Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-09-01 Thread CC007
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

> _Mailing list message from [Alan Snyder]( on 
> [core-libs-dev](
> Ah, if only one could define a type alias Streamable = 
> Supplier>...

If you use that, you'd lose some semantics that the method name would have 
given you. I feel that @liach 's solution is cleaner, since that preserves this 
method name.



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-17 Thread CC007
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

I believe that the accompanying JBS issue (JDK-8272137) can be closed. Maybe a 
mention of how the discussion in this PR was resolved (with code examples) 
could be added there before closing it.



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable [plug for Extensible interface]

2021-08-17 Thread Alan Snyder
This provides an opportunity for me to promote what I believe is a much more 
important missing interface, namely, an interface that supports a semantic 
replacement for type casting.

Using type casting (instanceof) is a really bad way to test an object for an 
optional capability.

The reason is that instanceof is strictly limited by how the object is 
implemented. It will only work if the object *directly* implements the 
interface. It does not support an object that might provide the requested 
interface using an auxiliary object. It doesn’t support delegation at all. If 
you try to wrap an object with a transparent wrapper implemented using 
delegation, the wrapper must support exactly the interfaces that you expect 
from the wrapped object. If some of those are optional, you wind up with many 
versions of the wrapper to ensure that instanceof will work on the wrapper as 

This is hardly a new idea. I’ve seen this idea in several major libraries. But, 
because Java does define its own version of this interface, this approach 
cannot be used in general.

I suspect it would be useful for some of the problems being discussed here.

For concreteness, this is how I define it:

public interface Extensible
 @Nullable T getExtension(@NotNull Class c);

with a static method used in place of instanceof:

public static  @Nullable T getExtension(@Nullable Object o, @NotNull 
Class c)
if (o == null) {
return null;

if (c.isInstance(o)) {
return c.cast(o);

if (o instanceof Extensible) {
Extensible x = (Extensible) o;
return x.getExtension(c);

return null;

> On Aug 17, 2021, at 10:54 AM, CC007 
>  wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  
> wrote:
>> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in 
>> Collection and Optional
> Ah ok, I see your point. In the case that you want to have something be only 
> `Streamable`, you can create an interface like this (fixed missing method 
> type param and added `ofCollection`:
> public interface Streamable {
>Stream stream();
>static  Streamable ofIterable(Iterable iterable) {
>return () ->, false);
>static  Streamable ofCollection(Collection collection) {
>return collection::stream;
> }
> This will indeed allow you to only expose the `stream()` method, even to the 
> degree that you can't even expose the other methods with type casting, which 
> is a nice side effect. You could also add a static method for `ofOptional`, 
> if required, but you made a good point about ``'s general use 
> case (though it could still be used as a stream when needed).

Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-17 Thread CC007
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

Ah ok, I see your point. In the case that you want to have something be only 
`Streamable`, you can create an interface like this (fixed missing method type 
param and added `ofCollection`:

public interface Streamable {

Stream stream();

static  Streamable ofIterable(Iterable iterable) {
return () ->, false);

static  Streamable ofCollection(Collection collection) {
return collection::stream;

This will indeed allow you to only expose the `stream()` method, even to the 
degree that you can't even expose the other methods with type casting, which is 
a nice side effect. You could also add a static method for `ofOptional`, if 
required, but you made a good point about ``'s general use case 
(though it could still be used as a stream when needed).

At first I didn't fully understand how that would resolve the issue for 
whenever you need something that is both `Iterable` and `Streamable`, but after 
rereading your comment I came up with the following interface: 

 * This is an interface that specifies that its content can be traversed and 
acted upon,
 * either through iteration or using streams
public interface Traversable extends Streamable, Iterable {

static  Traversable ofIterable(Iterable iterable) {
return new Traversable() {
public Stream stream() {
return, false);

public Iterator iterator() {
return iterable.iterator();

static  Traversable ofStreamable(Streamable streamable) {
return new Traversable() {
public Stream stream() {

public Iterator iterator() {

static  Traversable ofCollection(Collection collection) {
return new Traversable() {
public Stream stream() {

public Iterator iterator() {
return collection.iterator();

For anyone who's doubtful about the arguments against this change, you can find 
this code in use in demo2 in my demo repo:



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-17 Thread liach
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

With modern java, you can always create a `Streamable` on your own (and have 
specifications/documentations that a simple `Supplier` lacks) and implement it 

public interface Streamable {
  Stream stream();
  static Streamable ofIterable(Iterable iterable) {
return () ->, false);

The lack of such an interface in the JDK is not really a problem.

> Are you suggesting that there are deeper architectural issues with the 
> hierarchy-heavy collection stack?

I am saying that your sample project has unnecessarily many interfaces for your 
collection model, where many of them have little virtue on their own. This 
interface mash is susceptible to accidentally introducing unwanted features 
into the hierarchy and having method or specification clashes for 

Looking back on identifying efficiently streamable objects, people can usually 
find efficient streams by the method return types. Your interface doesn't allow 
people to identify `BufferedReader.lines()` as an efficiently streamable 
target, for instance.
In addition, I think the main purpose of `` is to allow using 
it in stream flatmapping than to promote stream creation with optionals.



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-16 Thread CC007
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

The List and Collection interface was almost directly taken from java.util 
(apart from the small feature interfaces, that I extracted from them), so it 
would make sense that those classes use an older design.

Are you suggesting that there are deeper architectural issues with the 
hierarchy-heavy collection stack? Would it be better if a list contained a 
collection, rather than inheriting from it? If that is the case, anything that 
is proposed in this PR is merely aiming at symptoms of a possibility much 
larger underlying problem, which might require going back to the drawing board 
for all collection related features.



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-16 Thread liach
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

You can view the mailing lists at and subscribe there.
If you want to send a mail, just send one to say `jdk-dev` at 
`` (and carbon copy if you reply to a specific person so the 
list can see a copy)

On a separate note, @CC007 your model falls back to the fairly-old inheritance 
vs embodiment (extending a class vs using it as a field) debate. Nowadays, I 
think Java has evolved to reduce excessive reliances on inheritances, as there 
can be clashes (for example, a class cannot implement a comparator for two 
different type arguments). Also due to these potential of clashing, in a lot of 
java code, interface implementation classes avoid implementing multiple 
interfaces at once.



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-16 Thread CC007
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

Also, sorry for my Millennial lack of knowledge of older communication methods, 
but if I wanted to reply to a specific thread in a mailing list, how would I do 
that? Does it require certain content in the subject and/or quoted text in the 
message body?

It does feel way less intuitive than just clicking the comment box or clicking 
`... -> Quote reply` on a comment in this PR



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-16 Thread CC007
On Mon, 16 Aug 2021 03:39:02 GMT, Tagir F. Valeev  wrote:

>> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in 
>> Collection and Optional
> Mostly agreed with Brian. Judging from 7 years of using Stream API, I can say 
> that this abstraction would not solve any real problem. If you need a way to 
> create many identical streams on demand, just accept `Supplier>`. 
> This allows more flexibility for clients. They can not only supply 
> `myCollection::stream` or `myOptional::stream` but also `() -> 
>`, `() -> IntStream.range(...).boxed()`, `() -> 
>` or whatever else. A dedicated 
> `Streamable` interface is too limited and will require adapters in many cases 
> but you can already adapt anything to `Supplier>`. People already 
> use `Supplier>` idiom pretty often, so creating a new `Streamable` 
> interface would add an API mess: some people would stick with `Supplier` and 
> others would migrate to `Streamable`. So I vote to reject this PR.
> I said "mostly" because I think that PR is a good starting point for 
> discussion. It's much easier to explain which enhancement you are proposing 
> if you already present some code. And we are already at corelibs-dev, as PR 
> comments are mirrored there, and for some people, it's more comfortable to 
> discuss via GitHub interface, as you don't have to subscribe and get tons of 
> unrelated e-mails, you can concentrate on a single discussion only. So in my 
> opinion, it's completely ok to write code and create a PR before the 
> discussion, even if it's likely to be thrown away.

It is fine that the pull request is closed for now, but I agree with @amaembo 
that if this conversation is indeed mirrored there, then it shouldn't be a 
problem to discuss the proposal here, along with the proposed changes.

I actually worked out a usecase (See:, where I partially 
reimagined the Collection interface stack and its neighboring 
interfaces/classes. I also added a `Demo` class to show how I imagined to use 
these interfaces and to show how the granularity of these interfaces can be 

The fact that I have to create copies of interfaces and delegates for 
implementations makes me feel like something is lacking in the collection stack 
and that for this usecase `Supplier` wouldn't cut it, but feel free to fork 
and refactor my code to prove me wrong.

PS: while creating the Demo class, I noticed that it couldn't be analyzed if 
the return value of a method with type ` & 
Addable & Iterable & RandomAccess>` could be safely cast to a 
new local variable with type ` & Addable` 
and that you can't declare variables of type ` & 
Addable` (it won't let you use the `&` when using the `?`), but I 



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-16 Thread Paul Sandoz
On Sun, 15 Aug 2021 01:43:32 GMT, Brian Goetz  wrote:

> To reiterate: These issues were explored in the JSR 335 EG and it was agreed 
> that this abstraction did not carry its weight. 

Yes, we explored this when the Stream API was being designed. It's hard, if not 
impossible, to capture all decisions for posterity. In the passing years I 
don't think anything significantly new has arisen for us to revisit that 



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-16 Thread Kevin Rushforth
On Sun, 15 Aug 2021 02:45:17 GMT, CC007  

>> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in 
>> Collection and Optional
> I read through [these 
> posts](
>  and while I did see good reasons for not moving stream to Iterable, I didn't 
> see any mention of a separate Streamable-like interface, so could you 
> elaborate on that it "did not carry its weight"?

@CC007 Please follow the course of action that @briangoetz has requested. This 
needs to be discussed on the appropriate mailing list (core-libs-dev in this 
case) prior to submitting a pull request. It is premature to review this PR.

I invite you to refer to the [OpenJDK Developers' 
Guide](, specifically the [Socialize your 
change]( section.



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-15 Thread Alan Snyder
Ah, if only one could define a type alias Streamable = Supplier>...

> On Aug 15, 2021, at 8:42 PM, Tagir F.Valeev  wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  
> wrote:
>> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in 
>> Collection and Optional
> Mostly agreed with Brian. Judging from 7 years of using Stream API, I can say 
> that this abstraction would not solve any real problem. If you need a way to 
> create many identical streams on demand, just accept `Supplier>`. 
> This allows more flexibility for clients. They can not only supply 
> `myCollection::stream` or `myOptional::stream` but also `() -> 
>`, `() -> IntStream.range(...).boxed()`, `() -> 
>` or whatever else. A dedicated 
> `Streamable` interface is too limited and will require adapters in many cases 
> but you can already adapt anything to `Supplier>`. People already 
> use `Supplier>` idiom pretty often, so creating a new `Streamable` 
> interface would add an API mess: some people would stick with `Supplier` and 
> others would migrate to `Streamable`. So I vote to reject this PR.
> I said "mostly" because I think that PR is a good starting point for 
> discussion. It's much easier to explain which enhancement you are proposing 
> if you already present some code. And we are already at corelibs-dev, as PR 
> comments are mirrored there, and for some people, it's more comfortable to 
> discuss via GitHub interface, as you don't have to subscribe and get tons of 
> unrelated e-mails, you can concentrate on a single discussion only. So in my 
> opinion, it's completely ok to write code and create a PR before the 
> discussion, even if it's likely to be thrown away.
> -
> PR:

Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-15 Thread Tagir F . Valeev
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

Mostly agreed with Brian. Judging from 7 years of using Stream API, I can say 
that this abstraction would not solve any real problem. If you need a way to 
create many identical streams on demand, just accept `Supplier>`. 
This allows more flexibility for clients. They can not only supply 
`myCollection::stream` or `myOptional::stream` but also `() ->`, `() -> IntStream.range(...).boxed()`, `() ->` or whatever else. A dedicated 
`Streamable` interface is too limited and will require adapters in many cases 
but you can already adapt anything to `Supplier>`. People already use 
`Supplier>` idiom pretty often, so creating a new `Streamable` 
interface would add an API mess: some people would stick with `Supplier` and 
others would migrate to `Streamable`. So I vote to reject this PR.

I said "mostly" because I think that PR is a good starting point for 
discussion. It's much easier to explain which enhancement you are proposing if 
you already present some code. And we are already at corelibs-dev, as PR 
comments are mirrored there, and for some people, it's more comfortable to 
discuss via GitHub interface, as you don't have to subscribe and get tons of 
unrelated e-mails, you can concentrate on a single discussion only. So in my 
opinion, it's completely ok to write code and create a PR before the 
discussion, even if it's likely to be thrown away.



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-15 Thread Alan Bateman

On 15/08/2021 14:29, Brian Goetz wrote:
For the third time: This discussion illustrates why the PR was 
premature; the design was not agreed upon first.  High-level design 
discussions (i.e., "is this a good design", "is this a good idea at 
all", "are we solving the right problem", "does it need to be solved 
in the JDK") should happen first on the discussion lists; if they 
happen on a PR like this, that's clear evidence that important steps 
have been skipped.

The OpenJDK developers guide has been getting some TLC in recent months. 
One of the improvements is the "Socialize your change" section [1] which 
does try to make it clear that API proposals should be discussed on the 
mailing list before going near a PR.



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-15 Thread Brian Goetz
For the third time: This discussion illustrates why the PR was 
premature; the design was not agreed upon first.  High-level design 
discussions (i.e., "is this a good design", "is this a good idea at 
all", "are we solving the right problem", "does it need to be solved in 
the JDK") should happen first on the discussion lists; if they happen on 
a PR like this, that's clear evidence that important steps have been 

On 8/14/2021 10:48 PM, CC007 wrote:

On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
and Optional

I read through [these 
 and while I did see good reasons for not moving stream to Iterable, I didn't see any 
mention of a separate Streamable-like interface, so could you elaborate on that it 
"did not carry its weight"?



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-14 Thread CC007
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

I read through [these 
 and while I did see good reasons for not moving stream to Iterable, I didn't 
see any mention of a separate Streamable-like interface, so could you elaborate 
on that it "did not carry its weight"?



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-14 Thread Brian Goetz
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

To reiterate: These issues were explored in the JSR 335 EG and it was agreed 
that this abstraction did not carry its weight. In any case, it is premature to 
bring a PR for a significant API change that has not been discussed first on 
corelibs-dev. Please withdraw the PR, and if you want to continue the 
discussion, bring it to corelibs-dev.

Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 14, 2021, at 9:10 PM, CC007 ***@***.***> wrote:
> I understand what you are proposing. I do not believe Streamable carries its 
> weight.
> That argument seems subjective. Could you elaborate on that in an objective 
> manner?
> —
> You are receiving this because you commented.
> Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.
> Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOS or Android.



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-14 Thread CC007
On Sun, 15 Aug 2021 01:07:10 GMT, Brian Goetz  wrote:

> I understand what you are proposing. I do not believe Streamable carries its 
> weight.

That argument seems subjective. Could you elaborate on that in an objective 



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-14 Thread Brian Goetz
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

I understand what you are proposing. I do not believe Streamable carries its 

Sent from my iPad

> On Aug 14, 2021, at 8:53 PM, CC007 ***@***.***> wrote:
> I object to this change. These issues were explored in the JSR 335 EG and it 
> was agreed that this abstraction did not carry its weight. In any case, it is 
> premature to bring a PR for a significant API change that has not been 
> discussed first on corelibs-dev. Please withdraw the PR, and if you want to 
> continue the discussion, bring it to corelibs-dev.
> I agree with the spliterator performance issues and the ability to be able to 
> create IntStreams from Iterable. Therefore option 1 and 2 from JDK-8272137 
> seem fairly unfeasible to implement. This was already hinted at there, but 
> for different reasons.
> This PR however implements option 4: an option that doesn't actually make the 
> Iterable class have a stream method, but instead abstracts the stream method 
> to an interface. This method is then implemented by Collection and Optional. 
> It also allows other code to implement this interface.
> Using this implementation, you don't have the issues that the JSR 335 EG 
> specified that would be present if Iterable itself were to be made 
> Streamable. You wouldn't want that anyway, because streamability and 
> iterability are two similar but very separate concerns in Java.
> —
> You are receiving this because you commented.
> Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe.
> Triage notifications on the go with GitHub Mobile for iOS or Android.



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-14 Thread CC007
On Mon, 9 Aug 2021 12:28:23 GMT, CC007  

> create Streamable and ParallelStreamable interface and use them in Collection 
> and Optional

Changed the title, since it seemed to cause confusion.



Re: RFR: 8272137: Make Collection and Optional classes streamable

2021-08-14 Thread CC007
On Sat, 14 Aug 2021 15:13:39 GMT, Brian Goetz  wrote:

> I object to this change. These issues were explored in the JSR 335 EG and it 
> was agreed that this abstraction did not carry its weight. In any case, it is 
> premature to bring a PR for a significant API change that has not been 
> discussed first on corelibs-dev. Please withdraw the PR, and if you want to 
> continue the discussion, bring it to corelibs-dev.

I agree with the spliterator performance issues and the ability to be able to 
create IntStreams from Iterable. Therefore option 1 and 2 from 
JDK-8272137 seem fairly unfeasible to implement. This was already hinted at 
there, but for different reasons. 

This PR however implements option 4: an option that doesn't actually make the 
Iterable class have a stream method, but instead abstracts the stream method to 
an interface. This method is then implemented by Collection and Optional. It 
also allows other code to implement this interface.

Using this implementation, you don't have the issues that the JSR 335 EG 
specified that would be present if Iterable itself were to be made Streamable. 
You wouldn't want that anyway, because streamability and iterability are two 
similar but very separate concerns in Java.
