Re: [computer-go] Strong programs on cgos 19x19?

2010-02-18 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 10:30:56AM +0100, Jean-loup Gailly wrote:
It's exactly the same software. The only difference is that is
running on 23 cores. I am amazed at how well MCTS scales on 19x19.

It would be interesting to know how well Pachi scales on KGS against
ranked humans vs a single core version. It's well established that
monte carlo scales well against itself, but there's very little data
against humans, especially in the near dan range.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Strong programs on cgos 19x19?

2010-02-18 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Thu, Feb 18, 2010 at 02:57:32PM +0100, Jean-loup Gailly wrote:
Yes it would be interesting but it's a bit difficult to run this
The software and its parameters is constantly changing. We can't
create a new kgs bot for every new version or parameter change,
it wouldn't have enough time to get a rating. Also people escape
more often against bots, it takes time to get these escaped games
counted in favor of the bot.

I'd argue that measuring performance against humans is the main
challenge now. Beating up other monte carlo bots with bigger hardware
isn't very interesting. The way to get good measurements is to put a
stake in the sand and let it run, preferably with somewhere between 15
and 30 seconds byo-yomi.

However, I don't really have the hardware or inclination to run the
test myself, so I won't harp on the issue.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Congratulations to Fuego!

2010-01-11 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 11:29:33PM +, Nick Wedd wrote:
 Congratulations to Fuego, clear winner of yesterday's KGS bot  

 My report is at,
 probably with the usual errors.  I hope you will report these to me so  
 that I can correct them.

From your report: In round 15, gomorra9 and pachi [...] The game was
counted as a win to Black; I don't know how it was counted this way,
but Black did deserve to win the game.

The score was correct by area scoring. Black gained enough points via
captures and also because White passed a few times when Black didn't.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Mathematical Go

2009-11-28 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 06:25:10PM -0500, wrote:
It's the only pulication on Go that qualify as science.

I'd say it's more math than science. It's completely theory based and
has little if any practical applicaton.

There are plenty of quality, scientific papers that have been
published on Go.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-24 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 03:06:51PM +0100, Vlad Dumitrescu wrote:

 So the only difference in play is when losing, one has to keep trying
 to lose as little as possible, resigning isn't an option. When ahead,
 there's no reason to try to win big, unless the goal is to reach a
 certain amount of points in a certain number of games. (Programs
 aren't greedy in the same way we people are :-)

Let's assume that the program will play for a gambler, and will play
many (an indefinite number) of independent games. Then I think no
reason to try to win big is wrong. The rational approach to gambling
is to maximize your expected value for each game. So now the problem
becomes harder -- you have to realistically guess the risk vs reward
over a spectrum of points.

I think this game is clearly more difficult than a binary win/loss

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-24 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 03:57:37PM +0100, Vlad Dumitrescu wrote:

 Yes, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the strategy should be to
 push each game to the limit. Trying to win with a large margin is less
 safe than with a small one, so it depends on the gambler's mindset.

That's why I said expected value, and specified an indefinite number
of independent games. In this case, the only rational play is to judge
the winning percentage for each move and weight it against the
value. Mindset has nothing to do with it in this situation. This is
standard gambling behavior for this kind of game.

 And also possibly add knowledge about the opponent(s).

This problem is applicable to the standard win/loss game too --
programs are sometimes tuned against other programs. For the sake of
discussion, I'm assuming that you know nothing about the other player
and just assume best play from him.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-24 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 04:19:45PM +0100, Vlad Dumitrescu wrote:
 Sure. But different gamblers have different break-even limits, i.e.
 different mindsets. Some are cautious and prefer 80% for those 25
 points; some are reckless and would go for B even with 60%.

No professional gambler, if he had the numbers laid out for him, would
ever choose unoptimal play, not when he's playing for the long
term. The computer, in the same way, would have to be modeled to
maximize expected value. Nothing else makes sense.

In a single game with high stakes, yes mindset (risk aversion, your
finances, etc) might come into it. But that is exactly why I specified
the long term scenario.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Hahn system tournament and MC bots

2009-11-24 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 12:11:55AM +0100, Stefan Kaitschick wrote:

 A professional gambler has a 2 step task.
 1. Find a weaker player (aka fish)
 So the whole idea of optimizing the score it totally besides the point.

I was using the professional gambler as a rational player in an
idealized and defined setting. The point was to get around all the
talk about player modelling, gods and devils, fish, and whatnot. 

Sure all of that other stuff is interesting and appropriate in a real
setting, but the discussion wasn't getting anwhere. Even a
professional poker player looking for fish or playing in tournaments
understands the basic probabilities and fundamental concepts like
implied odds that have nothing to do with psychology or player skill.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Great Wall Opening by Bruce Wilcox

2009-10-18 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Sun, Oct 18, 2009 at 09:57:45PM +0200, Ingo Althöfer wrote:
 I forgot to make clear the following:
 * I own some go programs, but only with commercial interfaces.
   So I have to start each new test game by hand.

Why not just use one of the free and strong monte carlo programs that
work with GTP, like Feugo for example? Even if there is a difference
of a few stones in strength the results would still be of interest,
and you wouldn't be stuck doing it by hand.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Dynamic komi at high handicaps

2009-08-19 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 07:27:00AM -0700, terry mcintyre wrote:
Consider the game when computer is black, with 7 stones against a very
strong human opponent.
Computer thinks every move is a winning move; it plays randomly; a
half-point win is as good as a 70-point win.

Didn't this game actually happen? Didn't MoGo *beat* a pro with 7
stones? Did it play randomly?

Don't the monte carlo bots frequently win as White when giving
handicap stones on KGS?

I think we need some real statistical evidence that this problem is
even worth talking about, aside from stylistic issues. I'm not the
first to say this, but I think it bears repeating.

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] time measurement

2009-02-03 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, 2009-02-03 at 10:41 +, Nick Wedd wrote:
 Providers of Go servers claim that it would be pointless to try to 
 implement client-side time, as players would be able to cheat by hacking 
 their clients and fiddling with the clock.  I don't doubt that they 
 would try to cheat, indeed I know that they would;  but providers of 
 chess servers have been able to prevent cheating.  As I understand it, 
 their clients perform CRC checks on themselves to ensure that they have 
 not been hacked, and the packets they send are CRC-checked by the server 
 to ensure that the packets have not been hacked.

And how does the chess server know when I suspend my cable modem or yank
the plug from the wall to give my program (or myself?) more time to
think?  It looks exactly like lag.  That's the easy, crude way.  I'm
also willing to bet that any client-side CRC check could be hacked, in
exactly the same way that people hack software piracy checks.

I mentioned last time we discussed network lag that on the chess server
FICS there were constant accusations of cheating based on timeseal.  I
haven't played there in years, but I'd be surprised if the situation has


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] time measurement

2009-02-03 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, 2009-02-03 at 10:16 -0800, Ian Osgood wrote:
 Frankly, I'm baffled that nobody in the online Go world cares about  
 network lag. Timeseal has been a mature technology on the chess  
 servers for over a decade.

I logged into FICS today for nostalgia and one of the first thing I see
is somebody complaining on channel 53 about somebody lag cheating.
It's just a can of worms to require some proprietary binary that people
have to use, trust, and believe is unhackable.  And remember, pulling
your network cable from the wall is an unstoppable hack.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] time measurement

2009-02-03 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, 2009-02-03 at 18:54 +, Nick Wedd wrote:
 What sort of cheating does he complain about?  Does he provide evidence 
 that it happens?

He couldn't flag his opponent when he ran out of time.  Of course this
could just be lag, or maybe he killed his process when he was losing.
Once you introduce allowances for lag there's no way of telling if it's
legitimate or intentional.

 Whenever I have connected to a server, for Go, chess, or any other game, 
 I have used a proprietary binary, the client.  I have never found this a 

Keeping up-to-date binaries for all platforms tends to be a problem.
That's why KGS runs on Java -- which tends to be trivial to hack.  For
something like FICS, there are many open source clients or clients built
for particular platforms, so finding a suitable one is easy.  However,
the timeseal binary itself is separately maintained and compiled for
many platforms.

 Yes, but it only gives you more pondering time, not more full thinking 

If the game is being relayed live then I can delay the timesealed
connection (traffic shaping isn't hard) after my program makes its move
but before the opponent responds, and on another connection anonymously
observe the opponent's reply and enter it manually into another running
copy of my program.  Now I have as much thinking time as I want.


computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] Monte-Carlo and Japanese rules

2008-11-06 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Thu, 2008-11-06 at 09:43 -0800, David Fotland wrote:
 Many Faces of Go's Monte Carlo engine plays strongly using Japanese rules.

So what do you do in the playouts?  Do you score with area or territory?
Does your program play optimally where different rules would result in
different winner?


computer-go mailing list

Re: OT: Teaching Go (was Re: [computer-go] Re: Disputes under Japanese rules)

2008-09-20 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Fri, 2008-09-19 at 22:37 -0700, Ross Werner wrote:
 Do you see any mechanical issues with these rules, or do they still seem 

group is ill-defined.  It can mean indivisibly connected stones or
loosely connected ones.  In the false eye case, for example, there are
two indiviual groups involved, but one umbrella group under

Your rules as stated are already more complicated than I'd want to
expose a beginner too.  Any ruleset that requires agreement with
restoration is a non-starter when just play is the alternative.

To be honest, I don't really want to get in a back and forth with you
while you implement/design your rules.  Trying to formalize Japanese
rules with some subset of being (logical, complete, simple) is a well
travelled path.  Ikeda, Lasker-Maas, Jasiek, Spite, Japanese-1989, Kee
-- these are just some of the names that roll of the top of my head.  I
only suggested that you implement your rules so you could see just how
hard it is, but you'd also do well to study those that have gone before
you.  Then again, I'd recommend you not go down that path at all :)

 When two beginners play each other, in real life (not on a computer), 
 there is definitely a drawback to having to remember the original 
 position. However, I believe there are also slight drawbacks to 
 beginners when using area scoring--and those drawbacks are present in 
 every game played, whereas the drawbacks of position restoring are only 
 present in cases of a dispute.

For territory rules, there is a drawback in every game played -- the
beginner is unsure when to end the game, yet the rules tell him up front
that he needs to stop early.  Experimentation and seeing things to the
logical end are punished.


computer-go mailing list

Re: OT: Teaching Go (was Re: [computer-go] Re: Disputes under Japanese rules)

2008-09-19 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Thu, 2008-09-18 at 19:41 -0700, Ross Werner wrote:
 I teach informal territory rules with virtual play out. However in 
 practice, I should note, the difference between territory rules with 
 *actual* (not virtual) playout and area rules with actual playout ends 
 up being identical. The only exception is the ridiculous invasion 
 scenario that started this thread--that's the only case that I have seen 
 in which the virtualness of the playout matters.

That's a gross simplification and untrue.  Consider some dead stones
with a false eye.  The player who has dead stones will pass, thinking
his stones are alive.  The player forced to kill them will lose points
by removing the false eyes.  This is a genuine dispute.  Now after the
false eye is removed you have to roll it back, making it virtual.

Consider typical nakade shapes.  The beginner will only have a simple
understanding of these, if any.  Shapes that look alive will be dead,
and vice versa.  You demonstrated this yourself when I showed you one of
my disputed games in our last discussion:

We haven't even discussed ko yet.  That's another can of worms.

 I recall the discussion, but I don't recall (and looking over the posted 
 thread doesn't bring to mind) being convinced of its impracticality. Are 
 you speaking only of the combative opponent, multiple-group-dispute 
 scenario? If so, then I agree that playout-and-restore is impractical. 
 But in all other scenarios (e.g. combative opponent 
 single-group-dispute), I think virtual playout is a perfectly 
 reasonable procedure.

I have several problems with your rules:

1) They are ad hoc.  I am certain that you could not specify them
mechanically.  I would love to see you try and program them.  This is of
practical importance, because tools like Igowin are extremely helpful to
beginners, but if they can't use the dispute phase the tool leads to

2) Fuzzy concepts that aren't easily verified by the beginner are
confusing, because they have no concept of what seems obvious to you as
an experienced player.  Again I'm talking about the vague descriptions
of your rules.

3) If the dispute phase is impractical to use (requiring remembering the
original position and restoring it -- or not, since you say sometimes
you don't restore it), then the beginner is discouraged from using it.
Compare this with just continuing play and scoring as normal when using
area scoring rules.  It is extremely helpful for a beginner to
experiment and see the result, while confident he is playing by the

 Pass stones are probably superior for things like tournament or online 
 play, but I find that the logic of playout-and-restore is easier for 
 beginners to understand when the inevitable question of why can't I 
 play a single stone in your territory and insist that you capture it, 
 gaining me four points? comes up. YMMV.

That's probably fine to explain the one and simple scenario where a
stone is plunked down in the middle of a clearly uninvadable territory.
That's just enough for an experienced player to get a beginner to nod is
head, yeah I can see that, and not nearly enough to let a beginner
play on his own with other beginners with a true understanding of the


computer-go mailing list

Re: OT: Teaching Go (was Re: [computer-go] Re: Disputes under Japanese rules)

2008-09-18 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Wed, 2008-09-17 at 21:39 -0700, Ross Werner wrote:
 And, of course, once a beginner understands life and death in this 
 manner, playing out disputed groups is the most natural way to determine 
 the life-or-death status of a group. (And, I submit, the best way no 
 matter what ruleset you're using.)

The ruleset has to specify a way to resolve disputes.  You can't just
play it out using any ruleset.  So are you teaching informal territory
rules with an ad hoc virtual play out, or are you using AGA rules with
pass stones?


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: OT: Teaching Go (was Re: Disputes under Japanese rules)

2008-09-18 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Thu, 2008-09-18 at 08:54 -0700, Peter Drake wrote:
 I was planning to teach Japanese rules (because that's what the books

Most of the books say nothing at all about how to handle disputes.  They
teach an informal territory ruleset.  That's a major flaw in the books
that should not be repeated.

I don't think it matters at all if you teach area scoring rules, since
pretty much everything taught in the books can be applied to area

I think you should teach both area scoring and territory scoring.  Area
scoring first because it is simple and can be played without agreeing to
dead stones, and territory scoring once they have some games under their
belt.  Show that they are essentially equivalent to within a point.

 I got the sense from the earlier messages in this list that the virtual
 playout is not ad hoc.

The earlier messages appear to be a mix of informal Japanese rules and
official 1989 rules, the latter being the tortured details.  David
Fotland talks about an informal procedure where you play it out and then
restore, but this is not practical and also doesn't really work, which
I've debated on this list before:

Nick Wedd is talking about the 1989 rules (tortured details), which if
you're teaching beginners I recommend running away from at light speed.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: OT: Teaching Go (was Re: Disputes under Japanese rules)

2008-09-18 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Thu, 2008-09-18 at 11:12 -0700, Peter Drake wrote:
 Eventually, sure -- but I'd like them to have a few games under their  
 belts before I bring up the issue of different versions of the rules.

Ok, then play some 9x9 games with area scoring rules as Dave Devos
suggested.  I was making the same suggestion.  Don't hit them with both
rules at the same time, but make sure to choose the right set to start

 I may just follow Kim and Jeong's pedagogical lead and let the  
 students experiment with pieces of the rules before trying to play a  
 complete game.

It's ok to teach unconditional life or simple life and death first,
but once you get beyond that you need to be able to end and score the
game, and beginners just can't do that easily with territory scoring and
an agreement phase.

I tried to learn with Kim's Learn to Play Go, and I was absolutely
confused and frustrated when it came to end game scoring.  

 The computer scientist's instinct is to lay down a  
 terse and elegant set of rules and then deal with the consequences of  
 those rules, but perhaps that is a bad thing when teaching.

You need foundations to build on.  One foundation is life and death;
however, life and death is just a simple consequence of the capturing
rule. The other foundation is the score at the end of the game.  Having
an easy way to score let's the beginner experiment with what is alive
and what is dead, what is true territory that cannot be invaded.  An
informal agreement phase with rules that punish a player for trying to
play it out is a detriment.

Nobody is advocating that you give noobs Tromp-Taylor and letting them
figure it out.  Just don't give them territory rules with dead-stone
agreement as a first ruleset.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Disputes under Japanese rules

2008-09-16 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Mon, 2008-09-15 at 21:05 -0700, Ross Werner wrote:
 Agreed. Japanese may be bad for computers, but I think it's one of the 
 best rulesets for humans.

Ok, tired old topic, tired old response: Japanese rules aren't good for
beginners.  They also aren't good at resolving disputes (genuine
disputes, not just somebody acting stubborn just because they can).


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Congratulations to Leela and to Many Faces!

2008-09-16 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, 2008-09-16 at 14:21 +0100, Nick Wedd wrote:
 I would also appreciate views on my proposal to change the time system 
 used for these events, so that instead of say 18 minutes absolute time, 
 they will use 18 minutes plus 20 stones/20 seconds Canadian overtime.

What happens if you get two bots that don't pass?  I think you'll have
to manually stop the game.

Given the current time systems on KGS, I think absolute time is the best
way to keep to a fixed schedule.  The bot author can reserve a few
minutes for a cleanup-phase -- many reasonable approaches to allocating
time have been discussed in the past.

Alternative time proposal: Have the overtime use a fast Canadian time
(like your 20/20), but limited to something like 5 minutes.  This way
you get the benefit of a fixed schedule and a short cleanup period.

I know KGS doesn't support this, but I think it would be a great option
for tournaments, both human and computer.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Congratulations to Leela and to Many Faces!

2008-09-16 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, 2008-09-16 at 10:10 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
 It's a shame Fischer Timing is not available.   A small Fischer
 increment of 1 or 2 seconds would do the job nicely. 

It doesn't solve the problem of two programs that don't pass.  You can't
keep to a fixed schedule if you keep on allowing just a few seconds
more ad nauseum.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Congratulations to Leela and to Many Faces!

2008-09-16 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, 2008-09-16 at 12:29 -0400, steve uurtamo wrote:
 without vast captures of territory, someone
 will either violate the superko rule or make an
 illegal move before lots of time passes.

It depends on how the bots play.  What if you get two bots that each
insist on playing in the opponent's territory?  If each player has 50
points of territory, this could go on for quite awhile.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Disputes under Japanese rules

2008-09-16 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Wed, 2008-09-17 at 00:00 +0200, Basti Weidemyr wrote:
 If dame was filled, I see no reason why this would not be possible to  
 implement as a cleanup phase on go-servers, like the one used for new  
 zealand and chinese rules. Do you? It would be the human-adaption of  
 the play-it-out-then-restore-and-count-again, that David mentioned.

What you have described are essentially the AGA rules, which David also
mentioned.  The thing is they are just the Chinese rules in disguise --
dame then becomes worth 1 point, as opposed to Japanese rules.

AGA has the peculiar rule about pass stones, and that White must pass
last.  If you don't have the peculiar rules and try to keep the Japanese
idea of dame being worth 0 points, then you get into trouble like pass
fights and one-sided dame that should only be played in a dispute phase.

I'm not aware of a single source that describes all these issues, but
you can Google around for pass fight and Ikeda rules.  Sorry to
brush you off on further details, but I'm not an authoritive source,
though I have gleaned enough over the years to know that Japanese rules
are trouble :)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] 10k UCT bots

2008-05-14 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
The 10k refers to ten thousand playouts, not rank, and yes it's 9x9.  As
for open source UCT, off the top of my head there's libego (C++) and
Orego (Java).


On Wed, 2008-05-14 at 12:14 -0700, Carter Cheng wrote:
 I assume this implies that there arent any open-source basic-UCT bots which 
 utilize the basic eye rule and a simple permute and retry scheme as described 
 by many ppl on the group? When we speak of these sorts of bots playing at 
 about 10kyu I assume what is meant is 10kyu at 9x9 not 19x19.
 --- On Wed, 5/14/08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Subject: Re: [computer-go] 10k UCT bots
  Date: Wednesday, May 14, 2008, 10:44 AM
   -Original Message-
   From: Jacques Basaldúa [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wed, 14 May 2008 6:38 am
   Subject: Re: [computer-go] 10k UCT bots
   Don Dailey wrote: 
For those currently coding this up, I think
  the most important thing 
about this playout algorithm is that it is 
 *temporary*. You will  almost certainly
  be replacing it with something different and better 
just a little bit down the road.  So you
  probably don't want to worry 
about hair-splitting tweaks except as an
  academic exercise. 
   Yes, I agree. Also my hair brained scheme of
  pre-generated tables of
list traversal orderings was just an academic 
   exercise as you say.  
   But the problem is that when you do heavy playouts you
  have the same 
   problem except that the probabilities of the legal
  moves are no longer equal. 
  The problem doesn't go away but the trade-offs change
  considerably. This is an interesting and relevant
  discussion, but if I were trying to code up light MC
  playouts for the first time, right now, I would be feeling
  that this dead-simple algorithm was actually very difficult
  and confusing. 
  For someone in that position (and only them), my advice is
  1. Implement light playouts first. It's simple; you
  will find many bugs that way; it's standardized enough
  that other people will understand what you're talking
  about; it's a fast way to get a basic bot; it will be a
  very handy thing to have as a baseline when you test other
  2. Get it working the standard way before improving it.
  It's your baseline that you'll be testing
  improvements against.
  3. Make it fast but don't spend excessive effort
  optimizing. Better is the enemy of good
  - Dave
  computer-go mailing list
 computer-go mailing list

computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Congratulations to LeelaBot2 and to CzechBot

2008-05-12 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Mon, 2008-05-12 at 21:14 +0200, Gian-Carlo Pascutto wrote:
 But I still categorically object to the stance that it's the bots or the 
 programmers fault that it forfeits on time. As log as lag is not 
 compensated there is no way to avoid time losses, even if the bot always 
 moves instantly. You can at best improve the odds of this not happening.

I disagree.  Playing games over the Internet introduces a lag problem.
Stuff like timeseal solves one problem and introduces others.  How much
time are you willing to let the opponent lag?  This can introduce
scheduling problems and also accusations of cheating to intentionally
introduce lag.  This accusation was somewhat common when I played on
FICS, and disabling timeseal was a frequent topic of discussion.

I think playing on the Internet without lag compensation is one of the
realities a bot coder should just take into account, the same way a
coder must take into account different rulesets depending on the
tournament.  I liked Jason's approach to measuring the lag.

Occasionally somebody will lose a game because of lag.  *shrug*, it


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Congratulations to LeelaBot2 and to CzechBot

2008-05-07 Thread Jeff Nowakowski

On Wed, 2008-05-07 at 18:36 +0100, Nick Wedd wrote:
 If I had the ability to change the way the game-end protocol is 
 implemented, I would do so.  I do not know what I would implement, but 
 it might well include Fisher time.  However, the implementation is not 
 under my control.  My problem is to make the best use of what is 
 provided by KGS.

The last time the topic of time came up, it was generally agreed that it
is up to the bot to manage its own time, and that absolute time was used
to make scheduling easier.  Leela lost because it mismanaged its time.

I hope you reconsider your position on probabation and assigning wins
arbitrarily when nothing out-of-bounds has happened.


computer-go mailing list

Re: Re : [computer-go] How to use CGOS ?

2008-02-26 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, 2008-02-26 at 12:28 -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
 Regarding use GTP for the CGOS communication protocol:
 At one point I actually seriously considered using GTP as the
 communication protocol for CGOS.It seemed rather cool that it might
 be possible to hook up a program directly without needing a separate
 client.   It seems like we may have even discussed it on this group.   I
 did discuss this with the gogui people I believe. 

I found at least one discussion from the early CGOS days.  It was part
of a larger thread that had nothing to do with CGOS so I'll link to
Don's post and you can click the [thread] view from there to see the

It discusses the authentication issues, the socket issues, and nice
ideas like being able to re-use GoGui with different servers, like the
Random Go Challenge mentioned by Markus:

One quote from you (Don) stands out:

I know this is one of those things I would regret later - not sticking
to just 1 way to communicate.   Even when it seems like it wouldn't
be a big deal - I always kick myself for not following my instinct.

I think you should be kicking yourself for not going with GTP all the
way through :)

 A couple of issues made me change my mind.   One of them is exactly what
 Álvaro mentions, the authentication issue.There is nothing in the
 GTP protocol to cover this and it seemed to be outside the scope of the
 protocol. You could separate authentication and consider it just a
 separate step in the process, but this is certainly no simplification.  

It seems to me adding two GTP commands for login and password is
extremely simple, and could always be replaced later by ssh or kerberos
or whatever, should the need arise.

 The other issue is that GTP is normally done over pipes,  not sockets.  
 It doesn't really matter how you send and receive the messages of
 course,  but it certainly doesn't make most programs immediately
 usable.  It's easy enough in unix based systems using unix tools but at
 this point you already using an external program anyway.  

But they are standard tools and you don't need to install ad-hoc clients
for every server that somebody dreams up.  The Random Go Challenge page
shows how simple it is to convert from a TCP stream to a GTP standard
input stream with tcpconnect.

 A third issue is that I wanted the flexibility to add things not covered
 by GTP,  such as informational messages.I did not want to require
 people to constantly be modifying their GTP implementations to
 accommodate CGOS.

GTP messages that aren't understood can be ignored.  As long as the
server only requires the basics from a GTP engine (boardsize, genmove,
etc), with everything else optional, I don't see what the problem is.

 A fourth issue is that wanted to minimize the number of messages passing
 back and forth.   So the CGOS protocol is less verbose in that sense.  
 If I stayed with strict GTP I would be sending a more tiny message back
 and forth.

How much are you saving?  The vast majority of commands are genmove w/b
followed by a response.  That and there's only a handful of people
connecting anyways.  This sounds like pre-mature optimization.

 Every few months, I get a private email asking why I didn't use GTP.   I
 think this is the first one sent to the computer-go list.   Each time
 the person believes he is the first to think of the idea.

This is overly harsh.  There's a difference between asking a why isn't
this done this way Frequently Asked Question and believing that you're
the first to ask the question.  Anyways, I'm glad it was brought up
again.  I'd like to see a move to GTP for the server -- it's almost GTP
anyways.  You did say in that old thread I linked to:

But if enough people express interest I may very well do this - it's  a
trivial modification to the server.

It seems that there is interest.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] scalability and transitivity

2008-01-29 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, 2008-01-29 at 17:41 -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
 This is in response to a few posts about the self-test effect in ELO
 rating tests.
 So my assertion is that scalability based on sound principles is more or
 less universal with perhaps a small amount of  self-play distortion, but
 nothing to get too excited about.

You've also hypothesized in the past that a scalable program will
remain scalable.  But then why was FatMan scalable for so long and then
flattened out, but MoGo didn't?  So I think you can excuse people for
reserving some doubt, though in general I find your scalability
arguments persuasive.  


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] New scalability study progress report

2008-01-18 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Fri, 2008-01-18 at 20:31 -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
 Although it's not on the graph itself,  Gnugo-3.7.11 level 10 is set to
 be 1800.0 ELO.

On the web page it says you are using --min-level 8 --max-level 8.

 Each data point in the x axis represent a doubling in power.   There are
 13 doublings represented

This is a bit confusing.  I think it's clearer to say there is 1
baseline and 12 doublings.  It's also confusing on the web page that
Mogo_01 actually corresponds to 0 doublings in the graph.

So if I understand correctly:

Mogo_13 = 64 * 2^12 = 262,144 simulations
FatMan_13 = 1024 * 2^12 = 4,194,304 simulations

Sorry for the minor nitpicks.  Looking forward to the results!


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Congratulations to valkyria, and to GNU Go!

2008-01-07 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Mon, 2008-01-07 at 14:55 +, Nick Wedd wrote:
 The event was notable for unjustified resignations.

Seems strange so many bots had resignation trouble.  Looks like beta
code.  Probably in response to the Please have your bot resign, for
your own good thread?


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Please have your bot resign, for your own good

2008-01-03 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Thu, 2008-01-03 at 10:30 -0800, Dave Dyer wrote:
 CGOS uses Chinese scoring with play-outs so that we can get fully
 automated scoring with no chance of errors.
 No chance of errors is vacuously true.  Errors, if any, were made
 in the playout leading to the final state.

errors is probably not the best word to use for what Don is
describing, since it can be confused with imperfect play.  Of course
imperfect play is a common occurrence at any point in the game, not just
during playout.

What Don means is that the game is decided by the skill of the players,
and not arbitration by some 3rd party.  Not only is this practical to
run an automated server, it is true to the spirit of the game.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Please have your bot resign, for your own good

2008-01-02 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Wed, 2008-01-02 at 15:29 -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
 I am considering to implement Fischer time on CGOS

How are you going to deal with keeping the games on a fixed schedule?


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Some Games against MoGo

2007-12-12 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Wed, 2007-12-12 at 17:24 +0100, Robert Jasiek wrote:
 I have played 10 9x9, 6.5 komi, 5 min. games against MoGo release 3 
 using GoGui's command line path\GoGui\MoGo\mogo.exe under Vista 
 Ultimate 32b on a Core2Duo E6600. The typical mogo.exe's usage of both 
 processors is ca. 48.5% - 50.5%, i.e., one core is used fully while 
 Windows' system services, my personal firewall, and some low time 
 consumption processes have the other core, so to say, but reach a total 
 consumption of only 0% - 5%.
 My wins: 9
 Mogo wins: 1

You might want to try your experiment again using the following flags
with MoGo:

path\GoGui\MoGo\mogo.exe --9 --pondering 1 --totalTime 300

This will allow MoGo to use it's 9x9 opening database, think on your
time, and ensure that it knows correctly how much time it has.

Also, note that the download page for MoGo states that under Windows it
will only use 1 core and is 30% slower than Linux.  If you're really
ambitious, you could run MoGo under a live version of Linux.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] GTP back to basics.

2007-12-04 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, 2007-12-04 at 19:45 -0500, Joshua Shriver wrote:
 Wish computer-go had a google search :)

Put this in Google's search box:

site: foobar

Of course, replace foobar with your search terms.


computer-go mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [computer-go] use for Monte Carlo on 19X19?

2007-11-06 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 16:30 +0100, Lars Schäfers wrote:
 By the way: a 9x9 CGOS server using japanese rules... I have a dream.. ;)

What formal and automatable Japanese ruleset are you proposing?  A
computer implementation would also lend credibility.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] use for Monte Carlo on 19X19?

2007-11-06 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 16:55 -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
 Hi Jeff,
 Yes, I agree with your points.Well behaved on CGOS means that your
 bot will resign as soon as it knows it's losing.

I think when a bot should resign is a matter of personal preference.  I
myself prefer to see games played out if it's somewhat close or very
near the end.  If there's a handful of moves left what's the point of

 But against humans it should technically be the same, but isn't.When
 playing against humans a bot needs to be able to mark dead groups. 

I have the same feelings whether it's a bot vs bot game or bot vs human.
As for marking dead stones, obviously a bot needs to be able to against
humans, and I never suggested otherwise.  My only point is that you
don't need territory scoring rules for this.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] use for Monte Carlo on 19X19?

2007-11-06 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
Ok, this is my last post on this topic for a while, promise.

On Tue, 2007-11-06 at 17:21 -0500, Jason House wrote:
 I think having a way to generate a lot of games to test this style of
 behavior is helpful.  I really care little about the rules, except
 that it provides a mechanism to encourage the human-like behavior that
 I want my bot to exhibit. 

This behavior is not dependent on the rules!  Even if your monte carlo
bot uses territory scoring, it will still play useless moves if it is
losing.  If you want more human-like behavior, you'll still have to make
your program know when to pass under either ruleset.  I see no benefit
in putting up a territory-based CGOS server that you couldn't have
gotten from local experimentation with GnuGo.


computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS

2007-10-28 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Sun, 2007-10-28 at 11:54 +0100, Edward de Grijs wrote:
 Hi all,
 For CGOS 19x19 I prefer a short time control (10min/game) because:
 1) More quickly a more accurate rating can be established.

I agree with Don.  10 minutes sudden death is brutally short for 19x19.
You are limiting the pool and strength of programs available for CGOS.

If all you want is a quick and dirty rating for minor updates, why don't
you just run your program against Gnu Go and/or MoGo at fast time
settings on your own machine?  Then when you think you have a stable and
significant improvement, run your program on CGOS for a beefier test?
This is how MoGo achieved dominance in 9x9.


computer-go mailing list

RE: [computer-go] 19x19 CGOS

2007-10-28 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Sun, 2007-10-28 at 15:59 +0100, Edward de Grijs wrote:
 Hi, maybe so, but can you name some programs which cannot cope 
 with 10 minutes thinking time for 19x19?

I'm working on my own program, and I don't want to be limited to 10
minutes for 19x19.  I'll let others speak about their own programs.

 Maybe I am confused about the goals of CGOS? I thought that 
 programmers could use it to get a good impression of improvements
 over time.

Sure, to track improvements, but also to see which program is the
strongest.  Having the strongest program at a very fast speed is not as
interesting as having the strongest program at a reasonable speed, for
some definition of reasonable.

I think getting a very fast rating on minor updates should not be the
goal of CGOS -- you can do that on your own machine with Gnu Go, MoGo,
and your own test suites.  CGOS should be more like a continuous
tournament to test major updates of programs.  Waiting a day or two to
get a rating at reasonable time controls then shouldn't be a big deal.

That's my 2 cents, anyways.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] XML alternatives to SGF

2007-10-23 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 01:16 -0700, Phil G wrote:
 As a community, I believe we can improve SGF by extending the
 specification slightly to allow points to also be encoded in
 standard coordinates and depreciated, admittedly slowly, the use of
 the old coordinate system. We already see Go programs (SmartGo, GoGui
 and others) supporting this format. Maybe this can be a key point in
 the proposed FF[5] specification. 

As a community, I don't think we should support *breaking* an existing,
well-established data format over something as trivial as the coordinate
system used.  There are much bigger issues with sgf, such as not being
able to follow a teaching review that jumps around nodes.

What I would support is a new standard that was backwards compatible
with existing tools.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] XML alternatives to SGF

2007-10-23 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Tue, 2007-10-23 at 08:42 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
 GTP pretty much replace GMP.A lot of resistance because GMP was the
 defacto standard at the time.   It would have been foolish to insist on
 being backwards compatible.

GTP was a huge change in protocol with clear benefits.  What's being
quibbled over now is minor change in the coordinate system at the cost
of breaking all existing tools, with the exception of a couple that have
implemented this incompatible change.  The benefit does not outweight
the cost.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Former Deep Blue Research working on Go

2007-10-07 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Sun, 2007-10-07 at 17:33 -0400, Joshua Shriver wrote:
 Found this link and thought you all might find it interesting.

Umm, this article was linked to and discussed heavily here within the
past week:


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Engine development for beginners

2007-07-28 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Fri, 2007-07-27 at 18:03 -0700, Joshua Shriver wrote:
 Are there any really simple engines out there that know just enough to
 play a legal game of Go? Preferably C, Perl or Java?

Have a look at GoGui and the included gtpdummy engine, which plays a
random game.  It's Java based.  If you write your engine to understand
GTP, you can then plug it seamlessly in to GoGui.  Using GTP also means
your engine will be usable on CGOS and KGS and playable against other
GTP engines.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] OT U. of Alberta bots vs. the Poker pros

2007-07-28 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Sat, 2007-07-28 at 13:01 +0100, Tom Cooper wrote:
 Any variety of poker is sufficiently complicated that it is very difficult to
 find an optimal mixed strategy, and therefore it is, as far as my 
 interest in it
 is concerned, very different from Roshambo.

I followed the link to Iocaine that Brian posted:

which I ended up following to this link:

And this is what Darse Billings, the guy behind Polaris and sponsor of
the RoShamBo tournament had to say:

Personally, I just want my poker program to play better. :)

I don't mean to say that poker is simple, but that a lot of strategy
involves rock-paper-scissors psychology, which dilutes the intellectual
idea of how strong a program (or person) is.  It's interesting in it's
own way, but I prefer a game like Go, where the information is perfect
but the game is very deep and strength easily measured.

In poker there's a huge advantage to knowing your opponent's internal
strategy.  In Go a stronger player can tell you exactly what he's doing
at a high level, but it won't help much because his skill will overcome


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] U. of Alberta bots vs. the Poker pros

2007-07-26 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Thu, 2007-07-26 at 18:14 +0200, chrilly wrote:
 Chess/Go... can be played in an autistic way. There is no need for an 
 opponent model.

Ah, an opponent model.  Where's the poision?

Too much rock, paper, scissors in poker for my tastes.  Can there ever
be a best player?  At least in Go the differences in strength are very
clear, and some guy off the street who learned the game a year ago is
not going to win a tournament.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Some CGOS changes and updated pages

2007-07-17 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Mon, 2007-07-16 at 19:46 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
 Anyone else have an opinion on this?

Sure.  I disagree with Gunnar's statement that the engine shouldn't know
who is playing or their strengths.  Maybe the engine will want to change
the way it plays based on the rank.  Or maybe between Don's CGOS client
and the engine is another GTP controller, written by the bot author,
that handles it's own logs.

Here's the way I think the current archtecture works:

cgos-server - GTP - cgos-client - GTP - [...] - GTP - engine

where [...] could be the GTP controller I mentioned above.  The point is
that all layers use GTP to communicate.  Sending the players and ranks
is a perfectly valid thing to do.  Whether a particular GTP consumer
cares about it is determined by asking if the consumer supports the

So I fully support a command like:

cgos-gameinfo  FatMan 1800  ggmc-x86-1.3Q 2008


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Why are different rule sets?

2007-07-12 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Thu, 2007-07-12 at 08:50 -0700, Dave Dyer wrote:
 On the other hand, all the rules arguments in Go are really
 only applicable to incredibly marginal, bordering on imaginary

That ignores the very real problems that many beginners have trying to
understand the logic behind Japanese rules.  Computer Go has also
benefitted tremendously by using Chinese-style rules.  I don't think
MoGo would have achieved such stunning success in 1 year without them.

I also find it ugly that in the small percentage of games where disputes
occur, the common solution is to stop the clock and verbally dispute the
position, or appeal to a higher authority, instead of having the players
finish the game on the board.  In tournament play this ugliness is

As a cute example, I recently ran across a KGS game (non-tournament)
where a player was complaining that his opponent had lost the game and
escaped.  After looking at the game, it was clear that the escaper
had actually won by half a point, but his opponent didn't agree to the
status of a group.  He escaped in frustration.

The player who misunderstood the position was rated 7k, but it took me
several minutes worth of demonstrations before he could understand the
position.  I have attached the game.

Finally, I think the people involved with the AGA rules would be
rightfully upset at your summary of the situation.  Those interested in
their view on the matter can read:

In particular, the section Transmittal letter, dated from 1991.  Yep,
these rule debates have been going on for quite some time.


Description: application/go-sgf
computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Congratulations to GNU and to MoGoBot19!

2007-06-10 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Sun, 2007-06-10 at 22:19 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
 Did something happen that unfairly caused the player to lose on time?

No, but the games were absolute time games where CrazyStone was often in
a losing position but ended up winning on time.  The endgame in Go takes
a long time but is mostly just cleanup.  That is why a small amount of
time to play each move is usually allowed, even in fast games.
The 2k rank is not indicative of how well CrazyStone would play in a
typical game of Go.  It's like a 1 minute lightning game in Chess; you
wouldn't use that to rank a computer.  It just isn't very interesting.


computer-go mailing list

[computer-go] Absolute time in KGS robots

2007-04-09 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Mon, 2007-04-09 at 17:36 +0100, Nick Wedd wrote:
 I have written a short report on yesterday's bot tournament on KGS, it
 is at

From the writeup:

CrazyStone has achieved an implausible 1k rating on KGS.

Yes, very implausible.  It has only played a handful of ranked 19x19
games. It won two games against a 2k on time in which CrazyStone was
getting beaten badly.  The time settings were 10 minutes absolute for
each side.

Absolute time games are bad, at least for humans.  Why not have at least
a 5 or 10 second byo-yomi for bot vs human games?


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] MoGo

2007-04-05 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Thu, 2007-04-05 at 09:17 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
 How does Japanese make any difference?

Because the vast majority of games use Japanese rules on KGS, I think
many players do not notice if they are playing Chinese rules.  If they
then find out that dame is worth 1 point, they may feel cheated if the
opponent plays dame while they pass.

I always play by Chinese rules on KGS and I can verify that many players
aren't aware that they are playing by Chinese rules, because in my games
they often pass when they could be playing dame (and I doubt they
counted odd vs even).  In that case I pass too; I wouldn't want to take
a bunch of points while they kept on passing.  Some players who play by
Chinese rules will take these points, and so people have become somewhat
aware of this issue.  I've seen this discussed as a kind of cheating, so
perhaps people are thinking of this when they lose by half a point?

There is another reason for the negative reaction with regard to monte
carlo endgame play -- it is completely unhuman and unaesthetical.  It is
natural to make safer plays when ahead, but the monte carlo plays are
*so* ultra-safe as to look ugly.  They are plays no human except an
absolute beginner might make.  So I think the reaction by humans is to
be expected.

Obviously playing strength is the most important thing, though if play
could appear more reasonable without impacting strength and without too
much effort then that would be best.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Taking the D plunge

2007-03-31 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Sat, 2007-03-31 at 16:09 -0400, Don Dailey wrote:
 I know that the author of D has not emphasized optimizations
 but I think he is now that it has reached version 1.0 and

I've been following D via their newsgroups.  The 1.0 version was a
joke.  The long wait and big coming out party implied that it was stable
and big feature changes would wait for a much later version.  In
reality, several critical bugs were immediately found (but quickly
fixed) after release.  The really crazy thing is that it seems like
every new 0.001 version brings out changes to the core language.  I kid
you not; have a look at the Changelog:

The author is working on some pretty drastic stuff, too, trying to make
D into a powerful macro language, so that you can build your own domain
languages in D.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not dismissing the language.  D is a cool
language and a worthy C/C++ replacement.  Walter (the author) does good
work at an amazing pace.  He even finds time to fix obvious performance
problems when they are pointed out.  I just wanted to correct the
impression that D is stable and being optimized.

I'd also say that using C when a sane alternative keeps you within 1.5
the speed of C is nuts, but to each their own :)


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Taking the D plunge

2007-03-31 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Sun, 2007-04-01 at 00:43 -0400, Jason House wrote:
 No const - C++ style const for functions doesn't exist - both const 
 functions and const function parameters

Const is one of the major features being worked on.  There's huge
threads about it in the newsgroup :)  Last I read there are going to be
*three* varieties of const!

Anyways, this is getting way off-topic for the list.  Back to lurking.


computer-go mailing list

Re: Re[4]: [computer-go] Why not forums?

2007-02-11 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Sun, 2007-02-11 at 10:59 -0200, Mark Boon wrote:
 Don't be discouraged please. The  big-mouths don't always represent  
 what the majority thinks.

The opinions expressed for not wanting to move to a forum were polite
and thoughtful.  Calling them big-mouths is uncalled for.  It's also
quite clear by the number of responses from different people (as opposed
to a vocal minority) that the majority does not want to move to a web

 I agree a forum would be a superior platform. The reasons against it  
 I see posted cling too much to old known ways instead of being open  
 to new possibilities.

I have tried web forums many times and they aren't as usable.  Something
like Slashdot works well on the web because of the sheer volume, and the
user moderation keeps it readable.  However, the typical list/newsgroup
with around 20 messages per day or less does not benefit.  It's not a
matter of clinging to old ways.  It's a matter of bsaic usability that
is lost by moving to a web page over a dedicated reader.

 There's no reason why we can't have a forum that includes an option  
 of having all messages e-mailed to you and allow for posting through  
 an e-mail reply. In that sense it would act the same as the current  
 mailing-list for those who don't like to have any extra features.  
 It's just a matter of finding one that suits our needs best.

And has already been mentioned, there's no reason why the *existing*
list can't be fed to a web forum, instead of asking people to move.  And
in fact there is already at least one such web interface that hosts this
list: gmane.

 One particular feature I've come to appreciate on forums is a  
 'recommendation' feature.

Useful for Slashdot; not so useful for a small mailing list.

 Threading of messages on the same  
 subject is a very useful feature too of course.

And also available on many email clients, as has already been mentioned.

 The number of messages posted to this list is rather limited, so a  
 mailing-list still works. So there's no screaming need for change.  

Agreed.  The thread had died a graceful death, too.  *sigh*

 But if someone can find a good forum to act as a host instead it  
 would be an improvement.

Asking people to resubscribe to a new host would not be an improvement.
Putting up a forum that seamlessly works with the existing environment
(like gmane does) would be ok.


computer-go mailing list

Re: Re[2]: [computer-go] Why not forums?

2007-02-08 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Fri, 2007-02-09 at 01:35 +0300, Dmitry Kamenetsky wrote:
 Actually this is all I ever wanted! Now if only I could convince the
  whole Computer Go community to use it, but that seems unlikely :)

Smiley aside, wouldn't it be more constructive to do as somebody else
suggested, and use the email list as a feed into whatever interface you
prefer?  Why ask everybody to switch?


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Gnugo vs commercial programs

2007-01-11 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Thu, 2007-01-11 at 07:40 -0500, Don Dailey wrote:
 Of course there is some questions
 about how long Moore's law will hold.

If you are referring to CPU speed doubling (as opposed to transistor
count), then that has been over for at least 5 years.

The Free Lunch Is Over: A Fundamental Turn Toward Concurrency in

The problem is that concurrency doesn't scale well.


computer-go mailing list

Re: [computer-go] Re: Interesting problem

2007-01-03 Thread Jeff Nowakowski
On Wed, 2007-01-03 at 14:05 -0800, David Doshay wrote:
 I do not think that any apology is needed. The length of the game was  
 due only to a setting you have that is totally appropriate for a  
 Chinese rules tournament game.

I don't agree with this at all.  Is it appropriate under Japanese rules
to continue playing, when the game is lost for sure and all territory
has been made?  This point has been made before, and yet needs repeating
whenever this discussion comes up: Nothing forces you to pass in
Japanese rules.  A losing computer could keep on playing in the hopes of
forcing the opponent out of time or to hit a bug.

If a computer program knows how to play the endgame so that it doesn't
lose points under Chinese rules, then it should know when to pass, and
should do so.  There's no need for a game to go on for 500 moves just
because Chinese rules are being used.


computer-go mailing list