Re: Number of Mappers Running Simultaneously

2010-09-16 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Hi Rahul,
Can you please be more specific? Do you want to control mappers running 
simultaneously for your job ( I guess ) or the cluster as a whole?
If for your job, and you want to control it on a per node basis, one way is to 
allocate more memory to each of your mapper so it occupies more than one slot. 
If a slot is free, a task will be scheduled on it and that's more or less out 
of your control, especially so in pig.
In case you want a global cap on simultaneous mappers, its a little more 
complicated and inefficient too. A little more detail on your use case should 
get you better response on the list.
Sorry if I misunderstood your quesiton.


On 9/15/10 3:02 AM, Rahul Malviya wrote:


I want to control the number of mappers tasks running simultaneously. Is there 
a way to do that if I run Pig jobs on hadoop ?

Any input is helpful.


Re: getJobID and job handling

2010-07-26 Thread Amogh Vasekar
I see you are using the new APIs, so this should be relevant for you

As you have noticed, in the old APIs the JobClient could be queried using JobID 
, which was returned when the job was submitted. There was a thread in 
hadoop-dev to discuss un-deprecating the old APIs (not sure where it ultimately 
went, you may search around the list though)
In any case, the patch on above jira should fix it.


On 7/23/10 9:39 PM, Michael Sutter wrote:

  Hello everybody,

I have a problem with my application and hopefully someone can help me.
I want to submit a large number of jobs, notice the job id and come back
some hours to query the status of the jobs.

The idea was to create the Job (org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job), query
the job id via getJobID() and store it in a database. So far everything
works fine,
except that getJobID() always returns null. I found a workaround with
and cut the JobID from it.

So to my questions:
Is it a bug, that getJobID() always returns null?

And is it possible to query the status when I only have the job id? The
only information I found is to
do it with JobClient.getJob(JobID), whereas JobID is already deprecated.
Or is this the correct
way to do it?

I'm using hadoop 0.20.2.

Thanks in advance

Re: Can we modify existing file in HDFS?

2010-06-22 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Do I need to remove and re-create the whole file?
Simply put, as of now, yes. Append functionality is being made available to 
users to add to end of file though :)


On 6/22/10 1:56 PM, elton sky wrote:

hello everyone,

I noticed there are 6 operations in HDFS:

and As I know there's no way to modify some arbitrary part in a existing
file in HDFS. So what if I create a say, 2 Petabytes, file and like to
modify some parts? Do I need to remove and re-create the whole file?

Re: Performance tuning of sort

2010-06-17 Thread Amogh Vasekar

Since the scale of input data and operations of each reduce task is the same, 
what may cause the execution time of reduce tasks different?

You should consider looking at the copy, shuffle and reduce times separately 
from JT UI to get better info. Many (dynamic) considerations like network 
congestion, number of mappers reducer is fetching from, data skew wrt input 
keys to reducer etc will affect this number.


On 6/18/10 8:05 AM, 李钰 wrote:

Hi Todd and Jeff,

Thanks a lot for your discussion, it's really helpful to me. I'd like to
express my especial appreciation for Todd's patient explanation, you help me
see more clearly about the working mechanism of SORT. And Jeff, really thank
you for reminding me that sort uses TotalOrderPartitioner to do
Based on your discussion I update my understanding as follows:
The sorting happens on the map side during the spill process of each map
task, after that, the overall map outputs are partitioned by method of
TotalOrderPartitioner, this decides the input range of each reducer.
Reducers get map outputs as decided by the partitioner, and do merging and
write results into HDFS.
Is this understanding right? Please correct me if you find any faults,
If this understanding is right, then my question rolls back to the original
one: Since the scale of input data and operations of each reduce task is the
same, what may cause the execution time of reduce tasks different? All nodes
used in my experiment are on the same rack, and they are homogenous.
Any suggesion will be highly appreciated, thanks.

Best Regards,

2010/6/18 Todd Lipcon

 On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 9:37 AM, Jeff Zhang wrote:

  Why's there a sorting in map task, the sorting here seems useless in my
 For map-only jobs there isn't. For jobs with reduce, typically the number
 reduce tasks is smaller than the number of map tasks, so parallelizing the
 sort on the mappers and just doing merge on the reducers is beneficial.
 Second, this allows the combiner to run on the mapper by identifying when
 has multiple outputs for the same key. Third, this allows improved
 compression on the map output (thus less intermediate data transfer) by
 putting similar keys near each other (hopefully within the compression
 window). Fourth, it kills two birds with one stone since the mappers
 have to group outputs by the partition.


  On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 9:26 AM, Todd Lipcon wrote:
   On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:43 AM, Jeff Zhang wrote:
   Your understanding of Sort is not right. The key concept of Sort is
   the TotalOrderPartitioner. Actually before the map-reduce job, client
   side will do sampling of input data to estimate the distribution of
   input data. And the mapper do nothing, each reducer will fetch its
   data according the TotalOrderPartitioner. The data in each reducer is
   local sorted, and each reducer are sorted ( r0r1r2), so the
   overall result data is sorted.
   The sorting happens on the map side, actually, during the spill
   mapper itself is an identity function, but the map task code does
   sort (on a partition,key tuple) as originally described in this
   Reducers just do a merge of mapper outputs.
   On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 12:13 AM, 李钰 wrote:
Hi all,
I'm doing some tuning of the sort benchmark of hadoop. To be more
running test against the org.apache.hadoop.examples.Sort class. As
through the source code, I think the map tasks take responsibility
sorting the input data, and the reduce tasks just merge the map
write them into HDFS. But here I've got a question I couldn't
the time cost of the reduce phase of each reduce task, that is
into HDFS, is different from each other. Since the input data and
of each reduce task is the same, what reason will cause the
different? Is there anything wrong of my understanding? Does anybody
any experience on this? Badly need your help, thanks.
Best Regards,
   Best Regards
   Jeff Zhang
   Todd Lipcon
   Software Engineer, Cloudera
  Best Regards
  Jeff Zhang

  Todd Lipcon
 Software Engineer, Cloudera

Re: hadoop streaming on Amazon EC2

2010-06-02 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Depending on what hadoop version ( 0.18.3??? ) EC2 uses, you can try one of the 

1. Compile the streaming jar files with your own custom classes and run on ec2 
using this custom jar ( should work for 18.3 . Make sure you pick compatible 
streaming classes )

2. Jar up your classes and specify them as -libjars option on command line, and 
specify the custom input and output formats as you have on your local machine ( 
should work for 19.0 )

I have never worked on EC2, so not sure if any easier solution exists.


On 6/2/10 1:52 AM, Mo Zhou wrote:


I know it may not be suitable to be posted here since it relates to
EC2 more than Hadoop. However I could not find a solution and hope
some one here could kindly help me out. Here is my question.

I created my own inputreader and outputformatter to split an input
file while use hadoop streaming. They are tested in my local machine.
Following is how I use them.

bin/hadoop  jar hadoop-0.20.2-streaming.jar \
   -D mapred.reduce.tasks=0\
   -input HumanSeqs.4\
   -output output\
   -mapper ./blastp -db nr -evalue 0.001 -outfmt 6\
   -inputreader org.apache.hadoop.streaming.StreamFastaRecordReader\
   -inputformat org.apache.hadoop.streaming.StreamFastaInputFormat

I want to deploy the job to elastic mapreduce. I first create a
streaming job. I specify input and output in S3, mapper,
and reducer. However I could not find the place where I can specify
-inputreader and -inputformat.

So my questions are
1) how I can upload the class files to be used as inputreader and
inputformat to elastic mapreduce?
2) how I specify to use them in the streaming?

Any reply is appreciated. Thanks for your time!


Re: error in communication with hdfs

2010-06-02 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Quick couple of questions,
Is the namenode formatted and the daemon started?
Can you ssh w/o password?


On 6/2/10 5:03 PM, Khaled BEN BAHRI wrote:

Hi :)

I installed hadoop and i tried to store data in hdfs

but any command i want to execute like fs -mkdir or dfsadmin -report
or any other one tryed to connect to server 10 times but it failed and
gives this error

[khale...@node004 bin]$ ./hadoop dfsadmin -report
10/06/02 13:15:45 INFO ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server:
/x.x.x.x:9000. Already tried 0 time(s).

Bad connection to DFS... command aborted.

Thank you for any help


Re: hadoop streaming on Amazon EC2

2010-06-02 Thread Amogh Vasekar
You might need to add 


On 6/2/10 5:10 PM, Mo Zhou wrote:

Thank you Amogh. Elastic mapreduce use 0.18.3.

I tried the first way by download hadoop-0.18.3 to my local machine.
Then I got following warning.

WARN mapred.JobClient: No job jar file set.  User classes may not be
found. See JobConf(Class) or JobConf#setJar(String).

So the results were incorrect.


On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 4:56 AM, Amogh Vasekar wrote:
 Depending on what hadoop version ( 0.18.3??? ) EC2 uses, you can try one of 
 the following

 1. Compile the streaming jar files with your own custom classes and run on 
 ec2 using this custom jar ( should work for 18.3 . Make sure you pick 
 compatible streaming classes )

 2. Jar up your classes and specify them as -libjars option on command line, 
 and specify the custom input and output formats as you have on your local 
 machine ( should work for 19.0 )

 I have never worked on EC2, so not sure if any easier solution exists.


 On 6/2/10 1:52 AM, Mo Zhou wrote:


 I know it may not be suitable to be posted here since it relates to
 EC2 more than Hadoop. However I could not find a solution and hope
 some one here could kindly help me out. Here is my question.

 I created my own inputreader and outputformatter to split an input
 file while use hadoop streaming. They are tested in my local machine.
 Following is how I use them.

 bin/hadoop  jar hadoop-0.20.2-streaming.jar \
   -D mapred.reduce.tasks=0\
   -input HumanSeqs.4\
   -output output\
   -mapper ./blastp -db nr -evalue 0.001 -outfmt 6\
   -inputreader org.apache.hadoop.streaming.StreamFastaRecordReader\
   -inputformat org.apache.hadoop.streaming.StreamFastaInputFormat

 I want to deploy the job to elastic mapreduce. I first create a
 streaming job. I specify input and output in S3, mapper,
 and reducer. However I could not find the place where I can specify
 -inputreader and -inputformat.

 So my questions are
 1) how I can upload the class files to be used as inputreader and
 inputformat to elastic mapreduce?
 2) how I specify to use them in the streaming?

 Any reply is appreciated. Thanks for your time!



Re: hadoop streaming on Amazon EC2

2010-06-02 Thread Amogh Vasekar
$ bin/hadoop jar custom_streaming_jar \
Should work.
Check $ bin/hadoop jar hadoop-0.18.3-streaming.jar -info for more details.


On 6/2/10 10:15 PM, Mo Zhou wrote:

Thank you Amogh.

I tried so but it through exceptions as follows:

$ bin/hadoop  jar hadoop-0.18.3-streaming.jar \
 -D stream.shipped.hadoopstreaming=fasta.jar\
 -input HumanSeqs.4\
 -output output\
 -mapper cat -\
 -inputformat org.apache.hadoop.streaming.StreamFastaInputFormat
10/06/02 12:44:35 ERROR streaming.StreamJob: Unexpected -D while
Usage: $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop [--config dir] jar \
  $HADOOP_HOME/hadoop-streaming.jar [options]
  -inputpath DFS input file(s) for the Map step
  -output   path DFS output directory for the Reduce step
  -mapper   cmd|JavaClassName  The streaming command to run
  -combiner JavaClassName Combiner has to be a Java class
  -reducer  cmd|JavaClassName  The streaming command to run
  -file file File/dir to be shipped in the Job jar file
  -dfsh:p|local  Optional. Override DFS configuration
  -jt h:p|local  Optional. Override JobTracker configuration
  -additionalconfspec specfile  Optional.
  -outputformat TextOutputFormat(default)|JavaClassName  Optional.
  -partitioner JavaClassName  Optional.
  -numReduceTasks num  Optional.
  -inputreader spec  Optional.
  -jobconf  n=vOptional. Add or override a JobConf property
  -cmdenv   n=vOptional. Pass env.var to streaming commands
  -mapdebug path  Optional. To run this script when a map task fails
  -reducedebug path  Optional. To run this script when a reduce task fails
  -cacheFile fileNameURI
  -cacheArchive fileNameURI

For more details about these options:
Use $HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar build/hadoop-streaming.jar -info

at org.apache.hadoop.streaming.StreamJob.exitUsage(
at org.apache.hadoop.streaming.StreamJob.parseArgv(
at org.apache.hadoop.streaming.StreamJob.go(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.apache.hadoop.util.RunJar.main(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobShell.main(

On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 8:40 AM, Amogh Vasekar wrote:
 You might need to add 


 On 6/2/10 5:10 PM, Mo Zhou wrote:

 Thank you Amogh. Elastic mapreduce use 0.18.3.

 I tried the first way by download hadoop-0.18.3 to my local machine.
 Then I got following warning.

 WARN mapred.JobClient: No job jar file set.  User classes may not be
 found. See JobConf(Class) or JobConf#setJar(String).

 So the results were incorrect.


 On Wed, Jun 2, 2010 at 4:56 AM, Amogh Vasekar wrote:
 Depending on what hadoop version ( 0.18.3??? ) EC2 uses, you can try one of 
 the following

 1. Compile the streaming jar files with your own custom classes and run on 
 ec2 using this custom jar ( should work for 18.3 . Make sure you pick 
 compatible streaming classes )

 2. Jar up your classes and specify them as -libjars option on command line, 
 and specify the custom input and output formats as you have on your local 
 machine ( should work for 19.0 )

 I have never worked on EC2, so not sure if any easier solution exists.


 On 6/2/10 1:52 AM, Mo Zhou wrote:


 I know it may not be suitable to be posted here since it relates to
 EC2 more than Hadoop. However I could not find a solution and hope
 some one here could kindly help me out. Here is my question.

 I created my own inputreader and outputformatter to split an input
 file while use hadoop streaming. They are tested in my local machine

Re: Getting zero length files on the reduce output.

2010-06-02 Thread Amogh Vasekar
The default partitioner is - hashcode(key) MODULO number_of_reducers, so its 
pretty much possible.

Can I change this hash function in anyway?
Sure, any custom partitioner can be plugged in. Check o.a.h.mapreduce.partition 
or the secondary sort example on mapred tutorial for more.

On a side note, if you don't want the zero output files to come up, use 
lazyoutputformat instead.


On 6/3/10 1:22 AM, Raymond Jennings III wrote:

I have a cluster of 12 slave nodes.  I see that for some jobs the part-r-0 
type files, half of them are zero in size after the job completes.  Does this 
mean the hash function that splits the data to each reducer node is not working 
all that well?  On other jobs it's pretty much even across all reducers but on 
certain jobs only half of the reducers have files bigger than 0.  It is 
reproducible though.  Can I change this hash function in anyway?  Thanks.

Re: which node processed my job

2010-05-06 Thread Amogh Vasekar
InetAddress.getLocalHost() should give you the hostname for each mapper/reducer


On 5/6/10 8:39 PM, Alan Miller wrote:

Not sure if this is the right list for this question, but.
Is it possible to determine which host actually processed my MR job?


Re: Per-file block size

2010-04-13 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Pass the -D property in command line. eg:
Hadoop fs -Ddfs.block.size=multiple of checksum .
You can check if its actually set the way you needed by hadoop fs -stat %o 


On 4/14/10 9:01 AM, Andrew Nguyen wrote:

I thought I saw a way to specify the block size for individual files using the 
command-line using hadoop dfs -put/copyFromLocal...  However, I can't seem to 
find the reference anywhere.

I see that I can do it via the API but no references to a command-line 
mechanism.  Am I just remembering something that doesn't exist?  Or, can some 
point me in the right direction.



Re: How do I use MapFile Reader and Writer

2010-04-13 Thread Amogh Vasekar
The file system object will contain the scheme, authority etc for the given uri 
or path. The conf object acts as reference ( unable to get a better terminology 
) to this info.
Looking at the MapFileOutputFormat should help provide better understanding as 
to how writers and readers are initialized.

Hope this helps,

On 4/13/10 7:33 PM, Placebo wrote:

I have a large text file, approximately 500mb containing key value pairs on
each line. I would like to implement Hadoop MapFile so that I can access any
key,value pair fairly quickly. To construct either the Reader or Writer the
MapFile requires a Configurations object and a File System object. I am
confused as to how to create either object, and why they are necessary.
Would someone be so kind to demonstrate to me a trivial example as to how I
can accomplish this.

Thanks in advance.
View this message in context:
Sent from the Hadoop core-user mailing list archive at

Re: swapping on hadoop

2010-03-31 Thread Amogh Vasekar
(#maxmapTasksperTaskTracker + #maxreduceTasksperTaskTracker) * JVMHeapSize  
The tasktracker and datanode daemons also take up memory, 1GB each by default I 
think. Is that accounted for?

 Could there be an issue with HDFS data or metadata taking up memory?
Is the namenode a separate machine or participates in compute nodes too?

What are the memory requirements for the jobtracker,namenode and 
tasktracker,datanode JVMs?
See above, there was a thread running on this on the forum sometime back, to 
manipulate these values for TT and DN.

this setting doesn't sound like it should be causing swapping in the first 
place ( io.sort.mb)
I think so too :)

Just yesterday I read a tweet on machine configs for Hadoop, hope it helps you


On 3/30/10 10:45 PM, Vasilis Liaskovitis wrote:

Hi all,

I 've noticed swapping for a single terasort job on a small 8-node
cluster using hadoop-0.20.1. The swapping doesn't happen repeatably; I
can have back to back runs of the same job from the same hdfs input
data and get swapping only on 1 out of 4 identical runs. I 've noticed
this swapping behaviour on both terasort jobs and hive query jobs.

- Focusing on a single job config, Is there a rule of thumb about how
much node memory should be left for use outside of Child JVMs?
I make sure that per Node, there is free memory:
(#maxmapTasksperTaskTracker + #maxreduceTasksperTaskTracker) *
JVMHeapSize  PhysicalMemoryonNode
The total JVM heap size per node per job from the above equation
currently account 65%-75% of the node's memory. (I 've tried
allocating a riskier 90% of the node's memory, with similar swapping

- Could there be an issue with HDFS data or metadata taking up memory?
I am not cleaning output or intermediate outputs from HDFS between
runs. Is this possible?

- Do people use any specific java flags (particularly garbage
collection flags) for production environments where one job runs (or
possibly more jobs run simultaneously) ?

- What are the memory requirements for the jobtracker,namenode and
tasktracker,datanode JVMs?

- I am setting io.sort.mb to about half of the JVM heap size (half of
-Xmx in javaopts). Should this be set to a different ratio? (this
setting doesn't sound like it should be causing swapping in the first

- The buffer cache is cleaned before each run (flush and echo 3 

any empirical advice and suggestions  to solve this are appreciated.

- Vasilis

Re: execute mapreduce job on multiple hdfs files

2010-03-23 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Piggybacking on Gang’s reply, to add files / dirs recursively you can use the 
filestatus, liststatus to determine if its a file or dir and add as needed ( 
check FileStatus API for this ) There is a patch which does this for 


On 3/23/10 6:25 PM, Gang Luo wrote:

Hi Oleg,
you can use FileInputFormat.addInputPath(JobConf, Path) multiple times in your 
program to add arbitrary paths. Instead, if you use 
FileInputFormat.setInputPath, there could be only one input path.

If you are talking about output, the path you give is an output directory, all 
the output files (part-0, part-1...) will be generated in that 


- 原始邮件 
发件人: Oleg Ruchovets
发送日期: 2010/3/23 (周二) 6:18:34 上午
主   题: execute mapreduce job on multiple hdfs files

Hi ,
All examples that I found executes mapreduce job on a single file but in my
situation I have more than one.

Suppose I have such folder on HDFS which contains some files:


How can I execute  hadoop mapreduce on file1.txt , file2.txt and file3.txt?

Is it possible to provide to hadoop job folder as parameter and all files
will be produced by mapreduce job?

Thanks In Advance

Re: split number

2010-03-21 Thread Amogh Vasekar
AFAIK, it is a hint. Depending on the block size, minimum split size and this 
hint the exact number of splits is computed.  So if you have total_size/hint  
block size but greater than min split size, you should see the exact number.
This is how I understand it, please let me know if I'm going wrong.


On 3/22/10 12:33 AM, Gang Luo wrote:

Hi all,
in InputFormat.getSplits(JobConf, splitNum), I think the splitNum should be a 
hint. The number of splits is equal to the numbers of mappers working on that 
file. But I do get the same number of splits as indicated by splitNum, and the 
sum of the split length is the length of that file. It seems the splitNum here 
is not a hint. Is it a bug, or did I do something wrong?


Re: when to sent distributed cache file

2010-03-18 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Hi Gang,
Yes, the time to distribute files is considered as jobs running time ( more 
specifically the set up time ). The time is essentially for the the TT to copy 
the files specified in distributed cache to its local FS, generally from HDFS 
unless you have a separate FS for JT. So in general you might be having small 
time gains when your files to be distributed have relatively high replication 
Wrt blocks, AFAIK, even on HDFS if the file size  block size, the actual space 
consumed is the file size itself. The overhead is in terms of storing metadata 
on that (small) file block. So when you have it on local disk, it will still 
consume only the actual size and not block size.


On 3/18/10 2:28 AM, Gang Luo wrote:

Thanks Ravi.

Here are some observations. I run job1 to generate some data used by the 
following job2 without replication. The total size of the job 1 output is 25mb 
and is in 50 files. I use distributed cache to sent all the files to nodes 
running job2 tasks. When job2 starts, it stayed at map 0% reduce 0% for 10 
minutes. When the job1 output is in 10 files (using 10 reducers in job1), the 
time consumed here are 2 minutes.

So, I think the time to distribute cache files is actually counted as part of 
the total time of the MR job. And in order to sent a cache file from HDFS to 
local disk, it sent at least one block (64mb by default) even that file is only 
1mb. Is that right? If so, how much space that cache file takes on the local 
disk, 64mb or 1mb?


Hello Gang,
  The framework will copy the necessary files to the slave node  before any 
tasks for the job are executed on that node.
Not sure if  time required to distribute cache is counted in map reduce job 
time but it is included in job submission process in JobClient .

On 3/17/10 11:32 AM, Gang Luo wrote:

Hi all,
I doubt when does hadoop distributes the cache files. The moment we call 
DistributedCache.addCacheFile() ? Will the time to distribute caches be counted 
as part of the mapreduce job time?


Re: Is there an easy way to clear old jobs from the jobtracker webpage?

2010-03-18 Thread Amogh Vasekar
The property mapred.jobtracker.completeuserjobs.maximum property specifies the 
number of jobs to be kept on JT page at any time. After this they are available 
under history page. Probably setting this to 0 will do the trick?


On 3/17/10 10:09 PM, Raymond Jennings III wrote:

I'd like to be able to clear the contents of the jobs that have completed 
running on the jobtracker webpage.  Is there an easy way to do this without 
restarting the cluster?

Re: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.IFile$Writer.(

2010-03-18 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Should answer your questions.


On 3/18/10 10:48 PM, jiang licht wrote:

I got the following error when I tried to do gzip compression on map output, 
using hadoop-0.20.1.

settings in mapred-site.xml--

error message--
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.IFile$Writer.(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.runOldMapper(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child.main(

I read the src that Writer in IFile takes care of map output compression. So, 
it seems to me that I didn't have gzip native library built or didn't have 
correct settings. There is no built folder in HADOOP_HOME and no native in 
lib folder in HADOOP_HOME. I checked that I have gzip and zlib installed. So, 
next is to build hadoop native library on top of these. How to do that? Is it a 
simple matter of pointing some variable to gzip or zlib libs or should I use 
build.xml in hadoop to build some target, what target should I build?



Re: cluster involvement trigger

2010-03-01 Thread Amogh Vasekar
You mentioned you pass the files packed together using -archives option. This 
will uncompress the archive on the compute node itself, so the namenode won't 
be hampered in this case. However, cleaning up the distributed cache is a 
tricky scenario ( user doesn't have explicit control over this ), you may 
search this list for many discussions pertaining to this. And while on the 
topic of archives, while it may not be practical for you as of now, but Hadoop 
Archives (har) provide similar functionality.
Hope this helps.


On 2/27/10 12:53 AM, Michael Kintzer wrote:


Thank you for the detailed information.   Our initial prototyping seems to 
agree with your statements below, i.e. a single large input file is performing 
better than an index file + an archive of small files.   I will take a look at 
the CombineFileInputFormat as you suggested.

One question.   Since the many small input files are all in a single jar 
archive managed by the name node, does that still hamper name node performance? 
  I was under the impression these archives are are only unpacked into the 
temporary map reduce file space (and I'm assuming cleaned up after map-reduce 
completes).   Does the name node need to store the metadata of each individual 
file during the unpacking for this case?


On Feb 25, 2010, at 10:31 PM, Amogh Vasekar wrote:

 The number of mappers initialized depends largely on your input format ( the 
 getSplits of your input format) , (almost all) input formats available in 
 hadoop derive from fileinputformat, hence the 1 mapper per file block notion 
 ( this actually is 1 mapper per split ).
 You say that you have too many small files. In general each of these small 
 files  (  64 mb ) will be executed by a single mapper. However, I would 
 suggest looking at CombineFileInputFormat which does the job of packaging 
 many small files together depending on data locality for better performance ( 
 initialization time is a significant factor in hadoop's performance ).
 On the other side, many small files will hamper your namenode performance 
 since file metadata is stored in memory and limit its overall capacity wrt 
 number of files.


 On 2/25/10 11:15 PM, Michael Kintzer wrote:


 We are using the streaming API.We are trying to understand what hadoop 
 uses as a threshold or trigger to involve more TaskTracker nodes in a given 
 Map-Reduce execution.

 With default settings (64MB chunk size in HDFS), if the input file is less 
 than 64MB, will the data processing only occur on a single TaskTracker Node, 
 even if our cluster size is greater than 1?

 For example, we are trying to figure out if hadoop is more efficient at 
 a) a single input file which is just an index file that refers to a jar 
 archive of 100K or 1M individual small files, where the jar file is passed as 
 the -archives argument, or
 b) a single input file containing all the raw data represented by the 100K or 
 1M small files.

 With (a), our input file is 64MB.   With (b) our input file is very large.

 Thanks for any insight,


Re: cluster involvement trigger

2010-02-25 Thread Amogh Vasekar
The number of mappers initialized depends largely on your input format ( the 
getSplits of your input format) , (almost all) input formats available in 
hadoop derive from fileinputformat, hence the 1 mapper per file block notion ( 
this actually is 1 mapper per split ).
You say that you have too many small files. In general each of these small 
files  (  64 mb ) will be executed by a single mapper. However, I would 
suggest looking at CombineFileInputFormat which does the job of packaging many 
small files together depending on data locality for better performance ( 
initialization time is a significant factor in hadoop's performance ).
On the other side, many small files will hamper your namenode performance since 
file metadata is stored in memory and limit its overall capacity wrt number of 


On 2/25/10 11:15 PM, Michael Kintzer wrote:


We are using the streaming API.We are trying to understand what hadoop uses 
as a threshold or trigger to involve more TaskTracker nodes in a given 
Map-Reduce execution.

With default settings (64MB chunk size in HDFS), if the input file is less than 
64MB, will the data processing only occur on a single TaskTracker Node, even if 
our cluster size is greater than 1?

For example, we are trying to figure out if hadoop is more efficient at 
a) a single input file which is just an index file that refers to a jar archive 
of 100K or 1M individual small files, where the jar file is passed as the 
-archives argument, or
b) a single input file containing all the raw data represented by the 100K or 
1M small files.

With (a), our input file is 64MB.   With (b) our input file is very large.

Thanks for any insight,


Re: How are intermediate key/value pairs materialized between map and reduce?

2010-02-24 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Map spilled records: 1,802,965 (ahhh... now that you ask for it - here there 
also is a factor of 3 between output and spilled).
Exactly what I suspected :)
Ed has already provided some pointers as to why this is the case. You should 
try to minimize this number as much as possible, since this along with the 
Reduce Shuffle Bytes degrades your job performance by considerable amount.
To understand the internals and what Ed said, I would strongly recommend going 
By a few fellow Yahoos. There is detailed explanation on why map side spills 
occur and how one can minimize that :)


On 2/24/10 1:15 PM, Tim Kiefer wrote:

I see:
Map input eecords: 10,000
Map output records: 600,000
Map output bytes: 307,216,800,000  (each reacord is about 500kb - that
fits the application and is to be expected)

Map spilled records: 1,802,965 (ahhh... now that you ask for it - here
there also is a factor of 3 between output and spilled).

So - question now is: why are three times as many records spilled than
actually produced by the mappers?

In my map function, I do not perform any additional file writing besides
the context.write() for the intermediate records.

Thanks, Tim

Am 24.02.2010 05:28, schrieb Amogh Vasekar:
 Can you let us know what is the value for :
 Map input records
 Map spilled records
 Map output bytes
 Is there any side effect file written?


Re: How are intermediate key/value pairs materialized between map and reduce?

2010-02-23 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Can you let us know what is the value for :
Map input records
Map spilled records
Map output bytes
Is there any side effect file written?


On 2/23/10 8:57 PM, Tim Kiefer wrote:

No... 900GB is in the map column. Reduce adds another ~70GB of
FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN and the total column consequently shows ~970GB.

Am 23.02.2010 16:11, schrieb Ed Mazur:
 Hi Tim,

 I'm guessing a lot of these writes are happening on the reduce side.
 On the JT web interface, there are three columns: map, reduce,
 overall. Is the 900GB figure from the overall column? The value in the
 map column will probably be closer to what you were expecting. There
 are writes on the reduce side too during the shuffle and multi-pass


 2010/2/23 Tim Kiefer

 Hi Gang,

 thanks for your reply.

 To clarify: I look at the statistics through the job tracker. In the
 webinterface for my job I have columns for map, reduce and total. What I
 was refering to is map - i.e. I see FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN = 3 * Map
 Output Bytes in the map column.

 About the replication factor: I would expect the exact same thing -
 changing to 6 has no influence on FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN.

 About the sorting: I have io.sort.mb = 100 and io.sort.factor = 10.
 Furthermore, I have 40 mappers and map output data is ~300GB. I can't
 see how that ends up in a factor 3?

 - tim

 Am 23.02.2010 14:39, schrieb Gang Luo:

 Hi Tim,
 the intermediate data is materialized to local file system. Before it is 
 available for reducers, mappers will sort them. If the buffer (io.sort.mb) 
 is too small for the intermediate data, multi-phase sorting happen, which 
 means you read and write the same bit more than one time.

 Besides, are you looking at the statistics per mapper through the job 
 tracker, or just the information output when a job finish? If you look at 
 the information given out at the end of the job, note that this is an 
 overall statistics which include sorting at reduce side. It also include 
 the amount of data written to HDFS (I am not 100% sure).

 And, the FILE-BYTES_WRITTEN has nothing to do with the replication factor. 
 I think if you change the factor to 6, FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN is still the same.


 Hi there,

 can anybody help me out on a (most likely) simple unclarity.

 I am wondering how intermediate key/value pairs are materialized. I have a 
 job where the map phase produces 600,000 records and map output bytes is 
 ~300GB. What I thought (up to now) is that these 600,000 records, i.e., 
 300GB, are materialized locally by the mappers and that later on reducers 
 pull these records (based on the key).
 What I see (and cannot explain) is that the FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN counter is 
 as high as ~900GB.

 So - where does the factor 3 come from between Map output bytes and 
 FILE_BYTES_WRITTEN??? I thought about the replication factor of 3 in the 
 file system - but that should be HDFS only?!

 - tim

Re: Spill failed when using w/ GzipCodec for Map output

2010-02-22 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Can you please let us know what platform you are running on your hadoop 
For gzip and lzo to work, you need supported hadoop native libraries ( I 
remember reading on this somewhere in hadoop wiki :) )


On 2/23/10 8:16 AM, jiang licht wrote:

I have a pig script. If I don't set any codec for Map output for hadoop 
cluster, no problem. Now I made the following compression settings, the job 
failed and the error message is shown below. I guess there are some other 
settings that should be correctly set together with using the compression. Im 
using 0.20.1. Any thoughts? Thanks for your help!


error message of failed map task--- Spill failed
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.runOldMapper(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.IFile$Writer.(



Re: Spill failed when using w/ GzipCodec for Map output

2010-02-22 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Certainly this might not cause the issue. But,
Hadoop native library is supported only on *nix platforms only. Unfortunately 
it is known not to work on Cygwinand Mac OS X   and has mainly been used on 
the  GNU/Linux platform.

The mapper log would throw more light on this


On 2/23/10 11:41 AM, jiang licht wrote:

Thanks Amogh. The platform that I got this error is mac os x and hadoop 0.20.1. 
All native library installed except lzo (which will report that codec not 
found). But I didn't see this error when I ran the same thing w/o expression 
specified, in addition I also ran sth with the same expression setting on 
Fedora 8 and 0.19.1 without any problem. So, I think it might depends on some 
other settings (wrt what spill is about).



--- On Mon, 2/22/10, Amogh Vasekar wrote:

From: Amogh Vasekar
Subject: Re: Spill failed when using w/ GzipCodec for Map 
Date: Monday, February 22, 2010, 11:27 PM

Can you please let us know what platform you are running on your hadoop 
For gzip and lzo to work, you need supported hadoop native libraries ( I 
remember reading on this somewhere in hadoop wiki :) )


On 2/23/10 8:16 AM, jiang licht wrote:

I have a pig script. If I don't set any codec for Map output for hadoop 
cluster, no problem. Now I made the following compression settings, the job 
failed and the error message is shown below. I guess there are some other 
settings that should be correctly set together with using the compression. Im 
using 0.20.1. Any thoughts? Thanks for your help!


error message of failed map task--- Spill failed
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.runOldMapper(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.IFile$Writer.(



Re: Unexpected empty result problem (zero-sized part-### files)?

2010-02-21 Thread Amogh Vasekar

 So, considering this situation of loading mixed good and corrupted .gz 
 files, how to still get expected results?
Try manipulating the value to a % of files you 
expect to be corrupted / acceptable data skip percent.


On 2/21/10 7:17 AM, jiang licht wrote:

I think I found what caused the problem. Actually, the folder to load to 'a' 
contains all .gz files. Somehow, some .gz files are corrupted. Thus, Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream were thrown.

I did the following test: I truncated a .gz file and name it corrupted.gz. 
Then load only this file it to 'a' and execute the same remaining scripts. This 
cause the exact same error message dumped as given in the 1st post. The same 
thing happens if loading both this file and other good gz files.

My guess is that such corrupted files will not be loaded (since the above 
exception will be thrown). But data from good .gz files still got loaded. Then 
why empty result is generated (0-sized part-)? So, considering this 
situation of loading mixed good and corrupted .gz files, how to still get 
expected results?



--- On Sat, 2/20/10, Ashutosh Chauhan wrote:

From: Ashutosh Chauhan
Subject: Re: Unexpected empty result problem (zero-sized part-### files)?
Date: Saturday, February 20, 2010, 7:29 PM

A log file with a name like pig_1234567890.log must be sitting in the
directory from where you launched your pig script. Can you send its content


On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 16:41, jiang licht wrote:

 I have a pig script as follows (see far below). It loads 2 data sets,
 perform some filtering, then join the two sets. Lastly count occurrences of
 a combination of fields and writes results to hdfs.

 --load raw data

 a = LOAD 'foldera/*';

 b = LOAD 'somefile';

 --choose rows and columns

 a_filtered = FILTER a BY somecondition;

 a_filtered_shortened = FOREACH a_filtered GENERATE somefields;

 a_filtered_shortened_unique = DISTINCT a_filtered_short PARALLEL #;

 --join a  b and count occurrences of a combination of fields

 ab = JOIN a_filtered_short_unique BY somefield, b by somefield PARALLEL

 ab_shortened = FOREACH ab GENERATE somefileds;

 ab_shortened_grouped = GROUP ab_shortened BY ($0, $1) PARALLEL #;

 --c will contain: fields, counts

 c = FOREACH ab_shortened_grouped GENERATE FLATTEN($0),

 --save results


 PROBLEM is that empty sets (empty part- files) were generated. But a
 non-empty result is expected. For example, if I chose to load one file
 (instead of loading all files in a folder) to 'a', quite a number of tuples
 are created (non-empty part-### files).

 It seems to me the logic in the script is good and it generates correct
 result for randomly selected file anyway. So, I am wondering what could
 cause this empty result problem?

 FYI, I ran the same script multiple time and all gave me empty part-###
 files. Though in the output, I did see repeatedly error message similar to
 the following ones that show one result file is failed to produce (these are
 last lines from job output). Could this be the problem? How to locate the
 cause? Thanks!

 2010-02-20 16:21:37,737 [main] INFO
 - 86% complete
 2010-02-20 16:21:38,239 [main] INFO
 - 87% complete
 2010-02-20 16:21:39,265 [main] INFO
 - 88% complete
 2010-02-20 16:21:44,286 [main] INFO
 - 93% complete
 2010-02-20 16:21:46,931 [main] INFO
 - 95% complete
 2010-02-20 16:21:47,432 [main] INFO
 - 99% complete
 2010-02-20 16:21:54,005 [main] INFO
 - 100% complete
 2010-02-20 16:21:54,005 [main] ERROR
 - 1 map reduce job(s) failed!
 2010-02-20 16:21:54,008 [main] ERROR
 - Failed to produce result in:
 2010-02-20 16:21:54,008 [main] INFO
 - Successfully stored result in:
 2010-02-20 16:21:54,023 [main] INFO

Re: basic hadoop job help

2010-02-18 Thread Amogh Vasekar
The hadoop meet last year has some very interesting business solutions 
Most of the companies in there have shared their methodology on their blogs / 
on slideshare.
One I have handy is:
Shows how Y! Search assist is implemented.


On 2/19/10 12:48 AM, C Berg wrote:

Hi Eric,

Thanks for the advice, that is very much appreciated.  With your help I was 
able to get past the mechanical part to something a bit more substantive, which 
is, wrapping my head around doing an actual business calculation in a mapreduce 
way.  Any recommendations on some tutorials that cover some real-world examples 
other than word counting and the like?

Thanks again,


--- On Thu, 2/18/10, Eric Arenas wrote:

 From: Eric Arenas
 Subject: Re: basic hadoop job help
 Date: Thursday, February 18, 2010, 10:52 AM
 Hi Cory,

 regarding the part that you are not sure about:

 String inputdir  = args[0];
 String outputdir= args[1];
 int numberReducers = Integer.parseInt(args[2]);
 //it is better to at least pass the numbers of reducers as
 parameters, or read from the XML job config file, if you

 //setting the number of reducers to 1 , as you had in your
 code *might* potentially make it slower to process and
 generate the output
 //if you are trying to sell the idea of Hadoop as a new ETL
 tool, you want it to be as fast as you can


 FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job, inputdir);
 FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job, new Path(outputdir));

 return job.waitForCompletion(true) ? 0 : 1;

   } //end of run method

 Unless you copy/paste your code, I do not see why you need
 to set setWorkingDirectory in your M/R job.

 Give this a try and let me know,

 Eric Arenas

 - Original Message 
 From: Cory Berg
 Sent: Thu, February 18, 2010 9:07:54 AM
 Subject: basic hadoop job help

 Hey all,

 I'm trying to get Hadoop up and running as a proof of
 concept to make an argument for moving away from a big
 RDBMS.  I'm having some challenges just getting a
 really simple demo mapreduce to run.  The examples I
 have seen on the web tend to make use of classes that are
 now deprecated in the latest hadoop (0.20.1).  It is
 not clear what the equivalent newer classes are in some

 Anyway, I am stuck at this exception - here it is start to
 $ ./bin/hadoop jar ./testdata/RetailTest.jar RetailTest
 testdata outputdata
 10/02/18 09:24:55 INFO jvm.JvmMetrics: Initializing JVM
 Metrics with processName
 =JobTracker, sessionId=
 10/02/18 09:24:55 WARN mapred.JobClient: Use
 GenericOptionsParser for parsing th
 e arguments. Applications should implement Tool for the
 10/02/18 09:24:55 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input
 paths to process : 5
 10/02/18 09:24:56 INFO input.FileInputFormat: Total input
 paths to process : 5
 Exception in thread Thread-13
 java.lang.IllegalStateException: Shutdown in pro

 Now here is the code that actually starts things up (not
 including the actual mapreduce code).  I initially
 suspected this code because I was guessing at the correct
 non-deprecated classes to use:

   public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
 Configuration conf = new
 Job job2 = new Job(conf);





 // this was a guess on my part as I could not find out the
 recommended way

 FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(job2, new Path(args[0]));

 FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(job2, new Path(args[1]));
 return 0;

* @param args
   public static void main(String[] args)
 throws Exception {

Re: Pass the TaskId from map to Reduce

2010-02-18 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Hi Ankit,
however the the issue that i am facing that I was expecting all the maps to 
finish before any reduce starts.
This is exactly how it happens, reducers poll map tasks for data and begin user 
code only after all maps complete.

when is closed function called after every map or after all the maps?
Once for every map task, after all the input data for that task is consumed.

Also, can you let us know where you are writing your data, ie in cwd of the 
task or directly on hdfs?


On 2/18/10 8:58 AM, ANKITBHATNAGAR wrote:

Hi Don,
Thanks for your reply.
I already tried this approach, however the the issue that i am facing that I
was expecting all the maps to finish before any reduce starts.This is not
happening for me.
It looks like as one map finishes reduce starts.
Thats why I called close().?
Could you tell me when is closed function called after every map or after
all the maps?

Am I doing something wrong?

View this message in context:
Sent from the Hadoop core-user mailing list archive at

Re: configuration file

2010-02-04 Thread Amogh Vasekar
A shot in the dark, is the conf file in your classpath? If yes, are the 
parameters you are trying to override marked final?


On 2/4/10 3:18 AM, Gang Luo wrote:

I am writing script to run whole bunch of jobs automatically. But the 
configuration file doesn't seems working. I think there is something wrong in 
my command.

The command is my script is like:
bin/hadoop jar myJarFile myClass -conf myConfigurationFilr.xml  arg1  agr2 

I use conf.get() so show the value of some parameters. But the values are not 
what I define in that xml file.  Is there something wrong?


Re: Input file format doubt

2010-01-28 Thread Amogh Vasekar
For global line numbers, you would need to know the ordering within each split 
generated from the input file. The standard input formats provide offsets in 
splits, so if the records are of equal length you can compute some kind of 
I remember someone had implemented sequential numbering using the partition id 
for each map task (mapred.task.partition) and posted this on his blog. I don't 
have it handy with me right now, but will send you off the list if I find it.


On 1/28/10 3:29 PM, Udaya Lakshmi wrote:

Hi all..
  I have searched the documentation but could not find a input file
format which will give line number as the key and line as the value.
Did I miss something? Can someone give me a clue of how to implement
one such input file format.


Re: Input file format doubt

2010-01-28 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Here's the relevant thread with Gordon, the author of the solution:
I am in the process of learning Hadoop (and I think I've made a lot of 
progress).  I have described the specific problem and solution on my blog

You particular solution won't work, because I need to do additional processing 
between the two passes.


On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 1:50 AM, Amogh Vasekar wrote:


On 1/28/10 4:03 PM, Ravi wrote:

Thank you Amogh.

On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 3:44 PM, Amogh Vasekar wrote:

 For global line numbers, you would need to know the ordering within each
 split generated from the input file. The standard input formats provide
 offsets in splits, so if the records are of equal length you can compute
 some kind of numbering.
 I remember someone had implemented sequential numbering using the partition
 id for each map task (mapred.task.partition) and posted this on his blog. I
 don't have it handy with me right now, but will send you off the list if I
 find it.


 On 1/28/10 3:29 PM, Udaya Lakshmi wrote:

 Hi all..
  I have searched the documentation but could not find a input file
 format which will give line number as the key and line as the value.
 Did I miss something? Can someone give me a clue of how to implement
 one such input file format.


Re: fine granularity operation on HDFS

2010-01-28 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Hi Gang,
Yes PathFilters work only on file paths. I meant you can include such type of 
logic at split level.
The input format's getSplits() method is responsible for computing and adding 
splits to a list container, for which JT initializes mapper tasks. You can 
override the getSplits() method to add only a few , say, based on the location 
or offset, to the list. Here's the reference :
while (((double) bytesRemaining)/splitSize  SPLIT_SLOP) {
  int blkIndex = getBlockIndex(blkLocations, length-bytesRemaining);
  splits.add(new FileSplit(path, length-bytesRemaining, splitSize,
  bytesRemaining -= splitSize;

if (bytesRemaining != 0) {
  splits.add(new FileSplit(path, length-bytesRemaining, bytesRemaining,

Before splits.add you can use your logic for discarding. However, you need to 
ensure your record reader takes care of incomplete records at boundaries.

To get the block locations to load separately, the FileSystem class APIs expose 
few methods like getBlockLocations etc ..
Hope this helps.


On 1/28/10 7:26 PM, Gang Luo wrote:

Thanks Amogh.

For the second part of my question, I actually mean loading block separately 
from HDFS. I don't know whether it is realistic. Anyway, for my goal is to 
process different division of a file separately, to do that at split level is 
OK. But even I can get the splits from inputformat, how to add only a few 
splits you need to mapper and discard the others? (pathfilters only works for 
file, but not block, I think).


Re: File split query

2010-01-28 Thread Amogh Vasekar
In general, the file split may break the records, its the responsibility of the 
record reader to present the record as a whole. If you use standard available 
InputFormats, the framework will make sure complete records are presented in 


On 1/29/10 9:04 AM, Udaya Lakshmi wrote:

   When framework splits a file, will it happen that some part of a
line falls in one split and the other part in some other split? Or is
the framework going to take care that it always splits at the end of
the line?


Re: When exactly is combiner invoked?

2010-01-27 Thread Amogh Vasekar
To elaborate a little on Gang's point, the buffer threshold is limited by 
io.sort.spill.percent, during which spills are created. If the number of spills 
is more than min.num.spills.for.combine, combiner gets invoked on the spills 
created before writing to disk.
I'm not sure what exactly you intend to say by finish processing an input 
record. Typically, the processing (map) ends with a output.collect.


Re: Debugging Partitioner problems

2010-01-20 Thread Amogh Vasekar

Can I tell hadoop to save the map outputs per reducer to be able to inspect 
what's in them
You can set keep.tasks.files.pattern will save mapper output, set this regex to 
match your job/task as need be. But this will eat up a lot of local disk space.

The problem most likely is your data ( or more specifically map output data ) 
being skewed, hence most keys hash to same partition id, and hence to one 
reducer. Are you implementing a join? If not, writing a custom partitioner 
would help.


On 1/20/10 5:33 PM, Erik Forsberg wrote:


I have a problem with one of my reducers getting 3 times as much
data as the other 15 reducers, causing longer total runtime per job.

What would be the best way to debug this? I'm guessing I'm outputting
keys that somehow fool the partitioner. Can I tell hadoop to save the
map outputs per reducer to be able to inspect what's in them?

Erik Forsberg
Developer, Opera Software -

Re: rmr: org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.SafeModeException: Cannot delete /op. Name node is in safe mode.

2010-01-19 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Glad to know it helped.
If you need to get your cluster up and running quickly, you can manipulate the 
parameter dfs.namenode.threshold.percent. If you set it to 0, NN will not enter 
safe mode.


On 1/19/10 12:39 PM, prasenjit mukherjee 

That was exactly the reason. Thanks  a bunch.

On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Mafish Liu wrote:
 2010/1/19 prasenjit mukherjee
  I run hadoop fs -rmr .. immediately after start-all.shDoes the
 namenode always start in safemode and after sometime switches to
 normal mode ? If that is the problem then your suggestion of waiting
 might work. Lemme check.

 This is the point. Namenode will enter safemode on starting to gather
 metadata information of files, and then switch to normal mode. The
 time spent in safemode depends one the data scale in your HDFS.

 -Thanks for the pointer.

 On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:47 AM, Amogh Vasekar wrote:
 When NN is in safe mode, you get a read-only view of the hadoop file 
 system. ( since NN is reconstructing its image of FS )
 Use  hadoop dfsadmin -safemode get to check if in safe mode.
 hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave to leave safe mode forcefully. Or use 
 hadoop dfsadmin -safemode wait to block till NN leaves by itself.


 On 1/19/10 10:31 AM, prasenjit mukherjee wrote:

 Hmmm.  I am actually running it from a batch file. Is hadoop fs -rmr
 not that stable compared to pig's rm OR hadoop's FileSystem ?

 Let me try your suggestion by writing a cleanup script in pig.


 On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Rekha Joshi 
 Can you try with dfs/ without quotes?If using pig to run jobs you can use 
 rmf within your script(again w/o quotes) to force remove and avoid error 
 if file/dir not present.Or if doing this inside hadoop job, you can use 
 FileSystem/FileStatus to delete directories.HTH.

 On 1/19/10 10:15 AM, prasenjit mukherjee wrote:

 hadoop fs -rmr /op

 That command always fails. I am trying to run sequential hadoop jobs.
 After the first run all subsequent runs fail while cleaning up ( aka
 removing the hadoop dir created by previous run ). What can I do to
 avoid this ?

 here is my hadoop version :
 # hadoop version
 Hadoop 0.20.0
 -r 763504
 Compiled by ndaley on Thu Apr  9 05:18:40 UTC 2009

 Any help is greatly appreciated.



Re: Is it always called part-00000?

2010-01-18 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Do your steps qualify as separate MR jobs? Then using JobClient APIs should 
be more than sufficient for such dependencies.
You can add the whole output directory as input to another one to read all 
files, and provide PathFilter to ignore any files you don't want to be 
processed, like side effect files etc. However, to add recursively, you need to 
list the FileStatus and add to InputPath as required ( probably not needed in 
your case since its an output of a MR job ).


On 1/18/10 6:41 AM, Mark Kerzner wrote:


I am writing a second step to run after my first Hadoop job step finished.
It is to pick up the results of the previous step and to do further
processing on it. Therefore, I have two questions please.

   1. Is the output file always called  part-0?
   2. Am I perhaps better off reading all files in the output directory and
   how do I do it?

Thank you,

PS. Thank you guys for answering my questions - that's a tremendous help and
a great resource.


Re: rmr: org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.SafeModeException: Cannot delete /op. Name node is in safe mode.

2010-01-18 Thread Amogh Vasekar
When NN is in safe mode, you get a read-only view of the hadoop file system. ( 
since NN is reconstructing its image of FS )
Use  hadoop dfsadmin -safemode get to check if in safe mode.
hadoop dfsadmin -safemode leave to leave safe mode forcefully. Or use hadoop 
dfsadmin -safemode wait to block till NN leaves by itself.


On 1/19/10 10:31 AM, prasenjit mukherjee wrote:

Hmmm.  I am actually running it from a batch file. Is hadoop fs -rmr
not that stable compared to pig's rm OR hadoop's FileSystem ?

Let me try your suggestion by writing a cleanup script in pig.


On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Rekha Joshi wrote:
 Can you try with dfs/ without quotes?If using pig to run jobs you can use rmf 
 within your script(again w/o quotes) to force remove and avoid error if 
 file/dir not present.Or if doing this inside hadoop job, you can use 
 FileSystem/FileStatus to delete directories.HTH.

 On 1/19/10 10:15 AM, prasenjit mukherjee wrote:

 hadoop fs -rmr /op

 That command always fails. I am trying to run sequential hadoop jobs.
 After the first run all subsequent runs fail while cleaning up ( aka
 removing the hadoop dir created by previous run ). What can I do to
 avoid this ?

 here is my hadoop version :
 # hadoop version
 Hadoop 0.20.0
 -r 763504
 Compiled by ndaley on Thu Apr  9 05:18:40 UTC 2009

 Any help is greatly appreciated.


Re: Is it possible to share a key across maps?

2010-01-13 Thread Amogh Vasekar
+1 for the documentation change in mapred-tutorial. Can we do that and publish 
using a normal apache account?


On 1/13/10 2:29 AM, Raymond Jennings III wrote:

You bet it helps!  Thanks!  Sometimes it's very difficult to map between the 
old and the new APIs.  I was digging for that answer for awhile.  Thanks.

--- On Tue, 1/12/10, Amogh Vasekar wrote:

 From: Amogh Vasekar
 Subject: Re: Is it possible to share a key across maps?
 Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 3:32 PM

 Re: Is it possible to share a key across

 (Sorry for the spam if any, mails
 are bouncing back for me)


 In setup() use this,

 FileSplit split = (FileSplit)context.getInputSplit();

  split.getPath() will return you the Path.

 Hope this helps.


 On 1/13/10 1:25 AM, Raymond Jennings III wrote:

 Hi Gang,

 I was able to use this on an older version that uses the
 JobClient class to run the job but not on the newer api with
 the Job class.  The Job class appears to use a setup()
 method instead of a configure() method but the
 map.input.file attribute does not appear to be
 available via the conf class the setup() method.  Have
 you tried to do what you described using the newer api?
  Thank you.

 --- On Fri, 1/8/10, Gang Luo wrote:

Re: What can cause: Map output copy failure

2010-01-08 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Can you please let us know your system configuration running hadoop?
The error you see is when the reducer is copying its respective map output into 
memory. The parameter mapred.job.shuffle.input.buffer.percent  can be 
manipulated for this ( a bunch of others will also help you optimize sort later 
), but I would say 200M is far too less memory allocated for hadoop application 
jvms :)


On 1/8/10 2:46 AM, Mayuran Yogarajah 

I'm seeing this error when a job runs:

Shuffling 35338524 bytes (35338524 raw bytes) into RAM from 
Map output copy failure: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

I originally had set to 200M.  If I boost this up
to 512M the error goes away.
I'm trying to understand whats going on though.  Can anyone explain?
Also are there any other parameters that
I should be tweaking to help with this?

thank you very much,

Re: File _partition.lst does not exist.

2009-12-15 Thread Amogh Vasekar
I believe you need to add the partition file to distributed cache so that all 
tasks have it.
The terasort code uses this sampler, you can refer to that if needed.


On 12/15/09 5:06 PM, afarsek wrote:

I'm using the InputSampler.RandomSampler to perform a partition sampling. It
should create a file called _partition.lst that should be use later on by
the partitionner class.

For some reason it doesn't work and I get a File _partition.lst does not exist.
Below the code: it consists of a mapper only job, taking as input a file in
a SequenceFileInputFormat that was generated by a previous job.

Thanks a lot in advance for any insights.

public class WordCountSorted {

public static class Map extends MapReduceBase implements
MapperLongWritable, Text, IntWritable, Text {
//  private final static IntWritable one = new 
private Text word = new Text();

public void map(LongWritable key, Text value, 
Text output, Reporter reporter) throws IOException {
String line = value.toString();
String[] tokens = line.split(\t);
int nbOccurences = Integer.parseInt(tokens[1]);
output.collect(new IntWritable(nbOccurences),word );

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
JobConf conf = new JobConf(WordCountSorted.class);

FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, new Path(args[0]));
FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path(args[1]));





InputSampler.SamplerIntWritable, Text sampler =
new InputSampler.RandomSamplerIntWritable, Text(0.1, 
100, 10);
InputSampler.writePartitionFile(conf, sampler);


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Sent from the Hadoop core-user mailing list archive at

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: map output not euqal to reduce input

2009-12-14 Thread Amogh Vasekar

how do you define 'consumed by reducer'
Trivially, as long as you have your values iterator go to the end, you should 
be just fine.
Sorry, haven’t worked with decision support per se, probably someone else can 
shed some light on its quirks :)


On 12/11/09 7:38 PM, Gang Luo wrote:

Thanks, Amogn.
I am not sure whether all the records mepper generate are consumed by reducer. 
But how do you define 'consumed by reducer'? I can set a counter to see how 
many lines go to my map function, but this is likely the same as reduce input # 
which is less than map output #.

I didn't use SkipBadRecords class. I think by default the feature is disabled. 
So, it should have nothing to do with this.

I do my test using tables of TPC-DS. If I run my job on some 'toy tables' I 
make, the statistics is correct.


- 原始邮件 
发件人: Amogh Vasekar
发送日期: 2009/12/11 (周五) 2:55:12 上午
主   题: Re: Re: Re: Re:  map output not euqal to reduce input

The counters are updated as the records are *consumed*, for both mapper and 
reducer. Can you confirm if all the values returned by your iterators are 
consumed on reduce side? Also, are you having feature of skipping bad records 
switched on?


On 12/11/09 4:32 AM, Gang Luo wrote:

In the mapper of this job, I get something I am interested in for each
line and then output all of them. So the number of map input records is
equal to the map output records. Actually, I am doing semi join in this
job. There is no failure during execution.


- ԭʼ�ʼ� 
�ˣ� Todd Lipcon
���ڣ� 2009/12/10 () 4:43:52 
��   �⣺ Re: Re�� Re�� map output not euqal to reduce input

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Gang Luo wrote:
 Hi Todd,
 I didn't change the partitioner, just use the default one. Will the default 
 partitioner cause the lost of the records?


Do the maps output data nondeterministically? Did you experience any
task failures in the run of the job?




Re: Re: Re: Re: map output not euqal t o reduce input

2009-12-10 Thread Amogh Vasekar
The counters are updated as the records are *consumed*, for both mapper and 
reducer. Can you confirm if all the values returned by your iterators are 
consumed on reduce side? Also, are you having feature of skipping bad records 
switched on?


On 12/11/09 4:32 AM, Gang Luo wrote:

In the mapper of this job, I get something I am interested in for each
line and then output all of them. So the number of map input records is
equal to the map output records. Actually, I am doing semi join in this
job. There is no failure during execution.


- ԭʼ�ʼ� 
�ˣ� Todd Lipcon
���ڣ� 2009/12/10 () 4:43:52 
��   �⣺ Re: Re�� Re�� map output not euqal to reduce input

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 1:15 PM, Gang Luo wrote:
 Hi Todd,
 I didn't change the partitioner, just use the default one. Will the default 
 partitioner cause the lost of the records?


Do the maps output data nondeterministically? Did you experience any
task failures in the run of the job?



Re: Re: return in map

2009-12-06 Thread Amogh Vasekar
If the file doesn’t exist, java will error out.
For partial skips, o.a.h.mapreduce.Mapper class provides a method run(), which 
determines if the end of split is reached and if not, calls map() on your k,v 
pair. You may override this method to include flag checks too and if that 
fails, the remaining split may be skipped.
Hope this helps.


On 12/7/09 6:38 AM, Edmund Kohlwey wrote:

As far as I know (someone please correct me if I'm wrong), mapreduce
doesn't provide a facility to signal to stop processing. You will simply
have to add a field to your mapper class that you set to signal an error
condition, then in map check if you've set the error condition and
return on each call if its been set.

On 12/6/09 6:55 PM, Gang Luo wrote:
 Thanks for reponse.

 It seems there is something wrong in my logic. I kind of solve it now. What I 
 am still unsure of is how to return or exit in a mapreduce program. If I want 
 to skip one line (because it doesn't satisfy some constrains, for example), 
 use return to quit map function is enough. But what if I want to quit a map 
 task (due to some error I detect, for example, the file I want to read 
 doesn't exist)? if use System.exit(), hadoop will try to run it again. 
 Similarly, if I catch an exception and I want to quit the current task, what 
 should I do?


 - ԭʼ�ʼ� 
 �ˣ� Edmund Kohlwey
 ���ڣ� 2009/12/6 () 10:52:40 
 ��   �⣺ Re: return in map

 Let me see if I understand:
 The mapper is reading lines in a text file. You want to see if a single
 line meets a given criteria, and emit all the lines whose index is
 greater than or equal to the single matching line's index. I'll assume
 that if more than one line meets the criteria, you have a different
 condition which you will handle appropriately.

 First some discussion of your input- is this a single file that should
 be considered as a whole? In that case, you probably only want one
 mapper, which, depending on your reduce task, may totally invalidate the
 use case for MapReduce. You may just want to read the file directly from
 HDFS and write to HDFS in whatever application is using the data.

 Anyways, here's how I'd do it. In setup, open a temporary file (it can
 be directly on the node, or on HDFS, although directly on the node is
 preferable). Use map to perform your test, and keep a counter of how
 many lines match. After the first line matches, begin saving lines. If a
 second line matches, log the error condition or whatever. In cleanup, if
 only one line matched, open your temp file and begin emitting the lines
 you saved from earlier.

 There's a few considerations in your implementation:
 1. File size. If the temporary file exceeds the available space on a
 mapper, you can make a temp file in HDFS but this is far from ideal.
 2. As noted above, if there's a single mapper and no need to sort or
 reduce the output, you probably want to just implement this as a program
 that happens to be using HDFS as a data store, and not bother with
 MapReduce at all.

 On 12/6/09 10:03 AM, Sonal Goyal wrote:


 Maybe you could post your code/logic for doing this. One way would be to set
 a flag once your criteria is met and emit keys based on the flag.

 Thanks and Regards,

 2009/12/5 Gang Luo

 Hi all,
 I got a tricky problem. I input a small file manually to do some filtering
 work on each line in map function. I check if the line satisfy the constrain
 then I output it, otherwise I return, without doing any other work below.

 For the map function will be called on each line, I think the logic is
 correct. But it doesn't work like this. If there are 5 line for a map task,
 and only the 2nd line satisfies the constrain, then the output will be line
 2, 3, 4, and 5. If the 3rd line satisfies, then output will be line 3, 4, 5.
 It seems that once a map task meet the first satisfying line, the filter
 doesn't work for following lines.

 It is interesting problem. I am checking it now. I also hope someone could
 give me some ideas on this. Thanks.




Re: Hadoop with Multiple Inpus and Outputs

2009-12-03 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Please try removing the combiner and running.
I know that if you use multiple outputs from within a mapper, those k,v pairs 
are not a part of sort and shuffle phase. Your combiner is same as reducer 
which uses mos, and might be an issue on map side. If I'm to take a guess, mos 
writes to a different file from default map output, and the default key format 
is LongWritable. If nothing is written, maybe this isnt modified? Just a 
For checking input file being consumed in current map task, you can use 
map.input.file from job conf, instead of figuring it out from split name.


On 12/3/09 12:17 PM, James R. Leek wrote:

I've been trying to figure out how to do a set difference in hadoop.  I
would like to take 2 file, and remove the values they have in common
between them.  Let's say I have two bags, 'students' and 'employees'.  I
want to find which students are just students, and which employees are
just employees.  So, an example:



If I were to join these, I would get the students who are also
employees, or: (Dave).

However, what I want is the distinct values:



I was able to do this in pig, but I think I should be able to do it in
one MapReduce pass.  (With hadoop 20.1) I read from two files, and
attached the file names as the values.  (Students and Employees, in this
case.  My actually problem is on DNA, bacteria and viruses in this
case.)  Then I output from the reducer if I only get one value for a
given key.  However, I've had some real trouble figuring out
MultipleOutput and the multiple inputs.  I've attached my code.  I'm
getting this error, which is a total mystery to me:

09/12/02 22:33:52 INFO mapred.JobClient: Task Id :
attempt_200911301448_0019_m_00_2, Status : FAILED Type mismatch in key from map: expected, recieved
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask.runNewMapper(
at org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Child.main(


Re: How can I change the mapreduce output coder?

2009-12-01 Thread Amogh Vasekar
What are your intermediate  output K,V class formats? “Text” format is
inherently UTF-8 encoded. If you want end-to-end processing to be via gbk
encoding, you may have to write  a custom writable type.


On 11/30/09 7:09 PM, 郭鹏 wrote:

 I know the default output coder is utf-8, but how can we change it into a
 other coder? like gbk?
Peng Guo

Re: Problem with mapred.job.reuse.jvm.num.tasks

2009-11-30 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Task slots reuse JVM over the course of entire job right? Specifically, would 
like to point to :


On 11/30/09 5:44 PM, Chandraprakash Bhagtani wrote:


In one of my hadoop jobs I had set mapred.job.reuse.jvm.num.tasks = -1. The
job was such that each map/reduce
task occupied around 2GB RAM. So by setting mapred.job.reuse.jvm.num.tasks =
-1, even when all the maps had
finished, JVMs were still alive. Though the JVMs were not using CPU, but
occupied RAM. Thus reducing overall available
RAM for reducer JVMs. All the JVMs were killed when the Job completed.

Is this a bug in hadoop? If yes, should I open a JIRA for that?

Please enlighten, Thanks in advance.

Thanks  Regards,
Chandra Prakash Bhagtani

Re: The name of the current input file during a map

2009-11-26 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Should work


On 11/26/09 12:57 PM, Saptarshi Guha wrote:

Hello again,
I'm using Hadoop 0.21 and its context object  e.g

 public void setup(Context context) {
Configuration cfg = context.getConfiguration();

displays null, so maybe this fell out by mistake in the api change?

On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 2:13 AM, Saptarshi Guha wrote:
 Thank you.

 On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 2:10 AM, Amogh Vasekar wrote:
 Conf.get(map.input.file) is what you need.


 On 11/26/09 12:35 PM, Saptarshi Guha wrote:

 I have a set of input files part-r-* which I will pass through another
 map(no reduce).  the part-r-* files consist of key, values, keys being
 small, values fairly large(MB's)

 I would like to index these, i.e run a map, whose output is key and
 /filename/ i.e to which part-r-* file the particular key belongs, so
 that if i need them again I can just access that file.

 Q: In the map stage,how do I retrieve the name of the file being
 processed?  I'd rather not use the MapFileOutputFormat.

 Hadoop 0.21


Re: Saving Intermediate Results from the Mapper

2009-11-24 Thread Amogh Vasekar
I'm not sure if this will apply to your case since i'm not aware of the common 
part of job2:mapper and job3:mapper but would like to give it a shot.
The whole process can be combined into a single mapred job. The mapper will 
read a record and process till the saved data part , then for each record 
will output 2 records , one each for the job2 and job3 mappers. The keys of 
records will be tagged ( tag,key ) depending on what reducer processing you 
want to do. In reduce() you can use this tag to make processing decision. A 
custom partitioner might be needed depending on the key types to ensure unique 
sets for reducer.
Ignore if this doesn't fit your bill :)


On 11/25/09 9:35 AM, Gordon Linoff wrote:

Does anyone have a pointer to code that allows the map to save data in
intermediate files, for use in a later map/reduce job?  I have been looking
for an example and cannot find one.

I have investigated MultipleOutputFormat and MultipleOutputs.  Because I am
using version 0.18.3, I don't have MultipleOutputs.  The problem with
MultipleOutputFormat is that the data I want to save is a different format
from the data I want to pass to the Reducer.  I have also tried opening a
sequence file directly from the mapper, but I am concerned that this is not
fault tolerant.

The process currently is:

Job1:  Mapper:  reads complicated data, saves out data structure.
Job2:  Mapper:  reads saved data, processes and sends data to Reducer 2.
Job3:  Mapper:  reads saved data, processes and sends data to Reducer 3.

I would like to combine the first two steps, so the process is:

Job1:  Mapper:  reads complicated data, saves out data structure, and passes
processed data to Reducer 2.
Job2:  Mapper:  reads saved data, processes and sends to Reducer 3.


On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 9:27 PM, Jason Venner jason.had...@gmail.comwrote:

 You can manually write the map output to a new file, there are a number of
 examples of opening a sequence file and writing to it on the web or in the
 example code for various hadoop books.

 You can also disable the removal of intermediate data, which will result in
 potentially large amounts of data being left in the mapred.local.dir.

 On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Gordon Linoff wrote:

 I am starting to learn Hadoop, using the Yahoo virtual machine with

 My question is rather simple.  I would like to execute a map/reduce job.
 addition to getting the results from the reduce, I would also like to save
 the intermediate results from the map in another HDFS file.  Is this


 Pro Hadoop, a book to guide you from beginner to hadoop mastery, a community for Hadoop Professionals

Re: Hadoop Performance

2009-11-24 Thread Amogh Vasekar
For near real time performance you may try Hbase. I had read about Streamy 
doing this, and their hadoop-world-nyc  ppt is available on their blog:


On 11/25/09 1:31 AM, onur ascigil wrote:

Thanks for your reply! I am running 0.20.1 in pseudo-distributed mode
in Ubuntu.
I want to run interactive jobs with Hadoop and trying to see
if Hadoop is suitable for that purpose or not. I wonder
if there is anybody using Hadoop for interactive jobs where
given a query, output is returned within an acceptable
amount of time. Is Hadoop meant to be used only for batch processing?

 Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 22:30:43 -0800
 Subject: Re: Hadoop Performance


 Not sure about your hadoop version, and havent done much on single m/c setup 
 myself. However there is a IPC improvement bug filed @!

 On 11/24/09 11:22 AM, onur ascigil wrote:

 I am running Hadoop on a single machine and have some questions about its 
 I have a simple java program that runs breadth first search on a graph
 with 5 nodes. It involves several map-reduce iterations.

  I observed that, Hadoop takes too long to produce
 results on such a simple job. So I attached a java profiler to my mapreduce 
 (runJar) to see what is going on. The java profiler reported several IPC
 connections to ports 54310 and 54311. Each of these IPCs to Jobtracker and
 HDFS takes around 10 seconds!

 First of all why are these IPCs take this long?
 And I am wondering if there is anyway to improve
 the performance of these IPC calls. Does Hadoop
 have such a large fixed-cost ?

 I would really appreciate any comments or suggestions.
 Thanks in advance,

 Windows Live Hotmail: Your friends can get your Facebook updates, right from 

Windows Live Hotmail: Your friends can get your Facebook updates, right from 

Re: Saving Intermediate Results from the Mapper

2009-11-22 Thread Amogh Vasekar
keep.tasks.files.pattern is what you need, as the name suggests its a pattern 
match on intermediate outputs generated.

Wrt to copying map data to hdfs, your mappers close() method should help you 
achieve this, but might slow up your tasks.


On 11/23/09 8:08 AM, Jeff Zhang wrote:

Hi Jason,

which option is for setting disable the removal of intermediate data ?

Thank you

Jeff Zhang

On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 10:27 AM, Jason Venner jason.had...@gmail.comwrote:

 You can manually write the map output to a new file, there are a number of
 examples of opening a sequence file and writing to it on the web or in the
 example code for various hadoop books.

 You can also disable the removal of intermediate data, which will result in
 potentially large amounts of data being left in the mapred.local.dir.

 On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 3:56 PM, Gordon Linoff wrote:

  I am starting to learn Hadoop, using the Yahoo virtual machine with
  My question is rather simple.  I would like to execute a map/reduce job.
  addition to getting the results from the reduce, I would also like to
  the intermediate results from the map in another HDFS file.  Is this

 Pro Hadoop, a book to guide you from beginner to hadoop mastery, a community for Hadoop Professionals

Re: How to handle imbalanced data in hadoop ?

2009-11-18 Thread Amogh Vasekar
This is the time for all three phases of reducer right?
I think its due to the constant spilling for a single key to disk since the map 
partitions couldn't be held in-mem due to buffer limit. Did the other reducer 
have numerous keys with low number of values ( ie smaller partitions? )


On 11/18/09 3:37 AM, Todd Lipcon wrote:

On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Pankil Doshi wrote:

 With respect to Imbalanced data, Can anyone guide me how sorting takes
 in Hadoop after Map phase.

 I did some experiments and found that if there are two reducers which have
 same number of keys to sort and one reducer has all the keys same and other
 have different keys then time taken by by the reducer having all keys same
 is terribly large then other one.

Hi Pankil,

This is an interesting experiment you've done with results that I wouldn't
quite expect. Do you have the java source available that you used to run
this experiment?

 Also I found that length on my Key doesnt matter in the time taken to sort

With small keys on CPU-bound workload this is probably the case since the
sort would be dominated by comparison. If you were to benchmark keys that
are 10 bytes vs keys that are 1000 bytes, I'm sure you'd see a difference.

 I wanted some hints how sorting is done ..,, and are the key places to look.
The actual sort is a relatively basic quicksort, but there is plenty of
complexity in the spill/shuffle/merge logic.



 On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 7:25 PM, Jeff Hammerbacher

  Hey Jeff,
  You may be interested in the Skewed Design specification from the Pig
  On Sun, Nov 15, 2009 at 2:00 PM, brien colwell
   My first thought is that it depends on the reduce logic. If you could
   reduction in two passes then you could do an initial arbitrary
   the majority key and bring the partitions together in a second
   a map-side join). I would use a round robin strategy to assign the
   On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 11:03 PM, Jeff Zhang wrote:
Hi all,
Today there's a problem about imbalanced data come out of mind .
I'd like to know how hadoop handle this kind of data.  e.g. one key
dominates the map output, say 99%. So 99% data set will go to one
and this reducer will become the bottleneck.
Does hadoop have any other better ways to handle such imbalanced data
Jeff Zhang

Re: new MR API:MutilOutputFormat

2009-11-18 Thread Amogh Vasekar
MultipleOutputFormat and MOS are to be merged :


On 11/18/09 12:03 PM, Y G wrote:

in the old MR API ,there is MutilOutputFormat class which i can use to
custom the reduce output file name.
it's very useful  for me.
but i can't find it in the new API. can anybody tell how to do the same func
using the new MR API?
Sent from Nanjing, 32, China
Samuel Goldwyn
- I'm willing to admit that I may not always be right, but I am never

Re: architecture help

2009-11-15 Thread Amogh Vasekar
 I would like the connection management to live separately
from the mapper instances per node.
The JVM reuse option in Hadoop might be helpful for you in this case.


On 11/16/09 6:22 AM, yz5od2 wrote:


a) I have a Mapper ONLY job, the job reads in records, then parses
them apart.  No reduce phase

b) I would like this mapper job to save the record into a shared mysql
database on the network.

c) I am running a 4 node cluster, and obviously running out of
connections very quickly, that is something I can work on the db
server side.

What I am trying to understand, is that for each mapper task instance
that is processing an input split... does that run in its own
classloader? I guess I am trying to figure out how to manage a
connection pool on each processing node, so that all mapper instances
would use that to get access to the database. Right now it appears
that each node is creating thousands of mapper instance each with
their own connection management, hence this is blowing up quite
quickly. I would like the connection management to live separately
from the mapper instances per node.

I hope I am explaining what I want to do ok, please let me know if
anyone has any thoughts, tips, best practices, features I should look
at etc.


Re: Multiple Input Paths

2009-11-03 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Hi Mark,
A future release of Hadoop will have a MultipleInputs class, akin to 
MultipleOutputs. This would allow you to have a different inputformat, mapper 
depending on the path you are getting the split from. It uses special 
Delegating[mapper/input] classes to resolve this. I understand backporting this 
is more or less out of question, but the ideas there might provide pointers to 
help you solve your current problem.
Just a thought :)


On 11/3/09 8:44 PM, Mark Vigeant wrote:

Hey Vipul

No I haven't concatenated my files yet, and I was just thinking over how to 
approach the issue of multiple input paths.

I actually did what Amandeep hinted at which was we wrote our own 
XMLInputFormat and XMLRecordReader. When configuring the job in my driver I set 
job.setInputFormatClass(XMLFileInputFormat.class) and what it does is send 
chunks of XML to the mapper as opposed to lines of text or whole files. So I 
specified the Line Delimiter in the XMLRecordReader (ie startTag) and 
everything in between the tags startTag and /startTag are sent to the 
mapper. Inside the map function is where to parse the data and write it to the 

What I have to do now is just figure out how to set the Line Delimiter to be 
something common in both XML files I'm reading. Currently I have 2 mapper 
classes and thus 2 submitted jobs which is really inefficient and time 

Make sense at all? Sorry if it doesn't, feel free to ask more questions


-Original Message-
From: Vipul Sharma []
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 7:48 PM
Subject: RE: Multiple Input Paths


were you able to concatenate both the xml files together. What did you do to
keep the resulting xml well forned?

Vipul Sharma,
Cell: 281-217-0761

Re: too many 100% mapper does not complete / finish / commit

2009-11-02 Thread Amogh Vasekar

Quick questions...
Are you creating too many small files?
Are there any task side files being created?
Is the heap for NN having enough space to list metadata? Any details on its 
general health will probably be helpful to people on the list.


On 11/2/09 2:02 PM, Zhang Bingjun (Eddy) wrote:

Dear hadoop fellows,

We have been using Hadoop-0.20.1 MapReduce to crawl some web data. In this
case, we only have mappers to crawl data and save data into HDFS in a
distributed way. No reducers is specified in the job conf.

The problem is that for every job we have about one third mappers stuck with
100% progress but never complete. If we look at the the tasktracker log of
those mappers, the last log was the key input INFO log line and no others
logs were output after that.

From the stdout log of a specific attempt of one of those mappers, we can
see that the map function of the mapper has been finished completely and the
control of the execution should be somewhere in the MapReduce framework

Does anyone have any clue about this problem? Is it because we didn't use
any reducers? Since two thirds of the mappers could complete successfully
and commit their output data into HDFS, I suspect the stuck mappers has
something to do with the MapReduce framework code?

Any input will be appreciated. Thanks a lot!

Best regards,
Zhang Bingjun (Eddy)

Tel No: +65-96188110 (M)

Re: Multiple Input Paths

2009-11-02 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Set-up for a mapred job consumes a considerable amount of time and resources 
and so, if possible a single job is preferred.
You can add multiple paths to your job, and if you need different processing 
logic depending upon the input being consumed, you can use parameter 
map.input.file in your mapper to decide.


On 11/2/09 8:53 PM, Mark Vigeant wrote:

Hey, quick question:

I'm writing a program that parses data from 2 different files and puts the data 
into a table. Currently I have 2 different map functions and so I submit 2 
separate jobs to the job client. Would it be more efficient to add both paths 
to the same mapper and only submit one job? Thanks a lot!

Mark Vigeant
RiskMetrics Group, Inc.

Re: Distribution of data in nodes with different storage capacity

2009-10-28 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Rebalancer should help you :


On 10/28/09 2:54 PM, Vibhooti Verma wrote:

Hi All,
We are facing the issue with distribution of data in a cluster where nodes
have differnt storage capacity.
We have 4 nodes with 100G capacity and 1 node with 2TB capacity. The storage
of the high storage capacity is not being utilized where as all low storage
capccity nodes are being full.

Any help/suggestion in the regard will be helpful.


Re: Problem to create sequence file for

2009-10-27 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Hi Bhushan,
If splitting input files is an option, why don't you let hadoop do this for 
you? If need be you may use a custom input format and sequencefile*outputformat.


On 10/27/09 7:55 PM, bhushan_mahale wrote:

Hi Jason,

Thanks for the reply.
The string is the entire content of the input text file.
It could as long as ~300MB.
I tried increasing jvm heap but unfortunately it was giving same error.

Other option I am thinking is to split input files first.

- Bhushan
-Original Message-
From: Jason Venner []
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2009 7:19 PM
Subject: Re: Problem to create sequence file for

How large is the string that is being written?
Does it contain the entire contents of your file?
You may simple need to increase the heap size with your jvm.

On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 3:43 AM, bhushan_mahale wrote:


 I have written a code to create sequence files for given text files.
 The program takes following input parameters:

  1.  Local source directory - contains all the input text files
  2.  Destination HDFS URI - location on hdfs where sequence file will be

 The key for a sequence-record is the file-name.
 The value for a sequence-record is the content of the text file.

 The program runs fine for large number input text files. But if the size of
 a single input text file is  100 MB then it throws following exception:

 Exception in thread main java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.lang.String.toCharArray(
at SequenceFileCreator.create(
at SequenceFileCreator.processFile(

 I am using for creating the
 sequence file. The Text class is used for keyclass and valclass.

 I tried increasing the max memory for the program but it throws same error.

 Can you provide your suggestions?

 - Bhushan

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Re: How To Pass Parameters To Mapper Through Main Method

2009-10-25 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Many options available here. You can use jobconf (0.18 ) / context.conf (0.20) 
to pass these lines across all tasks ( assuming the size isnt relatively large 
) and use configure / setup to retrieve these.. Or use distributed cache to 
read a file containing these lines ( possibly with jvm reuse if you want that 
extra bit as well. )


On 10/26/09 6:17 AM, Boyu Zhang wrote:

Dear All,

I am implementing a clustering algorithm in which I need to compare each
line to two specific lines (they all have the same format ) and output two
scores denoting the similarity between each line to the two specific lines.

Can I define two global variables (the 2 specific lines) in the main[]
method and pass those two variables to the mapper class?
Or can I store the two lines in a separate file (say Centric )and have
mapper class read the file and compare each lines (from other files, say
Data in which the data need to be processed) with the two from the separate
file Centric?

Thanks a lot for reading my email, really appreciate any help!

Boyu Zhang(Emma)
University of Delaware

Re: How to skip fail map to done the job

2009-10-20 Thread Amogh Vasekar
For skipping failed tasks try :

On 10/21/09 8:58 AM, 梁景明 wrote:

hi, I use hadoop0.20 and 8 nodes, there is a job that has 130 map to run
,and  completed 128 map,
but only 2 map fail ,and its fail in my case is accepted ,but the job fail
,the last 128 map also fail,
i can't get any result.
i found that SkipBadRecords maybe work for my case,but i used it ,and it
doesnt work,maybe something
wrong,here is my code , how to skip the bad fail map ,thanks for any help

 JobConf conf = new JobConf(ProductMR.class);
 String objpath = abc1;
 SequenceFileInputFormat.addInputPath(conf, new Path(objpath));
 SkipBadRecords.setMapperMaxSkipRecords(conf, Long.MAX_VALUE);
 SkipBadRecords.setAttemptsToStartSkipping(conf, 0);
 SkipBadRecords.setSkipOutputPath(conf, new Path(data/product/skip/));
 String output = abc;
 SequenceFileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(conf, new Path(output));

Re: proper way to configure classes required by mapper job

2009-10-19 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Check the distributed cache APIs, it provides various functionalities to 
distribute and add jars to classpath on compute machines.


On 10/19/09 3:38 AM, yz5od2 wrote:

What is the preferred method to distribute the classes (in various
Jars) to my Hadoop instances, that are required by my Mapper class?


Re: Hadoop dfs can't allocate memory with enough hard disk space when data gets huge

2009-10-19 Thread Amogh Vasekar
It would be more helpful if you provide the exact error here.
Also, hadoop uses the local FS to store intermediate data, along with HDFS for 
final output.
If your job is memory intensive, try limiting the number of tasks you are 
running in parallel on a machine.


On 10/19/09 8:27 AM, Kunsheng Chen wrote:

I and running a hadoop program to perform MapReduce work on files inside a 

My program is basically doing Map and Reduce work, each line of any file is a 
pair of string, and the result is a string associate with occurence inside all 

The program works fine until the number of files grow to about 80,000,then the 
'cannot allocate memory' error occur for some reason.

Each of the file contains around 50 lines, but the total size of all files is 
no more than 1.5 GB. There are 3 datanodes performing calculation,each of them 
have more than 10GB hd left.

I am wondering if that is normal for Hadoop because the data is too large ? Or 
it might be my programs problem ?

It is really not supposed to be since Hadoop was developed for processing large 
data sets.

Any idea is well appreciated

Re: How to get IP address of the machine where map task runs

2009-10-15 Thread Amogh Vasekar
InetAddress.getLocalHost() should give you that. If you are planning to make 
some decisions based on this, please do account for conditions arising from 
speculative executions ( they caused me some amount of trouble when I was 
designing my app )


On 10/15/09 8:15 AM, Long Van Nguyen Dinh wrote:

Thanks Amogh. For my application, I want each map task reports to me
where it's running. However, I have no idea how to use Java
Inetaddress APIs to get that info. Could you explain more?


On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 2:16 PM, Amogh Vasekar wrote:
 For starters look at any monitoring tool like vaidya, hadoop UI ( ganglia 
 too, haven't read much on it though ). Not sure if you need this for 
 debugging purposes or for some other real-time app.. You should be able to 
 get info on localhost of each of your map tasks in a pretty straightforward 
 way using Java Inetaddress APIs( and use that info for search?)


 On 10/15/09 12:11 AM, Long Van Nguyen Dinh wrote:

 Hello again,

 Could you give me any hint to start with? I have no idea how to get
 that information.

 Many thanks,

 On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 9:22 PM, Long Van Nguyen Dinh 
 Hi all,

 Given a map task, I need to know the IP address of the machine where
 that task is running. Is there any existing method to get that

 Thank you,

RE: Easiest way to pass dynamic variable to Map Class

2009-10-05 Thread Amogh Vasekar
I guess configure is now setup(), and using toolrunner can create a 
configuration / context to mimic the required behavior.


-Original Message-
From: Amandeep Khurana [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 5:43 AM
Subject: Re: Easiest way to pass dynamic variable to Map Class

How do we do it in the 0.20 api? I've used this in 0.19 but not sure of 0.20...

On 10/5/09, Aaron Kimball wrote:
 You can set these in the JobConf when you're creating the MapReduce job, and
 then read them back in the configure() method of the Mapper class.

 - Aaron

 On Mon, Oct 5, 2009 at 4:50 PM, Pankil Doshi wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 What will be easiest way to pass Dynamic value to map class??
 Dynamic value are arguments given at run time.



Amandeep Khurana
Computer Science Graduate Student
University of California, Santa Cruz

RE: How can I assign the same mapper class with different data?

2009-10-05 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Hi Huang,

Haven't worked with Hbase but in general,
If you want to have control over what data split to go as a whole to mapper, 
easiest way is to compress that split in single file; making as many split 
files as needed. If you need to know what file is currently being processed, 
you can use map.input.file ( corresponds to HBase table?? )from configuration, 
and do file specific operations as needed.
Hope this helps


-Original Message-
From: Huang Qian [] 
Sent: Tuesday, October 06, 2009 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: How can I assign the same mapper class with different data?

The real problem is I want to use different mapper to deal with different
hbase data. For example the data is storing in different HTable, So I should
use different mapper to connect to different Htable and get the data.How can
I made it?

2009/10/5 Huang Qian

 I am a beginner at hadoop. I want to ask a question , how can I configurate
 a job with two map task with the  same mapper class and different dataset?
 For example, I want to sort the num from 1 to 100, then use one task to deal
 with 1 to 50, and the other with 51 to 100, I want to control the dataset I
 send to mapper. How can I make it? Can anyone help me ?

RE: Best Idea to deal with following situation

2009-09-29 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Along with partitioner, try to plug in a combiner. It would provide significant 
performance gains. Not sure about the algo you use, but might have to tweak 
that a little to facilitate a combiner.


-Original Message-
From: Chandraprakash Bhagtani [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: Best Idea to deal with following situation

you can write your custom partitioner instead of hash partitioner

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 6:18 AM, Pankil Doshi wrote:

 Hello everyone,

 I have job whose result has  only 5 keys but but each key has long list of
 values like in 10's .
 What should be best way to deal with it. I feel few of my reducers get over
 loaded as two or more keys go to same reduce and hence they have lots of
 work to do.

 So what should be best way out with this situation?


Thanks  Regards,
Chandra Prakash Bhagtani,

RE: Distributed cache - are files unique per job?

2009-09-29 Thread Amogh Vasekar
I believe framework checks timestamps on HDFS for marking an already available 
copy of the file valid or invalid, since the archived files are not cleaned up 
till a certain du limit is reached, and no apis for cleanup available. There 
was a thread on this some time back on the list.


-Original Message-
From: Allen Wittenauer [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 29, 2009 10:41 PM
Subject: Re: Distributed cache - are files unique per job?

On 9/29/09 2:55 AM, Erik Forsberg wrote:
 If I distribute files using the Distributed Cache (-archives option),
 are they guaranteed to be unique per job, or is there a risk that if I
 distribute a file named A with job 1, job 2 which also distributes a
 file named A will read job 1's file?

From my understanding, at one point in time there was a 'shortcut' in the
system that did exactly what you fear.  If the same cache file name was
specified by multiple jobs, they'd get the same file as it was assumed they
were the same file.  I *think* this has been fixed though.

[Needless to say, for automated jobs that push security keys through a cache
file, this is bad.]

RE: Program crashed when volume of data getting large

2009-09-23 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Please check the namenode heap usage. Your cluster may be having too many files 
to handle / too little free space. It is generally available in the UI. This is 
one of the causes I have seen for the Timeout.

-Original Message-
From: Kunsheng Chen [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 23, 2009 6:21 PM
Subject: Program crashed when volume of data getting large

Hi everyone,

I am running two map-reduce program, they were working good but when the data 
turns into around 900MB (5+ files). things weird happen to remind me as 

'Communication problem with server: timed out 
waiting for rpc response'

Also there is some other reminder like fail to allocate memory.

Strange is that the program keeps running and shows mapping and reduce 
percentage after those errorsseems it is still progressing in a slow pace.

Does anyone have some idea ?




JVM reuse

2009-09-15 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Hi All,
Regarding the JVM reuse feature incorporated, it says reuse is generally 
recommended for streaming and pipes jobs. I'm a little unclear on this and any 
pointers will be appreciated.
Also, in what scenarios will this feature be helpful for java mapred jobs?


RE: about hadoop jvm allocation in job excution

2009-09-15 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Funny enough was looking at it just yesterday.


-Original Message-
From: Zhimin [] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 15, 2009 10:53 PM
Subject: about hadoop jvm allocation in job excution

We have a project which needs to support similarity queries against items
from a huge amount of data.  One approach we have tried is to use Hbase as
the data repository and Hadoop as the query execution engine. We adopted
Hadoop because Map-Reduce is a very good model of our underlying task and
the programming was straightforward. However, we found that Hadoop will
always allocate a new JVM for each individual task on a node. This is
inefficient for us because in our case the whole Hadoop platform is
dedicated to some relatively stable  parametrized querries, and security and
strict isolation of different tasks is not our main concern. To save the
task setup time, I wonder if there are some existing mechanism in Hadoop or
some extension of Hadoop in other open source projects that can let us
reside our classes in a JVM on the job node, with task nodes waiting for

View this message in context:
Sent from the Hadoop core-user mailing list archive at

RE: DistributedCache purgeCache()

2009-09-07 Thread Amogh Vasekar
My bad, its not exposed. 
If nothing else's available, may be mimic its behaviour in the code?


-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2009 10:27 AM
Subject: RE: DistributedCache purgeCache()

Thanks for your swift response.

But where can I find deletecache()?


-Original Message-
From: Amogh Vasekar []
Sent: Thu 9/3/2009 2:44 PM
Subject: RE: DistributedCache purgeCache()
AFAIK, releaseCache only works on cleaning reference to your file. Try using 
deletecache in synchronized manner.


-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, September 03, 2009 8:50 AM
Subject: DistributedCache purgeCache()

Good Day,

I have a question on the DistributedCache as follows.

I have used DistributedCache to move my executable(.exe) around the (onto the 
local filesystems of) nodes in Hadoop and run the .exe (via addCacheArchive() 
and getLocalCacheArchives()). But I discovered after my job, the .exe still 
resides on the nodes. I have try using releaseCache() and/or purgeCache(), but 
the .exe still on the nodes. Is there a way to remove the .exe from the nodes?


RE: multi core nodes

2009-09-04 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Before setting the task limits, do take into account the memory considerations 
( many archive posts on this can be found ). 
Also, your tasktracker and datanode daemons will run on that machine as well, 
so you might want to set aside some processing power for that.


-Original Message-
From: Erik Forsberg [] 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 11:55 AM
Subject: Re: multi core nodes

On Thu, 3 Sep 2009 13:20:16 -0700 (PDT)
ll_oz_ll wrote:

 Is hadoop able to take into account multi core nodes, so that nodes
 which have multiple cores run multiple concurrent jobs ?
 Or does that need to be configured manually and if so can that be
 configured individually for each node ?

Yes, it has to be configured manually. You set the following two
configuration variables in hadoop-site.xml on each node depending on the
number of cores on the node:

According to the book Hadoop - the definitive guide, a good rule of
thumb is to have between 1 and 2 tasks per processor, counting both map
and reduce tasks. So, for example, if a machine has 8 cores, setting = 8 and
mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum = 8 probably makes sense, but
this also depends a bit on your load.

Erik Forsberg
Developer, Opera Software -

RE: Some issues!

2009-09-04 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Have a look at jobclient, it should suffice.


-Original Message-
From: bharath vissapragada [] 
Sent: Friday, September 04, 2009 9:15 PM
Subject: Re: Some issues!

Hey ,

I have one more doubt , Suppose I have some cascading mapred jobs and
suppose some data which was collected in
MRjob1 is to be used in MRjob2 m is there any way?


On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Amandeep Khurana wrote:

 Or you can output the data in the keys and NullWritable as the value.
 That ways you'll get only unique data...

 On 9/4/09, zhang jianfeng wrote:
  Hi Sugandha ,
  If you only want to the value, you need to set the key as NullWritable in
  output.collect(NullWritable.get(), value);
  On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 12:46 AM, Sugandha Naolekar
 Running a simple MR job, and setting a replication factor of 2.
  after its execution, the output is split in files named as part-0
  on. I want to ask is, can't we avoid these keys or key values to get
  in output files? I mean, I am getting the output in the files in
  pair. I want just the data and not the keys(integers) in it.


 Amandeep Khurana
 Computer Science Graduate Student
 University of California, Santa Cruz

RE: difference between mapper and map runnable

2009-08-28 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Mapper is used to process the K,V pair passed to it, MapRunnable is an 
interface, when implemented is responsible for generating a conforming K,V 
pair and pass it to Mapper.


-Original Message-
From: Rakhi Khatwani [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 27, 2009 5:56 PM
Subject: difference between mapper and map runnable

Whats the difference between a mapper and map runnable and its

RE: Hadoop streaming: How is data distributed from mappers to reducers?

2009-08-24 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Hadoop will make sure that every k,v pair with same key will land up in same 
reducer and consumed in a single reduce instance.

-Original Message-
From: Nipun Saggar [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 25, 2009 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: Hadoop streaming: How is data distributed from mappers to reducers?

Does that mean that, if the same key is emitted more than once from a
mapper, it is not necessary that the key value pairs (for that same key)
will go to the same reducer?


On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 6:13 AM, Aaron Kimball wrote:

 Yes. It works just like Java-based MapReduce in that regard.
 - Aaron

 On Sun, Aug 23, 2009 at 5:09 AM, Nipun Saggar

  Hi all,
  I have recently started using Hadoop streaming. From the documentation, I
  understand that by default, each line output from a mapper up to the
  tab becomes the key and rest of the line is the value. I wanted to know
  between the mapper and reducer, is there a shuffling(sorting) phase? More
  specifically, Would it be correct to assume that output from all mappers
  with the same key will go to the same reducer?

RE: MR job scheduler

2009-08-21 Thread Amogh Vasekar
I'm not sure that is the case with Hadoop. I think its assigning reduce task to 
an available tasktracker at any instant; Since a reducer polls JT for completed 
maps. And if it were the case as you said, a reducer wont be initialized until 
all maps have completed , after which copy phase would start. 


-Original Message-
From: bharath vissapragada [] 
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: MR job scheduler

OK i'll be a bit more specific ,

Suppose map outputs 100 different keys .

Consider a key K whose correspoding values may be on N diff datanodes.
Consider a datanode D which have maximum number of values . So instead of
moving the values on D
to other systems , it is useful to bring in the values from other datanodes
to D to minimize the data movement and
also the delay. Similar is the case with All the other keys . How does the
scheduler take care of this ?
2009/8/21 zjffdu

 Add some detials:

 1. #map is determined by the block size and InputFormat (whether you can
 want to split or not split)

 2. The default scheduler for Hadoop is FIFO, and the Fair Scheduler and
 Capacity Scheduler are other two options as I know.  JobTracker has the

 3. Once the map task is done, it will tell its own tasktracker, and the
 tasktracker will tell jobtracker, so jobtracker manage all the tasks, and
 will decide how to and when to start the reduce task

 -Original Message-
 From: Arun C Murthy []
 Sent: 2009年8月20日 11:41
 Subject: Re: MR job scheduler

 On Aug 20, 2009, at 9:00 AM, bharath vissapragada wrote:

  Hi all,
  Can anyone tell me how the MR scheduler schedule the MR jobs?
  How does it decide where t create MAP tasks and how many to create.
  Once the MAP tasks are over how does it decide to move the keys to the
  reducer efficiently(minimizing the data movement across the network).
  Is there any doc available which describes this scheduling process

 The #maps is decided by the application. The scheduler decides where
 to execute them.

 Once the map is done, the reduce tasks connect to the tasktracker (on
 the node where the map-task executed) and copies the entire output
 over http.


RE: MR job scheduler

2009-08-21 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Yes, but the copy phase starts with the initialization for a reducer, after 
which it would keep polling for completed map tasks to fetch the respective 

-Original Message-
From: bharath vissapragada [] 
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: MR job scheduler


i think Reduce phase starts only when all the map phases are completed .
Because it needs all the values corresponding to a particular key!

2009/8/21 Amogh Vasekar

 I'm not sure that is the case with Hadoop. I think its assigning reduce
 task to an available tasktracker at any instant; Since a reducer polls JT
 for completed maps. And if it were the case as you said, a reducer wont be
 initialized until all maps have completed , after which copy phase would


 -Original Message-
 From: bharath vissapragada []
 Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 9:50 AM
 Subject: Re: MR job scheduler

 OK i'll be a bit more specific ,

 Suppose map outputs 100 different keys .

 Consider a key K whose correspoding values may be on N diff datanodes.
 Consider a datanode D which have maximum number of values . So instead of
 moving the values on D
 to other systems , it is useful to bring in the values from other datanodes
 to D to minimize the data movement and
 also the delay. Similar is the case with All the other keys . How does the
 scheduler take care of this ?
 2009/8/21 zjffdu

  Add some detials:
  1. #map is determined by the block size and InputFormat (whether you can
  want to split or not split)
  2. The default scheduler for Hadoop is FIFO, and the Fair Scheduler and
  Capacity Scheduler are other two options as I know.  JobTracker has the
  3. Once the map task is done, it will tell its own tasktracker, and the
  tasktracker will tell jobtracker, so jobtracker manage all the tasks, and
  will decide how to and when to start the reduce task
  -Original Message-
  From: Arun C Murthy []
  Sent: 2009年8月20日 11:41
  Subject: Re: MR job scheduler
  On Aug 20, 2009, at 9:00 AM, bharath vissapragada wrote:
   Hi all,
   Can anyone tell me how the MR scheduler schedule the MR jobs?
   How does it decide where t create MAP tasks and how many to create.
   Once the MAP tasks are over how does it decide to move the keys to the
   reducer efficiently(minimizing the data movement across the network).
   Is there any doc available which describes this scheduling process
  The #maps is decided by the application. The scheduler decides where
  to execute them.
  Once the map is done, the reduce tasks connect to the tasktracker (on
  the node where the map-task executed) and copies the entire output
  over http.

RE: MR job scheduler

2009-08-21 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Let me rephrase,

1. Copy phase starts after reducer initialization, which happens before all 
maps have completed.
2. Which mapper has maximum values for a particular key wont be known until all 
mappers have completed ( to be more precise, until a particular percentage of 
running mappers is completed as we have the current maximum value mapper).
Also, there is no rule which says one record can go to only one reducer.


-Original Message-
From: bharath vissapragada [] 
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 12:12 PM
Subject: Re: MR job scheduler

Yes , My doubt is that how is the location of the reducer selected . Is it
selected arbitrarily or is selected on a particular machine which has
already the more values (corresponding to the key of that reducer) which
reduces the cost of transferring data across the network(because already
many values to that key are on that machine where the map phase completed)..

2009/8/21 Amogh Vasekar

 Yes, but the copy phase starts with the initialization for a reducer, after
 which it would keep polling for completed map tasks to fetch the respective

 -Original Message-
 From: bharath vissapragada []
 Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 12:00 PM
 Subject: Re: MR job scheduler


 i think Reduce phase starts only when all the map phases are completed .
 Because it needs all the values corresponding to a particular key!

 2009/8/21 Amogh Vasekar

  I'm not sure that is the case with Hadoop. I think its assigning reduce
  task to an available tasktracker at any instant; Since a reducer polls JT
  for completed maps. And if it were the case as you said, a reducer wont
  initialized until all maps have completed , after which copy phase would
  -Original Message-
  From: bharath vissapragada []
  Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 9:50 AM
  Subject: Re: MR job scheduler
  OK i'll be a bit more specific ,
  Suppose map outputs 100 different keys .
  Consider a key K whose correspoding values may be on N diff datanodes.
  Consider a datanode D which have maximum number of values . So instead
  moving the values on D
  to other systems , it is useful to bring in the values from other
  to D to minimize the data movement and
  also the delay. Similar is the case with All the other keys . How does
  scheduler take care of this ?
  2009/8/21 zjffdu
   Add some detials:
   1. #map is determined by the block size and InputFormat (whether you
   want to split or not split)
   2. The default scheduler for Hadoop is FIFO, and the Fair Scheduler and
   Capacity Scheduler are other two options as I know.  JobTracker has the
   3. Once the map task is done, it will tell its own tasktracker, and the
   tasktracker will tell jobtracker, so jobtracker manage all the tasks,
   will decide how to and when to start the reduce task
   -Original Message-
   From: Arun C Murthy []
   Sent: 2009年8月20日 11:41
   Subject: Re: MR job scheduler
   On Aug 20, 2009, at 9:00 AM, bharath vissapragada wrote:
Hi all,
Can anyone tell me how the MR scheduler schedule the MR jobs?
How does it decide where t create MAP tasks and how many to create.
Once the MAP tasks are over how does it decide to move the keys to
reducer efficiently(minimizing the data movement across the network).
Is there any doc available which describes this scheduling process
   The #maps is decided by the application. The scheduler decides where
   to execute them.
   Once the map is done, the reduce tasks connect to the tasktracker (on
   the node where the map-task executed) and copies the entire output
   over http.

RE: passing job arguments as an xml file

2009-08-20 Thread Amogh Vasekar
GenericOptionsParser is customized only for Hadoop specific params : 

* codeGenericOptionsParser/code recognizes several standarad command 
 * line arguments, enabling applications to easily specify a namenode, a 
 * jobtracker, additional configuration resources etc.

Ideally, all params must be passed via Tool interface. In my application, I 
have a custom serialiizer/deseralizer classes to parse any xml file I might be 
supplying, which I use to generate some metadata. This can be a part of the 
above interface as well. Hope this helps.

-Original Message-
From: ishwar ramani [] 
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2009 1:38 AM
To: common-user
Subject: passing job arguments as an xml file


I am looking at an easy way to passing the job arguments trough a config file.
The genericoptionsparser seems to parse only the hadoop options.

Normally i use jsap but that would not co-exist with  genericoptionsparser 


RE: utilizing all cores on single-node hadoop

2009-08-17 Thread Amogh Vasekar
While setting and 
mapred.tasktracker.reduce.tasks.maximum, please consider the memory usage your 
application might have since all tasks will be competing for the same and might 
reduce overall performance.

-Original Message-
From: Harish Mallipeddi [] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 18, 2009 10:37 AM
Subject: Re: utilizing all cores on single-node hadoop

Hi Vasilis,

Here's some info that I know: - this is a job-specific setting. This is just a hint to
InputFormat as to how many InputSplits (and hence MapTasks) you want for
your job. The default InputFormat classes usually keep each split size to
the HDFS block size (64MB default). So if your input data is less than 64
MB, it will just result in only 1 split and hence 1 MapTask only.

mapred.reduce.tasks - this is also a job-specific setting.

The above 2 are tasktracker-specific config options and determine how many
simultaneous MapTasks and ReduceTasks run on each TT. Ideally on a 8-core
box, you would want to set map.tasks.maximum to something like 6 and
reduce.tasks.maximum to 4 to utilize all the 8 cores to the maximum (there's
a little bit of over-subscription to account for tasks idling while doing

In the web admin console, how many map-tasks and reduce-tasks are reported
to have been launched for your job?


On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 5:47 AM, Vasilis Liaskovitis vlias...@gmail.comwrote:


 I am a beginner trying to setup a few simple hadoop tests on a single
 node before moving on to a cluster. I am just using the simple
 wordcount example for now. My question is what's the best way to
 guarantee utilization of all cores on a single-node? So assuming a
 single node with 16-cores what are the suggested values for:

 I found an old similar thread
 and I have followed similar settings for my 16-core system (e.g.
 map.tasks=reduce.tasks=90 and map.tasks.maximum=100), however I always
 see only 3-4 cores utilized using top.

 - The description for says Ignored when
 mapred.job.tracker is local , and in my case
 is it possible that the map.tasks and reduce.tasks I am setting are
 being ignored? How can I verify this? Is there a way to enforce my
 values even on a localhost scenario like this?

 - Are there other config options/values that I need to set besides the
 4 I mentioned above?

 - Also is it possible that for short tasks, I won't see full
 utilization of all cores anyway? Something along those lines is
 mentioned in an issue a year ago:
 If the individual tasks are very short i.e. run for less than the
 heartbeat interval the TaskTracker serially runs one task at a time

 I am using hadoop-0.19.2

 thanks for any guidance,

 - Vasilis

Harish Mallipeddi

RE: Some tasks fail to report status between the end of the map and the beginning of the merge

2009-08-05 Thread Amogh Vasekar
10 mins reminds me of parameter mapred.task.timeout . This is configurable. Or 
alternatively you might just do a sysout to let tracker know of its existence ( 
not an ideal solution though )


-Original Message-
From: Mathias De Maré []
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 12:33 PM
Subject: Some tasks fail to report status between the end of the map and the 
beginning of the merge


I'm having some problems (Hadoop 0.20.0) where map tasks fail to report
status for 10 minutes and get killed eventually. All of the tasks output
around the same amount of data, some only take a few seconds before starting
the 'merge' on the segments, but some seem to fail by just stopping to work
for about 10 minutes.

Several of these failed tasks eventually do succeed, on their 2nd or 3rd
task attempt. It's nice to see them succeed eventually, but each of those
tasks crawls a few thousand websites, and it seems like a terrible waste to
let them retry a few times, in the meantime downloading all of those
websites again, after 10 minutes of doing nothing.

Even more annoyingly, eventually, one of the tasks fails completely, which
then kills the entire job.

I could probably increase the amount of task attempts and simply hope the
tasks will succeed eventually, but that doesn't solve the huge slowdowns and
the recrawling required.

Here's an example of a successful task attempt (this is attempt 3 of a
specific task -- note that it takes around 8 seconds between spill 133 and
spill 134):

2009-08-04 18:38:48,059 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
Finished spill 129

2009-08-04 18:39:00,626 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
Spilling map output: record full = true
2009-08-04 18:39:00,626 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
bufstart = 2492163; bufend = 628913; bufvoid = 2988446

2009-08-04 18:39:00,626 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask: kvstart
= 9727; kvend = 7760; length = 9830
2009-08-04 18:39:01,467 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
Finished spill 130
2009-08-04 18:39:08,136 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
Spilling map output: record full = true

2009-08-04 18:39:08,136 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
bufstart = 628913; bufend = 1880222; bufvoid = 2988448
2009-08-04 18:39:08,136 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask: kvstart
= 7760; kvend = 5793; length = 9830

2009-08-04 18:39:08,463 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
Finished spill 131
2009-08-04 18:39:12,456 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
Spilling map output: record full = true
2009-08-04 18:39:12,459 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
bufstart = 1880222; bufend = 136018; bufvoid = 2988448

2009-08-04 18:39:12,459 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask: kvstart
= 5793; kvend = 3826; length = 9830
2009-08-04 18:39:12,697 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
Finished spill 132
2009-08-04 18:39:23,138 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
Spilling map output: record full = true

2009-08-04 18:39:23,138 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
bufstart = 136018; bufend = 1347353; bufvoid = 2988448
2009-08-04 18:39:23,138 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask: kvstart
= 3826; kvend = 1859; length = 9830

2009-08-04 18:39:25,747 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
Finished spill 133
2009-08-04 18:47:49,823 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
Starting flush of map output
2009-08-04 18:47:50,132 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MapTask:
Finished spill 134

2009-08-04 18:47:50,525 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger: Merging
135 sorted segments
2009-08-04 18:47:50,528 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger: Merging
9 intermediate segments out of a total of 135
2009-08-04 18:47:52,224 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger: Merging
10 intermediate segments out of a total of 127

2009-08-04 18:47:53,837 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger: Merging
10 intermediate segments out of a total of 118
2009-08-04 18:47:55,417 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger: Merging
10 intermediate segments out of a total of 109

2009-08-04 18:47:56,990 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger: Merging
10 intermediate segments out of a total of 100
2009-08-04 18:47:58,492 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger: Merging
10 intermediate segments out of a total of 91

2009-08-04 18:48:00,191 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger: Merging
10 intermediate segments out of a total of 82
2009-08-04 18:48:02,315 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger: Merging
10 intermediate segments out of a total of 73

2009-08-04 18:48:04,184 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger: Merging
10 intermediate segments out of a total of 64
2009-08-04 18:48:06,162 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger: Merging
10 intermediate segments out of a total of 55

2009-08-04 18:48:08,149 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger: Merging
10 intermediate segments out of a total of 46
2009-08-04 18:48:09,888 INFO org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Merger: Merging
10 intermediate segments out of a total of 37

2009-08-04 18:48:11,744 

RE: :!

2009-08-03 Thread Amogh Vasekar

Maybe I'm missing the point, but in terms of execution performance benefit, 
what does copying to dfs and then compressing to be fed to a map/reduce job 
provide? Isn't it better to compress offline / outside latency window and 
make available on dfs?
Also, your mapreduce program will launch one map task per compressed file, so 
make sure you design your compression accordingly.

-Original Message-
From: Sugandha Naolekar [] 
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 12:32 PM
Subject: Re: :!

dats fine. But, if I place the data in HDFS and then run map reduce code to
provide compression, then the data will get compressed in sequence files
but, even the original data will reside in the memory;thereby leading or
causing a kind of redundancy of data...

Can u pls suggest me a way out?/

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:07 PM, prashant ullegaddi wrote:

 I don't think you will be able to compress some data unless it's on HDFS.
 What you can do is
 1. Manually compress the data on the machine where the data resides. Then,
 copy the same to
  HDFS. or
 2. Copy the data without compressing to HDFS, then run a job which just
 emits the data as it reads
  in key/value pair. You can set
 FileOutputFormat.setOutputCompressorClass(job,GzipCodec.class) so
  that output gets gzipped.

 Does that solve your problem?

 btw you didn't exactly specify your data size (how many TBs).

 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 11:02 AM, Sugandha Naolekar

  Yes, You are right. Here goes the details related::
  - I have a Hadoop cluster of 7 nodes. Now there is this 8th machine,
  is not a part of the hadoop cluster.
  - I want to place the data of that machine into the HDFS. Thus, before
  placing it in HDFS, I want to compress it, and then dump in the HDFS.
  - I have 4 datanodes in my cluster. also, data might get extended upto
  - Also, i have set thr replication factor as 2.
  - I guess, for compression, I will have to run map reduce...?
  tel me the complete approach that is needed to be followed.
  On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 10:48 AM, prashant ullegaddi wrote:
   By I want to compress the data first and then place it in HDFS, do
   mean you want to compress the data
   locally and then copy to DFS?
   What's the size of your data? What's the capacity of HDFS?
   On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Sugandha Naolekar
I want to compress the data first and then place it in HDFS. Again,
retrieving the same, I want to uncompress it and place on the desired
destination. Can this be possible. How to get started? Also, I want
started with actual coding part of compression and MAP reduce. PLease
suggest me aptly...!


RE: Counting no. of keys.

2009-08-03 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Have you had a look at the reporter.counter hadoop provides? I think it might 
be helpful in your case, where in you can locally aggregate for each map task 
and then push it to global counter.

-Original Message-
From: Zhong Wang [] 
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: Counting no. of keys.

I have the same question, but i want to use map records number in
reduce phase exactly after the map. This is very useful in solving
problems like TF-IDF. In reduce (IDF calculating) phase, you must know
the total number of all documents. Is there any method to solve the
problem without running two Map-Reduce jobs?

On Sun, Aug 2, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Ted wrote:
 Sure.  Write a word count map-reduce program.  The mapper outputs the key
 from the sequence file as the output key and includes a count.  Then you do
 the normal combiner and reducer from a normal word count program.

 On Sat, Aug 1, 2009 at 9:53 PM, prashant ullegaddi


 I've say 800 sequence files written using SequenceFileOutputFormat. Is
 any way to know
 no. of unique keys in those sequence files?


 Ted Dunning, CTO

Zhong Wang

RE: map side join

2009-07-31 Thread Amogh Vasekar
This is particularly useful if your input is the output of another MR job, else 
is a killer.
You may want to write your own mapper in case one of the files to be joined is 
small enough to fit in memory / can be handled in splits.


-Original Message-
From: Jason Venner [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2009 8:20 PM
Subject: Re: map side join

The mapside join code builds multiple map tasks, each map task will receive
as input
one partition from each of your input sources.

In your case, your job would have 3 map tasks, and each map task would be
receive data from 1 partition in each source file.

The mapside join code maintains a reader open for each input file in the
input split and produces key value sets via a stream merge sort of the these
input data files.
The merge is essentially done key by key before the key, value set is
presented to the map.

Implicit in the mapside join is that the input files are already sorted, so
the join code only has to figure out which key is next out of the set of
input files in the task.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 8:48 AM, bonito wrote:

 I would like to ask a question regarding the map side join. I am trying to
 understand the implementation of it and I would be
 grateful if you could tell me whether there is any I/O cost included.
 In detail,
 if we have 2 source files of 3 splits each (so as to ensure the constraints
 that is, sorted, partitioned etc.) then during map side join these 2 files
 are merged before the map function takes place.
 I am trying to comprehend how this merge is done. If I am not mistaken,
 pair of corresponding splits is merged at a time. That is, first the
 splits(1) of both sources are taken into account.

 How? Is this done in a 'on the fly' fashion  (in-memory buffer)? Is there
 any file locally created?

 I read the relevant details about the iterators but I wonder about the
 memory requirements... If each split need to be in-memory stored so as to
 have an iterator over it, then there should be a requirement of memory

 Thank you!

 View this message in context:
 Sent from the Hadoop core-user mailing list archive at

Pro Hadoop, a book to guide you from beginner to hadoop mastery, a community for Hadoop Professionals

RE: Running 145K maps, zero reduces- does Hadoop scale?

2009-07-31 Thread Amogh Vasekar
What is the use case for this? Especially since you have 0 reducers.


-Original Message-
From: Saptarshi Guha [] 
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2009 12:08 PM
Subject: Re: Running 145K maps, zero reduces- does Hadoop scale?

In this particular example, the record reader emits a single number per
split as both key and value.

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:55 AM, Saptarshi Guha saptarshi.g...@gmail.comwrote:

 Does Hadoop scale well for 100K+ input splits?
 I have not tried with sequence files. My custom inputformat, generates 145K
 The record reader emits about 15 bytes as key and 8 bytes as value.
 It doesn't do anything else, in fact it doesn't read from disk (basically
 it emits splitbeginning ... splitend for every split,)
 So essentially, my inputformat is creating 145K InputSplit objects.(see

 However I got this
 09/07/31 01:41:41 INFO mapred.JobClient: Running job: job_200907251335_0005
 09/07/31 01:41:42 INFO mapred.JobClient:  map 0% reduce 0%
 09/07/31 01:43:06 INFO mapred.JobClient: Job complete:
 And the job does not end! Hangs here.

 Very strange. The jobtracker does not respond to web requests.
 This is on Hadoop 0.20 though am using 0.19.1. api.
 The  master is 64 bit with 4 cores and 16GB ram and not running any

 Any pointers would be appreciated


 //Basically FileInputSplit reworded
 public InputSplit[] getSplits(JobConf job, int numSplits) throws
 IOException {
 long n = the_length_of_something ; //==145K
 long chunkSize = n / (numSplits == 0 ? 1 : numSplits);
 InputSplit[] splits = new InputSplit[numSplits];
 for (int i = 0; i  numSplits; i++) {
 MyInputSplit split;
 if ((i + 1) == numSplits)
 split = new MySplit(i * chunkSize, n);
 split = new MySplit(i * chunkSize, (i * chunkSize) + chunkSize);
 splits[i] = split;
 return splits;

RE: Why is single reducer called twice?

2009-07-27 Thread Amogh Vasekar

 the reducer is called a
second time to do nothing, before all is done

Can you elaborate please?

-Original Message-
From: Mark Kerzner [] 
Sent: Monday, July 27, 2009 8:51 PM
Subject: Why is single reducer called twice?

In my code, I set the number of reducers to 1,


and it all works as intended, but I notice that the reducer is called a
second time to do nothing, before all is done. Can I use this side effect to
close the static resources (like a zip output stream) that I open on the
first call?

Thank you,

RE: best way to set memory

2009-07-22 Thread Amogh Vasekar
I haven't played a lot with it, but you may want to check if setting 
way to do this :)


-Original Message-
From: Fernando Padilla [] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: best way to set memory

I was thinking not for M/R, but for the actual daemons:

When I go and start up a daemon (like below).  They all use the same  Which allows you to only set the HADOOP_HEAPSIZE once.. 
not differently for each daemon-type..

bin/ start namenode
bin/ start datanode
bin/ start secondarynamenode
bin/ start jobtracker
bin/ start tasktracker

Amogh Vasekar wrote:
 If you need to set the java_options for mem., you can do this via configure 
 in your MR job.
 -Original Message-
 From: Fernando Padilla [] 
 Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 9:11 AM
 Subject: best way to set memory
 So.. I want to have different memory profiles for 
 But it looks like I only have one environment variable to modify, 
 HADOOP_HEAPSIZE, but I might be running more than one on a single 
 box/deployment/conf directory.
 Is there a proper way to set the memory for each kind of server? Or has 
 an issue been created to document this bug/deficiency??

RE: best way to set memory

2009-07-21 Thread Amogh Vasekar
If you need to set the java_options for mem., you can do this via configure in 
your MR job.

-Original Message-
From: Fernando Padilla [] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 9:11 AM
Subject: best way to set memory

So.. I want to have different memory profiles for 

But it looks like I only have one environment variable to modify, 
HADOOP_HEAPSIZE, but I might be running more than one on a single 
box/deployment/conf directory.

Is there a proper way to set the memory for each kind of server? Or has 
an issue been created to document this bug/deficiency??

RE: Question about job distribution

2009-07-15 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Confused. What do you mean by query be distributed over all datanodes or just 
1 node . If your data is small enough so that it fits in just one block ( and 
replicated by hadoop ), then just one task will be run ( assuming default input 
If the data is spread across multiple blocks, you can make it run on just one 
compute node by setting your input split to be large enough ( yes there are use 
cases for this when whole data is to be fed to a single mapper ). Else, the job 
will be scheduled on numerous nodes with each getting a block / chunk (  input 
split size set ) of your actual data. The nodes picked for running your job 
depends on data-locality to reduce network latency.


-Original Message-
From: Divij Durve [] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 15, 2009 2:32 AM
Subject: Question about job distribution

If i have a query that i would normally fire on a database and i want o fire
that using the data loaded into multiple nodes on hadoop. Will the query be
distributed over all the datanodes so it returns results faster or will it
just send it to 1 node? If so is there a way to get it to distribute the
query instead of sending it to 1 node?

RE: Question regarding Map side Join

2009-07-13 Thread Amogh Vasekar
Yes it is. However, I assume file 2 is comparatively small to be distributed 
across all computing nodes without much delay, else the whole point of map side 
join is defeated. 
If keys in file 2 are unique, it is a simple lookup you need to implement. Else 
iterate over them to implement the join.

-Original Message-
From: Pankil Doshi [] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 14, 2009 4:49 AM
Subject: Question regarding Map side Join

I have question regarding Mapside Join.
Finally I got a copy of your book.I tried Implementing it. and I have few
Questions on it.

File 1:

File 2:

Results I got using mapside join

File1 inner join with File2

File2 inner join with File1


But I am looking some result like below:


Is it possible using map-side join only??

I  am looking simple join such that key values present in both files .
