Re: slow mysql inserts

2011-01-19 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
I suspect that ClojureQL and with-connection are opening and closing
the connection for every query, whereas the Java and Perl versions are
reusing their connections.

Try adding a connection pool to the mix.

On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 19:32, rygorr wrote:
 I'm currently doing some preliminary performance testing of db inserts
 with various technologies.  The db server itself is nothing special
 but what surprised me was the difference in INSERT speeds between
 Clojure and the other solutions I've tried.  Clearly there is
 something I'm missing so perhaps I can get some insight.

 Java code INSERT was about 500 rows/sec.  The Clojure code was about
 30 rows/sec (both ClojureQL and with-connection versions).  Perl DBI
 and ObjC were both around 500 rows/sec.  I'm comparing relative speed
 -- the 'mysql server' is just a mac-mini running Mysql 5.0.  While I
 recognize this is a pretty simplistic seat-of-the-pants test I wasn't
 expecting 16x slower.

 ClojureQL code:
 (def test (sql/table db :test))
 (doseq [x (range 2000)]
    @(sql/conj! test [{:value x}]))

 Vanilla clojure code I tried as well.
 (doseq [x (range 2000)]
    (with-connection db
       (insert-values :test
                      [:value] [x])))
 db is the com.mysql.jdbc.Driver connection string.

 Pure Java:
        for(int i = 2000 ;  i0 ; i--){
            try {
                java.sql.Statement s = conn.createStatement();
                s.executeUpdate(insert into test (value) values( + i + ));
            catch (Exception e) {
 where conn here is again my com.mysql.jdbc.Driver connection string.

 I used the same mysql-connector-java jar for all tests on the JVM.
 Initially my tests were run in the cake-swank JVM.  To try to
 eliminate any variables I also created a jar with lein and tested
 that.  The pure java code was compiled and run command line.

 I don't believe for a second this is an issue with clojure, but to be
 honest I'm not clear where to start troubleshooting.

 What sort of things can I play with to figure out where the bottleneck


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Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: why not change type compare functions do a compare on strings as well?

2010-11-29 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
I think it will make more sense to branch on whether something is
Comparable or IComparable, than a string.

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 08:59, Tim Robinson wrote:
 why not change   type compare functions do a compare on strings as

        ([x] true)
  ([x y](if (string? x)
            (. clojure.lang.Numbers (isPos (.compareTo x y)))
            (. clojure.lang.Numbers (gt x y
  ([x y  more]
          (if ( x y)
        (if (next more)
            (recur y (first more) (next more))
            ( y (first more)))

        ([x] true)
  ([x y](if (string? x)
            (. clojure.lang.Numbers (isNeg (.compareTo x y)))
            (. clojure.lang.Numbers (gt x y
  ([x y  more]
          (if ( x y)
        (if (next more)
            (recur y (first more) (next more))
            ( y (first more)))

 It's just cleaner so we can do things like:

 user= ( 2010-06-11 2010-11-01)

 user= ( Banana Apple)

 make sense?

 * I ran a bunch of benchmarks, showing no real impact on performance.
 * probably would need to include = and = too.

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Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Reference Menu sans Transients

2010-10-23 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
+1 and a vote to also add these:

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 12:08, ka wrote:
 +1, besides adding transients, protocols 1.2 features, can we also
 have a Future section after the Reference section?

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Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Best practices for protocols

2010-10-16 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
My understanding of protocols is this: they are an abstraction
representation of data. They allow you to write functions, building
upon the protocol, such that they work for all concrete
implementations of that protocol.
So the protocol is a view on data. And the many ways of modifying the
data is left out, and put in functions. Before defining a new
protocol, I think it is a good idea to ask oneself if one could not
just as well have built something out of maps, lists and vectors, and
a set of higher-abstracted functions.

I hope these thoughts can inspire you to an improved design.

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 20:58, K. wrote:
 If your protocol functions generally look like : display that data on this
 view, then why not leverage multimethods and double dispatch ?

 I think I choose a misleading example, sorry about that.

 I'm working mainly with one kind of data, but there a lot of
 For instance one function will display the search result, another will
 notify the view of a particular change in the document etc. Data are
 big so changes are done incrementally at the view level. That means
 there is a function for each kind of change. Then a function for each
 kind of listeners (I wanted to abstract the concrete listeners from
 the controller) etc. Other functions are for setting a dirty marker
 etc. There is merely only one view : the one used to edit the document.

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Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Generating special classes

2010-10-06 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
Actually... what I *really* want is your clj-native library :D

Is this it?

On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 07:21, mac wrote:
 There is always clojure.asm if you don't mind getting your hands dirty
 with bytecode generation. That's what I did when I needed exactly what
 you describe for clj-native. It wasn't that much work, the JVM
 bytecode is uncomplicated to begin with and since JNI method stubs
 require no code all you have to do is generate class skeletons.
 You might have trouble with AOT compilation though, if you want to
 support that you need to detect when it's happening (*compile-files*)
 and save your class to a class file instead of loading it directly.

 Would be nice with core support for native (JNI) methods though,
 perhaps something similar to :static?


 On Oct 5, 6:18 pm, nickikt wrote:

 On 5 Okt., 17:42, Christian Vest Hansen wrote:

  I suppose there's no better way to generate classes with custom static
  initializers and methods with the native keyword, other than
  perusing the innards of gen-class?

  Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
  Christian Vest Hansen.

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Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Generating special classes

2010-10-05 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
I suppose there's no better way to generate classes with custom static
initializers and methods with the native keyword, other than
perusing the innards of gen-class?

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: testing local functions?

2010-09-10 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
From someone who's window to your code is your public API, a
refactoring should make no observable change.

So if you only test on the public API, but you test it thoroughly,
then your tests will ensure that this property holds.

Tests that delve into implementation details and private things, are
more brittle because they are affected by changes in implementation

On Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 14:16, alux wrote:
 Hi James,

 thanks for your answer.

 your tests should be testing your public interface

 Well, I tend to disagree here. I sometimes like to have tests in place
 for things I want to refactor. To not inadvertently do something

 But I agree that this is not easily accomplishable.

 Greetings, alux

 On 10 Sep., 13:39, James Reeves wrote:
 On 10 September 2010 12:24, alux wrote:

  I always thought it to be good style to make helper functions only as
  visible as needed, e.g. by using letfn.

  But when I want to test my code, I just dont see a way to access these
  local functions for tests.

 I don't believe you can. You could make them private functions, and
 then test them by referring directly to their vars, e.g.

 (#'your.namespace/private-function ...)

 But in general, your tests should be testing your public interface,
 not a specific implementation. Your tests shouldn't care what your
 code does behind the scenes, so long as the publicly accessible
 functions return the correct result.

 - James

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Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Bug in try/finally?

2010-08-10 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
The bug has nothing to do with try-finally.

Take a look at the macro expansion:

user= (macroexpand '(.. (System/out) (print -) (println -)))
(. (. (System/out) (print -)) (println -))

You are trying to call 'println on what ever 'print returns. But
'print is a void method.

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 08:36, Brian Stiles wrote:
 The following succeeds:

  (prn 1)
   (prn 2)
   (doto (System/out) (.print -) (.println -



 The following fails (note the odd duplication of 2 in the output):

  (prn 1)
   (prn 2)
   (.. (System/out) (print -) (println -


 -Exception in thread main java.lang.NullPointerException
        at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
        at clojure.core$eval__5236.invoke(core.clj:2017)
        at clojure.main$eval_opt__7411.invoke(main.clj:227)
        at clojure.main$initialize__7418.invoke(main.clj:246)
        at clojure.main$null_opt__7446.invoke(main.clj:271)
        at clojure.main$main__7466.doInvoke(main.clj:346)
        at clojure.lang.RestFn.invoke(
        at clojure.lang.Var.invoke(
        at clojure.lang.AFn.applyToHelper(
        at clojure.lang.Var.applyTo(
        at clojure.main.main(
 Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
        at clojure.lang.Reflector.invokeInstanceMethod(
        at user$eval__1.invoke(NO_SOURCE_FILE:1)
        at clojure.lang.Compiler.eval(
        ... 10 more

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Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Most elegant way of comparing vectors?

2010-05-19 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
You can use the equality function (=) if the ones and zeroes have to
be in the same exact places in the matrix:

user= (= [1 0] [1 0])
user= (= [1 0] [0 1])
user= (= [[1 0] [0 1]] [[1 0] [0 1]])
user= (= [[1 0] [0 1]] [[1 0] [1 0]])

If the shapes can be offset inside the matrix, then I'm afraid you
will have to device a more complex algorithm.

Also, less idiomatically I suppose, if the matrices are always four by
four cells, then the whole matrix can be represented in a short (the
number type short). :p

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 8:39 AM, Thomas Kjeldahl Nilsson wrote:
 Hello, newbie question here. :)

 I'm writing a Tetris game to teach myself Clojure, and I'm trying to
 keep the code ideomatic as I go along.
 One of the most basic parts of the underlying model is representing
 the pieces and playing field as two dimensional matrices.

 This is an L shaped playing piece (represented by a two dimensional
 vector literal):

 (def L-shape
  [0 1 0 0]
  [0 1 0 0]
  [0 1 1 0]
  [0 0 0 0]

 I want to check if other matrices of same size have the same shape,
 ie. are the 1's and 0's in the same places in the compared matrix?

 I suppose the most straight-forward way is write a function which
 steps through the two matrices simultaneously, comparing
 corresponding elements one by one.

 My question: is there a more elegant way of determining equivalence of
 collection structures like these in Clojure?

 Thomas Kjeldahl Nilsson

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Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Problem using count

2010-03-09 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 6:26 AM, Srini wrote:
 Hi. I am completely new to clojure - my 3rd day or so. Need to go buy
 a book on the subject. So please help me with a couple of things:

 Item 1) I have two calls to count. One works, and the other does not.

 ; counts number of items in collection
 user= (count (list 1 2 3 4 er 34) )

 ; count does not work. I get an exception. Need to figure out what I
 am doing wrong here.
 user= (count (list 23 3er oel 5) )
 java.lang.Exception: EOF while reading string

You are missing a double-quotation character before eol

 Item 2) I see from the documentation that the contains? function (it
 is a function, right? just want to be sure. this is my 2nd or 3rd day
 learning about clojure.) returns true if key is present in collection.
 And there is a reference in the online docs to numerically indexed
 collections like vectors and Java arrays. In the following examples,
 the first one works as I expected. But the second one does not work as
 I thought. How do I check if an item is in a list?

 ; does the vector contain index 0?
 user= (contains? [1 2 3 4] 0)

 ; could not get it to work for lists. apparently works only for
 numerically indexed collections like vectors.
 ; doesn't throw an exception either. intuitively, I think the
 following should have returned true.
 user= (contains? (list 3e 2 tired 1 more) 3e )

I think contains? only work on things that are associative:

user= (associative? [])
user= (associative? (list))

So a list is not associative, as it has no (near) constant-time way of
looking up things in it by index, key or value.

Maybe you want to use a set instead of a list:

user= (contains? #{3e 2 tired 1 more} 3e )

 Your help is much appreciated.

 Thank you for your time. - Srini
 As an aside, I guess I am approaching this as I have regular
 procedural languages like C, C++, Java, C#, VB, and my all-time
 favourite so far - Python, etc. And its taking a different kind of
 thinking to even understand the basics of closure since its just so
 different from the others. I am recording my learning experiences in
 my very first blog ever :) Hopefully it
 will help someone.

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Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Possible change to launch script in homebrew

2009-12-06 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
I want to change the clojure launch script in homebrew (a package
manager for Mac OS X), but before sending a pull request I want to
bounce it off of you guys.

The existing script was pretty minimal, and I wanted to at least have
it check if rlwrap was available. These are the changes I've made:
 * It will use rlwrap if it is available on the PATH
 * It now takes a -cp or -classpath argument, which is appending
to the existing one (including $CLASSPATH)
 * It no longer launches the -server VM by default
 * It is now possible to pass flags to the JVM with -J flags.
Examples: -J-server -J-Dname=value -J-Xmx2g

My brew formular is located here:

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: locking semantics: queue for the monitor?

2009-10-15 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

I think it uses intrinsic locks, which are always non-fair.

You can instantiate fair locks (what you are asking for) with the
implementations in this package:
But that requires you use lock.lock() and lock.unlock() directly in a
try-finally structure.

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 4:26 PM, Garth Sheldon-Coulson wrote:
 Hi All,

 If multiple threads are competing for the monitor of an object using
 (locking obj ... ), is it a strict queue for the monitor (first in, first
 lock) similar to send and send-off? Or are there other considerations?

 I would probably know this if I knew more about Java sync, but quick
 web/groups searches don't give a clear answer. Sorry for the basic question.



Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Metadata: something funny

2009-09-20 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 6:20 PM, samppi wrote:

 I was messing with the REPL when I found this happens:

 Clojure 1.0.0-
 user= (def a #^{:a 5} [1 2 3])
 user= ^a
 {:a 5}
 user= (def b #^{:b 2} '(1 2 3))

You have a quote symbol in there, so that line can also be written as:

(def b #^{:b 2} (quote (1 2 3)))

 user= ^b
 {:line 3}
 user= (def c (with-meta '(1 2 3) {:c 0}))
 user= ^c
 {:c 0}

 What's going on with that {:line 3}? Is it something that the REPL is
 doing? Where did {:b 2} go? And why does it happen with the reader
 macro #^ and not with-meta?

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Metadata: something funny

2009-09-20 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 7:25 PM, Christian Vest Hansen wrote:
 On Sun, Sep 20, 2009 at 6:20 PM, samppi wrote:

 I was messing with the REPL when I found this happens:

 Clojure 1.0.0-
 user= (def a #^{:a 5} [1 2 3])
 user= ^a
 {:a 5}
 user= (def b #^{:b 2} '(1 2 3))

 You have a quote symbol in there, so that line can also be written as:

 (def b #^{:b 2} (quote (1 2 3)))

... and #^{} applies read-time to the following *form* rather than the
value they evaluate to, so that is why neither (list ...) nor (quote
...) work.

 user= ^b
 {:line 3}
 user= (def c (with-meta '(1 2 3) {:c 0}))
 user= ^c
 {:c 0}

 What's going on with that {:line 3}? Is it something that the REPL is
 doing? Where did {:b 2} go? And why does it happen with the reader
 macro #^ and not with-meta?

 Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
 Christian Vest Hansen.

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Ensure and STM: find the bug...

2009-09-17 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 6:28 AM, Krukow wrote:

 On Sep 16, 10:06 pm, Rich Hickey wrote:
 On Sep 16, 11:39 am, Stuart Halloway

  The docs could be more clear, but if validate-fn must be side effect
  free then it certainly can't look at any other refs.

 Yes. The docs should say the function must be pure. While I understand
 the multi-ref validation use case, currently it is not supported.

 Ok, I guess I was thinking of a side-effect as something that
 *changes* state.

When you take a lock, you change the state of that lock, and that
state-change is a side-effect that can be observed by everyone who
have access to that same lock :)

That, however, is probably easy to forget. Like it is also easy to
forget that deref'ing a ref means taking and releasing a read-lock.

 But I see that pure is really means  referentially
 transparent in this case (which does not include looking at other

 I would suggest that the docs are changed to:

 ...  validate-fn must be nil or a side-effect-free (referentially
 transparent) fn of one
  argument, which will be passed the intended new state on any state
  change. If the new state is unacceptable, the validate-fn should
  return false or throw an exception. validate-fn will be called on
  transaction commit, when the ref has its final value.
 Validation across multiple refs is currently not supported

 or some variant of that (not sure the 'referentially transparent'
 comment is necessary, although it was helpful for me :-).

 One question I would like to ask is about increasing concurrency in
 the use-case I mentioned in this post. In my example I have two
 accounts a1 and a2, requiring that @a1 + @a2 = 0 invariably. A
 withdraw transaction that ensures one account, checks that the
 invariant holds, and does the withdrawal from the other is really
 permitting less concurrency than what is optimal. The call to ensure
 prevents/serializes also any concurrent activity which would not
 violate the constraint that @a1 + @a2 = 0, e.g., a concurrent

 So it seems that multi-ref validation also has a use-case in terms of
 increased concurrency (i.e., retry only if the invariant doesn't
 hold)? Any thoughts?

 Final question. The docs say that 'ensure' permits more concurrency
 than promoting the ref to a write. Is there a quick/simple way of
 explaining how? (Or do I need to go to the source :-)

 Thanks for the clarifications


Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Eval troubles

2009-09-03 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

You need to unquote the x to get its value from the let. You can do
that with the tilde character inside syntax quotes:

user= (let [x 1] (eval `(inc ~x)))

On Thu, Sep 3, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Miron wrote:


 I'm a Clojure newbie (many thanks to Rich Hickey and everyone involved
 - it's a great programming environment) and I have some trouble with

 What I'm trying is:
 $ java -cp clojure.jar clojure.lang.Repl
 Clojure 1.1.0-alpha-SNAPSHOT
 user= (let [x 1] (eval '(inc x)))
 java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: x in this context

 (on a freshly downloadedcompiled clojure from github)

 According to my understanding of, my
 code should simply return 2.

 What am I missing? :-)


Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: clojure vs scala

2009-08-26 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 10:43 PM, wrote:

 On Aug 25, 4:36 pm, Christian Vest Hansen
 I think he misrepresents both Scala and Clojure.


 Not a super helpful assessment.

 I'd like to hear more.  What do you disagree with and why?

Listed as a downer for Scala: Functional programming can be difficult
to understand for a Java developer - same can be said for Clojure, so
I think it is a similarity but he presents it as a difference.

Another Scala downer: Scala is very powerful, some developers might
shoot themselves into the foot - I don't see how this applies more to
Scala than Clojure. If we want to talk about foot-shooting, we could
talk about macros. There are some common mistakes that people with
weak macro-fu do. Granted we can argue that people learn not to do
these mistakes, but this learning still has to take place, and since
the article is about which language to learn, I assume that this
learning has yet to happen to these mentioned some developers. I
would also like to mention the age-old dynamic vs. static typing
debate because there's a twist to it here I'd like to point out: This
is an assumption because I don't know Scala that well, but; I think it
is harder to reason about performance and write fast code in Clojure
than it is in Scala.

I don't buy the no objects argument against Clojure. He links to
Halloways rifle-programming article that presents object oriented
using multimethods, so I presume he means no objects as in no
ability to define classes and interfaces, but that is what gen-class,
gen-interface and proxy are for. And new-new, at some point. I think
Scala an advantage in this regard with native syntax for these

 I think the comparisons are inevitable, and knowing more about both
 helps developers make good choices.  Your ideas about how to represent
 both languages would be valuable.

They are at least provided above.

 I mean, I didn't think the article was terribly in depth, but a real,
 evenhanded comparison would be enlightening.

I'm no position to do an evenhanded (objective?) comparison - I don't
know the languages well enough to do that.


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Re: ANN: clojure-maven-plugin 1.0 released and in maven central

2009-08-25 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

How does it work if you have both Java and Clojure code in the same
project? Which is compiled first?

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Mark wrote:
 For my own usages I've just been using IDEAs native maven support and
 opening the pom.xml - This sadly doesn't pick up the source directories

 On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 7:33 PM, Laurent PETIT

 Excellent, thanks Mark for this contribution !

 When time permits, I'll undoubtedly give a thorough look at it, and see
 how I can integrate this with Counterclockwise (new name for clojure-dev
 eclipse plugin).
 Something like a mvn clojure:eclipse that could extend the eclipse:eclipse
 goal for initializing the eclipse project with the clojure nature, and use
 the provided strategy for resolving namespaces to compile.



 2009/8/24 Mark Derricutt

 Hey all,
 I've released 1.0 of my clojure-maven-plugin and its now available in
 To use it, a minimal pom.xml declaring a dependency on clojure, and the
 the plugin (without configuration) is all you need.
 With the above pom, running mvn clojure:compile will scan any .clj file
 under ./src/main/clojure and compile them into the ./target/classes
 mvn clojure:test-compile will do the same for any .clj file under
 For more options such as hooking up a test script, filtering namespaces
 etc. see the project site at:
 Discouragement is a dissatisfaction with the past, a distaste for the
 present, and a distrust of the future
 - Maree De Jong, Life NZ.

 skype / twitter: talios


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Re: clojure vs scala

2009-08-25 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

I think he misrepresents both Scala and Clojure.

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 7:11 PM, wrote:
 Hello All,

 This sounds great!


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Re: Clojure with maven - how to?

2009-08-16 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

Did you remember to push your tags? (git push --tags)

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 9:51 PM, Mark wrote:
 I posted a simple example project to:
 last night which demonstrates the plugin.  As I mentioned in a post to this
 list yesterday theres 3 tags - step1, step2, step3.   step1 just has a basic
 pom and a test, step2 pulls in compojure and a simple webapp, step3 adds a
 simple automated test for that compojure app.

 On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 3:03 AM, Dragan Djuric wrote:

 Can somebody help by posting a hello world example for one of (or
 both :) these issues? :)


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Re: binary serialization

2009-08-11 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

Java object serialization handles cycles based on object identity.

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 6:17 AM, wrote:

 On Aug 10, 8:19 pm, Kyle R. Burton wrote:
  Does all this work with cycles, Java arrays, etc.?

 It will work with anything that implements the Serializable interface
 in Java.  Arrays do implement that interface, as do all the
 primitives.  With respect to cycles, I'd suspect it does, but would
 test it.  If you have a repl handy it should be pretty easy to test
 those functions out on your data structures.

 What class has the cycle?  Is it a standard collection?

 Cycles are a special case of substructure sharing. Let's talk about
 that instead.

 (def common [1 2 3 4 5])
 (def a [6 common])
 (def b [7 common])
 (def c [a b])

 If you are serializing c, I want common to get copied only once.

 I don't know JVM too well, but I think no efficient user-level
 solution is possible. Why? To take care of substructure sharing, you
 need to remember a set of shareable values that have already been
 serialized, and do reference equality comparisons when new new
 substructures are serialized.

 This comparison and a set implementation can easily be done with
 pointers (because you have ), but there are no pointers in the JVM,
 and no reference inequality, so you must use linear seeks, making
 the time complexity of serialization quadratic, where in C/C++ it
 could be O(N log N)

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Re: Good memory profilers (program or human)?

2009-07-31 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
 together. But first I'd like to explain why it is using so much,
 because I must be missing something.



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Re: Examining performance on the JVM

2009-07-16 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

I haven't tried to look beyond the JIT to see what it does, so I
wouldn't know which tools to use, but if you do not already know about
it, you might find the HotSpot Internals wiki to be an interesting
source of info:

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 5:39 AM, wrote:

 I see lots of discussion on this list about Clojure performance  how
 to get it to Java speed.  I am also interested in the next steps that
 happen, how does the JVM convert byte code down to machine code and
 how does one examine that?
 The profiling tools I use for C code let me look at what the compiler
 has done with my C/C++ code  where the machine is running slow (cache
 misses, pipeline stalls, etc).
 JVM apps obviously have another layer of indirection, the first layer
 is the quality of the byte code that has been generated, and then how
 hotspot compiles that into machine code.
 What tools are out there that let you examine the bytecode  JVM
 machine code output?  It would also be really nice if there were tools
 that told you why the JVM did or did not manage to optimize a block of

 I'm just curious here really, but it does seem like there are many
 knowledgeable people on this list that might be able to offer some


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Re: ANN: FnParse, a functional parsing library

2009-07-15 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

Tangentially relevant comment, FYI:
You'd be hard pressed to find a JSON parser on the JVM that is faster
than Jackson.

On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 2:55 AM, Wilson wrote:

 Thanks for the tip on looking at clojure.contrib. I keep forgetting to
 check there.

 On Jul 5, 2009, at 4:20 PM, samppi wrote:

 If you need a JSON parser, there's already a good one included with
 clojure.contrib. The one with the FnParse library is just a sample to
 show how it works. But please feel free to use it however it can be
 useful to you. :)

 On Jul 4, 1:45 pm, Wilson MacGyver wrote:
 Very timely, I need to parse a bunch on JSON files on Monday :) good

 Sent from my iPhone

 On Jul 4, 2009, at 3:16 PM, samppi wrote:

 I'm pleased to announce FnParse, a monadic functional parsing
 for Clojure, half a year in the making. I started on FnParse in
 December as my first Clojure project, and now it has matured to
 something that I believe is very and immediately useful. Currently,
 I'm writing a YAML parser using FnParse.

 With FnParse, you can easily parse a string or any sequence of
 into native data structures. FnParse is based on the concept of the
 rule, a self-contained function that accepts a state data structure,
 containing a sequence of tokens, and either consumes some tokens--
 turning them into new data--or fails. Rules correspond nicely to
 productions and productions in other sort of grammars. FnParse
 provides common rules, functions that create new rules, and
 that facilitate using rules.

 A sample JSON parser is at
 Online documentation is available at:
 The source is at:

 If you are confused about anything or find any bugs, please create
 issue on GitHub ( or
 me a message on GitHub.


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Re: Java STM

2009-07-13 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

I believe that DeuceSTM i primarily intended as a research platform
for Java STMs, hence the flexibility with pluggable algorithms.

Another Java STM is multiverse: -
the focus here is on performance. Multiverse is based on MVCC, like
the Clojure STM.

Both of these STMs operates with the mindset that objects are mutable
by default, and tries to control this mutability. Whereas in the world
of Clojure we have mutable references pointing to immutable values. In
fact, the correctness of the Clojure STM depends on the objects
stored in the refs be immutable.

On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 2:07 AM, Vagif wrote:

 Potentially interesting library for clojurians. Java STM


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Re: Clojure STM not serializable

2009-06-18 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

You can use `ensure` if you want to make sure that the transaction
fails if a or b are altered while the threads are sleeping in your

Otherwise, regarding serializable concurrency level: If you want
mutual exclusion, then that's what locks are for.

On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 8:38 AM, Eric wrote:

 Hi all,

 I'm enjoying using Clojure. It is clean, concise and powerful.

 The containers and even defmacro are easy to use correctly. However,
 I'm yet to be convinced the same applies with the STM implementation.

 In the user code below, people might expect  b == a + 1  after the two
 transactions run. Unfortunately, that isn't the case, as no read locks
 are being taken. (It would have been true if the transactions ran
 sequentially, in either order.)

 Is the lack of isolation affecting people, or do most users use idioms
 that avoid the problem?
 Example idioms would be writing every ref that is read, or using a
 single ref to switch to a new immutable data structure (as opposed to
 implementing mutable data structures using numerous refs).


 P.S. I'm aware Oracle and PostgreSQL similarly have non-serializable

 (def a (ref 0))
 (def b (ref 0))

      (let [old-a @a]
        (Thread/sleep 2000) ; or any slow computation
        (ref-set b (inc old-a))

      (let [old-b @b]
        (Thread/sleep 2000) ; or any slow computation
        (ref-set a (dec old-b))

 (Thread/sleep 6000) ; or join the above threads
 (println a= @a , b= @b)

      a= -1 , b= 1


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Re: The thread ring problem

2009-05-29 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

For kicks, I made an implementation* using agents:

I think that you may not want to use the STM so much and instead
figure out a different approach to sending the token around the ring.

*it may be a bit liberal in its interpretation of the rules... didn't
read them that carefully.

On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 2:32 PM, Alvaro Vilanova Vidal wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 I am a newbie in clojure world, so I have some newbie's questions :) To
 learn about clojure, I am trying to do the thread ring problem of clgb in
 clojure. The rules of problem are here, and my attempt here. It seems that
 works well, but I can only test it with a small load (5 - 15 threads, 503 is
 the target) because it runs extremely slow. I tried to use atoms, hints, and
 change the implementation, but always is slower. What am I doing wrong? And,
 by the way, why can't I compile the class?

 Thanks a lot.


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Re: Is apply slow or am I incorrectly benchmarking this?

2009-05-20 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

I'm thinking that integer boxing on the argument to your Fn is perhaps
dominating your numbers. I'm not up to date on the compiler, but I'd
think that the argument to the direct Math/ceil call is parsed in
primitive form.

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 9:38 PM, CuppoJava wrote:

 I'm using apply a lot in my code, and a small micro-benchmark is
 telling me that it's a very slow operation. Can someone confirm this?
 I'm wondering whether my benchmark is incorrect, or whether there's a
 hidden reflection that I'm not seeing.

 Thanks a lot for the help

 (let [i [1]]
  (time (dotimes [j 1000]
          (apply #(Math/ceil %) i

 Elapsed Time: 4123.448 msecs

 (let [i 1]
  (time (dotimes [j 1000]
          (Math/ceil i

 Elapsed Time: 555.107 msecs

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Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Concerns About Pushing Clojure 1.0.0 to Maven Central Repo?

2009-05-07 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Thu, May 7, 2009 at 4:47 PM, J. McConnell wrote:

 I guess only Rich can make the choice: statu quo, clojure (breaks
 maven artifact id), clojure-lang (breaks build.xml).

 Not that I have a strong stake in this, but I'd vote for going with
 clojure and getting it right for 1.0.

Right. It's easier to change this pom before it goes into the public
repo than after. When people are going to change their pom from some
odd snapshot to 1.0 anyway, then this is probably a good time to sneak
this artifactId change in too, no?

 - J.


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Re: Is Clojure production ready?

2009-04-16 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 9:34 PM, Aaron Feng wrote:

 Also, if anyone has any thoughts on hiring Clojure people, it would be
 greatly appreciated.

If I may guess out aloud:

In this case, I reckon that pretty much any Java programmer who knows
concurrency and has a clue about functional programming will be able
to pick up Clojure to a sufficient degree to get started, after a week
or two of focused learning and playing.
And if you can find one or two guys who already know Clojure to mentor
them, then the quality of the first-month code will presumably improve




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Re: I feel I'm making an elementary mistake with proxy, but I don't know what...

2009-04-02 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 2:33 AM, Luke VanderHart wrote:

 Ugh, I hate it when I make a fool of myself and realize the answer to
 a question 1 minute after posting it, even when wrestling with it for
 an hour beforehand...

 The reason the example doesn't work is that the method is of a
 different arity than the one I'm attempting to call.

 Still doesn't explain why it's failing with the same error when I try
 to actually use it on a Swing object, but I'll try to isolate that
 condition separately... Sorry for the pointless post.



 On Apr 1, 8:29 pm, levand wrote:
 Isn't this supposed to work?

 (defn create-layout []
     (proxy [java.awt.LayoutManager] []
       (addLayoutComponent [name comp]
                           (println Called addLayoutComponent))
       (removeLayoutComponent [comp]
                              (println Called removeLayoutComponent))
       (preferredLayoutSize [container]
                            (println Called preferredLayoutSize))
       (minimumLayoutSize [container]
                          (println Called minimumLayoutSize))
       (layoutContainer [container]
                        (println Called layoutContainer

 user (def layout (create-layout))
 user (instance? java.awt.LayoutManager layout)
 user (. layout preferredLayoutSize)
 ; Evaluation aborted. java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching
 field found: preferredLayoutSize for class$LayoutManager (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
   [Thrown class clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException]

 I get the same thing for all its methods, when I try to call them
 manually and also when I hook it up to a Swing container.

 I'd greatly appreciate it if anyone has any insight regarding what is
 going on...


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Re: Print a Large Lazy Seq - Heap Error

2009-04-02 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Thu, Apr 2, 2009 at 11:58 AM, wrote:

 I am attempting to print a large lazy seq to file. I have attempted
 various approaches and obviously am missing something obvious.
 I have attempted do use do-seq and also iterated manually through the
 sequence but i always come up with the heap error.
 Has anyone got any suggestions?

Don't hold on to the head of the seq.

It may not be obvious where, but you are most likely holding on the
the head of the seq, which prevents the elements from being GC'd as
you iterate them.


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Re: Clojure Users Group - Denmark

2009-03-30 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Mon, Mar 30, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Krukow wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 I am thinking about setting up a Danish Clojure Users' Group (dcug)
 based in Aarhus, but with the goal to be country-wide, possibly with
 city local groups (e.g., dcugAarhus, dcugCopenhagen). I am setting up
 a website with an associated blog for news/updates:
 (nothing real on there yet).

 I am wondering if there is enough Danish Clojure users to make this an
 active group. So please drop me an email or reply to this thread if
 you would be interested in actively participating. Otherwise it would
 be a European cug ;-)

Great. Now we are at least 3 danes who know Clojure - I have a feeling
that there is at least one other guy out there :)

I live in Copenhagen, but i think we're a tad too few to form city
local groups. Maybe if the scope was broadened to be more like lambda


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Re: Clojure + Java compilation and IntelliJ IDEA plugin

2009-03-25 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

Sounds great :)

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Ilya Sergey wrote:
 Hello, all.

 I've just uploaded new version of La Clojure plugin for IntelliJ IDEA. Among
 several bugfixes and minor changes I have to note several essential moments.

 1. Now Clojure support is added as so-called `facet', which may be attached
 to every module. Creating new module, just choose Clojure among desired
 technologies. In this case necessary clojure jar will be downloaded
 automatically and adjusted as a project library unless you point to it

 2. If you open existing project, clojure facet will be detected
 automatically. For now facet serves as a label for clojure-aware modules. In
 that modules you may invoke create new clojure file action and their
 clojure files will be compiled.

 3. From now IntelliJ IDEA provides support for batch compilation of Clojure
 files, whose namespace is marked by :gen-calss tag. Compiled classes will be
 places to the appropriate output directory of a module. One may choose,
 which sources should be compiled first - Java or Clojure to resolve one-way
 dependencies. By default Clojure is compiled first.

Could you explain the reasoning behind compiling the Clojure code
before the Java code?

While trying out Daniel Spiewaks Clojure enabled Buildr, which also
compiles the Clojure code first, I noticed that I could not access
static methods of the classes that were defined in Java code. I have
not tested this, but I would assume that type hinting using these
classes don't work either. On the other hand, Java works with Clojure
through the classes and interfaces defined in clojure.jar, and
resolves their Vars at run time. The 'gen-class case stands as an
example where you might have to compile Clojure first, but I wonder if
this is the typical case?

 Moreoverm you may to
 choose whether to copy *.clj files to output path or not (this might be
 useful if you're going to invoke some functions from *.clj files
 dynamically). And, of course, automatic detection and compilation of
 class-labeled clojure files may be switched off. For more details see File
 - Settings - Compiler - Clojure.

 For someone these settings might seem not sufficiently flexible. So, all
 comments and proposals are appreciated. :)

 With best regards,
 Ilya Sergey


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Re: STM and useful concurrency

2009-03-24 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
 is performance. If I found out that a
 particular transaction was commonly being retried many times, is that
 a sign that I need to write the code differently? How would I find out
 that was happening? I know I could insert my own code to track that,
 but it seems like this may be a commonly needed tool for Clojure to
 detect excessive conflicts/retries in transactions. Maybe we could set
 a special variable like *track-retries* that would cause Clojure to
 produce a text file that describes all the transaction retries that
 occurred in a particular run of an application. If such a tool isn't
 needed or wouldn't be useful, I'd like to understand why.

 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.

 Howard M. Lewis Ship

 Creator Apache Tapestry and Apache HiveMind


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Re: ANN: Preliminary Clojure Support in Buildr

2009-03-23 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 8:36 PM, Daniel Spiewak wrote:

   Note that you cannot mix Java and Clojure sources within the same

 It is supported in the latest changeset.  The following configurations
 are possible:

 Just Clojure:
  * src/main/clojure

 Clojure and Scala:
  * src/main/clojure
  * src/main/scala

 Clojure, Scala and Java:
  * src/main/clojure
  * src/main/scala
  * src/main/java

 Clojure and Groovy:
  * src/main/clojure
  * src/main/groovy

 Clojure, Groovy and Java:
  * src/main/clojure
  * src/main/groovy
  * src/main/java

 Clojure and Java:
  * src/main/clojure
  * src/main/java

 You'll notice that Clojure, Scala and Groovy is not among the
 possibilities.  This is because the Groovy joint compiler and the
 Scala joint compiler both expect to be able to interleave Java
 dependencies within their type resolution process.  They do not have
 support for the same functionality with each other, meaning that
 circular dependencies cannot be compiled between the two languages.

Who needs those other languages anyway ;)

 Note that this is all predicated on a (possibly faulty) assumption
 about the Clojure compiler: everything must be late-bound.  If
 Clojure's compiler needs to resolve types at compile-time, then this
 could potentially fail in unexpected ways.  Specifically, circular
 dependencies between Clojure and Java/Scala/Groovy would not be
 possible.  In such a case, you would need to somehow factor the
 circularity out into a separate .clj file and then exclude that file
 from compilation (forcing late binding).  I honestly don't know if
 this is the compiler's behavior or not, but I thought it was worth the

To bump this one up again

I only got around to playing with this again recently, and it seems
that I can't access ie. static methods on my Java types. If I
understand correctly, the Clojure code is compiled before the Java
code. I don't think that makes much sense, since Java would call into
Clojure through Vars which are always resolved at runtime, whereas
Clojure would like to know about concrete types when calling into Java
so it can avoid expensive reflection.

 One small change: in order to use this functionality now, you will
 need to include the following line at the top of your buildfile:

 require 'buildr/clojure'

 Joint compilation with Scala/Java or Groovy/Java does not necessitate
 an extra require, but this first one is necessary to get the process
 started and ensure that Clojure's compiler becomes the dominant


Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: User contributed packages (Cabel, CPAN, etc)

2009-03-22 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

I was hoping that we could piggy-back on one of Java's packaging
systems, so our programs can depend on Java libraries just as easy as
Clojure libraries. And in this regard, the Maven repository system is
pretty popular and even supported by build tools other than Maven
(such as Ivy, Buildr and Gradle).

On Sun, Mar 22, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Bradbev wrote:

 Is the clojure-contrib portion of Clojure meant to act as a package
 system like Cabel, CPAN, etc?  I suspect not.  Clojure-contrib is more
 like the standard library that comes with Clojure.  I think that going
 forward, Clojure is going to want to have a large and easily
 accessible library of packages.  I would love to see a strong package
 system for Clojure that
 1) Made it very easy to search for packages  download them, along
 with all the packages they depend upon
 2) Made the bar for contributing packages as low as possible so people
 can contribute easily (Ideally, after you have configured the package
 manager, uploading a new package should be as easy as 'packman upload

 I feel that the next big growth phase for Clojure will be in the user
 community and the code that we can generate.  A good package manager
 will help fuel that growth.

 And now I'll cop out  say that I have no idea about how to actually
 implement this sort of thing - I'm hoping somebody else will want to
 do it for me :)


Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: filter1 interesting?

2009-03-16 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 8:38 PM, Stuart Sierra wrote:

 On Mar 16, 8:14 am, Rich Hickey wrote:
 Sorry to jump in late, but one problem with seek is that it is a
 homophone of seq.

 Did anyone consider ffilter or find-first?

 I thought find-first was too long, since it's almost as long as
 (first (filter ...)

 ffilter looks funny, especially in a proportional font.

 Others I considered: find1, filter1, select1, pick, detect, spot,
 hit, ...

While considering suffixed names, what about firstp as inspired by condp?

I personally like how the first part makes it clear that we are
returning a single thing, rather than a collection or seq, and that it
is the one closest to the head - the one we are going to, well, find

That said, as you might imagine, I rather like find-first myself. I
don't think it is too much to type. I may be biased here, considering
my non-american keyboard layout, but saving a parenthesis for filter
is more of a win than a few alphabetic characters.

To conclude, I would prefer find-first as I believe the clarity is
worth the extra characters.

 pick might be good.

 -Stuart Sierra

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Performance tips for Clojure

2009-03-13 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 7:49 AM, Chouser wrote:

 On Fri, Mar 13, 2009 at 2:18 AM, Sergio wrote:

 There are a couple of obvious ones, but also some others that I
 haven't seen documented (like, map is much faster on lists than on
 vectors since rest is O(1) for lists).

 You're right that 'rest' is O(1) for lists, but it's O(1) for vectors as well.

 Your blog post include this table:

 rest - O(1) for lists. O(n) for vectors.
 count - O(1) for lists and vectors

I think that count is O(n) for lists, no?

 nth - O(n) for lists. O(1) for vectors.
 cons - O(1) for lists, O(n) for vectors

 This has a couple errors.  Both 'rest' and 'cons' are O(1) on vectors.
 I'm not sure what in the source code led you to believe otherwise.
 Both 'rest' and 'cons' create a seq from the vector, but this is an
 O(1) operation.  You can also run some timing experiments and see that
 'map' is at least as fast on vectors as on lists.

  (defn timemap [c]
      (dotimes [i 100]
        (last (map identity c)

  (timemap (into [] (range 1)))  == Elapsed time: 158.464048 msecs
  (timemap (into [] (range 10))) == Elapsed time: 1690.745615 msecs

 Note that multiplying the length of the vector by 10 increased the
 time by roughly 10 -- this suggests an O(n) operation, as we would

  (timemap (into () (range 1)))  == Elapsed time: 185.460957 msecs
  (timemap (into () (range 10))) == Elapsed time: 1821.346964 msecs

 Again we see evidence of 'map' being O(n), but when walking across a
 list it appears to run slightly *slower* than across a vector, though
 probably not by enough to be significant.

 We can even time 'rest' itself:

  (defn timerest [c]
      (dotimes [i 100]
        (rest c

  (timerest (into [] (range 1)))  == Elapsed time: 125.826519 msecs

 If 'rest' were O(n) on vectors, we should be able to multiply the
 length of the vector by 100 and see the time go up by roughly 100x:

  (timerest (into [] (range 100)))  == Elapsed time: 147.096976 msecs

 The amount of time it takes to build the vector goes up significantly,
 but the timed part, calling 'rest' a million times, doesn't take
 anywhere near 100 times longer.



Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Clojure group.
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Re: filter1 interesting?

2009-03-11 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 9:01 AM, Vagif Verdi wrote:

 Is (first (filter ..) lazy like in haskell ?


 I would hate to wait for filter to get all results just to throw them
 out and pick the first one.


Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Question about instance?

2009-03-10 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 11:10 PM, Laurent PETIT wrote:

 I have the use case for calling instance? where, once instance? returns
 true, I want to do something with the successful instance, such as binding
 it, or directly calling something on it.

 For instance, I have in my code :

 (let [console (.getConsole v)]
   (when (instance? org.eclipse.debug.ui.console.IConsole console)
    ... ...)

 Where I would like to really use when-let :
 (when-let [console (instance? org.eclipse.debug.ui.console.IConsole
 (.getConsole v))]
   ... ...)

 For this to work, instance? would have to return logical true instead of
 real true.

 Do you think it could be an interesting idea to change instance? in such a
 way ? Or maybe there's already something similar in clojure-contrib I
 haven't seen ?

What about this case:

(when-let [x (instance? java.lang.Boolean false)] (println x))

I think that should print 'true', and therefor I am against this proposal.

 Thanks in advance,



Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: What is Clojure NOT good for?

2009-03-10 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 12:17 AM, bOR_ wrote:

 I'm not from the software engineers field, but how difficult is it for
 some non-lisp, but java-savvy software writer to pick up a 600-line
 clojure program and learn to understand it?

I think the majority of Java programmers will be able to pull that
off, but it will take a good deal longer than the equivalent 2000-line
Java program.

Also, how do you think this increase in required effort grows? What if
we are talking about a +10.000-line Clojure program? Now add schedule
pressure, deadlines and the cost of missed oppotunities and you will
find that many companies sees the introduction of a new programming
language - especially if it is uncontrolled or happens without their
knowledge - as a significant risk.

 I mean, everyone in this
 forum managed to learn clojure to some degree without too much
 trouble.. including me. If there is a function the poor software
 engineer doesn't know about, there is excellent documentation
 available (unlike, for example for K, where your documentation is the
 source code in Q), there's this google group, and there is irc.

 I am a scientist, and I seem to manage fine. Someone who programs for
 a living should be able to fix a program that is broken in whatever
 language relatively easy.

Relative as in opposed to someone who does not program at all? ;)

You may find it hard to pursuade an off-the-street VB hacker to fix
bugs in your K code :)

 On Mar 9, 6:08 pm, Jay Fields wrote:
 I've lived through this discussion for the past 3 years while writing web
 applications using Ruby and Rails. Here's what I've learned:

 - Using a language that the average stupid programmer can't understand
 virtually guarantees that you'll increase your success chances, since you
 and your team-mates will be of a higher caliber.


Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Question about instance?

2009-03-10 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Timothy Pratley wrote:

 How about a cast variant that doesn't throw an exception but returns

 user= (cast java.lang.Boolean false)
 user= (cast java.lang.Integer false)
 java.lang.ClassCastException (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)
 user= (defn instance [c i] (try (cast c i) (catch Exception e)))
 user= (instance java.lang.Boolean false)
 user= (instance java.lang.Integer false)

That's a better idea. You might want to consider calling it 'coerce'
instead of 'instance' - I think that name is clearer and fits the
intent better.


 On Mar 10, 7:15 pm, Christian Vest Hansen
 On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 11:10 PM, Laurent PETIT 

  I have the use case for calling instance? where, once instance? returns
  true, I want to do something with the successful instance, such as binding
  it, or directly calling something on it.

  For instance, I have in my code :

  (let [console (.getConsole v)]
    (when (instance? org.eclipse.debug.ui.console.IConsole console)
     ... ...)

  Where I would like to really use when-let :
  (when-let [console (instance? org.eclipse.debug.ui.console.IConsole
  (.getConsole v))]
    ... ...)

  For this to work, instance? would have to return logical true instead of
  real true.

  Do you think it could be an interesting idea to change instance? in such a
  way ? Or maybe there's already something similar in clojure-contrib I
  haven't seen ?

 What about this case:

 (when-let [x (instance? java.lang.Boolean false)] (println x))

 I think that should print 'true', and therefor I am against this proposal.

  Thanks in advance,


 Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
 Christian Vest Hansen.

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Clojure group.
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Re: Mathy operations on non-numerics (was Adding strings)

2009-02-27 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 12:47 AM, Allen Rohner wrote:

 I agree regarding concatenation as well, but I think the case for
 comparison of non-numerics is still pretty strong.


 Are you referring to using , , =, with objects that implement

 i.e. given x.compareTo(y) == -1
 ( x y)
 = true

 I would find that useful.

I think having , , =, = be based on Comparable has been discussed before.

And the conclusion was that it was a bad idea, because in Java:

user= (.compareTo (Integer. 10) (Long. 10))
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to
java.lang.Integer (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)


user= (.equals (Integer. 10) (Long. 10))

Whereas in Clojure:

user= ( (Integer. 10) (Long. 10))
user= (= (Integer. 10) (Long. 10))

Given these consequences, I think the current behavior is the best compromise.



Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: ANN: Preliminary Clojure Support in Buildr

2009-02-26 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

Nice initiative!

However, it the net-ssh dependency has problems:

[cvh: ~]$ sudo gem install djspiewak-buildr
ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
timed out (

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 10:33 PM, Daniel Spiewak wrote:

 I'm pleased to announce preliminary (and very experimental) support
 for the Clojure AOT compiler and REPL within Apache Buildr (http://  At present, this support is only available within
 my Git fork available here: git://
 More specifically, Clojure support is available within the clojure
 and master branches (master branch alone contains REPL support).
 It should be possible to install this particular version of Buildr by
 using the following commands, though I'm honestly not sure how up to
 date GitHub's gem repository is:

  gem sources -a
  sudo gem install djspiewak-buildr

 Once installed, Clojure support is activated in a project simply by
 storing your .clj scripts within the src/main/clojure directory.  Note
 that the (ns) directive will need to match the subdirectory, otherwise
 compilation will fail.  By default, every script is compiled to the
 target/classes directory.  Namespaces are auto-detected from the
 directory structure.  Only updated files are re-compiled (based on
 mtime of .clj file and its corresponding *__init.class).  If you wish
 to override the auto-detection and specify a reduced set of
 namespaces, it can be done using the `compile.using` directive within
 your project definition in your buildfile.  Thusly:

 define 'clojure-contrib' do
  compile.using :libs = ['clojure.contrib.command-line',

 Any scripts which are *not* pre-compiled will be copied verbatim to
 the target/classes directory w.r.t. their position in the directory
 structure.  Note that you will need to have set CLOJURE_HOME for this
 to work.

 You will have to be using the master branch from my git repository
 in order to use the Clojure REPL through Buildr (or install via the
 gem command given above).  To invoke, simply run the following command
 somewhere in your project hierarchy:

  buildr shell

 This will launch the Clojure REPL pointing at your project's
 dependencies and the updated target/classes directory (compilation is
 re-run if necessary).  Additionally, if you have a valid license for
 JavaRebel, you can make use of it with the REPL by setting the
 REBEL_HOME environment variable.

 Note that you cannot mix Java and Clojure sources within the same

Aww... :(

  However, this is fairly easy to overcome by splitting the
 languages into separate sub-projects.  Thus, your top-level project
 might contain all of your Clojure sources, while the sub-project might
 contain Java.  There are more details regarding this process on the
 Buildr project page.

 One thing to keep in mind is that Buildr was designed to serve as a
 build system for more static languages (specifically: Java, Scala,
 Groovy).  Thus, it is pre-biased toward things like a separate
 compilation phase (the REPL points to target/classes rather than src/

 Fair warning: this language support is *extremely* experimental and
 probably not too reliable at this point.  Also note that while it is
 possible that Clojure support will be merged into the Buildr trunk in
 future, it has not yet been decided one way or another (see  Use at your own

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Clojure group.
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For more options, visit this group at

Re: ANN: Preliminary Clojure Support in Buildr

2009-02-26 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 6:17 PM, Daniel Spiewak wrote:

 Odd.  Must be a problem with RubyForge.  If you try again, does it

I tried again at home and got quite a bit further. Maybe it was just a
hiccup at rubyforge.

However, I still see some questionable things in the output, and I
have yet to actually try it out (this is the first time I'm trying out
buildr). Here in verbatim:

rowe:~$ sudo gem install djspiewak-buildr
Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
Successfully installed builder-2.1.2
Successfully installed net-ssh-2.0.4
Successfully installed net-sftp-2.0.1
Successfully installed rubyzip-0.9.1
Successfully installed highline-1.5.0
Successfully installed rubyforge-1.0.1
Successfully installed hoe-1.7.0
Successfully installed rjb-1.1.6
Successfully installed Antwrap-0.7.0
Successfully installed rspec-1.1.4
Successfully installed xml-simple-1.0.11
Successfully installed archive-tar-minitar-0.5.2
Successfully installed djspiewak-buildr-1.3.4
13 gems installed
Installing ri documentation for builder-2.1.2...
ERROR:  While generating documentation for builder-2.1.2
... MESSAGE:   Unhandled special: Special: type=17, text=!-- HI --
... RDOC args: --ri --op
/opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/builder-2.1.2/ri --title Builder --
Easy XML Building --main README --line-numbers --quiet lib CHANGES
Rakefile README doc/releases/builder-1.2.4.rdoc
doc/releases/builder-2.0.0.rdoc doc/releases/builder-2.1.1.rdoc
(continuing with the rest of the installation)
Installing ri documentation for net-ssh-2.0.4...
Installing ri documentation for net-sftp-2.0.1...
Installing ri documentation for highline-1.5.0...
Installing ri documentation for rubyforge-1.0.1...
Installing ri documentation for hoe-1.7.0...
Installing ri documentation for Antwrap-0.7.0...
Installing ri documentation for rspec-1.1.4...
Installing ri documentation for archive-tar-minitar-0.5.2...
Installing ri documentation for djspiewak-buildr-1.3.4...
File not found: lib
rowe:~$ ruby --version
ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i686-darwin8]

A failure to generate the docs I can live with, but that File not
found line looks pretty suspect.


 On Feb 26, 10:58 am, Christian Vest Hansen
 Nice initiative!

 However, it the net-ssh dependency has problems:

 [cvh: ~]$ sudo gem install djspiewak-buildr
 ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
     timed out (

 On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 10:33 PM, Daniel Spiewak wrote:

  I'm pleased to announce preliminary (and very experimental) support
  for the Clojure AOT compiler and REPL within Apache Buildr (http://  At present, this support is only available within
  my Git fork available here: git://
  More specifically, Clojure support is available within the clojure
  and master branches (master branch alone contains REPL support).
  It should be possible to install this particular version of Buildr by
  using the following commands, though I'm honestly not sure how up to
  date GitHub's gem repository is:

   gem sources -a
   sudo gem install djspiewak-buildr

  Once installed, Clojure support is activated in a project simply by
  storing your .clj scripts within the src/main/clojure directory.  Note
  that the (ns) directive will need to match the subdirectory, otherwise
  compilation will fail.  By default, every script is compiled to the
  target/classes directory.  Namespaces are auto-detected from the
  directory structure.  Only updated files are re-compiled (based on
  mtime of .clj file and its corresponding *__init.class).  If you wish
  to override the auto-detection and specify a reduced set of
  namespaces, it can be done using the `compile.using` directive within
  your project definition in your buildfile.  Thusly:

  define 'clojure-contrib' do
   compile.using :libs = ['clojure.contrib.command-line',

  Any scripts which are *not* pre-compiled will be copied verbatim to
  the target/classes directory w.r.t. their position in the directory
  structure.  Note that you will need to have set CLOJURE_HOME for this
  to work.

  You will have to be using the master branch from my git repository
  in order to use the Clojure REPL through Buildr (or install via the
  gem command given above).  To invoke, simply run the following command
  somewhere in your project hierarchy:

   buildr shell

  This will launch the Clojure REPL pointing at your project's
  dependencies and the updated target/classes directory (compilation is
  re-run if necessary).  Additionally, if you have a valid license for
  JavaRebel, you can make use of it with the REPL by setting the
  REBEL_HOME environment variable.

  Note that you cannot mix Java and Clojure sources within the same

 Aww... :(

   However, this is fairly

Re: ANN: Preliminary Clojure Support in Buildr

2009-02-26 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

rowe:~$ buildr --version
`gem_original_require': no such file to load -- buildr (LoadError)
from /opt/local/bin/buildr:19:in `load'
from /opt/local/bin/buildr:19
rowe:~$ gem --version

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 10:30 PM, Daniel Spiewak wrote:

 I'm not sure what the File not found thing is all about, but you
 should still be ok (crazy gems).  Try the following:

  buildr --version


 On Feb 26, 3:16 pm, Christian Vest Hansen
 On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 6:17 PM, Daniel Spiewak wrote:

  Odd.  Must be a problem with RubyForge.  If you try again, does it

 I tried again at home and got quite a bit further. Maybe it was just a
 hiccup at rubyforge.

 However, I still see some questionable things in the output, and I
 have yet to actually try it out (this is the first time I'm trying out
 buildr). Here in verbatim:

 rowe:~$ sudo gem install djspiewak-buildr
 Building native extensions.  This could take a while...
 Successfully installed builder-2.1.2
 Successfully installed net-ssh-2.0.4
 Successfully installed net-sftp-2.0.1
 Successfully installed rubyzip-0.9.1
 Successfully installed highline-1.5.0
 Successfully installed rubyforge-1.0.1
 Successfully installed hoe-1.7.0
 Successfully installed rjb-1.1.6
 Successfully installed Antwrap-0.7.0
 Successfully installed rspec-1.1.4
 Successfully installed xml-simple-1.0.11
 Successfully installed archive-tar-minitar-0.5.2
 Successfully installed djspiewak-buildr-1.3.4
 13 gems installed
 Installing ri documentation for builder-2.1.2...
 ERROR:  While generating documentation for builder-2.1.2
 ... MESSAGE:   Unhandled special: Special: type=17, text=!-- HI --
 ... RDOC args: --ri --op
 /opt/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/doc/builder-2.1.2/ri --title Builder --
 Easy XML Building --main README --line-numbers --quiet lib CHANGES
 Rakefile README doc/releases/builder-1.2.4.rdoc
 doc/releases/builder-2.0.0.rdoc doc/releases/builder-2.1.1.rdoc
 (continuing with the rest of the installation)
 Installing ri documentation for net-ssh-2.0.4...
 Installing ri documentation for net-sftp-2.0.1...
 Installing ri documentation for highline-1.5.0...
 Installing ri documentation for rubyforge-1.0.1...
 Installing ri documentation for hoe-1.7.0...
 Installing ri documentation for Antwrap-0.7.0...
 Installing ri documentation for rspec-1.1.4...
 Installing ri documentation for archive-tar-minitar-0.5.2...
 Installing ri documentation for djspiewak-buildr-1.3.4...
 File not found: lib
 rowe:~$ ruby --version
 ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i686-darwin8]

 A failure to generate the docs I can live with, but that File not
 found line looks pretty suspect.


  On Feb 26, 10:58 am, Christian Vest Hansen
  Nice initiative!

  However, it the net-ssh dependency has problems:

  [cvh: ~]$ sudo gem install djspiewak-buildr
  ERROR:  While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
      timed out (

  On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 10:33 PM, Daniel Spiewak 

   I'm pleased to announce preliminary (and very experimental) support
   for the Clojure AOT compiler and REPL within Apache Buildr (http://  At present, this support is only available within
   my Git fork available here: git://
   More specifically, Clojure support is available within the clojure
   and master branches (master branch alone contains REPL support).
   It should be possible to install this particular version of Buildr by
   using the following commands, though I'm honestly not sure how up to
   date GitHub's gem repository is:

    gem sources -a
    sudo gem install djspiewak-buildr

   Once installed, Clojure support is activated in a project simply by
   storing your .clj scripts within the src/main/clojure directory.  Note
   that the (ns) directive will need to match the subdirectory, otherwise
   compilation will fail.  By default, every script is compiled to the
   target/classes directory.  Namespaces are auto-detected from the
   directory structure.  Only updated files are re-compiled (based on
   mtime of .clj file and its corresponding *__init.class).  If you wish
   to override the auto-detection and specify a reduced set of
   namespaces, it can be done using the `compile.using` directive within
   your project definition in your buildfile.  Thusly:

   define 'clojure-contrib' do
    compile.using :libs = ['clojure.contrib.command-line',

   Any scripts which are *not* pre-compiled will be copied verbatim

Re: alternate syntax

2009-02-23 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 4:42 PM, Mark Volkmann wrote:

 I have an idea I'd like to float to see if there are reasons why it's
 a bad idea.

 What if Clojure had an alternate surface syntax that was translated
 into standard Clojure syntax by a kind of preprocessor?

Do you by any chance mean custom reader when you say preprocessor? :)

 Many people that don't like Lisp dialects don't like them because of
 the parentheses. I'm trying to address that.

How many of those have spend enough time with a lisp to form a valid
opinion of the syntax?

There are many programming languages who's syntax looks ugly to the
eye that do not understand its meaning.

 Here's a simple example of valid Clojure code.

 (defn pig-latin [word]
  (let [first-letter (first word)]
(if (.contains aeiou (str first-letter))
  (str word ay)
  (str (subs word 1) first-letter ay

 (println (pig-latin red))
 (println (pig-latin orange))

 Here's what that same code would look like in my alternate syntax.

 defn pig-latin [word]
  let [first-letter (first word)]
if .contains aeiou (str first-letter)
  str word ay
  str (subs word 1) first-letter ay

 println (pig-latin red)
 println (pig-latin orange)

 The rules for turning this into standard Clojure syntax are pretty simple.

 1) If a line is indented farther than the previous one, it is part of
 the previous line.
 2) If a line doesn't start with a (, then add one.
 3) If the next line is indented less than this one, add the
 appropriate number of )'s at the end.
 4) If the first token on a line is if and the first non-whitespace
 character after it is not (
then assume the rest of the line is the condition and wrap it in ( ).

Rule 4 is a special case that introduces inconsistency. I am against it.

The syntax is basically introducing implicit parenthesis based on
indentation. I have been pondering this idea as well, but decided that
Clojure already goes so easy on the parenthesis, that it wasn't worth
my time to persue it any further.

 A translation from standard Clojure syntax to this alternate form
 should also be possible.

 Is this a bad idea?

It is not inherently bad, but I doubt that a lot of people would
prefer it as their primary reader over the standard Clojure reader.

It could, on the other hand, find a nice niche in DSLs, for programs
that need some level of scriptability by people who cannot be expected
to be lisp savvy.

 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.


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Re: Clojure Questions

2009-02-21 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

I *think* that Clojure does not require anything from Java 6, and thus
can work on any compliant Java 5 or greater.

On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Sean wrote:

 Hi everyone,
 I'm working on cleaning up the wikibook some, and I've got a few
 questions.  If anyone could answer, that would be a great help.

 What is the minimum required JVM version for clojure?

 What versions of Java have been tested?

 What versions of Java are supported?


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Re: do-form swallows exception?

2009-02-17 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

First, map returns a lazy seq. Second, do only returns the result
of the last expression.

So, the mapping you do in your do form is never executed because you
never ask for the result.

Try wrapping the mapping in dorun to explicitly realize the lazy seq
from your mapping:

(defn foo []
   (dorun (map (fn [_] (throw (RuntimeException. fail))) [1 2]))
   no exception))

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 5:11 PM, linh wrote:

 How come the following code does not throw an exception?

 (defn foo []
(map (fn [_] (throw (RuntimeException. fail))) [1 2])
no exception))

 this however does throw exception:

 (defn foo []
  (map (fn [_] (throw (RuntimeException. fail))) [1 2]))

 Is this a bug or am I missing something?


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Re: map literals, computed keys and side-effects

2009-02-17 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

That's odd.

Might you have uncovered a bug regarding:

user= (class {1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9})
user= (class {1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8})

While with the atom code we have:

user= (class (let [a (atom 0)] {(swap! a inc) 1 (swap! a inc) 2 3 3 4
4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9}))
user= (class (let [a (atom 0)] {(swap! a inc) 1 (swap! a inc) 2 3 3 4
4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8}))

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Christophe Grand wrote:

 While kicking the tires, I encountered this behavior:

 user= (let [a (atom 0)] {(swap! a inc) 1 (swap! a inc) 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
 6 7 7 8 8 9 9})
 {3 3, 4 4, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8, 9 9, 1 2}
 user= (let [a (atom 0)] {(swap! a inc) 1 (swap! a inc) 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
 6 7 7 8 8})
 {1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8}

 Granted, it's not casual Clojure code but it's surprising.


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Re: map literals, computed keys and side-effects

2009-02-17 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

I think I got it :)

The two (swap! a inc) forms are added to the map at read-time - which
is before they are evaluated. However, since we are associating the
(swap! a inc) key with a value twice, only the last one counts. So the
atom is inc'ed to 1 once (because keys can only be in the map once),
and assoc'ed with the value 2 (because that's the second assoc we're
doing to the (swap! a inc) form).

The PersistantArrayMap, on the other hand, is more gullible and
trusting towards the parsed array of forms that the reader presents
it, and therefor accepts the (swap! a inc) key twice, which in turn
causes it to evaluate twice; into two different keys with two
different associations.

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:28 PM, Christian Vest Hansen wrote:
 That's odd.

 Might you have uncovered a bug regarding:

 user= (class {1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9})
 user= (class {1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8})

 While with the atom code we have:

 user= (class (let [a (atom 0)] {(swap! a inc) 1 (swap! a inc) 2 3 3 4
 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9}))
 user= (class (let [a (atom 0)] {(swap! a inc) 1 (swap! a inc) 2 3 3 4
 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8}))

 On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Christophe Grand 

 While kicking the tires, I encountered this behavior:

 user= (let [a (atom 0)] {(swap! a inc) 1 (swap! a inc) 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
 6 7 7 8 8 9 9})
 {3 3, 4 4, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8, 9 9, 1 2}
 user= (let [a (atom 0)] {(swap! a inc) 1 (swap! a inc) 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
 6 7 7 8 8})
 {1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8}

 Granted, it's not casual Clojure code but it's surprising.


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 Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
 Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: map literals, computed keys and side-effects

2009-02-17 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

Just to clarify; I think PersistentArrayMap is too naïve:

user= {1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2}
{1 1, 1 1, 1 1, 2 2}

Also, this is rev 1286 (just prior to lazy-branch merge thingy).

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:50 PM, Christian Vest Hansen wrote:
 I think I got it :)

 The two (swap! a inc) forms are added to the map at read-time - which
 is before they are evaluated. However, since we are associating the
 (swap! a inc) key with a value twice, only the last one counts. So the
 atom is inc'ed to 1 once (because keys can only be in the map once),
 and assoc'ed with the value 2 (because that's the second assoc we're
 doing to the (swap! a inc) form).

 The PersistantArrayMap, on the other hand, is more gullible and
 trusting towards the parsed array of forms that the reader presents
 it, and therefor accepts the (swap! a inc) key twice, which in turn
 causes it to evaluate twice; into two different keys with two
 different associations.

 On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:28 PM, Christian Vest Hansen wrote:
 That's odd.

 Might you have uncovered a bug regarding:

 user= (class {1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9})
 user= (class {1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8})

 While with the atom code we have:

 user= (class (let [a (atom 0)] {(swap! a inc) 1 (swap! a inc) 2 3 3 4
 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9}))
 user= (class (let [a (atom 0)] {(swap! a inc) 1 (swap! a inc) 2 3 3 4
 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8}))

 On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 8:03 PM, Christophe Grand 

 While kicking the tires, I encountered this behavior:

 user= (let [a (atom 0)] {(swap! a inc) 1 (swap! a inc) 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
 6 7 7 8 8 9 9})
 {3 3, 4 4, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8, 9 9, 1 2}
 user= (let [a (atom 0)] {(swap! a inc) 1 (swap! a inc) 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6
 6 7 7 8 8})
 {1 1, 2 2, 3 3, 4 4, 5 5, 6 6, 7 7, 8 8}

 Granted, it's not casual Clojure code but it's surprising.


 Professional: (fr)
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 Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
 Christian Vest Hansen.

 Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
 Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: map literals, computed keys and side-effects

2009-02-17 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 9:08 PM, Christophe Grand wrote:

 Fixing array-map would make the two tests consistent but I'm not sure
 that (let [a (atom 0)] {(swap! a inc) 1 (swap! a inc) 2 }) should
 evaluate to {1 2}.

That would make it two distinct issues, as I see it. One for
array-map, and one for whether association happens before or after the
keys have been evaluated.

It would seem really strange to me if the following behavior is correct:

user= (def m (array-map 1 1 1 2 1 3))
user= (m 1)
user= (m 2)
user= m
{1 1, 1 2, 1 3}

So I went ahead and opened an issue for that:

I agree it would be nice if the keys were evaluated before the map was
created - python certainly does it that way, though it isn't a lisp.
Clojure is the only lisp I'm familiar with, so I can't say what's
normal here.


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Re: map literals, computed keys and side-effects

2009-02-17 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Tue, Feb 17, 2009 at 10:07 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:

 On Feb 17, 3:30 pm, Christian Vest Hansen
 Please don't create issues without getting a nod from me here first.

Ok. I won't. I must have overlooked the Similarly, please confirm a
bug before making an entry. part.

 These are bugs in user code. Map literals are in fact read as maps, so
 a literal map with duplicate keys isn't going to produce an evaluated
 map with distinct keys. If you create an array map with duplicate
 keys, bad things will happen.

 I'm not sure I want to slow down array-map in order to add the check.

My opinion is unchanged, even though I always end up being in the
wrong when we argue.



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Re: Anonymous recursive functions

2009-02-16 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

There's a couple of Fibonacci's on the wiki that uses this approach:

On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Konrad Hinsen wrote:

 I just discovered a nice feature that I don't remember having seen
 discussed or documented before: there is a way to write recursive
 functions without having them associated to any var/symbol in any
 namespace. The optional name of a function can be used for a
 recursive call. Example:

 ((fn fac [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (fac (dec n) 5)

 I know this is not the best way to write a factorial (it is not tail-
 recursive), the point is just to show an example of a recursive call.



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Re: run clojure on 5,832 cores?

2009-02-14 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 1:31 AM, Stuart Sierra wrote:

 On Feb 13, 6:13 pm, Christian Vest Hansen
 I see no mention of a JVM being available for those CPUs, but perhaps
 the no-asm HotSpot can be build with gcc on it.

 Looks like they run Linux, so it would probably be possible.  This
 says they use slower, cheaper processors that work best when you're
 doing lots of small computations in parallel.

 The part I get excited about is the 8 TB of memory.  When can I get
 THAT on my desk?

You run into problems with the garbage collector when the heap gets
big: the bigger the heap, the longer it takes to compact. Azul has
hardware support for their garbage collector which allows their
compaction phase to run concurrently with the application, otherwise
there'd be no way they could make use of the 768 GB ram their kit can
scale to, unless striped across hundreds of JVMs. If you try to scale
a normal collector to those heap sizes, you will see your
stop-the-world collections jump from sub-second to minutes or even

 -Stuart Sierra

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Re: run clojure on 5,832 cores?

2009-02-13 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

I see no mention of a JVM being available for those CPUs, but perhaps
the no-asm HotSpot can be build with gcc on it.

Otherwise, cool gear :)

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 11:47 PM, Raoul Duke wrote:


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Re: Type hint Java array of your own Java class

2009-02-05 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 7:33 AM, Christophe Grand wrote:

 Chouser a écrit :
 (defn foobar [#^#=(array-of MyClass) myarray])

 Again, I apologize for even suggesting this
 Wow what a clever (ab)use of reader macros!

This is where a raptor jumps in from the left and eats someone :)

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Re: Queues

2009-02-03 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

I don't know which of these two options are best in general, but I
wonder; are persistance and immutability valuable properties of
queues? Safe and cheap snap-shotting might be a nice feature of a
queue but I (generally) wouldn't want it at the cost of more expensive
put and take operations.

Java already have concurrent, albeit mutable, queue implementations in
the java.util.concurrent package. Since most operations you'd want to
execute on a queue are writes, I can't help but think that a mutable
datastructure is better suited, and that an attempt with immutable
structures would most likely end up simulating mutability with some
form of copy-on-write + CAS scheme anyway.

Then again, safe snapshots might really be important, and that's where
I'd use PersistentQueue as Christophe Grand mentioned.

On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 2:35 PM, Konrad Hinsen wrote:

 Is there any reason to prefer lists over vectors or vice versa for
 implementing queues? It seems that for both lists and vectors, adding
 and removing at one end (front for lists, end for vectors) is cheap,
 whereas it is expensive at the other end. For queues you need to add
 at one end and remove from the other, so one of the two operations is
 necessarily expensive. But is there a difference between the two?



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Re: Clojure speed

2009-02-03 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

2009/2/3 Gregory Petrosyan
 Here you can find similar
 microbenchmark. Java is more than 3х slower than Python's built-in
 integers, and more than 10x slower than GMPY ones. Seems like Java's
 BigIntegers have some problems with performance, hm?

BigInteger have problems, but so does that benchmark:

No warm-up.
Includes startup time.
Using client VM.
And probably a number of less obvious things that commonly haunt Java

On the other hand, we have reason to hope that the big-math story will
improve significantly in JDK 7:

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Re: Memory Consumption of Large Sequences

2009-02-02 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

The trick with these listish things is to not calculate the tail until
you need it, and to throw away the head when you're done with it.

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 7:06 PM, Keith Bennett wrote:

 All -

 I'm curious to know how to minimize memory consumption in Clojure for
 large lists.  I did the following test in repl:

 (def d ())
 (dotimes [_ 10] (def d (cons x d)))

Here, you are keeping the head of the list in the d and do nothing
but append to the d list and redefine d as the new, longer list.

Instead, try defining d like this:

(def d (take 10 (repeat x)))

And take a gander at how much memory that consumes.

However, the ideal thing here is to not define d as a list at all.
Make instead a function that produces the value of d on demand - you
don't actually need d, you need it's value. All d does is to
reference the head of your list and thereby preventing it from being
garbage collected.

 Then, I used VisualVM, an awesome free profiling tool (https:// to examine the results.  It indicated that the
 number of clojure.lang.PersistentList instances increased by 100,000.
 Each instance appeared to consume 48 bytes (not including the actual
 value, but only its reference, I presume).  I don't think any were
 eligible for garbage collection, because I initiated gc several times,
 and they were not removed.  (I know that gc() is not deterministic,
 but am pretty sure that they would have been removed. Feel free to
 correct me.)

 Thinking that maybe the special functions like map did some magic to
 save memory, I tried this:

 (def a (map #(* 2 %) (range 10)))

 The result was 100,000 clojure.lang.LazyCons objects, each of which
 consuming 52 bytes.

But not until the list was realized. However, your a reference will
prevent this list from being garbage collected as well.

 Are there alternate strategies for building a large sequence that
 would consume less memory per element?

Don't keep the head around on any list (well, seq really) unless you
really mean/need it.



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Re: what does - mean?

2009-02-02 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 1:34 PM, wubbie wrote:

 any concrete example?


 On Feb 2, 5:13 am, Christian Vest Hansen wrote:
 On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 9:35 PM, e wrote:
  This may be obvious to others, but what's the motivation behind it?  Is it
  that we are very concerned about combatting the criticism that lisp has too
  many parens?

 The - macro is simply an excellent tool for drilling into nested
 structures and/or piping some value through a list of methods and

 It works very well indeed when mixed with doto - especially if you
 have to work with Swing or other component'ish frameworks.

  On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 3:09 PM, kkw wrote:

  Hi sun,

 I thought this question looked familiar. I found some answers here


  On Feb 2, 2:29 am, Adrian Cuthbertson
   Sorry! That should have read;
   (- m :one :b)

   On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 5:13 PM, e wrote:
I was able to work through the first two examples, and thanks for
those.  I
will have to study maps more, I guess, to understand the last one.  I
know where 'x' came from:

user= (- x :one :b)
2- Hide quoted text -

   - Show quoted text -

 Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
 Christian Vest Hansen.

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: what does - mean?

2009-02-02 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 9:35 PM, e wrote:
 This may be obvious to others, but what's the motivation behind it?  Is it
 that we are very concerned about combatting the criticism that lisp has too
 many parens?

The - macro is simply an excellent tool for drilling into nested
structures and/or piping some value through a list of methods and

It works very well indeed when mixed with doto - especially if you
have to work with Swing or other component'ish frameworks.

 On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 3:09 PM, kkw wrote:

 Hi sun,

I thought this question looked familiar. I found some answers here


 On Feb 2, 2:29 am, Adrian Cuthbertson
  Sorry! That should have read;
  (- m :one :b)
  On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 5:13 PM, e wrote:
   I was able to work through the first two examples, and thanks for
   those.  I
   will have to study maps more, I guess, to understand the last one.  I
   know where 'x' came from:
   user= (- x :one :b)
   2- Hide quoted text -
  - Show quoted text -


Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
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Re: nested maps

2009-01-29 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 10:31 PM, Vincent Foley wrote:

 (- person :employer :address :city) would be my pick

I tend to prefer this method as well. I find that doto and - in
general are excellent tools for picking apart and poking nested


 On Jan 28, 4:02 pm, Mark Volkmann wrote:
 I have a map that describes a person.
 It has a key that describes their address.
 It also has a key for their employer.
 The employer has its own address.

 (def person {
   :name Mark Volkmann
   :address {
 :street 644 Glen Summit
 :city St. Charles
 :state Missouri
 :zip 63304}
   :employer {
 :name Object Computing, Inc.
 :address {
   :street 12140 Woodcrest Executive Drive, Suite 250
   :city Creve Coeur
   :state Missouri
   :zip 63141}}})

 Is this the best way to retrieve the employer city?
 (reduce get person [:employer :address :city])

 Is this the best way to get a new map where the city is changed?
 (update-in person [:employer :address :city] (fn [old  args] Clayton))
 I can't get this to work with #(Clayton) in place of the anonymous
 function above.

The function returned by constantly will take any number of arguments.

 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Dauphin: mona lisa genetic algorithm in clojure

2009-01-27 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 8:43 AM, bOR_ wrote:

 According to one of the posts beneath the log, the issue has been
 fixed in the latests svns. I have no clue what the technical problem
 was in clojure's source.

To my understanding, the technical problem was that Clojure used the
same ClassLoader for these function classes and that ClassLoader was
kept live. Classes can only get GC'd when their ClassLoaders are GC'd.
The solution was to give each of these functions their own ephemeral
ClassLoader, so the liveness of the ClassLoader depends on the
liveness of the function. When the function is no longer live, both it
and its ClassLoader become legible for garbage collection.


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Re: Multi-CPU on Mac Not Exploited?

2009-01-27 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 9:34 PM, hank williams wrote:

 hmm... I'm confused. From the numbers in your example it looks like
 server has an advantage by a factor of about 2x. But in your text you
 say that the client version has an advantage with complicated code.
 What am I missing? Does one JVM have the advantage in one situation
 and one in others?

He most likely had them switched around by mistake in the text. The
-server VM is much better at optimizing the assembly it produces, but
at the cost of increased memory usage and a longer startup time.

Java benchmarks are typically run with the -server VM, though the
-client VM is sometimes used when comparing startup times and memory
usage with other non-Java VMs.


 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 3:20 PM, dreish wrote:

 java -server is not the default on Macs. It makes a huge difference
 for Clojure.

 % java -jar clojure.jar
 user= (time (reduce #(+ %1 %2 (if (odd? %1) -1 0)) (range 1000)))
 Elapsed time: 11793.18 msecs

 % java -server -jar clojure.jar
 user= (time (reduce #(+ %1 %2 (if (odd? %1) -1 0)) (range 1000)))
 Elapsed time: 6757.651 msecs

 The rough rule I've noticed is that the more complicated the Clojure
 code, the bigger the advantage -client has over -server.

 On Jan 27, 3:04 am, Keith Bennett wrote:
 All -

 I tried testing the code at see what the
 benefit of multicore processing would be.  To my surprise, the my-pmap
 function took *more* time, not less, than the map function.

 Whereas the times listed in the article were approximately 3.1 and 1.7
 seconds, on my MacBookPro 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo laptop, my times
 were 14.9 and 15.1 seconds.

 What is the correct interpretation of these results?  Does one need
 more than 2 CPU's to see a benefit?  Or is the Mac JVM only using one
 CPU instead of two?  Or...?

 ...and is there something wrong with my setup that both took so long?

 Thanks for any enlightenment.

 - Keith Bennett



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Re: dispatch macros that are new to me

2009-01-27 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 12:31 AM, Cosmin Stejerean wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 5:21 PM, Mark Volkmann

  Yes, but it's specifically meant to be used as the first line of a
  file, to allow Clojure script to use unix shebang format.

 What should follow it? Something like this?

 That's the path to where my clj script is located.

 I created a script named shebang.clj that contains that line and
 (println Hello). Then I tried to run it with ./shebang.clj, but it
 tried to run it with bash instead of my clj script and didn't
 understand println.

 You can't have your #! line point to another file with a #! line in it.
 (Well, you can but it won't do what you want).

But what you can do is put your clj script in /usr/local/bin and
then invoke it with #!/usr/bin/env clj :)

 Cosmin Stejerean


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Re: NewBie Q: doall forces eval and dorun not; but why?

2009-01-26 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 3:20 PM, e wrote:
 cool.  Thanks for the info about #{}.  I'm glad I learned about that.  To
 learn even more, what is the reasoning behind that choice?  I've seen the
 sharp used for other things in clojure; is there a connection?

It activates a special read-table for the following character, so it
is often used for special syntax.

See the Dispatch under macro characters here:

 On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 1:36 AM, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:


 Am 26.01.2009 um 06:05 schrieb e:

 interesting to me that  wasn't used for anything to add to the literal
 syntax.  folks in another thread were using sequences for set theory.  But
 maybe there needs to be a set notation.  If that makes sense, {} should be
 sets, just like in math,  should be vectors, just like in math, and []
 could be maps.  I know, I know, it's kinda late to be arguing to change this
 stuff.  Another idea that fits in better would be to use  as an
 alternative to quoting a list . . . and still not do anything for sets.

 There is already literal syntax for all the collection types:

 - [] = vector
 - {} = hash-map
 - #{} = set

 What are you missing?

 Try to blend out experiences from other fields. Eg. we never
 used  for vectors in math, only (). So even this comparison
 is only your personal experience. It's good to have such
 experience when learning a new language, but it should not
 get into your way. Whenever you end up with But in this other
 field/language we do/have/can , you should take a step
 back and forget about the other field/language and look
 simply at Clojure. We cannot cater all the previous experiences
 of all the Clojure users

 Just my 2¢.



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Re: an example where locking is appropriate?

2009-01-26 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

All other invocations return the first calculated value.

I fail to spot the part of your function where you keep this promise.
From what I can tell, your function would return nil on all but the
first invocation.

I think you forgot to write @result in the else case in your last if clause.

On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:32 PM, Stuart Halloway wrote:

 Lancet's runonce function needs to wrap a function with runs-only-once
 semantics, *and* make subsequent callers wait for the return value
 before proceeding. There was a thread on this last November where Rich
 explained several approaches 

 None of those approaches quite fit what Lancet needs. However, this
 locking approach works (I think):

 (defn runonce
 Create a function that will only run once. All other invocations
  return the first calculated value. The function *can* have side
  and calls to runonce *can* be composed. Deadlock is possible
  if you have circular dependencies.
  Returns a [has-run-predicate, reset-fn, once-fn]
  (let [sentinel (Object.)
result (atom sentinel)
reset-fn (fn [] (reset! result sentinel))
has-run-fn (fn [] (not= @result sentinel))]
 (fn [ args]
   (if (= @result sentinel)
 (locking sentinel
   (if (= @result sentinel)
 (reset! result (function))]))

 Is this an example where locking is reasonable, or is there a better
 Clojurish way?

Your problem is inherently dealing with mutual exclusion. I think
locking is appropriate.

However, I think your double-check scheme, while safe, is of limited
value. Uncontended locks, as would be the case in lancet, are pretty



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Re: PermGen growth

2009-01-25 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

Clojure creates class not for every function call, but for every
function definition.

The PermGen growth you see is the REPL compiling your input, most likely.

On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 8:26 AM, Greg Harman wrote:

 I'm trying to debug a problem in one of my programs in which PermGen
 usage grows with and during each run (cumulatively within the same
 REPL session) until I eventually run out  get the out of memory JVM
 exception. So I wrote the following utility just to help me track
 usage while I hack:

 (defn permGen
  (let [beans (
(doseq [mx beans]
  (when (= Perm Gen (.getName mx))
(println (.getUsage mx))

 I ran this several times in succession:

 gp= (permGen)
 #MemoryUsage init = 16777216(16384K) used = 11035288(10776K)
 committed = 16777216(16384K) max = 67108864(65536K)
 gp= (permGen)
 #MemoryUsage init = 16777216(16384K) used = 11036888(10778K)
 committed = 16777216(16384K) max = 67108864(65536K)
 gp= (permGen)
 #MemoryUsage init = 16777216(16384K) used = 11038488(10779K)
 committed = 16777216(16384K) max = 67108864(65536K)
 gp= (permGen)
 #MemoryUsage init = 16777216(16384K) used = 11040088(10781K)
 committed = 16777216(16384K) max = 67108864(65536K)

 The thing to notice is that the used PermGen has grown by 1-2K with
 each run (I ran it many more times than I pasted, and that growth rate
 seems pretty steady). What I don't understand is why. If I understand
 PermGen correctly, it holds class definitions. In Clojure classes are
 only generated with calls to fn (see,
 and I don't have any sort of nested function creation inside my
 (permGen) function.

 I don't have any anonymous function definitions in my function, so
 what is causing the used PermGen growth?


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Re: Binding values in a list of symbols and evaluating as code

2009-01-25 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 11:13 AM, Christophe Grand wrote:
 Zak Wilson a écrit :
 know the JVM very well at all. Are there any ways around this? Are
 techniques that generate a lot of short-lived functions just not
 practical in Clojure?

 Yes there are a way around this: permgen memory is released when the
 classloader is GCed so, if you use a transient classloader, your
 anonymous functions can be collected.

There's just this caveat; All Objects have a reference to their Class,
and all Classes have a reference to their ClassLoader, which in turn
have references to all Classes that it has loaded.

So, if an Object whose Class was loaded by loader A holds a reference
to any Object whose Class was loaded by loader B, then you will not be
able to GC loader B or any of its classes.

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Re: PermGen growth

2009-01-25 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

When the reader has a top-level expression in the REPL, it gets
evaluated. Evaluation goes through the Compiler which generates
bytecode from your forms. Before the bytecode can be executed, it
needs to be loaded into the JVM, and that happens by wrapping it in a
class and loading that.

On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Greg Harman wrote:

 I believe you, but I don't understand why. I'm doing nothing but
 evaluate my test function over and over. Since no new functions are
 being defined, why would this evaluation use any PermGen?

 On Jan 25, 5:57 am, Christian Vest Hansen
 Clojure creates class not for every function call, but for every
 function definition.

 The PermGen growth you see is the REPL compiling your input, most likely.


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Re: PermGen growth

2009-01-25 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

To clarify:

On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 3:08 PM, Greg Harman wrote:

 I believe you, but I don't understand why. I'm doing nothing but
 evaluate my test function over and over.

Exactly. This input is evaluated and compiled over and over.

 Since no new functions are
 being defined,

The expression to call your function was being defined over and over,
causing new classes to be generated.

This is a side-effect of eval, which the REPL is based upon.

 why would this evaluation use any PermGen?

 On Jan 25, 5:57 am, Christian Vest Hansen
 Clojure creates class not for every function call, but for every
 function definition.

 The PermGen growth you see is the REPL compiling your input, most likely.


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Regarding (.keySet {:a :map})

2009-01-23 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

I type this expression in the REPL (trunk 1228):

user= (let [s (.keySet {:a 1})] [(set? s) (ifn? s)])
[false false]

But I expected it to return [true true].

Is this an oversight, or is there a good reason for this behavior?

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Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Regarding (.keySet {:a :map})

2009-01-23 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 11:06 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:

 On Jan 23, 1:47 pm, Christian Vest Hansen
 I type this expression in the REPL (trunk 1228):

 user= (let [s (.keySet {:a 1})] [(set? s) (ifn? s)])
 [false false]

 But I expected it to return [true true].

 Why? keySet is specified to return a java.util.Set, and that is what
 it does. set? tests for IPersistentSet.

I assumed the persistent properties caried over, and that
IPersistentSet was a java.util.Set. I also assumed that IPersistentSet
extended IFn.

Looks like I got the implementation confused with the interfaces and
was wrong on both accounts.



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Re: Agent as a processing queue

2009-01-22 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Greg Harman wrote:

 I like the example, and I should be able to adapt it. I do have one
 question about the example (probably not related to agents:

 ; queue up some work to be done
 (defn add-job [func]
  (let [a (agent nil)]
(send a (fn [_] (func)))
(swap! jobs #(conj %1 a

 What is the notation fn [_]? I can't seem to find any documentation
 for what _ as a function argument means...

It's a conventional name for unused/ignored arguments.

 On Jan 22, 6:14 am, Greg Harman wrote:
 Thanks Tim, I'll have a look at that.

 To clarify my use case, I was thinking of events that can be processed
 sequentially but that may take a non-trivial amount of time to
 complete (both CPU and IO bound at different stages of processing) so
 it's ideal to have a thread pool to process different tasks in
 parallel, even though they are independent. (That's step one. Step two
 will be spreading that thread pool out over multiple JVMs running on
 different hardware).

 On Jan 22, 2:39 am, Timothy Pratley wrote:

  Hi Greg

  Here is a proof of concept of one approach you could 

  A set of agents are maintained to represent computation jobs. When the
  results are gathered, the agent is thrown away. I think using multiple
  agents in this way could be quite convenient as it means the jobs can
  be done in parallel.

  If you run the script from the command line you should get something
  like this:
  C:\javaclj job-queue.clj
  (4 3)
  (0 nil Hi mum)
  Which are the results of multiple queued computations taken at two
  subsequent points in time.

  From your post it wasn't clear to me if your 'events' imply sequential
  processing (which could be achieved with a single agent).


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Re: Streams work

2009-01-22 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 2:18 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:

 Those are important things to think about.

 There are, in fact, thread semantics for the streams mechanism, as for
 the rest of Clojure. Currently, I've made it such that the stream/iter/
 seq combination ensures serialized access to the generator, allowing
 use of generators over otherwise unsynchronized multi-step activities.

 Obviously, stream-backed seqs are safe, being persistent and
 immutable. but it is also currently the case that the stream iter is
 MT safe as well. All calls to next! on an iter are atomic re: its
 generator, i.e. no 2 threads can be in the generator code at once.
 That means that, within a private consumer, you could fire up multiple
 threads that share the same iter and coordinate to produce a result,
 and return the result or a stream upon it.

 Used correctly, this is a powerful feature. However, I'm reluctant to
 expose/guarantee it, lest people start using iters as connection
 points and invalidating the whole stream protection model. A well-
 written API should take/return streams/seqs, never iters, so MT use of
 an iter should always be an implementation detail of a single stream
 step. But I can't enforce that.

Hmm... could we imagine a (synced-iter an-iter) that returned a
wrapped iter that _did_ guarantee MT safety?

Ofcourse this only makes sense if you end up not guaranteing MT safety
of ordinary iters, and I don't know enough to prefer one approach over
the other.

 For those looking to experiment with such things, feel free to try it
 now and provide feedback.




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Re: Unexpected binding behavior

2009-01-20 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Tue, Jan 20, 2009 at 10:54 PM, Hugh Winkler wrote:
 but why not make safe the default? i.e.  use unsafe-binding  if
 you know it's OK.

Not all seqs are finite. Also, Clojure skews toward lazy-by-default.

Once a function has run inside a `binding, I would assume that the
result it delivers is exactly what it means to deliver. And `map means
to deliver a lazy seq.

If `binding, however, decided to do something with that result before
returning, then I would consider that a side-effect of binding.

It would mean that I cannot use `binding that produce a lazy-seq
sources from some IO resource or any infinite seq. This safe would
probably either do too much work in the wrong thread or blow my heap.

From the interaction bellow, I'd probably prefer the style of the 'h
function for this kind of situation:

user= (def *num* 16)
user= (defn f [] (map (fn [_] *num*) [1]))
user= (defn g [] (map (constantly *num*) [1]))
user= (defn h [n] (map (constantly n) [1]))
user= (binding [*num* 1024] (f))
user= (binding [*num* 1024] (g))
user= (binding [*num* 1024] (h *num*))

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Re: JScrollPane + JTextPane trouble.

2009-01-19 Thread Christian Vest Hansen


The getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() trick did it :)

On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 3:26 PM, MikeM wrote:

 This might be helpful:

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JScrollPane + JTextPane trouble.

2009-01-18 Thread Christian Vest Hansen


Now, I know this is more related to Swing than Clojure, but they won't
be able to read my code in a general Java forum.

I have a JTextPane [1] inside a JScrollPane [2] and I would like to
have horizontal scrollbars rather than word-wrapping. I try to disable
word-wrapping by overriding the JTextPane.setSize method such that the
dimensions from the JTextPane.getPreferredSize is used instead of the
dimension parameter parsed to .setSize. The consequence of this
disabled word-wrapping but there is an unwanted side-effect: there is
no horizontal scrollbar when the content is wide and even if I force
the horizontal scrollbar through policy on the JScrollPane, they will
have no effect. Any attempt to move the document using the forced
horisontal scrollbars will see the document jumping right back to
where it came from.

Finally, it may be worth to mention that this JScrollPane is used in a
JSplitPane [3], in the event that makes any difference.

I hope someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong here.


Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Synchronization Benchmarks

2009-01-16 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

Another thing you might want to test is the fairness of the rw-lock in
your RWDict, because even a couple of very active readers can easily
starve out any number of writers when the rw-lock is non-fair. The
reason is simple: readers can interleave but writers cannot, and
writers can only get in when noone is reading :)

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 4:21 AM, Stu Hood wrote:
 Ah! but a mere hash table is not bi-directional :-)
 Right =)  I got the idea in a Channel 9 video about MS' efforts with STM:
 (which reminds me, the spin-lock approach they try is probably fairly close
 to using an Atom in Clojure).

 I made the changes that Christophe suggested, and added type hints for the
 HashMaps used in CLJDict, and the speed improvement is very impressive. To
 see the scalability of the different approaches, I graphed with various
 numbers of threads and read percentages:

 Two conclusions:
  1. The overhead for STM with low contention is very reasonable,
  2. Optimism + MVCC + persistence fall down when faced with a majority of
 writes. (see the 100% write case in the writes graph.)


 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 2:52 PM, Christian Vest Hansen wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 8:47 PM, Christian Vest Hansen wrote:
  On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Mark H. wrote:
  On Jan 15, 1:38 am, stuhood wrote:
  The benchmark contains 4 bi-directional dictionary implementations:
  Doesn't Java already have a more optimized thread-safe hash table that
  works by locking individual buckets, rather than the whole table?
  Maybe I'm just confused ;-P

 Ah! but a mere hash table is not bi-directional :-)

 Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
 Christian Vest Hansen.


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Re: Mysterious performance anomalies

2009-01-16 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

Here's my theory.

In your when example, when is a macro that is expanded to an if
special form. Your other examples, however, wrap your code in a
function call.

Now, functions in Clojure can't really take primitive arguments, so in
spite of your coercion efforts Clojure introduces boxing in your loop
and this is what slows you down.

A work-around is to either use a (def variable ...) or something like this:

(let [x (time (loop [i (int 0)] (if ( i (int 3000)) (recur (inc
i)) i)))] (prn x))

How does that sound?

On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 5:43 AM, Jason Wolfe wrote:

 I was doing some microbenchmarking earlier, and I noticed some very
 very weird anomalies.   If anyone could shed some light on what's
 going on that would be awesome. (I'm using the latest SVN, and have
 verified this on a totally clean repl).

 Simplified as much as possible, the heart of what I observed is:

 user (prn (time (loop [i (int 0)] (if ( i (int 3000)) (recur
 (inc i)) i
 Elapsed time: 4247.477 msecs

 user (time (loop [i (int 0)] (if ( i (int 3000)) (recur (inc i))
 Elapsed time: 128.37 msecs

 Weird, right?  The prn is *outside* the loop, and yet it still affects
 the timing somehow.  Maybe this is something specific to printing?

 user (first (time (loop [i (int 0)] (if ( i (int 3000)) (recur
 (inc i)) [i]
 Elapsed time: 4264.847 msecs

 user (time (loop [i (int 0)] (if ( i (int 3000)) (recur (inc i))
 Elapsed time: 130.099 msecs

 But, some other expressions around the time don't affect it in the
 same way:

 user (when (time (loop [i (int 0)] (if ( i (int 3000)) (recur
 (inc i)) [i]))) 12)
 Elapsed time: 130.236 msecs

 In case you were wondering, this has nothing to do with the time

 user (first (loop [i (int 0)] (if ( i (int 3000)) (recur (inc
 i)) [i])))
 ; ...  4 seconds pass on my stopwatch ...

 And the slowness is by a multiplicative, not additive factor:

 user (first (time (loop [i (int 0)] (if ( i (int 6000)) (recur
 (inc i)) [i]
 Elapsed time: 8576.649 msecs

 user (time (loop [i (int 0)] (if ( i (int 6000)) (recur (inc i))
 Elapsed time: 250.407 msecs

 I'm at a total loss for what's going on.  Anyway, I'll stop here for
 now in case I'm missing something stupid or obvious.

 Thanks for your help!


Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Synchronization Benchmarks

2009-01-15 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Mark H. wrote:

 Welcome to the group! :-)

 On Jan 15, 1:38 am, stuhood wrote:
 The benchmark contains 4 bi-directional dictionary implementations:
  * MDict - Java implementation using the synchronized keyword,
  * RWDict - Java implementation using a ReadWriteLock,
  * CLJDict - Clojure implementation using the (locking x) macro on
 Java HashMaps,
  * STMDict - Clojure implementation using two refs on maps.

 Doesn't Java already have a more optimized thread-safe hash table that
 works by locking individual buckets, rather than the whole table?
 Maybe I'm just confused ;-P

It does:

Alternative implementations of concurrency-aware HashMaps also exists
out on the 'nets (NBHashMap by Cliff Click and FashHashMap in


Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Synchronization Benchmarks

2009-01-15 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 8:47 PM, Christian Vest Hansen wrote:
 On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Mark H. wrote:
 On Jan 15, 1:38 am, stuhood wrote:
 The benchmark contains 4 bi-directional dictionary implementations:

 Doesn't Java already have a more optimized thread-safe hash table that
 works by locking individual buckets, rather than the whole table?
 Maybe I'm just confused ;-P

Ah! but a mere hash table is not bi-directional :-)

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Patch: Arbitrary Symbols between ||

2009-01-14 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 1:59 PM, Rich Hickey wrote:

 I am interested in symbols with arbitrary names,

Why is this interesting?

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Re: when performance matters

2009-01-12 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Mon, Jan 12, 2009 at 6:41 AM, Mark P wrote:
 1. Some of the algorithms I use have the potential
 to be parallelized.  I am hoping that as the number
 of cores in PCs increase, at some point Clojure's
 performance will beat C++'s due to Clojure's
 superior utilization of multiple cores.  (Any ideas
 on how many cores are needed for this to become

Asuming the right algorithm, single-threaded C++ and no reflection or
boxing overhead in Clojure, then I think 2 will do.

 2. The JVM is continually being improved.  Hopefully
 in a year or two, the performance of HotSpot will be
 closer to that of C++.  (But maybe this is just
 wishful thinking.)

We're already there. As Konrad said, they optimize differently so
objective testing is hard. I think that Java is behind on optimizing
cache locality because the structure of the typical Java program makes
this a harder problem, that's what I've heard anyway.

Sun has some wiki pages on HotSpot specific optmization techniques,
which might come in handy when you want to squeeze those last 5% of

 3. Maybe I can implement certain performance critical
 components in C++ via the JNI.  (But I get the impression
 that JNI itself isn't particularly efficient.  Also, the more
 I pull over into the C++ side, the fewer advantages to
 using Clojure.)

JNA might be an alternative to JNI:
But I wouldn't know; haven't used either.

But instead of interfacing with C++, you might find that simply
interfacing with Java will provide enough of a boost in those
super-critical sections. Unless, that is, if your C++ is using dirty
tricks like CUDA and what-ever-the-AMD-version-is-called. :)

 If all else fails, maybe I could use Clojure as a prototyping
 language.  Then when I get it right, I code up the actual
 programs in C++.  But probably a lot would get lost in
 the translation from Clojure - C++ so would it be worth

 I'd love to be convinced that Clojure is a viable choice,
 but I need to be a realist too.  So what do people think?
 How realistic are my three hopes?  And are there
 any other performance enhancing possibilities that I
 have not taken into account?


 Mark P.


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Re: sort behavior question

2009-01-08 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Thu, Jan 8, 2009 at 11:38 PM, Dmitri wrote:

 I think the main issue is that sort should behave consistently.
 Possibly sort could check if the elements implement Comparable before
 attempting to sort them?

 I also don't see a reason as to why the lists
 shouldn't implement Comparable.

Comparable implies that an Object can be reduced to a scalar value, if
only for the purpose of comparing. How do you imagine this should work
on list of arbitrary things?

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Cons.count overflows stack (with patch)

2009-01-07 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 2:10 PM, Chouser wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 2:41 AM, Christian Vest Hansen wrote:

 On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 5:26 AM, Chouser wrote:
 Since I couldn't find any other class that uses this kind of
 recursion for count(), it may be impossible to build a seq that
 would still cause Cons.count() to overflow the stack, but I'm not
 completely certain.

 We're all allowed to implement our own IPersistentCollections, but if
 they break 'count, then that would be a different bug, no?

 Good question.

 If your new collection (FooColl) implements seq() by returning a new
 kind of Seq (FooColl$Seq) which in turn implements FooColl$Seq.count()
 recursively as Cons did, it will break for long chains of FooColl$Seq.
 This already strikes me as very unlikely, because it would only be
 tempting to do in collections that accept an unmodified ISeq as part
 of their contents.  But regardless, this would be entirely your own
 new code and there's nothing I can do about it.

 However, if FooColl$Seq avoids that error by using code like in this
 patch, then we would have a more subtle issue.  A FooColl$Seq that
 includes a Cons which in turn was cons'ed onto a FooColl$Seq that
 includes a Cons ... and continues alternating like that for sufficient
 depth would defeat this patch's fix.  Cons.count() would see that it's
 'rest' is not a Cons, and would delegate to RT.count().  FooColl$Seq,
 doing the same, would create a mutual recursion situation that could
 overflow the stack.

 I think we're now firmly off in the weeds far enough to declare we
 can cross that bridge when we get to it, happy in the belief that we
 never will.  But even so, FooColl$Seq could push things a little
 further by checking for Cons *or* FooColl$Seq and avoid recursing into
 either one.  This would then postpone the problem until someone makes
 an alternating chain of FooColl$Seq and BarColl$Seq.

Or those people doing tricksy stuff like this could make a careful and
considered decision to design their Seq types such that they are kinds
of Cons, which, logically, I'd say they are.

But considering your patch, my spidey-senses have also failed to
unearth a way to use this approach to blow the stack.

 I suppose the right way to handle this would be a signal Interface (or
 perhaps just a method?) declaring if a seq's count() is fast or not.
 Then Cons.count() could check this: if 'rest' is fast, defer to
 RT.count(), otherwise inc in it's own loop.  This sounds to me like a
 lot of work and a big patch for a problem nobody's likely to have.

And when it does happen in a couple of years time, we can point to
this discussion and ask the guy to kindly provide a patch :-P

it reminds of a JRE bug that remain undescovered for something like
five years, until someone had the audacity to try and Arrays.sort an
array larger than half of Integer.MAX_VALUE :)



Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Cons.count overflows stack (with patch)

2009-01-06 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Wed, Jan 7, 2009 at 5:26 AM, Chouser wrote:
 As discovered by cmvkk in IRC:

 user= (count (reduce #(cons %2 %) [0] (range 4601)))
 java.lang.StackOverflowError (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0)

 This is because Cons.count() is recursive via RT.count().  Presumably
 it's to allow efficient counting of heterogeneous seqs, like:

  user= (def big-vec (into [] (range 1000))) ; this is slow
 user= (count (cons :a big-vec)) ; but this is fast

 I've attached a patch that keeps this latter efficiency, but won't
 blow the stack for pure chains of Cons's.  However, it has
 Cons.count() still defer to RT.count() for non-Cons rests.  Since I
 couldn't find any other class that uses this kind of recursion for
 count(), it may be impossible to build a seq that would still cause
 Cons.count() to overflow the stack, but I'm not completely certain.

We're all allowed to implement our own IPersistentCollections, but if
they break 'count, then that would be a different bug, no?

 An alternative, of course, would be to do a simple loop as
 ASeq.count() does, at the cost of the efficient vector counting
 demonstrated above.

 If you have comments or questions, don't hesitate or I'll move this to
 the issues page!



Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: terminating an app that uses agents

2009-01-05 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

You need to remember to ...

  Initiates a shutdown of the thread pools that back the agent
  system. Running actions will complete, but no new actions will be

On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 3:35 AM, Mark Volkmann wrote:

 Why doesn't the following code terminate on its own? It outputs the
 number 6 as expected, but then just hangs. I'm guessing its related to
 non-daemon threads related to agents that are still running. What's
 the proper way to exit?

 (def my-agent (agent 1))

 (defn sleep-and-multiply [old-state times ms]
  (Thread/sleep ms)
  (* old-state times))

 (send-off my-agent sleep-and-multiply 2 1500)
 (send-off my-agent sleep-and-multiply 3 1000)
 (await my-agent)
 (println my-agent = @my-agent)

 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.


Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Exercise: words frequency ranking

2009-01-03 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

Hehe, venlig hilsen is danish for kind regards :)

On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 3:23 PM, Emeka wrote:
 Venlig hilsen and Timothy Prately

 Thanks so much.



Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Bug in .hashCode for vectors/lists (Old subject: Bugs in contains? (?))

2009-01-03 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 10:30 PM, Jason wrote:

 You could put those three things in some kind of order of strictness :

 ==: the same thing

== is only for numeric types. The Java == operator is called
identical? in Clojure.

 contains? : has something of the same type and value
 = : the same value

 Thanks for your posts.  I think I understand what happens now, but I
 still maintain that it's a bug.  In particular, the Java API says: If
 two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then
 calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce
 the same integer result.  This contract is clearly violated by
 the .hashCode and .equals methods for Clojure vectors and lists:

 user (.equals [1 2] '(1 2))
 user (list (.hashCode [1 2]) (.hashCode '(1 2)))
 (994 -1919631597)

 Cheers, Jason

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Bugs in contains? (?)

2009-01-03 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 11:51 PM, Stephen C. Gilardi wrote:

 On Jan 3, 2009, at 5:16 PM, Meikel Brandmeyer wrote:

 == is for numbers.

 That's correct. Now that = also handles numbers in an type-independent
 way, do well still need == in Clojure?
 Is it primarily a higher performance equality check when you know you're
 dealing with numbers?

Yes. Using == instead of = when the arguments are guaranteed to be
numbers can give you quite a bit of a performance boots if your loops
are tight (according to a blog post I read the other day :p )


Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: recur with many parameters

2009-01-03 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

Instead of throwing a1..aN around every time, you could use the result
vector and use destructuring binding in your let clause to get a1..aN
into that scope.

Something like

(let [[a1 a2 aN :as result] (your-func ...)]

On Sat, Jan 3, 2009 at 11:57 PM, TPJ wrote:

 Is there some better way to call recur than that:

 (loop [ arg1 value1
arg2 value2
argn valuen ]
  (...) ; some stuff here
  (let [ (...) ; some bindings here
 result (my-func ...)
 a1 (nth result 0)
 a2 (nth result 1)
 an (nth result (- n 1)) ]
(recur a1 a2 ... an)))

 I'd like to get rid of this a1, a2, ..., an and call recur in some
 more convenient way. I've tried (apply recur result), but without any
 success (Unable to resolve symbol: recur in this context).

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: update-values for clojure.contrib.sql

2009-01-02 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

Well, one thing that sticks out (particularly to me) is the fact that
you forgot to put your doc-string *before* your [params*] list :)

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 8:21 AM, budu wrote:

 Hi, I was experimenting with clojure-contrib's sql features and found
 that there wasn't any update-values function. I've written my own and
 I'm sharing it here:

 (defn update-values [table where column-names  values]
  Update columns of a table with values. columns-names is a vector of
  column names (strings or keywords) and the rest of arguments are the
  values for those columns.
  (let [columns (map #(str (the-str %)  = ?) column-names)
template (if (seq column-names)
  (apply str (interpose , columns))
(apply do-prepared
   (format update %s set %s where %s
   (the-str table) template where)

 It only send one set of values to do-prepared because of the where
 clause that would have to change according to each sets. I'm ready for
 your commentaries and/or suggestions.

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: literate snake

2009-01-02 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

What is it that makes this code literate?

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 8:07 PM, Mark Volkmann wrote:

 I've written a new version of the snake program that uses a more
 literate style and therefore, to my eyes, calls for far fewer
 comments. I think this code is very readable. Check it out at
 Feedback is welcomed!

 The most controversial thing about this code is probably my use of def
 to change the state of the snake and the apple. It's not yet clear to
 me that using atoms is needed here, but I need to think about that

 This version has some features that weren't in the original such as:
 - automatically turning the snake in the clockwise direction when a
 board edge is reached
 - changing the color of the snake to black when it overlaps itself
 - announcing a win when the length of the snake reaches 10
 - automatically restarting the game after an overlap or a win

 R. Mark Volkmann
 Object Computing, Inc.


Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Constant expression optimization

2009-01-01 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

According to this page:

Sun HotSpot is able to recognize constants in local variables, and I
recall to have read somewhere that most if not all Math.* functions
are intrinsic, so it should theoretically be possible.

However, I don't think it happens. Clojure stores the 0.5 constant as
an Object that is the result of RT.readString(0.5). This Object then
has to go through Number.doubleValue prior to the call to Math.log on
every invocation of foo.

I would *guess* that this is too much clutter for HotSpot to figure
out that the result of the Math.log call is constant-foldable, but
you'd probably need to look at the generated assembly to be sure -
HotSpot is very aggressive with inlining, so it's possible that it can
see through the type-boxing and the call to doubleValue.

So much talk for not answering the question :)

On Wed, Dec 31, 2008 at 5:49 PM, Konrad Hinsen wrote:

 Suppose I write

 (defn foo [x]
   (let [f (. Math log 0.5)]
 (* f x)))

 Does the Clojure compiler calculate the constant expression (. Math
 log 0.5) once, or at every function call? Can I check this somehow,
 i.e. look at the generated code, with reasonable effort? If it
 doesn't optimize it, I'd have to write

 (let [f (. Math log 0.5)]
   (defn foo [x]
 (* f x)))

 which is fine as well for this minimal example, but less clear in
 real-life code. I'd then rather write a small macro to evaluate the
 constant expression, but before doing so I'd like to know if I really
 have to.



Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Local mutually recursive functions?

2009-01-01 Thread Christian Vest Hansen

On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 11:48 PM, Chouser wrote:

 On Thu, Jan 1, 2009 at 2:47 PM, Rock wrote:

 Given that there's nothing like letrec in Clojure, and that let acts
 like let* in CL, I gather that local recursive functions are possible
 whereas local mutually recursive ones are not. Is that correct? If so,
 will they ever be in the future?

 I assume you meant are not possible.  I think someone previously
 posted a letrec macro using something he called a Y* combinator.  I
 don't know what that is, but he said it was slow.

 Here's another way.  Nothing about it is pretty, but it is a

 (let [my-even-atom (atom nil)
  my-even? (fn [i] (@my-even-atom i))
  my-odd? (fn [i]
(if (zero? i)
  (@my-even-atom (dec i]
  (swap! my-even-atom
 (constantly (fn [i]
   (if (zero? i)
 (my-odd? (dec i))
  (my-odd? 4))

I don't get this listing. You define my-even? but do not use it?

 Ick.  But perhaps a macro could make style less terrible to use?



Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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Re: Suggestion: introduce (defn name attr-map? [params*] doc-string body) form.

2008-12-29 Thread Christian Vest Hansen
Rich  rest.

I have gone through the process of implementing this in defn. The
patch is inlined for commenting (if need be) and attached for accurate

I declare my changes public domain, but I suppose I could fill out a
CA if it helps. I can also make a similar change for defmacro, if you

But if you don't want this at all, then I'll go weep in a corner and
leave it at that.

$ svn diff
Index: src/clj/clojure/core.clj
--- src/clj/clojure/core.clj(revision 1188)
+++ src/clj/clojure/core.clj(working copy)
@@ -183,6 +183,7 @@
 name (fn ([params* ] exprs*)+)) with any doc-string or attrs added
 to the var metadata
 :arglists '([name doc-string? attr-map? [params*] body]
+[name attr-map? [params*] doc-string body]
 [name doc-string? attr-map? ([params*] body)+ attr-map?])}
  defn (fn defn [name  fdecl]
 (let [m (if (string? (first fdecl))
@@ -197,6 +198,13 @@
   fdecl (if (map? (first fdecl))
   (rest fdecl)
+  m (if (clojure.lang.Numbers/lt 2 (clojure.lang.RT/length fdecl))
+  (if (vector? (first fdecl))
+(if (string? (second fdecl))
+  (if (m :doc) m (assoc m :doc (second fdecl)))
+  m)
+  m)
   fdecl (if (vector? (first fdecl))
   (list fdecl)

On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 1:06 PM, Christian Vest Hansen wrote:
 On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 12:46 PM, Michael Wood wrote:

 Where would it go when you have multiple parameter lists and bodies?

 (defn blah ([a] (do-something-with a)) ([a b] (do-something-with a b)))

 That case should be unchanged, and work as it does today.

 Michael Wood


 Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
 Christian Vest Hansen.

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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