Re: voip on Debian

2008-09-30 Thread Brandon Kruse
Hash: SHA1

Interesting. Good find and setup.

I am currently working on some iax2 related code for gta02 and future
phones as far as the voip stack.

I was running into some audio problems for awhile, but am starting to
get all those little bugs worked out.

There was ideas of a really slimmed down version of Asterisk being the
_actual_ client in which people will use. This will allow them to use
some of the core functionality of Asterisk as well.

We will see where it goes.

I am pretty familiar with Asterisk Channel drivers :)

And it all depends on how easily the technology you are hooking into is.

- -bk

Florian Hackenberger wrote:
| On Saturday 06 September 2008, TL Mieszkowski wrote:
|> There is the potential to do some really cool stuff with asterisk it
|> has quite a bit of functionality.
| We should really write a channel driver for the Neo (wolfson codec & GSM
| modem daemon). We could then use asterisk for custom voicemail boxes,
| dialplan routing (think time based blacklists etc.) for calls coming in
| over GSM. As far as I'm familiar with the asterisk channel modules,
| that should not be too difficult.
| Cheers,
|   Florian

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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: speech -> text on FR?

2008-06-15 Thread Brandon Kruse
Hash: SHA1

Dan Staley wrote:
| I actually just interfaced with the Sphinx project at one of the
| research positions I hold.  It is actually a very well written interface
| (for the most part...there were a few things poorly documented and/or
| implemented) But anyway, I found the java version of the project (Sphinx
| 4 ) to be pretty easy to
| build/interface with.
| The benefit of using the HMMs and models and methods that Sphinx
| implements is that anyone in their programs should be able to specify a
| grammar (similar to a simplified regex) that they want to be recognized
| and then the interpreter should be able to be user independant...meaning
| anyone can speak the phrase into the phone and get the desired output.
| Speech training wouldn't be required.  I found that once you set it up
| correctly, the Sphinx engine is very powerful, and usually identifies
| the spoken words no matter who says them (we found it even seemed to
| work decently well with a variety different accents).
| -Dan Staley
| On Sun, 2008-06-15 at 19:07 -0400, Ajit Natarajan wrote:
|> Hello,
|> I know nothing about speech recognition, so if the following won't work,
|> please let me know (gently :) ).
|> I understand that there is a project called Sphinx in CMU which attempts
|> speech recognition.  It seems pretty complex.  I couldn't get it to work
|> on my Linux desktop.  I'm not sure if it would work on an FR since it
|> may need a lot of CPU horsepower and memory.
|> I see a speech project on the OM projects page.  To me, it seems like
|> the project is attempting command recognition, e.g., voice dialing.
|> However, it would be great if the FR can function as a rudimentary
|> dictation machine, i.e., allow the user to speak and convert to text.
|> Perhaps the following may work.
|> 1. Ask the user to speak some standard words.  Record the speech and
|> establish the mapping from the words to the corresponding speech.
|> It may even be good to maintain separate databases for different
|> purposes, e.g., one for UNIX command lines, one for emails, and a
|> third for technical documents.
|> 2. The speech recognizer then functions similar to a keyboard in that it
|> converts speech to text which it then enters into the application
|> that has focus.
|> 3. The user must speak word by word.  The speech recognizer finds the
|> closest match for the speech my checking against the recordings made
|> in step 1 (and step 4).  The user may need to set the database from
|> which the match must be made.
|> 4. If there is no close match, or if the user is unhappy with the
|> selection made in step 3, the user can type in the correct word.  A
|> new record can be added to the appropriate database.
|> The process may be frustrating for the user at first, but over time, the
|> speech recognition should become better and better.
|> The separate databases may be needed, for example, because the word
|> period should usually translate to the symbol `.' except when writing
|> about time periods when it should translate to the word `period'.
|> I do not know what the storage requirements would be to maintain this
|> database.  I do not know if the closest match algorithm in step 3 is
|> even possible.  But if we could get a good dictation engine, that would
|> be a killer app, in my opinion.  No more typing!  No more carpal tunnel
|> injuries.  No more having to worry about small on screen keyboards that
|> challenge finger typing.
|> Thanks.
|> Ajit
| ___
| Openmoko community mailing list

Along with other speex to text engines (as someone else already
mentioned), it works best when the engine knows that he could have said
something in this list of pre-defined commands, and not any word in general.

It is also very good for deciding between two words, eg "yes" or "no",
which is more useful than you would think, if you design your interface
to the user in the right way.

They also have a sphinx mobile-type of library, which seems to be very
lightweight, and might be worth looking into.

One thing I thought of is when someone tells you a number over the
phone, the phone could record and add it to the address book.

Lots of cool stuff you could do :)

- -brandon
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Wireless providers in the US

2008-06-11 Thread Brandon Kruse
Hash: SHA1

| Could those of you in the US, who have the prior phone,and who plan to get
| the new one, share what providers you are using?  Also, any details would
| be great.  I am going to be leaving Sprint, and ditching my Treo 650 for
| the new phone.  It is very exciting, but I am a little lost as to what all
| my options are.  It is further complicated by the way in the US everyone
| seems to offer regionally based plans, rather than having the same plans
| available throughout the country.  I am in the D.C. area.
| Thanks
| P.S.  My intended uses are as a phone, as a modem or tethering device for
| my laptop, as a web browser when I am on the road, for calendar and such,
| for texting.  I am interested in GPS features as well.
| ___
| Openmoko community mailing list

I use tMobile, and it works great. The service is OK, but the people
are great, one of the cheapest in the US.

- -bk
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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: new iphone

2008-06-01 Thread Brandon Kruse

Iphone's suck.

Sent from my iPhone


On Jun 1, 2008, at 6:21 PM, Christian Benke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Good evening!

So who of you is thinking about buying the new iphone instead of an
openmoko in case the technical specs really improve(3G, better
I'd love to have a open smartphone, but there are so many compromises
with the openmoko project(hardware lacks, formfactor,
unfinished software) and the timing for the release is bad  

(on the other side the people interested in openmoko are not
necessarily interested in the iphone - However

It is really a matter of supporting the community and helping the  
product launch. Apple has tons of developers, a big fanboy base, and  
lots of software already written

I think I speak on behalf of the community when I say we are here for  
the long run, to help, and see the product grow into an everyday  
apperance when you are walking around.

I, for one, dont go jumping on iPhone mailing lists trying to enhance  
the product as I am at the very end of the food chain.

Its a great oppurtunity to help and get involved and be unique :)

My .2 cents :)

, i guess there will be
some people who drop the idea of buying a moko after next weeks apple
I feel bad about this decision, i'm not willing to use proprietary
software anywhere in my environment, neither work nor private, but the
hardware side of the iphone is presumably better(3G, bigger screen)  

the software is just _ready_. I'm kind of in a dilemma right now, on
the one hand i know i'll hate the closeness of OSX at some point (Just
like it happened with Windows 7 years ago) and would love to be able  

do what i want with my smartphone, on the other hand i'm not a
developer (i do some scripting but i'm far from any serious software
hacking) and i don't have the skills to fix annoying bugs and will  

to wait another few months till the software is in a useable state
and a freerunner could get a expensive toy for me if development is  

accelerating as fast as i expect it to after the release :-(

I guess the freerunner will not get available in the next week so i  

still decide, probably i'm lucky and all the speculations about the
iphone are untrue(only 3G is not a (OM-)dealbreaker for me) ;-)

My favourite would still be a Nokia E70 with a useable linux-OS, i
just loved the gullwing formfactor - if just Symbian wasn't such a
crutch, and a bit more RAM would also not hurt on the E70...

my 2 cents

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Re: do not need _any_ interface features

2008-06-01 Thread Brandon Kruse
I dont think its a hardware problem. If your talking about Internet  
over gsm, you could put the fastest computer with no GUI on a GPRS  
signal, and its still GPRS.

Brandon Kruse

On Jun 1, 2008, at 8:09 PM, "Michael Kremliovsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

 If I do not want to have any UI and I do not need voice, can I
reliably send data with a reasonable speed? If so, what are the
benchmark speeds?

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Re: Open Hardware

2008-06-01 Thread Brandon Kruse
I am not sure how low-level you are talking, but driver wise, you can  
expose the API given from specific manufactures over a socket (like  
capi I believe)

I guess some could be opened sourced, but when it comes to TI and the  
gsm radio, I dont see anyone that would allow for that. Again, it  
depends on the level of access. If you mean firmware design, I bet its  
all licensing issues.

Please, Correct me if I'm wrong.

That is just how I understand it ;)

Brandon Kruse

On Jun 1, 2008, at 8:53 AM, "Chris Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Openmoko phones are as cheap as they are because they use commodity
hardware, I'm given to understand. If you wanted a phone with open
hardware, you'd probably be paying thousands for all the custom
components. Plus there's testing and certification for various parts,
which probably is also expensive

It's doable, but it'd be harder by far than the OGP. And consider that
the first card released by the OGP costs $1500, which is two or three
times the cost of the more expensive commodity cards, while delivering
less performance (their target is 20fps in Quake 3 at 1280x1024).

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Re: My Openmoko blog is aimed at helping Freerunner users get started

2008-05-19 Thread Brandon Kruse

Hey michael.

I think this is a great idea for you and other openmoko employees, but  
why not just run your own wordpress? Its so simple. or something.

Either way, the idea of internal people blogging is great :)

Brandon Kruse

On May 19, 2008, at 4:54 PM, Michael Shiloh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

I've just posted about the software update that has been discussed  
here today, so I figured I'd take this opportunity to tell you all  
about my blog:

I welcome comments but please be gentle. I'm new to blogging.

Seriously, feedback and suggestions are welcomed.


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Re: GPRS IP Networking

2008-05-18 Thread Brandon Kruse
Either way, you could write a simple program on the phone to keep  
connecting to an end point (server) and give the server reverse access  
(stunnel) back to the device.

Just what I'm thinking :)

Brandon Kruse

On May 18, 2008, at 8:22 PM, "Steven Kurylo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Does someone know how IP addresses are handed out on the cellular
network?  Do they give each phone an IP address, or do they do NAT?  I
want to know if I'll be able to connect to my freerunner over GPRS,
say I wanted to ssh into it.

I've been searching the internet and haven't found an answer.  I
connected to my website with my blackberry and saw different IP
addresses for different requests; makes me think they have an outgoing
NAT pool.  Of course this could also be carrier dependent.


Steven Kurylo

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Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-18 Thread Brandon Kruse

On May 18, 2008, at 11:40 AM, Andy Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Sunday 18 May 2008 16:15, Brandon Kruse wrote:

I have to make a clean install tonight, so I will work on it ;)  
like I

said, my build environment was not standard.

:D good stuff

Totally. Hopefully the end result will be an svn state/branch that  
anyone can checkout and build. (and it the readme, just state it  
depends on other libraries) and make the ipkg depend on your packages.  
Thanks :)

I had portaudio in its own ipkg, I hope someone can fix that :)

essentially  thats what I ended up doing too :)

speex-1.2beta3 isn't in oe but 1.1.12 is so maybe that could be used
It builds ok

That would work fine. I am glad to see all those libraries availible
now! (links?)

In the end I had to build your portaudio, and the libogg and speex  
that are in

oe. They can be found on my buildhost:



Perfect. I will throw those inthere and pass a test call tonight, to  
see if we have any problems. (eg segfault. :P)

I believe the only reason I used the beta was because it was about to  
become stable and was recomended on the site. No reason ;)

Andy / ScaredyCat

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Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-18 Thread Brandon Kruse

On May 18, 2008, at 9:09 AM, Al Johnson  

I never said it was perfect, just another option. I have no  
affiliation to
either digium or trixbox, but I did try both ISOs when i was  
starting out

with asterisk. I don't use either any more - CentOS, asterisk, vi.

I didn't give AsteriskNOW much time because it wouldn't play easily  
with the
non-digium passive BRI card I had at the time. I found the install- 
script for trixbox and it 'just worked' so I stuck with it. It  

helped that I was already familiar with CentOS too.

The 'FreePBX overwrote my edits' issue is a bit limiting. For most  
things you

can edit the whatever_custom configs which it includes and does not
overwrite, but there are things you just can't do this way. That's  
why I now
use vi ;-) OTOH most people running a small setup won't need to edit  


I agree with Andy about the concept of the internal http server, and  
runs too many things on the PBX for my taste, but to be fair I  
haven't seen
this cause any problems in a small setup. Small was ~20 SIP clients  
and a

single BRI running on a passively cooled Via C7, so not exactly a
powerhouse :-)

When I get the Freerunner one of the first things I'll be trying  
will be VoIP,

so it's great to see someone at digium looking at this.

I am from digium, but this is not a "digium product", nor am I working
On it at digium on the clock.

Just clearing things up :)

If it's going to gain
openmoko features I might have to look at the GUI again too ;-)

On Saturday 17 May 2008, Brandon Kruse wrote:


Try to actually edit the config files and then use it :P

From experience, asteriskNOW is my favorite, and the first platform

I am going to get the client to work with automatically.

(I am going to add an 'openmoko' option in the AsteriskGUI)

AsteriskNOW Also has Digital / Analog card support for detecting /
installing / configuring all digium Hardware.

It also has auto provisioning for polycom phones.


But, I work for Digium, so I am somewhat biased right? :P

I will push for more features based on openmoko, in the GUI, however.


On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Al Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Another bootable ISO to look at its trixbox

Both make setting up an asterisk server very easy. They also run
reasonably in
a virtual machine. trixbox has a few more bells and whistles;  

this is
good or bad is a matter of opinion, as is preference between the
different GUIs.

On Friday 16 May 2008, Brandon Kruse wrote:


The iaxclient library I am implementing it in supports very very  

bandwidth protocols.

I have made a call of GPRS before, the only thing is the latency,  


somewhat useable still.

I have worked on the GUI for Digium, so go here and install  
asterisk +


asteriskGUI (AsteriskNOW bootable ISO)
to get asterisk up and running quick:

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Travis Tabbal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


As a future user, I'm glad to hear about progress in this area. It


get me to actually set up an Asterisk server. :) Can we really get
the datastream small enough for GPRS?

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Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-18 Thread Brandon Kruse

On May 18, 2008, at 3:45 AM, Stroller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 17 May 2008, at 18:16, Doug Hawkins wrote:

There are a few "hassles" with the Nokia software that I'm looking  
forward to making sure are "clean" with the OpenMoko system when I  
get to start playing on one.  One is that on some "free" (airport &  
community) WiFi systems, you have to open a web page and "accept"  
the terms and conditions before it will allow any traffic (VoIP or  
otherwise), so I'd like to make a routine that will run a config  
script to accept the "terms" based on the network I'm connecting  
with (e.g.: look up ESSID in a database to find out that a certain  
webpage's button needs to be 'clicked' and perform that task).  The  
other is to optionally connect to any open WiFi networks as I pass  
through them (ESSID scanning & connect attempts through open AP's).

I'm not sure that this should be handled by the VoIP software.

Although I'd like VoIP on my Freerunner, a greater priority for me  
is that the IMAP client should automatically check for new messages.

On my present mobile (Sony Ericson P990i) one has to open the  
messaging program, select the IMAP account and then "select send &  
receive" from a drop-down menu. That this is so fiddly simply means  
that I never do it, and if I must check for an important new message  
when away from home then the client has to sync through weeks of new  
messages in my inbox (yes, I should keep it more tidy!) before  
downloading today's messages.

I had envisioned writing a Bash script to run in cron every few  
minutes: to switch on wifi, scan for networks and connect to any on  
an "allowed" list; a background IMAP send-and-receive can then be  
performed if a working wifi connection is found. If we are to have  
multiple applications checking for wifi availability then I guess  
that should be done in one place?


Maybe a bash script isn't the best idea, but could be a start. I  
envisioned a simple C program to just hook to the driver, or look at  
other code that does active scanning (net stumbler style), then firing  
off a dbus message when status changes.


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Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-18 Thread Brandon Kruse

Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Saturday 17 May 2008 23:42, Brandon Kruse wrote:

The freerunner images would be great,

Ok, I'll do that soon.

and its great that you can get
it to build with the latest toolchain stuff, etc. I might build a

Ahh well, no. Not quite. I can get the supporting libs to build just  
not the
iaxclient lib. It seems to be missing header files etc that's  
stopping it..

I have to make a clean install tonight, so I will work on it ;) like I  
said, my build environment was not standard.

quick script tonight to go from checkout to ipkg. Anything you can do
to make it more system universal would rock! (I think I have  

paths in a lot of places).

did you make any changes to libogg-1.1.3, portaudio or  
speex-1.2beta3 ?

Minor, which were submitted upstream.
if not, libogg-1.1.3 is in oe already which can be built by setting  

preferred version.

Nice, this was not the case when I first started working on iaxclient.

portaudio seems to be broken in oe, depending on itself or something  
odd and

will need some tweaking.

I had portaudio in its own ipkg, I hope someone can fix that :)
speex-1.2beta3 isn't in oe but 1.1.12 is so maybe that could be used  

It builds ok

That would work fine. I am glad to see all those libraries availible  
now! (links?)

I would love to update the ipkg on the site also.

If I can get it to build I'll stick it in my repo too

Working all night tonight, and will keep you updated!

Thanks for everything scaredy :)

No problem :D

Andy / ScaredyCat

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Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-18 Thread Brandon Kruse
On May 18, 2008, at 9:09 AM, Al Johnson  

I never said it was perfect, just another option. I have no  
affiliation to
either digium or trixbox, but I did try both ISOs when i was  
starting out

with asterisk. I don't use either any more - CentOS, asterisk, vi.

I didn't give AsteriskNOW much time because it wouldn't play easily  
with the
non-digium passive BRI card I had at the time. I found the install- 
script for trixbox and it 'just worked' so I stuck with it. It  

helped that I was already familiar with CentOS too.

I personally worked on misdn.

If there is a bug you have, report it, or I cannot fix it. The GUI  
comes a long way everyday, given its relatively new on the project  

Every bug you submit gets assigned to me, and fixed :)

The 'FreePBX overwrote my edits' issue is a bit limiting. For most  
things you

can edit the whatever_custom configs which it includes and does not
overwrite, but there are things you just can't do this way. That's  
why I now
use vi ;-) OTOH most people running a small setup won't need to edit  


I agree with Andy about the concept of the internal http server, and  
runs too many things on the PBX for my taste, but to be fair I  
haven't seen
this cause any problems in a small setup. Small was ~20 SIP clients  
and a

single BRI running on a passively cooled Via C7, so not exactly a
powerhouse :-)

Exactly. Run the numbers, its very minimal. Check out asterisk.conf  
settings to stop accepting calls on low memory, etc.

When I get the Freerunner one of the first things I'll be trying  
will be VoIP,
so it's great to see someone at digium looking at this. If it's  
going to gain

openmoko features I might have to look at the GUI again too ;-)

Please do!


You can easily install it over the centos asterisk install.

On Saturday 17 May 2008, Brandon Kruse wrote:


Try to actually edit the config files and then use it :P

From experience, asteriskNOW is my favorite, and the first platform

I am going to get the client to work with automatically.

(I am going to add an 'openmoko' option in the AsteriskGUI)

AsteriskNOW Also has Digital / Analog card support for detecting /
installing / configuring all digium Hardware.

It also has auto provisioning for polycom phones.


But, I work for Digium, so I am somewhat biased right? :P

I will push for more features based on openmoko, in the GUI, however.


On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Al Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 


Another bootable ISO to look at its trixbox

Both make setting up an asterisk server very easy. They also run
reasonably in
a virtual machine. trixbox has a few more bells and whistles;  

this is
good or bad is a matter of opinion, as is preference between the
different GUIs.

On Friday 16 May 2008, Brandon Kruse wrote:


The iaxclient library I am implementing it in supports very very  

bandwidth protocols.

I have made a call of GPRS before, the only thing is the latency,  


somewhat useable still.

I have worked on the GUI for Digium, so go here and install  
asterisk +


asteriskGUI (AsteriskNOW bootable ISO)
to get asterisk up and running quick:

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Travis Tabbal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


As a future user, I'm glad to hear about progress in this area. It


get me to actually set up an Asterisk server. :) Can we really get
the datastream small enough for GPRS?

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Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-17 Thread Brandon Kruse

On May 17, 2008, at 4:19 PM, Andy Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Saturday 17 May 2008 20:55, Brandon Kruse wrote:

I think that it's a dialer function - however it would be nice if  
applications could tell the dialer how to dial. Since dbus seems  
to be
the interface that's going to be used it might be nice to have the  
there too. In essence you can configure this option from the  
dialer or
any other application that sends a message via dbus - this seems  
the most

flexible and
would allow an application to tell the dialer 'Please dial this  

via VOIP'

I am a little confused about where we would want the options (eg  

voip, preferred GSM, etc)

Actually, just thinking about it the dialer could just read the  
settings using
gconf then in the 'system preferences application' you could set  
which you


I remember mickey discussing the strong API for using dbus. I am  

this, as I use
dbus in a lot of other applications, specifically with glib. It's  
as simple

as signal_connect('sig-name, aka new-phone-call', callback_func);

it was a knee jerk  reaction from me ... I'd like to see dbus  
support in the
dialer. The settings stored in the gconf db could be temporarily  

by a dbus call when dialing a number

I will look into the Dialer for this. Obviously this is going to  
take a lot

more work that just getting the underlying iax2 working, it
will almost be enough for 2 separate projects. (Exposing events of  

dialer over dbus, if it is not already, etc).

Um, you can use the ipkg for installation, instructions on

I had a pretty crazy build environment for iaxclient, as it was not
supposed to natively compile for ARM (That was a crazy night.)

Ok, just checked out the source again. iaxclient_moko (in trunk) is  
the one

you want. I am not sure if you can
get it to build, I need to add those kinds of things to the  

script, hence the reason I released the ipkg
so soon :P

The other directories are third party libs that iaxclient depends  
on, that

are also setup to cross-compile.

libogg, portaudio and libspeex compiled ok, although I have to  
change libtool

to say where arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-ranlib was located.

iaxclient_moko however refuses to find the installed portaudio


You should be able to make an iax call with the test client.

After that works great, and the source works/builds ok, then I will  

implementing into the dialer.

Once I can make a call through iax, using the dialer, I will work on
another program (using dbus) for auto-detecting
AP's. (Eg keep scanning, there is probably already a mechanism to  
do this.)

Install the ipkg, and do a testcall --help (it's in /usr/bin or / 

I'll give it a go, I would prefer to build from source if I can fix  
my issue.

Btw, are you currently building freerunner images?

Not that regularly, but it's a trivial thing to switch.

The freerunner images would be great, and its great that you can get  
it to build with the latest toolchain stuff, etc. I might build a  
quick script tonight to go from checkout to ipkg. Anything you can do  
to make it more system universal would rock! (I think I have hardcoded  
paths in a lot of places).

I would love to update the ipkg on the site also.

Thanks for everything scaredy :)


Andy / ScaredyCat

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Openmoko community mailing list

Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-17 Thread Brandon Kruse

On May 17, 2008, at 5:26 PM, Andy Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Saturday 17 May 2008 23:09, Andy Powell wrote:

On Saturday 17 May 2008 22:19, Andy Powell wrote:
libogg, portaudio and libspeex compiled ok, although I have to  

libtool to say where arm-angstrom-linux-gnueabi-ranlib was located.

iaxclient_moko however refuses to find the installed portaudio

Managed to sort that out, then needed to get libtheora. Now it  
wants vidcap

- is there any way to compile without video support ?

Found the last line of the readme :D

Wow! I am so glad I put my build commands in there, yay me!

I will have to read my own readme again. Heh.

Anyways, thank you, the dbus is a great idea. My friend that I bounce  
ideas off of said gconf would be the way to go, I will have to look  
into this, and get more information. I can give you commit access and  
developer on the project, so that you can at least modify readmes if  
nothing else. Everything helps!

Andy / ScaredyCat

Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-17 Thread Brandon Kruse
On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 12:23 PM, Andy Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Saturday 17 May 2008 18:07, Brandon Kruse wrote:
> > >
> > > That's not always a good thing.
> >
> > I agree.
> > Compliance has been extremely difficult.
> >
> Amen!

Another "ugh" for compliance across browsers :(

> > >> Trixbox uses PHP/mysql/apache2, whereas the AsteriskGUI uses the
> > >> builtin
> > >> Asterisk HTTP Server, and javascript files (because we believe that
> > >> there
> > >> should never be unneeded load on the box that your phone calls are
> > >> running
> > >> through. )
> > >
> > > You're still running an http server on your asterisk box. You could
> > > offload
> > > even more by using something like my mysqlswitch and a 2nd box for
> > > mysql +
> > > Apache. In reality most people are either running asterisk at home
> > > where it
> > > doesn't matter or running it 'big time' where the gui is no use /
> > > too slow.
> > >
> > > I
> > > still believe that an internal http server is just so wrong in the
> > > first
> > > place - but you're entitled to your opinion ;)
> >
> > Haha, you should have seen the community response when mark merged
> > that into feature frozen 1.4 ;)
> >
> > We have community members with 2,000 end points and gateways managed
> > through the GUI,

Heh, not sure exactly. Javascript select boxes + 2,000 entries + sorting =
script delay, for sure.
Andthe GUI only works in Firefox 2 and 1.5.

But, we may have something up our sleeve that could be released soon, never
know :)

I am a vi + /etc/asterisk man myself, since that how I was raised. (Way
before GUIs)

> Windows users ;P
> > and editing the files themselves. I say try both!
> > I am just biased.
> :D
> > > Good work with the iax2 integration. Some integration with the
> > > contacts would
> > > be really useful, perhaps a voip number. I have here a Pirelli DP-
> > > L10 sip+gsm
> > > phone which has a really nice feature, the ability to set a
> > > preferred network
> > > to dial from,
> > >
> > > ie
> > > GSM Only
> > > VOIP Only
> > > GSM Preferred
> > > VOIP Preferred
> >
> > This is EXACTLY what I want to do, well put. One semi-concern I have
> > is where to configure this? Your opinion, scaredy, would be great!
> > (for the best place to do this).
> I think that it's a dialer function - however it would be nice if other
> applications could tell the dialer how to dial. Since dbus seems to be the
> interface that's going to be used it might be nice to have the option there
> too. In essence you can configure this option from the dialer or any other
> application that sends a message via dbus - this seems the most flexible
> and
> would allow an application to tell the dialer 'Please dial this number, via

I am a little confused about where we would want the options (eg Preferred
voip, preferred GSM, etc)

I remember mickey discussing the strong API for using dbus. I am loving
this, as I use
dbus in a lot of other applications, specifically with glib. It's as simple
as signal_connect('sig-name, aka new-phone-call', callback_func);

I will look into the Dialer for this. Obviously this is going to take a lot
more work that just getting the underlying iax2 working, it
will almost be enough for 2 separate projects. (Exposing events of the
dialer over dbus, if it is not already, etc).

Um, you can use the ipkg for installation, instructions on

I had a pretty crazy build environment for iaxclient, as it was not supposed
to natively compile for ARM (That was a crazy night.)

Ok, just checked out the source again. iaxclient_moko (in trunk) is the one
you want. I am not sure if you can
get it to build, I need to add those kinds of things to the configuration
script, hence the reason I released the ipkg
so soon :P

The other directories are third party libs that iaxclient depends on, that
are also setup to cross-compile.

You should be able to make an iax call with the test client.

After that works great, and the source works/builds ok, then I will start
implementing into the dialer.

Once I can make a call through iax, using the dialer, I will work on another
program (using dbus) for auto-detecting
AP's. (Eg keep scanning, there is probably already a mechanism to do this.)

> > > obviously well aware, cures this.
> >
> > One port, nat work arounds, best p

Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-17 Thread Brandon Kruse

On May 17, 2008, at 10:31 AM, Andy Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Saturday 17 May 2008 01:06, Brandon Kruse wrote:

One more thing,

The Digium Asterisk-GUI was designed ALL clientside (It is ALL  

That's not always a good thing.

I agree.
Compliance has been extremely difficult.

Trixbox uses PHP/mysql/apache2, whereas the AsteriskGUI uses the  
Asterisk HTTP Server, and javascript files (because we believe that  
should never be unneeded load on the box that your phone calls are  

through. )

You're still running an http server on your asterisk box. You could  
even more by using something like my mysqlswitch and a 2nd box for  
mysql +
Apache. In reality most people are either running asterisk at home  
where it
doesn't matter or running it 'big time' where the gui is no use /  
too slow.

still believe that an internal http server is just so wrong in the  

place - but you're entitled to your opinion ;)

Haha, you should have seen the community response when mark merged  
that into feature frozen 1.4 ;)

We have community members with 2,000 end points and gateways managed  
through the GUI, and editing the files themselves. I say try both!

I am just biased.

Good work with the iax2 integration. Some integration with the  
contacts would
be really useful, perhaps a voip number. I have here a Pirelli DP- 
L10 sip+gsm
phone which has a really nice feature, the ability to set a  
preferred network

to dial from,

GSM Only
GSM Preferred
VOIP Preferred

This is EXACTLY what I want to do, well put. One semi-concern I have  
is where to configure this? Your opinion, scaredy, would be great!  
(for the best place to do this).

Obviously the 'Only' options are just that network, the 'Preferred'  
will try the  preferred method and if that fails (no coverage, no  
wifi etc)
it tries the other. So basically I have it VOIP and it'll fallback  
to GSM
when my asterisk box can't be reached.  The downside is that SIP  
suffers from
so many issues with the separate audio / control paths. IAX2, as  

obviously well aware, cures this.

One port, nat work arounds, best protocol ever. Maybe not best :P

Is this limited to the freerunner just because of wifi or is there  
some other
reason? I'm thinking BT or teathered (sp) would still be useful on  
the gta01.

Absolutely. I have my iax client working through ethernet over usb.  
But right, USB wifi, or usb bt.

Looking forward to getting my grubby paws on it  :D

I value your opinion :)


Andy / ScaredyCat

Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Wireless Cracking / Hacking on the FreeRunner

2008-05-17 Thread Brandon Kruse

I have an atheros chip in my laptop and I can do both modes.

If just monitor mode is supported, I can do most of the penetrations/ 
sniffing anyways.


On May 17, 2008, at 5:16 AM, "Federico Lorenzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

On Sat, May 17, 2008 at 5:28 AM, Brad Midgley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  


There is an email from Andy Green in March saying says we don't have
monitor mode, which I think means no promiscuous mode.

AFAIK monitor mode and promiscuous mode are two different things.
Monitor mode makes the card receive everything going over the air, not
just packets with its SSID, while promiscuous mode allows you to
receive IP traffic not destined for you (in a network connected with a
hub, when you use a switch, things get interesting with ARP hijacking
and the like)


Openmoko community mailing list

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Wireless Cracking / Hacking on the FreeRunner

2008-05-16 Thread Brandon Kruse
I see this now, after reading more in depth about the driver itself.

This could be somewhat of a setback :P

I will have to do some more research, maybe see if they plan on adding
that in the future sometime.

Thanks for the input,


On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 7:29 PM, Steven Kurylo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 6:24 PM, Brandon Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Thank You!
> >
> > And it is the Atheros Chipset, so I will be able to do everything. :)
> There is an email from Andy Green in March saying says we don't have
> monitor mode, which I think means no promiscuous mode.
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Wireless Cracking / Hacking on the FreeRunner

2008-05-16 Thread Brandon Kruse
Thank You!

And it is the Atheros Chipset, so I will be able to do everything. :)

Thank you for the information!

I am going to start working on it now :)

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 8:17 PM, Vinc Duran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm sure I read in another post (or the wiki) that WPA was working at
> least.
> On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 6:03 PM, Brandon Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I have a number of programs that I use, and some that I wrote, for
> > professional security pen testing (with permission).
> >
> > I was thinking of making a quick package for doing this automagically.
> >
> > (btw, does the neo support wpa/wpa2?)
> >
> > At the very least, it can cache enough requests on the wireless network
> > with a couple programs, which you could then brute force on a desktop
> > pc over a few hours / days depending on your machine.
> >
> > You could do the WHOLE wep (64bit and 128bit) crack within 20-30 minutes
> on
> > my 350mghz oldschool
> > dell laptop. Would anyone be interested in this?
> >
> > Dealing with WPA/WPA2 is a bit different, but the key to attack can be
> > 'cached' for brute for on another PC later. (or the NEO if wanted)
> >
> > I would have to see if the drivers support being set in 'promiscuous'
> mode,
> > etc.
> >
> > What do you guys think? Definitely taking the freerunner into a
> completely
> > different
> > market, which I think would be pretty cool.
> >
> > The end result would be to have a program you run, chose a wireless
> network,
> > and then
> > show reports of the program, cracking success/failure, etc.
> >
> >
> > -bk
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: Wireless Cracking / Hacking on the FreeRunner

2008-05-16 Thread Brandon Kruse
weplab/airsnort/sniff2air, and a couple other tools.

It is basically gluing a lot of the tools together for ease-of-use.

I agree that it is a bit of a grey area, maybe I could just have a EULA like
most of the programs involved have anyways.


On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 7:16 PM, ian douglas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Brandon Kruse wrote:
>> What do you guys think? Definitely taking the freerunner into a completely
>> different market, which I think would be pretty cool.
> My $0.02 is that it'd be a handy security test, but also hits a bit of a
> gray area where it could be abused too.
> Is it based on airsnort or something?
> -id
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-16 Thread Brandon Kruse
One more thing,

The Digium Asterisk-GUI was designed ALL clientside (It is ALL javascript).

Trixbox uses PHP/mysql/apache2, whereas the AsteriskGUI uses the builtin
Asterisk HTTP Server, and javascript files (because we believe that there
should never be unneeded load on the box that your phone calls are running
through. )


On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Al Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Another bootable ISO to look at its trixbox
> Both make setting up an asterisk server very easy. They also run reasonably
> in
> a virtual machine. trixbox has a few more bells and whistles; whether this
> is
> good or bad is a matter of opinion, as is preference between the different
> GUIs.
> On Friday 16 May 2008, Brandon Kruse wrote:
> > Yes,
> >
> > The iaxclient library I am implementing it in supports very very low
> > bandwidth protocols.
> >
> > I have made a call of GPRS before, the only thing is the latency, but
> it's
> > somewhat useable still.
> >
> > I have worked on the GUI for Digium, so go here and install asterisk +
> the
> > asteriskGUI (AsteriskNOW bootable ISO)
> > to get asterisk up and running quick:
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Travis Tabbal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > As a future user, I'm glad to hear about progress in this area. It
> might
> > > get me to actually set up an Asterisk server. :) Can we really get the
> > > datastream small enough for GPRS?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Openmoko community mailing list
> > >
> > >
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Wireless Cracking / Hacking on the FreeRunner

2008-05-16 Thread Brandon Kruse
I have a number of programs that I use, and some that I wrote, for
professional security pen testing (with permission).

I was thinking of making a quick package for doing this automagically.

(btw, does the neo support wpa/wpa2?)

At the very least, it can cache enough requests on the wireless network
with a couple programs, which you could then brute force on a desktop
pc over a few hours / days depending on your machine.

You could do the WHOLE wep (64bit and 128bit) crack within 20-30 minutes on
my 350mghz oldschool
dell laptop. Would anyone be interested in this?

Dealing with WPA/WPA2 is a bit different, but the key to attack can be
'cached' for brute for on another PC later. (or the NEO if wanted)

I would have to see if the drivers support being set in 'promiscuous' mode,

What do you guys think? Definitely taking the freerunner into a completely
market, which I think would be pretty cool.

The end result would be to have a program you run, chose a wireless network,
and then
show reports of the program, cracking success/failure, etc.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-16 Thread Brandon Kruse

Try to actually edit the config files and then use it :P

>From experience, asteriskNOW is my favorite, and the first platform
I am going to get the client to work with automatically.

(I am going to add an 'openmoko' option in the AsteriskGUI)

AsteriskNOW Also has Digital / Analog card support for detecting /
installing / configuring all digium Hardware.

It also has auto provisioning for polycom phones.


But, I work for Digium, so I am somewhat biased right? :P

I will push for more features based on openmoko, in the GUI, however.


On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 2:15 PM, Al Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Another bootable ISO to look at its trixbox
> Both make setting up an asterisk server very easy. They also run reasonably
> in
> a virtual machine. trixbox has a few more bells and whistles; whether this
> is
> good or bad is a matter of opinion, as is preference between the different
> GUIs.
> On Friday 16 May 2008, Brandon Kruse wrote:
> > Yes,
> >
> > The iaxclient library I am implementing it in supports very very low
> > bandwidth protocols.
> >
> > I have made a call of GPRS before, the only thing is the latency, but
> it's
> > somewhat useable still.
> >
> > I have worked on the GUI for Digium, so go here and install asterisk +
> the
> > asteriskGUI (AsteriskNOW bootable ISO)
> > to get asterisk up and running quick:
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Travis Tabbal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > As a future user, I'm glad to hear about progress in this area. It
> might
> > > get me to actually set up an Asterisk server. :) Can we really get the
> > > datastream small enough for GPRS?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Openmoko community mailing list
> > >
> > >
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-15 Thread Brandon Kruse
I will do Michael.

That could have been the problem with my 1973 prototype, so thank you for
keeping me updated.

I am hoping to have the packages rebuilt by Friday and start the overall
integration, at least giving
the end user a simple console application to start testing :)

I passed a call via GSM, to make sure the microphone works, and it does.


On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 5:34 PM, Michael Shiloh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Brandon,
> Thanks for the update. This might be the excuse I'm looking for to set up
> Asterisk at home.
> Although I tested your phone before I sent it to you. Unless I made a
> mistake, it worked then. What concerns me is that I do have one other phone
> that doesn't seem to take sound in via the microphone. Please keep us
> informed of what you find there, so we can make sure it's not a
> manufacturing problem.
> Michael
> Brandon Kruse wrote:
>> Hey Guys,
>> Just want to keep the community updated.
>> I was one of the few developers who have received a freerunner (gta02) in
>> the mail a couple days back.
>> Since then I have been updating all my latest packages (,
>> and the mokoiax project page), will check in my code tonight.
>> The goal of this project is to seamlessly tie into the openmoko dialer
>> application as a 'gateway', so that you could chose to dial out over GSM or
>> dial out over IAX2 (wifi, possibly GPRS).
>> I currently just passed a test call, and I am having some issues getting
>> the mic to work properly, but that should not keep me held back for long.
>> If you would like to help in the project, just send me an email. I would
>> love some feedback/suggestions on the project.
>> You are the end user / community / developers, let me know what YOU would
>> like to see!
>> -Brandon Kruse
>> ___
>> Openmoko community mailing list
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-15 Thread Brandon Kruse
On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 5:06 PM, Vinc Duran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Brandon,
> I'm an end-user for the most part.
> Do you think you can get the freerunner to emulate a common ip phone?
> I'm imagining using it with TalkSwitch or any general ip based system.
> Thanks
> On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Brandon Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > Hey Guys,
> >
> > Just want to keep the community updated.
> >
> > I was one of the few developers who have received a freerunner (gta02) in
> > the mail a couple days back.
> >
> > Since then I have been updating all my latest packages (
> > and the mokoiax project page), will check in my code tonight.
> >
> > The goal of this project is to seamlessly tie into the openmoko dialer
> > application as a 'gateway', so that you could chose to dial out over GSM
> or
> > dial out over IAX2 (wifi, possibly GPRS).
> >
> > I currently just passed a test call, and I am having some issues getting
> the
> > mic to work properly, but that should not keep me held back for long.
> >
> > If you would like to help in the project, just send me an email. I would
> > love some feedback/suggestions on the project.
> >
> > You are the end user / community / developers, let me know what YOU would
> > like to see!
> >
> > -Brandon Kruse
> >
> > ___
> > Openmoko community mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list


I started to write a softphone with GTK+ and iaxclient, but then decided to
integrate directly into the phone.

That way, you do not have two different applications that do the same thing
over the same means. In this method, you would open the dialer as normal,
dial your number, and then chose your gateway.

Openmoko community mailing list

Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-15 Thread Brandon Kruse
Encouragement is always helpful :)

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 4:48 PM, steve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Thanks Brandon, we appreciate your contributions.
>  --
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *Brandon Kruse
> *Sent:* Thursday, May 15, 2008 2:00 PM
> *To:* List for Openmoko community discussion
> *Subject:* IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner
> Hey Guys,
> Just want to keep the community updated.
> I was one of the few developers who have received a freerunner (gta02) in
> the mail a couple days back.
> Since then I have been updating all my latest packages (,
> and the mokoiax project page), will check in my code tonight.
> The goal of this project is to seamlessly tie into the openmoko dialer
> application as a 'gateway', so that you could chose to dial out over GSM or
> dial out over IAX2 (wifi, possibly GPRS).
> I currently just passed a test call, and I am having some issues getting
> the mic to work properly, but that should not keep me held back for long.
> If you would like to help in the project, just send me an email. I would
> love some feedback/suggestions on the project.
> You are the end user / community / developers, let me know what YOU would
> like to see!
> -Brandon Kruse
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-15 Thread Brandon Kruse

The iaxclient library I am implementing it in supports very very low
bandwidth protocols.

I have made a call of GPRS before, the only thing is the latency, but it's
somewhat useable still.

I have worked on the GUI for Digium, so go here and install asterisk + the
asteriskGUI (AsteriskNOW bootable ISO)
to get asterisk up and running quick:

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Travis Tabbal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> As a future user, I'm glad to hear about progress in this area. It might
> get me to actually set up an Asterisk server. :) Can we really get the
> datastream small enough for GPRS?
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-15 Thread Brandon Kruse

Basically, when the source can be built into an ipkg pretty easily.

I want someone to test the "testcall" application I ported to see about
audio quality, controls, etc.


On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 4:11 PM, Steven Kurylo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 1:59 PM, Brandon Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > The goal of this project is to seamlessly tie into the openmoko dialer
> > application as a 'gateway', so that you could chose to dial out over GSM
> or
> > dial out over IAX2 (wifi, possibly GPRS).
> >
> > If you would like to help in the project, just send me an email. I would
> > love some feedback/suggestions on the project.
> What kind of help are you looking for?
> When I get a freerunner I'll definitely want to do iax to my asterisk
> server.
> --
> Steven Kurylo
> ___
> Openmoko community mailing list
Openmoko community mailing list

IAX2/Asterisk + Openmoko FreeRunner

2008-05-15 Thread Brandon Kruse
Hey Guys,

Just want to keep the community updated.

I was one of the few developers who have received a freerunner (gta02) in
the mail a couple days back.

Since then I have been updating all my latest packages (,
and the mokoiax project page), will check in my code tonight.

The goal of this project is to seamlessly tie into the openmoko dialer
application as a 'gateway', so that you could chose to dial out over GSM or
dial out over IAX2 (wifi, possibly GPRS).

I currently just passed a test call, and I am having some issues getting the
mic to work properly, but that should not keep me held back for long.

If you would like to help in the project, just send me an email. I would
love some feedback/suggestions on the project.

You are the end user / community / developers, let me know what YOU would
like to see!

-Brandon Kruse
Openmoko community mailing list

Re: VoIP+IAX Program Theory for OM

2008-02-22 Thread Brandon Kruse
Aside from those who run their own asterisk server, remember those who  
just use an iax itsp!

Anyways, I have been working on the core and backend library  
(iaxclient) of mokoiax.

You can read about a release I did of a command line based version for  
the openmoko (installable through ipkg) on

I am also looking for developers.

To give a quick idea, I started working on a gtk version (mokoiax)  
designed specifically for the moko when I then realized why not tie it  
into the dialer application itself?

Anyways, let me know your thoughts.

Let me know if you want to help by emailing me at this address or [EMAIL 
( this is in no way affiliated with digium, I just happen to work  
there :) )

Brandon Kruse (bkruse)

On Feb 22, 2008, at 8:13 AM, Jonathan Spooner <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

I too run my own asterisk server.  I'd think IAX support on an OM  
client would be critical (at least untill were all on ipv6).  The  
only reason you'd run a voip client on OM is so you can roam from  
voip to GSM with a preference to VOIP when wifi is available so  
supporting IAX would make this as painful as possible.

Excellent idea!  I'd be happy to help with anything other than  
coding once I get a freerunner.



Kyle Bassett wrote:

Thanks for all the input!

To clarify:
I have already set this this system up using linux/win/mac IAX  
clients and
it works great.  Reliability is very high (no failures within the 4  

I've had it up) with my dedicated asterisk server running off my DSL
connection (QoS on with a linux router).  If the asterisk server  

reach me via a VoIP connection, it fallsback to calling my cell phone
number.  If the asterisk box fails for whatever reason, my VoIP  
provider has
a fallback number to dial as well.  The asterisk server just has a  
account for inbound and outbound calls, no analog lines are  

The cost benefit here would be the ability to accept a lower plan  
from your
cell provider (possibly data-only when 3G is available?), or even  
use a
prepaid service with the smartphone.  I am currently using a per- 
VoIP/POTS termination plan with no monthly fee, which works out to  
be much

cheaper with the lower cellular plan.

I have not wrote the application as of yet, I wanted to gauge  
interest for a

project like this.  If I do write this application, I would like to
implement encryption along the way.  In addition, I would set up an  
box at our business location for testing within a larger userbase.   
reason I prefer to use a full asterisk system is the ability to  
integrate it

within our business.

I prefer IAX over SIP because it is NAT routeable, whereas SIP has  
issues with firewall traversal.  In reality, the client should  
support both.

Keep it coming! :-)



OpenMoko community mailing list

Jonathan Spooner
Nationwilcox Systems Ltd
Tel: 0121 3544345

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Re: VoIP+IAX Program Theory for OM

2008-02-22 Thread Brandon Kruse

Brandon Kruse (bkruse)

On Feb 22, 2008, at 2:52 AM, "Sébastien Lorquet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Hi all,

Not really the main subject of the thread, but let me recall that  
UMA is not possible on OpenMoko, since it requires direct access to  
the internals of the GSM modem (SIM access and others).

Moreover, at least in France, it's "forbidden" to use 3G data links  
to transfer VoIP steams. Just because it would be cheaper than voice  
plans, I guess :)

OpenMoko community mailing list
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: proprietary firmware

2008-02-15 Thread Brandon Kruse

On Feb 15, 2008, at 3:49 PM, joerg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am Fr  15. Februar 2008 schrieb Brandon Kruse:

In that case it is not an open phone or platform.
It's a philosophical question, where "open" has it's limits. E.g.  
you probably
consider a plain vanilla x86 GNU/linux desktop system to be pretty  
much "true

open". However i guess you have no idea at all of the firmware that's
managing your harddisk in this system. That's for a simple reason: IDE
interface is age old (and so all HD's (SATA, SCSII) inherited this  
way we are
looking at these devices), it is "just working", and it's well  
Virtually nobody cares about the firmware behind this interface,  
because it doesn't have a chance to stop you from doing anything you  
like on
the _main_system_. I'm almost certain there's a hacker somewhere out  
who likes to mod his HD so the head motors will produce funny  
sounds, and
another one thinks he can tune transfer rates even another 10k/s.  
However i

never seen FOSS HD firmware.

Point taken. My opinion is versus things that COULD change and things  
that will never change, good point though.

It is well worth the
investigation to go fully open somehow IMO.
Sure. But it's a silly idea to try and force the subsystem  
manufacturers by
refusing to support their closed source firmware updates. When  
Seagate comes
with a DOS-only firmware updater to add some cool new features to  
drives, OM says "No, it's not FOSS!". Seagate (or here, the chip  
fabs) don't
care. But OM deprives NEO owners of any means to have a new firmware  
these subsystems. If a user doesn't like to have closed source on  
his device,
she is free delete or not install it. But OM will not achieve  
anything by
refusing to provide closed source drivers. I think all they get is a  

number of returns, or less sales (at least for me).
And OM(!) isn't willing or able to provide circuit diagrams, so any  
drivers are extremely hard to develop. In my opinion they can't do  
refuse to support closed source updates *and* keep the hw specs  
closed. Not

if they care about their customers.
Not to mention, NEO will not be "open" at all as long as the  
hardware is

a 'big mystery'. A laugh to start with closed firmware topic.

Also agreed. I would love an API decided by the community, not sure  
that would ever work but would be great. Point above, stallman uses an  
OLPC (open hardware) and for the things that are availinle as open  
(orinoco wireless) he has the on board wireless disabled.

If there is no way to open what we want, our option is to sit and die  
in wait of such, or move on with an API decided by us (which pooint  
you made and I agree, would be great)

But I guess we could be like olpc and have a MOSTLY open platform
(wifi chip is not, as you could have guessed)
I'd like it more to see OM pushing manufacturers to provide a  
guaranteed API,
which is specified by community, and not to care about _how_ the  
achieve to fulfill this contract. Than to nag manufacturers to open  
sources of firmware, "because we can do better, and do not want to  
use what

we paid for".


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OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Request for assistance: Need a wiki page for buying and selling GTA01

2008-02-15 Thread Brandon Kruse

I am down, and do not think anyone will abuse this here.

I am worried that scams might go on and how to protect this (escrow is  
a good option)

With that regard, it would be great for people that have 01's to put  
that cash towards an 02.

Brandon Kruse (bkruse)

On Feb 15, 2008, at 4:16 PM, Michael Shiloh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Hi Community,

I need your help.

Having completely sold out of GTA01, we are still getting a large  
number of requests for them.

On the other hand, many of you intend to purchase a GTA02 and  
perhaps feel you have no use for your GTA01.

Some of you might have other reasons to sell your GTA01.

I'd like a wiki page to allow these buyers and sellers to find each  

We have a wiki page for GTA01 owners who lived in 850 MHz-only areas  
to sell their units; perhaps this page can be repurposed for this  
broader issue.

Perhaps we call this the OpenMoko flea market.



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OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: proprietary firmware

2008-02-15 Thread Brandon Kruse
In that case it is not an open phone or platform. It is well worth the  
investigation to go fully open somehow IMO.

But I guess we could be like olpc and have a MOSTLY open platform  
(wifi chip is not, as you could have guessed)

Brandon Kruse (bkruse)

On Feb 15, 2008, at 1:22 PM, Mikhail Umorin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am not sure if this made it to the list...

How about a closed-source firmware update application/startup module  
and a

specification of an API
(not necessarily constant, just public) for each chip with closed  


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OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Mono development in openmoko

2008-02-01 Thread Brandon Kruse
I am not bashing on enthusiasm, but why do you guys chose to develop  
in a language that hates freedom?

Especially on this platform :/

Brandon Kruse (bkruse)

On Feb 1, 2008, at 9:34 AM, "Jae Stutzman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We are developing for OpenMoko within mono. So far so good! We are
currently command line (no gui yet). But it definitely is a nice
environment to use. Startup time is a little slow, so AOT compilation
would probably help out there.

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OpenMoko community mailing list

What soft phone to port?

2008-01-30 Thread Brandon Kruse
I am going to fully port a sip client (besides the iax client I am  
already working on)

This is a flame-free thread :)

I want your input on what sip client you like, why, and in your  
opinion, how easy would it be to adapt to the OM platform?

Take into account portability and libraries.

Btw asterisk on the moko was my idea, it was for proof of concept and  
fun, really not a soft client. Not what it is meant to do. (even  
though chan_alsa does work :) )

Brandon Kruse (bkruse)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gizmo for Skype-like functionality in Neo?

2008-01-30 Thread Brandon Kruse

On Jan 30, 2008, at 11:32 AM, Jeremiah Flerchinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

the serverless instant messenger (Qt gui)
will have soon as well VOIP and VIDEO Chat, and this is quite good  
for openmoko, as this is an encrypted one,

so you are safe, that no third party is hearing your Voips.

> (

Other options are and   
both do SIP.  I know about Ekiga because it ships with Ubuntu, and  

completely open source.  I don't know that much about OpenWengo.

Ekiga is just a client package and doesn't contain a server  
component, like asterisk.  There is also linPhone ( 
), which is built with GTK and has core/gui seperation.  That might  
be nice for direct integration into the OpenMoko GUI and for people  
who don't want to run an entire asterisk server on their phone.

Yes, agreed. I ported asterisk as a proof of concept and to help me  
understand the build process.

Besides, you cannot run asterisk with sip and/or iax and an sip/iax  
client (udp bind port)

-brandon kruse.___
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gizmo for Skype-like functionality in Neo?

2008-01-30 Thread Brandon Kruse
Just go to the asterisk GUI web interface I can package it up now  
and works in the OM browser.

Brandon Kruse (bkruse)

On Jan 30, 2008, at 11:06 AM, "Christopher Earl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

may as well just wait for the asterisk GUI cause OM uses GTK not QT  
so it would require some serious editing, however the serverless  
idea is good
"Michael Schmidt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/30/08 12:00 PM  

the serverless instant messenger (Qt gui)
will have soon as well VOIP and VIDEO Chat, and this is quite good for
openmoko, as this is an encrypted one,
so you are safe, that no third party is hearing your Voips.

On Jan 30, 2008 5:47 PM, Colan Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 06:13:17PM -0700, Jeremiah Flerchinger wrote:
Has anyone who actually has hardware right now tried/had luck  
running a
full featured VOIP application in OpenMoko?  I'd much rather see  

Skype, especially since it looks like it's integrated into  

( and is based on open standards (and


It also looks like Gizmo directly supports the Maemo on the Nokia  


Other options are and   
both do SIP.  I know about Ekiga because it ships with Ubuntu, and  

completely open source.  I don't know that much about OpenWengo.
Colan Schwartz
Internet Consultant  |  Openject Consulting  |

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Re: Gizmo for Skype-like functionality in Neo?

2008-01-30 Thread Brandon Kruse
I have ported asterisk and the Ipkg is available at  
along with a beta cli iax client.

Having problems with binding to the mic...but we will see.

Brandon Kruse (bkruse)

On Jan 30, 2008, at 10:51 AM, "Christopher Earl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

you can do calls with asterisk, its just all console for now the  
command is 'console dial [EMAIL PROTECTED]'

and it is also a server

Colan Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/30/08 11:47 AM >>>

On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 06:13:17PM -0700, Jeremiah Flerchinger wrote:
Has anyone who actually has hardware right now tried/had luck  
running a
full featured VOIP application in OpenMoko?  I'd much rather see  
Gizmo than
Skype, especially since it looks like it's integrated into  
( and is based on open standards (and  

It also looks like Gizmo directly supports the Maemo on the Nokia  


Other options are and   
both do SIP.  I know about Ekiga because it ships with Ubuntu, and  

completely open source.  I don't know that much about OpenWengo.
Colan Schwartz
Internet Consultant  |  Openject Consulting  |

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OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gizmo for Skype-like functionality in Neo?

2008-01-30 Thread Brandon Kruse

On Jan 30, 2008, at 10:47 AM, Colan Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Tue, Jan 29, 2008 at 06:13:17PM -0700, Jeremiah Flerchinger wrote:
Has anyone who actually has hardware right now tried/had luck  
running a
full featured VOIP application in OpenMoko?  I'd much rather see  
Gizmo than
Skype, especially since it looks like it's integrated into  
( and is based on open standards (and  

It also looks like Gizmo directly supports the Maemo on the Nokia  


Other options are and   
both do SIP.  I know about Ekiga because it ships with Ubuntu, and  

completely open source.  I don't know that much about OpenWengo.
Colan Schwartz
Internet Consultant  |  Openject Consulting  |

OpenMoko community mailing list

Ekiga would be absolutely amazing. A major port job (gtk wise) but  
everything else should be simple to integrate for an application  
developer. Great suggestion.

-brandon kruse 

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Gizmo for Skype-like functionality in Neo?

2008-01-30 Thread Brandon Kruse

I am working in an iax2 gtk client now, check out

(mokoiax) I then plan to port a sip client (nothing like gizmo)

Gizmo hates freedom. Its closed. Please do not turn this mostly open  
platform into a commercial playground.

Brandon Kruse (bkruse)

On Jan 29, 2008, at 7:13 PM, Jeremiah Flerchinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:

Has anyone who actually has hardware right now tried/had luck  
running a full featured VOIP application in OpenMoko?  I'd much  
rather see Gizmo than Skype, especially since it looks like it's  
integrated into GrandCentral ( and is  
based on open standards (and closed source).
It also looks like Gizmo directly supports the Maemo on the Nokia  
N800 (

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Mokoiax - The beginning of the IAX2 Client released (cli)

2008-01-27 Thread Brandon Kruse
Hey guys, I just got iaxclient ported (which was a little more difficult)
and working.

I have it NOT depending on libportaudio but rather binding to alsa itself

It has some bugs, like right now when it only binds to the speaker and not
mic, have to figure it out.

Anyways, install this ipkg and then run testcall -u username -p password -h
ip extension and at least

listen and send dtmf etc etc.

This is not only the testcall program, but the iaxclient library itself, so
any program that

runs using iaxclient can be easily ported. (source code)

OpenMoko community mailing list

Asterisk Release for the Openmoko Platform

2008-01-26 Thread Brandon Kruse
Hey guys,

I just wanted to tell you I just got done rolling the termcap-compat, speex,
and asterisk ipkg's.

They are available for download at as an ipkg and source
available for checkout.

Let me know what you guys think, this could bring tons of expansion.

The main reason I did this is to learn more about the moko platform and
porting apps, now I will continue to work on the gtk softphone for the
openmoko, mokoiax.

Just wanted to give a shout out, and thanks for the community helping me
with everything! :]

OpenMoko community mailing list

Subversion 302 error -- anyone else?

2008-01-26 Thread Brandon Kruse
If you guys have ever developed on, the http svn
server is messed up.

If I ever try to add a file that is not a full directory (eg import; svn add
blah; svn ci -m "test") does not work
and I get the error message:

svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/svnroot/project/trunk/crosscompilation'
svn: PROPFIND of '/svnroot/project/trunk/crosscompilation': 302 Found (

This has happend for both my projects mokoiax and asterisk on the moko.

You CAN fix this by adding:
ErrorHandler 404 default
In the svn http config file, so that the svn client interperts 404's a 404's
and not as Redirects (which svn client sees as 'found')



OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: Any OS X developers out there working with OpenMoko?

2008-01-25 Thread Brandon Kruse

In response to your company, it is coming.

Besides, why not used the iPhone dev kit (hacked one) it probably  
exposes more than the iPhone kit will.

Don't even start to think that the sound API will be released to you.

Brandon Kruse (bkruse)

On Jan 25, 2008, at 4:31 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is my impression wrong or have you all already bought an iPodTouch or
iPhone and waits for the SDK?

Please raise your hands...

Nikolaus (hns)

(Hand is raised.)

Guilty as charged.  As I have mentioned before,  the iPhone is a  
"Golden Form Factor" device.  I think of it more as a "Quarter  
Tablet Personal Computer" than as a phone these days.

Then why do I stay subscribed to the OpenMoko list you ask?

I dream.

I dream of the day that some company will realise that I (and about  
6 billion other guys) are willing to pay many hundreds of dollars  
for a device that:

...duplicates the iPhone's form factor, screen resolution, control  
layout and other basic features and functionality.

...duplicates or betters the iPhone's battery performance.
...has an integrated non-slip silicone jacketed case.
...has and integrated GPS receiver, or comes with a Bluetooth remote  

...supports an IR or Bluetooth portable keyboard.
...has an integrated "Picture Frame" type angle stand that will let  
you sit the device on a flat surface in portrait or landscape mode  

...runs open software like OpenMoko.

Sorry, but FreeRunner does not come close to hitting this mark.

Hopefully, FIC has secretly squirreled dozens of engineers away in  
bomb proof caverns deep inside the mighty Swiss alps who are  
feverishly slaving away on thier iPhone killer at this very moment  
and are mere minutes away from stunning the whole world with their  
amazing achievement.

Or maybe not.

So I continue to dream my dreamy little dreams.


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Re: What are pros and cons of the different devel environments: qtopia, android, openmoko

2008-01-16 Thread Brandon Kruse

For one, if I understand correctly, android is all thanks.

With the whole openmoko "build your app package fast" tutorial (dev  
kit), certainly makes it more appealing.

Brandon Kruse (bkruse)

On Jan 16, 2008, at 7:00 PM, Michael Shiloh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

Lorn reminds me that there is another option in the "open source  
Linux frameworks for mobile devices" space. (I think SVHMPC wanted  
to include Trolltech as well. Not sure what happened.) (And of  
course there are other options besides these three.)

So the questions remain: What features make you choose one over the  

And in particular, regarding Lorn's point below, how do you feel  
about the different APIs?

By the way, this is not meant to start an "us vs. them" battle. I'm  
not out to prove that one is better than the other.

Android, Qtopia, and OpenMoko are all different, and each is aimed  
at a different type of developer. I'm interested in understanding  
what those differences are, and how they influence a developer's  


 Original Message 
Subject: Re: New to OpenMoko
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2008 10:45:27 +1000
From: Lorn Potter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: List for OpenMoko community discussion >
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],List for OpenMoko community discussion >

andy selby wrote:

* ..Err help me out here Lorn

u, better programming API? ;)

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Re: What cryptographic services are available in OpenMoko?

2008-01-13 Thread Brandon Kruse
For starts, being secure does not mean faster, you will have to  
encrypt and decrypt which is overhead, thus slower.

As far as encryption libraries, in C you have access to libssl and  
libcrypto which are both usable for C program socket based encryption.

Now I do not understand what you mean by implementing this in  

Javaacript is a clientside language, so the security is in what you  
program and what can be exploitable through specific browsers.

The only other thing I can get out of what you are saying is the  
security of the browser.

Please try to give me more information on what you mean :)

Please fill me in on this cryptography over the "sim". :)

Brandon Kruse (bkruse)

On Jan 13, 2008, at 5:28 AM, Bogdan Bivolaru  

Hello free software lovers,

For a start, I can barely wait until I get my Neo1973 device.

Now on topic: What cryptographic services are available in OpenMoko?
I would like to know if OpenMoko provides access to its  
cryptographic library and if this cryptographic library is  
accessible in a javascript in the web browser. Will I be able to use  
the cryptographic services offered by the SIM (for faster, more  
secure TLS/SSL processing)?

I am  developing a web site for mobile browsing and I would like to  
demonstrate it under OpenMoko. I study Information Security in  
college and this is my graduation project.

Thanks in advance,

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Re: root

2008-01-10 Thread Brandon Kruse

Great, when can I expect your patch?

Btw, same conceptually, I like to call that particular rambling an  


On Jan 10, 2008, at 4:57 PM, Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen  

Thursday 10 January 2008 skrev Brandon Kruse:

Kde and gnome take that precaution with gtk based Sudo when you login
as a normal user (at least in debian/ubuntu) and I like that method.

 Not entirely... KDE uses kdesu or kdesudo (depending on  
distribution), and

even Kubuntu uses a Qt/KDE based dialog, not a gtk based one :) Some
distributions also use a more granular system of permissions called
kapabilities[1], developed for Ark Linux, which gives a specific  
user rights
to use very specific tools. This particular system rubs me very much  

right way.


..Dan // Leinir..

 or no

 - Piet Hein

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Re: root

2008-01-10 Thread Brandon Kruse

I cannot speak for them, but look at your market place.

Not secure servers but mobile telephony.

The phone is as secure as you make it, and they have faith in the  
programs that are on there.

Heck you could even make a security package to lock it down a little  
for those who want something extra.

Anyone else?


On Jan 10, 2008, at 4:30 PM, Denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So why did OpenMoko developers decided to run everything as root?

2008/1/11, Brandon Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Good luck easily hacking over a GPRS connection. Make your password
longer than 6 characters, a ban after retry attempts, take it off  

22 and that will save 95% of attacks from script kiddies. (everything
I listed is controllable on sshd_config, I believe)

Just imho it helps, opinion and experience :)

But overall, I agree, but your privileges are only as safe as your
(eg when you run a socket based process as root, you trust it.)

However, you make a good point :)

Kde and gnome take that precaution with gtk based Sudo when you login
as a normal user (at least in debian/ubuntu) and I like that method.


On Jan 10, 2008, at 3:43 PM, Denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But as far as I understand it's not secure, esp. for a device with
wi-fi, bluetooth, gprs and running ssh daemon! Linux gives us a  

power of user privilegies management but we waste it. Woldn't it be
better to run everything as an unprivileged user, or at least ask  

password at first run time?

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Re: root

2008-01-10 Thread Brandon Kruse
Good luck easily hacking over a GPRS connection. Make your password  
longer than 6 characters, a ban after retry attempts, take it off port  
22 and that will save 95% of attacks from script kiddies. (everything  
I listed is controllable on sshd_config, I believe)

Just imho it helps, opinion and experience :)

But overall, I agree, but your privileges are only as safe as your  

(eg when you run a socket based process as root, you trust it.)

However, you make a good point :)

Kde and gnome take that precaution with gtk based Sudo when you login  
as a normal user (at least in debian/ubuntu) and I like that method.


On Jan 10, 2008, at 3:43 PM, Denis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

But as far as I understand it's not secure, esp. for a device with
wi-fi, bluetooth, gprs and running ssh daemon! Linux gives us a great
power of user privilegies management but we waste it. Woldn't it be
better to run everything as an unprivileged user, or at least ask for
password at first run time?

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OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: United Built Homes, Real Estate Leads 101: Back to the Basics Pt. 2

2008-01-04 Thread Brandon Kruse

/me checks the from address

Wait, this is not my real estate list...

Would you really inquire email from an email username candyshop? :/

Brandon Kruse (bkruse)

On Jan 4, 2008, at 5:10 AM, "Super Star" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

United Built Homes, Real Estate Leads 101: Back to the Basics Pt. 2

In our last Real Estate Leads 101 course, we went over the basics of  
real estate leads: what they are, and why they're the lifeblood of  
real estate. Now it is time to go over what an agent should be doing  
constantly with their real estate leads or every time they get a  
lead. In other words, let's go over a basic follow up system and  
what your real estate leads expect. (Visit  for more information on  
As mentioned in the previous article, real estate leads are clients  
in training ? and they are a client till they buy or die ? in other  
works, until they are contracted with another agent, they are your  
client. Every lead should be treated with the same attention and  
respect an agent would provide to their top clients. Sometimes it  
can take months and years to contract your real estate leads,  
sometimes it takes a week. The most successful agents start each of  
their real estate leads with the belief that it is the beginning of  
a long-term relationship.

It is important to follow up IMMEDIATELY when you receive real  
estate leads, whether it's from your website, through a lead  
generation company, or contact form from an open house somebody  
filled out. Start contacting them right away. Real estate leads will  
take notice of how responsive an agent it even before they commit to  
anything. If an agent can impress a lead with their commitment, they  
may have just turned them into a client.

The United States has long been in an ?instant gratification? state  
of mind, an the prevalence and advances of the Internet have only  
increased that mind set. The majority of people who wind up buying  
or selling a home go online to begin the real estate process. They  
expect immediate response to their inquiries ? in other words,  
instant gratification. These are real estate leads just WAITING to  
be farmed!

Disturbingly, the California Association of Realtors conducted their  
annual study of Internet buyers and sellers and found that 48% of  
Internet real estate leads are being ignored. Nearly HALF of all  
real estate leads submitted online are ignored by real estate  
agents! It is possible that many are considered ?bogus? by the  
agents who receive them and are scrapped. It's also likely that many  
agents who have been in the business for decades just aren't willing  
to learn the technology needed to be a power head in the real estate  
game in 2007. Your cell phone, PDA, email and Internet are the basic  
marketing tools of today.

Real estate leads expect immediate response from the Internet, and  
it's up to you to provide it and be available to them. The best case  
scenario of follow-up when real estate leads are received: the agent  
is driving to the lead's house while using their cellphone to call  
for an appointment as your assistant at the office is e-mailing the  
lead your contact info and working on a letter of interest for their  

Of course that scenario isn't always possible, but you should always  
be doing as much as you can to get a hold of your real estate leads  
the first day you receive them. The ultimate goal is to get an  
appointment. The more time that elapses, the less likely you are to  
secure the lead. Maybe another agent contacts them, maybe they  
change their mind about listing, maybe they decide to go with their  
brother in law as an agent. Whatever the case may be, if you are the  
first agent to reach the real estate leads, your chances of  
converting them to clients just skyrocketed!

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Gforge / Monitoring SVN Commits

2007-12-14 Thread Brandon Kruse
Hey guys,

I have been editing my project on (mokoiax)

I have been developing, and started to use the svn, however, I am not
getting my svn commit messages in the cvs-commits mailing list. (Of course
the obvious, cvs != svn) but gforge has the ability to do svn commit mailing

I think this iax client will be popular and beneficial :]

Thanks for everything!

-Brandon Kruse (bkruse)
OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: /. : Feds Have Access To Cellphone Tracking On Request

2007-11-25 Thread Brandon Kruse

I agree with you, obey the law.

But many people want privacy at all costs, even if they are obeying  
the law.

I know its a distorted idea and thought, but people want the ability  
to not be limited, and the ability to do something illegal :P


On Nov 25, 2007, at 6:19 PM, flexd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If you just obey the law, when will they ever need to track you?

justin daly skrev: 

please don't let the rest of the world fall under the same privacy  

i wholeheartedly support this open platform that gives its users  
the control to turn -any- of its radios on or off at will (of the  

thank you fic and openmoko! i can't wait to get some of these for  
my friends...

justin daly

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

OpenMoko community mailing list

Qemu Optimzations.

2007-07-22 Thread Brandon Kruse

I wanted to start this thread to give new users (mainly developers) a thread
to look at for qemu based optimization.

Obviously there is an extra layer of translation involved (unless your
running your applications natively, outside the qemu or virtual machine

With that said, has anyone had any luck with optimizing your qemu
configuration for a speed/performance increase?

Of course, with the translation of code, your not going to get peak
performance, but im sure there are some flags you can set in qemu, or
line flags to speed up the process.

Any Luck?

Either that, or post your qemu configurations for support with USB,
Networking, etc.

Will post mine soon,

OpenMoko community mailing list

Skeleton Application for developers?

2007-07-22 Thread Brandon Kruse

In the devs opinion, what is the best openmoko application to look at to
start building your own app?

Should there be a skeleton application that is highly commented and explains
the lower level api and gtk bindings, etc?

OpenMoko community mailing list

Re: X Server MultiTouch Support

2007-07-14 Thread Brandon Kruse

I agree Joshua.

Have seen this vid awhile back, it would be great. We all the onscreen
keyboard wont be so great with single touch, its just a fact.

Something like this would change everything, and, as mentioned in the
article, would make it so that you could use compiz also?

A cube on your phone? It would be just plain insane.


On 7/14/07, Joshua Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Some other people have already added MultiTouch support to X Server. All
that would be needed would be a screen capable of recognizing this.


~  All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do
nothing. ~
OpenMoko community mailing list

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