2000-08-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well Nessie - thought of something I read once years ago in a book
called "The Last Testament of Lucky Luciano".he was famous for
saying "whores is whores", but it took these ladies of the evening to
assist in his fall.

You rang a bell here  for this line that is of masonic significance, for
in Macky's books they refer to it too.

"where there is a testament there must by necessity be the death of the
testator".or kill the witnesses, for dead men tell no tales.

So you are right - Monica lived and she alone escaped to tell the truth
and make a fast buck

But for whom did she really work - she tried to appear as a little star
struck teenager?   Yet she talks like a man or street person - one who
associated with low life most of her life.

She did stalk Clinton and I still think that pizza was loadednot
that Clinton needed it, you are right.

So Deliah took down Sampson but it does not explain who took down the
Federal Building in Oklahoma - for it is said a bomb was placed between
to major supports in this great temple of justice?

So it took a whore to down a whore like set a thief to catch a
thief.had Clinton been a man, he would have resigned for the sake of
his country, but that is life in the Oval Office - As the Stomach Turns.

Maybe we all have to keep a sense of humor.I remember the first time
I saw the big f... word on a sidewalk, I carefully crossed the street
and the first time I heard it said out loud, I was horrified and I
didn't even know what it meant?

So America has not lost its innocence because JFK was murdered; it lost
its sense of humor maybe, except for those guys who I always envisioned
sitting at a bit long table, laughing at their latest hit.that being
JFK while we were told it was God's Will that he was hit.

Thanks Nessieone does feel like Alice in Wonderland for things just
are not as they seem to for bootleggers - well our government
made criminals out of honest men - and like coming home from a war,
when Roosevelt said "Let there be beer"Lucky Luciano was still
pouring money into the Women's Christian Temperance Movementwonder
who really ran that bunch

So Ale from Philip and Wine from the Pope, my Dark Rosaleen?   What a
witches brew.



A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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[CTRL] 6.3 million Americans Under Some Form Of Correctional Supervision

2000-08-12 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]:

From: "Matthew Gaylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Matthew Gaylor" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: 6.3 million Americans Under Some Form Of Correctional Supervision
Date: Friday, August 04, 2000 6:50 PM

US Corrections System Continues to Bloat With 458,000 Drug War
Prisoners: Bureau of Justice Statistics, Justice Policy Institute
Crunch the Numbers in Separate Reports:

The number of people under some form of correctional supervision
-- jail, prison, probation, or parole -- has reached a record 6.3
million, the Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Statistics
(BJS) announced in its semiannual report on corrections.  That
report, as well as a treasure trove of related statistics is
available online at

According to the BJS numbers, the number of people on probation
or parole has reached a record high of 4.5 million.  Twenty-four
percent of the probationers were under criminal justice system
supervision for drug offenses.  The number of prisoners stood at
1.86 million in June 1999, the last month for which statistics
were available, but is thought to have passed 2 million last

For Marc Mauer, Assistant Director of the Sentencing Project, an
independent criminal justice policy analysis group, the numbers
show that little has changed.

"Once again we see a new record being set; it's been the same way
each year for the last 25 years," Mauer told DRCNet.

Mauer also pointed out that parole and probation departments,
less glamorous components of the criminal justice juggernaut than
funding new policemen on the streets or building imposing new
prisons, are being stretched to the limit.

"One concern," said Mauer, "is that about 2/3 of these people are
on probation or parole, and what's happened with the enormous
increase in imprisonment is that we've diverted resources away
from probation and parole departments to prison cells."

"It's very difficult for probation and parole departments to do
the job they're supposed to do," he continued, "and it becomes a
vicious cycle.  If they don't have the resources to do the job
correctly, judges and communities will lose confidence in them,
violations could then increase or judges may not use probation or
parole if they don't believe the system can provide the right
level of supervision or service."

BJS statistician Allen J, Beck told the Washington Post,
meanwhile, that the likelihood of drug offenders being sentenced
to prison had begun to decrease over the past decade, but the
increased number of drug arrests meant that growth in the prison
population continued to increase, although at a lower rate.

According to BJS, between 1990 and midyear 1999, the incarcerated
population grew an average 5.8% annually.  The rate of growth in
state prison populations declined during the 12-month period
ending June 30, 1999 to 3.1%.  The number of federal prisoners,
however, rose by 9.9% (up 10,614 prisoners, the largest 12-month
gain ever reported).

As Mauer observed, "Absolute numbers are still going up, although
one would have thought that with crime rates declining for seven
straight years, we would have seen a reduction."

"Instead," said Mauer, "The numbers remain relatively steady.
This is driven by drug policy, mandatory minimums, and the
significant expansion of policing."

"Anytime you add more law enforcement officers, it is likely to
lead to more arrests.  The question," said Mauer, "is how can we
use law enforcement in more of a problem-solving manner instead
of just arresting more and more people."

Days after BJS released its latest numbers, the Justice Policy
Institute released its own study, "Poor Prescription: The Costs
of Imprisoning Drug Offenders in the United States.  That study
is available online at

Based on data from the National Corrections Reporting System, as
well as BJS numbers and statistics from the California Department
of Corrections, the JPI study asked and answered the following
questions, among others:

Q:  What proportion of prisoners are drug offenders and how much
does it cost?

A:  Drug offenders make up 23.7% of the prison population, and
the cost of holding them behind bars will be over $9 billion this

Q:  How have comparative rates of incarceration for prisoners
versus non-violent and violent offenders changed over time?

A:  From 1980 to 1997, the number of all offenders rose 82%, non-
violent offenders rose 207%, and the number of imprisoned drug
offenders increased an astounding 1040%, or nearly eleven times.

Q:  How do rates for blacks and whites compare?

A:  Blacks were incarcerated for drug offenses at a rate 14 times
higher than that of whites.  While the rate of white drug
offenders sent to prison doubled from 1986 to 1996, the rate for
black offenders quintupled.  Even in 

[CTRL] SNET: PEPIS #21 - Explore the lives of the Transatlantic Elite- Bilderbergers (fwd)

2000-08-12 Thread William Bacon

visit my web site at
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 16:47:55 -0700
From: Nicky Molloy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Armageddon or New Age? [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: SNET: PEPIS #21 - Explore the lives of the Transatlantic Elite-

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

-Original Message-
From: Tony Gosling [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, 12 August 2000 09:41
Subject: PEPIS #21 - Explore the lives of the Transatlantic Elite

National Bilderberg participant lists now online - and elitists linked
directly to their companies


Power Elite Public Information Service -
This is an occasional free email list as part of the campaign for
accountability and press access
to Bilderberg and similar elite meetings. See
for more info.
To subscribe or unsubscribe send me [EMAIL PROTECTED] an email with PEPIS in
the subject header.
This list archived at  and


Greetings Elite watchers,

Grattan Healy, energy adviser to the Green Party in the European
Parliament, has prepared a full index - sorted by country - of Bilderberg
participants from 1988 to 2000 (missing out 1990 but adding 1982). This
valuable database includes a list of those Elitists that modestly describe
themselves as International participants.

Below is the UK list, minus the venues and dates attended - the first
section is for the real heavyweights - steering gp. members etc.

You can also now 'Explore the world of the western Elite'. Many of this
year's Bilderberg participants have been linked directly to pages giving
further information about themselves and the companies they work for plus
cheezy photos etc!!!

The 'explore' section and national lists can be found on Grattan's main
Bilderberg 2000 page;

ADIOS, for now


Bilderberg from 1982 onwards (United Kingdom participants)

Sainsbury, Sir John, Chairman, Sainsbury PLC
Roll, Eric (Lord Roll of Ipsden). Senior Adviser, UBS Warburg Dillon Read
Carrington, Peter, ex-NATO Sec Gen, ex-Chair of Christies
Clarke, Kenneth - Member of Parliament; ex-Chancellor of the Exchequer
Knight, Andrew, Non Executive Director, News Corporation (x st); ex-Daily
Taylor, J. Martin, Chair, WH Smith Group plc; Internatnl. Advisor, Goldman
Sachs Int.
Micklethwait, R. John - United States Editor, The Economist
Wooldridge, Adrian D., Foreign Correspondent, The Economist

Amiel, Barbara, Columnist, Sunday Times
Avery, Graham; Chief Adviser for Enlargement, European Community (IN)
Blair, Tony, MP, Shadow Home Secretary, Labour Party
Braithwaite, Rodric, Foreign Policy Adviser to the Prime Minister
Brittan, Leon - Vice President of the European Commission (IN)
Brown, Gordon, Member of Parliament, Labou Party
Browne, E. John P., Group Chief Executive, The British Petroleum Company
Buchanan, Robin W.T., Senior Partner, Bain  Company.
Cradock, Percy, Former Ambassador to China; Former For. Pol. Adviser to the
Craig, James, Director General, The Middle East Association
Cranborne, Robert M.J.C. Leader of the Opposition in the House of Lords.
Crockett, Andrew - General Manager, Bank for International Settlements (IN)
Freedman, Lawrence, Head of Dept of War Studies, King's College
Garton Ash, Timothy, Fellow of St. Antony's College, Oxford
Grierson, Ronald H, Former Vice Chairman, GEC
Griffiths of Florestfach, Lord, adviser Goldman Sachs Int.; ex-head of PM's
Policy Unit
Hague, William - Leader of the Opposition
Hannay, David - PM's Personal Envoy for Turkey; ex-Perm. Rep. to the United
Healey, Denis W, former Defense Secretary and Finance Minister
Henderson, Nicholas, Former Ambassador to Poland, Germany, France and the
Hogg, Christopher - Chairman, Reuters Group plc, ex Chair Courtalds
Hutton, Will. Editor, The Observer.
Jacobi, Mary Jo. HSBC Holdings plc; Former US Assistant Secretary of
Jenkins, Michael - Vice Chairman, Dresdner Kleinwort Benson
Job, Peter, Chief Executive, Reuters Holding 

Re: [CTRL] Lieberman and liquor?

2000-08-12 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "Damian B. Cooper" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Well, this is an interesting tidbit.

 Joseph Lieberman's father owned a liquor store?

 When?  Where?

 His father drove a bakery wagon during Prohibition, and sometime after its repeal 
opened a liquor store.

 Presumably it was in Stamford, Connecticut, where Joe Lieberman grew up...Stamford is 
a 'bedroom community' of NYC, the largest
city of Connecticut's 'gold coast' of western Fairfield County...

  And just how big was this liquor store?

 As far as I know, just your regular neighborhood package store...

 And, what kind of liquor did he sell?  Legal?  Illegal?

 Legal.  It was after Prohibition was repealed.

  And from whom did he buy the liquor?  Meyer Lansky?
 Bugsy Siegel? The Kennedy's  Moe Dalitz? The Annenbergs?
 The Bronfman's?

 Presumably he availed himself of the same wholesalers as every other package store 
owner did...

  And where was this liquor made?  Tennessee?  Canada?  bathtubs?

 He ran a package store.  Which means he sold all manner of, wine (of 
all sorts), whiskeys (Bourbon and Scotch,
presumably from whatever distillers worldwide that were available), gins, vodkas, 
brandies, etc.

  And were the appropriate taxes paid on this liquor?

 Connecticut has always had very strict laws in regards to awarding a license to sell 
liquor -- including being very vigilant in
collecting any taxes due...

  And how much money did Lieberman's daddy make selling liquor?

 Obviously enough to send young Joe to Yale...

  It seems to be a rather curious family background for someone so "moral"
 as Joseph Lieberman.

 What is immoral in selling liquor?

  The Bronfman family fortune came from bootlegging booze made in
 Canada across Lake Erie into the U.S. during Prohibition.  The Bronfman
 family owns Seagram's, the multinational booze purveyor.

 And which has headquarters in Connecticut (or did at one time)...


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2000-08-12 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 If anything, it would seem that Slick Willy would be the purveyor of
 drugs like Ecstacy to unwitting bimbos, not the other way around...

 So what are you saying here? Are you saying that if the guy pays for the
 drugs, that makes the woman unwitting?

No.  I was only commenting on Slick Willy, not men in general.  And specifically the 
allegation that Lewinsky slipped Slick Willy
some sort of mickey, most probably the drug Ecstacy.

What I am saying is that in truth it would be more likely that Slick Willy would slip 
a mickey to some unwitting -- meaning
unknowing, unaware, not a party to -- bimbo, than the other way around.

 Not where I'm from. Where I'm from,
 that makes the guy a trick.

I fail to see the logic of where, if a man pays for a drug to give to an unknowing 
woman with the intention of forcing her to have
sex with him, when she may not have desired to have sexual intercourse when sober, 
that that somehow makes him a 'trick'...where I
come from, a 'trick' is a client of a prostitute.

 Monica Lewinsky put the single most powerful
 man on the entire planet into a trick bag, and played him for a mark.

She didn't have to try very hard.  Slick Willy already had a 'rep', as we used to say 
back in high school...

 She's no victim.

I'm not saying she is.  But she didn't have to slip Slick Willy any mickey to get him 
to have sex with her


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Re: [CTRL] Joseph Lieberman holds Israelie Citizenship and USA Citizenship.

2000-08-12 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 08/10/2000 7:40:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 So according to Barry Charmish whom I believe to be reliable and very
 outspoken claims Lieberman holds citizenship in Israel.

 Now how is this possible?  Supposedly, in a book I read years ago by
 Errol Flynn (his son was on MIA matches - where is Sean
 Flynn)according to Flynn any American who takes up arms for a
 foreign power loses his citizenshipwonder about that UN stuff? 

Saba, I called his office the day Gore announced him, and they assured me
that he did not have dual citizenship and had never and would never vote in
an Israeli election.  If you get any real proof here, I'd like to see it.

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[CTRL] Investigating Al Gore

2000-08-12 Thread Richard Sampson


  Investigating Al Gore

  The vice president, Armand Hammer and zinc.

  Saturday, August 12, 2000 12:01 a.m. EDT

  Micah Morrison, senior editorial page writer for The Wall Street
Journal, has taken two close looks at Vice President Al Gore's financial
background, in  particular his family's connections to Armand Hammer, the
business executive  famous for his friendship with the Soviet Union and for
pleading guilty to making  illegal campaign contributions in the Watergate

  In June, Mr. Morrison detailed Mr. Gore's zinc-mining concession.
The  Gore family obtained the property in question from Mr. Hammer. Last
September,  in the Gore half of a two-part series on the financial background of
Mr. Gore and  George W. Bush, he detailed Mr. Hammer's connections, starting
when Al Gore  was a child and his father a Senator.


Al Gore, Environmentalist and Zinc Miner  Originally published in The Wall
Street Journal, June 29, 2000.

BY MICAH MORRISON  Saturday, August 12, 2000 12:01 a.m. EDT

"The lakes and rivers sustain us; they flow through the veins of the earth and
into our own. But we must take care to let them flow back out as pure as they
came, not poison and waste them without thought for the future."

  --Al Gore, "Earth in the Balance"

"He taught me how to plow a steep hillside with a team of mules. He taught me
how to clear three acres of heavily-wooded forest with a double-bladed axe. . .
. He taught me how to stop gullies before they got started. He taught me how to
drive, how to shoot a rifle, how to fish, how to swim. We loved to swim together
in the Caney Fork River off a big flat rock on the back side of his farm."

--Al Gore on his father, Sen. Albert Gore Sr., from

CARTHAGE, Tenn.--On his most recent tax return, as he has the past 25 years,
Vice President Al Gore lists a $20,000 mining royalty for the extraction of zinc
from beneath his farm here in the bucolic hills of the Cumberland River Valley.
In total, Mr. Gore has earned $500,000 from zinc royalties. His late father, the
senator, introduced him not only to the double-bladed ax but also to Armand
Hammer, chairman of Occidental Petroleum Corp., which sold the zinc-rich land to
the Gore family in 1973.

It also seems that zinc from Mr. Gore's property ends up in the cool waters of
the Caney Fork River, an oft-celebrated site in Gore lore. A major shaft and
tailings pond of the Pasminco Zinc Mine sit practically in the backyard of the
vice president's Tennessee homestead. Zinc and other metals from the Gore land
move from underground tunnels through elaborate extraction processes. Waste
material ends up in the tailings pond, from which water flows into adjacent
Caney Fork, languidly rolling on to the great Cumberland.

Mining is intrinsically a messy business, and Pasminco Zinc generally has a good
environmental record. But not one that would pass muster with "Earth in the
Balance," Mr. Gore's best-selling environmental book. As recently as May 16, the
Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation issued a "Notice of
Violation." It informed Pasminco that it had infringed the Tennessee Water
Quality Control act due to high levels of zinc in the river.

Those zinc levels exceeded standards established by the state and the federal
Environmental Protection Agency. A "sample analysis found that total zinc was
1.480 mg/L [milligrams per liter], which is greater than the monthly average of
.65 mg/L and the daily maximum of 1.30 mg/L." Pasminco "may be subject to
enforcement action pursuant to The Tennessee Water Quality Control Act of 1977
for the aforementioned violation," the notice stated.

This was not the first time Mr. Gore's mining benefactor had run afoul of
environmental regulations. In 1996, the mine twice failed biomonitoring tests
designed to protect water quality in the Caney Fork for fish and wildlife. Mine
discharge "failed two acute tests for toxicity to Ceriodaphnia dubia," a species
of water flea, according to a mine permit analysis by Tennessee environmental
authorities. "The discharge of industrial wastewater from Outfall #001 [the
Caney Fork effluent] contains toxic metals (copper and zinc)," the analysis
stated. "The combined effect of these pollutants may be detrimental to fish and
aquatic life."

Tests for The Wall Street Journal by two independent Tennessee laboratories,
conducted in September 1999 and this month, showed trace amounts of zinc and
other metals in the Caney Fork that were in compliance with federal standards.
But soil tests revealed what one lab called problematic "large quantities" of
heavy metals in the riverbank soil downstream of the Caney Fork effluent. In
both sets of tests, samples of water and soil were provided to the labs by the

Soil samples drawn from 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: An Analysis of Democracy by Anthony Wayne

2000-08-12 Thread Ben Stone

I call it Dumb-Ox-racy,to anyone who will listen.

--- Move to a better address ---
   + today freemail +

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2000-08-12 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

if a man pays for a drug to give to an unknowing woman with the intention
of forcing her to have

sex with him

Yeah, you're right, if she's unknowing. If she knows, she's a whore and
the drugs are her pay, or part of it, anyway. This is not an uncommon
occurance. It happens every day of the week. What I'm saying is that it
looks to me like Monica knew exactly what she was doing and she did it
very well. Whether drugs were involved is not germaine. This wasn't about
drugs or about sex. It was about money.

It's also irrelevant. Clinton is gangster. He's been in the drug biz since
Mena days. He's also a mass murderer. He has the blood of half a million
Iraqis on his hands, almost all of the women and children. Yet some people
care more about his sex life. I maintain that their priorities are
severely skewed.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] [MC] Fwd: [CTRL] Gunderson

2000-08-12 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
Former Nebraska state Sen. John DeCamp, mentioned earlier, has been on the
ritual-abuse circuit for some time now, talking about his 1992 book The
Franklin Cover-Up,

Help me out here, gang. What's the scoop on Decamp and his book? Ligit or
bogus? You tell me.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Crystalinks Alphabetical Index A-H

2000-08-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

This web has so much in it - everything but whether or not Lieberman is
a dual citizen.
Am letting someone else cofirm or deny that one.

This has reference to Thule, Persia, Alexander the Gret, Area 51, Black
Heliocopters - aand some of the art work is fanastic.excellent web
for those interesed - and you can pull up a lot more than under subject
mater - the Thule Society with Emblem of Dagger and Swastika and members
and members in this society were also Jewish but then Henry Kissinger,
is Jewish German turncoat America who was Code Name Bor KGB, in Mossad
without a doubt - that guy is a true chameleon (Bnai Brith)..

That guy Kissinger has to be cloned...move over Dolly.


A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

[CTRL] Bill Clinton is suffering from a sexually-transmitted disease.

2000-08-12 Thread Carl Amedio

 Saturday, August 12, 2000

Right-wing bid to hit Democrat convention

RIGHT-WINGERS in the US are claiming Bill Clinton is suffering from a
sexually-transmitted disease.

They said they have obtained confidential medical reports which indicate the
President is suffering from at least one "very intimate illness".

But furious Democrats have branded the revelations a smear designed to damage
the party's convention, which begins on Monday.

One person who claimed to have seen the report said: "It's dynamite stuff. I
saw eight or nine pages detailing doctors' visits and blood toxin reports."

The news was leaked only hours after Clinton told an evangelical summit that
Vice President Al Gore, now running for president, should not share the blame
for the misconduct that led to his impeachment.

The story of Clinton's health report appears this weekend in the American
magazine Globe. A huge front-page headline announces: "Hillary's Heartbreak:
Cheating Bill's Mystery Disease Shocking Medical Report."

It has been heavily hinted that the alleged disease is herpes which was first
suggested by Internet columnist Matt Drudge in 1998.

He reported: "White House intern Monica Lewinsky told Linda Tripp that
President Clinton would cancel dates with her when he was flared with

Delegates to the convention in Los Angeles are outraged the story has broken
now. Clinton is due to speak on the first day.

Gore has tried to distance himself from the President so that his campaign
will not be affected by any more revelations about Clinton.

His choice of Joseph Lieberman as his vice- presidential running mate was
part of the strategy to show that Gore was no creature of Clinton.

The senator was one of the first Democrats to publicly criticise Clinton over
his affair with Lewinsky.

But tensions are rising over fears that the President and wife Hillary, who
is bidding to be senator for New York, will steal the limelight.

They will spend twice as long as Gore in Los Angeles and expect to raise more
cash for Hillary's battle and Bill's presidential library than he can for his

On todays news stories












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 Saturday, August 12, 2000

Right-wing bid to hit Democrat convention

RIGHT-WINGERS in the US are claiming Bill Clinton is suffering from a
sexually-transmitted disease.

They said they have obtained confidential medical reports which indicate the
President is suffering from at least one "very intimate illness".

But furious Democrats have branded the revelations a smear designed to damage
the party's convention, which begins on Monday.

One person who claimed to have seen the report said: "It's dynamite stuff. I
saw eight or nine pages detailing doctors' visits and blood toxin reports."

The news was leaked only hours after Clinton told an evangelical summit that
Vice President Al Gore, now running for president, should not share the blame
for the misconduct that led to his impeachment.

The story of Clinton's health report appears this weekend in the American
magazine Globe. A huge front-page headline announces: "Hillary's Heartbreak:
Cheating Bill's Mystery Disease Shocking Medical Report."

It has been heavily hinted that the alleged disease is herpes which was first
suggested by Internet columnist Matt Drudge in 1998.

He reported: "White House intern Monica Lewinsky told Linda Tripp that
President Clinton would cancel dates with her when he was flared with

Delegates to the convention in Los Angeles are outraged the story has broken
now. Clinton is due to speak on the first day.

Gore has tried to distance himself from the President so that his campaign
will not be affected by any more revelations about Clinton.

His choice of Joseph Lieberman as his vice- presidential running mate was
part of the strategy to show that Gore was no creature of Clinton.

The senator was one of the first Democrats to publicly criticise Clinton over
his affair with Lewinsky.

But tensions are rising over fears that the President and wife Hillary, who
is bidding to be senator for New York, will steal the limelight.

They will spend twice as long as Gore in Los Angeles and expect to raise more
cash for Hillary's battle and Bill's presidential library than he can for his

[CTRL] Fwd: The Early Days of the John Birch Society, Part 5

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

[Correction to Part 3: Shickshinny is in
Pennsylvania, not New York State, as
The Early Days of the John Birch Society:
Fascist Templars of the Corporate State
Part 5

By Alex Constantine

  "I am opposed to the secret government which
infringes upon the public interest ‹ which holds
up vital legislation needed by the public and by
union members, as a result of secret decisions
secretly reached."
  ‹ John F. Kennedy,
  (New York Times, July 30, 1958)

 The world certainly seemed to be going to the dogs. Thanks so much,
communist conspirators.
 Albert Wedemeyer, a guest on the Manion Forum, a radio program hosted
by Clarence Manion of the Birch Society's national council, claimed the
seeds for the advancing Red Tide were planted when Roosevelt entered the war
against the Axis: "The Soviet colossus would not now bestride half the world
had the United States kept out of war ‹ at least until Soviet Russia and
Nazi Germany had exhausted each other." (A realistic expectation? One side,
perhaps the Germans, would have prevailed, or so some pre-war
"isolationists" hoped.) "But Franklin D. Roosevelt, the proclaimed champion
of democracy, was as successful as any dictator could have been in keeping
Congress and the public in ignorance of his secret commitments to Britain.
Commitments which flouted the will and the wishes of the voters who had
re-elected him only after he had assured them that he would keep us out of
the war" ("Historical News and Comment," Journal of Historical Review,
undated, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 495-499).
But a social backlash against the antics of the "Yahoos" was mounting.
In 1965, a group of moderate Republican governors met with the Party's
coordinating committee to urge a statement denouncing the John Birch
Society. On December 24, the New York Times reported that the committee
voted in the interest of party unity to adopt a "diplomatic resolution." The
GOP would "reject membership in any radical or extremist organization ...
which seeks to undermine the basic principals of American freedom and
constitutional government." Former House Representative John Rousselot, a
Christian Scientist ‹ also the John Birch Society's national director of
public relations ‹ told the press that the resolution meant communists and
the KKK would be denied access to the Republican Party, but not members of
the Birch Society.
 The GOP, after all, had scores of Birchers in the ranks, and many of
them were "high-minded" loyalists to the Party. Why, the JB Society bestowed
awards on policemen who acted heroically in the line of duty. This endeared
police officers around the country to the front organization. A reporter in
New York noticed that most of those attending one Birch Society rally
sported "Police Benevolent Association" badges. Well-known law enforcement
officials were drawn to Society-sponsored media events, including L.A.
Police Chief Willam Parker, who turned up for an interview on the Manion
Forum. In 1966, Sheriff James Clark ‹ a Bircher who found fame for his
resistance to the civil rights movement ‹ was voted president of the
national shefriff's organization by the rank-and-file. (Seymour-Martin
Lipset and Earl Raab, The Politics of Unreason, Harper  Row, 1970, pp.
 Not publicized were the lives they led behind the hoopla. General
Walker, for example, one of the most visible of Birchers, kept up his
relationship with Gerhard Frey back in Germany. Walker phoned Frey's
newspaper after Oswald was identified as the poor marksman who fired four
shots through his window. Frey was the publisher of the Deutsche
National-Zeitung und Soldaten-Zeitung.
 Brown Book: War and Nazi Criminals in West Germany mentions that Frey's
weekly newspaper "has become a central organ of all ultra-right neo-fascist
forces in West Germany and defames each and every movement advocating a
realistic policy. Thus von der Heydte, SS man and parachute officer of the
nazi Wehrmacht, called for long sentences of penal servitude for
'renunciation politicians,' meaning those forces striving for normal
relations with the neighboring peoples in the east and south-east of Europe.
This paper advocates with peculiar zeal a general amnesty for nazi and war
 Frey's sheet applauded the acquittal of Erich Deppner, an SS storm
trooper who ordered the murder of 65 Russian prisoners, a "turning point in
the trials of war criminals" (Brown Book, p. 338-39).
 Another prominent Bircher with a secret life was Edward Hunter, the CIA
mind control operative who coined the word "brainwashing" back in 1950. The
word quickly, John Marks observed in The Manchurian Candidate: The CIA and
Mind Control, "became a stock phrase in Cold War headlines." Hunter, an OSS
veteran and CIA propagandist employed as a "journalist," wrote scores of
books and articles on this emerging science of mind manipulation. His many

Re: [CTRL] [MC]  Fwd: [CTRL] Gunderson

2000-08-12 Thread Ben Stone

Glad to see you explain it all so succinctly and clearly.

Keep up the good work.

Well Nessie the Franklin Coverup is straight from the Garden of Eden -
which was the biggest coverup since CYA Club originated many many
centuries ago.

So skeletons in the closet - skull and bones and everybody is having a
coming out party?

Sex sells - corruption sells - homosexuals hiding in closets sells -
everything sells but Good News...

I only know such a title - I Was A Sex Slave for Dick Cheney - like
Marilyn Monroe - I Tried To Put the Make On Albert Einstein  or
little Monica.I Led Three Lives - Mossad Prostitute, Pentagon
Prostitute, and Clinton Whore of Month for Hugh Heffner.

Did she ever make Playboy Yet?

How about I was a sex slave for Alber Schweitzer, or by Mother Theresa -
well better forget that one.

Nessie - I am still trying to prove Lieberman is a front man for the
mob..trying to figure out who gave the kiss of death to Gore - Bush
or Lieberman?

Gonna be some exits pretty soon.

So look at Pat Buchannan - Black Vice President Candidae - soon, this
lady will say I Was A Real Sex Slave for God Knows What.
And she would have the credentials to prove that.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Cheney Runs but also Hydes Butt

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

"Alberto M. Giordano" wrote:
Narco News relay...
(Now back in Amrica...)
Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin
August 10, 2000
Cheney, North Relationship Probed
WASHINGTON (AP) -- As a member of Congress in 1986, Dick Cheney was
for one of the defining moments in the Iran-Contra scandal -- a White
meeting where Oliver North misled members of the House Intelligence
The episode, however, didn't keep Cheney from defending North at the
Iran-Contra hearings a year later or from stumping for him in 1994
North ran for the U.S. Senate.
North has raised many millions of dollars for Republican
candidates by making speeches. We can wonder if the
contributors who responded were using drug money.
When North spoke at Capitol Baptist church on Gallows
Road, Annandale, Virginia, a decade ago, someone
spray-painted "Who's watching the [Op Whale-]Watchers?"
on a wooden fence a block south of there. Undoubtedly the
phrase also refers to the new paradigm we have been
living with since 1963. Who is watching those who have
presumed to watch over the presidency, protecting it
from the people's choice since 1963? The three branches
of government no longer effect checks and balances,
and Sam Adams one, few, many are not the pattern.
The watchers are watching themselves.
Another dogged protester associated North with the
Op Whalewatch vanity murders by running a classified
ad in the Washington Times during North's Iran-Contra
testimony. Chip Tatum put a copy of an Op Whalewatch
document on the internet, and Michael Maholy gave a
similar one to Rodney Stich for Defrauding America p388,9.
What the watchers have been most concerned with since
supposedly watching over the presidency in 1963 is
whether any hairs on their bare butts are missing. Their
concern is the same as those bureaucrats who transferred
the DC public housing "trouble-shooter" to Child Support
Enforcement Division when one of his clients showed up
with embarrassing DNA--"Ball Shoot Da Hoop Yet?"
Op Whalewatch involved the murder of eighty-eight
CIA personnel just to cover royal derriere. Each new act
of self-aggrandizement only escalates the effort to
inventory butt hairs. This national insecurity vanity
complex requires the most intensive sort of self-contemplation
under the brightest lights of our generation. As Nixon
put it,"Bay of Pigs thing...Texans...he'll do anything for
us". Royal butt hairs and DNA under the fingernails
are what get rape victims killed.

[CTRL] Fwd: [RMNEWS] Rayelan Was Right About Riot at the Wall!

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

FONT COLOR="#99"Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here:


From Ru Mills, Editor in Chief

This was just posted on the Forum by Data Junkie -- Thank you Data Junkie --
we missed this one.  Ru

Rumor Mill News Agent's Forum

Rayelan Was Right About Riot at the Wall!

Posted By: Data_Junkie
Date: Friday, 11 August 2000, 12:46 p.m.

We heard it here first folks! Way to go Rayelan!! Wish you were wrong
though, as I suspect you do as well. Anyone who missed Rayelan's post
Wednesday about the significance of this scuffle at the wall, I beseech you
to folow the hot link at the bottom of this post. Run, don't walk!

Friday, August 11 2000 07:39 10 Av 5760

Temple Mount closed (again) on Tisha Be'Av
By Etgar Lefkovits and Ap

JERUSALEM (August 11) - The Temple Mount was closed to Jews and tourists by
Jerusalem police yesterday morning, after dozens of Palestinian youths, led
by PLO Jerusalem representative Faisal Husseini and MK Ahmed Tibi (Arab
Renewal), reportedly hurled insults at members of the Temple Mount Faithful.

Jerusalem police chief Cmdr. Yair Yitzhaki decided to close the Mount to
visitors out of fear the verbal slurs would flare into physical violence on
Tisha Be'av, the day that commemorates the destruction of the First and
Second Temples.

As several Temple Mount Faithful activists, led by movement head Gershon
Salomon, reached the Mugrabi Gate under police escort, the Palestinians met
them with chants and of "God is great" and "With blood and sweat we'll
redeem you, Palestine." The Jewish group responded with its own chants.

"Today the true battle on the Temple Mount begins," Salomon said. "Enemies
of the Temple Mount ... will disappear like dust in the wind."

"Some extreme Israelis who mix religion and politics are trying to enter
this place, so we are here to prevent that, if the police do not," Husseini
said. "They know very well that if they make such a move, it is the end of
any hope for peace in the Middle East."

In the early afternoon, about 200 Palestinian youths converged on the Temple
Mount chanting "Allahu Akbar" or "God is Great." Police pushed them toward
Al-Aksa Mosque and restored calm.

Yitzhaki met with Wakf leaders and made it clear that if the Moslem
religious authority did not allow members of the Temple Mount Faithful to
ascend the Mount during normal visiting hours, then the Temple Mount would
remain closed to all tourists.

Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben-Ruby said it appears the Wakf will not
allow the group's members to enter the site, and so the police have decided
the Mount will remain closed indefinitely to non-Moslems.

To some Israelis, the fact that the Temple Mount became off-limits to Jews
on Tisha Be'Av was especially symbolic and poignant.

"One can imagine the outcry of the Arabs if the Israel Police would have
declared the Temple Mount off limits to Moslems during their holy month of
Ramadan," said Esther Alexander, who had come from across town to say a
prayer at the Wall.

"When Moshe Dayan gave the Wakf officials the keys to the Temple Mount, who
would have thought that Jews would not be allowed to pray on the Temple
Mount, their holiest site," asked Herzl Cohen.

The threat of violence has closed the Temple Mount on Tisha Be'av before.
Last year, Salomon ascended the ramp to the Mugrabi Gate dressed in
sackcloth to commemorate Tisha Be'av, but found that the Wakf had closed the
Mount to visitors for the day following a scuffle between Arab and Jewish

During the scuffle the night before, police arrested three former Kach
activists for throwing leaflets into the compound calling for the "expulsion
of all aliens."

(To hear interviews with the Temple Mount Faithful, click on

Rayelan's Post -- MUST READ

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[CTRL] Samuel Wilson/CIA/College President

2000-08-12 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Samuel Wilson/CIA/College President
Date: Sunday, August 06, 2000 2:12 AM

 Charleston Post  Courier

Former spy urges U.S. to stay course on terror
Page: B03

 Be patient and stay the course is the advice retired Lt. Gen. Samuel V.
Wilson, president of Hampden-Sydney College, dispensed Friday when asked how
he thinks the United States should react to threats.
``Terrorism is probably the greatest threat,'' he said in an interview.
``We'll never be completely secure. That's impossible. But I think we're
doing some things right.''
Wilson, 75, has a personal history that includes work as a Cold War spy
master and a hot war soldier. He spent 37 years in the Army at work ranging
from Merrill's Marauders behind Japanese lines during World War II to deputy
director of the Central Intelligence Agency. In between, he was a Cold War
spy who dodged bullets along the Iron Curtain and served as a Russian
translator at various Summit conferences.
He was in Charleston to attend a Hampden-Sydney board of trustees meeting
and to award retired Army Gen. William C. Westmoreland with an honorary
Wilson shares a heritage with Hampden-Sydney, whose founders include one of
his ancestors, Nathaniel Venable. The private school is one of three
all-male colleges in the country, he said, a condition he believes fosters
bonding among students and produces exceptional graduates.
He teaches U.S. Foreign Policy and National Security and an Overview of U.S.
Intelligence. He laughs because his students call the second course ``Spying
Wilson said he asks his students to adopt certain roles, such as a top post
at the CIA or defense attache in Moscow. Then he tells them to dig up some
real information and report back.
``Ninety percent of all intelligence is out in the open,'' he said. ``The
students learn they can pick up a lot in the library and on the Internet.
Often, before the course is over, we can tell if they were right.''
External threats aside, Wilson seemed more concerned about what he believes
is a decline in moral values throughout the country.
Last month, he said, the editor of Hampden-Sydney's college newspaper
appeared on the PBS Newshour along with campus editors from Princeton
University and the universities of Southern California, Wisconsin and North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. Only the Hampden-Sydney editor reported that
students at his college seemed more interested in President Clinton's
impeachment trial than in the stock market or graduation.
``If he (Clinton) were a student at Hampden-Sydney, he would be expelled for
lying,'' Wilson said, quoting the Hampden-Sydney editor. The college has an
honor code much like the U.S. military academies.
``I was proud of him,'' he said, referring to his school's editor. ``But I
was worried about the other four.''
Wilson feels that the U.S. military does well in several areas, especially
in helping people in Third World countries. He applauded units of the S.C.
Army National Guard, which have helped teach people in places like Honduras
how to improve their lives.
Wilson said he recognizes the dilemma that Clinton's impeachment trial
represents. He doesn't want to reward Clinton's behavior, he said, but he
also doesn't want to damage the presidency.
He insisted there's ``no quick fix'' to any of our problems. The military
especially needs the funding that comes from a consistent defense policy.

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   Explore Our Archive:

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Celebrity Trumps Ideology

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Earlier this week, when Al Franken was a guest on the David Letterman
show, Letterman asked Franken what it was like to be on the floor of the
Republican Convention in Philadelphia.  He recounted experiences in
which Republicans would come up to him and say "I hate you and
everything you stand for, and you shouldn't be here, but, since you are,
can I just get a picture with you?"

Franken's conclusion:  "Celebrity Trumps Ideology."

The same can be applied to Franken's friend, and fellow Politically
Incorrect 'odd bedfellow,' Arianna Huffington.

Those who have, for years, believed in, and worked for, the issues on
the agenda of the 'shadow' conventions -- Campaign Finance Reform,
Poverty Reduction, and Drug Policy Reform -- are now being seduced by
Huffington's celebrity into ignoring the fact that, during the past
thirty years, she has written millions of words and spent tens of
millions of dollars to oppose these specific issues.

Campaign Finance Reform:  Huffington's campaigns on behalf of her
big-oil-inheritance wealthy husband spent more than $3 million dollars
to run for Congress in 1992 and more than $30 million dollars (still a
national record) to run for the US Senate in 1994.  Had they won in
1994, everyone who is now supporting her would instead be viciously
opposing her husband's re-election.

Poverty Reduction:  Arianna Huffington is one of the richest women in
the world and yet there is no record of her having given any of her
personal fortune to the needy. Yet, for years, she has been arguing that
governmental welfare should cease and be replaced by private charity.

Drug Policy Reform:  For decades Arianna Huffington has been a strong
proponent of the War on Drugs and Nancy Reagan's 'Just Say No'
campaign.  She has been a major contributor and campaigner for
conservative Republicans nationwide, and she was a key factor in the
Republican takeover of Congress during the 1990's.

While Huffington's rhetoric of just the past 12 months indicates that
she may really have had a sincere 'change of heart,' no amount of
rhetoric will ever make up for all the words, time and money she has
spent to oppose these issues.

Only after she invests more time, money and attention in supporting
these issues, than she has in opposing them, will we even be able to
begin to assess if Arianna Huffington's 'change of heart' is genuine.

Now is the time, and Los Angeles is the place, to let the world know
that celebrity does not trump ideology.  To settle for anything less
would be to prostitute the very ideology that Arianna Huffington, and
the 'shadow' conventions, endorse.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Loop : DEA / Dept of State on : Drugs Burma

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

   The "Oversight Olympiad"

^^^\| ||\
| Opium EXPRESS   | ||','''|'''\___,
|  __ | ||__|'__|___||
['''(@)'(@)**|(@)(@)  *'(@)*

From Seattle to Sydney 2000:
Of its kind :  The most powerful communications
group in existance

Editorial asks : Do these reports make any difference
to the situation inside Burma itself?

"In the project areas, we see no poppy fields any more,
but drugs seem to become more available,"

An official from the UN Drug Control Program stated
on the rising availability of drugs, just as opium crops,
due to drought (in the project areas) are disappearing.

The UNDCP's  "Alternative Development Program" in
the Shan State.

According to the "New Light of Myamar", a publication
of the junta. Poppy acreage in Burma is dropping:

1997 -89151,200.006 acres
1998-99  102,066.766"
1999-2000   90,437.61  "

But if the junta won't listen to the international community?
To "reason"? What are you going to do? Because right now,
as you will find your national sportspersons being "accidently
involved" with the sanitization of the |IOC / Burmese military
junta's racist Olympiad. And without regenerating sanctions,
including cultural sanctions. You haven't got a hope in hell
of doing anything.  And junta heroin will continue to cover
north America and the host nation of Syd2000.

In actuality, the junta have built both meth and heroin labs
in the jungle. One can only get in and out of these bases
by military helicopter.  members of the junta military are
often caught when ambushed in a fire fight, transporting
drugs for export. The junta next step? Allowing the "retired"
Kung Sha's (the infamous drug / war lord) accomplices in
international crime, to expand the Burmese road system..

 So? If anything : What are you gonna do?


Burma is the world's second largest source of illicit opium and
heroin, exceeded only by Afghanistan, and currently accounts for
approximately 80 percent of the total production of Southeast Asian
opium. Largely due to severe drought conditions in poppy growing
areas, production and cultivation continued to decline
significantly in
1999 for the third year in a row. In 1999 there were an estimated
89,500 hectares under opium poppy cultivation, down 31 percent
from 1998. This hectarage yielded a maximum of 1,090 metric tons
of opium gum, 38 percent lower than in 1998 and less than half the
average production during the last decade. The Government of
Burma (GOB) maintained most of its opium crop-eradication
efforts and expanded the program to an additional 9,800 acres.

Seizures of methamphetamine in 1999 exceeded 1998's record
figures, although opium and heroin seizures were well below 1998
levels. Burma made its first airport seizures of illicit drugs
in 1999.
While there were cases of drug interdiction and arrests of members
of some cease-fire groups for drug trafficking, the GOB has been
unwilling or unable to take on the most powerful groups directly.
Cease-fire agreements with insurgent ethnic groups dependent on
the drug trade implicitly tolerate continued involvement in drug
trafficking for varying periods of time. The ethnic armies, such
as the
United Wa State Army and the Myanmar National Democratic
Alliance Army, remain armed and heavily involved in the heroin

The GOB expressed support for eradication efforts, crop
substitution, and development assistance, but allocated few
resources to such projects. GOB policy is to force the leaders
in the
ethnic areas to spend their own revenues, including from the drug
trade, on social and physical infrastructure. The approach
limits the
GOB's ability to continue or expand its counter-drug efforts.

Burma's 1993 Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Law
conforms to the 1988 UN Drug Convention and contains useful
legal tools for addressing money laundering, seizing drug-related
assets, and prosecuting drug conspiracy cases. GOB officials,
claiming they lack sufficient expertise, have been slow to implement
the law, targeting few, if any, major traffickers and their
assets. Money laundering in Burma and the return of drug profits
laundered elsewhere are thought to be significant factors in the
overall Burmese economy, although the extent of this problem is
impossible to measure accurately. The cease-fire agreements
condone money 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: An Interview With Ottis Toole: The Cannibal Kid

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

WARNING -quite graphic.

As, always . . .


FONT COLOR="#99"Find long lost high school friends:

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

An Interview With Ottis Toole: The Cannibal Kid
By Billy Bob Barton
Adapted from Boiled Angel #8
Barton: I'm Billy Bob. Is it true you eat people or that is just bullshit?
Toole: You look damn tasty. If I had me a knife I'd slit your throat and
drink some blood.
Barton: They tell me you eat young boys.
Toole: I've eaten my share.
Barton: Tell me about it.
Toole: First I go out and catch me a little boy, maybe go down to a mall or
shopping center and grab one there...grab him, tie him up, use a gag, put him
in the trunk of my car and drive him to my place out in the swamps. Nobody to
bother me way out there.
Barton: Did you rape those boys?
Toole: Yeah, I give it to 'em in the butt.
Barton: Make them scream?
Toole: Naw, they have on a gag. Can't scream.
Barton: Ever fuck little girls?
Toole: Sure. Fuck 'em in the butt same as a boy.
Barton: Yeah, why's that?
Toole: A girl 8 or 9 years old, her pussy ain't able to take a big dick. She
can take it up her butt same as a boy. I prefer a boy. I make his peter get
hard, a boy maybe 12 years old, I can make him shoot jizz every time while
I'm up his ass. A girl, she doesn't do nothing. Ain't much fun.
Barton: You fuck 'em, then you kill 'em?
Toole: Yeah. So what? I like it.
Barton: Ever kill any adult people?
Toole: Plenty of 'em. All the time - men, women, kids.
Barton: How'd you kill them?
Toole: All kinds of ways. Strangle some with a belt. Shoot some. Cut some
Barton: I read where you use a bar-b-que sauce when you eat those kids. Is
that true?
Toole: Yeah, I have my own recipe.
Barton: Tell me how you cook a young boy or girl.
Toole: After the fucking then you strip them naked and hang them upside down
by the ankles; then slit their throat with a knife, slit the belly and take
out the guts, the liver, the heart. Cut off the head. Let the blood drain.
Barton: Do you have a big fire?
Toole: A pit. A bar-b-que pit. Charcoal so there ain't much smoke. Take down
the body, put the metal spit through them. Put it into the asshole, through
the body and out the neck, wire the meat to the spit, put it on the
spit-holder over the coals. Damn tasty.
Barton: Just how does a little boy bar-b-que taste, Ottis?
Toole: Same as a roasted piglet. Boys and girls taste about the same when you
roast them 8 to 10 years old. The flavor is a shade different when they're
teenagers. The boys are gamier than the girls. Give me the roasted meat of a
boy age 14 and a girl age 14 and I can tell the difference when you use a
spicy sauce.
Barton: Ever kill teenagers?
Toole: Sure. Get a pair of lovers parking in the woods. Easy to catch them.
Teenagers make a nice roast, I do favor a rump roast from a teen. Younger
ones I think I prefer ribs. Juicy. Tasty. You ought to try some.
Barton: You're a sick fucker! Anyone ever told you that?
Toole: Sure. Plenty have told me. I got off death row because they said I'm
too sick to burn on the electric chair. Nobody came around to try to cure me.
They give me some pill. People eat pigs, cows, horses. I like to eat people.
It's good meat, too. You ain't tried it, don't be saying it ain't tasty. You
might like it.
Barton: How many people have you killed and eaten?
Toole: Just me killing them alone or the ones I killed and ate with Henry?
Barton: You were doing this with Henry Lucas, too?
Toole: Yeah, we'd mostly eat hitch hikers.
Barton: All together how many do you think?
Toole: Oh, probably about 150 or so.
Barton: Incredible! And the police never caught you?
Toole: Ain't no police out in the woods.
Barton: Henry Lee Lucas says now that he didn't kill all those people, that
he was making it all up. What do you say about that?
Toole: We killed over 200 when we was roaming the country together. Maybe he
killed more before he met me or after we split. I'd say around 200 for sure,
I got over 100 my own self. Henry said he got about 400 all together, I don't
know for sure. I really don't.
Barton: Do you recall any memorable killings?
Toole: Oh yeah, I remember Shelly.
Barton: Shelly, is that a boy or a girl?
Toole: A young woman about 20 or 25, around there.
Barton: What do you remember?
Toole: I got her when she was hitch hiking in Colorado. I had me an old
pick-up truck. I picked her up, took her up into the Rocky Mountains and
killed her. She was naked when I killed her. A pretty one. It was the
summertime in 1974 and what was funny is that the police blamed the killing
on Ted Bundy but Ted didn't get that one, I got her.
Barton: Ever hear of 

Re: [CTRL] Bill Clinton is suffering from a sexually-transmitteddisease.

2000-08-12 Thread Ben Stone

These claims about Clinton aren't new. There was a suggestion (I don't know if it was 
backed by anything except supposition) that he had HIV becasue he didn't have proper 
penetrative intercourse with Monica.

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   + today freemail +

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Henry - Portrait of an MK-ULTRA Assassin?

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

The ONLY guy that "W," a cult member of Skull  Bones, and family member of
Bohemian Grove, didn't kill. But through the "zeitgeist" spirit of the cult,
fawns himself off as a "Born-again" "lowly sinner" "Christian." Lies about
his cocaine usage and . . .

Expose the traitors to our republic!

And then onwards to the utmost of futures.


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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Henry - Portrait of an MK-ULTRA Assassin?

By David McGowan
June 2000

On June 30th of 1998, Henry Lee Lucas, arguably the most prolific and
certainly one of the most sadistic serial killers in the annals of crime was
scheduled for execution by the state of Texas. Given the advocacy of the
death penalty by Governor George W. Bush, things clearly weren't looking good
for Henry at that time.

Bush had not granted clemency to any condemned man in his tenure as governor.
In fact, no governor of any state in the entire history of the country has
carried out more judicial executions than has Governor George. At last count,
the state of Texas had dispatched 130 inmates on Bush's watch.

So Texas was definitely not the place to be for a man in Henry's position.
And considering the nature of Henry's crimes, it seemed a certainty that
nothing would stand in the way of Henry's scheduled execution. There weren't
likely to be any high-profile supporters, AKA Karla Faye Tucker (though even
personal appeals to Bush from the likes of Pat Robertson failed to dissuade
the governor from proceeding on schedule with Miss Tucker's execution).

Not likely because Henry's crimes were of a particularly brutal nature,
involving torture, mutilation, rape, dismemberment, necrophilia, cannibalism,
and pedophilia, with the number of victims running as high as 300-600 by some
accounts - including Henry's own, at times - though this figure is likely

By all accounts though, Lucas, frequently working with partner Ottis Toole -
a self described arsonist and cannibal - savagely murdered literally scores
of victims of all ages, races, and genders. All indications were then that
this was pretty much of a no-brainer for America's premier hanging governor.

But then a most remarkable thing happened. On June 18, just twelve days
before Henry's scheduled demise, Governor Bush asked the State Board of
Pardons and Paroles, whose members are appointed by Bush himself, to review
Henry's case. Strangely enough, eight days later the Board
uncharacteristically recommended that Henry's execution not take place.

The very next day, just three days short of Henry's scheduled exit from this
world, Lucas became the first, and to date only, recipient of Governor Bush's
compassionate conservatism. The official rationale for this act of mercy was,
apparently, that the evidence on which Lucas was sentenced did not support
his conviction.

There was a possibility that Henry was in fact innocent of the crime for
which he was convicted. Never mind that many of the 130 death row inmates who
did not get special gubernatorial attention prior to their executions had
credible claims of innocence that were met with by nothing but scorn and

Suddenly Little George had developed a keen interest in not executing
innocent convicts. Never mind as well that some of those who have been
executed despite claims of innocence were, other than the crime for which
they were being executed, law-abiding citizens. Whereas Henry was by all
accounts a serial rapist, kidnapper, torturer and murderer.

Never mind as well that once Henry was spared, Bush promptly lost this
passing interest and began once again rubber stamping every execution order
that crossed his desk, including that of a great-grandmother in her sixties
who was convicted of killing her chronically abusive husband (Betty Lou
Beets, in February 2000).

And never mind that Bush has made no effort in the two years since Henry's
commutation to seek a new trial for Henry on one of the dozens of murders for
which there is conclusive evidence of Lucas' guilt. Neither has he made any
effort to extradite Henry to any of the numerous other states in which Henry
is wanted for various murders.

It seems to me that the last time I checked, there was no statute of
limitations for the crime of murder. Why is Law-and-Order George not seeking
a new death sentence for Lucas? And why is it that Henry was granted full
clemency, rather than a temporary stay during which his case could have been

This is exactly what Bush has just done in the case of 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Drug War News: Meth Law, Libertarian Party, Loompanics

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

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overwrites, and viruses with @Backup.
Try @Backup it's easy, it's safe, and it's FREE!
Click here to receive 300 MyPoints just for trying @Backup.

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

LP RELEASE: Memorial Day
(William Winter) [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web:
For release: May 26, 2000
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

On Memorial Day, let's remember
the War on Drugs' 140,000 victims

WASHINGTON, DC -- As America prepares to honor its military dead on
Memorial Day 2000, perhaps it's time to remember the 140,000 tragic victims of
another war: The War on Drugs.

That's the very serious suggestion offered by the Libertarian Party
today, as the nation gets ready to commemorate with parades and ceremonies the
men and women who died fighting for freedom.

"The 140,000 men, women, and children who died because of the War on
Drugs are just as deserving of remembrance as the military personnel who died
fighting America's other wars," said Steve Dasbach, the party's national

"Keep in mind, the War on Drugs has been one of the longest,
costliest, and deadliest wars in U.S. history. The only difference is that our
fallen veterans were killed by the guns and bombs of a foreign power -- while
the victims of the War on Drugs were killed by the policies of their own

But Memorial Day traditionally honors only war dead. Rhetoric aside,
does the "War on Drugs" really qualify as a war?

Absolutely, said Dasbach: The War on Drugs has lasted longer than any
other war in U.S. history, has been more deadly than most conventional wars,
has cost billions of dollars, and involves tens of thousands of military
personnel. The numbers:

* Duration: President Richard Nixon first officially declared a War on
Drugs in 1972 -- so the conflict has been raging for 28 years.

"The War on Drugs has lasted longer than World War I, World War II,
and the Vietnam War combined," noted Dasbach. "And since the enemy -- the 36%
of Americans who have used drugs, or 94.7 million people -- just gets stronger
every year, there's no end in sight."

* Victims: Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman estimated that drug
prohibition causes 5,000 homicides a year -- children killed in drive-by
shootings, adults killed in drug-related robberies and murders, and so on.

"If that number is accurate, the 28-year-long War on Drugs has
resulted in 140,000 American casualties -- far more than the battlefield
deaths of the Vietnam and Korean wars combined," said Dasbach.

* Cost: Since 1989, the armed forces have spent in excess of $7
billion on anti-drug operations. In fiscal 1997 alone, the Pentagon
appropriated $947 million for military anti-drug efforts.

Where does that money go? To pay for the military personnel who
inspect cargo for the U.S. Customs Agency, translate wiretaps for the DEA,
analyze military intelligence files on foreign drug gangs, fly helicopters to
transport police officers, track money-laundering operations for the Treasury
Department, scan the Gulf of Mexico with radar, and disrupt drug sales on the
streets of Washington, DC.

* Troops: More than 8,000 military personnel and thousands of National
Guard troops are currently participating in anti-drug missions on U.S. soil,
according to government figures.

"And those numbers don't include the 19,000 state and local law
enforcement officials who are assigned full-time to the War on Drugs, and who
are increasingly being armed with military-style weapons and tanks," said
Dasbach. "The fact is, a massive army has been recruited for this war."

In addition, high-tech military equipment has been thrown into the
anti-drug battle, including AWAC reconnaissance planes and
Relocatable-Over-the-Horizon Radar (ROTHER) installations.

But despite all that money, equipment, and personnel, the DEA admits
that only about 10% of illegal drugs entering the U.S. are seized by law
enforcement officials, according to the Los Angeles Times -- 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Drug War Fungus

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

FONT COLOR="#99"Never lose a file again. Protect yourself from accidental 
overwrites, and viruses with @Backup.
Try @Backup it's easy, it's safe, and it's FREE!
Click here to receive 300 MyPoints just for trying @Backup.

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Spring 1998
Covert Action Quarterly

Jim Hogshire

The USDA has been tinkering with the genetic code of a dangerous fungus
trying to target and wipe out the Andean coca and poppy crops. But if
anything goes wrong, the fusarium fungus may end up destroying food crops
and a whole lot more.

This past August, a piece of good news came from the maze of nameless
buildings at the USDA's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) in Beltsville,
Maryland. Dr. Deborah R. Fravel, a plant pathologist at the laboratory for
Biocontrol of Plant Diseases (BCPD) had turned the tables on a nasty,
tomato-eating fungus called Fusarium oxysporum. She had developed a "benign"
strain of the fungus that "inoculates" the tomatoes, much as a vaccine
protects a child against certain diseases.

And the fungus is nasty. A virulent mutation of fusarium, called "Race 3"
has been a bane to Florida and Georgia farmers who have trouble controlling
it with even the strongest fungicides. Around the world, fusarium also
destroys watermelons, chickpeas, basil, bananas, and hundreds of other
crops. The blight, in all its myriad permutations, can lie dormant in the
soil for years without a host plant and then springs to life, causing
devastating "wilt disease." Fear of introducing the disease is one reason
Japan is loath to accept US produce. While some strains of this fungus are
relatively harmless to most plants, other types of fusarium can produce
mycotoxins poisonous to humans.

The Fungus Among Us

But the USDA press release was warm and fuzzy describing "good" fungi
"helping plants to help themselves."

There was no mention of Fravel's part in dozens of projects aimed at
producing a lethal, but "natural" herbicide from the same fungus for a very
different purpose. Fravel's efforts are part of a cabal of scientists
working hand in hand with the DEA, the State Department, and foreign
governments to produce an herbicide designed to effect the drug war's Final
Solution: total elimination of the world's illicit coca crops and opium
poppies - the same goal recently announced by the United Nations.

Fravel's boss at the BCPD, Dr. Robert D. Lumsden, is a prominent figure in
the eradication research program. Lumsden's work with mutant strains of
Fusaruim oxysporum over the past few years has taken him to sites around the
world and across the country. At the University of Montana in Bozeman, he
and another ARS plant pathologist, Dr. Bryan A. Bailey, are in the midst of
a five-year study of the toxic effects of F. oxysporum and other fungi on
opium poppies and marijuana. According to one of Lumsden's reports, unlike

chemical herbicides, "these naturally-occurring fungi are safe for humans
and the environment."

Lumsden worked with Bailey to develop a granular formulation fusarium
mycotoxin, for testing at sites "foreign and domestic." A government coca
field in Hawaii was eventually used to test the mycotoxin, along with
traditional chemical herbicides. A 1995 study of fusarium herbicide showed
"significant kill" of coca bushes while other studies indicate a 60 to 90
percent kill-rate for opium poppies. When scientists no-ticed that ants
sometimes carried away the poison pellets, Fravel and Bailey looked for ways
to make them more attractive to the insects - so they would take the
herbicide deeper into the soil. The ants (which preferred their pellets
flavored with olive oil) were found to carry the fungus both "outside and
inside their bodies."

Changing Genes

Later research by Bailey and others identified the gene responsible for one
strain's deadly effects on coca. They then developed a way "to allow
alteration of the gene expression." They began to play with the fungus'
genetic code.

The ARS's long-standing interest in manipulating the fusarium fungus is
revealed in a series of studies it commissioned. One experiment set out "to
construct a genetic map of Fusarium moniliforme" and "to identify mutants
that affect the synthesis of" its mycotoxins. Another study proposed "the
development of strains with enhanced pathogenicity" that could wipe out coca
plants "using molecular genetic manipulations involving fungal proteins."
The ARS branch in Ft. Detrick, Maryland, carried 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Peter McWilliams Said Murdered By The Feds

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

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*Magna Plus Visa Card* Everyone Is Approved – Easy!
No Up-Front Deposit. Finally Something That Is For Everyone."

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Peter McWilliams Said Murdered By The Feds

Peter McWilliams is an American hero.
Peter McWilliams is dead, murdered by the feds.
Eulogy by Paul Zimmerman
He died on Wednesday, June 14th, but I just learned of his death this morning 
as I sat down in front of my computer with my first cup of coffee. I logged 
onto my email account and I saw the subject line on an email: Peter 
McWilliams passed away. It was not unexpected but it still hit me like a 
sucker punch to the gut. 
Peter's death was not unexpected, but his manner of death is unexcusable. 
Peter was a best selling author and his 1996 book "Ain't Nobody's Business if 
You Do: The Absurdity of Consensual Crimes in Our Free Country" (Available 
thru Amazon) became an instant libertarian classic. Unfortunately, soon after 
Peter's book became a success he was hit with a fatal one-two punch; he was 
diagnosed with AIDS and cancer. 
Peter took charge of his health and sought the best treatment that he could. 
He was on a regimen of pills and elixirs that the medical profession has 
concocted in order to prolong the life of people who are dying of AIDS and 
cancer. Unfortunately the treatment, (it's not a cure,) is nearly as deadly 
as the disease itself. To counter-act the wasting syndrome which is so 
prevalent with AIDS and to counter-act the nausea which was a side effect of 
his therapy Peter turned to medical marijuana. Peter lived in California and 
the people of that state passed Proposition 215 which made it legal for 
doctors to prescribe marijuana and on his doctor's recommendation Peter 
started using medical marijuana to ease his pain. He soon found that it 
stopped the nausea which caused him to vomit up his food and medication. He 
was able to eat, keep his food down and he was able to work and sleep through 
the night. He stopped losing weight and got on with his life. 
Of course, the feds don't give a hoot in hell about the will of the people or 
the Constitution, especially the 10th Amendment. As soon as Proposition 215 
was passed, the Drug Czar, Gen. Barry McCaffrey, and his heartless minions 
started threatening doctors and patients who dared to seek relief from their 
suffering by using this beneficial herb. Doctors were threatened with 
imprisonment and the loss of their licenses. Patients, many of them 
paraplegics and the terminally ill, were arrested and harassed. 
Peter could not stand by and watch what was going on. He knew the relief that 
he'd found with marijuana and couldn't stand by doing nothing while the feds 
assaulted the sick and dying. 
On December 1, 1997 Peter took out a two-page ad in Variety which was highly 
critical of the DEA and the Drug Czar. Seventeen days later Peter's house was 
raided by DEA and IRS agents. His property was ransacked and his computers 
and research were confiscated, (that's the legal term for government theft.) 
I refer you to Peter's own webpage and his synopsis of what happened. 
This was just the beginning of the murderous harassment that Peter had to 
endure. On July 4, 1998 Peter gave a speech at the Libertarian Party's 
national convention and on July 23 the DEA came to his house and arrested 
him. He was charged with bogus federal conspiracy charges and taken to 
prison. For the first nine days he was denied all medication and nearly died. 
He was finally allowed his medication, but without his prescribed marijuana 
the medication would not stay down. The feds were tightening the noose. 
The feds requested and got his bond set at $250,000. After four weeks of 
incarceration and after his mother and brother put their houses up as bail, 
Peter was released. 
As a condition of his release Peter was denied the use of marijuana. Peter 
complied with the judge's order because he did not want to risk having his 
mother and brother lose their homes. Judge George King's order was in reality 
a death sentence. 
Peter finally went to trial but the feds denied him any defense. Neither he 
nor his attorney could mention Proposition 215, his medical condition or that 
he was using marijuana as prescribed by his physician in accordance with 
California law. He was forced to accept a plea bargain. 
Peter McWilliams died at home awaiting his sentencing. He was found dead in 
his bathroom. He'd choked to death on his own vomit. He died because the feds 

Re: [CTRL] Samuel Wilson/CIA/College President

2000-08-12 Thread Robert F. Tatman

If the country ran on the honor code of Haverford College, the elite Quaker
school near Philadelphia, there are perhaps no more than half a dozen members of
Congress who would not be expelled for lying.  Certainly the entire Reagan-Bush
administration would have been kicked off campus without further ado.  As Martin
Luther remarked long ago, it all depends on whose ox is being gored...

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 11:15 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Samuel Wilson/CIA/College President


 From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
 Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

 From: "Alex Constantine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Subject: Samuel Wilson/CIA/College President
 Date: Sunday, August 06, 2000 2:12 AM

 ``If he (Clinton) were a student at Hampden-Sydney, he would be expelled for
 lying,'' Wilson said, quoting the Hampden-Sydney editor. The college has an
 honor code much like the U.S. military academies.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [MC] Fwd: [CTRL] Gunderson

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 8/12/00 7:11:00 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Help me out here, gang. What's the scoop on Decamp and his book? Ligit or
bogus? You tell me. 

 Well, the only chance for it ti be bogus, for it to be some sort of mis'dis
campaign ran by a domestic"phoneix" pogrom that is salting "evidence" in
furtherance of some sort of velveeta action. A question maybe asked -what
purpose does such a wild story do? Does it deflect some other scandal?

The are some links in place, as far as many "players" do have relationships
to the old SE Asian "phoenix" pogrom. Both Terry Reed and DeCamp and Colby,
Decamps main backer, all had ties. Gene Wheaton has been shown to be a
mis/dis info specialist—and with possible ties to "wet" actions.

Daniel Sheenan, the "darling" of many of us, has been shown to be an "agent
provocateur" among other things.

So, the questing is quite legitimate.

My research has shown the DeCamp story legitimate and Colby's death is
telling . . .


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fiction is stranger than truth?

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF=""

"Evil never dies. Darkness never retreats. In the cracks and the crevices of
our society there are monsters undreamed of by the rank and file of humanity.
I've been there. I've seen them. They exist in the spaces between things, in
the folds of existence where we can't find them. Sometimes they cross over,
sometimes they manifest, and all hell breaks loose. Only this is not Hell,
nor Heaven. This is like nothing anyone has ever understood. This is pure
evil, pure destruction. This is the Apocalypse."
-- Maj. Gen. Reginald Fairfield, U.S. Army (Ret.), 25 FEB 1994

More Tales of Terror
Ideas. You want 'em. We got 'em. By the dozen, in all shapes and sizes. From
ugly little beasts to raving monstrosities, and every horror in between.
Scenario idea after scenario idea for Call of Cthulhu, each with three
different ways to implement them so your players never know what's coming.
Fresh, hot, and juicy, straight from the grill of grue--and bloody, bloody
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Access approved.
Accessing file...
This is a database of critical information to be shared among case officers,
agents, and other authorized parties.
RELEASED BY: Christopher
APPROVED BY: Alphonse, Adam [Cell A]
UPDATE - 18 JULY 2000: Friendlies report that two Delta Green simulation
manuals were recognized in the Origins Awards for Game Design, described as
"the Oscars of gaming." DELTA GREEN: COUNTDOWN was awarded for Outstanding
Achievement in Roleplaying Supplement Design, and DELTA GREEN: THE RULES OF
ENGAGEMENT was awarded for Outstanding Game-Related Novel. Congratulations to
the authors of these manuals for their fine work in expanding the influence
of our group.
LATEST INTELLIGENCE: New files at include a number of Case
Histories, a chilling Field Report, several pieces of Imagery Intelligence,
documentation of a dedicated Delta Green IRC server, an Agent Dossier, and
one humor article in Section 8. Archival of the high-traffic Delta Green
Mailing List continues on a more-or-less daily basis.
THREE: PROJECT RAINBOW is now in progress, and the book should be available
for shipping by mid-July. DGEO3 is not sold in stores, and is only available
through front company Pagan Publishing's mail-order catalog, The Outsider.
Details may be found on their web site:
Interested parties can obtain the latest intelligence from front company
Tynes Cowan Corporation (ref Operation PAGAN PUBLISHING) by subscribing to
the Pagan Publishing announcement list. Agents and friendlies alike should
sign up at the Tynes Cowan Corporation website to be added to the list.
Write for! Your reports could be critical to other readers.
Click here to learn more.

S I T E   I N D E X

Questions are a burden for others. Answers are a prison for one's self. Click
here if you dare to seek the truth.

Case files, research and analysis, imagery, dossiers, and other vital
intelligence can be found here.

*   Items of Mutual Interest
(Primary documents.) It's a dangerous world out there, and Delta Green can't
investigate everything. Here are an assortment of anomalous incidents,
briefings, and training scenarios that we haven't yet checked out.
Enterprising agents are encouraged to examine these documents and pursue them
with diligence. If you do, send any completed reports to Case Officer

*   Reports from the Field
(Mission reports.) Cell A has authorized the distribution of these final
reports from actual Delta Green operations, both successful and calamitous.
Read and learn.

*   Case Histories
(Short stories.) A DG agent is a person of many talents. Some of our more
literary-minded agents have contributed these short stories, fictionalizing
their own field operations into a form more suitable for public perusal.

*   Rare Documents Collection
(Roleplaying resources.) This file includes numerous game-related documents
of use to CALL OF CTHULHU players.

*   Imagery Intelligence
(Art  photos.) DG agents with illustration or photography skills have
contributed much to the organization's archives. Some of their work appears
in this tabfile.

*   Debriefing Transcripts
(Online campaigns.) Delta Green roleplaying-game training exercises are
frequently conducted online. Full transcripts from such exercises are
provided here

Several important resources are available, including online forums and the
infamous Delta Green mailing list.

*   AMEN
(Discussion board.) The Agent Message Exchange Network, established to aid
agents and case 

Re: [CTRL] Fiction is stranger than truth?

2000-08-12 Thread Ben Stone

You do realise that this is a game, material for the Call of Cthulhu RPG? Delta Green 
is a 1990's setting with a heavy government consiracy angle (a la X files). It's not a 
bad game, but if you're feeling really paranoid about games why not check out the Dark 
Conspiracy Webring

--- Move to a better address ---
   + today freemail +

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [MC] Fwd: [CTRL] Gunderson

2000-08-12 Thread Ted Saari

Please - how are Reed, Colby and DeCamp connected?

- Original Message -
From: nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 9:58 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] [MC] Fwd: [CTRL] Gunderson

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 Both Terry Reed and DeCamp and Colby,

 Decamps main backer, all had ties.

 which are?

 Gene Wheaton has been shown to be a
 mis/dis info specialist-and with possible ties to "wet" actions.

 By whom?

 A HREF=""
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Judge Finds Valid Evidence of CIA Involvement in Crack

2000-08-12 Thread Oscar

From: alt.activism

From The Wilderness

FTW Subscriber Bulletin 00-14:


THE "SAN FRANCISCO EXAMINER" today reported that the U.S. Ninth
Circuit Court of Appeals has found valid evidence that former Contra
supporter Renato Pena's claims of CIA involvement in protecting drug
trafficking to support the Contras were credible. The court also ruled
that Pena's assertions of CIA authorization for drug trafficking in
the San Francisco bay area were sufficiently grounded in fact to
warrant a remand of Pena's deportation case for an evidentiary hearing
in U.S. District Court (the full story follows).

Pena's attorney, Stephen Shaikin, contacted by FTW, doubted that the
U.S. Attorney would risk an evidentiary hearing in which Pena could
introduce into evidence Volume II of the 1998 CIA Inspector General's
report that would prove his case, outright. FTW agrees. Additional
facts supporting Pena's assertion contained in Volume I of the CIA IG
Report by Frederick P. Hitz and a subsequent Department of Justice
Inspector General's report by Michael Bromwich were drawn to Shaikin's
attention in an interview this afternoon. FTW has offered to make all
of our research available in preparation for the hearing. No date for
the evidentiary hearing has been set.

The language used by the Ninth Circuit was unequivocal and stunning
for it's directness:

"Pena and his allies supporting the contras became involved in selling
cocaine in order to circumvent the congressional ban on
non-humanitarian aid to the contras," the three-judge panel said.
"Pena states that he was told that leading contra military commanders,
with ties to the CIA, knew about the drug dealing. Pena believed that
the sole purpose of these drug transactions was to help the contras,
and he believed the United States government would not seek to

"The circumstances surrounding Pena's case, including his belief that
his activity was supported by the U.S. government and his alleged
reliance on the assurances of the assistant U.S. attorney regarding
his immigration status, raise important questions about public
confidence in the administration of justice."

San Francisco attorney Bill Simpich, acting as lead counsel for class
action suits filed against the CIA in 1999 based on the same issues
and evidence told FTW, "This is the best break we've had since we
filed our suits. This opens an important new vein of evidence with one
of the highest courts in the land, saying, in effect, that this issue
needs to be addressed."

It is all back in play and everyone please notice that this is
happening, just like Dark Alliance first did, in a Presidential
election year in time to influence votes  before the election. We will
probably see Congresswoman Maxine Waters break her deafening silence
on Volume II and the infamous actions of the House Intelligence
Committee this May in closing out their investigation and ignoring the
blatant evidence of CIA involvement contained CIA's own report.

This trial will allow Pena to put Volume II and all of the  available
documentation on trial. If the U.S. Attorney's office doesn't drop
this, it gives us all of Volume II and Gary Webb right back again in a
way that Porter Goss can't lie about because it now becomes
non-disputable evidence, openly submitted in a court of law for public
scrutiny. And that is exactly what the House intelligence Committee
should have done more than a year ago.

We wonder how quickly Congressman Porter Goss and the CIA will be in
touch with the U.S. Attorney in San Francisco telling them to drop the
case and give Pena a permanent green card.


Mike Ruppert - Publisher/Editor

Former contra wins review of U.S. drug ties

By Bob Egelko


Fights deportation to Nicaragua, says CIA knew of cocaine deals The
former Northern California spokesman for the Nicaraguan contras,
facing deportation for cocaine trafficking in the 1980s, will
apparently get the chance to convince a federal judge that he was
assured the drug deals had U.S. government approval.

The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday that a judge
should hear and evaluate Renato Pena's claim that a federal prosecutor
in San Francisco had told him after his arrest in 1984 that he was at
no risk of deportation for having carried cocaine and cash to Los
Angeles about a dozen times.

In court papers opposing Pena's challenge to his current deportation
order, the U.S. attorney's office said no such assurance was given.
Pena's case recalls the controversy over allegations of CIA- backed
drug dealing by the contras, the U.S.-supported guerrillas fighting
Nicaragua's leftist government in the 

[CTRL] Attempt to Frame Walesa

2000-08-12 Thread Oscar

Polish Walesa files may have been doctored - court

Updated 8:31 AM ET August 11, 2000
WARSAW, Aug 11 (Reuters) - A Polish court, probing links of Solidarity hero Lech 
Walesa with the communist-era police, said on Friday that old Interior Ministry files 
used as evidence in the trial may have been doctored.
The unexpected turn in the two-week-old trial appeared to support Walesa's declaration 
that he had not been an agent for the communist security police.

The court said that according to freshly unveiled documents from the ministry, the old 
regime's security services doctored files on Walesa, founder of the Solidarity 
movement that toppled Polish communism, in order to compromise him.

The services may have engineered the files to make Walesa appear as an informant in 
order not to let him be awarded the peace Nobel prize for his pro-democracy activities.

Walesa -- expected to receive the prize in 1982, a year after the communist 
authorities imposed martial law to crush Solidarity -- became the laureate in 1983.

"There was a plan to send a letter to the members of the Nobel prize jury. They 
(security services) decided to attach to the letter information revealing (Walesa's) 
secret collaboration," judge Pawel Rysinki told the court hearing.

Walesa, the state president from 1990 to 1995, must undergo a court screening to be 
able to seek reelection in the October polls.

Walesa's trial results from a recent law requiring top officials, including 
presidential candidates, to declare past links to the secret police. Those ruled to 
have lied are barred from public posts for 10 years.

A special prosecutor has cast doubt on Walesa's statement that he did not collaborate, 
citing old files of the interior ministry, which allegedly linked him to an agent 
codenamed "Bolek," who informed for the security forces in mid-1970s.

Walesa led a wave of strikes in 1980, which led to the creation of Solidarity, the 
then Soviet bloc's first free trade union. He was jailed in 1981 when the communist 
authorities imposed martial law to crush Solidarity. ^ REUTERS@


Friday, August 11 10:34 PM SGT

Court clears Walesa of collaboration accusations

WARSAW, Aug 11 (AFP) -
A special Polish court Friday cleared ex-president Lech Walesa of accusations he 
collaborated with the communist-era secret police, allowing him to stand as a 
candidate in the October presidential elections.

"The court has concluded that Lech Walesa's declaration corresponds to the truth," 
chief judge Pawel Rysinski said.

Walesa would have been barred from serving in public office for 10 years if the court 
had decided that he was lying when he denied ever cooperating with the Sluzba 
Bezpieczenstwa (SB).

The decision clears away the cloud of accusations of collaboration with the secret 
police that have dogged Walesa since 1992, when political opponents named the then 
president as an SB agent.

*** NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is 
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distribute widely but PLEASE acknowledge the source. ***
The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi
Abraham Lincoln, letter to Wm. F. Elkins  Nov. 21 1864
Arthur Shaw ed.  The Lincoln Encyclopedia  40  {1950}

"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing
it's end.  It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
blood.It has indeed been a trying hour for the
Republic, but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety
of my country.  As a result of the war, corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will
follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong it's reign by working on the prejudices of the
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed.  I feel at this moment more anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the
midst of war."

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by 

[CTRL] False Police Claims of Protestor Violence

2000-08-12 Thread Oscar

Source: Los Angeles Independent Media Center

August 9, 2000

Unrestrained Stories: False Police Claims of Protestor Violence
A disturbing trend is developing regarding police pre-emptive response to mass 
protest. In numerous situations since WTO protests in Seattle in late 1999, police 
have issued misinformation claiming unsubstantiated evidence of violent plans by 
protestors gathering for mass actions.

Tim Ream - 8/10/00

A disturbing trend is developing regarding police pre-emptive response to mass 
protest. In numerous situations since WTO protests in Seattle in late 1999, police 
have issued misinformation claiming unsubstantiated evidence of violent plans by 
protestors gathering for mass actions. The false information is then used as a pretext 
for unwarranted police actions. The misinformation concerning protestor plans have 
ranged from chemical weapons to bomb-making. None of the numerous claims of violent 
plans have been substantiated. Nonetheless, many media outlets appear to have been 
predisposed to repeat information provided by police without fact-checking or seeking 
responses from the organizations accused. The damage to free speech and the mass 
protest movement has been extensive.


Mass protest of government policies on this continent is at least as old as the 
property destruction that characterized the Boston Tea Party, involving hundreds of 
activists in 1773. Since the anti-war protest of the 1960’s and anti-nuclear protests 
of the 1970’s, few instances of mass protest have garnered national media attention. 
That situation changed radically on November 30, 1999 when activists from around the 
globe shut down Seattle meetings of the World Trade Organization (WTO). This story 
garnered widespread international attention; fueled further by the violent police 
response to peaceful protestors, the declaration of a no-protest zone and millions of 
dollars worth of property destruction to multinational corporate buildings in the city 

The Seattle Police Department reputation was damaged severely by officers’ lack of 
control and brutal response in the streets. In the protest’s wake, Seattle Police 
Chief Norm Stamper quickly resigned. Police departments charged with preventing 
similar disruptions in their cities since the Seattle actions have scrambled to find 
ways to prevent mass protest.

A disturbing pattern of response has appeared over the last six months. It is loosely 
characterized by three steps. First, police departments, often in conjunction with 
city government, begin a multi-faceted media campaign designed to make protest 
organizers appear to be involved in preparations for violence. Police departments have 
assembled and distributed collections of flyers claiming violence, released videos of 
protest from other cities, held meetings with individual media organizations and 
created a mythic notion of an organization dedicated to violence and central to the 
protest usually identified as “anarchists” or “Eugene Anarchists.”

Once the public is predisposed to expect violence from activists, the second step in 
the process involves a specific claim of evidence suggesting an imminent act of 
violence. These claims will later be retracted, corrected or will simply remain 
unsubstantiated. They have included claims of stolen bomb-making materials, a bus load 
of poisonous animals, a factory to produce pepper spray, acid filled balloons, a 
cyanide poisoning or the simple fact that known terrorists have evaded police 
surveillance and now may be prepared to act without restraint.

The third step in this tactic follows the second closely or simultaneously. It 
involves a police action publicly justified in the climate of imminent terrorism. It 
has the effect however, of a prior restraint on free speech and intimidation of those 
who would speak their mind against their government. Examples have included seizing 
training and puppet making facilities; seizing training, art and medical supplies; and 
seizing hard drives and political literature. Potential protestors have been arrested, 
beaten and had bail set at ridiculously high amounts to hold them past the event 
around which the protest was scheduled.

Recent Examples

Philadelphia Republican National Convention – August 2000

The Philadelphia Police Department raided a warehouse where activists were engaged in 
creating puppets to protest at the Republican National Convention (RNC). Seventy 
activists were arrested, materials were seized and the warehouse was shut down. The 
police claimed prior to the raid that they believed that activists were storing C4 
explosives. Also, activists were allegedly preparing weapons in the form of 
acid-filled balloons presumably to throw at the police. The warehouse was claimed to 
be a staging ground for both producing weapons and preparing a riot. Police also claim 
to have arrested people associated with a bus containing 

[CTRL] European Investing in US Prisons

2000-08-12 Thread Oscar

- Forwarded Message -

DATE: Fri, 11 Aug 2000 22:09:45
From: Herman de Tollenaere [EMAIL PROTECTED]



For Immediate Release   Friday, August 11, 2000

Contact: Kevin Pranis, Not With Our Money: Students Stop Prisons-for Profit
(646) 486-6715, (917) 860-4635, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Olympia, WA.  Students from Evergreen State College declared victory today
in a two-month long struggle to keep a catering company tied to the
for-profit private prison industry from taking over the school's food
service contract.  In July, administrators announced that the college was
in final negotiations with Sodexho-Marriott Services (NYSE: SDH) over a
7-10 year contract, however those negotiations broke down on Monday amid
growing controversy and threats of a campus-wide boycott.

Evergreen is just the latest in a series of confrontations between
Sodexho-Marriott and college students, who claim that the company's
violations of workers' rights and relationship with scandal-ridden
Corrections Corporation of America make it an unfit provider of campus
dining services.  A May 30, 2000 analysis by Merrill Lynch identifies
Sodexho-Marriott as the 48%-owned subsidiary of Paris-based Sodexho
Alliance which is, in turn, the largest investor in prisons for profit
through its 17% stake in CCA and 9% stake in sister company Prison Realty
Trust (NYSE: PZN).

A national campaign launched on April 4 by a group calling itself Not With
Our Money has been followed by the resignation of CCA founder "Doc" Crantz
from the Sodexho Marriott board of directors, and loss of a
Sodexho-Marriott contract at the State University of New York at Albany,
where a coalition of labor and prison activist staged a sit-in to protest
mistreatment of workers, private prison investments and the schools use of
sweatshops.  According to organizers, the campaign has received broad
support from students, and has recently been endorsed by the United States
Student Association and the Canadian Federation of Students.

Private prisons make up the fastest growing segment of the U.S. prison and
jail population, which will reach two million in the coming year according
to a report by Justice Policy Institute.  Reports of widespread abuse in
facilities run by Corrections Corporation of America and Wackenhut
Corrections, including guard brutality, denial of medical care and
retention of prisoners beyond the time required by law, have led to calls
for a ban on private prisons.

Evergreen professor Peter Bohmer is convinced that student and faculty
objections to the Sodexho-prison connection killed the contract.  "A large
part of the Evergreen faculty, students and staff at this college find it
morally reprehensible to buy food from a corporation so closely connected
to the use of prisoners for profit, and we made that clear in a major rally
last week.  This victory is 100% due to student organizing, and to
administration and company fears of massive protests in the Fall."

Senior Malka Fenyvesi concurs, "Students at Evergreen have a long history
of standing up for social justice.  We know it's people our age who are
getting locked up in record numbers.  We're not going to stand by while
Sodexho tries to profit from their misery.


Check out the NO MORE PRISONS hip hop compilation CD featuring:
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Kevin Pranis
Prison Moratorium Project
c/o DSA
180 Varick Street, 12th Floor
New York, NY 10014
(646) 486-6715
(212) 727-8616 (fax)
(917) 860-4635 (cell)

Met vriendelijke groet/Best wishes,
Herman de Tollenaere
My Internet site on Asian history and "new" religions:

See also SIMPOS, information on occult tendencies' impact on society:

- End Forwarded Message -
Support Main Line News~Campaign International
Voice Mail #801-220-0127 ext. 0010
Claudia White~Main Line News~Human  Civil Rights 

[CTRL] LA: Judge Bars LAPD From Raiding Activist HQ

2000-08-12 Thread Oscar

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000 20:56:06 -0400 jason [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Activist Mailing List -

Friday August 11 8:27 PM ET
Judge Bars LAPD From Raiding Activist HQ

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A Los Angeles judge on Friday issued a restraining
order preventing police from raiding the headquarters of activists planning
mass street protests during next week's Democratic National Convention.

The temporary restraining order forbids police from entering the ramshackle
four-story ``Convergence Center'' in the downtown area without a warrant
and from seizing giant puppets, posters and placards that dozens of
activists are making inside.

The court order was sought by the American Civil Liberties Union of
Southern California after the main umbrella groups D2KLA and Direct Action
Network complained that their rights to free speech were being violated by
police harassment.

The activists, who plan some 20 major nonviolent marches or rallies on
issues ranging from the death penalty and sweatshop labor to corporate
globalization, had feared a mass police raid on Saturday, two days before
the Democrats come to town for the Aug 14-17 convention.

ACLU lawyers said they had logged 22 separate incidents of surveillance and
harassment, including random police visits without warrants, low helicopter
overflights and people being followed and searched after leaving the

The demonstrations, which start at the weekend, may rival those in Seattle,
Washington D.C., and at the Republican Convention in Philadelphia last
week, although neither the organizers nor the police have put a figure on
how many people might take part.

The Los Angeles police department, facing its toughest public test since
the savage 1992 riots surrounding the police beating of black motorist
Rodney King, says it believes the majority of protesters will be peaceful.

But they have also pledged that unlawful behavior will not be tolerated and
that their main task is to ensure that the convention goes ahead without

U.S. District Court Judge Dean Pregerson however declined to bar police
from keeping the protest headquarters under surveillance if they had
``probable cause.''

``The city has a history of unfortunate riots...on hot summer days,''
Pregerson said, adding that police officers had a right to ``protect the
city, the people who are coming here for the Democratic National Convention
and the people who are lawfully protesting.''


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The end is in the means as the tree is in the seed.
- Mahatma Ghandi
Abraham Lincoln, letter to Wm. F. Elkins  Nov. 21 1864
Arthur Shaw ed.  The Lincoln Encyclopedia  40  {1950}

"We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing
it's end.  It has cost a vast amount of treasure and
blood.It has indeed been a trying hour for the
Republic, but I see in the near future a crisis approaching
that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety
of my country.  As a result of the war, corporations have been
enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will
follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to
prolong it's reign by working on the prejudices of the
people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the
Republic is destroyed.  I feel at this moment more anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the
midst of war."

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Werner von Braun

2000-08-12 Thread Damian B. Cooper

At 11:46 AM 8/11/00 -0700, nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
For a first hand, eye witness account of von Braun's war crimes as told by
one of his victims, read Dora by Jean Michel, ISBN 0-03-055596-5

Michel was a French Resistabce fighter who was captured and wound up a
slave laborer at Camp Dora where the V-2s were built.

Gee.  I guess everyone who was in Germany during WW II was either a "Nazi"
or a "slave laborer".

Anyone in a wartime economy which imposes wage and price controls and commands
workers to work in specific industries is really a "slave laborer".

The United States government in WW II:

A. lied about  the fact that it precipitated the attack on Pearl Harbor
(see "Day of Deceit")
B. imposed comprehensive censorship
C. created a huge propaganda bureacracy to "support the war effort"
D. violated the civil and constitutional rights or Japanese, German, and
Italian residents
(and in many cases, American citizens) by arresting them and puttng then in
E.  "mobilized" (i.e., confiscated) industries to make war materials and
obscene profits
for Daddy Warbucks.
F. required workers to work in war industries at government mandated wages,
thus qualifying them as "slave laborers" , too.

The Roosevelt/Morgenthau regime was guilty of heinous war crimes and has
never been
brought to account.

I'm really quite sick of the habitual, gratuitous bashing and re-bashing of
every person
of German identity who was caught up in a tragic  and desparate situation,
and contrary
to U.S. and British war propaganda, a situation NOT entirely of their own


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Lieberman's record query.

2000-08-12 Thread Damian B. Cooper

At 07:59 PM 8/11/00 -0400, Re: [CTRL] Lieberman's record query.

Who the fuck cares? And what business is it of yours?

What business is it of mine?

I want to expose, descredit, and defeat Lieberman.

Then I want my faction to take power, tax away all your property,
marginalize you and your faction to the far extremist fringe where
you belong and make sure that decent, thoughtful, sensible, and
fair-minded people never have to hear from you again.

That's what business of mine it is.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Joseph Lieberman holds Israelie Citizenship and USACitizenship.

2000-08-12 Thread Damian B. Cooper

At 07:26 PM 8/10/00 -0400, Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED]

- - - snip - - -

The reason the DemocRATS chose a Jew was not only to out-Liberal
the Republicans, but to GET HILLARY ELECTED IN NEW YORK. I am
fairly sure that the DemocRATS know they are going to lose the
Oval Office.

Whether Gore-Lieberman wins or loses, Jewish political interests are advanced.

If Gore wins, Jews will have gained complete and total access to the
central power of
the U.S. government.  Everything that occurs in the Oval office will be
known to and
subject to manipulation by the New
York Times, the ADL, the World Jewish Congress, Mossad, . . .

If Gore loses, it will be portrayed as being ONLY because Lieberman was a Jew,
and the defeat of Gore-Lieberman CONFIRMS that "anti-Semitism" is still rampant
in American society.  America will then be challenged at every turn, on
every issue
to "demonstrate that it can overcome its anti-Semitism" by acceding to every
wish and demand that Jews put forward.

Jewish power in America and in Western Society is fundamentally based on
the psychology of passive-agression.  "You hate me, and YOU have to do
for ME to PROOVE that YOU are not a bigot".  This is particularly effective
in the
largely Christian societies of Western Europe and North America, which are
influended by the Christian ethic of "love they neighbor" (to include
Jews), and of
atonement for "sin".

The Jewish establishment will make this work to their advantage if
Lieberman loses.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Werner von Braun - was I WAS DICK CHENEY'S SEX SLAVE'

2000-08-12 Thread Damian B. Cooper

At 04:25 PM 8/11/00 -0700, tenebroust [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Too bad
this technology will always be tainted by the blood and death perpetrated by
the Germans, and every country since them (and before for that matter).

Well, then, wouldn't it logically and humanely follow that to save the
world from
the "blood and death" that WILL be perpetrated by Germans in the future that
we should quietly and humanely exterminate them all now?

You will undoubtedly enjoy reading "Germany Must Perish", by Theodore Kaufmann.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Joseph Lieberman holds Israelie Citizenship and USA Citizenship.

2000-08-12 Thread Damian B. Cooper

At 08:17 AM 8/12/00 -0400, "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
- - - snip - - -

 So according to Barry Charmish whom I believe to be reliable and very
 outspoken claims Lieberman holds citizenship in Israel.

 Now how is this possible?  Supposedly, in a book I read years ago by
 Errol Flynn (his son was on MIA matches - where is Sean
 Flynn)according to Flynn any American who takes up arms for a
 foreign power loses his citizenshipwonder about that UN stuff? 

Saba, I called his office the day Gore announced him, and they assured me
that he did not have dual citizenship and had never and would never vote in
an Israeli election.  If you get any real proof here, I'd like to see it.

How is it possible?  You tell me.  Strange things seem to happen involving
Jews and U.S. citizenship.

Item:  Martin Indyk was an Australian citizen at the beginning of the Clinton
administration.  Then he turned up as the U. S. Ambassador to Israel.  Can
a U.S. Ambassador to another country NOT be a U.S. citizen?  Is Martin
Indyk now a U.S. citizen? If so, when did he become a U.S. citizen?  Did
he give up his Australian citizenship?

Item:  Rahm Emmanual served as the  as the Political Advisor to the President
of the United States.  Emmanual served in the Israeli army during the six
day way.  Presumably, the Israeli government paid him for his services in
thier army.  Under U.S. law, a person who serves in the U.S. government and
has received payments from a foreign government must register as a "foreign
agent".   Did Rahm Emmanual register as a "foreign agent"?  Was the American
public told that the "Political Advisor to the President of the United
States" was
a "registered foreign agent"?  Rahm Emmanual immigrated to the Unites States
from Israel.  Did he become a U.S. citizen?  If so, did he give up his Israeli
citizenship?  Did he hold dual citizenship?  So far as I know,  neither the
Clinton regime nor organized Jewry ever acknowleged that a patriotic
taxpaying American citizen might even have a right to know the answers.

Item:  Jewish immigrants from Russia (and perhaps from other countries as
well) are automatically treated under U.S. immigration laws as "refugees".
enter the U.S. under greatly privileged circumstances as compared to immigrants
from other countries who are subject to quotas and bureaucracies.  To what
extent are Jewish immigrants accorded favoritism under U.S. law?  Does
the favoritsm extend to allowing them to maintain dual citizenship which is not
accorded to other immigrants?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Judge Orders FBI Testimony in Waco

2000-08-12 Thread Oscar

On Fri, 11 Aug 2000 23:36:20 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
AUGUST 11, 20:54 EDT

Judge Orders FBI Testimony in Waco

DALLAS (AP) — The judge deciding Branch Davidians' wrongful death lawsuit
against the government said Friday he has changed his mind and will order a
court-appointed expert to testify on whether FBI agents shot at the Waco
compound the day it burned.

An advisory jury determined last month that the government was not
responsible for the deaths of some 80 Davidians in the 1993 raid, but Judge
Walter Smith has yet to make a final ruling in the case.

Smith had barred from the trial a study of infrared images taken by an FBI
surveillance camera on the final day of the 51-day standoff, saying he wanted
court-appointed expert David Oxlee to review the study's findings before
admitting it into court.

The British firm Vector Data Systems Ltd., which conducted the study,
concluded flashes on the tape were reflections from sunlight, not gunfire as
Davidian survivors and family members of those killed had claimed.

Smith on Friday set a Sept. 18 hearing for Oxlee to testify about the

Smith had originally decided against requiring Oxlee to come from England to
testify after plaintiff's attorney Michael Caddell said he wouldn't
participate in the hearing.

Plaintiff's co-council Ramsey Clark is now scheduled to question Oxlee at the
hearing, Smith said Friday.

Caddell could not immediately be reached for comment by The Associated Press.

On the Net:
Special Council report:

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] No US troops will be sent to Vietnam. Rusk, McNamara

2000-08-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

- Forwarded Message -

DATE: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 00:55:29
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Rozoff)


[That is until our puppet Nguyen Cao Pastrana and his School of the
Americas-trained army and death squads fall down on the job. Then a few
Special Forces advisors, a few Marines, a division or two, half a
million infantrymen...You get the picture.]

Hispanic Vista
August 10, 2000
No U.S. troops will be sent to Colombia, says McCaffrey
MIAMI -- U.S. anti-drug czar Barry McCaffrey said Wednesday that U.S.
military forces would not become directly involved in Colombia's fight
against guerrillas and drug cartels.
McCaffrey told a news conference in Miami that U.S. aid to Colombia
would enable the local armed forces and police to restore security in
He stressed that "there is no possibility of the U.S. Armed Forces"
becoming involved in Colombia's internal conflict.
Recently, President Bill Clinton approved a $1.3 billion special aid
package after a more than six months of discussions on the matter
between the White House and Congress.
The aid package includes 60 helicopters, of which 18 are Black Hawks,
capable of transporting assault troops and equipped with GAU-19/A
Gatling guns, and 42 are Hueys.
Though the military equipment is intended to be used for drug
eradication, on at least one occassion, the assault helicopters have
been used against rebel forces.
McCaffrey said that during a meeting in Cartagena with Colombian
President Andres Pastrana, they would review the implementation of U.S.
aid, efforts to combat drug trafficking and the peace process with the
In addition, McCaffrey discussed with Florida officials local efforts
made to combat cocaine and heroin smuggling, drug trafficking and money



This is not about Vietnam. It's about the next Vietnam.
It is important for folks to understand why Columbia is
important to the US elites. Besides having its own oil,
it sits within striking distance of Venezuela,( which is
a major supplier of oil to the US ) and Panama, which
now controls the Canal independently of the USA.

Since the unfortunate and unexpected demise of the Evil
Empire, it has become more difficult for US imperialists
to invent excuses for invading other countries. This is
why the " drug war " in Columbia sounds so lame. This,
and because we now all know that the CIA itself is a
major component of the international drug business, and
uses the profits from drugs to fund illegal operations
which would never get funding from Congress.

It is necessary for the US hegemons to establish big
military bases with a sizable military contingent in
Columbia to effectively take over Venezuela and Panama if
they don't do our bidding.

Venezuela is on the verge of stripping its Capitalist
elites and possibly nationalizing its own resources.
This is a very similar scenario to the one which caused
the CIA to overthrow Allende in Chile. That story is still
being played out all these years later in the attempt to
bring to justice the American imposed dictator and mass
murderer Augusto Pinochet.

Panama may now be independent, but let's see what happens
after the US puppet government changes and begins to assert
real independence.

So now, thirty years after 58,000 Americans and a couple of
million Vietnamese died, America's Big Business parties are
ready to do it again. Why? Because no matter who is in the
White House, he/she/it serves the Big Oil corporations.

Don't be fooled again. Don't vote for a Democrat or Republican.
If a third party does not make it on the ballot...



CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-08-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research


It is my ongoing effort to improve the condition of humanity by
demonstrating to Liberals that they are not really " nice guys "
but are really " good Germans." Liberals have been the apologists
for the expansion of violent and destructive Capitalism. While they
pay lip service to environmental issues and the poor, and might even
donate time and money in order to assuage their well deserved guilt,
they will never admit that is the economic system itself which opperates
to the detriment of the environment and the people of the world who
suffer from the " good intentions," and " lesser evilism " of
American Liberals.

If you are a Liberal and think that this is an exaggeration, I urge
you to reflect upon what YOUR administration, the Clinton administration,
has done with YOUR support since YOU gave it access to power and taxes.

I am neither a Communist nor a Socialist as is the author of the article
below. I have however, had intimate experience with both systems, and believe
that they have their place in the world. But they have proven to be ineffective
against the spread of Capitalism.

For that reason, I do not propose the replacement of Capitalism with
these systems. It is time for something new. The Biosphere and the majority
of humanity can simply not survive the expansion of Capitalism to a global
scale which Liberals apparently support with just a few minor modifications.

If you remain a Capitalist or Capitalist apologist, YOU are the problem,
and you might be surprised to learn that the only group of people who are
convinced that Liberals are really good folks... are Liberals.

Chief Representative for All Humanity ( And modest to boot.)

Please Post

Dave Silver February 2000

Liberals have historically always felt more comfortable with the
Right than the Left. This follows logically from the fact that they
regard capitalist bourgeois democracy as the system that can best
meet the needs of the vast majority of people. They mechanically
adopt the principle of organizing only within the framework of the
system and therefore feel that energy should be put into the
Democratic Party because that s where the masses are. The Democratic
Party is not a mass organization and masses are not in the Party.
The masses are given a choice of two evils, and vote for what they
believe to be the lesser evil since they have no alternative
available. Thus Liberalism, as it rejects a radical class perspective,
at the same time finds a new and comfortable center where they buy
into racist notions such as I m for affirmative action but against
quotas or that we should credit Rudy Mussolini with bringing crime

A more subtle opportunism and anti-communism is prevalent among
those who are further to the Left and consider themselves for the
most part as anti-imperialist. They adopt the politics of neo-marxism
(the traditional kind is outmoded and no longer has answers for
the global economy, they say.), social democracy or the new left.
Many may be anti-racist. I allude to groups such as The Brecht
Forum, listener supported WBAI, North American Congress for Latin
America (NACLA) and Committee in Solidarity with the People of El
Salvador (CISPES), the Green Party and other justice and peace

These latter groups equally condemn violence whether it is the
reactionary violence of the imperialist or domestic oppressor or
the violence of liberation or oppressed and exploited peoples. We
have seen them applaud imperialism s attempt to demonize and try
leaders such as Milosevic for crimes against humanity. They equate
as co-evils both he and the NATO bombing of his country. Most
egregious of all is the common practice of the Liberal-Left to
equate socialism and fascism. Of course the essential anti-communism
is camouflaged with the cutting edge code word Stalinism.

This group likes to equate the two opposite systems using surrogate
symbolism; for instance ripping out all historic context they refer
to the Hitler Stalin Pact. One program equated the Nazi manifestation
of Kristallnacht with the Berlin Wall needed to safeguard the
socialist base of the German Democratic Republic against the
illegally adopted west German Mark.

Caught up in making the system work better these folk invite Black
and white elected officials who tell us that they can do a better
job than the Republicans and pose as the only hope for the downtrodden.
The choice is clear; we must reject the Liberal often racist and
anti-communist path or feed the dangerous illusion that the Democratic
Party, whether reformed or Independent can be a Peoples Party. One
cannot be anti-imperialist or anti-racist and at the same time be
anti-communist. Marx called them antagonistic.

Articles sent by Bill.


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Lieberman,Former Education Secretary William Bennett Present First SilverSewer Award To Seagram, Inc.

2000-08-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 Silver Sewer Award?This sainted holy man Lieberman?   Think this
 little award will cause a ripple in the Seagram Kingdom - now Lieberman
 is on a board of directors in Israel, is a Zionist member of CFR, and
 his wife is active Zionist..

 Beware of those who say they are Jews and are not..for this is
 NWO/CFR.see the blood trails and see Canada go down the tubes to NWO
 where all sing out of the same song book, for this is the beginning of
 organized crime takeover.

 Thirty years ago Hank Messick wrote or Ed Reid that the mob had taken
 over everything but government..this is it, this is the push.

 For these Zionists are not Jewsthey are traitors to Jews and to
 their Arab Brothers - these Zionists are the anti semites breeding upon
 the hatred they themselves create.


You are an idiot. Why don't you pick a subject that you actually know
something about. If there is such a thing.

What a moron!


 Lieberman's Halo begins to dim for his petticoat is beginning to
 and Gold, Oil, and Drugs - the GOD Machine.

 March 17, 1998
 Lieberman, Former Education Secretary William Bennett Present First
 "Silver Sewer" Award To Seagram, Inc.
 For Underwriting the Cultural Pollution of the Jerry Springer Talk Show
 and the Distribution of Music by Shock-Rocker Marilyn Manson
 SPECIAL ATTENTION: Electronic Media/Values
 Washington, DC -- Sen. Joe Lieberman today joined former U.S. Secretary
 of Education William Bennett in presenting the first "Silver Sewer"
 Award to Seagram, Inc. for underwriting the cultural pollution of the
 Jerry Springer talk show and the distribution of music by shock-rocker
 Marilyn Manson.
 The award was announced during a news conference this morning at the
 National Press Club. The following is the text of Lieberman's prepared
 "Nearly three years ago, Bill Bennett and I formed a partnership based
 on our shared concern that the rising tide of sex, violence and
 vulgarity in the entertainment media had coarsened our culture, weakened
 our values, and hurt our children. Since then we have tried to focus
 attention on some of the leading media companies that are responsible
 for dumping this cultural pollution into the public square, hoping to
 persuade these otherwise credible companies to confront the damage they
 are doing with the garbage they are bankrolling.
 "We have had some success. But the sad fact is that the people who run
 the culture have still too often chosen profit over principle. So we
 have decided to in effect turn up the volume on our campaign in a way we
 hope will make the voices of millions of Americans who are disgusted by
 the popular culture's plummeting standards better heard in Hollywood and
 New York.
 "We begin today by announcing our plans to regularly recognize the worst
 cultural polluters of the moment with what we shall call the Silver
 Sewer Award. In this way, we aim to better inform the American public of
 the connection between the sleaze that is too often inundating our
 children and otherwise respectable companies that make money from it.
 "We have chosen the venerable distiller Seagram, Inc., as the first
 recipient of the Silver Sewer. While you may be familiar with some of
 Seagram's more prominent brands --Tropicana Orange Juice, Captain
 Morgan's Rum, and the namesake Seagram's 7 --we doubt most Americans are
 aware that Seagram is also responsible for introducing our children to
 pregnant strippers, teenage prostitutes brawling with pimps, and a woman
 who wanted to go on national television to boast about sleeping with her
 sister's three husbands.
 "Those are just some of the folks who pop up and punch out each other
 regularly on the infamous 'Jerry Springer Show,' which up until recently
 Seagram owned, produced and distributed through its subsidiary Universal
 Studios. Seagram still co-owns the Springer show after entering into a
 partnership with TV mogul Barry Diller, as it does 'Sally Jessy
 Raphael,' another talk show that often spews cultural sewage through our
 televisions as well. Both of those programs are now produced by the
 newly-formed USA Networks. Seagram also is a co-owner of Interscope
 Records, a company that made its name distributing obscenely violent and
 destructive gangsta rap records for which it made Seagram millions of
 dollars, and which continues to trade trash for cash by distributing
 Marilyn Manson, who makes music about pedophilia and the benefits of
 suicide and targets it to kids.
 "That such prominent companies as Seagram and its subsidiary Universal
 are associated with such unmitigated junk is both astounding and
 disappointing. The Bronfman family that controls Seagram has been known
 for its philanthropy and civic-mindedness. And Universal has a proud
 history of producing some of America's most wonderful movies, and it
 continues today to market many outstanding films and records. They don't
 need to go 

[CTRL] [endsecrecy] Echelon Denials At US Defcon

2000-08-12 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

To: "endsecrecy list" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [endsecrecy] Echelon Denials At US Defcon
Date: Monday, August 07, 2000 10:16 PM

From:  AGETI_Giuliano-Jimmy-Marinkovicc 9a4ag
Subject:  [SO] Echelon Denials At US Defcon Meetings
Date:  Sun, 6 Aug 2000

FS SecCon: Echelon Denials At US Defcon Meetings
Far Shores Sec + Con banner
Echelon Denials At US Defcon Meetings

[Original headline: Echelon spy system wildly exaggerated - official]

The infamous Echelon satellite spy system, reportedly operated by the US
National Security Agency (NSA), is largely a product of popular imagination
and journalistic mythology, a US government official with ties to the
intelligence community said during several sessions at Defcon.

"I wish we had something like that which was that good. I mean, it would
my life so much easier, but it just isn't there," the official, who asked
to be identified, told reporters during a press conference. "I don't really
expect a lot of people having a great time with these Echelon stories to
believe what I tell you, but just go back and do the math."

The Echelon system is said to be capable of intercepting virtually all the
world's electronic communications via fax, microwave and e-mail, and
automatically filtering out the noise to get at the titbits of interest to
US national security apparatus - a miraculous feat which _The Register _has
questioned on grounds of feasibility many times in the past.

"Get some of those articles that purport to describe the ability of the
Echelon system to do marvellous things, and [think through] the engineering
work," the official suggested. "Figure out how much processing power it
require, the types of collaboration one would need with people who build
telecommunications systems, and the amount of government employees you would
need to read all the stuff that gets scooped out. We just haven't got it."

"We're the government," he quipped. "Why would you reasonably expect
us to be any more advanced than the private sector?"

Instead of the automated, science-fiction system generally imagined, the NSA
and similar agencies rely on the old-fashioned method of developing sources
and leads, and targeting them for further observation, he maintained.

"The basic problem is someone giving us a hint to tell us where to look.
we can't process anywhere near the volume of stuff that people generate, we
have to have some clue that tells us to go after a particular place or a
particular thing."

Conspiracy paranoiacs will be further disappointed to learn that the US
government does not make a habit of targeting electronic communications
because they happen to be encrypted, the official said, again illustrating
point by appeal to the common-sense argument that there simply is not an
unlimited amount of time, money or personnel available.

"There has to be some association that makes us want to [conduct
We do not have the resources, time, interest or attention spans to go after
everyone who wants to use encryption."

Still, a great number of people believe that the NSA is conducting
indiscriminate monitoring of encrypted traffic, and either breaking the code
relying on back doors implanted in commercial crypto products by compliant

The notion that the government either encourages, or as some believe,
software companies to put back doors in their encryption applications also
fails to make sense, he said.

"If a [software] firm ever got caught doing that, they would flat be out of
business. And how often after that would a company want to co-operate with a
government that asked them to do it? You don't set them up to where they're
going to get wiped out in public... it's just bad business."

During an open session, he was questioned about US military preparations to
defend against, and prosecute, information warfare, a capability which
imagination also believes to be in an advanced state of development.

He indicated that America's cyberwar capabilities are as grossly
as its spying capabilities. "I'm not even sure how we would determine that
information attack] was happening," he observed.

"The biggest problem that we have in cyberspace is figuring out who's
[attacking]. There are no fingerprints, no physical evidence; and if you
know who did it, then you have a hard time figuring out why it was done.
Identification and intent are key elements in international law. If you want
to go whack someone, you have to be able to make a plausible, provable case
that Enemy X is the one that [attacked] you; and if you can't determine who
they are, then you have a real problem."

And malicious 

Re: [CTRL] Joseph Lieberman holds Israelie CitizenshipandUSACitizenship.

2000-08-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

 Ben Stone wrote:

 Perhaps he's referring to the citizenship that all Jews can claim of Israel?

Or maybe he doesn't know what he is talking about. It won't be the first time.


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fungus GM Foods

2000-08-12 Thread ThePiedPiper

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

What could have caused the Irish Potato famine?  Fungus?
why could it be that fungus is a danger to potato growers?

1) The year before the Irish Potato Famine was an GOOD year
2) What happened to extra food in the late 1800's
3) the leaves and stems of potatoes are poisonous
4) they could kill the natural bacteria of the soil and
I have no idea of what decomposing potatoes would
do to earthworms, ect.
5) soil has bacteria, fungus, ect. when you take one out what
do you leave?
6) when you use many chemicals are you setting yourself up for
the same thing?
7) GM plants that produces natural insect killing capabilities
8) plowing the leftover part of the crop back into the ground
9) have you just killed your soil?
10) It takes three years to certify as Organic and it seems as if
most of the rest of the world is leaving the US in the dust
in that respect.
11) England had such a large orchard crop that a major amount was
left in the fields for want of people to harvest it.
12) Many tree crops have natural Salicylates that protect the fruit.
13) Grapes, wheat, and many other plants can be supseptable to fungus.
14) Salicylates in Wine and many other things.

these are just thoughts and some key words.
What would happen if we get rid of
our chemicals when the very farmers may not know why things grow?
Why do we have to use as many chemicals as we do?
Also would GM food decrease land value and by how much,
for how long?
ThePiedPiper 12August2000

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost latitude the right of
others to differ from me in opinion"
   Thomas Jefferson brbr

My Grandfather told me there are two kinds of people:
those who do the work and
those who take the credit.
He told me to be in the first group -
 there is less competition there. -
Indira Gandhi
ICQ 14484977

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Francis Drake's Discovery Hidden By Elizabethan Conspiracy

2000-08-12 Thread William Shannon

Last Updated: Saturday 5 August 2000  OPINION


'Compelling' discovery rewrites B.C. history: Elizabethan conspiracy hid
Francis Drake's true discovery for 400 years

Samuel Bawlf's passion for history led to startling findings that have
persuaded eminent international historians
Stephen Hume Vancouver Sun

Sir Francis Drake explored the British Columbia coast on a secret mission for
England more than 420 years ago, according to groundbreaking research by a
Saltspring Island geographer.

Samuel Bawlf had to unravel a web of state intrigues, encrypted maps and
official coverups that were entangled in the lethal jockeying for power
between Queen Elizabeth I of England and Philip II of Spain.

Experts are already describing the evidence he has assembled regarding the
expedition in 1579 as "compelling," "solid" and "significant" work that
challenges long-held assumptions about the history of European exploration on
Canada's west coast.

Drake became the most celebrated adventurer of the Elizabethan age by
circumnavigating the globe between 1578 and 1580.

Prior to his passage across the Pacific, Drake is known to have voyaged up
the west coast of North America, but it is widely accepted by historians that
he got little farther north than California before turning for home in the
fall of 1579.

Bawlf became curious about several months of Drake's time that appeared to be
unaccounted for.

"It was the tail wagging the dog," Bawlf says. "All the evidence indicated
that was the last place he stopped. The real question was, where did he go
before that?"

Bawlf, who set up B.C.'s Heritage Trust while serving as cabinet minister in
the Social Credit government that reigned from 1975 to 1986, spent half a
decade poring over ancient maps and maritime records from Drake's time at the
British Library in London.

Bawlf says Drake was in search of a western entrance to the strategically
important Northwest Passage, the eastern entrance of which was thought to
have been discovered in 1577, the year before Drake sailed from Plymouth

Not only did Drake reach the mouth of the Stikine River where it cuts through
the Alaska Panhandle, Bawlf says, he explored the Strait of Georgia, probably
sailed into Puget Sound, found the crucial straits of the Inside Passage and
identified the most important islands in B.C.'s vast archipelago before
departing from the coast of Oregon.

And Bawlf argues that the Nova Albion that Drake claimed for Queen Elizabeth
I was never in the San Francisco Bay area, but was on the east coast of
Vancouver Island. He says one important clue actually lay in the very paucity
of published details about the journey.

When he examined what was reported, Bawlf found those details to have been
carefully contrived to conceal Drake's real whereabouts on the West Coast.

If such a coverup seems far-fetched, the Russians did precisely the same
thing to keep Vitus Bering's discoveries in western Alaska in 1741 from the
Spanish, who still claimed the entire west coast of North America.

It was in trying to reconcile fragmentary details from maps and apparent
discrepancies in the contemporary accounts that Bawlf says he discovered a
wealth of new information, including several previously unnoticed maps, that
enabled him to reconstruct Drake's hidden exploits.

Stories speculating that Drake might have visited what is now B.C. have
actually circulated on the coast for many years. The late Arthur Mayse, the
Vancouver Sun's legislature bureau chief more than 50 years ago, said Nanaimo
Indian elders told him in the mid-1920s of white visitors who pre-dated the
arrival of Spanish and British explorers by many generations.

In 1939, after studying the seasonal currents and carefully weighing the
errors in dead reckoning an Elizabethan sailor might reasonably make, Captain
R.P. Bishop concluded that Drake might have made landfall somewhere on
Vancouver Island.

Bawlf says he now has substantive evidence and after examining his research,
some experts agree that a major reappraisal of Elizabethan maritime history
now appears to be necessary.

"I thought, 'My God, this is a completely new approach which nobody has put
forth.' I was fascinated by it," said Richard Ruggles, a leading scholar in
the study of early mapmaking and exploration and the now-retired founder of
the geography department at Queen's University.

"I think it's a remarkable piece of work," Ruggles said. "His study is an
excellent piece of research. It is thorough. It's the first really detailed
study of the existing cartographic materials."

Ruggles said Bawlf's approach -- "going at it through the maps of the time"
and linking them to contemporary texts -- is something that hasn't been fully
explored before.

Francis Herbert, curator of maps for the Royal Geographical Society in London
and former president of the Society for the History of Discoveries, described

[CTRL] PigHumper Dubya Bush's Record--To Die From!

2000-08-12 Thread DIG alfred webre

In a message dated 00-08-12 15:33:00 EDT, you write:

 PigHumper Dubya Bush's Record--To Die From!

 Here's how the Lone Star State has fared under the vicious, sociopathic
 leadership of that smug, smirking son-of-a-devil, G. Dubya.

 When this piece of animated (well... BARELY!) excrement becomes the
 first emperor of the NWO's North American Union, expect hefty doses of
 the same medicine to be administered to what USED to be the united
 States by this vile, cretinous slime.

 This pig-humping filth would probably serve the planet and its
 inhabitants a lot better if he were recycled into dog food, or plant

 But then again, that might end up killing lots of dogs and plants. So,
 on second thought, maybe just stuff him into a toxic waste dump where he

 John Quinn/
 NewsHawk® Inc.

 Subject:  Governor Bush
 From: Makwa36

 The great state of Texas

 The state of Texas, under the leadership of Governor George W. Bush, is
 50th in spending for teachers' salaries
 49th in spending on the environment
 48th in per-capita funding for public health
 47th in delivery of social services
 42nd in child-support collections
 41st in per-capita spending on public education
 and ...
 5th in percentage of population living in poverty
 1st in air and water pollution
 1st in percentage of poor working parents without insurance
 1st in percentage of children without health insurance
 1st in executions (avg. 1 EVERY TWO WEEKS for Bush's 5 years). He's

 Just think of what he could do for (to) the country if he were president.

 Think HARD about forwarding this to every person of voting age.
EcoNews Service - Alternative News: Ecology, Consciousness  Universe

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Werner von Braun

2000-08-12 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

Anyone in a wartime economy which imposes wage and price controls and
workers to work in specific industries is really a "slave laborer".

Von Braun's slaves at Dora were hung with piano wire when they weren't
quick enough to complete a task or if they made a mistake. Every day
twenty of them would be picked at random and hung anyway, as an incentive
to the others to work harder. The slaves marched passed their swinging
bodies on the way to work in the morning.

To compare their condition to that of the German workers is ludicrous.
Only a Nazi sympathizer would do so.

I'm really quite sick of the habitual, gratuitous bashing and re-bashing
of every person of German identity

And I'm sick of Nazi sympathizers putting words in my mouth. I said no
such thing. To imply that I did is typical of Nazi duplicity and of the
duplicity of their sympathizers. If you are going to continue to stick up
for Nazis you should do it somewhere else. Nazis are not welcome on this
list. It's a big net. There's plenty of parts of it where Nazis and their
friends are more than welcome. Go there instead.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fungus GM Foods

2000-08-12 Thread nessie

What could have caused the Irish Potato famine?

English imperialism.

Every single day of the Famine, Ireland exported food. Why? Because the
Irish people had to raise money to pay rent on their own land to their
English landlords. Meanwhile, they themselves went hungry. "God made the
blight," as they say, "But England made the Famine."

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Werner von Braun

2000-08-12 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Amen, Nessie.  I am proud of my German heritage.  It's a highly important part
STOOD FOR.  When I was ten years old I began reading everything I could get my
hands on, trying to understand why this nation of warm, loving people, the
nation that produced Lessing, Schiller, Goethe, Beethoven, Heine, Hesse...why
this nation could have descended into the depths of such a God-forsaken horror
as Nazism.  And over the years, among many other conclusions, I decided that I
could not, under any circumstances, support the right of anyone to propagate
Nazism today.  Espousing Nazism in any form, in my opinion, constitutes a clear
incitement to violence and hatred, to outright murder, and falls outside the
protections of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.  We kicked the Nazi
wannabes off this list when they tried to take it over.  I agree totally with
Nessie that anyone wishing to spout that garbage should do it on another list.
*Raus mit dir, Kerl.  Hier ist gar kein Platz für dich.*

- Original Message -
From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Werner von Braun

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
 I'm really quite sick of the habitual, gratuitous bashing and re-bashing
 of every person of German identity

 And I'm sick of Nazi sympathizers putting words in my mouth. I said no
 such thing. To imply that I did is typical of Nazi duplicity and of the
 duplicity of their sympathizers. If you are going to continue to stick up
 for Nazis you should do it somewhere else. Nazis are not welcome on this
 list. It's a big net. There's plenty of parts of it where Nazis and their
 friends are more than welcome. Go there instead.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fungus GM Foods

2000-08-12 Thread Robert F. Tatman

Plus which, the absentee English landlords had discovered they could make more
money by raising cattle on the still-fertile farmland, so they had no stake in
encouraging the Irish to diversify their crops, and plenty of reasons to want
them off the land...  Sound familiar?  Take a look at Central America, among
other places, then call up MacDonald's and ask them where the beef for their Big
Macs comes from.  Just another little bit of exploitation invented by the Brits.

- Original Message -
From: "nessie" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Fungus GM Foods

 What could have caused the Irish Potato famine?

 English imperialism.

 Every single day of the Famine, Ireland exported food. Why? Because the
 Irish people had to raise money to pay rent on their own land to their
 English landlords. Meanwhile, they themselves went hungry. "God made the
 blight," as they say, "But England made the Famine."

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Australian citizenship.

2000-08-12 Thread Ben Stone

How is it possible? You tell me.  Strange things seem to happen involving Jews and 
U.S. citizenship.

Item:  Martin Indyk was an Australian citizen at the beginning of the Clinton 
administration.  Then he turned up as the U. S. Ambassador to Israel.  Can a U.S. 
Ambassador to another country NOT be a U.S. citizen?  Is Martin Indyk now a U.S. 
citizen? If so, when did he become a U.S. citizen?  Did he give up his Australian 

You think that's strange, you should see what happens here in Australia. The 
Australian Constitution is quite clear that no-one who owes allegiance to a foreign 
crown is eligible to sit in Parliament.

As some countries (noticeably I think Greece and maybe Italy) don't allow their 
citizens to renounce their citizenship, it is considered OK if the member makes a 
statutory declaration that they don't want to be a citizen anymore and gives it to the 
embassy or high commission of their country.

However roughly a third of Australian MPs admit they are citizens of one country or 
another. The only MP in recent times to lose their seat as a result of this was from 
the small populist One Nation party, which surprised a lot of people by disqualifying 
the candidate bercasue she was a British citizen. The law here is very selective and 
crooked, it's like some crooked small town government spread across an entire vast 

Our former PM Bob Hawke, Rhodes Scholar and notorious drunk, held an (honorary) 
citizenship of Israel while he was PM. Did he stand down? What do you think.

--- Move to a better address ---
   + today freemail +

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Our Military Burden

2000-08-12 Thread Alamaine


During the Kosovariac boondoggle, it became clear that the U.S. forces were
taking on a great amount of the load simply because the "allies" had not kept
pace with materiel and procurement.  Thus, no matter how much we might want to
reduce our "allies" dependency on American forces, it just ain't gonna be soon.
 Read on.  It ain't just bad blood (BSE-based) apparently.  AER 

 A new missile system for the RAF has been delayed by nearly seven years. The
 Casom system is already in use in the United States air force and, according to
 the report, was 'made substantial use of in Kosovo'.

Military put at risk in £3bn fiasco
Kamal Ahmed, political editor
Sunday August 13, 2000

Britain's military capability is being severely hampered because more than £3
billion has been wasted through a series of financial blunders, The Observer
can reveal.

A damning report, which is based on an analysis of Ministry of Defence spending
since 1993, will show this week that it can take more than 14 years from making
a decision to buy new military equipment to its being put into service.

Such long delays mean that by the time the new equipment is in place it has
often been overtaken by technological advances and become obsolete. Millions
more pounds are then needed to update it. Even equipment that is bought 'off-
the-shelf' and supposedly ready for use takes six years to come into service.
Cost overruns, delays and technical problems all add to the MoD's financial
woes, the report says.

The document, prepared for MPs investigating the performance of the MoD and
obtained by The Observer , comes just days after General Sir Charles Guthrie,
the Chief of Defence Staff, warned that a staff crisis and lack of resources
were undermining the armed forces' strength as effective fighting units.

Such a huge amount of wasted money will be damaging for the Ministry of
Defence, which has recently received one of the biggest increases in its budget
from the Treasury since 1997.

'Analysis of the trends in cost and time performance since 1993 shows that
there is no evidence that the departments are controlling projects any better
than in the past,' says the report. 'The average delay to projects since 1993
has increased significantly from 36 months to 57 months.

'There is also evidence that project life-cycles are getting longer, increasing
the risk of them being overtaken by events, for example by technological
advances. In time terms, the average in-service date delay has risen by 11
months since 1993 and there is no evidence that projects since 1993 are less
vulnerable to delay than the ones they replace.'

The MoD's top 25 procurement projects are analysed in the pages of the report.
They are now expected to cost £38.3bn, an increase of £2.8bn compared with
original estimates. Two projects, the Tornado aircraft modernisation plan and
an air-to-air missile system, are 50 per cent over their budget.

The report will form the backbone of an investigation into the MoD to be
published by the Public Accounts Committee on Tuesday.

Members of the committee will question whether the MoD's new Smart Procurement
Initiative is actually working. Sources on the committee said that a culture of
deference and a complicated decision-making process meant that the MoD had been
unable to modernise quickly enough.

The investigation will focus on a series of debacles. It will question why the
Merlin Mark 1 helicopter did not come into service until March 1999, more than
five years late and £800 million over its budget.

It will also highlight problems with the Trigat anti-tank guided missile, which
has been delayed by nearly three years because of 'technical difficulties'.

A new missile system for the RAF has been delayed by nearly seven years. The
Casom system is already in use in the United States air force and, according to
the report, was 'made substantial use of in Kosovo'.

Nigel Griffiths, the Labour MP for Edinburgh South and a leading campaigner for
changes in the MoD, said that it was time for the entire culture of the MoD to
be fundamentally overhauled.

'I spoke to an ex-soldier who told me that they make regular complaints about
equipment, but that when those complaints are pushed up to a higher level they
are so watered down they bear no relation to the original problem,' he said.


Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist

[CTRL] Vigilante Vigil (1st 2nd)

2000-08-12 Thread Alamaine


There must be an island where they can send these individuals to keep them
apart from otherwise normal people.  I would be concerned with recidivism.
However, the Britlanders seem to have evolved into a mob rule (from too much
soccer?) society, which might be slightly contrary to "family values".

WSWS : News  Analysis : Europe : Britain
British media incites lynch-mob atmosphere over child sex abuse
By Julie Hyland
12 August 2000
Back to screen version

For weeks the emotive issue of child sex abuse has dominated public discourse
in Britain. This followed a sensationalist campaign initiated by the Sunday
tabloid newspaper News of the World to “name and shame” convicted sex

The News of the World, published by Rupert Murdoch's News International, has
been an outspoken defender of draconian law-and-order measures introduced by
successive governments, with one criticism—that they do not go far enough. Its
latest campaign was aimed at forcing the Labour government to introduce
stricter sentencing against sex offenders.

Under the 1997 Sexual Offenders Act, those convicted of imprisonable sex
offences must register their names and addresses with the police. Their names
can remain on the register indefinitely, depending on the seriousness of the
offence. Despite warnings from police and child welfare agencies that its
actions could endanger children by driving offenders into hiding, the News of
the World began publishing the names, photographs and approximate whereabouts
of 200 of the 12,000 individuals recorded on the Sexual Offenders Register.

It promised to continue publishing the list, and justified this on the grounds
of “public concern” following the abduction and murder of 8-year-old Sarah
Payne in July. Under the headline “If you are a parent you must read this”, the
News of the World claimed that there were thousands of paedophiles preying on
the young. Other newspapers joined in, orchestrating a climate of frenzied
retribution. The Daily Mirror July 18 edition front-page led with the demand
that whoever had murdered Sarah should “spend his life dodging razor blades in
his food, needing an armed guard when he takes a shower and fearing his throat
being slashed every night. Hanging these bastards really is too good for them”.

The lynch-mob atmosphere encouraged by the tabloids sparked a series of brutal
attacks across the country. On one housing estate in Portsmouth, rioting ensued
for seven nights outside the homes of suspected child sex offenders, forcing
four innocent families into hiding. Those demonstrating, including young
children, carried placards saying “Don't house them, kill them” and other
incendiary slogans.

Elsewhere in the country, several individuals were wrongly identified as
offenders and subjected to arson attacks on their homes. Two men killed
themselves as a direct result of the campaign—a 57 year-old grandfather with
convictions for child abuse and a 49-year old family businessmen accused of
sexual offences.

The government refused to condemn the disclosures and instead organized a
series of compromise meetings with the News of the World, children's agencies
and Sarah's relatives. Only when the campaign led to serious disturbances
involving hundreds of people did some Labour MPs call for an end to “mob rule”
and for legal action against the News of the World.

The News of the World finally called a halt to its campaign earlier this week,
but made clear that it was only temporary and would be restarted unless the
government adopted the measures it demanded. Any politicians who obstructed
this would be “named and shamed” the tabloid threatened.

With the support of many children's agencies and the Payne family, News of the
World is demanding the introduction of a “Sarah's Law”, modelled on Megan's Law
in the United States. This was implemented by the Clinton administration in
1994 following the murder of 7-year-old Megan Kanka in New Jersey by a
convicted sex offender. Under Megan's Law, states are able to circulate details
of convicted sex offenders to schools and youth organizations, and the police
can conduct door-to-door notifications in the paedophile's neighbourhood. The
law takes different forms in different states. Offenders in Louisiana can be
made to wear special clothes or carry sandwich boards announcing their crimes.
Sex offenders in Oregon can be forced to display a sign in their windows.

The measures being argued for by the News of the World pose a serious threat to
democratic rights that goes far beyond the relatively small number of
individuals ostensibly being targeted. Under existing legislation, those
employed in children's services in Britain are already subject to police checks
and child welfare agencies have access to the Sexual Offenders Register. What
is contentious in the “Sarah's Law” proposals are the public availability of
the register and calls that “indeterminate sentences be imposed in appropriate

[CTRL] Paedophile uproad in UK linked to far-right.

2000-08-12 Thread Ben Stone

From the Electronic Telegraph

A FAR-RIGHT group with links to the National Front is organising
 demonstrations against suspected paedophiles.

The National Democrats, a group founded by former members of the
 National Front, has set up a website called Paedophile Watch
 to "out" suspected child abusers with leaflets and demonstrations.

The site, which also lists newspaper reports containing the names and
 addresses of convicted sex offenders, may also be linked with
 Antimatter, the anti-paedophile group whose campaign prompted riots
 and led to innocent men being driven from their homes. Police have
 been investigating the group after letters wrongly identified two
 men in South London as child sex offenders.

The organisation gave out leaflets to neighbours of Michael Horgan,
 of Brockley, and Victor Terry of Croydon, neither of whom have
 criminal records. Both are namesakes of two other men, also from
 South London, named as paedophiles by the News of the World.

Last night a reporter posing as a member of the public contacted the
 Paedophile Watch number posted on the website and was told that if
 he supplied a paedophile's name, address and details, leaflets could
 be distributed near the abuser's home. The male voice on the end of
 the telephone, who refused to give his identity said: "We obviously
 want to help anyone who has a child abuser living nearby. If you
 give me the details we will check it out."

Police are studying the group's letters, which read: "A paedophile is
 in your area. Thanks to the News of the World we can now target this
 man." The person's address, telephone number and alleged offences
 were also given. The tactics bear the hallmarks of far-Right groups,
 according to Mike Whine, of the Board of Deputies of British Jews,
 who said said that such organisations were quick to jump on the
 bandwagon and whip up violent sentiments in the hope of recruiting
 new members.

Mr Whine said: "The National Democrats have been at the forefront of
 this move and organised demonstrations against paedophiles two
 years' ago. The anti-paedophile groups share members and information
 on child abusers and the National Democrats may well be connected to

The News of the World campaign, which has so far led to five innocent
 people being hounded as sex offenders, comes at a time when
 ministers are being forced to remove thousands of names from the sex
 offenders' registers because of the new Human Rights Act.

The legislation, which seeks to incorporate the European Convention
 on Human Rights into British law from October 2, states that all
 citizens have the right to privacy unless this is outweighed by
 other grounds, such as protecting the public from criminals. The
 move to drop names follows warnings that the register of 110,000
 names will be declared unlawful under "right to privacy" clauses
 unless it is urgently amended.

The problem arises because, in addition to paedophiles, the present
 register contains the names of people convicted of what civil rights
 groups consider "one-off" offences. Home Office insiders last night
 reassured the public that nobody considered a danger to children
 would be taken off the register and that the only people likely to
 be dropped would be those convicted of lesser offences while
 paedophiles will remain on it.

Among those likely to be removed from the register are adults
 convicted of engaging in consensual sex acts not involving children,
 such as group homosexual and sado-masochistic acts, and young people
 involved in underage sex. A review of the register is being carried
 out and proposals will be unveiled in the autumn.

At present all sexual offenders are kept on the list and have to
 report their whereabouts to local police but John Wadham, the legal
 director of Liberty, the civil rights pressure group, said that
 removing some of the names would make the register more
 effective "because police are obliged at present to keep tabs on a
 large number of people who pose no danger to children".

He said: "I think there are likely to be challenges made by people
 who are not a threat to children who will argue that the
 restrictions on their privacy are not justified. It is really an
 opportunity to make the register better focused on paedophiles and
 sex offenders who are a real danger to the public."

Meanwhile in Austria, Dieter Böhmdorfer, the justice minister,
 yesterday raised the possibility of his country publicising
 information about convicted paedophiles, saying it appeared to be
 the will of the public.

Mr Böhmdorfer, from the Right-wing Freedom Party, told Austrian State
 radio that making such information public could be necessary to
 protect victims. Saying that such a move could only take place
 within the context of the country's laws, he said that the
 information should not have the character of a 

[CTRL] Aplogism

2000-08-12 Thread Alamaine


Senator Lieberman - Apologist for the fascist KLA
by Jared Israel and Eric Garris (8-10-00)
"And so this Lieberman, who makes a public spectacle of his religious beliefs,
who pontificates from a pinnacle higher than Morality, this Lieberman fronts
for the KLA, self-proclaimed heirs to the Balli Kombëtar, the World War II
Albanian fascists (3) who are responsible for the deaths of almost all the Jews
in Kosovo. Note that since being put in power by NATO and the UN, the KLA has
driven from Kosovo those Jews who escaped the Balli Kombëtar during W.W. II,
driven out those survivors of the Holocaust and their descendants.(4)" [Excerpt
from "Senator Lieberman - Apologist for the fascist KLA"]

In April, 1999, during the NATO War against Yugoslavia, an attempt was made in
Congress to officially fund the arming of the Kosovo Liberation (sic!) Army
(sic! again) or KLA. Along with Sen. John McCain, Sen. Joseph Lieberman
sponsored the "Kosovo Self-Defense Act." The text of the statement Lieberman
made at the time is posted below.
Here are a few observations to help put Lieberman's actions in perspective.
There is virtually no doubt that at the time Lieberman was calling on Congress
to arm the KLA, the US was already covertly providing arms and training to that
secessionist-terrorist group. As early as the fall of 1998 we know that the
Kosovo Verification Mission was setting up tactical liaison with and providing
training for the KLA (1), all under the guidance of seasoned US death squad
liaison expert, William Walker. (2)

In February a Bosnian Islamist daily published the following:


"According to Tirana daily newspapers, the Albanian Minister of Foreign Affairs
Paskal Milo said that KLA members will be trained in the US. During his meeting
with US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, Milo was informed that Albanian
guerrilla members from Kosovo would be sent to the US for training. Milo added
that this was a promise, which Albright gave him personally." ('NEVNI AVAZ' or
'Daily Voice,' pro-Islamist Sarajevo daily, 26 Feb 99)

Does a promise, apparently made by US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in
February, 1999, to openly train the KLA contradict our assertion that the US
was already covertly training the KLA long before February?

We don't think so. Rather, the promise of open training represented an
escalation in illegality by the US government.

Consider, if you will, what it meant for the US to train the KLA.
1) The US was not at war with Yugoslavia in February, 1999.

2) In February, Albright described Kosovo as "a region of Yugoslavia about the
size of Connecticut," i.e. admitted it was part of a sovereign country.

3) In February, Albright called the KLA a "sometimes brutal and indiscriminate"
secessionist group devoted to a "simple answer to the tragedy of Kosovo:
independence from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia." (Quotes are from
"Madeleine Albright delivers remarks on Kosovo at the Institute of Peace," Feb.
4, 1999)

For the US to train the KLA secretly was therefore to secretly violate national
sovereignty, the cornerstone of international law. But to promise open support
for violent secessionists was to uphold the US government's right to openly and
flagrantly violate national sovereignty, the cornerstone of international law.
In another statement in February, Albright described how the 'international
community' (led by the US) would respond if the KLA didn't cooperate with US

"And if the Kosovar's [i.e., the KLA] crater this, it is obviously more
complicated because there's not one any center, but they will lose the support
of the international community and find themselves increasingly isolated and
they can't operate without the community...('ABC this Week,' Feb. 7. 1999, our

Obviously the KLA couldn't "lose the support of the international community,"
that is, of the U.S., unless it had it to lose. As Albright noted, the KLA
"cannot operate without" this support. So US Secretary of State Albright was
admitting that the US government made it possible for the KLA to conduct
terrorist attacks on Yugoslavia, a sovereign country. And mind you, all this
was weeks before the failure of the so-called negotiations at Rambouillet.
Significance of Lieberman's 'Arm-the-KLA' Resolution

The point of the "Kosovo Self-Defense Act" was not that it was needed in order
for the KLA to get U.S. weapons. Rather, it was intended to openly involve the
US Senate in a crime of war and to prepare public opinion for viewing the
vicious KLA fascists as freedom fighters deserving popular support. Lieberman
refers to the KLA as "Kosovan military forces" at a time (April 9, 1999) when
the KLA was largely isolated, even among secessionist-minded Albanians. And
note, that "Kosovan military forces" suggest there is some legitimate nation of
"Kosova" though no such has ever existed, except as a Nazi 

Re: [CTRL] Vigilante Vigil (1st 2nd)

2000-08-12 Thread Robert F. Tatman

The issue of child molesters and other sex offenders is more complicated yet.
According to some material I posted to CTRL a few months ago and don't have
immediately at hand (I'll dig it up and repost it), psychopaths such as child
molesters routinely fake out their therapists by mastering the lingo of
recovery, convincing the therapists that they have been "cured."  Once released
back into the community, they calmly resume their earlier behavior without
qualm.  Carrying this a little further, it seems that modern corporations, and
by extension modern government, offer a safe haven for many psychopaths, whose
antisocial or asocial conduct goes unnoticed or at most subsumed under the
rubric of good, aggressive business practices.  (Albert "Chainsaw" Dunlap is the
classic example of this type of psychopath.)  The psychiatrist who discussed
these findings suggested that the only long-term solution to the problem posed
by psychopaths, since their response to therapy cannot be trusted, may be either
permanent incarceration or permanent close monitoring.

- Original Message -
From: "Alamaine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 9:10 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Vigilante Vigil (1st  2nd)


 There must be an island where they can send these individuals to keep them
 apart from otherwise normal people.  I would be concerned with recidivism.
 However, the Britlanders seem to have evolved into a mob rule (from too much
 soccer?) society, which might be slightly contrary to "family values".


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Princess Diana spawns mad bombers

2000-08-12 Thread Ben Stone


Diana anti-mine charity accused of spying

12.08.2000 -

MOSCOW - Russia's FSB domestic security service has accused a British
 anti-landmine charity of teaching Chechen rebels explosives
 techniques and of spying on Moscow's military.

The allegations, which came two days after a bomb killed eight people
 in a Moscow underpass, were denied by the Halo Trust mine clearance
 agency, which dubbed them a smear campaign.

The trust is linked to the late Diana, Princess of Wales, who started
 her campaign against landmines in Angola in 1997.

A photo of Diana posing for the world's media wearing Halo Trust
 protective gear became an enduring image of her following her death
 in a car crash that same year.

Some officials have blamed the Moscow bomb on Chechen rebels.

The FSB, a successor body to the Soviet-era KGB, said it
 had "reliable information about the training of mine and explosives
 experts for armed groups of international terrorists in Chechnya."

"One group which is secretly carrying out such operations inside
 Russia is the international non-governmental organisation, the Halo

The FSB said the trust held courses to train "specialists in mines
 and explosives" inside rebel Chechnya on Russia's southern rim, and
 harboured British secret agents.

But the charity's director, Guy Willoughby, said the allegations
 were "a straightforward smear campaign, frankly,"

"If [the FSB] is trying to link Halo Trust training humanitarian mine
 clearance to bombs being made, then that's just sad, really; it's

The FSB said it had found 15 Halo Trust workers inside Chechnya last
 November when searching for rebels as part of its now 11-month-old
 war against separatist guerrillas in the region.

"We have information that most of them are members of various British
 military structures and the leader, Matthew Middlemiss, is a staff
 military spy," the FSB said, adding that it was holding an
 unspecified number of the charity's workers.

Willoughby said Middlemiss had worked for the trust briefly but left
 in 1996.

"He has never ever been to Chechnya, nor has he had anything to do
 with any Halo Trust programme in Chechnya."

Willoughby said he had no knowledge of any of the trust's workers
 being detained. Some staff had formerly worked in the military, but
 accusations that they gathered military intelligence were untrue.

He also denied the possibility of Chechens applying mine clearance
 training to mine laying. Mine clearers were taught to find the mines
 and blow them up.

"You could say you gain knowledge [of explosives] but it would be a
 bit like saying that by training someone to pass their driving test,
 you're training them to be a getaway driver in an armed robbery."

Halo said it did not work in Chechnya now and only did so with proper
 Russian visas and documentation.


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[CTRL] Miscarriage of Justus:

2000-08-12 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:


[CTRL] Problem with list

2000-08-12 Thread Ben Stone

This is the second time in 2 days I have been desubcribed from the list, supposedly 
becasue my email keeps bouncing back. I am resubscribed again.

Doe other people have this problem or is it just me they are harassing? I may need to 
switch to another email if it happens again.

--- Move to a better address ---
   + today freemail +

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Free Speech TV Newsletter, August 12, 2000

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Free Speech TV Newsletter, August 12, 2000

Precedence: bulk

Browse through our library of hundreds of films and video or host your
website with us.

Watch Free Speech TV 24/7 on Dish Network Channel 9415.
Get a Dish and watch Free Speech TV and hundreds of other channels.
Learn how your purchase supports Free Speech TV.

This newsletter is underwritten in part by Working Assets Long Distance

1. Free Speech TV broadcasted a historical coverage of the Republican
National Convention in Philadelphia from July 31st to August 5th live from
the Independent Media Center. Using satellite and public access television,
radio and the internet, reports of the rukus at Bush's coronation were one
of few contrasts to the corporate media blackout.

2. Tune in August 14th-18th.  Watch our live coverage from the Independent
Media Center in Los Angeles as tens of thousands mobilize at the Democratic
National Convention: On Free Speech Dish Network Channel 9415, and streamed
live on the web at  Also available on more than
40 Public Access cable stations around the country. (For listings visit

* Democaracy Now! with Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzales 8am-10am (eastern time)
* Crashing the Party: live reports from the barricades in LA. 9 pm-10:30 pm
(eastern time) with host Laura Flanders.

Jam For Justice

Daily coverage of Democracy Now! Ralph Nader at the RNC. Amy Goodman asks
ex-President Bush if he's a war criminal for bombing Iraq... Billionaires
for Bush or Gore try to buy FSTV...
Crashing the Party from Philadelphia... Police crush puppets... documented
reports of torutre and brutality against protestors in Philly jails...
million dollar bails for misdemeanors... and more

Live coverage from LA starting Monday

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while you save money on long distance calls.  Every time you talk on the
phone with Working Assets Long Distance, 1% of your charges are donated to
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more details!

Indymedia Convention Coverage 2000! on Free Speech TV

Last week, thousands of Americans descend upon Philadelphia to confront
Republican pols and fat cats. They challenged the establishment on issues
such as campaign finance reform, universal health care, the death penalty
and the reality of massive poverty in the midst of plenty that characterizes
the world of corporate "globalization." Free Speech TV and the Independent
Media Center in Philadelphia joined with hundreds of media activists to
cover the action. At week's end, over 450 protesters had been arrested. On
August 10th nearly 200 were still in jail, often beaten and brutalized by
their jailers. Rabbis and Jewish community leaders in Philadelphia issued a
statement decriying the city's treatment of protesters and "urged society to
heed the demonstrators "prophetic voices." The Rabbis called on the city:
"Do not persecute them for speaking out." (

A new mass political movement announced its emergence in the Seattle
protests against the World Trade Organization last November. And with it was
born a new independent media, young men and women with internet, camera,
radio and writing skills, sick and tired of the homoginized balony they are
fed in the corporate media, bored by the half-stepping "loyal opposition"
pieties of the old "left media." The Philadelphia RNC was a focal point for
newly galvanized, "no business as usual" forces from the east coast" The Los
Angeles DNC is the mobilization point for tens of thousands from around the
country who refuse to listen to another crop of forked tongued, corporate
bought pols ooze how "they feel your pain" while they stab you in the back.

Free Speech TV will again provide a television and internet platform on
EchoStar's Dish Network Channel 9415 for national coverage of the week's
events. The Independent Media Center will present dozens of pre-produced
segments on the reality of life in Los Angeles, a white ruled,
overwhelmingly non-white city that concentrates some of the nation's most
intense social contradictions. These segments will form part of our 

Re: [CTRL] Problem with list

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 8/12/00 9:31:25 PM,

This is the second time in 2 days I have been desubcribed from the list,
supposedly becasue my email keeps bouncing back. I am resubscribed again.

Doe other people have this problem or is it just me they are harassing?
I may need to switch to another email if it happens again.

This is what I as list owner get each day. The list is run automatically with
no proir interference or editing by me.  As to why an e-address has a
problem, I have no idea.

The following 2 subscribers were deleted from the CTRL list today:

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Date: Sun, 13 Aug 2000 00:04:24 -0400
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Subject:  CTRL: Daily error monitoring report
To:   Kris Millegan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] [MC] Fwd: [CTRL] Gunderson

2000-08-12 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 8/12/00 10:22:48 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Please - how are Reed, Colby and DeCamp connected?

 My light fixture is busted in my room right now, so I can't fish out the
books, but Decamp is quite open, esp. in the second edition, of his relation
with Colby, both in Vietnam and afterwards. Reed served in the SE Asian
theatre and was I believe, could be wrong, in some intel or intel peripheral
activity. Was he involved directly in phoenix, I dunna know for sure, but his
activities have been interesting and the claims that he made have at times
discredited some "explosive" tidbits.

Like I have said I do not claim it too be true, but in the debating tradition
of be able to defend both sides, one could make a strong case for some sort
of "military-run" mis/dis campaign, add Tyree's statements into the mix, plus
Roy Cohn and you could create quite the volatile suppositions.

A definite "fly in the ointment" could be Gene Wheaton,who some say gave
Terry Reed some of his info. Then also, it is my understanding that one of
the last folks to see  intrepid reporter Ace Hayes before he "died from his
aneurysm and other folks have told me that they suspected of him being
involved in 'wet" ops The story of the Gander crash and its manipulation is
an action that supposedly shows Mr. Wheaton's hand as an "agent provocateur.
I am no expert on the subject.. Others who claim "to know" have told me
things, as to their validity, I have know idea and make no accusations, just
idle speculations hopefully towards a deeper understanding of how things
really work 'round here.


- Original Message -

From: nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Sent: Saturday, August 12, 2000 9:58 AM

Subject: Re: [CTRL] [MC] Fwd: [CTRL] Gunderson

 [EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:


 Both Terry Reed and DeCamp and Colby,

 Decamps main backer, all had ties.

 which are?


 Gene Wheaton has been shown to be a

 mis/dis info specialist-and with possible ties to "wet" actions.

 By whom?

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] [MC] Fwd: [CTRL] Gunderson

2000-08-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well Nessie the Franklin Coverup is straight from the Garden of Eden -
which was the biggest coverup since CYA Club originated many many
centuries ago.

So skeletons in the closet - skull and bones and everybody is having a
coming out party?

Sex sells - corruption sells - homosexuals hiding in closets sells -
everything sells but Good News...

I only know such a title - I Was A Sex Slave for Dick Cheney - like
Marilyn Monroe - I Tried To Put the Make On Albert Einstein  or
little Monica.I Led Three Lives - Mossad Prostitute, Pentagon
Prostitute, and Clinton Whore of Month for Hugh Heffner.

Did she ever make Playboy Yet?

How about I was a sex slave for Alber Schweitzer, or by Mother Theresa -
well better forget that one.

Nessie - I am still trying to prove Lieberman is a front man for the
mob..trying to figure out who gave the kiss of death to Gore - Bush
or Lieberman?

Gonna be some exits pretty soon.

So look at Pat Buchannan - Black Vice President Candidae - soon, this
lady will say I Was A Real Sex Slave for God Knows What.
And she would have the credentials to prove that.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bill Clinton is suffering from a sexually-transmitteddisease.

2000-08-12 Thread Robert F. Tatman

I'd like to see full psychiatric workups on a few GOP members of Congress,
particularly Tom DeLay and Jesse Helms.  As for Senator Senility, Strom
Thurmond, all I can say is he must be the best insurance policy any President
and Vice President have, since as President Pro Tem of the Senate he is third in
the line of Presidential succession...

- Original Message -
From: "Ben Stone" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 17, 1998 10:41 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Bill Clinton is suffering from a

 These claims about Clinton aren't new. There was a suggestion (I don't know if
it was backed by anything except supposition) that he had HIV becasue he didn't
have proper penetrative intercourse with Monica.

 --- Move to a better address ---
+ today freemail +

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 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] [MC] Fwd: [CTRL] Gunderson

2000-08-12 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

Both Terry Reed and DeCamp and Colby,

Decamps main backer, all had ties.

which are?

Gene Wheaton has been shown to be a
mis/dis info specialist-and with possible ties to "wet" actions.

By whom?

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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