[CTRL] The Catholic Connections to Lincolns Murder

2001-04-08 Thread William Shannon

The President, the Pope, and the Pastor

The Catholic Connections to Lincoln’s Murder

Pastor Charles Chiniquy , born in 1809, was a noted French Canadian 
ex-priest who left the Roman confession after a long struggle with the 
bishop of Chicago over property (among other issues).
His most important book, Fifty Years in the Church of Rome is powerful, 
part autobiography, part diatribe, and a scathing indictment of the Roman 
Catholic Church. The grim picture he paints of greedy bishops and 
lascivious priests sounds so familiar, it proves that in some respects at 
least the Church is indeed changeless through the ages.
Charles Chiniquy was a famous and respected priest known as “apostle of 
temperance to Canada” for his work promoting sobriety. Hence the shock of 
his leaving was that much greater. No taint of scandal clung to him, 
despite the efforts of the Catholic hierarchy to discredit him after he 
left the Roman Church. In his book, he claims he was physically assaulted 
numerous times, even being stoned on occasion, by papist mobs for speaking 
out. He ultimately became an independent Catholic bishop and a revered 
founder of the Community Church movement.
Chiniquy may have had an ax to grind but he was no raving lunatic. After 
all, he was a personal friend of Honest Abe’s and owed him his freedom, if 
not his life. He even visited him several times at the White House.
The future president had saved him from prison and probable death during 
his legal battles with the minions of the bishop of Chicago in the late 
1850s, and Chiniquy said he told Lincoln at the time that that alone was 
enough to make him a marked man. The evidence Chiniquy gathered was highly 
circumstantial but intriguing, nonetheless.

The Conspirators and the Church

In the first place, Booth and the other conspirators, Chiniquy claimed, 
were devout or at least closet Roman Catholics. Priests frequented Mrs. 
Surratt’s boardinghouse, which served as the plotters’ rendezvous. Indeed, 
several priests actually lived there.
Her son, John Surrat, escaped the noose (unlike his devout mother), by 
fleeing to Canada where priests harbored him. When he was finally 
discovered and returned for trial in 1867, believe it or not, he was 
serving in the Pope’s guard at the Vatican.
Chiniquy claimed that the Roman Church, because of its autocratic 
principles, favored the South, and in any case wanted civil war to weaken 
America and its support of liberty in general. He claimed that Lincoln was 
well aware of this, and that the hierarchy had fomented conspiracies 
against him, but did not make it publicly known, lest it “become a war of 
extermination on both sides.” The false rumors that Lincoln had been born 
Catholic, Chiniquy said, were spread by the Jesuits to make it appear that 
Lincoln was an apostate and renegade, and thus deserving of the ultimate 
fate the Church saved for heretics — death.
Chiniquy claimed that the South would never have dared attack the North 
without assurances of covert assistance from the Church. He did make some 
extreme claims, such as that Beauregard was chosen to fire the opening shot 
at Ft. Sumter because he was Catholic, that the bishop of New York was 
responsible for the anti-draft riots and the failure of Meade, a Catholic, 
to pursue Lee after Gettysburg was due to the direct intercession of a 
Even more intriguing is the fact, attested by sworn affidavits, that 
priests at the monastery near the town of St. Joseph in Minnesota, far 
beyond the reach of train and telegraph, were talking about the killings of 
both Lincoln and Seward some four hours before the attacks occurred. 
Chiniquy claimed that the clergy in Minnesota were “intimate friends” of 
those lurking at Mrs. Surratt’s nest of spies, though he produced no proof 
of this.
However, in 1864 Pope Pius IX wrote Jefferson Davis a letter that was made 
public, addressing him as the President of the Confederacy — in effect 
becoming the only foreign power to recognize the South. Chiniquy claimed 
that he told Lincoln that this was “a poisoned arrow thrown by the pope at 
you personally and it will be more than a miracle if it be not your 
irrevocable warrant of death.”
Why would the Pope favor the South? The papacy had been humiliated, if not 
humbled, by Napoleon and the excesses of the French Revolution. Pius, 
though he ascended to the throne as a liberal, became a bitter reactionary. 
More than once, the French army had to save him from the Italians rebels 
seeking to reuinte the peninsula.
During his extremely long reign, the Papal States were forever lost and the 
pope became a prisoner of the Vatican. But having lost his grip on the 
state, Pius acted ruthlessly to make sure he had total control over the 
Church, by convening the First Vatican Council and ramrodding through the 
doctrine of “papal infallibility.” This new dogma, like that of the 
Immaculate Conception of Mary 

[CTRL] FAA Confirms Milops Over East Coast

2001-04-08 Thread William Shannon


PORTLAND, ME -- An FAA official in charge of air traffic control over the 
northeastern United States has confirmed an ongoing military operation in 
America’s skies. In an exclusive taped interview with freelance radio 
reporter S. T. Brendt, the Air Traffic Control (ATC) manager said he was told 
on as many as four occasions in March, 2001 to
re-route commercial air traffic around military aircraft taking part in an 
undisclosed aerial operation over the northeastern seaboard.

On her way to the interview location, Brendt observed six big jets laying 
brilliant white lines above a broken cloud layer. Instead of dissipating like 
normal condensation trails, these lingering plumes grew wider and wider, 
intersecting and merging.

Speaking on condition of strict anonymity as intense Chemtrail activity 
continued overhead, this Deep Sky federal aviation source expressed concern 
over the classified nature of military operations repeatedly conducted at 
altitudes between 37,000 and 40,000 feet. While
air traffic controllers normally ignore air traffic above 10,000 feet, the 
ATC manager said he was ordered to divert incoming European air traffic away 
from the military planes.

When asked why, he said, I was told there was a military exercise in the 
area. Of course, they wouldn't give me any of the particulars.

The initial FAA disclosure came on March 12, as mass aerial
maneuvers saturated northeastern U.S. skies with Xs, circular patterns and 
parallel lines characteristic of Chemtrail activity reported by pilots, 
police officers and former military personnel across the United

Brendt contacted the FAA official after counting more than 30 big jets 
spreading persistent plumes within 45 minutes. Lou Aubuchont confirmed 
Brendt's count, noting that during his stint in U.S. Navy intelligence he had 
never seen a military exercise of such magnitude.

After Brendt called in her sightings, assistant WMWV news director Richard 
Dean counted 370 chemical trails criss-crossing his nearby location for 
six-and-a-half hours. But local Air Traffic Controllers reported only nine 
commercial jets on their radars at the time.

Thousands of eye-witnesses have reported similar spray activity obscuring 
North American skies over the past two years.

In December, 2000 Canadian aviation authority Terry Stewart
investigated a Victoria caller's complaint of intensive Chemtrail activity 
over the British Columbia capitol. In a taped message, the environmental 
manager for the Victoria International Airport checked with the control tower 
and reported, it's a military exercise, U.S. and
Canadian air force exercise that's going on. They wouldn't give me any 
specifics on it.

Stewart added that he found the incident - one of hundreds reported over B.C. 
since the fall of 1998 - very odd.
[contact William Thomas for a copy of this audio tape.]

The aircraft laying lingering X's and grids over Vancouver Island have been 
photo-identified as USAF KC-135 and KC-10 aerial refueling tankers. U.S. Air 
Force Weather Force Specialists intent on fulfilling an official USAF mission 
to Own The Weather refer to chemical cloud cover spread by high flying 
tankers as aerial obscuration.

Outbreaks of acute upper respiratory and gastrointestinal illness, fatigue, 
headaches, joint pain, dizziness, and nose bleeds have filled hospital 
emergency rooms across the U.S. and Canada following heavy spray days.

In November, 1999, 550 residents of the small town of Espanola, Ontario 
presented a petition to the Canadian government demanding an explanation and 
an end to aerial spraying by USAF tankers they claimed was making children 
and adults sick over a 55 square mile area. The Air
Force denied flying tankers over Espanola. The Canadian defense ministry has 
yet to respond to the citizens’ complaint.

On Nov. 20,1999, Brendt was admitted to hospital with a gushing nosebleed and 
pains in her chest after inadvertently photographing dozens of Chemtrail's 
over Parsonsfield, Maine. Nosebleeds are a common
symptom of Chemtrail exposure. Now I know what this is, Brendt says. I never 
get nosebleeds.

About S. T. Brendt
Tiffany Brendt has been a broadcast journalist and on-air personality for the 
past eight years with Maine and New Hampshire radio stations WMWV, WCYY AND 

Working primarily in the political arena, Ms. Brendt has interviewed 
candidates for the House of Representatives - most recently Martha Fuller 
Clark - as well as Presidential candidates Al Gore and Bill Bradley. Her 
interviews air on the award winning Drive Time News Hour
on WMWV. contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ph. 207-625-3759 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The U.N. Plan for Global Control

2001-04-08 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 7 Apr 2001 21:06:52 -0400, Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED] posted
article [EMAIL PROTECTED], which said:

 The Habitat II Agenda
 by Berit Kjos
 Bicycles instead of cars? Dense apartment clusters instead of single
 homes? Community rituals instead of churches? "Human rights" instead of
 religious freedom? The UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II)
 which met June 3-14 in Istanbul, painted an alarming picture of the 21st
 century community. The American ways-free speech, individualism, travel,
 and Christianity-are out.

I would think that the statements quoted below would preserve individualism
and protect it.  It seems to revere the right to belong to the religion of
your choice without experiencing the persecution some like to throw around
if you belong to "the wrong religion".  It's a matter of rights.  And
anytime we discuss rights, someone always chimes in and says, "You have the
right to do anything you want to do as long as it does not infringe on MY
rights!"   continued below 

 A new set of economic, environmental, and social guidelines are in.
 Citizenship, democracy, and education have been redefined.  Handpicked
 civil leaders will implement UN "laws", bypassing state and national
 representatives to work directly with the UN.  And politically correct
 "tolerance"-meaning "the rejection of dogmatism and absolutism" as well
 as "appreciation" for the world's religions and lifestyles-is "not only
 a moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement."1

...Well, does using free speech to criticize members of another religion
infringe on that person's right to practice that religion?  Or does the
right to free speech have precedence over the freedom to choose your

I don't see anything wrong with tolerating or appreciating all the world's
religions and lifestyles.  I think it's a good thing.  Apparently some
people can't handle having both freedom of religion and freedom of speech at
the same time because it causes too much unrest.  Perhap laws against
condemning religions and the people who practice them would be something
that promotes peace, falling back on the old adage, "If you can't say
something nice, don't say anything at all."

Some might say that once free speech is limited, the arts would certainly
suffer since film makers and authors could no longer openly attack things
they might personally disagree with.  However, other artists would come
forward to glorify what was once condemned.  I would welcome that with open
arms.  I enjoy films that show the beauty of different cultures and
religions, rather than exploiting and judging their faults, as if ours are
superior in some way.

 Hard to believe? Not for veteran UN observers who faced boos and hisses
 for expressing concern in open UN assemblies. Nor for pro-family members
 of NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) who faced exclusion from public
 dialogues for opposing feminist commander Bella Abzug and her radical
 agenda. And not for those who watched the ecstatic welcome given Fidel
 Castro and his anti-American diatribe.

 Yet, our president and our non-elected American delegates, headed by
 U.S. Secretary Henry Cisneros, endorse this revolutionary plan, and our
 U.S. Department of Education is already establishing the framework for
 its local implementation. Why? What is happening?

 PRO-COMMUNIST IDEALS.  "We are the world and the world does not yield to
 masters nor to suicidal policies," declared Castro, concluding his June
 14 plenary remarks aimed at Western capitalist nations.  "The world does
 not accept that a minority of selfish, insane and irresponsible people
 lead it to annihilation."

Sounds like a wise statement to me.  Have you watched the business news
lately?  We are referred to as "consumers".  They expect us to consume, and
when you consume, some finite resource gets used, whether it be electricity
produced by coal and oil, gasoline, or whatever.  When "consumers" stop
spending their money, capitalists start wrenching their hands in panic and
"the economy" is plastered all over the news with politicians and
businessmen yelling at each other to do something about it.  It IS suicidal!
We have a society in America that thrives on the consumption of natural
resources, and now the destruction of natural resources, since Bush decided
that the economy is more important than the environment.  Everyone breathes
a sigh of relief when the Dow Jones Industrial Average rebounds and closes
400 points up because it means the gravy train hasn't come to an end yet.

 "Fidel, Fidel..." shouted the audience. The thunderous applause followed
 him all the way back to the Cuban section on the other side of the hall,
 where fans lined up to shake his hand.

 Why are you so enthusiastic?" I asked some of his fans after the

 "Because he stood up to America," someone answered.

 "Because he is a living myth," explained another. "He was a simple

[CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Media Lies Once Again to Declare Bush the Winner

2001-04-08 Thread Amelia

-Caveat Lector-

Unfortunately, I do not think we will ever hear the end of
this whining and disinformation from the Gore camps.  I do
wonder just what they think would have been so different and
marvelous had we been treated to yet another term of 'the
most ethical'?  Did we have more secrets to sell to the
Chinese?  Did Al and Tipper also need furniture?  Were there
still people with enough money to buy pardons?  Corporations
left on which to play the old extortion/racists game?  I
know they are all corrupt but the lies Gore had already told
left him totally without credibility.  "I drank a lot of
iced tea and was in the bathroom" being my personal
favorite, I don't think most Americans could have stomached
another four years!

But the number of votes left in question are not the 'tens
of thousands' of the original lies.  Now they want to
quibble over every vote!  This was to have been the biggest
civil rights violation since the legislation of '64!  I
guess this was an example of telling the "Big Lie."  And
with the economy in the tank, I cannot imagine why some are
so desperate about this.  They wanted the stock market to
totally crash?  More environmental extortion?  I just do not
understand how the election of an all-but-admitted communist
(and we all know that did not work) would have been a good
thing.  Perhaps we need a few more details and scandals of
the inner workings of the past administration to come to
light.  And they will.
- Original Message -
From: "Bill Howard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Media Lies Once Again to Declare Bush
the Winner

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 4/6/01 4:14:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Media Lies Once Again to Declare Bush the Winner 

 It doesn't matter. Gore conceded, Bush was sworn in as
President. The end.

 Bill Howard

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Media Lies Once Again to Declare Bush the Winner

2001-04-08 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

surprisingly naive to see a difference in either party amelia. do oyu really
think politics are aboout morals? don't you think that all politicians are
in power to serve their own interests?
the only difference between left and right is that with the right wing you
know where you are with them- they are self confessed protectors of
themselves and their business, while the left purport to be speaking and
working in the interests of the people while screwing as much out of the
people as they can. this is especially easy to see in th UK.
forget the personalities involved- anyone with integrity has a hard time in
politics- any integrity will be compromised out of them after a short while
or else thier carreers will be subdued as soon as integrity shows it's face.
forget the personalities- all politicians are interchangeable in the pyramid
of power. no party is more moral than the other in practice- especially in a
two party state where the differences between the two parties seem as little
to be two halves of the one party, nothing more.

- Original Message -
From: "Amelia" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 9:55 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Media Lies Once Again to Declare Bush the

 -Caveat Lector-

 Unfortunately, I do not think we will ever hear the end of
 this whining and disinformation from the Gore camps.  I do
 wonder just what they think would have been so different and
 marvelous had we been treated to yet another term of 'the
 most ethical'?  Did we have more secrets to sell to the
 Chinese?  Did Al and Tipper also need furniture?  Were there
 still people with enough money to buy pardons?  Corporations
 left on which to play the old extortion/racists game?  I
 know they are all corrupt but the lies Gore had already told
 left him totally without credibility.  "I drank a lot of
 iced tea and was in the bathroom" being my personal
 favorite, I don't think most Americans could have stomached
 another four years!

 But the number of votes left in question are not the 'tens
 of thousands' of the original lies.  Now they want to
 quibble over every vote!  This was to have been the biggest
 civil rights violation since the legislation of '64!  I
 guess this was an example of telling the "Big Lie."  And
 with the economy in the tank, I cannot imagine why some are
 so desperate about this.  They wanted the stock market to
 totally crash?  More environmental extortion?  I just do not
 understand how the election of an all-but-admitted communist
 (and we all know that did not work) would have been a good
 thing.  Perhaps we need a few more details and scandals of
 the inner workings of the past administration to come to
 light.  And they will.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Bill Howard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 6:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Media Lies Once Again to Declare Bush
 the Winner

  -Caveat Lector-
  In a message dated 4/6/01 4:14:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Media Lies Once Again to Declare Bush the Winner 
  It doesn't matter. Gore conceded, Bush was sworn in as
 President. The end.
  Bill Howard

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
 Archives Available at:
  A HREF="http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html"Archives of

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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, 

Re: [CTRL] Media try to con the people into believing Bush won

2001-04-08 Thread Butch

Mr. Shannon,

You seem like another dime-a-dozen Limb Idiot 
clinton-Gore-freak! Those two bungling idiots along with the rest of the 
traitors in their administration should be arrested, tried, convicted and 
properly executed for their high treason!

Try that on for size Mr. Shannon


  - Original Message - 
  William Shannon 
  Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 9:54 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Media try to con the 
  people into believing Bush won
  In a message dated 4/6/01 8:30:45 PM Central Daylight 
  Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: 
  Can't believe anyone is still wasting time about this. You 
better believe that if Gore really won, the NY TIMES and THE 
WASHINGTON COMPOST and the other liars would put it in the 
  HEADLINES!Can't believe any self-respecting collie 
  would take the time to essentially defend a Bush either!!! Are you 
  totally ignorant or are you not aware of the SPOOKY and quite questionable 
  bloodline and heritage of the Bush Dynasty??? You seem like another 
  dine-a-dozen LimbIdiot...a Rush-freak. Are you? You're CLEARLY 
  kontrolled...are you clear enough to admit it? Bill. 

[CTRL] Capitalism at work: So you think businessmen should control your energy eh?

2001-04-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


PGE Bankruptcy Bombshell Deepens California Energy Crisis

by Andrew Quinn - Reuters - 04.07.01
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - California's energy crisis lurched into a dangerous
new phase on Friday as Pacific Gas  Electric, the state's largest utility,
declared bankruptcy and accused Gov. Gray Davis of woefully mismanaging the

While officials vowed that the largest utility bankruptcy in U.S. history
would not turn the lights off for the 13 million Californians Pacific Gas 
Electric serves, it threw a new question mark over the state's ability to get
through the summer without more power blackouts.

The bankruptcy filing came just one day after Davis outlined a bailout
strategy designed to help the cash-strapped utility back to its feet after
months of bleeding money thanks to California's botched 1996 power
deregulation law.

Pacific Gas  Electric blamed Davis for forcing it into bankruptcy, saying
his plan to save it was unacceptable and charging that in the last three
weeks the governor had only bothered to hold one face-to-face meeting to
bargain directly with the utility.

"The regulatory and political processes have failed us, and now we are
turning to the court,'' Robert Glynn, chairman of Pacific Gas  Electric,
said in a statement.

Davis reacted angrily, saying the massive utility had ''dishonored itself''
by asking for bankruptcy protection.

"PGE was not pushed into bankruptcy but plunged themselves into bankruptcy
for their own strategic advantage -- not the best interests of the people of
California,'' Davis said.

Analysts said the filing marked the biggest utility bankruptcy in U.S.
history and could throw a wrench into Davis' efforts to resolve the power
crunch hobbling the nation's most populous state.

In its Chapter 11 filing with the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Northern
District of California, the utility said it owed close to $9 billion because
state power deregulation laws block utilities from passing along skyrocketing
wholesale power costs to consumers.

This law, combined with soaring demand and a lack of new power plants, has
created a disastrous energy crunch in California and already caused four days
of rolling blackouts across the state and forced state agencies to spend more
than $50 million per day for emergency power purchases.
More blackouts are feared this summer as higher temperatures lead to
increased energy demand, and the growing uncertainty over Pacific Gas 
Electric's future Friday only added to fears of continued chaos.
"This certainly changes the situation pretty significantly and will probably
lengthen the crisis rather than shorten it,'' said Gerald Keenan, lead
strategy partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Utility Will Continue To Operate

Pacific Gas  Electric is a unit of PGE Corp. which did not file for court
protection. The utility, which serves a vast stretch of northern and central
California, said it would operate ''subject to the jurisdiction of the
Bankruptcy Court,'' meaning the lights will stay on for its customers.
The utility has 15 days to complete the paperwork for the bankruptcy filing,
and Federal Bankruptcy Judge Dennis Montali has set a May 8 meeting to
discuss the next step.

In a statement, PGE Corp. Chairman Robert Glynn said the utility felt that
talks with regulators and the Davis administration had failed, leaving it no
choice but to turn to the court as the best venue to protect its shareholders.

With unrecovered costs increasing by more than $300 million per month, Glynn
accused Davis of ignoring the deepening financial peril of a company that has
been a pillar of California business for almost 100 years.

The last straw, Glynn said, was Davis' live television speech on Thursday
evening in which the Democratic governor said that any bailout deal would
hinge on the utilities' agreement to sell their vast power transmission grid
to the state -- a demand that Pacific Gas  Electric has resisted.

"We listened carefully to the statement and the commentary that followed and
this decision is the result,'' Glynn told a news teleconference following the
bankruptcy filing.

Confusion In Sacramento

For Davis, who had billed his Thursday speech outlining rate hikes and
conservation as a major step toward resolving the energy crisis, the
bankruptcy move came as a shock.

While upbraiding Pacific Gas  Electric's "selfish'' move, Davis pledged
Friday to continue bailout negotiations with Edison International unit
Southern California Edison (news - web sites) and hoped to have a result
within days, "proving that negotiation, not bankruptcy, is the appropriate

But Glynn said Davis' concentration on the Southern California Edison talks
had cost PGE dearly, noting that it had been three weeks since the two sides
had had "face-to-face'' talks before one meeting during the last couple of
days. "The negotiations we have been involved in since 

Re: [CTRL] Capitalism at work: So you think businessmen should control your energy eh?

2001-04-08 Thread M.A. Johnson

-Caveat Lector-

Joshua forwards
 PGE Bankruptcy Bombshell Deepens California Energy Crisis

WHERE was the demonstration of 'capitalism at work' you
claimed in your thread title?


Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance
and conscientious stupidity.   -- Martin Luther King, Jr

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Who's to Blame on Global Issues? j2

2001-04-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Please see comment on this article below. -- Nurev
 Source: CommonDreams

 Published on Friday, April 6, 2001 in the Boston Globe

 Who's to Blame on Global Issues? by Derrick Z. Jackson

 IT IS NO secret why President Bush is tightening his colonial grip on
 Earth's environment. He is doing it for us, the ugly Americans who must
 confess that we enjoy this modern imperialism, our sovereign right to suck
 the planet dry.

 Except for some howling environmentalists, there still is no major sign that
 the average American is seriously offended by Bush's rampage of
 environmental reversals.

 The most flagrant have been his abandonment of his campaign promises and the
 Kyoto accords to curb the industrial carbon dioxide emissions that
 contribute to global warming. This week USA Today reported that Bush is
 preparing a blueprint to open up millions of acres of federally protected
 lands for oil and gas drilling. These lands are currently for scenic or
 wildlife protection purposes.

 Bush does not care one whit that he has become a lightning rod of protest
 from world leaders, ranging from the European Union to the Maldives.

 British Prime Minister Tony Blair is warning that global warming could be
 ''catastrophic.'' France's minister for the environment, Dominique Voynet,
 said that Bush's actions are ''completely provocative and irresponsible.''
 German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said, ''Nobody should be relieved from
 his responsibility for climate control.''

 How the tables have turned on these former imperialists. The British once
 said the sun never set on their empire. Now it is America that boasts that
 Sunoco will never set.

 The environment has become the issue that most nakedly fixes the arrogance
 of the United States toward the rest of the world, an arrogance not seen
 since Vietnam. Our notion of globalism is a one-way street. Our corporations
 exploit the cheapest of labor for our clothes. Our oil companies foul the
 marshlands of the poorest of people for our gasoline. Our cigarette
 companies dump cancer on the least healthy, and our trash food and soda
 companies addict the most malnourished to our sugar, for what? The sake of
 our 401(k)s.

 But when it comes to the fact that our 4 percent of the world's population
 belches out 25 percent of the industrial greenhouse gases into Earth's
 atmosphere, we invoke the Global Rule. ''Them that gots the globe make the
 rules.'' You would expect nothing less in a nation where indulgence is now
 an imperative.

 The proof is in the polls. A new Time/CNN poll found that 75 percent of
 Americans considered global warming a very serious or fairly serious
 problem. Last year a Gallup Poll found that 67 percent of Americans said
 that the environment should be given a higher priority than economic

 All that goes up the exhaust pipe when decisions get personal. Now that
 gasoline prices are up and Californians are being held hostage by the power
 companies and their suppliers, a Fox/Opinion Dynamics poll found that 46
 percent of Americans favor relaxing environmental standards to build more
 power plants, compared with 39 percent that do not.

 In the Time/CNN poll only 48 percent of Americans said that they would be
 willing to pay 25 cents more for a gallon of gasoline. Earth Day is now
 officially marked on many calendars, but in America, the percentage of
 Americans who consider themselves ''environmentalists'' has plummeted from
 78 percent in a 1991 Gallup/CNN/USA Today poll to 50 percent in 1999.

 So Bush did speak for us when he said, ''In terms of the CO2 issue ... we
 will not do anything that harms our economy. Because, first things first,
 are the people who live in America.'' Translated, Bush said, ''We will not
 do anything that restricts our right to drive SUVs that get 12 miles a
 gallon in the city.''

 Bush did speak for us when he said he wanted more ''energy supply so that
 businesses can grow and people can heat their homes. We've got a shortage of
 energy in America.'' Translated, Bush said, ''I'm interested in getting more
 energy supply so that we can have more Wal-Marts and Best Buys, help the
 wealthy heat and cool their 10,000-square-foot homes, and maintain
 night-game revenues for the Giants, Dodgers, A's, and Angels.''

 Bush does speak for us because we are now the world's most self- absorbed
 people. Our desires have become a demand on global resources that too much
 echoes the imperialism that once sucked developing continents dry of people
 and raw materials.

 The sun has set on that kind of an empire. Americans are not ready for
 Sunoco to set. The way we behave, we will not believe in global warming or
 the end of our empire until we cannot see the sun at all.

  Copyright 2001 Globe Newspaper Company

I have no qualms with anything mentioned in this article. I agree with it.
But, I do 

Re: [CTRL] Eli Lilly's Sarafem -- same as Prozac?

2001-04-08 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Personally, I'd rather have a pill that GIVES me PMS the other 24 days
of the cycle... Think of the fun I could have inflicting my moods
on my family and friends! wicked grin


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Bush nominees under fire for link with Contras

2001-04-08 Thread Linda Minor

-Caveat Lector-


 Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles
 The Guardian (london) Friday April 6, 2001
 Duncan Campbell in Los Angeles

 George Bush's nominee for the post of US ambassador to the United Nations
 concealed from Congress human rights abuses in central America that were
 carried out by death squads trained and armed by the CIA.
  John Negroponte, Mr Bush's choice for the UN job, and Otto Reich, who has
 been named by the president to a senior Latin American post, were also
 both closely linked with the illegal contra war against the Sandinistas in
 Nicaragua. Their nomination has dismayed human rights activists in the US
 and Latin America.
  Critics hope that previously secret information about their former roles
 may emerge as the battle against the appointments begins. Mr Negroponte
 was US ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985 and as such was in a key
 position to assist in the war against the Sandinista government in
 Nicaragua and rebels in El Salvador. At the time, Honduras was known as
 "USS Honduras", such was its position as a base for attacks against
 leftwing groups.
  The CIA helped to train an organisation called Battalion 3-16, which
 carried out the torture and "disappearing" of 184 people in Honduras
 deemed to be politically suspect or communist sympathisers. Until
 recently, some members of the battalion had been living in the US, but
 were deported just as Mr Bush's selection of Mr Negroponte was announced.
 Now one of the battalion members is threatening to blow the whistle on US
 involvement in training the death squads.
  General Discua Elvir, a founder of the battalion, who has been deported
 to Honduras from Miami, appeared on television in Honduras and told the
 local newspaper La Prensa that he was brought to the US to coordinate the
 battalion with the contras. The rightwing contras were illegally funded by
 arms sales to Iran. One of George Bush senior's parting acts as president
 in 1992 was to pardon those implicated, thus ending the possibility of the
 full exposure of his and the Reagan administration's involvement. Mr
 Negroponte's predecessor in Honduras, Jack Binns, was replaced after
 alerting Washington about extra-judicial executions by the Honduran
  Mr Binns has now told In These Times magazine: "Negroponte would have had
 to be deliberately blind not to know about human rights violations... One
 of the things a departing ambassador does is prepare a briefing book, and
 one of those issues we included [in the briefing book] was how to deal
 with the escalation of human rights issues." "It's very troubling", Reed
 Brody, of Human Rights Watch in New York, said yesterday. "When John
 Negroponte was ambassador he looked the other way when serious atrocities
 were committed. One would have to wonder what kind of message the Bush
 administration is sending about human rights by this appointment."
  Mr Negroponte is said to be the specific choice of Colin Powell, the
 secretary of state. An ex-Honduran congressman, Efrain Diaz, told the
 Baltimore Sun which investigated US involvement in the region in 1995:
 "Their attitude [Mr Negroponte and other senior US officials] was one of
 tolerance and silence. They needed Honduras to loan its territory more
 than they were concerned about innocent people being killed."
  On several occasions, Mr Negroponte also met Colonel Oliver North, who
 coordinated support for the contras within the White House. The Sun's
 investigation found that the CIA and US embassy knew of numerous abuses
 but continued to support Battalion 3-16 and ensured that the embassy's
 annual human rights report did not contain the full story. Mr Negroponte,
 who retired from government service in 1997, has claimed that when abuses
 were brought to his attention he took action.
  Mr Bush has also nominated another figure from the Iran-contra era as
 assistant secretary of state for western hemisphere affairs. Cuban-born
 Otto Reich headed the state department's now defunct office of public
 diplomacy for Latin America and the Caribbean between 1983 and 1986. It
 was accused of engaging in illegal propaganda activities to promote the
 Reagan administration's policies in support of the contras.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Re: [CTRL] The Sixth Extinction --- Reply J2

2001-04-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:


 The Sixth Extinction

 Text by Virginia Morell

 The first orange rays of the sun are just beginning to touch the saw grass
 prairie of Everglades National Park in Florida when our helicopter pilot
 lifts off from a small airport nearby. He turns low over the park, skimming
 above the gray-green grasses and morning mist. Here and there small stands of
 pencil-thin native slash pine show dark green against the pale grasslands.
 But it€™s the open marshy prairie that we seek, home to the endangered Cape
 Sable seaside sparrow. Heading south, the pilot searches for a particular
 point on a transect map, then banks and flies due west. Twenty minutes later
 we€™re on the ground. €œHere€™s your first spot,€ he says over the radio
 Stuart Pimm, the conservation biologist seated beside me in the back. In
 front another biologist, Sonny Bass, gives us the thumbs-up sign. Pimm and I,
 dressed in olive green flight suits and white helmets, jump into the wet
 marsh and run a short way from the helicopter.

 For a moment this seems almost like a scene from Apocalypse Now. The
 helicopter€™s blades whip the air, bending the grasses in a wide swath all
 around and obliterating every sound except the wap-wap-wap of its rotors. As
 it peels away, ferrying Bass to the next site a kilometer away, Pimm removes
 his helmet and turns to me. €œWelcome,€ he says, his voice rising above the

 fading roar of the helicopter, €œto the front lines of saving

 An avuncular researcher from the University of Tennessee, Pimm is not merely
 being theatrical. Based on his and his colleagues€™ calculations, some 50
 percent of the world€™s flora and fauna could be on a path to extinction
 within a hundred years. And everything is affected: fish, birds, insects,
 plants, and mammals. By Pimm€™s count 11 percent of birds, or 1,100 species
 out of the world€™s nearly 10,000, are on the edge of extinction; it€™s
 doubtful that the majority of these 1,100 will live much beyond the end of
 the next century. The picture is not pretty for plants either. A team of
 respected botanists recently reported that one in eight plants is at risk of
 becoming extinct. €œIt€™s not just species on islands or in rain forests or
 just birds or big charismatic mammals,€ says Pimm. €œIt€™s everything and
 it€™s everywhere. It€™s here in this national park. It is a worldwide
 of extinctions.€

 Such a rate of extinction has occurred only five times since complex life
 emerged, and each time it was caused by a catastrophic natural disaster. For
 instance, geologists have found evidence that a meteorite crashed into Earth
 65 million years ago, leading to the demise of the dinosaurs. That was the
 most recent major extinction. Today the Earth is again in extinction€™s
 grip€”but the cause has changed. The sixth extinction is not happening
 of some external force. It is happening because of us, Homo sapiens,

This is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Enviros are going to have to stop saying this
if they want credibility. This global warming IS A NATURAL PROCESS OF THE
ICE AGE CYCLE. Humans are NOT responsible. Humans are accelerating the process
and degrading the environment indeed. BUT THEY ARE NOT THE CAUSE


 €œexterminator species,€ as one scientist has characterized humankind. The
 collective actions of humans€”developing and paving over the landscape,
 clear-cutting forests, polluting rivers and streams, altering the
 atmosphere€™s protective ozone layer, and populating nearly every place
 imaginable€”are bringing an end to the lives of creatures across the Earth.
 €œI think we must ask ourselves if this is really what we want to do to
 creation,€ says Pimm. €œTo drive it to extinction? Because extinction
 is irreversible; species that go extinct are lost forever. This is not like
 Jurassic Park. We can€™t bring them back.€

 In Pimm€™s eyes people should be stewards of their neighboring species.
 That€™s why he€™s here at dawn in the Everglades, fighting to save the life
 a little brown-and-white songbird with a smattering of gold feathers above
 its eyes.

 Found only in this park, Big Cypress National Preserve, and nearby areas, the
 Cape Sable sparrow was once fairly common in the Everglades€™ hundred square
 miles [160.9 square kilometers] of prairie lands, which lie adjacent to its
 better known €œriver of grass.€ In 1992 the sparrow€™s population
 registered a
 healthy 6,400 individuals. By 1995 the sparrow€™s numbers had taken a
 nosedive: Its population dropped by 60 percent to 2,600. €œIt was clearly on
 its way out,€ says Pimm, turning to set his helmet on the ground. €œAnd to
 that was unconscionable. In a national park of this size [the Everglades
 encompasses 1.5 million acres] (.6075 million hectares) and in the richest
 country in the world, species shouldn€™t be going 

Re: [CTRL] There's hope for Colleen/Saba after all. Thank youRobertWhite.

2001-04-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

YnrChyldzWyld wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 On Sat, 7 Apr 2001, Nurev Ind. wrote:
 I think that a replacement head from a monkey would greatly improve
 Saba's IQ.
 Science is a glorious thing when put to humanitarian use.

 "Humanitarian" according to whom?

 Seems to me that transplanting a monkey head onto Aleisha/Colleen would
 be demeaning to the whole simian race...

 What do you have against the poor monkey?   ;-)


I'm sorry June. I believe that humans are more important than animals.
Now I do admit that classifying Colleen/Saba as a human is quite a stretch.
I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt because I have yet to see
a simian work a keyboard. But I might be wrong.

In any case, there has never been a more obvious need for a monkey head
transplant. A successful head transplant would mean that it would take
eons for her to learn how to use a keyboard again. This could only be a good
thing considering all the stupid shit she constantly throws like feces onto
our screens.

I would even offer to do the transplant myself. But I suspect she doesn't
like me. I think this because she keeps calling me an asshole. Here I try
to be considerate and caring, and she calls me an asshole. Sheesh!

Even if she doesn't let me do it, I would be willing to take up a collection
from list members and find a retarded monkey to improve Coleen/Saba's
condition. Any takers? I mean givers?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] How it works: NAFTA does it's job.

2001-04-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


The Multinational Monitor

April 2001 - VOLUME 22 - NUMBER 4

T R A D E   M A D N E S S !

NAFTA's Investor "Rights"
A Corporate Dream,
A Citizen Nightmare

By Mary Bottari

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) includes an array of new
corporate investment rights and protections that are unprecedented in
scope and power. NAFTA allows corporations to sue the national government
of a NAFTA country in secret arbitration tribunals if they feel that a
regulation or government decision affects their investment in conflict
with these new NAFTA rights. If a corporation wins, the taxpayers of the
"losing" NAFTA nation must foot the bill. This extraordinary attack on
governments' ability to regulate in the public interest is a key element
of the proposed NAFTA expansion called the Free Trade Area of the Americas

NAFTA's investment chapter (Chapter 11) contains a variety of new rights
and protections for investors and investments in NAFTA countries.
Specifically, Article 1110 of NAFTA guarantees foreign investors
compensation from the NAFTA governments for any direct government
expropriation (i.e., nationalization) or any other action that is
"tantamount to" an "indirect expropriation." In addition, Article 1102
provides for "national treatment," which means that governments must
accord to companies of other NAFTA countries no less favorable treatment
than they give to their own companies. Article 1105 contains a "minimum
standard of treatment" provision, which includes vague prose about fair
and equitable treatment in accordance with international law.

If a company believes that a NAFTA government has violated these new
investor rights and protections, it can initiate a binding dispute
resolution process for monetary damages before a trade tribunal offering
none of the basic due process or openness guarantees afforded in national
courts. These so-called "investor-to-state" cases are litigated in the
special international arbitration bodies of the World Bank and the United
Nations, which are closed to public participation, observation and input.
A three-person panel composed of professional arbitrators listens to
arguments in the case, with powers to award an unlimited amount of
taxpayer dollars to corporations whose NAFTA investor privileges and
rights they judge to have been impacted.

Corporate investors have used these unprecedented NAFTA investment
protections to challenge national and local laws, governmental decisions
and even governmental provision of services in all three NAFTA countries.
To date, companies have filed more than a dozen cases, claiming damages of
more than US$13 billion [see "The Chapter 11 Dossier"].


In the largest Chapter 11 suit yet brought against the United States, the
Canadian corporation Methanex in 1999 sued the U.S. government for $970
million because of a California executive order phasing out the sale of a
Methanex product. Methanex claims that California's phase-out of methyl
tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), a gasoline additive, violates the company's
special investor rights granted under NAFTA because the California
environmental policy limits the corporation's ability to sell MTBE. If a
NAFTA tribunal decides that California's environmental policy violates
NAFTA's investor protections, the U.S. government can be held liable for
the corporation's lost profits from not selling MTBE.

The case is "a clear threat to California state sovereignty and democratic
governance," says Martin Wagner of the California-based Earthjustice Legal
Defense Fund. If Methanex succeeds, California will be under pressure to
rescind its executive order, to lessen the damage award.

Associated with human neurotoxicological effects, such as dizziness,
nausea and headaches and found to be an animal carcinogen with the
potential to cause human cancer, MTBE has been found in ground water and
drinking wells around California. On March 25, 1999, California required
the removal of MTBE from gasoline sold in the state by December 31, 2002.
Governor Gray Davis declared that "on balance, there is significant risk
to the environment from using MTBE in gasoline in California."

Methanex claims that adding MTBE to gasoline reduces air pollution.
However, a 1998 University of California at Davis (UC-Davis) report, which
informed the government action, found that "there is no significant
additional air quality benefit to the use of oxygenates such as MTBE in
reformulated gasoline." The report found "significant risks and costs
associated with water contamination due to the use of MTBE." The report
noted that "MTBE is highly soluble in water and will transfer readily to
groundwater from gasoline leaking from underground storage tanks,
pipelines and other components of the 

[CTRL] Guns deter crime (Duh!)

2001-04-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

...and the deterrent effect is difficult to measure.  Another fascinating example
of what the gun haters "think":  Maybe the police could carry fake guns.


Marquette U. police say wearing guns makes them more effective

  Updated 12:00 PM ET April 6, 2001

  By Becca Mader  Adam S. Kirby
  The Marquette Tribune
  Marquette U.

  (U-WIRE) MILWAUKEE -- In the minds of criminals, perception is reality.

  At least, that is the belief of Department of Public Safety Chief Larry Rickard
  Crime Prevention Specialist Lt. Michael McNiel. They feel that officers who
  guns are more powerful on the streets and in the face of danger.

  Their thoughts aren't isolated. They echo those expressed by police and public
  officers from college campuses in rural areas such as Cornell University to
  centers such as the University of Detroit-Mercy.

  With arming "the perception from the criminal element is that you are the real
  said Chief Robert Morse of the Boston College Police Department.

  According to Morse, a weapon acts as a strong deterrent to criminals. In fact,
  students -- including former MUSG President senior Andy Stith -- have wondered
  aloud if simply carrying a fake gun would have the same deterrent effect.

  McNiel said he thought having the gun is more important than actually using

  "Criminals really do look at us, and based on what they see, what equipment
  have, they make a determination on whether they're going to resist us," McNiel
  "Having a firearm, the criminals will take us more seriously."

  When posed with the suggestion of carrying a fake gun, McNiel thought about
  idea and pulled an unloaded dart gun from his file cabinet. He looked it over,
  it and pulled the trigger.

  "This would look pretty real at night," McNiel said, further considering the
fake gun.
  "But if you're in a situation where you're being faced with great bodily harm,
  you rather the officer have a real gun or a fake gun to stop that person?"


  Lt. Frank Dale, a 15-year veteran of the Loyola University Chicago Department
  Public Safety, doesn't believe the specific purpose of arming is to deter crime.

  "It is not going to deter anything," Dale said. "I look at it as another tool
to have in
  their system to utilize as necessary."

  Like Marquette, Loyola is a Jesuit institution located in a neighborhood with
  relatively high crime rate. Yet despite the Loyola department's insistence
that it arm its
  26 officers, the university hasn't budged on the issue, Dale said.

  "Our recommendation is to arm," Dale said. "We are probably going through the
  same pangs that Marquette is going through. I sympathize with Marquette. I
would go
  their route."

  But not everyone with experience in campus security agrees. Brendan Dooley,
  2000 Marquette alumnus and former public safety officer with the Milwaukee
  of Engineering and Grossmont College in El Cajon, Calif., said arming DPS would
  create an undue liability for Marquette.

  "Having a gun can escalate a situation that doesn't need to escalate," Dooley
  "That's where I see guns as the biggest liability."

  Dooley -- who never carried a gun while on patrol -- said he understands why
  officer would want to do so. However, he said any situation that might involve
the use
  of a firearm is easily recognizable, and that the officer should immediately
contact the
  Milwaukee Police Department without getting involved.

  "There should be nothing that public safety officers encounter that with proper
  presence can't be diffused with pepper spray or a baton," Dooley said.


  Ever since the topic of arming arose, DPS and University President the Rev.
  A. Wild have stressed that it would lead to deterrence.

  "Deterrence of crime is clearly something that we look for," Wild said in his
  forum Tuesday in the AMU. "It is hard to measure, but it is something that
we look

  Rickard stressed that deterrence can't be measured. He pointed out that LIMOs
  made over 4 million transports since the 1980s, but there is no way to know
  many crimes the LIMO program actually prevented. In addition, there are many
  factors that go into crime deterrence, and often the exact causes are impossible
to pin

  "Really, if you think about it, the only way to know about a deterrent is to
contact the
  criminals," McNiel said.

  Opponents of arming have attacked DPS because of its lack of statistics regarding
  crime reduction that other colleges have experienced since arming their campus
  security departments. The opponents argue that the proposal lacks substance
  because it cannot be backed up by cold, hard facts.

  However, finding those statistics can be a chore. Most college 

[CTRL] Terrorists freed

2001-04-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


Charges dismissed against students who played with paper gun

 NEWARK, N.J. (AP) A judge dismissed charges Tuesday against two 8-year-old boys
who had been
 accused of making terroristic threats for pointing paper guns at other students.

 Judge Peter V. Ryan agreed with prosecutors' recommendation to drop the charges
against Hamadi
 Alston and Jaquill Shelton, of Irvington.

 Police said Hamadi stood up at his desk at the Augusta Street School on March
15, pointed a piece of
 paper folded to look like a gun at his classmates and said "I'm going to kill
you all."

 Hamadi said he was imitating what Jaquill had done earlier that day.

 Under the school district's zero-tolerance policy on violence, school officials
notified police, who
 questioned the boys for nearly five hours before filing charges.

 Hamadi's father called the charges an inappropriate reaction to recent school
violence across the nation.

 "It was crazy," Ron Alston said. "You can't hurt nobody with a piece of paper."

 Irvington police and School Superintendent Ernest Smith did not return calls
seeking comment.

 Representatives of several black organizations attended Tuesday's juvenile hearing
to support the boys
 and said authorities need to be more prudent, despite school shootings elsewhere.

 "Now it seems that even the slightest thing may trigger someone to put the legal
process into motion,"
 said Lawrence Hamm, president of People's Organization for Progress.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Letter from Planet of the Apes

2001-04-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

Lots of monkey heads to transplant in big cities, but blue bloods do not
mix with monkies from Planet of Apes...letter from head honcho who
used bible calendar code.for you see the call to Macedonia was a
call for the street people to destroy America - burning Washington, then
you had other disasters Watts...

Now from where I came, nice people did not mix with monkiesbut since
you June and Joshua seem to have already had your transplants - would
seem your blood types mix.

Letter from Head Monkey - who did not use real name - letter coded -
anyone with half brain can see that, for this man used the bible
calendar - he lived by it and he died by it - all timed.Come to
Macedonia was the call for rioting..

Note:  Jack Ruby knew what was what; in his little jail cell after he
silenced Owald he cried over and over and over again - Shadrach,
Meschenk and Abenego..

From where I come - no we will never have such people reign over
us.as our leader said Keep Your Powder Dry and this time when the
Come to Macedonia Call is given - many a hand will reach for a rifle and
be prepared to defend themselves.

So as Clinton said - Let them get the first shot?


This Event In Black History
8:  "Letter From A Birmingham Jail " by Martin Luther King
April 16 1963
I got this from a mailing by Art "Spook sitting at the
proverbial door" McGee
(Note from the author: This response to a published statement by eight
fellow clergymen from Alabama (Bishop C. C. J. Carpenter, Bishop Joseph
A. Durick, Rabbi Hilton L. Grafman, Bishop Paul Hardin, Bishop Holan B.
Harmon, the Reverend George M. Murray.  the Reverend Edward
V. Ramage and the Reverend Earl Stallings) was composed under somewhat
constricting circumstance. Begun on the margins of the newspaper in
which the statement appeared while I was in jail, the letter was
continued on scraps of writing paper supplied by a friendly Negro
trusty, and concluded on a pad my attorneys were eventually permitted
to. leave me. Although the text remains in substance unaltered, I have
indulged in the author's prerogative of polishing it for publication.)
While confined here in the Birmingham city jail, I came across your
recent statement calling my present activities "unwise and untimely."
Seldom do I pause to answer criticism of my work and ideas. If I sought
to answer all the criticisms that cross my desk, my secretaries would
have little time for anything other than such correspondence in the
course of the day, and I would have no time for constructive work. But
since I feel that you are men of genuine good will and that your
criticisms are sincerely set forth, I want to try to answer your
statements in what I hope will be patient and reasonable terms.
I think I should indicate why I am here In Birmingham, since you have
been influenced by the view which argues against "outsiders coming in."
I have the honor of serving as president of the Southern Christian
Leadership Conference, an organization operating in every southern
state, with headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia. We have some eighty-five
affiliated organizations across the South, and one of them is the
Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights. Frequently we share staff,
educational and financial resources with our affiliates. Several months
ago the affiliate here in Birmingham asked us to be on call to engage in
a nonviolent direct-action program if such were deemed necessary. We
readily consented, and when the hour came we lived up to our promise.
So I, along with several members of my staff, am here because I was
invited here I am here because I have organizational ties here.
But more basically, I am in Birmingham because injustice is here. Just
as the prophets of the eighth century B.C. left their villages and
carried their "thus saith the Lord" far beyond the boundaries of their
home towns, and just as the Apostle Paul left his village of Tarsus and
carried the gospel of Jesus Christ to the far corners of the Greco-Roman
world, so am I. compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my own
home town. Like Paul, I must constantly respond to the Macedonian call
for aid.
Moreover, I  am cognizant  of the  interrelatedness of all communities
and states. I cannot sit idly by in Atlanta and not be concerned about
what happens in Birmingham.  Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice
everywhere.  We are caught  in an  inescapable network  of  mutuality,
tied in a  single garment of  destiny.  Whatever affects one directly,
affects all indirectly. Never again can  we afford to  live  with  the
narrow,  provincial "outside agitator" idea.   Anyone who lives inside
the United States can  never be considered an outsider anywhere within
its bounds.
You deplore the demonstrations taking place In Brimingham.  But your
statement, I am sorry to say, fails to express a similar concern for the
conditions that brought about the demonstrations.  I am 

Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Media Lies Once Again to Declare Bush the Winner

2001-04-08 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Tis just a HegelianTango with some cha-cha-chas tossed in for wiggle room.

The object of the operation is the cessation of our republic, the continued
oppression of natural sovereignties and attempted perpetual domination
through elite deviance.

The fact of the matter is that our electoral system is highly controlled.
There are very few windows of honest operations, mostly in small rural areas.
The elections industry is quite interesting and very corrupt. It is not a
topic of discussion of the major media.

Another fact is that Al Gore won the presidential election of 2000, both the
electoral and popular vote. What you are getting the "privilege" of existing
through is a psy-war op directed us hoi polloi. The overriding theme on the
world stage has been the planned Hegelian play of the US as a caricature of
capitalism and the USSR as caricature of socialism. The play is very
exploitive of many different "subplots." There has been mucho dinero spent on
understanding group dynamics. Much of the news is just plain false, directed
toward hardening of the differing sides so that they can then be controlled
by constructed events.

The psychological effect of the 2000 elections is very similar to the JFK
assassination in operation, play and affectations.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Paul Harvey impersonation

2001-04-08 Thread Kris Millegan



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The rest of the( Owen )story.
On the above URL, just under the "NViets break..etc" is a little blob
from the NY Times which reports the death of a CIA officer,on the
ground, in NE Laos, from hostile small arms fire. That was supposed to
be me. Odom jr and Col Arnold pulled a switch and it was ( I believe)
ROB OWEN'S older brother instead, which might explain why Shackley was
always looking out for R.O., who was QUAYLES constituent. I don't know .
I was in the dark too.
On Hull. I dont expect anyone to take this seriously but neiter Bush nor
Quayle knew what was going on till fairly late in the game , and then
only by chance landing of Hull plane in middle of Bush grouse hunt in
w.Texas. Bush was shook-up. Casey managed to fix it all up somehow.
Regarding FTW(Ruppert/hopsicker july2000)
I dont know anything about Dem. Laundry ops. but I know the original
money for the 1980 Reagan/cocaine deal (which DID purchase the election)
came out of profits of ODESSA (I mean the real Odessa) gold swindle of
The SD originals with their WWII ID papers started re entering Bolivia
in Oct 1979. One of them is pictured in the BOWERS book . That guy laid
out the whole plan for me in July1979 and advised me to invest in gold
cause they were finally able to sell their WWII hoard but they would
drive the price way way up first.
Kenneth B Thomas


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Re: [CTRL] Eli Lilly's Sarafem -- same as Prozac?

2001-04-08 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

mmm, most of my ex's convinced me pms is a 24 day event followed by 4 days
of "don't touch me i have cramps, damnit, men, pah..."
or is that just me?

- Original Message -
From: "Tenorlove" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, April 08, 2001 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Eli Lilly's Sarafem -- same as Prozac?

 -Caveat Lector-

 Personally, I'd rather have a pill that GIVES me PMS the other 24 days
 of the cycle... Think of the fun I could have inflicting my moods
 on my family and friends! wicked grin


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] spy plane

2001-04-08 Thread Kris Millegan

U.S. spy plane was probing china air defenses
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Monday, 2 April 2001 19:41 (ET)

U.S. spy plane was probing china air defenses
By RICHARD SALE, UPI Terrorism Correspondent

The U.S. spy plane which made an emergency landing in China was on a
mission to eavesdrop on military radio traffic in the area and probe Chinese
air defenses, administration officials told United Press International

The Navy EP-3 surveillance aircraft collided Sunday with a Chinese fighter
jet sent to intercept it. The U.S. plane made an emergency landing at a
Chinese military base on Hainan Island in the South China Sea, and American
officials have been denied access to the plane and its crew, provoking a
tense diplomatic standoff between Beijing and Washington.

In part the war of words that has ensued is attributable to the lack of
any ground rules governing interaction between Chinese military forces and
U.S. planes and ships trying to spy on them, according to a U.S. naval
source. Guidelines were worked out during the Cold War between the U.S. and
Russia, but never with China, the source said.

The EP-3 Aries II aircraft has four propeller engines, and a low wing with
a span of nearly 100 feet. It is capable of flying for more than 12 hours at
a time with a 3,000 nautical mile range.

The Navy owns only about a dozen of the aircraft. Each one carries a huge
collection of highly classified sensitive radio receivers and high-gain dish
antennae that can detect, record and analyze electronic emissions from deep
within enemy territory, according to the Navy.

According to one U.S. official, the Navy EP-3 II Aries flight Sunday was
part of a National Security Agency program -- missions that the NSA operates
in conjunction with all three branches of the U.S. armed forces. The Navy's
component service is known as the Naval Security Group and its primary
mission in the Far East is to monitor Chinese Naval activity.

According to U.S. intelligence experts, this means gathering information
on the type and number of ships and the patterns of operation, logistical
organization and re-supply. In a war situation, the aircraft provides data
for commanders to make targeting decisions and avoid enemy defenses. Its
unique feature is the capability to offer near real-time intelligence by
beaming its data directly to U.S. ships and planes while in flight.

Intelligence experts say the plane would also collect data on how Chinese
naval units operate in coordination with shore-based aircraft and ballistic
missile submarines. A key goal, they say, is to watch for activation of
special command links on which ships talk to commanders on special circuits
or frequencies.

But another part of the EP-3's mission has been to probe Chinese air
defenses -- to get data facilities like radar and the fire control systems
that drive surface-to-air missile and air interceptor systems, they said.
These facilities reveal themselves when they start to track potential

"When the Chinese spot one of our planes, they light up, and we can watch
them watching us. That's what it's about," said one U.S. government

The EP-3s fly a fixed track, or route, in order to report on the signals
and emissions coming from the many radars and guidance systems along the
Chinese coast. Radars, whether linked to an anti-aircraft system or to
ground station, produce distinctive electronic impulses or signatures. A
quick glance from the crew of the EP-3 or an NSA analyst at a relay station
can tell whether the radar is aboard a Chinese aircraft or coming from a
surface-to-air missile battery, intelligence experts said.

In wartime, data about the location of these facilities help U.S. weapons
systems, ships and planes to penetrate air defenses and hit targets.

In days of the Cold War, the United States would deliberately violate
Soviet airspace in order to provoke the Soviets to turn on their air defense
radars, enabling NSA experts to collect data, according to a U.S. Navy

After the Soviets rammed a U.S. spy ship -- the USS Caron -- in the Black
Sea in 1988, the official said a set of ground rules were drawn up between
military officials of both nations.

"We got together and said, 'look, this is an dangerous game. Aren't there
some rules we can establish that will keep the lives of crews and officers
from being in danger?'" the official told UPI.

The agreement even covered interaction in the seas and airspace around
North Korea. One intelligence official told UPI that both the Russians and
the Chinese intercept reconnaissance planes in international airspace on
nearly every flight to demonstrate they know the aircraft is there.

But there is no agreement in place with the Chinese military, and China's
interception of EP-3 flights has steadily become more aggressive, according
to U.S. military 

[CTRL] Fwd: Madelline Albright has stolen jewells - nothing new

2001-04-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

So Madelline Albright has not turned in her loot from Arafat?Well so
much for this "good Ctholic".like Japanese Catholic Sharpshooter and
if that guy is Catholic I am a Zen Buddist?   West Point may not have
had a temple suitable for this Kamakazi killer who did not self destruct
after murdering a litle 8th Grader and his dog at Ruby Ridge and then
took careful aim and murdered mother too?

Ah what breed of Catholic is this Albright and Japanese Sharpshooter?
Anyway Madeline did find out lo and behold she was after all
Jewishbut never returned the stolen art and jewellry stolen from
those left for Hitler to excomunicate to the Zionist State of Israel?

Tell me where is Israel getting billions and billions in diamonds that
they do not mine?


Better get that stuff Madeline and send her back to Balkans for trial
where war criminal charges were also

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  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\©http://www.MiddleEast.Org

  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups,
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know!
  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
 To receive MER regularly email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 THE PATHETIC ARAFAT - Giver and Beggar

MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 4/08:
  This guy Arafat, and those who advise him, are truly getting ore pathetic
all the time.  We now learn that while his people suffer even worse than before
as a result of what he and his cronies have done, and not done, Arafat has been
busy giving expensive jewelry gifts to the former American President, First Lady,
and Secretary of State (and no doubt there is a larger list!).  And while the
Israelis are busy shelling his people and assassasinating potential opposition
Arafat is on the phone calling Sharon to wish the Jewish people a Happy Passover
and beg Sharon to return to the dastardly "Oslo Peace Process" which has provided
the Israelis the smokescreen that have wanted to create today's neo-Apartheid
conditions in the first place!
  Meanwhile, partially thanks to Arafat's "leadership", corruption, and 
the Palestinian people are forced to prepare for even worse times ahead, as the
third article below details.
  It is Arafat who had lead everyone into this unbelievable situation having
squandered so much time, money, and support for so long; having been used and
co-opted and corrupted for so long.   And it is surely long overdue that Arafat,
Sha'ath, Abu Mazen, Erakat and Abed-Rabbo and that whole discredited cabal of
Palestinian "leaders" and "negotiators" and "VIPs" resign in disgrace; and if
they refuse they should be removed and indicted for gross corruption and malfeasance
as has happened in recent history to other despicable regimes in other parts
of the world.


Clintons left the gifts behind in White House

By Shlomo Shamir

[Ha'aretz - 6 April]:
Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat gave diamond jewelry worth thousands
of dollars to then-president Bill Clinton and his wife, Hillary, and to then-secretary
of state Madeleine Albright during their terms in office,the New York Observer
reported yesterday.

According to the report, the Clintons left the gifts behind when they left the
White House. The newspaper did not say what happened to the gifts Albright got.

The Clinton gifts included braceletes, necklaces and earrings studded with diamonds,
said the newspaper, and were worth some $12,000. The gifts to Albright were worth
$17,400 the newspaper said.

Arafat's gifts to the Clintons went to the U.S. National Archive, along with
other gifts the First Couple received from world leaders. A State Department
spokesman said he did not know what happened to the Albright gifts.

According to the newspaper, the Clinton's accounting of their official gifts
did not specify that they were from Arafat.


JERUSALEM (Reuters - 7 April) - Palestinian President Yasser Arafat delivered
a goodwill message on Saturday to Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for the
Jewish Passover holiday after a week of violence in the West Bank and Gaza.

Israel Radio said Arafat spoke by telephone with Sharon to wish the Jewish people
a happy holiday and also invited leftist Mertez party leader Yossi Sarid to meet
him in the next few days.

A Palestinian official said Arafat also spoke with Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon
Peres and expressed hope that stalled peace talks would resume.

Sharon's office said his response to Arafat's gesture on the eve of Passover,
which commemorates the Israelites' biblical 

[CTRL] Fwd: Ed Dames China! [MC] Remote viewing for kids dark force

2001-04-08 Thread Kris Millegan

Exclusive: ½ Price Omaha Steaks Top Sirloins- Only $22!
Order today and we’ll add 6 Burgers FREE when you checkout.
100% guaranteed to thrill; order today!
A HREF=" http://click.topica.com/caaabM0bz8QXLbAgkRya/OmahaSteaks 

Heads up, "UFO" OpForce!  Re "Ed Dames" and his Mind Kontrol for Kids!

Responding to Battle Stations. Info Collection Requests Targeting: Llewellyn
and FATE Mag; UFO Mag.; Antonio Huneeus; Michael Drosnin; Scott Jones; CUFOS;
MUFON; The NINE; Ira Einhorn; Kathy Kasten @ UCLA; Don  Vicki Ecker; Art
Bell; Whitley Strieber; Linda Moulton Howe; Bruce Maccabee; and John Mack. We
need updates on Ed Dames' revenue stream; also ops status of David Morehouse.
Is Michael Lindemann still functioning? Revenue $tream  $tatus update.
Follow $$.

Close loops!  "Lace up the football, then punt it away." As per contingencies.

(Exorcists at their stations? "Spirit Releasement Therapy" locked and loaded?)

Move all data public and into policy control venues immediately. Expose

Open source only. Expect collateral confusion-seeding, (disease, urban panic).

Dames attempting to torch disaffected youth "alien huggers" created in 1990s,
as a perverted "Children's Crusade." See European history for parallels. Same
"energy." Hitler Youth under SS tutelage inspired by same "philosophies" 

This is not a drill.



- - - - +
Subj:RE: [MC]  "Mind Kontrol for Kids?" Battle Stations! Sound General
Date:   4/7/01 5:44:03 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Wes Thomas)
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Mc@Topica. Com), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Ewar@Topica. Com)

Update: Major "Head Games" Dames AKA "Dr. Doom," who claims to
speak fluent Cantonese/Mandarin from his Army intel training,
also said on the show that he's planning to go to China to mind-dazzle
and recruit children as remote viewers (spies). Which either means Dames has
gone completely insane (he'd last there about 2 nanoseconds before
being arrested and imprisoned as a spy) or he knows the Art Bell
audience (if the typical zombie callers are any indication) will
believe any fool thing he says.
- - - - +

See attached, FYI and context. (forwarded...)

- - - - +

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The following was sent to me by a list member who gave me permission to post
it  but prefers to remain anonymous. I agree that Dames' so-called "remote
viewing" (I prefer to call it "posthypnotic psychotomimetic") protocols,
like any uncontrolled hypnosis induction procedures (especially when the
subject is not given a command to come out of it), have unpredictable side
effects ... such as insanity.

"In my opinion Ed Dames is possessed.  It is a low-grade possession but
he has no mental defenses.  The dark force he's talking about is real
and it is absorbing his attention.  Eventually he'll be able to see
nothing else.  He's on his way to the rubber room.

"This is partly a result of channeling, a sloppy and hazardous behavior.
I also think that his practice as an intelligence agent, of taking a
script and making himself believe that it is real (a practice that went
far beyond method acting) was damaging to him.  It enabled him to utter
absurd disinformation with sincerity, but it destroyed his ability to
relate to reality."

Re Pat's comment that the purpose of "Mindazzle" is "to upgrade intuition,

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: The U.N. Plan for Global Control

2001-04-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well I think there is something wrong when one's religion forbids sodomy
and the UN aids in the teaching of same as method of first, birth
control; and second, genocide - 1 of 3 black homosexuals have AIDS?
Nice plan for murder, in the name of humanitarian efforts?

UN Plan for Global Control - by what authority?

UN Secretary met with Castro while we were entertaining the little red
herring Elian and planned for emmigrants to the USA for jobs, only they
must be black or non-white?   No Europeans, who made this country unless
you think picking cotton took a lot of genius?

UN does what by what authority?   This nation was born at the business
end of a gun, and believe me if our government will not defend this
country, the patriots will so do in the name of the USA, not some god
damned UN God of their choice.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WSJ Republican Strategy

2001-04-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Wall Street Journal Headline: "Republicans need to keep courting Jewish and black 

VDARE: Make that counting! (Not COURTING!)
By Steve Sailer

The battle to spin the ethnic vote continues, with many Republican
commentators arguing that George W. Bush's resounding failure among
their favorite minority constituencies only means that Republicans
should redouble their efforts to appeal to that group in the next

One of the most far-fetched was "Wall Street Journal" editorial page
columnist Seth Lipsky's piece "No Majority Without Minorities: It
won't be easy, but Republicans need to keep courting Jewish and black

The only plausible Republican strategy for attracting significant
numbers of Jews or blacks is to nominate a Jew or a black for
President. And the bounce from that would be short-lived, just as
regional pride enabled Jimmy Carter to carry white Southerners in
1976, but not in 1980.

An article by Ralph Z. Hallow in The Washington Times quoted a black
Republican suggesting a more hard-headed tactic for the GOP: payoffs
to black leaders. Former chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil
Rights, William B. Allen advises targeting black politicians and
ministers. "The time has come to recognize that the Republican Party
has to co-opt -- I may even say to buy -- the black vote. … You make
it too valuable for them to say no to you. … Everybody has something
to offer, whether positions, whether money, you name it."

While certainly a bracing alternative to Lipsky's woozy wishing,
Allen's plan probably wouldn't work. Although the Democrats have been
paying "walking-around" money to black ministers for decades, it is
considered scandalous when the GOP tries to match the Democrats.
Recall how political consultant Ed Rollins sank his career by
boasting that he'd handed out walking-around money to New Jersey
ministers to get Christine Todd Whitman elected.

Further, Democrats can offer above-board policy payoffs to black
leaders that Republicans just can't match, at least not without
eliminating what little difference is left between the parties.

Consider why the Bush Brothers didn't win easily in Florida: because
Governor Jeb infuriated the black elite with his One Florida plan.
When Ward Connerly, the black hero of California's anti-quota
Proposition 209 campaign, came to Florida, Jeb thunk and thunk and
finally came up with what he reckoned was the perfect plan to squelch

Jeb would eliminate overt racial preferences in state university
admissions, but actually increase the number of black students by
guaranteeing college admission to any kid finishing in the top 20% of
his high school class. Since lots of poor blacks attend schools where
even the valedictorian is hard pressed to score above the national
average on the SAT, this would be a boon to black college admissions.

Of course, what Jeb forgot was that black elites are not comprised of
average blacks. Black leaders mostly send their kids to integrated
schools, where their scions find it hard to rank in the top fifth.
However, black leaders' kids tend to outscore the poor black kids on
the SAT, so One Florida would tend to make affluent black kids worse
off to the benefit of their poorer brethren.

Enraged, black leaders ran a tremendous get out the vote campaign,
driving the black share of the vote up from 10% in Florida in 1996 to
15% in 2000. And Florida's African Americans votes 93% to 7% against
Jeb's brother Dubya.

Now, Mr. Lipsky might suggest that all Jeb had to do was explain to
poor black Floridians why his plan was better for them than their
leaders' quota plan. Maybe … but let's be frank about the
difficulties of getting a complex logical argument across to poor

Consider this: The only reason Dubya is carrying Florida is because a
sizable fraction of the black electorate there botched up their
ballots. Although I implied in VDARE that the 26,000 ballots
disqualified in Republican Duval County showed that Republicans could
be as clueless as Democrats, I was wrong. In Duval's black precincts,
20% of the voters had their ballots disqualified for, well, for
stupidity. The get-out-the-vote workers had told inexperienced black
voters "to vote on every page." Since the ten Presidential candidates
were spread across two pages, many voted for two men for President.
[See the amusing New York Times account]. Similarly, The Palm Beach
Post reported that the butterfly ballot baffled 16% of the voters in
Palm Beach's black districts.

In contrast to Allen's interesting but probably impractical idea,
Donald J. Devine, a veteran Republican campaign staffer suggested in
The Washington Times article that the GOP not waste party resources
on blacks other than carefully selected intellectuals. "Black
intellectuals, on our side at least, have made the black
intellectuals on the other side listen to our arguments on school
vouchers and other issues."

Recall the old joke:

Q. What do you call 

[CTRL] No Diversity of Ideas on Campus Today (fwd)

2001-04-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

No Diversity of Ideas on Campus Today

Having observed both the Democratic and Republican conventions of
2000, it was quite evident that each party attempted to portray
itself as the true champion of genuine diversity. In true form, both
political parties made a concerted effort to appeal to African
Americans, Hispanics, Asians, gays and lesbians in order to win their
support for this year's presidential election.

Diversity is the 'politically correct' idiom for discrimination. In
other words, it is liberal newspeak for the same old agenda of
affirmative action, quotas, and preferences. Now I don't want to come
off as callous or apathetic towards real victims of racism or
discrimination. I acknowledge that both exist. However, I would like
to apply the dogma of diversity to academia. In an article in the
August 13th issue of the Washington Times Weekly entitled "No
diversity of ideas on campus today," Jeffrey Hart stumbles on a
fascinating contradiction in liberal thought concerning cultural
diversity and ideas.

Hart analyzes an investigation conducted by the independent student
newspaper, The Dartmouth Review, concerning the political affiliation
of professors in six academic departments at Dartmouth College:
economics, English, government, history, philosophy, and religion.
The results of the survey were not surprising to me! Any serious
scholar of American education is aware of the fact that most
educators are affiliated with the Democratic Party. This fact alone
opens up a whole can of worms relating to worldview and the concept
that "ideas have consequences" which this commentary has not the time
to address.

The Dartmouth Review found that 79 percent of the faculty were
Democrats, 18 percent Independents, and 3 percent Republicans.
Democrats outnumbered Republicans 25 to 1. Hart also points out that
we hear a great deal about diversity these days from spokesmen for
the universities nationwide. I say it's time they simply practice
what they preach.

One way academia could show its good faith and true commitment to
genuine diversity is to have quotas for professors on the basis of
ideas, religion, and political affiliation. Universities and colleges
should scrap tenure and provide real equal opportunities for people
with different viewpoints than their own in order to bring actual
diversity and balance to academia. However, there is not a chance
this will happen anytime soon. Academia is entrenched!

Liberals are alleged to champion respect for the rights and
privileges of others, the promotion of understanding and appreciation
of human differences, and the guardians of constructive expression of
ideas. Where's their respect, understanding, and appreciation for the
Judeo/Christian tradition and worldview on the campuses of America
today? I tell you, it's no where to be found! That's because the only
legitimate form of discrimination allowed in America today is towards
Christians. The Left's call for diversity is merely talk. In other
words, it's nothing more than symbolism over substance!


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Re: [CTRL] LewRockwell.com -- China is right.

2001-04-08 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Nurev Ind." [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 1:33 PM
Subject: LewRockwell.com -- China is right.

If J2 is now quoting libertarian sourcesI might actually start to take him

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Re: [CTRL] Capitalism at work: So you think businessmen should control your energy eh?

2001-04-08 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 PGE Bankruptcy Bombshell Deepens California Energy Crisis

The only thing dumber then thinking that the purpose of corporations is to
further the public good is to think that politicians can "manage" energy

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[CTRL] FC: Sorry, you can't register Jesus Christ or Santa under .name (fwd)

2001-04-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


From: "Russ Smith" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: sorry Pop ... and Jesus Christ and Santa Claus
Date: Sat, 7 Apr 2001 19:31:40 -0400

The domain name "pop.name" will not be allowed to be registered by any user.


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http://www.icann.org/tlds/ has the updates for the new tld's.

Russ Smith

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[CTRL] Well duhhhhhh!!!!- OR - Welcome to the New World Order.

2001-04-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Published on Sunday, March 25, 2001 in the Independent (UK)

The Crazy Logic of the Continental Food Swap

By Caroline Lucas

From culling times, vaccination, army involvement, and the effects
on election dates to the far more fundamental question of the malign
role of meat imports and exports in this tragic fiasco.

Ben Gill, president of the National Farmers' Union (NFU), pointed
the finger at globalisation, when he asked: "Is it a coincidence
that we had classical swine fever in East Anglia last year, of an
Asian origin, and foot and mouth now, also of an Asian origin? It
raises questions about freer world trade."

In my report Stopping the Great Food Swap -- Relocalising Europe's
Food Supply, published today, I ask why is it that foot and mouth,
a disease that doesn't harm humans and from which most animals
recover in a matter of weeks, has virtually shut down the countryside,
led to the mass slaughter of healthy animals, and crippled our
tourist industry. The answer is: to ensure that we can continue to
export meat in a world where politicians treat globalisation like
a god.

Yet, according to the NFU, the UK earns 630m per year from meat
and dairy exports. Compare this with the estimate of the cost of
the foot and mouth epidemic of 9bn. This means that it will take
more than 14 years of exports to match the cost of the damage done
by the present "cull to eradicate" approach to foot and mouth.

The disaster now spreading across Britain and appearing on the
Continent must result in a radical rethink of the need for an ever
more international food trade. For it is this that exacerbates
climate change, forces down food and animal welfare standards and
contributes to disasters such as as foot and mouth and BSE.

Over the past 30 years, the rise in the trade in meat, live animals
and other agricultural products in and out of Europe has been
dramatic, yet this often involves, simultaneously, a reverse trade
in precisely the same products.

The sheer absurdity of this "food swap" is shown by the fact that
Britain imported 61,400 tonnes of poultry meat from the Netherlands
in the same year that it exported 33,100 tonnes of poultry meat to
the Netherlands. We also imported 240,000 tonnes of pork and 125,000
tonnes of lamb, while at the same time exporting 195,000 tonnes
and 102,000 tonnes of pork and lamb respectively.

Dramatically curbing world food trade and relocalising production
must be central to the debate about transforming the Common
Agricultural Policy (CAP. The chairman of the European Parliament's
influential Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, the
Green MEP Friedrich Wilhelm Graefe zu Baringdorf, has welcomed this
approach. He has asserted that this is a key issue for debate not
just in Brussels, but also in the World Trade Organisation and in
environment and agricultural ministries everywhere. Germany's new
Green agricultural minister, Renate Kunast, has also demanded

It is time to consider how we replace globalisation with localisation.
The CAP must be replaced by a localist rural and food policy. Its
goal would be to keep production much closer to the point of
consumption and to help protect and rebuild local economies around
the world. As a member of the European Parliament's Trade Committee,
I am committed to working to achieve this. It is the race for ever
greater international trade and competitiveness that should go up
in smoke, not our animals and the future for our farmers, tourism
and the countryside.

--Dr Caroline Lucas is Green MEP for South-east England.

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Re: [CTRL] Ritual Murders Keyed to Bible

2001-04-08 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Aleisha Saba wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 No Johannes, no the asshole of the year wrote this one .Joshua 2 was
 that you asshole?
 Off List Joshua was voted Asshole of the Year - and understand they give
 him a big plaque when the funds are raised.


 Actually one might call this bible code Jewish Ritual Murder dating back
 to Jack the Ripper for it is said the Ripper was a Meyer Lansky in
 disgused on drugs and involved in old Illuminati of the day?

 So write me off that one Johannes - it was the hand of a brain dead
 asshole who wrote that one.

Beware of Mad Cows spouting disinformation.

Joshua2 with my shiny new plaque.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Ritual Murders Keyed to Bible

2001-04-08 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/8/01 2:14:56 PM Central Daylight Time,

Joshua2 with my shiny new plaque.

Ahhh, the much-coveted Golden Sphincter!!
I put mine on the mantle next to my bong!


[CTRL] Waco cover-up: The FLIR Project (fwd)

2001-04-08 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Waco cover-up: "The FLIR Project"

 Original Message 
Subject: McNulty on Sunday Show
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 11:09:23 -0500
From: "Oceana Investigations" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Ken Vardon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mike McNulty, nationally known for his indefatigable research and reporting
of the Waco cover-up, has done it again! This time he has exposed the
cover-up of the cover-up.

Followers of the story will be remember that Janet Reno hired John Danforth
as an independent "investigator" last year in order to "clear up the
matter."  Danforth cleared it up for the news media by finally concluding
last fall that " . . . we are 100% certain that the FBI did not fire a shot
that day (April 19, 1993)."

The dispute had begun brewing a couple of years before when Mike McNulty et
al. produced a documentary video which included the FBI's own FLIR (Forward
Looking Infrared) tapes shot from an airplane at 4,000 feet during the
massacre. FLIR reflects heat, and the hotter it is the whiter it appears on
the film. With the hundreds of white spots appearing from three sides of the
building, the researchers believed they had the video evidence of a planned
government execution of the Davidians.

The government based its "final conclusion" that this was not so largely on
the point that the the white blips on the screen were of "too long a
duration" to be gunfire and decided that they were simply reflections of

McNultey's new video, "The FLIR Project", destroys this hoax and makes one
100% certain that the FBI and Delta Force ground troops DID fire hundreds of
rounds that day.  With new and different technology, McNultey was able to
pull up magnified images of men in uniform moving and firing around the
Davidian church home. The men, women, and children were brutally murdered in
the doorways as they attempted to escape the raging inferno.

Mike McNulty will be our guest for the full hour this evening and will
welcome your call-in questions.

This 34-minute piece of irrefutable evidence is available through the
website below for $22, shipping and handling included.


HEAR: "Pat Shannan's Investigative Reports"
live every Sunday evening, 8:00pm EST, 5:00pm PST at

Your call-in number for questions and comments
is 1-800-259-9231
Film Resurrects Waco

Why Waco?

Justice Department investigation should target UT campus

Bring The Waco Murders To Justice! CLASS ACTION SUIT

American Spectator Online April 5, 2001

The Latest Waco Fireball

by James Bovard

The Waco ghost may be rising from the grave once more to place its ice-cold
hand again on the neck of the Washington establishment. A new film and a
new book by top Waco experts achieve the miraculous -- further shredding
government credibility on the FBI's April 19, 1993 attack on the Branch

Back in September 1999, Attorney General Janet Reno hand-picked
establishment eminence and former U.S. Senator John Danforth (R-MO) to put
the wooden stake in the heart of the Waco issue once and for all. Danforth,
operating supposedly as an independent counsel, did his pious best -- and
raced to release his report last summer just as rumor had it that he was a
top prospect to be Bush's vice presidential candidate. Danforth basically
exonerated the feds, saving his scorn for low-life Americans who dared
criticize the government tank assault and gassing of the women, children,
and men in the Davidians' home.

A key issue in Danforth's investigation was whether FBI agents fired on
Davidians during the final attack. Rhythmic patterns on Forward Looking
Infrared ("FLIR") tapes made from an FBI plane strongly suggested automatic
weapons fire came from positions near the FBI tanks. Danforth persuaded
federal Judge Walter Smith to conduct a re- enactment last year of the
final day's action. Danforth then proclaimed that the film from the
re-enactment proved beyond a doubt that federal agents did not shoot at
Davidians -- in large part because the muzzle flashes on the re-enactment
were much shorter than the shots from the April 19, 1993 tape.

A new film, entitled "The F.L.I.R. Project," produced by Mike McNulty (one
of the masterminds behind the 1998 Academy Award finalist documentary,
"Waco: Rules of Engagement") reveals fatal flaws in Danforth's re-
enactment. (The film is available at www.flirproject.com)

On April 19, 1993, FBI agents relied on a commercial, off- the-shelf ammo
-- the type that would be used by any hunter or shooter. For the March 19,
2000 Danforth-FBI 

[CTRL] Radioactive Tumbleweeds

2001-04-08 Thread William Shannon


Latest nuclear menace: radioactive tumbleweeds

RICHLAND, Washington (AP) -- The Cold War may be over, but Hanford nuclear
reservation continues to battle Russian invaders: radioactive tumbleweeds.

Russian thistle is a dead menace here on the windswept desert of
south-central Washington. Each winter, the deep tap root on the plant decays,
and the spiny brown skeleton above ground breaks off and rolls away.

"Our dream is that we have this place tumbleweed-free," says Ray Johnson, a
biological control manager for radiation protection at Fluor Hanford, the
contractor managing the U.S. Department of Energy site.

But that's about as likely as a Soviet reunion.

While less than 1 percent of the tumbleweeds corralled and compacted at
Hanford are radioactive, the cost of cleanup can run into millions of

Hanford is the most contaminated nuclear site in the country, built in 1943
for the top-secret Manhattan Project. For 40 years, Hanford made plutonium
for the nation's nuclear arsenal, including the atomic bomb that was dropped
on Nagasaki, Japan. The last reactor was shut down in 1986.

Russian thistle, a nonnative or invader species, is a particular problem at
underground burial sites for radioactive waste, where their tap roots reach
down as far as 20 feet (6 meters) and suck up such nasty elements as
strontium and cesium.

A stiff winter wind can push the tumbleweed as far away as four miles, and
then "we've lost control of our contamination," Johnson says. But most get
hung up within a few hundred yards, usually on sagebrush, fences or in
stairwells at the buildings scattered across the site.
Two years ago, uncontrolled contamination spread by fruit flies made Hanford
a national laughingstock, spoofed by humor columnist Dave Barry and in the
syndicated comic strip "Sylvia."

The flies had been attracted to a soil fixative with saccharin in the base
that was being sprayed on a contaminated site. They flew to a lunch room, and
spread the taint to nearby trash bins, which wound up at the Richland
municipal landfill.

Johnson can chuckle about it now, recalling attempts to find the source of
the contamination. As crews ran radiation detectors around the lunch room and
passed over a fruit fly, "the contamination flew away," he recalls.
The journeys of a few thousand fruit flies cost $2.5 million to clean up.

Riding herd on Hanford's tumbleweeds, and its flying insects, is part of an
annual $4 million integrated soil, vegetation and animal control (ISVAC)
program, run by subcontractor DynCorp. for Fluor Hanford.

Radiation control specialists survey the tumbleweeds on the 560-square-mile
(1,450-square-kilometer) reservation, using Geiger-Mueller counters that
click when radioactivity is present. If contaminated tumbleweeds are found,
an ISVAC crew disposes of them.

"The weeds are fairly low danger," says Todd Ponczoch, a radiation control
technician, using a Geiger counter to scan tumbleweeds along a fenceline.
None registered radioactive on a recent trip.

A large, three-pound (1.3-kilogram) radioactive tumbleweed might measure out
at 150 millirads, or about 1/100th of the allowable annual dose of radiation
per person at Hanford.

Radioactive tumbleweeds are pitchforked by specially trained and clothed
workers into a regulated garbage truck, compacted and disposed of at an
on-site low-level waste dump. A trail of paperwork is required as well.

The sites must be satisfactorily cleaned up and covered with six inches of
clean soil or gravel.

Nonradioactive tumbleweeds are territory for the Teamsters.
"It's an easy job. It gets us outside," says Joe Aldridge, a Teamster from
Richland, as he pitchforks a plant into the garbage truck which can hold
about 1,800 pounds (810 kilograms) of tumbleweeds.

The uncontaminated tumbleweeds are dumped in an open pit. Up until five or
six years ago, the "clean" tumbleweeds were burned and the ash buried. But
the state Department of Health put a halt to that practice for fear that some
radioactive tumbleweeds might find their way into the mix and disperse
contamination into the air.

Preventive measures are also part of the control program, and include
backpack, roadside and aerial spraying with herbicide to kill the thistle.
Sometimes a bio-barrier -- a costly engineered textile -- is laid down to
block the formation of thistle roots.

"What you've got to do is make sure your contaminated areas are
tumbleweed-free," Johnson says.

Clearly, this isn't Kansas, where at least two enterprising souls are raising
Russian thistles, turning them into tumbleweeds and selling them for home
decor. But in the vast, open and uncontaminated portions of the reservation,
some areas are simply left to nature.

Even Johnson can acknowledge their rightful place in the world.
"If we didn't have them, the West wouldn't be the West," he says, "and we
couldn't sing 'Tumblin' Tumbleweeds."'

[CTRL] Witness To Kabila Shooting In Prison

2001-04-08 Thread William Shannon

Witness to Kabila shooting in prison

By Alex Duval Smith, Africa Correspondent

09 April 2001The only known witness to the assassination of President 
Laurent-Désiré Kabila is being held in solitary confinement in a Kinshasa 
jail and is receiving food only every other day, according to diplomats and 
sources in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Emile Mota, the late president's economics adviser, was briefing Mr Kabila on 
16 January when an assassin shot the DRC leader at point-blank range. A week 
later, a terrified Mr Mota gave The Independent an exclusive account of 

It is understood that Mr Mota, 44, a doctor in mining economics, was arrested 
on 14 March as part of a security sweep including several other men who were 
close to Mr Kabila. The country is now being led by his son, Joseph Kabila.

According to sources in Zimbabwe ­ which is an ally of Kinshasa in the war 
against rebels backed by Rwanda and Uganda ­ Mr Mota is being held in Block 
1, Cell 5 of the notorious Makala prison in the capital.

Another source, which contacted The Independent, from the DRC said: "He is 
being held under the pretext that he is the only witness. During his only 
contact with the outside, he expressed that his case be known to The 

The DRC ambassador to Zimbabwe, Kikaya Bin Karubi, said Mr Mota was being 
held to facilitate investigations into Mr Kabila's murder. 

[CTRL] US hawks push Bush to get tough on China

2001-04-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

US hawks push Bush to get tough on China
Michael Sheridan and Tony Allen-Mills 


Pitching in: Bush relaxes in Milwaukee but is under pressure to play hardball 
with China. Photograph: Larry Downing   
PRESIDENT George W Bush faced mounting pressure from American conservatives 
to get tough with China yesterday, as Beijing jolted hopes of an imminent 
breakthrough in talks over the return of a US navy spy plane and its 24 crew. 

The wife of a Chinese fighter pilot missing since a collision with the 
American plane last Sunday sent a bitter personal letter to Bush, and China's 
foreign policy supremo told the United States its expressions of "regret" 
were not enough. 

In the letter, Ruan Guoqin, wife of Lieutenant Colonel Wang Wei, 33, the 
pilot the Americans accuse of causing last Sunday's collision with the EP-3E 
Aries spy plane, told Bush: "You must understand what it means when an old 
couple lose their only son, when a tender child loses his dear father and 
when a young wife loses her husband. What is incredible is you and your 
government's apathetic attitude to my husband's life. 

"You are too cowardly to voice an apology and have been trying to shirk your 
responsibility repeatedly and defame my husband groundlessly. Can this be the 
human rights . . . that you talk about every day?" 

In a letter to Colin Powell, the secretary of state, Qian Qichen, the Chinese 
vice-premier, wrote: "Regrettably, the US statement on this incident so far 
is unacceptable." He reiterated Chinese demands for a formal apology. 

Diplomats in Beijing said the moves seemed to undermine negotiations over the 
text of a possible compromise. Bush and Powell are pinning their hopes on an 
exchange of formal letters that would repeat American "regrets" and revive a 
1988 agreement that provides for consultations on military activities. 

In Washington there were signs of growing impatience in Republican ranks at 
Bush's reluctance to threaten retaliation. Donald Rumsfeld, the hawkish 
Pentagon chief, was reported to be "worn out by the diplomats . . . He wants 
to stop the pattycakes". 

Several prominent conservatives were appalled when Condoleezza Rice, Bush's 
national security adviser, spoke of the need to preserve good relations with 

American officials in Hainan prepared for a drawn-out saga yesterday, 
purchasing items such as contact lens solution and nail clippers for the 21 
men and three women of the crew. But they were refused permission to take a 
mobile phone into a meeting with them. 

The Americans claim that private Chinese negotiating positions are more 
reasonable than their public rhetoric. But not even the behind-the-scenes 
involvement of Henry Kissinger, a veteran of talks with China, was having 
much impact on a snakepit of contending factions in Beijing. 

Meanwhile, US spy plane flights appear to be continuing. Chinese officials 
claim that 10 of their fighters "chased away" five intruders last week. 


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[CTRL] China raises new obstacle to spy plane crew deal

2001-04-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

China raises new obstacle to spy plane crew deal
By David Wastell, Washington, and Damien McElroy, in Haikou, Hainan Island

  Bush looks China in the eye
Never judge a president by appearances

CHINA last night threw up a fresh obstacle to a deal aimed at freeing the 24
American aircrew held on Hainan Island, by reissuing a demand for an apology
and making clear that it expected America to cut surveillance flights over
the South China Sea.

George W Bush: accused by hard-line Republicans of "weakness" in his dealings
with the Chinese
As US diplomats waited for a promised third meeting with the crew, detained
near the military airfield where their spyplane crash-landed last weekend
after colliding with a Chinese fighter, the country's top foreign policy
official, Vice-Premier Qian Qichen, sent a letter to Washington declaring
that an apology from President George W. Bush remained of the "utmost
importance" to China.

At the same time, Chinese officials told American diplomats that they want
electronic reconnaissance flights close to their coastal waters, which were
stepped up to four or five flights a week from last summer, to be curtailed.
China warned last May that the flights were coming "too close to the coast,
and might cause trouble", according to a Chinese officer quoted in the
Washington Post.

Neither option would be acceptable to Mr Bush, who has strong public backing
for the firm line that he has taken in his first foreign policy challenge
since entering the White House less than three months ago. Some Republicans
are privately expressing unease at the softly-softly approach of the past few
days, and an editorial entitled "A National Humiliation", planned for a
forthcoming edition of the Weekly Standard - a touchstone for many
conservatives, describes the crew as held "hostage" and accuses Mr Bush of
"weakness" in his dealings with the Chinese.

American officials warned that they expected more "ups and downs" before the
dispute was resolved, but remained optimistic that a solution was within
reach. However, the new Chinese move appeared to dash hopes that an exchange
of drafts of a proposed joint letter between America and China, being studied
by President Bush and the Chinese President, Jiang Zemin, would end the
stand-off this weekend.

The letter, to be signed by Adml Joseph Prueher, America's ambassador to
Beijing, and a senior Chinese official, would contain face-saving expressions
of regret at the collision, in which a Chinese fighter pilot died, but avoid
any admission of blame. It would also refer detailed examination of the
accident and issues arising from it - including future surveillance flights -
to a joint military and maritime commission set up by the two countries three
years ago.

Henry Kissinger, a former secretary of state, has privately warned the
Chinese leadership that it must release the crew by today or face a damaging
and enduring reaction from the American public, according to diplomatic
sources. A poll for the Washington Post found opinion hardening, with 74 per
cent saying that the Bush administration should restrict trade with China to
force the return of the plane and its crew.

Last night's letter from the Chinese vice-premier to General Colin Powell,
America's Secretary of State, said: "Up to now, the American attitude is
still unacceptable to the Chinese side, and the Chinese people are extremely
dissatisfied with this."

Communist officials also delivered a letter to the US embassy in Beijing from
Ruan Guoqing, the wife of the missing Chinese fighter pilot, Wang Wei.
Apparently written as she shed tears in her hospital bed, the letter called
on President Bush to take responsibility for the incident. It said: "You are
too cowardly to voice an apology and have been trying to shirk your
responsibility repeatedly and defame my husband groundlessly."

China maintains that the EP-3, which carried the latest American
eaves-dropping equipment, "suddenly swerved" during a routine flight along
its coast last Sunday, knocking the Chinese fighter out of the sky.
Washington contests this, arguing that the Chinese pilot came too close to
the American plane.

In the Hainan capital, Haikou, where the crew is being held in a People's
Liberation Army guesthouse, American diplomats spent most of the day in a
hotel waiting for a telephone call from Chinese officials with a time and a
place for a third meeting with the aircrew.

In the wait for a breakthrough on the release of the crew, the Lockheed EP-3
surveillance aircraft spent a seventh day at a closed military airbase in the
sweltering heat of the garrison island in the South China Sea, where it has
been all but gutted by Chinese security experts.

Carefully controlled attempts to raise public anger against America continued
yesterday, amid stalling by Beijing as it attempts to wring concessions on
curtailing future 

[CTRL] How we spy on our friends

2001-04-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

How we spy on our friends

Sunday 8 April 2001
Uncovered: why the US used Melbourne to spy on China
Tensions ease in US, China stand-off
Dutiful pilot or just one big show-off?
Gallery: Spy plane photos

The Cold War drama played out between a Chinese jet fighter and a US spy
plane off Hainan island has focused attention on a global intelligence jigsaw
in which Australia plays a clandestine but pivotal part.

Australia's main role involves massive satellite surveillance of its Asian
neighbors' civil and military communications that extends over a third of the
planet. But it includes regular flights around Indonesia and as far afield as
India and Pakistan by RAAF P-3 Orion patrol planes carrying equipment similar
to that aboard the US plane at the centre of the row.

Many Americans were startled to discover their aircraft were carrying out
potentially dangerous spying missions off the Chinese coast. But Australians
would be equally surprised at the extent of their country's surveillance.

Since 1947, Australia has been part of a highly sensitive
intelligence-gathering alliance with the US, Britain, Canada and New Zealand
approved by the Chifley government. It was top secret for 40 years until
revealed by strategic analysts Des Ball and Jeffrey T. Richelson in their
book The Ties That Bind.

The agreement divides the planet into spheres of intelligence-gathering
responsibility, with Australia's Defence Signals Directorate covering the
eastern Indian Ocean, parts of South-East Asia and the western Pacific. But
technology has given it a much wider range.

Last year Indonesia claimed RAAF aircraft were carrying out "black" (secret)
flights over its territory. Australia denied the claims, but Indonesia
repeated them in an official protest and threatened to shoot down the

The magazine Flight International said intelligence-gathering flights were
carried out by two RAAF EP-3 Orion maritime-surveillance planes which were
converted to operate as intelligence platforms under a classified project
called Peacemate.

These aircraft were joined during the Timor crisis by an even more
sophisticated US EP-3E Aeries II.

Indonesia issued a NOTAM (notice to airmen), warning pilots to watch out for
RAAF Orions.

In another incident, Indonesia claimed that two of its fighters intercepted a
RAAF Boeing 707 air tanker and four Australian F/A-18 fighters in its

An Indonesian fighter was alleged to have come to within eight metres of a
Hornet. Flight International believed the Indonesian jets were armed and the
Australian aircraft were not.

The Australian aircraft were enroute to Singapore and the Australian Defence
Force said they were in international air space in a recognised air corridor.

Australia is also believed to use the reconnaissance version of the F-111
bomber, the RF-111C, to overfly Indonesia. The plane carries a long-range
imaging pod able to record a mass of signals and sounds over a great distance.

The RAAF's aircraft regularly find themselves much further afield and are
believed to have collected information about Indian and Pakistani missile and
nuclear bomb tests.

In 1997, India formally protested to Australia that an RAAF Orion flew low
over the pride of its fleet, the new destroyer INS Delhi, south of India's
Andaman Islands.

The Orion photographed the ship and dropped sonar buoys near it. These would
have collected enough information about noises emitted by the destroyer to
paint a comprehensive picture of its power plant and propulsion system. This
"signature" would be stored to enable Australia and its allies to later
identify the ship by its noise alone.

The US aircraft involved in last week's incident is believed to have been
trying to find or listen to either a new Chinese destroyer or one of two new
Chinese submarines the Americans are worried about.

One is a variant of the Russian Kilo Class sub and the other a variant of the
Victor III, designed to launch cruise missiles while submerged. That would
make it ideal for attacking US aircraft carriers.

Professor Ball told The Sunday Age the RAAF Orions constantly patrolled a
massive area of the Pacific between Australia and Butterworth in Malaysia.
They would also head out across the South China Sea, around New Guinea and
back over the Coral Sea.

Along the way they would intercept VHF and microwave signals from as far as
200 kilometres away.

"Our coverage is both what we're interested in, Indonesia basically, and
broader coverage on behalf of the UK/USA community, which means from Burma
across to the Coral Sea," Professor Ball said.

US liaison officers were stationed in the intercept facilities and processing
facilities and at headquarters in Australia and the US.

"It's key stuff. You can't do anything unless you know what the electronic
environment you're going to be operating 

[CTRL] US denies arms sale an issue in crisis

2001-04-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

US denies arms sale an issue in crisis
The White House said on Friday that US arms and equipment sales to Taiwan
were not a part of negotiations aimed at resolving a standoff with Beijing
over a US spy plane and crew stranded in China.

Asked whether the sales, a major irritant in relations between Washington and
Beijing, were being discussed by officials from both sides seeking to end the
dispute, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer replied: "no they are not."

The spy plane row has blown up as US President George W. Bush mulls a
decision on whether to provide Taiwan with naval destroyers equipped with the
AEGIS radar system and other weaponry.

US officials have insisted that the sole factor in Washington's decision on
what arms to provide Taipei will be based on Taiwan's defense needs, as
required under the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act.

Meanwhile, Kurt Campbell, a former US defense official in charge of Asia
Pacific affairs, said at a recent seminar that he believes the new US
administration will make a "robust" decision to sell arms to Taiwan in
accordance with the Taiwan Relations Act.

He added that because Asian countries do not want to see the US and China in
conflict, the Bush administration should continue to engage Beijing.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] US Presses China for Free Access to Crew

2001-04-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

US Presses China for Free Access to Crew

Reuters Photo

  Washington Diplomats Move Forward in Spy Plane Negotiations - (KHOU,
  Diplomats Wait For Another Meeting With Detained Crew - (Reuters)

By Andrew Browne

BEIJING (Reuters) - As 24 U.S. air crew began their second week in detention
on Sunday, U.S. diplomats pressed China for unrestricted access while
officials from both sides hammered out a joint letter to try to resolve the

Efforts to end the crisis, which threatens China-U.S. relations if it drags
on much longer, appeared to hinge on a choice of words in the letter that
would allow a face-saving way out for both Chinese President Jiang Zemin
(news - web sites) and President Bush (news - web sites).

China wants a full apology for last Sunday's crash between a U.S. spy plane
and Chinese fighter, but the United States insists it will not go further
than an expression of regret for the lost pilot of the Chinese aircraft.

In Haikou, U.S. diplomats were awaiting word on a fourth meeting with the
crew after seeing them on Saturday and passing on e-mails from home,
toiletries and the latest American sports scores to boost their morale.

``With regard to future access, we are still working hard for unfettered
daily access to the crew and we asked to see them twice a day,'' Defense
Attache Brigadier-General Neal Sealock told reporters.

``I trust that we will continue to have this access on a daily basis,'' he

Speaking of Saturday's late-night meeting with the crew in Haikou's
military-run Nanhang No 1 Guesthouse, Sealock said: ''It was very heartening
to see them in very high spirits in very good health and good condition.''

Free access to the 21 men and three women crew may buy time for what could be
a long and tortuous negotiation over the letter, which U.S. officials said
would also set out a mechanism for an exchange of views on the incident.

Patience is wearing thin among U.S. lawmakers and there is talk of trade
retaliation and other sanctions.

Palm Sunday Service

In Beijing, U.S. Ambassador Joseph Prueher headed off to church on Palm
Sunday. He told reporters he was awaiting word on another meeting from the
Chinese Foreign Ministry (news - web sites) and ``we'll interrupt whatever
we're doing for that next meeting.''

``The air crew is well, they're doing fine, we're hoping to get them out of
here before too long,'' Prueher said.

Sealock, dressed in a dark polo shirt and tan trousers, delivered his remarks
in a monotone voice and declined as usual to take any questions.

Several U.S. diplomats in Haikou, including Mark Canning the public affairs
officer for the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou, would be flown out of Hainan on
Sunday and replaced by fresh arrivals, diplomats said.

U.S. political analysts said an apology was out of the question because it
would imply that the U.S. pilot was guilty and it was wrong for the EP-3
plane to be patrolling the sea near Asia's major military power.

But in a sign of hardening Congressional sentiment, Henry Hyde, the
Republican head of the House International Relations Committee, described the
U.S. crew as ``hostages.''


Reuters Photo

``I would call them hostages. They are being held against their will, and
five days is a rather long time, especially if you're the one being held in

``I don't know why they're demanding we apologize. We ought to be demanding
that they apologize for surveilling our planes and flying so closely to
them,'' Hyde said in taped remarks for CNN.

In a letter to Secretary of State Colin Powell (news - web sites) released by
the Chinese news agency Xinhua on Saturday, Vice Premier Qian Qichen said
Beijing was ``dissatisfied'' with Bush's expression of regret, adding an
apology was of ``the utmost importance.''

``Up to now the American attitude is still unacceptable to the Chinese side,
and the Chinese people are extremely dissatisfied with this,'' the letter

Biggest Ever Search

China's main army newspaper, the People's Liberation Army Daily, on Sunday
condemned what it called hostile U.S. spy flights off the Chinese coast.

``Frequent military surveillance activities along China's coast do not have a
good and peaceful objective, rather they are clearly hostile in nature,'' an
editorial said.

The newspaper called for the United States to take responsibility, apologize
to the Chinese government and people, stop similar surveillance flights and
pay compensation.

The People's Daily reported on a visit by Defense Minister Chi Haotian to the
wife of missing fighter pilot Wang Wei.

``The U.S. government until now has still not apologized for the act of
hegemony, increasingly arousing the anger of all the people of the world,''
the Communist Party flagship daily said in a front-page commentary.

Chinese media coverage has increasingly focused on the distress of 

[CTRL] Turner forced out of CNN by money men

2001-04-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Turner forced out of CNN by money men

Edward Helmore
Sunday April 8, 2001
The Observer

Ted Turner, the most voluble and compelling media titan of his time, now cuts
a ghostly figure. In the last month, the billionaire founder of CNN,
erstwhile husband of Jane Fonda, the largest private landowner in the US,
environmental campaigner, United Nations benefactor, yachtsman, and
irrepressible loud mouth, has been cut adrift from the US media empire he
created by rivals with no tolerance for an outspoken individualist.
Three years ago, Turner sold TBS, the cable TV network he founded, to Time
Warner, which was itself purchased by America Online last year. He was
expected to run his share of the empire for five years, but was suddenly
replaced in a boardroom coup by a younger man, James Kellner, in February.

'I've already been fired,' he said last week.

He has seen CNN upstaged by younger rivals such as Rupert Murdoch's Fox and
gutted of staff and correspondents by the new management. And one of his
first profitable channels, the professional wrestling station WCW, has been
shut down and sold to its main competitor.

The 62-year-old 'Mouth from the South' may still have plans - last week he
bought a 20 per cent stake in NTV, the troubled independent Russian TV
company, hoping that he can rescue it from looming state control - and he
still officially holds the title of vice-chairman at AOL Time Warner, the
world's largest media company, but his is a dwindling role.

He is no longer listed as owner of the Atlanta Braves, and team's stadium -
Turner Field - may now be renamed AOL Field.

According to former employees in Atlanta, the biggest symbolic blow came when
AOL closed the Turner Environmental Division, which produced environmental
documentaries for CNN.

'Hell, I said they should put a banner ad on my tombstone. It should read
"Here lies Ted Turner, sponsored by Coca-Cola". We could get $25,000 for
that. It would help them make their numbers,' he told the Washington Post.
'I'm in spiritual and mental pain. When you've worked to build a company for
40 years and you know all the people there, and one day it's gone, well,
that's a hard transition for anyone. It's like taking your pencil away and
telling you you can't write anymore.'

But Turner is hardly ready to disappear. In recent weeks, he's hit the
university lecture circuit doing what he does best - leading with his mouth,
stirrings things up and voicing his reliably contentious opinions on topics
such as nuclear weapons, global warming and other environmental issues.

For the first time in his career, Turner has nothing to run. The TV networks
he nurtured through several brushes with bankruptcy are beset with ratings
declines and he worries that the new management at CNN is concerned less with
the news than with meeting bottomline targets.

'When we got into covering Kosovo and Baghdad, I would just tell them, "If we
bust the budget, we bust the budget". We put journalism first,' he says.
'They say they're doing that, but when these companies get so big, they get
under pressure to run it by the numbers.'

Though Turner is AOL Time Warner's biggest shareholder, holding stock valued
at $6 billion, he has clearly been outmanouvered by AOL chief Steve Case,
says Reese Schonfeld, who helped found CNN. Turner says his main enthusiasms
now are his philanthropic crusades. He contributes to hundreds of causes from
the Bat Conservation Society to healthcare for girls in Mali and the campaign
to eliminate the last vestiges of polio. Noticing that there were fewer bees
polinating the flowers on his Florida plantation, he came up with $500,000
for a project to address the problem.

He has acquired vast tracts of land - 1.7 million acres in all - in New
Mexico, Montana, Nebraska, Kansas and South Dakota that he says will be
preserved in its natural state in perpetuity. He has 25,000 head of bison and
has attempted to reintroduce various endangered species, such as black-footed
ferrets and desert bighorn sheep.

Turner may have a bad case of the billionaire blues and have taken to quoting
the soliloquy about mortality and humility from Richard II , but, says Robert
Wussler, head of the NTV negotiations: 'Nobody should be in the process of
discounting Ted Turner. I don't think he'll ever rest.'

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[CTRL] Defending America Newsletter 4 April 2001 Part 1

2001-04-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Soldiers For The Truth 
Defending America Newsletter  
Situation Report -  4 April 2001

Growing Decent Leaders  Excessive Perks 

  SITREP From The President - 4 April 2001 
  Through Zman’s Gun Sight - Green to Gold or Green to Broke? 
  HACK’s Target For The Week - Jerk This Perk 


The Big Picture:
Article 1 – U.S., Chinese Warplanes Collide Over S. China Sea 
Article 2 – Bush Offers Support in Macedonia 
Article 3 – Defense Secretary Outlines Military Overhaul 
Article 4 – Distrust For Anthrax Policy 
Article 5 – Is This The Military I Will Join? 
Article 6 – Navy League and Fun Rides serve a Purpose 
Article 7 – Small Arms Training Not Up to Par 
Article 8 – Air Force: We Need Reform, Not More Badges 
Voices of the Troops: 
Article 9 – The Sergeant’s Corner: Don’t Bring a Knife to a Gunfight 
Article 10 – Your Move, Mr. Bush 
Article 11 – Jungle Tankers
Article 12 – Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program (AVIP)  
G.I. Humor:
Article 13 – Recruiting for The Army Of One? 
Medal of Honor: 
Article 14 – WOMACK, BRYANT E., Korea 1952.

Admin / Log Net
Editors Note - Article Submission - Contacts - Service Editors
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Text Only - Printer Friendly Version




A. Main topics: 1) Growing Leaders 2) Macedonia 3) Anthrax 4) 


* WE NEED YOUR CONTINUED FINANCIAL SUPPORT IN 2001. Please send a few Dollars 
our way if you believe that our troops need an independent voice for the 
opinions of the "Little Man," too often drowned out by the brass and the many 
so-called experts. THANK YOU to all SFTT warriors who have made it possible 
for us to stay on the forefront of fighting for change and access to the 

Questions of the Week: 

1. Do you think that the recent military mishaps, such as the Kuwait bombing, 
the Greenville collision, the China Spy Plane incident, the USS Cole sabotage 
etc. are purely mishaps or an indication that our military is malfunctioning? 

2. Could your unit perform its combat mission or is it ready on paper only?

Feel free to send me hot topics directly, if you can’t get through the 
admin/log net, or you don’t get a response within 72 hours – [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* Keep the mail coming! We won’t reveal your true identity unless you give us 
your approval. We know how vindictive the "system" can be.

How you can help: Credit Card donation via our Secure Web Site at SFTT.org.

!!! If you think we HIT a target, forward the newsletter to TV, radio and 
your local papers. YOU are the frontline recruiters and intel gatherers for 

Check or Money order: Send to and make payable to: Soldiers For The Truth 
Foundation, PO Box 63840, Colorado Springs, CO 80962-3840.

Important: Your donation is tax deductible! SFTT is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit 
educational foundation, IRS # 31-1592564.

If you send us an E-MAIL address with your donation we can immediately mail 
you a RECEIPT.

Multiple contributions: Please remind us when you submit your donation. We 
will send you a cumulative statement.

Prepare for Action - "Crew Ready! - LOAD SABOT - DRIVER MOVE OUT!" 

R.W. Zimmermann
President SFTT




Through Zman’s Gun Sight


Green to Gold or Green to Broke? 
By R.W. (Zimm) Zimmermann 
President, Soldiers For The Truth  

SFTT Dateline USA -  4 April 2001

Note: Green to Gold is part of the Reserve Officer Training Program, that 
select enlisted personnel can apply for while on active duty. Once accepted, 
they are discharged until graduation.

When it comes to supporting its prior enlisted troops, enrolled in the "Green 
to Gold" Reserve Officer Training (ROTC) Program, the US Army deserves a big 
"F" and I urge all concerned about "home growing" talented leadership, to 
examine how the program is funded and run.

Ignoring the economic plight of the troops in the program, in favor of other 
priorities such as $10,000.00 rifles, tin cans on wheels and a $26 million 
beret contract, demonstrates that our political and military leaders still 
don’t believe that good people are the best remedy to the persisting 
readiness and morale crisis.

I have corresponded with many enlisted troops in the Green to Gold program 
and what I’ve heard convinces me that something should be done. If the 
Rangers could command the attention of political leaders to preserve their 
beret with a march on Washington, maybe the patriotic young troops, who want 
to make a difference as future officers, should do the same to make the big 
wigs pay attention.

Dan Crumby is a Green to Gold scholarship recipient at the University of 
Texas, El Paso, one of 277 colleges and universities that offer ROTC. A 
former military police sergeant with 4 years and 11 

[CTRL] Parental Alienation Syndrom

2001-04-08 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

I’m researching an article on Parental Alienation Syndrom.  I’m looking
for leads like these:




Know any good ones?

I’m also very interested in personal accounts. As always, I’m willing to
preserve your anonymity if that’s what you want. I always protect my

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-04-08 Thread Carl Amedio

The foot-and-mouth outbreak could have been started deliberately by someone 
who stole a test-tube of the virus from a laboratory.The Sunday Express says 
a container of foot-and-mouth virus went missing from a secret Government lab 
at Porton Down in Wiltshire two months before the crisis began.The 
disappearance was discovered during a routine audit of the sensitive unit, 
which also houses smallpox, TB, anthrax and Ebola. The newspaper says there 
are rumours the missing test-tube could have been taken by an animal rights 
activist.The paper quotes a 'senior military source close to Porton Down' as 
saying: "A phial appears to have gone missing from one of the labs following 
a routine audit last year."Ministry officials were informed immediately and 
an investigation was launched initially by Special Branch and then by MI5, 
who are interested in the activities of animal rights protesters."It says 
questions will be tabled in parliament about the Porton Down link this week. 
A Department of Health spokesman wouldn't comment but the paper said an 
agriculture ministry spokesman said the matter was being investigated.The 
paper also claims it has seen documents confirming some sheep carried the 
virus long before the outbreak was confirmed on February 20. According to a 
Welsh vet, it was in Wales as early as January, says the paper.Timber 
merchants say they were approached by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries 
and Food in early February to supply wood for pyres. Agriculture minister 
Nick Brown insisted this was part of a "regular contingency planning 
exercise".He told the paper: "There are a number of urban legends doing the 
rounds that the ministry knew about this disease before. That is not true."© 


[CTRL] Hitchens' Royalty

2001-04-08 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


The answer is as I have suggested innumerable time: Britlandia

End of the line

For years we have gawked as the ancient dignity of the royal family has vanished in
a flood of scandal and dysfunction. So is it finally time to abolish the monarchy?
No, says Christopher Hitchens - but it is time we grew out of it
Join the debate online
Special report: the future of the monarchy
Christopher Hitchens
Wednesday December 6, 2000
The Guardian
For my parents and my teachers, it was - and they meant it unironically - "something
to look up to". I invite readers who are of my generation to remember that familiar,
modest, slightly embarrassing mantra, if only as a measure of how old they are.
Something up to which to look would be more grammatical, of course, but no less
archaic. Nowadays, the royal family is at best something to look at, and at worst
something to look away from, or look down upon.
It unavoidably remains, however, something to contemplate. The gaze cannot be
averted for long. The Windsor clan still compels attention even from the reluctant
or the sated. It does so either by pervading the showbiz media, or by occupying the
no man's land that separates us from the constitutional future. Whichever direction
we may be taking, there is a monarchy-shaped blur that obscures the view. More
worrying in a way, there seems to be a fear of what might be revealed if that blur
was dispelled.
Events, many of them biological, have done what republican propaganda could not and
forced at least a surmise about what lies on the other side of the fog. It will come
as sad news to some people, but within a few years t
he Queen Mother will be no more, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will be on their 
last legs, and the mass-circulation papers will be forced to write in earnest about 
the really serious matters, such as whether or not
"It's Queen Camilla!", or with which "supermodel" Prince William will compromise 
And all of this tripe, at which the heart sinks in anticipation, will occur in a 
parallel universe reported less luridly on other pages. (Sample headlines: "Catholics 
outnumber Protestants in new Ulster census"; "Scotland
 says 'Aye' to self-government"; "Blur in Channel - EU isolated.")
At around that time, if I'm spared, I will no doubt be hearing from Windsor partisans 
who demand to know if I'd really prefer President Bush, or what it is I have against 
our tourist trade. Who knows: I may even meet a ch
eery old pearly king or queen who will spontaneously exclaim: "I wouldn't have her 
job, mate. Not for a million smackers!" (Oh do shut up. Nobody's going to offer you 
the job - you weren't born into the right family for a
 start - and if they did, a million "smackers" wouldn't be the half of it.)
But deference has become an irrelevant curio, and tourists will probably manage to get 
here anyway, and the American presidential system will (with any luck at all) be 
coming under increasingly strenuous criticism precise
ly for being too monarchical and ceremonial. We shall still be faced with the question 
of how to make a devolved and Europeanised parliamentary system out of the sow's ear 
of "the crown in parliament" and the ramshackle i
nsular union for which it stood.
Understand that there is no avoiding this; we can do many things but we cannot go on 
as we have. And there may be a variety of potential solutions, but King Charles III is 
not one of them, not even on an exceptionally goo
d day.
Walter Bagehot's famous distinction between the "dignified" and the "efficient" parts 
of our unwritten constitution is in reality a distinction without a difference. If 
efficiency can be assumed of the functioning parts,
then dignity is at least probable in the decorative ones. But something that is by 
definition inefficient is fairly certain also to be undignified. And the House of 
Windsor has overdetermined this outcome by sacrificing w
hat remained of its rather heavy dignity in a welter of family dysfunction.
In addition to this, it almost imposes irrelevance. Recall the chancellorship of 
Norman Lamont; that amazing interlude in the history of our great currency. As the 
debate on the euro began to become real for the first tim
e, he returned from a tense meeting with his fellow European finance ministers with 
the breathless intelligence that, whatever shape the future money was to take, he had 
ensured that the British version would still have t
he sovereign's head inscribed upon it. Imagine the effort that was involved in this 
Treasury triumph.
And those who believe that monarchy acts as a solvent upon local differences have only 
to look at the recent symbolic tussles in the six counties, where the first step - the 
necessary if not the sufficient condition - tow
ards a redefined and non-sectarian police force was the removal of the word "royal" 
from its name.
This country for some reason does 

[CTRL] Fwd: [FUTURE-CITIES] Re: H SPACE: Scientists predict Moon base by 2007 (fwd)

2001-04-08 Thread Aleisha Saba

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 00:02:18 +0200
Subject: Re: H SPACE: "Scientists predict Moon base by 2007"

J Corbally wrote:

 Sad thing is, in 10 years time people will complain about "whacky"
 Scientists "predicting" a moon base back in good old '01.

If we really want it, we can have tele- and automation operated
lunar factories in a decade (by 2011). You could do it on your own
if you're worth a few G$.

 In the meantime, what would be the pros and cons of a Lunar as opposed to a
 Martian base?  Luna would be nearer, but wouldn't Martian gravity be
 better?  Would we be in a situation of having to "justify" a Lunar base
 like needs to be done for ISS?

GAR. There's no point in sending people to Mars. There's little point
in sending people to the Moon either, but you at least can do it
with current technology, and have decent supplies and rescue infrastructure.

With Mars, you've got one terribly expensive one-short mission. For the
same resources you could establis a permanent bridgehead on the moon.

As to gravitation, 1/6 g plus vigorous training should contain
osteoporosis and provide guidance for the cytoskeleton.

Forget Mars. By the time you can go to Mars you wouldn't want to.

If we were to design a city with surroundings according to a George Bush "Culture of 
Life" would it be the same as a Vatican "Culture of Life"? Can the Bush Administration 
even with the help of HUD or Vatican with the help of 1,000,000,000 Roman Catholics 
tell us what
their Culture of Life would be like?

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2001-04-08 Thread Butch

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[CTRL] Fw: CONGRESS ACTION: April 8, 2001

2001-04-08 Thread Butch

- Original Message - 
From: Kim 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 3:28 PM
Subject: CONGRESS ACTION: April 8, 2001

CONGRESS ACTION: April 8, 2001
RINOs: The economy is going downhill. 
Consumers are experiencing what Wall Street calls a "negative wealth effect", 
that is, they are feeling poorer by the day as they watch so much of their paper 
wealth, built up over the years of the bull market, evaporate almost overnight. 
So they are pulling back on spending. As a result, corporate income and profits 
are declining, and companies are responding by cutting back on their own 
spending, and by laying off employees. The ripples of the negative wealth effect 
spread. The question everyone is asking is whether spending by consumers, who 
makes up seventy percent of the economy, can revive the economy. But consumers 
cannot spend what they do not have. Thus the case for large, across the board 
tax cuts, to put more money into the hands of consumers. Our government now 
taxes at levels not seen since the end of the Second World War, and the combined 
taxes extracted by all levels of government take more than food, clothing, and 
housing, combined. So how do the grand poobahs in Congress propose to stimulate 
the economy? Senator Joe Lieberman, fresh from patting himself on the back for 
his role in telling the peasants to shut up by voting for John McCain's campaign 
finance reform, proposes to throw you a one-time crumb of $300. Now that 
will certainly make everyone feel wealthy again and begin spending again, won't 
it? But Lieberman is a democrat, and spending money to expand government is what 
democrats do. Then there are the republicans-who'd-rather-be-democrats in the 
Senate, the so-called "RINOs" (republicans in name only) like James Jeffords, 
Lincoln Chaffee, and Arlen Specter, who voted to reduce the amount of Bush's 
already anemic $1.6 trillion tax cut, and voted to expand government spending 
instead of giving you back your money. Isn't that just what our economy needs 
right now -- bigger government bureaucracies? That will certainly boost consumer 
confidence and spending. There is one more thing our economy doesn't need, and 
our nation's future certainly can do without -- a reinvigorated democrat party 
imposing its tax, spend, and regulate agenda, all thanks to GOP "moderates". 
Senate Democrat leader Tom Daschle crowed, "This is a huge victory.'' Bush's tax 
cuts "could be officially proclaimed as dead. Of course, these days, with modern 
medicine, anything can be revived ... but it is looking deader and deader.'' 
Thanks to Senators Jeffords, Chaffee, and Specter.
Without solid republican support, Senator Pete Domenici submitted Senate 
Amendment # 170, in the nature of a substitute to House Concurrent Resolution 83 
(Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2002), in which the 
proposed $1.6 trillion tax cut over ten years, enacted by the House, was reduced 
to about a $1.3 tax cut over ten years. The Domenici amendment passed the Senate 
on Friday (roll call vote # 86) with a vote of 65 -- 35, all 50 republicans 
being joined by 15 democrats in favor, 35 of the most left-wing democrats 
It should be recalled that when candidate George W. Bush began his quest for 
the presidency, his proposal was for a tax cut in the neighborhood of $1.5 
trillion, while candidate Al Gore and his democrat cohorts wanted a tax cut 
limited to $200 billion. And back in 1998, Al Gore led what the Washington Post 
called "a raucous democratic pep rally on the steps of the Capitol", vehemently 
opposing any tax cut at all. In fact, in the heat of the 2000 election campaign, 
Al Gore proposed such massive spending increases that any projected budget 
surpluses would have been devoured, and a tax increase of $1.6 trillion 
would have been necessary. Since then, democrats have been negotiating 
themselves upward in terms of how large a tax cut they would accept, and they 
finally agreed to a tax cut more than 600% larger than their original maximum. 
What the Senate finally passed on Friday was a tax cut more than six times 
larger than the previous democrat maximum, and less than 15% below Bush's 
original proposal. To paraphrase Tom Daschle, if this is a "huge victory" for 
democrats, lets have more of the same.
The budget outlines enacted by the House and Senate are just that, outlines 
and not final legislation, and since the House and Senate blueprints are in 
conflict, the differing plans have to be reconciled in a conference committee. 
It is Senator Domenici's expectation that the final tax cut compromise will end 
up somewhere between the two plans, larger than the Senate's $1.3 trillion, but 
smaller than the House's $1.6 trillion.
policies pushed by radical environmentalists, California is in the process of 
reverting to the status of a Third World economy, complete with 

Re: [CTRL] There's hope for Colleen/Saba after all. Thank youRobertWhite.

2001-04-08 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 8 Apr 2001, Nurev Ind. wrote:
 What do you have against the poor monkey?   ;-)

I'm sorry June. I believe that humans are more important than animals.
Now I do admit that classifying Colleen/Saba as a human is quite a stretch.

No argument from me on both points...but in the case of Colleen, a monkey
is of far more value...at least in the intellectual arena...  ;-)

I am willing to give her the benefit of the doubt because I have yet to see
a simian work a keyboard. But I might be wrong.

It used to be said that if you had a roomful of monkeys with typewriters,
given enough time they would type out the complete works of

Nowadays, put a bunch of monkeys in a room full of desktop computers, and
in a short time you will have any number of posts more meaningful than
the blathersings of Colleen...

In any case, there has never been a more obvious need for a monkey head

I still say it would be cruel and unusual punishment for the monkey...


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [narconews] Peru News Flash: Polls Close - It's Garcia v. Toledo

2001-04-08 Thread William Shannon

April 8, 2001
Breaking News

Polls have closed in the Peru presidential election, and exit polls 
show that the top two candidates will go to a run-off election in 
May: former World Bank employee Alejandro Toledo v. former President 
Alan Garcia.

Narco News reminds that for months, Clifford Krauss of the New York 
Times and other U.S. correspondents claimed the race was between two 
candidates expected to tow Washington's line and support Plan 
Colombia: Toledo and conservative candidate Lourdes Flores.

Days ago, Narco News (still on page one: see "Here Comes Garcia?) 
suggested strongly that Garcia, under the slogan "neither 
neoliberalism nor neo-fascism," could pull off an upset.

Thus, the Peruvian government's support for the $1.3 billion US-
imposed Plan Colombia military intervention is now an open question. 
The May election will draw clear distinctions between the pro-U.S. 
position of Toledo and the historic anti-interventionist tendency of 
Garcia and his supporters.

According to exit polls, Toledo received 41.3% of the vote, followed 
by Garcia with 24.7 percent (prior polls had listed Garcia in third 
place at 18%).

The campaign was marked by savage personal attacks between Toledo and 
third-place finisher Lourdes Flores, making it very difficult for 
supporters of Flores (with 22.5% of the vote) to support Toledo in 
the final round next month. Garcia remained above the fray, praising 
all candidates and criticising the Fujimori-Montesinos regime that 
had deposed him in military coup a decade ago.

The final election will be held 30 days after the votes are 
officially counted.

You heard it here first...

From somewhere in a country called Amrica,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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[CTRL] Bravo for Mr. Aken's US History Class

2001-04-08 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

The following letter to Congress was written recently
by a high school history class in San Antonio.  This
letter was written by students in a public high
school.  I find this very encouraging.
The government indoctrination centers (a.k.a. the
public schools), haven't yet managed to completely
dumb down and brainwash all of our young people.
Bravo for Mr. Aken's US History Class!
We the students of John Jay High School have learned
that we are penalized (taxed) by the United States
Government when we participate in the act
of marriage.  It is not enough that the government
requires that we be licensed(taxed) when two people
choose to live as one.

The government taxes us when we make the decision to
live as one, raises our tax bracket when we combine
our incomes as one and penalizes us every year for the
rest of our lives because we made this decision.

We, the next generation, are of a mind not to get
married, rather just to live together bypassing the
government tax system. This nation was founded
on the principal of individual freedom, personal
liberty, and a removal of unjust taxes throughout
history dictates this action.

The highly unconstitutional inheritance tax is an
example of how intrusive the federal government has
become.  If any American citizen purchases
property or saves income and wishes to have these
effects given to their children at the time of death,
it shouldn't be taxed.  Having paid Income
tax on any saved funds and sales tax on purchased
property, the government should not tax these items
again when it passes between family generations.

The government of the United States, under the control
of a modern Congress, seems to forget the roots of the
Constitution.  The Congress seems to think money
earned by the American people belongs to the
Perhaps members of Congress should resign and move to
a socialist country where they will feel more

As the next generation of Americans, we are being
taught about Congress.
We are being taught about unjust taxes.  We are being
taught how Congress violates the Constitution.  We are
being taught how our Constitutional
rights are being removed or eroded.  Soon we will be
voting you and people like you out of office.  If you
cannot uphold the Constitution and the
rights of the individual, you do not deserve to hold
office in the United States.

We understand that many of our parents are ignorant of
Congress and how it works.  We will not be used.  We
will not be ignorant.  We will take control.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fw: Re: [CTRL] Media Lies Once Again to Declare Bush the Winner

2001-04-08 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-


On Sun, 8 Apr 2001 03:55:08 -0500 Amelia [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 -Caveat Lector-

 Unfortunately, I do not think we will ever hear the end of
 this whining and disinformation from the Gore camps.  I do
 wonder just what they think would have been so different and
 marvelous had we been treated to yet another term of 'the
 most ethical'?  Did we have more secrets to sell to the
 Chinese?  Did Al and Tipper also need furniture?  Were there
 still people with enough money to buy pardons?  Corporations
 left on which to play the old extortion/racists game?  I
 know they are all corrupt but the lies Gore had already told
 left him totally without credibility.  "I drank a lot of
 iced tea and was in the bathroom" being my personal
 favorite, I don't think most Americans could have stomached
 another four years!

 But the number of votes left in question are not the 'tens
 of thousands' of the original lies.  Now they want to
 quibble over every vote!  This was to have been the biggest
 civil rights violation since the legislation of '64!  I
 guess this was an example of telling the "Big Lie."  And
 with the economy in the tank, I cannot imagine why some are
 so desperate about this.  They wanted the stock market to
 totally crash?  More environmental extortion?  I just do not
 understand how the election of an all-but-admitted communist
 (and we all know that did not work) would have been a good
 thing.  Perhaps we need a few more details and scandals of
 the inner workings of the past administration to come to
 light.  And they will.
 - Original Message -
 From: "Bill Howard" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Friday, April 06, 2001 6:42 PM
 Subject: Re: [CTRL] Media Lies Once Again to Declare Bush
 the Winner

  -Caveat Lector-
  In a message dated 4/6/01 4:14:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Media Lies Once Again to Declare Bush the Winner 
  It doesn't matter. Gore conceded, Bush was sworn in as
 President. The end.
  Bill Howard

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different
 groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts,
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

 Archives Available at:
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A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [news] Hiding W's Illegitimacy

2001-04-08 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 4/8/01 12:01:22 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


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Additional votes for Al Gore continue to pile up in unofficial Florida
recounts, showing that under any rational standard, Gore beat George W.
Bush in Florida. But the national news media continues to slant the
stories in the most bizarre ways to give Bush the nod. It's as if the
national press corps feels the American people just can't handle the
truth: that Bush is an illegitimate president who really did steal the
White House.

For the full story on this bizarre chapter in the history of American
journalism, go to Consortiumnews.com at http://www.consortiumnews.com

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[CTRL] Stats Standing

2001-04-08 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


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Firearms--Fantasy and Fact. Debunking the myths surrounding the new CCW law
News/Current Events Front Page News Keywords: MICHIGAN CCW
Source: Michigan Coalition of Responsible Gun Owners
Published: January 31 Author: several
Posted on 01/30/2001 23:23:38 PST by Dan from Michigan
New Page 1

Firearms--Fantasy and Fact. Debunking the myths surrounding the new CCW law
Submitted on: January 30, 2001

The governor's signing of Michigan's concealed weapons reform bill, HB 4530, on Jan. 
2, 2001 has spawned a most incredible collection of media lies, fantasies, and 
distortions regarding firearms and crime. In order to pro
vide thinking and rational people with facts to be used as rebuttal, this piece lists 
some of the more flagrant fantasies, followed by the relevant facts. Please feel free 
to use any or all of these data without attributi
on as to source. It is more important to present these facts to people who are able to 
comprehend them.
Fantasy: Michigan's new concealed weapons licensing law liberalizes the carrying of 
concealed pistols.
Fact: Instead of liberalizing existing law, the new law provides much tighter 
requirements on applicants than does the current law. The new law "de-elitizes" 
current law and provides very strong restrictions on recipients
 of concealed weapons licenses, and is the most stringent law of any of the 32 
"shall-issue" states.
Current (pre-2001) law contains virtually no restrictions on who can receive a permit 
to carry a concealed weapon. Detailed studies of licensees in Kent County and 
Washtenaw County, as well as numerous reported experience
s of applicants throughout the state, have shown that the most important criterion for 
receiving a license is to have friends on the concealed weapon licensing board. 
Permits are issued preferentially to ex-police, judges
, politicians, rock stars, and the very wealthy, and few are granted to competent 
law-abiding citizens.
The new law mandates state-wide uniformity in issuing concealed weapons licenses, and 
requires the following, where in each instance the old law required nothing:
   Anyone who has been convicted of a misdemeanor in the past 3 years is 
   Anyone under the age of 21 is ineligible.
   Anyone with a diagnosed mental health illness is ineligible.
   Every applicant must complete an 8-hour training course.
   Licensees cannot carry in any of the following locations: schools and school 
property, public and private; day care centers, public and private; college 
dormitories and classrooms; bars and restaurants that serve alcoho
l; property of churches, synagogues, and mosques; sports arenas and stadiums; casinos; 
hospitals; auditoriums seating more than 2500.
   Licensees with blood alcohol greater than 0.02 percent are forbidden to carry.
Current law allows some 3.5 million non-Michigan concealed weapon licensees and some 
25,000 Michigan licensees to carry in *all* of the above locations. If the new law is 
repealed by initiative, this situation will contin
Fantasy: There will be "blood in the streets" from crimes committed by concealed 
weapons licensees if shall-issue becomes law. (Senator Alma Wheeler Smith, 18th 
District [Washtenaw County], personal correspondence.)
Fact: It hasn't happened, anywhere. Concealed weapons licensees are incredibly 
law-abiding citizens.
It hasn't happened in Florida, which was the first state with shall-issue laws:
Since adopting CCW (1987), Florida's homicide rate has fallen 21% while the U.S. rate 
has risen 12%. From start-up 10/1/87 - 2/28/94 (over 6 years) Florida issued 204,108 
permits; only 17 (0.008%) were revoked because per
mittees later committed crimes (not necessarily violent) in which guns were present 
(not necessarily used).
It hasn't happened in Kentucky:
"None of our concerns have been borne out," said Hazard police Chief Rod Maggard, 
president of the Kentucky Chiefs of Police Association, which opposed the 
concealed-carry bill for fear it would invite citizens to take th
e law into their own hands. A [Louisville, KY] Courier-Journal comparison of state 
police figures on the crime rate of permit holders with the crime rate of the state 
population at large shows that murder charges were pla
ced against permit holders at a rate of 3.8 per 100,000 compared with 6.1 per 100,000 
for the population at large during the three most recent years available.
It hasn't happened in Texas:
"I'm detecting that I'm eating a lot of