[CTRL] Polly's Graph

2001-04-20 Thread Taercel

-Caveat Lector-


Polygraphs: the truth
by Howard Fienberg
Following the arrest on 25 February 2001 of Robert Philip Hanssen, who was accused of 
spying on the USA for Russia, US attorney general John Ashcroft and Federal Bureau of 
Investigation (FBI) director Louis Freeh declared
 a tightening of national security measures.
The FBI plans to require polygraph testing of many more agents with access to 
important secrets, as is the policy in the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department 
of Defense and the National Security Agency. Polygraphs
are also used to varying degrees for screening job candidates in the public and 
private sectors, and in both private and criminal investigations.
Polygraphs are such familiar instruments that few question the validity or efficacy of 
polygraph testing. But how well does the device really detect lies?
The US Department of Energy administered it to American physicist Wen Ho Lee when 
first accusing him of leaking nuclear secrets to the Chinese. He passed the test, but 
the FBI subsequently reviewed the same test results a
nd declared Lee a liar. Convicted spy Aldrich Ames passed numerous polygraph 
examinations over the years, while he was also passing CIA secrets to Russia.
The American Polygraph Association in 2000 cited 12 studies demonstrating an average 
accuracy of 98 percent (1). On the other hand, University of Minnesota psychologist 
William Iacono accuses polygraph examiners of 'wishf
ul thinking' - 'almost no published peer-reviewed scientific papers exist that bear 
out the accuracy of current polygraph techniques' (2).
That may be why the American Medical Association and the American Psychological 
Association contend that polygraphs yield little more than a 50/50 chance of success. 
Data is hard to come by. The false positive rate could
be anywhere from one percent to 20 percent. The National Research Council recently 
convened a panel on polygraphs to try to settle the matter, but its report is not 
expected until at least the end of 2001.

There is a burgeoning industry of books and webpages promising to teach how to fool 
So what is the precise problem with polygraph testing? According to critics, it lies 
not in the hardware, but in the interpretation of the test results.
Using a polygraph as a lie detector involves studying a subject's physical response to 
specific questions. The series of questions asked usually starts with queries 
unrelated to whatever matter is being investigated in or
der to establish a baseline of physical reading, including blood pressure, sweat gland 
activity and breathing. Then other questions more directly address the areas of 
But interpreting the results of the exam is a subjective task and confounding factors 
are numerous. A fair number of fearful but innocent subjects could produce false 
positives and psychologically-savvy or unstable guilty
 subjects could yield false negatives. And there is a burgeoning industry of books and 
webpages promising to teach how to fool polygraphs.
With an error rate that defies calculation, polygraph tests are much more useful as 
tools of intimidation than as instruments of truth. Experts agree that, faults aside, 
the tests can convince guilty parties to confess wh
o would otherwise have remained stoical. But few polygraph examiners speculate on what 
effect this intimidation has on the innocent.
Previous big stories, like the case of Wen Ho Lee, elicited a number of reports on the 
doubts scientists and judges held about the effectiveness of polygraph testing. Since 
those doubts have not abated, it is strange that
 so little skeptical attention was paid to polygraphs this time around.
Howard Fienberg is a research analyst with the non-profit non-partisan think-tank
Statistical Assessment Service (STATS), http://www.stats.org/
in Washington, DC.

Related links:
American Polygraph Association
Stop Polygraphs
(1) Denver Post, 2 May 2000
(2) Boston Globe, 15 August 2000
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Re: [CTRL] Dead Chinese fighter pilot footage

2001-04-20 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

i thought there was more humour in you than there apparently is bb and it
seems i didn't make the satire or sarcasm bold enough for you to see, my

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 3:39 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Dead Chinese fighter pilot footage

 -Caveat Lector-

 No, I will agree to no such absurd, preposterous thing.
 It is not negligent to land one's aircraft to save 24 lives,
 it is only common sense, and international law provides for
 such emergencies.  I keep making this point, you keep not

international law is all well and fine- but my point remains- they shuld
have sealanded the craft and bailed to stop it gettig into chinese hands and
to avoid the resulting diplomatic coup that china has since enjoyed.

 You  do not "effectively" give your military aircraft to an enemy
 simply because you were forced to land there in order to save your

they should have bailed.

especially since the aircraft was rendered inoperable

how do you make that out?

by the
 reckless joy ridings of a hot-shot jet jockey showing off.

no- not showing off- if you read the article it explained that it is a
common practice to buzz spyplanes, during the cold war it was done on both
sides. neither side actually fire on each other, so stay within int. law.
what would america do if chinese spyplanes were off san fransisco? i read a
washington times piece that was wetting it's knickers because of an increase
in activitiy by china off the chinese coast LOL so i doubt that military
manouvers would be tolerated by america.
in fact- how would america react if one of china's allies were to station
100,000 men just on your doorstep? cuba say? you would fuck them up in
hours. yet america have 100,000 in japan.

 International law provides that such a landing NOT BE PUNISHED,
 due to the overriding consideration of the emergency.  I made that
 point before also, apparently to little avail.

to no avail because it just doesn't wash... international law bows down
before public opinion. china won the propaganda war of that incident. maybe
not within america- but outside it for sure.

 I really couldn't care less how china could show us how to deal
 with traitors

it was irony, bb, america is second only to china in the league table of
domestic, civilian executions so i don't really think america needs any
lessons in executing- but those yellow ribbons really pissed me off.

--  those uncivilized, murderous brutes are viscious
 animals when it comes to dealing with human beings.

erm... can i just mention the policing of the seattle anti WTO
demonstrations? very civilised indeed.

 As far as
 executing their crew, I doubt it a great deal  --  they did not execute
 their second pilot participating in the harassment,

he didn't give a plane to the yanks, so why execute him?

 and they all but
 named the deceased a national hero for his ridiculous antics which
 cost his life, a Chinese aircraft, and an American aircraft, along with
 a great deal of intelligence hardware and data, and compromised military

you are confused- he is a national hero because he brough down an aircraft
that was spying on his mother country. his sacrifice was worthy.
and they are hardly going to execute him (if he lived) for knocking out an
american aircraft and allowing the chinese army to have a gander at it are
they? why do you think that the chinese authorities would punish him for
compromising american secrets? ;)

 I really do not know why you hate us American types so much,

i don't- i just think that having only the one superpower is unbalancing- it
creates situations in the world where america thinks it can act with
like i said- if the reverse situation happened then america would be
horrified that china was being so evil as to spy on you so closely.
deny that if you can.

 you must not forget that as allies, your country benefits from the
 surveillance and data gathered as well as the rest of the free world.

no- we get data that suits america- do not dress it up as some sort of
recipricol thing- unless it suits america. the missile defence crapola is a
great example... for it to work stations are needed in the UK- but it won't
protect the UK- only america. fuck that for a laugh.

 Let me give you one small insight into the mind and humanity of
 the Chinese government you admire so much, seen on NBC news
 about one month ago.

 NOW, you want to  "induce siezures in" yourself, get a look at that
 brutal treatment of a human being, being administered by the
 bragging, bellicose "inheritors of 5000 years of history."

rodney king?

how many equivielnat atrocities commited in the free world would you like me
to scrape up?

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Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Stupidity (or DeliberateTerrorism)IsBeyondThe Pale

2001-04-20 Thread c.

you buggers always turn up late and claim victory 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 3:13 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Stupidity 
  (or DeliberateTerrorism)IsBeyondThe Pale
  OK, fine, but next time you posh british types get yourselves 
  into a war that you can't handle, please help us keep our unposh nose out, 
  and don't ask us to help. Fair deal, no?   
  "c." wrote: 


  - Original Message -
  Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 12:12 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's 
  Stupidity (or Deliberate Terrorism)IsBeyondThe PaleSome of you 
  british types seem to  understand 
  so much that just isn't true, and are hereby 
   cordially invited to keep their 
  posh noses permanently  in their 
  OWN business, not ours.   
  uh ok... but only if you rather unposh 
  americans keep your nose out of every other country in the flipping world 
  first. seems like a fair deal, no? but something the "(bent) policeman of 
  the world" will never be able to manage. 
  but your repeated quoting of anne 
  robinson is beginning to induce siezures in me so i better sign off for 

[CTRL] Iraq 'shoots down Iranian spy plane'

2001-04-20 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Iraq 'shoots down Iranian spy plane'

By Frank Gardner in Cairo
Iraq says it has shot down an unmanned Iranian spy plane or drone north east
of Baghdad.
The official Iraqi news agency reported that the plane was shot down on
Thursday afternoon.
It comes a day after a series of reported missile attacks by Iran on rebel
training camps inside Iraq.

Iran is accused of firing missiles into Iraq

Iran and Iraq may have ended their bitter war 13 years ago, but their common
border still bristles with conflict.
An Iraqi air defence spokesman was quoted as saying the plane was brought
down around 400km (250 miles) north-east of Baghdad.
Scud missiles
It is the latest incident in a low key border conflict that has been
simmering on for years.
On Wednesday Iran fired more than 50 scud missiles across the border at
camps in Iraq belonging to the Iranian rebel group, the Mujahideen Khalq.
At least two people are reported to have been killed.
That was preceded by a number of attacks in the past few days by the Iraq
based rebels on Iranian military posts.
Mutual mistrust
None of these incidents has incurred major casualties amongst either Iraqi
or Iranian government troops, but it is an uncomfortable reminder of their
eight year war in the 1980s, when both countries fired missiles at each
other's cities.
There has been much speculation in recent months that Baghdad and Tehran
might be able to form an anti-Western alliance, but there remains a large
degree of mutual mistrust.
The fact that both countries accuse each other of sheltering armed
opposition groups proves that relations between the two are still far from

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Taiwan tests against Chinese attack

2001-04-20 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Taiwan tests against Chinese attack

Taiwan is seeking new hi-tech weapons from the US

Thousands of Taiwanese troops have been carrying out a live-firing exercise
before the world's media, repelling a simulated invasion by the Chinese
along the island's southern coast.
The military exercise comes at a critical juncture in relations between the
United States and China - Washington is soon to make a decision on arms
sales to Taiwan, while Beijing refuses to hand over a US surveillance plane
forced down in China on 1 April.
The BBC correspondent in Taiwan, Damian Grammaticas, says the military
manoeuvres are a reminder that Taiwan still feels threatened by China and
says it needs advanced American weapons to defend itself.
Beijing considers Taiwan to be a renegade province.
Simulated invasion
On Haiko beach in southern Taiwan, combined army, navy and air forces fought
off a simulated Chinese landing.
An artillery barrage pounded targets in the sea. Taiwanese-made missiles
were launched from land batteries and helicopters fired Hellfire missiles
bought from the US.

The exercises come at a sensitive time in US-China relations

The show of firepower was part of a series of exercises that include
simulated computer battles and cyber-warfare tests.
Similar war games last year were scaled down for fear of provoking China.
These exercises were planned months ago, but they come as tensions have
risen between Washington and Beijing over the recent spy plane incident and
an imminent US arms sale to Taiwan.
Decision due
The BBC's Paul Reynolds in Washington says that President George W Bush is
considering a recommendation from officials that the US should not sell
advanced destroyers to Taiwan.
Mr Bush is expected to announce his decision next week.

President Bush faces a tough choice on weapons sales

Senior defence officials are reported to have said that Taiwan should not at
the moment be given the four destroyers equipped with the Aegis
anti-aircraft and anti-missile system, but that it should have less
sophisticated destroyers instead.
The advice is expected to be taken up by Mr Bush's national security
The Aegis destroyers are the most advanced weapons on Taiwan's list and
their sale has been strongly opposed by the Chinese Government.
The defence officials reportedly also oppose the provision to Taiwan of the
latest American land-based missile defence system known as PAC-3.
US balancing act
The issue of whether Taiwan should get eight to 10 diesel-powered submarines
has been left open.
Under a 1979 law, the United States is committed to providing Taiwan with
weapons for sufficient self-defence.
There is an annual procedure to examine which systems should be made
Washington needs to balance meeting its commitments to Taiwan without unduly
upsetting Beijing.
With the two countries still at loggerheads over the US spy plane Beijing is
holding, this year's balancing act is proving particularly difficult.

foot tapping mentalism for all ages


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Trial by CCTV claims innocent victim

2001-04-20 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Trial by CCTV claims innocent victim
By: Kieren McCarthy
Posted: 19/04/2001 at 16:38 GMT

It may sound like a fictional short story but Allan Dunne was filmed,
featured on TV as a criminal, arrested and questioned when he turned up to a
police station to explain, suspended and threatened with the sack, all
within two days and all thanks to modern CCTV surveillance technology.

His crime? To take 20 out of his own account from a cash machine.

Allan was caught on CCTV making the withdrawn soon after a thief had used
the cashpoint with a stolen card. Undercover police assumed him to be an
accomplice and released the footage they had of him to Granada TV's
Crimefile programme. This went out on TV the next day, the Daily Mail

Allan immediately went to a police station with records of his bank account
to explain the error but was arrested and questioned. He was eventually
bailed and told to return in a month. Subsequently, his bosses suspended

When he finally managed to get the truth of the matter across, Greater
Manchester Police suddenly changed tack and apologised unreservedly. Mr
Dunne can have his job back but he has yet to return because he says he's
stressed out and people in the street will think he's a criminal. And can
you blame him?

The fact is that Allan has every right to sue not only the police but also
Granada for showing the programme. And the fact remains that this would
never have happened and would never have gone so far had it not been for the
false confidence that people have in this surveillance technology.

Just last weekend, a long feature in the Sunday Times went into this very
scenario of innocent people being caught up in a web because data is
accumulated so fast that people automatically assume guilt.

As you may know, the UK is currently the most monitored place in the entire
world. There isn't a street in London where you can't be picked up on CCTV
cameras. The rest of the country is much the same. 

foot tapping mentalism for all ages


A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] On-line 'mass victimization' inevitable -- study

2001-04-20 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

On-line 'mass victimization' inevitable -- study
By: Thomas C Greene in Washington
Posted: 19/04/2001 at 21:00 GMT

Opportunities to sniff about corporate networks and steal valuable data are
ever-present temptations in the technology field, and it's beyond question
that company secrets are occasionally sold to the competition by trusted
employees for personal financial gain.

Furthermore, there's a large number of people about with the skills to break
into remote networks without being detected, and heaps of automated tools
enabling the less-than-leet to prey on the less-than-savvy in fairly hefty

The situation, however bad it is (and opinions do vary), would be heaps
worse were it not for a steady supply of good job opportunities in the tech
field, a study by the Gartner Group to be released within a fortnight

"A factor inhibiting [such] attacks is the presence of a strong
international market for employment of skilled technologists at good wages.
In other words, most of the people who can execute [such] attacks find
honest work, and do not need to turn to crime to make a living," the study,
titled "The Era of Mass Victimization", notes.

Indeed, a recent article by Wired bears this out, revealing that according
to the US Department of Labor, companies in the computer and data processing
sector continue adding rather than chucking workers, in spite of what the
media fascination with dotcom blowouts would lead one to imagine.

While certain regions of the New Economy are clearly (and deservedly)
imploding, overall employment opportunities continue to be strong, the
Gartner report's principal author, Richard Hunter, told The Register.

"Regardless of what's happening in particular sectors, industries remain
dependent on technology and will continue to need tech workers," he told us.

But before we sigh with relief, it's worth noting that the world economy
could at any moment reverse itself, and further that there is a vast supply
of very capable computer enthusiasts living in regions where 'gainful
employment' means something quite different from what most of us would take
it to mean.

"A programmer living in Eastern Europe who gets a job earning $50 a month is
a lucky programmer," Hunter notes. Then of course there's Russia, India,
China, Nigeria, to name but a few places where tech training is good, and
where the fully employed are paid poorly enough to make crime a very real

This mixture of opportunity and temptation combines unfortunately with a
growing realization that cyber-crime enforcement is exceptionally poor and
haphazard. Thus, "the economic value represented by cyber-crimes will
increase by two to three orders of magnitude," by 2004.

And because so many tools exist or can be adapted to attack large numbers of
Netizen, it's quite likely that "by the end of 2002, at least one incident
of mass, surreptitious victimization of thousands of Internet users will
have occurred in which the object was not vandalism, but theft. Giventhe
state of international law enforcement on the Web, the identity of the thief
will remain unknown," the study predicts.

Of course if the economy tanks in the mean time, we can probably expect a
few more such incidents within the same time-frame. So get to work. 

foot tapping mentalism for all ages


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Land of the free- Branchburg NJ Bans Sign Language On Bus]

2001-04-20 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

I wonder if she would have been sanctioned had her parents not been
suing the school district in the first place. It smacks of retaliation
to me.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Echelon: The secret is out.

2001-04-20 Thread Dale Stonehouse

From: William Shannon
In a message dated 4/19/01 7:32:12 AM Central
Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
As I said five years ago, the ones who should be nervous about this are
people who have something to hide. If you are not in that group, what is the
big deal? Are you ashamed of what you do in your everyday life? Are you
doing something illegal? Then run and hide from the government.

This is dangerous and ignorant sentiment.

Since I have a lot of respect for your input to the list, Bill, I
won't dispute that it could bedangerous. However, I would take issue with
describing any of my statements as ignorant. I may be misguided at times, but I
am well informed; you can question the quality of my information, which I try to
get on both sides of any issue or

The worstscenarios, even those given by Icke and Cathy
O'Brien andother victims, are possible.

But every conspiracy I have everbeen a part of has fallen
apart because one or more of the conspirators could not keep a secret. They are
as human as the rest of us; if not, then the conspiracy originates from
non-human entities. One thing you can depend on in every conspiracy scenario;
the conspirators never make mistakes, plan for every possibiltiy and are never
caught off-guard. They are completely dehumanized in every

According to the Global 2000 report the population of Earth was
supposed to be reduced to 1 billion by the year 2000. As far as I know that
conspiracy has been a dismal failure as there are 6 and a half billion of us
useless eaters by now.

Plans are made by the elite; most of them fail.
Meanwhile it is best to be aware; the assumption of a perfect conspiracy is the
height of ignorance. This is the mistake the far right always makes; they have
an answer for

Personally I would much rather see more energy devoted
to neutralizing radiation from power plants and nuclear weapons. According to
the late Sir James Goldsmith, the biggest secret being withheld is that
technology has been developed to reverse radiation but has not been

Someone using Echelon to know every move I make and
every word I say will be totally irrelevant if my physical vehicle is destroyed
by a bomb or a meltdown.

[CTRL] English Language Controversy In Utah (fwd)

2001-04-20 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

   English Language Controversy In Utah

April 18, 2001  by:  Phyllis Schlafly

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Utah is preparing to
challenge a district court decision that properly found the state's new
official English law constitutional. Utah voters approved the law as
Initiative A on the ballot in last November's election.

Third District Judge Ronald E. Nehring declared the voter-approved
official English statute constitutional but largely symbolic. He ruled that
government employees may speak any language in the course of doing
business, but only communications that are in English are "official," while
everything else is "unofficial."

Probably the ACLU will include some of the arguments used to defend
Bill Clinton's Executive Order 13166 issued August 11, 2000. Entitled
Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English
Proficiency, it requires federal agencies to provide "programs and
activities normally provided in English" to non-English speaking

Clinton's Executive Order was an attempt to elevate the inability to speak
English to a protected civil right (like race, color, sex, etc.). His Order
cannot be justified by any federal law and should be rescinded by the
Bush Administration.

The attempt to undermine English as the official language of the
American government has powerful political motivations. Influence and
political spin are associated with translating laws, official statements,
and campaign positions into non-English versions.

Criticism of the Utah referendum and the court decision upholding it is
part of a national movement to balkanize America by compelling federal
and state governments to carry on official business in foreign languages.
Hundreds of U.S. voting districts have already been forced by statutes
and court decisions to print ballots in foreign languages.

The fraud called bilingual education was massively rejected by the voters
in California and Arizona referenda, but the federal government still
pours millions of our tax dollars into this failed experiment. It's a lie to call
it bilingual, because it doesn't teach two languages; thousands of
immigrant children in public schools are kept speaking their native
tongue rather than learning English.

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is harassing
businesses that try to have their employees speak English on the job.
Some U.S. citizenship ceremonies have even been performed in foreign

If an activist court pretends to invalidate the Utah official English law, it
won't be long before we see the other side of the coin: a lawsuit
demanding that the state's business be conducted in foreign languages.
This has already happened in Alabama, where a woman demanded that
she be given the state driver's test in Spanish; her case, Alexander v.
Sandoval, will be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court this spring.

The U.S. Supreme Court already held in Employment Div. v. Smith
(1990) that we do not have to provide exceptions from generally
applicable laws for religious practices and customs. It should certainly
follow that a state need not provide exceptions from generally applicable
laws and regulations to accommodate languages other than English.

English is becoming the language of the 21st century world and this is no
time to discourage U.S. residents and immigrants from learning English.
English is now the second most widely spoken language in the world,
with only Chinese dialects spoken by more people.

English is overwhelmingly the second language of choice worldwide.
English is the official language of the European Central Bank and the
working language of the Asian trade group ASEAN.

In multilingual continental Europe, a fierce battle over language popularity
appears to be ending with English emerging as the standard.
Switzerland has three official languages, German, French and Italian, but
it recently adopted English to be taught to all as the second language
rather than one of its official languages.

The Germans have given up trying to persuade more Brits to learn
German and are now promoting English as the language of the 21st
century, with lessons for children as young as six. Germany's leading
newspaper produces an eight-page English edition and declared that
"English is going to be the lingua franca of the century."

English has exploded in popularity since the advent of the internet and
about 80 percent of the internet uses English. Our language has
tremendous advantages for internet use: a smaller alphabet than most
major languages, no accented or pictograph characters, easy
interchangeabiity of nouns, verbs and adjectives, and little variance in
form for pronouns and verbs.

It is a great mistake to think that requiring English is detrimental to
immigrants. Official English requirements have an enormously positive
impact on those who learn English and then can enter the mainstream of
American academic and economic life.

[CTRL] FC: Humorless FBI agents interrogate publisher of Columbine satire (fwd)

2001-04-20 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


   FBI Crashes Parody Party
   By Declan McCullagh ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
   12:21 p.m. Apr. 19, 2001 PDT

   Depending on who you ask, Karl August Mueller is either one of the
   Web's funniest satirists, or a malevolent threat to society.

   From his side-splitting letters to Virginia newspapers purporting to
   be a right-of-Rush conservative to his fictitious Lobster Liberation
   Front that encourages readers to free tank-trapped crustaceans,
   Mueller has made an art of encouraging visitors to think twice about
   whether what they're reading is real.

   But the Feds don't appreciate his humor. Mueller, a 33-year-old Web
   programmer in Los Angeles who goes by the online name of "Gus, said
   two FBI agents paid him a surprise visit at 7:30 a.m. PDT Thursday.

   "I was in the shower and, knock, knock, knock, my housemate's knocking
   on my shower telling me there are two FBI agents on the door," Mueller
   says.. "They wanted to talk to me about this website. They were like
   "We're having trouble with shootings and schools throughout the
   country and you're promoting this, you know."

   The portion of his website Mueller is talking about is the "Trench
   Coat Mafia" page -- a parody he placed online soon after news broke
   about the Columbine massacre. It says: "Hello and Heil Hitler! My name
   is Eric and this is my Web page! I hate jocks, Jews and jiggaboos. I
   loathe wops, spics and blood-engorged ticks."

   It pretends to be written by a white supremacist Goth geek obsessed
   with two things: Pipe bombs and getting even with the "jocks" in his
   high school. "Our master plan is to kill at least 500 people at our
   high school, besiege the local neighborhood, seize the airport, and
   then crash a plane full of jocks and cheerleaders into the Pentagon,"
   the page says.


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[CTRL] Television of Interest - Monday, April 23, 2001 to Sunday, April 29, 2001

2001-04-20 Thread tribalzidane

-Caveat Lector-

All times listed are Central Daylight Time.

Programming is only available in America, unless you can get these channels where you 
live, basically meaning, check to see if you can get this programming before watching 
it.  :-/  I don't know why I included that, but I felt like I should.

Channels listed as airing on PBS-X are for Direct Broadcast Satellite, which airs 24 
hours after it airs for cable and over-the-air viewers.  So check to see if it airs a 
day ahead in your listings.  Always check your local listings to verify the date and 

Many of these programs have multiple airtimes on the same evening.  To save space (and 
time), only one listing has been provided.  Check your listings for additional 

Finally, this list may be incomplete.  I don't have every channel in existence in the 
electronic program guide I use to generate this list.  Namely, I don't have any of the 
Discovery Digital channels (Discovery Wings, Discovery Civilization, Discovery 
Science, Discovery Home  Leisure).  The only reason any of the Discovery Digital 
listings are included today is because I took the time to look for a few programs, but 
I know I missed many of them as I don't have time to manually scour the guides looking 
for every single program that will be airing.

Monday, April 23, 2001

01:00am - DISCOVERY CHANNEL - Three Minutes to Impact
Scientists, astronomers and evolutionists discuss the possibility and the effects of 
an asteroid or comet collision with Earth..  (Special:Documentary, 1hr)

01:30am - HGTV - Dream Builders "Davis Solar; Barn House; Stone Medallions; Mystery 
House; Murphy Beds"
Solar community; Cooperstown, N.Y.; hand-cut stone floors; Murphy beds..  
(How-To:Home/Garden, 30m)

02:00am - HISTORY CHANNEL - Sworn to Secrecy "Secrets of Soviet Space Disasters"
The failure of the Soviet space program leads to more than 150 recorded deaths..   
(CC). (Special:Documentary, 1hr)

05:00pm - DISCOVERY SCIENCE - Coming Disasters - Asteroid Impact
Examining the Earth's history of asteroid and comet impacts and documenting steps 
being taken to protect the planet in the future.

06:00pm - DISCOVERY CIVILIZATION - Archaeology
"The Last Days of the Philistines" - The rise and fall of the sophisticated Philistine 

06:00pm - DISCOVERY SCIENCE - Destination Space
"Russian Space" - Delving into the Soviet space program, focusing on the masterminds 
behind some of the biggest projects.

Tuesday, April 24, 2001

.   (CC). (Special:Religious, 30m)

04:05am - HBO SIGNATURE - From the Earth to the Moon "We Interrupt This Program"
Reporters rush to cover the disaster aboard Apollo 13. (Part 8 of 12).   (CC, In 
Stereo). (Special:Docudrama, 55m)

08:30am - HBO EAST - From the Earth to the Moon "Can We Do This?"
The Mercury and Gemini missions begin the U.S. effort to land on the moon. (Part 1 of 
12).   (CC, In Stereo). (Special:Docudrama, 1hr)

09:00am - TRAVEL CHANNEL - World's Greatest Spas "New York - New Age Health Spa"
New Age Health Spa in New York..  (News  Information:Travel, 30m)

11:30am - HBO WEST - From the Earth to the Moon "Can We Do This?"
The Mercury and Gemini missions begin the U.S. effort to land on the moon. (Part 1 of 
12).   (CC, In Stereo). (Special:Docudrama, 1hr)

05:00pm - DISCOVERY SCIENCE - On Jupiter
Computer animation and satellite images illuminate Jupiter, the largest planet in the 
solar system; past, present and future missions to study it.

06:00pm - DISCOVERY CIVILIZATION - Archaeology
The controversy of who built the sphinx in Egypt.

06:00pm - DISCOVERY WINGS - Destination Space
"Can We Reach the Stars?" - Examining the possibility of traveling to other solar 
systems, colonization and space tourism.

08:00pm - HISTORY CHANNEL - Perfect Crimes? "Jane Doe; Lufthansa Heist"
Space-age technology helps identify a dismembered corpse; millions in gold, jewelry 
and cash are stolen from Lufthansa's high-security storage at JFK airport..   (CC). 
(Special:Documentary, 1hr)

08:00pm - BIOGRAPHY CHANNEL - Biography
"Janis Joplin" - An in-depth portrait of singer Janis Joplin, who died of a drug 
overdose at the age of 27.

09:00pm - BIOGRAPHY CHANNEL - Biography
"Jimi Hendrix" - A profile of the life and career of rock musician Jimi Hendrix 
includes his impact among fans.

Wednesday, April 25, 2001

12:00am - HISTORY CHANNEL - Perfect Crimes? "Jane Doe; Lufthansa Heist"
Space-age technology helps identify a dismembered corpse; millions in gold, jewelry 
and cash are stolen from Lufthansa's high-security storage at JFK airport..   (CC). 
(Special:Documentary, 1hr)

01:00pm - EWTN - The Shroud of Turin: Imprint of Mercy
The mysterious cloth is believed to be the burial shroud of Jesus. (Part 4 of 4).  
(Special:Religious, 30m)

05:00pm - DISCOVERY SCIENCE - Universe 2001: Beyond the Millennium
"Stars" - How the study of stars offers information about the sun and its impact on 

[CTRL] Greenies Want You Dead

2001-04-20 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Greenies Want You Dead
by Brad Edmonds

Believe it. There is no other statement that fully explains the collected
behavior and assertions of all the animal rightsers, tree huggers,
and antibiotechnologyniks. You don’t have to be a rightist, either:

Leftists themselves, at least under the influence of sodium pentothal
(don’t ask how I know about that), would agree with me completely
after consideration of the items below.

  Any time a new development in biotechnology is announced, it
is protested. The most common and visible examples involve
Frankenfoods, those horrors (to the -niks; to me they’re miracles) such
as corn that doesn’t require extensive pesticide application. Juxtapose
this with screeches denouncing pesticides. What are we to do? They
don’t want pesticides, they don’t want food that doesn’t require
them… My answer: The greenies don’t want food for humans, at least
not if it involves humans actually doing anything.

  No more greenhouse gases. Juxtapose this with globetrotting
efforts by the greenies to prevent the construction of hydroelectric
  Dams burn nothing; no greenhouse gases. They do result in
the destruction of habitat, causing some species to move over a little,
and a few trees to drown. Note that two major causes of child death in
the third world – lung infection, caused by burning feces and wood in
the home for fuel; and dysentery – are in large part eradicated by
hydroelectric dams because dams provide electricity for the home
and treatable water. What are we to do? My answer: The greenies
want us to stop developing. Let millions of children die horribly – there
may be an endangered spider at stake.

  Greenies of the animals-first variety want no more animal
skins – furs, leather, even wool – used to shield us from the elements or
to adorn us. They prefer "fake furs." I’m reminded by a reader
that fake furs are made of petroleum derivatives. Petroleum derivatives
mean exploring, drilling, and yes, once in a great while, oil spills.
  Who was there to denounce the Valdez spill? Mouse huggers,
displaying deceased animals. So for clothing we shouldn’t use animals,
and we shouldn’t imitate animal use; even leather simulations are again
petroleum derivatives. If we follow their advice, we must use only
cotton (not wood, as in paper clothing – remember the tree huggers).
  This will require enormous expansion of the cotton industry,
meaning more land exposed to erosion, and demand for biotechnology
to make more cotton from less land. They won’t allow that. What are we
to do? My answer: The greenies want us naked. Benefit: We’ll die
faster, thus need less food and electricity. Hurrah!

There seems to be no end to the self-contradictions of the green left.
There need not be: There is no self-contradiction among them if
we understand that they desire the extinction of humanity.

Yes, I remember reading that one of their spokespersons actually said
 he desires mankind’s end, but we don’t need any spokesgreenies’
confirmations: I’m doing them a giant favor by removing the one
dialectical flaw – self-contradiction – that would, as a matter of logical
necessity, invalidate somewhere between half and all of their claims.
They may be young; they may be ignorant; they may be smug,
privileged, bored, even evil. But they have to their inestimable credit a
consistent, principled, unassailable position, given they accept only this:
They are right in everything they say if they admit they desire the
extinction of mankind. This means you.

April 20, 2001

  Edmonds Archives Back
to LewRockwell.com Home Page

Best Wishes

It is sobering to reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a
reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating
the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for
independence.   ~~ Charles A. Beard

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] No Autopsy of McVeigh?

2001-04-20 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On Thu, 19 Apr 2001, Steve Wingate wrote:
Why do you believe they would spare his life? What important role woudl he
play in the future?

Because perhaps he played the part he was assigned very well.  Part of
his 'fee' would be to stage his death, give him another identity, and
let him live a long life and die a natural death of old age in some far
away place

Remember the 'two Oswalds' of the Kennedy assassination, and the very
high probability that the 'Oswald' that was initially put in the grave
was NOT the same 'Oswald' that was exhumed 2 decades later...


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] (Fwd) Chinese Raid Defiant Village, Killing 2, Amid Rural Unrest

2001-04-20 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 20 Apr 2001 07:18:23 -0500
Subject:Re: [PoliticalGroup] Chinese Raid Defiant Village, Killing 2, 
Amid Rural  Unrest

  April 20, 2001

  Chinese Raid Defiant Village, Killing 2, Amid
  Rural Unrest


  [Y]UNTANG, China, April 18 — Before dawn last
 Sunday, more than 600 police and paramilitary
  troops stormed this village in southern China and
  opened fire on a gathering crowd of unarmed
  farmers, killing 2 and wounding at least 18,
  witnesses and local officials say.

  The shootings, which have not been reported in
  the Chinese news media, were one of the most
  severe known incidents of civil strife in recent
  years, the latest act in a three- year struggle
  pitting the 1,400 residents of Yuntang against
  township and county officials. The villagers have
  refused to pay what they call illegal and
  impossibly high local taxes and fees, and the
  officials have labeled the villagers a "criminal

  As a tangible sign of their resistance, the
  villagers erected a strong iron gate across the
  only road into Yuntang last year, keeping it
  locked and guarded to prevent the entry of
  official vehicles.

  The bitter strife in this village and untold
  others reflects the anger and despair among the
  millions of farm families in China's traditional
  breadbasket region. Even as the national economy
  booms, in villages across central and southern
  China incomes have stagnated, most young people
  migrate to coastal cities to perform menial jobs,
  and local governments are so short of money that
  officials and teachers often go unpaid for months
  at a time.

  The use of gunfire against unarmed, protesting
  citizens has been rare in recent years and
  Sunday's hushed-up clash is a sharp reminder of
  the domestic pressures bearing down on the
  country's leaders and the Communist Party as they
  try to modernize China without losing control of

  The shooting in Yuntang — with its echoes of the
  unresolved national trauma of the 1989 shooting
  of hundreds of demonstrators around Tiananmen
  Square — stemmed in part from the economic
  strains that are bound to grow as China joins the
  World Trade Organization and opens up industries
  and agriculture.

  The people of Yuntang remain defiant but also
  fearful of further reprisals, and when a foreign
  reporter unexpectedly arrived, he was quickly
  told to leave. One older man apologized, saying,
  "If the Communist regime knows we are meeting the
  foreign press, they might level our village."

  The authorities of Jiangxi Province, where this
  rice-farming village of the lower Yangtze basin
  lies, have managed to largely suppress news of
  the killings. Still, villagers say the
  authorities apparently recognized the potentially
  explosive nature of the news because the evening
  of the incident a provincial deputy Communist
  Party secretary was dispatched to the village,
  and he promised an investigation.

  The deadly clash in Yuntang is the latest sign of
  instability in Jiangxi, a relatively poor
  province known as a cradle of Mao's Communist
  revolution. Another county not far from Yuntang
  was the site of another major, internationally
  publicized conflict last August, when more than
  10,000 farmers protesting high taxes rampaged
  through township offices and the homes of
  officials. There is no sign that farmers from the
  two restless counties have joined forces, forming
  the kind of rural movement that the authorities
  are especially anxious to prevent.

  And Jiangxi Province's top two officials were
  replaced after a deadly explosion in March at a
  primary school where, local residents said,
  students had been forced to make fireworks. In
  that case, which aroused popular suspicion and
  anger, local authorities apparently misled
  leaders in Beijing about activities at the
  school. While Prime Minister Zhu Rongji did not
  publicly rebut the official account that the
  explosion was the work of a madman, he did issue
  a highly unusual public apology for the accident.

  The Yuntang shootings fly in the face of a
  warning issued by the prime minister to local
  authorities in a 1999 speech. Discussing the wide
  concern over rural tax burdens, Mr. Zhu publicly
  admonished officials to respond with
  understanding rather than force.

  The provincial authorities apparently face a
  quandary: should they praise the officials of
  Yujiang County and Zhongtong township for
  safeguarding public order, or should they fire
  those who planned this attack, or even punish
  some for murder? Officials must also decide
  whether to press charges against Su Guosheng, a
  village leader who had dared to take complaints
  about local corruption and excess taxes all the
  way to Beijing and, villagers said, was detained
  the day 

Re: [CTRL] AP: Many Gore Office E-Mails Won't Be Recovered

2001-04-20 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 04/19/2001 3:34:02 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

 WASHINGTON (AP) - It will be impossible to restore much of the White
 House e-mail traffic in the office of former Vice President Gore,
 despite a yearlong effort in which technical experts recovered 3 million
 missing messages from computer tapes, recently filed court papers

What a tragedy.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] MS Drug Company Conspiracy

2001-04-20 Thread John Wallace

-Caveat Lector-

This is an awful manipulation by a drug company and a
"scientist" for profit. Especially this:


Are There Industry Links?

Here is the second red flag: Dr. Khan's publicity
campaign is funded by the owner of the drug that
benefits most from his conclusions. Despite the fact
that Khan's study has not been subjected to serious
scientific review or published, Khan acknowledged in
one of the few articles reporting on the study that he
received from Teva Marion Pharmaceuticals
(manufacturers of Copaxone®) to publicize the report.
He stated that Teva Marion "put him in touch" with its
public relations firm to prepare a press release and
video (The Wall Street Journal, October 14, 1999).
As a result, Khan embarked on a campaign to publicize
his findings. According to Khan, this effort was
supported by the Wayne State University Neuroscience
Program. Yet, Teva Marion Pharmaceuticals, the makers
of Copaxone®, provided money (in the form of an
"unrestricted" educational grant) and other support to
package Khan's poster into a series of press releases
and media events. As a result, discussion of this
study is not occurring within the scientific/medical
community; rather it is Khan's own efforts to provide
informational talks and seminars that keep the study
alive. It appears to be the case that incomplete
information is being provided to both physicians and
patients through Khan's over-interpretation of the
data from his one small, incomplete study.


-Caveat Lector-

Meet Dr. Omar Khan: a multiple sclerosis researcher
intent on degrading scientific methodology in favor of
a drug company's $$$.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Echelon: The secret is out.

2001-04-20 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

 As I said five years ago, the ones who should be nervous about this are
 people who have something to hide. If you are not in that group, what is

 big deal? Are you ashamed of what you do in your everyday life? Are you
 doing something illegal? Then run and hide from the government.

Do you put your mail in sealed envelopes?  Why? - Do you have
something to hide?  If you had nothing to fear you would use only
postcards.  You continued use of sealed envelopes is proof you are up
to something nefarious.

Do you have shades or blinds on your windows?  Why?  Are you
ashamed of what you do in your everyday life? Obviously you must be
doing something illegal.

Best Wishes

The descent to hell is easy, and those who begin by worshipping power
soon worship evil.  ~~C.S. Lewis

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Oswald Was Buried in a Mole Skin Coffin

2001-04-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Always wanted to know where Lee Harvey Oswald's mother could find a
"mole skin" coffin.maybe a cryptic message here.  In the book
written by Gerald Ford (the brain) she referred to as I recall a poem
about pink roses, pink roses - but Mrs. Kennedy received red roses in
Dallas and Mrs. Johnson, white roses - only think missing was the
"Goodbye Old Pal" and heart shaped arrangement.

Lee Harvey Oswald would have nothing to do with his mother when he
returned home; yet, he was alleged to have been somewhat of a "mama's

A mother would know her son.   After Oswald shot JFK his brother visited
him, and looked into his eyes - and picked up a message that some say
they saw in the eyes of McVeigh - some type of training, maybe special
forces - but this Mafia stuff with the eyes, is stupid.  Suddenly Lee
transformed into a balding and aging man for his alleged years - in his


Lee's developmental history was negative except for a mastoid operation
and a tonsillectomy when he was about seven. He remembers that the
operations frightened him, but nothing else about them.
--Warren Commission: Vol. XXI,
page 488 (Siegel Exhibit No. 1)
Also indicating that Oswald had a tonsillectomy is a 12/6/63 FBI report
(file # Memphis 105-891; Memphis 44-1165) which reported that a Dr.
Philbin of Dallas, Texas removed Oswald's tonsils on January 17, 1945.
 See full page of 12/6/63 FBI report excerpted above.
About an hour into his talk called "Harvey and Lee" at the 1997 November
in Dallas symposium, JFK researcher John Armstrong displayed on overhead
projectors two Marine Corps "Sick Call Treatment Records." One is
numbered 1653230, the other, 1652330.
What is fascinating, though, is not the numbers but what else is written
on these old documents. Both name the patient: "Oswald, Lee H. Pvt." And
both indicate that he was suffering from tonsillitis. The entry from
1957 on the record above indicates he was treated for "tonsillitis."
The second sick call record, dated 5-23-58 is even more specific.
Sore throat. Temp 98.
Present one day.
Injection of phagus with purculet
left tonsil.
Rx gargles
bed rest
These sick call records are documented in the USMC "Official Military
Personnel File on Lee Harvey Oswald" (released to researcher Robert J.
McDonnell by the Department of the Navy, Marine Corps Headquarters, on
Sept. 29, 1992).
So Did Lee Harvey Oswald's tonsils grow back? Were Marine medics
hallucinating? Or is there a more likely explanation?
The Warren Commission, John Armstrong believes, combined the biographies
of two different people to arrive at the classic legend of Lee Harvey
Oswald. One was a Russian speaking youth, possibly the child of
Hungarian parents. Armstrong notes that this person was referred to as
"Harvey." The other was a taller but similar looking boy with a Southern
U.S. accent, born as "Lee Harvey Oswald." Both may well have become
entangled at an early age in an intelligence operation. It was "Harvey"
who traveled to Russia and was shot dead by Jack Ruby. It was "Lee" who
got into a fight in the ninth grade at Beauregard Junior High School and
lost a tooth.
One Lee Harvey Oswald had his tonsils removed on January 17, 1945. The
other did not.
And what about the mastoid operation referred to in the Warren
Commission deposition excerpted at the top of this page? Oswald's Marine
medical records indicate the following: "Mastoid operation 1945;
Hospitalized 2 weeks, Ft. Worth, Texas." But despite a careful
examination of his body for scars as small as a quarter on an inch in
size, Oswald's autposist recorded none remotely near the mastoidectomy.
The mortician who prepared Oswald's body for burial couldn't find scars
that should have been there either. The scar from a self-inflicted
gunshot wound in the left elbow from Oswald's Marine years also appeared
to have disappeared after his death.
In October, 1957 Lee shot himself in the left arm with a .22 derringer.
The entrance wound was closed with stitches and the bullit left in his
arm. Later an incision was made on the back side of his arm and the
bullet removed. Two incisions--two scars. After Oswald was shot and
killed by Jack Ruby an autopsy was performed. Photographs were taken of
Oswalds arms. There are no scars from a bullet wound, nor are any scars
noted on the autopsy report. Oswald was prepared for burial and embalmed
by Mortician Paul Groody. Groody was twice asked about scars on Oswald's
arms. Groody said he had not seen any scars on Oswald's arms.
Years earlier, when Lee Oswald was 6 years old, he had a mastoidectomy
operation behind his left ear. In 1956 Lee's Marine medical examination
report lists a 3" mastoid scar behind his left ear. When Harvey was
killed by Jack Ruby, Dr. Earl Rose performed the autopsy. Dr. Rose noted
many scars in his autopsy report, some were as small as 1/16". Dr. Rose
also took 27 color slides of Oswalds body which are now in the 

Re: [CTRL] Greenies Want You Dead

2001-04-20 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

no they couldn't explain to you because the whole mail was mischievous
misinformation and to begin debunking it all becomes depressing as the
intent in the writing was not to argue the points at all but to mislead on
an emotional level, so argument seemed futile and tedious. i am presuming by
your reply that you felt something similar.

- Original Message -
From: "Prudence L. Kuhn" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 3:46 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Greenies Want You Dead

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 04/20/2001 9:33:46 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

   burning feces and wood  

 I've been in villages in Turkey where they were burning cow manure for
 It is odorless and produces just the right heat for various Turkish
 In fact they were using the dung because they had guests (us) and wanted
 to have the very best of their cuisine.  I have no idea why burning dung
 would give lung problems.  The whole village appeared to be healthy, hale
 hearty.   Can you explain the problems with burning dung?  Prudy

 A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substancenot soap-boxingplease!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright fraudsis used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] For Brian, and all, enjoy.

2001-04-20 Thread Kris Millegan

Brian, you especially will love this...
 The Dull  Stoned Skull And Bones are ready for primetime.  Pacifica
Radio's Democracy Now! had a 50 minute program yesterday dedicated to
secret societies, including the Federalist, as well.

Check this out... a reporter from the New York Observer taped the
iniation ceremony with night-vision equipment!!
He mentions a story on Dateline (of all places!).  People might start

Webpage with other links, and details:


Link for audio:

April 19, 2001
on Democracy NOW!
[listen to the entire program at 14.4]

[click to hear any story]


"It's the primal scene of American power, of Bush family values. For
two centuries, the initiation rite of Skull and Bones has shaped the
character of the men who have shaped the American character,
including two Presidents named Bush.

Last Saturday, for the first time ever, that long-secret rite was
witnessed by a team of outsiders." That's the opening of reporter Ron
Rosenbaum's front-page piece in this week's New York Observer. He is
the first to do an expose on the most influential secret society in
the nation. It's a part of Yale University, which this weekend
celebrates its 300 anniversary with among others, former Presidents
Bush and Clinton.

On April 14, the New York Observer team used high-tech night-vision
video equipment able to peer through the gloom into the inner
courtyard of the Skull and Bones "Tomb" in New Haven. Among other
things, the Observer team witnessed privileged Skull and Bones
members mocking the assault on Abner Louima by crying out
repeatedly, "Take that plunger out of my ass!", and members hurling
obscene sexual insults at initiates as they were forced to kneel and
kiss a skull at the feet of the initiators.


Ron Rosenbaum, reporter for the New York Observer and author of The
Secret Parts of Fortune, Random House. E-mail:
Related link:
New York Observer
The Federalist Society, a right-wing legal group, entered the radar
screens of many Democrats and Progressives around the time of the
impeachment of former President Bill Clinton. Kenneth Starr, the
independent counsel who led the Whitewater and Monica Lewinsky
investigations, was active in the group, as well as many lawyers in
his office and the lawyers who worked on the Paula Jones sexual
harassment case.

But under the Bush Administration, the group has risen to
unprecedented levels of power.

Three Cabinet secretaries are active supporters of the Federalist
Society -- John D. Ashcroft at Justice, Gale A. Norton at Interior
and Spencer Abraham at Energy. During the first 100 days of his
presidency, President Bush has dismantled workplace safety standards,
reversed a campaign pledge on imposing new carbon dioxide emission
standards, and says he plans to open up the Alaska National Wildlife
Refuge to oil drilling.

Members of the Federalist Society have also gained considerable
influence in the legal arm of the administration. Ted Olson, the head
of the group's Washington chapter, argued the Bush case in the
Florida battle for the presidency last fall. He is now solicitor
general. And other members of the society -- including Larry D.
Thompson, the deputy attorney general -- are playing a central role
in a 15-member special White House-Justice Department committee
picking candidates to fill openings in the federal district and
appeals courts. The Society won a major victory a few weeks ago, when
President Bush stripped the American Bar Association of its role in
rating judicial candidates. Since 1996, the society has
published "ABA Watch," documenting the ABA's liberal stands on
abortion, the death penalty and gun control.

The Federalist Society was formed 20 years ago by a handful of
conservative law students who felt they were a beleaguered minority
at their elite schools, isolated and disdained in a liberal
intellectual environment. For years, small chapters of the Society
met on college campuses, trying to inject their right-wing ideas into
the mainstream. Now, with a membership of 25,000, the organization
has chapters in 60 cities, along with student chapters at 150 of the
nation's 182 accredited law schools. Major supporters include
conservative foundations, including the John M. Olin Foundation
($376,000), the Sarah Scaife Foundation ($ 175,000) and the Lynde and
Harry Bradley Foundation ($ 135,000).


AL ROSS, Director of the Institute for Democracy Studies, 

[CTRL] Marines making flying foot soldiers

2001-04-20 Thread Carl Amedio

Marines making flying foot soldier

Friday, 20 April 2001 1:34 (ET)Marines making flying foot soldiersQUANTICO,
Va., April 19 (UPI) -- The Marines are developing small roboticflying
machines that can fit into a soldier's backpack and, when called on,fly
across battlefields, sending back to him or her video images of
enemypositions."UAVs have typically provided the upper echelon of military
commanderswith sensitive reconnaissance but Dragon Eye is intended to empower
the footsoldier," said Jim McMains of the Office of Naval Research in
Arlington, VA.Made from commercial products, the propeller-driven, 4.3 pound
unmannedaerial vehicle or UAV has a wingspan of 48 inches and breaks down
into fivepieces which a soldier should be able to reassemble in only a few
minutes,said McMains.The soldier wears a ground control device containing a
computer processorand a moving map display and, by pointing and clicking,
tells where theywant the device to fly and take video. He then activates the
tiny engine andthrows it into the air.The Dragon Eye sends the video stream
back to a monitor that is containedin the wearable ground station."They plug
in the altitude then tell it where it should come back," hesaid. "It flies
away, comes back and lands all by itself with no pilotassistance."The video
streaming capability limits the maximum range to 10 kilometersand the
device's lithium battery power source-comparable to the power neededfor a
child's motorized car-provides sixty minutes of flight time.The engine turns
two oversized propellers, whose size keeps down noise byreducing the number
of rotations needed to sustain flight. McMains said at100 meters the human
ear can barely hear the Dragon Eye, which flies at aspeed of about 40 knots
or about 46 miles per hour, and at such distancescan appear to be a souring
bird."During tests, we have seen that even hawks have a tendency to migrate
toit," he said, adding that it could also appear bird-like to enemy
radarlucky enough to pick up such as small presence.The Dragon Eye, which
will soon undergo field tests and then a subsequentround of modifications, is
likely to cost $3 to $4 thousand dollar per unit,with ground control devices
adding up to $8 to $10 thousand apiece, saidMcMains."This project gives
Marines a significant capacity for expanding theirsphere of knowledge on
battlefields and urban terrains and in congestedurban environments," said
Daryl Davidson, executive director of theAssociation for Unmanned Vehicle
Systems International in Arlington, Va.Davidson said cultural changes within
the Pentagon's leadership as well asscientific progress in miniaturization,
composites, sensors and powerdevices have boosted the military's attention to
UAVs over the last fiveyears or so.He said that while defense projects like
Dragon Eye have served as thegenius of unmanned systems, whether airborne,
aquatic or land-based, thetechnology is fast moving to the private sector. 
"We like to say that thesesystems do the dull, dirty and dangerous jobs,
things like flying overforest fires, patrolling borders and drug
interdiction," he said, addingthat the FBI and DEA could already have
unmanned systems that match orsurpass the ability of Dragon Eye but that they
would likely be classified.(Reported by UPI Technology Correspondent Kelly
Hearn in Washington)--Copyright 2001 by United Press International.All rights
The romantic sounds of classic Cuban music blend with contemporary Spanish
guitar in Alicia y Yo, a new CD from Spain. Click here to listen to some
tracks and order the CD 

Return to headlines.


[CTRL] Fwd: Revision---Links for Tyree Paper

2001-04-20 Thread Kris Millegan


Can you send far and wide? My last message had an error on one of the links.
These are invaluable and I hope will circulate.


Catherine Austin Fitts


Tyree Papers---The Second Generation

This is an update of the Bill Tyree flowcharts and power maps regarding the
who and how of power in our world. He just finished mailing from his prison
cell in South Walpole last month. Publish away:


[CTRL] Yeh, and Shylock was only kidding about that pound of flesh..........

2001-04-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Interesting item for after all these years you find the works of
Shakespeare being squelched?   Does this sound familiar?

Recently an ADL connected individual wanted Mercant of Menace changed -
and for instance, Shylock who wanted the pound of flesh - well, he was
only kidding got to rewrite this script.

But my goodness - Othello?   A black raping a white woman?   Can't have
that can we Mr. Weinstein - might hurt your "political" career for the
big potential takeover?

Have you noticed even the Disney Channel has become "earthy"...these
bastards even stole Mickey Mouse from the kids...Disney looks like
propaganda tool for UN and NWO..and Gay Pride Inc. is way out in
front with their little   lavendar flag.

Watch your back Mr. Bush..


April 20, 2001|12:01 PM

Suing for $18 million, Producer Claims Harvey Weinstein Waylaid His
"Controversial" Film
by Rebecca Traister

Senator Weinstein? President Weinstein? Is there more to Harvey
Weinstein's political ambitions than writing checks and holding
fund-raisers for his favorite Democratic candidates?

That's what's hinted at in a complaint filed on April 17 in State
Supreme Court in Manhattan. The suit, brought by O, L.L.C., the producer
of O, claims that Tim Blake Nelson's controversial film adaptation of
Shakespeare's Othello was never released by Miramax because Mr.
Weinstein feared its violent content would undermine his political

The lawsuit was filed against Miramax Films, its parent, the Walt Disney
Company, Miramax co-chairman Harvey Weinstein and his brother, Bob
Weinstein, the chief executive of Dimension Films, the division of
Miramax that was slated to release O.

One of the complaint's key allegations describes a March 2001 meeting in
Los Angeles' Peninsula Hotel between Harvey Weinstein and O producer
Eric Gitter. The meeting was precipitated by repeated delays in the
release of the film, which is set in a modern private high school. In
addition to a violent conclusion, which remains faithful to
Shakespeare's four-character body count, O depicts a graphic interracial
rape scene.

Dimension initially planned to release the film on Oct. 17, 1999. It
received a completed cut of the film in early summer of that year, just
a month after the Columbine High School massacre and on the cusp of the
2000 Presidential race.
The Peninsula Hotel meeting described in the suit took place just before
the terms of Miramax's agreement to release O were about to expire.

The suit alleges that Harvey Weinstein said he wanted to license O's
distribution rights to another company rather than release it under the
Miramax shingle.

According to the complaint, Mr. Weinstein cited his "ardent" support of
the Democratic Party, his role as the party's "largest" fund-raiser, and
indicated "that he had political aspirations and that his current
personal agenda included more than a motivation to successfully release
quality films."

The suit goes on to claim that Mr. Weinstein explained to Mr. Gitter
that the violence depicted in the film made it "potentially
'controversial'" and that "he had no intention of allowing the Film to
be released under his … Miramax label."
Miramax, in fact, soon transferred distribution rights to O to Lions
Gate Films, in an announcement that was reported in the April 11 issue
of Daily Variety. But the transfer was allegedly made over the
objections of the film's producer. (Lions Gate is reportedly set to
release O on 1,500 screens in August.)

During that same L.A. meeting, the suit claims, Mr. Weinstein allegedly
"overtly threatened" Mr. Gitter, saying that unless the producer agreed
to allow Miramax to sell the film to another company for future release
under a different title, "he and his brother, Robert Weinstein, would
see to it that the Film was released on 1,000 poorly venued screens at
inopportune times with no public relations support."

The suit also says he threatened that "he would invest the required
print and advertising funds in an inappropriate manor [sic] and would
'bury' the Film in the press."

Mr. Gitter's recollection of the meeting, as described in the suit,
concluded with his assertion that Mr. Weinstein threatened that "he and
his brother would see to it that 'no one in Hollywood' would do any
future business with Mr. Gitter, personally."

A Miramax spokeswoman declined to respond to the specific issues in the
suit, including the allegations of Mr. Weinstein's "political
aspirations," noting that it would be inappropriate to comment on a
legal matter. But the company issued a statement: "We do not believe
that disputes should be litigated in the press.

We understand that the complaint has just been filed with the court and
will respond as appropriate. We are confident that the court will find
that we have fulfilled our obligation and acted appropriately. In
licensing the film to Lions Gate, we wanted to continue to act in a
socially responsible manner and to not have the 

[CTRL] America's Gulag?

2001-04-20 Thread Gavin Philips

-Caveat Lector-

Are there ready-to-be-filled concentration camps in
America? This question has been raised many times
before on the list. I stumbled across a site that
looks useful. When I have more time, I'll look closer.


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Kimball LDC: More Gov/Pharm Persecution?

2001-04-20 Thread Gavin Philips

-Caveat Lector-

Below is some information about Liquid Deprenyl
Citrate . The FDA could not induce one person to
testify against Kimball's product and many thousands
say that it has helped their Parkinson’s considerably.
Jay Kimball’s (the patent holder) wife has far more
information. Her e-mail is [EMAIL PROTECTED], her number
is 813-973-2725. Thank you. Gavin Phillips.
Please visit my nonprofit website.
Exposing the Cancer Indu$try

Also see,


(208) 255-2307

PLEASE PASS IT ON.Thanks. Gavin Phillips.


The FDA has admitted that there has never been, after
thousands of applications, even one reported incident
of LDC harming people. The FDA has admitted that there
has never been one reported consumer complaint about
LDC. Thousands of LDC users who have had quality of
life restored to them have been denied access to the
natural and comparatively inexpensive nutritive plant
product that controlled their Parkinson's symptoms.

Court Challenges Treatment

The Arizona Challenge

Drugs, Government and Our Rights

Court Challenges Treatment

A Federal court has ruled that the creator of a
relatively inexpensive,
non-toxic treatment for neurological disorders
violated the law by making
his therapy available to those who desperately need

Exclusive to The SPOTLIGHT

By Don Harkins

Jay Kimball of Tamp Bay, Fla.-based Discovery
Experimental  Development,
Inc., was found guilty of misbranding and fraud in
Florida Federal Court May

Kimball has been the target of Food and Drug
Administration (FDA)-led
persecution since he and his small Florida
pharmaceutical company perfected
Li quid Deprenyl Citrate (LDC) in 1990.

A jury, weighted down by the judge's instructions and
apparently impressed
by the Department of Justice's (DOJ) determination to
gain Kimball's
conviction even in the absence of evidence and intent,
determined that he
misbranded LDC because the label claims that it can be
used to benefit
Parkinson's disease victims.

The jury also found Kimball guilty of defrauding the
federal government amid
DOJ claims that Kimball employed fraudulent methods to
continue marketing
LDC even though he must have known that doing so would
make the FDA very

LDC is a nutritive plant product that is derived from
the ephedra plant.
After thousands of applications over 10 years, LDC has
never been reported
to cause an adverse reaction and only helps the people
who use it.

"The product was not mislabeled as we can prove that
it does exactly what we
said on the label and we didn't defraud anybody, they
[the FDA] knew where
we were, we kept normal business hours, we had nothing
to hide," commented
Kim ball.

Mislabeling alone, according to Kim ball, would have
been a misdemeanor. The
federal government had to charge Kimball with fraud in
order to justify its
litigation and its desire to throw the innovative
developer in prison.

Kimball, who handled his own defense in this
proceeding, will file a
"directed verdict" in an attempt to overturn the
jury's decision for lack of
evidence. Kimball is not optimistic that federal Judge
Richard Lazzara will
overturn the jury's verdict. In the event that the
conviction stands,
Kimball is scheduled to be sentenced this August. He
faces a minimum of
three years in a federal penitentiary.

Kimball is expected to appeal.

"They [U.S. Attorneys Michael Ruben stein and Jennifer
Jones, both of whom
have made a career out of persecuting Kimball] did not
prove intent to
violate the law and all evidence proved beyond doubt
that LDC, by the FDA's
own definition, is not a prescription drug within its
jurisdiction as it is
non-toxic and is not dangerous to use," Kimball

The FDA claims that LDC is just like the FDA-approved
drug Eldepryl, which
is selegeline hydrochloride and has a much different
atomic weight. Kimball
tried to illustrate the difference between LDC and
Eldepryl with the example
that fresh water and salt water are both water, but
that salt water taken
internally can be deadly.

FDA-approved Eldepryl, selegeline stabilized with
hydrochloride, has been
found to be contaminated with methamphetamine and a
publicly unidentified
neurotoxin. Its adverse reactions, as published in the
Physician's Desk
Reference, include nausea, hallucinations, confusion,
depression, loss of
balance, insomnia, hypertension and angina. Former
Eldepryl user Annetta
Freeman believes that the list of Eldepryl's adverse
effects include death.

LDC, which is selegeline stabilized with a natural
citra gel, has never
produced one reported adverse reaction in thousands of

According to FDA Office of Criminal In vestigations
spokesman Don Liggett,
the FDA's 10-year, multi-million-dollar per secution
of Jay Kimball is
purely administrative. Liggett admits that the FDA has
never received one
complaint over LDC, nor is the FDA aware of LDC ever
causing an adverse

Re: [CTRL] Echelon: The secret is out.

2001-04-20 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

If you are not counterfeiting U.S. Dollars, selling arms illegally to
foreign powers, or competing with the government in the illegal drug trade,
why would anyone bother with you?

I once knew someone who was paranoid. The paranoid was convinced the rest of
the world spent 24 hours a day trying to think up ways to "do stuff" to the
paranoid, as if this was the most important thing people had to do.

Those who think they are that important have delusions of grandeur.
Ninety-nine percent of us are not that important to anyone with monitoring

Just because they can does not mean they will or intend to. Even if they had
the time, which they don't.

 Echelon satellites can eavesdrop on your telephone calls,
 faxes and e-mail. Tempest looks through walls to see
  what is on your TV and PC.

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Echelon: The secret is out.

2001-04-20 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

If you are not counterfeiting U.S. Dollars, selling arms illegally to
foreign powers, or competing with the government in the illegal drug
trade, why would anyone bother with you?

Two words: political dissidence

Ninety-nine percent of us are not that important to anyone with
monitoring capabilities.

Assuming that number were correct, which you have no way of knowing,
that’s still small comfort to the one percent.  But is that number
correct? Hardly. Technological innovations have made extremely powerful
surveillance tools available to ordinary stalkers at extremely
reasonable prices. Factor that in. Also factor in corporate snooping.
The government isn't the only one interested in how many times you wiped
your butt today. The government isn't even in charge. The corporations
are in charge. The government is merely their puppet.

Just because they can does not mean they will or intend to. Even if
they had  the time, which they don't.

Advances in computer processing, networking and especially in Artificial
Intelligence software, have made the time a negligible factor. The
process has been automated.  See:


A HREF!ttp://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
ÝÝÝCTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] REU: China Detains An American, Accuses Him of Spying

2001-04-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Thursday April 19 10:19 PM ET

China Detains An American, Accuses Him of Spying

By Jonathan Wright

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Chinese authorities have detained a U.S. citizen
of Chinese origin in the southern city of Guangzhou on suspicion of spying
for Taiwan, the State Department said on Thursday.

The man, Wu Jianming, was detained on April 8, and a U.S. consular officer
visited him on Saturday, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher told a

``They've informed us that Mr. Wu is being investigated for alleged
espionage activities against China on behalf of Taiwan,'' he added. The
United States is concerned about the case, as it is about the detention of
another U.S. citizen and two Chinese citizens resident in the United States,
he said.

The case adds to the climate of suspicion between China and the United
States as Washington prepares to announce a decision next week on what
weapons it will sell to Taiwan.

The two countries, despite some progress in talks in Beijing on Thursday,
have still not settled a bitter dispute over the U.S. reconnaissance plane
that landed on Hainan Island on April 1 after colliding with a Chinese

Beijing angrily demanded on Thursday that the United States repatriate Zhang
Honggbao, the leader of the Chinese spiritual sect Zhong Gong, who is on
U.S. immigration parole. The Chinese accuse him of rape, fraud and

The other detained U.S. citizen in China is Li Shaomin, who was teaching
business at the City University of Hong Kong and was held on Feb. 25 in the
southern city of Shenzhen.

The two Chinese with U.S. residence are Gao Zhan, who was teaching at
American University in Washington, and Qin Guangguang, who works for a U.S.
medical group and was detained in Beijing in December on suspicion of
leaking state secrets.

Warning To Critics

U.S. officials said they could release no other details about Wu because of
privacy legislation. In the case of the Chinese who are only permanent U.S.
residents, the Chinese authorities have no obligation to allow consular

Boucher said that U.S. Embassy officials brought up the four cases at a
meeting in Beijing on Tuesday, as they have done repeatedly with similar

``We've made clear that we would like to see all these people released and
able to return home,'' he said. ``Some of them are being investigated, we
are told, for espionage, and some of them we just don't have much
information about.''

Earlier on Thursday, the State Department warned critics of the Chinese
government and other visitors to China that they risked detention by China's
secret police.

The warning, to Chinese-born U.S. citizens or permanent residents, said the
Ministry of State Security was apparently targeting those who had criticized
the government or visited Taiwan.

It said, ``The Department of State cautions Americans, especially Americans
originally from China, that there may be a risk of being detained upon
returning to China if they have at any time engaged in activities or
published writings critical of Chinese government policies.''

``In some cases, travel to Taiwan or involvement with Taiwan media
organizations has apparently also been regarded as the equivalent of
espionage by the MSS,'' it added.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] WND: DOGGETT: Stop Africa's slave trade, now!

2001-04-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Stop Africa's slave trade, now!

 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

by: John Doggett

[ Folks who recall the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings may recall
Doggett's debunking of Anita Hill's claimed innocence. ]

Africa's dirty little secret isn't secret anymore. You see, although they
abolished slavery in the Western Hemisphere more than a century ago, it
still flourishes in Africa. The recent publicity over the Benin-based child
slave boat is just the tip of the iceberg.

For five years, a decrepit little ship called the MV Etireno has sailed the
West African coast with its hold filled with child slaves. Their poor
parents sold the children into slavery for as little as $14. The parents
claimed that the slavers promised that they would educate the children and
find them jobs. I can think of few words that are more painful than the
words "sold by their parents."

Fortunately, Benin finally allowed the ship to dock and before its human
cargo suffered permanent injury. However, the only reason Benin took action
was because of the growing embarrassment this 21st century slave ship was
creating for its government.

My friends, a few weeks ago, I told you why I felt it was crucial that we
Americans never forget the horrors of African slavery. Nevertheless, my
argument about America's past pale in comparison to what is going on in
Africa today. Sadly, those who have argued most vociferously for black
reparations are strangely silent about this modern day slave ship. And that
offends me deeply.

The United States banned the importation of African slaves in 1808. The
Brazilians banned the slave trade in 1888. Nevertheless, more than a century
later, slavery still lives in Africa. If it wasn't for a handful of
Christians and other people of conscience, no one would even care.

Occasionally a story surfaces in WND or the Washington Times about
Christians or American school children raising money to buy African children
out of bondage. It moves my heart that these good people put their money on
the table to save some from slavery. Usually, they can save a life for just
$50. Nevertheless, it tears at my soul that these acts of mercy are even
necessary in the 21st century.

It is time, my friends, for the world to stop coddling Africa. I will no
longer accept that the status quo is simply that African governments are
corrupt, African nations are poor and African people will commit acts of
savagery against each other.

I have worked in most parts of Africa. The overwhelming majority of Africa's
people are wonderful, bright and decent people. Unfortunately, men who are
more concerned about their personal political power control most African

The facts are clear. Africa has more natural resources than any other
continent in the world, yet its people are the poorest in the world. Africa
has produced some of the most brilliant minds in the history of the world.
Yet today, Africa invents nothing that the rest of the world uses. That
doesn't have to be.

It is time to hold Africa up to the same standards as the rest of the world.
And the first thing we need to do is to end the African slave trade. And we
need to do it now.

For eight years, the left told us that Bill Clinton was their "human rights"
president. He did nothing to stop African slavery. Bill used his power to
pardon a man who traded with South Africa while sanctions were in place
against South Africa. He didn't use his power to fight African slavery.

Bill Clinton bombed a Sudanese pharmaceutical plant when they impeached him
for having sex with Monica. He didn't pressure the Sudanese government to
end rampant slavery.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton have emerged as leaders of the black
community. For eight years they had unrestricted access to the highest
levels of power. Yet neither of them made the elimination of African slavery
their priority.

Jesse Jackson rushed to Illinois to defend teenaged hoodlums from school
expulsion. But he was silent as the Benin slave ship sailed back and forth
off the coast of West Africa.

Jesse Jackson offered to go to China to mediate in the spy plane crisis. But
this ministerial adulterer never led a mission to stamp out slavery in
Africa. And sadly, the African-American community seems not to even care.

We must never forget the role that slavery played in America's history and
the racial discrimination that it begat. However, what is happening in
Africa is an entirely different matter. Africa's sins are in the here and
now. If we work hard, we can end the African slave trade once and for all.

So I ask President Bush and Secretary of State Powell to do something that
the "human rights" liberals never tried to do.

The liberals worked hard to protect the whales. I want you to work harder to

Re: [CTRL] WND: DOGGETT: Stop Africa's slave trade, now!

2001-04-20 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

You see, although they abolished slavery in the Western Hemisphere more
than a century ago, 

They only abolished chattel slavery. Wage an debt slavery are thriving

As for that *other* hemisphere, see this:


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[CTRL] Protest Groups Breach Security at Quebec Summit

2001-04-20 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Protest Groups Breach Security at Quebec Summit


QUEBEC CITY (Reuters) - Protest groups stormed part of the chain link
fence ringing Quebec City's Summit of the Americas on Friday in the
first sign of serious trouble on the perimeter of the top-level talks,
witnesses said.

About 100 protesters, from anarchist and Marxist groups, stormed into
the security zone around the conference center where leaders from 34
American countries are to hold three days of talks on trade and

Police in full riot gear baton-charged the demonstrators, who were
wearing black clothes and masks.

Several thousand protesters, complaining that the summit's goal of free
trade across the Americas hurts the poor and damages the environment,
have converged on the perimeter fence from several directions, forcing
police to close some of the gates into the security zone.

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[CTRL] Enemy Property

2001-04-20 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Enemy Property [.pdf]


One of several such initiatives in recent years, this site from the
UK government hosts a database of some 30,000 records of bank
accounts and other property held in the UK by residents of countries
classed as "belligerent enemies" (e.g., Germany) and "technical
enemies" (Nazi-occupied countries) that were confiscated by the
British government during the war. Individuals who were victims of
persecution in these countries or their heirs are now entitled to
claim their property or compensation. The database may be searched
initially by country and then by name and/or address. Returns include
name and address, types of property seized, and the value of the
property. The site also includes the full text of several reports
that "give the complete background of wartime and postwar policy and
procedures for settlement." While obviously aimed at victims of Nazi
(and satellite state) persecution, this site may also prove useful to
historians of the era.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] [radtimes] # 193

2001-04-20 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

[radtimes] # 193

An informally produced compendium of vital irregularities.

"We're living in rad times!"
Send $$ to RadTimes!!  --  (See ** at end.)

--New Assault on City's Gangs
--ACLU Ads Warn Of 'Massive' Government Cyber-Snooping
--Robotic insect takes to the air
--Police ready for violence at ADB
--Anarchy in the air as summit draws near
--Biker Gang Pleads Guilty in Canada
--The voice of an anticapitalist manifesto
--Little Sympathy or Remedy for Inmates Who Are Raped
--Special Report: Crime on the Internet


New Assault on City's Gangs


NYPD beefs up units to fight growing menace

Daily News Staff Writer
Sunday, April 08, 2001

He was 12, looking to belong and wanting protection in his Bronx
neighborhood. He found the Netas.
He wore the red, black and white beads, slashed a Blood in the stomach with
a switchblade in a brawl outside Taft High School, did six months at Rikers
Island, and led a chapter of 62 Netas in Williamsbridge.
"I'm just trying to get out of the gang life now," said the 19-year-old,
who requested anonymity. "But today, there are so much more kids joining."
The city's gang members now number close to 15,000, with about half of them
active, authorities say. Some just sport the colors, others band together
in violence. Many are immigrants looking for muscle and status.
The fluid, varied nature of the gangs and their enduring appeal has
prompted a more focused law enforcement strategy.
As a result, the police are now attacking gangs from all sides:
Uniformed officers are at the schools; investigators work the streets and
share intelligence with jail authorities, and cops educate parents at
community meetings.
The gangs reflect the changing face of the city: While new immigrants cling
to ethnic associations, older gangs have become as assimilated as the
"There are no more parameters. The traditional ethnic membership is no
longer there," said Deputy Warden Peter Curcio, commander of the Correction
Department's gang intelligence unit.  "The Bloods leader at Rikers is
Latino. We have Chinese Bloods, black Netas, a white Five Percenter."
"They are not sophisticated like in Los Angeles. We could have three Bloods
on one corner, three on the next street, and they don't know each other,"
said Deputy Inspector William Tartaglia, head of the revamped NYPD Gang
Indeed, the New York gang scene is anything but monolithic.
Graffiti on buildings along Rockaway Parkway in Brooklyn mark the turf of
the 823 Canarsie G-Stone Crips, while the Sally Gangsta Crips tag walls on
Pitkin Ave., each claiming local turf.
"The rules differ from set to set, and Bloods in Brooklyn don't know Bloods
in the Bronx," said one detective.
On Feb. 20, police say enemy gang members joined forces in a robbery-murder
in Central Park.
Ismael Marzan, 25, was fatally shot as he sat on a bench with a friend. One
suspect was arrested; he had a tattoo over a Bloods burn mark, showing he
was a former member. His accomplice was a Crip.
"The two gangs are usually archrivals," said an investigator. "That shows
us they're not organized."
Since Jan. 1, gang-linked crimes have included 24 homicides, 44 shootings,
32 slashings and 147 robberies.
On March 30, Ivan Martinez, a Mexican immigrant delivering pizza in East
New York, Brooklyn, became the latest fatality. Police said he was shot
dead by a youth wearing blue beads  a symbol of the Crips.
The alleged killer and his pals robbed Martinez of $35, and spent it on
Chinese food.
"Being in a gang makes it easier to become involved in such violence,
because you're bound to follow the directives, you do what you got to do,"
said Bob DeSena, head of Council for Unity, which has chapters in 56 city
Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik said the NYPD's new strategies have
identified more people as members of gangs.
"These are bad people," Kerik said. "They've identified themselves as
security threats. It's an issue we have to stay on top of. [But because of
NYPD efforts] New York has more control over this type of problem."
The largest gangs are the Bloods, the Latin Kings, Netas, and the Crips, a
rapidly growing force in Brooklyn.
The Bloods claim about 5,000 members, but "only about half are 'blooded
in,' the rest just wear red," said one investigator.
The Latin Kings, once the largest and most violent gang in the city, had a
strict hierarchy and a code of rules that every member in every borough
followed. That structure led to its near-undoing by federal cases that put
the leaders in prison.
Mexican and Central American street gangs represent an 

[CTRL] Fwd: Latest attack on Fritz Springmeier

2001-04-20 Thread Kris Millegan


The latest attack on Fritz Springmeier is interesting to study because it
shows how the police working with their controlled media lackeys can create a
propaganda story against someone out of thin air.
The headline reads “FBI probes alleged threat to officer”. The words “FBI
probes” and “threat” sound very ominous, like something serious is in the
works. The subheadline in a smaller font is more accurate; it states, “Man
tied to extremists reportedly sent letter in ’97 seeking information on cop.”
The man they are referring to in the headline is Fritz Springmeier. The
letter they refer to is a simple letter of inquiry written four years ago
asking a private detective if he could provide the address of a policeman who
has been in the news frequently for shooting people. 
Because the system (police and media) have been trying to cast Springmeier’s
image as a terrorist in their own minds and the public mind, everything
Springmeier does must of course be related in their thinking to terrorism. A
simple letter of inquiry about an address must be seen (reframed using their
tunnel vision) as a threat. 
Again, just a few additional comments on the subtitle: the links between
Springmeier and “extremists” are of the police’s own making. What links
They never say. And who determines who is extreme? Some people would say that
the things the United States government is doing are extreme. Some people
would say the way the government puts the rights of fleas, flies, mice and
frogs before American property rights are extreme. Some would say the way the
police act are extreme. Who are the extremists? What has Springmeier done
is extreme? He wrote a letter asking for an address! The reporter who wrote
the story and the police who worked with him probably have inquired countless
times for the addresses of other people. Does that by equal logic mean they
are trying to threaten all those people, and should be investigated by the
FBI, and that the public made afraid of them by warnings in the press?
Now we have just explained the headline. Let’s look at the text of this
propaganda attack against Springmeier. 
First paragraph reads, “The Portland Police Bureau is investigating a
potential threat against one of its officers by a writer with links to the
extremist group of Army of God.” Who invented these links? The police and the
media. There is no proof of any links because Springmeier wasn’t a member of
the Army of God. And what is a “potential threat”? It’s more Big Brother
doublespeak. The letter was not a real threat, so it becomes a “potential
Further we read, “ ‘No weapons or Army of God literature were found at
Springmeier’s home, but the two men knew each other, sheriff’s office
spokeswoman Angela Blancard said.’ ” Here we have a classic case of guilt by
association. Because Springmeier knew someone who the police allege was a
suspected member of the Army of God, then obviously Springmeier, who they
with tunnel vision as a terrorist must also be tainted. It’s guilt by
association. And the original person’s “guilt” hasn’t even be proved, just
Further in the article’s sixth paragraph we read, “On Nov. 3, 1997,
Springmeier wrote to local free-lance journalist John Stevens asking for the
home address of Portland police officer Scott Westerman. Stevens was alarmed
by the letter and had an associate tell a relative on the police bureau about
it. Westerman did not learn about the letter until just a few weeks ago,
however.” John Stevens is really an undercover Fed agent who posed as a
detective who would help Fritz Springmeier locate anyone. Springmeier sent
Stevens $100 to get an address, which Stevens generously stole and gave
nothing in return to Springmeier. If Springmeier did anything wrong it was in
trusting a lying thieving Federal agent. If the letter had been more than a
genuine inquiry, Stevens would have notified Westerman. To get around the
obvious logic in this, the news article must resort to some propaganda
First, they quote Westerman, “That’s a pretty substantial threat, I wish I
had been told about it at the time.” Then they quote Westerman as indicating
“He doesn’t blame Stevens for the lack of notice. ‘He did the right thing’
Westerman said.”
What was the threat? They never say. That is why Westerman was not warned,
there never was a threat. But if we suppose there was really a threat like
they are pretending, then their undercover Federal agent goofed. So they
conveniently get Stevens off the hook by Westerman saying, “He did the right
The article also mentions the Army of God and how they use explosives. This
is more guilt by association and propaganda scare tactics. No real links have
been discovered. They go on to describe how Westerman shot a women who
she had “lots of hard evidence of judicial corruption in Multnomah County.”
They also describe Springmeier as “Springmeier is a fundamentalist Christian

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] New York Times review - The Hidden Wars of Desert Storm

2001-04-20 Thread Kris Millegan

From the New York Times no less. TV Guide has also given "The Hidden Wars of
desert Storm" a 5 Star rating, their highest, even though the film is not
being shown on American TV. Gerard, Audrey and others - including me - will
soon be going to work on a documentary about Colombia. These are truly
fabulous people.

Anyone wishing to order the tape may contact

Free Will Productions
P.O. Box 5476
North Hollywood, CA 91616

Or call 818-487-2879 or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Price is $30 - this includes shipping and handling.

April 20, 2001
'The Hidden Wars of Desert Storm': Questioning U.S. Motives in the Persian
Gulf War

It has been 11 years since Saddam Hussein sent his troops marching into
Kuwait and 10 years since the United States and its allies announced a
sudden cease-fire in the conflict that came to be known as the Persian Gulf
war. Yet for a large number of Americans, the reasons behind the conflict
remain unclear and its consequences obscure.

As its title suggests, "The Hidden Wars of Desert Storm," a documentary made
on video by Gerard Ungerman and Audrey Brohy, is a frankly skeptical account
of America's involvement in Iraq, from the C.I.A.'s early support of Mr.
Hussein as a stabilizing force in the region to the war's untidy aftermath.
The filmmakers say the conflict has left large portions of the country
littered with radioactive spent rounds made from depleted uranium. One
result has been a drastic increase in cancer among both Iraqi civilians and
American soldiers who served in the conflict.

Mr. Ungerman and Ms. Brohy interview an impressive range of authorities, not
all of them from the same end of the political spectrum. Gen. Norman
Schwarzkopf, commander of what the Americans called Operation Desert Storm,
is played against former Attorney General Ramsey Clark; the former head of
the United Nations Iraq program, Denis Halliday, finds his opposite number
in a State Department spokesman, David Welch.

The United States government is portrayed in the film as having deliberately
exaggerated Mr. Hussein's threat to the oil-rich nations of the Persian
Gulf, hoping to frighten one of them into allowing an American base to be
established within its borders. Eventually Saudi Arabia granted permission.
But the filmmakers are unable to find photographic proof of the 250,000
Iraqi troops said to have been poised at the Kuwaiti border. An
investigative reporter, Jean Heller, interviewed by the filmmakers, says
bluntly, "The administration lied to the Saudis to get the invitation to
come in."

The film also contends that the mysteriously premature cease-fire was called
to allow Mr. Hussein to put down a revolutionary movement that might have
deprived the United States of its favorite boogeyman; that the United States
government knowingly suppressed evidence that the depleted uranium rounds
were toxic; and that the sanctions against Iraq have been allowed to outrun
their purpose and have caused a health-care disaster among Iraqi citizens.

Though the filmmakers are not above using sentimental close-ups of sad-eyed
children to underline their points, "The Hidden Wars of Desert Storm," which
opens today at the Cinema Village, emerges as an uncommonly sober,
well-researched film of its type.


Written, produced and directed by Gerard Ungerman and Audrey Brohy;
directors of photography, Mr. Ungerman and Ms. Brohy; edited by Jason
Stelzel; music by Fritz Heede; released by Free-Will Productions. At the
Cinema Village, 22 East 12th Street, Greenwich Village. Running time: 64
minutes; shown with a 30-minute short documentary, "The F.L.I.R. Project."
These films are not rated.

WITH: Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, Ramsey Clark, Denis Halliday, Jean Heller and
Scott Ritter; John Hurt (narrator).

Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company | Privacy Information

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[CTRL] Late Night Radio Storm As Art Bell Draws Fire For Guest-Bashing

2001-04-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

  Late Night Radio Storm As Art Bell
   Draws Fire For Guest-Bashing
 Trouble In Dreamland
By Michael Goodspeed

 On April 17th of 2001, national talk show host Art
 Bell posted on his web site a letter from his
 syndicator, Premier Radio Networks, to National
 UFO Reporting Center founder and president Peter
 Davenport. In this letter, PRN Vice President Alan
 Corbeth asserts that Davenport did not wish to
 appear on Coast to Coast AM with Bell replacement
 Mike Siegel unless he was compensated financially,
 and that Davenport repeated this request to Art
 when Art scheduled him for a guest appearance on
 February 5th of 2000. Corbeth stated categorically
 that this is not the policy of PRN, and criticized
 Davenport for appearing on other talk shows
 without financial reward.

 The decision of Bell to go public with this allegedly
 true information has left many in the UFO
 community flummoxed, because Peter Davenport
 has been one of the most respected independent
 researchers in the field of UFOlogy, as well as a
 valued guest on Art's show, since the early 1990s.

 Some find it a bit too coincidental that this
 accusation has been posted just days after the
 Seattle Chat Club removed the name "Art Bell" from
 their moniker, because of their investigation into the
 infamous Jonathan Reed/Robert Raith "alien
 burrito" tale. It's been known for some time that a
 number of UFOlogists in Washington (where the
 NUFORC is based) were doing legwork into the
 claims of Reed and Raith. The Seattle Chat Club's
 investigation found that Robert Raith and one "Dr."
 Chacon, a reported microbiologist who claimed to
 have done DNA analysis on Reed's physical
 "evidence", are actually co-workers at a gas station
 and mini-mart, and that Mr. Chacon is certainly not
 a doctor, nor did he "flee the country in fear for his
 life," as has been asserted by both Reed and Raith.

 It's also worth noting that the UFO Watchdog web
 site, which has published numerous exposes on
 popular Bell guests, recently posted an email from
 Peter Davenport where Davenport states
 categorically that Jonathan Reed is a liar and has
 confabulated his tale.

 So the question is worth asking: Is Art Bell
 attempting to damage the credibility of Peter
 Davenport, simply because Davenport is not willing
 to support apparent hoaxes like the Jonathan Reed

 Did Art really believe that his audience needed to
 know about Davenport's alleged desire to be
 compensated financially? What was the news
 worthiness of this information? Why not keep it "in
 house" and resolve the matter privately? Is Peter
 Davenport not worthy of the most perfunctory
 professional courtesy?

 I know of no instances when Davenport has
 intentionally "dissed" the Bell show, for obvious
 reasons. He has always been one of Art's most
 loyal, popular, and CREDIBLE quests, which makes
 this situation even more perplexing.

 Davenport is not the only former Bell guest who has
 recently come under fire. Last week on C2C,
 Richard Hoagland claimed that Tom Van Flandren

[CTRL] How The US Government Created The 'Drug Problem' In The USA

2001-04-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

  How The US Government Created
  The 'Drug Problem' In The USA
  By Michael E. Kreca
http://www.lewrockwell.com/or ig/kreca1.html

 "The bottom line on this whole business has not yet
 been written."
 --Dr. Sidney Gottlieb CIA Technical Services Staff
 director for the MK-ULTRA program

 Eighteenth-century German philosopher Georg
 Friedrich Hegel long ago developed, among other
 things, what he called the principle of "thesis,
 antithesis, synthesis" to explain the process of
 deliberately enacted social disorder and change as
 a road to power. To achieve a desired result, one
 deliberately creates a situation ("thesis,") devises a
 "solution," to solve the "problems" created by that
 situation ("antithesis,") with the final result being the
 ultimate goal of more power and control
 ("synthesis.") It is unsurprising Karl Marx and his
 disciples like Lenin and Trotsky, as well as the US
 government in its so-called War On Drugs, made
 this process a keystone of their drive for total
 control of all individual actions that, in their views,
 were not, in Mussolini s terms, "inside the state" and
 thus controllable by the same.

 In September 1942, OSS director and Army Maj.
 Gen. William "Wild Bill" Donovan began his search
 for an effective "truth serum" to be used on POWs
 and captured spies. Beginning with a budget of
 $5,000 and the blessing of President Franklin
 Roosevelt, he enlisted the aid of a few prominent
 physicians and psychiatrists like George Estabrooks
 and Harry Murray as well as former Prohibition
 agent and notorious Federal Bureau of Narcotics
 (FBN) director Harry Anslinger.

 The OSS/FBN team first tested a potent marijuana
 extract, tetrahydrocannabinol acetate (THCA), a
 colorless, odorless substance, lacing cigarettes or
 food items with it, and administering them to
 volunteer US Army and OSS personnel, all who
 eventually acquired the nickname "Donovans
 Dreamers." Testing was also conducted under the
 guise of treatment for shell shock.

 Donovans team found that THCA, which they
 termed "TD," for "truth drug," induced "a great
 loquacity and hilarity," and even, in cases where the
 subject didnt feel physically threatened, some
 useable "reefer madness." Peyote, morphine and
 scopolamine were judged too powerful to be used in
 effective interrogation. In light of all this, Donovan
 concluded, "The drug defies all but the most expert
 and search analysis, and for all practical purposes
 can be considered beyond analysis." The OSS did
 not, however, end the program. By that time, faced
 with the terrifying ship losses the USA was suffering
 from German U-boats, Donovan pressed on, hoping
 to find some effective chemical means to help
 interrogate captured U-boat sailors.

 In May 1943, George Hunter White, an Army
 captain, OSS officer and former FBN agent, gave
 standard cigarettes laced with THCA to an unwitting
 August "Augie Dallas" Del Grazio, an influential New
 York City gangster. Del Grazio, who had by then
 had done prison stretches for assault and murder,
 had been one of the Mafias most 

[CTRL] Fwd: FC: Yale students respond to Bush daughter story and censorship

2001-04-20 Thread Kris Millegan

[Two responses follow from Yale students. If anyone has a mirror of the
article in question, please do send it along. --Declan]

From: [politech reader and yale grad student]@yale.edu
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 14:14:55 -0500
Subject: Re: FC: Yale U orders campus paper to yank Bush daughter story
from web


More background:  the Rumpus is a campus tabloid/humor magazine that
pushs the limit by poking fun at the campus, students, faculty and
administrators.  They have an annual 'sexiest people on campus' issue,
for example, complete with photographs and few are spared.  The Bush
article seems to be in keeping with Rumpus' wonderful tradition, and the
Administration's lax support for free speech (see the three articles
below) seems to be consistent.

Last year Rumpus dared to publish the names of members of the secret
societies, for which 'someone' stole all of the issues of the tabloid to
prevent the names from coming out.  Anyone punished?...naaah.



Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 14:09:44 -0400
To: Declan McCullagh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FC: Yale U orders campus paper to yank Bush daughter story from


The University does not have a terrific track record on these
matters, but neither does Rumpus.  Last year almost all copies of the
"freshman issue" of a conservative publication were trashed by freshman
counselors.  The sole reason for this was the magazine's advice to skip
certain workshops on sexual health etc. that consistently manage to
offend a great number of students.  The administration at various levels
stonewalled, threatened, and possibly lied to the editors when they
complained- hardly appropriate considering the counselors thought of
themselves as acting in an "official" capacity.

Rumpus, however, is about as warm and cuddly a symbol of 1st
Amendment rights as Larry Flynt.  They routinely publish articles so rude
as to be nearly libellous; at one point they published the names of two
students under investigation in a sexual assault case- presumably over the
furious objections of the administration:
I'm frankly surprised the magazine hasn't gotten in more serious trouble;
if it weren't so frequently hilarious, and occasionally totally correct, I
think most students would be delighted to see it go.

Their site is on the university server, and they receive office
space and funding from Yale College.  I seriously doubt the administration
is trying to curry favor with the new president (it's painfully obvious at
times that neither cares much for the other), but George H.W. Bush is
visiting on campus this weekend and remains, as far as we know, on
excellent terms with the University.  Publishing unsubstantiated gossip
about the granddaughter of one of our most important alumns is not in
especially good taste, and I find it hard to blame the university for
this, especially after they've tolerated such brutal personal attacks in
the past.

-Nat Echols '02


From: "Ethan Ackerman" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Yale U campus paper  FYI
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 13:09:37 -0700

Any hint of where the article might be now, as it looks like Google doesn't
have it cached?
is there, but blank,
athough other rumpus articles are in Google's cache.

il/april01.pdf) and similar parsings based on the site's past nomenclature
turn up blank too.

The FYI:

UW's Center for Law, Commerce,  Technology is begining its 2nd Annual
Conference this evening,
Among other presenters (including Dave Farber) WA Senator Cantwell  AG
Gregoire will be giving updates on the nat'l  state efforts at protection
( or regulation) of the Internet.  Should be interesting, given WA's
continuing readiness to tackle state-level Internet protections, 
Cantwell's tech past and current seat on the Senate Judiciary Committee.
(Disclosure: obvious self interest here; I'm a research fellow at the



Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 12:51:13 -0500
From: "Matthew G. Saroff" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: FC: Yale U orders campus paper to yank Bush daughter story
from web

Think about who is in the White House.  This guy said that, "There
ought to be limits to freedom." in response to a parody site.

This came from either the head of the Secret Sservice or from the
White House.

I think that it's kind of cool that Barbara ditch her SS escort.

Matthew Saroff


Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 10:45:38 -0700
From: lizard 

[CTRL] Email Lists - Please Read

2001-04-20 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Dear Friends:
   I have been ill and I am taking a week vacation from email lists.
I'll be back on sometime next weekend.

God Bless


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-04-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-



EX-PRESIDENT Bill Clinton is being rocked by new allegations that he has
a secret mistress, STAR can reveal exclusively.

Political insiders claim she is Patricia Duff, 47, the multimillionaire
ex-wife of Hollywood honcho Michael Medavoy and Revlon billionaire Ron

Clinton and Duff are embroiled in a steamy, hush-hush affair that has
been going on for 10 years, but has intensified recently, claim
sources. The pair are said to talk often on the phone and are said to
have enjoyed clandestine trysts.

"A Clinton-Duff affair is the biggest buzz in Washington and New York,"
Political powerbroker Lucianne Goldberg tells STAR exclusively.

Find out what tongues are wagging about by picking up the latest STAR on
newsstands this week. A must-read!

Published on: April 19, 2001

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Email Lists - Please Read

2001-04-20 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/20/01 5:38:10 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Dear Friends:
 I have been ill and I am taking a week vacation from email lists.

Might I suggest some homeopathy and a little colloidal silver??
Oh, and a liberal lashing of prayer and T.T.!!!
Perhaps your "subluxation" needs attention too...try a "qualified"
chiroQuack...he'll fix ya' up ifin' he doesn't break your neck!

(Yes, feeling "crabby" after dealing with Chicago traffic as well as a bunch
of MORONIC sheep-like "people" in the line at the grocery store...oh the

[CTRL] NYT: 700 Days In Society And Politics

2001-04-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

The New York Times
November 3, 1996

HEADLINE: 700 Days In Society And Politics;
Fund-Raiser Wed To Billionaire Finds Roles Clash


Few people in the annals of New York society have made an entrance like that
of Patricia Duff, the influential Democrat who two and a half years ago left
behind a Hollywood studio executive, married the Revlon billionaire Ronald
O. Perelman, gave birth to their child the following day, then turned her
attention to raising enormous sums of money for President Clinton, her old

Ms. Duff soon became a pillar in the small, powerful circle of Manhattan
investment bankers who have helped raise tens of millions of dollars in New
York for the Democrats -- their part in making the 1996 campaign the most
extravagantly funded in history. Often, she sat next to Mr. Clinton -- at a
dinner at Mr. Perelman's hacienda in Palm Beach, Fla., then at two
fund-raising events this year in New York. In April, Ms. Duff became chair
of a get-out-the-women's-vote campaign for Emily's List, the political
action committee that supports Democratic women candidates, and by this
summer was under consideration to become a member of the United States
delegation to the United Nations.

But now, not quite 700 days after her wedding, and only two days before the
election that has been a focus of her life for a year, Ms. Duff has largely
vanished from public sight. Holed up at her own home in Southport, Conn.,
she is struggling to resolve the future of her marriage and her course in
New York.

Her crisis began in August, when she and her husband had a blow-up at the
Democratic National Convention in Chicago. (Mr. Perelman's spokesman, James
Conroy, calls it a "disagreement.")

Friends of Ms. Duff say Mr. Perelman became so angry that he stormed out of
the city early in his private jet, leaving his wife and daughter to get home
on their own.

Today, Ms. Duff's troubles remain the talk of Manhattan's political and
social elite, though friends describe the conflict as more prosaic than one
might suppose. "If you move the decimal point a little bit to the left --
maybe a lot to the left -- they're like 10,000 couples I've met from
Queens," said former Gov. Mario M. Cuomo, who knows both.

Ms. Duff's difficulties have nonetheless unfolded on a stage where the
worlds of finance, politics and entertainment intersect, and where her
friends in New York, Los Angeles and Washington are asking these questions
about her future:

If her marriage does not survive, will any financial settlement be enough to
maintain her as a player in the stratosphere she now inhabits?

Will she be hampered if her net worth is only in the tens of millions of
dollars, an amount viewed by her husband's business associates as mere
"rounding-off money" -- the difference, say, between $1.96 billion and $2

Or will Ms. Duff, 42, a film-starlike beauty who reminds people of Grace
Kelly, make peace with Mr. Perelman, 53, the cigar-smoking chairman of
Revlon, with an estimated net worth of $4 billion? And will she press him
further toward Democratic causes? (Common Cause reports that Mr. Perelman
and his companies had contributed evenly to both parties until Mr. Clinton
was elected. Since 1993, they have given $750,250 to the Democrats and
$115,000 to the Republicans.)

"Either way, Patricia Duff is going to continue to be involved in Democratic
politics," said James Harmon, chairman of the investment banking firm of
Schroder Wertheim and a leading Democratic fund-raiser in New York. "She has
been involved in politics for most of her life."

Ms. Duff's East Side town house has been an important port of call over the
last 18 months for top Clinton Administration officials, many of whom she
knew before her marriage to Mr. Perelman, a registered Independent. Friends
describe her as intelligent and committed. Some say they would not be
surprised if Mr. Clinton rewards her with a prominent appointment in a
second term.

Both Ms. Duff and Mr. Perelman declined to be interviewed. But many friends
agreed to talk about their story, which tells much about the upper reaches
of an insular and conservative part of New York. In this world, a
billionaire's wife is often an ornament, a woman who gives his parties and
manages his houses -- not someone with political ambitions of her own.

"I don't think anybody understood what she was about," said a woman in Ms.
Duff's circle.

Even so, friends cannot describe Ms. Duff without returning to her beauty.
It is not just ordinary attractiveness, they say, but an ethereal quality
that over the years has helped advance her career, stirred jealousies among
women and perhaps confused Ms. Duff herself about the reasons for her
achievements. Without these qualities, and without the help of rich
husbands, her friends insist, Ms. Duff could have succeeded on her own --
though not as quickly.

The Fund-Raiser

Warm Friendship With a President

The city's Democratic 

Re: [CTRL] Echelon: The secret is out.

2001-04-20 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/20/01 7:26:51 AM Central Daylight Time,

But every conspiracy I have ever been a part of has fallen apart because one
or more of the conspirators could not keep a secret. 

And which conspiracies were you a part of?
And what have you to say about a Carroll Quigley?
He "blabbed" but the con went, and goes,on.

I think the ignorant part of your statement was well addressed by
Nessie...and after his well-written response I can add little more.

I think its lunacy to fall into the "I'm not doing anything wrong, therefore
I'm not worried what THEY see" trap, and I don't think that's acceptable.

Even though I don't grow pot in my basement, nor keep nubile young blondes
chained as sexual prisoners there, I know that I don't want "them" having
24/7 access to it...if you don't mind having all of your personal spaces and
communications being public that's fine...I myself DO mind thank you!


Re: [CTRL] : Continental's Rescue (Long)

2001-04-20 Thread Robert A. (Bob) Johns

-Caveat Lector-

Since I live on Guam I thought this letter might be of interest to the group:

By Captain Guy Greider, Continental Airlines

Since the mid-air collision on April 1, 2001 between a U.S. Navy EP-3
surveillance aircraft and a Chinese jet fighter, I had watched the news
with mild interest. This was mostly due to the proximity of Guam to China.
I never dreamed that I would play a role in this intensely watched
international drama. Somewhere in the negotiations between the United
States and the Chinese Governments, it was decided that a civilian aircraft
should be sent to retrieve the 24 crew members being detained on Hainan
Island, China.

A call was made to Continental Airlines headquarters in Houston, Texas.
Continental was chosen because of its Guam base and its ability to launch
this kind of operation at a moments notice. From there, the operation took
shape through the tireless efforts of many people working behind the scenes
in a
coordinated effort between the airline, the military, and the State
Department. On Saturday, April 7, 2001, I received a call at home from
Captain Ralph Freeman, Continental Micronesia Director of Flight
Operations. Ralph told me that the military wanted to charter one of our
jets to conduct a rescue mission and asked if I would be one of the crew
members. I said yes without hesitation. Later we were told that we would
need to get passport pictures taken in case the Chinese Government required
visas. We got the required photos and were under the impression that we
would leave immediately. However, the negotiations slowed over the demand
from the Chinese that the U.S. issue an apology that the U.S. was unwilling
to give.

Meanwhile, the Continental crew remained on call 24 hours a day. Our
Uniforms were laid out and our bags were packed and waiting by the door. On
Wednesday evening April 11, 2001, at about 630 PM Ralph called again to say
that the two parties were very close to an agreement to release the U.S.
crew and to come to the airport. Upon arrival, we were given a briefing
sheet listing the information that we would need to conduct the flight. We
would carry a Repatriation Team consisting of Navy, Marine Corps, and Air
Force specialists, 14 people in all. Doctors, Psychologists, and
communications people with lots of gear showed up on the ramp near the
airplane, ready to board. They were all dressed in casual civilian clothes.
The 155 seat jet was fitted with 2 full stretcher kits bolted in over rows
of seats complete with Oxygen tanks and I.V. bottles. They did not know the
condition of the 24 detained crew members and they were not going to take
any chances. They were prepared.

When our crew was fully assembled, it consisted of 11 people. 2 pilots to
fly the jet and an extra to provide relief because of the extensive flight
time involved. They were Captain Tom Pinardo, Captain Pierre Frenay and I.
We also carried 5 very experienced Flight Attendants. They were Debbie
Percell, Susanne Hendricks, Jean Tang, Cynthia Iverson, and Beverly Haines.
Our 2 onboard mechanics were Peter Lum and Julius Aguilo. Our load planner
was Mike Torres. At about 930 PM we received a call asking that we arrive
in China no earlier than 600 AM, just about sunrise. It was obvious that
the entire exchange would be photographed and they wanted daylight
conditions. We estimated that a 215 AM departure from Guam would put us on
the ground in Haikou precisely at 600 AM local China time. (2 hours earlier
than Guam) Some of us just stayed on the plane, others accepted the company
s invitation to come to the Continental President s Club, a local VIP
lounge at the airport to try to get some rest. It was difficult to get any
rest with our much anticipated mission so near.

By 100 AM the pilots were back in the briefing room going over the weather,
flight plan, fuel requirements and everything else that goes into a flight.
Again, we loaded up the airplane and finally departed Guam International at
precisely 215 AM. The stretcher kits and medical gear were not the only
special additions to the airplane. The company had loaded a special file
into the navigation database of the flight management computer (FMC). This
allowed us to gain access to navigation data needed to operate in this part
of China, which is not in our normal route structure. The Repatriation Team
carried sophisticated equipment to communicate with the military and
government officials that would monitor our progress throughout the flight.
The route of flight took us straight west from Guam toward the Philippines
along the G467 airway. About half way across we turned north directly
toward Hong Kong. This routing was designed to avoid flying through
Taiwanese airspace, something that the Chinese could consider offensive.

Approaching the Chinese coastline, we contacted Hong Kong radar control.
After establishing radar contact with us, the controller gave us a short

[CTRL] Greenies want you Dead - STUPIDITY

2001-04-20 Thread nexusmagazine

-Caveat Lector-

by Brad Edmonds

Believe it. There is no other statement that fully explains the collected
behavior and assertions of all the animal rightsers...

There are plenty of other statements available, but not to closed minded,
consumers like yourself.

Leftists themselves, at least under the influence of sodium pentothal
(don’t ask how I know about that), would agree with me completely
after consideration of the items below.

Maybe you should check - they don't agree with you.

Any time a new development in biotechnology is announced, it
is protested. The most common and visible examples involve
Frankenfoods, those horrors (to the -niks; to me they’re miracles) such
as corn that doesn’t require extensive pesticide application.

Wrong.  And these miracles you mention - do you not know that you and
thousands of others are dying from the pesticides we were once told were
safe?  Maybe you should read a bit more than the
cartoons and editorials of conservative propaganda rags.  As for
genetically modified food, there is NO other incentive apart from profit
and monopolisation of seed lines.  You dummy!!!

No more greenhouse gases. Juxtapose this with globetrotting
efforts by the greenies to prevent the construction of hydroelectric

Simplist crap!  There are plenty of sane alternatives and more efficient
at that, than
hydro, nuclear or fossil fuel sources.  But, the monopolies will not get
behind them, as their
profits are reduced.  And, by the way, these alternatives DO work, are
eco safe and are already being used in some corners.  Cold fusion is but
one example of many.

Greenies of the animals-first variety want no more animal
skins – furs, leather, even wool – used to shield us from the elements or
to adorn us. They prefer "fake furs." I’m reminded by a reader
that fake furs are made of petroleum derivatives. Petroleum derivatives
mean exploring, drilling, and yes, once in a great while, oil spills.

How wrong you are.  Greenies don't protest wool.  They just think it is
silly to hunt species
to extinction (minks) for egomaniacal women to wear their skins.  Leather
is not protested by
greenies.  Hemp is a better alternatvie to cotton.

Where do you get your opinions?  From fridge magnets?

Who was there to denounce the Valdez spill? Mouse huggers,
displaying deceased animals blah blah blah

Oh pulse - even my 6 year old has better logic circuits.

This will require enormous expansion of the cotton industry,
meaning more land exposed to erosion, and demand for biotechnology
to make more cotton from less land. They won’t allow that. What are we
to do? My answer: The greenies want us naked. Benefit: We’ll die
faster, thus need less food and electricity. Hurrah!

Crap crap crap - who pays you to write this garbage.  Greenies advocate
industrial hemp
over cotton.

Look, sure there are some green groups which are mouthpieces for
NWOrderists, and some which are mouthpieces for industry lobby groups.

But your simplistic garbage shows your ignorance, closedmindedness and

Worse still, it adds to the division and conquer mentality permeating

Go read something more than Rush Limbaugh's daily tripe, or whatever it
is you get your silliness from.


Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381

"The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
(Aldous Huxley)

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] From the Horse's Mouth (was Greenies Want You Dead)

2001-04-20 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

"I am not a morose person, but I would rather not be here. I don't have
any reverence for life, only for the entities themselves. I would rather see
a blank space where I am. This will sound like fruitcake stuff again but at
least I wouldn't be harming anything." --Ingrid Newkirk, national director,
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PeTA), as quoted in Chip
Brown, "She's a Portrait of Zealotry in Plastic Shoes," Washington Post,
November 13, 1983, p. B10.

"We are not especially 'interested in' animals. Neither of us had ever
been inordinately fond of dogs, cats, or horses in the way that many
people are. We didn't 'love' animals." --Peter Singer, Animal Liberation:
A New Ethic for Our Treatment of Animals, 2nd ed. (New York Review of
Books, 1990), Preface, p. ii.

"Surely there will be some animals whose lives, by any standards, are
more valuable than the lives of some humans." --Peter Singer, Animal
Liberation:   A New Ethic for Our Treatment of Animals, 2nd ed. (New
York: New York Review of Books, 1990), p. 19.

"If you haven't given voluntary human extinction much thought before, the
idea of a world with no people in it may seem strange. But, if you give it
a chance, I think you might agree that the extinction of Homo sapiens
would mean survival for millions, if not billions, of Earth-dwelling species
Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and
environmental." --"Les U. Knight" (pseudonum),

"Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs." - John
Davis, Editor of The Earth First! Journal

Best Wishes

On many campuses, students are encouraged to think of other people's
ideas and criticism as assaults.  A whole vocabulary has sprung up to
convert free expression into punishable behavior:  hate speech, verbal
conduct, verbal assault, intellectual harassment and non-traditional
violence, a fancy term for stinging criticism.  Universities tell
students they have a right not to be harassed by hostile speech.  Well,
sure.  Nobody should be harassed.  But the connection between harassment
and speech is made so relentlessly on campuses that many students
think they have a right not to be offended.  Real debate fades as
ordinary argument is depicted as a form of assault.  The conversion of
the campus into a culture of feelings makes it worse.  The
feel-your-pain rhetoric of administrators who reward hurt feelings has
the obvious effect of encouraging more students to swoon when their
ideas are contradicted.  In the long run, it also makes many topics too
dangerous to raise.  But being exposed to discomforting ideas is the
price of freedom.  Someone should advise college administrators to
share this insight with their students. -John Leo

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Martial Law In Minny?

2001-04-20 Thread William Shannon

Martial-law option studied as response to foot-mouth


 Minnesota state officials said Wednesday they might ask the Minnesota
Legislature for authority to declare martial law in Minnesota counties or
regions if foot-and-mouth disease strikes livestock herds.

The governor has such authority now if a contagious disease imperils humans,
said state Agriculture Commissioner Gene Hugoson and officials at the Board
of Animal Health. But the legal issues are not as clear in a crisis affecting
animal health.

``What we would be dealing with is an economic disaster, not a human
crisis,'' said Hugoson, speaking before a legislative panel.

Martial law, at least at it has been applied in the United Kingdom, would
mean the state could use the Minnesota National Guard and law enforcement
agencies to keep people from moving in or out of some communities. Children
from contaminated farms would not be allowed to go to school, Hugoson said.A
task force from state agencies is working with the attorney general's office
and governor's office to determine if emergency powers are sufficient or if a
new statute ``with teeth'' is needed, Hugoson said.

State officials said they might seek additional funds from the Legislature to
put contingency plans in place, given that the European outbreak could
threaten agriculture, manufacturing and tourism industries in Minnesota.

Although there is no evidence of the disease in the United States, in
comments before the start of Wednesday's hearing Hugoson said, ``I wake up
with knots in my stomach every night.''

Hugoson, state veterinarian Tom Hagerty, and deputy state veterinarian Bill
Hartmann appeared before the House Agriculture and Rural Development Policy
Committee to brief lawmakers on contingency plans.

Groceries for farm families would be delivered in bags left by the side of
the road. As was done in England, people would be restricted to their
property for two to three weeks after health authorities determine that the
farm has been decontaminated, he said.

Foot-and-mouth -- a virus spread via wildlife and people's clothes, shoes and
vehicles -- was discovered in early February on a farm in northern England
and since has spread to 1,300 farms in the United Kingdom. Outbreaks also
have been reported in Ireland, the Netherlands and France. The disease, while
not a threat to human health, requires large-scale destruction of livestock.

Although the disease is found in parts of Africa, Asia and South America,
state officials said that the Midwest's ties to Europe, which bring a stream
of passengers and goods to airports and ports, represent the largest threat
to this country.

Hugoson said meetings with federal health, agriculture and trade officials
have determined that states will need to act first if the disease is
diagnosed on farms, zoos or in wildlife. Federal agencies would provide
assistance after the diagnosis. About 30 states with large livestock sectors
are making contingency plans now, Hugoson said.

An unresolved issue is how to protect a farm family from financial loss if
livestock must be destroyed. The federal government is likely to offer an
indemnity program that would pay an amount equal to the value of an animal
lost to hoof-and-mouth, Hugoson said. However, he added that the real
economic hardship would come from the loss of earnings from a breeding herd,
not from an animal's initial market value.

[CTRL] Skull and Bones

2001-04-20 Thread Marilyn Wright

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message follows ---
 To:"Harbinger" [EMAIL PROTECTED],
"Changing Planet" [EMAIL PROTECTED] From:
"John M. Novak" [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date sent:
Thu, 19 Apr 2001 17:55:12 -0700 Subject:[Changing
Planet] Skull and Bones

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April 19, 2001|5:49 PM
At Skull and Bones, Bush's Secret Club Initiates Ream Gore
by Ron Rosenbaum

It's the primal scene of American power, of Bush family values. For
two centuries, the initiation rite of Skull and Bones has shaped the
character of the men who have shaped the American character,
including two Presidents named Bush.

And last Saturday, April 14-for the first time ever-that long-secret
rite was witnessed by a team of outsiders, including this writer.

Using high-tech night-vision video equipment able to peer through
the gloom into the inner courtyard of the Skull and Bones "Tomb"
in New Haven, The Observer team witnessed:

. The George W. effect: intoxicated by renewed proximity to
Presidential power, a robed Bonesman posing as George W.
harangued initiates in an eerily accurate Texas drawl: "I'm gonna
ream you like I reamed Al Gore" and "I'm gonna kill you like I killed
Al Gore."

. Privileged Skull and Bones members mocked the assault on
Abner Louima by crying out repeatedly, "Take that plunger out of
my ass!"

. Skull and Bones members hurled obscene sexual insults ("lick my
bumhole") at initiates as they were forced to kneel and kiss a skull
at the feet of the initiators.

. Other members acted out the tableau of a throat-cutting ritual

It's important to remember this is not some fraternity initiation. It is
an initiation far more secret-and far more significant, in terms of
real power in the United States-than that of the Cosa Nostra. If the
Bushes are "the WASP Corleones"-as the ever more stingingly
waspish Maureen Dowd has suggested-this is how their "made
men" (and women) are made.* It's an initiation ceremony that has
bonded diplomats, media moguls, bankers and spies into a
lifelong, multi-generational fellowship far more influential than any
fraternity. It was-and still remains-the heart of the heart of the
American establishment.

Further revelations turned up by the Observer Bones Investigation
Unit include:

. The words to the secret Skull and Bones "death mantra."

. Copies of the Skull and Bones tax returns, obtained through
Freedom of Information Act requests, raise questions about the
legitimacy of the secret society's claim to charitable tax-exempt
deduction status-particularly relevant considering recent criticism of
the Bush tax plan for favoring the privileged few.

. A possible explanation emerged in the course of the initiation
ceremony for George W.'s decision to run for President in the first

'the devil equals DEATH'

The Observer Mission Impossible expedition had its inception
several months ago with a phone call from Peggy Adler, the
research associate on my previous Skull and Bones piece in The
Observer (July 17, 2000). She is the demon investigator and former
Iran-contra committee staffer who, among other coups, cross-
referenced corporate boards to crack the "RTA code," the
corporate shell game by which the corporate shell of the Skull and
Bones society, the Russell Trust Association, shielded its paper
trail from prying eyes by changing its name to RTA Inc.

Ms. Adler said she had been approached by a member of the Yale
community who wanted to share with us a remarkable coup of his
own: He had found a way last year, in April of 2000, to audiotape
the Skull and Bones initiation ceremony. And he wanted to know if
we'd be interested in an attempt to videotape it this time.

And so one afternoon last December, shortly after the Bush
electoral victory had been certified, I met with the intrepid fellow; he
booted up his laptop and let me listen to the sounds of a ceremony
that had been the subject of fevered speculation for nearly two
centuries now.

Of course, there is more to Skull and Bones than the mystical
mumbo-jumbo of its rituals. The rituals are less important than the
relationships-the bonds of power and influence that develop
between Skull and Bones initiates after they graduate. But the
relationships are first forged by the rituals and fact that the
founders of Time Inc. and the C.I.A., as well as several Secretaries
of State and National Security Advisors-the men who made the
decision to drop the Hiroshima bomb, invade the Bay of Pigs and
plunge us into Vietnam, the Tafts, the Bundys, the Buckleys, the
Harrimans, the Lovetts-all took part in this initiation ritual may have
something to do with the real world power of those bonds. The
unspoken understanding, the comfort level with the clandestine, the
nods and winks with which power is exercised.

The initiation ceremony begins the process of inculcating into the
elect of the elite 

Re: [CTRL] From the Horse's Mouth (was Greenies Want You Dead)

2001-04-20 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

"If you haven't given voluntary human extinction much thought before,
  idea of a world with no people in it may seem strange. But, if you
give it
  a chance, I think you might agree that the extinction of Homo sapiens
  would mean survival for millions, if not billions, of Earth-dwelling
  Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social
  environmental." --"Les U. Knight" (pseudonum),

"Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs." - John
  Davis, Editor of The Earth First! Journal

Where are these two quotes from? 

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] Skolnick-Panic Expected In The Gold Market?

2001-04-20 Thread William Shannon

by Sherman H. Skolnick 04/19/01

With good reason, some call it the killer yellow metal. And savvy sorts will
not have to put their ear to the ground to detect what is about to happen.
Like the first atomic bomb, gold can be the destroyer of worlds. And those
who understand the history of currencies, understand that if gold goes up,
paper money goes down. And hard.

The monopoly presslords, oil-soaked and chained to the banks and the
banker-judges, as promoters of hot-air backed paper money, are never in a
position to tell us the truth about important events. They fudged on the way
the common people of the United States were dragooned into being
poison-gassed, shot to pieces, and dying in World War One, in Europe's own
bloody mess. The liars and whores of the press did not tell us what was
involved in 1941 in advance, in the attack on Pearl Harbor. They issued fake
stories to explain away orchestrated events and political assassinations of
the 20th Century.

 Federal Reserve Commissar Alan Redspan announces interest rate cuts and the
Establishment liars/pundits proclaim it is to help the poor economy and to
prevent a recession. Some understand, however, that jiggling with the
interest rates may have a secret reason.

 Notice a few historic events. In 1932, campaigning for President, Franklin
Delano Roosevelt, pretended to calm the waters by saying he would continue
the gold standard. U.S. paper money at the time was exchangeable for gold.
And ordinary workers were happy to be paid their wages in gold coins. In
those years, the U.S. President was elected in November and inaugurated the
following March. Before FDR was inaugurated, the ultra rich, with advance
secret information, shipped THEIR gold by boat-load out of the U.S. To be
sure Roosevelt follows orders eventually to grab all the gold of the common
American people, there was a high-level plot to either scare him or to
assassinate him, and blame it on a "lone assassin". A secondary target was
Anton Cermak, then Mayor of Chicago, while Cermak was sitting near Roosevelt.

 Cermak was in the then-illegal booze business in the Windy City competing
with both Al Capone and another competitor, in a three-way struggle. Using a
"lone nut" as a patsy, Chicago-based gangster-snipers, working for the very
wealthy, killed Cermak but intentionally or otherwise did not kill Roosevelt,
February, 1933.

 [Note In the 1970s, our bribery investigations resulted in Cermak's
son-in-law, Otto Kerner, Jr., a Chicago-based sitting federal appeals judge,
former Illinois governor, being sent to federal prison. He was also a banker.
It was the highest level federal judge sent to jail for bribery in the
history of the U.S. Years later, other judges in that same court, as a
reprisal, have barred me and a TV Show associate of mine, Joseph
Andreuccetti, from all the federal courts, in Illinois, Wisconsin, and

 In 1934, less than a year after being sworn in as President, Roosevelt
ordered to be seized all the gold of ordinary Americans. The claim was that
there was an "emergency". If you did not turn in your gold, the U.S. Secret
Service had orders to search you out, grab your gold, and maybe even arrange
to arbitrarily jail you. That is what old-timers later related to their
childen and grand-children.

 From 1934 to 1975, under federal edict, it was unlawful for Americans to
own gold. [Some dentists, however, under the pretext of needing gold for
filling in patients' teeth, obtained licenses to get gold, some of which
ended up in the "gold underground". The Rockefeller Family were and have been
the biggest importers of gold into the U.S., through the jewelry trade,
through Rhode Island.]

 Closing down the gold window, Nixon as President set off a near panic in
1971, when he blocked foreigners from getting U.S. gold at the then low fixed
rate of about 35 dollars per ounce. About the time gold became legal again in
1975 for Americans, an outspoken leading gold bug was pushed out a window to
his death, in Indianapolis, Indiana. [That was one way to stop comments about
the Rockefellers and gold.]

Starting about the 1990s, to promote paper money, private Central Banks
worldwide, and bullion banks like Goldman Sachs [who reportedly have fled
U.S. jurisdiction to be in London] and British royalty-linked J.P.Morgan,
have been attacking the price of gold. Through all kinds of market and news
media tricks, through forward sales, derivatives, and such, this anti-gold
gang pushed down the price of gold until it was way below the cost of
production of the most efficient mines in the world. High-cost gold producers
in South Africa, had to lay off thousands and tens of thousands of their
workers, including blacks paid a somewhat better wage since aparteid was

 In the process, the anti-gold cabal have been short upwards of ten years
average annual gold production. An emergency 

[CTRL] Dick Armitage

2001-04-20 Thread William Shannon

FTW - On March 23, after being recommended in a unanimous 18-0 vote by the 
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, former Vietnam-era covert operative and 
Contra-era figure Richard Armitage was confirmed as Deputy Secretary of State 
in a voice vote on the Senate Floor. The unchallenged confirmation of a 
figure who had previously been investigated by President Reagan's Commission 
on Organized Crime (1984) for alleged links to gambling and prostitution was 
totally ignored by the major American media. Armitage has already begun work 
at the State Department and is deeply involved in negotiations over a US spy 
plane recently captured by the Chinese government.

The total lack of opposition to Armitage's appointment indicates an apparent 
inability of the US Congress to muster any critical examination of 
appointments or policy at a time when an imperiled US economy and an almost 
combative Bush Administration is dealing with mounting economic and political 
challenges around the globe. 

Armitage, who was denied a 1989 appointment as Assistant Secretary of State 
because of links to Iran-Contra and other scandals, served as Assistant 
Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs in the Reagan years. 
U.S. Government stipulations in the Oliver North trial specifically named 
Armitage as one of the DoD officials responsible for illegal transfers of 
weapons to Iran and the Contras. But Armitage's dirty past goes much deeper. 

A Vietnam veteran and graduate of Annapolis, Armitage's roots have been 
thoroughly intertwined with the likes of CIA veteran Ted Shackley, Richard 
Secord, Heine Aderholt, Elliot Abrams, Dewey Clarridge, Edwin Wilson and Tom 
Clines. All of these men have been directly linked to CIA covert operations, 
the drug trade, the abandonment of U.S. prisoners of War after Vietnam and/or 
Iran-Contra. Armitage has also been routinely discussed in FTW as a Bush-era 
covert functionary who has been linked to covert operations, drug smuggling 
and the expansion of organized crime operations in Russia, Central Asia and 
the Far East. 

In 1986 a private dispute between POW activist Ross Perot and Armitage went 
public as photos of Armitage with a topless Vietnamese nightclub owner Nguyen 
O'Rourke brought allegations of gambling and prostitution close to Armitage's 
doorstep. The stories went public when TIME and "The Boston Globe" wrote 
lengthy stories on the feud in 1986 and 1987. That scandal arose as a result 
of 1984 investigations by President Reagan's Commission on Organized Crime in 
which the photo and documentation of gambling charges and prostitution led to 
direct Armitage's close association with O'Rourke. Then LAPD Assistant Chief 
Jesse Brewer, a former Commanding Officer of this writer, served on the 
Reagan Commission.

The 1992 best-seller "Kiss The Boys Goodbye" by former "60 MINUTES" producer 
Monika Jensen-Stevenson details Armitage's role as Reagan point man on 
Vietnam POW-MIA issues and describes why Armitage has earned the enmity of 
many POW activists. However, in a 1995 interview with "The Washington Post", 
Colin Powell referred to Armitage as his "white son." This, notwithstanding 
the fact that the 6 foot, balding, power-lifter, now 56, can still bench 
press 300 or more pounds and reportedly "enjoys killing." 

William Tyree, Special Forces Veteran who has provided much reliable 
information and documentation to FTW in the past said, "Armitage used to 'sit 
ambush' on the trails in Laos and Cambodia. He liked it. Now when Powell, 
'the dove,' sits down at a table with Armitage 'the killer' beside him the 
message will be that Armitage can reach across the table and deal with the 
other party on the spot." That message will not go unheard. 
Mike Ruppert 
"From The Wilderness" 

Re: [CTRL] Late Night Radio Storm As Art Bell Draws Fire For Guest-Bashing

2001-04-20 Thread John Cone

-Caveat Lector-

--- Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Late Night Radio Storm As Art Bell
  Draws Fire For Guest-Bashing
 Trouble In Dreamland
  By Michael Goodspeed

"Is it possible that a show as hugely
popular as C2C has been somehow homogenized or
influenced by the hands of either the black or
official government, to create confusion, disharmony,
and tumult in the already disjointed world of the

Nakano comments:
Oh yesit's more than possible.
Any radio program that is syndicated and broadcast
over hundreds of stations has the approval of the
"ruling cabal".  While such programs are often
critical of the established power structure,
their protests are kept within certain acceptable
boundaries.  This is the strategy and purpose of
the "dialectic".  It is a method of limiting and
controlling the reactionary protest to the power
structure.  This is why there are certain forbidden
subjects you will not hear on these programs.
Don't hold your breath waiting for Bell or Limbaugh
to do an honest and authoritative expose' of the
Federal Reserve.  They both know their programs
would be "off the air" very quickly if they allow
certain topics and guests on their shows.
This is what they are..shows.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Late Night Radio Storm As Art Bell Draws Fire For Guest-Bashing

2001-04-20 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 4/20/01 8:22:26 PM Central Daylight Time,

Don't hold your breath waiting for Bell or Limbaugh
to do an honest and authoritative expose' of the
Federal Reserve. They both know their programs
would be "off the air" very quickly if they allow
certain topics and guests on their shows.
This is what they are..shows.

Well William Cooper's shortwave show isn't all bad...and frankly methinks him
the antidote, to some degree, to the shills that fumigate our airwaves...

7.415 MHz from 10PM eastern for an hour Mon-Thurs.
Or http://theplanet.wbcq.net/

His homepage is...http://williamcooper.com/

And yeah he pushes the Xinsanity a tad but he's a good man, and I'd trust him
with my kid...

...that's saying something...

BTW, his book "Behold A Pale Horse" is an ESSENTIAL.


Re: [CTRL] From the Horse's Mouth (was Greenies Want You Dead)

2001-04-20 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

 -Caveat Lector-

 "If you haven't given voluntary human extinction much thought before,
   idea of a world with no people in it may seem strange. But, if you
 give it
   a chance, I think you might agree that the extinction of Homo sapiens
   would mean survival for millions, if not billions, of Earth-dwelling
   Phasing out the human race will solve every problem on earth, social and
   environmental." --"Les U. Knight" (pseudonum),

"Voluntary Human Extinction," Wild Earth, Vol. 1, No. 2, (Summer 1991), p. 72.

also see
for more information

 "Human beings, as a species, have no more value than slugs." - John
   Davis, Editor of The Earth First! Journal


Or if you want a plain text version:

Searching google for  "no more value than slugs" davis brings up 27

 Where are these two quotes from?


Best Wishes

In a world where things are normal and relatively non-ideological,
ideologues will have a really hard time.  Which means that many of them
will make up issues where they don't actually exist.  This is why, for
example, the cottage industry for hate-crime hoaxes on college campuses
has been thriving for a decade.  Left-wingers need to complain about
racism or sexism or homophobia so much that they are perfectly content
to stage fictional instances of it.  Nothing disappoints a revolutionary
more than the persistent lack of injustice. - Jonah Goldberg

A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/"www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Stupidity (or DeliberateTerrorism)IsBeyondThePale

2001-04-20 Thread BB

That's not what you buggers said in 1940 -- and you said
you don't hate Americans.
"c." wrote:
you buggers
always turn up late and claim victory ;)

- Original Message -



Sent: Friday, April 20, 2001 3:13

Subject: Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Stupidity
(or DeliberateTerrorism)IsBeyondThe Pale
OK, fine, but next time you posh british types get yourselves into
a war
that you can't handle, please help us keep our unposh nose out, and
ask us to help. Fair deal, no?

"c." wrote:

- Original Message -



Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 12:12

Subject: Re: [CTRL] Aleisha's Stupidity
(or Deliberate Terrorism)IsBeyondThe Pale
Some of you british types seem to
 understand so much that just isn't
true, and are hereby
 cordially invited to keep their
posh noses permanently
 in their OWN business, not ours.

uh ok... but only if you rather unposh
americans keep your nose out of every other country in the flipping world
first. seems like a fair deal, no? but something the "(bent) policeman
of the world" will never be able to manage.
but your repeated quoting of anne robinson
is beginning to induce siezures in me so i better sign off for now.

[CTRL] Neighbor's Called Police on Rosie

2001-04-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So here is the little kid Rosie adopted, who was only two then, who had
her front teeth knocked out, and so strong she hit the top of a Leggo
can and the lid came off and hit her nose, bloody nose and damage done.

Oh there was the time last month on TV where she was swooning over the
female movie star (she is a lesbian, of course) and said this woman
had the most beautful child - and oh so smart, why her 5 year old was
"duhhh", she described him as such depicting him as a dullard.   Anyone
with kids who loves them, does not downgrade them in public.

And then her hand and arm injjury - seems she cut it opening up a
pacakge and now she is off work for awhile.

Then comes this story - now this little girl is made to be retarded.

Well some good neighbors called the police; and Rosie is so hoarse she
could hardly speak on her television show?

Imagine how this one child chld must look now - with teeth knocked out
and maybe a nose tht isn't quite what it was.

Take a good look at Rosie some day and her little pig eyes - someone has
to be subsidizing her salary - the same ones of course who promotes
sodomy being taught little elementary children?

Wonder how long Rosie will last playing Cat in Hat?

Wonder about that little boy she portrayed as stupid on her
showdu...and how did she really hurt that hand?   Strange it
just won't heal?

Sometime I go I wrote about this one child and believe me if anyone
looks at that old bat, the last thing you see in that face is a mother's

Well evidently there will be more to come of this;  this child now has
been labeled retarded, - but when you read Rosie in her own words, one
must wonder about that little 2 year old with the knocked out front
teeth - such an accident prone child, Rosie said and this no doubt might
have been when the police were called because of cries of terror in the

What - no investigations?   Children have been taken away from parents
for a lot less according to one item on web recently..in California.



 Jane and Ted DivorcingCountry Singers To WedBuffy and Beau
Engaged!'West Wing' Creator Arrested


ROSIE O'DONNELL is battling to save her young daughter Mia from severe
middle-of-the-night panic attacks that are so violent, concerned
neighbors have been calling the police.

ROSIE is at her wit's end trying to end the toddler's nightmares.In an
exclusive ENQUIRER interview, an exhausted Rosie reveals she's spent
numerous nights trying to comfort her 3-year-old daughter -- and is at
her wit's end trying to end the little girl's hideous nightmares and
screaming fits of terror.

The tormented toddler bounced from one foster home to another until
devoted mom Rosie got her from a shelter for abused children last June.

Emotionally battered, Mia had problems from the beginning. Even advice
from a psychiatrist couldn't ease her night terrors, an anguished Rosie
told The ENQUIRER.

"I was up four to five times a night for two weeks -- it was to the
point I was losing
my voice on the show.

"Mia's had a hard life, and I think she's working it all out when she
sleeps. All the unconscious terrors and fears come out."

Mia's screams are so loud that frightened neighbors have called police.

"It sounds like she's being hurt," Rosie said. "Which she's not. But she
has been and I'm sure she's remembering that. The neighbors have already
called the cops twice.

"One time she was having one of her screaming fits and a policeman
arrived. I opened the door and he gave me this look. I said, 'It's my
foster kid. No one is hurting her.'

"I honestly don't know what to do anymore. It's horrible. What's so sad
is in the morning when I say to her, 'Mia -- what happened last night,
honey?' She says, 'I scream.' I say, 'That's all right.'

"And I tell her, 'You know, Mommy needs to sleep and the other children
need to sleep.' She says she's trying not to scream, but she can't help

It's been five months since foster child Mia came to live with Rosie's
adopted sons Parker, 5, and Blake, 11 months, and adopted daughter
Chelsea, 3. Rosie is working to adopt Mia as well and considers her part
of her permanent family.

The number of children in foster care soared from about 340,000 in 1988
to an estimated 560,000 just 10 years later.
The warmhearted performer decided to become a foster parent after
hearing a news story about a girl who was violently raped while her
mother was in the next room.

Rosie took a 30-hour training course and did home study to become
certified as a foster mother. Then last spring she got a call from a
Miami facility for sexually abused girls that had her name on a list of
approved foster parents. They were overcrowded and looking for a home
for Mia.

"Mia had no sense of trust and no sense of security," said Rosie.

"I tried all sorts of things to comfort her.

"I put pictures of myself in her 

[CTRL] WT: Detonating a Waco fireball

2001-04-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


The Washington Times
April 19, 2001

Detonating a Waco fireball

By James Bovard

April 19 is the eighth anniversary of the final FBI assault on the
Branch Davidians at Waco, Texas.  For almost a decade, politicians
and bureaucrats have sweated to withhold key information about that
days events from the American public.  But the ghost of Waco may be
rising from the grave once more to place its ice-cold hand again on
the neck of the Washington establishment.

Back in September 1999, Attorney General Janet Reno handpicked former
U.S.  Sen.  John Danforth to finally put the wooden stake in the
heart of the Waco issue once and for all.

Mr.  Danforth, operating supposedly as an independent counsel, did his
pious best and raced to release his report last summer just as he
became rumored a top prospect to be Mr. Bushs vice presidential
candidate.  Mr.  Danforth basically exonerated the feds, saving his
scorn for low-life Americans who dared criticize the government tank
assault and gassing of the women, children, and men in the Davidians

A key issue for Mr. Danforths investigation was whether FBI agents
fired on Davidians during their final attack.

Rhythmic patterns on Forward Looking Infrared ("FLIR") tapes made by
an FBI plane strongly suggested automatic weapons fire came from
positions near the FBI tanks.  Mr. Danforth persuaded federal Judge
Walter Smith to conduct a re-enactment last year of the final days
action.  Mr.  Danforth then proclaimed that the film from the
re-enactment proved beyond a doubt that federal agents did not shoot
at Davidians in large part because the muzzle flashes on the
re-enactment were much shorter than the shots from the April 19,
1993, tape.

A new film, titled "The F.L.I.R.  Project," produced by Mike McNulty
(one of the masterminds behind the Academy Award 1998 finalist
documentary, "Waco: Rules of Engagement") reveals fatal flaws in Mr.
Danforths re-enactment.  (The film is available at

On April 19, 1993, FBI agents relied on a commercial, off-the-shelf
ammo the type that would be used by any hunter or shooter.  For the
March 19, 2000, Danforth-FBI re-enactment, the FBI used
military-issue ammunition that had a special chemical coating on the
gunpowder to reduce muzzle flash (helpful in preventing soldiers
being detected in combat).  The military ammo thus had a built-in
flash suppressant.

Since a key issue was the length of the muzzle flashes, using
flash-suppressing ammunition ensured that the re-enactment would
be a farce.

The Danforth-FBI re-enactment further biased the test results by
having the FBI agents use weapons with a 20-inch barrel instead of
weapons with 14-inch barrels that agents carried on April 19, 1993.
The longer a weapons barrel, the less muzzle flash will be shown
from each shot.

Again, this is a tricky way to do an accurate re-enactment.
But the re-enactment produced the politically correct result and Mr.
Danforth proceeded to denounce the American people for thinking bad
things about their federal masters.

No doubt Mr.  Danforth, the FBI and others will continue to insist
there was no gunfire by FBI agents on April 19, 1993.  But if the
feds are innocent, why have they gone to such absurd lengths to fix
the jury?  The $12 million in tax dollars that Mr.  Danforth spent
for his Waco investigation should have been categorized as part of
the public relations budget of the FBI and Justice Department or
perhaps as a line item expense in the Clinton Legacy Project.

These revelations come on top of information that has already
surfaced showing the Danforth investigation to be a sham.  Mr.
Danforth personally chose Vector Data Systems to carry out the tests,
with U.S.  military assistance, and to evaluate the results.  Mr.
Danforth repeatedly identified Vector as independent British company.
But Vector is actually owned by Anteon, a large American corporation
that on its Web page boasts of contracts with 50 federal agencies,
including the White House Communications Agency.

A new book by former federal attorney David Hardy further debunks the
governments Waco fairy tale.  "This Is Not An Assault" provides
fascinating inside details on how private investigators squeezed out
damning information on Waco how federal judge Walter Smith stifled
lawyers at the trial last year to prevent jurors from learning of
more than 100 items of evidence embarrassing or potentially
incriminating the federal government and how Republican congressmen
(such as Dan Burton) and aides cowered and effectively aided the
Clinton administration cover-up.  Mr.  Hardys skill in hammering
federal agencies with Freedom of Information Act requests was a
decisive factor in making Waco a hot political potato in 1999.
Mr. Hardys book will be soon available at: http://www.xlibris.com.

If President Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft want to restore
the faith of the American 

[CTRL] RussianNewsAgency/Interfax: Kazakhstan needs $12 million to eliminate biological-weapons pla

2001-04-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[From what I understand, Moscow Interfax is a government information
agency known *THERE* for its aggressive reporting, extensive economic
and good coverage of Russia's regions.  --MS]

Kazakhstan needs $12 million to eliminate biological-weapons plant

CEP20010419000315 Moscow Interfax in English 1303 GMT 19 Apr 01

Kazakhstan needs 12m dollars to eliminate biological-weapons plant

Text of report in English by Russian news agency Interfax

Almaty, 19 April: Kazakhstan needs about 12m dollars to completely destroy
the former pilot plant in the central city of Stepnogorsk where biological
weapons used to be made, Gennadiy Lepeshkin, director general of the

National Biotechnology Centre told Interfax in Almaty on Thursday.
The construction of the plant started in 1982. Eight years later all
activities in the manufacture and testing of biological weapons were
stopped. The subsequent dismantling of the plant's equipment was financed
by the US Department of Defence, which allocated nearly 2m dollars for
that purpose.

To make sure that no pathogenic organisms remain on the walls, the germ
fermentation building, the germ feeding installation, the preparation
drying building and equipment where preparations were encapsulated and
missiles assembled must be destroyed, Lepeshkin said. A clean spot must
remain where the buildings now are, he said. The US Defence Department was
supposed to provide the funds for the destruction but last year the
Americans refused to provide them, he said.

With the advent of a new administration, the Americans have said that they
are prepared to continue talks on financing the destruction of the
facilities, Lepeshkin said. The agenda of an assistant secretary of state
who will stay in Kazakhstan on 21-23 April includes talks with Kazakh
officials on financing the destruction of the former biological weapons of
mass destruction plant, he said.

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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Re: [CTRL] Greenies Want You Dead

2001-04-20 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Funny how all these folks who call for depopulation of the earth never
consider being the first to volunteer.


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[CTRL] China Rescue Mission

2001-04-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

MISSION April 12, 2001

By Captain Guy Greider, Continental Airlines

Since the mid-air collision on April 1, 2001
between a U.S. Navy EP-3 surveillance
aircraft and a Chinese jet fighter, I had
watched the news with mild interest. This
was mostly due to the proximity of Guam
to China. I never dreamed that I would play
a role in this intensely watched international
drama. Somewhere in the negotiations
between the United States and the Chinese
Governments, it was decided that a civilian
Aircraft should be sent to retrieve the 24
crewmembers being detained on Hainan
Island, China. A call was made to
Continental Airlines headquarters in
Houston, Texas. Continental was chosen
because of its Guam base and its ability
to launch this kind of operation at a
moment s notice. From there, the operation
took shape through the tireless efforts of
many people working behind the scenes in
a coordinated effort between the airline, the
military, and the State Department.

On Saturday, April 7, 2001, I received a
call at home from Captain Ralph Freeman,
Continental Micronesia Director of Flight

Ralph told me that the military wanted to
charter one of our jets to conduct a
rescue mission and asked if I would be
one of the crewmembers. I said yes
without hesitation. Later we were told
that we would need to get passport pictures
taken in case the Chinese Government
required visas. We got the required photos
and were under the impression that we would
leave immediately.

However, the negotiations slowed over the
demand from the Chinese that the U.S.
issue an apology that the U.S. was
unwilling to give.

Meanwhile, the Continental crew remained
on call 24 hours a day. Our Uniforms were
laid out and our bags were packed and
waiting by the door. On Wednesday evening
April 11, 2001, at about 630 PM Ralph called
again to say that the two parties were very
close to an agreement to release the U.S.
crew and to come to the airport.  Upon arrival,
we were given a briefing sheet listing the
information that we would need to conduct
the flight. We would carry a Repatriation
Team consisting of Navy, Marine Corps,
and Air Force specialists, 14 people in all.
Doctors, Psychologists, and communications
people with lots of gear showed up on the ramp
near the airplane, ready to board. They were
all dressed in casual civilian clothes. The 155
-seat jet was fitted with 2 full stretcher kits
bolted in over rows of seats complete with
Oxygen tanks and I.V. bottles. They did not
know the condition of the 24 detained
crewmembers and they were not going to
take any chances. They were prepared.
When our crew was fully assembled, it
consisted of 11 people. 2 pilots to fly the jet
and an extra to provide relief because of the
extensive flight time involved. They were
Captain Tom Pinardo, Captain Pierre
Frenay and I. We also carried 5 very
experienced Flight Attendants. They were
Debbie Percell, Susanne Hendricks, Jean
Tang, Cynthia Iverson, and Beverly Haines.

Our 2 onboard mechanics were Peter Lum
and Julius Aguilo. Our load planner was Mike

At about 930 PM we received a call asking
that we arrive in China no earlier than
600 AM, just about sunrise. It was obvious
that the entire exchange would be
photographed and they wanted daylight
conditions. We estimated that a 215 AM
departure from Guam would put us on the
ground in Haikou precisely at 600 AM local
China time. (2 hours earlier than Guam)
Some of us just stayed on the plane, others
accepted the company s invitation to come
to the Continental President s Club, a local
VIP lounge at the airport to try to get some
rest. It was difficult to get any rest with
our much-anticipated mission so near.
  By 100 AM the pilots were back in the
briefing room going over the weather,
flight plan, fuel requirements and
everything else that goes into a flight.
Again, we loaded up the airplane and
finally departed Guam International at
precisely 215 AM.

The stretcher kits and medical gear
were not the only special additions to
the airplane. The company had loaded
a special file into the navigation database
of the flight management computer (FMC).
This allowed us to gain access to navigation
data needed to operate in this part of China,
which is not in our normal route structure.

The Repatriation Team carried sophisticated
equipment to communicate with the military
and government officials that would monitor
our progress throughout the flight. The route
of flight took us straight west from Guam
toward the Philippines along the G467
airway. About half way across we
turned north directly toward Hong Kong.
This routing was designed to avoid flying
through Taiwanese airspace, something
that the Chinese could consider offensive.

Approaching the Chinese coastline, we
contacted Hong Kong radar control. After
establishing radar contact with us, the
controller gave us a short cut to expedite
his traffic flow. This was bad because it
cut off 

Re: [CTRL] Skull and Bones

2001-04-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Secrets of the Illuminati may be found in the Garden of Eden..

Also it is my belief that the Tarot Cards play a role in many murders
dating back to the late 60 period, where there was an Assassins Group
called the Tarot Card Assassins.

How would like like a card with the Hangman or Death placed in an
envelope and mailed to you - like a calling card?

Skull and Bones is a masonic order; there are numerous secret societies
with the coffine routine - might start too with the 119th psalm - and
the alphabet soup?

So here is item which is interesting; my old friend in MI6 wanted to
know more abut this Tarot Card Assassins group too.they somehow
connected to some pretty important assassinations.

Remember Diana, the Queen of Hearts?  Surely JFK Jr., was the King of

Prior to death of JFK a group of conspirators took their names from a
chess board - Mr. Knight, Mr. Bishop, Mr. King - but as C. Gordon Liddy
said during the Watergate hearings 'hey, I am going east of the sun and
west of the moon", and " they have your queen"..

Might add the political propagandist Jean Dixon always carried her gypsy
fortune telling cards with her as she marked the Kennedys for murder,
over and over and over again - at least when I got through with her she
lost her "divine" status and ended up in library in with black magic,
and out of the "religious" section.

So Skull and Bones is a German Masonic Order?   So is Bnai Brith and ADL
for the ADL is a branch of Bnai Brith - anybody have a bit of criticism

The Games People Play get deadler and deadlier.


Tarot, the name for a deck of cards mainly used for fortunetelling, and
for the game played using these cards. The origin of tarot cards is
uncertain; they were perhaps introduced into Europe by Crusaders between
1095 and 1270 (see Crusades) or by the Roma (Gypsies), and are known
to have been in use in Italy in the early 14th century. Although the
game of tarot (also called tarok) is still played in central Europe, the
cards are now mainly used for fortunetelling.

A full tarot deck consists of 78 cards: the minor arcana (56 suit cards)
and the major arcana, also known as trumps (22 pictorial symbol cards).
The minor arcana, somewhat like a deck of modern playing cards, consist
of suits of wands (clubs), cups (hearts), swords (spades), and pentacles
(diamonds). Each suit contains 14 cards: 4 court cards (king, queen,
knight, and page) plus cards numbered from ace to ten.

The major arcana consist of a fool (also called a madman) card and
pictorial cards numbered from 1 to 21.

Many of the earliest tarot decks were designed by artists, such as
German artist Albrecht Drer, who lived during the late 15th and early
16th centuries. The pictures, representing such subjects as the sun,
death, the devil, and a hanged man, symbolize natural forces and human
virtues and vices.

Fortunes are told by interpreting the combinations formed as the cards
are dealt out. Today, increasing numbers of people use tarot cards as a
tool for self-exploration and personal growth.

"Tarot," Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2001
http://encarta.msn.com  1997-2001 Microsoft Corporation. All rights
 1993-2001 Microsoft Corporation.
All rights reserved.
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Re: [CTRL] Greenies want you Dead - STUPIDITY

2001-04-20 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Duncan, you never cease to amaze; how many times in a single post you
can flame someone. Even when I agree with you, your behavior is quite
disagreable. Didn't you mother in New Zealand teach you any manners? I
thought New Zealanders were more civilized than the Aussies, but now I'm


On 21 Apr 01, at 10:40, nexusmagazine wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 by Brad Edmonds
 Believe it. There is no other statement that fully explains the collected
 behavior and assertions of all the animal rightsers...

 There are plenty of other statements available, but not to closed minded,
 consumers like yourself.

 Leftists themselves, at least under the influence of sodium pentothal
 (don’t ask how I know about that), would agree with me completely
 after consideration of the items below.

 Maybe you should check - they don't agree with you.

 Any time a new development in biotechnology is announced, it
 is protested. The most common and visible examples involve
 Frankenfoods, those horrors (to the -niks; to me they’re miracles) such
 as corn that doesn’t require extensive pesticide application.

 Wrong.  And these miracles you mention - do you not know that you and
 thousands of others are dying from the pesticides we were once told were
 safe?  Maybe you should read a bit more than the
 cartoons and editorials of conservative propaganda rags.  As for
 genetically modified food, there is NO other incentive apart from profit
 and monopolisation of seed lines.  You dummy!!!

 No more greenhouse gases. Juxtapose this with globetrotting
 efforts by the greenies to prevent the construction of hydroelectric

 Simplist crap!  There are plenty of sane alternatives and more efficient
 at that, than
 hydro, nuclear or fossil fuel sources.  But, the monopolies will not get
 behind them, as their
 profits are reduced.  And, by the way, these alternatives DO work, are
 eco safe and are already being used in some corners.  Cold fusion is but
 one example of many.
 Greenies of the animals-first variety want no more animal
 skins – furs, leather, even wool – used to shield us from the elements or
 to adorn us. They prefer "fake furs." I’m reminded by a reader
 that fake furs are made of petroleum derivatives. Petroleum derivatives
 mean exploring, drilling, and yes, once in a great while, oil spills.

 How wrong you are.  Greenies don't protest wool.  They just think it is
 silly to hunt species
 to extinction (minks) for egomaniacal women to wear their skins.  Leather
 is not protested by
 greenies.  Hemp is a better alternatvie to cotton.

 Where do you get your opinions?  From fridge magnets?

 Who was there to denounce the Valdez spill? Mouse huggers,
 displaying deceased animals blah blah blah

 Oh pulse - even my 6 year old has better logic circuits.

 This will require enormous expansion of the cotton industry,
 meaning more land exposed to erosion, and demand for biotechnology
 to make more cotton from less land. They won’t allow that. What are we
 to do? My answer: The greenies want us naked. Benefit: We’ll die
 faster, thus need less food and electricity. Hurrah!

 Crap crap crap - who pays you to write this garbage.  Greenies advocate
 industrial hemp
 over cotton.

 Look, sure there are some green groups which are mouthpieces for
 NWOrderists, and some which are mouthpieces for industry lobby groups.

 But your simplistic garbage shows your ignorance, closedmindedness and

 Worse still, it adds to the division and conquer mentality permeating

 Go read something more than Rush Limbaugh's daily tripe, or whatever it
 is you get your silliness from.


 Duncan M. Roads
 Editor, NEXUS Magazine
 PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
 Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280;   Fax:  +61 (0)7 5442 9381

 "The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
 On the contrary, the means always determine the end."
 (Aldous Huxley)

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Re: [CTRL] From the Horse's Mouth (was Greenies Want You Dead)

2001-04-20 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks. Big help.


"Vhemt," eh?

Then there's Vehm.




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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] [] A message you sent contains inappropriate language and has been blocked

2001-04-20 Thread Kris Millegan


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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] How ESF / Bundesbank gold swap caps the gold price -- Part I

2001-04-20 Thread Kris Millegan

By James Turk 
The Freemarket Gold  Money Report 

This past December in my essay "The Smoking Gun" I 
provided proof that the U.S. Treasury Department's 
Exchange Stabilization Fund was intervening in the gold 
market. From publicly available reports prepared by the 
Federal Reserve, I established that the weight of gold 
held as a component of the U.S. Reserve Assets has been 
changing, and that these changes -- some of which are 
of significant size -- result from activity by the ESF. 
These Federal Reserve reports conclusively demonstrate 
that the ESF has been intervening in the gold market 
since at least 1996. 

Though these Federal Reserve reports make clear that 
the ESF is involved in the gold market up to its 
"earmarks," a lot of people remain skeptical. I don't 
know why that is. It is worth noting that many of the 
most obstinate skeptics who deny U.S. government 
involvement in the gold market live overseas and have 
little if any experience or understanding of the way 
the U.S. government really works. Even Americans find 
it difficult to accept that the U.S. government 
intervenes in the gold market. Ironically, though, 
they readily admit that the government intervenes in 
the debt markets, foreign currency markets, and, 
according to a growing number of people, even in the 
U.S. stock market. It is therefore most baffling that 
they do not concede the ESF's involvement in the gold 

Maybe people are skeptical because they haven't 
bothered to take the time to read the Federal Reserve 
reports for themselves. Maybe it's because it's easier 
to accept the word of some government bureaucrat who 
denies ESF involvement in the gold market than it is to 
seek out and look for the truth. Maybe they don't want 
to believe that the U.S. government is lying to them 
when Treasury Department official after Treasury 
Department official denies any involvement by the ESF 
in the gold market. 

I don't know. 

Or maybe it's because they think that government 
officials work for the American people -- and not for 
vested interests -- in their deliberative sessions 
behind closed doors. 

Wouldn't it be refreshing if we could peek behind those 
closed doors to see what really is being said? 

Very little emerges from behind closed doors, and the 
minutes and transcripts of closed-door sessions that do 
make it into the public domain contain redactions that 
blank out the "good parts" -- the revealing statements. 
But what if someone forgot to redact one of those "good 
parts? Too fantastic to be true? 

Well, sit down, take a deep breath, and carefully read 
what follows. 

* * * 

A few weeks ago Reg Howe contacted me and asked my view 
on something he had discovered. He wanted a second 
opinion on this discovery, just as I contacted him for 
a second opinion after I came across the Federal 
Reserve reports showing the ESF's gold-related 

When I read what Reg showed me, I was stunned. But at 
the same time it was clear to me what I was reading and 
what had happened. 

A transcript of a meeting of the Federal Reserve Open 
Market Committee has been released for which somebody 
forgot to get his red pen out. Someone forgot to redact 
some very revealing words about the ESF and its 
activity with gold. Here's what was said. 

* * * 


[See the transcript from the January 31, 1995, meeting.] 

MR. MATTINGLY. It's pretty clear that these ESF 
operations are authorized. I don't think there is a 
legal problem in terms of the authority. The [ESF] 
statute is very broadly worded in terms of words like 
"credit"  -- it has covered things like the gold swaps 
-- and it confers broad authority. 

* * * 

Please read the above statement again, and maybe even a 
third and fourth time. 

This statement, which I can only assume was 
inadvertently not redacted by the FOMC Secretariat, 
confirms what we already know but what the U.S. 
government has all along refused to admit -- that the 
ESF is involved in the gold market. In fact, the 
authority of the ESF is so broad that "it has covered 
things like the gold swaps." 

In other words, the authority of the ESF is so broad it 
has even been used to authorize "gold swaps." 

Before exploring the above quote, some background 
information is necessary. 

The proceedings of each FOMC meeting are taped. These 
tapes are transcribed, and the Federal Reserve releases 
these transcripts after five years. Thus, the 
transcripts from the 1995 meetings were released this 
year, and, having now read through them, I can say they 
contain a treasure trove of material, even though there 
are many redactions. 

The important point is that these transcripts are not 
only informative but are an accurate record of what is 
going on behind closed doors. 

Here is what the Federal Reserve itself says about the 
FOMC transcripts: 

* * * 


[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] How ESF / Bundesbank gold swap caps gold price -- Part 2

2001-04-20 Thread Kris Millegan

* * * 

There you have it. The ESF doesn't have to notify 
Congress about anything in advance. It is under the 
sole authority of the secretary of the treasury and the 
president, and they can do "gold swaps" without any 
congressional approval, which brings up an important 
point I made in "The Smoking Gun." 

I had noted a curious pattern in the correspondence 
emanating from the Treasury Department. The secretary 
of the Treasury never answered any questioning letters 
concerning the ESF, even if they were written directly 
to him. Rather, one of his assistants invariably 
responded. I therefore wondered whether the Treasury 
Department chain of command was being relied upon just 
as President Nixon had tried to rely upon the White 
House chain of command in an attempt to avoid being 
sucked into the vortex of a growing Watergate scandal. 

I even asked in "The Smoking Gun": "Did Secretary 
Summers' knowledge of the goings-on in the secretive 
ESF explain why his underlings, and not him, were 
writing the letters denying U.S. government involvement 
within the gold market?" 

The above excerpts from the FOMC transcript clearly 
establish that my question needs answering. 

It is becoming clear as more and more evidence emerges 
that the secretary of the treasury does not answer 
questions concerning the ESF because he, but not his 
underlings, knows to what extent the ESF is engaged in 
gold-related activity. His underlings can say that the 
ESF is not involved in the gold market because, as far 
as they know, what they say is true. 

However, we now have proof that the ESF is indeed 
involved in the gold market. So the secretary of the 
treasury does not respond to letters asking questions 
about the ESF and its activity in the gold market. He 
cant answer them truthfully without spilling the 
beans. He obviously knows everything about what really 
is going on within the ESF, in contrast to his 
underlings. Or at least most underlings because it 
appears that one of them is in there up to his elbows 
washing ESF laundry. His name is Ted Truman. 

From the FOMC transcripts it is quite apparent that 
Truman has a special role. Though recorded in the 
attendee list in the FOMC transcripts under the 
featureless title of "economist," he has a role that is 
anything but ordinary. The transcripts reveal that he 
clearly speaks for the Treasury Department in FOMC 
meetings and is very knowledgeable about the ESF. The 
insight displayed by him in the FOMC minutes makes it 
clear that he is not just fully informed about the ESF 
and its operations, but that he probably is also 
intimately involved in ESF decision making. 
Consequently, the following excerpt is particularly 

* * * 

MR. PARRY. What is the size of the ESF? 

MR. TRUMAN. The usable funds in the ESF today, counting 
the foreign exchange as usable, amount to roughly $25 

MR. PARRY. Can you say how it is broken down? 

MR. TRUMAN. About $5 billion is invested in Treasury 
securities and the balance is roughly equally divided 
between marks and yen. I think they have slightly more 
yen than marks. 

MR. PARRY. Thank you. 

MR. BOEHNE. Is any of it obligated in any way beyond 
what we are talking about with Mexico? 

MR. TRUMAN. It is obligated only in the sense that they 
have one other swap arrangement with the Bundesbank. 

* * * 

Wouldn't it be interesting to know what this swap 
arrangement with the Bundesbank entailed? What is the 
nature of this swap? Is it a dollar/deutschemark swap 
facility? Or is something else being swapped, like gold 

Gold being swapped with the Bundesbank? It's an 
outrageous thought. 

Or is it? 

I have already established that the ESF is very much 
involved with gold. The only thing I haven't 
established is with whom the ESF has those gold swaps 
that Virgil Mattingly was talking about. 

Let's put 1 and 1 together here to see if we can come 
up with an answer. 

According to Mattingly, the ESF has authorized gold 
swaps, presumably in the recent past (circa 1995). 
According to Ted Truman, the only outstanding swap 
facility of the ESF (circa 1995) other than the one 
established for Mexico is the ESF's facility with the 

Therefore, the ESF has a gold swap facility with the 

It's an interesting proposition, and one that fits well 
with another newly discovered fact. Some very 
interesting sleuthing by Mike Bolser, who has been 
assisting Reg Howe in his lawsuit against the Bank for 
International Settlements, has revealed that the 
Treasury has made a small but very significant 
accounting change. 

Mike noticed that the Treasury Department has changed 
the designation of nearly 1,700 tonnes of inventoried 
gold at the U.S. Mints facility in West Point, N.Y., 
which is approximately 21 percent of the total U.S. 
gold reserve, from "Gold Bullion Reserve" to "Custodial 

The August 2000 Status Report on U.S. Treasury-Owned 
Gold stored at