RE: Kind suggestion is Needed! [7:50317]

2002-07-31 Thread Alex Lei

Mr. Ahmad,

I have found Tanenbaum's Computer Networks, 2nd edition to be a very good
book. Radia Perlman's Bridges and Switches is also a classic.


a. ahmad wrote:
 Dear All,
 I just want to work on my basic concepts of networking and for
 that I need the name of some valuable books. I am no more
 interested in studying CCNA,CCNP books as I have already
 studied those books. I hope you can understand my point. I
 just want my base as strong as possible and then gradually move
 towards advance networking stuff. My ultimate aim is to be a
 Voice Engineer.
 Thanks in advance!

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Re: Huawei routers - a.k.a. [7:49778]

2002-07-26 Thread Alex Lei


I'd be very very surprised if Huawei violated Cisco's rights, simply because
Huawei is the largest networking gear company in China, if they did anything
suspicious, Cisco would surely find them. From what I know, Huawei is a
pretty ethical company for a multi national corporation, and they sponsor a
lot of research projects in Chinese universities.

For the question in an earlier thread, Hua means China, Wei is effort or


Ron Tan wrote:
 Hi group,
 Huawei routers were introduced into the local market sometime
 in the past 2
 months in an asian networking exhibition called Communicasia.
 That's where I met the Huawei distributor whom had volunteered
 to provide a
 demo set for me to play with (myself from an international mnc,
 has current
 projects to revamp our LAN/WAN structure) and guess what, my
 boss is
 requesting me to have a look at their routers !
 The day the router came into the office, I noticed that there
 were no
 manuals provided. After meddling with the router, I believed
 that there was
 no need to request for one in the first place ! There will be no
 requirements to load the box with IOS, it is IOS (with a bit of
 differences). The whole thing was CLONED !
 I'm not too sure about reversed-engineering but more on how
 Cisco  is going
 to protect their market dominance. With boxes selling for
 30-40% cheaper, I
 guess lots of ppl will be rushing off to buy it.
 Guess might as well I pack my bags for China to get a new set of
 Ron Tan

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RE: PIX 520 Motherboard repair replace [7:48959]

2002-07-16 Thread Alex Lei

I don't know the details, but I would imagine that the boot roms are
different. I can't really see Cisco using a Phoenix bios... Finesse is the
original OS used in PIXes, the boot roms probably have the Finesse kernel
inside. Larry Letterman would probably know for sure.


Calorifer Gogu wrote:
 A couple of weeks back I bought for about $100 a defective
 The box came complete with one 16 MB Flash card and one NIC.
 The box was sold to me as Motherboard defective it is the
 Intell Al440LX moteherboard. I took apart PIX boxes before at
 work and noticed that they were actuall PC Mobos. That is why I
 reasoned that repairing the PIX 520 should be only a matter of
 replacing the board with an identicall one that retails for no
 more than $60.
 I also noticed that the newer boards on the PIX 520's are Intel
 SE440BX2 without sound modules.
 I went ahead and bought the new board and installed all cards
 but when I power up I get no console output. I reasoned that
 the Flash card might be bad and I installed one with 2 MB,
 still same results...No console output. I went to CCO and
 downloaded the Boothelper utilities to boot the PIX from the
 Floppy but that does not help either.
 I have read multiple discussions about Clone PIX and
 FrankenPIX where people stated that you can build one if you
 just have the Flash card... Aparently there is more to that.
 Any Ideeas? CISCO TAC told me that there is special drivers
 for the console port onboard the original Motherboards on a
 chip. I have some doubts about that considering that in all the
 times I contacted TAC with different issues I got vague answers
 and they allways missed the point regardless of the fact that I
 have a Partner contract.
 Meantime I acuired a local director with a working
 motherboard inside but without flash. I took that out and
 swapped out the PIX Mobo but I still get no console output.
 Meantime If I use the board as a PC board everithing is fine.
 Is there a certain BIOS that needs to be loaded on the
 Motherboard prior to installing the cards ?
 On the sho ver of some PIX 520 with 2 MB Flash there is a
 Finesse Bios V3.3 is this line refering to the bios on the
 board or on the Flash card ?
 Any insight in this issue will be appreciated

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RE: PIX 520 Motherboard repair replace [7:48959]

2002-07-16 Thread Alex Lei

Facts have spoken. I retract my prior statements. 

By extension, could you have used a differenet MB / CPU? 


Mike Sweeney wrote:
 Special drivers? bunk-
 It can be replaced with a normal, garden varity Intel SE440BX
 motherboard. I happen to use a recycled PII 300Mhz slot1
 processor which had been used as a paperweight for the last
 year ;)

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Re: Networkers Power Slides [7:47900]

2002-07-02 Thread Alex Lei

Thanks Steve. The slides are very helpful.


Steven A. Ridder wrote:
 Oops, wrong link.
 RFC 1149 Compliant
 Clayton Dukes  wrote in message
  I didn't see the power slides there, where are they?
  Clayton Dukes
  - Original Message -
  From: Steven A. Ridder
  Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 10:09 AM
  Subject: Re: Networkers Power Slides [7:47900]
   Found the link finally.
   Steven A. Ridder  wrote in message
What are the power slides?  But they are publically
 available, I just
to find the link
RFC 1149 Compliant.
JohnZ  wrote in message
 Does any one have the link to the Power Slides from San
 Are these even available yet.

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RE: Pix don't route [7:46356]

2002-06-12 Thread Alex Lei


Why not use the router to terminate the links, and put the PIX behind the
router? The PIX will inspect the traffic, and the router can send traffic to
different links depending on where it originated from. Usually a 515 may be
a better solution because it has a DMZ interface where the server can sit
on, but I guess there is a cost concern.


Wayne Jang wrote:
 The Pix don't route, but can I do this?
 I have a 2 server 20 user small office.
 I have a Pix 506 sitting in front of a 2621 with a T1 and a DSL
 link to the
 Internet.  I'm not looking to load balance or even do
 redundancy.  I just
 want traffic from the servers to use the T1 and I want traffic
 from the
 users to use DSL.  I could use access-lists on the 2621 to
 direct the
 traffic based on source address, but how will the 2621 know
 where the
 traffic came from?  Won't all traffic have a source address of
 the Pix
 outside interface?  What if I Nat the servers(on PIx) so that
 they will
 appear to have a different source IP than the users who will be
 behind the
 global outside address?  I'll need more public addresses, but
 that would be
 I can't get any help from Cisco Pre-Sales because they aren't
 sure.  I can't
 get an engineer that knows more than me (not much).
 My fall back plan is to only use the 2621 and have a firewall
 IOS.  But I
 would rather use the Pix, especially because we have already
 quoted the
 above solution and are working to save face.
 Wayne Jang
 Advanced Computer Technologies, Inc.
 108 Main Street
 Norwalk, CT 06851
 Wk 203-847-9433
 Cell 203-943-6603

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RE: dial up problem [7:44244]

2002-05-14 Thread Alex Lei


This sounds more like the so - called blind dial. Some countries will not
have the dial tone when you connect the modem to it. In order to use dial up
you have to disable the wait for dial tone feature otherwise your modem
would just wait forever.


supernet wrote:
 When I travel to Japan, I have to disable wait for dial tone
 to make
 my Windows dial-up networking work. I was told Japan hotel PBXs
 configured this way. Is this so-called EM delay start? Will
 wait for dial tone cause any problem in US? 

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RE: VTP Concentrator - client to client [7:44276]

2002-05-14 Thread Alex Lei


I think there might be some routing problems. IPSEC is not like a serial
link, it will not pass all traffic, it only passed traffic from one endpoint
of the tunnel to the other endpoint of the tunnel. In your scenario, once
the packet gets to the concentrator, the concentrator wouldn't know how to
pass the packet off to the other client.

The issue is probably really the transient nature of the dial up sessions.
Imagine two clients running on DSL, then I can see them communicate to each
other through the concentrator. They just need static routes in between
them. Any comments?


Gaz wrote:
 Hi all
 Someone was banding this question around at work today, so
 although it's
 possibly a little off topic, I don't feel too guilty because I
 don't need
 the answer, just interested.
 If two clients each access a network via the internet in to one
 concentrator, is it possible in any way to let the two separate
 clients also
 access each other's networks?
 We had a few off the cuff ideas, but nothing that would seem to
 be a go'er.
 Things like running overlapping NAT on an internal router with
 Anybody got any mad ideas, or possibly any sane ones?

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RE: Puzzles -gt; WAS RE: My interview story [7:40553]

2002-04-09 Thread Alex Lei

  If you have 2 20' poles, a 32' rope strung between them, and
  lowest point of the rope is 4' off of the ground, how far
 apart are
  the poles?

If I understand correctly, I think the answer to this one is 16'.

If the rope is attached to the ends of the poles, then the drop of the rope
is 20' - 4' = 16'.

The rope has total length of 32', the total length is composed of a drop and
a horizontal span. So even though the shape of the rope is a parabola, we
can just subtract the drop from the total length to get the span.


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RE: BGP question [7:40525]

2002-04-04 Thread Alex Lei


Why is redistribution into an IGP a big no - no? My understanding is that
this is what people usually do.

If you use OSPF and E2 routes on the third router, then OSPF should find the
optimal route.


Steven A. Ridder wrote:
 If I had 2 7206 routers dual homed to two different ISP's for
 redundancy, I
 know I don't NEED the full bgp table, but if I were to accept
 them for
 optimal routing within my network, how would I tell my internal
 routers who
 don;t run BGP which of the two 7206 routers to go to for a
 specific route
 oout to the internet?  I assume doing a redistribution into the
 IGP is a big
 no-no, so how do small 3600's and 2600's inside the AS know
 which of the two
 routers to send the traffic to based on the fact that that one
 router has
 the better route?
 I can think of adding a third 7206 router which would run BGP,
 connect to
 the other two routers and accept the full table as well, and
 the internal
 routers would use that one as the gateway to the internet, but
 if I didn't
 have that third router, is there any other way?
 RFC 1149 Compliant.
 Get in my head:

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RE: BGP question [7:40525]

2002-04-04 Thread Alex Lei

That pretty much rules out redistributing into IGP. I am thinking that
Steve's original suggestion is the only way to go, but I feel that there may
be a problem accepting full routes from two different providers.

Any comments?


 I'm no BGP guru, but I would have thought also that
 redistributing *full
 routes* (as opposed to a default) into your IGP might overload
 routers rather badly.  The original poster referred to 2600s
 and 3600s
 inside the AS.
 - Forwarded by Jenny Mcleod/NSO/CSDA on 05/04/2002 09:36 am
 Lomker, Michael 
 05/04/2002 08:38 am
 Please respond to Lomker, Michael
 Subject:RE: BGP question [7:40525]
  Why is redistribution into an IGP a big no - no? My 
  understanding is that this is what people usually do.
 You'd have to be careful about advertising those routes back
 out to BGP
 again.  There was a famous case of someone bringing down the
 Internet by
 creating such a loop.  Needless to say, their ISP shouldn't
 have been
 accepting advertisements for networks that the company didn't

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RE: MCNS Boson test [7:40224]

2002-04-02 Thread Alex Lei


I used Bernard Omrani's test (#2, I think). I liked the questions, and
Bernard replied promptly when I took issue with one of the questions.


Ole Drews Jensen wrote:
 This doesn't answer your question perfectly, but could be a
 good advise.
 What I do is to take all the tests, and the one I score the
 worst in I buy.
 I also look who wrote the test to see if I recognize a writer
 from a
 previous good test.
 I have not tried the MCNS tests yet, so I cannot give you any
  Ole Drews Jensen
  Systems Network Manager
  RWR Enterprises, Inc.
  Need a Job?
 -Original Message-
 From: Sanjay Dalal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, April 02, 2002 1:49 PM
 Subject: MCNS Boson test [7:40224]
 Does anyone know which test from BOSON  is best for MCNS test ?
 There are three tests available at their site and am wondering
 which one
 should i buy ?
 MCNS #1
 MCNS #3
 thanks in advance

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RE: Embryonic connections [7:38451]

2002-03-15 Thread Alex Lei

I think it refers to half open TCP connections. For example, you may have a
whole bunch of SYN requests that your box has ACKed, but has not received a
SYN ACK from.


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concentrator 3000 vs. checkpoint vpn [7:37474]

2002-03-06 Thread Alex Lei


Has anyone used both concentrator 3000 and checkpoint vpn (either software
or hardware)? What are each's advantages and disadvantages? I am interested
in the following factors: Ease of installation and configuration, security,
manageability, reporting and logging, scalability, and pricing. I've
searched the archives but couldn't find any real world advices.



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Cisco Symposium 2002 [7:36673]

2002-02-27 Thread Alex Lei

Not sure if most of you already received this.

Training sessions, free test, and if are already a qualified lab candidate,
free CCIE lab test. Hurry up, the sessions are filling up really quickly.


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RE: 3DES [7:34756] AES? [7:34863]

2002-02-08 Thread Alex Lei

FIPS197 was declared as the new AES in November, 2001. The standard will be
in effect in May, 2002. When do we see it in actual products... not too sure.

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RE: Need Cisco guru help [7:34864]

2002-02-08 Thread Alex Lei

I have a feeling this is a mismatch type of problem. Please see the link

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RE: CIT Test [7:34856]

2002-02-08 Thread Alex Lei

I don't think it was difficult, it was simply illy - organized and poorly
worded. As always, if it's too confusing to reason, process of elimination
works great.


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RE: logging the access on a router [7:34346]

2002-02-04 Thread Alex Lei


You can use access lists to log it. You can use either logging buffered
(limited in number of entries) or use a dedicated log server.


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Re: DSL [7:30032]

2001-12-24 Thread Alex Lei

Hello Farhn, can tell you a lot of about your provider. Like who
provides the loop, the distance between you and the CO... Check it out.


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RE: How to disable NAT in Cisco PIX? [7:29641]

2001-12-19 Thread Alex Lei

Hello David,

I think your config should work, too. But here are a few suggestions

1. use nat (inside) 0 0 0 instead of nat (inside) 0
2. delete static (inside, outside), it's not
really needed.
3. Like Ejay said, do a traceroute. You mentioned that connectivity is
fine, does that mean pings and traces work, just not http?


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RE: need advice [7:29392]

2001-12-18 Thread Alex Lei

Hello Festus:

1. This is a persistent and difficult problem. The short answer is, you
can't. There are a lot of products like Cyberpatrol, but they are not on the
router. Usually they are on the proxy servers, end PC's and firewalls. They
can block a lot of sites but not all. Filtering based on word list is not
entirely accurate, either. But they do work. Since you are just trying to
block porn access in a cybercafe, they are probably good candidates. But --
they cost money.

2. The second question is more like a Microsoft question, not sure. 


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RE: CCIE Lab Book Review [7:28991]

2001-12-12 Thread Alex Lei

I thought it was OK, but not in depth enough. It covered a pretty wide range
of topics, so most of the labs seem to only scratch the surface. Not sure
about the mistakes part.

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RE: CCIE written questions [7:28862]

2001-12-11 Thread Alex Lei

Hello Ike,

From your email address I know you are based in China. Perhaps you are not
very aware of Cisco's lawyer's fearsome powers due to geographical distance.
I mean no ill will and this is simply a friendly reminder, but please
refrain from posting actual test questions. You signed the Non - disclosure
agreement when you took the test, and they can, and have, revoked people's
certs because of leakage.


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OT: outlook bashing [7:28107]

2001-12-04 Thread Alex Lei

I wish it was easier to be security - conscious with Microsoft products..
but outlook is very difficult to secure. For a lot of users, it's tedious
for them to disable preview panel and automatic preview; increase attachment
security level and macros security level. These features should have never
been implemented, or at least shipped disabled. I have received a good dozen
infected emails this morning alone.

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RE: Diffle-Hellman Exchange Question [7:27952]

2001-12-03 Thread Alex Lei

Hello Hunt,

In my understanding the shared key never go across the network. Each peer
computes it out separately. Where did you see in CCO saying that the DES key
is sent across the internet?


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RE: Diffle-Hellman Exchange Question [7:27952]

2001-12-03 Thread Alex Lei

I have a link here for your reference. Read the section on RSA.

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RE: 2500 Router problem [7:27695]

2001-11-29 Thread Alex Lei

Hello James,

Since your router 2 IP is on a different subnet you need to have either
routes set up; or run some kind of routing protocol.


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RE: OSPF and E2's, why default? [7:27390]

2001-11-26 Thread Alex Lei

Hello Christopher,

If I am not mistaken, E2 is always used by default, but if E1 and E2 are
both available for the same destination, E1 will be used.


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RE: vpn [7:26452]

2001-11-16 Thread Alex Lei

If I understand you correctly, yes. The real destination IP is hidden, and
the destination IP address visible to the internet is the VPN server on the
other side.

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RE: Latency on the local access circuit [7:26263]

2001-11-14 Thread Alex Lei


I have a feeling that you might have tried the below, but just for a

Is the ping time always high, or does it vary depending on the time of the
day? If it's the latter, it might be a congestion problem, and you can check
for the presence of FECN's on the frame switch. This happened to me once,
and it turned out to be an incorrect CIR on the PVC.


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