[CTRL] Fwd: {slick-d} no wonder they want to void their votes!

2000-11-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

LIke mother like daughter and like father?  If I had a face like Chelsea
or Chelsie Clinton, I would have ridden with that officer and gentleman
who was no doubt a bodyguard in full dress for the occasion..she
looks like Eleanor Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt at least had a lot of

Sweet little Chelsie  note how her father takes half the army with
him when he goes out - no wonder.

Thank God that bunch will soon be bull dozed out of the White
HouseNew York is welcome to that garbage from our shores.

"During Clinton’s first year in office," writes (the U.S. Marines) Lt. Col. Tom 
McKenney in the (1994) book, "The Clinton Chronicles," "an incident occurred which was 
buried by the news media."

"The occasion was a departure for a state function, a routine operation," Col. 
McKenney writes. "Vehicles were lined up outside the White House... Young Chelsea 
Clinton, like everyone else, was assigned a specific sedan." 
But when Chelsea was about to get into her limo, she turned around and declared: "I 
won’t ride in this car! There’s a military man in here, and I don’t ride with military 

The "military man" happened to be a senior U.S. officer. Being a gentleman, however, 
he quietly got out of the car and found another ride. 

In a separate incident, Chelsea asked her young Marine security escort to wear 
civilian clothes in the future. "My family doesn’t like military people," she 

Where, do you suppose, the "young Chelsea" acquired such attitudes? At her home, of 

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Nazi Origin of U.S. Gun Control

2000-11-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Thank you for the clarification of these points Damian Cooper - much

I always wondered too, during WWII 55 million people were killed and
like birds, what happens to all the bodies?   Were they cremated,
buried, surely not left in streets for disease would spread like
wildfire of - parton, controlled fire of  Los Alamos.

55 million people died - of which it is alleged this mystical number of
6 milllion, were Jewish.what happened to all the bodies?

At Waco, where the japanese sharpshooter alleged to be FBI out of West
Point (what a laugh) who also murdered a little 8th grader, his dog, and
mother, it is my understand a lot of bodies were just bulldozed over
like so much garbage..send a japanese sharpshooter to do the job?
Remember atrocities of Japanese during WWII of which nobody ever speaks
- one case I saw, a Navy Nurse in full dress with cape and all,  arms
had been cut off, tongue cut out, and pregnant by Japanese
soldiers.and we send one of those bastards to Ruby Ridge to murder
children and even a little pet do to draw the kid out into the open.

So WWII - cui bono - it seems now the only thing the jews want is all
the gold in the world for themselves and reparations..what about a
person such as my father who nearly died on foreign soil of mustard gas,
but made it home to die...who gave the Austrian Hitler all the money
to support an army.

Even George Washington could not get fundinghis troops often went
barefoot in the park and snow.

So thank you Mr. Cooperbut does someone know where 55 million bodies
were buried or were the cremated?   The truth above all - and where are
our Mias from Viet Nam - wonder if our Manchurian Candidate President
Clinton bothered to ask as he ate and broke bread with people who
beheaded the enemy and put heads on stakes.

Nice people.hope George Bush does not give an inch and brings a
big bull dozer ..


I used to like Buchanan until he took a black Vice President who was a
pathological liar about her past and was about as impressive as Joe
Lieberman, a born again jew.

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2000-11-27 Thread lloyd

-Caveat Lector-


From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Lloyd Miller" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Saturday, November 25, 2000 8:05 AM

Rumor Mill News Read Only Forum


Date: Friday, 24 November 2000, 4:25 a.m.

 The Uncensored National Rumor


Martial Law, Riots, Revolution?

What is our Government Preparing For?

From RMNews:

I just received an email which says that 1,400 Troops Have Been Dispached to 
Washington, D.C. from Fort Bragg. This is the first alert I have received about 
possible martial law being imposed due to riots this weekend.

If you have been reading Rumor Mill you know that "riot training" from a group called 
"counter coup", has been going on in 144 cities across the United States for two weeks 

These "gatherings" i.e. protests have received virtually NO attention in the media, 
but they have openly bragged on their webpages about how well their protests have gone 
and how many people they have attracted. Because their webpages have bragged about 
their protests, Patriots from the Right have organized and gone out to meet them in 
the streets.

These protests are too well organized to be "random." Someone who has more time than I 
do, needs to take a long good look at this to see if there is anything we can or 
should to to counter this.

Here is the main webpage.


You can follow the links to the Egroups webpages that have been set up by countercoup 
leaders in communities all around the country. Here is an interesting message from the 
Santa Cruz, California webpare. This is the closest protest city to RMNews 

"Sun Nov 19, 2000 7:34am
Subject: Report on Town Clock Rally in Santa Cruz

We were pretty much am-Bushed at this rally by Bush supporters who
also chose this location for their rally. They were well organized,
from places like Gilroy, Carmel Valley and Seaside. Even Santa Cruz.

However outnumbered, we were there with our signs and voices.
Thanks to everybody who showed up."

Many "Patriot" Webpages put out the alert regarding the the protests that were planned 
by "the left" in protest of George W. Bush's winning the election. From the looks of 
the above message from the local Santa Cruz webpage, it appears as if "Patriots" have 
successfuly countered these demonstrations.

If American Patriots are ready and willing to meet "man for man" and "woman for woman" 
the protestors from "The Left", then this country is rapidly racing toward a downhill 
slide into anarchy, chaos, revolution, riots, wars, Balkanization, and martial law. 
And if you think this isn't planned, I still have stock in bridges for sale.

Rumor Mill News believes that no matter which man is crowned President, that the other 
side, ie, the losers, will riot, or worse.

If Gore is crowned, we could see a Revolution that could pull the country apart.

I have been told by sources within Texas that George W. can play hardball in this 
election because if he loses he really WILL pick up his ball and go home.

What do I mean when I say this?

Texas is the only state in the union that can take itself OUT of the Union any time it 
wants to. It is perfectly legal. Texas was its own country before it joined the Union 
It can become its own country again anytime it wants to.

This is G.W.'s backup plan. Texas is big enough to be its own country. When Texas 
leaves the Union and becomes its own country, if Texas feels threatened from the 
United States, the "Texians" will join with Mexico and then there will be a real war 
between Mexico and the United States. But in this war, many American Patriots will be 
fighting WITH Mexico against what they will call, the New World Order States of 

For years now, covert members of the Bush Administration have been stock piling 
sophisticated weapons and storing them in Houston. How has this been accomplished?

The CIA has had in place a secret "two for the price of one" weapons procurement 
program for years. What does this mean? It means that for every F-15 Eagle, Blackhawk 
helicopter or other military weapon that is made, an identical one -- including serial 
number -- is made.

I have been told that these "extra" weapons have gone to the Underground Army. I was 
also told that "The Bushmen" have a large amount of these weapons. Many of these 
weapons were in warehouses in Houston back in 1996. I was told that they were being 
sent out of the country and stored where the United States government couldn't find 
and destroy them.

I was also told that there are caves throughout Texas, and other states, where a 

[CTRL] WP: GSA Won't Open Transition Office

2000-11-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


GSA Won't Open Transition Office

The Associated Press
Sunday, Nov. 26, 2000; 10:15 p.m. EST

WASHINGTON –– The General Services Administration will not
release $5.3 million to help the next president prepare for
office until the challenges to the election are resolved, a
spokeswoman said Sunday.

Although Florida's statewide canvassing board certified Texas
Gov. George W. Bush the winner of its 25 electoral votes and,
therefore, the presidency, Vice President Al Gore's plans to
contest the election place the outcome in enough doubt to keep
the transition office closed, spokeswoman Beth Newburger said.

"As long as both sides are still going to court, and both sides
say they are, we believe that the outcome remains unclear,"
Newburger said.

As required by law, the GSA set up a transition office complete
with computers and telephones and stood ready to turn over the
keys – and the bank account – to either Bush or Gore the morning
after Election Day. But the recounting and legal battles, which
are now likely to intensify, kept the door locked.

Newburger said GSA Administrator David J. Barram is "authorized
by law to ascertain – that is what the law says – the apparent
winner, and authorize the transfer of funds to begin the

"As long as there is not an apparent winner, and the outcome is
unclear, there's not much we can do," she said.

The law does not say what criteria Barram should use.

Under the Constitution, the next president will be sworn in Jan.
20, possibly leaving scant time to begin making some 6,000

Bush, speaking in Texas after the Florida certification that
declared him president-elect, named a chief of staff and asked
his vice presidential nominee, Dick Cheney "to work with
President Clinton's administration to open a transition office in
Washington. And we look forward to a constructive working
relationship throughout this transition."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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2000-11-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

"...the order to not allocate the cash to the Bush team did not
come from GSA Administrator David J. Barram... It came from White
House chief of Staff John Podesta."



The General Services Accounting office declared on Sunday night
that it will not release $5.3 million to George W. Bush in order
for him to commence a presidential transition team.

GSA spokeswoman Beth Newburger addressed the press Sunday:

"As long as there is not an apparent winner, and the outcome is
unclear, there's not much we can do."

But the order to not allocate the cash to the Bush team did not
come from GSA Administrator David J. Barram, a Clinton appointee.

It came from White House chief of Staff John Podesta -- on the
day before Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris was to
certify Florida's recounted returns!

According to the WASHINGTON TIMES, Podesta issued the directive
ordering the GSA and other federal agencies not to proceed with
any transition activities "until the time when the election is

"Because of the uncertainty over election results, no
president-elect has been identified to receive federal funds and
assistance under the Presidential Transition Act of 1963,"
Podesta wrote.

"Until a president-elect is clearly identified, therefore, no
transition assistance as contemplated under the Transition Act is

Developing hot...

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] NYT: Certified but Incomplete

2000-11-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


November 27, 2000

Certified but Incomplete

By hailing the certification of Florida's ballots as the last
word on the presidential election and naming a transition
director and chief of staff, Gov. George W. Bush reached boldly
for the mantle of president-elect. Unfortunately, he is also
trying to leapfrog the nation past the important pending legal
challenges to that state's incompletely counted vote. In light of
the events since Nov. 7, the last word ought to be delivered by
the courts that will hear Vice President Al Gore's contests of
the results and, more important, by a United States Supreme Court
that is hearing arguments about the election at Mr. Bush's

Both the Florida courts and the United States Supreme Court can
finish their work in a little over a week. They can give
Americans of both parties a higher level of confidence in the
ballot count. That, in turn, would allow either Mr. Bush or Mr.
Gore to take office on a sounder basis. Both candidates should be
looking to the broader issue of legitimacy instead of grasping
for short-term advantage.

It was, of course, no surprise that Florida's secretary of state,
Katherine Harris, an eager partisan who worked for the Bush
campaign, would quickly certify a result that showed Mr. Bush in
the lead. But it was disappointing to see the Texas Governor
embrace that disputed certification and call upon Mr. Gore to
drop his plan to contest the Florida results. The courts need to
look at this count and tell the nation whether it represents the
official end point of the election. Once the courts have spoken,
the time for argument will be over.

We do not think Mr. Gore has a license to litigate into the
sunset. The public mood and that of Democrats in Congress dictate
that the legal challenges already announced or under way probably
represent the limit of the available challenges. Indeed, Mr. Gore
may face a struggle to persuade the public and the Democrats in
Congress to be patient for a few more days.

But it is clear on the known statistics that the 537-vote margin
for Mr. Bush excludes Gore votes already known to exist in Palm
Beach and Miami- Dade Counties. In a speech today, Mr. Gore can
be expected to push his argument that there are thousands of
additional ballots that have never been fairly counted for the
first time. If Ms. Harris and the other members of the Florida
Election Canvassing Commission are allowed to close the books
without such questions being resolved, a needless shadow will
hover over the Florida totals.

The Supreme Court's entry into the case essentially gives
everyone involved a chance to step back from the noisy and
sometimes alarming confrontations of recent weeks. In the
interim, the Florida courts have ample reason to order the
completion of the counts in Palm Beach and Miami-Dade Counties
and to review the standards by which the canvassing boards judged
dimpled ballots. Since Florida's electors need not be selected
until Dec. 12, there is time for these contests of the election
to be completed in a fair fashion.

This is clearly not the time for Florida's restive,
Republican-led Legislature to meddle with the election. The
surest way to erode public trust is for the Florida Legislature
and Florida's Republican governor, Jeb Bush, to try to override
the decisions of the Florida courts.

The United States Supreme Court can do its part to conclude this
national drama on an authoritative note by allowing television
coverage of the arguments before the court on Friday. The
justices have a longstanding aversion to television, but they
should make an exception for this case because of the need to
clear up the disputed count certified in Florida last night.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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2000-11-27 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

Gee, I'm so surprised.



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[CTRL] WSJ: GOP Protest in Miami-Dade Is a Well-Organized Effort

2000-11-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

November 27, 2000

Election 2000

GOP Protest in Miami-Dade Is a Well-Organized Effort

Bush Campaign Pays Tab For Aides From Capitol Hill Flown in for Rallies

Staff Reporters

MIAMI -- When outraged Republicans raised a ruckus outside the
Miami-Dade County elections office last week, some protesters at
the door weren't local citizens.  They were Capitol Hill aides on
all-expenses paid trips, courtesy of the Bush campaign.

Right up front on television images of the event last Wednesday
were Thomas Pyle, an aide to GOP Rep.  Tom DeLay, and Michael
Murphy, who works for a DeLay fund-raising committee.  Doug Heye
from California Rep.  Richard Pombo's office also was in the

Shortly after the door-kicking, window-banging protest, the
Miami-Dade canvassing board made a sharp U-turn, suspending a
recount that was expected to help Vice President Al Gore chip
away at Texas Gov.  George W.  Bush's lead. Mr.  Gore's inability
to secure these votes was a key to Mr.  Bush's certification as
the Florida winner Sunday night.  Miami-Dade canvassing-board
members, while denying that the crowd cowed them, decided they
couldn't complete the count by Sunday's 5 p.m.  deadline without
using a room that the protesters complained limited public

Their work in Miami done, the Republicans headed to Broward
County, where they joined a platoon that included about 20 other
congressional staffers, who had watched the Miami-Dade commotion
on CNN and wildly cheered their compatriots' televised antics.
The protests grew in Fort Lauderdale, with hundreds of
placard-wielding Republicans protesting the recount for several

Sunday, some of these same staffers were involved in a
confrontation with Democrats, including the Rev.  Al Sharpton, in
West Palm Beach. Tensions heightened momentarily as Democratic
volunteers squeezed through the mob of GOP protesters to gather
their campaign signs, but cooler heads prevailed.

Behind the rowdy rallies in South Florida this past weekend was a
well-organized effort by Republican operatives to entice
supporters to South Florida.  The protests drew angry
denunciations from top Democrats, with several congressmen
requesting a Justice Department inquiry. Vice-presidential
candidate Joe Lieberman said the "orchestrated demonstrations ...
were clearly designed to intimidate and to prevent a simple count
of votes from going forward."

Bush operatives deny trying to intimidate.  But they readily
acknowledge that shortly after Election Day they began recruiting
Republicans nationwide to come to the three predominantly
Democratic South Florida counties then considering manual
recounts.  The biggest contingent appears to have hailed from
within the marbled walls of the Capitol complex in Washington.

"Because we were heavily outnumbered in these counties, we called
people from around the country," says Terry Holt, a
communications director with the Republican National Committee.
Democrats "may not need volunteers," he quips. "They've got
judges" on local election canvassing boards.

Democrats have organizers down here, too, and they were the first
to hit the streets.  The Rev.  Jesse Jackson flew to West Palm
Beach shortly after the election to lead a protest against the
confusing "butterfly ballot," prompting conservative commentator
Mary Matalin to dub attendees "rent-a-rioters." Democrats say
they haven't flown staffers or operatives down to Florida to
protest, and there is no evidence to suggest otherwise.  This has
allowed Republicans to quickly gain the upper-hand, protest-wise.

In Washington, several GOP aides say the office of Mr.  DeLay,
the House Republican whip, took charge of the effort on Capitol
Hill, passing on an offer many staffers couldn't refuse: free air
fare, accommodations and food in the Sunshine State -- all paid
for by the Bush campaign. Aides who accepted took advantage of
liberal congressional workplace rules that allow them to jump
from government jobs to political tasks at a moment's notice by
declaring themselves on vacation or temporary leave.

"Once word leaked out, everybody wanted in," says one GOP
operative involved in the effort.  Participants estimate that
more than 200 staffers signed on, some spending more than a week
in South Florida. Many stayed in Hiltons by the beach and
received $30 a day for food, as well as an invitation to an
exclusive Thanksgiving Day party in Fort Lauderdale.

"They needed help down there," says GOP Rep.  Roy Blunt of
Missouri.  "A lot of people in Washington wanted to be a part of
that." He adds that the collaboration has fostered a new sense of
unity between congressional Republicans and Mr. Bush, who often
ignored Washington Republicans during the campaign to bolster his
outsider image.  "The unfairness of [the Democrats' recount]
effort has really brought Republicans together," the congressman

The camaraderie was on full display at the 

Re: [CTRL] Re: [CTRL] Embarrassed? Angry? Agai n,

2000-11-27 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Would a moderator PLEASE step in and get this off-topic trash off the
list? Thank you.

--- Vera Harper [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-


snip the garbage

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Re: [CTRL] NYP: Bush's Supreme Error

2000-11-27 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/26/2000 6:53:27 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Thus, if Bush is thwarted by the court, no matter what its
 reasoning, many will believe that the final word has been spoken
 from Mt. Sinai, and that to continue the mudfight with Gore would
 be blasphemous. And since seven of the nine justices were
 appointed by Republican presidents, Bush will be not able to
 blame partisan bias. 

Dubya has nothing to fear here.  The Supreme Court will grant him anything he
asks for.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Mob Rule Wins For W

2000-11-27 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/25/2000 4:35:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 The protestors carried anti-Gore signs, including one that read: "Rotten
 the Gore." The demonstration then turned violent as the canvassing board
 sought to go into closed session to begin examining the ballots.
 Dade County's Democratic chairman, Joe Geller, was chased by the crowd and
 required police protection. The mob also charged the offices of the
 supervisor of elections and began pounding on the doors. Several people were
 roughed up before sheriff deputies blocked the demonstrators' path and
 restored some order.
 The shaken three-member canvassing board promptly reversed its decision to
 count the ballots that many observers believed contained a large number of
 uncounted votes for Vice President Al Gore. 

Did anyone else notice that there weren't any Slade Gorton type cops grabbing
the demonstrators and wiping pepper spray into their eyes.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Fwd: florida election

2000-11-27 Thread Kris Millegan


A great opportunity ahead, between now and 2004 and which can be exploited
for the third parties. and independents

l. Reps and Dems together represent ONLY half the US...and have shown
themselves to be no more than predators fighting over the spoils of politcal

2.  Bush and Gore can destroy each other in the fight for power.good.

3.  The danger is that this high level squabble can be used to set up a cry
for "reform" in the election system."Reform" can be used to install a
computerised system that can be more easily manipulated...

4.   tHE confusionIt will make it more difficult but not impossible for NEW
WORLD ORDER promoters

5. We defintely have to get away from the Hegelian trap of "Left" and "Right".
The battle  has become" us" ie  we the people  versus "them"  ie the statist


Lysander SpoonerThe right to ignore the State

I reissued this maybe 30 years ago and sold thousands.  Time for another



[CTRL] Fwd: Pedophile Rings the Snuff Film Industry

2000-11-27 Thread Kris Millegan


When sex abuse can lead to murder

Award-winning journalist Nick Davies concludes a series looking at the evils
of paedophilia by confronting the grim mysteries of snuff movies. Today: The
Amsterdam connection

Monday November 27, 2000

A year after Bristol detectives finally started to unravel the ring of
paedophiles who had been abusing children there for up to 20 years, they
found an informant with an alarming story. The man, whom we will call Terry,
had a long history of sexually abusing boys. He did not come from Bristol
but, by chance, he had come across some of the paedophiles the detectives
were investigating - in Amsterdam, where he said they had become involved
with a group of exiled British child abusers who had succeeded in
commercialising their sexual obsession.
The exiled paedophiles were trafficking boys from other countries; running
legitimate gay brothels and selling under-aged boys "under the counter";
they had branched out into the production of child pornography. And they had
killed some of them. One boy had simply been shot through the head, Terry
said: he had been causing trouble and had been executed in front of several
pae dophiles. Another, he believed, had been thrown into one of the canals.
But the one about whom he spoke the most was a boy who had been tortured and
killed in the most painful fashion in the course of producing a pornographic
Terry said he had seen most of the video himself and had vomited before he
could reach the end. The few detectives who specialise in the investigation
of child abuse invariably say the same thing about "snuff" movies: they have
often heard of them, sometimes pursued them but never found one. The videos
remain one of the great unsolved mysteries of the burgeoning underworld of
international sexual exploitation.
Twice told tale
Terry's account was so hideous as to invite disbelief. It was clearly
possible that he was inventing the story in an attempt to curry favour with
the detectives as they turned over Bristol's paedophile subculture. And yet
the detectives discovered that the allegation had been made before.
Not just once but repeatedly, evidence had come to the attention of police
in England and the Netherlands, that, for pleasure and profit, some of the
exiled paedophiles in Amsterdam had mur dered boys in front of the camera.
Some of the evidence had been pursued. Some of it had been ignored. None of
it had led to a murder charge. For a short while, the Bristol detectives
thought they might be able to make progress in tracking down the truth; but
when two of them flew to Amsterdam in the autumn of 1998 to pass on their
information to Dutch officers, they hit a wall.
Terry had described the flat in Amsterdam where he had seen the video; he
had named the owner of the flat who was, by implication, also owner of the
video; he had provided the name of the man who carried out the killing; he
had described events on the video in detail; he had provided the approximate
age and the first name of the dead boy.
Dutch police said it was not enough: without the full name of a victim, they
would not begin an investigation. Having fought their way through the swamp
of inertia which surrounds British policing and prosecution of child abuse,
the Bristol detectives had now hit the deeper swamp of virtual paralysis
that afflicts its international policing. Within their own jurisdictions,
there are now specialist paedophilia detectives - for example, in London and
Amsterdam - who will work relentlessly to lock up predatory child abusers.
But when they try to move abroad, the potentially powerful machine starts to
misfire. The result is that there is now a flourishing underground trade in
boys who are being exported from the economic chaos of eastern Europe, as
well as from the streets of London, to be put to work in the sex industry of
western Europe. And no effective police operation to deal with it.
Predatory paedophiles cross whatever borders they like in order to pursue
their obsessions; the police who might follow them are almost always trapped
within their own narrow jurisdictions, partly by differences in law and
procedure, partly because they lack the manpower and money to work
internationally. There is an exception to this rule of parochialism, in the
highly funded war against drugs, but in the perverse world of modern
policing, the trafficking, rape and alleged murder of children has a far
lower priority. 
We have uncovered an international paedophile ring whose roots spring from
Amsterdam, where, in the late 1980s, a group of British paedophiles set up a
colony, exploiting the freedom of the city's gay community as cover to make
a business of their fantasies.
Legal front
One of the first to do so was Alan Williams, the "Welsh Witch", who already
had a vicious history of abusing boys in south Wales. Williams arrived in
Amsterdam in 1988, aged 21, and soon set himself up as the manager of a gay
brothel called Boys Club 21 at 

[CTRL] FEATURE: World War AIDS Day Dec. 1, 2000

2000-11-27 Thread newsdesk

{writer's notes: dear editor, per your request
find my report on Dr. Graves below ready for
publication.  Please notify  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Thanks for the assignment.  JB}

Submitted by: Joel Bales  11.27.00  08:58 AM


Web: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/historyonhold.html
PDF: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/veterans.pdf
PHOTO1: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/edatwhitehouse.JPG
PHOTO2: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/edgravesnavyposter.html
Mail List: http://stateorigin.sun-city.net/mailpop_up.html

It was Veteran's Day 2000, four days after the American
Presidential election, and history was still on hold.
Newspaper headlines reminded all of a divided and
hypnotized country with the peculiarities of a presidential
election in limbo. Yet no headline of the Sixth Circuit's historic
election day order regarding Boyd Ed Graves, and his petition
against the President of the United Sates was to be found.

In less than two hours I would be in Cleveland Ohio,
interviewing AIDS activist, civil rights leader, American
Veteran and history maker, Boyd Ed Graves, J.D.  I was
about to interview a man who made history as the first
African American Navy Officer ever to be included
in a Navy recruitment poster, a man who had been
inside the Whitehouse of several administrations,
an ADA specialist championing the rights of the
disabled, and today the world's ultimate
AIDS activist.

I was a white man preparing to tell a black man's
story; ready to meet the man who shook the
international scientific and medical communities
in 1999 with his discoveries of the "Special Virus"
research logic flow chart and then sued the Pentagon
and the President of The United States. He has been
demanding immediate Congressional review,
deactivation, and an apology for the "Special Virus"
for over two years.  Needless to say, I was excited
preparing to meet a man of such tenacity and genius.

His case alleges and the evidence he has conclusively
proves the United States via the ultra-secret
"Special Virus Program" initiated as early as
1957, "created", "produced," and "proliferated"
the AIDS virus in accordance with 'controversial
population control' policies set into law by the
Nixon administration, in particular,
Public Law 91-213.

After over two years in the federal court system,
the Sixth Circuit issued a historic Election Day
order November 7, 2000. The court ordered Graves'
case and the true origin of AIDS - "frivolous."
Graves was called 'delusional.' The court was
wrong, and as Ed would politely point out,
in constitutional violation.

Once again, history was made in Cleveland,
while the nation's eyes were tuned to electoral
inequities in Florida. For eight months, Graves
stated the court was unconstitutionally holding
the decision in the case until election day.
Again, the evidence proved he was correct.
I awed at the magnitude of this Veteran's Day
journey thick with symbolism; a journey which
would lead to the most inspiring interview of my
career and to the most important mission of my life.

I set for the back of the plane finding a seat near the rear.
The flight was near empty.  I consider the back of a plane
safer than the front, and I chose to keep my safety factors
in check. A friendly man sitting in the backmost seat shared
his newspaper. He was headed to the game. He was an athlete,
an executive, a family man, and African American.

I explained I was set to meet and interview African American
legend and American hero, Boyd Ed Graves, J.D. His friends
call him Ed. The man listened intent as I explained, but admitted
 he had never heard of Boyd Ed Graves, nor of his case against
 the President of the United States.

I detailed the evidence in his case, the laboratory contracts,
scientific papers, and  government policies proving what Graves'
says is true: the "Special Virus" IS AIDS and it was not only
created in a laboratory by man, but  by men working for our
United States government in search of the ultimate ethnic
weapon, a genetic mechanism designed to facilitate racist
'social engineering' policies of a nation consumed by fear and
prejudice of the 60's.

Several months prior, Graves asked me to research Public Law
91-213 signed by then President Nixon. I did. It was part of
his case and the law establishing a controversial international
"population stabilization" program dedicated to maintaining
'adequate life' for the world's populations, including plans
for `controlling` population growth in the third world.

This law, especially within the context of other U.S.
sponsored policies on black Africa, raised
 disturbing questions and horrific realizations as
to personal prejudices of our national leaders.
 The detrimental effects of these policies on
the health of the world are . . . . I paused. . .
 I must sound crazy . . . I took a breath.
.  . . I said.

"By every definition of the 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: florida election

2000-11-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

I like this Chris for the NWO through Cronkite and the likes of his
CFR/NWO would give you a choice - extreme right or extreme left when
each side is as bad as the other.in 1960 the CFR took over Democrat
Party - part of the game plan now, for it is the 60 period all over
again would be to Assassinate Bush and remove Cheney then - the 3
Presidents - and who would the third man be - a radial extremist so far
to the right he is on the left  for everything is a circle and
everything old is new again.

The pattern begins..I like Baby Bush because of his comment re No US
Soldier would ever wear a UN Uniform - it was then I decided to really
vote for Bush.

Clinton obviously holds allegiance to someone, but it sure is not this
country or to our flag.

Check these guys out - they are all timed to go off and out together.

So goodbye Ehud Brug aka Barak, goodbye Clinton and Gore, I hope,
goodbye Sharon, Arafat, and NWO - well NWO keeps coming back like a song
or a bad "pennie" doesn't it.changes it name, but NWO same as Old
World Order.

The name of the game is steal natural resources - it is not what it on
the land but under the land.ever wonder why Africa is so poor and
dying of AIDS and where all those crown jewells - from whence did they

Am taking up collection for Saradan, Streisand, Baldwin and Goldberg and
Sheen to be sure they leave the country - we will notify Osama of their


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] WSJ: GOP Protest in Miami-Dade Is a Well-Organized Effort

2000-11-27 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 11/27/00 7:33:55 AM Central Standard Time,

 "Once word leaked out, everybody wanted in," says one GOP
  operative involved in the effort.  Participants estimate that
  more than 200 staffers signed on, some spending more than a week
  in South Florida. Many stayed in Hiltons by the beach and
  received $30 a day for food, as well as an invitation to an
  exclusive Thanksgiving Day party in Fort Lauderdale.

   That makes me SO angry!  Our tax dollars funding these cretins to overturn
an election!


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Consortium - W's Triumph of the Will

2000-11-27 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF="http://www.consortiumnews.com/112700a.html"The

November 27, 2000
W's Triumph of the Will

By Robert Parry
George W. Bush has claimed the mantle of president of the United States after
one of the most brazen – and effective – power grabs in political history.
The loser of the national popular vote by about 337,000 votes and apparently
not even the favorite of the six million Floridians who went to the polls,
Bush assured his victory by deploying Republican foot soldiers to Florida and
revving up the powerful conservative propaganda machine across the country.

Barring an unlikely court ruling in the weeks ahead, the result of Bush's
bare-knuckle strategy appears to be that the will of the American voters has
been overturned for the first time in 112 years. The first popular-vote loser
since Benjamin Harrison will ascend to the presidency.
In Bush's victory, the Republican Party also cast aside any remaining shreds
of the notion that logical consistency has any place in modern politics.

Before the election, for instance, the Bush team feared that Vice President
Al Gore would win the majority of the Electoral College while losing the
popular vote to Bush.

In such an eventuality, the Republicans had prepared a national strategy that
would have relied on talk radio and conservative pundits to demand that Gore
step aside and accept the popular will. The Electoral College was to be
denounced as an anti-democratic "relic" and Bush hailed as the choice of the

When it became clear that Bush would lose the popular vote but was in a
position to claim Florida's 25 electoral votes and thus the Electoral
College, the political strategy turned on a dime. The popular vote became an
irrelevance and the Electoral College a revered institution of the Republic.

In the days since the election, the conservative media apparatus worked to
create an atmosphere of inevitability and entitlement. Republican operatives
insisted that Bush be declared the winner because he led in Florida, though
by only a narrow margin and despite widespread complaints of irregularities.

Thousands of mostly elderly residents of Palm Beach – apparently 10,000 or
more – had tried to vote for Gore, but were confused by an improperly
designed ballot.

These citizens accidentally voted for Reform Party candidate Patrick Buchanan
or punched two holes in trying to correct their ballots. Bush supporters
ridiculed them as morons who had disenfranchised themselves.

In other parts of Florida, African-American voters complained of receiving
ballots already punched for Bush or of being turned away from polling places.
Bush supporters complained when Jesse Jackson and other black leaders joined
local people for protests.

Meanwhile, in Seminole County, evidence emerged that voting officials had
granted special opportunities for Republicans to correct data on absentee
ballots, while flawed absentee ballots from regular citizens and Democrats
were thrown away.

Republican Party workers were allowed to work out of Seminole County offices
for as long as 10 days, without supervision in rooms housing the county's
computer database of voters.

Sandra Goard, the county election supervisor, said she did not even know the
identity of one of the two men given access to the absentee ballots and the
computer rooms. Goard made her admissions in a sworn deposition, according to
The New York Times. [Nov. 26, 2000]
In Seminole County, absentee ballots gave Bush about a 5,000-vote margin over

In the days after the Nov. 7 election, the Bush campaign insisted that the
machine count should be respected as the most accurate.

But a statewide machine recount saw Bush's lead slip from 1,784 to 327, a
margin that ironically included at least 418 hand-recounted votes for Bush
from mostly Republican counties.

The machines also kicked out tens of thousands of ballots because the choice
for president had not been completely punched through. Gore's campaign
exercised a provision of Florida law – similar to laws in other states,
including Texas – that permitted a hand recount.

The Bush forces immediately denounced a hand recount in three counties –
Dade, Palm Beach and Broward – as unfair and unconstitutional. They also
rejected Gore's offer for a statewide hand recount.

Republican court actions and administrative orders from the Republican
Secretary of State Katherine Harris caused delays in pressing ahead.

Building Support

Around the country, meanwhile, the conservative media apparatus, led by talk
show host Rush Limbaugh and pro-Bush pundits, rallied the faithful with
charges that a hand recount was fraudulent and amounted to "inventing" votes.

Given the size of the three counties and the legal challenges, the hand
recounts were barely started when Harris certified the machine recount as the
official tally at a Nov. 14 deadline for the counties to submit 

[CTRL] Fwd: Desperately Seeking A Deal

2000-11-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\   http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 11/27:
   Ehud Barak and the Labor Party are getting even more desperate to retain power
in Israel.  This week an effort in the Knesset will be made to bring Barak down
after just two convulsive years as Prime Minister.   That is why lightning "diplomacy"
is underway trying to provide Yasser Arafat a smokescreen behind which he can
reenter the Oslo/Camp David framework and even at this late date declare a "Palestinian
State" a la Barak's parameters, however deceptive, constrained and controlled
that "State" would be.  And this is what all the current talk about "international
observers" is about and why so many of the most senior people on all sides are
desperately running from Jerusalem to Gaza, to Moscow and Cairo, to Amman and
New York, and of course in the end to Washington.  Much of what is currently
being planned and plotted by those at the top is not the kind of thing that 
can do, not the kind of thing that can be put down paper.  The deals, the "incentives",
and the threats need to be made and delivered at the highest levels.  The masks
need to be tried on face to face.
   Neither Barak nor Clinton intend to go out quietly.  Clinton is dominated
by concerns over his legacy, as well as his wife's likely bid for the White House
in just a few years.  Barak and those around him are desperate not to lose power
again to the Likud and not to find their political rivals making historic deals
without them, as did Begin at the original Camp David.  And Arafat too is more
desperate than ever -- he knows how fragile his own hold on power and even legitimacy
has become; and he knows how much he has let his own future, and that of his
people, be determined by decisions soon to be taken in Jerusalem and Washington.
   So they all desperately need some kind of a deal now...read on:

  By Howard Goller

JERUSALEM, Nov 24 (Reuters) - Buoyed by a growing public perception that Prime
Minister Ehud Barak has failed both at politics and peacemaking, Israel's right
wing is hoping for a comeback 18 months after his landslide election victory.

Barak's grasp on barely a quarter of the seats in parliament and his dismal standing
in opinion polls have improved the electoral chances of leading hawk Ariel Sharon
and Benjamin Netanyahu, the rightist prime minister Barak ousted in May 1999,
analysts said.

Accused of responding equivocally to two months of Palestinian revolt, perceived
as insensitive to large blocs of Israeli society and regarded as a poor administrator,
the Labour Party's Barak has boosted the morale of Israel's right.

Given the fading prospects for a Palestinian peace treaty that Barak aimed to
make the showpiece of his term in office, analysts say the best he can hope for
is a ruling partnership with Sharon, who heads the rightist Likud party.

With a month-long "safety net" from the ultra-Orthodox Shas party running out
and no sign that Barak and Sharon can come to terms for forging a joint coalition,
the likeliest alternative is early elections, perhaps between April and June.

The first of three readings of a bill to call early elections could take place
in parliament on Tuesday, boosting the comeback hopes of the vanquished Netanyahu,
the frontrunner in all opinion polls.

"I am certain we will go for an early election and my assessment is that we will
come to it in April-May because no matter how you look at it, Mr Barak is finished,"
said Shimon Shiffer, veteran diplomatic correspondent for Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel's
largest newspaper.

Publicly, Barak's aides appeal to President Yasser Arafat to return to the negotiating
table abandoned with the outbreak of the Palestinian uprising in late September.
But privately they hold out little hope that talks will resume.


The conventional wisdom is that Barak could beat all comers in the next election
if he runs with a conflict-ending peace deal to his credit. Anything short of
that will deny him victory, the reasoning goes.

"His only chance of survival is to come to an agreement with Arafat, and then
he can initiate an early election and go to the public and say, 'Look, you suffered
from my way of conducting myself. But here at least you have peace with the 
an end to the conflict'," Shiffer said.

Opinion polls show Netanyahu, 

[CTRL] Russia Sends Hundreds Of Missiles To Iran

2000-11-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

  Russia Sends Hundreds Of Missiles To Iran

  MOSCOW (MENL) - Russia has dismissed the threat
 of additional U.S.sanctions
 on its companies linked to Iranian missile
 and nonconventional programs
 amid plans to export hundreds of missiles to Teheran.

  The Israeli Yediot Aharonot daily reported on Friday
 that Russia plans to  send
 325 shoulder-fired SA-16 anti-aircraft missiles to Iran.
 The SA-16 is  regarded as the most effective missile
 deployed in the former East Bloc
 and  Israeli sources fear that
 they will be transported to the Hizbullah in Lebanon.

  The shipment is part of a deal to export 700 SA-16 missiles to Iran
 as part of a $1.75 billion contract.
 Yediot quoted U.S. sources as saying
 hundreds of  missiles
 have been placed on a Russian train and ship for Iran.

  Russian officials said Moscow would not allow the United States
 or any other  country to dictate its policy.
  Moscow has informed the United States that it will withdraw
 from a 1995 understanding
 that would end arms sales to Iran.
 The termination of the agreement takes effect on Dec. 1.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Peruvian ex-president says he made decision to resign suddenly

2000-11-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Peruvian ex-president says he made decision to resign suddenly

The Associated Press
11/27/00 11:43 AM

TOKYO (AP) -- Alberto Fujimori had a busy, but hardly unusual, schedule the
last time he left Peru: fly to Brunei for an economic summit, then a brief
stopover in Tokyo on his way to Panama.

But that plan took a sudden twist in Japan.

Instead of leaving, he holed up in a Tokyo hotel, claiming to have a bad
cold. Days later, he announced his resignation as president of Peru. He is
now the guest of one of Japan's best-known novelists.

And though he says he expects to be in Japan for an extended stay, he has
not ruled out returning to Peru someday.

"I don't know exactly what will be my political future," he told The
Associated Press in an interview Monday. He added, however, that he believes
he'll be vindicated.

Despite the conspiracy theories back home, Fujimori said his decision to
relinquish the presidency and make an extended stay in his ancestral
homeland came on the spur of the moment.

"I made the decision in Japan, all of a sudden," he said in a 30-minute talk
in a Tokyo hotel room. "I didn't have it planned at all."

Fujimori was vague about why, saying only that he received "additional
reports" from Peru that encouraged him to stay put.

Whatever the reasons, the move has made Fujimori Japan's most closely
watched -- and enigmatic -- national house guest.

Questions surround the former autocrat, who arrived in Japan on Nov. 17.

Speculation is rampant that he may attempt to take Japanese citizenship if
he does not, as some say, have it already -- to avoid returning to face any
legal problems in Peru.

Fujimori said he was registered with the Japanese consulate in Peru when he
was born, but the Japanese Foreign Ministry says it is unclear whether that
entitles him to Japanese citizenship.

Then there is the question of whether he would ever try to make a comeback
in Lima. He said Monday he is "reconsidering" a bid for the Peruvian Congres

An eventual return to public life is not out of the question, he said.

"We cannot say that this is the end of an era," Fujimori said. "I think that
the so-called `Fujimori-ism' will continue in some way or another."

But a triumphant return to Peru is unlikely any time soon.

The Peruvian Congress ignored Fujimori's resignation -- issued from Japan --
and dismissed him last week instead, declaring him morally unfit to govern.
A special prosecutor is planning to investigate him for possible money
laundering, corruption of public officials and illicit enrichment.

Fujimori, who spent 10 years in office, blamed his former master spy,
Vladimiro Montesinos, for his current political problems and the corruption

"I have no doubt that this is the network of Montesinos," he said, repeating
his denial that he has illicit money hidden in bank accounts outside Peru.
He said his conscience was "tranquil and clean."

How would he like to be remembered?

"As a decisive president who took actions in favor of the people of Peru,"
he said. "As a president who took the bull by the horns."

Copyright 2000 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not
be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Hyundai manager in Colombia kidnapped

2000-11-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Hyundai manager in Colombia kidnapped
The Associated Press
11/26/00 5:56 PM

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) -- Gunmen abducted the Colombian manager of Hyundai
Corp., the Korean car and truck maker, from his weekend retreat outside
Bogota, police said Sunday.

Lazaro Montes was grabbed Saturday night from a farmhouse in the town of
Silvania, 40 miles from the capital, said National Police anti-kidnapping
chief Col. Leonardo Gallego.

Gallego said it was unclear whether leftist guerrillas or common criminal
gangs were involved. He said no ransom demand had been made.

Efforts to reach Hyundai's offices in Colombia on Sunday for comment were

Guerrillas and common criminals are responsible for most of the roughly
3,000 abductions committed annually in Colombia, which has the world's
highest kidnapping rate. The rebels use the ransoms to finance a 36-year war
against the government.

Multinational businesses operating in the South American country often take
out kidnapping insurance on their top executives.

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be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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Re: [CTRL] The Republican right prepares for violence

2000-11-27 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Do you really believe that?

Just wishful thinking. A world without Democrats or Republicans is sweet
to imagine. But of course, they  all work for the same corporations.
This so called battle for the presidency is a totally contrived. It's
nothing but a show on TV. No matter who becomes president, the same
plotocrats still call the shots. Besides, Hitler and Mussolini were less
alike than Gush and Bore.

The big question is why the powers that be are putting on this show. Are
they trying to convince the more than half of us who don't vote that
voting actually matters or are they distracting us from something else
they are up to that they don't want us paying attention to? Hope for the
best but plan for the worst.

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2000-11-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

November 27, 2000
Contact: Press Office
(202) 646-5172


Court Orders Access for Judicial Watch To Palm Beach Ballots

Accounting Firm to Oversee Judicial Watch Counts

Over 400 Judicial Watch Volunteers to Count Ballots Throughout

(Miami, FL) Judicial Watch will begin counting disputed ballots
from the presidential election in Palm Beach today. Circuit Court
Judge Jorge La Barga ordered Palm Beach to give access to
Judicial Watch under Florida state law, which allows citizens to
inspect ballots. Johnson Lambert  Co., a public accounting firm
with expertise both in counting ballots and in fraud, will
oversee the Judicial Watch effort. Over 400 citizens from across
the country have volunteered to help Judicial Watch count the
disputed and other ballots, such as absentee military ballots.
Judicial Watch plans to conduct an independent analysis of
disputed and other ballots throughout the entire state of

“It is important that an independent group, non-partisan in
nature, provide certified numbers for the American people. The
last few weeks have shown that one can’t trust partisans on the
ground to count the votes,” stated Judicial Watch Chairman and
General Counsel Larry Klayman.

Where feasible, Judicial Watch will also use statistical and
accounting techniques to test the accuracy of the machine counts.

“Even there was official certification of George W. Bush as the
winner of Florida’s electoral votes, Al Gore will contest this
election. In this unusual circumstance, it becomes all the more
necessary to have an independent, non-partisan count. Judicial
Watch will make its recount results available to the American
public, the courts, and others who require an independent measure
of the voting in Florida,” stated Judicial Watch President Tom


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] It Does matter

2000-11-27 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


Linques embedded at site, one of which's text is proved below.  AER 

  Does Matter
  Gene Callahan
was wrong.
Now, don't get worried – I recall this happening once before,
and I recovered from it quite nicely then. But the Democratic
Party has accomplished an amazing feat over the last 18 days.
They have convinced me that I was thoroughly mistaken when I said
it didn't really matter which party won the presidential race.
matters. It matters, as Anne Coulter eloquently
put it, because the Democrats are "lying thieves." And it
is no accident that the lying thieves are concentrated in the
Democratic Party.
Rockwell says, "Expansive government divides society into
two castes, those who give up their money to the State and those
who take money from the State." The first group is composed of
the productive members of society, those who can make their living
through voluntary exchanges that benefit both parties involved.
The second group consists of thieves and parasites.
Democratic Party core of support comes from just a few groups,
such as union workers, especially government union workers, trial
lawyers, and those who receive government assistance. These groups
have something in common – they all rely on the threat of
government violence for their sustenance. In other words, the
Democratic Party is the party of the thieves and parasites.
it is true that there are good people in government positions.
There are teachers who really try to teach and earn their paychecks.

There are cops who are trying to uphold the rule of law. There
are military personnel who sincerely love the country and want
to help defend it. There are garbage men who do their best picking
up the trash. There is even, believe it or not, a
Congressman who is trying to uphold the Constitution! But
the number of government employees that is just milking the system
dwarfs the number of productive people in government.
is another group, more obscure, but more important to the
of the Democratic Party than those mentioned above. I'll call
them the immune-system-suppressers for the parasites. They live
in the media, the universities, and the political class. Their
role is to quiet the fears of the productive, to lull them to
sleep, to convince sub-groups of productive people that their
interests diverge from those of other productive people, and align
with those of the parasites. The reward for this service is to
gain a place at the head of the legions of parasites, to get the
first, freshest blood drawn from the host. It must be the sincere
hope of those of this class that the host is quite healthy, and
that the parasitism can continue at least as long as they are
of this latter class is completely cynical. They are educated
enough to understand that the economics of the Democratic Party,
of state intervention, must eventually lead to collapse, as the
productive host is sucked dry. However, in the meantime, they
get to live high on the hog. They can feed their egos by making
important pronouncements on the Sunday morning talk shows. The
whole host of parasites regards them as heroes, and never resents
the high salaries that they draw.
these people know that they are just respectable thieves. Because
of this, they will do anything to retain their grip on power and
prevent their own exposure. If the meaning of the word 'is' can
be changed to suit their purposes, grand! If they can shrug off
crimes with a phrase like "no controlling legal authority," then
use it! If an opponent can be smeared by somehow implying that
he might as well have been at the wheel of the pickup truck that
dragged James Byrd, well, so be it.
some innocent people in some obscure country, like, say, Iraq,
Sudan or Kosovo, have to die so that these thieves can maintain
power. Well, they weren't voters anyway, now, were they? Perhaps

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Nazi Origin of U.S. Gun Control

2000-11-27 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

The Nazi origin of gun control is a right wing myth. There is nothing
  historical about it. Only Jews were forbidden to have guns.

Care to cite us a source on that?

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[CTRL] Report: KGB ordered Swiss explosion to distract attention from Chernobyl

2000-11-27 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Report: KGB ordered Swiss explosion to distract attention from Chernobyl

  Tuesday, 21 November 2000 3:06 (ET)

   LONDON, Nov. 21 (UPI) - Members of a special Stasi unit caused the
  blaze at the Sandoz pharmaceuticals storage site in Switzerland, one
of the
  worst pollution disasters of modern times, The Times of London

   The report said the operation, ordered by the KGB, was intended to
  distract world attention from the Chernobyl meltdown six months
earlier in

   Vincent Cannistraro, a former senior CIA officer, told Germany's
  television network, ZDF, of the alleged connection.

   "The Stasi worked on a commission for the KGB. They used the
  contingency plan prepared by a Zurich insurance company which
conducted an
  inspection of the Sandoz works," he said.

   "In the plan, it was described in detail what would happen if a fire
  out in certain halls." Cannistraro said his information came from a
  official in Moscow.

   A special Stasi unit known as AGMS (Working Group for Ministerial
  Problems) was put on the job, according to the Times report.  Thomas
  Auerbach, a Stasi archives researcher on AGMS activities, confirmed
  report: Stasi expertise in explosives sabotage was well known in
  intelligence circles.

   The Sandoz blaze swept through the giant storage halls of the company
  site, requiring thousands of gallons of water to finally extinguish
  flames. As a result, tons of dangerous chemicals and poisonous mercury
  flowed into the Rhine, killing millions of fish.

   More than 150,000 dead eels surfaced five days after the explosion
and the
  Rhine became known as the River of Death. It took almost a decade for
  Rhine to recover and the precise cause of the fire was never

  Copyright 2000 by United Press International.
  All rights reserved.

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2000-11-27 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic


Spanish soldiers escort 
Serb children on their way to school toensure safe movement through 
Albanian areasEven children are not spared in a systematic campaign of 
Albanian criminals against Serbs.

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Nazi Origin of U.S. Gun Control

2000-11-27 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Other Jews served  in the Armed forces of the Third Reich, even up to
the rank of Field Marshall.

Come again? You're not talking about Milch, are you?

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Re: [CTRL] It Does matter

2000-11-27 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

the Democrats are "lying thieves." 

So are the Republicans. Or maybe you've forgotten Watergate,
Iran/Contra, and the Savings and Loan debacle.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Russia Sends Hundreds Of Missiles To Iran

2000-11-27 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Their lips speak peace, but there is war on their agenda.

What will Israel expect - the American Calvary will come to the rescue?

No waynot even the UN will touch that one for there are those who
want to see all the people in the Holy Land killed off - and then guess
who will move in and take the oil.

They would do well to remember Sadam Hussein and arab countries with all
the oil fields wired and ready to blow if Israelies or Zionists ever
attempt to take that, which isn ot theirs.

So God gave that oil to Ismael did he not?   Gideon took the earrings
from the dead Ishmalites and now they want their oil too?

It is written that Gideon was a coward, and I agree - but then it was
Ehud Barak aka Brug who dressed like a woman with a purse, purse filled
with dynamite, who murdered a few innocents after ILLEGALLY entering

Sands of time about to run our for Ehud the thug Brug - and Sharon whom
the Palestinians refer to as "the fat slob" has lost his glarmour and is
not quite so fearsome these days.

Murdering children in the Holy Land?Well look at Waco and see who
and what we have now for world leadersbaby murderers.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] FDA Gestapo Imprisons Parkinson's Advocate-Lengthy article

2000-11-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

This is rather long.  I make no claims as to the guilt or innocence of this
individual but am forwarding it as part of the conspiracy theory of
suppression of vitamins/alternative treatments.

- Original Message -
From: "International Advocates for Health Freedom" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "List Member" 
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 9:44 AM
Subject: [IAHF] FDA Gestapo Imprisons Parkinson's Advocate

 International Advocates for Health Freedom - http://www.iahf.com

 IAHF Webmaster: Create a Section Called "Free Jay Now!" and put these
 articles in it. Also put it under breaking news, consitution on the
 bonfire, and genocide.
 All Webmasters: Please post. Mr.Kimble was not even allowed to have his
 expert witness testify. He was horribly railroaded. Now they're giving him
 "Diesal Therapy" moving him around inside the American Gulag so he can't
 even be in touch with his wife and attorney.

 IAHF list: I have been working hard for the past several weeks with Bill
 Faloon and Jo Kimble, the wife of Jay Kimball who's plight is discussed
 very thoroughly and movingly below by my friend Don Harkens, Editor and
 Publisher of the Idaho Observer, and a fellow member of the American Media
 Association. Jay was selling a dietary supplement: liquid deprenyl
 a derivitive of the herb ephedra. It meets the statutory definition of a
 dietary supplement beyond any question because one or more of its 4
 ingredients meets the definition of a dietary ingredient, the product is
 totally safe and very effective. FDA engaged in a conspiracy with Somerset
 Labs to imprison Jay. I have much more to say about Jay's situation, but
 think that Don's 3 articles below do a better job of introducing the issue
 than I could initially. Suffice it to say that Jay has been railroaded
 the belly of the beast: 13 years in the Federal Pen on a trumped up
 "conspiracy" charge, and we must raise the funds for an appeal. After
 reading this, please forward it to others, especially if they have loved
 ones who suffer from Parkinsons' because their best hope is being horribly
 suppressed, and Jay is being grossly mistreated as a political prisoner.

 Because of their efforts to break him for the past ten years,
 Mr. Kimball was forced to defend himself at his trial.
 Donations for his legal defense can be sent to:
 The James T. Kimball Legal Defense Fund,
 C/O 29949 S.R. 54 West,
 Wesley Chapel, Florida, 33543
 or call 813-994-5968 for more information.
 Also see http://www.liquid-deprenyl.com
 You can also call me at 800-333-2553 (IAHF) or call Don Harkins author of
 the articles below for more information

 Posted-Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 10:08:44 -0800 (PST)
 From: "Don Harkins" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Illegal-Object: Syntax error in To: address found on hugin.request.net:
  To: Undisclosed-Recipient: @ns5.dmi.net; 
^-illegal end of route address,
  missing end of address
 Subject: FDA Gestapo Imprisons Parkinson's Advocate
 Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2000 09:50:45 -0800
 Organization: Idaho Observer
 X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.00.2314.1300
 To: unlisted-recipients:; (no To-header on input)
 Dear Fellow Health Freedom Lover -
 Many of you are familiar with the story of Jay Kimball. Following is
 an update and background in case you are not familiar. The final
 section of this post is a list of numbers that can be called to let
 the FDA, legislators and courts realize that people are watching.
 Please help bring the following crimes against a decent fellow
 American to light. If you have any questions, my number is at the end
 of the first release.
 Don Harkins
 The Idaho Observer
 Fed Marshalls prescribe diesel therapy for Kimball
 LDC developer, 60, returned to Tampa in damaged state
 By The Idaho Observer

 TAMPA-After his October 19, 2000 conviction for violating U.S. Food
 and Drug Administration (FDA) labeling laws, Liquid Deprenyl Citrate
 (LDC) developer Jay Kimball, 60, while in the custody of the U.S.
 Marshal's Service, was handcuffed, waist-chained, leg-ironed and, for
 no apparent reason, transported 150 miles from the Hillsborough
 County Jail (HCJ) here to the Hendry County Jail in LaBelle. Kimball
 was returned to HCJ Nov. 20 with numerous injuries.
 An HCJ employee reportedly stated that Kimball must have been
 transported in error as, considering his age and the nature of his
 conviction, he should never have been sent to LaBelle. LaBelle is a
 facility that has been described as a deplorable, inhumane and
 bacteria-infested hell hole.
 Kimball was sentenced by Florida District Federal Judge Richard
 Lazzara to serve 13 years for "misbranding" LDC-a crime which would
 ordinarily earn a three-year prison stay.  On one hand the judge said
 to the prosecutors, "you had thousands of names and phone numbers,
 you failed to produce one complaint of harm or loss, to the contrary

[CTRL] Cashing in on Government

2000-11-27 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

 Cashing in on


Until the 1990s, lots of folks down South still thought of the Democrat Party
as just one political alternative, not as the power-lusting, junta-in-waiting
we see today. After eight years of misrule and unending lies, and now the
attempt to employ politicized courts to bypass the Constitution and impose an
unelected president, you have to wonder: Is there nothing these people won't
do to grab or retain power? Even more profoundly, you have to wonder why they
are fighting so hard.

In their respective platforms, Gore and Bush are not completely different --
much to the GOP's discredit. Both parties promise to expand government and
even where Bush is better, he is unlikely to follow through. But a Gore
victory means the continuation of power for the same crew that has been in
charge for eight years. As just one measure of how far public confidence in
them has dropped, consider that when Clinton's own lawyer turned up dead in
his apartment the other day, many people, including elected lawmakers,
suspected foul play.

To be sure, some old-time conservatives in the South still vote
straight-ticket Democrat because they recall that the Republicans, after
invading and conquering the southern states, ran a military dictatorship from
1865-1877. In those days, the Democrats had their doubts about the merit of
despotism. But much has changed. Now, it is they who are running the new
Reconstruction. And the means they are using is not the military (certainly
not the military) but pressure groups and the courts.

But why is retaining the presidency so important to the Democrats? It's one
thing to be disappointed at the loss of an election; that comes with the
territory. And while it's true that the presidency is a big deal, the idea of
the American system is that people compete for office but not everyone can
win. Besides, they've already had eight years in office. Enough is enough.

Why engage in this bloody fight to the death at the expense of all morality
and sense of fair play? Is George Bush such a threat to the left that they
would unleash every weapon in their arsenal, including legions of aspiring
journalists, to destroy him? Is Al Gore so much beloved by them that they
will do anything to put him in charge?

Surely not. So what is it that the left fears from a Gore loss? In a phrase,
the end of the gravy train. Seeking to further enlighten the rest of us, a
Democrat attorney Cleta Mitchell wrote these words in the Nov. 20 Wall Street

The fundamental motivation for Democrats is their understanding that winning
control of government is tied to paychecks, jobs, government grants, public
money for private groups and companies, government contracts, union
bargaining advantages, rules by which trial lawyers bring lawsuits, and on
and on. The use of government to feed friends and starve enemies is something
Democrats know instinctively. Winning elections means getting or keeping a
Sounds like a Third World country, but we shouldn't be surprised. While the
American economy and culture are highly advanced, the American system of
government is, in its bare essentials, no different from any other government
on the globe, now or at anytime in history. The only difference is that there
is a lot more cash to pass out.

Government anywhere and everywhere is always about gaining at the expense of
others. There has been no advancement in this base reality. We can change the
definitions and claim that we are governing ourselves because we vote. But
that doesn't change the core moral problem of government, which is that
everything it has, it has via theft. Not one penny of its $2 trillion budget
comes from revenue gained on a voluntary basis.

Expansive government divides society into two castes, those who give up their
money to the state and those who take money from the state. In order to keep
the system going, those who give must vastly outnumber those who receive.
This was true in the earliest days of the nation-state and it remains true
today. The presence of voting, or what remains of the restraints imposed by
the Constitution, change nothing about the essential operation.

When you read the founding documents, you find massive concern about
factions. Today, political mavens think that they feared partisanship and
would thus endorse what is called bipartisanship. This is ridiculous. By
factions, the founders meant groups of people at war with each other over who
will control the public purse.

Their solution to this problem was not to abolish differences of opinion but
to keep government small, so the stakes of gaining power would be low. You
limit the power of faction by limiting the scope of government. All the
mechanisms we learn about in civics class -- the separation of powers, the
Bill of Rights, the Electoral College -- were instituted as means toward that
overriding goal.

But this vision has been betrayed. And you don't 

[CTRL] Not the Framer's Presidency

2000-11-27 Thread Bob Stokes

-Caveat Lector-

Not the framers' presidency



© 2000 WorldNetDaily.com

The best thing for this country is for the presidential election to be
indefinitely in dispute. Think of the alternative. Folks in Utah voted 2 to 1
for Bush, and yet if Gore were to win, these people would be forced to live
under the rule of a vast regulatory and tax apparatus administered by an
enemy regime. Meanwhile, more than 2,300 miles away, folks in Massachusetts
voted almost as solidly for Gore. Yet if Bush wins, they will be required to
live under a regulatory and tax apparatus headed by a man and a party these
people despise.

The loser states can expect to be targeted for punishment, just as they have
been throughout the 1990s. Moreover, most people who voted for either of the
two main candidates did so because they feared a contrary outcome, not
because they loved the candidate. A Bush presidency will not satisfy those
fed up with paying for government "services" they don't use, and a Gore
presidency won't satisfy those who believe government can never get too big
or intrusive.

Nor should anyone accept such an outcome. It is time to ask the ultimate
question: Where is the justice in either a Bush or Gore victory? There is no
theory of a free society that can justify the kind of despotism that permits
a few thousand votes in the state of Florida to determine the regime that
rules Hawaii and Alaska.

No matter what the result, there will be no end to the bitterness. Partisans
on both sides will claim fraud and unfair manipulation until the end of time.
Republicans will lie awake at night fuming about all the prison inmates the
Democrats gave ballots to, and the Democrats will have the long knives out
for Nader and Bush and won't shrink from calling them every nasty name in the
left-liberal handbook.

What's more, bitterness and anger are exactly the correct emotions to feel.
This whole election strikes at the very heart of humane political

Television pundits: Don't tell me that this is the system set up by the
framers of the Constitution. It is not. There were only 13 colonies when the
Constitution was ratified and the Electoral College was put into place. As
compared with today, those sovereign entities were united only in a love of
liberty. These days, there are 50 states of radically diverse populations
stretching a distance far too wide a distance to be managed by a single
regime that extracts 2 trillion from the national wealth per year.

The president initially had very few powers, and the ones he did have were
subject to congressional veto. There was no regulatory apparatus. There was
no income tax. The Supreme Court could not legislate for the states. The
states were in charge of setting their own immigration rules.

There were no national health care plans or retirement systems. There were no
centralized rules restricting the freedom of association. There was no
national policy on anything but foreign policy, and, even here, there was no
permanent stationing of troops outside the borders. Indeed, there was no
standing army. Congress was supreme and the Senate elected by state
legislatures and mostly loyal to the citizens of the states, not a mythical
national constituency.

The stakes of national elections just weren't that high. The framers' system
permitted a president (not a king), but the office was based on the idea that
he would largely be a figurehead. He would have no power to impact the daily
lives of the people. Impeachment was to play a huge role in American life, as
even the centralist Alexander Hamilton was forced to concede.

Sure enough, in Alexis De Tocqueville's America, the citizens had little or
no contact with the federal government. It didn't tax them, regulate their
businesses, tell them whether and how they could be armed, or how they must
conduct their private lives. The president's power is "temporary, limited,
and subordinate," De Tocqueville wrote. He has "little wealth, and little
glory to share among his friends; and his influence in the state is too small
for the success or the ruin of a faction to depend upon his elevation to
power. ... The influence which the President exercises on public business is
no doubt feeble and indirect."

No matter who was elected, average people would go on living their lives in
liberty, fearing only robbers, poverty, and hard winters, and not public

Beginning in 1860 all this began to change, as summed up in Lincoln's
declaration that "I have a right to take any measure which may best subdue
the enemy." The states were not permitted to exit the regime, a right which
many states had asserted in their original Constitutions. During the
Progressive Era a new theory emerged. The idea, promoted by Woodrow Wilson,
is that the president is some sort of embodiment of the Rousseauian "General

Since that time, we have developed the view that the 

[CTRL] Creating monsters and selling fear

2000-11-27 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Creating monsters and selling fear

The EU's plan to form its own military force consisting of recruits from EU
member nations seems to reflect a rejection of US-dominated NATO.  Russia has
made a bid to join this endeavor.  As the EU forms its own army, NATO and its
armed forces will dwindle, ending US bully-boy diplomacy and agendas in the name
of EU 'shared' interests.  The EU nations just may have a greater degree of
cohesiveness because of the US-led NATO debacle in Yugoslavia.  If for no other
reason, population limitations and individual restraints will diminish NATO for
lack of personnel, especially with UN and the EU competition for troops.

Cohen, Albright, et al showed their true colors in Yugoslavia, leaving behind
economic and political chaos and an ecologically desolated landscape which
negatively impacts all Europe.  Concerns of European nations necessarily include
the conditions of their neighbors, which geographically are in a position
to have a great effect upon them all.  Most Europeans were horrified, not only
at the extreme methods that were employed, but also at the prospect of future
'interventions' at the hands of these high-tech slash and burn artists.

The 'might is right' paradigm of this current administration's foreign policy is
a failure and has managed to alienate potential European cohorts as well as
China and Russia.  South American countries are also increasingly aware of
autonomy sapping, heavy-handed American intervention and will find allies in the
disillusioned nations of Europe.

If Russia succeeds in becoming a part of the new EU army, the balance of power
will have shifted considerably, and hopefully for the better where we will see
the old global NWO plans reduced to a memory.

Meanwhile, the resources of the US and its citizens are being diverted and
drained to create a tyrannical corporate global government that has no respect
for the wishes of it US citizens, dismissing their legimate concerns with false
assurances, denial, ridicule and intimidation;  yet these are concerns that all
Americans share, regardless of partisan politics.  And we are beginning to see
increased overt manifestation of this in the US much more so than the W.
European nations whose citizens are more accurately and fairly represented by
coalition government representation of diverse views, therefore more politically
empowered to oppose the inhumane and profit-driven agendas of attempts of
corporate dominance.  Our two-party system is a joke, mere theater, offering no
representation for other than two barely differing canned NWO/corporate backed
platforms — based upon a false dividing lines between the two with mindless
'battles' promulgated and fomented by corporate media, diverting the attention
of gullible citizens from serious issues of common concern.  Yet the
unaccountable corporate bureaucrats will continue to employ their strategies to
further their agendas for absolute power and control over this country, its
resources, its population.

Our federal leadership has failed to represent the will of the people, instead
favoring  the objectives of the
military/industrial/chemical/pharmaceutical/media complex, creating chaos, if
necessary, to further the goals of faceless, unaccountable NWO bureaucrats who
lurk in the shadows behind their investments — those who do their bidding.  And
while our national leaders create international chaos in their misrepresentation
of the nature and will of the populace of the United States of America, 'we the
people' have no formal allies, only enemies made by our leadership and their
manipulations for global control.  'We the people 'are the commodities for the
corporate nation.  We are also the conscience of this nation.  We are a nation
under siege from our own 'leadership'.

   ~ /\/\

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] =?x-unknown?q?_NR=3A_Gore=92s_Secret_Donors?=

2000-11-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Gore’s Secret Donors

As the Florida battle wages on, Gore is in danger of being called
a hypocrite.

By John Samples, director of the Center for Representative Government at
the Cato Institute
National Review

A recent New York Times story brings news of Vice President
Gore's evolving views on campaign-finance regulation: "Peter
Knight, Mr. Gore's chief fund-raiser, said some of the money for
the Gore recount fund had come from large donations by wealthy
people, but he declined to name them."

You may recall that we had a modest debate this past summer about
the role of undisclosed contributions to so-called 527 groups.
Such groups raised funds from anonymous contributors to support
issue ads during this year's elections.

You may also recall the avalanche of attacks on such anonymous

The Washington Post called for complete disclosure and suggested
defenders of anonymous giving were "in love with the dark."

Sen.  Russ Feingold (D., Wisc.) noted that secret contributions
were the latest source of corruption in politics, a "dangerous
invitation to scandal."

Rep.  Lloyd Doggett (D., Tex.), sponsor of a bill to force
disclosure of 527 contributions, argued that "our political
system is being polluted with substantial amounts of secret
contributions and secret expenditures used to attack candidates."

The editorial writers of the New York Times decried 527 groups as
"shadowy tax-exempt organizations that are secretly raising and
spending unlimited sums of money to influence federal elections."

Sen.  John McCain (R., Ariz.) equated the secretive activities of
some 527 groups to "certain evils in our society," including
murder, rape, and robbery.

Indeed, Gore himself called for disclosure of the officers and
finances of Section 527 organizations as part of his proposal for
new regulations on campaign finance.  Gore called such groups
"the equivalent of Swiss bank accounts for campaigns." Sen.
Joseph Lieberman (D., Conn.) introduced a disclosure bill for 527
groups.  And that leading expert in political ethics, Rep.
Patrick Kennedy, affirmed, "The only issue that matters is where
the money is coming from.  That's the main public interest here."

This hysteria — and what else to call a period when funding issue
ads is compared to murder, rape, and robbery?  — led to a law
requiring disclosure of contributions by 527 groups.

At that time many across the political spectrum raised doubts
about disclosing contributions from 527 groups.  They worried
whether disclosing contributions would chill freedom of speech
and association. They noted that anonymous giving protects the
privacy of the contributor, thereby precluding retribution by
political enemies.  And they recalled Justice Harlan's
admonishment, "Inviolability of privacy in group association may
in many circumstances be indispensable to preservation of freedom
of association, particularly where a group espouses dissident

Gore and his contributors now seem to recognize the value of
anonymous giving, as well they might.  Imagine a wealthy
individual committed to Gore and willing to support his bid for a
recount.  Let's say he learns that his contribution will be
disclosed.  Here are the questions crossing his mind: If Bush
wins the presidency, will I be the target of political
retribution?  Will that deal with my Republican business partners
still go through?  Will my name be published in the newspaper?
Clearly disclosure would have a chilling effect.

Gore may yet disclose the contributors to his recount fund.
After all, he has enough public-relations problems at the moment
without charges of hypocrisy.  But advocates of campaign-finance
regulation should be demanding full disclosure right now.  If
anonymous giving is as much of a threat to American democracy as
they and Gore said last summer, any secret giving — especially by
wealthy individuals — should be immediately brought into the
sunlight to ward off corruption in the struggle for Florida.
(Can we look forward to a New York Times editorial demanding
disclosure of the sources of the recount fund?)

I believe Gore's donors have a right to contribute anonymously to
his efforts in Florida.  Privacy of association and protection
from retribution for political commitments are important American
values. What's not tolerable is a double standard on the part of
campaign-finance reformers who brayed about 527s but thus far
have been silent about Gore's secret donors.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. 

[CTRL] American Lawyer Media: Century-Old Law Is Key to Supreme Court's Decision to Rule on Recount

2000-11-27 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


Century-Old Law Is Key to Supreme Court's Decision to Rule on Recount
Tony Mauro
American Lawyer Media

November 27, 2000

Inside a rented mansion in Miami, away from the constant flow of e-mail, Harvard
Law School professor Laurence Tribe is fashioning the strategy he will use on
behalf of Vice President Al Gore on Friday in the U.S. Supreme Court argument
that could determine the 2000 presidential election.

On the other side of Bush v. Palm Beach County Canvassing Board, No. 00-836, the
epicenter appears to be the D.C. offices of Gibson, Dunn  Crutcher, where
partner Theodore Olson is coordinating a team of lawyers crafting arguments on
behalf of Gov. George W. Bush.

But while the key lawyers prepare, uncertainty about Friday's oral argument
abounds. There is scant legal scholarship and precedent backing up the issues
the Supreme Court has agreed to consider. And with only four days to go, many
important logistical issues normally worked out weeks if not months before a
hearing are just beginning to be addressed.

Chief among the unanswered questions: In a case with multiple litigants, not to
mention a flock of top lawyers on all sides, who will get to argue before the
justices? Current speculation has Olson standing in for Bush, and Tribe for Gore
and the Florida Democratic Party -- dividing most of the 90 minutes allotted.
But, depending on how the justices rule on not-yet-filed motions, it is likely
that each of the veteran Supreme Court advocates will yield at least 10 minutes
to other parties.

Florida's Republican-led legislature, not yet a direct party in the litigation,
has hired a Harvard law professor of its own: Charles Fried.  Solicitor general
from 1985-89 and more recently a judge on the highest state court in
Massachusetts, Fried will represent the legislature's view that the Florida
Supreme Court acted improperly. Fried, or a lawyer for Secretary of State
Katherine Harris, will certainly file a brief and could seek argument time.

On the Gore side, various Florida election officials as well as Attorney General
Robert Butterworth, a Democrat who was a key strategist in Gore's campaign, are
named as parties in the litigation and might also want a piece of the action.
Motions for divided argument are likely to
be filed on Monday, and the Court should respond quickly.

The main briefs of both parties, meanwhile, must be filed by 4 p.m. Tuesday,
according to the Court's expedited schedule. Reply briefs, in turn, are due by 4
p.m. Thursday -- a scant 18 hours before oral argument. A decision could come
soon after that: The Court has rearranged
its schedule so that Wednesday, Dec. 6, previously booked for two oral
arguments, is free all day.

But more vexing for the lawyers than the compressed schedule is how to argue the
case -- so narrowly drawn legally but set against the backdrop of the
highly-politicized presidential contest.

The validity of the hand recount in constitutional terms is not at issue.
Instead, the Court will decide the validity of the Florida Supreme Court's Nov.
21 decision allowing the recounts to continue and be certified beyond the
statutory limit. The Court also wants the parties to
opine on the possible consequences if it were to reverse the state high court --
a tricky question, given the fast-breaking developments that could make it
impractical for the Court to turn back the clock on the recounts.

Ordinarily, most Supreme Court scholars agree, these are questions the U.S.
Supreme Court would have little interest in answering and great incentive to
avoid. But the Bush appeal, in a masterstroke of legal excavation, unearthed two
rarely invoked federal provisions -- one
statutory, one constitutional -- that gave the justices enough to chew on.

The first is 3 U.S.C. 5, a law dating back to 1887 that the Supreme Court has
never interpreted. It requires that any dispute over the appointment of
presidential electors be resolved according to "laws enacted prior to" Election
Day. So the Bush legal team's primary task will be persuading the Supreme Court
that a statutory interpretation of Florida law by the Florida Supreme Court
amounts to a post-election enactment of a law. In addition to the Supreme
Court's now-commonplace divisions over state and federal relations, that
question could provoke debate among justices over the very nature of judging in
cases that involve the interpretation of conflicting laws -- whether it is, at
base, an interpretive or a legislative act.

The Gore legal team will argue that the 1887 law, as antique as it is,
anticipated what happened last week by including a catch phrase that allows for
"judicial or other methods or procedures" to resolve electoral disputes as well.
The Bush team omitted that phrase in both its petition for Supreme Court review
and its reply brief. Gore also argues that what the Florida Supreme Court did
was an "unexceptional" interpretation of two 

[CTRL] Bush's Pal Racicot Tied To Extremists

2000-11-27 Thread William Shannon

Bush campaign spokesman Governor Marc Racicot tied to extreme-right forces

By Jerry White
27 November 2000
The fact that Montana Governor Marc Racicot has emerged as a leading spokesman for the campaign of George W. Bush says a great deal about the social and political physiognomy of the Republican Party.
In recent days Racicot, a close friend and advisor to Texas Governor Bush, has held press conferences and appeared on the Sunday morning news shows, making allegations of Democratic vote-rigging and whipping up opposition within the military to a possible victory by Democratic candidate Al Gore.
At one press conference Racicot, citing the rejection of overseas military ballots by local election officials in Florida, declared, “I am very sorry to say, but the vice president's lawyers have gone to war, in my judgment, against the men and women who serve in our armed forces.” Such incendiary language, bordering on incitement to mutiny, has become almost routine in Republican quarters.
It is the language of the militia groups and white supremacist cults that have found a comfortable home in Racicot's state, becoming part and parcel of what the media calls, in its disarming way, the “base” of the Republican Party in Montana. The cozy relationship between the Republican Party, including Racicot, and the terrorist fringe was on display two years ago, at the height of the anti-Clinton impeachment hysteria.
On October 9, 1998 Racicot attended a Republican fundraiser and candidates' forum in Bozeman, Montana, where Bob Davies, a candidate for the state legislature, declared that President Clinton “should be shot.” Davies said he routinely uttered that sentiment in response to voters who asked about his stand on the impeachment controversy.
Davies also told the forum that Clinton was guilty of treason and should be executed for selling satellite technology to the Chinese government, likening the president to Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were electrocuted as Soviet spies at the height of the 1950s McCarthyite witch-hunt.
Neither Racicot nor any of the other Republican officials at the forum interrupted Davies, opposed his threats against the president, or reported Davies' comments to law enforcement agencies, even though advocating attacks against the president is a federal crime. Davies' comments only came to light two days later when one of those in attendance at the meeting wrote a letter to a local newspaper, declaring, “I am filled with disgust when I hear someone like Bob Davies who is running for public office advocate violence against other public officials.”
In the aftermath of the October 1998 forum, Racicot did not respond to reporters' inquiries about Davies' remarks for nearly a week. He finally issued a perfunctory statement disassociating himself from the threats against Clinton. The director of the state Republican Committee told the  World Socialist Web Site at the time that the party would not retract its endorsement of Davies' campaign.
Racicot's political rise is indicative of the far-right character of Republican politics in Montana, where the party has close ties with racist and anti-Semitic organizations, including paramilitary militia groups like the Montana Freeman and the Militia of Montana. The thinly-populated Western state has seen an influx of wealthier, conservative social layers trying to escape the more racially- and ethnically-diverse, and politically liberal, West Coast.
Top elected officials, including Republican Congressman Rick Hill, have appeared at militia gatherings and the party has solicited support from these organizations for political campaigns. In August of 1999, the Montana Human Rights Network reported that Republican Senator Conrad Burns' office had sent a letter to the Militia of Montana appealing for support against the “gun control crusade” in the US Congress, a reference to pending legislation requiring background checks at gun shows. The senator's spokesman insisted there was nothing wrong with writing to the militia, a sentiment that was immediately echoed by John Trochmann, the leader of Militia of Montana, whose ties to the white supremacist Aryan Nation are well known.


[CTRL] Gulf War Germ Developed (on us!), Given To Iraq In Bush, Reagan Years

2000-11-27 Thread William Shannon
Original Message -
From: "NewsHawk Inc." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, November 24, 2000 10:11 AM

Gulf War Germ Developed (on us!), Given To Iraq In Bush, Reagan Years

"In 1986, with the approval of Vice-President George Bush, Saddam  received shipments of both brucella abortus, biotypes 3 and 9, and  brucella melitensis, biotypes 1 and 3.

"After Saddam obtained a stockpile of the brucellosis, a terrible  discovery was made - these designer bacteria mutated and became contagious.

"According to Scott's report, Saddam used this pathogen on American troops  during the Persian Gulf War in 1991, resulting in the illness referred  to as Gulf War Syndrome. More than 100,000 Gulf War vets now suffer from  this syndrome, which causes chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, profuse  sweating even at rest, joint and muscle pain, insomnia, nausea, and  damage to major organs."

"... By manipulating this disease (Brucellosis) researchers were able  to design a disabling bacteria which disappeared following infection.  Troops could be infected yet exhibit no signs of the bacteria when  examined by a doctor.

"In the early 1980s, secret government labs worked to produce a  brucellosis pathogen which could disable enemy troops without the risk  of infecting friendly forces. ...

"... such a bacteria was tested during the summer of 1984 at  Tahoe-Truckee High School in California, where individual rooms were  fitted with an independent recycling air supply. A teachers lounge was  designated as the infection target. Seven of eight teachers assigned to  this room became very ill within months.

"The high school was only one of several locations where the specially  designed pathogens were tested, some distributed by aerosol sprays and  others by the use contaminated mosquitoes."

Beginning almost as soon as Ronald Reagan first took office as  President, the U.S. government, specifically the intelligence and  military branches thereof, began intensive research and development into  a major  new "designer disease" which they could use against "enemy" populations  and military forces; in UTTER, COMPLETE contradiction of ALL  international treaties regarding such matters.

Then-"supposed" vice-president George Bush (let's not forget, Ronnie  Raygun was only PRETENDING to be President: Bush really wore the pants)  was completely aware of this activity and in fact was closely involved  with it.

What's even MORE DISGUSTING and SICK about what the psychotic, satanic  slime in these agencies did was that in order to test and develop this  "designer disease," they DELIBERATELY INFECTED various groups of  unsuspecting AMERICAN CITIZENS with it, until they had achieved the  evil results they desired with regard to the characteristics of the  illness.

So, after being developed for use through testing and experimentation upon  innocent American civilians for several years during the Reagan/Bush  years, the government/military at last had a perfected "product."

This "product" was then given to SADDAM HUSSEIN around 1986 by the CIA and
NONE OTHER than Saddam's dearest friend and bosom buddy, Mr. George HERBERT Dubya Bush (Sr.), then still pretend  vice-president but actually the REAL President under pretend President  Ronald Raygun.

It was expected by the satanic vermin in D.C. that Saddam would use  this vicious weapon -- utterly ILLEGAL by international treaty --  against our-THEN arch-enemy, Iran.


Then, when Saddam and George Bush, Sr. --  by THEN the REAL President  -- had their lover's quarrel a couple of years later and Bush sent over  half the U.S. military to  erase Iraq from the face of the earth if necessary, Saddam got mad and dosed our troops with George Bush's very own present to Saddam: the brucellosis germ.


THANKS, to the Bush International Crime Empire, For causing untold  numbers of American troops to sicken and waste away from this horrid  disease.

This disease has since spread to the general population from Gulf War  veterans to an unacceptable extent, and REPORTEDLY, according to this  theory, ChemTrails are an attempt by the (covert?) government to stamp  OUT the disease before it seriously diminishes the human population.

NewsHawk has had this very same theory conveyed to us several times in  the past year or so by a source which is normally both reliable and  well-informed.

Whether this whole scenario is in FACT true, however, we can't say and  neither could our source. It's POSSIBLE.

What's so DISTRESSING about it, though, is that aside from the  MONUMENTAL screwup of putting a weapon like that in the hands of either  George Bush OR Saddam Hussein, the U.S. government DEVELOPED and  PERFECTED this HORRID DISEASE by EXPERIMENTING UPON ITS OWN PEOPLE in  the most malicious and heinous way imaginable.

Talk about NAZISM!!

ChemTrail Theory May Make You Sick/FWD

According to THIS theory, the ChemTrail operations are 

[CTRL] The Ballot War--Contingency Planning

2000-11-27 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

The Ballot War--Contingency Planning
A message from FLI

The canvassing board has stated that it is not inclined to count
"indentations" on ballots, even though Al Gore said that they should be
considered for "voter-intent". The question is, who-but the voter-should
decide what his intentions are?

We have witnessed unparalelled attacks on our Great Republic, and the
Constitution. George W. Bush made the comment that, "Make no mistake, the
Supreme Court has re-written the law." The Supreme Court has re-written the
law, indeed, to suit their Democratic party's agenda.

Some are marvelling over an increase in sales of ammunition. Others are
saying the rumor is unfounded. One gun-shop owner stated, "The 'rambos'
still have their Y2K leftovers. They don't need to come in here now."
Indeed, they don't.

Others are making contingency plans, in light of present demonstrations,
rallies, and 'near-riots'". The questions are ranging from "Is now the
time?" to "Who will stand?"

One news publication has offered another solution--Truck Stop 2000. Sierra
Times and the Alamance Independent, along with other publications have
endorsed it. In light of all the talk of impending doom and the possibility
of civil war, the Ballot War seems to be getting too out of control, even
for several thousand truck drivers to try to stop.

So many threats seem to be coming at us at once--threatening the stability
of our strong economy, and our country. Al Gore says he will not concede if
he doesn't win. Instead, he will seek to have Miami-Dade forced to do a
recount, which has chosen after a near-riot, not to do the recount.

The White House has been instructed to not give Bush the Transition keys.
Even if he wins. And the American people are getting angrier by the moment.
It would suffice us to say that should there actually be a "re-election",
many would change their votes, in light of the circumstances that have
played themselves out.

What say ye, America? Don't you think it's time to actually make those
contingency plans? Get ready, because this Ballot War--we fear--will not end

If you are armed, get them loaded. If you have food, stock it in a bag. Keep
your sacks close to the door. Prepare to travel light, but with ample
supplies. Make sure you know where to go, who to take with you, what to do
with your children, and have good communication devices on hand.

Do not prepare to depend on electricity. Prepare to endure the hardest of
times. Be careful who you tell, what you tell them, and who you depend on to

This is not an advocation of any kind. This is simply a plea to prepare for
the worst, because it looks as if it just might happen. If at all possible,
pray to God that this Ballot War can be settled by other means. Maybe Truck
Stop 2000 will be enough...but just in case it isn't, be prepared.

God go with each and every one of you, and pray persistantly for peace.

Shonda M. Ponder, editor
Friends of Liberty, International

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Republican Brown Shirts intimidate Dade-Miami vote counters

2000-11-27 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

3 stories:

Republican Brown Shirts intimidate Dade-Miami vote counters


(ABC News Online)

...in an apparent exercise of spontaneous public outrage, pro-George W.
Bush demonstrators surged through the county office building in Miami-Dade
County, demanding an end to the hand recount there.

The shouting demonstrators accused Democratic election officials of taking
the count behind closed doors and apparently contributed to one election
supervisor's vote to end the hand recount.

  "If what I'd envisioned worked out and there were no objections, we'd be
up there now counting," election supervisor David Leahy said.

But that demonstration, ABCNEWS has learned, was neither spontaneous, nor
local. It was an organized Republican Party protest, run by 75 party
supporters out of a motor home headquarters in Miami.


(Associated Press)

...Local Republican organizations rolled into downtown Fort Lauderdale in
tour buses. Coming from New York, Ohio and Washington D.C., many flew to
Florida on expense-paid trips.

  Tom Spargo of Albany, N.Y., who served as a GOP observer during the
Miami-Dade recount, said his plane ticket to Florida was bought for him by
someone in the party. He wasn't sure who.

  Terry Benham, 33, of Little Rock, Ark., said his plane ticket was paid for
and he was sharing a hotel room with a GOP staff member. Yelling loudly
that "they will count a dimpled chad, but they won't count a soldier,"
Benham said Republicans shouldn't back down.


(New York Times)

...demonstrations turned violent on Wednesday after the canvassers had
decided to close the recount to the
public. Joe Geller, chairman of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party, was
escorted to safety by the police after a crowd chased him down and accused
him of stealing a ballot. Upstairs in the Clark center, several people were
trampled, punched or kicked when protesters tried to rush the doors outside
the office of the Miami-Dade supervisor of elections. Sheriff's deputies
restored order.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [FWD] School Advertising

2000-11-27 Thread Justine Blake

-Caveat Lector-

Is your schoolchild watching too much television? Eating too many
 junk foods and drinks instead of what's healthy? Nagging you to buy
 expensive sneakers? too easily swayed by advertising? If so, why are
 the schools encouraging all those things?

 Commercialism in the public schools is "widespread and on the rise,"
 according to a recent report of the Government Accounting Office
 requested by the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.
 Advertising hits the school children hard, in signs on school buses,
 the classroom, through exclusive soft drink contracts, and through
 the in-class television program called Channel One, which includes
 two minutes of commercials every school day.

 In-school commercialism exists in all 50 states, but only 19 states
 regulate in-school commercial activities. There is a wide variety in

 way school policies address this issue.

 Michigan fails to regulate commercial activities at all, while New
 Mexico specifically allows advertising on school buses. California,
 New York, Florida, Illinois and Maine have policies expressly
 permitting or prohibiting at least three types of commercial

 New York generally prohibits commercial activities on school
 premises. In California, school boards must hold hearings before
 approving many commercial contracts.

 In 1994 a preschool teacher launched the fad of featuring brand-
 name products in a children's book. After it was turned down by 35
 publishers, her "MM's Brand Counting Book" became
 Charlesbridge's biggest seller.

 Now we see children's books featuring many brand-name candies
 and snacks such as Froot Loops, Cheerios, MMs, Pepperidge
 Farm Goldfish, Reese's Pieces, Skittles, Hershey's chocolates and
 Oreo cookies. This trend has become popular with some preschool
 and kindergarten teachers who say they like the books because the
 children can count the candies or pieces of cereal and then be
 rewarded by eating them.

 More recently, brand-name books have been turning up in elementary
 school classrooms. Titles include "Reese's Pieces: Count by Fives,"
 "Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar Fractions Book," and "Skittles Math

 Not everyone approves of this trend. Some specialty children's
 bookstores have refused to stock these books and some teachers
 have described them as "an abuse." Some parents, pediatricians and
 educators worry that such books "will engrave snack food brands in
 toddler's impressionable minds, hook them on junk food, and lead to
 eating problems later in life."

 Though books peddling brand-name products have sold millions of
 copies ("The Cheerios Play Book" has sold 1.2 million copies) and
 have been published by major publishing houses, some publishers
 disapprove of the trend. A spokesman for Random House's children's
 division called the books "advertising and P.R. for the food
 manufacturers, and as such, vaguely reprehensible."

 Classroom commercialism began with when an outfit called Channel
 One began offering schools free television equipment in exchange for
 airing 12 minutes of programming, including two minutes of
 commercial advertising, in class every school day. Since 40 percent
 of middle and high school students nationwide now watch these
 commercials every day, corporations lined up fast to pay prime-time
 rates to peddle their products to captive student audiences.

 Channel One's commercials advertise junk foods, soft drinks, video
 games, expensive sneakers, movies, magazines, and TV sitcoms.
 The most objectionable are the many hard-sell ads for movies and
 television shows that contain vulgarities, obscenities, blasphemies,
 sexual innuendoes, disrespect for parents, or violence.

 The legacy of Channel One is that Coke, Pepsi, Burger King, Nike,
 Kellogg and other corporations are now paying schools to place their
 ads in hallways, gymnasiums, cafeterias, and on school buses and
 book covers. Multi-million-dollar contracts have turned some schools
 into virtual sales agents for Coke and Pepsi.

 One 10-year, $8.4 million contract requires a Colorado school district

 to sell 70,000 cases of Coke products per year. A letter from a
 district official to school administrators urged them to meet sales
 goals by allowing students virtually unlimited access to Coke
 machines, locating the machines where they will be accessible to
 students all day, and even allowing students to drink Coke products
 in class.

 Some school boards and parents are striking back against this tide
 of commercialism. The Bucks County (PA) School Board voted 7-0 in
 September to reject Channel One because of its "heavily
 commercialized content."

 ZapMe!, another corporation that offers computer equipment to
 schools in return for advertising to captive students, announced after

 its stock took a nose-dive in October that it will turn the company
 toward a new direction.

 Even some students are waking up to how they are being used. An


2000-11-27 Thread Kris Millegan

This is an opportune time to illuminate a virtually unknown dynamic in
politics that was explained to me by Barry Goldwater.  Ferdinand Lundberg
named his
epic expose THE RICH AND THE SUPER RICH for good reason.  There is a layer at
the top
of the economic spectrum where there is unimagined wealth.  This is the
level where it takes hundreds of millions to belong.

All we are told in high schools colleges and TV is the dynamic of the RICH
versus the

What about the dynamic between the RICH and the SUPER RICH?  Barry Goldwater
convincing arguments to me that this was the only dynamic in American
politics that

The RICH and the SUPER RICH are united when it comes to exploiting the
ignorance of
the general hoard.  More than 55% of Americans own 0 assets or are in debt.
About 25%
of Americans are the professional class that enforce the will of the RICH and
SUPER RICH.  The bottom of the SUPER RICH begins at the top 1/2 of one

Goldwater saw the small millionaires and the billionaires locked in a lethal
competition.  Economically it is the RICH that pose the greatest competition
to the
SUPER RICH.  Both the RICH and the SUPER RICH set up front groups to
manipulate the
underclases to employ the unwashed masses in their struggle with each other's
interests.  The POOR has virtually no representation other than these front
secretly supported by the RICH and the SUPER RICH.

The tactic of the SUPER RICH has been the control of resources and markets
government control of these things.  The small millionaires want free
markets.  Barry
Goldwater articulated this in his book THE CONSCIENCE OF A CONSERVATIVE.  H.
L. Hunt
as a secret alley of the Rockefellers subverted legitimate conservative
groups and
perverted them into ineffective Rush Limbaugh type organizations.  Limbaugh
would make
Barry Goldwater puke.

The producer Roger Ayles that set up Limbaugh in radio was an aid to George
Bush.  He
is the SUPER RICH agent defusing conservative focus as the media masquerades
him as
the definitive conservative spokesperson.  Goldwater's use of the words
LIBERAL ESTABLISHMENT was a euphemism for the Rockefellers, Bushes, and

Below are my observations of the moments Goldwater came to the realization
that he
could no longer resist the force of the SUPER RICH.

Brian Downing Quig

Brian Downing Quig wrote:

 This is a very fine abstract of Bush family information.  Actually I can
only take
 exception to one sentence.

 7/17/1980 The Los Angeles Times reported: "According to sources in the
 Reagan campaign, Bush was urged upon Reagan by his chief of staff, Ed
 Meese, and by his top political strategist, Richard Wirthlin...Without
 rejecting Bush flatly...Reagan nonetheless resisted accepting him.

 I can tell how Bush was selected by Reagan in 1980.  Remember that this was
 REPUBLICAN convention that Barry Goldwater made his speech before the
largest TV
 audience ever, where he put his notes down at the end and said, "This could
be the
 last REPUBLICAN convention and in two weeks the last DEMOCRATIC convention.
 are dark forces working from within the country to subvert the

 I was in Barry's office the Monday after that speech talking to his
 director who was an important player at the convention.  As the secretary
 a hundred times to callers while we spoke, "Yes, that is what the senator
 Yes, he was speaking about the TRILATERAL COMMISSION." I was told how Bush
 selected for VP.  I was told that Reagan did not want to name Bush but
Gerald Ford
 and Walter Cronkite put his feet to the fire.  The words used were "Here is
 brush we will use to tar you if you do not select Bush."  Cleon Skousen was
 Reagan insider who gives the exact same story.

 I saw what happened to Barry Goldwater then.  Not one newspaper spent a
drop of
 ink on this startling speech.  Goldwater realized that he would never have
a forum
 as strong as this again.  That is when Goldwater stopped fighting the
 LIBERAL ESTABLISHMENT which was always a euphemism for the Rockefellers.

 Brian Quig



  Subject: Re: Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] -Is PEMEX deep into the drug trade???
  Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2000 14:54:45 -0600
  From: Linda Minor [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Date: Thu Aug 20, 1998 10:59am
  Subject: Background to Mena: George Bush, Clinton's boss
  from alt.politics.bush
  As always, Caveat Lector.
  A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.politics.bush:5578"Background to Mena: George
  Bush, Clinton's boss/A
  Subject: Background to Mena: George Bush, Clinton's boss
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Goldman)
  Date: Sat, Aug 8, 1998 7:00 PM
  Message-id: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject:  Re: GEORGE  BUSH - Spook City USA

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Nazi Origin of U.S. Gun Control

2000-11-27 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Come to think of it Joshua, now is the time for all Black Moslems, Black
 Nationalists, and any American to apply for dual citizenship to

 Think I will..bet a lot of people would...and then we lobby
 the Congress to stop using our money to give to Israele butchers.

Excellent idea.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Mob Rule Wins For W

2000-11-27 Thread Mike Smith

-Caveat Lector-

"Prudence L. Kuhn" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 11/25/2000 4:35:18 PM Eastern Standard Time,

  The protestors carried anti-Gore signs, including one that read: "Rotten
  the Gore." The demonstration then turned violent as the canvassing board
  sought to go into closed session to begin examining the ballots.
  Dade County's Democratic chairman, Joe Geller, was chased by the crowd and
  required police protection. The mob also charged the offices of the
  supervisor of elections and began pounding on the doors. Several people were
  roughed up before sheriff deputies blocked the demonstrators' path and
  restored some order.
  The shaken three-member canvassing board promptly reversed its decision to
  count the ballots that many observers believed contained a large number of
  uncounted votes for Vice President Al Gore. 

 Did anyone else notice that there weren't any Slade Gorton type cops grabbing

 the demonstrators and wiping pepper spray into their eyes.  Prudy

 The demostrators didn't set the deadline. All the democratic floridians in
 power did.

Just the facts ma'am

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Nazi Origin of U.S. Gun Control

2000-11-27 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Other Jews served  in the Armed forces of the Third Reich, even up to
 the rank of Field Marshall.

 Come again? You're not talking about Milch, are you?

This is stupid bullshit Nessie. Don't bother.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Nazi Origin of U.S. Gun Control

2000-11-27 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 The Nazi origin of gun control is a right wing myth. There is nothing
   historical about it. Only Jews were forbidden to have guns.

 Care to cite us a source on that?

Not necessary. It's common knowledge. Asked the idiots who keep the myth alive.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] FEATURE: World War AIDS Day Dec. 1, 2000

2000-11-27 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Well we had the black death, the poisond waters made bitter in the
 Revelatins, the Blue Danube poisoned, the Dead Sea is still dead, and
 half the rivers in this country so filthy not safe to fish.

 We had Swine Flu which should have been an insult (See My Name Is
 Legionsymbolism set to murder date and believe me, this was old nazi
 experiment)...we now have West Nile Encephalitis, food being
 poisoned - even poor old Sarah Lee,  but many waters will be made bitter
 and poisoned = poor old David Kore(sh) had figured that out, but was
 blaming God.

 Want to see the origin of Genocide?   Read your bible and see God's Plan
 for you and then say but who is playing God?

 See how easy they murdered at Waco and ahandful of people really
 caredlittle 8th grader at Ruby Ridge and his dog murdered, and then
 this Japanese Doomsday FBI Sharpshooter killer the mother - blew her
 face off - and he aimed for the head.

 Look at Mad Cow Disease - do not see McDonalds or Wendy's burgers
 worried..best to go back to spagetti minus the meat.

 6 billion people in worldWorld Health put out that figure - now
 knock of many who will die of AIDS but who really is the culprit?

 UN/NWO?   You better believe it.   Why do you think they are pushing
 homosexuality at little elementary children and then when AIDS really
 hits if we permit this to happen, Oh God Punished America, the Sodom and
 Gommorah of the Earth.

 Better safe than sorry - this country will not survine Clintons or
 Gore..now they bring over thousands of AIDS infested Africans and
 that is the qualification for entry to USA.

 We need a "peace time" criminal court and Clinton should head up the
 first case load.
 But then he is already charged with being war criminal by Serbia, as I

 One must protect their children and grandchildren, for the idea is to
 destroy a whole generation of kids - what is left will die of AIDS 

 So who is playing God - I know who plays hired guns.

You are a psychotic idiot. Why don't you find an other hobby? There are
important things happening, and you are a psychotic idiot.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] The Republican right prepares for violence

2000-11-27 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Nessie wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Do you really believe that?

 Just wishful thinking. A world without Democrats or Republicans is sweet
 to imagine. But of course, they  all work for the same corporations.
 This so called battle for the presidency is a totally contrived. It's
 nothing but a show on TV. No matter who becomes president, the same
 plotocrats still call the shots.

Not true dude. What you are seeing is a genuine contest. The Rich and their
corporations picked DIFFERENT horses to bet on. In other words, yes they are
all the same in a class sense as determined by wealth, but there are different
groups of Rich competing with each other to steal the Presidency. Trial Lawyers
for Gore, Big Oil for Bush. Some Wall St. big shots for Gore, other Wall st.
big shots for Bush.

What you are seeing is real. In the old days, different industries and their
holding banks competed with each other. Today, it's more individual.

The constant is... that it's ALWAYS THE RICH WHO OWN THE GOVERNMENT.

Stupid peon voters.


 Besides, Hitler and Mussolini were less
 alike than Gush and Bore.

 The big question is why the powers that be are putting on this show. Are
 they trying to convince the more than half of us who don't vote that
 voting actually matters or are they distracting us from something else
 they are up to that they don't want us paying attention to? Hope for the
 best but plan for the worst.

Too much conspiracy theory. "Some times a cigar is just a cigar." - J2

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: The Time for Talk is Over

2000-11-27 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

FrontPage Exclusives - http://www.frontpagemag.com

The Time for Talk Is Over
By Richard Poe
URL: http://frontpagemag.com/editors_note/en11-27-00.htm

BUSH HAS WON Florida. But the Gore team fights on. For the first time in
our history, Americans face the possibility that the president we elected
may not be allowed to serve.

The question is: What are we going to do about it?

If you're like most Americans, you probably shared your Thanksgiving table
with at least one or two Gore supporters, maybe more.

Perhaps you tried arguing with them. But of course they wouldn't listen.

Why should they? The talking hairstyles on CNN have told them that Gore's
machinations are perfectly normal and legal. And so they believe it.

It is time to stop arguing with people who think that way. It is time to
gird ourselves for action.

Like most Americans, I was taught that the Germans were fools to follow
Hitler. Popular films such as The Sound of Music reinforced this view. The
bad guys were conveniently marked with swastika armbands and evil leers on
their faces. Like most Americans, I concluded that no one with half a
brain could have fallen for Hitler's cant.

But real life is not like the movies. A lot of decent, intelligent Germans
supported Hitler - people not unlike our friends and relatives who now
support Al Gore.

Not long ago, I watched a television interview of Leni Riefenstahl, the
filmmaker whose propaganda epics Olympia and Triumph of the Will helped
build Hitler's following.

The interviewer asked her why she had lent her talents to the Nazi cause.

I don't remember Riefenstahl's exact words, but she said something like,
"It is easy in hindsight to know that Hitler was evil. But it was not so
easy for people at the time, who had no way of knowing what the future
would bring. Even today, how do we really know which of our politicians
will lead us to a better future?"

Riefenstahl's critics have never accepted this sort of answer. They insist
that she should have known better. And, of course, she should have. Yet,
she still had a point.

When Hitler annexed the Sudetenland in 1938, every radio broadcast and
newspaper in Germany reported that it was the Czechs who were trying to
pick a fight with Germany, not the other way around.

When Hitler attacked Poland in 1939, the German press reported that it was
the Poles, not the Germans, who had attacked first.

There was no Internet, no Fox News, no Drudge Report in Germany then to
give the dissident view. Even so, I'll bet plenty of Germans argued over
their dinner tables, "The press is lying. Hitler is starting a war over

"Nonsense!" their friends and relatives shouted back. "Don't be so
cynical. Our government would never start a war without a good reason."

And so the arguments raged. Endlessly. Pointlessly. Irresolvably. Just
like the arguments we Americans are having today over the vote count in

The Nazi press confused people by charging Hitler's opponents with every
crime that Hitler himself committed.

Our press plays the same trick, faulting "both sides" for this election
crisis, even as massive evidence of Democrat vote fraud mounts.

Leni Riefenstahl was correct, in one regard. It is not so easy to pick the
right side. There is no crystal ball to tell us whom to follow or whom to

Each of us must make that choice alone, in the solitude of his own heart.
I have made it for myself. And you, gentle reader, have no doubt made it

When our forefathers faced a similar choice in 1776, many chose the wrong
side. Some chose no side at all. But a brave few stood and fought for

Thomas Paine wrote: "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer
soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the
service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and
thanks of man and woman… Let it be told to the future world, that in the
depth of winter, when nothing but hope and virtue could survive, that the
city and the country, alarmed at one common danger, came forth to meet and
repulse it."

This weekend, thousands of demonstrators took to the streets, in every
major city. Some cried, "mob rule!" Fainter hearts, on both sides of the
political divide, called for restraint.

But restraint is not appropriate when freedom hangs in the balance.
Republicans and Democrats alike must accept that the time for talk has

Now we will see who has the courage to prevail.

Richard Poe is editor of FrontPageMagazine.com  and SlapHillary.com. For
more information about Poe and his work, visit RichardPoe.com. E-mail him

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[CTRL] The Diary and Letters of Rutherford B. Hayes, Nineteenth President of the United States, edited by Charles Richard Williams (Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State Archeological and Historical Society, 1922).

2000-11-27 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A
Chapter XXXIV/A
COLUMBUS, OHIO, November  13, 1876.

  MY DEAR S-: -Thanks for your letter. Perhaps I ought to

say in a word how much I am obliged to you.  No correspondent

during the one hundred and forty-four days has been so valued

as you, and my debt dates before and is likely to grow after that


  I am in the habit, for a day or two past, of saying: "Un-

doubtedly, a fair election in the South would have given the Re-

publicans a large majority of the electors, and also of the popular

vote of the nation; and I think that a fair canvass of the result

will still give us the one hundred and eighty-five votes required

to elect." Sincerely,

  R. B. HAYES.



 FREMONT, OHIO, November 23, 1876.

  MY DEAR GUY: - Your letter addressed to me at Columbus is

before me. While I regret that you should be annoyed by the

  * Mr. Schurz had written: -"Today there seem to be good grounds

for hope again for sufficient legitimate majorities in Florida, South

Carolina, Louisiana, and thus of your election. If this turns out to be

the result, accept my congratulations in advance. Your satisfaction can

scarcely be greater than mine.-I am sure, you are as anxious as I am,

and as every patriotic citizen must be, that such a result should not be

tainted by any suspicion of unfair dealing. I think the idea put forth

in several quarters that some men of high character should go to

New Orleans to watch the proceedings of the Returning Board, is a very

good one. The Democrats are already sending some of their prominent

men, and it ought to be done on our side."


loose report of my conversations, I cannot write anything on the

subject for the public. What I say is for yourself alone. My

general views on the Southern question were given authoritatively

and correctly in my Letter of Acceptance. I was not aware that

anybody was reporting my conversations on the result and con-

sequences of the election until I saw the publication you refer to.

That report is correct enough as far as it goes, but it is not


  My feeling was and is, that a Democratic victory at this time

will prove especially calamitous to the South -not to the colored

people alone, but to the white people also. The South can't

prosper without immigration and capital from the North and

from abroad.This remark is not equally applicable to the

States west of the Mississippi. But it is measurably true there

also, I suspect.  Doubtless you will have a large immigration

from the old Southern States which will help you.  Now, that

the tendency of a Democratic victory is to drive off Northern

people, is a thing perfectly well known here. At least, such is

my opinion. Possibly, your better opportunity of judging may

correct my notions as to its effect on the colored people, but its

effect on the interests of the white people I have better means

to know than you have.

  I can't see why your Democratic friends should annoy you on

this utterance of mine. The leading Democratic organ of the

party North, the New York World, complimented me on this

very point, and said it was an evidence of humanity and states-


  I believe (I hope I am  mistaken) that Southern Democrats

think it was a monstrous wrong to give the colored people the

ballot, and that it is excusable in them if they, the Southern

Democrats, in effect nullify the provisions of the Constitution

which secure this right to colored men. I hope sincerely that

the Southern Democrats will take the advice of the World, and

thus disappoint my apprehensions. In any event, I am the well-

wisher of all of my countrymen in the South.  I hope they will

take the only course which can give them peace and prosperity.


  Whatever the issue of this business, my affection for you will

not fail, but I shall remain "as ever" your friend.





   COLUMBUS, OHIO, November 26, 1876.

  MY DEAR GENERAL:-Returning after an absence of over a

week at Cleveland, Fremont, and Toledo, I found here last night

your note of the 18th. I know your presence at New Orleans

would be important for good, but under the circumstances you

mention, you could not be reasonably asked to go.

  It seems to me you are correct as to the propriety of the course

thus far taken by the Returning Board.  Sherman writes  me

commending Wells and Anderson as acting conscientiously and

judiciously.  He  

[CTRL] Fw: Gulf War syndrome symptoms linked to brain damage

2000-11-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 10:45 AM
Subject: Gulf War syndrome symptoms linked to brain damage

 Gulf War syndrome symptoms linked to brain damage

 CHICAGO, Nov 27 (Reuters) - Symptoms such as memory loss and dizziness
suffered by U.S. veterans with Gulf War syndrome can be correlated to
specific areas of the brain where cells have died, probably from chemical
exposure, researchers said on Monday

 For the full text of this story, A
HREF="aol://4344:30.L100SdUd.7212398.659810711"click here/A.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: Disgraceful lack of leadership

2000-11-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

This is an exchange between a military retiree in Florida and the VFW and
other military organizations inquiring as to why they have not done more to
ensure the votes of the military are counted in the presidential election in

- Original Message -
To: "Steve VanBuskirk" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 8:52 PM
Subject: RE: Disgraceful lack of leadership

 Thank you for your response.  I will forward it on to my email address
 which numbers a little over 500.  A paltry sum perhaps, but quite a few
 a private individual.

 It is interesting to note too, that as of this email you are the ONLY one
 who has responded.  In a way, I'm surprised that it was the VFW.  You see,
 I'm a life member of the VFW.  Whorton-Dykes Post 2760 Gadsden, AL.
 been there in years, and said I wouldn't darken the door of another post
 after the VFW came out and indorsed a draft dodger's candidacy for
 president.  I haven't forgiven that, and won't, but I do complement the
 for both taking up the issue as well as responding.

 I think, however, given the stakes, that the VFW should have encouraged
 posts in Florida to go out and BE SEEN in public, demonstrating over the

 R. Hei

 -Original Message-
 From: Steve VanBuskirk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 6:36 AM
 Subject: RE: Disgraceful lack of leadership

 The VFW began working in earnest on Friday, November 5 when the overseas
 ballots were initially rejected. We are working with Secretary of Defense
 Cohen, Sen. John Warner (Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee)
 and many others. Our members in Florida have attended every rally and our
 leaders have been outspoken. (see attached releases). We worked over
 Thanksgiving and as near as we can determine, the national media has too
 many other issues to be concerned about a "few" overseas military ballots.
 Please - just because you don't see anything on ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox or CNN,
 doesn't mean we're not busting our butts to get this issue addressed. Thx,
 Steve Van Buskirk, Director of Communications
  KOSOVO2email.doc  KOSOVOemail.doc  Florida3.doc

  -Original Message-
  From: Ron Hei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Sunday, November 26, 2000 5:48 PM
  Subject: Disgraceful lack of leadership
  Well.  I'm sure I've missed someone, but they will be alerted by equally
  less informed personnel.  Gentleman, Ladies, etc., I have a MAJOR
  complaint.  I believe the military term is BITCH.
  What I would like to know from you as a group is... Just what is it you
  stand for, if you do not take up the flag in the face of the monstrous
  demeaning of democracy by the Democratic Party in Florida.  You stand by
  (with the exception of TROA and the Reserve Officer's Association
  below), and allow our service to the constitution to be for naught for
  lack of leadership?  Are all of you about membership benefits, beanie
  hats, conventions, and show and tell?
  I request that you reflect back upon the preambles of each of your
  charters and see what you are about.  It is my belief that you've lost
  way, your direction, and perhaps your nerve.  Where are you now that we
  NEED you?  Where is your group, dressed up in your uniforms, hats, and
  pins with American flags DEMANDING those who you serve or have served
  entitled to the most basic right of freedom?  How come you are not in
  streets?  You WOULD be, if someone said there was going to be another
  in entitlements, wouldn't you?
  Don't you think this is just a little bit more serious than that?  To
  those of you who have taken action, I express my true, sincere thanks
  admiration, but it ain't enough.  Go back to it!  To those of you who
  done nothing, I hope that the wide circulation in this memo creates
  hostility from your membership to get you off your duffs, or failing
  makes a good dent in your membership.
  Our constitution is, indeed, in crisis.  Rally round the flag, demand
  Democrats STOP IT!  Use your unity and your membership to make a
  difference.  Have the courage to once again take on those things which
  seek to usurp what you defended in your service!  The Democratic Party
  not just the enemy of our men and women in service, it is the enemy of
  of those who have gone before as well.  Open your eyes!  Act!
  I hope that others in your constituency, as I, hit the Reply to All
  and respond with their own 

[CTRL] NYT: Protest Influenced Miami-Dade's Decision to Stop Recount

2000-11-27 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

November 24, 2000


Protest Influenced Miami-Dade's Decision to Stop Recount


IAMI, Nov. 23 — The Miami- Dade County Canvassing Board's decision on
Wednesday to shut down its hand recount of presidential election ballots
followed a rapid campaign of public pressure that at least one of the
board's three members says helped persuade him to vote to stop the

Republican telephone banks had urged Republican voters in Miami to go
to the Stephen P. Clark Government Center downtown to protest the
recount, which began there on Monday and which Democrats hoped would
help swing Florida's 25 electoral votes to Vice President Al Gore.

The city's most influential Spanish-language radio station, Radio Mambi,
called on staunchly Republican Cuban-Americans to head downtown to
demonstrate. Republican volunteers shouted into megaphones urging
protest. A lawyer for the Republican Party helped stir ethnic passions by
contending that the recount was biased against Hispanic voters.

The subsequent demonstrations turned violent on Wednesday after the
canvassers had decided to close the recount to the public. Joe Geller,
chairman of the Miami-Dade Democratic Party, was escorted to safety by
the police after a crowd chased him down and accused him of stealing a
ballot. Upstairs in the Clark center, several people were trampled, punched
or kicked when protesters tried to rush the doors outside the office of the
Miami-Dade supervisor of elections. Sheriff's deputies restored order.

When the ruckus was over, the protesters had what they had wanted: a
unanimous vote by the board to call off the hand counting.

Only that morning, the board, facing a tight deadline mandated the night
before by the State Supreme Court, had concluded that it did not have time
for a hand count of all 654,000 ballots cast by the county's voters. So the
canvassers voted to proceed only with a manual count of 10,750 ballots
that machines had not counted.

Now even that limited recount was being abandoned, a decision that
brought whoops and applause from the crowd.

After the charge on the elections office, and just before the vote calling off
the entire manual count, the three canvassers were led by police escort
back to the public recount area from the room where they had decided to
conduct their tally shielded from public view.

One nonpartisan member of the board, David Leahy, the supervisor of
elections, said after the vote that the protests were one factor that he had
weighed in his decision.

"This was perceived as not being an open and fair process," Mr. Leahy
said. "That weighed heavy on our minds."

After discussing the matter briefly with reporters, Mr. Leahy declined
requests for interviews, as did the two other board members, one of them
nonpartisan, the other a Democrat. But quite apart from any campaign of
pressure, the board did say that the court-mandated deadline had been a
factor that militated against even a limited recount.

Whatever the case, Democrats accused Bush supporters of gathering a
crowd and riling it up in hopes of forcing the board to back down.

"One hour they're telling us they're going to get it done," Luis Rosero, a
Democratic aide, said of the canvassers, and "the next minute there were
two riot situations and a crowd massing out in front. This was deliberate."

Mr. Rosero said he had been punched and kicked by Republican
supporters outside Mr. Leahy's office.

Republican supporters scoffed at the accusation that they had engaged in
a scheme of intimidation, saying the protest had been nothing more than a
spontaneous manifestation of people's anger.

"It's the same type of democracy in action when Jesse Jackson parachutes
in and starts a protest in the black community," said Miguel De Grandy, a
lawyer for the Republican Party. "People have a right to express their

Yet some Bush supporters did acknowledge that they had helped inspire
the crowd in hopes that the recount would end, though saying they had
certainly meant no one any harm.

"We were trying to stop the recount; Bush had already won," said Evilio
Cepero, a reporter for Radio Mambi. "We were urging people to come
downtown and support and protest this injustice."

Mr. Cepero played a key role in the protests, roaming around the building
outside and, with a megaphone, addressing a crowd of perhaps 150
people. "Denounce the recount!" he shouted repeatedly. "Stop the
injustice!" He regularly cut into Radio Mambi's broadcasts to encourage
people to come downtown. And he also phoned in interviews with two
Republican lawmakers — United States Representatives Lincoln Diaz-
Balart and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, both Cuban-Americans — who also helped
persuade people to come.

Several people who attended the demonstration said they had decided to
do so after receiving an automated phone message, initiated by local
Republican officials, encouraging them.

One was Rebecca Totilo, who came 

Re: [CTRL] The Republican right prepares for violence

2000-11-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 27 Nov 2000, Nurev Ind Research wrote:

 Nessie wrote:
  Do you really believe that?
  Just wishful thinking. A world without Democrats or Republicans is sweet
  to imagine. But of course, they  all work for the same corporations.
  This so called battle for the presidency is a totally contrived. It's
  nothing but a show on TV. No matter who becomes president, the same
  plotocrats still call the shots.

 Not true dude. What you are seeing is a genuine contest.

I don't believe this.  A real contest is one in which the outcome
MEANS SOMETHING, and from the mind-set/perspective of the
"plutocrats" mentioned, it really doesn't matter who wins this
puppet show, not at all.  Which side is victorious really does
have different effects on *some* ppl, as you say, but it only
means something to the ppl at various levels beneath these
"plutocrats," ... not at the highest levels of what I refer to as
"The Evilarchy."

 The Rich and their
 corporations picked DIFFERENT horses to bet on. In other
 words, yes they are all the same in a class sense as
 determined by wealth, but there are different groups of Rich
 competing with each other to steal the Presidency. Trial
 Lawyers for Gore, Big Oil for Bush. Some Wall St. big shots
 for Gore, other Wall st. big shots for Bush.

Again, we're talkin'apples and oranges.

 What you are seeing is real.

I say it's not.  Not at the highest levels, and NOT AT OUR LEVEL,
which is all that matters REALLY, i.e., "through thine eyes..."

In the old days, different
 industries and their holding banks competed with each other.
 Today, it's more individual.

It's the samei.e., the same 200 patriarchs have jointly ruled
this planet for at least the last several hundred years, probably
several THOUSAND years.

 The constant is... that it's ALWAYS THE RICH WHO OWN THE GOVERNMENT.

 Stupid peon voters.

I agree with *that*   ;-)


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Transcript: Gore remarks on Florida vote certification

2000-11-27 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Transcript: Gore remarks on Florida vote certification

November 27, 2000
Web posted at: 9:44 p.m. EST (0244 GMT)

GORE: Good evening. Thank you for taking the time to listen tonight.

Every four years there is one day when the people have their say. In many
ways the act of voting and having that vote counted is more important than
who wins the majority of the votes that are cast, because whoever wins, the
victor will know that the American people have spoken with a voice made
mighty by the whole of its integrity.

On that one day every four years, the poor as well as the rich, the weak as
well as the strong, women and men alike, citizens of every race, creed and
color, of whatever infirmity or political temper, all are equal. They're equal,
that is, so long as all of their votes are counted.

A vote is not just a piece of paper, a vote is a human voice, a statement of
human principle, and we must not let those voices be silenced.

Not for today, not for tomorrow, not for as long as this nation's laws and
democratic institutions let us stand and fight to let those voices count.

If the people do not in the end choose me, so be it. The outcome will have
been fair, and the people will have spoken. If they choose me, so be it. I
would then commit and do commit to bringing this country together. But,
whatever the outcome, let the people have their say, and let us listen.

Ignoring votes means ignoring democracy itself. And if we ignore the votes
of thousands in Florida in this election, how can you or any American have
confidence that your vote will not be ignored in a future election?

That is all we have asked since Election Day: a complete count of all the
votes cast in Florida. Not recount after recount as some have charged, but
a single, full and accurate count.

We haven't had that yet. Great efforts have been made to prevent the
counting of these votes. Lawsuit after lawsuit has been filed to delay the
count and to stop the counting for many precious days between Election
Day and the deadline for having the count finished.

And this would be over long since, except for those efforts to block the
process at every turn.

In one county, election officials brought the count to a premature end in the
face of organized intimidation. In a number of counties, votes that had been
fairly counted were simply set aside. And many thousands of votes that
were cast on Election Day have not yet been counted at all, not once.

There are some who would have us bring this election to the fastest
conclusion possible. I have a different view. I believe our Constitution
matters more than convenience. So, as provided under Florida law, I have
decided to contest this inaccurate and incomplete count, in order to ensure
the greatest possible credibility for the outcome.

I agree with something Governor Bush said last night. We need to come
together as a country to make progress. But how can we best achieve that?
Our country will be stronger, not weaker, if our next president assumes
office following a process that most Americans believe is fair.

In all our hands now rest the future of America's faith in our self-government.
The American people have shown dignity, restraint and respect as the
process has moved forward.

This is America. When votes are cast, we count them. We don't arbitrarily
set them aside because it's too difficult to count them.

In the end, in one of God's unforeseen paths, this election may point us all
to a new common ground, for its very closeness can serve to remind us that
we are one people, with a shared history and a shared destiny.

So this extraordinary moment should summon all of us to become what we
profess to be: one indivisible nation. Let us pledge ourselves to the ideal
that the people's will should be heard and heeded, and then, together, let us
find what is best in ourselves and seek what is best for America.

Two hundred years from now, when future Americans study this presidential
election, let them learn that Americans did everything they could to ensure
that all citizens who voted had their votes counted. Let them learn that
democracy was ultimately placed ahead of partisan politics in resolving a
contested election. Let them learn that we were indeed a country of laws.

Thank you. God bless you, and God bless America.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many 

[CTRL] US Code Title 3, Chapter 1: Presidential Elections and Vacancies

2000-11-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

U.S. Code as of: 01/23/00

United States Code

Section 1. Time of appointing electors

The electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed,
in each State, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in
November, in every fourth year succeeding every election of a
President and Vice President.

Section 2. Failure to make choice on prescribed day

Whenever any State has held an election for the purpose of
choosing electors, and has failed to make a choice on the day
prescribed by law, the electors may be appointed on a subsequent
day in such a manner as the legislature of such State may direct.

Section 3. Number of electors

The number of electors shall be equal to the number of Senators
and Representatives to which the several States are by law
entitled at the time when the President and Vice President to be
chosen come into office; except, that where no apportionment of
Representatives has been made after any enumeration, at the time
of choosing electors, the number of electors shall be according
to the then existing apportionment of Senators and

Section 4. Vacancies in electoral college

Each State may, by law, provide for the filling of any vacancies
which may occur in its college of electors when such college
meets to give its electoral vote.

Section 5. Determination of controversy as to appointment of

If any State shall have provided, by laws enacted prior to the
day fixed for the appointment of the electors, for its final
determination of any controversy or contest concerning the
appointment of all or any of the electors of such State, by
judicial or other methods or procedures, and such determination
shall have been made at least six days before the time fixed for
the meeting of the electors, such determination made pursuant to
such law so existing on said day, and made at least six days
prior to said time of meeting of the electors, shall be
conclusive, and shall govern in the counting of the electoral
votes as provided in the Constitution, and as hereinafter
regulated, so far as the ascertainment of the electors appointed
by such State is concerned.

Section 6. Credentials of electors; transmission to Archivist of
the United States and to Congress; public inspection

It shall be the duty of the executive of each State, as soon as
practicable after the conclusion of the appointment of the
electors in such State by the final ascertainment, under and in
pursuance of the laws of such State providing for such
ascertainment, to communicate by registered mail under the seal
of the State to the Archivist of the United States a certificate
of such ascertainment of the electors appointed, setting forth
the names of such electors and the canvass or other ascertainment
under the laws of such State of the number of votes given or cast
for each person for whose appointment any and all votes have been
given or cast; and it shall also thereupon be the duty of the
executive of each State to deliver to the electors of such State,
on or before the day on which they are required by section 7 of
this title to meet, six duplicate-originals of the same
certificate under the seal of the State; and if there shall have
been any final determination in a State in the manner provided
for by law of a controversy or contest concerning the appointment
of all or any of the electors of such State, it shall be the duty
of the executive of such State, as soon as practicable after such
determination, to communicate under the seal of the State to the
Archivist of the United States a certificate of such
determination in form and manner as the same shall have been
made; and the certificate or certificates so received by the
Archivist of the United States shall be preserved by him for one
year and shall be a part of the public records of his office and
shall be open to public inspection; and the Archivist of the
United States at the first meeting of Congress thereafter shall
transmit to the two Houses of Congress copies in full of each and
every such certificate so received at the National Archives and
Records Administration.

Section 7. Meeting and vote of electors

The electors of President and Vice President of each State shall
meet and give their votes on the first Monday after the second
Wednesday in December next following their appointment at such
place in each State as the legislature of such State shall

Section 8. Manner of voting

The electors shall vote for President and Vice President,
respectively, in the manner directed by the Constitution.

Section 9. Certificates of votes for President and Vice President

The electors shall make and sign six certificates of all the
votes given by them, each of which certificates shall contain two
distinct lists, one of the votes for President and the other of
the votes for Vice President, and shall annex to each of the
certificates one of 

[CTRL] AFP: Gore says Florida count wrong, claims he is owed 1,800 votes

2000-11-27 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Gore says Florida count wrong, claims he is owed 1,800 votes

Source: AFP - Agence France Presse
Nov 27 13:11
by Matthew Lee

ATTENTION - UPDATES with Gore complaint, quotes ///

TALLAHASSEE, Florida, Nov 27 (AFP) - Lawyers for Democratic
candidate Al Gore described the official presidential vote tally
in Florida as "wrong" Monday, saying Gore was deprived of at
least 1,800 votes that would have won him the state and the White

The official tally certified late Sunday gave Republican rival
George W. Bush a 537-vote victory in the southeastern state.

The Gore complaint filed by attorney Dexter Douglass here shortly
after 12:15 pm (1715 GMT), contested the count in three Florida
counties: Miami-Dade, Nassau and Palm Beach.

In the written complaint, Gore said he would have picked up a net
gain of 1,025 votes if all manual recounts had been completed and
certified.  He also said he would have gained a further 800 votes
if counters in Palm Beach county had tallied 4,000 ballots that
were marked with an indentation but were not fully punctured. In
the complaint, the Gore camp said the certified election results
were simply wrong. "This is an action to contest the
certification that George W. Bush and Richard Cheney received
more votes in the presidential election in the state of Florida
than Al Gore and Joe Lieberman,"  it read. "The vote totals
reported in the election canvassing commission certification of
November 26, 2000, are wrong.  "They include illegal votes, and
do not include legal votes that were improperly rejected. The
number of such votes is more than sufficient to place in doubt,
indeed to change, the result of the election."

The case was assigned to Judge Sanders Sauls, according to a
court clerk.  After being forced to extend the certification
deadline 12 days to Sunday by aFlorida Supreme Court ruling that
ordered the inclusion of manual recounts in the final tally,
Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris declared Bush the
victor late Sunday by just 537 votes out of some six million
ballots cast.

But her decision to ignore partial recounts submitted by Palm
Beach as well as prior steps taken by officials in Miami-Dade and
Nassau counties, drew quick denunciation from Democrats who say
the official count is inaccurate and incomplete.

Gore's running mate, Senator Joseph Lieberman, lashed out at
Harris' certification shortly after her announcement, saying he
and the vice president had "no choice" but to contest the vote
counts, as is allowed under state law.  "Vice President Gore and
I have no choice but to contest these actions," he said, flatly
rejecting calls from the Bush camp to drop the challenges and
concede the election.

Among their complaints, the Democrats allege that thousands of
ballots in Miami-Dade were never tallied because vote-count
machines could not read them.  The Democrats also want the court
to compel Miami-Dade electoral officials to complete their hand
recount which they say was halted last week after they were
intimidated by boisterous crowd of Bush supporters.  Even without
a full recount there, however, they say partial hand recounts
showing a net gain of 156 votes for Gore in Miami-Dade should
have been included in Harris' certified total.

In Nassau County, Gore is contesting a decision by the canvassing
board on Friday to use original vote totals, instead of the
state-mandated machine recount, that cost the vice president 52
votes.  "We seek restoration of the recounted total," the Gore
legal team said in a summary of their filings in the circuit
court here.  In Palm Beach, the Democrats will try to prove that
the canvassing board refused to abide by a judge's order to
determine the voters' intent by refusing to count as many as
2,000 disputed ballots.

mvl/cw/mdl AFP

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

[CTRL] [Fwd: Solution to political divide: secession]

2000-11-27 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: Solution to political divide: secession
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2000 09:39:38 -0600
From: "Freedom News Daily" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 ==  F R E E D O M   N E W S  ==
 To subscribe or unsubscribe to this and other lists, click to:

 Freedom News in today's update:
  o There's an antidote to this family feud: secession
  o Ruling on Nazi memorabilia sparks legal debate
  o Libertarians tip balance in Washington state
  o Florida certifies Bush as winner
  o Canada's spiteful race ends with dire warning
  o War of words over green accord
  o Carnivore review called 'whitewash'
  o Medicinal marijuana study OK'd
  o Microsoft to file Monday in support of appeal
  o Brothel on the stock exchange?
  o Press advocates jittery about upcoming high court case
  o Louisiana high court to weigh laws barring city's gun lawsuit
  o NM Health Department may back medical marijuana law
  o Town moves to ban smoking - even outside
  o Documents show high number of minority drivers searched for drugs
  o Slobo and Gore: peas in a pod

There's an antidote to this family feud: secession
   The author points to the national ideological and cultural split
   revealed by the presidential election, and half-seriously
   suggests dividing the country in two. (11/27/00)

Ruling on Nazi memorabilia sparks legal debate
   A demand by a French court that U.S.-based Yahoo! bar French Web
   users from auctions of Nazi memorabilia has sparked a passionate
   debate over the limits of jurisdictions on the Internet and the
   future of freedom online. (Registration required) (11/27/00)

Libertarians tip balance in Washington state
   Libertarian candidates upset the balance between Republicans and
   Democrats in Washington state, achieving major party status in
   the process. Across the U.S., Libertarian congressional
   candidates won 1.6 million votes, the best showing ever by a
   third party. (11/27/00)

Florida certifies Bush as winner
   After a count and two recounts of votes in Florida, election
   officials certified George W. Bush as the winner of the state's
   electoral votes, pushing him over the top in his fight for the
   presidency. Al Gore vows to continue contesting the election.

Canada's spiteful race ends with dire warning
   Canadians go to the polls today after a bitterly fought campaign
   that is likely to leave the country more divided than ever, with
   none of the political parties able to reach beyond regional
   bases. (11/27/00)

War of words over green accord
   The two-week conference in The Hague on controversial measures to
   fight perceived global warming collapsed after the U.S. and
   European Union failed to settle a bitter wrangle over ways to
   cut greenhouse gas emissions. (11/27/00)

Carnivore review called 'whitewash'
   House Republican leader Dick Armey joined those accusing an outside
   review panel of putting a pro-government spin on a controversial
   FBI e-mail snooping tool. (11/27/00)

Medicinal marijuana study OK'd
   The federal Drug Enforcement Administration has approved a program
   that will allow San Mateo County, in Northern California, to
   give government-grown marijuana to 60 AIDS patients to assess
   the drug's potential health benefits. (11/27/00)

Microsoft to file Monday in support of appeal
   In a filing to be submitted to the U.S. Court of Appeals, Microsoft
   will argue against controversial findings that it violated
   antitrust law and an order that the company be split in two.

Brothel may be listed on stock exchange
   Melbourne, Australia's, largest legal brothel, the Daily Planet,
   may be the first in its industry to be listed on the Australian
   Stock Exchange. (11/27/00)

Press advocates jittery about upcoming high court case
   If a case now before the Supreme Court goes against the media, it
   could open the door to lawsui

[CTRL] Fw: [CTRL] NYT: Protest Influenced Miami-Dade's Decision to Stop Recount

2000-11-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

There is no evidence nor record of anybody being injured nor arrested and
the head of the canvassing board said they were not intimidated.  Does
anybody have the names of injured or arrested parties?  Bob Dole said on TV
that he personally asked the police about any incidence of violence and they
assured him none had occurred.  This type of reporting is nothing more than
quoting rumors as no names are given nor specifics--just vague allegations
of "two cameramen" "one person' etc.  It just did not happen this way.
"Public pressure" does not mean violence.
- Original Message -
From: "Steve Wingate" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 11:12 PM
Subject: [CTRL] NYT: Protest Influenced Miami-Dade's Decision to Stop

 -Caveat Lector-

 November 24, 2000


 Protest Influenced Miami-Dade's Decision to Stop Recount


 IAMI, Nov. 23 - The Miami- Dade County Canvassing Board's decision on
 Wednesday to shut down its hand recount of presidential election ballots
 followed a rapid campaign of public pressure that at least one of the
 board's three members says helped persuade him to vote to stop the

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] :Machine Processing May Have Left So Call Dimple

2000-11-27 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

This is from NewsForum.com

 Re:Machine Processing May Have Left So Call Dimple (Score:0)

 by Anonymous Coward on Monday November 27, @10:13AM EST (#146)

 If the machine moves the ballots using opposing rollers, it is very
possible for it to create dimpled or pregnant ballots. All it would take
would be a bit of dirt or a piece of chad between the ballot and one of the
rollers to partially push out another chad. It has been documented that chad
has been found in the counting machines after running ballots through them.
At some point, this same chad was in the paper path which the ballots were
following. The perforations which enable voters to push the chad out when
they vote will be the points at which the card is most likely to show the
effect of the loose chad.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Alien Microbe Reported Found in Earth's Atmosphere

2000-11-27 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-


Alien Microbe Reported Found in Earth's Atmosphere

By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 09:40 am ET
27 November 2000

A group of scientists says it has collected an alien bacterium 10 miles above
Earth, plus signatures of other extraterrestrial microbes even higher in the
atmosphere. The claims were met with immediate skepticism by other

The bacterium was collected 10 miles (16 kilometers) high by balloon
operated by the Indian Space Research Organization. Chandra
Wickramasinghe, who leads a study into the results, called the microbe a
previously unknown strain of bacteria and said it likely came from a comet.

Wickramasinghe and a colleague, Fred Hoyle, say the findings support an
idea they pioneered, called panspermia, which holds that the seeds of life are
everywhere in space and are the source for life on Earth.

Matthew Genge, an expert on meteorites and cometary debris at London's
Natural History Museum, said he was flabbergasted by the claim.

"I don't believe the authors have provided the kind of evidence that would be
needed to support their claim," Genge said. "Their announcement appears

Genge, who does not rule out panspermia as a possibility, said nonetheless
that the supposed alien bacteria could have been previously unknown strains
of terrestrial bacteria.

"Hitherto unknown strains of bacteria are found virtually every day," Genge
told SPACE.com. "If no one had ever seen or heard of an elephant and
suddenly one was discovered this wouldn't be evidence that it comes from

Wickramasinghe countered that procedures precluded the instruments aboard
the balloon from being contaminated on the ground or on the way up, but he
acknowledged the possibility of contamination at the point where the
collection was made.

"Earthly bacteria could get up to 15 kilometers from several sources,"
Wickramasinghe told SPACE.com. "Also there is a chance that unknown
strains of bacteria were lofted from the heights of the Himalayas."

Wickramasinghe said his group wouldn't reveal details until the microbe is
studied further.

High-flying bacteria

Genge echoed the cautions of other scientists in saying that dust carrying
terrestrial bacteria had been found in found the collection filters of NASA
U2 aircraft doing similar research for 15 years.

"There is in fact enormous amounts of dust from the Earth's surface at high
altitude, both artificial and natural in origin, and some of it undoubtedly
carries bacteria," Genge said.

"Another possible form of contamination could also be human waste,"
Genge said. "Passenger aircraft fly at 10 miles altitude and eject human waste
into the atmosphere. A fine spray of such liquid released into the
atmosphere at high altitude will form tiny ice grains containing bacteria
these will become widely dispersed."

NASA also commented on the claim, pointing out that living spores have
been found previously as high as 10 miles.

"While NASA's astrobiology effort has certainly not come down on the side
of panspermia, it has identified panspermia as worthy of serious
investigation, along with more conventional ideas about the origin of life on
Earth," said a press release out of NASA's Ames Research Center.

Other scientists also urged caution in interpreting the results. Meanwhile,
recent studies by other groups have boosted panspermia into the spotlight,
and many leading researchers are warming to the idea that microbes may be
hardy enough to endure the rigors of space travel.

More evidence of alien microbes

Wickramasinghe and his colleagues, based at the recently formed Cardiff
Centre for Astrobiology in Wales, also studied data from a 1999 Leonid
fireball, collected at 52 miles (83 kilometers) altitude. The original study on
this data, produced by a team led by Ray Russell of the Aerospace Corporation,
found organic compounds indicating that the building blocks of life could have
survived a trip from space to Earth.

Working with the Leonid fireball data in a separate study, the Cardiff team
concluded that the fireball actually did contained a signature of microbes that
rained down from space. The study analyzed the infrared light emitted by the
fireball, which the researchers say showed signs of burning bacteria. Further,
they say this signature resembled the infrared spectra of comet dust.

"There is little chance if any of Earthly bacteria resident at such great
heights," Wickramasinghe said.

But Genge flatly refuted the group's analysis of the Leonid fireball data.

"The infrared spectra of the Leonid meteors are not evidence for bacteria, nor
are the infrared spectra of comets," Genge said. He added that the data show a
feature that is common in all organic material.

"If you took me, put me in an oven, dried me at 300 degrees and then took
my infrared spectra, I'd have (this feature) too. This would certainly not be
evidence that you'll find Matt 

[CTRL] New Demo Logo

2000-11-27 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-

@ http://www.newsmax.com/showinsidecover.shtml?a=2000/11/27/103619

You can see the image

Monday, Nov. 27, 2000 11:33 a.m. EST
Al Gore Wants Democratic Party to Change Seal

Integrity has no need of rules. -Albert Camus (1913-1960)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Enabling Act

2000-11-27 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


Memo on the Margin
November 27, 2000
Memo To: Attorney General Janet Reno
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Grand Larceny in Tallahassee!!!
We’ve heard a lot of hot-under-the-collar rhetoric from partisans
  on both sides of the presidential campaign. Almost all of it has involved
  charges that either Vice President Gore or Governor Bush is trying to
  STEAL the election. Asked if he thinks the Democrats are trying to steal
  the election, former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole thought for
  a moment and said he did not know whether it was petty larceny or grand
  larceny. My old supply-side friend, Paul Craig Roberts, does not
  Madame Attorney General. He agrees with Governor Bush that the seven
Democrats changed
  Florida law by judicial fiat in ordering the Secretary of State
  to not certify a winner in the race by the date prescribed by the law
  and to allow several Democratic counties to recount by hand votes already
recounted by machine. Mr. Roberts, who
  served as an Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan administration,
believes the court acted in criminal fashion. I bring this to your attention because
the U.S. Supreme Court will consider this issue
  on Friday of this week. If it decides the Florida judges did try to
  steal the election, I think Mr. Roberts wants you to send federal marshals

  to Florida to throw those judges in the clink. Here is what he had to
  say in his LewRockwell.com column
Enabling Act for the Judiciary?
By Paul Craig Roberts
The corrupt Florida Supreme Court must be severely punished for participating
  in vote fraud. Impeachment is too good for the Gang of Seven. Arrest,
  indictment and trial are the best response to the court's criminal
behavior. Republicans must not acquiescence to the Democrats misuse of judicial
  office to steal an election.
Florida is a state where Republicans have been overwhelmingly elected
  to legislative and executive office. Yet, the Democratic, partisan and
  corrupt state Supreme Court has clearly overstepped its authority in
  an effort to help Democrats revote ballots to Gore's benefit. Why would
  seven jurists so audaciously and confidently participate in vote fraud,
  an illegal act, in a state where Republicans hold the balance of power?
The answer is that for almost a half century ever since the 1954 Brown
  decision of the U.S. Supreme Court the judiciary has been gradually
  appropriating the legislative role, adding the power of lawmaker to
  its assigned role of law interpreter.
Unlike the Florida Supreme Court's brazen decision to assist the Democrats
  in stealing a presidential election, the Brown v. Board of Education
decision was in behalf of a noble cause desegregation
  of public schools.
The Brown decision remains sullied by the means through which it was
  obtained an unethical ex parte collaboration between a sitting justice,
  Felix Frankfurter, and a litigant, Justice Department official Philip
  Elman. The plot achieved its goal of abolishing segregation, but the
  means usurped legislative authority and created a precedent inimical
  to democracy. The judiciary learned that whenever it can claim the moral
  high ground, it can legislate.
Other factors have contributed to the judiciary's rising power. The
  larger government grew, the more involved "special interests"
  became in politics in order to defend and advance their interests. In
  the public's mind, campaign contributions and interest group politics
  gradually undermined the authority of the legislative branch. A tainted
  and sometimes stalemated legislature permitted the judiciary to make
  inroads into the legislative arena.
With legislatures seen as agents of special interests, the judiciary
  has successfully ignored the constitutional separation of powers and
  appropriated more and more power. The Florida Supreme Court now has
  claimed the power to void statutory election laws when its candidate
The Florida vote count will not be over, the court declared, until
  highly partisan Democratic vote counters in a few heavily Democratic
  Florida counties revote enough ballots to change the election outcome.
  By aiding and abetting vote fraud, the court has violated the equal
  protection clause of the Constitution. The votes of a relatively few
  people in a few Florida counties are being counted according to different
rules from the votes of everyone else in the state and the country.

The Florida justices clearly do not