On Wed, 2007-15-08 at 21:20 +0300, Mikko Huhtala wrote:
> Christian Thaeter writes:
>  > This my maybe arguable view how to hive Cinelerra CV out of its
>  > develoment stall:
>  > 
>  > 1) Change the focus of CinelerraCV
> [ ... ]
>  > 2) Stop using SVN
> [ ... ]
>  > 3) Make releases
> [ ... ]
>  > 4) Make tracking HV less important
        Just gently to put my oar in again, I guess there are some good
motivations for doing this, although I liked the "black" nature of the
interface and thought it looked very professional from the start, and
any of those changes are in the future, I understand.
        I just wonder if this might involve the demise of Cinelerra if you
start a massive rewrite of the program, decoupling it from HV, then what
happens to the CV version of things?  Does it end here?
        Why not write a separate Video Editor with a *new name*, if it's going
to be so different in structure and allow the current Cinelerra to
continue, both HV an CV.  I've come to like it and I fear that you might
not get enough coders to successfully develop the new version and we'll
wind up with lots of half developed lines none of which function well if
at all and no really good freeware video editor.  Maybe I'm seeing this
wrongly, but it's just the impression I get from reading the recent
posts,... like I've seen this scenario on other projects and it usually
ends up badly, not always, of course.  Just a thought.

> Hear hear. I've been reading this thread and this is precisely what I
> would have liked to have said, but I'm not a developer so it's not my
> place to say. But even to an outsider, it seems that both
> communication and code exchange with HV is much, much too infrequent,
> and that this is holding things back.
        Well, that could be.


> I _like_ the concept and efficiency of the Cinelerra interface, but
> the GUI is ugly, hard to read and feels needlessly foreign in places
> where it could easily follow the conventions of common Linux apps
> (e.g. GNOME / KDE human interface guidelines).

        You mean like putting "preferences" under the edit menu and stuff like
that.  Yes that would be progressive.

>  This is about much more
> than looking pretty, it truly is about usability and following
> interface conventions. I think there is a lot of low-hanging fruit
> that Cinelerra could pick relatively easily. It wouldn't be necessary
> to change toolkits or anything.

        Could be nice, but is this what is falling under the category of human
interface, which won't be touched for a couple of years.  Fine, it can
be good to get requests in early, but they may not remember it by then.
Good ideas, though.

Warmest Regards,
Fred Williams

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