This my maybe arguable view how to hive Cinelerra CV out of its
develoment stall:

1) Change the focus of CinelerraCV
Currently CVs goal is repackaging the HV version and fixing bugs.
But a real community version should acknowledge progress and new
features which are contributed by the community.

2) Stop using SVN
Even if commit access is generously handled to people who ask, it's
still a big blocker as I explained earlier. As long we have only one
linear history everything has global impact and there is no easy way to
add new features without running in troubles. There is no easy way that
small groups of people try and review new features, no easy way to get
good but intrusive new ideas back into CV.

3) Make releases
Cinelerra CV has only this SVN there is no release schedule and no
defined point when the source is called to be stable (well we can't
define in a lack of testsuite and presense of many bugs anyways). This
yields the result that anyone (including distributors and packagers)
build on some (maybe recent?) svn revision. There are packages from many
different versions out there which makes it not really easy to track
reported bugs down. Users have doubts which is the best version for them
already just because this linear revision history without release
statements, which is imo more worse than a magnitude of git branches
with defined releases (and maybe bugfix revisions on them)

4) Make tracking HV less important
We want some branch which tracks heroines versions and refactors it into
smaller commits as we are doing now, but this should be considered as
tool and foundation of any work which is done on our releases. This
means the CV version should be maintained in another branch and new
features should be added on our development (or release) branches.
Finally we may provide a backporting branch where imminent bugfixes are
prepared to be mergeable with the hv-tracking version. So this becomes a
way how we can contribute back to HV which is currently not a easy case.
Maybe Adam once speaks about what he wants, so far he complained that
the community didn't provide much useable feedback .. and admitably he
was right, takeing HV less important will actually allow us to do more
work and thus may provide more benefits for HV getting some
contributions feed back.


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