2001-07-20 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-



Russian scientists have made a sensational discovery. Some fundamental
investigations realized by them could entail a real revolution on the field of
industry and power engineering and allow to make series of new inventions.
Traditional ways of producing energy are becoming now unworkable.
Completely new materials and technologies are being created. In particular,
it is possible today to build so-called airborne vehicles of non-supported
moving, like UFO… According to the Russian Academy of Science member,
Doctor of Technics Valeri Sobolev, a special electrochemical process has
been discovered – “exhausting process” – which results in appearing high-
temperature materials in a new condition”. Therefore a new condition of a
material, a new power source and a new superconducting matter have been
received and magnetic charge has been discovered. Scientists are intending
now to work out completely new current sources for domestic and industry
aims, which could continuously produce energy without using any kinds of
fuel. It would allow to renounce using nuclear fuel, gas, oil and coal.
Environment’s condition could be bettered too. On the basis of “exhausting
process” new ultrastrong materials are supposed to be created, which could
be used in producing cars, planes and rockets. Metals and other constructing
materials could be replaced with them. The group of scientists has already
sent a letter addressed to the Russian President, which informs about their
discoveries. Now is the state’s turn to give a government contractual work.


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] RC: Condit Denies Obstruction, Says [Hell NO!] I Won't Go

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


July 19, 2001

Condit Denies Obstruction, Says He Won't Step Down

By John Bresnahan and Damon Chappie

With the furor over missing Washington intern Chandra Levy continuing to
swirl around him, Rep. Gary Condit (D-Calif.) has been quietly telling his
colleagues that he has no intention of resigning.

Condit initiated a brief meeting Tuesday with Majority Leader Dick Armey
(R-Texas), who has been publicly critical of the California Democrat, and
declared that he is not leaving Capitol Hill.

Armey refused to comment on what he and his colleague talked about, but
Condit later told Members on the floor that he told the Majority Leader he
does not foresee himself handing in his resignation.

He is telling Members that he is not planning on going anywhere, said a
senior Democratic staffer.

Condit is also insisting to his colleagues that he has not obstructed the
Metropolitan Police investigation into the whereabouts of Levy, despite the
fact that he did not tell investigators that he was romantically involved
with the 24-year-old until his third interview with them.

He's saying that he is just looking for fairness, said one Democratic
aide. He's just looking for a fair shake from the police, not for any
special treatment.

However, several senior Democratic staffers now say Members are privately
grumbling that Condit has become a distraction for the party and that he
should think about resigning.

Members are saying that's what he should do, said one top Democratic
aide. They wish he would, but it's not like anybody is saying that
directly to him. It's still his decision.

Nevertheless, Condit has also been getting some help from unexpected
quarters. Rep. Max Sandlin (D-Texas), a former trial attorney, has been
speaking to other Members on the embattled lawmaker's behalf.

Sandlin has been cautioning Democrats not to assume that Condit's legal
position is untenable. He has also been publicly telling all who will
listen that Condit seems OK physically and is not breaking down under the
intense media scrutiny.

[Sandlin] is just saying that we shouldn't judge Condit when the chief of
police, Chief [Charles] Ramsey, is saying he's not a suspect, Danielle
Allen, Sandlin's communications director, said. There's no reason for us
to jump the gun or something.

Even as Condit tries to publicly maintain a business-as-usual demeanor,
some of his colleagues acknowledge that they can easily see the toll this
is taking on the 53-year-old Congressman.

I don't think he looks good, Rep. Ralph Hall (D-Texas) said Tuesday
afternoon after emerging from the House floor, where he had been engaged in
a lengthy conversation with Condit and Rep. Gene Taylor (D-Miss.).

He looks like he's going through what he's going through, continued Hall.
I don't even know how he lives, the pressure he's been under.

As for Condit, Hall argued that if the case remains unresolved, a stigma
will be attached to [Condit] for the rest of his life.

Hall said in their conversation that the longtime California Congressman
had spoken only of the patient's bill of rights.

If he wants to volunteer something he could. I wouldn't push him, said
Hall, who does not believe Condit should resign.

Hall declined to say whether he thought the intense press coverage of
Condit was fair or not, but did say that he thought the media would be best
served if they took another tact.

I think they ought to be looking for that girl, Hall said.

Levy was last seen April 30, and the continuing mystery over what happened
to the intern as well as details over her relationship with Condit have
sparked a media stampede unseen on Capitol Hill since the impeachment trial
of former President Bill Clinton.

After protesters appeared outside his Modesto office this week and started
calling for him to leave Congress, Condit's office issued a defiant
statement declaring that he would not bow to special interests seeking to
swing the seat to Republicans.

On Wednesday, Condit supporters rallied in support of the beleaguered
seven-term Member. Condit's attorney, Abbe Lowell, has publicly declared
that his client has decided to run for re-election next year.

Followed by reporters as he left a committee hearing Tuesday, Condit mostly
ignored their questions about the Levy case.

What attention? he shot back when one scribe asked how he was managing to
get his work done amid all the controversy.

Senate Minority Leader Trent Lott (Miss.) and Rep. Bob Barr (Ga.) have
blasted Condit for his alleged affair with Levy and his handling of the
subsequent police investigation of her disappearance. And both lawmakers
have called for Condit's resignation.

As he finds himself plagued with questions about the Levy case, other
Members of Congress have found themselves dogged by questions about Condit.

James Robinson, the attorney for United Airlines flight attendant Anne
Marie Smith, has said that Sens. Barbara 


2001-07-20 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

19:16 2001-07-14



Unknown to most of the world, satellites can perform astonishing and often
menacing feats. This should come as no surprise when one reflects on the
massive effort poured into satellite technology since the Soviet satellite
Sputnik, launched in 1957, caused panic in the U.S. A spy satellite can
monitor a person’s every movement, even when the “target” is indoors or
deep in the interior of a building or traveling rapidly down the highway in a
car, in any kind of weather (cloudy, rainy, stormy). There is no place to hide
on the face of the earth. It takes just three satellites to blanket the world with
detection capacity. Besides tracking a person’s every action and relaying the
data to a computer screen on earth, amazing powers of satellites include
reading a person’s mind, monitoring conversations, manipulating electronic
instruments and physically assaulting someone with a laser beam. Remote
reading of someone’s mind through satellite technology is quite bizarre, yet it
is being done; it is a reality at present, not a chimera from a futuristic
dystopia! To those who might disbelieve my description of satellite
surveillance, I’d simply cite a tried-and-true Roman proverb: Time reveals all
things (tempus omnia revelat).

As extraordinary as clandestine satellite powers are, nevertheless prosaic
satellite technology is much evident in daily life. Satellite businesses
reportedly earned $26 billion in 1998. We can watch transcontinental
television broadcasts “via satellite,” make long-distance phone calls relayed
by satellite, be informed of cloud cover and weather conditions through
satellite images shown on television, and find our geographical bearings with
the aid of satellites in the GPS (Global Positioning System). But behind the
facade of useful satellite technology is a Pandora’s box of surreptitious
technology. Spy satellites--as opposed to satellites for broadcasting and
exploration of space--have little or no civilian use--except, perhaps, to subject
one’s enemy or favorite malefactor to surveillance. With reference to
detecting things from space, Ford Rowan, author of Techno Spies, wrote
“some U.S. military satellites are equipped with infra-red sensors that can
pick up the heat generated on earth by trucks, airplanes, missiles, and cars,
so that even on cloudy days the sensors can penetrate beneath the clouds
and reproduce the patterns of heat emission on a TV-type screen. During the
Vietnam War sky high infra-red sensors were tested which detect individual
enemy soldiers walking around on the ground.” Using this reference, we can
establish 1970 as the approximate date of the beginning of satellite
surveillance--and the end of the possibility of privacy for several people.

The government agency most heavily involved in satellite surveillance
technology is the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), an arm of
the Pentagon. NASA is concerned with civilian satellites, but there is no hard
and fast line between civilian and military satellites. NASA launches all
satellites, from either Cape Kennedy in Florida or Vandenberg Air Force
Base in California, whether they are military-operated, CIA-operated,
corporate-operated or NASA’s own. Blasting satellites into orbit is a major
expense. It is also difficult to make a quick distinction between government
and private satellites; research by NASA is often applicable to all types of
satellites. Neither the ARPA nor NASA makes satellites; instead, they
underwrite the technology while various corporations produce the hardware.
Corporations involved in the satellite business include Lockheed, General
Dynamics, RCA, General Electric, Westinghouse, Comsat, Boeing, Hughes
Aircraft, Rockwell International, Grumman Corp., CAE Electronics, Trimble
Navigation and TRW.

The World Satellite Directory, 14th edition (1992), lists about a thousand
companies concerned with satellites in one way or another. Many are merely
in the broadcasting business, but there are also product headings like
“remote sensing imagery,” which includes Earth Observation Satellite Co. of
Lanham, Maryland, Downl Inc. of Denver, and Spot Image Corp. of Reston,
Virginia. There are five product categories referring to transponders. Other
product categories include earth stations (14 types), “military products and
systems,” “microwave equipment,” “video processors,” “spectrum analyzers.”
The category “remote sensors” lists eight companies, including ITM Systems
Inc., in Grants Pass, Oregon, Yool Engineering of Phoenix, and Satellite
Technology Management of Costa Mesa, California. Sixty-five satellite
associations are listed from all around the world, such as Aerospace
Industries Association, American Astronautical Society, Amsat and several
others in the U.S.

Spy satellites were already functioning and violating people’s right to privacy

Re: [CTRL] I have a friend who wants to join this list; profile isbelow

2001-07-20 Thread BB

What the Hell

Don Daniels wrote:

Re: [CTRL] Boy Scout Bloodlust Bemoaned (fwd)

2001-07-20 Thread Schmidt

-Caveat Lector-

That's true. I think they argue that standing at a urinal is an aggressive
stance that is supposed to indicate dominance on the part of the male.
I suppose the woman sitting down to urinate is taken as a despised
symbol of submission or some such nonsense. The odd thing is is that
several women inventors have devised urinals for women - one is called the
She-inal I believe. I'm not sure what the feminist take on women using
She-inals is though.

BTW why do women complain about men leaving the seat up? I've never heard
a man complain about women leaving it down.

I can't speak for other guys (although from what i've seen I'm no different to anyone 
else who uses them) but my posture whe using a urinal is no different to when I'm 
standing at a bus-stop. Given how much more hygenic they are (esp. in public 
facilities) it's outrageous that some ideological nit-wit wants to get rid of them.

By way of comparison, what if I started a campaign to ban women from using tampons 

a) There are no tampons mentioned anywhere in the bible
b) They encourage women to become lesbians
c) The allow multinational corporations to dominate women's bodies


In fact, I'm very tempted to start a parody website to clamp down on 'Satan's little 
cotton fingers' as the Landover Baptist Church calls them.

Get your own FREE allofyourgodsaredead.com Email account at...

http://allofyourgodsaredead.com - Someone had to tell you.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] Boy Scout Bloodlust Bemoaned (fwd)

2001-07-20 Thread Schmidt

-Caveat Lector-

Stupid observation.  Having grown up with six brothers (plus all their
friends constantly at the house) I can tell you that men are not all
that great at consistently hitting the toilet and that there is nothing
worse than running to the bathroom and falling a few extra inches onto a
urine soaked rim.

I suppose it's what seperates the boys from the men. Most guys get the hang of it 
eventually (although accidents do happen!).

Get your own FREE allofyourgodsaredead.com Email account at...

http://allofyourgodsaredead.com - Someone had to tell you.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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2001-07-20 Thread Schmidt

-Caveat Lector-

How many times is this story going to be posted? It must have been posted at least a 
half dozen times by different individuals. Maybe try briefly scanning the subject 
lines of messages in the inbox before posting things in future?

Get your own FREE allofyourgodsaredead.com Email account at...

http://allofyourgodsaredead.com - Someone had to tell you.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] U.S. Citizens Found in Serbia Grave

2001-07-20 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

U.S. Citizens Found in Serbia Grave


By Dragan Ilic
Associated Press Writer
Friday, July 13, 2001; 9:20 a.m. EDT

NIS, Yugoslavia -- Documents on the bodies of three males found in a mass
grave in eastern Serbia indicate they were U.S. citizens of ethnic Albanian
origin, an official said Friday.

However, a forensic examination will be required to verify their identity,
the official, a member of a forensics team investigating the grave in
Petrovo Selo, told The Associated Press.

The mass grave was discovered recently about 120 miles east of the capital,
Belgrade, and has been linked to Slobodan Milosevic's campaign to cover up
Kosovo atrocities.

The former Yugoslav president was indicted by the U.N. war crimes tribunal
for atrocities carried out against non-Serbs in Kosovo and was extradited
to the Netherlands-based court on June 28.

Papers found on the three men identify them as brothers - Agron, Mehmet and
Yli Bytyqi - born in Chicago in 1978, 1976 and 1974 respectively, the
source said on condition of anonymity.

The brothers lived in New York City and their mother and sister lived in
Prizren in western Kosovo, the source said.

The southern Yugoslav province has been run by NATO since June 1999, when
the alliance ended 78 days of airstrikes that punished Milosevic's regime
for its crackdown on ethnic Albanians in Kosovo.

The bodies of the three men were lying atop a heap containing remains of 13
other ethnic Albanians in a ditch located on the fringes of a special
police compound in Petrovo Selo, the source said. An adjacent collective
grave contained 59 more bodies, bringing the total at the site to 75.

The position of the three - the only ones who were blindfolded, their hands
tied with wire - points to the likelihood that they were killed nearby, the
source said. The men were dressed in civilian clothes and were shot at
close range.

A Serbian court document dated June 27, 1999, also was found on the
brothers, indicating they were sentenced to 15 days in jail for entering
the country illegally, the official told AP. The document ordered them sent
to a penitentiary in Prokuplje, just north of Kosovo province.

The Belgrade-based office of the U.N. tribunal, whose experts are allowed
to observe mass grave exhumations, said it could not confirm the identity
of the men to AP.

A spokeswoman in the U.S. State Department's European affairs office said
only that the United States encourages the Serbian authorities to fully
investigate the mass graves.

We also encourage the Serbian authorities to work closely with the
International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in their
investigation and to hold accountable those responsible for war crimes,
the spokeswoman said.

A report about the three men first appeared Wednesday in the Reporter
weekly, which claimed they were arrested on the Kosovo-Serbian border.

The newspaper said the three Americans were fighting with pro-independence
ethnic Albanian rebels in the so-called Atlantic Brigade consisting of up
to 400 men before they were executed by Serbian security forces.

Pro-democracy officials who took over after Milosevic's ouster from power
last October have accused the ex-president of ordering his associates to
cover up evidence of war crimes in Kosovo.

They allege that Milosevic tried to hide the atrocities by ordering some
800 bodies to be buried in Serbia in locations far from the Kosovo province.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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2001-07-20 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 20 Jul 01, at 4:04, Schmidt wrote:

 How many times is this story going to be posted? It must have been posted at least a 
half dozen times by different individuals.
 Maybe try briefly scanning the subject lines of messages in the inbox before posting 
things in future?

Soorry, assh*e, I was unsubscribed so I did not see it. Next time I will not post
interesting articles here.

Actually, I will continue to post intesting articles here just to piss you off.



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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Star Wars, Inc.

2001-07-20 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

Masters of War: Corporate Ties of Top Defense Appointees and Key Star Wars
Lobbyists Exposed!

Here in living color is a complete rundown of the Bush regime's defense
department and the key lobbyists for the Star Wars scheme. It reads like a
who's who of defense pork corporations. These men are the Masters of War
that Bob Dylan warned of in his chilling song (see
http://www.bobdylan.com/songs/masters.html). They aren't here to protect
America - they are here to create their own order built on our money and --
if it profits them -- our childrens' blood. Yet Bush has intentionally
loosed these dogs of war on the world.

Star Wars, Inc.: The Men and the Money Behind Space Weaponryu

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] House panel steamed at CIA's lack of cooperation

2001-07-20 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

House panel steamed at CIA's lack of cooperation

By Tanya N. Ballard

The director of the Central Intelligence Agency declined to testify
before a joint committee hearing Wednesday that explored the agency's
lack of responsiveness to congressional inquiries from outside the House
and Senate intelligence committees.

Rep. Stephen Horn, R-Calif., chairman of the Subcommittee on Government
Efficiency, Financial Management and Intergovernmental Relations, held
Wednesday's joint hearing with the International Relations Committee in
response to what he termed a contemptuous act by the CIA.

The CIA refused to respond to a General Accounting Office survey of
computer security policies at all of the government's classified
computer systems. Horn's subcommittee commissioned the survey.
Every federal agency except the CIA responded to the survey, Horn

The subcommittee agreed to allow the CIA to respond in a closed
executive session, but the agency reneged on its promise to show up just
days before the meeting was to take place, Horn said.
The CIA has pointed to a recent change in House rules as the basis for
not cooperating with congressional inquiries other than those received
from the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, Horn said.

The rule states that oversight of the CIA's sources and methods falls
exclusively to the House and Senate intelligence committees. Horn argued
that his subcommittee also has jurisdiction over the CIA because it is
charged with overseeing government-wide computer security efforts.

Full story: http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0701/071901t1.htm

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Agents allege corruption among senior FBI officials

2001-07-20 Thread radman

-Caveat Lector-

USA: Agents allege corruption among senior FBI officials
(The Miami Herald, 19/07/01,

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] TraditionalValuesCoalition: NEWS - July 20, 2001

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

This is a hoot.   I don't recommend reading it unless you need a smile, and
you've got extra time.


- Original Message -
From: TVC Newsletter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 2:44 AM
Subject: TVC NEWS - July 20, 2001

You are subscribed to the TVC Newsletter; Providing you concise, accurate
information that you can use. If you wish to stop receiving these weekly
messages, please click here to unsubscribe.

http://norm.xenos-systems.net/unsub.php?[EMAIL PROTECTED]n=307

Vol. 4, Issue 29, July 20, 2001





TVC is claiming victory for Thursday's House passage of the Community
Solutions Act (H.R. 7) President Bush's Faith-Based Initiative. The Act was
nearly hijacked by homosexual activists and their allies in Congress who
attempted to destroy the President's plan. The vote was 233-198.

The Community Solutions Act will work to end anti-religious discrimination
in federal funding against faith-based organizations involved in helping
the poor and needy in our communities. The Act will allow religious groups
to compete for federal grant money on an equal basis with secular
organizations involved in meeting the needs of low-income families, drug
addicts, the mentally ill, and women in crisis.

Homosexuals attempted to amend the Act to turn it into a special rights
for homosexuals bill. Using the force of law, homosexuals want to prohibit
faith-based groups from setting their own hiring standards. Had the
militant homosexuals been successful, their amendment would have FORCED
religious groups to violate their own religious beliefs by requiring them
to hire individuals who do not share the group's faith or moral values. The
1964 Civil Rights Act specifically exempts religious groups from federal
employment discrimination statutes. The law recognizes that religious
groups have the constitutional right to set their own hiring standards.

I am outraged that homosexuals are willing to destroy an effort to help
low-income families, said Andrea Lafferty, Executive Director of the
Traditional Values Coalition. This shows their true colors. They don't
care about the plight of the homeless or those in poverty. It is also clear
that they don't care about the religious beliefs of millions of Americans
who spend their lives helping the less fortunate in our society. They only
care about getting special rights for themselves and their sexual

The Community Solutions Act is about helping people. When it reaches the
Senate we hope they will not allow this compassionate legislation to be
hijacked by homosexuals and converted into a homosexual special rights law!
This is clearly an example of anti-religious bigotry!

To read more about TVC's position on this bill, go to: .


The House and Senate conference committee began meeting on Thursday to work
out differences between the House version of the education bill versus the
Senate version. The education bills, H.R. 1 and S. 1, both contain
dangerous hate crime language in them that threaten religious freedom and
promote homosexuality in the public schools.

This legislation will reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education
Act (ESEA) and expand upon it. Section 4124 of S1, Hate Crimes Prevention
calls for the creation of materials and training materials ostensibly
designed to reduce hatred in public schools. In reality, the legislation is
designed to promote homosexuality and to silence all principled opposition
to homosexual recruitment programs in schools. It will criminalize speech
against homosexuality and promote a climate of anti-Christian bigotry.

Here is a list of the legislators who will be on the joint House-Senate
conference committee to work out differences between the House and Senate
versions. The conferees are: Senate conferees: Senators Kennedy, Dodd,
Harkin, Mikulski, Jeffords, Bingaman, Wellstone, Murray, Reed, Edwards,
Clinton, Lieberman, Bayh; Senators Gregg, Frist, Enzi, Hutchinson, Warner,
Bond, Roberts, Collins, Sessions, DeWine, Allard, Ensign. House conferees:
Reps. Boehner, Petri, Roukema, McKeon, Castle, Hilleary, Graham, 

Re: [CTRL] Dictatorship From Within

2001-07-20 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Of course it's okey-dokey when a DEMOCRAT does this. snort

 By Philip kirk

 On the moral front, despite a clear majority support for the right of
 individual choice, the Bush administration has initiated various
 attempts to
 overturn Roe v. Wade,

Clear majority of whom? I've never seen Roe v. Wade put to a popular
vote. This was a case of judges creating law.

 The administration is also attempting, through the guise of charity,
 to slide
 religious organizations under the federal funding mat, even at the
 cost of
 minority protections within those organizations.

If the gummint would get its nose, and its sticky fingers, out of where
it doesn't belong, and stop taxing WTP accordingly, the charities
wouldn't NEED federal funding, because WTP would have money to choose
to give to them.

 On the gun-control front,

read: confiscation

after thumbing his nose at the
 international effort
 to control indiscriminate spreading of mostly U.S.-manufactured small
 firearms, Attorney General John Ashcroft has elected to provide his
 interpretation of the Second Amendment to the Constitution, a view
 contrary to the position declared by every court of the land,

who are, again, engaged in creating laws. Put it to a popular vote.

 way in which the Bush administration is attempting to subvert the
 democratic process and the expressed will of the people of this
 country by
 embarking on Bush's own radical right-wing agenda, and doing it by
 and surreptitious methods that attempt to avoid public scrutiny or

Wasn't it someone in the CLINTON radical left-wing administration who
said, speaking of all those E.O.'s: Stroke of the pen. Law of the
land. Kinda cool.?

 In my recollection, there has been no administration in the past 70
 that has made such an overt attack on the constitutional democratic
 and every American should be outraged at what a minority-elected
 administration is seeking to accomplish over the expressed will of

See above.

 Contrary to those who believe that the U.S. government is being
 undermined by
 U.N. subversives creeping across the Canadian border, this
 administration is
 beginning to smell of dictatorship from within.

See above.

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[CTRL] AP: U.S. Attorney Charged With Lewdness

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

U.S. Attorney Charged With Lewdness

Associated Press Writer

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- An assistant U.S. attorney has been charged with
lewdness for allegedly exposing her breasts and mooning neighbors on the
street outside their home.

Laurie Sartorio, 45, a criminal prosecutor for the U.S. attorney's office,
has been charged with a class A misdemeanor for lewdness involving a child.
The maximum penalty is one year in jail and a $2,500 fine.

A woman a witness later identified as Sartorio yelled at a group of
neighbors as they watched her discipline two dogs she was walking July 12,
according to a police report. One of the group was a 2-year-old child.

The woman shouted expletives and made an obscene gesture at the group,
police spokesman Fred Louis said.

The woman walked down the street, pulled down her pants and mooned the
group, then pulled up her shirt to expose her breasts, the report said.
Louis said the woman then repeated her actions.

Sartorio denied all charges in a police report. She refused to comment
Thursday in a phone interview.

The case has been referred to the Inspector General's Office in Washington,
which investigates possible wrongdoing inside the Department of Justice.

T.J. Bondurant, assistant inspector general, said the office would have no

PR Newswire
November 14, 1990, Wednesday
SECTION: State and Regional News




U.S. Attorney Wayne A. Budd announced today that $280,680 in United States
currency has been declared forfeited to the United States pursuant to the
forfeiture provisions of the federal narcotics laws. The currency was
seized from Paul Theodore Debruyn and Thomas Patrick Shea.

According to documents on file in the United States District Court in
Boston, the forfeiture case against the currency arose out of an
investigation conducted by the United States Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA). An affidavit filed by a Special Agent of the DEA
with the Court contains evidence that Debruyn and Shea entered into
transactions with two individuals, who were acting in an undercover
capacity for the DEA, for the delivery of cocaine into the United States
and for the purchase of 20 kilograms of cocaine.

The forfeiture case was brought by the United States Attorney's Office
under a section of the federal narcotics laws that subjects to forfeiture
any currency which is used or intended to be used to facilitate the illegal
distribution of narcotics. The case was prosecuted by Assistant U.S.
Attorney  ***Laurie J. Sartorio  of the Asset Forfeiture Division of
Budd's office.

CONTACT: Susan Hicks Spurlock of the U.S. Attorney's Office, 617-223-9445

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [CTRL] TheStar: Police probe hit-man theory in Levy case

2001-07-20 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Schmidt wrote:
That said, it was reported on the news this morning that DC police are
now saying they checked Levy's phone record, whichs show no incoming or
outgoing calls were made the day she disappeared...presumably this means

So how many people have a cable connection for their laptop? Or was she
using some sort of wireless set up? Something seems odd here. If she was
accessing the internet she would have had to dial out unless she had
cable. Not sure about ADSL however.

Interesting point...perhaps the cops are talking about phone access
outside of the Internet connection...


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Re: [CTRL] Powder Dries Up Fla. Thunderstorms

2001-07-20 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

On Fri, 20 Jul 2001, Prudence L. Kuhn wrote:
 The company said a granule absorbs 2,000 times its weight in water.

Just what we need, more gunk in the water.  Wonder how it is in the food
chain?  Prudy

This is the same stuff that's mixed with garden soil to help it retain
moisture.  It's supposed to be biodegradable, and as the article
mentioned it dissolves on contact with seawater...

It cost $40,000 to use it just on a normal thunderstorm...the cost to use
it on a hurricane (which is why they're testing it) would run to at least
the hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not over a million for a really
intense storm...so in practical use, it would only be utilized for really
large, potentially killer stormsthe impact of the granules on the
ocean would be minimal...


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Re: [CTRL] RC: Condit Denies Obstruction, Says [Hell NO!] I Won't Go

2001-07-20 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

He's saying that he is just looking for fairness, said one Democratic
aide. He's just looking for a fair shake from the police, not for any
special treatment.

It seems to me that 'special treatment' is EXACTLY what he's been
getting...but as out-of-touch with reality as the Beltway crowd is, he
doesn't recognize the special treatment he's received.  If it had been
anyone else who wasn't a congresscritter, they'd have been at least
forced down to the stationhouse to be grilled, and it wouldn't have taken
2 months for their residence to be searched...

He looks like he's going through what he's going through, continued Hall.
I don't even know how he lives, the pressure he's been under.

It's a shame that they don't show the same concern for Levy's parents,
for what they're going through...


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Re: [CTRL] NM: FBI Story: Inside Look at Agency in Need of Refor m

2001-07-20 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

Not too much new about FBI corruption. Hoover was very good at it, as the
following article demonstrates.


Copyright © 2000 Nando Media
Copyright © 2000 Nando Times


(October 4, 1999 3:20 p.m. EDT http://www.nandotimes.com) - For the past 25
years or so, J. Edgar Hoover (1895-1972) has been regarded as something of a
buffoonish figure. More often than not, he's thought of a martinet who
snooped into the private lives of everyone in order to increase his power
and to sate some bizarre sexual needs.

For the 40 years before that, the longtime director of the FBI was a
national hero. Here was a man who created a national system of law
enforcement, one that was regarded as thoroughly effective at doing battle
with bad guys. Here was a man whose Federal Bureau of Investigation was so
well-run that no politician would think of questioning him or his methods
for fear of being labeled unpatriotic.

The truth about Hoover lies somewhere in between. A good place to start
looking for it is in Fred J. Cook's The FBI Nobody Knows, a 1964 book that
swam against the tide in presenting Hoover as a deeply flawed individual
whose long reign over the FBI was not all that it was cracked up to be.

A muckraker in the tradition of Upton Sinclair, Cook took a detailed look at
Hoover and the history of the FBI. He started his narrative before the FBI
was known as the FBI and covered quite a lot of ground, from the
anti-Communist raids that followed World War I to the Teapot Dome scandals
to the era of high-profile gangsters (John Dillinger, Ma Barker, Baby Face
Nelson) to the Red Scare years of the late 1940s and 1950s. In each
instance, Cook seemed concerned with two issues:
1) What was Hoover's role, good or bad?
2) Did the FBI act in good faith and do the right thing?

Cook gives Hoover credit for a number of accomplishments, from the science
of fingerprinting to creating an organization generally perceived to be
incorruptible to taking Louisiana back from the control of the Ku Klux Klan
during the 1920s. But the basic thrust of his narrative was that Hoover had
gone too far.

The FBI is needed; it is, at its best, highly efficient, Cook wrote in his
conclusion. And Hoover, had he been content to fulfill his duties as the
nation's No. 1 policeman in the pursuit of crime, could have won for himself
an untarnished place in history. That he was not content, that he had to
dominate ever more and more of the national scene is his tragedy - and the
nation's danger.

Cook chided Hoover for not doing enough to combat organized crime,
preferring to personally nab a high-profile criminal like Alvin Karpis than
take on the Mafia. He chided him for failing to do anything about racist
groups in the South that terrorized and killed blacks. And he challenged the
myth-building account of the killing of Dillinger outside Chicago's Biograph
Theater in 1934, saying that the FBI seriously erred throughout this manhunt
by stepping on the toes of local police.

The largest chunk of Cook's book dealt with political prosecutions,
particularly official abuses of power during anti-Communist witch-hunts.
Cook treated Hoover as someone with such a deep hatred of both liberalism
and communism that he would let the FBI do virtually anything - even
tolerating or encouraging perjury - to destroy these presumed enemies of the
Constitution. Reading this book, one is reminded of the image of U.S. troops
in the late 1960s destroying Vietnamese villages in order to save them.

This book was published at the zenith of Hoover's power, at a time when
those who were critical of Hoover tended to find themselves getting grief
from the powers that be. It took courage, as well as confidence in his
prodigious research, for Cook to write this. By doing so, Cook not only made
a dent in Hoover's myth but also earned himself a place among the great
investigative reporters of the century. The book is long out of print and
Cook is not particularly well-remembered today - if anyone, for instance,
knows whether he is still alive, I'd love to know that - but The FBI Nobody
Knows is an important work.

THE FBI NOBODY KNOWS, a 1964 book. By Fred J. Cook. Published first by
MacMillan in 1964, then by Pyramid in 1965. Out of print, though its
paperback edition can be found in used bookstores.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: After this article was first published, I received a letter
from Cook's son informing me that his father, age 88, was indeed alive and
reasonably well, living in New Jersey. He is the author of several dozen

Things to Remember the Century By, a series that looked at underappreciated
films, books and music of the 20th century, was written by members of the
Nando staff and initially published from February to July. David Cohen is
managing editor of The Nando Times and can be reached at


[CTRL] J. H. Hatfield

2001-07-20 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

I heard some people on C-SPAN this morning saying that J.H. Hatfield, author
of the book, Fortunate Son, has been found dead.  I'm looking around the
net, but I can't find anything.  I'm not the best researcher.  Does anyone
out there have any info re this matter?  Prudy

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[CTRL] POISON Teflon breaks down at high heat

2001-07-20 Thread magnetic_field


[CTRL] Heading the World

2001-07-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

A poor understanding of where world is headed
Charley Reese
July 19, 2001
The president says that a key part of his foreign policy will be to alleviate
poverty in foreign countries.
Horse apples.
Number one, foreign countries are not his responsibility. Number two, he doesn't
have the ability to alleviate poverty even in his own country, much less somebody
else's. Number three, the very globalist free-trade policies he advocates are
causing some of the poverty in foreign countries as well as our own. Number four,
U.S. meddling in the internal affairs of foreign countries has greatly contributed
to bad government and poverty.
Does he think we are helping to alleviate poverty in Iraq with bombings and
sanctions? Does he think we bear no responsibility for the poverty in Yugoslavia
caused by our sanctions and our bombing?
Does he think supporting all the African dictators we supported so they would sell
out their country's interests to U.S. multinational corporations was alleviating
Does he think encouraging American manufacturers to move their jobs overseas is
helping to alleviate poverty either in the United States or in the foreign country
where workers have to live on sweat-shop wages?
Does he think we made any advances toward alleviating poverty in Panama when his
Daddy killed 3,000 Panamanians in order to arrest one little guy who had been on our
payroll for years?
Does he think he's helping to deal with poverty in Africa by giving Israel (which
has a higher per-capita income than Spain) $3 billion a year? That happens to be
more than all the aid the U.S. gives to sub-Sahara African countries combined.
Does he think he's going to alleviate poverty by spending $8 billion on an anti-
missile system that's going to force a new nuclear-arms race?
Does he think we're fighting poverty by being the world's number one arms peddler?
Does he think we're fighting poverty when we browbeat Third World countries,
desperate for schools and clean water, to buy high-tech American weapons?
And if he thinks he has to visit Africa to find poverty, I would suggest he visit
the Mississippi Delta area or any of the slums that blight most American cities.
And most of all I wish he would read his damned oath of office and tell us where it
says he was elected president of the world. And read the Constitution and tell us
where it says politicians can tax the labor and sweat of the American people and
give the money away to foreign governments.
By God, I'm sick of this pseudo-philanthropic, pseudo-compassion-for-the-world bilge
which spews forth from the mouths of our politicians like the filth that comes out a
broken sewer pipe.
I supported George Bush because I thought he was a decent man and his opponent was
not. I'm sorry to say, however, that after six months in office, I have to say that
Vladimir Putin has been a better president for Russia than Bush has been for
America. Putin seems to know which country elected him, to which country he owes his
loyalty and which people are his responsibilities. Morally, Putin is right about the
ballistic missiles, and right about the sanctions against Iraq.
I'm rather tired of presidents who seem to think they are either deputy prime
ministers of Israel or emperors of the world.
In the meantime, our economy grows less fast than either the Russian or the Chinese
economies. Our public schools deteriorate, our infrastructure grows increasingly old
and in need of replacement, and our borders are rendered practically non-existent
while our prisons are jammed to the gills. That prison population, by the way, is 62
percent black and other minorities. I would say that indicates a problem that both
Bush and the NCAAP might consider working on rather than knocking down old
Confederate monuments.
Nobody in public office seems predisposed to acknowledge a basic truth. We have two
conflicting forces at work in the world. One is population growth and the need for
jobs paying a living wage. The other is corporate consolidation and automation,
which are eliminating jobs.
Now you don't have to be a graduate in higher mathematics to figure out that if
viable jobs are shrinking and the population which needs them is growing, something
real bad is going to happen in the political and social arena in the near future.
The day when people were willing to politely and silently starve to death while
their betters gorged themselves inside fortified compounds is gone. Unless we
address this imbalance, we're likely to find ourselves in the middle of something
that will make the French Revolution look like a pacifists convention.

Copyright © 2001, Orlando Sentinel

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[CTRL] Ditchweed Update DEA b.s.

2001-07-20 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Ditchweed Update:  DEA Numbers

Last week, DRCNet reported on the Drug Enforcement Administration
(DEA) Domestic Cannabis Eradication/Suppression Program
(http://www.drcnet.org/wol/194.html#ditchweed), which appears
primarily devoted to wiping out feral cannabis, or ditchweed,
descended from the Hemp for Victory program of World War II.
Because the DEA was slow to respond to DRCNet requests for
current information, we were unable to provide accurate recent

The DEA has now responded.  DEA figures confirm that the vast
majority of cannabis plants destroyed by the eradication campaign
are ditchweed, feral cannabis plants that do not contain enough
THC to provide any psychoactive effects other than a headache.

According to the DEA, the eradication program destroyed 252,
717,000 cannabis plants in 2000.  Of those, 250 million were
ditchweed, 2.5 million were cultivated outdoor plants, and
717,000 were indoor cultivated plants.  In other words, DEA's own
data show that 98.92% of all cannabis plants destroyed under the
program were harmless weeds whose destruction has absolutely no
impact on drug use in the United States.

This year's program is funded at $13.2 million dollars, the DEA
told DRCNet, with grants to state and local agencies ranging from
$5,000 to over one million dollars per agency.  The grants go to
some 106 law enforcement agencies in all 50 states.

Surprisingly, the DEA also claimed to have evidence that sample
ditchweed plants submitted from each state contain THC in
excess of the levels accepted for getting high.

That was news to cannabis expert Chris Conrad
(http://www.chrisconrad.com).  I don't know what their 'levels
accepted for getting high' are, Conrad told DRCNet, but I would
place it at something above 2% THC concentration.  Mexican brick
weed averages about 3%, and according to the study done by the
American Midland Naturalists in the mid-1970s, ditchweed averaged
around 0.5%.

Readers should not be surprised, however, that the DEA claims
that ditchweed can get you high.  This is, after all, the same
agency that has expressed serious concerns about people getting
THC in their bodies from hemp-based lip balms and other body care

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[CTRL] Fwd: Police were unable to control crowds once violence began

2001-07-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

As George Bush said, Keep Your Powder Dry...Cincinnati, Ohio had a
wake up call but now you see why UN is after the guns of all
Americans???   I feel like getting a Panzer tank.



Police were unable to control crowds once violence began

Published in the Asbury Park Press 7/18/01


Virtually every member of the Asbury Park police force reported for duty,
but those 71 officers were powerless to stop the shootings, robberies and
widespread lawlessness that tore across the heart of the city Sunday night.

The brazenness of the thieves was
overwhelming, Monmouth County
Prosecutor John Kaye said yesterday.
When gunshots were fired, they didn't
move away. They moved on to the next

Michael W. Dowling, the city's police
director, said his officers couldn't have
anticipated the violence and the speed
with which it escalated.

Three people were seriously injured,
including one man who was clinging to life
yesterday after being shot three times late Sunday by an off-duty county
narcotics detective. A suspect in several armed robberies also was shot, as
was another man who authorities believe may have been one of his victims.

The violence erupted in the aftermath of the annual Greekfest, a traditional
gathering of black fraternity and sorority members that has become decidedly
non-Greek in recent years.

This event has nothing to do with fraternities or sororities, and it has nothing
to do with people gathering to celebrate college life, Dowling said. It has
devolved into a celebration of vulgarity and crudeness. It's a glorification of

Residents opposed

Some city residents agree.

Stanley Davis Jr., 37, of Drummond Avenue said he could remember when
the festival was a safe event to attend.

Once upon a time I was for the Greekfest, said Davis. Now I don't even
want to go to it anymore.

James Jackson, 38, of Third Avenue said the combination of drugs, alcohol
and a large gathering of youths proved to be a dangerous mix. It was crazy,
Jackson said. They don't need to have that in Asbury.

Although many details remain sketchy, a report on Monday that hundreds
of bullets had been fired was inaccurate, said Robert Honecker, first assistant
prosecutor. It was more like dozens, he said.

A clearer picture of how the situation deteriorated began to emerge

About 100 police officers, including 15 from Manalapan, were assigned to
man the area around the festival in the boardwalk. As dusk approached and
the air turned cooler, those who remained in the crowd of about 5,000 began
drifting toward downtown.

At 8 p.m., Dowling dismissed the Manalapan officers, who had been hired
strictly to work along the beach.

Manalapan was let off early. But at that time at the beachfront, we had no
idea that it was going to be Mardi Gras on Main Street, said Asbury Park
police Detective Eugene Dello.

The migration from the boardwalk continued for about two hours until some
3,000 people clogged Main Street between 1st and 4th avenues.

The worst violence occurred between 10 and 11 p.m. There were reports of
police being pelted with rocks and bottles, and dispatchers at headquarters
could hear the sounds of gunfire as people called in for help.

The situation escalated into hell, Kaye said.

Kaye and Dowling gave this account:

At 10:15 p.m., three men from Irvington were robbed at gunpoint outside a
Getty station on the corner of Fourth and Main. Anthony Shaw, 23, of
Piscataway was shot 19 minutes later one block south as he struggled with a
man who tried to rob him.

About 12 minutes later, the off-duty narcotics detective, Barry Graves,
emerged from a Third Avenue motorcycle club and drew his 9 mm Glock
pistol after hearing gunfire. He ran after two men who were firing into the
crowded street and fired three shots when Christian R. Deloach, 24, turned
and pointed a gun in the officer's direction.

Deloach was struck in the face, neck and lower body and collapsed outside
the SuperXtra supermarket at Third and Memorial. Deloach, of Asbury Park,
remained in critical condition yesterday at Jersey Shore Medical Center,
Neptune, and Kaye said he was given a 50-50 chance to survive. Deloach
was charged with unlawful possession of a weapon and aggravated assault of
a police officer.

Across the street lay Monroe Street resident Saleem J. Wheeler, 19, who
was struck with a bullet that entered at his hip and lodged in his abdomen.
Wheeler later was charged with carjacking and three counts of armed
robbery, and authorities yesterday speculated that he may have been shot
with his own gun during an earlier struggle with Shaw.

In the minutes before Graves shot Deloach, the supermarket parking lot
teemed with activity. Brothers Robert and Lamar Kelsey of Willingboro,
Burlington County, were robbed and carjacked. The assailants, who were
unable to drive off because 

[CTRL] (Fwd) FEAR: WA Signature Drive Begins for Asset Forfeiture Ref

2001-07-20 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 20 Jul 2001 03:39:34 -0700
From:   Ken Houghton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:FEAR: WA Signature Drive Begins for Asset Forfeiture Reform 

Precedence: bulk
Reply-To: Ken Houghton [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization: Forfeiture Endangers American Rights  http://www.fear.org/

FEAR also offers an unmoderated discussion list and digests for all lists
List update: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=FEAR-list-update

For Immediate Release:  July 19, 2001

Signature Drive Begins for Asset Forfeiture Reform Initiative

Olympia, WA - Supporters of civil asset forfeiture reform Thursday kicked
off the effort to gather signatures for Initiative 256, the Innocent
Property Owners Protection Initiative. We've just completed the printing
of the first batch of petitions and are sending them out to volunteers
around the state, said Erne Lewis, president of Liberty
Initiatives.  Under current law, people have lost homes, cars, boats, cash
and other property without ever being convicted of a crime. That's just
plain wrong.  We're asking Washington's registered voters to help restore
the principle of 'innocent until proven guilty' by signing an I-256
petition. Lewis pointed out that asset forfeiture laws were passed with
the best intentions to fight drug dealers, but cases such as that of Judith
Roderick of Lacey demonstrate the need to make major reforms.

Mrs. Roderick is a grandmother and accountant whose business was shut
down, property seized, and bank accounts impounded because, unknown to her,
one of her clients was a suspected drug dealer, said Lewis. Even though
she was never charged with a crime, her business was devastated, it took
years for her to get her property back and her reputation still suffers.
This can and does happen to ordinary, law-abiding citizens and it must stop.

Lewis said IPOPI is gaining support from organizations and people of all
political and ideological stripes.

Our honorary chairman is former Republican Congressman Jack Metcalf, said
Lewis.  I-256 has also been endorsed by the American Civil Liberties
Union, Citizens for Legislators with Ethics and Accountability Now, the
Council for Legislative Action Washington, and the Libertarian Party of

According to Lewis, the measure would place the burden of proof upon the
accusing agency to prove that the owner of the property to be forfeited is
guilty of a crime and that the property was used in the crime or was
obtained through proceeds of the crime.  It also requires that the value of
the property to be forfeited is proportionate to the crime
committed.  Also, under I-256, all money received from the sale of
appropriately forfeited property would go to the state education fund and
drug treatment programs, rather than to the seizing government agency as it
now does.

Supporters have until the end of the year to obtain just under 200,000
valid signatures, but the goal is to get at least 250,000 to compensate for
any duplicate or invalid signatures.  It would then go the state lawmakers
who can either pass I-256 or send it to the voters for consideration in
November 2002.  Lewis said people wanting more information on I-256 can go
to the organization's website at www.libertyinitiatives.org or call

For more information, contact Erne Lewis at 360-866-8784
FEAR also offers an unmoderated discussion list and digests for all lists
List unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?Body=unsubscribe
--- End of forwarded message ---

Best Wishes

What does Sharon Stone know about policy?
-- Barbra Streisand, fuming that Stone had been invited to visit Bill
Clinton more than she.

What does the 'DF' in the DF-31 Chinese missle stand for?  'Democratic
Fundraiser'. - G. Gordon Liddy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


[CTRL] Steele-ie Julie

2001-07-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Below is the beginning of portions of an interview with Julie Hiatt Steele.  Go
to the site and read the conversation.  AER 

From www.wsws.org
WSWS : News
 Analysis : North America
I didn’t have a trial, I had a political process
An interview with Julie Hiatt Steele, victim of Kenneth Starr’s witch-hunt
20 July 2001
Back to screen version| Send this link by email | Email the author
It has been two years since the only criminal trial in the Monica Lewinsky affair
came to an end, as a federal jury sitting in Alexandria, Virginia failed to reach a
verdict on charges of making false statements and obstruction of justice filed
against Julie Hiatt Steele. The verdict was a stunning blow to Kenneth Starr, who
announced shortly afterwards that he was stepping down as head of the Office of
Independent Counsel (OIC).
The treatment of Julie Hiatt Steele was a flagrant abuse of power. The police-state
methods employed against her demonstrated the threat to democratic rights embodied
in the Starr investigation. A woman with no connection to any alleged presidential
misconduct was dragged through the media and threatened with imprisonment and the
breakup of her family, simply because she refused to give false testimony and serve
as an accomplice in the right-wing campaign to oust an elected president on trumped-
up charges.
The OIC witch-hunt has had a drastic impact on Steele’s life. She was among dozens
of people who faced huge legal expenses, loss of privacy and threats of prison terms
as a result of the politically motivated Starr investigation. Steele lost her job
because of Starr’s baseless charges and the attendant media publicity. She has been
unable to find work since, and was forced as a result to sell her house.
A 54-year-old mother with three children, Steele was an acquaintance of Kathleen
Willey, the Richmond, Virginia woman who claimed to have been “groped” by President
Clinton at the White House in 1993. Willey told her story to a national television
audience in 1998 on the CBS television program “60 Minutes,” at the height of the
media furor over Monica Lewinsky. Willey was one of the few Whitewater/Lewinsky
witnesses to be personally interviewed by Starr.
Willey became a key witness for the OIC, which hoped to add a perjury count to its
proposed impeachment referral after Clinton categorically denied under oath making
any sexual advances towards Willey. Steele was the main obstacle to such a charge,
because she severely undermined Willey’s credibility.
By Steele’s sworn testimony, Willey had called her up in early 1997 to say that a
Newsweek correspondent, Michael Isikoff, was coming to interview her. Willey asked
Steele to confirm to Isikoff that Willey had told her of a Clinton sexual advance
immediately after it happened in late 1993. Willey told Isikoff she had gone to
Steele’s house in tears on the night of the incident. Steele went along with the
request to confirm this account, but later called back Isikoff to tell him that the
story was untrue.
In subsequent testimony under oath, Steele steadfastly maintained that she knew
nothing of any sexual encounter at the White House and had only agreed to lie to the
reporter against her better judgment, at Willey’s insistence, and before she knew
the issue was related to any legal proceeding, let alone the independent counsel
investigation into President Clinton.
Prosecutors working for Starr threatened Steele repeatedly, suggesting that she had
retracted her initial account under pressure from the White House. There were leaks
to the media that a White House “hit man” was stalking her, and claims that she was
in hiding for fear of a murderous attack.
The browbeating and intimidation reached an extraordinary level—at one point,
reports circulated in the media that the FBI was looking into Steele’s adoption of a
Romanian infant in 1990, to see if any irregularities could be found. The clear
implication to Steele was that if she did not cooperate with the OIC, she could lose
her son Adam, now 10 years old.
Steele could not be charged with perjury, because her sworn testimony was consistent
from her first affidavit on: she knew nothing about any contact between Willey and
Clinton. Starr sought instead to prove her guilty of making false statements under
oath, by bringing forward a number of witnesses who claimed that she had told them
about the Willey incident before it first appeared in Newsweek.
In January 1999, during the opening week of the Senate trial of President Clinton,
the OIC had Steele indicted on four counts of making false statements and
obstruction of justice, with a potential sentence of up to 40 years in prison. The
charge and the possible sentence were so grossly disproportionate to the alleged
offense that the action amounted to prosecutorial misconduct.
By a truly novel legal theory, Starr based one count of obstruction of justice on
Steele’s appearance on the CNN program “Larry King Live,” where she contradicted

[CTRL] J. Edgar Hoover and Hefner

2001-07-20 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

c. 2000 N. Y. Times News Service

Startling evidence emerged last week that somebody once really did look at
Playboy magazine for the articles: none other than J. Edgar Hoover's FBI.

According to newly released FBI files, Playboy got a careful eyeballing at
bureau headquarters in the 1950s and 60s not because of the centerfolds, but
because the FBI wanted to keep tabs on jokes and criticism aimed at the
bureau and Hoover, its ultraconservative director, who died in 1972.

I knew somebody was buying it for more than the pictures, said Hugh M.
Hefner, Playboy's founder, in a phone interview on Friday. APBNews.com,
which specializes in criminal justice news, obtained more than 200 pages of
FBI documents on Playboy under the Freedom of Information Act. Here are
excerpts from the dossier, which the Web site posted last week, commenting
that it arrived at its offices, fittingly enough, in a brown wrapper.


Founded in 1953, Playboy drew FBI attention with its September 1955 issue,
which included a sci- ence fiction story about G-men in outer space. An
agent gave a top Hoover aide a synopsis: The story is about an individual
called Bill employed as a sphinx voice assembler on the Starling Spaceship
production line who believed that his every move was surveilled by numerous
cameras and tape recorders. Mention is made of a tape recorder in his TV
set, and that the FBI never adjusted it right, and it hummed all night
long. . . .

In an effort to escape being shadowed, Bill buys a spaceship and travels to
outer space. . . . After leaving earth, Bill discovers a woman concealed in
a potato sack whose handbag contained, among other things, a badge that
read: Special Investigator, FBI. The agent panned the yarn from a
law-enforcement perspective: This story is a satire on the government's use
of informants, and although it is fantasy and fiction, it does cast
unfavorable references on the use of informants. In view of the nature and
quality of the magazine, it is not advisable for the Bureau to dignify this
publication by taking any action whatsoever.

But the FBI's scrutiny intensified after the February 1963 issue, in which
Hefner, in his column The Playboy Philosophy, criticized Hoover for his
anti-pornography stance. Hoover penned this portentous note to subordinates:
What do we know of H. M. Hefner? Before long, the FBI knew plenty. From the
start, the bureau's man on the Playboy case was Milton A. Jones, chief of
the crime records section (now deceased). He laid it on thick for his
bosses, writing in May 1963: In order to be aware of the rabid ramblings of
Hefner, since his unwarranted attack on the Director in the February 1963
issue of this magazine, we have been reviewing the editorial credo written
by Hefner. . . .

Hefner has stated that the Director was wrong about pornography's effect on
the nation's youth and that it was simply a way to distract the attention of
the public from the FBI's embarrassment concerning the nation's crime
syndicate, which it (the FBI) was unable to do anything effective about. .
. .

In the May issue he dwelt at great length on a reported school of scientific
opinion, which suggests that pornography is not only harmless, but that it
may actually have some value as a release for pent-up sexual frustrations
and desires. The files are rife with contempt for Playboy. Still, it courted
Hoover, sending him more than a score of interview requests and requests for
comment. Hoover typically scrawled Ignore. H on the letters, and in one
case, Ignore. It stinks, meaning the magazine. In September 1963, Playboy
escalated its charm offensive with this letter from a club representative
while the director visited New York: Dear Mr. Hoover, Hugh Hefner, Editor-
Publisher of Playboy Magazine and President of the Playboy Clubs, has asked
me to welcome you back to New York, and to make certain that whenever you
wish, the facilities of the New York Playboy Club will be made available to
you and your guests.

Therefore, at Mr. Hefner's request, we are enclosing a special Celebrity Key
which will make it possible for you and your friends to visit the Club
anytime during your stay. . . .

Of particular interest to you will be the V. I. P. Room (for very important
Playboys room) in the Club. . . . Reservations are required for this room,
and we therefore ask that you call in advance to our Miss Kent . . . who
will see to it that your requirements are given special attention. . . .
Hoover ignored that invitation too. Not that the FBI wasn't interested in
Playboy Clubs and the special attention that some Bunnies in New Orleans
wanted to give clients after hours. This is from an FBI report the same
year: An informant of the New Orleans office . . . advised that some of the
girls who were employed expected they would be used as prostitutes, but soon
quit when they learned that no questionable activity was permitted and that
association with customers after hours was cause 

[CTRL] Fwd: For police, night was like war

2001-07-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

Remember when the Mardi Gras was a wonderful festival.

Today this festival is destroyed - it has become a festival for Gay
Pride, Prostitutes, Drunks, Drug Addicts, and if these people had a
chance they would destroy the annual March of St. Patrick Knights???

Gay Pride wants the boy scouts?   Well look at what these perverts did
to New Orleans which is nothing but a cess pool - they are the
destroyers and they reek of death - let them take their little Gay Pride
Flags and AIDS and HIV and march with Jesse Jackson and his street
people - note how this element is attacking evey decent organization and
keep in mind the children at their target.



For police, night was like war

Published in the Asbury Park Press 7/18/01


ASBURY PARK -- Police Detective Eugene Dello couldn't believe his

The sight of a gun's muzzle flash and a wounded man falling to the ground just
across a street corner from where he and eight or 10 uniformed police
officers stood.

The distinctive pop pop bang bang sounds of two different guns firing just a
block away.

The sharp smell of gunpowder.

And, as he instinctively ran toward the gunfire, the gritty noise of other
officers' voices over the police radios as they chased yet another armed man
down an alley and, later, as more reports of gunfire came in from across the

All this Dello experienced within a dozen or so minutes, much of it within a
few city blocks on Sunday night. The remnants of a so-called Greekfest had
degenerated into armed robbery and mass fear as much of the estimated
3,000 in the crowd of young people panicked, running for shelter from

Would you say this is comparable to war? Dello asked as he and other
officers at headquarters recounted the events of a very long Sunday and
expressed their frustration that they had to work such a day when they've
been working without a contract with the city since 1997.

It was just disbelief -- you never expect as a cop to witness such things,
said Dello, 39, who first worked as an Asbury Park patrolman in 1994 and
was promoted to detective two years ago. Dello's father, William Dello Sr.,
who died in 1994, was a retired city officer.

Someone shot right in front of you -- to hear the story is one thing, to live it is
another. I never went through something like that, where you were actually
running through gunpowder and smoke. We were chasing people with guns,
and we could have shot them.

I'll always remember it.

The night might not have turned out this way. When 15 Manalapan police
officers ended their eight-hour shift at 8 p.m., leaving some 71 Asbury Park
officers and 10 officers from the Monmouth County Prosecutor's Office to
oversee the festival's end, crowds were peacefully clearing the boardwalk.
There was no inkling that the night would turn ugly, Dello said.

But at that time at the beachfront, we had no idea that it was going to be
Mardi Gras on Main Street, he said.

The later the hour, however, the larger the crowds seemed to grow.

As the revelers moved slowly toward Main Street, he saw bottles thrown at
police officers, with some struck by glass shards. He watched while some in
the crowds with video cameras taped police while others tried to bait officers
into some form of misconduct.

For no Asbury Park officer to be charged with using excessive force, and for
(city) officers not to use their guns, these officers should be commended,
Dello said. And these are guys who have been working four years without a
raise. Each officer deserves a medal.

Monmouth County Police Director Michael Dowling and Monmouth County
Prosecutor John Kaye praised the efforts of the law enforcement personnel
who were caught in the cross-fire.

The officers showed incredible bravery throughout this incident, Kaye said.
They went toward the gunfire while people were running the other way.

Kaye described how people were huddled at the feet of police officers as
bullets whizzed through the air.

Dowling, who ran down Main Street Sunday night in pursuit of suspects with
Dello and other officers, praised his officers who protected people at great
risk to their own safety.

Kaye also cited the actions of Barry Graves, the off-duty detective who shot
an armed suspect three times. Kaye noted that Graves, who is black, showed
unusual bravery. Graves, 37, a former Marine, was in plain clothes as he
stood over Deloach with his gun in hand and could have been shot himself if
the next officers to arrive hadn't recognized him or seen the badge around his

Minority officers in similar situations tend to get hurt themselves by their
(colleagues), Kaye said.

James W. Prado Roberts: (732) 643-4223; or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Published on July 18, 2001 Published on July 17, 2001

Re: [CTRL] Agents allege corruption among senior FBI officials

2001-07-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Strange Leahy ignored Ruby Ridge and Waco and now is worried about the
computers and sloppy book work?

The FBI has been victimized by this think called organized crime and
communism for Hoover knew all the secrets but was not permited to tell
it as it was.

Take a good look at America today and see the cess pools and yes, Hoover
would read Playboy Magazine because Hugh Heffner put a price tag on all
women who would not only bare their souls but their bodies for a price.

CIA gets most of their intelligence from newspapers and books and
magazines - James Bond is for the movies - and even he had to tone down
his sex life after AIDS emerged as a serious threat?

So Hoover detested King - well King got caught in the trap too, for as
Adam Clayton Powell said of his old friend shortly before he died - you
should have seen Martin, naked and chasing this naked lady down the
motel hall..

Well even Moses wasn't perfect was he for he broke all the commandments
literally and figuratively?

Who hated J Edgar Hoover - well James Riddle Hoffa hated him with a
passion - so as a result Marilyn Monroe not only had the FBI watching
her but also the mob for Frank Sinatra and Joe Dimagio wanted to keep
track of this wayward blonde who was trying to get next to of all
people, Albert Einstein?

Makes nice stories for the Tabloids most of which are controlled by MI6
or CIA or both..for man, they are the Wurlitzers.


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Low Blood Count

2001-07-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


From Britland, our strongest ally

20 July 2001 15:42 GMT+1
Home  News
New York faces blood shortage because of BSE fears
By David Usborne in New York
18 July 2001
A proposal to ban all trade in blood between the United States and Europe because of
American fears about the possible spread of mad cow disease from Britain has
prompted warnings of a catastrophic blood shortage in the New York City area next
The new regulations, recommended by a scientific panel last month, could cut the
supply of blood to the city's hospitals by as much as one-third virtually overnight.
As a result, blood centres are scrambling to find ways to expand local donor
While the ban would affect all of the US, New York would suffer most of the impact
because it has traditionally imported huge volumes of blood from Europe under an
arrangement known as Euroblood. About 25 per cent of blood used in transfusions
and supplied to operating theatres in the city is shipped from across the Atlantic.
The consequences of the regulations, which the Food and Drug Administration is
likely to adopt early next year, would be felt even more, however. They would also
ban Americans from giving blood if they had lived in Britain for more than three
months since 1980 or elsewhere in Europe for more than six months. This would mean
the loss of about 33 per cent of the blood currently available to New York
Washington has entered the debate suggesting that some of the shortfall could be
made up by drawing blood from American military personnel stationed in Europe.
Officials say they are confident that US servicemen and women can be insulated from
the risks of infection with new-variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease – the human
equivalent of BSE – which is blamed for about 100 deaths in Britain and France.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: The collapse of American journalism

2001-07-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

American Journalism fell on its ass when JFK was murdered - and Walter
Cronkite staged the best performance of his life, out of sheer guilt?

The press, as this one newsman once told me, molds public opinion;
however, more and more the public begins to mold their opinion of the
press and FOX was born.

For FOX can best be described as, The People's News Network.who
needs MSNBC, and that drunken bum Ted Turner, molding public opinion
and same goes for Dan Rather who now wants to be loved by all and
somehow can't even buy our love and admiration?


The collapse of American journalism 
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com 
 The call came in from CNN a few hours before show time. I was not to 
appear on The Point with Greta Van Susteren to discuss TWA 800.   
 I can't say that I was surprised. 

What surprised me was that CNN had called me the day before to set this up. 
Like many Americans, I had all but written off CNN as a serious news 
organization. But when the call came, I presumed that the ascendancy of Fox – 
and the public acknowledgement of that ascendancy in a New York Times 
Magazine cover story – had shocked CNN into journalism. I was happy to 

There was nothing tentative about the arrangement. The producer might or 
might not select someone to go on with me as counterpoint, she told me, but 
barring a confession from Gary Condit, the show would go on in any case. That 
night I organized my thoughts as though I were to be the only guest. 

The next morning the producer called back. Jim Hall, the NTSB chair at the 
time of the crash and one of the bad guys in the documentary Jim Sanders 
and I had produced, had agreed to go on with me. Our dual appearance was 
posted on the CNN website. 

The producer also directed me to the studio in Kansas City where the 
interview would be shot. It was the local PBS station. I was pleased. The 
station had aired a half dozen of my other documentaries – most recently, an 
eyewitness account of the Holocaust by some 65 survivors – and I felt at home 

After making the arrangements, I headed out in my Ford Taurus to a local 
public pool where I idled away my summer lunch hour. It was only then that it 
dawned on me. In six hours, I would have the opportunity – and the 
responsibility – to expose the most brazen cover-up in American political 
history. At this point, I actually prayed for guidance. It is not something I 
do enough of. 

Then it all came to me. I would not yell or argue or accuse. I would just 
calmly ask Jim Hall a few questions he could not answer and then ask him to 
step up and assume the role of genuine American hero – acknowledge the 
cover-up, admit his own role in it, and ask for the forgiveness of the almost 
too generous American people. 

Truth be told, I never envisioned him admitting any such thing. In fact, at 
this point, I could no longer envision him on the show at all. He was much 
too ripe, much too vulnerable. Unlike the man who appointed him chairman, 
Hall is not an unusually good liar, nor is he fast on his feet. Someone, I 
surmised, would get to him or to CNN and call this whole thing off. 

Someone did. I do not know who. But three hours before the show was to air, a 
crestfallen young producer called to tell me that I had been cancelled. As 
she explained, with undisguised irony, since Jim Hall now refused to appear 
on the show with me, I could not appear alone, as that would not be 
responsible journalism. Jim Hall, however, having dispensed with me, could 
appear alone as that would be responsible journalism. It didn't matter that 
this old Gore crony had quit his job at the NTSB the moment the Florida 
results were affirmed and took a job with Daimler-Chrysler's lobbyists, a 
move that was sleazy even by the admittedly humble standards of the Clinton 
White House. Not at all. 

And so that night I watched 10 painful moments of responsible journalism. Van 
Susteren began by declaring that at first, people suspected a bomb went off 
on the plane. 

No Greta, check your own archives. As CNN and the networks first reported, 
people suspected a missile. With good reason. There were hundreds, perhaps 
thousands of eyewitnesses, including military people in helicopters and on 
other airlines. At least 96 told the FBI that they had seen the object come 
off the horizon. Scores of them provided detailed drawings. As NTSB staffer 
Dr. David Mayer said of at least one of them, Witness 649 described events 
that certainly do sound like a missile attacking the airplane. CNN itself 
reported that FAA radar had picked up a missile sighting, something that Hall 
himself would confirm in a memo a few months later. 

Top intelligence and security officials were told in a video conference from 
the White House Situation Room that radar tapes showed an object headed at 
the plane before it exploded. 

But to Van 

[CTRL] Fwd: Re: Revolution is the only solution chanted at G8 summit.

2001-07-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

This does not make sense to me for anyone knows the time to get someone
is when their guard is down - Like in Dallas that day, November 23, 1963
- high noon murder?

Everything was so relaxed and crowds cheering and the last words JFK
heard were You can't say Dallas doesn't love you, Mr. President and
the kiss of death was delivered.

So there will be more cops on streets than protestors, for half of the
protestors no doubt, will be undercover.but watch for the Ninjh the
men with the black masks

Now if I were a protestor, I would nail me one of those guys, and run a
check on him?

Might be someone left over from Waco or Ruby Ridge or a UN soldier in

As Clinton said let them get the first shot; however he failed to
mention that often the first and last shots are fired by the same


[CTRL] Leaked Memo Reveals WTO Propaganda Plans Aimed At Youth

2001-07-20 Thread William Shannon

Leaked Memo Reveals WTO Plan to "Sell" Itself to American Youth
Deanna Swift
July 17, 2001

Geneva -- Ever since the disastrous "Battle of Seattle" in 1999, the World
Trade Organization has been trying to remake its image, trading in the
persona of global tyrant for that of a "hip," "with it" agent of change. The
group's efforts took a bizarre turn today with the unauthorized release of a
memo outlining a sophisticated WTO public relations campaign intended to win
the support of American youth.

The memo, leaked to the Swiss newspaper, Le Matin, was prepared by the
American marketing firm Y Not, Inc., which specializes in advertising
campaigns aimed at 12 to 19-year-olds. Entitled "Positive Anarchy," the
document lays out a detailed plan for selling the WTO brand to American youth
through merchandising, product placement and so-called guerilla marketing.

News of the plan has some of the WTO's more straight-laced supporters shaking
their heads. "I don't think that this so-called spin is the answer to our
problems," said Hans Dieter Sprecht, director of International Trade for the
Deutsche Bundesbank. "The WTO should be focusing more on security issues,
including security at its own meetings."

Critics of the WTO immediately condemned the organization. "We think it's
despicable that the World Trade Organization would aim its propaganda
campaign at children," said Fiona Lippman-Suarez, a spokesperson for the
London-based activist group Global Justice Watch. "Then again, what can you
expect from an organization that thinks it's fine for 4-year-olds to make
footballs and carpets?"

The embarrassing revelation comes at a particularly awkward time for the WTO,
which is preparing to launch its fourth ministerial conference in Doha, Qatar
in November. Just last month, the organization released a pamphlet entitled 
"10 Common Misunderstandings About the WTO," responding to criticism by
anti-globalization protesters.

The WTO denied any knowledge of the public relations memo, "Positive
Anarchy," the full text of which appears below.

Campaign Plan for "Positive Anarchy" Privileged and Confidential

Subject to Attorney-Client Privilege
Attorney Work Product


July 2, 2001

To: WTO Youth Action Working Group

From: Y NOT, Inc. Re: Strategic Youth Campaign

 First the problem: the World Trade Organization faces significant obstacles
in its efforts to bring its message to the 12 to 19-year-old demographic.
Non-interest, lack of information and misinformation all remain significant
problems. Furthermore, polling data continues to skew substantially towards
the competitor "brand," called here "Anti."

Now the solution: using detailed polling information provided by Teen Data,
Inc., we think we can begin to create a meaningful WTO "brand" experience for
the teen demographic. The key to our efforts will be to reach the so-called
"unaffiliateds," that part of the demographic that has no information about
the WTO "brand" and as a result, has yet to form any kind of negative
opinions. By targeting this sub-demographic through grassroots messaging,
guerilla marketing and subversive affirmation, we believe we can realize
significant market share for the WTO "brand."

1. Subversive Affirmation: the On-Air Strategy
Our polling data from Teen Data, Inc. indicates that 72% of the 12 to 19
year-old demographic receives news-type information from late night
television and comedy shows. Obtaining positive "brand" coverage through
these media is our best bet for reaching the audience. * Note: polling data
shows that while there is significant awareness of "Anti" (63% of teen boys,
74% of teen girls), the demographic is already experiencing pronounced
fatigue with the "Anti" "brand." 49% of the mixed demographic said they were
"ready for something new."

We recommend the following media strategies:

- Team up with professional comedy writers to produce comic material relating
to the "Anti" competitor "brand." Discussions are underway with the Daily
Show, Conan O'Brien and Saturday Night Live.

- Create a visible presence around the WTO "brand." Focus groups responded
positively to Mike Moore as spokesman, with 39% indicating an "above average
willingness to listen" when Moore was on camera. Discussions about placing
Moore on late night shows are ongoing -- no concrete results yet -- although
Charlie Rose has reportedly expressed some interest.

- Take advantage of daytime openings. 37% of the demographic indicated that
they regularly record daytime shows for later viewing. Of this sub-demo, 72%
watch the Jerry Springer show. We are currently negotiating with Springer's
producers over a proposed "brand" showdown in which a young female
representing the WTO "brand" would face-off against a young male representing

- Recruit model/spokespersons. Polling indicates that 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: For police, night was like war

2001-07-20 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

I remember that mardi was always a festival that celebrated carnality

it was always thus

it was the bacchanalia that preceded lent
and it still is

there was never a time when its wasn't about wanton and open sexuality

there were no good old days I wish that myth would die

   Doubt thyself.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
   Doubt all.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
   It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
 there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
   The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
   Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
 until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
 Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
   Then, wind the Mort!

   Uncle Al. the kiddies pal

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Aleisha Saba [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 10:05:58 -0400
 Subject: [CTRL] Fwd: For police, night was like war

 Remember when the Mardi Gras was a wonderful festival.

 Today this festival is destroyed - it has become a festival for Gay
 Pride, Prostitutes, Drunks, Drug Addicts, and if these people had a
 chance they would destroy the annual March of St. Patrick Knights???

 Gay Pride wants the boy scouts?   Well look at what these perverts did
 to New Orleans which is nothing but a cess pool - they are the
 destroyers and they reek of death - let them take their little Gay Pride
 Flags and AIDS and HIV and march with Jesse Jackson and his street
 people - note how this element is attacking evey decent organization and
 keep in mind the children at their target.


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Re: [CTRL] Boy Scout Bloodlust Bemoaned

2001-07-20 Thread Michael Pugliese

-Caveat Lector-

  The smaller 4 legged animals need to organize an Animal Liberation Front
to prevent the larger 4 legged bullies from devouring them.
Michael Pugliese

- Original Message -
From: Bill Howard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: Boy Scout Bloodlust Bemoaned

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 7/19/01 7:46:33 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  look - while i think PETA is way off the mark here, we should teach our

 children to understand that when they fish they are killing something.

 that's a fact. they should be respectful and aware of what their actions


 Yeah, it means fish for supper.

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] MSNBC - Most Stupid News Story

2001-07-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

So Judge Crater - please call home?

A woman in Souther Ohio still mourns for a daughter who disappeared in
1972; so many pictures on milk cartons and literature I receive i the
mail can anybody remember them all?

3,000 people missing yearly in Ohio and most never resurface???

And this ignorant stupid MSNBC get a equally illiterate Chief of Police
to say they may never find Chandra Levy?

Really - maybe someday they may never find Gary Condit if he does not
take the official lie detector test, for I say this - I would not want
to be in his shoes if this little girl is not found alive.


So here is Stupid Story of Year from MSNBC

Chief says Levy may never be found

Police union officials say search for former intern diverts
investigators from unsolved homicide casesNBC's Andrea Mitchell reports
that Thursday police interviewed Levy's neighbors, including the last
person to see her alive.

[Last person to see alive?   Really now if he was last person to see her
alive, he must be the murderer - like Gordon Novel saw Jim Garrison
enter David Ferrie's apartment and he was last person to see Ferrie

WASHINGTON, July 20 —  Washington police chief Charles Ramsey
acknowledged Friday that Chandra Levy might never be found, while
rejecting criticism that the prolonged search for the former government
intern is hurting the police department's murder investigations. Police
union officials said the allocation of police effort to the Levy case is
diverting police investigators from unsolved homicide cases, leading to
citizen complaints.

  'We need investigators on unsolved homicides. People are
complaining in the community. They believe all of this is media-driven.'
Washington police union official RAMSEY TOLD USA Today
that there is a fairly significant chance Levy will never be found.
   We have not found anything that points us in one
direction or another, he told the newspaper, noting that detectives
haven't turned up any evidence that she is alive or dead. At this point
in any missing-persons investigation ... it's unusual not to even have
that path. That's not a good sign.
   Police will be searching parks in Washington for a fifth
day Friday, looking for clues to Levy's disappearance.

   The Levy investigation was not hindering the police
force's other crime-solving work, Ramsey said.
   Crime goes on, and we've got to be able to walk and chew
gum at the same time, the chief said.
   Police union officials said the Levy case is being driven
by national press attention, and other police work in the national
capital, especially homicide cases, suffers as a result.
   They are pulling homicide detectives away from their
districts, Gerald Neill, Fraternal Order of Police Labor Committee
president, said Thursday.
   Gregory Green, the union's secretary, said officers are
hearing complaints from residents in the neighborhoods they patrol about
the search for Levy. We need investigators on unsolved homicides,
Green said. People are complaining in the community. They believe all
of this is media-driven.
   Ramsey said the search for Levy, a 24-year-old from
Modesto, Calif., is the most extensive missing person investigation ever
mounted by Washington police.
   We've had some high-profile missing persons cases, but
this one has gone on so long, Ramsey said.
   Police have no idea what happened to Levy, who has not
been seen in 80 days. Her case has attracted attention because of her
relationship with Rep. Gary Condit, D- Calif. A police source has told
NBC News and other media organizations the congressman admitted having
had an affair with Levy.

   On Thursday, the House ethics committee said it would
defer an inquiry of Condit, requested by Rep. Bob Barr, R-Ga. Barr
alleged last week that Condit obstructed the police investigation of
Levy's disappearance.
   Rep. Fred Upton, R-Mich., became the third Republican in
Congress to demand Condit's resignation, saying the Californian has not
cooperated with authorities investigating this tragic case. Condit's
attorney has said that the congressman has cooperated fully.
   Barr has called on Condit to quit and Senate Minority
Leader Trent Lott, R-Miss., said he should resign if it's shown he lied
about an affair.
   The Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call reported Thursday
that Condit has been telling his colleagues that he has no intention of
resigning. Condit initiated a brief meeting Tuesday with Majority
Leader Dick Armey, R-Texas, who has been publicly critical of the
California Democrat, and declared that he is not leaving Capitol Hill,
Roll Call reported.
   Police do not consider Condit a suspect in Levy's
disappearance. He is one of more than 100 people police have
interviewed, police chief Ramsey said.
   Ramsey has admitted problems with murder investigations
on his 

[CTRL] Author of Bush biography commits suicide

2001-07-20 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-


  Associated Press Texas Wire News

Author of Bush biography commits suicide

SPRINGDALE, Ark. (AP) - The author of a book about George W. Bush
has killed himself, police said.

James Howard Hatfield, 43, wrote Fortunate Son: George W. Bush and
the making of an American President in 1999.

The unauthorized biography accused Bush of covering up a cocaine
arrest. But during interviews about the book, Hatfield lied to reporters
about his own criminal past.

A hotel housekeeper discovered the man's body about noon
Wednesday, Springdale police Detective Al Barrios said Thursday.
Barrios said the man apparently overdosed on two kinds of prescription

Police don't suspect foul play.

AP-WS-07-20-01 0709EDT


Best Wishes

The false view of history is a very powerful tool in its emotional
appeal to centralized government, to unthinking nationalist fervor,
and to the eternal mission for correcting the world that motivates
leftists. It is the same type of mentality that thinks bombing women
and children in the Balkans is OK because it is done in the name of
theories of 'human rights' and 'democracy'. -Clyde Wilson

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Gold- GATA Challenges O'Reilly/S.African Gold The British Lion

2001-07-20 Thread William Shannon

GATA Challenges BIll O"Reilly on Gold Scam 


GATA Challenges "O'Reilly Factor" Regarding Treasury's Refusal to Answer Gold 

DALLAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--July 19, 2001--The Gold 
Anti-Trust Action Committee, based in Dallas, has 
issued a challenge to Bill O'Reilly, the host of the 
FOX News top-rated cable news show, The O'Reilly

O'Reilly, who professes that he will take on any 
controversial issue, has ducked the Gold Anti-Trust 
Action Committee's allegations of the manipulation 
of the gold market by a cartel of bullion banks
and a faction of the U.S. Government.

A lawsuit raising GATA's charges has been filed 
in U.S. District Court in Boston by GATA consultant 
Reginald H. Howe against the Bank for International 
Settlements; Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan
Greenspan; William J. McDonough, president of the 
Federal Reserve Bank of New York; bullion banks J. P. Morgan 
 Co., Chase Manhattan Corp., Citigroup Inc., 
Goldman Sachs Group Inc., and Deutsche Bank; and
Lawrence H. Summers, former secretary of the treasury, 
who by law exercised control of the U.S. Exchange 
Stabilization Fund, subject only to approval by 
the president of the United States.

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy says:

"Bill O'Reilly says he will take on any issue, 
but he seems afraid to take on the big money interests 
in America, just like everyone else. GATA supporters 
have been sending him emails, letters, and faxes for 
more than two years, and he has not responded to one 
of them."

Recently GATA uncovered the most disturbing 
evidence yet of manipulation of the gold market. In 
its response to the Howe lawsuit, the Treasury Department 
denied any involvement in the gold market since 1978. 
Yet recently released minutes of the January 31, 1995,
meeting of the Federal Reserves Federal Open Market 
Committee, over which Alan Greenspan presided, quoted 
the Fed's chief counsel, Virgil Mattingly, as referring 
to "gold swaps" undertaken by the Exchange Stabilization 

U.S. Reps. Ron Paul, R-Texas, and John B. Larson, 
D-Conn., and Sens. Joseph I. Lieberman, D-Conn., 
and Wayne Allard, R-Colo., among many other members 
of Congress, have asked Treasury Secretary Paul
O'Neill for clarification of this discrepancy. But 
O'Neill, like former Treasury Secretary Summers, has 
refused to answer Congress on the gold manipulation 

The people of the United States have entrusted 
some 261.5 million ounces of their national gold to 
be held in trust by the Treasury Department, and 
its disposition is to be determined by Congress. The
status of these assets is reported monthly at the 
Internet site of the Treasury Department's Financial 
Management Service:


In August 2000, 3,400 tonnes of this gold at the 
U.S. Mint at West Point, N.Y., was classified as 
Gold Bullion Reserve. In September 2000, 1,700 tonnes 
of this gold was reclassified without explanation
as Custodial Gold Bullion. In May 2001, all 3,400 
tonnes were mysteriously reclassified, this time as 
Deep Storage Gold, again without explanation.

It is unclear whether this gold is still owned 
by the U.S. government or whether its ownership has 
passed to other parties without congressional 

The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee fears that 
something is amiss with America's gold!

GATA suggests that the Gold Cartel is suppressing 
the price of gold to conceal problems with the U.S. 
economy, thereby taking away a warning system of 
many Americans about making prudent decisions regarding 
stock market investments!

GATA feels strongly that every U.S. citizen should 
be aware of what has happened.

GATA also believes that the O'Reilly program's 
reporting of the evidence of manipulation of the 
gold market will attract a large audience.

GATA, a federally tax-exempt civil rights and 
educational corporation, is so confident of its 
evidence that it will donate $5,000 to the charity 
of O'Reilly's choice if it is shown to be 
substantially wrong. But if the O'Reilly program's 
reporting of GATA's complaint does attract a large 
audience, GATA will request O'Reilly put to Treasury 
Secretary O'Neill the questions members of Congress
have already queried of him.

CONTACT: Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, Dallas, Bill Murphy, 


South African Gold-Still Prey for the British Lion 


Not until 80 years after the war began did Thomas Pakenham publish his 
authoritative history, "The Boer War" (Weidenfeld  Nicholson, 1979; Abacus 
paperback edition, 1992, reprinted 2000, to which all page cites refer). 

Relying on material largely unavailable earlier, Pakenham emphasizes at the 
outset that he uncovered four new themes. Two of them are particularly 
relevant today, as is a third point summarized by the heading 

Re: [CTRL] Author of Bush biography commits suicide

2001-07-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

-Caveat Lector-

When I read he lived in New Jersey, well it is like an old burying
ground (like Grosse Point, Michigan) for those on the take from the mob.

People cannot tell the difference now between CIA and the mob because
their hired killers once under contract contine to believe they are CIA?

Good thing George Bush is in Geneva for they can't corner him in the
Oval Office on that one -

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Re: [CTRL] Author of Bush biography commits suicide

2001-07-20 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 7/20/01 11:37:05 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SPRINGDALE, Ark. (AP) - The author of a book about George W. Bush
has killed himself, police said.

Yet another name to add to the ever-expanding Bush Body Count!


[CTRL] FC: World Bank accused of spending poverty cash on $100M+ web site (fwd)

2001-07-20 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

[Thanks to Jeffrey St. Clair of counterpunch.org fame for sending this
along. --Declan]


World Bank Accused of Fraud in Internet Scheme
By Abid Aslam

WASHINGTON, Jul 18 (IPS) - The World Bank has misused funds
and is seeking to mislead public opinion through its
'Development Gateway' Internet initiative, according to
charges submitted Wednesday to the lending agency's fraud

The complaint alleges misuse of Bank funds and positions,
gross waste of Bank funds, cost mischarging or defective
pricing and perhaps even fraud and misleading of public


At issue is a Bank effort to build the Internet's premier
portal on poverty and sustainable development. The
Development Gateway has been in the making for nearly two
years, at a reported cost of some seven million dollars.
Officials say the site will grow to encompass more than 130
topics and serve as the leading entry point on the World
Wide Web for people interested in development issues.


By contrast, they say, the Development Gateway's business
plan projects more than one hundred million dollars in
spending over the next five years, in hopes of attracting
only five times the Uruguayan site's number of visits.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Map of the Elite- What a tangled web!

2001-07-20 Thread William Shannon

[CTRL] Democrats in sheeps' clothing (fwd)

2001-07-20 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 13:32:32 -0400
To: Gunsafe members [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Democrats in sheeps' clothing

More word that the Democrats at the national level are trying to switch sides on the 
gun issue.They'll do anything to acquire power.  In view of their history - 
including Al Gore's flip-flop from an NRA ally in the 1980s to a Clintonista in the 
1990s - we don't believe them.  Any contract can be broken fast, with a majority.


 Democrats Forging Their
 Own Contract With
 America to Close Culture


 c.2001 Newhouse News Service


  INDIANAPOLIS -- Seeking to close a culture gap between their 
  and millions of voters, moderate Democratic leaders are writing a
  manifesto for the 2002 elections that includes affirmation of 
the right
  to own guns and the importance of religion, fiscal 
responsibility, a
  strong national defense and the role of fathers in their 

  It would be our version of the Contract With America, said Al 
  founder and chief executive officer of the Democratic Leadership

  The group concluded a three-day conference here Tuesday on how
  to change perceptions of their party as too liberal, too reliant 
on big
  government programs, generally hostile to people of religious 
  and particularly hostile to white males. Participants included 
some of
  the party's best-known members, among them 2000 vice presidential
  nominee Sen. Joseph Lieberman of Connecticut, Senate Majority
  Leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton 
  New York and Democratic National Chairman Terry McAuliffe.

  The Democratic contract is being drafted by DLC President Bruce
  Reed, who was the White House domestic policy chief in the final
  years of the Clinton administration. It unashamedly steals a 
page from
  the Republican political play book.

  In 1994, the GOP's Contract With America established a unified,
  overarching theme for Republicans running for Congress in every 
  of the country. It pledged them to support tax cuts, smaller
  government and a list of initiatives tied to other conservative 
  with strong support among mainstream voters. The strategy
  succeeded. Republicans seized control of the House of
  Representatives, which they have held ever since.

  Reed confirmed that work on the Democrats' document has just
  begun. He acknowledged that it would include language supporting
  gun rights, a dramatic shift in emphasis for a party whose 
  have often led legislative battles to enact new gun control laws.

  McAuliffe, in his remarks to the DLC conference, agreed that it 
  important for the Democratic Party to get the gun issue right. 
  meanwhile, said that 48 percent of voters in the 2000 election 
  guns in their households, and many feared the Democrats would 
try to
  take them away.

  Democrats should promote responsible gun ownership rather than
  pushing for sweeping national gun control legislation that 
raises the
  specter of an ultimate ban on private gun ownership, DLC leaders
  wrote in a new report.

  Another part of a Democratic Contract with America, Reed said,
  would involve federal efforts to encourage absentee fathers to 
  their responsibilities to children.

  Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh, DLC chairman, pushed the idea in his
  keynote address to the conference, urging party leaders to back
  policies based on mainstream American values, among them that we
  do right by our children, and we do right by the mothers of our

Re: [CTRL] Boy Scout Bloodlust Bemoaned

2001-07-20 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/20/01 9:20:50 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

   The smaller 4 legged animals need to organize an Animal Liberation Front

to prevent the larger 4 legged bullies from devouring them.

Michael Pugliese 

What a splendid idea! And when the little, four legged animals become too
powerful, politically, The larger four legged animals can bribe the fish and
game people to let them hunt the little four legged animals with large forks!


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] 'Suicide' Or Homicide?

2001-07-20 Thread M. F. Abernathy

-Caveat Lector-

Did one of the Rockefeller/Bush assination teams strike again in
Arkansas? If the police don't suspect foul play, they aren't likely to
try to find out what *really* happened.


Date: Friday, 20 July 2001, 12:26 p.m.


Author of Bush biography commits suicide

SPRINGDALE, Ark. (AP) - The author of a book about George W. Bush has
killed himself, police said.  James Howard Hatfield, 43, wrote Fortunate
Son: George W. Bush and the making of an American President in 1999. The
unauthorized biography accused Bush of covering up a cocaine arrest. But
during interviews about the book, Hatfield lied to reporters about his
own criminal past.

A hotel housekeeper discovered the man's body about noon Wednesday,
Springdale police Detective Al Barrios said Thursday. Barrios said the
man apparently overdosed on two kinds of prescription drugs. Police
don't suspect foul play.


MARtin F. ABErnathy --- [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] -- 7/20/01

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[CTRL] NEXUS Conference 2001, Sidney, Sept 15 16

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


NEXUS Magazine

This is our 8th annual conference, and we have a great line-up of speakers.


* Gregg Braden (USA) - Author of Awakening to Zero Point, Walking
Between the Worlds, and The Isaiah Effect, Gregg Braden is a former
aerospace scientist who now spends time linking the wisdom of ancient and
native cultures with our own.

* Skip Atwater (USA) - Director of the Monroe Institute in the USA, and
author of Captain of My Ship, Master of My Soul, his presentation will
describe the Hemi-Sync process; remote-viewing training plus actual
recordings of Joe McMoneagle's remote viewing of Mars.

* Dr Len Horowitz (USA) - is a Harvard graduate, independent investigator
and internationally known authority on public health education. He is the
author of Emerging Viruses: AIDS  Ebola--Nature, Accident or
Intentional?. Len will reveal the latest on mycoplasma.

* David Hatcher Childress (USA) - Author of numerous books on Lost Cities,
Ancient Technology, Free Energy, and Conspiracies, David is a veritable
modern day Indiana Jones. He will be presenting a fascinating slide-show
of mystery sites from around the world, revealing evidence of an ancient
global civilisation.

* Sherrill Sellman (USA) - Author of the best-selling Hormone Heresy: What
Women Must Know About Their Hormones. And not just for women!

* Brian Martin - Wollongong University-based writer and researcher on the
suppression of dissent, Brian will be addressing the topic of 'Strategies
for Dissidents'.

* Big Brother  the Internet - A team of freelance investigators and
Internet security advisers who will be demonstrating hacking, preventative
techniques, hints, tips and tricks. On-site demonstrations of hacking.

* Gary Opit - Professional naturalist turned researcher into unexplained
Australia phenomena. Yowies, River Monsters, Giant Lizards, Giant Cats and

There will be selected stalls and exhibits also available for viewing.

For further details visit our website:




Duncan M. Roads
Editor, NEXUS Magazine
PO Box 30, Mapleton Qld 4560 Australia
Tel: +61 (0)7 5442 9280; Fax: +61 (0)7 5442 9381

The nature of the universe is such that ends can never justify the means.
On the contrary, the means always determine the end. (Aldous Huxley)

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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Re: [CTRL] 'Suicide' Or Homicide?

2001-07-20 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

 But during interviews about the book, Hatfield lied to reporters about his
 own criminal past.

But:  In the SoftSkull edition, Hatfield expalined his criminal past in the 14+
page Foreword.  St Martin's (the original publisher) recalled the book based on
their belief that his record would undermine his credibility, they had a moral and
legal obligation to make the book unavailable.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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Re: [CTRL] MOM: Was it really a Ryder truck? (fwd)

2001-07-20 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

Uh, Mike... it's just a gray square. Is it supposed to be like



 Take a look at this truck from the OKC parking lot..

 Was there more then one bomb?

I find television very educating. Every time somebody
turns on the set, I go into the other room
and read a book. Groucho Marx,

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] (Fwd) FEAR: CN ON: Ontario Law Would Expand Seizure Of Cars Du

2001-07-20 Thread kl

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---


Proponents Of Ordinance Targeting Customers Of Dealers, Prostitutes Say
Threat Of Losing A Vehicle Could Be A Strong Deterrent.

ONTARIO -- Buy drugs or solicit a prostitute and you could lose your car.

That is the gist of a proposed law to be debated tonight by the City Council.

The proposed ordinance, which would give police the authority to seize cars
during prostitution and drug-related arrests, is intended to provide a
deterrent to the crimes, said Richard Maxwell, chief deputy district
attorney for San Bernardino County.  I certainly think it would help,
Maxwell said.  In California your car is your life.  When a person loses
their car, that is a much more severe penalty than the law provides for it.

Ontario has seized the vehicles of drug dealers in the past under state
forfeiture laws.  The new law would target customers, said Sgt.  John
Evans, who heads the city's community policing program.

Evans said the seizures can affect prostitution as well.

It is a huge expense for them, Evans said.  How do you explain your car
being taken? The effects are pretty drastic.

Those arrested for soliciting prostitutes face a maximum six-month county
jail sentence and a fine if convicted.

The ordinance is modeled after an Oakland law that has withstood a
challenge in the state courts, Ontario Police Sgt.  Steve Duke said.

However, last year Congress passed a measure intended to scale back what
many considered to abuses of the federal forfeiture laws in drug
cases.  Previously, assets could be taken even in cases where no arrests
were made or convictions obtained, and it fell to the owners to prove that
the property had been legally obtained.  The Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform
Act of 2000 shifted the burden of proof back to the government to show that
the assets were obtained through drug sales.

The city's ordinance includes safeguards to protect innocent people.

Evans said legal seizures should reduce prostitution and drug sales as they
have in other cities.

People might think prostitution is a victimless crime but it attracts drugs
and other crimes to an area, Evans said.

Mission and Holt boulevards are the corridors where most prostitutes are
solicited because of the motels there, Evans said.  The city conducts two
stings a year and arrests about 25 men during each for soliciting prostitutes.

I think this will really help clean up an area, Evans said.

Tonight's meeting starts at 6:30 at City Hall, 303 East B St.

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Best Wishes

It is not enough to say that we are not now getting our money's worth
for our taxes; we are paying the government for tyrannizing. The
hostages are forced to subsidize their captors. How does a hostage get
his money's worth? ... Do our rulers ever conscientiously ask whether
they already have too much power? Do they ever hesitate to claim more?
Do they ever try to define the proper limits of power in principle? Do
they ever worry that they may be exercising tyranny over us? Are they
at all troubled by the disparity between the limited range of state
power in earlier times and its limitless range today? Do they even
recognize the possibility of an illegitimate state power?
-Joseph Sobran

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Re: [CTRL] Boy Scout Bloodlust Bemoaned

2001-07-20 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

 What a splendid idea! And when the little, four legged animals become too
 powerful, politically, The larger four legged animals can bribe the fish and
 game people to let them hunt the little four legged animals with large forks!


Or maybe they could unite and hunt the environmentalists. Granted an
underfed vegan may not be the most nourishing food source but they apppear
to be plentiful and are not listed as an endangered species. Besides
they're easy to catch - what with many of them chaining themselves to
trees in the middle of nowhere.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NM: Tabs Hit Condit with 'Sex Slave' and Assault Allegations

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-


Friday, July 20, 2001 9:17 a.m. EDT

Tabs Hit Condit with 'Sex Slave' and Assault Allegations

Twenty-seven women have told investigators they've had affairs with
Congressman Gary Condit, with probers exploring everything from an account
he turned girlfriends into his sex slaves, to rape allegations, two
supermarket tabloids are set to report.

Gary called his chicks his sex slaves, a Condit pal told the Globe, which
feautres an interview with 34-year-old Torrie Hendley, who's account
substantiates the charge.

He liked to be dominant, Hendley, a California T-shirt artist, told the
tabloid. He always wanted to be on top, pinning my arms down with his

Hendley said Condit was into spanking games and was angered when she didn't
appreciate his kinky antics.

He'd say, 'What are you laughing at?' and get furious, Handley told the

Condit would sometimes explode over little things, she said, like the time
she was late for one of their assignations.

He was furious, according to Hendley. He yelled, 'I've got better things
to do than wait around for you all night.'

Hendley also alleged that Condit was super-secretive about their six month
affair, a detail that mirrors what other Condit girlfriends have said,
including what Chandra Levy told her aunt.

And in another revelation that mirrors the account of one-time Condit
chauffeur Vince Flammini, Hendley says Condit told her he had a vasectomy,
which -- if true -- would rule out the possibility that Chandra Levy was
pregnant when she disappeared.

Three weeks ago, the Globe first revealed Condit's relationship with flight
attendant Anne Marie Smith, whose subsequent account to Fox News blew the
lid off the Condit-Levy case.

The National Enquirer goes even further than the Globe, claiming that
Condit probers are investigating rape allegations against the married

In a report set to hit newsstands today, the Enquirer claims,
Investigators working on the Chandra Levy missing intern case are probing
charges that Congressman Gary Condit was accused of sexually assaulting two
teenage girls.

Two California girls -- both just 15 at the time -- claimed they were
sexually assaulted by Condit when he was a state assemblyman about 15 years
ago, a source close to the case told the tabloid.

The girls were terrified of Condit but made a police report anyway. But
somehow the whole thing just went away.

This has left some associates wondering what the congressman might be
capable of in a fit of passion or rage, a Justice Dept. source confided to
the Enquirer.

Several women are said to have told probers that Condit was into kinky
sex -- including rough sex and that he has an explosive temper when
things don't go his way.

FBI agents working on the case are astounded by Condit's rampant

There have been more than 27 women interviewed who have had affairs with
him, ranging in age from 20 to 50, a Justice Dept. source told the

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Boy Scout Bloodlust Bemoaned

2001-07-20 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/20/01 2:03:49 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Or maybe they could unite and hunt the environmentalists. Granted an
underfed vegan may not be the most nourishing food source but they apppear
to be plentiful and are not listed as an endangered species. Besides
they're easy to catch - what with many of them chaining themselves to
trees in the middle of nowhere. 

I like it! I really do like this idea!! We would really be improving the gene


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] GATA challenges Fox's Bill O'Reilly to report gold story

2001-07-20 Thread Kris Millegan

Thursday, July 19, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

If you would like America to know the real gold story,
please contact Bill O'Reilly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

GATA has just distributed around the United States
the press release attached here.

Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

GATA Challenges O'Reilly Factor Regarding
Treasury's Refusal to Answer Gold Questions

Business Editors

DALLAS (BUSINESS WIRE), July 19, 2001 -- The Gold
Anti-Trust Action Committee, based in Dallas, has
issued a challenge to Bill O'Reilly, the host of the
FOX News top-rated cable news show, The O'Reilly

O'Reilly, who professes that he will take on any
controversial issue, has ducked the Gold Anti-Trust
Action Committee's allegations of the manipulation
of the gold market by a cartel of bullion banks
and a faction of the U.S. Government.

A lawsuit raising GATA's charges has been filed
in U.S. District Court in Boston by GATA consultant
Reginald H. Howe against the Bank for International
Settlements; Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan
Greenspan; William J. McDonough, president of the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York; bullion banks J. P.
Morgan  Co., Chase Manhattan Corp., Citigroup Inc.,
Goldman Sachs Group Inc., and Deutsche Bank; and
Lawrence H. Summers, former secretary of the treasury,
who by law exercised control of the U.S. Exchange
Stabilization Fund, subject only to approval by
the president of the United States.

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy says:

Bill O'Reilly says he will take on any issue, but he seems
afraid to take on the big money interests in America, just
like everyone else. GATA supporters have been sending
him emails, letters, and faxes for more than two years,
and he has not responded to one of them.

Recently GATA uncovered the most disturbing
evidence yet of manipulation of the gold market. In
its response to the Howe lawsuit, the Treasury Department
denied any involvement in the gold market since 1978.
Yet recently released minutes of the January 31, 1995,
meeting of the Federal Reserves Federal Open Market
Committee, over which Alan Greenspan presided, quoted
the Fed's chief counsel, Virgil Mattingly, as referring
to gold swaps undertaken by the Exchange Stabilization

U.S. Reps. Ron Paul, R-Texas, and John B. Larson,
D-Conn., and Sens. Joseph I. Lieberman, D-Conn.,
and Wayne Allard, R-Colo., among many other members
of Congress, have asked Treasury Secretary Paul
O'Neill for clarification of this discrepancy. But
O'Neill, like former Treasury Secretary Summers, has
refused to answer Congress on the gold manipulation

The people of the United States have entrusted
some 261.5 million ounces of their national gold to
be held in trust by the Treasury Department, and
its disposition is to be determined by Congress. The
status of these assets is reported monthly at the
Internet site of the Treasury Department's Financial
Management Service:


In August 2000, 3,400 tonnes of this gold at the
U.S. Mint at West Point, N.Y., was classified as
Gold Bullion Reserve. In September 2000, 1,700
tonnes of this gold was reclassified without explanation
as Custodial Gold Bullion. In May 2001, all 3,400
tonnes were mysteriously reclassified, this time as
Deep Storage Gold, again without explanation.

It is unclear whether this gold is still owned
by the U.S. government or whether its ownership has
passed to other parties without congressional

The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee fears that
something is amiss with America's gold!

GATA suggests that the Gold Cartel is suppressing
the price of gold to conceal problems with the U.S.
economy, thereby taking away a warning system of
many Americans about making prudent decisions regarding
stock market investments!

GATA feels strongly that every U.S. citizen should
be aware of what has happened.

GATA also believes that the O'Reilly program's
reporting of the evidence of manipulation of the
gold market will attract a large audience.

GATA, a federally tax-exempt civil rights and
educational corporation, is so confident of its
evidence that it will donate $5,000 to the charity
of O'Reilly's choice if it is shown to be
substantially wrong. But if the O'Reilly program's
reporting of GATA's complaint does attract a large
audience, GATA will request O'Reilly put to Treasury
Secretary O'Neill the questions members of Congress
have already queried of him.

CONTACT: Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee, Dallas
 Bill Murphy, 214/522-3411


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[CTRL] House Bill: A Republic - Not A Democracy

2001-07-20 Thread BB

Ron Paul is one of the very few patriots left in Congress,
Let's support his legislation and let our congressmen know we want
them to support Ron Paul. Did any of you watch
the debates or speeches for or against MFN for China, Dana Rohrbacher
was leading the pack to turn down MFN for China, and
he did great until he said we are fighting for this democracy, they
don't even know we live in a Republic, and that is on
purpose, so that all people in the U.S. will come to forget we live in
Republic, and as we loose our freedoms one by one, no
one will notice, and all will be fine, when the UN takes over without
firing one shot! We must fight for this Republic
and the freedoms guaranteed us in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights!
Please pass this on to all of your e-mail friends.
Yours in Liberty  Reform Virginia Brooks

Congressional Legislation

A Republic; not a Democracy
Bill # H.CON.RES.48

Original Sponsor:
Ron Paul (R-TX 14th)

Sponsor/Cosponsor Total: 6
(last sponsor added 06/19/2001)
 6 Republicans

About This Legislation:
The United States is not a democracy. The U.S. is a constitutionally
limited republic and it must remain a republic if we are
to remain free. Yet few Americans understand the critical
distinction between these two incompatible forms of government.
Democracy gives the majority power to destroy your liberty
and your property. Our national constitution, by contrast,
expressly protects your liberty and your property.
Politicians and the media bombard us with the message
that America is a democracy. They attempt to equate the "will of the
people" or "popular support" with political and legal
legitimacy. The underlying message is clear: democracy is noble, the
Constitution is irrelevant.

Our country's founders cherished liberty, not democracy.
The Constitution guarantees a republican form of government; the
word "democracy" does not appear. Its authors knew that
majority fervor would threaten freedom, so they created a republic
designed to strictly limit the size and scope of government.
Accordingly, the Constitution is replete with undemocratic
mechanisms. Obvious examples are the First Amendment
and the electoral college system.

H.Con.Res. 48 calls for Congress to reaffirm our nation's
status as a constitutional republic. It also voices opposition to
recent calls for the abolition of the electoral college
system. Support for H.Con.Res. 48 sends a strong message that liberty is
more important than shifting majority sentiment, and
that our constitutional republic is incompatible with majority tyranny.

Taken from: http://capwiz.com/liberty/issues/bills/?bill=29969

Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted

2001-07-20 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

On 20 Jul 01, at 13:20, John Sanders wrote:

   Well it has not been to long ago that the once mighty mountain of St
 helens Erupted.  It has since been concluded, by some, that it put more
 greenhouse gases than all of the vehicles and smoke stacks through human

And who are 'some' (spokespersons for the oil industry)? I would like to see
a source for this, otherwise this statement is just a rumor being promoted by
'some' of questionable credibility.



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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] FR: NE: Condit's Violent Attack on 2 Girls

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[Because the Star found Darrell Condit in Florida, and The National
Enquirer broke Jesse Jackson's love child story, who knows...this might
have some merit.  Also, the below was manually typed from text, so there
may be typos.]


Condit's Violent Attack on 2 Girls

Crime/Corruption News

Source: The National Enquirer
Published: 19JUL01
Authors: David Wright, Don Gentile, Michael Hanrahan, Courtney Callahan;
Bennet Bolton

Investigators working on Chandra Levy missing intern case are probing
charges that Congressman Gary Condit was accused of sexually assaulting two
teenage girls.

That shocking disclosure is part of an in-depth Enquirer investigation that
reveals Condit's violent secret life.

Authorities have spoken to dozens of women who've had sex with Condit--and
despite fearing him, many have broken their silence to brand him a
ruthless, sex-crazed Jekyll and Hyde who woos them and then uses terror
tactics to enforce their silence.

Gary is a hunter and a predator, his former long-time bodyguard and
driver Vincent Flammini told the Enquirer.

The Enquirer's massive investigation has ripped the lid off Condit's
chilling double life--his involvement with a sleazy underworld of biker
bars, rough sex, and sex drugs that could have doomed his lover Chandra.

Despite public proclamations that Condit is not a suspect, the Justice
Dept., and the FBI and the Washington, D.C. police are digging deep into
the congressman's dark and frightening background.

A justice Dept.official disclosed to The Enquirer that after coldly dumping
lovers, the congressman made shocking threats to keep them quiet. You know
what I can do, he told them. And he pointedly warned some: You'll be
sorry if you talk about me.

Despite Condit's attempts to keep the lid on his violent secret life,
investigators learned that two girls from California--both just 15 at the
time--claimed they were sexually assaulted by Condit when he was a state
assemblyman about 15 years ago, disclosed a course close to the case.

Investigators have heard that they were terrified of Condit but made a
police report anyway. But somehow the whole thing just went away.

The girls were reportedly so scared of Condit that they fled California
after the alleged assault and reported the crime to authorities in another
state, the source divulged.

One said she was raped, the other said she was sexually assaulted.

Investigators have also learned from several women that Condit was into
kinky sex--including rough sex.

And those closest to the representative have witnessed his explosive temper
when things don't go his way--and have gotten a frightening look at the
hostility bubbling just beneath his surface.

This has left some associates wondering what the congressman might be
capable of in a fit of passion or rage, revealed the Justice Dept. source.

FBI profilers have been putting together a profile of Condit for weeks
now, based on information gleaned in the interviews of women he has had
affairs with. Numerous people have described him as a 'Jekyll and Hyde'

What's amazing is the control he seems to have over people, particularly
women, who are reluctant to talk about him or cooperate in any way. A
number of people have reported getting harassing phone calls and notes
telling them not to talk to anyone about Condit.

There are people who feel they'll be physically hurt if they say anything
about him!

How did this outwardly friendly preacher's son manage to keep the lid on
his double life for so many years? The answer: cold-blooded intimidation,
charged sources.

Flammini--the congressman's former bodyguard and confidant of 25
years--spent hours answering questions for the FBI and gave The Enquirer
explosive details of what they discussed behind closed doors.

In a bombshell interview, Flammini told The Enquirer: Gary told me, 'I've
been with more than a thousand women, easily.' His political buddies
nicknamed him 'The Rooster.'

His cheap flings are nothing more than a mind-control game. He tells women
right off the bat, 'I'm a married congressman. We can have a lot of fun
together--but you can't tell anyone about our secret rendezvous.

 'We can get in a lot of trouble--and the Secret Service will get
involved. We could end up in court and some of us would end up in jail.' 

But Condit didn't just stop there, Flammini said. He made the women feel
like he has lots of power to hurt them.

While Condit didn't make explicit physical threats, he didn't have to. The
congressman--a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence--simply
let them know he had ties to powerful government agencies which could be
unleashed against them if they tried to expose him, claimed Flammini.

Because of this Jekyll and Hyde complex, these women eventually become vary
afraid of him. He's always been very moody--but his mood swings are
borderline violent sometimes!

[CTRL] WND: Mueller helped place Dr. No in sensitive position at DOJ

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[This is one in a series of exclusive WorldNetDaily investigative reports
on the Justice Department's still-active criminal probe of 1996
Clinton-Gore fund-raising abuses.]


Friday, July 20, 2001


Bush FBI pick tied to Reno cohort

Mueller helped place Radek in sensitive position at DOJ

By Paul Sperry
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Investigators working on Chandra Levy missing intern case are probing
charges that Congressman Gary Condit was accused of sexually assulting two
teenage girls.

That shocking disclosure is part of an indepth Enwuirer investigation that
reveals Condit's violent secret life.

Authorities have sopken to dozens of women who've had sex with Condit--and
despite fearing him, many have broken their silence to brand him a
ruthless, sex-crazed Jekyll and Hyde who woos them and then uses terror
tactics to enforce their silence.

Gary is a hunter and a predator, his former long-time bodyguard and
driver Vincent Flammini told the Enquirer.

The Enquirer's massive investigation has ripped the lid off Condit's
chilling double life--his involvement with a sleazy underworld of biker
bars, rough sex, and sex drugs that could have doomed his lover Chandra.

Despite public proclamations that Condit is not a suspect, the Justice
Dept., and the FBI and the Washington, D.C. police are digging deep into
the congressman's dark and frightening background.

A justice Dept.official discolsed to The Enquirer that after coldly dumping
lovers, the congressman made shocking threats to keep them quiet. You know
what I can do, he told them. And he pointedly warned some: You'll be
sorry if you talk about me.

Despite Condit's attempts to keep the lid on his violent secret life,
investigators learned that two girls from California--both just 15 at the
time--claimed they were sexually assulted by Condit when he was a state
assemblyman about 15 years ago, disclosed a cource close to the case.

Investigators have heard that they were terrified of Condit but made a
police report anyway. But somehow the whole thing just went away.

The girls were reportedly so scared of Condit that they fled California
after the alleged assult and reported the crimt tto authorities in another
state, the source divulged.

One said she was raped, the other said she was sexually assulted.

Investigators have also learned from several women that Condit was into
kinky sex--including rough sex.

And those closest to the representative have witnessed his explosive temper
when things don't go his way--and have gotten a frightening look at the
hostility bubbling just beneath his surface.

This has left some associates wondering what the congressman might be
capable of in a fit of passion or rage, revealed the Justice Dept. source.

FBI profilers have been putting together a prifile of Condit for weeks
now, based on information gleaned in the interviews of women he has had
affairs with. Numerous people have described him as a 'Jekyll and Hyde'

What's amazing is the control he seems to have over people, particularly
women, who are reluctant to talk about him or cooperate in any way. A
number of people have reported getting harrassing phone calls and notes
telling them not to talk to anyone about Condit.

There are people who feel they'll be physically hurt if they say anything
about him!

How did this outwardly friendly preacher's son manage to keep the lid on
his double life for so many years? The answer: cold-blooded intimidation,
charged sources.

Flammini--the congressman's former bodyguard and conficant of 25
years--spent hours answering questions for the FBI and gave The Enquirer
explosive details of what they discussed behind closed doors.

In a bonbshell interview, Flammini told The Enquirer: Gary told me, 'I've
been with more than a thousand women, easily.' His political buddies
nicknamed him 'The Rooster.'

His cheap flings are nothing more than a mind-control game. He tells women
right off the bat, 'I'm a married congressman. We can have a lot of fun
together--but you can't tell anyone about our secret rendezvous.

 'We can get in a lot of trouble--and the Secret Service will get
involved. We could end up in court and some of us would end up in jail.' 

But Condit didn't just stop there, Flammini said. He made the women feel
like he has lots of power to hurt them.

While COndit didn't make explicit physical threats, he didn't have to. The
congressman--a member of the House Select Committee on Intelligence--simply
let them know he had ties to powerful government agencies which dould be
unleashed against them if they tried to expose him, clamied Flammini.

Because of this Jekyll and Hyde comples, these women eventually become vary
afraid of him. He's always been very moody--but his mood swings are
borderline violent sometimes!

Teary-eyed girls came to me and cried on my shoulder, telling 

[CTRL] WND: Smith: Condit wanted multiple male partners; NBC: Levy case gets new investigator; FR: Star Magazine found Derrell Condit in Florida

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

[HILARIOUS] PICTURE: The Real Gary A. Condit:




FRIDAY, JULY 20, 2001

Smith: Condit wanted multiple male partners

Mistress says congressman fantasized about 'bunch of guys' during phone sex

By Paul Sperry

WASHINGTON - Anne Marie Smith, the United Airlines flight attendant who
claims to have had a yearlong fling with U.S. Rep. Gary Condit, charges
that the congressman talked about other men during phone sex, according to
her lawyer.

Washington police investigating the disappearance of intern Chandra Levy,
who also was seeing Condit, know about the disturbing phone conservations,
the lawyer says, and are looking closely at anyone Levy might have been
involved with through the married California Democrat. Levy has been
missing since April 30 or May 1, and police have not ruled out foul play.

Smith, who was based in San Francisco before recently going on leave, had
several long-distance phone conversations with Condit over the past year in
which Condit allegedly urged her to participate with him in sexual acts
with other guys, her lawyer James H. Robinson said. What was really
unusual was his phone sex, in which he would talk about his sexual
fantasies, Robinson told WorldNetDaily. He said he had friends who he
wanted to get involved in strange things.

Robinson says he doesn't know to which friends Condit was referring,
saying only that they were male friends.

He said Condit once intimated to his client over the phone: I have a
fantasy about a bunch of guys and one woman - you.

Michael Lynch, Condit's chief of staff in Modesto, Calif., did not respond
to a request to discuss the phone sex charges.

Robinson, speaking from his Seattle home, where Smith has been staying,
asserted that the alleged phone sex was always one-way and that Smith
never participated in, or egged on, his fantasies.

He adds that Smith, although she says Condit is very charming and
controlling, did not entertain any of Condit's alleged fantasies, and
says his client does not know if Condit acted out his multi-partner
fantasies with Levy or other women.

Robinson, however, says that Smith suspected that Condit may have engaged
in bondage-and-discipline activities at his Adams Morgan condo. On one
visit to his condo, Smith noticed neckties tied together that were tied to
the feet of the bed and shoved underneath the bed, Robinson said. They
looked like they'd been there awhile. When Smith confronted Condit about
the ties, he joked it off, Robinson said, saying Oh, oh, honey, I was just
thinking about doing that with you.

She didn't believe him, Robinson said.

Also, he says that Condit made one closet in his condo completely off
limits to Smith, making her suspect he kept bondage-and-discipline
equipment in there.

She had to use a hall closet by the front door for her suitcases,
Robinson said.

The lawyer, who's been licensed to practice in Washington state for three
years, says he does not know whom Condit had in mind for the alleged

I shudder to think, he said.

But he notes that Condit had many Hell's Angels friends, some of whom are

He once told Anne that his brother, who's a policeman, would kill him if
he found out he was going to a party thrown for a cop-killer, Robinson

Condit's brother, Burl, is a Modesto police sergeant.

Smith and her lawyer have accused Condit of pressuring her to sign a false
affidavit in the Levy investigation, and have provided evidence to the U.S.
attorney's office here. Suborning perjury is a felony.

Paul Sperry is Washington bureau chief for WorldNetDaily.

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.


Washington DC

Levy case gets new investigator

WASHINGTON, July 19 - One of the best-known investigators in the FBI, one
who has a reputation for solving difficult cases is now working on the levy

FBI Special Agent Brad Garrett was at D.C. police headquarters Thursday.
Garrett is now working on the Chandra Levy case.

Garrett is known for solving the unsolvable. Garrett hunted down CIA
shooter Mir Aimal Kasi in Pakistan and brought him to the United States.
Garrett was most active in closing the Starbucks Coffee shop murder case.
Now the FBI Special Agent has been assigned to the Chandra Levy

In the meantime, D.C. police are planning to release the web sites used
Levy the day she disappeared. Police officials have said Chandra was in her
apartment, on her computer for several hours May 1. Police said she visited
travel web sites, newspaper web sites, and sites about Congressman Gary

Police are planning to release the 

[CTRL] Poppy's Daily Intel Briefings- Who Is Really In Charge?

2001-07-20 Thread William Shannon

George W.'s daddy's daily intelligence briefings: Who is really running 

By Larry Chin   

July 20, 2001—Senior White House and CIA officials have confirmed that former 
President George Herbert Walker "Poppy" Bush remains intimately involved with 
the American foreign policy agenda. 

Although he publicly maintains that his idiot son is in control and in 
charge, the elder Bush continues to be briefed by the CIA when he comes to 
Washington, as well as in his office in Houston. All former presidents are 
granted this "privilege." However, George H.W. Bush requests these briefings 
far more frequently than other ex-presidents. The elder Bush has also 
initiated foreign policy decisions, repeatedly intervening on his son's 

If there are any doubts that the current Bush administration is no more than 
an extension of the last Bush regime, one need only note the following news 
items (which are barely reported by the corporate media):

1. For the second time in two months, "Poppy" intervened on his son's behalf 
by contacting Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia to clarify the 
administration's Middle East policies. The crown prince, an old Bush family 
friend and Gulf War crony with whom Bush has entertained regularly since the 
1980s, was no doubt reassured that the global energy interests of the world's 
wealthy would be protected, and advanced. Just as it was during the elder 
Bush's administration.

2. Last month, as the administration struggled to formulate its policy 
towards North Korea, the elder Bush sent his son a memo penned by "Asia 
expert" Donald Gregg. Gregg's ideas were incorporated into a policy review.

Gregg's CIA/NSC ties with the Bush family spans 25 years, and his CIA career 
spans 30 years. His "Asia expertise" includes four tours of Vietnam, the 
Operation Phoenix death squad campaign and the Air America heroin smuggling 
operation. During the Vietnam War, Gregg reported to Theodore Shackley, 
covert operations chief under then-CIA director George H.W. Bush, and 
supervised covert op and assassin Felix Rodriguez. CIA agents Bush, Rodriguez 
and Shackley were all participants in the Bay of Pigs operation in the early 

Gregg's friendship with the Bushes continued into the following decade. In 
1980, Gregg was on the plane that carried George H.W. Bush to his secret 
"October Surprise" meetings with Iranian officials. (Bush brokered a deal in 
which Iran would continue to hold American hostages until after the 1980 
election of Ronald Reagan, in exchange for $40 million in laundered funds.) 
In a later investigation, Gregg failed a polygraph test regarding his 

As national security adviser for George H.W. Bush in the 1980s, Gregg 
assisted Felix Rodriguez, Lt. Colonel Oliver North and others in the Contra 
"resupply" and cocaine smuggling operation. When arms dealer and CIA agent 
Richard Brenneke questioned Gregg about drug shipments into Texas, Gregg 
reportedly admonished him, "Do what you were assigned to do. Don't question 
your betters."

Although pursued by Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh, Gregg, Bush and other 
Iran-Contra conspirators evaded jail time thanks to Bush administration 
stonewalling and George H.W. Bush's infamous Christmas Eve pardons.

While the corporate media devotes 24-hour coverage to Gary Condit walking in 
and out of his office, it refuses to enlighten our uneducated and ignorant 
masses about the elder Bush's active role in his idiot son's puppet regime, 
the continuing involvement of former CIA operatives in American foreign 
policy, and the fact that Iran-Contra figures, such as Elliott Abrams. 
receive National Security Council jobs.

The snakes that truly "run things" have been around for a long time. And they 
are poisonous.

[CTRL] Monster hurricanes could hit U.S. (fwd)

2001-07-20 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


With the increased number, if it starts pounding the U.S., as we feel
like it is going to happen, there's bound to be a major city impacted and
we could be talking about a real disaster of epic proportions on our
hands, said hurricane meteorologist Stanly Goldenberg.

Scientists say the Earth's climate goes through cycles, but they don't
know why. Right now, Atlantic water temperatures are slightly warmer than
usual, by just half a degree Fahrenheit. And in general, there is less wind

Scientists: Monster hurricanes could hit U.S.


MIAMI, Florida (CNN)-- Weather researchers think the evidence is now clear:
A major shift in the climate has taken place that has brought about an
increase in major hurricanes. The period of heightened activity could last
for decades, and unleash a catastrophic storm on the United States,
according to meteorologists.

Since the climate shift began six years ago, when the Atlantic Ocean began
looking like a hurricane freeway, the number of hurricanes that have formed
in the Atlantic basin has doubled, said scientists at the U.S. Hurricane
Research Division.

The number of major hurricanes, which produce winds in excess of 110 miles
an hour, has also increased during the period by 250 percent, they said.
The increased activity will continue for the next ten to 40 years, which
could mean trouble for the United States.

Most seasons we are going to get a hurricane hit the U.S. and probably
more than half the time we will have a major hurricane hitting the U.S. as
well, said hurricane meteorologist Chris Landsea.

Already hurricanes have increased in number and intensity. Since 1995,the
Caribbean has been pounded by deadly storms like Mitch, Lenny, Marilyn,
Luis and Georges. Spared the brunt of the storms, the United States has
simply been lucky so far, the scientists warned.

With the increased number, if it starts pounding the U.S., as we feel like
it is going to happen, there's bound to be a major city impacted and we
could be talking about a real disaster of epic proportions on our hands,
said hurricane meteorologist Stanly Goldenberg.

A hurricane causing $50 billion in damage and hundreds to thousands of
deaths is quite possible in the next ten or 20 years, according to Landsea.

I think at this point the U.S. is so developed and there's so many people
along the coast that just about anywhere is a major disaster ready to

Scientists say the Earth's climate goes through cycles, but they don't know
why. Right now, Atlantic water temperatures are slightly warmer than usual,
by just half a degree Fahrenheit. And in general, there is less wind sheer.

The current conditions resemble those in 1900 when Galveston, Texas, was
nearly obliterated; And the time between the 1920s and 1960s when
hurricanes repeatedly slammed into Florida and the disastrous Yankee
Clipper hit New York.

The period from 1965 to 1995 saw opposite conditions, cooler water and more
wind sheer, neither of which fosters hurricane development.

Times have changed. From Florida to New England, everywhere along the East
Coast is now at increased risk of a major hurricane, the scientists said.

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[CTRL] Karl Rove- Ethical Disaster

2001-07-20 Thread William Shannon

Rove's Pharmaceutical Links Probed 

The Associated Press
Friday, July 20, 2001; 5:06 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON –– Presidential adviser Karl Rove met with two lobbyists from the 
pharmaceutical industry last month while he owned nearly a quarter of a 
million dollars worth of stock in a pair of drug companies, the White House 
acknowledged Friday. 

Rove had what the White House described as an introductory meeting June 5 
with former Rep. Vin Weber, R-Minn., and Alan F. Holmer, the president of the 
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America. Webster is a lobbyist 
whose clients include the pharmaceutical trade group. 

"They talked very generally about prescription drug coverage and Medicare 
reform and how to expand access to prescription drugs for seniors, issues 
we've been talking about for a long time," said Jackie Cottrell, a 
spokeswoman for the group. 

The National Journal first reported the meeting. 

Rove sold all 23 of his individual stocks for $1.5 million within two days of 
the drug industry meeting. 

"Karl was fully aware of ethical regulations and has abided by them at all 
times," said White House spokeswoman Anne Womack. "On broad policy issues it 
is completely appropriate for Karl as senior adviser to the president to meet 
with constituent groups." 

"If someone is in a key policy position at the White House, he should not be 
meeting with executives from corporations where he owns a substantial amount 
of stock," said Rep. Henry Waxman, who has urged the Justice Department to 
investigate Rove for possibly violating the conflict of interest law. 

"We wrote to the White House a month ago asking for information about Mr. 
Rove because he met with executives of Intel," said Waxman, the ranking 
Democrat on the House Government Reform Committee. "Now it appears that was 
not an isolated incident, but part of what appears to be a pattern." 

At the March 13 Intel meeting, the chip maker's executives made a pitch to 
Rove for a high-tech merger which the Bush administration approved less than 
two months later. The White House also acknowledged that Rove participated in 
meetings on the Bush administration's energy policy while he owned stocks in 
energy companies, including Texas-based Enron Corp. 

[CTRL] AP: Staff member found dead in Fla. congressman's district office

2001-07-20 Thread MIKE SPITZER

-Caveat Lector-

WIRE: 07/20/2001 4:59 pm ET

Staff member found dead in Fla. congressman's district office

The Associated Press

FORT WALTON BEACH, Fla. (AP) An office worker for U.S. Rep. Joe Scarborough
was found dead Friday in the congressman's district office. Preliminary
findings from the medical examiner's office showed no foul play or any
outward indication of suicide, said Police Chief Steve Hogue.

Authorities identified the woman as Lori Klausutis, 28. She had worked for
Scarborough since May 1999, said Mick Serrano, press secretary for the

Her body was found on the floor behind a desk about 8 a.m., Hogue told the
Northwest Florida Daily News. Authorities were not sure if she had been
there overnight or had arrived early.

Scarborough, a Republican, has two offices in the Florida Panhandle
district he represents. It was unclear if he was in Washington on Friday or

He announced last month he was resigning to spend more time with two young

A special primary election is scheduled Tuesday to select Democratic and
Republican nominees for an Oct. 16 general election to replace him.

Copyright 2001 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

 Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT


   *Michael Spitzer* [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends

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Re: [CTRL] NM: Tabs Hit Condit with 'Sex Slave' and Assault Allegations

2001-07-20 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

Twenty-seven women have told investigators they've had affairs with
Congressman Gary Condit, with probers exploring everything from an account
he turned girlfriends into his sex slaves, to rape allegations, two
supermarket tabloids are set to report.

Interesting.  For some reason I thought he'd be more likely to be the 'sub'
in SM games...he looks the type to get off on wearing women's underwear

Hendley also alleged that Condit was super-secretive about their six month
affair, a detail that mirrors what other Condit girlfriends have said,
including what Chandra Levy told her aunt.

A reporter for Talk was discussing just this issue on the Imus show this
morning, and she observed that such antics are usually found where the man
is trying to hide his peccadillos from a wife who is living with him...but
seems to be a strange manner to conduct oneself when one's wife is living
3000 miles away...

Which leads me to wonder if the ultra-secrecy that Condit insisted upon with
his 'girlfriends' was not so much to keep the affairs secret from Carolyn
Condit, 3000 miles away, but to assure that someone else much closer to his
DC condo didn't find about about the women on the side...

And perhaps the 'someone' is a male lover


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] 3800 Year Old Alphabet Found On Six Continents

2001-07-20 Thread Carl Amedio

3800 Year Old Alphabet Found On Six Continents

A journalist, while attempting to document some unusual and very old rock
art in remote North America, has discovered an ancient alphabet. This
alphabet is identical to ancient writing found in two other distant
locations around the globe. The author's discovery is in Colorado and has
been dated to 800 BCE. In the Negev desert of Israel, this writing has
been dated to 1500 BCE. In southern Australia, the alphabet is
estimated to be over 3800 years old.

The language has been given the name "old Negev," after the location of
the alphabet's initial discovery in the Sinai. In Australia it has been
known for centuries by the name "Panaramitee," while in the Americas it
has been misrepresented as Native American Indian sign language. The
language and grammar are now understood to be proto-Canaanite and appear
to have roots in common with Egyptian and Hebrew. The petroglyphs
successfully translate to English using an old Hebrew dialect in all three

There is a danger in representing the language as "old Negev" and "old
Hebrew." Evidence of the antiquity of this script in both America and
Australia suggest that this root language may pre-date that of the
Hebrews. The author and his associates suggest using an unbiased name,
such as "the First Tongue," to avoid any presumptive association with a
specific people or era.

The content of the translations, although not complete, suggests a common
culture and religious belief system. But more scrutiny of this language
system, its content and occurrence around the globe is indicated.

Source: ZON

Re: [CTRL] Author of Bush biography commits suicide

2001-07-20 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/20/01 11:37:05 AM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 A hotel housekeeper discovered the man's body about noon
  Wednesday, Springdale police Detective Al Barrios said Thursday.
  Barrios said the man apparently overdosed on two kinds of prescription

  Police don't suspect foul play.

  Well I sure do.  Reminds me of Danny Casolero.  ARGHHH!!!
*%$* *%$# *%$# ***

in grief and anger,

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fw: [mobilize-globally] GENOVA TWO KILLED

2001-07-20 Thread Mrs. Jela Jovanovic

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 10:10 PM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] GENOVA TWO KILLED

 Two people died sofar in Genova clashes One girl got KILLED
 brutally, one boy died from a teargasgrenade that hit his head!
 This is FASCIST ITALY and FASCISCT G-8. This is most
 disturbing. What happens in Europe is an indication of how severe
 repression will be in the rest of the world.

 W. de Lange

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Re: [CTRL] Boy Scout Bloodlust Bemoaned

2001-07-20 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

From: Yardbird
 What a splendid idea! And when the little, four legged animals become too
 powerful, politically, The larger four legged animals can bribe the fish
 game people to let them hunt the little four legged animals with large

Or maybe they could unite and hunt the environmentalists. Granted an
underfed vegan may not be the most nourishing food source but they apppear
to be plentiful and are not listed as an endangered species. Besides
they're easy to catch - what with many of them chaining themselves to
trees in the middle of nowhere.

Well, Findhorn and The Secret Life of Plants showed that flora are also
sentient beings, so they should also have their own PAC... ;-)


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Alternative Kite Radio (high-bandwidth)
Alternative Kite Summer Beachparty Radio (because it's always summer
somewhere on the globe)
Alternative Kite Holiday Radio (because everyday is a holiday somewhere)

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[CTRL] Faked Death Has Some Real Consequences

2001-07-20 Thread YnrChyldzWyld

-Caveat Lector-

Faked death has some real consequences
July 20 - BRIDGEPORT -- It was planned as the perfect crime.

Travel to Mexico, dig up a grave, load the corpse into a rented Chevrolet
Suburban and stage a fiery July 11, 1998, crash near Monterrey, Mexico.

 Then, sit back and wait until Kemper Life Assurance and CNA Life
Insurance pay $7 million in life insurance benefits.

 The problem was that Madison T. Rutherford, 39, of Bethel,
overestimated the willingness of insurance companies to pay and
underestimated the abilities of forensic scientists.

 On Thursday, Rutherford -- who began using that name in the late 1980s
instead of John Patrick Sankey, his given name -- appeared very much alive
as he listened to U.S. District Judge Stefan R. Underhill send him to prison
for the next five years, the maximum sentence for wire fraud.

 Next month, L. Rhynie Jefferson, Rutherford's estranged wife who is 20
years his senior, also faces sentencing on the wire fraud charge. She has
filed for divorce.

 Recovered by Mexican police from the charred remains of the vehicle was
a medical alert necklace containing the word penicillin and the name M.
Rutherford and a wristwatch inscribed To Madison, Love Rhynie.

 The fake death was staged when Rutherford traveled to Mexico with a
retired Connecticut State Police trooper to deliver a rare dog to a breeder.
The trooper was not charged, after passing a lie detector test.

 This is one of the most serious crimes I've seen, said Underhill, who
has been a federal judge for two years. You've left a lot of pain and loss
in the wake -- a wake driven by a desire for financial gain.

 For more than five hours Thursday afternoon, Underhill heard how much
pain Rutherford caused.

 Particularly, the pain felt by Brigitte Beck, a 72-year-old massage
therapist from Norwalk. Beck testified that Rutherford bilked her out of
about $300,000 and her New Canaan Court home, which is in foreclosure as a
result of the $482,000 in mortgages he obtained on it.

 She met Rutherford while treating his wife. The couple convinced her
that Rutherford was a successful financial adviser.

 Whatever Madison advised me to do, Beck said, I went along with it.

 She also went along with his story about his death, knowing full well
he was alive, pointed out Assistant U.S. Public Defender Paul Thomas,
Rutherford's attorney.

 Beck admitted she initially lied to the FBI about her knowledge. She
even allowed Rutherford to live in her home when he first returned to the U

 Beck claimed, during questioning by Assistant U.S. Attorney Christopher
Kit Schmeisser, that Jefferson told her Rutherford staged his death because
the Mafia was after him. She claimed Jefferson said Rutherford was being
protected by the FBI and was in frequent contact with the agency.

 During the sentencing, John Sankey, Rutherford's natural father,
thanked the FBI for arresting his son.

 If not for you folks, he would still be on the run, Sankey said.

 The FBI arrested Rutherford in Boston last November. This occurred
after a Hartford private investigator working for Kemper found Rutherford,
now known as Thomas Hamilton, working as a comptroller for Double Decker
Studios in Boston.

 Previously, Kemper hired Dr. William M. Bass, a forensic anthropologist
 to examine the bones a Mexican medical examiner certified as Rutherford's.

 Bass determined the bones belonged to a 50-year-old person of American
Indian ancestry.

 Later, the FBI said it found some unusual reading among Rutherford's
belongings. These included books and pamphlets entitled Modern Identity
Changer: How to Create a New Identity, and Paper Trip III, Master Guide to a
New Identity.

 Sankey told Underhill his son fell under the spell of Jefferson, a
psychic who uses horoscopes to make readings, when he was teen-ager.

 She would show up at Lake Candlewood [where Rutherford was a lifeguard]
 One day she asked him to paint her apartment in New Milford.

 Schmeisser presented a different view of Rutherford through Beck's

 The prosecutor also attempted to dispel the controlling wife theory by
playing a tape-recorded phone call Rutherford made to Jefferson from jail.

 On the tape, Rutherford repeatedly tells Jefferson that the FBI is on
to her and that she needs to take money, jewelry and clothes and get out of
their Bethel home within 15 minutes.

 ©1999-2001 MediaNews Group, Inc. All rights to republication are
 Connecticut Post incorporates The Bridgeport Post,
 The Telegram and The Valley Sentinel

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Re: [CTRL] SNET: Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted (fwd)

2001-07-20 Thread William Bacon

-Caveat Lector-

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 20 Jul 2001 13:20:50 -0700 (PDT)
From: John  Sanders [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: SNET: Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted

-  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

--- Steve Wingate [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 -  SNETNEWS  Mailing List

 --- Forwarded message follows ---
 Date sent:Sun, 15 Jul 2001 10:33:50 -0700
 Subject:  Re: [CTRL] Global Warming Much Worse Than Predicted
 Send reply to:Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 What happened to all the 'proof' of global COOLING that we were
 presented  with in the prior 2 decades?

 Science advances. Flat earth and leeches were once the height of
 science, too. We learn from our mistakes. Well, some of us do, anyway.

 --- End of forwarded message ---

  Well it has not been to long ago that the once mighty mountain of St
helens Erupted.  It has since been concluded, by some, that it put more
greenhouse gases than all of the vehicles and smoke stacks through human
  As I wrote several months ago there was currently erupting volcanoes
which number now exceeds 20, and those are eruptions just since Dec. 2000.
So perhaps we can learn.
  Cooling/warming.. has yet to really be determine which one will actually
happen.  Only our future will define it correctly.  Until then we deal
with a theory...

  Well that is my theory

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Re: [CTRL] Heading the World

2001-07-20 Thread Tito Hammond

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 7/20/01 7:16:37 AM Mountain Daylight Time,

 something real bad is going to happen in the political and social arena in
the near future. The day when people were willing to politely and silently
starve to death while their betters gorged themselves inside fortified
compounds is gone. Unless we address this imbalance, we're likely to find
ourselves in the middle of something
 that will make the French Revolution look like a pacifists convention. 

Surely the government already knows this and they don't want to pay the price
of their meddling in our lives both socially and economically.  It worries me
that all presidents have moved closer to the UN and that the government is
constantly growing.  It bothers me that government is demonizing gun owners
and slowly chipping away at the second amendment as well as massively
overstepping boundaries set by the tenth amendment.  I also wonder why the
Red Chinese have been given a port at Long Beach and why there are so many
Russian and German soldiers in Texas.  Perhaps the government has already
figured how to stop something bigger than the French Revolution.


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[CTRL] GROUND ZERO Radio Show - HAARP Electromagnetic warfare

2001-07-20 Thread Ecotoday

-Caveat Lector-

GROUND ZERO Radio Show - HAARP  Electromagnetic warfare

Saturday, July 21, 10 PM - 1 AM PST
RealAudio: http://www.clydelewis.com
Host: Clyde Lewis

Haarping on HAARP:http://www.clydelewis.com/dis/haarp/haarp.html

Electromagnetic warfare including strategic, environmental, and mind control
warfare will be covered on the Clyde Lewis radio show Saturday July 21 10 PM
- 1 AM PST. The show will cover the possible Nashville EMF events of July 6,
including guests Dave Fluehe and the general manager of WJRM, Nashville.
Freakuency Modulation article: http://www.clydelewis.com/dis/freak/freak.html

(Some researchers indicate the Nashville event may not have been an EMF
weapon.)  See: http://www.centrexnews.com/columnists/skousen/2001/07013.htm

Alfred Webre, Author of Earth Changes (Universebooks.com), will discuss
recent developments in electromagnetic warfare, including HAARP (including
possible HAARP sister sites, as discovered by Dr. Nick Begich); strategic
deception and the use of EMF weapons (eg possible Oklahoma City bombing EMF);
and portable, land-based, and space-based EMF weapons for environmental
modification, strategic warfare, and mass mind control and mood management.

Webre, a graduate of Yale Law School, is Director of International Affairs
for the Disclosure Project (disclosureproject.org).  Ecologynews'
Environmental War Desk, including research on current electromagnetic warfare
is at:


Updated research on electromagnetic environmental warfare includes:
Was the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake triggered by environmental war?
EcoNews Service: Always online for Ecology, Consciousness, and Universal
EcoNews: http://www.ecologynews.com
Vancouver, BC V6M1V8

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[CTRL] Foot and mouth, and Virus Warning!

2001-07-20 Thread Schmidt

-Caveat Lector-

2 Items here, first there's apparently a new worm doing the rounds, called SirCam. 
Don't open attachments, even from people you know (as these worms forward themselves 
via address lists).


And here is the most brazen piece of unbelievable cheek I can recall someone coming up 
with since some paper-shufflers in the local Public Transport body claimed they 
couldn't fix a dangerous railway crossing where a small child was killed because it 
was within the Minister for Transport's electorate, and they couldn't risk showing 


Minister says foot-and-mouth inquiry would 'attract crackpots'

Animal Health Minister Elliot Morley says a public inquiry into the foot-and-mouth 
crisis would attract every crackpot in the country.

Mr Morley made his comments during a visit to Worcester after a local Tory MP claimed 
the Government was running scared.

Tony Blair has told the Commons there will be a different type of inquiry but the 
results will still be published.

Mr Morley said: If we have a public inquiry we'll get every crackpot in the country 
airing their pet views.

Peter Luff, Conservative MP for Mid-Worcestershire, told the Worcester Evening News 
that the Government wants to avoid proper scrutiny.

Mr Blair told MPs a full public tribunal inquiry would take too long.

Check my weblog daily for updates


Get your own FREE allofyourgodsaredead.com Email account at...

http://allofyourgodsaredead.com - Someone had to tell you.

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[CTRL] So Much For Gun Control

2001-07-20 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-


Britain gripped by gun crimewave


POLICE forces reported more than 500 gun alerts in the seven days before the shooting 
dead of Derek Bennett by
police in Brixton, a Times survey has found.
Four years after the post-Dunblane gun law reforms were launched, 30 of the 43 forces 
in England and Wales
dealt with 571 incidents in which guns were reportedly seen or heard over a seven-day 
period. Real or
imitation weapons were involved in 166 of the incidents, most in London and other big 

Scotland Yard dealt with 364 reported incidents in the week from July 12. Officers 
found that guns had been
used in 158 incidents including armed robberies, shootings and attempted murders.

Police investigated a gun murder in Leeds and a house sprayed with bullets by a masked 
gang in Manchester. In
Birmingham car-jackers pistol-whipped a young woman driver. Police officers twice came 
under fire on the
streets of London and Newcastle. In the heart of Brixton, less than a mile from the 
spot where Mr Bennett was
shot, police chasing two gunmen discovered a Mac-10 submachine gun fitted with a 

The survey also reveals the number of false alarms sparked by public fear. Surrey 
police were called to the
sound of a gun which proved to be a door being slammed violently in a house. Hampshire 
had twenty 999 calls
about guns, and all were proved to be unfounded. In Lincoln patrols were alerted to a 
man in a car with a gun.
It was a toy.

Peter Fahy, Assistant Chief Constable of Surrey, said one of his three armed response 
vehicles is called to
respond to false alarms every two days.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Rick Ross: Jonestown, Jim Jones and the People's Temple

2001-07-20 Thread Aleisha Saba

Strange things are happening; in another congressional office a staff
secretary anyway a woman, was found dead in the office..then we have
James Traficant maybe going to prison on RICCO stuff, and his old buddy
big democrat contributor multimillionaire J.J Canaro turning on
Trafficant who pleads guilty who gave $500,000 to this school who uses
Klingle Park or Rock Fork Parking.lots of action around tht

So here is story re Ryan, whom they called Pattie Hearst;s congressman
and note the National Enquirer reporter.   Now my friend who was MI6 and
author worked as their astrologer and also for Globe but, the National
Enquirer then was headed up by Bob Pope, CIA and this paper is just a
propaganda front to keep their stars in line.

Note reference to Mark Lane being People Temple attorney; now my old
friend said he was CIA attorney of worst possible type - and Lane, the
creep, is the one who stole my bible calendar code and used in his
Executive Action having taken it from the Assassintion Commitee and also
in this time frame Larry Flynt shot and Mark Lane had also hooked up to
him and he hooked up to Rick Strawcutter - and get this, Rick Srawcutter
of Michigan got the Heaven's Gtes Tape for they sent to him right before
they suicided, however tht bunch was murdered.

So interesting item here; and, you can pull up the works on all of it -
I was looking into congressmen and their connections and pulled this up
on Ryan - Diane Feinstein has latched onto Chandra Levy's parents - and
she was in city administratio during Jonestown.

We have hit men working here, and they are not CIA - these are the men
who lead you to believe they are mafia when they are just men who are
this gun for hire - cheap hoodlums.

So Gotti in prison, Jim Traficant going to prison, and JJ Cafaro of
Youngstown also of course after shelliong out nerly a million dollars to
the democrats - Gore gets beat and - he might go to jail with his old
pal Traficant or did he help set him up - now Traficant knows where ALL
the bodies are buried.

Note Lane got away alive; and this was alleged agricultural experiment?
Congressman killed, Lane got away  - to write the book?

Is everything old new again?


The Assassination of Representative Leo J. Ryan and the Jonestown,
Guyana Tragedy
May 15, 1979
MAY 15, 1979

This investigative factfinding report has been submitted to the
Committee on Foreign Affairs by the Staff Investigative Group. Per my
directives and pursuant to the committee's investigative authority, the
Staff Group conducted a comprehensive inquiry into the international
relations aspects of the activities of the People's Temple, the tragic
events that led to the murder of Representative Leo J. Ryan and other
members of his party, and the mass suicide/murder of the followers of
People's Temple that occurred in Jonestown, Guyana on November 18, 1978.
The findings and recommendations in this report are those of the Staff
Investigative Group and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
membership of the Committee on Foreign Affairs.

Clement J. Zablocki, Chairman.
A. Ryan Trip Background

The chain of events which led to Representative Leo J. Ryan's death in
Guyana on November 18, 1978 began 1 year earlier almost exactly to the
date. The spark that ignited his interest was a San Francisco Examiner
article of November 13, 1977, involving an old friend and constituent,
Mr. Sam Houston of San Bruno, Calif. Headlined Scared Too Long, the
story recounted the death of Sam Houston's son, Bob, beneath the wheels
of a train on October 5, 1976, 1 day after he had announced his decision
to leave the People's Temple. The article explained that Mr. Houston was
speaking out because he was outraged by the way the Temple had treated
his son, about whose accidental death he had lingering doubts. He was
also speaking out because his two granddaughters, who were sent to New
York on a vacation, ended up at the People's Temple agricultural
mission in Jonestown, Guyana-never to return. Sam Houston was also
described as speaking out because he didn't have much time left. Doctors
would be removing his cancer-choked voice box within a few days.
Finally, Sam Houston said he was speaking out because he was tired of
being scared.

Representative Ryan read that story and soon thereafter took the
initiative to contact the Houstons and visited their home. Reinforced by
the fact that a relative had been involved in an unusual church group,
Mr. Ryan decided at that time that the matter needed to be looked into.

Over the next 6 to 8 months several other developments took place which
increased his interest in the activities of the People's Temple.
One was another San Francisco newspaper story recounting the defection
from People's Temple of 

[CTRL] New Group! on Grand Canyon Cave

2001-07-20 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Date sent:  Fri, 20 Jul 2001 19:51:59 +
From:   Jack Andrews [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:IUFO: New Group! on Grand Canyon Cave
Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

New!! I have just started a Yahoo Egroup:
LostCityOfTheDeadInTheGrandCanyon. Please take a look and join the
discussion to solve this mystery.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LostCityOfTheDeadGrandCanyon Thank You,
Jack Andrews

Lost Civilizations and Hidden Mysteries
..and the 3D Art of Jack Andrews

--- End of forwarded message ---


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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