Re: [CinCVS] WHERE CINELERRA IS GOING? ...anyone? proposal for CinelerraCV 2 maintenace

2007-08-16 Thread Martin Ellison
Could you explain this more? svn allows branching, so why not just create as
many development branches as required and work there?

I do not know git, so could you please explain what git has over svn? (Not
intended as an attack).

On 16/08/07, Christian Thaeter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 2) Stop using SVN
 Even if commit access is generously handled to people who ask, it's
 still a big blocker as I explained earlier. As long we have only one
 linear history everything has global impact and there is no easy way to
 add new features without running in troubles. There is no easy way that
 small groups of people try and review new features, no easy way to get
 good but intrusive new ideas back into CV.

IT: Personal:

Re: [CinCVS] WHERE CINELERRA IS GOING? ...anyone? proposal for CinelerraCV 2 maintenace

2007-08-16 Thread Christian Thaeter
Martin Ellison wrote:
 Could you explain this more? svn allows branching, so why not just
 create as many development branches as required and work there?
 I do not know git, so could you please explain what git has over svn?
 (Not intended as an attack).

I am out of office today.

In short: SVN allows branching but does not support (enough) merging
and has many many more problems.

Best let linus explain:


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] WHERE CINELERRA IS GOING? ...anyone? proposal for CinelerraCV 2 maintenace

2007-08-16 Thread mark carter
On Thu, 2007-08-16 at 16:37 +0800, Martin Ellison wrote:
 Could you explain this more? svn allows branching, so why not just
 create as many development branches as required and work there? 
 I do not know git, so could you please explain what git has over svn?
 (Not intended as an attack). 

SVN is centralised, git is decentralised. Git is reputably easier to
merge. It also has scalability advantages, esp. wrt branching. In git,
there is no authority. If I want to add a cool feature, I fork a
repository, and add a feature. My repo then becomes one among any number
of forks of the project.

It is successful for Linus on his kernel development, but I think in
Cinelerra it has lead to a bit of a mish-mash - surprising since the
Linux kernel is undoubtedly a 2,3,4 or even 5 orders of magnitude more
complex than Cinelerra.

I think the problem is that git is good at creating forks, but merging
is a social issue. So I might create a cool feature, but there's no
guarantee that it will make it upstream. What Linus does is have a core
of developers who he trusts, and he willingly accepts patches from his
core team. He probably doesn't even look at what anyone else does. Now,
those core developers probably work in key separate areas, meaning
clashes are kept to a minimum. The core team, in turn, have their
trusted sources - and in this way, the whole thing builds like a pyramid
with Linus at the apex, Lord of all he surveys.

Now, I could go and take a copy of the Linux kernel, and immediately
produce a fork, declaring my branch to be superior. But that's a really
bad idea. It's a bad idea because no-one is interested in my fork. What
I probably should do if I want to submit a patch is branch something
that is interested in the kind of patch that I want to contribute, and
whose branch is eventually propagated upstream.

And I think this is the main problem we're seeing in Cinelerra: lots of
branches, but no upstream merging. So we're seeing lots of people making
useful contributions. but that the code is just whithering on the vine.
And I strongly suspect that as time goes on, the patches will become
unmergable. Probably git is much better at svn when it comes to merging;
but like svn, it isn't able to magically resolve code conflicts. 

I think what I'm saying is that git is merely a tool, it doesn't solve
the social and organisational issues. That's for humans to sort out.

At the moment, what I see, as I understand it, is: 
* Cinelerra-HV, which is Heroine's version
* Cinelerra-CV, which is basically HV plus or minus a few patches,
* ct, which is happy to part from both, attempting to bring
architectural improvements and some bug fixes
* cinelerra 3, which is basically a Cinelerra redesign
* a number of other players (including my branch), which attempt to do
various things in various combinations

Git makes it easy to create forks. But forking is a serious business,
and shouldn't be undertaken lightly.

I think interested parties really need to discuss this issue. And
perhaps we should be asking the question should we even really have a
Cinelerra-CV version?

Another key question might be: who produces the most code: HV, or CV?
If HV is chugging along at a steady pace, rarely accepting patches,
whilst CV is mired in difficulties, then one might form the conclusions
that it's better just to use HVs code, and forget about CV, or maybe
just use it for occasional minor bug fixes. OTOH, if the opinion is that
HV is sluggish, buggy, and the CV version would be more dynamic, then we
should probably conclude that we should form a proper fork, probably
using git, and let HV play catch-up with us. It all depends what you

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] WHERE CINELERRA IS GOING? ...anyone? proposal for CinelerraCV 2 maintenace

2007-08-16 Thread Kevin Brosius
On 2007-08-16 00:49, Christian Thaeter wrote:
 Kevin Brosius wrote:
  On 2007-08-15 17:36, Christian Thaeter wrote:


  I think you won't get much feedback from the older core developers since
  these goals are so large and you haven't tackled a smaller piece of Cin
 I have done little work in my branches but get demotivated by this
 'bottomless pit' discovery and that there is no much perspective to get
 new things merged into the SVN trunk because it breaks the current
 concept. I think thats exactly what many other potential contributors
 see. There are patches and contributions rotting somewhere.

Well, this 'patches rotting somewhere' is an argument without evidence
that you seem to keep making.  You understand that we've had a standing
policy that patches get added to the bug tracker for best tracking, or
sent to the mailing list if you can't be bothered to add them to the bug
tracker?  They don't 'get lost' either place.  A search will turn them
up easily (which is one of the reasons I personally like these methods.)

Maybe these patches you mention are rotting in git somewhere? ;)  The
more places people are told they can submit things, the more confusing
it is.

I only know of one or two Cin people that might go look at the git repo
for patches, so if they don't get mentioned on the mail list or
bugzilla, then they are going to rot there just as easily.

And while mob is a cute idea, you'd better tag things with email
addresses or some other contact information.  If we can't come back and
ask questions, verify platforms, or test cases, I'd question the value
of any anonymous contribution.  That just leaves you with a much larger
pile of average quality code that you can't get further info on.

Do you have any experience over 6 months on a large software project to
have an idea of what it takes to get a usable product out?


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] WHERE CINELERRA IS GOING? ...anyone? proposal for CinelerraCV 2 maintenace

2007-08-16 Thread Martin Ellison
On 16/08/07, Herman Robak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 ...  Adam would not be able to fix this in a reasonable timeframe, even if
 he was given an exhaustive TODO list.  Neither will we, unless a lot
 of the underlying code is redone to support all the stuff that an NLE
 and compositor of the future should support.  It has to be maintainable,
 extensible and reasonably layered.  It needs to be elegant and beautiful,
 too, or too few coders will be attracted to it.

Doesa anyone know Adam's views on the questions that we have been discussing

IT: Personal:

Re: [CinCVS] WHERE CINELERRA IS GOING? ...anyone? proposal for CinelerraCV 2 maintenace

2007-08-15 Thread Christian Thaeter
This my maybe arguable view how to hive Cinelerra CV out of its
develoment stall:

1) Change the focus of CinelerraCV
Currently CVs goal is repackaging the HV version and fixing bugs.
But a real community version should acknowledge progress and new
features which are contributed by the community.

2) Stop using SVN
Even if commit access is generously handled to people who ask, it's
still a big blocker as I explained earlier. As long we have only one
linear history everything has global impact and there is no easy way to
add new features without running in troubles. There is no easy way that
small groups of people try and review new features, no easy way to get
good but intrusive new ideas back into CV.

3) Make releases
Cinelerra CV has only this SVN there is no release schedule and no
defined point when the source is called to be stable (well we can't
define in a lack of testsuite and presense of many bugs anyways). This
yields the result that anyone (including distributors and packagers)
build on some (maybe recent?) svn revision. There are packages from many
different versions out there which makes it not really easy to track
reported bugs down. Users have doubts which is the best version for them
already just because this linear revision history without release
statements, which is imo more worse than a magnitude of git branches
with defined releases (and maybe bugfix revisions on them)

4) Make tracking HV less important
We want some branch which tracks heroines versions and refactors it into
smaller commits as we are doing now, but this should be considered as
tool and foundation of any work which is done on our releases. This
means the CV version should be maintained in another branch and new
features should be added on our development (or release) branches.
Finally we may provide a backporting branch where imminent bugfixes are
prepared to be mergeable with the hv-tracking version. So this becomes a
way how we can contribute back to HV which is currently not a easy case.
Maybe Adam once speaks about what he wants, so far he complained that
the community didn't provide much useable feedback .. and admitably he
was right, takeing HV less important will actually allow us to do more
work and thus may provide more benefits for HV getting some
contributions feed back.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] WHERE CINELERRA IS GOING? ...anyone? proposal for CinelerraCV 2 maintenace

2007-08-15 Thread Mikko Huhtala
Christian Thaeter writes:
  This my maybe arguable view how to hive Cinelerra CV out of its
  develoment stall:
  1) Change the focus of CinelerraCV
[ ... ]
  2) Stop using SVN
[ ... ]
  3) Make releases
[ ... ]
  4) Make tracking HV less important

Hear hear. I've been reading this thread and this is precisely what I
would have liked to have said, but I'm not a developer so it's not my
place to say. But even to an outsider, it seems that both
communication and code exchange with HV is much, much too infrequent,
and that this is holding things back.

Btw. regarding the debate about the graphical interface and the style
of icons, I'd suggest people take a look at the Jokosher
project. Jokosher is an recording studio / nonlinear editor for audio,
and it has very much focused on usability from the start. Imagine a
first-time user trying to use something like Jokosher on one hand and
something like Cinelerra on the other.

I _like_ the concept and efficiency of the Cinelerra interface, but
the GUI is ugly, hard to read and feels needlessly foreign in places
where it could easily follow the conventions of common Linux apps
(e.g. GNOME / KDE human interface guidelines). This is about much more
than looking pretty, it truly is about usability and following
interface conventions. I think there is a lot of low-hanging fruit
that Cinelerra could pick relatively easily. It wouldn't be necessary
to change toolkits or anything.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] WHERE CINELERRA IS GOING? ...anyone? proposal for CinelerraCV 2 maintenace

2007-08-15 Thread Fred Williams
On Wed, 2007-15-08 at 21:20 +0300, Mikko Huhtala wrote:
 Christian Thaeter writes:
   This my maybe arguable view how to hive Cinelerra CV out of its
   develoment stall:
   1) Change the focus of CinelerraCV
 [ ... ]
   2) Stop using SVN
 [ ... ]
   3) Make releases
 [ ... ]
   4) Make tracking HV less important
Just gently to put my oar in again, I guess there are some good
motivations for doing this, although I liked the black nature of the
interface and thought it looked very professional from the start, and
any of those changes are in the future, I understand.
I just wonder if this might involve the demise of Cinelerra if you
start a massive rewrite of the program, decoupling it from HV, then what
happens to the CV version of things?  Does it end here?
Why not write a separate Video Editor with a *new name*, if it's going
to be so different in structure and allow the current Cinelerra to
continue, both HV an CV.  I've come to like it and I fear that you might
not get enough coders to successfully develop the new version and we'll
wind up with lots of half developed lines none of which function well if
at all and no really good freeware video editor.  Maybe I'm seeing this
wrongly, but it's just the impression I get from reading the recent
posts,... like I've seen this scenario on other projects and it usually
ends up badly, not always, of course.  Just a thought.

 Hear hear. I've been reading this thread and this is precisely what I
 would have liked to have said, but I'm not a developer so it's not my
 place to say. But even to an outsider, it seems that both
 communication and code exchange with HV is much, much too infrequent,
 and that this is holding things back.
Well, that could be.


 I _like_ the concept and efficiency of the Cinelerra interface, but
 the GUI is ugly, hard to read and feels needlessly foreign in places
 where it could easily follow the conventions of common Linux apps
 (e.g. GNOME / KDE human interface guidelines).

You mean like putting preferences under the edit menu and stuff like
that.  Yes that would be progressive.

  This is about much more
 than looking pretty, it truly is about usability and following
 interface conventions. I think there is a lot of low-hanging fruit
 that Cinelerra could pick relatively easily. It wouldn't be necessary
 to change toolkits or anything.

Could be nice, but is this what is falling under the category of human
interface, which won't be touched for a couple of years.  Fine, it can
be good to get requests in early, but they may not remember it by then.
Good ideas, though.

Warmest Regards,
Fred Williams

Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] WHERE CINELERRA IS GOING? ...anyone? proposal for CinelerraCV 2 maintenace

2007-08-15 Thread Christian Thaeter
mark carter wrote:
 On Wed, 2007-08-15 at 19:36 +0200, Christian Thaeter wrote:
 2) Stop using SVN
 I just saw a YouTube vid by Linus who is talking about git:
 Even if commit access is generously handled to people who ask, it's
 still a big blocker as I explained earlier. As long we have only one
 linear history everything has global impact and there is no easy way to
 add new features without running in troubles. There is no easy way that
 small groups of people try and review new features, no easy way to get
 good but intrusive new ideas back into CV.
 I think the problem is that there's a lot of good code out there that
 isn't making it into the main tree, for want of a better word (and no,
 I'm not necessarily thinking of my code). Actually, I think the problem
 is only partly to do with it being in SVN and not in GIT. I think the
 main problem is lack of modularity. Without sufficient modularity, GIT
 can't help much.
 For example, I might even suggest (radically) that the plugins shouldn't
 even be in the git repository. People who want to write plugins should
 make their own repos consisting only of the plugin they want to submit.
 People developing the core of cinelerra wont even care about the
 plugins. Users can just download the plugins they're interested in, from
 whatever place they are available, and use those. Maybe packagers will
 come along and bolt the cinelerra core together with the plugins.
 It can go further. Take file loading. If file loaders were plugins, then
 that would be another that could be separated out.
For cin3 we will do it this way, using the brand new git-submodule
support which will become useable really soon. When it is time, detailed
instructions will follow.

For cin2, using git will just enable that someone sets up this
infrastructure (I thought about doing this with the docs first, working
together with raffa sometime next). You won't be able to propose / show
such radical things on the SVN, git is just a enabler for this.

The problem I see is that this has 2 parts
1. The modularization on the repository level, which is doable.
2. Tear the current sourcetree apart to modularize things, which has
impacts on dependencies and build system setup. For the plugins that
would be easy since they have already their own subdirectories, for
filehandling and codecs this may involve quite much work and refactoring.

 What I'm saying is that in order for git to work, you have to have
 separate subsytems - with well-defined interfaces, of course.
Thats one of the reasons which motivate cin3. I started to refactor
cin2's sourcebase which seemed just to be a bottomless pit.

 I could be misunderstanding how git derives its strength, though.But I
 think the problem we're seeing is a lot of forks that don't stand much
 chance of being propagated to the main branch, which I think is a shame
 because it means that a lot of good effort has gone to waste. 
The question is who is responsible for deciding what goes into the main
branch or moreover what defines a main branch.

We need to change our goals first and define what has to constitute
CinelerraCV releases and then think about some way how we work together
to get the stuff in place, distributed revision control would be only a
tool providing us the ability to reach this goals, but not make
decisions about the project direction, thats clear. And thats exactly
why I created this mob repository and my 'ct' branch, to free developers
from the constraints that there is a stalled SVN branch with no much
perspective to get things merged.

Finally we have at least some discussion how to work this out, maybe
really soon we can agree on some process how we assemble releases, maybe
we just happily merge from each other and meet again in a few months and
decide/vote what should go into a official release, or we nominate a
Release Manager among us who is responsible to prepare the next
release, or we use some shared git repo where anyone can push changes
which will be blessed official and reviewed with the goal of a
releaseable state.

How we decide to do it lies in our hands, after all I try to push us
into a Just-Do-It direction, we could talk endlessly about it, as long
the current centralized branch is there, we will stuck to discussions
with no progress.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] WHERE CINELERRA IS GOING? ...anyone? proposal for CinelerraCV 2 maintenace

2007-08-15 Thread Kevin Brosius
On 2007-08-15 17:36, Christian Thaeter wrote:
 This my maybe arguable view how to hive Cinelerra CV out of its
 develoment stall:
 1) Change the focus of CinelerraCV
 2) Stop using SVN
 3) Make releases
 4) Make tracking HV less important

I've been pretty silent on these issues so far, not wanted to put a
damper on new ideas and contributions, but looking at all the ideas
makes me think you should really consider a true fork.

You've proposed:
  * Changing the project goals
  * Changing the project tools
  * Redesigning the core of Cin
  * Rewriting the core of Cin

I think you won't get much feedback from the older core developers since
these goals are so large and you haven't tackled a smaller piece of Cin

The other thing that comes to mind is that you shouldn't co-opt the
Cinelerra name for a new project (Cinelerra 3) if Adam does not
contribute a reasonable portion of the code.  It is, after all, his
video editor.  As the Cinelerra 2 code base is GPL, you can certainly
use portions of it for a new design with attribution to Adam.

The amount of work proposed for the new project is not unlike the scope
of a project we presently have running at work.  It's probably a 10 year
project until completion.  I suspect the core contributors are not
thinking about a full rewrite at this time.

I'd like to hear their thoughts also, of course.


Cinelerra mailing list

Re: [CinCVS] WHERE CINELERRA IS GOING? ...anyone? proposal for CinelerraCV 2 maintenace

2007-08-15 Thread Christian Thaeter
Kevin Brosius wrote:
 On 2007-08-15 17:36, Christian Thaeter wrote:
 This my maybe arguable view how to hive Cinelerra CV out of its
 develoment stall:

 1) Change the focus of CinelerraCV
 2) Stop using SVN
 3) Make releases
 4) Make tracking HV less important
 I've been pretty silent on these issues so far, not wanted to put a
 damper on new ideas and contributions, but looking at all the ideas
 makes me think you should really consider a true fork.
I think declaring this a true fork would be contraproductive, my least
intention is to divert the cinelerra community, I wan't to get some new
drive where people are motivated to contribute. At some extent, this
will only work if the Community supports this (if not, fine, stay where
you are). Yet alone the discussion started now may hopefully yield some
result which leads to little progress.

 You've proposed:
for current CinelerraCV:
   * Changing the project goals
   * Changing the project tools

As new project:
   * Redesigning the core of Cin
   * Rewriting the core of Cin

Take this as 2 different things which don't depend on each other and
could happen each one alone and in parallel.

 I think you won't get much feedback from the older core developers since
 these goals are so large and you haven't tackled a smaller piece of Cin
I have done little work in my branches but get demotivated by this
'bottomless pit' discovery and that there is no much perspective to get
new things merged into the SVN trunk because it breaks the current
concept. I think thats exactly what many other potential contributors
see. There are patches and contributions rotting somewhere.

 The other thing that comes to mind is that you shouldn't co-opt the
 Cinelerra name for a new project (Cinelerra 3) if Adam does not
 contribute a reasonable portion of the code.  It is, after all, his
 video editor.  As the Cinelerra 2 code base is GPL, you can certainly
 use portions of it for a new design with attribution to Adam.
I agree that we could only name it Cinelerra 3 when Adam supports this
decision. We will certainly reuse some of his code and I have the hope
that he contributes/joins the efforts somehow/sometime, but thats really
up to him and I don't want to make guesses unless he speaks out. So far
we would like to name it cinelerra 3 because out intention is to create
the next incarnation of cinelerra and not just another video editor.

 The amount of work proposed for the new project is not unlike the scope
 of a project we presently have running at work.  It's probably a 10 year
 project until completion.  I suspect the core contributors are not
 thinking about a full rewrite at this time.
Well, then think about it. I know that this is a massive task for the
next few years and we won't or even can't do it alone without support
and help from the rest of the community.

 I'd like to hear their thoughts also, of course.
Me too, well I can only stress that this might be started by a few
people as now, giving it a seed and motivation, but it will require the
experience and involvement of more people in future to become a success.


Cinelerra mailing list