Re: [CTRL] Hebrew Matrix

1999-10-11 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-10-10 19:40:36 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> For example, we are just leaving Pisces and going into Aquarius.

Don't hold your breath.  Three and a half CENTURIES to go yet till Aquarius.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bright Star

1999-10-11 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Egypt, U.S. Ready For War Games

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - U.S. tanks, trucks and troops headed ashore Sunday along
Egypt's Mediterranean coast, readying for war games involving more than
50,000 members of armed forces from 11 nations.

The Bright Star military exercises, held every two years, give nations a
chance to get familiar with each other's equipment, tactics and training -
then put them to the test.

Some of the 18,000 U.S. troops involved began arriving with their equipment
Sunday near the coastal city of Alexandria. Maneuvers, which formally begin
Friday and wrap up Nov. 1, include an amphibious landing, missile practice
and field combat training.

For the first time, Bright Star will also include a computer-aided command
exercise intended to quickly transfer satellite images and other strategic
information to commanders in the battlefield.

``Everyone thinks if you put enough guns there and you put enough troops
there, you're going to win. But you have to have good command and control,''
said Maj. Joe LaMarca, a U.S. spokesman for the exercises.

Bright Star military maneuvers began in 1981 and originally involved only the
United States and Egypt. This year, Germany, Greece, Jordan and the
Netherlands are participating for the first time, LaMarca said. The others
involved are Britain, France, Italy, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] UN stuff

1999-10-11 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

> Clinton at this time is attempting to seize millions of America's
> parkland for the UN!
> PDD 25
> Toll free to the US  Congress: 1-888-449-3511 or 1-800-449-3511
> Pay for call at:  202-224-3121 OR 202-225-3121
> Rep. Chris Smith blocks Rep. Ron Paul's "American Sovereignty
> Restoration Act" (H.R. 1146) which will get the US out of the United
> Nations.
> It has been boldly stated by former U.N. Secretary General Boutros
> Boutros-Ghali that "The time of absolute and exclusive sovereignty,
> however, has passed..."  That's the real danger of the United
> Nations. And that's why the United States must get out of the United
> Nations.  To achieve that, we must break Rep. Smith's roadblock and
> DEMAND that hearings be held on H.R. 1146.
> 1.  Write or call Rep. Chris Smith and demand that hearings be held
> on H.R. 1146.  His office number is (1-888-449-3511 OR 1-800-449-3511
> Pay for call at:  202-224-3121 OR 202-225-3121 His address is:
> Honorable Chris Smith, United States  House of Representatives,
> Washington, DC 20515.
> 2.  Write or call the office of the International Operations and
> Human Rights Committee and demand that hearings be held on
> H.R. 1146 at (202) 225-5748.  The address is B358 Rayburn
> House Office Building, Washington, DC 20515.
> 3.  Call your congressman and urge him to cosponsor H.R. 1146.
> The Capitol Hill House Switchboard phone number is: 1-888-449-3511
> or 1-800-449-3511 Pay for call at:  202-224-3121 OR 202-225-3121.
> 4.  Call Speaker Hastert and urge GOP leadership to demand hearings
> on H.R. 1146.  Ph: 1-888-449-3511 or 1-800-449-3511
> Pay for call at:  (202) 225-0600.
> ***
> For more detail on the United Nations plans for individual Americans
> and OUR LAND please consult the following documents.
> 1.  The United Nations plan to separate the child from the parent and
> make the child a ward of "the state." For details on "--- this new
> concept of separate rights for children with the Government accepting
> responsibility for protecting the child from the power of parents],
> economic exploitation and social neglect." read the UN document: The
> U.N. Convention On The Rights Of The Child at
> 2.  The U.N. plan to control the eduation of "YOUR" children.
> 3.  The U.N. plan to control "YOUR" Mental Health.
> 4.  The U.N. plan for a U.N. Cop On Every Corner In America??:
> 5.  The U.N. plan to control "YOUR" Community
> The Convention on Biological Diversity (1992)
> contains the full text of the Convention on Biological Diversity,
> which was opened for signature at the 1992 Rio "Earth Summit".
> To read an explanatory leaflet about the Convention on Biological
> Diversity click on the following:
> 6.  The U.N. plan to take over vast areas of U.S. land mass.
> For an alarming visual perspective of this plan view the milti-color
> relief map at: THIS IS A "MUST SEE."
> "Inside Yellowstone, the U.S. Park Service is shutting down
> campgrounds as the park is being prepared to become the core of a
> huge biosphere reserve, as part of the United Nations global
> biodiversity plan," he said. "Once established, no human activity
> will be permitted in the area," even though U.S. taxpayers must
> continue to fund the maintenance and upkeep of Yellowstone and other
> popular outdoor tourist sites. For detail information please refer
> to: United Nations Educational  Scientific And Cultural Organization
> (UNESCO)  Convention  Concerning The Protection of The World
> Cultural And Natural Heritage   (WHC-98/CONF.203/18) (Paris, 29
> January 1999).  To read the full text of this plan click on the
> following.
> Due to the extreme urgency of this matter The Christian Alert Network
> (TCAN) respectfully requests that this ALERT be forwarded to the
> maximum extent possible by all organizations and individuals.
> TCAN further urges all individual US citizens to make the above
> contact IMMEDIATELY and CONTINUE to make that contact until
> H.R.1146, has been successfully debated in the US House of
> Representatives.
> Rev. "Curt" Tomlin
> President
> The Christian Alert Network,Inc.
> POB 11746
> Killeen, Tx 76547-1746
> Ph: 254-628-7043
> Fax: 254-6

[CTRL] The Secrets of Thoth and The Keys of Enoch

1999-10-11 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

 --===The Secrets of Thoth and The Keys of Enoch===--

By Paul White

*Just after the Deluge, at the dawn of the present time cycle, an era
Egyptians called ZEP TEPI, "The First Times", a mysterious group of
appeared, to initiate the survivors in the rudiments of civilisation.
Thoth and Osiris in Egypt, to Quetzacoatal and Viracocha in the
traditions worldwide subscribe the origins of contemporary civilisation
this sophisticated group*.

Despite the misleading popularity of Von Danikan journalism, evidence
around the world, indicates these people were the hi-tech survivors of
previous civilisation. Like the nuclear survival bunkers and secret
facilities of our own civilisation, there were those who arose from the
underground "cities of the Gods", after the dust settled. They were the
"prediluvian patriarchs", like Enoch and Methuselah, the "giants and
of old", mentioned in Genesis. The enigmatic gods of ancient Summer,
and India, all hail from the fabulous times before the Flood.

Since the declassification of the new ground-penetrating radar 2 years
the most staggering data has emerged of complex and labyrinthine
systems in various parts of the world. At places like Guatemala in the
Americas, tunnels have been mapped under the Mayan pyramid complex at
which extend a full 800 kilometres to the opposite side of the country.
Investigators remarked, it was possible to understand how half a million
Mayan Indians escaped the decimation of their culture.

In similar fashion, the SIRA radar was deployed in Egypt as early as
mapping an extraordinary subterranean complex beneath the Egyptian
Arrangements made with President Sadat of Egypt, resulted in three
decades of
top secret excavations to penetrate the system. At a recent meeting in
Australia, one of the key scientists on the Giza project, Dr. Jim
showed film footage of work in progress called, CHAMBERS OF THE DEEP,
due to
be released at the end of the century.

The film reveals the discovery of a vast megalithic metropolis, 15,000
old, reaching several levels below the Giza plateau. While the rest of
Nu-Age speculates about a hidden chamber under the left paw of the
the legendary "City Of The Gods", lays sprawled beneath. Complete with
hydraulic underground waterways, the film shows massive chambers, the
proportions of our largest cathedrals, with enormous statues, the size
of the
Valley of the Nile, carved in-situ. Researchers, risking their lives
lights and cameras, carefully negotiated rubber dinghies across
rivers and kilometer-wide lakes, to penetrate sealed chambers beyond.
Already, remarkable caches of records and artifacts have been found.

It is the legacy of a civilisation and a technology way beyond our own.
technology capable of creating a vast underground city, of which the
and pyramids are merely the surface markers. The project scientist, Dr.
Hurtak, likens it to the impact of contact with an advanced
culture. He described it as the discovery of the Fourth Root culture,
so-called Atlantean civilisation, destroyed by the last earth tumble. It
presents unequivocal evidence that all languages, cultures and religions
trace back to a single common source, which Dr. Hurtak refers to as the
"Parent Civilisation".

The technology unearthed is way beyond machine technology, as we know
it. As
Arthur C. Clark once joked, "any technology beyond our own would seem
magic to us." According to Dr. Hurtak, this was a culture who cracked
genetic code and possessed the keys of the physical spectrum, the
Light Physics" of the ancients... everything old Gilgamesh went
searching for
in his famous trek to the lost "City of the Gods" to search the tunnels
beneath "Mt. Mashu" in the desert lands.

Hurtak refers to a "language of light" and a great priest-scientist of
previous time cycle, named ENOCH, who is associated with the building of
Great Pyramid complex. Hurtak alludes to a grand spiritual science, a
which describes a genetic stairway to the stars.

The priest-scientist ENOCH, is a prediluvian patriarch, one of the most
famous and seminal characters of the previous time cycle. Father of
Methuselah and great grandfather of Noah, Enoch is credited in the Bible
architect of the original Zion, the legendary "City of Yahweh", as well
inventor of the alphabet and calendar. Enoch is also history's first
astronaut, who "is taken aloft by the Lord" and shown "the secrets of
and heaven". He returns to earth with the "weights and measures" for all

Known to the Egyptians as THOTH, the "Lord of Magic and Time" and to the
Greeks as HERMES, "messenger of the gods", he is even remembered in the
Celtic tradition as the enigmatic wizard Merlin, who disappears up an
tree to mythic Avalon, seeking the secret of immortality a

Re: [CTRL] JFK Sought END of Federal Reserve...CAPITALISTS MURDER...

1999-10-11 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Caveat Lector-

Really? And what's the perfect alternative? And will you practice what you
preach and dispense with each and every product your wear, eat and use which
comes to you courtesy of capitalism?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bright Star

1999-10-11 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

Bright Star!!!  Man do they know how to pick the names..


We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard
Bargain Books

- Original Message -
Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 9:11 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Bright Star

> -Caveat Lector-
> Egypt, U.S. Ready For War Games
> CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - U.S. tanks, trucks and troops headed ashore Sunday
> Egypt's Mediterranean coast, readying for war games involving more than
> 50,000 members of armed forces from 11 nations.
> The Bright Star military exercises, held every two years, give nations a
> chance to get familiar with each other's equipment, tactics and training -
> then put them to the test.
> Some of the 18,000 U.S. troops involved began arriving with their
> Sunday near the coastal city of Alexandria. Maneuvers, which formally
> Friday and wrap up Nov. 1, include an amphibious landing, missile practice
> and field combat training.
> For the first time, Bright Star will also include a computer-aided command
> exercise intended to quickly transfer satellite images and other strategic
> information to commanders in the battlefield.
> ``Everyone thinks if you put enough guns there and you put enough troops
> there, you're going to win. But you have to have good command and
> said Maj. Joe LaMarca, a U.S. spokesman for the exercises.
> Bright Star military maneuvers began in 1981 and originally involved only
> United States and Egypt. This year, Germany, Greece, Jordan and the
> Netherlands are participating for the first time, LaMarca said. The others
> involved are Britain, France, Italy, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
> screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Shape Shifting

1999-10-11 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Caveat Lector-

Great minds think alike, hey?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Another Look at JAPAN, Europe's Oriental Twin

1999-10-11 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

 The history and culture of Japan PARALLEL the history and culture of
Western Europe in many ways.
 "Japan" as we know it is no older than the beginnings of "European"
civilization, as distinct from the western provinces of the Roman Empire
before the fall of Rome.
 The "samurai" tradition and "bushido" (its code of honor) evolved
historically side by side with the European tradition of chivalry.
 The so-called culture of "Japan," indeed, was merely an updated
synthesis of "imperial" Chinese culture and later, more spiritual Buddhist
values -- just as Western European culture was born from the synthesis of
older Greco-Roman socio-political foundations and a new spiritual faith
imported from the Near East, Christianity.
 The "history" of Western Europe is actually only the family histories of
its "nobles," aristocrats (blueblood heads of state, at the top) defined
primarily by their ability to raise and command armies to defend their
territorial property -- in short, a MILITARY nobility.  Likewise with the
history of Japan.
 And just as with us today --remembering that the foundations of modern
industrial capitalism were first erected and promoted by the British lesser
nobility of the Royal Society circa 1600-- the political "nobility" of
present-day Japan is a MERCANTILE aristocracy, linear descendants of the
"samurai" (independent-minded "knights") rather than born into "royalty" (or
the "imperial" bloodline) ...
 When East and West collided in the mid-19th Century, the folk-heroes of
the Wild West had much in common with the "Ronin," the samurai of a decadent
Empire ...


 The Yamato State

 A chapter in the learning module "Ancient Japan,"
 "Yamato Japan" outlines the development of the Yamato state
 through the Asuka and Hakuho periods

 by Richard Hooker, 10/27/96

 The Yamato peninsula, on the southwesternmost portion of the
island of Honshu, has historically been the region through which
cultural influence from the mainland has passed into Japan.
Beginning in 300 A.D., a new culture distinguished itself from
Yayoi culture in the area around Nara and Osaka in the south of
Honshu. This culture built giant tomb mounds, called _kofun_,
many of which still exist; these tomb mounds were patterned after
a similar practice in Korea. It is from these tomb mounds that
these people derive their name: the _Kofun_. For two hundred
years, these tombs were filled with objects that normally filled
Yayoi tombs, such as mirrors and jewels. But beginning in 500
A.D., these tombs were filled with armor and weapons. So we know
that around this time, a new wave of cultural influence had
passed over from Korea into Japan.

 The earliest Japanese state we know of was ruled over by
Yamato "great kings"; the Yamato state, which the Japanese
chronicles date to 500 A.D., that is, the time when a new wave of
Korean cultural influence passed through southern Japan, was
really a loose hegemony. Yamato is the plain around Osaka; it is
the richest agricultural region in Japan. The Yamato kings
located their capital at Naniwa (modern day Osaka) and enjoyed a
hegemony over the surrounding aristocracies that made them
powerful and wealthy. They built for themselves magnificent
tomb-mounds; like all monumental architecture, these tombs
represented the wealth and power of the Yamato king. The
keyhole-shaped tomb-mound of Nintoku is longer than five football
fields and has twice the volume of the Great Pyramid of Cheops.

 According to the Japanese chronicles, the court of the
Yamato kings was based on Korean models for the titles given to
the court and regional aristocrats were drawn from Korean titles.
As in Yayoi Japan, the basic social unit was the _uji_; what had
been added was an aristocracy based on military readiness. This
military aristocracy would remain the single most powerful group
in Japanese history until the Meiji restoration in 1868. The
various aristocratic families did not live peacefully together;
the Yamato court witnessed constant struggles among the
aristocratic families for power.

 During this period, Japan had a presence on the Korean
peninsula itself. Korea was in its most dynamic cultural and
political period; the peninsula itself was divided into three
great kingdoms: Koguryo in the north, Paekche in the east, and
Silla in the west. Paekche understood the strategic importance of
Japan and so entered into alliance with the Yamato state. This
connection between the Yamato court and Paekche is culturally one
of the most important events of early Japanese history. For the
Paekche court sent to Japan Korean craftspeople: potters, metal
workers, artists, and so on. But they also imported Chinese
culture. In the fifth or sixth century, the Koreans imported
Chinese writing in order to record Japanese names. In 513, the
Paekche court sent a Confucian schol

Re: [CTRL] Shape Shifting

1999-10-11 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Caveat Lector-


Sounds fascinating. Can you do a better of job of proving this dubious theory
than Icke?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and thus far with this
reptilian things I've seen a lot of the former but none of the latter.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Shape Shifting

1999-10-11 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Caveat Lector-


What you believe is immaterial. You don't know if other extraterrestrial
species are evil.

Knowing and believing are two different things. But the universe is a big
place. So there's plenty of room for any belief to come true, we just know it


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] East Timor, Asia's Kosovo

1999-10-11 Thread [to:] [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 -Caveat Lector-

Well GOAT, what's your point?

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Secrets of Thoth and The Keys of Enoch

1999-10-11 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

Oh, my -- the circus sideshow has come back to town ...  "Hey rube!"

Twenty years ago, "Dr" Jim Hurtak was known only as an associate of Uri
Geller and as the author of a "channelled" Kabbalistic "testament" describing
the Elohim encountered by Enoch as space-beings travelling in saucer-craft
called "merkabah" (flying chariots).

Sorry, I've been around this block too many times now to take "voices in
one's head" beamed down from "the starship Hoova" seriously ...  Intriguing
as this post is, I'll have to call for BETTER sources CONFIRMING Hurtak's
claims of "Atlantean" structures ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Denver AirPort: Hidden Underground City is Western New World OrderHeadquarters?]

1999-10-11 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Denver AirPort: Hidden Underground City is Western New World
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 02:26:09 EDT

(sent to USCMike1's 33,833+ readers - Please repost to your own mailing
and newsgroups - Thanks)

Denver AirPort: Hidden Underground City is Western New World Order

Dear Citizens, Patriots, Veterans, et al:

  Please read this incredible post.  There is so much going on that I
even begin to summarize it in an introduction.  But one contractor who
"spilled the beans" conveniently commited "Arkancide" and the Queen of
England is going to set up housekeeping there in a covert, hidden,
clandestine underground city beneath the Denver International Air Port.

   Therefore, I don't think that Denver is going to get NBCed any time
unless they want to first exterminate all the rats and vermin and U.S.
Citizens to clear them out and leave it empty for the New World Order
gang of
300 as their NEW World Western Headquarters.

Too incredible to give a polite closing, USCMike1

 Date:  10/10/99 5:49:05 AM Pacific Daylight Time
 From:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Clarence H Napier)

 The Queen of England has reportedly been buying up property in Colorado
 under a proxy.
   There is a lot of "secret society" symbology at the airport, an
 lot in fact
   The symbolism apparent in the layout of the new Denver airport,
 feel, says that it may be a control center for world
   Specifically, those involved in some very unusual government
 in the past, have remarked that the Denver area is
   where the establishment of the Western sector of the New World
 will be in the United States.
   Denver is of very high altitude and ideal for safe underground
   The dedication or capstone of the new Denver Internation Airport
is a
 masonic symbol.
   If you visit the airport's south eastern side of the terminal you
 will find the Masonic Capstone in Granite.
   This part of the terminal is called The Great Hall, which is
known in
 Masonic lingo as their meeting hall.
   On the Masonic Capstone is inscribed NEW WORLD AIRPORT COMMISION.
   An eyewitness who has since "committed suicide" named Phil
 was a whistle blower re: Denver International
   Airport's underground facilities
   He helped build the underground facilities and reportedly
 himself via a double tie catheter behind his own neck
   strangling himself. It goes without saying that it appears that
   Phil also worked on other government underground facilities such
 Area 51 and Dulce and more. See Which is a tribute to Phil,
 although I cannot vouch for the site myself
   In the same general area as the Masonic capstone, there are
 designs inlaided in the floor, such as the expression
   DZIT DIT GAII, [anyone know EXACTLY what that means?]
   Phil Schneider's father was a U-boat captain during the NAZI
   Apparently DZIT DIT GAII refers to the BLACK SUN some sort of
   NAZI's apparently were into "BLACK SUN" worship, i.e. Saturn,
 Satanism, should not surprise us, I suppose
   There are many murals at the airport of an EXTREMELY grotesque
 apocalyptic nature.
   After looking at the murals many come away saying that they may
 represent what the elites plan to do with us and world
   One of the murals depicts 3 caskets containing dead people, each
 person representing people who the elites may want
   Black woman, a Jewish woman, and an American Indian Woman
   The casket ritual is common in the Skull & Bones Club whose
 include George Bush
   In the same mural is shown the destruction of city and forest, a
 little girl holding a Mayan Tablet that predicts destruction
   of Civilization
   Another Mural depicts a green giant "Darth Vader" like figure
 a gas mask destroying a city
   In this mural women can be seen carrying DEAD BABIES
   Another mural depicts a German boy collecting from all the other
 children of the world, all of the worlds weapons
   the German boy has a HUGE IRON FIST and is pounding all the
 into plowshares on an anvil
   Operation Paperclip was a plan wherein NAZI's were brought into
 US to be brought back into power after being
   financed and appearance altered
   Many German nationals have been seen along Americans in more
 sensitive areas of the airport's underground facilities on
   a regular basis
   The LUFTWAFFE has long had an EXTENSIVE base in New Mexico
 with towns where all signs are in
   The Artists who made the murals etc in DENVER INTERNATIONAL
 have been interviewed wherein they

Re: [CTRL] Hebrew Matrix

1999-10-11 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

Yes we wouldn't want to jump the gun and get into the Age of Aquarius
before time, it could be whackier than now. I think the worst of the
sign builds up in the last degrees - this is judgement day coming and we
haven't reached the Pisces pits yet I'd say. We have to have the
nightmare of the demons coming out of the inner planes and possessing
us, when HAARP finishes cutting all the holes in the barrier for them.
What with that AND holograms, very Age of Pisces don't you think? We
won't know what's real and what isn't.


Das GOAT wrote:
>  -Caveat Lector-
> In a message dated 99-10-10 19:40:36 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > For example, we are just leaving Pisces and going into Aquarius.
> Don't hold your breath.  Three and a half CENTURIES to go yet till Aquarius.
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
> screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
> and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
> frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
> spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
> gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
> be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
> nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
> Archives Available at:
> To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:
> Om

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] femme takeover fulfills Satan's promise to Eve

1999-10-11 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

 -Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 10 Oct 1999, Bard wrote:
>Man was given privileges that no other creation had been given before. God
>gave man dominion over all creatures of the earth. Man was given the right
>of self-determination and thus could do whatever he desired.

This is totally unscriptual.

According to Genesis, man was given STEWARDSHIP over all creation
which is vastly different than being able to 'do whatever he desired'

If man could truly 'do whatever he desired', the Bible would have stopped
right there, and there would have been no need for other chapters

If man could truly 'do whatever he desired', then God would have had no
reason to have created The Great Flood to wipe most of humanity off of
the earth...since humanity was doing whatever they desired

Sodom and Gomorrah did whatever they desired, too

>He alone was in
>control of his destiny. Angels, on the other hand, are created to serve God
>and man. Rebelling against God means instant removal from heaven. There are
>no second chances. Angels can not repent after rebelling against God.

There is no scriptual basis for this claim, either...

Point of fact, fallen angels ARE given chances to repent time and time

And man was created to serve God, not himself

>God, as He normally did in the afternoon, came down in the garden to speak
>with Adam and Eve. They heard Him walking toward them and hid themselves. He
>called out to Adam, "Adam where are you?" Adam replied, "We're naked and
>were hiding from You." God said, "Who told you that you are naked? Did you
>eat from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?" Adam replied, "This
>woman that you gave me made me do it."

"Made" him do it?  Presumably there weren't any firearms in those days,
so Eve couldn't have held a gun to Adam's head and forced him to take a
bite of the fruit...and there's nothing in the scripture to suggest she
had ANY sort of weapon at all...

So it's not like she held a knife to his throat and forced pieces of
fruit down his gullet

According to this MYTH, Eve just says "Hey, take a bite, it tastes really
good", and Adam willingly complies without an argument

And then doesn't take responsibility for his own actions by trying to
shift his own 'sin' onto Eve

They both disobeyed a command, and both are EQUALLY responsible...

It took a metaphysical entity which the Bible describes as having been
2nd only to God in Heaven before his fall, to tempt Eveit only took
another human, one which the Bible implies as secondary to the primary
primate because she was formed from his rib, to tempt Adam...

So who had the stronger intellect, the stronger moral fiber?  Seems to me
it was Eve, since it took more to tempt her than it took to tempt Adam...

Which begs the question of what does this MYTH have to do with Conspiracy
Research, anyways?

If you choose to believe a MYTH is real, that's your right, but you have
no right to foist your superstitions onto the rest of society, and expect
it to comply with your misogyny

>Because of their disobedience to God's commandment, they were punished for
>their actions. God said to Eve, "I will greatly multiply your sorrow and
>your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children;

So do most mammals.  Why do, say, cows 'share Eve's curse'?

Hardly seems fair, from a 'just God', does it?

>child instead of me. Eve was created to be equal to Adam and he treated her
>as such. Her sin destroyed this equality and established the husband as the
>head of the family--a fact that has been ignored in recent history.

This only applies to those superstitious souls such as you who accept
myths as historical fact...again, your right...but you have no right to
impose your superstitions on the rest of us.

In fact, to apply this thread to Conspiracy Theory, perhaps we should
discuss the conspiracy of the Christian power structure to impose their
mythology as FACT on society over the centuries, to foist their form
of superstition on the rest of the world, as a justification for their
continual genocide against all who believe differently (or choose not
to believe at all)

June ;-)

 If we listened to our intellect, we'd never have a love affair.  We'd
 never have a friendship.  We'd never go into business, because we'd be
 cynical.  Well, that's nonsense.  You've got to jump off cliffs all the
 time and build your wings on the way down.

   ---Ray Bradbury
revcoal AT connix DOT com
 It is UNLAWFUL to send unsolicited commercial email to this email
 address per United States Code Title 47 Sec. 227.  I assess a fee of
 $500.00 US currency for

[CTRL] Serial Killer of Collective Security

1999-10-11 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


Serial Killer of Collective Security
First NATO, then the U.N., now the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty
By John L. Perry
Posted October 10, 1999

Bill Clinton is reputedly eaten up with angst over having no legacy to leave.
He should lean back, light up a virgin cigar and relax.

He'll go down in history all right, not so much as the president who gave oral
sex a bad name but as the serial killer of collective security.

Perhaps some future biographer will invent a fictional character to explain
that this, too, is all the fault of someone's grandmother.

Even if Clinton hadn't gone on to make a name for himself in foreign policy by
throwing decades of costly lessons down the outhouse, he'd have left behind
enough — God knows, it was enough — to be remembered for.

How many other American presidents have soiled both the Oval Office and a White
House intern's dress?
And lied about it to his wife and daughter and Cabinet members and personal
staff and the entire American people, eyeball to eyeball and finger to nose?
And, under oath, lied to a grand jury as well?
And been found guilty of contempt for lying to a federal judge?
And violated his oath of office to take care that the laws be faithfully
And gotten himself impeached by the House of Representatives?
And then held a Rose Garden pep rally to celebrate as if it were an honor?
And, unforgivably, in the process sullied the fair escutcheon of sex, itself,
which has always been held in such high esteem by the masses?

Disgusting as all that is, what's even worse is Congress, the press and the
American people let Clinton get away with it.

What lesson did Bill Clinton learn from these cumulative disgraces, which would
have sent most normal men gibbering into oblivion?

The only lesson possible, an adult download of all the lessons he learned
growing up in Arkansas: There's no limit to what little Billy can get away with
if he just bites his lip, drags his toe, does a 'possum grin and goes, "Aw

Not content with his accomplishments domestically, this president then felt
free to set about systematically sabotaging the cardinal concepts of
international collective security consistent with the United States
Constitution. Thumbing his nose at that Constitution worked at home, so why not
away from home?

He must have known all along where he was going, and how to get there. The man
is nothing if not calculating.

Follow now his steps, which only appear those of a sailor uncharacteristically
taken drunk during shore leave:

Step One: Expanding NATO Eastward
Clinton's first step was to manipulate the expansion of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization to include Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary.

Why? What was the need?

For 50 years, NATO had served successfully as the classic example of collective
security — a defensive bulwark against any possible westward military assault
from the old Soviet Union. NATO was created as a mutual defense pact that would
use military force only "to restore and maintain the security and interests of
the North Atlantic area" by repelling an armed attack on a sovereign NATO
member nation.

With collapse of the Soviet Union and nullification of the Red Army as an
imminent threat to the North Atlantic area, there was no longer a demonstrable
need for a defensive NATO. Whom was it supposed to defend Western Europe
against now? China?

Those three Eastern European states were once forcibly subsumed into the now-
defunct Warsaw Pact by the Soviet Union as part of its own protection against
any historical repetition of Hitler's Drang Nach Osten, the thrust eastward
across Poland into the Russian heartland.

That may not loom as a specter to inhabitants of the U.S. It is dead-serious
stuff to Russians who have over and over and over again throughout history been
invaded from across the inviting plains of Poland.

Now along comes this ex-governor of Arkansas with his grand scheme for a "New
World Order" — why did he have to pick a phrase Hitler used and the Russians
could never forget? — and all of a sudden where is Russia's traditional cordon
sanitaire of Eastern European states? Transferred into the NATO orbit, that's

If Clinton accomplished nothing else, he gave America's enemies within Russia
all the propaganda ammo they'll ever need. They are real and they are mean as

Russians know there's not a blessed thing Poland, the Czech Republic and
Hungary could contribute to the defense of the North Atlantic area.

There were only two conceivable purposes in expanding NATO eastward toward
Russia — to serve as an implied aggressive threat against Russia or to become
an implement of extended U.S. hegemony over the economies in Eastern Europe.
Give Clinton credit for just enough sense not to opt for threatening Russia
militarily. Instead, he chose economic dominion in league with his "Third Way"
sidekick, Tony Blair, the British prime minister

[CTRL] (Fwd) [BRIGADE] PJB-Blankley: Apocalypse Soon

1999-10-11 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Linda Muller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear Brigade,

"America is the only nation on Earth to claim a right to intervene
militarily in every region of the world. But this foreign policy is not
America's tradition; it is an aberration. During our first 150 years, we
renounced interventionism and threatened war on any foreign power that
dared to intervene in our hemisphere. Can we, of all people, not
understand why foreigners bitterly resent our intrusions?..." -- Pat

Below, please find 2 columns:
1. Apocalypse Soon by Tony Blankley 10/6/99
2. Is Cataclysmic Terrorism Ahead? by Pat Buchanan 1/12/99



The Washington Times - October 6, 1999

Apocalypse soon by Tony Blankley

Presidential campaigns are useful for determining: whether a vice
president looks more presidential in a brown gabardine or a blue worsted
suit while announcing a change of address for his campaign headquarters;
whether a Christian gentleman should share an office with a Christian lady
-- and whether an aging left-wing movie star can add as much to
presidential politics as an atheist former professional
wrestler-cum-governor who dreams of coming back in another life as a
brassiere for a large woman. And it's only October. We have 13 more months
to enlighten, further, the electorate.

Meanwhile, the secretary of defense receives the first report from his
United States Commission on National Security in the 21st Century, which I
read with deepening fear for my dear little daughter Ana, who was sitting
on my lap while I looked at the report this weekend. The commission,
co-chaired by former Sens. Warren Rudman and Gary Hart, and composed of
leading military, diplomatic, political, academic, and business elder
statesmen is as sober in its makeup as it is flamboyantly nightmarish in
its predictions for the next 25 years.

So, sit back, ingest your calming substance or liquid of
preference and behold the near future, just as it has been reported to
Secretary of Defense William Cohen two weeks ago.

Weapons of mass nuclear, chemical and biological destruction will
proliferate. We should expect conflicts in which our adversaries, because
of "cultural affinities different from our own, will resort to forms and
levels of violence shocking to our sensibilities." The United States will
often be dependent on allies, "but it will find reliable alliances more
difficult to establish and sustain."

The report goes on to conclude that despite the fact that the United
States will be, both absolutely and relatively, the most powerful nation
on Earth, and despite the lack of a global competitor, we will be "limited
in our ability to impose our will, and we will be vulnerable to an
increasing range of threats."

 "States, terrorists, and other disaffected groups will acquire weapons of
mass destruction and mass disruption, and some will use them. Americans
will likely die on American soil, possibly in large numbers."

"When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living
creature call out, 'Come!' I looked and there was a pale green horse! Its
rider's name was Death, and Hades followed with him; they were given
authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, famine, and
pestilence, and by the wild animals of the earth." This last quote is from
John's Revelations, not the U.S. Commission on National Security in the
21st Century, But, giving allowance for a writing style gap of 2,000
years, it is a sequitur to the report findings immediately above it.

Visions of doom led men to religion and a search for God's grace. Today, I
fear, the main reaction, if any, is to look for a stock with upside
potential if there is increased demand for toxic cleanup and mass
contaminated corpse disposal.

 The faith of our fathers abides, and I hope that the stock market does
too. But, in a presidential and congressional election period, shouldn't
there also be a vigorous debate on the policies necessary to avoid or
minimize the calamity of mass death of Americans from nuclear or
biological attack?

The report goes on to describe a world in which U.S. intelligence and
diplomacy will be inadequate to protect our interests and security. The
continued advance of the global economy and technology will destabilize
nations and cultures, resulting in anti-technology backlashes. Those same
forces will "batter the concept of national sovereignty." Some important
nations "will not be able to manage these challenges and could fragment
and fail." Nationalism, ethnic and religious violence will rise, creating
"humanitarian disasters, major catalytic regional crises and the spread of
dangerous weapons."

"Big ideas" will spread quickly around the globe, and the "stage will be
set for mass action to have social impact beyond the borders and control
of existing political structures." The United States will "increasin

[CTRL] "Cultural Marxism" in the U.S.?

1999-10-11 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

>From the NewAustralian

What does the Littleton Massacre have to do with 'cultural Marxism' at the U.S.
Naval Academy?  By *Dr. Gerald L. Atkinson

No. 137,   11 - 17 October 1999
The U.S. Naval Academy, via its 'Leadership and Ethics' program, appears to be
taking a path that the nation's public schools have trod over the past 30
years. That is, it has introduced the pseudo-psychological curriculum of
'relative' moral values that has been so disastrous for our young children. The
academy appears to be taking the direction that has forced many (who can afford
it) to send their children to private schools or 'home school' them. This is
becoming apparent as evidence emerges concerning the true nature of the
'Leadership and Ethics' program and, specially, the new Integrity Development
Seminars (IDS) at the Academy.

This series of 'essays' has at least scratched the surface in characterizing
these seminars and the entire 'Leadership and Ethics' program in terms of a
broader view of where the ideas, techniques, and personnel come from, what they
believe, and what their 'mission' is. We have seen the product of these flawed
and failed ideas in the public school system at the Littleton, CO massacre at
Columbine High School where 13 innocent students were murdered by two evil
products of the New Age 'ethics' taught at that school. A countervailing view
of the appropriate 'ethics' training for our nation's future Navy and Marine
officers is provided by General Charles C. Krulak, Jr. USMC (Ret.), the former
Commandant of the Marine Corps.

In an interview, Gen. Krulak responded to the question1, "The Marine Corps
seems to have done better than the other services in warding off [difficulties
in morale, cultural stress, recruiting, retention, etc.]. What are the Marines
doing differently [than the other services]? Gen. Krulak's answer was
straightforward. "The first thing we've done differently is recognize who
Generation X and Generation Next really are ... What we've found out is that,
in reality, we believe we have found the next 'greatest generation' [after the
WWII G.I. generation]. What's been wrong all along is that we as a nation, the
American people and certainly we in the military, have not been giving these
kids what they want. What they want is very simple: They want to be challenged,
big time. They want to do something of value, and they really want that value
to be in terms of respect from their peers and respect from their seniors.

They believe in accountability and responsibility but don't believe we believe
in it. So, if you give them a hole in the fence, they are through it in a
heartbeat." The interviewer then asked, "How, then, does that realization shape
the Marines' approach?" Gen. Krulak replied, "What we decided to do is, if that
was what they want, instead of softening up we increased our standards, we
tightened up. The DoD recruiting standard for high school graduates was 90
percent. We said the Marines will accept nothing less than 95 percent. We test
our kids for drugs three times before they even get to the recruit depot. If
they have any kind of tattoo that is racist in nature, that is gang related,
they don't become a Marine. We took off television any kind of recruiting
advertisement that said anything about 'we're going to give you $50,000 for a
college education or we're going to teach you a skill.' Our advertising is very
simple. It says: 'If you want to be challenged physically, mentally and
morally, join the Marine Corps. You will be changed and the change will be

Contrast this view of a moral challenge with that which has been described in
this series of 'essays' on 'Cultural Marxism' at the U.S. Naval Academy. The
later, a soft 'relativism' that has invaded the 'Leadership and Ethics' program
at the Academy, is in fact just the opposite of that which has been so
successful for the U.S. Marine Corps. The Academy approach is one that has,
over the past few decades, infected our public schools by sowing cognitive
dissonance in a young person's mind and molding his or her 'morals' to fit the
agenda of an ideology that is quite foreign to the principles of individual
freedom, a gift handed down to us from our Founding Fathers. Let us, here,
explore that technique.

The sowing of cognitive dissonance in the minds of our young has been in
practice, in the background, silently, with deceptive cover for over 30 years.
It contributed to the horror of Littleton, CO. Here is how it works. Society
itself experiences increasing degrees of cognitive dissonance as a result of
the double standards on public policy generated by behavioral psychologists of
the Frankfurt School type. There is evidence that many of the so-called 'model,
upstanding, friendly' individuals who suddenly make news by going berserk and
killing people are persons who have been on the receiving end of numerous
unresolvable conflicts2.

In the

Re: [CTRL] "Cultural Marxism" in the U.S.?

1999-10-11 Thread Lucio Benedetto

 -Caveat Lector-

America is still playing the blame-game, still looking for outsiders to
blame for its troubles.  But seriously, Is all that is stated in this
article really the result of cultural Marxism or more correctly,  cultural
capitalism?  Capitalist culture _is_ the culture of anything-goes,
get-all-you-can relativism.  (Maybe it's just me, but Marxist societies,
which I am in no ways defending, such as China and Cuba don't strike me as
hedonistic utopias of relativism.)  Unfettered consumer capitalism, with its
emphasis on selfishness, acquisitiveness, and social irresponsibility,
reinforces a culture of with no moral or spiritual focus.  Our capitalist
culture is consumer oriented, not work oriented; "get while the gettin's
good" should be the national motto of the United States.  The Puritan work
ethic was killed with the last of the Eastern Indians.  And as the US and
its "free market" corporate oligarchs have shown time and again, our
culture, our American capitalist cutlure, validates and glorifies the murder
of anyone who gets in its way, be it Indians, Guatemalan peasants,
Vietnamese children, and even our own political leaders if necessary.  Our
children don't need "cultural Marxism" to learn how to kill, cheat, steal,
and internalize a callous disregard for the earth and its other inhabitants.
America's capitalist ideology provides them all the ammunition and examples
they need.



CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Creating, Patenting and Marketing of New Forms of Life

1999-10-11 Thread piper

 -Caveat Lector-

please do not send things as files-
I will not open them!
- Anyone else have a comment? -
The Pied Piper

Joe Feck wrote:

>   Name: PATENT~1.DOC
>PATENT~1.DOC   Type: Winword File (application/msword)
>   Encoding: base64

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you - start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi
ICQ 14484977

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] An American Coup d'tat?

1999-10-11 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Smedley Butler was hired by Philadelphia as Public Safety Director (which
included both police and fire departments) essentially as a publicity stunt,
designed to divert the attention of the newspapers away from the blatant
corruption in City Hall. What the Republican City Committee failed to
realize was that Smedley Butler's ego and flair were greater than theirs. He
outfitted himself in a spectacular new uniform, complete with cape; he set
up a Flying Squad of detectives answerable only to himself. For the first
six months or so, everything went swimmingly. He dashed around the city
raiding speakeasies,  demolishing stills, and confiscating private liquor
stashes (including one belonging to my great-uncle!). The papers loved him.
The public loved him. Then he started in on the speakeasies and brothels
that served City Hall. The mayor and councilmen began to get uneasy. The
last straw, though, was when he began sniffing around City Council
chambers... At that point the mayor asked for his resignation. Butler
refused to give it. The mayor called a U.S. senator or two, who called the
Commandant of the Marine Corps, and Butler found himself called back to the
national colors, a call he could not resist. A standard-issue political hack
was named to succeed him, the Flying Squad was dissolved, and Philadelphia
went back to sleep.

> -Original Message-
> From: Kris Millegan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, October 09, 1999 12:32 AM
> Subject:  [CTRL] An American Coup d'tat?
>  -Caveat Lector-
> from:
> -

> Butler was more than a remarkable soldier. He served as police
> commissioner of Philadelphia during 1924-25 (on loan from the Marines),
> in an attempt to enforce Prohibition. While the effort was a failure,
> his insistence on enforcing the law against wealthy partygoers as well
> as poor immigrants established his reputation as a man of high
> integrity. He was not universally loved, but he was widely respected.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] Virtual Reality for Robo-Warriors

1999-10-11 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

You know, there's only one problem with this sort of "heads-up" cockpit
display: because it relies on input from GPS satellites, there is a lag like
the one experienced with satellite-phone communication. This means that a
pilot relying on his VR display would in fact be roughly two seconds
*behind* his actual location...and in an aircraft moving several hundred
miles an hour, two seconds can mean the difference between a near miss and a
violent collision.

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Saturday, October 09, 1999 1:36 AM
> Subject:  [CTRL] Virtual Reality for Robo-Warriors
>  -Caveat Lector-
>  Were all those violent "computer games" just "basic training" for
> future
> draftees?.
> NASA To Test 'Synthetic Vision'
> .c The Associated Press
> HAMPTON, Va. (AP) - NASA researchers are planning their first test of a
> high-tech cockpit display designed to give commercial pilots a clear,
> virtual
> reality view even when the weather is bad.
> The display works like a detailed, three-dimensional video game, showing
> mountains, runways and other landscape features as the plane approaches.
> Researchers call it ``synthetic vision'' and say it could dramatically cut
> the number of accidents caused by poor visibility.
> ``I am extremely confident that in the future, this will be the way the
> world

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Computer uses cat's brain to see

1999-10-11 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

A friend of mine commented about this "advance":

>>One more foundation stone for both dreams of  omnipotent healers and
Orwellian nightmares.

>From the hairy thunderer and Santa Claus to Lamont Cranston and  Big
Brother, we've balanced our need for privacy with the mystery  around the
corner who sees our every secret.  Now, however,  privacy is becoming a
delusion.  It is barely possible to surrender  privacy to God, and only
possible because of trust in love and  mercy.  As mere humans become the
mystery around the corner,  we expect little love or mercy from them.

I have seen a piece of this in my workplace, where people were  nearly fired
because of inflammatory comments they made in their  e-mail.  The good thing
(or at least, what I thought was good at the  time) was that it revealed not
only that e-mail COULD be read by  company authorities, but that it actually
was read.  But now, with  the proven knowledge that authorities are an
unseen audience, the  e-mail is more guarded and nuanced more for political

People inevitably do things they are ashamed of.  Some things  rightfully
engender shame; others trigger a conflict between  conscience and imposed
values.  But whether from malice,  mistake or ambivalent rebellion against
somebody else's mistake,  people who do things will do some things that
they'd rather keep  hidden.  As the ability to hide disappears, I fear that
people will do  less, that they will hide within inoffensiveness.  I have
seen that  tendency in myself - overridden it in some cases; accepted it as
prudent in others.

Perhaps as privacy disappears, it will be replaced by courage.  But  it will
be a difficult thing to inspire.  Courage is rarely revealed by  those who
risk and are not harmed.  Rather, courage is revealed in  sacrifice, and it
is hard to get others to look beyond the sacrifice to  see what the
sacrifice was for.  Even in people who speak of  following the Way of the
Cross, the focus I've seen has been more  on martyrdom and less on the cause
for which martyrdom is a  transitory step.  Both fear and pride put the
sacrifice in the  foreground.

But lack of courage in big things is not the real problem in loss of
privacy.  It's the lack of courage in little things.  People may, to
greater or lesser degree, be counted on to risk safety for grand  causes.
However, I doubt many people would risk ridicule for  picking their nose.
It is the little embarrassments that build the  habits of self-sensorship
and self-inhibition.

All the more reason, then, to show not just courage, but also love  and
mercy.  To make the world as safe as we can for others to  show courage in
little things, so that they can endure the lack of  privacy without giving
up the will to act.<<

To which I can only add, "Amen."

> -Original Message-
> From: Steve Wingate [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 2:51 AM
> Subject:  [CTRL] Computer uses cat's brain to see
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Friday, October 8, 1999 Published at 20:57 GMT 21:57 UK
> Computer uses cat's brain to see
> Scientists have literally seen the world through cat's eyes
> By BBC News Online Science Editor Dr David Whitehouse
> In what is bound to become a much debated and highly controversial
> experiment, a team of US scientists have wired a computer to a cat's brain
> and created videos of what the animal was seeing.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Shape Shifting & Faeries

1999-10-11 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

BD wrote:

>Sounds fascinating. Can you do a better of job of proving this dubious theory
>than Icke?

no - depending on 'rigour' and hard physical proof - we have ethnological
evidence and tons of anecdotes and cultural artefacts - why even my mate
dangerous dave went down to the north of england to video this lady called
Brenda Butler who complained of a terrifying shape changing lodger called
david daniels apparently on the run from the usa and wanted on trumped up
federal charges [allegedly] - Brenda was harrassed by people calling
themselves 'whitehall police' - but thats a new one on me.
We have Brenda on video describing her experience - we also have the
original Cottinglea faerie photographs - where the faeries at the bottom of
the garden were painted on to hoax the whole thing up and make it look bad
- the real cover up is the fact that certain cottinglea photos never made
public show that Elsie Wright - one of the girls - changes shape in some
very odd ways - the negatives of the photos were conclusively doctored to
disguise this.
The Brenda Butler video predates Ike and Wylder by about 10 months -
unfortunately we haven't found a way of getting it out !!


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] femme takeover fulfills Satan's promise to Eve

1999-10-11 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-

wonderful stuff June.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] How To Make History Bunk

1999-10-11 Thread Taylor, John (JH)

 -Caveat Lector-

Smithsonian scalps Western values
by Don Feder
Wednesday, October 6, 1999

By the shores of the Potomac, near the shining big-sea water, will stand the
contentious wigwam of the Smithsonian - its National Museum of the American
Indian, to be precise.

Last week, while the Senate was cutting funds for the Brooklyn Museum of Art
for its painting of a dung-smeared Virgin Mary, a more far-reaching assault
on American values went largely unnoticed.

Construction was begun on the Smithsonian's Indian museum on the Mall in
Washington, D.C. The $110 million project (two-thirds paid by the taxpayer)
is expected to attract 6 million visitors a year.

The New York Times noted that the museum ``will not only celebrate and
display continuing tribal cultures but work to set the record straight.''

The museum's director, Richard West, said the institution would be dedicated
to ``presenting the Indian perspective.'' By ``Indian perspective,'' West
means the fulminations of activists who think Columbus was the father of
genocide and the 7th Cavalry was the Nazi S.S. on horseback.

To emphasize the point, those attending the ceremony sang the anthem of the
American Indian Movement, a militant gang best known for its terrorist
action at the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1975, which left two FBI agents

The Smithsonian has passionately embraced the multiculturalist agenda. It
sees all of history in the reflected light of the PC trinity - race, gender
and class.

This dogmatism was most conspicuous in a 1995 exhibit on the end of World
War II in the Pacific and the Hiroshima bombing. The original script
(revised after protests by veterans) described the conflict as ``a war of
revenge against the Japanese,'' who were ``fighting to preserve their
culture against imperialism.'' It was as if the rape of Nanking, Pearl
Harbor, the Bataan Death March, ``comfort women'' and other atrocities by
the Imperial Army had never happened.

Even art isn't safe from the Smithsonian's revisionists. A 1991 exhibit
(``The West as America: Reinterpreting Images of the Frontier, 1820-1920'')
was described by a writer for The Washington Post as ``reducing the saga of
America's Western pioneers to little more than victimization,
disillusionment and environmental rape.''

Scientists complained that the exhibit ``Science in American Life'' could
have been scripted by the Unabomber. Joan Shields, a professor of chemistry
at Long Island University, called it a ``revisionist historical display of
science as a litany of moral debacles, environmental catastrophes, social
injustices and destruction by radiation.''

The Smithsonian's latest editing of history is its book ``Timelines of the
Ancient World - A Visual Chronology From the Origins of Life to A.D. 1500.''
While major events in the development of Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam are
meticulously detailed, the book moves from B.C. to A.D. without
acknowledging the birth of Jesus. The spiritual revolution wrought by the
Jewish people is similarly ignored.

The Smithsonian was established in 1846 for the ``increase and diffusion of
knowledge among men.'' Today, it exists to exhort. History becomes a
self-criticism session, where the sins of the West, evils of capitalism and
the toxicity of the Judeo-Christian tradition are confessed and atoned.

Shortly, the Smithsonian will take to the warpath again. Its National Museum
of the American Indian no doubt will attack the legitimacy of our founding
and westward expansion. From Plymouth Rock to the closing of the frontier,
it will present the ``Indian perspective.'' But you the taxpayer will get to
pay for it.

The complex story of America's native cultures should be told without bias
or belligerence. Instead, the museum will subject visitors to a sanitized,
one-sided history and victim-group mythology.

Will this effort to ``set the record straight'' include celebrations of
ritual cannibalism practiced by the Mohawks and Chippewas, torture
techniques perfected by the Apaches, the quaint custom of scalping or the
degraded status of women in most Indian tribes?

America may be the only nation in history to subsidize its own destruction.
When the multiculturalists, academic Marxists, perpetually aggrieved
minorities and sensitivity Gestapo finally succeed in pulling down our
national house, over the ruins should be erected a sign reading, ``Your Tax
Dollars At Work.''

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
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be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's nee

[CTRL] (Fwd) ZNet Commentary / Oct 11 / Norman Solomon / Media Time C

1999-10-11 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
From:   "Michael Albert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Here is today's ZNet Commentary Delivery from Norman Solomon.

To pass this comment along to friends, relatives, etc. please note that
the Commentaries are a premium sent to Sustainer Donors of Z/ZNet and that
to learn more about the project folks can consult ZNet
( and specifically the Sustainer Pages
( which include lists of
writers, writer biographies, and other features of the Z Sustainer
Program. Please do not send the pages repeatedly to the same people --
people need to become Sustainers themselves.

Here then is today's ZNet Commentary...



By Norman Solomon / Creators Syndicate

On the first day of January, many public ceremonies will feature time
capsules -- sealed long ago, when "the year 2000" sounded incredibly
futuristic. Those containers, intended for opening at the start of the new
millennium, presumably hold evocative symbols of earlier eras.

But as the moment nears to open old time capsules, we might consider what
would be appropriate to put in new ones. For this high-tech age of
super-duper mass communications, quite a few objects could go into a media
time capsule. For instance:

A personal computer

This technological marvel became a mainstay in millions of American homes
and workplaces. Widely glorified, the PC offered many advantages --
including quick desktop functions, speedy communication via the Internet,
and clarity of visual images.

The personal computer changed almost everything -- except content. The
quality of ideas, the reliability of information, and the clarity of
thinking underwent no discernable enhancement. Along the way, the advent
of the PC greatly widened gaps between the media "haves" and "have nots"
-- those for whom the cost of online access was incidental and those for
whom it was prohibitive.

A television cable

Cable TV meant that instead of just flipping through a few broadcast
stations, viewers could choose from dozens or even hundreds of channels.
Media companies were able to "narrowcast" by appealing to specific
interests. A few cable networks were willing to take chances with some
artistic ventures that broadcasters shunned.

Meanwhile, subscribers to "basic" cable paid hundreds of dollars a year
for a monotonous collection of formulaic programming. Even viewers with
access to large numbers of channels often ended up wandering through a
glitzy wasteland of shallow entertainment and public affairs shows. For
most cable customers, it was impossible to find a single national TV
channel that wasn't constrained by corporate sponsors, underwriters or

A "mini-cam"

Arriving two decades ago, the mini-cam led the way for television news
departments to be able to quickly edit broadcast-quality videotape, shot
with miniaturized TV cameras.

Unfortunately, on local news shows around the country, the main use for
this advanced technology was to instantly produce footage from crime
scenes, courthouses, fires and traffic accidents.

A hair dryer and a can of hair spray

Well-groomed and often blow-dried, the media professionals on our TV
screens have rarely looked unkempt.

Despite all the chaos in the real world, television proved adept at
offering a sense of order and a never-ending supply of cheery artifice.

A set of handcuffs

The mass media kept people edgy and entertained with a profusion of news
stories and TV programs devoted to crime and punishment.

During the 1990s, in the United States, media depictions of crime
skyrocketed -- and so did the number of people behind bars, reaching 1.9
million in 1999 (compared to 1,148,700 in 1990 and 501,900 in 1980).
Television stations continued their barrage of crime news and cop shows,
but social context remained somewhere between scant and nonexistent on the

White-tinted glasses

Overall, news accounts did not convey information that might disrupt
widespread racial illusions among whites in America.

A distorted media picture has helped a slanted legal system to stay
tilted. For example -- as recently reported by The Sentencing Project,
based in Washington, D.C. -- "African Americans constitute 15 percent of
drug users nationally, but 33 percent of drug possession arrests."
Examining figures from 1985 to 1995, researchers found a 707 percent
increase of black drug offenders in state prisons, compared to a 306
percent increase for whites. And records also showed that Latinos are
incarcerated at a disproportionately high rate.

A satellite dish

>From virtually any part of the world, television networks have provided us
with instant coverage of historic events.

Last spring, American newscasts stoked outrage at Yugoslavia -- which was
being bombed by the U.S. military -- as Kosovar Albanians fled murderous
thugs abetted by the Belgrade r

[CTRL] Fwd: 'ET's' Tower?

1999-10-11 Thread A.C. Szul Jr.

 -Caveat Lector-

> Denver -- Cattle rancher and XF-tv series watcher Judy Messoline hopes that if she 
>builds a
> 10-story UFO watch tower, aliens --and tourists-- will come to her spread near 
>Hopper, Colo. She
> plans to charge tourists $2 each to climb the tower and watch the sky. For aliens, 
>she's building "a
> landing pad for the UFOs."
>   --The Washington Post, 10/10/99, from news services

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) NCPA Policy Digest 10-11-99

1999-10-11 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded Message Follows ---
Date sent:  Mon, 11 Oct 1999 09:15:02 -0500
From:   "John C. Goodman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:NCPA Policy Digest 10-11-99

National Center For Policy Analysis
Monday, October 11, 1999

PointCast can automatically load NCPA's Policy Digest summaries
on your desktop for easy reading.  For information go to


   many, says Bruce Bartlett, but it is not taking a $25
   billion a year rake-off as some mistakenly believeNCPA

   opposition of some companies and their unionsWALL

   o   DAM REMOVAL TO AID SALMON would cost Northwest electric
   customers $250 million a year and destroy Idaho's inland
   port, warn criticsWALL STREET JOURNAL


   with similar backgrounds, according to a study of District
   of Columbia studentsHERITAGE FOUNDATION

   attract local talent.NEW YORK TIMES

   6,800 few collectors than in 1990NEW YORK TIMES



The Federal Reserve, America's central bank, is a mysterious
institution to most people.  One would expect a member of the
House Committee on Banking and Financial Services, which oversees
the Fed, to be reasonably knowledgeable on the subject.  But at
least one committee member, Congressman Jack Metcalf (R-Wa.),
seems to have no clue at all.

Metcalf says every American is paying $100 per year just to get
the cash they spend.  If the Treasury issued this money, Metcalf
believes, the Federal Government would save $25 billion per year.

What the confused congressman is talking about is the fact that
the Fed conducts monetary policy by buying and selling U.S.
Treasury securities.  When it buys the money supply expands; when
it sells the money supply contracts.  The vast bulk of the money
created in the process consists of bank balances.  Only a tiny
percentage involves the printing of currency, which is done by
the Treasury's Bureau of Engraving and Printing.

   o   As of June 30, the Fed held $494 billion in Treasury
   securities, and last year it received $26.8 billion in
   interest from the Treasury -- the tax Congressman Metcalf
   is upset about.

   o   But the Federal Reserve sends virtually all of this money
   back to the Treasury and it is counted as government
   revenue -- in 1998, the Treasury got a check from the
   Federal Reserve for $24.5 billion (see figure ).

   o   The difference goes to pay for Federal Reserve operations
   and salaries.

So there really is no tax.  It is just a bookkeeping transaction.
Taxpayers would save nothing by converting Federal Reserve notes
to Treasury notes.

However, the Federal Reserve's expenses ultimately do come out of
the taxpayer's pocket.  An article in the August 2 issue of
Barron's details the sharply rising cost of operating the 12
regional Federal Reserve banks.

Source: Bruce Bartlett, senior fellow, National Center for Policy
Analysis, October 11, 1999.

For text

For more on Federal Reserve Monetary Policy


European economists have come to realize that deregulation is a
powerful tool for fighting inflation.  So given the high degree
of business regulation among European countries, the
opportunities for reining in inflation are huge.

Germany's highly regulated economy and recent moves to deregulate
electricity and telecommunications provide striking illustrations
of the dynamics of the process.

   o   Since competitors sprung up four years ago to challenge
   the monopoly Deutsche Telekom AG, the price of a daytime,
   three-minute phone call from Hamburg to Munich has fallen
   from about $1.12 to 39 cents.

   o   Overall, phone rates declined nearly 20 percent between
   the end of 1997 and mid-1999.

   o   Following recent moves to open Germany's electricity
   markets to competition, the electricity bill for a typical
   family in Hanover has declined 14 percent in six months.

   o   Experts estimate that a 20 percent drop in electricity
   prices would shave half a percentage point off Germany's
   overall inflation rate.

Economists at Morgan Guaranty Trust Company figure that energy
deregulation would take 

Re: [CTRL] How To Make History Bunk

1999-10-11 Thread Lucio Benedetto

 -Caveat Lector-

The white Americans who write our history have made it bunk.  Denying the
holocaust perpetrated upon the Indians of North and South America is akin to
denying that of the Nazis.  America's history is bunk and will continue to
be so until we are willing as a nation and as a people to face its darker
truths.  As long as we choose to believe lies, those in power will continue
to lie to us, with impunity.

>From the Rachel Environmental Newsletter:


This week we take time out from our series on "the meaning of
sustainability" -- or perhaps merely extend it in a new
direction -- to celebrate Columbus Day. I use "celebrate" in the
dictionary sense of "to proclaim or broadcast for the attention
of a wide public." Examining the nation's heroes may tell us
something fundamental about our goals and values. Christopher
Columbus has been a genuine American hero since at least 1792
when the Society of St. Tammany in New York City first held a
dinner to honor the man and his deeds.

Columbus Day -- first observed as a U.S. national holiday in
1892 and declared an annual day of national celebration in 1934
-- commemorates the re-discovery of North America, by
Christopher Columbus and his band of 90 adventurers, who set out
from Palos, Spain just before dawn on August 3, 1492 intending
to find Asia by crossing the Atlantic Ocean in three small

Columbus made four voyages to the New World.[1] The initial
voyage reveals several important things about the man. First, he
had genuine courage because few ship's captains had ever pointed
their prow toward the open ocean, the complete unknown.
Secondly, from numerous of his letters and reports we learn that
his overarching goal was to seize wealth that belonged to
others, even his own men, by whatever means necessary.

Columbus's royal sponsors (Ferdinand and Isabella) had promised
a lifetime pension to the first man who sighted land. A few
hours after midnight on October 12, 1492, Juan Rodriguez Bermeo,
a lookout on the Pinta, cried out -- in the bright moonlight, he
had spied land ahead. Most likely Bermeo was seeing the white
beaches of Watling Island in the Bahamas.

As they waited impatiently for dawn, Columbus let it be known
that he had spotted land several hours before Bermeo. According
to Columbus's journal of that voyage, his ships were, at the
time, traveling 10 miles per hour. To have spotted land several
hours before Bermeo, Columbus would have had to see more than 30
miles over the horizon, a physical impossibility. Nevertheless
Columbus took the lifetime pension for himself.[1,2]

Columbus installed himself as Governor of the Caribbean islands,
with headquarters on Hispaniola (the large island now shared by
Haiti and the Dominican Republic). He described the people, the
Arawaks (called by some the Tainos) this way:

"The people of this island and of all the other islands which I
have found and seen, or have not seen, all go naked, men and
women, as their mothers bore them, except that some women cover
one place only with the leaf of a plant or with a net of cotton
which they make for that purpose. They have no iron or steel or
weapons, nor are they capable of using them, although they are
well-built people of handsome stature, because they are wondrous
timid [T]hey are so artless and free with all they possess,
that no one would believe it without having seen it. Of anything
they have, if you ask them for it, they never say no; rather
they invite the person to share it, and show as
much love as if they were giving their hearts; and whether
the thing be of value or of small price, at once they are
content with whatever little thing of whatever kind may be
given to them."[3,pg.63;1,pg.118]

After Columbus had surveyed the Caribbean region, he returned to
Spain to prepare his invasion of the Americas. From accounts of
his second voyage, we can begin to understand what the New World
represented to Columbus and his men -- it offered them life
without limits, unbridled freedom. Columbus took the title
Admiral of the Ocean Sea and proceeded to unleash a reign of
terror unlike anything seen before or since. When he was
finished, eight million Arawaks -- virtually the entire native
population of Hispaniola -- had been exterminated by torture,
murder, forced labor, starvation, disease and despair.[3,pg.x]

A Spanish missionary, Bartolome de las Casas, described
first-hand how the Spaniards terrorized the natives.[4] Las
Casas gives numerous eye-witness accounts of repeated mass
murder and routine sadistic torture. As Barry Lopez has
accurately summarized it, "One day, in front of Las Casas, the
Spanish dismembered, beheaded, or raped 3000 people. 'Such
inhumanities and barbarisms were committed in my sight,' he
says, 'as no age can parallel' The Spanish cut off the legs
of children who ran from them. They poured people full of
boiling soap. They made bets as to who, with one sweep of his
sword, could cut a person in half.

[CTRL] OEN 11/11/99

1999-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-">The Home Page of J. Orlin Grabbe

Today's Lesson from The Story of Decipherment

by Maurice Pope

The importance of Egypt lay of course in her contribution to learning.
According to Warburton, Egypt's learning must have consisted largely of
a traditional body of detached tenets, moral and scientific, without
regard to system (for instance Pythagoras, despite his twenty-two years
in Egypt, had to evolve his theory on the square of the hypotenuse after
his return to Samos--a point made by Stillingfleete, see page 36), or
the cult of controversy; it was not eristic according to Clement (viii
ad init.), but could be advanced (for instance the doctrine that the
earth went round the sun, thought by Newton to be Egyptian). But the
chief thing it consisted in was 'legislation and civil polity'. In
particular what was invented in Egypt was the 'double doctrine'.

The existence of this 'double doctrine' is a major theme of Warburton's
book. What he means by it is that all ancient philosophers and
philosophical sects that concerned themselves with morals, politics,
legislation, and such matters (therefore not the Ionians or the
Epicureans) promulgated publicly the belief in future rewards and
punishments since they thought such a belief was politically useful or
even necessary, but that they themselves rejected it as being untrue.

Year 2000

Y2K Panic in Paraguay

Electricity or no electricity. That is the question.

First the computers will crash, bringing down the electrical grid, the
water system and the telephone network. Then, nearly 200,000 government
workers will discover that the state-run bank that prints their
paychecks has been crippled by technological glitches. Finally, a day or
two later, crowds will riot and loot, forcing the government to declare
martial law.
To Walter Schafer Paoli, the Paraguayan government's Year 2000
generalissimo, this is no science-fiction plot. Such bedlam, he says, is
quite possible during the first days of January in this poor, landlocked
South American country sandwiched between Argentina and Brazil.

His manifest fear stems from a simple, alarming fact: The government has
been woefully late in tackling the Y2K computer glitch. Most government
agencies here only recently began to fix their systems.

To make matters worse, members of a presidential commission set up in
the spring to coordinate the repair efforts quit en masse last month,
complaining that they were never given offices, a budget or payment for
their services.

Paraguay is just one of many developing countries that have been tardy
in dealing with the Y2K bug. From sub-Saharan Africa to Central America,
Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia, many nations have only just started
to vigorously address the glitch, raising the possibility of disruptions
in basic services.

Although the impact probably will be cushioned by the fact that such
nations still have legions of people in rural areas whose lives remain
untouched by electronics, failing to squash the bug in time could affect
millions of others who live in cities where computer systems control
power distribution, telephones and other crucial government operations.

''Developing countries have a lot left to do to immunize themselves from
the Y2K bug,'' said Bruce McConnell, director of the International Y2K
Cooperation Center, a UN-sponsored organization that is working with 170
nations on the problem.

Among the laggards, though, Paraguay is particularly far behind,
according to some analysts. With the new year less than three months
away, business and government leaders here worry that even with a
newfound commitment to eradicating the millennium bug, there is not
enough time left to make the necessary patches.

''It will not be possible for us to fix everything before January,''
said Mr. Schafer, a former computer magazine publisher who was chosen
three weeks ago to replace the disbanded commission.

Given that assessment, most foreign corporations and governments are not
counting on anything come January.

Inside one of Citibank's buildings in Asuncion, workers are installing a
room-sized cistern that can hold enough water to keep sinks running and
toilets flushing for two weeks. The firm's branch offices are being
equipped with cellular and satellite phones as well as electrical
generators, which will be refueled by a fleet of oil trucks hired by the

The local office of DHL Worldwide Express has ordered fold-out cots in
case the courier service's employees are unable to travel to and from
work by public transportation. A local bank has set up an elaborate plan
to deal with a total failure of electricity, telephones and water. Even
the U.S. Embassy is girding for the worst, increasing its stockpile of
MREs, those tear-open, ready-to-eat meals originally made for soldiers.

''We're not planning t

[CTRL] NATO-craczy

1999-10-11 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo

October 11, 1999

Months after NATO's assault on the former Yugoslavia, the fruits of that
alleged "victory" have begun to appear in all their misshapen ugliness: what is
clearly evolving in Yugoslavia's conquered province, is a full-fledged fascist
state. And I don't mean that rhetorically, in the sense that I think the KLA
are not very nice: I mean that literally, as in self-conscious fascists have
seized de facto power in Kosovo. During the war I warned, in this column, that
the ideological pedigree of the Kosovo Liberation Army can be traced back to
some very dubious sources, including the pro-Nazi Skanderberg Division of the
SS that fought for Germany during World War II, as well as supporters of the
late Enver Hoxha, Albania's Stalinist strongman. Now the fascist KLA is coming
out of the closet, baring its fangs, and showing its true face for all the
world to see: yet, somehow, the world is no longer looking. The Western media,
which clamored for – and, indeed, created – this war, would much rather avert
its face than confront, head on, the consequences of their enthusiasms.

I cannot forget a CNN special documentary on the KLA, narrated by Christiane
Amanpour, commander-in-chief of the journalistic division of the War Party, and
wife of State Department spokesman James Rubin. Amanpour's interviews with KLA
cadre uniformly depicted them as victims fighting in a righteous cause, and her
voice seemed to swell with pride as she continually described them as "freedom
fighters." KLA recruits, questioned about their political beliefs and the goals
of their movement, typically claimed to be fighting for "democracy" and "a
normal life, just like in America." CNN rounded up an "expert" from the pro-KLA
"Human Rights Watch" who rationalized KLA excesses and reiterated the U.S.
government line that the KLA were admirable and worthy of American support.

But even here, in the midst of what was nothing more than a propaganda piece,
viewers got a glimpse of the truth: footage of a KLA parade, with smart young
soldiers dressed in red and black practically goose-stepping down the street,
red banners flying. During the war, KLA commanders were told by their American
handlers to quit using the old straight-arm KLA salute: it was just a
coincidence, of course, that this open-palmed salute was identical to the
Hitlerian version.

Now that Human Rights Watch is no longer watching, and Madeleine Albright's
ardor for Kosovar strongman Hacim thaci seems to have cooled considerably, the
KLA is openly moving to establish an "ethnically pure" fascist state – and it
is not only Serbs who are the victims.

The news that the Kosovapress, the official organ of the KLA high command, has
denounced Veton Surroi, publisher of Koha Ditore, Kosovo's leading newspaper,
as a traitor – and strongly implied that his death may be imminent – hit the
NATO-crats like a thunderclap. Surroi is a traitor, according to an article by
Marxhan Avdyli, and has all along been a Serbian agent: not only that, but he
is now a spy in the pay of nameless Western interests. The editors of Koha
Ditore are a "bastard ragtag" band of "ordinary mobsters"; they are also, we
are informed, "the garbage of history." Ominously, Avdyli warns that Surroi is
at risk of "eventual and very understandable revenge" and further avers that
"such criminals and enslaved minds should not have a place in the free Kosovo."
This is what the KLA means by a "free" Kosovo – a nation free of all political

So, what's the KLA's beef with Surroi? If you haven't already, take a look at
"Today's Spotlight," on the main page, a commentary by Surroi originally
published in Koha Ditore that takes aim at the KLA's evolving fascist regime.
He condemns the reverse ethnic cleansing of Kosovo, and denounces "the
organized and systematic intimidation of all Serbs simply because they are
Serbs and therefore are being held collectively responsible for what happened
in Kosovo. Such attitudes are fascist." The irony of the West's "anti-fascist"
crusade against Milosevic and Serbian "racism" is that it has created the
makings of a racist fascist state in Kosovo. As Surroi puts it,
"From having been victims of Europe's worst end-of-century persecution, we are
ourselves becoming persecutors and have allowed the specter of fascism to
reappear. Anybody who thinks that the violence will end once the last Serb has
been driven out is living an illusion. The violence will simply be directed
against other Albanians. Is this really what we fought for?"
<R >>>

Well, yes, as a matter of fact, that is indeed what the KLA was fighting for.
They have always been authoritarians, as well as racists and fascists. Why
should anyone be s

[CTRL] The Yamato Dynasty ( The Secret History of Japan's Imperial Family )

1999-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 -Caveat Lector-

's Online
Not available in US until May 2000. If ya haven'y read any of sterling's
books, Go to your local library and check him out. Very well researched and

The Yamato Dynasty ( The Secret History of Japan's Imperial Family )
This collective biography of the Japanese imperial family covers five
generations, from the Emperor Meiji in 1852, through two world wars, the
bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, the American occupation of Japan and
Japan's reconstruction.

ISBN:0593044827Our Price:£17.99Binding:Hardbackpp:400pp.  Date of
Publication:01 October 1999Publisher:Bantam Press ( Transworld
Publishers Ltd ) Print Status:In Print Availability:This book is
normally sent out within 4-10 days but we should remind you that titles
do go out of print or publishers run out of stock unexpectedly. As our
suppliers' response times vary we commit to notifying you within 2-3
weeks if we experience difficulties fulfilling your order.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
Omnia Bona Bonis,
All My Relations.
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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1999-10-11 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Sorry, folks, this is an ancient Internet hoax...debunked many, many times

> -Original Message-
> From: earthman [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, October 10, 1999 7:19 PM
>  -Caveat Lector-
> Subject:
> Date:
>  Sat, 9 Oct 1999 21:24:41 EDT
>  To:
> To all of you not-so-wealthy-in-America Internet users:
> Following is an e-mail received this week, which should be addressed as
> soon
> as you can get to it. A few lines will do, and you can send your message
> by
> e-mail (fast, immediate, and surcharge-free (unless or until these bills
> are
> passed). I have already sent my note!
> Angie
> ==
> CNN has reported that within the next two weeks Congress is going to
> vote
> on allowing telephone companies to CHARGE A TOLL FEE for Internet access.
> Translation: Every time we send a long distance e-mail we will
> receive a
> long distance charge. This will get costly.
> Please visit the following web site and file a complaint to your
> Congressperson. We can't allow this to pass! The following address will
> allow
> you to send an e-mail on this subject DIRECTLY to your Congressperson.
> Pass this on to your friends. It is urgent! I hope all of you will
> pass
> this on to all your friends and family.  We should ALL have an interest
> in
> this one.
> IN ADDITION, The last few months have revealed an alarming trend in
> the
> Government of the United States attempting to quietly push through
> legislation that will affect your use of the Internet.
> Under proposed legislation the U.S. Postal Service will be attempting to
> bilk
> email users out of "alternate postage fees".  Bill 602P will permit the
> Federal Govt to charge a 5 cent surcharge on every email delivered, by
> billing Internet Service Providers at source.  The consumer would then
> be
> billed in turn by the ISP.
> Washington D.C. lawyer Richard Stepp is working without pay to
> prevent
> this legislation from becoming law.  The U.S. Postal Service is claiming
> that
> lost revenue due to the proliferation of e-mail  costing nearly
> $230,000,000
> in revenue per year.You may have noticed their recent ad campaign
> "There
> is nothing like a letter". Since the average citizen received about 10
> pieces
> of email per day in 1998, the cost to the typical individual would be an
> additional 50 cents per day, or over $180 dollars per year, above and
> beyond
> their regular Internet costs.
> Note that this would be money paid directly to the U.S. Postal
> Service
> for a service they do not even provide.
> The whole point of the Internet is democracy and non-interference.
> If
> the federal government is permitted to tamper with our liberties by
> adding a
> surcharge to email, who knows where it will end.
> You are already paying an exorbitant price for snail mail because of
> bureaucratic inefficiency. It currently takes up to 6 days for a letter
> to be
> delivered from New York to Buffalo. If the U.S. Postal Service is
> allowed to
> tinker with email, it will mark the end of the "free" Internet in the
> United
> States.
> One congressman, Tony Schnell (R) has even suggested a "twenty to
> forty
> dollar per month surcharge on all Internet service" above and beyond the
> government's proposed email charges.
> Note that most of the major newspapers have ignored the story, the
> only
> exception being the Washingtonian which called the idea of email
> surcharge "a
> useful concept who's time has come" (March 6th, 1999 Editorial).
> Don't sit by and watch your freedoms erode away!
> Send this e-mail to EVERYONE on your list, and tell all your friends
> and
> relatives to write to their Congressman and say "No!" to Bill 602P. It
> will
> only take a few moments of your time, and could very well be
> instrumental in
> killing a bill we don't want.
> From:
> Rebecca Shortridge, Assistant Professor of Accounting
> Department of Accountancy and Business Law
> University of North Carolina at Wilmington
> 601 South College Road, Wilmington, NC  28403-3297
> Phone:   910-962-3969Fax: 910-962-3815
> ===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===+++===
>  /\Angie Mogavero

[CTRL] Email Formats (was: RE: [CTRL] Creating, Patenting and Marketing of New Forms of Life)

1999-10-11 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-

Thank you. I agree. If you *must* send it as a file, save it in TEXT FORMAT.
I DO NOT open document attachments in other than text format. I use Outlook,
but do not have Word enabled as email editor. Remember that macro viruses
travel in Word documents, and that an email message created using Word as
your editor *is a Word document.* Your best bet is to copy and paste your
text into your message...IN EITHER TEXT OR RICH TEXT (RTF) FORMAT.

> -Original Message-
> From: piper [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 11:56 AM
> Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Creating, Patenting and Marketing of New Forms of
> Life
>  -Caveat Lector-
> please do not send things as files-
> I will not open them!
> - Anyone else have a comment? -
> The Pied Piper

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Fw: Smokers Fired

1999-10-11 Thread Kathleen

 -Caveat Lector-

INTERESTING QUOTE:  "...the Florida Supreme Court upheld the
rule. The
court said the lower insurance costs outweighed the privacy issue."

Source:  Palm Beach Post

Boca may stub out smokers

By Monika Gonzalez, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Saturday, October 9, 1999

BOCA RATON -- Marlboro men need not apply.

 The city is aiming to ban the hiring of smokers for all jobs, and new
employees caught smoking on or off duty would be fired.

 The anti-smoking rule -- already in effect for about 700 city

through union contracts for police, firefighters and blue-collar
workers -- is expanded to all 1,100-odd employees in revamped
personnel policies to be reviewed by city council members Tuesday.

 Smoking is already off-limits in Boca Raton government buildings and
one city park, but the new rule would extend into an employee's home
and entire life. Workers already on the payroll may continue to smoke
on their free

time. As may council members: Mayor Carol Hanson is a longtime smoker,
and at least two other council members smoke occasionally.

 Officials are proposing the citywide ban because fewer smokers means
lower health insurance premiums for all employees. While such a
measure is not

common among municipal governments, it is practiced in several cities
including Coral Gables, North Miami and Clinton, Iowa.

 The American Civil Liberties Union contested the no-more-smokers rule
in North Miami as a violation of state privacy laws, but the Florida
Supreme Court upheld the rule. The court said the lower insurance
costs outweighed the privacy issue.

 "The ACLU's position is that it's improper for the government to

people for a perfectly legal activity conducted in the privacy of
their own home," said Andy Kayton, legal director of the ACLU of
Florida. "Where does the line get drawn when you're talking about
legal activities?"

 Jackie Miller of St. Petersburg, president of Florida's Smokers'

Association, agreed: "I don't think it has any bearing on how a person
does their job. It's an outrageous idea."

 Kayton said the policy opens the door to ban people who have consumed
alcohol, are overweight, had unprotected sex or even ate red meat in

last year. Although it may sound farfetched, newspaper reports show
one city -- Athens, Ga., contemplated banning applicants with high

 Boca Raton police officer and union President Rick Barnett said the
no-smokers policy is for the best in the long run, but it does limit

pool of applicants.

 Boca Raton lost a good police officer because of the ban, Barnett
experienced officer left the department to work at a private business
and later returned to town and reapplied. But because he had smoked a
cigar at a function, he wasn't eligible because he had not been
smoke-free for a year.

 The expanded rule to be considered Tuesday doesn't say how long new
hires must be smoke-free.

 "We would love to see a number of places become smoke-free because it
would protect people from . . . second-hand smoke," said Sonja
Bradwell, a program specialist with the state Department of Health
office. But she said the hiring policy seems drastic. "To me, it
sounds like it could be a case of discrimination."

 Boca Raton Councilwomen Wanda Thayer and Susan Whelchel said Friday
they support the idea.

 "It's probably a prudent step," Whelchel said. "Does that make
happy? Probably not. It's like saying I can't hire you if you don't
type. Then don't apply."

 Staff researchers Dorothy Shea and Nicole Puccinelli Ortega
this report.


This country needs more unemployed politicians.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] Terrorist link to virus downplayed by CIA

1999-10-11 Thread Tatman, Robert

 -Caveat Lector-
Terrorist link to virus downplayed
Officials call encephalitis outbreak 'Mother Nature at work'
NEW YORK, Oct. 11 - The CIA looked into rumors that the recent encephalitis
outbreak was the work of terrorists and concluded it wasn't, an agency
official said Monday. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity,
said there's no evidence Iraq or any other foreign government was involved
in the outbreak.
Symptoms of the strain include fever and headache. In rare cases, the virus
can cause neurological disorders and death. The elderly, young and those
with weakened immune systems are most vulnerable.
THE CIA "looked into rumors which appeared in British media and elsewhere,"
the official said. City officials also downplayed any suggestions of
bioterrorism. "Nothing indicates that this was anything other than a natural
outbreak," Jerome Hauer, the director of the city's emergency management
office, said Sunday. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
also said there was no evidence to suggest the recent outbreak was anything
other than "Mother Nature at work."
Analysts at the CIA who deal with biological weapons said an Iraqi defector
had claimed in April that Saddam Hussein was developing a strain of West
Nile-like encephalitis for use as a biological weapon, The New Yorker
reported in its Oct. 18-25 double issue that hit newsstands today.
The report recalled by the analysts was published April 6 in the Daily Mail
of London. It was an except from the book "In the Shadow of Saddam," written
by Mikhael Ramadan.
Ramadan claimed that he worked as one of Hussein's body doubles and that
Hussein had told him of a plan to develop a strain of West Nile encephalitis
that would kill 97 percent of people in an urban environment. The magazine
said Ramadan was believed to be hiding somewhere in Canada or the United
States. A strain of a West Nile-like virus has claimed the lives of six
people in the New York area since it was discovered in early September. The
mosquito-borne virus has infected 54 people in the New York metropolitan
area - 39 in New York City, nine in Westchester county and six in Nassau.
Symptoms of the strain include fever and headache. In rare cases, the virus
can cause neurological disorders and death. The elderly, young and those
with weakened immune systems are most vulnerable.
© 1999 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be
published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Robert F. Tatman
Computer Help Desk
Desktop & LAN Services
Systems Department
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.
The contents of this message represent the opinion only of the writer, and
may not be construed to indicate the endorsement of Knight-Ridder, Inc.;
Philadelphia Newspapers, Inc.; The Philadelphia Inquirer; or the
Philadelphia Daily News.
"Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity."

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Fwd: Dark rumors from Russia]

1999-10-11 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: SNET: [piml] Dark rumors from Russia
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 09:17:22 EDT

->  SNETNEWS  Mailing List
html">Dark rumors from Russia

Dark rumors
from Russia


© 1999

An American businessman in Moscow, the managing director of Matrix
Technologies, recently described conditions in the Russian capital. He
the city is heavily patrolled by police and army units. Vehicles are
routinely searched, papers are inspected, civil rights are violated. But
Moscow's police are not simply looking for terrorists. They are also
for "military-aged individuals" and persons with medical experience.
are being taken for military training as part of a "general preparation
We know that the Russian military began to expand its manpower base in
during the crisis in Kosovo. At that time nearly 170,000 new recruits
called up in a special Russian military draft. There were also reports
between 80,000 and 100,000 volunteers were recruited to fight NATO in
Balkans. Throughout Russia, as well as other former Soviet republics,
have been rumors that hundreds of thousands of convicts have been
amnesty in exchange for military service. If you examine the naval and
exercises of the past six months (especially in the context of the
mobilization of Russia's Black Sea Fleet), one cannot escape the
that naval and marine reserves have also been mobilized.

We know from Russian press reports that troops of the Interior Ministry
Federal Security Service were secretly mobilized last month. Exact
have not been published, though the strength of MVD and FSS reserve
forces is
probably well over 200,000. What we have inklings of, and what we read
in the Russian press, suggests a large-scale military preparation. This
preparation cannot be explained by the situation in Chechnya. After all,
Chechnya is a small place, without a real army or air force. It should
pointed out that these Russian mobilizations are too large for the
theater of operations.

It is remarkable, in this context, that we are constantly reading of the
weakness of Russia's conventional armed forces. To give one example, we
in a Oct. 7 Reuters article by Martin Nesirky that "Russia now finds
short of conventional weapons to fight Chechen guerrillas in its own
backyard." Nesirky writes of a contrast between Russia's "creaking kit
in the
field and shining missiles in silos. ..." But this is an incorrect
characterization. While it is true that Russia has announced plans to
a second regiment of Topol-M ICBMs this year, and Russia's nuclear
forces are
wonderfully modernized, it is untrue that Russia's conventional forces

As it happens, we can deduce the minimum amount of military hardware the
Russians are deploying by doing a little homework.

In November of 1990 the Kremlin signed the Conventional Forces in Europe
treaty (CFE). This treaty limited the Russians to deploying 20,000
tanks, 20,000 artillery tubes, 6,800 combat aircraft, 30,000 other
vehicles, and 2,000 attack helicopters west of the Urals. In this
context, it
has been widely acknowledged that Russia never conformed to the CFE
(Even the Encyclopedia Britannica has numerous articles acknowledging
noncompliance with CFE.) In fact, the Russian General Staff was blamed
early on -- for sabotaging the treaty. In the last few days the Kremlin
announced that it is presently exceeding CFE force limits due to the
in the north Caucasus.

The number of 20,000 tanks is a gigantic figure. It is several times the
number of tanks used by Hitler to invade Russia in 1941. The number of
combat aircraft is also huge. If Russia is exceeding CFE limits in any
these areas then we cannot -- we must not! -- say that Russia has an
under-equipped army.

The military mobilization in Russia is something real. The official
for this mobilization is not to be trusted. As I have said before, far
power is being mobilized than would be needed to crush tiny Chechnya. So
is up? What are the Russian generals getting ready for?

Members of an American church, who recently returned from mission work
in one
of Russia's largest cities, reported contacts with Russian soldiers.
soldiers were "very disturbed" because they believed the present Russian
mobilization is aimed at the United States -- not Chechnya. In a related
report, a recent American visitor to Russia was privately informed by a
Russian military officer that Russia had been preparing for war against
America for the last 17

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Smokers Fired

1999-10-11 Thread Bob Stokes

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-10-11 15:37:27 EDT, you write:

Can you imagine how loud they would scream if male homosexuals were denied
employment because they stand a better chance of getting AIDS?

<<  The expanded rule to be considered Tuesday doesn't say how long new
 hires must be smoke-free.>>

Maybe they should make a rule that management has to be stupid-free for a
certain amount of time.

 << "We would love to see a number of places become smoke-free because it
 would protect people from . . . second-hand smoke," said Sonja
 Bradwell, a program specialist with the state Department of Health
 office. But she said the hiring policy seems drastic. "To me, it
 sounds like it could be a case of discrimination.">>

The report that stated second-hand smoke is so dangerous was proven to be
full of lies, falsehoods and used unscientific methods, but they don't want
to run another study because they already have the results they wanted.

<<  "It's probably a prudent step," Whelchel said. "Does that make
 happy? Probably not. It's like saying I can't hire you if you don't
 type. Then don't apply." >>

Bad analogy, it is more like if you drink coffee you need not apply.  Someone
needs to slap some sense into this person ... but then again if you repeat a
lie often enough it becomes the "truth."

Bob (if they tell me I can't smoke they better do it with the business end of
a gun) Stokes

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] [Fwd: [MC] Andrja Puharich & The Council of Nine]

1999-10-11 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [MC] Andrja Puharich & The Council of Nine
Date: Mon, 11 Oct 1999 12:02:38 -0700
From: "Kasten, Kathy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Kasten, Kathy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"The Hathors" in new clothing?  Just another CIA controlled experiment?
Fortean Times; FT126, 1999; Plan Nine From Outer Space, by Lynn
Picknett and Clive Prince, pages 34-39.
Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the history of The Nine is its
relationship to the career of Andrija Puharich.  Recent research has
revealed Puharich to have a distinctly sinister side.  As an Army doctor
in the 1950s, he was deeply involved with the CIA's notorious MKULTRA
mind control project (see panel).  He - together with the infamous Dr.
Sidney Gottlieb - experimented with a variety of techniques to change
or induce actual thought processes . . . even to creating the impression
of voices in the head.  These techniques included the use of drugs,
hypnosis and beaming radio signals directly into the subject's brain.
And, significantly, he was engaged in this work at exactly the same
time that The Nine made their appearance at the Round Table
Foundation.  The Foundation itself is now known to have been largely
funded by the Pentagon as a front for its medical and parapsychological
research.  Puharich was still working for the CIA in the early 1970s,
when he brought Uri Geller out of Israel.

Puharich's use of hypnosis is particularly interesting in The Nine
In the case of Uri Geller and Bobby Horne, he first hypnotized them and
then suggested that they were in touch with The Nine - and, lo, they
were!  Ira Einhorn - a close associate of Puharich's during the 1970s -
confirmed to us that he believed that Puharich was "humanly
directly" The Nine communications.

The evidence we have gathered strongly suggests that Tom (KK's: equals
Atum - head of the Nine, all the rest of the Nine used Egyptian names)
and his fellow gods originated, not in the stars, but behind closed
doors as part of a CIA mind control experiment.  And what happened
to that experiment?  Now with hundreds of thousands of devotees, some
in very high places, can The Nine be deemed a success?  Of course,
that depends very much on what the CIA had in mind.  With their subtle
racist propaganda, perhaps the flaky New Age Nine should worry the
hell out of us.

 - - - -
The Panel quotes from David Guyatt's "Police State of Mind"; FT95:34-39.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Terry Milner's unpublished material - which I have
quoted from and labeled private e-mail - is now available in a website:

Einhorn's comments are from an interview, August 27, 1998
Geller's comments are from an interview, February 10, 1998

The article notes the role James Hurtak has played with regard to The
"Hurtak was second-in-command and 'spiritual leader' of the Ossining
Group (KK's: Puharich's group/home/Round Table Foundation) Group
and occasionally investigated UFO incidents with intelligence
implications or connections.  Via his Academy for Future Sciences
(AFFS), he confirmed that Puharich worked for the US intelligence
services.  Source: private email to the authors from Kim Farmer of
AFFS, 24, Sept 1998."

Notes on Uri Geller: "Geller's position on the events has been that,
as he was in hypnotic trance when channeling, he cannot vouch for
the reliability of either the information or its source.  He does,
confirm some of the paranormal events that surrounded him and
Puharich during their partnership, which Puharich has attributed to
The Nine.  But faced with the sheer pointlessness of these events,
Geller himself - in August 1972 - was moved to muse that, if
extraterrestrials were indeed responsible, they would seem to be
'a civilisation of clowns'".  Source: Puharich, "Uri."  Geller &
Playfair, The Geller Effect."

Notes on Jack Sarfatti:  "Sarfatti, an avant-garde physicist who
worked for the Esalen Institute in the late 1970s, knew many of
the key players at Lab Nine, including Puharich.  In autobiographical
writings on the web, Sarfatti refers to intelligence connections
of Puharich and others involved in the Nine scene, including
their involvement in CIA mind-control research.  Source:
Sarfatti's homepage:
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 Wes Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, list moderator

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and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Smokers Fired

1999-10-11 Thread Stopforth, Jamie

 -Caveat Lector-

Good, get rid of the smokers.

-Original Message-
From: Kathleen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 2:40 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fw: Smokers Fired

 -Caveat Lector-

INTERESTING QUOTE:  "...the Florida Supreme Court upheld the
rule. The
court said the lower insurance costs outweighed the privacy issue."

Source:  Palm Beach Post

Boca may stub out smokers

By Monika Gonzalez, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Saturday, October 9, 1999

BOCA RATON -- Marlboro men need not apply.

 The city is aiming to ban the hiring of smokers for all jobs, and new
employees caught smoking on or off duty would be fired.

 The anti-smoking rule -- already in effect for about 700 city

through union contracts for police, firefighters and blue-collar
workers -- is expanded to all 1,100-odd employees in revamped
personnel policies to be reviewed by city council members Tuesday.

 Smoking is already off-limits in Boca Raton government buildings and
one city park, but the new rule would extend into an employee's home
and entire life. Workers already on the payroll may continue to smoke
on their free

time. As may council members: Mayor Carol Hanson is a longtime smoker,
and at least two other council members smoke occasionally.

 Officials are proposing the citywide ban because fewer smokers means
lower health insurance premiums for all employees. While such a
measure is not

common among municipal governments, it is practiced in several cities
including Coral Gables, North Miami and Clinton, Iowa.

 The American Civil Liberties Union contested the no-more-smokers rule
in North Miami as a violation of state privacy laws, but the Florida
Supreme Court upheld the rule. The court said the lower insurance
costs outweighed the privacy issue.

 "The ACLU's position is that it's improper for the government to

people for a perfectly legal activity conducted in the privacy of
their own home," said Andy Kayton, legal director of the ACLU of
Florida. "Where does the line get drawn when you're talking about
legal activities?"

 Jackie Miller of St. Petersburg, president of Florida's Smokers'

Association, agreed: "I don't think it has any bearing on how a person
does their job. It's an outrageous idea."

 Kayton said the policy opens the door to ban people who have consumed
alcohol, are overweight, had unprotected sex or even ate red meat in

last year. Although it may sound farfetched, newspaper reports show
one city -- Athens, Ga., contemplated banning applicants with high

 Boca Raton police officer and union President Rick Barnett said the
no-smokers policy is for the best in the long run, but it does limit

pool of applicants.

 Boca Raton lost a good police officer because of the ban, Barnett
experienced officer left the department to work at a private business
and later returned to town and reapplied. But because he had smoked a
cigar at a function, he wasn't eligible because he had not been
smoke-free for a year.

 The expanded rule to be considered Tuesday doesn't say how long new
hires must be smoke-free.

 "We would love to see a number of places become smoke-free because it
would protect people from . . . second-hand smoke," said Sonja
Bradwell, a program specialist with the state Department of Health
office. But she said the hiring policy seems drastic. "To me, it
sounds like it could be a case of discrimination."

 Boca Raton Councilwomen Wanda Thayer and Susan Whelchel said Friday
they support the idea.

 "It's probably a prudent step," Whelchel said. "Does that make
happy? Probably not. It's like saying I can't hire you if you don't
type. Then don't apply."

 Staff researchers Dorothy Shea and Nicole Puccinelli Ortega
this report.


This country needs more unemployed politicians.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting
screeds are not allowed. Substance-not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CEMB] Washington Post Bias In Favor Of Bradley? Say It Ain't So....

1999-10-11 Thread A. Szul

 -Caveat Lector-

FYI --interesting posting from "Coalition To End Media Bias" discussion
Haven't read the Post today, but I do recall some of their most recent
corrections. To whom, in the political realm, do the papers answer to
when it comes to repeated corrections like these noted below?


> Begin forwarded message, Clark Beltzer, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
> 10/11/99
> Has reputable "The Washington Post" already picked its favorite for
2000? Media bias comes in all shapes and sizes, but the Post has made
several  recent notable snafus when it comes to reporting on prez
contender Gore.
> First, on October 8, the Post runs the following "correction:" An
article yesterday incorrectly
> reported the value of stock held last year by Tony Coelho, Vice
President Gore's campaign
> chairman. The article said he owned 1.2 million shares of Service
Corporation International stock,
> which would have been worth nearly $49 million at the time. In fact, a
financial disclosure form shows Coelho owned SCI stock worth $1.2
million."  Trying to make Coelho seem richer, maybe?
> The same Pg.2 "Correction" column then goes on to owe up to another
slight error: "The article also said Coelho is on the board of Crop
Growers Corp. He resigned from that board in 1997." Further confusing
his corporate  affiliations...
> On the same day, believe it or not, a WPost correction regarding
Gore's  birthplace: "In an early
> edition yesterday, an article incorrectly reported the birthplace of
Vice President Gore. He was born in Washington, D.C."
> C'mon, the VP's birthplace? Hasn't Gore been VP for nearly 8 years? In
addition, of course, to his
> days in the Senate? Oh, by the way, isn't Gore the one who's
desperately trying to distance himself
> from being viewed as an "Establishment" insider? That would be mean
reporting the wrong
> birthplace may simply serve to reinforce the "Establishment" label
Gore is desperately trying to shed. Oh no, say it ain't so...
> If that's not enough, in the Monday, October 11 issue, the WPost
writes, "The name of the hotel
> where VP Gore lived as a child was misstated in yesterday's Tony
Kornheiser column in the Style
> section. It was the Fairfax Hotel." Ok, here they go again. Doesn't
Tony read his own paper (see
> Oct. 8 correction above)? Someone really ought to get him a
> Can't the WPost, the supposed "inside-the-beltway" paper, get the
facts straight on Al Gore? Or,
> maybe, Bradley is the paper's favorite? In that same time period,
interestingly enough, I didn't see any "Corrections" on Bradley. Hmmm...

> Furthermore, today's WPost article "Bradley Stays Course Despite
'Darts'," by Dan Balz, who
> covers the 2000 Elections beat, does nothing to dispel the paper's
"admiration" of Bradley.
> While some would say the article is nothing more than an analysis of
Bradley's campaign and his rise in polls versus Gore, it's apparent that
Balz and Co. are simply in awe with Bradley, giving the former Senator
and pro-basketball player the print space where he's viewed as the
complete opposite of "oh-we're-so-sick-of" Washington-insider Gore.
> Check out the article's final quote, from none other than Bradley
himself: "You have, in other words, entrenched power at your beckoning,"
he said of Gore. "I've only got the people."
> Oh, pleeze. Are we to believe that one can simply raise millions of
dollars, especially, nowadays,
> when presidential campaigns have become so utterly expensive, without
the backing of
> "establishment" types? Bradley would like us to believe that. How
about Balz and Co.?
> Granted, the media can always say that it's simply reporting the news.
But what about how it's read
> by folks, many of whom have yet to make up their mind on who to
support for the Democratic
> nomination?  Especially with the ongoing criticism of where Gore
actually lived during his youth and
> whether he's just part of an establishment, versus the supposed
"outsider" or "unconventional"
> Bradley.
> Or, how about the jabs against Gore's point man, Coelho, and how he's
got such a ugly checkered
> past, filthy rich and supposedly about as out of touch as Gore
himself? The list goes on and on
> Could Gore be, dare I say, too conservative for the reporters at the
Post? Maybe Bradley's liberal
> credentials are what the Post finds appealing?
> Memo to WPost editors: Check your facts, circulate an internal memo to
all your beat reporters
> outlining Al Gore's bio, or else your readers may begin wondering
whether there's a growing bias in
> _favor_ of Bill Bradley.
> Like I said, media bias comes in all shapes and sizes. This one simply
fits the "liberal bill" (no pun
> intended).
> -cb
> To subscribe, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange lis

Re: [CTRL] Creating, Patenting and Marketing of New Forms of Life

1999-10-11 Thread Joe Feck

 -Caveat Lector-

a 200K file will not fit into my mail program so do what you must.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Pilger: What is the "int'l community" really doing in E Timor?

1999-10-11 Thread Joe Feck

 -Caveat Lector-

Subject: Pilger: What is the "int'l community" really doing in E Timor?

The Guardian [UK]
Tuesday October 5, 1999


Australia's under side

Canberra has looked the other way to protect western business interests in

John Pilger

What is the "international community" really doing in East Timor? After
arrival almost two weeks ago, Australian troops have secured only the
capital, Dili, and a few towns. In West Timor, fewer than a dozen foreign
workers struggle to guarantee the safety of 230,000 refugees, including
35,000 children, while the power of life and death remains with the
Indonesian military.

An explanation is offered in a remarkable interview given by John Howard,
Australian prime minister, in which he described his government as
Washington's deputy sheriff. What mattered was the "stability" of Indonesia,
and the protection of western business interests. His honesty, or
garrulousness, is to be applauded, along with his historical accuracy. From
the Boxer rebellion to Vietnam, Australians have fought the battles of the
great imperial powers. In 1989, Australian troops were sent to Bougainville,
an island off Papua New Guinea, and site of a huge mining operation by the
multinational Rio Tinto. The Bougainvilleans had taken over the mine and the
island, in a bid for independence.

East Timor is no exception. When Australia's then prime minister Gough
Whitlam met the Indonesian dictator Suharto in 1974, his message was that
Portuguese colony was Jakarta's for the taking. The two leaders, reported
Melbourne Age, "agreed last weekend that the best and most realistic future
for Timor was association with Indonesia". The East Timorese were not asked.
One year later, Indonesia invaded.

As the UN security council deliberated on how to respond, the US secretly
re-armed the invaders while the Australian representative at the UN, Ralph
Harry, presented the invasion as a civil war with "elements" of the
Indonesian military. In 1982, Whitlam, although no longer in office, made an
extraordinary appearance at the UN, where he declared: "It is high time the
question of East Timor was voted off the UN agenda." As he spoke, the sea
around East Timor was being explored by Australian companies for vast
deposits of oil and gas: a preliminary act of grand larceny at the
centrepiece of the Australian establishment's "special relationship" with
Indonesian dictatorship.

Richard Woolcott, Canberra's ambassador in Jakarta who had been tipped off
the Indonesians that they planned to invade East Timor, set up a propaganda
body, the Indonesia-Australia Institute, funded by the government. On its
board was Paul Kelly, editor-in-chief of Australia's only national
the Australian, owned by Rupert Murdoch. Kelly introduced other editors to
Suharto in Jakarta and his newspaper described the dictatorship, one of the
most blood-soaked of the late 20th century, as "moderate".

For years, none of them heard, or wanted to hear, the cries of the East
Timorese. In 1991, when it was impossible to ignore evidence that hundreds
unarmed East Timorese had been killed in the Santa Cruz cemetery in Dili,
Australian foreign minister, Gareth Evans, described the massacre as an
"aberration". Major-General Sintog Panjaitan, the senior Indonesian officer
responsible for the massacre, was invited to Canberra as an honoured guest
the Australian military. Ali Alatas, Indonesia's foreign minister and
principal apologist for that and other massacres, was awarded the Order of
Australia, the country's highest honour.

While Prime Minister Bob Hawke raged against Saddam Hussein's invasion of
Kuwait, saying that "big countries can't expect to invade little countries
and get away with it", he neglected to mention that Australia had recognised
Indonesia's illegal occupation of its small, defenceless neighbour. A
"historic" military pact with Jakarta followed, including plans for
Indonesian-Australian operations in "counter-terrorism". The proud heirs of
Anzac were formally integrated into Indonesia's war effort against the East

In July last year, a senior Australian aid worker in East Timor warned that
the Indonesian military was setting up militia gangs. He was dismissed as
"alarmist". In November, Canberra was told that a 400-member assassination
squad of the Indonesian special forces, Kopassus, had been sent to East
Timor. The defence minister, John Moore, flew to Jakarta and reassured the
regime that Australian policy was to "prop up the institution [of the
military] as best we can". As this summer's bloody events unfolded, the
Howard government was told by Australian intelligence that Indonesia planned
a "scorched earth" in East Timor following the independence vote. Yet it was
on Australia's insistence that the UN gave the Indonesian military
responsibility for the security of the independence referendum in August - a
decision that led inexorably to the deaths

[CTRL] Gene Roddenberry And The Council of Nine

1999-10-11 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

From: "Jane S. Derry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Gene Roddenberry And The Council of Nine
 Contributed by Estrellia Sheran

"In a way, The Enterprise and the optimistic future in which it exists
might be thought of as a reminder of what we can achieve when we really

- Gene Roddenberry, 1991

Critics of individuals who support The Ashtar Command on this planet have
accused them of "playing Star Trek." What if they found out that the actors
on "Star Trek" were actually playing Ashtar Command? Have you ever noticed
that the Star Trek insignia looks like the letter "A?"

It is documented in The Only Planet of Choice, compiled by Phyllis V.
Schlemmer and Palden Jenkins (Bath, England: Gateway Books, 1993), that
Gene Roddenberry attended channelling sessions led by Ms. Schlemmer and
"Tom" of the "Council of Nine"

"Council of Nine: Tribunal Teachers governing our immediate super-galactic
and galactic region, subject to change in evolving 'new programs' of the
Father's kingdom.). It has been alluded to from other sources that
Roddenberry had been a Commander or received his inspiration from sitting
in on channelling sessions."

(The Book of Knowledge:The Keys of Enoch (Los Gatos, CA: The Academy for
Future Sciences, 1977)

The following is an exerpt from The Only Planet of Choice (p. 95-99)

Gene: There's a question that I cannot avoid asking: why do you not give
strong and definite signs of your existence or proximity, on top of
approaching humanity by indirect means such as these channelings, or other
ways? Obviously, you have your reasons, but this question does matter to me.

Tom: It is of great importance for you to understand that your governments
of your world of Earth have refused to publicly believe, or convey to the
people, our existence. If there were an attempt by civilisations to land
upon Planet Earth in a mass situation, which in truth will come to pass in
the course of time, the people upon Planet Earth would panic, for they have
not the understanding, the knowledge, that we would mean no harm to

...It is important that there is no panic amongst those that exist on the
Planet Earth: that the knowledge be brought to them in gentleness, that
those of the Twenty-Four civilisations mean no harm to them. This is of
great importance, for if there were panic, humans may then attempt to end
their own life, and also the lives of their families and neighbors, which
would not serve any purpose. The governments of your world have refused to
accept publicity that there are others of a higher intelligence , and in
truth of a more spiritual intelligence than those that exist upon the
planet Earth.

We need to convey to the people that there are others that mean them no
harm, but have an interest in saving Planet EarthWe do not come to
control, we do not come to hold in bondage, we will come with love and
patience and understanding - but since there is the denial of our
existence, how can those of Planet Earth accept that the civilisations of
Altea, Hoova, Ashan, and the rest of the Twenty-Four mean well?

Gene: I have another question that I think people will wonder about: on
previous tapes of your conversations I heard you explain that you
constantly know the thoughts of either all of us or those who communicate
with you, am I correct in this assumption?

Tom: If we have the wish to help you, yes. But we wish you to understand
that we do not invade the mind, we do not control the will, we do not
interfere with freedom: we do not interfere. It would not be of
service..they may have the abilities within them, but it would not
benefit Planet Earth to use them - nor would it benefit them. That would be
an invasion of a soul.

Gene: I have been most impressed by the communications, the expressions and
atmosphere that surround all the people here, but I do have some
difficulties in understanding why, if you are in the minds of humans at
times, and your representatives have visited Earth, and you have a
knowledge of human affairs I find it difficult to understand how you
have difficulty speaking with us, and understanding our basic colloquial
English? Could you help me with that?

Tom: We will explain that. The Civilisations have indeed visited Earth, but
do you understand that when you have communication with your mind, it is
not necessary to have words? It is difficult from where we are to give
explanations in your words. We have concepts that cannot be explained in
your language, for you do not have the words to explain.

If you could read our mind...if we could communicate with your mind in the
essence of pure telepathy, then we could convey to you what we are trying
to transmit

Gene: Thank you. You mentioned that at some stage there might be a
large-scale landing of the civilisations. I think the next questions
involve who and where, how and why; the first such question most people
would ask is 'how?' In other words what method of transportation would be
used in

[CTRL] Fwd: [spynews] Holocaust / A Larger Consciousness

1999-10-11 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

This is a wonderful posting.  Prudy

In a message dated 10/10/1999 6:31:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  By Howard Zinn

  ZNet Commentary / Oct 10 /

 Some years ago, when I was teaching at Boston University, I was asked by a
 Jewish group to give a talk on the Holocaust. I spoke that evening, but
 not about the Holocaust of World War II, not about the genocide of six
 million Jews. It was the mid-Eighties, and the United States government
 was supporting death squad governments in Central America, so I spoke of
 the deaths of hundreds of thousands of peasants in Guatemala and El
 Salvador, victims of American policy.  My point was that the memory of the
 Jewish Holocaust should not be encircled by barbed wire, morally
 ghettoized, kept isolated from other genocides in history. It seemed to me
 that to remember what happened to Jews served no important purpose unless
 it aroused indignation, anger, action against all atrocities, anywhere in
 the world.

 A few days later, in the campus newspaper, there was a letter from a
 faculty member who had heard me speak - a Jewish refugee who had left
 Europe for Argentina, and then the United States. He objected strenuously
 to my extending the moral issue from Jews in Europe in the 1940s to people
 in other parts of the world, in our time. The Holocaust was a sacred
 memory. It was a unique event, not to be compared to other events. He was
 outraged that, invited to speak on the Jewish Holocaust, I had chosen to
 speak about other matters.

 I was reminded of this experience when I recently read a book by Peter
 Novick, THE HOLOCAUST IN AMERICAN LIFE. Novick's starting point is the
 question: why, fifty years after the event, does the Holocaust play a more
 prominent role in this country -- the Holocaust Museum in Washington,
 hundreds of Holocaust programs in schools -- than it did in the first
 decades after the second World War?  Surely at the core of the memory is a
 horror that should not be forgotten. But around that core, whose integrity
 needs no enhancement, there has grown up an industry of memorialists who
 have labored to keep that memory alive for purposes of their own.

 Some Jews have used the Holocaust as a way of preserving a unique
 identity, which they see threatened by intermarriage and assimilation.
 Zionists have used the Holocaust, since the 1967 war, to justify further
 Israeli expansion into Palestianian land, and to build support for a
 beleaguered Israel (more beleaguered, as David Ben-Gurion had predicted,
 once it occupied the West Bank and Gaza). And non-Jewish politicians have
 used the Holocaust to build political support among the numerically small
 but influential Jewish voters - note the solemn pronouncements of
 Presidents wearing yarmulkas to underline their anguished sympathy.

 I would never have become a historian if I thought that it would become my
 professional duty to go into the past and never emerge, to study long-gone
 events and remember them only for their uniqueness, not connecting them to
 events going on in my time. If the Holocaust was to have any meaning, I
 thought, we must transfer our anger to the brutalities of our time. We
 must atone for our allowing the Jewish Holocaust to happen by refusing to
 allow similar atrocities to take place now - yes, to use the Day of
 Atonement not to pray for the dead but to act for the living, to rescue
 those about to die.

 When Jews turn inward to concentrate on their own history, and look away
 from the ordeal of others, they are, with terrible irony, doing exactly
 what the rest of the world did in allowing the genocide to happen. There
 were shameful moments, travesties of Jewish humanism, as when Jewish
 organizations lobbied against a Congressional recognition of the Armenian
 Holocaust of 1915 on the ground that it diluted the memory of the Jewish
 Holocaust. Or when the designers of the Holocaust Museum dropped the idea
 of mentioning the Armenian genocide after lobbying by the Israeli
 government. (Turkey was the only Moslem government with which Israel had
 diplomatic relations.)  Another such moment came when Elie Wiesel, chair
 of President Carter's Commission on the Holocaust, refused to include in a
 description of the Holocaust Hitler's killing of millions of non-Jews.
 That would be, he said, to "falsify" the reality "in the name of misguided
 universalism." Novick quotes Wiesel as saying "They are stealing the
 Holocaust from us." As a result the Holocaust Museum gave only passing
 attention to the five million or more non-Jews who died in the Nazi camps.
 To build a wall around the uniqueness of the Jewish Holocaust is to
 abandon the idea that humankind is all one, that we are all, of whatever
 color, nationality, religion, deserving of equal rights to life, liberty,
 and the pursuit of happiness. What happened to the Jews under Hitler is
 unique in its details but it shares universal characteristic

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Smokers Fired

1999-10-11 Thread Kathleen

 -Caveat Lector-

On 11 Oct 99, at 15:16, Stopforth, Jamie wrote:

>  -Caveat Lector-
> Good, get rid of the smokers.

We'd be better off to get rid of the busybodies and bigots who want
to control what people do on their own time to their own bodies.

The difference between your statement and that of good German
citizens who said "Good, get rid of the Jews" is only one of degree.

"Every reform is only a mask under cover of which
a more terrible reform, which dares not name
itself, advances." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Psychiatry as Systematic Oppression

1999-10-11 Thread Joe Feck

 -Caveat Lector-

  Oppression is irrational.
  --John Breeding

The Enforcer:

Mental Health System Oppression as a STOP Sign on Liberation from Other
Societal Oppressions

by John Breeding, Ph.D.  Originally published in the Austin Peace &
Justice News Jan/Feb 1995.

I was recently introduced to an extremely useful metaphor by Janet
Foner, an international leader in the psychiatric survivor movement as
well as co-chair of Support Coalition International, the broader
coalition whose purpose it is to eliminate what many of us call "Mental
Health System Oppression" (MHSO). The metaphor is that MHSO acts as a
STOP sign on the road to liberation from other oppressions (e.g.
racism, sexism, adultism, ...). I am writing here to share my thinking
about three of the mechanisms by which MHSO acts to reinforce other
societal oppressions.

I am speaking from four basic assumptions. My first assumption is that
all human beings share a natural disposition toward compassion and
interconnectedness.  Basic principles of social justice make sense to
us, in every way. My second assumption is that oppressive systems and
mechanisms, while serving the perceived short-term interests of the
economically, politically, or socially privileged, isolate, injure, and
degrade all of us, inevitably fostering fear, violence, and insecurity
in all our relations.  Hence, oppression is irrational. My third
assumption is that, in addition to institutional and systemic forces,
there exists, in most individuals, an internalized psychological
process which serves to hold oppression in place.  This process
involves the suppression of emotional expressions associated with
oppressive, hurtful experiences. It is my belief that this process
thwarts the natural human behavior of resolving our emotional distress
by expressing ourselves through rage, fear, or grief.

With these assumptions in mind, I want to share now the mechanisms by
which MHSO enforces or holds other oppressions in place. The first
mechanism is in fact a meta-mechanism since it suppresses the natural
process, referred to above, by which people resolve emotionally charged
experiences. The core of MHSO, and its agency of institutional
psychiatry, is suppression of emotional expression. Mainstream (meaning
the agencies of the economically, politically, and socially powerful in
society) mental health practices center around systematic inhibition of
emotional expression.  The heart of current practice is
psychopharmacology.  Other control patterns range from seemingly
benevolent attempts to soothe away "too much crying" to cruel and
severely damaging practices such as electric shock. Of course, all
coercive (involuntary) treatment must be seen in this light.

The second mechanism by which MHSC acts to hold oppression in place
involves a trick of magic. A basic principle of magic involves
illusion, one piece of which is called sleight-of-hand.  Political
versions involve so-called red herrings or straw men.  The mechanism is
indirection and illusion: "Now you see it, now you don't.".  Before you
get a glimpse of social injustice, let me show you mental illness."
"Before you think about racism and economic injustice, let me show you
genetic predisposition to violence in young black males."

Institutional psychiatry has been so successful in their magic show
that few people realize that "mental illness" is, at best, merely a
metaphor.  To quote Peter Breggin, foremost writer and outspoken
challenger of the tenets of biopsychiatry: "It is scientifically
incontrovertible that there is no convincing evidence that any
condition routinely seen by psychiatrists has a genetic or biological
origin." The concept of mental illness was originally created as a
metaphor in order to establish medical/scientific credibility to the
accepted practices of responding to people in distress or in deviance
from social norms. The agency of biopsychiatry is performing the
greatest magic show on earth. The incredible illusion of biologically
caused mental illness serves as a powerful enforcer of oppression,
consistently distracting our attention from the reality of social
injustice and the devastating results on individuals and on society.
I'll give you a hint now on one key to see through this illusion. Keep
your eye on where the money goes.

The third way that MHSO acts as a stop sign to enforce other
oppressions has a much more elastic quality, adapting to specific
groups and individuals.  It really doesn't function as a clear
universal symbol; I think it's more like law enforcement. It is hard to
get hold of because the laws, though well-known, are unwritten. They
are the laws of oppression, the laws of adultism, racism, sexism,
heterosexism, anti-Semitism, etc. The mechanism is simple. If a person
steps outside the bounds of the oppressive conditioning, (i.e. fails to
act in the way that a child, woman, man, person of color, etc., is
supposed to act), t

[CTRL] Galactic War III

1999-10-11 Thread Nicola Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

   Galactic War III  by Steve Omar/En

The interplanetary landlords of this fallen planet realized that power
and domination only increases in proportion to ignorance.

There were thousands of people who fought and died during the last world
war, who died never really understanding what they had
fought and died for. The deeper truths from World War Two were hidden in
secret archives because they were too incredible for the
masses. Most of the historians who recorded what happened during that
global war never revealed most of what had really happened. Yet
there were a few historians who glimpsed an incredible amazing
that they never wrote about it because they themselves could not
even comprehend it. Others who gazed on incredible revelations were
afraid to release the truth, some fearing the readers would never
comprehend it and others fearing the specter of the Iluminati that
suppressed it from their educational institutions. lt was too
bizarresounding like something out of a science fiction movie. Yet
these hidden secrets were too important and immense for us to ignore
and began leaking out through confiscated Nazi diaries, Naval
intelligence agents who gazed at secret documents, and witnesses who
talked before risking taking their secrets to their graves. In the early
1970s agents of Xian lnternational's Department of Mind, a civilian
central intelligence expose agency, began to decipher the pieces of this of the biggest mysteries in the eons of
timeand one of the greatest secrets of the last two millenniums.

Why haven't the average citizens of the nations of the 1990s heard this
alternative version of World War Two? The answer to that
question comes partly from Hitler himself when he declared, "the real
destiny of Man is something that ordinary men could not conceive of
and would be unable to stomach if given a glimpse of it. Our revolution
is a final stage in an evolution that will end by abolishing history.
My party comrades have no conception of the dreams that haunt my mind or
of the grandiose edifice of which the foundations, at least,
will have been laid before I die. The world has reached a turning point,
and will undergo an upheaval which you uninitiated people cannot

The aforementioned words were told to Nazi Party members who Hitler
believed were not even ready for his heavy truths. The last world
war was not simply a war fought between the Allies and the Axis or
Democracy and Despotism. It was a war fought between Science and
Magic, and science won. It was also the planetary battlefield of
Galactic War III, when alien civilizations sponsoring the Nazis and
civilizations sponsoring the Americans fought once again for control of
planet Earth .. while using its unsuspecting armies as pawns in
their interstellar conflict. It is a well documented publicized fact
that Hitler often went into trances and spoke to his military
His chair press officer, Dr. Dietrich testified his belief that Hitler
was possessed by demons. Hitler told his High Command his belief in the
Superman who had ruled the planet in the times of Atlantis and Thule,
and after the war of the gods that led to the fall of Atlantis the
Superman, who were the Masters of the World, had gone underground.
Hitler said he took his orders for the Nazi conquest from the
Superman who lived inside the Earth. In a conversation with, Governor
Rausching, a man who tried to tell the Nazi Leader of the great
difficulty of genetically creating a new species, Hitler replied "The
New Man is living among us now! He is here! Isn't that I enough for
you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the New Man. He is intrepid
and cruel. I was afraid of him!

However, the Sirian Orion conflict had been raging across the galaxy for
millenniums. Mars and Mercury had been in the second
intergalactic War here, victims of nuclear devastation, Maldek had been
blown into the asteroid belt, and planets In the Pleiades, Orion,
and in other systems had become nuclear wastelands. Earth had seen two
nuclear wars in the last 13,000 years and the Sirians and Orions
were bringing in the technology for a third.

In the early 1930s a group of human aliens, the K-Group or Kondroskans,
had secretly contacted President Franklin Delanor Roosevelt and
offered technological aid in return for a treaty. Little is known here
about that proposal. However, apparently the Pentagon and civilian
military & affiliated scientists broke the agreement and the K-Group
abandoned the Americans claiming they abused the technology and

ln the late 19th Century and early 20th century the great scientist
Nikola Tesla was reportedly contacted by the Pleiadeans and their
Venusian based allies, and given the technology that led to his
invention of the AC/DC electric current dozens of electronic devices

[CTRL] FW: The Frankenfood Files: 13 Myths About Genetic Engineering + What Biotech FoodIssue? + Where are US anti-GMO activists going and how do they get there?+ MONSANTO CHIEF ACCUSED OF GM `BULLYING' + Biotech News + GMO Summit inMichigan

1999-10-11 Thread Dave

 -Caveat Lector-

Dave Hartley


Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999
Subject: Excellent Debunking of the alleged "merits" of Genetic Engineering

From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Grassroots Media Network)
Forwarded from Robert Mann and the Cornell list:

That a few scientists at the Dunedin Polytech could produce the following
popular-level piece gives me some real hope.

13 Myths About Genetic Engineering

Myth No. 1 - Genetic engineering (GE) is not new. It is just the same as
speeded-up selective breeding.

FACT:  Genetic engineering (GE) and conventional breeding are worlds apart.
Breeding does not manipulate genes; it involves crossing of selected
parents of the same or closely related species.  In contrast, GE involves
extracting selected genes from one organism (e.g. animals, plants, insects,
bacteria) and/or viruses, or synthesising copies, and artificially
inserting them into another completely different organism (eg. food crops).
GE usually employs virus genes to smuggle in and promote the inserted
genes, and antibiotic resistance genes to act as markers.  All these
inserted genes are present in every cell of the plant.

Myth No. 2 - Genetic engineering is precise.

FACT:  The function of only a small proportion of the DNA in a higher
organism is known.  Modern genetics has shown that genes do not operate in
isolation.  Rather they interact in a complicated way, changing their
behaviour in response to influences from other genes. Although a gene can
be cut out precisely from the DNA of an organism, its insertion into the
DNA of another organism is entirely random.  This results in the disruption
of the order of the genes on the chromosome and may result in random and
unexpected changes in the functioning of the cells.

Richard Lewontin, Professor of Genetics at Harvard University, has said of
GE: 'We have such a miserably poor understanding of how the organism
develops from its DNA that I would be surprised if we don't get one rude
shock after another.'

Myth No. 3 - GE foods vary from non-GE foods only in the characteristic
that has been modified.

FACT:  The random insertion of foreign genes into the genetic material may
cause unexpected changes in the functioning of other genes.  Existing
molecules may be manufactured in incorrect quantities, at the wrong times,
or new molecules may be produced.  GE foods and food products may therefore
contain unexpected toxins or allergenic molecules that could harm our
health or that of our offspring.

Myth No.4 - GE food is extensively tested and the GE food at present on our
supermarket shelves is perfectly safe to eat.

FACT:  No GE food testing is done in New Zealand.  We rely almost entirely
on the testing carried out by the GE biotechnology companies that have
spent billions of dollars developing the food and intend to make a profit
selling it to us.  There are serious doubts about the adequacy of the
testing and the validity of the conclusions drawn from the results.
Independent long-term testing is required before we can be sure that GE
food is safe to eat. Another health concern is the possible acceleration of
the development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics due to the use of
antibiotic resistance genes in the production of GE foods.

Myth No. 5 - Genetically engineered food has improved nutritional value.

FACT:  No GE food produced to date has been shown to be more nutritious
than non-GE food.  Most GE crops are only designed to be resistant to
specific herbicides, to produce their own insecticides or to have an
increased shelf life.

Myth No.6 - One can always choose not to eat GE food.

FACT:  At present most foods on New Zealand supermarket shelves containing
GE ingredients are not labelled, so there is no way of knowing whether we
are eating them.  GE products are likely to be found in foods containing
the following ingredients:

Soya flour and oil (in many common foods including breads, sausages, etc.)
Lecithin (in chocolate, ice cream etc.)
Canola oil
Corn (maize) extracts.

Myth No. 7 - Farmers will benefit from growing GE crops.

FACT:  Seeds of genetically engineered crops are more expensive than those
of conventional crops.  Farmers in the UK and USA report that yields are
generally no better, the crops are less reliable and overall have not
improved profitability.  Non-GE crops now receive a premium and as more
countries reject GE foods, the opportunities to sell GE produce overseas
are diminishing. Because of risks associated with GE crops insurance
companies in the USA and UK are now reluctant to insure t

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Smokers Fired

1999-10-11 Thread Sammark4

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/11/1999 3:32:09 PM CST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

> We'd be better off to get rid of the busybodies and bigots who want
>  to control what people do on their own time to their own bodies.
>  The difference between your statement and that of good German
>  citizens who said "Good, get rid of the Jews" is only one of degree.
>  "Every reform is only a mask under cover of which
>  a more terrible reform, which dares not name
>  itself, advances." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Better yet, why don't we have all those we suspect of ingesting a high
fat content in their diet followed and prosecuted?  A bad diet contributes to
ALL kinds of disease and makes MY insurance rates go up!  We'll just develop
The Fast Food Intelligence Agency.
 Yeah, we'll develop monitors to be worn on the skin that sound an alarm
when the fat intake exceeds 30 grams in one day!  Anything to keep those
insurance premiums down..
 Smokers can play this game, too.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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1999-10-11 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

by Jim Keith


Since the move had been covert and the southerners desired to keep their own
friends in place among the northern elite, plans were quietly laid to
facilitate a successful southern effort in the event of overt action; stores
were replenished, training of mercenaries upgraded, and to culminate, the
Order of Knights Hospitallers of St. John - an order of
warrior-monks/provisioners -was founded, in AD 1070.

The northern clique being engaged, since earlier in that same century, in
one of their many in-fights for superiority, the southern clique had breath
space to consolidate their own lines until about AD 1080, at which time the
first full-scale small war took place between the two cliques, ending any
possibility of willful merger between the two elites. That it was Gregory
VII, in establishing (at the behest of the southern clique) the most
sweeping of Papal temporal powers, that initiated this attack by the north,
is immaterial; the southern clique had known for some time that the Muslim
mercenaries who sacked their coasts were in the employ of the north, which
by AD 1100 was being more and more dominated by the
Prussian/Bavarian/Zionist clique. Nonetheless, a concordat of sorts was
reached when Muslims not in European employ began taking advantage of the
factional in-fighting, and it was to a relatively united Europe that Urban
II promoted the First Crusade. It was at this time that the Order of Knights
Templars was founded, much a duplication of the Order of Hospitallers, but
less concerned with provisioning as with actual warfare.

That both orders served as bankers to much of the European elite, both
northern and southern cliques, led to struggles between the two groups,
which were to have dire consequences at a later date. There were, as yet,
some factions of the southern clique still true at heart to the precepts of
the Faith, rather than the power thereo{ and these factions saw their
opportunity in the power struggle between the Welf Family and the
Hohenstauffens, also called the Guelphs and the Ghibellines, respectively,
beginning in AD 1125. With the victory of the northern-sympathizing
Hohenstauffen clan, the balance of power began a slow but inexorable shift
to the northern clique, becoming ever more heavily dominated by the North
German/Zionist faction. The shift, however, was not immediately apparent to
the southern clique, who found themselves receiving a rather rude awakening
in AD 1154, when a northern candidate, one Nicholas Breakspear, became Pope
Adrian IV; almost immediately he gave Ireland as a gift to his mentor, Henry
II of England, which has resulted in nearly a millennium of domination of
the only northern ally of the southern clique.

The threat of a pincer movement set aside, the northern clique proceeded to
reinaugurate their original policy of covert whittling at the power of the
south, now invested very heavily in the Roman and Frankish aristocratic
factions. Regular sacrifice of Jewish commoners, under the direction of the
Zionist elite, was instituted to propitiate the deities still covertly
worshiped by the elite of the northern clique, now merged into the Zionist
deity (which had never been the same God worshiped by the Jewish commoners,
as examination of coins and other artifacts of the Third Temple Period will
clearly show). These regular sacrifices date to approximately 1190, and
following quick on the heels of this, comes the escalation of northern
preparations for outright struggle against the south; the Order of Teutonic
Knights and the Livonian Brothers of the Sword, precursors to the later
Prussian Orders, date to the period AD 1190 - 1210. With the Hospitallers
and Knights Templars engaged in a war of attrition that killed nearly as
many of their number as their battles against the Muslims, and the
Dominicans fully engaged, from AD 1208, in pitched battle with nonconformist
southern sub-cliques and covert actions in England, the Teutonic Knights and
their cohorts had a clear field to engage as they would; upon absorbing the
Livonian Brothers of the Sword in 1237, they were nearly unstoppable.

Their early success they attributed to a massive propitiative sacrifice of
European children, in AD 1212. This affair, which began with the promotion
of what was called the "Children's Crusade", drained an untold number of
Europe's youngest into the clutches of the Teutons; a massive number were
indeed slaughtered in ritual sacrifice, and perhaps twice that number were
sold into slavery to the Muslims. Once again. the 'prayers' of the
Teutonic/Zionist clique appeared to have been answered, as with their defeat
at the hands of the Mongols in AD 1256, survivors of the Order of Assassins,
the Ishmaelis, of Hasan I Sabah, began trickling into Europe, seeking
sanctuary among the similarly-inclined Teutonic/Zionist clique. With the


1999-10-11 Thread Nicky Molloy

 -Caveat Lector-

by Jim Keith


Boniface VIII in an attempt to bring the clique back in line with the
original division of power (subservient to, rather than masters ot the
Church), issued a Papal Bull, "Unam Sanctam," claiming Papal authority over
temporal rulers, in 1302. He was poisoned in 1303, and succeeded by Benedict
XI - who attempted to follow in Boniface's footsteps and was poisoned
himself in 1304. Philippe IV of France, engaged in his war with the Templars
as early as 1307, finally offered Pope Clement V sanctuary in France, and
the Papal court moved in that year to Avignon, a coup for the French faction
over the Romans. So paranoid did the Papal court become that, in 1316 (while
the remnants of the Templars were strengthening the northern clique), John
XXII sent a squad of heavily-armed Dominicans south to Ethiopia to chase
down a reported Patriarch with valid Roman Apostolic succession, recorded in
history as "Prester John."

In 1326, the Teutonic Knights made a foray into Poland; prisoners were taken
by the Poles, and several talked, divulging not only the brief bits they
knew of general policy, but also their knowledge of the sacrifices of Jewish
commoners - these reports sickened the Poles, who, upon repelling the
Teutons in 1333-34, extended a general sanctuary to all European Jewry. As
news spread through the sub-elites of the southern clique, outrage was the
order of the day. while the southern clique was capable of sustained
violence, and the torture of captive enemies, the thought of a program of
ritual human sacrifice appalled them, causing them to begin pulling somewhat
closer together, at least to discuss this aspect of the northern threat.
Though several of the aristocratic sub-cliques had learnt of this practice
as long back as 1190, it had been regarded as something between a rumor and
an aberration; now, however, with proof wrested from Teutonic Knights by the
Poles, it took on an immediacy.

The northern clique, of course, knew very quickly that their practices were
known by the southerners, but were more upset by what they considered the
southerners' pretensions. In order to break the south, now when all seemed
going their way, the northern clique (with the especial help of England's
Edward III) caused the collapse of the Bardi Financier clique in Rome, who
had been, after the Hospitallers, the bankers of Europe. Edward, of course,
benefitted by not being required to pay any of the sizable loans he'd
received from the Bardis; the northern clique could now attempt to wrest
control of finance from the south. By this time, the midpoint of the
fourteenth century, it was becoming something of a race; since the initial
expedition to the North American continent, neither side of the conflict had
been in a position to exploit the virgin lands. The north, while having the
advantage of unity under autocratic rule, had not the requisite wealth to
exploit the Americas; the south-em clique, for whom wealth was no problem,
had not the unity to mount a proper expedition. Both cliques realized that
control of the vast wealth of the western continents would ensure lasting
victory. While the northern houses of the Templars had brought with them a
cache of gold, it had been scant - Philippe IV had systematically
confiscated the available wealth of the order during the seven years of his
program against them, and most of this had been disbursed to the
Templars-cum-Hospitallers thereafter, remaining under southern clique

The northern clique, growing desperate, authorized their Assassins to
introduce into southern Europe the bubonic plague, known as the "Black
Death," in 1348. Ultimately, the plague would kill perhaps one-quarter of
the European & Asian population, as much as one-third of Europe alone, and
scattered outbreaks would continue well into the present century, somewhat
backfiring on the northern clique. Nonetheless, it had much the desired
effect, in its own way, weakening the south sufficiently to allow the north
to reinstate its program of large-scale sacrifice of Jewish commoners,
forcing large numbers of Jews to seek the asylum of Poland, beginning one
year after introduction of the plague, in 1349. The south learned of the
north's complicity even as the plague ravaged the population, forever
altering the balance of power and social structure of the con tinent.

A force of Dominicans pushed south into deep Africa in an attempt to settle
a safe base, free from the contagion of Europe; they had begun construction
of stone fortifications at Great Zimbabwe when they were attacked and
slaughtered by a force of Teutonic Knights, who took over the construction
with the use of slave labor, culled from among the indigenous population;
hopelessly outnumbered and operating far from any hope of relief, the
Teutons were in turn slaughtered by an uprising of the native s

Re: [CTRL] research and memory

1999-10-11 Thread Smart News

 -Caveat Lector-

Hi !

Here's some information about research and memory.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

quotes from

DID: Research and Pseudoscience
by Stephanie Dallam RN, MSN, FNP

Treating Abuse Today Vol 8 No 3 May - June, 1998 pp.

some of the most egregious abuses of science have come from those who attack
the validity of the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder (formally
called multiple personality disorder or MPD). Below are some examples of how
bias and personal opinion can masquerade as serious research.

Harold Merskey, a Canadian psychiatrist and vocal critic of MPD. In his paper
titled "The Manufacture of Personalities: The Production of Multiple
Personality Disorder," Dr. Merskey (1992) contends that all MPD is
artifactual, caused either by publicity or by therapists, and that MPD is a
form of malingering. Merskey does not, however, provide empirical data to
support these contentions. In a critique of Merskey's thesis, Charles Barton
(1994) pointed out that MPD skeptics have failed to generate a significant
body of scientific evidence in support of their claims, and are not able to
cite scientific reasons for rejecting a particular notion.. Barton
specifically notes that Merskey failed to critically examine the research
supporting the existence of MPD and offered no systematic criticism of MPD.
Merskey (1994) responds to Barton's critique by claiming that he is aware of
the MPD literature; however, the evidence is "not impressive, not carrying
conviction, and lacks validity." In one sentence, Merskey dismisses years of
scientific research, thus leveling the debate to one man's opinion against

Dr. Paul R. McHugh (1995), head of psychiatry at Johns Hopkins Medical
Institutions, maintains that the majority of MPD patients "do not come to
treatment reporting a sexual assault in childhood." According to McHugh,
"Only as the therapy is developed is the possibility that they were sexually
abused as children suggested to them." In addition, McHugh contends that some
therapists read more into these symptoms than they warrant, and suggest to
patients that their symptoms represent the subtle actions of alternative
personalities. Suddenly, according to McHugh, the patient is transformed into
"odd people with repeated shifts of demeanor and deportment that they display
on command." McHugh does not cite any data to support these assertions. Nor
does he acknowledge the numerous studies which refute his characterization of
MPD patients.

A cursory review of the literature reveals abundant studies utilizing
reliable diagnostic instruments which have documented a significant
relationship between childhood sexual abuse and dissociative symptoms. In
addition, several studies present objective verification of both dissociative
symptoms and severe abuse during childhood in a both adults and children
subsequently diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder (DID).

a study by Dr, Philip M. Coons and others (1988) assessed 50 consecutive
adults with MPD using clinical history, psychiatric interview, neurological
examination, EEG, MMPI, intelligence testing, and a variety of psychiatric
rating scales. The data suggested that the etiology of MPD was strongly
related to childhood trauma and was not an underlying neurologic dysfunction

Coons (1994) sought to determine, whether external corroboration of child
abuse could be found in a group of children diagnosed with MPD and
Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (DDNOS). In a retrospective
chart review of 31 subjects, ranging in age from 5- to 17-years of age, child
abuse was confirmed in eight of 9 patients with MPD and in all 12 cases of

many of the individuals who argue that DID is an iatrogenic creation. Since
there is scant literature to support this contention, they often cite a
handful of experiments with college students in which hypnotized students
were successfully encouraged to act as if they had a secondary personality.
DID critics claim that these studies prove that multiple personalities can be
created experimentally-which, in turn, proves MPD is an iatrogenic creation
of the treating therapist...In actuality, none of the experiments with normal
college students have resulted in the creation of anything even remotely
resembling full clinical DID. As DID expert Colin Ross (1997, p. 234) notes,
none of the analogs created in college students meet the Dissociative
Disorders Interview Schedule (DDIS) or Structured Clinical Interview for
DSM-III-R Dissociative Disorders (SCID-D) profile of DID. None of the
students were asked to complete the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) or
other standard measures used to screen for DID. In addition, none of the role
enactments of DID persisted outside of the laboratory, and none of the
student subjects required treatment for their DID.

An example of over-generalizing from research and over-stating conclusions
can be found in the paper "Creating F

[CTRL] From Barry Chammish: "HISSSS" (fwd)

1999-10-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 00:45:59 +0200 (IST)
From: barry chamish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: HI

RABIN'S LAST DOCTOR by Barry Chamish

We now enter the realm of the truly bizarre as we look at the
doctor who last examined Yitzhak Rabin, the State Pathologist,
Dr. Yehuda Hiss. Israelis know too well that their government's
coroner is corrupt. In September 1999, Judge Ruth Orr overturned
a conviction against a Jewish resident of Judea and Samaria for
the shooting murder of an Arab boy because she accused Dr. Hiss
of forging the forensic evidence against him. It was the second
time in a year that a murder conviction was overturned because
Hiss had falsified an autopsy for political purposes. He had
earlier been caught doctoring the facts to secure a wrongful rap
against the parents of a murdered child.

His biggest fabrication of all occurred after the country's
most ghastly scandal was proven. In the first decade of Israel's
existence, the Labor government kidnapped over 4500 babies,
mostly of new Yemenite immigrant parents, and sold them off for
adoption and medical experiments, mostly abroad. Through the
efforts of Yemenite groups fighting to expose this crime, three
years ago one mother, Margalit Omeisse was reunited with her
daughter Celia Levine, given up for adoption to a California
couple almost half a century before. Besides looking like twins,
the Hebrew University genetics laboratory proved they were mother
and daughter by DNA testing. Dr. Hiss retested the two for the
government and lo and behold, found that Hebrew University was

And that's why his nickname in certain circles is Dr.

People started calling him that about a year after the Rabin
assassination. He conducted a partial autopsy of Rabin and
concluded he was shot twice in the back from medium range. In
1996, Rabin's hospital records were uncovered and over ten
doctors and nurses signed very different accounts of Rabin's
demise. He was actually shot three times, twice from point blank
range and once frontally in the upper chest. On top of that,
Rabin's spine was shattered and Hiss categorically reported that
it wasn't. Because the patsy Yigal Amir never shot from point
blank range or from the front, and because the assassination film
proved Rabin's spine could not have been broken since he kept
right on walking after the shot to his back, somebody must have
asked Hiss to alter the medical facts. So he did and then the
government's commission of inquiry into the murder adopted Hiss's
lies as the official version of Rabin's death.

So we knew that Hiss was corrupt and that he molded his
reports to fit government orders. What we didn't know was that he
is also genuinely ghoulish. Avi and Nitzana (Darshan) Leitner are
Yigal Amir's attorneys. They also represent another victim of Dr.
Hiss, the family of Alisdair Sinclair.

On April 14, 1998, 47 year old Alisdair Sinclair, was stopped
by customs officials at Ben Gurion Airport on his way out of the
country after a six day stay. They found 9000 Deutsche marks in a
false bottom of his handbag and he was arrested without charge.
The police thought the false bottom suggested something illegal
though hiding a large amount of money is a legitimate means of
thwarting theft.

At the airport police station, Sinclair was found strangling
on his shoelaces. He was rushed to hospital and pronounced dead.
>From there his body was transferred to the Abu Kabir Institute
For Forensic Medicine and straight into the paws of Dr. Yehuda
Hiss, who conducted an autopsy which concluded that Sinclair had
killed himself.

After that, there was a problem with the body. Sinclair was
unmarried, his parents weren't alive and he had been living a
rather rootless life in Amsterdam dealing in vintage guitars and
strumming them at local pubs. It took three days to track down
his family in Scotland and the police offered to bury him in
Israel. The family refused and paid about $5000 to fly the corpse

On May 13, another autopsy was conducted, at the University
of Glasgow and guess what? The hyoid bone at the base of the
tongue was missing and so was the heart. Both were removed by Dr.
Hiss. But why? No problem guessing why the hyoid bone was gone.
It would reveal that Sinclair did not hang himself but was
strangled by other means.

But the heart..? Avi Leitner can only say, "Our best guess is
that Hiss is involved the the black market trade in human organs.
We can't prove that yet, but it seems the most likely motive for
removing a healthy heart." Leitner's supposition is supported by
the fact that for the past four months, Hiss's employers, Israel
Police, have been investigating charges that he removed the
organs of fallen soldiers without notifying their parents.

Incredibly, a most unlikely source provides an even spookier
motive. But let's get on with the 

Re: [CTRL] How To Make History Bunk

1999-10-11 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/11/99 1:17:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> The museum's director, Richard West, said the institution would be dedicated
>  to ``presenting the Indian perspective.'' By ``Indian perspective,'' West
>  means the fulminations of activists who think Columbus was the father of
>  genocide and the 7th Cavalry was the Nazi S.S. on horseback.
>  To emphasize the point, those attending the ceremony sang the anthem of the
>  American Indian Movement, a militant gang best known for its terrorist
>  action at the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1975, which left two FBI agents
>  dead.

Well, well.  This is interesting.  I think it is time to set the record
straight myself.  The "militant gang" that is/was AIM, and two FBI agents
dead.  I guess that is the fault of the American Indians.  Never mind the
fact that the Fed's went in there on bogus charges, that they may have opened
fire first, and that they never identified themselves as Federal Agents until
long after the Indians were attacked and, quite rightly, wished to defend
themselves.  Never mind that they hold Peltier in jail on trumped up charges
for a crime he could not have committed because he wasn't even present, never
mind that they won't give him the medical aid that he needs.  The facts in
most case like these are that both the Indian and the "white man" are guilty
of great cruelty and killed many.  Typically there is an attempt to swing the
pendulum the other way in order to "make up" for all the years we've been
subjected to the propaganda of only one side.  Historical displays of this
type, and history in general, can never be truly objective, since we can
never know with certainty what occurred, and even if we did we could never
rightly choose in every case which items to display or write about as the
"most important," we certainly cannot write or display everything.  I am just
about fed up with this type of thing.  All of the sudden the FBI is good and
the Indians are bad.  Why can't they all be humans and be a little of both.
Nothing but posturing.


"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] NATO-craczy

1999-10-11 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/11/99 2:31:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

>  Months after NATO's assault on the former Yugoslavia, the fruits of that
>  alleged "victory" have begun to appear in all their misshapen ugliness:
> is
>  clearly evolving in Yugoslavia's conquered province, is a full-fledged
> fascist
>  state. And I don't mean that rhetorically, in the sense that I think the
>  are not very nice: I mean that literally, as in self-conscious fascists
>  seized de facto power in Kosovo.

This should be far from a surprise to anyone with any intelligence.  It is
the desired outcome after all.  The rebirth of fascism into the public eye,
as a "respectable" political economy is something that had to happen, and
with the roots so firmly planted in this area of the world it is quite
understandable that it would come about there.  Watch for more of the same,
and in more unusual places.


"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] World Bank Loan For PLA (fwd)

1999-10-11 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

 -Caveat Lector-


Insight Magazine

Vol. 15, No. 40 -- November 1, 1999

World Bank Loans Finance Chinese Army

By Charles Smith

Newly declassified documents, forced from the U.S. Commerce
Department by a federal lawsuit, show that $200 million in World
Bank loans for a "technology development project" actually went
to weapons-research labs and businesses wholly owned by the
Chinese People's Liberation Army, or PLA. The documents reveal
that World Bank loans were used to modernize the Chinese defense

"The objective of the project is to support the [Chinese]
Government's continuing reforms in technology policy and
institutions so as to promote the development of clear,
productivity-enhancing technologies in China's industries,"
states a 1995 report written by the Industry and Energy
Operations Division of the World Bank.

According to the World Bank report, "The [Chinese] Government
will pass on US $194.3 million of the loan proceeds through SPC
[State Planning Commission] to eligible sub-borrowers in the form
of sub-loans, with the Golden China Corporation acting on its
behalf as a financial agent."

However, according to the Defense Department, "Golden China
Corporation" and many of the so-called "engineering research
centers" supported by the World Bank loans actually were owned
and operated by the Chinese military's COSTIND, which stands for
the Chinese Commission for Science, Technology and Industry for
National Defense.  For example, the World Bank provided:

- $5 million to the Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal
Research for "rare earth materials" used in chemical, aviation
and nuclear power stations. The Northwest Institute for
Nonferrous Metal Research is part of the China National Nuclear
Corp., or CNNC, producer of all nuclear weapons for the Chinese

- More than $5 million to the Harbin Research Institute for
"welded steel products" used in aviation and shipbuilding. Harbin
was identified by the Department of Defense as a Chinese Army
front used to purchase Allied Signal turbo-fan engines for the
People's Liberation Army Air Force, or PLAAF, in 1996.

- More than $4 million to the Marine Design and Research
Institute of China for "ship-design software and services." The
Marine Design and Research Institute is part of the China
National Ship Building Corp. and the primary design facility for
all Chinese warships, including nuclear-powered submarines.

The loans to the Chinese military from the World Bank also
financed several moneymaking ventures for the PLA. For example,
the World Bank provided $5.5 million to the China Textile Academy
for "productivity enhancement."

According to a 1997 Rand Corp. report on the Chinese defense
industry, the profits from People's Liberation Army business
ventures such as textile exports are split between the PLA
generals and the Chinese military. The Chinese army profits are
used to purchase advanced weapons, build new barracks for troops
and provide medical services for PLA officers.

The Chinese generals use their slice of the profits for "lavish
parties, foreign luxury automobiles and Swiss bank accounts,"
according to the Rand report. Thus, there is little money left to
provide environmental protection or improve working conditions.

Of course, the Clinton administration claims that it is
impossible to identify PLA-owned companies. Despite the
difficulty, President Clinton is required by law to perform this

The Fowler amendment, signed into law by Clinton on Oct. 17,
1998, requires that a list of companies controlled by the PLA and
operating in the United States be published in the Federal
Register by Jan. 15, 1999. So far, Clinton has ignored the law
and refused to expose these PLA operations.

On Sept. 24 the 10 top leaders in the House of Representatives
wrote a letter to Clinton, demanding immediate compliance with
U.S. law requiring public disclosure of China's PLA-owned
companies doing business in the United States.

According to House members, the Clinton White House claimed in
September 1999 to have assigned the task of identifying the PLA
companies to the Defense Intelligence Agency, or DIA. According
to Al Santoli, an aide to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a California
Republican, the DIA quietly has informed congressional leaders
that the White House did not ask them to prepare such a list. In
short, the White House has made no effort to identify the Chinese
military's front companies.

But many of the PLA companies that Clinton refuses to identify
are well known to the Commerce Department. And evidence shows
that the Clinton administration actively courted business with
the Chinese generals. In 1995, Gen. Ding Henggao sent
then-commerce secretary Ron Brown a partial list of PLA-owned
firms, including a local PLA contact, complete with phone and fax
numbers, as well as an address.

"The Clinton-Gore administration's failure to obey the law is
knowing, willful and lo

Re: [CTRL] Terrorist link to virus downplayed by CIA

1999-10-11 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/11/99 3:42:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> NEW YORK, Oct. 11 - The CIA looked into rumors that the recent encephalitis
>  outbreak was the work of terrorists and concluded it wasn't, an agency
>  official said Monday. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity,
>  said there's no evidence Iraq or any other foreign government was involved
>  in the outbreak.

Well, that clears it up.  The CIA is right on top of it.  I would wager that
IF it is a biological attack of some sort that it originated right here in
the land of the slave and home of the fearful.


"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Galactic War III

1999-10-11 Thread Andrew Hennessey

 -Caveat Lector-


apart from labelling who's doing what to whom - because I don't
believe that this is that simple - thanks for putting together
this post -
ie. Race X is evil, Race Y is Good - just like in real life
there'll be prohuman X and antihuman Y

also [I never bought the Montauk stuff - but then, thats just me -
I have my own ideas on how time works]
The other comments I made are not trying to give you a hard time -


>Superman, who were the Masters of the World, had gone underground.
>Hitler said he took his orders for the Nazi conquest from the
>Superman who lived inside the Earth.

It may not be the case that all bad things come from underground,
there may be some good guys down there too !!!

 Hitler replied "The
>New Man is living among us now! He is here! Isn't that I enough for
>you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the New Man. He is intrepid
>and cruel. I was afraid of him!

No, wrong quote cf Bergier - 'I have seen the Coming Man'

He was Edison's top inventor, and was also one of the two
>leading radio technology inventors of the century. He publicly credited
>extraterrestrials with his inventions, which led many people to
>believe he was a mad scientist.

I'd like to see the source for that - coz I've independently
developed Teslas Theory of Environmental Energy - and I'm not an ET
[though some would disagree :)]

>However, in the early 1930s Tesla was a good friend of FDR, and
>reportedly arranged a secret meeting between the Pleiadean ambassadors
 The Pleiadeans were said to have offered technology, via
>Tesla, to neutralize the Nazi attack in exchange for dismantling the
>Pentagon's war machine and altering our economy to sharing and trade and
>our government to a spiritual council.

was the Pentagon actually built in the early 1930's ??

 The Thule Society
>in Germany, named after their traditional belief in the Lost
>Continent of Thule of the Golden Age of the Teutonic Supermen, was a
>secret order many Nazis were initiated into before the war.

Also the Black Sun ... there are many reptile/sumerian connections there.

 The Nazis believed that the history of
>our planet is in cycles of civilizations that became great and were
>destroyed. There had been four root-races in the past...Etherian, Thule,
>Lemurjan, and Atlantean...and the Nazis were to be the Fifth root race
>or the Aryans. The Nazis believed that planetary cataclysms before
>the end of this century would destroy civilization on our planet and the
>Masters of the World would emerge from inside the Earth to lead
>the Nazis to rule the world.

The whole Root race theory and manvantaras or world cycles originates for
hitler with Madame Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society [Secret Doctrine]

 Hitler regarded the Jews as an inferior race from another
>planet. (He actually wrote that!)

No - don't think so - I think this refers to a quote from Blavatskys Secret
Doctrine volume three where it describes the Jews as an 'abjunct of an
inferior root race' on a different planetary cycle - planet in the context
of occult dimensions.
No doubt though, Madame B and the whole crew wrote about planetary beings
and remote viewing and stuff as far back as 1911.
Blavatsky believed that the masters came from venus and lived in shamballa
and that these were the guys ultimately in charge and that as a prelude to
the second coming of Bramha, they would send forth the lieutenants of
Bramha [ie. Bramha Kumaris] to burn and purify the lower castes.

>One of them was Hanshouser.

Karl 'Haushoffer' ?? the guy who wrote something like 'Hitler may dance but
it is I who' ... play the tune/pull the strings'

>HitIer's visions of grandeur and power, under the influence of the LSD

wasn't it MESCALINE ??
He also drunk Valerion Root tea to calm himself down .. maybe not too often :)
>Who was "he" who had come for Hitler? perhaps the grey aliens who found
>it more expedient to have the Nazis perform their genetic

The 'Morning of the Magicians' say that he was referring to a tall humanoid
with white burning eyes - [imo] rather like the 'angel' who dictated
revelations . ;) the 'Armamen'

through channeling, many
>conflicting kingdoms, religions, and religions divided into warring
>factions to keep humanity divided and weak.

The Tower of Babel thing ... sounds to me like an Old World Order
re-education programme imposed by high tek and liberal use of phasers [imo]

 By creating
>ignorance, war between Earthlings over religion and land, and
>conflicting philosophies humanity would weaken a planetary basis end
>never become a threat to the control from another planet.

I can see that we could have had antigravity in the 16th century [imo]
if it wasn't for some bunch of cruds.
>Hitler knew too much. And he abused what he had learned. He was a
>genius. He was a madman. And he was so controlled by greys

He feared the Coming Man - who may well be coming from down under -
as in not australia :) to burn us all away.

The Naz

Re: [CTRL] Gene Roddenberry And The Council of Nine

1999-10-11 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

Interestingly William Shatner is said to have had a "close encounter"
experience in the desert when riding his bike out West.  Could that be
another example of more of the same.  Apparently that story is being told in
a book, which I do not know whether it is yet available.  I'm going to check
it out if it is available and see what is supposed to have occurred, and note
any correlary to The Nine.


"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Captain Quirk (Biography of William Shatner)

1999-10-11 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

Here is the book about Shatner which gives a brief synopsis of its contents.
Interesting aliens these "Chosen Ones."

William Shatner has been called a visionary and an egomaniac, a great lover,
and a bully. Now, here's the real story of this Canadian-born actor who found
fame and fortune as Captain James T. Kirk of the starship Enterprise.
National author media.

The author, [EMAIL PROTECTED] , October 18, 1996
The Starship Captain Nobody Knows
"Captain Quirk" is what the cast and crew of the original Star Trek series
called William Shatner behind his back. But his nickname only hints at the
man's stangely convoluted character, his overpowering ego, and his deeply
passionate lust for life. Among the revelations in this book: Shatner had a
close encounter with a UFO in the Mojave Desert that forever changed his
life. He believed he was in telepathic contact with aliens and was one of the
"Chosen Ones" to guide us into the New Millennium. On the other hand, Shatner
admits to having no sexual taboos and his personal motto is "anything done
supremely well is an act of sex." Read the true story of this contradictory
and fascinating personality.


"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Smokers Fired

1999-10-11 Thread TenebrousT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/11/99 5:32:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> On 11 Oct 99, at 15:16, Stopforth, Jamie wrote:
>  >  -Caveat Lector-
>  >
>  > Good, get rid of the smokers.
>  >
>  We'd be better off to get rid of the busybodies and bigots who want
>  to control what people do on their own time to their own bodies.
>  The difference between your statement and that of good German
>  citizens who said "Good, get rid of the Jews" is only one of degree.
>  "Every reform is only a mask under cover of which
>  a more terrible reform, which dares not name
>  itself, advances." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Indeed, it is the supreme control mechanism which states what one can do with
ones own self.  This, of course includes behavior that is damaging to
oneself, and maybe even fatal.  I don't recommend putting a gun to your head
and pulling the trigger, BUT if that is what you want to do, and in the
process you don't hurt anyone else or cause damage to other peoples property,
then it is your right to do it, IMO.  The analogies presented in the article
are entirely accurate where they state where this is about to go, no red
meat, no dangerous sex, no coffee, you MUST exercise a certain amount of time
each day, no cookies, no driving, etc.  It is one more example of ridiculous
thinking, and should be cause for concern even for those adamantly opposed to
smoking, since in the end they WILL be affected by much the same thing,
whether they realize it now or not.


"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human
mind to correlate all its contents.
  We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of seas of infinity,
and it is not meant that we should
  voyage far.  The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have
hitherto harmed us little; but someday
  the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying
vistas of reality, and of our
  frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation
or flee from the deadly light into the
  peace and safety of a new dark age."  H.P.Lovecraft; "The Call of Cthulhu"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Gospels

1999-10-11 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas [Greek Text A]
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas [Greek Text B]
The Infancy Gospel of Thomas [Latin Text]
A 5th Century Compilation of the Thomas Texts
An Arabic Infancy Gospel
The Gospel of James
The Gospel of the Nativity of Mary
The Gospel of Mary [Magdalene]
The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew
The Gospel of Nicodemus [Acts of Pilate]
The Gospel of Bartholomew
The Gospel of Peter
The Gospel of Thomas
The Gospel of Philip
The Gospel of the Lord [by Marcion]
The Secret Gospel of Mark

Old Testament

New Testament


Church Fathers


Related Literature
and Sites
Links to Related Sites
The Works of Josephus

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard
Bargain Books

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Religion

1999-10-11 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

 Can the statement p = ~p ever be true? Can two religious systems whose
teacings are in direct conflict both be correct? The truth is out there.
These religious texts are presented for your exploration, in the hope that
you will find it. If you know of texts that should be added to this page or
broken links on this page, please let me know.

Bhagavad Gita
Bahai Texts
Buddhist Texts
Christian Fathers
Confucian Texts
Corpus Hermeticum
Dead Sea Scrolls
Divrei Torah
Enuma Elish
Ethiopian Texts
The Egyptian Book of the Dead
Gnostic Texts
Hindu Texts
Islamic Texts
Jain Texts
1st and 2nd Books of Jeu
Mormon Texts
Nag Hammadi Texts
Old Testament Apocrypha
Old Testament Pseudepigrapha
Pistis Sophia
New Testament Apocryphal Acts
New Testament Apocryphal Apocalypse
New Testament Apocryphal Gospels
Taoist Texts
Sepher Yetzirah
Shinto Texts
Sikh Texts
Tibetan Book of the Dead
Urantia Book
Zen Texts
Zoroastrian Texts

We are about to go on a Journey. All Aboard
Bargain Books

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Reason Express Extractions

1999-10-11 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-

The following is extracted from Reason Express REx41, v2

Welcome to Reason Express, the weekly e-newsletter from Reason magazine.
Reason Express is written by Washington-based journalist Jeff A. Taylor
and draws on the ideas and resources of the Reason editorial staff. For more
information on Reason, visit our Web site at Send your
comments about Reason Express to Jeff A. Taylor ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and
Virginia Postrel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).

- - Rat Tart - -

Monty Python taught us that there is only one thing worse than rat tart
(preferably a piece with not so much rat in it) and that is spam. As a
public service, Reason Express offers this quick guide to spam handling.

The first and most important rule is never, ever respond to spam, even if
it is to a "remove" address, or worse, a phone number. Best case, doing so
identifies your email account as active and you as someone who reads
through unsolicited dreck--just the sort of person spammers would want to spam
again and again. Worst case, the "remove" link or phone number brings you to a
serious scam site or telemarketer.

So what to do? The most important part of the spam isn't in the body of
the message, anyway. It is the "header" of the message. In that header
reside clues to the spammer's true address.

Most email readers automatically hide the alphabet soup of header info
during day-to-day use. But a change in an email programs "view" or "preference"
options will bring up header info for any email message. Search for
"headers" in a program's help file for instructions on how to do this. For AOL
users, try keyword "spam" as a starting place.

That may sound like a pain, but without headers it is impossible for the
Internet's various spam-busting forces to be used. Many service providers
will cut off service to spammers once presented with evidence of spam in the
form of a complete email message.

One service that helps automate the process of complaining about spam is
SpamCop. The site can be used in demo mode to identify the source of spam
and also sells a spam-filtering service.

Wiping out spam is, of course, impossible. But it is a worthy goal, and
even a little bit of information can punch serious gaps in spam flow.

For more info on detecting fake email addresses in spam see

For how to complain about spam try

For SpamCop see



- - Quote of the Week - -

"Individualists will be using Macintoshes," Larry Ellison, CEO of
software giant Oracle and Microsoft hater, when asked about how his vision for
networked computing can adapt to those who need individual systems.

- - Misdirection Play - -

Efforts are underway to overload the worldwide electronic snooping
system known as Echelon by sticking sensitive keywords in everyday
Reason Express suggests: heathrow grenade intern sarin hummer jihad leaves
of grass.

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said
it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your
own reason and your common sense." --Buddha
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Everyone has the seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers." Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut." Ernest Hemingway
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by differ

[CTRL] (Fwd) FarmBureau (Pt2)

1999-10-11 Thread Alamaine Ratliff

 -Caveat Lector-


Farm Bureau vs. Nature
by Vicki Monks
Fall 1998

Part 2

Vicki Monks, a freelance writer in Santa Fe, New Mexico, reports
frequently on wildlife and environmental issues.

 Ask any Farm Bureau official at the county, state or national level how
many actual farmers belong to the organization and it is likely you will not
get a straight answer. "We feel like we represent eight out of ten American
farmers," says Dick Newpher, executive director of AFBF's Washington, D.C.,
office. But in fact, Newpher says he has no idea whether that statement is true
because AFBF does not keep a central membership list that identifies who is a
farmer and who is not. AFBF bylaws clearly spell out two categories of
membership, however: voting members who are actively engaged in agriculture or
retired from farming and associate members who are not farmers. Newpher says
county and state farm bureaus keep separate records for the two member classes,
but queries to several state farm bureaus did not produce answers, either.
Texas Farm Bureau spokesman Gene Hall says TXFB membership records make no

Because AFBF is a nonprofit organization (although some state affiliates
have set up for-profit companies) it pays no taxes on income from
membership dues. In 1993, the Internal Revenue Service ruled that dues
from nonfarming associate members - the customers of Farm Bureau insurance
companies and other businesses - should be taxed as business income. An
IRS survey of these associate members had found that only five percent
joined AFBF because of an interest in agriculture. The IRS ruling could
have cost AFBF an estimated $32 million in taxes each year. But a group of
members of Congress led by Representative David Camp (R-Michigan) came to
the rescue. Legislation reversing the IRS decision won approval in 1996 as
part of the tax-relief package under House Speaker Newt Gingrich's
"Contract With America." During 1995 and 1996, political action committees
affiliated with state farm bureaus contributed $109,824 to many of the 126
sponsors and cosponsors of the Tax Fairness for Agriculture Act -
including $16,480 to Camp. In recent years, AFBF and its state affiliates
have developed cozy alliances with other conservative political groups,
including many of the so-called wise- use organizations. AFBF works
closely with more than a dozen of these groups, including several
coalitions that are seeking to eviscerate the Endangered Species Act, roll
back wetlands protections, lower clean air and water standards and thwart
efforts to reduce global warming.

Although these issues may have some bearing on agriculture, AFBF also uses
its considerable clout to push policies that have no apparent connection
to farming. For example, the Montana Farm Bureau (MTFB) lobbied to require
that schools teach creationism on an equal basis with evolution. MTFB also
wanted the state to ship convicted criminals to Mexico and promoted a
resolution urging the United States to withdraw from the United Nations.
AFBF's 1998 policy book calls for repeal of the nation's basic civil
rights law, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and restoration of provisions
in the 1872 Mining Act "that guarantee the rights and freedom of
prospectors and miners." This law has allowed multinational corporations
to extract billions of dollars in precious metals from public lands
without paying royalties to the U.S. government. It contains no
requirements for land reclamation and elevates mining above all other
interests on public land, including wildlife habitat and clean water.
Newpher paints a far more benign picture of the Farm Bureau's agenda. "We
are probably the least selfish occupational group that there is in
America," he boasts. "I don't see us taking strong legislative positions
where we set out to be of harm to other parts of our society. I don't
think we take extreme positions that hurt other people. We try not to."

The Texas Farm Bureau apparently is not with the program. TXFB pushed for
repeal of the federal minimum wage and wanted the government to cut food
stamps for poor families whose children also got free lunches at school.
When the Texas Agriculture Department adopted regulations to prevent
growers from spraying pesticides while farm workers were in the fields,
TXFB nearly succeeded in getting the state legislature to revoke those
rules. "The new regs weren't anything major that would be a substantial
disruption or expense to employers, but you should have heard the
screaming and howling. You would have thought somebody had burned their
barns and run off their stock," says Texas Rural Legal Aid attorney David
Hall, who has represented farm workers injured by pesticides. Both TXFB
and AFBF advocate eliminating the Legal Services Corporation, a federally
funded organization that provides legal-aid attorneys like Hall for
low-income clients.

In North Carolina in 1983, the Farm Bureau opposed a pro

[CTRL] Fwd: NOV 1. INSIGHT MAG - World Bank Loan For PLA

1999-10-11 Thread Kris Millegan

 Insight Magazine

Vol. 15, No. 40 -- November 1, 1999

World Bank Loans
Finance Chinese Army
By Charles Smith

Newly declassified documents, forced from the U.S. Commerce
Department by a federal lawsuit, show that $200 million in World
Bank loans for a "technology development project" actually went
to weapons-research labs and businesses wholly owned by the
Chinese People's Liberation Army, or PLA. The documents reveal
that World Bank loans were used to modernize the Chinese defense

"The objective of the project is to support the [Chinese]
Government's continuing reforms in technology policy and
institutions so as to promote the development of clear,
productivity-enhancing technologies in China's industries,"
states a 1995 report written by the Industry and Energy
Operations Division of the World Bank.

According to the World Bank report, "The [Chinese] Government
will pass on US $194.3 million of the loan proceeds through SPC
[State Planning Commission] to eligible sub-borrowers in the
form of sub-loans, with the Golden China Corporation acting on
its behalf as a financial agent."

However, according to the Defense Department, "Golden China
Corporation" and many of the so-called "engineering research
centers" supported by the World Bank loans actually were owned
and operated by the Chinese military's COSTIND, which stands for
the Chinese Commission for Science, Technology and Industry for
National Defense.  For example, the World Bank provided:

-  $5 million to the Northwest Institute for Nonferrous Metal
Research for "rare earth materials" used in chemical, aviation
and nuclear power stations. The Northwest Institute for
Nonferrous Metal Research is part of the China National Nuclear
Corp., or CNNC, producer of all nuclear weapons for the Chinese

- More than $5 million to the Harbin Research Institute for
"welded steel products" used in aviation and shipbuilding.
Harbin was identified by the Department of Defense as a Chinese
Army front used to purchase Allied Signal turbo-fan engines for
the People's Liberation Army Air Force, or PLAAF, in 1996.

- More than $4 million to the Marine Design and Research
Institute of China for "ship-design software and services." The
Marine Design and Research Institute is part of the China
National Ship Building Corp. and the primary design facility for
all Chinese warships, including nuclear-powered submarines.

The loans to the Chinese military from the World Bank also
financed several moneymaking ventures for the PLA. For example,
the World Bank provided $5.5 million to the China Textile
Academy for "productivity enhancement."

According to a 1997 Rand Corp. report on the Chinese defense
industry, the profits from People's Liberation Army business
ventures such as textile exports are split between the PLA
generals and the Chinese military. The Chinese army profits are
used to purchase advanced weapons, build new barracks for troops
and provide medical services for PLA officers.

The Chinese generals use their slice of the profits for "lavish
parties, foreign luxury automobiles and Swiss bank accounts,"
according to the Rand report. Thus, there is little money left
to provide environmental protection or improve working

Of course, the Clinton administration claims that it is
impossible to identify PLA-owned companies. Despite the
difficulty, President Clinton is required by law to perform this

The Fowler amendment, signed into law by Clinton on Oct. 17,
1998, requires that a list of companies controlled by the PLA
and operating in the United States be published in the Federal
Register by Jan. 15, 1999. So far, Clinton has ignored the law
and refused to expose these PLA operations.

On Sept. 24 the 10 top leaders in the House of Representatives
wrote a letter to Clinton, demanding immediate compliance with
U.S. law requiring public disclosure of China's PLA-owned
companies doing business in the United States.

According to House members, the Clinton White House claimed in
September 1999 to have assigned the task of identifying the PLA
companies to the Defense Intelligence Agency, or DIA. According
to Al Santoli, an aide to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, a California
Republican, the DIA quietly has informed congressional leaders
that the White House did not ask them to prepare such a list. In
short, the White House has made no effort to identify the
Chinese military's front companies.

But many of the PLA companies that Clinton refuses to identify
are well known to the Commerce Department. And evidence shows
that the Clinton administration actively courted business with
the Chinese generals. In 1995, Gen. Ding Henggao sent
then-commerce secretary Ron Brown a partial list of PLA-owned
firms, including a local PLA contact, complete with phone and
fax numbers, as well as an address.

"The Clinton-Gore administration's failure to obey the law is
knowing, willful and longstanding," said Ho

[CTRL] The Gore of it all

1999-10-11 Thread David Crockett Williams

 -Caveat Lector-


From: Jamie Shafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [CIA-DRUGS] Senator Al "Whore" Sr.
Date: Monday, October 11, 1999 9:37 PM "A Conservative News Forum"

Disclaimer: Opinions posted on Free Republic are those of the individual
posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its
management. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and
the exemption for fair use of copyrighted works.

Senator Al "Whore" Sr.

Crime/Corruption Opinion Keywords: GORE HAMMER Source: The Hoffmann Wire
Published: ? Author: Michael A. Hoffman II Posted on 10/11/1999 19:12:09 PDT
by archiopterix

by--Michael A. Hoffman II

[Hoffman is a former reporter for the American Contemporary Radio Division
of ABC News and the New York bureau of the Associated Press]

The eulogies, encomiums and laurel wreaths have all been bestowed upon the
carcass of one of America's most despicable turncoats, the late Al Gore Sr,
father of the Vice-President, R.I.H (Rot in Hell).

The American media, true to form, suppressed the veritable Niagara of
documentation on former Sen. Gore Sr.'s Communist service, corruption and
fact that since the 1950s he had been bought and paid for by the son of the
founder of the Communist Party USA, []financier Armand Hammer.

All of that was air-brushed out of the insipid greeting card obituaries for
Gore which were issued by our "tough, investigative" and may I add,
pro-Communist news media.

Here are additional facts:

Hammer owned Al Gore Senior lock, stock and whiskey barrel. Hammer kept
Gore Sr., as he liked to say, "in my back-pocket." When he said this, Hammer
would touch his wallet and chuckle.

Throughout virtually the whole of his political career , until 1990 when
died at age 92, Al Gore Senior and the Gore family depended on bribes,
kick-backs and "salaries" from Hammer.

Hammer exploited his outright ownership of Gore Senior's political career as
Congressman and later Senator and even became part of the Gores' intimate
family life.

Gore Sr.'s Sugar-Daddy Hammer was an agent and accomplice of every Soviet
leader from 1917 onward, from Lenin to Gorbachev. Hammer made his first
millions in the 1920s, initially through the operation --with slave
labor --of
a Soviet asbestos mine, in the shafts of which the bodies of the murdered
Imperial family of the Czar had been dumped.

In the early 1920s Hammer laundered money for Lenin and sold looted Russian
treasures in partnership with Mikoyan, to enrich himself and the Bolshevik

In 1931 Hammer established a banking operation in Paris specifically to
foreign exchange funds for Stalin.

Meanwhile, Hammer bribed and suborned elected officials at all levels of
American life, from mayors to presidents.

Hammer first took control of Gore Sr. in the early 1950s when he was a
struggling hick Congressman, putting him on the payroll of a cattle-breeding
business which Hammer owned, thereby funneling Gore Sr. large sums. In
for the cattle money, Gore and other powerful legislators also feeding at
Hammer trough, suppressed an FBI investigation into Hammer's Communist

Later Gore Sr. defended Hammer on the floor of the Senate against
of bribery in obtaining government contracts (the allegations were true).

Vice-President Al Gore Junior's political career was launched and sponsored
a wholly owned subsidiary of Armand Hammer, from Gore's initial success as a
politician until just two years before he assumed the vice-presidency in

In the 1960s, as chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations
Gore Sr. helped broker Hammer's lucrative oil deal with Libya, upon which
Hammer's Occidental Petroleum Corporation would fatten handsomely.

After he was defeated in his last senate election contest, Gore Sr. was made
director of Hammer's Island Creek Coal corp. at an annual "salary" of
million dollars. In the 1980s Gore's "salary" rose to $750,000.

Most of the Left in America is convinced that a mighty McCarthyite
anti-Communist apparatus was deeply entrenched in the U.S. government, only
releasing its grip during the administration of Jimmy Carter. Nothing could
further from the truth.

Almost all of the redoubtable "Commie fighters" from J. Edgar Hoover to
M. Nixon were engaged in an elaborate charade of anti-Communism, when in
actuality they represented the government which had financed, nurtured and
strengthened Communism and, with the defeat of Germany, then declared the
Communists "The Enemy."

By this ruse, the military-industrial complex in the U.S., led by such huge
multi-national corporations as General Electric, was able to reap profits
beyond the dreams of avarice, from this staged enmity.

A case in point is Nixon. The "Commie-fighter" needed deep pockets to wage
Watergate wars. Arma

Re: [CTRL] Hebrew Matrix

1999-10-11 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-10-11 06:07:43 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>We won't know what's real and what isn't.

As if it THAT were any way different from the last not-quite-2000-years of
"miracles," superstition, witch hunts, Salvation-on-a-stick, mass media,
techno-fetishism, etc ...

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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Re: [CTRL] OEN 11/11/99

1999-10-11 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

>The existence of this 'double doctrine' is a major theme of Warburton's
>book. What he means by it is that all ancient philosophers and
>philosophical sects that concerned themselves with morals, politics,
>legislation, and such matters (therefore not the Ionians or the
>Epicureans) promulgated publicly the belief in future rewards and
>punishments since they thought such a belief was politically useful or
>even necessary, but that they themselves rejected it as being untrue.


CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:


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[CTRL] The Stargate Conspiracy

1999-10-11 Thread earthman

 -Caveat Lector-

The Stargate Conspiracy - Introduction
by Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince
Revealing the truth behind extraterrestrial contact,
military intelligence and the mysteries of Ancient Egypt

The Stargate Conspiracy exposes the most insidious, disturbing - and
successful - mass manipulation of our times. Designed to bring us, hearts,
minds and souls under the total control of the conspirators, this sinister
programme has ruthlessly exploited our Millennial craving for signs and
wonders - even hijacking the predicted return of the ancient gods.

The Conspiracy...

Its central focus is the belief that the gods of the ancient world were
extraterrestrials who created and civilised the human race, that they're
back - and that, communicating through special chosen ones, they are
actively directing the way we think.

However, The Stargate Conspiracy reveals that this romantic and exciting
scenario was in fact the brainchild of the West's most powerful intellectual
agencies. Designed to become a new religion for the 21st century, its real
purpose is political - to make us easier to control.

Centred on the search for lost secrets of the pyramid builders, this
extraordinary true story reveals the links between US scientific
intelligence agencies, Mars and ancient Egypt. For almost 50 years, like
Frankenstein's monster, this conspiracy has been put together from cultish -
but astonishingly powerful - belief systems, culminating in the emergence of
a new fundamentalism that is gathering strength by feeding on Millennium

Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince reveal the secret agenda that unites
apparently independent authors and researchers - including top names with
millions of readers worldwide - and which is targeted to all of us. The
Stargate Conspiracy reveals that even the genuine mysteries of the gods
themselves have been hijacked by powerful cabals - which include top
industrialists, politicians, scientists and intelligence agencies such as
MI5 and the CIA - in order to fulfill their secret agenda. At the heart of
this conspiracy is the belief that the ancient Egyptian gods were - and
are - extra terrestrial beings, that certain key people are in contact with
them, and that they are about to return through the 'stargate' between our
world and theirs.

Are we prepared for the imminent return of the gods? And will we be expected
unquestioningly to accept the conspirators as our spokesmen? Or is this an
exercise in mass manipulation designed to make us support the conspirators?
As they calculatedly whip up Millennium fever, triumphantly persuading us
that they alone know how to talk to the gods, this book serves as a serious
warning to mankind.

The Main Points:

 Over the last few years, the public has come to accept specific ideas about
the 'message' of ancient Egypt, largely due to the works of certain
high-profile authors. But we demonstrate that many of the principles of this
'New Egyptology' are not only based on false-premises, but have also been
used by others as part of a secret long-term agenda.

 We reveal the shadowy presence of US government agencies behind the current
interest in the Giza plateau.

 An essential part of this plot is the alleged link between ancient Egypt
and a lost civilisation on Mars, based on the discovery of supposedly
artificial features on that planet. We show that this view is seriously
flawed, and that the intelligence agencies are actively encouraging the
promotion of a meaningful Egypt-Mars connection.

 We show that key people in the promotion of the 'message' of Egypt and Mars
are involved in a cultish cabal who believes they are in direct contact with
extraterrestrial intelligences from Sirius who claim to be the gods of
ancient Egypt. This group, which has existed for almost fifty years, has
included many famous names, multimillionaires and cutting-edge scientists.
It has also, disturbingly, had a profound influence on the decision-making
of certain world leaders...

 The Stargate Conspiracy reveals that this group was in fact cynically and
deliberately manipulated from the first by the CIA - and that this programme
is ongoing.

 We trace the inspiration for the conspiracy back to the ideology of certain
extreme right-wing occult movements of the 19th and 20th centuries.

 We conclude that the conspirators are deliberately harnessing the most
profound and cherished beliefs of today's society - from fundamentalist
Christianity and the 'message' of ancient civilisations to the alien
abduction scenario - to create a new, more widely acceptable religion for
the post-Millennial West. We reveal that, underlying the apparently
acceptable tenets of this religion is an insidious right-wing ideology., the
true danger lurking inside the Trojan Horse of its New Age image.

 However, even though the manipulators have abused and hijacked the ancient
Egyptian mysteries for their own ends, that does not mean that there are no

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Smokers Fired

1999-10-11 Thread Das GOAT

 -Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 99-10-11 15:37:27 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>INTERESTING QUOTE:  "...the Florida Supreme Court upheld the
>rule. The court said lower insurance costs outweighed the privacy issue."
>Source:  Palm Beach Post
>Boca may stub out smokers
>By Monika Gonzalez, Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
>Saturday, October 9, 1999
>BOCA RATON -- Marlboro men need not apply.
> The city is aiming to ban the hiring of smokers for all jobs, and new
>employees caught smoking on or off duty would be fired.
> The anti-smoking rule -- already in effect for about 700 city employees
>through union contracts for police, firefighters and blue-collar
>workers -- is expanded to all 1,100-odd employees in revamped
>personnel policies to be reviewed by city council members

If "lower insurance costs" is the bottom line, wouldn't it be as
cost-effective for employers to fire all employees who are over the age of
40, or in poor health?

More and more I suspect that the Yuppie mentality will bring back "eugenics"

CTRL is a discussion and informational exchange list. Proselyzting propagandic
screeds are not allowed. Substance—not soapboxing!  These are sordid matters
and 'conspiracy theory', with its many half-truths, misdirections and outright
frauds is used politically  by different groups with major and minor effects
spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought. That being said, CTRL
gives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and always suggests to readers;
be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no credeence to Holocaust denial and
nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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