Re: NameValuePair.equals

2003-09-08 Thread Laura Werner
Ortwin Glück wrote:

Why is it required that equals returns false if the classes do not 
match exactly? I thinks this is a weird behaviour for an equals method 
and should clearly be changed.
It's weird behavior, but you have to be careful when changing it to 
instanceof.  If an equals method tries to get too clever and suports 
equality with other types,  you can end up with cases where equals is 
not symmetric, e.g. a.equals(b)==true but b.equals(a)==false.  The usual 
if (other instanceof ThisClass) is usually safe, though.

There's a good discussion of this in Effective Java by Josh Bloch.  I 
think this book is a must-read for anyone doing API or class library 
development in Java.

BTW, sorry I've been fairly scarce lately.  I started a new job two 
weeks ago and I'm spending lots of time trying to get up to speed and 
figure out the environment here.

-- Laura

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Re: strange behavior of 2.0-rc1

2003-08-23 Thread Laura Werner
Leo Galambos wrote:

I am using httpclient (HC) in a webcrawler. After 6 hours of run, HC 
stops working and I think, it is locked by some lock of a critical 
section in HC. The problematic code, I use, is here:
Are you running on Windows by any chance?  It has a feature where the 
OS waits a very long time before deciding that half-closed sockets are 
really dead, so you can end up with lots of sockets in TIME_WAIT or 
CLOSE_WAIT states.  There's a registry setting you can change to adjust 
the timeout down to a more reasonable value.  This doesn't sound exactly 
like what you're seeing, but I thought I'd throw it out there...

-- Laura

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Re: sample code link does not work

2003-08-22 Thread Laura Werner
A few weeks ago I took a first stab at creating a Checkstyle 3.0 file 
for HttpClient, but I never got around to posting it.  I don't think I 
covered all of the rules, but it's a start.  I'll try attaching it to 
this email.

-- Laura

Ortwin Glück wrote:


Are you using Maven for this? I tried that yesterday (first time 
actually) but found that with a fresh maven installation, the maven 
tasks are broken. This is mainly caused by a new version of 
Checkstyle. They moved their configuration from flat properties format 
to XML. So we need to write a new checkstyle config file. I can do 
that next week. I will file a bug for that.


Michael Becke wrote:

I'll redeploy the site.  It seems that a number of apache 
urls(viewcvs  and archives) have changed recently.


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?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
checkstyle-configurations file-format-version=1.0.0
check-configuration name=HttpClient
rule-configuration severity=warning
config-property name=format value=^[A-Z](_?[A-Z0-9]+)*$/
severity=warning comment=try and finally must contain a statement
config-property name=option value=statement/
config-property name=tokens value=LITERAL_FINALLY, LITERAL_TRY/
severity=warning comment=catch must contain text
config-property name=option value=text/
config-property name=tokens value=LITERAL_CATCH/
severity=warning comment=2000
config-property name=max value=2000/
severity=warning comment=No sun.* imports
config-property name=illegalPkgs value=sun/
severity=warning comment=Use java.lang.Boolean constants
config-property name=classes value=java.lang.Boolean/
severity=warning comment=Require JavaDoc on methods and constructors
config-property name=allowMissingParamTags value=false/
config-property name=allowMissingReturnTag value=false/
config-property name=allowMissingThrowsTags value=false/
config-property name=allowThrowsTagsForSubclasses value=false/
config-property name=allowUndeclaredRTE value=true/
config-property name=scope value=private/
config-property name=tokens value=METHOD_DEF, CTOR_DEF/
severity=warning comment=Require JavaDoc on classes and interfaces
config-property name=authorFormat value=/
config-property name=scope value=private/
config-property name=tokens value=CLASS_DEF, INTERFACE_DEF/
config-property name=versionFormat value=/
severity=warning comment=Require JavaDoc on all variables
config-property name=scope value=private/
severity=warning comment=Left curly brace at EOL
config-property name=maxLineLength value=100/

Re: Grabbing a header from the server's response

2003-08-19 Thread Laura Werner
Mark Castillo wrote:

After sending a GET request to a server, how to I pick out the name/value of
a specific header from the server's response?

Call the getResponseHeader(String name) method (or one of its siblings) 
on the HttpMethod you used for the request, which is probably a 
GetMethod in this case.

-- Laura

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Re: SocketException : SSL Implementation not available

2003-07-29 Thread Laura Werner
Roland Weber wrote:

3. your code does not work with IBM JDK 1.3 in WSAD with Sun JSSE

FWIW, we were experimenting with the IBM JDK last year and got lots of 
mysterious JSSE failures.  Finally we realized that we were still using 
Sun's JSSE implementation.  Switching to the IBM JSSE for 1.3 fixed the 
problems.  It's been long enough that I can't remember exactly what the 
symptoms were, but our verdict was that mixing and matching JDKs and 
JSSEs just didn't work.

-- Laura

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Re: [VOTE] HttpClient 2.0 RC1

2003-07-24 Thread Laura Werner
+1 (nonbinding) from me

Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:

We have had just one (what I see as a real) bug since 2.0 beta2. I think it is time we moved past 'beta' into 'final release' phase with 2.0 branch

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Re: [VOTE] Add commons-codec as an HttpClient dependency

2003-07-16 Thread Laura Werner
Kalnichevski, Oleg wrote:

If it is just about release numbers, let us call it HttpClient 3.0

Amen.  I'm not sure how much point there is in a 2.1 release if there's 
not allowed to be *any* API breakage.  Maybe we should freeze the 2.0 
stream and just put out 2.0.1, etc. bug fix releases and call the 
current main trunk 3.0 so that we can clean up some of this stuff.

I think it might still pay to do some of it gradually, like the current 
exception fixes in 3.0 and the removal of the IOException inheritance 
in 4.0 so that the transitions are easuer.  But I don't think we 
should be striving for 100% API compatibility in the next release.

-- Laura

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Re: Encoding of special characters in request URI

2003-07-10 Thread Laura Werner
Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:

This is one of many 'shady' areas of the HTTP spec. Basically there is
no standard way for the client to communicate to the server what coding
has been used to decode query parameters.
It's definitely shady.  I've seen two approaches used here.  In the 
past, many internationalized applications would assume that the 
non-ASCII encoded characters in submitted URIs were in the same 
character set as the page that was submitting the request.  So if you 
know that you generated foo.jsp in Latin-5, then you assume that any 
URIs requests coming from foo.jsp should be treated as Latin-5 after 
being URL-decoded.  There's a paper on this technique floating around 
somewhere, written by a guy I used to work with at IBM, but I can't find 
it on the Web.

The more modern approach is to assume that the URI is always in UTF-8.  
If there are any non-ASCII characters in it after URL-decoding, then you 
run it through a UTF-8 converter (UTF-8 to UTF-16 in the case of Java).  
Here's a proposal on this:  If you follow the 
links from there you'll find other useful pages such as

-- Laura

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Re: [Proposal] exception handling revised

2003-07-04 Thread Laura Werner
Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:

2) Go elaborate
org.apache.commons.lang.exception.NestableException (or equivalent)
 +-- org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException (Root exception)
I prefer this elaborate approach.  (And I liked your inclusion of an 
InterruptedHttpException.)  I don't think the dependency on commons-lang 
is really required, though.  If we want to avoid it, we can just put the 
nesting support into our own root HttpException class.  The only parts 
that are really required are a field to hold the nested exception, a 
couple of constructors, and an accessor for the nested exception.  Of 
course, a few convenience methods would be nice too.

Personally, I'm fine with a dependency on commons-lang; I just wanted to 
throw out an alternative if there turn out to be people who aren't.

-- Laura

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Re: How to interrupt connexion ?

2003-07-03 Thread Laura Werner
Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:

Sadly enough, there's (there will be) no reliable way to interrupt a
request in the release 2.0. It is an unfortunate oversight on our part.
This feature is planned for the 2.1 release:

This is a hard problem, because almost all of the calls in the old library are non-interruptible.  There's no good way to, for 
example, have a background thread whose job is to interrupt requests 
that have taken too long.  In our current code, we fake interruptible 
threads by using (pooled) background threads to execute the requests.  
When the timeout interval expires, we give up on waiting for the 
background thread to finish the fetch and just throw a timeout 
exception.  But I haven't found a way to make the background thread 
actually stop the fetch, so it just sits there until the socket timeout 
(if any) triggers an IOException.  At that point we can recycle the 
thread back into the pool.  This is very error-prone, though; I'm 
currently trying to track down a nasty synchronization bug in the threading.

To make this feature work, we'd probably have to do something like this:

- Add a timeout property to HttpMethod or HttpMethodBase
- Just before executing a method, set an internal endTime property
- Every time we're about to do a socket operation, e.g. in, compare the current time and endTime.  If 
we're past endTime, though an exception.  If not, adjust the socket 
timeout so that the read operation can't go past endTime.
- Do similar things while waiting on the connection pool, opening 
sockets, etc.

Yuck.  I keep thinking there *must* be a simpler way, but I haven't 
found it yet.

-- Laura

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Re: How to interrupt connexion ?

2003-07-03 Thread Laura Werner
Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:

The observer thread simply closes the damn socket when the user
hits the cancel button. Whuch. The communication thread immediately
throws an IOException and happily terminates.
Good idea!  We could implement this in HttpClient by having one master 
observer thread whose job was to close a connection's socket whenever a 
Method using that connection has timed out.

I also attempt to cleanly shutdown input/output streams ob the socket
With HttpConnection.closeSocketAndStreams or its equivalent?

-- Laura

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Re: How to interrupt connexion ?

2003-07-03 Thread Laura Werner
I wrote (in response to Oleg):

Good idea!  We could implement this in HttpClient by having one 
master observer thread whose job was to close a connection's socket 
whenever a Method using that connection has timed out.
I messed with this today and got it more or less working.  Since I 
didn't want to make any modifications to the HttpClient classes, at 
least for now, my timeout observer thread is just calling 
HttpConnection.close.  It does indeed make anyone trying to read or 
write on the connection throw a SocketException, which turns into an 
HttpRecoverableException.  My client code can then check to see if the 
timeout has elapsed and turn this into the VXML error.badfetch.timeout 
event if necessary.

Just calling HttpConnection.close() probably isn't strictly correct.  
For one thing, it closes the streams before it closes the socket.  If 
the foreground is actually doing something with the stream at the same 
time, this might cause an error when the stream gets closed out from 
under it.  I think the proper sequence is to shut down the streams with 
Socket.shutdownInput and Socket.shutdownOutput if possible (in JDK 1.3 
or later as Oleg said), then close the socket, then close the streams.  
To do this we'd have to add a new method to HttpConnection, maybe called 
abort() or some such, since there's no way to get at the socket and 
streams directly right now.

I'll put together a patch for this and attach it to the bug when I have 
a chance.

-- Laura

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Re: [VOTE] Re: 2.0 release - deprecate some methods?

2003-06-26 Thread Laura Werner
Adrian Sutton wrote:

The flaw in the toUsingCharset method is two-fold:
Firstly, Strings in Java are *always* stored internally as UTF-8

I agree with the rest of your analysis of this, but I thought I should 
point out that Java Strings and chars are stored in UTF-16 rather than 
UTF-8.  A char is an unsigned, two-byte value that can hold all the 
characters from UCS2.

As far as toUsingCharset goes, I agree that it looks broken.  The code 
basically does:

   return new String(target.getBytes(fromCharset), toCharset);

It's taking target, which is a UTF-16 string, encoding it into a byte 
array in fromCharset, and then decoding those bytes back into UTF-16 
using toCharset.  So it's pretendeing the bytes in the array have two 
different meanings, one when it writes them and one when it reads them 
immediately afterward.  I can't see how this could be correct.

-- Laura

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Re: Where to post

2003-06-26 Thread Laura Werner
Hi Nate,

Jun 26, 2003 1:48:21 PM org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase
INFO: Redirect requested but followRedirects is disabled
I can just create a GetMethod and give it the url that would be redirected
to, but how to get rid of that error message.  Any suggestions?

That's not really an error message, just a trace log that HttpClient 
writes to make it easier to figure out what's going on when a problem 
happens.  You can control the logging level, send the logs to a separate 
file (or to the bit bucket), and so on.  See for some info 
on how to do it.  In your case, you might want to set the logging level 
to error so you only see messages for serious problems.

-- Laura

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Re: form urlencoding, was Re: URI query escapes

2003-06-21 Thread Laura Werner
Michael Becke wrote:

I propose that we:
  - form urlencode values passed to 
 - use for form urlencoding
I agree, as long as URLEncoder seems to work.

Do you think we need to modify URI so that it uses URLEncoder to encode 
the query part of URIs?  In cases where a client has a URL string that 
may or may not contain query parameters, it would lead to a slightly 
more natural API usage:
 HttpMethod meth = new GetMethod(new URI(urlString));
as opposed to
 String query = null;
 int index = urlString.indexOf('?');
 if (index != -1) {
   query = urlString.substring(index+1);
   urlString = urlString.substring(0, index);
 HttpMethod meth = new GetMethod(new URI(urlString));
or something like that, with error checking of course.

I'm not sure how much I care, though.  If my fetching code had been 
constructed using the HttpClient code from scratch, I wouldn't even have 
the query parameters in the string in the first place; I'd just add them 
with setQueryString.

I'll see if I can work up a preliminary patch for this stuff later 
tonight or tomorrow morning.   

Adrian Sutton wrote:

I know in the product we develop, we switched away from using because it didn't work properly
FWIW, we're using it and haven't seen any problems.  But we've been on 
1.2 or higher since I started at BeVocal.  (We're moving to 1.4 now 
because the server VM performance is *much* better.)


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Re: URI query escapes

2003-06-20 Thread Laura Werner
Michael Becke wrote:

Yes, but this is for application/x-www-form-urlencoded values. 
Currently we only assume this content type for post params (this was 
recently fixed).
I think we have to assume it for get params too.  In the HTTP 4.01 spec,

If the method is get and the action is an HTTP URI, the user agent 
takes the value of action, appends a `?' to it, then appends the form 
data set, encoded using the application/x-www-form-urlencoded 
content type.  The user agent then traverses the link to this URI. In 
this scenario, form data are restricted to ASCII codes.
So urlencoded seems like the right default for get query parameters.

-- Laura

BTW, how do you all feel about newsgroup posts in HTML format?  I left 
this one in HTML because of all the links, but I'll stop if any of you 
have news readers that can't deal with it.

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Re: Proper Order of things...

2003-03-02 Thread Laura Werner
Ross Rankin wrote:

I am getting inconsistent results on a few things and I realized I really am
sort of parroting examples and really don't know the true order of things
when doing a series of connections.  So let me ask a few questions:
What sorts of inconsistent results?

1) If doing to of the same type of requests what is the correct method for
they type of action do I:
a)   use two Method variables

This works.

b)   use the same one with a recycle but cast it new again

What do you mean by cast it new again?  Aside from that, this works; 
you can re-use HttpMethodMethod objects as long as you call recycle() 
first.  After you call recycle(), the object is essentially virgin 
again, so you have to call setPath, re-set all of the headers, and so on.

c)   use the same one without a recycle but cast it new

This won't work.  You must call recycle() if you're going to re-use a 
HttpMethod object.

d)   use the same one with a recycle but use setPath between executes

See the answer to b).

2) If doing a Post which returns another page do I need to really Get that
No, if I understand the question correctly.  If you're writing a 
browser-type application and the POST is a page-transition sort of POST, 
then the data for the new page/resource will be returned in the response 
to the POST. There's no need to follow it by a GET.  Of course, someone 
*could* dream up a protocol layered on top of HTTP that required all 
POSTs to be followed by GETs, but I've never heard of one.

3) What the proper place for a method.releaseConnection? After the method,
after you are all done?
After you're finished reading from the method's input stream, I think.  
I'm not 100% sure about this one though, because this part of httpclient 
has changed a lot.

4) Once the client is set up and configured, do you need to do anything to
maintain it?  

HttpClient isn't really a server that you set up or configure.  It's 
just a class library that you call.  So I don't really understand the 

5) Rejected cookies.  OK so the system I'm connecting to can not make a good
cookie, can't I accept it anyway?  

You can experiment with the apache.commons.httpclient.cookiespec 
system property.  By default, HttpClient uses the RFC2109 cookie policy, 
which is fairly strict.  If you set this property to COMPATIBILITY, it 
will be more lenient and might accept the broken cookies from your 
server.  See the code in 
org.apache.commons.httpclient.cookie.CookiePolicy for details.

6) Starting out, here the order I think is correct am I right?
   a) create a host configuration
   a) create a connection using that host config
   b) use that connection to create a connection Manager
   c) use that connection Manager to create a client
   d) create a Method
   e) execute that method using the host config and client

Close.  You don't need to create a connection yourself.  Just create a 
connection manager (probably a MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager) and 
then use that to create an HttpClient.  The connection manager will 
create the connections itself, as needed.  Then you create methods and 
execute them using your host config and client.

Laura Werner

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Re: DO NOT REPLY [Bug 17487] - waitForResponse is using busywait

2003-02-27 Thread Laura Werner
Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:

Odi, are you sure you want to have an extra thread per HttpMethod? I do
not think so
You can do threads fairly efficiently by pooling them.  I do it in my 
cache, since I have to allow a timeout on the whole transaction and 
abort the transaction even in the middle of reading the response if it 
takes too long.  (The VoiceXML spec requires this.)  But this is 
probably overkill for httpclient.


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Bug: News page has wrong date

2003-02-27 Thread Laura Werner
Hi all,

I just noticed a minor gotcha while showing someone at work the News 
page at  The 
first item has the wrong date: 25 January 2003 rather than 25 
February 2003.

-- Laura

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Re: Significant HttpClient HttpMethodBase overhaul. Need earlyfeedback

2003-02-26 Thread Laura Werner
Hi all,

I really like this refactoring. People like Laura should track the 
changes we make and rewrite their own client to either use or extend 
the HttpClient class. For the long run I think nobody should go 
without the HttpClient class. HttpClient should act a bit like a facade.
Agreed on all counts.  I too really like this refactoring, as I 
mentioned earlier..

However as mentioned earlier this refactoring should not go into the 
code base until 2.0 has been released.
I have mixed feelings on this one.  Our company has a large, 
carrier-grade VoiceXML/telephony system.  We're just about to deploy a 
version that incorporates the 2.0a1 version of httpclient.  As soon as 
that's done (and I'm no longer getting dragged into random debug fests 
in other areas), I'm going to look at upgrading our code to use the 
latest httpclient, and to give our HttpCache a cleaner API so that we 
can think about open sourcing it at some point in the future.

My (long-winded) point is that I'd rather do this in one big step than 
in multiple small ones.  From my point of view, it's fine if the 
redirect work goes into 2.0.  Of course, that's probably because 2.0 is 
too late to make it into my current release, so I don't care if it gets 
delayed a little bit.  Someone who has a release coming up in a couple 
of months might think differently.

-- Laura

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Re: Significant HttpClient HttpMethodBase overhaul. Need earlyfeedback

2003-02-25 Thread Laura Werner
Michael Becke wrote:

I think it would be possible to add cross site redirects at the 
HttpClient level without removing the other functionality from the 
HttpMethod.  HttpClient would just need to check the status code and 
re-try.  But, just because it is possible doesn't mean we should do 
it.  If we have the go-ahead to implement this I'm all for it. 
I implemented it this way in my HttpCache code that sits on top of 
httpclient but doesn't use the HttpClient class.  There's an outer loop 
in my cache's executeMethod, and it calls the inner loop in 
HttpMethodBase.execute.  It got messy and was a bit hard to get right, 
but it worked.  In general, I think it's cleaner to have all of the 
redirection and authentication handled in one loop, rather than having 
two separate ones. It just makes the architecture simpler.

The only good reason I can see for going with a two-loop solution is the 
fact that we're fairly close to a final release right now and might want 
to keep the code stable.  On the other hand, if we're going to make a 
semantic API change like this, it's probably better to do it now, before 
2.0 final.

-- Laura

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Re: The use of UTIUtil.toUsingCharset?

2003-02-20 Thread Laura Werner

I can't say I comletely agree with your point (or understand it), but so be it. 

Feel free to ask for clarification.

Basically I was trying (in my wordy way) to say that toUsingCharset 
seems to do two things:

- Convert the Unicode string to an array of bytes using the converter 
for fromCharset
- Convert the bytes back to Unicode using the converter for toCharset.

This makes no sense to me.  When you're doing character-set-aware 
programming and have an array of bytes, you always need to keep a 
(byte[], charset name) pair, so you know what the bytes *mean*.  The 
bytes by themselves are just a bit stream; the character set name tells 
you how to interpret the bits into abstract characters that mean 
something to a human.  toUsingCharset is converting the Unicode string 
to a bit stream using one mechanism, then converting back to Unicode 
using another mechanism.  I don't know how this could ever do anything 

Had not Sung-Su refused to provide a simple unit test case for this method, this discussion would have been put to an end a few months ago. But apparently writing test cases is for losers

How about if we just deprecate the @#% thing and the two URIUtil methods 
that call it?

-- Laura

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Re: Proxy-Connection: close header

2003-02-19 Thread Laura Werner
Adrian Sutton wrote:

Just run into a non-standards compliance problem with IIS proxies in certain
configurations.  At times instead of returning a Connection: close header,
it returns a Proxy-connection: close header.

For what it's worth, I've noticed that Squid sometimes uses a 
Proxy-Connection header as well.  So whatever patch you come up with 
will probably be useful for more than just IIS. 

Laura Werner

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Re: Proxy-Connection: close header

2003-02-19 Thread Laura Werner
Adrian Sutton wrote:

Do you have any idea how to make squid use that header?

I don't think we're doing anything special to make it happen.  Here are 
the headers from a couple of typical transaction, with a few host names 
slightly obscured.  This is using my own Java-based caching code on top 
of httpclient alpha 1.  (I'm starting to upgrade to the latest version now).

Try to fetch a resource from a machine the Squid proxy doesn't have 
access to:
HTTP request headers for jack.vxml:
   User-Agent: BeVocal/2.4 VoiceXML/2.0 BVPlatform/
HTTP response headers for jack.vxml:
   HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable
   Proxy-Connection: close
   Expires: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 00:49:31 GMT
   Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 00:49:31 GMT
   Server: squid/2.5.STABLE1
   Content-Length: 1285
   X-Squid-Error: ERR_DNS_FAIL 0
   Content-Type: text/html
   X-Cache: MISS from
   Mime-Version: 1.0

Fetch from a resource it *does* have access to
HTTP request headers for jack.vxml:
   User-Agent: BeVocal/2.4 VoiceXML/2.0 BVPlatform/

HTTP response headers for jack.vxml:
   HTTP/1.0 200 OK
   Proxy-Connection: close
   Accept-Ranges: bytes
   Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2003 00:47:55 GMT
   Server: Apache/1.3.22 (Unix) (Red-Hat/Linux) mod_jk/1.2.0 
mod_perl/1.24_01 PHP/4.2.2 FrontPage/5.0.2 mod_ssl/2.8.5 OpenSSL/0.9.6b
   Content-Length: 14853
   ETag: 19f7e5-3a05-3e3b1965
   Last-Modified: Sat, 01 Feb 2003 00:48:37 GMT
   Content-Type: text/plain
   X-Cache: MISS from

Fetch the same resource again a minute or two later...
HTTP request headers for jack.vxml:
   User-Agent: BeVocal/2.4 VoiceXML/2.0 BVPlatform/

HTTP response headers for jack.vxml:
   HTTP/1.0 200 OK
   Proxy-Connection: close
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Re: The use of UTIUtil.toUsingCharset?

2003-02-04 Thread Laura Werner
Hi Sung-Gu,

Actually, that's very easy...
And not that important unless it's not going to be support multilinqual.

As you see the diagram, bytes informations created from the original charset
should be restored.  That's all.

My understanding of what you're saying is that if someone constructs a 
URI using escaped characters in a particular charset (e.g. Big-5), using 
the URI(char[] escaped) constructor, then URI needs to preserve those 
characters.  If someone asks for the URI back as an escaped string in 
the original charset (e.g. Big-5 again), we need to give them the 
*exact* original string; it's not good enough to trancode from the 
escaped Big-5 string to Unicode and back to Big-5.  Is this correct?

If this is true, I have a few comments on why this matters...

-- First, for those who don't understand why you can't just convert 
everything to Unicode and stop worrying, there is some sense behind 
this.  When Unicode was invented, the far-east languages were Unified 
into the Han block of Unicode.  Some characters that have distinct codes 
in the native double-byte character sets were mapped to single Unicode 
characters.  This meant that some native character sets wouldn't round 
trip to Unicode and back.  It was essentially a political compromise -- 
the Unicode folks needed to save space in the 64k base plane, so they 
merged Han characters that meant very similar things and looked almost 
exactly same.  (Emphasis similar and almost.)  But in native 
charsets that didn't need to have room for Korean and Cyrillic and all 
the other stuff that's in Unicode, there's room to split out multiple 
versions of these characters that are merged together.

-- There are also a few new character sets like JIS-212 that contain 
characters (like Japanese dental symbols, believe it or not) that 
haven't been encoded in Unicode yet.  Presumably we'd want to keep the 
encoded URI string around so that we can preserve this kind of character.

(In a past life I managed the Unicode group at IBM, and I remember far 
more of this stuff than I thought I did.)

A few comments on and

-- I think the comments need to be greatly improved.  It's very hard to 
figure out what many of the methods do.  In the cases where I can figure 
out what they do, it's hard to figure out *why*. 

-- It would be nice if the documentation explained the charset concepts: 
What is a document charset and a protocol charset and so on.  A 
reference to the RFC is nice, but a more concice explanation in the 
JavaDoc would be better.

Laura, hoping I helped answer part of the why here, at least

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Re: using httpclient without a HttpClient object (was Redirects?)

2003-02-03 Thread Laura Werner
Jeffrey Dever wrote:

Is there anyone out there that has code that actually calls the 
HttpMethod.execute()?  Anything that looks like this:

HttpState state = new HttpState();
HttpConnection = new HttpConnection(host, port, secure);
HttpMethod method = new GetMethod(path);
int status = method.execute(state, connection);

I do.  I'm the one who doesn't use HttpClient at all, because it's too 
simplistic for me.  I need to maintain a single HttpConnectionManager 
but a bunch of HttpState objects (one per thread in my application), so 
I have my own function that does the same thing as HttpClient.executeMethod.

The function looks something like execute(HttpMethod method, HttpState 
state, HttpConnectionManager connections).  It lets HttpMethod.execute() 
handle intra-site redirects, but when it gets a 303 response back from 
that method, it takes care of the inter-site redirects without returning 
to the caller.

I think it would be OK to add the redirect functionality to HttpClient, 
but I think it should go into a public static method, so that it can be 
called by the normal HttpClient methods and by people like me.  I can do 
the work on this if you want.

Laura Werner

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Minor bug in

2003-01-31 Thread Laura Werner
I just noticed a minor bug in  There are two 
settings for checkstyle.pattern.publicmember:

I'm not submitting a patch because I'm not sure which one is correct.  
(I suspect it's the second one, though).

Laura Werner
BeVocal Inc.

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