[CTRL] FW: Holocaust survivors sue US for not bombing them

2001-03-29 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

It  was Assistant Sec. of War John J. McCloy who nixed the rail line
bombing. He claimed it was because it would have provoked “retaliation
against the Jews.” One cannot but wonder what he had in mind.

Later McCloy was High Commissioner for Occupied Germany. He turned loose
many, many Nazi war criminals, long before their sentences were up.
These included Otto Ambros.

Auschwitz was intended, first and foremost, to be synthetic rubber and
synthetic fuel factory complex. The more well known dead Jews were to be
merely a by-product. In charge of synthetic rubber production was Otto
Ambros, who also had developed the root technology on which magnetic
data storage is based. He was convicted of 25,000 counts of slavery and
mass murder, and was sentenced to eight years in prison. ( ! ) After
three and a half years, McCloy freed him.

The head of the W.R. Grace & Co., J. Peter Grace (a Knight of Malta)
later hired Ambros as a research chemist and petitioned Congress to
allow his emigration to the United States. This is the same J. Peter
Grace who President Reagan appointed to head the so-called "Grace
Commission" to make the United States government more "efficient."

According to Treason's Peace by Howard Watson Armbruster, Beechurst
Press, New York, 1947, p 386:

"The Assistant Secretary of War, until 1940 was a member of the law firm
of Cravath, de Gersdorff, Swain & Wood, which firm . . . had been
representing I.G. Farben or its affiliates in the United States. It may
appear to be a coincidence that Mr. McCloy should have turned up in the
War Department in 1941 in a position in which he could speak with
authority on such matters as handling the destruction of that mainstay
of Germany's war potential -- I.G. Farben."

Later still, McCloy served on the infamous Warren Commission, which used
the laws of physics defying “Magic Bullet” theory to cover up the coup
of 11-22-63. McCloy was particularly thorough at covering up the role in
the coup of certain Nazi war criminals who had been brought to America
after the war to serve in American intelligence and science.

For details, see:


For more on the Farben connection, see:


Oh yeah, and McCloy was also the guy who designed the Pentagon building
and insisted that it be aligned with true north. One cannot help but
wonder why.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] LT: Scientists Find New Age Crystal Power All In The Mind

2001-03-29 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Scientists Find New Age Crystal Power All In The Mind

By David Derbyshire and Celia Hall


  Scientists may have shattered one of the fundamental
beliefs of the New Age movement: that dangling a crystal around
the neck raises personal energy levels and uplifts the spirit.

A study has shown that the sensations reported by believers in
crystals - such as tingling, warmth and feelings of wellbeing -
come instead from the power of suggestion. When given cheap, fake
crystals, people reported exactly the same mysterious sensations
as when they handle the genuine articles. The belief that quartz
and semi-precious stones contain a subtle power unknown to
science is a key part of the New Age industry.

Crystals, it is claimed, can alleviate stress, boost creativity,
cure disease, raise levels of consciousness and enhance psychic
powers in areas such as divination and dowsing. Three years ago,
Cherie Blair caused a stir when she appeared at a film premiere
wearing what appeared to be an expensive crystal pendant designed
to shield the body from mobile phone and computer radiation.

Dr Christopher French, a psychologist at Goldsmith's College,
London, set out to test the effects of crystals on 80 volunteers.
Half were given a genuine New Age crystal for a few minutes while
mediating. The rest were asked to handle a cheap plastic fake,
but were told that it was the genuine article.  The volunteers
were also given a booklet explaining 10 of the sensations that
they might experience.

These included tingling, more focused attention, balanced
emotions, a rise in hand temperature, increased energy levels,
improved sense of wellbeing, relaxation of the forehead,
stimulation of the brain, increased swallowing reflex and
"activation of all levels of consciousness". Only six out of the
80 failed to experience at least one of these sensations.

The most common sensations reported were a warmer hand and
increased concentration, Dr French told the British Psychological
Society conference in Glasgow yesterday. But Dr French found no
difference in the sensations reported by those holding a real
quartz crystal and those given a fake.  Believers in crystals
were also twice as likely to report a sensation than
self-professed sceptics.

Dr French also looked at how susceptible the volunteers were to
suggestion and hypnotism. He found that believers were far more
susceptible to suggestions than the sceptics. "The fact that the
same effects were found with both genuine and fake crystals
undermines any claims that crystals have the mysterious powers
which they are claimed to have," he said.

"The power of suggestion, either explicit or implicit, seems to
be the not-so-mysterious power that may convince many that
crystals have the potential to work miracles. The data presented
are consistent with the idea that believers in the paranormal are
more susceptible to this power."

Dr Richard Wiseman, psychologist at the University of
Hertfordshire in Hatfield and a researcher into paranormal
claims, said: "It is suggestive that the power of crystals is in
the mind instead of in the crystals. Clearly there is an effect,
But people are paying hundreds of pounds for crystal and they
might as well pay just a couple of quid."

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WP: A Radical Transformation: Former '60s Agitator David Horowitz Has Changed His Politics, But Not His Tone

2001-03-29 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The Washington Post

A Radical Transformation

Former '60s Agitator David Horowitz Has Changed His Politics,
But Not His Tone

By Michael Powell
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, March 28, 2001; Page C01

BERKELEY, Calif. - The student warriors have pants that pool
about their feet and tattoos that crawl around their biceps, and
more piercings than a Dinka chieftain. They're gathered to hear a
former high priest of the 1960s left.

"I marched for civil rights not only before you were born," the
speaker begins, "but before many of your parents were born . . ."

The audience shifts, restless.

"Thirty years ago I contributed to the atmosphere here" - he
pauses; his eyes dance - "and I'm appalled! This is a place of
intellectual terror! Leftists have contempt for America."

So perfect, this David Horowitz moment, the blend of agitprop and
indignation and intellectual provocation. A week before, the
62-year-old Marxist turned conservative Republican firebrand
called the Berkeley student newspaper and took out an
advertisement to advance his new cause: "Ten Reasons Why
Reparations for Blacks Is a Bad Idea for Blacks - and Racist

It ran, and a student "coalition of color" confiscated the
newspapers and marched into the Daily Californian office and
demanded that the editor apologize for running the ad. Which,
they insisted, was hurtful, and racist, and oppressive.

Horowitz's trap was so well laid that its jaws slapped shut
before the students realized what had happened. Soon newspapers
and liberal writers and civil libertarians across the country
were slamming the radicals for political correctness run amok.

"Censorship is the weapon of the impotent." Horowitz is a short
cork of tightly wound energy, and his voice trips a bit as he
paces the well of the Berkeley auditorium. He's flanked by two
broad-shouldered bodyguards. "Apparently on this campus some
ideas are too dangerous for people to hear.

"It's pathetic."

The left is authoritarian, the academy peopled with cowards, the
students sheep in service of socialist impulses. Horowitz
finishes, and a gentleman with a large Afro who describes himself
as "a longtime former university employee" stands atop a chair.

"You, sir, are a racist and a bigot."

Horowitz frowns. "If this university weren't such an intellectual
monolith you would realize how stupid this sounds."

"You're a bigot."

"And you're stupid."

Boos keen and Horowitz slides out a side door. But not before he
smiles a provocateur's smile.

"I've always had dangerous ideas. It's just that now different
people find them dangerous."

Long Strange Trip The transmigration from left to right, the long
march from Marx and Lenin to Adam Smith and the joys of bourgeois
democracy, is a road well traveled in American politics and
culture. The Great Depression of the 1930s sent thousands of
Americans into the arms of the communists; revelations of
Stalinist depredations sent many back into the embrace of

The '60s and the Vietnam War produced another defector class.
When Weathermen leader Bernardine Dohrn offered a pitchfork
salute to Charles Manson in 1970, and some bomb-mixing radicals
managed to blow up their own Greenwich Village town house, more
than a few comrades fled the hills of the far left.

"As happens with many sensible people, when they start
decapitating people in the name of the revolution, reality
settles in," says Hilton Kramer, a conservative critic of art and
culture. "David's political change of heart is one of the most
familiar scenarios in the 20th century."

Few migrated so far and so conspicuously. Horowitz had genuine
lefist bona fides: He edited Ramparts, the quintessential '60s
radical mag. He wrote respected tomes on Marxism and revolution
and advised Black Panther leader Huey Newton.

Reel forward 30 years:

Horowitz runs Frontpage Magazine, a conservative "shin-kicking"
Web publication (www.frontpagemag.com). He has the ear of Bush
adviser Karl Rove and House Majority Whip Tom DeLay. And his most
recent book, "The Art of Political War," is a how-to guide for
beating the Democratic Party senseless.

His rhetoric is white-hot; no shadows. The day after his speech,
Horowitz puts fork to endive and romaine at the Cafe Rouge, in
Berkeley's gourmet ghetto. He's talking Clinton.

"Because Clinton is brilliant and a sociopath, he was able to
disguise that the Democrats have become a very ideological,
left-wing party." Horowitz pauses in mid-attack and smiles. He's
having an interior moment. "I know myself: I can really argue a
hard line."

Republican activists love it. They claim Horowitz as their
radical pamphleteer and guerrilla leader - as if Tom Paine met
Mao at a William F. Buckley mixer.

DeLay passes out Horowitz's books at Republican forums. Former
congressman James Rogan is an unabashed acolyte: Horowitz, Rogan
writes, is the "Sun Tzu of the 21st century," comparing him to
the ancient military philosopher.

"He's definitely got a

[CTRL] DoD, U.S. Agencies Team To Keep Out Foot-And-Mouth Disease

2001-03-29 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001
From: Press Service <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: DoD, U.S. Agencies Team To Keep Out Foot-And-Mouth Disease

DoD, U.S. Agencies Team To Keep Out Foot-And-Mouth Disease

By Gerry J. Gilmore
American Forces Press Service

WASHINGTON, March 29, 2001 -- The U.S. Department of
Agriculture, U.S. Customs and DoD are working together to
prevent foot-and-mouth disease, which has cropped up in
Britain and Europe, from coming stateside.

"We need to continue following USDA guidelines that have
been in place for years" to keep foot-and-mouth disease out
of the United States, said Dr. (Lt. Col.) Robert D. Weir,
chief of animal medicine at DoD's Veterinary Service

Weir noted the disease was last seen in the United States
in 1929.

The Army is DoD's executive agent for veterinary services,
said Weir, who has met with USDA and senior Pentagon
officials over foot-and-mouth disease issues.

Recent outbreaks of the disease in Britain, Ireland, France
and the Netherlands are a DoD concern, Weir said, since
U.S. troops and family members stationed in Britain and
throughout Europe could be affected by movement
restrictions that impact training and affect the
availability of certain food items.

However, he noted that effective import restrictions have
been in place in the United States for a long time to keep
out diseases such as foot-and-mouth. Since the recent
outbreak in Europe, Weir said, DoD has taken measures to
heighten awareness and enhance inspection and disinfecting
procedures to avoid the spread of foot-and-mouth disease
and prevent its entry into the United States.

Overseas- and stateside-based U.S. Agriculture and Customs
officials "are enforcing guidelines that have worked for
years and are still working," Weir said. The disease virus,
he noted, can survive in infected meat, milk, dairy
products and animal byproducts. Humans can transport the
virus on clothes, dirty shoes or other dirt-encrusted items
or equipment, he added.

Airplane and shipboard passengers returning to the states
from overseas are required to fill out U.S. Customs and
Agriculture Department forms and declare any food and other
foreign items being brought into the country, Weir said.
Travelers and baggage arriving from countries with foot-
and-mouth disease outbreaks are liable for heightened
scrutiny and inspections, he noted.

Additionally, long-standing U.S. military processes
overseas dovetail with U.S. Customs and Agriculture
Department procedures that prepare service members'
household goods, vehicles and equipment prior to shipment
back to the states to prevent the importation of diseases,
Weir said.

Foot-and-mouth disease affects cloven-hoofed (two-toed)
livestock animals such as cattle, sheep, swine, goats and
wildlife like deer and antelope, said Army Dr. (Capt.) Nina
A. Kaplan, a veterinarian and staff officer at the
Veterinary Service Activity. Fever and blisters found on an
affected animal's tongue, mouth, nostrils, teats or feet
characterize the disease, she said.

"Animals can survive the acute illness, but never fully
recover," Kaplan said. "Foot-and-mouth disease can be
economically devastating to farmers and dairymen -- anyone
dealing with livestock."

Kaplan said the disease is highly contagious. "For
instance, if you had a herd of cattle or pigs you could
count on nearly every animal getting sick in a matter of
days," she said.

Cats, dogs and horses don't contract foot-and-mouth
disease, Kaplan said, but they can carry the virus on their
feet and coats.

Governments are concerned about outbreaks, Weir said,
because foot-and-mouth disease triggers trade restrictions.

To prevent the spread of the disease, "livestock, meat and
dairy products from affected countries cannot be exported
to any country that is foot-and-mouth disease free," he
said, adding that international trade can be severely

Weir said foot-and-mouth disease is not considered a risk
to consumers, although a few laboratory workers and
butchers exposed to the open blisters of infected animals
have contracted a mild form of the disease, with cold-like

"It is not transmitted from person to person," he said.

Weir reiterated that time-tested policies are in place to
prevent the introduction of foot-and-mouth disease to the
United States.

"Travelers need to be aware of and follow travel advisories
and make sure they adhere to and comply with USDA
guidelines," he concluded.

Related Sites of Interest:

o USDA hoof and mouth information

o AFPS article
'Foot and Mouth' Doesn't Halt Europe Troop Training"

o U.S. Army, Europe Foot and Mouth Web site

o Air Force Print News article
"England bases implement steps to avoid further disease outbreak"



2001-03-29 Thread MICHAEL SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[I wonder where he got this kind of money?]


Thursday,March 29,2001


The mother of Jesse Jackson's love child is penning a tell-all
book that claims she received a secret payoff of $450,000 from
the civil-rights leader, a new report says.

Ex-mistress Karin Stanford also reveals that to prove Jackson was
the father of her 22-month-old daughter, she froze a condom
containing his sperm, the National Enquirer says in its upcoming

It says the book also alleges that:

* Before giving birth to their child, Karin was pregnant by Jesse
a previous time but had an abortion at his request.

* After learning of the affair, Jackson's wife, Jackie, was so
angry that she pointed a gun at him in their Chicago home and had
to be restrained by a guest.

Raenelle Zapata, Stanford's lawyer, said, "At this time, Karin is
not writing a book. She may or may not do a book in the future."

The lawyer denied that Stanford received $450,000, but said she
couldn't comment on the other allegations.

"One of the reasons [her client] hasn't done anything is she is
concerned how her daughter will view this when she grows up,"
Zapata said.

What Stanford decides to do depends on whether she reaches a
support agreement with Jackson.

"She wants to make sure that her daughter has the same
opportunities as his children," the lawyer said. "I don't foresee
any problems, but you never know. If we can't settle, we will go
to court."

Jackson, who spoke at a hospital-workers rally in Bronxville,
said he had no comment on the support agreement.

As for the book and its allegations, he said, "I know nothing
about that."

When the story broke in January, Jackson said his Rainbow
Coalition paid $35,000 to Stanford, who had headed the group's
Washington office, and that he paid her $3,000 a month in

But the Enquirer says the fiery preacher got supporters to cough
up a secret payoff of $450,000.

Not so, said Michelle Jordan, Stanford's spokeswoman. "The
allegation about a secret payoff is completely untrue."

The newspaper also says that Stanford borrowed a page from Monica
Lewinsky - who kept a blue dress stained with ex-President Bill
Clinton's semen - to prove he was the father of her child.

After Jackson made love to her, she kept the condom he used and
stored it in a freezer, the paper says.

The next day, she took it to a lab, which established a DNA
match, it says.

The Enquirer says Stanford, a former professor, has written 10
chapters of the book, tentatively titled "Public Servants,
Private Lives."

But if her book is making the rounds, it has failed to ignite
much buzz in major publishing circles.

"I haven't heard anything about it," said Alfred Regnery, head of
Eagle Publishing and Regnery Publishing in Washington.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

*Michael Spitzer*  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Psycho factories

2001-03-29 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Psycho factories

Nonviolent criminals go in and sadistic thugs come out, but with military
spending down, America's small towns are hooked on prisons.

By Maria Russo

March 29, 2001 | "Going up the River" has a central idea so intuitively
convincing, you wonder how it ever escaped our attention: In the aftermath
of the Cold War, Americans have replaced military spending with spending on
new, high-tech, ever-more-punishing prisons. Prisons are now seen primarily
as sources of jobs and revenue, rather than as places for rehabilitating
criminals. Those who run prisons have abandoned penal theory -- that
troublesome business of figuring out what best helps inmates, most of whom
will eventually return to the outside world, clean up their acts. Programs
for inmate education and counseling have been steadily disappearing. We no
longer want to reform criminals; we simply want to punish them -- and, not
incidentally, to make as much money as we can off of them in the process.

Across the country, this shift in strategy has saved a few economically
desolate rural towns that have become homes to the new prisons. It has also
lined the pockets of corporate giants such as AT&T, which controls the
lucrative pay phones in prisons. (Inmates now spend an estimated $1 billion
a year on long-distance phone calls.) And it has made millionaires out of
many savvy, and quite a few plainly unscrupulous, wardens who have jumped
ship from public prisons to new private ones, where they can cash in on
stock options and take home free-market salaries and huge "consulting
fees." These corporate ventures, with names such as CCA, the Corrections
Corporation of America, often build prisons on spec, then rent their cells
to state systems at bargain prices, snipping a few dollars a month off the
cost of keeping an inmate at a public prison.

Just as the prison boom has kicked in, the national crime rate has dropped.
Yet we've continued to build new prisons -- because we like them, not
because we need them, argues Joseph T. Hallinan, author of "Going up the
River." It's a classic case of the tail wagging the dog, he says. To do
this, we've had to persuade ourselves to believe about crime "what
Americans had believed about communism in the 1950s: that its threat lurked
everywhere at all times, and could be stemmed only by the creation of a
vast military-industrial complex -- only now it was a prison-industrial
There are, of course, other factors at play in the prison boom: The crime
rate may have fallen steadily in the last decade, but the length of the
average prison sentence has gone up. Hallinan, a journalist who has been
writing about the criminal justice system for almost a decade, shows how
the rise of mandatory-sentencing laws, in particular those for drug
offenses, took discretion away from experienced judges, eliminated mercy
and stuffed prisons with nonviolent offenders serving long terms with no
possibility of parole. In 1995, the average prison term served for homicide
was six years; for selling crack cocaine, it was 11.

Life behind bars, meanwhile, has become all the more degraded, Hallinan
reports. In some maximum-security units, inmates regularly pelt guards with
feces, urine and food; the guards wear safety glasses. In several state
systems, such as Illinois', well-organized gangs effectively run prisoners'
daily lives, terrorizing and raping the weak, even controlling cell and
work detail assignments, all the while overseeing the drug traffic back
home from their phones while guards look the other way.

In part thanks to those mandatory drug-sentencing laws that treat crimes
involving crack cocaine much more harshly than those involving
standard-issue cocaine or other drugs, inmate populations are
disproportionately black. But new prisons are almost always built in white,
rural areas, far from inmates' homes. Politicians claim this is because
these areas suffer from high unemployment, but as Hallinan points out, the
nation's inner cities aren't exactly hotbeds of employment opportunity,
either. While studies have shown that regular contact with family and close
friends in the outside world is a key to prisoner rehabilitation, most
inmates are now housed across entire states from their homes, in places
with little opportunity for job programs or other community involvement as
their sentences near completion.

Hallinan shows how racial tension between white guards and nonwhite inmates
is almost inevitable; the symbolism alone is enough to drive up the stakes
in the slightest confrontation between the two sides. In Texas, armed white
guards patrol on horseback while the mostly black and Chicano inmates do
field work, singing work songs passed down from the days of slavery.
The problem is that while building new prisons near the areas that most
inmates come from makes a certain kind of rational sense, it doesn't make

[CTRL] Carter: Elections conducted better in other countries than U.S.

2001-03-29 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Carter: Elections conducted better in other countries than U.S.

March 26, 2001
By Linda Petty
CNN.com Senior Writer

ATLANTA, Georgia (CNN) -- Former President Jimmy Carter said Monday that
the United States does not have an acceptable democratic system because
voting systems vary so much between the 4,000 counties within the country.
"There's no way really for us to have any uniformity, no way to guarantee
that voters' decisions will be counted accurately and there is no way to
educate, in advance, a system of voters, say in a particular area like
around Atlanta, because we probably have got 10 different ways to vote in
this immediate television coverage (area)," Carter said.
He spoke to CNN from the Carter Presidential Library in Atlanta, Georgia,
which hosted the first public hearing by the National Commission on Federal
Election Reform.
Carter, a Democrat, and former President Gerald Ford, a Republican, are
honorary co-chairs of the panel, which is politically balanced.
The commission was organized by the Miller Center of Public Affairs of the
University of Virginia and The Century Foundation. It receives no public
funds, operating on grants from a group of foundations.
"Today we had experts on voting procedures, we had professors who know the
history of our
voting laws and we also had elected officials who've actually observed
problems and possible solutions in different parts of the world today," he
Carter said the panel was formed only because all of America was
embarrassed by last year's presidential voting in Florida, where arguments
over half-punched, punch-card ballots held up the final outcome. But
Carter said several other states, including his home state of Georgia,
would probably fare as badly under such close scrutiny over ballot count
He also said the only good thing about the different systems in the
thousands of U.S. counties is that they make good testing grounds so the
panel can check on what works and what doesn't.
Carter said the panel is looking at ways to improve "the way that people
register, the way that people vote and to guarantee that when their votes
are cast that they'll be counted accurately and to make sure that we don't
discriminate against voters who might be poorer or live in a precinct that
has a bad system."
He suggested that newer electronic systems may be the most accurate.
Carter said Congress is so divided over election reform that lawmakers
can't even agree on how to form a select committee to look into the matter.
Congress last week held two days of hearings on how to avoid a repeat of
the presidential election fiasco but ended the hearings with a partisan
split on how to proceed.
The former president is well known for his work as an observer at elections
around the world. He said he has seen elections conducted better in other
countries such as Guyana, which he visited last week.
"It was almost a perfect election in that there were no errors basically in
the way ballots were marked and later counted. And we don't have anything
like that in this country," he said. "We have a long way to go in meeting
the standards of most democracies on earth."
Carter also noted that 88 percent of registered voters in Guyana went to
the polls.
"We have about as low a turnout as any developed country on earth and we
also have more errors in our voting places than any other country in which
I've been involved and we have less incentive to make those corrections,"
he said.
He suggested changing election day to a holiday such as Veterans Day to
make it more convenient for voters to get to the polls.
"Veterans, including myself, would be very proud to have us choose a
president and U.S. senators and congressmen and other state officials on
our holiday," said Carter.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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[CTRL] Kopp arrested

2001-03-29 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

Get up-to-the-minute updates like this from


http://www.fbi.gov/mostwant/topten/fugitives/jkopp.htm">James Kopp, 
accused of killing abortion doctor Barnett Slepian in 1998, http://www.suntimes.com/output/news/29fugi.html">has been arrested in 
France, the Erie County prosecutor said today. Nicknamed the "Atomic Dog" in 
anti-abortion circles, Kopp had been arrested in several states since 1990 for 
protesting abortion. His car was spotted in Slepian's neighborhood in the weeks before 
the shooting, and was found abandoned at the Newark, N.J., airport in December 1998. 
From The Chicago Sun-Times.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Holocaust survivors sue US for not bombing Auschwitz

2001-03-29 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-

I couldn't find an URL for this story, and I would like to feature it in my fine Blog


Anyone have an URL where this story is posted? AFP, Yahoo, ClariNet all came up blank.

On Thu, 29 Mar 2001 10:42:50 -0400 Yardbird <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>-Caveat Lector-
>Holocaust survivors sue US for not bombing Auschwitz
>Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 14:20:08 PST
>   BERLIN, March 27 (AFP) - A group of Holocaust survivors has
>filed a 40 billion dollar (43.5 billion euro) law suit against the
>United States for not bombing the Auschwitz extermination camp, the
>German daily Berliner Zeitung said Wednesday.
>   The plaintiffs maintain that this inaction during World War II
>contributed to the genocide of Europe's Jews, the newspaper
>   They are also seeking damages from the American military for the
>theft of property from Hungarian Jews in April 1944.
>   One of the plaintiffs, Kurt-Julius Goldstein, vice-president of
>the International Auschwitz Committee, said the Nazis were not the
>only ones responsible for what happened to the Jews.
>   "It is not a question of exonerating Nazi war criminals from
>their principal responsibility in the genocide of European jews,"
>Goldstein said, but a tribunal ought to take note "there were others
>responsible for the Holocaust."
>Copyright 2001 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet)
>CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
>screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
>sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
>directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
>major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
>That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
>always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
>credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
>Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
>Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of
> http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Nazi Hydra In America

2001-03-29 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/29/01 7:17:19 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

>-Caveat Lector-
>Myopic crap. Where's the other side!!!

Sides? We don't need no stinkin' sides!

Not unless ya want to play their game.

Just a-slinging through space on a mudball.
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Robert Anton Wilson on Bush, drug war, faith-based executions

2001-03-29 Thread Kris Millegan

Robert Anton Wilson on Bush, drug war, faith-based executions

Robert Anton Wilson is a notable science-fiction (and other weirdness) author.

>From the Robert Anton Wilson letter farther down:
"Think how much this will aid the drug war alone, along with most of your other 
programs, and you will see the long-range benefits of this modest proposal."

It's surreal that corruption, death squads, faith-based capital punishment seem almost 
normal under a Bush/CIA theocratic dictatorship. By the way, Robert Anton Wilson (RAW) 
has a great article on the Nazis recruited into the CIA, and the CIA's involvement in 
drugs. I am beginning to understand how a Nazi government (and its deeper secret 
death-squad government) came to power in Germany.

Don't forget the drug war corruption link at the end.

Robert Anton Wilson letter to Bush.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/prank/message/99 and

 --- letter begins ---

The Wilson-Bush Letters:
19 Hermes 80 p.s.U.

Your Royal Fraudulency King George II:

I wish to support your efforts to abolish as much as possible of the federal 
government and transfer its functions to faith-based organizations. I suggest that you 
should apply this idea especially to the controversial matter of capital punishment.

Let faith-based organizations take over our seasonal rites of human sacrifice; after 
all, they invented the institution in the first place, and it requires ardent faith to 
believe in it in the 21st Century. Distribute the boodle evenly to all faiths, so that 
Roman Catholics can burn offenders at the stake, in accord with their own faith-based 
system, Protestants can revive the public hanging, Moslems and orthodox Jews can 
employ stoning to death, Mormons can use bullets, Sikhs can chop off heads again, etc.

The federal funds so spent will not only boost the power of faith-based groups, but 
will proportionally decrease the influence of research-based groups, who often destroy 
faith and encourage doubt anyway.Think how much this will aid the drug war alone, 
along with most of your other programs, and you will see the long-range benefits of 
this modest proposal.

Hoping that this will meet with your approval, I remain

  Your serf and servant,
  Robert Anton Wilson

Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2001 12:02:33 -0500 (EST)


Subject: Re: Faith-based Executions

Sender: White.House.Mail.Relay.Autoresponder

The [EMAIL PROTECTED] received your electronic mail message.

Thank you.

 --- end of Robert Anton Wilson page ---

*Republican to English Dictionary. Drug war political spin control links, too. 
Deciphering political, corporate, and Republicrat rhetoric is useful in the fight 
against the Drug War.
http://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/dictionary.htm  -latest revision.
http://members.fortunecity.com/multi19/dictionary.htm  -older copy.

*Police corruption in the USA. Drug War. Chief Joseph McNamara on corruption, 
especially drug war corruption.
http://www.angelfire.com/rnb/y/corruption.htm  -latest revision.
http://members.fortunecity.com/multi19/corruption.htm  -older copy.

--== Sent via Deja.com ==--

 Yahoo! Groups Sponsor -~-~>
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in touch. Classmates.com has over 14 million registered
high school alumni--chances are you'll find your friends!

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[CTRL] The Bible 'not suitable for children'

2001-03-29 Thread Johannes Schmidt IV

-Caveat Lector-


The Bible 'not suitable for children'
By Richard Owen

THE Bible is an adults-only book that is "so full of eroticism" it should not be given 
to children, according to a Roman Catholic theologian.

Don Bruno Maggioni said he would today tell a conference, titled Eroticism in the Old 
Testament, that scripture was full of sex and violence. He said the keynote of the 
conference was the quotation from The Song of Songs – "Kiss me with the kisses of your 
The conference will be held in the northern city of Mantua under the auspices of the 
Italian National Bible Association. Father Maggioni, a noted biblical scholar, told 
Avvenire, the Catholic daily: "The Bible is a work for adults not just because of its 
sexual pages but because of the kind of questions it raises about mankind."

But there was nothing scandalous about biblical sex. "The Bible uses the word to 
'know', as in 'carnal knowledge', which implies a profound relationship of communion 
and knowledge between man and woman, which, in turn, is a reflection of God's knowing 
relationship with mankind." He said the Bible's erotic vocabulary had once been 
suppressed by priests and confessors "when the climate was more chaste, and reading 
rather crude expressions might be thought scandalous".

"But in reality, the Bible uses the language of the people – it is sincere, 
spontaneous, a language for all people, for all times. It only mentions sex when it is 
strictly necessary: when it forms part of a story – like the episode of Noah's 
daughters, or for diffusing information about laws of matters of health and hygiene, 
or to describe the sins of some of its characters like David and Bathsheba," he said.

The Book of Samuel tells how King David had a passionate affair with Bathsheba, wife 
of Uriah, a Hittite mercenary in his army, and then put her husband in the front line 
of battle so he would be killed. They married and their second son was Solomon, author 
of the Song of Songs.

Father Maggioini said sex was "the very first thing we read in Genesis – we read about 
Adam and Eve being naked and full of sin and shame". In other words, the threat of 
disorder is always "lurking in the joy of sex". He said the Bible assumed a natural 
attitude to sex but warned of the "terrible destructive force which sex can assume 
outside the framework of God's laws".

The Times

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/">ctrl

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Re: [CTRL] The Nazi Hydra In America

2001-03-29 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

Myopic crap. Where's the other side!!!

On Wed, 28 Mar 2001 22:10:29 EST Kris Millegan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Click Here:  HREF="http://www.spiritone.com/~gdy52150/noon.html">The Nazi
> Hydra In America
> -
> The Nazi Hydra
> In Fascist America
> The Nazi Hydra In Fascist America is a currently an ongoing work in
> progress
> of the White Rose. The Nazi Hydra was conceived to fill a gap in the
> literature by providing a detailed overview of the influence of
> fascism
> within the United States. The intent and motivation for such a
> project was
> twofold: to sound an ominous warning as to the direction this
> country is
> taking at the hands of the right wing and to provide a convenient
> all
> encompassing source on fascism in the Untied States for the reader.
> In this
> regards the chapters are heavily documented. And I urge the reader
> here and
> throughout the book to read the sources cited for further
> details.When
> complete the book is projected to span sixteen chapters. Chapters
> will be
> made available on this web site as they are completed.
> After two years into this project I now understand why such a book
> was never
> attempted before. Such a detailed accounting of fascism within this
> country
> would literally fill volumes. Some of the chapters are brutally
> long, yet I
> feel that I have omitted far too many details for the sake of the
> reader. For
> instance, the Chapter Ratlines covering the CIA and its reliance on
> Nazi war
> criminals, is over 27,000 words or roughly 60 pages.
> Many details had to be omitted in writing that chapter in setting up
> the
> premise of how this over reliance of Nazi war criminals started the
> cold war,
> influenced our foreign policy and even influence our medical testing
> on
> orphans and prisoners. At least a half dozen excellent books
> exploring this
> aspect of fascism comes to mind and the reader is referred to them
> extensively in the chapter. But such omissions of details become a
> fact of
> life in presenting a broad overview of a complex and many faceted
> topic.
> In fact nothing remains unchanged from the original outline. Even
> the title
> was changed to better reflect on the subject from the original title
> of High
> Noon: in Fascist America. The real danger of fascism is that its so
> insidious
> that it can creep into every crack of daily life unnoticed including
> religi
> ous groups, hence the logic behind the change in title. Chapters
> were omitted
> and others added as research dictated. Additional information and
> revisions
> need and will be made in some of the chapters already written. But
> such
> changes are the hallmark of good research.
> Some readers will undoubtedly find the Nazi Hydra disturbing. They
> shudder at
> reports of another Nazi war criminal being deported and the crimes
> against
> humanity that he inflicted onto others. They fear to ask the
> question how
> such a person could slip into the country or how many more are
> present.
> Others may be livid with anger as the Nazi Hydra details the
> associations of
> the Republican Party and past presidents: Nixon, Ford, Bush and
> Reagan with
> Nazi war criminals. But history cannot be rewritten and it's a story
> that
> must be told. Those that aided Nazi war criminals are no less guilty
> of
> crimes against humanity than any of the Nazi war criminals and need
> be held
> fully accountable at the end of a hangman's rope. As today we stand
> at the
> edge of a deep chasm with the right wing ready to shove us over the
> edge into
> full-blown fascism.
> Still others may find the Nazi Hydra as it was intended as a useful
> resource
> and the danger that fascism presents to the world and the United
> States
> today. In fact I have received an email from a wonderful lady in New
> Zealand
> that has been using it as a reference in the forum MAI-NOT. Her
> email with
> her name omitted appears in the rave review link below. The one
> thing I do
> promise is the book will not end in darkness. The final chapter will
> be a
> chapter detailing solutions to stopping fascism dead in its tracks.
> For the
> reader that cannot wait one such proposal can be found in the
> Corporate
> Welfare section in the links section of the White Rose. The proposed
> solution
> to ending once and for all time corporate rule and domination is the
> proposed
> constitutional amendment.
> I would greatly appreciate if any reader has documentable evidence
> of fascism
> or of right wing propaganda material to please email such material
> to me. One
> particular item that I am currently seeking is a list of the twenty
> one steps
> to communism originally put out by the John Birch Society in the
> 1960s. And
> currently being promoted by a militia group from Arizona and
> recently found
> posted on a bulletin board of a Midwest state university.
> I hope you find the Nazi Hydra useful and please feel free to q

[CTRL] InvasionMars.org

2001-03-29 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 Cosmic Comentary - http://CosmicRose.tripod.com/CCC.html


 © 2001 All rights reserved.

 The Plan

 Most anomalists suspect there is more to Mars than we are being told.

 Many scientists are in dispute over theories and findings about life on

 The enigmatic data is there to support our suspicions.

 And many believe there is also only one way to find out the truth
 about life on Mars both past and present ...

 We need our own private Mission to Mars !!!

 Don't be concerned, a private mission to mars is not beyond our reach!

 The technology is available today!

 The Chinese, the French, the Russians, NASA... There's lots of competition!

 Join our non-profit venture now!

 We don't want your money,  not right now, anyway...
 just your sincere pledge for support!

 Our target is $300 million

 Sounds impossible, yes... But it's not!

 Here's the outline of our basic plan...

 My goal is to collect a world-wide list of interested supporters, who are
 willing to pledge future financial support at any level or value.  $10.00,
 $25.00,  $50.00,  $100.00,  $1,000.00, or more... Whatever amount you
 believe you can honestly pledge for such an exciting space venture will

 You DON'T send us any money at this time,  just a sincere pledge to be there
 when the time is right.  What I will do is receive your e-mailed pledges of
 financial support and enter them into a log.  Your pledge is a promise to
 provide your  "comfortably affordable"  amount of funding. You'll also
 provide me your real name, address, phone number, and e-mail address.
 Keeping track of all of the data sounds like a lot of work, yes... But I'll
 do it.  And don't worry about anonimity... I promise to maintain your

 None of the personal information you provide will be made public and none of
 it will ever be used for any purpose other than what was originally
 intended... It will be used for one purpose only, keeping track of pledges.
 I will enter your emailed pledge into a log, then develop a list called "The
 Log" that I will post regularly on our website.  I will not make your full
 name public on the website, (unless you specifically ask me to)  only your
 first name and the initial of your last name, or if preferred, your own
 special screen name, State or Province,  &  Country...  Whatever your
 desire.  Also,  I will identify your pledge with a number... That number
 will refer to your real e-mail of record that will not be made public on any
 website.  This will be a simple way for me to assemble a matrix with which I
 can report the pledge status to web visitors on a regular basis.

 I have made a committment to collect and record the pledges for as long as
 it takes to reach our goal of $300,000,000.00...  Hopefully, it won't take
 more than 5 years!... Then once we have a strong base of financial support,
 utilizing a democratic voting process via e-mail, we'll develop a committee
 of 21 of our most capable and loyal representatives to establish policy that
 will ultimately lead to the successful planning and development of this
 private mission to Mars.

 We have time to work out logistics as it could take three to five years to
 gather enough pledges to make it possible...  And lets face it,  money
 talks... As our support increases, so will the interest of various space
 agencies willing to take advantage of our potential and deliver our goal...
 As our support grows, even a few independent scientists may want to become
 active participants and assist us in this exciting space venture!

 Once we gather enough financial support our committee would first select an
 attorney to legally set up all procedures and accounts, so we could actually
 begin collecting the pledges. Then, not unlike NASA does for mission
 sub-components, our committee would develop a criteria package for our own
 mission,  develop a call for qualifications,  screen proponents, and then
 advertise a subsequent request for proposals to qualified vendors for our
 own Mars mission... This can work folks!

 Our private mission to Mars will mature (we have three to five years to work
 out the details) and if we all join together,  I just know we can make this
 happen! We have the POWER!

 Become a part of history today, send me your pledge!

 We CAN do it!

 Mail your pledge to: kksamurai

 Visit "The Log" to see the pledges we've received so far!



CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and th


2001-03-29 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

From:  Cosmic Comentary - http://CosmicRose.tripod.com/CCC.html

In connection with this, a rather cynical UK newspaper article suggested the
"slaughter of all people" within the vicinity of any one person who had been
infected, using a similar style to the reporting of a proposed mass cull of
pigs, cows & sheep. Makes you think, doesn't it!

Best wishes

 I firmly believe the slaughter of animals worldwide(with 'disease' used as
 the reason) is an effort to gain further control of the food supply,
 whereupon more of the 'useless eaters' can be gotten rid of. That is just my
 opinion of course;^}

 I have heard it said several times now that the foot and mouth disease does
 not affect humans, so why the panic over it?  And if the animals were taken
 care of as noted below it would not be a concern for them either. Ahhh but
 the techniques of animal husbandry related below would cramp the corporate
 farms style, wouldn't it?

 Steve M.

 "Should I keep back my opinions through fear of giving offense, I
 should consider myself as guilty of treason toward my country and an
 act of disloyalty toward the majesty of Heaven, which I revere above
 all earthly kings."  --Patrick Henry

 Begin forwarded article from:




  Despite the everyday 'virus' stories issuing forth from Pirbright Animal
 Health Institute and other government agencies responsible for  the
 management of  the so-called crisis, there is growing evidence that foot and
 mouth is not viral in nature.

 This page looks at  well-sourced contrary information on foot and mouth that
 points to environmental factors playing a major role in this condition.

 Were environmental factors found to be at the root of foot and mouth, this
 would have severe implications for the highly lucrative 'virus and vaccine'

 Visitors to the Soil And Health Library are given opportunity to read
 accurately rendered, unabridged texts of carefully-selected older books
 whose importance and contemporary relevance has not diminished.

 Albert Howard, an Honorary Fellow of the Imperial College of Science, was
 formerly the Director of the Institute of Plant Industry and Agricultural
 Adviser to States in Central India and Rajputana. His many years farming
 experience and research into cattle disease and health led him to believe
 quite firmly that FMD is an opportunistic disease arising as a result of
 poor diet combined with intensive and  therefore unhealthy farming methods.

 Howard's battle to estabish these facts were at first thwarted by his
 superiors. We discover that vested interests were alive and well in the
 early part of the 20th century, just as they are today. Please read the
 following concise and very illuminating section. Links to the relevent
 unabridged chapters can be found at the bottom of this page.

 What you are about to read leaves some very awkward questions for MAFF,
 Pirbright and the UK government.



 Honorary Fellow of the Imperial College of Science,
 Formerly Director of the Institute of Plant Industry,
 Indore, and Agricultural Adviser to States
 in Central India and Rajputana

 assisted by

 24 Russell Square London



 The earth's green carpet is the sole source of the food consumed by
 livestock and mankind. It also furnishes many of the raw materials needed by
 our factories. The consequence of abusing one of our greatest possessions is
 disease. This is the punishment meted out by Mother Earth for adopting
 methods of agriculture which are not in accordance with Nature's law of



 About the year 1910, after five years' first-hand experience of crop
 production under Indian conditions, I became convinced that the birthright
 of every crop is health and that the correct method of dealing with disease
 at an experiment station is not to destroy the parasite, but to make use of
 it for tuning up agricultural practice.


 If this holds for plants, why should it not apply to animals? I therefore
 put forward a request to have my own work cattle, so that my small farm of
 seventy-five acres could be a self-contained unit. I was anxious to select
 my own animals, to design their accommodation, and to arrange for their
 feeding, hygiene, and management. Then it would be possible to see: (1) what
 the effect of properly grown food would be on the well fed working animal;
 and (2) how such livestock would react to infectious diseases. This request
 was refused several times on the gro

[CTRL] U.S. Military Moves To Control Space

2001-03-29 Thread DIG alfred webre

-Caveat Lector-

 -Caveat Lector-


 Presentation at Technology and Globalization Teach-In

 New York City,  February 24, 2001

 by Karl Grossman

 The United States is seeking to control space and from space
 dominate the Earth below and "control" and "dominate" are words used
 repeatedly in U.S. military documents. The U.S. military, further, would
 like to base weapons in space.  The new Bush administration is gung-ho for
 U.S. projection of space military power. As last month's report of the
 "Space Commission" chaired by incoming Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
 puts it: "In the coming period, the U.S. will conduct operations to, from,
 in and through space in support of its national interests both on the
 Earth and in space." Star Wars is back.
 But there's a difference since Star Wars first emerged under
 Ronald Reagan in 1983. Then it was purportedly needed to fend off what
 Reagan called the "evil empire," the Soviet Union. There is no Soviet
 Union any longer. And a key rationale for Star Wars now, U.S. military
 documents acknowledge, is the global economy of which the U.S. is the
 engine. The U.S. would, from the "ultimate high ground" of space,
 "dominate" the planet below in part to keep the global economy on track.
 Says the U.S. Space Command's "Vision for 2020" report , its cover
 depicting a laser weapon shooting a beam down from space zapping a target
 below: "The globalization of the world economy will also continue with a
 widening between "haves and have-nots." From space, the U.S. would keep
 those "have-nots" in line.
 The U.S. Space Command, set up by the Pentagon in 1985, describes
 itself in "Vision for 2020" this way: "US Space Command dominating the
 space dimension of military operations to protect US interests and
 investment.  Integrating Space Forces into warfighting capabilities across
 the full spectrum of conflict."  Vision for 2020 compares the U.S. effort
 to "control space" and Earth below to how centuries ago "nations built
 navies to protect and enhance their commercial interests," referring to
 the great empires of Europe that ruled the waves and thus the Earth to
 maintain their imperial economies.
 Consider the "Long Range Plan" of the U.S. Space Command. "The
 United States will remain a global power and exert global leadership," it
 says. "The United States won't always be able to forward base its forces.
 Widespread communications will highlight disparities in resources and
 quality of life contributing to unrest in developing countries. The global
 economy will continue to become more interdependent. Economic alliances,
 as well as the growth and influence of multi-national corporations, will
 blur security agreements. The gap between have' and have-not' nations will
 widen creating regional unrest. One of the long acknowledged and commonly
 understood advantages of space-based platforms is no restriction or
 country clearances to overfly a nation from space."
 The U.S. Space Command seeks to become "the enforcement arm for the
 global economy," as Bill Sulzman, director of Citizens for Peace In Space
 put it at the international conference last year of the Global Network
 Against Weapons and Nuclear Power In Space.
   U.S. citizens are not aware of the broad military plans of the
 U.S. for space because of the PR spin of the new Star Wars pitch (it's
 about protecting against a "Space Pearl Harbor," as the Rumsfeld
 Commission puts it, "just" about "missile defense") and due to
 communications media that are lazy and worse. But other nations of the
 world do understand. That's why, at the United Nations last November 20, a
 resolution was introduced on which 163 nations voted yes for "Prevention
 of an Arms Race in Outer Space." It reaffirmed the basic international law
 on space, the Outer Space Treaty of 1967, and specifically its provision
 that space be set-aside for "peaceful purposes." The United States
   A country leading in the international effort to stop the U.S.
 plans by strengthening the Outer Space Treaty and barring all weapons from
 space is Canadano potential rival.
   As Marc Vidricaire, representing Canada, said at the UN last
 year: "It has been suggested that our proposal is not relevant because the
 assessment on which it rests is either premature or alarmist.  In our
 view, it is neither.  One need only look at what is happening right now."
 Moreover, stressed the Canadian statement, "There is no question that the
 technology can be developed to place weapons in outer space.  There is
 also no question that no state can expect to maintain a monopoly on such
 knowledge -- or such capabilities -- for all time.  If one state actively
 pursues the weaponization of space, we can be sure others will follow."
 But the rogue state called the United States is blocking the Canadian

[CTRL] Computer Forensics

2001-03-29 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Mar 29th 2001
>From The Economist print edition

IN AUGUST 1986, an astronomer at the University of California,
Berkeley, noticed a 75-cent discrepancy in the accounts for a
computer in his laboratory. This was an intriguing problem for
Clifford Stoll. When he investigated, he found that somebody had
broken into his computer and used it for a short time without
permission-just enough to unbalance the accounts.

In what has since become the first, legendary, tale of computer
forensics, Dr Stoll spent a year of meticulous work tracking and
recording the hacker's movements. He watched him use the Berkeley
computer to attack military computers in Alabama, California and
inside the Pentagon. It turned out that the intruder, a German hacker
called Markus Hess, was selling American military secrets to the
Russians. Mr Hess was caught thanks largely to Dr Stoll's diligent
pursuit of him.

Fifteen years later, computer forensics is a growing commercial and
legal activity. It even has its own academic literature. Computer
forensics refers to the set of tools and techniques that is needed to
find, preserve and analyse fragile digital evidence, which is
susceptible to alteration and erasure at many levels. Its
practitioners gather these data, and create a so-called "audit trail"
for criminal prosecutions. They search for information which may be
encrypted or hidden in graphics files, unallocated disk-space and
even random memory dumps known as file slack. Most cunningly of all,
they set up "honeypot" computers that lure malicious hackers (as the
branch of the hacking fraternity that aims to damage the machines it
gains access to is known) into giving themselves, and their
techniques, away.

The most ambitious public example of this is the Honeynet Project, a
network of honeypot computers that was set up a couple of years ago
by Lance Spitzer of Sun Microsystems. Last week, the Honeynet Project
reached the conclusion of its "Forensic Challenge", a sort of digital
version of the game "Cluedo" ("Clue", to Americans), which attempts
to discover that, for example, "Miss Hackwell" did it to the Linux
with the Ramen worm. The challenge showed that analysing traces of an
attack by malicious hackers is not as easy as it sounds.

David Dittrich, the co-ordinator of the Forensic Challenge (and a
security engineer at the University of Washington, in Seattle),
offered contestants a snapshot of one of Honeynet's hacked systems.
The challenge for the teams was to see who could find out most about
what had happened.

Each of the 13 submissions took a slightly different approach, and
nearly every entrant found at least one thing that the others had
not. But, even though many entrants had more than six years'
experience in security or systems administration, only three teams
identified the information that showed who was probably behind the

The Honeynet Project is run by a group of 30 computer-security
engineers, some of whom, says Mr Dittrich, have "slightly chequered"
pasts. But it has proved its worth. Last year, for example, it
successfully tracked down a group of malicious Pakistani hackers who
were trying to use the network to attack websites across India.

That attempt highlights one common reason that malicious hackers
attack computers. They are looking for a way of launching a veiled
attack on a third party. But what the project also found is that most
attempts to do this are not, actually, very sophisticated. There are
legions of low-tech "script-kiddies" who are using automated software
tools to find and take over any vulnerable computers on the Internet.
Well-known and easily available programs, such as NetBus, Back
Orifice and Sub 7, allow a malicious hacker to gain full control of
that machine's operating system. Last year, script-kiddies used a
similar technique to launch so-called distributed denial-of-service
attacks on the websites of Amazon, eBay, Yahoo! and CNN, bombarding
them with junk until the volume of traffic paralysed them.

Hack to the future

This sort of attack is likely to become more frequent. The Internet
is, in any case, set up in a way that makes it difficult for
computers to distinguish friend from foe. And the spread of "always
on" connections such as cable modems and digital subscriber lines
mean that lots of computers with poor security are permanently linked
to it. As computers get cheaper, many owners have come to view them
as little more than appliances like televisions, and are unconcerned
about protecting them from hackers. Because of this, sophisticated
break-in techniques are no longer necessary.

Security experts therefore reckon that the automated tools used by
script-kiddies are an important threat. One such tool, the Ramen
worm, attacks computers that run a particular version of the Linux
operating system. Everything needed for an attack is bundled together
in this program. It can scan computers

Re: [CTRL] preschool children can be reliable witnesses

2001-03-29 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

Dear List,

Please find info on the article below.

Sincerely,  Neil

 Credibility and further psychological problems of young children as
 witnesses in criminal justice procedures: A case study [article in
 Niebergall G, Sporer SL, Warnke A
 Z Kinder Jugendpsychiatr 1995 Mar 23:1 44-55

 A pair of 3 1/2-year-old twins who had possibly witnessed their mother's
 murder were examined by a child psychiatrist and a child psychologist as
 part of a judicial inquiry. The procedure developed specially for this
 purpose, the actual course of the investigation and the evaluation of
 the findings with regard to psychological aspects of evidence are
 discussed. The theoretical part of the study deals with the current
 state of knowledge and the problems relating to evidence given by young
 children as witnesses. The main emphasis is on general and specific
 credibility, identification of people associated with the crime,
 suggestibility and probabilities related to guessing, perceptual and
 memory performance, and minimization of emotional sequelae in children
 who are witnesses to violent crimes. The authors conclude that preschool
 children can be reliable witnesses in preliminary hearings and court

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] British reporter killed in Kosovo

2001-03-29 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

British reporter killed in Kosovo

Staff and agencies
Thursday March 29, 2001

A British journalist was killed today near the Kosovo-Macedonia border as he
arrived to cover the deployment of Nato-led peacekeepers monitoring fighting
between Macedonian troops and ethnic Albanian rebels.
Kerem Lawton, 30, a news producer working for Associated Press Television
News (APTN), died of shrapnel wounds he suffered when a shell hit his

His car was shelled as he arrived this morning in the village of Krivenik,
1,200 yards (1,100m ) inside the Kosovo border. At least two other civilians
were killed and 10 others wounded in the assault. Their identities were not
immediately known.

Syllejman Klokoqi, an APTN cameraman who was working with Mr Lawton but had
left the car moments before it was struck, was uninjured.

Mr Klokoqi said he had left the car to photograph refugees fleeing the area,
and Mr Lawton was parking it, when he heard an explosion and saw a plume of
smoke. "I saw people lying on the ground. I started shouting, 'Kerem!
Kerem!' Then I saw Kerem in the car," he said.

Nato medics treated Mr Lawton at the scene, then took him by road to Camp
Bondsteel, a US military base in Kosovo. He was dead on arrival at the base
hospital, said US captain Alayne Cramer. She said the medics were unable to
fly him out of the area because of sustained fire.

"We are all grief stricken at this loss," said Louis D Boccardi, the
president and chief operating officer of the Associated Press. "Kerem's
courage and devotion to gathering the story reached beyond any words we can
say. We weep with his family and his friends."

Major James Marshall, a spokesman for US forces in Kosovo, said no
peacekeepers were reported injured in the assault. American soldiers later
sealed off the village.

Both the Macedonian army and the rebels denied that they were responsible
for the Krivenik attack. Commander Sokoli, a regional rebel commander, said
the insurgents lacked the military capability to strike the village from
their positions in Macedonia.

A Macedonian military spokesman, Blagoja Markovski, said the shell that
killed Lawton "was not fired from the Macedonian side" but that the army was
conducting an investigation to be certain.

UN officials said 10 shells landed in the village. Captain Cramer said a
crater analysis was being conducted to try to determine where the shells
came from.

Mr Lawton had been based for the past several months in Pristina, the
capital of Kosovo province, and earlier had been assigned to Istanbul,
Turkey. He is the 26th AP journalist to die in the line of duty since the
news co-operative was founded in 1848.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Weather Modification

2001-03-29 Thread William Shannon

Weather Modification 
Philip L. Hoag

Weather modification technology is in use today by both the United States and 
the Soviet Union. Both the U.S. and Soviet projects involve the manipulation 
of the ionosphere and the alteration of the earth’s magnetic fields. This 
technology seems to have both localized and global capabilities. Evidence 
indicates that this technology also has the capability of manipulating human 
behavior and mood patterns.
Nikola Tesla 

All of this seemingly Star Trek-like technology originated from a Serbian 
immigrant named Nikola Tesla who came to the United States just before the 
turn of the century. This man, without question, proved to be the greatest 
scientific genius of this century. Tesla worked with both Westinghouse and 
Edison during the infancy of electricity and it was actually Tesla who 
developed alternating current. 
Tesla also experimented with electromagnetic flux and studied the earth’s 
gravitational field. During his research he discovered that the ionization of 
the atmosphere would alter when it was charged by radio wave transmissions in 
the low frequency range of 10 to 80 hertz. Tesla also discovered that he 
could cause both positive and negative ionization of the atmosphere by 
manipulating the radio frequency. Further studies indicated that with 
positive ionization, people and animals became tired and lethargic and with 
negative ionization the effect was one of feeling active and energetic.
Another interesting aspect of this technology is the effect which harmonious 
radio frequencies make when they impact air molecules. The molecules become 
excited and give off negatively charged electrons which readily combine with 
hydrogen and oxygen to produce water molecules. But even more profound is the 
fact that this type of radio wave also carries positively charged ions 
through the ionosphere into the magnetosphere. The positively charged ions 
then become trapped in the Van Allen belts, traveling between the Aurora 
Borealis and the Aurora Australis, right where we coincidentally have holes 
in the ozone layers.
Freon, the ozone killer, by its nature dissipates quickly. This inherent 
quality is a contradiction to the concept that a concentration of freon is 
creating holes in the ozone layers at the North and South Poles. However, 
when radio waves hit already unstable freon precipitates, they are so 
reactive that they can not move on and dissipate into the magnetosphere.
As far-fetched as this subject may seem, leaders in the elite global 
establishment have intimated the existence of this technology and its 
capabilities. In 1970 Zbigniew Brzezinski published a book titled Between Two 
Ages. Brzezinski is one of the founding directors of the Trilateral 
Commission. In this book he said, "Technology will make available, to the 
leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which 
only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised…Technology of 
weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of 
drought or storm." 

Further confirmation of the Western power elite’s interest in weather 
modification was revealed in an article which appeared in the September 12, 
1989 edition of the Washington Post. This article reported on the 1989 Tokyo 
conference on global environment. The president of the World Bank, Barber 
Conable, who is also a Trilateral Commission member, gave a speech in which 
he outlined the long-range goals of the one world elite. In this speech he 
said, "while higher temperatures may cause ‘a number of natural disasters,’ 
they might also warm cold and unproductive lands in the north into 
There is very good evidence that the one world group and the Soviets have 
been jointly involved in weather modification over the Northern Hemisphere 
since the early 1970s. In 1971 it was alleged that the U.S. and the Soviets 
started cooperating in secret weather modification projects. One such project 
was named POLEX, Polar Experiment of the Global Atmospheric Research Program, 
and another in 1973 was called AIDJEX, the Arctic Ice Dynamics Joint 
Experiment. It is purported that these experiments involved attempts to melt 
the polar ice cap. Other U.S. projects such as Nile Blue and Climate Dynamics 
involved the changing of the arctic ice pack. There was even an article in 
the December 16, 1980, edition of the New York Times discussing a joint 
U.S.-Soviet project involving the transmission of ELF waves from Antarctica 
designed "to interfere with the earth’s magnetic field."
Soviet Woodpecker System
The Soviet weather modification project is referred to as the Woodpecker 
system. It involves the transmissions of extreme low frequency (ELF) waves at 
about 10 hertz using Tesla transmitters in Angarsk and Khabarovsk in Siberia, 
Gomel, Sakhalin Island, Nikolayev in the Ukraine, Riga in Latvia and also a 
site 60 miles south

[CTRL] Defending America Newsletter 28 March 2001 Part 3

2001-03-29 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


NATO's Failure and Macedonia

Ed.: A report on the developing quagmire from our forward observer in Europe.

By: J. David Galland, 22 March 2001

The truths of the Kosovo war are emerging faster than you can say, "Slobodan 

Macedonia is the proverbial unwrapping gift under the Christmas tree. The 
next phase of this great Balkan war may have well begun in that territory 
last week. These hostilities are being launched by many of the same 
ethnic-Albanian guerrillas, which NATO embraced and fought alongside with in 

NATO is correctly blaming the guerrillas as "extremists" whose violent 
separatism must not be allowed to succeed. At the same time NATO remains 
doubtful whether the Balkan alliance will be willing to support that position 
with swift and decisive military action to prevent the next great regional 
tragedy. It was not long ago that during the Kosovo war, American political 
leaders were comparing the KLA to the Founding Fathers of America, and 
insisting that the pivotal issue to future Balkan stability was the removal 
of Slobodan Milosevic. 

Milosevic, and with him the dream of a "Greater Serbia," is history. However, 
the military conflict and strife clearly are not. The KLA, and their dream of 
a "Greater Albania," are still very much alive and well as, evidenced by 
their actions of the past week. 

What is even more troubling to this analyst is that the latest crisis 
festered and incubated right in front of NATO's eyes, in Kosovo, and the 
alliance failed to avert this latest mess. The reality of this is that NATO 
inadvertently facilitated this unfolding new wave of conflict by its failure 
to properly rein in the KLA after driving the Serbs out of Kosovo. 

Did NATO even have the mandate to issue a, "change of mission," order to the 
KLA? I assert that sinister and strange bedfellows are being uncovered by the 
insightful. This has CIA written all over it. 

Historically speaking, Macedonia was the first republic to have bifurcated 
itself from the old Yugoslavia. To this point, Macedonia is also the only 
republic to have managed the feat without bloodshed. Now the mayhem and the 
bloodletting have begun, just in time for spring. So who are the combatants 
of the day? On one side we have the Albanian nationalist guerrillas and the 
other we have the Macedonian security forces, and some NATO troops. 

Macedonia's Albanian minority has long felt a sense of injustice and 
unfairness. However this segment of society, has, until now, expressed it 
through the country's political system. That was before elements of the KLA 
began infiltrating from Kosovo and initiating hit-and-run attacks against the 
Macedonian security forces. At the same time, promising Albanians that, like 
in Kosovo, the path of violence would achieve their goals.

Their objective is to partition Macedonia, breaking off a chunk of territory 
on its western border as an Albanian enclave that would join with Kosovo and 
Albania. The early signs are that the fighting is fast eclipsing those on 
both sides of the ethnic divide who advise dialogue and moderation. Those of 
us who have covered all of the Balkan tragedies until now see last week's 
events as the opening punches of the next phase of war, in a country that I 
can honestly classify as, "hell on earth." 

NATO is justifiably alarmed, as well it should be. The dissolution of 
Macedonia will create the embarrassing debacle of another preventable human 
tragedy unfolding right under the noses of thousands of alliance troops. The 
growing conflict could also jump-start a wave of new wars throughout the 

NATO's plaguing weakness in the Balkans is rooted in flawed military 
principal. It wants to enforce the peace without exposing its own personnel 
to any risk. This policy, coupled with unwarranted wishful thinking about the 
region's political future and heading, weakens NATO considerably.

At the end of the Kosovo war, Washington had tried to reinvent the KLA. Only 
a few months earlier they were considered terrorists. Suddenly, they are the 
good guys and both NATO and America should trust them. This in view of the 
fact that elements of the guerrilla force were engaged in systematic ethnic 
cleansing of Kosovo's remaining Serbs, the NATO alliance, however, declined 

NATO found itself in a no-win situation in Kosovo. The reluctance of NATO to 
commit a sizeable infantry force to conduct a broad sweeping operation of the 
region, justified relying on the guerrillas. The KLA had fought for the 
liberation of Kosovo, but the fight for independence and, "Greater Albania," 
never ended for many former guerrilla commanders. 

When KLA elements started a new insurgency in the Presevo Valley area, along 
the Serbia-Kosovo border, NATO tried to tighten border controls 
unsuccessfully. The primary reason NATO 

[CTRL] Defending America Newsletter 28 March 2001 Part 2

2001-03-29 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


U.S. Expresses Support for Macedonia


Ed.: US support for Macedonia…first with non-military means. What’s 
non-military? Contractor support/training? What’s next? Let’s keep a close 
watch on this one. 


WASHINGTON (AP) - Dismissing ethnic Albanian rebels in Macedonia as a small 
minority, the State Department expressed ``unequivocal support'' Monday for 
the country's territorial integrity and said the United States is looking for 
additional ways to assist Macedonian authorities. 

The statement by spokesman Richard Boucher came after NATO Secretary General 
Lord Robertson said more NATO troops were being sent to beef up the border 
between Kosovo and Albania. 

Boucher said no consideration is being given to sending NATO troops across 
the border to assist in the struggle against the insurgents. 

At the White House, spokeswoman Mary Ellen Countryman, said the United States 
is considering additional nonmilitary help for the Macedonians. 

Boucher said the United States is ``very concerned with the situation. We're 
looking at it in conjunction with our NATO allies.''

He said NATO forces in Kosovo are taking ``resolute steps'' within the 
mandate under a Security Council resolution to control the Kosovo side of the 
Macedonia border.

``NATO has stepped up its patrols, tightened its patrols along the border,'' 
Boucher said. 

``They have detained insurgents that are trying to move across the 
Kosovo-Serbia boundary. They've interdicted armed shipments. They have seized 
weapons caches. We'll continue to move within NATO and with our allies to 
tighten up on the Kosovo side of the border.''

The ethnic Albanians contend they are treated as second class citizens in 
Macedonia and are demanding steps to eliminate alleged discrimination against 

Secretary of State Colin Powell agreed with Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer 
of Germany in a telephone conversation that NATO forces in Kosovo should 
increase security along the border area and deny the extremists any sort of 
safe haven in Kosovo, Boucher said. 

Boucher harshly criticized the rebels, calling them ``extremists'' who have 
``no legitimacy and don't represent, in our view, the vast majority of 
Albanian-ethnic citizens of Macedonia. 

``Their actions cause serious harm to the interests and image of those who 
claim to represent the ethnic Albanian community in Macedonia, Kosovo and the 

Boucher drew a sharp distinction between the Kosovo Albanians who the United 
States tried to help two years ago in the NATO air war against Yugoslavia and 
the ethnic Albanians in Macedonia. 

In 1999, he said, it was a case of ethnic Albanians trying to protect their 
homes and families against a Serb army that was bent on ethnic cleansing. 
``That's quite a bit different from having people, who live within a 
multi-ethnic democratic country, trying to assert some sort of control with 
guns,'' he said.




U.S. Planes To Fly PLA to Taiwan?

Ed.: And while we’re scolding the "Ruskies" for delivering aid to Iran, top 
US defense contractors are building up China's air fleet. Excerpts from a 
Human Events magazine report, featured in WorldNetDaily.  

By Terence P. Jeffrey 

…China is swiftly creating another, more insidious, threat to Taiwan, and 
U.S. policymakers seem oblivious. 

That threat is the rapid build-up of the PRC’s commercial air fleet…

…Since the Gulf War, the PRC has invested billions to modernize and expand 
its commercial air capacity. That should not be surprising. But perhaps it 
should be surprising that some top U.S. defense contractors have helped them 
do it… 

…Boeing, listed by the Defense Department as its No. 2 contractor, boasts on 
its corporate website of the help it has given the PRC in bolstering its 
commercial air capability: …"The Boeing Co. has invested several hundred 
million dollars in infrastructure development since 1993. From 1993 to 2000, 
Boeing has instructed over 11,000 Chinese aviation professionals, half of 
whom are pilots, maintenance and flight operations people."

Boeing is helping the PRC develop the ability to build aircraft components 
and train the personnel needed to maintain and fly large jets. "Training 
takes place in Seattle, Long Beach, Calif., and China," says Boeing. "A 
number of those trained by Boeing in the United States return to China as 
trainers themselves." 

"Boeing is assisting the CAAC [Civil Aviation Administration of China] in its 
effort to further develop the Civil Aviation Flying College (CAFC), China’s 
premier pilot training academy," says the company. "Boeing has given the 
college two multi-million-dollar 737 simulators, which are used to complete 
training for instructor pilots…"

…Boeing says on its website that it produces elements of its 737s, 747s and 
757s in China as part of

[CTRL] Defending America Newsletter 28 March 2001 Part 1

2001-03-29 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Defending America Newsletter  
Situation Report - 28 March 2001

"Command Responsibility"
"The Drumbeat for Change"

  SITREP From The President  - 28 March 2001 
  Through Zman’s Gun Sight - U.S.S. Greenville Incident 
  HACK’s Target For The Week - Mr. Rumsfeld... Drumbeats 
The Big Picture: 
Article 1 - U.S. Expresses Support for Macedonia 
Article 2 - U.S. Planes To Fly PLA to Taiwan? 
Article 3 - Powell Delivers Stern Warning To Russia, Iran 
Voice of the Troops: 
Article 4 - NATO's Failure and Macedonia 
Article 5 - Out of Kosovo in Two Years? Not Damn Likely! 
Article 6 - Basic Training Feedback 
Article 7 - USMC: No Incentive to Stay In 
Article 8 - Navy: Navy Decay Visible 
Article 9 - Senior NCOs Celebrate Changes of Command 
Article 10 - Reserve Military Intelligence 
Article 11 - Movies: A Glimpse of Hell
Article 12 - Military Health Care - Incontinence and Irregularity!  
Beret Update: KLA Wears Spiffy Black Berets Too!  
G. I. Humor:
Article 13 - Going Postal 
Medal of Honor: 
Article 14 - WARD, JAMES RICHARD, Dec 7th, 1941
Admin / Log Net
Editors Note - Article Submission - Contacts - Service Editors
Donations - Subscribe - Unsubscribe - Archives
Text Only - Printer Friendly Version



SITUATION REPORT:  28 March 2001

A. Main topics: 1) Command Responsibility 2) Kosovo/Macedonia 3) Basic 
Training 4) Navy Leadership 5) Healthcare 


* Thanks for the interesting responses to our recent questions. It looks like 
SFTT is gaining momentum on all fronts through the active involvement by many 
readers who are forwarding the message to their political representatives and 
the media. Please keep up the fight, so that the guys in power never forget 
who sent them to Washington. 

* Question of the Week: Are you concerned that our anti-drug involvement in 
Columbia could grow into another Vietnam? Do you approve of the use of US 
mercenaries to fight this undeclared war?

LONG-TERM. THANKS to all SFTT warriors who are support for fuel ammo and 

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!!! If you think we HIT a target, forward the newsletter to TV, radio and 
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Mail Check or Money order to:
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Important: Your donation is tax deductible! SFTT is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit 
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Prepare for Action - "Crew Ready! - LOAD SABOT - DRIVER MOVE OUT!"

R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT




Through Zman’s Gun Sight


A Ground Pounder’s View: Greenville Incident Could Reveal More Than Just Sub 
Commander’s Shortfalls 
By Ralf W. Zimmermann 
President, Soldiers For The Truth (SFTT)  

SFTT Dateline USA -  28 March 2001

To the surprise of the Navy brass and many of the public, Navy Commander 
Scott Waddle, skipper of the U.S.S. Greenville, which sank a Japanese fishing 
vessel, accepted full responsibility for his actions and mistakes and those 
of his crew.

Waddle did the honorable thing to bring closure to all who lost friends and 
relatives in the incident. He also upheld the honor code that once was 
standard for military and public officials but which in today’s no fault, 
"someone else made me do it" society, has been trampled by many in positions 
of power. Just recall how Bill Clinton evaded accountability for blatantly 
lying to the American people.

The Navy and its brass seem happy with the current outcome and Navy 
investigators outlined five factors that may have contributed to the 
accident: Improper staffing; broken equipment; number and location of 
civilian guests; rushing preparations of the drill; and the command climate.

Without hesitation, the TV media used the announcements to crucify Commander 
Waddle. MSNBC experts even accused him of leaking classified secrets to the 
visitors. Somehow it’s painful to listen to people who never bore the burdens 
of command for anything larger than their household and pets rush to judgment.

As Waddle has admitted full responsibility, the Navy can now proceed into 
court with much low

[CTRL] House Bill Proposes Lifting Ban On Assassinations

2001-03-29 Thread William Shannon

House Bill Proposes Lifting Ban On Assassinations

By Michael C. Ruppert, Publisher/Editor
From The Wilderness
Originally published January 24, 2001

HR 19, Introduced by Republican Georgia Congressman Bob Barr on January 3,
2001, the first day of the new 107th Congress, would legislatively repeal
sections of three Executive Orders specifically prohibiting assassinations
by the United States Government. Entitled the "Terrorist Elimination Act of
2001", the bill, submitted to the House International Relations Committee,
would specifically nullify sections of three previous Executive Orders
including one initiated by Ronald Reagan in 1981. It is interesting to note
that acts of Congress are not required to nullify previous Executive Orders
(EOs) which are, by definition, orders issued by the President and
Commander in Chief to all federal employees (including military) under his
authority. All that is necessary to reverse one EO is another EO. This is
exactly what President George W. Bush did with respect to EOs issued by
President Clinton on the environment in the last days of his
administration. Section 3 of HR 19 specifically states: "The following
provisions of Executive orders shall have no further force or effect: (1)
Section 5(g) of Executive Order 11905.
(2) Section 2-305 of Executive Order 12306.
(3) Section 2.11 of Executive Order 12333." [By Ronald Reagan] Section 5
(g) of Executive Order 11905, signed by Gerald Ford on 2/18/76 specifically
prohibited "political" assassination. Section 2-305 of Executive Order
12036, signed 1/24/78 by Jimmy Carter renewed the ban. Section 2.11 of
Executive Order 12333, signed by Ronald Reagan on 12/4/81 renewed the ban
on assassinations, or conspiracy to commit assassinations, as part of a
broader package which gave virtually complete control of the American
National Security apparatus to then Vice President George H.W. Bush. The
full text of HR 19 may be viewed at http://thomas.loc.gov. Enter a search
in the 107th Congress for 19 and it will take you straight to the bill. The
bold move, unreported and ignored by any major media, offers a chance for
an early referendum on the new administration's full-speed run at a more
violent and brutish foreign policy. The current bill, introduced by staunch
Bush supporter and Clinton impeachment leader Barr, indicates that the Bush
administration is seeking to add legitimacy to the move by implying that
Congress and the American people support the action. This can only mean
that there is quite likely a list of people the Bush Administration wants
to start killing fairly quickly. The appointment of career covert operative
and Annapolis graduate Richard Armitage as Deputy Secretary of State under
Colin Powell only underscores the clear message that the Bush
Administration is sending to the world. Armitage, who was denied a 1989
appointment as Assistant Secretary of State because of links to Iran-Contra
and other scandals, served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for
International Security Affairs in the Reagan years. U.S. Government
stipulations in the Oliver North trial specifically named Armitage as one
of the DoD officials responsible for illegal transfers of weapons to Iran
and the Contras. But Armitage's dirty past goes much deeper. A Vietnam
veteran and graduate of Annapolis, Armitage's roots have been thoroughly
intertwined with the likes of CIA veteran Ted Shackley, Richard Secord,
Heine Aderholt, Elliot Abrams, Dewey Clarridge, Edwin Wilson and Tom
Clines. All of these men have been directly linked to CIA covert
operations, the drug trade, the abandonment of U.S. prisoners of War after
Vietnam and/or Iran-Contra. Armitage has also been routinely discussed in
FTW as a Bush-era covert functionary who has been linked to covert
operations, drug smuggling and the expansion of organized crime operations
in Russia, Central Asia and the Far East. In 1986 a private dispute between
POW activist Ross Perot and Armitage went public as photos of Armitage with
a topless Vietnamese nightclub owner Nguyet O'Rourke brought allegations of
gambling and prostitution very close to Armitage's doorstep. The stories
went public when TIME and "The Boston Globe" wrote lengthy stories on the
feud in 1986 and 1987. That scandal arose as a result of 1984
investigations by President Reagan's Commission on Organized Crime in which
the photo and documentation of gambling charges and prostitution led
directly to Armitage's close association with O'Rourke. Then LAPD Assistant
Chief Jesse Brewer, a former Commanding Officer of this writer, served on
the Reagan Commission. The 1992 best-seller "Kiss The Boys Goodbye" by
former "60 MINUTES" producer Monika Jensen-Stevenson details Armitage's
role as Reagan point man on Vietnam POW-MIA issues and describes why
Armitage has earned the enmity of many POW activists. However, in a 1995
interview with "The Washington Post", Colin Powell referred to Armitage as


2001-03-29 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Thursday,March 29,2001




Allegedly paid secret 450G.

The mother of Jesse Jackson's love child is penning a tell-all book that
claims she received a secret payoff of $450,000 from the civil-rights leader,
a new report says.
Ex-mistress Karin Stanford also reveals that to prove Jackson was the father
of her 22-month-old daughter, she froze a condom containing his sperm, the
National Enquirer says in its upcoming issue.

It says the book also alleges that:

* Before giving birth to their child, Karin was pregnant by Jesse a previous
time but had an abortion at his request.

* After learning of the affair, Jackson's wife, Jackie, was so angry that she
pointed a gun at him in their Chicago home and had to be restrained by a

Raenelle Zapata, Stanford's lawyer, said, "At this time, Karin is not writing
a book. She may or may not do a book in the future."

The lawyer denied that Stanford received $450,000, but said she couldn't
comment on the other allegations.

"One of the reasons [her client] hasn't done anything is she is concerned how
her daughter will view this when she grows up," Zapata said.

What Stanford decides to do depends on whether she reaches a support
agreement with Jackson.

"She wants to make sure that her daughter has the same opportunities as his
children," the lawyer said. "I don't foresee any problems, but you never
know. If we can't settle, we will go to court."

Jackson, who spoke at a hospital-workers rally in Bronxville, said he had no
comment on the support agreement.

As for the book and its allegations, he said, "I know nothing about that."

When the story broke in January, Jackson said his Rainbow Coalition paid
$35,000 to Stanford, who had headed the group's Washington office, and that
he paid her $3,000 a month in support.

But the Enquirer says the fiery preacher got supporters to cough up a secret
payoff of $450,000.

Not so, said Michelle Jordan, Stanford's spokeswoman. "The allegation about a
secret payoff is completely untrue."

The newspaper also says that Stanford borrowed a page from Monica Lewinsky -
who kept a blue dress stained with ex-President Bill Clinton's semen - to
prove he was the father of her child.

After Jackson made love to her, she kept the condom he used and stored it in
a freezer, the paper says.

The next day, she took it to a lab, which established a DNA match, it says.

The Enquirer says Stanford, a former professor, has written 10 chapters of
the book, tentatively titled "Public Servants, Private Lives."

But if her book is making the rounds, it has failed to ignite much buzz in
major publishing circles.

"I haven't heard anything about it," said Alfred Regnery, head of Eagle
Publishing and Regnery Publishing in Washington.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Russia committed to Iranian arms deal

2001-03-29 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Russia committed to Iranian arms deal
Bush administration threatens sanctions against Moscow if sale occurs



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 

Russian officials say they are committed to completing an expensive arms deal 
with Iran, despite U.S. objections and threats by Washington to sanction 
Moscow if the arms deal -- worth a reported $7 billion -- goes through. 

"Iran is an independent country under no bans or embargoes," Deputy Prime 
Minister Ilya Klebanov told reporters yesterday, and as such, Russia has a 
right to engage in "active talks" to sell weapons to the Islamic republic. 

But Klebanov was careful to note that the systems being offered to Tehran 
were defensive in nature. 

"We will not sell any offensive weapons," he said. 

U.S. analysts disagree, however, and say that Russia is considering selling a 
number of systems that could be used for offensive purposes, such as Su-25 
jet fighters, submarines and ballistic missile systems. 

Klebanov downplayed the impending deal, noting that as of yesterday, "no new 
contracts that were not already signed under the by-now infamous 
Gore-Chernomyrdin agreement have yet been reached." 

The agreement Klebanov referenced was a 1995 pact made between then-Vice 
President Al Gore and former Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin in 
what some U.S. analysts called a subversion of The Iraq-Iran Nonproliferation 

The agreement, which was made in secret and purposely withheld from Congress 
at Chernomyrdin's request, involved the sale of a third Russian-made Kilo 
class diesel-electric submarine to Iran, as well as "naval mines" and other 
military gear ostensibly prohibited by law. 

Russian Kilo class submarine of the type sold to Iran. 

The law calls for the administration to level sanctions against Russia if 
Moscow sells weapons to either nation. Reports said that Gore promised 
Chernomyrdin that President Clinton would not impose those sanctions. 

Nevertheless, then -- as now -- Russia appears unwilling to heed Washington's 

Last month, Russian President Vladimir Putin, during a meeting with Iranian 
President Mohammad Khatami in Moscow, promised that Russia would sell Iran 
more weapons, as well as help Tehran finish building its Russian-designed 
nuclear power plant at Bushehr. 

The plant, begun years ago, was virtually destroyed during the eight-year 
Iraq-Iran war. Funding problems and lack of technical expertise have held the 
project up since then. 

U.S. officials believe Iran will use the plant to produce weapons-grade 
materials for nuclear weapons and place them atop new ballistic missiles 
Tehran has either already developed or is working to develop and deploy. 

The Bush administration has cautioned against Russian weapons sales to Iran 
and this week threatened to impose sanctions against Moscow if the deal goes 

Moscow replied by noting that its weapons sales did not violate any 
international agreements and that specifically the reactor deal would not 
include technology that would assist Iran in its reported quest for nuclear 

Putin has ordered the Russian defense industry to seek out and exploit new 
customers for advanced Russian weaponry, especially in the Mideast and 
Africa, to alleviate the chronic government funding shortages that are 
plaguing Russia and preventing it from developing its own next-generation 
weapons systems. 

Last year, Russia's arms sales centered mostly around purchases by India and 
China; 90 percent of the $4 billion earned by Russia last year in arms sales 
came from contracts signed with New Delhi and Beijing. 

The $4 billion figure was a record high for Russia for the 1990s, but still 
well behind the world's number one arms merchant, the United States. Britain, 
last year, was the second-largest arms dealer; France was third, and Russia 
was fourth. 

By comparison, reports say Moscow exported about $20 billion worth of weapons 
annually throughout the 1980s, though Klebanov warned that figure could be 

"We effectively are selling more now than during the Soviet times," he said, 
noting that many of the weapons exported during the Cold War were provided to 
client states on credit or for free. 

Moscow wants its defense industry to be at least the No. 2 arms supplier by 
2006, though Klebanov has admitted that goal may be too ambitious. 

"We can take second place, although political and financial conditions of 
[the] arms trade are becoming more difficult," he said yesterday. He also 
said because of Russia's diminished cash position, Moscow was unable to offer 
potential client governments payment deferments and discounts like the U.S. 
and other leading arms traders can. 

Indeed, such inability has led to Moscow's refusal to upgrade Syria's s

[CTRL] Little Noticed Accident Is Key To California Blackouts

2001-03-29 Thread William Shannon

Nuclear Information and Resource Service
1424 16th Street NW, #404, Washington, DC 20036. 202.328.0002; f:202.462.2183 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; www.nirs.org
For Immediate Release Contact: Michael Mariotte or Paul Gunter
March 22, 2001 202.328.0002

A significant accident February 3 at Southern California Edison’s San 
Onofre-3 nuclear power reactor is a major cause of the rolling blackouts that 
have plagued California this week.
According to published reports, California has lacked up to 800 Megawatts 
(MW) of power during the blackout periods. When running at full power, San 
Onofre-3 produces 1120 MW of electricity. Had the reactor been operating, the 
blackouts almost certainly would not have occurred.
The accident occurred when a circuit breaker fault caused a fire—that lasted 
nearly three hours—a loss of offsite power and a reactor scram. A related 
failure of an oil pump resulted in extensive damage to the plant’s turbine. 
The reactor is expected to be shutdown for repairs for at least three months. 
Although the utility claims no radiation was released and no nuclear safety 
issues were involved, the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission sent a 
Special Inspection Team to the plant site to investigate the accident. The 
NRC met with SCE officials today to go over their findings. That team’s 
report is expected to be publicly released soon.
"This serious accident, which has gone virtually unnoticed in the daily 
attention given to California’s electricity problems, highlights the 
vulnerability of electrical systems that rely on nuclear power, and is a 
clear demonstration why atomic reactors can never be counted on to meet our 
energy needs. Not only have nuclear plants always been too costly, they are 
too unreliable as well," said Michael Mariotte, executive director of the 
Nuclear Information and Resource Service (NIRS), a Washington-DC based 
nuclear watchdog group. "When one of these large reactors goes down—and as 
reactors age, they will go down more often—large amounts of replacement power 
are needed—but are not always available. This situation is likely to worsen 
as time goes on, not improve."
In January, California’s electricity shortage was prompted in part by a storm 
which washed large amounts of kelp into the Diablo Canyon nuclear plant’s 
water intake system, forcing those two reactors to reduce power to 20% to 
avoid a potential meltdown accident.
"Using nuclear power to meet electricity needs is a lot like playing Russian 
Roulette," said Paul Gunter, chief of NIRS’ Reactor Watchdog Project. "Most 
of the time you’ll win, but when you lose, the results can be catastrophic."
NIRS was among the organizations that opposed California’s deregulation law 
from the beginning, and supported a 1998 referendum that would have repealed 
that law. But California utilities spent $40 million to defeat the 
referendum, thereby ensuring their steady march toward bankruptcy.
"At the time, Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison were 
eyeing some $25 Billion in ‘stranded costs’ charged under the deregulation 
scheme to California ratepayers to pay for San Onofre and Diablo Canyon," 
explained Mariotte. "Much of that money seems to have been distributed to 
their holding companies, and has not been used for the benefit of 
Californians. And the bailout certainly hasn’t made their reactors any more 
reliable, nor any safer."
"Anyone who believes nuclear power is a way out of California’s (or the 
nation’s) energy problem should simply consider how much electricity could 
have been provided by safe, clean renewable energy and energy efficiency 
programs for the $25 Billion California spent on its unreliable nuclear 
reactors," concluded Gunter. "The choice is clear: we can meet our energy 
needs economically, or we can have nuclear power. We can't have both."

[CTRL] Mubarak: Arafat alliance with Iraq could spark regional war

2001-03-29 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Mubarak: Arafat alliance with Iraq could spark regional war

Thursday, March 29, 2001
AMMAN — Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has warned the Palestinians not to 
form an alliance with Iraq and Syria, Middle East Newsline is reporting.

Arab diplomatic sources said Mubarak has sent a series of messages to 
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat that warn of the consequences of 
his emerging alliance with Iraq and Syria. The sources said these messages 
warn Arafat that such an alliance would cost the Palestinians both political 
and financial support and lead the region into war.

On Tuesday, the Arab League summit heard an appeal from Iraqi President 
Saddam Hussein for an Arab war against Israel. "We do not agree to any deals 
on Palestine, all of Palestine from the Jordan [river] to the Mediterranean, 
including Jerusalem, its crown," Saddam said in a message read by his deputy, 
Izzet Eddin Ibrahim.

Arafat's alliance with Iraq and Syria began after the failed Camp David 
summit in July, the sources said. They said that by that time Arafat had 
embarked on plans to launch fighting against Israel amid pressure by the 
United States to reach a peace accord with the Jewish state.

Since August, cooperation between Arafat and Mubarak has been reduced, the 
sources said. The sources said Mubarak privately blamed Arafat for the 
widespread protests throughout Egypt in support of the Palestinians and 
against the regime in Cairo.

"They are on speaking terms," an Arab diplomat said, "but there is very 
little to say. You can say that the cooperation between the two men is on the 
level of rhetoric."

On late Tuesday, Arafat met Syrian President Bashar Assad for 45 minutes on 
the sidelines of the Arab League summit. The meeting capped months of efforts 
by Arafat to hold direct talks with the Syrian leader.

"There was a discussion on coordination and continued consultations," PA 
Information Minister Yasser Abbed Rabbo told PA radio on Wednesday. "The 
relations are moving in a positive direction."

The new Palestinian axis with Iraq and Syria also includes increased 
cooperation with Iran, the sources said. They said that for the first time 
since the PA was established in 1994, Arafat has given the Iranian-sponsored 
Islamic Jihad a free hand to strike Israeli targets. The Jihad claimed 
responsibility for two bombings in Jerusalem on Tuesday.

Mubarak is said to have warned Arafat that his alliance with Iraq will 
torpedo any hopes for Arab financial aid to the PA. Arafat's support for 
Baghdad has angered Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, which oppose the unconditional 
lifting of United Nations sanctions from Iraq.

Jordan has been sidelined as a result of Arafat's new alliance, the sources 
said. They said Arafat has ended any semblance of cooperation with the 
Hashemite kingdom and is believed to be supporting pro-Iraqi elements in 
Jordan that are pressing King Abdullah to sever relations with Israel.

Despite the new alliance, Arafat continues to discuss various peace plans 
with Egypt and Jordan, the sources said. But the effort is regarded as low 
profile and meant to maintain Palestinian relations with the United States, 
which is calling for a return to peace talks with Israel.

In New York, the United States has vetoed a Palestinian proposal to send 
United Nations forces to the Palestinian areas. The U.S. veto came at the end 
of nearly a week of deliberations in the Security Council.

The United States was the only one on the council to vote against the 
Palestinian proposal. Nine other council members supported the resolution and 
European Union countries abstained. 

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107, 
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use 
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational 
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Military fears attacks from cyberspace

2001-03-29 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Military fears attacks from cyberspace
By Bill Gertz

 The commander of the U.S. Space Command said yesterday he is worried
about China's growing capability to conduct computer warfare against U.S.
military networks. Top Stories

 Air Force Gen. Ralph E. Eberhart also said North Korea, Iran, Iraq and
other nations are working on cyber-attack capabilities that threaten the U.S.
military's increasing reliance on information systems.
 Regarding the Chinese, he said: "We see it espoused in their doctrine,
but we don't know if they in fact intend to use it, when and how they would
use it and what the triggering mechanism would be.
 "It concerns us when we see these capabilities out there," Gen. Eberhart
said during a breakfast meeting with defense reporters.
 Like the use of satellites for communications, "we've become so reliant
on our computer systems, our information, and as we train and exercise and
are involved in these contingency operations, we've come to take those
capabilities . . . for granted," he said.
 China's official military newspaper, Liberation Army Daily, stated in
1999 that the Chinese military planned to elevate information warfare to a
separate service on par with its army, navy and air force.
 U.S. intelligence officials have said China has conducted military
exercises involving information attacks. China also is suspected of
conducting some computer attacks on Taiwan's computer infrastructure.
 Computer warfare could involve blocking the military's use of computers
by introducing viruses or firing electromagnetic bursts to disrupt operations.
 Or, "worse yet, display information on our computers that was wrong,"
Gen. Eberhart said.
 Military commanders are more concerned about acting on falsely supplied
computer information than having no information at all. Loss of computer
access is less of a problem because those engaged in combat could rely
instead on intuition or experience on the battlefield, he said.
 "The worst thing to do is have the wrong information and act as a
result," Gen. Eberhart said.
 The U.S. Space Command, which the four-star general heads, is located in
Colorado. It provides warning of a possible missile attack, tracks objects in
space and would be in charge of conducting warfare involving space weapons.
 Recently, the command became the military unit in charge of what the
Pentagon calls "computer network defense" and its offensive counterpart,
"computer network attack."
 The military has "a long way to go" in preparing for cyber-battle, he
 The problem is that the technology and techniques of computer network
attackers in the hands of potential enemies keeps advancing as the military
develops ways to deter and stop them.
 "Right now we're pretty good at what I call a 'burglar alarm,' like a
burglar alarm that you would have on your house so that when somebody opens
the window or crawls inside we know they are there," he said. "What we need
is a neighborhood watch. We need to know when they are getting close."
 That will require better monitoring of computer networks for unusual
 "The sad part of this is that although we worry about state-sponsored .
. . capabilities out there from other nations, this is an area where
terrorists can certainly play, this is an area where [drug] cartels can
play," Gen. Eberhart said.
 Checking the origin of computer network attacks is difficult and it is
hard to discern whether an attack comes from a foreign state, a terrorist
group or a teen-age hacker, he said.
 Asked which countries he worries about in addition to China, Gen.
Eberhart said: "I think that you'll see North Korea obviously is becoming
interested in this. I think you'll see Iraq and Iran are interested in
developing these capabilities."
 India and other technologically advanced countries, while not in the
same category, also could carry out information warfare, he said.
 "Any country that has that type of activity in terms of computer
networks, in terms of software development, I think you could assume they
could apply that for military purposes, if they so choose," he said.
 Although he did not mention Russia, other U.S. intelligence officials
have said Moscow is working on computer network-attack capabilities.
 On offensive cyber-warfare, Gen. Eberhart said, "We're looking at all
applications of computer network attack."
 The general said his command conducted a war game earlier this year that
played out a space warfare scenario in 2017 between unidentified nations that
planned a conventional invasion, and a country with well-developed space
attack capabilities.
 Gen. Eberhart said the United States has a rudimentary anti-satellite
weapon "on the shelf" that could be used in a conflict but that blowing up
satellites is a "last ditch

[CTRL] Recount Update-Why USA Today and the Miami Herald delayed publishing their resul

2001-03-29 Thread William Shannon

Recount Update
Why USA Today and the Miami Herald delayed publishing their results.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
By Alicia Montgomery
March 29, 2001 | WASHINGTON -- Miscommunication, conflicting stories and
minor-league finger-pointing: all key ingredients in the endless Florida
election recount saga. And, as it turns out, they're part of the recipe in
the continuing drama surrounding one of the most prominent press recounts of
the vote.

According to an Associated Press story last Thursday, the Miami Herald, USA
Today and Knight-Ridder were scheduled to present the data from their joint
recount project, a full recount of Florida's undervotes, on Tuesday.
According to a spokeswoman in the Herald's office, editors were readying for
an appearance on "Nightline" to announce the results Monday night. And the
paper had spinmeisters from both parties ready the jump into overdrive. 

And then the story never came. So what's with the bait-and-switch?

According to Mark Seibel, the Herald's managing editor, the paper was
prepared to go ahead with the story and the recount results last week.
However, Seibel, who has been supervising the review of more than 60,000
undervotes from all 67 Florida counties, says his counterparts at USA Today
didn't understand some minor peculiarities in the data, and wanted to push
back the deadline.

"They just didn't have enough time to get fully familiar with the database,"
Seibel says. To allow for more time to address USA Today's concerns, Seibel
says, public release of the analysis has been postponed; he won't give a
definite date when the recount will be published. "What is it that they say?
Once burned, twice shy."

But Seibel's counterpart on the project at USA Today, reporter Dennis
Cauchon, claimed there was never a set date to begin with. Cauchon
acknowledges there were just a few questions about the data that USA Today
wanted resolved before the big release day. "The database had some minor
errors in it that we found," Cauchon says, then quickly qualifying the
problem: "It involved just 23 out of 64,000 ballots."

He repeatedly denies, however, that USA Today was responsible for pushing
back the release date. "There was no Tuesday publication date scheduled.
There was no press release," he says, calling the idea "an urban myth." He
cannot account for what led to the AP story.

But it was likely a press release sent out March 22 by Julio Garcia of Thorp &
 Company, the public relations firm that was handling the recount publicity
for the Miami Herald. Garcia says the advisory went to the major press
outlets, including AP, complete with information about setting up Tuesday
interviews with Seibel and others.

That came as a surprise to Cauchon. "You calling me has been the first I
heard of it," he says, though he later did allow that someone in his office
had mentioned hearing the announcement on CNN sometime Tuesday morning. But
Cauchon says no one, including Seibel, had contacted USA Today directly about
a March 27 release date.

"I can't imagine Dennis said that," Seibel responds, recalling conversations
he had with Cauchon and Doug Pardue, USA Today's projects editor, when they
discussed the timing of the story, and when to publish it to get a maximum
bang for its buck. "We had talked several days earlier about trying to
publish on the 27th of March, because we were worried about the Oscars, and
[before the results of] the Florida census information," Seibel said.
"Obviously they wouldn't have called me and said that they needed more time
if they hadn't known the date."

Cauchon, for his part, repeated that the USA Today never asked for "more
time," though he couldn't remember at what moment he had contacted Seibel
about his concerns over the data. "It's a fluid process. There's really no
one moment," he said. "I talk to Mark or e-mail him 10 or 15 times a day."

Either way, Cauchon and Seibel dismissed the confusion as a minor distraction
in the recount project, and say the belated release will benefit the
project's accuracy. And they did agree that there was no political motivation
for holding onto their data a little longer. "That's absolutely ridiculous,"
said Cauchon. "That's bullshit," said Seibel. "You can quote me on that."

Nonetheless, the Herald/USA Today recount story will have an immediate
political impact as operatives and activists from both parties prepare to
tout or trounce the results.
There have already been partial recount efforts. The Herald got an early
start in its second guessing when it reported on Dec. 3 that Gore would have
been the likely winner in Florida "If the vote were flawless." On Feb. 26,
the Herald published its recount of the 10,644 undervotes in Miami-Dade
County, declaring that Gore would have picked up a paltry 49 votes there had
the Supreme Court ruled in favor of his recount plan. On March 11, the Palm
Beach Post declared that, had it not been for the inf

[CTRL] Rabbi calls ADL leader Jews' 'worst enemy'

2001-03-29 Thread William Shannon

Analysis: Rabbi calls ADL leader Jews' 'worst enemy'

Wednesday, 28 March 2001 18:54 (ET)
Analysis: Rabbi calls ADL leader Jews' 'worst enemy'

WASHINGTON, Mar. 28 (UPI) -- Calling secular Judaism's preoccupation with
victimhood "liberalism with a circumcision," an Orthodox rabbi has given
the"Our Own Worst Enemy Award" to the head of the Anti-Defamation League.

An ADL official has dismissed the characterization.

Rabbi Daniel Lapin is president of Toward Tradition, a group based in Mercer
Island, Wa., that describes itself as "a coalition of Jews and Christians
dedicated to fighting secular institutions that foster anti-Semitism, harm
families, and jeopardize the future of America." The group bestowed the
"award" upon ADL National Director Abraham Foxman on Wednesday.

"The award is given to a Jewish American who exemplifies those cultural
forces that most endanger Jewish continuity, substituting unhealthy values
for Judaism itself," Toward Tradition said. "Children thus grow up to dismiss
Jewish identity as, for example, merely with an obsession with death and
persecution, or as liberalism with a circumcision."

"I think Abe Foxman means well," Lapin said. "But he's deluded by liberalism,
a worldview preoccupied by victimhood."

The rabbi called attention to Foxman's letter that appeared in the March 23
editions of the New York Times. In it, the ADL leader compared the newspaper
ads by conservative activist David Horowitz -- who opposes monetary
reparations to American blacks for being the descendants of slaves-- with
Holocaust deniers.

"Put that together with Foxman's statement last week about the 'big eruption'
of anti-Semitism in New York, and so on, and you get the picture of a guy
who's not in close touch with reality," Lapin said.

The rabbi was referring to a March 21 New York Times story in which Foxman
was quoted as saying: "Anti-Semitism is a disease, and we have seen a big
eruption of that disease in New York." Foxman based his remark on an ADL
survey that says anti-Semitic incidents rose by about 49 percent in New
YorkCity last year.

David Klinghofer, Toward Tradition's editorial director, questions the
survey's validity. Many of the incidents recorded are not crimes, he said,but
rather "anything anybody perceived as anti-Semitic." The ADL "gets paid (by
contributors) according to how much anti-Semitism it finds," Klinghofer told
United Press International Wednesday.

Toward Tradition said that Foxman's "tireless efforts" to convince American
Jews that they are beset by "a phantom anti-Semitism," when their own
experience suggests otherwise, "have helped to confirm many in thebelief that
being a Jew has to do mainly with being oppressed and hated."

The American Jewish Committee's annual study for 1999 reported
thatanti-Semitism is the main concern of 62 percent of American Jews, up 5
points from 1998. This belief pertains "notwithstanding the strength of
democratic institutions and legal protections in the United States," AJC
President Bruce M. Ramer said at the time.

The study, which was summarized in a June 9, 1999, story in the
WashingtonTimes, also revealed that American Jews give a low priority to
religious observance and believe recalling the Holocaust is the key to being
a Jew.

In its story, the Times quoted Rabbi Arthur Hertzberg, humanities professor
at New York University, who believes Jews are "absolutely free andequal" in

"I deplore the survey results," Hertzberg said. "When you say: 'Remember,we
have enemies,' it simply feeds a neurosis. I maintain that Jewish life isnot
fear, but affirmation."

Toward Tradition's National Director Yarden Weidenfeld also said that
traditional Judaism, as taught by Lapin, celebrates life. Foxman's approach
constitutes the real threat to American Jewry, Weidenfeld told UPI in a
Wednesday phone interview, because young American Jews who associate their
religion with death and misery are more likely to marry Gentile partners.The
real danger is assimilation, Weidenfeld said.

ADL Assistant National Director Ken Jacobson dismissed Toward Tradition and
its positions. "At some level, I might not want to dignify the comments," he
said in a phone interview on Wednesday. "I don't really think that Rabbi
Lapin and his organization represent anything significant in the Jewish

But Jacobson quickly overcame his reluctance. He denied that Foxman'sletter
likened Horowitz to Holocaust-deniers because Foxman did not assert that
Horowitz denied the existence of slavery.

"We were concerned about the denigration of blacks and the slave experience
that was implicit in the Horowitz message" opposing reparations,Jacobson told
UPI. "It's only like ... the Holocaust denial theme in the sense that, in
both issues, there are things that were offensive, and a newspaper isn't
obligated under the First Amendment to print every ad."

Jacobson was referring to student editors of c

[CTRL] Szamuely on Macedonia

2001-03-29 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

The New York PostMarch 28, 2001George 
SzamuelyThe BunkerPoor MacedoniaEvidently, Washington has 
decided to wind up the stateof Macedonia-or, rather, to give it its proper 
name,the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM).This may seem 
jolly ungrateful on our part. Macedoniahas been nothing if not the most 
loyal ofclient-states. It supported the bombing of its fellowSlavs in 
neighboring Serbia. It dutifully adhered tothe sanctions regime against 
Belgrade even though itseffects were economically disastrous. It swallowed 
itsbitter dose of IMF medicine, zealously privatizing andshutting down 
"uneconomic" factories, even asunemployment soared above 30 percent. 
For years, Macedonia was touted as an example ofmultiethnic 
cooperation-a multicultural paradise inthe strife-torn Balkans. Suddenly it 
is tottering onits last legs as its armed forces flail aroundhelplessly 
against Albanian gunmen entering thecountry from NATO-occupied Kosovo. NATO, 
which hadbeen ready to smash Belgrade into the ground two yearsago on 
behalf of the Kosovo Albanians, today abjectlydeclares that it cannot do 
anything to help the Skopjegovernment because that would be.well, 
interference inanother country's internal affairs. U.S. ingratitude 
should come as no surprise. NATOlittered Kosovo with tens of thousands of 
depleteduranium shells. This is what the United States doesfor people it 
professes to love! Imagine what it isready to do for people it couldn't care 
less about. FYROM is one of the artificial phony states that theWest 
created out of the wreckage of Yugoslavia."Macedonians" were a nation 
alongside other newlydiscovered nations like "Bosniaks" or 
"Kosovars."Devoid of national or historic reality, FYROMnaturally won 
the heart of financier George Soros.Starting in the early 90s, Soros poured 
millions ofdollars into Macedonia. But the billionaire andRuritania 
eventually fell out. The Macedonians got fedup with Soros telling them what 
to do. Soros was eventelling them that they should rename the 
countrySlavomakedonija. Soros decided Macedonia was not sucha 
multiethnic democracy after all. Macedonia stood in the way of ethnic 
Albanianirredentism, whose chief sponsor for the past decadehas been the 
United States. NATO and the Albanianshave been chummy since at least 1992. 
The CIA createdthe Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA). Then, having driventhe 
Serbs out of Kosovo, the United States promptlydecided to drive the Serbs 
out of Southern Serbia aswell. The KLA was armed, trained and instructed 
tolaunch an insurgency in the Presevo Valley and also inMacedonia. 
According to a recent article in theObserver of London: "The United States 
secretlysupported the ethnic Albanian extremists now behindinsurgencies 
in Macedonia and southern Serbia. The CIAencouraged former Kosovo Liberation 
Army fighters tolaunch a rebellion in southern Serbia.according tosenior 
European officers" with KFOR. Thus U.S. professions of horror at lbanian 
"extremism"are a fraud. NATO will dismantle Macedonia by 
steadilydemoralizing and undermining the Skopje regime.Officials 
denounce Albanian "extremists" one day andexpress sympathy for their plight 
the next. EUsecurity affairs chief, Javier Solana, announces oneminute 
that the Macedonian government should notnegotiate with the terrorists. Next 
minute heannounces: "The solution has to be political. TheBalkans have 
suffered too many wars already." FrenchPresident Chirac denounces Albanian 
"terrorists" oneday. French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrinepontificates 
about the need to make MacedonianAlbanians "feel more at ease in Macedonia 
and [to]play a greater role in national life" the next. Insaneformer 
NATO Supreme Commander Wesley Clark spluttersin The Washington Post: "We 
must make clear to thegovernment of Macedonia that it.is under 
closescrutiny. The use of force alone will only worsen theunderlying 
problem." The Macedonian government must address the grievancesof 
the Albanians then. What are these grievances?Albanian should be recognized 
as an official language.There should be a state-funded 
Albanian-languageuniversity. This is laughable. Macedonia already 
hasAlbanian-language schools, Albanian media and Albanianpolitical 
parties who are in the government. Yet thishas not, to put it mildly, made 
Albanians feel"Macedonian." The KLA does not want Albanians to 
feel"Macedonian." It wants to create a Greater Albaniaincorporating 
Albania, Kosovo, as well as large partsof Serbia, Macedonia and Greece. 
Encouraging even moreethnic Albanian separatism hardly sounds like the 
mosteffective way of thwarting this project. In the meantime, NATO 
claims to be making a seriouseffort to seal the border to prevent 
terroristsentering Macedonia from Kosovo. In reality, NATO isdoing 
nothing. Macedonian Prime Minister LjubcoGeorgievski recently attacked NATO 
for creating a "anew Taliban in Europe." The analogy was entirely 
apt.The KLA and the Taliban are both CIA creatures

[CTRL] Fwd: Secrecy and Stigma Keep AIDS Risk High for Gay Black Men

2001-03-29 Thread Aleisha Saba

Got so mad I forgot to reproduce the story:

February 11, 2001   Single-Page Format
Secrecy and Stigma Keep AIDS Risk High for Gay Black Men
 Edwine Seymour for The New York Times Patrons watching a show last week
at Two Potato, a bar in Greenwich Village that is frequented by black
and Hispanic gays.
Related Articles
• Issue in Depth: The AIDS Epidemic
• Health Care Policy Home
• Health Home
• Join a Discussion on the AIDS Epidemic
hey can't really say they didn't see "the monster" coming.
For several years, blacks, and to a lesser degree, Hispanics, have been
making up a growing percentage of those who are dying of AIDS, the
disease known in the streets as "the monster."
Last week, federal officials issued a study, conducted in six major
cities, which found that 30 percent of young, gay black men are infected
with the AIDS virus.
In New York City, where the Department of Health studied 529 young men
who have sex with men, 33 percent of the black men were found to be
infected with H.I.V., compared with only 16 percent of the men over all,
and just 2 percent of the white men. Blacks made up 27 percent of those
And so the question must be asked: after two decades of sunken faces on
the evening news, political protests during rush-hour traffic, AIDS
quilts, recriminations, free condoms and Marisol and Julio's drama
played out in a subway advertising campaign, how can anyone fail to
grasp that certain sexual practices can lead to a fatal disease?
Those reasons, which have eluded health care workers year after year,
appear to be as complex as they are numerous. Many stem from how a man
perceives his homosexuality and how that plays out in where and how he
chooses to have sex. Then there is the role of traditional black
organizations like churches and their inability over the years to face
homosexuality in their midst.
The direction of money and resources to fight AIDS is also a factor, as,
in some cases, are poverty, drug use and sexual abuse. So, undeniably,
is youth.
And difficult questions over whether traditionally white AIDS
organizations may have given short shrift to black men underscore the
painful racial chasms in this country that even a uniformly stigmatized
group — gay men — sharing a singular horror cannot seem to bridge.
"There is no black gay Mecca, no black Chelsea," said LeRoy Whitfield, a
senior editor at Poz, a magazine that covers AIDS and H.I.V. "And
because the community is so decentralized, prevention and outreach
efforts are even more difficult.
"There are some black church groups that are better at dealing with the
gay community and others that are horrible," added Mr. Whitfield, who
has written extensively about the infection rates among black men. "But
I don't think the larger AIDS groups give the voice to the black gay
community. A lot of these men don't have a grip on what they are feeling
sexually, and I don't think many of the organizations have a grasp on
how to communicate with them."
It is this stigmatization of homosexuality by many African-Americans
that leads many men to live secret sexual lives on the fringes of their
communities, often under perilous circumstances. Walter, who is 25 and
has been H.I.V. positive for seven years, has come to know that world
intimately. (Walter asked to be identified by first name only to protect
his privacy concerning his sexual preference and H.I.V. status.)
Until a few years ago, though, the Village and Chelsea seemed to him as
remote as Sri Lanka. He found his sex partners under bridges in his
Harlem neighborhood or in Central Park. When he saw them later in the
streets, often with their wives or girlfriends, they would avert their
eyes. Dating was unheard of.
"If you are doing what you are doing and not letting people know, that
results in much more risky behavior," said Jamaul Roots, a prevention
associate at Gay Men of African Descent, a social support group. "If
your sex takes place under bridges and on Christopher Street down by the
water, it seems dirty and you get it over quickly. You are not having
conversations about `Hey, let´s protect each other.´ " In street
vernacular, it is gay life lived on the "down low."
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[CTRL] Fwd: Secrecy and Stigma Keep AIDS Risk High for Gay Black Men

2001-03-29 Thread Aleisha Saba

So this country is worried abouat guns when we have this going for

It occurred to me the Old Testament warns of eating certain meats for
some wise man probably discovered that some of the meat was tainted and
might even cause blindness?

This wasting disease called AIDS - could it be that the bible condemns
homosexuals because the wise men knew homosexuality was a danageorus
life style?   Now the sharing of needles by cocaine users was known to
cause what we call "AIDS" now, even in 1930.look that up in your
Funk and Wagnall - lots of lost knowledge in old books.

So there was one a disease called Egyptian Wasting Disease.you
wonder why they say cleanliness is Godliness and why Nuns and Priests
are so clean and Kosher Kooking seems to be with us always?

So now that the USA has all these gay black men with AIDS why does the
government feel it is necessary to take in 18,000 blacks every year now,
but they must have AIDS?

Could it be the zero population is growing nearer and nearer and only
those who live by the old ones biblical laws will survive?

Reason I dislike homosexuals   I do not like the ones who flaunt
their lifestyles before us and then feel unwanted when they try to
infiltrate, and I mean infiltrate organizations such as the Boy Scouts -
little Cub Scouts exposed to such people.I do not like their chances
at living too long,  but now have you seen the commercials on the new TV
shows coming up?   Even that fat Goodman who used to play with Rosanne
(never liked or watched that show) his show went bust with this stuff.

Yesterday on CNN the news showed three scenes of men passionately
kissing men, and it was the most disgusting, revolting, lewd and
lascivicious acts of decadence I have ever seen..this will be on
prime time, presumably  Bill Tush reporting - now I know why I do not
watch CNN anymore..

So protect your children from these sodomists and
Hollywood..remember the once handsome Rock Hudson and his brief and
last appearance on TV kissing this beautiful Linda Evanshe looked
like the guy who played the Mummy's Curse in the old movies - he had
aged 40 years in a yearhe was an old man, and his eyes were
desperate.then it came out, he had AIDS.feel storry for him?   I
pity Linda Evans and wonder why she ever kissed that - well nuff said.'

AIDS and Blacks.Welcome to the NWO and UN Lifestyles they would push
on your beautiful golden haired children.beautiful blues eyes and
gray eyes blacks are taught to hate?

Black is beautiful - well may be another black, but just keep them away
from me and mine.


To Each His Own - birds of feather flock together.Ever see a crow
mating with a red bird?   Or a Blue Jay?


[CTRL] Our Universe Not Alone, Say Scientists

2001-03-29 Thread Kelly

-Caveat Lector-

ENN - Environmental News Network


Our Universe Not Alone, Say Scientists

Sunday, March 25, 2001
By United Press International

Spanish and American astrophysicists claim the universe we
inhabit contains an infinite number of other universes like our
own, called O-regions, that we will someday be able to contact.

Jaume Garriga, of the University of Barcelona, and Alexander
Vilenkin, of Tufts University, call the concept "many worlds in

As they explained to United Press International, these universes
are likely similar to our own - share similar life forms, for
instance - because they share a key feature with our world: a
finite number of distinct histories. A history is the way
something has evolved in time and will continue to evolve. Until
now, physicists have never been able to make such an assertion.

The team will publish their hypothesis this fall in the journal
Gravitation and Quantum Cosmology.

Are these ideas far-fetched? Alan Guth says no.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology physicist told UPI,
"Do I think that the ideas are viable? Definitely yes. In fact,
I very much admire the precision with which the ideas are
expressed. I consider the work of Alex Vilenkin and his
collaborators to be the leading work in this field."

He explained, "What is new in their article is the realization
that the total number of possible histories for each universe is

An infinite number of universes like our own is a concept Guth -
one of the foremost authorities on a concept called the
inflationary universe - finds startling.

"That's a pretty mind-boggling conclusion," Guth told UPI from
his Cambridge, Mass. office.

The idea that an infinite number of universes exist gives rise
to some interesting, and troubling, implications.

"Whenever a thought crosses your mind that a terrible calamity
might have happened," Vilenkin told UPI, "you can be assured
that it has happened in some of the other O-regions."

Furthermore, since some O-regions have histories identical or
nearly identical to our own, "if you nearly escaped an accident
here, then you were not so lucky in some of the O-regions with
the same prior history," he said

The worlds Garriga and Vilenkin imagine are not entirely
calamitous, and may even be amusing.

"Distant copies of ourselves play all sorts of different roles"
in these other worlds, Vilenkin said. In fact, "there are
infinitely many O-regions where Al Gore is president and - yes -
Elvis Presley is still alive!"

According to Vilenkin, Guth's work gave rise to the idea of many
worlds in the first place. Guth formulated the now well-accepted
idea that the universe is expanding - or inflating - and
published the best-selling book "The Inflationary Universe" in

As the visible universe expands, or inflates, it gives birth to
new universes. Since inflation is eternal, new universe creation
is also eternal.

"In an eternally inflating universe, anything that can happen
will happen; in fact, it will happen an infinite number of
times," Guth told UPI.

Guth also believes the many-worlds hypothesis has profound
philosophical implications.

"We already know that our planet is merely a tiny speck in a
vast cosmos, but now we are being told that we do not even hold
a unique copyright on our own identities," Guth told UPI.
"Instead, each of us is actually only a single copy of an
infinite number of beings that are completely identical to

Copyright 2001, United Press International
All Rights Reserved

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Re: [CTRL] Tough Times

2001-03-29 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Remember that guy who took a big gun and shot up an "investment" firm
because he lost a bundle?

Something really rank here - for these investments and loands,
etcwhy she can always take that off her income tax?

What is this pig along with Feinstein doing in our Senate and Congress?
We know Fenstein paved the way after the murder of Leo Ryan.can't
make her billstough, tough, touch.

What about the farmers and I saved the picture of one - his life
destroyed, his farm foreclosed and he stands holding his baby along
with his wife as he watches everything he had taken away?

So I say this - somewhere something is rank here...but then look at
Marc Rich - I assume he will come to her rescue?   \

Ted Kennedy is an assholejust another pig at the trough and a
disgrace to JFK..he has gotten to ugly and fat and old before his
time, and I would like to see that guy run out of office.

Now remember these people will still be at the trough with their
pensions when they leave office and oh boy, they want our Social Seurity
now to investhey why not give it to that pig who lost the $40
million...what a testimonial.

And Clinton could it be possible the guy who offered him the 8 millioni
dollar a year job was Marc Rich.

Do you trust any of these people with your Social Security - imagine the
corruption involved with this..

See Richie Rich get richer and the ADL defending the Federal Reserve and
Rich on same ticket?

Someone ought to take that poem of Emma Lazaras off this Statue of
Liberty - which reads give us the refuse from your shores and call the
trash man.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Holocaust survivors sue US for not bombing Auschwitz

2001-03-29 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/29/2001 10:51:54 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< 55 million people died in that war; and I might add in the United States
 homosexuals could get out of going to war because they were homosexuals,
 while our fathers and brothers were sent over to be slaughtered for
 what? >>

And isn't it amazing that very few homosexuals took that route to keep from
going to war to protect their country?  There was a point to that war.  It
wasn't protection of the Jews.  No one had told us that there were
concentration camps full of Jews being starved and tortured over there.  Some
of those in power knew--Roosevelt, Pope Pius.  The same upper echelons who
knew that the Vietnam War was a total waste.  It always takes them years to
get around to owning up.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The right to protest abortions

2001-03-29 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/29/2001 9:47:02 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 19:39:34 -0500
 From: "Rev. Bruce Evan Murch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 Court Protects Abortion MD Protests Dear Friends, supporters, fellow
 Christians, and those who have unwittingly found themselves on my email
 list, >>

Oh boy, here we go again with the shootings and the bombings.  I sometimes
wonder which murders God hates the most.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Family's Guns Seized After Child Makes Threat - url

2001-03-29 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Sorry, I forgot to include the url:


Best wishes

Great Socialist statesmen aren't made, they're stillborn. -Saki

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Fwd: Family's Guns Seized After Child Makes Threat

2001-03-29 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

  March 28, 2001

  Family's Guns Seized After Child Makes Threat

Pro-gun advocates saracastically refer to the state's controversial
  new gun seizure statute as the turn in your neighbor law. On the
  books for a couple of years, it allows police (with a judge's ok), to go
  to a person's home and confiscate all the guns, if the person poses an
  imminent risk of injury to himself or others.

Now, with school violence an all too common occurance, that law in
  Milford has been applied to entire families.
It was the words last week of a 12-year old boy -- a student at
  Harborside Middle School -- that has now ignited a new skirmish in
  Connecticut's gun control battle.
Milford Police not only charged the boy with breach of peace, but also
  for the first time used Connecticut's gun seizure law to remove 30
  rifles and pistols from the boy's home. All properly secured, owned
  by the boy's father -- a hunter and collector.

Pro-gun advocates say this is what they'd been afraid of since the
  seizure law was passed. They point out that the law's language talks
  about the person who possesses the guns. And the advocates
question why
  police couldn't have acted short of seizure.
But even a Republican state lawmaker from Milford, who orginally
  against the seizure law, now wants it expanded to include not only the
  guns a person possesses, but also those they have immediate access

There was also a second case in Milford last week where another
  by another middle school student led to his family's guns also being

Milford Police say in both cases the guns won't be returned until the
  criminal cases are disposed of. However the gun seizure law
  requires a hearing within 14-days so a judge can determine if the
  weapons should be returned.

Best wishes

   Woolybooger for the day:
We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary
Americans ... -Bill Clinton (USA TODAY, 11 March 1993, page 2A)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Federal Reserve History

2001-03-29 Thread Aleisha Saba

Well Yardbird, here is a good article re Federal Reserve but that date
of 1913 reeks of conspiracy.for this is the year the ADL formed
too so anyone who attacks Federal Reserve is accused of being

Consider this ADL was formed in 1913 and as of late bribed to influence
the President of the United States to pardon Marc Rich, Zionist.but
oh how he longs to come back to American maybe to try to bust another
Union as he did the Steelworkers?   His trashy wife was at the Oscar
event it is said..with little Monica who compares her persecution
for her sodomist affair with the President, like the holocaust.   I
agreeonly in this WWII holocaust how many Americans went to a war to
fight for homosexuals who got out of the war because they were
fags..so with a song they sent our boys to war while even Irvining
Berlin in WWI didn't like the war and they let him instead write songs?

What a lot of garbage - it is obvious this Foxman is a mafia hoodlum as
is Marc Rich - you had Lansky in Cuba who was in on murder of JFK who
was going to do something about this corrupt systemand then
look..Marlon Brando dated to tell a bit of truth and the ADL who
brags again we were organized in 1913 comes to the aid of the Zionists -
not jews, for these are Ashkenazi European Zionsists who funded Adolph
Hitler and his path to glory to the promised land in the Holy land?

Saba  (you may pull up data on Federal Reserve nd the theft of a nation
- and I might add this lady questioned cattle death in England being
attirubted to someone afater land - well she is right, for this rich
garbage in Hollywood under instruction, is buying up land all over

Press ReleaseAnti-Semitism-USA


New York, NY, April 8...The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today called
actor Marlon Brando's remarks about Jews in Hollywood "outrageous and

Reacting to Marlon Brando's comments on "Larry King Live," on Friday,
April 5, that Jews run Hollywood and exploit stereotypes of minorities,
but never of Jews, Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director, issued the
following statement:

It was shocking to hear Marlon Brando, the acclaimed actor and champion
of civil rights, invoke the anti-Semitic canard that "Hollywood is run
by Jews, it is owned by Jews..." and blame Jews for exploiting
stereotypes of minorities, "but we never saw the kike because they know
perfectly well that's where you draw the wagons around."

Mr. Brando should know that what he said is utterly false, extremely
offensive and plays into the hands of anti-Semites and bigots. His
comments raise the centuries-old canard of Jewish control and
conspiracy, and his use of an anti-Semitic epithet is hurtful to Jews

Hollywood studios are owned and movies are made by men and women, some
of whom are Jewish, many of whom are not. Those Jews who enter the movie
industry have done so as individuals, not as representatives of their
religious group or with an aim to act in some coordinated conspiratorial

Mr. Brando owes an apology to the Jewish men and women who work in
Hollywood for vilifying them and to all Jews for his stereotyping and
use of an anti-Semitic epithet.

*The Anti-Defamation League, founded in 1913, is the world's leading
organization fighting anti-Semitism through programs and services that
counteract hatred, prejudice and bigotry.***

Saba Note:   So Mr. Yardbird, this ADL got into trouble having been
caught taking bribe monoey from Marc Rich and his floosie wife o get the
pardon from the President and the President obligednote the sweet
little sodomist they sent in also, to get at the President.bet the
Pizza was loaded with more than just pasta.

So the ADL calls themselves the "world's leading organization fighting
anti semitism"hey what bout those Palestians who like American
Indian is true American, the Palestians are true semites and the
European Zonists steal their land going after the jugular, the oil>

So where is this cheap outfit now - who fight the anti semites, when
Barak and Sharon are the biggest fascist murdering bastards in the world
today, next to Clinton of course.

See and pull up info on Reserve and then see how Hollywood and their
movies have protected this poor huddled mass of people in Palestine?
And only 6 milion jews died in WWII...what about the other 55 million?
What were they, eskimos?

Anti-Semitism-USA Category | Breaking News Front Page
ADL On-line Home | Search | About ADL | Contact ADL
© 1999 Anti-Defamation League


[CTRL] Hate crimes?

2001-03-29 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

SAGINAW -- If homosexual activists are serious about protecting
individuals involved in homosexual behavior from violence, they should
stop wasting the Legislature's time on so-called "hate crime"
legislation and focus instead on the dramatically higher threat of
violence such individuals face at the hands of their own homosexual
lovers, a statewide family values group Thursday said in a statement
to a domestic violence task force chaired by Lt.  Gov.  Dick

The American Family Association of Michigan, in a statement delivered
Thursday to the task force during its hearing at Saginaw Valley State
University, said data from law enforcement agencies and homosexual
activists themselves indicates that the risk of domestic violence at
the hands of their own homosexual sex partners is a staggering 50,000
percent greater for individuals involved in homosexual behavior than
the risk of being attacked by someone motivated by disapproval of such

"Homosexual activists are right now making the outrageous demand that
state law be amended to punish a criminal who assaults a pregnant
mother, or a small child, or a senior citizen less severely than
someone who attacks a grown man, solely because the grown man
to have sex with other men," AFA-Michigan President Gary Glenn said.

"Such demands are politically calculated to win public sympathy by
portraying individuals who engage in homosexual behavior as 'victims'
of outside aggression, when the far, far greater threat is the
epidemic of domestic violence individuals involved in homosexual
behavior commit against each other."

"When the threat of violent 'love crimes' homosexuals commit against
each other is 50,000 percent greater than the risk of so-called 'hate
crimes,' which is more deserving of the public's attention," Glenn
asked, "and how seriously should we take homosexual activists who
feign alarm about the one while ignoring or covering up the
astronomically greater threat?"

Researchers find domestic violence among individuals involved in
homosexual behavior is at least double that of male-female
relationships, he said, which "in addition to the severe threat of
serious disease and premature death resulting from homosexual
behavior, is yet another reason a truly compassionate society should
discourage rather than encourage and enable such a self-destructive
and violent lifestyle." [LINK] Glenn cited so-called "hate crimes"
statistics released Feb.  13th by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
 According to the FBI, there were only 1,317 so-called "hate crime"
incidents nationwide in 1999 allegedly motivated by the offender's
disapproval of homosexual behavior.  [LINK] The number of incidents of
violence committed by individuals involved in such behavior against
their own homosexual partners is astronomical by comparison, Glenn

Compared to only 1,317 so-called "hate crimes" in 1999, as many as
650,000 men alone (not counting women) are each year victims of
domestic violence at the hands of their own homosexual sex partners,
according to two prominent homosexual activists and researchers in San
Francisco, he said.

Homosexual activists David Island and Patrick Letellier -- both of San
Francisco and co-editors of the National Gay and Lesbian Domestic
Violence Network Newsletter -- write in their book, Men Who Beat the
Men Who Love Them, that domestic violence is a primary health problem
for individuals involved in homosexual behavior ranking behind only
AIDS for males, cancer for females, and drug abuse for both.

Island and Letellier write: "The probability of violence occurring in
a gay couple is mathematically double the probability of that in a
heterosexual couple...we believe as many as 650,000 gay men may be
victims of domestic violence each year in the United States." (Page

(Note: 650,000 estimated incidents of homosexual domestic violence per
year among males alone in the U.S.  is 494 times greater -- posing a
49,400 percent higher risk of actual violence -- than the 1,317 "hate
crime" incidents reported for one year in the U.S.  by the FBI.  The
increased risk is actually much higher, however, since the 650,000
figure includes men only and does not include however many thousands
of women in the U.S.  involved in homosexual behavior are victims each
year of domestic violence at the hands of their own sex partners.)

Island and Letellier also estimate "domestic violence may affect and
poison as many as 50 percent of gay male couples (page 12), while "we
believe [heterosexual domestic abuse] is closer to 20 percent." (page

The Medical Institute for Sexual Health also reported in 1999 that
"domestic violence is at least as common and probably more common
among homosexuals than among heterosexuals."

Thus, compared to the rare but always highly publicized attacks by
outside assailants against individuals who engage in homosexual
behavior, the far greater threat -- 50,000 percent more likely -- is

Re: [CTRL] Holocaust survivors sue US for not bombing Auschwitz

2001-03-29 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well I guess pigs are pigs no matter what religion.

55 million people died in that war; and I might add in the United States
homosexuals could get out of going to war because they were homosexuals,
while our fathers and brothers were sent over to be slaughtered for

I say this, who or whatever filed that law suit did a great service to
every neo nazi in Europe?

Well, as fascism awakens and like the golden phoenix prepares to take
its high perch on a mountain top somewhere, if these greedy bastards get
into more trouble,  dont count on the USA to bail them out - again.

Let Marc Rich finance them.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Anyone have any articles on the Federal Reserve System ?

2001-03-29 Thread Stopforth, Jamie
Title: RE: [CTRL] Anyone have any articles on the Federal Reserve System?

Thanks Bob and all who have offered articles or references.  It's most interesting in deed...  If only people knew the truth.


-Original Message-
From: Bob Stokes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 6:21 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Anyone have any articles on the Federal Reserve

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 3/28/01 5:11:25 PM Mountain Standard Time,

<< On Wed, 28 Mar 2001, Stopforth, Jamie wrote:

 >   I'm doing some research and would like any info anyone has on it.
 > Thanks,
 > Jamie >>

The CTRL archives have many articles that were posted over the last four
years.  I would venture to say that you'll find more than fifty references.

Bob Stokes

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html">Archives of

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Re: [CTRL] Anyone have any articles on the Federal Reserve System?

2001-03-29 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-

Here's another source--written by Webster Tarpley, author of The
Unauthorized Biography of George Bush--at

Excerpted from
Essays & speeches
by Webster G. Tarpley



by Webster G. Tarpley
December, 1996
The thesis of this paper is that the great economic and financial cataclysm
of the first half of the twentieth century, which we have come to know as
the Great Depression, was caused by the Bank of England, the British
government, and the City of London. The potential for the Great Depression
derived from the economic and human destruction wrought by World War I,
which was itself a product of British geopolitics and especially of the
British policy, exemplified by King Edward VII, of creating an encircling
anti-German alliance in order to wage war. The economic destruction of
Europe was continued after 1918 by the Peace of Paris (Versailles, St.
Germain, Trianon, Neuilly, Sevres) imposed by the Allies on the defeated
Central Powers. Especially important here were the 55 billion gold dollars
in reparations inflicted on defeated Germany, along with the war debt burden
of the supposedly victorious powers themselves. Never during the 1920's did
world trade surpass the levels of 1913. Reparations and war debt were a
recipe for economic stagnation.

The ravaged post-war, post-Versailles world of the 1920's provides the main
backdrop for the following considerations:

1. The events leading to the Great Depression are all related to British
economic warfare against the rest of the world, which mainly took the form
of the attempt to restore a London- centered world monetary system
incorporating the gold standard. The efforts of the British oligarchy in
this regard were carried out by a clique of international central bankers
dominated by Lord Montagu Norman of the Bank of England, assisted by his
tools Benjamin Strong of the New York Federal Reserve Bank and Hjalmar
Schacht of the German Reichsbank. This British-controlled gold standard
proved to be a straightjacket for world economic development, somewhat along
the lines of the deflationary Maastricht "convergence criteria" of the late

2. The New York stock exchange speculation of the Coolidge-Hoover era was
not a spontaneous phenomenon, but was rather deliberately encouraged by
Norman and Strong under the pretext of relieving pressure on the overvalued
British pound sterling after its gold convertibility had been restored in
1925. In practice, the pro-speculation policies of the US Federal Reserve
were promoted by Montagu Norman and his satellites for the express purpose
of fomenting a Bubble Economy in the United States, just as later central
bankers fostered a Bubble Economy in Japan after 1986. When this Wall Street
Bubble had reached gargantuan proportions in the autumn of 1929, Montagu
Norman sharply cut the British bank rate, repatriating British hot money,
and pulling the rug out from under the Wall Street speculators, thus
deliberately and consciously imploding the US markets. This caused a violent
depression in the United States and some other countries, with the collapse
of financial markets and the contraction of production and employment. In
1929, Norman engineered a collapse by puncturing the bubble.

3. This depression was rendered far more severe and, most importantly,
permanent, by the British default on gold payment in September, 1931. This
British default, including all details of its timing and modalities, and
also the subsequent British gambit of competitive devaluations, were
deliberate measures of economic warfare on the part of the Bank of England.
British actions amounted to the deliberate destruction of the pound sterling
system, which was the only world monetary system in existence at that time.
The collapse of world trade became irreversible. With deliberate prompting
from the British, currency blocs emerged, with the clear implication that
currency blocs like the German Reichsmark and the Japanese yen would soon
have to go to war to obtain the oil and other natural resources that orderly
world trade could no longer provide. In 1931, Norman engineered a
disintegration by detonating the gold backing of the pound sterling.

4. In the United States, the deliberate British default of September 1931
led, given the do-nothing Hoover Administration policies, directly to the
banking crisis of 1932-33, which closed down or severely restricted
virtually every bank in the country by the morning of Franklin D.
Roosevelt's inauguration. If Roosevelt had not broken decisively with
Hoover's impotent refusal to fight the depression, constitutional government
might have collapsed. As it was, FDR was able to roll back the
disintegration, but economic depression and mass unemployment were not
overcome until 1940 and the passage of Lend-Lease.

As we have already hinte

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Nazi nerve gas tests on our men

2001-03-29 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-

My thoughts when I was in England last year, while driving along the
motorways, was that wiping out all the farms in England where beef was
raised for food would free up a great amount of land that someone wanted to
use for something else.  It could be a form of gentrification to force the
farmers out of the industry.  Also while we were there we saw a television
program about how farmers were being approached by Canadians who were trying
to talk them into emigrating from England to Canada.  It would be
interesting to see who acquired the land of the farmers who did emigrate.

-Original Message-
From: Aleisha Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 9:10 PM
Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: Nazi nerve gas tests on our men

This mad cow disease etc., somehow this MI5 cannot be trusted anymore,
in particular, under Tony Blair.

Could some of the cattle have been given bad vaccines?   Time to
vaccinate is before the fact, not duringfrom mad cow to hoof and
mouth - pigs and cattle slaughtered - and now a huge number, largest in
history of Britain it is allleged, will be burned in one heap like a
Nazi war camp?

McDonalds is under fire for there is international effort to run them
out of business...genetically engineered food - Prince Charles came out
against this stuff long ago, and still is now in agreement

Then this article re the mustard gas and other gases the English stored
after WWII..this sarin gas (??) was looked in the Japanese subway
the day a member of their Doomsday Cult was sentenced in prison

Conspiracy  - death of cattle and cows will affect the dairy industry as
well - cheese, milk, ice cream and butter.anything that is not
genetically engineered is to be terminated>

Some of the symptoms of the sick cattle have been blistering - and one
wonders if there is not some type of chemical warfare involved here?
Are they going to blame that on Osama bin Laden; and where did Sadan
Hussein get all the mustard gas which is old hat   Could the English
have sold it to him?

This is all ritual murder - and of course the idea is to blame the arabs
for acts of terrorism; but then, I remember the USS Liberty.


My LineOneSectionsShoppingMembersSearchHelp
   9 November, 2000

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Nazi nerve gas tests on our men

British scientists used nerve gas plundered from the Nazis to poison
their own servicemen during secret tests at Porton Down research base,
it emerged yesterday.

They carried out chilling experiments with vast quantities of deadly
agents recovered from Germany in 1945. Hitler's forces had developed
sarin, tabun and mustard gas to test on concentration camp victims.

Allied forces found stockpiles of the chemicals which were shipped to
Britain and used on more than 3,000 volunteer soldiers, sailors and
airmen at the controversial base in Wiltshire to test their impact on
humans.Details of the Nazi link came in a new book entitled Gassed
yesterday after the Daily Express revealed MoD scientists face charges
over the scandal.

© Express Newspapers, 2000

saba note:   Well what about the anthrax vaccines where our men have
been experimental subjects at the ORDER  of Clinton?Gulf War
Syndrome - where did Sadaam get that old obsolete mustard gas?

How deep has MI6 infiltrated into US intelligence under Clinton - old
line did not like what was going on in this country - and old line CIA
was in deep water as well..under Clinton the KGB/Mossad did more
sabotage to this country than we will ever know - Clinton should be
tried for treason.

back to newsprevious articlenext articletop of page

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The right to protest abortions

2001-03-29 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 19:39:34 -0500
From: "Rev. Bruce Evan Murch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Court Protects Abortion MD Protests Dear Friends, supporters, fellow
Christians, and those who have unwittingly found themselves on my email

As most of you know, I have had a $5.9 million judgment hanging over my
head from a lawsuit against myself and 11 other people by Planned
Parenthood. The case has dragged on for over five years. I have not been
able to make any income without being forced to hand over 25% of it
directly to Planned Parenthood, which I would never do. I was under
court order not to spend money on ANYTHING except food and housing. That
includes bills and payments or anything not housing or food related.


Planned Parenthood can still appeal, and they might. There are some
legal items to finish up, like the removal of the judgment, pending
their appeal, if they do.. But PRAISE GOD WE HAVE THE VICTORY!!

Bruce Evan Murch
  Court Protects Abortion MD Protests
  By David Kravets
  Associated Press Writer
  Wednesday, March 28, 2001; 3:59 p.m. EST

  SAN FRANCISCO -- A federal appeals court threw out a record $109
million verdict against anti-abortion activists Wednesday, ruling that a
Web site and wanted posters branding abortion doctors "baby butchers"
and criminals were protected by the First Amendment.

  A three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
unanimously said the activists could be held liable only if the material
authorized or directly threatened violence.

  The ruling came two years after a jury in Portland, Ore., ordered
a dozen abortion foes to pay damages to Planned Parenthood and four
doctors. They had sued under federal racketeering law and the 1994
federal law that makes it illegal to incite violence against abortion

  The case was widely seen as a test of a recent Supreme Court
ruling that said a threat must be explicit and likely to cause "imminent
lawless action."

  "If defendants threatened to commit violent acts, by working alone
or with others, then their (works) could properly support the verdict,"
Circuit Judge Alex Kozinski wrote. "But if their (works) merely
encouraged unrelated terrorists, then their words are protected by the
First Amendment."

  Planned Parenthood and the doctors were portrayed in the Old
West-style wanted posters as "baby butchers," and a Web site called the
"Nuremberg Files" listed the names and addresses of abortion providers
and declared them guilty of crimes against humanity.

  The anti-abortion activists said their posters and Web site were
protected under the First Amendment because they were merely a list of
doctors and clinics - not a threat.

  During the trial, U.S. District Judge Robert Jones instructed the
jury to consider the history of violence in the anti-abortion movement,
including three doctors killed after their names appeared on the lists.

  One was Dr. Barnett Slepian, who was killed by a sniper in 1998 at
his home near Buffalo, N.Y. Slepian's name was crossed out on "The
Nuremberg Files" Web site later that same day.

  Doctors who were on the list testified that they lived in constant
fear, used disguises, bodyguards and bulletproof vests, and instructed
their children to crouch in the bathtub if they heard gunfire.

  The defendants maintained they were political protesters
collecting data on doctors in hopes of one day putting them on trial
like Nazi war criminals were at Nuremberg.

  After the jury's verdict, the judge called the Web site and the
wanted posters "blatant and illegal communication of true threats to

  The man who ran the Nuremberg Web site was not a defendant in the
lawsuit, but his Internet provider pulled the plug on the site after the

  Among the defendants was Michael Bray of Bowie, Md., author of a
book that justifies killing doctors to stop abortions. Bray went to
prison from 1985 to 1989 for his role in arson attacks and bombings of
seven clinics.

  Another defendant was Cathy Ramey of Portland, an editor at Life
Advocate magazine and author of "In Defense of Others," which defends
people who refuse to condemn the killing of abortion providers.

Copyright 2001 The Associated Press


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy t

[CTRL] Holocaust survivors sue US for not bombing Auschwitz

2001-03-29 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Holocaust survivors sue US for not bombing Auschwitz


Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 14:20:08 PST

   BERLIN, March 27 (AFP) - A group of Holocaust survivors has
filed a 40 billion dollar (43.5 billion euro) law suit against the
United States for not bombing the Auschwitz extermination camp, the
German daily Berliner Zeitung said Wednesday.
   The plaintiffs maintain that this inaction during World War II
contributed to the genocide of Europe's Jews, the newspaper
   They are also seeking damages from the American military for the
theft of property from Hungarian Jews in April 1944.
   One of the plaintiffs, Kurt-Julius Goldstein, vice-president of
the International Auschwitz Committee, said the Nazis were not the
only ones responsible for what happened to the Jews.
   "It is not a question of exonerating Nazi war criminals from
their principal responsibility in the genocide of European jews,"
Goldstein said, but a tribunal ought to take note "there were others
responsible for the Holocaust."

Copyright 2001 by Agence France-Presse (via ClariNet)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: A Conflict Sinking To New Depths

2001-03-29 Thread Aleisha Saba

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 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
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  News, Information, & Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
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   By Phil Reeves in Jerusalem

[The Independent, UK, 29 March 2001]:
The conflict between Israel and the Palestinians has sunk to appalling new
depths with several days of intensified violence that left children on both
sides to form the bulk of the dead. Yesterday a Hamas suicide bomber killed
two Jewish boys, aged 16 and 14, whose only offence was waiting for a bus to
take them to school.

And a Palestinian boy of about 12 was killed in the south Gaza Strip. His
crime was trying to play with an interesting-looking object. Tragically, the
shell blew up in his face.

The day before, an 11-year-old Arab boy was shot dead by Israeli troops in
the West Bank city of Hebron. The day before that, 10-month-old Shalhevet
Pass, the daughter of Jewish settlers, was shot through the head by a
Palestinian gunman as she sat in her pushchair at the entrance to a Jewish
enclave, also in Hebron.

These five children died in a three-day spell that has been shocking in its
callous brutality, even by the numbing standards of the Israel-Palestinian
conflict, which has now entered its seventh month.

In Israel, the deaths of Jewish children played a key part in the build-up of
public pressure on the new Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, to retaliate against
the Palestinians, and fulfil his election promise of providing the embattled
and fearful country with security.

Last night he responded, launching a wave of helicopter and tank assaults on
Palestinian police positions in the Gaza Strip. Five helicopter gunships
lashed the headquarters of Yasser Arafat's élite bodyguard at Ramallah, and
gunfire from Israeli ships struck around the Palestinian leader's office..

The death, maiming, and psychological wounds now being inflicted on
youngsters is nothing new to this conflict. At the start of the intifada, the
world was appalled by the television footage of the last terrifying moments
of 12-year-old Mohammed al-Durah as he crouched at his father's side in the
Gaza Strip while bullets thumped into the wall behind him. Now international
attention has wandered elsewhere, tuning in only when the sights are
exceptionally horrifying.

Yesterday's bomb near Kfar Saba, on the 1967 Green Line, which separates
Israel from the West Bank, fell into this category. A suicide bomber walked
up to a group of youngsters and blew himself up. Apart from the two dead,
three others, aged 12 to 15, were seriously injured. It was the third bomb
against Israelis in 48 hours. Two in Jerusalem injured 30 people, including a
two-year-old Israeli.

Both sides have shown no compunction in milking the deaths of children for
propaganda value, brandishing them as evidence of the ruthless criminality of
their opponents. From the start, the Palestinians have been lionising their
dead youths, a task they performed so effectively in the case of Mohammed
al-Durah that the Israeli army launched a long inquiry to try to prove it did
not kill him ­ energy that would have been far better spent reforming the
conduct of its soldiers in the field. Israeli troops routinely fire live
ammunition or lethal rubber-coated steel ball-bearings into crowds who are
attacking them with sling-shots, rocks and petrol bombs.

After the death this week of the 10-month-old baby in Hebron, the Israeli
government feverishly circulated the little girl's picture to the world's
press. The Ha'aretz newspaper said Israel's foreign ministry instructed its
diplomats abroad to convince foreign opinion-makers that this was an example
of the Palestinian "cynical and cruel" response to Israeli moves to ease the
siege of the occupied territories. No mention, of course, was made of the
Israeli army's massive contribution to the juvenile death list, or that the
closure of the West Bank and Gaza has remained largely in force, and was even
strengthened in some areas.

Yesterday, the Palestinians were trying to counter the widely felt revulsion
at the little girl's death by accusing Israeli troops of killing the boy in
Gaza by planting a booby trap, a charge denied by Israel. And so it goes on.

Yet the world has grown indifferent, despite the horrifying statistics that
show more than 160 of the estimated 440 deaths during the intifada have been
under 18 years old. Human and children's rights workers watch with horror and

Yitzhak Kadman, director of Israel's National Council 

Re: [CTRL] Tough Times

2001-03-29 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/29/2001 2:37:52 AM Eastern Standard Time,

<< The filthy rich Democratic men of the Senate are offering a gallant hand
and open wallet, as well. Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) has reportedly
offered to host a fund-raiser for Cantwell and hook her up to his Massachuset
 ts campaign donor base. Kennedy, of course, is the senior heir of his
daddy's booze biz fortune -- totaling some $850 million, according to Forbes
magazine. Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) -- who earned his wealth as a glorifi
 ed ambulance chaser -- chaired a $200,000 fund-raiser for Cantwell at his
D.C. mansion last week. >>

I'm sure that in these bipartisan times, the Republicans will help this lady
out also.  It's not the rich we mind our congressmen helping.  It's the
corporations that we want congress to stop being so nice to.  prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FC: "Nuremberg Files" protected by 1st Amend. (fwd)

2001-03-29 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

The web site in question (the lawsuit was broader, but the site was part
of the case):


AP coverage:

This is not a case that's squarely in the middle of what's covered by the
First Amendment -- it lies closer to the edge. But the court did the
right thing, as you might expect in an opinion written by Judge Kozinski.

To the ACLU's shame, its Oregon affiliate filed an amicus brief
arguing that this kind of speech should be illegal; it supported
affirming the district court's injunction. The ACLU's reasoning
appears to be that the existence of such an admittedly-extreme web
site and related materials hurts the free speech rights of someone
trying to get an abortion -- which seems to be a bit of a stretch,
not to mention unreasonably censorial.




   Case Name:
   Case Number: Date Filed:
   99-35320 03/28/01

[Snip for brevity. --DBM]

   Filed March 28, 2001
   Before: Alex Kozinski and Andrew J. Kleinfeld,
   Circuit Judges, and William W Schwarzer, District Judge.**
   Opinion by Judge Kozinski


   KOZINSKI, Circuit Judge:
   Anti-abortion activists intimidated abortion providers by
   publishing their names and addresses. A jury awarded more
   than $100 million in actual and punitive damages against the
   activists, and the district court enjoined their speech. We con-
   sider whether such speech is protected by the First Amend-
   During a 1995 meeting called to mark the anniversary of
   Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), the American Coalition of
   Life Activists (ACLA) unveiled a poster listing the names and
   addresses of the "Deadly Dozen," a group of doctors who per-
   form abortions. In large print, the poster declared them guilty
   of "crimes against humanity" and offered $5,000 for informa-
   tion leading to the "arrest, conviction and revocation of
   license to practice medicine." The poster was later published
   in an affiliated magazine, Life Advocate, and distributed at
   ACLA events.
   Later that year, in front of the St. Louis federal courthouse,
   ACLA presented a second poster, this time targeting Dr. Rob-
   ert Crist. The poster accused Crist of crimes against humanity
   and various acts of medical malpractice, including a botched
   abortion that caused the death of a woman. Like the Deadly
   Dozen List, the poster included Crist's home and work
   addresses, and in addition, featured his photograph. The
   poster offered $500 to "any ACLA organization that success-
   fully persuades Crist to turn from his child killing through
   activities within ACLA guidelines" (which prohibit violence).
   In January 1996, at its next Roe anniversary event, ACLA
   unveiled a series of dossiers it had compiled on doctors, clinic
   employees, politicians, judges and other abortion rights sup-
   porters. ACLA dubbed these the "Nuremberg Files, " and
   announced that it had collected the pictures, addresses and
   other information in the files so that Nuremberg-like war
   crimes trials could be conducted in "perfectly legal courts
   once the tide of this nation's opinion turns against the wanton
   slaughter of God's children." ACLA sent hard copies of the
   files to Neal Horsley, an anti-abortion activist, who posted the
   information on a website.1 The website listed the names of
   1 Plaintiffs did not sue Horsley, but the district court concluded
   that Hor-
   sley was an agent of ACLA and other defendants as well as a co-
   doctors and others who provide or support abortion and called
   on visitors to supply additional names.2  The website marked
   the names of those already victimized by anti-abortion terror-
   ists, striking through the names of those who had been mur-
   dered and graying out the names of the wounded. Although
   ACLA's name originally appeared on the website, Horsley
   removed it after the initiation of this lawsuit.
   Neither the posters nor the website contained any explicit
   threats against the doctors. But the doctors knew that similar
   posters prepared by others had preceded clinic violence in the
   past. By publishing the names and addresses, ACLA robbed
   the doctors of their anonymity and gave violent anti-abortion
   activists the information to find them. The doctors responded

Re: [CTRL] A Reversal on Public Access to Chemical Data

2001-03-29 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 03/28/2001 10:44:16 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<< "It is just a smoke screen to shut down public information that is
 embarrassing to an industry that continues to use obsolete chemicals and
 processes that are inherently dangerous," Mr. Hind said about the national
 security issue. >>

Yes, and the law was passed through Congress by Bliley of VA and signed by
Clinton.  Clinton made it a temporary measure, and now the Republicans
(Bliley has retired I believe) want to put it in permanently.  The original
bill that Bliley put forward called for jail time and a huge fine if anyone
including the librarians who by law must keep the material were to allow
anyone to see it.  The Dems got the jail time knocked off the bill, but it's
still our government killing the public's right to know.  Believe me if they
can get this one through, they'll keep on until the only rights Americans
will have are to pay taxes and serve in the military.  Those rights will be
mandatory.   It's okay though, if the Mayans are right this whole world will
be over on 23 December 2012.  Maybe it will be one of those chemical
disasters (that no one could learn how to plan for) that will wipe us out.
Hopefully there will be some provision put forth by God that will allow the
folks who have become so rich from exploiting our planet to take it with
them.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Sai Baba - want the facts??

2001-03-29 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

Great post, Duncan. It's important to look at both sides of every issue, if
possible. Anything, including the New World Order, can be used for evil
purposes - or for good.

> >I have read the various allegations about Sai Baba
> concerning sexual abuse.
> >
> >These stories were probably first started by Tal Brookes.
> Tal has lied
> >about many things (eg That he was the No. 1 western follower
> of Baba).

> So says Stephanie Relfe, with her impressive sound B.Sc.

Tal Brooke wrote a terrible book, When the World Will Be As One, published
by the Christian publisher Harvest House.
> I also dismissed the allegations of sexual abuse as
> disinformation - to
> be expected by a society threatened by such a wonder worker.
> Imagine my horror when people I knew told me of their experiences!
Unfortunately, a good share of New Age followers and too many leaders are in
it for the same reasons people get into business or music or acting or any
other field: they want money and/or sex, and the more the better.

A few years ago a friend asked me why people need a guru. To me the answer
is because they don't want to be responsible for their own lives; when
things go wrong they don't want to have made any decisions of their own,
therefore the need for someone else to tell them what to do and think.

Dale Stonehouse

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sai Baba - want the facts??

2001-03-29 Thread nexusmagazine

-Caveat Lector-

>Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 00:38:05 EST
>Subject: Konformist: The Sai Baba Smear

>Please send as far and wide as possible.
>Robert Sterling
>Editor, The Konformist
>Rothschild Strikes Back?
>Sai Baba: What I Believe is the Truth Behind Recent Negative Media Stories
>I have read the various allegations about Sai Baba concerning sexual abuse.
>These stories were probably first started by Tal Brookes. Tal has lied
>about many things (eg That he was the No. 1 western follower of Baba).
>And it is worth noting that it has been said that he was an associate of
>Timothy Leary, a member of the CIA who helped to develop LSD. For more
>information on Tal see: http://people.delphi.com/bongiovanni/reptb.htm
>and http://www.kheper.auz.com/topics/gurus/Sai_Baba.htm#Tal

So says Stephanie Relfe, with her impressive sound B.Sc.

Stephanie was a friend of mine, until, NEXUS decided to investigate
allegations about Sai Baba.  Then, like most female Sai Baba devotees I
know, she dropped our friendship.

Let me recap.

I come from a organic farming, natural health, new age background.  I
know many many people who can relate Sai Baba miracle stories, without
ever having been to India.
Thus for two decades I had no problem telling people that I though Sai
Baba was one of the only living Gods on Earth.

I also dismissed the allegations of sexual abuse as disinformation - to
be expected by a society threatened by such a wonder worker.

Imagine my horror when people I knew told me of their experiences!

Stephanie has done NO investigation of these claims.  She refuses to
speak to any of the many many victims now coming forward with the same

I did NOT want to believe these accounts, and believe me, I spoke to many
parents, victims and Sai Baba group leaders before going to print.

NOT ONE SAI BABA group leader denied the abuse allegations!!  Think
about that!!!

In fact, since NEXUS published its article, many other group leaders
instigated their own
investigations in order to dispell the claims - and ALL found to their
horror that they had sexual abuse cases within their group.

We are not talking of rubbing of oil on genitals, we are talking anal
penetration, oral sex, and rape of male youths, both western and Indian.

The final clincher for me was talking to Seral Rahm.  Devotees will know
of him, as for a couple of decades he was a wonder-boy devotee, featured
on many videos.  His own son suffered two years of sexual abuse during
'private interviews'.

But do not take my word for all this.  Do what I did and

The only people in denial are the ones who refuse to speak to victims.
Ask yourself, why have several Sai Baba centres closed their doors after
discovering this awful truth for themselves.  Why do Interpol, Scotland
Yard, and dozens of other law enforcement agencies connect Sai Baba with
high level pedophile rackets?

How convenient, how lazy, how shameful.

Shame on you for spreading this message of Stephanie's without even
bothering to do your own investigations.

If this represents the level of investigation conducted by Konformist,
then I am shocked and disappointed!  You should be thoroughly ashamed!!
Even a cursory search of the net will reveal scores of victims now coming
forward, from many many countries.  It is not hard to find evidence in
your nearest Sai Baba centre.

I suppose now NEXUS will be slammed as an agent of the Rothschilds?  That
is about the level of evidence needed by most 'alternative' researchers
these days.

And please do not reply with the drivel which goes along the lines of:
"well, because Sai Baba can work miracles he must be 'good'"

Ask any magic worker what sexual energy can work in the hands of a dark

I do not wish to engage in debate with ANYONE unless they have
interviewed at least three victims, and heard for themselves their
stories; seen for themselves the body language; and feel the pain of
betrayal and rejection from devotees of the so-called God of Love.

Ironically, in all the years of publishing NEXUS, I have never, ever,
received such foul languaged abuse as I have from Sai Baba devotees.  So
much for their understanding of love and compassion.


Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread th

[CTRL] Fw: Stress and Microwaves (from Cell Phone Radiation)

2001-03-29 Thread Ynr Chyldz Wyld

-Caveat Lector-

> Orgone Biophysical Research Lab
> http://www.orgonelab.org
> Forwarded News Item
> Please copy and distribute to other interested individuals and groups
> **
> http://www.feb.se
> FEB - The Swedish Association for the ElectroSensitive
> An excellent web site with lots of information and studies on dangers of
> cell-phone radiation.
> +
> From: "Leif Sodergren" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Dtress and Microwaves
> Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 07:38:31 -
> By Leif Sodergren SWEDEN
> BBC World Service program Agenda recently aired a very interesting program
> on stress. One of the participants asked himself: Why is everyone suddenly
> so stressed? Is it only a fad? Prevoius generations lived under much harder
> conditions and lacked health care.
> It is a sensible reflection. Maybe we are working harder, but are we
> working that much harder? In the past people worked hard also, but what is
> new in our lives? What has dramatically changed to cause this stress? No
> one in your panel looked at one important environmental factor that has
> changed dramatically the last one or two decades.
> There is an important factor: the increased radiation from mobile phones,
> television and radio broadcasts. This pollution is invisible and often
> overlooked and disregarded due to industry influence.
> But how exactly can we attribute the stress we experience to microwaves?
> Professor Henry Lai one of the most eminent American researchers on
> microwaves, has explained that microwaves have the same stress effect on
> the human body as loud sound has. The invisible microwaves that we cannot
> see, but that pass through our bodies, is a chronic stressor. Our bodies,
> whether we want to or not, experience the microwaves as stress, as though
> we were exposed to loud noise continuously. This might explain the epedemic
> of "burned out" individuals. With an ongoing backround stress from
> microwaves and other electrosmog, we cannot carry out ordinary hard work.
> We have become stress sensitive and brittle. A further worrying comment
> from Professor Lai was that this stress, like any other stress, has an
> accumulative effect.
> In Scandinavia (we have more mobile phones than anywhere els in the world)
> we suffer from en epidemic of "burned out" individuals from all walks of
> life. People who become disfunctional due to stress and have to leave work,
> in the best of cases for a few month, in some cases, never to return. A new
> vocabulary has been invented.The government is worried about escalating
> social costs. But are people finally beginning to make associations between
> their environment and their symptoms? Yes, some are.
> When young people show an increase in oral cancer, there is certainly cause
> to pause. A professor in tumour surgery for nose and throat, Staffan
> Edstrm at the Sahlgrenska hospital in Gothenburg, explains (in the
> newspaper GP 13 december 1999) that we all live in an environment with
> intensified radiation from mobile phones, computers, and cars and that this
> gives cause to think that the environmental factor can explain this
> increase in oral cancer among the young.
> There is more worrying news: During 1994- 1996, when Swedish teenagers
> started using mobile phones, prescriptions for sleeping pills to young
> women of the ages between 15-24 years have doubled.(Radio:Dagens Eko
> october 4 1999). At the same time, prescriptions of anti-depresseants to
> the same group have increased by 40 percent.
> We regard ourselves as very sophisticated individuals, but biologically we
> are as primitive as stone age man. We have no built-in protection against
> environmental toxins or microwaves. One day when the party is over and we
> soberly look back at this period, we might wonder how entire populations
> allowed themselves to be continually exposed to low levels of microwaves.
> We might also regret having left research in the hands of the mobile phone
> industry. How likely were they to sponsor research that would threaten
> their existence?
> The only sensible voice is to be found in the British government. Their
> panel of experts recommend children under 16 not to use mobile phones
> unless there is an emergency.
> Leif Sodergren
> International contacts
> http://www.feb.se
> FEB - The Swedish Association for the ElectroSensitive
> **

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers;