Re: [CTRL] Diana Info Walt Disney

1999-04-05 Thread AOL User

 -Caveat Lector-

This Diana groupie agrees.

Even if she WAS flighty, bulemic, etc. Charles envisioned himself as a
Camilla tampon and QE2 kept criticizing Di.  .

WHO has touched AIDS patients as a political leader that you can think of?

I think she made champagne punch out of the lemons she was dealt.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: George Bush and Lyman Kirkpatrick were buddies

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-Original Message-
From: John McLoughlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Newsgroups: alt.conspiracy.jfk
Date: Saturday, April 03, 1999 10:05 AM
Subject: George Bush and Lyman Kirkpatrick were buddies

BUSH WAS CIA for sure.

   During my Providence conference, time permitting, I will
also reveal bona fide evidence that the families of George
Bush and Lyman Kirkpatrick, a former Providence, RI resident
were closely intertwined as early as 1971 just before Bush
replaced my uncle Charles Yost as Ambassador to the United
Nations.  Bush's family business, G. H. Walker, Laird, Inc. was
headquartered in New England.  George Herbert Walker was
the Bush relative and Melvin Laird was the Laird part of the
name.  Guess who was the Providence branch manager of
G. H. Walker, Laird the investment firm from 1970-1975?

Bush, Laird and Kirkpatrick were all busom buddies even then.

I will tell you at the conference...


[CTRL] Dismantling yugoslavia. 1/2

1999-04-05 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Post-War Reconstruction

 The economic reforms now being imposed on the "successor states" are a
 natural extension and continuation of those previously implemented in federal
 Yugoslavia. In the tragic aftermath of a brutal and destructive War, the
 prospects for rebuilding the newly independent republics appear bleak.
 Despite a virtual press blackout on the subject, debt rescheduling is an
 integral part of the peace process. The former Yugoslavia has been carved
 up under the close scrutiny of its external creditors, its foreign debt has been
 carefully divided and allocated to the republics. The privatisation
 programmes implemented under the supervision of the donors, have
 contributed to a further stage of economic dislocation and impoverishment of
 the population. GDP had declined by as much as 50 percent in four years

 Moreover, the leaders of the newly sovereign states have fully collaborated
 with the creditors: "All the current leaders of the former Yugoslav republics
 were Communist Party functionaries and each in turn vied to meet the
 demands of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, the better
 to qualify for investment loans and substantial perks for the leadership...
 State industry and machinery were looted by functionaries. Equipment
 showed up in "private companies" run by family members of the

 Even as the fighting raged, Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia had entered
 into separate loan negotiations with the Bretton Woods institutions. In
 Croatia, the government of President Franjo Tudjman signed in 1993, an
 agreement with the IMF. Massive budget cuts mandated under the
 agreement thwarted Croatia's efforts to mobilize its own productive
 resources, thus jeopardizing post-war reconstruction. The cost of rebuilding
 Croatia's war-torn economy was estimated at some $23 billion, requiring an
 influx of fresh foreign loans. In the absence of "debt forgiveness", Zagreb's
 debt burden will be fuelled well into the 21st Century.

 In return for foreign loans, the government of President Franjo Tudjman had
 agreed to reform measures conducive to further plant closures and
 bankruptcies, driving wages to abysmally low levels. The official
 unemployment rate increased from 15.5 percent in 1991 to 19.1 percent in

 Zagreb has also instituted a far more stringent bankruptcy law, together with
 procedures for "the dismemberment" of large state-owned public utility
 companies. According to its "Letter of Intent" to the Bretton Woods
 institutions, the Croatian government had promised to restructure and fully
 privatize the banking sector with the assistance of the European Bank for
 Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the World Bank. The latter
 have also demanded a Croatian capital market structured to heighten the
 penetration of Western institutional investors and brokerage firms.   Under
 the agreement signed in 1993 with the IMF, the Zagreb government was not
 permitted to mobilise its own productive resources through fiscal and
 monetary policy. The latter were firmly under the control of its external
 creditors. The massive budget cuts demanded under the agreement had
 forestalled the possibility of post-war reconstruction. The latter could only be
 carried out through the granting of fresh foreign loans, a process which would
 fuel Croatia's external debt well into the 21st Century. The cost of rebuilding
 Croatia's war-torn economy was estimated at some 23 billion dollars...

 Macedonia has also followed a similar economic path. In December 1993,
 the Skopje government agreed to compress real wages and freeze credit in
 order to obtain a loan under the IMF's Systemic Transformation Facility
 (STF). In an unusual twist, multi-billionaire business tycoon George Soros
 participated in the International Support Group composed of the government
 of the Netherlands and the Basel-based Bank of International Settlements.
 The money provided by the Support Group, however, was not intended for
 "reconstruction" but rather to enable Skopje to pay back debt arrears owed
 the World Bank...31

 Moreover, in return for debt rescheduling, the government of Macedonian
 Prime Minister Branko Crvenkovski had to agree to the liquidation of
 remaining "insolvent" enterprises and the lay off of "redundant"
 workers--which included the employees of half the industrial enterprises in
 the country. As Deputy Finance Minister Hari Kostov soberly noted, with
 interest rates at astronomical levels because of donor-sponsored banking
 reforms, "it was literally impossible to find a company in the country which
 would be able to (...) to cover [its] costs (...).32


[CTRL] Dismantling Yugoslavia. 2/2

1999-04-05 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-


by Michel Chossudovsky

  The author is Professor of Economics at the University of Ottawa.
  Copyright by Michel Chossudovsky, Ottawa, 1996. This text can
  be posted. For publication in printed form kindly request
  permission from the author: E-Mail:[EMAIL PROTECTED], fax:

 As heavily-armed NATO troops enforce the peace in Bosnia, the press and
 politicians alike portray Western intervention in the former Yugoslavia as a
 noble, if agonizingly belated, response to an outbreak of ethnic massacres
 and human rights violations. In the wake of the November 1995 Dayton
 Peace Accords, the West is eager to touch up its self-portrait as saviour of
 the Southern Slavs and get on with "the work of rebuilding" the newly
 sovereign states.

 But following a pattern set since the onslaught of the civil war, Western public
 opinion has been misled. The conventional wisdom, exemplified by the
 writings of former US Ambassador to Yugoslavia Robert Zimmermann, is
 that the plight of the Balkans is the outcome of an "aggressive nationalism",
 the inevitable result of deep-seated ethnic and religious tensions rooted in
 history.1 Likewise, much has been made of the "Balkans power-play" and
 the clash of political personalities: "Tudjman and Milosevic are tearing
 Bosnia-Herzegovina to pieces".2

 Drowned in the barrage of images and self-serving analyses are the
 economic and social causes of the conflict. The deep-seated economic
 crisis which preceded the civil war has long been forgotten. The strategic
 interests of Germany and the US in laying the groundwork for the
 disintegration of Yugoslavia go unmentioned, as does the role of external
 creditors and international financial institutions. In the eyes of the global
 media, Western powers bear no responsibility for the impoverishment and
 destruction of a nation of 24 million people.  But through their domination of
 the global financial system, the Western powers, pursuing their collective and
 individual "strategic interests" helped from the beginning of the 1980s, bring
 the Yugoslav economy to its knees, contributing to stirring simmering ethnic
 and social conflicts. Now, the efforts of the international financial community
 are channelled towards "helping Yugoslavia's war-ravaged successor
 states". Yet while the World's attention is focused on troop movements and
 cease fires, creditors and international financial institutions are busy at work
 collecting former Yugoslavia's external debt, while transforming the Balkans
 into a safe-haven for free enterprise.

 Adopted in several stages since the early 1980s, the reforms imposed by
 Belgrade's creditors wreaked economic and political havoc leading to
 disintegration of the industrial sector and the piece-meal dismantling of the
 Yugoslav Welfare State. Despite Belgrade's political non-alignment and
 extensive trading relations with the US and the European Community, the
 Reagan administration had targeted the Yugoslav economy in a "Secret
 Sensitive" 1984 National Security Decision Directive (NSDD 133) entitled
 "United States Policy towards Yugoslavia". A censored version of this
 document declassified in 1990 largely conformed to a previous National
 Security Decision Directive (NSDD 54) on Eastern Europe issued in 1982.
 Its objectives included "expanded efforts to promote a `quiet revolution' to
 overthrow Communist governments and parties"... while reintegrating the
 countries of Eastern Europe into the orbit of the World market.3

 Secessionist tendencies feeding on social and ethnic divisions, gained
 impetus precisely during a period of brutal impoverishment of the Yugoslav
 population. The first phase of macro-economic reform initiated in 1980
 shortly before the death of Marshall Tito "wreaked economic and political
 havoc... Slower growth, the accumulation of foreign debt and especially the
 cost of servicing it as well as devaluation led to a fall in the standard of 
 of the average Yugoslav... The economic crisis threatened political stability ...
 it also threatened to aggravate simmering ethnic tensions".4 These reforms
 accompanied by the signing of debt restructuring agreements with the official
 and commercial creditors also served to weaken the institutions of the
 federal State creating political divisions between Belgrade and the
 governments of the Republics and Autonomous Provinces. "The Prime
 Minister Milka Planinc, who was supposed to carry out the programme, had
 to promise the IMF an immediate increase of the discount rates and much
 more for the Reaganomics arsenal of 

[CTRL] Fwd: THE SCOOP: CNN's Kosovo Identity Crisis

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

The Scoop -

To new subscribers: thanks for joining up.  Yes, the column really is
free, and you're encouraged to forward it to friends.  That's how our
readership grows.

If you've just joined up from some exotic locale because you heard my
rants on Armed Forces Radio (see below), please drop a line and say howdy.
In the last week, we've heard from Bahrain and Spain.

Whether they were mainly on the plain they didn't say.



THE SCOOP for April 5, 1999

CNN's Kosovo Identity Crisis
also: Bob Dole, Sex Criminal
© 1999 Bob Harris

[] = italics

So my big sister calls me this week.

My sister is a major bonus.  Great sense of humor.  Heart oversized like
movie popcorn.  And really, really smart.

Anybody who doesn't like my sister has no business being on this planet.

Sis calls me up because she's trying to be a good citizen and has
therefore watched hours of TV news reports about the Crisis In Kosovo.
Big sis has endured dozens of furrowed brows, scores of scary pictures,
and hours of flashy graphics.  CNN's special Kosovo theme music churns
like a bellicose jingle in her head.

And sis calls because after days of Fox and MSNBC telling her what just
blew up, she still doesn't quite follow how exactly the whole mess really
started, how it might best end, or what to think about it in any case,
other than it's obviously really bad.

Just like most Americans.  Including the ones in Washington.

My sister's one of the smartest people I know.  Her only mistake was in
believing, as most of us have been trained to believe since birth, that TV
is a good way to learn about a subject in depth.

It is not.

TV is a good way to learn about which subjects are on fire.

Here's how mindless Kosovo coverage can be:

You remember when the news came in last Wednesday that three U.S.
servicemen had been captured by the Serbs.  Soon, CNN showed Serbian
videotape of the prisoners.

CNN also reported that the three captured servicemen had not yet been
identified.  CNN's anchors repeated this several dozen times for over two
hours, often as the Serbian video was playing on the air.


The names of all three servicemen were [right there on the videotape] --
in Serbian, granted, but in HUGE OBVIOUS PRINT -- directly under the faces
of each soldier as they were shown individually.


Figuring this out was hardly a stretch.  Serbian is phonetic, albeit with
Cyrillic characters.  Any speaker of Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian,
Macedonian, or several other Slavic languages could read the names
instantly.  I speak maybe thirty or forty words in all those languages
combined, and even I could read the prisoners' names easily.

Evidently, during a state of war with Serbia, there's not a single person
at supposedly the world's leading TV news outlet who speaks Serbian.  Or
Russian.  Or any Slavic language.

Would CNN have covered World War II without anyone on staff who could
translate [Mein Kampf]?

Is it possible that the classy news joint that brings us Bob Novak, Al
Hunt, and John Sununu doesn't employ a single person who at least knows
enough to realize all that fancy writing probably means something?  Or
even owns a freaking dictionary with which to transliterate a freeze frame?

OK.  Maybe that's asking too much.  Fine.

But how about this: the soldiers' surnames were also plainly visible in
the videotape -- and in [English] -- above the right shirt pocket of their

And the TV anchors, who are presumably neither blind nor stupid although
I'm learning to keep an open mind, prattled over and over that they had no
information as to the men's identities.


I don't mean to pick on CNN per se.  I only have one TV -- which feels a
little like saying "I only have one flesh-eating bacterial infection" --
so I didn't get the chance to see if Fox or MSNBC or maybe somebody on the
Weather Channel figured out what all those funny letters meant.  Probably

We live in an era where war reporting consists largely of
Pentagon-approved reporters repeating Pentagon statements and press
releases over combat footage provided by the Pentagon.

Which affects public opinion.  Which affects national policy.  And
eventually, it affects even our ability to think for ourselves.

If the Pentagon says that three captured servicemen have not been
identified, then their identities are indeed unknown -- even when their
names are right in front of our eyes.

My sister now understands better what's going on in Kosovo, precisely
because she's no longer waiting around for Laurie Dhue and Laura Ingraham
to show her more scary pictures.  She's reading up on the subject and
forming her own opinion.

Word is that Bill Clinton has recently started reading a book on the
history of the region, too.

How thoughtful, after bombing it for a week.


And now, something completely unrelated...

All over Alabama, people are buzzing with 

[CTRL] [11] Mellon's Millions

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
Mellon's Millions
Harvey O'Conner©1933
Blue Ribbon Books
New York, N.Y.


Petroleum Diplomacy

0IL is an indifferent lubricant for international relations. The dynamite
that wrecked competitors' derricks and opened gaping wounds in pipe lines,
the money that bought tractable legislators and officials of independent
companies, the intangible but none the less real rewards that swayed Senators
and judges-all the tried and tested technique of domestic industrial warfare
was duplicated when the Empire of Oil broke through United States boundaries
to establish its dominion in the Gulf and Caribbean regions. The story was
one of bandit armies retained by American and British oil lords, of
revolutions and counter-revolutions financed at so much per revolution, of
itching palms of Latin American generals and politicos, crossed with American
gold, of the State Department called in to aid the designs of Standard, Gulf,
Sinclair, Doheny.

Old Judge Mellon, contemptuous of Washington, scornful of Government
interference in private business, would have been amazed to know that the
State Department did not consider it undignified to throw the prestige and
armed force of the American Government behind his sons' investments in
Indo-Latin countries. Not that the Patriarch of East Liberty would have
failed to adjust himself to this new extension of the State's power. After
all there was little difference, in principle, between the Sheriff of
Allegheny County using governmental power to execute judgment against a
Pittsburgh debtor of Thomas Mellon, and the President of the United States
using the threat of armed force against Mexicans forgetful of sacred
contracts signed with subordinates of Andrew Mellon.

At the turn of the century, when the Mellons. were busy rocking the cradles
of Union Steel, Crucible Steel, Pittsburgh Coal and a dozen other infant
combines, an international wildcatter was studying tell-tale pools of oil on
the surface of marshes near Tampico, Mexico. He was Edward L. Doheny, who was
to develop the technique of counter-revolution and brigandage-by-request, who
was to deal in an easy financial way with an American Cabinet officer, as if
he were merely a Mexican Cabinet officer. His Potrero del Llano broke the
record of the Mellons' Lucas gusher on Spindletop; his Cerro Azul shot
200,000 barrels a day at the sky.

The fabulous production of Mexican wells—excited United States operators
talked of a monster gusher that spewed forth a million barrels a day-caused
the welkin to ring in Washington with demands for a protective tariff. Among
the independents present was George S. Davison, Gulf, Oil executive and
"assistant to W. L. Mellon in whatever position he held." Davison however was
not noisily demonstrative at the conference called to appeal for protection
to the sponsors of the Payne-Aldrich tariff. For even then the Mellons were
debating invasion of Mexico.

Opportunists in their philosophy, the Mellons were no blind devotees to
protectivism. As born Pittsburghers. they were convinced of course that
America's industrial supremacy stemmed in part from the Republican tariff on
steel. Similarly they were convinced that an adequate duty was needed to
shield Aluminum and its workers from the menace of European pauper labor. But
once they were ensconced as important operators in Mexico's Golden Lane in
1912 any tariff on oil would become burdensome. So the independents continued
to clamor for legislative dikes to stem the inrush of Mexican oil, and in

The Mellons entered Mexico the year after Doheny and Standard agents had
financed the overthrow of Dictator Diaz, if testimony before the Senate
foreign relations committee in 1913 is to be credited. The struggle between
Standard and the British Mexican Eagle (Pearson) interests sounded for all
the world like a skirmish between Standard and an enemy on United States soil
in the eighties and nineties. Mexico of course gave scope to certain
Indo-Latin flourishes embellishing the colder Nordic ferocity of
Rockefeller's rise to power. Hired bands of brigandsnorth of the Rio Grande
they are called gangsters-destroyed

Pearson's pipe lines and set his wells on fire, but the Britisher held on
doggedly despite the strafing. The decisive stroke in Standard technique was
to finance Madero against the Pearsondominated Diaz when the North Mexican
iron and steel magnate showed promising strength of his own.

Mexican Gulf Oil played a minor role in the turbulent history of Mexico's
social revolution. More lucrative fields for Mellon money and talents were
found closer to home, what with aluminum, by-product gas plants, coal, gun
carriages, structural steel and oil distillates to be sold in the effort to
anchor democracy in stable world moorings. Patriotically Mexican Gulf refused
to pay taxes to the Government of the pro-British Huerta who murdered Madero,
and Doheny could testify in 1919 that "every American 

[CTRL] [25] America's Secret Establishment

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

an excerpt from:
America's Secret Establishment:
An introduction to The Order of Skull  Bones
Liberty House Press
2027 Iris
Billings, Montana 59102
Highly recommend Mr. Sutton's books. There is more in this book than can be
presented here. Many charts and reproductions of original source material. As
always, Caveat lector.

In stock at:  A-albionic Research, PO Box 20273, Ferndale, MI 48220-0273
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Lloyd Miller, Research Director)

   Memorandum Number One:
An Introduction to the Secret Cult of the Order

  Secret political organizations can be - and have been - extremely
dangerous to the social health and constitutional vitality of a society. In
a truly free society the exercise of political power must always be open
and known.

  Moreover, organizations devoted to violent overthrow of political
structures have always, by necessity, been secret organizations. Com-
munist revolutionary cells are an obvious example. In fact, such revolu-
tionary organizations could only function if their existence was secret.

  In brief, secrecy in matters political is historically associated with
coercion. Furthermore, the existence of secrecy in organizations with
political ambitions or with a history of political action is always
suspect. Freedom is always associated with open political action and
discussion while coercion is always associated with secrecy.

 There are numerous historical examples to support this premise.
Back in the late 17th century the Elector of Bavaria, the constitutional
government of Bavaria, banned the Illuminati organization. Accidental
discovery of Illuminati documents demonstrated that a secret organiza-
tion was devoted to the overthrow of the Bavarian state and establish-
ment of a world society run by elitist Illuminati.

 More recently in England there have been startling discoveries involv-
ing use of the Masonic movement by the Soviet KGB to subvert and in-
filtrate British intelligence. True freemasonry is an establishment con-
servative organization, but its organizational structure can be—and has
been - used for revolutionary purposes. Masonic aims are publicly
stated to be fraternity and charity, but it is also well known that Masons
help each other in areas supposedly based on talent.

  In The Brotherhood[1][1 Stephen Knight, The Brotherhood: The Secret World
of the Freemasons, Granada, London,1984.] Stephen Knight comments that many
have suffered because freemasonry has entered segments of society where it
has no place:

 ". . . there can be no doubt that many . . . have suffered because of
freemasonry entering into areas of life where, according to all its public
proclaimed principles, it should never intrude. The abuse of
freemasonry causes alarming miscarriages of justice" (p. 4).

  In England at any rate freemasonry has become a self-serving
organization always discriminating in favor of its own members when it comes
to contracts, jobs, careers and promotions. Moreover, we now
know that the Masonic movement in England was used by the Russian
KGB to infiltrate, take over and finally head British intelligence

  In September 1984 Scotland Yard in London advised all its police of-
ficers not to join the freemasons lest its reputation for impartiality be

  Given this background, The Order, a secret society also known as
Skull  Bones, is a clear and obvious threat to constitutional freedom in
the United States. Its secrecy, power and use of influence is greater by
far than the masons, or any other semi-secret mutual or fraternal

How secret is Skull  Bones?

  The most careful analysis of the society is by Lyman Bagg in Four
Years At Yale(a) published in 1871, but still the only source of
documented information on the cultic aspects of The Order.

 According to Bagg, The Order is intensely secret:

   * "They (the senior societies at Yale) are the only Yale societies
whose transactions are truly secret."

   * "Their members never mention their names, nor refer to them
in any way in the presence of anyone not of their own number
and as they are all seniors, there are no old members in the class
above them to tell tales out of school."

 This intense secrecy even extends to documents printed for internal

  On the next page we reprint an internal circular distributed among
Patriarchs which has disguised references as follows:

   "P" i.e., Patriarch

   "P---s" Patriarchs

  If The Order has this intense secrecy, then how are we able to
reproduce its documents and memberships rolls?

  Simply because secrecy attracts attention. Secrecy creates suspicion
of intentions. This in turn generates action to break the secrecy.

  This series of books is based on several sources, including con-
temporary "moles." However, information on the cultic aspects  comes
from a century-old Yale concern about the operations and intentions of
Skull  Bones. This 

[CTRL] Our Illegal War

1999-04-05 Thread Bill Richer

 -Caveat Lector-

Our Illegal War
by Congressman Helen Chenoweth

Congress must reclaim its authority

When the order was given for American military personnel to attack
Yugoslavia, it was not issued following a declaration of war from Congress.
Nor was the order given by the President as a means of repelling a sudden
attack on America by a foreign aggressor, or as a measure intended to rescue
Americans abroad from unexpected peril. In fact, the order to attack
Yugoslavia didn’t even follow the pattern set in Korea and Vietnam, in which
our nation was committed to protracted foreign wars through unilateral
presidential action. On March 23rd, the order to commence hostilities was
given to an American general by a Spanish Marxist — NATO Secretary-General
Javier Solana.

I have just directed the Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, General [Wesley]
Clark, to initiate air operations in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,"
announced Solana, who insisted that the attack "is intended to support the
political aims of the international community." Congress played no role in
defining those political aims, which means that the American people — in
whose name Congress is empowered to act — were not permitted to play any role
in the decision to commit our nation to war.

In the run-up to our war with Yugoslavia, Congress was permitted by its
leaders to carry out an impotent charade of debate. On March 11th, the House
approved a non-binding resolution endorsing the use of American troops to
enforce a peace agreement between the Yugoslav regime of Slobodan Milosevic
and secessionist leaders in Yugoslavia’s Kosovo province. On March 23rd, just
hours before Solana issued the order to begin the bombing, the Senate
approved a resolution supporting the military campaign. But Clinton
Administration officials, including the President, had by that time made it
clear that while they sought approval of the military action from Congress,
they did not consider it necessary for Congress to authorize the military
strike on Yugoslavia.

A few senators seemed to understand the constitutional implications of these
actions. Senator Don Nickles (R-OK) pointed out, "If we start a massive
bombing campaign, we’re going to war." Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK) described
the prospect of waging an undeclared aggressive war upon Yugoslavia as "a
precedent I don’t want to be involved in." Even more pointed were the
comments of Senator Pete Domenici (R-NM). "I say shame on the President,"
declared Domenici, momentarily forgetting that Bill Clinton has repeatedly
demonstrated that he is incapable of shame. "If this is such an important
matter, why couldn’t [the President] trust the United States Senate and
United States House and ask us whether we concur?"

In order to appreciate the depth of the Administration’s deception regarding
the war over Kosovo, it is necessary to understand that the war was
"authorized" by NATO long before the bombing began on March 24th. The day
after the war began, the London Telegraph reported that General Clark, NATO’s
supreme military commander, "received his activation order for hostilities
last October. The order was the official moment when authority over the
forces to be used was transferred to him from the top brass of the member
countries supplying them. The supreme commander does not need new permission
from politicians or diplomats whenever he wishes to change tactics, or
increase or scale back operations." (Emphasis added.)

At 1:43 P.M. Eastern Standard Time on March 24th, with American bombers en
route to Yugoslavia and just minutes before the first explosions were
reported on the ground in Kosovo, White House spokesman Joe Lockhart
explicitly admitted that the power to take our nation into war had been
surrendered to a foreign official — namely, the NATO Secretary-General.
Lockhart was asked by correspondent Helen Thomas, "Who gives the green light
on this now? Is it the President himself, or the Supreme Commander of
NATO...?" Lockhart replied, "The Supreme Commander of NATO acts on the
authority of the political leaders of the NATO countries, and he has that

In brief, the power to declare war in Kosovo was exercised by NATO
Secretary-General Solana; the power to make war was given to NATO’s Supreme
Commander; the President of the United States played the role of "selling"
the war to the public, and Congress was tacitly told that its duty was to
rubber-stamp the decision to take our nation into war, and to authorize
payment of the resulting expenses.

"No power but Congress can declare war," observed Daniel Webster in 1846,
"but what is the value of this constitutional provision, if the President of
his own authority may make such military movements as must bring on war?" The
Administration’s actions in committing our country to enforce, through
military action, diplomatic initiatives in Kosovo presented Congress with a
fait accompli. The only recourse left to Congress was to defund military

[CTRL] Fwd: U.S. Department of State, Meet the Secretary of State

1999-04-05 Thread Colleen Jones

I found the sheet of propaganda on Madame Albright, and it looks her
family was a family of refugees - first escaping the Nazis and then
escaping the Russians Communist takeover..

In particular, I noted she renewed her oath of allegiance upon her 50th
anniversary of her arrival to the US with her family, along with her

It seemed odd she would not celebrate the day of her first taking the
oath of allegiance to be naturalized; and I was wondering, what date she
first became an American citizen.

To be perfectly candid; I do not like this individual.for one, who
like Henry Kissinger, was alleged to be "refugees" you would think she
would have compassion on all those forced out of their own country on
foot - they did not get airplane reservations to England or the
USAthey are by now some of them lying in the streets starving and
cold, without homes.ah, but Ms. Albright and Henry
Kissinger..they alone escaped leaving 6 million dead during WWII,
and how many during the fracas from which Ms. Albright and her familiy
escaped th 2nd ime around.

There is something wrong here;  maybe it was because she took her sister
along to, to reaffirm her oath to the United Stateshow can she take
an Oath of Allegiance to the United States of Ameriica, and then proceed
to assist in the persecution and crucifixion of thousands of innocent
people, most of whom are truly sincere in their religious beliefs.

Between Albright and Kissinger, I do not know who I find to be the most
repugnant; the evil in the face of Kissinger to me now, is reflected in
Madme Albright's face.

Who the hell do these people think they are when they send our military
out to bomb and traumatize an entire nation, while in the past, they
fled from the Nazis and Communists.   What is wrong here.


[CTRL] Fwd: State Visit II

1999-04-05 Thread Colleen Jones

This meeting seemed very interesting; Ms. Albright was told to shut up
in a rather shocking was reported here that Ms. Albright
did not now of her Czeck heritage whichI found most unusual

It would be interested to determine where and when she was actually
naturalized...or was she naturalized.

What and who is Ms. Albright; and who writes he speeches for her

She holds the third highest office in the country, and doesn't know of
her Czech past?


Re: [CTRL] Kosovo, a leftist perspective

1999-04-05 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

4-4-1999, Mark wrote:
 As for her point about the mines, it is indeed likely that these
 mines play a role in motivating the current holocaust -- on the
 Serbian side.  If, as she claims, the mines are worth $5 billion,
 that would certainly explain Milosevic' determination to hold on
 to them.  It would not explain the US interest in the Kosovo
 genocide, which is going to end up costing the United States
 a lot more than $5 billion ...

 Probably this should read '$5 trillion' - (not $5 billion) ...

 As posted recently here  ( Kosovo: 'The war is about the mines' )
 [following the same article by Sara Flounders] :


 Topic: Kosovo

 There is another factor in this, something the rapacious
 World Bank, IMF and the UN are interested in -- the estimated
 $17 trillion in natural resources in Serbia/Kosovo.

 Kosovo has one of Europe's largest reserves of coal and lignite
 while Serbia alone has huge deposits of aluminum ore.  Albania has
 large reserves of crude oil, which was part of the reason why
 Marshal Tito, after WWII, wanted to absorb Albania into Yugoslavia.

 The other was that Tito feared an extreme Maoist Albania (which
 retained the USSR Stalinist policy until 1961) being a Red Chinese
 version of Cuba in Europe, one whose seacoast straddled the
 eastern part of the only seaborne way in and out of the Adriatic,
 the Strait of Otranto.

 Given the fact that Albania was not absorbed into Yugoslavia,
 Tito for years attempted to keep Tirane's Stalinist/Maoist maniacs
 happy by allowing ethnic Albanian migration into Kosovo beginning
 with some 400,000 being allowed in during 1945-48.  Pre-WWII Serb
 land deeds in Kosovo were cancelled and Albanians were given the
 Eastern European version of "affirmative action" in jobs, housing
 and the like.

 In the 1970s, the Albanians began their terror campaign against
 the Serbs, banning the Serb Cyrillic alphabet, banning the works of
 Serb authors and other artists and getting Serbs fired from their
 jobs.  Violence began to escalate in the early 1980s after Tito's
 death, and got so bad by 1988 (the worst being mass rape of Serb
 Orthodox nuns) troops had to be sent in.  This is where Milosevich
 rose to power, in successfully quelling the violence, at least for
 a brief time.

 In 1991, the news media insisted that "Albanians represented 1.2
 million in Kosovo."  In 1994 they said 1.4 million.  In 1996 they
 insisted it was 1.6 million.  Today we are told Albanians are "90%
 of 2 million" - as though we are unable to calculate this means
 1.8 million, another mysterious 200,000 increase.  Borrowing from
 Socrates, "scarcely a word of what they said is true."  The media
 continues to omit that more than 400,000 Albanians are illegal
 aliens who crossed the border into Kosovo as easily as illegals
 cross our border into San Diego, Tucson, El Paso and Brownsville
 each night as we sleep.  How compelling that US troops are
 defending borders in 100 countries, we aren't defending our own.

 Today, the US State Department claims Serbs are 10% of Kosovo,
 with no explanation that they claimed Serbs were 14% in 1991.
 Were 4% killed, expelled, or just made invisible?  They also
 tell us the Gypsies are 7%, the Greeks 2.3%, the Turks 1.5%, the
 Montenegrins 2%, and others 1%.  By my calculations that means the
 Albanians can't possibly represent more than 50% of Kosovo, after
 subtracting the 400,000 illegals and the 300,000 who fled to
 England, Switzerland, Italy and Germany, most of whom have no
 desire to return to the poverty and terror in Kosovo.

 Another point that hasn't been raised much is that Tito, for all
 of his faults and mistakes in postwar Yugoslavia, never subscribed
 to gun control or disarming the populace.  I recall when I visted
 Yugoslavia in the late 1970s, every home at which I was a guest
 had at least one modern firearm, be it a handgun, rifle or shotgun.
 In fact, at the time, villagers could obtain surplus WWII German,
 Italian, British and even US firearms very easily.

 I recall that many Serb villagers especially would coat the weapon
 in some kind of heavy grease, wrap it in plastic and put it in a
 box and bury it in the ground usually near the barn or house.

 03/27/99 10:02:32 PST



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[CTRL] THE NEW MEDICINE - 90% Cancer survival rate! (fwd)

1999-04-05 Thread Bill Kingsbury

 -Caveat Lector-

 Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 14:55:25 EDT
 Subj: [RF]: THE NEW MEDICINE - 90% Cancer survival rate!

 Hi One and All,

 I had the opportunity to hear Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer speak at the
 Total Health show here in Toronto recently.  What he had to say was
 very profound and revolutionary.  The authorities have persecuted
 him, like so many in the alternative health field.  While
 investigating his previous patients in order to investigate him
 they found he had achieved an extraordinary cancer survival rate!

 I quote:  "The Public Prosecuting Attorney in Wiener Neustadt,
 (Germany) had to confess, that when they searched the house
 of the "Centrum for the New Medicine" in Burgau (Austria),
 6,500 home addresses of patients were confiscated (most of them
 were of advanced cancer diseases) of which after 4 to 5 years
 still 6,000 lived (over (90%)."

 From his website at:
 I further quote:

 Interview on Radio Toronto on 13th March 1999

 10 Questions about the New Medicine

 Question 1:  Dr Hamer, how did you discover the New Medicine?

 Dr Hamer:  On 18 August 1978, my son Dirk was fatally wounded in
 his sleep by two bullets fired by the Prince of Savoy.  After his
 death on 7 December 1978 I fell sick with cancer of the testicle.

 Against the advice of the professors in Tübingen, Germany, I
 underwent surgery on the testicle but I refused chemotherapy and
 radiation treatment.  My chances of survival were rated at 25%.

 From that moment on, I began to think deeply about the phenomenon
 of cancer.

 Three years later, as Senior Physician in a Cancer Institute
 attached to the University of Munich, I had the opportunity of
 carrying out a systematic examination of 200 patients and I found
 that all of them had been taken ill after an acute conflict shock.
 I named this acute conflict shock the "Dirk Hamer Syndrome" or
 "DHS" after my dead son, Dirk.

 Question 2:  Dr Hamer, the so-called "New Medicine" has recently
 been officially verified by the State Slovakian University of
 Trnava and scientifically recognized.  How is it possible to verify
 something in medicine?

 Dr Hamer:  Up until 1981 there existed only the so-called
 "scholastic" medicine with its 5000 hypotheses.  Our textbooks
 were full of unproven hypotheses and dogmas.  There were no
 causal explanations in medicine.  Nevertheless, we all pretended
 that everything was correct.  But apart from measurable facts,
 everything was pure nonsense.  And nobody seriously denies that.
 I know what I'm talking about, because I was a doctor specializing
 in internal diseases for more than 10 years in various university

 Since 1981, for the first time ever, there exists a medicine which
 is reproducible in the strict scientific sense, based so far on 5
 biological natural laws, and which applies to any case of sickness.

 And these laws can be verified with astronomical probability on any
 day or even in half a day, as they are not just hypotheses.

 Question 3:  How does the New Medicine differ from scholastic
 medicine, as we know it?

 Dr Hamer:  The so-called "scholastic" medicine we have known
 up to now "believed", argued and applied its pseudotherapy in a
 philosophical way, or to be more precise, like the Old Testament.
 It distinguished between "benign" and "malignant", pinpointed
 errors, breakdowns and inadequacies of what was considered to be
 "stupid" nature, which it was down to the doctor to put right.

 People imagined malignant microbes and cancer cells fighting our
 organism and trying to destroy it.

 It was thought that our organism then mobilized its "defense
 forces" with the immune system, T-lymphocytes etc., like an army
 fighting another army.  That's all a load of nonsense, nothing but
 medical fairy tales!

 The New Medicine, on the other hand, has discovered that there is
 no such thing as a "disease" as it has been understood to exist so
 far, but that instead the symptoms we have been calling a "disease"
 are a two-phase "sound biological special program" of nature.
 What we refer to as a "disease" is just one phase.

 And we have therefore not only been taking a wrong view of all
 these so-called "diseases", but we have not been able to treat
 the cause of a single one of them correctly.

 I'm not denying that we found out correct ways of examining facts,
 such as blood pictures, laboratory parameters or CT tests, but the
 conclusions we drew and the therapies we prescribed were completely

 Accordingly, the therapy mortality rate for cancer, for instance,
 was 95% after 5 years.

 With the New Medicine, the situation is the complete opposite:
 the survival rate is 95%!

 Question 4:  What are these sound biological special programmes
 of nature?

 Dr Hamer:  In our former symptomatic medicine - known as school
 medicine - we considered such 

Re: [CTRL] Gods Bankers in EDINBURGH

1999-04-05 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi Andrew,

I am most interested in this part of the conspiracy. I'd really appreciate it if
you could elaborate on the Scottish side. I hear rumours about the Ark of the
Covenant being in Scotland, or under the mound at Tara, Ireland. Now it has been
published in an article in World Explorers magazine that the Ark has been taken
from Scotland to America. The writer David Hatcher Childress swears its true.

There does seem to be rather a lot of Arks about admittedly, but can you tell me
which treasures you think Scotland has apart from the Stone of Destiny. I don't
believe the British royalty did have the real one under Queen Elizabeth's throne,
the Scots are far too careful. The book Dope Inc says that the British PM has to
be a descendant of Robert the Bruce. Also I think the Grand Masters of the Knights
of St John and the Knights of Malta are supposed to be from the Stewart dynasty.

I'd say it may be a fight to who is claiming to be on David's (rather
transplanted) throne between Scotland and England. Would Prince Michael Stewart
the legal pretender to the Scottish throne perhaps have more power than we think
in these secret societies?

Nicky Molloy

Andrew Hennessey wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-

 It is said by several credible Templar experts, that when the Knights Templar
 fled from persecution, they brought their treasure ships to Scotland - a place
 of sanctuary from the wrath of the Inquisition.
 One of the highest candidates for receiving the treaure cache was a large
 South of Edinburgh, near Port Seton.
 There, a local Aristocratic family then became very very rich, however treaure
 hunters of the Templar variety may be interested to note that in the 14th
 Century, after the battle of Bannockburn where the Templar aided small
 Scottish force, headed by Robert the Bruce saw off the naughty English in
 1314, the Monastic record keepers of that time began perpetrating confusion
 by altering place names around Edinburgh.
 Edinburgh [on 7 hills] sits on the Firth of Forth - which translates as the
 'way of ways' has several Islands - known as 'the guardians of the Forth'
 One being Inchcolm - translates as 'Island of the cell of St Columba' even
 though modern Catholicism now directs us to Iona on Scotlands West Coast
 as the place of St Columba.
 Another island, the Isle of May rises off the sea with precipitous cliffs
 having caverns big enough to sail sailing ships into.
 Peopled at the time by a monastic order associated with St Adrian, from
 England, the Archbishop of Edinburgh, in the 14th Century bought the Isle
 of May from that order for a sum equivalent to 25% the gross national product
 of Scotland - a vast individual sum. Archbishop Lamberton also purchased a
 small secluded beach on the mainland.
 The question is; had the Templar treasure ships landed their horde on the May,
 and Lamberton used knowledge extracted from the Templars to raid it,
 or was it being shipped there for storage from the area of Port Seton
 by the agents of Lamberton ?
 Historically the vast amount of Templar lands around Edinburgh suggest a
 considerable focus of their resources in that area: being near to the Sinclair
 vaults and castle of Rosslyn - now the alleged repositary of every holy
 artefact known to mankind - including, we are told: the Templar 'head of God'
 allegedly under the prentice pillar at Rosslyn, the Grail, the Ark, etc etc

 Given that someone on this list has already suggested that the NWO Trust
 funds that Bush may be financed by are managed in Edinburgh...Is this
 perhaps more evidence to suggest that the recent involvement of
 the american fundamentalist 'Robenson?' in the bank of Scotland purchase
 comes at a time when the banners of the new world order may be about to
 fly from Edinburgh Castle ??

 Andrew Hennessey
 Transformation Studies Group

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Sequence of Presidential Succession

1999-04-05 Thread Colleen Jones

Supposedly one cannot succeed to the presidency unless they meet the
constitutional requirements, one of which is native birth on American
soil.  Well, that includes the American Indian, but does or did it
include Madeline Albright and Henry Kissinger, who rank as I recall
number 4 if something should happen to the president, etc., until it
reaches office of Secretary of  State.

Was Kissinger a naturalized citizen - one can only take one oath of
office, and that is to support the Constitution of the United States,
which is the supreme oath.

I am wondering why Madeline Albright reaffirmed her oath of allegiance
at the naturalization affair; and whether she had ever done this
before...just more than curious.

It would seem to me that any successors to the President would have to
meet all the qualifications of the office itself in order to succeed to
dame  and being an American born citizen, is one of the most important.

In the bible, there is also something about a bastard not being
permitted into ...etc., until the fifth generation.  At one time, I was
told, you had to be able to trace your family tree back to the
Revolutionary War, to be permitted in the CIA; whether this was true, I
do not know but the source was an insider.

What do you think of Albright.the kids at Ohio State nearly booed
Cohen and Albright out of town.


There is something bothering me here; and I wonder what it is.   Could
it be that Kissinger, Code Name Bor who was a communist agent and double
agent, coud have been our President if the other successors before him
would be nocked off.   Now that is frightening;


Re: [CTRL] Gods Bankers in EDINBURGH

1999-04-05 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Andrew, maybe you can help me here.  I had written Sybil Leek way back
in 1980 about the Ogham Code.- I was just looking at her letter todahy
on thisso in part, here is what she said:

"Dear Colleen.I decided to go back to Globe as they doubled my wages
and finally I do a good job on the astrology and I think my contract
will outlive the smart boys who took over...Got our leter about the
OGHAM code; very interesting - he Ogham ocde predates Chrisianity...the
Ogham STONE in the north of Scotland waslinked with Wicca, witchcraft,
but in its European stte of being a religion.There is a picture of
the Ogham Sone  (the once mysterioius Rune stone in he book Stephen and
I called Ring of Magic IslandsThe Ogham script is the one used to
convey messages in Wiccanot used so much these days, but once
essential when there was prosecution.

Julian is building one new office for me and many of my things are
pakced up, but soon when I really sort out and unpack, I will send you
the original photo of the Ogham stone...When Christianity extended to
Iona...(? illegible) the stone was there and is still maintained by the
Christian Community who have only just found out what it really means.

I used to now the Oakes family, deep into the equivalnt of CIA in
Europe...the territory was was okay but always
surroundedby mustery.  He was killed but not for etc, etc etc.

Sybil used to know all this stuff too, and mentioned in the following
sheets what you discuss.  I am still interested in the Ogham Code beause
the title of my ms is "The Valley of Hamon Gogand of course, this is
from Ezekial.

How you doing Andrew are things in the Pope
is supposed to sit over the tomb of St. Peter, does not the English
Throne rest upon Jacob's Stone, where they are crowned.

However, for a King or Queen to rule, they must be able to trace their
family ree to the bible, the divine right to will find all
their names in there, including Princess Diana in the Acts..the one
who would be despised  (does that ring a bell)..enough for shrines.
The documents I have sealed with crown supposedly make my pedigree
official..however, to get the throne I would have to eliminate quite
a few people...a LOT of people.

I always liked Crowley; he ordained himself the King of
Ireland...Sybil's famiy knew him, and he liked Sybile was not a
Nazi, but rather a propaganda agent for the British.


Remember, keep your eye on Pat RobertsonGod's Banker is in trouble I
hear.  Besides, he does not look well.  Put your money under your

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Re: [CTRL] Kosovo, evolution in action.

1999-04-05 Thread jabriol

 -Caveat Lector-

  Why don't you ask some of the Serbs who are not doing the killing. I
would be
  willing to bet that there are probably a fair number against the killing.

and some white people marched along Martin Luther King. where is Martin now?

on a few street sign in the ghettos.

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screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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[CTRL] China warns attack could start world war

1999-04-05 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-

South China Morning Post


Monday  April 5  1999

Zhu warns attack could start world war

Premier Zhu Rongji criticised the bombing campaign as an intervention in
the affairs of a sovereign nation, warning that the attack could lead to a
world war.

"All internal matters should be left for the country itself to resolve," Mr
Zhu said.

"If we should refuse to recognise a country's sovereignty, I'm afraid that
would lead to a world war," he told the Globe and Mail of Toronto.

The Premier's remarks came on the eve of a two-week North American tour
beginning tomorrow in California and ending on April 20 in Canada.

Mr Zhu called for an immediate halt to the air strikes, which he said
almost caused him to cancel his trip to the United States.

"If military interventionism is to be allowed in all internal matters like
a question of human rights of any country, that will open a very bad
precedent in the world," he said.

"We do not have a world tribunal or a world police" to enforce
international human rights standards, he said. "So who should be the person
to make the decision to use all this military force?"

The Premier said the principle of non-intervention applied to China's
record in Tibet and Taiwan, as well as to Britain's handling of Northern
Ireland or Canadian affairs in Quebec.

The Premier said he had been tempted to cancel his visit to the US because
of the air strikes and anti-Chinese sentiment in Washington amid
accusations of spying against Beijing.

He said chances to reach an accord on China's entry into the World Trade
Organisation were slim since the White House seemed "rather reluctant" to
push for it.

He criticised US plans to establish a Southeast Asia Theatre Missile
Defence programme to boost the defence capabilities of Japan and Taiwan.

Mr Zhu warned that including Taiwan in the system "would be very dangerous"
as it would be interpreted as an "encroachment upon China's sovereignty".

"The proposal to establish [a system] does not conform with the
international treaties on missiles," he said.

Back To Top

"From the rage of today's downtrodden comes the revenge of tomorrow's
   revolutionary force." Edward Britton
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[CTRL] Vote for Jesus

1999-04-05 Thread Edward Britton

 -Caveat Lector-


 Time Magazine is allowing us to vote for Time Magazines Person of the
 Century, which will be in their December 1999 issue.  I propose that
 we can vote for Christ.  Each of us knows at least one person with
 e-mail. Contact them and pass this on to everyone you know.

 Let's start a wave  of votes for  Jesus Christ - Person of the
 Century.  To vote go to:

 When you get to the site you must write Jesus Christ in exactly this
 way: The J and the C must both be upper case, all the rest lower case.
 Apparently the poll is case sensitive and writing it any other way
 does not allow your vote to be counted as Jesus Christ.

 Remember to PASS THIS ON to everyone you care about. From what I heard
 the winner of the poll will have their picture on the front cover of
 the magazine in Dec 99, which should be a challenge for the graphics
 dept. at TIME!!!  And so far Jesus is leading!!!

 As of this morning Jesus was well in the majority with over 40%
 The next one closest to Him was at 9%.

 What a stand for Jesus we can make!!

 Please take the time!

"From the rage of today's downtrodden comes the revenge of tomorrow's
   revolutionary force." Edward Britton
Talk to the planet:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
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Re: [CTRL] Thank You (dry ice)

1999-04-05 Thread DrErebus

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 4/4/99 5:11:54 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 this stuff, and yes I would like the recipe - when you have time.  You
  both have answered my question.

  Cold fusionwhat a dream.well, they do talk about hell freezing
  over someday - maybe that would be the start.

The first step in making dry ice is to turn the carbon dioxide gas into a
liquid.  This is done by compressing the CO2 and removing any excess heat.
The CO2 will liquefy at a pressure of approximately 870 pounds per square
inch.  Next, the pressure is reduced over the liquid carbon dioxide by
sending it through an expansion valve.  Part of the liquid sublimates,
causing the remainder to freeze into snow flakes.  The dry ice snow is then
compacted together under a large press to form blocks.  Dry Ice is much
heavier than traditional
ice, weighing about the same as standard bricks.

I think it would be easier to just buy the stuff LOL

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[CTRL] Fwd: No Ground Troops! Milosevic: Whew! Thanks, Bill !

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

Lawmakers Mull Kosovo Ground Troops

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- The debate is growing over whether the Clinton
administration can continue to foreclose the use of ground troops in Kosovo
with the issue likely to dominate Congress when lawmakers return from their
spring recess.

Lawmakers from both parties said Sunday that President Clinton no longer
should foreclose out of hand use of ground troops as a military option in
Kosovo, but most emphasized that Congress should give its approval before
troops actually are deployed.

``The diplomacy won't start until our president stops saying no ground
troops,'' Sen. Dick Lugar, R-Ind., a senior member of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee, said on ABC's ``This Week.''

``To say no ground troops is a mistake'' Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware, the
committee's top Democrat, agreed on CNN's ``Late Edition.''

Still, administration officials said there are no plans to send ground forces
into Kosovo, although the Pentagon announced Sunday it is sending 24 Apache
helicopter gunships to neighboring Albania for use against Serbian troops in
Kosovo. About 2,000 U.S. soldiers also will be sent to Albania to support the

``We do not believe an invasion force ... is in the national interest,''
Sandy Berger, the White House national security adviser, said on CBS' ``Face
the Nation.''

But a growing number of lawmakers of both parties are arguing categorically
ruling out ground troops only plays into the hands of Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic and keeps him from the negotiating table.

By ruling out such an option ``you immediately convince Milosevic that we're
not really serious, that we're not ready to stay the course,'' Sen. Charles
Robb, D-Va., said on ABC.

``We have to hold open the option of using ground forces,'' Sen. Joseph
Lieberman, D-Conn., concurred on CBS. He said the attitude in Congress on
ground troops has changed with the air war showing no early sign of
capitulation by Milosevic.

``Last week, there was no support for American or NATO ground forces. Next
week, I think there may be because we understand more what's on the line
here,'' Lieberman said.

The House returns from its Easter recess Tuesday, while the Senate is away
until next week.

Both Democrats and Republicans said the use of ground troops should be
debated in Congress and no troops should be committed in Kosovo without
congressional approval. ``The Constitution requires Congress to make that
decision,'' Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., said on ``Fox News Sunday.''

But Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., a Vietnam War fighter pilot and POW, said it
is time for Congress to ``become more engaged'' and debate a vote on the use
of U.S. ground troops. ``We certainly have to make preparations for it,'' he
told CBS. ``You never take any option off the table. ... It may well take
ground forces to win,'' Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., agreed on NBC's ``Meet the

Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., said if ground forces are needed Clinton must
make the case clearly on Capitol Hill. ``If he does ... the Congress and the
American people will follow,'' Shelby said on CBS.

But other lawmakers rejected consideration of ground troops in Kosovo.

The air war should be intensified, Sen. John Ashcroft, R-Mo., told CNN, but
he added he couldn't ``conceive of a situation where we ... ought to be using
ground troops.''

Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., said on NBC that if invading troops are needed,
``those countries that are our allies that have strategic interests, let them
take over the ground war.''

[CTRL] Fwd: Go Ahead - Make My Holy Day

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

Muslims, Christians Clash on Easter

.c The Associated Press

NAZARETH, Israel (AP) -- Easter Sunday turned violent in the town of Jesus'
boyhood when clashes erupted between Christians and Muslims, angry over the
planned construction of a plaza for millennium Christian pilgrims near a

Thousands of young Muslim men gathered at the disputed site near the Church
of the Annunciation, where Muslims have been holding protests for nearly a

Some hurled insults and curses at worshipers as they left the church, where
Roman Catholic tradition holds that the angel Gabriel appeared before Mary
and told her she was pregnant. Other youths, wielding clubs, smashed
windshields of cars with crosses dangling from the mirrors.

More than 70 Israeli police in riot gear were brought in but made little
effort to halt the violence. At one point, a group of policemen stood by
while Muslim youths smashed the window of a gold-colored Mercedes. Seven
people were injured and 30 cars were damaged, according to police.

Some 18 hours after the clashes began, six Muslim stone throwers were
arrested for rioting and public disturbances, said police spokeswoman Linda
Menuhin. Muslim protesters responded by pelting troops with rocks, and police
fired back with tear gas, she said.

Church doors were shut after early morning prayers Sunday and there was no
comment from Christian officials.

The clashes, between the city's majority Muslims and minority Christians,
came after months of rising tensions surrounding 2000 festivities.

After municipal elections in November, snags arose over ambitious plans to
give the city a facelift for the millennium. The Islamic movement won a
majority on the city council for the first time and the Christian mayor,
Ramez Jeraisi, was barely reelected.

Topping the Muslims' agenda was the expansion of a mosque and the creation of
an Islamic studies center next to the church, the same spot where city
planners had hoped to build a Venetian-style plaza for tourists. The dispute
is in court and plaza construction is on hold.

Currently a small mosque occupies the far edge of the site, where a revered
Muslim scholar, known as Shabeldin, is buried. The scholar's name was
spray-painted Sunday across an ancient well where Orthodox Christians believe
Mary drew her water and the annunciation took place.

The clashes began after midnight Mass, around 3:00 a.m. Sunday, and continued
until mid-afternoon. Muslims said that after Mass, a few Christian men threw
rocks and empty bottles at their protest tent. Christians said they were
attacked first.

``My house was attacked with stones today,'' said Salim Suliman, a
68-year-old Christian shopkeeper. ``I never imagined that this would happen,
we always lived in tolerance. I understand their need to preserve their site
but what is right is right and the land is not all theirs,'' he said.

Muslims complained that projects for the year 2000 are only benefiting the
city's Christians.

Rafieh Shihaberi, a 53-year-old Muslim engineer from Nazareth said the
religious tensions are a destructive development but insisted that the mosque
be expanded.

``What is happening in Nazareth is not in the interest of either Muslims or
Christians,'' Shihaberi said, ``but the issue of Shabeldin cannot be

Mayor Jeraisi, an Orthodox Christian who will celebrate Easter next Sunday,
stayed at home during the clashes. He blamed the Jewish state for the
sectarian violence in Nazareth, accusing the Israeli government of caring
little for Arab towns and expropriating land for the sake of tourism.

Acknowledging a deep sense of mistrust in his city, Jeraisi said several
other parties had been called in to mediate. ``They are working on calming
the situation and setting up a meeting to discuss the issue,'' he told The
Associated Press.

Suliman, whose home was targeted during the day, said, ``it is very sad that
it had to happen today on Easter and it's also sad that it is happening to
one of the most important celebrations in not only Christianity but for the
whole world.''

``We are not celebrating Christ only, but the father of peace and neighborly
love,'' he said.

[CTRL] Fwd: Red China: Our Man in Washington

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

Report Cites China-Clinton Donation

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- The head of Chinese military intelligence sent a
Democratic fund-raiser in Southern California $300,000 in campaign donations
to help President Clinton's reelection in 1996, the Los Angeles Times
reported Sunday.

Gen. Ji Shengde sent the money to Johnny Chung, but only a portion of the
money reached Democratic coffers, the newspaper said.

Chung's testimony has given investigators their first direct link between a
senior Chinese government official and illicit foreign contributions, the
Times said, citing sources familiar with Chung's sealed statements to federal

It is illegal for U.S. political parties or candidates to accept
contributions from foreign sources.

Chung, a Taiwanese-born businessman who is now a U.S. citizen, donated nearly
$400,000 to Democratic candidates and causes from 1994 to 1996, but the money
was returned after questions arose about its legality.

Chung admitted making nearly $30,000 in illegal contributions to Democrats
including $20,000 to the Clinton-Gore reelection campaign. In December he was
sentenced to five years probation and 3,000 hours of community service as
part of a plea bargain.

Chung and Ji were brought together by Liu Chaoying, who was a Chung business
partner as well as a lieutenant colonel in the People's Liberation Army, the
Times said. Liu did not respond Friday to questions sent by the Times to her
office in Hong Kong.

In their first meeting in August 1996, Chung said, he declined Ji's money but
the general said he was already engaged in similar transactions with others
serving as conduits for Chinese funds to support Clinton's reelection.

Within a few days, Liu deposited $300,000 into Chung's Hong Kong bank
account, telling him it was from Ji, sources told the newspaper.

Federal election records show that five weeks after receiving the money,
Chung donated $35,000 in three checks to the Democratic National Committee.
The remaining funds went to one of Chung's California bank accounts but it is
not known how that money was used.

The Democratic party ``was unaware of any supposed relationship'' between
Chung and the Chinese government at the time of the contributions, said DNC
spokesman Rick Hess.

Chung declined to speak with the newspaper, saying he has ``already told the
whole truth to the grand jury.''

A spokesman for China's embassy in Washington denied any involvement in the
1996 elections. ``All these allegations about so-called Chinese government
officials' political contributions into U.S. campaigns are sheer
fabrications,'' said Yu Shuning.

[CTRL] Fwd: Holy Week in San Francisco

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

Drag-Queen Nuns Hold Easter Party

.c The Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Fishnet was big, heels were high and emotions ran deep
as the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence -- drag queens dressed as nuns --
threw a 20th anniversary bash here Sunday despite criticism from Roman
Catholics that their rituals smacked of heresy.

The typically irreverent street party -- which featured bands, Easter bonnets
and a ``Hunky Jesus'' beauty contest -- infuriated church officials, who said
holding the parody on Easter Sunday was like neo-Nazis partying on Passover.

But supporters of the roughly 30 sisters -- a group of faux nuns well-known
for shimmying in Spandex to raise money for charity -- said they deserved to
celebrate their anniversary. The sisters say they formed on Easter Sunday,

``The message of Easter is one of resurrection,'' said Tom Ammiano, the
president of the city's Board of Supervisors. ``I think that it's time in San
Francisco that we resurrect that spirit of coexistence that has existed for
the past 20 years.''

Ammiano spoke to a crowd of thousands who gathered under sunny skies in San
Francisco's predominately gay Castro District for the event.

The board found itself dropped into a debate over the sisters after approving
a permit that closed a city block for the party.

``City government has gone out of its way to associate itself with this
ridicule and blasphemy,'' Archbishop William Levada wrote Friday in Catholic
San Francisco, a church newspaper.

Some officials, including Mayor Willie Brown, then tried to rescind the
permit. It didn't work, but Ammiano is expected to meet with Levada in a
peace talk of sorts.

No protesters attended the party.

``Everyone is in his or her own neighborhood celebrating as he or she may
choose,'' said Supervisor Mark Leno. ``And that certainly is what San
Francisco is all about. We've got room for everybody.''

[CTRL] OEN 4/5/99

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe/A

Bill Clinton: Beijing's "Man in Washington"

Chinese Intelligence Supplied Money for Clinton's Re-election

Only traitors would obey this "Commander-in-Chief"

WASHINGTON--The chief of China's military intelligence secretly directed
funds from Beijing to help reelect President Clinton in 1996, former
Democratic fund-raiser Johnny Chung has told federal investigators.
Chung says he met three times with the intelligence official, Gen. Ji
Shengde, who ordered $300,000 deposited into the Torrance businessman's
bank account to subsidize campaign donations intended for Clinton,
according to sources familiar with Chung's sealed statements to federal

During their initial meeting on Aug. 11, 1996, in Hong Kong, Ji conveyed
to Chung the Chinese government's specific interest in supporting

"We like your president," Ji said, according to sources familiar with
Chung's grand jury testimony. Chung testified that he was introduced to
the intelligence chief by the daughter of China's retired senior
military officer.

Chung's testimony has provided investigators the first direct link
between a senior Chinese government official and illicit foreign
contributions that were funneled into Clinton's 1996 reelection effort.
It is the strongest evidence to emerge--in two years of federal
investigations--that the highest levels of the Chinese government sought
to influence the U.S. election process.

Key aspects of Chung's testimony, which has not been made public, have
been corroborated by financial records in the United States and Hong
Kong, according to law enforcement and other sources.

It is illegal for U.S. political parties or candidates to accept
contributions from foreign sources. Only a portion of the $300,000 made
it into Democratic campaign coffers, records show.

A spokesman for China's embassy in Washington denied any involvement in
the 1996 elections.

"We are very categoric in our denial of these allegations," said the
spokesman, Yu Shuning. "All these allegations about so-called Chinese
government officials' political contributions into U.S. campaigns are
sheer fabrications."

This week, Chinese Prime Minister Zhu Rongji is scheduled to meet
Clinton in Washington and attend a state dinner in Zhu's honor at the
White House. Zhu will make the first stop of his U.S. visit in Los
Angeles on Tuesday.

On Friday, White House spokesman Jim Kennedy said the administration had
no knowledge about the source of Chung's donations during the 1996
campaign and declined to comment on "allegations regarding intelligence

Chung, 44, a Taiwan-born American citizen who lives in Artesia, Calif.,
was one of the most prominent figures in the 1996 campaign finance
scandal. He contributed more than $400,000 to various Democratic
campaigns and causes, visited the White House no fewer than 50 times and
brought numerous Chinese associates to events with the president and
First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.

He pleaded guilty last year to election law violations and became the
first major figure to cooperate with a Justice Department investigation
of campaign finance abuses, including a probe into improper foreign
donations. A number of contributors have been indicted in the scandal.

Chung's assistance earned him a strong recommendation for leniency,
resulting in a sentence of probation and community service in December.
Chung has told friends that he would like to write a book about his

Gen. Ji, the Chinese intelligence chief, was named by Chung in sworn
grand jury testimony and in statements made to Justice Department
investigators during extensive interviews from December 1997 through
March 1998. Chung also turned over cartons of financial records.

Chung told investigators that he and Ji were brought together by Liu
Chaoying, the daughter of retired Gen. Liu Huaqing. At the time, she was
a Chung business partner as well as a lieutenant colonel in the People's
Liberation Army.

Leads Provided by Chung Pursued

Federal prosecutors assigned to the Justice Department's
campaign-finance task force are pursuing leads provided by Chung. They
praised Chung's cooperation in U.S. District Court papers that remain
sealed, in part, due to national security concerns, sources said.

Chung's relationship with federal authorities took a dramatic turn last
spring when teams of federal agents moved him and his family into
protective custody, law enforcement sources told The Times.

The FBI feared for Chung's safety after he received veiled threats and
bribe offers from individuals pressing him to keep silent about his
China dealings. Those concerns grew after the FBI received information
from overseas indicating that Chung could be in danger.

For 21 days in May and June, Chung and his family were kept under
24-hour guard in hotels near Los Angeles International Airport by 

[CTRL] NZ councils want Army help for Y2K

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""The
New Zealand herald newspaper online: Storie
  NEWS30/03/99 -

Councils want Army help

By Keith  Newman

Local body leaders are poised to call for military cover to guard
against millennium computer bug fallout, warns the mayor of one of the
country's largest cities.

Waitakere mayor Bob Harvey said the plea for military backup was likely
to be issued at a summit meeting of the 86 territorial local authorities
to be held in closed session in Wellington tomorrow.

The summit will be addressed by the Prime Minister, Jenny Shipley, and
Mr Harvey predicted those present would ask the Government to put the
Army on standby in case of civil unrest from prolonged computer

Civil Defence will maintain a full staff in Auckland, Wellington and
Christchurch on New Year's Eve because of the fear of isolated computer
system failures in important utilities.

A special commission that the Government announced last month to stop
the millennium bug wreaking havoc on public services has already raised
concerns about the water supply and sewage disposal.

"The Year 2000 crisis is the greatest wake-up call you could have for
the new millennium," said Mr Harvey, the Labour Party's new president.

"In Britain the Army is on standby, as it is in Ireland, France, Germany
and Canada. I understand President Clinton will put the Army on standby
in the US in July."

Mr Harvey said his city was one of those that had passed muster with the
Auditor-General as having systems in place to deal with the computer
bug, but others could expect a roasting tomorrow.

Local Government New Zealand wants the Auditor-General to identify the
19 councils that an audit of readiness deemed were putting their
communities at risk.

Mr Harvey said local authorities had been meeting on the Year 2000
compliance issue since he raised it six months ago, but previously it
was not even on the agenda.

"The horror in all of this is you are a victim of other people's
systems," he said.

"If we don't get our computers right we won't be able to send out the
rates ... The courts will be jammed for years."

Governments and everyone associated with the computer industry had known
of the potential for millennium problems since 1952 but had claimed they
would not happen.

The upshot was a $16 trillion global systems clean-up - money that could
have been spent on the world's poor, he said.

A Defence Force spokesman, Wing Commander John Seward, said troops had
been advised some months ago to consider taking holidays before December
27 in case they might be needed to support millennium "activities."

©Copyright 1999, NZ Herald
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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[CTRL] Tax Day?--Tax Days!

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 14
The Laissez Faire City Times
April 5, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 14
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
Tax Day?--Tax Days!

by Sunni Maravillosa

It’s that time of year again, when headache-relief and antacid
consumption increases, when H  R Block ads air with annoying frequency,
and the talk around the office water cooler turns to refunds and
payments interspersed with the de rigueur grumbling about taxes. Most
Americans seem to get a perverse pleasure out of complaining about the
income tax and the IRS, and rightly so—the income tax is the most
visible manifestation of the government’s money grab, and the IRS has
earned its reputation for brutality and vindictiveness. Even most
individuals who believe the myth that government must provide certain
services will grant that the IRS regularly exceeds its bounds. So, the
focus that gets placed on "tax day" is understandable. However, there
are problems associated with this seasonal focus on taxes.

One problem is that the annual ritual of bitching about taxes has become
just that—a ritual for most Americans, one that inspires almost the same
amount of critical thinking as the phrase "have a nice day". A corollary
problem concerns the time frame of this ritual. Just like Christmas or
Halloween decorations, the receipts, forms, and tax advertisements are
trotted out, and after April 15 attention to the tax issue fades as
baseball season or lawn care or some other ritual looms on the horizon.
This pattern blurs the impact of the federal income tax because it
encourages citizens to focus on whatever happens in April, rather than
the regular theft of their earnings over the year.

A more serious problem with the annual income tax-bashing ritual is that
it focuses on only one aspect of the tax monster that daily ravages
every individual living in the United States. The federal income tax and
the IRS thugs who enforce it are certainly deserving of attention and
scorn, but that tax is only one of many taxes we are burdened with.
Depending upon where an individual lives and the laws in effect there,
other taxes can include: social security; Medicare; customs duties;
excise; luxury; state income; state sales; local income; local sales;
estate; inheritance; gasoline; "sin" (taxes on cigarettes and alcohol);
property; capital gains; interest income; gift; utilities (telephone in
particular); beverage container (aluminum and/or glass); hotel occ
upancy; and tax increases resulting from bonds floated to support things
such as schools, infrastructure maintenance and improvement (sewage and
other waste disposal, street repair and lighting, etc.), and a variety
of social programs. These are taxes that each consumer pays directly.
There are more taxes that individuals bear the costs of, being passed
along to us in the form of increased prices for goods and services:
regulatory taxes on industries such as trucking, farming, banking, and
flying; import taxes; and a range of corporate taxes. I am sure that in
my research I have missed a tax or two as well.

Adding Up the Costs

How do all these taxes add up? Besides the obvious response of
"quickly!", various means have been devised for expressing the scope of
a typical American’s tax burden. The Tax Foundation (, a non-profit, non-partisan organization
devoted to studying tax issues, offers a variety of informative
measures. The first is "Tax Freedom Day"—the day on which the typical
American has worked enough to pay her share of federal, state, and local
taxes for a year, and the rest of her income goes in her pocket. In
1998, Tax Freedom Day was May 10—in other words, the typical American
worked 130 days to pay taxes. Another way to look at tax costs is to
calculate the number of hours per eight-hour workday that the average
American spends working to pay taxes. By this measure, an American
spends almost 3 hours each workday paying taxes. That’s longer than the
time needed to pay for household-related items (including housing
itself), food, and clothing combined.

Another group, Americans for Tax Reform (,
calculates the "Cost of Government Day", which includes all taxes as
well as other costs of government that individuals ultimately bear,
including federal regulatory costs (e.g., EPA mandates, affirmative
action compliance, laws that increase business costs, etc.). Including
these costs, in 1998 a typical American worked to pay for the
government’s activities (federal, state, and local) until June 25—almost
half the year.

Paying, and Paying, and Paying…

Looked at in this light, it should be obvious that our tax situation is
completely out of control. How did things get so bad? Most of the
creeping encroachment of taxes into a person’s income is done in ways
that are hidden, so we don’t see the direct 

[CTRL] An Artful Way to Plunder?

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 14
The Laissez Faire City Times
April 5, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 14
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
An Artful Way to Plunder?

by Michael R. Allen

Inadvertently, Senator Pete Domenici (R-N.M.) admitted that he advocates
socialism, or at least his own style of it. "This is going to be a
classic debate. [Do] we want to give the people of the United States a
tax break?" asked the Sunbelt Senator about the 1998 struggle between
Congress and the President.

In what way did the Senator admit that he favors the rights of the State
over the rights of individual citizens? The answer is that Mr. Domenici
asks whether or not the Congress will allow taxpayers to keep more of
their own money. He obviously has yet to be introduced to the notion
that income is earned by the wage earner and not earned and distributed
by the State. With politicians such as Domenici leading the "opposition"
to the welfare state, who needs the Democratic Party? A government
headed by Ralph Nader would probably be leaner and less intrusive than
one headed by Senator Domenici, or Senator Trent Lott (R-Miss.). At the
least, Mr. Nader would abolish corporate and military welfare  more than
the aforementioned politicians would do.

Domenici's remark shows a deep ignorance of the concept of natural
rights. One can understand, of course, why the types of legislators we
have in office now are clueless to the concept: natural rights are not
canonized on a sacred piece of vellum in a museum. Yet, as legislators,
they have an obligation to uphold the Constitution, which   though
flawed   is the most salient defense of natural rights ever used by a
human government. As long as both conservatives and liberals focus on
technocratic policies, the debates will only focus on two alternative
visions of a command society. The libertarian concept of natural rights
has been forgotten by most legislators as the welfare state grows. When
it is invoked, the concept is often misunderstood and used selectively.

The Cato Institute, long a proponent of liberty, held a forum on tax
reform last year. Though all the tax plans discussed would be welcome
improvements over the current code, they all except one ignored the
right to property and income that exists independently of government
 mandate. Quite frankly, I am a bit aghast that the Cato Institute would
allow a gang of political wastrels to present their plans at their
forum. None of the plans receives my endorsement, though I favor a
temporary tariff while government is in transition from welfare state to
constitutional economic government. Even then, my tariff would terminate
when the government began charging user fees to citizens for the few
services the federal government would manage. And one day perhaps even
the latter services could be totally privatized.

The flat tax presented at the Cato Institute was a rate of 17 percent,
with no deductions, and an exemption for families of four earning
$33,800 a year or less. A form of this plan was endorsed by Steve Forbes
in his 1996 bid for the Presidency, and has since received much
publicity. House Majority Leader Richard Armey (R-Tx.) has promised to
introduce the bill in the House when the tax reform debate begins, but
when that will be is uncertain. The critique of this plan is obvious: it
supports the notion that the government has a right to some of a

citizen's income. Unless the rate is reduced, and it is only for a
limited period of time before a user fee system is adopted, this plan
will not result either in any changes in the size of government or the
way in which it collects its operating revenue. Perhaps the plan's
creators, who would eliminate capital gains and estate taxes, might
extend their defense of these property rights to income, and drop this
plan in favor of a modified user fee system after a transition at a
lower flat rate.

Sen. John Ashcroft (R-Mo.) has a plan that is progressive, but with only
four tax rates   rather than the current five. He allows for a deduction
of Social Security taxes and an elimination of the "marriage penalty."
Although these are two laudable goals, Ashcroft retains too much of the
current structure and makes the code more complex. Some of his ideas
deserve attention, but his overall plan did not even go as far as the
flat tax plan.

Surprisingly, House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.) arrived to
unveil his plan, which is essentially a revamp of the existing code. His
plan would mean a flat rate of ten percent for 70 percent of taxpayers
 but also few deductions and the treatment of capital gains as income.
One good thing to say in defense of Gephardt is that, while he wants a
welfare state, he doesn't necessarily want it to be a burden on
taxpayers. This tax plan might have made him more attractive for the
Democratic nomination for 

[CTRL] The Soak the Rich Tax Scam

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 14
The Laissez Faire City Times
April 5, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 14
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
The "Soak the Rich" Tax Scam

by Don Lobo Tiggre

Each year, in the Infernal Revenue Service instruction booklets for the
various evil incarnations of Form 1040, there is a set of pie charts.

The first of this year’s charts looks like a chipped 1960s peace symbol;
it is a graphical representation of the federal government’s income.

The second chart looks more like a broken dinner plate; it represents
federal outlays (spending). These simple charts tell some very
interesting stories about where the United States federal government’s
money comes from and how it is used—they are a sort of balance sheet for
the nation.

A concerned taxpayer might look at these charts and notice that the
largest slice of the income pie is labeled ‘personal income’: 46
percent! The weary taxpayer might then notice that ‘corporate income
taxes’ only amount to 11 percent. Not only that, but the ‘social
security, Medicare, and unemployment and other retirement taxes’
slice—the part taken out of every paycheck with no way to stop it,
reduce it, or get a refund—is another 34 percent. This means that
individual taxpayers are supporting 80 percent of the immediate cash
cost of the federal government.

In this light, it is all too easy to understand why so many taxpayers
and voters seem to fall for the ‘soak the rich’ rhetoric of politicians
who win support by promising more government programs (spending) at the
expense of those nasty corporations. Why, those greedy rich corporations
are only paying 11 percent, and they have a greater obligation to
support the needy!

Or so the ploy goes. This rhetoric ignores the fact that many single
proprietor businesses, family businesses, and small partnerships are
corporations. It also ignores the fact that the owners of corporations
have their earnings reduced by corporate income taxes, and then pay the
same income tax—or more, if they really are rich—as everyone else.
Another inconvenient fact ignored is that most of the owners of large
corporations are not Armani-clad Wall Street types—there are only so
many of them—but middle aged people and senior citizens. Now, it may be
that the Armani class controls the corporations, but they don’t own them
all. It’s the collection of "little old ladies next door" and "guys down
the street" who either own stocks directly, or have a lot of their
 savings tied up in mutual funds that own stock in corporations. And the
most important thing this rhetoric ignores is that any tax levied on a
corporation is just another business expense to be passed along to
customers, as far as corporations are concerned.

And who do you think pays those estate, gift, and miscellaneous taxes?
(One hint: it’s not the Easter Bunny!)

So, yes, it may seem "unfair" that personal income taxes are shouldering
ten percent more of the tax load than they were five years ago (they
went from 36 percent to 46 percent of federal revenue), while the burden
has only increased from 8 percent to 11 percent for corporations. But
this is only at first glance. The thing to remember is that corporations
don’t really exist. They are legal fictions. What exists are people,
individual people, and they are shouldering 100 percent of the burden,
whether that be through corporate taxes passed on to consumers, personal
income taxes, retirement taxes, or any other form of legalized theft you
care to name. The only exception is the portion shifted to our children
via deficit spending, and even then it’s still individual people who pay
  they just do it in the future. The deficit, by the way, has gone from
18 percent to 1 percent in the last five years, which is why all the
other income pie segments have gotten larger.

Okay, so forget about corporations, those darned rich people need to
help out more—from each according to his ability, to each according to
his need. Never mind that the top 50 percent of America’s wealth
creators pay more than 95 percent of all income taxes. Yes, never mind
the facts, think of the poor!

The poor?

The unusually conscientious taxpayer might then look at the spending pie
to see how ‘the poor’ are being helped. ‘Social programs’—none of which
are authorized by the Constitution—only comprise 18 percent of federal
spending. That is almost as much as the constitutionally-authorized
amount spent on national defense (including spending on veterans and
foreign affairs: 20 percent). However, neither of these come close to
the whopping 38 percent spent on social security, Medicare, and other
retirement programs that are not means-tested.

So, while it is arguable whether or not social programs actually help
‘the poor,’ it is clear that the largest portion of the money extracted
from ‘the rich’ is going to older 

[CTRL] April Fools

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 14
The Laissez Faire City Times
April 5, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 14
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
April Fools

by Ace

You've heard it said that the only sure things in life are death and
taxes. And for most adults, it's a fact. One of the greatest rites of
youthful passage only occurs after 16 years of school and a third of a
lifetime of preparation. You've finally landed a decent paying job and
worked out just how you're going to spend the first check. With excited
hands you tear it open, only to suffer the shock of finding more than a
third of it "withheld."

Few people forget that shock. And few things are more amusing than
watching the expression on the face of someone undergoing this memorable
moment. After working to climb out of the well of poverty, who isn't
surprised and dismayed to find that the taxing authorities now include
you among the "rich?" Who isn't stunned when realizing that for the
first five months of any given year you belong to them as virtual
chattel? You can choose your yoke. You can choose your labor and keep
some of the reward, or choose not to labor and become a poor but bound d
ependent of the state. You can even choose where you live and make your
effort. But you can't easily choose to earn and produce and not to
belong to your feudal masters, if only by the percentage. And if you
think these assertions are exaggerations, you are entitled to your
opinion. But even if you're educated and well informed, you might
consider the possibility that you have limited your perspective of
reality. A husband is often the last to know about a cheating wife.

So as April 15th approaches most of us will pause from our family
concerns, and from our interest in Kosovo, Clinton, China, to pay
attention to another demand. If we've put forth any effort in the past
year, if we've earned any money at all, most of us must calculate the
share demanded by the Internal Revenue Service. And the battle between
those who work, who produce, who earn, and those socially situated both
above and below them who would claim a percentage of their efforts, is
nothing new.

Ancient Money and Taxation

While there's a postmodern movement to portray ancient Egypt as an
entirely voluntary society, it's probably more accurate to envision the
pharaohs of Egypt as an enormous and oppressive bureaucracy based on
direct taxation. Some scholars claim that there was not even a word for
freedom or liberty in the ancient Egyptian language.

"Man can live and satisfy his wants only by ceaseless labor by the
ceaseless application of his faculties to natural resources. This
process is the origin of property. But it is also true that a man may
live and satisfy his wants by seizing and consuming the products of the
labor of others. This process is the origin of plunder."

– Frederic Bastiat, The Law

On the other hand, Ancient Democratic Greece and Republican Rome placed
a very strong value on the concept of liberty. At least during their
formative years where such concepts were held in high spiritual esteem.
So did the ancient Israelites, whose escape from Pharaonic domination in
Exodus is still celebrated in households around the world nearly three
and a half millennia later. Precisely like America, Rome coined gold and
silver with the goddess of liberty as a principal image. And precisely
like America, classical Roman coinage was progressively debased until
the silver denarius -- equal to a day's pay for the Roman foot soldier
and a symbolic standard of the nation -- became nothing more than a
copper planchet coated with a thin silver plating. Emperors pilfered off
the silver, typically without notifying the public of the lowered
standard. That the denarius, or "denny," in its debased copper form is
still with us today as the "penny," should be a reminder that we are
still subject to the same human forces that plagued the ancient world.
For those of you who are old enough to remember the reference to our own
pocket change as "silver," you don't have to look any further than our
own nickel-plated tokens to get a picture of why the so-called "hidden
tax of inflation" is associated with currency debasement.

The resulting fiscal chaos caused Roman rulers to become progressively
oppressive in making up the difference to the depreciating national
currency through increased overt taxation. Classical authors from the
ancient Mediterranean remind us that the scourge and the rack and were
used against negligent taxpayers. Fathers were compelled to prostitute
their daughters. Children were sold into slavery. Roman citizens began
to flee the nation to avoid taxation and repression. Diocletian imposed
price controls and harsh punishment in attempt to preserve the faltering
standards of weights and measures, and thereby the interests of late
Roman Imperial rulers. The 

[CTRL] Taxes on Mars

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 14
The Laissez Faire City Times
April 5, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 14
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
Taxes on Mars

by Peter Topolewski

Ontario is Canada’ richest province. Average income of Ontarians in 1998
was $27,309 (all currency amounts are quoted in Canadian dollars).
Converted to American dollars, that comes in just below Mississippi, the
poorest state in all the United States.

The reason for the disparity is obvious to those who care to look:
Canada is the land of regurgitated wealth.

All except the extremely poor (and their numbers are growing) toss about
half of their income into the belly of the governing system to have
small bits of it spit back at the entire populace in a rather even smear
of inadequate and inefficient services. In such an arrangement one is,
for taxable reasons, considered wealthy if one earns 60,000 or more
dollars a year. In Canada not only is it difficult to become wealthy
(even by these paltry standards), there is no incentive to do so.
Financial success is punished like no other.

In the vicious relationship between government supply and public demand
– and which came first remains a mystery – lies the reason Canada is
successfully making a move for the most oppressive tax system in the
world. The public’s child-like dependence on the government, and the
government infrastructure designed to satisfy that dependence, has
helped create and justify Canada’s tax regime. Among the results:
•Using a $60,000 threshold to classify citizens as "wealthy" and
therefore tax them the hardest.
•Provincial sales taxes averaging about 7 percent, plus a 7 percent
federal sales tax on nearly all good and services. Any wonder Canada is
officially a country of bargain hunters?
•A 7 percent luxury tax on any vehicle over $30,000. Soon enough those
hoping to avoid this can look forward to cruising the streets in Yugo’s.
•Alcohol, tobacco, and gasoline taxes average one half of the purchase
prices. Twelve beers cost about $18 and a gallon of gasoline about
•Government lottery companies that collect millions of dollars a month
from poor schmucks in exchange for the faintest hope of rescuing them
from their ruts. For many, a winning lottery ticket is the only way
they’ll get their heads above water; spending their extra cash on the
tickets conveniently keeps them where they are.
•According to recent studies, two thirds of Canadian homeowners are
below the poverty level.
•The ratio of consumer debt and mortgages to after-tax income is 101
•The average Canadian has a net worth of $400.

Such is the price of the glorious, Soviet way of life in Canada. An
unusual phenomenon has contributed to the cost. It could go by many
names – stupidity, ignorance, apathy, laziness, who knows what else? –
but the fact remains that Canadians bitch about taxes out of one side of
their mouth, and demand more government handouts from the other. In
British Columbia (BC) polls indicated that the public’s pre-budget
fervor called for more government spending. These cries reached their
peak during a week when the media was in a frenzy over expectations of
the government’s sixth consecutive budget deficit. The public attitude
in light of this expectation demonstrated several levels of stupidity.

First, according to the same polls most British Columbians didn’t even
know the provincial budgets had been in deficit, as the new one was
expected to be. Citizens have surrendered all sense and responsibility.

Second, while feeling screwed by government taxes and staring public
debt in the face, everybody suffers from the equivalent of a brain melt.
They make no connection between these two suffocating problems and their
own demand for more government services and government pampering (that
is, jobs). At night you can almost here them murmuring in their sleep:
the government grows money on trees.

Third, people look to the government as the Almighty Provider –
completely detached and lording above the people, and wholly capable of
providing for our needs with something resembling efficiency. Well, the
story of the government’s business genius is in the numbers. And while
politicians and bureaucrats alike claim they work in the interest of
preserving the socialist way of life, their results prove only one of
two things, and neither has a thing to do with preserving the current
state of affairs. Either,
•The government hopes to strain the system so they can collect and
control 100 percent of the people’s money, or
•The government is completely incompetent.

So who’s stupider, the government or the people who count on it to baby
them? You be the judge.

The Grim Case of British Columbia

British Columbia’s 1998-1999 fiscal year ended on March 31st. Last year
Finance Minister Joy McPhail projected a deficit of $95 million. It came
in at $544 

[CTRL] American Mental Health and Politics

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Laissez Faire City
Times - Volume 3 Issue 14
The Laissez Faire City Times
April 5, 1999 - Volume 3, Issue 14
Editor  Chief: Emile Zola
American Mental Health and Politics

by Robert L. Kocher

There is a great struggle defining the mental health as well as the
future of this nation. Perhaps the concerns I'm hearing, and the
condition of the country, is best summed up by two movies. One of them
is Rosemary's Baby. In the movie, an unknowing young woman is subtly
confused and taken over by a conspiracy of Satan worshipers whose intent
is to make her bear the devil's child. The plot becomes more convoluted
and bizarre until the night her husband, who is part of the conspiracy,
drugs her food and the Satan worshipers come to get her. As she is lain
out on a bed naked, and the devil arrives to have sexual intercourse
with her, with her last bit of lucidity she voices the realization,
"This isn't a dream. This is real."

Many of you have expressed the view, "This isn't a dream; this is real,"
followed by the implicit self doubting comment, "I think." The present
situation in this country is so grotesque that it strains the mind to
believe it is real, and we are also being told not to believe it is

The second movie was called Suddenly, Last Summer, starring Elizabeth
Taylor in her much younger years (1959). In the movie she is obsessed
with her cousin Sebastian, a young man who seems physically and
otherwise distant from her. Cousin Sebastian and his mother (played by
Katharine Hepburn) dress Taylor provocatively, which attracts the
attention of teenage boys at the local beach   whereupon the cousin
strikes up friendships with the boys, while ignoring Taylor. When she
begins questioning what is going on, her cousin and his mother present
her as being high strung, and get doctors to prescribe increasing
amounts of drugs to calm her nerves. Part of the movie presents scenes
as seen through Taylor’s drugged and confused eyes. As the movie goes
on, it begins to appear as though Cousin Sebastian is a homosexual, and
he and his mother are using Taylor as bait to procure boys while keeping
 her drugged from realization and protest. Taylor's confused attempts to
explain the situation are met with outside disbelief and justification
for increased doses of stupefying drugs. She is slowly pushed to the
point of losing conscious functioning sanity.

At the end of the movie the cousin is killed as a sadomasochistic act by
some of the boys he's been preying on. During the attempt to sort things
out, a young psychiatrist (played by Montgomery Clift) is brought in to
examine the supposedly insane Taylor. After hearing her story, the
psychiatrist looks up and says: Let us begin with the premise that
everything this woman has been trying to say is true.

The condition of this country is as warped as the plots of those two
movies. For us, unlike for the character played by Elizabeth Taylor,
there is no psychiatrist to intervene and validate the truth.

Liberalism as Mental Disorder

I make no secret that I'm of the position that the radical left, and
modern liberalism, are profound forms of mental disorder. There are
several liberal/leftist subcultures. Leftists are typically
characterized from among the following constellation: weakness of
intellect and intellectual discipline, regardless of education;
absorption with personal drives and impulses; failure to resolve the
conflicts of adolescence or conflicts between themselves and reality; a
diffuse bitterness toward life; self-absorbed immaturity; a
primitiveness of personality; an almost sadistic propensity for
destructiveness; poor levels of personal relationships; and numerous
other things   including a narcissistic desire to be intellectually
cute. This places me in direct opposition to probably 85 percent of the
present psychological and psychiatric professions, who are predominantly
liberal. The politics and public affairs of this nation increasingly
boil down to a case of two groups of people who have different views of

It is not possible to begin to explain the source of mental disorder in
less than hundreds of pages. What we will be primarily concerned with
here is present, past, and generational incidence of mental disorder in
this country.

Psychologists and, to a lesser extent, psychiatrists, in recent decades
have usually completed politically correct curricula in which the
quality control has become as much political as clinical, whereupon they
have been turned loose upon society like flocks of blackbirds every
semester. Many of them are not capable of working beyond the level of
cookbook evaluations and superficial psychotherapy. More than a few of
them write books of the quality of the heralded study released last week
where two University of Michigan researchers accused the political right
of being responsible 

[CTRL] Bill Clinton's Mentor

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

A HREF=""Bill Clinton's Mentor/A
Dr. Carroll Quigley
 the 'Network'
Revised Review by William DeVore

Sunday, April 4, 1999

How did a kid from Hope, [actually Hot Springs], Arkansas, without
wealth and powerful friends, find the knowledge to muster and facilitate
the most powerful political machine on earth? I may have a clue.

Most people have ruminated on how and why Bill Clinton continues to be
protected and even empowered by a seemingly omnipotent invisible force.
Is it God, perhaps? Or even luck? But whatever it is, it seems to work
in 'strange and wondrous ways'. Might we think about it?

An increasing few believe that a very conscious 'network' of interests,
who have long advanced and fostered Clinton's career, now seem resolute
to protect him at almost any cost. It also seems that their ability to
forge public opinion is awesome.

It is a profound mystery, why the elite of America's leaders, inside the
press, the academic world, and even the staid foreign policy
establishment, continue to protect him - even after he has been publicly
exposed, and proven to be criminal, in law, and morally bankrupt as
well. What can he say to Mrs. Broaddrick's charges with any degree of
credibility. So, he says nothing and the elite media charade continues

A Few Nagging Questions

Why has the top brass, who control NBC 'spiked' a sensational story,
that even their own news executives, after full investigation, see as a
"very credible," allegation of rape and cover-up against Bill Clinton by
a seemingly very credible Mrs. Juanita Broaddrick?

Those who have talked to her say she is fully aware of the ruined lives
and multiple deaths strewn all over the Clinton battlefield. She fears
for her precious life. She fears for the livelihood of her family's
nursing home business which is regulated by the corrupt Arkansas
political machine.

Why is she coming out of the closet now?

In an earlier version of this review, I said it was "knowledge of what
"this monster" [her words], might do to the nation. Seeing what is
happening won't let her keep silent any longer. She is trapped. Perhaps
so, perhaps not. " Then the Washington Post and The Wall Street Journal
state that she wanted to clear her husband of allegations that he had
accepted 'major favors' in return for silence. She obviously believes
there were none. This is probably true and helps to explain why OIC
Starr and the House Managers decided not bring her experience to bear in
the House and Senate proceedings.

But, both major stories in the Journal and the Post were in fact stories
about NBC and why 'someone' saw fit to override both Tim Russert and
Lisa Myers who fought tooth and nail for a timely air date. NBC is a
'network' and 'networking' brings us to the renowned expert in this
field, Dr. Carroll Quigley.

Is there a concerted 'network' protecting Bill Clinton?

Perhaps a clue can be found in reading what Roger Morris reveals about
Dr. Carroll Quigley in his best selling book, Partners in Power. Dr.
Quigley was Bill Clinton's mentor and teacher at Georgetown University.

Before his recent death, Professor Quigley was considered the world's
leading expert on a 'power clique' which he described as a 'concerted
network' which shapes political destiny and fosters talented politicians
like Bill Clinton.

If Knowledge is power, and few will argue differently, Bill Clinton owes
both his knowledge and power to the 'network' introduced to him by Dr.
Quigley. The question I have is this:

Is this the 'network' with seemingly godlike powers which continues to
protect Bill Clinton at the sacrifice of America's 'rule of law'?

A Special Two Minute Excerpt from
Partners in Power
by Roger Morris
- - -
Spread across a hundred acres on the rolling bluffs above the Potomac in
northwest Washington, the Georgetown campus was one of the capital's
landmarks. Overlooking the river were the Gothic spires of the venerable
and picturesque Georgetown College for arts and sciences.
On the gracious Georgetown campus that autumn, [1967], where a future
president was intent on the politics of the moment, Virginia Clinton had
come to help get him settled, and his provincial Arkansas education had
raised eyebrows from the start. "What in the name of the Holy Father is
a Southern Baptist who can't speak a foreign language doing in the
mother of all Jesuit schools?" a priest had asked them smilingly but
pointedly when they checked in. "Don't worry," her son had told her.
"They'll know what I'm doing here when I've been here awhile." Less than
a day later he was campaigning for freshman class president...

John Kalell, a freshman, remembered the tall, cheery Southerner coming
by the dormitory already leading a "a coterie" of students who "had some
belief in him," thrusting out his hand to introduce 

[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: Day 13, Update 1 (Apr. 5; 0:10AM EST) - A Special TiM GW Bulletin on Kosovo Crisis

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List


The Special "Kosovo Crisis" Truth in Media Global Watch Bulletins, such as
the one enclosed below, can also be accessed at our Web site: which is being updated throughout the day.

Apr. 5, 1999; 0:10AM EST


"I don't fear our government anymore because I already know what they are
all about."

Darren G. Sarvis, an American citizen who is wide awake
(the TiM reader who offered us his comments about Henry Kissinger -see Day
12, Update 2, Item 6 - as Mr. Sarvis said he didn't mind being quoted by
his full name).


New York   1. An NWO Murder Triangle: Two Goliaths Turn on David;
   CIA Refused to Back an Anti-Milosevic Coup

Milwaukee: 2. U.S./NATO Violating a Slew of International Laws

London:  3. RAF to Use Cluster Bombs against the Serbs

London:  4. A War Too Far (By Julie Burchill)


1. An NWO Murder Triangle: Two Goliaths Turn on David; CIA Refused to Back
an Anti-Milosevic Coup

NEW YORK, Apr. 4 - Picture a little David battling the Goliath (A) -
bringing him almost to his knees at least three times in the last eight
years.   Each time, another bigger Goliath (B) to whom David turned for
help to finish off their mutual enemy, refused it.  And so the Goliath (A)
kept surviving, and David kept getting more and more depressed.  And then
one day, the Goliath (B) decided to taken on the Goliath (A) - by beating
up on the little David and killing his offspring!

By now you've probably figured out who the characters in this murder
triangle are.  The Goliath (A) is Slobodan Milosevic; the Goliath (B) is
Bill Clinton; and the little David, of course, are the Serbian people.

You've heard us say many times that the NWO needs the "bad guys," like
Milosevic or Saddam Hussein.  For, how else could they justify going to
war? (see "An ugly double standard in Kosovo conflict," this writer's
Washington Times column, Oct. 25, 1998 - available at our Web site).

Well, now a source within CIA has confirmed what we have been saying all
along.  That the U.S. government has been secretly propping up Milosevic
while demonizing him publicly at the same time.  And now, the Goliath (B)
is bombing Serbia and killing innocent Davids while supposedly fighting the
Goliath (A).

Things don't get more stupid than that.

"Several Serbian officials plotted to oust Yugoslav President Slobodan
Milosevic in the early 1990s, but abandoned the plan after failing to win
support from the United States," Reuters reported today, crediting the
Newsweek magazine as the source.

The magazine reported that the CIA penetrated Milosevic's government.  One
agency veteran was quoted as saying that prior to the 1995 Dayton peace
accord, "we were doing all kinds of dicey things, covertly."

The Newsweek said the CIA was contacted by a Milosevic insider who said he
had the backing of key Yugoslav military leaders to overthrow the
president.  The plotters sought U.S. financing and a pledge from Washington
to lift economic sanctions if the plot succeeded, but the CIA declined to
approve the plan. The source said the U.S. administration considered
Milosevic indispensable to negotiations aimed at ending the fighting in

Just as they did when they turned their backs on hundreds of thousands of
Serb pro-democracy demonstrators in the winter of 1996-1997.

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal's Friday (Apr. 2) editorial noted that,
"the political establishment in Washington is beginning to criticize
President Clinton severely for ignoring the advice of the military and CIA
that ground troops would be necessary, that air power alone would not deter
Milosevic and the Serbs. There is now talk of a military disaster."

The Journal then offered a "remedy:" Get rid of Milosevic!

"Having made this mess, the only thing that can redeem it is the removal
from power of Milosevic. The crucial step is to declare removal as a goal.
Currently we are slipping toward exactly the wrong way to try to compel
this outcome, using escalating air power to attack civilian targets such as
power grids.

After all, just over two years ago, these Serbian civilians took to
Belgrade's streets to demonstrate against Milosevic. Before that, in 1991,
some 200,000 of them demonstrated against Milosevic's war policies, which
have been utterly devastating for the Serbs themselves. Indeed, once the
goal of removal is in place, the U.S. could announce a pause in the bombing
to see whether there are in fact dissidents in the Serbian military who
might move against him."

Once again, things don't get more stupid than that.  Except that this time,
it is the Clinton "conservative" opposition that's proposing a pipe dream.

Apart from a few "trivial" logistical problems, such as how to get to
Milosevic in the middle of a war, 

[CTRL] Fwd: SNET: Clinton E.O. 13107: Legislature cannot vote on laws w/o UnitedNations approval

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

(sent to USCMike1's 30,477+ readers - please repost to your own mailing lists)

Dear Citizens, Patriots, Veterans, et al.:

Here is a group that says they have a solution to the problem or our evil 
government.  Please visit their website and tell them USCMike1 sent you.

Also, please read what they say about Clinton's illegal, immoral, 
UNConstitutional Presidential Executive Order No. 13107 which places all our 
Congress and legislation under the control and approval of the non-entity, 
non-sovereign United Nations organization which is NOT a union of nations 
united but a front or cover for the original illuminati.



Constitutionists Networking Center
Satisfied with Government as is?

 If not,  and if you love liberty and want to help restore it in America and 
to preserve it for your posterity,  we invite you to study the WEB site of 
the only known organization having a comprehensive plan for returning 
government to within the limits prescribed by the Constitution for the United 
States of America.

Form a Take America Back Team!
See the latest press releases and read the
NEW! Press Release Feb 22, 1999
EO - 13107
Press Release Feb 7, 1999


[US or UN? This order says, in effect, that our legislature cannot vote on 
laws without the permisssion of the United Nations. The United Nations will 
monitor the states. All laws must conform to the U.N treaty.]  CNC Director, 
Walter Myers, presented a letter to his County Commissioners on Monday 
(2-1-99) relative to the above EO.  See copies of the proposed letter to 
Attorney General Stovall and the other county commissioners if there is 
anyone interested in submitting a similar letter and fact sheet to their 
commissioners. "It's the sort of action that I think should be taken in 
unison in every county so it would become clear that we have a movement 
rather than leaving the impression that there are but a few isolated 
disgruntled citizens." See the EO 13107 here on this site or go to the White 
House site. Read comments re: EO13107 

Read the
signed by:
General Raymond G. Davis, USMC (rtd)
National Chairman,
Evan Mecham, Chairman,
Constitutionist's Networking Center
former POW and Governor of Arizona

Picture: To Tame A TyrantTired of Big Brother in your life . . . This 
highly acclaimed book will explain its cause and how you can become part of 
the cure!Picture: Take Action Now! 
And...  Contact Your Representatives!

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[CTRL] Serbian Cartoonist: A Nihilistic Mood

1999-04-05 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

NOTE:  Following is the latest e-mail from from Serbian cartoonist Sasa
Rekazic (aka Aleksandar Zograf), creator of Alas!, Life Under Sanctions,
and Psychonaut.  He has been witnessing the bombing of Pancevo by NATO and
is managing to stay in contact with the international comics community
despite his computer being down.

Mack White

From: "Aleksandar Zograf" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sasa Rakezic
26000 Pancevo
Yugoslavia /Serbia/

Hello -
Yesterday it was very cloudy, so it seems that they haven't dropped as much
bombs as it was usual during the past few days...Oh, well...
I was thinking about the changes that the use of internet has brought to
our life... Maybe it was really visible through this war - I just read the
forwarded letter about the strangest topic - it seems that somebody from
Italy has found out somehow the E mail addresses of the pilots from the
planes which are taking off from the NATO base in Aviano...The addresses
were sent to friends in Serbia, and it initiated the  "correspondence"
(mostly consisting of offense exchanges) between the people who are
dropping bombs, and those who are living in the places where the bombs are
supposed to be dropped.That's the modern technology...
I saw some excerpts from the pilotes' "letters", which were quite
disgusting, and I can only imagine the language used by those "on the
ground" who were writing to them...These things are always stupid and I
like to stay away from that sort of meaningless jabbering...
Speaking of jabbering, there's a lot of it on the Serbian media, which are
now almost absolutely controlled by the regime...I can't listen to one more
 insult based on Clinton's sex affairs, or all that patriotic songs, or any
other nonsense like that...I have met a guy from the local Peace Movement,
and he told me - "Everything that we tried to achieve past several years
was anihilated after the bombing has began".
 Today, the complete staff from the independent radio station B92 from
Belgrade is kicked out from their office by the police
I can't help but being nihilistic today

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] The Templar Revelation

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:512442"The Templar Revelation/A
Subject: The Templar Revelation
From: Rowland Croucher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, Apr 4, 1999 11:28 PM

Book Review: The Templar Revelation by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince,
Corgi Books,1997.

Psst!!! Calling all conspiracy theorists: what are the connections
between the Freemasons, the Rosicrucians, the Shroud of Turin, the
Priory of Sion, the Cathars, the Knights Templar, John the Baptist, Mary
Magdalene, Leonardo da Vinci, Jesus, the St. Clairs, the Isis Cult, and
the Holy Grail? A bunch of books with titles like In His Own Image: Real
Story of the Turin Shroud, Holy Blood Holy Grail, The Second Messiah,
and The Hiram Key, feed this frenzy for alternative theories about the
origins of Christianity. There's a host of websites devoted to these
themes [1]. You must look for clues in movies too: note that the actor
Roger Moore plays, in movie The Saint, Simon TEMPLAR, and in movie The
Persuaders Lord SINCLAIR. Why has the Catholic Church persecuted sects
connected with John the Baptist - like the Mandaeans, the Simonians, and
the Dositheans? And what about the odd things happening for centuries in
Provence and the Languedoc in the south of France? Why are the Grand
Masters of the Priory of Sion always called John? Why the ferocity by
Rome against the Cathars? (When the crusaders asked the Pope's legates
how they would know these heretics apart from the general population,
they received the now notorious reply: 'Kill them all. God will know his
own.') Something's going on here…

One of the latest books to address these themes is The Templar
Revelation. It's written like a detective thriller. Someone on the Web
AGAIN! There's a strand of 'the real truth' preserved through the
centuries but encoded in works of art and even in the great Gothic
cathedrals of Europe…

First, are there really coded messages in the paintings of Leonardo da
Vinci? Who's the mysterious 'Lady M' in da Vinci's Last Supper? Did he
really regard John the Baptist as superior to Jesus? Now remember
Leonardo might have been Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. Why the
veneration of John the Baptist by the Templars and the Priory of Sion?
Trips to the South of France turn up clues that Mary Magdalene might
have lived there: and factor in the connections with the pagan cult of
the Black Madonna. Why was this Mary so significant to the heretical
underground movements in Europe? Why the strong links with medieval
troubadours and Gothic Cathedrals, and the Priory of Sion?

The investigation moves to the central theme of the Feminine in the
works/worship of individuals and groups like the Templars, St. Bernard
of Clairvaux and the Abbe Sauniere. The Templars, an order of knights,
had a passion for sacred knowledge - borrowing principles of sacred
geometry from the Arabs, gnostic ideas from the Cathars, etc. etc. They
venerated the two Johns - the Baptist and the Evangelist. Now why were
they suppressed by Rome and forced to go underground? Perhaps they'd
uncovered something which would rock the very foundations of

There's a deep dark 2000-year-old secret hiding here somewhere. The
authors call it 'The Great European Heresy' - - the extreme veneration,
even the covert worship, of Mary Magdalene and of John the Baptist.

So we come to the main thesis: the 'unimaginable possibility' … 'that
Jesus and his mission may have been very different from the one taught
by the Church.' The bombshell: 'There is evidence that the Magdalene was
Jesus' wife - or at least, his lover'. But wait a minute: how is the Son
of God related to such figures as Diana the Huntress and the Egyptian
goddess of love and magic, Isis? Why are there so many parallels between
the life of Jesus and the story of Osiris? Ah, 'Jesus and the Magdalene
were living out the story of Osiris' death and resurrection…' And
crucifixion made perfect sense - 'for the cross was already an ancient
Osiran symbol.' ' Jesus was playing the role of a Dying God who was
resurrected thanks to the intervention - magical or otherwise - of his
"goddess", his sexual and spiritual partner, Mary Magdalene.'

This theory has to be reinforced, of course, by accepting Gnostic works
as at least equally worthy our attention to the four Gospels. And 'not
only do these suppressed books tend to stress the importance of Mary
Magdalene… they also present a religion that had its roots - unlike that
of the New Testament books - in Egyptian theology'. Mary Magdalene was
purportedly a priestess of the Isis cult, in "true" Christianity; John
the Baptist was an Isian devotee carrying on a missionary crusade in
Palestine. One of his followers, who came to be known as Jesus Christ,

[CTRL] Waco, Serbia, and Equal Justice Under Law -- (0)

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:512390"Waco, Serbia, and Equal
Justice Under Law -- (0)
Subject: Waco, Serbia, and Equal Justice Under Law -- (0)
From: Persons Of Conscience [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, Apr 4, 1999 8:31 PM

Waco, Serbia, and Equal Justice Under Law -- (0)

Preamble:  We are slaughtering the Serbs right now.  Why?  We are told we are
slaughtering the Serbs because they did the same to others.

But wait.  Do you believe this?  Six years ago US military and government
employees murdered the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas: Men, woman, and
children all innocent before the law.  These murderers--among them President
Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno--are still walking around free, on the
US payroll.

Waco makes liars of all who claim concern for human rights in Yugoslavia.
Because Waco is a model for murder, deception and cover-up, it behooves us to
revisit what happened there.  These serialized excerpts from the Waco
Holocaust Electronic Museum can be found at:

Text Excerpt 0: Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum

  Why the Waco Holocaust Matters

When barbarities are practiced by a government, civilized people
must stand up and say STOP! lest the whole society be consumed by
barbarism.  Over the cornice of the US Supreme Court these words
are etched:

Equal Justice Under Law

Those words apply to both the Branch  Davidians and their murderers.

As a society, we do not let murderers go free, for experience shows
they will murder again.  Under a system of equal justice, when
physical and circumstantial evidence indicates a person has committed
a crime, he or she is indicted and brought before a jury.  So it
should be: one rule of law for all.

The American Revolution specifically rejected the concept of the
Divine Right of Kings.  The American revolutionaries believed that
legitimate political power arose from each and every individual
person, and was delegated by them to government.  The government was
to be a servant of the people.  Under this system, servants of the
people (the government) have no Divine Right to murder their employers
(the citizens).

Thomas Jefferson said that the tree of liberty is nourished by the
blood of tyrants and the blood of patriots.  We citizens of the US
will not be intimidated into silence or acquiescence.  We are the
inheritors of the American Revolution.

By this crime, the US government proclaimed itself to be the enemy of
the people.  When the executive branch of government turns to
murdering the citizens, what redress do the citizens have? Who will
arrest and try a murderous general, and who will arrest and try a
murderous attorney general?

Congress could have taken a number of immediate remedial actions.  It
could have conducted an honest, vigorous investigation.  It could have
immediately reduced funding to the agencies involved by the amount
spent.  It could have disbanded the units involved, fired the
personnel, and prohibited them evermore from federal benefits and
employment.  It could have impeached the military and civilian
officials involved; it could have seen that a Special Prosecutor was
appointed, and vigorous prosecutions conducted.

When the Congressional hearings on Waco took place in the summer of
1995, many Americans hoped that an honest investigation would be done.
But Congress suppressed the evidence and became accessories to the

For less evidence than you see on these pages, ordinary people are
convicted and sentenced to death.   After World War II, the Allies prosecuted
defeated Germans for alleged crimes against German citizens.  What hypocrisy
makes the world community turn its face from the American crimes against
the Branch Davidians?

It is because of the evidence you will see on these pages that
Americans are arming themselves, to protect their families against the
outlaws, whether the outlaws wear the uniforms of the US military or
law enforcement.

Look at the evidence against the US military and law enforcement.  We
have documented their outrageous lies.  We have the evidence of their
murders.  We have the autopsy reports, we have photos of the twisted
bodies, of the tortured, gassed, mutilated, and burned.

Righteous people of the world: Look! You are the jury.  Look at our

Next: Excerpt 1, The War Against the Branch Davidians

Entire set of text excerpts from the Museum available with
anonymous ftp from
Excerpted by Carol Valentine. Images omitted. Visit the Museum at


Copyright 1996 by Carol A. Valentine, on loan to Public Action,
Inc. All commercial rights are reserved. Full statement of terms
and conditions for copying 

Re: [CTRL] Thank You (dry ice)

1999-04-05 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Okay.think I will just buy the brickshad to get the last word

Thanks again...don;t know what I would do with all that dry ice


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Providence and George Herbert Walker Bush (G. H. Walker, Inc.)

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:512347"Providence and George Herbert
Walker Bush (G. H. Walker, Inc.)
Subject: Providence and George Herbert Walker Bush (G. H. Walker, Inc.)
From: John McLoughlin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sun, Apr 4, 1999 5:07 PM

Just a little preview of what will be revealed at the
Providence JFK Conference regarding the linkage of former
CIA honcho Lyman S. Kirkpatrick of Providence RI to G. H. Walker, Laird
of Providence, Rhode Island in the early 1970's.  The company was
started by George Herbert Walker the maternal grandfather
of Georgie boy hisself.  I did not know that G. H. Walker  Co. was
much like Sullivan and Cromwell where Allen Dulles plied his trade
in his early days.  Imaginge, little old Providence RI was the
home of Lyman S. Kirkpatrick, and one of the chief haunts of
Czar Anastase Vonsiatsky star of "The Russian Fascists".

Does showing a relationship between Lyman S. Kirkpatrick and George
Bush in 1971 prove that Bush WAS CIA?  Maybe.  Does it prove he
was very close to CIA types in 1971?  Yes.  When you combine this
fact with one other statement made by my uncle Charles Yost who
used to WORK for Arthur Goldberg at the United Nations, you will reach
one and only one conclusion.  Lyman Kirkpatrick and George Bush
were so close in 1971 that Bush provided a very large favor to
Lyman in 1971, providing employment as a Partner and Manager
to someone who was very close to Lyman on the hereditary scale.
(Read: progeny.)  This is just so anyone who wants to check it out
in advance can do so.  The SEC keeps records of who were branch
managers of NYSE Investment firms over the years.  I know this for
a fact.  I worked there just out of college.

Arthur Goldberg never trusted Bush and neither did my uncle.  Now
I see why Goldberg never trusted Allen Dulles.  Now I am convinced
that Dulles had nothing but ulterior motives in the Warren cover-up.

Here are my conclusions:

1) George Bush was CIA in the 1960's and the early 1970's before the UN
job he had under Nixon's appointment.
2) Bush's Father and Grandfather were Nazi Sympathizers.
3) Bush and Dulles were also Nazi sympathizers and closet Nazis.

George's son, is just carrying out the family tradition.

Vonsiatsky was deMohrenschildt's mentor and manager, by the way.
deMohrenschildt's wife was BORN in Harbin, Manchuria, Manchuoko,
where the HQ of Vonsiatsky's Russian Fascist Org was located.
George's favorite nickname?  Philip Harbin or "I love Harbin".



Like Richard Nixon, George Bush was a strong
anti drug president, escalating the so-called "war on
drugs" begun by Nixon. And, like Nixon, George Bush was deeply
involved with supporting the Nazis in the Republican's closet. In
fact, support for the Nazis was a Bush family tradition which goes
back more than six decades and, once again, to Allen Dulles.

Loftus and Aarons write: "The real story of George Bush starts well
before he launched his own career. It goes back to the 1920s,
when the Dulles brothers and the other pirates of Wall Street were
making their deals with the Nazis. . . ."


"George Bush's problems were inherited from his
namesake and maternal grandfather, George Herbert 'Bert'
Walker, a native of St. Louis, who founded the banking and
investment firm of G. H. Walker and Company in 1900.
Later the company shifted from St. Louis to the prestigious
address of 1 Wall Street. . . .

"Walker was one of Hitler's most powerful financial
supporters in the United States. The relationship went all
the way back to 1924, when Fritz Thyssen, the German
industrialist, was financing Hitler's infant Nazi party. As
mentioned in earlier chapters, there were American
contributors as well.

"Some Americans were just bigots and made their
connections to Germany through Allen Dulles's firm of
Sullivan and Cromwell because they supported Fascism.
The Dulles brothers, who were in it for profit more than
ideology, arranged American investments in Nazi Germany
in the 1930s to ensure that their clients did well out of the
German economic recovery. . . .

"Sullivan  Cromwell was not the only firm engaged in
funding Germany. According to 'The Splendid Blond Beast,'
Christopher Simpson's seminal history of the politics of
genocide and profit, Brown Brothers, Harriman was
another bank that specialized in investments in Germany.
The key figure was Averill Harriman, a dominating figure in
the American establishment. . . .

"The firm originally was known as W. A. Harriman 
Company. The link between Harriman  Company's

[CTRL] The Clinton Doctrine.

1999-04-05 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

 April 19, 1999

 The Clinton Doctrine

 See below for background and related information.

 E-mail this story to a friend.

 President Clinton's decision to use military force against the Serbs was not 
simply a
 calculated response to Slobodan Milosevic's intransigence. A careful reading of 
 Administration statements and Pentagon documents shows that the NATO bombing is
 part of a larger strategic vision.

 That vision has three basic components. The first is an increasingly pessimistic 
 of the global security environment. "In this last annual threat assessment of the 
 century," Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet testified on February 2, 
"I must
 tell you that US citizens and interests are threatened in many arenas and across 
a wide
 spectrum of issues." Those perils range from regional conflict and insurgency to
 terrorism, criminal violence and ethnic unrest.

 The second component is the assumption that as a global power with far-flung
 economic interests, the United States has a vested interest in maintaining 
 stability. Because no other power or group of powers can guarantee this 
stability, the
 United States must be able to act on its own or in conjunction with its most 
trusted allies
 (meaning NATO).

 The third component is a conviction that to achieve global stability, the United 
 must maintain sufficient forces to conduct simultaneous military operations in 
 separated areas of the world against multiple adversaries, and it must revise its 
 security alliances--most of which, like NATO, are defensive in nature--so that 
they can
 better support US global expeditionary operations.

 Combined, these three propositions constitute a new strategic template for the US
 military establishment. This template is evident, for example, in the $112 
billion the
 President wants to add to the Defense Department budget over the next six years,
 which will be used to procure additional warships, cargo planes, assault vehicles 
 other equipment intended for "power projection" into distant combat zones.

 Less public, but no less significant, is the US effort to convert NATO from a 
 alliance in Western Europe into a regional police force governed by Washington.
 Secretary of State Madeleine Albright first unveiled this scheme this past 
December at a
 meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels. Claiming that missile-armed "rogue
 states" pose as great a threat to Europe as the Warsaw Pact once did, Albright 
 on NATO to extend its operational zone into distant areas and to combat a wide 
 of emerging threats. "Common sense tells us," she said, "that it is sometimes 
better to
 deal with instability when it is still at arm's length than to wait until it is 
at our doorstep."

 Herein lies the essence of what might be termed the Clinton Doctrine--the 
 that the best way to maintain stability in the areas that truly matter to the 
United States
 (like Western Europe) is to combat instability in other areas, however 
insignificant it
 may seem, before it can intensify and spread. Perhaps the most explicit 
expression of
 this doctrine was Clinton's February 26 speech in San Francisco--an important
 statement that clearly foreshadowed the decision to bomb Serbia:

  It's say that we really have no interests in who lives in this or 
  valley in Bosnia, or who owns a strip of brushland in the Horn of Africa,
  or some piece of parched earth by the Jordan River. But the true measure
  of our interests lies not in how small or distant these places are, or in
  whether we have trouble pronouncing their names. The question we must
  ask is, what are the consequences to our security of letting conflicts fester
  and spread. We cannot, indeed, we should not, do everything or be
  everywhere. But where our values and our interests are at stake, and
  where we can make a difference, we must be prepared to do so
  [emphasis added].

 This is an extraordinary statement; not since the Vietnam era has a US President
 articulated such an ambitious and far-reaching policy. Moreover, as we have seen 
in the
 Balkans, Clinton has every intention of acting on its precepts. His decision to 
 Serbia is consistent with a clearly delineated strategic plan.

 There is a growing debate over the wisdom of bombing Serbia. Certainly many people
 are concerned about the humanitarian dimensions of the Serbian actions in Kosovo. 
 in the course of this debate it is essential not to lose sight of the larger 
strategic doctrine
 behind the bombing. If the newly hatched Clinton Doctrine is not 


1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

from alt.conspiracy
As always, Caveat Lector.
A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:512085"HAROLD  LIL WEISBERG/A
From: "tomnln" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, Apr 3, 1999 11:42 AM
Message-id: 7e5r2c$fho$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I realize that most of you are "Whiz-Bangs" on the subject of the
JFK Assassination

BUT!!!  For the HONEST ones of you,  I'm sure that you will agree that
Harold Weisberg  his Sweet wife Lil are "PIONEERS" among Critics

Because they are both in what could be called "The September of Their Years"
their health leaves something to be desired.

On the 8th and 18th of April They will be reaching their 86th and 87th

What a GREAT time to send a card or even a phone call...
Let them know you appreciate their works..

Following is their address:
(For Phone # please contact me by e-mail)

Harold (Lil) Weisberg
7627 Old Receiver Road
Frederick, MD 21702


Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] Bear B*tt Bares Baldface . . .

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

For ya'll edification.  As always, Caveat Lector.

Bottoms up . . .

A HREF=""BearBottoms's Web Page
(generated by XOOM's Eas
The myths about Mena, Arkansas and Barry Seal
I am a pilot. Barry Seal, notorious Drug Smuggler, was my
brother-in-law. What is not very well known is: I flew the smuggling
flights for him. I was not caught. Except for the smuggling flights and
subsequent informant drug stings, all of the stories surrounding Seal
are false. You have been lied to if you have knowledge of these stories.
The government and the media have told the lies. There are many
bandwagon jumpers who have tried to use Seal's name/organization for
their own personal agendas. These stories are also not true. I will
present the true story on this website and will offer definitive proof
that my story is true. I will update this site with documents,
testimony, and pictures as fast as possible.

In a nutshell, Seal was fired from TWA in 1974 as a result of an
indictment for his piloting part of an attempt to smuggle explosives to
anti-Castro Rebels in Mexico. He thought he was doing an honorable
thing. He began smuggling pot and was caught and jailed in Honduras in
1979. When he was released from jail, I was released from active duty as
a Navy pilot in 1980. We hooked up (he was married to my sister) and
began the most sophisticated cocaine smuggling operation of the era.
From 1980 till 1984, I flew about 25 successful flights from South
America and airdropped the loads averaging 300 kilos each into
Louisiana. Seal retrieved the loads and sent them to the owners in Miami
and Los Angeles. The dope was owned by the Medellin Cartel and we were
paid as transportation specialists of 5,000 dollars per kilo. Mena,
Arkansas was used as a aircraft storage base, diversion, hideout,
maintenance, and modification facility only. All of the other stories
are untrue.

Seal caught in Operation Screamer turned Informant
Seal was set up by a friend in trouble in 1980. He sold fake Quaaludes
to an undercover cop in "Operation Screamer," a Florida drug sting. The
indictments from Screamer did not come out until late 1982. Seal was
facing major jail time and elected to become an informant to reduce it.
It was not easy, but he won an audience with Bush's anti-drug task force
and was assigned to Florida DEA agents Bob Joura and Ernst Jacobsen.
They went after the whole top level of the Medellin Cartel. Seal set up
a 1,500 kilo trip for Pablo Escobar. The plane crashed on take-off in
Colombia. The Cartel gave him another aircraft, but it had to be
refueled enroute to make it to the U.S. The Cartel offered Seal
Nicaragua as a refueling site. I will attach a file that will describe
these historic events in detail. After the Nicaraguan sting, Seal set up
another sting involving the Prime Minister of the Turks and Caicos
islands. As a result of the Nicaraguan sting, Seal had a contract on his
head and the government would not let him fly it. I volunteered and
recieved a letter of immunity from prosecution for accepting the
dangerous mission to Boliva and subsequent return to Las Vegas. This
event began in late 1984. The government double-crossed Seal in
Louisiana and placed him on a silver platter for the Medellin Cartel to
carry out a contracted hit by placing Seal unprotected in a Salvation
Army halfway house in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Seal was machine gunned to
death at six p.m. while sitting in his car in the parking lot of the
halfway house on Feb. 19, 1986. I will bring you the full details as
much as this web space will provide. All other stories relating to CIA,
weapons, Bill Clinton, and sensationalisms are untrue.
A HREF=""Ollie North and
Barry Seal Story (generated by

After the Operation Screamer indictments in early 1983, Barry Seal made
a decision to try and work off his legal problems. He started trying to
get someone to work with him. He was having difficulty finding someone.
Finally, in March of 1984 he flew his Lear Jet to Washington and
received an audience with Vice President Bush's Anti-Drug Task Force. He
first went to the National Narcotics Border Interdiction office and was
referred to DEA Agent Frank White. Mr. White was a staff investigator
for DEA’s Chief of Cocaine Desk Ron Caffrey. He told them an
unbelievable story. He left, however, without a deal. Soon after, he was
contacted and told that DEA Agents Robert Joura and Ernst Jacobsen would
get with him and see if he could produce anything they would be 

[CTRL] Rambouillet, and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.

1999-04-05 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

The Serbs' refusal to sign the Rambouillet Treaty being forced upon
them by Richard Holbrooke ( CFR ) is the excuse for the Western
Capitalists and their political elites in NWO Europe and NWO run
America, to destroy a sovereign state which has no interest in
joining the new Corporate Economic Order being forced upon them.

Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties:

 "It is illegal under international law to use force to compel any
state to sign an international agreement."
The Rambouillet process is a violation of international law.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


[CTRL] Fwd: Re: Clinton NATO's Kosovo - Ground Troops Needed?

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

Russia may be broke, but China certainly isn't.   We should take both of them

Why would Albright weigh in against the Joint Chiefs of Staff?  What American
interests is she claiming to protect?

Best Regards,

Marshall Houston
Portland, Oregon

Monday  April 5  1999
Zhu warns attack could start world war

Premier Zhu Rongji criticised the bombing campaign as an intervention in
the affairs of a sovereign nation, warning that the attack could lead to
a world war.

"All internal matters should be left for the country itself to resolve,"
Mr Zhu said.

"If we should refuse to recognise a country's sovereignty, I'm afraid
that would lead to a world war," he told the Globe and Mail of Toronto.

The Premier's remarks came on the eve of a two-week North American tour
beginning tomorrow in California and ending on April 20 in Canada.

Mr Zhu called for an immediate halt to the air strikes, which he said
almost caused him to cancel his trip to the United States.

"If military interventionism is to be allowed in all internal matters
like a question of human rights of any country, that will open a very
bad precedent in the world," he said.

"We do not have a world tribunal or a world police" to enforce
international human rights standards, he said. "So who should be the
person to make the decision to use all this military force?"

The Premier said the principle of non-intervention applied to China's
record in Tibet and Taiwan, as well as to Britain's handling of Northern
Ireland or Canadian affairs in Quebec.

The Premier said he had been tempted to cancel his visit to the US
because of the air strikes and anti-Chinese sentiment in Washington amid
accusations of spying against Beijing.

He said chances to reach an accord on China's entry into the World Trade
Organisation were slim since the White House seemed "rather reluctant"
to push for it.

He criticised US plans to establish a Southeast Asia Theatre Missile
Defence programme to boost the defence capabilities of Japan and Taiwan.

Mr Zhu warned that including Taiwan in the system "would be very
dangerous" as it would be interpreted as an "encroachment upon China's

"The proposal to establish [a system] does not conform with the
international treaties on missiles," he said.

Joint Chiefs Doubted Air Strategy
By Bradley Graham
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, April 5, 1999; Page A01

In the weeks before NATO launched its air campaign against Yugoslavia,
U.S. military chiefs expressed deep reservations about the Clinton
administration's approach to Kosovo and warned that bombing alone likely
would not achieve its political aims, according to sources familiar with
their thinking.

The Pentagon's senior four-star officers, meeting in closed-door
sessions in the Pentagon's secure "tank" room, argued that the
administration should use more economic sanctions and other non-military
levers to compel Belgrade to make peace in the rebellious Serbian
province before resorting to airstrikes. They also complained about what
they saw as the lack of a long-term vision for the Balkans and
questioned whether U.S. national interests there were strong enough to
merit a military confrontation.

"I think it's safe to say that I don't think anybody felt like there had
been a compelling argument made that all of this was in our national
interest," said one senior officer knowledgeable about the

Led by Gen. Henry H. Shelton, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the
commanders challenged in particular the "domino theory" being pressed in
interagency discussions by Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright.
"Losing" Kosovo, she and her allies in the discussions maintained, would
lead to wider destabilization in the Balkans that sooner or later would
damage U.S. interests in Europe -- so better to act before it was too

Ultimately, the chiefs agreed unanimously last month to go along with
airstrikes, embracing the administration's view that U.S. leadership in
NATO had to be preserved and that the looming humanitarian catastrophe
in Kosovo had to be addressed, the sources said. But the earlier
hesitations had been forwarded to President Clinton and his aides, and
reports from the White House have said doubts from the military were
weighed in the final decision to go to war.

Twelve days into the bombing campaign, the military leaders remain
doubtful that airstrikes alone can satisfy the larger political
objectives put forward by Clinton and other NATO leaders: stopping the
violence in Kosovo and driving Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic
back to the bargaining table.

They fret that the American public was not adequately prepared to accept
a prolonged air operation. But they have been 

[CTRL] Fwd: Kosovo and Regional Priority Shifts

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

Assad seek major arms deal in first Moscow visit in 9 years

Special to World
Monday, April 5, 1999

LONDON [MENL] -- Syrian President Hafez Assad plans to visit Moscow
later this month as part of an effort by Damascus to complete a huge
arms purchase deal with Russia.

Officials in Moscow said Assad will arrive in Moscow on April 13 and
will meet with Russian President Boris Yeltsin and Prime Minister
Yevgeny Primakov. The focus of the discussions, they said, will be
bilateral relations and the Middle East peace process.

The visit will be Assad's first in nine years. The Syrian president did
not visit Moscow since the end of the Cold War.

Diplomatic sources said Assad and his Russian hosts will try to resolve
the $11 billion Syrian debt to Moscow. Syria has refused to acknowledge
the debt and Russian exports to Damascus has not renewed in nearly a

The sources said Russia has been considering a proposal to forgive 85
percent of the debt. The rest of the debt will be covered by Syrian

The London-based Arabic language daily Al Hayat said on Sunday that
Syria appears on the verge of succeeding in raising $1 billion from Iran
and Gulf Arab states to buy advanced armaments from Russia. The
newspaper said the arms negotiations are stuck over Assad's insistence
of long-term payment schedule for the weapons.

Russian officials have insisted that any new arms deal with Syria be
based on a cash basis.

Russia has vowed to continue defense cooperation with Syria despite a
U.S. decision to impose sanctions on three Russian firms charged with
selling anti-tank missiles to Syria. The companies were identified as
Tula Design Bureau, the Volsk Mechanical Plant and the Central Research
Institute for Machine-Tool Engineering.

"The charges are groundless," Russian Defense Minister Igor Sergeyev

The Itar-Tass news agency quoted a senior Defense Ministry official as
saying that Russia would continue to fulfill defense contracts with
Damascus. Col. Gen. Leonid Ivashov, head of the Defense Ministry's
department of international cooperation, said the U.S. decision to
impose sanctions is "part of the U.S. political authoritarian policy
aimed at ensuring U.S. supremacy in any part of the world."

State Department spokesman James Rubin told reporters on Friday that
U.S. law, under specific circumstances, bans the transfer of military
equipment to any state deemed as a sponsor of terrorism. Syria remains
on the State Department list of terrorist states.

The sanctions, Rubin said, will also ban U.S. government procurement
from the Russian companies and exports of U.S. munitions to the firms.
The sanctions will remain in effect for one year.

Rubin said Secretary of State Madeleine Albright has waved sanctions
against the Russian government. He said such sanctions on the government
would have affected $90 million in U.S. assistance.

"The Secretary makes these decisions," Rubin said. "This is a decision
you make based on a variety of circumstances."

Monday, April 5, 1999

After initially backing NATO strikes, Iran now sides with Russia

Special to World
Monday, April 5, 1999

An Iranian daily said on Sunday that the NATO air campaign against
Yugoslavia has only served President Slobodan Milosevic's aims of
tightening his control over the Kosovo province.

"It looks as if all that NATO has accomplished to date in bombing Kosovo
has been to speed up Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic's timetable
for depopulating that unfortunate province," the English-language Iran
Daily said.

The skepticism by the newspaper echoes that expressed by Iranian
officials over the last few days. Analysts said that after initial
support Iran has restrained its advocacy of the NATO campaign as part of
efforts to remain in line with the opposition of Russia. Iran and Russia
are improving ties in issues of military and foreign affairs.

"Considering that the operation was mounted to keep the Kosovars in
place and insure a greater measure of security, the worlds' most
formidable military alliance must now adopt new measures," Iran Daily
said. "Sadly, it appears that the Kosovars themselves, plus impoverished
Albania and Macdonia will be footing most of the bill."

"There is, of course a bit of amazement that the NATO game plan has been
as shortsighted as events are revealing it to be," the newspaper said.
"What was supposed to be a sharp reining in of Milosevic appears to be a
creeping destabilization of the entire Balkans."

The daily said NATO will continue the air campaign against Yugoslavia
over the next few weeks and might target Milosevic himself. "NATO will
have to consider putting troops on the ground to reverse the refugee
tide and be prepared for those troops to remain in occupation of Kosovo
for long months to come," the newspaper said. "No 

[CTRL] Chomsky on bombing.

1999-04-05 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

  The Current Bombings:
Behind the Rhetoric

 By Noam Chomsky

 There have been many inquiries concerning NATO (meaning primarily US)
 bombing in connection with Kosovo. A great deal has been written about the
 topic, including Znet commentaries. I'd like to make a few general
 observations, keeping to facts that are not seriously contested.

 There are two fundamental issues: (1) What are the accepted and applicable
 "rules of world order"? (2) How do these or other considerations apply in the
 case of Kosovo?

 (1) What are the accepted and applicable "rules of world

 There is a regime of international law and international order, binding on all
 states, based on the UN Charter and subsequent resolutions and World
 Court decisions. In brief, the threat or use of force is banned unless explicitly
 authorized by the Security Council after it has determined that peaceful
 means have failed, or in self-defense against "armed attack" (a narrow
 concept) until the Security Council acts.

 There is, of course, more to say. Thus there is at least a tension, if not an
 outright contradiction, between the rules of world order laid down in the UN
 Charter and the rights articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human
 Rights (UD), a second pillar of the world order established under US
 initiative after World War II. The Charter bans force violating state
 sovereignty; the UD guarantees the rights of individuals against oppressive
 states. The issue of "humanitarian intervention" arises from this tension. It is
 the right of "humanitarian intervention" that is claimed by the US/NATO in
 Kosovo, and that is generally supported by editorial opinion and news
 reports (in the latter case, reflexively, even by the very choice of terminology).

 The question is addressed in a news report in the NY Times (March 27),
 headlined "Legal Scholars Support Case for Using Force" in Kosovo (March
 27). One example is offered: Allen Gerson, former counsel to the US mission
 to the UN. Two other legal scholars are cited. One, Ted Galen Carpenter,
 "scoffed at the Administration argument" and dismissed the alleged right of
 intervention. The third is Jack Goldsmith, a specialist on international law at
 Chicago Law school. He says that critics of the NATO bombing "have a
 pretty good legal argument," but "many people think [an exception for
 humanitarian intervention] does exist as a matter of custom and practice."
 That summarizes the evidence offered to justify the favored conclusion stated
 in the headline.

 Goldsmith's observation is reasonable, at least if we agree that facts are
 relevant to the determination of "custom and practice." We may also bear in
 mind a truism: the right of humanitarian intervention, if it exists, is premised
 on the "good faith" of those intervening, and that assumption is based not on
 their rhetoric but on their record, in particular their record of adherence to the
 principles of international law, World Court decisions, and so on. That is
 indeed a truism, at least with regard to others. Consider, for example, Iranian
 offers to intervene in Bosnia to prevent massacres at a time when the West
 would not do so. These were dismissed with ridicule (in fact, ignored); if
 there was a reason beyond subordination to power, it was because Iranian
 "good faith" could not be assumed. A rational person then asks obvious
 questions: is the Iranian record of intervention and terror worse than that of
 the US? And other questions, for example: How should we assess the "good
 faith" of the only country to have vetoed a Security Council resolution calling
 on all states to obey international law? What about its historical record?
 Unless such questions are prominent on the agenda of discourse, an honest
 person will dismiss it as mere allegiance to doctrine. A useful exercise is to
 determine how much of the literature -- media or other -- survives such
 elementary conditions as these.

 (2) How do these or other considerations apply in the case
 of Kosovo?

 There has been a humanitarian catastrophe in Kosovo in the past year,
 overwhelmingly attributable to Yugoslav military forces. The main victims
 have been ethnic Albanian Kosovars, some 90% of the population of this
 Yugoslav territory. The standard estimate is 2000 deaths and hundreds of
 thousands of refugees.

 In such cases, outsiders have three choices:

  (I) try to escalate the catastrophe

  (II) do nothing

  (III) try to mitigate the catastrophe

 The choices are illustrated by other contemporary cases. Let's keep to a few
 of approximately the same scale, and ask where Kosovo fits into the pattern.


Re: [CTRL] Contrails, Ozone and Bromine

1999-04-05 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

If you are serious about ozone depletion, just go back to 1962 and 1963
before the weather mod and other programs were about
the little nuclear plants up at the Artic Circle; the plan to melt down
the polar caps (oceans two inches deeper)  in order Russia may grow more
wheat, and here is Kissinger's dream - you corner the market on food as
a weapon, weather as a weapon was was already used during Viet Nam War
and is now being used against the farmer in the mid west, who are losing
their farms with little or no concern on the part of Uncle Sam, who has
said "its time they get in another business"add that to seedless
oranges, seedless grapes, and government control over seeds;  why is it
illegal to take seeds into certain countries.

Well, when they are not at war, take 1952...prior to Koreathe Joint
Chief of Staff was working on a program "how to absorb the colored
race"well, so much for the smelting pot of Ezekialbut who was
murdering Angola?

There is a lot of documented evidence out there re the ozone and what
really happened; I have some which makes a pretty good case for New
World Order and the selling of the American People.

Let us not forget behind every major scheme, and every monstrous plan,
you will find the oil companies.headed by Exxon in particular, ARCO,
who is getting in deep trouble.and a few other enterprises that are
giving away our tax dollars to foreign government, while there are still
children who go to bed hungry at night

Clinton, Albright, and Reno should be tried as criminals.not as war
criminals because there is no legal war is there, so how do you explain
WACO, SERBIA, IRAQ.Sadaam Hussein is a gentleman compared to these least, he was trying to take back Kuwait, which was
stolen from the people of Iraq.

Our country looks good on the outside, but it is rotten at the core - in
the midst of Ezekials wheel.   Are we, the American people to be
symbolized by monsters in our government who murder the innocents, while
they sit down and feed at our expense on a daily basis and live in a
House paid for with the blood of patriots, many of whom lie within
walking distance of the mad Butcher of Reno and the Draft Dodger
Presidentyes, our president is a coward.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] APRIL Worldwide Holiday List

1999-04-05 Thread Ric Carter

 -Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -

 To answer the question as to who celebrates what, when...

 April 4 - Sunday, Easter Day (Christian Day)
Daylight Saving Time Begins/USA, Canada
 Albania, Easter Day
 Canada, Easter Day
 Germany, Easter Day
 United Kingdom/ England and Wales, Easter Day
 United Kingdom/ Northern Ireland, Easter Day
 United Kingdom/ Scotland, Easter Day

 April 11 - Sunday, Orthodox Easter (Russian/Greek Christian Day)
 Albania, Orthodox Easter
 Eritrea, Orthodox Easter
 Romania, Orthodox Easter
 Russia, Orthodox Easter

 April 12 - Monday, Orthodox Easter Monday (Christian Day)
 Belarus, Orthodox Easter Monday
 Bulgaria, Orthodox Easter Monday
 Cyprus, Orthodox Easter Monday
 Ethiopia, Orthodox Easter Monday
 Greece, Orthodox Easter Monday
 Macedonia, Orthodox Easter Monday
 Russia, Orthodox Easter Monday
 Ukraine, Orthodox Easter Monday

 April 4
 Easter -- Christian observance
 * Easter celebrates the resurrection of Christ on the
 * third day after his cruxification. On this day, Jesus
 * rose from death and joined God in heaven.

 April 11 -- Orthodox Christian observance
 Orthodox Easter, also is known as Paskha.

OK, I'm glad to be corrected - Catholici and Orthodoxoi calculate
and celebrate Easter on different weekends.  So the opportunity
for religious atrocities is multiplied.  Yow.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Sherman Skolnick Sounds Off!!! 10-16-98

1999-04-05 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Sherman Skolnick Sounds Off!!!

Sherman H. Skolnick
Recorded phone message: (773) 731-1100
Office, 8 A.M. to midnight, 7 days: (773) 375-5741
9800 So. Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870


RAHM EMANUEL --- Foreign Exchange Crook for the Red Chinese?

By Sherman H. Skolnick

Producer/Moderator, Public Access Cable TV Program "Broadsides"

Since 1963, Founder/Chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts

With his intense, fiery eyes, Rahm Emanuel scares some people. And some say
he also arranges to bribe, blackmail, and even cause the political murder of

According to observers, he rides his bicycle, so mad-driven, he has been
described as going as wild as the headless horseman. Victims have claimed he,
on occasion, forces other cyclers off bike paths into virtual pileups.

He started out as a campaign aide to Richard M. Daley, son of the late
Richard J. Daley, who for 21 years was Chicago's Emperor. In 1989, "the Boss"
must have smiled from the grave when his son became also the Mayor of the
Windy City, following the poison murder of Chicago's first black Mayor,
Harold Washington. At the time of Harold's demise, the day before
Thanksgiving, 1987, Richie, as he is called, was the county prosecutor duty
bound to investigate the strange death of the Mayor. Instead of inquiring,
Richie acquired Harold's chair in City Hall.

[This writer, through his recorded phone message at the time taking in calls
at more than 500 per hour, was the only one giving details of the political
assassination written off as a "heart seizure" by the monopoly press by way
of sidestepping fear of a race riot. In 1991, with the onset of my Public
Access Cable TV Program, I was the only one to finally get the details onto
television. A week after my cablecast, the Secret Service sheepishly
announced that they were aware of a "plot" against Harold Washington but
lacked the means to investigate.]

Because of the patronage army still commanded by the Daley family image and
financial octopus, Richard Daley could have most likely become the Mayor
minus Rahm Emanuel's specialty, "opposition research," a fancy term for
getting deep dirt on would-be opponents, or maybe, flattening them out with a
baseball bat or smashing their campaign office, Chicago-style.

Knowledgeable law enforcement sources contend that Rahm Emanuel's specialty,
where necessary, also includes bribery, blackmail, even murder disguised as
"suicide" or vehicle "accidents."

In 1991, moving to Little Rock, Rahm Emanuel jump-started the presidential
campaign of Bill Clinton by reportedly latching onto a three-million-dollar
portion of clandestine funds used to cover up an embezzlement. Over
fifty-eight million dollars of federal funds had been quietly parked with
Household International and Household Bank to make good the pending claims of
Chicago-area caulking contractor, Joseph Andreuccetti, that various financial
institutions had swindled him out of very large sums. Of that parked fund,
fifty million dollars was secretly transferred to Little Rock in an attempt
to cover up a 47-million-dollar embezzlement of Madison Guaranty Savings 
loan for which Bill and Hillary are subject to federal criminal prosecution
and jail.

The 3-million-dollar gap, known in mob parlance familiar to Rahm Emanuel as
"street tax," was quickly given to Clinton when he informed Emanuel that
Clinton needed funds pronto to get himself into front-running status in the
presidential campaign.

In a Sunday Magazine cover story about Rahm Emanuel, the fixer, the Chicago
Tribune referred to it, 11/23/97, page 34:

"'Between the time he came on board in November 1991 to the first of the year
somehow $3 million was raised,' says David Wilhelm of Chicago, the campaign
director at the time and former chairman of the Democratic National
Committee. 'It was enough to catapult him [Clinton] into front-runner
status.'" (Emphasis added.)

In remarks about the mysterious 50 million dollars in the Congressional
Record, Cong. Dan Burton (R., Ind.) promised to put the documents of
Clinton's crimes in the Congressional Record soon thereafter. Apparently the
target of blackmail and threats, Cong. Burton failed to fulfill his promise
and his then-Chief of Staff refused to explain why. See: Cong. Record,
5/29/96, pages H5627-28.

The unauthorized transfer of 50 million dollars of federal funds, so far, has
kept Bill and Hillary Clinton from being prosecuted for embezzlement. All
this thanks to Cong. Henry Hyde, who has a large financial interest in the
operations of Household International and Household Bank. Is it a mere
coincidence, with his serious conflicts of 

[CTRL] Shifting Tides

1999-04-05 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

From Int'l Herald Tribune

Paris, Monday, April 5, 1999
New Darkness In the Balkans
The Ghosts of Many Wars Are Haunting Refugees

By Roger Cohen New York Times Service

BERLIN - All is dark again in southeast Europe. Close your eyes and those
long lines of ragged ethnic Albanian refugees struggling out of Kosovo fuse
with so many other processions of the Balkan bedraggled: a million Greeks
out of Turkey in 1923, 500,000 Turks out of Greece in the same year, more
than 750,000 Muslims out of Bosnia in 1992 and 175,000 Serbs out of Croatia
in 1995.
Where will it end?
After 12 days of NATO air attacks on Serbia and Montenegro, confusion seemed
absolute. A war begun to persuade President Slobodan Milosevic to agree to a
peace plan offering autonomy to Kosovo's ethnic Albanians had become a
battle to stop him from evicting all those Albanians under cover of the
mayhem of air strikes.
A NATO air campaign with limited goals had begun to look like a full-scale
war whose true target was Mr. Milosevic - and whose potential to spread to
Macedonia and Albania seemed real as more than 200,000 Kosovo refugees
straggled across those countries' borders.
Another somber possibility was that the alliance itself could be threatened
by the ignominy of failure on the eve of what had been billed as a glorious
50th birthday party this month at a gathering in Washington.
''The credibility of the alliance has been heavily damaged,'' commented
Christoph Bertram in the German weekly Die Zeit. ''And it is a bitter irony
that in the beginning it was concern for this credibility that was the
decisive factor behind the attack.''
That attack has now gained an unpredictable momentum. ''To say we are not at
war seems to me a statement too ridiculous even to refute,'' said General
William Odom of the Hudson Institute. ''And wars, as von Clausewitz noted,
are acts of force to compel our enemies to do our will. So let's get on with
it before the president inadvertently tears up our alliance.''
But America's will seemed unclear, even on such fundamental issues as
whether to terrorize or talk to Mr. Milosevic, and what degree of
independence Kosovo should have.
A number of outcomes now seem possible, but one trend is inescapable: The
history of the Balkans since the beginning of the 19th century is broadly
that of the emergence of nation states.
In the place of the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires, and later the
multinational state of Yugoslavia, smaller countries of peoples claiming the
same language, religion and culture have emerged. The process began with
Greece, which rose against the Ottomans in 1821 and gained independence in
1930. More recently, the process has brought the establishment of Slovenia
and Croatia in 1991.
Throughout, the intermittently bloody unscrambling of mixed populations who
often had scant sense of ''nationality'' has been apparent.
The trend seems unlikely to stop. It suggests that the truncated, surviving
Yugoslav federation is unlikely to fare better than its far larger
predecessor. One day, Kosovo and Montenegro will probably go their own ways,
allowing Serbia, at last, to proclaim itself once more a nation state, as it
was in the 19th century. But in the interim, many scenarios seem possible.
The first critical issue, officials said, is whether to keep a diplomatic
channel open to Mr. Milosevic that might permit some salvaging of an accord
on autonomy for Kosovo.
For now, the channel remains, meager and reduced further by each new
reported Serbian atrocity against the ethnic Albanians, but it has not been
As a result, no clear decision has been made to go for overthrowing Mr.
Milosevic. General Klaus Naumann of Germany, a top NATO general, did say
that ''we clearly intend to loosen his grip on power and break his will to
continue.'' But only with the bombing of the Serbian Interior Ministry in
Belgrade on Saturday did the alliance begin to appear ready to place Mr.
Milosevic's jugular in its sights.
What could further radicalize this NATO approach? Perhaps a revelation of
large-scale Serbian executions of the many missing ethnic Albanian men of
fighting age. Or gross Serbian mistreatment of the three U.S. soldiers
captured last week.
Another catalyst could be reliable intelligence suggesting that resistance
to Mr. Milosevic in the army and security forces is rising fast, so that
only a coup de grace is needed. Or a further deepening of the refugee
At that point, NATO might intensify its bombing of Belgrade. President Bill
Clinton could turn up the propaganda war by appealing directly to the
Serbian people to rise against Mr. Milosevic because he has brought them to
ruin. Major resources could be invested in stirring Montenegrin restiveness,
already strong.
All these measures could undermine Mr. Milosevic. Whether they would remove
him is another matter. Mr. Milosevic has shown extraordinary resilience even
as he has unleashed waves of destruction. After so much time, 

[CTRL] US backs mercenaries in Kosovo.

1999-04-05 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the March 19, 1998
issue of Workers World newspaper

U.S. backs mercenary army in Kosovo
By Gary Wilson

The U.S. government is pushing forward its covert contra war in the
Yugoslav region of Kosovo. A CIA-backed mercenary army—called the
Kosovo Liberation Army (OVK)—has stepped up its infiltration into

On April 24, some 200 mercenaries attempted to invade Yugoslavia
through the border with Albania. The U.S. State Department reported
that the Yugoslav Army killed 23 of the mercenaries.

The April 25 New York Times reported that the Clinton administration
is threatening to step up sanctions against the Yugoslav government if
it continues its "current course of action"- that is, if it continues
to resist the mercenary invasion.

The Yugoslav government warned that the mercenary attacks across
Albania’s border will lead to a regional war.

The United States government is covertly backing the mercenary army.
While a report in the April 6 New York Times by Balkans bureau chief
Chris Hedges did not mention the CIA ties, it did give details Hedges
learned while traveling with the OVK.

The Times reported that the bulk of the OVK is made up of "foreign

Hedges reported, "The rapid and startling growth of the armed
insurgency has prompted fears that the unrest in the province could
explode into the next Balkan war."

According to The Times, the mercenary army "has no political wing." It
has no goal other than to attack the Yugoslav government.

The mercenaries carry the latest weapons and electronic surveillance
equipment. All dress in new camouflage uniforms. The U.S government
covertly provides them satellite information about the Yugoslav Army.

The mercenary army first targeted Albanians in Kosovo who were
considered "pro-government" -that is, those opposed to the breakup of
Yugoslavia. The next targets were Serbian farmers in Kosovo. They were
driven off their land.

The mercenaries have murdered Yugoslav government officials,
schoolteachers and others.

CIA support is funneled through a so-called "Government of Kosovo"
based in Geneva, Switzerland. Its Washington office employs the
public-relations firm of Ruder Finn—notorious for its slanders of the
Belgrade government.

No government in the world officially recognizes a "Government of

A Turkish newspaper correspondent reported in March that journalists
have gone to Kosovo "with a prejudgment."

Quoted in the online document "The Media War Against Yugoslavia,"
( the Turk ish journalist wrote: "There are
in Kosovo about a dozen journalists from Turkey. When starting our
journey, we were convinced that the events from Bosnia would be
repeated there. Afterwards, there was no place for the objective news
that we prepared. All journalists in that region are just looking for

"A joke may very well describe the situation in which the journalists
who followed the events in Kosovo found themselves. A five-star hotel-
the ‘Grand Pristina’- in which they were accommodated was called, by
the journalists among themselves, Hotel Casa blanca. Anyway the
surroundings reminded us very much of the scenario of the famous film
‘Casablanca.’ Agents were everywhere.

"Before you send your news to the newspaper or to the agency in which
you work, you first inform the American Information Center (USIS). In
fact, the demonstrations really started in front of the American
Information Center. The demonstrations organized against the Serbian
leadership were not deprived of the American flag and posters with the
inscriptions, ‘Where are you, America?’"

By pushing the region to the brink of war, the U.S. government is
creating a justification for bringing its imperialist occupation army
into Kosovo. Washington has been maneuvering for a military occupation
of Kosovo as part of its military takeover of the Balkans.

- END -

(Copyright Workers World Service: Permission to reprint granted if
source is cited. For more information contact Workers World, 55 W. 17
St., NY,NY 10011; via e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For subscription info
send message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Web:

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] CIA war in Kosovo?

1999-04-05 Thread nurev

 -Caveat Lector-

Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the March 19, 1998
issue of Workers World newspaper

Is there a CIA war in Kosovo?
By Gary Wilson

News reports here about the Yugoslav province of Kosovo have presented
greatly exaggerated tales. The stories have been "enhanced" by those
with an interest in either promoting a civil war or weakening the
Yugoslav government.

The Western big-business-controlled media all report the same thing.
They say Yugoslav government forces are engaged in "ethnic cleansing"
in Kosovo, forcing a flood of refugees from Kosovo to Albania.

The Yugoslav government says its military operations against armed
mercenaries entering over the Albanian border ended June 1. It also
says there has been no significant exodus from Kosovo to Albania.

So what is the truth of the situation? First, it should never be
forgotten that the big media like the New York Times and CNN have
close ties to the U.S. State Department, the CIA, the Pentagon and
other U.S. government agencies.

These media giants usually serve as propaganda arms for U.S. foreign
policy. They can lie about events and frequently do.

Sometimes they admit much later that their original reports weren’t
exactly true.

KLA is mercenary army

For example, most reports don’t make it clear that the so-called
Kosovo Liberation Army is a foreign mercenary army in the pay of the
Western imperialist powers.

The KLA did not exist until recently. It became active only in the
last few months.

The June 6 New York Times reported that KLA forces are entering Kosovo
through Albania. But they are not from Albania. According to the
report, most of them come from Germany- where they were born- and most
speak only German, not Albanian. The report claims that many of them,
but not all, have parents or grandparents who emigrated from Albania.

All the funds for the mercenary army come from abroad, primarily from
the United States, reported the May 26 Washington Post. The money is
funneled through Albanian immigrant groups. These are the sort of
anti-communist groups long promoted by the CIA.

Since March, the Post reported, the U.S. group has sent $4 million to
the KLA. These are the openly reported funds. There is more "cash
carried in suitcases" that hasn’t been disclosed, the Post said.

The article said the U.S. State Department has encouraged the transfer
of funds to the KLA. It is all legal, State Department spokesperson
John Russell said, because the KLA has not been classified by the U.S.
government as "terrorist."

This is in contrast to every genuine national liberation movement in
the world. The U.S. government routinely labels them all as
terrorists. For example, groups like the Palestine Liberation
Organization have been labeled as terrorist. Anyone in the U.S.
sending funds to the PLO would risk arrest and prison.

The KLA has no known leaders, political platform, publications or
anything else to indicate that it is a liberation force.

In fact, the tactics used by the KLA are more akin to those used by
fascist terror squads. In its long report of May 26, the Washington
Post buried a paragraph describing how KLA mercenaries have targeted
Serbs. One out of every 10 people in Kosovo is Serbian.

The paragraph described KLA mercenaries stopping a train. They proceed
to search the train, and then abduct a man traveling with his family
because he is a Serb.

"About a dozen Serbs have been kidnapped in the past week. Two have
been found dead," the Post reports.

The mercenaries don’t just kill Serbs. They also kill Albanians
considered to be friendly to Serbs.

As for the press reports of a mass exodus from Kosovo, none shows
pictures of masses of people. A photo of a family of eight walking
through a field, for example, accompanied the New York Times report.
The caption said "thousands of refugees are fleeing."

In the meantime, the United States is waging a two-pronged war against

Since 1991, Washington has imposed sanctions on Yugoslavia. Sanctions
are like an army surrounding your house. They may not be firing
weapons at the house, but they are stopping all kinds of supplies and
food from entering. It is a policy of starvation once favored during
sieges by medieval armies.

These sanctions continue to this day. Now the United States is
proposing to stiffen them.

Will U.S. troops be next?

U.S. envoy Richard Holbrooke said in London June 7: "The sanctions
regime of the Contact Group led by the U.S. and Great Britain has been
very tight and is poised to tighten further if the situation
deteriorates, and NATO is already making contingency plans if
everything falls apart." (French News Agency, June 7)

The contingency plan Holbrooke referred to is the threat of military
occupation by U.S./NATO forces. U.S. Senate leader Trent Lott
supported a U.S. military operation in Kosovo on CNN’s "Late Edition"
June 7.

According to news reports, the U.S. State 

[CTRL] Mysterious America

1999-04-05 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


Mysterious America
by Daniel Pipes
Thursday, April 01, 1999
Comments: 92 posts

The German weekly Der Spiegel states, "Never before in modern history has a
country so dominated the earth so totally as the United States does today."
Looking back even further, columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote recently in
The New Republic that the United States "the most dominant power relative to
its rivals that the world has seen since the Roman empire."

A stealth aircraft
Actually, they are understating the case: The United States enjoys a might
without precedent in human history. This country spends an order of
magnitude more on its forces than any other. The U.S. is the only
participant in the "revolution in military affairs," giving it whole classes
of weaponry (such as stealthy planes) beyond the competence of others, and
it has a force projection that extends to nearly the entire globe. No state
can contest it in conventional or non-conventional terms.
One might think that this muscle simplifies America's strategic landscape
for, in theory anyway, the United States can on its own take on virtually
any task without help from anyone. It can get rid of Saddam Hussein in Iraq,
destroy the North Korean arsenal or even contain Chinese ambitions. Such
niceties as United Nations endorsement, troops from Europe, money from
Japan, or bases from Saudi Arabia are helpful but not necessary.
A murky reality
Well, that is the theory, anyway. And were Seattle to be invaded, it would
be fact; in an emergency, Americans would again be of one mind and our power
would no doubt win out. But in the meantime, with the use of force always
optional, Americans tend to be enormously divided among themselves.
Everything is now voluntary: Do we wish to be global policeman or withdraw
into a shell? Get involved (as in Kosovo) to save lives or adopt a strict
standard of national interests? We can do pretty much what we like. And
sometimes that is not very much.
The reality partly reflects the age-old divide between those who see the
United States as a light unto the nations and those who would have it
setting its own house in order. It also reflects the yawning
liberal-conservative gulf that emerged at the time of the Vietnam War. And
the absence of a Soviet-American great game makes each issue that much more
difficult to decide. Angola and Afghanistan fit into a global chess game,
but Haiti and Bosnia are self-contained.
Our current behavior patterns reflect the peculiar American habit of capping
victory abroad by rushing home. We did this after the World Wars I and II,
then stayed true to form after the Cold War. Following the Soviet implosion
we chose not to create an empire but to reduce military spending, not to
dominate our neighbors but to increase trade with them (NAFTA), not to start
foreign adventures but to fix the chronic problems of American life -- the
race problem or the tax system. Americans spend money on arms with
reluctance and send troops abroad with deep misgivings.
Most of all, the end of war always allows us the chance to engage in some
Constitution-sanctioned pursuit of happiness (Roaring '20s, Booming '50s).
In the '90s we surf the Internet, explore new sexual identities and follow
the Dow index. It seems that the national mission is to perfect our tennis
backhand or mix the ultimate barbecue sauce -- certainly not making the
world safe for democracy. We would rather defeat a rival sports team than
Castro or Saddam.
So, while objective indices point to unparalleled American power, subjective
realities paint a much murkier picture of confusion, insularity and
The projection problem
All of which utterly baffles the outside world. Non-Americans, whether as
near and dear as Canadians or as remote as North Koreans, cannot fathom and
do not quite trust the apparent self-absorption of Americans. Even our
closest allies (not to speak of more than a few alienated Americans) read
the seeming American lack of interest in overseas expansion as a ploy.

Many question the real
agenda of America
They hunt to interpret the real agenda, locate the underlying imperial
motives, unmask the hidden conspiracy. Their fevered imaginations allow them
to see international institutions -- the Security Council, International
Monetary Fund, World Bank -- turning into pawns of American hegemony. They
take President Bush's one-time remark about a "new world order" -- a dimly
conceived, anodyne notion about politics after the Cold War, lacking any
operational importance -- and trumpet it as an ominous and programmatic
lifting of the veil.
This suspiciousness usually reveals what psychologists call projection:
Foreigners assume Americans are doing what they would do with our power --
impose their will on others. They imagine that the United States, finding
themselves in the catbird seat would act like they would: Expand
territorially, build spheres of influence and create exclusive trade zones.
They cannot believe 

[CTRL] Federation of Earth

1999-04-05 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


back to WCPA index

- Contents
As Amended At The World Constituent Assembly In Troia, Portugal 1991. Now
being circulated worldwide for ratification by the nations and people of
Quote from Benjamin Franklin at the close of the U.S. Constitutional
Convention in 1787

Distribution for ratification under the direction of the World Constitution
and Parliament Association and the Global Ratification and Elections Network
World Constitution and Parliament Association
8800 West 14th Ave.
Lakewood, Colorado 80215
Phone 303-233-3548
Fax 303-237-7685
Online contact!

Viw the Constitution as one big file (160K).


Article 1 - Broad Functions of the World Government
Article 2 - Basic Structure of World Federation and World Government
Article 3 - Organs of the World Government
Article 4 - Grant of Specific Powers to the World Government
Article 5 - The World Parliament
Sec. A - Functions and Powers of the World Parliament
Sec. B - Composition of the World Parliament
Sec. C - The House of Peoples
Sec. D - The House of Nations
Sec. E - The House of Counsellors
Sec. F - Procedures of the World Parliament
Article 6 - The World Executive
Sec. A - Functions and Powers of the World Executive
Sec. B - Composition of the World Executive
Sec. C - The Presidium
Sec. D - The Executive Cabinet
Sec. E - Procedures of the World Executive
Sec. F - Limitations on the World Executive
Article 7 - The World Administration
Sec. A - Functions of the World Administration
Sec. B - Structure and Procedures of the World Administration
Sec. B-5 and 6: Secretary General of the Administration
Sec. C - Departments of the World Adminstration
Article 8 - The Integrative Complex
Sec. A - Definition
Sec. B - The World Civil Service Administration
Sec. C - The World Boundaries and Elections Administration
Sec. D - Institute on Governmental Procedures and World Problems
Sec. E - The Agency for Research and Planning
Sec. F - The Agency for Technological and Environmental Assessment
Sec. G - The World Financial Administration
Sec. H - Commission for Legislative Review
Article 9 - The World Judiciary
Sec. A - Jurisdiction of the World Supreme Court
Sec. B - Benches of the World Supreme Court
Sec. C - Seats of the World Supreme Court
Sec. D - The Collegium of World Judges
Sec. E - The Superior Tribunal of the World Supreme Court
Article 10 - The Enforcement System
Sec. A - Basic Principles
Sec. B - The Structure for Enforcement
Sec. C - The World Police
Sec. D - The Means of Enforcement
Article 11 - The World Ombudsmus
Sec. A - Functions and Powers of the World Ombudsmus
Sec. B - Composition of the World Ombudsmus
Article 12 - Bill of Rights for the Citizens of Earth
Article 13 - Directive Principles for the World Government
Article 14 - Safeguards and Reservations
Article 15 - World Federal Zones and the World Capitals
Article 16 - World Territories and Exterior Relations
Article 17 - Ratification and Implementation
Sec. A - Ratification of the World Constitution
Sec. B - Stages of Implementation
Sec. C - First Operative Stage of World Government
Sec. D - Second Operative Stage of World Government
Sec. E - Full Operative Stage of World Government
Sec. F - Costs of Ratification
Article 18 - Amendments
Article 19 - Provisional World Government
Sec. A - Actions to be Taken by the World Constituent Assembly
Sec. B - Work of the Preparatory Commissions
Sec. C - Composition of the Provisional World Parliament
Sec. D - Formation of the Provisional World Executive
Sec. E - First Actions of the Provisional World Government


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Re: [CTRL] [[CTRL] Skeptic News Thursday #2]

1999-04-05 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

ric carter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 : Which Bible version would you prefer: HipHip, CW, Pig Latin, DeathMetal,
 Klingon, Pachuco, ValGal, Beatnik, Techno, Multiple Drug Abuse, Pentagonese,
 Satanic, BirdCall, Cajun, Tantric, Garlic Lover's, Punk? Which is 'coolest'?

How 'bout Igpay Atinlay?


Robert F. Tatman
Remove "nospam" from the address to reply.

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[CTRL] Serbs Beat Their Dogs! (fwd)

1999-04-05 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-


(CNNS, 04/05/99)  --  This  just  in,  from  the Compromised News
Network (CNN):

JUDY WOODCHUCK:   Christiane  Aimpoor  is  standing  by,  at  our
Hollywood  studio...  er, I mean, on the Yugoslav/Albania border.
Come in Christiane. Are you there?

CHRISTIANE  AIMPOOR:   Yes,  Judy.   I'm  standing  here  at  the
Yugoslav border, in Albania, in Europe, across the Atlantic Ocean
from where you are.
   The  refugees have been telling me some whopping good stories,
about Serbs beating their dogs.
   You, sir, have you got a minute?

GRIZZLED REFUGEE: Why, yes, Ms. Aimpoor.

CHRISTIANE AIMPOOR:  What have the  dirty  Serbs  been  doing  in

GRIZZLED REFUGEE: Why, uh... Many bad, bad things.

CHRISTIANE AIMPOOR: Have they been beating their dogs?

GRIZZLED  REFUGEE:  Beating their dogs?  .  Oh, yes!  Beating
their dogs!  Oh, it's  been  bad.   The  poor dogs, beaten bad by
these Serbs.

CHRISTIANE AIMPOOR:  Thank you.  We have some  video  now,  snuck
out  to  us  from  the studio...  I mean from Yugoslavia, showing
some mighty sad, mournful faces  of several canines, staring into
the camera.

(Footage from a kennel in Los Angeles.)

CHRISTIANE AIMPOOR:  The Serbs  (of  course)  are  denying  these
latest outrages. However

(Shady-looking Iranian appears in the background.)

IRANIAN:   Psst  Ms. Aimpoor.  Here is the $1 million from my
government for your "advocacy journalism."

CHRISTIANE AIMPOOR:  (Hisses)  Not  here,  you  idiot!  Give that
money to my husband, James Rubin, at the State Department!

(Shady-looking Iranian slinks away.)

JUDY WOODCHUCK:  Christiane?  Christiane?  Who was that  man  you
were whispering to?

CHRISTIANE  AIMPOOR:   Sorry,  Judy.   That  man  was  a refugee,
demented from seeing the Serbs beating their dogs.

JUDY WOODCHUCK:  Yes, yes.   It's  shocking.   We have to go live
now, to the Pentagon, where their spokeperson  will  give  us  an
honest picture of what's going on. Any final words, Christiane?

CHRISTIANE AIMPOOR:  Tell my husband, if some money happens to be
handed to him, to put it in a Swiss bank, in my name.

CNNS  (Conspiracy  Nation  News  Service)  is an INDEPENDENT news
outlet, not owned by anyone.  (But  of course, we would say that,

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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[CTRL] some little-discussed details of Kosovo mess (fwd)

1999-04-05 Thread Brian Redman

 -Caveat Lector-

Latest from Sherman Skolnick:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 05 Apr 1999 13:23:40 -0700
From: Sherman Skolnick [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: some little-discussed details of Kosovo mess

Here are some details from a much longer article by Sherman H.
Skolnick on how the faceless dictators are promoting the New World Order
 by smashing up nations and destroying sovereignty,with Yugoslavia as an
example:  (1) There is strong reason to believe Milosevic was installed
in the late 1980s by the American CIA.  Like other Frankenstein's
monsters, he appears to turn on his creators while he appeals to the
nationalistic aspirations of his constituents. The average person in the
U.S. does not know this. (2)  Drug enforcement authorities worldwide are
fully aware that the Kosovo Liberation Army are not, as some depict
them, sweet, nice "freedom fighters" but rather are a
vicious gang of druglords.  They traffic in dope for the Red Chinese,
pushing through out Europe "China White" high purity heroin preferred by
junkies who can smoke instead of using a needle.  (3) Notice, Albania is
a puppet client state of Red China.  (I have a book of the speeches of
Albania long-time dictator Gen. Enver Hoxha how he praises China.)
Albania has been pro-China all the way back to Marco Polo.  (4) The
K.L.A. are ethnic ALbanians that wish either to separate from Serbia or
annex Kosovo to the drug-haven of Albania. (5) The overthrow of
Yugoslavia as a nation in 1989, to promote the downfall of nationhood
and sovereignty, was arranged by Henry Kissinger  Associates with the
help of super money laundry expert Vincent W. Foster, Jr.  The attack on
the Yugoslav banks and their currency was aided by Foster, with the help
of his law partner cronies Hillary Rodham Clinton and Webster Hubbell.
The three of them were reportedly strategists for Systematics a reputed
proprietary operation of the super secret National Security Agency. (The
700 pages about NSA and Foster, released under Freedom of Information
request, tend to support this.)  Systematics has been a bank computer
software services firm which reportedly spied on banks, friend and foe,
worldwide.  Was this an additional motive for the strange death of
Foster, afew months after he became Clinton White House deputy counsel?
Was his death really "suicide" or murder?  Clinton, owned by the Red
Chinese, is protecting the pro-China druglords of Kosovo and Albania.
This puts a different light on the whole Kosovo affair.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: THE SCOOP: CNN's Kosovo Identity Crisis

1999-04-05 Thread Howard R. Davis III

 -Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:


 Subject: THE SCOOP: CNN's Kosovo Identity Crisis
 Date: 5 Apr 1999 02:55:37 -
 From: The Scoop [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: List Member [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 The Scoop -

 To new subscribers: thanks for joining up.  Yes, the column really is
 free, and you're encouraged to forward it to friends.  That's how our
 readership grows.

 If you've just joined up from some exotic locale because you heard my
 rants on Armed Forces Radio (see below), please drop a line and say howdy.
 In the last week, we've heard from Bahrain and Spain.

 Whether they were mainly on the plain they didn't say.



 THE SCOOP for April 5, 1999

 CNN's Kosovo Identity Crisis
 also: Bob Dole, Sex Criminal
 © 1999 Bob Harris

 [] = italics

 So my big sister calls me this week.

 My sister is a major bonus.  Great sense of humor.  Heart oversized like
 movie popcorn.  And really, really smart.

 Anybody who doesn't like my sister has no business being on this planet.

 Sis calls me up because she's trying to be a good citizen and has
 therefore watched hours of TV news reports about the Crisis In Kosovo.
 Big sis has endured dozens of furrowed brows, scores of scary pictures,
 and hours of flashy graphics.  CNN's special Kosovo theme music churns
 like a bellicose jingle in her head.

 And sis calls because after days of Fox and MSNBC telling her what just
 blew up, she still doesn't quite follow how exactly the whole mess really
 started, how it might best end, or what to think about it in any case,
 other than it's obviously really bad.

 Just like most Americans.  Including the ones in Washington.

 My sister's one of the smartest people I know.  Her only mistake was in
 believing, as most of us have been trained to believe since birth, that TV
 is a good way to learn about a subject in depth.

 It is not.

 TV is a good way to learn about which subjects are on fire.

 Here's how mindless Kosovo coverage can be:

 You remember when the news came in last Wednesday that three U.S.
 servicemen had been captured by the Serbs.  Soon, CNN showed Serbian
 videotape of the prisoners.

 CNN also reported that the three captured servicemen had not yet been
 identified.  CNN's anchors repeated this several dozen times for over two
 hours, often as the Serbian video was playing on the air.


 The names of all three servicemen were [right there on the videotape] --
 in Serbian, granted, but in HUGE OBVIOUS PRINT -- directly under the faces
 of each soldier as they were shown individually.


 Figuring this out was hardly a stretch.  Serbian is phonetic, albeit with
 Cyrillic characters.  Any speaker of Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian,
 Macedonian, or several other Slavic languages could read the names
 instantly.  I speak maybe thirty or forty words in all those languages
 combined, and even I could read the prisoners' names easily.

 Evidently, during a state of war with Serbia, there's not a single person
 at supposedly the world's leading TV news outlet who speaks Serbian.  Or
 Russian.  Or any Slavic language.

 Would CNN have covered World War II without anyone on staff who could
 translate [Mein Kampf]?

 Is it possible that the classy news joint that brings us Bob Novak, Al
 Hunt, and John Sununu doesn't employ a single person who at least knows
 enough to realize all that fancy writing probably means something?  Or
 even owns a freaking dictionary with which to transliterate a freeze frame?

 OK.  Maybe that's asking too much.  Fine.

 But how about this: the soldiers' surnames were also plainly visible in
 the videotape -- and in [English] -- above the right shirt pocket of their

 And the TV anchors, who are presumably neither blind nor stupid although
 I'm learning to keep an open mind, prattled over and over that they had no
 information as to the men's identities.

   I know a guy who works at CNN in Atlanta as an editor. He's from
Croatia. Yes, I am sure they could figure out the names.

Howard Davis

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


[CTRL] Serbian Cartoonist: I'm Horrified

1999-04-05 Thread Mack White

 -Caveat Lector-

NOTE:  The following is forwarded from the Comix Discussion List, which
links alternative comics creators, fans,  scholars, and publishers
worldwide.  It is the fourth e-mail from Serbian cartoonist Sasa Rekazic
(aka Aleksandar Zograf), creator of Alas!, Life Under Sanctions, and
Psychonaut.  He has been witnessing the bombing of Pancevo by NATO.
Currently, he is having trouble sending messages now that the
infrastructure is being bombed (see below).  But, for the moment, he is
able to send from the PPM (Pancevo Peace Movement) .

Mack White
P.O. Box 49575
Austin, TX  78765

Sasa Rakezic


26000 Pancevo

Yugoslavia /Serbia/



April 4th 1999.

Hey -

Last night I had that strange feeling that something is going to happen,

and I couldn't sleep... When I finally fall asleep, it was early in the

morning... I was waken by the ring of the phone, and it was Nandor - he was

covering the "Northern" part of the town, and I was supposed to observe

what was happening on the "South"..." They said on the radio that Refinery

was bombed!" - said Nandor. Everybody, everybody was fearing that it will

happen - there is a danger of the ecological catastrophy in Pancevo,

because of the ugly industrial zone (Refinery, Petrochemical and Artifical

Fertilizers Industry plants, all next to each other) in the Sothern part of

town, which everyone of you who visited us must have remembered seeing from

our window view... It is not only close to the center of the Pancevo, but

fairly close to Belgrade as well, and local Green Party members were

alarming about the potential danger of ecological disaster for years

Anyway, I tried to see a flame or something unusual, but there was just

some white cloud hovering over the area of Refinery... We understood that

it was not oil that was burning - it would cause a catastrophical

explosion, and this time the detonation was not strong enough even to wake

us up from our sleep...

It's funny but Gordana said that shortly before the phone rang, she had a

dream of a tractor on a farm The tractor was

producing something that looked like big cloud of steam... And when she

woke up, she (and I) were able to observe the similar type of a mist rising

above the Refinery. Soon they announced on the radio that the cloud is not

poisoneous, and that it is in fact a water steam which was released after

one of the Refinery plants has been bombed. The steam was expanding, and

soon it covered everything - when we looked through the window pane few

minutes later, we saw just white fog, as if the whole world have

disappeared... The local Tv was showing the view from the camera placed on

the tall building in the center of the town, and the screen looked

completely blank. Several hours later, the fog has disappeared... During

the bombing, about 100 workers were inside the plant.Several people were

wounded and two were killed...

In Belgrade, they bombed a large tank with fuel, preserved for the city

central heathing system...Hardly an "military" facility at all, but the

flame was spectacularI guess it looked impressive on CNN?

I saw a Tv report about the yesterday's NATO bombing of another bridge in

Novi Sad... It is a very large bridge, and there were people moving in

cars, bicycles and by foot when the bombs fell... They are still searching

for the bodies in the river of Danube, and those who survived were

describing the horrible, horrible scenes... (Electric wires were falling

down from the upper parts of the bridge...) The aqueduct was connected with

the bridge, so that 1000's of people are now left without running


What there is to say? That seemed like an ordinary day to us. Now when I

think of it I'm horrified...

Regards from

Sasa and Gordana

P.S. I am trying to send this from another computer... My provider is out
of work at the moment, because NATO has bombed some antenae in Belgrade (I
can't understand all the technical details), and they hope to fix it
within 2 days... Send any messages to MY old address [EMAIL PROTECTED] I
will answer when I can

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] [[SC] Skeptic News Saturday #3]

1999-04-05 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

"ric carter" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 *** Lawn mowing may cause air pollution. WASHINGTON (AP) The sweet scent of
 a freshly mowed lawn may really be the smell of air pollution. Scientists
 studying the sources of chemicals in the air have found that injured grass
 gives off volatile compounds. "Wounding, cutting and drying of leaves and
 stems occur both naturally and by human activities, wound-induced and dry-
 ing-induced... compounds are expected to be significant in the atmosphere."
 But do not panic. While total emissions from cutting grass and crops world-
 wide may seem large, it does not mean grass cutting is dangerous for indi-
 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

If you stop to think about it, a lawn is entirely unnatural. Grass doesn't
grow as an evenly-colored carpets with all blades a uniform one inch in
height. Now we learn that the universal suburban pastime of "mowing the lawn"
contributes to pollution...well, all I can say, from the comfort of my couch,
is "Told ya so!"


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CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] CIA war in Kosovo?

1999-04-05 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-05 14:04:24 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The KLA did not exist until recently. It became active only in the
last few months.

The June 6 New York Times reported that KLA forces are entering Kosovo
through Albania. But they are not from Albania. According to the
report, most of them come from Germany

All the funds for the mercenary army come from abroad, primarily from
the United States, reported the May 26 Washington Post. The money is
funneled through Albanian immigrant groups. These are the sort of
anti-communist groups long promoted by the CIA.

According to MS-NBC today, 20,000 Kosovars will be relocated in GUANTANAMO
(military base, buffer against Cuba) as a "humanitarian gesture of good
will."  LOL

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Myth and Milosevic

1999-04-05 Thread William Shannon

 -Caveat Lector-

From The Nation-

Whoever does not fight at Kosovo...
May nothing bear fruit that his hand sows.
 --Serb epic

Contrary to US expectations, a Kosovo peace agreement isn't going to be
signed after a few weeks of bombing, and maybe not ever. To understand why
Slobodan Milosevic decided to fight NATO instead of conceding, one must
understand the contemporary role in politics played by the 1389 Battle of
Kosovo. Milosevic is re-enacting the Serbian central myth of the leader who
lost the medieval battle against superior Turkish forces and became a
martyred nationalist hero. He is trying to keep his power by casting himself
as the reincarnated defender and shifting the public's anger over the
possible loss of Kosovo from himself to the evil West.

There are many forces in his once small political base prompting Milosevic's
defiance. Their continued support for the president is critical to him now,
but they are too peripheral to gain power were he to be ousted. One group
pressuring him is the ultranationalist Radical Party, which won only sixteen
seats in the federal Parliament. Vojislav Seselj, its leader, might have
pulled his party out of the ruling coalition and weakened the government if
Milosevic had agreed to NATO troops. He could have painted his president as a
traitor to Serbian interests. Seselj's popularity grew while he urged a war
with NATO and delegates at the Rambouillet peace talks considered caving in
to the West. To undercut his rival, Milosevic had to adopt Seselj's

Another factor is the nationalist military officers Milosevic appointed after
firing the military brass who tried to restrain his actions in Kosovo this
past fall. These new officers seemed to be implicitly threatening a coup
when, according to the European press, they told him that allowing NATO
troops into Kosovo would be the beginning of the end of his power. Gen.
Nebojsa Pavkovic said the current military leadership believes that sacred
Kosovo must be defended at all costs. Gen. Dragoljub Ojdanic, the supreme
commander, speaking in the language of the myth, told his soldiers to
"prepare for martyrdom."

Belgrade political analysts say the Yugoslav president fears the public,
which holds the Kosovo myth at the heart of its identity. He worries about
being killed by an angry mob, like Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu. To
guard against that fate, he silences every critic who could stir up riots or
electoral opposition. He purged not only the military but the universities.
Death threats against students continue. There is an escalated closing of
independent media and jailing of journalists. Serbian journalists expect him
to follow Seselj's urging and crack down on the judiciary and the
anti-Milosevic government in the Yugoslav republic of Montenegro.

His self-protective propaganda campaign plays on the Serbs' sense of
themselves as a persecuted people, which goes back to the fourteenth-century
Turkish occupation and runs so deep that some Christians wear a Jewish star
to identify with another historical victim. In recent broadcasts, World War
II movies were run as a reminder of what the Germans did to Serbs, and claims
were made that Madeleine Albright hates all Serbs and that the Kosovo
Liberation Army had planted plastic dolls to fake a report about Serbs
killing children. State TV endlessly repeats the Serbs' mythic claim to
Kosovo, despite the fact that until 1989 it had been legally theirs for only
about sixty of the past 600 years.

There is no check on Milosevic's propaganda or policies from the democratic
opposition. It has become weak, discredited by its petty power struggles and
the co-optation of its most charismatic figure, Vuk Draskovic, into
Milosevic's government. It is cowed by repression that has created such fear
that many are focused only on individual survival. One dissident said, "I am
not afraid of the war but of what comes after it. There will be no chance for
democracy in Serbia."

Many in the opposition and general public who detest Milosevic aren't opposed
to fighting NATO in Kosovo. The main public opposition to that battle comes
from mothers demonstrating against their sons' military mobilization. Some
reservists, like some 200 in Leskovac, are staging protest rallies outside
military barracks, and many draft resisters are going into hiding. They see
through Milosevic's strategy and believe that he has already sold out Kosovo
but is forcing soldiers to die so he can survive his eventual surrender of
the province.

Except with the conscripts and their families, Milosevic's decision to
re-enact a version of the medieval battle has strengthened him. Earlier this
year his approval ratings were only about 20 percent, because he has
devastated the economy and lost three wars, but by early March a poll showed
37 percent of the Serbs willing to defend Kosovo with force, with more
uniting behind him. Even members of the opposition are entranced by the myth
of the Serbian 

Re: [CTRL] Rambouillet, and the Vienna Convention on the Law of T...

1999-04-05 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-04-05 12:23:11 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 "It is illegal under international law to use force to compel any
state to sign an international agreement."
The Rambouillet process is a violation of international law.

Pay attention, folks -- this is how the con-game known as "Civilization"

(1) A ruling class with money --who can afford to buy armies (police)--
invents a law.
(2) The law exists primarily to define any opposing illegitimate power as
"out-laws."  (Law codifies the will of the ruling class.  Any opposing it,
thereby oppose that will.)
(3) Defining any who oppose it as criminals, the law ipso facto justifies
violence against them by the armies (police) who are on the payroll of the
ones who invented the law.
(4) The coercion of others into obedience to the moneyed ruling class who
invented the law IN ORDER TO coerce others into obedience is deemed
"legitimate use of force."

In short, since the days of savage baboon packs, "Do whatever I want or --
I'll kill you," has evolved only to "--I'll pay Guido to kill you."  That's
"Civilization." That's all, folks.

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[CTRL] Warning to the Future: Radwaste Here!

1999-04-05 Thread Robert Tatman

 -Caveat Lector-

Future Nuclear Waste Warning
Sweden Considers Long-Term Dump Note

S T O C K H O L M,   Sweden,   April 5 — Writing a letter to our descendants 25,000 
years in the future may seem like a science fiction plot, but for Mikael Jensen the 
puzzle is not far off.
 Sweden, with its high environmental standards, is closer than any other country 
with the possible exception of Finland to finding a long-term solution for dealing 
with nuclear waste. Swedish scientists are designing a deep underground vault where 
the waste can cool off, but spent fuel rods can take up to 100,000 years before they 
are at levels that occur in nature.
 That is why Jensen, a physicist at Sweden’s Radiation Protection Authority SSI, 
needs to think about a “Do not disturb” warning readable thousands of years from now 
to keep anyone from entering the deadly cavern.
 It has to be ominous enough to scare people away and keep anyone from thinking it 
hides a valuable treasure. But language may be completely changed by then or orderly 
society may cease to exist, wiped out by war, disease or a meteorite.
Not Too Smart But Smart Enough?
“People speculate that if society is at a high level they will understand everything. 
If society is at a low level they will not drill (into the vault) — nothing will 
happen,” he said. “But if something happens and we still have the equipment but not 
the knowledge, that’s when it gets dangerous.”
 Jensen favors both marking the site with a sign and maintaining archives to 
explain further to scientists exactly what the location, contents and design of the 
repository are. The aim would also be to help scientists, who may have a better method 
of dealing with nuclear waste, find the site.
 Some of Jensen’s studies included research into the world’s oldest archives, at 
the Vatican, where documents have been meticulously preserved for more than 800 years.

But an Ice Age Approaches
“An argument against the archive is that we’re expecting another Ice Age in Sweden 
within 10,000 years to cover us in three kilometers (1.8 miles) of ice for tens of 
thousands of years,” Jensen told Reuters. A surface marker could include different 
degrees of complexity, starting from a primitive danger sign and advancing to the full 
scientific formulas describing what is there. There could be plastic chips at 
different levels underground to ward off drillers or a dangerous-looking landscape of 
 Scientists will narrow down the choice to one site in Sweden where detailed 
research will start in about 10 years. Until then the waste is in medium-term storage 
sites where it is safe for at least 70 years unless the sites are upgraded.
 The first step in a lengthy process of building a long-term repository is finding 
a site. In a referendum on one proposal, residents of the northern city of Mala 
decided by a narrow margin not to accept nuclear waste in their backyard.

Greenpeace Says Site Unsafe
Part of the reason for the “no” vote was campaigning by the environmental group 
Greenpeace, which says scientists cannot prove a repository is safe and waste should 
be kept on the surface to be monitored until a solution can be found.
 “Today there is no way to deal with waste safely but in the future there might 
be. We cannot apply a wrong solution just because we don’t have one,” Greenpeace 
Sweden spokesman Dima Litvinov told Reuters.
 If no site is accepted or if no municipality agrees to host the repository, the 
existing intermediate storage facility will probably keep the fuel longer.
 The new repository would be about 1,600 feet deep and waste would be protected in 
steel covered with copper and packed in clay. The canisters would be laid vertically 
into rock and the repository sealed.

Eye on Ground-Water
“Besides human intrusion, the ground-water is the only way that contamination can 
reach the surface,” said Olle Zellman, head of a lab researching the repository.
 Scientists said the design in the copper, chosen because it corrodes slowly, will 
keep the canister intact for at least a million years, much longer than the 100,000 
years during which contamination from the canisters could be dangerous to humans.
 Ground water would slowly fill the repository but because there is no free oxygen 
in the bedrock at this depth the copper would not corrode. If some radioactivity did 
escape, the bedrock would act as a filter.
 After the repository is sealed, no surveillance or maintenance is needed, 
although local residents may demand it.
 In 1980, with the U.S. Three Mile Island nuclear accident fresh in mind, Swedes 
voted to close their atomic power plants. A deadline of 2010 was set, although critics 
say the plan is impractical and costly. But this decision will not solve the problem 
of what to do with the waste that has accumulated since the reactors were switched on 
in 1972.
 The issue is stalled in Swedish courts as operators of 

[CTRL] Egypt Meeting with China

1999-04-05 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Egypt President Arrives in Beijing

BEIJING (AP) -- Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Chinese President Jiang
Zemin discussed the troubled Middle East peace process and NATO's bombing of
Yugoslavia in talks Monday, China's state-run media reported.

Government media released no details of the leaders' discussions on the
Mideast and Yugoslavia beyond saying that they agreed disputes should be
settled peacefully.

Jiang pronounced his talks with Mubarak ``very successful,'' the Xinhua News
Agency reported.

Mubarak began a five-day official visit Monday, his seventh trip to China. He
met with Premier Zhu Rongji and was given a red-carpet welcome at Beijing's
Great Hall of the People by Jiang before their talks.

In an earlier report, Xinhua said Mubarak was expected to ask Jiang to
support efforts to reduce tensions between Palestinian and Israeli officials
over the timing of Palestinian statehood.

China has been trying to raise its diplomatic profile in the region.

During his trip, the Egyptian president is also expected to seek increased
economic and technology-related cooperation between his country and China,
Xinhua said. It did not provide details.

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Re: [CTRL] Diana Info Walt Disney

1999-04-05 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, "Samatha 'Smith'" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Diana did a lot more with her fame and appeal than I ever expected her

No, she was a self-centered bitch with little brains, more interested in
parties and discos than the welfare of the world -- but who WAS smart
enough to know which photo ops would fool the public into thinking her
holier than Mother Theresa, and so played the papparazzi for her own


The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
   You know how it is with an April day:
   When the sun is out and the wind is still,
   You're one month on in the middle of May.
   But if you so much as dare to speak,
   A cloud comes over the sunlit arch,
   A wind comes off a frozen peak,
   And you're two months back in the middle of March.
-- Robert Frost:  Two Tramps in Mudtime
revcoal AT connix DOT com
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 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
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Re: [CTRL] Gods Bankers in EDINBURGH

1999-04-05 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi Andrew,

I am most interested in this part of the conspiracy. I'd really appreciate
it if you could elaborate on the Scottish side.

From what I have heard, Rosslyn Chapel has become THE artefact Black Hole
.. eg.
The Black Rune of Scotland [piece of the true cross]
The Holy Grail
The Head of God [CAPUT/Baphomet Skull anciently revered by Templars]
Matthew Scrolls
The Ark of the Covenant

elsewhere; The Black Stone of Erc/Stone of Destiny held either by Templars,
I suspect in Aberdeen or Tara,
An ancient atlantean alchemical facility mentioned circa 1810 in writings
about Knights of Malta in Scotland.
The Black Order of Scotland is alleged to have a suspicious bit of Hebrew
Scroll proclaiming its allegiance to 'Darth Vader' aka fallen angel.
Various false Kings and false prophets roam the 7 hills of Edinburgh.
On estates around the city, there are places that use survey techniques to:
1. show edinburgh to be sacred
2. build a pyramid where the temple treasure may have landed.

Heads of various esoteric and international orders live in and around
Edinburgh and Scotland.
Because I suspect that JRR Tolkeins 'Lord of the Rings' very much ties
in with the Edinburgh area, and that the archeological evidence for
reptile/orcs holds true - I believe that Edinburgh will become a city
state ruled by a Priest King dynasty and Scotland will be made some sort
of Holy Land and pilgrimmage place for the New World Order.
If and when the good Fallen Angels return to claim their throne from the
bad ones - then maybe I can get some peace to play music !!!??


PS: according to many many experts, prince Michael Stewart
aka Michael le Fosse is an imposter and that the current legal hier
recognised by Bretts peerage to the throne of Scotland is a friend
of QEII, the Duke of Bavaria - whose father was a WW2 pilot and nazi.
Prince Michael was helped to achieve acclaim by Sir Lawrence Gardiner,
who is also a fabrication called Brian Gardiner who has acquired many
titles and lots of white gold that he now claims will either sell:
1. as the elixir of eternal life
2. antigravity fuel
3. an opportunity to dispose of trees on overforrested estates in Europe
   and Scotland.

Its all a pile of nonsense - if I had no scruples here - I could really
coin it in .. any ideas folks ??

Andrew - your eyes and ears in the Priest Kingdom capital of Earth.

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Re: [CTRL] Diana Info Walt Disney

1999-04-05 Thread revcoal

 -Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 5 Apr 1999, Andrew Hennessey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
The point was and is that she was innocent and undeserving of the
slaughter of her innocence, her character and her life.

I never claimed she deserved to die.

As to 'slaughter of her character', she did a pretty good job of doing
that herself...

That she didn't deserve the crap that dropped on her, in fact she could
have done without the abnormal circumstances surrounding her marriage.

Well hell, she could have done without the marriage altogether...she knew
what she was getting into, and if she didn't, it just proves what a
colossal bimbo she was...

The Ministry of Truth rewrite
and redefine the facts for them about everything aren't they June ?

No, it seems as if the 'Ministry of Truth' is intent on perpetuating the
myth of DIana Spencer as some sort of saint, instead of the brainless
bimbo party girl she was...

In the year 2030, school will convene and the techno music and brain
reprog sessions will see the beautiful Bimbo Diana 

Then they'll be taught the truth...

Mother Theresa was slaughtered by the Black Hand of History to be a
refutation and counterpoint to any good memory of a sweet woman princess

Puh-leeze!!  The woman was old, and had been ill for some was
only a matter of time until she popped off, and only a matter of
coincidence that she died on the same day as Diana Spencer's funeral...

And as flawed a woman as Mother Theresa was, she far more deserves
history's accolades than a blonde bimbo who married well...


The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
   You know how it is with an April day:
   When the sun is out and the wind is still,
   You're one month on in the middle of May.
   But if you so much as dare to speak,
   A cloud comes over the sunlit arch,
   A wind comes off a frozen peak,
   And you're two months back in the middle of March.
-- Robert Frost:  Two Tramps in Mudtime
revcoal AT connix DOT com
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 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
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Re: [CTRL] [[SC] Skeptic News Saturday #3]

1999-04-05 Thread Colleen Jones

 -Caveat Lector-

Years ago when I was at City Hall, my office overlooked green fields,
trees, and a creek...typical small town atmosphre.  In the spring,
thousands of golden dandoliens would be in bloom, and it was a beautiful
site to see - however, our street department woud chop and cut, and gone
he blooms would be before they took to seed.

I had a gentleman from India visit my office once; and he looked out
over the sea of yellow and green, and said that is he most beautiful
siight I have ever seen; and it was beautiful.

The thought occurred to me.the dandelion is also edible - and people
starve in Indiait has iron content, a beautiful golden flower, it
spreads, and spreads, and spreads on its onwwe will kill it.

What abou all the poison put in our yards on a yearly basisI have a
neighbor that has a yard so well manicured, you would think you were in
Munchkin Landand each year the ChemLawn comes out, sprays all over
on windy days.they dump fertilizer, but the neighbor I loved the
most became the most hated man on the block, when he visited the sewage
plant and brought home some sludge.well, won't go into that but for
awhile I thought there would be a lynching.

Now imagine someone, elderly, or with weak lungs, or some kid earning a
few dollars cutting grass - mowing yards with all the poison spread upon
the ground.  On extremely hot, dusty dry days the dust penetrtes the
airI do not believe it is the green green grass of hom causing the
problem, but rather, what we feed it to kill the little golden flowers,
that could feed a lot of hungry people - the law of survival.

I saw my neighbor lady faint in her yard once; and saw another man drop
dead in their gardens from using these deadly pesticides on extremely
hot days, in the dust and hot sun.   Everyday people are killing
themselves in their own bathrooms with the use of spray cans with
poisonous contents..yet, our government say we are destroying the
ozone, everytime a sprap product is used . in other words, what a
lot of just plain crap.

You can even make dandelien I have never drunk or eaten
any, but I have never also been hungry.  But I know of a lot of people
who have so done, and like the taste and the high iron content.

So much for ozones, and spray cans killing us in our own bathrooms; I am
more concerned about the deadly poisons we spread on our lawn.the
ones where the danger signs are put up, and if your pet eats the grass,
he will often bite the dust as well.

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spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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Re: [CTRL] Gods Bankers in EDINBURGH

1999-04-05 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

At 06:25 AM 4/5/99 -0400, you wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

Andrew, maybe you can help me here.  I had written Sybil Leek way back
in 1980 about the Ogham Code.- I was just looking at her letter todahy
on thisso in part, here is what she said:

On two ocassions when young and being driven in the back of my parents car
through the Pass of Killiecrankie an incredible image of squint fishbones
flashed into my mind - it was not until many years later that I found out
that this was Ogham - perhaps some sort of ward or territorial marker set
by people who had Real Power. eg. Druids, 'aliens' aka faeries, etc

"Dear Colleen.I decided to go back to Globe as they doubled my wages
and finally I do a good job on the astrology and I think my contract
will outlive the smart boys who took over...Got our leter about the
OGHAM code; very interesting - he Ogham ocde predates Chrisianity...the
Ogham STONE in the north of Scotland waslinked with Wicca, witchcraft,
but in its European stte of being a religion.There is a picture of
the Ogham Sone  (the once mysterioius Rune stone in he book Stephen and
I called Ring of Magic IslandsThe Ogham script is the one used to
convey messages in Wiccanot used so much these days, but once
essential when there was prosecution.

I'm unsure about the lineage of Ogham but there are certain types used
in certain regions of Scotland and the Isles.
Ogham certainly predates Christianity as does the more 'fancy' set of
Runes imported from the Nordics - the 'kalebran'.

How you doing Andrew are things in the Pope
is supposed to sit over the tomb of St. Peter, does not the English
Throne rest upon Jacob's Stone, where they are crowned.

Scottish parliament fever, devolution and the unusually lunatic behaviour
of the man some Scots wanted as a 'Scottish national saviour' - SNP leader
Alex Salmond - who for some lapse of sanity has destroyed his election
hopes by telling everyone not to bomb Belgrade. If I didn't know any better
I might suggest that 'someone and some technology' put that thought in
his thick head - though with Salmond its actually par for the course.
Part of his desires is to reopen the flooded and uneconomical coal mines
and put us all 'back to work'  :)

However, for a King or Queen to rule, they must be able to trace their
family ree to the bible, the divine right to will find all
their names in there, including Princess Diana in the Acts..the one
who would be despised  (does that ring a bell)..enough for shrines.
The documents I have sealed with crown supposedly make my pedigree
official..however, to get the throne I would have to eliminate quite
a few people...a LOT of people.

I believe that Queen Elizabeth the 2nd is the only British Monarch Ever
not to sit on the REAL Stone of Destiny.
When she comes up to the historical openong of parliament she will
probably be wearing an old raincoat - because she has decided not to
honour the parliament with a state ceremony  surprise surprise ...

I always liked Crowley; he ordained himself the King of
Ireland...Sybil's famiy knew him, and he liked Sybile was not a
Nazi, but rather a propaganda agent for the British.

If I ever find an MI5 agent who really knows whats going on, I'll buy
them a beer ...

Andrew H

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Re: [CTRL] Diana Info Walt Disney

1999-04-05 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

As to 'slaughter of her character', she did a pretty good job of doing
that herself...

All her calls were monitored by British Security [at least]
and her son Wills blames dad for not giving her a safe haven in London
and having to find solace elsewhere .

Well hell, she could have done without the marriage altogether...she knew
what she was getting into, and if she didn't, it just proves what a
colossal bimbo she was...

Princess Diana was descended from the dalriadan line of Celtic Kings
and an ancestor of mary Queen of Scots - the dalriadan line is considered
to be older than the Windsor line  and it really looks like the word
NO is not an option in this case.

The Ministry of Truth rewrite
and redefine the facts for them about everything aren't they June ?

No, it seems as if the 'Ministry of Truth' is intent on perpetuating the
myth of DIana Spencer as some sort of saint, instead of the brainless
bimbo party girl she was...

She addressed an important Chinese Diplomatic Congress in CHINESE and
was credited with much honour and acclaim for this by the Chinese.

Mother Theresa was slaughtered by the Black Hand of History to be a
refutation and counterpoint to any good memory of a sweet woman princess

Puh-leeze!!  The woman was old, and had been ill for some was
only a matter of time until she popped off, and only a matter of
coincidence that she died on the same day as Diana Spencer's funeral...

well she was going anyway ... and history sometimes needs a wee helping
hand :)
you may not 'believe' in Diana - but I don't 'believe' in co-incidences -

Andrew H

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Full Images of Patents via USPTO

1999-04-05 Thread Teo One Thousand

This should come in handy for all you "free energy" researchers out there, as
well as others.

Newsgroups: wpi.announce,wpi.library
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 11:14:23 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Full Images of Patents via USPTO

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has added links from its U.S.
Patent Full Text Database:
to the full image of every page of every patent in the database back to
January 1, 1976.

Full images are stored in the Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) and are not
directly viewable with most Web browsers.  A TIFF viewer plug-in or another
application to which your browser can send TIFF images for display is needed.
 USPTO suggests that users download and install the free browser plug-in,
"AlternaTIFF," available from Medical Informatics Engineering
which works with Navigator/Communicator 3.0+, Internet Explorer 3.0+, and
Opera 3.51+.  The browsers on the public access catalog computers on the main
floor of the library have been configured to use the TIFF viewer for display
and printing of patent images.

There is a link to the U.S. Patent Full Text and Image Database from the
Gordon Library home page:
Just select Reference Resources and then Patent Resources.

Don Richardson
Reference/Systems Librarian
Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Neil L. Norum
Director, Media  Community Relations
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)
100 Institute Road
Worcester, MA  01609