[CTRL] NYP: Someone's not telling the truth [about absentee ballots]

2000-11-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Tuesday,November 14,2000

New York Post

WASHINGTON - The Navy said yesterday it has discovered bundles of
overseas ballots left behind on three ships in the Persian Gulf.

Cmdr.  Greg Smith, a Navy spokesman, said the ballots cast by
some of the 3,000 sailors and Marines on board the USS Tarawa,
USS Deleuth and USS Anchorage would be flown back to the United
States "expeditiously" -

hopefully in time to be counted.

"All we're trying to do is see if there's a way to get the mail
there," said Smith.

The outcome of the neck-and-neck presidential race hangs on
counting every absentee vote, especially in pivotal Florida, but
Smith said it was unclear which states are involved.

Under Florida law, overseas ballots must be postmarked by
Election Day and must be in by Friday.

Smith said all shipboard mail was left to languish while the
three West Coast-based ships assisted the stricken USS Cole after
it was bombed by terrorists last month - until someone remembered
that the mail included deadline ballots.

The Navy will fly the ballots, which were postmarked at the time
each crew member turned in his mail onboard, only as far as the
mainland, and the Postal Service will handle it routinely from
there, Smith said.

Spokesmen for the Army, Marines and Air Force said they were
unaware of any other similar snafus.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[CTRL] NYT: A Positive Step From Mr. Gore

2000-11-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


November 16, 2000


A Positive Step From Mr. Gore

Missed Opportunity in Florida

Vice President Al Gore offered a sensible way out of the legal
and electoral quagmire in Florida yesterday when he pledged to
abide by the results and not to sue if a complete hand recount
was carried out in three critical Florida counties. Mr. Gore also
said he would abide by a statewide hand count if his opponent,
Gov. George W. Bush, preferred that approach. Mr. Bush's swift
rejection of the proposal was a disappointment on civic grounds,
a political mistake and unsound as to his reasoning that a manual
recount would be "arbitrary and chaotic."

It is the continued lack of agreement that is producing chaos,
all the more so given Mr. Bush's inflexibility and Secretary of
State Katherine Harris's defiant insistence on certifying a vote
that is still incomplete. Mr. Gore's proposal was right on the
substance and also tactically smart. One thing that has been
missing during the weeklong drama over Florida's vote has been
signs of presidential- scale leadership from either candidate.
The public has been hungry both for resolution of the election
and for Mr. Gore and Mr. Bush to quit hiding behind lawyers and

Mr. Gore has now responded creatively to the situation while Mr.
Bush emerged from the seclusion of his ranch only to turn down a
real opportunity to negotiate a procedural agreement that the
public would trust.

In his statement last night, Mr. Bush declared that he wanted the
election counting to be fair, accurate and final, but his
stubbornness will prevent that result. So far, the Bush
campaign's attempts to block the manual recount have failed to
win favor in both state and federal court. Moreover, Mr. Gore's
proposal for a binding resolution put in a bad light Governor
Bush's insistence on blocking an authoritative recount. The
governor is depending on Ms. Harris, a Bush campaign official, to
pre-emptively certify the results in Mr. Bush's favor once all
the overseas votes are counted on Saturday. Ms. Harris, who
served as co-chairwoman of the Bush campaign in Florida this
year, announced last evening that she would accept no further
manual vote counts. That is an abuse of her public duty and an
irresponsible act at this sensitive moment in the nation's
political life. She is doing grievous damage to Mr. Bush's
reputation, and potentially to his presidency. Already trailing
in the national popular vote, Mr. Bush should take every effort
to avoid being the beneficiary of a hasty, incomplete vote count
in Florida.

Earlier in the day, there was progress toward resolving the
electoral impasse in Florida when the state's highest court
rejected Ms. Harris's request to block the hand count. But until
the vice president made his move, neither candidate appeared to
be taking seriously the fact that the public has been taking
their measure throughout this bizarre interlude. So the vice
president seized one of those moments when it is possible for a
candidate to appear statesmanlike and also gain a political
advantage. But Mr. Bush failed to respond in kind.

Mr. Gore's offer has weight because he proposed giving up
something of value ó the right to sue ó in return for the fair
count he needs and the country desires. Mr. Gore, who has been
privately combative throughout this period, was also smart to put
on a magnanimous public face. However calculated, his offer to
meet with Mr. Bush to raise the the tone of the battle is likely
to win widespread approval. Also, Mr. Gore's proposal that the
two men form a compact of mutual support once a winner is
determined represents a sound step toward an orderly transition.
Mr. Bush was unwise to dismiss Mr. Gore's proposals, though he
did agree to meet with the vice president after the outcome of
the election is determined.

In arguing against the hand count, Mr. Bush was asking the nation
to decide its most important election on something other than the
best available count in the admittedly flawed situation at hand.
He was also ignoring Florida law and Texas law that regard hand
counts as a just recourse in contested elections. Under Mr.
Gore's plan the votes can be counted in a week and a winner in
the long presidential race can be declared without further delay.
Victory is important to both Mr. Bush and Mr. Gore, and for a few
hours Wednesday night, a plan was on the table that would have
given them both a fair chance at that victory. Today, there is
still time for good judgment to prevail in putting the principles
Mr. Gore described into place in Florida. But whatever happens,
neither side should take this disagreement as an excuse to go to
all-out litigation over a problem that still needs to be settled
in the political arena.

Copyright 2000 The New York Times Company

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


[CTRL] BBC: PVT: Poland: Committee Warns against Revival of UFO Sect

2000-11-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Poland: Committee Warns against Revival of UFO Sect

WARSAW, Nov 8, 2000 -- (BBC Monitoring) A national
sect-monitoring committee has issued a warning about the revival
of an "apocalyptic Polish sect" called Antrovis. It sees
salvation in the landing of UFOs on a southern Polish mountain
and has been linked to the alleged disappearances of individuals.

[Presenter] The Polish apocalyptic sect Antrovis is renewing its
activities, the Nationwide Committee for Defense against Sects
[OKOPS] is warning. The disciples believe that the world will be
saved by little men from flying saucers. The sect was notorious
at the start of the 1990s, when it was also joined by people with
academic titles. Under pressure from the press, it officially
terminated its activity in 1994.

[Reporter] The sect preaches that little men from flying saucers
who will land on the Sleza mountain [Lower Silesia - southwestern
Poland] will rescue the members of the sect. The rest of the
inhabitants of the earth face extermination.

But can such a faith threaten life and health? For seven years,
this woman has been searching for her son. The 17 year-old
Andrzej attended lectures organized by the sect. he took notes.
In a diary he left behind, his mother read: I can no longer
psychologically bear the pressure of the end of the world. Love
is a destructive force.

[Andrzej's mother - on-screen caption] At a lecture he discovered
that when the spaceships come and the evacuations start, only the
chosen ones who deserve it will be evacuated from the earth and
saved from the earth, that is the members of Antrovis. But they
will only be able to be evacuated alone, without their close ones
and without their families. And that is why it would be best for
them to break off all relations with their families now.

[Ryszard Nowak, head of the OKOPS] It above all leads to a
situation where the adepts give up their property, give their
property to the sect. Secondly, they order people to leave their
family, leave school, work, and come close to human death. If you
have a sick organ, then we will replace it for you.

[Reporter] The Provincial Prosecutor's Office in Szczecin
[northwestern Poland] linked the activities of this sect to the
death of Boguslaw T., who was fished out of the River Oder two
years ago. The man had been castrated.

[Nowak] We have proof that the Antrovis sect is reviving. And the
proof of this is publications, the books that it is publishing
both in Poland and abroad. They also write articles, and in
serious weeklies and monthlies at that. But please note that they
are going to schools, they are going to higher educational
establishments and holding lectures there.

[Reporter] The OKOPS estimates that there are between 500 and
1,000 sects active in Poland. It is enough to have 100 believers
to register a Church, but for an association 15 members are
enough. Nonetheless, most sects do not register their activity,
since this way it is more difficult to prove anything against

Source: TV Polonia, Warsaw, in Polish 2130 GMT 7 Nov 00

Quad Sax, Quad Sax (2000)

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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2000-11-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Thursday,November 16,2000

The NAACP said yesterday it will turn over to the Justice
Department next week a lengthy report documenting claims that
blacks and other minorities were blocked from voting in Florida's
presidential election.

The group said it's preparing a report that will quote 20 people
who claim they were denied the right to vote by election staff,
grilled by cops or subjected to other voting irregularities.

The allegations first surfaced at hearings held by the NAACP over
the past week.

Its spokeswoman, Jean Ross, said it will be up to the feds "to
determine whether there have been civil-rights or Voting Rights
Act violations."

Civil-rights activists including the Rev.  Jesse Jackson say
thousands of minority voters - most of whom support Democratic
Vice President Al Gore - may have been affected.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] WSJ: Bush Has a Federal Case

2000-11-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Wall Street Journal
November 16, 2000


Bush Has a Federal Case

By John Yoo, a professor of law at the University of California
at Berkeley's Boalt Hall School of Law.

Republicans have come in for caustic criticism, even by some
sympathetic to George W.  Bush, for hastily seeking federal
interference in a core state function: that of running elections.
Such criticism is misguided.

The federal appellate court in Atlanta announced yesterday that
it would hear, on an emergency basis, the Bush campaign's lawsuit
to block hand-recounts in selected, Democratic counties in
Florida.  Since the Florida Supreme Court, hours later, denied a
request by Secretary of State Katherine Harris that these manual
recounts be stopped, this federal suit would appear to represent
the Bush camp's best hope to bring an end to the recount.

Arbitrary Discretion

Even though the federal trial judge rejected Mr.  Bush's claim on
the ground that the Constitution gives states substantial freedom
in counting votes, the campaign will now have the chance to
continue the argument that manual recounts give vote counters too
much arbitrary discretion.

While the Bush team here seeks to impose federal notions of
fairness on the state electoral process, Republicans generally
have sought to protect the rights of states as the primary
regulators in such areas as education, crime, welfare and family
law.  By running to the federal courts, critics now allege,
Republicans are being hypocrites on federalism.

It is wrong, however, to say that principle and consistency
should force Republicans to forgo reasonable claims under federal
law, claims that courts have identified for a generation.
Federalism does not create a free-fire zone where states may do
anything that pleases them.  Rather, federalism is about the
appropriate balance of power between federal and state authority,
so that neither government abuses its own power at the expense of
the rights of the people.

In the division of power between the federal and state
governments, and in the subjection of each to the separation of
powers, James Madison pointed out that "a double security arises
to the rights of the people. The different governments will
control each other; at the same time that each will be controlled
by itself."

This is nowhere truer than in the area of voting.  The
Constitution accords considerable leeway to the states to manage
voting in their own way.  Indeed, Article II, Section 1 of the
Constitution declares that "each State shall appoint, in such
Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of
Electors." Nonetheless, our constitutional system today permits
substantial federal intervention in state elections.  The 14th
and 15th Amendments to the Constitution guarantee the individual
right of each citizen to vote, and prohibit states from
attempting to discriminate against protected groups by denying
them access to the voting booth.  Under the 14th Amendment, for
example, Florida could not hold a manual recount by excluding all
African-American voters, or all women, or all Democrats.

Federal courts and the federal government have engaged in
sweeping interventions into state voting procedures.  In
decisions such as Reynolds v.  Sims, the Supreme Court
established the principle of one person, one vote, which means
that each citizen not only has the right to vote, but that each
vote must carry as much weight as every other vote.  In its
recent racial "redistricting" cases, such as Shaw v.  Reno, the
Supreme Court has held that states cannot use race as a primary
factor in drawing voting districts.

Congress has also waded into the game.  Today, in many areas of
the South, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 prevents states from
changing any voting standard, practice or procedure without the
permission of the attorney general or a federal court in
Washington D.C.  Under this mix of constitutional and statutory
law, the Supreme Court will hear claims that states have engaged
in "vote dilution," where election procedures or redistricting
give more political power to some groups than others.

So there is nothing new, or hypocritical, in seeking judicial
relief from unconstitutional state election procedures.  It is
certainly not the direct threat to our federal system of
government that some Democrats have claimed, unless they believe
that federal intervention into state electoral systems violates
the basic structure of our federal system of government.  Rather
than argue over whether extending federal power over Florida's
elections is constitutionally permissible -- it is -- the
question ought to be what law should apply, and how.

There are several sources of federal law that might pre-empt much
of the state legal maneuvering that is now occurring in Florida.
First, federal statutes require that the states appoint
presidential electors on the first Tuesday in November.

If a state fails to make its choice, Section 2 of Title 3 of the

[CTRL] WSJ: Florida Court Ruling in 1998 Stressed Voter Intent as Key Reason to Recount

2000-11-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

November 16, 2000

Election 2000

Florida Court Ruling in 1998 Stressed Voter Intent as Key Reason
to Recount

Staff Reporters

If both sides in the nation's disputed presidential race end up
in Florida's Supreme Court, Democrats might take heart from the
inlaid Latin motto on the courthouse floor: Sat Cito Si Recte --
or "Soon Enough If Done Rightly."

The ancient maxim sounds much like Vice President Al Gore's
argument that the ballot recounting should be done quickly -- but
also must be done carefully.  If Mr. Gore prevails, it wouldn't
be the first time Florida's high court has adopted that position.
In a 1998 ruling in another election-law case that involved
absentee ballots, the court emphasized that the most important
reason for ordering the examining of ballots is to determine the
intent of the voters.

The Tallahassee, Fla., courthouse may play a major role in
determining the new president.  Wednesday, Texas Gov.  George W.
Bush sought to join a lawsuit filed by Florida Secretary of State
Katherine Harris asking for consolidation of the proliferation of
election lawsuits in Florida.  The court Wednesday swung into
action for the first time in the Florida imbroglio, rejecting
another request by Ms. Harris, that it call a halt to the hand
counting of certain ballots.

Warren Christopher, President Clinton's former secretary of state
who is representing Mr.  Gore, Wednesday had criticized Ms.
Harris's request and said he, too, would ask the court to take
jurisdiction over a number of lawsuits involving hand counts.

Of course, it is impossible to predict if and how the state's
Supreme Court will rule, but Democrats have found reasons to hope
for a sympathetic hearing in Tallahassee.  Six of the court's
seven members were appointed by Democratic governors -- and the
seventh was named jointly by a Democrat and Gov.  Jeb Bush, a
brother of the Republican presidential contender, George W.

The court has shown in the past that it will protect its turf,
despite political pressure.  Earlier this year, legislators
approved new death-penalty procedures designed to speed up
executions, and Gov.  Jeb Bush endorsed them.  But the state's
high court rejected the measures, citing an "unconstitutional
encroachment" on its "exclusive power" to determine court

Still, even Republicans say Florida's Supreme Court justices are
high quality and nonideological.  "They are a somewhat more
conservative court than they were a few years back; they are an
honorable group of very distinguished jurists," says Tom Slade, a
national Republican committee member and former GOP state party
chairman.  "Given the potential impact of their opinion," he
says, "they won't be inclined to play politics."

State Sen.  Steven A.  Geller, a Broward County Democrat whose
brother is chairman of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party, says,
"You would think that since they were primarily appointed by
Democrats, they'd be a liberal court. You'd be wrong." Most of
the justices, he notes, were appointed by former Gov. Lawton
Chiles, "a very conservative Democrat."

What's more, even though Florida's Supreme Court justices stand
for election, the state's system is designed to insulate them
from having to participate in politics. Under Florida law, the
justices must stand for election in the first general election
that takes place more than one year after their appointment.
After that, they face the voters every six years in a retention

Gerald Kogan, a former chief justice who retired from the court
in 1998, says, "There have only been a few times in the last few
years in which they've had to raise funds" for re-election.

So it's unlikely that the justices will be thinking about job
security when they consider any case involving the presidential
election.  "The retention votes are a sham," contends Joseph
Little, a law professor at the University of Florida's College of
Law in Gainesville.  "Nobody ever loses; it's the equivalent of
lifetime employment."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[CTRL] LVS: Statistics: Gore's FL gains = being struck by lightning 30 times

2000-11-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[I wondder how many ppl, at this late date, would actually fall
for the below?  --MS]




Meet Tom Carroll.  He's an economics professor at the University
of Nevada-Las Vegas.  Since last Thursday, Carroll has been
running statistical analyses on the net vote gains Al Gore and
George W. Bush have made in the Florida recounts.  Gore, as you
know, has picked up about 2,200 votes, and Bush has added about
700 votes to his total.

Carroll found that the statistical chances for such large and
different totals (more votes for Gore than for Bush during the
recounts) are about one in 49 million.  Basically, the odds of
Gore picking up more than 1,500 votes are about the same as the
likelihood of a single person getting hit by lightning 30 times.

What it all boils down to is that something very fishy has been
going on in Florida over the past week--as if you didn't already
know that.  Think about it.  Shouldn't a recount increase the
numbers of votes for all candidates uniformly, rather than
overwhelmingly lopsided, as the recounts have turned up more
votes in favor of Al Gore?

But Gore supporters would tell you that they just want a "fair
and accurate count that expresses the will of the people."  And
if the will of the people is for Gore to beat 1-in-49-million
odds and magically pick up votes in Florida, well, so be it.

It doesn't add up.

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Re: [CTRL] Statistics point to more than random error in Florida vote

2000-11-16 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/15/2000 5:41:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 At one in 49 million, the chances of hitting Megabucks on one spin are slim,
 but not as slim as the odds that Vice President Al Gore would make up as much
 ground as he has in the Florida recount, according to a UNLV stud 

Which is precisely why the Bush folks are protesting the idea of a hand
counting of all Florida votes.  My paper's morning headline gave full voice
to their disapproval.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] LVS: Statistics: Gore's FL gains = being struck by lightning 30 ti...

2000-11-16 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

Sounds like a case of magical mathematics to me (one in 49 million).  I found
you can purposely skew probability and statistics in a big way, from college
calculus, but this is ridiculous to make a statement like that.
I think we should just go the next four years without a President.

Bob (I hate math) Stokes

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Re: [CTRL] Those missing military ballots

2000-11-16 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/15/2000 5:55:57 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 In most countries, facing a constitutional crisis over a hung election would
 be a scary prospect. But in America, military service people have
 traditionally exhibited sounder voting judgment than the civilian population.
 Thus, as America waits for the absentee ballots -- many from members of the
 armed services stationed overseas -- to be counted this week in the closest
 presidential election in history, a heavy turnout opposing Vice President Al
 Gore is expected. 

Well, perhaps not sounder, but more conservative (if the majority of the
voters are officers).  Military officers (especially those of high rank) are
always registered as Independents, but the truth is that no man can make
general in our military unless he is really a Republican.  The enlisted are
not really encouraged to vote, so unless they become really aware, they will
not find the absentee ballots without effort.  It's just one of those
military things--you know, like depleted uranium.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] 20 Year Cycle - Bush or Gore: Whoever Wins, Loses?

2000-11-16 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I'd have to go with the curse.. James Monroe, elected to his second
term in 1820, did not die in office.

--- DIG alfred webre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

  20 Year Cycle - Bush or Gore: Whoever Wins, Loses.
  Letter from a friend:

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] [pastorman] AlGore's Mein Kampf

2000-11-16 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-


 Long before Hitler began the mass murder of millions of Jews, long
 before he gave the order to light the gas chambers and ovens, the
 world was given a glimpse into the mind of evil through his infamous
 treatise on hate, Mein Kampf.This work was so outrageous that
 very few took it seriously.  Hitler, however, was serious and willing
 to push the envelope  while millions of "good" people sat on their
 hands.  The rest is history.  Before his bloody work was done,
 sixty-million people lay dead on the continent of Europe.

 Perhaps we are being given a glimpse into the mind of evil, yet
 again.  Algore has written a book about the environment which he has
 titled Earth in the Balance.  His work is equally outrageous and few
 take him seriously.  His cause is the environment.  His cause is
 driven by theological presuppostions.  His struggle is religious in
 nature.  Perhaps this would explain his wicked behavior in this
 presidental election and the mendacity of his "brownshirt" shock
 troops like William Daley and Warren Christopher?  You should read
 the following article from the Cato Institute.  Don't be surprised if
 it scares you.  It should.

 "And so I believe to-day that my conduct is in accordance with the
 will of the Almighty Creator. In standing guard against the Jew I am
 defending the handiwork of the Lord."   (Adolf Hitler)


  Source: The Cato Institute
 Published: November 14, 2000 Author: Patrick J. Michaels
 Posted on 11/15/2000 04:54:19 PST by coteblanche
 Suppose a man who wrote the following ran for president of the United
 States and narrowly lost:

 Saving the environment is the "central organizing principle" for
 civilization, which "means embarking on an all-out effort to use
 every policy and program, every law and institution, every treaty and
 alliance, every tactic and strategy, every plan and course of action
 -- to use, in short, every means to halt the destruction of the
 environment and to preserve and nurture our ecological system.  Minor
 shifts in policy, marginal adjustments in ongoing programs, moderate
 improvements in laws and regulations, rhetoric offered in lieu of
 genuine change -- these are all forms of appeasement, designed to
 satisfy the public's desire to believe that sacrifice, struggle, and
 a wrenching transformation of society will not be necessary."

 That lengthy but revealing quote is from page 274 of Vice President
 Gore's book "Earth in the Balance."  Other passages likewise predict
 his behavior when confronted with political loss.

 Remember, this is the same person who, at the end of the campaign,
 remarked in his stump speech that he advocates good while those who
 oppose him favor evil. People gasped at his egomania as if it were
 something new.  But 12 years earlier, concerning global warming, he
 wrote in The New Republic: "'Evil' and 'Good' are terms not used
 frequently by politicians. Yet I do not see how this problem [global
 warming] can be solved without reference to spiritual values."

 Such a person would simply not accept narrow rejection by the
 electorate, and would believe that forces of evil -- not voters --
 were responsible for his failure. He would probably stop at nothing
 if there were any chance, however small, that he could change the
 result.  It is very clear that one step on the way to imposing the
 "central organizing principal for civilization" is becoming president
 of the most powerful nation in civilization, which is, in Gore's
 mind, simply required.

 He is now acting out the script of his book.  He has 150 lawyers in
 Florida exploring "every law and insititution." He is engaging "every
 tactic and strategy," one of which is becoming dangerously apparent:
 civil unrest charged with racial animosity.  He clearly does not care
 about this danger.  He could have told Jesse Jackson to cool it. When
 Al Sharpton shows up, as he likely will (no Democratic circus is
 complete without his act), Gore he won't tell him to go away.

 Gore apparently believes that his mission to save the planet is worth
 the destruction of the way we elect presidents. And every day that
 this charade continues, the chance for more corruption and fraud
 increases.  Gore says he will tie up the process for "as long as it
 takes." The part he left out is that he meant as long as it takes for
 him to usurp the presidency with "every plan and course of action."

 On page 11 of his book, he wrote, "In my view.our [political] system
 is on the verge of losing its essential equilibrium" because of "the
 timidity of vision that characterize too many of us in government."
 Well, he's certainly on a bold path now.  On page 15, he tells us
 why: "I have become very impatient with my own tendency to put a
 finger to the political winds and proceed cautiously."

 But extraordinary times demand extraordinary measures.  See 

[CTRL] florida going, going, gone .

2000-11-16 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

This was sent to Eagle 1's list. I'm surprised it hasn't been posted
here yet.


 WASHINGTON D.C. - Following an emergency meeting Wednesday morning,
 unanimously voted to excise Florida from the United States of

 The move was a reaction to the confusion and irregularities in the
 voting numbers that have totally disrupted the 2000 Presidential

 "This is the last straw," said Utah senator Orin Hatch.  "First Elian
 Gonzales, now this."

 Several congressmen told reporters the decision has been a long time
 coming. "We're all pretty much sick of Florida," said representative
 Frank. "They've been a constant embarrassment for too long now."
 Frank, "They had Dan Marino for a while, but what have they done
 lately? Oh
 that's right, screw up our entire democracy.  I forgot."

 In a speech on the Senate floor, Massachusetts senator Ted Kennedy
 that the loss of Florida's sizable elderly population will free up
 of dollars in social security funds."These are valuable funds which
 can now
 be redirected toward national defense.  We can finally rebuild our
 demoralized, weakened military," said the Senator to roaring

 From her New York campaign headquarters, freshly elected senator
 Clinton echoes the sentiments of her future colleagues on Capitol
 calling Florida "a hurricane-addled hellhole full of scheming Cuban
 immigrants." "Learn @*%$!# English already, you banana boat bums,"

 As a result of the Florida screw-up, the House and Senate decreed a
 election will take place in early December. This time, ballots in
 each state
 will be tabulated by robots.  "It is clear that our human
 system is too inherently flawed," said Speaker of the House Dennis
 "The presence of these new, superior robot mast-err, I mean-
 tabulators will
 ensure 100% accuracy." "Remember," said Hastert, "every
 vote counts, especially if it's counted by robots."

 Dynamiting will begin in Florida next Wednesday, after which the
 state will
 be completely geographically separated from the United States. "After
 they're on their own," said Hastert. "I hope they sink."

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Yahoo! Calendar - Get organized for the holidays!

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] florida going, going, gone .

2000-11-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Tenorlove way back in the 60 period prior to the "scientists"
coming down on them - it was said Florida and California and good
portion of New York City about to sink to bottom of the drink and they
will become the Lost Atlantians and maybe part Pacificans depending on
which side of the States you live.

So Goodbye California, Goodbye Florida and Goodbye New York...

That little Elian was a real Albatross..F Lee Bailey lives in
Naples, Florida - wonder what he thinks about all this?

We are not a nation of laws - we are becoming a nation of lawyers.

Shakespeare had right idea - first we kill all the lawyers, and then we
...hope you all saved your Confederate Money Boys - this time we get
them all.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 20 Year Cycle - Bush or Gore: Whoever Wins, Loses?

2000-11-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Now remember this though..the "scientists" back some years ago when
I went after Jeanne Dixon, said the astrologers had gone too far.for
they were in fun marking Gerald Ford for an accident and that guy got so
clumsy he fell down a flight of stairs from his plane and turned into a
stumble bum..so Eric Severied  and said "the astrologers have gone
too far", so saith the scientists - these scientists, the nameless
faceless people warning the astrologers to lay off marking people for
murder an accidents...psychoogical warfare, is proper termtoday
Alex Baldwin drops out a line or too suggesting Charleton Heston be
shot, or Bush...do unto othrs as they have done unto you?   This is
how the Kennedy famly was destroyed.

Harry Houdini before he died said he had weakened and that the psychics
were too much for him...then he was very carefully murdered - he was
exposing the frauds.so he died.

Like books put out by Rosicrucians "Your Mind Can Kill"..and
little Sirhan in his practice exercise "RFK must die, RFK must die.I
will receive money as per instructions in the bible"

Oh these diaries are always so conveniently left for the police are they

Tell me - do you think Castro's Cuba will determine the fate of the USA
- for the plan is to send in emmigrants to sway votes and take
over...one western state already targeted, and then ADIS infected
Africans being brought in - where will they plant these people?

We need a Bush in office to send them back to their homelands..and
any Jew with Dual Citizenship in our government should be removed from
power for you do not serve two mastersespecially when you remember
the USS Liberty an may be the USS Cole.

Well we see how they run...and who will be the martyer?And watch
that third man alwaysthree Presidens and three Popes and/or High

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] DJ: Political Animal: Making ugly with elections

2000-11-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Bill Kling
The Daily Journal
Prince William County (Manassas), Virginia
Thursday, November 16, 2000
Page A1

Making ugly with elections

Political Animal

`Those who cast the vote decide nothing,'' goes the
distressing quote. ``Those who count the vote decide

As Florida's scandalous presidential election debacle rages,
that quote has been appearing on Web pages and e-mail listservs
on the Internet, baldly attributed to Josef Stalin, the old
Soviet Union's murderous tyrant. None, though, have cited a
verifiable source.

Because of the Florida vote situation, we have a
gut-wrenching realization that our electoral system has been in
shambles for a long time, fraught with the potential for stuffed
ballot boxes and stolen elections, its vote counts suspect and
its statutory safeguards enforced hardly at all.

The system's broke and needs fixing - in Chicago, New
Orleans, Boston and any other jurisdiction with a history full of
rumors, wisecracks and braggadocio about election illegalities.

That's so, too, in Virginia, where felons are barred by
statute from taking part in elections. Since January 1999,
however, state election officials have had to purge 17,000 felons
from voter registration roles, listed there because of the
``motor voter'' law enacted several years ago and pressuring
everyone to sign up when applying for a driver's license, welfare
payment and such.

And there might be problems even here in Prince William
County, where County Registrar Gary Wilson has looked with great
trepidation on voter roles over-padded with ``motor voter''

And where, except in the case several years ago of a
single-mom candidate who fudged her residential address,
Commonwealth's Attorney Paul Ebert routinely finds no reason to
prosecute election-law violations even when, to us lesser
mortals, the evidence seems overwhelming.

That makes the Stalin quote seem even more sinister when, as
Gore and Bush campaigns squabble over the Sunshine State's vote
count, it pops up on radio call-in programs and ``talk'' shows.

That quote stirs particularly upsetting thoughts as one of
America's dirty little secrets, so destructive of our faith in
our representative form of government, is wrestled harshly into
full public view, its warts and blemishes exposed for all to see.

No matter who ultimately ``wins'' the White House after this
catastrophe, it'll be inescapably unpleasant in our minds
because, we now know, the system with which we choose our
national, state and local government leaders is flawed. The
various manners in which we cast our ballots all have their own
built-in error factors, producing inaccurate vote returns, and
the officials who run our elections from coast to coast have been
aware of it all along.

``Your vote counts,'' we've been propagandized since the days
we were kids in elementary school.

Maybe, we realize now, not exactly. Perhaps that's been a
whopper all along, an American myth conceivably never true.

``Vote the rascals out,'' goes an old political battle cry
intended to spur staunch partisans to action. We realize now, as
some have observed, that the rascals might not have been voted

Others have known that for years.

British playwright Tom Stoppard wrote a line in the first act
of his play, ``Jumpers,'' in which a character observes: ``It's
not the voting that's democracy, it's the counting.''

And Anastasio Somoza, the late Nicaraguan dictator, was
quoted June 17, 1977, in The Guardian in London as saying:
``Indeed, you won the elections, but I won the count.'' That, of
course, was before the communist Sandinistas overthrew him,
launching that Central American country into years of bloody

Alarms have long been sounded by such groups as the Voting
Integrity Project, which from its headquarters in Arlington
County has sought to inform the public of how easy it is to
frustrate the will it expresses at the ballot box.

The Stalin quote has been a long-standing fixture on the Web
page of Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, organized in Cincinnati,
Ohio, in 1996.

And the quote's also on a Web site of Pat Buchanan, the
Reform Party's presidential nominee and erstwhile senior White
House adviser to Presidents Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and
George Bush, the elder.

A question remains.

Did Stalin really utter those words now being attributed to

I could find no authenticated record that he did, but it
really doesn't matter very much.

Whether he made the remark or not, it wouldn't make it any
less grievous or any less true, would it?

Nor would it change my brand-new, deep-seated resolve that I
will never, not ever - for any reason whatsoever - want to live
in Palm Beach County, Fla.

I have standards. You couldn't pay me enough to want to
settle among the harpies and the sharpies in 

[CTRL] Pope warns biotechnology may upset 'healthy balance' (fwd)

2000-11-16 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 07:29:33 -0800
From: Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Pope warns biotechnology may upset 'healthy balance'

Pope warns biotechnology may upset 'healthy balance'

By FRANCES D'EMILIO, Associated Press

VATICAN CITY (November 12, 2000 3:34 p.m. EST
http://www.nandotimes.com) - On a day he dedicated to the world's
farmers, Pope John Paul II on Sunday urged developers of new
biotechnologies to keep a "healthy balance" with nature and avoid
putting people's lives at risk.

Tens of thousands of farmers and their families, most of them
from Italy but many from other countries and continents, crowded
into St. Peter's Square on a chilly, overcast day to attend Mass
celebrated by the pope on the steps of St. Peter's Basilica. The
Mass was part of a Holy Year tribute to the world of agriculture.

John Paul didn't cite any specific kind of biotechnology Sunday.
But his words picked up on a speech he gave Saturday evening in
which he urged rigorous scientific and ethical controls to avoid
possible "disaster for the health of man and the future of the
Earth" from new agricultural technologies.

On Sunday, the pope told the farmers in the square that "if the
world of most refined techniques doesn't reconcile itself with
the simple language of nature in a healthy balance, the life of
man will run ever greater risks, of which already we are seeing
worrying signs."

John Paul didn't specify the signs.

The 80-year-old pope looked tired and his breathing at times
sounded labored as he read his speech. Some 90 minutes into the
ceremony, he consulted his watch as if growing weary of the
event. When he was leaving the square, he briefly lost his
balance on one of the basilica's steps. Two aides flanking him
quickly grasped him and the pontiff was able to continue walking
down the steps to his "popemobile."

Hip surgery a few years ago and a chronic shuffle as he walks - a
symptom of Parkinson's disease - have made it difficult for the
pope to get around.

Throughout the Holy Year called for by John Paul to mark the
start of Christianity's third millennium, various fields of work
have had their day at the Vatican, from politics to journalism to

John Paul told the farmers Sunday to "resist the temptations of
productivity and profit that work to the detriment of the respect
of nature." Saying God entrusted land to mankind to take care of
it, the pope said: "When you forget this principle, becoming
tyrants and not custodians of the Earth, sooner or later the
Earth rebels."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] An open letter to Newmont: What are you doing for gold?

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

9:15p EDT Wednesday, November 15, 2000

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

A friend of ours, Dale Schnitzler, has written a
wonderfully supportive letter to Newmont Mining. I'm
attaching it here in the hope that other Newmont
shareholders might send similar letters to the company
and that shareholders of other gold mining companies
might send similar letters to those companies.

One more point  This week GATA received a generous
contribution via a wire transfer from a bank in
Amsterdam, but the notice we received from our bank did
not identify the donor. I'd be grateful if he could
contact me so I may acknowledge his generosity formally.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

An Open Letter to Newmont Mining

By Dale Schnitzler

As a former larger shareholder and backer of Newmont
Mining I would like some answers from you as to the
reasons for the excessive destruction of shareholder
value at Newmont while on your watch.  That is, over
the last 5 years Newmont's stock price has gone from
around $60.00 a share to a little more than $13.00 on
the NYSE close today -- a destruction of wealth of
almost 80 percent.

Now as a seasoned investor of some 25 years, I have
seen many a bear and bull markets, and have owned other
companies before that have declined even more than 80%.
However, I have NEVER owned companies in an industry
such as yours where the CEO's and management teams are
so totally complacent after such a long fall. Further,
from all outward public appearances, Newmont's
management team seems to not only be satisfied with the
company's stock performance, but it appears take
exception to shareholders who are critical of the
company and those same shareholders who have questions
about the shenanigans which are occurring daily in the
gold market.

As I said earlier, having followed financial markets
for more than 25 years, it is CRYSTAL CLEAR to anyone
who is watching that all is not right in the gold
market. Hundreds of thousands of investors and market
participants either believe or know the gold market is
being manipulated, yet the management's at the major
mining companies remained conspicuously silent. My
questions to you below are designed to ascertain
whether you are aware of the ongoing manipulation in
the gold market, and if you are, whether your
management team is part of that manipulation. The
questions I am seeking your answers to are as follow,
and I would appreciate specific answers to these

1. Have you read the Gold Derivative Banking Crisis
report that GATA personally presented to the speaker of
the House, Denny Hastert? It can be located at
www.GATA.org. A copy was sent to Newmont by GATA
Chairman Bill Murphy. If you didn't read it, why
haven't you? If you did read it and you did not agree
with the VOLUMINOUS amount our evidence that the gold
market is manipulated, please list what you find  is
wrong in that document. Specifics please.

2. How do you account for the buildup of gold
derivatives on the books of J.P. Morgan, Chase, and
Deutsche Bank -- banks that GATA has cited as part of
the gold cabal for two years? The derivatives at other
banks like UBS Warburg have not gone up at all. Please
explain your interpretation of this massive explosion
derivative positions.

3. How do you explain the price of gold rising $84
after the Washington Agreement only to come all the way
down again to the same price, all while there is a huge
natural gold supply/demand deficit? My own sources put
the supply deficit at 1,500 tonnes annually. Where is
the gold coming from? Please be specific as to your
beliefs of where all this gold is coming from to
support this deficit.

4. How do you account for the gold price going down
when many hedgers are delivering into their hedges and
reducing gold supply that would have been supplied to
the market? It was recently announced that the big
Australian hedger Sons of Gwalia has delivered into
their forward sales all year (contrary to what the
market had been thinking). Please be specific.

5. How does Newmont account for the fact that gold
always goes down on days when it should go up -- like
today for example, in the midst of a collapsing NASDAQ
and a presidential political crisis? That has been the
case for years. Every single time. How do you account
for the fact that gold has not been allowed to rally
decently for two days in a row for the past seven
months? Not one time. Free markets do NOT trade this
way. Even when the Dow was around 800 back in 1982,
and in a nasty bear market, it NEVER went seven months
without some sort of decent rally. Please explain your
belief as to why gold sells higher overnight the last
three months, only to get slammed every morning in New
York on the opening. And to add insult to injury, the
better the news for gold the harder it gets slammed.
Why is this?

6. Lastly, why do you offer financial and moral support
to anti-gold people and organizations such as Jessica

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: A Dark Conspiracy: Duval County Analysis

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~
FONT COLOR="#99"eGroups eLerts
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Analysis of Precinct Return Data for Duval County, Florida
The raw precinct return data for Duval County, Florida, for the
general election of November 7, is available from the county web page
for election results. This data is in a format which is not
spreadsheet friendly.
I reformatted the data into a standard CSV format file (which you can
download here), and loaded it into a standard spreadsheet program.
From this point it is a straightforward matter to analyze the raw

President and Senator ballot analysis
Media reports on the Duval County returns have focused on two major
Predominantly Democratic precincts had a disproportionate number of
ballots undervoted or overvoted for the presidential race.
An unusually high number of ballots reflected a valid vote for
senator, but not for president.
The following two charts illustrate these two issues:

(See URL above)

In the charts above, each red diamond or grey triangle represents
data for one precinct (out of 268) in Duval County. The red diamonds
represent the percentage of ballots counted in each precinct that
reflect a valid vote for president. The grey triangles represent the
percentage of ballots counted in each precinct that reflect a valid
vote for senator for the state of Florida.

The first chart plots the data against the percentage of ballots in
each precinct that reflect a valid vote for George Bush. One can
reasonably infer that this percentage is higher for predominantly
Republican precincts. The second chart plots the data against the
percentage of ballots in each precinct that reflect a valid vote for
Al Gore. One can reasonably infer that this percentage is higher for
predominantly Democratic precincts.

These charts clearly illustrate a strong correlation between
Democratic precincts and missing votes for a presidential ticket.
Almost all precincts with more than 50% Al Gore votes have more than
15% missing presidential votes. Almost all precincts with more than
50% George Bush votes have less than 15% missing presidential votes.
With respect to the senate votes, the charts demonstrate two saliant
pieces of information:

In the majority of all precincts, there were more valid votes cast
for senator than for president. This suggests that the "two page"
presidential ballot was problematic for voters across the political
The decline in valid presidential votes in predominantly democratic
precincts was much sharper (from 95% to 75%) than the decline in
valid senatorial votes (from 97% to 87%).
It is very difficult to explain the high rate of non-valid
presidential ballots in Democratic precincts purely in terms of voter
Another interesting feature is the cluster of presidential ballot
data that runs from 90%/90% to 65%/65% on the Gore chart. This line
represents the "no Bush" limit, i.e., in a precinct where only 75% of
the ballots hold a valid presidential vote, Gore can receive no more
than 75% of votes cast. Therefore, there can be no precincts that
fall to the right of this line.

The fact that so many precincts are clustered near this line suggests
that there are a sizeable number of precincts in Duvel County that
are so strongly Democratic that nearly every valid vote cast will be
a vote for the Democratic candidate.

These "no Bush" precincts show, by far, the widest range of valid
presidential ballots, ranging from 87% down to 69%, an 18% spread
overall. This spread is very difficult to explain by way of any of
the "usual" voting irregularities commonly discussed in the context
of Florida elections, and definitely warrants closer scrutiny.

Another View: Vote Distribution
The following two charts answer a slightly different question: of all
the ballots cast in any given precinct, how many of those ballots
were marked for Bush, how many were marked for Gore, how many were
marked for "Other", and how many ballots were missing a valid
selection for president? These two charts group Duval County
precincts according to the percentage of ballots cast for Bush; that
is, precincts are grouped according to their Republican/Democratic

This chart shows the distribution of total ballots cast:

(See URL above)

This chart shows the distribution as a percentage of ballots cast:

(See URL above)

These charts clearly illustrate the strong bias for invalid
presidential votes in Democratic precincts. Half of the "missing"
votes for president in the county are located in precincts which
account for only one 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: GOP staff took in hundred of ballots

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

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It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Published Wednesday, November 15, 2000, in the Miami

GOP staff took in hundred of ballots

Despite tough rules designed to keep absentee ballots
out of the hands of campaign operatives, Republican
Party workers obtained hundreds of them from voters
during their aggressive drive to increase turnout for
George W. Bush.

An estimated 500 to 600 completed ballots were
collected by Bush volunteers or dropped off at
campaign offices in Little Havana, Westchester and
Hialeah, according to GOP campaign officials in charge
of the absentee vote.

Volunteers put on stamps and rushed them into the
mail, even sending some overnight to make sure they
arrived on time. ``I remember putting stamps on them
myself,'' said Miami Commissioner Joe Sanchez, who was
heading the Bush Little Havana operation on Coral Way.

But Miami-Dade Elections Supervisor David Leahy says
he does not like campaign operatives knocking on doors
and picking up absentee ballots, saying that increases
the chances of election chicanery.

``If a voter needs help, they can call us. They don't
have to be asked if they need help by campaigns,'' he
said. ``That's beyond what they should be doing.''

The Bush campaign officials said they were meticulous
about following new rules put in place after the
fraud-plagued 1997 Miami mayoral election.

``At no time were our workers able to manipulate
absentee ballots,'' said Maria de la Milera, a
longtime Republican Party worker who supervised Bush's
Miami-Dade absentee operation. ``We ran a clean

With the outcome of the White House hinging on
Florida, both Democrats and Republicans ran frenzied
get-out-the-vote campaigns that focused largely on
generating thousands of absentee ballots.

Bob Poe, executive director of the Florida Democratic
Party, said the party sent pre-printed forms
requesting absentee ballots to likely absentee voters.
The ballot request forms already had key information
-- name, voter I.D. number -- filled out.

``All they had to do is sign it and mail it,'' Poe

But when the dust cleared, Republicans were more
successful than Democrats at garnering absentee votes.
Republicans in Dade cast 24,000 absentee ballots,
Democrats about 17,000.

Those votes played a key role in handing Bush a
razor-thin victory in Florida's vote count. In
Miami-Dade, for example, Gore beat Bush handily at the
polls, winning 53 to 46 percent. But Bush won the
absentee vote 58 to 41 percent, piling up a 7,411-vote

Under strict new county rules, campaigns could not
request absentee ballots for voters by phone, then
collect them and turn in bagfuls at the elections
office. In an effort to reduce opportunities for
fraud, the county required voters to mail their
ballots directly to County Hall or drop them off.

Both campaigns found ways to skirt the rules. They
flooded the state with tens of thousands of
pre-printed absentee request forms to make sure
ballots got into voters' hands, telling voters they
merely had to sign them and turn them in. Campaigns
tracked which ones returned their envelopes, then
telephoned the holdouts.

Despite the mail-in-only rule, Bush campaign workers
say voters turned in ballots to campaign offices
instead of the elections department. Why? ``Because
they wanted to vote for us,'' Sanchez said.

However, late in the campaign, volunteers started
picking up request forms and ballots at voters' homes,
De la Milera said. If voters wanted to know which
holes to punch, volunteers would give them cards
listing GOP candidates.

``They would punch the numbers, they would do the
sealing, everything,'' she said. In 1998, state
legislators passed a tough new law adding anti-fraud
measures to absentees. One rule would have made
absentees list the last four digits of their Social
Security numbers.

But most of those new restrictions were frozen by the
U.S. Justice Department.

One rule that survived -- requiring voters to list
their voter registration numbers when they ask for a
ballot -- apparently is being widely ignored.

In Miami-Dade and Broward, absentee ballot requests
were honored without the number.

Konformist Note: Read the quote from the following


What is most stunning, though, is that Suarez now sits
on the executive committee of the Miami-Dade
Republican party and was specifically involved this
year in helping get out the Republican vote. Suarez,
who told FEED that he is working to become the

[CTRL] Fwd: GSY-List Vol. 2 Issue #4 - Special: Who Counts the Votes

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

This message is not spam, you are subscribed to the GSY-List
at SmartGroups.com Removal instructions are at the bottom

This issue of the GSY-List contains:
1) Letter from the Editor
2) Christian Feature - Update from Indianapolis
3) Political Feature -  The Secret "Service" - Who Counts the Votes
4) Special Feature

1) Letter from the Editor

The GSY-List was put together initially to spread information and ideas
that are generally "censored" or not very popular.  In other words -- news
you don't hear elsewhere.  Today's Political Feature contains just that --
something you probably never knew before.

---Special Message-
Your two-line Ad Here
Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for details

2) Christian Feature

This is a forwarded message from pastor Bruce Murch regarding the current
situation in Indianapolis.  For more information on the protest, see
www.sierratimes.com .  Just thought you'd like to know what's going on in

- Original Message -
From: Rev. Bruce Evan Murch
To: snip
Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2000 1:48 PM

Dear Friends,


I am here at the Indianapolis Baptist Temple, which the Federal Marshals
were supposed to seize yesterday at noon. They did not come, and gave a
press conference yesterday afternoon saying that they wanted to wait for
everyone to leave.


There is a move of God happenening here. Preachers from around the country
have arrived, ready to go to jail if necessary to STAND AGAINST THE
STEALING OF A CHURCH by the federal government. At noon yesterday, amost

Many of you know I left Beverly and my nine children at home to continue
the witness at Planned Parenthood, while I came here to stand in defense of
the Indianapolis Baptist Temple.

THERE IS A MOVE OF GOD AFOOT HERE! People are beginning to come from all
over the country to stand with IBT. CMA, the Christian Motorcyclist
Association has riders coming in from all over, ministers and plain ole'
Christian folk are headed here. The story broke last night on all four
networks and CNN. Folks are beginning to call up the church and say they
are coming.

Colonel Bo Gritz, former Green Beret and negotiator in the federal seige at
Ruby Ridge is here with us. I did his radio show with him yesterday morning
from the platform of the church. He is committed to staying the course with
us here. I have done many interviews while here, and the word is truly
going out.

The IRS has confirmed that this is the first time in American history that
it has seized a church over a tax issue. But all taxes were paid to the IRS
by the individual ministers of the IBT. They were owed NOTHING.  NOW IS THE
TIME TO STAND!! If we will not be willing to stand when the government is
stealing a church, will we stand for anything??

Bring a bedroll and your Bible and be prepared for a time of REVIVAL!

You can call IBT for directions: (317) 787-0830

I have borrowed a cell phone and you can call me if you are seriously
considering it, but have questions: (540)730-4427.


Please do not respond to this email directly. I have forwarded this to my
wife, and she will not be able to answer your specific questions. Call me if
you need to.

50-year-old church has led thousands upon thousands of folks to a saving
knowledge of Christ, as many as were called. Please help us stand with them


Your friend and servant of Christ,
Rev. Bruce Evan Murch

3) Political Feature

Please pass this article on to anyone you think would be interested!

The Secret "Service" - Who Counts the Votes
--  By Steve Wayne, 11-14-00, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Josef Stalin has been attributed with the famous quote, "Those who cast the
votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything."

Just who counts the votes here in the United States?County
officials?  Congressmen?  Media?

Your last guess would probably have been "media".  Why?  After all, it is
not possible that NBC and CBS actually do the vote counting, do they?

Ah, but they do.

A consortium called the "Voter News Service" does the collection,
tabulation, and dissemination of our votes, along with other tasks such as
exit polls, projections, and surveys.  The Voter News Service is owned and
operated by ABC, the Associated Press, 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: The Bush campaign and the rise of the political underworld

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

-- eGroups Sponsor -~-~
FONT COLOR="#99"eGroups eLerts
It's Easy. It's Fun. Best of All, it's Free!

Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America : US Elections

The Bush campaign and the rise of the political
By Patrick Martin
15 November 2000

The events which have taken place in the past week in the US 
presidential election, beginning with Election Night itself, have 
cast light on a political phenomenon of immense significance: the 
rise to the pinnacle of the American political system of elements of 
a gangster character.

These extreme-right elements, who now control the Republican Party, 
know very well that they cannot take control of the American 
government by democratic means, because there is widespread popular 
opposition to their policies. Entrenched in the Republican 
congressional leadership and the judiciary, they are now seeking to 
seize control of the presidency through what amounts to a political 

The right-wing cabal includes operatives for the Bush campaign and 
the Republican Party, steeped in the method of political "dirty 
tricks"; media spokesmen like the Wall Street Journal, the New York 
Post and an array of talk-radio hosts, for whom no lie is too brazen 
or absurd; and the network of extreme-right lawyers, like the 
sinister Theodore Olson [see "Profile of a right-wing conspirator: 
the case of Theodore Olson"], who played central roles in the Paula 
Jones lawsuit and the impeachment and trial of President Clinton.

The main weapon of the right-wing is the Big Lie. They operate by the 
principle laid down by Adolf Hitler: the bigger the lie and the more 
insistently it is repeated, the more easily it will be believed. And 
a complacent and cowardly American media treats even the most 
grotesque and flagrant lies as though they deserved credibility.

Thus Bush recount observer James Baker declares that a machine count 
is more reliable than a hand count, because machines aren't 
Democratic or Republican, when everyone knows that the hand count 
will simply legitimize valid votes that the machine scanners were 
unable to read.

Thus Bush press spokeswoman Karen Hughes repeats endlessly that Bush 
has already won Florida once, twice or three times, and no press 
representative dares to call her a liar and point out the simple 
truth: no one has won Florida yet, and to claim otherwise is to 
preempt the democratic process.

The purpose of these lies is to keep the country so inundated with 
misinformation that public opinion is disoriented and even poisoned. 
The goal is to cover up the elementary truth that a Bush victory 
requires the suppression of votes cast in Florida by tens of 
thousands of people. That is why the Bush campaign opposes a hand 
recount or any other measure which would result in a more accurate 
recording of the actual wishes of the Florida electorate.

The Bush campaign was developing backup plans to hijack the election 
even before the November 7 vote. As was reported November 1 by the 
New York Daily News, Bush aides were preparing to launch an anti-
constitutional effort to overturn a Gore victory in the Electoral 
College if Bush succeeded in winning the popular vote. This was to 
center on the use of right-wing talk-radio and other media attacks to 
generate a "popular uprising" and pressure Gore electors to switch 
their support to Bush. These methods are now being employed, under 
differing circumstances, in an effort to stampede public opinion.

Typical of the method of the Big Lie, Bush and his media allies 
accuse their victims of precisely the crime which they are attempting 
to carry out—the New York Post, for instance, headlined one 
commentary, "The Hijacking of the Presidency."

Such provocative language has an additional function. It legitimates 
in advance whatever outrage may be committed by deranged right-wing 
elements, the Timothy McVeighs who exist in significant numbers on 
the fringes of the Republican Party. Their violence could potentially 
be directed against anyone who opposes Bush's usurpation of power.

There is another sinister aspect of the whole affair. What is taking 
place today in the United States bears many of the hallmarks of the 
actions taken by US intelligence agencies to rig elections and topple 
governments around the world. George W. Bush is unlikely to be 
anything more than the front man for such an affair. His father, 
however, was once head of the CIA, as well as commander-in-chief 
during the Gulf War, and there is no question that the CIA and 
Pentagon brass are heavily for Bush.

The case of John Ellis

Even while the ballots were being cast on November 7, the 

[CTRL] Fwd: [NA] The Death of Democracy -- Or -- May the Best Hacker Win

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

October 27, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

The Death of Democracy  -- Or -- May the Best Hacker Win

Network America Comment: The following excellent article is by
Christopher Bollyn of the Spotlight Weekly. A version of this article
was carried in the Spotlight near election day 2000 --- but what you
read below is the entire original article as written by Mr. Bollyn. The
article is the logical development of the research done by Dr. Phillip
O’Halloran presented in the November, 1996 edition of Relevance
Magazine, “Pandora’s Black Box – Did it really count your vote?”

The process of researching this article resulted in a thinly veiled
death threat issued to Mr. Christopher Bollyn by the Russian born Alex
Kantarovich, now living near Chicago and providing election software for
the largest supplier of vote-tabulating computer systems in the United
States. The story of that death threat is carried in our archives in the
November 14th, 2000 Network American e-wire.

Title: The Death of Democracy  -- Or -- May the Best Hacker Win

By Christopher Bollyn

Subtitle paragraphs, in italics in the original: “American elections are
a fraud and a scam" is the stern verdict of Pat Buchanan and a deeply
disturbing comment on the state of democracy in America.

The pervasive use of ballot-counting computers equipped with internal
modems compromises the integrity of elections and has effectively
usurped the democratic franchise from the American people.

(Body of the article):

Cook County, IL – Across the United States, in precincts from coast to
coast, ballot-counting computers equipped with cellular telephony and
two-way modems have counted the votes of the American people.  These
ballot-counting machines, designed and operated by private companies,
and the laws that ushered in their use have essentially disenfranchised
citizen election judges from the vote-counting process and relegated
them to insignificant roles as public servants working for private
business on election night.

Computer programmers leave no fingerprints inside a computer, what
happens inside it cannot be seen, and its records, and printouts can be
fixed to conceal whatever an operator wants to keep secret.  However,
here and in other key jurisdictions around the nation, election judges
have signed off on tally tapes of computer-generated vote counts without
any actual verification on their part that the tally is correct.


Some officials concerned with elections have pondered the unthinkable;
namely, the stealing of a presidential election by computer fraud in the
metropolitan areas of key states.  Steve White, former assistant
attorney general of California, said, “ Given the importance of the
national election, sooner or later it will be attempted.  There is a
real reluctance to concede the gravity of the problem.”

Officials at the Illinois State Board of Elections, the agency that
approves the voting machines used in the state was contacted and asked
about how the integrity of the elections could be safeguarded; each and
every official interviewed was indifferent to the threat of computer
vote fraud.  Rick Fulle, Assistant Director of voting systems and
25-year veteran of the board said, “You can’t secure any computer

When asked if election judges were permitted by law to do a manual
recount of the votes – to verify the accuracy of the computer tally –
the officials invariably replied, “You do not do a hand count,” although
Fuller added, “nothing would stop them.”

A hand count of the votes by the election judges at the precinct level,
before posting the results, is the only way to ensure that the machine
tally is correct and that no computer fraud has been perpetrated.
However, election officials discourage any manual audit saying that
there are too many choices on the ballot and that a manual count would
take too long.

In Switzerland, arguably the most democratic nation, all major political
decisions are put before the people as referenda and polling with
hand-counted paper ballots is conducted at least four times a year.
Switzerland is not a member of the United Nations due simply to the fact
that the Swiss people have rejected UN membership at the polls.


Tests of computer vote-counting systems used in Illinois from 1983-1987,
which tested tens of thousands of ballots, revealed significant errors
in the computer counting in more than twenty percent of the tests.
Fulle said that in Illinois today there is “a 16 percent error rate”
with ballot-counting machines.  He expected numerous problems on
election night saying “equipment will fail across the state.”

“I don’t understand why nobody cares,” Michael L. Harty, former Illinois
director of voting systems and standards said, “At one point, we had
tabulation errors in twenty-eight percent of the systems 

[CTRL] Fwd: [NA] Death Threats Enter Votescam Investigation for the 2nd Time

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide
attributed to Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

November 14, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire

Death Threats Enter Votescam Investigation for the 2nd Time

For the second time death threats have entered the Votescam
investigation. The first time was in the early days when the Colliers
were working with a Miami Newspaper Maverick named MacKenzie who was
helping them expose votescam by Janet Reno and other criminals of
officialdom in Miami, Florida in the 1970’s and the 1980’s. At one point
the Collier’s were told that if they didn’t get out of town, a known hit
man would be hired to kill them within a few weeks. The Colliers at that
point fled to the Washington D.C. area – and only returned to Miami
under the protection of friends who safe-housed them when in the area.

The second time a death threat has entered the votescam investigation
happened in the last few weeks while Christopher Bollyn was writing his
recent story about the new voting machines which have two way modems and
can be accessed and altered by satellite technology. Mr. Bollyn’s story
builds on the information discovered by Phil O’Halloran of Relevance
magazine, who in turn learned of the votefraud issue thanks to the March
8, 1996 Tom Valentine Radio Show in which Valentine interviewed this
writer about the votefraud committed against Buchanan and the people of
Dubuque, Iowa by Voter News Service and the Big TV Networks during the
1996 Iowa Caucuses.

O’Halloran then studied our votefraud website, which was then in the
beginning phases under construction by webmaster extraordinaire Linda
Muller. O’Halloran was intrigued by the 1985 court testimony of Mr.
Robert Strunk, a computer expert who was allowed to examine the vote
counting process at the Hamilton County, Ohio Board of Elections on
election night under protection of the court order issued to our group
in 1985 by Judge Richard Niehaus.

O’Halloran was intrigued by Strunk’s testimony that he had found an
active two way modem attached to the vote tabulating computer while the
votes were being tabulated on that election night, 1985, in Cincinnati.
O’Halloran did excellent follow up investigation on that discovery and
uncovered perhaps the biggest story to date in the votescam
investigation. Christopher Bollyn has now brought O’Halloran’s research
up to date. Such is the power of the internet.

The entire original article in question, written by Mr. Christopher
Bollyn, appears in our October 27, 2000 Network America e-wire. The
original article is must reading.

The death threat to Christopher Bollyn came from Mr. Alex Kantoravich, a
Russian born business man who supplies the USA’s largest computerized
vote counting supplier, Election System  Software, Inc,. with the
“control boxes” which tell many American election computers what to do.

Bollyn had tracked down Mr. Kantoravich in the process of his
investigation into two-way computer modems in free standing voting
machines. Mr. Kantoravich revealed that he provided the “control boxes”
to the humongous election system vendor, ES  S, Inc., that he had come
to the USA from Russia 11 years ago, and that the “control boxes” he
supplied for the voting machines were not manufactured in the USA. He
declined to say what line of work he was in before he came to the USA or
where the mysterious “control boxes” were made.

On the Sunday morning after he interviewed Mr. Kantoravich, circa
November 1, 2000 – Christopher Bollyn’s telephone rang. It was Mr.
Kantoravich with his thick Russian accent. “I don’t want anything to
happen to my company, to you, or to me,” Mr. Kantoravich told Bollyn, a
journalist for the Spotlight Weekly Newspaper based in Washington, D.C.
He would repeat the veiled death threat later a second time before the
conversation ended.

Mr. Bollyn immediately called 911 and reported the death threat to the
local Police. Bollyn asked the Police to contact Mr. Kantoravich and
tell him that “you don’t talk to journalists that way in the United

While your writer was a guest on the Bill Boshears radio show on WLW
Radio on Sunday night, November 12, 2000, between 9 PM till midnight, I
informed Mr. Boshears of the situation. Bill Boshears graciously and
courageously called Christopher Bollyn and interviewed him during the
program for more than five minutes – blasting this story over 38 states
and half of Canada from the 50,000 watt clear channel voice of “The Big
One” as WLW Radio calls itself.

With regard to death threats and the votescam investigation, the
following information is appropriate for this e-wire. At the Citizens
for a Fair Vote Count Convention in late August, 2000, speaker Ron
Keller told the story of Joe Cooper. Joe Cooper was working with famed
Louisiana attorney Jim Garrison on investigating the Kennedy
assassination. Cooper also ran for Sheriff and lost in Louisiana. In the
process he uncovered how the Shoup machines 

[CTRL] [7] Killing Pablo - Raring to get started, Delta learns its limits

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
Killing Pablo/A
Raring to get started, Delta learns its limits

By Mark Bowden

Maj. Gen. William F. Garrison, commander of joint special operations at
Delta’s home base at Ft. Bragg, N.C., was a veteran of covert operations. (AP)
Chapter Five of a continuing serial

The Delta soldiers who arrived in Colombia just four days after Pablo Escobar
left his prison in July 1992 had initially hoped to hunt down the notorious
narco-terrorist themselves. Given the clumsy track record of the Colombians,
it seemed the best chance of finding Escobar quickly.

Delta specialized in this kind of quick strike. The men trained constantly
and could move rapidly anywhere, day or night. They preferred orders that
explained the what and why of a mission without precisely spelling out the
how. This time the initial order was, vaguely, to assist in the hunt for
Escobar, who had escaped from prison just four days before.

Maj. Gen. William F. Garrison, commander of joint special operations at
Delta's home base at Fort Bragg, N.C., was a veteran of covert operations. He
had worked on the infamous Phoenix program in Vietnam, which targeted Viet
Cong village leaders for assassination.

That was long before Executive Order 12333, the prohibition on U.S. governmen
t involvement in assassinations. The order, which originated during the Nixon
administration after congressional hearings exposed excesses in intelligence
operations, had been updated under Presidents Carter and Reagan:


No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government
shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination.


No agency of the Intelligence Community shall participate in or request any
person to undertake activities forbidden by this Order.

Maj. Gen. George Joulwon, commander of the U.S. Army Southern Command in
Panama, had been emphatic in his instructions for the Escobar operation. He
knew how easy it was for these "black" special-operations forces to fly
beneath the Army's command radar. Joulwon knew that the Delta men wanted to
do the job themselves, and probably could, but he was more concerned that in
achieving the military goal of eliminating Escobar, they would create a
political storm more destructive than Escobar himself.

"No, you're not going to do it yourself," Joulwon had instructed Col. Jerry
Boykin, commander of the eight-man Delta team sent to Colombia on July 26.

Officially, the team members were flying to Bogota merely to provide advice
and training. Of course, if they managed to kill Escobar in such a way that
the Colombians got credit, no one was going to complain. But no such order
was articulated, and Morris Busby, the U.S. ambassador to Colombia, was set
against it anyway.

Sensitive to the precarious position of President Cesar Gaviria, the
ambassador explained to Col. Boykin the political storm that would erupt if
Delta operators were discovered running around in black masks shooting
people. Given Escobar's penchant for spectacular violence and his well-armed
bodyguards and assassins, the chances of an American getting killed or
captured were high.

The ambassador simply wanted the Delta men to lend their expertise, to
provide intelligence, analysis, training and operational assistance. If the
Colombians took all that and then went out and shot somebody while trying to
arrest Escobar, the U.S. mission would stay comfortably within the law.

The Delta operators were not to participate in raids. They were to remain at
the National Police command posts in Medellin, the main one at the Carlos
Holquin police academy, and the other inside the prison where Escobar had
been held. Busby wanted the team members to get out there and show the
Colombian police how to track down this fugitive, pronto.

They had to act quickly, before Escobar had a chance to rebuild his
operation. In the four days since Escobar's escape, he already had begun
reassembling his hit men and bodyguards and setting up the system that would
allow him to live comfortably on the run.

Busby tried to convey urgency. He and his embassy staff had been working
round the clock since the escape.

On Monday, July 27, Col. Boykin and the ambassador met with President
Gaviria, while two high-ranking Colombian police commanders met at the U.S.
Embassy with the newly arrived Americans. One of the Colombians was Lt. Col.
Lino Pinzon, the man assigned to head the Colombian search effort for Escobar.

The Delta men inflated their ranks. They did not want the Colombians thinking
a mission as important as hunting down Pablo Escobar would be relegated to
midlevel soldiers. So Lt. Col. Gary Harrell, one of the largest line officers
in the Army, with an aggressive personality 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Latest Votescam 2000 articles at The Fix

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

My Groups |
konformist Main Page

Some of the Votescam 2000 stories recently added to The Fix Is In

Non-Florida Stories 
Both Sides Quietly Preparing to Fight on Beyond Florida
Turn of a Card May Decide All 
Iowa, New Mexico Change Vote Tallies
Some Counties in Iowa Accepted Spoiled Ballots
23,145 State Ballots Didn't Select Presidential Candidate [in
Student Claims He Didn't Vote 4 Times 
State Vote Fair, Doyle Says
California Absentees Could Determine Popular Vote 
Navy Flying Home 3,000 Ballots. quot;'We understand the urgency of this
situation and realize that the entire presidential election could rest on
these ballots.'quot; 
Buchanan Threatens Injunction in Recount 
The Cousin Who Announced quot;Victoryquot; on TV 
US Constitution Heads for Meltdown 
The Liberal Elite's Plan for a Second Civil War 
Chinatown Ballot Shows quot;Republicanquot; as quot;Democratquot;

Voting by Mail Is as Easy as One-Two-Three
Cigarette Case Involves 15 to 25
Fox News May Discipline Exec for Leak: quot;Fox News Channel is
investigating whether an executive related to George W. Bush provided his
cousin's campaign with insider exit poll data on Election

Florida Stories 
Chance Remark Shakes Balance: quot;A chance remark by a woman with a
key role in the choice of President threatened to sabotage George W.
Bush’s chances yesterday.quot;
Lawyer Who Leveled Gates Aims for Bush 
Behind the Bias Claims
GOP Disputes Claims That Both Sides Have Counted by Hand
A Staunch Gore Ally Influences Florida Ballot Fight 
How Local Personalities and Circumstances Are Shaping the Presidential
Harris Employs Law Firm with Ties to Jeb Bush 
Bush Gets Legal Aid from a Democrat
Official Rulings Mostly Follow Partisan Lines
Missing Voting Mechanism Recovered: quot;Police Say Florida Democrat Had
a 'Votamatic' in His Carquot;
Florida Court: Board Has Discretion to Count Partially Punched Ballots

Recount or No? County Officials Left in the Lurch: quot;Lawyers for the
local Republican Party argued that Roberts was seen during a sample
recount Saturday 'mishandling' and 'compromising' ballots, and asked that
she be removed from the board.quot;
Falling Chads Threaten Florida Bush Total 
Vote Recount Judge a Gore Donor 
African Americans in Florida Continue Reports of Discrimination at

Also of Interest
Punch-Card Ballots Notorious for Inaccuracies 
Author Links Bush Family to Nazis
Latest Dirty Trick: Calls from Bogus Women's League


[CTRL] Fwd: George W. Bush (http://www.citizenslaw.net/)

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan


On George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Andrew Card

E.F Hutton and Friends
1973 -- George W. Bush attends Harvard Business School.  Regularly visits
his aunt, Nancy "Bush" Ellis and her husband, Alexander Ellis at their home
in Lincoln. Ellis would later go to work at E.F. Hutton.

1975 -- Timothy Davis, Harvard Business School, assumes general manager's
role at Atlantis. Patrick E. Malloy III, [2nd in charge of commondities at
E.F. Hutton  protege of George L. Ball] and his close friend and advisor,
Michael A. McManus, Jr. invest in Atlantis Weathergear, founded by Dennis J.
Solomon.  McManus is appointed Special Assistant to Secretary of Commerce on
the recommendation of CIA Director George Bush.

While entertaining Solomon, Mordecai and Meledones, Patrick Malloy describes
how he and his friends are making money by withdrawing funds on Friday
afternoon and playing the weekend market overseas.

1976 --George L. Ball was president of E.F. Hutton, and the largest
individual investor in Arbusto [George W. Bush] Energy Corporation.

Harken Oil buys Arbusto ("Bush Energy")   Harvard (University) Management
Co. Invests
1986 -- George Bush Jr. and partners receive more than $2 million of Harken
Energy stock in exchange for his failing oil well operation, Bush Energy,
which had lost $400,000 in the prior six months. Bush was named to the
Harken board and as a consultant for fees of between $50,000 and $125,000

Harvard Management is the investment arm of Harvard University. Harvard's
venture capital company is headed by Michael Eisenson, who served on the
board of directors of Harken Energy with Bush . Harvard had become a major
investor in Harken less than 60 days after Harken bought out Bush 's oil
company in 1986.

1987 -- Harken Energy project gets rescued by aid from the BCCI-connected
Union Bank of Switzerland in a deal brokered by Jackson Stephens, later to
show up as a key supporter of Bill Clinton.

1988 -- Ron Woods, guitarist for the Rolling Stones, Billie Preston, and
others play at Bush's celebration party as part of the Bush "bad boys",
George W., Lee Atwater, and Andrew Card.  According to the roadies onboard,
white lines of cocaine filled the backrooms and, George W. Bush was present.

1989 -- Bahrain officials suddenly break off offshore drilling negotiations
with Amoco and decide to deal with Harken Energy, George W. Bush  firm.
Harken has had a series of failed ventures and no cash, so the Bass brothers
are brought in to finance Harken's efforts at a cost of $50 million.

1989 -- In response to Secretary of the Navy, Chief of Naval Operations
suggests further developed and review of Solomon's air defense technology.

1990 -- Solomon reports problems with SCUD missile defense to Sen. John
Kerry's staff.

1990 -- [Important Details] George W. Bush sells two-thirds of his Harken
Energy stock at the top of the market for $850,000, a 200% profit, but makes
no report to the SEC until March 1991. GW Bush  says later the SEC misplaced
the report. An SEC representative responds: "nobody ever found the 'lost'
filing." One week after Bush's sale, Harken reports an earnings plunge.
Harken stock fell more than 60%.

From an Austin American-Statesman article, wherein we find out about a
financial report that uncovered how George W. "Dubya" Bush,  pulled one
heckuva ranny on his old alma mater, Harvard:

"In a little-known episode, the report found that Harvard University, where
Bush earned a business degree, came to the rescue of Bush's oil exploration
company, Harken Energy Corp. Harvard's endowment managers, who included at
least one director with ties to the Bush family, invested about $20 million
in the then-struggling company a month after Bush came on its board. The
investment turned sour in 1990, with a loss of millions of dollars, but Bush
sold most of his shares two months earlier.

Joe Wrinn, spokesman for the university, denied that personal ties had any
bearing on the stock purchase. "Harvard would never be so irresponsible as
to make multimillion investments based on a personal connection," he said.
"Harvard would like every investment to come out ahead, but they don't."

Published on 04/30/1991:SOURCE: By Richard Kindleberger, Boston Globe
"The head of Harvard University's $5 billion endowment defended yesterday
one current and one former employee of Harvard Management Co. against
suggestions of a conflict of interest.  Jack R. Meyer, president of Harvard
Management, said he is persuaded that partner Michael R. Eisenson behaved
appropriately in owning stock in a company that is part of the university's
portfolio. Meyer said he has no reason to believe that Donald D. Beane,
formerly with Harvard Management, did anything wrong ... "

Published on 04/29/1991:   SOURCE: By Anthony Flint, Globe Staff

"Two Harvard University officials who manage the investment 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Profile of a right-wing conspirator

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

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Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America : US Elections

Behind the Clinton impeachment trial
Profile of a right-wing conspirator: the case of Theodore Olson
15 November 2000

Theodore Olson, the lead attorney in the Bush campaign's effort to 
obtain a federal court order barring a hand count of Florida votes, 
is typical of the extreme right-wing operatives who have come to 
dominate the Republican Party. The World Socialist Web Site is 
reprinting here, in edited form, a political profile of Olson first 
published February 13, 1999.

Last November, at a conference of the Federalist Society at 
Washington's Mayflower Hotel, attorney Theodore Olson welcomed his 
audience to "the vast right-wing conspiracy. In fact, you're at the 
heart of it."

This was not merely a cynical jest. There is a network of right-wing 
political operatives, lawyers and judges which conspired to bring 
down the Clinton administration and nearly succeeded. Their goal is 
not simply to remove Clinton, but to impose a reactionary agenda 
which is opposed by the vast majority of the American people, an 
agenda which can only be advanced through anti-democratic methods: 
dirty tricks, political provocations, back-room legal and judicial 

The career of Theodore Olson provides an instructive example of the 
origins, political motivations and methods of those who comprise the 
right-wing conspiracy. While Olson is only one of several dozen key 
political actors behind the scenes, his name pops up over and over 
again at various stages of the campaign to destabilize the Clinton 

The 59-year-old Chicago-born lawyer took his law degree from the 
University of California at Berkeley in 1965, the year of the Free 
Speech Movement which marked the onset of a decade of radical student 
protest on American college campuses. Olson was part of the right-
wing reaction against the protest movement. He joined the prestigious 
Los Angeles law firm of Gibson Dunn  Crutcher in 1965, as soon as he 
had passed the bar. A senior partner in the firm, William French 
Smith, was the personal attorney for Ronald Reagan, who was elected 
governor of California a year later.

After Reagan's victory in the 1980 presidential election, William 
French Smith was chosen as attorney general in the new Republican 
administration. Following Smith to Washington were two up-and-coming 
right-wing lawyers from his law firm. Kenneth Starr became Smith's 
chief of staff. Theodore Olson signed on as assistant attorney 
general and head of the Office of Legal Counsel, essentially the 
attorney general's attorney.

Scandal at the Environmental Protection Agency

In 1982 Olson was drawn into the political controversy over the 
Reagan administration's sabotage of the enforcement of anti-pollution 
laws by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA). An 
investigation into the activities of the EPA led to the forced 
resignation of EPA Administrator Ann Gorsuch and of Rita Lavelle, who 
was in charge of toxic waste cleanup for the agency. As the scandal 
unfolded, the Reagan administration claimed executive privilege to 
withhold agency documents from congressional committees investigating 
the EPA.

Olson was summoned to testify under oath before a congressional 
committee in March 1983 about advice which the Justice Department had 
given the EPA on the withholding of documents. He subsequently left 
the Department of Justice and returned to Gibson Dunn  Crutcher, 
working out of the firm's Washington office. In 1986 the Reagan 
administration was compelled to appoint an independent counsel, 
Alexia Morrison, to determine whether charges should be brought 
against Olson for his role in covering up the EPA scandal.

A protracted legal battle followed. Olson filed a legal challenge to 
the Independent Counsel Act. He won a decision from the US Court of 
Appeals for the District of Columbia that the law was 
unconstitutional, a decision written by Laurence Silberman, who 
served in the Nixon Justice Department and is another prominent 
member of the right-wing legal fraternity in Washington.

This decision was appealed to the US Supreme Court, which handed down 
an 8-1 decision in 1987 upholding the constitutionality of the 
independent counsel law. The sole dissenting vote came from the most 
conservative justice, Antonin Scalia.

Morrison then proceeded to complete her investigation of Olson, 
concluding in August 1988 that no charges should be brought. Her 225-
page report makes ironic reading in light of the Clinton 

[CTRL] OEN 11/16/00

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.aci.net/kalliste/"The Home Page of J. Orlin

Computer Security

Software Glitch Reveals Mortgage Applications on Internet

Social Security numbers, too.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A security breach in the software used by many mortgage
brokers caused at least 700 Americans' loan applications -- including Social
Security numbers -- to be divulged on the Internet, officials said Wednesday.
Though quickly rectified, the breach should send a warning through an
industry that now processes one of every three mortgage applications
electronically using software made by California-based Contour Software,
security and loan experts said.
''It's of great concern to us,'' said Tom Lovell, president of AMEX Mortgage
in Tempe, Ariz., a mortgage broker whose customers' applications were
divulged on the World Wide Web because of the software problem.
''We've been evaluating new services, and this gives us more cause for
that,'' he said.
The breach, discovered by a computer security firm, angered homeowner Ronald
Johnson, who comparison-shopped for mortgages online and learned that his
application was visible on the Internet. It included his and his wife's
Social Security numbers, lists of assets and work history.
''I really don't buy anything online, because I'm afraid if I put my credit
card number on there it's going to be all over the world,'' said Johnson from
his Fountain Hills, Ariz., home.
''But when we applied for a loan for this house, I thought it would be a good
time to use the Web. I guess I was wrong about that, too,'' said Johnson, who
learned about the problem from The Associated Press.
A Contour Software spokesman called the problem ''a rarity'' and said the
application would be difficult to locate on the Internet. Spokesman Scott
Cooley blamed a disgruntled former employee, who turned off security settings
for a computer directory where the loan applications were stored.
''Keep in mind that it would have been impossible to find this directory
without knowing it by name,'' Cooley said.
Cooley said the problem was fixed and appears to have involved at least 700
customers from at least 27 mortgage brokers who use the company's software.
As of late Wednesday afternoon, the loan applications were no longer visible
on the Internet. Cooley said he didn't know how long the information was
available before the security firm discovered it.
A representative of New York-based SecureFront Technologies said the company
discovered the problem during an authorized security audit for a regional
bank in Pennsylvania.
''We were surprised when we discovered that we were able to browse a number
of directories with only a Web browser and without any passwords,'' said
SecureFront CEO Albert Lee, who performed the initial test.
''Doing a brief search on the Web, we were able to identify at least 27 other
banks and lenders that are affected by the same problem,'' Lee said.
The Mortgage Bankers Association of America says Contour's software processed
almost 2 million home loans in 1999 totaling $228 billion, part of marked
explosion in online home buying because of the Internet's ease in comparison
shopping for loans. The total includes applications taken online and off
MBAA spokesman Dave Warner said the growth has stalled this year, because
potential homeowners are unwilling to fill out long applications online and
also harbor their own security concerns.
AMEX Mortgage stopped taking online applications six months ago.
PSC Mortgage Group in Los Angeles has used Contour Software's products for
years and verified that information found online belonged to their customers.
''That's a very big deal. It's very, very disturbing,'' said Klara Soros,
operational manager at PSC Mortgage Group.
Johnson, the customer surprised to learn his assets and other private
information were in plain view on the Internet, said he'd never had trouble
with identity theft or mysterious credit card charges before. Now he's
''There's some information out there that could get me in a lot of trouble. I
wish I knew what I could do to get it off of there,'' Johnson said. ''I don't
know what to do.''
On the Net: SecureFront Technologies: http://www.securefront.com
Contour Software: http://www.contoursoftware.com
Associated Press, November 15, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no 

[CTRL] IHT: Hints of a Hard U.S. Economic Landing

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.iht.com/articles/1602.htm"IHT: Hints of a
Hard U.S. Economic Landing/A
Hints of a Hard U.S. Economic Landing
Steven Pearlstein Washington Post Service
Thursday, November 16, 2000 WASHINGTON If you like the uncertainty of the
2000 presidential election, you will love the U.S. economy next year.

Economists and policymakers have been talking up the likelihood of a soft
landing, in which overheated economic growth would slow, but not anywhere
near enough to cause an economy shrinking recession. The burst in the dot-com
bubble, the slowing of job growth, the decline in the stock market - all were
said to be consistent with the much hoped-for soft landing.

But some analysts in recent weeks have begun to warn that the landing may be
a bit bumpier than first thought. While recession is still considered
unlikely, there is growing fear that the economy may overshoot the runway.

"In my view, we're in for something harder than a soft landing," said Allen
Sinai, an economist with Decision Economics Inc. "The bad news is coming in
quite quickly now."

Don Hilber, a forecaster with Wells Fargo Corp., said the most likely
scenario now was for a "rough landing," which he warned won't be pretty, even
if a recession is avoided. He predicts a rash of business failures, layoffs
in many industries and a sharp drop in corporate profits and consumer

And Morgan Stanley Dean Witter's chief economist, Stephen Roach, told clients
this week to "remain on maximum alert for a global hard landing in the first
half of 2001."

Even analysts who are sticking by the soft-landing scenario are now careful
to acknowledge the risks ahead. These include another big drop in stock
prices, another spike in oil prices or bigger-than expected declines in
corporate profits.

On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Board policymakers, though they left rates
unchanged, warned that inflation was still a risk. Stocks gave up most of
their gains after the warning. (Page 20)

"The recent declines in the stock market, high energy prices and financial
market turmoil have added uncertainty to the outlook for near-term economic
activity," Bank of America's chief economist, Mickey Levy, said.

Nonetheless, Mr. Levy stands by his forecast that the economy will grow at a
rate of around 3 percent next year - a steep descent from the 5.7 percent
annual rate recorded this spring but still enough to keep most Americans

This week, Mr. Levy and others in the soft-landing camp got a boost when Abby
Joseph Cohen of Goldman Sachs Group said there were "clear signs of economic
deceleration but not deterioration." Ms. Cohen's pep talk helped spark a
rally on Wall Street on Tuesday that added more than 160 points to both the
Dow Jones industrial average and the Nasdaq composite index.

Even optimists, however, acknowledge that if the annual growth rate of the
economy slows to below 2 percent for six months or more, it won't matter much
that the economy hasn't slipped officially into a recession, which is defined
as six months of economic contraction. To most Americans, they say, it will
feel like a recession, with the unemployment rate rising to 5 percent,
household incomes stagnant and Wall Street in the middle of a bear market.

Recent economic news has hardly been upbeat. Last week, first-time claims for
state unemployment benefits jumped 35,000, to 344,000, largely because
automakers shuttered plants for a week after finding themselves with too many
cars just as consumers began to get cautious about spending.

The government reported Tuesday that retail sales rose only 0.1 percent in
October. Data on Wednesday showed that industrial production fell 0.1 percent
in October, and that businesses inventories rose in September at the lowest
rate since January 1999.

And First Call/Thomson Financial said that analysts have revised their
predictions of operating profit growth next year for the 500 companies in the
Standard Poor's index, from 15.6 percent to 11.2 percent.

Analysts are divided on whether businesses are finding it more difficult to
finance expansion. Already, the flow of capital to young and growing
companies has slowed dramatically as venture capitalists have pulled in their
horns and the flow of new stock and bond issues on Wall Street has slowed to
a trickle.

Banks are also beginning to tighten their lending terms in response to
warnings from regulators. The focus of concern is the high volume of
syndicated "bridge" loans made to telecommunications, entertainment and
computer companies during the last two years, often with the expectation that
they would be paid off quickly with the proceeds of stock and bond sales that
now appear unlikely.

These developments indicate to many analysts that lenders and investors have
begun to take a more realistic view of business risk.

But pessimists say the bad news is just beginning, and that there remains a

[CTRL] Wearable police computers, and a final word on DNA sniffing

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.politechbot.com/p-01502.html"
politechbot.com:  Wearable police computers, an…/A
home page / search / subscribe / about / photos
(New: Stop by our friends at cluebot.com!)

Wearable police computers, and a final word on DNA sniffing

*   Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2000 12:29:38 -0500
*   Subject: FC: Wearable police computers, and a final word on DNA sniffing
*   From: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[Now watch some enterprising law enforcement agency combine the "Digital
MP" system with DNA sniffing... --Declan]



Soldiers test `Digital MP System'

by Trish Warrick

FORT POLK, La. (Army News Service, Nov. 13, 2000) Military Police
could see around corners, through trees and in the dark as they tested
the Army's new "Digital MP System" this month at Fort Polk, La.

Patrolmen wore eyeglass-mounted miniature cameras providing "streaming
video" to their partners. Viewing screens in the eyeglasses also
allowed the MPs to check the faces of suspects they stopped against
digital mug shots of known offenders.

Fort Polk's 91st Military Police Detachment soldiers became the first
MPs to test the system Oct. 30 to Nov. 3. Representatives of the U.S.
Army Soldier Systems Center in Natick, Mass., brought the Digital MP
System to Fort Polk. They were joined by members of the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency and a number of contractor teams
wanting to see how the system would work on real soldiers.

The Digital MP is a durable, lightweight, wearable communications and
information management system designed to help carry out
reconnaissance, checkpoint security, anti-terrorism operations and
other MP missions, said program manager Henry Girolamo, Natick
Soldiers Center.

The backbone of the Digital MP is a wearable computer developed by ViA
Inc., MicroOptical Corp and Honeywell Inc. and tailored to the mission
requirements of the MP soldier, Girolamo said. The Digital MP's
support features include a hands-free, voice-operated interface and a
battery that provides day-long power on a single charge. It features
peripherals such as:

  * An audiovisual system with built-in miniature camera for face
recognition and image display plus a noise-cancelling microphone
and bone-conduction microphone/earphone for voice recognition, all
incorporated in a pair of normal-size eyeglass frames
  * A BDU-pocket-sized "military e-book" readable even in strong
sunlight or pale starlight (with night vision goggles) that emits
no light to give away a soldier's position
  * An electronic glove that can function like a computer mouse with
the e-book and translate hand signals into words on other
soldiers' eyeglass-mounted viewers
The Digital MP system can connect a military police team
wirelessly and in ways never before possible, officials said.
The eyeglass-mounted camera provides streaming video, which means
"it can transmit to me what another MP is looking at even though I
can't see him," said Sgt. Michael Sauer, Special Reaction Team
noncommissioned officer in charge, 91st MP Det.
An MP making a traffic stop or manning a checkpoint can take live
videos which are checked against digital mug shots stored in the
National Crime Interdiction Center database, Sauer said, so he's
quickly alerted if the person stopped has a criminal record. On
deployment, the system can warn him that he's dealing with a
suspected terrorist or war criminal.
An MP on patrol can use the e-book to quickly help others locate
what he sees. "Say he's on recon, looking at the terrain," said
Sauer. "He sees enemy tanks." Using traditional methods, the
soldier plots coordinates on a paper map, calls the TOC on the
   radio and another soldier plots the coordinates on another map.
With Digital MP, "He puts the icon on the map and sends it to the
operations center," Sauer said.
With the electronic glove, MPs separated by thick woods, buildings
or darkness can still communicate silently with the familiar hand
signals for "Suspect armed!" and other vital information.
The adapted Nomex flight glove, with bend sensors in each finger
and in the wrist, pressure sensors in the index and middle
fingertips and 2-degree tilt sensors, renders preprogrammed
gestures as words in fellow MPs' eyeglass display monitors. The
glove works when the 

[CTRL] Kissinger and Nixon Plot Allende Downfall

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://cryptome.org/chile-plot.htm"Kissinger and Nixon
Plot Allende Downfall/A
14 November 2000. Thanks to the National Security Archive for obtaining these
See 14 related documents: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20001113/
For 16,000 declassified documents on Chile released November 13, 2000:
The Church Report on Covert Action in Chile, 1963-1973:
The Hinchey Report on CIA Activities in Chile:

Source: http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/news/20001113/700917.pdf
[2 pages.]


 THE WHITE HOUSE (non-log)

  September 17, 1970


FROM:Henry A. Kissinger HK


Unless we establish tight control and professional guidance, the covert action
program approved by the 40 Committee for Chile will not work.  It is going to
be a long-shot as it is; if we have to face the additional handicaps of well-
meaning but unprofessional activism, of lack of coordination and of
resistance, we will be dangerously exposed.

The situation is as follows:

-- State is timid and unsympathetic to a covert action program; it will
   not be able to provide either the imaginative leadership or the tight
   coordinated overview we need.

-- Ambassador Korry is imaginative, but he is an "unguided missile."
   He is acting now as his own project chief and is trying to construct
   an operation all by himself.  This is dangerous from a professional
   intelligence-operations point of view, and inefficient because there
   are so many inhibitions on his capacity to operate.  He is too exposed
   and visible to do this kind of thing, and it may even affect his
   and analysis.

-- But Korry does not trust his staff and will not use it; most of his key
   officers, including the CIA Station Chief, have been cut out of the

-- Only Korry is doing any real reporting, and while it is voluminous,
   it is inconsistent and contradictory.  We cannot be sure of what the
   situation really is and how much Korry is justifying or camaflouging

-- CIA is unhappy at the modus operandi, but does not feel that it can
   discipline on Korry; it certainly cannot do it through its present

-- There is no consensus among agencies here concerning the full scope
   of operations and some lack of enthusiasm for overall planning.  Hence,
   the bureaucracy is simply reacting to what happens in Santiago.

-- The 40 Committee does not have the time for this kind of close, de-
   tailed supervision, and the time-lag would make it impossible anyway.


Authority State, CIA, NSA, NSC
By Initials NARA Date 8/28/00



Thus, in effect, although no one particularly wants him to, Korry has the
tional ball and is running, with everyone just hoping there are no leaks or
posures.  We are not really sure if what is happening is professionally sound
possible or what more we might do technica1ly to improve the effectiveness of
our actions.  Thus our risks of being "found out" are maximized, and our effi-
ciency is cut.

To rectify this situation, I recommend the following:

1. Establish an action task force here in Washington to run the program.
   This would meet daily, make decisions, send out directives, keep
   tabs on things.  It would coordinate activities, and plan implementing
   actions. It would work fast and in secrecy--not through normal bureau-
   cratic procedures.  It will need your authority to do this, and to be
   to instruct the Ambassador.

2. Send to Santiago an expert professional to take over the operational
   program under the Ambassador's and the task force's broad guidance.
   This would enable the Ambassador to draw back from personal opera-
   tions and involvement.  In addition, it will help with the time-lag
   problem.  In fast-moving situations some operational decisions may
   have to be made on the spot.


   That you authorize the establishment of this kind of mechanism.

 Approve   RN




[CTRL] Hey Computer, Read My Mind

2000-11-16 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.wired.com/news/business/0,1367,40194,00.html"
Hey Computer, Read My Mind/A
Hey Computer, Read My Mind
by Nicholas Morehead

2:00 a.m. Nov. 15, 2000 PST   ARLINGTON, Virginia -- Any serious Star Trek
 buff remembers the famous "Spock's Brain" episode, in which the apparently
primitive denizens of Sigma Draconis put the Vulcan's prodigious mind to work
as an environmental control computer.
When Dr. McCoy realizes the technically advanced surgery the natives have
successfully performed, he exclaims aloud, "That's not possible!"

"But it is," says Melody Moore, a research scientist at Georgia State
University. "Not in that capacity yet, but we're beginning to understand
brain activity," she said. "We can listen in on it. We can intercept it. We
can interpret it."
Moore was speaking on Tuesday not to a crowd of bespectacled Trekkies, but to
the Association for Computing Machinery's Conference on Assistive Technologies
. The event is designed to explore how computers can help disabled or
handicapped people.
Moore and her colleagues are attempting a feat that's nothing if not
ambitious: controlling a computer through brain signals.
The key technology involved is called a neurotrophic electrode, which is
about the size of the head of a ballpoint pen, and is designed to be directly
inserted into a brain so it can interface with neurons.
It's connected to a tiny amplifier and transmitter, which are inserted closer
to the surface of the skin, just under the scalp. Also present is a small
power source that allows wireless transmission of the signals to a nearby
Together the system allows a person such as a quadriplegic to perform on a
computer basic functions that were heretofore impossible.
The PCs receiving the neural-signal data sport custom software as well as
modified off-the-shelf components for signal-data acquisition, analysis,
device control, communication and training aids for the patients.

For example, the researchers modified the "parmouse" parallel mouse driver to
translate neural pulses in the brain signals into basic movements of a cursor
in order to click on icons. When that same technology is used with a voice
synthesizer, mute people can communicate audible words merely by thinking.
Earlier research allowed cursor control by electrodes placed on the scalp
instead of implants.
"Business is booming," said Allan Bergman, CEO of the Brain Injury
"As technology is making things smaller, faster and more personal ... I think
the opportunity for technology to create an environment for self-reliability
and self-control for people with disabilities has never been higher."
He said that one in five U.S. residents has a so-called functional
disability, which means they require some sort of help performing daily
"I guess if I was working in the fields of technology, I see lots of work
here, lots of work," Bergman said.
Part of that work includes erasing the stigma attached to using certain
technologies as "assisting technologies," according to Gregg Vanderheiden of
the Trace RD Center at the University of Wisconsin.
He predicts that technological developments in this area will trickle down to
the general public.
"Just like the typewriter, the long-playing record, the Jacuzzi, and other
technologies were first developed for people with disabilities and later
drafted into use by the general population, some of these new assistive
technologies hold promise for addressing the needs of individuals without
disabilities," Vanderheiden said.

Copyright © 2000 Wired Digital Inc., a Lycos Network site. All rights

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Democratic county commissioner manipulated ballots

2000-11-16 Thread Stopforth, Jamie
Title: Democratic county commissioner manipulated ballots



[CTRL] NYT: A Positive Step From Mr. Gore]

2000-11-16 Thread bb

You can rest assured, if Mr. Gore proposes a "positive step",
it will benefit no one EXCEPT Mr. Gore.

-Caveat Lector-
November 16, 2000
A Positive Step From Mr. Gore
Missed Opportunity in Florida
Vice President Al Gore offered a sensible way out of the legal
and electoral quagmire in Florida yesterday when he pledged to
abide by the results and not to sue if a complete hand recount
was carried out in three critical Florida counties. Mr. Gore also
said he would abide by a statewide hand count if his opponent,
Gov. George W. Bush, preferred that approach. Mr. Bush's swift
rejection of the proposal was a disappointment on civic grounds,
a political mistake and unsound as to his reasoning that a manual
recount would be "arbitrary and chaotic."
It is the continued lack of agreement that is producing chaos,
all the more so given Mr. Bush's inflexibility and Secretary of
State Katherine Harris's defiant insistence on certifying a vote
that is still incomplete. Mr. Gore's proposal was right on the
substance and also tactically smart. One thing that has been
missing during the weeklong drama over Florida's vote has been
signs of presidential- scale leadership from either candidate.
The public has been hungry both for resolution of the election
and for Mr. Gore and Mr. Bush to quit hiding behind lawyers and
Mr. Gore has now responded creatively to the situation while Mr.
Bush emerged from the seclusion of his ranch only to turn down a
real opportunity to negotiate a procedural agreement that the
public would trust.
In his statement last night, Mr. Bush declared that he wanted the
election counting to be fair, accurate and final, but his
stubbornness will prevent that result. So far, the Bush
campaign's attempts to block the manual recount have failed to
win favor in both state and federal court. Moreover, Mr. Gore's
proposal for a binding resolution put in a bad light Governor
Bush's insistence on blocking an authoritative recount. The
governor is depending on Ms. Harris, a Bush campaign official, to
pre-emptively certify the results in Mr. Bush's favor once all
the overseas votes are counted on Saturday. Ms. Harris, who
served as co-chairwoman of the Bush campaign in Florida this
year, announced last evening that she would accept no further
manual vote counts. That is an abuse of her public duty and an
irresponsible act at this sensitive moment in the nation's
political life. She is doing grievous damage to Mr. Bush's
reputation, and potentially to his presidency. Already trailing
in the national popular vote, Mr. Bush should take every effort
to avoid being the beneficiary of a hasty, incomplete vote count
in Florida.
Earlier in the day, there was progress toward resolving the
electoral impasse in Florida when the state's highest court
rejected Ms. Harris's request to block the hand count. But until
the vice president made his move, neither candidate appeared to
be taking seriously the fact that the public has been taking
their measure throughout this bizarre interlude. So the vice
president seized one of those moments when it is possible for a
candidate to appear statesmanlike and also gain a political
advantage. But Mr. Bush failed to respond in kind.
Mr. Gore's offer has weight because he proposed giving up
something of value  the right to sue  in return for
the fair
count he needs and the country desires. Mr. Gore, who has been
privately combative throughout this period, was also smart to put
on a magnanimous public face. However calculated, his offer to
meet with Mr. Bush to raise the the tone of the battle is likely
to win widespread approval. Also, Mr. Gore's proposal that the
two men form a compact of mutual support once a winner is
determined represents a sound step toward an orderly transition.
Mr. Bush was unwise to dismiss Mr. Gore's proposals, though he
did agree to meet with the vice president after the outcome of
the election is determined.
In arguing against the hand count, Mr. Bush was asking the nation
to decide its most important election on something other than the
best available count in the admittedly flawed situation at hand.
He was also ignoring Florida law and Texas law that regard hand
counts as a just recourse in contested elections. Under Mr.
Gore's plan the votes can be counted in a week and a winner in
the long presidential race can be declared without further delay.
Victory is important to both Mr. Bush and Mr. Gore, and for a few
hours Wednesday night, a plan was on the table that would have
given them both a fair chance at that victory. Today, there is
still time for good judgment to prevail in putting the principles
Mr. Gore described into place in Florida. But whatever happens,
neither side should take this disagreement as an excuse to go to
all-out litigation over a problem that still needs to be settled
in the political arena.
Copyright 2000 The New York Times Company


[CTRL] Fwd: MILNET: U.S. Intelligence - Intelligence Laws

2000-11-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

Intersting item; mentions the 40 committee as who operate in secret
setting themselves above our laws and constitution in man instances -
you want good look at Mafia connection to Mossad, KGB, CIA.this is

License to kill..and they want to take away Amrican guns?   First
get those Uzzi's from the Israelies they flaunt about the Palestinians
for which we paid.


Laws and Directives
Enabling Intelligence Work
Or Counter-Terrorism

In the following paragraphs, we outline major aspects of various legal
actions taken by the U.S. legislature. In many cases, the legislation is
incremental, that is, approves all previous legislation, modifies that
older legislation, or makes additions. In our research, the only
exception to this statements occurred during fights between Congress and
a minority party President over War Operations, or Clandestine
Operations (such as President Reagan and the Contras). For more
information on this and related topics, see Hughes-Ryan Act. One
exception to the stated exception is the rescinding of the ability for
CIA covert operations to assassinate world leaders by President Ford in
February of 1976 (see below).
National Security Act of 1947
Established the Central Intelligence Agency, giving the DCI the
authority to protect secrets, specifically sources and methods. The
agency would receive its funds directly from Congress in a lump sum so
as to insure secrecy of activity and of which there would be no
accounting outside the agency. Details of the types of overt and covert
information collection sources were spelled out and the drafters of the
act thought that the CIA should have an "instant" capability for
subversive operations. Note the use of capability rather than
establishing the the CIA could actually execute subversive operations.
Is is said that NSA47 also contains the language spelling out the tasks
of the National Security Agency, however this section of the act is
NSC Directive 4/A
December, 1947, placed the CIA in charge of covert "psychological"
operations, with the US State Department supplying policy guidance. 1
Un-numbered Document, 1948
Truman, Forrestal, and Marshall overruled DCI Hillenkoetter thus
allowing James Angleton to set up a covert operation in Italy to counter
communist subversion of the Italian government.
NSC Directive 10/2
June 1948, superseded NSC Directive 4/A, established a covert
operational branch within the CIA in the interests of world peace and US
national security. Specifically, its covert operations would have to be
of a type for which "the US Government can plausibly disclaim any
responsibility", and could not involve "armed conflict by recognized
military forces". Activities premitted included "propaganda; economic
warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage,
demolition, and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states,
including assistance to underground resistance movements, guerillas and
refugee liberation groups, and support of indigenous anti-communist
elements in threatened countries of the free world".
The "10/2 Panel" containing representatives from the Department of
Defense and Department of State, was given the responsiblity to
supervise covert operations with the NSC being the mediator on disputes.
Central Intelligence Act of 1949
Authorized the Director of Central Intelligence to receive, exchange,
and spend money without giving account to Congress in accordance with
the laws governing other agencies. It also authorized special training
for CIA officers as well as other administrative things such as
employment conditions; hiring practices (storage or shipment of
household goods, etc.); allowed CIA to borrow personnel from other
agencies or the military; to ignore immigration laws in recruiting up to
100 defecters per year; and gave the DCI the authority to declare and
keep secrets.
NSC Directive 68
04/14/50, called for nuclear and conventional arms build up as well as
covert operations to subvert Communist regimes. 3
McCarren Act of 1951
Passed via override of Truman's veto, placed severe restrictions on
civil liberties, also known as the internal security law. Chief concern
to intelligence agencies was the provision which prohibited the
admission to the U.S. of territory and citizenship of radical aliens,
thus cutting off the supply of valuable defectors.
Communications Intelligence Activities Memorandum
Approximate date, 10/24/52, President Harry S. Truman, an eight page
document, only now partially declassified, abolishing the Armed Forces
Security Agency and placing their resources into the new National
Security Agency. Specifically gives to the NSA the control over, and
coordination of, the collection and processing of Communications
Intelligence. NSA considered to be "within but not part of the DOD". 6
NSC Directive 5412/I
03/12/55, Defines covert operations as "all activities...so planned and
executed that any U.S. Government responsibility for them is 

[CTRL] So MSNBC Puts Out More Without Checking Facts....

2000-11-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Mail message

 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Fwd: Did anyone see this ?

From:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Date:Thu, Nov 16, 2000, 11:10am
Subject:Did anyone see this ? To:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 From Lucianne.com web site
  Pat Cadell says MSNBC Dead wrong
 Hardball Chris Mathews Special

  Pat Cadell on MSNBC Hardball Special edition last night showed the
LIE the media has been playing. Cadell reviewed all the precincts where
Pat Buchanan got votes in Palm Beach County and they were not in Jewish
areas as the networks have claimed, But were in African Americans areas.

MSNBC used to pick up their news from the National Enquirer and had them
as a guest once - and then, the murder of the Princess of Wales put them
back in the garbage trade - they don't get no respect.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Police Say Florida Democrat Had a ‘Votomatic’ in His Car

2000-11-16 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-


Missing Voting
Mechanism Recovered

Police Say Florida Democrat Had a ‘Votomatic’ in His Car

By Chris Vlasto and David Ruppe

Nov. 15— Several days after presidential votes were tallied in what
has become the hotbed of Florida’s post-election confusion, police
in Palm Beach County confiscated a ballot-box mechanism from
the car of a well-known local Democrat.
The mechanism, called a “Votomatic,” did not contain any
ballots. It’s a device used on some types of ballot boxes to punch
votes through ballot cards, which are then tallied by computers.
According to a police report filed at the Palm Beach County
sheriff’s office and obtained by ABCNEWS, Irving Slosberg, 53,
pulled the mechanism from his car and handed it over to police on
Nov. 11 after denying to a county government employee that he
had it.
When told of the incident, Palm Beach County’s supervisor of
elections, Theresa LePore, declined to press charges, according to
the report.
“She noted that this incident did occur during the hand count of
the presidential election and LePore stated she did not wish to
pursue further this matter at this time due to extenuating
circumstances,” it said.
No further action was taken.
County Official Contacts Authorities
Slosberg, a 53-year-old resident of nearby Boca Raton who owns a
handbag company, recently won a seat in the state Legislature
amid allegations he tried to buy his election.
The officer who filed the report, Deputy Sheriff Daniel Grose, had
been working a special elections detail when he was contacted by
Denise Cote, director of public affairs for Palm Beach County. Cote
said she believed Slosberg had an official Palm Beach County
ballot box, according to the police report.
Cote told the deputy she first wanted to speak with Slosberg
alone to convince him to give the machinery back, but she asked
the officer to stand by. Ten minutes later, Cote returned to the
officer and said Slosberg had become confrontational and denied
having the mechanism.
“I asked Mr. Slosberg to return it to me, and he said no, he
intended to use it,” Cote told ABCNEWS.com. She said Slosberg
did not say how he wanted to use it and he declined to say how he
had obtained it.
“I was told by the county’s attorney’s office that it must have
been taken from a voting booth, because there was no other way
that he could have obtained it,” Cote said.
When the officer asked Slosberg whether he had the item,
Slosberg led the officer to his car and handed over the Votomatic,
according to the police report.
Elected After a Recount
Slosberg won his new seat during a heated and extremely close
Just days before a Democratic runoff, which he won, his
opponent, incumbent Curt Levine, filed a state ethics complaint,
accusing Slosberg of trying to buy the election by giving away
thousands of handbags and paying retirees phony consulting fees.
Slosberg’s defeat of Levine practically guaranteed him a  term
that reportedly pays nearly $27,000 a year for representing the
Boca Raton district. On Nov. 7, he defeated a lesser-known write-in
candidate, Robert A. Sloan III, in the general election.
In the primary election, Slosberg had barely squeaked past
Levine. He reportedly had 50.5 percent of the votes to Levine’s 49.5
percent. Slosberg was declared the winner after a recount of the
‘It Disappeared’
A Palm Beach Post political columnist wrote Monday that
Slosberg had been “schlepping” the mechanism around the county
government center “like a traveling election equipment salesman.”
“He was happy to provide a demonstration of the county’s ballot
problems for anyone with a TV camera last week,” wrote columnist
George Bennett.
But Slosberg was no longer toting the visual aid Saturday night,
after Mary McCarty, a Palm Beach County commissioner,
demanded to know how he got his hands on a piece of official
county voting machinery, Bennett wrote.
“It disappeared,” Slosberg said Sunday when asked about the

Copyright ©2000  ABC News Internet Ventures.


In order to get power and retain it, it is
necessary to love power; but love of power is
not connected with goodness but with qualities
that are the opposite of goodness, such as pride,
cunning and cruelty. - Leo Tolstoy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to 

[CTRL] Fwd: Lost Military Vote Lawsuit

2000-11-16 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

From: "KeepAndBearArms.com" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 20:39:50 (GMT)
Subject: Lost Military Vote Lawsuit



Class Action Lawsuit Being Filed on Behalf
of Military Personnel Who Didn't Get to Vote

For Immediate Release
16 November 2000

KeepAndBearArms.com -- The widespread failure of
various governmental agencies to provide absentee
ballots to U.S. military personnel in time to cast
their votes is resulting in a class action lawsuit.

KeepAndBearArms.com has formed an alliance with The
Law Firm of Campbell  Jones of San Antonio, Texas
on behalf of military servicemen and women worldwide.
Our primary role in this lawsuit is to assist in the
process of connecting military members with the law
firm filing the lawsuit.

We are involved in this matter because we believe
an Algore presidency would be dangerous to the
rights of free Americans. Mr. Gore -- who is
surrounded by armed bodyguards -- believes a woman
should submit to a knife-wielding rapist. We believe
she should shoot that miserable piece of trash where
he stands. We also support our military brothers
and sisters in having full and equal access to the
voting process.

Because this lawsuit is being filed in Texas, our
first order of business is to call for military
personnel whose records show their home state as
Texas. Once we have several confirmed Texans who
agree to join lawsuit as plaintiffs, military
members showing residence in any state will be
invited to join the lawsuit.

This afternoon, at the announcement of this class
action lawsuit, KeepAndBearArms.com Founder and
Director, Angel Shamaya said,

"It is time to call attention to the fact that
U.S. military members have not been allowed to
vote for their President.  It is time to hold
the appropriate people accountable for their
shortcomings, and it is time to produce a
long-term, successful solution to this problem.
If any one group of people should have complete
access to voting for the Commander in Chief of
the U.S. Armed Forces, it is most certainly our
own military members."

"The fact that members of the Army, Navy, Air
Force and Marines didn't get to vote in the
2000 Presidential election is an embarrassing
blemish upon the American political process and
the good will of our nation's defenders. We praise
The Law Firm of Campbell  Jones of San Antonio
for taking a proactive stand for the rights of the
people who leave their families and their lives
behind in order to protect American interests at
home and abroad."

Calling All Military Members Who Didn't Get to Vote

If you serve in any of the armed forces for the
United States of America, and if you were not
provided access to voting in the 2000 Presidential
election, we are asking you to fax AND email your
story (the facts) to The Law Firm of Campbell  Jones
in San Antonio, Texas. Please be as specific as you
can about your situation.

Fax the account of your not being able to vote to
(210) 227-4229.

And please also email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

We are most in need, initially, of Texans who were
blocked from the voting process. And we are also
requesting that all military members of any state
who are willing to act as plaintiffs in this lawsuit
please step forward by faxing AND emailing the above
contact points. Please provide all means of contacting
you, including via telephone.

The phone number for The Law Firm of Campbell 
Jones is (210) 224-1923. Their address is:
126 E. Main Plaza, San Antonio, Tx 78205

For additional information about military members
missing out on the voting process, the following
links will assist you in getting up to speed:

Lost Military Votes -- Monday Report
   (14 Nov 2000)

Weekend Update on Lost Military Votes
   (11 Nov 2000)

Lost Military Vote Tallies Climbing
   (10 Nov 2000)

Reports of Blocked Military Votes Still Coming In
   (9 Nov 2000)

Pentagon addresses question of troops not
being able to vote  (9 Nov 2000)

First Report from Okinawa Showing Missing
Military Absentee Ballots
(8 Nov 2000)

Help Us Find Lost Military Votes
  -- Survey for Soldiers to Take
(8 Nov 2000)

Military Absentee Ballots Missing
  -- U.S. Military on Assignment Won't Get to Vote

[CTRL] Bush, Cheney...E.F.Hutton Friends

2000-11-16 Thread William Shannon

On George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Andrew Card E.F Hutton and Friends

1973 -- George W. Bush attends Harvard Business School.  Regularly visits his aunt, Nancy "Bush" Ellis and her husband, Alexander Ellis at their home in Lincoln. Ellis would later go to work at E.F. Hutton.

1975 -- Timothy Davis, Harvard Business School, assumes general manager's role at Atlantis. Patrick E. Malloy III, [2nd in charge of commodities at E.F. Hutton  protege of George L. Ball] and his close friend and advisor, Michael A. McManus, Jr. invest in Atlantis Weathergear, founded by Dennis J. Solomon.  McManus is appointed Special Assistant to Secretary of Commerce on the recommendation of CIA Director George Bush.

While entertaining Solomon, Mordecai and Meledones, Patrick Malloy describes
how he and his friends are making money by withdrawing funds on Friday afternoon and playing the weekend market overseas.

1976 --George L. Ball was president of E.F. Hutton, and the largest individual investor in Arbusto [George W. Bush] Energy Corporation. 

Harken Oil buys Arbusto ("Bush Energy")   Harvard (University) Management Co. Invests 1986 -- George Bush Jr. and partners receive more than $2 million of Harken
Energy stock in exchange for his failing oil well operation, Bush Energy, which had lost $400,000 in the prior six months. Bush was named to the Harken board and as a consultant for fees of between $50,000 and $125,000 annually.

Harvard Management is the investment arm of Harvard University. Harvard's venture capital company is headed by Michael Eisenson, who served on the board of directors of Harken Energy with Bush . Harvard had become a major investor in Harken less than 60 days after Harken bought out Bush 's oil company in 1986.

1987 -- Harken Energy project gets rescued by aid from the BCCI-connected Union Bank of Switzerland in a deal brokered by Jackson Stephens, later to show up as a key supporter of Bill Clinton.

1988 -- Ron Woods, guitarist for the Rolling Stones, Billie Preston, and others play at Bush's celebration party as part of the Bush "bad boys", George W., Lee Atwater, and Andrew Card.  According to the roadies onboard, white lines of cocaine filled the backrooms and, George W. Bush was present.

1989 -- Bahrain officials suddenly break off offshore drilling negotiations with Amoco and decide to deal with Harken Energy, George W. Bush  firm. Harken has had a series of failed ventures and no cash, so the Bass brothers are brought in to finance Harken's efforts at a cost of $50 million.

1989 -- In response to Secretary of the Navy, Chief of Naval Operations suggests further developed and review of Solomon's air defense technology.

1990 -- Solomon reports problems with SCUD missile defense to Sen. John Kerry's staff.

1990 -- [Important Details] George W. Bush sells two-thirds of his Harken Energy stock at the top of the market for $850,000, a 200% profit, but makes no report to the SEC until March 1991. GW Bush  says later the SEC misplaced the report. An SEC representative responds: "nobody ever found the 'lost' filing." One week after Bush's sale, Harken reports an earnings plunge. Harken stock fell more than 60%.

From an Austin American-Statesman article, wherein we find out about a financial report that uncovered how George W. "Dubya" Bush,  pulled one heckuva ranny on his old alma mater, Harvard:

"In a little-known episode, the report found that Harvard University, where Bush earned a business degree, came to the rescue of Bush's oil exploration company, Harken Energy Corp. Harvard's endowment managers, who included at least one director with ties to the Bush family, invested about $20 million in the then-struggling company a month after Bush came on its board. The investment turned sour in 1990, with a loss of millions of dollars, but Bush sold most of his shares two months earlier.

Joe Wrinn, spokesman for the university, denied that personal ties had any bearing on the stock purchase. "Harvard would never be so irresponsible as to make multimillion investments based on a personal connection," he said. "Harvard would like every investment to come out ahead, but they don't."

Published on 04/30/1991:    SOURCE: By Richard Kindleberger, Boston Globe Staff

[CTRL] Bush's 3 Principles- Lies, Fraud, Theft.

2000-11-16 Thread William Shannon

George W. Bush's three principles: lies, fraud and theft

By Barry Grey
16 November 2000http://www.wsws.org/articles/2000/nov2000/bush-n16_prn.shtml

With his nationally televised speech Thursday night, Republican Governor George W. Bush became the first candidate in US history to attempt, openly and before the American people, to gain the presidency through the suppression of votes.
In supporting the actions of the Florida state government—headed by his brother, Governor Jeb Bush—to disallow the results of hand counts and discard the votes of thousands of Floridians, George W. Bush piled one falsehood upon another. As with all practitioners of the “big lie” technique, his aim was to convince not by the plausibility of his arguments, but rather by the sheer brazenness and repetition of his claims.
“All Americans want a fair and accurate count of the votes in Florida,” the Texas governor declared. This is a lie. The Bush campaign, as is obvious to all who have eyes and wish to see, does not want “a fair and accurate count of the votes in Florida,” which is why it has pursued every possible means to block a comprehensive count of all the votes cast on election day.
Bush said he wanted a count “that measures up to the highest standards and principles outlined in our Constitutions and our laws.” Those standards and principles are summed up in the motto “one person—one vote,” which is precisely what Bush and his confederates in Florida are seeking to subvert.
Next Bush enunciated his three principles: “This process must be fair, this process must be accurate, and this process must be final.” It is obviously not fair to arbitrarily exclude the votes of people who went to the polls. It is transparent that the purpose of such a procedure is to arrive at a result that is not accurate. As for the principle of finality—for the Bush camp this means certifying the result that it wants, not the result dictated by the will of the electorate.
Bush elaborated on his principle of “fairness”: the vote, he said, must be “fair to voters throughout America, fair to voters in Florida, and fair to voters in different counties in Florida.” If Bush has his way, voters throughout America, who cast a plurality of ballots for Bush's Democratic opponent, will see their choice overturned on the basis of an overtly partisan and undemocratic procedure in Florida. Within Florida itself, thousands of individuals have taken to the streets to protest their disenfranchisement at the hands of Bush's local allies, and at least two counties have been denied their legal right to conduct a manual recount.
Bush continued: “I honor and respect the value of every single vote. That's why my campaign supported the automatic recount of all the votes in Florida.” With regard to the first sentence, candor would have required Bush to add “in my favor.” The second sentence is a non sequitur: since the initial recount was automatic, the Bush campaign could not stop it.
The next sentence—“Everyone in Florida has had his or her vote counted once”—is a brazen lie. As the whole world knows, tens of thousands of votes, mainly of black and immigrant workers and other likely Gore supporters, have not been counted.
In Palm Beach County, for example, a deceptive and possibly illegal ballot caused 19,000 ballots to be double-punched, and consequently discarded, in the initial machine count. In precincts heavily populated by Haitian-Americans there have been reports of ballots that were pre-punched for Bush. Tens of thousands of others who went to the polls carrying voter registration cards were told by election officials that they could not vote.
The ballots of thousands of other voters were misread by voting machines—a discrepancy which can be corrected only by a hand count, which the Bush camp is determined to prevent.
Elaborating on his second principle, accuracy, Bush said, “This process must be accurate. As Americans have watched on television, they have seen for themselves that manual counting, with individuals making subjective decisions about voter intent, introduces human error and politics into the vote-counting process.”
This is another lie. Even before a single vote was hand-counted, Bush's initial margin in Florida was cut by 80 percent when ballots were recounted by machine, demonstrating the well-known fact that voting machines are fallible. That is precisely why in state after state the long-established procedure is for election authorities to conduct a hand recount in close races. Bush himself signed a law in Texas declaring hand counting to be the preferred method for obtaining the most accurate result. Until the Bush camp invented the novel theory that human intervention into the ballot-counting process was intrinsically undemocratic, it was generally accepted that both voters and candidates had a right to seek this recourse when a result was in dispute.
Many have already noted the irony of a man who campaigned on a platform of “trusting the 

[CTRL] Fwd: The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn ®: Flaming Sword

2000-11-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

So Deborah - Little items in this above subject matter concerning the
"flaming sword" usually a few cherubs are involved - note the spelling
of cherub they use - with a K..

This sword is often depicted as a lightning boldand of course we
have the Sword of Gideon and his 300 in the Judges.the name Ehud or
Barak means lightning bolt according to my old 1875 Oxford Concordance
SS Teachers Edition Bible made especially for the Delegates to the
Clarendon Press who revised the bible...these were souvenier editins,
hand sewn silk and leather bibles.famiy keepsake.   Anyway lots of
onames in the back with meanings, for instance  MNASON  diligent seeker
of truth and Jerry Falwell changed the meaning of this word.

So this Flaming Sword has two edges and cuts either way - wonder what
the name "Brug" means, which is Ehud Barak's real name...Brug.

So I have a Hogarth over 200 years old,  1760 period - shows the Ark of
the Covenant - and UZZAH being hit by a bolt of lightning touching this
ARK for some thought this Ark was a radio receiver to God himself?   And
that was over 200 years ago.

And of course have the picture of the Iluminati Hells Fire Club - which
is very interesting and funny print - sitting in cellar with armory of
wine barrels partaking of same with Statue of Diana - entitled Charity
in the Cellar..

So the magic number is 322 - and this is from the bible I believe - some
speak of the Brotherhood of the Bell - the Phi Beta Kappa was born on
the Fourth of July and Hogarth depicts a bell in his print entitled
Bathossigns of the time and end of all things..The Bell stands
for the Liberty Bell as the Key to the Kingdoms Phil Beta Kappa
KeyPhi Beta Kappa no longr so exclusive and imagine Skull and Bones
no longr excluse and have set up something a little more secret - but as
the wealth is shared .



[CTRL] Fwd: Class action suit on behalf of all military personnele

2000-11-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

Glad to see this - men on the USS Cole in particular, to play games with
their votes to me is beyond belief.some may have gotten through.



Class action suit on behalf of all military personnel

 Thursday, 16-Nov-00 11:45:25 writes:

  I am planning to file a class action suit on behalf of all military
personnel who requested ballots and did not receive them in time to vote -
or at all. I need sworn affidavits from all of those parties faxed to my
office after they have them notarized. The affidavits must simple state
that they requested the ballot through the proper channels and did not
receive it. A certified receipt from the post office would be helpful,
showing when it was ordered. Our fax is (210) 227-4229 and phone is
210) 224-1923. I plan on filing this case Monday, so time is of the

  Sincerely, Philip E. Jones, Attorney at Law,
  126 East Main Plaza, San Antonio, Texas 78205

  Philip E. Jones
Who Knocked-Up Them Chads?

Out of the ashes shall arise: Liberty


Traitors to the Constitution


Myth of the 'Will of the People'


Without Justice, there is JUST_US!

[CTRL] Fwd: Dr. Seuss Goes to Flori-duh

2000-11-16 Thread Aleisha Saba

To unsubscribe send "leave chuckmuth" in body of message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or hit 
reply with "remove" in subject or go to http://www.incor.com/l10003/newsletter.htm to 

(by "Phil")

Can we count them with our nose?
Can we count them with our toes?
Should we count them with a band?
Should we count them all by hand?
If I do not like the count,
I will simply throw them out!

I will not let this vote count stand
I do not like them, AL GORE I am!

Can we change these numbers here?
Can we change them, calm my fears?
What do you mean, Dubya has won?
This is not fair, this is not fun
Lets count them upside down this time
Lets count until the state is mine!

I will not let this VOTE count stand!
I do not like it, AL GORE I am!

I'm really ticked, I'm in a snit!
You have not heard the last of it!
I'll count the ballots one by one
And hold each one up to the sun!
I'll count, recount, and count some more!
You'll grow to hate this little chore

But I will not, cannot let this vote count stand!
I do not like it, Al Gore I am!

I won't leave office, I'm stayin' here!
I've glued my desk chair to my rear!
Tipper, Hillary, and Bubba too,
all telling me that I should sue!
We find the Electoral College vile!
RECOUNT the votes until I smile!

We do not want this vote to stand!
We do not like it, AL GORE I am!

How shall we count this ballot box?
Let's count it standing in our socks!
Shall we count this one in a tree?
And who shall count it, you or me?
We cannot, cannot count enough!
We must not stop, we must be tough!

I do not want this vote to stand!
I do not like it AL GORE I am!

I've counted till my fingers bleed!
And still can't fulfill my counting need!
I'll count the tiles on the floor!
I'll count, and count, and count some more!
And I will not say that I am done!
Until the counting says I've won!

I will not let this vote count stand!
I do not like it, AL GORE I am!

What's that? What? What are you trying to say?
You think the current count should stay?
You do not like my counting scheme?
It makes you tense, gives you bad dreams?
Foolish people, you're wrong you'll see!
You're only care should be for me!


Re: [CTRL] Barry Grey's 3 Principles- Lie, Obfuscate, and Accuse your foe of actions you yourself are guilty

2000-11-16 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

Barry Grey
 With his nationally televised speech Thursday night, Republican Governor
 George W. Bush became the first candidate in US history to attempt,
 and before the American people, to gain the presidency through the
 suppression of votes.
Suppression of WHAT votes?
The votes have been counted.
The votes have been recounted.

Now we are in the process of GUESSING what voter's
intentions MUST HAVE BEEN on less than 15% of the
spoiled ballots but ONLY in selected areas.

Barry Grey
 In supporting the actions of the Florida state government—headed
  by his  brother, Governor Jeb Bush
Jeb Bush RECUSED himself ...

Barry Grey
 to disallow the results of hand counts and discard the votes of
  thousands of Floridians,
What 'votes' are these?

Barry Grey
 George W. Bush piled one falsehood upon another. As with
  all practitioners of the “big lie” technique, his aim was
 to convince not by the plausibility of his arguments, but rather
 by the sheer  brazenness and repetition of his claims.
Great rhetoric ... but you stated absolutely NOTHING.

Barry Grey
 “All Americans want a fair and accurate count of the votes
  in Florida,” the Texas governor declared. This is a lie.
  The Bush campaign, as is obvious to all who have eyes and
  wish to see, does not want “a fair and accurate count
 of the votes in Florida,” which is why it has pursued every
  possible means to block a comprehensive count of all the votes
 cast on election day.
The votes have been counted TWICE.

Barry Grey
 Bush said he wanted a count “that measures up to the
 highest standards and principles outlined in our Constitutions
 and our laws.” Those standards and principles are summed
 up in the motto “one person—one vote,” which is
 precisely what Bush and his confederates in Florida are
 seeking to subvert.
By following the Law?

Barry Grey
 Next Bush enunciated his three principles: “This process
 must be fair, this process must be accurate, and this process
 must be final.” It is obviously not fair to arbitrarily exclude
 the votes of people who went to the polls.
WHICH voters?
Did the machines which counted the votes ... SMELL a Gore
supporter ... and kick their ballot out?

Barry Grey
It is transparent that the purpose of such a procedure is to
arrive at a result that is not accurate.
Yes ... this is had by GUESSING how people who could not
follow simple instructions and FAILED to punch a hole for
*any* candidate OR selected multiple candidates MUST HAVE
WANTED to vote.

Barry Grey
 As for the principle of finality—for the Bush camp this
 means certifying the result that it wants, not the result
 dictated by the will of the electorate.
I think you misplaced the Candidate's name here ... it is
Gore who wants to count until the result he seeks is had.

Barry Grey
 In Palm Beach County, for example, a deceptive and possibly
  illegal ballot  caused 19,000 ballots to be double-punched, and
  consequently discarded, in the initial machine count.
This BULLSHIT BIG LIE has been exposed for the fraud
it is ... see Nelson v. Robinson

... it assumes his ability to read and his intelligence to
indicate his choice with the degree of care commensurate
with the solemnity of the occasion ... it may be observed
that it has often been held that one who does not avail
himself of the opportunity to object to irregularities in the
ballot prior to the election may not object to them after.
-- Nelson v. Robinson, 301 So. 2d 508 (Fla. 1974)

snip MORE absurd nonsense

Barry Grey should remove his head from is anus.


The Big Lie is a major untruth uttered frequently by
leaders as a means of duping and controlling the
constituency.  -- Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


[CTRL] RadTimes # 107

2000-11-16 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 107 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--They Held Their Noses
--Sham Election Shows Need for Independent Politics!
--Buchanan threatens injunction in recount
--Crackdown: When Police Wage War Against Activists
Linked stories:
*210 Volunteers Sign Up To Inspect Florida Ballots
*State Dept. Warns Americans of Ebola Risk in Uganda
*Legal War Between Bush, Gore Camps Expand
*Crisis of a house divided?
*The upside of political gridlock
*In bookstore's stacks, a clash over free speech
*Missing voting mechanism recovered
*Waco payback
*Radical Evolution: Earth First! Journal Celebrates 20 Years
Begin stories:
They Held Their Noses


by Alexander Cockburn

See what happens when they say, "Hold your nose and vote for Al Gore"?
Those elderly Jewish ladies in Palm Beach County tried to do just that.
It's tough to read a ballot properly when you're trying to squint around
the side of your hand. Try it yourself. There used to be federal guidelines
put out by the Justice Dept. on precisely the right way to grip your nose
and still see straight, but  ironically Al Gore did away with the regs as
part of his Reinventing Government drive back in '94.
"Public happiness," Hannah Arendt once wrote, "is not isolating, but
shared. It is the happiness of being free among other free people, of
having one's public faith redeemed and returned." Never have I known such
intense public happiness as at what's happening in Florida. You walk down
the street and you hear "Gore" or "Bush" or "Florida" on every gleeful lip.
Now that the supposedly democratic "mandate" is being reduced to absolute
farce, Americans are having their instinctive lack of faith in the
political process rousingly vindicated. Everyone knows that what's true of
Palm Beach County, incompetent technology, human frailty, willful
obstruction of inconvenient voters, is true of probably half the counties
across the United States.
The theoretical purpose of the ballot box is to register the choice of the
voters. The actual purpose, unless the count is sufficiently lopsided to
banish all uncertainty, is to jimmy the count to match the exit polls being
called by CNN and the networks, or to consort with the wishes of whatever
political machine happens to be in charge. When asked some years ago why
his country has so many statutes, Ireland's Minister of Justice replied,
"Our laws are mainly for guidance." It's the same with American electoral
procedures. In the courtroom of Federal Judge Middlebrooks in Florida, it
was acknowledged by a Bush lawyer that voting can have a built-in error
rate of anywhere from 2 to 5 percent.
Since the polls regularly concede an error margin in their estimates of
anywhere from 4 to 6 percent, this means that the better polls are more
reliable registers of the people's choice than the machines that supposedly
record the people's conclusive judgment. Presumably absentee ballots,
filled in by hand, are more reliable, but as we await the final count of
those filled in by technical Florida residents on Israel's West Bank or in
a military base somewhere in the Empire, we should note that their
destination can be uncertain, too. CNN reported Monday that two absentee
ballots sent by a couple of overseas voters back home to the state of
Washington turned up in the mailbox of a family on the Danish island of Fyn.
Gazing at the assorted spokespeople for Gore and Bush we can exult in the
tradition of vote fraud that ennobles America's political history. Here is
William Daley, chairman of Al Gore's campaign, son of Mayor Richard Daley
who helped fix the Cook County vote in Illinois in 1960, an important
ingredient in the drive to put Jack Kennedy over the top, even as Richard
Nixon's men in southern Illinois toiled to fix the vote the other way. Here
too is James Baker, scion of the Texas oil industry that benefited so
hugely from Lyndon Johnson's first stolen election when his crucial margin
was achieved with the help of Texas citizens voting in alphabetical order.
Many an American success story stems from vote fraud. The treasurer of the
Cook County Democratic Party in 1960, when JFK needed votes in Chicago to
put him over, was a (Kentucky) colonel called Henry Crown who was also the
head of Chicago Sand and Gravel, regarded by some as a mob operation.
Crown, the money behind Daley, helped deliver the votes of dead Democrats
in the county. The following 

[CTRL] RadTimes # 108

2000-11-16 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 108 November, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
--180,000 votes for president were invalidated in Florida due to errors
--The Old Joke about Clean Elections
--Was George W. out of it when he signed the Texas manual vote recount law?
--Conservatives, White Supremacists, Take to Florida Streets
--Observers say ballots manipulated by examiner
Begin stories:
180,000 votes for president were invalidated in Florida due to errors


Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel
November 15, 2000

WASHINGTON -- While 300 votes have given George W. Bush an
apparent winning edge in Florida, a far larger number -- 180,000
-- cast ballots that simply did not count in the presidential

Many, like voters in Palm Beach County, chose more than one
candidate. Some simply did not vote for president. Other ballots
were ruined by mechanical or human errors.

About 3 percent of Florida's 6.1 million voters in last week's
election did not register a choice for president, up from just
over 2 percent in 1992, according to a Sun-Sentinel survey and
analysis of voting data from all 67 counties. The numbers include
certified data from 64 counties, and the latest tallies from
three counties still in dispute.

"That's just a tremendous amount of ballots," said Pamela
Swafford, the deputy director of elections of Hamilton County,
Ohio, which includes Cincinnati. "To me, that seems like a lot."
Of the 368,000 ballots cast in her county, 6,238 were not counted
in the presidential totals.

Of the Florida ballots that did not register a vote for
president, 85,466 came from counties Bush won and 94,468 from
counties that went for Gore.

Since the 1940s, about 2 percent of ballots nationwide have not
had their presidential vote counted, according to a national
expert. While the overall state percentage is not dramatically
higher, it has increased over the past three presidential
elections, from 2.3 percent in 1992 to 2.5 percent in 1996. But
in some counties, the numbers were very high.

In Duval County, home to Jacksonville, about 9 percent of all
ballots were not included in the presidential tallies, up from
2.3 percent in 1992. Of the 291,626 ballots cast in Duval County,
21,942 ballots had more than one vote for president and 4,967 had
no vote for president. Tiny Gadsden County, where 12.4 percent of
16,812 ballots cast did not have proper presidential votes, had
the highest percentage of voters whose ballots did not count in
the state.

In South Florida's big three counties, whose votes remain
uncertified, 72,914 votes could not be counted for presidential
candidates. In Palm Beach County there were 19,120 "overvotes"
and 10,582 "undervotes," representing 6.4 percent of the 461,988.

Miami-Dade had 17,851 people who voted more than once and 10,750
who did not vote, about 4.4 percent of the 653,963.

In Broward County, 2.5 percent of the county's 588,007 total
votes did not count toward the presidential race, a total of
7,925 and 6,686, respectively.

"Those are way too high," said Ken Brace, president of Election
Data Services Inc., the leading compiler of nationwide, detailed
voting data. Brace said poor ballot design was probably
responsible for the multiple votes.

Since the morning of the election, voters in Palm Beach County
have been complaining, saying the two-page "butterfly" ballot
with punch holes in the middle was confusing. Many have pointed
to the 3,407 votes that Reform Party candidate Pat Buchanan got,
the most in the state, as evidence.

Ion Sancho, the supervisor of elections in Leon County, said
punch cards were partly to blame.

"They should ban the punch card system in Florida," Sancho said.
"Massachusetts and New Hampshire have banned the punch card
system. Where else do we have punch card technology in our
society? We don't take tests like that. People should not have to
guess if their vote counts."

The 26 counties with punch-card systems consistently had bigger
problems with people not choosing a candidate in the presidential
race. That suggested that Palm Beach was not the only place
bedeviled by the infamous "chad" that clings to a ballot and
keeps it from being read. On the other hand, a high "overvote" --
meaning more than one candidate was marked for president -- was
more common in 16 counties where ballots are marked with felt-tip
pens and counted centrally.

Brace said that another problem in Florida may have been the
unusually high number of candidates on this year's 

Re: [CTRL] article - Author links Bush family to Nazis

2000-11-16 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find info on this article.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This may be triggering for survivors of abuse.


"Author links Bush family to Nazis - posted 11/11/00 - STAFF REPORT

The president of the Florida Holocaust Museum said Saturday that George W.
Bush's grandfather derived a portion of his personal fortune through his
affiliation with a Nazi-controlled bank."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Fwd: RIGHT-WING-WATCH: Through the Right's Eyes

2000-11-16 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000
From: "People For the American Way Foundation (PFAW General Mailbox)"
Subject: RIGHT-WING-WATCH: Through the Right's Eyes

RIGHT WING WATCH ONLINE  --  People For the American Way Foundation
November 16, 2000

 The latest from the Right Wing's mail, television, radio and web
 activity, courtesy of People For the American Way Foundation's
 research and monitoring operation.  PLEASE FORWARD!
 Subscription information is at end of this message.

(1) Introduction
(2) The Right-wing Ghosts of Impeachment Past
(3) "Democrats Like to Steal Elections"
(4) Like Malignant Cancer Cells


(1) Introduction:

For the first few days following the Nov. 7 election, the entire nation
watched the election results closely, and for the most part,
silently.  But by the weekend the right-wing media machine began to
escalate their rhetoric.  While most of the country has watched the
election recounts in Florida with intense fascination, but no real fear
for the welfare of the country, it is becoming apparent that - for some on
the Right - it is merely a continuation of a battle they began in
1992.   Polls consistently show that Americans don't regard the lack of
finality in the election as a constitutional crisis.  Most feel that the
process will, however slowly, work its way to an end and the country will
accept the next president, whoever he may be.  But in the Right's
rhetoric, it's impeachment all over again.

Major pro-impeachment figures are picking up right where they left off in
1998.  Only a few years ago Rev. Jerry Falwell was hawking The Clinton
Chronicles, a videotape purporting to expose presidential crimes and
misdeeds.  Ann Coulter made her career as a telegenic right-wing pundit by
bashing the Clinton Administration and even published a book on the
matter, High Crimes and Misdemeanors.  Christopher Ruddy and Joseph Farah
were the major recipients of the Scaife money intended to bring down the
President.  They have since created sophisticated Internet sites that
allow them to continue their work with a wider audience.

In fact, the entire impeachment media machine is revving up its engines
once again and the conspiracy theories are already flowing.  The same
right-wing pundits and media figures who drove anti-Clinton mania into the
frenzy of 1998's impeachment are revving their engines.  As before, the
first signs are evident on the Internet.  Sites like Conservative News
Service, WorldNetDaily, TownHall.com and ConservativeHQ.com are flinging
charges once again.  Charges of "coup d'etat," "subverting the
Constitution," and "stealing the election," are commonplace.

(2) The Right-wing Ghosts of Impeachment Past

Rush Limbaugh, the dean of anti-Clinton media stars, summed up the
phenomenon: "This is the impeachment process being played out all over
again, with the same partisans on loan from Clinton."  Carrying the
metaphor through to its logical conclusion, Limbaugh even anointed Florida
Secretary of State Katherine Harris as the Ken Starr of Florida.

Never one to be outdone, pundit Ann Coulter penned a scathing rant on the
Right's most prominent portal, TownHall.com. "It's like impeachment all
over again.  But this time it's about the results of a presidential
election.  Like President Clinton, Al Gore is willing to precipitate a
constitutional crisis to hold on to power."

Coulter derided the Palm Beach County citizens who filed suit to object to
the illegal and misleading ballot that caused thousands of votes to be
miscast as, "[n]ostalgic Stalinists from Brooklyn, N.Y., now transplanted
to Florida in their dotage."  She urged Bush to cast aside any worries
about dignity "and start being a Texan," and bemoaned "the two blackguards
in the White House now dragging the country into yet another
constitutional crisis."   "It will never end until these people are gone,"
wrote Coulter.

(3) "Democrats Like to Steal Elections"

American Conservative Union board member Craig Shirley was perfectly blunt
in a column in the Washington Times. "Democrats like to steal
elections.  In fact, they're very good at it," he wrote on Nov. 10.

The Rev. Jerry Falwell invoked a similar argument in his Nov. 11 "Listen
America" column on WorldNetDaily.com: "Mr. Daley's daddy wrote the book on
voter fraud and I'm pretty sure that the son is well versed in the modern
applications of his father's dirty work.  He and the rest of the Gore team
will continue to sniff and lurk for any loopholes or legal ambiguities
that enable them to project a victory."   Falwell was not content to let
it rest there, "The current proceedings are indeed the actions of
desperate and devious men who are working to reverse history prior to 

Re: [CTRL] Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive

2000-11-16 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Below please find info on a url with legal info and cases.

Sincerely,  Neil Brick

This url may be very triggering for survivors of abuse.

Our listing these resources does not necessarily constitute our endorsement
of them. Resources mentioned in this resource list are mentioned for
educational value only. Using these resources may or may not help your
recovery process, so use caution when reading anything or contacting anyone
mentioned in this resource list.

from http://www.newsmakingnews.com/karencuriojonesarchive.htm

"Satanism and Ritual Abuse Archive
By Karen Curio Jones © 2000
The following cases describe legal proceedings held in Juvenile, Family,
Civil and Criminal Courts around the world where there have been allegations
of Satanism or the use of Ritual to abuse others."

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] Fw: Civil rights leader Hosea Williams dies at 74

2000-11-16 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Amelia" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, November 16, 2000 11:28 PM
Subject: Civil rights leader Hosea Williams dies at 74

 He shall be sadly missed, especially around the holidays when he served
 meals to so many each year.

 Civil rights leader Hosea Williams dies at 74

 The Associated Press
 11/16/00 8:12 PM

 ATLANTA (AP) -- Hosea Williams, the fiery lieutenant to Martin Luther King
 Jr. who was at the forefront of the civil rights struggle for more than
 three decades, died of cancer Thursday. He was 74.

 Williams died at Atlanta's Piedmont Hospital, where he was admitted for an
 infection Oct. 20. He was diagnosed with prostate cancer three years ago
 had a cancerous kidney removed last year.

 "We were with him when he was absent with body and were present when the
 Lord took him," said Williams' daughter, Elisabeth Williams-Omilami. "He
 selfless. What he did for this earth will now reveal itself because the
 fruit of the seeds he sowed will begin to emerge."

 The chief organizer of King's marches and demonstrations, Williams helped
 lead the "Bloody Sunday" march in Selma, Ala., in 1965. Another leader,
 Lewis, called Williams a patriot.

 "Hosea Williams must be looked upon as one of the founding fathers of the
 new America," he said. "Through his actions, he helped liberate all of

 Williams was also at the Memphis, Tenn., motel where King was shot in

 He recalled his anger that day during a 1993 interview with The Associated
 Press: "I was wishing I could pull some molecules out of the air and make
 a weapon and just wipe out every white person near, because I thought they
 had shot Dr. King at that time."

 He continued: "I said to myself, 'America, racists, economic exploiters,
 sure have messed up now ... because there lies the only one among us, the
 main one, who has tried to keep us calm. Now you've killed him."'

 The shot, he said, ended King's dream because it fragmented his

 Williams was born Jan. 5, 1926, in Attapulgus, Ga., the illegitimate son
 a blind girl who fled a state training school when she discovered she was
 pregnant. He was raised by his grandfather, whom he described as a tough
 who had killed at least three people, including one on church steps on a
 Sunday morning.

 A drifter who held odd jobs across Florida, Williams wound up in the Army,
 was badly wounded in Europe and returned to Georgia, where he was beaten
 bloody while trying to use a whites-only drinking fountain at a bus
 in Americus.

 During the next five weeks in a military hospital, he recalled, he kept
 thinking: "I'd fought on the wrong side."

 Williams later taught agricultural chemistry before joining the civil
 movement. He recalled his children crying in a Savannah drug store when he
 told them they could not join white children spinning on soda counter
 because of segregation rules.

 He became King's advance man throughout the South during the 1960s.

 "I, as field director, would go ahead of the others and mobilize the
 people in the black communities," he recalled. "Jesse Jackson would come
 later and deal with the middle-class blacks and Andy Young would negotiate
 with the white power structure."

 Said Jackson: "He never took his mind off of changing the conditions of
 people. He never surrendered his spirit."

 Williams and Lewis led the 1965 march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in
 Selma protesting the denial of voting rights to blacks. All-white troopers
 and sheriff's deputies used tear gas, nightsticks and whips to break up

 Two decades later, Williams led a march into virtually all-white Forsyth
 County north of Atlanta and was greeted by Ku Klux Klansmen and their
 sympathizers throwing bottles and rocks.

 As he ducked the projectiles, he recalled, he was thinking of King.

 "I know that old rascal was just a-laughin'. Yeah, old King just a-layin'
 there in that grave. He was just tickled to death. Old Hosea is still
 trying," Williams said.

 After the furor of the '60s, his graying, goateed chin and raspy voice
 well-known at civil rights meetings and protests. In 1977, he was ousted
 executive director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in a
 power struggle. Officially, the reason was that he was not devoting full
 time to the job. It took a court order to get Williams to vacate his

 Williams scorned most elected black officials, whom he accused of turning
 their backs on the American poor. His following was strongest among older
 blacks, many of whom weathered the 1960s with him.

 He remained explosive, once taking a traffic conviction to the U.S.
 Court, where he lost. He was arrested twice on charges of trying to carry
 gun aboard an airliner.

 When he was jailed, which happened more than 125 times, he often waved it
 off as 

[CTRL] Dot Whatevers

2000-11-16 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


Seven New Internet Suffixes OK'd

NewsMax.com Wires
November 17, 2000
MARINA DEL RAY, Calif. (UPI) - The board of directors of the Internet Corporation
for Assigned Names and Numbers voted Thursday to add seven new Top Level Domain
(TLD) names, or suffixes for Internet Web sites, creating more real estate in

As it concluded its annual meeting here, ICANN approved the additions of ".biz,"
".info," ".name," ".pro," ".museum," ".aero" and ".coop." Use of the new suffixes
will be limited to individuals and organizations in the fields the names represent.

Several often-mentioned names failed to make the cut. Despite predictions from
sources attending Thursday's board meeting, ".web," ".iii," and ".travel" were not
chosen from among the 44 applications.

ICANN, which manages Internet name registration, added the TLD names in an effort to
alleviate overcrowding in the more popular categories, ".com," ".net" and ".org."
Many recent Web sites have resorted to cumbersome word combinations to find an
available ".com" name, making it harder for Internet users to remember and locate

Actual registration for each name will be handled by a private company. Firms paid a
non-refundable $50,000 application fee for the chance to be chosen. For the losers,
it's money down the drain. For the winner it's a small investment. They will be able
to collect a small annual fee from each of the potentially millions of Web sites
using their TLD name. Details on the registration contracts remain to be negotiated
with ICANN.

But don't look for these new names to begin appearing on the Internet until around
the middle of 2001. "Each new name will require its own database. It takes time to
build the registry and install all the proper software. It's a pretty big job," said
Keith Lubsen, President of 123 Domains.

One of Thursday's winners expressed concern that ICANN took too big a step. "I think
the addition of two or three names would have been more prudent, to make these
changes slowly," said Joseph Kibur, co-founder and CEO of NetNation. He questioned
whether all of the companies are up to the task of launching a new TLD name.
NetNation is part of the consortium of companies that owns Afilias, the group chosen
to be the registrar for the new name ".info."

Even before ICANN announced its decision, the process was under attack in Congress.
Rep. Edward Markey, (D-Mass.) and Rep. Lois Capps (D-Calif.), members of the House
Commerce Committee, wrote a letter this week to Gregory Rohde, administrator of the
Commerce Department's National Telecommunications and Information Administration,
questioning the fairness of the process. The two lawmakers, both of whom represent
high-tech districts, said they have heard concerns from the Internet community about
a "lack of accountability and transparency in the ICANN process."

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Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor