk (the second link in my inital post above) is also claimed to
be able to record in DV format at the same time as HDV is recorded on
If you are playing a 1080i HDV tape, the 4:2:0 MPEG-2 is decoded and
chroma up-scaled to a 4:2:2. The HDMI chip downscales 1440 to 1280 while
it up-scales 540 to 720. The result is 720p which is output via HDMI.

Be sure to check the firmware of Citydisk. Some work, some don't. I believe 
this information can be digged from various webforums.

Hannu Vuolasaho

More photos, more messages, more storage—get 2GB with Windows Live Hotmail.

Cinelerra mailing list

RE: [CinCVS] Launch error

2007-04-02 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

Recently installed Cinelerra on Ubuntu edgy launches OK, but always
displays this notice first:

You can do it as it says. Before launching Cinelerra become root and tell 
kernel to increase shmmax.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo su
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/vuolasah# echo 0x7fff  /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax

Original sudo echo didn't work for me. I' mostly running edgy too. For 
Cinerella I use Dynebolic CD which has no distractions like Ubuntu has.

I'm also curious. Where should I put it in initscript if I always want to 
use 0x7fff as shmmax?

I don't know what it means, but can I avoid having to do this everytime
I launch cinerella ?+

And the meaning of the error is that cinelerra will unable to allocate large 
portion of shared memory Obviously that is set by default to 2GB so that 
nothing shouldn't get wild and allocate more than it is capable of handling. 
It's the border of 32bit integer.

Also increasing the shmmax you decrease maximum number of different 
applications if they all allocate a lot of memory.

Hannu Vuolasaho

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Cinelerra mailing list

[CinCVS] No compilation today :(

2007-03-28 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

Hi everyone!

I tried to compile cinelerra and x264 today. cinerella is in revision 1006 
and x264 in revision 235 according to svn info

I'm using Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) and I've tried many different configure 
options. X264 is compiled --enable-pic and cinerella just normal 
./configure. Harware is AMD Opteron dualcore and naturally 64-bit

I also tried compile cinelerra --with-mmx --with-3dnow --without-pic with no 
success errors we're different  and I come back to them if you want but now 
I want something for editing.

make ends with error in ld which finds undefined symbols to x264

Hannu Vuolasaho

-I/usr/include/mjpegtools -I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mpeg2enc 
-I/usr/include/mjpegtools/mplex -I/usr/include/OpenEXR 
-I../quicktime/ffmpeg/libavcodec -DPLUGIN_DIR=\/usr/local/lib/cinelerra\ 
-g -O2 -o .libs/cinelerra aattachmentpoint.o aautomation.o aboutprefs.o 
adeviceprefs.o aedit.o aedits.o amodule.o apatchgui.o apluginarray.o 
aplugin.o apluginset.o arender.o asset.o assetedit.o assetpopup.o 
assetremove.o assets.o atrack.o attachmentpoint.o audioalsa.o audiocine.o 
audiodevice.o audiodvb.o audioesound.o audioidevice.o audioodevice.o 
audiooss.o auto.o autoconf.o automation.o autos.o awindow.o awindowgui.o 
awindowmenu.o batch.o batchrender.o bitspopup.o brender.o browsebutton.o 
byteorderpopup.o cache.o cachebase.o canvas.o canvastools.o channel.o 
channeldb.o channeledit.o channelpicker.o chantables.o clipedit.o 
commonrender.o confirmquit.o confirmsave.o cpanel.o cplayback.o ctimebar.o 
ctracking.o cursor.o cwindow.o cwindowgui.o cwindowtool.o dcoffset.o dcraw.o 
deleteallindexes.o devicedvbinput.o drivesync.o dvbtune.o edit.o 
edithandles.o editpanel.o editpopup.o edits.o edl.o edlsession.o exportedl.o 
fadeengine.o ffmpeg.o fileac3.o fileavi.o filebaseaudio.o filebase.o 
filebaseima4.o filebaseulaw.o file.o filecr2.o filedv.o fileogg.o fileexr.o 
fileformat.o filejpeg.o filelist.o filemov.o filempeg.o filepng.o 
filesndfile.o filetga.o filethread.o filetiff.o filevorbis.o filexml.o 
fileyuv.o floatauto.o floatautos.o formatcheck.o formatpopup.o 
formatpresets.o formattools.o framecache.o garbage.o gwindow.o gwindowgui.o 
indexfile.o indexthread.o intauto.o intautos.o interfaceprefs.o keyframe.o 
keyframehandles.o keyframepopup.o keyframes.o labeledit.o labelnavigate.o 
labels.o levelwindow.o levelwindowgui.o loadbalance.o loadfile.o loadmode.o 
localsession.o main.o mainclock.o maincursor.o mainerror.o mainindexes.o 
mainmenu.o mainprogress.o mainsession.o mainundo.o manualgoto.o maskauto.o 
maskautos.o maskengine.o mbuttons.o menuaeffects.o menueffects.o 
menuveffects.o meterpanel.o module.o mtimebar.o mwindow.o mwindowedit.o 
mwindowgui.o mwindowmove.o new.o newfolder.o overlayframe.o 
packagedispatcher.o packagerenderer.o packagingengine.o panauto.o panautos.o 
patchbay.o patchgui.o performanceprefs.o picture.o pipe.o playabletracks.o 
playback3d.o playbackconfig.o playbackengine.o playbackprefs.o 
playtransport.o pluginaclient.o pluginaclientlad.o pluginarray.o 
pluginautos.o plugin.o pluginclient.o plugindialog.o pluginpopup.o 
pluginserver.o pluginset.o plugintclient.o plugintoggles.o pluginvclient.o 
preferences.o preferencesthread.o question.o quit.o recconfirmdelete.o 
recordableatracks.o recordablevtracks.o recordaudio.o record.o 
recordconfig.o recordgui.o recordlabel.o recordmonitor.o recordprefs.o 
recordthread.o recordtransport.o recordvideo.o recordwindow.o removethread.o 
render.o renderengine.o renderfarm.o renderfarmclient.o renderprofiles.o 
resample.o resizetrackthread.o resourcepixmap.o resourcethread.o 
samplescroll.o savefile.o setformat.o sharedlocation.o shmemory.o 
sighandler.o splashgui.o statusbar.o theme.o threadexec.o threadfork.o 
threadindexer.o threadloader.o timebar.o timeentry.o tipwindow.o track.o 
trackcanvas.o tracking.o tracks.o trackscroll.o tracksedit.o transition.o 
transitionhandles.o transitionpopup.o transportque.o tunerserver.o 
undostackitem.o vattachmentpoint.o vautomation.o vdevicebase.o vdevicebuz.o 
vdevicedvb.o vdeviceprefs.o vdevicev4l.o vdevicev4l2.o vdevicev4l2jpeg.o 
vdevicex11.o vedit.o vedits.o videodevice.o viewmenu.o virtualaconsole.o 
virtualanode.o virtualconsole.o virtualnode.o virtualvconsole.o 
virtualvnode.o vmodule.o vpatchgui.o vplayback.o vpluginarray.o vplugin.o 
vpluginset.o vrender.o vtimebar.o vtrack.o vtracking.o vwindow.o 
vwindowgui.o wavecache.o yuvstream.o zoombar.o zoompanel.o audio1394.o 
avc1394control.o avc1394transport.o device1394input.o device1394output.o 
iec61883input.o iec61883output.o vdevice1394.o -Wl,--export-dynamic  
data/libimagedata.a ../mpeg2enc/.libs/libmpeg2enc.a 
../toolame-02l/.libs/libtoolame.a ../quicktime/.libs/ 
../guicast/.libs/ ../libmpeg3/.libs/ 
/usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ 

Re: [CinCVS] No compilation today :(

2007-03-28 Thread Hannu Vuolasaho

From: Johannes Sixt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
CC: Hannu Vuolasaho [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [CinCVS] No compilation today :(
On Wednesday 28 March 2007 16:34, Hannu Vuolasaho wrote:
 ../quicktime/.libs/ undefined reference to

You compiled x264 yourself. You better find out which options you need so 
the missing functions are compiled into libx264. Hint: It must have 

to do with ssse3 ;) No?

Yes. Ubuntu comes with four months old version. Anyway I compiled everything 
possible like --with-pic --with-shared --with-debug and everything I could.

Then I got all same errors, but it came to /usr/local/lib/ and 
when I try  nm /usr/local/lib/

nm: /usr/local/lib/ no symbols

My limited skills found just their limit. How do I continue now for hunting 
lost symbols?

Hannu Vuolasaho

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Cinelerra mailing list