Seq forms with preceding #^metadata lose the metadata

2008-12-02 Thread Kei Suzuki


Whenever a seq form is preceded by #^metadata, the metadata is ignored
or only {:line n} is associated with.

For example, these return the metadata as expected:

(meta (with-meta '(1) {:v 1}))
(meta (with-meta (quote (1)) {:v 1}))
(meta (with-meta (list 1) {:v 1}))
(meta (with-meta (vector 1) {:v 1}))
(meta (with-meta (hash-map :a 1) {:v 1}))
(meta (with-meta (set [1]) {:v 1}))

But none of these equivalents work and either nil or {:line n} is

(meta #^{:v 1} '(1))
(meta #^{:v 1} (quote (1)))
(meta #^{:v 1} (list 1))
(meta #^{:v 1} (vector 1))
(meta #^{:v 1} (hash-map :a 1))
(meta #^{:v 1} (set [1]))

However, these work (because what's following is a non-seq form):

(meta #^{:v 1} [1])
(meta #^{:v 1} {:a 1})
(meta #^{:v 1} #{1})

Looking at the Clojure source code, it looks like
LispReader.MetaReader does associate the metadata to the seq form but
it's ignored when the seq form is analyzed by Compiler.analyzeSeq.

Is this by design?
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Re: Serializing Clojure objects

2008-12-02 Thread Parth Malwankar

Tayssir John Gabbour wrote:
> Hi!
> How should I approach serialization? I made a little test function
> which serializes and deserializes Clojure objects. It works for
> strings, integers, symbols, LazilyPersistentVectors and.. oddly..
> PersistentHashMaps that have exactly one element. (My Clojure is about
> a month old.)

I am not much of a Java guy so this would be what I would do.
Clojure has reader syntax of its data structures (maps, vectors etc.)
so they can be easily written to a stream as test using write.

Reading it is equally simple:

user=> (def a (with-in-str "{:a 1 :b 2}" (read)))
user=> a
{:a 1, :b 2}

So as long as your data has reader syntax its not too much
of an issue. If the data needs to be shared between languages
as highlighted by someone, you may consider using another
format like json or so.

If the data used java object it may not be serializable so
easily. Generally my approach is to stick to data structures
at Clojure level as it has reader syntax.


> But for other things, like keywords and most PersistentHashMaps, it
> throws NotSerializableException.
> My imagined possible solutions:
> * Implement Serializable for Clojure data -- but is it possible in a
>   dynamic "Hey I'll just write a new method!" way?
> * Go into Clojure's source and implement Serializable to the Java
>   classes.
> My end goal is using a nonrelational DB like Tokyo Cabinet or
> BerkeleyDB.
> Thanks,
> Tayssir
> PS: Here's my test code:
> (defn my-identity "Copies obj through serialization and
> deserialization."
>   [obj]
>   (let [byte-out (new
> obj-out  (new byte-out)]
> (try (.writeObject obj-out obj)
>  (finally (.close obj-out)))
> (let [obj-in  (new
>(new (.toByteArray
> byte-out)))]
>   (try (.readObject obj-in)
>(finally (.close obj-in))
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Re: Serializing Clojure objects

2008-12-02 Thread Dakshinamurthy Karra

Don't forget XMLEncoder/XMLDecoder. They come in pretty handy when you
want to serialize objects that (already) follow bean conventions.

-- KD

Dakshinamurthy Karra
(daily dose:

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 4:06 PM, Tayssir John Gabbour
> Interesting, thanks for the new perspective! Using YAML seems more
> flexible than what I was thinking, particularly since Clojure
> apparently doesn't make me worry too much about the specific kind of
> sequence/map I'm using.
> (Yeah, I have an app which sends serialized objects all over the
> place, and one thing I didn't like was how brittle my serialization
> tool was when I made a little change to object definitions. (This is
> in Common Lisp.) In my next release, I'd like to make it less strict.)
> Tayssir
> On Dec 2, 11:12 am, Luc Prefontaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> I use YAML to serialize. I needed a simple way to pass Maps, Lists and
>> Vector between java,  Ruby and Clojure components.
>> I change the classes of Clojure in the YAML output to java.util.Map,
>> List and so on to remove dependencies
>> on Clojure classes while retaining the ability to walk through the
>> structures using these basic types in "foreign"
>> components. In Java it's pretty obvious, Map, List and Vectors are
>> always present and in Ruby these things are
>> also part of the core language.
>> Have a look at
>> Essentially it sums up to something like this:
>> (def *YAML-config* (YamlConfig.))
>> (. *YAML-config* load yamlmsg) ;; Loads a YAML representation to an
>> equivalent object representation
>> (. *YAML-config* dump  msg) ;; Dumps an object to a YAML string.
>> I extended a bit the library to deal transparently with types like
>> java.sql.Date (I deal with several databases)
>> but nothing else was changed. Just beware of binary characters in your
>> strings. I encoded these with XML/HTML escapes before serializing.
>> I need to talk to the maintainer about this issue.
>> Never liked Java serialization mainly because:
>> a) The the binary representation of classes has to be exactly the same
>> at both ends otherwise you are stuck in a dead end.
>> b) You need that [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED] Serializable interface 
>> which should be
>> implemented by default everywhere by Java, not you.
>> An embedded object misses the interface ? Well find it.. at run-time
>> and good luck.
>> c) It's not easy to debug since it's not human readable.
>> d) It makes upgrading a distributed environment a pain in the ass since
>> you may have upgrade everything even if no major
>> changes occurred in your classes. You added a method irrelevant to
>> most of the components in a class ?
>> That single change forces you to upgrade everything... this is a
>> typical example of developpers disconnected from real life.
>> In real life your systems are running and you may not be able to
>> interrupt services for a long period to upgrade them
>> all at once. You may have to do so in multiple steps and without
>> interrupting the service.
>> e) I want the data serialized, not the access to it...
>> If size of the YAML output becomes an issue then zip it.
>> Luc
>> On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 00:57 -0800, Tayssir John Gabbour wrote:
>> > Hi!
>> > How should I approach serialization? I made a little test function
>> > which serializes and deserializes Clojure objects. It works for
>> > strings, integers, symbols, LazilyPersistentVectors and.. oddly..
>> > PersistentHashMaps that have exactly one element. (My Clojure is about
>> > a month old.)
>> > But for other things, like keywords and most PersistentHashMaps, it
>> > throws NotSerializableException.
>> > My imagined possible solutions:
>> > * Implement Serializable for Clojure data -- but is it possible in a
>> >   dynamic "Hey I'll just write a new method!" way?
>> > * Go into Clojure's source and implement Serializable to the Java
>> >   classes.
>> > My end goal is using a nonrelational DB like Tokyo Cabinet or
>> > BerkeleyDB.
>> > Thanks,
>> > Tayssir
>> > PS: Here's my test code:
>> > (defn my-identity "Copies obj through serialization and
>> > deserialization."
>> >   [obj]
>> >   (let [byte-out (new
>> > obj-out  (new byte-out)]
>> > (try (.writeObject obj-out obj)
>> >  (finally (.close obj-out)))
>> > (let [obj-in  (new
>> >(new (.toByteArray
>> > byte-out)))]
>> >   (try (.readObject obj-in)
>> >(finally (.close obj-in))
> >

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Re: DISCUSS: replace (rand)

2008-12-02 Thread Stuart Halloway

nextDouble calls next, which according to Java 5 docs is:

synchronized protected int next(int bits) {
seed = (seed * 0x5DEECE66DL + 0xBL) & ((1L << 48) - 1);
return (int)(seed >>> (48 - bits));

This is exactly the kind of thing I think we shouldn't have to worry  
about in Clojure.


> Looks like the only synchronization is for lazy initialization of the
> instance of Random used by the static method:
> public final class Math {
>private static Random randomNumberGenerator;
>private static synchronized void initRNG() {
>if (randomNumberGenerator == null)
>randomNumberGenerator = new Random();
>public static double random() {
>if (randomNumberGenerator == null) initRNG();
>return randomNumberGenerator.nextDouble();
> }
> public class Random implements {
>public Random() { this(++seedUniquifier + System.nanoTime()); }
>private static volatile long seedUniquifier = 8682522807148012L;
>public double nextDouble() {
>long l = ((long)(next(26)) << 27) + next(27);
>return l / (double)(1L << 53);
> }
> On Dec 2, 12:04 am, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Clojure's rand delegates to Java's Math.random(), which I am pretty
>> sure has a synchronized block in it.
>> One problem with living on top of Java is calling into methods that
>> have no (conceptual) need to be synchronized. This could hurt
>> performance in an app carefully written in Clojure to avoid mutable
>> state and locking. Since unsynchronized PRNGs exist, I would suggest
>> we modify rand to use one. (I am willing to take the lead on writing
>> one in Clojure if needed.)
>> Thoughts?
>> Stuart
> >

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Re: DISCUSS: replace (rand)

2008-12-02 Thread Stuart Halloway

Even if you use a per-thread instance, you pay the synchronization  
penalty. Because there is no contention, the penalty is lower, but it  
is still not zero.

Is it big enough to matter? My intuition says "yes".  That's worth  
nothing, so I will write some tests when I have some spare time ...  
but secretly I was hoping that this thread would goad someone else  
into writing the tests and publishing their results. :-)


> On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 3:05 PM, Stuart Halloway
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> nextDouble calls next, which according to Java 5 docs is:
>> synchronized protected int next(int bits) {
>>   seed = (seed * 0x5DEECE66DL + 0xBL) & ((1L << 48) - 1);
>>   return (int)(seed >>> (48 - bits));
>> }
>> This is exactly the kind of thing I think we shouldn't have to worry
>> about in Clojure.
> The docs for Math.random() say:
> ; When this method is first called, it creates a single
> ; new pseudorandom-number generator, exactly as if by
> ; the expression
> ;
> ;new java.util.Random
> ;
> ; This new pseudorandom-number generator is used
> ; thereafter for all calls to this method and is used
> ; nowhere else.
> ;
> ; This method is properly synchronized to allow correct
> ; use by more than one thread. However, if many threads
> ; need to generate pseudorandom numbers at a great rate,
> ; it may reduce contention for each thread to have its
> ; own pseudorandom-number generator.
> So can't you just create multiple instances of java.util.Random if you
> need that sort of thing?
> -- 
> Michael Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >

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Re: DISCUSS: replace (rand)

2008-12-02 Thread Paul Barry

Ah, I didn't see the call to next.  The java docs do say that is the
implementation for that method, but they are lying:

protected int next(int bits) {
long oldseed, nextseed;
AtomicLong seed = this.seed;
do {
oldseed = seed.get();
nextseed = (oldseed * multiplier + addend) & mask;
} while (!seed.compareAndSet(oldseed, nextseed));
return (int)(nextseed >>> (48 - bits));

On Dec 2, 8:05 am, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> nextDouble calls next, which according to Java 5 docs is:
> synchronized protected int next(int bits) {
>         seed = (seed * 0x5DEECE66DL + 0xBL) & ((1L << 48) - 1);
>         return (int)(seed >>> (48 - bits));
>   }
> This is exactly the kind of thing I think we shouldn't have to worry  
> about in Clojure.
> Stuart
> > Looks like the only synchronization is for lazy initialization of the
> > instance of Random used by the static method:
> > public final class Math {
> >    private static Random randomNumberGenerator;
> >    private static synchronized void initRNG() {
> >        if (randomNumberGenerator == null)
> >            randomNumberGenerator = new Random();
> >    }
> >    public static double random() {
> >        if (randomNumberGenerator == null) initRNG();
> >        return randomNumberGenerator.nextDouble();
> >    }
> > }
> > public class Random implements {
> >    public Random() { this(++seedUniquifier + System.nanoTime()); }
> >    private static volatile long seedUniquifier = 8682522807148012L;
> >    public double nextDouble() {
> >        long l = ((long)(next(26)) << 27) + next(27);
> >        return l / (double)(1L << 53);
> >    }
> > }
> > On Dec 2, 12:04 am, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Clojure's rand delegates to Java's Math.random(), which I am pretty
> >> sure has a synchronized block in it.
> >> One problem with living on top of Java is calling into methods that
> >> have no (conceptual) need to be synchronized. This could hurt
> >> performance in an app carefully written in Clojure to avoid mutable
> >> state and locking. Since unsynchronized PRNGs exist, I would suggest
> >> we modify rand to use one. (I am willing to take the lead on writing
> >> one in Clojure if needed.)
> >> Thoughts?
> >> Stuart
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Re: Java libraries

2008-12-02 Thread Michael Wood

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 8:16 PM, Chouser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 1:01 PM, puzzler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Clojure is designed for concurrency, but I don't see any functions in
>> the API to spin off new threads.
> See 'send' and 'send-off'.  send-off in particular will start a new
> thread if there are not idle threads available in its pool.  If that
> abstracts away details you'd rather have your hand on, you may find
> this tutorial useful:
>> So I assume you're expected to know
>> and use Java libraries for this.  For those of us who are coming to
>> Clojure without knowing a whole lot of Java, it would be useful if
>> someone could provide pointers to the most essential libraries,
>> especially a tour of the concurrency primitives that work well with
>> Clojure's approach.
> Here are some classes I've heard mentioned or have used myself with Clojure:
>> As for other libraries, I've already located the documentation for the
>> String class at
>> It would also be helpful to know which File I/O libraries are most
>> relevant, and a couple short examples of how to use them.  Any other
>> critical libraries?

See also the Apache Commons libraries as mentioned in these threads:

Michael Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: Serializing Clojure objects

2008-12-02 Thread Tayssir John Gabbour

On Dec 2, 9:57 am, Tayssir John Gabbour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> (defn my-identity "Copies obj through serialization and
> deserialization."
>   [obj]
>   (let [byte-out (new
> obj-out  (new byte-out)]
> (try (.writeObject obj-out obj)
>  (finally (.close obj-out)))
> (let [obj-in  (new
>(new (.toByteArray
> byte-out)))]
>   (try (.readObject obj-in)
>(finally (.close obj-in))

BTW, sorry for the absurd code; I should .close() byte-out instead of

And I'll have to figure out how to readably close a stream in a
finally clause.


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Re: Vim tag file generator

2008-12-02 Thread Randall R Schulz

On Monday 01 December 2008 23:32, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2 Dez., 00:49, Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Trying to make me look bad, eh? Well, it's not really a challenge,
> > you know...
> o.O Do I?

You do now...

> ...
> Concerning the filename issue, one maybe can do
> a heuristic:
> - Filename is identical to the last component of the
>   namespace:
>   => some/name/space.clj
> - Filename is different form the last component of the
>   namespace. Try the following:
>   * some/name/file.clj exists? => Use it.
>   * some/name/space/file.clj exists? => Use it
>   * recursing here into some/name/space/*?
> I think the first two cases should cover most of the
> cases. I would pefer to exchange the first two checks,
> since I think, the "normal" layout would be, that there
> is some subdirectory containing "include" files. Clojure
> itself on the other hand has a flat structure... Hmmm...

Don't forget the fact that hyphens in namespace symbols are 
transliterated to underscores in the corresponding file name when you 
(use ...) or (require ...) or otherwise refer to a namespace in a 
manner that requires a file to be located.

> > ...
> > And don't forget that the tags file must be sorted in simple
> > lexicographic order, which does not seem to be what you get if you
> > just dump symbol names into a sorted set or map. (So far, I've just
> > been sorting the files afterward from the command line using the
> > Gnu "sort" utility with the environment variable LC_ALL set to
> > "C".)
> Hmmm... At least for vim this seems to be not necessary. However
> you are right. In the specification of the format it is stated, that
> the entries must be sorted. I missed that.

Check it out. The names enclosed in *asterisks* will sort improperly, 

In version 6 Vim, an unsorted (or improperly sorted) tags file will 
yield an error, at least for some symbols (binary search might never 
encounter a subsequence deemed out-of-order if the file is mostly 

Apparently in later versions of Vim, a fall-back linear search is used 
when the file is deemed unsorted. That could become a performance 
(responsiveness) issue for large unsorted tags files.

> I already noticed some issues with Windows and Namespaces
> containing -, eg. Will post an update
> later on, today.
> Sincerely
> Meikel

Randall Schulz

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Re: Clojure Code Analysis Tools

2008-12-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Dec 2, 12:54 pm, Peter Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since the code doesn't exist yet, I'd have to say no...  Like I said,
> I'm just getting started.
> How about I get the basic framework going so that IntelliJ knows about
> CLJ files, and say paren matching works.  Then we can start a
> SourceForge project and others can implement the API for references,
> refactoring, formatting etc.
Just found this - I
guess that's another one? Might be worth looking into working on that
rather than starting up a competitor.
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Re: DISCUSS: replace (rand)

2008-12-02 Thread Stuart Halloway

Cool, that's much better. Can we establish that all (or all important)  
Java 5+ VMs use AtomicLong in next?

> Ah, I didn't see the call to next.  The java docs do say that is the
> implementation for that method, but they are lying:
>protected int next(int bits) {
>long oldseed, nextseed;
>AtomicLong seed = this.seed;
>do {
>   oldseed = seed.get();
>   nextseed = (oldseed * multiplier + addend) & mask;
>} while (!seed.compareAndSet(oldseed, nextseed));
>return (int)(nextseed >>> (48 - bits));
> On Dec 2, 8:05 am, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> nextDouble calls next, which according to Java 5 docs is:
>> synchronized protected int next(int bits) {
>> seed = (seed * 0x5DEECE66DL + 0xBL) & ((1L << 48) - 1);
>> return (int)(seed >>> (48 - bits));
>>   }
>> This is exactly the kind of thing I think we shouldn't have to worry
>> about in Clojure.
>> Stuart
>>> Looks like the only synchronization is for lazy initialization of  
>>> the
>>> instance of Random used by the static method:
>>> public final class Math {
>>>private static Random randomNumberGenerator;
>>>private static synchronized void initRNG() {
>>>if (randomNumberGenerator == null)
>>>randomNumberGenerator = new Random();
>>>public static double random() {
>>>if (randomNumberGenerator == null) initRNG();
>>>return randomNumberGenerator.nextDouble();
>>> }
>>> public class Random implements {
>>>public Random() { this(++seedUniquifier + System.nanoTime()); }
>>>private static volatile long seedUniquifier = 8682522807148012L;
>>>public double nextDouble() {
>>>long l = ((long)(next(26)) << 27) + next(27);
>>>return l / (double)(1L << 53);
>>> }
>>> On Dec 2, 12:04 am, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>>> wrote:
 Clojure's rand delegates to Java's Math.random(), which I am pretty
 sure has a synchronized block in it.
 One problem with living on top of Java is calling into methods that
 have no (conceptual) need to be synchronized. This could hurt
 performance in an app carefully written in Clojure to avoid mutable
 state and locking. Since unsynchronized PRNGs exist, I would  
 we modify rand to use one. (I am willing to take the lead on  
 one in Clojure if needed.)
> >

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Re: Lazy living, without variables

2008-12-02 Thread Rich Hickey

On Dec 1, 9:35 pm, Timothy Pratley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The reason is simple - plain mutable variables have no concurrency
> > semantics. What if you closed over a mutable local? Now you have an
> > object with no synchronization, a concurrency mess.
> Thanks Rich for the clarification... that makes it immediately obvious
> why using mutable locals is a bad idea in general.
> Just to play the devil's advocate, it is theoretically possible to
> detect someone attempting to close over a mutable local as a compiler
> error. But given that such a feature would just allow/encourage
> imperative style, it would be an evil feature. It really comes down to
> a question of enforcing style I believe? :)

Well, if there were mutable locals people would reasonably expect to
be able to close over them. Where they are available in Lisps, it's an
idiom e.g. to map a local fn that mutates a local var, when that is
easier/cleaner than a loop. But yes, obviously I've made decisions
about what kinds of programs I want Clojure to encourage :)

Mutation locally is just as hard to reason about as mutation globally,
independent of concurrency. See for example a typical Java for loop
that sets other local vars and contains breaks/returns.

If it takes more thought initially to construct solutions that don't
need variables, please try to expend the effort - it will repay you
many times over. I imagine there are now some Clojure users who can
attest to that.

This whole thread has gotten so icky, and has lost focus on the beauty
and lesson of Stuart's original example.


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Re: Lazy living, without variables

2008-12-02 Thread Luke Amdor

The "@" symbol is a reader macro. It's a hard coded table so that when
the reader comes across the @ symbol it knows to instead change it to
a deref call. For eg,

(def a (ref 0))

(dosync (alter inc a))

@a ;; is the same thing as
(deref a) or

Luke Amdor

On Dec 2, 3:03 am, David Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On the subject of with-local-vars, I noticed that I could use @ to
> deference them in addition to var-get. Is that intended behaviour? I
> didn't see it documented anywhere.
> --
> Dave

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Re: Lazy living, without variables

2008-12-02 Thread Rich Hickey

On Dec 2, 8:43 am, Luke Amdor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The "@" symbol is a reader macro. It's a hard coded table so that when
> the reader comes across the @ symbol it knows to instead change it to
> a deref call. For eg,
> (def a (ref 0))
> (dosync (alter inc a))
> @a ;; is the same thing as
> (deref a)

Right, but the deref doc didn't mention vars, now it does.


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Re: Test Coerced-BigDecimal in clojure.contrib.test-clojure throws an Exception

2008-12-02 Thread Rich Hickey

On Nov 18, 5:35 pm, "Stephen C. Gilardi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think Clojure should change to allow (bigdec 3) to succeed.
> BigDecimal has a valueOf method that accepts a long. It has a
> constructor that accepts an int. I haven't made a bug report on this
> yet, but here it is.

SVN 1135 enhances bigdec/bigint to support all numeric types and all
single-arg ctors, including from String.


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Re: Clojure Code Analysis Tools

2008-12-02 Thread Peter Wolf

Thanks, I strongly agree.

I just emailed curious.attempt.bunny to join forces.  Curious, are you 
out there?


> On Dec 2, 12:54 pm, Peter Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Since the code doesn't exist yet, I'd have to say no...  Like I said,
>> I'm just getting started.
>> How about I get the basic framework going so that IntelliJ knows about
>> CLJ files, and say paren matching works.  Then we can start a
>> SourceForge project and others can implement the API for references,
>> refactoring, formatting etc.
> Just found this - I
> guess that's another one? Might be worth looking into working on that
> rather than starting up a competitor.
> >

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Re: Lazy living, without variables

2008-12-02 Thread David Powell


On the subject of with-local-vars, I noticed that I could use @ to
deference them in addition to var-get. Is that intended behaviour? I
didn't see it documented anywhere.


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Re: Clojure Code Analysis Tools

2008-12-02 Thread Randall R Schulz

On Tuesday 02 December 2008 06:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ...
> Just found this - I
> guess that's another one? Might be worth looking into working on that
> rather than starting up a competitor.

I retrieved the code. It is at best a skeleton. There appears to be 
virtually no implementation at all beyond the identification of the 
language supported and the file suffixes used.

I believe "failure to launch" would characterize that project...

Randall Schulz

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symbol-macrolet (was: Monads in Clojure)

2008-12-02 Thread Konrad Hinsen

On 25.11.2008, at 15:06, Konrad Hinsen wrote:

> I just saw a reference to symbol-macrolet with a description. My
> function replace-syms is indeed very similar, the difference being
> that it takes a map for defining the substitutions to be done,
> instead of a let-like sequence. The difference is not just in syntax
> though, as expressions in symbol-macrolet can refer to earlier
> "bindings" (they aren't really bindings) whereas my replace-syms
> doesn't check for substitutions to be made inside other
> substitutions. But it would be fairly easy to implement symbol-
> macrolet on top of my replace-syms.

After having read more on macrolet and symbol-macrolet, I no longer  
agree with my earlier self ;-)

symbol-macrolet does not do a simple substitution, it creates a  
binding-like environment from which replacements are done repeatedly  
as other macros are expanded. I haven't yet found a complete  
description of how macros and symbol-macrolet work together. A macro  
can expand into code that contains a symbol defined in symbol- 
macrolet, and the expansion of such a symbol can produce code  
containing macros. I'd expect everything to be expanded repeatedly  
until the form no longer changes, but I haven't see this being stated  
explicitly anywhere.

In any case, implementing macrolet and symbol-macrolet is probably  
not a trivial project. I see basically two approaches:
1) Full repeated expansion of the form, which is then handed to the  
2) Implementation as an extension to the compiler's macro handling  

When I started working on my monad implementation, I was in fact  
looking for something much like macrolet, and if I had pursued that  
approach I would have wanted symbol-macrolet just a bit later. Both  
would be nice to have.


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Re: Seq forms with preceding #^metadata lose the metadata

2008-12-02 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer


On 2 Dez., 10:30, Kei Suzuki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (meta #^{:v 1} (vector 1))
> Is this by design?

I think you are right. The metadata is assigned to
the list (vector 1). Then the function vector is executed
and you get the vector [1], but the metadata is "lost".
So one could argue, the metadata should be transferred.

However, how do you want to do this consistently?
Consider (meta #^{:v 1} (fn [] 1)). The metadata is
assigned to the list (fn ...). But why should it transfer
the metadata to the return value of the function? And
indeed this is not possible, because it's a number.

Should vector, set and friends behave differently?

I think the point about *reader* macros is, that they
happen at *read* time. However, the call to vector
happens at run-time. So in that case one has to
use with-meta.

One really has to be aware of the different times
when things happen:
- reader macros => read time
- macros => compile time
- functions => run-time


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Re: Seq forms with preceding #^metadata lose the metadata

2008-12-02 Thread Rich Hickey

On Dec 2, 4:30 am, Kei Suzuki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Whenever a seq form is preceded by #^metadata, the metadata is ignored
> or only {:line n} is associated with.
> For example, these return the metadata as expected:
> (meta (with-meta '(1) {:v 1}))
> (meta (with-meta (quote (1)) {:v 1}))
> (meta (with-meta (list 1) {:v 1}))
> (meta (with-meta (vector 1) {:v 1}))
> (meta (with-meta (hash-map :a 1) {:v 1}))
> (meta (with-meta (set [1]) {:v 1}))
> But none of these equivalents work and either nil or {:line n} is
> returned:
> (meta #^{:v 1} '(1))
> (meta #^{:v 1} (quote (1)))
> (meta #^{:v 1} (list 1))
> (meta #^{:v 1} (vector 1))
> (meta #^{:v 1} (hash-map :a 1))
> (meta #^{:v 1} (set [1]))
> However, these work (because what's following is a non-seq form):
> (meta #^{:v 1} [1])
> (meta #^{:v 1} {:a 1})
> (meta #^{:v 1} #{1})
> Looking at the Clojure source code, it looks like
> LispReader.MetaReader does associate the metadata to the seq form but
> it's ignored when the seq form is analyzed by Compiler.analyzeSeq.
> Is this by design?

First and most important:

#^ is not sugar for with-meta. It does not expand into a call to with-
meta. They are not equivalent.

#^ is a way to place metadata on the data objects read by the reader.
Once read by the reader, the compiler can utilize metadata on the
forms. Currently the primary use is to convey type hints. Macros can
interpret metadata on forms they are passed for various purposes. This
is all about code-as-data, not a runtime thing.

Since a list is interpreted by the compiler as a call, any metadata on
the list is searched for type hints. There is no other meaning for
metadata on a list as far as the compiler is concerned. Ditto metadata
on symbols.

Since vector and map literals are interpreted by the compiler as
evaluated data, it evaluates any metadata on the literal to become
metadata on the value:

(set! *print-meta* true)

(quote #^{:a (+ 1 2)} [1 2 (+ 3 4)])
=> #^{:a #^{:line 17} (+ 1 2)} [1 2 #^{:line 17} (+ 3 4)] ;what was
read, vector + meta

#^{:a (+ 1 2)} [1 2 (+ 3 4)]
=> #^{:a 3} [1 2 7] ;evaluated vector + meta

Metadata on a seq form is not ignored:

(set! *print-meta* false)
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)

(def x "foo")

(.length (identity x))
=> Reflection warning, line: 26 - reference to field length can't be
=> 3

=> (.length #^String (identity x))
=> 3

So #^ allows the reader to read data with metadata on it.
Interpretation of forms that have metadata is up to the compiler.

Bottom line:

#^ is not sugar for with-meta. It does not expand into a call to with-


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Re: Clojure Code Analysis Tools

2008-12-02 Thread Thorsen Eric

We are working on a Netbeans plugin ( and are  
currently working to isolate non-nb specific clojure-ide support code.  
We should have the basic libraries up this coming Monday.  The code  
that is up there now has been following the changes in Clojure since  
February and is less than organized and clean.  Even if we do not have  
the libraries fully integrated into the Netbeans plugin, we'll still  
have some stuff ready to look at Monday.

We have been focusing on the REPL:
Several instances running at once/starting/stopping
Connecting to a REPL server running in a Clojure app.
and some better code analysis tools, (lexer, namespace browser for  
Clojure symbols).
We've done minimal work on completion as well.

I just started reading about the IntelliJ plugin architecture to  
ensure we can reuse the Clojure specific stuff over there as  
wellsince I'm very interested in having a IntelliJ plugin :)


On Dec 2, 2008, at 9:31 AM, Peter Wolf wrote:

> Thanks, I strongly agree.
> I just emailed curious.attempt.bunny to join forces.  Curious, are you
> out there?
> P
>> On Dec 2, 12:54 pm, Peter Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Since the code doesn't exist yet, I'd have to say no...  Like I  
>>> said,
>>> I'm just getting started.
>>> How about I get the basic framework going so that IntelliJ knows  
>>> about
>>> CLJ files, and say paren matching works.  Then we can start a
>>> SourceForge project and others can implement the API for references,
>>> refactoring, formatting etc.
>> Just found this - I
>> guess that's another one? Might be worth looking into working on that
>> rather than starting up a competitor.
> >

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Proxy questions

2008-12-02 Thread Andrés M . Quijano


I'm trying to use Clojure with Apache MINA. I think Clojure it's the
ideal language to concurrently handle all the events that arrive into
MINA's separate threads.

So I tried to port the simplest example, the EchoServer (files here:
and here:

This is what I wrote:

(import '(org.apache.mina.common ByteBuffer IdleStatus IoHandler
IoHandlerAdapter IoSession))
(import '(org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio SocketAcceptor
(import '(org.apache.mina.filter LoggingFilter))
(import '( InetSocketAddress))

(def echo-handler
   (proxy [IoHandlerAdapter] []
  (sessionCreated [sess]
 (println (format "Session created: %s" sess)))

  (sessionIdle [sess status]
 (println (format "Session idle: %s" sess)))

  (messageReceived [sess message]
 (println (format "Received message: %s" message)))

(def acceptor (SocketAcceptor.))

(def config (SocketAcceptorConfig.))

(.. config getFilterChain (addLast "log" (LoggingFilter.)))

(. acceptor bind (InetSocketAddress. 1234) echo-handler config)

(println "Listening in port 1234")

The server starts, but when I connect to it, it doesn't print
anything, so I'm guessing that I wrote the proxy wrong. It's supposed
to simply be a class that extends IoHandlerAdapter and overwrites the
sessionCreated, sessionIdle and messageReceived methods

any ideas?


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Re: undefined symbols (CL vs. Clojure)

2008-12-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Dec 2, 2:39 am, Meikel Brandmeyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 2 Dez., 04:47, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So why is the above form not legal in Clojure?  I would think it might
> > come in handy to define a function that relies on something currently
> > not-yet-defined.  Why is this the appropriate behavior?
> As other stated you should use declare to tell Clojure about Vars
> you will use before they are def'd with a meaningful value.
> As for the 
> reasons:
> Sincerely
> Meikel

Meikel, thanks for the response.  I actually did read that thread in
the past but forgot about it.  So much to remember these days.  I
don't fully understand Rich's explanation yet, but I'm sure that's
because of my inexperience with Lisp.

Stuart, I have been using your PCL solutions as a way to check my
answers!  My CD database wasn't quite as elegant as yours, but I think
I did a good job for my limited Lisp/Clojure experience.  I also
bought your book "Programming Clojure".  Thanks for all your hard
work!  It's really helping me understand Clojure better.
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Re: AOT/gen-class docs

2008-12-02 Thread Rich Hickey

I've made substantial enhancements to gen-class over the weekend.
Please refresh and read:

In short, I've made it so that you can call gen-class stand-alone.
This will generate a stub class at AOT compile time.

The relationship between a generated class and its implementing
namespace is now parameterized, as is whether or not the implementing
ns gets loaded by the class, and the prefix used by the method->var

You can still use :gen-class in a ns directive, and many parameters
will be defaulted. (:gen-class) by itself will give you a class with
the same name as the ns, a main function, and "-" as the prefix. Note
that now, without any (:gen-class) in ns, you will _not_ get a stub
class generated.

This brings tremendous flexibility - you can define macros that expand
into gen-class calls, and both declare and implement multiple classes
in a single file.

I've also added gen-interface, based on a contribution from Chouser,
which works similarly at AOT compile time.

I've enhanced proxy so that it, too, will pre-generate the proxy
classes at AOT compile time, although doing so is not necessary in
order to use proxy. The interface of the proxy API is unchanged. Two
advantages come from this:

  Proxies now have deterministic names, and so their construction can
be a direct constructor call, rather than reflective, as it was

  Proxy generation was the last runtime code-gen/classloader
requirement. So the path is clear for building Clojure apps without
runtime codegen, for delivery in those environments that preclude it
(e.g. Android, unsigned applets). Looking forward to feedback from
people trying to reach those targets.


On Nov 27, 10:32 am, Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 26, 11:06 pm, Chas Emerick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Looks good so far, Rich.  Should be a blissfully smooth transition
> > from the "legacy" gen-class impl.
> > This is only tangentially related to the docs you're writing, but I
> > won't let that stop me:
> > As you know, I have at least one use case where being able to generate
> > gen-class specs from a macro (or, the full ns declaration, in the
> > absence of an evaluated gen-class spec).  Going one step further than
> > that though, I'm wondering how best to approach contexts where one
> > would like to generate classes whose names don't match up with the
> > name of the current file (or with the package the generated class will
> > land from the current file).  Right off the top of my head, easily and
> > cleanly generating BeanInfo classes based on attributes/methods/
> > interfaces/whatever of the current file's class would be super-handy.
> > This doesn't look possible right now -- adding a second, different ns
> > declaration does not generate the corresponding classfiles.  The docs
> > you've written so far make it sound like this should work -- "The unit
> > of compilation is the namespace" -- but right now, it seems like files
> > are the unit of compilation.  Just as an example, assume the following
> > is in com/foo/test.clj:
> > (ns
> > (:gen-class
> >  :implements [java.util.Iterator]
> >  :init ctor
> >  :constructors {[String] []}
> >  :state state))
> > (ns
> > (:gen-class
> >  :implements [java.util.Iterator]
> >  :init ctor
> >  :constructors {[String] []}
> >  :state state))
> > -
> > (compile ' yields the classfiles one would
> > expect.  However, (compile ' throws an exception, as
> > it's looking for a com/foo/test2.clj file (rather than using whatever
> > has already been defined in the namespace).  I see why
> > that's the case, as compilation and loading are very tightly bound.
> > If that's going to remain the case, then I'd say that clj files are
> > the unit of compilation, not namespaces.  It's not yet clear (to me,
> > anyway) whether the current state is an intermediate stable step, or
> > if the first cut on the docs are slightly off on this point.
> > - Chas
> The unit of compilation will probably be called the 'lib', but that
> isn't defined anywhere on the site yet. As far as 2 or more ns calls
> in the same file, that violates the ns/file classpath requirements,
> which say that my.ns.lib must be defined in my/ns/lib.clj. I'll make
> the requirement that ns be the first expression in any file that
> contains it explicit.
> That doesn't make the unit of compilation the file though, as a
> namespace can be defined in more than one file.
> All that notwithstanding, I understand your needs and those of the few
> others who have chimed in that were using gen-and-save-class, and I
> hope to facilitate most of them soon.
> One thing I have been considering is the possibility to opt-out of
> generating a class when compiling (ns ...) via something like (ns
> (:gen-class :external true) ...), which would state that the cl

Re: DISCUSS: replace (rand)

2008-12-02 Thread Lauri Pesonen

2008/12/2 Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Cool, that's much better. Can we establish that all (or all important)
> Java 5+ VMs use AtomicLong in next?

While compare-and-swap is a lot better than a mutex, it's still not
free. IIRC a CAS is one (or maybe two) order(s) of magnitude more
expensive than a normal store. So a non-threadsafe PRNG should still
give you a performance boost compared to the CAS-version. But, as you said,
this is all speculation until someone writes some tests...

 ! Lauri

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Serializing Clojure objects

2008-12-02 Thread Tayssir John Gabbour


How should I approach serialization? I made a little test function
which serializes and deserializes Clojure objects. It works for
strings, integers, symbols, LazilyPersistentVectors and.. oddly..
PersistentHashMaps that have exactly one element. (My Clojure is about
a month old.)

But for other things, like keywords and most PersistentHashMaps, it
throws NotSerializableException.

My imagined possible solutions:

* Implement Serializable for Clojure data -- but is it possible in a
  dynamic "Hey I'll just write a new method!" way?

* Go into Clojure's source and implement Serializable to the Java

My end goal is using a nonrelational DB like Tokyo Cabinet or


PS: Here's my test code:

(defn my-identity "Copies obj through serialization and
  (let [byte-out (new
obj-out  (new byte-out)]
(try (.writeObject obj-out obj)
 (finally (.close obj-out)))
(let [obj-in  (new
   (new (.toByteArray
  (try (.readObject obj-in)
   (finally (.close obj-in))

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Re: DISCUSS: replace (rand)

2008-12-02 Thread bOR_

I wanted to ask what algorithm Java is using for calculating its
random numbers (having a choice of algorithms would be great - some
applications favor one above the other), but I found a website digging
into exactly this question:

"I therefore had to resort to peeking inside the source, found on Sun
Solaris 9 in /usr/j2se/, member java/util/  It uses
a 48-bit linear congruential generator recommended by Donald Knuth (a
good sign), but returns only a 32-bit subset of the computed bits.

The default seed is the current time-of-day, returned by

I'll compare it later on to the one ruby is using (Mersenne Twister
Algorithm, which is excellent for monte carlo-like simulations), just
to get my own bearings.
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Re: Serializing Clojure objects

2008-12-02 Thread Tayssir John Gabbour

Interesting, thanks for the new perspective! Using YAML seems more
flexible than what I was thinking, particularly since Clojure
apparently doesn't make me worry too much about the specific kind of
sequence/map I'm using.

(Yeah, I have an app which sends serialized objects all over the
place, and one thing I didn't like was how brittle my serialization
tool was when I made a little change to object definitions. (This is
in Common Lisp.) In my next release, I'd like to make it less strict.)


On Dec 2, 11:12 am, Luc Prefontaine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I use YAML to serialize. I needed a simple way to pass Maps, Lists and
> Vector between java,  Ruby and Clojure components.
> I change the classes of Clojure in the YAML output to java.util.Map,
> List and so on to remove dependencies
> on Clojure classes while retaining the ability to walk through the
> structures using these basic types in "foreign"
> components. In Java it's pretty obvious, Map, List and Vectors are
> always present and in Ruby these things are
> also part of the core language.
> Have a look at
> Essentially it sums up to something like this:
> (def *YAML-config* (YamlConfig.))
> (. *YAML-config* load yamlmsg) ;; Loads a YAML representation to an
> equivalent object representation
> (. *YAML-config* dump  msg) ;; Dumps an object to a YAML string.
> I extended a bit the library to deal transparently with types like
> java.sql.Date (I deal with several databases)
> but nothing else was changed. Just beware of binary characters in your
> strings. I encoded these with XML/HTML escapes before serializing.
> I need to talk to the maintainer about this issue.
> Never liked Java serialization mainly because:
> a) The the binary representation of classes has to be exactly the same
> at both ends otherwise you are stuck in a dead end.
> b) You need that [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED] Serializable interface 
> which should be
> implemented by default everywhere by Java, not you.
> An embedded object misses the interface ? Well find it.. at run-time
> and good luck.
> c) It's not easy to debug since it's not human readable.
> d) It makes upgrading a distributed environment a pain in the ass since
> you may have upgrade everything even if no major
> changes occurred in your classes. You added a method irrelevant to
> most of the components in a class ?
> That single change forces you to upgrade everything... this is a
> typical example of developpers disconnected from real life.
> In real life your systems are running and you may not be able to
> interrupt services for a long period to upgrade them
> all at once. You may have to do so in multiple steps and without
> interrupting the service.
> e) I want the data serialized, not the access to it...
> If size of the YAML output becomes an issue then zip it.
> Luc
> On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 00:57 -0800, Tayssir John Gabbour wrote:
> > Hi!
> > How should I approach serialization? I made a little test function
> > which serializes and deserializes Clojure objects. It works for
> > strings, integers, symbols, LazilyPersistentVectors and.. oddly..
> > PersistentHashMaps that have exactly one element. (My Clojure is about
> > a month old.)
> > But for other things, like keywords and most PersistentHashMaps, it
> > throws NotSerializableException.
> > My imagined possible solutions:
> > * Implement Serializable for Clojure data -- but is it possible in a
> >   dynamic "Hey I'll just write a new method!" way?
> > * Go into Clojure's source and implement Serializable to the Java
> >   classes.
> > My end goal is using a nonrelational DB like Tokyo Cabinet or
> > BerkeleyDB.
> > Thanks,
> > Tayssir
> > PS: Here's my test code:
> > (defn my-identity "Copies obj through serialization and
> > deserialization."
> >   [obj]
> >   (let [byte-out (new
> > obj-out  (new byte-out)]
> > (try (.writeObject obj-out obj)
> >  (finally (.close obj-out)))
> > (let [obj-in  (new
> >(new (.toByteArray
> > byte-out)))]
> >   (try (.readObject obj-in)
> >(finally (.close obj-in))

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Re: DISCUSS: replace (rand)

2008-12-02 Thread Michael Wood

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 3:05 PM, Stuart Halloway
> nextDouble calls next, which according to Java 5 docs is:
> synchronized protected int next(int bits) {
>seed = (seed * 0x5DEECE66DL + 0xBL) & ((1L << 48) - 1);
>return (int)(seed >>> (48 - bits));
>  }
> This is exactly the kind of thing I think we shouldn't have to worry
> about in Clojure.

The docs for Math.random() say:

; When this method is first called, it creates a single
; new pseudorandom-number generator, exactly as if by
; the expression
;new java.util.Random
; This new pseudorandom-number generator is used
; thereafter for all calls to this method and is used
; nowhere else.
; This method is properly synchronized to allow correct
; use by more than one thread. However, if many threads
; need to generate pseudorandom numbers at a great rate,
; it may reduce contention for each thread to have its
; own pseudorandom-number generator.

So can't you just create multiple instances of java.util.Random if you
need that sort of thing?

Michael Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: DISCUSS: replace (rand)

2008-12-02 Thread Paul Barry

Since this is just pure java, shouldn't it be the same on all 1.5
JVMs?  Would it be different on other JVM implementations?  Just to
verify, I checked on my Mac OS X 10.5 and in the Sun JDK 1.5 on
Windows XP, and it does appear to be the same.

On Dec 2, 9:17 am, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Cool, that's much better. Can we establish that all (or all important)  
> Java 5+ VMs use AtomicLong in next?
> > Ah, I didn't see the call to next.  The java docs do say that is the
> > implementation for that method, but they are lying:
> >    protected int next(int bits) {
> >        long oldseed, nextseed;
> >        AtomicLong seed = this.seed;
> >        do {
> >        oldseed = seed.get();
> >        nextseed = (oldseed * multiplier + addend) & mask;
> >        } while (!seed.compareAndSet(oldseed, nextseed));
> >        return (int)(nextseed >>> (48 - bits));
> >    }
> > On Dec 2, 8:05 am, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> nextDouble calls next, which according to Java 5 docs is:
> >> synchronized protected int next(int bits) {
> >>         seed = (seed * 0x5DEECE66DL + 0xBL) & ((1L << 48) - 1);
> >>         return (int)(seed >>> (48 - bits));
> >>   }
> >> This is exactly the kind of thing I think we shouldn't have to worry
> >> about in Clojure.
> >> Stuart
> >>> Looks like the only synchronization is for lazy initialization of  
> >>> the
> >>> instance of Random used by the static method:
> >>> public final class Math {
> >>>    private static Random randomNumberGenerator;
> >>>    private static synchronized void initRNG() {
> >>>        if (randomNumberGenerator == null)
> >>>            randomNumberGenerator = new Random();
> >>>    }
> >>>    public static double random() {
> >>>        if (randomNumberGenerator == null) initRNG();
> >>>        return randomNumberGenerator.nextDouble();
> >>>    }
> >>> }
> >>> public class Random implements {
> >>>    public Random() { this(++seedUniquifier + System.nanoTime()); }
> >>>    private static volatile long seedUniquifier = 8682522807148012L;
> >>>    public double nextDouble() {
> >>>        long l = ((long)(next(26)) << 27) + next(27);
> >>>        return l / (double)(1L << 53);
> >>>    }
> >>> }
> >>> On Dec 2, 12:04 am, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> >>> wrote:
>  Clojure's rand delegates to Java's Math.random(), which I am pretty
>  sure has a synchronized block in it.
>  One problem with living on top of Java is calling into methods that
>  have no (conceptual) need to be synchronized. This could hurt
>  performance in an app carefully written in Clojure to avoid mutable
>  state and locking. Since unsynchronized PRNGs exist, I would  
>  suggest
>  we modify rand to use one. (I am willing to take the lead on  
>  writing
>  one in Clojure if needed.)
>  Thoughts?
>  Stuart
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Re: Clojure Code Analysis Tools

2008-12-02 Thread Peter Wolf

Since the code doesn't exist yet, I'd have to say no...  Like I said, 
I'm just getting started.

How about I get the basic framework going so that IntelliJ knows about 
CLJ files, and say paren matching works.  Then we can start a 
SourceForge project and others can implement the API for references, 
refactoring, formatting etc.

> On Dec 1, 4:11 pm, Peter Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Since I plan to introduce Clojure into existing large Java projects, I want 
>> to use a decent IDE.  So I am writing a Clojure plugin for my favorite-- 
>> IntelliJ.  When I'm done I hope to offer a nice integrated environment 
>> complete with debugger, profiler and automatic refactoring.  
>> However, this will take me a while as I am new to writing IntelliJ plugins.  
>> All help welcome.
>> Peter
> Hurry up! That would be awesome. Is the plugin code publicly available
> anywhere?
> -Darren
> >

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Re: Clojure Code Analysis Tools

2008-12-02 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Dec 1, 4:11 pm, Peter Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Since I plan to introduce Clojure into existing large Java projects, I want 
> to use a decent IDE.  So I am writing a Clojure plugin for my favorite-- 
> IntelliJ.  When I'm done I hope to offer a nice integrated environment 
> complete with debugger, profiler and automatic refactoring.  
> However, this will take me a while as I am new to writing IntelliJ plugins.  
> All help welcome.
> Peter

Hurry up! That would be awesome. Is the plugin code publicly available

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Re: Serializing Clojure objects

2008-12-02 Thread Luc Prefontaine
I use YAML to serialize. I needed a simple way to pass Maps, Lists and
Vector between java,  Ruby and Clojure components.
I change the classes of Clojure in the YAML output to java.util.Map,
List and so on to remove dependencies
on Clojure classes while retaining the ability to walk through the
structures using these basic types in "foreign"
components. In Java it's pretty obvious, Map, List and Vectors are
always present and in Ruby these things are
also part of the core language.

Have a look at

Essentially it sums up to something like this:

(def *YAML-config* (YamlConfig.))
(. *YAML-config* load yamlmsg) ;; Loads a YAML representation to an
equivalent object representation
(. *YAML-config* dump  msg) ;; Dumps an object to a YAML string.

I extended a bit the library to deal transparently with types like
java.sql.Date (I deal with several databases)
but nothing else was changed. Just beware of binary characters in your
strings. I encoded these with XML/HTML escapes before serializing.
I need to talk to the maintainer about this issue.

Never liked Java serialization mainly because:

a) The the binary representation of classes has to be exactly the same
at both ends otherwise you are stuck in a dead end.

b) You need that [EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED] Serializable interface 
which should be
implemented by default everywhere by Java, not you.
An embedded object misses the interface ? Well find it.. at run-time
and good luck. 

c) It's not easy to debug since it's not human readable.

d) It makes upgrading a distributed environment a pain in the ass since
you may have upgrade everything even if no major
changes occurred in your classes. You added a method irrelevant to
most of the components in a class ?
That single change forces you to upgrade everything... this is a
typical example of developpers disconnected from real life.
In real life your systems are running and you may not be able to
interrupt services for a long period to upgrade them
all at once. You may have to do so in multiple steps and without
interrupting the service.

e) I want the data serialized, not the access to it...

If size of the YAML output becomes an issue then zip it.


On Tue, 2008-12-02 at 00:57 -0800, Tayssir John Gabbour wrote:

> Hi!
> How should I approach serialization? I made a little test function
> which serializes and deserializes Clojure objects. It works for
> strings, integers, symbols, LazilyPersistentVectors and.. oddly..
> PersistentHashMaps that have exactly one element. (My Clojure is about
> a month old.)
> But for other things, like keywords and most PersistentHashMaps, it
> throws NotSerializableException.
> My imagined possible solutions:
> * Implement Serializable for Clojure data -- but is it possible in a
>   dynamic "Hey I'll just write a new method!" way?
> * Go into Clojure's source and implement Serializable to the Java
>   classes.
> My end goal is using a nonrelational DB like Tokyo Cabinet or
> BerkeleyDB.
> Thanks,
> Tayssir
> PS: Here's my test code:
> (defn my-identity "Copies obj through serialization and
> deserialization."
>   [obj]
>   (let [byte-out (new
> obj-out  (new byte-out)]
> (try (.writeObject obj-out obj)
>  (finally (.close obj-out)))
> (let [obj-in  (new
>(new (.toByteArray
> byte-out)))]
>   (try (.readObject obj-in)
>(finally (.close obj-in))
> > 

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Accept RE Pattern in (find-doc ...)?

2008-12-02 Thread Randall R Schulz


I was thinking it would be nice if (find-doc ...) accepted a Pattern (in 
addition to the String it now accepts), thus allowing #"RE pattern" 
regular expression pattern literals.

What do Rich and others think?

Randall Schulz

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Re: proposal: match multimethod

2008-12-02 Thread Rich Hickey

On Dec 1, 5:07 pm, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am thinking about adding a match method to Clojure-contrib. This
> would work like Ruby's threequals ("===", a.k.a. case equality) and
> would be implemented as a multimethod to do sensible things with a
> wide variety of types.
> (1) Good idea?
> (2) What should it be named?

For those of us that don't do Ruby - what does === do?


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Re: Serializing Clojure objects

2008-12-02 Thread Tayssir John Gabbour

JBossSerialization looks nifty, though I haven't tried it yet:

Thanks to everyone who responded! (I've just been immersing myself in
Externalizable, object versioning, etc; and your thoughts have been

All best,

On Dec 2, 9:57 am, Tayssir John Gabbour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi!
> How should I approach serialization? I made a little test function
> which serializes and deserializes Clojure objects. It works for
> strings, integers, symbols, LazilyPersistentVectors and.. oddly..
> PersistentHashMaps that have exactly one element. (My Clojure is about
> a month old.)

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Re: DISCUSS: replace (rand)

2008-12-02 Thread Dave Newton

--- On Tue, 12/2/08, Paul Barry wrote:
> Since this is just pure java, shouldn't it be the same on all 1.5
> JVMs?  Would it be different on other JVM implementations?  Just 
> to verify, I checked on my Mac OS X 10.5 and in the Sun JDK
> 1.5 on Windows XP, and it does appear to be the same.

A Sun v. Sun comparison? What about JDK/JVM implementations from different 


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Re: randomize a collection?

2008-12-02 Thread Brian Doyle
Seems like shuffle should be part of the core or in the contrib.  Is there a
reason why it's not?

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 9:55 PM, Timothy Pratley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> The recommendation was to use java.util.Collections/shuffle and an
> example was given:
> (defn shuffle [coll]
>  (let [l (java.util.ArrayList. coll)]
>(java.util.Collections/shuffle l)
>(seq l)))
> user=> (shuffle [1 2 3 4 5])
> (4 2 1 5 3)
> On Dec 2, 3:28 pm, "Brian Doyle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Is there a function that takes a collection and randomizes, or shuffles,
> the
> > items?
> >

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Re: Clojure Code Analysis Tools

2008-12-02 Thread Peter Wolf

I just pulled the code down.

While it's true that there is no implementation, Curious Bunny (merlyn) 
did an excellent job of making a minimal custom language plugin.  This 
is something that is lacking in IntelliJ's own documentation.

By making a trivial change to Curious's code I was able to change the 
icon for CLJ files.  So I know it is working.

I vote that we take Merlyn's code as a base and put it on SourceForge.  
I'll add my Lexer and Parser and work on formatting, parens matching and 
coloring.  Erik can add his REPL and completion stuff.

However, I think it would be polite to wait 24 hours for Merlyn to give 
his/her OK before I do this.

Randall R Schulz wrote:
> On Tuesday 02 December 2008 06:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> ...
>> Just found this - I
>> guess that's another one? Might be worth looking into working on that
>> rather than starting up a competitor.
> I retrieved the code. It is at best a skeleton. There appears to be 
> virtually no implementation at all beyond the identification of the 
> language supported and the file suffixes used.
> I believe "failure to launch" would characterize that project...
> Randall Schulz
> >

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Re: Clojure Code Analysis Tools

2008-12-02 Thread Randall R Schulz

On Tuesday 02 December 2008 08:52, Peter Wolf wrote:
> ...
> I vote that we take Merlyn's code as a base and put it on
> SourceForge. I'll add my Lexer and Parser and work on formatting,
> parens matching and coloring.  Erik can add his REPL and completion
> stuff.
> However, I think it would be polite to wait 24 hours for Merlyn to
> give his/her OK before I do this.

Polite, certainly. But as ever, the bottom line is the license under 
which it was released, and in this case that's the Apache License 2.0. 
You should decide whether that's consistent with your intentions.

Randall Schulz

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Re: Serializing Clojure objects

2008-12-02 Thread Jeff Rose

I've been working on the same issue.  So far it has mostly been just 
researching various options, but I can give you my two cents...

It really depends on your goals and constraints.  I have narrowed down 
to two major families of serialization for storage and networking.  One 
is the JSON/YAML/XML style, where you generate a serialized version of 
data structures primarily based on vectors and hashes that contain only 
simple data types. (Note, JSON is a subset of YAML, so you can parse 
JSON with YAML but not vice versa.)  This is by far the fastest to 
develop and  the most light weight in terms of programmer time.  
Basically one line each for read/write.  The potential hidden cost 
depends on what data structures you use in your program.  If you have 
clearly defined chunks of data to serialize, YAML works  nicely, but for 
more complex structures you often have to do an intermediate conversion 
to simpler data structures where you deal by hand with things like 
circular references and pointers to ephemeral data that you don't want 

The previous options are however, inefficient for storage, transmission 
and parsing in comparison to a more strictly defined protocol.  If you 
need raw performance and you are willing to spend the effort defining 
your protocol, then I think something like the Google protocol buffers 
or Facebook thrift are good options.  They are basically the new-school 
versions of CORBA RPC.  In essence, you define a schema for your 
messages or data serialization units, and then some tools generate 
classes or functions that are used to read/write and transmit this 
data.  (SOAP pretty much works the same way, but it idiotically sits on 
XML too, so you get the worst of both worlds...)  Again, if your data 
units to be serialized are self contained this can work pretty smoothly, 
but in more complex structures you will also have to convert between the 
simple, generated classes and your more complex application classes.  
The real work though, is in creating and maintaining your protocol 
definitions and the code that uses the generated classes.

I think the default for a language like clojure should be YAML too.  For 
dynamic languages where developer time is the focus it is by far the 
quickest mechanism to get up and running using databases, configuration 
files, networking, etc.  Maybe we should look into integrating the 
built-in Clojure data-types with a YAML library, or otherwise creating a 
new one, so we can dump and load directly between serialized strings and 
Clojure data structures.

If you run up against the limits of YAML, then I would go protocol 
buffers.  They seem like a clean and efficient way to support 
multi-language communication without wasting time writing a bunch of 
custom serialization methods.  It would be interesting if there was a 
way to sort of generate .proto files by example, by sniffing YAML on the 
wire or something...  It could at least help bootstrap the protocol 
definition phase.

Hopefully that helps.


Tayssir John Gabbour wrote:
> Hi!
> How should I approach serialization? I made a little test function
> which serializes and deserializes Clojure objects. It works for
> strings, integers, symbols, LazilyPersistentVectors and.. oddly..
> PersistentHashMaps that have exactly one element. (My Clojure is about
> a month old.)
> But for other things, like keywords and most PersistentHashMaps, it
> throws NotSerializableException.
> My imagined possible solutions:
> * Implement Serializable for Clojure data -- but is it possible in a
>   dynamic "Hey I'll just write a new method!" way?
> * Go into Clojure's source and implement Serializable to the Java
>   classes.
> My end goal is using a nonrelational DB like Tokyo Cabinet or
> BerkeleyDB.
> Thanks,
> Tayssir
> PS: Here's my test code:
> (defn my-identity "Copies obj through serialization and
> deserialization."
>   [obj]
>   (let [byte-out (new
> obj-out  (new byte-out)]
> (try (.writeObject obj-out obj)
>  (finally (.close obj-out)))
> (let [obj-in  (new
>(new (.toByteArray
> byte-out)))]
>   (try (.readObject obj-in)
>(finally (.close obj-in))
> >

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Re: AOT/gen-class docs

2008-12-02 Thread Chouser

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Proxy generation was the last runtime code-gen/classloader
> requirement. So the path is clear for building Clojure apps without
> runtime codegen, for delivery in those environments that preclude it
> (e.g. Android, unsigned applets). Looking forward to feedback from
> people trying to reach those targets.

You asked for it.  :-)

Here's a minimal applet .clj:

(ns net.n01se.Tree
   :extends java.applet.Applet))

Since it's missing a main fn, I would expect an exception like the this:
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: net.n01se.Tree/-main not
defined (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

Using svn 1136 I can compile and get the above exception from a normal
Clojure REPL, but if I try to use it as an applet:

$ appletviewer test.html
at clojure.lang.Namespace.(
at clojure.lang.Namespace.findOrCreate(
at clojure.lang.Var.internPrivate(
at net.n01se.Tree.(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(
Caused by: access denied
(java.lang.RuntimePermission createClassLoader)
at java.lang.SecurityManager.checkPermission(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.(
at clojure.lang.DynamicClassLoader.(
at clojure.lang.RT.(
... 14 more

You can see it found my class okay, but it looks like there may be
some dynamic classloader stuff still going on?


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Re: proposal: match multimethod

2008-12-02 Thread Stuart Halloway

It is called "case equality" which is a terribly confusing way to say  
"the predicate used  to match in case statements". "Match" is really  
the best verb.  In Ruby, most things match by value equality. But  
classes match their instances. Ranges match things in the range.  
Regexps match strings that they would match against.

I find the construct useful, but difficult to define. In particular,  
if regular expressions match against matching strings, should  
collections match against their members? Subsets?

The use case I have in mind for Clojure is in unit tests, where one  
might say something like

[actual-value expected-value]+)

and have the match operator applied.


> On Dec 1, 5:07 pm, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I am thinking about adding a match method to Clojure-contrib. This
>> would work like Ruby's threequals ("===", a.k.a. case equality) and
>> would be implemented as a multimethod to do sensible things with a
>> wide variety of types.
>> (1) Good idea?
>> (2) What should it be named?
> For those of us that don't do Ruby - what does === do?
> Rich
> >

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Re: Accept RE Pattern in (find-doc ...)?

2008-12-02 Thread Chouser

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 11:03 AM, Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was thinking it would be nice if (find-doc ...) accepted a Pattern (in
> addition to the String it now accepts), thus allowing #"RE pattern"
> regular expression pattern literals.


"in addition to the String" is important


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Re: Accept RE Pattern in (find-doc ...)?

2008-12-02 Thread Randall R Schulz

On Tuesday 02 December 2008 09:24, Chouser wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 11:03 AM, Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> > I was thinking it would be nice if (find-doc ...) accepted a
> > Pattern (in addition to the String it now accepts), thus allowing
> > #"RE pattern" regular expression pattern literals.
> +1
> "in addition to the String" is important


(defn doc-find
 "Like find-doc but also accepts a java.util.regex.Pattern"
 (find-doc (.toString pat)))



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Re: Clojure Code Analysis Tools

2008-12-02 Thread Dave Griffith

> Polite, certainly. But as ever, the bottom line is the license under
> which it was released, and in this case that's the Apache License 2.0.
> You should decide whether that's consistent with your intentions.

It's worth noting that JetBrains has a history of including third-
party plugins as part of the core IntelliJ IDEA distribution, if the
authors are amenable and the plugin is of quality and felt to be
generally useful to the IDEA community.   I've had a few of mine
included that way, and consider it quite an honor.  In those cases,
the plugin gets relicensed as Apache 2.0.I don't know if that's
something you might be interested in eventually, but it's something to
think about.  It's early days for Clojure, but who knows what the
future might bring.

Dave Griffith
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More Monads

2008-12-02 Thread jim

A couple of weeks ago, I took a crack at figuring out monads by
implementing them in Clojure.  Inspired by Konrad's work, I pulled
that out and completed it.

I had chosen to implement a monad as a hash-map which is then passed
in to the standard monadic operations as an additional parameter.
Lifting 'with-monad' and 'domonad' from Konrad's file, I implemented
versions using that idea.

One thing I saw is that 'replace-syms' could be simplified.  I rewrote
it as:

 (defn- replace-syms [sym-map expr]
  (seq? expr) (map #(replace-syms sym-map %) expr)
  (coll? expr) (into (empty expr)
 (map #(replace-syms 
sym-map %) expr))
  :else (get sym-map expr expr)))

And then I changed it further to accommodate my needs.  I also changed
'monad-expr' to be a single call to 'reduce'.

There's a quick explanation of monads at the beginning of the file.

Thanks to Konrad for posting some good code.

File is at:

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clojure.main default print function

2008-12-02 Thread Perry Trolard

With the adoption of the clojure.main at SVN r1127, the print behavior
of the REPL changed from prn-style to println-style, e.g.

user=> (list "hey" 'hey)
("hey" hey)

;r1127 & on
user=> (list "hey" 'hey)
(hey hey)

I missed it when looking over Stephen's clojure.main code when
proposed, but I think the prior behavior is pretty clearly preferable.

(To make the change, the docstring on line 73 & the default function
on line 85 would both be changed from println to prn.)

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Re: More Monads

2008-12-02 Thread Meikel Brandmeyer


Am 02.12.2008 um 18:49 schrieb jim:

A couple of weeks ago, I took a crack at figuring out monads by
implementing them in Clojure.  Inspired by Konrad's work, I pulled
that out and completed it.

Seems, that we have some inflation here. :)

I also re-activated my try from spring, which I use for my Parsec
clone. It uses multimethods to handle the definitions of the monadic
functions like bind or return.

However, since I'm a complete newbie to monads, half of it
is probably wrong and half of it doesn't work..


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

Re: delimited continuations for web development

2008-12-02 Thread Jan Rychter

Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Jun 20, 11:58 am, Jaime Barciela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello Phil,
>> My understanding is that Common Lisp doesn't have support for
>> continuations either and that's why Weblocks uses cl-cont (http://
>>, a library by the same author) to
>> "fake" them
>> The implication appears to be that you don't need compiler support for
>> them if you have macros (which are, in a way, compiler extensions)
>> I know the Java world has tried and the Resources section here is a
>> good summary:
>> The search continues :)
>> Thanks
>> Jaime
>> On Jun 20, 11:30 am, Phil Jordan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Jaime Barciela wrote:
>> > > Is there anybody writing or thinking about writing a continuations
>> > > +component-based web framework for Clojure? Although I don't think I
>> > > can carve time to start such a project myself I would be happy to
>> > > contribute to one if it exists.
>> > Clojure doesn't have support for continuations, and as far as I've seen,
>> > nobody has tried anything like it. I have no idea how hard it would be
>> > to implement them, as I'm insufficiently familiar with the JVM's guts.
>> > However, there appear to be some continuation and coroutine libraries
>> > for Java out there. I've never looked into these, so I don't know if
>> > they've got any limitiations that limit the usefulness for this kind of
>> > purpose, but if they work in Java, they should work with Clojure. Google
>> > returns plenty of results to start digging, although at first glance it
>> > worries me that these libraries seem to be written for Java 1.0, which,
>> > I think, didn't yet support native threads and still used Green threads.
>> > (effectively a way of implementing coroutines)
> I know they are all the rage, but I am skeptical of the trend towards
> continuation-based web apps, especially to the degree in which they
> hold state in language-based continuations.
> First, it encourages writing apps like the old 70's style terminal
> apps - present a menu, wait for a choice, goto the next screen etc -
> very imperative. Yes, it's easy, and so was that. Then there were
> event-driven interfaces, and the world moved on.
> Second, why ever would I want a client's state tied up in something as
> opaque as a language continuation?
> Third, there are bound to be things captured in a continuation whose
> viability is extremely time or context dependent - prices,
> availability etc. To the extent you need to care about what is ok from
> the captured stack and what you need to refresh on resumption,
> continuations are insufficient.
> Fourth, the continuations freeze the application logic - what if the
> business rules or workflow have changed since the continuation was
> captured? Continuations reflect a view of applications as static.
> That's not to say that these frameworks aren't trying to address real
> challenges. Some of the challenges have to do with state-transition/
> workflow management. Some have to do with breaking the 1:1
> relationship between connections and threads, and process re-
> activation. There are some cool Comet capabilities in the Java servlet
> containers that address the latter (some even call themselves
> continuations, but are in reality event-driven).
> The short of it is that Clojure is not going to provide continuations
> any time soon, and I encourage Clojure web framework developers to
> think outside the box rather than chase this trend.


I'm responding to an old thread, as I've just discovered Clojure, and
I've just been thinking about how to start using it. I also work with
Weblocks (and like it a lot).

Your comments are spot-on if applied to one particular approach to
continuation-based web development. That approach is popular with
Schemers, as Scheme supports first-class continuations as part of the
language. There have been many presentations and demos by schemers where
each HTTP request basically calls a continuation with the entire
application state. This is not what Weblocks does.

Weblocks does something quite different. The continuations we're talking
about are delimited and do not serve the purpose of freezing the
application logic. Also, the sequential/imperative flow you mention
isn't their main purpose. The main goal is to support actions, e.g. code
like this:

  (defmethod render-widget-body :before ((w news-story) &rest args)
  (when (display-mode-toggling-enabled w)
(ecase (display-mode-of w)
  (:short (link "[+]" (toggle-display-mode w)))
  (:full (link "[-]" (toggle-display-mode w)

The link macro actually renders a HTML link pointing to the captured
continuation -- an action, which in this case just toggles how the
widget is displayed.

Notice we aren't actually freezing anything and this is not a full
first-class continuation, it do

Re: Serializing Clojure objects

2008-12-02 Thread Rich Hickey

On Dec 2, 7:02 am, Parth Malwankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Tayssir John Gabbour wrote:
> > Hi!
> > How should I approach serialization? I made a little test function
> > which serializes and deserializes Clojure objects. It works for
> > strings, integers, symbols, LazilyPersistentVectors and.. oddly..
> > PersistentHashMaps that have exactly one element. (My Clojure is about
> > a month old.)
> I am not much of a Java guy so this would be what I would do.
> Clojure has reader syntax of its data structures (maps, vectors etc.)
> so they can be easily written to a stream as test using write.
> Reading it is equally simple:
> user=> (def a (with-in-str "{:a 1 :b 2}" (read)))
> #'user/a
> user=> a
> {:a 1, :b 2}
> user=>
> So as long as your data has reader syntax its not too much
> of an issue. If the data needs to be shared between languages
> as highlighted by someone, you may consider using another
> format like json or so.
> If the data used java object it may not be serializable so
> easily. Generally my approach is to stick to data structures
> at Clojure level as it has reader syntax.

Yes, please consider print/read. It is readable text, works with a lot
of data structures, and is extensible.

As part of AOT I needed to enhance print/read to store constants of
many kinds, and restore faithfully. This led to a new multimethod -
print-dup, for high-fidelity printing. You can get print-dup behavior
by binding *print-dup*:

(binding [*print-dup* true]
   (map prn
   [[1 2 3]
{4 5 6 7}
(java.util.ArrayList. [8 9])
(sorted-set 9 8 7 6)

[1 2 3]
{4 5, 6 7}
#=(java.util.ArrayList. [8 9])
#=(clojure.lang.PersistentTreeSet/create [6 7 8 9])
#=(var clojure.core/rest)

It can handle all of the Clojure data structures (including sorted
variants), Java collections, classes etc.

You can extend it to new types by defining the print-dup method for
the type.


> > But for other things, like keywords and most PersistentHashMaps, it
> > throws NotSerializableException.
> > My imagined possible solutions:
> > * Implement Serializable for Clojure data -- but is it possible in a
> >   dynamic "Hey I'll just write a new method!" way?
> > * Go into Clojure's source and implement Serializable to the Java
> >   classes.
> > My end goal is using a nonrelational DB like Tokyo Cabinet or
> > BerkeleyDB.
> > Thanks,
> > Tayssir
> > PS: Here's my test code:
> > (defn my-identity "Copies obj through serialization and
> > deserialization."
> >   [obj]
> >   (let [byte-out (new
> > obj-out  (new byte-out)]
> > (try (.writeObject obj-out obj)
> >  (finally (.close obj-out)))
> > (let [obj-in  (new
> >(new (.toByteArray
> > byte-out)))]
> >   (try (.readObject obj-in)
> >(finally (.close obj-in))
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Re: AOT/gen-class docs

2008-12-02 Thread Rich Hickey

On Dec 2, 12:12 pm, Chouser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 10:24 AM, Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  Proxy generation was the last runtime code-gen/classloader
> > requirement. So the path is clear for building Clojure apps without
> > runtime codegen, for delivery in those environments that preclude it
> > (e.g. Android, unsigned applets). Looking forward to feedback from
> > people trying to reach those targets.
> You asked for it.  :-)
> Here's a minimal applet .clj:
> (ns net.n01se.Tree
>   (:gen-class
>:extends java.applet.Applet))
> Since it's missing a main fn, I would expect an exception like the this:
> java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: net.n01se.Tree/-main not
> defined (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

When and why?

The mappings are dynamic, you'll get an error if you try to call it,
and you could define that later somehow.

> Using svn 1136 I can compile and get the above exception from a normal
> Clojure REPL, but if I try to use it as an applet:
> $ appletviewer test.html
> java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
> at clojure.lang.Namespace.(
> at clojure.lang.Namespace.findOrCreate(
> at clojure.lang.Var.internPrivate(
> at net.n01se.Tree.(Unknown Source)
> at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native 
> Method)
> at 
> sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> at 
> sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
> at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
> at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
> at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
> at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(
> at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(
> at
> at
> Caused by: access denied
> (java.lang.RuntimePermission createClassLoader)

> You can see it found my class okay, but it looks like there may be
> some dynamic classloader stuff still going on?

Thanks, that's useful.

Yes, the dynamic loader is still there, just won't be used, but it
looks like the security check is on creation. Getting it completely
out is another project...


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Re: Accept RE Pattern in (find-doc ...)?

2008-12-02 Thread Allen Rohner

On Dec 2, 10:03 am, Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was thinking it would be nice if (find-doc ...) accepted a Pattern (in
> addition to the String it now accepts), thus allowing #"RE pattern"
> regular expression pattern literals.
> What do Rich and others think?
> Randall Schulz

+1. I think it's a nice addition.


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Re: proposal: match multimethod

2008-12-02 Thread Rich Hickey

On Dec 2, 12:16 pm, Stuart Halloway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It is called "case equality" which is a terribly confusing way to say
> "the predicate used  to match in case statements". "Match" is really
> the best verb.  In Ruby, most things match by value equality. But
> classes match their instances. Ranges match things in the range.
> Regexps match strings that they would match against.
> I find the construct useful, but difficult to define. In particular,
> if regular expressions match against matching strings, should
> collections match against their members? Subsets?
> The use case I have in mind for Clojure is in unit tests, where one
> might say something like
> (each-matches
> [actual-value expected-value]+)
> and have the match operator applied.

I'm pretty sure I don't like the sound of that at all. We had a nice
discussion about fcase/condf, which I'd like to get in, here:

I think a predicate match system is much nicer than a fuzzy-value

Also, I think people will want a true structural match macro at some
point (yesterday).


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Re: quit

2008-12-02 Thread Cosmin Stejerean
On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 3:05 PM, Mon Key <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Maybe (quit-clojure) instead of (quit)? This would save vanilla `quit'
> just in case it's needed later/elsewhere.
> Might also be nice to have (exit-clojure). Ditto saving vanilla `exit'
> for other purposes
> When first configuring Clojure on both linux box and windows from the
> command line (e.g. pre-slime, sans Jline ); the (quit) form was one of
> the first things I evaluated at the REPL :P

When I first started (quit) and (exit) are the first two things I've tried
for getting out of the Repl. Having either of those work for terminating the
REPL would be great. Using exit-clojure or quit-clojure instead will
continue to require the user the look up how to terminate the REPL
somewhere, at which point they might as well read about C-d.
For example, here's what happens when someone new to Python tries to exit
the interactive console.

>>> quit
Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit
>>> quit()

Cosmin Stejerean

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Re: Serializing Clojure objects

2008-12-02 Thread Parth Malwankar

On Dec 2, 11:52 pm, Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As part of AOT I needed to enhance print/read to store constants of
> many kinds, and restore faithfully. This led to a new multimethod -
> print-dup, for high-fidelity printing. You can get print-dup behavior
> by binding *print-dup*:

> It can handle all of the Clojure data structures (including sorted
> variants), Java collections, classes etc.
> You can extend it to new types by defining the print-dup method for
> the type.
> Rich

Very cool. I did not know much about print-dup and the support
for java collections. Thanks.


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Re: Accept RE Pattern in (find-doc ...)?

2008-12-02 Thread Rich Hickey

On Dec 2, 11:03 am, Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was thinking it would be nice if (find-doc ...) accepted a Pattern (in
> addition to the String it now accepts), thus allowing #"RE pattern"
> regular expression pattern literals.
> What do Rich and others think?

Done, svn 1138


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Re: clojure.main default print function

2008-12-02 Thread Perry Trolard

Clarification: clojure.lang.Repl's behavior hasn't changed, it's just
that the clojure.main default REPL behaves differently from it. Those
who don't call clojure.main in their clj scripts won't notice a

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Re: clojure.main default print function

2008-12-02 Thread Rich Hickey

On Dec 2, 2:37 pm, Perry Trolard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Clarification: clojure.lang.Repl's behavior hasn't changed, it's just
> that the clojure.main default REPL behaves differently from it. Those
> who don't call clojure.main in their clj scripts won't notice a
> difference.

Fixed (svn 1139) - thanks for the report.

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Re: Proxy questions

2008-12-02 Thread Krukow

On Dec 2, 12:51 pm, Andrés M. Quijano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I'm trying to use Clojure with ApacheMINA. I think Clojure it's the
> ideal language to concurrently handle all the events that arrive 
> intoMINA'sseparate threads.

Hi Andrés,

I bumped into Mina a couple of weeks ago, and was thinking that might
be interesting to use a non-blocking IO library from Clojure. I'm not
sure about the ideal design for coupling the Concurrency features of
Clojure with the effectful NIO Mina classes. I would be happy to
discuss it though if anyone has bright ideas ;-)

Anyway, I've managed to run the 'MinaTimeServer' from by implementing
the server and handler in Clojure and using the new (AOT) compile
feature to generate classes.

I've attached a zip with the source together with a 'trace' of me
making it run, which should be easy to follow...


Kind Regards,
- Karl

Some source:

(ns clojure.examples.mina
(:import (org.apache.mina.core.session IdleStatus)
 (org.apache.mina.core.service IoAcceptor)
 (java.nio.charset Charset)
 ( InetSocketAddress)
 (org.apache.mina.filter.codec ProtocolCodecFilter)
 (org.apache.mina.filter.codec.textline TextLineCodecFactory)
 (org.apache.mina.filter.logging LoggingFilter)
 (org.apache.mina.transport.socket.nio NioSocketAcceptor)))

(defn -main [s]
  (doto (NioSocketAcceptor.)
  (.. getFilterChain (addLast "logger" (LoggingFilter.)))
  (.. getFilterChain (addLast "codec" (ProtocolCodecFilter.
(TextLineCodecFactory. (.forName Charset "UTF-8")

  (.setHandler (clojure.examples.timeserverhandler.))

  (.. getSessionConfig (setReadBufferSize 2048))
  (.. getSessionConfig (setIdleTime (.BOTH_IDLE IdleStatus) 10))
  (.bind (InetSocketAddress. 9123

(ns clojure.examples.timeserverhandler
 :constructors {[] []}
 :extends org.apache.mina.core.service.IoHandlerAdapter)

(:import (org.apache.mina.core.session IdleStatus
 (org.apache.mina.core.service IoHandlerAdapter)))

(defn -exceptionCaught
  [this, ses, cau]
  (.printStackTrace cau))

(defn -messageReceived
  [this, ses, msg]
  (prn msg))

(defn -sessionIdle
  [this, ses, stat]
  (prn "IDLE"))
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Re: Proxy questions

2008-12-02 Thread Krukow

Just tried the zip file link. I forgot to put the trace :-( Sry, I've
uploaded another zip file hoping it would overwrite the other. Alas,
it didn't.
So here is the new zip:

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Re: Serializing Clojure objects

2008-12-02 Thread Mark Volkmann

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 12:52 PM, Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Dec 2, 7:02 am, Parth Malwankar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Tayssir John Gabbour wrote:
>> > Hi!
>> > How should I approach serialization? I made a little test function
>> > which serializes and deserializes Clojure objects. It works for
>> > strings, integers, symbols, LazilyPersistentVectors and.. oddly..
>> > PersistentHashMaps that have exactly one element. (My Clojure is about
>> > a month old.)
>> I am not much of a Java guy so this would be what I would do.
>> Clojure has reader syntax of its data structures (maps, vectors etc.)
>> so they can be easily written to a stream as test using write.
>> Reading it is equally simple:
>> user=> (def a (with-in-str "{:a 1 :b 2}" (read)))
>> #'user/a
>> user=> a
>> {:a 1, :b 2}
>> user=>
>> So as long as your data has reader syntax its not too much
>> of an issue. If the data needs to be shared between languages
>> as highlighted by someone, you may consider using another
>> format like json or so.
>> If the data used java object it may not be serializable so
>> easily. Generally my approach is to stick to data structures
>> at Clojure level as it has reader syntax.
> Yes, please consider print/read. It is readable text, works with a lot
> of data structures, and is extensible.
> As part of AOT I needed to enhance print/read to store constants of
> many kinds, and restore faithfully. This led to a new multimethod -
> print-dup, for high-fidelity printing. You can get print-dup behavior
> by binding *print-dup*:
> (binding [*print-dup* true]
>  (dorun
>   (map prn
>   [[1 2 3]
>{4 5 6 7}
>(java.util.ArrayList. [8 9])
>(sorted-set 9 8 7 6)
> [1 2 3]
> {4 5, 6 7}
> #=(java.util.ArrayList. [8 9])
> #=java.lang.String
> "string"
> 42M
> :hello
> #"ethel"
> #=(clojure.lang.PersistentTreeSet/create [6 7 8 9])
> #=(var clojure.core/rest)
> It can handle all of the Clojure data structures (including sorted
> variants), Java collections, classes etc.
> You can extend it to new types by defining the print-dup method for
> the type.

I don't understand what the print-dup mechanism outputs and how to
reconstruct objects from that output later. I was expecting an API
similar to this.

(def my-string (print-dup [1 2 3]))
(def my-data (read my-string))

Can you give a simple example of serializing and deserializing a
Clojure collection?

R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.

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Re: Accept RE Pattern in (find-doc ...)?

2008-12-02 Thread Randall R Schulz

On Tuesday 02 December 2008 11:21, Rich Hickey wrote:
> On Dec 2, 11:03 am, Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I was thinking it would be nice if (find-doc ...) accepted a
> > Pattern (in addition to the String it now accepts), thus allowing
> > #"RE pattern" regular expression pattern literals.
> >
> > What do Rich and others think?
> Done, svn 1138
> Rich


You gotta' love that instant gratification.
Usually I have to write code to get that...


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Re: Possible Reflector Bug

2008-12-02 Thread Rich Hickey
On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 6:17 PM, JMan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Consider these 2 interfaces:
> -
> package test;
> interface PackagePrivateInterface {
>public void myPublicMethod();
> }
> -
> package test;
> public interface PublicTagInterface extends PackagePrivateInterface {
> }
> And these 2 classes:
> -
> package test;
> public class Factory {
>public static PublicTagInterface newImpl() {
>return new PackagePrivateClass();
> }
> -
> package test;
> class PackagePrivateClass implements PublicTagInterface {
>public void myPublicMethod() {
> }
> Now examine the following snippet of clojure code:
> (import '(test Factory PublicTagInterface))
> (def foo (. Factory newImpl))
> (. foo myPublicMethod)
> java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class clojure.lang.Reflector can not
> access a member of class test.PackagePrivateInterface with modifiers
> "public abstract" (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> Also "can not" should be spelled "cannot."

That message is coming from the Java reflection library, not Clojure.

As defined above, the method cannot be called via reflection. This is
because the resulting type of myPublicMethod in PublicTagInterface is:

public abstract void test.PackagePrivateInterface.myPublicMethod()

Reflection will not let you call methods of private classes.

If PublicTagInterface redeclares the method as follows:

public interface PublicTagInterface extends PackagePrivateInterface {
   public void myPublicMethod();

then the type is:

public abstract void test.PublicTagInterface.myPublicMethod()

and it works fine.

There is nothing I can do about this in Clojure.


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Re: Possible Reflector Bug

2008-12-02 Thread JMan

Thanks for the in depth response.  OK, not a Clojure problem . But as
an aside, it is unfortunate that the Java reflection API cannot handle
this case. The redeclaration solution may work fine, but it defeats
the purpose of having the package private interface (which may have
other public sub-types). In the end, this means code duplication in
the interfaces code. Perhaps a  better solution is to not make the
interfaces package private, but at the cost of exposing the client to
unnecessary details. Oh well...

On Dec 2, 3:37 pm, "Rich Hickey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 6:17 PM, JMan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Consider these 2 interfaces:
> > -
> > package test;
> > interface PackagePrivateInterface {
> >    public void myPublicMethod();
> > }
> > -
> > package test;
> > public interface PublicTagInterface extends PackagePrivateInterface {
> > }
> > And these 2 classes:
> > -
> > package test;
> > public class Factory {
> >    public static PublicTagInterface newImpl() {
> >        return new PackagePrivateClass();
> >    }
> > }
> > -
> > package test;
> > class PackagePrivateClass implements PublicTagInterface {
> >    PackagePrivateClass(){
> >    }
> >    public void myPublicMethod() {
> >    }
> > }
> > Now examine the following snippet of clojure code:
> > (import '(test Factory PublicTagInterface))
> > (def foo (. Factory newImpl))
> > (. foo myPublicMethod)
> > java.lang.IllegalAccessException: Class clojure.lang.Reflector can not
> > access a member of class test.PackagePrivateInterface with modifiers
> > "public abstract" (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
> > Also "can not" should be spelled "cannot."
> That message is coming from the Java reflection library, not Clojure.
> As defined above, the method cannot be called via reflection. This is
> because the resulting type of myPublicMethod in PublicTagInterface is:
> public abstract void test.PackagePrivateInterface.myPublicMethod()
> Reflection will not let you call methods of private classes.
> If PublicTagInterface redeclares the method as follows:
> public interface PublicTagInterface extends PackagePrivateInterface {
>        public void myPublicMethod();
> }
> then the type is:
> public abstract void test.PublicTagInterface.myPublicMethod()
> and it works fine.
> There is nothing I can do about this in Clojure.
> Rich
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Re: Serializing Clojure objects

2008-12-02 Thread Chouser

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 3:52 PM, Mark Volkmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> (def my-string (print-dup [1 2 3]))
> (def my-data (read my-string))
> Can you give a simple example of serializing and deserializing a
> Clojure collection?

For "serializing" you have a couple options:
(def my-string (binding [*print-dup* true] (pr-str [1 2 3])))
(def my-string (with-out-str (print-dup [1 2 3] *out*)))

I don't know which is "better".  Both produce a my-string like:
"#=(clojure.lang.LazilyPersistentVector/create [1 2 3])"

The regular 'read' function can read these *print-dup* strings to
reproduce the original structure, a.k.a. deserialize:

(def my-data (with-in-str my-string (read)))


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eval in macro: No method for dispatch value

2008-12-02 Thread Michiel de Mare

After playing around with macros, I ran into this problem with Clojure
(the latest version from github). The following code throws an
IllegalArgumentException: "No method for dispatch value: class

(defmacro wrap [h] (eval h))
(wrap (new StringBuffer))

But this works fine:

(eval (new StringBuffer))

Apparently this fails for StringBuffers, but not for Strings or
ArrayLists. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or what the underlying
rules here are. At the very least the error message is ... unhelpful.
I hope that somebody can shine a light on this.



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Re: eval in macro: No method for dispatch value

2008-12-02 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Michiel,

eval is for form data, so I am more surprised that it works for  
ArrayList than that it fails for StringBuffer.


> After playing around with macros, I ran into this problem with Clojure
> (the latest version from github). The following code throws an
> IllegalArgumentException: "No method for dispatch value: class
> java.lang.StringBuffer"
> (defmacro wrap [h] (eval h))
> (wrap (new StringBuffer))
> But this works fine:
> (eval (new StringBuffer))
> Apparently this fails for StringBuffers, but not for Strings or
> ArrayLists. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or what the underlying
> rules here are. At the very least the error message is ... unhelpful.
> I hope that somebody can shine a light on this.
> Cheers,
> Michiel
> >

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change in doto behavior

2008-12-02 Thread .Bill Smith

Can someone tell me whether this change was intentional?  In the
20080916 release, I get this:

user=> (doto (new java.util.HashMap) (.put "a" "b"))
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method found: .put
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method found: .put
at clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod(
at clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeInstanceMethod(
at user.eval__4117.invoke(Unknown Source)
at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
at clojure.lang.Repl.main(
user=> (doto (new java.util.HashMap) (put "a" "b"))

In revision 1139, I get this:

user=> (doto (new java.util.HashMap) (put "a" "b"))
java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: put in this context
user=> (doto (new java.util.HashMap) (.put "a" "b"))
#=(java.util.HashMap. {"a" "b"})

I'm using JRE

Bill Smith
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Re: quit

2008-12-02 Thread Mon Key

> REPL would be great. Using exit-clojure or quit-clojure instead will
> continue to require the user the look up how to terminate the REPL
> somewhere, at which point they might as well read about C-d.

Not entirely - once Slime/Jline is up tab completion on qu TAB or ex
TAB would give you what you needed.

Firing up a python2.51 at the shell and entering ex TAB gets me:

>>> ex
exceptexec  execfile  exit

Which is entirely different than getting nothing at all.

Maybe comparing McIntosh to Granny Smiths is more apropos.
SBCL at the shell gives:

* exit
debugger invoked on a UNBOUND-VARIABLE: The variable EXIT is unbound.
Type HELP for debugger help, or (SB-EXT:QUIT) to exit from SBCL.
restarts (invokable by number or by possibly-abbreviated name):
  0: [ABORT] Exit debugger, returning to top level.

The point isn't simply that at a naked shell `quit' or `exit' don't
get anywhere but that in more well heeled environs Clojure still feels
underdressed in this *particular* situation.  Certainly there are
times when one would like to exit the REPL without leaving the
environment entirely, and while setups like Slime can accomadate this
that is only one environ.  Future setups may in fact benefit from the
ability to call `quit' or `exit' directly - However, in a concurrent,
parallel, or threaded situation it may be beneficial to leave quit for
some other use than to leave the game entirely. Having `quit-clojure'
and/or `exit-clojure' available as a tab-complete in addition to
leaving open the shorter tokens `quit' and `exit' for future potential
uses or User Code makes sense.


On Dec 2, 2:07 pm, "Cosmin Stejerean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 30, 2008 at 3:05 PM, Mon Key <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Maybe (quit-clojure) instead of (quit)? This would save vanilla `quit'
> > just in case it's needed later/elsewhere.
> > Might also be nice to have (exit-clojure). Ditto saving vanilla `exit'
> > for other purposes
> > When first configuring Clojure on both linux box and windows from the
> > command line (e.g. pre-slime, sans Jline ); the (quit) form was one of
> > the first things I evaluated at the REPL :P
> When I first started (quit) and (exit) are the first two things I've tried
> for getting out of the Repl. Having either of those work for terminating the
> REPL would be great. Using exit-clojure or quit-clojure instead will
> continue to require the user the look up how to terminate the REPL
> somewhere, at which point they might as well read about C-d.
> For example, here's what happens when someone new to Python tries to exit
> the interactive console.
> >>> quit
> Use quit() or Ctrl-D (i.e. EOF) to exit
> >>> quit()
> --
> Cosmin Stejerean
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Re: change in doto behavior

2008-12-02 Thread Stuart Halloway

Yes. doto is more general now. The . is needed to indicate Java  
interop calls because doto can do other things which are not Java  
interop calls:

  (doto "double" println println)
-> "double"


> Can someone tell me whether this change was intentional?  In the
> 20080916 release, I get this:
> user=> (doto (new java.util.HashMap) (.put "a" "b"))
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method found: .put
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method found: .put
>   at clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeMatchingMethod(
>   at clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeInstanceMethod(
>   at user.eval__4117.invoke(Unknown Source)
>   at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
>   at clojure.lang.Repl.main(
> user=> (doto (new java.util.HashMap) (put "a" "b"))
> {a=b}
> In revision 1139, I get this:
> user=> (doto (new java.util.HashMap) (put "a" "b"))
> java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: put in this context
> user=> (doto (new java.util.HashMap) (.put "a" "b"))
> #=(java.util.HashMap. {"a" "b"})
> I'm using JRE
> Bill Smith
> >

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Re: Supporting protected fields in genclass

2008-12-02 Thread Matt Revelle
Updated patch attached, the extra let for readability looked ugly to  
me after some sleep.

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Description: Binary data

On Dec 1, 2008, at 3:44 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:

> On Dec 1, 2:57 pm, Matt Revelle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Yes, this again.  Now that we have AOT, I wanted to revisit  
>> supporting
>> the exposing of inherited protected fields that originate from  
>> farther
>> up the hierarchy chain than the super class.
>> Attached is a patch against SVN revision 1133.
>> I promise to never bring this up again.  =)
>> -Matt
> I'm glad you did. There were a couple of enhancements that got delayed
> in the AOT process.
> As far as the patch, I'd prefer not to have any logic that uses
> exceptions as part of normal flow control (i.e. calling
> getDeclaredField and eating the exception), so could you please define
> in terms of getDeclaredFields instead?
> Thanks,
> Rich
> --~--~-~--~~~---~--~~
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> -~--~~~~--~~--~--~---

Re: proposal: match multimethod

2008-12-02 Thread Martin DeMello

On Dec 2, 9:22 pm, Rich Hickey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For those of us that don't do Ruby - what does === do?

It's a supporting method for the case keyword

case object
when pred1: action1
when pred2: action2

translates to

if pred1 === object
elsif pred2 === object

It's not really a fuzzy-value match, just nice syntactic sugar for a
multiply-dispatched match method.


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[PATCH] Improved Maven Build

2008-12-02 Thread Howard Lewis Ship
I've created a patch for the clojure source that does the following:

- Adds a minimal site build, with links to the main Clojure web site
- Generates a source JAR to go with the binary JAR
- Generates JavaDoc for the project site  (if profile "javadoc" is enabled)
- Adds a Maven profile, "ci", for a nightly continuous integration
build, to deploy Maven artifacts to a local Maven repository

This is based on icky Maven stuff I wrote for Tapestry a year or so ago.

I'm also in the process of revamping to make it
more of a project hosting site; it will (soon) have Bamboo (continuous
integration server),
Confluence (Wiki), JIRA (Issue Tracking) and SVN.  I could set up a
post-commit and nightly build for Clojure at any time.  This has
served the Tapestry community quite well, giving people easy access to
latest-and-greatest snapshots and (JavaDoc) documentation.

Note that the clojure-logo.png file must be stored in src/site/resources/images.

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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<>Index: pom.xml
--- pom.xml	(revision 1139)
+++ pom.xml	Tue Dec 02 21:50:15 PST 2008
@@ -1,31 +1,162 @@";
- xsi:schemaLocation="
+ xsi:schemaLocation="";>
-	4.0.0
-	jvm.clojure
-	clojure-lang
-	clojure-lang
+Clojure core environment and runtime library.
+Common Public License Version 1.0
+Rich Hickey
+Bringer Of Light
+Clojure Google Group
-		src/jvm
-		src/clj
-	1.5
-	1.5
-	true

Re: [PATCH] Improved Maven Build

2008-12-02 Thread Howard Lewis Ship

Sorry, that as the project hosting site. It
currently runs Bamboo at

On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 10:05 PM, Howard Lewis Ship <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've created a patch for the clojure source that does the following:
> - Adds a minimal site build, with links to the main Clojure web site
> (
> - Generates a source JAR to go with the binary JAR
> - Generates JavaDoc for the project site  (if profile "javadoc" is enabled)
> - Adds a Maven profile, "ci", for a nightly continuous integration
> build, to deploy Maven artifacts to a local Maven repository
> This is based on icky Maven stuff I wrote for Tapestry a year or so ago.
> I'm also in the process of revamping to make it
> more of a project hosting site; it will (soon) have Bamboo (continuous
> integration server),
> Confluence (Wiki), JIRA (Issue Tracking) and SVN.  I could set up a
> post-commit and nightly build for Clojure at any time.  This has
> served the Tapestry community quite well, giving people easy access to
> latest-and-greatest snapshots and (JavaDoc) documentation.
> Note that the clojure-logo.png file must be stored in 
> src/site/resources/images.
> --
> Howard M. Lewis Ship
> Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

Howard M. Lewis Ship

Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind

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Re: Clojure could be to Concurrency-Oriented Programming what Java was to OOP

2008-12-02 Thread Mark H.

On Dec 1, 12:03 am, bc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've written a blog post titled "Clojure could be to Concurrency-
> Oriented Programming what Java was to OOP" in which I discuss
> Clojure's approach to concurrency:
> Any comments/criticisms would be appreciated.

Great article! :-)

A picky point -- "concurrency" refers to multiple actors and the
shared data problem (which is not necessarily related to performance),
whereas "the free lunch is over" refers to "parallelism" (using
multiple CPUs to improve performance), regardless of what terminology
the article actually uses ;-)

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Interactive Charting with Clojure & the Google Chart API

2008-12-02 Thread JMan

I thought this may interest this group:

I created a little interactive charting environment for Clojure which
you can find here:

Simply load it with the following command: (load-file "charting.clj"),
setting your path appropriately, of course. You will also need the
charts4j jar in your Clojure classpath. Find that jar at the same link
above. Moreover, you must be connected to the Internet for this script
to run, as the charts are ultimately rendered by the Google Chart API.
It should play a slide show, and can be a starting point for
generating your own charts interactively. It should be straightforward
to generate all the charts available in charts4j by using that script
as an example. One last important note about the charting.clj script;
it works with the latest Clojure SVN revision. I also provide a
"charting-20080916.clj" that works with the official latest release.

I wrote a blog post about this exercise here:
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Re: Seq forms with preceding #^metadata lose the metadata

2008-12-02 Thread Kei Suzuki

Hi Meikel, Rich,

Thank you for your clarification.

Now I understand the difference between #^ and with-meta and I can see
#^metadata on a seq form is intact at compile time (and it can be
passed down to runtime) so that now I know I was wrong to say like the

Thanks again.

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