[CTRL] ET: Clinton ends troubled Colombia trip

2000-09-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

[It will be interesting to see how our objective press will
report the results of this vacation.]

Electronic Telegraph-Friday 1 September 2000

Clinton ends troubled Colombia trip
By Jeremy McDermott in Medellin

PRESIDENT CLINTON flew home yesterday after a visit to Colombia
marred by protests and violence.

 He had said repeatedly that about £750 million in military and
anti-drug aid that he was delivering did not signal "Yankee
imperialism" or armed intervention by Washington in Colombia's
civil war.

 Not everyone was convinced. While he walked around the port of
Cartagena, tranquil thanks to the 5,000 troops and police who
ringed the city, much of the rest of the country was caught up in

 Rebels launched attacks which left 23 people dead, and a riot
policeman was killed in the capital, Bogota, as students threw
stones and home-made bombs.

 An opinion poll reflected a positive view of the visit. More
than half of those questioned welcomed the aid and said they
would like US troops to be deployed.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Al Gore's Sister - medical cannabis user.

2000-09-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

- Original Message -
From: "heimstadt" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 10:20 AM
Subject: Al Gore's Sister - medical cannabis user.

OLD PIECE that I thought I'd pull out given the times
DECEMBER 17, 1999

[note - there are 27 states with Medical Cannabis laws on the
books - see Medicinal Marijuana Laws in All 50 States and the
District of Columbia" http://www.mpp.org/states/index51x.html for
full info]

Thirteen Existing State Laws Permit Medical Marijuana
Distribution Like the Tennessee Law That Served Al Gore's Sister;
Federal Intransigence Stands in the Way

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Thirteen states currently have laws on the
books to permit medical marijuana distribution through research
programs that are supposed to be run by the states' public health
departments. However, none of these laws, which were passed in
the late 1970s and early 1980s, are currently in operation,
largely due to the difficulty of obtaining marijuana from the
federal government.

 On December 14, Vice President Al Gore told reporters in New
Hampshire that his sister received medical marijuana through the
Tennessee program while she was undergoing cancer chemotherapy in
1984. "It came in a prescription container with a label on it,"
he said, adding that "it has not been unknown for some patients
undergoing chemotherapy to be prescribed, in the past, marijuana
as a means of dealing with the side effects of chemotherapy."

 The Tennessee law was repealed in 1992, and similar laws
have expired or been repealed in 10 other states. However, such
laws remain on the books in 13 states: Alabama, Georgia,
Illinois, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New
York, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Washington state, and
West Virginia.

 Unfortunately, since the mid-1980s, none of these state
programs has been operating. The reason is that the marijuana
must be supplied by the federal government: Due to the difficulty
of obtaining access to the federal government's marijuana, only
seven state public health departments ever managed to get their
programs up and running, and all of them eventually gave up after
having to deal with numerous federal obstacles year after year.

 "Today it is even harder to access the federal government's
marijuana than it was 15 years ago," said Chuck Thomas, director
of communications for the Washington, D.C.-based Marijuana Policy
Project. "Consequently, the 13 state medical marijuana research
programs hang in limbo. Many public health department officials
don't even know that these laws are on the books."

 "The Clinton/Gore administration should change its federal
medical marijuana research guidelines to make it easier for
seriously ill people to obtain the substance through state and
private research programs," said Thomas. "The Marijuana Policy
Project will devote considerable resources next year toward
re-opening these state research programs, so that patients today
have the same opportunity that Al Gore's sister had."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Book by Chris Hitchens

2000-09-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



Dr. Strangelove in the White House
By Christopher Hitchens
FrontPageMagazine.com | August 24, 2000

No One Left to Lie To:
The Triangulation of William Jefferson Clinton

by Christopher Hitchens
160 pp., Verso Books, $10

CHRISTOPHER HITCHENS was the guest speaker at our Wednesday
Morning Club luncheon last week. The relentless Clinton critic
and author of No One Left to Lie To lashed into the Clinton
regime before an appreciative audience of Hollywood conservatives
at the Peninsula Beverly Hills hotel. Here is a full transcript
of his remarks.

Introduction by Ann Coulter

Thank you. It’s an honor to introduce Christopher Hitchens. I
actually wasn’t prepared for this. I’m just Chris’s stalker. I
just show up wherever he’s speaking, because he’ll call the
President a rapist, and that always perks me up.

I don’t actually have any biographical information for you, but I
know he writes for Vanity Fair, and he exposed the President not
only as a rapist but a murderer in the bombing of the aspirin
factory and many other foreigners that Clinton was willing to
kill in order to distract from his personal problems. I will say
that the first time I met Christopher Hitchens was not when we
were smoking in a non-smoking area - though we’ve done that a
lot. We were supposed to be having a debate. I attacked Clinton
from the right, then he stood up and attacked Clinton from the
left. So I thought it was a really, really excellent debate. But
I really don’t think you want to hear any more from me. Let me
introduce the wonderful Christopher Hitchens.

Remarks by Christopher Hitchens

Thank you very much, Ann, and thank you very much David

I’m here to try to make trouble for the Democratic Convention. I
was at the independent media center for the “Shadow Convention”
last night when the forces of law and order came to close it down
and the riot police came to move people out of the building on
the spurious pretext that there was a bomb scare. We didn’t get
to make our point against the platform. And for a while out there
on the streets, it looked quite crunchy and tasty and promising
and menacing. I’m in favor of polarization and always have been.
There was something rather meek, still, about the liberals in the
crowd. I remember thinking, “What we need here is a couple of
hardened street fighters.” And I thought, “I wish I had
Horowitz’s cell phone number at that exact moment.” Strange how
these things come to you.

I have the sensation that at a meeting like this, people come
with the intention of speaking as well as listening. So I’ll
condense, as best I can, what I have to say, and then we’ll be

We have an eyewitness account of Benjamin Franklin leaving the
meeting at Philadelphia, where the Constitutional discussions
were concluded. And as he came out into the street, an old lady
with the last name Griffith - it was certainly a Welsh name -
came up to him and said, “Well doctor, what have you given us?”
And Franklin turned to her and said, “Madam, we have given you a
republic - if you can keep it.

Now, I don’t know how many of you watched the speech last night,
but I watched it twice because an addiction to polarization is an
indicator - the leading indicator - of masochism. And I thought,
“Yes, I know what kind of republic this is. It’s a banana

You have to recall to your minds that fair, complacent, contented
face - the face that says, “I got away with the whole thing and
there’s nothing you can do about it.” And he’s reading to you - I
don’t know if it reminds me more of Huey Long or George Orwell -
but it is said of Huey Long that when he first meditated his
campaign for running, he called all the fat cats of his state
together and said, “Those who come in with me now will get big
pieces of pie. Those of you who delay and come in later, you get
smaller pieces of pie. Those of you who do not come in at all
will get… good government. Fine government.”

Well, there’s the implicit moral blackmail of that, and then of
course, there’s the 1984 moment where the audience listens
helplessly while the radio produces endless statistics about how
everybody’s life is better all the time. Idiotic statistics about
greater prosperity, greater production, greater fulfillment of
norms. Everything. Women will soon cease to menstruate, there’ll
be five crops a year, and we’re on the road to conquering all
known diseases. We have a happiness pill already in production,
and you’re supposed to listen and be grateful to the government
for its ceaseless work on your behalf.

There’s always a sinister downside to the reeling off of
statistics like that by the great leader, from whom all blessings
flow, the fountainhead of all this prosperity which he’s done
nothing himself to generate -- in fact, having done, to my
knowledge, not a day’s work in his entire life. And having no
skills, except the obvious ones of 

[CTRL] Hunting For Large Carnivores

2000-09-01 Thread BB

Well I'll be dipped in horse pucky -- after reading
the lengthy list of
words listed herein, are there ANY words which can be
used in an email
without setting off bells and alarms at the perusal sites
of our large brethren?

"schuetzen - RKBA!" wrote:
-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~>
GET A NEXTCARD VISA, in 30 seconds! Get rates
of 2.9% Intro or 9.9% Ongoing APR* and no annual fee!
Apply NOW!
On Thu, 31 Aug 2000 22:18:57 -0400, "John Perna" [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hunting For Large Carnivores
Picking us off one at a time
Richard Mann, a North Carolina farmer, shot a wolf that was
threatening his cattle. When he went to bury the animal the next
day, he was confronted by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS)
officials who charged him with killing a red wolf -- a federally
protected endangered species. Mann was fined $2,000 and required
perform "community services" -- building wolf houses and feeding
John Taylor, of Mount Vernon, Va., was ordered not to build a small
house on his lot to accommodate his wheelchair-bound wife. The
says it would harm a bald eagle nest located 90 feet away.
Oregon's Board of Forestry has forced Alvin and Marsha Seiber to set
aside 37 acres of their 200-acre commercially harvestable land
protect the northern spotted owl.
Paul Presault purchased his Burlington, Vt., residence in 1975.
About 60 feet from his house was a railroad track. After he moved
in, the railroad company pulled up the track and formally abandoned
the line. Under an 1899 agreement, the land was to be returned
the original owners or successors. The City of Burlington had
plans. They simply took the property and built a bike and pedestrian
path. People ride through Presault's, property creating a nuisance.
Every week, 15 women gathered at Diane Reiter's Denver home for
Bible study, prayer and dinner. There was no loud music, speeches
other noise. Nonetheless, the Denver zoning administration served
Reiter with a cease-and-desist order citing a municipal ordinance
that prohibits more than one "prayer meeting" a month in a private
These cases and many more are summarized in the "National Directory
of Environmental and Regulatory Victims," a publication of the
Washington, D.C.-based National Center for Public Policy Research.
They represent gross violations of the Fifth Amendment to the
Constitution, namely, "... nor shall private property be taken
public use without just compensation."
You say: "What do you mean, Williams? The government didn't take
their property; the people still hold title." Holding title to
private property, all by itself, doesn't mean very much. For
example, suppose the government recognizes that you can hold
to your house but forbids you from living in it. The fact that
hold title to the house would be meaningless because the government
has restricted your options. By decree the government has reduced
the value of your property, and as such it is a "taking" of property
without just compensation in violation of the U.S. Constitution.
Let's look at Oregon's Board of Forestry forcing the Seiber family
to set aside 37 acres of their 200-acre plot to protect the northern
spotted owl. It just might be that protecting the spotted owl
vital to the national interests. But the burden and cost of
protecting the spotted owl should be borne by all Americans,
fall on particular Americans -- Mr. and Mrs. Seiber. Justice
fairness require that the Seibers be compensated for the loss
value of their property from having to set aside 37 acres.
Just compensation doesn't go over big with environmentalist wackos,
simply because it would reveal the cost of their agenda. They
achieve their agenda better simply by getting federal, state
local governments to run roughshod over people's rights. They
us off one at a time. The rest of us don't know how our neighbors
are being victimized and, if we did, I doubt whether there'd
be many
of us who'd care and be willing to help defend our fellow citizen.
We should all pause and remember that if the government can rip off
one citizen, what's to say one of us won't be next?
[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender
Dear Federal Snooper:
 We got you to read all of the wisdom, that you see
above, by including the
"Carnivore" key words list that you see below.
Learn something and repent. We know that the reason that they call
"Carnivore" is because it "goes after the meat" of a message, and has
ability to ignore words that are not in complete sentences. There is
a nice
dissertation on Waco right after the key word list. ENJOY!
 No one is spared, when freedom fails
 The best men 

[CTRL] Chicken Little Awards

2000-09-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER





"Just about everything Americans and others around the world have
been told in the past two decades about the climate, energy
reserves, chemicals, and an endless list of bogus threats to
their well being has been proven to be false," says Alan Caruba,
founder of The National Anxiety Center, a think tank
headquartered in Maplewood, N.J.

The tenth annual Chicken Little Awards are devoted to identifying
"the worst lies that have been foisted on Americans and others in
order to destroy the astonishing progress mankind has made to
improve everyoneís life." Founded In 1990 by the veteran science
and business writer, the Center created "The Chicken Little
Awards" to focus attention on the efforts of individuals and
organizations "to scare the daylights out of millions of people
for the purpose of influencing public policy."

"What is continually ignored is the fact that Americans and
others in developed nations around the world are living longer,
generally healthier lives, than ever before in history," said
Caruba. "What is ignored is a full-fledged assault on the very
means to sustain our success, the ability to utilize the earthís
resources and to maintain high standards of health, the provision
of sufficient food for the worldís population, and the
preservation of independent nations, free to determine their

The Banning of DDT is first on the list of the Centerís Chicken
Little Awards, largely due to the alarmist, false writings of
Rachel Carson. "The sole purpose of the environmental movement is
to reduce the earthís population, despite the fact the earth is
over five billion years old," said Caruba. "When the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency banned DDT in 1972, it ignored
the fact that DDT had prevented the death of 500 million people
since its first widespread use in 1943. Since then, millions have
needlessly died or had their lives impaired by Malaria, a disease
on the rise. Plans to eliminate other pesticides worldwide are
moving forward. This is nothing less than planned genocide."

Global Warming is second on the list. "In the 1970ís
environmentalists were warning that a new Ice Age was coming.
When that scare campaign failed, they turned to global warming,
but to date there is no evidence of a dramatic warming trend to
support this claim. More than 18,000 scientists worldwide have
spoken out against this Big Lie intended to force industrialized
nations to reduce their energy use."

Genetically Modified Crops is third on the list. "With a
population estimated to be six billion, the earth needs this
remarkable means to grow more food on less land, with less
dependence on the chemicals used to ward off insect pests and
adverse climate conditions. This, however, has not deterred
leading environmental organizations from launching a huge scare
campaign to needlessly frighten people."

Food Scares are fourth on the Centerís list. "The food police
have warned against irradiation that kills deadly food poisoning
pathogens, as well as the diet of huge portions of the worldís
population, including the natural inclination of humans to
include meat in their diets," said Caruba. "The worst
perpetrators of these lies are the members of the animal rights
movement who are engaged in a worldwide program of terrorism."

The Timber Lies, fifth on the Centerís list, have been a
sustained program in the U.S. where two-thirds of the forests
that existed when the Pilgrims arrived are still thriving. "The
lies that the Spotted Owl was endangered shut down 187 mills in
the northwest and wiped out 22,654 jobs. The U.S. is now
importing lumber when it is home to vast forestlands that have
been put off limits to any use by Americans, whether as timber
resources or for recreation."

The Oil Lies, sixth on the list, are the reason, in part, why
Americans are paying higher prices than ever before for a tank of
gasoline or to heat their homes and businesses. "Half the cost of
gasoline in the U.S. goes to taxes. The U.S. has huge reserves of
oil that years of increased restrictions by Congress have put off
limits to create a phantom scarcity. The projected reserves of
oil worldwide would fuel the needs of the worldís population for
hundreds, if not thousands, of years." New technologies may,
however, reduce dependence.

Endangered Species rank seventh on the Centerís list. "Deterring
the building of homes, hospitals, and other elements of a
thriving economy is the sole purpose of this utterly failed
program to preserve falsely identified endangered species. The
U.S. is suffering from unfettered populations of deer, Canadian
Geese, and the introduction of predator species that attack
cattle and sheep, as well as endangering human life. Fully 99% of
all the species that ever lived on earth are extinct. Darwin was

Urban Sprawl is ranked eighth 


2000-09-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

New York Post-September 1, 2000




Hillary Rodham Clinton has intervened to block spy Jonathan
Pollard from being transferred to a potentially dangerous unit of
the federal prison where he is serving a life term, The Post has

The first lady quietly went to bat for Pollard last week after
Jewish leaders told her prison officials planned to move him out
of the relatively safe unit where he has spent the past seven

Pollard's supporters fear he would have faced attacks in the new
unit, said to house violent inmates including white supremacists,
because he spied for Israel and is an Orthodox Jew.

Under special arrangement, Pollard is imprisoned in a small unit
at North Carolina's Butner prison, used primarily to house
nonviolent sex offenders who are receiving treatment.

The unit, called Clemson, is regarded as among the safest in the

Pollard's friends had warned that he would be transferred to the
Virginia unit, where fights, stabbings, racist incidents and
rapes are not uncommon.

They believed prison officials want to transfer him to make room
in the Clemson unit for additional sex offenders because the
prison gets more funding for housing them than for other inmates.

Pollard, a former U.S. Navy civilian intelligence analyst,
pleaded guilty to passing military secrets to Israel.

Whether he should be granted clemency has been a political issue
in the Senate race and is even reported to have come up in
Mideast peace talks over the past few years.

Jewish officials told The Post they were thankful for Clinton's
assistance in trying to prevent Pollard's transfer.

Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn), who notified Clinton's
campaign aides about the situation Aug. 24, praised the first
lady for acting quickly "on a humanitarian basis."

"We asked for help, and I was told she took care of it and that
she wanted to stay on top of it if there were any changes,"
Hikind said. "We're all grateful."

Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson confirmed the Democratic
candidate's involvement.

"This issue was brought to Hillary Clinton's attention, and she
was concerned on humanitarian grounds," Wolfson said.

"She had those concerns conveyed to the appropriate authorities."

Pollard's supporters believe Clinton's action has quashed the
transfer, but federal prisons spokesman Scott Wolfson said that,
as a matter of policy, the agency doesn't comment on inmate

Jewish leaders - who claim Pollard's life term doesn't fit the
crime and is disproportionate to sentences received by other
spies - have pressed Clinton and her GOP rival, Rick Lazio, to
endorse clemency for Pollard.

Neither has taken a position on whether Pollard should be freed.

Hikind and other Jewish officials believe Clinton would pick up
badly needed votes in the Jewish community, particularly among
Orthodox and Hasidic Jews, if she comes out in favor of releasing

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] HoffmanWire: Dees vs. Aryan Nations

2000-09-01 Thread lloyd


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Independent History  Research" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: HoffmanWire: Dees vs. Aryan Nations
Date: Friday, August 25, 2000 12:23 PM

* T H E  H O F F M A N  W I R E
* August 25, 2000
* Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
* Independent History and Research
* Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83816 USA
* Website:
* http://www.hoffman-info.com
This e-mail is for those who have requested it.
We have a strict anti-spamming policy.
Subscribe/Unsubscribe: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Morris Dees vs. Aryan Nations

Beginning this weekend and building to a crescendo on Monday the 28th of
August, the public, especially in America, will be bombarded by
establishment-media reports about the civil suit by Morris Dees, of the
"Southern Poverty Law Center" against Richard G. Butler, the leader of Aryan
Nations based at Hayden Lake, Idaho.

The trial will take place in Coeur d'Alene at the Kootenai County
courthouse. Dees is not the great attorney he's made out to be. He has won
in the past against impoverished defendants with incompetent or non-existent
counsel, and largely through the science of jury-profiling, wherein expert
analysts of the psychology of potential jurors are used to assist Mr. Dees
in hand-picking a jury sympathetic to his goals.

While north Idaho is packed with obstreperous, intractable individualists
for whom "gun control" are the two worst cuss words in the dictionary, there
is no guarantee that such jurors will make it through gun-grabber Dees'
jury-profile net.

Mr. Butler's Aryan Nations was established in the 1970s on 20 acres of
farmland which were to be the first parcel in a growing territory to be set
aside as a white people's enclave in the mountain Northwest. Thousands of
whites over the years contributed funds to Aryan Nations' based on this
concept of a "bastion." Some of these donors were shocked when last year the
82-year-old Butler announced that the land would not be set aside as an
Aryan homeland after his death, but deeded to his non-political children as
their private inheritance.

Mr. Butler has long preached a "Seedline" Christian Identity doctrine with
remarkable Talmudic parallels. In the past few years this "Seedline" notion
of a devil race has been conclusively debunked by scholar Ted Weiland in his
book, "Eve: Did She or Didn't She?" ($8.00 postpaid from Mission to Israel,
Box 248, Scottsbluff, NE 69363).

In spite of the fact that the "Seedline" hypothesis is no longer the
dominant theology  of Christian Identity, the media prefer to describe the
movement in Seedline terms because media executives believe it discredits
the movement as a whole.

Here in Idaho Aryan Nations is not known as the headquarters of a viable
white separatist organization staffed by an elite,  but rather as a
"homeless shelter" and "soup kitchen" for white drug addicts, felons on
parole, child molesters and government informants.

Randy Weaver's wife Vicky would probably be alive today had Weaver not
attended an Aryan Nations' event where he was befriended by informants for
the Federal government's ATF gun police, and entrapped in an illegal gun
scheme that resulted in a government shoot-out at his Ruby Ridge, Idaho

The two most significant government Cointelpro-style "black op" stings of
the 90s, the infamous Oklahoma (OK) City Bombing and the lesser known
organization that had a hand in the bombing, the Aryan Republican Army
(ARA), were peopled by Aryan Nations principals.

For several years one of Mr. Butler's numerous "heirs-apparent" was Aryan
Nations' "East Coast Ambassador" Mark Thomas. Mr. Thomas was implicated in
the murder of a father and mother by their disgruntled skinhead sons in

He helped direct the shadowy ARA in a string of bank robberies organized by
informants for the US Secret Service and the CIA. One of ARA's gunmen was
with Timothy McVeigh the day of the OK bombing.

Before the bombing, McVeigh was spotted at a Spokane, Washington motel with
two Aryan Nations figures, Chevie Kehoe and child molester and expert
gunsmith Gregory McCrea. Kehoe would go on to slaughter William Mueller, an
OK City bombing witness and his entire family. Kehoe was wearing an FBI
tactical command jumpsuit when he perpetrated the murders.

Many of these investigative leads were explored by leftist David Hoffman (no
relation to this writer) in his book, "The Oklahoma City Bombing and the
Politics of Terror." I cannot furnish ordering details for this title
because last year the FBI brought suit against its publisher, Feral House,
to have all extant copies (the entire stock of several 

Re: [CTRL] WT: Army training centers get failing grades

2000-09-01 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 08/30/2000 3:31:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 "Let me clearly state the U.S.  Army Field Artillery School is
 nearing an unready state for training artillery soldiers," Gen.
 Stricklin wrote.

 A spokesman for Army Training and Doctrine Command, which
 oversees the training centers and collected the readiness
 reports, declined comment yesterday. "We have no comment at all
 about leaked material," said spokesman Harvey Perritt.

 Generals who run the centers complain of inadequate funding,
 equipment and instructors.  Their stark messages are contained in
 memos to Training and Doctrine Command in the latest readiness
 reports available for this year.  Final reports are due after the
 fiscal year ends Sept. 30.  All schools were projected to
 continue operating at low levels 

I spent a lot of years with the military, and I hate to be the one to tell
you, but poor training ability and policy has very little to do with funding.
 There are far too many generals in the U.S. armed forces, and they have all
been mismanaging the situation far too long.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] WT: Army training centers get failing grades

2000-09-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

Glad to see you back Prudy;  so, I wonder - we have military over the
world training UN ttroops.

The more I think of it, Clinton and/or NWO is slowly doing away and
destroying our OWN military and are establishing grounds for NWO UN
troops only.

Our military represented the birds in the sky, the fish in and on the
ocean, and our men on ground were something of which to be proud.

So now we arm Saudi Arabia and Israel and permit Sadaam Hussein to hoard
whatever he can and Russia cries about her financial woes and we spent
how much in a phoney cold war channeling munitions all over the world.

For the MAFIA controls the munitionsmaybe that is why Sicily got
such a bad name - even Barabas used to work in sulphur mines and he
probably smelled more like brimstone than the devil himself.

So what is wrong with the picture.The Air Force.remember when
the song played "And touched the face of God".at my brother in laws
funeral this was used - he flew with the best of them.

Anything full chicken Colonel up is political appointment..remembr
Maxwell Taylor, Spatz, Hap Arnold, Billy Mitchll,  Stilwell, and
Pattonthese great men and some I had met - Nathan Twining was a
stuffed shirt, Edwin Booth a big ham..Eisenhower, well why did he
hate Patton because Patton knew the enemy - he new the Nazi and
Communist mind...he knew their goalshe knew the windmills from
the windmills and look what happned to him.

No we have a great military but the big General lists.   Look at that
Clark, that NATO fraudcall that a soldier?   Look at the Japanese
sharpshooter called to WACO
 and Ruby Ridge who murdered and i say murdered a dog and its little 8th
grade owner and then the motherthis is our WEst Point now?

From stuffed shirts to assassins? When there is no war we have no
need of many soldiersso oyou hve a reserve and national guard and
even the boy scouts being taught honor and obey - for in military always
thought a Gideon would do exactly as he was told...

Our military is being destroyed from within with idiots - political
hacks, like this Admiral Crowe making big bucks giving troops
questionable vaccines...look at the military, and wonder and try to
remember the last ime you heard the song and beautiful words to "And
touched the face of God".

This is only reason I am voting for Bush - he said no US soldier will
wear UN uniform, and he said he would beef up military.

Our Constitutuion states you defend this country and its
borders...Clinton opens door to enemy I think because he is being
just a little more than blackmailedhe is virtually held hostage in
our national capitolhe is in fact, a hostagehe knows where he is
safe, and the last place is in the White House.

I had a frigtening experiencne - a friend of mine is trying to get me
interested n learning all about Tarot Cards because I am looking for
Tarot Card Assassins - anything I can find.

I looked for the upside down man hanging from gibbet, but suddenly came
across the Falling Tower card which to me always represented
communications..suddenly I saw fall of dome and it looked like our
White House.   Scared the hell out of me.

So now I go back to listening to music of the world, and wonder how
Americian can ignore the works of Stephen Foster for writing Old
Darakies and Old Folks at Home, and prefer hateful rap music is written
to represent black america?

You see they push for race riots, hatred - not of a man or a woman, but
an entire nation of old people, blacks, hispanics, whites, christians,
moslems..turning one against the other.

I do not like Joe Lieberman.why?  He speaks softly, smiles, and
quotes scripture - but I still do not like Zionism for they would
destroy the peaceful jew and arabs in holy land, rather than deal with
thm honestly, about the big bucks in oil...bastards allleave the
jew and the arabs alone - they speak words of peace but are preparing
for war big time.

Where you been Prudy...was wonderin about you yestreday and today
was going to ask -  been at lake or on vacation?

And be proud of what is left of our military and remember those general
lists - my poor old brother in law got passed over twice and  he worked
with Elliott Roosevelt, who made Generaland then he got passed by
and he was working with Trumans nephew -  he made General..but Phil
was getting older and always held full command ad into the missile race
and that guy had something they could never have.big brain and big
hearthe paid way to college for two women who lost all in war.he
always liked to help people but boy that guy was 100% GI Joe even though
he held full Command.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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Re: [CTRL] Al Gore's Sister - medical cannabis user.

2000-09-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

When older people want this same pill, their share for 30 days is over
$200 - who can afford that?

Well Al Gore's sister could no doubt...I keep remembering one thing
Clinton said, and as bad as that guy's - well look what he married - but
he tries to tell the American people things with little "one liners"

Once he slipped in a line 'hey, ever notice how much cheaper you can buy
drugs in Canada", mealing prescribed medication?

These pills when synthetized are expensive...in natural form, are free

People should quietly grow their grass in their rooms like Ted Turner
did, and my son did onceI nourished that plant with water, until he
told me what it was - and then I said I was going to let it die a slow,
natural death..yet, when that little plant dies is when you smoke
itand when it has useful medicinal purposes .

Clinton more and more I realize that guy has b een held hostage by
NWO/CFR - note death about him and body bag count?   Is this done to
show how close they can get to him?

It was something I remember in this book, and I remembered the
name.about Manson called  Taming The Beast - where Manson threatened
Jimmy Carter's nephew when they had falling out, and he was going to
have Ms. Lillian killed.

I believe there are programmed killers out there some in and out of
prison..they got Payne Stewart, who through Greg Norman was close to
President4 dead men flying in an airplaneone had just won Ryder
Cup and Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar - though he does not live in fear
for the only thing that guy is scared of, is his wife?Remember

So..more and more I think why is Washington is seige?   Manson like
a John Gotti - can he order peple executed at will?

John Gotti in a sense, is a victimthe guy who sent him up, admitted
to killing 19 people right on witness stand and they set him free?

Remember what a nut G. Gordon Liddy was?  Alsteir Crowley was British
Intelligence gone bad; my friend knew him when she was very young and
his old friend Israel Regardie lived in California as I
recall..Crowley got on drugs and self destructed.

So evil world.is anyone out there like me old enough to remember
LIttle Red Riding Hood?  Squeaky Fromme - with a gun trying to kill

Note how the psychics have been shut up - like Jean Dixon who marked the
Kennedys for murder?  I was the only one in the USa who took ok that old
bat for what she was doingtakes one to know one, and she was not one
- that woman was worse than a murderer.   She used God to cover her

When I first realized what the Mafia was, it was when I realized behid
them was a true Machivellian mind and then it hit me  HOLY COW...the
Maifa is black ops of CIAand today some of these contract killers
still operate on their own.With a word, a look, a smile, a thumbs
down or a mojo you can sentence a man for execution - not murder, for
they execute judgment at high noon or low noonmidnight high tribunal
(and that is out of myveryrare manuscript).

So enough said and Prudy,  I could never Clinton in JFK, but you do see
a wee bit of JFK in Clinton.And I have a picture of him  holding
Buddy, which makes you like him.

Sothe days are evilthere are programmed killrs out
there...like a Medussa touch for we all communicate too in dreams
and most do not know it..in the night the priests and nuns pray all
night for safety in streets and for lost soulsfor they know as does
the Pope, that prayer is direct telephathic communication with God - and
that, is my original theory..telephathy is comunication to God and
you do not need a radio receiver for he will hear you if you pray long
and hard enough.

So pray for peace and read the end of Romans 12..I almost believe in
retribution and believe the evil will be exposed.

Might add boy those Aussies  takin on the UN...DUNDEE

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fw: Out on the left coast

2000-09-01 Thread Robert F. Tatman

- Original Message -
From: "Larry Petkov" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: [address list snipped]
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 12:30 AM
Subject: [July30] Out on the left coast

July 30 in Philly - www.unity2000.com

Why Nader country might count

The Green Party won't win the White House, but it could sway enough voters
here to change who does.

Brad Knickerbocker ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor


 Do you think that Nader will have any impact on Gore's campaign?
Talk about it.

It's called the "upper left coast" - that 800-mile stretch from San Francisco
Bay to Puget Sound. And along with its spectacular scenery, it probably has
more political progressives per square mile than any place this side of
Harvard Square.

This is Ralph Nader country, the region where the fiery consumer advocate and
Green Party presidential candidate - although he has virtually no chance of
winning the White House - could make all the difference in who does.

"A year ago it was a whisper in the wind," says Tim Hermach, an environmental
activist in Eugene, Ore. "Now I hear a rumble, and come November it could be a

Why the Nader attraction up here?

For one thing, there's a history of labor and social activism going back more
than a century. This quadrant of the American geopolitical landscape is
synonymous with free speech (Berkeley), the remnants of hippiedom (Humboldt
County in northern California), overt dissent (the World Trade Organization
meeting in Seattle), today's version of anarchism (Eugene, Ore.), and
environmental activism throughout.

There's also a tradition of maverick politicians from Wayne Morse to Tom
McCall to Mark Hatfield to the majority on today's Seattle City Council, who
are members of the Green Party. While 19 percent of the country was going for
Ross Perot in '92, the diminutive Texas billionaire was winning more than
one-fourth of the presidential vote in this part of the country.

"Perot was a bit of a fascist, but at least he was talking common-man talk,"
says Mr. Hermach.

Nader's message of environmental protection, social justice, and grass-roots
democracy resonates with many here - particularly those who see little
difference between "compassionate conservative" Republicans, buffing a more
centrist image, and the predominant New Democrats, who have shifted their
party rightward.

"Back in 1992, I was really excited about Al Gore," says Washington State
activist and author David Korten. "My wife and I sent him a substantial
campaign contribution and talked up his candidacy with our friends."

But today, Mr. Korten told the Green Party convention in June, "we are Greens
because we are no longer willing to be manipulated by a political system in
which the Republicrats present us with a nonchoice among candidates bought and
paid for with corporate money."

Dan Hamburg, a former Democratic member of Congress from northern California
who switched to being Green, echoes many Nader supporters when he says, "I'm
tired of the Democratic Party taking us for granted."

Gore may have gotten a post-convention bounce in the polls, but with Nader
running a full-blown campaign this year (as opposed to his desultory effort in
1996), the vice president could be in trouble out here. Political analyst
Charles Cook includes Oregon and Washington as among the dozen states "too
close to call."

"In closer presidential contests, like this one,... tiny states, which carry
disproportional weight in the Electoral College, become a factor," he says.

"It's tempting to completely dismiss [Reform Party hopeful Patrick] Buchanan,
and for that matter, Green Party candidate Ralph Nader as insignificant
factors in this race. But if this is going to be a really close race, small
things could be important."

Still, some observers throw a spray of cold, north Pacific water on the Nader
phenomenon. Citing the historical record of other left-wing candidates such as
Henry Wallace in 1948 and Eugene McCarthy 20 years later, Oregon State
University political scientist William Lunch says, "It's an interesting
phenomenon which will dissipate and go away as we get closer to the

"In the short run, this is fun and it's a nice diversion," he adds. "But in
the long run, it's a footnote to our real politics."

For the moment, however, the Nader movement is very much abuzz in the Pacific

This past weekend, Mr. Nader packed a political rally in Portland. More than
10,000 people paid $7 each to attend, a larger group than any that has come
out to see either George Bush or Al Gore - including their conventions.

Nader's running mate is a big draw in this part of the country as well. She's
Winona LaDuke, a native American author and activist from Minnesota who grew
up in Ashland, Ore., graduated from Harvard in economics, and in 1994 was
named by Time magazine as one of America's 50 most-promising young leaders.

Many supporters feel as Steve Traisman of Ashland 

[CTRL] OEN 9/1/00

2000-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin
Joseph Lieberman's

Bible Tale of Bill and Monica

"If I had a hammer . . ."

And Monica went out to meet Bill, and said unto him, "Turn in, my lord, turn
in to me; fear not." And when he had turned in unto her in the tent, she
covered him with a mantle. . . .

Again, Bill said unto Monica, "Stand in the door of the tent, and it shall
be, when any man doth come and enquire of thee, and say, 'Is there any man
here', that thou shalt say, 'No.' "

Then Monica took a nail of the tent, and took a hammer in her hand, and went
softly unto him, and smote the nail into his temples, and fastened it into
the ground: for he was fast asleep and weary. So he died.
Judges 4:18-21

Money Laundering

British Banks Laundering Money through Liechtenstein

Time to shut down London, the world's money-laundering capital.

BRITISH banks have been involved in the laundering of money through
Liechtenstein, a special prosecutor said yesterday.

Kurt Spitzer was speaking after an eight-month investigation into claims that
the principality was a hotbed of laundering for organised crime, including
Russian gangs and South American drug cartels. Mr Spitzer, who was brought in
by Liechtenstein from Austria to investigate allegations made in a leaked
German intelligence report last year, produced his findings in the capital,
Vaduz. He dismissed most of the claims as rubbish.

He said: "I have observed that most assets that wound up in the principality
to be laundered had already been 'pre-washed' in other countries. This ought
to serve as a reminder to those countries which are now pointing the figure
at the principality." In particular, he cited transfers of dubious funds from
banks in Britain, America, Switzerland and Luxembourg. He said bankers in
those countries had failed to exercise due diligence.

He said: "In all, I can say that white-collar crime in Liechtenstein is no
different [from that] in other European countries." But he was critical of
the principality's failure to act promptly on international requests for
tracking down money launderers. He said the authorities involved were too
bureaucratic, inefficient and short-staffed. Two judges are now under
investigation for obstructing the course of justice.

Mr Spitzer disclosed that a money-laundering investigation was under way
against Herbert Batliner, a prominent Liechtenstein financial manager who has
been implicated in the slush-fund scandal involving Germany's former
chancellor, Helmut Kohl, and his Christian Democratic Union. Mr Batliner, 72,
is suspected of stashing away millions of pounds in undeclared CDU donations
via a web of offshore trusts. He has declined to comment.

Liechtenstein is toughening its laws and boosting manpower to fight financial
London Telegraph, September 1, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Prescott Bush/Nazis -- Actual Doc.

2000-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector

Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:639544"Prescott
Bush/Nazis -- Actual Doc./A
Subject: Prescott Bush/Nazis -- Actual Doc.

Date: Fri, Sep 1, 2000 1:58 AM
Message-id: 8onr12$1oi2$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

This web-site includes actual scans of the Vesting Orders in 1942 that
the seizure of  Union Banking, of which Prescott Bush was a director and
a shareholder, along with Harriman et al.. This was under the Trading with
the Enemy Act, for their financing of Nazis. This order also states UB's
partnership with the Thyssen
Family, the notorious Nazi financiers.

A HREF="http://www.bushcheney2000.org/VestingExplain.htm#10"http://www.bushc

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.bushcheney2000.org/VestingExplain.htm#10"Rami
fications of Vesting Order 248/A
Inside  External links
The author's case against Prescott Bush Home

Why the author says that Prescott Bush committed treason
The author of this web page states that Prescott Bush, grandfather of Gov.
George W. Bush, was a traitor working on behalf of the Nazis when this
country was at war with Germany during World War II.  The proof comes in the
form of four arguments:

Argument #1:
The Secret War Against the Jews (John Loftus and Mark Aarons, 1994, St.
Martin's Griffin).
Pages 357 - 361

Loftus and Aarons spell out how Herbert "Bert" Walker and his son-in-law,
Prescott Bush, worked on behalf of the Nazis after the US had gone to war
against Germany.

Argument #2:
Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin's George Bush: the Unauthorized
Biography (http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm)
Chapter II - The Hitler Project

Tarpley and Chaitkin cite many documents confirming the thesis.
Specifically, they use Vesting Order 248 (1942) as evidence that the US
Government considered the Union Banking Corporation as working on behalf of
the enemy (Germany).  Tarpley and Chaitkin also footnote documents confirming
that Prescott Bush was the director of the Union Banking Corporation.

Argument #3

The author has obtained a copy of the summary for Vesting Order 248 from the
Federal Register, in Washington DC.


The Federal Register
Washington, DC
Web: http://www.nara.gov/fedreg/
Metro stop: Union Station


10 cents a copy

Vesting Order 248:

The summary for Vesting Order 248 is very brief. The author recommends that
interested parties read the first few paragraphs.

The summary reads:


Under the authority of the Trading with the enemy Act, as amended, and
Executive Order No. 9095, as amended, and pursuant to law, the undersigned,
after investigation, finding:

(a) That the property described as follows:

All of the capital stock of Union Banking Corporation, a New York
corporation, New York, New York, which is a business enterprise within the
United States, consisting of 4,000 shares of $100 par value common capital
stock, the names of the registered owners of which, and the number of shares
owned by them respectively, are as follows...
One of the stockholders listed is Prescott S. Bush.

Argument #4

From the local library the author has made a photocopy of an entry in a
reference book from September, 1942 (a month before Vesting Order 248 was
issued) showing that Prescott Bush was a director of the Union Banking Corp.
(Source: Polk's Bankers Encyclopedia, 96th edition, Section 1, Sept. 1942,
R.L. Polk  Co., Publishers)

Author's question:
If Ralph Nader's family had obtained great wealth from a grandfather's work
on behalf of the Nazis would the media remain quiet about it?  The media's
silence on the subject of what Loftus-Aarons and Tarpley-Chaitkin have
written regarding the Bush family dynasty speaks volumes about the mainstream
media's commitment to protect the general public from tyranny and oppression.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread 

[CTRL] Bush Family's Cruel Legacy

2000-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.bushcheney2000.org/BushLegacyIndex.htm"Bush
Family's Cruel Legacy/A
George Herbert "Bert" Walker and Prescott Bush (1895-1972): US Government
seizes assets for alleged ties to Nazi Germany
(sources: The Secret War Against the Jews (John Loftus and Mark Aarons, 1994,
St. Martin's Griffin; and Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin's George
Bush: the Unauthorized Biography at http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm)
In 1942, the US government charges Prescott Bush with running Nazi front
groups in the US.
(From the writing of Loftus-Aarons  Tarpley-Chaitkin.  It gets somewhat
confusing but here goes):

In 1900, Bert Walker founds the banking and investment firm of G. H. Walker
and Company.   In 1924, while G.H. Walker is still intact he is also the
president of Union Banking, which is located in the offices of Averill
Harriman's company (W.A. Harriman  Co.).  (Harriman is a dominating figure
of US politics at the time; a sort of one-man Heritage Foundation.)  At this
time Union Banking has ties with Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist who
is financing Adolf Hitler's infant political party.  In 1926, Bert Walker
makes his son-in-law Prescott Bush vice president of W.A. Harriman.
According to confidential, unnamed sources, Loftus and Aarons say that in the
1930s Union Banking becomes an "out-and-out Nazi money-laundering machine."
Walker makes millions for his clients by investing in Germany's economic
revival.   He leaves W.A. Harriman in 1931 to concentrate on G.H. Walker,
with Prescott Bush staying behind at Harriman.
Harriman merges with Brown Brothers, making the firm Brown Brothers, Harriman.
   Prescott Bush is made a senior partner.  Walker also sets up a deal for
Union Banking to take over the North American operations of the Hamburg-Amerik
a Line, a cover for I.G. Farben's Nazi espionage unit in the US.  This
shipping line smuggles in German agents, propaganda and money for bribing
American politicians to see things Hitler's way.  A holding company is set up
to mask another holding company, the Harriman Fifteen Corporation.  This
directors of this company are Averill Harriman, Bert Walker and Prescott Bush.
In 1934 an employee of Walker's, Dan Harkins, blows the whistle on the
Hamburg Line to Congress.  A 1934 congressional investigation alleges that
Walker's Hamburg-Amerika Line subsidizes a wide range of pro-Nazi propaganda
efforts both in Germany and the US.   At this time Prescott Bush hires a
young lawyer named Allen Dulles (later to head the CIA) to help hide the
firm's assets.
The Roosevelt administration begins to investigate Prescott Bush and Bert
Walker.   In 1942, the US government charges Prescott Bush with running Nazi
front groups in the US.  Under the Trading with the Enemy Act, all shares of
the Union Banking Corporation are seized, including those held by Prescott
Bush as being in effect held for enemy nationals.  A few days later two of
Union Banking's subsidiaries are seized.
* * *
Author's Note: George W. Bush wasn't even born when this was going on.
Author's Point: Still, if the US government was forced to act in 1942 against
Prescott Bush's assets why should we all not think that the Bush family
partly owes their rise in power to Hitler's money?   And, when does anyone in
this dynasty get punished for this?

Author's Second Point: When the Washington Post would rather report on Bush's
origins like a hyperactive, teenage fanzine when they damn well have heard
the stories about this family one wonders how long this country can remain a

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [2] Bush Family's Cruel Legacy

2000-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.bushcheney2000.org/BushLegacyIndex.htm"Bush
Family's Cruel Legacy/A
Highlights of 41st President George Herbert Walker Bush's (1924-) Foreign
Top  Author's Warning
(sources: Deterring Democracy, Noam Chomsky, 1992, Hill and Wang; and Killing
Hope: US Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, William Blum,
1995, Common Courage Press)
President George Herbert Walker Bush starts two wars and betrays a desperate
(Author's note: by criticizing the conduct of the US military here I am only
criticizing the men in charge, not US soldiers in the middle of it.  Here I
am criticizing the president, George Bush.)

*   In 1988, while successfully campaigning for the presidency, uses perhaps
the most negative campaign in U.S. history.  The racially divisive "Willie
Horton" ads are an effort to paint his opponent as soft on crime.

*   In 1989, the Bush administration invades friendly Panama, ostensibly to
arrest Manuel Noriega, who has been on the CIA payroll since the early 1970s.

*   According to human rights groups this invasion kills between 3,000 and
4,000 people. In addition, U.S. forces uses F-117A stealth fighters in combat
for the first time, helicopters fire at buildings with only civilian
occupants, a U.S. tank destroys a public bus (killing 27 passengers), at
least a hundred civilian residences aree burned to the ground with many
apartments destroyed.

*   In 1990, old US ally Saddam Hussein invades Kuwait.  This is undoubtably
a crime.   However, as crimes go it compares favorably with Bush's invasion
of Panama and Israel's 1982 invasion of Lebanon (with 20,000 killed in the

Afterwards, Iraq wakes up to the fact that their old friend Mr. Bush is ready
and willing to go to war over Kuwait.  The Iraqis make several very sensible
overtures for peace.   The US mainstream media obediently does not report any
of them.

One of the peace proposals Iraq offered was to pull out of Kuwait in five
days. Bush says no, it has to be three.  No more negotiation was permitted.
(All those Iraqi people had to die because Bush could not offer a four-day

After five months of thwarting this kind of diplomacy Bush starts the Gulf
War.  (Remember also we had no treaties to defend Kuwait.  And, we were not
at war with Iraq until Bush attacked Baghdad.)

*   The early "war" is an attack on Iraq's civilians and their
infrastructure.(Targets include the power, sewage and water systems,
hospitals and schools.)   This is all done to punish "Saddam".

*   After bombing Baghdad to smithereens the second part of the war began as
Bush gave the orders to mercilessly bomb defenseless Iraqi soldiers in the

*   In addition, many Iraqi troops were buried alive by U.S.-led forces
utilizing tanks with plows attached.  Hundreds more Iraqi troops fleeing the
continued shelling were shot from behind.

*   A deliberate bombing of a civilian air raid shelter in Baghdad kills
1,500 civilians, many of whom were women and children.

*   Throughout the conflict the Bush administration rebuffs efforts by
moderate Iraqi generals interested in obtaining help in order to topple
Saddam Hussein, and restore democracy in Iraq.

*   Immediately following the War what was left of Iraq's Republican Guard
suppresses a Kurdish rebellion that Bush personally encouraged.
Approximately 25,000 civilians are killed while Norman Schwartzkopf, in the
general area, signs autographs for his fans.

(Even the Washington Post, always in the service of US militarism,
occasionally admits that Bush actually encouraged the Kurdish rebellion; the
second part of that story is he went fishing while it was being punished.)

It is the author's opinion that Bush was stark-raving mad at this time,
looking into the TV camera with an irrationally venomous hatred; and pursuing
a needless, totally one-sided conflict as if he had to have total victory not
just over Hussein but every man, woman and child in Iraq.

* * *

Author's note: George W. Bush cannot be held responsible for the cruelty of
his father.
Author's point: However, Bush is running in part on his father's record.
Name-recognition is his appeal.  If we are supposed to recognize the name it
makes sense we should be entitled discuss the namesake's record.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no 

[CTRL] [3] Bush Family's Cruel Legacy

2000-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.bushcheney2000.org/BushLegacyIndex.htm"Bush
Family's Cruel Legacy/A
Gov. George W. Bush: the overly eager Executioner
Top  Author's Warning  Hitchens on Bush

(Note: Upcoming scheduled executions by the State of Texas can be found here.)

Bush Executes Larry Robison in January (21?), 2000.  Robison was an
intermittently insane person convicted of killing five people in 1982.  Even
though the Texas legislature recently passed a law prohibiting the execution
of mentally ill prisoners, the law exempts death sentences handed down before
the measure was enacted.   The Bush administration justifies the execution on
the basis that his mental illness was caused by drugs, not heredity.  (Counter
punch, 1-15, 2000)

Executes Karla Fay Tucker.  Tucker is white, attractive and an axe murderer.
This is the first execution of a female since the 1860s and the first in the
US since the 1980s.  (The Ethical Spectacle, March, 1998)

Mocks Tucker's plea for clemency to conservative newspaper writer Tucker
Carlson who reports it.  Bush, Carlson wrote, ridiculed the inmate by
affecting a whimpering woman: "Please, don't kill me." (Washington Post,

Executes Shaka Sankofa (formerly known as Gary Graham.)   No evidence was
brought forth in his trial.  (He was convicted of killing Bobby Lambert
outside a grocery store in 1981.)  His conviction rested entirely on a single
eyewitness who claimed she saw him through her windshield for a split-second
at night time.  (No doubt she really believes she had.  The point being made
is that eye-witness testimony is notoriously unreliable.)

Has executed prisoners whose lawyers were asleep during part of the trial.

Has executed more prisoners than anyone else since the death penalty was
restored in 1976.

With one exception, has executed every person whose case has come before him.

The Texas Death House
In the Revolutionary Worker (RW, 7/16/00) comes some facts that I will report
here.  The RW writer pulls them from the Chicago Tribune but doesn't offer
when they appeared.  Understand, this author is neither a Communist nor
someone who advocates it.   (I don't subscribe to any political system which
suppresses speech or outlaws private property completely.)  However, it is
becoming increasingly difficult to pull facts out of the Washington Post for
the purpose of advocating something from a progressive point of view.  Hence,
occasionally I look at the RW for this kind of information.
Texas has the second-largest death row population in the country.  Second
only to California which has 568, Texas currently has 457 prisoners on death
row. More than 200 of these prisoners were condemned since 1995, when George
W. Bush became governor. 40% of the prisoners on Texas death row are
African-American, 22% are Latino.

*   The Chicago Tribune recently did an investigation which looked at the
cases of 131 people who had been executed while Bush has been governor... The
study found that Texas has executed dozens of death row inmates who clearly
did not receive fair trials. The Tribune (June 6-10, 2000) examined trial
transcripts, legal briefs, appellate rulings and lawyer disciplinary records
and interviewed dozens of witnesses, lawyers and judges. Bush has publicly
claimed that none of the people executed while he has been governor have been

(Now the RW is quoting the Chicago Tribune.)

*   Defense attorneys in 40 cases presented no evidence whatsoever or only
one witness during the trial’s sentencing phase.

*   In 29 cases, a psychiatrist gave testimony that the American Psychiatric
Association has condemned as unethical and untrustworthy.

*   In 43 cases, or one-third, a defendant was represented at trial or on
initial appeal by an attorney who had been or was later disbarred, suspended
or otherwise sanctioned.

*   In at least 23 cases, the prosecution’s evidence at trial or sentencing
included a jailhouse informant—testimony that is highly unreliable.

*   In at least 23 cases, the prosecution presented a visual comparison of
hairs— evidence that is extremely inexact.

The article is very informative.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us 

[CTRL] Federal Reserve + IRS = The Protection Racket Coup of 1913

2000-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:639483"Federal Reserve +
IRS = The Protection Racket Coup of 1913/A
Subject: Federal Reserve + IRS = The Protection Racket Coup of 1913
From: Jim Bowery A HREF="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]"jabowery@netcom
Date: Thu, Aug 31, 2000 4:55 PM
Message-id: 8omr9d$tp7$[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Federal Reserve + IRS = The Protection Racket Coup of 1913

by Jim Bowery
Copyright Jim Bowery, August 18, 2000 -- The author grants the right to
copy, without modification.


Federal Reserve Money is Protection Racket Money.

Federal Reserve money buys protection from punishment. You are punished
if you don't pay taxes. This has become the Federal Reserve's primary
monetary authority. The moral hazard of basing monetary authority on
punishment has now been realized in the systemic and out-of-control gang
rapes of prisoners in the US. All other unlawful acts by US governments
are now overshadowed by the murderous, sexually sadistic character of
governmental authority that has developed in US penal systems. Federal
Reserve money is now protection racket money, or, if you prefer
"punishment protection money". Calling it "fiat money", "debt money" or
even "legal tender" obscures its true character. The transition to this
form of money began in 1913, when the 16th Amendment dramatically
expanded the potential need for legal tender in the form of taxes while,
in that same year, the Federal Reserve Act started the process of
removing from legal tender any backing value other than the protection it
affords against punishment. That the redefinition of "legal tender" was
unconstitutional(1) has become only a minor dimension of the massive
decay in legitimacy and moral leadership during the 20th century
triggered by these acts of 1913. These acts were largely in the interest
of continental European banking concerns doing business under the name of
J. P. Morgan. As vital interests of the United States were sacrificed on
their behalf, those foreign interests are reasonably called "enemies",
the acts of U.S. citizens on their behalf "treasons", and all such
citizens "traitors".

Legitimate governments provide assurance that we are secure in our lives
and properties by protecting our legal rights in exchange for taxes and
other duties. The most legitimate governments will even back up their
commitment by providing some sort of compensation if our legal rights are
breached, much the same as insurance companies do when they pay out on an
insurance policy. But there is a fine line between protection rackets and
insurance companies. Indeed, gangsters frequently call their protection
rackets "insurance" and the payments they extort from their victims
"insurance premiums". That fine line between protector and protection
racket is crossed when "moral hazard" tempts the "protector" beyond the
limits of his character.

In conventional insurance terminology, "moral hazard" is the temptation
to artificially increase hazards. A classic case of moral hazard is an
otherwise unprofitable business buying lots of fire insurance and then
hiring an arsonist to burn down the place of business.

Insurers, too, can profit by increasing hazards if it is the uninsured
who suffer the exposure to risk. A classic example of an insurer's moral
hazard is the temptation to parasitize a productive business by
threatening it with destruction unless the owners pay regular "insurance

And that brings us to the morality of governance.

The most profound moral hazard for governance is the penal system
combined with taxation.

The framers of the US Constitution included prohibitions against cruel
and unusual punishment under the 8th Amendment. They also made it
difficult to parasitize productive States. This they did by requiring
that taxation on a State's citizenry be proportional to the State's
population under Article. 1. Section. 2. Clause 3. and Article. 1.
Section. 9. Clause 4. Making taxes proportional to State population helps
control the moral hazard of governance at the Federal level by making it
difficult for the Federal government to transfer wealth to States that
are politically active from States that are economically productive.
Also, States are more capable of defending themselves from the Federal
government than are individuals. Unfortunately, the requirement for
taxation proportional to State population ("with apportionment" and "with
regard to the census") was removed by the 16th Amendment, thereby
promoting political porkbarrel at the Federal level and punishing
productivity. In the same year the Federal Reserve Act gave license to
gradually reduce legal tender's reliance on gold and silver as backing
value, leaving the protection legal tender afforded against government
punishment it's primary backing value. (Shortly thereafter, the 17th
Amendment also removed from the States the power to elect Senators,

[CTRL] Fwd: More on Filthy Rich Animal

2000-09-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

Interesting item; shows Turner inherited the money and was just a fun
loving paranoid taxidermist, who probably was idea for Bates Motel

Grew green green grass in his room?   So he is a pot head too and my pot
is doing well I hope.  That stuff comes in little roud seeds, did you
know that.

So interesting item on world leader, Ted Turner, now boy would I love to
know from whence some of this money came?   HE IS SOMEONE's front man -
a place to launder money.

But someday they will bring him in on a stretcher, his hair long, his
nails long, and maybe he will have been on ice for a long time like
Howard Hughes?   Another front man?

6 Mormons brought in that body and if I were Turner,  well if he gets
religion ..well that is his problem.


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Ted TurnerMedia Mogul and Philanthropist
Robert Edward "Ted" Turner III has always done things his own way. The
brash billionaire, champion yachtsman and founder of Cable News Network
and Turner Network Television set an independent course early in his
career, betting big on himself and taking daring gambles that have not
always succeeded. Known as "The Mouth of the South" and "Captain
Outrageous" for his notorious volubility and singular opinions, Turner
built a communications empire from his father's over-stretched billboard
business and is now creatively engaged in giving away the fortune he
earned from it. "Few Americans," wrote Newsweek, "have cut such a swath
through life."
"That list [Forbes magazine's list of the wealthiest Americans] is
destroying our country! These new super-rich won't loosen up their wads
because they're afraid they'll reduce their net worth and go down on the
list. That's their Super Bowl."
Ted Turner
 Turner demonstrated his individuality early on. At the
military-oriented McCallie School in Chattanooga, Tenn., "Terrible Ted"
is remembered for his odd habits, which included practicing amateur
taxidermy and growing lawn grass in his room. Brown University asked him
to leave after he was caught with a woman in his private quarters. He
won the America's Cup in 1977 with his yacht Courageous--and then showed
up drunk to collect the prize. He has worn a Confederate officer's
uniform, complete with sword, to corporate negotiations; managed the
Atlanta Braves (which he owns, along with the NBA's Atlanta Hawks) from
the dugout during a particularly bad season; and challenged his
arch-enemy, fellow media mogul Rupert Murdoch, to a televised boxing
match in Las Vegas.
"The man who looks like Clark Gable and sounds like Huey Long has been
an unpredictable joker in the cable industry--and in the American
psyche. He built a communications empire by taking enormous risks,
always flouting the conventional wisdom."
Gwenda Blair, writing in Business Monthly
 It hasn't all been fun and games for Turner, however. He
has been treated for depression, and he was just 24 when his father Ed,
despondent over financial difficulties, fatally shot himself at his
South Carolina plantation. Taking the helm of the family business upon
his father's death, Turner expanded into television, purchasing an
Atlanta UHF station in 1970.
Just a decade later, he used the profits from that
station—by now the flagship of his nationwide Turner Broadcasting
System--to launch CNN. Despite widespread predictions of disaster, the
24-hour all-news cable channel soon proved its worth with
minute-by-minute coverage of such events as the space shuttle Challenger
disaster in 1986 and the Persian Gulf War in 1991.
These Turner successes, however, were interspersed with some
notable failures: an ill-conceived hostile takeover bid for the CBS
network and a vast overpayment of $1.6 billion for the MGM film library.
After each setback, Turner restrategized and recreated himself.
Little wonder that many see him as a modern-day Rhett
Butler, hero of the quintessential Southern melodrama Gone With the
Beginning in the mid-1980s, Turner began focusing on his personal brand
of philanthropy.
His much-maligned Goodwill Games, first held in Moscow in
1986, were both a publicity stunt for Turner Broadcasting and a
genuinely-intended contribution to world peace.
The Turner Foundation, founded in 1990, gives millions to
environmental causes, and in 1994, Turner himself gave $200 million to
His promised gift of $1 billion to 

[CTRL] Fwd: [A-M] Mexico

2000-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan

A weekly newsletter dedicated to the peaceful
reform of the United States government.

Vincente Fox, President-elect of Mexico has a vision.  He wants to open
the border between Mexico and the United States, but he admits that this
cannot be done right away and that the huge wage gap must be diminished
first.  (He failed to mention whether closing that gap that would mean
raising wages in Mexico or lowering them in the United States.)   Mexico has
a history of very poor treatment of her workers.  Real wages have fallen
since 1982,  following the debt catastrophe at that time.  In the next four
year period, wages fell 40-50% until a modest recovery in 1987.  In 1995 the
economy again took a downturn and purchasing power fell another 20%. In 1982
and 1994 Mexico faced severe economic and foreign-exchange problems, with the
peso devaluing each time.  Mexican workers saw incomes fall from this double
blow.  Immediately after NAFTA passed Mexico again devalued the peso, further
worsening the lot of the common worker in that country.

President-elect Fox has come on the scene with many hopes and visions,
and there are some positive signs about the changing power structure in that
country.  Outgoing President Zedillo appears to be cooperating fully, and the
new budget that comes out in September is expected to reflect the programs of
the new party that will be taking power in December.  Party jobs are being
vacated and PAN, the political party of the new president, is filling them
with new people.  What can the new president do for Mexico?   There is much
discussion to eliminate the minimum wage because some are saying it has "set
a ceiling rather than a floor" on wages.  Much of the problem appears to be
the wide-spread flouting of the law because there has been little or no
enforcement.  To illustrate, Fox himself is reported to have violated
Mexico's law prohibiting child labor.  A Reuters dispatch quotes the Mexico
City daily, Reforma,  reports finding at least 30 minors and teenagers being
trucked  into the Fox family ranch near San Cristobal, in the central
agricultural state of Guanajuato, to work for about 65  pesos (about $7) a
day.  Children as young as eleven were working for about $42 a week (seasonal
workers with no benefits). A young man who appeared to be taking care of the
children is reported to have said that the pay barely pays for food and they
do not pay the children  for every day they work.  The newspaper further
states that child labor, especially in the impoverished countryside, is
common.  In addition to the widespread violations of law,  the laws
themselves help to keep wages down.  Recently Reuters reports that a
Volkswagen strike was declared "illegal" by the government and the workers
ordered back to work.  The law is such that if they did not go back they
would lose their jobs.  Given these conditions, how can Mexico close that
wage gap?

Is Vincente Fox a  reformer with a vision or just another politician
saying one thing and doing another?  Even if he has the will, can he get at
the poverty,  corruption and lawlessness that is endemic in Mexico?  Will he
risk the wrath of the wealthy land and factory owners by attempting to raise
wages and improve the lot of working people?  Is his vision just a clumsy
attempt to relieve the population pressure, or is he a sly fox, trying to
pluck the down from the North American goose to feather the nest of the
wealthy class in Mexico and the wealthy Americans who are profiting from the
maquiladoras?  Honk if you think he is a reformer.

OLKSW AGEN-DCdate=2823
No copyright on the content of AUDREY'S MISSILES is claimed since it is our
hope that the information in this newsletter will be copied and distributed
widely.  Topics covered are those which are not adequately treated on TV or
in the press.   If you live in the 209 calling area end a request to 209
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[CTRL] Fwd: ACLU To Represent Group

2000-09-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

This was forwarded by the Bard and I think Boston is the only place he
is not banned?
So this is a good story and I agree ACLU can represent whom they
pleaseI point out what is happening to our children and Gay Pride
and this Militant Group - they loose these predators upon our

You sex life should remain private but you want to wave red flag?
Hitler persecuted homosexuals?   What did they do - wave big red flag
until everybody hated them?   For you see this is how it is
done...stuff like this.

Anything that cannot be controlled in this country is now destroyed, be
it good or evil.  For this, is the begininning they think of the New
World Order - same as the Old World Order.I call them Big Foot (they
would trample us and give us all the boot) and let them throw in all the
God Shouters they want..better be careful though, God might be
listening and warming up his lightning bolts now.


(Requires Yahoo! Messenger)
Thursday August 31 8:59 AM ET
ACLU To Represent Group
AP Photo

BOSTON (AP) - The American Civil Liberties Union will represent a group
that advocates sex between men and boys in a lawsuit brought by the
family of a slain 10-year-old.

The family of Jeffrey Curley of Cambridge said the North American
Man/Boy Love Association and its Web site - which is now offline -
incited the attempted molestation and murder of the boy on Oct. 1, 1997.

One of two men convicted in the killing, Charles Jaynes, 25, reportedly
viewed the group's Web site shortly before the killing, and also had in
his possession some of NAMBLA's publications. Also convicted in the
killing was 24-year-old Salvatore Sicari.

The ACLU said the case, filed in federal court in mid-May, involves
issues of freedom of speech and association.

``For us, it is a fundamental First Amendment case,´´ John Roberts,
executive director of the Massachusetts branch of the ACLU, told The
Boston Globe Wednesday. ``It has to do with communications on a Web
site, and material that does not promote any kind of criminal behavior

ACLU officials said NAMBLA members deny encouraging coercion, rape or
Attorney Lawrence Frisoli, who represents the Curleys, said he is glad
the ACLU is defending NAMBLA, because he has had trouble locating the
group's members.

Harvey Silverglate, an ACLU board member, said Wednesday that the
group's attorneys will try to block any attempt by the Curleys to get
NAMBLA's membership lists, or other materials identifying members.

The ACLU also will act as a surrogate for NAMBLA, allowing its members
to defend themselves in court while remaining anonymous.

According to the Globe, NAMBLA officials in the past have said their
main goal is the abolition of age-of-consent laws that classify sex with
children as rape.

At two separate trials last year, prosecutors said Jaynes and Sicari
were sexually obsessed with the boy, lured him from his Cambridge
neighborhood with the promise of a new bike, and then smothered him with
a gasoline-soaked rag when he resisted their sexual advances. They then
stuffed him into a concrete-filled container and dumped it into a Maine

Sicari, convicted of first-degree murder, is serving a life sentence
without the possibility of parole. Jaynes' second-degree murder and
kidnapping convictions enable him to seek parole in 23 years.

The Curleys last week were awarded $328 million by a superior court jury
in a civil suit against Jaynes and Sicari.


Thirty, the end..$328 million dollars is too cheap a price..for
the life of the child, was priceless.


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A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


[CTRL] Fwd: Clinton won’t deploy defense shield

2000-09-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

Clinton has given the new President, who wil be one of three in ten
yearsa choice.to defend this country and its shores and
constitution by deploying this defense shield, or let us at the mercy of
our enemieswhich are many.

I never feared the Chinese, for they have all that land and more wealth
than USA could dream but they lack this yankee ingenuity to do much with
itthey once built a hotel, my sister visitedgorgeous,
beautiful, big sky scraperbeautiful bathrooms and kitchens but they
forgot one thing...to put in the plumbing.   Little oversights like
that.Japan beat China in a war - they revered the scholar and under
communism, nothing changed for the people but they almost lost their
natural resources.

So - get more with honey than vinegar and mixed, you get a balance in

Clinton has done one big thing here - he left this decision to us, the
people to make and the candidate who says yes to this system, will get
my vote and it looks now it will be Bush.

Good story here..but who is really our own worst enemy - beware, it
is us.


Clinton won't deploy defense shield   Development to continue, but
next president will decide fate           
[Saba's Note:   No, we the peple make this decision at the polls]
    Sept. 1 —  President Bill Clinton has decided to leave to
his successor the tough decision on beginning deployment of a national
defense against ballistic missile attack, senior administration
officials said. Essentially, the president has decided to "kick this can
down the road," Pentagon sources told NBC News correspondent Jim

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy


Re: [CTRL] [2] Bush Family's Cruel Legacy

2000-09-01 Thread Bob SMITH

Unfortunately I have to live in Texas.  As a President, George Bush was
a disaster.  His son, the ignorant buffoon,  George W. Bush, will be no
less a disaster, if elected.
Bob Smith

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fw: FYI- Increase in FBI Activity

2000-09-01 Thread Amelia

Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 11:15 AM
Subject: FYI

 FBI Intelligence Efforts Have Risen Sharply  ...OLE_Obj...
 The number of FBI intelligence officers has grown almost fivefold
 during the Clinton administration, but internal security and terrorism
 accounted for only 45 of the FBI's 12,730 convictions in 1998, a Syracuse
 University research center reported yesterday.
 The research center cautioned that convictions may not be the best
 measure of the effectiveness of the FBI intelligence effort, and an FBI
 executive said the small number may reflect the bureau's success in
 preventing actual terrorist attacks.
 FBI Director Louis J. Freeh has stated that the bureau is putting
 top priority on thwarting foreign spies and preventing terrorist attacks,
 but hard data about the change in emphasis have been sparse because so
 of the operations are classified.
 Citing federal employment data, Syracuse's Transactional Records
 Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) said the total of FBI intelligence officers
 increased from 224 in 1992 to 1,025 in 1999, but their exact duties are
 FBI Assistant Director John Collingwood said in an interview that
 these are intelligence analysts and that their increase is mirrored by an
 increase in field agents assigned to hunt spies and battle terrorists but
 that those personnel figures remain secret.
 The new intelligence analysts were hired "as part of our effort to
 use our information more effectively across programs, as opposed to
 its use within one program," Collingwood said.
 "It's all part of our effort to play a larger role in the
 intelligence community in counterintelligence and counterterrorism
 to identify, prevent and disrupt terrorists," Collingwood said.
 The TRAC study said Justice Department records show that in 1998
 there were 37 terrorism convictions and eight internal security
 from FBI cases. There was no earlier Justice data on terrorism cases
 the category was only recently employed, but national security convictions
 totaled seven each in 1992 and 1993, four in 1994, 12 in 1995 and eight
 in 1996, 1997 and 1998.
 In 1998, drug cases, bank robberies and bank fraud were still the
 three categories producing the most FBI convictions, accounting for 54
 percent of the 12,730 that year.
 "The low number of terrorism convictions is a good thing, not a bad
 thing," Collingwood said. "We're now working with the CIA and foreign
 agencies to disrupt terrorists before they can carry out their actions and
 preferably before they get inside the United States. Figures on those
 actions aren't recorded, because they are secret."
 He noted that the statistics can understate anti-terrorist efforts.
 "We recently convicted a gang in the Pacific Northwest of bank robbery and
 their convictions will show up that way, but they were robbing banks to
 support their terrorist activities," Collingwood said.
 The TRAC study itself said, "The number of criminal prosecutions of
 spies and terrorists is not a very good index of FBI concerns . . .
 these kinds of cases frequently are not brought into open court."
 The study found evidence that more time was being spent developing
 all kinds of cases, because the percentage of FBI cases that U.S.
 agreed to prosecute rose from 41 percent in 1992 to 49 percent in 1998.
 Also, the conviction rate for defendants in all kinds of FBI cases
 from 67 percent in 1992 to 76 percent in 1998. Median prison sentences
 from 18 months to 25 months.

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[CTRL] Fw: FYI Bin Laden Plot to Blow Up Games

2000-09-01 Thread Amelia

Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 11:20 AM
Subject: FYI

 Bin Laden Plot To Blow Up Games  ...OLE_Obj...
 AUSTRALIAN authorities have tightened security at an
 experimental nuclear reactor in Sydney after the discovery of a possible
 terrorist plot by Islamic fundamentalists to blow it up during the Olympic
 The plot was uncovered by detectives in New Zealand
 investigating an alleged racket to smuggle people from the Middle East
 the country. There was speculation of a link with Osama Bin Laden, the
 fugitive Afghanistan-based terrorist.
 Detectives say they found a virtual "command centre",
 complete with conference table, street maps of Sydney, plans highlighting
 entry and exit routes to the reactor, and notes on police security tactics
 during a raid in the Auckland suburb of Mount Albert.
 The operation took place in March, but details emerged only
 this weekend. The detectives alerted the Australian police and a joint
 investigation was carried out with co-operation from American and British
 security services.
 Authorities in Australia and New Zealand last night tried to
 play down the incident. "As far as I can gather, any such plan has been
 foiled," said George Hawkins, the New Zealand police minister. Daryl
 Williams, the Australian attorney-general, insisted yesterday there was
 credible threat to the Olympics".
 Their remarks failed to calm fears in Sydney, where
 residents and Greenpeace, the environmental group, called for the reactor
 be shut down for the duration of the Games. A similar installation in
 Atlanta, near the site of the 1996 Olympics, was closed during that time.
 Officials have admitted that the reactor lacks any
 day-to-day plans to deal with terrorist bombs. "Our security arrangements
 not cover threats of this sort," said a spokeswoman.
 The reactor, used for scientific research and nuclear
 medical applications, is at Lucas Heights, a southern suburb of Sydney
 16 miles from the main Olympic stadium. Although only the size of a
 household washing machine, it produces substantial amounts of plutonium,
 which has to be stored in secure sites.
 Three men, Auckland residents with ties to Afghanistan, were
 arrested on false passport and documentation charges. A fourth suspect was
 taken into custody earlier this month. All are expected to appear in court
 this week, but no terrorist charges have been brought against them.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: FYI- Increase in FBI Activity

2000-09-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

Come on June and Shannon - Make my Day!!!

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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[CTRL] Woman protests restroom arrest

2000-09-01 Thread Richard Sampson


C I N N A T I   P O S T

   Woman protests
   restroom arrest

   By Kimball Perry, Post staff

   Police Specialist Charles Taber
   is known as one of Cincinnati's
   finest - except at the Hamilton
   County Courthouse where he
   arrested a female custodian
   who refused to let him use a
   closed bathroom.

   Sheila Williams, 28, was
   arrested Aug. 21 by Taber -
   who was not in uniform and
   didn't immediately identify
   himself as a police officer - and
   charged with disorderly

   ''He's just a bully with a
   badge,'' said John Burlew,
   attorney for Ms. Williams.

   ''No comment,'' Taber, a
   District Four officer, said

   Ms. Williams - who has been
   employed by Hamilton
   County for 14 months - was in
   a men's bathroom Aug. 21
   cleaning the toilets with two
   probationers helping her as
   part of their community

   Immediately outside was a
   bright yellow sign indicating
   the bathroom was closed.

   Taber came in, Burlew said,
   and tried to enter a stall. Ms.
   Williams told him he couldn't
   use the bathroom and gave
   him directions to other

   Taber - who still hadn't
   identified himself as a police
   officer - tried to sit down in
   the stall.

   Ms. Williams' version of the
   story, Burlew said, details how
   she got on her two-way radio
   to ask for assistance from a
   Hamilton County Sheriff's
   deputy and went into the
   courtroom of Common Pleas
   Court Judge Thomas Crush to
   ask for help.

   Taber then started to leave, so
   Ms. Williams followed him.

   When a deputy arrived, Taber
   still wouldn't give his name,
   merely opening his jacket to
   reveal a badge and gun.

   Taber, though, says in his
   affidavit and other police
   documents he filed that day
   that he arrested Ms. Williams
   after she created ''alarm'' in the

   She ''engaged in violent
   behavior, challenging PS Taber
   under which circumstances
   such conduct was likely to
   provoke a violent response,''
   Taber wrote.

   She followed Taber, still
   unaware that he was a police
   officer, to the second-floor
   security center. Taber asked
   one of the deputies for
   handcuffs and arrested Ms.
   Williams. She was held for an
   hour and 15 minutes, Burlew
   said, as the charges were being

   She faces up to 30 days in jail
   for the fourth-degree
   misdemeanor when her case
   comes to court Sept. 7.

 Publication date: 08-30-00

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Bulgaria Under USA Yoke

2000-09-01 Thread Michael Pugliese

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Re: Auschwitz in Bulgaria

Subject: Re: Auschwitz in Bulgaria
From: "Johannes Schneider" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2000 12:55:22 +0200

Louis Proyect quoted:


 By Ivan Angelov, born 1943; International Relations Graduate (1969); Ph.D.
 (1975); Associate Professor (1988)

 In the same way, both local and foreign politicians and opinion makers
 not to notice how Auschwitz is being reproduced here these days when the
 life of millions of that country population has been turned into a
 humiliating everyday fight for bare survival as a result of the
 introduction of a series of inadequate economic measures and policies.

I think its rather inapropiate to compare the results of capitalist
privatization in Bulgaria to the Nazi holocaust.

The holocaust was a consciously planned, complete and bureaucratically
exectuted extermination of whole peoples. I do not think one needs much
intellectual capacities to understand, that its something different than
what is happening in Bulgaria today.

Its obvious that such a comparision belittles the holocaust. At the same
time it does not help the resistance againts the reintroduction of private
capitalism in Eastern Europe, because such comparisions have the effect that
the rest of the article can easily be dismissed as wrong as well.


Re: Auschwitz in Bulgaria (on political language)
From: "Nestor Miguel Gorojovsky" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Auschwitz in Bulgaria
From: Louis Proyect [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Next by Date: Re: Auschwitz in Bulgaria (on political language)
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2000-09-01 Thread J Taylor

 Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 15:32:18 +0200
 The Trial of the Shiraz Jews and The Pollard Case
 Jewish Press (NY)- Sept 1 2000
 by Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
 [Note: The characters in this story are fictional. All the facts
 about the Pollard case are true.]

[Truncateds Extract only: for full article contact
  Ali Mostophi, second officer at the Permanent Mission to the
 Nations of the Islamic Republic of Iran smiled to himself when he
 Jack Ferguson approaching.
 As often as protocol and the rule book allowed, the young American,
 junior officer in the diplomatic corps, sought  out Mostophi at the
 floor lounge at the UN.  Ferguson  enjoyed prying off-the-record
 observations and analysis from him.  Nothing earth-shattering, but
 made Mostophi feel like a bit of a  mentor to someone, and it had
been a
 long while since young people in the full bloom of their idealism
 up to him.
 Anticipating their usually friendly banter,  Mostophi was taken
aback by
 the edge in Ferguson's voice.
 "You know that I've  never swallowed the conventional line that
 Iranians in shades of black.  But after this Shiraz fiasco, how can
 educated person see your people as anything but primitive
 The news headlines that morning had announced the sentencing of 10
 Iranian Jews charged with spying for Israel.  Mostophi understood.
 are troubled, no doubt, over the sentences of the Shiraz Jews.  Do
 want to vent, or do you want to learn something?"
 "Learn?  What's to learn? You violated every rule sacred to modern
 judicial systems!"
 Unruffled by the young man's sharp tone, Mostophi offered, "Stop
 there, let me finish for you.  I will tell you exactly what you
 and offensive. You were about to tell me, of course, that the
 Jews were convicted without benefit of effective counsel. You want
 moralize about how there was no jury, only a judge who had reason
to be,
 shall we say, 'biased.' And of course you will certainly point out
 the Shiraz Jews were convicted on the basis of evidence that was
 shown to them. Correct, so far?"
 The wind taken out of his sails, Ferguson said only, "Yes, but
 out the most upsetting element of  all."
 "That," said  Mostophi, "would be the anti-Semitic thrust of the
 episode.  When you hear that a government would fan the flames of
 prejudice against the world's favorite scapegoat, you are reminded
 Czarist Russia, right?"
  "Precisely," countered Ferguson, although with a bit of hesitation
 what was to follow.
  Mostophi spoke quietly and confidently. "First let me assure you
 your whole premise is incorrect.  The trial has nothing to do with

 Ferguson sensed that something important was coming.  "So why the
 Mostophi settled back into his chair. "Nothing against the Jews per
 They do, however, serve a useful function."
 "A useful function?"
 Mostophi nodded. "Our country is on the verge of  some relaxing of
 restrictions, the first in many years.  People get drunk  with a
 freedom.  Remember how quickly the Soviet Union crumbled  once
 sensed that their freedom  was increasing?  We aren't ready for
that. We
 needed  to broadcast a message that we are still prepared to rein
 in, if  they gallop too quickly."
 Ferguson frowned.
 Mostophi explained,

 "Of  course," said Mostophi firmly. "The trial of the Jews
 a message aimed more at the rest of our people than the Jews."
 "So you really don't hate the Jews.  You are just prepared to
 few of them to make a point."
 Mostophi sighed, "And you, my dear Ferguson, have missed the entire
 point." He let Ferguson stew for a moment,  "It is natural for
 governments to take cues from others, to see how far they can go in
 pushing their own interests."
 "What are you getting at?" Ferguson prodded.
 "Do you recall what Hitler  told his generals before invading
Poland? He
 said, 'Go, kill without mercy . . . who today remembers the
 the Armenians?' "
 "What one nation does is a trial balloon for the plans of the next.
 other words,  if the United States, the supposed world paragon of
 judicial virtue can callously deny the rights of one person to suit
 own needs, then some of the rest of us can go a good deal further."
 "Just what are you driving at?"
 "I should think that you would have caught on by now," Mostophi
said. He
 leaned towards Ferguson and pointed an accusing finger,  "You
 led the way with your famous Pollard case."
 "But Pollard was guilty! And your defendants are innocent!"
 "Guilty of what?"  Mostophi shot back., "Of spying for a friendly
 Yes, to be sure! But see how his treatment has been
 severe, relative to 

[CTRL] Say it ain't so, Joe

2000-09-01 Thread J Taylor

From the Wall St Journal:
Joe Lieberman, Radical
 By Ira Stoll. Mr. Stoll is editor of Smartertimes.com,
North American
editor of the Jerusalem Post and a contributor to OpinionJournal.com.
 So you thought Al Gore's book "Earth in the Balance"
 flaky? Check out his running mate Joseph Lieberman's
 little-noticed 1970 volume on arms control and the
origins of the
 Cold War, "The Scorpion and the Tarantula." It's a
masterpiece of
 moral equivalency in which Mr. Lieberman draws a
 between Soviet domination of Eastern Europe and the
 Monroe Doctrine of maintaining influence in the Western
The book's title comes from a quote
 Cold War historian Louis Halle, who
 contended that the Cold War "is not
 fundamentally a case of the wicked
 the virtuous. Fundamentally, it is
like the
 case of the scorpion and the
tarantula in the
 bottle, and we may properly feel
sorry for
 both parties, caught as they are, in
 situation of irreducible dilemma." In
 preface to his 1970 book, Mr.
 wrote that "this is the spirit in
which I have
recorded what my research has revealed."
 The only problem is that, as most
 have by now realized-and as those stuck behind the
 Curtain at the time knew all too well-the Cold War
was a case
 of the wicked against the virtuous. The Soviets were
the wicked
 ones, depriving the Russian people and those in their
states of freedom of the press, of religion, of emigration.
 Mr. Lieberman interpreted the communist talk of
 domination as mere bluster, and he wrote that Americans
 have known better than to take it seriously: "One of
the primary
 causes of the failure to achieve international atomic
control and
 the concurrent failure to prevent the cold war was the
inability of
 America's statesmen and people to see through the
avalanche of
 Communist rhetoric and deal with Soviet foreign policy
 something shaped by Russia's unique history and guided
by the
 Russians' conception of their national interest. In
this more
 accurate light, Russia's goals are seen to be more
limited and less
 in conflict with America's."
 When it came to American activity in Latin America, Mr.
 Lieberman sounded like a campus radical, or at least
 McGovern. "Consistency was not one of the
characteristics that
 marked America's side of the argument over the fate of
 Europe," he wrote. "While protesting the creation of a
 sphere of influence in Eastern Europe on the theory
that it would
 constitute a return to the evil days of international
power politics
 that has caused two world wars, the United States
 zealously protected its own sphere of influence in the
 Hemisphere. From the earliest enunciation of the Monroe
 Doctrine right down to the twentieth century, America
has proved
 itself willing to resort to arms to keep anti-American
governments out of power in Latin America."
 Has Mr. Lieberman reassessed his views, or does he
still see the
 Cold War as a battle between a scorpion and a
tarantula, a war
 that America shared equal guilt for starting and in
 American calls for democracy and Soviet talk of world
 domination were each merely rhetoric? After I inquired
about the
 matter, the senator issued a statement that distanced
himself from
 the book without totally disavowing it.
 "Few of us view the world through the same lenses in
our 50s as
 we did in our 20s," the senator said. "The Scorpion and
 Tarantula was written more than 30 years ago and
certainly does
 not reflect my thinking about foreign policy or our
 security today. As the Cold War progressed, and the
actions by
 the Soviet Union to subjugate the people of Eastern
 intensified and the Soviet military build-up
 threatened the United States and the free world, I
became a strong
 advocate of military readiness and of using our
military power
 when necessary to oppose any such tyranny. My voting
 since I have been in the Senate much more accurately
reflects my
 positions than does this 30-year-old book."
 Mr. Lieberman's statement is somewhat reassuring. But
rather than
 admitting he was wrong at the time he wrote the book,
he tries to
 explain it by suggesting that the Soviets somehow
worsened their
 behavior after 1970. In fact, the crushing of the
Prague Spring,
 the construction of the Berlin Wall and Stalin's forced
collectivization campaign all happened before Mr.
 wrote his book. The Soviet Union threatened the free
world from
 the very inception of that totalitarian state in a coup
by a group
 of Bolshevik thugs, not as a result of some post-1970
increase in
 aggressiveness imagined by Mr. Lieberman.
 The Cold War is over, and there are other issues to
vote on in
 November. But there are still plenty of scorpions and
 out there on the international scene. And when it comes
time to
 deal with them, you get the sense that the 

Re: [CTRL] joke

2000-09-01 Thread J Taylor

That is the way we are in this country. We are fond of eye service and
white-washing. Because a big man, an international figure is visiting
Nigeria, all of a sudden, NEPA workers have woken up to their
responsibility," Segun Adepoju, a trader had said on Friday.

"I have always said that the problem of NEPA is more of a human factor that
technical. "

Thursday, August 31 6:14 AM SGT

Darkness descends on Nigeria after Clinton's visit
LAGOS, Aug 30 (AFP) -
Power supplies to many parts of Nigeria, especially economic capital Lagos,
which surprisingly improved last week ahead of US President Bill Clinton's
visit, have returned to their erratic performance shortly after his
departure, residents said Wednesday.

In Ijeshatedo district in central Surulere part of Lagos, has been
experiencing several hours of electricity supply disruption since Monday
after Clinton ended his two-day state visit to Nigeria, residents said.

In Anthony village in northern residential district of Ikeja, power supply
was disrupted on Tuesday for more than six hours, they said.

The same story is replicated in Mushin, Agege, Iyana Ipaja, Yaba, Ebute Meta
and posh residential and commercial districts of Ikoyi and Victoria Island,
they added.

A spokesman of the state-run electricity company (NEPA), Inuwa Garba, denied
that the improvement in power supply recorded last week was because of
President Clinton's visit.

He attributed the improvement to the installation of new equipment and
maintainance of old ones.

"It is sheer coincidence that power shortages are being experienced shortly
after Clinton left The current problem is technical and we are trying to
rectify it," said another spokesman who demanded anonymity.

NEPA officials said on Friday that power supply in the country was boosted
last week by more than 300 percent ahead of US President's visit to the

Power distribution shot up from 600 megawatts to 2,000 megawatts, a
spokesman of the company, Inuwa Garba, had told AFP by telephone.

"That is the way we are in this country. We are fond of eye service and
white-washing. Because a big man, an international figure is visiting
Nigeria, all of a sudden, NEPA workers have woken up to their
responsibility," Segun Adepoju, a trader had said on Friday.

"I have always said that the problem of NEPA is more of a human factor that
technical. Let us see what happens at the end of Clinton's visit," Emmanuel
Chiejina, a sociologist also said.

Power supplies, which improved tremendously when Nigeria co-hosted with
Ghana this year's African Cup of Nations, slumped again immediately after.

The company is notorious for its inefficiency though and its critics have
derisively turned its acronymn to "Never Expect Power Always."

The new civilian government of President Olusegun Obasanjo has pledged to
boost NEPA's generating and distributing capacity and then break up and sell
off the company.

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[CTRL] :Buckley backs off

2000-09-01 Thread J Taylor

   Peter Brimelow here:
   I've just posted, at
   , a report on William F. Buckley's recent
   he's abandoned National Review's historic position
   that maintaining ethnic balance is a legitimate
   concern of immigration policy. This is interesting
   me because it partly explains why I was purged as
   Senior Editor in 1998; and to h-bders because it
   illustrates the extraordinary pressures currently
   brought to bear on weak and fashion-conscious
   journalists to avoid race-related issues. (Not
   immigration is purely a race-related issue). I am
   inclined to agree with Dan Seligman that the
   publication of The Bell Curve was, in the short
  run at
   least, devastating to debate. (Not that there was
   The VDARE report links to a remarkable article by
   James Lubsinkas in Jared Taylor's American
   analyzing National Review's changing positions on
   over more than four decades. I know there's a
   concerted effort to place Taylor beyond the pale -
   Steve won't allow him on hbd in case some of you
   upset - but my position is that truth is an
   defense. And, certainly in this area, as far as I
   see, Taylor is truthful. It's worth your time.
   Now is the time that tries mens' etc etc.
   yrs.purgedly, pb

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[CTRL] 'Useful idiots'

2000-09-01 Thread J Taylor

 Thomas Sowell
 August 31, 2000

 'Useful idiots'

 Lenin is supposed to have referred to blind defenders
 and apologists for the Soviet Union in the Western
 democracies as "useful idiots." Yet even Lenin might
 have been surprised at how far these useful idiots
 would carry their partisanship in later years --
 including our own times. Stalin's man-made famine in
 the Soviet Union during the 1930s killed more
 millions of people than Hitler killed in the
Holocaust --
 and Mao's man-made famine in China killed more
 millions than died in the USSR. Yet we not only hear
 little or nothing about either of these staggering
 catastrophes in the Communist world today, very
 little was said about them in the Western
 democracies while they were going on. Indeed, many
 useful idiots denied that there were famines in the
 Soviet Union or in Communist China.

 The most famous of these was the New York Times'
 Moscow correspondent, Walter Duranty, who won a
 Pulitzer prize for telling people what they wanted to
 hear, rather than what was actually happening.
 Duranty assured his readers that "there is no famine
 or actual starvation, nor is there likely to be."
 Moreover, he blamed reports to the contrary on
 "rumor factories" with anti-Soviet bias.

 It was decades later before the first serious scholarly
 study of that famine was written, by Robert Conquest
 of the Hoover Institution, always identified in
 politically correct circles as "right-wing." Yet when
the Soviets' own statistics on
 the deaths during the famine were finally released,
under Mikhail Gorbachev, they
 showed that the actual deaths exceeded even the
millions estimated by Dr.

 Official statistics on the famine deaths in China under
Mao have never been
 released, but knowledgeable estimates run upwards of 20
million people. Yet,
 even here, there were the same bland denials by
sympathizers and fellow
 travellers in the West as during the earlier Soviet
famine. One celebrated "expert"
 on China wrote: "I saw no starving people in China,
nothing that looked like
 old-time famines." Horrifying as the pre-Communist
famines were, they never
 killed as many people as Mao's famine did.

 Today, even after the evidence of massive man-made
famines in the Communist
 world, after Solzhenitsyn's revelations about the
gulags and after the horrors of
 the killing fields of Cambodia, the useful idiots
continue to deny or downplay
 staggering human tragedies under Communist
dictatorships. Or else they
 engage in moral equivalence, as Newsweek editor and TV
pundit Eleanor Clift did
 during the Elian Gonzalez controversy, when she said:
"To be a poor child in
 Cuba may in many instances be better than being a poor
child in Miami and I'm
 not going to condemn their lifestyle so gratuitously."

 Apparently totalitarian dictatorship is just a
lifestyle, like wearing sandals and
 beads and using herbal medicine. It apparently has not
occurred to Eleanor Clift
 to ask why poor people in Miami do not put themselves
and their children on
 flimsy boats, in a desperate effort to reach Cuba.

 Elian Gonzalez and his mother were only the latest of
millions of people to flee
 Communist dictatorships at the risk of their lives.
Some were shot trying to get
 past the Berlin wall and hundreds of thousands of "boat
people" were drowned
 trying to escape a Communist Vietnam that many useful
idiots were celebrating
 from inside free democracies. Many who escaped from the
Soviet Union to the
 West during the Second World War were sent back by
American authorities,
 except for those who committed suicide rather than go

 Yet none of this has really registered on a very large
segment of the intelligentsia
 in the West. Nor are Western capitalists 

[CTRL] Pediatrician = Pedophile?

2000-09-01 Thread J Taylor

Thursday 31 August 2000
'Ignorant' paedophile slur
By Richard Savill

Daily Telegraph: Paedomania

A PAEDIATRICIAN said yesterday that "total ignorance" was behind an
attack on her home by vandals who mistook her for a paedophile.

Dr Yvette Cloete, 30, who works at the Royal Gwent Hospital in Newport,
South Wales, woke to find the word "paedo" daubed on her home. She said:

"It is just unbelievable. It's terrible that people think they have the
right to vandalise your property like this."

The South African-born doctor added: "I am shocked because this is a
quiet village and there are a lot of nice families living here. It looks
as if this was done through total ignorance. It looks as though it was
just a question of confusing the job title for something else."

Dr Cloete, who has moved in with friends, intends to sell her home in St
Brides, near Newport, where she lived with her brother Andre, 24. The
yellow Graffiti was has been cleaned from the front door, porch and
windows. Dr Cloete said: "Nobody knows where I live now. I have learned
one lesson and that is I will be ex-directory in future."

Rosemary Butler, the Welsh Assembly member for Newport West, described
the attack as appalling. It appeared to be carried out through "sheer
hysteria, bravado and ignorance".

Chief Insp Carl Close, head of the investigation, said he did not know
who was responsible but that it maybe someone more 'sinister' than
children. He said: "It is appalling that a professional woman who cares
for children has been forced from her home."

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] In Plain English (Not German): It Ain't Necessarily So

2000-09-01 Thread J Taylor

   In Plain English (Not German): It Ain't Necessarily So
   Washington Post
   By Robert Cullen
   Saturday, August 26, 2000; Page A17

   Graham Greene once wrote about an elderly and somewhat whimsical
   priest named Monsignor Quixote. A central theme of the novel, which
   takes place in Spain in the early 1980s, is that Don Quixote--the
   famed adventurer who battled windmills--is the priest's ancestor.
   Almost everyone in the story seems to accept this genealogy at face
   value, except one skeptic who openly questions how somebody could be
   descended from a fictional character.

   I felt similarly bewildered while watching the Rev. Jesse Jackson
   address the Democratic National Convention. With characteristic vigor
   and passion, Jackson asserted, "One vote decided that America would
   speak English rather than German in 1776."

   That statement, part of Jackson's litany of how one vote can make a
   difference, refers to a U.S. history lesson about something familiar,
   interesting and attention-getting. It also never happened, although
   Jackson is far from being the only person to believe it did.

   We have all come across such tidbits--those persistent historical
   myths or inventions masquerading as facts. National party conventions
   are especially fertile ground for them.

   Eight years ago, for example, at the Republican convention at which
   President George Bush was renominated, his predecessor Ronald Reagan
   took to the podium and quoted a series of one-liners that he
   attributed to Abraham Lincoln. The problem was that the platitudes
   credited to our 16th president actually appeared first in a 1916
   pamphlet printed by a Pennsylvania preacher named William J. H.

   The incident that inspired the myth about our almost becoming a
   German-speaking nation occurred not in 1776 but two decades later,
   during George Washington's second term as president. More important,
   there was neither a vote nor even a bill to replace English with
   German as the official U.S. language. Here's the real story.

   In March 1794, a group of Germans living in Virginia presented a
   petition to Congress asking that certain federal laws be printed in
   their native language. A committee of the House of Representatives
   responded by formally recommending that 3,000 sets of laws be printed
   in both German and English and distributed to the states.

   The full House debated this recommendation on Jan. 13, 1795. Unable to
   reach a decision, the members instead considered a motion to adjourn
   that day and revisit the proposal later. It was this that was defeated
   by one vote, 42 to 41.

   The House, which that day named a new committee to further study the
   proposal, debated it again on Feb. 16. This time it decided to approve
   the publication of federal statutes in English only. The Senate
   subsequently passed this bill as well, and George Washington signed it
   into law.

   So what was merely a limited translation request has mushroomed into
   today's tale that German was an also-ran in our national sweepstakes
   for an official language (never mind that not even English has that

   More than a half-century after congressional actions on this matter,
   Franz Loher published "History and Achievements of the Germans in
   America," which did much to perpetuate the myth of the German-language
   vote. In due time, other German Americans likewise promoted the story
   as an example of their influence in the republic's early days.

   The myth has since taken on other identities, from a tidy lesson about
   the importance of a single vote to yet another argument against
   bilingual education.

   Jackson is only the latest in a long and distinguished line of
   individuals who have unwittingly helped extend its already-long
   shelf-life. Others who have done so include Ann Landers and Abigail
   Van Buren, "Ripley's Believe It or Not," well-intentioned teachers and
   various political activists.

   Thanks to the Internet, the myth now has new opportunities to
   circulate farther and faster than ever before. More than a few Web
   sites feature it without qualification. To be sure, some sites at
   least acknowledge that the myth might be folklore and still others
   debunk it. But I worry about the ones that discuss the myth
   uncritically and as an article of our civic faith. They guarantee new
   converts well into the 21st century.

   There are those who would insist that myths such as this one are
   harmless tales that encourage and instruct. I think a stronger case
   can be made that such figments of our national imagination only manage
   to diminish and even trivialize how we remember and understand our
   shared past. All things considered, we're probably a lot better off
   focusing more on what actually happened and less on the historical
   mirages along the way.

   Robert Cullen is a Baltimore writer.


Re: [CTRL] Chicken Little Awards

2000-09-01 Thread Jenny Decker

Thanks for posting this, Mike,
The things they have to say are disgusting and outraging, aren't they?
It looks like they want to deceive the public into inaction until it's too
late save either our health or the planet. You must have posted it because
the deception is so obvious--especially the defense of DDT, which has killed
and sterilized millions of mammals. That sly little attempt to accuse
environmentalists of wanting depopulation while this organization promotes
DDT, the biggest chemical sterilizer that exists, is a real giveaway, isn't
I wonder how much backing money here comes from Monsanto and Dow?
At least the posters exposes themselves as the real enemies of humanity.
They need a better advertising firm. Thanks for the tip--I've gone ahead and
added the site to my bookmarks of enemy sites to monitor.
Jenny Decker
- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, August 31, 2000 11:51 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Chicken Little Awards





 "Just about everything Americans and others around the world have
 been told in the past two decades about the climate, energy
 reserves, chemicals, and an endless list of bogus threats to
 their well being has been proven to be false," says Alan Caruba,
 founder of The National Anxiety Center, a think tank
 headquartered in Maplewood, N.J.

 The tenth annual Chicken Little Awards are devoted to identifying
 "the worst lies that have been foisted on Americans and others in
 order to destroy the astonishing progress mankind has made to
 improve everyoneís life." Founded In 1990 by the veteran science
 and business writer, the Center created "The Chicken Little
 Awards" to focus attention on the efforts of individuals and
 organizations "to scare the daylights out of millions of people
 for the purpose of influencing public policy."

 "What is continually ignored is the fact that Americans and
 others in developed nations around the world are living longer,
 generally healthier lives, than ever before in history," said
 Caruba. "What is ignored is a full-fledged assault on the very
 means to sustain our success, the ability to utilize the earthís
 resources and to maintain high standards of health, the provision
 of sufficient food for the worldís population, and the
 preservation of independent nations, free to determine their

 The Banning of DDT is first on the list of the Centerís Chicken
 Little Awards, largely due to the alarmist, false writings of
 Rachel Carson. "The sole purpose of the environmental movement is
 to reduce the earthís population, despite the fact the earth is
 over five billion years old," said Caruba. "When the U.S.
 Environmental Protection Agency banned DDT in 1972, it ignored
 the fact that DDT had prevented the death of 500 million people
 since its first widespread use in 1943. Since then, millions have
 needlessly died or had their lives impaired by Malaria, a disease
 on the rise. Plans to eliminate other pesticides worldwide are
 moving forward. This is nothing less than planned genocide."

 Global Warming is second on the list. "In the 1970ís
 environmentalists were warning that a new Ice Age was coming.
 When that scare campaign failed, they turned to global warming,
 but to date there is no evidence of a dramatic warming trend to
 support this claim. More than 18,000 scientists worldwide have
 spoken out against this Big Lie intended to force industrialized
 nations to reduce their energy use."

 Genetically Modified Crops is third on the list. "With a
 population estimated to be six billion, the earth needs this
 remarkable means to grow more food on less land, with less
 dependence on the chemicals used to ward off insect pests and
 adverse climate conditions. This, however, has not deterred
 leading environmental organizations from launching a huge scare
 campaign to needlessly frighten people."

 Food Scares are fourth on the Centerís list. "The food police
 have warned against irradiation that kills deadly food poisoning
 pathogens, as well as the diet of huge portions of the worldís
 population, including the natural inclination of humans to
 include meat in their diets," said Caruba. "The worst
 perpetrators of these lies are the members of the animal rights
 movement who are engaged in a worldwide program of terrorism."

 The Timber Lies, fifth on the Centerís list, have been a
 sustained program in the U.S. where two-thirds of the forests
 that existed when the Pilgrims arrived are still thriving. "The
 lies that the Spotted Owl was endangered shut down 187 mills in
 the northwest and wiped out 22,654 jobs. The U.S. is now
 importing lumber when it is home to vast forestlands that have
 been put off limits to any use by Americans, whether as timber
 resources or for 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Fwd: [Spy News] Dope Money

2000-09-01 Thread Kris Millegan


Aug. 31, 2000

A Deeper Look

Dope Money IV
For over a year, in writing, I have continued to point out the role of U.S.
banks in the laundering of dirty drug money proceeds. We have continued to
show how the U.S. Department of Treasury and the Justice Department have
caught major U.S. banks in the act of money laundering and yet have not
stripped a single one of these banks of their charters or right to do

Now we learn from the Washington Post of how U.S. banks and corporations are
playing a leading role in the laundering of drug money into and out of
Columbia. Yet and still all we here about is how Columbia must do more to
stop the drug trade. There is no way that the amount of money that is being
brought in and out of Columbia and laundered through U.S. banks could flow
without the knowledge and even cooperation of bank officials.

Yet, the U.S. government does nothing, even when they catch a bank in the
act. Like in the case of Raul Salinas and Citibank. Instead, the bank, now
known as Citigroup, after it is under review for money laundering violations,
attracts the former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury to help run its daily bank
operations. Talk about a conflict of interest - a bank under investigation by
the U.S. government for money laundering violations, hires the former U.S.
Secretary of the Treasury, less than 1 year after he leaves office.

Here is the Washington Post article that details the latest episode in the
government's phony "War on Drugs". Notice how, in the story, the identities
of the banks in question are protected.

Oh no, to Drug Czar Barry McCaffrey the war on drugs includes only local
crack dealers and foreign countries, never U.S. banks that do more to
facilitate the world wide drug trade than any drug kingpin.

Please read the article in its entirety, soon, I will devote A Deeper Look to
the drug war charade and how both the Justice and Treasury Departments are
protecting multinational banks.


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Re: [CTRL] Woman protests restroom arrest

2000-09-01 Thread Involuntary

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000 14:07:33 -0400, Richard Sampson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
posted article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:


 C I N N A T I   P O S T

 Police Specialist Charles Taber is known as one of Cincinnati's
 finest - except at the Hamilton County Courthouse where he
 arrested a female custodian who refused to let him use a closed

I just got back from a vacation through the northeast USA and having a
passenger with me who needed to "go potty" every 20 minutes due to his
unceasing guzzling of liquids (even guzzling while complaining that it
was taking me too long to find a "peepee spot") I can personally say
that in some parts of this country, people apparently do not use the
restroom in public places.  In New Jersey, 7-Eleven claimed not to have
a restroom.  At the next place we stopped, he claimed the restrooms were
for employee use only.  Finally we found a grocery store, but by then he
was nearly drunk with urine overflow.

It finally got so bad just finding a place to go that we started pulling
into parking lots and he'd simply relieve himself in a dark corner.  I'd
try to find a proper place for him to go, but there were times it was so
bad he started to hate me and said that he didn't care if he got
arrested -- he really had to go.

Well, if you gotta go, you gotta go.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Pediatrician = Pedophile?

2000-09-01 Thread Involuntary

On Thu, 31 Aug 2000 22:47:43 +0200, J Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
article 000901c01445$1a72bd40$e0eb1ec4@privateu, which said:

 Thursday 31 August 2000
 'Ignorant' paedophile slur
 By Richard Savill
 Daily Telegraph: Paedomania
 A PAEDIATRICIAN said yesterday that "total ignorance" was behind an
 attack on her home by vandals who mistook her for a paedophile.

I remember a news story from probably a year or two ago, in which a
couple of men broke into a house and beat a man to death after finding
his address on a website where the names, pictures and addresses of
child sex offenders was posted by order of some state law.  Come to find
out, they beat up the wrong man, who IIRC, was either disabled or
retarded.  Indeed, a child molester had once lived there, but had moved
and the website was not updated.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] WT: Army training centers get failing grades

2000-09-01 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

In a message dated 09/01/2000 9:14:38 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 Where you been Prudy...was wonderin about you yestreday and today
 was going to ask -  been at lake or on vacation? 

Spent about three weeks in Utah, Texas, New Mexico..   I think we must have
been previewing Hell.  I kept thinking, 'Why did I leave the shores of Lake
Erie?'  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Evil-doers Beware! Space Scientists are on the Case

2000-09-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Two NASA scientists are working with the police and the FBI to
track down criminals using out-of-this-world video technology.
The new technique, called VISAR, is also expected to improve
military reconnaissance, medical research and video on home
computers.  This story includes pictures and video of VISAR in



 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Lawsuit Challenges Clinton's National Monument Legacy

2000-09-01 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Lawsuit Challenges Clinton's National Monument Legacy
Thursday, August 31, 2000


WASHINGTON -- President Clinton's legacy of creating sprawling new national
monuments, like the one in California's Sequoia National Forest, is now being
challenged on constitutional grounds.

Opponents of the new monuments are suing Clinton in federal court in
Washington for what they say is his unconstitutionally ambitious use of the
1906 Antiquities Act. Clinton has used the law this year to create the
328,000-acre Giant Sequoia National Monument, the 195,000-acre Hanford Reach
National Monument in Washington and others.

"The Antiquities Act was written for antiquities," William Perry Pendley,
president of the Denver-based Mountain States Legal Foundation, said
Thursday. "It was not written to set aside vast expanses of territory because
it's pretty or has old trees."

A conservative group that's historically received funding from companies
including Texaco, Exxon, Chevron and the Coors Foundation, the Mountain
States Legal Foundation has previously challenged other monument designations
by Clinton.

All told, Clinton has used the unilateral powers provided by the 1906 law to
designate 3.7 million acres as national monuments. With about five months
left in his presidency, this is more than any of his predecessors except
President Jimmy Carter.

"All of them are worthy of protection," Council on Environmental Quality
spokeswoman Mary Hanley said Thursday, adding that "we certainly don't agree"
with the thrust of the newly filed suit.

The lawsuit specifically targets the Hanford monument and three others
established this year in Arizona, Oregon and Colorado. The Giant Sequoia
monument established in April is not included in the lawsuit, but San Joaquin
Valley opponents of the new monument are closely tracking the latest legal

"We're going to see how that flies," said Fresno resident Tom Barile,
chairman of a coalition that's fought the Giant Sequoia monument. "If it
doesn't work, then we'll try something else."

Barile's group, the Sierra Nevada Access, Multiple-Use and Stewardship
Coalition, now claims about 82 organizations as members. Barile said the
group's possible own legal challenge to the Giant Sequoia monument might
develop over the next several months, based on grounds similar to those
included in the new lawsuit.

Barile said he is also still waiting for government agencies to respond to
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for documents related to the Giant
Sequoia monument. The Council on Environmental Quality has likewise not yet
provided documents in response to a FOIA request filed by the Bee last March.

So far, no legal challenge - or, for the most part, legislative challenge -
has succeeded against the 100-plus national monuments created under the 1906
law. The simply worded law authorizes presidents, acting without
congressional approval, to protect "objects of historic or scientific
interest" by designating national monuments "which in all cases shall be
confined to the smallest area compatible with ... proper care and management
of the objects to be protected."

The Mountain States Legal Foundation contends Clinton exceeded his
constitutional authority by going far beyond this "smallest area" language in
creating large monuments. The core legal question is: When Congress uses such
vague words, where does the president's discretion end?

A 1920 Supreme Court decision involving the Grand Canyon has persuaded
officials since that the president enjoys great leeway in determining a
monument's size. Pendley, though, contends Congress has subsequently
clarified that a president's environmental actions including Antiquities Act
declarations must be more tightly constrained.

© 2000 Scripps-McClatchy Western Service

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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[CTRL] Buchanan Wins Ballot Battle in California

2000-09-01 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Buchanan Wins Ballot Battle in California
Thursday, August 31, 2000


SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- After weeks of intra-party turmoil that has threatened
to tear apart the already fractured Reform Party, Patrick J. Buchanan was
named the party's official presidential nominee in California Thursday and
will appear on state ballots, Secretary of State Bill Jones announced.

Jones acted on the last day for state party organizations to submit names to
him to meet ballot printing deadlines for the Nov. 7 general election. He
also acted after Buchanan forces threatened a lawsuit, although a Jones
spokesman said that had no bearing on his decision.

Backers of rival Reform Party candidate John Hagelin were outraged and said
they may seek court action to overturn Jones' decision, which they said he
lacked the legal authority to make.

"It seems clear to me that either the Secretary of State has been threatened
with a lawsuit or is looking for an easy way out or he does not care about
the election process, which is a horrible thought," said John H. Place, vice
chairman of the Reform Party of California.

Buchanan campaign spokesman K.B. Forbes said the campaign's legal team
prevailed on Jones. "Agreement was reached," Forbes said. "It shows that the
merits of our case are credible."

Jones' decision is a huge boost to Buchanan, who claimed the national party
nomination after a raucous convention in Long Beach last month. Hagelin
supporters, made up of many of the original backers of Reform Party founder
H. Ross Perot, walked out of the convention in protest over what they viewed
as a hijacking of the fledgling party by Buchanan, a former Republican. They
held their own meeting at which they nominated Hagelin as the party standard

Since then, the factions have joined the battle over which candidate is
entitled to $12.6 million in federal campaign funds, and have fought
state-by-state over who will be listed on the ballot. Election officials in
Iowa and Montana held drawings to determine which name would be on the
ballot. Buchanan won in Iowa. Hagelin prevailed in Montana, but a judge
overturned that decision Thursday. Federal Election Commission officials have
yet to decide which candidate will get the money.

In California, Jones' decision to place Buchanan on the ballot was based on
his office's "long-standing policy" of taking direction on such matters from
the state party's chairman.

In this case, California Reform Party chairman Raymond O. Mills submitted
Buchanan's name on Aug. 15, just two days after the party's national
convention had concluded. But Jones rescinded the name eight days later,
after the state party's 13-member board of directors voted 7-6 to overturn
Mills' decision and prohibit him from submitting a nominee's name without
board approval. Jones spokesman Alfie Charles said the secretary of state
only rescinded Buchanan because Mills, the party chairman, "told us it was
the will of the party to rescind the name."

The party infighting continued through Wednesday night, when Mills and other
Buchanan supporters boycotted a conference call to hash out the issue, and
Mills submitted another letter to Jones naming Buchanan the party's official

Jones accepted the submission based on Mills standing as party chairman and
turned it over to county officials for ballot printing.

Charles acknowledged the Buchanan campaign was set to challenge Jones in
court, but said Jones' decision was based on the office policy of following
the direction of the state party chairman.

Place charged that Jones abused his discretion by not following the will of a
majority of state Reform Party board members. He said the board "will have to
regroup now," but will likely consider legal action.

But Charles said Jones was only acting by the book. "The secretary of state
clearly stated the policy of this office and is not going to get into an
analysis of intra-party disputes," Charles said. "The state needs the parties
to conduct themselves in a way that will allow us to meet the deadlines in
the election code."

© 2000 Scripps-McClatchy Western Service

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

Want to be on our lists?  Write at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for a menu of our lists!

A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!


[CTRL] WND: NSC e-mail also missing Letter 'D' anomaly

2000-09-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER



NSC e-mail also missing Letter 'D' anomaly, other 'glitches'
scuttled records on issues like China

By Paul Sperry
© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON -- Computer contractor Yiman F. Salim must have felt
like a plumber. The White House e-mail-archiving system had
sprung yet another leak, and Salim was called in again to help
fix it.

It was April 1999, and she'd found a new problem with the
Automated Records Management System put together by the
Clinton-Gore team to store and search electronic messages, as
required by a 1994 law. This time, ARMS was rejecting all
in-coming e-mail sent to White House users whose first name
starts with the letter "D."

The "bleeding" started in November 1998 -- the same month,
curiously enough, that a more than two-year gap in records for
e-mail sent to the White House server used by President Clinton
and his staff had ended. Some 500 users were affected. So just as
Salim and other Northrop Grumman technicians had fixed one leak,
another one started (though the letter "D" leak sprung across all
five main White House e-mail servers).

Congress, a federal court and the independent counsel have
demanded the White House search for the missing e-mail from
Clinton's server and turn it over to them as part of their
outstanding subpoenas in various scandal investigations.

Of the estimated million e-mails missing, some are said to
involve the Jones-Lewinsky case, Filegate and 1996 Clinton-Gore

Meanwhile, scarce attention has been paid to all the letter "D"
e-mails that escaped White House archives from November 1998 to
June 1999.

But they may carry national security significance.

Internal White House documents recently obtained under subpoena
by Congress show that the letter "D" problem affected 10 times
more White House users working at the National Security Council
than did the previous archiving problem.

ARMS failed to capture e-mail sent to just two NSC staffers from
August 1996 to November 1998.

But from November 1998 to June 1999 -- a tense period for the
White House, which covered the run-up to the May 1999 release of
the Cox report on Chinese espionage -- ARMS rejected incoming
messages to 21 National Security Council staffers.

One of them is David Halperin, then a director of foreign-policy
speechwriting at NSC. His father, Morton Halperin, works at the
State Department. He became director of State policy planning in

A long-time China booster, the senior Halperin urged in the '60s
that the U.S. extend diplomatic recognition to Red China and work
for its admission into the United Nations.

In the '70s, he traveled with pro-China lobbyist Henry Kissinger
to then-Peking as an NSC staffer before heading the Center for
National Security Studies, a spin-off of the pro-Marxist think
tank Institute for Policy Studies. CNSS also is aligned with the
National Lawyers Guild, which was formed with the aid of
Comintern, or Communist International.

A recent book has linked Halperin to the KGB. And a former State
expert on the former Soviet Union told WorldNetDaily recently
that Halperin showed up on U.S. embassy briefing cards during the
height of the Cold War as a "communist agent."

Halperin, a Clinton appointee, has worked tirelessly for banning
U.S. nuclear weapons, as well as any U.S. spying on groups
suspected of un-American activities. Fifteen State laptops
containing highly classified intelligence information have gone
missing recently. One of them was checked out to Halperin's
office. Two officials have been punished, but not Halperin.

It's not clear if the Halperins exchanged e-mails in late 1998 or
early 1999. During that time, National Security Adviser Sandy
Berger and others on his team were locked in fierce negotiations
with the bipartisan Cox Commission over how much of the explosive
findings to declassify. Berger, a former China lobbyist who
argued for censoring most of the report, managed to redact about
a third of it.

Berger spokesman David Leavy's e-mails also are missing for that

Adding to suspicions is the White House's recent admission,
overlooked by the press, that still another computer "glitch" --
only recently discovered -- knocked a two-year hole in all
National Security Council e-mail records over a period covering
the full length of the Cox investigation, which was launched in
early 1998 to look into Clinton approving rocket technology
transfers to China.

The gap, as revealed in U.S. court testimony by lawyers for the
White House, stretches from June 1997 to August 1999 -- a period
that also covers the Thompson committee's Chinagate fund-raising
hearings, which began in early July 1997, as well as the belated
FBI investigation of Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee, now on
trial for mishandling nuclear secrets.

The gaps mean there is no searchable computer record of any
messages sent during that time to the National Security 

[CTRL] AF News 2 Sep 00 Part 2

2000-09-01 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

001340.  Reserve C-130s airlift support to peacekeepers

RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany (AFPN) -- Peacekeepers in the Balkans rely on Air
Force C-130 aircraft to get replacements, equipment and supplies.  Most of
these missions are flown on a rotational basis by units temporarily assigned
to the 38th Airlift Squadron (Provisional), better known as Delta

Air Force Reserve Command units began picking up the missions in early
August as part of the command's role in Aerospace Expeditionary Force 8.

"The support of Air Force Reserve and Air National Guard C-130 units is
crucial to provide the airlift required to support peacekeeping efforts in
the Balkans," said Col. Ray Phillips, commander of Ramstein's 86th
Operations Group, which oversees Delta Operations.  "It continues to impress
me that reservists from two or three different units can leave their
civilian jobs, come over and seamlessly carry on the daily flying schedule
from Delta Ops."

During the first two weeks of the Aug. 2 to Sept. 7 deployment, the
Reserve's 302nd Airlift Wing, Peterson AFB, Colo., sent four aircraft and
eight aircrews, plus support personnel, to Ramstein.  The 934th AW,
Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport Air Reserve Station, and the
913th AW, Willow Grove ARS, Pa., each provided an aircraft, two crews,
aircraft maintainers and other support people.

The 934th AW and the 913th AW kept their aircraft in place, and each rotated
in two new crews plus support people.  The 440th AW, Gen. Mitchell IAP ARS,
Wis., which was responsible for managing the Reserve's month-long AEF
deployment, sent four crews, more support people and two aircraft.  The
908th AW, Maxwell AFB, Ala., also deployed four crews, support personnel and
two C-130s.

The 317th Airlift Group, an active-duty unit from Dyess AFB, Texas,
augmented the Reserve's rotation with four crews and two aircraft.  While
deployed, the reservists and Dyess airmen provided airlift support for
Operations Joint Guard and Joint Forge, as well as channel missions within
the European theater.  As of Aug. 28, they had flown 155 sorties,
transporting some 4,000 passengers and more than 740 tons of cargo.

"Our support of Joint Guard and Joint Forge operations demonstrates the
Total Force in action," said Lt. Col. Walter Koelln, 38th AS commander and
chief of current operations for the 440th AW's 95th AS.  "Since the Reserve
and Guard have a significant portion of the tactical airlift capability, it
makes sense for us to supplement the active duty where we can.  As long as
the active duty allows us the flexibility to determine how we meet the
requirement, we'll find a way to get the job done."

The Reserve provides 23 percent of the Air Force's C-130 airlift capability.
"We are full partners in the Total Force," Koelln continued, "but we also
have to respect the needs of our reservists' civilian employers and our
families.  Many of our people make sacrifices to be here...but they
volunteer none the less because they like to serve their country and work
with people who share their dedication."

"We've been doing this mission since 1996," said Capt. Pete Garland, a 908th
AW pilot.  "This is the fourth time I've been over to support this
operation, so it has become pretty routine."  Garland said the biggest
challenge was learning to operate within the European air traffic control

Operators and maintainers faced an additional challenge:  three different
models of the C-130 - E, H1 and H2.  Crews and maintainers are certified to
work on a particular model.  For example, if a C-130E aircraft was scheduled
to fly and it broke, a different crew would have to be called in to fly the
H1 or H2 model spare aircraft.  Calling in the standby crew often affects
the next day's schedule if the crew doesn't return before entering the crew
rest period for the following day's flight.

Phillips said the experience level of both operators and maintainers helped
them deal with those kinds of challenges.

"Many of the pilots have over 3,000 hours in the C-130 plus several thousand
hours flying with the airlines," he said.  "Some of the maintainers have
been working on the same aircraft for 20 years and know the 130 inside out.

That experience really shows as they have worked through the night to do
major repairs so the aircraft can fly the next day.  I really appreciate the
support of the Reserve and Guard units and thank each one of them for
serving with us."

Reserve component support of Delta Ops continues in September with the
arrival of replacements from the Alaska and West Virginia National Guard, as
well as from the active force at Little Rock AFB, Ark.

Back in the Western Hemisphere, reservists and C-130s from the 94th AW,
Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Ga., and Peterson's 302nd AW will go to Muniz ANG
Base, Puerto Rico, in September to support the ongoing Coronet Oak mission.

Next summer, the Reserve 

[CTRL] AF News 2 Sep 00 Part 1

2000-09-01 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

001342.  Don't forget to register to vote

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- Officials here at the Air Force
Personnel Center want to remind Air Force members that Armed Forces Voters
Week is Sunday through Sept. 9 and emphasize the importance of registering
and requesting absentee ballots.

"The 2000 general election date is closing in, so voters need to remember to
register and request absentee ballots," said TSgt. Sophia Barnard, Air Force
voting program project officer.  "Voters can register and request absentee
ballots by filling out a Standard Form 76, Federal Post Card Application.
There are now 42 states that accept the on-line version of the FPCA, so
check out the Federal Voting Assistance Program web site at
http://www.fvap.ncr.gov to see if your state is one of them."

Deadlines and other state specific rules on voter registration are published
in the Federal Voting Assistance Guide which is available from installation
voting officers or on the FVAP web site.

"Every installation has an installation voting officer who can assist airmen
and their family members," Barnard said.  "Base telephone operators can
refer members to their installation voting officer, who will have a supply
of Federal Post Card Registration and Absentee Ballot Request cards as well
as the voting guides to assist in filling out and mailing them.  If members
don't receive their ballots 30-45 days before the election, they can contact
their local election officials or installation voting officers for

For more information, Air Force members may contact their installation
voting officer or contact the USAF voting action office at DSN 665-2563 or
1-800-558-1404.  (Courtesy of AFPC News Service)

001338.  Air Force 'hams' invited to anniversary party

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- Amateur radio operators, or "hams," from around the
globe will celebrate the 53rd anniversary of the Air Force with a worldwide
radio "QSO party" on Sept. 16.  The party is set for 12:01 a.m. Sept. 16 to
11:59 p.m. Sept. 17 Universal Coordinated Time.  QSO is ham radio shorthand
for "radio contact."

Hams are licensed by their governments to develop radio skills, improve
radio science, provide disaster and public service communications, and build
international goodwill.  The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has
issued such licenses to more than 700,000 people.  Hundreds of thousands of
citizens of other nations are similarly licensed by their governments.

The QSO party was started in 1997 as a one-time celebration of the Air Force
50th anniversary, but has become an annual event at the request of hundreds
of its participants from around the world, including many Air Force members
and retirees.  Through it, hams gather on the airwaves to renew old Air
Force acquaintances as they exchange radio greetings.

The event is sponsored by the Air Force Directorate of Communications and
Information, and managed by the Razorback Radio Club.  Its trustee, Brig.
Gen. Bernie Skoch (amateur radio call sign K5XS), is the principal director
for network services at the Defense Information systems Agency in Arlington,

Hams have a historical practice of using the Morse code to communicate.
They couple this practice with modern communication techniques such as voice
communications, radio teletype, television, facsimile, and even
computer-to-computer communications over radio.  Space shuttle astronauts
communicate with classrooms worldwide via ham radios to educate elementary
and high school students on space travel.  The new International Space
Station will include a ham radio station as well.

For more details, e-mail Skoch at [EMAIL PROTECTED], write the club at
1033 Marlboro Road, Lothian, MD 20711.

001337.  F-22 milestone completed ahead of schedule

EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. (AFPN) -- The F-22 Combined Test Force
completed another major Defense Acquisition Board milestone ahead of
schedule August 22.  The test involved F-22 flight maneuvers with its
weapons bay doors open and at high angles of attack.

The milestone, officially titled "Initiate High AoA (Angle of Attack) with
Weapons Bay Doors Open," was the third of nine flight test-related
milestones completed this year. According to test engineers at the F-22
testing facility, the aircraft passed its milestone "with flying colors."

Other milestones for 2000 include the first flight of Raptor 4003, 4004,
4005, 4006, Radar Cross Section testing, AIM-9 separation testing through
AIM-120 separation testing, complete Avionics Block 3.0 first flight, and
Block 3.0 function testing.

Milestones completed this year include the first flight of Raptor 4003 and
AIM-9 separation testing.  Completion of Raptor 4004, 4005, 4006 and the
avionics testing milestones can begin once the items complete the
manufacturing process and are ready for issue to the CTF.  Completion of
test points that will culminate with 

[CTRL] IRS: Government attack dog

2000-09-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

IRS: Government attack dog

by Linda Bowles


In recent years, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has shown a
propensity to leap like a junkyard attack dog at every suspected
and imagined tax violation by conservative organizations such as
the Christian Coalition and the Western Journalism Center; and it
has with similar, savage enthusiasm executed tax audits on Bill
Clinton's accusers, such as Juanita Broaddrick, alleged rape
victim, and Paula Jones, alleged pants-dropping target.

Given such diligence, you may never have suspected that the same
IRS might look the other way at massive and in-your-face
violations of its tax codes by liberal organizations such as the
National Education Association (NEA).

Fortunately, the Landmark Legal Foundation, as an act of good
citizenship and in the interest of fair play, has politely
reminded a selectively negligent IRS that political activities
and expenditures by the tax-exempt NEA "are taxable to the
organization unless they are segregated from the organization's
general operations and conducted through a political action

In a formal complaint, the foundation, headed by legal scholar
Mark Levin, presented a veritable mountain of evidence and
exhibits to support the charge that the NEA has for a number of
years lavishly spent general operating funds on taxable political
activities and failed to report them on its tax returns.

It remains to be seen whether the IRS is willing to take time
from its punitive witch hunts and its routine assaults on private
citizens to conduct a serious investigation in response to a
serious complaint. As we say in the trade when confronted with a
highly unlikely occurrence, "Don't hold your breath!"

It is difficult to believe that any thinking person, other than
perhaps a trial lawyer, would have the gall to argue that the
National Education Association is not a thoroughly partisan,
political organization.

The NEA knows it has an image problem, and has sought help in
dealing with it. Exhibit 23 of the Landmark Legal Foundation's
presentation is a copy of a friendly audit by The Kamber Group.
The Kamber people identified four perceptions of the NEA which
that organization needs to overcome:

1. The NEA is a monolithic union that looks out for No. 1 at
everyone else's --including kids'-- expense.

2. The NEA is a giant political arm of the Democratic Party.

3. The NEA is the greatest obstacle to needed education reform.

4. The NEA has nothing new or positive to offer.

While Kamber suggested to the union bosses that these perceptions
could be overcome with better communications, the reality is that
these are not communication problems. This is not a list of
misperceptions. This is an accurate diagnosis of a corrupt,
self-serving organization that provides money and services to key
Democratic politicians like Bill Clinton, Algore and California
Gov. Gray Davis in exchange for protection of its monopoly from
reform, competition and accountability.

The NEA is the largest and most powerful trade union in America.
Its open agenda is indistinguishable from that of any other
radical, left-wing organization. Its philosophy of secular
statism, anti-American multiculturalism, Marxian egalitarianism,
and moral relativism permeates the government school curriculum.

Like most unions, educational unions protect mediocrity and
oppose change. They believe that need, not merit, should be the
basis of rewards, that competition is unhealthy, that equality of
outcome is more important than the attainment of excellence and
that it is the job of government schools to protect children from
the wrong-headedness and incompetence of parents.

The concept that a school would live or die based upon doing a
good job with the children is totally alien, not to mention
frightening, to those in charge of government schools. They do
not understand or value the power of free enterprise, market
forces and competition. For this reason alone, they should not be
involved with the education of our children.

Historians Will and Ariel Durant defined education as the
"transmission of civilization ... our mental, moral, technical
and aesthetic heritage ..." They wrote: "Civilization is not
inherited; it has to be learned and earned by each generation
anew; if the transmission should be interrupted for one century,
civilization would die ..."

The transmission of America's heritage to oncoming generations
has been short-circuited. The values and traditions that made
America the greatest nation in history and the envy of the world
are dying.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

[CTRL] SAEN: Ex-rival hired as counsel

2000-09-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

Ex-rival hired as counsel

By Maro Robbins
San Antonio Express-News Staff Writer

Two of San Antonio's most respected and feared prosecutors have
hired one of the city's best known and most accomplished criminal
defense lawyers to deal with an investigation into whether they
deceived Congress.

Gerald H.  Goldstein is representing the husband-and-wife team of
Assistant U.S.  Attorneys Ray and LeRoy Jahn — career prosecutors
who are subjects of a probe into possible government wrongdoing
related to the 1993 Waco standoff with Branch Davidians.

While making allies out of former courtroom adversaries, the
match between the federal enforcers and the eloquent,
self-described ex-hippie has symmetry beyond their local status
as premier lawyers.

All three attended law school in Austin together, and all
attended the 1995 congressional hearing in which the Jahns have
been accused of misleading lawmakers.

The investigation led by special counsel John C. Danforth,
however, represents an unexpected twist in the Jahns' careers.

Their polished résumés include targeting public corruption,
convicting federal Judge John Wood's assassin and tenaciously
grilling President Clinton during the trial of his former
Whitewater business partners.

The Waco probe has thrust the veteran prosecutors into the
unusual position of being investigated even as they investigate
others.  Most recently, their signatures appeared on grand jury
subpoenas issued to the office of state Sen.  Frank Madla, D-San
Antonio, and other state agencies.

The investigation focusing partly on the Jahns stems from their
1994 prosecution of 11 Branch Davidians after the 51-day siege
ended with about 80 members of the religious sect dying as fire
consumed their bunker.  Some died from gunshot wounds.

Although Danforth concluded in July that sect members kindled the
blaze that killed them, he said several government agents and
lawyers withheld information that, when it surfaced, spurred
cover-up allegations and conspiracy theories.

The former U.S.  senator noted that the Jahns did not reveal the
use of a potentially incendiary tear-gas canister on the morning
of the siege during the 1994 trial or at a 1995 congressional
hearing, in which the pair appeared as Justice Department experts
on the Waco case.

Their statement to lawmakers read in part, "the FBI did not fire
a shot other than the nonlethal (and non-incendiary) ferret
rounds which carried the CS (tear) gas."

When questioned by Danforth's investigators, Ray Jahn "admitted"
he knew about the pyrotechnic round in 1993 and claimed that he
was merely "negligent" in not revealing them, the special
counsel's preliminary report stated.

The report added that investigators continue to examine whether
the Jahns, or other prosecutors who worked alongside them,
intentionally concealed the canister's use.

Danforth's spokeswoman refused to comment on the investigation's

Goldstein likewise declined to discuss whether the Jahns had been
summoned before a grand jury Danforth has convened in St.

But he characterized them as ethical lawyers who are being
sacrificed to the public's need to blame someone for controversy
surrounding the Waco siege.

"The word scapegoat comes to mind," he said, adding, "I think
there will be other scapegoats."

Other prosecutors, past and present, who worked on the 1994 trial
include former Assistant U.S.  Attorney Bill Johnston of Waco.
He could not be reached for comment.

Another trial participant, Assistant U.S.  Attorney John Phinizy
of Austin, said he had been interviewed but not subpoenaed by
Danforth's investigators.

San Antonio lawyer John Convery, a former prosecutor who helped
select the jury but had no part in trial preparation, said
investigators once contacted him but canceled their interview.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 

[CTRL] Date: 01 September 2000 Federalist #00-35.dgst Part 2

2000-09-01 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


"While not ignoring how far we have sunk, we should not make the
parallel mistake of assuming that we are stuck here. Today's victors
have no lock on history, or even on the next election. Politics,
unlike sports, does not end at the finish line, the fourth quarter, or
the championship. It flows on, in endless permutations, and the
right-minded always have the burden of making their case anew. A
favorite sentence of Russell Kirk's, borrowed from T. S. Eliot, is
appropriate here: 'There are no lost causes, because there are no
gained causes.' Let the work continue." --National Review



It's that time of year again, when the Sociocrats (or "New Democrats,"
as they like to call themselves) park their luxury imports, exchange
their starched white collars for open blue ones, forgo Chardonnay for
Budweiser, and commune with their most loyal voters to dispense a
lifetime supply of "class warfare" rhetoric.

Albert Arnold Gore and his cadre will use this Labor Day weekend to
laud the "working class" [read: those who are beneficiaries of special
interest protection rackets like organized labor, or income
redistribution schemes like recipients of some form of "welfare"] and
villainize the "rich and powerful" [read: those who pay taxes to
support the "working class"]. The rich and powerful, as defined by the
Gore ilk, are those families with combined annual incomes of more than
$30,000 ("working families," as defined by George Bush).

Class warfare, now a staple of Democrat campaigns, is the ultimate
un-American exercise of political hypocrisy. The practice -- in
America -- has its origins with the campaign of that wealthy
aristocrat, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who demonstrated that making an
ever-larger number constituents dependent on income redistribution
enforced by the central government is a winning political strategy.
FDR understood this admonition from his elder cousin, Teddy Roosevelt:
"Arrogance and envy, the bitter scorn of the rich man for the poor man
and the bitter hate of the poor man for the rich man, are merely the
opposite sides of the same dark shield"

At a time when millions of Americans were suffering under the Great
Depression, FDR said, "Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied
according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle."  Of
course, that was not quite an "American principle," but a paraphrase
of Karl Marx's Communist maxim, "From each according to his abilities,
to each according to his needs."

FDR set the stage for the entrapment of future generations by the
welfare state and the incremental shift from individual freedom and
free enterprise to dependence on the state and socialism.  Soviet
dictator Nikita Khrushchev said of the political trend launched by
Roosevelt's "New Deal," "We can't expect the American People to jump
from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders
in giving them small doses of Socialism, until they awaken one day to
find that they have Communism."

Despite all his class warfare rhetoric, FDR did not hail from the
ranks of the "working class" but from wealth and privilege, as did his
present-day students Al Gore and Teddy Kennedy. These modern-day
"inheritance welfare liberals," though from different socioeconomic
strata, identify strongly with government welfare dependents because
the former were dependent on their inheritance throughout their
formative years, and never developed the character and spirit of those
who have -- of their own accord and initiative -- sustained their
families and communities.

Inheritance welfare liberals have managed to lock the lips of
generations of government welfare "voter blocks" to their Democrat
posteriors. Al Gore is currently leading the pack with his campaign
mantra: "They're for the powerful; we're for the people."

This weekend, we will hear much ballyhooing about George W. Bush's
"risky plan" to leave $1.3 trillion of the projected $4.5 trillion
ten-year budget surplus in taxpayers' pockets -- though Gore will
phrase it: "Risky investing in a tax break for the wealthy." Of
course, all Mr. Bush has proposed to do is reduce tax rates
proportionally -- meaning those who were paying more would keep more.

Gore will warn that the Bush plan will wreck the "Clinton/Gore"
economy and that his alternative proposal for $2.3 trillion in new
government tax-and-spend programs will do more for the "working
class." Accordingly, Gore's new campaign mantra should be: "Ask not
what you can do for your country, ask what your country can do for

Of course, the only thing the Bush plan will wreck is Gore's effort to
shackle more citizens to central government welfare spending programs,
and thus, expand his dependent constituency.

[CTRL] Date: 01 September 2000 Federalist #00-35.dgst Part 1

2000-09-01 Thread Bill Richer

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

Date: 01 September 2000
Federalist #00-35.dgst

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"The real object of all despotism is revenue." --Thomas Paine


In the news this week, while Al Gore and Joe Lieberman were busy
courting and collecting from Hollywood's elite glitterati, the Federal
Trade Commission released a report which concludes that the
entertainment industry is aggressively targeting violent television,
music and video games to children. (And we thought only Joe Camel was
guilty of poisoning Village children.) The report notes that ads for
violent R-rated movies are primarily advertised on television programs
being watched by young teens.

Perhaps state attorneys general will drop their "gun problem" class
action suit against gun industry and pursue a "culture problem" class
action suit against the film industry for the culture of violence it
promotes and creates.  Don't hold your breath

Quote of the week...

"In his convention appearance Gore recalled how hardships demanded
self-reliance from his parents and made them an inspiration to him.
Gore wowed his convention by vowing to banish forever all the sorts of
challenging conditions that made his parents so inspiring." --George

On cross-examination...

"I am pleased that the Republican leadership has finally decided to
stop holding up a pay raise for America's working families" --Demo
Dick Gephardt on a plan to raise the minimum wage by $1 over two
years.  Q: Where does the Constitution say that the central government
is in charge of setting the minimum wage?

The BIG lie...

"We changed things, to help unleash your potential, and innovation and
investment in the private sector, the engine that drives the economy."
--Albert Gore, taking responsibility for the economy -- despite those
"powerful forces."

From "The most ethical administration"...

While the Great Prevaricator was busy arguing that he should not lose
his standing with the Arkansas bar just because he lied in sworn
testimony to protect himself in a sexual harassment suit, Mr. David
Schippers, the Democrat who led the House Judiciary Committee's
investigation of Clinton and who, incidentally, voted for Bill Clinton
in 1992 and 1996, now calls Clinton "a disgrace to the office...a
disgrace to the United States. He's made the United States a
laughingstock of the world I'm still a registered Democrat but
from what I've seen on the national scene, I could never vote for a
Democrat on the national level again until they clean up their act."

News from the Swamp...

As expected, Bill Clinton vetoed the Death Tax Elimination Act as a
warm-up act for the "class warfare" rhetoric this Labor Day weekend.
"I believe that this estate tax bill is part of a series of actions
and commitments, that when you add it all up, would take us to the bad
old days of deficits, high interest rates and have no money to invest
in our common future," Clinton said. "This particular bill is wrong
for our families and wrong for our future. It fails the test of the
future, both on the grounds of fairness and fiscal responsibility."

The House may have the muscle to override the veto. Rep. J.C. Watts
said, "Eliminating the death tax will put an end to folks being
visited by the undertaker and the IRS agent on the same day. ... Next
week, Congress will vote to correct this mistake, to provide death tax
relief and strengthen American families. I urge my colleagues to
override this veto in the best interests of farmers, small businesses,
and the entire nation."

For more on the class warfare theme, see this week's Second Opinion,
"Class Action."

Judicial Benchmarks...

In the halls of injustice on the left, a homosexual transvestite
claimed he is entitled to asylum in the United States because his
sexual proclivities are not acceptable back home in Mexico. A
three-judge panel in San Francisco decided in his favor that "gay men
with female sexual identities in Mexico constitute a protected
'particular social group' under the asylum statute." The Immigration
Service must reverse its decision and approve the Mexican's request
for asylum -- meaning Al Gore just picked up another vote from a
reversal of INS immigration policy.

Regarding your IRS overpayment...

According to the Public Service Research Foundation, the Bureau of
Labor Statistics data show that the recent resurgence of 

[CTRL] The Birthday of the Us Constitution a letter to the editor

2000-09-01 Thread William Bacon

To the Editor,
  On September 17, 2000 the Constitution of the United States will be in
effect for 213 years, which I believe marks the real birth of our country.
The Federal Government has observed the restrictions that the Constitution
has imposed on activities of the Government in Washington,D.C until the
early 1900's when the 16th and 17th amendment were ratified and the
Federal Reserve system was created. Since then, there has been an enormous
change in attitudes concerning the United States Constitution. Currently,
the people of the United States have allowed the Federal Government to
violate the restrictions of the Constitution virtually at will.

 How has this happened? The primary cause, I believe, is that the basics
of our Government are not being taught in our government schools (which
are controlled by the Federal Government via Federal Government aid to
education). It is because of this deliberate policy of imposed ignorance
that the Federal Government gets away with wholesale violations of the
United States Constitution. I urge every reader of this letter to re-read
the Constitution of the United States (log on to:
http://www.constitution.org/cs_found.htm) and reflect on how much the
Federal Government violates Constitutional restrictions(Some estimates
states that up to 80% of what we allow the Federal Government to do is
Un-Constitutional!). Then I recommend everybody to act by calling and
writing your Federal Representative and both of your Federal Senators and
demand a return to strict observance of the United States Constitution by
our Federal Government.

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

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[CTRL] Fed Conference

2000-09-01 Thread Alamaine

From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America : US Economy
Federal Reserve conference spotlights financial instability
By Nick Beams
1 September 2000

Back to screen version

This year's annual conference of US Federal Reserve Board officials and
economic policymakers at Jackson Hole, Wyoming threw some further light on the
increasingly unstable financial position of the US economy and pointed to
concerns in ruling circles that a decline in economic growth could have major
political ramifications.

In his address to the conference, Federal Reserve Board chairman Alan Greenspan
warned that “deep-seated antipathy toward free-market competition” could emerge
if economic growth began to falter.

“Any notable shortfall in economic performance from the standard set in recent
years ... runs the risk of reviving sentiment against market-oriented systems
even among some conventional establishment policymakers. At present, such a
shortfall is not anticipated, and such views are not widespread. But they
resonate in some of the arguments against the global trading system that
emerged in Washington, D.C. and Seattle over the past year.”

One of the most noteworthy features of Greenspan's speech was that it
pinpointed what could well be called the “dirty secret” of the US economic boom
and the inflow of foreign capital upon which it has become increasingly

According to Greenspan, one of the main reasons why there was a greater level
of high-tech capital investment in the US than in Europe and Japan was that “by
law and by custom, American employers have faced many fewer impediments in
recent years to releasing employees.” In other words, US firms are more
profitable because of the greater ease with which they can carry out mass
sackings and downsizing as compared to their rivals in other countries.

“This difference,” he continued, “is important in our new high-tech world
because much, if not most, of the rate of return from new technologies results
from cost reduction, which on a consolidated basis largely means the reduction
of labour costs. Consequently, legal restraints on the ability of firms to
readily implement such cost reductions lower the prospective rates of return on
the newer technologies and, thus, the incentives to apply them. As a result,
even though these technologies are available to all, the intensity of their
application and the accompanying elevation in the growth of productivity are
more clearly evident in the United States and other countries with fewer
impediments to implementation.”

As a result of the greater rates of profit in the US, Greenspan noted,
“Europeans have been finding investments in the United States increasingly
attractive and have accounted for an increasing share of the expanding total of
foreign investment in US direct and portfolio assets.”

These conclusions have decisive political implications. They point to the fact
that one of the most crucial factors in the continued ability of the US to suck
in the foreign capital needed to finance its growing international debt and
rising balance of payments deficit—now running at around $400 billion per year
or 4 percent of gross domestic product—is the suppression of all independent
struggles by the working class for wages or in defence of jobs.

A paper by economists Maurice Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff focused on the
escalation in the US current account deficit in the recent period. After
running at an historically high rate of 1.7 percent of GDP from 1992 to 1998,
the deficit surged to 3.7 percent of GDP in 1999 and is expected to reach 4.4
percent in 2001.

While among the major capitalist nations this was still below the level of
Australia (which recorded a deficit averaging 4.3 percent from 1991 to 1999),
the deficit of $316 billion was “still the largest imbalance in history, in
absolute terms”. This raised the question as to how long the global economic
system could sustain such borrowings from its largest member and what the
consequences would be of a sudden reversal.

The authors pointed out that by the end of the year 2000 the net indebtedness
of the US would be around $1.9 trillion or 20 percent of GDP and that even if
the current US growth rate of 5 percent per annum could be sustained, an
ongoing current account deficit of 4.4 percent of GDP “would imply a sharply
rising foreign debt-GDP ratio into the foreseeable future.”

The paper pointed out that while the 20 percent debt to output ratio seemed
manageable it was “extremely high by historical standards.”

“At the end of the 19th century, when the US was an emerging economic giant,
its debt-GDP ratio never exceeded 26 percent (a high-water mark reached in
1894). If today's trends continue, that figure will shortly be surpassed. One
only has to recall that prior to the Latin American debt crisis in 1980,
Argentina's net foreign debt stood at 22 percent, Brazil's 19 percent and
Mexico's 30 percent, to see that the US external debt-GDP ratio has 

[CTRL] From: Joey

2000-09-01 Thread Alamaine

From www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America : US Elections
The US elections: Lieberman's holy war against the Bill of Rights
By Barry Grey
1 September 2000
Back to screen version

Speaking on Sunday, August 27 at the Fellowship Chapel Church in Detroit,
Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph Lieberman declared, “the
Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.”
This statement is a defining moment in the 2000 presidential campaign. It is
the Connecticut senator's most explicit attack to date on the Constitutional
principles of freedom of thought and expression and the separation of church
and state.

In the same address Lieberman extolled belief in God as the basis of morality
and the informing principle of American society. He told his audience, “As a
people, we need to reaffirm our faith and renew the dedication of our nation
and ourselves to God and God's purpose.”

The speech was in keeping with the general tenor of the Connecticut senator's
public remarks since his selection as Democrat Al Gore's running mate. With
Gore's blessing, Lieberman has flaunted his religion and cited it repeatedly as
the justification for a crackdown on what he deems to be gratuitous sex and
violence in the media, as well as other measures of an anti-democratic

Lieberman has backed the efforts of the Republican right to break down legal
barriers to the intrusion of religion into public education, calling for a
“moment of silence” in the schools. He is a supporter of government vouchers
for private, including religious, schools. For all his claims to the contrary,
he promotes censorship of the media and the arts. He has proposed, for example,
that the Federal Communications Commission consider so-called “violent content”
when it renews radio and television licenses.

It is no accident that this self-styled guardian of morality and faith was the
first prominent Democrat to publicly denounce Clinton during the Monica
Lewinsky affair, legitimizing the right-wing conspiracy headed by Independent
Counsel Kenneth Starr that sought to use a sex scandal as the pretext for a
political coup d'etat. Gore chose Lieberman for his running mate precisely
because of the Connecticut senator's right-wing credentials, in line with the
efforts of the Democrats to appropriate the social policies of the Republicans.
In the face of scattered criticism of Lieberman's Detroit speech, Gore defended
his running mate, while Lieberman himself said he would continue to preach from
the campaign stump, calling his invocation of God and religion “the American

For the Democratic candidates and the political advisers managing their
campaign, Lieberman's religious protestations have more to do with immediate
electoral tactics than any deeply held convictions or considered political
conceptions. Operating as they do at the most banal and crudely opportunistic
level, they calculate that a Democratic ticket that echoes the sermonizing of
the Republican right will neutralize their opponents' attempts to exploit the
Lewinsky scandal, while garnering support from certain sections of the

The implications of Lieberman's Constitutional claims

However limited the motivations behind Lieberman's preachments, his claim that
the Constitution does not guarantee freedom from religion has far-reaching
implications. He himself is, in all likelihood, incapable of conceiving of the
political consequences that can result from prominent political figures
trifling with such core Constitutional issues.

On its face, Lieberman's interpretation of the First Amendment prohibition of
state support for religion is inane. There cannot be freedom of religion
without the right to be free from religion. The conceptual foundation for all
democratic rights to free thought and expression is undermined if the
secularist basis of the state is removed.

The centrality of the principle of freedom of conscience to the Constitution as
a whole is indicated by the fact that it is proclaimed in the very first
sentence of the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment is explicit in rejecting
theocracy and asserting the secularist basis of the American republic:
“Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

Lieberman has responded to criticisms of his statement by reassuring one and
all that he supports the separation of church and state and opposes the
religious right on issues like abortion. Those who are disturbed by his
characterization of the First Amendment are, he implies, making a mountain out
of a molehill.

But Lieberman's cavalier attitude does not alter the fact that his attack on
the secularist principle embodied in the First Amendment places a question mark
over the legal foundation for a host of democratic rights, from the right to
abortion to such issues as gay rights, divorce, equality of the sexes, and
basic matters of privacy. A critical aspect of 

[CTRL] A For Home Schooling

2000-09-01 Thread Alamaine


An A for Home Schooling
Brian C. Anderson

{H}ome schooling first showed up on the national radar screen in 1997, when 13-
year-old Rebecca Sealfon, all brains and awkward gestures, won the National
Spelling Bee, showing a startled public that her unorthodox education must be
doing something right. Today, though home schooling accounts for only 3 or 4
percent of America's schoolchildren, the movement's brisk 15 percent annual
growth rate has become a powerful, hard to ignore indictment of the nation's
academically underachieving, morally irresolute, disorderly, and often scary
public schools. Side by side with public education's lackluster results, the
richness of home schooling's achievement—the wealth of challenging subjects its
pupils learn, the civility it inculcates, the strong characters it seems to
form, and the nurturing family life it reinforces—embodies a practical  ideal
of childhood and education that can serve as a useful benchmark of what is
possible in turn-of-the-millennium America.

Though existing data are incomplete, everything we know about home-schooled
kids says that they are flourishing academically in every way. This year, home-
schooled kids swept the top three places on the National Spelling Bee, and
Stanford accepted 27 percent of its home-schooled applicants, nearly twice its
average acceptance rate. Small wonder that the public school establishment
wants to regulate home schooling out of existence. It represents a silent, but
eloquent, reproach to the professionals.

Only 20 years ago, home schooling was a far-out fringe phenomenon. No more than
50,000 children were then educated outside of school, their parents mostly
graying hippies who wanted to protect them from what they considered the
stifling conformity of "the system." In the early eighties, though, the ranks
of home schoolers began to swell with Christian fundamentalists dissatisfied
with value-free public schools. Today, the full array of American families—from
religiously orthodox Catholics and Jews to thoroughgoing secularists—are
joining the fundamentalists and the Age-of-Aquarius types in home schooling
their kids.

Former Department of Education researcher Patricia M. Lines, writing in The
Public Interest, estimates that now anywhere from 1.5 to 2 million children are
being home schooled, considerably more than the 400,000 students enrolled in
charter schools across the country. "The rise of home schooling," Lines judges,
"is one of the most significant social trends of the past half century."

What does a typical home-schooling family look like? It is likely to be white
(only 6 percent of home-schooling families are minorities) and observantly
Christian, with married parents and three or more kids. The parents are likely
to be better educated than the adult population at large, and the family will
be comfortably middle-class—though either Mom (in nine out of ten home-
schooling families) or Dad forgoes a second family income to stay at home. Mom
and Dad will probably vote Republican.

The Imperatos of Bohemia, in New York's Suffolk County, fit the typical home-
schooling family profile pretty much to a T. Blunt-spoken Joe Imperato,
Brooklyn born and bred, works for the New York City Fire Department; his soft-
spoken, articulate wife, Karen, teaches the kids, eight of them (aged 11 months
to 17 years) . . . and counting. The Imperatos have been home schooling for
eight years now, for academic, religious (they're evangelical Christians), and
familial reasons. To get a sense of what home schooling was like up close, I
went to visit them in late May.

Welcomed into their big white house with a firm handshake from Joe, I felt for
a moment—no exaggeration—as if I had entered Laura Ingalls Wilder's little
house on the prairie, relocated to a leafy New York suburb. The well-dressed,
polite, and cheerful children spill out of every corner of the house to greet
me; family portraits and drawings by the kids adorn the walls. The home
radiates warmth and good order, from the kids' elaborate chore chart to the
piano in the living room to the prominently displayed "House Rules" (Rule No.
1: "I Will Not Argue with Mom and Dad").

Recovering from my intrusion, the Imperatos' home school soon bustles. The
family has converted one section of the house into three makeshift classrooms.
There's a narrow room with a long counter for the younger kids, three of whom,
12-year-old Julie, Philip (9), and Peter (7), return to math after saying
hello; a wider room humming with slightly bruised computers where Luke, 14, is
doing a grammar program on CD-ROM; and a third, "quiet" room, where the older
children can read. Books pile on shelves in each of the rooms, and everywhere
you turn there's something to engage the mind—a wall poster time-lining major
events of world history, globes, and educational videos.

The school day, Karen explains, begins promptly at 9:00, after 

[CTRL] And It's 1, 2, 3, 4, What're ...

2000-09-01 Thread Alamaine

Welcome to the War, Mr. President
Wednesday, August 30, 2000
©2000 San Francisco Chronicle
URL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-

TODAY, PRESIDENT Clinton will visit Andres Pastrana, the president of Colombia,
a country the White House claims is vital to the national security of the
United States.

Eager to demonstrate solidarity with Colombia's fragile government, Clinton
also comes bearing gifts, $1.3 billion in aid, ostensibly to expand the war
against drugs.

To receive these funds, the Colombian government was supposed to meet seven
human rights conditions imposed by Congress. It met only one. Undeterred,
President Clinton signed a waiver that released the aid to the Colombian

That decision drew angry responses from Amnesty International, Human Rights
Watch and the Washington Office on Latin America. Together, they issued an
unprecedented joint report that criticizes Clinton's decision and condemns
Colombian government and paramilitary forces for committing major human rights
abuses and violations in a continuing 36-year civil war.

With the prospect of American aid pouring into Colombia, peace talks have
stalled and the violence on all sides has increased. To ensure President
Clinton's safety, the Colombian government has deployed a fleet of patrol
ships, a squadron of choppers, and encircled the meeting place in the coastal
city of Cartagena with 5,000 army troops. Meanwhile, the Secret Service,
unwilling to permit the president to sleep even one night in Colombia, has
flown in a phalanx of protectors.

Few people in Colombia believe that U.S. military helicopters will be used to
fight the growth and traffic in coca leaves. Leftist rebel forces argue that
the United States is entering a civil war on the side of the government. When
American soldiers fly above the rebels, assisting government troops, they will
become military targets, subject to antiaircraft fire.

Some Colombian intellectuals and journalists, moreover, suspect that America's
real ``natural security interest'' is the protection of multinational
corporations' access to huge oil reserves, inconveniently located on peasant
lands in rebel-controlled areas of the north.

As America's involvement in Colombia's civil war deepens, a growing number of
political leaders -- as well as ordinary citizens -- are questioning the wisdom
of Clinton's foreign policy.

In California, Sen. Barbara Boxer originally voted for the aid package. But she
also vigorously supported two amendments that would have reduced funds used for
military intervention. Now she has publicly criticized Clinton for signing the
human rights waiver and releasing military aid to Colombia.

Tom Campbell, a Republican candidate for the Senate, has been a leading voice
of dissent. His rival, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, supported the aid package, which
originally had greater provisions to protect human rights. At the time, she
said that the ''ongoing narco-crisis in Colombia and the overall crisis of
drugs in America represent an important threat to our nation's security and
stability.'' Since then, she has voiced no public protest against plans for
military intervention.

And so, America's entry into the Colombian war begins. In the past, Americans
have harshly judged those elected officials who failed to speak up before
American soldiers died. The time for dissent is now.

©2000 San Francisco Chronicle   Page A22

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its 

[CTRL] THE RMA AND CSW: Foreword and Summary

2000-09-01 Thread Jean Staffen


Title: THE RMA AND CSW: Foreword and Summary 


Steven Metz 
James O. Kievit 

July 25, 1994 

The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and do not
necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Army, the
Department of Defense, or the U.S. Government. 


For many experts on U.S. national security, the combination of emerging technology and
innovative ideas seen in the Gulf War seem to herald a genuine revolution in military
affairs. The victory of coalition forces demonstrated the technology and seemed to suggest
that the revolution in military affairs can solve many of the strategic problems faced by
the United States in the post-Cold War security environment. 

In this study, the authors concede that the revolution in military affairs holds great
promise for conventional, combined-arms warfare, but conclude that its potential value in
conflict short of war, whether terrorism, insurgency, or violence associated with
narcotrafficking, is not so clear-cut. Given this, national leaders and strategists should
proceed cautiously and only after a full exploration of the ethical, political, and social
implications of their decisions. To illustrate this, the authors develop a hypothetical
future scenario--a history of U.S. efforts in conflict short of war during the
first decade of the 21st century. 

It is too early to offer concrete policy prescriptions for adapting many aspects of the
revolution in military affairs to conflict short of war, but the authors do suggest an
array of questions that should be debated. In order to decide whether to apply new
technology and emerging concepts or how to employ them, the United States must
first reach consensus on ultimate objectives and acceptable costs. The Strategic Studies
Institute is pleased to offer this study as a first step in this process. 

 Colonel, U.S. Army
 Director, Strategic Studies Institute


Many American strategic thinkers believe that we are in the beginning stages of a
historical revolution in military affairs (RMA). This will not only change the nature of
warfare, but also alter the global geopolitical balance. 

To date, most attention has fallen on the opportunities provided by the RMA rather than
its risks, costs, and unintended consequences. In the arena of conflict short of war,
these risks, costs, and unintended consequences may outweigh the potential benefits. 

The Strategic Context. 

The Cold War notion of conflict short of war is obsolete. Politically and militarily,
the Third World of the future will be full of danger. The future will most likely be
dominated by peace enforcement in failed states, new forms of insurgency and terrorism,
and gray area phenomena. Many if not most Third World states will fragment
into smaller units. Ungovernability and instability will be the norm with power dispersed
among warlords, primal militias, and well-organized politico-criminal organizations. U.S.
policy in the Third World is likely to be more selective and the U.S. homeland may no
longer provide sanctuary. Renewed external support will restore the lagging proficiency of
insurgents and terrorists. 

The Application of Emerging Technology. 

Emerging technology will have less impact on conflict short of war than on
conventional, combined-arms warfare. It will, however, have some role. In noncombatant
evacuation operations, new technology can assist with identification and notification of
evacuees. Sensor technology, robotics, nonlethal weapons, and intelligence meshes will be
used in combatting terrorism, countering narcotrafficking, and peace operations. These
technologies, along with simulator training and unmanned aerial vehicles, will also be
useful in insurgency and counterinsurgency. 

Constraints and Countermeasures. 

There are a number of constraints on applying the RMA to conflict short of war. These
include the lack of a powerful institutional advocate for this process, a shortage of
money for the development of technology specifically for conflict short of war, and the
possibility that new technology may run counter to American values. 

Enemies may also develop countermeasures to RMA innovations. Rather than attempt to
match the technological prowess of U.S. forces, future enemies will probably seek
asymmetrical countermeasures designed to strike at U.S. public support for engagement in
conflict short of war, at the will of our friends and allies, or, in some cases, at
deployed U.S. forces. 

Making Revolution. 

Rather than simply graft emerging technology to existing strategy, doctrine,
organization, force structure, objectives, concepts, attitudes, and norms, the United
States could pursue a full revolution in the way we approach conflict short of war. This
is rife with hidden dangers and unintended consequences. A 

[CTRL] Deja Vu, Deja Vu

2000-09-01 Thread Alamaine



Behind the Headlines
by Justin Raimondo
September 1, 2000


Lying comes easily to some people, and none find it more effortless than
William Jefferson Clinton, who has elevated dissimulation to an art form. In
Cartagena yesterday, with the Washington power elite in tow, and Colombian
President Andres Pastrana at his side, the man who "never touched that woman"
stuck out his fat lower lip and declared:

"A condition of this aid is that we are not going to get into a shooting war.
This is not Vietnam; neither is it Yankee imperialism. Those are the two false
charges that have been hurled against Plan Colombia. You have a perfect right
to question whether you think it will work or whether you think we've properly
distributed the resources. But I can assure you – a lot of the opposition to
this plan is coming from people who are afraid it will work. So that won't


In order to find out what is really going on in Colombia, all we have to do is
invert what the President said: The aid will, in and of itself, drag us into a
shooting war, since drugs and civil insurrection are, in Colombia, inextricably
intertwined. Secondly, the parallels with Vietnam are enough to qualify this as
the Deja-Vu War. Not only does this conflict come complete with Marxist
revolutionaries, impenetrable jungles, and a country long victimized by foreign
domination, but its unwinnability has been determined from the very outset. . .


While we had no business intervening in Southeast Asia – Eisenhower started it
– once in there the US did everything it could to ensure the defeat of its
ostensible war on Communism. The Vietnamese anti-Communist forces, represented
by President Ngo Dinh Diem, were opposed, undermined, and finally overthrown by
the US government: the assassination of President Diem is today widely
acknowledged to have been a US covert operation. Diem, a Catholic in a nation
of Buddhists, was the bane of radicalized Buddhist monks, who periodically set
themselves on fire whenever they wanted to garner the attention of the Western
media. It was an effective tactic, one that led, eventually, to a US-organized
coup, and also to Diem's death at the coup plotters' hands. Diem had paid the
price for taking President Kennedy at his word. If the US had really been
interested in fighting Communism in Vietnam, they would have backed Diem to the
hilt; instead, they had him murdered. In Colombia, it's deja vu all over again,
as Yogi Berra would say. Once again, the only force that is capable of rolling
back leftist guerrillas on the ground has been targeted for destruction by the
US. . . .


The Autodefensas, or autonomous self-defense groups that are known in the
Western media as "rightwing paramilitary groups," grew up in the 1980s, when
the wave of kidnappings launched by leftist guerrilla groups began to
demoralize (and decimate the ranks of) the middle class: small business owners,
ranchers; even the drug traffickers, some of whom by this time had achieved
middle class status, were being terrorized. Aside from the kidnappings,
competing leftist guerrilla armies were preying on the peasants, looting
stores, and exacting "taxes" from a populace it couldn't even protect from the
scourges of the army, which would periodically sweep into town and execute
suspected guerrilla sympathizers. War often broke out between competing leftist
factions, with civilians caught in the crossfire. The autodefensas sprang up in
response to the inability or unwillingness of the central government in Bogota
to offer the least amount of protection. Although the pro-leftist media likes
to characterize them as moral monsters, and as little more than agents of the
Colombian military, their leaders are often defectors from the ranks of the
guerrillas who saw through the Marxoid rhetoric and realized that the FARC, the
ELN, the EPL, and the others were just marauding gangs, out for power and loot.

The campesinos themselves organized the self-defense committees, which merged
into the Autodefensas Unidas Colombia (AUC). Their power base is in the north,
where the AUC counts most of the biggest ranchers among its supporters.
Consciously emulating the leftist groups, the autodefensas have waged a
relentless war against the guerrillas and have generally been much more
effective than the army. It has been widely remarked that the FARC and the
other leftist revolutionary groups control about half the country: what is
generally not said is that the autodefensas control the other half. They are
the main bulwark against the final victory of the Left – and as a result, they
have been targeted by the US. For it is they who will wind up being the main
targets of "Plan Colombia." . . .


We are not in Colombia to fight Marxist insurgents, in spite of the 

Re: [CTRL] Deja Vu, Deja Vu

2000-09-01 Thread Aleisha Saba

Have you noticed.Clintono has returned from Columbia and he takes
Chelsie with him as a shield I think.anyway his nose is getting
biggeer again, just like Pinnochio - when he told a big lie, his nose
grew ..

They also caught him without all that garbage on his face he uses to
make him appear younger, and he looked like something left over from
last nites beer blast.

So..Deja Vu?   Someday his nose is just going to drop off.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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[CTRL] New information on NWO progress

2000-09-01 Thread Jean Staffen


Suggest you might want to visit the above site and listen to what Joyce Riley had to 
say on the
Jeff Rense Show on August 31st. -Jean Staffen

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] WOW!!! The E.U/ NWO Is Right!

2000-09-01 Thread William Shannon

EU takes hard line on AOL, Time Warner combination

Updated 4:53 PM ET September 1, 2000
By Jeremy Pelofsky
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - European regulators have reached a preliminary
conclusion that America Online Inc.'s proposed acquisition of Time Warner
Inc. would create a dominant company that could hurt competition, according
to a document reviewed by Reuters.

The European Commission has drafted a 45-page statement of objections that
outlines the regulators' concerns about the mega-merger. The document could
be the opening salvo in negotiations to prevent the new entity from
discriminating against rivals.

The EU has preliminarily determined that the merger, "would create a dominant
position in the markets for online music delivery, music software, Internet
dial-up access, broadband Internet access and integrated broadband content as
a result of which effective competition would be significantly impeded in the
common market," the document said.

AOL and Time Warner officials will meet with European Commission's
competition department in a closed-door meeting Wednesday and Thursday in an
effort to persuade the regulators that their objections are unfounded.

The EU objections could also spell trouble for the two companies. In the past
few years American competition agencies have coordinated closely with the
Europeans, often reaching similar or complementary conclusions.

In addition, the European regulators raised similar concerns about
competition in the music industry as it considers the proposed joint venture
between Time Warner's music operations and EMI Group Plc, according to a
second statement of objections reviewed by Reuters Friday.

Among the EU's biggest concerns with the AOL-Time Warner deal, now worth an
estimated $132 billion, was the massive concentration of content the new
company would have, ranging from publications and music to films and retail

"The more content AOL acquires and the bigger its community of users, the
less reasons for a subscriber to abandon AOL's walled garden and the more
reasons for potential Internet users to join AOL," the EU statement said.

In the merging companies' defense, they have pledged not to discriminate
against competing content providers or Internet services and have signed a
memorandum of understanding promising to provide competitors access to Time
Warner's cable systems.

At next week's meeting, AOL, Time Warner plan to go to great lengths to
persuade regulators that concerns are unnecessary with Time Warner President
Dick Parsons and Barry Schuler, AOL's head of interactive services, attending.

"We look forward to meeting with the European Commission and are confident
we'll satisfy them that the AOL Time Warner merger poses no competitive
problems in Europe," said AOL spokeswoman Tricia Primrose.

One independent analyst said that, while the EU's objections are noteworthy,
there are conditions and commitments that are enforceable by regulators and
can mitigate many of the anti-competitive concerns raised.

"The questions in the antitrust mind is do they want to police it, do they
want that obligation, and do they think they can police it adequately," said
Scott Cleland, an analyst at the Precursor Group.

Given the EU's statement of objections, skeptics seemed to have an impact
with regulators who have been deluged with information and concerns about

The Walt Disney Co. and BellSouth Corp. , have complained that AOL Time
Warner could put its content before competitors, give sweetheart deals to
affiliated partners and give priority to the transmission of their own

"AOL could refuse to distribute third parties' film content or threaten to
refuse to distribute in order to negotiate the most advantageous commercial
terms," the EU said, according to the document.

The EU said AOL Time Warner also could steer users to affiliated content,
advertisements and give preferential placement to its own content while
degrading third party content and slowing transmission speed, among other

Plus, AOL's access to the vast media empire of Time Warner would be in
addition to having EMI's music library and Bertelsmann's publishing arm at
its disposal, which raised concerns among the European regulators, especially
as new technology emerges and people turn to the Internet for music.

For example, the EU said AOL's instant messaging function could allow users
to share audio files, form chat rooms or develop loyalty clubs and incentives
to bring in new users, giving the company a significant edge over competitors
who do not have similar unfettered access to content.

"The combination of Time Warner's content with AOL's distribution network
gives rise to a snowball/network effect: more content attracts more
subscribers, more subscribers attracts more content and so on," the EU
statement said.

Although, AOL has little broadband service in Europe, which may work in the
merging companies' favor when they plead their case next 

[CTRL] Give up guns, or go to war? What do you think?

2000-09-01 Thread Involuntary

Well, as anybody on this lists knows, an individual's right to bear arms
is in danger.  What do you think will happen?

(a) If laws are enacted, people will give their guns up to the

(b) If laws are enacted, people will not give up their guns and police
will have to enter homes and take them by force.

(c) If laws are enacted, and if cops or militaries try to take guns from
militias, the militias will fight back with everything they have,
possibly even attempting a coup at the White House.

(d) If (c) happens, then individuals not belonging to a militia might
join the fight and start another war, this time between citizens and the
government and law enforcement.

I'm thinking along the lines of C and D, myself.


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Re: [CTRL] Give up guns, or go to war? What do you think?

2000-09-01 Thread Nurev Ind Research

Involuntary wrote:

 Well, as anybody on this lists knows, an individual's right to bear arms
 is in danger.  What do you think will happen?

 (a) If laws are enacted, people will give their guns up to the

 (b) If laws are enacted, people will not give up their guns and police
 will have to enter homes and take them by force.

 (c) If laws are enacted, and if cops or militaries try to take guns from
 militias, the militias will fight back with everything they have,
 possibly even attempting a coup at the White House.

 (d) If (c) happens, then individuals not belonging to a militia might
 join the fight and start another war, this time between citizens and the
 government and law enforcement.

 I'm thinking along the lines of C and D, myself.


And who do you think would win Einstein?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] New information on NWO progress

2000-09-01 Thread Involuntary

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000 18:42:21 -0500, Jean Staffen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
posted article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:


 Suggest you might want to visit the above site and listen to what
 Joyce Riley had to say on the Jeff Rense Show on August 31st.

The whole thing?  Or is there a certain time index I should look for?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] NM: Judge Rules Against Reno, Holder and Meissner in Elian Lawsuit

2000-09-01 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

With Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff

Friday September 1, 2000; 7:29 PM EDT

Judge Rules Against Reno, Holder and Meissner in Elian Lawsuit

A federal judge in Miami has denied a motion from lawyers for
Attorney General Janet Reno, Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder
and INS Commissioner Doris Meissner to halt discovery in the
civil rights lawsuit spurred by the government's April 22 seizure
of Cuban boat boy Elian Gonzalez.

The claim, filed by Judicial Watch in May, seeks damages in
excess of $100 million on behalf of more than 50 plaintiffs,
including Donato Dalrymple, who rescued Gonzalez from the ocean
ten months ago only to have to turn him over at gunpoint to
federal agents.

Family friends and neighbors from Gonzalez's Little Havana block
who say they were assaulted or otherwise harmed during the raid
have also joined the suit.

The defendants' motion to halt discovery was denied on Tuesday in
a tersely worded ruling by U.S.  District Court Judge Federico A.

"The court has considered the motion and the pertinent portions
of the record, and being otherwise fully advised in the premises,
it is adjudged that the motion is denied."

Dalrymple contends that his Fourth and Fifth Amendment rights
were violated when federal agents allegedly rampaged through the
Gonzalez house tear gassing and roughing up those inside.
Ultimately one agent pointed a machine gun at him and allegedly
shouted, "Give me the f - - king boy or I'll shoot."

The ruling means that Judicial Watch can begin gathering
documents and other evidence relevant to the case from the
Justice Department and INS.

"We can also begin deposing witnesses," Judicial Watch President
Tom Fitton told NewsMax.com late Friday, adding that Reno, Holder
and Meissner would be at the top of their witness list.

"This is a big step towards justice and a big victory for all
those heroes in Little Havana who were hurt by this raid," Fitton
said.  "Now it's full steam ahead."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] GUN OWNERS PLEASE READ --Police pull gun law support --- Alberta officers say Ottawa broke promises

2000-09-01 Thread Mike Smith

Dear Reader,

Thank God I live in Alberta. Alberta is the 
one rebel province in confederation. I suppose much as Texas or Alabama could be 
considered to be in the good ol' US of A. The Fed's in Ottawa about five years 
ago began their diabolical drive to surreptitiously disarm Canadians en 

This gradual disarming has not been officially 
announced as an agenda by the goverment but, hey, who are we kidding here? 
Certainly not ourselves. The law in effect at this point is a gun registration 
requirement. This is for each and every gun. All gun owners must register their 
guns no later than Jan 1, 2003. 

Recently I saw on television a government payed for 
commercial that was rather intimidating to gun owners basically inferring heavy 
handed police tactics, large fines, jail time and a criminal record to those who 
do not comply. We all know that those who do register their guns are really 
registering for gun confiscation in the end. Does anyone seriously believe a 
criminal will register his weapon prior to a bank robbery?

As good fortune has it Alberta has been against 
Bill C-68 since its beginings. The one beautiful thing about our Canadian 
constitution is the "notwithstanding clause". There is no 2nd amendment here. 
Gun ownership is a priviledge. But the notwithstanding clause allows my province 
and other provinces, to tell the Fed's to screw off and the law in this province 
will not stand. Period.My province has rattled that sabre before to the 
Fed's. In the news article that follows, it looks like soon it might be coming 
to a head.

It's not often you see the police sticking up for 
the gun rights of law abiding citizens.

God bless Alberta, :o)

Mike Smith

Friday 1 September 
Police pull gun law 
Alberta officers say Ottawa broke 

Emma Poole, Calgary 

Rank and file police officers in Calgary and Edmonton will withdraw their 
backing of Ottawa's gun control registry today -- a move they hope will spark 
opposition to the controversial law from departments across Canada. 
"Alberta is putting a resolution forward that is to withdraw support for Bill 
C-68," said Calgary Police Association president Al Koenig. 
"The Alberta federation feels that the gun legislation promises made by the 
federal government have not been kept." 
The provincial association will vote against the controversial registration 
at the Canadian Police Association's annual meeting being held in Halifax until 
If a majority of provinces vote against the legislation, the Canadian 
association, which represents front-line officers across the country, will 
withdraw its support. 
"The gun registry as it sits right now is causing law abiding citizens to 
register their guns but it does nothing to take one illegal gun off the street 
or to increase any type of penalty for anybody that violates any part of the 
legislation," said Koenig. 
But supporters of the legislation -- which requires firearms owners to obtain 
licences by Jan. 1, 2003 -- say if the association pulls its support it will 
surely send a message to criminals that law enforcement in Canada doesn't care 
about gun activity. 
"Gun registration will provide vital safety information to police officers 
and be a very valuable tool in detecting stolen or smuggled firearms and 
prosecuting related crimes," said Emile Therien, president of the Canadian 
Safety Council. 
"We're talking public safety here." 
Therien is confused that the association would reconsider its gun control 
position after five years of support for the legislation. 
This isn't the first time a provincial association has challenged the 
legislation at a national meeting. 
Last year in Regina, delegates from Saskatchewan called on the federal group 
to withdraw its support for the gun registry, 
The Firearms Act, passed in 1995, requires gun owners to obtain licences by 
the end of this year and register each firearm by the beginning of 2003. 
The Quebec delegation has already stepped forward and declared its support 
for the registration. On Thursday, the group reaffirmed it would be voting for 
the legislation and feels it is an important aspect of firearms control. 
"Registration of firearms and licensing of their owners are essential for the 
protection of both public and police officers against unfortunate accidents, 
domestic violence and other tragedies," said Quebec's police association 
president Yves Prud'Homme. 
The Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police is in full support of gun 
registration and supports the registry fully, said Calgary police deputy Chief 
Rick Hanson. 
But Koenig said there are just too many bogus issues in the current 
legislation for the association to support it any longer. 
"When we find that nothing is being done as far as protecting citizens and 
protecting officers then the focus of this legislation is going the wrong way," 
he said. "The focus should be for stricter penalties for criminals, not 

[CTRL] FEATURE Drug, biotech sectors embrace Bush--but just barely

2000-09-01 Thread Birds
Title: FEATURE: Drug, biotech sectors embrace Bush--but just barely


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FEATURE: Drug, biotech sectors embrace Bush--but 
just barelyFriday, August 25, 2000

By Chris Gearon 
WASHINGTON (Reuters Health) - The pharmaceutical and 
biotechnology sectors believe that their interests will fare better 
under a George W. Bush administration than under one run by Al Gore, 
industry officials told Reuters Health in a series of interviews. 
Bush, the Texas governor and Republican presidential nominee, has 
made many friends in the drug and biotech industries and has amassed 
a healthy campaign bank balance in the process. Industry insiders 
applaud his support of pro-industry legislation--such as research 
and development tax credits--and tolerate his restrained efforts at 
Medicare drug benefits, although they concede that his vision on the 
latter is decidedly blurry. 
By comparison, Gore, the Democratic nominee, favors a large, 
comprehensive Medicare drug package--and has offered some specifics 
to support it. Drug and biotech leaders commend Gore for advocating 
US Food and Drug Administration reform, for backing greater funding 
of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and for supporting the 
Human Genome Project. 
But the vice president also appears at times hostile to 
pharmaceutical interests. In his acceptance speech last week at the 
Democratic National Convention, held in Los Angeles, California, 
Gore grouped pharmaceutical companies with "big tobacco, big oil, 
(and) the big polluters" The vice president said these sectors 
are "for the powerful" and that he is "for the people," asserting 
that "you have to be willing to stand up and say no" to them. 
To pharmaceutical industry representatives and insiders, the only 
issue worth following is the Medicare drug benefit. It is the one 
issue, they say, that can influence drug costs and trigger price 
controls, and it is so important to them that it has supplanted such 
pet themes as patent protection, managed care's effect on the 
industry, and drug reimportation. 
While Bush proposes to nearly double the current Medicare budget 
from $218 billion to $434 billion, he does not offer a Medicare drug 
benefit package per se. According to his campaign, he favors 
"bipartisan Medicare reform" although he has not taken a position on 
an alternative bipartisan plan passed by House Republicans last June 
that calls for a 5-year, nearly $40 billion limited drug benefit 
In shaping his drug benefit platform, the governor has pointed to 
the work of the National Bipartisan Commission on the Future of 
Medicare as a starting point. The commission introduced a plan based 
on the US Federal Employees Health Benefit Program, which allows 9 
million federal workers to pick from an array of health plans. The 
commission fell one vote short of approving the plan earlier this 
Bush stresses that when it comes to Medicare, reform must be 
bipartisan and ensure certain fundamentals. According to his 
campaign, these include preserving guaranteed access to care for 
beneficiaries; allowing beneficiaries to choose a health plan with 
the option to buy a plan with drug coverage; ensuring that 
low-income seniors' expenses are covered; allowing seniors access to 
the latest medical advances; and promising not to increase Medicare 

[CTRL] Bare-Faced Messiah Chapter 5

2000-09-01 Thread Birds
Title: Bare-Faced Messiah: Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Science Fictions 
'By 1938, Hubbard was already established and recognized as one of the 
top-selling authors ... [and] was urged to try his hand at science 
fiction. He protested that he did not write about "machines and machinery" but 
that he wrote about people. "That's just what we want," he was told. The result 
was a barrage of stories from Hubbard that expanded the scope and changed the 
face of the literary genre ...' (About L. Ron Hubbard, 
Writers of the Future, Volume II, Bridge Publications Inc., 1986) 
 (Scientology's account of 
the years 1938-40.) 
*  *  *  *  *
To science-fiction fans, 1938 marked the dawn of a new era they were pleased 
to call the 'Golden Age'. Before then, science-fiction pulps with gosh-wow 
titles like Amazing, Wonder, Planet Stories and 
Startling had usually been ridiculed if not ignored. Crowded into the 
darkest corner, or on to the lowest shelf of the news-stand, they were only 
sustained by the devotion of a small group of passionately loyal enthusiasts 
who, dreaming of time machines and space travel in the grimly haunted days of 
the Depression, were widely considered to be dotty. 
The sad truth was that the nineteenth century heritage of Mary Shelley, Jules 
Verne, Edgar Allen Poe and H.G. Wells had largely degenerated, by the early 
'thirties, into trash - uninspiring tales of slavering robots and talking 
animals written in penny-dreadful prose, mediocre fiction without the science. 
Bug-eyed monsters figured prominently, either invading earth with the intention 
of enslaving the human race or carrying away our 'fairest maidens' for use as 
love-toys on some alien planet. Readers needed considerable faith to relish 
repeated workings of the same tedious themes, but then science-fiction fans were 
acknowledged to be particularly fanatical, if not particular. 
It was possible to date, precisely, the metamorphosis that ushered in the 
Golden Age because it began with the appointment of John W. Campbell Junior as 
editor of Astounding magazine, at the age of twenty-seven, in early 1938. 
Campbell was the man who dragged science fiction out of the pulp mire and 
elevated it to an art form. 


Opinionated, overbearing and garrulous, he was a chain-smoking intellectual 
dynamo bursting with ideas which he would expound at length, driving home every 
point by stabbing the air with his long black cigarette holder. His first 
science-fiction story, 'When The Atoms Failed', was published in Amazing 
in 1930 and he quickly made a name for himself as an original, imaginative and 
sophisticated writer. One of his best stories was transformed, through no fault 
of his, into one of Hollywood's worst movies, The Thing From Outer Space. 

As an editor, Campbell used his magazine to speculate on the implications - 
emotional, philosophical and sociological - of future scientific discoveries. He 
expected style, skill, ingenuity and technical proficiency from his 
contributors. Few of the existing pulp writers could meet his exacting standards 
and so he set out to nurture new talent. Almost all the biggest names of the 
Golden Age - Isaac Asimov, Robert Heinlein, A.E. van Vogt and many others - were 
first published in Astounding. Campbell never compromised. Faulty plots 
were ruthlessly rejected with pages of closely typed criticism - Theodore 
Sturgeon once got a story back with a seven-page explanation as to why a 
particular fission of light metals was not feasible. Yet Campbell's critiques to 
writers were always accompanied by a flood of new ideas and suggestions for 
other stories. 'No editor was ever more helpful,' said Jack Williamson, one of 
his contributors. 'He read every story submitted. Those he rejected came back 
with useful comments, and many a letter accepting one story also included ideas 
for another.'[1] The mechanical ants in Williamson's 
novel, The Moon Children, were Campbell's idea. 
Isaac Asimov always remembered his first meeting with Campbell in the Seventh 
Avenue offices of Street and Smith, the publishers of Astounding. 'I was 
eighteen and had arrived with my first story submission, my very first. He had 
never met me before, but he took me in, talked to me for two hours, read the 
story that night and mailed the rejection the following day along with a kind, 
two-page letter telling me where I had gone wrong.'[2] 

Campbell was both a visionary and a realist. He believed in supernatural 
power and space travel and rockets and a multiplicity of worlds, but he also 
fervently believed that science fiction should live up to its name. His writing 
was studded with extraordinary technical detail explaining how complex machines 
worked, yet his scientists were always real people with human emotions and 
One of what he called his 'pet ideas' was that less than a quarter of the 
functioning capacity of the brain was used. 'Could the full equipment be hooked 
into a functioning 

Re: [CTRL] New information on NWO progress

2000-09-01 Thread Involuntary

On Fri, 1 Sep 2000 18:42:21 -0500, Jean Staffen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
posted article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:

 Suggest you might want to visit the above site and listen to what
 Joyce Riley had to say on the Jeff Rense Show on August 31st.

I also listened to the one from August 24, "Jim Marrs - Who Really Runs
the World" and I must say, why does so much have to happen on one little


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Give up guns, or go to war? What do you think?

2000-09-01 Thread nessie

[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:

And who do you think would win Einstein?

Count heads.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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