[CTRL] (Fwd) [The New Australian] update

2000-12-12 Thread Alamaine
-Caveat Lector-
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Date sent:  Tue, 12 Dec 2000 14:58:20 +1100
Subject:  [The New Australian] update 

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The New Australian update
Tuesday 12 December 2000

Maureen Dowd: writing in Goebbels' shadow. Maureen Dowd's fascist slip is showing
again. Outraged that justice frustrated Gore's attempted coup this New York Times
columnist reverted to the Goebbelesque tactic of rewriting history and smearing Bush.

Gore, Bush and media street fighting. A Bush victory will herald four years of
vicious media warfare fully supported by the Democrats. I suggest that the
Republicans take a leaf out of the Gerry Jackson book of Media Street Fighting

Defending Greenspan - just for once.  Explains why Greenspan is so preoccupied with
inflation even though the CPI seems to be at a modest level. What his monetary
critics are calling for is a monetary boom and this is based on the fallacy of the
stable price level that prevailed throughout the 1920s and still wields enormous
influence today. http://www.newaus.com.au/econ167greenspan.html

Gerry Jackson
The New Australian

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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust

The libertarian therefore considers one of his prime educational
tasks is to spread the demystification and desanctification of the
State among its hapless subjects.  His task is to demonstrate
repeatedly and in depth that not only the emperor but even the
"democratic" State has no clothes; that all governments subsist
by exploitive rule over the public; and that such rule is the reverse
of objective necessity.  He strives to show that the existence of
taxation and the State necessarily sets up a class division between
the exploiting rulers and the exploited ruled.  He seeks to show that
the task of the court intellectuals who have always supported the State
has ever been to weave mystification in order to induce the public to
accept State rule and that these intellectuals obtain, in return, a
share in the power and pelf extracted by the rulers from their deluded
[[For a New Liberty:  The Libertarian Manifesto, Murray N. Rothbard,
Fox  Wilkes, 1973, 1978, p. 25]]

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Jesus was a Liberal

2000-12-12 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

On 12 Dec 00, at 0:06, BB wrote:

 Steve, where do you COME UP with this stuff??

My mind.

 Are you very angry at everybody??

No not at all.

 A few liberals are christians..


 Where were you given insight to Jesus' heart and mind??

No more than you have, but I suspect the source is the same.  :-|

I think it is true to say that Jesus was a liberal. Especially in the sense,
"Tending to give freely; generous." And he certainly did not agree with the
various religious conservatives of his time, conservative meaning of
course, "Tending to oppose change; favoring traditional views and values.


 Steve Wingate wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
  It is difficult to understand how the Christian Conservatives can rant against
  the 'evil liberals' when their own Saviour, Jesus Christ was a liberal, even a
  radical of his time, who so incensed his religious contemporaries that they
  had him crucified.
  But now liberalism is Evil, and Conservative values, which include strict
  adherence to the Old Testiment beliefs as outlined by their highly jealous
  and violent 'God', otherwise known as the space alien Jehovah or Yalweh,
  are good. We even have conservatives calling out for an all out war against
  Liberals, otherwise known as Democrats. (Even though most Democrats
  as well as most Republicans are basically moderates.
  Politics, as well as Religion, serves the purposes of the controllers of the
  humanity very well.
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[CTRL] For the record

2000-12-12 Thread nexusmagazine

-Caveat Lector-

Ironically, the people who attack NEXUS fall into three categories:

1)  Fundamentalist Christians.  Despite having thousands of gentle
christian readers from around the world, there are always extremists who
like to practice hatred and bigotry.  These people are convinced that
NEXUS is controlled by Satan, and/or is part of a plot to kill all jews.
(Go figure).  Some such extremists lurk on this list.  I doubt that they
are really who they say they are.

2)  Fundamental New Agers.  Despite having thousands of 'new age' type
readers (defined by health aware, spiritually active, environmentally
concerned, pro-peace people not belonging to an established mainstream
religion); there are the radical types, like the David Icke followers,
who believe NEXUS is run by shape-shifting reptillian aliens from another
dimension.  Other extremist new agers bemoan NEXUS for being too

3)  Sceptics.  These are the types that persecuted Galileo and Wright
Brothers.  These are the 'protectors' of correct thought.  These are the
true nazis of the mind - ie you are not allowed to think or consider new
ideas, the unexplained or deviate in any way from the theory of evolution
et al.  Well funded, well organised, but lacking in intelligence, honesty
and discernment.

All three are keen to stop NEXUS being read by others.

All three are keen to put the boot in and tell whopping lies about NEXUS.

All three types are true fascists in terms of self-righteousness,
intolerance of others' freedom of thought and expression, and in terms of
spreading hatred.

NEXUS exposes information that is unpopular with all the above groups.


Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381
http://www.nexusmagazine.com  ICQ#62399259

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] RadTimes # 130

2000-12-12 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

RadTimes # 130 December, 2000

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
"We do not wish to be ruled. And by this very fact, do we not
declare that we ourselves wish to rule nobody?"
--Peter Kropotkin, 'Anarchist Morality'
How to assist RadTimes-- (See ** at end.)
--About What It Is..
--Cover-ups and withholding ballot information: same old Republican tricks
--US "Outsourcing" Colombian War?
--Police role in terror task force criticized
--On black disenfranchisement
--Ebola Toll Reaches 400
Linked stories:
 *By Revealing Their Discord, Justices Break Unwritten Rule
 *Gore camp hints at election defeat
 *High court may ease market anxiety
 *Privacy a Victim of the Drug War
 *Cop joins call for end to police violence
 *More Than 20,000 Workers Penalized Annually for Union Efforts
 *Audio: Hunter S. Thompson
Begin stories:
About What It Is..


What worries me is that the Republican political machine accuses
opponents of doing what they are planning to do, or already
have done.
While the GOP was stealing the election, they were accusing Gore of doing
it! The Republican Secretary of State of Florida removed people from the
rolls improperly. Black voters were turned away from the polls, even when
they had voter registration cards. The Republicans said Gore would "do
anything to win the election by hook or by crook" while they were clearly
doing that themselves.
Further, they said Gore wanted to count votes only in Democratic
counties, when it was the Bush camp who refused an offer to count the
whole state.
The Republicans complained about court challenges, but they filed more
actions than the Gore people, and tried to prevent votes from being
counted! Then, although fond of law and order, they imported a mob from
out of state to bang on doors and intimidate vote counters in Miami.
The party that claims to favor local solutions used the US Supreme Court
to prevent a ballot count ordered by the Florida Supreme Court. If that
isn't enough, the Republican majority of the Florida Legislature tried to
replace the Florida voters in selecting the State's members of the
Electoral College.
At least, this stops short of calling in the military to impose the
party's rule, as is done in many other countries, but I don't like it.

Richard A. Stimson

Cover-ups and withholding ballot information: same old Republican tricks

Online Journal - http://www.onlinejournal.com
By Carla Binion

Sociologist Max Weber once said that the first line of
defense of any bureaucracy is the withholding of information. George W.
Bush's team includes some of his dad's cronies, such as James Baker,
George Schultz, and Richard Thornberg. None of them are strangers to
withholding information as a means of defending corruption.

It makes sense that the Bush team now argues against counting the ballots.
They have long favored secrecy over disclosure.

George H. W. Bush was CIA Director in the mid-1970s. The CIA, and George
W.'s dad, are no strangers to rigged elections-in Third World countries.

In 1984, when Manuel Noriega chose Nicolas Barletta to be Panama's
president, the Reagan/Bush administration knew the election was rigged,
that ballot boxes were stuffed, and that documents were falsified.
(Imperial Alibis, Stephen R. Shalom, South End Press, 1993.)

Under Reagan/Bush, the U. S. government funneled money to Barletta's
campaign. Following the vote fraud, U. S. aid to Panama grew from $12
million to $75 million. After the "election," Reagan invited Barletta to
the White House to congratulate him on his win. (Imperial Alibis.)

Secretary of State George Schultz, adviser to George W. in Campaign 2000,
attended Barletta's inauguration and lauded Panama's "democratization."
(Unreliable Sources, Norman Solomon and Martin A. Lee, Carol Publishing
Group, 1992.)

Bush team adviser and daddy-Bush crony, James Baker, said recently that
the team is not trying to "run out the clock" regarding ballot counting.
However, Baker was part of the Reagan administration when the Reagan/Bush
crew used delay tactics to evade responsibility for Iran-contra.

Remember how George H. W. Bush got away with his Iran-contra misdeeds?
Reagan's attorney general, Richard 

[CTRL] (no subject)

2000-12-12 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-

 | top news | u.s. | world | business | sports | sci | tech |arts | weather |
election | search

DECEMBER 10, 12:01 EST

Dengue Fever Hits in Latin America

Associated Press Writer

Dengue fever patient
Associated Press/Luis Romero [18K]


COATEPEQUE, Guatemala (AP) — Maria Oloxon thought her son Cristian was out of
the woods.

The 5-year-old's fever was all but gone, his wiry black hair no longer
dripped with sweat and there was no trace of the crippling muscle pains that
had left his tan body riving in agony for eight days.

But then the blood began to run from his nose, ooze from his lips and trickle
out of his throat.

``We were noting that his color was much better and saying that he could go
outside and play with his cousins,'' said Oloxon, a 33-year-old mother of
five. ``Then we were screaming and praying, 'Please God, save our little

Cristian, who was rushed to the hospital and eventually made a full recovery,
had been stricken with a potentially fatal form of dengue fever — a painful,
mosquito-borne virus characterized by headaches, rashes, cramps and severe
back and bone pain.

Most dengue sufferers recover after about a week, but those stricken with the
disease's hemorrhagic variety begin to bleed internally just when it appears
they have recovered. The victims can die within a few days if they are not

Hemorrhagic dengue, which usually strikes children and the elderly because of
their weak immune systems, has killed at least 70 people in Latin America
this year.

There is no cure for dengue and medical experts aren't sure how the
hemorrhagic virus is structurally different from dengue's nonfatal forms.
Still, doctors can save those stricken with hemorrhagic dengue by treating
its symptoms and replenishing the blood and plasma lost to internal bleeding
— if the patients receive treatment in time.

Mosquito fumigation
Associated Press/Moises Castillo [25K]


A global pandemic of dengue began in Southeast Asia after World War II and
began intensifying in 1982, according to the Centers for Disease Control and

It is not as aggressive as other highly contagious viruses such as Ebola, but
is instead carried by mosquitoes born in the standing water found in ponds,
outdoor sinks, flower pots or garbage piles located behind many homes in
Central and South America.

Houses without air conditioning, whose screen-less windows are almost always
left open to combat stifling heat, become easy targets for the insects, which
feed at night when homes are teeming with family members.

``One infected person can infect an entire neighborhood,'' said Jorge Arias,
Latin American adviser on communicable diseases for the Washington-based Pan
American Health Organization. ``Once a mosquito bites someone with dengue, it
becomes very easy for that mosquito to give it to dozens of others.''

Arias said dengue in all its forms is not a problem in the United States
because of the air conditioners and window screens found in most homes there.
Americans are also not as likely to have standing water close to open windows
as people living in Latin America, he said.

But in El Salvador, doctors have seen more than 330 new cases of hemorrhagic
dengue since October, when the government declared a nationwide state of

In 11 months this year, 35 people have died from complications related to
hemorrhagic dengue, Health Minister Jose Lopez Beltran said. That number was
expected to exceed 45 by the end of the year, he said.

A contingent of dengue experts from the United States and around the world
have since arrived to treat and observe more than 3,000 patients suffering
from both potentially fatal and non-deadly forms of dengue.

While the disease is not directly contagious, a 24-year-old Cuban medical
volunteer who traveled to San Salvador to help treat dengue patients died
Oct. 11 after being bitten by a mosquito in a crowded public hospital.

Dengue has also killed 10 people in Honduras so far this year and doctors
were watching hundreds of patients believed to be suffering from the fatal
form of dengue, health ministry officials reported.

According to Arias, complications caused by dengue fever have also killed
seven people in the Dominican Republic, four in Venezuela and claimed three
victims in Nicaragua and Brazil.

``The trend is that things will get worse unless definite action is taken,''
Arias said.

Eight Guatemalans have died from the effects of dengue — six of whom were
children who hailed from this sweltering and scruffy town of 200,000 people
located 130 miles west of Guatemala City.

``We are on red alert,'' said Saul Orlando Martinez, head of Coatepeque's
national hospital. ``We can treat patients who come in with internal
bleeding, but we don't know how many 

[CTRL] Clinton stay on as care-taker?

2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

From new services -

Bill Clinton may become a caretaker president while America
resolves its constitutional crisis.

Constitutional experts say Mr Clinton could provide a lifeline
while disputed votes continue to be recounted.

It is expected the votes will put Gore ahead of George W Bush but
it is doubtful that the White House winner can be finalised by
the time the president is due to hand over power on January 20.

He may be appointed under the 20th amendment to the constitution
which states the US Congress could appoint an acting president to
serve if the ballot dispute is not resolved by inauguration day.

Professor James Fleming, of Fordham University, said: "I don't
think Bill Clinton has explicitly applied for the job, but he is
the most obvious choice for it."

The president has hinted that he would have run again this year
had he been allowed to, and is confident he would have won.

Republicans, who expected Mr Bush to be made president, say they
will fight the stunning reverse dealt by Florida's Supreme Court
which allowed the counting to go ahead.

The recount was halted over the weekend by the US Supreme Court
which is due to hear arguments from both sides.

The judges in Florida had cut Mr Bush's lead to 154 votes and
ordered the recounting of up to 45,000 ballots. The ballots are
those in which a presidential choice was not picked up by the
counting machines.

As the stalemate goes on The Daily Express claims the current
president may be asked to step in as a caretaker.


Hale said in private email to a list-member on 11/11/00 -

"...I would not be surprised at a slow move towards "avoiding
instability" as things work through the courts to sort the
election out.  And that could lead to a temporary suspension of
certain amendments . . . I'd say about 15% chance of something
developing.  Not likely, but certainly not farfetched."


10/3/00 - from WSJ "How will Clinton stay in power?"  OT humor -

9. An extended Clinton term (37). Twenty-seven readers predicted
that Mr. Clinton would declare martial law or a state of
emergency and cancel the election -- a rather farfetched notion.
Others thought Mr. Clinton would ignore, reinterpret or seek
repeal of the 22nd Amendment limiting him to two terms.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AP: Court Upholds Military Ballots

2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Monday December 11 4:03 PM ET

Court Upholds Military Ballots

ATLANTA (AP) - An appeals court on Monday agreed with a federal
judge who refused to throw out 2,400 of Florida's overseas
ballots, mostly from military personnel, because they arrived
after Election Day.

A three-judge panel of the 11th U.S.  Circuit Court of Appeals
(news - web sites) said the ruling by U.S.  District Judge
Maurice Paul in Gainesville, Fla., was consistent with recent
comments by Florida's highest court about the workings of the
absentee ballot law.

The lawsuit brought by Democratic voters sought to eliminate
enough ballots to change the election results in Vice President
Al Gore (news - web sites)'s favor.  Republican George W.  Bush
(news - web sites) led by less than 200 votes as election
challenges continued in the U.S. Supreme Court (news - web sites)
and elsewhere Monday.

``While Florida law seems to favor counting ballots, this change
would take away the votes of thousands of Florida citizens -
including members of America's armed forces on duty outside of
the country pursuant to the nation's orders - who, to cast their
ballots, just did what they were told by Florida's election
officials,'' the appeals court said.

The appeals court rejected the claims of lawyers representing 13
individual Democratic voters whose lawsuits were combined before

The lawsuits claimed that state and federal laws, along with the
U.S. Constitution, require all ballots to be received by the
close of the polls on Election Day.

Roger Bernstein, a New York lawyer for the voters, said an appeal
was likely.

``The decision seems inconsistent with the enacted laws of
Florida,'' he said.

Joseph Klock, a Miami, Fla., lawyer for the Republicans, was
returning from arguments before the U.S.  Supreme Court and could
not immediately return a telephone call for comment, according to
his office.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] AP: Reno lawyer to file suit over how electoral votes cast in Nevada

2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Reno lawyer to file suit over how electoral votes cast in Nevada

RENO, December 11-A Reno lawyer is entering the fray over the
presidential election.


King says Nevada’s system of “winner-take-all” violates the equal
protection clause in the 14th amendment of the U.S.

He wants a restraining order preventing Nevada’s electors from
casting all their votes for Texas Governor George W.  Bush when
they meet on December 18th.

Only a federal constitutional amendment can change or eliminate
the Electoral College, but states decide how their votes are

Nevada Secretary of State Dean Heller has already said he will
ask the 2001 Legislature to change state law and distribute
electoral votes to candidates based on the popular vote.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NM: Key Whitewater Witness Faces Arkansas Prison

2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Key Whitewater Witness Faces Arkansas Prison

Monday, Dec. 11, 2000

The state conviction of David Hale, a key witness in the
Whitewater scandal, has been upheld by the Arkansas Supreme Court
on a minor legal technicality.

 Hale, one of special counsel Kenneth Starr’s witnesses in the
federal Whitewater trial of former Gov. Jim Guy Tucker,
businessman Jim McDougal and McDougal's ex-wife, Susan, must
spend 21 days in a state prison because his lawyers failed to
make a timely motion, the court ruled in a 6-1 decision issued
late last week.

Hale was the chief cooperating witness in the independent counsel
probe of the Clintons known as "Whitewater."

 Hale's testimony led to the convictions of the Arkansas trio on
fraud and conspiracy charges.

Hale had received federal immunity from federal prosecutors.

But a quirk in the law allowed Arkansas state prosecutors to
prosecute Hale on local charges.

In an apparent act of political retribution, Hale was convicted
in 1999 of making false or misleading statements to state
insurance regulators.

He appealed the conviction on the grounds that prosecutors had
improperly questioned him about his role in the Whitewater

He claimed that federal prosecutors had granted him immunity from
future federal prosecutions in exchange for his cooperation with
the Whitewater investigation.

Hales said that in using information from his federal case, the
Arkansas prosecutors acted wrongly.

 Without judging the merits of Hale’s claim, the court held that
he or his lawyers had failed to object to the questioning in a
timely matter, and had waited too long to raise the point.

 Justice Annabelle Clinton Imber wrote that Hale’s lawyer failed
to make timely objections to prosecutors' questioning of Hale
about his role in the Whitewater scheme. She wrote that the
questioning continued for a full 23 pages in the transcript
before any objection was raised.

 Despite the court's rulings, the Arkansas legal action is
unprecedented, according to legal experts. States, typically,
honor federal immunity.

Defenders of Hale say the state action against him was meant to
punish him for his testimony against the Clintons and other
Arkansas Democrats.

 Hale, a former Little Rock judge, charged publicly that Bill
Clinton pressured him into making a fraudulent, federally backed
$300,000 Small Business Administration loan to Susan McDougal.
Starr, however, refused to consider bringing charges against the
president unless Hale's claims were supported by another,
credible witness.

 One possible witness was Jim McDougal, who died in prison
shortly after agreeing to cooperate with Starr.

 Hale has already served a 24-month federal prison term after
pleading guilty in 1994 to conspiracy and mail fraud.

Hale has had two heart attacks and uses a pacemaker. He continues
taking life-sustaining medications.

The Arkansas court agreed to allow him to wait until there was
room in a state prison for him to serve his 21-day sentence
instead of making him wait in a local jail cell to begin serving
his time, according to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] SMH: US investigator follows claim of Reno vendetta against Sydney-based lawyer

2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

US investigator follows claim of Reno vendetta against
Sydney-based lawyer

Sydney Morning Herald
Monday December 11, 2000
By John Macgregor

A high-powered Washington investigator will visit Australia to
study suggestions that the US Attorney-General, Ms Janet Reno,
may have used the FBI in a vendetta against a political rival - a
lawyer now practising in Sydney.

Mr Joseph Gersten is seeking refugee status in Australia on the
basis of "a well-founded fear of political persecution" in the
US. He was a rival of Ms Reno in Florida Democratic politics in
the 1980s and early 1990s. She laid drug and prostitution-related
charges against him in 1992.

The Chief Counsel of Washington's powerful House Committee on
Government Reform, Mr James C. Wilson, will come to Sydney early
next year after receiving fresh evidence concerning Mr Gersten.
He says he wants to "talk to Gersten, and also to Australian
law-enforcement authorities" about the FBI passing "raw and
unsubstantiated" information on Mr Gersten to the Australian
Federal Police.

The new evidence comes in documents subpoenaed from the Justice
Department, the State Attorney's Office in Florida, and leaked to
the House committee from Australian Government departments. The
committee recently furnished Mr Gersten's legal team with a copy
of a report on him, written by Nautilus Investigations and
Security Pty Ltd, a Sydney company.

According to the US Embassy in Canberra, Nautilus "volunteered"
the report to it. The report casts serious aspersions on Mr
Gersten - which he says are false.

In a covering note, Nautilus investigator Mr Langdon Rogers
pitches for business to the embassy, and offers to "return" Mr
Gersten - apparently to the US.

Nautilus's report has been sent under US Embassy letterhead to
the Commissioner of the Federal police, Mr Mick Palmer.

Tomorrow in Washington, Mr Wilson will interview Ms Susan Curtis,
the FBI agent apparently responsible for sending the letter on Mr
Gersten to the Federal police while she was a legal attaché at
the Canberra embassy.

Information about Mr Gersten's character was divulged to the NSW
Law Society and the Immigration Department by the AFP in the
mid-1990s. There has since been an attempt to withdraw his
certificate to practise law; and his application to live in
Australia as a "skilled migrant" has been refused. The FBI, Mr
Palmer, Ms Reno and her successor as Florida State Attorney, Ms
Katherine Rundle, have declined to comment on the Gersten matter.

The Prime Minister, Mr Howard, was recently briefed on the case
by advisers.

Ms Reno's moves against Mr Gersten began in 1992, when she was a
Florida State Attorney. In that year, she laid the drug and
prostitution-related charges against him. The evidence for these
charges has been seriously eroded by subpoenaed FBI documents
which the House committee has just released to Mr Gersten's legal

These "302s" (reports of witness interviews) put the time of Mr
Gersten's alleged offences at 11 to 11.30pm on April 29, 1992.
The offences are claimed, by the State Attorney's Office, to have
occurred between 6.15 and 7pm. From 9pm onwards on the night in
question, Mr Gersten had credible alibis.

Mr Gersten says these newly released documents "have been
deep-sixed [suppressed] for several years, obviously because they
directly contradict the case against me by State Attorney Reno
and her successor".

A Bush victory in the US election would enable a Republican
attorney-general to act on the House committee's work, including
that related to Ms Reno's alleged abuses of power. Sources close
to the committee believe this may include Mr Gersten's case.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WP: Landfill Tapes May Hold Secrets

2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Landfill Tapes May Hold Secrets

By Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, December 12, 2000 ; Page A02

The FBI's crime laboratory is examining more than 10 computer
tapes recovered from a New Mexico landfill, and a government
official said yesterday that, judging by their "outside
appearance," they could be the classified cassettes that former
Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee claims to have thrown into the

Officials said it will take several days to begin to reconstruct
what is on the tapes, many of which are crushed.  But the FBI has
temporarily halted its two-week search of the Los Alamos County
Landfill, and Energy Department experts have been put on alert to
analyze whether the tapes hold the nuclear weapons data that Lee
downloaded from the computer system at Los Alamos National
Laboratory from 1993 to 1997.

If the tapes excavated from a mountain of garbage prove to have
been made by Lee, the discovery would help to back up the
Taiwanese American scientist's assertion that he tossed
approximately 17 tapes into a trash receptacle at Los Alamos in
January 1999.  It also would help reassure investigators that the
tapes did not end up in the hands of a foreign country.

But government officials cautioned that it may be impossible to
determine from the physical evidence whether all of the tapes
ended up in the landfill – or whether anybody other than Lee ever
handled them.

"Among the tapes there could be one or more [that Lee] might have
thrown away," said one official familiar with the investigation.
"But we don't know if they are all of them."

The official added that, by the same token, if the tapes found in
the landfill do not turn out to have been made by Lee, "that
doesn't say he didn't destroy the ones he had."

Still, the apparent discovery of the missing tapes was a dramatic
turn in the long and controversial case.

Lee, 60, has been under steady FBI investigation since 1996, when
he was targeted as a possible source of secret data about the
newest U.S. nuclear warhead, the W-88, which had been obtained by
China, possibly through espionage.

Although the espionage case against Lee essentially collapsed and
he was never charged with spying, he was fired from his job at
Los Alamos for security violations in March 1999.  Investigators
then searched his office and home, where they found evidence that
he had downloaded the equivalent of more than 400,000 pages of
nuclear weapons design data and computer simulation programs to
his office computer and to portable tapes.

As a result, the FBI opened a new investigation, which led to
Lee's arrest in December 1999.  Charged with 59 counts of
mishandling classified information and violating the Atomic
Energy Act, he was held in solitary confinement and threatened
with life in prison.

Part of the evidence against Lee was that he appeared to have
gone to great lengths to hide his downloading by erasing data and
repeatedly attempting to enter the top-secret X Division at Los
Alamos after his security clearance was revoked.

Lee, through his lawyers, steadfastly maintained that he had
never given the tapes to anyone and had destroyed them, though he
long declined to say exactly how.  His supporters, including
Asian American groups, said he had been singled out because of
his ethnicity. Government experts disagreed over the importance
of the information he had downloaded, and his lawyers proved that
the lead FBI agent on the case had given faulty testimony.

Ultimately, Lee pleaded guilty to a single felony count and was
sentenced in September to the nine months he had already served.
The federal trial judge apologized to him and excoriated other
branches of government for his harsh treatment.

As part of Lee's plea bargain, he pledged to tell investigators
why he made the tapes and exactly what he did with them.  Until
now, however, government officials have been skeptical of his
claim that he made the tapes as protection against computer
failures and later just threw them away.

FBI officials in Washington yesterday refused to confirm that any
tapes have been discovered.  Bill Elwell, a spokesman for the FBI
field office in Albuquerque, said its grueling, dawn-to-dusk
search of the 50-acre landfill with handrakes was halted Friday
because agents were tired and needed a rest.  He declined to
confirm that any tapes had been found.

Lee's plea agreement allows the FBI to question him for up to 10
full days.  Two days of questioning remain.  Afterward, the FBI
can request that he take a polygraph exam to try to determine
whether he has told the truth.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends


[CTRL] Coup?

2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 05:03:55 EST
Subject: Coup?

Mike, you may want to put this up everywhere,
if you havent already...


- Original Message -

From: Michael Moore


Sent: Monday, December 11, 2000 12:17 AM

Subject: [Mike's Message] Judgment Day O'Connor -- from Michael

Judgment Day O'Connor

December 11, 2000

Dear friends,

I'm sorry I haven't been able to write to you in the past couple
of weeks. My mom became ill and had to have surgery. Everything
went well and she is now recovering. My sisters and I are blessed
to have our parents, nearing 80, still with us.

Meanwhile, I guess some sort of overthrow is taking place right
here in the good ol' U.S. of A. I knew the U.S. Supreme Court was
dominated by reactionaries and conservatives. But, honestly -- I
never, ever, believed it

was... crooked.

Until now.

This Court appears ready to install a President who did not win
the election.  Can this really be happening?

Everyone knows that if the votes are ever counted in Florida,
Gore is the winner. George W. Bush knows that more than anyone --
that's why he's fighting so desperately hard to stop that count
from ever taking place. If he felt he was truly the winner, his
attitude would be, "Sure, go ahead and count the ballots, I'm not
worried 'cause I know I'm the winner."

But that's NOT what he thinks or knows. He knows he lost.
EVERYONE knows he lost. Let's cut the B.S. If those 12,000
ballots ever get counted, George W.

Bush is the loser and everyone with an I.Q. of over 70 knows it.

Why would the loser insist on being given the top prize? Have you
ever heard of such a thing? Not only that, he has convinced all
the loser-lovers in the Florida legislature and the U. S. House
of Representatives to grant him the victory in case he loses --
again -- in court.

In every other nation on this planet, they have a word for this
behavior -- and that word is "coup."  George W. Bush and his
allies in Congress, the Florida legislature, and the U.S. Supreme
Court are trying to stage a coup, an overthrow of the will of the

According to last Sunday's stunning front page story in the Miami
Herald, had there been no shenanigans in the Florida election,
the Herald calculates that Gore would have won Florida by 23,000
votes! You can check out this story by clicking here:


The theft of this election didn't just start with Jeb Bush's
girlfriend/Bush for President Co-Chairwoman/Bush delegate to the
Republican Convention/Secretary of State Katherine Harris's
refusal to count the ballots. Months ago, Jeb and Katherine
sought to eliminate as many black voters as possible from the
voting rolls. This is a mind-blowing story and I encourage you to
read it by clicking here:


The U.S. Supreme Court stopped the counting of the ballots this
weekend and violated the law in doing so. They are allowed to
grant a stay only if "irrevocable, irreparable harm" would happen
if the votes were counted. Since when does the counting of our
citizens' votes cause "irreparable harm"?  Justice Antonin Scalia
said (I'll paraphrase here), well, we believe Bush won

and if we allow those votes from Florida to be counted and Gore
ends up ahead, well, that would cause irreparable harm to a Bush

Yes, that is what he said!

Look, let's be honest about something. Part of the reason we are
in the mess we are in today is because AL GORE voted YES to put
Justice Scalia on the

Supreme Court.

Let me say this one more time so it sinks in to every Gore-loving
head out there:


The chickens sure have come home to roost for that blunder (and
for the 11 Democrats who voted YES to give Clarence Thomas his
narrow victory). Don't

write me and tell me about the kind of Court we "might" get under
Bush thanks to Nader. We already have it, thanks to Al and his
Democrats. It's a tough

pill to swallow.

Listen, this fight today, Monday, December 11, 2000, is not about
Al Gore. It is about the only thing that ultimately matters in a
democracy -- the right to vote. The right to have a say in who
will represent us. Gore got 300,000

more votes than Bush. Gore won. Gore will have more votes in
Florida if those ballots are allowed to be counted. Gore won.

I have no personal interest in seeing Al Gore in the White House.
I did not vote for him.

But I don't like liars, I don't like thieves, and I really hate

Mr. Bush (that's what the majority of Americans will always call
you, because we will not participate in your lie by ever calling
you "Mr. President") -- we know what you are so afraid of. You
are a coward for not wanting those

ballots counted because you know the outcome. You know you've
lost. You know 

Re: [CTRL] Coup?

2000-12-12 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-

What drivel. Bush did win according to our constitution. lets count ballots
in Wisconsin and New Mexico and Missouri and see.

Gore did not carry his own state. guess Tennessee knows there onions.. lets

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Election2000: Hegelian Style

2000-12-12 Thread Tsadowq

-Caveat Lector-

Previous thread: Re: [CTRL] Coup?

Hello everyone,

In a message dated 12/12/2000 3:33:56 AM Mountain
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 But that's NOT what he thinks or knows. He knows he lost.
 EVERYONE knows he lost. Let's cut the B.S. If those 12,000
 ballots ever get counted, George W. Bush is the loser and
 everyone with an I.Q. of over 70 knows it. 

Everyone with an I.Q. over 70 should realize that the attempt
to cherry pick the undervote from three (3) heavy Democrat
counties is a purposeful attempt at skewing the national
error rate average to favor Gore.

The above quoted post by "Michael so and so" is a joke,
and rather than waste time addressing it individually, I will
simply cut and paste the comments I wrote (for a different
list) on this subject two weeks ago.

Incidentally, CNN has a county by county breakdown of undervotes.

Sometime two weeks ago Tsadowq wrote:

That brings up another issue. Why is nobody talking
about the fact that there is a NATIONAL UNDERVOTE,
and that GORE's cherry picking tactics would seriously
and purposely SKEW the NATIONAL UNDERVOTE?

The undervotes are the votes rejected -- for one reason or
another -- from the vote counting machines. An unchallenged
1974 Florida appellate court ruling stated that "mere confusion
does not amount to an impediment to the voters' free choice if
reasonable time and study will sort out."

The Illinois decision (which was improperly represented to
the Florida Supreme Court by Gore attorney David Boies),
added that voters who fail to properly follow instructions,
"disenfranchise themselves."

Overlooking the fact that confused voters disenfranchise
THEMSELVES, we should not ALSO overlook the very
large parts of the mathematics behind the machine tallies:

1) Unbiased machines reject votes without prejudice
of race, creed, or political intention.

2) Said undervotes are part of a NATIONAL error rate,
sometimes MORE Republican ballots are tossed out,
sometimes MORE Democrat ballots are tossed out.

The idea is that NATIONALLY, the ERRORS will
BALANCE OUT because the machines are not being
BIASED, the machines only rejecting unreadable votes.

With these facts in mind, it is very clear that the "cherry picking"
SKEW this NATIONAL ERROR RATE in Gore's favor.

Does the GORE camp seriously think that we are unaware of this?

And speaking of election FRAUD...where is DALEY?

The MINUTE that fraud was mentioned DALEY
disappeared from the GORE cheerleading team.

And with good reasonDaley's father was a well
known suspect in voter fraud dating back 30 years.

Some people say that Gore INVENTED the Internet.
Other people say that Daley's Dad INVENTED vote fraud.

At any rate, I believe that this entire election is more
Hegelian Dialect, with the possible synthesis being
any one or all of the following:

1) A national and universal voting system that would be
labeled "tamper/fraud" proof. How? That is easy. How
about NEW national voting systems which ONLY accept
votes from citizens with a National I.D. card?

2) To wipe out the Electoral College. Think about this, C-SPAN
live for the classroom is in MANY SCHOOLS. I watched a
CNN piece on what elementary and intermediate school
children think of the election. Afterall, they feel that they
are very informed after watching the spin. The end result?

The majority of the kids interviewed CONFIRMED the ideas
expressed in #1 and #2. These kids were literally parroting
the exact statements. "We need national voting systems"
and "We need to destroy the Electoral College, it is not fair."

We all know that the Electoral College is the Constitutional part
of the Republic. Without the Electoral College, the presidential
candidates would only need to carry California, New York, Texas
and Florida, in order to win.

Yes, the masses in these four states would
be enough to win the POPULAR VOTE.

Why would a candidate even BOTHER
to campaign in the other 46 states?

In any case, this is clearly an issue of States Rights. The
States of the Union are guaranteed Equal Representation.

Which makes me wonder...

Why aren't people from states OTHER than Florida

Afterall, if we are going to count by hand all the UNDERVOTES
of cherry picked DEMOCRATIC counties, this unequivocally
makes the VOTES in FLORIDA of more VALUE than those
in all other states was not hand counted, it was THROWN OUT.

The fact is that if we are going to count by hand the
UNDERVOTES in Florida, those UNDERVOTES are
part of a NATIONAL AVERAGE and ERROR rate.

In order to avoid skewing that national error rate, we must
either DISCARD ALL undervotes, or we must COUNT ALL
undervotes (approximately 1.2 to 1.8 million nationwide).

ANY other solution 

Re: [CTRL] For the record.

2000-12-12 Thread Tsadowq

-Caveat Lector-

Previous thread:
Irrelevant drivel from a guy who makes way too much money.

Hello everyone,

In a message dated 12/12/2000 1:29:33 AM Mountain
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Ironically, the people who attack NEXUS fall into three categories: 

Why is this "ironic?"

The big question is: DO WE EVEN CARE?

As if NEXUS does not have a big
enough part of the market share?

Do we really need to hear the editor of a nationally recognized
magazine whining (on a conspiracy theory list) about how unfair
it is that making big $$$ puts you under the magnifying glass
of public scrutiny and skepticism?

Duncan Roads: How about posting NEXUS' last year's PL
statement before you go on crying about "how hard" life is?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Voices And Lucid Dream Hustle/Scams

2000-12-12 Thread AOL User

-Caveat Lector-

 There is a RB record that opens with the line
Here I Go, Here I go, Here I go again.

  For those in the group who experience the weird and
lurid lucid dreams, as you know, my THEORY  holds  that
the subliminal, voice to skull, skin as a  piezo electric
surface  methodology does not work on a sleeping subject.

   In fact I say the voices have to be audible in order for
the victim's dreams to be effected via lucid dream techniques.
One aspect of this theory is the message delivery  system
is aided by  reasonating the subject as well  affecting (building
a column of air  gradually over a  given time span)  the air pressure
in the sleeping subjects body , in fact making his or her chest cavity
a speaker enclosure.

   My theory is 'this time'(sleeping hours) is when most of the
'dirty  work'  is done on the population group we have come to know
as TI's. During this state the association of  thoughts with objects take
place, and this is replayed  over the next day or days through the
person's day to day chores,  often re-cued by  encounters with  both
strong and weak stimuli.

  You can verify this yourself. Buy a long term tape record(16 hours) a
good microphone  and about 20 two hour tapes. You will be surprised
at what you pick up.

This method is a commonly used  as a hustle on third world hayseeds
who believe the voices coming from their body is maybe a forerunner of
out and out demonic possession.  Naturally regular old everyday americans
buy into the hustle, but in a different manner: They believe they are on the
verge of a major breakdown whose onset is signalled by this symptom of
a  serious  mental  illness.  My theory all holds this method is used in
'fly by night' drug rehab clinics, and rampantly emploed in residential group
homes for toster children  and the mentally ill.  North East Bronx, lower
Westchester county, and the downtown Broolkn communites of  Fort Greene
and south Brooklyn(84th and 88th (The Psychoanalytic)) precincts.

   This is easy to dolower mid tech, and  works quite well on isolated
individuals as well the population group described in the prior paragraph.
I also contend there have been lawsuits filed because this method which
have been settled out of court and do not appear on the courts record.
But then again this is only a theory. MINE

Stop Hate Crime Against The Mentally Ill


PS The Breakdown Timetable for a person subjected to this
   method could be as short as a few days!

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Six Million Kikes DID NOT Die!

2000-12-12 Thread Nurev Ind Research

-Caveat Lector-

Six Sixsix wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I am the expert on 6's. Six million kikes did not die.
 66 million Russians and Neighbours did die.



A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] For the record/Nexus magazine

2000-12-12 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Editor of Nexus,

I appreciate the works of David Icke very much, but I have never attacked Nexus. I 
just stopped reading it after you sacked David Icke.

You must be in the realm of fantasy, when you claim that "the David Icke followers, 
believe NEXUS is run by shape-shifting reptillian aliens from another  dimension."

Because the fact is only, that one of your writers, Lawrence Gardener, has been 
observed doing shape-shifting. That is a fact I never saw you comment in Nexus before 
I quit reading it.

But I never saw anybody claim, that the editor, mr. Duncan M. Roads, has been doing 

Love, Ole Gerstrom, Denmark

- Original Message -
From: nexusmagazine [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 8:28 AM
Subject: [CTRL] For the record

 -Caveat Lector-

 Ironically, the people who attack NEXUS fall into three categories:

 1)  Fundamentalist Christians.  Despite having thousands of gentle
 christian readers from around the world, there are always extremists who
 like to practice hatred and bigotry.  These people are convinced that
 NEXUS is controlled by Satan, and/or is part of a plot to kill all jews.
 (Go figure).  Some such extremists lurk on this list.  I doubt that they
 are really who they say they are.

 2)  Fundamental New Agers.  Despite having thousands of 'new age' type
 readers (defined by health aware, spiritually active, environmentally
 concerned, pro-peace people not belonging to an established mainstream
 religion); there are the radical types, like the David Icke followers,
 who believe NEXUS is run by shape-shifting reptillian aliens from another
 dimension.  Other extremist new agers bemoan NEXUS for being too

 3)  Sceptics.  These are the types that persecuted Galileo and Wright
 Brothers.  These are the 'protectors' of correct thought.  These are the
 true nazis of the mind - ie you are not allowed to think or consider new
 ideas, the unexplained or deviate in any way from the theory of evolution
 et al.  Well funded, well organised, but lacking in intelligence, honesty
 and discernment.

 All three are keen to stop NEXUS being read by others.

 All three are keen to put the boot in and tell whopping lies about NEXUS.

 All three types are true fascists in terms of self-righteousness,
 intolerance of others' freedom of thought and expression, and in terms of
 spreading hatred.

 NEXUS exposes information that is unpopular with all the above groups.


 Duncan M. Roads
 Editor, NEXUS Magazine
 PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
 Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381
 http://www.nexusmagazine.com  ICQ#62399259

 "The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
 On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
 (Aldous Huxley)

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:

Re: [CTRL] For the record.

2000-12-12 Thread nexusmagazine

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/12/2000 1:29:33 AM Mountain
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Ironically, the people who attack NEXUS fall into three categories: 

Why is this "ironic?"

The big question is: DO WE EVEN CARE?

As if NEXUS does not have a big
enough part of the market share?

Do we really need to hear the editor of a nationally recognized
magazine whining (on a conspiracy theory list) about how unfair
it is that making big $$$ puts you under the magnifying glass
of public scrutiny and skepticism?

Duncan Roads: How about posting NEXUS' last year's PL
statement before you go on crying about "how hard" life is?

1.  I do not think being attacked for what we publish is unfair.
2.  I do not make big $$$ - I spend big $$$ on NEXUS.
3.  I welcome debate and investigation of what we publish.

4.  I do NOT have to like people making uninformed comments about the
magazine, especially those who have never read a single copy.

5.  I do NOT have to like personal attacks, lies, and smear.

6.  And where do you get off distorting my posts anyway?

Your post is not 'scrutiny', it is smear and distortion.  You obviously
desire NEXUS and myself to look bad to other readers on this list.  What
is your motive for such distortion?  I have as much right to post to this
list as you do, and what I posted was in response to a number of personal
and public comments.

Maybe you want to look at the quality of your own postings before you go
around judging those of others.


Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381
http://www.nexusmagazine.com  ICQ#62399259

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of


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[CTRL] Fwd: Kyoto Collapses In The Hague

2000-12-12 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 Kyoto Collapses In The Hague

 Dec. 6, 2000by:  Phyllis Schlafly

 The collapse of the global warming treaty negotiations in The Hague
 last week illustrates the folly of the Clinton-Gore globalists who
 to give a consortium of foreigners the power to regulate the American
 standard of living. The conference ended with a cream pie in the
 literally, of U.S. representative Frank E. Loy, and egg all over the
 faces, figuratively, of the Clinton-Gore globalists who have been
 promoting this treaty for years.

 Called the Kyoto Protocol, the proposed treaty was agreed to in
 Japan by 175 countries in 1997, and The Hague conference was
 supposed to fill in the fine print with rules and penalties. Al Gore
 attended the Kyoto Conference, agreed to the treaty, and later signed
 it in New York.

 The treaty would commit the United States and three dozen industrial
 countries to cut their greenhouse-gas emissions by the year 2012 to
 at least 5 percent below their 1990 levels. This would require a
 tremendous reduction in our use of energy.

 The ideology behind this radical objective is to subordinate our
 standard of living, which is largely based on the use of fossil
 fuels, to
 the supremacy of global ecology. Or, as Al Gore says in the title of
 his book, force us to put "Earth in the Balance."

 There is nothing "balanced" about the ideology or the treaty. The
 ideology is the new religion of worshiping Mother Earth, and the
 treaty would codify newly invented and manifestly unequal global
 regulations devised by the environmental extremists.

 Developing countries, including China, India and Mexico, and oil
 exporters including Saudi Arabia, seek enforceable global rules from
 which they would be exempt. China and India were so adamant about
 refusing to initiate climate-protection programs that this wasn't
 on the agenda.

 Any successful agreement for a global commission to regulate
 personal and industrial use of energy would have to be based on a
 community of purpose and interests by the signers. The Hague
 conference displayed the hopelessness of this venture and the
 passionate diversity of the participants.

 What the United States stands to gain, if anything, by the treaty is
 unclear. The dominant interest of Third World countries is their
 demand for the United States to finance their dictators in a
 lifestyle to
 which they would like to become accustomed.

 The poor nations are demanding that the U.S. build projects in their
 countries for climate protection, pollution cutting, "clean coal,"
 forest protection, but are even unwilling to allow us any "credits"
 these handouts in meeting our emissions goals. As an envious
 Nigerian declaimed, "They have caused the problems, they have
 made the whole world unsafe."

 Curdling beneath the surface were the demands of countries with
 diametrically opposed interests. In some nations the climate is too
 hot and they don't want it any hotter, while other nations hope
 warming will make their crops more abundant.

 Some countries, such as the United States, can meet emission-
 reduction goals because their large forests function as a "sink" to
 naturally absorb the main greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide coming
 from our tailpipes and smokestacks. America's vast forests absorb
 up to 300 million tons a year of carbon dioxide and could get us
 halfway toward the treaty's goals, but other countries reject this as
 "free ride."

 Regulations are opposed by countries that are completely dependent
 on politically incorrect coal or oil and would be devastated by the
 regulations. Regulations are favored by low-lying countries that
 about the rising of the seas that is predicted if the earth warms and
 ocean ice melts.

 Some countries have already subjected their industries to heavy
 socialistic regulations and want to impose the same on the rest of
 the world. Other countries value their freedom from regulations.

 To facilitate the redistribution of U.S. wealth to Third World
 dictatorships, The Hague conferees proposed a plan to allow rich
 nations to "buy" emissions credits from poor nations, presumably the
 small countries which usually gang up against U.S. interests.
 However, the biggest poor country is Russia, whose economy is so
 devastated that it can't afford industrial production to produce
 emissions anyway.

 The collapse of the Russian economy has produced a windfall of
 possible pollution "credits" that Russia can sell to countries
 to reduce emissions. Translated, that means the U.S. taxpayers
 would pay tribute to Russia in order to be allowed to maintain our
 current standard of living.

 Nuclear power, which produces energy without greenhouse
 emissions, is another sticking point. The environmentalists have
 prevented the construction of modern nuclear plants in the United
 States, but other countries have no such 

[CTRL] Fwd: FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS: Yugoslavia Rwanda

2000-12-12 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

 URL - http://emperors-clothes.com/articles/jared/tolls.htm

 www.tenc.net [Emperor's Clothes]

 FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS: Yugoslavia  Rwanda
 by Jared Israel
 "No man is an Iland, intire of itselfe; every man is a peece of the
 Continent, a part of the maine; if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea,
 Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if
 a Manor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death
 diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never
 send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee." (MEDITATION
 XVII., Devotions upon Emergent Occasions by John Donne)

 A country's foreign policy has some consistency, and for good reason;
 it is the best planned expression of the political and economic goals
 of that country's Establishment. Why should it be a surprise, then,
 that the U.S. government, which created the monstrous assault on
 justice called the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former
 Yugoslavia, has done the same thing in Rwanda? (1)

 We just published a critique called 'One-Sided Justice At The Rwanda
 Tribunal'. (2) We at Emperor's Clothes have benefited from
 conversations with and written reports by several experts on the
 Rwandan situation including members of the superb team of Canadian
 lawyers who have defended Hutu leaders accused of war crimes. We must
 make this information available to our readers. It shows that the
 Rwandan War Crimes Tribunal is every bit as much an assault on
 Justice as the better-known War Crimes Tribunal for Yugoslavia, at
 the Hague.

 Rwanda and Yugoslavia may seem far away but Western citizens will
 ignore these Tribunals at their peril. Why? Because they are
 controlled by the West and represent a sea-change in Western legal

 Not that Western legal institutions do not routinely violate the
 principles of legal fairness, sometimes called 'natural justice'. But
 the Yugoslav and Rwandan Tribunals take these violations of principle
 (such as the independence of judges from prosecutors, the guarantee
 of trial by a jury of one's peers, habeas corpus, and the right of
 defense councils to cross-examine witnesses) and enshrine them as
 Legal Theory.

 In some ways the Rwandan Tribunal is even worse than the Yugoslav
 Tribunal because the Rwandan Tribunal operates on Rwandan soil and
 helps consolidate the power of the pro-US Tutsi regime over the
 militarily defeated Hutus.


 It is revealing that Goran Svilanovich, the newly installed Foreign
 Minister of Yugoslavia, refers to the Rwandan Tribunal when he
 describes his plans for Yugoslavia:

 "But like Kostunica, Mr. Svilanovic would favor 'truth commissions'
 of experts here 'to examine and collect evidence of war crimes by
 those allegedly defending the Serbian nation but also those who
 committed crimes against Serbs, to present the facts to the people
 here, to raise awareness.' Some of that evidence might come from The
 Hague tribunal, he said.

 "Only then would he favor a trial. On the precedent of Rwanda, he
 said: ''We can find a way to do it here, on Yugoslav territory, with
 the participation of The Hague tribunal.''' (our emphasis, 'NY
 Times', 11-20-2000)

 Foreign Minister Svilanovich is a pupil of US foreign policy
 operatives like Madeline Albright and Robert Gelbard. (3) His
 comments on the Rwandan Tribunal reveal the thinking of his Masters.
 First the U.S. leaders foment civil conflict. Then they use phony War
 Crimes Tribunals to crush those who resist colonial rule.

 Thus the purpose of the War Crimes Tribunal on Yugoslavia is not to
 attack all Serbian leaders. Rather, it is to crush those leaders who
 resist. Little quislings like Mr. Svilanovich are safe from harm as
 long as they behave, and serve their Masters.


 But this may be easier said than done. The goals of U.S. and German
 Imperial Beings are defined not by principle but by position: they
 want the greatest possible control of the Balkans, Africa,
 everything. Give them an arm, they will demand your leg. Their
 watchword is: MORE.

 If the Tribunal does succeed in setting up shop in Belgrade, that is,
 if Yugoslav (and worldwide!) popular hatred for the Tribunal does not
 succeed in stopping it, NATO will attempt, with the help of their
 Belgrade quislings, to hunt down those who have resisted and/or who
 currently resist NATO rule. The Tribunal may initially avoid the big
 names (Miloshevich, Mladich, Karajich) in order to prevent a
 confrontation with the Yugoslav army, most of whose officers and
 soldiers are patriots who loathe NATO. They may instead nibble away
 at the small fry of resistance, the unsung heroes, thus attempting to
 establish the Tribunal's de facto legitimacy and demoralize its
 opponents. The Tribunal may use the infinitely flexible 'secret list'
 of war crimes suspects as a herding tool, like an electric cattle
 prod. For example, people 

[CTRL] Fwd: Iran, Libya, Oil Companies Rooting for Bush

2000-12-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

Find this difficult to believe - and we are told water costs more than
oil?   Well, I remember King Faisal before he was murdered, said
Americans paid more for a pepsi than they did same amount of oil.   Why

Oil is old hat; big money boys are really getting out of in going into
the solar age..someday that water in Holy Land if it is not already,
will be worth more than the oil - cannot drink that black stuff.

So anyway, if we have peace in the middle east now, what do we do when
hey have war, as I sit herre using my new solar operated calculator, new
solar powered battery recharger, new solar powered heater in house I see
across the street - too bad I just bought a new a/c with gas furnace,
and I see now all kinds of things, like toys being used and maintained
by solar energy?

Americans sick of being gouged to death by thir world countries where
the thieves and Clinton and his henchmen have much in common.

Smart Money is going into Solar Energy and New Energy...and I also
like my batteries being recharged by solar energy

New Amtraks go 150 mph now - and this is the re if they can find someone
sober enough to drive the things without wrecking.

Someday arab leaders will know the value of a good glass of artesian
well water.cold, with ice cubesprefer that on a hot day to a
drink of that horrible black stuff that causes cancer anway.   And we
have corn oil, soy oil, and all thdifferent oils and we have
wheat..or at least we did have or did Kissinger corner market on
that too

Viva American Farmers and Solar Power to the People and we will have
peace in Holy Land.so now they got to figure out, how to corner
market on the sun?

Trade water for oil?Hell No...I can always get a a


   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\   http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 12/12:
   OIL is the big prize of the Middle East.  Petro Dollars flow from it.  The
American economy floats on what remains an amazingly cheap and huge supply of
it.  After all, even now, oil that is pumped in the Middle East, shipped around
the world, refined, heavily taxed, and trucked to gasoline stations, continues
to cost Americans not much more than a gallon of bottled water!  No wonder the
Western countries prefer to pump Arab and third-world oil for their current needs
rather than their own.
   The Arab people benefit little from their oil; wile the Arab oil families,
the Gulf Arab "client regimes" literally bank on it.  The lesson of the 70s was
learned when shortly after King Feisal attempted an oil embargo he was assassinated.
 The regimes maintain themselves in power, and in the money, by using the huge
wealth provided by the black gold to purchase everything in sight -- a steady
supply of whores, both sexual and political; journalists; organizations; politicians;
   In recent years since the Gulf War the Saudis have in fact been "convinced"
to increase the role of Western oil companies, not to mention the American military
and CIA, in the affairs of "the Kingdom".
   And to this mix that it is Western banks that soak up the recycled petro dollars,
and Western arms merchants who cash in for their yearly multi-billions.
   The British recognized the great importance of the coming oil era way back
in the days of Lawrence and Allenby.  The Americans took control of the region
after World War II because of it.  Israel was at first a questionable addition
to this mix, partly accounting for Secretary of State George Marshall's vehement
opposition to U.S. support for its creation, which in fact came very close to
bringing about his resignation.  But today, thanks to the divisions and weaknesses
of the Arab world, caused by the very oil regimes the West created and maintains,
Israel is today America's closest partner in perpetuating these "client regimes"
and maintaining the status quo.


 By John K. Cooley

 A T H E N S, Greece, Dec. 11, ABC News — Middle East
 oil producers Iran and Libya, still under U.S.
 sanctions, and American oil companies
 prevented from working there by those
 sanctions hope fervently for a Bush-Cheney
 victory in the tortuous U.S. presidential election
  Oil industry and government sources in the Middle

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Have a Nice Day

2000-12-12 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Aw. that's cute! Thanks, Aleisha!


--- Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Have a Nice Day

2000-12-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Thank you Tenorloveand is Duncan of Nexus really 666 . with
a name like Duncan he should be ashamed.

Never read Nexus - Ickes is enjoyable - and if he wants to see reptiles
shifting, see Ehud and Clinton and Gore...

Pretty soon they will all be - well I bet they are all firing their PR
man who made them what they are today - Born Again Reptiles?

So much for all the Doo Dah Days in the Oval Office - One for All and
All for One.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] For the record

2000-12-12 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: "nexusmagazine" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Ironically, the people who attack NEXUS fall into three categories:


 All three are keen to stop NEXUS being read by others.

 All three are keen to put the boot in and tell whopping lies about NEXUS.

 All three types are true fascists in terms of self-righteousness,
 intolerance of others' freedom of thought and expression, and in terms of
 spreading hatred.

 NEXUS exposes information that is unpopular with all the above groups.

Don't let the bastards get you down.  You have a great magazine.


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Bill's posts was Re: [CTRL] The Conspiracies of Empire

2000-12-12 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

It's not just on WebTV. The print comes up very small and blurry in all
his HTML posts. If I copy  paste to a text document, either email or
MS Word, it comes up fine. It would be nice if everyone would post in
plain text unless the HTML is essential to the message. Hyperlinks and
attachments still work with plain text emails. Not only is plain text
easier to read, but HTML takes 4 times as much bandwidth as the same
message in plain text, and fills up inboxes quite rapidly.


--- Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Does anybody else have trouble reading Bill's material...on Web TV,

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Dangers of the New Age movement

2000-12-12 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 12/12/00 1:02:48 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Duncan of Nexusthanks for letting us know of your New Age connection. It
certainly fits in with your pushing of Icke with his vicious antisemitism

"Vicious anti-semitism"
I think not, why spread such misinformation about the man, are you concerened about his conclusions??


Re: [CTRL] The Conspiracies of Empire

2000-12-12 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Welcome back, David Sutherland! ggg
--- Guitar Virtuoso [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-
 Oh deary me J2

 That INSULTING remark was really NOT NICE and truly uncalled for!!!

 What the hell have you got against COWS anyway!!!  (ggg)

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Six Million Kikes DID NOT Die!

2000-12-12 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Obviously too illiterate to read the disclaimer at the bottom of each
post. yawn
--- Six Sixsix [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 I am the expert on 6's. Six million kikes did not die.
 66 million Russians and Neighbours did die.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Shopping - Thousands of Stores. Millions of Products.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2000-12-12 Thread Ole Gerstrøm

- Original Message - 
From: Mike Clark 

Sent: Saturday, December 09, 2000 12:04 AM
Subject: [robots-rebellion] RE: ALEX JONES AND " EYES WIDE 
 Alex Jones reported on 
his nightly show about two weeks ago that hehad just watched the Tom 
Cruise - Nicole Kidman film " EYES WIDE SHUT ".Alex stated that it had 
left him in a disturbed mind state. Hisrecommendationwas 
that others not watch it.Remember HE IS THE ONE who used the SECRET 
PASSWORD to gainentry into BOHEMIAN GROVE 50 miles north of SAN 
FRANCISCO.His video is now for sale in INFOWARS.COM.What I 
found interesting about "EYES WIDE SHUT " is the location of theCASTLE OUT 
IN THE WOODS. For those who have seen the movie , 
remember TOM CRUISE got the SECRET PASSWORD and then took a taxicab to 

Post a message, send it to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]To 
Unsubscribe, send a blank message to: 

Re: [CTRL] Election2000: Hegelian Style

2000-12-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So what if Clinton steps aside and lets Gore take over?He would then
be President?

So what is the real plan here.Clinton surely as a good democrat
would so do would he not - but nobody wants Gore for President, not even
Clinton.   Between the two, I prefer Clinton for at least he has some
smarts and while we know who he is, we really do not know what any of
them are really, do we.

So news media - nobody asks Clinton to step aside and why will he not do

Crowds in Florida were peacefulyet Gore was wearing bullet proof
vest - oh so paranoidthe people are such a threat to these idiots.

Well, we should be a threatwe have the power and the authority to
throw these bastards out of office.

Talk of conspiracy - this election with the three presidents if the
biggest conspiracy since the murder of JFK while the juke boxes played
Streets of Laredo, he was taken to Dallas and set up good.

Something is really wrong here isn't it.the Courts cannot change the
constitution.they cannot rule on the intent of a person's
vote..Bush won - Gore lost - and all the KIngs Horses and All the
Kings Men, will not put Al Gore, together again.

The Presidency of the United States is now being challenged - well the
world hates US now, and now goes respect for this office, part of the
grand Master Plan for Murdered Keyed to the Stars and the Testaments?

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[CTRL] Yemeni President Says Israel May Be USS Cole Bombers

2000-12-12 Thread William Shannon
Sunday December 10, 12:01 pm Eastern TimePress Release

SOURCE: Newsweek

Exclusive: Interview with Ali Abdullah Saleh President of Yemen

Saleh 'Can't Confirm' Bin Laden Was Behind Cole Blast; Says Israel or Regional Intelligence Agency Could Have Been Involved

Suspects Arrested by Yemen 'Transited' Afghanistan at Some Point

NEW YORK, Dec. 10 /PRNewswire/ -- Yemen's President Ali Abdullah Saleh tells Newsweek in the current issue that investigators probing the bombing of the USS Cole ``can't confirm'' that terrorist kingpin Osama bin Laden ordered the blast. ``Is it bin Laden, Israeli intelligence or someone else?'' he tells Contributing Editor Lally Weymouth in the December 18 issue. ``We are still saying it might be Israel or a regional intelligence agency -- those who are trying to spoil the U.S.-Yemeni relationship.''President Saleh says while investigators ``can't confirm'' Israel had anything to do with the October blast, they are ``wondering.'' ``I didn't say Israel did it, but Israel might be involved in such incidents. We have an attitude against Israel because it is against the peace process. Most of the Arabs try to please or flatter Israel, but in Yemen we do not flatter Israel,'' he says.Saleh says his security forces are still searc!
hing for Muhammed Omar al-Harazi, who allegedly gave instructions to the two people who died in the suicide mission. ``He's the main suspect who funded the operation and paid for the safe houses in Aden. He's the mastermind, but we believe someone else was behind him. If we arrest him, he'll tell us the links to the others.'' He adds that ``We can say with 80 percent certainty that the perpetrators of the operation were born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, but are of Yemeni origin and were trained in Afghanistan.'' Six suspects are already in custody.Newsweek interviews with senior Yemeni and U.S. officials also reveal that the suspects arrested by Yemen ``transited'' Afghanistan at some point before the bombing, indicating that bin Laden may have orchestrated, or at least supported the attack. Correspondent-at-Large Rod Nordland and Investigative Correspondent Mark Hosenball report that one of the suicide bombers was arrested for pl!
otting a terrorist attack, shortly after returning from a visit to Afghanistan in 1999. And at least two of the suspects in custody have alleged links to bin Laden's organization. ``We think the Cole terrorists have strong links with Afghanistan and we can say, yes, there are links with bin Laden,'' Yemen's Interior Minister Hussein Arab tells Newsweek.Yemen's President also clarifies a recent agreement with Washington which allows the FBI to participate in the Yemeni investigation. Saleh tells Newsweek in the current issue (on newsstands Monday, December 11) that under the accord, U.S. investigators can sit in with Yemeni investigators and can pass questions to Yemeni officials to pose, but they cannot be alone with a Yemeni suspect. Saleh also ruled out extraditing any suspects to the U.S. for trial, saying ``Extradition of suspects is not allowed under our Constitution.'' Asked whether witnesses would be allowed to travel to t!
he U.S. to testify in a case, he said a trial would be held in January in Yemen and ``we will follow all constitutional and legal measures'' to make that determination.Looking to the upcoming election in Israel, Saleh also says he thinks it would be better if Benjamin Netanyahu became the next Israeli leader. ``We used to say [Ehud] Barak is better, but he's not straightforward and does not have good intentions. Netanyahu is rude, but he's clear and straightforward. He's better than Barak. I expect he will win.''
 (Article attached. Read Newsweek's news releasesat http://www.Newsweek.MSNBC.com. Click "Pressroom.")SOURCE: Newsweek

[CTRL] Scalia Prejudges!

2000-12-12 Thread William Shannon
With Scalia leading the way, Supreme Court commits a blunder By Thomas Oliphant, Globe Columnist, 12/11/2000 WASHINGTON A LITTLE civil disobedience toward Justice Antonin Scalia is in order in advance of today's US Supreme Court argument on a case he suggests has already been decided in advance. His flat-out factual misstatements can wait. The first task is to flout his insistence that the country not find out who received the most votes in Florida last month on the hilarious grounds that this might undercut the legitimacy of !
the court's de facto selection of the candidate for president who probably got fewer votes.As an authoritarian more than a conservative, Scalia's position warping long-established rules of court procedure is that ''irreparable harm'' would take the form of a ''cloud.''It's not hard to defy his wishes. No one disputes the fact that 185,000 Florida ballots were found by county officials or tabulating machines not to contain an automatically discernible preference for president. A large majority of them - roughly 120,000 - were so-called overvotes, with more than one candidate getting a clear mark; no one disputes that, either.The remainder, around 65,000 ballots, represented so-called undervotes, with no candidate getting an immediately discernible vote. Many of these are genuine blanks, representing an ''I ain't votin' for nobody'' sentiment. But many were votes that can be discerned, usually quite easily, by looking at them. This!
 is what the big argument is all about.As it turns out, The Miami Herald made it simple to thumb one's nose at Scalia eight days ago. With the assistance of its former chief data analyzer and now Arizona State professor, Stephen Doig, the paper applied varying percentages of actual vote assumptions to the results as of Nov. 7 in every one of Florida's 5,885 precincts.If you go from one extreme assumption about the voters' intent in these 185,000 ballots to the other, it doesn't matter - Al Gore wins. To take the absurd proposition that 90 percent of these ballots were actually meant to be blanks, the vice president still comes out ahead statewide, by 1,443 votes. To take the equally absurd proposition that all of them were intended as a vote for somebody, Gore wins by 23,408 votes.But take a more reasonable assumption - that one out of four uncounted ballots was a true plague-on-all-houses blank, and Gore still has roughly 17!
,000 more votes.This is only the tip of a counting iceberg that awaits the five-justice Titanic that ordered the diligent efforts by Floridians crudely shut down Saturday. The Miami Herald is ready to examine every vote in Miami-Dade County as soon as the ballots are available. In other words, the ballots are going to be counted, and we are going to know with reasonable confidence what the result was. The only question is whether the ballots will be counted only for history, or whether they will count for real.The other element of Scalia's tortured concurring view that may or may not reflect the views of his four colleagues in the majority who chose not to sign on to his screed, involves his preposterous assertion that George W. Bush would be ''irreparably harmed'' by a recount on an ''erroneous basis'' now that would prevent an ''accurate'' recount on a ''proper basis'' later.This monstrosity is exposed simply by reporting it: S!
calia says it is ''generally agreed'' that each manual recount causes ''degradation'' of the ballots. It is typical of his judicial intemperance that he assumes as true some of the very facts in contention. His focus on the concept of ''irreparable harm'' stems from its status as one of the two grounds for granting the kind of stay that Bush won. We should respect that one of them was satisfied - namely, the court's view that there is a substantial probability that Bush's case will prevail this week on the merits.But the other has been crudely warped by the majority. The concept of stay traditionally has been issued for something like loss of life, or a home, or a business, before one's legal case can be heard. In this case, Scalia claims it involves harm to Bush, which in a true stretch he extends to ''the country'' - that knowing the count's results would cast that aforementioned cloud over ''his election,'' thus assuming a!
s true still more facts in dispute.The issuance of the stay could more accurately be said to cause irreparable harm to Gore. After all, any certification of a recount result favoring him can be stayed pending the court's substantive decision, as the court of appeals in Atlanta wisely ordered before the Supremes blundered in.The full court could still pull back from its intemperance. Meanwhile, in the guise of playing Big Brother to protect us from the cloud that is truth, Scalia has made that cloud much bigger and blacker.Thomas Oliphant's e-mail address is [EMAIL PROTECTED].This story ran on page A15 of the Boston Globe on 12/11/2000.

[CTRL] US Supreme Court embraces a century-old legacy of racism and reaction

2000-12-12 Thread William Shannon

US Supreme Court embraces a century-old legacy of racism and reaction

By Don Knowland

Editor's note: The following article was written before the Supreme Court halted the counting of votes in Florida. That development, in our view, has only underscored the correctness of the analysis made by the author.
On December 4 the US Supreme Court vacated a decision of the Florida Supreme Court ordering Secretary of State Katherine Harris to extend the deadline for certifying the Florida election result in order to allow a manual count of ballots. The US high court directed the Florida Court to clarify the extent to which its ruling in the Harris case had relied on sections of the Florida state constitution. Those sections provide that all political power is inherent in the people—that the people are sovereign—and that elections shall be determined by popular vote.
The US Supreme Court sought clarification not to promote these fundamental democratic principles. On the contrary, the US high court suggested that applying them would infringe the prerogative of the Florida legislature, granted under Article II of the US Constitution, to determine the manner of selecting Florida's presidential electors.
The US high court purported to find its support for this startling position in a single case, McPherson v. Blacker, which was decided by the US Supreme Court in 1892. According to the Court in the McPherson case, the state legislatures have plenary (complete) power to determine their state's presidential electors, a power with which the people of the states or their state constitutions cannot interfere.
At the hearing of the Florida Supreme Court on December 7 to consider Gore's appeal of the denial of his contest of the election by Florida Circuit Court Judge N. Sanders Sauls, some of the Florida justices were plainly cowed by the US Supreme Court's warning. Gore's lawyer David Boies had barely opened his mouth when Chief Justice Wells questioned whether the Florida Supreme Court even had jurisdiction to hear Gore's appeal of Judge Saul's ruling. Wells worried out loud whether the Florida Court would be in troubled constitutional waters if it relied on the general appellate power granted it by the Florida Constitution to hear the case, given that the Florida legislature had not expressly stated in a statute that an election contest decision could be appealed to the Florida Supreme Court.
Such a view would essentially ignore the historical role of the judiciary as the final arbiter and interpreter of what state law is in a presidential election, a power that is a fundamental underpinning of the American tradition of the rule of law. Even Bush's lawyers would not go that far in the December 7 hearing, conceding that an appeal to the Florida Supreme Court in a presidential election contest was proper.
Taking the plenary power rule of the McPherson case to its logical extension raises a more immediate threat to popular sovereignty. If the Florida high court ultimately declares Gore the winner in Florida, can Florida's legislature ignore that ruling, and the popular will, and decide to seat electors committed to Bush? This is precisely what the Florida Republican-controlled legislature is threatening to do in a special session. If the Florida legislature does not do that, could, for example, the Republican-controlled legislature in Michigan, a state that voted for Gore, then decide to certify Bush electors to ensure his election?
The McPherson case was decided by one of the most reactionary Supreme Courts in US history. It is a court that stood for unfettered rights of business, and against any governmental regulation of capital or the market. It is also the same court that decided the infamous case, Plessy v. Ferguson, where the court held constitutional the “separate but equal” treatment of black citizens, a rule that sanctioned and fostered Jim Crow segregation (and which survived unscathed until the US Supreme Court's seminal 1954 decision overturning school segregation in Brown v. Board of Education).
McPherson's absolutist view of the power of state legislatures was profoundly anti-democratic and legally specious, both as a matter of the original understanding of the founders of the Constitution, and in light of the substantial guarantees of democratic rights, including the right to an equal vote, embodied in the Fourteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, which was enacted following the Civil War.
The centrality of voting rights was further solidified in other constitutional amendments this century, and elaborated in a series of US Supreme Court decisions starting in the 1940s.
For the present US high court to reach back to the reactionary McPherson decision, itself issued by a reactionary court, and without considering the development of democratic rights subsequent to the McPherson case, speaks volumes about the hostility to democratic principles within a substantial and growing faction within the American 

[CTRL] Cover-ups and withholding ballot information: same old Republican tricks

2000-12-12 Thread William Shannon
Cover-ups and withholding ballot information: same old Republican tricks

By Carla Binion

December 12, 2000 | Sociologist Max Weber once said that the first line of defense of any bureaucracy is the withholding of information. George W. Bush's team includes some of his dad's cronies, such as James Baker, George Schultz, and Richard Thornberg. None of them are strangers to withholding information as a means of defending corruption.It makes sense that the Bush team now argues against counting the ballots. They have long favored secrecy over disclosure.George H. W. Bush was CIA Director in the mid-1970s. The CIA, and George W.'s dad, are no strangers to rigged elections—in Third World countries.In 1984, when Manuel Noriega chose Nicolas Barletta to be Panama's president, the Reagan/Bush administration knew the election was rigged, that ballot boxes were stuffed, and that documents were falsified. ( Imperial Alibis, Stephen R. Shalom, South End Press, 1993.)Under Reagan/Bush, the U. S. government funneled money to Barletta's campaign. Following the vote fraud, U. S. aid to Panama grew from $12 million to $75 million. After the "election," Reagan invited Barletta to the White House to congratulate him on his win. (Imperial Alibis.)Secretary of State George Schultz, adviser to George W. in Campaign 2000, attended Barletta's inauguration and lauded Panama's "democratization." (Unreliable Sources, Norman Solomon and Martin A. Lee, Carol Publishing Group, 1992.)Bush team adviser and daddy-Bush crony, James Baker, said recently that the team is not trying to "run out the clock" regarding ballot counting. However, Baker was part of the Reagan administration when the Reagan/Bush crew used delay tactics to evade responsibility for Iran-contra.Remember how George H. W. Bush got away with his Iran-contra misdeeds? Reagan's attorney general, Richard Thornburgh (another current member of George W.'s team), claimed that certain Iran-contra evidence—including names and locations that had already been published in the press—were government secrets too sensitive to reveal in court. Independent prosecutor Lawrence Walsh called them "fictional secrets." In addition, the Reagan-Bush team stonewalled endlessly. They delayed releasing critical records to the court and hid personal notes. (Blank Check, Tim Weiner, 1990.)Journalist Tim Weiner says that by hiding key evidence behind a cloak of government secrecy "the Justice Department drove a stake into the heart of the criminal cases against North, Poindexter and Secord. It effectively prevented the independent prosecutor appointed to try the cases from functioning independently." (Blank Check, Weiner.)George H. W. Bush participated in a cover-up again after he became president by arbitrarily pardoning his cronies. CNN political analyst William Schneider said Bush pardoned his political allies "for illegal activities in which he himself may have been implicated." (Lawrence Walsh, Firewall, 1997.)Recently Supreme Court members (some appointed by George W.'s dad) stopped the ballot recount. Reagan appointee, Justice Antonin Scalia, said counting the votes might harm Bush by "casting a cloud" on his legitimacy.That is not the first time in recent history that the Supreme Court ruled against the public's right to know. When Public Citizen filed a Freedom of Information Act request to examine a domestic CIA operation, MKULTRA, the CIA refused to release the documents. In 1985, the Supreme Court ruled for the CIA. The Court held that "Congress vested in the Director of Central Intelligence very broad authority to protect all sources of intelligence information from disclosure." (A Culture of Secrecy, Athan G. Theoharis, University Press of Kansas, 1998.)A Bush win will always appear illegitimate unless the votes are counted. The public already knows enough about the Bush team's history, tactics and values to raise questions about the candidate's legitimacy. For example:(1) We know that certain Bush team members have no particular respect for the law, considering their participation in, and cover-up of, their Iran-contra involvement.(2) We know that some Bush team members (and certain members of the CIA) have little love for democracy—at least not for democracy in Third World countries.The question is, do those members of the Bush team respect American election law and American democracy? Do they see any difference between elections and democracy in the Third World and in our own? And, one more question that has been asked repeatedly but never answered honestly—why doesn't the Bush team want the ballots recounted unless they are afraid Gore won?


[CTRL] Fwd: Campare with the U.S. Election - No Fraud in Estonia

2000-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Campare with the U.S. Election - No Fraud in Estonia
An Assessment of the Election to Riigikogu and the Presidency
Republic of Estonia
Christopher S. Siddall, Paul Wilder, Dr. Peter Schramm
September 16-24, 1992
The International Foundation for Electoral Systems' (IFES) technical team
present in Estonia for the September 20, 1992, elections determined that the
elections in the areas visited by the team were credible and FREE FROM MAJOR
IRREGULARITIES. Forty-eight polling sites were visited in Kloogaranna,
Paldiski, Keila, Rummu, Arukula, Juri, Padise, Seljakula, Linnamae, Purski,
Soderby, Hullo, Kersleti, Haapsalu, Palivere, Risti, Riisipere, Laagri,
Raasiku, Kehra, Kuusalu, Haljala, Aseri, Kohtla-Järve, Kivioli, Rakvere and
throughout Tallinn.
Minor infractions resulted from inexperience with multi-party elections and
a new election system. Minor irregularities included instances of more than
one person voting in a booth and failure of some voters to keep their vote
secret. Other items of note included a long "preliminary" voting period of
two weeks before September 20 which may have led to concerns about ballot
security among members of the electorate. There was also a lack of
standardization of election materials and methods of vote counting.
There was some irritation on the part of the voters and embarrassment from
polling site officials at incomplete voter lists and ensuing difficulties.
However, arrangements were made at the vast majority of polling sites
outside Tallinn for a representative of the citizenship authority to be
present to make rulings on citizenship and place late registrants on the
list. When making decisions on citizenship, officials appeared to be
operating with limited information with regard to regulations, but to be
fulfilling their duties in good faith

[CTRL] Fwd: No End in Sight

2000-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 As Gore contests the Florida vote right up to the witching hour of
December 12th, "deadline" for the choice to be made by Florida's electors,
the rules of the game are again being bent, even further, if not broken
 Democratic-party lawyers are prepared to argue (all the way back up to
the Supreme Court, if necessary!) that the December 12th cutoff date is not
"really" a cutoff date ...  It's Clinton-Gore deja vu all over again -- "is"
doesn't REALLY mean "is" in this case, for these relativistic ultra-loose
constructionists of the (ha!) rule of "law."
 But, if the US Supreme Court drags its feet, even December 18th may not
provide the outcome which supporters of Gore's post-election campaign are
dreaming of ... so be prepared to watch Democrat lawyers try to suspend the
"orderly transition" process until early JANUARY -- as indicated in the news
item reprinted below ...
  Even then, if Gore STILL doesn't win the victory which his yuppie
(generational?) sense of entitlement tells him he "deserves," I'm sure Demo
shysters can come up with even more sweeping legal sophistries to support
their argument that the NEXT cutoff date --January 20th, inauguration day for
the next president-- is "unfair" to Al's "divine right" to rule and can with
impunity be completely ignored until the neverending story is over, clearly
and definitively, and "fairly" (in Gore's own mind, anyway).
 If you can't win by the rules (imperfect as they certainly are), damn
the rules as unfair -- any rules, ALL rules -- excoriating every body
doubting your "entitlement" as  "partisan" (unlike you) and "conspiring
against you" -- until you finally get your way..
 This week, the covers of both Newsweek AND the US News and World Report
tell the story: "CHAOS."  Gore's Quixotic quest for "justice" has done more
to undermine the people's faith in the vote, canvassing boards, state courts
and the SUPREME Court, by bitterly and publicly accusing ALL these "hostile"
institutions (formal or informal) of "government" as being ultimately
subservient to no principle but partisan power-lust, than any
Marxist-Leninist debunking of "democracy."  Gee, thanks, Al!  You've shown
all the nobility of Hitler in his bunker contemplating the sacrifice of his
megalomaniac ambitions.  If you can't win, make EVERYONE ELSE lose -- take
'em down with you ...
 No end in sight -- no matter who (for example, the 51% of the American
people who don't like Al Gore) or what (every institution of our government)
it hurts, apparently.

 This particular battle, in the courts, is just about over, but the Gore
War isn't ended by a long shot.  The next battlefield is going to be on
Capitol Hill.  While the Supreme Court tarries, the State of Florida will
undoubtedly appoint electors who will throw their vote to George W Bush.  But
Gore supporters in Congress have already announced their intention to "steal
the vote" for their party by using any means necessary to get a few Florida
electors to betray their trust, casting their votes for Gore instead.  Bush
supporters in Congress have already stated that they will respond in kind,
with respect to electors in other states where Gore has a narrow lead.  The
court battles have all but run their course.  Now, apparently, it's open
season for "dirty tricks" in the legislative branch of the federal
government.  Stay tuned.  It'll only get uglier ...
 If Florida's electors side with Bush, Democratic lawmakers in Congress
will move to have the Florida vote AS A WHOLE excluded from the electoral
count.  Republican legislators will certainly oppose such a motion --in
effect disenfranchising ALL voters in one state, because 1% of 1% of them
dared not to vote for Al Gore-- but both the House and Senate are already
deadlocked in partisanship and NEITHER side will prevail here.
As that controversy drags on -- well into January, a month hence-- the
federal legislature will simply have no choice but to elect a "provisional"
president to preside, appropriately, over this de-legitimized, quickly
unravelling "provisional" government being gutted by a "constitutional
crisis" in every area, on every level -- right down to fistfights breaking
out among legislators on the very floor of Congress.
Yes, folks -- I fear it's indeed "amok time" for the ordinarily polished and
persuasive reptiloid predators (most of them, no surprise, lawyers!) licking
their chops in the carcass of our so-called "government."

 "Anywhere else in the world," declared one pundit on MS-NBC this
evening, "the military would decide the outcome of this election."
 But, lucky for us, this is America, a "democracy," governed by "the rule
of law."
 ... Until the law seems "unfair," in the eyes of an "imperial president"
wannabe determined to have the tremendous global power he "deserves"?

Experts Question Deadline Finality

.c The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) - Not everybody agrees that 

[CTRL] Fwd: Flip a Coin

2000-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

 Or why not give duelling pistols to George and Al and let them work out
who's president-elect the manly, old-fashioned way?
 (Hey, it was good enough for Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.)

Deadlocked Vote Solved by Drawing

.c The Associated Press

FIFE LAKE TOWNSHIP, Mich. (AP) - There were no complaints about chads -
hanging, pregnant or otherwise. No threats of lawsuits. No spinmeisters or
chanting demonstrators.

Republican challenger Marianne ``Toni'' Larson and Democratic incumbent Dave
Stremlow drew slips of paper from a small pine box Monday to break a 297-297
tie in the not-so-hard-fought race for supervisor of Fife Lake Township.

The victor: Larson, whose slip read ``Elected.'' (The loser's slip read ``Not

``This is so bizarre,'' the 66-year-old Larson said, displaying her winning
lot for news photographers. ``But this election process does work.''

Stremlow, 70, shook Larson's hand, wished her luck and left.

A retired autoworker who was seeking a second four-year term, Stremlow
initially thought he had squeaked to a one-vote victory. The election night
count Nov. 7 produced a result of 297-296.

Larson requested a hand recount, which resulted in a deadlock. A bipartisan
group of inspectors agreed that the optical scanning voting machine had
erroneously rejected a ballot marked for her.

State law prescribes a drawing to settle ties.

Another drawing is scheduled for Thursday in the Upper Peninsula, where both
candidates for clerk of Alger County's Onota Township received 94 votes.
Janelle Snyder had been declared the winner by two votes over Mary Hanson and
sworn into office before a recount changed the outcome.

In Grand Traverse County, where Fife Lake is located, county clerk Linda
Coburn said she could recall one other drawing in a local election more than
a decade ago. But there was considerably less interest back then.

The contrast between the orderly, civil resolution of the Fife Lake Township
contest and the convoluted, bitter presidential slugfest was hard to miss.

``We're doing things the right way up here,'' said Cindy Williams, a nurse at
the medical center in Fife Lake, a village so small it has no traffic light.
``I'm so tired of that Florida business.''

The rural township, which includes the village, has a population of about
1,500. It is 250 miles northwest of Detroit in the forested northwestern
corner of Michigan's Lower Peninsula.

A one-time logging town, it is now a bedroom community for nearby cities and
is becoming popular with retirees. The lake for which the village is named is
ringed by fishing cabins.

Larson served as township clerk the last eight years, keeping records and
handling the payroll. The part-time supervisor's post, which pays $6,500,
deals more with policy.

By all accounts, the race was friendly - and low-budget. Larson figures she
spent about $50 to produce and distribute a flier.

``They're both good people,'' said Susan Chastney, who succeeds Larson as
clerk. ``I'd have been happy with either one.''

Might George W. Bush and Al Gore have done the country a favor by resolving
things as easily?

``Amen to that,'' Larson said with a laugh. ``We could probably count and
recount and protest and what have you, but the law is the law, and this is
what we go by.''

[CTRL] Fwd: The Cops Framed Ed Lee Elmore/Death Penalty Case

2000-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

December 12, 2000

Old Evidence Resurfaces, Unsettling '82 Murder

REENWOOD, S.C., Dec. 7 ‹ A grisly crime shocked this small town nearly 19
years ago. A 75-year-old widow, Dorothy Ely Edwards, who grew up riding
horses, studied music in college and took up painting in her 50's, was raped
and murdered, stabbed 52 times, her body, clothed only in her robe, dumped
in her bedroom closet.
It took the police only a few days to arrest a suspect ‹ Edward Lee Elmore,
23, one of 11 children, who had grown up in poverty, dropped out of school
in the fifth grade and washed the windows at Mrs. Edwards's house a couple
of weeks before she was murdered.
Mr. Elmore was arrested and quickly convicted and has been on death row for
18 years. But on Dec. 21 his lawyers will seek a third trial, contending
that their client is a victim of prosecutorial misconduct.
This time, the defense has what it considers a powerful weapon in its
arsenal: new DNA evidence from hairs that had been found on Mrs. Edwards's
body. The chief forensic investigator had said repeatedly over the years
that the hair samples had been lost; two years ago, under pressure from the
defendant's lawyers and the state attorney general, he found them ‹ in his
file cabinet. They had probably been there all the time, an assistant
attorney general said in a deposition last month.
Mr. Elmore's lawyers contend that tests of the samples, filed with the court
on Dec. 4, prove that Dorothy Edwards was killed by someone other than Mr.
For all its local elements, the Elmore case is typical of many capital cases
around the country, said John Blume, a veteran death penalty defense lawyer
in Columbia, S.C., who has worked on Mr. Elmore's appeal. The defendant is
black, the victim white, and Mr. Elmore's court-appointed lawyers were
underpaid and inexperienced. Above all, Mr. Blume said, there are the
allegations of prosecutorial misconduct.
The state attorney general's office declined to comment and the state would
not allow the investigator who had the hair evidence in his file cabinet to
be interviewed. The director of the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division,
Robert M. Stewart, said in an interview that he did not know whether the
investigator's failure to find it before was "an intentional, criminal act,
or some administrative mistake."
At the heart of the case are hair samples discovered at the scene of the
crime. Some ‹ the ones that subsequently disappeared ‹ were found on Mrs.
Edwards's body by investigators, who contended at the time that they had
come from a black man. But the new DNA tests show that some of the hairs
were Mrs. Edwards's, while others belonged to someone else ‹ a someone else
who was white.
In Mr. Elmore's two previous trials (the first conviction was overturned on
appeal), investigators also testified that they had found 45 hairs on the
bed that they said had been yanked from the defendant by Mrs. Edwards during
a struggle. Mr. Elmore's lawyers claim that these hairs were planted.
The defense lawyers note that the police found no other evidence on the bed,
like blood or seminal stains, that might have been expected in a violent
struggle. The hairs found under Mrs. Edwards's fingernails were from a
Caucasian, the state and the defense agree.
The defense lawyers also point out that the sheets were described only as
"wrinkled" by a neighbor, the first person on the scene. The police took no
photographs of the bed, saying later it was "an oversight."
The defense lawyers also dispute the time of death, saying the state set it
on Saturday evening, when Mr. Elmore had no strong alibi. Some evidence
points strongly to Sunday, they contend, when he was with family members in
neighboring Abbeville County.
The medical examiner in the Elmore case, Dr. Sandra E. Conradi, relied
heavily on what she was told by the police in setting the time of death, she
said in her testimony. In a recent interview, Dr. Conradi declined to
discuss her conclusions. But, she said, "If there's DNA evidence to indicate
this guy's innocent, he ought to be set free."
In 1995, in a postconviction review of Mr. Elmore's case, Judge J. Ernest
Kinard Jr. ruled against all of the defense lawyers' claims.
Now, in light of the DNA findings, Mr. Elmore's lawyers say that Judge
Kinard, who will hear Mr. Elmore's request for a new trial, should
investigate the state's conduct in the case, as should the Justice
On one thing, the defense agrees with the state: it was an extraordinarily
violent crime.
In January 1982, someone entered Mrs. Edwards's home through the kitchen
door ‹ presumably somebody she knew, the police concluded, because there was
no evidence of forced entry.
Robbery does not appear to have been the motive. A large diamond ring and
other valuable jewelry were untouched in the bedroom, and antique silver was
also left behind, the police report says.
Mrs. Edwards's body was found by her next-door neighbor of 36 years, James

Re: [CTRL] Six Milli -Outa here

2000-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/11/00 11:09:24 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I am the expert on 6's

Yadda, yadda.
Seems to be another rash of disruption, people are in a state of "flux",
throw out the hate and divide.

Bye-bye spurt . . .

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] For the record.

2000-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/12/00 3:36:26 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

The big question is: DO WE EVEN CARE?

 Yes, do we? Why are people spending time attacking Duncan?

This list is not for personal attacks.

And this line of baiting is really quite childish and telling.

Please desist.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Iran, Libya, Oil Companies Rooting for Bush

2000-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

   ___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\   http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 12/12:
   OIL is the big prize of the Middle East.  Petro Dollars flow from it.  The
American economy floats on what remains an amazingly cheap and huge supply of
it.  After all, even now, oil that is pumped in the Middle East, shipped around
the world, refined, heavily taxed, and trucked to gasoline stations, continues
to cost Americans not much more than a gallon of bottled water!  No wonder the
Western countries prefer to pump Arab and third-world oil for their current needs
rather than their own.
   The Arab people benefit little from their oil; wile the Arab oil families,
the Gulf Arab "client regimes" literally bank on it.  The lesson of the 70s was
learned when shortly after King Feisal attempted an oil embargo he was assassinated.
 The regimes maintain themselves in power, and in the money, by using the huge
wealth provided by the black gold to purchase everything in sight -- a steady
supply of whores, both sexual and political; journalists; organizations; politicians;
   In recent years since the Gulf War the Saudis have in fact been "convinced"
to increase the role of Western oil companies, not to mention the American military
and CIA, in the affairs of "the Kingdom".
   And to this mix that it is Western banks that soak up the recycled petro dollars,
and Western arms merchants who cash in for their yearly multi-billions.
   The British recognized the great importance of the coming oil era way back
in the days of Lawrence and Allenby.  The Americans took control of the region
after World War II because of it.  Israel was at first a questionable addition
to this mix, partly accounting for Secretary of State George Marshall's vehement
opposition to U.S. support for its creation, which in fact came very close to
bringing about his resignation.  But today, thanks to the divisions and weaknesses
of the Arab world, caused by the very oil regimes the West created and maintains,
Israel is today America's closest partner in perpetuating these "client regimes"
and maintaining the status quo.


 By John K. Cooley

 A T H E N S, Greece, Dec. 11, ABC News — Middle East
 oil producers Iran and Libya, still under U.S.
 sanctions, and American oil companies
 prevented from working there by those
 sanctions hope fervently for a Bush-Cheney
 victory in the tortuous U.S. presidential election
  Oil industry and government sources in the Middle
 East believe that an administration headed by Republican
 George W. Bush and his running mate, Dick Cheney,
 would be able to stabilize world oil prices, and also might
 end remaining oil sanctions against both Iran and Libya.
  “If Bush wins,” Muhammad-Javad Larajani, a former
 Iranian diplomat, told reporters in Tehran last week, “it
 will be certain that oil companies will have more liberty to
 conclude contracts with Iran.”
  “It is preferable for us, and it is possible that oil
 sanctions against Iran will be lifted,” said Larajani, who
 has conducted past negotiations with the United States
 and is close to Iran’s supreme spiritual leader, Ayatollah
 Ali Khamenei.

  Resumption of Relations?

 Both Bush and Cheney have worked in the oil industry.
 Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton Oil Services and has
 a network of senior contacts in the Middle East. Earlier
 this year, he called on the Clinton administration to allow
 American oil companies to resume business in Iran by
 ending sanctions.
  Larajani said Bush and Cheney, if sworn in as
 president and vice president, could bring a “small change
 in U.S. policies” in the Middle East because the
 Democrats are “much closer to the Zionist lobby” than the
  Larajani said Tehran could re-establish diplomatic
 relations with 

Re: [CTRL] Bill's posts was Re: [CTRL] The Conspiracies of Empire

2000-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/12/00 6:00:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

It's not just on WebTV. The print comes up very small and blurry in all
his HTML posts. If I copy  paste to a text document, either email or
MS Word, it comes up fine. It would be nice if everyone would post in
plain text unless the HTML is essential to the message. Hyperlinks and
attachments still work with plain text emails. Not only is plain text
easier to read, but HTML takes 4 times as much bandwidth as the same
message in plain text, and fills up inboxes quite rapidly.



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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Dangers of the New Age movement

2000-12-12 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Why in the word would anyone take your word that New Age is not

Why should the rest of us take anyone's word one way or the other?  The
word of any individual is insufficient. Let's see some proof.

A HREF!ttp://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Jesus was a Liberal

2000-12-12 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Where were you given insight to Jesus' heart and mind??

Maybe he read the New Testament. You should do this yourself. Read a
version in which Jesus's words are in red ink. Remember, only the stuff
in red ink counts. Everything else is commentary.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Proof Bush did NOT win Fla Popular Vote!/FWD

2000-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

Proof Bush did NOT win Fla Popular Vote!/FWD

NewsHawk® Inc.

57 Red Flags -- Proof Bush Did Not Win the Popular Vote in Florida

Irregularities, strategic voting hindrances, illegal ballots,
intimidation, collusion, obstruction... Nice way to be a "uniter, not a divider"!

What's going on? There are so many anomalies now that the probability of
simple coincidence or bad luck is dwindling down to nothing.

On Election Day, November 7, some strange things happened in Florida.

Let's put the puzzle pieces together.

Early Calls

1) Major pre-election polls had Gore leading in Florida the night of
Nov. 6.

2) On Election Day, November 7, Voter News Service correctly predicted
through exit polls that matched with early results that Gore won the
state of Florida by a safe margin of 5%. At 7:53PM VNS issued the
bulletin: FLORIDA PRESIDENT RACE -- GORE WINS. The networks immediately
called the state for Gore. 

3) A mortified Jeb Bush, Governor of Florida, shortly thereafter left
his family in Austin to make some calls. Then George W., after
consulting with his advisors including his brother Jeb, called reporters
to his hotel suite and told them the networks had made a mistake in
calling Florida. "I'm upbeat," he said. At 10:13PM the networks recalled
the state and put it back into the "too close to call" column. 

4) At 2:18 AM the networks began declaring George W. Bush the president.
They had done so after Fox News called Florida. Who made the decision to
incorrectly call Florida for Bush over at Fox, thereby creating the
lasting myth that Bush won? John Ellis, who also happens to be George W.
Bush's first cousin. 

Irregularities -- Palm Beach County

5) An illegal ballot design (the infamous "butterfly ballot") confused
many residents of Palm Beach County into undervoting, overvoting, or
accidentally voting for Pat Buchanan. Regarding the spin about how it's
because they are stupid old people: voters started complaining about
this at 7:05 AM on Election Day. DNC HQ calls were jammed due to the
high volume of calls. Rep. Robert Wexler, the local Congressional
Representative, received a deluge of calls, and on Election Day, even VP
Candidate Joseph Lieberman called the local office to see what was going
on down there. The elections supervisor issued a warning midway through
the day warning people of the confusion.

6) The odds that all those Palm Beach County residents voted for
Buchanan intentionally rather than Gore is approximately a trillion to
one. Statistical models bear this out when you compare them to the
Buchanan vote in other counties. Looking at any graph you see a huge,
disproportionate spike in Buchanan votes. Pat Buchanan himself agrees
that the majority of these votes were not cast for him.
(http://www.bestbookmarks.com/election) (http://madison.hss.cmu.edu/)

7) Many Palm Beach county voters who mis-voted but caught it immediately
and asked for another ballot were told they could not have another
ballot by poll workers, in violation of county rules. (NPR, 11/10/00)

8) Socialist Party candidate David McReynolds received abnormally high
vote totals in Palm Beach County. His name appears directly below
Buchanan's name on the butterfly ballot, in a position that could
potentially draw erroneous votes from Democratic votes. McReynolds
received 302 votes in PBC. Statewide, in the other 66 counties, he
received 316 votes combined. McReynolds got virtually as many votes in
Palm Beach County as he did in the entire rest of the state of
Florida...nearly 50% of the statewide total! (http://www.bestbookmarks.com/election)

9) After the handcounts were completed, after using a stricter standard
than neighboring Broward County, the deadline was missed by an hour or
two. Could the count have been delayed because of stall tactics used by
overzealous GOP observers? 

Irregularities -- Miami-Dade County

10) Miami-Dade has a recent history of election fraud. In 1998, Mayor
elect Xavier Suarez was stripped of his election victory by a Florida
appeals court, reinstating Joe Carollo as mayor of Miami, finding that
massive fraud had robbed him of victory at the polls four months prior.
A trial court judge had previously ruled that the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: cia- journalists

2000-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

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Prominent Journalists Named in CIA Source Roster

by CIA-Busters 10:08pm Thu Dec 7 '00

CIA sources outed in a suspect list of 2600+ CIA sources,
made public after the death of former CIA official Robert Trumbull Crowley.
CIA sources outed in a suspect list of 2600+ CIA sources.
Among the sources listed are a number of major journalists:

Lewis Lapham -- The Atlantic
Ted Koppel
Robert Novak
Robert G. Kaiser and Walter Pincus of the Washington Post
de Olmo and D. McManus of the LA Times

Full listing and brief discussion here:

Download this one while it lasts!

Robert Trumbull Crowley died in a Washington DC hospital on October 8, 2000.

He was a senior Central Intelligence Agency officer from 1948 until the

During his tenure with the CIA, Crowley became Assistant Deputy Director
for Operations and the second-in-command of the clandestine Directorate
of Operations.

He wrote a book entitled The New KGB: Engine of Soviet Power that was
published in 1985 by William Morrow.

In 1996, prior to what Crowley felt might be a fatal major surgery for
suspected lung cancer, he gave a number of historical documents from his
extensive personal files to an American journalist with whom he had been

One of the caveats of this gift was that none of the material could be
used or published until after his death.

Among the treasure trove of historical material on the genesis and
operations of the influential CIA was an alphabetical listing of CIA sources
throughout the world, provided below.

A source is not a paid agent but an individual who can occupy a position
of influence, such as an international banker, a member of the print or
television media, or a scholar or academic, who might be in a position to
influence official decisions or supply necessary support for an official CIA

Other material covered a number of clandestine operations of the agency,
both national and international, from 1948 through 1978.

For instance, among papers in the Crowley archives there is an explosive
signed report concerning the underlying facts of the assassination of
President John Kennedy and other material on such controversial issues as
Operation Phoenix, the MK-ULTRA program, Operations Condor and Applepie,
and even an in-house budget for the 1996-97 fiscal years.

In his final years, a reflective Crowley often expressed his desire to
help others understand the many historical events that he was party to, and
his many friends and admirers are pleased that his wishes are now being


Re: [CTRL] Election2000: Hegelian Style

2000-12-12 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Daley's father was a well known suspect in voter fraud dating back 30

And Bush's father is a well known suspect in the "October Surprise"
fixing of the 1980 election. ALL these guys are crooks. That's how power
works in this country. Gangsters rule America. Replacing them with
different gangsters doesn't solve the problem.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Proof Bush did NOT win Fla Popular Vote!/FWD

2000-12-12 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Dangers of the New Age movement

2000-12-12 Thread Zuukie1

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/12/00 10:37:35 AM Central Standard Time,

 Why should the rest of us take anyone's word one way or the other?  The
 word of any individual is insufficient. Let's see some proof.

Reply:  You're right.  Read the site.  There are many people doing research
on New Age, though they may not post to this board.  At this point either you
know what is going on in that area or you don't.  Research on New Age isn't a
one hook conspiracy theory. I put my post on this board to alert those who
have worked in that area.  I don't intend to intrude on the debates that
regulars enjoy here.

Now back to the regular programming.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Proof Bush did NOT win Fla Popular Vote!/FWD

2000-12-12 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

 -Original Message-
 From: Carl Amedio [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 11:05 AM
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Proof Bush did NOT win Fla Popular Vote!/FWD

 -Caveat Lector-


And you won your bid to steal it. So what? Your stealing is better
than his? That's one of the mysteries of politics, that some crooked deals
somehow have a higher moral value than others.

And if you practice a religion, I'm sure your religion is better
than anyone else's.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Proof Bush did NOT win Fla Popular Vote!/FWD

2000-12-12 Thread Carl Amedio

-Caveat Lector-

Typical adhominum attack by a social fascists in facti have no religion.

I didn't steal anything didn't vote for either tweedles.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Dangers of the New Age movement

2000-12-12 Thread Zuukie1

-Caveat Lector-

I didn't find any issues of Nexus worth keeping after I picked a few  up here
in Chicago, so I don't have specifics to turn back at you.   Go spit your
venom somewhere else.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Imperialist Conspiracies

2000-12-12 Thread Alamaine

-Caveat Lector-


  Conspiracies of Empire
  H. Arthur Scott Trask
  I say let demagogues and world-redeemers babble their emptiness
  to empty ears; twice duped is too much."
~ Robinson Jeffers
  of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and Pearl Harbor
  Robert B. Stinnett
  York, NY: Free Press; 260pp., $26.00 The
  late Murray Rothbard often argued that far
 from being evidence of
  a "paranoid" strain in the American mind, belief in conspiracies
  as a factor in American history was usually not taken far enough.
  The truth behind most conspiracies, he alleged, was far more heinous
  and diabolical than even the most diehard conspiracy theorist suspected.
  While many have assumed Rothbard was only being half serious, a
  new book on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor by Robert B. Stinnett
  offers compelling evidence that Murray had it right. The truth that
  emerges as one makes his way through this exhaustively researched volume 
is of an American political and military establishment whose
  brilliance is exceeded only by its utter lack of moral scruple or
  genuine patriotism. Sixty years after the fateful attack, Stinnett
  has uncovered, presented, and substantiated the truth behind Pearl
  Harbor. It is now clear that FDR did know the Japanese attack was
  coming. He knew more than a year in advance of Japanese plans to
  bomb the United States’ Pacific fleet at Pearl, and he knew more
  than a week before that the attack would come early Sunday morning.
  He knew because American naval intelligence had cracked the Japanese
  naval codes in the early fall of 1940, 15 months before the
  fateful attack.
  smoke had barely cleared from Pearl Harbor before rightwing journalists, 
cranky poets, and some Republican politicians began suspecting that
  somehow Pearl Harbor was all a set-up. Since then, revisionist historians
  have contended that FDR both provoked and welcomed the war; and
  some even charged that he knew of the attack beforehand. Establishment
  historians and government officials countered these charges by insisting
  that the attack was indeed a surprise due to a failure of American
  intelligence and incompetence in the naval high command. Stinnett
  quotes historian Stephen E. Ambrose who claimed, as recently as
  a 1999 Wall Street Journal editorial, that "the real
  problem was that American intelligence was terrible." According
  to Ambrose (who echoes the official story), the navy had not yet
  broken the Japanese naval codes, and the Japanese task force maintained
  strict radio silence on its way to Hawaii. As a result, "in
  late November, intelligence ‘lost’ the Japanese aircraft carrier
  fleet." Other historians have contended that the Japanese caught
  us by surprise due to faulty analysis of pretty good intelligence,
  bureaucratic squabbling among high-level naval officers in Washington,
  underestimation of Japanese daring and capabilities, and expectations 
that the attack would come against Dutch or British possessions
  in East Asia, not against Hawaii. Stinnett exposes each one of these
  theories to be false. For instance, he amply demonstrates that the
  ships of the Japanese carrier fleet engaged in daily radio
  communication with the high command in Japan, military commands
  in the Central Pacific, and with each other. Stinnett found out
  the truth by reading American naval intelligence radio intercepts
  of the Japanese transmissions. American intelligence did not lose the 
  did Stinnett manage to uncover the truth when congressional 
investigations (in both 1945-1946 and 1995) failed to do so? The answer lies in
  Stinnett’s intelligence, integrity, and unflagging research effort
  (lasting 17 years), qualities that we know from experience are all
  too lacking in congressional investigations. But it also lies in
  a crucial Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request filed by the
  author in 1983. In that year, Stinnett learned of the existence
  of the Pacific War communications intelligence files of the United
  States Navy (a top secret file containing over one million documents
  relating to U.S. communication intelligence before and during the

[CTRL] Medical examiner links death to anthrax vaccine

2000-12-12 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 4:03 AM
Subject: Vaccine

 Medical examiner links death to anthrax vaccine

 Medical examiner links death to anthrax vaccine

 BioPort officials shocked by word of employee's autopsy

 Thursday, September 28, 2000

 By A.J. Evenson and Tim Martin

 Lansing State Journal

 BioPort Corp.'s controversial anthrax vaccine may have contributed to
 death of one of its own employees, a medical examiner said Wednesday.

 The July death - if officially tied to the vaccine - could add to safety

 and financial concerns hounding the Lansing company, which is the sole
 producer of the U.S.  military's vaccine to combat a deadly biological
 weapon possessed by an estimated 10 nations.

 Richard Dunn had worked for BioPort and its predecessor, the state-owned

 Michigan Biologic Products Institute, since 1992.  The 61-year-old Ionia

 man, who cared for and monitored test animals at BioPort, was required
 take the same vaccine given to the nation's military personnel.

 Dunn received 11 doses of the vaccine - the last, given in April.  An
 autopsy performed in August suggests the vaccine as a factor, Ionia
 Chief Medical Examiner Dr.  Robert Joyce said.

 The autopsy, Joyce said, showed Dunn had an "inflammatory response" to
 vaccine throughout his body.  He wouldn't comment further on how the
 swelling led to Dunn's death, though he did say the worker did not show
 signs of the deadly bacteria in his body.

 "Even though they didn't find any anthrax in the man's system his body's

 reaction to the vaccine contributed to his death," Joyce said.

 BioPort officials, who learned of Joyce's stance Wednesday, said they
 Dunn's death certificate indicated he died of a heart condition, BioPort

 officials said.  The company did not receive notice the autopsy

 "This is information we absolutely need to look into and don't take
 lightly," BioPort spokeswoman Kelly Rossman McKinney said.  "We're
 and stunned.  We're going to do everything we can to find out what's
 on here."

 BioPort said they called the Pentagon, the Centers for Disease Control
 Prevention, the U.S.  Food and Drug Administration and vaccine experts
 after Joyce told them Wednesday of his stance.

 Joyce did not perform the autopsy, but as the county's medical examiner
 responsible for recording results.  He would not release the autopsy
 results Wednesday.

 The Grand Rapids pathologist who performed the autopsy did not return
 calls Wednesday.  And BioPort officials say they also were denied a copy
 the autopsy Wednesday.

 Company officials expect tissue samples taken from Dunn to be turned
 to national medical authorities for further review.

 Workers at the north Lansing labs have taken the vaccine for 30
 years.  More than half of BioPort's 210 workers have received the
 vaccine, which also requires an annual booster.

 The most serious reaction among employees has been a severe headache,
 Condalee Decker, the company's nurse.  There have been no reports of
 reactions similar to Dunn's, even to a lesser degree.

 A month after Dunn received his 11th dose, he complained of fatigue and
 swelling, said Mike Tanner, BioPort's director of human resources and
 corporate services.  BioPort sent Dunn to the company's doctors, who
 examined him three times.  They determined there was no connection to
 vaccine, Tanner said.

 While employees were concerned by Dunn's earlier symptoms, they raised
 internal questions about the vaccine's safety.

 Dunn's family declined comment Wednesday.  A family attorney did not
 phone calls.

 The military reports 487,098 people had received 1.9 million doses of
 vaccine through last week.  About 400 military personnel, worried about
 impact on their health, have resigned or faced discipline rather than
 the vaccine.

 Fewer than a half percent of the people who have taken the vaccine -
 1,152 people - reported adverse reactions.

 A U.S.  Health and Human Services review confirmed that 592 of the cases

 were certainly or probably caused by the anthrax vaccine.  They
 123 of the cases as serious, and 10 required hospitalization - all due
 allergic, inflammation reactions.

 The military and the Food and Drug Administration say the anthrax
 is safe, with no more side effects than many common vaccines and fewer
 effects than some immunizations given to children.

 The Pentagon also says more than 1,500 vaccinated lab workers at a
 and development center at Maryland's Fort Detrick have been tracked for
 years, with no unexplained symptoms.

 Defense Department officials declined to comment Wednesday but were
 expected to answer questions today.

 Critics say a long-term study on the effects of the vaccine is needed to

 make sure it is safe.

Re: [CTRL] Election2000: Hegelian Style

2000-12-12 Thread Mulva

-Caveat Lector-

Heya I am a newbie to this list and let me just say
this is the best post that I have read so far (in
about 3 weeks).

IMHO the nail has been hit on the head. Bush has a
friend in the high court in Scalia (whose son works
for Bush sorta) and Gore by his own admission has a
good friend on the court too.

The nation is in a tie folks, and niether candidate is
squeeky clean. Why would the court be any different
when its own members are politically biased.  We are
at a crossroads but corruption is making things worse.
The corruption IS ON BOTH SIDES, so I don't buy it
when one side is pointing its finger at the other as
if their party of choice has done nothing wrong.
Watching the networks babble on and on about this and
bringing all of their guests who are biased in one way
or another is comical. Watching rallies and so forth
is even funnier. Its like these people can breathe
unless their party tells them to. Neither candidate is
worth all of this.  The only thing that keeps me
interested is the histrorical aspect and to see how
America wil figure this thing out. What we have is a
virtual tie, in my estimation and no matter where the
case goes (courts, polling booth, public opinion
etc...) it seems to get resliced up and spit back out
with the same results...split decision. So unless
someone gets paid off this could go on a long time!
(thats a joke I think).  This would be a perfect
heavywieght pay perview event yes? We have all the
corruption, the fix conspiracies and lots of money at
stake. Maybe we should turn this thing over to Don

Great post!

Lincoln, Neb

--- Nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Daley's father was a well known suspect in voter
 fraud dating back 30

 And Bush's father is a well known suspect in the
 "October Surprise"
 fixing of the 1980 election. ALL these guys are
 crooks. That's how power
 works in this country. Gangsters rule America.
 Replacing them with
 different gangsters doesn't solve the problem.

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[CTRL] Welcome to Tennessee

2000-12-12 Thread Amelia

Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 8:14 AM

Subject: FW: 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Proof Bush did NOT win Fla Popular Vote!/FWD

2000-12-12 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Yo Ahab,
Tone down the rhetoric, please.


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Re: [CTRL] Welcome to Tennessee

2000-12-12 Thread Mulva

-Caveat Lector-

It did not show up. What was this?

--- Amelia [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 8:14 AM
 Subject: FW:

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Re: [CTRL] Jesus was a Liberal

2000-12-12 Thread Jayson R. Jones

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 00:06:19 -0700 BB [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
-Caveat Lector-

Steve, where do you COME UP with this stuff??
Are you very angry at everybody??
A few liberals are christians..
Where were you given insight to Jesus' heart and mind??

I can't answer for Steve but if you read the Dead Sea Scrolls you
certainly get that impression.  How many times does it state in the
christian bible that Jesus warned the people about the 'evils and
dangers' of money, money lenders, the rich, and capitalistic concepts?
(Heathen, Heretic, Blasphemer, and all around nice guy)

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Re: [CTRL] BSE from space?

2000-12-12 Thread Jayson R. Jones

-Caveat Lector-

On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 16:22:00 +1100 Guitar Virtuoso [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-
 ... and became a Vegetarian.
I does however occur to one, that the heathen practice of cannibalism
existed long before the recent mad cow hoopla?   Which would suggest
that this authors contention may not be all that airtight?

Not so fast there Bucko.  The authors are correct in asserting that some
deseases are passed on through cannibalism.  They very correctly point to
the well known and well documented instance of Kuru Kure being passed
through cannibalism among the New Guinea highland people.  Given that,
there is legitimate concern as to what other deseases can be transmitted
through eating animals.  True the New Guinea tribes did eat the brains of
their loved ones raw, and we usually (except sushi) cook our meat,
however it would be a wise move to watch the research now being carried
out on Mad Cow Desease.  Remember the outbreak of various forms of Huanta
Virus that occur most every year in winter?  Contact (either direct or
through inhalation of the dust) with feces from mice (symbiotic hosts)
who are infected spreads this.  It is one of the things archaeologists
are warned to watch for as it can lay dormant in the dropping for a VERY
long time.
PS: "heathen's"??? Who are you calling heathen  Think about the
Catholic ritual communion and the symbolic "Take this and drink from it
all of you, for this is my body (the host) and this is my blood (wine)".
If that is not symbolic cannibalism then what is it?  What about the
Donner Party, or the group of South American soccer players who survived
a plane crash in the mountains?  Are they heathens?  Untill you are put
in the situation, please reserve your Judeo/Christian judgement.

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Re: [CTRL] Election2000: Hegelian Style

2000-12-12 Thread Jayson R. Jones

-Caveat Lector-

I have commented on varius posts that fall within my interest
grouping, but have pretty much refrained from comment on the current
election.  However, a couple of things contained in the flood of postings
concerning this have caught my attention.  Spin, dissinformation and
blatant ideology aside, there are some issues here that strike to the
heart of us as a people, and what we believe ourselves to be.
The percentage of "problem ballots" in states other than Florida
are substantially lower than the percentage of "problem ballotst" in
Florida.  In the other states, the number of "problem ballots" would not
cause a change in the winner EVEN IF ALL WERE FOR ONE CANDIDATE.  In
Florida, with the margine so close, every vote counts.
There seems to be a thread going around that no one with an IQ
over 70 thinks that Bore won the popular vote in Florida.  Well, I can
safely say that I have an IQ over 70 and I think that, if all the
disputed votes were to be fairly counted, Bore would be the winner.
Let me point out that I am NOT a supporter of either of these
BOZOs.  To me they are Twedle de dee and Tweedle de dum.  Both have some
points I agree with and both have so many flaws in ideology and logic
that I could not in good conscience vote for either of them.  I am not a
listener to the "Talking Heads", I prefer NPR, PBS, CSPAN, Nightline,
Rush (for comic relief), a state and a local talk show, and Coast to
Coast.  If this "Labels, Categorizes, Pidgeon Holes, or otherwise gives
an insight into the inner workings of my mind" so be it.
Bore has offered the proposition that ALL the votes in Florida
should be counted.  That seems logical and fair minded.  George II
refuses to let any votes be counted and relies on legaleese to claim
victory.  I admit a bias against legaleese, but even setting that bias
aside, Bore's seems to be the logical position.  No law can ever be
written that covers all eventualities, so what is wrong with counting all
the votes.
It seems to me that the Florida Supreme Court has made a hash of
all this by (correctly I think) ordering the recount, but failing to give
enough time to do it.  TWICE!!!  Florida is the only contested state, so
far, and Florida is where the power should lie to correct the problem.
Florida judges, elected and appointed officials, and election officials
all are ultimately accountable to the Florida voters, so it is up to them
to fix the problems in their state.
To me, Judge Saul's ruling was seriously flawed.  To rule that
the the Bore team had failed to prove that the recount would
'substantially change' the outcome while at the same time refusing to
look at the evidence (ballots) that would conclusively prove whether this
was true or not, is absurd.  But then, this sort of thing happens in the
lower levels of our justice system every day.
Like people everywhere, and of every time, we are going to get
exactly what we are willing ot accept.  V. Gordon Childe (I will
elaborate on this reference if you ask, but suffice it to say the he was
a noted archaeologist in the 40's and 50's) once said:  "Man has never
adapted to reality, only to his perception of reality".  On a fundamental
level this is unimpeachable.
Are we in a crisis?  Well, yes and no.  Yes, this could be the
straw that finally breaks the dam of resentment, unrest, polarization,
etc. that has built since (at least) the 1950's.  If that dam is
breached, the direction of the flood is hard to ascertain, and the net
change is hard to assess.  I have my own theories about what should stand
after this flood, but they have no more weight than many others.  In
fact, from the conversations I've had over the years with many people,
the result I advocate is pretty universal, though the methods stem from
my own perception of the ills we have today.
No, there is no crisis unless a majority of the people refuse to accept
the outcome.  This is the more likely outcome for several reasons.  We
(in general) are currently fat, dumb and happy with the economic boom and
lothe to rock the boat at this time.  Secondly, we are sufficiently
confused as to our core beliefs because there is no real pressure on us
to make hard choices AT THIS TIME.  It is like a frog being dropped in
hot water; he will jump out.  But if you put the frog in cool water, then
heat the water up; the frog will stay there till he is thoroughly cooked.

Jayson R. Jones

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Re: [CTRL] Election 2000: SNAFU or NWO Plan?(part IId)

2000-12-12 Thread outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Jason:
When was the last time you read the Constitution? Or the First Amendment? It
says: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of
the press; or right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
Government for a redress of grievances."
Now, would you please explain to me and our other readers what part of that
amendment contains the words "Separation of Church and State." In the first
place, those words came from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson to a Baptist
church, who were concerned about a particular Christian DENOMINATION being named
our national DENOMINATION (all churches in America were Christian at that time).
In the second place, these are not MY words. The "In Their Own Words" series
is about the QUOTES of people involved in this New World Order (New Age)
takeover. In this instance, I was quoting a United States Supreme Court JUSTICE!
Hope this clears things up for you.  Take care 

"Jayson R. Jones" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Mon, 4 Dec 2000 18:14:19 -0600 outlawlady [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -Caveat Lector-

 "Much has been written in recent years concerning Thomas
 Jefferson's reference in 1802 to 'a wall of separation between church
 State'...Jefferson's figure of speech has received so much attention
 (Cotinued at The Joshua Files)

 If you mean the U.S. Constitution, try reading the first ammendment.
 Jayson R. Jones

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Michael  The Outlawlady
The Joshua Files

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Election2000: Hegelian Style

2000-12-12 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

No, there is no crisis unless a majority of the people refuse to accept
the outcome. 

Whoever becomes president, the majority of people didn't vote for him.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Jesus was a Liberal

2000-12-12 Thread outlawlady

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Steve:
You are correct. God is a "space alien" and so is the Devil. He is the "Prince of
the Air" according to Scripture. God's name, however, is not "yalweh." It is "Yahweh."
I would like to invite you and the other readers to check out "In Their Own Words."
The Liberals are quoted throughout this series - along with their plans. By the way,
liberalism - along with "democracy" is a man-made creation and name. The idea is to
make everyone think they are free-thinking (non-judgmental) and generous. I started
out as a liberal - then I started studying and learning the truth about them - "In
Their Own Words."
Hope to see
you soon. Godspeed!

Steve Wingate wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 On 12 Dec 00, at 0:06, BB wrote:
  Steve, where do you COME UP with this stuff??

 My mind.

  Are you very angry at everybody??

 No not at all.

  A few liberals are christians..


  Where were you given insight to Jesus' heart and mind??

 No more than you have, but I suspect the source is the same.  :-|

 I think it is true to say that Jesus was a liberal. Especially in the sense,
 "Tending to give freely; generous." And he certainly did not agree with the
 various religious conservatives of his time, conservative meaning of
 course, "Tending to oppose change; favoring traditional views and values.

  Steve Wingate wrote:
   -Caveat Lector-
   It is difficult to understand how the Christian Conservatives can rant against
   the 'evil liberals' when their own Saviour, Jesus Christ was a liberal, even a
   radical of his time, who so incensed his religious contemporaries that they
   had him crucified.
   But now liberalism is Evil, and Conservative values, which include strict
   adherence to the Old Testiment beliefs as outlined by their highly jealous
   and violent 'God', otherwise known as the space alien Jehovah or Yalweh,
   are good. We even have conservatives calling out for an all out war against
   Liberals, otherwise known as Democrats. (Even though most Democrats
   as well as most Republicans are basically moderates.
   Politics, as well as Religion, serves the purposes of the controllers of the
   humanity very well.
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Re: [CTRL] Jesus was a Liberal

2000-12-12 Thread Mulva

-Caveat Lector-

Jesus whom IMHO is far above the class of any
political association and is/was/always has
been/always will be in the business of cleansing of us
sins through His ultimate sacrifice so that we would
have a path to His Father's Kingdom  also said,
"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be
Caesar's." Luke 20:22-25. Translation: Give the
government what the law says but don't make them your
God (a very unliberal approach I must say and
certainly unlike the agenda of Al Gore's!)

I also know of few politicians
liberals/moderates/conservatives that would die for
eachother.  Maybe some politicians who were war
veterans although it can be argued that they didn't
plan on dying in the war they were killed in--however,
they still knew the risk if they joined or resisted
the urge to dodge the draft.

I believe the principal of the matter in Christ's
recommendation to watch money is that money is not
only the source of evil (check ALMOST any person with
a fat wallet in today's bull market and ALMOST never
will you find that person feeling that they need any
higher power other than that of maybe the Wall St.
Journal or CNNfn).  It is possible to have a lot of
money and stay fully dependent upon God, put Christ
was making a point that it was very difficult because
with money comes self-pride and with self-pride comes
the notion that one doesn't need to rely on anything.

Money also causes us to gain a lot of worldly
possessions which is exactly what Satan wants.
Everyone get hooked on materialstic agendas and forget
about the fact that one day the world (along with
everything on the earth--yes that includes all BMW's)
will be destroyed and remade new-free from sin, and
because it will be free from sin it will be free from
selfish personal interest (money and the accumulation
of material things).

Now before you flame me for this..these are my
personal beliefs. If one does not believe this so be
it--Christ leaves the choice to us (yet another
unliberal approach).  Let me also add--as if
needed--tham I am far from mastering the art of
seperating my own needs from wants and that I too
struggle with the temptation of financial gain and
materialistic issues. However, I am also aware of the
problems they can cause from first hand experience
with my relationship with God.

Interesting thread.



--- "Jayson R. Jones" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -Caveat Lector-

 On Tue, 12 Dec 2000 00:06:19 -0700 BB
 -Caveat Lector-
 Steve, where do you COME UP with this stuff??
 Are you very angry at everybody??
 A few liberals are christians..
 Where were you given insight to Jesus' heart and

 I can't answer for Steve but if you read the Dead
 Sea Scrolls you
 certainly get that impression.  How many times does
 it state in the
 christian bible that Jesus warned the people about
 the 'evils and
 dangers' of money, money lenders, the rich, and
 capitalistic concepts?
 (Heathen, Heretic, Blasphemer, and all around nice

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 half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically
 by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the
 spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the
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[CTRL] Pravda-Latvia Controlled By Masons

2000-12-12 Thread William Shannon

Pravda.RU:Main:More in detail   

15:43 2000-12-12


One of influential Latvian politicians, the seaport of Ventspils mayor Aivars Lembergs confirmed the statement of independent Latvian TV-channel LNT that public and politic life in Latvia is being controlled by so-called “Brotherhood” conspiracy. He said during a press conference that it ha been suggested to him to join the organisation, too, but he had refused to do it. A day before LNT claimed that all the public and political life in Latvia is being controlled by a group of influential politicians, bankers and businessmen, members of conspiracy “Brotherhood”, which exists for about 8 years, but not by the President, the Parliament and the Government. 
LNT channel states that ex-PM, the current leader of the biggest parliamentary party, “People’s Party”, Andris Skele, current and former Finance Ministers Gundars Berzins and Edmunds Krastins, director of Privatisation Agency Yanis Naglis and other people famous in Latvia are among the members of the conspiracy. LNT TV-journalists confirmed their statements by a audio-record, made during one of the Latvian “neo-masons” meetings. This information was not disproved by anybody. PM Andris Berzins only said through his press-secretary that he was not informed about the existence of such an organisation.   


Re: [CTRL] Jesus was a Liberal

2000-12-12 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Jesus ... said, "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be
Caesar's." Luke 20:22-25. Translation: Give the government what the law
says but don't make them your God 

Aren't you being just a tad presumptuous to translate Jesus. He said
what he said. Period.

The question is, what exactly IS Ceasar's? If "the Earth is the Lord's
and the fullness thereof," how can ANYTHING be considered Ceasar's?

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[CTRL] [Fwd: How Washington Bought Yugoslav Presidency (TiM GW Bulletin2000/12-4, Dec. 12, 2000)]

2000-12-12 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: How Washington Bought Yugoslav Presidency (TiM GW Bulletin2000/12-4,
Dec. 12, 2000)
Date: Mon, 11 Dec 2000 22:44:12 -0800
From: TiM Publisher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Reply-To: TiM Publisher [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Thought you’d be interested in our latest Truth in Media Global Watch
Bulletin which is now available at our Web site, just click on the animated
(green) THE NEWS button to go to our latest report.

Of course, you can also click on the TiM Bulletins Index button in the left
frame - to go to selections of our Bulletins archived by geographic regions
and subjects, and in chronological order.  Or click on any other button in
the left frame for other topics of interest.

And now, here are the headlines of the latest TiM Bulletin.  Just keep in
mind that our stories are CONSTANTLY updated, and that the e-mail text
enclosed below is often merely the first edition of a story.  So we
recommend that you keep checking the TiM Web site daily, so that you would
not miss out on some important news or commentary updates.

Truth in Media's GLOBAL WATCH Bulletin 2000/12-4 12-Dec-2000


Washington 1. How Washington Bought Yugoslav Presidency


You can also check out Djurdjevic’s weekly columns on the New World Order
at “beograd.com” in English -
, or in Serbian -
http://news.beograd.com/srpski/clanci_i_misljenja/djurdjevic/index.html .
NOTE: To cancel the e-mail editions of our reports, just reply REMOVE or
UNSUBSCRIBE, followed by your e-mail address.

1. How Washington Bought Yugoslav Presidency

Kostunica, Once a Serb “Nationalist,” Now a $41 Million-Washington Puppet

WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 - Good speechwriters follow the classical speaking rule
- tell them what you’re going to tell them; tell them; and then tell them
what you’ve told them.

Well, we told you in July the September 24 Yugoslav elections would be a
Serb “demo farce,” with Vojislav Kostunica starring as a naïve Don Quixote,
while, in fact, being a Trojan Horse bought and paid for by Washington.  We
told you as the Serb “Ostrich Revolution” was unfolding, complete with
destruction of electoral ballots, that it was a foreign-orchestrated coup
d’etat.  And we repeated that when Kostunica started to reverse himself
following his electoral “victory.”

And now, with less than two weeks to go before the Dec. 23 Serbian
elections, just as we were about to sum up what we’ve been telling you all
along about DOS and Kostunica, lo and behold the Washington Post did it for
us.  Yes, that “liberal” establishment mouthpiece; the nation’s penultimate
authority on the imbroglio at the DC bordello, told the truth about how
Washington bought the Yugoslav presidency for $41 million.

The innocuous sounding headline of the Post’s Dec. 11 article, “U.S. Advice
Guided Milosevic Opposition,” was a guise for its devastating
content.  Devastating for Kostunica, an erstwhile Serb “nationalist,” now a
mere Washington puppet.  Devastating for DOS - the Washington-funded and
organized Democratic Opposition of Serbia, now the new Yugoslav
regime.  Devastating for “Otpor” (Resistance), an ostensible “student”
movement, also financed and run by the U.S. government.

In short, the Post confirmed all our suspicions, and put a very explicit
price on the Yugoslav presidency and Kostunica’s betrayal of his erstwhile

“The U.S. democracy-building effort in Serbia was a curious mixture of
secrecy and openness. In principle, it was an overt operation, funded by
congressional appropriations of around $10 million for fiscal 1999 and $31
million for 2000.”

The Post also paints a picture of Kostunica, DOS and Otpor as nothing more
than U.S. marionettes.  Even the very lines they mouthed off during the
election campaign were scripted by their Washington puppeteers:

"According to Stevanovic, the (DOS) coalition marketing expert, EVERY WORD
of the opposition's one-minute and five-minute core political messages used
by opposition spokesmen across the country was discussed with U.S.
CONSULTANTS and tested by opinion poll. Coalition candidates running for
the Yugoslav parliament and tens of thousands of local government positions
received extensive training on how to stay "on message," answer
journalists' questions and rebut the arguments of Milosevic supporters.”
(emphasis added).

Here are some other excerpts from the Post report:

“Held in a luxury hotel in Budapest, the Hungarian capital, in October
1999, the closed-door briefing by (Doug) Schoen, a Democrat (pollster),
turned out 

Re: [CTRL] Pravda-Latvia Controlled By Masons

2000-12-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Keep in mind Bnai Brith and ADL are masonic orders - that in Vegas, a
32nd degree Mason was sent in to clear out the hoodlum and thievery

As George Washington is alleged to have said - when he needed someone he
could trust, he said find me a Mason.

So unless I see Don't Tread On Me You SOB stamped on their backside -
don't trust anybody.

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Re: [CTRL] Election2000: Hegelian Style

2000-12-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well Jayson or Jason - neither candidate and would be King will be known
as Landslide..

Enough to humble even a President to the will of the people.

One thing - Bush promised no US Soldier would EVER wear UN Uniform and I
hold him to that promise - and I hope he got that dump truck driver's
ID, for that was a warning to him.

So to win by a landslide is a great victory - and to lose or win by a
handful of votes, is not greata victory.oh the agony of defeat.


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Re: [CTRL] Election 2000: SNAFU or NWO Plan?(part IId)

2000-12-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Church is supposed to be Beyond the Pale.now, years ago I had a very
good book which questioned why the Mormon Church was chartered by US

This man, believed the Mormon Church would someday be like the Church of
England and be the Church of America - One Religion Fits all.

Now I have seen recruiters for the Mormon Church - had two of them come
to my door for two weeks over 20 years ago - yet, the spent most of
their time in local small family motel, playing cards and drinking beer
with prooprietor - it is said they sold Joan of Arc statutes with their

Freedom from or Freedom of Religion.when those Pilgrims landed on
the Rock - little did they know what would happen when the Gentry

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Re: [CTRL] Jesus was a Liberal

2000-12-12 Thread craig

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: 12 December 2000 19:07
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Jesus was a Liberal

 -Caveat Lector-

 Jesus whom IMHO is far above the class of any


 political association and is/was/always has
 been/always will be in the business of

giving you a higher authority so that you might abstain from decision

 cleansing of us
 sins through His ultimate sacrifice

did he die? just when was he born?

so that we would
 have a path to His Father's Kingdom

 a false promise to convince vulnerable people that they ought to be happy
with their lot because it is only a temporary situation which will be
terminated if they obey the laws.

  also said,
 "Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be
 Caesar's." Luke 20:22-25. Translation: Give the
 government what the law says but don't make them your
 God (a very unliberal approach I must say and
 certainly unlike the agenda of Al Gore's!)

above political association? you exploit your lord's words for political
reasons.. deary me.

 I also know of few politicians
 liberals/moderates/conservatives that would die for

name them.

 Maybe some politicians who were war
 veterans although it can be argued that they didn't
 plan on dying in the war they were killed in--however,
 they still knew the risk if they joined or resisted
 the urge to dodge the draft.

so would the phrase "dodge the draft" have any political undertones? not
protesting against an immoral war perhaps? no? not even a little bit? they
were all just trying to save their lilly livered skins, uh?

 I believe

yes, your religion is based solely on faith, nothing substantive in the
slightest. you are being tricked! wake up!

the principal of the matter in Christ's
 recommendation to watch money is that money is not
 only the source of evil (check ALMOST any person with
 a fat wallet in today's bull market and ALMOST never
 will you find that person feeling that they need any
 higher power

look at any alienated person with no money at all. do you really believe
they believe they need your crutch, sorry,  higher power?
sweep those generalisations why don't you.

 other than that of maybe the Wall St.
 Journal or CNNfn).

or pragmatic belief in the oneness of the universe perhaps? maybe a belief
that an egg is a miracle in itself without any dressing up without
needing a god created in man's image to have made the egg?

 It is possible to have a lot of
 money and stay fully dependent upon God,

are you spiritually crippled that you insist on being dependent on your god?
it is not a republican god then?

 put Christ

away behind thee

 was making a point that it was very difficult because
 with money comes self-pride and with self-pride comes
 the notion that one doesn't need to rely on anything.

you can only rely on yourself.

 Money also causes us to gain a lot of worldly
 possessions which is exactly what Satan wants.

your satan is merely a reflection of your god- two halves of the same
imaginary abstention.
*you* didn't do anything wrong in your life- satan did it , working thru
you- or making you do it.

 Everyone get hooked on materialstic agendas and forget
 about the fact that one day the world (along with
 everything on the earth--yes that includes all BMW's)

would everyone on the list who owns a beamie please click your right mouse
just what audience are you writing this for mulva?

 will be destroyed

if that is what nature intends then let it be.

 and remade new-free from sin,

only if cognitive life forms are absent.

 because it will be free from sin it will be free from
 selfish personal interest (money and the accumulation
 of material things).

explain the mechanism behind this- is everyone in the world gonna be
aquarians or something?

 Now before you flame me for this..these are my
 personal beliefs.

no- they are something you adhere to.

 If one does not believe this so be
 it--Christ leaves the choice to us

the choice being - reward for approved behaviour or punishment for
disapproved behaviour

(yet another
 unliberal approach).


  Let me also add--as if
 needed--tham I am far from mastering the art of
 seperating my own needs from wants and that I too
 struggle with the temptation of financial gain and
 materialistic issues.

you mean you put a big effort into securing yourself and buying things and
making yourself comfortable- then you go and mess it up by feeling bad about
it for no good reason at all.

 However, I am also aware of the
 problems they can cause from first hand experience
 with my relationship with God.

i have first hand experience of my god too. at least twice a day.

 Interesting thread.



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Re: [CTRL] BSE from space?

2000-12-12 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

New Guinie - these are the cannibals who are alleged to have eaten the
son of Nelson Rockefeller who was on humanitarian expedition.

Always wondered if the movie Suddenly Last Summer was not a take off on
this incident.the face of God and the sea turtles being slaughtered
and yet they died in silence.

Good movie.always wondered for cannibalism is mentioned once in the
bible as I recall..

So much for America and Mrs. Clinton's "salad bowl"...to me it is still
a melting pot which was a ritual of which Jack the Ripper made use in
his last infamous actand the Ripper some say, was a Mason - I think
he was Lenin's agent and Queen Victoria knew it.

When mob shows teeth - cry havoc and turn loose the dogs of war.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] To: Governor Bush and Vice President Gore

2000-12-12 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

To: Governor Bush and Vice President Gore

We, the undersigned, respectfully submit the following
request to the consideration of Al Gore, Vice
President of the United States, and George W. Bush,
Governor of Texas:
  As you may know, many Americans regarded our recent
Presidential election as a choice of the lesser evil.
When it came time to decide which of you we hated the
least, we the people were hopelessly deadlocked.
  Frankly, you both give us the creeps.
  At this point, it is clear that if Mr. Bush wins the
recount, the Democrats will file lawsuits for every
idiot voter in Florida, and we will hear endless
griping about butterfly ballots and hanging chads. If
Mr. Gore wins, the Republicans who tried to steal the
last election with a fellatio-centric impeachment will
no doubt engage in a similar abuse of the legal
  Either way, the wrangling will drag on for years.
Whoever wins will be regarded as a cheater; whoever
loses will be seen as a whiner. There is only
one way to end the squabbling. We propose a duel to
the death-on the open areas outside U.S.territorial
limits (or in Texas), in front of an international
team of observers and a worldwide television audience.
  Many great American statesmen, including Andrew
Jackson and Henry Clay, engaged in duels. As one of
you may know, the most famous duel in American
history was between Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr.
After a humiliating defeat for the Presidency
(involving a tied vote in the Electoral College
and 35 successive tied votes in the House), Burr found
revenge on the dueling field.
  Candidates, we implore you: be like those guys.
Settle your differences between yourselves, as men.
Think of the satisfaction of doing by bullet what you
were unable to do by ballot.
  Governor Bush, you were young when you decided not to
risk your life for your country; now you have a rare
second chance. We cannot imagine a more graphic
demonstration of your steadfast support for capital
punishment. Furthermore, there's nothing like a quick
shoot-out to put an end to all this unnecessary "vote
counting" and procedural folderol.
  Vice President Gore, this is your chance to
demonstrate your superior gun control. With a single,
well-aimed shot from a legally registered handgun,
you can teach Governor Bush a lesson about the
environment by making him part of it. Exercise your
freedom of choice by aborting the Governor's
presidential aspirations, not to mention his life.
  Gentlemen, it is time to settle this thing once and
for all. We appreciate that you are willing to lie,
cheat or steal to win this election, but that is not
enough. You must be willing to make the ultimate
sacrifice, for the good of the nation.
  P.S. If it should happen that both of you are
mortally wounded in this contest, we trust that our
great Republic shall find some way to endure the loss.


The American Public

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Re: [CTRL] The most absurd economic system ever invented.

2000-12-12 Thread Jayson R. Jones

-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 16:21:27 -0500 Nurev Ind Research
-Caveat Lector-

Farmers can't earn a living. Nurses and trash collectors, can't earn a
living wage even though your health depends on them doing their jobs.
Teachers struggle to keep their families afloat.

Then you have CEOs who get million dollar bonuses even though their
company looses money. Mediocre actors like Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, and
Swartzejrgh make 20 million per picture. And then you have this

Dec. 11, 2000
 Texas win$ A-Rod sweepstakes; slugger agrees to $252M deal

Yup, makes you want to revolt doesn't it.  What do you expect?  Corporate
America Rules!  I refer you to Sarah Anderson and John Cavanagh's report
"The RIse of Corporate Global Power" (Institute for Policy Studies, Dec
4, 2000).  She posted a synobsys to this list and I emailed her to send
me a hard copy (an internet one is available).  Very eyeopening to get
hard data, and just one more board in the building of resentment and
distrust of Vampire Capitalism.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] The Truth

2000-12-12 Thread Jayson R. Jones

-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 18:16:32 - Oscar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-


The Truth
Good Piece!!!
OK, so both you and I realize this.  How do we get the fat dumb and happy
to wake up? I'm afraid that they won't listen untill "they come for
them".  Ao many people speaking the truth and so few people listening or
acting on the truth.  Must be 'Merica.

These are some basic truths about our society today. Look around, see
for yourself. I am not going to be sidetracked into the wasted effort
of ``proving'' these things here for people who will not listen anyway
[but please see the additional reading section]. Listen to me, listen
to the press, listen to the government. Who do you believe?

The United States Government tortures its own citizens.
The U.S. Constitution is just a piece of paper to covert thugs. The
only rights you have are the ones you can enforce.
``Freedom'' is an empty concept used for social control. You are free
only to the extent that you do not, for any reason, step on the toes
of any ``important'' people.
The elite and powerful in the U.S. are effectively immune to law. The
law is a tool to serve the ends of the powerful. Selective enforcement
is the norm.
The elite opinion-makers are not nearly as smart as they think they
The mainstream press will not challenge -- and at times participates
in -- outrageous governmental abuses.
The ``ruling class'' elites typically respond positively only to the
threat of losing their privileged positions or of violence.
There need not be any official, organized conspiracy. Conspiracies do
occur regularly -- they have throughout history, and our time is no
They blame it on ``rogues'' if they are caught, but knowledge goes
straight up to the top.
The U.S. government is not the United States or America. Most
Americans are decent people who would be appalled to know the dirty
tricks their government carries out in their names.
 The public will never go to the voting
booths knowing which of their leaders participated in domestic spying,
political surveillance, and outright torture.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Demystifying Democracy: And delegitimating the State

2000-12-12 Thread Jayson R. Jones

-Caveat Lector-

I don't think that just seeing through the BS gives anyone power but your
closing remark by Andrew Fletcher (1698): "Arms are the only true badges
of liberty.  The possession of arms is the distinction of a free man from
a slave."  certainly points to a reality that is hard to ignore.  When
all is said and done, all the lines drawn, and the battlefield defined,
it is the man with the gun who will prevail over the man without one.

On Mon, 11 Dec 2000 11:58:47 -0600 K [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
-Caveat Lector-


December 10, 2000

THE UNVEILING; Behind the Political Curtain

THINGS used to be simpler in America.
 Americans clung to the belief that the system was sound
 and democracy inviolate. They even believed their leaders
 were generally decent and honorable men, statesmen
 rather than hacks, which is why the president nearly always
 topped the list of the most respected people in the nation.

But in an atmosphere of demystification, even this belief could
withstand only so many blows before it began to crumble.
This wising up was not necessarily a bad thing.
 They were seeing things more cynically, perhaps, but also
more realistically.
Still, there had always remained one beacon of hope and belief: the
election process itself. Whatever our political leaders did, however
much our political institutions may have been compromised, the
ultimate authority rested with the people through the exercise of
the vote. The vote was holy. When one entered the voting booth
with a pencil (or, as we now know, a stylus), pulled the curtain and
cast a ballot, one was entering the real cathedral of democracy.
Here it was simple again. You made your choice. Your choice was
registered. The candidate with the most votes took office. The
Republic endured.

Then came Florida
In this way the electoral process itself has been both demystified
as just another hoax and delegitimized, so that whoever becomes
president cannot possibly be a symbol of our idealism. Rather, he
will be the one whose party managed to work the system better.
That is where 50 years of revelation and cynicism has brought us
— to the point where the presidential election has become the
biggest pseudo-event of all and power resides not in the electoral
system but in those who feel they have the perspicacity to see
through it.

Arms are the only true badges of liberty. The
possession of arms is the distinction of a free
man from a slave.  ~~ Andrew Fletcher 1698

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] How Dare Government License Drivers?

2000-12-12 Thread K

-Caveat Lector-

Vin Suprynowicz
December 8, 2000

And now ... armed guards at the DMV

Constitutional authority for licensing cars and drivers is pretty
 tenuous, largely based on early legal sleight-of-hand designed to
purposely confuse the excisable professional of "driving" -- hauling
passengers or freight for profit on the public roads -- with simple
civilian travel.

The image is colorful -- the Slim Pickens "toll booth" scene from
the Mel Brooks film "Blazing Saddles" comes to mind -- but there's
no record that George Washington had to stop by each state
capitol along his route, signing up for the 18th century equivalent of
a "photo ID" and a little metal plate to hang over his horse's rump,
as he moved from Massachusetts through Connecticut, rushing to
the defense of New York in 1776 and Philadelphia in 1777.

In fact, drivers' licenses are thinly disguised police ID cards. (Does
one forget how to drive when moving across town, or into another
state? Then why isn't the license you got in another state the year
you graduated from high school still as "good" as the high school
diploma you earned that same year?)

Yet we obligingly buy into the euphemism that the "customers" of
the Department of Motor Vehicles want quick and efficient "service"
when we go wait in line to renew these sundry government forms --
as though anyone would be buying this bill of goods, absent the
armed and uniformed men who stand ready to handcuff us and
impound our valuable vehicles if we're caught without our "papers,

Now, some of the peons are apparently growing restless. Nevada
Gov. Kenny Guinn said Monday that state workers fear for their
lives because "patrons" at DMV offices are going ballistic when
they're told -- after waiting in line for an average of more than an
hour -- not only that they're being refused the routine paperwork
they've come to pay for, but that their vehicles are instead going to
be impounded for overdue traffic or parking tickets.

DMV Director Richard Kirkland added that some victims have told
his employees that they will be killed or that they should be looking
over their shoulder when they leave work.

"Some have been grabbed around the throat," he added.
Oh, the humanity!

The governor Monday asked members of the Legislature's Interim
Finance Committee to provide funding for armed guards in the Las
Vegas and Reno DMV offices, to keep these unruly peasants in

Though it's tempting to suggest they be given MP-40 submachine
guns and fancy black uniforms with silver skulls on the collars, the
better to help everyone appreciate the true nature of the transaction
being effected, in fact some better solutions are available:

First, the American system of governance is based on carefully
delineated lines of jurisdiction between the various levels of
government -- one of many safeguards against a vertically
integrated, Napoleonic tyranny.

A state motor vehicle office has no more business withholding a
state document from an otherwise qualified citizen based on non-
payment of local or municipal parking tickets, than the U.S. State
Department should be refusing us passports because our chicken
coops are alleged to be in violation of some local zoning code.
Yes, local judges have ruled that the state should impound the
vehicles of drivers who ignore local parking tickets. The correct
response from Gov. Guinn should be: "The judges have made their
ruling; now let them try to enforce it. My guys aren't going to do it,
because it's unconstitutional."

(The "balance of powers" is supposed to allow any of the three
branches to block an unconstitutional order from another --
otherwise we'd only need one branch of government: the courts.)
In the meantime, though, statistics provided by the governor and
his staff in the course of seeking funds for 64 new part-time
workers in an effort to decrease waiting times at the DMV offices --
now averaging 79 minutes per victim at the Sahara office in Las
Vegas -- should raise some eyebrows in their own right.
In part because of a perverse incentive in state employee contracts
which encourage workers to "use or lose" their "sick time," on any
given day 30 percent of employees are absent from their posts in
the Henderson, Carey Avenue and West Flamingo Road DMV
offices, the governor's staff revealed.

While on East Sahara, the average rate of absenteeism is a
whopping 49 percent.

Couple this with the astonishingly inefficient hunt-and-peck
methods of data entry which citizens are witnessing when they
finally do reach the front of the lines, and it's small wonder tempers
are near the breaking point.

"The way that the sick time pay is structured is one of the things
that we're looking at very closely," the governor's spokesmen, Jack
Finn, told me Tuesday.

And will the governor be looking at getting his DMV workers out of
the job of impounding autos to enforce municipal parking tickets?
"That's something we're 

[CTRL] Scalia To Donate Brain To Mad Cow Disease Research

2000-12-12 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Subject: Scalia

Researchers Express Extreme Gratitude for Selfless Gesture

WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP)  - In a move that Democratic operatives dismiss as
simply more bizarre G.O.P. grandstanding in a desperate effort to sway public
opinion, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on December 10 issued a
tersely worded press release revealing that he has decided to donate his
brain to the University of California San Francisco, for research on Mad Cow

The Prion Biosafety Department at UCSF is in the forefront of research on
amyloid and other abnormal protein assembly processes.

Justice Scalia's announcement occurred after Mad Cow Disease researchers
from all over the world had swamped him with telephone calls, e-mails, and
singing telegrams, asking him to do this for the good of humanity.

Following Scalia's December 9 opinion finding not only that the G.O.P. would
suffer "irreparable harm" from having Florida voters' ballots counted in the
presidential election, but also that the G.O.P. would likely succeed in its
effort to stop such ballot-counting, there was widespread agreement among
researchers that Scalia has enough holes in his head to do stand-ins for
Swiss cheese in spaghetti westerns.

Some experts speculate that Scalia - and quite possibly four other U.S.
Supreme Court justices - consumed some tainted baloney at a secret G.O.P.
fundraiser.  Others just as ardently contend that Scalia does not suffer
from Mad Cow Disease at all - that he's simply been socializing too much with
Rush Limbaugh.

Researchers at UCSF expressed sincere appreciation to Justice Scalia for his
selfless gesture. They assured him that, after they finish the appropriate
research on his brain, they will press it into hamburger patties and give it
a decent burial at sea, near the Farallon Islands, a resting place they
assured him would be appropriate for a person of his stature.

The Farallons are a group of seven sparsely vegetated granite outcroppings
located offshore of the Golden Gate channel.  The waters around the
Farallons are well known among marine biologists for their prevalence of
mutant giant sponges and great whites.  Scalia, who, thank God, is not from
the West Coast, of course didn't get it.  He never will.

© LibertyIsNotFree 12/10/2000

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Election2000: Hegelian Style

2000-12-12 Thread mirage

-Caveat Lector-

Doesn't anyone see the constant state and federal legal volleying which is
prolonging this painful 'election', as being a little stagey, odd, contrived,
suspicious?  Possibly this is a manufactured event designed to...  to what?
Force a crisis?  And why?  To create more false divisions in the American
public?  Foment civil unrest which will be cause to implement and impose the ML
/ FEMA organizational structure?  Jim Marrs, author of "Ruled by Secrecy" said
on the Dec 3rd Dreamland broadcast, he believed the situation has been
engineered to call for and hold a constitutional convention, at which time the
constitution could be revised, rewritten and in doing so, pretty well trashed
out.  Hadn't thought of that one, and am not familiar with 'Constitutional
convention', which I plan to research.

I wasn't and am not a supporter of either of the bozos either.  Like I said
before they are simpy the cardboard cutouts of the corporate plutocracy.  Both
parties, along with the legal system, have sold out the ideals of the US
Constitution, Bill of Rights and the American public to the corporate/globalist
interests.  We are the commodities.  They create monsters and sell fear,
manipulating the mainstream consciousness to react rather than to act with
discerning intelligence and question their decisions, which are seldom, if ever,
good for this nation or its people.

I believe defending either party or candidate is a waste of time and energy, a
diversion from the real issues, such as a health, privacy, government
accountability/secrecy and liberty, largely unnoticed and unchallenged in the
din of confusion and babble of empty rhetoric.   Better to use this misdirected
energy learning what to look for and how to fight for something of substance and
real value rather than fighting over or for something that does not even exist,
except in propaganda or a memory.

IMO, that is.

 ~ M


"Jayson R. Jones" wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I have commented on varius posts that fall within my interest
 grouping, but have pretty much refrained from comment on the current
 election.  However, a couple of things contained in the flood of postings
 concerning this have caught my attention.  Spin, dissinformation and
 blatant ideology aside, there are some issues here that strike to the
 heart of us as a people, and what we believe ourselves to be.
 The percentage of "problem ballots" in states other than Florida
 are substantially lower than the percentage of "problem ballotst" in
 Florida.  In the other states, the number of "problem ballots" would not
 cause a change in the winner EVEN IF ALL WERE FOR ONE CANDIDATE.  In
 Florida, with the margine so close, every vote counts.
 There seems to be a thread going around that no one with an IQ
 over 70 thinks that Bore won the popular vote in Florida.  Well, I can
 safely say that I have an IQ over 70 and I think that, if all the
 disputed votes were to be fairly counted, Bore would be the winner.
 Let me point out that I am NOT a supporter of either of these
 BOZOs.  To me they are Twedle de dee and Tweedle de dum.  Both have some
 points I agree with and both have so many flaws in ideology and logic
 that I could not in good conscience vote for either of them.  I am not a
 listener to the "Talking Heads", I prefer NPR, PBS, CSPAN, Nightline,
 Rush (for comic relief), a state and a local talk show, and Coast to
 Coast.  If this "Labels, Categorizes, Pidgeon Holes, or otherwise gives
 an insight into the inner workings of my mind" so be it.
 Bore has offered the proposition that ALL the votes in Florida
 should be counted.  That seems logical and fair minded.  George II
 refuses to let any votes be counted and relies on legaleese to claim
 victory.  I admit a bias against legaleese, but even setting that bias
 aside, Bore's seems to be the logical position.  No law can ever be
 written that covers all eventualities, so what is wrong with counting all
 the votes.
 It seems to me that the Florida Supreme Court has made a hash of
 all this by (correctly I think) ordering the recount, but failing to give
 enough time to do it.  TWICE!!!  Florida is the only contested state, so
 far, and Florida is where the power should lie to correct the problem.
 Florida judges, elected and appointed officials, and election officials
 all are ultimately accountable to the Florida voters, so it is up to them
 to fix the problems in their state.
 To me, Judge Saul's ruling was seriously flawed.  To rule that
 the the Bore team had failed to prove that the recount would
 'substantially change' the outcome while at the same time refusing to
 look at the evidence (ballots) that would conclusively prove whether this
 was true or not, is absurd.  But then, this sort of thing happens in the
 lower levels of our justice system every day.
 Like people everywhere, and of every time, we are going 

Re: [CTRL] Bill's posts was Re: [CTRL] The Conspiracies of Empire

2000-12-12 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Tenorlove wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 It's not just on WebTV. The print comes up very small and blurry in all
 his HTML posts. If I copy  paste to a text document, either email or
 MS Word, it comes up fine. It would be nice if everyone would post in
 plain text unless the HTML is essential to the message. Hyperlinks and
 attachments still work with plain text emails. Not only is plain text
 easier to read, but HTML takes 4 times as much bandwidth as the same
 message in plain text, and fills up inboxes quite rapidly.


So true.  Plain text is very environment-friendly.

Why is there MIME/HTML mail?  The only reason I can figure is that
those webmail sites use MIME to post.

Mark McHugh

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] HE: Jackson Decries Civil Rights Violations, Places Blame on JebBush

2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Jackson Decries Civil Rights Violations, Places Blame on Jeb Bush
Human Events

December 11, Washington D.C.—Almost an hour after oral arguments
in Bush v.  Gore ended, while crowds chanted and shouted in front
of the U.S. Supreme Court, Rev.  Jesse Jackson exited the court
grounds on the Maryland Avenue side of the building.  Jackson
stopped to address reporters, and then answered some questions.

In this exchange, he told Human Events reporters that he thinks
Jeb Bush is responsible for a concerted effort to disenfranchise

Below is a transcript of the encounter:

Jackson: There are several questions for me.  One, is the court
so political that it’s mind is already made up; that’s a real
question. Justice Scalia’s son is a lawyer who works for Bush.
On today’s internet Justice’s Thomas’s wife is recruiting staff
members for Bush who works for Heritage Foundation.

So is the court so predisposed politically that the arguments
don’t matter is a very real question.  I hope the court rises
above the political partisanship, and chooses the Republic over
Republicans, and the democracy over Democrats, and makes that
kind of decision.

It maybe the biggest decision of this sort since the 1857 Dred
Scott decision, or the 1896 Plessy v.  Ferguson, so it’s a huge
decision to be made today. Second, is that they kept asking for
uniformity of remedy, but you don’t have uniform procedures, by

If University of Florida plays Florida State in football, or they
play the University of Miami, all the football fields are 100 by
50.  The playing field is even, the rules are public, the goals
are clear, so you have uniform standards.  But in the state of
Florida, standards vary from county to county, and indeed
African-Americans were targeted, 80 percent of those are in
discussion are really African American voters, who were targeted,
only African Americans were stopped by police as they sought to
vote, and as they were asked for their ID cards and for their
driver’s licenses.  Eight thousand people, mostly African
Americans were sent, notices that they were felons by Mrs.
Harris, a private firm from Texas, none of them were, some were
misdemeanors, and some had not been arrested at all, or within
the black community, you had the most broken-down machinery.  We
know the pattern of who was in fact targeted, during the

Lastly, will the courts honor the intent of the voter?  The
Republicans made two arguments last Friday.  They said, in
Seminole honor the intent of the voter, and in Miami-Dade, they
said honor the machine, so they got to the fork in the road, and
they chose the fork.

They really must honor the intent of the voter.  There will not
be a legitimate winner unless the voters determine who that
winner is.  The courts must not take unto themselves to make that
determination, the voters must determine the winner.  If you
govern with the consent of the governed, that’s democratic.  But
if in fact we are governed without our consent, we are being
ruled.  And that’s despotism.  We want democracy, not despotism.

Reporter: From the way the proceedings went, do you think Mr.
Gore has a chance of winning this case?

Jackson: He certainly has a chance, but the assumption would be
that their minds are already made up, for example, Justices
O’Connor and Kennedy raised very challenging questions to the
Bush lawyers at the very outset.  That could suggest that they at
least have been thinking about the process.  Scalia challenged
over and over the Gore lawyers, and Clarence Thomas more or less
mused through it all, he had nothing to say.  He was really a

But the biggest spectator was the Department of Justice, they
have abdicated their job.  The Department of Justice had a role
to play, they were absent, when 80 percent of those in question
were black voters, the Department of Justice took a hike.
Mother Liberty was blindfolded today, and closemouthed, and
should have had something to say.

Human Events: Do you think there was actually a concerted effort
to take away the votes of blacks?

Jackson: Absolutely!  You can document it, you can look at where,
who got disenfranchised, the quantity, and who, from Liberty
City, to Broward, to Lakeland, to Rivera Beach, Orlando, to inner
city Jacksonville, most of those disenfranchised were African
Americans Students at Florida AM, Bethune-Cookman, Edward Waters
went to vote, with registration in their hands, their name not on
the polls.  80 percent were African American.  And you had the
Holocaust survivors in the West Palm area, who pushed the button
for Gore and they got Buchanan, they didn’t mean to do that, that
was a violation, of them for example.  And so, in Duval County,
27,000 ballots were thrown away, they were held back until the
protest period was over, in fact.

And so, if this were Yugoslavia, and at the end, Milosevic was
losing, you got to the last state where Milosevic’s brother was
the governor, and in that state 

[CTRL] DMN: Waco case prosecutor enters plea

2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Waco case prosecutor enters plea

Johnston says he's not guilty; January trial set

Dallas Morning News

ST.  LOUIS – A former government prosecutor pleaded not guilty
Monday to charges of obstructing the investigation into the 1993
siege at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco.

Former assistant U.S.  Attorney Bill Johnston was charged with
two counts of obstruction of justice and three counts of lying to
investigators and a federal grand jury.

The indictment was returned last week as Waco special counsel
John C. Danforth released his final report absolving the
government of wrongdoing in the siege.  The case was filed in St.
Louis because Mr. Danforth, a former U.S.  senator from Missouri,
based his investigation out of his law office there.

At the hearing Monday, U.S.  Magistrate Judge Mary Ann Medler set
a trial date of Jan.  2.  Mr.  Johnston is free on personal
recognizance bond.

He was present at the arraignment but did not speak other than to
acknowledge that he understood the terms of the bond.

Attorney Michael Kennedy has acknowledged that Mr.  Johnston made
mistakes in his dealings with the special counsel.  But he called
the charges baseless and unfair.

Mr.  Johnston helped draft the search warrant that the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms tried to execute on Feb.  28, 1993,
at the Waco compound.  The botched raid turned into a gunfight in
which four federal agents and six Branch Davidians were killed.

The shootout sparked the 51-day standoff that ended on April 19,
1993, with a fire that consumed the compound, killing sect leader
David Koresh and about 80 followers inside.

Mr.  Johnston in 1994 helped convict nine Branch Davidians during
their criminal trial.

In 1999, federal Judge Walter S.  Smith Jr.  ordered the
government to give him all records and evidence connected with
the standoff. Mr.  Johnston then complained publicly that the
Justice Department was covering up evidence showing FBI agents
had fired pyrotechnic tear gas at the compound.

Justice Department and FBI officials denied for years that the
government had used anything capable of sparking fires when they
employed tanks and tear gas to try to end the standoff.

The FBI's subsequent confirmation that some pyrotechnic tear gas
was used prompted Attorney General Janet Reno to ask Mr. Danforth
to investigate.

In July, Mr.  Danforth, in a preliminary report, absolved the
government of blame in the blaze.  A week earlier, an advisory
jury hearing a $675 million wrongful-death lawsuit brought by
surviving cult members and the victims' families reached the same

Mr.  Johnston left the U.S.  attorney's office in February.  He
admitted in July that he had withheld several pages of notes from
1993 dealing with the FBI's use of pyrotechnic gas.

"It's completely irrelevant and immaterial to the investigation,"
Mr. Kennedy, speaking of the withheld notes, said after the

A congressional report issued last week praised Mr.  Johnston for
helping reveal the use of pyrotechnics but condemned his failure
to surrender the notes, which indicated he was told in 1993 that
FBI agents fired several incendiary military tear gas grenades.

Mr.  Johnston said he withheld the notes out of fear that hostile
colleagues might try to use what he had written to discredit him.
He added that he didn't reveal the notes to Mr.  Danforth because
his investigators "treated me with the same loathing and
hostility that I had encountered from the Justice Department."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Tuesday,December 12,2000

AS the Florida Legislature meets to consider whether to appoint
the state's presidential electors itself (thereby ensuring that
Florida meets the Dec.  12 and Dec.  18 deadlines), Al Gore's
minions are attempting to whip up national indignation at the
prospect of such "interference." The Gore spin machine has kicked
into high gear, portraying the Legislature's actions as an
illegitimate usurpation of power.

In fact, nothing could be further from the truth.  Under the U.S.
Constitution, the Legislature is the sole holder of the power to
determine Florida's electors - a power that it may delegate to
the voters of the state if it so chooses.

The Constitution's words are crystal-clear: "Each State shall
appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a
Number of Electors .  .  .  "

When it comes to setting the election rules in each state, the
legislatures possess the final word.  Indeed, the exclusive word.
It is, in legal terms, a "plenary" power - a power that is
absolute, full and unqualified.  The U.S.  Supreme Court
recognized this more than a century ago when it acknowledged that
"the appointment of these electors is thus placed absolutely and
wholly with the legislatures of the several states."

This is much more than a convenient safety net for George W.
Bush: It is a reflection of how the Framers of the Constitution
thought a republican form of government should properly choose
its chief executive.

The delegates to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 debated
long and hard about how the president should be selected.  Early
on, the subject produced strident disagreement.  Many options
were considered, including selection by Congress (as in the
British Parliament), direct election by the people, selection by
the governors of the states and selection by a body of electors.

By the end of the Convention, the Electoral College was seen as
the only solution that could maintain the separation of powers,
safeguard the interests of the smaller states and allow the
people to play an (indirect) role in presidential selection.

Once the Electoral College system was agreed upon, the next
question was how to appoint the electors.  Ultimately, the
Framers concluded that state legislators should be entrusted with
this important responsibility.  The state legislatures could
appoint presidential electors themselves, as some states did up
through 1860, or they could allow the people to vote for the
electors.  But in either case, the people's elected
representatives in each state would be the wardens of the

This structure reflected an all-important principle in the
Framers' republican scheme of government: The most important
decisions must be made by legislators.

As James Madison put it, members of the Legislative Branch would
inevitably be guided by "their attention to the views of their
respective constituents and their regard for the public good."

Thus, throughout the Constitution, the greatest powers rest with
legislatures.  The power to declare war, for example, was given
not to the commander in chief but to the Congress.  And the power
to ratify federal constitutional amendments was given not to
state governors or judges, but to state legislatures.

Similarly, the power to determine how presidential electors would
be chosen was vested in the state legislatures. Legislators,
whatever their flaws, were accountable to the people.  They
could, therefore, be trusted to act in the people's best

The Framers did not even consider allowing courts to set the
rules for the selection of the president.  This was an
intrinsically political process, not a judicial one.  State
legislatures were best suited to the job.  If they erred or acted
unfairly, the people would hold them accountable at the polls.

Judges, on the other hand, are not so easily called to task. The
Florida Supreme Court is a case in point.  The four-justice
majority that demanded statewide manual recounts of the undervote
will never have to defend before the voters its radical reshaping
of Florida election law.

Americans have always been a litigious people.  As Alexis de
Tocqueville observed presciently in 1848, "There is hardly a
political question in the United States which does not sooner or
later turn into a judicial one."

The Framers designed the Constitution to protect against this
tendency in the all-important selection of the president.  The
final word at each stage of the process rests either with the
state legislatures or with Congress.  They need only have the
courage to say it.

Kris Kobach is a professor of constitutional law, legal history
and legislation at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School
of Law.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[CTRL] NM: Liberal Press Continues Sex Investigations of Bush Boys, Harris

2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Newsmax-Inside Cover

Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2000 11:18 a.m. EST

Liberal Press Continues Sex Investigations of Bush Boys, Harris

The election nightmare may soon be over.

But the liberal press outlets may be seeking retribution.

One victim of their vengeance has been Florida Secretary of State
Katherine Harris.

She has been accused of everything to tar her reputation.

The New York press mentioned weeks ago that investigations were
under way involving an alleged romance between her and Gov. Jeb

The irreverent, liberal CounterPunch newsletter, edited by Jeff
St. Claire and Alex Cockburn, report that the media have no plans
to let Harris and the Bush boys go once the election thing is

CounterPunch says in its most recent edition that reporters have
been tipped off by "Tallahassee sources" who are now alleging
that Harris never had an affair with Jeb Bush.

Instead, the newsletter says, reporters are investigating gossip
that W. and Harris had a long-standing relationship.

 Reportedly, some press have already started comparing travel and
other records, trying to show the pair were in the same cities

Does it matter that as high-ranking state officials the pair may
have been in the same cities for official conferences?

The press doesn't think so.

The lengths the big media are taking to discredit the Bush family
doesn't stop with W. and Jeb.

CounterPunch says the press has also focused on the sons of Jeb.

Jeb's son, George, is one target.

In 1994, he had a bad breakup with a girlfriend and ran his Ford
Explorer over the young lady's front yard.

More "scandal" being peddled by the media: Jeb's other son was
discovered by police in a car with a girlfriend, windows fogged,
and not fully clothed.

With Gore the apparent loser, the media-backed vendettas will
continue. The politics of personal destruction are alive and

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] JW: Lamberth rules for discovery in trade mission FOIA case

2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2000 13:02:48 -0600
From: Bill Nalty [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: CAS: JW: Lamberth rules for discovery in trade mission FOIA case

December 12, 2000
Contact: Press Office
(202) 646-5172


Rules Bruce Lindsey, Cheryl Mills, Doris Matsui, Others Can Be
Deposed – Allows Search of White House E-Mail

(Washington, DC) Judge Royce C. Lamberth, in three orders last
week, ruled that Judicial Watch can undertake significant new
discovery in the withholding of documents concerning Clinton-Gore
Commerce Department trade missions. Judicial Watch has uncovered
evidence, including sworn testimony, that the Clinton-Gore
Commerce Department, working in conjunction with the White House
and Democratic National Committee, illegally sold
taxpayer-financed trade missions seats in exchange for campaign
contributions.  In court testimony, Nolanda Hill, the business
partner and confidante of the late Commerce Secretary Ron Brown,
said that Hillary Clinton conceived of this fundraising scheme.

Judicial Watch filed a lawsuit in 1995 to uncover documents
pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) about the
Commerce Department trade missions. In December, 1998 (and
reaffirmed yesterday), the Court ruled that the Clinton-Gore
Commerce Department had illegally withheld and destroyed many
responsive documents. (It was this lawsuit that helped uncover
John Huang, which, according to Fox News, “got the ball rolling”
on the Chinagate scandal. Huang now faces contempt of court for
his refusal to answer questions about Bill and Hillary Clintons’,
Al Gore’s and many Republicans’ roles in this controversy.)

In his rulings, Judge Lamberth authorized Judicial Watch to take
the deposition testimony of Bruce Lindsey, Cheryl Mills, and
Doris Matsui. A sworn declaration by Commerce Department
whistleblower Sonya Stewart points to Ms. Mills’ involvement in
improperly withholding documents from Judicial Watch. With
respect to Mr. Lindsey and Ms. Matsui, the Court found, based on
Ms. Stewart’s testimony, that “it is logical to conclude that
Lindsey and Matsui would have information related to the
frustration of the plaintiff’s FOIA requests” on the trade

Judge Lamberth also authorized discovery into Clinton-Gore White
House e-mail which may bear on the underlying issue of documents
illegally withheld from Judicial Watch by the Commerce
Department.  In allowing e-mail discovery, Judge Lamberth cited
Nolanda Hill’s sworn testimony, ruling that “there is credible
evidence that communications did occur between the (Commerce
Department), the White House, and the DNC...[and that] it is
logical to conclude that at least some of the communications were
in electronic form.”

“As Judge Lamberth said yesterday, ‘this is not your average FOIA
case.’ Though Judge Lamberth did not grant Judicial Watch all the
discovery it had requested, we are pleased by his rulings. This
scandal goes to the highest levels of the Clinton-Gore White
House,” stated Judicial Watch Chairman and General Counsel
Larry Klayman.


 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] AmericanSpectator: Al Terrible Tools

2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Al Terrible Tools

Perhaps it no longer matters. So much damage has been done
already that the Supreme Court's ruling may be moot. Al Gore and
his people are spoilers. If they can't win the White House, they
will discredit the administration of George Bush. Donna Brazile,
Gore's campaign manager, is working with the Democratic National
Committee and the unions to stage demonstrations. What matters to
them is not the country, but their ability to seize and hold
power. They really are terrible people.

Gore's Florida strategy, of course, was to count and recount, and
sue and countersue, and to divine the intent of voters no matter
how inconclusive their ballots. The often expressed aim was to
"count every vote," and somehow to find enough votes to win. But
there has never been a national election, or, for that matter, a
state or even big-city election in which every vote was counted.
Consequently American elections have always been determined by
tacit agreements and mutual understandings, and, improbable as it
may seem in these cheesy times, a shared desire to do what's best
for the country. The electoral process has been one of the things
that has separated the U.S. from the rest of the world.

But all this has now disappeared. Jesse Jackson, that bloated old
fraud, showed up in Miami the day after the election to lead
demonstrations and insist blacks had been disenfranchised, even
though they voted in greater numbers than ever before. Jackson,
who is now listed as a spiritual adviser to Gore, also likened
the allegedly disenfranchised blacks to victims of the Holocaust.
It was clear from the beginning that Jackson's sole aim was to
further divide blacks and whites, while reasserting himself as a
civil rights leader. Today, even as the nation awaited the
Supreme Court ruling, Jackson and AFL-CIO president John J.
Sweeney, also an unconscionable man, charged in an op-ed piece in
the Washington Post that Florida election officials had conspired
with the Republican Party to block, handicap, or otherwise
intimidate black voters.

David Boies and other trial lawyers have also done us a
disservice. Nonetheless they and others like them may now have a
decisive role in all future elections. Adjudication can replace
the old give-and-take and mutual understandings. Senator-elect
Hillary Clinton already has announced she will introduce a
constitutional amendment to do away with the electoral college.
She wants presidents to be chosen on the basis of the raw vote
alone. This would provide an unending stream of work for the
trial lawyers, of course, and insure that the lawyers and judges
would be able to choose presidents. Florida today, and who knows
where tomorrow? The trial lawyers could dispute elections, and
fight for votes all over the country.

Meanwhile the Supreme Court has been robbed of its dignity, which
has always been its most precious asset. The sanctimonious
Patrick Leahy -- he grows increasingly unbearable -- the ranking
Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, announced on CNN over
the weekend that the Supreme Court is losing its "credibility"
and "moral posture." At the same time the New York Times felt
free to say: "The United States Supreme Court did a disservice to
the nation's tradition of fair elections by calling for a halt to
the recount of disputed ballots in Florida."

Granted that everyone knows the Times is deep in the tank for
Gore and the Democratic Party; its one-sidedness is still
stunning. When the Florida Supreme Court ruled 4 to 3 to give
Gore another chance to capture more votes, the Times
congratulated it for acting "boldly and wisely." It dismissed
Chief Justice Charles Wells's warning that the majority's
decision had "no foundation in the law of Florida as it existed
on November 7" and could lead to a constitutional crisis as an
"overheated dissenting opinion."

Meanwhile the Times now says it hopes the Supreme Court will
measure up to its own high standards, although it hardly expects
that to happen. In a smarmy editorial today it did its best to
discredit the court in advance. It said it hoped the justices
would "have the wisdom and vision to look beyond the tangled
circumstances in Florida and shape a decision about extracting
the people's verdict," but that it would be "Panglossian to
suggest" that they would. The court so far, the Times said, has
shown "little passion for the overarching themes of democracy."

The Times's arrogance here is overwhelming, but that's the way it
goes. May God protect our country from all these terrible people.

John Corry is The American Spectator's senior correspondent.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

Re: [CTRL] Dangers of the New Age movement

2000-12-12 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-


 -Caveat Lector-

 This is an excellent site for those who know nothing about the dangers to our
 society coming from the New Age movement and those who wish to learn more
 about this very extensive topic.  Hannah Newman, a Jewish researcher who
 lives in Israel, recently sent out a notice about her site as follows:

 "My new, greatly expanded and updated research on New Age antisemitism is
 now on line.
 Go to:

Is anti-Semitism more prevalent than anti-[insert cultural identity
marker] in the US?  I've seen quite a bit of anti-hickism and
anti-blackism, but haven't run into much anti-Semitism, unless it's of
the anti-Arab variety I've witnessed on the silver and blue screens.
Even after having lived in New York for three years, I haven't seen
any, besides the same level of stereotypical BS that I see most other
cultural groups suffering:  the drunken Mick, the flashy Dago, the
mouthy JAP.  Hell, around here they make fun of the Southern Baptists
(the blathering Biblethumper, Apocalyptic White Trash).

As for New Age anti-Semitism, I've yet to run into any in my years of
research and casual surfing, unless they're using crypto-anti-Semitic
symbols, though I'm a pretty good at ciphering that esoteric stuff.

I just gave that site a read and the one thing I'm happy to see is the
header "Welcome to one Jew's analysis..."  If that hadn't been there,
I would have mistaken this for some Xian fundie page.  Hannah Newman
seems to equate Theosophy with the whole New Age and the New Age
sounds like the Nazis, focusing particularly on eliminating the Jews.

More tribal-centric spook stories.  Is there any fun in creating such
realities?  I know P.K. Dick enjoyed a more egocentric version, but he
had his problems.

Even though it's a load of crap, thanks for the link!  This is some
fun reading.  I enjoy a good paranoid screed now and then.

I'm open-minded, so I'll let you know if I become convinced, after a
more thorough reading.

By the way, I wonder how the Erisians, Subgenii and Discordians fit

Mark McHugh

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] =?x-unknown?q?_DEAN=3A_CLINTON'S_INDICTMENT_AND_PARDON_=5Biso?==?x-unknown?q?-8859-1=5D_=97_COMING_SOON_?=

2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Friday, Dec. 08, 2000



All the clues suggest that William Jefferson Clinton is going to
be indicted by Independent Counsel Robert Ray shortly after the
president leaves office. This action, if it happens, will have
major political consequences for the new president. If Al Gore
becomes president, the indictment will begin a nightmare that
could ruin his presidency. But if George W. Bush becomes
president, Clinton's indictment could make his presidency.

As for the soon-to-be former president, although he will never go
to prison (with his Secret Service detail to protect him and the
nation's national security), he may be seriously considering
granting himself a pardon. Not merely for himself, but for his
wife, his daughter, his party and his country.

Why A Clinton Indictment Is Likely

As I see it, Independent Counsel Robert Ray has only one purpose
in life: to indict Bill Clinton when he leaves office at noon on
January 20, 2001. That has been evident since Ray replaced Ken
Starr in October 1999 as independent counsel. During an exit
interview with Larry King Live, Judge Starr explained that he was
leaving — in essence — because he had become "politicized," and
that for the good of the continuing investigations and potential
prosecutions, he needed to step aside. In short, Robert Ray, an
ambitious and able career prosecutor, did not take the
independent counsel job merely to write the final report required
by the law and close down the operation.

While Ray initially ducked the questions about indicting Clinton,
as the months have passed, his plans have become clear. Last
summer, just before the Democratic National Convention in Los
Angeles, it was accidentally leaked to the media that Ray had
empanelled a new grand jury. In September, when reporting that he
had "determined that the evidence was insufficient to prove to a
jury beyond a reasonable doubt that either President Clinton or
Mrs. Clinton knowingly participated in any criminal conduct"
relating to the Whitewater matter, Ray acknowledged that his new
grand jury was investigating President Clinton's conduct in the
Lewinsky scandal. More specifically, Ray told CNN's Late Edition
he would give his decision about indicting Bill Clinton "very
shortly after the president leaves office in the best interest of
the country, and also not to unfairly tread on the new
president's administration."

Robert Ray has not been twiddling his thumbs for over a year in
his job, not knowing what he plans to do with Bill Clinton.
Rather, Ray is waiting for Clinton to leave office because it is
doubtful whether a sitting president can be indicted.

Of course Ray knows he is going to indict, and he has been
preparing for battle. How can he not indict? He has a formal
finding of a federal judge that the record in a civil lawsuit
against Clinton (the Paula Jones case) "demonstrates by clear and
convincing evidence that the president responded … by giving
false, misleading and evasive answers that were designed to
obstruct the judicial process." And Ray knows that about half the
members of the 106th Congress of the United States found that the
president not only committed perjury and obstruction of justice
in a civil lawsuit, but also did the same before a federal grand
jury and during impeachment proceedings.

No career prosecutor is going to ignore this evidence of the
president's criminal conduct and give him a pass. Nor will he let
Bill Clinton recover millions of dollars (in legal fees) from the
government, which would happen under the independent counsel law
if he is not indicted. The retiring president is about to leap
from the proverbial frying pan into the fire.

Gore's Nightmare: A Clinton Indictment and Trial

Should Al Gore become president, the indictment and criminal
trial of Bill Clinton at the outset of his presidency would be a
horror show. Only the resurrection of Richard Nixon could be more
disquieting to the Capital City than the return of the Lewinsky
scandal. For Gore to govern without the spectacle of the former
president in the dock for lying about his sexual dalliances would
be difficult enough, given Washington's proclivity for gridlock
compounded by the controversy over this presidential election. A
Clinton trial would send phalanxes of fuming Republicans, all
near paranoid in their conviction that Gore had stolen the
election, into a partisan tizzy.

There are only two people Republicans loathe more than Al Gore —
Bill and Hillary Clinton. Now fearful that Senator Hillary may
one day reclaim the White House, Republican zealots will find the
Clinton criminal trial an irresistible opportunity, seeing in it
the opportunity to further savage Bill Clinton and thereby also
taint his wife, as well as any Democratic defenders of the former
president. This is exactly the type of nasty partisan activity
that the 

[CTRL] WP: Let the Count Continue

2000-12-12 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Let the Count Continue

By Jesse L. Jackson and John J. Sweeney

Tuesday, December 12, 2000; Page A47

Today the Supreme Court may be poised to find that some or all
aspects of a manual recount in Florida violate the equal
protection clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

It's too soon to say that a majority of the justices is bent on
keeping all the votes from being counted. But it's not too soon
to note the disturbing irony of the Bush campaign and Justice
Antonin Scalia pointing to the equal protection clause as the
reason not to count tens of thousands of ballots
disproportionately cast by African Americans in Florida. The hand
count ordered by the Florida Supreme Court was, in fact, the only
small remedy for the massive violation of the promise of equal
protection that happened in Florida on Election Day.

Can anyone deny that hundreds of thousands of Florida voters have
already been denied the equal protection of the laws? Wasn't that
what happened when voters in predominantly minority communities
had to vote using antiquated machines that weren't properly
maintained? When they were given misleading ballots with faulty
instructions? When they had to brave police checkpoints to get to
their polling stations? When polling stations were moved in the
middle of the night? When minority voters' registration
applications weren't processed and when longtime voters had their
names illegally removed from the voting rolls?

And don't forget--while the state of Florida's election
authorities did everything they could to place obstacles in the
way of African American and other minority voters, other election
officials in Florida were conspiring with the Republican Party to
make sure that no matter what mistakes white Republican voters
made on their absentee ballot applications, those voters would
still get a ballot.

There were dozens of gross injustices in the Florida election.
The huge number of undervoted ballots, concentrated in minority
precincts across Florida, was the only one for which there
appeared to be a partial remedy--and that remedy was the recount
ordered by the Florida Supreme Court on Friday. For all the
rest--the police blockades and the midnight moves of polling
places, the discriminatory purges--there is going to be no

Now it appears, from the words of Justice Scalia, that the only
meaning of the equal protection clause is that there must be no
remedy at all for those who have been discriminated against.

The final irony is that the equal protection clause was added to
the Constitution of the United States after the Civil War for the
express purpose of protecting African Americans against the
efforts of state officials in Florida and other states of the
South to deny emancipated slaves the equal protection of the
laws. Now we are poised to have those fine, noble words become
the excuse used not only to thwart the will of the people of the
United States as to who should be president but to ensure that
the efforts of state officials to disenfranchise the descendants
of slaves will succeed.

There are lots of reasons for the Supreme Court to let the count
continue--deference to the Florida courts' interpretation of
Florida law and the sanctity of the right to vote and have that
vote counted among them. But if it comes down for the justices to
the 14th Amendment and the promise of equal protection, one can
only hope for the sake of the country that they consider how not
counting all the votes mirrors too closely the habits of heart
and mind that brought us slavery and segregation--the original
sins of our nation that the equal protection clause sought to

The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson is president and founder of the
Rainbow/PUSH Coalition. John J. Sweeney is president of the

© 2000 The Washington Post Company

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

 *Michael Spitzer*  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Re: [CTRL] CIA warns US faces biggest threat since World War II

2000-12-12 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/11/2000 3:17:39 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 Tenet said America's technical superiority in intelligence gathering was
 under threat from such rapid advances, while the "evil mix of fanaticism and
 flexibility" behind the October attack on the USS Cole made the next strike
 "not a question of if, but of when and where." 

Our biggest threat is the absurdity of our CIA.  Weren't they supposed to be
disbanded and a new intelligence agency formed?  Prudy

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Fwd: Letter To The People Of America

2000-12-12 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


[The following is sent forth anonymously to prevent diverting attention from
its contents.]

Eleven score and four years ago, "our fathers brought forth on this continent
a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all
men are created equal." But however noble our intentions were in the
beginning, however much we inspired our sons and daughters and others with
the idea of Liberty, we buried the seed of decay in our very own
Constitution, became the spear-bearers of slavery, and created the opposite
of Equality.

At this dramatic hour ending this bloodiest century the twentieth, we are
forced by history to submit to merciless self-examination, for even the wild
beasts of the forest interpret the signs of the times far better than we do,
compelling us to face up honestly to Nature's god and not to run away from
the question,  "What are you doing? What have you done, and what are you
going to do?"

Our American deprivation has reached its basest point and cannot go any
further. The worst part of it is that we do not even know our true condition,
most of us not even suspecting that there could be anything inherently wrong
with us-the glorious U.S. of A.-at all! Our general ignorance is topped only
by our almost fatal lack of knowing ourselves: We are not only unconscious of
the fact that we have a problem but have no idea whatsoever how utterly
miserably we compare to other nations. Our being victorious in a war of
cessation against our former home country England, than against our own
South, then in two world wars and finally in the cold war, has become the
worst teacher we could ever get; we have been spared the rod, and became
spoiled beyond recognition. "Spoiled" here is meant in the sense of a
psycho-passive condition of the American people that exposes them to the
worst kind of mass hypnotism in world history, a hypnotic sleep so deep in
fact that we did not wake up to the reality of what was going on neither
after Lincoln was murdered nor when McKinley was murdered nor when Joe Hill
was murdered and with him the American socialist movement, nor when Kennedy
was murdered, nor when Martin Luther King was murdered; nor did any one of us
wake up during WW1 nor WW2, nor during McCarthy's days, nor during the cold
war, nor during Vietnam and our conquest of South America, nor after the fall
of the Berlin Wall, nor at our attacking Iraq, destroying Yugoslavia, and
sowing seeds of war elsewhere worldwide, from East Timor to Israel, still

We have permitted an ever increasing demon to take control of our lives, our
thoughts, our whole outlook on life, and sink into the quagmire of most
profound misconceptions, of overestimating ourselves to an extreme degree and
fatally and dishonestly underestimating others, and isolating and separating
ourselves, our country, from the rest of the human family-be it Europe, the
Arab world, Asia, or the United Nations-and removing ourselves totally from
any control or sphere of influence of any higher ideal of the laws of God or
of social justice. That is what is left from our much-praised "Liberty":
freedom from our conscience and freedom from all human decency. We ourselves
permitted this to happen, it has been we who were bartering away our
birthright for a mess of pottage, for a little sweet hypnotic sleep. Those
who rule us are masters to blame all or any evil happening to America to
anti-American devils, Satans who, strangely, came to earth for the sole
purpose of blaspheming against the holy United States. Most of us, certainly
subconsciously, believe at least a little from this American-made Potemkin
village for the mind. We managed to succeed the English, masters of
xenophobic arrogance against all those "unfortunate humans" who were
"accursed by God to dare to have a different native language than
English"-just test yourself how you react when hearing a non-English word out
in the street or in a supermarket! Do you smile and are friendly in your
heart, or do you look serious and even offended that "an inferior subhuman
non-Anglo" "dares to speak a non-English language in our presence"? Then, we
also have from our Englishness many other medieval forms of brutality, not
possible or even imaginable elsewhere; a servant-master, "higher versus
lower" mentality that means brutalizing everybody "below" you, threatening
people if they do not please you; in short, we as a Nation, even when we are
just among ourselves, behave as slave keepers. Then we are surprised that
when visiting Paris, waiters in restaurants à la ville de la lumière may
simply overlook us as soon as they detect our arrogant faces and
commandeering voice, our total reluctance to descend "to the same level with
a waiter" by saying at least a small "merci", let alone an unheard of "s'il
vous plait". The American (English) idea of a restaurant is that a waiter is
a person who is below you, so he or she is a slave or 

Re: [CTRL] Jesus was a Liberal

2000-12-12 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/12/2000 2:06:05 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 A few liberals are christians..
 Where were you given insight to Jesus' heart and mind?? 

Yes, a few liberals are Christians.  Very, very few conservatives are
Christians.It's all so interesting.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Florida and Texas bumper stickers

2000-12-12 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

The last time somebody listened to a Bush, folks
wandered in the desert for 40 years.

Jews for Buchanan

What popular vote?

I voted - Didn't matter

My parents retired to Florida and all I got was this
lousy President

Disney gave us Mickey, Florida gave us Dumbo


Bush trusts the people, but not if it involves

Now do you understand the importance of user-testing?

To you I'm a drunk driver; to my friends, I'm
presidential material!

One person, one vote (may not apply in certain states)



The election can't be broken. We just fixed it.

Banana Republicans

George W. Bush: The President Quayle We Never Had

Campaign spending: $184,000,000.
Having your little brother rig the election for you:
Network television is developing a "Texas Version"  of "Survivor",
the popular TV show... Contestants must travel from Amarillo through
Fort Worth, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, and back to Amarillo,
through San Marcos and Lubbock...Driving a Daewoo with a bumper
sticker that reads:

"I voted for Gore, I'm Gay and I'm Here to Take Your Guns".

The first to complete the round trip is the winner.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Jesus was a Liberal

2000-12-12 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/12/2000 1:58:39 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 It is difficult to understand how the Christian Conservatives can rant
 the 'evil liberals' when their own Saviour, Jesus Christ was a liberal, even
 radical of his time, who so incensed his religious contemporaries that they
 had him crucified. 

S!   They don't really know much about Jesus Christ.  They really
don't pay much attention to what he said or did or even how he lived.   They
do make a lot of fuss about his birth and death, but after that they really
lose track of him.  The big "C" to Christian Conservatives is the one on
Conservatives.  The C on Christ isn't too important to them.  Prudy

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Supreme Court Rules for Bush

2000-12-12 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Supreme Court Rules for Bush

Updated 10:48 PM ET December 12, 2000
By RON FOURNIER, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - A U.S. Supreme Court as divided as the nation's voters
ruled for George W. Bush in the Florida presidential election case Tuesday
night, reversing a state court decision that had ordered new recounts sought
by Al Gore.

In an extraordinary late-night decision that unfolded on national television,
the justices said the recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court violated
equal rights and there was not enough time to conduct a new effort that would
meet constitutional muster.

"Because it is evident that any recount seeking to meet the Dec. 12 date will
be unconstitutional ... we reverse the judgment of the Supreme Court of
Florida ordering the recount to proceed," the court said.

The campaigns, Bush and Gore alike, were poring over the complex and detailed
ruling, which came five weeks to the day after the presidential election.
Florida's 25 electoral votes would decide the winner.

On Monday, Gore's Democratic running mate, Joseph Lieberman, had said that if
the Supreme Court "basically overrules the Florida Supreme Court ... that's
probably the end of it."

Gore lawyer Laurence Tribe told NBC-TV he disagreed with the decision, but "I
think the courts' place in our lives is such that we all should rally around
even if we disagree with the results."

The court's unsigned opinion said seven justices agreed that there were
constitutional problems with the recount ordered by the Florida court, but
that they disagreed on the remedy.

"It is obvious that the recount cannot be conducted in compliance with the
requirements of equal protection and due process without substantial
additional work," the court said.

But the majority said that because Florida lawmakers intended in effect to
complete the choosing of electors by Dec. 12 an order requiring a new recount
"could not be part of an appropriate" remedy.

The court issued its ruling in an unsigned opinion. Chief Justice William H.
Rehnquist and Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas went further in a
separate opinion, saying the Florida Supreme Court also violated the
Constitution and federal law in ordering the recount.

In a blistering dissent, Justice John Paul Stevens called the Bush legal
appeal a "federal assault" on the laws of the state of Florida.

"Time will one day heal the wound to that confidence that will be inflicted
by today's decision. One thing, however, is certain. Although we may never
know with complete certainty the identity of the winner of this year's
presidential election, the identity of the loser is perfectly clear. It is
the nation's confidence in the judge as an impartial guardian of the rule of
law," Stevens wrote in a dissent joined by justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and
Stephen Breyer. Also dissenting was Justice David Souter.

Justices Sandra Day O'Connor and Anthony M. Kennedy did not sign any separate
opinion, but their votes were counted in the main unsigned opinion.

Without a recount, the certification of Bush as the winner of Florida's 25
electoral votes - and thus the presidency - would stand.

In Florida, meanwhile, the state House approved a resolution that would send
the Bush electors to the Electoral College if he lost in the high court.

"The 2000 presidential election is spiraling out of control and we must stop
it now," Republican Rep. Paula Dockery said during a heated debate in
Tallahassee over GOP plans to select electors loyal to Bush. The Florida
House passed the resolution, 79-41, and the Senate moved toward a possible
vote on Wednesday.

A few blocks away, Gore's options were reduced further when the Florida
Supreme Court refused to disqualify thousands of absentee votes, many of them
for Bush. Democratic attorneys had challenged the ballot applications, and
Gore had expressed sympathy with the case.

The ruling meant the U.S. Supreme Court was Gore's last stand.

"It's down to game, set and perhaps match," said Bush ally Bill Owens, the
Republican governor of Colorado.

About 100 demonstrators gathered outside the nation's high court in
Washington, carrying signs and often arguing among themselves. Even the Man
of Steel didn't think the wait was so super; Scott LoBaido of New York,
dressed as Superman, lugged a two-sided sign proclaiming this was "The End"
and it was time to say "Good Night, Al. The Party Is Over."

Tuesday was a deadline of sorts for states to certify their presidential
electors, but both sides were focused on Dec. 18, when the Electoral College
will cast its presidential votes, and on an early January deadline for
Congress to count them. Florida's 25 votes would put either man over 270, the
total needed to become America's 43rd president.

Bush was in Texas and Gore in Washington as the justices considered the vice
president's appeal to restart the manual 

[CTRL] StopPlan Colombia

2000-12-12 Thread William Shannon
Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 14, 2000
issue of Workers World newspaper

StopPlan Colombia

It is encouraging news that the InternationalAction Center--which has done such good anti-war and anti-sanctions work withregard to U.S. aggression against Cuba, Iraq and Yugoslavia--has opened anotherfront in the fight to stop U.S. imperialist aggression. The visit by formerU.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark and three of his associates to the liberatedareas of Colombia extends a hand of popular solidarity to another region. Thegroup's plans for an eyewitness report meeting Dec. 12 in New York gives themovement an opportunity to broaden its opposition to Washington's plans for anew Vietnam-type war in the 21st century.
Last summer, when President Bill Clinton and theU.S. Congress authorized $1.3 billion for quot;Plan Colombiaquot;--most of itto buy military equipment for the Colombian army--this amounted to adeclaration of war against the people of Latin America. Specifically, itdeclared a U.S. war against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People'sArmy (FARC-EP) guerrillas who have liberated a region of Colombia the size ofSwitzerland.
According to the Pentagon's public-relationsspokespeople, it never intervenes to protect and expand the interests of ahandful of billionaire bankers and oil magnates who exploit the world'sworkers. No, it intervenes to quot;stop aggression,quot; to quot;defendhuman rightsquot; and in the Latin American region to wage a quot;war ondrugs.quot; According to the Clinton administration's big lie, the FARC-EP andother guerrillas are partners with Colombian drug cartels--and that's why theU.S. must give massive military aid to the Colombian army.
A story in the Dec. 5 New York Times, withoutmeaning to, debunks this big lie. It reports on and virtually extols theanti-guerrilla exploits of the so-called United Self-Defense Forces (AUC),though it admits this scurrilous gang is made up of drug-cartel enforcers armedby right-wing forces in the Colombian army. Even as it describes thesehoodlums' massacre of Colombian peasants, it alleges that they have become aneffective arm against the guerrillas.
Anyone who remembers the history of the Pentagonin Vietnam and El Salvador knows that this AUC is another version of the deathsquads used by the CIA to murder and intimidate the masses. Especially sincethese masses would of their own free will choose to live in a Colombialiberated by the FARC rather than one subordinate to Washington, its puppetgovernment in Bogota and its murderous henchmen in the AUC.
Members of the IAC delegation that visited SanVincente Caguan in liberated territory of Colombia now have the opportunity toarouse the movement here to the pressing need to show solidarity with theColombian workers and peasants and to fight to end Plan Colombia. We urge ourreaders who can to attend the meeting in New York Dec. 12 as the first step inthat direction.
- END -
(Copyleft WorkersWorld Service: Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies ofthis document, but changing it is not allowed. For more information contactWorkers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Forsubscription info send message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED].Web: http://www.workers.org)

Re: [CTRL] For duh record

2000-12-12 Thread Tsadowq

-Caveat Lector-

Previous thread: Re: [CTRL] For the record.

Hello everyone,

In a message dated 12/12/2000 6:14:16 AM Mountain
Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 You obviously desire NEXUS and myself to
look bad to other readers on this list.

Actually Duncan, you are doing a great job of this all by yourself.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A Lesson in Academic Housecleaning

2000-12-12 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

~~for educational purposes only~~
[Title 17 U.S.C. section 107]

Pearl Harbor Historiography:
A Lesson in Academic Housecleaning
by Gary North

Robert Stinnett closes his excellent summary article
on Pearl Harbor historiography with these words:
"Though the Freedom of Information Act freed the
foreknowledge documents from the secretive vaults
to the sunlight of the National Archives in 1995,
a cottage industry continues to cover up America's
foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor." Cottage industry,
indeed! This cottage industry is the entire
professional guild of salaried historians.

Pearl Harbor's Establishment historiography remains
as secure in its tenured cocoon as it was when I
began college in 1959. American history textbooks
are as free from the truth about Roosevelt's
deliberate provocation of Japan, and his advance
knowledge of Pearl Harbor, as they were in 1943.
Mr. Stinnett does not have a Ph.D., nor is he
employed as a history instructor. He was therefore
in a position to tell the truth. This was equally
true of journalist George Morgenstern, whose 1947
book on Pearl Harbor was the first to put the
story together in one detailed volume. The
historical guild paid no attention to Morgenstern.
We shall see if it pays attention to Stinnett. I
strongly doubt that the reception will be either
favorable or widespread.

A week ago, I sent a letter to a group of my
subscribers. It provided background on the issues
raised by Mr. Stinnett. I made this point, in the
context of how intellectual guilds operate. They
adopt a three-phase position on a controversial
new idea.

  1. The story isn't true.
  2. The story is true, but so what?
  3. We always knew it was true.

I then illustrated this with the historiography of
Pearl Harbor. Here is what I wrote.

* * * * * * * *

Consider the conservatives' account of Roosevelt's
advance warning of the Japanese attack in late 1941.
When George Morgenstern wrote Pearl Harbor: The
Story of a Secret War, only right-wing Devin-Adair
would publish it (1947). The book was ridiculed by
academic historians as being a pack of unsubstantiated
opinions written by a mere journalist  and a Chicago
Tribune journalist at that. When the premier liberal
historian, Charles A. Beard, said much the same thing
the next year in President Roosevelt and the Coming
of the War (Yale University Press), he was dismissed
by his colleagues as senile, and he permanently lost
his reputation. When the premier American diplomatic
historian, Charles C. Tansill, said it again in 1952
in his Back Door to War (Regnery), he, too, was
shoved down the liberals' memory hole.

Today, the revisionist account of Pearl Harbor is more
widely accepted, and is gaining ground fast. Another
journalist, Robert B. Stinnett, recently found the
"smoking gun"  an 8-page 1940 memo by a lieutenant
commander in the navy on how to get Japan to attack
us, a memo that Roosevelt adopted, point by point. His
book is titled, Day of Deceit: The Truth About FDR and
Pearl Harbor (Free Press, 1999). Stinnett served under
a young George Bush during World War II. His book is
the capstone to his career.

The liberals are now moving to stage 2: "The story is
true, but so what?" Stinnett's book argues that Roosevelt
basically did the right thing in luring the Japanese to
attack Pearl Harbor. This attack overcame America's
anti-interventionists, who had 88% of the people behind
them in 1940. Pearl Harbor got us into the War in Europe.

It didn't, of course. Hitler's suicidal declaration of
war on the United States on the following Thursday is
what got us into the European war.

It will be a long time before liberal historians get
to stage 3: "We always knew it was true." They will not
admit how they smeared the reputations of first-rate
historians who told the truth early, and then for the
next fifty years used their power over graduate schools
and professional academic journals to screen out the
truth. The issue was power, and liberals respect it
and use it.

* * * * * * * * * *

What happened to Beard sent a warning to any aspiring
young grad student who might have been tempted to
follow in Beard's revisionist path. Beard was at the
end of a long and distinguished career. He was the
only scholar ever to be elected as president of both
the American Historical Association and the American
Political Science Association. But his academic
achievements gained him no mercy when he broke ranks
on Pearl Harbor. James J. Martin, the premier
revisionist historian after Harry Elmer Barnes
died in 1968, in 1981 provided an account of what

Beard not only infuriated the influential supporters
of Roosevelt by his insistence that the continuous
deception by the President in making his steady
moves toward war while endlessly talking about his
peacefulness (few were allowed to forget his pre-election
promise in 1940 never to send Americans off to a war
outside U.S. borders) was in essentials, as Leighton
described it, "completely to 

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