Re: [CTRL] Drum Beats in the Night

1999-01-31 Thread Teo One Thousand

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/30/99 12:28:50 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Hiya Prudy,

 I would hope the real goal is too clean up the corruption in all parties
 and not to emphasize which "party" is put into power, but rather which
 "views" are supported (IMHO).


Vain hope there Hilary.  To Prudy Democrat = GOOD; Republican = BAD, except as
she says "maybe" Clinton and Gore who are really Republican (maybe) and
therefore BAD.  Don't worry everyone who is aware of the back and forth Prudy
and I have had over this issue, I have no intention of starting it again.
Still love you Prudy!  I just can't seem to understand you that's all!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FWD: Snoops snooping in your biz

1999-01-31 Thread A.C. Szul

 -Caveat Lector-

Snoops and Spies
By Timothy W. Maier

The newest twist in the privacy wars: A federal
regulatory proposal would bring Big Brother to your
bank, where he'd be counting more than just your
pennies the squirming beneath the microscope?


 . . Across the nation -- in Maryland, for instance -- camera
cops are replacing the squad car. In New York, witnesses are
frisked like suspects as part of a crackdown on violent 
crime. In
New Jersey, critics charge that "Megan's Law," which requires
child sex offenders to register with the local cops, turns
neighbors into spies and vigilantes. In Chicago, U.S. Customs
agents routinely strip search and probe body cavities of black
females traveling internationally if authorities believe they 
fit a
certain profile.
. . . . Not personal enough? Ask your local motor-vehicle
administration if they are selling your driver's-license 
and personal data. Do you live in South Carolina or Florida? 
authorities there have sold some 17 million such photographs 
to a
New Hampshire company, claiming to be building a national
database to identify theft. On Capitol Hill, medical-identity 
and even universal identity cards top political agendas, 
while the
Federal Communications Commission hopes to turn your
wireless telephone into a personal tracking device so the
government can keep tabs on you -- for your own good, of
course. And personal computers built by Intel Corp. were to
contain silicon chips allegedly to protect electronic 
but, as it happens, also to let marketers track consumers' 
move in cyberspace.
. . . . So it should come as no surprise that your trusted 
has been enlisted by Big Brother to help him watch every
financial move you make..SNIP

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Turtlings

1999-01-31 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Christian Science Monitor


Launching a 'homeland' defense

• To protect itself from terrorism, United States embarks on protection
program reminiscent of early cold-war days.

Jonathan S. Landay ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor


There is not yet an equivalent of "Bert the Turtle," a cartoon made by the
US government in the 1950s to teach elementary school students about
surviving a Soviet nuclear attack.

But the United States is now engaged in the most intensive self-protection
drive since the civil-defense programs of those early years of the atomic

Instead of nationwide fallout-shelter construction and urban-evacuation
plans, dozens of federal, state, and local agencies are pursuing a welter
of programs - from developing a 50-state defense against limited missile
strikes to shielding power grids from cybersabotage.

The military is training police, fire, and medical personnel in cities to
cope with biological and chemical terrorism, and there are proposals to
inoculate these "first responders" against anthrax. A national stockpile of
antidotes and antibiotics is being built. The military is mulling over
creating a commander for national defense, and some officials see a
not-too-distant day when all Americans may be offered shots against
biological-warfare agents.

Since 1995, President Clinton and the Republican-led Congress have boosted
spending on these programs by billions of dollars. In the last two weeks,
Mr. Clinton has announced he will add billions more for counterterrorism
and national missile defense (NMD) in the fiscal 2000 budget he sends next
month to Congress. Lawmakers are expected to embrace his plans, and perhaps
inject more money than he seeks.

These efforts have come to be known as "homeland defense." It is, asserts
Deputy Defense Secretary John Hamre, "the defense mission of the next

Yet at a time when the US is enjoying global military supremacy and its
longest stretch of peacetime economic growth, the preoccupation with
self-defense is raising a host of concerns.

Advocates say it is precisely because of its status as the world's sole
superpower that the US is facing new "asymmetric" threats. Unable to match
conventional US military capabilities, rival nations and terrorists are
looking to harness the massive killing potential of chemical and biological
weapons, the recipes and components of which are widely available, they

Potential foes are also bent on disrupting communications and computer
systems critical to US defenses, financial systems, and utility sectors.
And "rogue" states like North Korea and Iran are developing missiles that
might reach the US mainland, advocates of homeland defense warn.

Clinton faces a delicate balancing act in selling these arguments to a
complacent public. "I have tried as hard as I can to create the right frame
of mind in America for dealing with this," he said Jan. 22 when unveiling
plans for dealing with terrorism and cybersabotage. "This is not a cause
for panic. It is a cause for serious, deliberate, disciplined, long-term

One major question is the extent of the threats facing the US, which saw
its first international terrorist strike in 1993 against New York's World
Trade Center and hasn't been hit by another nation since Japan sent
bomb-bearing balloons across the Pacific.

There is a major disagreement on the need for a limited NMD system.
Republicans and many experts are demanding deployment, citing a growing
threat of long-range missile attacks by rogue states. But others dispute
such forecasts, question the technical feasibility of such a system, and
warn that its construction could ignite a new nuclear-arms race with Russia
and China.

"Because of the likely response of the nuclear powers, we end up losing
more than we gain," says Carl Conetta of the the Cambridge, Mass.-based
Commonwealth Institute's Project on Defense Alternatives.

Clinton is taking a politically cautious middle path. He is proposing to
boost NMD spending by $6.6 billion to $10.5 billion but delay possible
deployment until 2005, two years later than planned, to allow more time for
resolving technical problems.

There is greater agreement on the need to improve federal, state, and local
abilities to detect chemical or biological terrorism and cope with the
aftermath. Yet the explosion in programs has raised concerns about
coordination and waste. Clinton last year created a new National Security
Council post to oversee the efforts, and some officials want the military
to create a commander for homeland defense. But the idea dismays some
senior officers, who want to focus on war-fighting.

Another issue is whether the government, in striving to protect Americans,
limits freedoms. Clinton conceded this concern in his Jan. 22 speech,
saying "it is essential that we do not undermine 

[CTRL] Iraqiana: 01-30: Opposition

1999-01-31 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Fed of am Scientists

CRS Report

Iraq's Opposition Movements

Kenneth Katzman, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, Foreign Affairs and
National Defense Division

March 26, 1998


Many in Congress believe that the only way to blunt the term threat from
Iraq is to remove Saddam from power, but the Administration is skeptical of
new proposals to rebuild the opposition movement. The Iraqi opposition has
been generally ineffective in shaking Saddam Husayn's grip on power, in
part because differences within and between different dissident groups and
with the regional backers of these groups. The conference report on the
State Department authorization for FY1998-99, as well as the Senate version
of S.1768, a supplemental appropriation, includes U.S. funds for opposition
activities. This report will be updated to reflect legislative and other


During the latest crisis over access to suspected weapons production sites
in Iraq, a growing number of foreign policy experts and Members of Congress
have called for a long term U.S. effort to overthrow Iraq's President
Saddam Husayn. These critics of current policy maintain that confrontations
between Iraq and the United States and United Nations will flare
repeatedly, and Iraq will pose a constant threat to its neighbors and the
international community, as long as Saddam remains in power. Some Members,
including Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, Senator John McCain, and
others, have said the Administration should look beyond the immediate
crisis and consider steps including: recognizing a coalition of opposition
groups as the legitimate government of Iraq; releasing Iraqi frozen assets
to those groups; granting export licenses for the purchase of arms by those
groups; lifting sanctions for those portions of Iraq controlled by the
opposition; establishing an opposition Radio Free Iraq; extending no fly
zones to cover the entire country; and barring Iraq from moving armor in
all or parts of Iraq. The Administration has said it would continue to have
ties to the opposition and look for ways to support it more effectively but
that some of the above ideas are impractical. (For further information on
Iraq, see Issue Brief 92117, Iraqi Compliance With Cease-f re Agreements;
and Issue Brief 94049, Iraq-U.S. Confrontations. )

Postwar Attempts to Oust Saddam

Both the Bush and the Clinton Administrations previously pursued
unsuccessful efforts to topple Saddam Husayn. Many of the past difficulties
are relevant to the current debate on whether or how to oust the Iraqi
President. Prior to Desert Storm, which began January 17, 1991, President
Bush called on the Iraqi people to overthrow Saddam. Opposition Shiite
Muslims in southern Iraq and Kurdish factions in northern Iraq, heartened
by the U.S. call (and probably anticipating U.S. support) launched all-out
rebellions against Saddam and his Sunni Muslim-dominated regime2 within
days of the end of the Gulf war (February 28, l991). The rebellion in
southern Iraq spread northward and reached the suburbs of Baghdad, but
Republican Guard forces gained the upper hand against the rebels by
mid-March 1991, and the uprising there petered out. (Saddam had largely
kept the Republican Guard out of the fighting in Desert Storm for the
purpose of preserving his hold on power after the war.) The Kurds in the
north, benefitting from a U.S.-led no fly zone established in April 1991,
were able to carve out an autonomous enclave in northern Iraq, free of
Iraqi troops and governmental presence. However, Iraq is an Arab state that
would not accept Kurdish independence or leadership, and the 4 million
Kurds in northern Iraq did not represent a major threat to Saddam's rule.

According to press reports, in May 1991, about two months after the failure
of the Shiite and Kurdish uprisings, President Bush notified Congress of an
intelligence finding justifying new U.S. efforts to topple Saddam Husayn.
Press accounts indicate that about $15 - $20 million were allocated to
efforts to cultivate ties to military and security officials around the
Iraqi leader in the hopes of fomenting a coup d'etat.3 The published
accounts suggest that some funds might have gone to opposition Shiite,
Kurdish, and other exiled opponents of Saddam, but that Bush Administration
officials reportedly focused on promoting a narrowly-based military
takeover. These officials reportedly believed that a military coup offered
the best hope of bringing to power a more favorable regime while preserving
Iraq's integrity. It was feared that Shiite and Kurdish groups, if they
succeeded in ousting Saddam, would fragment the country into warring ethnic
and tribal groups, and open Iraq to political and military influence from
neighboring Iran, Turkey, and Syria. Saudi Arabia, in particular, was said
to fear that 

[CTRL] Fw: PI says Landow hired him re: Clinton victim Willey

1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: FightBack2 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Saturday, January 30, 1999 9:25 PM
Subject: PI says Landow hired him re: Clinton victim Willey

 Private Investigator Says Landow Employed Him in Willey Matter

Washinton Post
Saturday, January 30, 1999; Page A10 By Susan Schmidt

Democratic Party fund-raiser Nathan Landow hired a private investigator for
project involving Kathleen E. Willey, the former White House volunteer who
testified that President Clinton groped her, the private eye said

Independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr has been investigating Willey's claims
that Landow and others tried to influence or intimidate her to chill her
testimony about Clinton when she was a witness in the Paula Jones case.

Jarrett Stern, a private investigator, told ABC News in an interview
last night that he was hired for an unspecified project by Landow, a
Maryland developer who has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for
Clinton-Gore campaigns. Stern's lawyer, Edouard Bouquet of Bethesda, told
network his client felt uneasy about what he was asked to do and called
using an alias, to warn her someone was out to do her harm.

"I think that he perceived a situation where he was being asked to do
he wasn't comfortable with," Bouquet said of Stern. The lawyer declined to
more specific.

Landow flatly denied he engaged any private investigator to look into
life or background. "Absolutely not," Landow said. "There is no evidence,
allegation, no proof on me." Landow's lawyer, Joe Caldwell, said he could
comment on Stern's claims because of Starr's ongoing criminal
but Caldwell added, "There is absolutely no issue here."

Landow refused to testify before Starr's grand jury last summer, citing his
Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination. He has denied any
and said he invoked the right on the advice of lawyers when prosecutors
to give him immunity in exchange for his testimony about his dealings with
Willey. He has described her as a social friend he met through his
who also worked as a White House volunteer.

Stern declined to detail what he had been asked to do in connection with
Willey, but he told ABC that he "wholeheartedly" believes that Willey was
approached with a menacing message by a stranger jogging near her Richmond
two days before her Jones case testimony. Willey has said the man inquired
about her children by name, about her missing cat and about whether she'd
gotten the tires on her car repaired after they were mysteriously
vandalized by
someone who drove masses of nails into all four of them. "Don't you get the
message?" she has said the man asked.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: The Secret Sex Addict Speech Dick Morris Offered Clinton-

1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Gary Cruse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater
Date: Saturday, January 30, 1999 11:35 PM
Subject: The Secret Sex Addict Speech Dick Morris Offered Clinton-

The New York Observer
1/29/99 by Philip Weiss

The Secret Sex Addict Speech Dick Morris Offered Clinton

by Philip Weiss

Like all addictions, impeachment has 12 steps toward
emotional clarity. These were mine:

1. Is Hillary Depressed? Hillary Rodham Clinton is scheduled
to speak to the National Abortion and Reproductive
Rights Action League on the 26th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
It is at the same time that the question-and-answer phase of
the impeachment trial is to begin in the Senate, and I
choose Hillary.
The First Lady wears a gray suit and is obviously
depressed. She may as well be speaking to a funeral. Her
voice is a monotone. She does not move her body at all for
more than 30 minutes, merely moves her head in a practiced
manner from one side of the audience to another. Dip to the
lectern to get a line of text. Look up left. Look right.
Open eyes to make some sort of connection. Dip back to

Her text is laced with bitterness about men. She speaks with
anger of visiting pregnant girls who have been abandoned by
the fathers, of the stories these young lied-to women told
her about their men—"with a straight face," she says
cuttingly. If only boys and men would think about what they
are doing before they had sex, Hillary says, then goes on to
denounce the preoccupation with "sexual prowess" in the
media and among sports figures. The speech seems somewhat

The 2,000 people in the audience, mostly women, absorb the
depth of her feeling. The applause is subdued. No one calls
out for her to run for Senate.

2. Z-z-z-z-z-z-z. Later, as I enter the Senate periodical
gallery, the guard at the door takes my elbow. "Do me a
favor, wake that guy up." He points at a tall reporter in
the second row. Not relishing the assignment, I say, "Is he
asleep?" A second guard comes over to confer. "I don’t think
he’s sleeping, I just saw his jaw move."

I sit next to the reporter, who is in fact sound asleep, and
pretend not to notice him as I watch the President’s
private lawyer, David Kendall, speak, soporifically, on the
floor. The guard must come down and, squeezing in
front of a row of people to get to us, rouse the man. The
reporter denies that he was asleep. They argue and the
guard retreats. The reporter spends the next half-hour
trying to win the argument retroactively by maintaining his
sleepy posture even as he mocks attentiveness.

3. Oedipus at the Senate. Rumpled, cerebral, white-haired
Senator Carl Levin of Michigan reminds me of my father,
and I get into an argument with him during a little press
conference he gives outside the Senate floor.

He says that the House managers have misrepresented Vernon
Jordan’s motives for finding a job for Monica
Lewinsky. He has uncovered a fact that contradicts one of
their points.

I break in. "Let’s say you’re right. They got this point
wrong. Still, what is a reasonable person supposed to
conclude, that this was routine? How often have you called
the chairman of General Motors?"

My Oedipal outburst frightens old Senator Levin. He raises
his hand and becomes flustered, then goes on, ignoring me.
Under his arm are stacks of photocopies of the critical
documents. Pathetically, he hands them out to the reporters.

It is simply obvious that Vernon Jordan was putting out
supreme effort for Monica Lewinsky. Ronald Perelman
testified that in Mr. Jordan’s 12 years on Revlon Inc.’s
board, he only called him once on behalf of a job
candidate: a "terrific young girl," Monica Lewinsky. Mr.
Jordan’s call to Mr. Perelman came immediately after a
five-minute conversation with Ms. Lewinsky, who called him
from the residence of her mother’s then-fiancé in
New York, at about the time that she was filing her false
affidavit in the Paula Jones case.

After talking to Ron Perelman, Vernon Jordan called Monica
Lewinsky back to tell her he had made the call. The
next day, when she got the job, she called him and spent
seven minutes on the phone with him, celebrating her
success, then an hour later he called her and they had a
three-minute conversation in which he says he urged her
to accept that $40,000 was good pay.

It is one of the great wastes of this process: critical
minds like Charles Schumer’s and Carl Levin’s turned by the
Clinton defense into bales of hay.

4. Going Mad With Lindsey Graham. I walk out of the Capitol
with Lindsey Graham, the Republican House manager. A small
man from a rural district of South Carolina who wears Brooks
Brothers ties, he is the Frank Capra figure in the drama,
soulful, emotional, sincere. People swarm around him, even
Democrats, to urge him on or to fence with him.
Representative Graham has a pastoral air. He talks about
"the sins you carry and the sins I carry." He offers moral


1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Bob Vernon [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
Date: Sunday, January 31, 1999 2:12 AM

We received an unexpected call from CIA pilot TOSH PLUMLEE this evening. He
informed me that he had sent me an email regarding what had just happened
him. He informed me that he had just been set up by a Federal Agent and
the Mob had sent a Miami Cuban hitman to kill him. Plumlee told me that he
had lost a part of his thumb in a knife fight with the hitman.
Plumlee said that they were trying to take him out over his knowledge of
missing CIA decoding devices known as EARLICON devices. Plumlee said these
devices were flown by the 82nd Airbonre - 101st Division - into Honduras
that the equipment disappeared in Panama.
Plumlee said that Pablo Escobar ended up with the equipment and was able to
track the DEA in their efforts to bust Escobar in the 80s. Plumlee said
is the reason that Escobar was hunted down and killed.
The complete text of Plumlee's UNEDITED e-mail can be seen at:

Under the menu link "DOCUMENTS"

Dr. Truth

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Starr--protective order

1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Friday January 29 12:26 PM ET

Some Starr Files To Be Kept Secret
By PETE YOST Associated Press Writer

ALEXANDRIA, Va. (AP) - A federal judge today ordered some material kept
secret in a case stemming from Kenneth Starr's investigation of President
Clinton after a prosecutor expressed concern that disclosure would ``tip off
targets'' in the ongoing probe.

U.S. District Judge Claude Hilton said lawyers for Julie Hiatt Steele, who
is accused of obstruction and making a false statement in Starr's
investigation, must not disseminate material they receive from Starr's
office in preparing for trial. The material includes FBI interviews with

Ms. Steele was a witness in Starr's investigation of a suspected cover-up of
an alleged unwanted sexual advance by Clinton on former White House
volunteer Kathleen Willey.

Steele lawyers Nancy Luque and Dan Marino said Starr's request for a court
order to restrict use of the material was highly unusual.

Eight news organizations including The Associated Press asked Hilton to deny
Starr's request for a protective order that will keep the material off the
public record.

Records turned over to Ms. Steele's lawyers before the trial should not be
used for ``fund-raising purposes, ... on the Geraldo show or on the Larry
King show or to tip off targets of other pending investigations,''
prosecutor Jay Apperson argued.

Hilton said Starr's prosecutors have an ``ongoing investigation'' and ``they
are entitled'' to not have material divulged. He directed the prosecutors to
identify what they consider to be sensitive information that must be kept
confidential as it is turned over to Ms. Steele's lawyers.

Hilton's order means that portions of court motions by Ms. Steele's lawyers
which ordinarily would be filed on the public record before trial now will
be filed in secret with the judge.

Asked outside court what prosecutors are trying to keep confidential, Luque
replied ``the truth.'' She declined to elaborate.

The indictment accuses Ms. Steele of filing a false affidavit in Paula
Jones' sexual harassment suit against Clinton, lying to two grand juries and
attempting to influence the testimony of other witnesses.

Ms. Steele in the affidavit denied that Mrs. Willey told her about the
president's alleged sexual advance and asserted that Mrs. Willey asked Ms.
Steele to lie to a Newsweek magazine reporter about it.

Copyright © 1999 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
The information contained in the AP News report may not be published,
broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without the prior written authority of
The Associated Press.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Turtlings

1999-01-31 Thread L. Shipton

 -Caveat Lector-

anyone read "Alas Babylon" by Pat Frank

If we do not acknowledge how bad the chemicals are now, what would happen if
we had a war?   Water tablets would not clean the water supply.  Food,
animals might have springform.  Crops, fungus.  It could all be blamed on a
war and we would have no choice but to see our rescuers as the ones that had
the genetic codes that would allow us to eat cloned water, meat and crops.
A monopoly - let's say a world monopoly!  Wonder if they would copyright
those DNA codes, since of course the original animals and plants would no
longer be in existence for any one to get more.  If they were able to get
rid of the original plants like with Monsanto's Roundup Soybeans then they
would not even have to worry that much.

Now what war has been tried to be started - which President originally set
that situation up, and does that particular ex-President have any children
that might follow in his shoes?

Could the Internet already - have nullified the first part of World War #3?

Fundamentalism.  Intresting word.  Keeps some of us from really checking out
the dinosaurs.  Some Presidents have supported that idea by declaring them
selves part of one or another religion.  Some have tried to help the
religions to go to the next evolution.  My father and yours.

"It is not up to thee to finish the task, but neither is it up to thee to
exempt thyself from it."  or  You may not be able to replace them but can
you learn enough to succeed them?  Who would want us to not learn enough to
succeed them or to know the task that is never ending.  To think that
everything is A-OK.

Jefferson said something about "I can not replace him, I can only try to
succeed him"
By saying that he took all the sins away and leaving it at that - it implies
that they do not have to continue his work.  Think about what he really did.
By some saying that he did it all it Makes Christians mental enuches to keep
them from thinking about it - the resurrection - tag they are it.  Remember
the Holy Spirit.  So some have gotten in and then publicly became pedophiles
and have done other things - but they were religious leaders, what religion
were they truly following?

AKA The Pied Piper

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Drum Beats in the Night

1999-01-31 Thread Eric Stewart

 -Caveat Lector-

You can choose to get all hot and bothered and fume or to do something
constructive about it.  It's a choice for all of us.

ALL of our actions originate in our beliefs.  Getting to the nitty
gritty of the paradigms we all hold so dear is the way.  NOTHING is
going to change if we don't change the way we think.

"It only takes a liberal twenty years to become a conservative without
changing a single idea."
- Robert Anton Wilson

Get Your Private, Free Email at

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-01-31 Thread Peter L. Sroufe

Your suppression will cause me to suppers all 
NBC TV and Cable channels on my Remote.
...the Truth shall set us Free...
May God Bless You to see the error of your ways.

Bard Baird of Downey, California

I'm not anti-government!I'm anti-corrupt 
government!NEVER FORGET the Waco Massacre of April, 1993!Federal 
Government defined:a benefit/subsidy protection 

[CTRL] Fw: The Texas Atheist # 22

1999-01-31 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
Date: Sunday, January 31, 1999 8:20 AM
Subject: The Texas Atheist # 22

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 January 31, 1999  # 22

  Copyright © 1999 by Howard Thompson

==[  Pass it on and help the community grow  ]=


1. Texas Events
2. News/Science Briefs
O'Hairs, Ex-Cons and a Headless Body
‘Atheist Invasion' T-Shirts for Comfort Visit
Darwin's Birthday  Houston Party
Nurses Gotta Pray for Catholic Employer
God Don't Know Much About Geometry
Atheist Alliance Austin Convention Activities
Correction: Atheists United Claims ‘Biggest' Title
Atheist Retirement Communities??
ACA newsletter Recommended
Freethinkers Quiz Senator on ‘Religious Freedom' Bill
Court Upholds Legalized Religious Discrimination
IRS Auctions O'Hair Possessions - Not Diaries
American Atheists Chat Exclusive and Secret
California ‘Freethought Church' Forming
3. Groups  Television
4. Letters
"trashed the first few issues ... brought my atheism towards the forefront"
"I am one of those ‘get up in your face atheists.'"
5. Commentary: Successful Arlington Conference


HOUSTON - DARWIN DAY CELEBRATION:  The Secular Humanists of Houston will
have a ‘Darwin Day Celebration' February 20th, 12:00 - 6:00 PM at the
BORDER's Books  Music, 9633A Westheimer, Houston, TX 77063.  See article
for more info.  Contact  Keith Irish [EMAIL PROTECTED].
‘ATHEIST INVASION' OF COMFORT, TEXAS:  Freethinker shopping expedition,
visit to Freethinker Cenotaph  ‘True to the Union' Monument.  Date to be
announced, see article for more details.  Contact Julie Fisher
Sponsored by the Atheist Community of Austin.  Contact: Don Rhoades
longer description below.]
Catherine Fahringer  (210) 824-5061, FAX:  (210) 820-3239.

NEWS/SCIENCE BRIEFS [Send items of interest to [EMAIL PROTECTED]]


The January 31st edition of the San Antonio News-Express has three articles
by John MacCormack about the O'Hairs' disappearance.  The main article is
Two or three ex-convicts were possibly acting with or against the O'Hairs
during September 1995 in San Antonio.  The headless, handless body of
wannabe con man Danny Fry has now been identified.  Fry's body was found in
Dallas county October 2nd, 1995, three days after the Jon Murray-O'Hair's
last known phone call.  This was also two days after Fry's last phone call
from the Austin apartment of ex-con David Waters.  Convicted murderer Waters
was the O'Hair's former office manager who pleaded guilty to stealing
$54,000, and who purchased a Cadillac with $13,000 cash in San Antonio
during September 1995.
A third ex-con, from the same Illinois prison as Waters, was tentatively
identified by the San Antonio buyer of Jon Murray's Mercedes as the person
claiming to be Murray who sold him the car.
Waters is apparently still living in his Austin apartment and denies
knowledge of some events and any wrong-doing.  At this point, the story's
details can depict the O'Hairs as victims or accomplices of – well,
There has been no mention of what may have been more than $ 8 million
squirreled away by Madalyn from atheist donations over the years, lest we
forget the IRS criminal investigation into money laundering.  Clearly, the
creativity of rumors and speculations will have to improve to compete with


[From Julie Fisher]  It won't be long until area atheists will be ‘invading'
Comfort as foretold by local Episcopal prophet Roy Perkins.  Perkins led a
petition drive against a ‘Monument to Atheism' in Comfort, located about 50
miles west of San Antonio on IH 10.  Petitioners characterized the now
canceled ‘Freethought Celebration 1998' dedication of the Freethinker
Cenotaph in the town's park as an ‘atheist invasion'.
D-Day for the ‘invasion' to be announce later.  The ‘invasion' will include
antiquing, shopping, dining and a visit to the still bare Freethinker
Cenotaph.  Come as part of the ‘invasion force' wearing ‘Atheist Invasion'
T-shirts or as a Friend of Atheists (FOA) in plain clothes.  Contact Julie
Fisher of the Hill Country Freethinkers [EMAIL PROTECTED] to order your
‘Atheist Invasion' T-shirt.


Charles Darwin was born on February 12, 1809.  The Secular Humanists of
Houston will have a ‘Darwin Day Celebration' February 20th, 12:00 - 6:00 PM
at the BORDER's Books  Music (9633A Westheimer, 

[CTRL] Fwd: A bill has been introduced to Repeal Term limitations for the President

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

A HREF=""A President For Life

Received Data/A
A bill has just been introduced in the House which will repeal the 22nd
amendment there by allowing the President to serve as many terms as he can get
elected. In other words, we may end up with a President/dictator for life.

I have no further information on this. If anyone else does, please email me. I
consider this an extremely troubling and dangerous development.

I believe we need to follow up on this as soon as possible. I have enclosed
the email address to the House Judiciary committe.

We need to find out what the status of this bill is. the bill is:  H.J. Res 17

A HREF=""Welcome to the Judiciary Committee
Home Page!/A

The link at the top of the page will open up to the following:

GPO's PDF version of this billReferences to this bill in the
Congressional RecordLink to the Bill Summary  Status file.Full
Display - 1,508 bytes.[Help]

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the
twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the
number of terms an individual... (Introduced in the House)

HJ 17 IH
1st Session
H. J. RES. 17
Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the
twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the
number of terms an individual may serve as President.
January 6, 1999
Mr. SERRANO (for himself and Mr. SHAYS) introduced the following joint
resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary

Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to repeal the
twenty-second article of amendment, thereby removing the limitation on the
number of terms an individual may serve as President.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States
America in Congress assembled (two-thirds of each House concurring
That the following article is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution
of the United States, which shall be valid to all intents and purposes as
part of the Constitution when ratified by the legislatures of three-
of the several States within seven years after the date of its submission
for ratification:
`The twenty-second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United
States is hereby repealed.'.

[CTRL] OEN 1/31/99

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A
Impeached POTUS

Starr Is Sure He Has Constitutional Authority to Indict Clinton in

by Don Van Natta Jr.

WASHINGTON -- The independent counsel, Kenneth W. Starr, has concluded
that he has the constitutional authority to seek a grand jury indictment
of President Clinton before he leaves the White House in January 2001,
several associates of Starr said this week.
While the President's legal team has fought in the Senate chamber for
the President's political survival, Starr and his prosecutors have
actively considered whether to ask a Federal grand jury here to indict
Clinton before his term expires, said Starr's associates, who spoke on
the condition of anonymity.

But these associates emphasized that Starr had not decided whether, or
when, to ask the grand jury to charge Clinton with perjury and
obstruction of justice in the Monica S. Lewinsky matter.

"He is persuaded by precedent and logic that a sitting President can be
indicted," said an associate who speaks frequently with Starr. "But he
has given no hint about whether he would do it, either now or sometime
down the road."

Before taking such unprecedented action, Starr would be guided by a
number of factors, including the impact that an indictment of the
President would have on the nation and the Government, said the
associates and others with whom Starr has discussed the matter.

The associates say that Starr agrees with the conclusion of his office's
two constitutional law scholars, who say that the Constitution and legal
precedent provide a prosecutor with the authority to seek the
indictment, trial and conviction of a sitting President.

The scholars concluded that the 1997 Supreme Court decision allowing the
Paula Jones sexual misconduct lawsuit to proceed while the Clinton was
in office greatly increased the chances that an indictment of the
President would survive a constitutional challenge by his lawyers, the
associates said.

Although most constitutional scholars say that a sitting President can
be indicted, the majority of them who have written or spoken on the
subject believe that a trial would have to wait until the President left

Lawyers in Starr's office have been poring over the record of the
debates within the office of Leon Jaworski, the Watergate special
prosecutor, over whether to indict President Richard M. Nixon, both
before and after his resignation, the associates said. To do that,
Starr's lawyers scoured autobiographies, including Jaworski's, and
obtained copies of prosecution memorandums in the National Archives
written by the Watergate prosecutors, the associates said.

These discussions in Starr's office occur at a highly sensitive time.
Several Senate votes on procedural issues this week made it all but
certain that there was not the two-thirds majority, 67 votes, required
to convict Clinton on the two articles of impeachment and remove him
from office. Starr and his prosecutors have had no communications with
the House managers or the White House about the possibility of including
Clinton's future criminal jeopardy in negotiations over a censure, the
associates said.

Charles G. Bakaly 3d, the spokesman for Starr, declined to discuss the
matter. "We will not discuss the plans of this office or the plans of
the grand jury in any way, shape or form," he said.

Clinton Lawyers Cite Possible Indictment

As recently as this week, the President's lawyers had argued in the
Senate trial that they were deeply concerned that the Office of
Independent Counsel would seek the indictment of Clinton after his term
expired on Jan. 20, 2001.

David E. Kendall, one of the President's personal lawyers, has demanded
that House managers provide access to about 55,000 pages of unreleased
documents compiled by Starr that lawyers for Clinton said he would need
to defend himself against a criminal indictment.

Kendall also threatened to seek testimony from witnesses in the Senate
trial to explore what he said was improper collusion between Ms. Jones's
lawyers and Starr's prosecutors in late 1997.

Bakaly has denied that there was collusion between his office and Ms.
Jones's lawyers.

Starr's associates said that the independent counsel had several options
in the coming weeks or months.

It is possible that he could choose not to seek an indictment of
Clinton, they said. Or he could decide to seek the indictment after
Clinton's term expires.

Another option that has been discussed is to seek an indictment in the
next few months, but asking a judge to keep it under seal, meaning that
it would remain a secret for some time. If Starr chose to postpone a
trial of the President until after he left office, a sealed indictment
would keep the charges secret and spare Clinton the indignity of trying
to lead the country while under the cloud of a public indictment.

A fourth option would be to indict him 

Re: [CTRL] Free Speech Is Whatever the Government Allows

1999-01-31 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 1/26/99 1:43:33 AM Eastern Standard Time,

But when our interests happen to coincide with the interests of one of
industries, it would be stupid to dump a rare opportunity. If it suits
Pharmaceutical industry to keep down competition by making someone
else adhere
to rigorous scientific standards for their claims, WE BENEFIT. To have
economic libertarian blow that too because he doesn't like govt.
regulation is
yet another indication of the twisted mentation processes of defective

No, I don't defend the FDA or their sponsors. I'm just protecting MY
from the lunacy of free market Libertarians, who, if they were ever
taken more
seriously, would be as hazardous to our health as the chemical,
medical, and
food industries combined.


Ha Ha. Here we go. P.A.N.G. (People Are No Good) J2?

So you believe that "The People" are too stupid to make their own choices? I
don't want "The Government" protecting me from my own stupidity. What a
joke. The F.D.A. (like all gov't agencies that "regulate") is really a
protection racket for multi national chemical corporations. I thought J2 was
smarter then that.

Facism exists in order to protect "The People" from "The People".

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] live

1999-01-31 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

The Important Things Life Teaches You...

~ 1 ~ Most Important Question

During my second month of nursing school, our professor gave us a pop =
quiz.  I
was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions, until
read the last one: "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the
school?" Surely this was some kind of joke.  I had seen the cleaning
several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I
her name? I handed in my  paper, leaving the last question blank.

Before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count =

our quiz grade. "Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers you =

meet many people. All are significant. They  deserve your attention and
even if all you do is smile and say  'hello'. "I've never forgotten that

lesson. I also learned her name was  Dorothy.

~ 2 ~ Pickup in the Rain

One night, at 11:30 PM, an older African American woman was standing on
side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rain storm.  Her
car =
broken down and she desperately needed a ride.  Soaking wet, she decided
flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her -
unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960s.

The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her  into
a =
cab. She seemed  to be in a big hurry!  She wrote down his  address, =
him and drove away.  Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's =
door. To
his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A =
note was attached.  It read:   "Thank you so much for assisting me  on
highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes but  my
spirits. Then you came along.

Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just

before he passed away.  God bless you for helping me and unselfishly =
others.  Sincerely,  Mrs. Nat King Cole"

~ 3 ~ Always remember those who serve

In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10 year old boy =

a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water
front of him.  "How much is an ice cream sundae?"  "Fifty cents,"
replied =
waitress.  The little boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and studied
number of coins in it.  "How much is a dish of plain ice cream?" he =
Some people were now waiting for a table and the waitress was a bit =
"Thirty-five cents," she said brusquely.  The little boy again counted
coins. "I'll have the plain ice cream," he said.  The waitress brought
the =
cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the
cream, paid the cashier and departed.

 When the waitress came back, she began wiping down the table and then
swallowed hard at what she saw. There, placed neatly beside the empty =
were two nickels and five pennies - her tip.

~ 4 ~ The Obstacle in Our Path

In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid
himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock.

Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply

walked around it. Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping the roads
but none did anything about getting the big stone out of the way.

Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. On approaching
boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to
side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally
succeeded. =
the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying
in =
road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and
note from the king indicating that the gold was for the person who
removed =
boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many others never
understand.  Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve one's

~ 5 ~ Giving Blood

Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at Stanford Hospital, I got
know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare and serious
disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion
her 5-year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease
and =
developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor =
the situation to her little brother, and asked the boy if he would be =
to give his blood to his sister. I saw him hesitate for only a moment =
taking a deep breath and saying, "Yes, I'll do it if it will save Liz."

As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and =
smiled, as
we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheeks. Then his face grew
and his smile faded. He looked up at the doctor and asked with a
voice, "Will I start to die right away?"

Being young, the boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was
going =
have to give his sister all of 

Re: [CTRL] Fascism On The Move Toward New Order

1999-01-31 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

But none of this is real democracy. The writer said so himself
earlier.It's Fascism diguised as democracy. Fascism is Capitalism plus


I don't think so. Fascism = Communism = Statism.

There is no effective difference between Fascism, Communism. They are both

The Communists replaced the Owner Elite with the Party Elite.
The Fascists left the Owner  Elite but made them subservient to The Party.
Hitler's plan was for The Party to then replace the Owner Elite with
the Party Elite.  WWII intervened.

In the US we have the Owner Elite allied with the Polito Paths. One supplies
money, the other supplies them services. Smiley Face Fascism/ Corporate
Socialism. Suits and ties rather then Brownshirts or Red Banners.
People broken by the IRS rather then the Gestapo.

Why bother to put them in camps, just take their money, businesses or
professions. They will then become Nonpersons. Sad shells that put the fear
of God (The Govt?) in others who have politically incorrect thoughts.

The really obstreperous ones? Gas and burn them. They are only "cultists."
Show it live on CNN. The Attorney General will proudly take credit for
the massacre and "the media" will applaud her.

God Bless America!

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] NBC panics.

1999-01-31 Thread flw

 -Caveat Lector-

With Staff

  For the story behind the story...

   Friday January 29, 9:53 AM

   Broaddrick Blockbuster Set to Run Friday --
   Before NBC Panicked

   Inside Cover has learned that Juanita Broaddrick, who gave an
   exclusive bombshell interview to NBC's Lisa Myers a week ago
   Wednesday, was told her story would be broadcast this Friday on
   the network's "Dateline NBC" newsmagazine. But at last word,
   network executives have come down with a bad case of cold feet.

   A source who was present the entire time NBC grilled Broaddrick
   has revealed exclusively to Inside Cover that Myers' team put
   the Clinton accuser and her family through the wringer. NBC's
   private investigators combed through her backround to make sure
   the alleged assault victim had no hidden skeletons that might
   undermine her believability. Their verdict: She's "squeaky

   NBC cameras rolled for eight hours, recording interviews with
   both Broaddrick and her husband at the family's Arkansas home.
   "Dateline" came away with some five hours of usable footage.

   "Dateline" also interviewed nurse Norma Rogers, a key
   corroborative witness who treated Broaddrick's bruises after her
   alleged attack by then-Arkansas Attorney General Bill Clinton.
   Rogers would not appear for any on camera close-ups out of
   concern for her young children's privacy, telling her story
   instead on audiotape.

   Broaddrick is said to be exhausted and deeply frustrated that
   NBC, after chasing her story for nine months, had persuaded her
   to go public only to lose their own nerve at the eleventh hour.
   She got the first hint of trouble on Tuesday, when Myers called
   her to warn that NBC brass were panicking. "The good news is,
   you're credible. The bad news is, you're very, very credible,"
   Myers told Broaddrick, according to our insider.

   Our source said Broaddrick had decided the "Dateline" interview
   would be a one shot deal, and that she had hoped to retreat into
   anonymity after NBC made her story public.

   Inside Cover has confirmed reports of NBC's skittishness and
   learned that other networks have approached Ms. Broaddrick. She
   is said to be weighing a change of venue should NBC execs go
   into the tank.

   Another source close to the story told Inside Cover, "If
   'Dateline' doesn't run Broaddrick Friday night, you'll know NBC
   has either postponed it or cancelled it."

   Inside Cover will be monitoring "Dateline" tonight to see if NBC
   has regained their nerve.

   [Read's earlier reports on Jane Doe #5]

 Corporate news sucks!
 Sat, 30 Jan 1999 00:14:45 -0800
 Nurev Independent Research

To the Suits at NBC and especially Brokaw:

RE: Squelching the Juanita Broderick interview.

You have lost all credibility for your news division.
Corporate news departments are incapable of being a
watchdog for the people. They are a lapdog for the
government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich.
I'm glad you fucked up. Now all the world will see
what a worthless bunch of shits you are.


That J2 is a very smart man. (Often).

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Colby, the FLIR tape, and a new Waco documentary (fwd)

1999-01-31 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1999 13:38:47 -0800 (PST)
From: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Colby, the FLIR tape, and a new Waco documentary (fwd)

*** [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send "Subscribe Future-Cities" to

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 21:54:44 -0800
From: Jon Roland [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Colby, the FLIR tape, and a new Waco documentary

In response to a message I forwarded from Ian Goddard, in which he cited
an article from _American Freedom_ magazine, Vol. 1, No. 7, October,
1996, consisting of a report by Gordon Novel of an interview with former
CIA Director William Colby, and in which Goddard recalls Novel to have
claimed to have received the FLIR footage that appeared in the Academy
Award nominated documentary _Waco: the Rules of Engagement_ from Colby,
who is also supposed to have said that President Clinton was "behind"
the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995, I received an email message
from Michael McNulty, a producer of the Waco documentary, asking me to
call him to get some corrections on that initial report. I called him
January 29, 1999. The following is extracted from my telephone
conversation with McNulty:

In late 1993 the Davidian defense team received a copy of the FLIR
footage from the FBI through discovery, but they were unable to play it
in their machines. McNulty says he got the tape several months later,
about April, 1994, after the Davidians had been convicted and while they
were awaiting sentencing. The defense team had been unable to play the
tape because it was in a super VHS format that was unlabeled. McNulty
says the lack of a label was at least unprofessional, and at worst an
attempt at obfuscation. McNulty provided a lengthy analysis of the tape
in June, 1994, and returned the tape, after making a dub of it with the
permission of the defense team, onto a digital D2 format. The defense
team sent McNulty's analysis to the U.S. prosecutor, although McNulty's
analysis did not identify the flashes as automatic firearms fire.

It was about 18 months after McNulty got the tape that former CIA
Director William Colby contacted Gordon Novel, who said that Colby sent
two men to show Novel a high-quality, probably 1st-generation copy, of
the FLIR footage, who pointed out to Novel what to look for on the tape
and where to find it. However, they did not leave a copy of the tape
with Novel at that time. What they pointed out were the signatures of
automatic gunfire by assaulting troops directed at the only exits of the
buildings, which the Davidians would have had to use to escape the fire.

At that point McNulty had the only copy of the tape, a 3rd-generation
digital D2 copy, other than the one retained by the Davidian defense
lawyer he had obtained it from, and he refused to release it to anyone.
He had already become friends with Gordon Novel, who had begun working
as an investigator for the firm of Ramsey Clark, who had become one of
several law firms representing the Davidians in their civil case.

Novel told McNulty what Colby's men had told him, and McNulty then took
his tape and the information delivered from Colby through Novel and
sought an expert in interpreting FLIR footage who was not associated
with the government in a way that the expert would not have wanted to
work with McNulty. He found one in Dr. Edward Allard, who appears in the
documentary with his analysis.

In the meantime, Novel got himself in trouble and was put in jail in
Ohio, and was interviewed by Don Weideman for a series of articles. It
was during these interviews that Novel revealed he had a copy, probably
a 3rd- or 4th-generation copy, of the FLIR footage.

McNulty's 3rd-generation copy is the FLIR footage that was used in the
documentary. Another dub was made of the 2nd-generation copy the defense
attorney had, and it was that copy which was later passed on to the firm
of Caddell and Chapman, and from them to the firm of former Attorney
General Ramsey Clark. Novel got his 3rd- or 4th-generation copy from Jim
Brannen, one of the civil litigation attorneys.

Impatient with the delay in getting the footage to the public through
the documentary, Novel took his 3rd- or 4th-generation copy of the FLIR
footage to CBS Sixty Minutes, who sought their own expert analyst in
the firm Infraspections, and that analyst confirmed Allard's analysis of
the flashes as automatic weapons fire. Later, CBS Sixty Minutes
personnel went to members of Congress on the committee investigating the
incident, and misrepresented the results of their expert's analysis to
those congressmen, saying the analyst found no sign of gunfire. They did
not provide a copy of the tape or the analysis of their expert to those
congressmen, who obtained the short segments they 

Re: [CTRL] SNET: Who should control USA Gov't?

1999-01-31 Thread Michael Estes

 -Caveat Lector-

Agent Polecat:

I see you are still playing that weak agent provocateur role. If I were you
I wouldn't give up my day job.

I find it quite illuminating that you run that ALLIGATOR MOUTH about THIS
country so much in all of your boring posts -- while your HUMMINGBIRD ASS
is parked over there in some OTHER country. What's wrong with that picture?
Who is pulling YOUR chain?

Why don't YOU express YOUR displeasure with this government TO the
government entities personally, instead of trying to manipulate/agitate
everyone else to do it? Here are some links for your complaining

My 2 cents' worth.


On Sunday, January 31, 1999 1:46 PM, Franklin Wayne Poley

 -  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

 On Sun, 31 Jan 1999, J FROST wrote:

  Subject: 021.001  "PATRIOTS" or FASCIST AGENTS?
  Should the American people be in control of their own

 I don't think the American people have the WILL to control their own
 government so I suggest you turn it over to us in BC with our new
 "Cyberdemocracy". If yo'all insist on having someone else tell you how to
 think we'll do it for you.

 - Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -  Posted by: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: IS BILL CLINTON A RAPIST???? (new evidence) (u)

1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: Walt Horning [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sunday, January 31, 1999 8:57 AM
Subject: IS BILL CLINTON A RAPIST (new evidence) (u)

Here are some details of the allegations of sexual assault and rape by
Bill Clinton of nine women. Sources: NBC, ABC, Wash Post, AP,
FreeRepublic, Drudge, "Partners in Power" (Roger Morris)


NBC national news on Saturday, March 28, 1998:

"The explosive new allegation tonight is that President Clinton
sexually assaulted a woman 20 years ago in Arkansas. It involves an
alleged encounter at this Little Rock hotel in the late 1970s, between
then Attorney General Bill Clinton and campaign worker, Juanita
Broaddrick. In court documents today, Jones' lawyers claim Clinton
quote 'forcibly raped and sexually assaulted' Broaddrick, then quote
"bribed and intimidated her" to remain silent. Sources say that
Broaddrick, now 54, recently denied under oath that such an assault
occurred. But Jones' lawyers claim she had told their investigator she
had suffered a quote 'horrible thing' at the hand of Clinton, and did
not want to relive it. And NBC NEWS has talked to FOUR people from
Arkansas who say Broaddrick told them of such an assault years ago.

Today's charge is largely based on a letter from this man, Philip
Yoakum, a friend and business associate of the alleged victim. In a
letter to Broaddrick, written in 1992, Yoakum, a Republican writes, I
was particularly distraught when you told me of your brutal rape by
Bill Clinton, how he bit your lip until you gave into his forcing sex
upon you.' In an interview with NBC NEWS, Yoakum said Broaddrick told
him that Clinton invited himself to her hotel room, allegedly to
discuss her nursing home business.

Reporter: She told you in 1981 that Bill Clinton assaulted her?

Mr. PHILLIP YOAKUM (Arkansas Businessman): Mm-hm. Yes, 1981 is when
she told me.

Reporter: Did you believe her at the time?

Mr. YOAKUM: I believed her.

MYERS: Yoakum admits he is no fan of the president and that he
unsuccessfully tried to get Broaddrick to tell her story when Clinton
first ran for president.

Mr. YOAKUM: And she says, Who would believe me, little old Juanita
from Van Buren?'

MYERS: There was another woman at that hotel that day, a nurse and
friend of Broaddrick who says she iced her friend's face after the
assault. In a telephone interview with NBC News, this woman, who
admits she dislikes Clinton, said Broaddrick was distraught, her lips
were swollen at least double in size. She told me they had intercourse
against her will.' Again a White House spokesman dismissed the charge
as outrageous, false, and the work of the president's long-time
political opponents.' The White House also noted that Broaddrick
herself already denied the allegation under oath. Tonight, Broaddrick
had no comment.

(ABC, AP, Drudge and Wash Post some or all of the above.)

After Broaddrick reported this did not happen in an avidavit in the
Jones case, Drudge reported on Dec 27, 1998 that Ken Starr gave her
full immunity from prosecution for filing the false avidavit, at which
time she told Ken Starr about the incident, and broke down in tears
over it.

So, there is Broaddrick's own testimony, plus that of FOUR witnesses,
one of whom personally put the ice pack on her swollen lip. click on ABC report. NBC pulled
their hyperlink. (Broaddrick is
mentioned only) (some details) (little details)

FLASH: NBC news crew filmed Broaddrick at her home, just a week or so
agon and its reported that she feared what would happen, now that she
reported to NBC the truth about the rape.


(2) JANE DONE #?-- RAPE --

"A young woman lawyer in Little Rock claimed that she was
accosted by Clinton while he was attorney general and that when
she recoiled he forced himself on her, biting and bruising her.
Deeply affected by the assault, the woman decided to keep it all
quiet for the sake of her own hard won career and that of her
husband. When the husband later saw Clinton at the 1980
Democratic Convention, he delivered a warning. ‘If you ever
approach her,' he told the governor, 'I'll kill you.' Not even seeing
fit to deny the incident, Bill Clinton sheepishly apologized and duly
promised never to bother her again." [page 238, "Partners in
Power” (Roger Morris)]



There were two witnesses to what happened to Willey: Linda Tripp
and a Ms Steele. Ms Steele reported the story to Newsweek per Willey's
request. Ms Steele claimed later that Willey said she was lying but
asked her to tell 

Re: [CTRL] SNET: Who should control USA Gov't?

1999-01-31 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

 -Caveat Lector-

Weak? You went for it bung hole.
(Agent Polecat).

On Sun, 31 Jan 1999, Michael Estes wrote:

 - SNETNEWS Mailing List

 Agent Polecat:

 I see you are still playing that weak agent provocateur role. If I were you
 I wouldn't give up my day job.

 I find it quite illuminating that you run that ALLIGATOR MOUTH about THIS
 country so much in all of your boring posts -- while your HUMMINGBIRD ASS
 is parked over there in some OTHER country. What's wrong with that picture?
 Who is pulling YOUR chain?

 Why don't YOU express YOUR displeasure with this government TO the
 government entities personally, instead of trying to manipulate/agitate
 everyone else to do it? Here are some links for your complaining

 My 2 cents' worth.


 On Sunday, January 31, 1999 1:46 PM, Franklin Wayne Poley
  -  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
  On Sun, 31 Jan 1999, J FROST wrote:
   Subject: 021.001  "PATRIOTS" or FASCIST AGENTS?
   Should the American people be in control of their own
  I don't think the American people have the WILL to control their own
  government so I suggest you turn it over to us in BC with our new
  "Cyberdemocracy". If yo'all insist on having someone else tell you how to
  think we'll do it for you.
  - Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -  Posted by: Franklin Wayne Poley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 - Send "subscribe   snetnews " to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -  Posted by: Michael Estes [EMAIL PROTECTED]

*** [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send "Subscribe Future-Cities" to

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Updated 30-01-99

Freemasonry is.. Corruption is. Injustice is.  Freemasonry.
I,  Maurice Kellett, of,  16A The Lyons, Hetton-le-Hole, Tyne and Wear, DH5
0HT, England, hereby declare that the statements contained in the
documentation indexed below are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Christopher the Whitehall Masonic Civil Servant told the late Stephen
Knight, author of " The Brotherhood", "Get your man involved in something
legal - it need not be serious - and then you have him". The full account of
Stephen's meeting with Christopher is included in chapter sixteen of his
book. I stepped into the trap of believing that British justice could not be
as corrupt as some had alleged. How wrong I was.
Masonic injustice has been instrumental in the destruction of my thirty year
marriage. My wife and family were the best things in my life.  I am now
determined that those who have assisted this situation will be called to
account for their actions. I understand that moves are now in progress to
declare me bankrupt because I have not paid the £16,000 Order of costs in
the Civil litigation. That Order was made by the former Recorder Mr.
Fryer-Spedding. In the below index listing, Affidavits 1 and 2 detail some
of his acts. Am I to abide by the judgment and Order for costs when a man
can stoop this low to ruin a man? Am I not only to be subject of Masonic
injustice, but to concede an Order that I must pay for it? Justice is the
basic foundation of any democracy. Without it democracy is called into
Those in high places of authority who continue to ignore the facts that I
have supplied to them can only be regarded as accessories after the fact.
They are not above the law.
Within the British House of Commons, there exists a Masonic Lodge for
Members of Parliament and the Press Gallery. Therefore it is shown that
Freemasonry  has an influence within government and I would suggest that it
is substantial. Member of Parliament Chris Mullin's Secret Societies
Declaration Bill, which he placed before Parliament a few years ago failed
to become law. His Bill, had it became law, would have helped to protect the
British public from the influence of  all Secret Societies. Then Prime
Minister John Major, said that he would try to make time for another reading
of the Bill. That has never happened. Perhaps it's not happened because
there are so many Masonic Members of Parliament who don't want it to happen?
Where any Society maintains such secrecy as that of Freemasonry, the reasons
for it must be given all due consideration. I have done this. I think it is
very clear to me now, more especially after what has been done to me, why
they exercise such secrecy.
Page 2. Background History.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: business update -Humour

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan


 Xerox and Wurlitzer: They're going to make reproductive organs.

 Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers: New company will be called
 Fairwell Honeychild

 Polygram Records, Warner Brothers and Keebler: New company will be called

 W. R. Grace Co., Fuller Brush Co.: Mary Kay Cosmetics and Hale
 Business Systems: New company will be called Hale Mary Fuller Grace

 3M  Goodyear: mmmGood

 John Deere  Abitibi-Price: Deere Abi

 Honeywell, Imasco, and Home Oil: Honey, I'm Home

 Denison Mines, Alliance, and Metal Mining: Mine, All Mine

 3M, J.C. Penney, Canadian Opera Company: 3 Penney Opera

 Grey Poupon  Dockers Pants: Poupon Pants

 Knott's Berry Farm  National Organization of Women: Knott NOW!

 Zippo Manufacturing, Audi, Dofasco, Dakota Mining: Zip Audi Do-Da

[CTRL] Fwd: Aspartame Alert

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Debunking Internet Health Alarms

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- An e-mail campaign attacking an artificial sweetener was
spreading fear fast: ``Could I have been misdiagnosed? Will eliminating the
aspartame in my diet eliminate the MS symptoms?'' a panicked patient asked the
Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.

Absolutely not, the MS Foundation replied, furious that whoever wrote the e-
mail not only frightened vulnerable patients but falsely used the group's name
as part of the campaign.

``We've been completely inundated with calls about this,'' said the MS
Foundation's Cliff Roer. ``It was very alarming.''

Welcome to the latest health scare on the Internet, where e-mail or ``consumer
alerts'' can suddenly spark panic by blaring about ``DEADLY POISONS.''

``I call them toxic terrorists,'' said Jeff Stier of the American Council on
Science and Health. He investigated after his New York City group got calls
from frightened Internet users last week.

Consumer scares are nothing new, but the Internet lets rumors spread faster --
and archives them forever, he said. ``It's so easy to play on people's

The scare du jour is over claims that aspartame, sold under such brand names
as NutraSweet, causes MS or another disease, lupus.

For the record, the Food and Drug Administration says that is false. MS and
lupus have been around a lot longer than aspartame has, and repeated
scientific studies have found no connection between the sweetener and such
symptoms. An MS Foundation neurologist also investigated and calls the
allegations ``rabidly inaccurate.''

But it is not the only scare.

Last fall, a ``Shampoo Alert'' claimed an ingredient that helps the suds form
in almost every shampoo is really an ``engine degreaser'' that causes cancer.
Today, Internet chat rooms still show people asking if they should toss their
shampoo. In fact, the ingredient might irritate your eyes or your skin, but
cancer experts agree there is no sign it is carcinogenic.

``This is something we're going to see a lot more of,'' cautioned Dr. Randolph
Wykoff of the FDA, which received more than 100 questions about the shampoo
scare and dozens so far about aspartame.

The Internet is full of important, even lifesaving, medical information,
Wykoff stressed. The quandary is one of consumer savvy: How do you filter out
the exaggerations, misinterpretations or falsehoods?

For people searching for information on the Internet, it is less of a problem:
Just use Web sites operated by reputable groups such as the National
Institutes of Health or medical journals, and be wary of cure-all claims.

The bigger question is what to believe when an alarming e-mail shows up
unsolicited -- but with just enough science to sound credible, and then
snowballs into frightened discussions on Internet bulletin boards.

Take aspartame, which long has been controversial.

Some people do say they are sensitive to it. But the FDA insists that 20 years
of research has not found evidence of serious side effects -- except in some
people with the rare genetic disease PKU or phenylketonuria, who cannot
properly process an aspartame component called phenylalinine.

The new scare, however, argues that aspartame causes MS and lupus symptoms by
breaking down into toxic methanol. Attempts to find the e-mail's author have

Very high doses of methanol can be toxic, but aspartame causes only the same
tiny amounts you would get from fruits or vegetables such as tomatoes and
tomato juice, which also produce methanol during digestion, said FDA food
safety expert Dr. David Hattan.

Both MS and lupus are diseases that wax and wane, so if a person felt better
or worse in connection with how much diet cola she drank, it is pure
coincidence, Wykoff added.

But how is a consumer to sort out such claims?

Call your doctor, check science books in libraries or on science-based Web
sites, or call reputable consumer groups.

Remember, ``if there's a breakthrough, they're not going to read it in a
secret message on the Internet,'' says Dr. John Renner of the National Council
for Reliable Health Information.

EDITOR'S NOTE -- Lauran Neergaard covers health and medical issues for The
Associated Press in Washington.

Re: [CTRL] Fw: IS BILL CLINTON A RAPIST???? (new evidence) (u)

1999-01-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/31/99 5:56:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Today's charge is largely based on a letter from this man, Philip
 Yoakum, a friend and business associate of the alleged victim. In a
 letter to Broaddrick, written in 1992, Yoakum, a Republican writes, I
 was particularly distraught when you told me of your brutal rape by
 Bill Clinton, how he bit your lip until you gave into his forcing sex
 upon you.' In an interview with NBC NEWS, Yoakum said Broaddrick told
 him that Clinton invited himself to her hotel room, allegedly to
 discuss her nursing home business. 

Isn't it amazing how many women have been in hotel rooms with Bill Clinton?
Seems like he hardly ever met one anywhere else.  I was probably wrong when I
said he touched my leg in a dark movie theater.  Now that I think of it, I'm
sure  it was a hotel room somewhere.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [CIA-Drugs] Colby, the FLIR tape

1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-

From: Michael Novick [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 21:54:44 -0800
From: Jon Roland  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Colby, the FLIR tape, and a new Waco documentary

In response to a message I forwarded from Ian Goddard, in which he cited
an article from _American Freedom_ magazine, Vol. 1, No. 7, October,
1996, consisting of a report by Gordon Novel of an interview with former
CIA Director William Colby, and in which Goddard recalls Novel to have
claimed to have received the FLIR footage that appeared in the Academy
Award nominated documentary _Waco: the Rules of Engagement_ from Colby,
who is also supposed to have said that President Clinton was "behind"
the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995, I received an email message
from Michael McNulty, a producer of the Waco documentary, asking me to
call him to get some corrections on that initial report. I called him
January 29, 1999. The following is extracted from my telephone
conversation with McNulty:

In late 1993 the Davidian defense team received a copy of the FLIR
footage from the FBI through discovery, but they were unable to play it
in their machines. McNulty says he got the tape several months later,
about April, 1994, after the Davidians had been convicted and while they
were awaiting sentencing. The defense team had been unable to play the
tape because it was in a super VHS format that was unlabeled. McNulty
says the lack of a label was at least unprofessional, and at worst an
attempt at obfuscation. McNulty provided a lengthy analysis of the tape
in June, 1994, and returned the tape, after making a dub of it with the
permission of the defense team, onto a digital D2 format. The defense
team sent McNulty's analysis to the U.S. prosecutor, although McNulty's
analysis did not identify the flashes as automatic firearms fire.

It was about 18 months after McNulty got the tape that former CIA
Director William Colby contacted Gordon Novel, who said that Colby sent
two men to show Novel a high-quality, probably 1st-generation copy, of
the FLIR footage, who pointed out to Novel what to look for on the tape
and where to find it. However, they did not leave a copy of the tape
with Novel at that time. What they pointed out were the signatures of
automatic gunfire by assaulting troops directed at the only exits of the
buildings, which the Davidians would have had to use to escape the fire.

At that point McNulty had the only copy of the tape, a 3rd-generation
digital D2 copy, other than the one retained by the Davidian defense
lawyer he had obtained it from, and he refused to release it to anyone.
He had already become friends with Gordon Novel, who had begun working
as an investigator for the firm of Ramsey Clark, who had become one of
several law firms representing the Davidians in their civil case.

Novel told McNulty what Colby's men had told him, and McNulty then took
his tape and the information delivered from Colby through Novel and
sought an expert in interpreting FLIR footage who was not associated
with the government in a way that the expert would not have wanted to
work with McNulty. He found one in Dr. Edward Allard, who appears in the
documentary with his analysis.

In the meantime, Novel got himself in trouble and was put in jail in
Ohio, and was interviewed by Don Weideman for a series of articles. It
was during these interviews that Novel revealed he had a copy, probably
a 3rd- or 4th-generation copy, of the FLIR footage.

McNulty's 3rd-generation copy is the FLIR footage that was used in the
documentary. Another dub was made of the 2nd-generation copy the defense
attorney had, and it was that copy which was later passed on to the firm
of Caddell and Chapman, and from them to the firm of former Attorney
General Ramsey Clark. Novel got his 3rd- or 4th-generation copy from Jim
Brannen, one of the civil litigation attorneys.

Impatient with the delay in getting the footage to the public through
the documentary, Novel took his 3rd- or 4th-generation copy of the FLIR
footage to CBS Sixty Minutes, who sought their own expert analyst in
the firm Infraspections, and that analyst confirmed Allard's analysis of
the flashes as automatic weapons fire. Later, CBS Sixty Minutes
personnel went to members of Congress on the committee investigating the
incident, and misrepresented the results of their expert's analysis to
those congressmen, saying the analyst found no sign of gunfire. They did
not provide a copy of the tape or the analysis of their expert to those
congressmen, who obtained the short segments they viewed during the
hearings from Paul Gray and James Quintiari, federal arson investigators
on the government team.

That incident, and others, will be coming out in a new documentary
McNulty is producing called _Waco: A New Revelation_, due out in late
February or early March, 1999. In 1998, attorney David Hardy, also
allied with the civil litigation team, was able to obtain a
1st-generation copy of 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Aspartame Alert

1999-01-31 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/31/99 6:11:47 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The scare du jour is over claims that aspartame, sold under such brand names
 as NutraSweet, causes MS or another disease, lupus. 

I don't care what the FDA says about aspartame.  Remember a few years ago when
Cher was choosing  a it over sugar.  (I won't repeat the brand name.)  Well,
I'm sure she did, and right after all that she was diagnosed with Epstein
Barr.  The good word is don't use fake food.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Dutch Fraternal Order of Knights Templar

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Dutch Fraternal Order of Knights
Templar /A


Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da gloriam

©1998 Templar Fraternity GLADIUS DEI.

The Dutch Templar Fraternity GLADIUS DEI is not affiliated with
Freemasonry, the SMOTJ, the OSMTH or the IFA.

This Knights Templar Research Ring site owned by Donato Ranzato.
[ Previous 5 Sites | Previous | Next | Next 5 Sites | Random Site | List

Want to Join the Knights Templar Research Ring


A HREF=""Dutch Fraternal Order of Knights
Templar /A



The original medieval templar fraternity was founded in 1264 and it was
called Spada del Dio by its founder, a Venetian Knights Templar called
Giovanni di Ranza Santone. The name of the fraternity is the Italian
translation of the name of a special group of Knights Templar he
belonged to called Gladius Dei.

Gladius Dei (Sword of God) was founded by the Italian Knight Rosalli in
1124. This corps d'elite was the secret honour guard of the Magister
Templi of Italy (Umbria) and one or more Gladius Dei would always escort
him to wherever the Master went. Its membership was by invitation only
and its members were considered to be the ideal Knights Templar. Hist
orically, members of Gladius Dei were hand selected by the Master
himself and acted under his direct authority. Invitation to join Gladius
Dei was often also an invitation to join the ranks of glorious
martyrdom, but it's members were among the most respected and effective
templars - while alive.

The Dutch Priory is named Gladius Dei in memory and honor of the
original fraternity which still exists until this day in Italy only
under a different name.


The fraternity has a strong chivalric/templar flavor but mixed with
arabic/sufi mysticism. Why the orginal templar fraternity used
arabic/sufi symbolism as part of the initiation ceremonies of the
different grades is a matter of debate both in and outside the current
fraternity. The author Idries Shah in "The Sufis"suggests some
interesting things about a possible link between on of the possible
offshoots of the fraternity - the Carbonari - and the Sufi brotherhood.

"It has been said by some historians that the inspiration of the
Carbonari and similar societies came from pre-Christian times, for there
were settled in the Alps communities which seemed to owe allegiance to
Gnostic and other ideas which some profess to see reflected in
Freemasonry, Templarism and the discipleship of the way of the Sufis."
- Arkon Daraul, Secret Societies

Idries Shah suggests Sufic origins for a number of other Western occult
societies - the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the Order of the Garter
and the Templars.

It is highly possible that the Sufis in some way influenced the Order of
the Temple and that the Order used some of its sufi-influenced mysticism
in its templar fraternities. These templar fraternities have possibly
influenced other Orders and fraternities, such as the Carbonari and the

General E-mail enquiries to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] The West Legacy OKC

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Have you seen this one yet?
NOTE:  While we are remembering the demonic Dr. Louis Jolyon West, I'd like
to remind listees that Dr. West showed up in Oklahoma City three days after
the bombing (April 21st, 1995) and was present when McVeigh was transferred
to the El Reno Federal Correction Facility where he remained until being
transferred to Colorado for trial.  West later came to town again at the
end of September 1995 -- at which time his visit was the headline story on
the front page of the Daily Oklahoman.

In light of those things, it seems appropriate to reprint this interesting
though somewhat speculative article by Alex Constantine who, toward the end
of the material, writes:

"But CIA watchers everywhere caught their breath when CNN announced that a
psychological trauma team, mustered by the American Psychological
Association, would converge in Oklahoma City to treat survivors of the
explosion and the victims' families - led by none other than Dr. Louis
Jolyon West of UCLA's Neuropsychiatric Institute. Dr. West is a sinister
creation of the Agency's mind control fraternity. Among other totalitarian
projects, he has studied the use of drugs as "adjuncts to interpersonal
manipulation or assault," and employed pioneers in the field of remote,
electronic mind control experimentation at UCLA.  West has recommended to
federal officials that drugs be used to control "bothersome" segments of
the population"


Mind Control  Timothy McVeigh's Rise from "Robotic" Soldier to Mad Bomber

 By Alex Constantine

The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.
- Joseph Mengele

The popular conception was spun by the press corps like a clay urn:
McVeigh, the volatile minute man, was so bitter after failing to make the
Army's "elite" Special Forces, so stuffed full of the froth of the Turner
Diaries, that he vented his rage on the Alfred Murrah Federal Building in
Oklahoma City.

But Captain Terry Guild, McVeigh's' former platoon leader, told reporters
that the failure to become a Green Beret left the Iraq War veteran "upset.
Not angry. Just very, very disappointed." In the Army, he demonstrated a
willingness to carry out orders, any orders. He trained on his own time
while other soldiers languished in their bunks or caroused at the PX. As a
civilian, Timothy McVeigh continued to dwell on the military. In 1992 he
took a job with Burns International Security Services in Buffalo and was
assigned to the security detail at Calspan, a Pentagon contractor that
conducts classified research in advanced aerospace rocketry and electronic
warfare.Al Salandra, a spokesman for Calspan, told reporters that McVeigh
was "a model employee."

"He was real different," Todd Regier, a plumber, told the Boston Globe.
"Kind of cold. He was almost like a robot."

Within a few months, his manager planned on promoting McVeigh to the
supervisory level. But McVeigh's bitterness, once directed at the military,
"was becoming directed at a much larger, more ubiquitous enemy." It was in
Buffalo, as a civilian, that McVeigh's rage peaked. He complained that
federal agents had left him with an unexplained scar on his posterior,
implanted him with a microchip. It was painful, he said, to sit on the chip.

It's conceivable, given the current state-of-the-art in classified mind
control technology, that McVeigh had been drawn into an experimental black

Jeff Camp, who worked as a guard with McVeigh in upstate New York after
high school, told Newsweek that the bomber was "a very strange person. It
was like he had two different personalities." The press has ignored the
rise of mind control operations and technology, but electronic monitoring
of the brain has been perfected in research laboratories more secretive
than the military science units that once tested nuclear isotopes on
crippled children.

The generals keep it close to their armored vests, but the miniature
implantable monitor was declassified long ago. Sandia National Laboratories
in Albuquerque, New Mexico, for instance, markets a sensor implant sealed
inside a "hermetic biocompatible package" that runs on a tiny power coil,
complete with a programmable sensor and telemetry circuits. Sandia's sales
literature notes that the implant's design "is founded on technology
originally developed for weapons."

The Pentagon's electromagnetic arsenal is cloaked by the "nonlethal
defense" program the media has been busily selling as a "humane"
alternative to conventional death-dealing conventional arms.

From the Pentagon's electromagnetic underworld came Timothy McVeigh, the
"robotic" recruit obsessed with visions of Waco and Ruby Ridge. If he had
indeed been implanted, McVeigh marched in step with a small army of
glassy-eyed assassins.

No Programmed Killer's Hall-of-Fame would be complete without a bust of
Dennis Sweeney, the student 


1999-01-31 Thread Linda Minor

 -Caveat Lector-


Clark Wilkins wrote:

 Please excuse my interruption.
 I feel I probably know as much about Ferenc Nagy and Permindex as
 on this site.
 Nagy has been identified here as a Nazi, a Hungarian, and a former
 premier.  He was all of those things.  By 1957 he was trying to free
 Hungary from Soviet oppression and probably for the purpose of placing
 under his own oppression.  In doing so, he sought aid from the US
 Dept (arms) and the Italian royal family which had supported him in
 days as a Nazi.  Nagy envisioned smuggling arms into Europe via "trade

 marts".  He did not then know that Shaw already operated a Trade Mart.

 With State Dept knowledge (and probably at the suggestion of CD
 Nagy called on Shaw and formed Permindex.
 The CIA denies Permindex was a front company of theirs but they do
 to keeping a file on Permindex.
 Supporting the CIA's claim, the company was predominately foreign
 Contradicting the CIA's claim, however, is the fact that the Tolstoy
 Foundation, which obtained CIA funding, was electing directors to the
 board in equal proportion to the directors being elected by the
 royal family.  Again, Nagy's Fascist buddies were elected to the board
 the exact same numbers.
 Still others were elected to the board for no apparent political
 reason.  Many, if not all, of these latter directors were unaware of
 Permindex's true purpose and operations.  Clay Shaw falls in this
 Tracking Permindex's bank financing leads back, in part, to the US

 and was almost certainly done with CIA knowledge and approval.  The
 knew Nagy well.  Still, there is no indication that the CIA was
 any leadership role in Permindex.  It simply did not interfere with
 existence.  Instead, the evidence indicates that the officers,
 and stockholders looked to British intelligence for leadership.  The
 and Britain have formed coalitions  in the past (WWI, WWII, Korea, and

 Iraq) and Permindex appears to have been an Italian, American, and
 British coalition organized and led by the British (for purposes I
 go into here).
  As for the claim that Permindex was kicked out of Switzerland, it

 was not.  Permindex moved out of Switzerland because "someone else"
 kicked out of Switzerland who they were working very closely with and
 they needed to maintain that relationship.  That's how that story got
 started.  It's really not that far off base anyway.
  I have no idea if DeGaulle ever publicly accused Permindex of
 to kill him.  I doubt it.  DeGaulle was provided a report by French
 intelligence which identified Permindex as trying to assassinate him
 behalf of Israel.  There is some misinformation and many false
 conclusions in this report (It's about as accurate as the President's
 Commission on Pornography).  It's purpose was more political than
 accurate.  By way of comparison, it was a French SDECE agent that
 "Farewell, America".  So you can get idea of the work.  Anyway,
 DeGaulle did not believe any reports issued to him at the time by the
 SDECE so I doubt if he took it seriously.
  Did Permindex get involved in assassination?  I would say yes.
 that include JFK's assassination?  As a corporate effort I can state
 100% certainty that Permindex was not involved.  Some Permindex
 connections to Dallas do exist, however, which deserve attention but I

 don't think Clay Shaw is amongst them.
  That's my 2 bits worth.
  Hope it helps.


British intelligence for leadership you say?
Yet at least two company officers were ex OSS.
Bloomfield who was president I think and Shaw.
Knowing Shaw's history makes it unlikely that
he was one of these unaware directors you are
referring to.
It has been said on this group recently that the
major funding came from Canada. I forget his
name but it was said to be the then head of
This poster is an anti Zionist Hollocaust
Revisionist also tho and was grinding his own
axe at the same time.
I refer to B. Flat of course.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] Fwd: Possible Terorist at White House

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Possible Terrorist Nabbed in D.C.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. Park Police working the perimeter of the White House
on Saturday arrested a man described to them by the Secret Service as a
possible terrorist.

Police detained the man at mid afternoon near the Ellipse, a grassy area
outside the White House's south gate, and took him to the Secret Service's
Washington field office for questioning, said Park Police Lt. Cheryl Braun.

Officers had been on the lookout since just after 12:00 p.m. for a man in his
mid 30's, wearing sunglasses, a hooded sweatshirt and sweatpants, who had been
spotted near the White House. Park Police Sgt. Michael Keenan said the Secret
Service identified the man as a possible terrorist and ordered him detained.

Keenan said he did not know why the man was suspected of being a terrorist.
Secret Service spokeswoman Chaun Young did not immediately return a call for

President Clinton and the first lady left the White House at mid day and
helicoptered to the presidential retreat at Camp David for a long-planned
weekend respite.

[CTRL] Fwd: Have a Safe Trip on Y2K

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Drip, drip, drip . . .

 (From the JAPANESE press.)

Americans warned of traveling abroad at turn of 2000

.c Kyodo News Service

WASHINGTON, Jan. 29 (Kyodo) -- The U.S. government cautioned Americans on
Friday against traveling abroad at the end of the year or the start of the
next year due to the possible mishaps that might be caused by the ''Y2K''
computer glitch.

The State Department issued the notice citing possible transportation
disruptions and financial problems, including malfunctioning of credit cards
and ATM machines, related to the millennium bug.

The department also referred to possible disruption of electricity and water
services overseas.

The notice did not refer to specific countries, and only said, ''It is
difficult to forecast where the Y2K problem will surface.''

The department stressed that those with special medical requirements should
especially take care around Jan. 1, 2000, saying they should not assume that
medical facilities and services will be available at their travel destination.

The notice also advised travelers to confirm with insurance companies whether
they will be covered by insurance when faced with damages related to the Y2K

The department said it plans to provide information about how countries around
the world are dealing with the problem.

Specialists point to the possibility that Russia may face electrical power
failures in severe cold weather due to computer problems related to the Y2K
issue, and the lack of a response to the problem in the developing world.

The Y2K problem involves the systemic failure of computers running on software
that identifies years by their last two digits, leading computers to read
''2000'' as ''1900'' past midnight Jan. 1, 2000.

[CTRL] Fwd: It's the WEATHER, Stupid

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 Typical headlines from AP, Reuters, Bloomberg business summaries:

Famine may persist in North Korea
Soybeans could fall on Brazilian weather
Natural gas falls on anticipation of warmer winter weather
Heavy November rain to delay Brazil cocoa mid-crop
China wheat - Drought sparks import speculation
Fiji sugar crop again hit by severe flooding
January rain reduces Iran drought threat - USDA
UK potato sowing delayed by heavy rain for 2nd year, BPC says
Cold front expected in German crop regions
Coffee falls; ample supply outweighs earthquake worry
Drought threatens 1999 Mauritian sugar production ...

US science group calls for action on climate change

WASHINGTON, Jan 28 (Reuters) - A leading group of U.S.  scientists called on
Thursday for continued efforts to curb man made carbon emissions despite
scientific uncertainties about the causes and impacts of climate change.

The Council of the American Geophysical Union released a statement calling for
enhanced international research on climate change. But it said science could
not be the only guide on society's response to changing world temperatures and
seemingly erratic weather patterns.

``AGU recommends the development and evaluation of strategies such as
emissions reduction, carbon sequestration, and adaptation to the impacts of
climate change,'' the council statement said.

``AGU believes that the present level of scientific uncertainty does not
justify inaction in the mitigation of human-induced climate change and/or the
adaptation to it.''

The statement drew a sharp response from groups opposed to Clinton
administration's policies on global warming and a warning that the AGU
declaration would be used by proponents of government mandates, like those
contained in the international Kyoto climate change treaty negotiated in late

The Kyoto Protocol framework calls for industrial nations to cut heat-trapping
emissions from burning fossil fuels by an average of 5.2 percent below 1990
levels in the years 2008-12.

The United States signed the treaty last November, but details of how the
agreement would work have not been decided.
 President Bill Clinton has not submitted the treaty for Senate ratification
due to opposition from Republicans, and some Democrats.

The Competitive Enterprise Institute, a free market, ``limited government''
group, said the AGU had ``betrayed science and embraced politics'' in
announcing its position.

``In rendering a policy judgment favourable to the Clinton-Gore
administration, the AGU statement has crossed the line separating science from
advocacy,'' said Paul Georgia, research associate for the CEI.

The AGU, which represents some 35,000 members, was also criticised for issuing
an opinion from its leadership even though the rank and file had not signed
off on the position.

AGU's statement emphasised the uncertainties about what should be the proper
response to the global warming phenomenon, noting the inherent complexities of
the climate system.

``The increase in global mean surface temperatures over the past 150 years
appears to be unusual in the context of the last few years, but it is not
clearly outside the range of climate variability of the last few thousand
years,'' the AGU said.

The group said evidence suggested the ``close coupling'' between atmospheric
carbon dioxide and climate change.

AGU added that public concern over rising temperatures was warranted, noting
it could lead to not only warmer weather, but increases in rates of
precipitation and evaporation, rising sea levels and changes in the biosphere.

The Global Climate Coalition, a business and trade group opposed to the Kyoto
treaty but in favour of voluntary actions to battle climate change, said the
AGU position verified their concerns that more knowledge is needed on the

Small U.S. banks ask Congress for billions in year 2000 farm aid

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Small U.S. banks urged Congress on Thursday to spend
more money in the fiscal 2000 budget to fix the safety net for farmers with
expanded crop insurance, market loss payments and other aid.

The Independent Bankers Association of America said the extra funding was
essential to help U.S. farmers survive another year or two of expected low
commodity prices and depressed exports.

President Bill Clinton is scheduled to unveil his budget proposal for fiscal
year 2000 on Monday. Congressional aides and industry analysts said they
expect the proposal to have only $100 million or so included in extra funding
for crop insurance.

Last October, lawmakers rushed to put together an emergency package with a
record $6.9 billion package of help for farmers. The bankers' group, which
represents mostly small and community banks, said Congress should not wait
until the last minute again to help farmers.

``We believe Congress and the administration should pursue several courses of
action early this year to enhance the farm safety net without eliminating the
planting flexibility in the 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Possible Terorist at White House

1999-01-31 Thread Franklin Wayne Poley

 -Caveat Lector-

Bonzo is at it again. Has anybody else read Buchwald's "While Reagan

*** [EMAIL PROTECTED] Send "Subscribe Future-Cities" to

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [FUTURE-CITIES] Re: Citizens on the Web: Pope warms up to put the devil on ice (fwd)

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

Ok, funny joke, but sometimes jokes can get out of hand.  Let us please not to
resort to personal attacks.

Wes, trys keep the noise level down, so be it, the list are his. I have found
them to be very useful and helpful in understanding. CTRL covers a bit more
ground than his more selected lists, but we overlap and many folks are members
of many lists.

I do find some noise interesting and inevitable. For among the mis, dis and
noise one can find some interesting corelations. Because some is deliberate
and some is 'filtered' through someone's psyche and put in 'active' play. With
the internet anyone with a computer can make actiove plays. Ya got to read the
river to keep afloat and moving along.

In a message dated 1/30/99 1:49:36 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

Wes is a prawn/jumbo shrimp.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] [mindcontrol] Re: Wes Thomas and the Need for Genetic Improvement of the Plan... (fwd)

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/30/99 1:52:50 PM, Franklin Wayne Poley

You've made yourself a topic of discussion Wes. So I suggest you not
harass me again by whining to my ISP webmaster.


Please do not keep us informed of your personal affrontations. They are off-
topic and do not belong on this list. so keep it up or you can go whine about
ME on some other lists.


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Capitol Hill - Washington, D.C.
At a recent RNC event in Washington Chris Cox (R-CA) said
Clinton has given "a full Lewinsky" to China's communist
leadership.  According to Cox, Clinton has engaged in a "craven"
attempt to suck up to the Chinese Communist leadership.

Cox noted that Clinton had blown an opportunity to get the reds
to stop beating off on human rights or at least...  to stop
beating up dissidents.

Capitol Hill - Washington, D.C.
Cox also noted that his secret report on President Clinton and
Chinese espionage for advanced U.S. military technology includes
whole chapters on John Huang.

Capitol Hill - Washington D.C.
Janet "Stonewall" Reno has nixed the last possible independent
counsel for Harold Ickes.

Rep. Dan Burton reacted swiftly issuing a statement through Will

"It is clear to me that the Attorney General is once again
protecting the President and his friends," stated Burton.

"Janet Reno has defied the spirit and the letter of the
Independent Counsel statute for so long and has so defiantly
ignored the advice of the FBI Director and her Chief
Prosecutor, that her investigation has become a sham."

Capitol Hill - Washington D.C.
Rep. Bob Barr released a letter strongly critical of Secretary
of State Albright.  Albright has opened negotiations with the
Revolutionary Forces of Colombia (FARC).  FARC, according to
Barr, is one of the most notorious terrorist groups in Latin

It would seem that Albright's own State Department agrees.
According to the State Department's unit on terrorism, FARC is
an "international terrorist organization".

Beijing - Communist China.
Chinese police now have standing orders to arrest anyone making
negative comments about the PRC on the Internet.


1 if by land, 2 if by sea.  Paul Revere - encryption 1775
Charles R. Smith
Pcyphered SIGNATURE:

***  to unsubscribe reply with "unsubscribe" as subject***

[CTRL] Fwd: CTRL: Daily error monitoring report

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Well, It is quite obvious that aols problems are still continuing. Hopefully
they are getting equipment online to help with their mail delivery.

As you can see aol is deleting even owners of the list. I myself have been
deleted twice.

Also I have beeen busy and gone much of the weekend. So,  I have been able to
respond to this and other 'problems' quickly,  my apologies. And have to leave
again, but will be able spend some time tommorrow.

Other than that, life seems well.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

The following 1 subscriber was deleted from the CTRL list today:

  "(Charles Overbeck)" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Last error was: Mailer said: "550 MAILBOX NOT FOUND"

The following 43 subscribers are currently being monitored:

Err First Last  Address
--- - - ---
  3 01/29 01/29 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Last error: Mailer said: "550 MAILBOX NOT

  1 01/29 01/29 AOL User [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Last error: Mailer said: "550 MAILBOX NOT

  1 01/29 01/29 Bill Richer [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Last error: Mailer said: "550 MAILBOX NOT

  1 01/29 01/29 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Last error: Mailer said: "550 MAILBOX NOT

  1 01/29 01/29 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Last error: Mailer said: "550 MAILBOX NOT

  1 01/29 01/29 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  1 01/29 01/29 Teo One Thousand [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Last error: Mailer said: "550 MAILBOX NOT

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  1 01/29 01/29 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  1 01/29 01/29 Jolly Roger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  1 01/29 01/29 Lou Minichini [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  1 01/29 01/29 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  1 01/29 01/29 [EMAIL 

[CTRL] Fwd: Gospel According to John, Written by - Mary ?

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Subject: Mary Magdalene: Author of the Fourth Gospel?
Date: Fri, Jan 29, 1999 12:55 EST
Message-id: 78sslt$soo$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

On July 13, 1998 I posted the following article on the
Internet. I thought it might be of some interest to you.
It is written for a "non-expert" audience. However,
several prominent scholars have already said that this
thesis has merit.

Here are the first few paragraphs and the URL address
for the complete text --



by Ramon K. Jusino, M.A.
© 1998


This article makes a case for ascribing authorship of
the Fourth Gospel (the Gospel of John) in the New
Testament to Mary Magdalene. As far as I know -- no
previously published work has made an argument in
support of this hypothesis. Most biblical scholars today
assert that the Fourth Gospel was authored by an
anonymous follower of Jesus referred to within the
Gospel text as the Beloved Disciple. It is posited here
that, in an earlier tradition of the Fourth Gospel's
community, the now "anonymous" Beloved Disciple was
known to be Mary Magdalene. It is further posited that
Mary Magdalene is the true founder and hero of what has
come to be known as the Johannine Community (i.e., Mary
Magdalene was one of the original apostolic founders and
leaders of the early Christian church).

I realize that this hypothesis may seem very radical and
perhaps unorthodox to you. However, I believe that it is
well-founded and I respectfully offer the following in
support of it. The evidence supporting this thesis
includes some of the Gnostic Christian writings of the
Nag Hammadi Library, and internal evidence from the text
of the Fourth Gospel itself. This study also relies
heavily on the Johannine Community research done by
Raymond E. Brown (America's foremost Catholic biblical

I have made every attempt to write this article in such
a way that it can be easily followed and understood by
those without prior biblical scholarship knowledge. It
is written and dedicated to those who embrace the love
of God, who love and respect the church, and who are
open-minded enough to investigate new ideas without
feeling threatened by them.


You can access the full-text of this article right now,
completely free of charge, at the following URL address:

If you like the essay -- please pass it along to anyone
else who may be interested.

I'd like to get your feedback on this.

Ramon K. Jusino

---== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==--   Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own

[CTRL] Fwd: Life At the Top for Public Servants

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Blair Defends Cabinet `High Living'

.c The Associated Press

LONDON (AP) -- Prime Minister Tony Blair's government is fighting back against
accusations that its Cabinet ministers are living it up at the British
taxpayers' expense.

After a string of media reports of ministerial trips involving Concorde
flights, luxury resorts and chartered helicopters, the prime minister's
spokesman, Alastair Campbell, insisted that the travel arrangements were
necessary and governed by strict rules.

Blair's Labor government swept into office in May 1997 on a public vow to
clean up what it labeled the excesses of the Conservative Party, which was
often accused of cronyism and sleaze during its 17 years in power.

But a story in last week's Sunday Times, headlined ``Seduced by the perks of
power,'' questioned whether Blair's government was falling into the trap it
vowed to avoid.

And in the House of Commons on Thursday, the government faced criticism both
from Conservative politicians and from within its own Labor Party ranks.

``Some of us on this side of the House are not very happy about the way in
which people want to live the high life and fly in Concorde and all the rest
of it,'' said Dennis Skinner, a veteran left-wing Labor member of Parliament.

Conservative Party member John Wilkinson dubbed Home Secretary Jack Cunningham
``Concorde Jack,'' a reference to a flight the minister had taken to the
United States earlier this month.

He also accused the government's top finance minister, Chancellor of the
Exchequer Gordon Brown, of abandoning ``frugality.''

Brown reportedly chartered a plane in September 1997 to travel from South
Africa to Thailand for a meeting after he missed a connecting flight, and then
hired a helicopter to move around Bangkok.

On Thursday, in a letter to the tabloid Daily Mail, Health Secretary Frank
Dobson defended his decision to travel to Barbados in mid-November for a
three-day conference of Commonwealth health ministers.

``I left the conference a day early and did not take part in any cruise, go
swimming or sunbathing,'' he wrote.

``We can either have politics run on the level of gossip with the media trying
to turn everything into a scandal or we can have a government getting on
addressing the real problems facing this country,'' he added.

Alan Milburn, the chief secretary of the Treasury, also defended his
colleagues' travel choices, saying they met the regulations. ``We abide by
those rules and they are the same rules that applied when the Conservative
Party were in government,'' he said.

The rules state that ministers ``must always make efficient and cost-effective
travel arrangements.'' The Cabinet Office said Friday that ``there are clearly
instances when a more expensive means of travel is the only way of meeting
ministerial obligations.''

[CTRL] Fwd: Flirting with Death -- the Latest Turn-On

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 "... a subculture of gay men who eroticize risky sexual practices
and embrace the prospect of becoming infected.
 "Across a network of Web sites, gay men from Wichita to
Rotterdam advertise group sex parties for men who actively seek
to become infected with HIV (a practice called "bug chasing")
or seek to infect others with the virus (called "giving The Gift") ..."
 (And who, no doubt, are big Anne Rice fans.)

"Russian Roulette" Sex Parties

 Gay fringe group's unsafe practices alarms AIDS experts

 by Sabin Russell, Chronicle Staff Writer
 San Francisco Chronicle, January 29, 1999

 In a Castro district apartment house, an $8 admission fee
promises a night of communal gay sex.  The only rules: no
clothes, no condoms, no discussion of HIV.
 Two decades into an epidemic that has taken the lives of
nearly 18,000 San Franciscans, a new homosexual subculture is
emerging: Healthy men are seeking unprotected sex with
HIV-infected men, for the erotic thrill of communion with the
deadly AIDS virus.

 For years, AIDS experts have been concerned about the growth
of a practice known as ``barebacking,'' where condoms are
abandoned, usually based on assumptions that partners are both
HIV positive or both negative.
 Now a fringe element, linked by the Internet, is taking it
even further.
 Web sites are offering lists of "extreme sex" party sites
where the prospect of becoming infected or of infecting others is
part of the erotic allure.
 At a "Russian roulette party" set for next month in Houston,
a posting seeks three healthy men to have sex with five other
men. Four of those must be HIV negative, but the fifth is already
infected with the AIDS virus.

 Only a tiny fraction of gay men are believed to frequent
such venues.  Even so, many veteran AIDS activists, who
championed the "safer sex" ethic that has checked the spread of
the AIDS virus since the mid-1980s, are disturbed by the trend.
 "More than anger, I find it heartbreaking and tragic," said
Daniel Zingale, executive director of AIDS Action of Washington,
D.C., the nation's most powerful AIDS lobby.
 New research from San Francisco confirms that an increasing
number of gay men are having sex with multiple partners, and
without the protection of condoms.
 Yesterday, the federal Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention reported that among men who have anal sex with other
men, the portion of men who did so without condoms rose to 39
percent in 1997, from 30 percent in 1994.  Rates of sex with more
than one partner also rose, and of those engaged in the riskiest
practices, 68 percent did not know whether their partner was
infected with the AIDS virus.
 "Groups of men engaging in high-risk sex with multiple
partners, that is the kind of behavior that caused the epidemic
to explode," said Robert Perez of the Stop AIDS Project in San
 The practice of barebacking has been fiercely debated in the
gay community for several years.  But nothing is creating quite
the stir as the lastest issue of POZ, a glossy monthly magazine
brimming with ads for AIDS drugs, featuring a sympathetic
portrayal of the barebacking phenomenon.

 The cover features a handsome gay model, Tony Valenzuela,
resting naked atop a black stallion.  While the story describes
the plight of Valenzuela as an outcast in the San Diego gay
community for publicly advocating barebacking, the photos and
graphic images portray a glamorous, sexy new icon.
 "The cover photo definitely turns him into a sex object.  I
understand people's criticisms," said POZ editor-in-chief Walter
Armstrong. "We wanted to provoke people.  We're willing to take
the heat for that."
 But AIDS Action's Zingale finds this "bareback chic"
 "Anything that glamorizes putting your own health at risk is
irresponsible and threatens to unravel all our progress," he
 POZ, which has a modest national circulation of 130,000 is
not just trying to sell magazines, said Armstrong. "It's not that
we wanted to defend barebacking," he said. "We wanted to try to
give a fair, and considered, and nonjudgmental analysis of why
this is taking place ...  We want to see less condemnation of it
as a behavior, and more discussion about why gay men are wanting
to stop using condoms."
 The subculture of barebacking is explored in depth in a
second POZ article "A Ride on the Wild Side," by San Francisco
free-lance journalist Michael Scarce.  It uncritically explores
the methods and motives of men who have rejected condoms and are
having unprotected sex in organized venues.  It includes a visit
to the Castro "Bareback House" and an account of what goes on
 Scarce, 28 years old and HIV-negative, describes a
subculture of gay men who eroticize risky sexual practices, and
in some cases, are embracing the prospect of becoming infected.
 Across a network of Web sites, gay men from Wichita to
Rotterdam advertise group sex 

[CTRL] Fwd: Real-Life Justice in the Courts

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Study finds

 by Ken Armstrong and Maurice Possley
 Chicago Tribune, January 10, 1999

 With impunity, prosecutors across the country violated their
oaths and the law, committing the worst kinds of deception in the
most serious of cases.
 They have prosecuted black men, hiding evidence the real
killers were white.  They have prosecuted a wife, hiding evidence
her husband committed suicide.  They have prosecuted parents,
hiding evidence their daughter was killed by wild dogs.
 They do it to win.
 They do it because they WON'T get punished for it.
 They have done it to defendants who came within hours of
being executed, only to be exonerated.

 In the first study of its kind, a Chicago Tribune analysis
of thousands of court records, appellate rulings and lawyer
disciplinary records from across the United States has found:

 *Since a 1963 US Supreme Court ruling designed to curb
misconduct by prosecutors, at least 381 defendants nationally
have had a homicide conviction thrown out because prosecutors
concealed evidence suggesting innocence or presented evidence
they knew to be false.  (Of all the ways prosecutors can cheat,
those two are considered the worst by the courts.)
 And that number represents only a FRACTION of how often this

 *The US Supreme Court has declared such misconduct by
prosecutors to be so reprehensible that it warrants criminal
charges and disbarment.
 But NOT ONE of those prosecutors was convicted of a crime.
 NOT ONE was barred from practicing law.
 Instead, many saw their careers advance, becoming judges,
district attorneys, or [POLITICIANS].

 *Of the 381 defendants, 67 had been sentenced to death ...
Nearly 30 of those 67 death row inmates --about half of those
whose cases have been resolved-- were subsequently freed.
 But almost all spent at least 5 years in prison.  One served
26 years before his conviction was reversed and charges dropped.

 Next week three former DuPage County, Ill. prosecutors will
face trial on charges of conspiring to frame Rolando Cruz, who
served about 10 years on death row before being acquitted at his
third trial on charges of murdering 10-year-old Jeanine Nicarico.
 The case is exceptionally unique -- not because prosecutors
have been accused of concealing evidence and knowingly using
false evidence, but because they have been INDICTED for doing so.
 If convicted of a felony for such misconduct, it would be
the FIRST TIME that has happened in the United States.

 ... The kind of DELIBERATE misconduct that contributed to
those 381 defendants' homicide convictions is so grave that
courts believe it should NEVER [be allowed to] occur.
 But, although prosecutors often downplay individual cases
involving such deceit as "aberrations," the body of cases turned
up by the Tribune's search reveals that it happens FREQUENTLY and
in nearly limitless ways ...

 Prosecutors have concealed evidence that discredited their
star witnesses, pointed to other suspects, or supported a
defendant's claim of self-defense.  They have suppressed evidence
that a murder occurred when the defendants had alibis, or that it
occurred not in a defendant's home, as alleged, but in a someone
else's cornfield far away.  In one case prosecutors depicted red
paint as blood.  In another they portrayed hog blood as human ...

 In 1998 alone, at least three people were freed after being
retried because prosecutors had concealed evidence ...

 In a 1963 case, Brady vs. Maryland, the US Supreme Court
ruled that prosecutors must disclose evidence favorable to a
defendant (exculpatory evidence).
 But even when prosecutors are caught hiding evidence, courts
[[often staffed by judges who began as prosecutors themselves]]
will reverse a conviction only if the evidence was so strong that
its disclosure would have created a "reasonable probability" of a
different verdict.  Courts use a similar threshold in cases where
prosecutors presented evidence they knew to be false.
 The result is that courts frequently uphold a conviction
EVEN WHEN prosecutors suppress evidence or allow witnesses to lie
-- ruling that the prosecutor's actions, while reprehensible,
"probably" would not have changed the trial's outcome ...

[CTRL] Fwd: Business As Usual Typical in a Demo Town

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 Slices of Life in a Major Democrat-Run City --
 Nose Downwind from San Francisco's Version of Billy Blythe

 Nonprofit groups that pay for mayor's trips and gifts
  may skirt disclosure laws

 by Erin McCormick
 San Francisco Examiner, Jan. 25, 1999

 Mayor Willie Brown, perhaps the most astute political
fund-raiser in California history, has found a
multimillion-dollar way around the tough disclosure laws
governing public life in San Francisco and the state.
 Three nonprofits set up to fund mayoral junkets to foreign
cities, gifts and events have been collecting money from secret
donors at a rate of $3.5 million a year, according to reports
filed with the Internal Revenue Service covering parts of 1997.
 The donations, which are allowed under laws governing
nonprofits, have even outpaced the record-setting $2.8 million
Brown raised for his 1995 election.
 But critics question whether the nonprofits' fund-raising is
skirting strict San Francisco campaign contribution laws that
require public disclosure of all donors and limit gifts to $750.
 "Three million dollars is an amazing amount,"  said
Supervisor Leland Yee.  "The mayor's got a lot of activities he's
involved in, and I guess he's got to find some way to pay for
them. But people are being kept in the dark as to who is giving
donations. I think it skirts the reporting process under fair
political practices laws."
 Brown refused an Examiner request that he make public the
names of donors to the mayoral nonprofits: the San Francisco
Special Events Committee, the San Francisco Host Committee and
the Mayor's Youth Fund.
 "By law we are not required to do that and the mayor does
not choose to do it,"  said Ron Vinson, a spokesman for Brown.
"If the donors wish to make their donations public they can."
 Federal returns from the three nonprofits show such
expenditures as $182,000 for the mayor's overseas junkets,
$192,000 to buy gifts for visiting dignitaries and $2.2 million
to host the 1997 U.S. Conference of Mayors.
 Vinson said the Conference of Mayors, which brought the
top officials from more than 300 cities to San Francisco, drove
up the amount of fund-raising.
 "It was a big deal,"  he said.  "More money was raised for
that event because of the magnitude of hosting mayors from all
over the country."
 All three nonprofit organizations were in place before
Brown took office in 1996.  But, since his term began, Brown has
increased the organizations' annual intake by more than 800
percent - turning a kitty that once provided city leaders a few
hundred thousand dollars a year in extra spending money into a
multimillion-dollar mayoral war chest.

A few names made public

 While most of the groups' federal filings bear headings
stating that names of donors are "not open to public inspection,"
a few donor names have been made public.
 Records for the San Francisco Mayor's Youth Fund show that
the nonprofit, which paid for two citywide youth conferences
sponsored by the mayor, received large contributions from several
corporations that were involved in development deals and
contracts with the city during 1997.
 *The San Francisco 49ers, which won a ballot measure to
use city bonds to finance a new stadium and mall with the mayor's
support in June 1997, gave $10,000.
 *The Crystal Springs Golf Partners company, which holds a
city contract to run a golf course on public land, gave $20,000.
 *The foundation for the Gap, which got help from The City
Redevelopment Agency in 1997 to win the exclusive right to buy a
prime piece of state-owned waterfront property for a proposed
headquarters building, gave $10,000.
 Other contributions to the youth fund came from the
McDonald's Corp., Levi Strauss Foundation, Macy's department
stores, Sumitomo Bank, J.C. Penney Co., the Charles Schwab
Foundation and Nestle.
 Only one donor to the other two nonprofits has been
revealed. Democratic booster and Ralph's grocery chain owner Ron
Burkle, who is seeking an exclusive Treasure Island development
contract from The City, gave $100,000 to the San Francisco
Special Events Committee to help Brown pay for the Conference of
Mayors events.
 "It's vexing because of the inability to find out who these
donors are,"  said former state Sen. Quentin Kopp last month,
days before he won an appointment to a San Mateo judgeship.
"There's a question of whether they're buying influence. I bet if
you look at the list you'll find more than one (donor) who's
seeking some sort of public benefit."
 While politicians must file disclosures several times a
year about their political contributions, only the sketchiest
information is available about money given to nonprofits - even
those controlled by politicians. The only public information
about charities' fund-raising activities comes from annual IRS
returns that don't have to be filed for more than a year 

[CTRL] Fwd: Two-Thirds into a Great Depression

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan


 by Richard N. Bolles
 (author of "What Color is Your Parachute?")
 San Francisco Examiner, Sunday, January 24, 1999

 When you are out of work during a prosperous time like the
present, it's easy to get the feeling that everyone in the
country has a job except you.
 As you walk the streets, seeing everyone laughing around
you, with no one guessing the depth of your loss or the sorrow of
losing your job, it can be a mighty lonely feeling.

You are not alone

 So let's put that feeling in some kind of perspective, with
actual numbers.  Turn to the Great Depression.  During the height
of that Depression, in 1933, the government says there were more
than 12 million Americans out of work.  We all would agree that's
an awful lot of people out of work at the same time.
 Now turn to the present time, and what do we see?  We see 7
million Americans currently out of work -- which is close to two-
thirds of the number of people who were ought of work at the
height of the Depression.  Oops!
 Why didn't you know that?
 Well, it's not ever popular to talk about how many people
are out of work.  Year in or year out, regardless of whether the
Republicans or the Democrats are in power, it's more popular to
talk about the unemployment rate.  "Rate" is so clinical, so
objective, so removed from the thought of actual souls going
through a very difficult period in their lives.
 Also "rate" can be made to sound good.  For example, the
unemployment rate in 1933 was 24.9 percent, which sounds
terrible, while the unemployment rate recently has been hovering
around 4.4 percent, which sounds great.

Hiding suffering

 We rarely think to ask: 24.9 percent of what?  And, 4.4
percent of what?
 The answer is: "the number of people in the labor force at
that time."  That can vary greatly over time.
 In 1933, 12.8 million people were out of work, but because
the labor force was much smaller than it is today, this worked
out to the 24.9 percent rate.
 Today, the government admits there are 6.1 million people
out of work, but because the labor force is much larger than it
was in 1933, this has worked out to a 4.4 percent unemployment
rate.  That sounds like a small figure, but it masks the large
figure beneath it.  And it masks a lot of suffering.
 Unhappily, the true figure is even worse.
 The government now counts unemployment in a different way
than it did in 1933 -- it no longer considers people "unemployed"
if they haven't looked for a job in the last four weeks.  Those
people, 1.2 million in number currently, are now classified as
"discouraged workers."  (!!??!!?)
 Add their number to the unemployment figure currently, as
any sane person would, and you find there are actually 7.3
million people out of work.
 So you are anything but alone if you are out of work in
these prosperous times.

Don't go it alone

 But you can sink into a depression -- not the economic kind
but the emotional kind -- if you try to go it alone.  You need to
find some of those 7 million other unemployed people and work
together on your job hunt ...
 [Blah blah, blah blah blah, blah ]

 snip cliche advice

[CTRL] Fwd: Il Papa Meets Ol' Bubba

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Papal visit, presidential bull

by columnist Rob Morse
San Francisco Examiner, Jan. 28, 1999

 Pope John Paul II met with Bill Clinton and didn't whack his
hand with a ruler.
 That's the take most news organizations had on Tuesday's
meeting of the world leader of Catholicism and the world's most
famous sinner.
 That didn't surprise me, because the pope is concerned with
higher moral issues than those that concern hypocritical home
wrecker Henry Hyde.
 What surprised me was the stark political contrast between
these two world leaders.  On all but one very important issue,
the Democratic president is the conservative, and the pope is the
 In every way but one, the pope has the same political
program as the Bay Guardian and the Nation magazine.
 In every way but one, not counting his own impeachment, Bill
Clinton is a Republican fellow-traveler.
 The pope is against the death penalty. The president is in
favor of it. He's even used lethal injection as a tool for
 While he was running for president in 1992, then-Gov.
Clinton denied clemency for a brain-damaged cop-killer named
Rickey Ray Rector, and even left the campaign trail to go back to
Arkansas for the execution.
 The pope is against the bombing of Iraq. The president is
ordering the bombings, which have had excellent political timing,
but sometimes poor accuracy.
 This week 11 civilians were killed by errant bombs. The
Clinton administration said it was Iraq's fault. At least they
didn't try to redefine "killed."
 The pope backed the worldwide treaty banning land mines,
signed by 122 countries. The president refused to sign it.
 The pope wants the United States to lift sanctions against
Cuba. The president won't.
 The pope has lectured against the evils of  "exploitative
capitalism."  The president has fought for big business and a
global economy that sends jobs across borders to the cheapest
 The pope has fought against "every form of violence,"
including  "the violence of poverty and hunger."  The president
threw the poor off welfare.
 The pope has spoken out against "the culture of
selfishness."  The president is the poster boy for selfishness.
 Clinton risked his family and the Democratic Party for a
few goatish moments with a nubile intern, and then convinced his
cabinet members to repeat his untrue denials to save his hide.
 The pope and Clinton do agree on a few things. Like the
pope, Clinton and his wife have called on young people to use
abstinence as a mainstay against unwanted pregnancy.
 Clinton himself has another method of preventing pregnancy,
but however you define it, it's not abstinence.
 That brings us to the one big issue that gets the pope
defined as a conservative, and Clinton defined as a liberal:
 It's also the issue that has kept Clinton from being
forced to walk the gangplank onto Marine One and fly away to his
place in history and continuing prosecution by Ken Starr.
 Clinton is in favor of women's right to abortion, so we
liberals, leftists, feminists, civil-libertarians and suckers
can't allow the anti-abortion fanatics on the right to drive him
out of office.
 Thus we have the sight of feminists defending a president
who cheated on St. Hillary by messing around with a 21-year-old
intern in the Oval Office. Thus the cognitive dissonance among
all us liberal Clinton dislikers.
 We know he's a sleaze in many ways, and now we have to
defend him even though he had sleazy sex with a subordinate
almost as young as his daughter.
 He did it while Ken Starr was trying to find any reason to
nail the pasty presidential skin to the wall.
 We have to defend Clinton because his enemies are bigger
jerks than he is. They want to chain women to the Hotpoint, put
gays in religious re-education camps and teach social Darwinism,
but not Darwinism.
 That's what they'd do right after they finish wrecking our
political system, and outraging our sense of fairness, just to
ruin a president who represents everything they don't like.
 To them, Clinton represents the '60s.  For me, Clinton
simply represents old-fashioned amoral electoral politics, the
kind we repudiated in the '60s.
 The Republicans won't be able to nail him because he's
better at that game than they are.
 If anyone represents the '60s, it's his fanatical opponents.
They're like the Weather Underground, willing to blow up anything
to make a symbolic point, even if they destroy themselves.
 I'm not a Catholic or a Clintonite, but I find much to
admire in both the pope and the president - yes, the president.
 Anybody who can survive what Clinton has been through for
the last six years has the kind of moxie it takes to be president
in bad times. Too bad the Republicans had to invent bad times for
him, and for us.
 It's nice that Clinton and the pope got together in these
times, but here's what really ticks me off. 

[CTRL] Fwd: Mass Poisoning? An UPDATE

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

  I just got the following message from William Thomas
  ( a veteran journalist
  covering military activity who broke the story on wide-
  spread accounts of spraying from USAF jets that makes
  people sick and leaves local hospitals overflowing.

  USAF Jets Said To Be Spraying Something That Sickens:

  Since the story broke, William has been flooded with
  accounts from around the nation of massive jet-spray
  operations followed by widespread illness below. I've
  received many such accounts and I don't know what to
  make of this: Are these false associations? Are people
  pulling my leg? Or is this true? Will Thomas says yes!

  To get an idea of how widespread these jet-poisoning
  reports are, listen to the 1/25/99 Art Bell show here:

  As we have seen, with respect to the now-repealed U.S.
  Code 10(1520), the use of entire "civilian populations"
  for the testing of any chemical or biological warfare
  agent has been fully permitted, subject only to minor
  conditions. The new law, USC 10(1520(a)), puts limits
  only on any public poisoning conducted by one official.

  If mass poisoning is defined in the law, can we really
  say that reports of jets spraying sickness down from
  the skies is such a big surprise?  -- Ian Goddard

 This could be the biggest and most-covered-up story ever:


Date: Sat, 30 Jan 1999 12:03:48 -0800 (PST)
From: William Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Foreign Troops?

Hi Ian,

. . . please issue the following alert.
The clock is tickin...

Something huge is going on. In many regions, I can confirm that
hospital emergency rooms are filled to overflowing with a sudden epidemic of
acute respiratory patients suffering from something doctors cannot diagnose
- and that is NOT the flu. Newspapers in Bakersfield, California are
reporting jammed emergency rooms. Here's a typical story from a North
Carolina newspaper:

"FEELING ROTTEN? Outbreak of respiratory illnesses has doctors' offices
full, but it's probably not the flu."  by  Rebecca Lentz, Staff Writer

"Call it the creeping crud. Call it a virus. Call it whatever you'd like.
But whatever it is, it's miserable.

"Adults and children alike are down for the count with the virus. Upper
respiratory infections are keeping doctors' offices hopping and the hospital
seeing record numbers of patients.

"Medac, a walk-in clinic, has been busy with patients complaining of similar
symptoms. New Hanover Regional's patient count has been at its highest level
in history, with 503 of its available 504 inpatient beds filled on Jan. 7.
On Sunday, the patient count stood at 454. Even so, the majority of
illnesses aren't influenza, health officials said.

This much we know:

1. Reports of odd "contrails" are coming in from 22 states so far. Many
sightings occurred months or years before this story was made public -
prompting impromptu snapshots and video recordings and calls to the
attention of friends and bystanders by people who are quite used to seeing
commercial airplanes and normal contrails - and were astonished to see
giant X's and grid-patterns woven "like  Tic-tac-toe" by large aircraft
criss-crossing the sky, often for hours over the same area.

2. These are not "contrails" being reported. The aircraft have been
positively identified as USAF Boeing KC-135 and KC-10 air-to-air refueling
aircraft spraying an unidentified substance from their tail-booms.

3. The observed tanker aircraft are not engaged in routine formation flying
or air-to-air refueling. JP8 fuel inadvertently spilled or dumped to lower
landing weights atomizes at jet speeds and does not fall as "cobwebs"
observed by police officers and other reliable witnesses. Routine fuel
dumping does not continue over hours by multiple aircraft weaving furrows
over the same area until clear blue skies are completely hazed over.

4. Now occurring daily, this extremely expensive nationwide "spraying" is
deliberate and laid down in specific patterns over hours.

5. These are not "cloud-seeding" activities as no clouds are present and
local weather does not turn to rain immediately after these events.

6.  In some notable cases, violent and unseasonal storms such as the recent
flurry of "summer" tornadoes over Tennessee and heavy snowfall in
Bakersfield, CA and Phoenix, AZ have occurred within days of documented
(videotaped) spraying. Sharp "spikes" in power output from the USN/USAF
"ionospheric heater" known has HAARP have were recorded just before last
December's "horizontal snowstorm", localized around Turret Peak, AZ. These
weather anomalies - and HAARP - may be related to aerial spraying using
fast-dissolving, "smart plastic" 

[CTRL] Fwd: Adm. Thomas Moorer on PRC Control of Panama

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

Admiral Thomas Moorer was one of the people who believed, after a presentation
by Cmdr. William Donaldson, that TWA 800 was downed by a missile.

Disinformationists, such as Elmer Barr tend to attack him for his advanced
age, as senility.   But I think his mind is very sharp and that he makes some
very good points.   He was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs during the Reagan

He makes some excellent points about his concerns over Panama and the Clinton

Best Regards.

Marshall Houston
Portland, Oregon


Chokehold for China

By Thomas H. Moorer, USN Ret
© 1999
Any one who has been involved, as I have, in logistic planning to
support the entire "forward-deployed" military capacity of the United
States, where the time of transit from sources of supply to the deployed
forces is so critical, knows the danger faced when choke points are
controlled by unfriendly forces.
In the case of the Isthmus of Panama, any entity that controls the
anchorages has the capacity to control and disrupt the flow of shipping.
Panama's enactment of its Law #5 in 1997 has enabled the Hutchison
Whampoa interests, closely allied with the military interests of
Communist China, to do just that. This law was passed by the Balladares
clique in Panama with the tacit support and encouragement of the present
administration, which has sought to prevent the public from knowing the
full extent to which that law, and its implementation to date, pose a
threat to our national security by giving Communist China the capability
to prevent our support of our forward deployment at will. Has the
president stated to the public that our entire military capability is
now hostage to the very oppressive government which financed his
campaigns from their outset? Or has he blocked the attempts to bring out
that truth?

In June, responding to an invitation from Sen. Helms, I testified before
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the clear and present danger
created by Panamanian Law #5, which was passed under extremely
suspicious circumstances indicating a motive far beyond the commercial
on the part of the Hutchison Whampoa interests of Mr. Li Ka Sheng, a
gentleman very close to the communist rulers of China. There are signs
that this Law #5 does not reflect the will of a majority of Panamanians.
In fact, although the constitution of Panama requires all laws which
involve foreign nations to be submitted to a popular plebiscite, that
was not done with Law #5, apparently out of fear that it would not pass
such a test. The American public needs to know of the pressing strategic
danger posed by the capacity of our most likely strategic foe to control
the Canal in the event of a military confrontation thanks to this law.

China can prohibit America's ability to act effectively, whether acting
on its own behalf in taking Taiwan, or on behalf of any other hostile
power with which it might seek to ally to advance its strategic
ambitions, e.g., Iran moving in the Persian Gulf or North Korea
advancing across the 38th Parallel. To correct such action would require
military force by the U.S. with a high cost in American lives. This
threat is not remote in time nor geographic distance; it exists today
and is not a function of further development of technology by the
Communist Chinese. It is "low tech" and all the more effective for being

The administration saw fit to have its ambassador to Panama, former Rep.
William Hughes, D-NJ, criticize my testimony and seek to undermine it.
Why did an American administration take such steps to prevent the
correction of such an obvious breach of our national security? Given the
"two ocean" strategy which we have relied upon since the Panama Canal
was built and our present reliance upon "forward deployment" within that
strategy, this amounts to resisting examination of a strategic
vulnerability which makes our entire present defense planning inoperable
at the will of China. It is as if, during the Revolution, Benedict
Arnold had quietly been allowed to give the British access to West Point
so as to enable their army to divide the country in half at their whim
and an experienced commander raising the issue of the foolishness of
such a breach was opposed for attempting to point out the folly.

Ambassador Hughes opened his remarks by criticizing my testimony about
the danger posed by the Chinese Communist control of ports at the ends
of the Canal. He did so by attempting to distinguish the ports from the
Canal, as if a ship could use the Canal without using the ports and
their anchorages. He thus sought to avoid the point of my comments and
to assuage fears about the administration's tactical assistance in
turning those ports, and their anchorages, over to commercial interests
that are closely allied with and, 

[CTRL] Fwd: [MC] OKC-(PSYOPs) Operation For The New POLICE STATE!

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

[ I was told by one of the mind bomb experts from the UK, not to worry
 about the future it was all taken care of???  He was sent here to help
 the good people of  OKC cope with the lies and cover-up.  If you thought
 there was a cover-up your must need medication and Pro. Help.
 I am a earwitness to the bombs, yes bombs I heard two different
 events one about 5 or 6 sec. after the other, then a long rumble of
 debries falling. Then the police scanner went nuts and the rest is
 history. (NOT)
fao :
BBC Newsroom :   Foreign Desk.
Private Eye
Amnesty (UK)
NY Times.

The original "evidence" was "tainted by the FBI". So the
UK then provided the only squeaky clean "expert" for the
McVeigh Denver trial.

Of course, if what follows is to be believed, the Home
Office, (the explosion experts of the UK) have then
cooperated with a politicised FBI, way beyond the "call
of duty" and well beyond what could be termed as the
"explosive truth".

*** FBI expert had different opinion in Oklahoma case

DENVER (Reuters) - If a controversial former FBI chemist had been
allowed to testify at the Oklahoma City bombing trial he would have
disputed government witnesses on the cause of the blast, according to
a court document unsealed Thursday. A judge unsealed the document so
defense attorneys for Terry Nichols can use it to appeal his life
sentence for conspiracy to bomb the Alfred P. Murrah federal building
in 1995 that killed 168 people. Judge Richard Matsch did not allow
chemist Frederic Whitehurst to testify. If he had testified he would
have rebutted conclusions of two major witnesses that the explosion
was caused by an ammonium-nitrate based bomb, Nichols' lawyer said.


 Anyone seen "Andy"?-

German (miltary intelligence) citzen, and Elohim City
resident Andreas Strassmeir, son of politician Gunther
is still (after hanging out in Dublin witb the IRA) at large,
in Europe and unquestion?

"" A German national, the 38-year-old Strassmeir is the
son of Guenter Strassmeir, former Secretary of State to Berlin,
and a top aid to German Chancellor Helmut Kohl.
(Andreas Strassmeir's uncle is in the German parliament
and a brother sits on the Berlin City Council.) .Strassmeir's
father was also reported to have worked for the CIA.

The younger Strassmeir served as a lieutenant in the
German Panzer Grenadiers (the equivalent of US Special
Forces), had military intelligence training, and did a stint as
a liaison officer with the Welsh Guards. He told the London
Sunday Telegraph that part of his work was to detect
infiltration by Warsaw Pact agents, and then feed them
disinformation. While Strassmeir would not admit it, it is
reported that he is an agent for the German national
anti-terrorist police, the GSG-9.* "Andy the German," as
he became known, arrived in the U.S. in May of 1991,
and then lived illegally in the country for some considerable

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 Wes Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED], list moderator

[CTRL] FWD: CBS News reports Air Force Guard Top Guns Refuse Anthrax Vaccine

1999-01-31 Thread A.C. Szul

 -Caveat Lector-

Sunday, 1.31.99 -- CBS News reports about several "Top Gun" Air Force
reservists who are refusing to get vaccinated for anthrax.  Their unit,
along with millions of other U.S. soldiers, especially those doing
stints in Iraq, have been getting vaccinated due to concerns of chemical

The report, airing on CBS only (ABC News broadcast mentioned nothing),
had a news reporter interviewing 5 -6 reserve officers who have refused
to get vaccinated for anthrax. The pilots say that the vaccine "will do
more harm than good," and that while they "love to fly," they refuse to
get stuck with a needle the DoD says contains vaccine for anthrax.

Why are they refusing? The CBS report maintains it's because of an
Internet web site where a doctor has posted medical information
supporting their claims that the vaccine is harmful.  The DoD says
there's no justifiable reason for their refusal, and will ground them
unless they agree to being vaccinated.

Bad rap for the Net? Is the doc a wacko? Will they get court-martialed?
Have they really gone off the deep end?

Anyone have the URL?  I saw the report too and the picture of the
computer screen aired during the report was too small to read the URL.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] FWD: CBS News reports Air Force Guard Top Guns Refuse ...

1999-01-31 Thread Samatha 'Smith'

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-01-31 21:05:48 EST, you write:

 Bad rap for the Net? Is the doc a wacko? Will they get court-martialed?
  Have they really gone off the deep end?

  Anyone have the URL?  I saw the report too and the picture of the
  computer screen aired during the report was too small to read the URL.


I've recently read a lot on the web about vaccines.  Here's one url whcih
may be a good starting point for general information:

Things I've learned on the web and in print have made me deeply concerned
about general vaccine safety.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: Awakening the Centers - The Prophets Conference

1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

The Prophets Conference
Tulum - Chichen Itza - Coba - Yucatan
Playa del Carmen on the magnificent Caribbean coast of Mexico
Spring Equinox -March 15-22, 1999
Called for by the Mayan Calendar
Hosted by Maya Mysteries School  K'u-Kuul-Kaan Academy
A good many of you requesting information or registering for this coming
Caribbean Prophets Conference are telling us that you feel as if you are
being 'called' to participate in the sacred spring equinox ceremonies at
the Mayan sacred sites - Tulum, Chichen Itza, and Coba.

Prophets Conference host Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men, in the following excerpt,
brings us clarity toward the understanding of this 'calling' going out to
the planet from these ancient sacred sites.
Elder Hunbatz Men of the Maya tradition - Awakening the Centers
Excerpted from  "Profiles In Wisdom: Native Elders Speak About The Earth"
by Steven McFadden

"For the Maya," Hunbatz teaches, "it is the new age-time to give away the
knowledge again, to raise the frequency of the global mind.  Now the world
has a dark civilization, a dark culture.  We need to reestablish a high
culture."  One important part of doing this, according to Hunbatz, is
reopening the Mayan initiatic centers, the temples and pyramids of the
Yucatan, Guatemala, and Honduras.

"As foretold in the Mayan sacred calendars," Hunbatz says, "now is the time
to reconsecrate the sacred pyramids and temples, and all the other sacred
sites of the Americas.  In so doing, we can help bring about the
respiritualization of the people and the healing of the Earth.  Pilgrimages
to the magnetic center of Mayan lands are necessary to assist in the
enlightenment of the human race."  According to Hunbatz, the magnetic
energy of the Earth and the cosmos flows more fluidly in sacred sites.
When humans make ceremony there, it helps the energy to flow even better.

Hunbatz works not only with the Maya, but also with native people all over
the Americas-North and South.  "Most of the elders," he says, "know about
this-that it is time to reopen the old centers, to go there with respect,
and to begin to receive information."

"We must reopen these places where the knowledge of the great mysteries is
deposited," Hunbatz urges, "because the spirits of the ancient teachers are
awaiting the new mind of humanity in order that these sacred places might
be revived and indicate the correct path to humanity."  The pyramids of
Mesoamerica are not tombs, Hunbatz explains, but places to work with other
dimensions of consciousness, places to understand time.  The Mayan word for
the pyramids is k'u-part of the name of God, Hunab K'u.  "We go to the
pyramids because the energy flow in there makes for a different vibration.
We can use this to help make subtle changes in the frequency of our brain
waves.  In there we can make a connection with the magnetic forces of the
Earth and the cosmos.  The geometrical form of the pyramids helps people to
transform themselves, to raise their consciousness by raising the frequency
of their brain waves.  We hope something big is going to happen because of
these ceremonies and all the other sacred activities around the world-that
the frequency of the modern mind is going to change in a positive way.

"Now, I invite people to come and reopen the sacred centers.  When
thousands of people work like this, it will change the mind of all-even
those who do not believe.  You can't save the Earth by dictating laws-no
one believes or cares.  They will keep doing what they are doing to make
money.  We must change the frequency of the human mind."

You are invited, and in many cases called, to join the exceptional faculty
of The Prophets Conference~Tulum/Caribbean during the powerful and highly
significant spring equinox, March 15-22, 1999. This unparalleled event is
considered by many to be the constantly manifesting edge of ideas, bringing
together Mayan Elder Hunbatz Men, Bob Frissell, Hyemeyohsts Storm, James
Twyman, Aluna Joy Yaxk'in, Hank Wesselman, Ph.D., Serge Kahili King, Ph.D.,
Ilona Selke, Swan Storm, Mayan Master Miguel Angel Calleros, and Mary
Lightning Locke.  Sacred ceremony will be conducted by these presenters,
along with the teachers from the Maya Mysteries School and K'u-Kuul-Kaan
Academy.  The conference takes place at the sacred Mayan sites of Tulum,
Chichen Itza, Coba, and Playa del Carmen on the beautiful Caribbean coast
of Mexico.

Mayan sacred site ceremony; the highest quality of information; powerful
teachings of the North American Native Medicine Wheels; shamanic Huna
teachings of Hawaii; interdimensional Merkaba creation; dolphin
communication and knowledge; future visions of Mother Earth; and the
messages from the Emissaries Of Light, all come together March 15-22 to
create a 


1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from LETS digest 28
As always, Caveat Lector.
Page 956
 Jerome Green is a symbol of much more than the Wall Street
influence in the IPR. He is also a symbol of the relationship between
the financial circles of London and those of the eastern U.S. which
reflects one of the most powerful influences in 20th century American
and world history. The two ends of this English-speaking axis have
sometimes been called, perhaps facetiously, the English and American
Establishments. There is, however, a considerable degree of truth
behind the joke, a truth which reflects a very real power structure.
It is this power structure which the Radical Right in the U.S. has
been attacking for years in the belief they are attacking the
Communists. These misdirected attacks did much to confuse the American
people in 1948-1955. By 1953 most of these attacks had run their
course. The American people, thoroughly bewildered at the widespread
charges of twenty years of treason and subversion, had rejected the
Democrats and put into the White House a war hero, Eisenhower. At the
time,two events, one public and one secret, were still in process. The
public one was the Korean War; the secret one was the race for the
thermonuclear bomb.


Page 965
 On March 1, 1954, we exploded our first real thermonuclear bomb
at Bikini atoll. It was a horrifying device which spread death-dealing
radioactive contamination over more than 8,000 square miles and
injurious radiation over much of the world.

Page 968
 To prepare public opinion to accept use of the H-bomb, if it
became necessary, Strauss sponsored a study of radioactive fallout
whose conclusion was prejudged by calling it "Project Sunshine." By
selective release of some evidence and strict secrecy of other
information, they tried to establish in public opinion that there was
no real danger to anyone from nuclear fallout even in all-out nuclear
war. This gave rise to controversy between the scientists and the
Administration on the danger of fallout.
 The Eisenhower through the Dulles doctrine of "massive
retaliation" was so deeply committed to nuclear war that it could not
permit the growth of public opinion which would refuse to accept the
use of nuclear weapons because of objections to the danger of fallout
to neutrals and non-combatants. By 1953, this struggle became so
intense that supporters of massive retaliation decided they must
destroy the public image and public career of Oppenheimer.


Page 970
 The emphasis on nuclear retaliation to Communist aggression
anywhere in the world made it necessary to draw a defence perimeter
over which such aggression would trigger retaliation. At the
insistence of MacArthur, that perimeter was drawn to exclude Korea,
Formosa and Mainland China; accordingly, all American forces had been
evacuated from South Korea in June 1949.

Page 971
 The Soviet Union interpreted this to mean that the U.S. would
allow South Korea to be conquered by the North. Instead, when Russia,
through its satellite North Korea, sought to take Korea, this game
rise to an American counteraction.

Page 972
 For forty-eight hours after the Korean attack, the world
hesitated, awaiting America's reaction. Truman immediately committed
American air and sea forces in the area south of 38 degrees and
demanded a UN condemnation of the aggression. Thus, for the first time
in history, a world organization voted to use collective force to stop
armed aggression. This was possible because the North Korean attack
occurred at a time when the Soviet delegation was absent from the UN
Security Council, boycotting it as a protest at the presence of the
delegation from Nationalist China. Accordingly, the much-used Soviet
veto was unavailable.

Page 974
 The frontier was reached by UN forces as the month ended. The Red
Chinese decision to intervene was made nine days after American troops
crossed the 38th parallel into North Korea. It was inevitable as Red
China could hardly be expected to allow the buffer North Korean state
to be destroyed and American troops to occupy the line of the Yalu. As
soon as it became clear that American forces would continue past the
38th parallel to the Yalu, the Chinese intervened, not to restore the
38th parallel frontier but to clear the U.N. forces from Asia

Page 975
 The Truman Administration, after the victory at Inchon, did not
intend to stop at the 38th parallel and hoped to reunite the country
under the Seoul government. It is probable that this alone triggered
the Chinese intervention.
 On October 9, 1950, two of MacArthur's planes attacked a Russian
air base sixty-two miles inside Russian territory.

Page 977
 After Truman removed MacArthur, Republican leaders spoke publicly
of impeaching the President. Senator William Jenner said: This country
today is 


1999-01-31 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from LETS digest 28
As always, Caveat Lector.

Page 1178
 The massive economic mobilization for World War II showed clearly
that there could be an equally massive post-war mobilization of
resources for prosperity.

Page 1184
 It is usually not recognized that the whole economic expansion of
Western society rests upon a number of psychological attitudes that
are prerequisites to the system as we have it but are not often stated
explicitly. Two of these may be identified as:
1) future preference and
2) infinitely expandable material demand.
 In a sense, these are contradictory since the former implies that
Western economic man will make almost any sacrifice in the present for
the same of some hypothetical benefit in the future while the latter
implies almost insatiable demand in the present. Nonetheless, both are
essential features of the overwhelming Western economic system.
 Future preference came out of the Christian outlook and
especially the Puritan tradition which was prepared to accept almost
any kind of sacrifice in the temporal world for the sake of future
eternal salvation, willing to restrict their enjoyment of income for
the sake of capital accumulation.
 The mass production of this new industrial system was able to
continue and to accelerate to the fantastic rate of the 20th century
so that today, the average middle-class family of suburbia has a
schedule of future material demands which is limitless.
 Without these two psychological assumptions, the Western economy
would break down or would never have started. At present, future
preference may be breaking down and infinitely expanding material
demand may soon follow it in the weakening process. If so, the
American economy will collapse unless it finds new psychological

Page 1187
 In Asia, as is traditional along the Pakistani-Peruvian axis, the
structure of societies had been one in which a coalition of army,
bureaucracy, landlords, and moneylenders have exploited a great mass
of peasants by extortion of taxes, rents, low wages, and high interest
rates in a system of such persistence that its basic structure goes
back to the Bronze Age empires before 1000 B.C.



Page 1200
 Weapons will continue to be expensive and complex. This means
that they will increasingly be the tools of professionalized, if not
mercenary, forces. All of past history shows that the shift from a
mass army of citizen-soldiers to a smaller army of professional
fighters leads, in the long run, to a decline of democracy.

Page 1204
 When Khrushchev renounced the use of both nuclear war and
conventional violence, and promised to defeat the West by peaceful
competition, he was convinced that the Soviet Union could out-perform
the U.S. because it could, in his opinion, overcome the American lead
in the race for economic development that the Socialist way of life
would become the model for emulation by the uncommitted nations.

Page 1213
 In other economies, when additional demands are presented to the
economy, less resources are available for alternative uses. But in the
American system, as it now stands, additional new demands usually lead
to increased resources becoming available for alternative purposes,
notably consumption. Thus if the Soviet Union embraced a substantial
increase in space activity, the resources available for raising
Russian levels of consumption would be reduced while in America, any
increases in the space budget makes levels of consumption also rise.

Page 1214
 It does this because increased space expenditures provide
purchasing power for consumption that makes available previously
unused resources out of the unused American productive capacity.
 This unused capacity exists in the American economy because the
structure of our economic system is such that it channels flows of
funds into the production of additional capacity (investment) without
any conscious planning process or any real desire by anyone to
increase our productive capacity. It does this because certain
institutions in our system (such as insurance, retirement funds,social
security payments, undistributed corporate profits and such) and
certain individuals who personally profit by the flow of funds not
theirs into investment continue to operate to increase investment even
when they have no real desire to increase productive capacity (and
indeed many decry it). In the Soviet Union, on the contrary, resources
are allotted to the increase of productive capacity by a conscious
planning process and at the cost of reducing the resources available
in their system for consumption or for the government (largely
 Thus the meaning of "costs" and the limitations on ability to
mobilize economic resources are entirely different in our system from
the Soviet system and most others. In the 

Re: [CTRL] A bill has been introduced to Repeal Term limitations forthePresident

1999-01-31 Thread Harry Hendrickson

 -Caveat Lector-

If everyone has a "computer fingerprint" sort of speaking, why couldn't the
american citizen vote via computer on these bills that our representatives
do not even seem to have time to read?
  With all the technology we have today, people can order just about
anything by computer, send in their I.D. to confirm their identity, and
bingo, their merchandise is on the way to their house. Now I ask you, why,
in a nation that has such technology couldn't a simple vote through the
computer be possible ?
   I realize the technology is available to insure that tampering with the
votes could be impossible, and of course anyone found guilty of voter fraud
would be punished severly, say 10 to 20 years in jail without chance of
parole. I would think that a voter result printout could confirm everyones
vote was registered as it was intended also. This computer vote casting
,(cvc), could be used on all house and senate bills, as well as replacing
the over abused presidential decision directives which have virtually put
america at the mercy of the president of the U.S.
  I do not believe citizens should sit back any longer and use their
computer to send messeges to friends telling each other of another bill
that ensnares america. But instead, let's unite, and do what our
representatives were sent to Washington to do.
Keep America of the people, by the people, and FOR THE PEOPLEharry
( aka H. O. Nesty )

 Subject: [CTRL] A bill has been introduced to Repeal Term limitations
 Date: Sunday, January 31, 1999 7:43 PM

  -Caveat Lector-

 We need to find out what the status of this bill is. the bill is:  H.J.
 Res 17


 Then what, send post back and forth to others.
 Send faxes to politicians.

 What people need to do is to join their forces together to DO SOMETHING
 other than "finding out things" and passing each other little notes.

 Look at the list of things people have "found out" or revealed on all
 the newsletters you have read.

 So what, what has anyone did about anythng?

 We need to find out what the status of this bill is.  Why?


 CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
 screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid
 and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
 frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
 spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
 gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
 be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
 nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:

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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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