Re: how to access parameter inside of action

2003-01-19 Thread Andre Juffer

Nils Leßmann wrote:



This one can?t be too tough ? anyway I?m not able to find an example 
somewhere. I?m writing my own action and need to pass a parameter, with 
something like



How can I access this value inside the action? The cocoon docs just 
mention that this work, but not how.

This should work:

In sitemap:

map:act type=your-action
  map:parameter name=fileid value=smoevalue /

In your action:

public class YourAction extends AbstractAction implements ThreadSafe
public Map act (Redirector redirector,
SourceResolver resolver,
Map objectModel,
String source,
Parameters params)
   String fileid = params.getParameter(fileid);


Regards, Nils

Nils Leßmann

Stockacher Str. 38

68239 Mannheim


0175 - 814 899 8




Andre H. Juffer  | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
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File downloading with cocoon

2003-01-06 Thread Andre Juffer

I am having some trouble with the following. I want users to be able to 
download some zip (or any type) files. So, I have put in the sitemap the 

map:match pattern=course-material/**.zip
  map:act type=action-retrieve-lecture-notes
map:read type=resource src=LectureNotes/{../1}.zip 
mime-type=application/zip /
  map:redirect-to uri=../lecture-notes /

The action simply checks if the user is allowed to access the zip files. 
 And if not, the user is being redirected to a login page 
(../lecture-notes). This login form makes use of the same action 
(action-retrieve-lecture-notes), which also ensures that the user is 
pointed to the appropriate file that is to be downloaded (and this 
depends on some login information, including a course id).

All this works quite nicely, except that the map:read does not really 
start up a download process. That is, it causes all the steps 
necessarily and the user is being asked what to do with the file (save 
it, open it, etc) like any other download process, but the file that is 
being downloaded has a file size of zero. But the file that is accessed 
locally is the correct one: I have checked the cocoon log files. There 
is no problem with the file itself (I have placed it into a publically 
accessible location served directly by the Apache webserver and had no 
problems with downloading the file.)

So what to do? I was thinking that it is maybe some caching issue. Some 
of the files to be downloaded can be fairly large (there is one file of 
about 20 Mb).

I am using cocoon-2.0.4, java 1.4.0_01 and Tomcat 4.0.4.

Thanks for any help.

Andre H. Juffer  | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
The Biocenter and| Fax: +358-8-553-1141
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University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW:

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Re: Would cocoon be a good choice ?

2003-01-06 Thread Andre Juffer


Hello !
 I am wondering if cocoon would help in doing the following.
 The users need to download zipped pdf and txt files filled 
 with data comming from a DB2 db. The data uploaded depend on 
 the user's login and can range from 100 to 1 000 000 records.
 Websphere 4.0.3 (IBM jdk 1.3)
 DB2 7.2
 I would be gratefull for any opinion.

I think it would be very useful. As a matter of fact, I am currently 
looking at similar things. I use cocoon, among other things, for user 
authentication and pointing users to a protected directory where these 
(g)zipped files are located. Obviously, these could be generated from 
data taken from various databases (as you do). The only trouble I have 
is the download process itself that is to be initiated by cocoon. Maybe 
you have solved that.

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Re: File downloading with cocoon

2003-01-06 Thread Andre Juffer

Geoff Howard wrote:

Have you tried setting the expires parameter of the map:reader definition to
some reasonable value?  I have recently noticed some similar but not
identical behavior trying to download using the resource reader with no
expires value.

Yes, I had that already. This is what I currently have in the sitemap:

map:readers default=resource
  map:reader src=org.apache.cocoon.reading.ResourceReader
	  pool-max=32 pool-min=1 pool-grow=4
	  !-- optional reader configuration --
map:parameter name=expires value=8640/

The expires value would correspond to 1 day.

What happens is that a 20 Mb file gives me trouble. The file is being 
downloaded up to about 78% of its size. And that's it. The process 
simply stops.

Thanks for your help,

Geoff Howard

-Original Message-
From: Andre Juffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2003 4:20 AM
To: cocoon-users
Subject: File downloading with cocoon


I am having some trouble with the following. I want users to be able to
download some zip (or any type) files. So, I have put in the sitemap the

map:match pattern=course-material/**.zip
  map:act type=action-retrieve-lecture-notes
map:read type=resource src=LectureNotes/{../1}.zip
mime-type=application/zip /
  map:redirect-to uri=../lecture-notes /

The action simply checks if the user is allowed to access the zip files.
 And if not, the user is being redirected to a login page
(../lecture-notes). This login form makes use of the same action
(action-retrieve-lecture-notes), which also ensures that the user is
pointed to the appropriate file that is to be downloaded (and this
depends on some login information, including a course id).

All this works quite nicely, except that the map:read does not really
start up a download process. That is, it causes all the steps
necessarily and the user is being asked what to do with the file (save
it, open it, etc) like any other download process, but the file that is
being downloaded has a file size of zero. But the file that is accessed
locally is the correct one: I have checked the cocoon log files. There
is no problem with the file itself (I have placed it into a publically
accessible location served directly by the Apache webserver and had no
problems with downloading the file.)

So what to do? I was thinking that it is maybe some caching issue. Some
of the files to be downloaded can be fairly large (there is one file of
about 20 Mb).

I am using cocoon-2.0.4, java 1.4.0_01 and Tomcat 4.0.4.

Thanks for any help.

Andre H. Juffer  | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
The Biocenter and| Fax: +358-8-553-1141
the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW:

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Re: File downloading with cocoon

2003-01-06 Thread Andre Juffer

Litrik De Roy wrote:

From: Andre Juffer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Geoff Howard wrote:

ah, that's a different ballgame - can you confirm that things work well


smaller files?

Yes, I can. Just tried a 5 Mb zip file. No problem at all. The contents
of that file was correct and corresponded to the original file in the
protected directory. I guess it must be a setting somewhere in cocoon
(or in Tomcat maybe) that possibly limits the file size. Maybe cache size?

We have people downloading 50 MB files from our Cocoon site (using the
ByteRangeResourceReader in 2.1 scratchpad).

OK. I guess I need to update to Cocoon 2.1.


They work just fine.

Litrik De Roy

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File dowloading

2003-01-03 Thread Andre Juffer

I am having some trouble with the following. I want users to be able to 
download some zip (or any type) files. So, I have put in the sitemap the 

map:match pattern=course-material/**.zip
  map:act type=action-retrieve-lecture-notes
map:read type=resource src=LectureNotes/{../1}.zip 
mime-type=application/zip /
  map:redirect-to uri=../lecture-notes /

The action simply checks if the user is allowed to access the zip files. 
 And if not, the user is being redirected to a login page 
(../lecture-notes). The login form makes use of the same action 
(action-retrieve-lecture-notes); this action ensures also that the user 
is pointed to the appropriate file that is to be downloaded (and this 
depends on some login information, including some course id).

All this works quite nicely, except that the map:read does not really 
start up a download process. That is, it causes all the steps 
necessarily and the user is being asked what to do with the file (save 
it, open it, etc) like any other download process, but the file that is 
being downloaded has a file size of zero. But the file that is accessed 
locally is the correct one: I have checked the cocoon log files. There 
is no problem with the file itself (I have placed it into a publically 
accessible location served directly by the Apache webserver and had no 
problems with downloading the file.)

So what to do? I was thinking that it is maybe some caching issue. Some 
of the files to be downloaded can be fairly large (there is one file of 
about 20 Mb).

I am using cocoon-2.0.2-dev, java k1.4.0_01 and Tomcat 4.0.4.

Thanks for any help.

Andre H. Juffer  | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
The Biocenter and| Fax: +358-8-553-1141
the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW:

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Re: File Upload using action or any other approach

2002-04-16 Thread Andre Juffer

Olivier Rossel wrote:


 Has anyone accomplished to upload files from html forms 
 to the server to a specific directory ..

 Yes, I did, with an action. What is the problem? 
 Can you please explain how you did that?
 Or may be provide us the code, if it is not copyrighted?

Well, the code is protected, so I cannot give you that. But it can be 
accomplished very simply in your action. We did things in a SAX way:

1. Get the file name that is stored in one of parameters of the your 
Request object, originally set by the HTML form on the client. It should 
point to a local file on the server into which the content of uploaded 
file is now stored. With Cocoon it will point to a location under 
tomcat/work. At least, in our case it does.

2. Define a Reader that reads from that file.

3. Define a Parser with a ContentHandler in the same way as you would do 
for a SAX parser, but, of course, your Parser doesn't have to be a XML 
parser. The ContentHandler could simply write everything it receives 
into a local file at your choice. In this way, one can store the 
uploaded non-XML file into a local XML file, but with the possibility to 
use filters, as in SAX.

4. Start parsing: parse(reader).

This is just one very simple possibility. If your uploaded file is 
already well-formed XML, you could use for instance Xindice to store it 
immediately into a XML database without modification.

If you don't need filtering and checking the content of your file, step 
2 to 4 can be done much simpler, but I found that solution for our 
purposes more flexible, since we dealing with non-XML input files. We 
will combine things with Xindice.

I am sure, others have better solutions.

Hopes this helps,

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Re: File Upload using action or any other approach

2002-04-15 Thread Andre Juffer

Chitharanjan Das wrote:

 Has anyone accomplished to upload files from html forms to 
 the server to a specific directory ..

Yes, I did, with an action. What is the problem?

Andre H. Juffer  | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
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 the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Re: Apache, Tomcat 4, Cocoon, mod_webapp, and mod_rewrite -- how to get it working?

2001-11-29 Thread Andre Juffer

Liam Morley wrote:

 I'm looking for somebody who is using the above pieces. Or really just
 anybody who is using mod_rewrite. My mod_rewrite is set up as follows:
 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteLog E:/apache/Apache/logs/rewrite.log
 RewriteLogLevel 3
 RewriteRule ^/(.*) /cocoon/cms/$1 [PT]

You are running on Windows, right? Maybe, you should use 
E:\apache\Apache\logs\rewrite.log instead ('\' instead of '/').

In my case (on a Linux machine), the [PT} did noy work for me. Instead, 
I have [R] and that worked correctly with Tomcat 4.0.1 and Cocoon2.0rc2.

 These lines are directly after the AddModule section. I want my Cocoon
 application to seem like it's at the root directory. I'm hoping that's
 what's getting accomplished here.
 I have mod_webapp set up as follows:
 WebAppConnection conn warp
 WebAppDeploy cocoon conn /cocoon

Did you also include something like (on Linux):

LoadModule webapp_module libexec/
AddModule mod_webapp.c

 This is at the bottom of my httpd.conf file. I'm getting a 404 when I
 try accessing the root directory. I checked my Apache error.log file and
 saw the following:
 [Thu Nov 29 03:55:21 2001] [error] [client] File does not
 exist: e:/apache/apache/htdocs/cocoon/cms/
 Why would it be looking in the htdocs folder?? Shouldn't it know from
 webapp that anything in /cocoon is handled by tomcat?
 I tried setting webapp to be deployed in the root directory, and changed
 the rewrite rool from /cocoon/cms/$1 to /cms/$1. Upon loading the page,
 the cocoon website came up; /cocoon instead of /cocoon/cms.
 This leads me to believe that webapp is getting processed before
 rewrite. This is the opposite order in which I want them to be
 processed. How do I make sure that rewrite is processed first?
 A huge thank you to anybody who can help out.
 Liam Morley
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Re: installation cocoon

2001-10-21 Thread Andre Juffer

Wim Peeters wrote:

 Can someone help me with the installation of cocoon.
 If there a document or is someon willing to describe
 the steps to make tomcat work with cocoon. I have the
 following versions installed on my machine:
 apache http server 1.3.22
 tomcat 4.0.1
 cocoon 1.8

This is what I have added to the conf.httpd file to get Cocoon 2 working 
on Linux Slackware with Apache and Tomcat 4 (Catalina):

LoadModule webapp_module libexec/
AddModule mod_webapp.c
WebAppConnection conn  warp  localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy cocoonconn  /cocoon
WebAppInfo /webapp-info

It worked immediately after restarting Tomcat4 and Apache.

I have not tried this with Cocoon1.8, but I guess it will work as well. 
The module can be obtained from CVS

Hope this helps,

 thanks a lot
 Wim Peeters
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Re: mod_rewrite

2001-08-23 Thread Andre Juffer

Liam Morley wrote:
 Can anybody who has successfully used mod_rewrite for Cocoon2 please
 contact me, or send me your full configuration (apache, tomcat if used,
 cocoon)? if you're using mod_jk, that'd be yet another plus. Or if not
 full configuration, as much as you can spare...
 Here's what's happening to me: I'm checking the rewrite log, and it seems
 to be working correctly- it will say that the user is being redirected to
 the proper page. However, this never happens when I'm actually using the
 browser, though. Let's say / is redirecting to /cocoon/my_proj/ (I'll
 leave the actual regexp stuff out for purposes of brevity). If I type in
 http://localhost/;, I get a 404 (yet the rewrite.log says that I've been
 redirected to /cocoon/myproj). if I type out
 http://localhost/cocoon/myproj/;, then I actually see what I want to see
 - however, rewrite.log says I'm being redirected to
 http://localhost/cocoon/myproj/cocoon/myproj, so I'm not sure what's going
 Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Liam,

this is what I have in my httpd.conf. I have an application called
Biocomputing so that a request like localhost/Biocomputing/something is
redirected to localhost /cocoon/Biocomputing/something. Especially the
line JkMount /cocoon/* ajp12 appears to be crucial. Without it,
nothing is working, although the rewrite rule itself was properly
executed (according to the log file).

include /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat/conf/mod_jk.conf-auto
JkMount /*.jsp ajp12
JkMount /*.xml ajp12
JkMount /cocoon/* ajp12

RewriteEngine On
RewriteLog /var/log/rewrite.log
RewriteLogLevel 3
RewriteRule ^/Biocomputing(.*) /cocoon/Biocomputing$1 [R]

I hope this will help you,


 Liam Morley
 light the deep, and bring silence to the world.
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C2: About taglibs

2001-08-23 Thread Andre Juffer

Dear All,

I have a practical question. I have this taglib that I have written 
earlier for C1. With C1, one could tell cocoon where to find the 
corresponding xsl file through an entry in What is 
the best way of doing this with C2. The cocoon.xconf file contains 
entries like

   parameter name=prefix value=session/
   parameter name=uri value=
   parameter name=href 

If I want to use my own taglibs, should I also make a similar entry in 
cocoon.xconf, so that my taglib would be identified as a 
builtin-logicsheet as well. Or are there other procedures that one 
should follow to ensure that C2 recognizes my taglib. For instance, is 
it possible to have a cocoon.xconf in a separate directory where my own 
application lives (e.g. /cocoon/MyApplication) that is specific for that 
application? One would do this also with the sitemap.xmap. This would be 
a convenient way since then one could easily install a newer version of 
cocoon2 and only have to tell it where to look for MyApplication by a 
simple entry in the new sitemap in /cocoon. There is no need then to 
update the new cocoon.xconf as well (although, I admit, it is not really 
much work to do so).

Thanks for your help,

Andre H. Juffer  | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
The Biocenter and| Fax: +358-8-553-1141
 the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW:

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[C2] Pipeing non-XML thrue Cocoon

2001-08-17 Thread Andre Juffer

 What do you mean by Write a custom Reader class that retrieves that
 PDF and puts it down the stream. ?!

The org.apache.cocoon.reading.Reader interface is a combination of a
Generator and a Serializer. Look at the classes in there for samples.


If I understood things correctly from the javadocs, a MyReader could
take input (Source) from a local file on the server or from some URL.
How about the situation when a user has to submit the contents of a
non-XML document through a form (e.g. by coping the file content into an
textarea) that is to be handled by an Action. I could get an String
attribute containing that non-XML document from the Request, parse the
String, convert it to XML and send that down the pipeline (the latter
step is not entirely clear to me: should I put the freshly generated XML
in Session, so I should write to some OutputStream). Is there another
way, possibly more in coherence with the way how things are done in
Cocoon2? (It is somewhat difficult to look through all these classes and
to find out what they do and how one should use them.)

Thanks for your help,

Andre H. Juffer  | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
The Biocenter and| Fax: +358-8-553-1141
the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW:

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Re: C1 to C2, FAQ

2001-07-20 Thread Andre Juffer

Hi Davanum,

the original problem was how to get apache working together with tomcat
and Cocccn2. There is actually a FAQ Why does nothing happen when I
access 'http://localhost/cocoon/'? Some possibilities are listed there.
in addition to these, in the case of mod_jk, it is crucial to include
the directive

JkMount /cocoon/* ajp12

along with other directives that are already listed in mod_jk.conf-auto
in the tomcat/conf directory. One could add the above directive at the 
end of httpd.conf.

The second problem I was looking into was the following. How can I use
the request (as an example), where
Foo is an application that depends on Cocoon2, instead of employing
something like So, it would
not be required to always include cocoon in the request. Mainly based 
upon Luca Morandini's suggestions, I could get things to work with the 
following two modifications:

1. Add to httpd.cond:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteLog /var/log/rewrite.log
RewriteLogLevel 0
RewriteRule ^/Foo /cocoon/Foo/ [R]
RewriteRule ^/Foo(.*) /cocoon/Foo$1 [R]

The file rewrite.log does not have to be located in /var/log. For 
instance, under Windows NT other locations may be appropriate. The 
RewriteLogLevel should be set 3 for debug purposes. The third line is 
essentially a redirect, so that Foo become /cocoon/Foo/ with the 
trailing /, without it the request would not map onto

map:match pattern=
   map:redirect-to uri=welcome /

if I request

Finally, the last RewriteRule could depend on the local settings.
The original suggestion by Luca was a single line entry (that replaces 
both RewriteRules above) according to

RewriteRule Foo/(.*) /cocoon/Foo/$1 [PT]

but this did not work in my case (Slackware Linux with Apache1.3, 
tomcat3.2.2, Cocoon2). Again, these RewriteRules may vary somewhat 
depending on the local settings. You may have to experiment somewhat

2. Add to the sitemap.xmap in the cocoon directory:

map:match pattern=Foo/**
  map:mount uri-prefix=Fru src=/www/Foo/
 check-reload=yes reload-method=synchron/

Here, /www/Foo is a some directory on the local file system where the 
xml, xsp, .., files of the application Foo live.

As Luca pointed out, the src attribute may have to include file://

I hope that the information above is useful for others as well.

With thanks to Luca, Lajos, Anders, and others.


Davanum Srinivas wrote:

  Can you re-post the complete instructions in the form of a FAQ? I 
will check it in.
  --- Andre Juffer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi All,
  I got it finally working. The directive
  JkMount /cocoon/* ajp12
  did it. I apparently kept on missing that part, since this was not
  required for tomcat-apache-cocoon1, where always, it seems, .xml was
  employed to redirect xml request to cocoon1.
  I would support the suggestion of Luca to put these few things into the
  FAQ, because I would assume that more people make the same mistake 
as I did.
  Thank you for your help,
  Luca Morandini wrote:
 this is snippet from my mod_jk.conf (get rid of mod_jk.conf-auto, or it
  will be overwritten every time you start Tomcat):
  IfModule mod_jk.c
  JkWorkersFile C:/Apps/Tomcat/conf/
  JkLogFile C:/Apps/Tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log
  JkLogLevel warn
  JkMount /*.jsp ajp12
  JkMount /*.xml ajp12
  JkMount /cocoon/* ajp12
 I presume this will do the trick of redirecting.
 Moreover, somewhere down mod_jk.conf, there is this cocoon-related 
  # The following line makes apache aware of the location of the /cocoon
  Alias /cocoon C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon
  Directory C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  # The following line mounts all JSP files and the /servlet/ uri to 
  JkMount /cocoon/servlet/* ajp12
  JkMount /cocoon/*.jsp ajp12
  # The following line prohibits users from directly accessing WEB-INF
  Location /cocoon/WEB-INF/
  AllowOverride None
  deny from all
  # Use Directory too. On Windows, Location doesn't work unless case 
  Directory C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon/WEB-INF/
  AllowOverride None
  deny from all
  # The following line prohibits users from directly accessing META-INF
  Location /cocoon/META-INF/
  AllowOverride None
  deny from all
  # Use Directory too. On Windows, Location doesn't work unless case 
  Directory C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon/META-INF/
  AllowOverride None
  deny from all

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before

Re: C1 to C2

2001-07-18 Thread Andre Juffer

Hi All,

I got it finally working. The directive

JkMount /cocoon/* ajp12

did it. I apparently kept on missing that part, since this was not 
required for tomcat-apache-cocoon1, where always, it seems, .xml was 
employed to redirect xml request to cocoon1.

I would support the suggestion of Luca to put these few things into the 
FAQ, because I would assume that more people make the same mistake as I did.

Thank you for your help,


Luca Morandini wrote:

   this is snippet from my mod_jk.conf (get rid of mod_jk.conf-auto, or it
 will be overwritten every time you start Tomcat):
 IfModule mod_jk.c
 JkWorkersFile C:/Apps/Tomcat/conf/
 JkLogFile C:/Apps/Tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log
 JkLogLevel warn
 JkMount /*.jsp ajp12
 JkMount /*.xml ajp12
 JkMount /cocoon/* ajp12
   I presume this will do the trick of redirecting.
   Moreover, somewhere down mod_jk.conf, there is this cocoon-related stuff:
 # The following line makes apache aware of the location of the /cocoon
 Alias /cocoon C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon
 Directory C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon
 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
 # The following line mounts all JSP files and the /servlet/ uri to tomcat
 JkMount /cocoon/servlet/* ajp12
 JkMount /cocoon/*.jsp ajp12
 # The following line prohibits users from directly accessing WEB-INF
 Location /cocoon/WEB-INF/
 AllowOverride None
 deny from all
 # Use Directory too. On Windows, Location doesn't work unless case matches
 Directory C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon/WEB-INF/
 AllowOverride None
 deny from all
 # The following line prohibits users from directly accessing META-INF
 Location /cocoon/META-INF/
 AllowOverride None
 deny from all
 # Use Directory too. On Windows, Location doesn't work unless case matches
 Directory C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon/META-INF/
 AllowOverride None
 deny from all
   By the way, I'm not using Linux, but Windows NT 4.0 (as you may guess from
 the paths...).
 Best regards,
Luca Morandini
GIS Consultant
   +39 0744 59  85  1 Office
   +39 0335 681 02 12 Mobile
 -Original Message-
 From: Andre Juffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: martedì 17 luglio 2001 23.13
 Subject: Re: C1 to C2
 Luca Morandini wrote:
 I used mod_jk instead of jserv, hence, I can't be of much
 I would suggest you to switch to mod_jk, which is
 (reportedly) better, then
 we may work out the problem...
 Hi Luca,
 All right, I switched to mod_jk. No change, however, everything I had
 with jserv also applies to jk. The directory /cocoon is displayed if I
 do the request localhost/cocoon in the same way as /localhost/examples
 would do. Is this in fact to be expected, since localhost:8080/cocoon
 results in the welcome page, so the latter request compiles the sitemap.
 If I do localhost:8080/examples I also get a listing of the directory
 examples, but now tomcat handled the request.
 Again, localhost:8080/cocoon works entirely correct.
 Maybe you could show me your server.xml and mod-jk.conf-auto files to
 see what you have in your case. Are you accidentally using a linux
 (Slackware) based system?
 Best regards,
Luca Morandini
GIS Consultant
   +39 0744 59  85  1 Office
   +39 0335 681 02 12 Mobile
 -Original Message-
 From: Andre Juffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: lunedì 16 luglio 2001 23.38
 Subject: C1 to C2
 Luca, Anders, Lajos,
 I keep on having the same problem. While localhost:8080/cocoon
 displays the welcome page of cocoon2, it seems to be impossible for me
 to get apache + tomcat 3.2.2 + cocoon2 working together, such also the
 request localhost/cocoon displays the welcome page.
 The following is what being including into httpd.conf (in addition to
 what is already given in tomcat-3.2.2/conf/tomcat-apache.conf):
 AddType text/xml .xml
 AddHandler jserv-servlet .xml
 Alias /cocoon /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/webapps/cocoon
 Directory /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/webapps/cocoon
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
 ApJServMount /cocoon/servlet /cocoon
 Location /cocoon/WEB-INF/
  AllowOverride None
  deny from all
 Location /cocoon/META-INF/
  AllowOverride None
  deny from all

Re: C1 to C2

2001-07-18 Thread Andre Juffer

Davanum Srinivas wrote:

 Can you re-post the complete instructions in the form of a FAQ? I will check it in.

Yes, I'll see to it and send something in within the next day or so.


 --- Andre Juffer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,
 I got it finally working. The directive
 JkMount /cocoon/* ajp12
 did it. I apparently kept on missing that part, since this was not 
 required for tomcat-apache-cocoon1, where always, it seems, .xml was 
 employed to redirect xml request to cocoon1.
 I would support the suggestion of Luca to put these few things into the 
 FAQ, because I would assume that more people make the same mistake as I did.
 Thank you for your help,
 Luca Morandini wrote:
 this is snippet from my mod_jk.conf (get rid of mod_jk.conf-auto, or it
 will be overwritten every time you start Tomcat):
 IfModule mod_jk.c
 JkWorkersFile C:/Apps/Tomcat/conf/
 JkLogFile C:/Apps/Tomcat/logs/mod_jk.log
 JkLogLevel warn
 JkMount /*.jsp ajp12
 JkMount /*.xml ajp12
 JkMount /cocoon/* ajp12
 I presume this will do the trick of redirecting.
 Moreover, somewhere down mod_jk.conf, there is this cocoon-related stuff:
 # The following line makes apache aware of the location of the /cocoon
 Alias /cocoon C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon
 Directory C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon
 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
 # The following line mounts all JSP files and the /servlet/ uri to tomcat
 JkMount /cocoon/servlet/* ajp12
 JkMount /cocoon/*.jsp ajp12
 # The following line prohibits users from directly accessing WEB-INF
 Location /cocoon/WEB-INF/
 AllowOverride None
 deny from all
 # Use Directory too. On Windows, Location doesn't work unless case matches
 Directory C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon/WEB-INF/
 AllowOverride None
 deny from all
 # The following line prohibits users from directly accessing META-INF
 Location /cocoon/META-INF/
 AllowOverride None
 deny from all
 # Use Directory too. On Windows, Location doesn't work unless case matches
 Directory C:/Apps/Tomcat/webapps/cocoon/META-INF/
 AllowOverride None
 deny from all
 By the way, I'm not using Linux, but Windows NT 4.0 (as you may guess from
 the paths...).
 Best regards,
Luca Morandini
GIS Consultant
   +39 0744 59  85  1 Office
   +39 0335 681 02 12 Mobile
 -Original Message-
 From: Andre Juffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: martedì 17 luglio 2001 23.13
 Subject: Re: C1 to C2
 Luca Morandini wrote:
   I used mod_jk instead of jserv, hence, I can't be of much
   I would suggest you to switch to mod_jk, which is
 (reportedly) better, then
 we may work out the problem...
 Hi Luca,
 All right, I switched to mod_jk. No change, however, everything I had
 with jserv also applies to jk. The directory /cocoon is displayed if I
 do the request localhost/cocoon in the same way as /localhost/examples
 would do. Is this in fact to be expected, since localhost:8080/cocoon
 results in the welcome page, so the latter request compiles the sitemap.
 If I do localhost:8080/examples I also get a listing of the directory
 examples, but now tomcat handled the request.
 Again, localhost:8080/cocoon works entirely correct.
 Maybe you could show me your server.xml and mod-jk.conf-auto files to
 see what you have in your case. Are you accidentally using a linux
 (Slackware) based system?
 Best regards,
Luca Morandini
GIS Consultant
   +39 0744 59  85  1 Office
   +39 0335 681 02 12 Mobile
 -Original Message-
 From: Andre Juffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: lunedì 16 luglio 2001 23.38
 Subject: C1 to C2
 Luca, Anders, Lajos,
 I keep on having the same problem. While localhost:8080/cocoon
 displays the welcome page of cocoon2, it seems to be impossible for me
 to get apache + tomcat 3.2.2 + cocoon2 working together, such also the
 request localhost/cocoon displays the welcome page.
 The following is what being including into httpd.conf (in addition to
 what is already given in tomcat-3.2.2/conf/tomcat-apache.conf):
 AddType text/xml .xml
 AddHandler jserv-servlet .xml
 Alias /cocoon /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/webapps/cocoon
 Directory /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat

Re: C1 to C2

2001-07-17 Thread Andre Juffer

Luca Morandini wrote:

   I used mod_jk instead of jserv, hence, I can't be of much assistance.
   I would suggest you to switch to mod_jk, which is (reportedly) better, then
 we may work out the problem...

Hi Luca,

All right, I switched to mod_jk. No change, however, everything I had 
with jserv also applies to jk. The directory /cocoon is displayed if I 
do the request localhost/cocoon in the same way as /localhost/examples 
would do. Is this in fact to be expected, since localhost:8080/cocoon 
results in the welcome page, so the latter request compiles the sitemap. 
If I do localhost:8080/examples I also get a listing of the directory 
examples, but now tomcat handled the request.

Again, localhost:8080/cocoon works entirely correct.

Maybe you could show me your server.xml and mod-jk.conf-auto files to 
see what you have in your case. Are you accidentally using a linux 
(Slackware) based system?


 Best regards,
Luca Morandini
GIS Consultant
   +39 0744 59  85  1 Office
   +39 0335 681 02 12 Mobile
 -Original Message-
 From: Andre Juffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: lunedì 16 luglio 2001 23.38
 Subject: C1 to C2
 Luca, Anders, Lajos,
 I keep on having the same problem. While localhost:8080/cocoon correctly
 displays the welcome page of cocoon2, it seems to be impossible for me
 to get apache + tomcat 3.2.2 + cocoon2 working together, such also the
 request localhost/cocoon displays the welcome page.
 The following is what being including into httpd.conf (in addition to
 what is already given in tomcat-3.2.2/conf/tomcat-apache.conf):
 AddType text/xml .xml
 AddHandler jserv-servlet .xml
 Alias /cocoon /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/webapps/cocoon
 Directory /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.2/webapps/cocoon
  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
 ApJServMount /cocoon/servlet /cocoon
 Location /cocoon/WEB-INF/
  AllowOverride None
  deny from all
 Location /cocoon/META-INF/
  AllowOverride None
  deny from all
 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteLog /var/log/rewrite.log
 RewriteLogLevel 3
 RewriteRule Biocomputing/(.*) /cocoon/Biocomputing/$1 [PT]
 The rewriting is actually working in the way it should (Thanks Luca).
 Also, localhost/cocoon in fact displays the CONTENT of the
 webapps/cocoon directory and the same for localhost/Biocomputing/ (with
 the trailing /), which gives me correctly the /cocoon/Biocomputing
 The key problem are these lines (I think)
 AddType text/xml .xml
 AddHandler jserv-servlet .xml
 In fact, if I request localhost/cocoon/welcome.xml, the cocoon2 servlet
 is responding (in the way it should):
 Cocoon 2 - Resource not found
 type resource-not-found
 message Resource not found
 description The requested URI /cocoon/welcome.xml was not found.
 sender org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet
 source Cocoon servlet
 The sitemap is not compiled, though. If I add to the sitemap the following
 map:match pattern=welcome.xml
  map:redirect-to uri=welcome/
 localhost/cocoon/welcome.xml will not display the welcome. It is shown,
 of course, upon the request localhost:8080/cocoon/welcome.xml.
 In fact, the request localhost/cocoon/welcome results in
 Not Found
 The requested URL /cocoon/welcome was not found on this server.
 Apache/1.3.12 Server at Port 80
 So, in the latter case, Apache is handling the request instead of
 cocoon2. Obviously, this is because there is no .xml extension.
 If you are using Tomcat 3.2.2, Apache 1.3.* and cocoon2, what exactly
 have you for AddType and AddHandler directives in your configuration?
 Of course, I can always write all my files ending with e.g. xml, xsp and
 adapt the sitemap accordingly (and use 8080). No objections there, but
 it is ugly. Currently, I think, requests like your-server/Foo/foo
 without having some extension at the foo, cannot be resolved correctly
 in a simple way such that cocoon2 takes over the request.
 Or do I still miss something totally . what, on earth?
 Andre H. Juffer  | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
 The Biocenter and| Fax: +358-8-553-1141
  the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW:
 Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
 FAQ before posting.
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional

Re: [C2] serving via Apache

2001-07-17 Thread Andre Juffer


I am currently experiencing exactly the same problem. I can only reach 
cocoon2 via port 8080, while /examples etc. are properly served via 
Apache. I am running on a Linux box (Slackware 7.1). Just wondering, 
what is your system: Win NT, Linux, ..?

I have installed mod_jk, but it did no remove the problem in my case.

Mike Haarman wrote:

 I am running Apache 1.3.#, Tomcat 3.2.1, Cocoon-2.0b1
 I am having touble getting C2 to serve via Apache.  I have followed several threads 
on the topic in the archives, but they appear to refer to C1.  I
 am using mod_jk and had it configured correctly for C1 to serve on port 80.  
Currently I can only get C2 to serve from port 8080.  Does mod_jk.conf
 require modification to allow Apache to serve C2?
 What am I missing?
 Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
 FAQ before posting.
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Andre H. Juffer  | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
The Biocenter and| Fax: +358-8-553-1141
 the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW:

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: C1 to C2

2001-07-13 Thread Andre Juffer

Anders Lindh wrote:
 Be aware that C2 will serve _all_ the pages (including the static
 ones). If you are in an Apache+Tomcat+Cocoon context, this mean that
 Everything on your site will be served by C2.
 If you use apache you tell it what requests to pass to Tomcat (with mod_jk
 or mod_jserv). You can e.g tell it to pass requests for all .xml files in
 /cocoon to Tomcat (and cocoon if configured properly). This way all static
 content can be served by apache (x100 faster) and all dynamic pages by

Yes, this is correct. This is the way I have done in the past
(apache-tomcat-cocoon1). But is this going to work only if one uses the
extension .xml., since Cocoon2 also uses patterns in its sitemap (e.g.
welcome instead of welcome.xml)?

For tomcat-apache-cocoon1, the following is what I have in httpd.conf:

LoadModule jserv_module libexec/
ApJServManual on
ApJServDefaultProtocol ajpv12
ApJServMountCopy on
ApJServLogLevel notice
ApJServDefaultHost localhost
ApJServDefaultPort 8007
ApJServMount default /root
AddType test/jsp .jsp
AddHandler jserv-servlet .jsp
AddType text/xml .xml
AddHandler jserv-servlet .xml
Alias /cocoon /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/cocoon
Directory /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/cocoon
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
ApJServMount /cocoon /cocoon
AddType text/xml .xml
AddHandler jserv-servlet .xml
Location /cocoon/WEB-INF/ 
AllowOverride None
deny from all

Alias /Foo /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/Foo
Directory /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/Foo
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
ApJServMount /Foo/servlet /Foo
Location /Foo/WEB-INF/ 
AllowOverride None
deny from all

The server.xml in tomcat/conf in fact includes an entry for cocoon1 as

!-- Start Cocoon Section --
!-- End Cocoon Section -- 

Everything that has the extension .xml including those in /Foo
automatically is forwarded to cocoon1 and therefore served by cocoon1,
while the static files are served by the Apache webserver. This all
works very nicely.

It must be possible to do the same thing with cocoon2 somehow, but it
seems to me that these patterns could cause some problems.


 - Anders
 Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
 FAQ before posting.
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Andre H. Juffer  | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
The Biocenter and| Fax: +358-8-553-1141
the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW:

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: C1 to C2

2001-07-12 Thread Andre Juffer

Hi Luca,

thank you for your response.

Let me see if I understand you correctly. The GENERAL sitemap is the
sitemap located in the cocoon subdirectory (webapps/cocoon), or are you
referring to another sitemap?

The idea of a sub-sitemap below is clear to me. Still, the request
localhost/Foo/foo goes through the Apache webserver, which passes it on
to Tomcat. But Tomcat will try to read webapps/Foo and not
webapps/cocoon, because the configuration of Tomcat was set up like
that.  Should I possibly include in the configuration file of tomcat
something like


Alias /Foo /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/cocoon


so that /Foo would correspond to /cocoon as well? In combination with
the sub-sitemap as you suggested, the correct pipeline would start.

Is the above correct?

Thanks you again,

Luca Morandini wrote:
 have you modifed the general sitemap to tell Cocoon you're not under the
 cocoon  context ?
 For instance, when I wanted a sub-sitemap of mine to be relocated to the
 c:\cru directory, I modified the general sitemap as follows:
 map:match pattern=cru/**
 map:mount uri-prefix=cru src=file:///c:/cru/
 I hope this helps...
Luca Morandini
GIS Consultant
   +39 0744 59  85  1 Office
   +39 0335 681 02 12 Mobile
  -Original Message-
  From: Andre Juffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: mercoledì 11 luglio 2001 21.19
  Subject: C1 to C2
  just recently I have posted a question about having cocoon2 recognizing
  my own context under tomcat/webapp. This may be a tomcat problem, still
  I had cocoon1.8.2, together with the apache web server and tomcat,
  working just fine with my own context. Obviously, I would like to be
  able to do the same with cocoon2, but I could not get it going.
  I have removed everything that had something to do with cocoon1 and got
  cocoon2 installed. No problem, I could read cocoon/welcome and try some
  of the examples. I did not make any modifications in the existing
  configuration files. So, I continued and made a very simple sitemap in
  webapps/cocoon that simply transforms foo.xml into some html. Worked
  without problem in webapps/cocoon, but, after transferring the relevant
  files to webapps/Foo and restarting tomcat and apache, I got error
  messages. If I request localhost/Foo, the content of my context is
  displayed, but it fails to start the pipeline associated with the
  transformation (localhost/Foo/foo). I get the following error:
  type resource-not-found
  message Resource not found
  description The requested URI /Foo/foo was not found.
  sender org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet
  source Cocoon servlet
  foo is the pattern that should start the pipeline. This works perfectly
  all right when carried out in the cocoon context
  (http://localhost/cocoon/foo). So, it must be a context setup problem.
  It seems that tomcat properly sees my context:
  2001-07-11 07:50:34 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /Foo )
  Is there anything special that I may need to do so that
  tomcat/apache/cocoon2 work nicely together?
  This is the content of a configuation file that is included into the
  apache httpd.conf file (the same I have used before with cocoon1):
  LoadModule jserv_module libexec/
  ApJServManual on
  ApJServDefaultProtocol ajpv12
  ApJServSecretKey DISABLED
  ApJServMountCopy on
  ApJServLogLevel notice
  ApJServDefaultHost localhost
  ApJServDefaultPort 8007
  AddType test/jsp .jsp
  AddHandler jserv-servlet .jsp
  AddType text/xml .xml
  AddHandler jserv-servlet .xml
  Alias /cocoon /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/cocoon
  Directory /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/cocoon
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  ApJServMount /cocoon /cocoon
  Location /cocoon/WEB-INF/ 
   AllowOverride None
   deny from all
  Alias /Foo /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/Foo
  Directory /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/Foo
   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  ApJServMount /Foo /Foo
  Location /Foo/WEB-INF/ 
   AllowOverride None
   deny from all
  Thank you for any suggestion you may have to resolve this matter,
  Andre H. Juffer  | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
  The Biocenter and| Fax: +358-8-553-1141
   the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL

Re: C1 to C2

2001-07-12 Thread Andre Juffer

Luca Morandini wrote:

 -Original Message-
 From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Andre
 Sent: giovedì 12 luglio 2001 15.11
 Subject: Re: C1 to C2
 Luca Morandini wrote:
 -Original Message-
 Behalf Of Andre
 Sent: giovedì 12 luglio 2001 13.35
 Subject: Re: C1 to C2
 Hmmm... why you would like to start a different context ?
 I assumed you wanted just to put you application in a
 directory other than
 \webapps\cocoon... am I wrong ?
 You are entirely correct. That is exactly what I have in mind. I should
 say that all static html (normally in public_html in user's
 subdirectories, as is common under Unix) are still served directly by
 the Apache webserver. Nothing of that is going through cocoon. Under
 cocoon1, one uses tomcat where files with the extension .xml where
 served by tomcat and ultimately by cocoon1. I was under the impression
 that things with cocoon2 were done in a similar way, but maybe
 everything should be served by cocoon2 first (including these html
 files) and the sitemap would than start the appropriate pipelines? (That
 would explain the word sitemap). So, cocoon2 would control the complete
 website (both static and dynamic files). Is the Apache webserver in fact
 still required to run on the server?
   No, you could dispense with Apache and run everything on Tomcat, though it
 seems an overkill to me (and less stable, too).
   Talking about C2, there is no need to start another Cocoon context, far
 from it... you should just tell Cocoon to find your files where they are.
   The mechanism to do that is to modify the sitemap (the one I've named
 general sitemap in my previous message) in order to mount the sub-sitemap
   The odd thihg about this is that you may find your site only by referring
 to an URI with cocoon in it, like ...\cocoon\cru\index.xml.
   Next step is to tell Apache to redirect everything from cru to
 coocon\cru (provided, of course, cru is the name of you application);
 I've used the rewrite engine of Apache, adding the following to httpd.conf:
 RewriteEngine On
 RewriteLog C:/apps/apache/logs/rewrite.log
 RewriteLogLevel 0
 RewriteRule cru/(.*) /cocoon/cru/$1 [PT]
   It works, but it took me half a day to figure it out the whole process :(

So, apparently it is not possible to have something like, and one must always use something like, if I understood you correctly. That is too 
bad, since it was certainly possible with cocoon1. There must (should) 
be a way around it.


 Best regards,
Luca Morandini
GIS Consultant
   +39 0744 59  85  1 Office
   +39 0335 681 02 12 Mobile
 Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
 FAQ before posting.
 To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Andre H. Juffer  | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
The Biocenter and| Fax: +358-8-553-1141
 the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW:

Please check that your question has not already been answered in the
FAQ before posting.

To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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C1 to C2

2001-07-11 Thread Andre Juffer


just recently I have posted a question about having cocoon2 recognizing 
my own context under tomcat/webapp. This may be a tomcat problem, still 
I had cocoon1.8.2, together with the apache web server and tomcat, 
working just fine with my own context. Obviously, I would like to be 
able to do the same with cocoon2, but I could not get it going.

I have removed everything that had something to do with cocoon1 and got 
cocoon2 installed. No problem, I could read cocoon/welcome and try some 
of the examples. I did not make any modifications in the existing 
configuration files. So, I continued and made a very simple sitemap in 
webapps/cocoon that simply transforms foo.xml into some html. Worked 
without problem in webapps/cocoon, but, after transferring the relevant 
files to webapps/Foo and restarting tomcat and apache, I got error 
messages. If I request localhost/Foo, the content of my context is 
displayed, but it fails to start the pipeline associated with the 
transformation (localhost/Foo/foo). I get the following error:

type resource-not-found

message Resource not found

description The requested URI /Foo/foo was not found.

sender org.apache.cocoon.servlet.CocoonServlet

source Cocoon servlet





foo is the pattern that should start the pipeline. This works perfectly 
all right when carried out in the cocoon context 
(http://localhost/cocoon/foo). So, it must be a context setup problem.

It seems that tomcat properly sees my context:

2001-07-11 07:50:34 - ContextManager: Adding context Ctx( /Foo )

Is there anything special that I may need to do so that 
tomcat/apache/cocoon2 work nicely together?

This is the content of a configuation file that is included into the 
apache httpd.conf file (the same I have used before with cocoon1):

LoadModule jserv_module libexec/
ApJServManual on
ApJServDefaultProtocol ajpv12
ApJServMountCopy on
ApJServLogLevel notice

ApJServDefaultHost localhost
ApJServDefaultPort 8007

AddType test/jsp .jsp
AddHandler jserv-servlet .jsp
AddType text/xml .xml
AddHandler jserv-servlet .xml

Alias /cocoon /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/cocoon
Directory /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/cocoon
 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
ApJServMount /cocoon /cocoon
Location /cocoon/WEB-INF/ 
 AllowOverride None
 deny from all

Alias /Foo /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/Foo
Directory /usr/local/jakarta-tomcat-3.2.1/webapps/Foo
 Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
ApJServMount /Foo /Foo
Location /Foo/WEB-INF/ 
 AllowOverride None
 deny from all

Thank you for any suggestion you may have to resolve this matter,

Andre H. Juffer  | Phone: +358-8-553 1683
The Biocenter and| Fax: +358-8-553-1141
 the Dep. of Biochemistry | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
University of Oulu, Finland  | WWW:

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