[CTRL] Chandra Levy Had Untold 'Big News'

2001-07-07 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Friday July 6 7:34 PM ET

Chandra Levy Had Untold 'Big News'

By MARK SHERMAN, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The day before she was last seen, Chandra Levy called her aunt
and left a message saying she had ``some big news'' to share.

Linda Zamsky says she still has no idea what her niece meant by the message left
April 29, but that there's no reason to believe it was something ominous.

``She was upbeat and full of life. There was absolutely no indication that she was
upset,'' Zamsky said.

Zamsky described the message in a statement issued Friday that was devoted mainly
to providing details about the affair Zamsky says Levy told her she had with Rep. Gary
Condit (news - bio - voting record). Levy is from Modesto, Calif., which Condit

Condit, 53 and married, has called Levy, a former intern at the U.S. Bureau of Prisons,
a ``good friend.'' His aides have denied a romantic relationship.

Meanwhile, ABC News reported Friday that police want to obtain Condit's cellular
telephone records to try to learn more about the congressman's contact with the intern.

Zamsky, who lives on Maryland's Eastern Shore, a couple of hours northeast of
Washington, said she decided to publicize what Levy confided to her because Condit
has not been forthcoming about the relationship.

``We believe that Rep. Condit's lack of candor is hindering efforts to find Chandra,''
Zamsky said. Her statement was released by the public relations firm that has been
hired by Billy Martin, the Levy family attorney in Washington.

Police have characterized Condit as cooperative in two interviews, and have said he is
not a suspect in Levy's disappearance. A police official said authorities already had
Zamsky's account, and found little in it to help them, including the cryptic message
about important news.

Telephone calls to Abbe Lowell, Condit's attorney, and his congressional office were
not returned. Marina Ein, a publicist hired by Lowell, said, ``None of this stuff is
advancing the investigation per se.''

Levy was two weeks beyond her 24th birthday when she was last seen April 30,
canceling her membership at a Washington health club. A search of her apartment
found nothing missing but her keys.

Police have no evidence of a crime, no suggestion that Levy ran off, no similarities
between Levy's case and those of other missing persons, Police Chief Charles
Ramsey said Thursday. He said police have all but ruled out suicide because so much
time has passed and no body been found.

Zamsky said Levy, in several conversations beginning around Thanksgiving, described
a secretive relationship with Condit that began last fall, shortly after she arrived in
Washington for her internship. Levy was a graduate student at the University of
Southern California who was completing her master's degree in public administration
with a Washington work-study program.

Zamsky said Levy told her that Condit said he would end the affair if anyone found out
about it.

Levy and Condit met often at his apartment and took care not to attract attention when
they went out, Zamsky said. ``She said they would take a taxi. ... She would come out
the door, grab the taxi, and then he would come out, baseball cap, jacket, kind of a 
incognito, and he would get in the cab with her,'' she said.

The last time Zamsky saw Levy was in early April, for the Jewish holiday of Passover.
On that visit, Levy showed off her newest present from Condit, a gold bracelet.

On April 29, Levy called Zamsky.

Zamsky said that Levy was heard on the answering machine saying: ``I'm planning on
packing my bags in the next week or 10 days. Heading home for a while. Don't know
what I'm going to do this summer. And I really have some big news or something
important to tell. Please call.''

The Truth is out there.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Ex-Housekeeper Says Patsy Ramsey Killed JonBenet

2001-07-07 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

  Ex-Housekeeper Says Patsy
  Ramsey Killed JonBenet
   By Mike McPhee
Denver Post Staff Writer

   A federal judge Thursday gave grand-jury witnesses
   permission to talk about their secret testimony, prompting
   the Ramsey family's former housekeeper to declare that
   Patsy Ramsey killed her 6-year-old daughter.

   Former Ramsey housekeeper Linda Hoffmann-Pugh,
   speaking publicly for the first time about her testimony
   before the Boulder County grand jury, told reporters

   * She thought Patsy Ramsey had killed JonBenet.

   * The grand jury seemed to zero in on Patsy Ramsey, and
   she thought it would indict her.

   * A Swiss Army knife was found in the basement room
   where JonBenet's body was found.

   * Only Patsy could have put that knife there. I took it
   away from Burke (JonBenet's older brother) and hid it in a
   linen closet near JonBenet's bedroom. An intruder never
   would have found it. Patsy would have found it getting out
   clean sheets.

   * Pieces of rope were tied around JonBenet's neck and
   wrist when her body was discovered Dec. 26, 1996.

   * The blanket wrapped around JonBenet's body had been
   left in the dryer. There was still a Barbie Doll nightgown
   clinging to the blanket, so it had to have come out of the
   dryer recently, she said. Only Patsy would have known it
   was in the dryer, she said.

   * An intruder never would have found the door to the
   basement room where JonBenet's body was discovered. It
   was too difficult to see unless someone knew it was there,
   she said.

   * Hoffmann-Pugh has never turned off her porch light
   since the death of JonBenet and won't until her killer is

   * She believes Gov. Bill Owens should appoint a special
   prosecutor to the case.


   Witnesses who testified before the Ramsey grand jury

   * Burke Ramsey, JonBenet's 14-year-old brother, by video

   * John Andrew Ramsey and Melinda Ramsey Long, John
   Ramsey's adult children from previous marriage

   * Lou Smit, former Colorado Springs homicide detective

   * Susan Stine, friend of the Ramseys

   * Ellis Armistead, investigator hired by the Ramseys Linda
   Arndt, former Boulder detective

   * Craig Lewis, editor at The Globe, was called to testify,
   but was exempted due to Fifth amendment and his
   defense in another related lawsuit. Witnesses who may
   have testified include:

   * Glenn Stine, friend of the Ramseys

   * Tom and Enid Schantz, owners of Rue Morgue Mystery
   Bookshop in Boulder

   * Richard French, Boulder police officer

   * Boulder police detectives Jim Byfield, Jane Harmer, Tom
   Trujillo, Michael Everett, Carey Weinheimer and Ron

   * Steve Ainsworth, Boulder County sheriff's detective :
   Linda Hoffmann-Pugh said she believes the grand jury
   that investigated the beauty queen's death was focusing
   on the girl's mother.

   U.S. District Judge Wiley Daniel ruled that two sections of
   the Colorado Rules of Criminal Procedure violate the
   prior-restraint protection of the First Amendment.

   Afterward, Hoffmann-Pugh walked outside the federal
   courthouse in Denver and said she told the 

[CTRL] Fwd: New book charges that Mosad collaborated with CIA in the assassination of John F. Kennedy

2001-07-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

They might call it new but this is what I had years ago and for one
thing, when this Angleton refers to the many mansions and he did noto
know who struck John - he was dropping bible code talk just like Jack

So interesting item here...but you read the 109th and 110th psalm
and you can see the rituals for murder and the vendetta

Note they always aim for the head.which has dual meaning, head of
state and the head...as Jean Dixon said, God killed JFK..by
divine revelation..yet fails to mention the hired guns that
fulfilled the prophecies - I called my stuff PREMEDITATED MURDER BY
PROPHECY - the Valley of Hamon Gog and in the Valley of the Kings you
also will find a lot of gold with strains of uranium and even God in
Genesis, knew where the gold ws located.


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New book charges that Mosad collaborated with CIA in the assassination
of John F. Kennedy
Readers' Forum
By Richard Chad O'Connor
Posted Wednesday May 23, 2001 - 12:57:17 PM EDT
An explosive new book charges that Israel's intelligence agency, the
Mossad, collaborated with the CIA and the mob in the assassination of
John F. Kennedy because JFK stood in the way of Israel's efforts to
build a nuclear arsenal.
Final Judgment, by Michael Collins Piper, is not available in the
bookstores, but it has still sold thousands of copies and has emerged as
an underground best-seller. Here's the thesis: When New Orleans
District Attorney Jim Garrison charged businessman Clay Shaw with
participation in the JFK assassination conspiracy, Garrison stumbled
upon the Mossad connection to the murder of President Kennedy.
Shaw served on the board of a shadowy corporation known as Permindex
which functioned as an arms procurement front for the Mossad and which
was linked to the Swiss-based money laundering operations of Meyer
Lansky, the head of the international crime syndicate who cooperated
closely on many fronts with the American CIA.
In Final Judgment the Israeli connection to the JFK assassination is
explored in frightening--and fully documented--detail.
For example, did you know: * That JFK was engaged in a bitter secret
conflict with Israel over U.S. Middle East policy and that Israel's
prime minister resigned in disgust, saying JFK's stance threatened
Israel's very survival? * That JFK's successor, Lyndon Johnson,
immediately reversed America's policy toward Israel? * That top Mafia
figures often alleged to be behind the JFK assassination were only front
men for Meyer Lansky? * That the CIA's liaison to the Mossad, James
Angleton, was a prime mover behind the cover-up of the JFK
assassination? Why didn't Oliver Stone, in his movie JFK not mention
any of this? It turns out the chief financial backer of Stone's film was
longtime Mossad figure, Arnon Milchan, Israel's biggest arms dealer.
These are just a few of the amazing revelations that appear in this
shocking book.
Order Final Judgment at $25 per copy from: You can order the book from
the website: www.spotlight.org.
Sincerely, Richard Chad O'Connor
© 2001  Readers' Forum. This news item is distributed via Middle East
News Online (MiddleEastWire.com). For information about the content or
for permission to redistribute, publish or use for broadcast, contact
our  syndication department.

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[CTRL] [OT] GRC.com: The Anatomy of File Download Spyware

2001-07-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[For any one half interested in computers, this reads like a novel (i.e.,
fast and exciting), and is extremely informing and alarming.  Imo, it is a
MUST read for *all*.  It was written almost a year ago, but most likely
(based on the time line presented) is still timely.  --MS]


The Anatomy of File Download Spyware

By Steve Gibson
Gibson Research Corporation

Page Updated: Tuesday, October 10th, 2000


Senator John Edwards Introduces 'Spyware Control Act'

What do the NetZip-descended file downloaders whisper when they think you
are not listening?

How Does This Affect YOU?

As you will see on the page below, if you use the RealNetworks
RealDownload, Netscape/AOL Smart Download, or NetZip Download Demon
utilities in their default configuration . . .

EVERY TIME you use one of these utilities to download ANY FILE from
ANYWHERE on the Internet, the complete URL address of the file, along
with a UNIQUE ID TAG that has been assigned to YOUR machine, and - in the
case of Netscape's SmartDownload only - YOUR computer's individual Internet
IP address, is immediately transmitted to the program's publisher.

This allows a database of your entire, personal, file download history to
be assembled and uniquely associated with your individual computer . . .
for whatever purpose the program's publishers may have today, or tomorrow.


When I re-examined my findings in the face of RealNetworks' insistence that
I was absolutely wrong about my conclusions, I caught something that I had
missed before: My exact personal name and private eMail address was being
sent back to RealNetworks whenever I downloaded a file. When I confronted
RealNetworks with this, they explained that it was due to the fact that I
had purchased a product from them in the past, and the cookie my system
had received during the purchase was being returned to them.

That certainly makes file downloads seem far less anonymous than
RealNetworks continues to allege (full details are provided below).

The Saga Unfolds . . .

Friday, July 14 I download fresh copies of all three Download
Demon-descended file downloading utilities and conduct a series of tests to
verify the rumors I've heard about their phoning home behavior.

In each case, the behavior I examined resulted from each program's default
configuration which is enabled unless deliberately disabled by the user. I
confirmed that all three programs send a report back to their publishers
whenever the program is used to download any file through the Internet.
This report includes the full URL of the file being downloaded and an ID
Tag which could be used to uniquely identify the downloading computer.

In the case of Netscape's Smart Download, the computer's individual
Internet IP address is also sent as a cookie header which would tend to
defeat IP-masking proxies and anonymizers.

Since I was quite alarmed by what I had found and then carefully confirmed,
I immediately began notifying the 567,300 members (currently) of my User
Managed eMail Notification System and I created a new discussion newsgroup
to contain our subsequent public discussion of this issue.

Monday, July 17 By Certified Mail I receive RealNetworks' threat letter -
which I ignore because it's just so much nonsense - and proceed to initiate
a very constructive dialog with two representatives of RealNetworks. Their
V.P. of Government Affairs and Privacy informs me that I am absolutely,
totally, and completely mistaken and insists that I immediately take this
page down and retract all of my public statements to everyone who has
received them. (I guess he must have read Robert Kimball's letter too.)

I refuse to remove the page based solely upon his forceful representations
and assurances. But I worry - in the face of their legal threats - that I
might somehow have been completely mistaken. So I quickly post a big red
notice at the top of this page to notify its readers that RealNetworks is
very sure that I am completely wrong, and that I am immediately working to
re-verify all of my findings.

Then a much more serious RealDownload privacy concern rears its ugly head:

It's Monday afternoon, and everything still comes out just the way it did
Friday. (In other words, I was right all along.) However, this time I
happen to notice that my actual first and last name, and my own private
eMail alias address are also being transmitted to RealNetworks as a result
of each file download. So I immediately forward the captured packet to the
RealNetworks representatives with whom I'm working and ask them what is
going on.

By phone the technical manager with whom I'm speaking asks if I've ever
purchased anything from Real? I explain that a few months ago I purchased
Real Producer in order to produce streaming content for my web site. So
she explains that my purchase and interaction with their eCommerce server
left a cookie on my computer which 

[CTRL] US rejects China's $1m plane bill It's nice to know they have a sense of humour

2001-07-07 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

US rejects China's $1m plane bill

A giant Russian cargo plane brought the pieces back

The United States is refusing to pay China a bill of $1m to cover expenses
incurred while a US spy plane was on Chinese soil.
A State Department official said the US Government had no intention of
paying the bill, which covers costs over a period of three months.

It's nice to know they have a sense of humour

US official
The 1 April collision with a Chinese fighter jet and the subsequent
detention of the EP-3 plane and its crew on Hainan island in southern China
triggered a tense stand-off between the US and China.
The $80m plane was dismantled and flown back to the US this week.
Speaking on condition of anonymity, the US official said China's expenses
claim was exaggerated.
It's nice to know they have a sense of humour, he said.
Diplomatic row
His comment came a day after Rear Admiral Craig Quigley, a Pentagon
spokesman, said the administration was prepared to reimburse China for
reasonable costs.
The spokesman at the Chinese Embassy was unavailable for comment on the
rejection of the bill.

Lockheed Martin engineers dismantled the spy plane

The spy plane incident caused a row between the US and China shortly after
US President George W Bush came to office.
The impasse ended only after Washington said it was very sorry that the
pilot of the Chinese jet had died and that the US Navy plane had landed
without permission.
Passions cooled after the crew of 24 was released, but China refused to
allow the plane to be flown off Hainan island, though engineers said the
plane could be repaired.
The dismantled parts of the plane are now at Dobbins Air Force Base in the
southern US state of Georgia. They were flown there by a chartered Russian
Antonov-124 cargo plane.
The Naval Air Systems Command has estimated structural repairs to the
aircraft will take eight to 12 months. After that, the plane will be flown
to Waco, Texas, for an electronic systems upgrade.
US security personnel will also examine the plane, which was loaded with
surveillance equipment, to assess what data the Chinese may have obtained.
US officials have said the crew destroyed much of the plane's surveillance
equipment and erased sensitive data soon after landing. But the Pentagon has
acknowledged that some secrets were lost.
US Secretary of State Colin Powell will visit China later this month ahead
of a visit by President Bush in October.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] The Secret GOP War On Tom Daschle

2001-07-07 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

The Bush campaign picked it up AFTER Al Gore had used it against
Dukakis in the primary.

Cite a reference, please.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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[CTRL] SFC : Davis energy team denied pay

2001-07-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Davis energy team denied pay

State controller says work for Edison is a conflict of interest

By Robert Salladay
Chronicle Sacramento Bureau
Friday, July 6, 2001

Sacramento -- State Controller Kathleen Connell is refusing to pay two
former Clinton- Gore campaign operatives hired by Gov. Gray Davis, even
though one of the consultants dropped his Southern California Edison
contract amid conflict-of- interest allegations.

Mark Fabiani and Chris Lehane were collectively known as the Masters of
Disaster for their work in the Clinton White House during various federal
investigations. They also worked for Vice President Al Gore during the 2000
presidential campaign.

Because of their work for Davis, Connell says the contract Fabiani and
Lehane signed with Edison is a conflict of interest under state ethics
rules. Davis is negotiating with Edison on a bailout for the utility.

Late last week, at the bottom of a press release, Davis announced that
Fabiani was no longer a communications consultant because his work had been
successfully implemented. Lehane, on the other hand, has dropped his
contract with Edison and signed a new agreement with Davis.

Lehane's new contract includes reimbursement for travel and meal expenses,
which he didn't have before, and requires him to work a maximum of 66 hours
a month at $150 an hour. His total payments are capped at $76,000 for work
from June 26 to Nov. 20, 2001.

In his release, Davis said Lehane would be paid the same amount as former
communications director Phil Trounstine, about $9,900 a month. But Connell,
like Davis a Democrat, said Trounstine undoubtedly worked more than 66
hours in a month for his $9,990.

We don't intend to be paying it, Connell said of the contract for both
men. They represented Southern California Edison. You have to have a
singular relationship with the state of California and not show a

Previously, the Davis administration said there was no conflict because
Edison and Davis wanted the same things out of their negotiations. Earlier
this week, Davis spokesman Steve Maviglio said attorneys had different
opinions over whether the two consultants had violated ethics rules.

Davis spokeswoman Hilary McLean said the governor had signed an executive
order allowing him to enter into consulting contracts with anyone he
believed could help him solve the state's energy crisis. She said Lehane
had been working full-time on public policy, even though his contract caps
his salary.

The National Tax-Limitation Committee, a Sacramento group that mostly
monitors legislation, sued last month alleging that Fabiani and Lehane were
violating the state Political Reform Act because of the Edison contract.

In a recently filed disclosure statement, Fabiani also listed more than
$10, 000 worth of consulting work for Cisco Systems, another company that
frequently brings issues before state authorities, including Davis.

The state Fair Political Practices Commission also is looking into a
complaint filed by GOP Secretary of State Bill Jones that Fabiani and
Lehane violated state ethics rules.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] WND: TROOPERGATE: Both Clintons Misused Arkansas State Police

2001-07-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Both Clintons misused Arkansas state police

Bill had cops keep score on Jane Does; Hillary had them chauffeur her to

By Paul Sperry
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

WASHINGTON -- Bill Clinton's misuse of Arkansas state police assigned to
security detail when he was governor didn't stop at procuring mistresses,
WorldNetDaily has learned. He also allegedly had them keep track of his
extramarital scoring.

After troopers picked him up from trysts with various Arkansas women,
Clinton allegedly would rate their performance in bed, giving points for
certain sex acts. He had troopers keep a record, say informed sources.

Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, allegedly enlisted the troopers to chauffeur
to secret meetings with the late Vincent Foster, her law partner at the
time, at a resort hotel about 50 miles north of Little Rock, Ark., sources

Records of the trips, along with the sexual rating system, are contained in
several boxes recently returned to the state police by former Independent
Counsel Kenneth Starr's office, say sources familiar with the records. The
documents were subpoenaed in 1995 as part of the Whitewater investigation.

The documents relate not only to Clinton state troopers dropping him off
and picking him up from his late-night sexual rendezvous with women, but
also to the ratings system, said a source familiar with the contents of

They'd sit down and go over it [the rating system], and make little notes
and put them in a box, he said.

The boxes, which contain hundreds of other documents, were found stashed in
the attic of a home used by Chelsea Clinton's nanny. The home is on the
grounds of the governor's mansion in Little Rock.

Other notes stored in the boxes allegedly record secret meetings between
Hillary Clinton and Foster.

State troopers delivered Hillary to meet with Vince Foster, said the
source, who requested his name be withheld. The meetings were clandestine
and took place when Bill Clinton was out of the state, which was often.

At least one note allegedly documents a meeting between the two at the Red
Apple Inn golf and tennis resort in Heber Springs, Ark., a remote town
an hour's drive north of Little Rock.

Attempts to reach former President Clinton and Sen. Clinton for comment

Starr in February 1995 subpoenaed all trooper documents generated by
Clinton's security detail.

Col. John Bailey, who was the director of the Arkansas state police at the
time, ordered officers, who were not part of Clinton's detail, to search
the documents. They found the boxes in the attic and turned them over to
Starr's investigators.

Starr returned 11 boxes on May 10, prompting the editor of the Arkansas
Times and a former FBI agent to file Freedom of Information requests to see
the documents.

But the state police refused to make the records (save a small, 90-page
portion) public, arguing they are the governor's working papers and
therefore exempt from FOIA requests. And they've turned the boxes over to
John R. Tisdale, Bill Clinton's lawyer in Little Rock.

Tisdale is a partner at Wright Lindsey  Jennings, the former law firm of
Bruce R. Lindsey, who was Clinton's closest White House aide and top
damage-control specialist. Lindsey, whose father helped found the firm, is
now a paid consultant to the Clinton presidential library in Little Rock
is handling FOIA requests for any White House documents, including e-mails,
transferred to the library.

The boxes of documents stored by the former troopers are embarrassing to
both Clinton and the state police, a source said. They'll be destroyed,
now that they have them back, if they haven't been already.

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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[CTRL] WT: Gertz:: Panel finds CIA soft on China

2001-07-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Panel finds CIA soft on China

By Bill Gertz

Numerous classified intelligence reports on China, including those on
Chinese military and security issues, were reviewed by a 12-member
commission and found to be flawed, according to U.S. government officials
and outside experts close to the panel.

The commission concluded in a final report that China-related CIA
intelligence reports and programs suffered from an institutional
predisposition to play down or misinterpret national security problems
posed by Beijing's communist regime.

The commission also said CIA analysts had overreached in making many
incorrect or misleading assessments about China's military and political

The conclusions of the commission are contained in a classified report.
The commission was headed by retired Army Gen. John Tilelli, a former
commander of U.S. forces in Korea.

There were numerous instances where [CIA analysts] just missed it,
said one official who has read the report.

The commission included several academics such as Harvard University
professor Stephen Rosen, Princeton University professor Aaron Friedberg and
University of Pennsylvania professor Arthur Waldron, as well as former
Ambassador to China James Lilley. Peter Rodman, a current nominee for
assistant defense secretary also took part, as did retired Army Col. Larry
Wortzel, a former attache in China who is currently with the Heritage

The panel met three times with CIA Director George J. Tenet. CIA sources
said Mr. Tenet tried unsuccessfully to persuade the commission to soften
its findings, arguing that its findings would fuel critics of the agency.

One of those critics is Sen. Richard C. Shelby, Alabama Republican and the
vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, who took the lead in
pushing for the CIA to form the competitive analysis

Mr. Shelby said in an interview that the CIA has not viewed China in a
realistic way. They have tried to look the other way when China, in my
opinion, may be moving toward a belligerent stand, if not attitude,
Mr. Shelby said. They are always looking the other way to put their spin
on the U.S.-Chinese relationship, that everything is going well in the long

It's just not very real. China is, has been and I believe will be a big
competitor of ours, economically, militarily, politically, in every
respect. They could be our biggest adversary. They are certainly not our
strategic partner as Clinton and Gore would lead you to believe. A
Pentagon report issued in December by the Office of Net Assessment, headed
by long-time defense strategist Andrew Marshall, also criticized U.S.
intelligence shortfalls on China. The report said the Pentagon could not
predict the outcome of a conflict between China and Taiwan because of major
intelligence gaps. CIA China analysts and senior officials, including Mr.
Tenet, declined to be interviewed. A CIA spokesman denied that its analysts
were biased and said they call them as they see them. One China
specialist, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the most serious
problem of the China analysts at the CIA is their failure to recognize the
growing danger of a Sino-U.S. war.

War is a come-as-you-are party, and the Chinese are thinking about that
very seriously, the specialist said. The problem is you can't find those
guys at CIA thinking about it. Official statements about the possibility
of military conflict between Washington and Beijing have been dismissed by
senior CIA analysts as hollow rhetoric, the specialist said.

While most of the analyses reviewed by the panel are classified, some of
the CIA China division's work is public. Based on published materials and
interviews with officials who have seen its classified studies, the
following problems were identified to The Washington Times:

The CIA provided poor analytical support to the White House during the
recent Hainan island incident. Agency analysts failed to properly predict
Beijing's reactions in the aftermath of a collision between a U.S. EP-3E
surveillance plane and a Chinese F-8 fighter jet over the South China Sea,
in which 24 American service members were held hostage on Hainan island.

The CIA's top analyst on Chinese foreign policy, Paul Heer, reported in the
journal Foreign Affairs last year that the idea there are divisions within
the Chinese leadership between hard-liners and centrists is a false
dichotomy that is misguided and even dangerous.
His view reflects classified CIA analysis that came under fire from the
Tilelli commission and is contrary to the widespread views within other
U.S. intelligence agencies that major internal divisions do exist within
Beijing's communist regime. Mr. Heer believes competing schools of thought
coexist within institutions and leaders.

The CIA has failed to conduct a thorough analysis of Chinese military
inroads into Latin America, despite Beijing's recent agreement with Havana
to begin 

[CTRL] Teenage Hacker Escapes Prison Sentence

2001-07-07 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Teenage Hacker Escapes Prison Sentence
From Ananova
Saturday July 7, 2001 12:37 pm
A teenage hacker who admitted using Bill Gates's credit card details to send
him Viagra tablets has escaped a prison term.
Raphael Gray, 19, said after his trial at Swansea Crown Court he had been
mentally prepared to be jailed after pleading guilty to 10 charges of
computer fraud.
But Judge Gareth Davies ordered the teenager to carry out a three-year
community probation order linked to treatment for a mental disorder.
Earlier he had heard Gray had suffered from chronic low self-esteem since he
was a child, which had contributed to the criminal acts he carried out on
the internet.
Expert medical evidence put forward by the defence also showed that four
years before the offences Grey had fallen and banged his head.
The defence produced medical evidence arguing his condition deteriorated to
such an extent after the fall it eventually gave rise to the computer fraud
he undertook.
Gray said after the trial he regretted not what he had done, but the way he
did it.
I would do it all again but another time I would choose to ensure that I
acted legally, he said.
Colin Nicholls QC, defending, had earlier told the court the teenager had
attacked secure sites on the internet and released the credit card details
of thousands of people on the worldwide web to demonstrate how bad security

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[CTRL] Alarm as Bush plans health cover for unborn

2001-07-07 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Julian Borger in Washington
Saturday July 7, 2001
The Guardian

In a country where 40m people have no health insurance, the Bush
administration is planning to offer publicly funded medical coverage to
foetuses, in a move which pro-choice activists depict as a stealthy step
towards outlawing abortions.
Under the plan, states would be allowed to redefine the foetus as a
targeted low-income child. As a result, pregnant women who do not, for any
reason, qualify for Medicaid, the state-funded coverage offered to
low-income families, could be provided with pre-natal care under the
Children's Health Insurance Programme (Chip).
That legal distinction is important, because the supreme court, in making
its landmark Roe v Wade ruling in 1973 guaranteeing abortion, based its
decision on the judgement that the unborn have never been recognised in the
law as persons in the whole sense.
Pro-choice advocates immediately denounced the Chip plan as a stealthy means
of preparing the ground for an eventual ban on abortion.
Laurie Rubiner, vice president of the National Partnership for Women and
Families, told the New York Times: This is a backdoor attempt by the Bush
administration to perpetuate its opposition to abortion rights. The real
goal is to establish a legal precedent for granting personhood to foetuses.
The plan has been drawn up by the health secretary, Tommy Thompson, who is a
longstanding opponent of abortion rights. However, his spokesman, Bill
Pierce, denied that the measures concealed an anti-abortion agenda.
They just give the states another tool to expand access to another
population, he said yesterday. States don't have to do this. This is
simply another tool for them to use if they wish.
But he also confirmed that the plan would represent a step forward for those
who believe that a foetus is a person with individual rights.
If the question is, is the secretary pro-life? the answer is yes, Mr
Pierce said. So is the administration.
There are currently 43m Americans without any form of health insurance, and
10m of them are children under the age of 18. Medicaid provides basic
services for the very poor, but many of the unemployed or low-income workers
find that they are disqualified if they own an asset such as a car.
The Chip scheme was set up by President Bill Clinton to try to ensure that
fewer children suffered as a result of this loophole, but when he was
governor of Texas, George Bush attempted to block efforts to spread Chip
coverage in poor Hispanic areas along the Mexican border, for budgetary
Chip is federally funded, but it was found that poor families who applied
for Chip often found that they qualified for Medicaid, which is paid for out
of state funds.
The plan currently being considered by Mr Thompson does not stipulate how
old a foetus must be in order to qualify for insurance, but the New York
Times reported yesterday that some officials wanted to make the
qualification age as early as theoretically possible, soon after conception.

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[CTRL] Putin puts one over

2001-07-07 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

Putin puts one over

The American rookie has much to learn

Friday July 6, 2001
The Guardian

George Bush's upbeat assessment of his summit meeting last month with
Russia's Vladimir Putin and the lavish personal praise he heaped on the
ex-KGB spy always looked a trifle overblown. Now hard evidence is piling up
that the Russian leader, far from being equally impressed by America's
rookie president, has decided, not to put too fine a point on it, that he is
there for the taking.
High on Mr Bush's agenda at the Slovenia summit was the issue of Iraq.
Anxious to get off the humanitarian hook exploited by Saddam Hussein, the
United States and United Kingdom were pushing a new United Nations
resolution on smart sanctions. Would Moscow support it? Whatever Mr Putin
may have told Mr Bush, his final answer came this week. No. This collapse
brought predictable crowing in Baghdad - and is a blow to all who seek a
graduated, sane solution.
This rebuff smacks of disdain on Mr Putin's part. And this impression is
reinforced by a number of other Russian actions. No sooner had Mr Bush
headed for home, all smiles, than Mr Putin was warning that if the US went
ahead with its star wars missile defence plans without agreement,
particularly over the anti-ballistic missile treaty, Russia might consider
all existing bilateral arms control pacts to be null and void. For good,
threatening measure, he also suggested Russia might revert to multiple
nuclear warheads on its strategic missiles.
Knowing full well American and Nato concerns about the Balkans - another
summit issue - Mr Putin nevertheless went on to Kosovo after the meeting and
there delivered a harsh critique of western policy. Kosovo was Serbian
sovereign territory, he said; UN plans for elections and autonomous
structures were therefore illegitimate. By its support for Kosovo's ethnic
Albanians in their fight with Milosevic's regime in 1999, the US and its
allies had encouraged the very sort of terrorism that was now
destabilising Macedonia.
On a number of other fronts, such as Russia's continuing war in Chechnya and
its proliferating weapons sales to Iran, Mr Putin ignored or sidestepped Mr
Bush. He has meanwhile strengthened ties with China through a new agreement,
known as the Shanghai pact. By most measurable standards, the Slovenia
summit was a bust and the Americans now have much ground to make up. But it
clarified one point: Mr Bush has an awful lot to learn about international

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[CTRL] reflections on the evil eye

2001-07-07 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

reflections on the evil eye

by Cletus Nelson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) - July 05, 2001

complete article: http://www.disinfo.com/pages/article/id1365/pg1/

Anyone who wishes to understand the nature of offense should make a study of
human envy . . .
~~ Soren Kierkegaard [1]

In the central business district of a large metropolitan city, a business
executive offers a handful of change to an entreating curbside mendicant. A
continent away, amidst the stifling heat of sub-Saharan Africa, a married
couple request that a tribal elder place religious idols outside their hut
upon the birth of their first child. At first glance, this typical urban
ritual and unfamiliar tribal rite would seem to have little in common. Yet
these two disparate actions both share a uniquely common goal: the avoidance
of envy.
Defined in Webster's dictionary as a painful or resentful awareness of an
advantage enjoyed by another, the manifestations of this malicious unseen
force are myriad. Envy radiates from the literary enemy who obsessively
critiques the work of a superior writer, the bungling criminal who informs
on a successful rival, the co-worker who vandalizes the property of a gifted
colleague, and at its most terrifying, the irrational despot who seeks to
execute all men of ability.
The word envy was coined amidst the ruthless violence of ancient Rome and
is derived from the Latin verb invidere which means to look upon with
hostility. It is unsurprising the term was spawned in an era where
toga-wearing citizens were forced to wear talismans to ward off the spiteful
evil eye of covetous neighbors.
The pervasive influence of envy throughout human history has compelled
renowned thinkers such as Aristotle, Kant, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche to
address how this malicious motive affects society. Friedrich Nietzsche
offers the most unique perspective, arguing that Christianity, with its
frequent themes of exalting the weak and humbling the strong, is little more
than a cult of the envious. In Beyond Good  Evil, of his more celebrated
works he articulates his view that envy provided the genesis for
ecclesiastical morality:
Suppose the abused, oppressed, suffering unfree, those uncertain of
themselves, and weary would moralize: what would their moral evaluations
have in common? Probably a pessimistic mistrust of the entire situation of
man will find expression, perhaps a condemnation of man together with his
situation.he is skeptical and mistrustful, keenly mistrustful of everything
good that is honored among them . .. [2]
This pessimistic mistrust observed by the German existentialist is
frequently likened to jealousy by myopic Neo-Freudians when nothing could be
further from the truth. Traditional jealousy is a dualistic trait comprised
of a loved one and a rational (or irrational) fear of losing this object of
adoration. For this reason, a growing number of sociologists believe a
certain amount of jealousy is vital to the stability of both family and
community. This is not the case with envy which requires an individual, an
unsatisfied desire of ownership, and a bitter resentment by that individual
toward the possessor.
Historic accounts of snitch-friendly Stalinist Russia betray a widespread
capitulation to envy. During Stalin's brutal collectivization campaign of
the early 1930s, hundreds of thousands of skilled farmers or kulaks were
targeted for mass execution based on absurd allegations of treasonous
activities. This wholesale slaughter was gleefully facilitated by invidious
informants who gave full expression to a long-standing resentment of their
talented peers. Soviet historian Robert Conquest cites an eyewitness to this
brutal era who distinctly recalls envious neighbors, spies, and informers
looking for prey . . . [who] created kulaks by the legion. (Harvest of
Sorrow, New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986). When the
dormant powers of envy are awakened, it has the frightening potential to
unleash a primordial urge to murder and destroy.
Yet with the exception of the psychodynamic concept of penis envy,
Americans rarely discuss this ubiquitous source of hostility. As a nation
firmly instilled with notions of economic competition, and conspicuous
consumption, we remain ironically impervious to this perpetual source of
human strife.
However, this may be to our detriment as Helmut Schoeck, author of the
seminal Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1969)
warns that this consuming form of hatred plays a significant role in the
criminal personality. Many criminologists inadvertently support this thesis
by pointing out the relationship between poverty, the subsequent anomie
(envy) it produces, and violent crime. In a nation that attempts to strike a
delicate balance between the haves and have not's, they are intrinsically
arguing that many criminals are motivated by invidious outrage.
Even the most superficial glimpse at the 1992 Los Angeles Riots, provides
direct evidence of envy 

Re: [CTRL] Chandra Levy Had Untold 'Big News'

2001-07-07 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

On April 29, Levy called Zamsky.

Zamsky said that Levy was heard on the answering machine saying: ``I'm
planning on packing my bags in the next week or 10 days.

And yet her packed bags were found in her apartment, seemingly packed on
either 4/30 or 5/1...so if Levy packed the bags herself, what caused the
acceleration in plans?  Why were the bags packed only a day or 2 after
she'd told her aunt that she'd begin packing in 7 to 10 days?

And I really have some big news or something
important to tell. Please call.''

This is a very oddly-worded statement.  Usually one would say I have
some big news to tell you, or would say I have something important to
tell you, or perhaps even I have some big news, something important to
tell you...

Saying some big news OR something important to tell is a very strange
way to state that you have something of import to relate to the
listener...why that word 'or' in the middle?  If it was 'big news' then
it would seem to also have been 'something important', not an 'either-or'

That little word 'or' implies that whatever it was, Levy at that moment
wasn't too sure how 'big' or 'important' the news was...which to me rules
out that whatever it was she wanted to tell her aunt, it probably was NOT
that Levy was pregnant.  If she thought she was pregnant with Condit's
child, she wouldn't have described it as 'either-or', that it was 'big
news' OR 'something important'; if Levy was pregnant, it would have been
'big news' AND 'something important'...


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[CTRL] WT: China Nuke Experiment

2001-07-07 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

Washington Times
July 6, 2001

Inside The Ring

By Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough

China nuke experiment

U.S. intelligence officials said China conducted some
type of nuclear weapons-related experiment recently.
The test was carried out at the remote Lop Nur nuclear
testing facility in western Xinjiang province.

Another test is expected soon, we are told.

Intelligence agencies remain in the dark about what
kind of test took place because the blast gave off no
seismic readings. Also, U.S. sniffer aircraft
capable of detecting venting of radioactive  material
from the site came up empty. The key indicator of the
test was an increase in vehicle activity.

Officials said the test may have been a subcritical
nuclear test a blast that simulates a nuclear
explosion but falls short of reaching an actual
nuclear chain reaction. China is developing a small
nuclear warhead that U.S. intelligence agencies
believe is based on stolen U.S. warhead design

Preparations for the test were first reported May 11
by The Washington Times.

Intelligence officials said China recently purchased
special nuclear containment vessels from Russia that
were used by Moscow to mask its underground nuclear

  Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


*Michael Spitzer*[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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[CTRL] What the sputniks do ...

2001-07-07 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

What the sputniks do ...

The Special Sputnik Forces of the Russian Military have sputnik in orbit
that Washington, DC is trying to copy with its Star Wars.  The Sputnik
Forces can do a very wide variety of things with their sputnik lasers.
Please read the early books by psychic Jeane Dixon who has had over 97% of
predictions come true to date, because the Sputnik Forces sent her those
predictions and then do things to make them come true.

Dixon receives here predictions in the form of sputnik sent hallucinations.
She has correctly predicted earthquakes, hurricanes, how and when a person
will die, etc., she even corrected predicted the deaths of President Kennedy
and his brother Robert.

If you read a book, The Zapping of America: The Dangers and Hazards of
Microwaves, in a huge footnote there is information about CIA Project
Pandora in which the CIA microwaved thoughts to people, thereby proving
beyond any and all doubt that thoughts can be sent to people using
electromagnetic energy.

The Sputnik Forces send thoughts, ESP, to people to over ride their thoughts
completely and totally causing them to commit all types of crimes, all kinds
of accidents, that is why psychics like Jeane Dixon can predict those very
happenings correctly.  Some of the recent news contained crimes that The
Sputnik Forces total mind controlled people to commit and a few examples
are: The Sputnik Forces total mind controlled like a mindless zombie that
woman in Texas to recently drown her five children, ages six months to seven
years,  they total mind controlled a member of the royal family in Nepal to
shoot to death, while he was drunk, just about the entire royal family of
Nepal, and they total mind controlled a mentally ill man to stab to death
those eight school children in Japan.  Virtually all of today's grossest
mass murders are committed by The Sputnik Forces total mind controlling
people with their sputnik lasers.  Naturally the people who The Sputnik
Forces total mind control to commit homicides are totally and completely
INNOCENT as they are not in their own, right, mind at the time of the
homicides, but just the same they end up unjustly executed.  Virtually all
Americans who are on death row today have been victimized by The Sputnik
Forces total mind controlling them to commit homicides and are therefore
completely INNOCENT by reason of temporary insanity, i.e., not being in
their own, right, mind at the time of their homicides.

You have heard that some psychics can really locate the bodies of missing
people, of victims of homicides, and have in fact helped the police to
locate them.  Well, The Sputnik Forces total mind controlled a person to
commit those homicides and then they total mind control the psychics to help
the police locate the dead bodies.

The Sputnik Forces control off of this earth's weather and that is why
psychics like Jeane Dixon, Edgar Cayce, etc., can accurately predict it at
times.  They cause hurricanes, tornadoes, lightning to hit specific people
or objects, droughts, floods, etc.  Recently The Sputnik Forces dumped three
feet of rain on Bush's Texas, yes, THREE FEET!  They recently hit the civil
defense siren in Siren, Wisconsin, with lightning to burn it up and then hit
Siren, Wisconsin, with a tornado that torn the town completely up.

Psychics can predict earthquakes because The Sputnik Forces cause them.  If
you read a book, When the Impossible Happens, you can read about the 1908
explosion in Tunguska, Siberia which took down everything for a diameter of
fifty miles.  There was also a similar explosion in Canada, too.  Scientists
could never find any evidence of a meteor nor any evidence of a nuclear bomb
at those sites.  The Sputnik Forces simply split the atoms of something on
the surface of this earth to cause both of those enormous explosions,
instead of splitting the atoms of something deeper in the earth, as they
usually do to cause earthquakes.

In that same book is mentioned cases of Unexplained Human Combustion in
which people's limbs burn up but oddly not the clothes covering them.  The
bones in those missing limbs are completely gone, but the rooms that they
are in never burn up.  The rooms which they are in have a bluish glow to
them, as a person sees inside of a nuclear reactor!  Yes, The Sputnik Forces
use their lasers to burn those people's limbs up by splitting the atoms in
those missing limbs, as that is the only way that their clothes covering
those missing limbs, bones, would not be burnt up also and the rooms they
were in do not burn up completely.

In a book, Nuclear War What's In It For You?, by Ground Zero is mentioned
the fact that Oppenheimer and all of his fellow scientists got four times
too much yield of tons of TNT on their atoms bombs.  They should have gotten
a 5000 ton yield of TNT, but they actually got a 20,000 ton yield of TNT.
When I wrote that to President Reagan and asked him to learn whether or not
the Russians were 

[CTRL] The Conspiracy is ...

2001-07-07 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

The Conspiracy is ...


I keep trying to pump The Special Sputnik Forces of the Russian Military for
more detailed information about who The Conspiracy is.

The Russians used their sputnik lasers to send the predictions to Jeane
Dixon which she wrote in her books ... some 97% of them have come true thus
far.  She wrote in her early books that one of our leading political
families runs an illegal government inside of our government.  The Russians
told me, via their total mind controlling sputnik lasers, that leading
political family is the Rockefeller Family.  The political unit of the East
of which Dixon wrote about refers to our east coast ... so they are
headquartered there.

Please read all of the books which Holy Sklar wrote about David (Republican)
and Jay (Democrat) Rockefellers' Trilateral Commission and their enormous
hidden, censored, power.  The Bush Family as well as Carter's belonged to
that organization.  Banks, corporations, etc., also belong to it.  The fact
that all the enormous power of the Trilateral Commission is being cencored
off of our prime time TV, well, it tells you all who heads The Conspiracy,
the Rockefellers!

Also please read the book, The Rockefellers An American Dynasty, which
states that the FBI knows the Rockefeller Family has controlled dozens and
dozen of RIGHT WING groups it the USA for a very long time. The entire
Rockefeller Family is Republican, except for Senator (Jay) John D.
Rockefeller, IV, who became a Democrat right after Jeane Dixon predicted
that there would be no more elephants, i.e., Republicans, in times to
come, then lots of younger Rockefellers also became Democrats. At first the
Rockefellers got criminal control of the Republican Party then they took
over the Democratic Party.  When lots of Americans couldn't stand either of
those parties, Rockefellers had their puppet, H. Ross Perot, who the late
Governor Nelson Rockefeller of New York made rich by illegally giving him a
huge state data processing contract, create a third party that they
criminally control.  So the Rockefellers control all major political parties
in the USA and that is why they are all to far right of other nations' most
right wing parties.

Mafias (like Rockefellers') are always right wing as it allows them to steal
unlimited wealth and to keep it all ... and they always wipe out the left,
the workers parties, the labor parties, the socialists, the communists,
etc., because they do not like the rich and their endless psychopathic
greed, they believe all rich are corrupt as all hell, etc., so they tend to
limit the wealth of the rich or do away with them completely. Not having any
labor parties, any workers' parties, any socialists, any communists, left in
the USA to speak of is absolute proof that The Conspiracy is right wing! It
was actually a coalition of those left parties, which no longer exist in the
USA, that used to vote FDR into the White House repeatedly, three times,
which caused the Rockefellers to criminally get a limit of only two terms of
office for the President of the USA and it also caused Rockefellers' Rich
Man's Mafia to criminally wipe out all of our left political parties!

Because most Americans are in the working class, when they are FREE and
INFORMED and not brainwashed with religious hoax bullshit (The Sputnik
Forces created Jesus Christ the Super hoax millenniums ago), endless lies,
etc., they are always LEFT WING!  When the working class is in the majority
in any nation, all democratic, free, informed, non brainwashed, working
class members are left wing and anti rich, because it enormously benefits
their entire working class to be so.

I can tell how international Rockefellers' Rich Man's Mafia is by simply
checking out how many people are in the working class in each nation around
this earth, and how right-wing their nation's are, i.e., the larger any
nation's working class is and the further that nation is to the right, the
more Rockefellers' Rich Man's Mafia controls it today!  When they are in the
process of taking over a nation, the nation is generally split, i.e., they
currently control Moscow but not the rest of Russia, they currently control
Beijing but not the rest of China, etc.  The USA is the furthest to the
right of other first world nation's therefore they control the USA more then
those other nations.  But our entire working class, which is the huge
majority of Americans, ever since the Industrial Revolution, are
traditionally LEFT WING to the nth degree, until the Rich Mafia took over
the USA completely at the end of WWII in order to cause their Nuke Race and
Cold War.

In the book, The Rockefeller An American Dynasty, it states that The
Rockefeller Family and the heads of their old Standard Oil monopoly married
into virtually all of our Old Money Families.  The Russians ssent me ESP,
thoughts via their total mind controlling sputnik lasers saying that the
those families formed a Mafia and they refuse business 

Re: [CTRL] The Conspiracy is ...

2001-07-07 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

C— You have been smoking way too much of that ditch weed. Your brain is
burned out. You need to get your brain boiled out, much as we boil out the
radiators on our vehicles. They perform better after this treatment.
Hopefully your brain will function better after the treatment.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Thanks to GW

2001-07-07 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

Remember not to long ago, when the price of gasoline at the pump was raising
almost hourly? Who got the blame for that? Why GW did. It was said of him
that this was his payback to his big money friends in the oil industry.
So now that the gasoline prices are falling, are we all going to thank GW for
getting his big money friends in the oil industry to lower the price at the
Something tells me I won't live to see  that.

Bill Howard

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Milosevic Shouldn't Be Alone

2001-07-07 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Milosevic Shouldn't Be Alone

SF Examiner

By Conn Hallinan

When Slobodan Milosevic, the former President of
Yugoslavia, appears before the United Nations
International Criminal Tribunal at The Hague, he ought
not stand alone. General Wesley Clark (retired),
commander of the NATO air war against Serbia, should be
up there with him. And since there is no statute of
limitations on war crimes or crimes against humanity,
it would seem in order to bring former Senator Bob
Kerrey and Henry Kissinger to the docket as well.

The first of these defendants will probably stand
trial. The next three will be unlikely ever to see the
inside of an international court of justice, but all
have almost certainly violated the 1949 Geneva
Convention. And in Clark and Kerrey's case, the U.S.
Uniform Code of Military Justice. As for Kissinger, the
rap sheet is as long as your arm and the butcher bill
almost beyond reckoning.

Let's start with Clark. The Geneva Convention prohibits
bombing that is not clearly justified by military
necessity, and the protocols specifically bar targets
that have a civilian function. But NATO aircraft bombed
railway stations, bridges, power stations,
communication networks, factories, petrochemical
refineries, warehouses, sewage and water-treatment
plants, hospitals and schools, killing almost 2,000
civilians in the 78-day bombing campaign. In the words
of Phyllis Bennis of the Institute for Policy Study,
The NATO bombing violated specific rules of war. Our
government has committed war crimes by bombing civilian

This past April, U.S. troops helped arrest Dragan
Obrenovic, the Bosnian Serb commander of the brutal
assault on Srebrenica in July 1995, and hauled him to
The Hague for trail. The White House said the arrest
was an essential step in consolidating the peace and
promoting the rule of law in Bosnia. Agreed. Now let's
put Clark alongside him.

On the night of Feb. 24-25, 1969, then Lt. Bob Kerry
and his U.S. Navy Seal team assaulted Thanh Phong
hamlet in the Mekong Delta. The mission was part of
Operation Phoenix, a CIA program aimed at
assassinating civilians friendly to the National
Liberation Front. When the Seals retreated, somewhere
between 14 and 20 civilians were dead, all women and
children, but for one old man. Even before the Seals
got to the village, according to Gerhard Klann, one of
the seven-man squad, Kerry ordered the execution of
several civilians. Murdering civilians is specifically
forbidden, not only by the Geneva Convention, but the
U.S. Uniform Code of Military Justice.

Kerrey claims his unit was fired on when it approached
Thanh Phone, and that the villagers were killed when
his squad returned fire. Even if his story were true---
and the Vietnamese survivors dispute it---his Seals had
already slit the throats of the first civilians they
had come upon.

Since there are three surviving witnesses to the
massacre at Thanh Phong, doesn't this incident belong
in a court? Let Kerrey present his witnesses, let the
Vietnamese present theirs, and let the judges decide.
Isn't this the rule of law?

Where does one begin with Henry Kissinger, former
Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, and
serial killer extraordinaire? Let's list just a few of
the things he did while in charge of U.S. foreign

* He ordered the Christmas bombing of Hanoi that killed
over 2,000 civilians and flattened Bach Mai hospital.

* He organized the secret bombing of Laos and Cambodia
that killed almost a million civilians, and resulted in
the reign of Pol Pot, who killed another million.

* He facilitated the Phoenix program which
systematically murdered at least 70,000 civilians from
June 1967 through 1970. In 1970, a U.S. Congressional
study found that the program appears to have violated
the 1949 Geneva Convention for the protection of

* He aided Operation Condor, where the military
dictatorships of Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay,
Bolivia, Argentina, and Ecuador assassinated, tortured
and murdered political opponents throughout South
America. Kissinger was chair of the Interagency
Committee on Chile at the time when Condor operatives
arrested and murdered American Charles Horman in Chile.
State Department documents released in 1999 indicate
that the U.S. fingered Horman.

* He endorsed Indonesia's 1975 genocidal invasion of
East Timor. The day before the attack, Kissinger, then
Secretary of State, was in Jakarta telling the press
that the U.S. understands Indonesia's position on the
question of East Timor. The takeover ended up killing
600,000 Timorese.

While a certain numbness creeps into your soul when you
start totting up Kissinger's crimes, those abominations
should hardly paralyze the wheel of law. Three
countries are already after the man. In May, French
magistrate Roger Le Loire subpoenaed Kissinger to
testify about the murder of five French civilians by
Operation Condor. Kissinger fled Paris the next day.
Then in June, Argentine 


2001-07-07 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Friday, July 6, 2001

After days of negative national publicity and an outcry from pro-privacy
groups, members of the Tampa City Council are back-pedaling on a
recent vote held May 10th. The controversy centers on the installation of
high-tech surveillance cameras that utilize an advanced digital face-
recognition technology. The software powering the cameras can scan
crowds of people and instantly match their digital images against a
massive database.

The Control Room in Ybor City where technicians scan the sea of faces
in Ybor City. Now, council members Linda Saul-Selina, Gwen Miller and
Rose Ferlita say they had no idea they had voted to approve the Ybor
City camera software and claim the resolution was buried within pages
of other city business and the associative language was confusing.
The members, some of whom have appeared on national television
shows to express their displeasure with the system say they're
outraged and think the cameras and the digital databases are a blatant
invasion of privacy.

Tampa Councilman Bob Buckhorn, who sponsored the legislation
behind the face-recognition technology, said he didn't call for full-blown
public hearings on the matter because the system didn't immediately
involve the expenditure of taxpayer money. Now, Rose Ferlita is
demanding that the city council take up a vote to terminate the contract
with the software manufacturer.

The latest
   Weather Maps
On The Town

Click here for your complete Neighborhood Guide.
Bulletin Board


Best Wishes

With brave men there is always a remedy for oppression.
  -FREDERICK DOUGLASS, (c.1817-1895, Liberated slave, civil rights
activist){What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?, July 5, 1852}

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Thanks to GW

2001-07-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Thank you George Bush for what you are doing and if you had anything to
do with getting Paula Poundstone arrested, do not forget Rosie
O'Donnell;;you are my hero.

We know he's no angel, for he ain't dead yet.

I rest my case - and Thank You Lord for George Bush for gentlemen C's
always end up at the head of the class and/or in the CIA.


I would liked to have seen Papa Bush the day Pat Robertson was exposed
as having had a what we called shotgun wedding on days when it ws
considered a disgrace - so you see nobody is perfect but I bet Papa Bush
had a real halo over his head that day - and Mona Lisa Smile.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] No Bread For You

2001-07-07 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Blowing statues Vs satanic savagery.


Abid Ullah Jan

The recent decision of the World Food Programme (WFP) to stop a $12
million bread distribution program for 300,000 people in Kabul, unless the
Taliban halts restrictions on hiring women, confirms to the sceptics that
the Taliban's decision to destroy Buddha statues was far less fanatical
than the decisions taken by the US, its allies and UN agencies, on almost
daily basis.  Keeping nations under siege through different kinds of
sanctions and then forcing them to either accept diktats for food or face
starvation has been proved to be the dominant theory of the New World
Order. WFP's decision in this context boils down to the fact that the
Taliban destroyed stone statues without blackmailing any one into doing
anything against their will. However, the rest of the world is killing
Afghans with the objective of forcing them into submission. If they want
bread, they need to accept values and ways of living of the donors.

The WFP story doesn't seem to be too convincing anyway. According to
Reuters the Taliban Information Minister Qudratullah Jamal confirmed on
April 4, 2001 that there was no objection from [the Taliban] side against
the WFP survey. The WFP Deputy Country Director Peter Goosens then
suddenly appeared on the scene unsatisfied and threatening. He asked for
more women and their more active involvement. Goosens said between 600 and
700 women would be necessary to complete the survey, which he called a
huge exercise, over a two-month period. The WFP mentioned in its
Emergency Report No. 12 of 2001 that more than 1.5 million needy Afghans
could face severe food shortages in the next few months. It means that WFP
has now abandoned them just because they couldn't recruit enough women in
its programme.

It needs no great wisdom to understand that bread is neither something
that the Afghans would stock unnecessarily nor could it be stocked for too
long. It is also insane to assume that men would eat all the bread
distributed by WFP bakeries and women and children would be simply forced
by the barbarians to watch them filling their stomach. The survey might
be necessary and participation of women in it would also be required, but
it certainly is not as big an alternative-less issue to start starving the
already dying Afghans. Does the WFP want to tell the Afghan that it cares
much for their women that they are willing to starve them to death? Or it
is another way to say: if you want bread, you have to dance to our tunes;
you stop dancing and we stop feeding (conditional aid); the whole world
cares for the stone statues but no one cares for your dying a slow death
in millions.

The international silence over WFP's decision is in total contrast to the
hue and cry that we witnessed as a result of the Taliban's pledge to
destroy all the statues in Afghanistan. The latest twists and turns give
us an opportunity to revisit the Buddha issue which provided editorial
writers with many of their favourite indignation-producing elements: an
obvious villain, an evil deed, a foreign setting, and the cachet of
culture. Anyone who has been closely following the media reports coming
out about closure of WFP Bakeries in Afghanistan can only come to the
conclusion that the Western nations, including the UN agencies, care more
about ancient relics than human lives. The love for relics, too, was just
a trick to justify further tightening the noose around the Taliban's neck.

At the time of Bamiyan issue, the international media dutifully reported
the outpouring of grief and anger over the threatened statues, as one
headline read, Worldwide horror as Afghan Taliban begin smashing ancient
statues. But there was no worldwide horror or international outrage
when UN officials announced that more than 260 people have died in
displacement camps in northern Afghanistan where an additional 117,000
people are living in miserable conditions, nor is there any concern over
WFP's closure of bakeries in Kabul. The closure is justified in the name
of women because it wants the women to be employed but no one seems to
care that most of the deceased so far have been children under the age of
five and women. Perhaps the only consolation in all of this is that the
Afghan women may never know how much the world cared for two statues and
their rights to throw off hijab and how little it cared for their food,
shelter and well being. Such incidents are good opportunities to expose
the prevailing hypocrisy in international affairs, policy making and media

A piece in Britain's Observer placed the Taliban's heritage terrorism in
historical context: Smashing images is as old as human hatred. From the
Old Testament through the Reformation, world wars, and the fall of the
Soviet Union, statues have gone under the hammer. But what are the
Taliban's motivations? The author wrongly identified two aims: One is
nationalist as much as religious. It is to invent a completely 

[CTRL] Photos called privacy threat - sensors at three intersections had been moved

2001-07-07 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

Motorists race to court to challenge red-light cameras Photos called
privacy threat
By Valerie Alvord
Special to USA TODAY

SAN DIEGO -- The camera doesn't lie, or so they say. But attorney
Arthur Tait and more than 300 clients have gone to court to prove that,
at least in California, cameras can lie.

Their cases are drawing attention to law enforcement's war against
drivers who run red lights.

Every day, cameras catch thousands of people in 60 jurisdictions
across the USA as they speed through red lights. In San Diego alone,
more than 60,000 traffic tickets are issued each year from the cameras
at 19 intersections.

Studies consistently show wide public support across the USA for
camera enforcement at intersections. Running traffic lights, police point
out, is extremely dangerous. Lockheed Martin IMS owns and operates
80% of red-light cameras across the country. And there's a waiting list
of communities asking for cameras to be installed because demand for
them is high.

Drivers trying to beat red lights are responsible for about 800 deaths and
200,000 injuries each year, according to insurance industry figures.
More than half of those killed are pedestrians or occupants of vehicles
other than the ones running the lights. The rest are the drivers or
occupants in their cars.

But red-light cameras, which have been around for more than a decade,
are picking up critics from California to Washington. They say that using
pictures to convict motorists is an ''Orwellian'' threat to privacy. They
challenge the theory that the cameras are infallible. ''In other criminal
cases, you have a right to confront your accuser,'' Tait says. ''But with
this technology, your accuser is a camera.''

Tait and his law partner, Coleen Cusack, represent accused red-light
runners from San Diego to San Francisco who insist they didn't violate
the law, even though cameras say they did. ''I don't believe I ran a red
light,'' says Pam Scholefield, one of Tait's clients. ''I could have made
this easy on myself and gone to traffic school, but I didn't because I
believe the camera is wrong. There's something in the mechanism that
triggers something that's incorrect.''

Tait became the guru of red-light camera law after he helped represent a
San Diego man who had the money to mount a legal defense against a
ticket last year. Publicity from winning that case brought in hundreds of
referrals, he says. He and Cusack then ran an ad in a local free
newspaper offering classes on how to defend citations. Some students
became clients.

All of the clients are fighting the tickets with similar legal arguments,
including, they say, that the cameras can transmit faulty data and that
the pictures don't clearly show who's driving. ''Some of the people who
got tickets were not driving the car,'' Tait says. ''The tickets are sent to
the registered owner regardless of who was driving.''

Tait was in court Thursday arguing that the red-light cameras are an
unconstitutional use of police power because the program is designed
to bring in revenue, not enhance safety. The hearing is expected to
continue into next week.

In an earlier court hearing, the attorneys won the right to extract the
binary code from a camera computer chip and use it to try to recreate
the operating program. Tait says he hopes it will prove his contention
that the cameras malfunction and can't be trusted.

Because of the court challenges, San Diego police officers began
checking cameras and the sensors embedded in asphalt that trigger a
photograph. They were looking to buttress the city's position that a
picture can't be wrong. Instead, they found that sensors at three
intersections had been moved, which threw the data into question.
San Diego Police Chief David Bejarano immediately turned off all 19
cameras pending a complete audit, which he hopes will be finished in
about two months. The city refunded the $271 fines levied against
people nabbed at the three intersections in question.

It's not just the sensors that are under fire, Tait says. ''This opens up a
lot of evils. I'm concerned about the privatization of law enforcement and
the fact that these tickets are almost impossible for the average person
to fight. This is an empire that is almost impenetrable.''

Tait cites a report drafted by House staff members for Majority Leader
Dick Armey. The report asserts that the cameras have compromised
safety at intersections nationwide. It contends that at intersections with
cameras, traffic engineers intentionally reduced yellow-light times,
which makes rear-end collisions more likely. The yellow-light phase has
been shortened, the report says, to increase the number of violators and
generate more fines, which are split between municipalities and
operating companies, such as Lockheed.

That charge, Lockheed spokesman Mark Maddox says, is ''inaccurate
and misinformed.''

Armey's allegations are ''insulting'' to the integrity of traffic engineers,
says Thomas 

[CTRL] Iowa governor blames ProjectUSA for resistance to mass immigration

2001-07-07 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

For an immigration time-out: http://www.projectusa.org/

Iowa governor blames ProjectUSA for resistance to mass immigration
Issue 81: July 7, 2001


In response to questions about the widespread resistance to his plan to
import cheap labor from poor countries, Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack said
that groups such as Project USA exploit the 'issues to advance their
own political agenda.' (Des Moines Register, July 5, 2001)

The organized resistance to mass immigration in Iowa predates
ProjectUSA, of course, but in one way, the governor is right. From its
inception in May, 1999, ProjectUSA's primary goals have been to raise
the immigration issue in open public debate, de-link it from the issues
of race and diversity, and inform Americans of simple Census Bureau
statistics on mass immigration.

Until very recently, most news stories about immigration failed to
mention explosive population growth, or mass immigration's negative
impact on the environment and working Americans. Instead, they consisted
of enthusiastic accounts of increased diversity, or of heart-rending
tales of the struggles of individual immigrants.

But Americans deserve to have the basic facts if our democracy hopes to
craft a wise immigration policy.  We should not, through fear, apathy or
ignorance, condemn the next generation to an overcrowded, polluted and,
very possibly, balkanized nation.

Iowans fight immigration

Charges of racism cloud immigration arguments


Mass immigration promoters in Iowa are in full retreat.

Less than two years ago, Governor Vilsack was irresponsibly proclaiming
Iowa the new Ellis Island and advocating Iowa put itself above U.S.
immigration limits.

Today, supporters of the governor's scheme are backpedaling furiously.
In a June 26 Mason City Globe Gazette editorial, the chair of the Mason
City New Iowans Committee, Lori Henry, pointedly assured concerned
residents that the $50,000 grant to Mason City for the governor's pilot
program will have nothing to do with importing foreigners.  And at a
City Council meeting July 3rd, she went further, promising that the
money will only go for things like Welcome Wagons.  (At ProjectUSA, we
can't wait to see what a $50,000 Welcome Wagon looks like.  We offer
some suggestions: http://projectusa.org/mason_city_welcome_wagon.html)

We see the change in Iowa as proof that mass immigration, while popular
with the cheap labor lobby, the professionally ethnic, the immigration
lawyers and some racists, is very unpopular with the American people
themselves.  This is particularly true when people learn that
immigration, if Congress does not act, will double U.S. population
within the lifetimes of today's children.

You can contact your Representatives and tell them it is time for our
nation to end the shameful and irresponsible practice of harvesting the
cheap labor of poor countries.  You can find your Senators and
Congressperson -- and their records on mass immigration -- at:
http://www.numbersusa.com/ (click on Congress vote records).


The rich will always require an abundant supply of the poor.



Our Governor was here at the Clear Lake celebration, rode in the parade
(35,000 spectators) and spoke.  Janice drove the Truthmobile in the
parade and was well received.  She handed out some of your surveys
[http://projectusa.org/States/IA/iowa-immigration.html#survey] and any
other literature she could find to give to people since they seemed to
come up and want whatever she was giving out.  She was treated royally
by all the people on the parade route.  All this on July 4th.

Mae Greene
Mason City, IA


Unsubscribe: hit reply, and type remove in the subject line
Ezine staff: http://projectusa.org/Ezine_staff.html
Tax-exempt gifts: http://projectusa.org/contribute.html

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] FDR- Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust j2

2001-07-07 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

BB wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 I don't have much of a problem, except perhaps for Nasty Newcomers,
 who show up from out of nowhere and bash everyone on the list instead
 of employing civil, mannerly, gentlemanly disagreement.

 My, how touchy your are - ease up a little - you'll live longer.

 I'm pretty sure that we're on the same page with some issues, it's
 just that the vituperative rhetoric gets in the way of understanding.

 You seem to have remarkable insight into my grasp of WWII history--
 I understand all your points about censorship,  I do not understand
 your point in the last paragraph regarding Roosevelt ---

 Did you somehow conclude that I thought him a good guy?



 Damian B. Cooper wrote:

  -Caveat Lector-
  At 01:07 AM 7/6/01 -0700, BB [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -Caveat Lector-
  Duh-uh!  Pick on a word, and divert  attention away from the main
  point which was that fdr and the fedguv had firsthand reports of massive
  deportation, concentration camps, and systematic murder of as many Jews
  as the germans could process.
  So the word holocaust wasn't used in '41  --  SO WHAT??
  Does that mean it never happened???  What a clever rebuttal.
  Do not lose sight of the fact that Jews were not the only target
  of the lunatic's ethnic cleansing.
  Jews served in the armed forces of the Third Reich all the way up
  to and including the rank of Field Marshall.
  How do you explain that?
  You're problem is that you don't know that World War II occurred
  The Roosevelt administration censored the
  news, and the censored news became censored history.
  Can you tell me:  when did the U.S. Government officially announce that
  it would stop censoring the news, AND when did it release all of
  the information that it held back from the American public?
  The answer is:  there are still hundreds of thousands, perhaps
  millions of World War II era documents that are still classified
  or restricted from public examination in the archives of the U.S.,
  Russia, and other European countries.
  Your grasp of  WW II history is nothing more than the Pavlovian
  reaction to a propaganda cartoon painted for you by  Harry
  Hopkins, Alger Hiss, Henry Morganthau, and the other Commies
  who operated Roosevelt.

And your grasp of WWII is just plain stupid. Morganthau was a Wall
Street banker and insider. If you are suggesting that Roosevelt was
a Commie, then you are a fool.



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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Motorists race to court to challenge red-light cameras

2001-07-07 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


Motorists race to court to challenge red-light cameras Photos called
privacy threat
By Valerie Alvord
Special to USA TODAY
SAN DIEGO -- The camera doesn't lie, or so they say. But attorney
Arthur Tait and more than 300 clients have gone to court to prove that,
at least in California, cameras can lie.
Their cases are drawing attention to law enforcement's war against
drivers who run red lights.
Every day, cameras catch thousands of people in 60 jurisdictions
across the USA as they speed through red lights. In San Diego alone,
more than 60,000 traffic tickets are issued each year from the cameras
at 19 intersections.
Studies consistently show wide public support across the USA for
camera enforcement at intersections. Running traffic lights, police point
out, is extremely dangerous. Lockheed Martin IMS owns and operates
80% of red-light cameras across the country. And there's a waiting list
of communities asking for cameras to be installed because demand for
them is high.
Drivers trying to beat red lights are responsible for about 800 deaths and
200,000 injuries each year, according to insurance industry figures.
More than half of those killed are pedestrians or occupants of vehicles
other than the ones running the lights. The rest are the drivers or
occupants in their cars.
But red-light cameras, which have been around for more than a decade, are picking up 
critics from California to Washington. They say that using pictures to convict 
motorists is an ''Orwellian'' threat to privacy. They cha
llenge the theory that the cameras are infallible. ''In other criminal cases, you have 
a right to confront your accuser,'' Tait says. ''But with this technology, your 
accuser is a camera.''
Tait and his law partner, Coleen Cusack, represent accused red-light runners from San 
Diego to San Francisco who insist they didn't violate the law, even though cameras say 
they did. ''I don't believe I ran a red light,''
 says Pam Scholefield, one of Tait's clients. ''I could have made this easy on myself 
and gone to traffic school, but I didn't because I believe the camera is wrong. 
There's something in the mechanism that triggers someth
ing that's incorrect.''
Tait became the guru of red-light camera law after he helped represent a San Diego man 
who had the money to mount a legal defense against a ticket last year. Publicity from 
winning that case brought in hundreds of referra
ls, he says. He and Cusack then ran an ad in a local free newspaper offering classes 
on how to defend citations. Some students became clients.
All of the clients are fighting the tickets with similar legal arguments, including, 
they say, that the cameras can transmit faulty data and that the pictures don't 
clearly show who's driving. ''Some of the people who got
 tickets were not driving the car,'' Tait says. ''The tickets are sent to the 
registered owner regardless of who was driving.''
Tait was in court Thursday arguing that the red-light cameras are an unconstitutional 
use of police power because the program is designed to bring in revenue, not enhance 
safety. The hearing is expected to continue into n
ext week.
In an earlier court hearing, the attorneys won the right to extract the binary code 
from a camera computer chip and use it to try to recreate the operating program. Tait 
says he hopes it will prove his contention that the
 cameras malfunction and can't be trusted.
Because of the court challenges, San Diego police officers began checking cameras and 
the sensors embedded in asphalt that trigger a photograph. They were looking to 
buttress the city's position that a picture can't be wr
ong. Instead, they found that sensors at three intersections had been moved, which 
threw the data into question.
San Diego Police Chief David Bejarano immediately turned off all 19 cameras pending a 
complete audit, which he hopes will be finished in about two months. The city refunded 
the $271 fines levied against people nabbed at t
he three intersections in question.
It's not just the sensors that are under fire, Tait says. ''This opens up a lot of 
evils. I'm concerned about the privatization of law enforcement and the fact that 
these tickets are almost impossible for the average pers
on to fight. This is an empire that is almost impenetrable.''
Tait cites a report drafted by House staff members for Majority Leader Dick Armey. The 
report asserts that the cameras have compromised safety at intersections nationwide. 
It contends that at intersections with cameras, t
raffic engineers intentionally reduced yellow-light times, which makes rear-end 
collisions more likely. The yellow-light phase has been shortened, the report says, to 
increase the number of violators and generate more fin
es, which are split between municipalities and operating companies, such as Lockheed.
That charge, Lockheed spokesman Mark Maddox says, is ''inaccurate and misinformed.''

[CTRL] Hizbullah Threatens Lebanese Government Not to Destroy Drug Crops

2001-07-07 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

Inquiry and Analysis - Lebanon
July 6, 2001
No. 63

Hizbullah Threatens Lebanese Government Not to Destroy Drug Crops in

By Yotam Feldner*

A Lebanese government program initiated this week to
eradicate drug crops in the Beqa' Valley prompted a
mounting conflict between Hizbullah and the Lebanese
government.  Hizbullah, which considers itself the defender
of drug farmers in the region, came out openly against the
government plan and threatened violence if they try to
implement it.

The Lebanese Government Position
A review conducted by Lebanese security apparatuses of the
hashish fields in the Beqa' Valley estimated the area to be
45,000 square dunams.(1)  Prompted by international
pressure and fear that aid to Lebanon might be harmed, an
emergency cabinet meeting was convened at 11:30pm, July 2,
2001, and attended by PM Rafiq Al-Hariri, Minister of
Interior Michel Al-Murr, Minister of Justice Samir Al-Jisr,
Minister of Defense Khalil Al-Harawi, and Cabinet Secretary
Dr. Suheil Buji.

Following the meeting, an official statement was issued
regarding the government's plan, as Interior Minister
Michel Al-Murr explained:  We decided to devise a plan
with the participation of all relevant government
apparatuses to eradicate all drug crops.  The difficult
socio-economic situation of the farmers who raise these
crops will be taken into consideration.  However, uprooting
these crops is important because they damage Lebanon's
reputation.  Historically, we know that states who promised
us aid to enhance alternative crops - when we previously
discussed this matter - did not comply with their
commitments, even though we have.  We are not ready to
starve the people just for the sake of appeasing someone.
On the other hand, we are not ready to smear our county's
reputation only to appease someone else.  We will consider
both issues in order to reach a solution.

I wish to stress to the foreign media who has lately
followed this subject, that there is a difference between a
poor farmer who can't feed his children except by raising
these crops, and drug dealers and distributors.  In the
last six months we have arrested more than 1,600 drug
dealers.  We employ harsh measures against drug dealers.
Our prisons have filled up with these people and we are
taking these mafia groups very seriously.  On the other
hand, a farmer is just a farmer and not a drug dealer or a
mafia guy, and we must take his situation into

Al-Murr was asked how the farmers could be protected: The
PM and the Minister of Agriculture will devise plans to
support alternative crops in the region...

Al-Murr added: The foreign media prompted the action
against the drug crops and we should not forget that behind
it are political powers.  Therefore, we have to take into
consideration the donor countries and their promises while
committing ourselves to the welfare of the farmers.(2)

However, sources close to the government said that there is
no intention to pay any compensation for the eradication of
the drug crops, rather, there will be government activities
amongst international organizations to support alternative
crops.  Official sources said the eradication of the crops
will be carried out within days and no later than harvest
time in mid September.(3)

Senior Lebanese officials told Al-Nahar that Lebanon will
not raise the issue with American envoy William Burns
unless he raises it first, in which case Lebanon will
demand compensation similar to that which was given to
Turkey, Pakistan and Morocco in return for their fight
against drugs.(4)

Hizbullah's Position
Following the Lebanese government statements, the head of
Hizbullah's Planning Council, Hussein Musawi, declared that
Hizbullah opposes the government position and suggested
that the government buy the hash crops from the farmers:
We are ready to reach an agreement with the PM, the
Minister of Interior and the Minister of Justice.  I tell
the state: Go ahead, buy the hash, you don't need to use
military means or helicopters.  Our people deserve respect,
not humiliation.  We have to stand by these people, and we
shall do so.  Where was the state when the hash was
planted? Why are they coming to eradicate it in June and
not in February or March when the hash was planted?  Send
the choppers and the tanks to the south [i.e., against
Israel] and not to the hash field.(5)

Musawi addressed the drug farmers as well: Don't believe
the state's promises, demand compensation for the hash
before they uproot it.  If any of them loses his senses and
insists on uprooting it, fight him.  Our women are
warriors, our children are fighters.  Block the roads with
your bodies, but do not raise weapons against security men
because they are our sons.(6)

Musawi further addressed the government of Lebanon: Don't
embarrass us by presenting us as drug defenders, for we can
not see the bulldozers destroying the farmer's work every
year.(7)  The goal of the government's 

Re: [CTRL] FDR- Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust j2

2001-07-07 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

  flw wrote:

   The evidence indicates FDR knew about Pearl Harbor and
   did nothing; now it is clear he knew about the impending Holocaust
   and did nothing. Now we know what FDR really stands for:
   F**king Dirty Rat.

  This might come as a news flash to YOU, but WE knew about it all
  the time. There was NO ONE who would, or could prevent the mass
  annihilation of the Jews in Christian Europe.

 Rather facile, J2.

 Most aware folks know all about FDR.

 Too many Americans,especially US Jews, look upon FDR as some kind
 of Great Progressive. Ole Sanctimonious Eleanor especially causes them
 to swoon. Eleanor's letters were full of anti Semitic comments.

 FDR was a Fascist anti Semite.

 FDR, Churchill, Stalin, and Hitler...all peas in a pod.

I'm glad we can agree about something FLW. American Jews are mostly
Liberals, and as such they suffer from a severe reality deficit. They
would rather not know. Believe me.


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Re: [CTRL] Former militia official ready to testify in Sharontrial

2001-07-07 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-

flw wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 Subject: Former militia official ready to testify in Sharon trial

  Friday July 6, 12:37 AM
  BEIRUT, July 5 (AFP) -
A former militia official, who was implicated in the 1982
  massacres at the Sabra and Shatila Palestinian refugee camps, said
  Thursday he was ready to testify in Brussels, which is probing
  whether to try Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon for his role in
  the killings.


   Hobeika said that the Kahana commission, which is not a
 reference when it comes to impartiality, has accused me of having
 carried out these crimes without allowing me to defend myself.

 Guess he doesn't want to be Sharon's fall guy.

Or vice versa. You forget that it was Hobeika who commanded the Phalangists
in the camp. There were no Israelis in the camp. The best he can do is
claim that he was  just following orders. Which leaves him guilty.

I'm really looking forward to this trial.


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2001-07-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Boy that is a bright bunch down there; however, in their city attorney
they might find a scapegoat for it is the duty of the City Attorney to
go over all such matters to see if proper, legal, etc.

Talk about a big lawsuit pending - and the City Attorney whos side will
he take for he already has okayed all that garbage.

In other words these people are so unqualifed for the positions they
hold they are going to cost the taxpayers a lot of money - to terminate
a contract such as this could be very exensive.

But they all were too busy to read all the crap?  This is what they are
paid to do.

Remember years ago when congress failed to read some legislation, and lo
an behold here they discovered they had given themselves big pay raises
that they did not know was attached to the bill - in other words they
did not know that bill was loaded?

Stupid is as stupid does...wonder who gets all the kick-backs here?

But where is the City Attorney now who approved all this crap?

Collective IQ - give them a 60.


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] About the Guy Who had Dinner with Gary Condit on April 30

2001-07-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

Someone forwarded a story re this Lasater and connected it to Gary
Condit, for Condit had had dinner with this pervert on April 30 and the
next day Chandra Levy was gone?

Its obvious young girls were being trained to be call girls, a polite
term for prostitute, and some thought they were working for the CIA

This Lasater - given last minute pardon by Clinton?

Did Chandra get a last minute phone from someone saying they needed to
meet to disicuss a very important job - maybe CIA stuff, and did a
driver of a cab pull up maybe on somebody's payroll?

Sneaking in and out of apartments seems to be honed down to a fine
artCondit puts up such a good front or did, his image was that
of a very moral man, did not drink - but may a few drugs on the side?

Hanging around discos..riding cabs an a personal driver just
terminted  kind of reminds me of this guy who drove JFK Jr to the

Lasater does not fit in with this oh so moral image of Condit with a
wife who is so illthe sympathy routine.

Be interesting to see what the two discussed that April 30 - perhaps
they needed an extermintor to rid themselves of a pest (this is what an
FBI agent once said to me and I got the message)..

So Blow Dry led two lives - nobody is interested in his other floosies -
where is Chandra Levy?
And now who will step into Gary Condit's shoes?

But then, that's show biz.



Re: [CTRL] Alarm as Bush plans health cover for unborn

2001-07-07 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 07/07/2001 8:51:15 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

 : This is a backdoor attempt by the Bush
 administration to perpetuate its opposition to abortion rights. The real
 goal is to establish a legal precedent for granting personhood to foetuses.
 The plan has been drawn up by the health secretary, Tommy Thompson, who is a
 longstanding opponent of abortion rights. However, his spokesman, Bill
 Pierce, denied that the measures concealed an anti-abortion agenda. 

This is probably true, but the unintended consequence of all this will be
that taxpayers  will be footing the bill for fetal surgeries that are used to
correct problems in utero.  I'm all for helping the unborn, but since many,
many children are actually without healthcare due to lack of funding, it
seems improper to expend the hundreds of thousands of dollars that each of
these surgeries cost while those who have managed to be born will be without
medical care.  It seems strange too that this is all proposed by
conservatives whose God bless the child that has his own attitude has
always characterized their legislation.  Well, we won't have that dangerously
socialistic cradle to grave problem.   It will be the conservative
conception to birth, and after that--good luck.  Good luck is probably just
what we'll all be needing before the Republicans are through giving us family
values.  Prudy

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[CTRL] Would YOU support this plan.

2001-07-07 Thread Nurev Ind.

-Caveat Lector-


Here's a real life moral dilemma.
Read the article below, and then the comments below that.

Julian Borger in Washington
Saturday July 7, 2001
The Guardian

In a country where 40m people have no health insurance, the Bush
administration is planning to offer publicly funded medical coverage to
foetuses, in a move which pro-choice activists depict as a stealthy step
towards outlawing abortions.
Under the plan, states would be allowed to redefine the foetus as a
targeted low-income child. As a result, pregnant women who do not, for any
reason, qualify for Medicaid, the state-funded coverage offered to
low-income families, could be provided with pre-natal care under the
Children's Health Insurance Programme (Chip).
That legal distinction is important, because the supreme court, in making
its landmark Roe v Wade ruling in 1973 guaranteeing abortion, based its
decision on the judgement that the unborn have never been recognised in
law as persons in the whole sense.
Pro-choice advocates immediately denounced the Chip plan as a stealthy
of preparing the ground for an eventual ban on abortion.
Laurie Rubiner, vice president of the National Partnership for Women and
Families, told the New York Times: This is a backdoor attempt by the Bush
administration to perpetuate its opposition to abortion rights. The real
goal is to establish a legal precedent for granting personhood to
The plan has been drawn up by the health secretary, Tommy Thompson, who is
longstanding opponent of abortion rights. However, his spokesman, Bill
Pierce, denied that the measures concealed an anti-abortion agenda.
They just give the states another tool to expand access to another
population, he said yesterday. States don't have to do this. This is
simply another tool for them to use if they wish.
But he also confirmed that the plan would represent a step forward for
who believe that a foetus is a person with individual rights.
If the question is, is the secretary pro-life? the answer is yes, Mr
Pierce said. So is the administration.
There are currently 43m Americans without any form of health insurance, and
10m of them are children under the age of 18. Medicaid provides basic
services for the very poor, but many of the unemployed or low-income
find that they are disqualified if they own an asset such as a car.
The Chip scheme was set up by President Bill Clinton to try to ensure that
fewer children suffered as a result of this loophole, but when he was
governor of Texas, George Bush attempted to block efforts to spread Chip
coverage in poor Hispanic areas along the Mexican border, for budgetary
Chip is federally funded, but it was found that poor families who applied
for Chip often found that they qualified for Medicaid, which is paid for
of state funds.
The plan currently being considered by Mr Thompson does not stipulate how
old a foetus must be in order to qualify for insurance, but the New York
Times reported yesterday that some officials wanted to make the
qualification age as early as theoretically possible, soon after

This program would certainly be beneficial to poor women who can't
get access to pre-natal care. No doubt that it would save lives and
babies in a real way.

The definition of a fetus is still unclear legally, and this MIGHT alter
the legal standing. Whether it changes abortion rights remains to be seen.

So the moral question is...Do you give poor women and their fetuses help
NOW, or do you let them take their chances because it MIGHT alter abortion
rights for most(ly wealthier) women?


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Dan Lasater's Whitewater Testimony

2001-07-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

Forgot to reproduce the Lasater's testimony?
The guy who dined with Gary Condit on April 30 as reported by another
writer on this list.


Dan Lasater's Whitewater Testimony
This came from Michael Reagan's talk show.

Reagan: Yesterday on the show we played a tape of the Whitewater
hearings that took place last year under the auspices of good old
Senator Al D'Amato, from New York. It was a tape of Dan Lasater, a good
friend of President William Jefferson Clinton testifying before the
Whitewater hearings. He was being questions by Michael Chertoff who
happened to be the attorney for the majority - for the Republicans.

Lasater was testifying and next to him was a former employee of Mr.
Lasater's firm. Patsy Thomason used to work for Dan Lasater. In fact she
ran his company for him while he was in jail.

Patsy Thomason ultimately went to the White House where she became
director for hiring personnel for the White House. She was a person who
would not have the ability to obtain a security clearance - because of
the drug connection - was in charge of hiring. Gary Aldrich talked about
this in his book - same things we in talk radio had been talking about.

I am going to play an excerpt from a tape I have at home called The
Mena Cover-up. I'll tell you how to get a copy later. What I want you
to listen to - and put it in context with the President of the United
States just the other day stating that, with children at the White
House, how much he cared about drugs and kids and we need to do
something about it.

This is the President of the United States' best friend:

Lasater: In the past few years I have often been subject of inaccurate
and misleading news articles; outrageous and totally false stories have
appeared about me have appeared in both the local and national
newspapers and magazines.

A good example of that was in this morning's Wall Street Journal when I
was called a convicted drug dealer by Mr. Simpson. I would challenge Mr.
Simpson at this time to prove any evidence that they have because that
has not been the case. Critics of then Governor and now President
Clinton use this false information to do critical damage.

In the process my reputation has been smeared, and my business interests
have been damaged. It has never been alleged that I committed any
fraudulent acts or that I lied in the courts in any investigation.

Chernoff: Do I understand you that you denied a moment ago that you were
convicted of conspiracy in distributing narcotics?

Lasater: No. I said I was not a convicted drug dealer. I was convicted
of social distribution of cocaine.

Chernoff: Mr. Lasater, there is no crime of social distribution of
cocaine. You were convicted of conspiracy to possess and distribute
cocaine. Isn't that correct?
Lasater: That is correct, but I did not sell drugs.

Chernoff: Mr. Lasater, you were indicted for conspiracy to possess with
intention to distribute cocaine. Is that correct?
Lasater: That is correct, but...

Chernoff: Then, I repeat, ...

Lasater: That was on a social basis..

Chernoff: We'll get to that in a second, but first let's be 100% clear
that the crime you pled guilty to ok? You pled guilty - you got up in
front of a federal judge?

Lasater: Yes sir.

Chernoff: You raised your hand and you swore and oath?

Lasater: Yes sir.

Chernoff: And you admitted you were guilty to the crime of which you
were charged?

Lasater: Correct.

Chernoff: And the crime was the possession with intent to distribute
cocaine, right?
Lasater: That's correct.

Chernoff: And there is no separate crime for social distribution of
cocaine is there?

Lasater: I don't know if there is a separate crime but I think it's a
separate moral issue.

Chernoff: You think it is not onllly better to give the cocaine away
than to sell it and that's the inference you were drawing, right?

Lasater: I guess that was my justification.

Chernoff: You think if you give it to people you are doing them a favor,
is that your thinking about it?

Lasater: I wasI think there's a difference between selling cocaine
and using it in a social basis.

Chernoff: We're not talking about using it. We are talking about giving
it to other people to use. You are coming up here and making an issue in
your opening statement about questions of your character and what you
were convicted of. Let's get it straight. In your mind you see a
difference between selling drugs to other people and giving drugs to
other people.

Lasater: Yes, there is.

Chernoff: You think it is better to be giving it than selling it?

Lasater: Yes, I do.

Chernoff: And, you believe drugs count for ...sort of like a bonus,
right? Kind of compensation.

Lasater: Yes, sir.

Chernoff: Did you do that to control them, or have some leverage over

Lasater: No, sir.

Chernoff: Mr..Breach. You were an employee of Mr. Lasater.

Breach: Yes, I was.
Chernoff: Did you buy cocaine from Mr. Lasater?

Breach: Yes, I did.

Chernoff: Was it your view that Mr. Lasater used cocaine 

[CTRL] A Waste of Energy

2001-07-07 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Hot Air for Consumers
Federal home-appliance regulations may work as a feel-good crusade, but they
don’t solve energy-supply problems.

By Ben Lieberman, a senior policy analyst with the Competitive Enterprise
Institute in Washington, D.C.
July 5, 2001 9:00 a.m.

Given the recent weather, we should all be thankful for affordable air
conditioning, but an environmental-advocacy group and several state
governments have launched a lawsuit that could send the price of central A/C
systems through the roof. If successful, these parties will force the federal
Department of Energy (DOE) to enact a stringent new energy-conservation
standard for air conditioners, despite the agency's own determination that
it's a bad deal for consumers.

In one of the final acts of the Clinton administration, the outgoing
president enacted a new rule requiring central-air conditioners to be 30
percent more efficient than the existing standard. The agency estimates that
the new rule, to take effect in 2006, will boost the cost of a new air
conditioner or heat pump by $335 to $435. Others, including the National
Association of Home Builders, fear even higher costs. DOE admits that only a
minority of homeowners can ever hope to earn back this higher up-front cost
in the form of energy savings over the life of the system. Under one set of
assumptions, DOE concludes that 58 percent of homeowners will suffer net cost
hikes from owning an ultra-efficient air conditioner, with 25 percent
experiencing net savings and the rest breaking even.

Worse yet, the agency found that the new rule would disproportionately burden
low-income households. As many as 69 percent would end up spending more to
stay cool. The higher equipment costs may price some homeowners out of
central air entirely, a particularly troublesome prospect in light of several
recent studies showing that air conditioning saves lives during heat waves.

Sensing an onslaught of problematic policy decisions that could blow up on
their watch, the Bush administration decided to take a second look at this
and several other last-minute Clinton regulations. The new team at DOE
decided that an earlier proposal calling for a 20 percent efficiency increase
was more reasonable, and so it announced plans to revise the final rule.

As a consequence of this relatively minor change, administration critics are
shouting regulatory rollback and pointing to California's electricity
shortage as evidence that the 30-percent standard is necessary. The Natural
Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the states of California, New York, and
Connecticut have filed suit in the U.S. District Court for the Southern
District of New York, seeking to reinstate the 30-percent standard.

California's Attorney General Bill Lockyer complained that, the Bush
administration is making it harder for California in the current energy
crisis by ignoring or trying to eliminate the toughened efficiency standards
for residential air conditioners. NRDC's Ashok Gupta criticized the
administration's decision as staggeringly short-sighted, noting that
several other states are also concerned about brownouts.

In truth, the extreme 30-percent requirement will do little to solve the
nation's present electricity problems. DOE believes that it will be at least
a decade before the rule affects energy use, as it will take several years
beyond the 2006 effective date for the new A/C units to penetrate the
marketplace in significant numbers. Thus, the short-term shortfall in
electricity supply should be solved by then — unless the power-plant
obstructionists keep nixing badly needed new capacity.

Nor is it likely that the new rule will ever save as much juice as predicted.
More than a dozen home-appliance conservation standards are now in place as a
result of a 1987 federal law. But the actual energy savings from these
measures have fallen short of projections, and indeed per-capita
residential-energy use has not declined over the past decade.

One concern is that the higher price of ultra-efficient refrigerators,
clothes washers, air-conditioners, and other appliances causes some
homeowners to forestall new purchases and hold on to their older, far less
efficient models. Another is the so-called rebound effect, the tendency for
people to use energy-efficient products more intensively.

Federal home-appliance regulations may work as a feel-good crusade, but have
proven not to be a realistic approach to solving energy-supply problems. If
the 30-percent standard is reinstated, it will reduce electricity use, but
probably less than predicted, and almost certainly not enough to justify the
substantial costs or avert any electricity shortages.

Now that's a waste of energy.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The Secret Task Force Investigation into Arkansas Drug Kingpin Dan Lasatrer

2001-07-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

Boy Kris you get around; this is hot off Mad Cow Press - is that your

So this link to organized crime an Dan Lasatre and consider as someone
noted on your list, that Gary Condit last seen dining with Dan Lasater

Keep remembering this movie I saw once,  the girl married to Tom Cruse
played into it, she had caused the murder of her husband and the family
was Italian, let us say with connections...

In the end the not so innocent girl is lured out for she had been
offered a job she could not refuse - only the guy was a paid hit man an
she soon became, the lady in the frozen lake..

Or like Condor - someday a smiling face will greet you and try to give y
ou a ride.no way, no way.

Or a last minute phone call - my driver will pick you up, honeybe
careful let nobody see you, etc etc etc, for sweetie pie - great news
got you a job with the CIA?

At least this is what I think - it was a hit - or hopefully she did
spitefully dye her hair with a plan in mind.to get even with that
low life bastard.

I prefer the latter theory.   But a Rose Tattoomuch to the distress
of her mother?

Kris' book has so much stuff in it, but this item is also newsworthy now
- be sure to pull up on subject matter to get all the information.

Mafia - Contract killers for CIA - they are not exactly under the civil
service.now what was this nice sweet moral congressman diong with
the likes of this Lasater the night before Chandra disappeared that is
if this story be true.


 The Secret FBI Probe into Arkansas

CrimeBoss Dan Lasater!

Gary Webb revealed the probe in  last month's Kingpin  Interview:
Gary Webb lobs a number of bombshells in his best-selling new book DARK
ALLIANCE,  required reading after the MadCowBreakout,  but none
exploded with quite the beautiful brilliance--to Mena-watchers
anyway--as his revelation that Dan Lasater was known to be a Drug
Kingpin by everyone in Arkansas except the people who could put him in
jail. Fine investigative journalist that he is, Gary identified a big
bread crumb on the trail to the truth at Mena, while actually looking
for something else.
And what an amazing three paragraphs it is, too. Here they are:
Major Regional Drug Traffickers
Major regional drug trafficking organizations (to warrant an FBI
Organized Crime Drug Task Force) must be:

1. Highly organized.
2. Multi-jurisdictional in operational scope.
3. Possess national significance and influence.
In December 1986, the Little Rock, Arkansas office of the FBI concluded
a 4-year (emphasis mine)  Organized Crime Drug Task Force
investigation involving the cocaine trafficking activities of a
prominent Little Rock businessman who operated several banking
investment firms in Arkansas and Florida.

The investigation revealed that the businessman was the main supplier of
cocaine to the investment, banking, and bond community, the largest bond
community in the United States outside of New York City. (emphasis mine
This task force resulted in the conviction of this businessman and 24
co-defendants to jail sentences ranging from 4 months to 10 years, as
well as the seizure of cocaine, marijuana,an automobile, an airplane and
That's it. but it says a lot for saying so little. 
Read between the lines.

See how pissed off the anonymous FBI writer sounds?


Look again.  He's telling us all he can without losing his job when
he--or she-- lets the cat out of the bag by emphasizing the size of the
Arkansas banking community.
Then, as deadpan as W.C. Fields, he recites the sentences. Four months
to 10 years...
Hey, four months is what Lasater got, and he's   the CrimeBoss! Hey
wait a 

The underlings went to prison. Danny Lasater went to a half-way house
for a few months.

Help us Think Outside the box a little here...

The DrugMoney Times swung into immediate high gear, dispatching a
Disorganized DrugMoney Crime Task Force, because what the heck, huh?
Their 4-year ORGANIZED Crime Task force hadn't come up with anything,
and they re  the pros, right?  

Maybe the FBI had missed something? We wondered. I mean, they misplace
stuff in their lab all the time right?

They investigated Lasater for four long years.

That's a powerful lot of surveillance...couldn't they built a case for
spitting on the sidewalk one time or something? Or got him on
misdemeanor bad taste at one of he and Clinton's famous toga parties?

Just to--you know--put him away for a littler longer than... four

Cause the way it is, far be it from me to criticize the FBI-- but it
doesn't look like we got a lot for our money in this particular
instance,does it?
And there's another 4-year long investigation of an Arkansasn political
figure just now wrapping up...And, so, for purposes of historical
accuracy, we were sort of wondering...
Could there
just for the sake of historical accuracy,  understand, could there
have been

Re: [CTRL] [OT] GRC.com: The Anatomy of File Download Spyware

2001-07-07 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Thanks, Mike, for this info.  Did you read the story here about this
man's hacker problems?

Mark McHugh

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Re: [CTRL] WT: China Nuke Experiment

2001-07-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Why am I reminded of these Chinese who came to town with whom my sister
met in the late 80 period - they had built this beautiful high rise, oh
so beautiful, gorgeous kitchens, beautiful bathrooms - everything in
place ready to go - only they forgot to put in the plumbing and they
were forwarded to expert help

So maybe the Chinese like Israelies have little nuke back packs but even
these came out in this same time frame - and now Osama bin Laden
allegedly has little back pack nukes - little baby bombs?

Consider though, the intelligence behind building a beautiful building
and forgetting to put in the pipes?   You know when you flush a john it
is supposed to go through some pipes?   Or take a bath, the water is to
go through some pipes?

Now the Chinese needed some good plumbers for not all can be artists or
architects - and I wonder about some of the little baby nuke bombs and
then I hope they were made in the good old USA for our own protection of

Unless somebody forgot let us say to put in whatever is needed to make
it blow.

So much for world peace which has been discussed now for 2,000 years?

Peace, peace they scream when their is no peace but it is such fun, so
exciting to have our children live in terror and today we can see how
excited our news media gets everytime a little kid takes a gun and
murders his classmates, or somebody blows up a big Temple like the
Murrah Building - excitement, that is what they want?   That is what we


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[CTRL] FC: Lockheed gets $70 for each red light ticket in San Diego (fwd)

2001-07-07 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

More coverage:

  Ex-worker says firm puts profits over safety
  Jul. 7, 2001 05:50 ET

  Clouds on holiday horizon
  Jul. 7, 2001 05:30 ET

  Motorists race to court to challenge red-light cameras -- Photos
  called privacy threat
  Jul. 7, 2001 04:46 ET

  Most red-light camera cases voided
  Jul. 4, 2001 05:48 ET

  Jul. 3, 2001 05:44 ET

  Look who's watching
  Jul. 3, 2001 04:15 ET

  District Begins Using Radar Cameras
  Jul. 3, 2001 03:15 ET


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Richard M. Smith)
To: 'Declan McCullagh' [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Lockheed gets a piece of the action with the San Diego red-light
Date: Fri, 6 Jul 2001 13:59:01 -0400
Message-ID: 00ba01c10645$590e3d20$[EMAIL PROTECTED]
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed;
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
X-MSMail-Priority: Normal


City governments hire private firms all of the time
to help provide city services.  However, the idea of
that a private company gets a percentage of traffic fines
seems quite wrong headed to me.

   Ex-worker says firm puts profits over safety
   Man testifies that revenue is main purpose of red-light cameras at

   Lockheed gets $70 for every $271 fine generated by a red-light
   ticket in San Diego, according to testimony yesterday.

Richard M. Smith
CTO, http://www.privacyfoundation.org

From: Diamond, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Local news coverage of San Diego red light camera criminal case
Date: Thu, 5 Jul 2001 20:22:58 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0

Here's an update from local stations on today's hearing in San Diego where
red light cameras are on trial.

Highlights: a Lockheed Martin whistleblower takes the stand to say their
only motive was profit.  Also, a San Diego court clerk testifies that the
camera program was fraught with problems. The case will continue into next
week. Full text below.

Richard Diamond
Office of the Majority Leader
US House of Representatives
202-225-6007 / www.freedom.gov

Artie Ojeda, Lawyers challenge 400 red-light tickets, NBCSanDiego.com, 7/5/01

SAN DIEGO, July 5 -A San Diego judge is being asked to dismiss hundreds
of red-light tickets in what may be one of the largest traffic court cases
in history.  Lawyers for the people who received citations are arguing that
the automated  cameras used to generate the tickets are unconstitutional.

Lawyers want the judge to dismiss tickets issued to some 400 drivers who
were photographed running red lights at 19 San Diego  intersections. The
lawyers argued Thursday that the red-light cameras installed and operated
at the intersections by Lockheed Martin are there to generate revenue and
not to protect public safety. They also claimed that the remote
surveillance violates the constitutional rights of San Diego drivers.

[snip. --DBM]

Red Light Camera Hearing Begins: Lawsuit Seeks To Have Tickets Thrown Out,
KGTV-10, 7/5/01

SAN DIEGO, 4:15 p.m. PDT July 5, 2001 -- Witnesses began testifying
Thursday in a class-action lawsuit aimed at getting hundreds of red light
camera tickets thrown out.

 A total of 290 drivers are named in the suit, which claims that
the red light ticket program in San Diego is flawed and unfair.

[snip --DBM]

If you'd like more detailed information on the red light cameras,
you can call the city information line at (619) 533-5604.


Most red-light camera cases voided; But refunds aren't OK'd for motorists
who've paid fines, San Diego Union-Tribune, 7/3/01

A judge yesterday threw out almost all the active traffic tickets generated
by red-light cameras at three San Diego intersections, a move that followed
city officials' 

Re: [CTRL] The Secret GOP War On Tom Daschle

2001-07-07 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

AMEN!! You are sooo right, DBC! And your list could go on for

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001 22:26:03 -0700 Damian B. Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -Caveat Lector-

 At 01:38 AM 7/5/01 -0400, Prudence L. Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I can't get too excited.  The Republicans are addicted to smear
 tactics, and
 they have to have some target or other for their scatological

 Oh, give me a break.

 You're a plain and simple blind partisan.

 Smear tactics?

 You mean like Al Gore sliming Michael Dukakis with the Willie Horton
 You mean like James Carville characterizing Paula Jones as trailer
 You mean like Bill Clinton and Sidney Blumenthal conspiring to label
 Monica Lewinsky as a stalker.
 You mean like Hillary Clinton smearing people she disagrees with as
 a vast right wing conspiracy.

 The Clinton crime operation perfected the politics of personal

 Democrats don't know how NOT to be vicious and partisan,


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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-07 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

RE: Abrams/scandal

SCANDALS!!! Is this some joke!

After the 8 years + that we just lived thru, where we saw and heard of
every low down corrupt, perverted, traitorous, etc etc scandal that
decent people could not even imagine, AND IT WAS ALLL

Get real

On Thu, 5 Jul 2001 22:47:25 -0700 Damian B. Cooper [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 -Caveat Lector-

 At 09:14 PM 7/5/01 -0400, William Shannon [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Bush's dubious choice
  Elliott Abrams is a ghost of scandals past

  The pardons effectively killed the Iran-Contra
  investigation, leaving many questions still unanswered -- not
 least the
  extent of the former president's own involvement in the affair.

 And the Janet Reno stonewalling in conjunction with the Clinton's
 left MANY, MANY MORE questions still unanswered - not least the
 extent of the former president's own involvement in the MANY, MANY
 affairs of
 the Clinton era.


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[CTRL] Friends Don't Care

2001-07-07 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-


July 4, 2001

Friends Don't Care
by Michael Z. Williamson

I can be your best friend.

Not because I care, but because I don't.

I don't care what church, if any, you go to. I don't care if you are Church
of God, Church of Christ, Church of God in Christ, Church of Christ
reformed, Church of Christ Scientist, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints, Byzantine Catholic, Roman Catholic, Jewish Congregationalist, Hindu,
Shinto, Islamic, Buddhist, Greek Orthodox, Native American, Irish
Druidic,Scandinavian Druidhe, Pagan, Wiccan. Hell, I don't care if you
worship the Great Pumpkin. Or no deity at all. How you spend your Sundays,
Saturdays, Fridays, Tuesday evenings, full Moons, or eclipses is up to you.

I don't care if you have sex with men, women, both, or neither. If it's in
private, and they are freely consenting adults, it's your business. I may
not like it myself, but I don't care about you.

I don't care what brand of beer you drink or not, if you drink wine or not,
liquor or not. I don't care if you brew your own, grow your own or roll your
own. I don't care if you smoke dope, rope, or nightshade. It's your body,
poison it any way you wish. Just keep the residue in your own home, okay?

Vegetarian? Okay. Vegan? Great. Rare steak only, or raw rattlesnake? Cool.
Squid with the tentacles still wiggling? Suits me just fine.

Are you skinny? Fat? Ugly? Overdressed? Underdressed? Naked? Hey, it's your
life, do what you wish. If I don't like it, I won't watch.

I am a politician's worst nightmare. I can't be made to hate, I can't be
panicked by the strange, and I'll react ungraciously to attempts to inspire
me so. I vote on issues, not on smokescreens, and no Orwellian pigs in suits
need apply.

I'm not part of a vast conspiracy to put Candidate X into office--Candidate
X is an idiot, and so is Candidate Y. I voted for the Manchurian Candidate
myself, because I don't care. I don't belong to the Hate Group of the Month
Club on the Evening news, because I don't care. How can you possibly think I
have anything in common with them?

Oh, right. I own guns. So do they. I'll bet a bunch of them read Doctor
Seuss growing up, too, as did I. I don't see how that's relevant, either.

So that's it. Power scares you. And by not being a pawn, by being able to
think, and by daring to think differently from you, I scare you. Well,
relax, because I don't care.

Read the papers of the country, or for that matter, the world. You'll find
me right there defending the unpopular in letters to the editor, in marches,
in protests and sit-ins. I don't care so damned much that I'll go far out of
my way to prove it. When your oppressors refuse to believe I don't care, I'm
willing to reinforce the point, WITH FORCE.

The only actions of yours I care about are those that actually affect me.
Try to rape my wife, and you die. Try to assault me, and you die. Touch my
children. Well, then you'll die slowly, as a lesson to others.

Try to take my guns away, or send someone else to do so. Well, then I care.
Keep in mind--they protect you, too. The people who DO care about silly
details of your life DO have guns, whether you call them extremists,
fanatics, cults, militias, or Federal Agents. It's easy to hate a name,
isn't it? I'd hate the names, too, if it would make any difference, but it
doesn't. Hateful people hide everywhere, and I don't care. Only when they
ACT on that hate do I become aroused. By acting on hate, they interfere with
my ability not to care. And that just ruins my whole day. Sometimes it takes
the threat of force to prove I don't care. That's why I have the guns.

Why would you want to take my guns away, knowing I don't care? I'm no
threat. I'm your best friend. I don't even care if THEY have guns. I don't
even care if YOU have a gun. I care even less if you don't like ME having a

So do me a favor and don't come to my door asking me to turn over my tools
of reason.

Because I don't care who interferes with my right to not care.

And neither do my guns.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-07 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

After the 8 years + that we just lived thru, where we saw and heard of
every low down corrupt, perverted, traitorous, etc etc scandal that
decent people could not even imagine, AND IT WAS ALLL

That's a separate issue. Elliott Abrams is still living scum. Besides,
nothing Clinton ever did comes even close to the October Surprise and
Iran-contra. Get some perspective here. They're all corrupt. 

Gangsters run this country. One way you can tell is by the presidents'
nicknames. We used to get guys like Old Hickory, Honest Abe and Father
of his Country. Now we get guys like Tricky Dick, Slick Willy, Poppy and

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] FC: WTO head blames dot-com types for anti-capitalist violence

2001-07-07 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

News coverage:

   Dot-commers to blame for anti-capitalist violence, says WTO boss
   2001-07-06 18:35:04

Excerpt from speech:

   It would strengthen the hand of those who seek change if NGOs distance
   themselves from masked stone-throwers who claim to want more
   transparency, anti-globalization dot.com-types who trot out slogans
   that are trite, shallow and superficial. This will not do as a
   substitute for civilized discourse.

Dot com types? This shows a man who's out of touch with reality.




   6 July 2001
   Open Societies, Freedom, Development and Trade
   Plenary Opening WTO Symposium on Issues Confronting the World Trading
   System Geneva

   It is a pleasure to welcome you, it is good you are here and I look
   forward to the discussions, debate, exchanges and differences over the
   next two days.

   None of us has perfect knowledge; anything can be improved, that is
   why gatherings such as this are important. I would like to see them as
   a permanent, regular feature of the WTO's activities budgeted for,
   planned for, and useful to Member Governments, our staff and the wider

   I welcome scrutiny, it makes us stronger and more accountable. Thank
   you to those who have made this event possible through financial
   contributions: Canada, European Commission, Japan, Netherlands,
   Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States.

   The debate about globalization means we are now closely scrutinized. I
   welcome this attention. The WTO does important work and decisions
   taken by our institution affect the lives of ordinary men and women
   all over the world. It is right that we should be held accountable.

   Governments recognized the need for international and regional
   responses to problems we have in common. No single nation alone can
   combat Aids, clean the environment, run a tax system and manage
   airlines without the cooperation of others. This is why we have
   established institutions and treaties such as the UN, ILO, WTO, World
   Bank, and the Law of the Sea. But there has not been a corresponding
   dedication of political resources, time, finance and focus to hold us
   more accountable to our owner Governments and the people.

   Through our initiatives such as the recent IPU Meeting of
   Parliamentarians on Trade Issues and symposia such as this, we are
   encouraging greater involvement from all sectors of political and
   civil society to help us do a better job.

   Voters and consumers want more information and control, greater
   accountability and greater ownership. They want to know what their
   governments are doing not just nationally but also internationally.
   This is a good thing. Globally, we are now more prosperous and
   relations between states are more peaceful than ever before in world
   history. Yet many people feel alienated from power and ownership.
   Ministers now often find their toughest negotiations are not with each
   other but at home inside their Parliaments and Congresses, with
   coalition parties, cabinet colleagues, civil society, Member states.
   It is tougher than in my day.

   Globalization is not new. It is a process, not a policy. Historians
   argue that there were higher levels of trade, and certainly a greater
   movement of people, one hundred years ago than there are today. What
   is new is that everyone knows about it, has an opinion and that is
   good. The questions of how we manage change is what we are here to
   discuss. Some think if you abolished the WTO then you would abolish
   globalization. I believe that the civilized answer to differences is
   rules and law. What brings the WTO into this debate is our dispute
   settlement system, which binds outcomes legally. Good people are
   puzzled. Why, they ask, can we have a binding system for trade but not
   the for environment, labour, children and gender rights, human rights,
   animal rights, indigenous rights? Why can we not settle differences
   that drive nations and tribes to war in a similar way? Good point. I
   am sure that Kofi Annan would relish such a system. Critics, who are
   not all mad or bad, frequently say we have too much power. Some of
   them want to give us more powers and responsibilities. It is also
   about jurisdiction. In which international institution should these
   powers and responsibilities reside? We need to recognize the gaps in
   the international architecture. For example, there is no powerful,
   funded, global environmental agency. There should be. Heavy, fresh and
   creative thinking must be done about the roles, functions,
   jurisdictions, obligations, management and mandates of all
   international institutions and how we deliver our services. This is
   where those not captured by process and 

Re: [CTRL] Thanks to GW (fwd)

2001-07-07 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

The real reason energy prices are coming down has nothing to do with Bush. The
change in control of the Senate to the Democrats caused the oil companies to
moderate their attempt to manipulate prices for fear that the Democrats would
introduce legislation creating price caps, reducing their obscene profits.


On 7 Jul 01, at 10:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Remember not to long ago, when the price of gasoline at the pump was raising
 almost hourly? Who got the blame for that? Why GW did. It was said of him
 that this was his payback to his big money friends in the oil industry.
 So now that the gasoline prices are falling, are we all going to thank GW for
 getting his big money friends in the oil industry to lower the price at the
 Something tells me I won't live to see  that.

The Truth is out there.

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[CTRL] Cops want to know more about Condit's ties to Hells Angels

2001-07-07 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Cops want to know more about Condit's ties to Hells Angels

Saturday, July 07, 2001
By Timothy J. Burger and Helen Kennedy
New York Daily News

Investigators searching for missing intern Chandra Levy are probing Rep.
Gary Condit's ties to the Hells Angels motorcycle gang.

Condit, who rides a Harley when he is home in his northern California
district, has close ties to members of the gang, said sources close to the
Levy family investigation.

These are bad guys to be involved with, said one investigator.

Condit's former longtime aide, Vince Flammini, taught the congressman to
ride and introduced him to Hells Angels' leaders, investigators said.

Flammini, 62, has told reporters Condit could be emotionally harsh but he
would never hurt a fly.

Anne Marie Smith, 39, a flight attendant who says she had a 10-month affair
with Condit that ended in May, said she remembers the congressman once
telling her he was going to attend an upcoming Hells Angels party.

He told me he had to keep it secret from his brother because it was a
birthday party for a cop killer, Smith told the Daily News.

Condit's brother, Burl, is a sergeant with the Modesto police.

Meanwhile, The Daily News has learned that on April 29, Levy left a message
on her aunt's machine saying, I have big news.

She didn't sound downtrodden. She sounded like she had something exciting
to tell, said a source close to the family.

Investigators working for the Levy family believe it's a major clue and are
looking at the possibility she could have been killed to silence her about
something she had learned.

The big news might be what got her killed. Maybe she found out something,
said the source close to the Levy family.

Investigators are also considering the possibility that Levy, 24, could
have been pregnant, though no testing kit was found in her apartment.

Condit, 53, told police he last spoke to Levy April 29. She vanished May 1.

In other developments:

The Levy family private investigators have located a security tape showing
Levy buying juice and chatting cheerily with a clerk at a 7-Eleven in
Arlington, Va., on April 29. Investigators are interested because Levy, who
does not have a car, was far from home.

Condit's wife, Carolyn, was interviewed by the FBI in Northern Virginia.
She was accompanied by her husband's lawyer, Abbe Lowell.

Police had been trying to schedule an interview with Carolyn Condit for
more than a week to ask about her visit to Washington in late April. She
was with her husband when Levy was calling him repeatedly as she prepared
to leave town. Cops wanted to know if she had any contact with Levy and if
she could verify her husband's whereabouts.

It was unclear why the interview took place in Washington and not in

Condit's lawyer released a statement explaining Condit couldn't make his
hometown Fourth of July parade because he was flying to Washington with his
wife for the interview.

He also blasted press efforts to dissect and mischaracterize his and his
family's private lives and said Condit would maintain his media silence.

Unlike some, Congressman Condit remains singularly focused on what is and
remains the central mission at this timelocating Chandra Levy, the
statement said. The media risks losing its focus with what has been a
recent and seemingly unbounded effort to expose highly personal and private
Condit family matters.

Washington Police Chief Charles Ramsey told reporters Thursday that suicide
is close to being discounted.

As time goes on, the possibility of suicide becomes more and more remote,
because you would find the remains, Ramsey said. You can't kill yourself
and then bury yourself.

Ramsey repeatedly stressed that Condit is not a suspect and only one of a
hundred people interviewed.

He became irritated when reporters asked if allegations that Condit urged
his flight attendant mistress to lie to the FBI would give cops probable
cause to search his apartment.

That's a heckuva leap. I'm not trying to find a flight attendant. I'm
trying to find Chandra Levy, he said.
We're not the sex police.

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Research creates army of the future

2001-07-07 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

from the Seattle Post-intelligencer

Research creates army of the future

Biotechnology used for super foods and 'smart' uniforms

Friday, July 6, 2001

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. -- Trudging through a thick, muggy jungle, the soldier
remains cool, her body temperature precisely controlled by her uniform.
Incapable of seeing more than 10 feet ahead, she is guided through an
earpiece in her helmet by someone at base camp who can trace her because a
biomarker was in a nutrition bar she ate earlier.
An alarm in her wristwatch goes off, detecting the presence of a toxic
chemical agent. The visor on her helmet drops down, and the uniform that
monitors her vital signs administers the drugs necessary to keep her safe
and enable her to complete her mission.
It's science fiction so far. But a study performed for the Army says
advancements in biotechnology may soon turn such fiction into fact.
The study was conducted by 16 leading academic and industry scientists from
across the country. It attempts to predict how biotechnology will develop
over the next 25 years and highlights areas that might benefit the Army.
The ideas in the study range from genetically engineered foods that don't
spoil and provide added nutrition, to uniforms that can detect and treat
James Valdes, a scientific adviser at the Army Soldier and Biological
Chemical Command in Maryland, said over the past five years the Army has
started forming more partnerships with industry and academic labs to keep
abreast of developments in biotechnology.
Big companies don't want to make the kind of stuff we need because the
profit margins aren't there, Valdes said. So we have to sort of very
selectively go after the research areas that are uniquely applicable to the
Department of Defense.
Such areas include: creating lightweight materials to reduce the load of the
current soldier's roughly 90-pound rucksack; coating helmets with substances
that absorb solar energy to power in-field computers; and developing systems
that make fuel using plants or even food wrappers and used cloth.
Rashid Bashir, a Purdue University researcher not involved in the study, is
developing 1-centimeter-square sensor chips that could someday help soldiers
detect chemical hazards on the battlefield.
The sensors, which could fit in a wristwatch, are basically
micro-laboratories that analyze particles in the air.
I think most of these things are in the five- to 10-year time frame,
Bashir said. Many are in the idea stages, but others have already proven
their feasibility.

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[CTRL] A Fair Trial for Milosevic?

2001-07-07 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

July 3, 2001
A Fair Trial for Milosevic?
Memo To: Attorney General John Ashcroft
From: Jude Wanniski
Re: Hurray for Ramsey Clark
Quite apart from my belief that Slobodan Milosevic has been demonized
to cover up the blunders of the State Department in the last Bush
administration, I’m now disgusted with the willingness of our Political
Establishment to celebrate his kidnapping. The fact that our government
promised $1 billion in ransom to buy the Belgrade government’s
willingness to ship him off for a fair trial at the International Court of
Justice at the Hague makes me ashamed to be an American. Yes,
John, I know you are just a cog in the wheel, forced to turn at the
Establishment’s bidding, but this is truly reprehensible. Imagine what it
would have been like if Richard Nixon or Jerry Ford had been indicted by
the Hague Tribunal as war criminals, for their complicity of the
massacre of Vietnamese civilians at My Lai, or Sen. Bob Kerrey
dragged before the court for  his slaughter of innocents. President Bill
Clinton was clearly a war criminal, having bombed a Sudan aspirin
factory and killing several folks in the process (not to mention the Iraqi
civilians who got in  the way of his wag-the-dog bombing attacks). What
do we do if he is indicted?

I’d like you to read this press release from a former Attorney
General of the United States in the Lyndon Johnson administration,
Ramsey Clark, whose father Tom was A.G. in the Harry Truman
administration and a Supreme Court Justice from 1949 to 1967. The fact
that Ramsey Clark was despised by conservative Republicans for being
anti-war in the Vietnam era may cause you to hesitate, but this is a
different issue. Please note that former President Clinton’s secretary of
state, Madeleine Albright, has already announced that Milosevic IS A
WAR CRIMINAL and should be dealt with severely after his fair trial. The
New York Times also concluded that Milosevic is a monster and now
treats us to selected photographs designed to prove that he should be
put away for life. Remember, what goes around, comes around. One of
these days the Eurocrats might offer a bundle of euros for your
extradition, or that of your boss. Don’t you worry about that?



The International Action Center (IAC), a nationwide anti-war
organization, denounced today's deportation of ex-Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic to the International Criminal Court for the Former
Yugoslavia in The Hague, Netherlands. It is an enormous tragedy for
Yugoslavia, the Serbian people and the rule of law, said IAC
Chairperson and former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark. Serbian
Prime Minister Djindjic and other officials should be investigated for high
crimes against the people, and if found guilty should be sentenced in
accordance with the law.

Demands should be made to the ICCFY, Mr. Clark continued,
which is itself illegal, to immediately return Mr. Milosevic. The United
Nations must not encourage the illegal seizure of persons, such as took
place in this case. The people of Yugoslavia should unite in response to
this illegal seizure and demand the return of Mr. Milosevic, as should
people from all over the world.

Today's U.S.-engineered deportation of former Yugoslav President
Slobodan Milosevic is a gross violation of both legality and Yugoslavia's
national sovereignty, said IAC West Coast Coordinator Richard Becker.
The ICCFY in The Hague is nothing more than a 'kangaroo court,' set
up by the U.S.-dominated UN Security Council, and run by the NATO

The ICCFY's role as an instrument of the United States and other
NATO powers was made apparent during the 1999 NATO war against
Yugoslavia. Despite the fact that the massive bombing of Yugoslavia
constituted grave violations of international law -- including crimes
against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity -- the ICCFY
refused to even consider indicting the NATO powers, Becker continued.
Instead, the ICCFY indicted five Yugoslav leaders, among them then-
President Milosevic. NATO spokesperson Jamie Shea stated in May
1999, Of course NATO supports the ICCFY – NATO created it.
Sara Flounders, National Co-Director of the IAC, pointed out the fact
that Milosevic's deportation violated Yugoslavia's constitution, and
decisions of its federal president, parliament and Constitutional
Court. The extradition of Milosevic was carried out today under the
orders of the #1 U.S. lapdog politician in Yugoslavia, Zoran Djindjic,
prime minister of Serbia. In the recent election, Djindjic and his party
were the main conduits for U.S. funds. The U.S. government openly
boasts of having spent more than $100 million fixing the election in
Yugoslavia, a country of 10 million people. The equivalent would be a

[CTRL] Religious Breath and Stale Perfume

2001-07-07 Thread Yardbird

The Free Congres Guest Commentary
Religious Breath and Stale Perfume
by Brad Keena

Whatever happened to the church of the twentieth century? According to a
recently published report, today's Christian clergy face a tough challenge:
how to retain the interest of baby boomers and younger Americans.

I believe an honest evaluation of our culture today reveals how little last
century's Christian church as a whole has done for our society.

True, there was a Jesus movement in the late sixties, a charismatic
revival in the seventies, and a surprisingly approachable pope in the
eighties and nineties, but can any of these positive developments honestly
be credited to the work of the white American Christian church institutions
of the last century?

You know the description. You're white, living in the suburbs of an average,
all-American city, like Cleveland, or Indianapolis, or Kansas City. Like
many Americans living in . . . say . . . the 1970's, you would have
identified yourself as Christian, and likely have attended some kind of
Catholic, Protestant, or Anglican church.

In what I call the twentieth century church model, the average churchgoer
got dressed up and went to church on Sunday mornings, where he or she would
stand to sing an old hymn that probably meant nothing to anyone any more,
because no one bothered to explain what any of the old hymns meant. After
singing, our average churchgoer might sit and sing again, then perhaps read
something out of the church bulletin in unison with the congregation, and
then stand again, and sing again - trying to not to inhale too deeply air
thick with the choking mixture of various perfumes and bad breath.
Eventually, there would be a collection of money, then a sermon by a pastor
or priest who had proudly spent years in seminary to learn about religion
and modern thought. Then, another hymn, and everybody would leave,
forgetting about God until next Sunday.

I realize I'm being a curmudgeon about this. It's just that I think the
whole institution of the twentieth century church has been a model of
failure. Can you imagine the apostle Paul presiding over communion served in
little trays with little glasses raised before the sound of everyone gulping
at the same time, or cracking little wafers in half? Or how about Jesus
praising only those with the biggest churches, the largest congregations, or
the grandest organs?

Obviously, I'm purposely avoiding Judaism and Islam here. Their gatherings
may have similar problems. But they have not been as front and center in
our culture over the last hundred years as has Christianity. And how many
other religions would water down their doctrines just to make the crowds
bigger? Or amplify some doctrines while de-emphasizing inconvenient

Thankfully, a terrific five-part series in the Washington Times this past
week explores the church-institution and new ideas for attracting newcomers
- not to church, but to Jesus. And maybe that's the sum of all the problems
associated with white America's church institution of the last hundred
years: as whole, the system has put church ahead of God.

It's time to return our focus to the object of our worship. And with God's
help, future historians may look back on these next few years, remembering a
great revival in America, where Catholics, Protestants, Anglicans and others
collaborated in a new Reformation: an age of worship. Perhaps, they'll
record that whether indoors, outside, dressed up or dressed down, people of
the early 21st century came together and worshipped in the era of God.
And, once again, He blessed America.

Brad Keena is editor of the Cultural Dissident:

For media inquiries, call Steve Lilienthal 202.204-5304

For other questions or comments, contact Angie Wheeler

Visit Our Website at http://www.FreeCongress.org

This publication is a service of the Free Congress Research and Education
Foundation, Inc. (FCF) and does not necessarily reflect the views of the
Free Congress Foundation nor is it an attempt to aid or hinder the passage
of any bill.
Free Congress Foundation * 717 Second Street, NE * Washington, DC  20002 *
202.546.3000 * Fax: 202.544.2819
Project Manager: Angela Wheeler * Copyright * 2001  Free Congress Foundation
- All Rights Reserved.

Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-07 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 10:52 AM 7/7/01 -0700, Nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-

That's a separate issue. Elliott Abrams is still living scum. Besides,
nothing Clinton ever did comes even close to the October Surprise and
Iran-contra. Get some perspective here. They're all corrupt.

The so-called October Surprise  is a left wing fantasy.  George
Bush did not make a secret flight to Spain in an SR-71 to make
a deal with the Iranians. It never happened.  Give it up.

Iran-Contra was a brilliant stratagem.  Funnel Iranian money to the
Contras to overthrow an illegitimate Commie regime right under the
noses of the Commie members of the U.S. Congress.  I love it.

The Com-symps in the U.S. media told us over and over  how the
Nicaraguan people loved the Sandinistas.  When the Nicaraguan
people actually had a chance to vote, they threw the Red bastards out.

Its a tragedy that the oppressed people of Cuba have to eat rats and
leather belts to survive so that the socialist narcissists in the U.S. and
Europe can visit Castro's SocialismWorld theme park for a few days,
pass their venereal diseases to a few sorry and exploited Cuban hookers and
come back to the real world and stuff their faces with Ben and Jeffy's
socialist ice cream while living off their trust funds or government grants.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Thanks to GW (fwd)

2001-07-07 Thread Damian B. Cooper

-Caveat Lector-

At 12:28 PM 7/7/01 -0700, Steve [EMAIL PROTECTED]
-Caveat Lector-

The real reason energy prices are coming down has nothing to do with Bush. The
change in control of the Senate to the Democrats caused the oil companies to
moderate their attempt to manipulate prices for fear that the Democrats would
introduce legislation creating price caps, reducing their obscene profits.


Oh, really?

Check you left wing talking points again.  Bush and Cheney are supposed to
be Big Oil
Why would Big Oil be intimidated by any price control legislation ginned
up by the
weaselly little snot, Tom Daschle, when Bush can veto it with his little

It don't make no sense.  Again.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Religious Breath and Stale Perfume

2001-07-07 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

 there was a  . . . a surprisingly approachable pope in the eighties
and nineties

Approachable, indeed. 

Consider, if you will, his friend Herman Abs:

While Germany's bankers were collectively responsible for the financing
of Hitler's war effort, the dean of them all is Herman Josef Abs.  Money
was his life, and his astuteness in banking and international financial
manipulations enabled Deutsche Bank to serve as leader in fueling the
ambitions and accomplishments of Adolf Hitler and Martin Bormann.  His
dominance was retained when the Federal Republic of Germany picked
itself up from the ashes; he was still there as chairman of Deutsche
Bank, director of I.G Farben, and of such others as Daimler-Benz and the
giant electrical conglomerate, Siemans.  Abs became a financial advisor
to the first West German chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, and was a welcome
visitor in the Federal Chancellery under Mr. Adenauer's successors,
Ludwig Erhard and Kurt George Keisinger . . .

. . . (Bormann's) friendship with Dr. Herman Josef Abs predated Abs's
move into the management of Deutsche Bank.  Dr. Abs had been a partner
in the prestigious private bank of Delbruck, Schickler  Co.  in Berlin.
Recalling those days, Abs has written:

'The Reich Chancellery in Berlin was its largest account, and it was
through this account that Adolf Hitler received his salary as Chancellor
of the Reich.'

. . . Reichsleiter Bormann knew that his relationship with Abs would
tighten as his own power grew . . . He knew in 1943 that with his Nazi
banking committee well established, he had the means to . . . set new
Nazi state policy when the time was ripe for the general transfer of
capital, gold, stocks, and bearer bonds to safety in neutral nations.

  -- Martin Bormann, Nazi in Exile by Paul
Manning, Lyle Stuart, 1981, pp 87

History has largely ignored bankers in favor of other subjects.
History, and those who write it (and their masters) apparently want us
to think polititions and generals are more important to the state.
Bankers, of course, feel differently.  They tend, and not with out
reason, to be as furtive a lot as possible.  While we are cheering the
polititions and saluting the generals, we are not noticing the bankers,
who are picking our pockets.  This suits the bankers' ends, thus history
slants their relative importance.  

Baron Kurt von Schroeder, a well-known banker . . . and economic
advisor to Bormann's economic committee, commented that Dr. Herman Josef
Abs, chairman of Deutsche Bank, was particularly important to the
government of the Third Reich.

'His influence was mainly with the Reichsbank and with the Ministry of
Economics.  Abs proved very valuable to the party and to the government
by using his bank to assist the government in doing business in the
occupied countries and other foreign countries.  Abs enjoyed excellent
relations with Walther Funk, who was both president of the Reichsbank
and head of the Ministry of Economics . . .

. . . Branch managers of Deutsche Bank were to a man members of the
party . . .
   -- Ibid, p 69


This is the same Hermann Abs who was chosen by Pope John Paul II to
oversee the reorganization of the Vatican Bank when it was caught
red-handed laundering counterfeit securities and heroin profits for the
Gambino crime family.  It is worth noting that in his youth J.P. II was,
according to the official version, once a slave laborer for I.G. Solvay,
a Farben subsidiary  specializing primarily in pharmaceuticals.  He is
supposed to have labored in the Solvay quarries near Auschwitz.  It's a
rare slave indeed who becomes pope at all, let alone then hires his
former master to keep track of his money.  Wonders truly never cease.

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=CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] The Theft of the Serbs' Only Treasure

2001-07-07 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

URL for this article ishttp://emperors-clothes.com/articles/makara/disgust.htmFor 
printer-friendly text click hereSend this article to a friend!www.tenc.net[Emperor's Clothes][Note 
- for pictures of the massive demonstration the day after SlobodanMilosevic 
was kidnapped, go to http://emperors-clothes.com/petition/j29.htm 
]The Theft of the Serbs' Only Treasureby Petar Makara. [5 July 
2001][NOTE FROM EMPEROR'S CLOTHES - Petar Makara was born in the Serbian 
town ofPancevo. A leading activist in the Serbian Diaspora, he co-founded 
theWebsite, www.srpska-mreza.com . 
(1) Mr. Makara has devoted most of hisenergy these past 10 years to exposing 
misinformation about what has beendone in and to Yugoslavia. He was a 
supporter of Vojislav Kostunica. - ENDNOTE ] Thank you for your 
recent article, "The Treason of Vojislav Kostunica." (2)More than seven 
years ago, on a late April day in 1994, with a small groupof close friends, 
I entered the office of Vojislav Kostunica in Belgrade.We, Serbian-American 
activists deeply concerned with events in Yugoslavia,were eager to meet the 
man whose articles we read and loved. While Slobodan Milosevic, who 
promised many times to protect the trulyvital interests of the Serbian 
people was persistently trying to find apolitical solution to the 
Western-induced crisis and thus avoid a clashwith mighty NATO, Mr. Kostunica 
was criticizing what he called indecision.He was always eloquent in 
explaining the rights of Serbs as the people whofounded Yugoslavia and who 
were still loyal to this multiethnic state. Heexplained that the Serbs have 
the right and duty to help their own peoplewho were, in 1945, left outside 
the Republic of Serbia by President Tito'sartificial, undemocratic borders. 
The Serbs have the right, Mr. Kostunicaclaimed, to defend the lands where 
they, as the majority population, havelived for centuries. In his 
statements Mr. Kostunica seemed always to be right. He seemed to benot only 
a person who understood law, but a man who understood the soul ofhis people. 
Our surprise as we entered Mr. Kostunica's office was to find a man 
whoappeared to be in quite a contrast to his fiery statements, not only 
goodmannered and soft-spoken but with his eyes always half closed, giving 
himthe look of someone completely drained of life energy or, at least, who 
hadnot slept for days. What kind of a leader, I remember thinking, 
would this guy be? But I toldmyself, who cares about appearances? The hope 
was Kostunica would be firmand principled, an intellectual who knew the 
enemy and the way out of itsgrip. Such was the hope. After the ten 
long years that the Serbs gave to Mankindby single-handedly fighting NATO 
and its combined onslaught on the economy,property and lives of the Serbian 
people, is it a surprise that many Serbshoped that Kostunica - Mr. Right - 
would not sell out Serbian interests? The hope dies last. The 
colonial club (now known by its nickname as NATO) and its thousands 
ofpsychologists, employed in covert agencies (this is not my 
personalnightmare - it is fact!), empowered with knowledge accumulated over 
thecenturies that their countries pillaged, cleansed and annihilated 
uncountedpeoples across the globe - these psychologists must have fully 
grasped thistruth: false hope will keep the victim immobilized when action 
is the onlyreal hope left.That is why virtually all Western press 
articles talking about the recentkidnap of the ex-president of a sovereign 
country to the kangaroo court ofthe colonialists never forgot to give their 
local quisling VojislavKostunica the well known tool of deceit, a 'plausible 
denial.' That is whythey all say about the kidnapping of Milosevic, "this 
was done withoutKostunica's knowledge" or "Kostunica disapproved of this 
action," or wordsto the effect. Except that, as your clear analysis 
has proven, the denial is NOT plausible. After recent events, the last 
hope of us who wanted to believe that Mr.Kostunica is a decent man should 
cease. Kostunica's name must be listedalongside Djindjic's as history's 
worst traitors of the Serbian people.That is as clear as day.We the 
Serbs are a small people who as a Serbian poet has noted have thebad luck 
that our forefathers "built a home in the middle of the road."Fourteen 
centuries ago, they settled in the middle of Balkans, in themiddle of the 
main road that leads from Central Europe to Central Asia, theMiddle East and 
North Africa. It is the southern flank in a conqueror'sattack on Russia. 
Since those ancient times all those who aspired to rule the Earth 
triedtheir ruthless methods of conquest, of divide-and-rule, on the 
Balkanpeoples first. As stepping-stones to what they dreamed to be their 
EternalEmpires they wanted the Balkans as the first jewel in the crown. 
Thoseempires include the Ottoman Empire, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, 
Hitler'sThird Reich and now U.S./NATO. We the Serbs do not have vast 
lands or far-away islands. We are 

Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-07 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-

George  Bush did not make a secret flight to Spain in an SR-71 to make
a deal with the Iranians. 

That's one opinion. But even if it's true, it does not disprove the
October Surprise, merely one of the cover stories. It is a common
disinfo technique to disseminate a story that is basically true except
for one element, discredit that element, and thus discredit the entire

For more on such techniques, see:




Iran-Contra was a brilliant stratagem.  Funnel Iranian money to the
Contras to overthrow an illegitimate Commie regime right under the
noses of the Commie members of the U.S. Congress.  I love it.

It was blatantly illegal. Are you saying it’s alright to break the law
if the cause is just? if so, I agree. However, this was not a just
cause. The contras were drug dealing fascists. They went through the
motions of waging war to cover their drug dealing. But they seldom
engaged the regular army. Mainly they murdered unarmed civilians in cold
blood and then ran for it. 

The Com-symps in the U.S. media told us over and over  how the
Nicaraguan people loved the Sandinistas.  

And the fascist-symp in the U.S. media told us over and over again how
the  Nicaraguan people really loved the contras and they were the moral
equivalent of the Founding Fathers. What a load of crap.

When the Nicaraguan  people actually had a chance to vote, they threw
the Red bastards out.

By a razor thin margin in a fixed election. 

This is not to say that the Sandanistas had no faults. They had, and
continue to have, plenty. But the contras were far, far worse and not
just for their own country. They flooded American streets with crack.
Is this why you love  the illegal and immoral support that your tax
dollars funded? Do you like what crack has done to America?

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Re: [CTRL] Thanks to GW (fwd)

2001-07-07 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/7/01 12:29:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The real reason energy prices are coming down has nothing to do with Bush.
change in control of the Senate to the Democrats caused the oil companies to
moderate their attempt to manipulate prices for fear that the Democrats would
introduce legislation creating price caps, reducing their obscene profits.


Oh come on, steve. You know that the senate going demorat had nothing to do
with gasoline prices coming down.
If the demorats had had anything to do with the price of gasoline, it would
have gone up! The way to force people to economize is to raise the tax on it
and force them, the people, to use less.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Thanks to GW (fwd)

2001-07-07 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/7/01 12:29:16 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 The real reason energy prices are coming down has nothing to do with Bush.
change in control of the Senate to the Democrats caused the oil companies to
moderate their attempt to manipulate prices for fear that the Democrats would
introduce legislation creating price caps, reducing their obscene profits.


Oh come on, steve. You know that the senate going demorat had nothing to do
with gasoline prices coming down.
If the demorats had had anything to do with the price of gasoline, it would
have gone up! The way to force people to economize is to raise the tax on it
and force them, the people, to use less.
This was the capitalist system responding inspite of the roadblocks that the
demorats had put in place over the past 8 years.


BTW the grand canyon would make an excellent land fill site. It would take
several years to fill it.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Double post of reply to Steve

2001-07-07 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

Sorry about the double post. AOL was acting up and well


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The God That Sucked

2001-07-07 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

Excellent post!!!  Old money, inherited wealth, and upper class Industrialists, as 
well as the new elite of Technocrats have never had it so good.  AND to top it off now 
they have a man like O'neil in Treasury who wants that no businesses should pay tax 
and the common people should be made to work and be more willing to foot the bill to 
keep it nice for the new fat cats and get nothing for all the money they are forced 
to give to the government in order to enforce the police state which buries them 
further into poverty and disdain.

On Fri, 06 July 2001, Nurev Ind. wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 The God That Sucked

 Thomas Frank

 Despite this, many economists still think that
 electricity deregulation will work. A product is a product, they
 say, and competition always works better than state control.
 I believe in that premise as a matter of religious faith,
 said Philip J. Romero, dean of the business school at
 the University of Oregon and one of the architects of
 California's deregulation plan.

 --New York Times, February 4, 2001

 Time was, the only place a guy could expound the mumbo
 jumbo of the free market was in the country
 club locker room or the pages of Reader's Digest. Spout
 off about it anywhere else and you'd be taken
 for a Bircher or some new strain of Jehovah's Witness.
 After all, in the America of 1968, when the
 great backlash began, the average citizen, whether housewife
 or hardhat or salary-man, still had an
 all-too-vivid recollection of the Depression. Not to
 mention a fairly clear understanding of what social
 class was all about. Pushing laissez-faire ideology
 back then had all the prestige and credibility of
 hosting a Tupperware party.

 But thirty-odd years of culture war have changed all that.
 Mention elites these days and nobody
 thinks of factory owners or gated-community dwellers.
 Instead they assume that what you're mad as
 hell about is the liberal media, or the pro-criminal
 judiciary, or the tenured radicals, or the know-it-all

 For the guys down at the country club all these inverted
 forms of class war worked spectacularly well.
 This is not to say that the right-wing culture warriors
 ever outsmarted the liberal college professors or
 shut down the Hollywood studios or repealed rock 'n' roll.
 Shout though they might, they never quite got
 cultural history to stop. But what they did win was far
 more important: political power, a free hand to
 turn back the clock on such non-glamorous issues as welfare,
 taxes, OSHA, even the bankruptcy laws,
 for chrissake. Assuring their millionaire clients that
 culture war got the deregulatory job done, they
 simply averted their eyes as bizarre backlash variants
 flowered in the burned-over districts of
 conservatism: Posses Comitatus, backyard Confederacies
 mounting mini-secessions, crusades against

 For most of the duration of the thirty-year backlash,
 the free-market faiths of the economists and the
 bosses were kept discreetly in the background. To be sure,
 market worship was always the established
 church in the halls of Republican power, but in public
 the chant was usually States' Rights, or Down
 with Big Gummint, or Watch out for Commies, or Speak
 English Goddammit. All Power to the Markets
 has never been too persuasive as a rallying cry.

 So confidently did the right proceed from triumph to
 triumph, though, that eventually they forgot this.
 Inspired by a generous bull market and puffed up by a
 sense of historical righteousness so cocksure
 that it might have been lifted from The God That Failed,
 that old book in which ex-Communists
 disavowed their former convictions, the right evidently
 decided in the Nineties that the time had come
 to tell the world about the wonders of the market.

Dinesh D'Souza, pedagogical product of the Jesuits, these days can
be found swinging the censer for Mammon and thrilling to the
mayhem his ruthless god of the market visits on the undeserving
poor. George Gilder, erstwhile elder of the Christian right, is now the
Thirty-Third Degree Poobah in the Temple of Telecosm, where he
channels the libertarian commandments of his digital Juggernaut in
  the language of the angels.

   A host of awesome myths attest to the power of this new god.
   Markets must rule, some right-wing prophets tell us, because of
 globalization, because the moral weight of the entire
 world somehow demands it. Others bear tidings
 of a New Economy, a spontaneous recombination
 of the DNA of social life according to which,
 again, markets simply must rule. The papers fill
 with rapturous talk of historical corners turned, of old
 structures abandoned, of endless booms and weightless work.

 The new god makes great demands on us, and its
 demands must be appeased. None can be shielded
 from its will. The welfare of AFDC mothers must be
 entrusted unhesitatingly to its mercies. 

Re: [CTRL] DynCorp's Drug Problem

2001-07-07 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

No doubt true in all the details but interestingly this document comes out now.  It 
seems that someone is going to be thrown to the wolves and could it be DynCorp?  
Certainly NOT the real money makers in the drug war US government and old money in 
this country.

On Thu, 05 July 2001, William Shannon wrote:

 HTMLFONT FACE=arial,helveticaBODY BGCOLOR=#ffA 
 BRDynCorp's Drug Problem
 BRby Jason Vest
 BRCould the State Department's antidrug contractors in South America possibly
 BRbe dabbling in narcotics trafficking? A key part of the US's $1.3 billion
 BRcontribution to Plan Colombia--the scheme that will supposedly expedite the
 BRend of Colombia's civil war--calls for the use of private contractors (as
 BRopposed to actual US military assets) to fly airborne missions against both
 BRthe fields that grow coca and poppy and the labs that process them. While
 BRsome contractors, like Aviation Development Corporation of Montgomery,
 BRAlabama, fly surveillance missions for the CIA, those that fly on retainer
 BRfor other US government agencies are a bit more expansive in their missions.
 BRConsulting giant DynCorp's private pilots in the Andes fly everything from
 BRfixed-wing fumigation runs to helicopter-borne interdiction missions ferrying
 BRtroops into hot spots. If you take DynCorp's word for it, any notion of the
 BRorganization's being involved in drug trafficking is ludicrous. Whether or
 BRnot you believe this, we are a very ethical company, said a senior DynCorp
 BRofficial, who insisted on being quoted off the record. We take steps to make
 BRsure the people we hire are ethical.
 BRYet the existence of a document that The Nation recently obtained (under the
 BRFreedom of Information Act) from the Drug Enforcement
 BRAdministration--combined with the unwillingness of virtually any US or
 BRColombian government agency to elaborate on the document--has some in
 BRWashington and elsewhere wondering if, like virtually every other entity
 BRcharged with fighting the drug war, DynCorp might have a bad apple or two in
 BRits barrel. According to a monthly DEA intelligence report from last year,
 BRofficers of Colombia's National Police force intercepted and opened, on May
 BR12, 2000, a US-bound Federal Express package at Bogota's El Dorado
 BRInternational Airport. The parcel contained two (2) small bottles of a thick
 BRliquid that had the same consistency as motor oil. The communiqué goes on
 BRto report that the liquid substance tested positive for heroin and that the
 BRalleged heroin laced liquid weighed approximately 250 grams. (Freebase
 BRheroin, it bears noting, is soluble in motor oil, and can therefore be
 BRextracted without much trouble.)
 BRBut perhaps the most intriguing piece of information in the DEA document is
 BRthe individual to whom it reports that the package belonged: an unnamed
 BRemployee of DynCorp, who was sending the parcel to the company's Andean
 BRoperations headquarters at Patrick Air Force Base, Florida. More interesting
 BRstill is the reluctance of DynCorp and the government to provide substantial
 BRdetails in support of their contention that this situation isn't really what
 BRit seems.
 BRAccording to DynCorp spokeswoman Janet Wineriter,the viscous liquid that the
 BRColombians tested was not, in fact, laced with heroin; it was simply oil
 BRsamples of major aircraft components that DynCorp technicians are required
 BRto take and send to the US on a periodic basis. Explaining that the drug
 BRtest was conducted with apparently faulty equipment that produced an
 BRincorrect reading, Wineriter could not specify what testing procedures or
 BRequipment were used. She identified her source for the explanation as
 BRCharlene A. Wheeless, DynCorp's Vice President for Corporate Communications.
 BRUnable to cite any source other than Wheeless (I'm assuming when someone
 BRpasses along this information that it's accurate), Wineriter told The Nation
 BRto call the Colombian National Police and the State Department for further
 BRdetails. The State Department liaison with DynCorp did not return phone
 BRcalls, and when the Colombian National Police in Bogota were contacted, an
 BRofficial informed The Nation that the CNP would not comment on the matter,
 BRreferring all queries to the DEA. A DEA spokesman in Washington said the
 BRmatter was not a DEA case, and referred calls to the US Embassy in Bogota.
 BRIt took six days for the embassy to produce a terse, 143-word response to The
 BRNation's queries--a response that echoed, but did not mirror, DynCorp's
 BRaccount. The embassy did confirm that the vials of oil are routinely shipped
 BRto DynCorp facilities at Patrick AFB for analysis related to proper
 BRmaintenance of aircraft, and confirmed that several aircraft motor oil

Re: [CTRL] Newly Released Docs Confirm Trotsky Recieved Help

2001-07-07 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

It seems to me perfectly fitting that intelligence agencies in France and England 
would have had their hands all over this one.  It remains to be seen just how involved 
other governments were with the revolution in Russia, and what kind of help was given 
or witheld at times.

On Thu, 05 July 2001, William Shannon wrote:

 HTMLFONT FACE=arial,helveticaBODY BGCOLOR=#ffA 
 BRMI5 detained Trotsky on way to revolution
 BRPublic records: Russian was arrested on British orders in 1917 on a boat in
 BRCanada but released after intervention by MI6
 BRRichard Norton-Taylor
 BRThursday July 5, 2001
 BRThe Guardian
 BRLeon Trotsky, the creator of the Red Army, was detained on the orders of MI5
 BRin a move which could have prevented him from playing any part in the Russian
 BRrevolution and its aftermath, reveal hitherto secret documents released
 BRThe papers show that had it not been for the intervention of an officer of
 BRthe Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, - who believed the evidence against him
 BRwas provided by an agent provocateur - the leading revolutionary might have
 BRhad no place in history.
 BRPapers made available at the Public Record Office show how MI5, and the
 BRFrench and Spanish security services, monitored Trotsky's movement in the
 BRmonths leading to the revolution in February 1917 which overthrew the Tsarist
 BRThe previous autumn Trotsky was expelled from France after his Paris paper,
 BRNashe Slovo (Our Word) was suppressed on the grounds it was subversive and
 BRanti-war. He set off for Madrid, surrounded by spies who, he noted,
 BRregarded him as as a dangerous terrorist agitator.
 BRIn Madrid he was immediately arrested, jailed, and taken to Cadiz where he
 BRwas told he was going to be put on a boat to Havana. But after angry
 BRprotests, Trotsky was allowed to remain a few more days and sail, instead, to
 BRNew York.
 BRTrotsky explained his predic-ament in a postcard to a Russian contact in
 BRLondon, Georgy Tchitchrine. Dear Comrade, he wrote, I press your hand
 BRwarmly... I hope that we may meet once again in the ranks of fighters for the
 BRcommon cause. Yours, Trotsky.
 BRThe card never reached its destination.. It was intercepted by MI5.
 BRMI5 continued to monitor Trotsky's activities. In a telegram from New York to
 BRLondon, dated March 22, 1917, an MI5 agent warned: An important movement has
 BRbeen started here among Socialists, with a view to getting back Revolutionary
 BRSocialists into Russia ... with [the] object of establishing a Republic and
 BRinitiating Peace movement; also of promoting Socialistic Revolutions in other
 BRcountries, including the United States.
 BRThe main leader, the tele-gram noted, is Trotsky, who was planning to
 BRleave the US for Russia. A few days later, the MI5 agent dispatched a
 BRmess-age to London saying Trotsky had set sail with $10,000 subscribed by
 BRSocialists and Germans on the way to Petrograd, now St Petersburg.
 BRThe agent ordered the ship to be detained when it stopped at Halifax in
 BRCanada. Trotsky was arrested with five Russian comrades. There he could have
 BRremained, had it not been for the intervention of the Secret Intelligence
 BRService, MI6.
 BRClaude Dansey, an MI6 officer, had also just landed at Halifax. I told
 BRCaptain Malkins, the Naval Control Officer, that I believed the new Russian
 BRgovernment would at once ask for Trotsky's release, and that we should be
 BRunable to hold him, and that, unless they were very certain of the source of
 BRinformation against him it would be much better to let him go before he got
 BRangry, he noted.
 BRDansey was told by the MI6 station chief in New York, William Wiseman, that
 BRthe information against Trotsky had come from a Russian agent in whom he had
 BRgreat confidence.
 BRHowever, Dansey reported: I then asked him a few questions about the man,
 BRand from what I gathered, there is a strong possibility that he was an agent
 BRprovocateur, used by the old Russian Secret Police. I told Wiseman he had
 BRbetter be discharged at once, and he said that he was going to do so.
 BRWithin four weeks of his arrest, to MI5's chagrin, Trotsky and his fellow
 BRrevolutionaries boarded another ship heading for Russia.
 BRDocuments released today show MI5 continued its campaign right up the
 BRBolsheviks' October Revolution of 1917. Until such men as Trotsky are
 BRfinally convicted, anti-war agitation will be carried on in the factories of
 BRPetrograd, Moscow...and Leninite doctrines will continue to be promulgated
 BRamong the simple-minded peasantry, it warned.
 BRAn MI5 file on Eamonn de Valera, the Irish nationalist leader, is also
 BRreleased today though many pages have been withheld.

Re: [CTRL] Mass Shooting In Colorado

2001-07-07 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

Another one for the mind control files.  One wonders what LEGAL drugs were fuelling 
his aberrant mental thoughts?  What kind of chemical cocktail was he on?

On Thu, 05 July 2001, M. F. Abernathy wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 The gunman is described as suffering from 'schizophrenia'-- was that
 *really* his problem?


  Stagner had been ranting about hellfire and damnation at a liquor
 store near the scene of the shootings, said owner Linda Trujillo. She
 said Stagner bought a mini-bottle of whiskey and a Gatorade but she ran
 him off when he started yelling at passers-by.


 The Denver Post, citing an unidentified source, reported that Stagner
 had recently been treated for schizophrenia and may have stopped taking
 his medication


 Man accused of killing 3 gave warning, friend says

 The Associated Press

 RIFLE, Colo. (July 5, 2001 1:01 p.m. EDT) - The man accused of killing
 three people and wounding four in a rampage through an RV park warned a
 friend he planned to shoot some people and then himself, according to
 the friend, who says he dismissed it as a joke.
 Hours before the shooting Tuesday night, Mike Stagner, 42, made the
 threat casually to bartender Ted Diaz Jr. at The Sports Corner bar. Diaz
 said he had known Stagner to make suicidal threats. I blew it off, he
 told the Rocky Mountain News. He was always either going to jump off a
 bridge or shoot himself, but this morning I was shocked when I found out
 it was him.

 Stagner, who has a long criminal record, was arrested Tuesday night and
 held on three counts of first-degree murder and four counts of attempted
 first-degree murder. Police were investigating whether the shootings
 were race-related. Stagner is white and the victims were believed to be
 Latino. Earlier Tuesday, Stagner had been ranting about hellfire and
 damnation at a liquor store near the scene of the shootings, said owner
 Linda Trujillo. She said Stagner bought a mini-bottle of whiskey and a
 Gatorade but she ran him off when he started yelling at passers-by.

 The Denver Post, citing an unidentified source, reported that Stagner
 had recently been treated for schizophrenia and may have stopped taking
 his medication. The rampage began when Juan Hernandez-Carillo was shot
 and killed as he talked on a pay phone outside City Market.

 Police said Stagner then walked across the parking lot toward the
 trailer park, shooting a 19-year-old Mexican immigrant, identified by
 witnesses as Anjelica Toscono. Toscono was in critical condition with a
 gunshot wound to the head. When Stagner reached the trailer park, he
 fatally shot two men sitting outside a small mobile home and drinking
 beer, authorities said. Their names were not immediately released.

 The gunman walked all the way through the trailer park before shooting
 and wounding three more men, two in their car and one outside his home,
 investigators said. Stagner then walked back out through the park,
 stopping only to reload, police said. As residents fled, Stagner crossed
 back to the supermarket parking lot, where police arrested him, city
 manager Selby Myers said.

 Members of Hernandez-Carillo's family said he had come to Rifle from
 Mexico and had been working for a plant nursery. Relatives said they
 were trying to get enough money to send his body back to Mexico to be
 buried. He was everybody's friend, daughter Maria Dolores Hernandez
 said. His brother, Guadalupe Hernandez, said he didn't think the
 shootings were racially motivated. I think he's crazy, he said.

 Over the last 20 years, Stagner has been arrested on numerous charges
 including burglary, assault, drug possession and drunken driving.


 MARtin F. ABErnathy  [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]- 7/5/01

 A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
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 directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Confession to Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK

2001-07-07 Thread tenebroust

-Caveat Lector-

Thornley is another one of those untidy loose ends surrounding the assassination of 
JFK.  Another example of the black hole of Twilight Zone stuff which permeates the 
whole charade.

On Thu, 05 July 2001, Dale Stonehouse wrote:

  This is an online book by Kerry Thornley
  Confession to Conspiracy to Assassinate JFK.url

Welcome to the desert of the real.  Morpheus, in The Matrix

My God it's full of stars!  Dave Bowman, in 2001: A Space
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[CTRL] Men In Grey and etc.

2001-07-07 Thread Schmidt

-Caveat Lector-

Get important news daily from



The US government's mysterious 'Men in Black' will soon be trading in their 
traditional dark garb for the light gray suits worn by most other federal agents, a 
report claims. The Bush administration reportedly ordered the change for the hush-hush 
unit responsible for investigating possible close encounters with extraterrestrial 
life forms, because officials decided a less conspicuous look was needed. According to 
the odd report, which surfaced in a D.C. watchdog group's newsletter, Washington 
Conspiracy Confidential, some members of the elite organization are peeved at the 
switch to the blander color.

In other news, apparently Robert Blake's attorney committed suicide:


and Rep. Condit has admitted having a long affair with the missing intern Chandra Levy:


remember to bookmark


and visit frequently!

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http://allofyourgodsaredead.com - Someone had to tell you.

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Re: [CTRL] FDR- Pearl Harbor and the Holocaust j2

2001-07-07 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

 I'm glad we can agree about something FLW. American Jews are mostly
 Liberals, and as such they suffer from a severe reality deficit. They
 would rather not know. Believe me.


There is hope for you.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-07 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 7 Jul 01, at 14:11, Damian B. Cooper wrote:

 Iran-Contra was a brilliant stratagem.  Funnel Iranian money to the
 Contras to overthrow an illegitimate Commie regime right under the
 noses of the Commie members of the U.S. Congress.  I love it.

You left out the guns for drugs, with cocaine flooding our streets in the 80s. But I 
that is ok for you conservatives because most of the victoms were blacks and the drug
was rock cocaine.

I'll bet you love it.  :(


The Truth is out there.

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Re: [CTRL] A Fair Trial for Milosevic?

2001-07-07 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001 15:48:50 -0500 kl [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 -Caveat Lector-

 July 3, 2001
 A Fair Trial for Milosevic?
 Memo To: Attorney General John Ashcroft
 From: Jude Wanniski
 Re: Hurray for Ramsey Clark
 Quite apart from my belief that Slobodan Milosevic has been demonized
 to cover up the blunders of the State Department in the last Bush
 administration, I’m now disgusted with the willingness of our
 Establishment to celebrate his kidnapping. The fact that our
 promised $1 billion in ransom to buy the Belgrade government’s
 willingness to ship him off for a fair trial at the International
 Court of
 Justice at the Hague makes me ashamed to be an American. Yes,
 John, I know you are just a cog in the wheel, forced to turn at the
 Establishment’s bidding, but this is truly reprehensible. Imagine
 what it
 would have been like if Richard Nixon or Jerry Ford had been
 indicted by
 the Hague Tribunal as war criminals, for their complicity of the
 massacre of Vietnamese civilians at My Lai, or Sen. Bob Kerrey
 dragged before the court for  his slaughter of innocents. President
 Clinton was clearly a war criminal, having bombed a Sudan aspirin
 factory and killing several folks in the process (not to mention the
 civilians who got in  the way of his wag-the-dog bombing attacks).
 do we do if he is indicted?
Dance in the streets.

 I’d like you to read this press release from a former Attorney
 General of the United States in the Lyndon Johnson administration,
 Ramsey Clark, whose father Tom was A.G. in the Harry Truman
 administration and a Supreme Court Justice from 1949 to 1967. The
 that Ramsey Clark was despised by conservative Republicans for being
 anti-war in the Vietnam era may cause you to hesitate, but this is a
 different issue. Please note that former President Clinton’s
 secretary of
 state, Madeleine Albright, has already announced that Milosevic IS A
 WAR CRIMINAL and should be dealt with severely after his fair trial.

She's not qualified to be the judge.
And why did she not go on and name the OTHER criminals?

 New York Times also concluded that Milosevic is a monster

Oh, yes, the saints at the NYT-they are qualified to call him a monster!
And why did they not go on and name the OTHER monsters?

and now
 treats us to selected photographs designed to prove that he should be
 put away for life. Remember, what goes around, comes around. One of
 these days the Eurocrats might offer a bundle of euros for your
 extradition, or that of your boss. Don’t you worry about that?



 The International Action Center (IAC), a nationwide anti-war
 organization, denounced today's deportation of ex-Yugoslav President
 Slobodan Milosevic to the International Criminal Court for the
 Yugoslavia in The Hague, Netherlands. It is an enormous tragedy for
 Yugoslavia, the Serbian people and the rule of law, said IAC
 Chairperson and former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark. Serbian
 Prime Minister Djindjic and other officials should be investigated
 for high
 crimes against the people, and if found guilty should be sentenced in
 accordance with the law.

 Demands should be made to the ICCFY, Mr. Clark continued,
 which is itself illegal, to immediately return Mr. Milosevic. The
 Nations must not encourage the illegal seizure of persons, such as
 place in this case. The people of Yugoslavia should unite in
 response to
 this illegal seizure and demand the return of Mr. Milosevic, as
 people from all over the world.

 Today's U.S.-engineered deportation of former Yugoslav President
 Slobodan Milosevic is a gross violation of both legality and
 national sovereignty, said IAC West Coast Coordinator Richard
 The ICCFY in The Hague is nothing more than a 'kangaroo court,' set
 up by the U.S.-dominated UN Security Council, and run by the NATO

 The ICCFY's role as an instrument of the United States and other
 NATO powers was made apparent during the 1999 NATO war against
 Yugoslavia. Despite the fact that the massive bombing of Yugoslavia
 constituted grave violations of international law -- including crimes
 against peace, war crimes and crimes against humanity -- the ICCFY
 refused to even consider indicting the NATO powers, Becker
 Instead, the ICCFY indicted five Yugoslav leaders, among them then-
 President Milosevic. NATO spokesperson Jamie Shea stated in May
 1999, Of course NATO supports the ICCFY – NATO created it.
 Sara Flounders, National Co-Director of the IAC, pointed out the fact
 that Milosevic's deportation violated Yugoslavia's constitution, and
 decisions of its federal president, parliament and 

Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-07 Thread lassey

-Caveat Lector-

On Sat, 7 Jul 2001 10:52:40 -0700 Nessie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 -Caveat Lector-

 After the 8 years + that we just lived thru, where we saw and heard
 every low down corrupt, perverted, traitorous, etc etc scandal that
 decent people could not even imagine, AND IT WAS ALLL

 That's a separate issue. Elliott Abrams is still living scum.
 nothing Clinton ever did comes even close to the October Surprise

AND WE PROBABLY WILL NOT RECOVER! It will take years for us to
get 'ahead' again. Meanwhile China is going to bomb us. ABSOLUTE TREASON,
besides the filth.

Get some perspective here. They're all corrupt.

 Gangsters run this country. One way you can tell is by the
 nicknames. We used to get guys like Old Hickory, Honest Abe and
 of his Country. Now we get guys like Tricky Dick, Slick Willy, Poppy

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[CTRL] Stalin drew cartoons of his victims' fate

2001-07-07 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

July 8 2001 RUSSIA

Joseph Stalin, one of the 20th century's
most ruthless dictators

Stalin drew cartoons of his victims' fate
Mark Franchetti, Moscow

Killing joke: Bryukhanov as drawn by Stalin in about 1930. He was executed in 1938

NEWLY discovered cartoons and doodles believed to have been drawn by Joseph Stalin 
could provide an unusual
insight into the mind of one of the 20th century's most ruthless dictators.

According to Boris Ilizarov, a historian and member of the Russian academy of 
sciences, Stalin used to draw
offensive sketches of some of his victims while attending politburo meetings. In one 
cartoon, which Ilizarov
believes Stalin drew around 1930, his finance minister, Nikolai Bryukhanov, is 
depicted naked, hanging from a
rope by his genitals.

The sketch was found with a note written and signed by Stalin in which the tyrant made 
no effort to disguise
his pleasure at the fate he had in mind for Bryukhanov, a politburo member for four 

Under the heading Special File, it read: To all members of the politburo, for all 
his present and future
sins, Bryukhanov should be hung by his balls. If they hold up he should be considered 
not guilty as if in a
court of law. If they give way he should be drowned in a river.

Bryukhanov was executed on Stalin's orders in 1938 on trumped-up charges. He was 
rehabilitated in 1956, three
years after Stalin's death.

A copy of the cartoon and the note were taken from a state archive by Ilizarov, who 
recently also uncovered
KGB documents revealing that Stalin had an illegitimate son from a relationship with a 
14-year-old girl. The
affair was hidden by the Kremlin for decades. Hundreds of files on Stalin, who ruled 
Russia from the 1920s
until his death in 1953, remain closed, even to academics.

These drawings give us a unique chance to look into his complicated mind, said 
Ilizarov, who is writing a
book about Stalin. I have no doubt there are many more such drawings which fully 
reveal the inner depth of hi
s soul.

The archives contain more than 500 sketches and cartoons. Dozens were drawn by members 
of Stalin's inner
circle, including portraits by Nikolai Bukharin, a confidant who was also executed in 
1938. Another prolific
sketcher during meetings in the Kremlin was Valery Mezhlauk, Stalin's right-hand man, 
who died the same year.

However, Ilizarov believes many were drawn by Stalin himself during the years when his 
policies and
repressions claimed 20m lives. Several experts have confirmed that the note about 
Bryukhanov was written by

The drawing and the note come from the same file and I have no doubt that both are 
Stalin's work, said
Ilizarov, who noted that in the doodle Bryukhanov is depicted crouching like a cat. He 
said this echoed
episodes from Stalin's early years in which he watched and probably helped other 
children torturing cats.

As a child he watched several executions when criminals were hanged, he said. He 
had the sense of humour of
a hooligan. He loved humiliating and mocking those who surrounded him. He was cruel 
and a sadist, especially
with people who made fun of him.

Stalin often doodled with a blue pencil during long Politburo meetings. Archives also 
contain dozens of books
from his personal library in which he scribbled in the margins, often making offensive 
silhouettes of
characters he was reading about. In his copies of the works of Lenin, he wrote 
comments deriding the father of
the Russian revolution, pencilling in huge question marks and writing Ha Ha Ha!! 

Stalin loved to scribble all over his books and papers, said Larissa Rogovaya, an 
archivist with access to
Stalin's files. He also doodled in his books. And in his remarks he did not mind his 

After defeating the Nazis he became even more megalomaniac. He wrote speeches and 
scribbled in the text at
what point the audience was meant to applaud and for how long.

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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-07 Thread Nessie

-Caveat Lector-


And Reagan spent us into a national debt that we'll never pay off, our
children will never pay off and our grand children will never pay off.
He sold us out to the banksters. We'll never recover. Our great
grandchildren will be born into debt slavery because of that man. What
could be worse than that?

It will take years for us to  get 'ahead' again.

Ahead of what? We're the most successful, and greediest, bullies in the
planet's history. We suck on the world like a tick. Nobody else even
comes close.

Meanwhile China is going to bomb us.

You're sounding really hysterical. Calm down. China is not going to bomb
us. It would be suicide and their leaders know it. They may be evil, but
they're not stupid. Get a grip, man. 

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Re: [CTRL] Bush's Disgraceful Payback

2001-07-07 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 7/7/01 10:15:45 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Meanwhile China is going to bomb us.

You're sounding really hysterical. Calm down. China is not going to bomb
us. It would be suicide and their leaders know it. They may be evil, but
they're not stupid. Get a grip, man. 

Yeah, China is gonna' bomb us...like the Soviet Union was on the verge of
doing at any given time too...uh huh, sre...

Nessie you're spot on...either Lass has a vested interest in expanding the
military budget or (more likely) he's (?) a big sucker for the Limbaugh


[CTRL] Menwith Hill Cyprus

2001-07-07 Thread William Shannon

Intelligent sharing

Why Menwith Hill and Cyprus are linked

Saturday July 7, 2001
The Guardian

The connection between Britain's sovereign bases in Cyprus, the US National
Security Agency's listening post at Menwith Hill in Yorkshire, and the
Pentagon's plans for anti-ballistic missile defence may not be immediately
obvious. But it exists all the same.

The Dhekelia and Akrotiri facilities are in the spotlight after Cypriots
resorted to violent demonstrations over plans to erect new communications
antennae. The protests may well be justified on environmental grounds; and
concern about electro-magnetic radiation hazards is not confined to Cyprus.

That the Cypriot government has backed Britain in denouncing the protests
stems in part from its EU membership aspirations - but also because it knows
how important are these listening posts to US-led intelligence gathering in
the Middle East, particularly in Iraq and Iran.

The British bases are staging posts for humanitarian operations, a big source
of income to the local economy, and a theoretical guarantee, at least,
against Turkish expansionism. But spying is a primary task.

Menwith Hill, and Fylingdales, perform a not entirely dissimilar role in
gathering intelligence - specifically, in giving early warning of aggressive
intent by potential enemies.

Unlike Britain's Cyprus bases, they are not sovereign US territory. But there
should be no mistake who is in charge. This week's well-con-ducted Greenpeace
"invasion" of Menwith Hill has placed an unwelcome (from the government's
standpoint) spotlight on them, too. Unwelcome because one or both are likely
to be drawn into the first stage missile defence plan that the Bush
administration seems determined to implement before the 2004 US election.

Britain uses the intelligence it gathers via Cyprus to trade with America's
own international surveillance apparatus. If the British bases were not
already there, it is a safe bet the Americans would have built some of their

Likewise, the Yorkshire facilities earn barter points in Washington. The
payback includes crucial American support for maintaining Britain's
supposedly independent nuclear deterrent. But unavoidable choices are looming
for Britain.

As the EU moves to pool intelligence, particularly for its rapid reaction
force, this cosy, sharing relationship with Washington will be increasingly
challenged, not least by France. And as opposition to missile defence
proliferates, Labour will have to be lot more intelligent about intelligence.

[CTRL] The Liberation Of Kuwait

2001-07-07 Thread William Shannon

Ramblings by Harry

In the fall of 1990, the United States military deployed troops in eastern 
Saudi Arabia in order to "liberate" the tiny Emirate of Kuwait from the Iraqi 
invaders. More than seven years later, there are still troops deployed in the 
area to defend the oil wells from whatever might happen to them. 

To see how we got into this, we have to look at the history of the oil 
industry in the area. 

In the late nineteenth century, the regions around the Persian Gulf were 
ruled by two great kings- the Shah of Persia and the Sultan of the Ottoman 
Empire. These rulers became the focus of rivalry between the European powers 
of the day. Over time they became heavily indebted to European banks in order 
to support their extravagant and corrupt courts, and these loans were used to 
extort commodity contracts from them. One of these, a contract where a 
British company bought a monopoly on the production of tobacco in Persia, led 
to widespread discontent. A fatwa was pronounced by the religious authorities 
of Iran banning the production and use of tobacco. Amazingly, the population 
actually quit until the contract was cancelled, leading to a pronounced 
increase in the edginess of the Persian population. This edginess worked to 
develop an opposition in Persia that demanded the creation of a Persian 
parliament and restrictions on the king’s power in 1908.
In that same year, oil was discovered by British geologists near the Persian 
Gulf in the southwestern portion of the country.

Shortly afterward, the British government developed a close relationship with 
the Sabah family in the nearby Ottoman town of Kuwait. When World War I 
began, they also contacted a friend of the Sabah family, the chieftain 
Abdel-Aziz Ibn Sa’ud of the independent kingdom of Najd. Both became allies 
of the British in their attempt to foment a revolt of the Arabs against 
Ottoman rule which led to the end of the Ottoman empire and the creation of 
several squabbling countries (Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Transjordan, Iraq, 
Kuwait and Hijaz) in the Middle East, all of which were largely dependent on 
Britain or France. After Abdel-Aziz Ibn Saud conquered the nearby kingdom of 
Hijaz, he established the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The kingdom was a medieval 
and poor land until Socal (now Chevron) struck oil at Jebel Dhahran in 1935. 

The early development of the oil fields led to an expansion of the old 
colonial system. Once again, rulers made contracts in which most of the money 
went to the West, a little was left for them (which was promptly spent on 
Western goods and collateral for Western loans) and nothing went to the 
people. But in Persia, by now called Iran, there was that parliament who 
pointed out that it was Iran’s oil in 1953 and led a drive to nationalize it. 
However, by then the CIA was in town, and its agents, H. Norman Schwarzkopf 
and Kermit Roosevelt, together with a local Mafia thug known popularly as 
"Ahmad the Brainless" and two suitcases full of US currency, engineered a 
coup which eliminated this "communist" hazard to America and gave Muhammad 
Reza Shah absolute power to send oil off to American and British oil 
companies. For twenty-six years, this heroic anti-Communist Shah explored new 
heights of corruption and oppression - buying weapons from American 
companies, using them on his own population, having the secret police throw 
dissidents out windows, and giving plenty of campaign contributions to 
Richard Nixon. The court’s lifestyle discovered all of the worst features of 
Western glitz, including a $200 million party to celebrate Iran’s 2500th 
anniversary in a province which was experiencing a famine at the time and the 
bizarre Shiraz Arts Festival sponsored by the Queen. This arts festival was a 
gathering of the most tasteless artists of the 1970’s. The last such 
festival, in 1978, contained a live disco sex show by a Brazilian dance 
troupe. The people of Iran, led by the Ayatollah Khomeini, did not give the 
Shiraz Arts Festival good reviews, so they canned the Shah in a bloody 
revolution in which over 40,000 people were killed with those bright shiny 
American weapons bought on all those loans. World TV audiences were then 
entertained by the videotapes of all the weird 70s home furnishings of the 
Shah’s palace. Soon afterwards, a house furnished in the same style in 
Beverly Hills by one of the Shah’s courtiers was put on the market and became 
Steve Martin’s house in the movie "The Jerk". Some of the American banks 
still think they should get paid on those loans to the Shah. The CIA, of 
course, was outraged, and they got to work on things.
However, the US Embassy in Teheran, which contained the CIA’s section 
headquarters, was seized by radical students who had a little too much time 
on their hands, and while they held some American hostages they taped 
together the huge piles of shredded documents 

[CTRL] President Rove Or President Cheney?

2001-07-07 Thread William Shannon

Who's Really President?
Rove or Cheney?

By David Plotz
David Plotz is Slate's Washington bureau chief. . 

Posted Friday, July 6, 2001, at 9:30 a.m. PT

Karl Rove is "the center of all power in the White House." But Dick Cheney is 
the White House's "supreme power broker."

Cheney is the "most influential member of the Bush team." But Rove is the 
"most influential presidential aide in two decades."

According to Time, Rove is "the Busiest Man in Washington." According to 
Time, Cheney is the administration's "John Henry."

Cheney is "uniquely powerful." On the other hand, "no one, with the possible 
exception of the President, will be more responsible for the success or 
failure of Bush's presidency" than Rove.

Says Newsweek of Rove: "[He] has a hand in virtually every decision the 
president makes." Says Time of Cheney: "There is almost no major issue that 
doesn't feel his touch." (This is certainly a hands-on administration.)

It's enough to drive a poor influence-peddler crazy. If you need a wheel 
greased, who should you call? "The Indispensable Man" (Cheney)? Or "the man 
to see in Washington" (Rove)? If you're measuring influence, which is better: 
Cheney spending "half the working day" with W., or Rove talking "constantly" 
on the phone to Bush? Is Rove the shadow president? Or is Cheney?

This week has brought more conflicting evidence. Rove has almost 
single-handedly blocked the administration from permitting stem-cell 
research. Most Americans, Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson, 
and lots of top Republican politicians say it's a scientific and ethical 
good. Rove says it could alienate Catholic voters. Cheney, meanwhile, rushed 
back to the office a day after heart surgery, a frantic return that confirmed 
the Democratic suspicion that the White House—and President Bush—would 
collapse without him.

Naturally, administration folks—especially Cheney and Rove—insist President 
Bush is President Bush. He is the chairman, the CEO. He says jump, they say 
how high, etc. But Bush is a hands-off president—that's why Rove and Cheney 
have their hands in everything—and it's clear his underlings are remarkably 

Who you believe is shadow president depends on your worldview. If you think 
the presidency is essentially politics, Rove is your man. If you believe the 
presidency is process, Cheney is.

Rove, officially Bush's senior adviser, is grandmaster of all things 
strategic and political. (This was a job Bill Clinton kept for himself.) His 
basic duty is to do whatever it takes to re-elect Bush in 2004. On Vieques, 
Puerto Rico, it was Rove who decided—without significantly consulting the 
president or defense secretary—that the administration would stop bombing 
runs in a couple of years. Rove calculated that the halt would please 
Hispanics. White House polling is funneled through Rove, and he uses the data 
to modify administration strategy. When Bush was pummeled for being 
anti-green and pro-energy, Rove decided the administration would emphasize 
environmental initiatives and back-burner drilling in the Arctic National 
Wildlife Refuge. Rove is the pooh-bah of national party politics: He helped 
install Virginia Gov. Jim Gilmore as chairman of the RNC. When a bitter 
primary fight threatened GOP chances in a Minnesota Senate race recently, 
Rove was instrumental in persuading one of the candidates to withdraw.

Rove also handles the administration's relations with interest groups, 
particularly the religious right. Republicans learned in Bush I that they 
dare not alienate the conservative base. So Rove has almost total freedom to 
do whatever he wants to satisfy them. Thanks to Rove, the White House may get 
involved in the Sudanese civil war—exactly the kind of complex, intractable, 
irrelevant-to-American-interests conflict that candidate Bush said the United 
States should avoid. But Christian conservatives are enraged by Muslim abuse 
(and sometimes enslavement) of Christian rebels and have recruited Rove to 
help them. Similarly, Rove has blocked stem-cell research in service to 
religious conservatives. And Rove has guided some of the marketing of Bush's 
faith-based bill, even establishing an outside lobbying group to help give 
the proposal juice.

Vice President Cheney also has a job that Clinton reserved for himself. 
Cheney is president of everything beige, the dull but essential questions of 
process and policy. Cheney dominated the transition and got his favorites 
installed in key positions in the administration—including Treasury Secretary 
Paul O'Neill and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. As "prime minister," 
Cheney runs much of the day-to-day business of the administration. Cheney, 
for example, directed the budget-review process, settling disagreements 
between Cabinet secretaries without taking them to the president. Cheney 
serves as the White House delegate to Congress, acting as 

[CTRL] Even The Conservative WSJ Has Problems W/ Robert Mueller

2001-07-07 Thread William Shannon

Questions for Mr. Mueller
The FBI needs another stand-up guy like Louis Freeh.

Tuesday, June 26, 2001 12:01 a.m. EDT

The Republic has just seen why the Director of the FBI is appointed to a
10-year term. Louis Freeh's era at the bureau had its share of mishaps and
errors; no director since J. Edgar Hoover has succeeded in establishing full
control of the proud and secretive institution. But Mr. Freeh was farsighted
in the world-wide fight against terrorism and courageous in withstanding
constant pressure from the Clinton White House and Justice Department on
Whitewater, the campaign finance scandal and so on. Whatever else, Mr. Freeh
has been a stand-up guy.

These qualities came to mind last week as we watched trial balloons floating
over Washington with the names of Robert S. Mueller and George Terwilliger as
Mr. Freeh's possible successor. These names set us to perusing the books on
one of our long-lasting preoccupations, the Bank of Credit  Commerce

The BCCI scandal was the most important corruption story of the 20th century.
Crooked international bankers cast a world-wide web of influence. They bought
and sold politicians around the globe, ripped off depositors for some $10
billion, laundered drug money, worked with assorted spooks and trafficked
with terrorists.

In the U.S., they illegally bought a major Washington bank, First American,
and installed Democratic Party icon Clark Clifford as its head. George H.W.
Bush headed the CIA during BCCI's early days and was President when its
wrongdoing first began to surface. Even George W. Bush bumped up against the
outer fringes of the BCCI crowd during his tenure with Harken Energy and in
his friendship with Texas entrepreneur James Bath.

BCCI holds important lessons for the future. Our dawning century is one of
international criminal gangs operating with increasing sophistication in a
shadowy world beyond the control of fragmented national authorities. The
banking and political systems are particularly vulnerable to this sort of
corruption. BCCI is a prototype for this new form of global crime. As FBI
Director, Mr. Freeh got a foothold on these problems; his successor will find
them a major preoccupation.

Both Mr. Terwilliger and Mr. Mueller were senior Justice Department officials
when BCCI got away. Mr. Terwilliger was Deputy Attorney General; and Mr.
Mueller ran the Criminal Division at Main Justice from 1990 to 1993. When it
came to making decisions about investigations and prosecutions in the BCCI
affair they were the men at the switches. Only the Attorney General and the
President had higher federal authority. Mr. Terwilliger apparently is off the
short list because confirmation would be complicated by his legal work for
Mr. Bush in the Florida election dispute.

This means the presumed front-runner is Mr. Mueller, who took personal charge
of the BCCI probe. If he is nominated, a number of questions need to be
asked. How did BCCI manage to gain entry into the U.S. banking system and
acquire First American? Did the U.S. intelligence community grease the skids
for BCCI at critical junctures? Was the Justice Department part of the
solution to the BCCI mess, or part of the problem?

When Mr. Mueller took over the Criminal Division, critics in Congress and the
media were already raising questions about Justice and BCCI. He stepped into
this breach, telling the Washington Post in July 1991 that maybe indeed there
was an "appearance of, one, foot-dragging; two, perhaps a coverup." He denied
the coverup claims, specifically rejecting a Time magazine report that the
U.S. government was seeking to obscure its role in the scandal partly because
the CIA may have collaborated with the bank's operatives. Perhaps Justice
should have been more enthusiastic and aggressive about the case, he told the
Post, but "nobody has ever accused me of lacking aggression."

Still, the problems with Justice persisted. And the timing of some of Mr.
Mueller's moves raised eyebrows. In September 1991, Justice indicted six BCCI
figures and a reputed Colombian drug lord on racketeering charges. The
indictment was unveiled just minutes after then-Congressman Charles Schumer
issued a report sharply critical of Justice Department handling of the case.
As Peter Truell and Larry Gurwin noted in their authoritative book, "False
Profits: Inside BCCI," the indictment was merely "warmed-over information
from an investigation that had ended nearly two years before."

Mr. Mueller also engaged in a running series of battles with the Manhattan
District Attorney, Robert Morgenthau. According to news reports over the
years, Justice prosecutors were instructed not to cooperate with Mr.
Morgenthau's office, documents were withheld, and attempts were made to block
other federal agencies from cooperating. In July 1992, both Mr. Mueller and
Mr. Morgenthau simultaneously but separately indicted Mr. Clifford and his

[CTRL] Please Dare Call It Treason...

2001-07-07 Thread William Shannon

… whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends (life, 
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness) it is the right of the people to alter 
or abolish it. 
—Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776

... these five justices have gotten away with murder, and I want to do 
whatever I can to make sure that they pay dearly for their crime.
—Vincent Bugliosi, The Betrayal of America, 2001

Long as we have been a nation, we have celebrated the Fourth of July with 
time-honored rituals: parades, red-white-and-blue bunting, a clumsy reading 
of the Declaration of Independence to an audience which understands perhaps 
half of it, and fireworks.

Backyard barbecues are also part of the sacred ceremony, which has undergone 
slight changes with the passage of time. In recent years, the actual reading 
of the document has been gradually replaced by a ritual in which one or more 
neighborhood children blows off one or more fingers, or perhaps takes out an 
eye, with illegal firecrackers. Oddly, this isn’t usually seen as a fitting 
commemoration of the glorious martyrs of the Revolution.

Leftist cranks used to suggest the American Revolution was really nothing 
more than an effort by rich landowners of the day to minimize their tax 

And while there was a little truth in that, this nation really was, all false 
sentiment aside, the best hope of mankind. Which is why I suggest you do your 
patriotic duty and buy and read a very important little paperback that should 
make you mad: Vincent Bugliosi’s absolutely marvelous The Betrayal of 
America: How The Supreme Court Undermined Our Constitution and Chose Our 
President (Nation Books, paper, $9.95).

This book is by far the most important of any about last year’s election. 
What makes it especially important is that Bugliosi is not just a scribbler 
but a super lawyer, the prosecutor who put Charlie Manson away. He’s no 
conspiracy-theorist crank, either; he is well-known for arguing Lee Harvey 
Oswald acted alone. His last book, Outrage, was a bestseller that claimed 
O.J. Simpson was guilty as sin.

And he has put himself at some risk; he argues that the right-wing Supreme 
Court justices who handed the election to George W. Bush are absolute 
criminals who are essentially guilty of treason. “These five justices, by 
their conduct, have forfeited the right to be respected, and only by treating 
them the way they deserve to be treated can we demonstrate our respect for 
the rule of law they defiled,” he writes.

This isn’t just rhetoric. Calmly, methodically, he demonstrates beyond any 
reasonable doubt that there were no principles of law at stake; instead, the 
Criminal Five violated all the principles of states’ rights and federalism 
they have cited for years.

They wanted only to make sure that their man “won.” What makes this even 
more outrageous is that not only didn’t he win, he would, almost certainly, 
have been installed anyway, by the House of Representatives.

But instead, the one branch of government previously above reproach soiled 

“Although we may never know with complete certainty the identity of the 
winner of this year’s presidential election, the identity of the loser is 
perfectly clear. It is this nation’s confidence in [this court] as an 
impartial guardian of the rule of law.”

That last quote isn’t Bugliosi, by the way. That’s U.S. Supreme Court 
Justice John Paul Stevens — a conservative Republican appointed by that 
wild-eyed commie Gerald Ford. Stevens may have voted for Bush, but he is a 
man of integrity, a product of a tradition in which the nation’s courts 
didn’t steal elections.

This court did. Last week I was in Washington on the last day the Supreme 
Court was in session, and went over and sat in the most important courtroom 
in America. “Is this where they made Bush president?” I heard a girl, who 
looked to be in her early teens, ask her mother. Which is exactly what I was 
thinking, less politely.

Last year, I would have looked up at the irregularly shaped chairs and 
thought: This was where Brown vs. Board of Education was decided. Not any 
more. What Bill Clinton did for the Oval Office as symbol, the five criminals 
have done for their chambers.

Now you might think Bugliosi would be getting a lot of attention — especially 
since he is the author of the classic book on the Manson family, Helter 
Skelter. Instead, he is being virtually ignored.

“I have experienced rejections from shows that have always welcomed me in the 
past,” he told the Web zine Buzzflash. “They all give me the same mantra. 
‘The election is over. Bush won anyway. No one cares anymore.’” He isn’t 
surprised; he knows, as many of us do, the essential conformist cowardice of 
most in the media — and among liberals.

But Bugliosi isn’t giving up. Why? “Because this is the greatest American 
crime since slavery. The Supreme Court actually ruled that Americans don’t 

[CTRL] The Terrible Arafat

2001-07-07 Thread William Shannon

The Terrible Arafat  
by Uri Avnery 

All the existential problems of the State of Israel are now merging into one 
question: What to do with Yasser Arafat?

Who doesn’t deal with this? Ministers and taxi-drivers, professors and fruit 
vendors, reserve generals and flight attendants, members of the Knesset and 
top models, settlers and TV entertainers, columnists and owners of market 
stands. Everybody who thinks that he is somebody contributes his bit to the 
national debate about the right way to get rid of this obstacle.

Ma’ariv newspaper, for example, published yesterday in its weekly supplement 
a cover-story containing a real scoop. A document titled "State of Israel / 
General Security Service / Top Secret" begins with the words: "Following the 
events in the ‘territories’, the question arises anew: Is Arafat a factor 
that helps in the solution of the historic conflict between Israel and the 
Palestinian people or is he a leader who constitutes an obstacle to this 
solution, and his policy and actions create a serious threat (emphasized) to 
the security of Israel." And the answer: "The person (emphasized) Arafat is a 
severe threat to the security of the state. The damage caused by his 
disappearing will be small compared to the damage caused by his being there."

Up to now, four ways of solving the problem have been publicly announced by 
ministers and journalists:

To kill Arafat. 

To put him in prison. 

To confine to where he is, either Ramallah or Gaza. 

To prevent him from landing after one of his trips abroad. 

And what will happen after that? To this, too, several answer are given:

We shall wait for a new Palestinian leader, who will be more moderate and 
pragmatic (meaning: ready to capitulate to Israel.) 

We shall ourselves appoint a new Palestinian leadership. (Somebody said on 
TV: We shall appoint an administrative committee, as the Ministry of the 
Interior does when a local council fails.) 

Indeed, one is astonished by such an outpouring of wisdom and pure reason.

There is a mental illness called "paranoia vera". A person victim to it takes 
a totally unreal assumption ("The world is a cube" or "Everybody is out to 
kill me") and builds on it a perfectly logical system. The very perfection of 
the logic is a symptom of the disease. The more encompassing the system, the 
more severe the disease.

The crazy assumption that lies at the base of our special paranoia is the 
denial of the occupation. If there is no occupation, there is no war of 
liberation of the occupied. If there is no war of liberation, there is no 
national uprising. And if there is no national uprising, then it must be 
terror. Clearly somebody must be directing this terror. Who can that be? 
Arafat, of course.

If a person is stricken with paranopia, he has to be helped to fight it. 
After all, he is not to blame. But if this particular patient has a mighty 
army, and if he infects it with his illness, he is dangerous to himself and 
to others. A responsible psychiatrist would commit him to an institution. 

But here, the whole political establishment (including the opposition), the 
General Staff of the army, the Mossad and the Security Service have all been 
infected with this illness. It affects their reasoning processes and creates 
a perfect – oh, how perfect! – system of conclusions.

It is enough to look at the annals of liberation struggles in the last 
hundred years in order to see that all the means used against them were 
useless, and that many of them were counterproductive. 

In the Congo, Belgian agents killed Lumumba, and in Palestine the British 
killed Abraham Stern. The French in Algeria imprisoned Ben Bella; the British 
in India did the same to Ghandi, in Palestine to Moshe Sharett and his 
colleagues, in Kenya to Kenyatta; the whites in South Africa imprisoned 
Mandela. The British in Palestinian exiled the Arab leadership to the 
Seychelles and Yitzhaq Shamir to Kenya; the French in Morocco exiled Muhammad 
V. The list is long. Well, did it help?

The government and the army need a lot of arrogance, stupidity and ignorance 
in order to believe that an occupied people will change its leadership by 
orders of the occupier. The natural inclination of a people fighting for 
their liberty is to unite behind the attacked leader. The more the occupier 
vilifies and persecutes the leader, the more popular he becomes with his own 
people. See: Arafat.

If Israel murders Arafat, directly or through agents, he will become a 
romantic legend, rather like Che Gevara. The Palestinians will react, of 
course, by electing a more extreme fighter. Neither Nabil Sha’ath nor Abu Ala 
will take over; its far more likely to be tough fighters from the ranks. In 
the name of the murdered leader, who will become a symbol for generations to 
come, they will do things compared to which everything that has been done 
until now will pale.

(Obviously, some of the 

[CTRL] Pardongate Flashback: Lasater Party Girl Speaks Out [Free Republic]

2001-07-07 Thread Aleisha Saba

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