[Cooker] New ltris in incoming

2003-01-07 Thread Crispin Boylan
i've uploaded a new version of ltris (1.0.4) to incoming, it fixes some 
security issues.


[Cooker] flightgear

2003-01-07 Thread Crispin Boylan
flightgear needs rebuilding for the new glibc :)


[Cooker] How to change new drakconf's fonts?

2003-01-07 Thread utuhiro
I think new drakconf uses TrueType fonts, but
they can't show non-alphabet words.
See these snapshots:
[drakconf without xft]
[drakconf with xft (add "export GDK_USE_XFT=1" to .bashrc)]

I can't read any japanese words, so I did #gnome-font-properties and
KDE Control Center>font config,  but they couldn't change drakconf's fonts.
I want to know how to change them.

Re: [Cooker] Run Apache 1.3 and 2.0 at the same time! =)

2003-01-07 Thread J.P. Pasnak
Hash: SHA1

On January 7, 2003 20:10 pm, Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> Hello,
> I finally finished experimenting with Apache 1.3 and 2.0, and managed
> to get both versions coexisting at the same time.
> Here's my last session, and I include my list of packages in
> attachment.
> It's working on my development machine, I will upload as soon as I
> get some sleep ;-)

Excellent!   I've got a couple of boxes that are not configured with 
Apache2 yet, this will give me a chance to do some performance 

- -- 
Live fast, die young,
you're sucking up my bandwidth.
- --
J.P. Pasnak, CD

 Kernel version: 2.4.20-2mdk
Current Linux uptime: 12 days 5 hours 28 minutes.
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


[Cooker] CUPS `raw' printer Q not really raw

2003-01-07 Thread Leon Brooks
If you print, say, some Espon-ish dotmatrix text with a few embedded 
`Condensed Enable/Disable' commands the MIME type of your file goes from 
ASCII-with-Escapes or PCL to `data' and CUPS throws it in the bin instead of 
printing it. By uncommenting two lines in the /etc/cups/mime.* and restarting 
CUPS, you get _really_ raw output.

It would be nice if there were some on-the-spot notice of this misbehaviour 
somewhere; CUPS (any recent version shipped with Cooker or 9.0) itself 
doesn't sem to have any. I can see why it is done (stops gonzos from printing 
program files, for example) but it was a bit of a bastard to debug, hardly 
mentioned on the Web anywhere.

Perhaps Mandrake could push a suggestion up to the maintainer that they also 
offer (at the user-sees-on-menu level) a `bleeding' mode which is `really, 
really' raw.

Cheers; Leon

Re: [Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

2003-01-07 Thread Austin Acton
On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 23:26, Dean S. Messing wrote:
> No it is getting created during the build.  I discovered, also,
> that after the build bomb-out one finds in
> /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu/3.2.1/include/
> a `root/' directory in which there is both a usr/ subdir and an etc/
> subdir.

This is normal.  This is the buildroot directory.  It's where RPM gets
the files to put into the package.

> The lines I suspected of creating the alternative stuff
> were:
> %if %{build_java}
> %post -n libgcj%{libjava_major}-devel
> update-alternatives --install %{_includedir}/libgcj libgcj 
>%{_includedir}/libgcj-%{version} %{gcj_alternative_priority}
> %endif

These lines are executed at install-time, not compile time.

> Didn't try, but I seriously doublt it because the .spec file
> contains the explicit `ln -s' commands that cause the failure.

ln -s is not causing the failure.  The failure is caused by said
symbolic link already existing.  Which is why Todd and I both had the
initial question: are you 100% sure your buildroot was empty?

> I did discover two differences between the system on which it
> builds and the one on which it does not.
> The working system had a stock Mdk 9.0 installation of gcc-3.2-1mdk.i586.rpm.
> The non-working system had a re-build of the cooker gcc-3.2 from
> around Nov 25th. built for an athlon-mp. (This was necessary to
> get MPlayer to compile).

Again leads me to believe that the symlink was leftover from that build.

> I did "solve" the problem by deleting the link and root/etc/ directories
> deep down in the /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/gcc-3.2.1 (again, sorry
> for not remembering exactly where)

You mean /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-buildroot/etc.  

> So when I find bugs is it OK to report them here as I did?

Yes.  Although this wasn't technically a 'bug'.

> Shall I assume they will get seen even if there's no ack?

They will get seen.  But it's always possible that nobody will have time
to work on it.

> If someone instructs me on what, exactly, to do to trace this
> I'll do it.  Problem is that now that I have installed the
> latest gcc the bug may vanish, if it had anything to do
> with the above machine differences.

Do this:
# rm -fr /var/tmp/*root
# rm -fr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/*
# rm -fr /usr/src/RPM/tmp/*
before you try to build anything, and you won't have any problems like

Best of luck,

Austin Acton Hon.B.Sc.
 Synthetic Organic Chemist, Teaching Assistant
   Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto
 MandrakeClub Volunteer (www.mandrakeclub.com)
 homepage: www.groundstate.ca

Re: [Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

2003-01-07 Thread Dean S. Messing

Austin Acton writes:
 :: $ rpm -bb gcc.spec
 :: worked perfectly on my dual Athlon 1900
 :: $ rpmbuild -bb --target=athlonxp gcc.spec
 :: failed to even get underway, but that's because I have no
 :: athlonxp-mandrake-linux-gnu target on my machine
 :: Are you 100% sure your rpm/BUILD and rpm/tmp directories were clean?

Yes, absolutely sure. I hand cleaned /usr/src/RPM and /var/tmp
before issuing rpm -i on the .src.rpm

 :: Austin

To build athlon-mp centric .rpm's here is my /etc/rpmrc file:

optflags: athlon -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -pipe -march=athlon-mp -ffast-math 
buildarchtranslate: athlon: athlon
buildarchtranslate: i686: athlon

It turns out to be necessary to build the compiler (at least gcc-3.2-4)
so that MPlyayer will  properly compile.  Otherwise you end up
with compiler errors on the embedded assembler w/in MPlayer.

I'm now starting the build I memtioned in the previous message.
Will see what happens in the morning.


Re: [Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

2003-01-07 Thread Dean S. Messing

Austin Acton wrote:
 :: Seems hard to believe that error.

Yeah. I know.

 :: If you're just doing
 :: rpm -ba
 :: it won't make ANY difference what processor you're using.

Unless there's some logic in the .spec file that detects processor
and branches differently. The .spec file for MPlayer certainly does this.

 :: It will build
 :: for i586 (unless you have altered the .rpmrc file).  In fact, from your
 :: post, it looks like you were building i586-mandrake-linux-gnu.

(see below)

 ::  So the
 :: error shouldn't be caused by building on an athlon.  And if it works on
 :: you other system, it makes me think that your dual athlon has a dirty
 :: build environment or something.

(see differences between the two systems in my "other message" dicussed below)

 :: However, I have a dual athlon and I will try to reproduce the problem
 :: right now.
 :: Austin

Austin, be sure to read the (long, involved) message I just
wrote to Todd L. on cooker about this.

In fact (as I said in that message) the bug was originally tickled
when I built for the athlon-mp (modifed /etc/rpmrc file) but
I deleted that file on a second attempt to remove one variable
and the build still bombed out.

See that message for the two other differences between the
"good" and the "bad" system.

Now that I "fixed" the problem (see message on how) I will build again
tonight to see if the build goes through.

Problem is that I know nothing at all about "update-alternatives"
which seems to be the fundamental cause of the problem.
For some reason it is creating the error-causing link on one machine
and not in the other.

Dean, starting yet another build of gcc-3.2.1

Re: [Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

2003-01-07 Thread Dean S. Messing

Sorry for the gory details below.  I know no other way
to communicate exactly what I did, what I found, &c, so
someone can find the build bug (or my config bug).

Todd Lyons writes:
 :: Dean S. Messing wrote on Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 12:28:14PM -0800 :
 :: > 
 :: > + ln -s /usr/include/libgcj-3.2.1 
 :: > ln: 
 : File exists
 :: > error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.71143 (%install)
 :: > The problem is that there is already a file (link) in
 :: > /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/usr/lib/gcc-lib/athlon-mandrake-linux-gnu/3.2.1/include/
 :: > called `libgcj'.  It points to `root/etc/alternatives/libgcj'
 :: > so when the above link is attempted, it fails.
 :: > Surely other athlon users have run across this?  But I've not seen
 :: > anything mentioned.  I  went over the cooker archives and see nothing.
 :: Can you isolate
 :: 1) Does the link already exist in some tarball (almost certaily no).

No it is getting created during the build.  I discovered, also,
that after the build bomb-out one finds in


a `root/' directory in which there is both a usr/ subdir and an etc/
subdir.  In the etc/ subdir there's an empty alternatives/ subdir.

They are also present in the BUILD/gcc-3.2.1/blah-blah diretory in /usr/src/RPM
and are created during build.  (Sorry I don't remember exactly the path.)

On my PIII laptop  the link I mentioned in the
first message and the above subdirs don't exist
and hence the bomb-out never occurs.

 :: 2) Does the link get made by some earlier invocation of
 :: update-alternatives?

I don't understand update-alternatives at all except from what little
I read in the man page.  In trying to trace the error I think I
found a possible source in the .spec file but I really don't
understand it enough to say for sure.

The lines I suspected of creating the alternative stuff

%if %{build_java}
%post -n libgcj%{libjava_major}-devel
update-alternatives --install %{_includedir}/libgcj libgcj 
%{_includedir}/libgcj-%{version} %{gcj_alternative_priority}

in the .spec file.  But again I really don't understand what
"update-alternatives" does or why these lines would be triggered on one
machine and not other (but see differences between machines below).

 :: 3) Can you ascertain exactly where it gets created?

No.  I'm too ignorant of the process.  

 :: 4) Does it do the same thing if you do everything by hand?

Didn't try, but I seriously doublt it because the .spec file
contains the explicit `ln -s' commands that cause the failure.
And, as I said, I believe the offensive "alternatives" stuff is called
from the .spec file also.

I did discover two differences between the system on which it
builds and the one on which it does not.

The working system had a stock Mdk 9.0 installation of gcc-3.2-1mdk.i586.rpm.

The non-working system had a re-build of the cooker gcc-3.2 from
around Nov 25th. built for an athlon-mp. (This was necessary to
get MPlayer to compile).
It's rpm was gcc-3.2-4mdk.athlon.rpm

The second difference was that on the working system only


were present.

On the non-working  system


were present.

I did "solve" the problem by deleting the link and root/etc/ directories
deep down in the /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/gcc-3.2.1 (again, sorry
for not remembering exactly where)
and then issuing

rpm --short-circuit -bi gcc.spec

It then correctly did the "install" in /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root
and built .rpm's.

The astute reader will now be wondering why, when I reported
the error the messages refer to `i586-mandrake-linux-gnu'
whereas the above installed .rpm's have "athlon" in their name
(so that the messages should have had `athlon-mandrake-linux-gnu'
in them.

It is because when I first started to get the error, in order
to simplify things, I got rid of my /etc/rpmrc which builds
for athlon-mp.  This did not get rid of the build bomb-out so
I reported errors relative to a vanilla i586 build (on my athlon) to
avoid someone saying "It must be your /etc/rpmrc file".

After I discovered how to make it work (with user intervention) I put
the /etc/rpmrc file back and re-built for athlon.

 :: I'm really just replying to this to acknowledge your message.  I know
 :: that nothing I've written above is something you couldn't do on your own
 :: (and probably already have), but I saw your "was this a faux pas"
 :: message and just wanted to send the acknowledgement.
 :: Blue skies...   Todd

Thanks Todd.

So when I find bugs is it OK to report them here as I did?
Shall I assume they will get seen even if there's no ack?

I'm afraid that when it comes to comp

Re: [Cooker] ext2resize, aumix

2003-01-07 Thread Austin Acton
On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 20:22, Crispin Boylan wrote:
> extresize is a little out of date, version in cooker is 1.1.14 - current 
> is 1.1.17, it fixes a few bugs (probably good for a parition resizer?)
> also aumix is 2.7 in cooker, 2.8 latest, 2.7 is over 2 years old, 2.8 
> was released in november.
> oh yeh and xchat latest is 1.8.11, current in cooker is 1.8.10

I updated xchat and aumix.  Hopefully they will be committed tomorrow. 
The new aumix looks really cool.

Ext2resize has some fancy Mandrake-specific adjustment that needs to be
rebuilt and it's not my territory to mess with.


Austin Acton Hon.B.Sc.
 Synthetic Organic Chemist, Teaching Assistant
   Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto
 MandrakeClub Volunteer (www.mandrakeclub.com)
 homepage: www.groundstate.ca

Re: [Cooker] Mozilla won't start since last urpmi --auto-select --auto ....

2003-01-07 Thread Ibukun Olumuyiwa
On Sun 05 Jan 2003, Buchan Milne wrote:
> On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Ibukun Olumuyiwa wrote:
> >
> > > On Wed, 2003-01-01 at 21:39, Ibukun Olumuyiwa wrote:
> > >> Anyways...and I hope the Mozilla maintainer(s) take note of this: The
> > >> dependencies in that rpm need to be fixed. I'm not sure which it is,
> > >> whether glibc or GTK, but upgrading both of those packages fixed the
> > >> problem for me. There's no reason why any upgrade should fail if all
> > >> dependencies are correctly resolved.
> > >>
> >
> > I don't think you read my post completely. The problem is not with urpmi.
> > The problem is with the mozilla rpm itself. The rpm needs to be updated
> > with new dependencies. That's exactly what I'm ranting about.
> >
> The dependencies are fine for the distribution it is intended for. It is
> virtually impossible to keep all packages perfect for all distributions,
> heck, it's difficult just keeping some packages working well on just the
> supported distros. Is it really worthwhile (financially) to keep people
> who are (against recommendations) runnning some unknown mismatch of
> packages that only semi-resembles any Mandrake release?
> Rebuild the SRPM on your system, and then post back. Dynamic (ie output
> from ldd) dependencies are supposed to do this, assuming authors bump the
> major version o f their libraries when they break something. So go file a
> bug in Gnome bugzilla (or wherever best) about it if your own build works.
> Of course, you're on your own building the SRPM  ...
> Buchan

First, I don't have a problem. I know how to find the correct missing
packages and upgrade.

Secondly, I think an attitude like this defeats the purpose of an open
source operating system. What I mean is this: yes, I agree it's too much
work trying to make sure all dependencies for previous versions are
correct (although I don't believe keeping track of dependencies from 9.0
to 9.1 cooker is too much). However, when such dependencies are actually
discovered, they should be fixed, not discarded with the excuse of this
being a beta distribution. I don't think it takes that much work to update
an RPM's dependencies. Otherwise there's no point having people out
there test the packages put in the cooker: you might as well close the
cooker list and do everything behind closed doors.

My beef wasn't with the fact that not every dependency is being tracked. I
know it takes time, money and resources to do that. I just don't like
attitudes that sort of defeat the purpose of having a Cooker distribution
and an associated mailing list available to the public.

   |  /*\
Ibukun Olumuyiwa   |  \ /  Join the ASCII Ribbon Campaign
http://xcomputerman.com|   X   against HTML mail today!
   |  / \

Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] gstreamer-0.5.1-1mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Quel Qun
On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 13:09, Steve Fox wrote:
> All three of these GStreamer updates called gst-register in the
> %post_install script , which pegged my CPU until I did 'killall
> gst-register' for each package.
> Any one else affected by this?
Yes, there seem to be a problem in the uninstall of previous gstreamer
After the updates, you will have dups. run rpm -qa | grep gst and clean
up your system.
I forced the removal of everything except libgstreamer0.5_1-0.5.0-3mdk
(need by gnome-media) and reinstalled the new packages.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part

[Cooker] urpme urpmi :(

2003-01-07 Thread Olivier Thauvin
Ok, this is stupid, but some beginners will do it one days:

[olivier@andromede olivier]$ urpme urpmi
Pour satisfaire les dépendances, les paquetages suivants vont être 
désinstallés (30 Mo):
Est-ce correct ? (O/n) o
[olivier@andromede olivier]$ urpmi
sudo: /usr/sbin/urpmi: command not found
[olivier@andromede olivier]$

Maybe it is better, if urpmi is on the list of packages to remove, ask 
somethings like:
Are you sure you want to remove me? y/N

And this should failed  with --auto, this can be usefull on cooker with 
rebuild script which auto install or uninstall packages, to not see urpmi 
removing itself.

Now, I'll rpm -Uvh urpmi ;)
Linux pour Mac !? Enfin le moyen de transformer
une pomme en véritable ordinateur. - JL.
Olivier Thauvin - http://nanardon.homelinux.org/

[Cooker] Run Apache 1.3 and 2.0 at the same time! =)

2003-01-07 Thread Jean-Michel Dault

I finally finished experimenting with Apache 1.3 and 2.0, and managed to
get both versions coexisting at the same time.

Here's my last session, and I include my list of packages in attachment.

It's working on my development machine, I will upload as soon as I get
some sleep ;-)

[root@no i586]# ADVXctl start
Starting httpd-perl:[  OK  ]
Starting httpd2:[  OK  ]
[root@no i586]# cat > /dev/null < See, I run Apache 2.0, plus Apache 1.3 mod_perl as a proxy, to run
> HTML-Embperl =)
> Now, see this nice feature:
> [root@no i586]# rpm -i apache-compat-1.3.27-3mdk.i586.rpm
Shutting down httpd-perl: [  OK  ]
Shutting down httpd2: [  OK  ]
Starting httpd-perl: [  OK  ]
Starting httpd: [  OK  ]
[root@no i586]# cat > /dev/null < SEE?!?!? It shut down Apache 2.0 and started Apache 1.3...
> Now watch this:
> [root@no i586]# AESctl stop
Shutting down httpd-perl:   [  OK  ]
Shutting down httpd:[  OK  ]
[root@no i586]# rm -f /etc/httpd/conf/RUN1.3
[root@no i586]# echo "This is an override file..." >/dev/null
[root@no i586]# ADVXctl start
Starting httpd-perl:[  OK  ]
Starting httpd2:[  OK  ]
[root@no i586]# echo "See? It starts back 2.0..." >/dev/null
[root@no i586]# ADVXctl stop;touch /etc/httpd/conf/RUN1.3;ADVXctl start
Shutting down httpd-perl:   [  OK  ]
Shutting down httpd2:   [  OK  ]
Starting httpd-perl:[  OK  ]
Starting httpd: [  OK  ]
[root@no i586]# cat >/dev/null < We can now have multiple Apache versions installed, and decide at
> will what version we want today 
> HAVE FUN! ;-)
> Jean-Michel

[root@no i586]# rpm -q --whatprovides ADVXpackage

Re: [Cooker] ext2resize, aumix

2003-01-07 Thread Austin Acton
Cool, thanks.
I'll try to update them all tonight.

Austin Acton Hon.B.Sc.
 Synthetic Organic Chemist, Teaching Assistant
   Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto
 MandrakeClub Volunteer (www.mandrakeclub.com)
 homepage: www.groundstate.ca

[Cooker] ext2resize, aumix

2003-01-07 Thread Crispin Boylan

extresize is a little out of date, version in cooker is 1.1.14 - current 
is 1.1.17, it fixes a few bugs (probably good for a parition resizer?)

also aumix is 2.7 in cooker, 2.8 latest, 2.7 is over 2 years old, 2.8 
was released in november.

oh yeh and xchat latest is 1.8.11, current in cooker is 1.8.10


Re: [Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

2003-01-07 Thread Austin Acton
$ rpm -bb gcc.spec
worked perfectly on my dual Athlon 1900

$ rpmbuild -bb --target=athlonxp gcc.spec
failed to even get underway, but that's because I have no
athlonxp-mandrake-linux-gnu target on my machine

Are you 100% sure your rpm/BUILD and rpm/tmp directories were clean?


Austin Acton Hon.B.Sc.
 Synthetic Organic Chemist, Teaching Assistant
   Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto
 MandrakeClub Volunteer (www.mandrakeclub.com)
 homepage: www.groundstate.ca

Re: [Cooker] Is this the place to post cooker bugs?

2003-01-07 Thread Austin Acton
Seems hard to believe that error.
If you're just doing
rpm -ba
it won't make ANY difference what processor you're using.  It will build
for i586 (unless you have altered the .rpmrc file).  In fact, from your
post, it looks like you were building i586-mandrake-linux-gnu.  So the
error shouldn't be caused by building on an athlon.  And if it works on
you other system, it makes me think that your dual athlon has a dirty
build environment or something.

However, I have a dual athlon and I will try to reproduce the problem
right now.


Austin Acton Hon.B.Sc.
 Synthetic Organic Chemist, Teaching Assistant
   Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto
 MandrakeClub Volunteer (www.mandrakeclub.com)
 homepage: www.groundstate.ca

Re: [Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

2003-01-07 Thread Todd Lyons
Hash: SHA1

Dean S. Messing wrote on Mon, Jan 06, 2003 at 12:28:14PM -0800 :
> + ln -s /usr/include/libgcj-3.2.1 
> ln: 
> File exists
> error: Bad exit status from /var/tmp/rpm-tmp.71143 (%install)
> The problem is that there is already a file (link) in
> /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/usr/lib/gcc-lib/athlon-mandrake-linux-gnu/3.2.1/include/
> called `libgcj'.  It points to `root/etc/alternatives/libgcj'
> so when the above link is attempted, it fails.
> Surely other athlon users have run across this?  But I've not seen
> anything mentioned.  I  went over the cooker archives and see nothing.

Can you isolate
1) Does the link already exist in some tarball (almost certaily no).
2) Does the link get made by some earlier invocation of
3) Can you ascertain exactly where it gets created?
4) Does it do the same thing if you do everything by hand?

I'm really just replying to this to acknowledge your message.  I know
that nothing I've written above is something you couldn't do on your own
(and probably already have), but I saw your "was this a faux pas"
message and just wanted to send the acknowledgement.

Blue skies...   Todd
- -- 
   MandrakeSoft USA   http://www.mandrakesoft.com
Mandrake: An amalgam of good ideas from RedHat, Debian, and MandrakeSoft.
All in all, IMHO, an unbeatable combination.   --Levi Ramsey on Cooker ML
   Cooker Version mandrake-release-9.1-0.1mdk Kernel 2.4.20-2mdk
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


[Cooker] Is this the place to post cooker bugs?

2003-01-07 Thread Dean S. Messing

I posted a (possible) cooker bug here yesterday.
The bug appears in the build process for gcc-3.2.1
on my athlon machine.

It's entitled:

[Cooker] Bug in gcc-3.2.1 .src.rpm build

and can be found here:


I have seen no remarks, acknowledgement of receipt, questions, or
statements to effect that I'm an idiotic doofus and the "bug" is all
my fault.

Is anyone listing?  Did I commit some cooker social faux pax by posting
bugs here?


P.S. In another message I also asked about why I can't
digestify this list.  My mbox is getting swamped with individual
cooker message which I would dearly love to have in  digest form
but sympa tells me that "SET cooker DIGEST" is not an allowed commend
for this list.

Can anyone tell me why?


Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] gstreamer-0.5.1-1mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Tue, 7 Jan 2003 13:18:29 -0800
Todd Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, I didn't have the presence of mind either to strace it before I
> killed it.  Anybody else who sees this might be able to do it and see
> what it's hanging on.

I did the build without the post script but that did not help.

Here is portion of strace for 1 rpm 

[root@localhost gstreamer-plugins]# strace rpm -Uvh
gstreamer-aalib-0.5.1-1.1plf.i586.rpm execve("/bin/rpm", ["rpm", "-Uvh",
"gstreamer-aalib-0.5.1-1.1plf.i586.rpm"], [/* 71 vars */]) = 0
uname({sys="Linux", node="localhost.localdomain", ...}) = 0 fcntl64(0,
F_GETFD) = 0 fcntl64(1, F_GETFD)
= 0 fcntl64(2, F_GETFD) = 0
geteuid32() = 0
getuid32()  = 0
getegid32() = 0
getgid32()  = 0
getrlimit(0x3, 0xbfffe958)  = 0
setrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, {rlim_cur=2044*1024, rlim_max=RLIM_INFINITY}) =
0 getpid()= 27098
rt_sigaction(SIGRTMIN, {0x8141390, [], SA_RESTORER, 0x814d508}, NULL, 8)
= 0 rt_sigaction(SIGRT_1, {0x8141290, [], SA_RESTORER, 0x814d508}, NULL,
8) = 0 rt_sigaction(SIGRT_2, {0x8141400, [], SA_RESTORER, 0x814d508},
NULL, 8) = 0


chdir("/")  = 0
chroot("/") = 0
lstat64("/usr/lib/gstreamer-0.5/libgstaasink.so", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755,
st_size=15476, ...}) = 0 stat64("/", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=536,
...}) = 0 stat64("/var/", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|0755, st_size=552, ...}) = 0
stat64("/var/tmp", {st_mode=S_IFDIR|S_ISVTX|0777, st_size=560, ...}) = 0
time(NULL)  = 1041975890
open("/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.94084", O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_EXCL, 0666) = 9
fcntl64(9, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) = 0
gettimeofday({1041975890, 852151}, NULL) = 0
stat64("/var/tmp/rpm-tmp.94084", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=0, ...})
= 0 fstat64(9, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=0, ...}) = 0
-1, 0) = 0x400df000 select(10, NULL, [9], NULL, {2, 0}) = 1 (out
[9], left {2, 0}) gettimeofday({1041975890, 852391}, NULL) = 0
write(9, "/usr/bin/gst-register --gst-mask"..., 124) = 124
gettimeofday({1041975890, 852486}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1041975890, 852506}, NULL) = 0
close(9)= 0
gettimeofday({1041975890, 852542}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1041975890, 852564}, NULL) = 0
gettimeofday({1041975890, 852580}, NULL) = 0
munmap(0x400df000, 8192)= 0
dup(1)  = 9
gettimeofday({1041975890, 852649}, NULL) = 0
fork()  = 27099

Here it hangs and process has to be killed.

If needed/wanted I can attach the full strace.


The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of an expanding bureaucracy.
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.20-2mdk

Re: [Cooker] apache2 a dep for apache?

2003-01-07 Thread J.P. Pasnak

Jean-Michel Dault said:

> Le mar 07/01/2003 à 13:50, J.P. Pasnak a écrit :
>> > The fix is to install Apache 2 ;-)
>> > Do you have a reason not to install it?
>> Yes, a very good reason.   I was planning on switching all my servers
>> over
>> to apache2 over the holidays, but I got Starcraft working in Wine, so
>> out
>> went that plan :)
> Hehehe!
>> Any tips or things that I may have missed, or known 'gotchas' with
>> converting 1.3x to 2.x ?
> It depends.. if you're using heavy perl software, like Apache::ASP or
> HTML::Embperl, or if you're using obscure external modules, you'll bang
> your head.
> If your usage is typical Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, it will be a smooth
> ride.
> Jean-Michel

It was a simple LAMP setup, and went fairly trouble free.   I did a short
article on it at

Live fast, die young,
You're sucking up my bandwidth.

J.P. Pasnak, CD

[Cooker] [Bug 751] [imap] IMAP login fails since last update

2003-01-07 Thread [Bug 751]


   What|Removed |Added


--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-01-07 22:39 ---
Confirmed - working on fix

--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

--- Reminder: ---
assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tail /var/log/auth.log
Jan  7 18:26:53 localhost imapd[26843]: Login disabled user=pascalimap
auth=pascalimap host=localhost.localdomain []
Jan  7 18:26:56 localhost xinetd[26833]: EXIT: imap pid=26843 duration=3(sec)
Jan  7 18:27:24 localhost xinetd[26833]: START: imap pid=26858 from=
Jan  7 18:27:24 localhost imapd[26858]: Login disabled user=pascalimap
auth=pascalimap host=localhost.localdomain []
Jan  7 18:27:27 localhost xinetd[26833]: EXIT: imap pid=26858 duration=3(sec)
Jan  7 18:30:12 localhost xinetd[26833]: START: imap pid=26961 from=
Jan  7 18:30:13 localhost imapd[26961]: Login disabled user=pascalimap
auth=pascalimap host=localhost.localdomain []
Jan  7 18:30:23 localhost last message repeated 2 times
Jan  7 18:30:28 localhost imapd[26961]: Login excessive login failures
user=pascalimap auth=pascalimap host=localhost.localdomain []
Jan  7 18:30:31 localhost xinetd[26833]: EXIT: imap pid=26961 duration=19(sec)

Re: [Cooker] apache2 a dep for apache?

2003-01-07 Thread J.P. Pasnak

Buchan Milne said:

> Hash: SHA1
> J.P. Pasnak wrote:
>> Yes, a very good reason.   I was planning on switching all my servers
>> over
>> to apache2 over the holidays, but I got Starcraft working in Wine, so
>> out
>> went that plan :)
> Would yo like to enlighten us how (or should we check the usual
> suspects) so that we can also play instead of working ?
> (bonus points for half-life, paid position availble for QMuzik - ERP app
> in VB we use).

Starcraft installed fine, it was when I figured out how to launch
automagically in a seperate X with the proper resolution that caused an
end to any productive work.

I had half-life working fine quite a while ago, once I resolved a colour
settings problem, IIRC.

Never heard of QMuzik

Live fast, die young,
You're sucking up my bandwidth.

J.P. Pasnak, CD

Re: [Cooker] localhost.localdomain in /etc/hosts is broken?

2003-01-07 Thread Tibor Pittich
Dňa 07. jan 2003 o 20:24, Buchan Milne napísal(a):

> This seems correct according to the hosts (5), as such :
> localhost.localdomain   localhost
> (as it is currently by default) is incorrect,
> localhost
> is correct, and
> localhost   localhost.localdomain
> is acceptable.

there is two separate things.
one is order of entries in /etc/hosts file.

there is imho authoritative BSD man pages, where we can see:
cite from man 5 hosts:
 The hosts file contains information regarding the known hosts on the net-
 work.  For each host a single line should be present with the following

   Internet address
   official host name

this is from FreeBSD man page.

similar we can see in NetBSD hosts man page:
  For each host a single line should be present with the following informa-
address hostname [alias ...]
  These are:
address   Internet address
hostname  Official host name
alias Alias host name

and, off course in man pages which is included in mandrake:
For each host a single line should be present with the following information:

  IP_address canonical_hostname aliases

there is crystal clear how we wrote any /etc/hosts entries. but we will see, that
we don't know what is proper canonical (official) hostname for localhost.

> I haven't looked at the RFCs, but I suspect localhost.localdomain only
> came into existence with RH, and 'localdomain' is the correct FQDN for

yes, this is second thing, which is important in this issue. if i search in
rfc's right, there is no strictly defined, what is canonical name for
localhost. but we can inspired with RFC1912, where is described common
configuration errors related do DNS system. there are not one note that
localhost is cannonical name. i mean this line:
localhost.  IN  A

in this documment is no allusion about localdomain, and
localhost.localdomain hostnames, or domains..

if i can imagine what solution would be right, i mean that right record
for loopback address can be like this:   localhost   localhost.localdomain

i know, this is duplicity, but second entry is maybe needed for another
application for compatibility?? and it works with 'getent' right.

if we inspired with NetBSD, there is only first line, without

if developers can change hosts file, there is possible right time to add
IPV6 adress of loopback too:
::1 localhost

Linux 2.4.20-2mdk 
Mandrake Linux release 9.1 (Cooker) for i586 
21:58:37 up 8 days, 5:22, 8 users, load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.00 

Description: PGP signature

Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] gstreamer-0.5.1-1mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Charles A Edwards
On 07 Jan 2003 15:09:42 -0600
Steve Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> All three of these GStreamer updates called gst-register in the
> %post_install script , which pegged my CPU until I did 'killall
> gst-register' for each package.

1-3 pkgs will install and then it locks up.

I am doing a build now without the post script.
I'll run gst-register once after all pkgs are installed and report the


Out of sight is out of mind.
-- Arthur Clough
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.20-2mdk

Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] gstreamer-0.5.1-1mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Todd Lyons
Hash: SHA1

Steve Fox wrote on Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 03:09:42PM -0600 :
> All three of these GStreamer updates called gst-register in the
> %post_install script , which pegged my CPU until I did 'killall
> gst-register' for each package.
> Any one else affected by this?

Yes, I didn't have the presence of mind either to strace it before I
killed it.  Anybody else who sees this might be able to do it and see
what it's hanging on.

Blue skies...   Todd
- -- 
| MandrakeSoft USA | Security is like an onion.  It's made |
| http://www.mandrakesoft.com  | made up of several layers and makes   |
| http://www.mandrakelinux.com | you cry.  --Howard Chu|
   Cooker Version mandrake-release-9.1-0.1mdk Kernel 2.4.20-2mdk
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


[Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] gstreamer-0.5.1-1mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Steve Fox
All three of these GStreamer updates called gst-register in the
%post_install script , which pegged my CPU until I did 'killall
gst-register' for each package.

Any one else affected by this?


Steve Fox

Re: [Cooker] apache2 a dep for apache?

2003-01-07 Thread Michael Scherer
Le Mardi 7 Janvier 2003 20:13, Buchan Milne a écrit :
> J.P. Pasnak wrote:
> > Yes, a very good reason.   I was planning on switching all my servers
> > over to apache2 over the holidays, but I got Starcraft working in Wine,
> > so out went that plan :)
> Would yo like to enlighten us how (or should we check the usual
> suspects) so that we can also play instead of working ?
You are kidding, starcraft was one of the first game to be playable with wine.

I remember to be able to launch it 2 years ago ( not to play, need too much 
cpu power :(  ).
Ok, I always used with a real windows setup, but, there is no problem i  
You have no excuse to be useful during work time instead of wasting time in 
Except a boycott of blizzard, of course.


[Cooker] Mustek Scanexpress 1200 CU no longer in database?

2003-01-07 Thread Robert Fox
This scanner worked fine with stock 9.0 and earlier Cooker.

With latest Cooker - It doesn't find it anymore.


Fox Consulting Services

Re: [Cooker] localhost.localdomain in /etc/hosts is broken?

2003-01-07 Thread Buchan Milne
Hash: SHA1

Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Buchan Milne) writes:
>>And xinetd ... which is really the bigger problem.
> would you be kind to send me again the complete bug report ? (i have
> been away of bugs buisness since a couple of months)

Not really bug report, Sly (I think) fixed swat. It went like this.
Defuault /etc/xinetd.d/swat had:

only_from = localhost

If it was enabled, and the user tried to go to http://localhost:901 on
the same machine, swat would not be accessible. Change hosts file to have   localhost

and it works, but Sly worked around by changing only_from to,
and hopefully the menu entry too.

It's not too important to me, since I don't like swat, but I don't think
it's limited to swat, as xinetd is doing it ?


- --
|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering http://www.cae.co.za
GPG Key   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: [Cooker] Maybe a bit more general than cooker : upgrade kernel

2003-01-07 Thread Todd Lyons
Hash: SHA1

arakeis wrote on Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 12:30:55PM +0100 :
> but : nowhere any mention of initrd
> so is this ok ?  :
> 7/ mkinitrd /boot/.img kernel-

When you do 'make install' in the kernel source tree, the scripts that
are called will generate an initrd to match the kernel you're

'man mkinitrd' for info on how to do it manually.  

'grep initrd /sbin/installkernel' will lead you to
/usr/share/loader/make-initrd which has a little intelligence about what
it's doing.

Blue skies...   Todd
- -- 
...and I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious
 anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my binaries, and you 
will know my name is root, when I lay my vengeance upon thee.
   Cooker Version mandrake-release-9.1-0.1mdk Kernel 2.4.20-2mdk
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Cooker] localhost.localdomain in /etc/hosts is broken?

2003-01-07 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Buchan Milne) writes:

> And xinetd ... which is really the bigger problem.

would you be kind to send me again the complete bug report ? (i have
been away of bugs buisness since a couple of months)

Re: [Cooker] localhost.localdomain in /etc/hosts is broken?

2003-01-07 Thread Buchan Milne
Hash: SHA1

Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Buchan Milne) writes:
>>This seems correct according to the hosts (5), as such :
> Which is the Debian incorporated man-pages, but i don't see the point
> if :
> www.foo.com bar
> work, why :
> localhost.localdomain   localhost
> should be invalid.

It should work, but there is a difference between NDS-resolved and
hosts-resloved (google isn't in my hosts, but ranger.dnsalias.com is):
[bgmilne@bgmilne bgmilne]$ getent hosts localhost   localhost.localdomain localhost
[bgmilne@bgmilne bgmilne]$ grep localhost /etc/hosts   localhost.localdomain localhost
[bgmilne@bgmilne bgmilne]$ getent hosts www.google.com  www.google.com
[bgmilne@bgmilne bgmilne]$ getent hosts ranger   ranger.dnsalias.com ranger
[bgmilne@bgmilne bgmilne]$ grep ranger /etc/hosts   ranger.dnsalias.com ranger

But the question is what do the RFCs say? I think the FQDN for
was supposed to be localhost, nothing more, nothing less (but I could be
wrong ;-))

> i am not sure yet if the guilty is the 'festival' program or our
> configuration, and as far i remember only this program has problems
> with this naming.

And xinetd ... which is really the bigger problem.

AFAIK, localhost.localdomain isn't required by any RFC (would have to
check), but localhost is. But, it's probably possible to ensure that (if
 not resolving localhost with the current default hosts file) that it
works with both by having this instead:   localhost   localhost.localdomain

Anyone know more definitively?

- --
|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering http://www.cae.co.za
GPG Key   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: [Cooker] apache2 a dep for apache?

2003-01-07 Thread Jean-Michel Dault
Le mar 07/01/2003 à 13:50, J.P. Pasnak a écrit :

> > The fix is to install Apache 2 ;-)
> > Do you have a reason not to install it?
> Yes, a very good reason.   I was planning on switching all my servers over
> to apache2 over the holidays, but I got Starcraft working in Wine, so out
> went that plan :)


> Any tips or things that I may have missed, or known 'gotchas' with
> converting 1.3x to 2.x ?

It depends.. if you're using heavy perl software, like Apache::ASP or
HTML::Embperl, or if you're using obscure external modules, you'll bang
your head.

If your usage is typical Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, it will be a smooth


Re: [Cooker] apache2 a dep for apache?

2003-01-07 Thread Buchan Milne
Hash: SHA1

J.P. Pasnak wrote:
> Yes, a very good reason.   I was planning on switching all my servers over
> to apache2 over the holidays, but I got Starcraft working in Wine, so out
> went that plan :)

Would yo like to enlighten us how (or should we check the usual
suspects) so that we can also play instead of working ?

(bonus points for half-life, paid position availble for QMuzik - ERP app
in VB we use).


- --
|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering http://www.cae.co.za
GPG Key   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: [Cooker] apache2 a dep for apache?

2003-01-07 Thread Jean-Michel Dault
Le mar 07/01/2003 à 12:41, Oden Eriksson a écrit :
> In a couple of days from now, Apache 1.3 will be moved to the contribs,
> and Apache 2.0 will go in Cooker, and after that in the 9.1 release.
> ODEN: That's news... That's why you have been so quiet lately? Many things
> to fix?

I was quiet because I was moving =) My new location is 200 km away from
here, and with the holidays and such, it was impossible to get a truck
to get my stuff, and it took forever to get my DSL access.

I have been also very busy with compiling Apache 1.3.27 with
SHARED_CORE, so it can be used by Kylix, banging my head on PHP 4.2.3.

Now it's time to upload ;-)


Re: [Cooker] Please don't make urpmi stupid

2003-01-07 Thread Steve Fox
On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 01:35, Vox wrote:

>   Then use the ugly little hack to go around their ugly little hack,
>   and keep yelling at them...if it's closed source stuff, I bet you
>   are paying them...so...yell at them a lot...if they don't want to
>   fix it, yell at their boss or at their boss' boss...keep going up
>   the lather, it'll happen, specially if it's an expensive product
>   that is not widely deployed in the world.

Granted I can do that, but the point I'm trying to make is that this
unresolved dependency has nothing to do with any of the packages I am

It just makes sense to me to only worry about things that affect the
action you are trying to perform. urpmi doing a 'system check' to make
sure the whole world is in order not only has this nasty side effect,
but it also probably slows urpmi down.


Steve Fox

Re: [Cooker] Please don't make urpmi stupid

2003-01-07 Thread Steve Fox
On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 04:18, François Pons wrote:

> Ok, I hope I will not hurt sensibility but urpmi doesn't care if
> unrelated dependencies are unresolved. *BUT* urpmi when resolving
> related dependencies (and related should be understanded in the very
> large part) it may add unresolved dependencies.

That's just the thing. It used to not care about unrelated dependencies.
But now it does and it says that it must uninstall SuperFoo in order to

If I select Yes it allows my 'urpmi --auto-select' to continue and in
fact it *does not* actually uninstall SuperFoo. I started this thread 
because this indicates to me that in the future urpmi will uninstall it,
and that it doesn't currently uninstall it is merely a bug or an
uncompleted feature. 

urpmi seems to be becoming like apt. I tried out apt4rpm once for
giggles when I was running RH8 for a while. It wouldn't let me install
any software at all because I had this unresolved dependency that was
totally unrelated to anything I was installing (it was complaining about
the JDK even though nothing I installed used Java).

So apt4rpm was completely useless to me and was half the reason I
returned to Cooker.


Steve Fox

Re: [Cooker] localhost.localdomain in /etc/hosts is broken?

2003-01-07 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Buchan Milne) writes:

> This seems correct according to the hosts (5), as such :

Which is the Debian incorporated man-pages, but i don't see the point
if : www.foo.com bar

work, why :   localhost.localdomain   localhost

should be invalid.

i am not sure yet if the guilty is the 'festival' program or our
configuration, and as far i remember only this program has problems
with this naming.

[Cooker] harddrake2 still daesnt work

2003-01-07 Thread francesco.melo
[root@vete vete]#  harddrake2
Name "harddrake::data::tree" used only once: possible typo at
   /usr/sbin/harddrake2 line 201 (#1)
   (W once) Typographical errors often show up as unique variable names.
   If you had a good reason for having a unique name, then just mention it
   again somehow to suppress the message.  The our declaration is
   provided for this purpose.

sbus_probing::main::prom_walk() called too early to check prototype at
   /usr/lib/libDrakX/sbus_probing/main.pm line 126 (#2)
   (W prototype) You've called a function that has a prototype before the
   parser saw a definition or declaration for it, and Perl could not check
   that the call conforms to the prototype.  You need to either add an
   early prototype declaration for the subroutine in question, or move the
   subroutine definition ahead of the call to get proper prototype
   checking.  Alternatively, if you are certain that you're calling the
   function correctly, you may put an ampersand before the name to avoid
   the warning.  See perlsub.

sbus_probing::main::prom_walk() called too early to check prototype at
   /usr/lib/libDrakX/sbus_probing/main.pm line 127 (#2)

Use of uninitialized value in hash element at
   /usr/lib/libDrakX/sbus_probing/main.pm line 91 (#3)
   (W uninitialized) An undefined value was used as if it were already
   defined.  It was interpreted as a "" or a 0, but maybe it was a mistake.
   To suppress this warning assign a defined value to your variables.

   To help you figure out what was undefined, perl tells you what operation
   you used the undefined value in.  Note, however, that perl optimizes 
   program and the operation displayed in the warning may not necessarily
   appear literally in your program.  For example, "that $foo" is
   usually optimized into "that " . $foo, and the warning will refer to
   the concatenation (.) operator, even though there is no . in your

Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
   /usr/lib/libDrakX/sbus_probing/main.pm line 100 (#3)
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
   /usr/lib/libDrakX/sbus_probing/main.pm line 124 (#3)
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at
   /usr/lib/libDrakX/sbus_probing/main.pm line 125 (#3)
Use of uninitialized value in split at 
/usr/lib/libDrakX/detect_devices.pm line
   111 (#3)
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
   /usr/lib/libDrakX/detect_devices.pm line 514 (#3)
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at
   /usr/lib/libDrakX/detect_devices.pm line 182 (#3)
TODO: XSetInputFocus if force_focus
TODO: ensure focus stuff
TODO: XSetInputFocus if force_focus
TODO: ensure focus stuff
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/sbin/harddrake2 line 216 
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /usr/sbin/harddrake2 line 229 
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at 
/usr/sbin/harddrake2 line
   229 (#3)
Use of uninitialized value in sprintf at /usr/sbin/harddrake2 line 235 (#3)
Use of uninitialized value in index at 
/usr/lib/libDrakX/detect_devices.pm line
   199 (#3)
Use of uninitialized value in index at 
/usr/lib/libDrakX/detect_devices.pm line
   203 (#3)
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at
   /usr/lib/libDrakX/detect_devices.pm line 190 (#3)
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at 
   line 46 (#3)
Use of uninitialized value in string ne at 
   line 15 (#3)
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
   /usr/lib/libDrakX/scanner.pm line 33 (#3)
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at
   /usr/lib/libDrakX/scanner.pm line 34 (#3)
Use of uninitialized value in numeric ne (!=) at
   /usr/lib/libDrakX/detect_devices.pm line 718 (#3)
Uncaught exception from user code:
   Is gtk2-perl missing Gtk2::GObject::set_active ?
Call trace:
   Gtk2::_Object::AUTOLOAD() called from /usr/sbin/harddrake2:262
called at /usr/sbin/harddrake2 line 262
BUG in /usr/sbin/harddrake2 : ugtk2->exit was *NOT* called !!
Use of uninitialized value in subroutine entry at /usr/lib/libDrakX/c.pm 
line 10.
[root@vete vete]#

[Cooker] localhost.localdomain in /etc/hosts is broken?

2003-01-07 Thread Buchan Milne
Hash: SHA1

I have seen a number of errors that could be due to the bug (probably
inherited from RH) as described here.

The issue affects recent xinetd (specifically, swat, where we now
suggest the use of only_from= instead of only_from = localhost)
since resolving localhost does not work in recent versions of xinetd.


This seems correct according to the hosts (5), as such :   localhost.localdomain   localhost
(as it is currently by default) is incorrect,   localhost
is correct, and   localhost   localhost.localdomain
is acceptable.

I haven't looked at the RFCs, but I suspect localhost.localdomain only
came into existence with RH, and 'localdomain' is the correct FQDN for

Can someone fix this (if my assessment is correct)?


- --
|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering http://www.cae.co.za
GPG Key   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: [Cooker] apache2 a dep for apache?

2003-01-07 Thread J.P. Pasnak

Jean-Michel Dault said:

> Le sam 04/01/2003 à 02:05, Olivier Thauvin a écrit :
>> > > >Can anyone explain why when I go to update to apache-1.3.27,
>> > > > apache2 is a dependancy?   I have to put apache2-blah into the
>> > > > skip.list for it to work properly.
>> > > Because apache2 provide apache, apache = 2.x > apache =1.3.27, then
>> > > urpmi think it is a update...
>> > Bah, should have looked at the provides myself.  Tks.
>> But I agree a fix would be welcome !
> The fix is to install Apache 2 ;-)
> Do you have a reason not to install it?
> In a couple of days from now, Apache 1.3 will be moved to the contribs,
> and Apache 2.0 will go in Cooker, and after that in the 9.1 release.
> Jean-Michel

Yes, a very good reason.   I was planning on switching all my servers over
to apache2 over the holidays, but I got Starcraft working in Wine, so out
went that plan :)

Any tips or things that I may have missed, or known 'gotchas' with
converting 1.3x to 2.x ?

Live fast, die young,
You're sucking up my bandwidth.

J.P. Pasnak, CD

Re: [Cooker] rpmdrake problem

2003-01-07 Thread Charles A Edwards
On Tue, 07 Jan 2003 17:06:50 +0100
"francesco.melo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> i know there is an option with urpmi  tha don't clean cache but   
> i want to use rpmdrake.

You can use the same with rpmdrake.
I nearly always use urpmi but on occasion will use rpmdrake.
I created a small executable for launching it:
rpmdrake --noclean --no-verify-rpm


Brain off-line, please wait.
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.20-2mdk

Re: [Cooker] apple-keyboard XFree

2003-01-07 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Marco Rothley) writes:

> keycode 116 = Mode_switch

try to set it as ISO_Level3_Shift

Re: [Cooker] rpmdrake problem

2003-01-07 Thread Ron Stodden
francesco.melo wrote:

mirrors are full,  there are problem connecting , and dowloading.
But there are more problem without a simple option that can permit to 
retry when connection with the mirror fails.

for examples:  780 mb kde upgrade now ..i dowloaded this pkg 7 times 
because everitime there was a pkg that fail  after 4 o 10  or 26 pkg 
dowloaded so i have to start all from the begin.

i know there is an option with urpmi  tha don't clean cache but    i 
want to use rpmdrake.

I LL start dowload again now  :::so i lll cahrge mirror of my 
traffic:::and i now that bandwith is like gold :::

For goodness sake, use rsync. rsync is everything that ftp always 
should have been.

Run rsync repeatedly untill nothing further is downloaded - at that 
point you can reliably assume a perfect download.

If md5sums are provided _always_ check them as well.

Ron. [Melbourne, Australia]
   20030106 updates now available for Fastest Mandrake downloader 
(English-only) from:

[Cooker] [Bug 751] [imap] New: IMAP login fails since last update

2003-01-07 Thread [Bug 751]

   Product: imap
 Component: imap
   Summary: IMAP login fails since last update
   Version: 2002a-1mdk
  Platform: PC
OS/Version: All
Status: NEW
  Severity: major
  Priority: P2

tail /var/log/auth.log
Jan  7 18:26:53 localhost imapd[26843]: Login disabled user=pascalimap
auth=pascalimap host=localhost.localdomain []
Jan  7 18:26:56 localhost xinetd[26833]: EXIT: imap pid=26843 duration=3(sec)
Jan  7 18:27:24 localhost xinetd[26833]: START: imap pid=26858 from=
Jan  7 18:27:24 localhost imapd[26858]: Login disabled user=pascalimap
auth=pascalimap host=localhost.localdomain []
Jan  7 18:27:27 localhost xinetd[26833]: EXIT: imap pid=26858 duration=3(sec)
Jan  7 18:30:12 localhost xinetd[26833]: START: imap pid=26961 from=
Jan  7 18:30:13 localhost imapd[26961]: Login disabled user=pascalimap
auth=pascalimap host=localhost.localdomain []
Jan  7 18:30:23 localhost last message repeated 2 times
Jan  7 18:30:28 localhost imapd[26961]: Login excessive login failures
user=pascalimap auth=pascalimap host=localhost.localdomain []
Jan  7 18:30:31 localhost xinetd[26833]: EXIT: imap pid=26961 duration=19(sec)

--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

Re: [Cooker] Please don't make urpmi stupid

2003-01-07 Thread Ron Stodden
Emmanuel Blindauer wrote:

Le Mardi 7 Janvier 2003 14:32, Olivier Thauvin a écrit :

I'll go on the very beautifull and powerfull http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon,
I choose an adress beginning by rsync://
I follow instruction and here an exemple:

urpmi.addmedia main
with ../base/hdlist.cz

Other mirror are listed !

Oh I didn't notice that some entries didn't begin with ftp:// or http:// :)

And don't foget the file:// prefix for any local mirror folder paths.

Ron. [Melbourne, Australia]
   20030106 updates now available for Fastest Mandrake downloader 
(English-only) from:

[Cooker] apple-keyboard XFree

2003-01-07 Thread Marco Rothley

I have a (minor) problem with my keyboard since I installed the new XFree 
packages. I have a apple usb-keyboard. Some keys are missing on this keyboard 
so I used xmodmap to change the mapping. One big problem is that the keyboard 
doesn't have an AltGr (on german keyboards it's AltGr, I don't know if this 
is the same in other countries) key. But I need that key for many characters 
like '@' and '{', ... (on German keyboards '@' is AltGr + q, etc.). So I have 
the following in my Xmodmap:
keycode 116 = Mode_switch

That way I can use my right apple-key (keycode 116) as a AltGr key and have my 
Mode_switch again. But since the I have XFree 4.2.99 installed this doesn't 
work anymore. Some other mappings like the Delete-key is still working fine.
Is there a change in XFree so I can't use the Mode_switch anymore? Under 
Windows the AltGr key is simulated with pressing Ctrl and Alt simultaniously. 
But this isn't working on Linux.

My XFree packages are:


Thanks for any hints/suggestions. I'm now using a standard PC-keyboard so the 
topic isn't very imported for me right now but I think that it could be a 
bigger problem for some others who won't to use Mode_switch.
I also heard about a different (newer) way to do those mappings without 
Xmodmap. How does that work? Any links to howTos?


Re: [Cooker] apache2 a dep for apache?

2003-01-07 Thread Oden Eriksson
replying with this shitty outlook so called software... where's the ">" ???

- Original Message -
From: "Jean-Michel Dault" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] apache2 a dep for apache?

Le sam 04/01/2003 à 02:05, Olivier Thauvin a écrit :
> > > > Can anyone explain why when I go to update to apache-1.3.27,
> > > > apache2 is a dependancy?   I have to put apache2-blah into the
> > > > skip.list for it to work properly.
> > > Because apache2 provide apache, apache = 2.x > apache =1.3.27, then
> > > urpmi think it is a update...
> > Bah, should have looked at the provides myself.  Tks.
> But I agree a fix would be welcome !

The fix is to install Apache 2 ;-)

ODEN: Yeah!

Do you have a reason not to install it?

In a couple of days from now, Apache 1.3 will be moved to the contribs,
and Apache 2.0 will go in Cooker, and after that in the 9.1 release.

ODEN: That's news... That's why you have been so quiet lately? Many things
to fix?

Re: [Cooker] Re: [Contrib-Rpm] fluxbox-0.1.14-3mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Han Boetes
Götz Waschk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am Dienstag,  7. Januar 2003, 03:15:35 Uhr MET, schrieb Han Boetes:
> > [Contrib-RPM]
> > Name: fluxbox  Relocations: (not relocateable)
> > Version : 0.1.14Vendor: MandrakeSoft
> > Release : 3mdk  Build Date: Tue Jan  7 00:32:56 2003
> The source package is there, but the i586 rpm didn't make it to the
> mirrors. Please upload it again.


Done. :)

# Han

[Cooker] rpmdrake problem

2003-01-07 Thread francesco.melo
mirrors are full,  there are problem connecting , and dowloading.
But there are more problem without a simple option that can permit to 
retry when connection with the mirror fails.

for examples:  780 mb kde upgrade now ..i dowloaded this pkg 7 times 
because everitime there was a pkg that fail  after 4 o 10  or 26 pkg 
dowloaded so i have to start all from the begin.

i know there is an option with urpmi  tha don't clean cache but    i 
want to use rpmdrake.

I LL start dowload again now  :::so i lll cahrge mirror of my 
traffic:::and i now that bandwith is like gold :::

[Cooker] [Bug 678] [kdebase] gringotts won't start from kde menu

2003-01-07 Thread [Bug 678]


   What|Removed |Added


--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-01-07 17:03 ---
This is a problem of gringotts and it has been fixed in gringotts-1.2.3-1mdk.

--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

--- Reminder: ---
assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gringotts is a contrib app for storing a list of passwords. Launching it in an 
x-terminal or in 
Gnome works just fine. This is the error that appears in ~/xsession-errors: 
kio (KLauncher): KLauncher: Got 
start service by desktop path('Applications/File tools/Gringotts.desktop', 
kdeinit: Got EXT EXEC '/usr/bin/gringotts' from launcher. 
Could not load library! Trying exec 
kio (KLauncher): /usr/bin/gringotts (pid 32032) up and running. 
(process:32032): gringotts-CRITICAL **: It isn't possible to redirect data to 
stdin, as it is a potential security flaw. 
kdeinit: PID 32032 terminated. 

Re: [Cooker] Expert install and third-party kernel modules ...

2003-01-07 Thread Thomas Backlund
From: "Guillaume Cottenceau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thomas Backlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > When installing Cooker using expert mode,
> > you get to a point where the installer ask you:
> >  
> > If you want to insert third-party kernel modules,
> > insert a Linux (ext2fs) formatted floppy
> > 
> > Does any info exist about how this disk should be 
> > made ...?
> Just put modules onto the root of it.
> > Can I just copy the *.o files I need to the floppy, or should
> > they be in a /lib/modules/ tree, or what...
> In 2 minutes you would have tried and seen by yourself..

Yeah, I almost did it, but I wasn't sure, since I'm used
to the Windows 2000/XP way wich needs a special
oemsetup.inf on the disk, to tell the system what to do...

Or like the 'patch' boot command wich need to find
patch.pl on the floppy root, so I didn't belive it could
be that simple...

Oh well, that just proves it again...

Linux is the future, but it's already here ;-) ...



[Cooker] [Bug 681] [Installation] autologin & x-autostart

2003-01-07 Thread [Bug 681]


   What|Removed |Added


--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2002-12-18 23:00 ---

On Wed, 2002-12-18 at 07:53, [Bug 681] wrote:
You are right, it does not really make sense. One question however,
would anyone want to log in automatically, but stay in runlevel 3?

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2002-12-19 00:40 ---

On Wed, 2002-12-18 at 07:53, [Bug 681] wrote:
You are right, it does not really make sense. One question however:
would anyone want to log in automatically, but stay in runlevel 3?

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2002-12-19 01:00 ---

On Wed, 2002-12-18 at 07:53, [Bug 681] wrote:

You are right, it does not really make sense. One question however,
would anyone want to log in automatically, but stay in runlevel 3?

--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

--- Reminder: ---
assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The installation process asks whether one would like to boot directly into eg. KDE, 
and later 
asks whether or not to start the X Server during boot. It would be more logical to ask 
the latter 
first, and only if 'yes' ask whether to auto-login.

[Cooker] [Bug 730] [XFree86] Savage driver does not work

2003-01-07 Thread [Bug 730]

--- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-01-07 16:45 ---
I've been running with Option "ForceInit" for the last few days. So far it seems
okay, except when xscreensaver kicks in for a while. It doesn't happen right
away though. I think the screen has to shut off for a while before it happens.

The screen corruption is basically the desktop magnified by 2, then highly
pixelated. So the center of my desktop is basically towards the bottom
right-hand corner of my screen.

Luckily, I can switch to another virtual terminal, then back to X and it will
fix itself. Sounds like things aren't getting fully re-initialized when the
screen wakes up.

--- You are receiving this mail because: ---
You are on the CC list for the bug, or are watching someone who is.

--- Reminder: ---
assigned_to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
XFree86- (I am up to date with cooker as of Jan 2).

The Savage driver will partially load, but the mouse becomes dreadfully slow and
GNOME cannot fully load (i.e. the panel never even shows up). It basically gets
to the point where it feels almost locked up. Sawfish doesn't get any further.
Window Maker will load but there are lots of screen artifacts and you can't even
see what you are typing in an xterm. Eventually it gets to that semi-locked up

Switching to the 'vesa' driver is a temporary work-around.

Re: [Cooker] Expert install and third-party kernel modules ...

2003-01-07 Thread Guillaume Cottenceau
Thomas Backlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> When installing Cooker using expert mode,
> you get to a point where the installer ask you:
> If you want to insert third-party kernel modules,
> insert a Linux (ext2fs) formatted floppy
> Does any info exist about how this disk should be 
> made ...?

Just put modules onto the root of it.
> Can I just copy the *.o files I need to the floppy, or should
> they be in a /lib/modules/ tree, or what...

In 2 minutes you would have tried and seen by yourself..

Guillaume Cottenceau - http://people.mandrakesoft.com/~gc/

[Cooker] Re: [Contrib-Rpm] fluxbox-0.1.14-3mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Götz Waschk
Am Dienstag,  7. Januar 2003, 03:15:35 Uhr MET, schrieb Han Boetes:
> [Contrib-RPM]
> Name: fluxbox  Relocations: (not relocateable)
> Version : 0.1.14Vendor: MandrakeSoft
> Release : 3mdk  Build Date: Tue Jan  7 00:32:56 2003

The source package is there, but the i586 rpm didn't make it to the
mirrors. Please upload it again.

   Götz Waschk <> master of computer science  <> University of Rostock
 http://wwwtec.informatik.uni-rostock.de/~waschk/waschk.asc for PGP key
 --> Logout Fascism! <--

Re: [Cooker] fix for MySQL-3.23.54a-1mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Brook Humphrey
Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 07 January 2003 06:12 am, Jean-Michel Dault wrote:
> Le jeu 02/01/2003 à 21:22, Oden Eriksson a écrit :
> > > While we are on mysql, is there some reason that mysql 4 is not in the
> > > distro? I take a stab at it is no one else wants to. Same goes for
> > > php4.3.
> >
> > As for php..., I don't really know what has been decided. You may have
> > read my
> PHP 4.3.0 will be in Cooker today or tomorrow, I'm finishing the last
> touches on it. I have been banging my head for a whole week on how to
> have the CGI version, the CLI (the new command-line interface), the
> Apache 1.3 and 2.0 versions be built with a shared PHP core.
> Then I have to recompile all the extensions =(

Ok thanks. I wont mess arround with it then. 
> > My proposal is to totally _nuke_ all apache1 stuff, this would indeed
> > speed up the migration process to apache2 :-)
> We can't nuke Apache 1, because a lot of people depend on it. For
> example, it's needed by Kylix from Borland, and the mod_perl support for
> 2.0 is really bad, so you can't run Apache::ASP or HTML-Embperl, which
> some corporate clients are using.
> But I agree that 2.0 should be in the main distro now.
> I am finishing the last touches on a solution so that we can put both
> 1.3 and 2.0 in the main distrib, so that the two versions cohabit
> together, and you can switch between both with a single command.
> Jean-Michek

- -- 
  Brook Humphrey   
Mobile PC Medic, 420 1st, Cheney, WA 99004, 509-235-9107
http://www.webmedic.net, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Holiness unto the Lord
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)


Re: [Cooker] fix for MySQL-3.23.54a-1mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Jean-Michel Dault
Le jeu 02/01/2003 à 21:22, Oden Eriksson a écrit :
> > While we are on mysql, is there some reason that mysql 4 is not in the
> > distro? I take a stab at it is no one else wants to. Same goes for php4.3.
> As for php..., I don't really know what has been decided. You may have read my 

PHP 4.3.0 will be in Cooker today or tomorrow, I'm finishing the last
touches on it. I have been banging my head for a whole week on how to
have the CGI version, the CLI (the new command-line interface), the
Apache 1.3 and 2.0 versions be built with a shared PHP core. 

Then I have to recompile all the extensions =(

> My proposal is to totally _nuke_ all apache1 stuff, this would indeed speed up 
> the migration process to apache2 :-)

We can't nuke Apache 1, because a lot of people depend on it. For
example, it's needed by Kylix from Borland, and the mod_perl support for
2.0 is really bad, so you can't run Apache::ASP or HTML-Embperl, which
some corporate clients are using.

But I agree that 2.0 should be in the main distro now.

I am finishing the last touches on a solution so that we can put both
1.3 and 2.0 in the main distrib, so that the two versions cohabit
together, and you can switch between both with a single command.


Re: [Cooker] Please don't make urpmi stupid

2003-01-07 Thread Jean-Michel Dault
Le mar 07/01/2003 à 04:43, Mark Scott a écrit :
> Does putting the rpm name in /etc/urpmi/skip.list stop the attempted 
> removal? It stops upgrading to packages (such as ignore apache2, I want 
> to stick with apache thanks).

Do you have a specific reason to stay with Apache 1.3?

The 1.3 series will move to the Contribs in a couple of days, and the
2.0 will be in Cooker, and in Mandrake 9.1.


Re: [Cooker] Please don't make urpmi stupid

2003-01-07 Thread Emmanuel Blindauer
Le Mardi 7 Janvier 2003 14:32, Olivier Thauvin a écrit :
> Yes:
> I'll go on the very beautifull and powerfull http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon,
> I choose an adress beginning by rsync://
> I follow instruction and here an exemple:
> urpmi.addmedia main
> rsync://ftp.uninett.no::Mandrake/Mandrake-devel/cooker/i586/Mandrake/RPMS
> with ../base/hdlist.cz
> Other mirror are listed !
Oh I didn't notice that some entries didn't begin with ftp:// or http:// :)

[Cooker] Expert install and third-party kernel modules ...

2003-01-07 Thread Thomas Backlund
When installing Cooker using expert mode,
you get to a point where the installer ask you:
If you want to insert third-party kernel modules,
insert a Linux (ext2fs) formatted floppy

Does any info exist about how this disk should be 
made ...?

Can I just copy the *.o files I need to the floppy,
or should they be in a /lib/modules/ tree, or what...

Google and Cooker ML-archive didn't help, so...

The reason for this is that I have nforce2 based
board (ASUS A7N8X Deluxe) that has many parts
that is not recognized during installation... (network, chpset, ...)

I know that I can install the system first, and then use the
srpms from nvidia after that to get the support, but it would
be nice to have at install time...

MDK 9.0 Installed fine on the system, even if not every part was
recognized, but... (I haven't tested it much yet since I did the install
last night...)

As for Cooker, I'm installing it right now...


* If nothing else works, read the manual ... ... ...

Re: [Cooker] Please don't make urpmi stupid

2003-01-07 Thread Olivier Thauvin
Le Mardi 7 Janvier 2003 13:02, Emmanuel Blindauer a écrit :

> Can you explain a little more, how you can use rsync with urpmi ?
> these is nothing in the man or --help
> Emmanuel

I'll go on the very beautifull and powerfull http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon,
I choose an adress beginning by rsync://
I follow instruction and here an exemple:

urpmi.addmedia main 
with ../base/hdlist.cz

Other mirror are listed !

Linux pour Mac !? Enfin le moyen de transformer
une pomme en véritable ordinateur. - JL.
Olivier Thauvin - http://nanardon.homelinux.org/

Re: [Cooker] efax-0.9a-1mdk.src.rpm in incoming, fixes winmodem support

2003-01-07 Thread Buchan Milne
Hash: SHA1

Reminder about this one, I see it's on the mdkVdeb list, please rebuild
it or contact me if the srpm has been lost etc.

Buchan Milne wrote:
> This SRPM has been uploaded to incoming. The newer version allows my
> Thinkpad 600X's Lucent-based winmodem (with the semi-open-source ltmodem
> drivers) to send faxes with efax. I haven't tested any other devices
> though. I made a few cleanups too.
> Name: efax Relocations: (not relocateable)
> Version : 0.9a  Vendor: MandrakeSoft
> Release : 1mdk  Build Date: Mon 23 Dec 2002
> 22:14:38 SAST
> Install date: (not installed)   Build Host: bgmilne
> Group   : CommunicationsSource RPM: (none)
> Size: 123395   License: GPL
> Packager: Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> URL : http://shino.pos.to/linux/efax.html
> Summary : A program for faxing using a Class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem.
> Description :
> Efax is a small ANSI C/POSIX program that sends and receives faxes using
> any Class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem.
> You need to install efax if you want to send faxes and you have a
> Class 1, 2 or 2.0 fax modem.
> * Mon Dec 23 2002 Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0.9a-1mdk
> - Bump to 0.9a-001114a7 (fixes for winmodems ..), new source, url.
> - Don't patch config file in, make it a source, don't patch the make file
>   when setting a shell variable right will do.
> - Patches 1,2,3 removed (upstreamed)
> Regards,
> Buchan

- --
|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering http://www.cae.co.za
GPG Key   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: [Cooker] still problems with cups...

2003-01-07 Thread Guillaume Rousse
Le Lundi 6 Janvier 2003 21:12, Till Kamppeter a écrit :
> Can you try switching your print queue to the TCP/Socket protocol? You
> can do this by using the command
> lpadmin -p torelli -E -v socket://torelli.snv.jussieu.fr:9100
> Does it work now? if not, try also the original PPD file from the printer:
> lpadmin -p torelli -E -m HP-PostScript/HP_LaserJet_4050_Series.ppd.gz
> This gives you also all printer options which are available under Windows.
It works a bit better, meaning it print more pages at once, but still not 
everything at once.

Also tested on a mdk 8.2 with cups 1.1.10: same results.

Curiously, when looking at page.log, the 70 pages i want to print are present, 
as if the server successfully sent them and the printer silently dropped 
them. It has 8Mo memory only, while smallest setting in driver is 8-11. Maybe 
does the problem come from there ?

BTW, should not the original PPPD alway be preferred over foomatic-generated 
one (when available of course) ?
No matter how many resources you have, it is never enough. 
-- Murphy's Computer Laws n°1

Re: [Cooker] NeoMagic (NM2360) MagicMeida 256ZX

2003-01-07 Thread Buchan Milne
Hash: SHA1

Robert Fox wrote:
> Latest Cooker (as of 01/07/03)
> IBM Thinkpad 600X notebook
> I get corrupted graphics (strange vertical lines in the display (see
> attached snap)

Run 16bit (works on my 600X running 9.0) instead of 24bit (which also
gave the same lines for me).

Btw, if you want to fax with the LTmodem, you need efax-0.9a, I have an
RPM for 9.0 and put one into incoming.

Is it worthwhile packaging tpctl and apmiser (which could be useful for
thinkpad owners).


- --
|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering http://www.cae.co.za
GPG Key   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: [Cooker] Please don't make urpmi stupid

2003-01-07 Thread Emmanuel Blindauer
Le Mardi 7 Janvier 2003 02:35, Olivier Thauvin a écrit :
> Why urpmi should and could do , ftp and http doesn't support this kind of
> feature.
> Maybe you can use a protocol which support... hum, let me purpose, hum...
> no...
> Ah yes ! Use rsync !! I reduce a lot my bandwith I switched from ftp to
> rsync! http://plf.zarb.org/~nanardon is your friend
> If you know other mirror with anonymous rsync availlable, mail me !

Can you explain a little more, how you can use rsync with urpmi ?
these is nothing in the man or --help 


Re: [Cooker] Cursor in latest XFree86

2003-01-07 Thread andre
On Monday 06 January 2003 21:06, Jason Straight wrote:
> On Monday 06 January 2003 09:43 am, Vincent Meyer, MD wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > For a brief while there was a pink cursor - and while people complained
> > about it, it actually seemed to work pretty for me.  Also, the
> > see-through and shadowed cursor for inserting text can be annoying, as
> > the shadow is more visible on my laptop display than the cursor itself
> > is, which frequently results in being a little off when selecting an
> > insertion point.
> >
> > Anyway, how does one change the cursor?  which config file? and is there
> > now or going to be a way to change this with one of the GUI configuration
> > tools?
> >
> > Thanks, and Happy New Year.
> >
> > V.
> /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/icons/default/index.theme
> change whiteglass to redglass

should index.theme not be somewhere in /etc

Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] jfsprogs-1.0.24-1mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Götz Waschk) writes:

> So the bot for the announcement list needs some fixing.

it's because the rpm -qpi has been done on the binary rpm not on the
source file, don't think it worth to change the bot just for Arch
compatibility display (we need to get the generated headers to display
and it's hard to get from the .src.rpm)

Cheers, Chmouel.

[Cooker] Re: [Contrib-Rpm] task-1.52-1mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Buchan Milne
Hash: SHA1

Oden Eriksson wrote:
> [Contrib-RPM]
> --=-=-=
> Name: task Relocations: (not relocateable)
> Version : 1.52  Vendor: MandrakeSoft
> Release : 1mdk  Build Date: Tue Jan  7
00:19:37 2003
> Install date: (not installed)   Build Host: klama.mandrake.org
> Group   : File toolsSource RPM: (none)
> Size: 384302   License: GPL
> Packager: Oden Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> URL : http://www.atstake.com/research/tools/task/
> Summary : The @stake Sleuth Kit (TASK)
> Description :
> The @stake Sleuth Kit (TASK) is the only open source forensic
> toolkit for a complete analysis of Microsoft and UNIX file
> systems. TASK enables investigators to identify and recover
> evidence from images acquired during incident response or from
> live systems. TASK is also open source, allowing investigators to
> verify the actions of the tool or customize it to specific needs.
> --=-=-=
> * Mon Jan 06 2003 Oden Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 1.52-1mdk
> - initial cooker contrib

Oden, Will you be packaging autospy also?



- --
|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering http://www.cae.co.za
GPG Key   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: [Cooker] Please don't make urpmi stupid

2003-01-07 Thread Buchan Milne
Hash: SHA1

Vox wrote:
> This time Steve Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> becomes daring and writes:

>>But in the Real World (tm), there are idiots who package things to fit
>>in their little world. They won't listen to me when I say to use a
>>"Requires: java" instead of "Requires: IBM-JDK".
>   Then use the ugly little hack to go around their ugly little hack,
>   and keep yelling at them...if it's closed source stuff, I bet you
>   are paying them...so...yell at them a lot...if they don't want to
>   fix it, yell at their boss or at their boss' boss...keep going up
>   the lather, it'll happen, specially if it's an expensive product
>   that is not widely deployed in the world.

In the real world, though, the stock answer is printf("But it works on
Redhat version %d.2 and that's all we support", floor(RH_CURRENT_VERSION
- - 2));

- --
|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering http://www.cae.co.za
GPG Key   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: [Cooker] Maybe a bit more general than cooker : upgrade kernel

2003-01-07 Thread Guillaume Rousse
Le Mardi 7 Janvier 2003 12:52, arakeis a écrit :
> 6/ modify lilo or grub to reflect the changes
Just run it if you have a constant setup (aka vmlinuz and vmlinuz.old symlinks 
for instance)

> but : nowhere any mention of initrd
> so is this ok ?  :
> 7/ mkinitrd /boot/.img kernel-
Only useful if you have an initrd. I never use one personaly.
No matter how many resources you have, it is never enough. 
-- Murphy's Computer Laws n°1

[Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] jfsprogs-1.0.24-1mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Götz Waschk
I don't understand this part of the announcement:
Am Dienstag,  7. Januar 2003, 13:15:34 Uhr MET, schrieb Chmouel Boudjnah:
> Exclusivearch: i386 

while the spec file contains this:
>  ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} ppc
So the bot for the announcement list needs some fixing.
   Götz Waschk <> master of computer science  <> University of Rostock
 http://wwwtec.informatik.uni-rostock.de/~waschk/waschk.asc for PGP key
 --> Logout Fascism! <--

Re: [Cooker] Re: [Contrib-Rpm] pam_mount-0.5.9-1mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Buchan Milne
Hash: SHA1

Sebastian Dransfeld wrote:
> 0.5.10 is out :)

No source available at http://www.flyn.org/projects/pam_mount

(Ahh, I see there is, but why can't the author have a sane listing
method on in http://www.flyn.org/projects/pam_mount so I can see dates).

And while I am at it, http://www.flyn.org/ChangeLog/ChangeLog.pam_mount
doesn't list versions (making it quite useless unless you keep a
calendar of releases!), and there is no changelog entry for latest
release (according to fm 0.5.9 was 15 Dec 2002, last Changelog entry was
13 Dec 2002). But I mailed the author yesterday and will take it up with
him ...

And fm also lists 0.5.9 as current ...

And I think 0.5.9 was actually current when I built it :-(.

Anyway, biggest reason to upgrade was it was on the rebuild list the bot
sent me ... I have some more that need to be rebuilt (but maybe wait for
 grass-5.0.1 which is out soon since it's a big package to upgrade twice
in a week), and will do 0.5.10 then.


- --
|--Another happy Mandrake Club member--|
Buchan MilneMechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work+27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering http://www.cae.co.za
GPG Key   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


Re: [Cooker] Maybe a bit more general than cooker : upgrade kernel

2003-01-07 Thread Marcel Pol
On Tue, 07 Jan 2003 12:52:08 +0100
arakeis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've done manual install of kernels but never
> in the "rpm" world. So I looked for docs on
> it, found some on mdk user .org : here :
> http://www.mandrakeuser.org/docs/mdoc/ref/compiling-kernel.html
> is it still the way ?
> 1/ get the src rpm ,
> 2/ install,
> 3/ configure (via menuconfig or others)
> 4/ pray ,
> 5/ make dep && make clean bzImage modules modules_install && install
> 6/ modify lilo or grub to reflect the changes

Not really.
1/ Get the source rpm from the RPMS repository, not the src.rpm from SRPMS,

3/ Before make *config run make mrproper. but this might have been done
   If you want to use the .config included, copy it temporarily elsewhere,

6/ There is no 6. 
Make install should have made an initrd image and updated your bootloader
(lilo, grub).

Marcel Pol

Linux 2.4.20-2mdk.ringwrld.1, up 6 days, 21:46
Registered User #163523

Re: [Cooker] libaudio.so.2 is missing

2003-01-07 Thread marco
Götz Waschk wrote:

Am Dienstag,  7. Januar 2003, 12:50:32 Uhr MET, schrieb marco:

I would like to upgrade kdebase-3.1-0.rc6.2mdk.i586.rpm, kdemultimedia 
...  but the fileset asks libaudio.so.2.

Is it a bug???
What can I do?

Use urpmi, it will install the right package for you (libnas2).


Thanks for your hints.
Have a nice day. :)


[Cooker] Maybe a bit more general than cooker : upgrade kernel

2003-01-07 Thread arakeis
While trying to install alsa on my box,
the 2.4.20 kernel was a dependency according to
I've done manual install of kernels but never
in the "rpm" world. So I looked for docs on
it, found some on mdk user .org : here :

is it still the way ?
1/ get the src rpm ,
2/ install,
3/ configure (via menuconfig or others)
4/ pray ,
5/ make dep && make clean bzImage modules modules_install && install
6/ modify lilo or grub to reflect the changes

but : nowhere any mention of initrd

so is this ok ?  :

7/ mkinitrd /boot/.img kernel-

thks all


Re: [Cooker] libaudio.so.2 is missing

2003-01-07 Thread Götz Waschk
Am Dienstag,  7. Januar 2003, 12:50:32 Uhr MET, schrieb marco:
> I would like to upgrade kdebase-3.1-0.rc6.2mdk.i586.rpm, kdemultimedia 
> ...  but the fileset asks libaudio.so.2.
> Is it a bug???
> What can I do?

Use urpmi, it will install the right package for you (libnas2).

   Götz Waschk <> master of computer science  <> University of Rostock
 http://wwwtec.informatik.uni-rostock.de/~waschk/waschk.asc for PGP key
 --> Logout Fascism! <--

Re: [Cooker] Maybe a bit more general than cooker : upgrade kernel

2003-01-07 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (arakeis) writes:

> but : nowhere any mention of initrd
> 7/ mkinitrd /boot/.img kernel-

yes, or /usr/share/loader/make-initrd ?? will do that also.

[Cooker] libaudio.so.2 is missing

2003-01-07 Thread marco
Hello folks,

I would like to upgrade kdebase-3.1-0.rc6.2mdk.i586.rpm, kdemultimedia 
...  but the fileset asks libaudio.so.2.

Is it a bug???
What can I do?

thanks for your help.
regards Marco

[Cooker] Maybe a bit more general than cooker : upgrade kernel

2003-01-07 Thread arakeis
While trying to install alsa on my box,
the 2.4.20 kernel was a dependency according to
I've done manual install of kernels but never
in the "rpm" world. So I looked for docs on
it, found some on mdk user .org : here :

is it still the way ?
1/ get the src rpm ,
2/ install,
3/ configure (via menuconfig or others)
4/ pray ,
5/ make dep && make clean bzImage modules modules_install && install
6/ modify lilo or grub to reflect the changes

but : nowhere any mention of initrd

so is this ok ?  :

7/ mkinitrd /boot/.img kernel-

thks all


Re: [Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] man-pages-fr-0.9.5-32mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Thierry Vignaud
Guillaume Rousse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > - add anjuta.1, anjuta_launcher.1, esd-config.1, esd.1, esdcat.1,
> > esdctl.1, esddsp.1, esdfilt.1, esdloop.1, esdmon.1, esdplay.1,
> > esdrec.1, esdsample.1
> Those are not standard unix commands. Why are they not in their
> corresponding packages (anjuta, esound) ?

easier job for me.

historically, man-pages-fr had been "ldp translated pages" + "other
packages translated pages".

it was then splitted between the classic ldp package and a new project
that translate everything else.

i've merged them all back in man-pages-fr package so that it has the
same content as the plain old version.

[Cooker] small documentation glitches

2003-01-07 Thread Guillaume Rousse
postgresql-doc package seems not to own its top-level directory, meaning it 
remains on the system after upgrade:
[guillaume@silbermann doc]$ ll postgresql-docs* -d
drwxr-xr-x2 root root1 Feb 11  2002 postgresql-docs-7.1.3/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root1 Apr  9  2002 postgresql-docs-7.2/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root1 Sep  6 12:27 postgresql-docs-7.2.1/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root1 Oct 30 11:49 postgresql-docs-7.2.2/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root1 Jan  6 14:19 postgresql-docs-7.2.3/
drwxr-xr-x2 root root   23 Jan  6 14:19 postgresql-docs-7.3.1/
[guillaume@silbermann doc]$ rpm -q postgresql-docs

apache-conf has a file directly in /usr/share/doc:
[guillaume@silbermann doc]$ ll /usr/share/doc/README.apache-conf
-rw-r--r--1 root root1 Nov  9 09:02 
[guillaume@silbermann doc]$ rpm -qf /usr/share/doc/README.apache-conf
Disks are always full. It is futile to try to get more disk space. Data 
expands to fill any void. 
-- Murphy's Computer Laws n°4

[Cooker] problem with open office

2003-01-07 Thread Guillaume Rousse
[guillaume@silbermann guillaume]$ oowriter
Application ErrorAborted

[guillaume@silbermann guillaume]$ oocalc
Application ErrorAborted

[guillaume@silbermann guillaume]$ rpm -qa | grep Office

Last output of strace oowriter:
0xbfffd1b0) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory)
gettimeofday({1041935677, 591480}, NULL) = 0
open("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/libpackage2.so", O_RDONLY) = 12
read(12, "\177ELF\1\1\1\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\3\0\3\0\1\0\0\0\20\207"..., 1024) = 
fstat64(12, {st_mode=S_IFREG|0755, st_size=306616, ...}) = 0
old_mmap(NULL, 306416, PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC, MAP_PRIVATE, 12, 0) = 0x44b01000
mprotect(0x44b44000, 31984, PROT_NONE)  = 0
old_mmap(0x44b44000, 32768, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_FIXED, 12, 
0x43000) = 0x44b44000
close(12)   = 0
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/resource/ofa64101.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/ofa64101.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/resource/ofa64144.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/ofa64144.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/resource/ofa64149.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/ofa64149.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/resource/ofa64199.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/ofa64199.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/resource/iso64101.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/iso64101.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/resource/iso64144.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/iso64144.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/resource/iso64149.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/iso64149.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/resource/iso64199.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
access("/usr/lib/openoffice/program/iso64199.res", F_OK) = -1 ENOENT (No such 
file or directory)
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, NULL, [RTMIN], 8) = 0
write(9, "\200\0\234@\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\260\202X@X\r\r\10\0\0\0\200"..., 148) = 
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, NULL, [RTMIN], 8) = 0
--- SIGRTMIN (Real-time signal 0) ---
<... rt_sigsuspend resumed> )   = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call)
sigreturn() = ? (mask now [RTMIN])
kill(22707, SIGRTMIN)   = 0
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, NULL, [RTMIN], 8) = 0
--- SIGRTMIN (Real-time signal 0) ---
<... rt_sigsuspend resumed> )   = -1 EINTR (Interrupted system call)
sigreturn() = ? (mask now [RTMIN])
kill(22707, SIGRTMIN)   = 0
kill(22707, SIGRTMIN)   = 0
write(2, "Application Error", 17Application Error)   = 17
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, [ABRT], NULL, 8) = 0
getpid()= 22678
kill(22678, SIGABRT)= 0
--- SIGABRT (Aborted) ---
rt_sigaction(SIGABRT, {SIG_DFL}, NULL, 8) = 0
rt_sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, [ABRT], NULL, 8) = 0
getpid()= 22678
kill(22678, SIGABRT)= 0
--- SIGABRT (Aborted) ---
+++ killed by SIGABRT +++

No matter how many resources you have, it is never enough. 
-- Murphy's Computer Laws n°1

Re: [Cooker] eject-2.0.13 wrong locale dir

2003-01-07 Thread Chmouel Boudjnah
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (rcc) writes:

> eject installs locale to /share instead of /usr/share.

i fixed it thanks for the bug report.

Re: [Cooker] Please don't make urpmi stupid

2003-01-07 Thread François Pons
Le mar 07/01/2003 à 05:22, Steve Fox a écrit :

> I would much prefer to see the tool remain smart. Really, why should it
> even care if unrelated dependencies are unresolved? It's kind of like
> getting into other people's business even though they didn't ask you to.
> (ok, maybe that's not the best analogy, but it's all I can think of)

Ok, I hope I will not hurt sensibility but urpmi doesn't care if
unrelated dependencies are unresolved. *BUT* urpmi when resolving
related dependencies (and related should be understanded in the very
large part) it may add unresolved dependencies.


[Cooker] eject-2.0.13 wrong locale dir

2003-01-07 Thread rcc

eject installs locale to /share instead of /usr/share.

I'd suggest turning %makeinstall into  make install DESTDIR  and skip
the ROOTDIR and PREFIX variables.

- Mark

[Cooker] Re: [CHRPM] man-pages-fr-0.9.5-32mdk

2003-01-07 Thread Guillaume Rousse
Le Mardi 7 Janvier 2003 09:00, Thierry Vignaud a écrit :
> * Tue Jan 07 2003 Thierry Vignaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 0.9.5-32mdk
> - add anjuta.1, anjuta_launcher.1, esd-config.1, esd.1, esdcat.1, esdctl.1,
>   esddsp.1, esdfilt.1, esdloop.1, esdmon.1, esdplay.1, esdrec.1,
> esdsample.1
Those are not standard unix commands. Why are they not in their corresponding 
packages (anjuta, esound) ?
When you finally buy enough memory, you will not have enough disk space. 
-- Murphy's Computer Laws n°3

Re: [Cooker] Please don't make urpmi stupid

2003-01-07 Thread Mark Scott
Quel Qun wrote:

On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 21:19, Vox wrote:

This time Steve Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
becomes daring and writes:

I would much prefer to see the tool remain smart. Really, why should it
even care if unrelated dependencies are unresolved? It's kind of like
getting into other people's business even though they didn't ask you to.
(ok, maybe that's not the best analogy, but it's all I can think of)

 I actually like to think that urpmi getting old unresolved deps
 flagged is A Good Thing(tm). If you don't care for deps, don't use a
 package *manager*.

I must say I disagree here. He surely do care for deps and that --justdb
trick is just like installing a tarball on an rpm system.

Leaving the SuperFoo in the rpm database allows to keep track of the
installed files and remove them easily.

There should be a way to tell urpmi to ignore a certain list of rpm and
only deal with what it knows, i.e. what is in the hdlist.

Does putting the rpm name in /etc/urpmi/skip.list stop the attempted 
removal? It stops upgrading to packages (such as ignore apache2, I want 
to stick with apache thanks).

If not, perhaps a /etc/urpmi/noremove.list?
Mark Scott

Re: [Cooker] Please don't make urpmi stupid

2003-01-07 Thread Quel Qun
On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 21:19, Vox wrote:
> This time Steve Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> becomes daring and writes:
> > On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 19:47, Vox wrote:
> >
> >>   Easy to fix:
> >> 
> >>   rpm -e --justdb SuperFoo 
> >
> > While that is certainly a solution, it seems like an awful nasty hack.
> > (but thanks for the tip :)
> >
> > I would much prefer to see the tool remain smart. Really, why should it
> > even care if unrelated dependencies are unresolved? It's kind of like
> > getting into other people's business even though they didn't ask you to.
> > (ok, maybe that's not the best analogy, but it's all I can think of)
>   I actually like to think that urpmi getting old unresolved deps
>   flagged is A Good Thing(tm). If you don't care for deps, don't use a
>   package *manager*.
I must say I disagree here. He surely do care for deps and that --justdb
trick is just like installing a tarball on an rpm system.

Leaving the SuperFoo in the rpm database allows to keep track of the
installed files and remove them easily.

There should be a way to tell urpmi to ignore a certain list of rpm and
only deal with what it knows, i.e. what is in the hdlist.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part