[CTRL] (Fwd) Release: Yemen Bombing

2000-10-14 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:  Fri, 13 Oct 2000 17:51:26 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:Release: Yemen Bombing
From:   Libertarian Party Announcements [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
Washington DC 20037
World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
For release: October 13, 2000
For additional information:
George Getz, Press Secretary
Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

Tragic bombing in Yemen was result
of our interventionist foreign policy

WASHINGTON, DC -- The apparent terrorist attack on a U.S. Navy
destroyer that killed 17 Americans in Yemen on Thursday is another
bloody reminder that an interventionist foreign policy inevitably
results in the deaths of innocent Americans, the Libertarian Party

"These U.S. servicemen were murdered in part because their own
government sent them to a dangerous, unstable region where hundreds of
U.S. soldiers have been slaughtered before," charged Steve Dasbach,
national director of the Libertarian Party.

"Bill Clinton says he is 'horrified' by this attack. But what's
truly horrifying are the politicians who keep putting U.S. servicemen
and women in harm's way -- knowing that more will almost certainly be
killed in the future."

At least 17 U.S. servicemen were killed and three dozen injured
after a small boat pulled alongside the USS Cole and set off an
explosion as the destroyer was docked in Yemen on Thursday. U.S.
officials say they believe the bombing was a terrorist attack, most
likely in retaliation for the American role in the Middle East

"We mourn the loss of these U.S. servicemen, and condemn the
terrorists who bombed the USS Cole as the cold-blooded killers they
are," Dasbach said. "But the only reason they had the opportunity to
strike is because those servicemen's own government put them there in
the first place."

And our government tacitly admits that such attacks on
Americans are inevitable, he said.

"These attacks happen with such regularity that the FBI has set
up five Rapid Deployment Teams solely to investigate attacks on
Americans overseas," Dasbach said. "The majority of the agents
dispatched to Yemen on Thursday were in the Middle East to investigate
the 1996 truck bombing that killed 19 U.S. airmen in Saudi Arabia and
the 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that
killed 12 Americans.

"But instead of eliminating the cause of these killings --
foreign intervention -- the government seems content to set up more
Rapid Deployment Teams and dispatch more investigators and more
bodybags to clean up after the terrorists."

The reason that future bombings are so predictable, Dasbach
said, is that U.S. policies virtually invite terrorist attacks.

"The U.S. government's willingness to take both sides in the
Middle East dispute has put billions of dollars of lethal weapons in
the hands of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Iraq, and Iran," he said. "No
wonder both sides have reason to dislike the United States, since we've
armed and aided both sides' enemies."

On Thursday, President Clinton said the terrorist bombing
should not "deter us from our mission of promoting peace and security
in the Middle East" -- when such a policy actually promotes war and
insecurity, said Dasbach.

"A government concerned with preventing the killing of
additional soldiers would be deploying U.S. troops back home, instead
of deploying more FBI agents and more bodybags to the Middle East," he

Unfortunately, a Libertarian policy of non-intervention doesn't
appeal to Democratic and Republican politicians, who appear to see
foreign crises as opportunities for greater power, more government
spending, and a chance to demonstrate their courage by risking the
lives of others, said Dasbach.

Case in point: Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who said
on Thursday, "This is no time for the United States to retreat from its
responsibilities in the region. We are operating in a world filled with
a variety of threats. But that doesn't mean that we can crawl into an
ostrich-like mode. We are eagles."

In fact, said Dasbach, "In the Middle East, the United States
is neither an ostrich nor an eagle -- thanks to the U.S. government's
reckless interventionism, we're a sitting duck."

Version: 2.6.2


[CTRL] US Role in UN

2000-10-14 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-



Statement of
OF TEXAS [Page: H7697]
Mr. Speaker, over a half a century has transpired since the United States of
America became a member of the United Nations. Purporting to act pursuant to
the treaty powers of the Constitution, the President of the United States
signed, and the United States Senate ratified, the charter of the United
Nations. Yet, the debate in government circles over the United Nations' charter
scarcely has touched on the question of the constitutional power of the United
States to enter such an agreement. Instead, the only questions addressed
concerned the respective roles that the President and Congress would assume
upon the implementation of that charter.

On the one hand, some proposed that once the charter of the United States was
ratified, the President of the United States would act independently of
Congress pursuant to his executive prerogatives to conduct the foreign affairs
of the Nation. Others insisted, however, that the Congress played a major role
of defining foreign policy, especially because that policy implicated the power
to declare war, a subject reserved strictly to Congress by Article I, Section 8
of the U.S. Constitution.

At first, it appeared that Congress would take control of America's
participation in the United Nations. But in the enactment of the United
Nations' participation act on December 20, 1945, Congress laid down several
rules by which America's participation would be governed. Among those rules was
the requirement that before the President of the United States could deploy
United States Armed Forces in service of the United Nations, he was required to
submit to Congress for its specific approval the numbers and types of Armed
Forces, their degree of readiness and general location, and the nature of the
facilities and assistance including rights of passage to be made available to
the United Nations Security Council on its call for the purpose of maintaining
international peace and security.

Since the passage of the United Nations Participation Act, however,
congressional control of presidential foreign policy initiatives, in
cooperation with the United Nations, has been more theoretical than real.
Presidents from Truman to the current President have again and again presented
Congress with already-begun military actions, thus forcing Congress's hand to
support United States troops or risk the accusation of having put the Nation's
servicemen and service women in unnecessary danger. Instead of seeking
congressional approval of the use of the United States Armed Forces in service
of the United Nations, presidents from Truman to Clinton have used the United
Nations Security Council as a substitute for congressional authorization of the
deployment of United States Armed Forces in that service.

This transfer of power from Congress to the United Nations has not, however,
been limited to the power to make war. Increasingly, Presidents are using the
U.N. not only to implement foreign policy in pursuit of international peace,
but also domestic policy in pursuit of international, environmental, economic,
education, social welfare and human rights policy, both in derogation of the
legislative prerogatives of Congress and of the 50 State legislatures, and
further in derogation of the rights of the American people to constitute their
own civil order.

As Cornell University government professor Jeremy Rabkin has observed, although
the U.N. charter specifies that none of its provisions `shall authorize the
United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the
domestic jurisdiction of any State,' nothing has ever been found so
`essentially domestic' as to exclude U.N. intrusions.

The release in July 2000 of the U.N. Human Development Report provides
unmistakable evidence of the universality of the United Nations' jurisdictional
claims. Boldly proclaiming that global integration is eroding national borders,
the report calls for the implementation and, if necessary, the imposition of
global standards of economic and social justice by international agencies and
tribunals. In a special contribution endorsing this call for the globalization
of domestic policymaking, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan wrote,
`Above all, we have committed ourselves to the idea that no individual shall
have his or her human rights abused or ignored. The idea is enshrined in the
charter of the United Nations. The United Nations' achievements in the area of
human rights over the last 50 years are rooted in the universal acceptance of
those rights enumerated in the Universal Declaration of Rights. Emerging
slowly, but I believe, surely, is an international norm,' and this is Annan's
words, `that must and will take precedence over concerns of State sovereignty.'

Although such a wholesale transfer 

[CTRL] Doin' Shots

2000-10-14 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-



news alert!
By Timothy W. Maier and Jamie Dettmer

Anthrax-Vaccine Death Heats Up Simmering Controversy
Congressional critics of the U.S. military’s mandatory anthrax-vaccine program
are likely to redouble their efforts to secure a suspension of the program
following the death of a lab employee who received the vaccine.
   Rep. Walter Jones, R-N.C., a member of the House Armed Services
Committee, intends to raise the issue of the death of BioPort Corp. employee
Richard Dunn during upcoming congressional hearings on the vaccine, news alert!
has learned. According to a Michigan medical examiner, the vaccine contributed
to Dunn’s death.
   In May, Jones helped organize a letter from 35 members of Congress
urging Defense Secretary William Cohen to suspend the program until a long-term
study of the vaccine was done.
   The Lansing, Mich.-based BioPort is the sole supplier of the anthrax
vaccine being given to 2.3 million U.S. troops. The Pentagon insists the
vaccine is safe and that the program is necessary to ensure that U.S. military
personnel would be immune from an anthrax attack. Ten nations are believed to
hold stockpiles of the deadly biological agent.
   BioPort has faced congressional criticism ever since it was awarded the
multimillion-dollar vaccine contract from the Pentagon after purchasing the lab
from the state of Michigan.
   So far about 487,098 military personnel have received 1.9 million doses
of the vaccine. About 400 military personnel who are concerned about the
possible side effects from the vaccine have refused to take the shot or
resigned. Many are awaiting disciplinary action.
   About 1,152 military personnel have reported adverse reactions to the
shots, ranging from allergies to the onset of lupus.
   Employees at the lab voluntarily have taken the vaccine for 30 years and
more than half of BioPort’s 210 employees have received the six-dose vaccine.
   Dunn, age 61, died in July. He had worked in the lab since 1992, when
the state owned the facility. He had received 11 doses of the vaccine,
including the last shot in April. An August autopsy revealed Dunn had an
“inflammatory response” to the vaccine throughout his body, according to Ionia
County Chief Medical Examiner Robert Joyce.
   However, BioPort denies that the vaccine played any role in Dunn’s death
and the company notes it did not produce the vaccine that was injected into
Dunn’s body. BioPort has yet to receive Food and Drug Administration approval
to manufacture the vaccine; currently troops and lab employees are being
injected with vaccine from stockpiles that were produced when Michigan owned
the lab.
   BioPort’s chief executive officer, Bob Kramer, said in a prepared statement 
that “those of us who work here are confident that there is no connection between his 
death and the anthrax vaccine.” He also noted that t
he death certificate states that the immediate cause of death was ventricular 
arrhythmia and does not refer to any underlying cause.
   However, Joyce told the Lansing State Journal that “even though they didn’t 
find any anthrax in the man’s system, his body’s reaction to the vaccine contributed 
to his death.”
   Meanwhile, BioPort continues to face serious management and financial
problems. In September, it recalled some of the doses of the military anthrax
vaccine because of labeling and contamination concerns. The company also is
facing financial problems despite receiving an $18 million advance in 1999 from
the U.S. military (see “Why BioPort Got a Shot in the Arm,” Sept. 20, 1999).
BioPort says it may need another $18 million handout to avoid a money crunch
this year.

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
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The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up 

[CTRL] Forfeiture against European law

2000-10-14 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-


Human rights blow to seizure of drug barons' assets
By Auslan Cramb and Philip Johnston

A CORNERSTONE of the Government's fight against organised crime was undermined 
yesterday when a court ruled that confiscating the assets of convicted drugs 
traffickers breached European human rights laws.
The decision by the Court of Criminal Appeal in Edinburgh has far-reaching 
implications throughout Britain. It raises serious doubts over whether the Government 
can proceed with plans, announced in the summer, to extend confiscation powers to 
unconvicted men who run organised crime rings and whose wealth is thought to be linked 
to their activities.

The ruling also opens the prospect that drug traffickers and other criminals whose 
property has already been confiscated could sue for compensation. The decision is the 
most significant blow to existing legislation since the European human rights 
convention was incorporated into Scottish law a year ago. It took effect south of the 
border this month.

Ministers had hitherto dismissed fears that the measure was a recipe for conflict with 
the intentions of Parliament. Courts have had extensive powers since 1986 to seize the 
assets of offenders on conviction. Under the Proceeds of Crime Act 1995, courts can 
assume that all property held by a criminal in the six years before his conviction was 
illegally gained. The onus is on the accused to prove that it does not.

But the Edinburgh court ruled by 2-1 that this practice contravened Article 6 (2) of 
the European convention, which guarantees the presumption of innocence until proven 

In a case brought by Robert McIntosh, 38 - jailed for four years last year for heroin 
trafficking - two judges, Lord Prosser and Lord Allanbridge, found that the practice 
was "plainly in violation of the convention".

They argued that it could not be assumed that property owned by a drug dealer was 
linked to his criminal activities. Chris Shead, for McIntosh, said that to decide 
without evidence that assets were from drugs was "totally inconsistent with the 
presumption of innocence".

The third judge, Lord Kirkwood, said the provisions had to be balanced against the 
importance of protecting society from "the evils of drug trafficking". The Crown was 
granted leave to appeal to the judicial committee of the Privy Council.

The plans for a National Confiscation Agency, which involve a radical departure from 
the normal requirements of proof, now seem unlikely to proceed.

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Re: [CTRL] Crash Course in Middle East History -- point of clarification

2000-10-14 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

--- Johannes Schmidt III [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Why was it called Palestine back when it was British mandate prior to
 WW II? And these Arab refugees are presumably Palestinian refugees
 who were forced out by the Israelis.

Palestine was the Roman name for the area during that Empire.
Philistine comes from the same root.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Forfeiture against European law

2000-10-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/14/2000 4:46:07 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 They argued that it could not be assumed that property owned by a drug
dealer was linked to his criminal activities. Chris Shead, for McIntosh, said
that to decide without evidence that assets were from drugs was "totally
inconsistent with the presumption of innocence". 

Fascinating.  They should come to the United States where we can instruct
them in the real meaning of "innocent until proven guilty."   The course
starts  with a full Congressional rendering of their new anthem, "Grab is Not
Greed."   Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Crash Course in Middle East History

2000-10-14 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "Johannes Schmidt III" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 * Jews pray facing Jerusalem. Muslims pray with their backs
 toward Jerusalem.

 Not necessarily. It depends where they are. Moslems in Malta
 would pray more or less towards Jerusalem, as would Moslems
 living directly to the west of Jerusalem.

Moslems pray facing Mecca (and sometimes Medina)...has nothing to do with Jerusalem.

And since both Judaism and Islam consider Abraham their father, and both consider 
Jerusalem a holy city, it is
unlikely that a Moslem would ever turn his or her back to Jerusalem as a manner of 


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Arab street demands new holy war

2000-10-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

   Arab street demands new holy war

   Mona Ziade
   Senior Correspondent
  Morocco recalled its diplomatic envoy from Tel Aviv on Friday  and Qatar
  came under pressure to sever its low-level ties with Israel as angry crowds
  across the Arab world took to the streets, demanding open borders for a
  holy war against the Jewish state.
  The mounting outrage over Israel’s onslaught against the Palestinians
  clashed with the Western world’s sympathies for Israel, dimming the
  prospects of a coordinated international effort to spare the Middle East
  another full-blown war.
  Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria spearheaded regional diplomatic efforts to
  head off a spread of violence to other countries, and governments found
  themselves caught between inclinations to moderation and calls in the
  streets for a jihad, or holy war.
  “Following the latest events in the Palestinian territories, Morocco has
  recalled its diplomatic representative in Tel Aviv, Talal Ghoufrani, for
  consultation, pending  assessment of the dangerous situation in the
  region,” an official announcement said in Rabat.
  Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr Moussa flew to Saudi Arabia as the streets
  of Cairo filled with demonstrators calling for war against Israel ­ the first
  time such hard-line slogans have been raised in Egypt since the 1979
  Camp David peace treat
  Moussa was joined in Riyadh by his Syrian counterpart, Farouk al-Sharaa
  and they headed straight to a closed-door meeting with Saudi Arabia’s
  foreign minister Prince Saud al-Faisal.
  Thousands of protesters rushed out of Friday prayers at Cairo’s Al-Azhar
  Mosque to march in the streets to denounce Israel’s air, land and sea
  attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza which followed the
  lynching of two Israeli soldiers in Ramallah on Thursday.
  “Where is the Egyptian Army?” they shouted as they burned the Israeli
  and US flags. “Jihad, jihad, allow us to go to jihad,” they cried repeatedly.
  In one incident, protesters who ran into one a side street started
  throwing stones at police when they saw one of their number getting
  arrested. Police released the man and the stoning stopped.
  Last week, Egyptian riot police blocked all doors of the historic Al-Azhar
  and banned protesters from marching in the street. But shocking
  television scenes of Israeli attacks and the public rage it has drawn
  apparently convinced security bodies in Egypt and elsewhere in the Arab
  world to allow the masses to vent their frustrations.
  The mood in Jordan, which made peace with Israel in 1994, was similar,
  and security forces displayed marked tolerance.
  More than 3,000 people, including Islamist and opposition leaders,
  marched to the prime minister’s office, demanding the ouster of Israel’s
  ambassador to Amman. They tried to march on the heavily fortified Israeli
  Embassy but were dispersed by police who threatened them with clubs.
  But there was no repeat of the violence of the previous Friday, when
  police used tear gas.
  The leader of the Islamic Action Front, Hammam Saeed, called for jihad in
  a sermon. “O Abdullah, O Abu Hussein, open up those bridges for us to
  launch a jihad,” he said in an appeal to Jordan’s monarch.
  Protesters in Oman, which severed its commercial links with Israel o
  Thursday after Israel escalated its assaults on the Palestinians, demanded
  that other Arab states follow suit.
  “It is an unforgivable sin for Muslims to stand and watch the Palestinian
  massacre at the hands of Israel,” one cleric told worshippers during a sermon
  in Muscat. “A few million Israelis cannot stand a chance against 1 billion
  Muslims when united.”
  Demonstrators called for Qatar to follow in Oman’s footsteps. “If Oman
  has done it than Qatar must do it,” they shouted.
  Omani Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Youssef bin Alawi bin Abdullah
  said: “What is happening now has nothing to do with peace. It is a case of
  Israeli military pressure on Arabs to surrender.”
  In Syria,  police used tear gas to disperse some 2,000 angry
  demonstrators who tried to reach the US Embassy in Damascus, but
  allowed protests elsewhere in the capital. The demonstrators implored
  presidents Bashar Assad and Emile Lahoud to open the borders for
  attacks on the Jewish state, and  burned US and Israeli flags.  They also
  set alight an effigy of Likud leader Ariel Sharon, whose visit to Al-Haram
  Al-Sharif ­ known to Jews as the Temple Mount ­ on Sept. 28 sparked the
  Damascus Radio warned that Barak’s proposal to form a unity
  government with the hard-line Likud “will produce no result other than a
  hardening in the Arab position.”
  It also criticized Washington for “not being up to the responsibilities
  demanded of it in the peace process, because of its flagrant alignment
  with Israel.”
  Iran said Arabs had a duty to sever all links to Israel.

[CTRL] Camps call for right to fight in occupied Palestine

2000-10-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

   Lebanese news

   Camps call for right to fight in occupied

   Mohammed Zaatari
   Daily Star correspondent

   Thousands of enraged Palestinian refugees
   demonstrated in camps throughout Lebanon
   on Friday, asking to join the uprising against
  Israel in the occupied territories and denouncing perceived US backing of
   the Jewish state’s “savagery.”
 Members of Fatah, other factions of the Palestinian Liberation
 Organization, and various other Palestinian groups ­ particularly
 representatives of the Popular and the Democratic Fronts ­ participated in
   what was billed as a “march of wrath and national unity.”
 The marchers protested Israel’s helicopter missile attacks against
  Palestinian command centers on Thursday in retaliation for the mob killing
   of two Israeli soldiers in Ramallah.
They carried banners condemning the Israeli “massacre” and calling on
  Arab countries at peace with Israel ­ namely Egypt and Jordan ­ to sever
  “Bashar, Lahoud open the borders.” the crowd shouted in unison, in a call
 directed at President Emile Lahoud and Syrian President Bashar Assad.
   “Beloved Saddam, destroy Tel Aviv,” they chanted in the streets of the
   Ain al-Hilweh refugee camp near Sidon, referring to Iraqi President
 Saddam Hussein.
   On Thursday, Iraq offered to send more than 1 million volunteers to join a
   jihad against Israel alongside the Palestinians.
   A group of youngsters waved Palestinian flags
   while carrying models of the Scud missiles
   that Saddam fired on Israeli cities during the
   1991 Gulf War, while others torched the
   Israeli and US flags.
   “I’m doing this for Jerusalem and for
   Mohammed al-Durra” said 12-year old
   Mohammed Awad, referring to a Palestinian
  boy who was killed by Israeli soldiers while sheltering in his father’s arms.
  The protesters carried large effigies of US Secretary of State Madeleine
  Albright and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak with blood running from
 their teeth.
  Others set fire to an effigy of Barak wearing a T-shirt splashed with red
  and the words “specialized in murdering children” and to another effigy of
   “The Arab countries should open their borders so that the Palestinians of
   the diaspora can efficiently help the uprising of their brothers in the
Palestinian territories confronting the Israeli occupier,” said Mounir
 Maqdah, a senior Fatah military officer based in Ain al-Hilweh.
   Fatah and the PLO’s secretary in Sidon and the South, Khaled Aref, said
that what has happened in occupied Palestine is a “real war declaration
that will only increase our people’s attachment to their right of
   establishing the Palestinian state and its capital, Jerusalem.”
   “It is out of the question for Fatah Movement to launch operations on the
   Lebanese-Israeli border,” he added, saying such operations would require
   coordination with Hizbullah and the Lebanese government.
Demonstrations also took place in the North, where some 3,000
   Palestinian refugees protested at the Beddawi camp in Tripoli, calling for
armed struggle against Israel and the declaration of a Palestinian state.
Refugees at the Nahr al-Bared camp, also in the North, organized a sit-in
during which they announced the “death” of the Oslo peace accords
 between Israel and the Palestinians.
   In Baalbek, about 200 demonstrators burned the US and Israeli flags after
   Friday prayers. ­ With agencies

 DS 14/10/00

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] PALESTINE: History, Case and Solution pt 1/2

2000-10-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

[This article was published in the 11th issue of Nida'ul Islam
  magazine (http://www.islam.org.au) January - Februaryl 1996]

History, Case and Solution

  The "Palestinian Question" has been the focus of media attention, on and
  off, for the past 47 years. By signing a mutual agreement, arresting
  activists, portraying the situation as 'solved', and pushing the events an
  conditions of the Palestinian people to the back page, the world
  Governments and media thought they could make us forget the sufferings
  of our people, the usurption of our land, and the injustice of non Believers.

 The history books have always depicted the Ottomans as womanisers, and
Palestinians as terrorists. The accurate history of the Paletininian situation
is now revealed in Nida'ul Islam's special report.


The Islamic success

The first to liberate Palestine through the holy house was the Prophet Muhammad
(s.a.w). This
was on the night of the night Journey (Isra`) and ascension (mi'raj) when he
(s.a.w) led the
prayer of all the prophets in the Farthest Mosque (Almasjid AlAqsa).

The first military expedition to liberate the land of Damascus was the army which
was prepared
by the Prophet (s.a.w) under the leadership of Usama Bin Zayd (r.a.a) as was the
one sent by
Abu Bakr AlSiddiq (r.a.a.) after the death of the Prophet (s.a.w). However, this
army returned to
support the Khalifa in the battle of the apostates after it had reached the
borders of East
Jordan and achieved victory there.

In 633 A.D, Abu Bakr AlSiddiq (r.a.a) sent a number of armies towards the north,
as the army
of Yazeed Bin Abi Sufyan clashed with the Romans in the valley of 'Arba to the
south of the
Dead Sea defeating them until he reached the vicinity of Gaza in 634 A.D. 'Umar
and himself
thereafter completed the liberation of south Palestine leading Heracle to send a
huge army under
the leadership of his brother Theodorus. Abu Bakr ordered Khaled Ibn AlWaleed to
go from 'Iraq
to support the Muslim armies on the Damascene Front. These armies were soundly
under the leadership of 'Amr Bin Al'Aas in Ajnadeen in 634 ad.

Then the Muslim armies united in the Yarmouk valley. Victory was fated for the
Muslims under
the leadership of Khaled Ibn AlWaleed. However the holy land remained fortified
in the face of
the Muslims. The Khalifa 'Umar was checking on the condition of the Army at Jabia
at which time
the messengers of Iliya (the holy land) came to him offering peace on condition
that the Khalifa
himself take the keys. At that time the Khalifa pledged security to the residents
of the holy land
with respect to their person, their religion, their churches, and their
crucifixes, another condition
which the Christians demanded was that "No Jew would reside in Iliya with them.
" From that time, Palestine was stamped with the pure Islamic stamp.

The Christian occupation:

The Christian occupation of Palestine began after the sermon which pope Urbane
the second
delivered in 1095 ad, when he incited the Christians to rescue the holy sepulcher
from the hands
of the Muslims. So they occupied Ramla, then Yafa and ransacked and destroyed it.
When they
besieged the holy land, they numbered 40,000. The Holy Land fell after a month of
siege, so
they entered it in 1099 ad and massacred its residents not sparing an infant or
an elderly
whereby the number killed went over seventy thousand, then they established a
Latin kingdom.
Muslim blood quickly boiled at this massacre leading to the march of the gathered
mujahideen to
repel the evil and oppressive enemy from the Muslim land. The honour of leading
of this
gathering went to Nuruddin Alzengy who received victory and reclaimed some of
the Muslim
cities. He was succeeded by the champion Salahuddin Alayyuby who marched with
his army of
Mujahideen after one of the poets wrote to him speaking on behalf of the AlAqsa

O King who to whose sway of the cross has yielded
A letter has come to you working for the Alaqsa Mosque
All the mosques have been liberated
and I and my honour have been defiled

At this, Salahuddin swore to liberate Alaqsa from the hands of the incursive
Christian army. The
champion was true to his oath and engaged with the crusaders in the decisive
battle of Hittin in
1187 A.D when he purified Alaqsa from the filth of the crusaders.

The temple

Historians and archaeologists claim that the temple built by Solomon
(peace upon him) - as the
Jews claim - has no evidence of ever existing. The most likely of opinions is
that the temple
which the Jews are looking for is in fact the blessed Alaqsa Mosque. The Alaqsa
Mosque in fact
has a history predating the Prophet David (peace upon him).

Imam Qurtuby said: "It is conceivable that it was built by the angels after
finishing with the
always attended house with the permission of their Lord Most High. The

[CTRL] History, Case and Solution pt 2/2

2000-10-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Israel Established

The 1948 war began in May and was immediately after the withdrawal of the
British forces from
Palestine after the Zionist militias completed their stores of arms and
ammunition, and their
forces reached one hundred and fifty thousand soldiers leading to the Arabic
regimes and
quasi-regimes to send their forces to Palestine unprepared and not even in
agreement with
respect to a particular plan. This of course is natural with an army where
the leadership
positions are taken by the English who were agents for the Israeli.

Thus the Palestinian people found themselves in the midst of betrayals by the
Arabic armies and
the Zionist militias. Support for the oppressed Palestinian people at that time
was reduced to
trickles coming from efforts of some currents in the Islamic movements.

Palestinian towns began to fall one after the other; Haifa fell on 22 April 1948,
Safd on 10 May,
Bisan on 12 May, Akka on 20 May, Lud on 12 July, Nasra on 16 July, and Daria on
19 August

In this manner this stage of fighting ended after the fall of all Palestine
except the West Bank
and Gaza.

The Jewish presence became established on the Palestinian land, and all the
Arabic regimes
signed peace treaties in 1949 when the "holy Jihad forces" were disbanded.

The period between 1949 and 1957 witnessed a number of major projects. The
Israeli ministry
for foreign affairs admitted that their forces faced seven thousand eight
hundred and fifty
events on the Jordanian front, and three thousand on the Gaza border against
the Mujahideen
of the Islamic movement. Then the treacherous regimes began to tighten the
noose on the
Mujahideen where Jordan tried nine hundred and ninety seven Sheikhs on the
accusation of
incursion across the border.

The stage of 1957 witnessed political battles which centered mainly on the
Communist and
Nationalist currents during which the Palestinian issue entered the political
and information

The governing regimes continued in their defeat and the Palestinian people were
lost between
the fangs of the enemies and the plots of the big countries. This led to the
birth of the Palestine
Liberation Organisation (PLO) with a decree from the League of Arab Nations, to
stir the anger
of the Arab people and demand Jihad as a sole mean to liberate the occupied
territories, the
establishment of the PLO was completed on 16 January 1965.

This was followed by the disgraceful defeat of 1967 through which the Arabic
people realised the
extent of treason of the governing regimes through the ignominy of the useless
weapons on
the Egyptian front and the declaration of the fall of the Golan Heights even
before the battle
took place on the Syrian front.

Then corruption gnawed into the body of the PLO and its secular creed was
rejected as was its
reliance on the governing regimes which were only established to protect the
Zionist presence
and to confront any real resistance which may pose a danger to their existence.

Various puppet forces became prominent in the PLO which worked towards a truth
from the
beginning. This began to appear in 1968, to finally declare itself in deed in
the year 1970, when
it became the dominant tide in the war of October 1973. In this manner the
theatrical play was completed at the hands of the same regimes in October 1973
which was
prepared and set up through the American regime so that the courage of these
governments might emerge and so that the march of the caravan of surrender
might begin.

Later was completed the first treacherous treaty between Egypt and Israel at the
hands of the
buried Anwar Sadat, known as the Camp David Agreement which guaranteed Israel
what it could
not achieve through its wars. This was the achievement of a diplomatic,
economical, and cultural
relationship with Egypt, the countrywhich it had the largest dispute with it.

Despite this, the Zionist enemy did not change its aggressive policies; their
forces raided
Southern Lebanon in 1982 and they took hold of the Lebanese lands occupying a
part thereof
after the cowardice and ignominy of the PLO and its forces became silent on the
battle front.

In 1988 the Palestinian Intifada began its struggle against the Zionist
occupation; the Palestinian
Hamas also shot to prominence along with the Islamic Jihad to prove that Jihad
will continue to
exist in the conscience of our Ummah despite the plots of the enemies and the
betrayal of the

The Israeli leadership realised the extent of the danger of the Intifada, so it
worked to make it
fail on two axes:
1 - The military axis through pulverising them with force.
2 - The political axis through the apostate leadership of the PLO

The Arafat leadership had made 16 secret meetings with the Israeli leadership in
Oslo, then the
signing of the Palestine Israel Pact on 13 September 1993, or what is referred to
as the Gaza
Jericho agreement. This was followed with the second Oslo agreement which is

[CTRL] Why we can't all just get along.

2000-10-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

[This article was published in the 11th issue of Nida'ul Islam
 magazine (http://www.islam.org.au) January - Februaryl 1996]

 The religious position with respect to Israel,
 and the accord with the Jews

The Ummah is unanimous about the illegality of
reconciliation with the Jews who have usurped
the land of Palestine. The trusted scholars have
also decreed that whoever sells his land to the
Jews or whoever accepts reconciliation with them
knowing the harm of this to the Muslims is an
apostate who has rejected Islam.

The illegality of the sale of the land to the Jews

After the fall of the 'Uthmany Caliphate, the scholars
of Palestine realised the size and danger of
the plot which had been weaved, and the designs of the
Jews to their land. So they gathered on
26 January 1935 in the Alaqsa mosque in the holy land
and issued a Fatwa, the most important
part of which states: "further, we the issuers of the
Fatwa... after research and looking into
what would arise from the sale of the land in Palestine
to the Jews, with looking into the intents
of the Zionists to Turn this holy Muslim land into
Jewish land, taking it from the hands of its
inhabitants and keeping them away from it...

"After looking at the fatwas which have been issued
by the Muslim scholars in Iraq, Egypt,
India, Morocco, Syria, Palestine, and other Muslim
countries, which have unanimously agreed
to the illegality of the sale of Palestinian land to
the Jews, as well as broking or facilitating in
any way or mean the sale of any land to the Jews, and
the illegality of accepting this and
keeping quiet over it. Further, all this has become
with respect to each Palestinian knowing of
the result and accepting it an act of apostasy and
rejection of Islam..."

Then the scholars mentioned the various corruptions
which arise from the sale of land to the
Jews with respect to the expulsion of Muslims from
their homes and the stopping the mention
of The Name of Allah in His mosques, and befriending
the Jews and supporting them against the
Muslims and the betrayal of Allah and His Messenger.
"So let it be known from all that we have
put forward of reasons results, statements, rulings,
and fatwas that the one who sells his land
in Palestine to the Jews, whether directly or through
an agent, and the agent in this sale and
the one who facilitates it and the one who assists
in it in any manner knowing of the
aforementioned results, each of those is not to be
prayed over nor buried in the Muslim graves.
They must also be ostracised and boycotted, as well
as degrading them and abstaining from
compassion towards them or coming near them whether
they are fathers, children, brothers,
or spouses.. Further, silence with respect to the
deeds of these, and acquiescing to them is
strictly forbidden.."

This accord was signed by two hundred and forty
nine (249) scholars overall. It is a Fatwa
declaring illegal to forego any part of Palestine.
[pp 30-35 Jamiat Alislah ed. Kuwait, and pp 5-11
Maarkaz Ali'lam Al'araby ed.]

On 29 November 1947 the scholars of Alazhar issued
a call after the resolution of the United
Nations to divide Palestine into two countries,
a Jewish and a Palestinian. This call included: "The
resolution of the United Nations is a resolution
from a body without authority. It is an
oppressive, and transgressing resolution which
has no justice or equity." Then the Muslim
scholars called for Jihad to liberate Palestine:
"Block their path, and sit for them in every
vantage point, boycott them with respect to their
trade and do not deal with them, and
prepare the requisites of Jihad amongst yourselves..
Fulfill what Allah has required of you..."
[Ibid pp 12 - 15]

The illegality of a truce with the Jews

Then occurred the various treasons by the
puppet Arabic governments which pursued the
Mujahideen groups and stopped them from fighting
against the Jews, and the country of Israel
was established on the land of Palestine. Then
in 1956 a committee of the scholars of Alazhar
issued a Fatwa forbidding a truce with the new
Jewish government which declared the truce with
Israel - and those who incite to it - "to be not
permitted by law because of what it contains of
acquiescing to the transgressor and allowing him
to continue to usurp and entrench itself in
the land.. So it is not permitted for the Muslims
to reconcile with these Jews who have usurped
the land of Palestine and transgressed against its
people and their wealth in any manner
whatsoever which will allow the Jews to remain on
these holy Islamic lands as a nation. In fact,
it is required of them to cooperate together with
their varied tongues and colours and ethnicity
to return this country to its people, and to protect
the Alaqsa mosque... and to exert all they
can to cleanse the land of the country from any trace
of these transgressors. Whoever falls
short in this or neglects it or discourages the
Muslims from it or calls to whatever leads to the
dispersion of the 

[CTRL] 'Poof' goes the Liberals' bubble.

2000-10-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

   Copyright 2000 InterPress Service, all rights reserved.
  Worldwide distribution via the APC networks.

  *** 12-Oct-0* ***

Title: POLITICS-ISRAEL: Israelis Think Peace Process Is Dead

By Ben Lynfield

JERUSALEM, Oct 12 (IPS) -The killing of two Israeli soldiers in
Ramallah Thursday by a mob of Palestinians, and Israel's attack on
Palestinian Authority targets in the West Bank town, is
accentuating the crisis gripping the beleaguered Israeli peace
camp as Israeli-Palestinian fighting escalates.

Hours after the killings, black smoke was billowing from
central Ramallah after Israeli helicopters attacked in a major
escalation that recalled Israel's tactics during its 1982 invasion
of Lebanon.

Peace Now, the leading peace movement in Israel, denounced the
killing of the soldiers as a "heinous crime." It said it had no
immediate statement on the Israeli helicopter attacks.

"Nothing but a full condemnation by the Palestinian Authority
will salvage any trust of the Israeli public in the peace
process," said Didi Remez, a Peace Now spokesman.

Peace Now however, had not denounced the use of exaggerated
Israeli military means against the Palestinians during the latest
round of violence, which started on September 28.

The Israeli peace camp had staked its political credibility on
the continuation of a partnership with Palestinian leader, Yasser
Arafat, to build on the 1993 Oslo self-rule agreement and
transform it into a full-fledged peace treaty.

But that approach seems to be going up in smoke after the
killings of the soldiers by the mob. In the charged, insular, anti-
Arafat climate inside Israel, the peace camp is being portrayed as
having been naive and misguided.

While much of the world has viewed the Palestinians as those
suffering the most in the conflict, Israelis view the Palestinians
as aggressors who are perpetuating the violence in order to extort
gains in world opinion and at the negotiating table.

Liberals, often attacked during the best of times, are now
clearly on the defensive and even sound as if they are apologising
for advocating peace with the Palestinians.

Zehava Galon, chairperson of the left-wing Meretz faction in
the Knesset, took issue yesterday with mounting calls for a
"national emergency government" that would include the hard-line
Likud party and its leader, Ariel Sharon, saying that would spell
the end of the peace process.

"We are among those who believe that we have a very, very
problematic partner but we have no other choice," she said.

"Yasser Arafat must make every effort to calm the territories.
We won't accept such behaviour. We won't accept harming our
soldiers or civilians."

But the killing of the Israeli soldiers comes after 15 days of
violence during which 97 people died, 90 of them Palestinians.
Another 2,000 people were injured.

The clashes that were triggered by the visit of Sharon to a
compound housing the third holiest mosque in Islam, The Noble
Sanctuary, which is known to Jews as the Temple Mount.

The soldiers in Ramallah were killed after Palestinian police
stopped them at a checkpoint and took them to a police station
downtown, according to the Israeli army.

A mob surrounded the building and attacked them. It was not
immediately clear whether the police had sought to protect the
soldiers or had allowed the attackers to gain access to them. The
soldiers had erred while en route to an assignment in the Ramallah
area, Israeli state run radio said.

The Palestinian Authority termed the incident "regrettable" but
said it was a result of Israel's escalation of the fighting,
including the use of helicopters and tanks. The PA said the
soldiers were part of an undercover unit that was on a mission
inside Ramallah.

It was the most lethal incident for Israelis since the violence
started on Sept 28 and it stunned the country, which had hitherto
been fighting a virtually casualty free war with the Palestinians,
who were armed mainly with stones and Kalashnikovs.

Palestinian proponents of dialogue with Israelis are also
despairing, saying they are disappointed the Israeli peace
movement has largely kept silent about the army's shooting
practices in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which have drawn
criticism from Amnesty International for fatal shootings of
demonstrators and others when their lives were not in danger.

The army says the soldiers shoot only to defend their lives.

One of the victims of the Israeli shootings was a 12 year old
boy, Mohammad al Dura, who was sheltering from the shooting with
his father when he was killed by an Israeli sniper.

Communications Minister Binyamin, Ben-Eliezer, told reporters
Thursday that the Oslo process that launched Palestinian self-rule
in 1993 was "gone".

"I believe this process no longer exists. Arafat is continuing
along the path of confrontations and violence. We have a very
strong [military] establishment to give a response. This is a new
situation and we must 

Re: [CTRL] Bennett Blasts Gore as 'Habitual Liar'

2000-10-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/11/2000 8:04:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "Albert Arnold Gore Jr. is a habitual liar," says leading conservative
 William J. Bennett.
 Writing in Wednesday's Wall Street Journal, Bennett says: "Almost nothing
 matters more in a chief executive than his public character and
 trustworthiness, his truthfulness and integrity. And on these grounds alone,
 Mr. Gore should be disqualified from being president. 

This is funny.  At least Gore never claimed to have "written" Aesop's Fables"
and other classics.  I don't know how many times I wrote (even the NY Times)
to mention that while Mr. Bennett edited the materials in his books, he never
"wrote" anything.  He even mentioned on television that he "wrote" a book.
Mr. Bennett needs to take a hard look at what makes "truth" himself.  Prudy

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Human rights blow to seizure of drug barons' assets

2000-10-14 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Click Here: A

rvspg=/et/00/10/14/nact14.html"Human rights blow to seizure of drug
barons' as…/A
Human rights blow to seizure of drug barons' assets
By Auslan Cramb and Philip Johnston

Human Rights Act could free 20 most notorious killers
Chilling list includes torturers, rapists and serial killers

A CORNERSTONE of the Government's fight against organised crime was
undermined yesterday when a court ruled that confiscating the assets of
convicted drugs traffickers breached European human rights laws.

The decision by the Court of Criminal Appeal in Edinburgh has far-reaching
implications throughout Britain. It raises serious doubts over whether the
Government can proceed with plans, announced in the summer, to extend
confiscation powers to unconvicted men who run organised crime rings and
whose wealth is thought to be linked to their activities.

The ruling also opens the prospect that drug traffickers and other criminals
whose property has already been confiscated could sue for compensation. The
decision is the most significant blow to existing legislation since the
European human rights convention was incorporated into Scottish law a year
ago. It took effect south of the border this month
Ministers had hitherto dismissed fears that the measure was a recipe for
conflict with the intentions of Parliament. Courts have had extensive powers
since 1986 to seize the assets of offenders on conviction. Under the Proceeds
of Crime Act 1995, courts can assume that all property held by a criminal in
the six years before his conviction was illegally gained. The onus is on the
accused to prove that it does not.

But the Edinburgh court ruled by 2-1 that this practice contravened Article 6
(2) of the European convention, which guarantees the presumption of innocence
until proven guilty.

In a case brought by Robert McIntosh, 38 - jailed for four years last year
for heroin trafficking - two judges, Lord Prosser and Lord Allanbridge, found
that the practice was "plainly in violation of the convention".

They argued that it could not be assumed that property owned by a drug dealer
was linked to his criminal activities. Chris Shead, for McIntosh, said that
to decide without evidence that assets were from drugs was "totally
inconsistent with the presumption of innocence".

The third judge, Lord Kirkwood, said the provisions had to be balanced
against the importance of protecting society from "the evils of drug
trafficking". The Crown was granted leave to appeal to the judicial committee
of the Privy Council.

The plans for a National Confiscation Agency, which involve a radical
departure from the normal requirements of proof, now seem unlikely to

© Copyright of Telegraph Group Limited 2000.
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[CTRL] Jail not kosher for three in $42m laundering scheme

2000-10-14 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
HREF="http://www.smh.com.au/news/0010/14/national/national1.html"Jail not
kosher for three in $42m laundering sc…/A

Jail not kosher for three in $42m laundering scheme

Three members of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, who admitted involvement
in a $42 million international money-laundering scheme, have escaped going to
jail mainly because of their religious beliefs.

The head of the family, Nachum Goldberg, 58, who masterminded the racket, was
jailed for five years and ordered to serve a minimum non-parole term of 2

But his wife Rita, 56, and sons Napthali, 36, and Hershel, 34, were freed on
suspended sentences, with Victorian County Court judge Michael Strong saying
prison for them would be "extraordinarily difficult".

Judge Strong said few members of the public would have any understanding of
the rigours of the "Adass strain of ultra-Orthodox Judaism".

He was satisfied the Goldbergs were genuinely devout in their beliefs in a
sect which banned television, radio, cinema, alcohol and tobacco and
newspapers other than certain Jewish publications.

All four Goldbergs had pleaded guilty to conspiring to defraud the
"I am convinced that prison for a Jew of this level or orthodoxy would be
extraordinarily difficult," Judge Strong said.

"Delivery of kosher food to the jail and concerns about its contamination
would be a constant issue - and absolutely vital for the prisoner."

The jail would not be able to provide for the observance of many Orthodox
requirements for daily living. Ultra-Orthodox Jewish prisoners would be a
prime target for "discrimination and abuse or worse by other prisoners
because of their unusual appearance".

The same considerations applied to Naphtali and Hershel Goldberg.

He sentenced Rita Goldberg to 15 months, Napthali Goldberg to 12 months and
Hershel Goldberg to nine months, all suspended.

Judge Strong said all three had played relatively minor roles in the scheme.
Nachum Goldberg had been in complete control of the enterprise.

Judge Strong said that while it was impossible to determine the amount of tax
evaded, it was likely to have exceeded $20 million.

He said the principal offenders had not come before the court. Judge Strong
said the fraud in which the Goldbergs conspired was committed not by them but
by the tax evaders themselves whom the Goldbergs refused to identify. The
Goldbergs' "commission" earned from the money-laundering had been at least

The scheme Nachum Goldberg operated masqueraded as a conduit for charitable
funds to Israel, said the judge.

False documents and a sprinkling of legitimate charitable cheques maintained
the charade.
"When the investigators tried to follow the money trail they hit a brick wall
in the form of the refusal of the Israeli Government or the Israel banks to
co-operate," the judge said.

Judge Strong sentenced the Goldbergs on June 21, but suppressed reporting of
the sentences because disclosure of certain information in the sentencing
remarks could have aborted another unrelated trial.

Copyright © 2000. The Sydney Morning Herald
All rights reserved.
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Oh,oh! Cristiane Amanpour is in Jerusalem. You KNOW there's going...

2000-10-14 Thread Kindred Spirit

-Caveat Lector-

I have not seen reports that anybody is being drug
from their homes but rather shot in the streets.  We
have all seen children used in conflicts and wars in
this manner.  When there is fighting in the streets,
why don't the parents keep their children inside where
they would be safer! Instead, the videos always show
little kids mixed in with the Palestinians.  This is
by design and should be pointed out on record by the
UN.  Where is their great concern "for the children"
in this matter?  This is similar to the Iranians and
others using children to clear mine fields as human
detection devices.  Then they cry foul when one is
killed or maimed--same thing using them as shields for
media coverage outrage and to generate sympathy.
children should not be pawns nor tools of war.

--- Nurev Ind Research [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 "Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:
  -Caveat Lector-
  In a message dated 10/13/2000 6:54:50 AM Eastern
 Daylight Time,
   Seeing Amanpour in Jerusalem is like seeing
 vultures circling a hunt.
   You can be sure that there will be bodies. 

 I don't know what kind of demented pictures you have
 of the Israelis, but you
 can bet your ass that if they wanted the
 Palestinians dead, they would be.

 Try to keep it real.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] More Democrats Defect to Bush

2000-10-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/11/2000 8:09:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 "I'm honored to have the support of Democrats, Republicans and independents.
 As president, I will reach across party lines and pass meaningful legislation
 to empower people and not Washington, D.C.," Bush said. 

Let's face it, Southern Democrats aren't and never were Democrats.  They just
didn't want to be associated with the party of Abe Lincoln.  I'm afraid that
Jim Crow is well and living in the solid south.  They can hardly wait for
Bush to load the Supreme Court with the kind of judges who will let them keep
Blacks out of the voting booths again.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] EPA Poised to Issue 88 New Rules as Clinton Leaves

2000-10-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/11/2000 8:10:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., is calling on the Clinton-Gore Environmental
 Protection Agency to call off its plans to issue a record 88 new regulations
 before the end of Clinton's time in office.
 "By scrambling to rush so many regulations before they leave power, the
 Clinton-Gore administration is trampling proper procedures in order to score
 political points," Inhofe said.

 As chairman of the Senate subcommittee on Clean Air, Wetlands, Private
 Property and Nuclear Safety, Inhofe objects to one of the regulations dealing
 with sulfur content in diesel fuel. It would require American oil refineries
 to remove more naturally occurring sulfur from oil used for diesel engines.

What's the matter, Mr. Inhofe, afraid there won't be any place that can clean
up the sour crude from the Alaska Wildlife Reserve?  Must be hard to get
money from the foreign sources.  I understand Haley Barbour is still tangled
up in court for taking it a few years back when he was heading the Republican
Party?  It will surely be a lot better if you can just shove the stuff (nice
and dirty) down the throats of the folks here in this country.  Don't worry.
If Bush gets elected, anything the oil boys want will be handed to you all on
a silver platter.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] NM: Madeleine Taketh Away, Giveth Back

2000-10-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/11/2000 8:18:22 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

  Israel's foreign minister, Shlomo Ben-Ami, had said earlier that
 he hoped the suspension of Indyk's security clearance would not
 make it harder for the United States to forge a final
 Israeli-Palestinian peace pact. 

What a charade.  I'll bet Mr. Ben-Ami would miss his favorite informant.
And of course Madam Albright would miss him too.  It's a lot harder to pass
on the classified information if you don't have the right man in the right
job.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Here is who is responsible for the current conditions in the Middle East.

2000-10-14 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-


This was first posted in 1995 to the web site - "Understanding The New
World order." The site no longer exists but was instrumental in bringing
the Council on Foreign Realations into the spotlight for all to see.
-- Nurev

Understanding the New World Order
by Joshua2


After the failure of the Oslo peace accords, the CFR who are neither elected
nor appointed by anyone, gathered their Court Jews and House Arabs to try
to salvage a process that benefits neither Jews nor Arabs in the Mid-East.
The purpose of these efforts is to claim stability for the area, and form a
trading block of nations with rules favoring International Big Business.

It is clear that the Palestinians will not get what they want. It is clear that
Israel will not have it's security where it needs to be. This is a recipe for

The Palestinan people are tired of living in misery, and the Israelis are tired of
war and living under seige. But real issues can't always be resolved by
compromise. Some issues can't be resolved at all. To make believe that
paper agreements will somehow solve these problems is wishful thinking in
the extreme, and raises everyone's hopes to where if more violence occurs,
only the elimination of one or the other parties involved will resolve the
situation at that point. In a region where nuclear, biological, and chemical
weapons proliferate, this becomes a huge gamble for all of us.

The buisiness and policy elites in the CFR are only interested in controlling
the worlds economies. That is the prize. Not decent lives for the people who
will have to live out the CFR's short sighted and greedy plans.  - [ J2, 1995]

U.S. Middle East Policy
and the Peace Process

Report of an Independent Task Force

Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations

Henry Siegman, Project Coordinator

The Council on Foreign Relations, Inc., a nonprofit, nonpartisan national
membership organization founded in 1921, is dedicated to promoting
understanding of international affairs through the free and civil exchange
of ideas. The Council's members are dedicated to the belief that America's
peace and prosperity are firmly linked to that of the world. From this flows
the mission of the Council: to foster America's understanding of its fellow
members of the international community, near and far, their peoples,
cultures, histories, hopes, quarrels, and ambitions; and thus to serve,
protect, and advance America's own global interests through study and
debate, private and public.

The Council on Foreign Relations will sponsor independent Task Forces from
time to time when it believes that a current foreign policy or international
economic debate of critical importance to the United States can benefit from
the advice of a small group of people of divergent backgrounds and views.
Most, but not all, Task Force members are also members of the Council, and
the Council provides the group with staff support.

The goal of the Task Force is to reach a consensus on the issue; if a strong
and meaningful consensus cannot be reached, the goal is to state concisely
alternative positions.

The Report of the Task Force reflects the general policy thrust and
judgments reached by the group, although not all members necessarily
subscribe fully to every finding and recommendation in the Report.

For further information about the Council or this Task Force, please contact
the Public Affairs Office, Council on Foreign Relations, 58 East 68th
Street, New York, NY 10021.

Copyright1997 by the Council on Foreign Relations, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.
The Report may not be reproduced in whole or in part, in any form (beyond
that copying permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright Law and
except by reviewers for the public press), and without written permission
from the publisher.

Executive Summary
Findings and Recommendations
 The End of Incrementalism
 Defining American Interests in the Middle East
 U.S. Priorities in the Peace Process
 The Syrian-Israeli Track
 The Need for a Bold Initiative: A New Declaration of Principles
 The Palestinian Economy
 The Role of Allies in the Peace Process
 Preparing for a Middle East at Peace
Members of the Task Force
Dissenting Views
Additional Views


The work of the independent Task Force on U.S. Middle East Policy and the
Peace Process went through several stages, each contributing 

[CTRL] Intelligence Authorization Act, H.R. 4392

2000-10-14 Thread Richard Sampson

-Caveat Lector-


  American Civil Liberties Union

 Federation of American Scientists

   Lawyers Committee for Human Rights

 World Organization Against Torture, USA

October 11, 2000

Hon. Porter Goss, Chairman
Hon. Julian Dixon, Ranking Member
Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
H-405 Capitol Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-6415

Re: Intelligence Authorization Act, H.R. 4392, and Treaty "Obligations"

Dear Reps. Goss and Dixon:

We are writing to ask that you reject Section 305 of the Senate-passed
version of the Intelligence Authorization Act for FY 2001, H.R. 4392.
Section 305 would legalize "authorized intelligence activity" that is
illegal under the terms of any legislation adopted in the future to
implement a treaty, unless the implementing legislation indicates otherwise.
In essence, it puts intelligence activity above the law. Because this
sweeping change has been the subject of no public hearings and virtually no
public debate, and because this provision would sanction lawless activity,
we urge you to reject it.

Under Section 305, "authorized intelligence activity" that violates any law
enacted in the future to implement a treaty or other international agreement
would be legal, unless the implementing legislation indicated otherwise.
Legislation implementing international treaties prohibits some of the most
heinous conduct imaginable. Treaties into which the United States has or
will soon enter proscribe genocide, bribery, racial discrimination, hostage
taking and hijacking.

For example, the legislation implementing the Convention Against Torture and
Other Forms of Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Punishment establishes that it
is the policy of the United States not to expel, extradite or effect the
involuntary return of any person to a country in which there are substantial
grounds for believing that the person would be in danger of being tortured.
This policy applies regardless of whether the person who might be tortured
is in the United States. Section 2242 of Pub. Law 105-277, 112 Stat.
2681-822 (1998). Had section 305 been law when Congress considered the
legislation implementing the Convention Against Torture, it would be legal
under the statute for a CIA agent acting pursuant to an "authorized
intelligence activity" to return a person to a place where they would be
tortured. This would be the case unless a member of Congress successfully
slipped into the implementing legislation a provision indicating that it
applied to intelligence activity as well.

The very limited Senate debate on this provision indicates that whether a
particular intelligence activity that violates a law implementing a treaty
is "authorized" is unclear. For example, it appears that the authorization
need not be written and need not be issued specifically with respect to the
conduct in question. Rather, as Senator Shelby put it, "Individual actions
might be authorized through general written policies, rather than
case-specific authorizations." See colloquy between Senators Biden and
Shelby, 146 Cong. Rec. page S9686-7, October 3, 2000. This is an invitation
for abuse of authority to evade a law by which every other government
official must abide.

There can be no excuse for giving intelligence agencies a license to ignore
the law, including laws that implement treaty obligations. To create such a
blanket exception for "authorized intelligence activities" is to invite
other countries that undertake treaty obligations to except these and other
activities from the requirements of the treaty. This provision would ensure
that there is no public debate as to whether there should be an
"intelligence exception" to a future treaty obligation proscribing
objectionable conduct. We urge you to reject it.


Laura W. Murphy, Director
American Civil Liberties Union
Washington National Office

Steven Aftergood, Project Director
Federation of American Scientists

Elisa Massiminoe, Director
Lawyers Committee for Human Rights

Morton Sklar, Director
World Organization Against Torture, USA

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   Get your free Internet access at http://www.1stUp.com

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us 

[CTRL] Fwd: Media Spin and the Israeli Occupation

2000-10-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

This is one of the most important things Norman Solomon has written in a
while.  Last count I saw (before the Israeli's bombed the Palestinian
headquarters, which they then tried to brashly deny was an act of war) the
death toll was 90 Palestinians and Arabs to 7 Jews.  I suppose this statistic
hasn't become common knowledge because, if people knew it, they'd perhaps get
confused and mistake Israel for a vicious, bloodthirsty Middle Eastern State
led by a cruel power-mad gang of thugs.

Why are the Palestinians rioting?  Hmmm, let's think about this.  Think how
US metropolitan police forces treat African-Americans and other minorities.
Now times that by ten.  That's the level of hatred and contempt that the
average Israeli soldier and policeman feels for Palestinians.

Criticism of Israel is no more anti-Semitic than criticism of the Vatican is
anti-Catholic.  I have no problem with anyone being part of any religion, but
it's another thing if they let their fairy tales cloud themselves from seeing
mass murder before their eyes.

I hope any person who is Jewish feels shame and disgust for what Israel is
doing right now, engaged in mass killings and exploiting legitimate
sensitivities as a shield for deserved criticism.

A common saying among those who discuss the Nazi Holocaust is "Never forget."
 There is no question Israel is guilty of war crimes and genocide this past
month.  It appears Israel interprets the mantra as that they should never
forget so they can utilize the Nazi techniques on others.  If that's the
case, I'd say their mission is accomplished.

Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Media Spin and the Israeli Occupation


By Norman Solomon   /   Creators Syndicate

 The formula for American media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict is simple: Report on the latest developments in the fragile "peace
process." Depict U.S. officials as honest brokers in the negotiations.
Emphasize the need for restraint and compromise instead of instability and

 In the world according to news media, the U.S. government is
situated on high moral ground -- in contrast to some of the intractable
adversaries. "The conflict that had been so elaborately dressed in the
civilizing cloak of a peace effort has been stripped to its barest essence:
Jew against Arab, Arab against Jew," a New York Times dispatch from
Jerusalem declared as fierce clashes in occupied territory neared the end
of their second week.

 Soon afterwards, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright proclaimed:
"The cycle of violence has to be stopped." Such pronouncements from
Washington get a lot of respectful media play in our country.

 Rarely do American journalists explore the ample reasons to
believe that the United States is part of the oft-decried cycle of
violence. Nor, in the past couple of weeks, has there been much media
analysis of the fact that the violence was overwhelmingly inflicted on
Palestinian people.

 Within days, several dozen Palestinians were killed by heavily
armed men in uniform -- often described by CNN and other news outlets as
"Israeli security forces." Under the circumstances, it's a notably
benign-sounding term for an army that shoots down protesters.

 As for the rock-throwing Palestinians, I have never seen or heard
a single American news account describing them as "pro-democracy
demonstrators." Yet that would be an appropriate way to refer to people who
-- after more than three decades of living under occupation -- are in the
streets to demand self-determination.

 While Israeli soldiers and police, with their vastly superior
firepower, do most of the killing, Israel's public-relations engines keep
whirling like well-oiled tops. Days ago, tilted by the usual spin, American
news stories highlighted the specious ultimatums issued by Prime Minister
Ehud Barak as he demanded that Palestinians end the violence -- while
uniformed Israelis under his authority continued to kill them.

 Beneath the Israeli "peace process" rhetoric echoed by American
media, an implicit message isn't hard to discern: If only Palestinians
would stop resisting the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, it would no
longer be necessary for Israeli forces to shoot them.

 "Israel Extends Time For Peace," said the lead headline on the
Oct. 10 front page of USA Today. "Israel early today extended a deadline
for Palestinians to end rioting," the article began. At this rate, we may
someday see a headline that reads: "Israel Demands Palestinians Stop
Attacking Bullets With Their Bodies."

 Of course, amid all the nifty Orwellian touches, the proper
behavior of people whose homeland remains under occupation has never quite

[CTRL] Media Spin and the Israeli Occupation

2000-10-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Media Spin and the Israeli Occupation


By Norman Solomon   /   Creators Syndicate

 The formula for American media coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict is simple: Report on the latest developments in the fragile "peace
process." Depict U.S. officials as honest brokers in the negotiations.
Emphasize the need for restraint and compromise instead of instability and

 In the world according to news media, the U.S. government is
situated on high moral ground -- in contrast to some of the intractable
adversaries. "The conflict that had been so elaborately dressed in the
civilizing cloak of a peace effort has been stripped to its barest essence:
Jew against Arab, Arab against Jew," a New York Times dispatch from
Jerusalem declared as fierce clashes in occupied territory neared the end
of their second week.

 Soon afterwards, Secretary of State Madeleine Albright proclaimed:
"The cycle of violence has to be stopped." Such pronouncements from
Washington get a lot of respectful media play in our country.

 Rarely do American journalists explore the ample reasons to
believe that the United States is part of the oft-decried cycle of
violence. Nor, in the past couple of weeks, has there been much media
analysis of the fact that the violence was overwhelmingly inflicted on
Palestinian people.

 Within days, several dozen Palestinians were killed by heavily
armed men in uniform -- often described by CNN and other news outlets as
"Israeli security forces." Under the circumstances, it's a notably
benign-sounding term for an army that shoots down protesters.

 As for the rock-throwing Palestinians, I have never seen or heard
a single American news account describing them as "pro-democracy
demonstrators." Yet that would be an appropriate way to refer to people who
-- after more than three decades of living under occupation -- are in the
streets to demand self-determination.

 While Israeli soldiers and police, with their vastly superior
firepower, do most of the killing, Israel's public-relations engines keep
whirling like well-oiled tops. Days ago, tilted by the usual spin, American
news stories highlighted the specious ultimatums issued by Prime Minister
Ehud Barak as he demanded that Palestinians end the violence -- while
uniformed Israelis under his authority continued to kill them.

 Beneath the Israeli "peace process" rhetoric echoed by American
media, an implicit message isn't hard to discern: If only Palestinians
would stop resisting the Israeli occupation of the West Bank, it would no
longer be necessary for Israeli forces to shoot them.

 "Israel Extends Time For Peace," said the lead headline on the
Oct. 10 front page of USA Today. "Israel early today extended a deadline
for Palestinians to end rioting," the article began. At this rate, we may
someday see a headline that reads: "Israel Demands Palestinians Stop
Attacking Bullets With Their Bodies."

 Of course, amid all the nifty Orwellian touches, the proper
behavior of people whose homeland remains under occupation has never quite
been spelled out. But U.S. media coverage has reflexively mimicked the
themes coming out of the White House and State Department. It all makes
sense -- as long as we set aside basic concepts of human rights -- as long
as we refuse to acknowledge that without justice there can be no real peace.

 For American journalists on mainstream career ladders, it's
prudent to avoid making a big deal about Israel's human rights violations,
which persist without letup in tandem with Israel's occupation of land it
captured in the 1967 war. Many pundits are fond of cloaking the occupiers
in mantles of righteousness. And we hear few questions raised about the
fact that the occupiers enjoy the powerful backing of the United States.

 The silence is usually deafening, even among journalists who write
opinion columns on a regular basis. The U.S. government's economic and
military assistance to Israel adds up to a few billion dollars per year.
Among media professionals, that aid is widely seen as an untouchable "third
rail." To challenge U.S. support for Israel is to invite a torrent of
denunciations -- first and foremost, the accusation of "anti-Semitism."

 Occasionally, I've written columns criticizing U.S. media for
strong pro-Israel bias in news reporting and spectrums of commentary. Every
time, I can count on a flurry of angry letters that accuse me of being
anti-Semitic. It's a timeworn, knee-jerk tactic: Whenever someone makes a
coherent critique of Israel's policies, immediately go on the attack with
charges of anti-Jewish bigotry.

 Numerous American supporters of Israel resort to this tactic.
Perhaps the difficulties of defending the 


2000-10-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

FREEDOM NOW NETWORK  - October 14. 2000
by Dot Bibee, Freedom Now Network A HREF="mailto:Tndothb"Tndothb/A

This posting is being sent out to you to see if there is anyone else THINKING
about this situation.  Among my friends and household, this is a question and
none are accepting President Clinton's declaration that this was an act of
terrorism nor that it was caused by a rubber raft carrying TONS of
explosives.  This was the SAME question asked by many in the Oklahoma City
bombing since a Ryder truck parked on the curb could not have carried enough
explosives necessary to blow up the OKC building.  IF it is found that the
raft did not put that hole in the SHIP, will the U.S. media, President
Clinton, and others still state that the USS Cole was blown up by the rubber
raft?  For a graphics illustration from the U.S. Navy of what "supposedly"
happened  go to

The news is beginning to show that there is DOUBT that the explosion did not
happen the way that it is being reported.  Could there have been an aircraft
(not visible at the port) that could have put the hole with a smart bomb? Has
this been looked into? I will give you only EXCERPTS from the news reports,
but I hope you will get the message that someone had better start asking
QUESTIONS instead of accepting the report that is just now being investigated.

 1)  Yemen Says No Terrorism Behind US Destroyer Explosion
A HREF="http://www.vny.com/cf/News/upidetail.cfm?QID=127743"Click here: UPI
News Article: Yemen Says No Terrorism Behind US Destroyer Explosion/A
Saturday, 14 October 2000 10:09 (ET)

SANAA, Yemen, Oct. 14 (UPI) -- A senior Yemeni official on Saturday rejected
United States statements that the explosion on a U.S. Navy destroyer which
killed 17 servicemen was an apparent act of terrorism.  The commander of the
Yemeni naval base of Aden, Gen. Mohammad Ali Ibrahim, said that initial
investigations into Thursday's explosion that ripped through the side of the
USS Cole off the coast of Aden showed it was not caused "intentionally by
external forces."  He said the explosion "was most likely caused by a
technical malfunction in the U.S. destroyer itself...the large hole the
explosion left in the vessel shows it is far-fetched that it was caused by
explosive devices, no matter how big."

 2) Besides a gaping hole, attack on USS Cole left many questions
A HREF="http://www.vny.com/cf/News/upidetail.cfm?QID=127684"Click here: UPI
News Article: Besides a gaping hole, attack on USS Cole left many questions
http://www.vny.com/cf/News/upidetail.cfm?QID=127684Friday, 13 October
2000 22:06 (ET)

WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (UPI) -- The explosion that tore open part of the Navy
destroyer USS Cole in Yemen on Thursday has left many questions.  More than
100 FBI investigators headed to the port city of Aden, 50 Marines are
standing guard at the blast site and a 50-man emergency response team is in
place to begin piecing together evidence.  But there remains, officially,
only a single witness to the explosion that blew a 40-foot hole in the USS
Cole's port side, killing as many as 17 crew members.  An Army major
associated with the U.S. Embassy in Yemen reported seeing two men help the
Cole attach one mooring line to a buoy. The small boat, presumably a harbor
tender, then pulled along side the destroyer. Two men on board reportedly
stood at attention and detonated the bomb, blasting the Cole sideways,
tearing open its half-inch-thick steel hull, and destroying four rooms on the
Little is known about the attackers, their boat or the explosives they used,
whether there were just two men involved, and whether they worked for the
company contracted by the State Department to refuel the billion-dollar
Arleigh Burke-class destroyer.  Also unknown is whether the embassy
investigated the company and if that review reached down to the
individuals handling the Cole's lines as it pulled up to a floating dock. So
far, not even the refueling company's name has been made public.

 3) For U.S., warning signs emerged in days before Yemen refueling stop
A HREF="http://www.vny.com/cf/News/upidetail.cfm?QID=127669"Click here: UPI
News Article: For U.S., warning signs emerged in days before Yemen refueling
st op/A
http://www.vny.com/cf/News/upidetail.cfm?QID=127669   Friday, 13 October 2000
20:39 (ET)

WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 (UPI) -- The day before a rubber raft carrying explosives
sank the USS Cole in the Yemeni port of Aden, and two days before a bomb
exploded at the British Embassy in Yemen's capital, Sanaa, a leading
newspaper in Jordan printed a statement from an unknown terrorist
organization threatening to target U.S., British and Israeli ships and planes
.  The group, known as Al Nitha 


2000-10-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Statement of
OF TEXAS [Page: H7697]
Mr. Speaker, over a half a century has transpired since the United States of
America became a member of the United Nations. Purporting to act pursuant to
the treaty powers of the Constitution, the President of the United States
signed, and the United States Senate ratified, the charter of the United
Nations. Yet, the debate in government circles over the United Nations'
scarcely has touched on the question of the constitutional power of the United
States to enter such an agreement. Instead, the only questions addressed
concerned the respective roles that the President and Congress would assume
upon the implementation of that charter.

On the one hand, some proposed that once the charter of the United States was
ratified, the President of the United States would act independently of
Congress pursuant to his executive prerogatives to conduct the foreign affairs
of the Nation. Others insisted, however, that the Congress played a major role
of defining foreign policy, especially because that policy implicated the
to declare war, a subject reserved strictly to Congress by Article I, Section
of the U.S. Constitution.

At first, it appeared that Congress would take control of America's
participation in the United Nations. But in the enactment of the United
Nations' participation act on December 20, 1945, Congress laid down several
rules by which America's participation would be governed. Among those rules
the requirement that before the President of the United States could deploy
United States Armed Forces in service of the United Nations, he was required
submit to Congress for its specific approval the numbers and types of Armed
Forces, their degree of readiness and general location, and the nature of the
facilities and assistance including rights of passage to be made available to
the United Nations Security Council on its call for the purpose of maintaining
international peace and security.

Since the passage of the United Nations Participation Act, however,
congressional control of presidential foreign policy initiatives, in
cooperation with the United Nations, has been more theoretical than real.
Presidents from Truman to the current President have again and again presented
Congress with already-begun military actions, thus forcing Congress's hand to
support United States troops or risk the accusation of having put the Nation's
servicemen and service women in unnecessary danger. Instead of seeking
congressional approval of the use of the United States Armed Forces in service
of the United Nations, presidents from Truman to Clinton have used the United
Nations Security Council as a substitute for congressional authorization of
deployment of United States Armed Forces in that service.

This transfer of power from Congress to the United Nations has not, however,
been limited to the power to make war. Increasingly, Presidents are using the
U.N. not only to implement foreign policy in pursuit of international peace,
but also domestic policy in pursuit of international, environmental, economic,
education, social welfare and human rights policy, both in derogation of the
legislative prerogatives of Congress and of the 50 State legislatures, and
further in derogation of the rights of the American people to constitute their
own civil order.

As Cornell University government professor Jeremy Rabkin has observed,
the U.N. charter specifies that none of its provisions `shall authorize the
United Nations to intervene in matters which are essentially within the
domestic jurisdiction of any State,' nothing has ever been found so
`essentially domestic' as to exclude U.N. intrusions.

The release in July 2000 of the U.N. Human Development Report provides
unmistakable evidence of the universality of the United Nations'
claims. Boldly proclaiming that global integration is eroding national
the report calls for the implementation and, if necessary, the imposition of
global standards of economic and social justice by international agencies and
tribunals. In a special contribution endorsing this call for the globalization
of domestic policymaking, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan wrote,
`Above all, we have committed ourselves to the idea that no individual shall
have his or her human rights abused or ignored. The idea is enshrined in the
charter of the United Nations. The United Nations' achievements in the area of
human rights over the last 50 years are rooted in the universal acceptance of
those rights enumerated in the Universal Declaration of Rights. Emerging
slowly, but I believe, surely, is an international norm,' and this is Annan's
words, `that must and will take precedence over concerns of State

Although such a wholesale transfer of United States sovereignty to the United
Nations as 

[CTRL] AF News 14 Oct 00 Part 2

2000-10-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

001562.  Air Force bases win recycling excellence award
by Olga Purpura-Clark
Air Eductation and Training Command Public Affairs

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- Two Texas Air Force base recycling
teams won a Texas environmental excellence award for their contributions to
the success of recycling across the state.

Texas Lt. Gov. Bill Hobby will present the awards during the Texas Recycling
Summit in Houston Oct. 17.

Randolph and Laughlin Air Force Bases, along with Goodwill Industries of San
Antonio and the Central Texas Recycling Association garnered the Texas
Environmental Excellence State Recycling Partnership Award.  The award
recognizes a partnership that excels in supporting the state's recycling
mission and promotes innovative and creative ways of enhancing recycling.

The bases are the first federal agencies to enter into a cooperative
partnership managed by a public recycling marketing group.  CTRA, the only
non-profit cooperative recycling marketing group in the nation, negotiates
sales of recyclable materials for the bases directly with manufacturers who
convert the materials into usable products.  Goodwill Industries of San
Antonio manages the recycling center at Laughlin.

In addition to the award presented to the two bases, recycling awards were
also announced for two Air Force individuals active in the environmental

Michael Redfern, an environmental engineer at Headquarters AETC, won the
Rick Fuszek Memorial "Front Line" Award.  This top state award is presented
to the individual who goes above and beyond the job responsibilities to
advance recycling at work and in the community.  Redfern initiated the
successful partnership program at Randolph and Laughlin, and he travels
throughout the United States sharing his experiences and encouraging other

federal agencies to participate.  He also designed a coloring book, "Recycle
Texas," which features the Randolph "Taj Mahal" on the cover.

Don Lindsey, Randolph recycling center manager, earned the Most Valuable
Player Award.  This award is given to the person who makes outstanding
contributions to the Central Texas Recycling Association.  Lindsey's
dedication to establishing and maintaining recycling as an economically
viable option for the Randolph community was key in his selection.

001566.  America's Air Force takes to the silver screen
by Staff Sgt. Dawn M. Harris
31st Fighter Wing Public Affairs

AVIANO AIR BASE, Italy (AFPN) -- After 10 months of production, the Air
Force debuted its new slogan and symbol in late August and early September
in a series of commercials playing on the big screen and on prime time

The move represents a radical shift in the way the 53-year-old service has
done its advertising as well as a major push to promote the Air Force to the
American public.

The commercials sporting the Air Force's new motto "America's Air Force - No
One Comes Close" has gotten favorable reviews so far, said Brig. Gen. Ron
Rand, Air Force public affairs director, after only one month of airing on
TV and at movie theaters.

"We don't have any scientific results back on how they're playing and if
they are doing what we want them to do with our recruiting audience and
retention audience," said Rand.  However according to the e-mails, letters
and phone calls Rand and other Air Force officials have received from the
public, they all agree that the commercials are being well received.

"I think the ads are going to do what we want them to do:  help us with
recruiting, help us with retention and help us improve general public
awareness," the general said.

The Air Force spent approximately $4 million to produce the new commercials,
which dramatically changed the service's approach to advertising.

"Last year was the first year we paid for television advertising," said
Rand.  "Public service announcements work, but on a much smaller level than
what we needed.  Our research showed that we needed to reach a broader
segment of the American public and the most expeditious way of reaching that
broad sector is through paid television ads."

Testing those waters, the Air Force advertised during the Olympics and
during national league football and major league baseball games, and for the
first time ever, Air Force commercials hit syndication and cable.

"We wanted to focus all of our audiences, both the internal and external
audiences, on the important mission that we perform for our country and the
great people performing that mission," Rand said.

In an effort to encompass those traits into a single theme, Rand formed a
team to survey both the Air Force and general public and conduct focus

"We did much more extensive focus group testing on the current motto," he
said.  Other mottos tested included "America's Air Force, Above and Beyond,"
and "No One Comes Close."

"We conducted about 40 focus groups, about 24 

[CTRL] AF News 14 Oct 00 Part 1

2000-10-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

001569.  Naval casualties arrive at Ramstein Air Base

RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany (AFPN) -- A C-17 Globemaster aircraft arrived at
Ramstein Air Base at 6:30 p.m. Oct 13 with the remains of five sailors
killed in an apparent attack on the USS Cole in Yemen.  Honors were rendered
to the fallen sailors by the 86th Airlift Wing Honor Guard and a flight of
sailors from Naval Air Station Sigonella, Sicily.

The remains are scheduled to be transported to Dover Air Force Base, Del.,
Oct. 14 for mortuary services.  Also Saturday, a memorial service is planned
at the Norfolk Naval Base in Virginia, the USS Cole's home port.

001563.  Article 32 hearing set for C-130 pilot

LITTLE ROCK AIR FORCE BASE, Ark. (AFPN) -- An Article 32 hearing to
investigate charges against a 61st Airlift Squadron pilot will begin at 8:30
a.m. here Oct. 16.

The charges against Capt. Darron A. Haughn stem from his role as aircraft
commander in a Dec. 10, 1999, accident at Ahmed Al Jaber Air base, Kuwait.
Three airmen were killed and seven were injured when the C-130E he piloted
landed short of the Al Jaber runway.

Haughn is charged with violating two articles of the Uniform Code of
Military Justice, Article 92, dereliction of duty, and Article 134,
negligent homicide.

The hearing, conducted under Article 32 of the UCMJ, will inquire into the
truth of the matters set forth in the charges, consider the form of the
charges to ensure that they are consistent with and conform to the evidence
presented, and make recommendations as to the disposition of the case in the
interest of justice, good order, and discipline.

Brig. Gen. Paul Fletcher, 314th Airlift Wing Commander and special
courts-martial convening authority, appointed Lt. Col. Gregory Pavlik, U.S.
Air Force Trial Judiciary Central Circuit, as the investigating officer.

Base officials said the hearing, which is open to the public, could take as
long two weeks.

"The Article 32 hearing is similar to the civilian preliminary hearing and
grand-jury process," said Air Mobility Command spokesperson, Capt. Jeff
Glenn.  "Unlike civilian grand jury proceedings, the Article 32 hearing
affords the accused an opportunity to see the evidence against him and
present any information he deems important for consideration.  The accused
has the right to be present throughout the hearing, to be represented by
counsel, to cross-examine witnesses against him and to present witnesses of
his own."

At the conclusion of the judicial investigation, Fletcher will receive a
recommended course of action from the investigating officer. Fletcher will
then decide whether or not the charges against Haughn will be dismissed,
addressed through action short of court-martial, sent to a special
court-martial or forwarded to Maj. Gen. George N. Williams, 21st Air Force
commander, for general court-martial consideration.  Williams is the general
court-martial convening authority for the case.

A special court-martial is an intermediate-level court, while a general
court-martial is reserved for the most serious of offenses.

Glenn stressed the charges are only accusations at this time and added,
"under the UCMJ, Captain Haughn is presumed innocent until proven guilty
beyond a reasonable doubt."  (Courtesy of AMC News Service)

001564.  Word change communicates AFMC's desire for mission focus
by Staff Sgt. Carl Norman
Air Force Materiel Command Public Affairs

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio (AFPN) -- There is more to a name than
people might think, according to Air Force Materiel Command officials.

The command recently changed its "business area" focus to "mission areas" --
a move designed to show its commitment to supporting the warfighter with a
more common terminology.

"Since 1997 we've focused on the customer, the bottom line, outputs and
understanding our costs more, and we've done that through a
business-management approach," said Maj. Gen. Todd Stewart, AFMC's plans and
programs director.

"Now that we're making progress toward that end in our own organization, we
want to be able to communicate more effectively and tell the command's story
to the rest of the Air Force in a way that's more commonly understood.  So
we renamed AFMC's inner workings from business areas to mission areas to add
more of a mission emphasis."

AFMC's mission areas are:

-- Science and technology:  discover, develop, demonstrate and transition
affordable, integrated technologies that keep the United States Air Force
the best in the world.

-- Test and evaluation:  provide customers the highest quality development
test and evaluation, air traffic control and weather services at the lowest
possible cost.

-- Information management:  provide network services and data sharing to
make sure customers have the right information anywhere, any time, on

-- Product support:  provide life-cycle management for Air Force

[CTRL] Yahoo News: Destroyer attack required advance knowledge: US admiral

2000-10-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Destroyer attack required advance knowledge: US admiral

Source: Yahoo News via AFP
Published: 10/13/00

WASHINGTON, Oct 13 (AFP) - The attack on the USS Cole in Yemen
that left 17 sailors dead or missing required careful planning
and advance knowledge of when the destroyer was due in the port
of Aden, the US navy chief said Friday.

But more than 24 hours after a small boat exploded alongside the
Cole, blowing a gaping hole into its side, the investigation into
the apparent suicide bombing was only getting under way in Yemen.

In Germany, the flag-draped coffins of five sailors killed in
Thursday's explosion were received in silence by honor guards on
a rain-slicked tarmac at Ramstein Air Base after arriving aboard
a military transport plane.

Navy personnel paid visits to the next of kin of the seven dead
and 10 missing sailors, including two women, amid fading hopes
that those unaccounted for survived the blast.

"We have not told the families of the missing they're presumed
dead," said Rear Admiral Joseph Henry. But he added: "We're not
extremely optimistic that we're going to find anything else but

Thirty of the injured were being flown to Ramstein Air Base in
Germany, while three others were in a hospital in Djibouti. Henry
said all the injured should be in Germany by Saturday.

Two US warships -- the frigate USS Hawes and the destroyer USS
Donald Cook -- with reinforcements to relieve the weary,
emotionally battered crew of the Cole, officials said.

Meanwhile, US investigators converged on Aden, officials said.

Fifty US Marines, members of a fleet anti-terrorism unit, were
among the first to arrive and were joined by 50 members of an
emergency response team with officials from the FBI, State
Department and Justice Department, Pentagon spokesman Kenneth
Bacon said.

More than 100 additional FBI agents were due to arrive over the
next day or two, he said.

"It is very clear to me that this was a very deliberate attack,"
Admiral Vernon Clark, chief of naval operations, said in an
interview with CBS television.

"This kind of attack could not have been conducted without a
great deal of planning and knowledge about what our movements
were going to be and when the ship was going to arrive, and all
of the pieces that would make it possible for an attacker to come
into proximity of the ship like they did," he said.

In Beirut, a previously unknown group calling itself the Islamic
Deterrence Forces claimed responsibility for the attack, saying
it was in "defense of the honor and dignity of the Islamic nation
and to avenge the blood of the oppressed Muslim nation in

But US officials still had few answers to how suspected
terrorists were able to slip through navy security.

The attackers took advantage of a four- to six-hour refueling
stop in Aden, using a seemingly routine mooring operation by
harbor craft as cover to get close enough to strike the billion
dollar ship, one of the most technologically advanced in the US

US Navy ships have made a dozen refueling stops in Aden in the
past 15 months as part of a US effort to improve relations with
Yemen, a senior US navy official said. A Navy ship also made a
full fledged port call in Aden in May, 1998, the official said.

The US embassy in Yemen, which makes local arrangements for US
ship visits, would have notified the Aden port authorities of
Cole's estimated time of arrival 10 to 12 days in advance, Clark
said at a press conference Thursday.

Navy officials said hours can elapse between the time a ship
appears on the horizon and when it anchors, giving potential
attackers a crucial early warning.

In this case, access to the ship would have required advance
planning because it moored at a floating refueling facility in
the middle of the harbor.

It was not known whether the harbor craft assisting in the
operation were owned by the government or private contractors.

But Clark said that the destroyer's commander had no reason to
suspect that a terrorist boat bomb was among the craft coming to
help it moor.

"We don't automatically suspect people that are sent forward to
help us in an official way," he told reporters Thursday.

Officials said crew of the Cole succeeded in containing flooding
in the ship, and had restored some power and communications.

Divers inspected the destroyer's keel and found that it was
undamaged, but Bacon said it may be a week or more before it can
be moved from the port.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

[CTRL] NYT: U.S. Officials Tell of Getting Warning Last Month, but Say It Was Too Vague

2000-10-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[I guess that if a threat is vague, then it's OK to go ahead and
lower your guard.]


U.S. Officials Tell of Getting Warning Last Month, but Say It Was Too Vague


WASHINGTON, Oct. 13 — The United States received a general
warning of a possible attack on an American warship last month,
senior defense officials said here today, but the warning lacked
detail and did not specify the country in which to expect the

"It was a question of how directly you could tie it to a certain
place," one of the officials said. Since the warning, reported by
an intelligence source in the Arab world, was not specific
enough, "it got put on the shelf."

Nor was it clear that the warning could have stopped what
officials described today as a sophisticated suicide bombing.
While the Cole's crew had extensive training in repelling an
overt attack by a small boat and even had extra sailors on watch
on Thursday, the attack was so meticulously disguised and carried
out that the officials said there was little the crew could have
done to stop it.

But as new details emerged on the attack today, the developing
American investigation focused on the Yemeni contractor hired to
refuel American warships at the port in Aden, and on
unsubstantiated claims of responsibility by two Islamic
organizations, officials here said. At this point, they said, it
is premature to speculate on who may have been responsible,
noting that there were many suspects.

As the first teams of criminal investigators and experts arrived
in Yemen, the officials said the contractor, whom they declined
to identify, was the immediate focus because the harbor boat that
exploded beside the Cole on Thursday, killing 17 sailors, had
been taking part in routine refueling operations at the port.

It was not clear what, if any, security procedures were in place
to screen the contractor, and officials attributed responsibility
variously to military commanders in the region, the Pentagon's
logistics agency and the American Embassy in Sana, the Yemeni
capital. Officials declined to discuss the matter, saying it was
being investigated.

A group called the Islamic Army of Aden claimed responsibility
for the bombing, and officials said that while they had not yet
confirmed the authenticity of the claim, they took it seriously.
The group has been linked to terrorist attacks including the
bombing of a hotel in Aden and the kidnapping of tourists, the
officials said. A senior defense official said the claim was
"sort of elliptical," but another official who attended a
classified briefing on Capitol Hill on Thursday night, said it
appeared credible. "It passes the straight-face test," the
official said. "This wasn't just a guy with a Web site."

The Pentagon spokesman, Kenneth H. Bacon, said today that
officials had ordered a review of security procedures for
refueling stops like the Cole's. In addition to the installation
in Aden, American ships also regularly stop at a port outside
Djibouti, officials said.

"Every tragedy like this provokes a period of reflection, and
there will certainly be review and reflection after this one,"
Mr. Bacon said.

Agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation began arriving in
Yemen today, the first of them from the bureau's office in Cairo,
and more were expected to pour in over the weekend. Officials
said forensic examination of the damage, which will identify the
type of explosives used, had already begun. Other agents were
concentrating on who might have had access to the harbor boat, as
well as on information about the Cole's brief stop in Aden.

Adm. Vern Clark, the chief of naval operations, said the Yemeni
government had been notified of the visit 10 to 12 days in
advance. A defense official said that by Wednesday, the day
before the Cole arrived, it would have been widely expected in

"If you want fresh fruit or vegetables you have to tell people
when to be on the pier," the official, who is involved in
security operations overseas, said. "If you want fuel, you have
to tell people to be there."

Navy weapons experts, along with divers examining the Cole's
ravaged port side, determined that the explosion had torn into
the ship with significant, apparently concentrated, force,
underscoring the sophistication of the attack.

After an underwater inspection of the hull, officials said the
damage had been more extensive than first reported. A defense
official said the hole measured nearly 40 feet by 40 feet, much
of it beneath the surface. One explosives expert said the blast
had probably been caused by several hundred pounds of high

Christopher Ronay, a former F.B.I. explosives expert, said it was
unlikely that the bomb makers had used the homemade chemistry of
ammonium nitrate and fuel oil employed at the World Trade Center
in New York in 1993 or at the Federal Building in Oklahoma City
in 1995. That is because the dry 

[CTRL] Date: 13 October 2000 Federalist #00-41.dgst Part 2

2000-10-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!



"The office should seek the man, the man should not seek the office."
At least, that was a popular slogan soon after our nation's founding.
However, based on Albert Gore's predisposition to distort the truth,
he is a man seeking the presidency at any cost. As evidenced in
Wednesday's debate, despite his disclaimer, "I got some of the details
wrong last week I'm sorry about that," one is left believing that
the only thing Gore is sorry about is the fact he got caught. His
"integrity gap" has eroded into an "integrity gulf."

Asked to explain Gore's "misstatements," Art Torres, chairman of the
California Democratic Party, said, "I have no idea. I'm not a

In today's analysis, we chose three of Gore's central themes for
closer scrutiny: values, civil rights and 2nd Amendment rights.


Still banking on "character fatigue," Gore is hoping that the notion
"character really does matter" will not catch up with his campaign.
Taking a page from the "Clinton Chameleon" Files, Gore attempted to
disguise himself as the "values candidate," hoping viewers would
exchange "core values" for "Gore values."

"I see our greatest natural -- national strength coming from what we
stand for in the world. I see it as a question of values. ... But our
real power comes, I think, from our values. ... We have to protect our
capacity to push forward what America's all about. That means not only
military strength and our values But by itself, that, to me, can
bring into play a fundamental American strategic interest because I
think it's based on our values. ... And that's why I think that we can
embody our values by passing a hate crimes law. ... So it's not a
question of his heart, it's -- as far as I know, it's a -- it's a
question of priorities and values. ... This race is about values"

Albert Gore, like his presidential mentor, regurgitates words like
"values" regardless of the incredible ironies such words invoke. He
has had eight years to promote values -- instead he spent them
promoting Bill Clinton.

For his part, Mr. Bush uttered the word only once. "I think the United
States must be humble and must be proud and confident of our

Not satisfied with his "values" clarification, Gore fancied himself a
"corruption buster." "I think one of the big issues here that doesn't
get nearly enough attention is the issue of corruption. ... I've
worked on this issue. It's an enormous problem. And corruption in
official agencies...that's one of the worst forms of it." This from
the number two guy in "the most ethical administration."

Civil Rights:

In the last debate, Albert Gore promised to raise more "issues
important to African-Americans," banking on his proven strategy of
dividing people into special interest constituencies -- in this case,
hyphenated-Americans -- and pandering to them. Black Americans and
homosexuals are two of his most loyal constituencies.

Only minutes into the debate, Gore set his race bait.  "It means
addressing the problems of injustice and inequity along lines of race
and ethnicity" He continued: " Well, I think we need tough
enforcement of the civil rights laws. ... So we've got to enforce our
civil rights laws. We've got to deal with things like racial
profiling. ... Because -- imagine what it -- what it is like for
someone to be singled out unfairly, unjustly...simply because of race
or ethnicity. ... I would pass a hate crimes law. ...  I just -- I
think that racial profiling is a serious problem. ... And I think that
racial profiling is part of a larger issue of how we deal with race in
America. ... And as for singling people out because of race And
other Americans have been singled out because of their race or -- or
ethnicity. ... I think we still need affirmative action."

"Affirmative action"? Isn't that just another way of saying "racial
profiling?" Of course, Gore is too busy with "class profiling" to see
affirmative action as the other side of the racial profiling coin.

Gore added some gender-bender bait: "I think that we should find a way
to allow some kind of civic unions. ... There is pending now in the
Congress a national hate crimes law because of James Byrd, because of
Matthew Shepard, who was crucified on a split-rail fence by bigots,
because of others. ... There's a law pending called the Employment
Non-Discrimination Act. I strongly support it. What it says is that
gays and lesbians can't be fired from their job because they're gay or
lesbian, and it would be a federal law preventing that." (Hello, Boy
Scouts of America -- and any other private organization or business.)

On the issue of homosexual "unions," Mr. Bush said plainly, "I'm not
for gay marriage. I think marriage is a sacred institution between a
man and a woman." Regarding special rights for 

[CTRL] Date: 13 October 2000 Federalist #00-41.dgst Part 1

2000-10-14 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

* Veritas Vos Liberabit *
The Conservative e-Journal of Record

Date: 13 October 2000
Federalist #00-41.dgst

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"[I]t does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate,
tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds"
--Samuel Adams


In the news this week, Israel and the Palestinians, et al., are on the
precipice of war. In 1992, foreign policy airhead Bill Clinton
defeated a president with a decent grasp of  international relations,
George H. W. Bush, with the theme, "It's the economy, stupid."
Ironically, based on George W. Bush's emphasis on our overcommitted,
underfunded military, and the sparks of war now flying in the Middle
East, this year's catch phrase, even amid a booming economy, may
become, "It's the foreign policy, stupid!"

And if the conflict escalates unabated, oil and gas prices will too.
You can kiss that economic boomer -- and its much-heralded tax
windfall, "the surplus" -- goodbye.

President Bush did an able job of creating and maintaining an Arab
coalition against Saddam -- and in support of U.S. interests in the
region. Clinton and Gore have allowed the unraveling of that
coalition, with potentially disastrous consequences.

Demonstrating their abandoned resolve in the region, Clinton and Gore
stood by Tuesday as the U.N. Security Council voted to censure Israel
for defending itself against Yasser Arafat and his Palestinian mobs.
The U.S. "abstained" when we could have vetoed the U.N. condemnation.

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak now warns, "We will not tire, we
will not waver in our attempt to bring quiet and a cessation of
violence in the field." Israel's Deputy Prime Minister Binyamin
Ben-Eliezer says, "Arafat decided at some stage to choose the path of
violence, the path of confrontation. ... We are on a collision course.
This is war. There is no diplomatic process today and the diplomatic
process is dead."

Barak has modeled his foreign policy, in large measure, on the
"Clinton Doctrine" -- no sustainable policy. He is a leftist elected
with the help of Clintonista James Carville, whose "negotiations" with
Arafat constitute more of a "war process" than "peace process."

Of Barak's tenure in Israel, George Will notes, "Now just 17 months of
[his] diplomacy have demoralized Israel by delegitimizing all its
previous principles, and destroying the absolute prerequisite for
successful negotiations -- the insistence that something is
nonnegotiable. Even a Barak ultimatum is, inevitably, penultimate.
Barak may be the most calamitous leader any democracy has had. He
risks forfeiting his nation's existence."

Political writer Don Feder adds, "It's time to end the insanity -- not
the violence that swept Israel last week (and which will continue as
long as Yasser Arafat wills it) but a peace process that is leading
inevitably, inexorably to the annihilation of the Jewish state. ...
The peace process must be abandoned, for it ends in the peace of the

For their part, Palestinian Legislative Council speaker Ahmed Qurei
said of Israel's saber-rattling, "It does not scare us. It does not
scare us at all."

Meanwhile, Arab leaders, including Saddam Hussein, have huddled in
Cairo, a meeting Clinton will join tomorrow. By the way, as we bombed
targets in Iraq this week, we were reminded that this rogue nation is
our fastest growing supplier of oil -- now 7% of domestic consumption.
Iraqi troops are now massing on the western border. Incidentally,
Israel is to the west of Iraq.

On more than a few occasions in recent years, The Federalist has
condemned Clinton-Gore for embracing Arafat, who, despite his Nobel
Peace Prize, is a terrorist. Israeli leftists, with Clinton-Gore
facilitating, have, for five years, "reached out" to Arafat in an
effort to attain a "final solution." Predictably, it does not appear
to be the solution they anticipated. But then, Sociocrats always
fumble foreign policy -- too often with tragic consequences for
innocent men, women and children.

In a taste of what's ahead in the region, yesterday a small craft
piloted by a terrorist on a "suicide mission" rammed the destroyer,
USS Cole, while she was anchored in Aden, Yemen, a border state with
Saudi Arabia and Oman. The Cole was exposed in port taking on fuel
because there was no oiler available to fuel her at sea.

In response, Al Gore said, "If it is determined to be the result 

[CTRL] CNSNews: Gore Hit for 'Secret Deal' on Arms Sales to Iran

2000-10-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Gore Hit for 'Secret Deal' on Arms Sales to Iran

By Scott Hogenson
CNS Executive Editor
October 13, 2000

(CNSNews.com) - The head of the House Policy Committee Friday
launched a broadside at Vice President Al Gore for a "secret
deal" Gore allegedly made allowing Russia to sell restricted
weapons to Iran without facing US sanctions, and doing so in
violation of a bill co-authored by Gore eight years ago.

Rep.  Christopher Cox (R-CA) accused Gore of having "concluded a
secret agreement in 1995 with then-Russian Prime Minister Viktor
Chernomyrdin to circumvent U.S.  laws requiring sanctions on any
country that supplies advanced conventional weapons to Iran,"
according to a statement.

Cox was responding to an earlier report that Gore had allegedly
agreed to not enforce a US law requiring sanctions on countries
that sell "advanced conventional weapons," to Iran.  The story
first appeared Friday in the New York Times.

"The secret Gore-Chernomyrdin agreement reportedly allowed Russia
to sell weapons to Iran for four more years, including an
advanced submarine, torpedoes, anti-ship mines, and hundreds of
tanks and armored personnel carriers," said Cox.  "This
submarine, as but one example, is exactly the type identified by
Congress, when it passed the law, as posing a risk to US forces
operating in the Middle East."

Joining Cox in his condemnation was Sen.  John McCain (R-AZ), who
co-sponsored the measure with Gore in 1992, before his election
as vice president.  "The secret deal cut by Vice President Gore
directly contradicts the 1992 law he authored," said Cox.
"Gore's unwillingness to live up to his own words has abetted the
arming of a terrorist state."

Cox made his remarks in conjunction with the US-Russia Business
Council meeting in Washington, DC.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] AP: WP: Saudi Airliner Hijacking

2000-10-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Hijakced Saudi Plane Lands in Syria

The Associated Press
Saturday, Oct. 14, 2000; 11:51 a.m. EDT

DAMASCUS, Syria –– Hijackers seized a Saudi plane carrying more
than 200 people Saturday and ordered it to fly to Syria, where it
landed after having been initially refused permission to do so,
Damascus airport officials said.

Earlier, the hijacker had threatened to blow up the plane unless
it was allowed to fly to Iraq, Saudi officials in Riyadh said.

The Boeing 777 plane, carrying 198 passengers and 9 crew, took
off from Jiddah, Saudi Arabia and was en route to London when it
was hijacked. Nothing is known about the motives or identity of
the hijackers.

Word of the hijacking first emerged in Cairo, Egypt: Egyptian
civil aviation officials said the pilot had radioed them at 3:55
p.m. local time to say the plane had been commandeered and the
hijacker was insisting that it fly to Damascus.

When it got there, the hijackers asked to land and were denied
permission, Cypriot air traffic controllers said on condition of
anonymity. They then asked to fly through Syrian airspace to
Iraq. Again, the Syrians refused.

The plane circled over the Mediterranean in eastern Cypriot
airspace looking for a place to land, the air traffic controllers
said. Minutes later, though, Syria decided to grant landing
rights to the plane and notified the Saudi authorities

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] [CHECK THIS] WND: Aldrich: Goodbye Unlimited Access

2000-10-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Saturday, October 14, 2000

Goodbye unlimited access
By Gary Aldrich

I was an FBI special agent in the Clinton White House and in an
extraordinary position to both observe and document a dangerous
and sweeping national security collapse that was occurring right
under my nose. The "system" seemed disinterested in doing
anything about it.

Out of sheer frustration, I finally decided to "blow the whistle"
on the high-level political corruption I witnessed because I
realized the liberal mainstream media never intended to
accurately report what Clinton and his staff was doing and the
Congress seemed powerless to stop the damage.

If the U.S. Senate gets its way, it's unlikely any future federal
employees will take the chance that I did. I've already notified
key House Republicans that if such a law had been in place in
1995, I wouldn't have written "Unlimited Access," my first-hand
account about guarding the Clintons at the White House. Why?

It's the risk of doing hard time in the federal penitentiary,

In an Oct. 10th Washington Times editorial -- and echoed in the
next day's Washington Post -- it was disclosed that, "Congress
will vote this week on legislation to criminalize whistle-blowing
by government employees. If approved, this legislation would
severely curtail the public's access to information which is
embarrassing to government officials and important for Americans
to know."

The Times' editorial goes on to point out that the provision,
hidden deep within the Senate Intelligence Authorization Act of
2001, provides that government officials could face up to three
years in jail and a fine of up to $10,000 for leaking classified

I can't say I've ever seen an issue that's brought both
Washington newspapers into agreement at the same time.
Conservatives are linking arms with the ACLU and these political
odd-fellows are working fast and hard to fend off a major assault
on the First Amendment.

Members of Congressman Bob Barr's staff have advised me that his
office is indeed working with the American Civil Liberties Union
to defeat this measure but they're concerned it may be too late.
It's also reported that House Judicial Chairman Henry Hyde, R.
Ill., has joined with Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., in a rare
display of unity on the issue. They say that the anti-whistle
blower provision "has profound First Amendment implications."

My view, based on my first-hand experience, is that the biggest
problem with this law is the government gets to decide what's
"classified" and can open criminal investigations on the mere
suspicion that something may be -- or may have come from
something -- that's "classified."

Having worked for the FBI for 26 years, I can testify that there
are many FBI executives who operate as if everything is
classified. The FBI has a history of making life miserable for
any employee who chooses to surface wrongdoing "outside the
loop." The FBI is not alone in this group-think approach to the
issue of employee revelations to outsiders. Washington papers
have documented dozens and dozens of whistle-blower retaliations
by angry federal agency managers.

Can't you just see corrupt politicians like Bill and Hillary
Clinton, clapping their hands in glee, realizing what a great new
weapon the U.S. Senate is willing to give them? One can only
wonder what our Senate was thinking. This law -- if passed -- can
be used to hammer people, like me, who feel compelled to honor
our oaths to the Constitution and tell the truth!

And if this president signs this ridiculous provision into law,
we might as well call it, "Bill and Hillary's revenge." Revenge
against the federal employees who resisted their assaults on our
laws as well trying to highlight their loopy notions of how not
to protect our national security.

How interested are Bill and Hillary and Al Gore in getting to the
bottom of any recent White House scandals? Well, they displayed
true allegiance -- not to the Constitution -- but to their own
unbridled political and personal ambitions in that infamous
trumped-up criminal investigation of former director of the White
House Travel Office, Billy Dale.

In Dale's case, they did not allow the risk of sending an honest
man to prison to stand in the way of their selfish political
plans. The Dale case taught us many things. For example, just how
little protection federal law enforcement agencies have against
misuse by crooked politicians.

Where is the evidence that immoral politicians are no longer
misusing federal enforcement agency resources? As I recall, the
U.S. Senate had significant interest in the Dale case. Where's
the evidence that the White House will not strike again -- or
that this time the FBI will refuse to be an instrument of that

Where's the new federal law that makes it a felony for high FBI
officials to allow themselves to be used in politically inspired

Where's the new federal law that sends to jail any IRS employees

[CTRL] FR: Aldrich: Goodbye Unlimited Access

2000-10-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


From post 5, the official wording:


(a) IN GENERAL- Chapter 37 of title 18, United States Code, is

(1) by redesignating section 798A as section 798B; and

(2) by inserting after section 798 the following new section

`Sec. 798A. Unauthorized disclosure of classified information

`(a) PROHIBITION- Whoever, being an officer or employee of the
United States, a former or retired officer or employee of the
United States, any other person with authorized access to
classified information, or any other person formerly with
authorized access to classified information, knowingly and
willfully discloses, or attempts to disclose, any classified
information acquired as a result of such person's authorized
access to classified information to a person (other than an
officer or employee of the United States) who is not authorized
access to such classified information, knowing that the person is
not authorized access to such classified information, shall be
fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 3 years, or

`(b) CONSTRUCTION OF PROHIBITION- Nothing in this section shall
be construed to establish criminal liability for disclosure of
classified information in accordance with applicable law to the

`(1) Any justice or judge of a court of the United States
established pursuant to article III of the Constitution of the
United States.

`(2) The Senate or House of Representatives, or any committee or
subcommittee thereof, or joint committee thereof, or any member
of Congress.

`(3) A person or persons acting on behalf of a foreign power
(including an international organization) if the disclosure--

`(A) is made by an officer or employee of the United States who
has been authorized to make the disclosure; and

`(B) is within the scope of such officer's or employee's duties.

`(4) Any other person authorized to receive the classified

`(c) DEFINITIONS- In this section:

`(1) The term `authorized', in the case of access to classified
information, means having authority or permission to have access
to the classified information pursuant to the provisions of a
statute, Executive Order, regulation, or directive of the head of
any department or agency who is empowered to classify
information, an order of any United States court, or a provision
of any Resolution of the Senate or Rule of the House of
Representatives which governs release of classified information
by such House of Congress.

`(2) The term `classified information' means information or
material properly classified and clearly marked or represented,
or that the person knows or has reason to believe has been
properly classified by appropriate authorities, pursuant to the
provisions of a statute or Executive Order, as requiring
protection against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of
national security.

`(3) The term `officer or employee of the United States' means
the following:

`(A) An officer or employee (as those terms are defined in
sections 2104 and 2105 of title 5).

`(B) An officer or enlisted member of the Armed Forces (as those
terms are defined in section 101(b) of title 10).'.

(b) CLERICAL AMENDMENT- The table of sections at the beginning of
that chapter is amended by striking the item relating to section
798A and inserting the following new items:

`798A. Unauthorized disclosure of classified information.

`798B. Temporary extension of section 794.'..

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  *Mike Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
   Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] WT: Ex-CIA chief compromised secrets

2000-10-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/13/2000 8:12:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time,


  Former CIA Director John Deutch compromised some of the most
 sensitive defense programs by improperly transferring data about
 ultrasecret Pentagon programs to computers he used to send e-mail
 and access the Internet, The Washington Times has learned. Top

If this is a recent story, it sure took The Washington Times a long time to
discovere this stuff.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-10-14 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Oct 14, 2000


Refueling U.S.  warships in the Arabian port of Aden is part of a
broader U.S.  government effort to develop closer ties with Yemen
and to place an electronic eavesdropping post on a nearby island,
U.S. intelligence officials said yesterday.

Military intelligence specialists hope improving relations with
the Yemeni government will lead to intelligence cooperation and
the building of a signals intelligence site on the island of
Socotra, some 220 miles off Yemen's eastern coast.

The island is ideally suited for monitoring electronic signals
throughout the region, especially the hundreds of ships that pass
daily through the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea and the Indian
Ocean.  ``It's a key strategic collection point,'' said one

Closer ties with Yemen also might lead to the use of the island
as a place to store supplies and equipment that could be used in
the event of a regional conflict, the officials said.

The military and U.S.  National Security Agency conduct worldwide
electronic spying from scores of listening posts around the world
and from satellites in space.

During the 1980s, the Soviet Union operated two electronic
eavesdropping posts in Yemen, including a large facility in Aden
and a smaller eavesdropping post on Socotra.  It could not be
learned if the stations are still operated by the Russians.

From those facilities, Moscow monitored communications and
military activities throughout the Arabian peninsula, the Red Sea
and the India Ocean.  The desire for a secret intelligence base
on Socotra is one reason the Pentagon chose to risk U.S.  ship
visits to a potential terrorist hot spot, said officials who
spoke on condition of anonymity.

The guided missile destroyer USS Cole was damaged by a suicide
terrorist attack from an explosives-laden small boat on Thursday
in Aden harbor, killing 17 sailors and injuring 38 others.

Some in the Pentagon have questioned the decision to allow a ship
to refuel in Yemen because it is a known safe-haven for several
international terrorist groups.

A U.S.  Navy ship first visited unified Yemen in May 1998 and
since then there have been 12 refueling visits.

Sending U.S.  ships to the country was viewed as one way to help
build ties with Yemen since the visits are considered a benefit
to Yemen and a way to show U.S.  support, the officials said.

``It was a step by step approach to to signing up another
friendly nation in the region,'' the official said.

The military has no plans for basing ships in Yemen and
considered the military cooperation as limited to ship visits and
refueling, the officials said.

Pentagon spokesman Ken Bacon rejected the idea that engagement
diplomacy took precedence over security concerns in ties with

The Navy has a variety of refueling points and the Pentagon
``worked hard to develop a way to use a number of ports
throughout the Middle East that best supports our operations and
that best supports our diplomacy in the area,'' Mr.  Bacon said.

``In terms of the policy of engagement with Yemen or any other
country in the Middle East, I think it's very important to
realize that these decisions are not made by just the Defense
Department. They are government-wide policies,'' Mr.  Bacon said.

Asked about the decision to refuel in Yemen, State Department
spokesman Richard Boucher said ``there's always judgments to be
made.'' ``We know ships have to refuel, and everywhere in the
Middle East, there is a potential threat of terrorism.
.{nl}.{nl}. But ultimately, these decisions and judgments have to
be made based on the need to refuel, the opportunity is
available, and where we think the best place is to do it.''

U.S.  military engagement with Yemen, which is strategically
located on the southern end of the Arabian Peninsula was promoted
by Marine Corps Gen.  Anthony Zinni, the recently-retired
commander-in-chief of the U.S.  Central Command.

``We have been working to improve our relations with Yemen for
some time,'' said Adm.  Vern Clark, the chief of naval
operations.  The admiral said the refueling visit ``at the heart
of the motivation of the unified commander as they are improving
our relations in that part of the world.'' The country was
divided into North and South Yemen until unification in 1990.

The U.S.  Central Command, which is in charge of U.S.  military
activities in the region, since then has tried to bring Yemen
``into the group of responsible nations,'' one military officer
said yesterday.

A Central Command spokesman had no immediate comment on the
command's policies toward Yemen.  Larry Johnson, a former U.S.
government counterterrorism specialist, said Yemen has been
improving its cooperation with the United States in combating
terrorism, including providing anti-terrorism training to

``The U.S.  has been trying to work with Yemen and making them a
friend and not a foe in the terrorism 

[CTRL] Hijack plane lands in Iraq

2000-10-14 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


Saturday, 14 October, 2000, 19:22 GMT 20:22 UK

Hijack plane lands in Iraq

A Saudi Arabian Airlines flight seized by armed hijackers en route
from Jeddah to London has landed in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

The hijackers, who had warned the pilot that they were carrying
dynamite, threatened to blow up the Boeing 777-200 with its 95
passengers and 16 crew.

Iraqi television has said there are five hijackers - an Ethiopian and
four Saudis - and that they are seeking political asylum.

The television said negotiations were under way between the Iraqi
authorities and the hijackers.

The airline has listed the nationalities of those on board the Saudi

They include 40 Britons and one American, as well as 15 Saudis,
15 Pakistanis, four South Africans, four Yemenis and two Kenyans.

One report said that a member of the Saudi royal family was
among the passengers.

Saudi Arabia and Iraq broke off relations 10 years ago when Iraq
invaded Kuwait.

Since then, Iraq has angrily attacked Saudi Arabia's rulers for
hosting western warplanes that patrol daily over Iraq.

However, a spokesman for the Iraqi Culture and Information
Ministry has issued an assurance that every effort will be made to
protect those on board the airliner.

"We would like to reassure the families
of the passengers that the Iraqi authorities will look after them and
tend to their needs as much as possible," he said.

"We will make all the comforts of traditional Arab hospitality
available to them if the hijackers allow it, until their plane returns

First alert

The first alert of the hijack came after the pilot of Flight 115
contacted Egyptian civil aviation officials at 1455 local time (1255

The airliner initially flew into Syrian airspace and circled the capital
Damascus. Some reports said it had landed, but it later emerged
that the landing had been aborted at the last moment on the orders
of the hijacker.

Reuters news agency said there was intense activity at the
Baghdad airport after the plane landed at 7.45pm local time (1645

There are not normally many flight arrivals there because of UN
sanctions against Iraq.

Reporters outside the airport gate saw several empty buses and a
large number of cars entering.

Message from pilot

Earlier, Israel radio broadcast the message from the pilot to
Egyptian air traffic controllers: "The hijacker is saying that he has
TNT (explosives) on board and he might blow the aircraft, and we
have passengers from all kinds of nationalities.

"Please contact Syrian air control and arrange for us permission to
overfly Syrian airspace en route to Baghdad."

The hijackers would have boarded the plane at Jeddah, where
Saudi security is usually strict.

However, the leader of the Saudi opposition group in London, Dr
Saad Al-Faquih, told the BBC that those with tribal, personal or
royal connections could sometimes bypass security.

Worried relatives and friends of those on board the plane have been
arriving at London Heathrow's Terminal 3 where the flight had been
expected to touch down at 1740 local time (1640GMT).

The helpline number is 0845 6040171

It is the second hijacking in the Gulf in a month.

On 14 September, an Iraqi man hijacked a Qatar Airways plane at
knifepoint and ordered it flown to Saudi Arabia.

The 144 passengers and the crew escaped unharmed when the
man surrendered to Saudi authorities at the city of Hael.


You have the right to free speech, but only if
you're not dumb enough to actually TRY it.
-- The Clash

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: HoffmanWire: Dragon of the Double Standard

2000-10-14 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/13/2000 5:19:55 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 The dragon of the double-standard that haunts our dreams in the media
 monopoly has scorched the commonweal yet again. This past week, the Middle
 East reports of my old employer, the Associated Press, inspired newspaper
 headlines across the U.S. which read, "Barak calls on Arafat to Stop the

 The operant word in that headline is violence. It is an inaccurate word to
 use in describing a revolt by colonists against an occupier. An impartial
 headline would have read, "Barak Calls on Arafat to Stop the Protests." 

I can't tell you how good it is to read someone else who is trying to decide
why this double standard exists.   It is not that Palestinians do no harm.
It is that Israeli do harm as well, but no one minds.  Is it because the
Palestinians are Moslem?  Are we perhaps still fighting the Crusades?   Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SNET: SDD 7277 - Text File attached (fwd)

2000-10-14 Thread William Bacon

SOCIALIST WORLD GOVERNMENT  visit my website and I have a hot link
on this page:
which spotlights the actual law
visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 11:10:11 -0700
Subject: SNET: SDD 7277 - Text File attached

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

Hi Beau  Diane,
Please forgive the delay in getting this to you - I sometimes run out of time
before running out of projects.
This is the UNCLASSIFIED portion of SDD 7277.  Annexes A, B, and C, all TOP
SECRET, LimDis, NoForn, deal with the intricate and treasonous details of
which they want to sheeple to be ignorant.
As we discussed, Annex "A", operative on 1 May 1962, dictated that Congress
enact legislation to "...establish a national department of education."
and when fully funded, it's first goal was to ".reorient and re-coalesce
the nation's schools so that the product of those schools, the graduate, will
be a MORE GOVERNMENT COMPLIANT CITIZEN".  Did they accompish the goals in
Section One of Annex "A"??? I would say so. (cap emphasis mine)
Annexes "B"  "C " deal with the registration and subsequent confiscation of
all personally owned firearms in the United States of America and the
allocation of large amounts of publically and privately owned land to the
federal government, either by acquisition or confiscation.
Annex "C" mainly deals with the complete control of food and water and
thereby the complete control of the populace.  It dictates the allocation of
funding for HYBRID SEED RESEARCH.  (cap emphasis mine)
Enough said??  And what of the nation's sheeple??
Welcome to the New World Order.  Expect No Mercy.



Department of State
United States of America

State Department Document 7277


The Nations Of The World, Conscious of the crisis in human history produced
by the
revolutionary development of modern weapons within a world divided by serious
differences; Determined to save present and succeeding generations from the
scourge of war
and the dangers and burdens of the arms race and create conditions in which
all peoples can
strive freely and peacefully to fulfill their basic aspirations; Declare
their goal to be: A free,
secure, and peaceful world of independent states adhering to common standards
of justice and
international conduct and subjecting the use of force to the rule of law; a
world where adjustment
to change takes place in accordance with the principles of the United
Nations; a world where
there shall be a permanent state of general and complete disarmament under
international control and where the resources of nations shall be devoted to
man's material,
cultural, and spiritual advances. Set forth as the objectives of a program of
general and complete
disarmament in a peaceful world:

(a) The disbanding of all national forces and the prohibition of their
reestablishment in any form
whatsoever other than those required to preserve internal order and for
contributions to a United
Nations Peace Force;

(b) The elimination from national arsenals of all armaments, including all
weapons of mass
destruction and the means for their delivery, other than those required for a
United Nations
Peace Force and for maintaining internal order;

(c) The establishment and effective operation of an International Disarmament
within the framework of the United Nations to ensure compliance at all times
with all
disarmament obligations;

(d) The institution of effective means for the enforcement of international
agreements, for the
settlement of disputes, and for the maintenance of peace in accordance with
the principles of the
United Nations. Call on negotiating states:

(a) To develop the outline program set forth below into an agreed plan for
general and complete
disarmament and to continue their efforts without interruption until the
whole program has been

(b) To this end we seek to attain the widest possible area of agreement at
the earliest possible

(c) Also to seek without prejudice to progress on the disarmament program
agreement on those
immediate measures that would contribute to the common security of nations
and that could
facilitate and form a part of that program. Affirm that disarmament
negotiations should be guided
by the following principles:

(a) Disarmament shall take place as rapidly as possible until it is completed
in stages containing
balanced, phased and safeguarded measures, with each measure and stage to be
carried out in
an agreed period of time.


Re: [CTRL] US Role in UN - HON. RON PAUL

2000-10-14 Thread Jill

Could you please tell me that date 
of this statement.


  - Original Message - 
  Bill Richer 
  Sent: Saturday, October 14, 2000 2:15 
  Subject: [CTRL] US Role in UN - HON. RON 
  -Caveat Lector-WJPBR Email News List [EMAIL PROTECTED]Peace at any cost is a 
  Prelude to War!Statement ofHON. RON PAULOF TEXAS 
  [Page: H7697]Mr. Speaker, over a half a century has transpired since the 
  United States ofAmerica became a member of the United Nations. Purporting 
  to act pursuant tothe treaty powers of the Constitution, the President of 
  the United Statessigned, and the United States Senate ratified, the 
  charter of the UnitedNations. Yet, the debate in government circles over 
  the United Nations'charterscarcely has touched on the question of the 
  constitutional power of the UnitedStates to enter such an agreement. 
  Instead, the only questions addressedconcerned the respective roles that 
  the President and Congress would assumeupon the implementation of that 
  charter.On the one hand, some proposed that once the charter of the 
  United States wasratified, the President of the United States would act 
  independently ofCongress pursuant to his executive prerogatives to conduct 
  the foreign affairsof the Nation. Others insisted, however, that the 
  Congress played a major roleof defining foreign policy, especially because 
  that policy implicated thepowerto declare war, a subject reserved 
  strictly to Congress by Article I, Section8of the U.S. 
  Constitution.At first, it appeared that Congress would take control of 
  America'sparticipation in the United Nations. But in the enactment of the 
  UnitedNations' participation act on December 20, 1945, Congress laid down 
  severalrules by which America's participation would be governed. Among 
  those ruleswasthe requirement that before the President of the United 
  States could deployUnited States Armed Forces in service of the United 
  Nations, he was requiredtosubmit to Congress for its specific approval 
  the numbers and types of ArmedForces, their degree of readiness and 
  general location, and the nature of thefacilities and assistance including 
  rights of passage to be made available tothe United Nations Security 
  Council on its call for the purpose of maintaininginternational peace and 
  security.Since the passage of the United Nations Participation Act, 
  however,congressional control of presidential foreign policy initiatives, 
  incooperation with the United Nations, has been more theoretical than 
  real.Presidents from Truman to the current President have again and again 
  presentedCongress with already-begun military actions, thus forcing 
  Congress's hand tosupport United States troops or risk the accusation of 
  having put the Nation'sservicemen and service women in unnecessary danger. 
  Instead of seekingcongressional approval of the use of the United States 
  Armed Forces in serviceof the United Nations, presidents from Truman to 
  Clinton have used the UnitedNations Security Council as a substitute for 
  congressional authorization ofthedeployment of United States Armed 
  Forces in that service.This transfer of power from Congress to the 
  United Nations has not, however,been limited to the power to make war. 
  Increasingly, Presidents are using theU.N. not only to implement foreign 
  policy in pursuit of international peace,but also domestic policy in 
  pursuit of international, environmental, economic,education, social 
  welfare and human rights policy, both in derogation of thelegislative 
  prerogatives of Congress and of the 50 State legislatures, andfurther in 
  derogation of the rights of the American people to constitute theirown 
  civil order.As Cornell University government professor Jeremy Rabkin 
  has observed,althoughthe U.N. charter specifies that none of its 
  provisions `shall authorize theUnited Nations to intervene in matters 
  which are essentially within thedomestic jurisdiction of any State,' 
  nothing has ever been found so`essentially domestic' as to exclude U.N. 
  intrusions.The release in July 2000 of the U.N. Human Development 
  Report providesunmistakable evidence of the universality of the United 
  Nations'jurisdictionalclaims. Boldly proclaiming that global 
  integration is eroding nationalborders,the report calls for the 
  implementation and, if necessary, the imposition ofglobal standards of 
  economic and social justice by international agencies andtribunals. In a 
  special contribution endorsing this call for the globalizationof domestic 
  policymaking, United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan wrote,`Above 
  all, we have committed ourselves to the idea that no individual shallhave 
  his or her human rights abused or ignored. The idea is enshrined in 
  thecharter of the United Nations. The United Nations' achievements in the 
  area ofhuman rights over the last 50 years are rooted in the 

[CTRL] Analysis: What chance Egypt summit?

2000-10-14 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


Saturday, 14 October, 2000, 18:22 GMT 19:22 UK

Analysis: What chance Egypt summit?

Palestinian and Israeli leaders have agreed to attend a summit in
Egypt to try to stop the violence that has halted the Middle East
peace process.

But given the failure of a recent summit in Paris between the two
sides, what hope is there for this meeting?

The stormy summit in France essentially collapsed over two

The Palestinians stuck to their calls for an international inquiry into
the recent violence.

The Israelis stuck to their demands for Yasser Arafat to sign an
agreement to end the unrest.
The degree of divergence was so wide that, at one point, the United
States secretary of State, Madeleine Albright, had to run after Mr
Arafat and order the embassy guards to close the gates to keep
him from leaving.

Barak: Insisted on agreement to end violence
If anything, the two leaders now have even less room for manoeuvre.

The violence has worsened, the rhetoric has become harsher, and
opinions are more entrenched.

Mr Barak has invited the hardline Likud Party to form an
emergency coalition - a step seen by the Palestinians as a signal
that Israel has abandoned peace talks.

What control Mr Arafat has over the angry Palestinian crowds is
debatable - but many Palestinians say there is no going back, and
that the intifada, or uprising, is the only way to wring concessions
from Israel.

And, of course, there have been the television pictures: the
shooting of 12-year-old Palestinian boy in the arms of his father as
he pleaded for the gunfire to stop; and the public murder of Israeli
soldiers by a Palestinian mob whose killers proudly showed their
bloodied hands to the world.

Both sides have already expressed limited hopes for the up-coming

The agenda will be dominated by defusing the violence rather than
the substance of the peace negotiations.

The far-reaching territorial concessions Mr Barak offered at Camp
David, which nearly brought down his minority government and
sparked fierce public debate, look even less tenable.

This time President Bill Clinton will be present.
He certainly commands the respect of the participants but with the
presidential election looming, commentators are already describing
him as a lame duck.

One Palestinian spokesperson says the best that can be hoped for
is to end the immediate violence which, perhaps, may buy time for
a final push in the peace process.


The penalty good men pay for indifference to
public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.
-- Plato

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[CTRL] Mystery disease kills 30 Ugandans

2000-10-14 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


Friday, 13 October, 2000, 23:41 GMT 00:41 UK

Mystery disease kills 30 Ugandans

The outbreak centres on the northern town of Gulu
A mystery disease has killed at least 30 people in the northern
Ugandan district of Gulu.

The highly contagious disease causes its victims to bleed to death,
and medical officials say it could be a form of viral haemorrhagic
fever of which Marburg and Ebola are the best known examples.

Efforts to tackle the outbreak have been hampered by the lack of
adequate medical facilities, and the effects of a rebel activity in the

The government and the World Health Organisation have sent fact
finding missions to Gulu to investigate the outbreak,  but so far
have given little practical help.

Samples have been sent to South Africa for analysis and results
should be released next week.

Symptoms of the mystery illness include fever, muscle pains and
bleeding from the mouth, nose and anus.

Among the first victims was reported to be a soldier who had
recently served in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and died on
17 September.

Days later, a woman bled to death after giving birth in a Gulu

During the following weeks, seven of her family and friends who
attended her burial service were also dead.

Doctors believe they could have contracted the disease after
washing their hands in the same water at her funeral.

So far 10 people have died in hospital, including three nurses
treating the sick.

The other  victims have succumbed in their villages before they
could get to medical help.

The region's hospital lacks even adequate protective clothing for
staff who are attending to the victims of the disease.

The situation is made worse by the fact that Gulu is at the heart of
a  12-year insurgency by rebels based in neighbouring Sudan.


By definition, a government has no conscience.
Sometimes it has a policy, but nothing more.
-- Albert Camus

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[CTRL] Indian farmers halt trains

2000-10-14 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

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Friday, 13 October, 2000, 22:54 GMT

Indian farmers halt trains

Farmers are heavily dependent on government buying their produce
Thousands of farmers in India's northern state of Punjab have
blocked major highways and railway tracks to protest against the
government's refusal to buy their produce.

The farmers are heavily dependent on the procurement of their
produce by federal and state government agencies at a pre-
determined and remunerative price.

However, government officials say their warehouses are already full
with last year's produce, and they have no option but to slow down
the procurement.

Punjab's main opposition parties have called for a general strike on
Saturday to support the farmers' demands.

Several trains, passing through the state, had to be re-routed and
cancelled when large groups of farmers staged a sit-in on the
railway tracks.

Farmers' representatives said the government's failure to buy this
year's harvest had already caused huge losses to small and
marginal farmers.

Many farmers were forced to sell their produce well below the
minimum purchase price fixed by the government.

The representatives said if the rice remained unsold, many farmers
would not have enough money to buy seeds for next year's crop.

The Food Corporation of India, the principal state-run company that
buys agricultural produce, said that nearly 80% of the paddy
harvest in Punjab this year is blighted and below the required

The company also said it does not have enough space to store the
crop it would procure from the farmers.

Punjab is India's largest agricultural state, and has been the
primary food producer for many decades.


The world is a dangerous place to live;
not because of the people who are evil,
but because of the people who don't do
anything about it.
- Albert Einstein

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Prozac, Alienation, and Self

2000-10-14 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


Philosophy of Psychiatry
August 14, 2000
Prozac, alienation, and the self
* The Hastings Center Report, March-April 2000

* Enhancement Technologies Group

* WHiP Archive: Philosophy of Psychiatry

 A recent issue of The Hastings Center Report has a number of short articles on
"Prozac, Alienation, and the Self." The authors are Carl Elliott, James C.
Edwards, David DeGrazia, Peter D. Kramer, and David Healy. Elliott, Edwards,
and DeGrazia are professional philosophers, and psychiatrist Kramer's book
Listening to Prozac is surprisingly sensitive to philosophical issues. Healy,
another psychiatrist, has written social-historical books on
psychopharmacology, including The Antidepressant Era, which was published by
Harvard University Press and has gained the most attention.

There is widespread concern that Prozac is used too often and for the wrong
reasons. Specifically, some worry that it is used by people who are not
seriously depressed but merely want a crutch to help them deal with life. Such
a life is considered inauthentic; the happiness of such a life would be a
result not of flourishing, but chemical manipulation. Furthermore, there may be
some circumstances where happiness is inappropriate, and a sense of alienation
is a better reaction. Elliott embraces this sort of worry about Prozac, and
more generally about the individualistic approach of psychiatry: If modern
culture is alienating, he suggests, it would be better to examine our values
and change the way we live rather than take Prozac to feel better.

Kramer expresses doubt, in response to Elliott, that modern alienation is a
reaction to social conditions.  He also suggests that we have a cultural
preference for the melancholic over the sanguine, identifying the
perfectionism, pessimism and sensitivity of melancholy with intellectual
traits. He does not necessarily endorse this preference, and he does not think
it provides a strong reason to be suspicious of Prozac. Prozac could help as
much as hinder social change: "If Prozac induces conformity, it is to an ideal
of assertiveness." Kramer wants us to be at least open to the possibility that
melancholy is not necessary for a critical stance towards our surroundings, and
that we should indeed question our attachment to melancholy -- that is, he
thinks a person can engage in a profound philosophical questioning and still be
happy. With deliberate provocation, he questions what he sees as a
philosopher's prejudice, the idea that "melancholy is appropriate to

The most straightforward critique of psychopharmacology comes from Healy, who
emphasizes the power of the pharmaceutical corporations. He casts doubt on the
empirical data supporting the effectiveness of Prozac in treating depression.
He states flatly that Prozac does not work for severe depression, calls into
question the "pseudoscientific" mystique that has grown up around Prozac, and
suggests that the abstract philosophical debate about Prozac and alienation is
missing the most important questions.

Edwards gives the mildest suggestion. Using the framework of Foucault and
Heidegger, he considers the source of our worries concerning the use of Prozac
as a mood enhancer. He suspects that we are suspicious of happiness that is not
earned through suffering -- there is a virtue in bearing pain. He tries to
separate out two attitudes towards technology, one that embraces it and another
that eschews it. He suggests both are worth thinking about, we need to
understand what assumptions are built into each, and most importantly, we
should realize that we don't have to be swept up in the frenzy for
technological progress.

DeGrazia, in the last article of the collection, emphasizes that one's self is
partly created rather than merely discovered by oneself. He argues that Elliott
does not sufficiently appreciate this point, and that Elliott's criticism of an
enhanced life on Prozac as inauthentic assumes that the self is static and
given. Instead of Prozac creating a false self, mismatched with one's real
self, it might be possible to identify with one's new self.

A central question for DeGrazia is just how malleable the self is. He quickly
distances himself from the extreme view of Sartre that we are entirely self-
creating and utterly malleable. It takes only a little reflection to see that
people have limits and that they cannot always become whatever they want.
DeGrazia points out that one long-standing form of self-creation is
psychotherapy, and this mode of self-change hasn't been accused of creating
inauthentic selves. Given that, why should the use of drugs like Prozac be any
more troublesome than psychotherapy? He can see no legitimate 

[CTRL] Say What George W.??

2000-10-14 Thread William Shannon

-Caveat Lector-

Say what?

Five Bush debate statements bear closer inspection.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Salon Staff

Oct. 13, 2000 | Vice President Al Gore won last week's debate, according to
early polls, but in the next few days he found himself having to explain some
of his ill-advised mid-debate sighs and murmurs, and in the end lost ground
to Bush. By contrast, instant analysis judged Gov. George W. Bush the winner
of Wednesday night's debate. It remains to be seen which candidate will have
the toughest time with the debate post-mortem, but five of Bush's comments
cried out for follow-up scrutiny.

"Guess what ... They're gonna be put to death!"

In an exchange over hate crime legislation, Bush said Texas didn't need
tougher laws in the wake of the 1998 murder of James Byrd, the black man
dragged to a hideous death behind a pickup truck in Jasper, Texas, because
the three white men who killed him received the death penalty.

Bush got his numbers wrong: Only two of the three men convicted of the crime
face execution. What might hurt him even more than that error, however, is
the glib (some might say gleeful) way he made his claim. "Guess what: The
three men who murdered James Byrd? Guess what's gonna happen to them: They're
gonna be put to death!" Bush smiled, then went on: "It's gonna be hard to
punish them any worse once they get put to death." He closed with an odd
facial twitch that seemed to be his best effort not to smirk, then circled
back again: "We can't enhance the penalty any more than putting those three
thugs to death. And that's what's gonna happen in the state of Texas!"

Bush is already savaged nightly by Jay Leno and David Letterman for the fast
pace of executions in Texas -- the governor has 145 notches on his belt --
and his boast about the impending death of Byrd's killers won't stop the
jokes. More significantly, it won't reassure those who argue he doesn't take
seriously the grave responsibility that accompanies state-sanctioned killing,
even of convicted criminals.

"I support equal rights, but not special rights for people."

When moderator Jim Lehrer asked Bush, "Do you believe in general terms that
gays and lesbians should have the same rights as other Americans?" he tried
to have it both ways, appeasing the right wing of his party without
alienating gays.

"Yes," Bush responded. "I don't think they ought to have special rights, but
I think they ought to have the same rights ... I'm going to be respectful for
people. I'll tolerate people. And I support equal rights, but not special
rights for people."

The phrase "special rights" suggests extra rights, special advantages that
would be handed out to certain politically correct groups. In fact, it
denotes civil rights protections for members of specific groups, such as
women, minorities and religious groups, from discrimination directed against
them because of their membership in those groups. Conservatives argue that
existing laws make such protections unnecessary.

Bush has a history of being wishy-washy on gay rights issues in the
workplace, and there's nothing in his history that would suggest he would
support the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. That legislation, supported by
Gore and congressional Democrats, would forbid employers from firing workers
on the basis of sexual orientation.

As for protection for gays under hate crimes laws, Bush opposed adding sexual
orientation to a 1999 Texas hate crimes statute. That proposed law, which
earned support from the family of James Byrd, died in the Texas Legislature.

Unlike his running mate Dick Cheney, the Texas governor did not speak
specifically about so-called "civil unions," legally recognized gay
partnerships that receive some of the state benefits normally reserved for
marriages. Cheney has said such laws should be decided on a state-by-state
basis, and has come under fire for that position from several "family values"

Furthermore, Bush not only opposes gay marriage, but has also stated his
opposition to allowing gay people to adopt children. In late 1997, Bush
refused to take a stand against an effort to ban gays and lesbians in Texas
from becoming foster parents.

"I don't think we ought to be selling guns to people who shouldn't have

Asked if he saw a connection between controlling gun sales and accidental or
intentional gun deaths, Bush said, "Well, [gun safety] starts with enforcing
law. We need to say loud and clear to somebody, 'If you're going to carry a
gun illegally, we're going to arrest you. If you're going to sell a gun
illegally, you're going to be arrested.'"

The "enforcing the laws on the books" line is a favorite with the National
Rifle Association. So is Bush. In February, NRA first vice president Kayne
Robinson told a meeting of NRA members that if Bush wins the White House
"we'll have a president ... where we work out of their office."

According to a Wall Street Journal article, Bush would rather 

Re: [CTRL] Jail not kosher for three in $42m laundering scheme

2000-10-14 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:


 Jail not kosher for three in $42m laundering scheme

 Three members of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, who admitted involvement
 in a $42 million international money-laundering scheme, have escaped going to
 jail mainly because of their religious beliefs.

So in Australia the possible hardship to a criminal is considered when
they are sentenced?  If this is true, it's a fucking joke!  Hardship
would be true in damn near every case.

Mark McHugh

Sapere aude!

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Jail not kosher for three in $42m laundering scheme

2000-10-14 Thread Johannes Schmidt III

-Caveat Lector-

At the moment the prisons here are so overcrowded, they will use practically any 
excuse to keep someone out of prison, and short sentences are common. The heroin 
epidemic means that 90% of people currently imprisoned are drug addicts (and not pot 
smokers either, these are mainly heroin addicts who consistently break into houses or 
rob people with syringes). All the prisons are full. All the police cells are full 
(which the police are always complaining about). During the recent S11 protests, the 
government was planning to use tempoary cells in case of mass arrests.

The law here also says that if you are bailed and then rearrested for a similar 
offence, you MUST NOT be given bail again except under exceptional circumstances. 
However due to the overcrowding, bail is almost always granted to all but the most 
violent repeat offenders, and trafficking relatively small amounts of heroin is 
considered nothing more than a slap on the wrist offence.

This is quite a common situation. After all, he was only sending money to overseas 
charities. I wouldn't be surprised if the case wasn't partly persecution knowing the 
crooked courts here BTW.

The previous Government also started that great social experiment, private prisons. 
Just last month one of the smaller private prisons had their contract cancelled for 
consistent failure to reach standards and consistent breach of various laws in the 
running of the prison. The prisoners love the private prisons, as they can essentially 
extort favours from the warders by threatening to smash the place up (which they do 
frequently), and which damage has to be paid for by the private companies, as well as 
damaging their performance ratings (riots tend to do that).

On Sat, 14 Oct 2000 18:22:03 -0500 Mark McHugh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
-Caveat Lector-

Kris Millegan wrote:


 Jail not kosher for three in $42m laundering scheme

 Three members of an ultra-Orthodox Jewish community, who admitted involvement
 in a $42 million international money-laundering scheme, have escaped going to
 jail mainly because of their religious beliefs.

So in Australia the possible hardship to a criminal is considered when
they are sentenced?  If this is true, it's a fucking joke!  Hardship
would be true in damn near every case.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Jail not kosher for three in $42m laundering scheme

2000-10-14 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/14/00 8:51:35 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

 But his wife Rita, 56, and sons Napthali, 36, and Hershel, 34, were freed
 suspended sentences, with Victorian County Court judge Michael Strong saying
 prison for them would be "extraordinarily difficult".

 Judge Strong said few members of the public would have any understanding of
 the rigours of the "Adass strain of ultra-Orthodox Judaism".

 He was satisfied the Goldbergs were genuinely devout in their beliefs in a
 sect which banned television, radio, cinema, alcohol and tobacco and
 newspapers other than certain Jewish publications.

... But laundering money for criminals is OK?  Seems crime pays well Down

 "Delivery of kosher food to the jail and concerns about its contamination
 would be a constant issue - and absolutely vital for the prisoner."

 The jail would not be able to provide for the observance of many Orthodox
 requirements for daily living. Ultra-Orthodox Jewish prisoners would be a
 prime target for "discrimination and abuse or worse by other prisoners
 because of their unusual appearance".

What horseshit.

 "When the investigators tried to follow the money trail they hit a brick
 in the form of the refusal of the Israeli Government or the Israel banks to
 co-operate," the judge said 

Maybe there is more than meets the eye here.  This does not speak well of the
government of Israel.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Cloning Around

2000-10-14 Thread NSA

- - Cloning Around - -Even staunch opponents of human cloning are 
conceding there probably isn't abig enough stopper to bottle up human 
cloning experiments much longer. Thatrealization comes with the recognition 
that some groupssimply will not wait until the medical research community 
has resolved all ofits issues.Exhibit one are the Raelians, who 
claim that humans are clones ofextraterrestrial scientists and that Jesus' 
resurrection was, in fact, acloning performed by an ET.Lead by a 
former sportswriter who now calls himself Rael, the group has 50would-be 
surrogate mothers lined up to carry cloned human embryos in theirwombs. The 
first attempt will be made with an American couple's child, a10-month-old 
girl who recently died from a medical accident, whose cells hadbeen 
preserved.The couple are paying about $500,000 to have their dead 
daughter cloned, saidRael, who was known as Claude Vorilhon before having 
what he says was anencounter with extraterrestrials in 1973. He claims to 
lead 50,000 members in85 countries.Cloning is obviously very 
attractive to the Raelians, but there will also bemany more groups whose 
beliefs give them license to pursue cloning regardlessof any restrictions 
against it. The FDA needs to understand this if it isgoing to insist that it 
has final say over cloning efforts in the US.http://www.clonaid.com/

[CTRL] Mass Drugging at schools?

2000-10-14 Thread ThePiedPiper

-Caveat Lector-

The next links seem to show that school medication
could become standardized and made into a law.
Speculation:  At that time the school nurse or
principal could recommend the child be medicated.
The child or parents would not have legal recourse,
and if a teacher did not agree, the teacher could be

I suspect that professionals are on the way out, if they
do not watch it.  Funny they all could think that they are
on the inside track and not realize that in reality they are
the game.

Who controls may be academic since it seems as if some
people are out of answers, so while we run around attempting
to figure out who has the best answer, some could think that
they are no answers.

Science News   Jan 30, 1999
Sea Sickness.(pollution, algae blooms, and climate change
affect coral
reefs and other marine organisms)
Author/s: Janet Raloff
more links at

here are the links

The scientific background of the Nazi
"Race Purification" program, US  German Eugenics,
Ethnic Cleansing, Genocide, Population Control...

Rise and Fall or the Berlin Wall
approxamate dates (1961-1989)

American Psychological AssociationPrescription Privileges Fact Sheet:
What Students Should Know About The APA’s Pursuit Of Prescription
Privileges For Psychologists (RxP)
Carol Williams, M.S. Chair, APAGS
(This opening section was originally published in the APAGS Winter 2000

American Psychiatric Society
January/February 1999

It's About Money, Not Patient Care
John M. Grohol, Psy.D.
July 14, 1998

Bitter pill: Psychologists split over right to prescribe
Sunday 17 August 1997
Prescribing drugs is way of the future, proponents say
Robert Sibley The Ottawa Citizen

Prescription Privileges Task Force Committee Reports 1997
http://ocpapsych.com/drug2.htmby Stephen E. Berger, Ph.D., ABPP,
Chair, Prescription Privileges Task Force

 Links continue at 09Oct2000
The next links seem to show that school medication
could become standardized and made into a law.
Speculation:  At that time the school nurse or
principal could recommend the child be medicated.
The child or parents would not have legal recourse,
and if a teacher did not agree, the teacher could be

United States Code
Chemical Testing on Civilian Populations

Four Principals For Curtailing The Proliferation Of
Biological And Chemical Arms by Baker SpringAug 19,1991

History Of Biological Warfare

The Psycho /Scarecrow Says BOO!

Insanity Pleas from the City Limits:
New York’s Urban Affairs News Magazine

  Genetic Recombination -Private Papers of Nobel Scientist
Joshua Lederberg Added to "Profiles in Science"
Web Site
Lederberg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine at age 33
for scientific work started at age 20, which showed
that bacteria can in fact, reproduce through sexual
recombination. Although Lederberg was "astonished"
to receive the prize, his diary entry for October 26, 1958,
the day he heard he had won it, also records some of
his fears: "On the whole I'm a little afraid the fuss
and bother more than outweigh the egotistic satisfactions,
the cash and the prestige factors that might help in
getting my lab going."

  Oil – Thomas Gold * is oil a bacterial byproduct?
Thomas Gold  -- "The Deep Hot Bioshpere,

 The Theory of Unlimited Oil
One Heretic Predicts More Oil to Be Drilled
in the GroundBy Kevin Newman   --  March 16

more links at

The Declaration of Independence

  Encyclopedia Americana: Bill of Rights

Any person can stand adversity,
The true test is to give a person power.

If you treat a relationship as if you are the only one in it, eventually
you will be.

Atrocities happen when the people about you -
 start considering you surplus.

"I tolerate with the utmost 

Re: [CTRL] Farah, Ruddy the OKC Bombing

2000-10-14 Thread Ted Saari

-Caveat Lector-

In addition, Chris Ruddy and Joe Farah appear to have blackouts on any
Chemtrail or Votescam stories.

From: Gavin Phillips [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [CTRL] Farah, Ruddy  the OKC Bombing
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 12:31:57 EDT

-Caveat Lector-

Hello All,

Devvy Kidd's David Crockett article is a fascinating story and a great
in how even the most scrupulously honest person can be blindsided. Which
nicely segways into a posting I made to Freerepublic about four months ago.
It addressed a question that had rankled me for some time.

Why is there virtually no information about the  Oklahoma City bombing on
Farah's and Chris Ruddy's websites? As I state at the end, there are no
"sacred cows" in my pursuit of the truth in any matter. Comments anybody?
Gavin Phillips.

J.Farah (WND) Remains Mute/OKC Bombing

For anybody who has spent a few hours researching the Oklahoma City bombing
knows that the governemnt/mainstream media story is 98% baloney.
Officially, two men (only McVeigh on the day of the bombing) and a
ANFO truck bomb. (and "others" unknown)

This production by the Clinton regime is one of the biggest disinformation
coups ever perpetrated on the American people.  I have researched this
incident in great detail. The Oklahoma City bombing is the most
Machiavellian orchestrated government incident in several decades, in my
opinion at least as mendacious as Waco.

I like Worldnetdaily and Joe Farah. He does a very good job, sometimes an
outstanding job, in exposing the head to toenail corruption in the
Clinton/Hillary/Reno dictatorship. One thing has stuck in my craw though,
is there nothing on Worldnetdaily about the massive government duplicity in
the Oklahoma bombing? I ignored it. It must be an oversight, right? Or
I just wanted to believe that.

When I heard about Hugh Turley's banning on Freerepublic for posting his
opinion about Chris Ruddy, Joe Farah and Matt Drudge , I decided to ask
some questions. I e-mailed Joe Farah and asked him why he has ignored the
bombing. Our brief correspondence is below.

  Hello Joe,

A search of your website returned no in depth articles regarding the
governments lies and duplicity regarding the Oklahoma City bombing. You
tentatively place half a toe in with your article 'We knew this was going
happen' 2 reserve deputies testify about Oklahoma City bombing" which is
unsigned. There is far more
evidence of government prior knowledge than this.

" The New American" http://thenewamerican.com/focus/okc/index.htm
magazine has followed this case from the beginning and has pointed out in
several articles the many large credibility gaps in the
media version of events which is supposedly two men, one on the day of the
bombing and a "home-brew" fertilizer truck bomb.

There have been several good books published documenting the lies and
cover-up in this incident, such as David Hoffman's' "The Oklahoma City
Bombing and the Politics of Terror," Michele Marie Moore's  "Oklahoma
City:Day One," Jim Keith's
  "Okbomb! : Conspiracy and Cover-Up " Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's "The
Life of Bill Clinton" in which he dedicates about a 100 pages to the
Yet nothing of substance on your site. Why? Curiously, Gavin Phillips.

Joe Farah replies;

We have a limited reporting staff, which NEVER regurgitates reporting by
others. To commit to investigating the Oklahoma City bombing cover-up
is a major commitment of time and resources. There are many important
we are not able to cover. You cite much good work that has been done on
story. I agree. Would you have us plough the same ground? Or should we
our efforts on reporting no one else is doing? We have chosen the latter.


I reply;

Hello Joe,

My reply to your e-mail is below. Gavin.

We have a limited reporting staff, which NEVER regurgitates reporting

You are not saying that all of your stories are exclusives, are you Joe? In
many of your articles I have seen similar information on other news
websites, or via  mailing lists that I am on. You can still give a
viewpoint and new
facts on the same event.  Where does regurgitating leave off Joe and citing
work by others begin?

  To commit to investigating the Oklahoma City bombing cover-up is a major
commitment of time and resources. There are many important stories we are
able to cover.

Excuse me? The Oklahoma City bombing story is not important enough for you
allocate resources to?

I am certain that you are aware of the facts about the bombing that have
ignored by the mainstream media Joe, but here is a very short synopsis.

The Oklahoma City bombing is in at least the top three most horrendous
government cover-ups in the last 10 years or so. The government had prior
knowledge of the bombing from their informant Carol Howe. There were no

[CTRL] Fwd: Bush October Surprise On Schedule: Exploits Mideast Violence

2000-10-14 Thread Kris Millegan

Bush October Surprise On Schedule: Exploits Mideast Violence//
--Tail Wags The Dog

Back in the spring, after the first wave of severe gas/oil price hikes
had gotten underway, we published AND endorsed a letter received from
our colleague Justin Tribble at the Columbine Research Task Force.

Tribble warned us all to be on the lookout for a major "October
Surprise" emanating from the George Bush presidential campaign (that is,
the Bush International Crime Syndicate) regarding the ongoing gas/oil
price increases this year; the supposed lack of fuel reserves; inability
of supply to keep up with demand; and of course, the resultant worldwide
uproar and consternation over these issues.

According to Mr. Tribble, what has been going on all year with fossil
fuels has been the result of a deal worked out between the Bush Crime
Syndicate and their Arab potentate "blood brothers" and other assorted
global thugs, to DELIBERATELY instigate the worldwide oil "shortage" and
accompanying huge price increases for a number of the purposes;
including giving Dubya Bush a massively powerful political issue with
which to manipulate public opinion and seriously undermine the campaign
of Al "Godfather" Gore. 

In the scenario envisioned by Justin, Dubya would relentlessly excoriate
and lambaste the Clinton-Gore administration for failing to have an
adequate "energy policy" in place to deal with so-called fuel shortages
and price increases brought about by the NWO/Bush Crime Syndicate and
their Arab cronies, as well as the society-wide changes brought about by

As noted, we DID endorse Mr. Tribble's analysis/prognosis as being
almost certainly very close to or right on target, and likely to take place.

And so indeed, it IS now taking place; with the current violence in
Israel being thrown into the mix by Dubya for extra added impact,
"juice" and overall "effect," as it seems the Clinton administration's
handling of the fuel situation by releasing the petroleum reserves has
calmed the public down and defused the issue notably.

There would be NO DOUBT that the primary and ULTIMATE in instigators of
the brutality and death currently taking place in the Middle East (and
by that I mean not ONLY in Israel) are the SAME people responsible for
setting in motion the events which have led to the present energy
"predicament" and accompanying ballyhoo. That would be the BUSH Crime
Syndicate/NWO Axis.

So: just as predicted, Dubya Bush has started the wheels of his October
Surprise operation turning, never failing in recent campaign appearances
to bring up the entire energy crunch issue and the Clinton-Gore
administration's responses to it. What's more, NOW Bush is shamelessly,
blatantly and oh-so-callously trying to tie the ongoing violence in
Israel to the entire "equation," and use the terrible situation there
for his own political gain.

Speaking today in Austin, Texas, Bush continued to politicize the
current turmoil in the Mideast violence, using the issue as a
springboard to attack Gore for advocating tapping the nation's Strategic
Petroleum Reserve to counter rising energy prices.

It was a good call you made, Justin Tribble: things are playing out much
as you predicted, with the current Israeli situation being callously
exploited by Dubya as well.

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