[CTRL] Russia 'can't allow' U.S. to widen war to Iraq

2001-10-19 Thread Carl Amedio

Russia 'can't allow' U.S. to widen war to Iraq 
Thursday, October 18, 2001

MOSCOW — Russia has already signalled its opposition to a U.S. offensive against Iran and Iraq.Russian officials said Moscow would help Washington with the war on terrorism. But they said President Vladimir Putin would not allow the regime of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein or Iran to become a U.S. target in such a war.Moscow has sent weapons and troops to help the opposition Northern Alliance overthrow the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. Russia has also agreed to U.S. troops and combat planes in neighboring Uzbekistan, Middle East Newsline reported.Both Iran and Iraq are on the U.S. State Department list of terrorist sponsors. The Bush administration has been engaged in a debate over making Iraq a target in Washington's war on terrorism.Moscow has indicated that this is where it would draw the line. Russia has emerged as an ally of both Baghdad and Teheran."We can't allow the United States to wield its club the way it wants," Col. Sergei Goncharov, a leading Russian military analyst, said. "We are on good terms with Iran. We have tremendous economic investments in and expectations of Iraq. We can't afford to sever all these ties in one stroke. I foresee a major debate along these lines."Arab diplomatic sources said Moscow has relayed assurances to Washington that it will oppose a strike against Iraq.But Goncharov said Moscow might not oppose a surgical strike on Iraq should Washington bring proof that Saddam was involved in the Sept. 11 Islamic suicide attacks on New York and Washington."It's quite obvious: if there is proof that, say, Iraq harbors terrorists, then action is fair," Goncharov said. "But if they want to start carpet bombings, like in Yugoslavia, and then see what happens, it can't be allowed."  Print this Article   Email this article  Free Headline Alerts  
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[CTRL] Schools Hand Out 'Morning After' Pill (fwd)

2001-10-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

October 18, 2001

Schools Hand Out 'Morning After' Pill
By Charles R. MiVille, Washington, D.C., correspondent


For over a year, public schools have been using tax dollars to distribute
the so-called morning-after pill to teens. Now, pro-lifers in and out of
Congress are working to ban the practice by hitting abortionists where it
hurts the most - in the pocketbook.

The abortion industry calls it emergency contraception, but Carrie Gordon
Earll, bioethics analyst for Focus on the Family, says it's more than that.

Once a pregnancy has occurred and you take this high dose of birth control
pills, it is a chemical abortion, Earll said.

Many public schools now distribute this so-called morning after pill to
teens, but some members of Congress are trying to stop the practice with
legislation that would block federal funding to any school that gives out
the pill.

If you're going to do that, you can't have federal dollars, Earll said.
We are not going to give federal dollars to schools that distribute
abortion pills to teen-age girls.

Rep. Melissa Hart, R-Pa., had planned to offer the amendment to an
appropriations bill last week, but withdrew it from consideration at the
last minute at House Speaker Dennis Hastert's request.

John Cusey, executive director of the congressional Pro-Life Caucus, said
most parents don't know this is happening.

One of the most shocking things is people don't think that this is going
on in schools, Cusey said.

He noted that out of the 1,200 schools with clinics, 15 percent are giving
out the drug.

At least 180 schools do this right now, he said.

Earll added: Schools have absolutely no business handing out morning after
pills to teenage girls, especially without parental notification. . . .
Schools are there to educate our children they are not there to encourage
promiscuity and the types of behavior that are going to lead girls into
risky behavior.

Some schools give out the drug without a prescription.

Earll and Cusey say one of the dangers of the morning after pill is that it
creates a false sense of security. They say teens need to be warned of the
severe health risks from the drugs as well as the danger of catching
sexually transmitted diseases.

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Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


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... our efforts as educators must not be directed to restoring
the past order of morality but to participating in creating a new
one... when it is shed there will be a new moral order to take it's
place...  a counterculture that will burst through the surface.

(Roberta T. Ash; Durkheim's Moral Education Reconsidered: Toward
the Creation of a Counterculture.  In SCHOOL REVIEW, November,
1971, p. 112)

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[CTRL] Survival instincts vs. political correctness

2001-10-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

Survival instincts vs. political correctness


Mona Charen

 Most of us can live with fear  not happily, of course, but you endure
what you must  and people are more resilient than our therapeutic culture
has suggested lately. But while Americans are flinty and will be
courageous as required, we ought not be asked to withstand more than
necessary. There are two ways in which our government may be asking that
of us.
 The first is political correctness. While it is very true that we
cannot and should not declare war against all Muslims worldwide, and while
we cannot and should not persecute, insult or harass Arabs and Muslims
within our borders, we must take steps to reduce our vulnerability to
those who mean us terrible harm. If we are truly facing the threat of
radiation weapons, biological agents or chemical weapons, then we are
dealing with threats to our very survival as a nation. And if that is so,
then should delicacy about political correctness inhibit us from doing
everything necessary to defend ourselves?
 The FBI, reports Time magazine, is urgently searching for a group of
about 30 Arab men who have received licenses to transport hazardous
materials. These men, some of whom spoke little or no English, enrolled in
a driving school in Denver, Colo., in groups of two and three over the
past two years. Each small group was accompanied by the same interpreter.
They paid in cash, and after receiving their licenses, never looked for
work. They have disappeared.
 Attorney General John Ashcroft informs us there are at least 190
individuals associated with al Qaeda inside the United States whom
authorities have been unable to apprehend. Those are the 190 we know
 We keep congratulating ourselves on what an open society we are.
Fine, but let's not congratulate ourselves into an early grave. There are
thousands of Arabs in the United States at this moment on student and
travel visas. They should all be asked, politely and without prejudice, to
go home. This will work hardships in many cases, and that is regrettable.
But, there is no constitutional right to visit the United States. There is
no constitutional right for foreign students to study here.
 This is not a proposal for concentration camps or even preventive
detention (and this would not apply to citizens of Middle Eastern origin
though they, too, should receive some scrutiny). It should be done more in
sorrow than in anger, because we know only a tiny fraction of these people
mean us harm. But we cannot take chances. This is no more than common
 As for those missing hazardous materials drivers, the only answer is
ethnic profiling. Every Middle Eastern-looking truck driver should be
pulled over and questioned wherever he may be in the United States.
 There is a second fear that looms even larger: smallpox. Unlike
anthrax, it is highly contagious and easy to transport. Unlike chemical
weapons, it is easy to distribute. It could easily overwhelm us. All
Americans born after about 1972 are unvaccinated. As for those over age 30
who received the vaccine at birth, there is serious doubt that the vaccine
remains effective, since booster shots would have been required every
 Something like 30 percent of those who contract smallpox will die a
slow and painful death. Our health systems would be rapidly overwhelmed by
such an epidemic. The economy would be destroyed, and national morale
could crack as nearly every family buried at least one member.
 The government was ahead of the curve (for once), appropriating
several million dollars in the late '90s for smallpox vaccine. But even
the most optimistic assumptions cannot get all 280 million of us
inoculated in less than two years (three is more realistic.)
 During the Gulf war, the United States privately warned Iraq that if
chemical or biological weapons were used against our troops, we would
consider all forms of retaliation. That was a balance of terror  just what
we need now. Nations can be deterred, but can terrorists?
 Only perhaps, by this: the certainty that in the 21st century, an
epidemic cannot be contained on one continent. Even without a threat of
retaliation in kind, the terrorists must be given to understand, by
whatever method, that once unleashed, smallpox cannot be controlled. And
the Muslim world would surely be even more devastated by it than would we.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity 

[CTRL] So You Want To Be An Orthodoctor?

2001-10-19 Thread Chris Case

 Original Message 
From: Chris Case [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Some excerpts from:
by W.David Kubiak
>>>"Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together
again in new shapes of our own choosing." George Orwell
 >>>..What orthodoctors essentially
do (is to) configure the psychic
attention fields, the habits of mind, that animate and synchronize
social bodies and render them agreeably servile to the current
in head-quarters.
>>>Threats are obvious tools of the trade, but threats are tricky.
efficiency of a body that must individually threaten its members
line is abysmal. An orthodoctrinal threat must not just inspire
specific fear, it must conjure a nameless dread. The best threats
thus implicit, generic, and external to the hierarchy they benefit.
>>>Threats justify emotional appeals for individual self-sacrifice
the name of the Greater Good, which inexorably entail the sacrifice
personal rights, freedoms and liberties - "since we must single-mindedly
resist this terrible scourge, you will immediately renounce any
mind of
your own..."
>>>...All viable orthodoxies dominate not only the content of their
constituents' vision, but also its inclination. They must control
members look up to or down upon, what rules will be observed or
overlooked, and how frequently their unifying symbols receive ritual
re-spect and re-gard.
>>>Without historical exception, orthodoxies exist solely to enforce
embody egregious inequalities. The social bodies they in-form are
vertically aligned - whether by caste, race, class or corporate
- with all those beneath the noble brow inescapably working more,
little, deciding less, and being steeply looked down upon to boot.
>>>It appears so self-evident that challenging the corporate crew's
invulnerable power today would be so clearly, plainly and obviously
futile, that we may justifiably suspect we are caught up in some
translucent orthodoxy ourselves. For even if we do not personally
inhabit either a major corporate org or recognizable hierarchy,
we all
still abide in a psycho-social environment that has for many intensive
generations been cultured from Big Bodies, by Big Bodies, and for
Bodies. And that ubiquitous miasma just has to affect our air,
not to
mention taste and vision.
>>>An orthodoxy is not merely a static assortment of canons, codes
myths of regulation. It is above all a vital morphogenetic force
that aligns and synchronizes our beings within a hierarchical Greater
Whole. Over time, these Wholes become tightly integrated entities
with common symbols, customs, language, etc. But the key adhesive
attention. Ultimately, it matters little how unified your values,
or goals if your members don't pay any attention to them. Rapt
attention, whether elicited with fear, love or fascination, is
thus the
vital precursor of all social synchronization and the life force
in-forms, nourishes and animates all corporate bodies.
>>>Next to Japan, Inc., the happiest exemplar of social organismics
to be our ancient amigo, the slime mold. The slime mold is not
civilized beast but, for a brief and shining moment at least, it
is a
paragon of orthodoxy and a startling corporate parable. A typical
specimen starts off as hundreds of thousands of rugged individual
amoebas trysting and boogying across the forest floor. One day,
if the good life starts to wane and the living gets un-easy, low
frequency angst starts to reverberate through the population. Out
this troubled time, a leader or "founder cell" rises up and sends
a gaseous clarion call. The masses quickly throng to its charismatic
chemistry, swarm atop its bandwagon, and eventually form a micro
skyscraping spire of sweaty melded bodies called a grex. This pulsing
phallic collective then magically comes alive with its own esprit
corps, subordinates all individual liberties to the Will and Progress
the Greater Whole, and single-mindedly inches off toward a promised
Babylon. OK, that part is civilized enough.
 The wild part is that grex leaders
keep their promises. After long but
swift migrations, they bring their incorporated brethren to some
auspicious eminence and expose them to the light. When a shaft
strikes a grex from behind, it reacts with yet another miracle.
leadership hunkers down and launches its members aloft in a glowing
group gondola where each working class cell reclaims its individuality,
identity and a buoyant spore parachute. They burst free, ride the
and resume singular life in some brave new world. This final rite
passage is called fruition, and is doubly wondrous because the
profit not. In a truly mythic display of public spirit, they selflessly
deliver their charges, re-equip them for independence, and
philosophically remain behind 

[CTRL] Danish FM Slaps Israel. (fwd)

2001-10-19 Thread Yardbird


Danish FM: Ze'evi murder same as targeted killings
By Herb Keinon
JERUSALEM (October 19) - Danish Foreign Minister Mogens Lykketoft infuriated Israeli diplomatic officials following tourism minister Rehavam Ze'evi's assassination, when he said on a Danish television program Wednesday night that there is no difference between the assassination and Israel's targeted killing of terrorists.

"Political murder in that area is not anything new," Lykketoft said.

According to Lykketoft, "all these types of murder, including what is called Israel's extrajudicial killing of Palestinian leaders," constitute a real danger and harm any chances of reaching a diplomatic solution.

Lykketoft also said that he does not hold Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat responsible in any way for the assassination, adding that it is a mistake "to give the last terrorist veto rights over diplomatic negotiations."

One senior government official in Jerusalem labeled Lykketoft an anti-Semite, and said that he is "the most anti-Israel foreign minister in Europe."

This was not the first time that Lykketoft has enraged Israel with anti-Israel comments, yet it is the first time that officials have "taken off the gloves" in this manner in reaction to his comments.

Victor Harel, the Foreign Ministry's deputy director-general for Europe, said the ministry was "shocked" by Lykketoft's comments.

"We received dozens of condolence messages from Europe, and were touched by them," Harel said. "At the same time, we were shocked by declarations made by Lykketoft, in particular the comparison he made between Ze'evi's assassination and the targeted killing of terrorists."

"We fail to understand how he can compare terrorists planning or on their way to commit terrorist acts, with a prominent political figure who has acted always in a democratic way."

Harel said the comments were "completely unacceptable," and that the ministry has instructed Israeli Ambassador Carmi Gillon to convey Israel's "strong views" on the matter.

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[CTRL] Sharon warns of war.......

2001-10-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-



  Israel says Arafat era is over
   PLO fears leader is target of assassination plot
   Sharon warning of war within a week
  THE Middle East moved closer to a new war
  yesterday as Ariel Sharon declared the Arafat era
  over and moved tanks into three West Bank towns.

  Israel also killed a leading Palestinian militant, and the
  PLO claimed to have evidence that the Jewish state
  was plotting to assassinate its leader, Yassir Arafat.

  The rapid collapse of the peace process followed the
  murder of Rehavam Zeevi, the Israeli Tourism
  Minister, by the Popular Front for the Liberation of
  Palestine (PFLP) on Wednesday. Mr Sharon said:
  “Arafat has seven days to impose absolute quiet in
  the (occupied) territories. If not, we will go to war
  against him. As far as I am concerned, the era of
  Arafat is over.”

  The Palestinians suspect that Israel has decided on its
  response to the killing of Mr Zeevi. Nabil Abu
  Rdainah, an Arafat aide, said that the Palestinian
  Authority had evidence that Israel was planning to
  assassinate Mr Arafat.

  Israel’s Security Cabinet is understood to have sent a
  blunt message to Mr Arafat that unless Israel’s
  conditions for the extradition of the killers and the
  outlawing of all Palestinian terror organisations were
  adhered to within one week he “would be treated in
  the way in which the US treats the Taleban”.

  Although there was some confusion about the precise
  timing of the new Israeli deadline for the surrender of
  the PFLP killers — whose identity ministers claimed
  to know — officials said that it would run out at the
  end of the seven-day mourning period for Mr Zeevi.

  In a reflection of the mood across much of Israel as
  Mr Zeevi, a former army general, was buried with full
  military honours in Jerusalem, his family and other
  mourners called for retaliation on a massive scale to
  avenge his murder.

  The latest Israeli “targeted killing” near the West Bank
  town of Bethlehem was that of Ataf Abayat, a
  member of the Tanzim militia of Mr Arafat’s Fatah
  faction. He died instantly in a car bomb explosion.
  He was high on Israel’s wanted list and blamed for
  the recent death of a woman settler.

  At least three other Palestinians were killed in clashes
  across the West Bank, as Israeli tanks entered the
  Palestinian towns of Jenin, Nablus and Ramallah. A
  10-year-old schoolgirl was killed in Jenin and two
  Palestinian security men using automatic rifles to try
  to prevent tanks advancing into Ramallah also died.
  The Palestinians said that four other schoolgirls and
  three adults were wounded in Jenin.

  The killing of Mr Abayat, and two other Palestinian
  militants who were with him, led to reprisals by
  Palestinian gunmen, who fired on the Jerusalem
  suburb of Gilo, which Palestinians regard as an illegal
  Jewish settlement. A mortar bomb was fired late in
  the evening but there were no reports of injuries.

  In another incident an Israeli man was shot and killed
  and two of his companions were wounded in a
  drive-by shooting on the road between Jerusalem and
  the West Bank town of Jericho.

  Israeli sources refused to comment on the killing of
  Mr Abayat, who had recently been picked up by the
  Palestinian police and released soon after. He was on
  a wanted list Israel had given to Mr Arafat.

  The Palestinian Authority said that it had arrested 11
  PFLP members, although it was not clear if they
  included the suspected assassins. Ziad Abu Zayad, a
  Palestinian Cabinet minister, said: “If indeed the
  people behind Zeevi’s murder are inside Palestinian
  Authority territory, Arafat needs to arrest them and

[CTRL] 2 found with video of Sears Tower

2001-10-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


2 found with video of Sears Tower

MICHELLE MOWAD, Special to The Mercury October 17, 2001

PLYMOUTH -- Two men whom police described as Middle Eastern were detained
in the township by federal immigration authorities after being found with
detailed video footage of the Sears Tower in Chicago.
Plymouth Police encountered the men after an officer responded to Pizzeria
Uno on the 1000 block of West Ridge Pike at 2:40 p.m. Thursday for a report
of illegal dumping, according to reports.

A manager there advised the police officer that a tractor-trailer was
observed backed up to the Dumpster at the rear of the restaurant. The
manager noticed a freshly dumped pile of furniture adjacent to the
Dumpster, according to police.

The manager confronted the vehicle's operator, a Middle Eastern man, police

The man, who later identified himself as Moshe Elmakias, 30, denied that he
did anything and fled the scene, heading west on West Ridge Pike, according
to police.

The manager was able to provide township police with the Florida
registration number of the tractor-trailer and said that a sign posted on
the side of the vehicle read Moving Systems Incorporated and included a
phone number, police said.

The area was searched by township police, and the vehicle was spotted
parked on the curb in front of John Kennedy Ford on Ridge Pike, just west
of Industrial Way.

An officer proceeded to make contact with the occupants of the truck by
knocking on the cab, according to reports.

A Middle Eastern man, later identified as Ron Katar, 23, exited the sleeper
area of the cab and said that the operator was across the street as he
pointed toward the Don Rosen Porsche dealer, reports said.

Elmakias and a white female, Ayelet Reisler, 23, were approaching the
vehicle from the dealership, but the female then began walking in a
different direction, acting as if she were not with Elmakias, according to

Reisler was detained and checked for identification. She had a German
passport in her name and medication in a different name, police said.

Plymouth Police Sgt. Thomas Longo was notified and responded to the incident.

Elmakias allegedly admitted to being behind Pizzeria Uno, although he said
that he did not dump furniture, he was only turning around.

Elmakias said that his destination was New York and that he was also coming
from New York. He said he was in Plymouth because he was supposed to make a
pickup from a male in the morning and pointed toward the Storage USA
facility on Belvoir Road and West Ridge Pike, police said.

Elmakias could not, however, provide a name or telephone number of the

Township police dispatched a request for a Motor Carrier Safety Assistance
Program Inspector. Officer Gerald Schwartz of the Whitpain Police
Department responded.

Schwartz discovered through his investigation that the operator's log had
been falsified and put the truck out of service due to violations, police
said. In addition, the vehicle reportedly had numerous equipment violations
that rendered the truck unsafe.

Inspection of the tractor-trailer's contents revealed a load three-quarters
full containing household items, including furniture and boxes.

Among the items in the truck was a Sony video camera.

Plymouth Police Officer David McCann reviewed the tape found inside the
camera. The tape had video footage of Chicago with zoomed-in shots of the
Sears Tower, according to police.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation was notified of the incident and all
three subjects were transported to the Plymouth Police station.

The subjects were then processed through the National Crime Information
Center and placed into detention, according to the report.

FBI Agents James Sweeney and Richard Tofani arrived at the station and
proceeded to investigate both the subjects and their belongings with the
assistance of Immigration and Naturalization Services.

Elmakias and Katar were eventually detained by INS and transported to a
federal facility, said police. Reisler was released.

All evidence collected by Plymouth and Whitpain officers was transferred to
federal facilities with the exception of a VCR.

Special Agent Linda Vizi, a spokeswoman for the Philadelphia FBI, could not
be contacted for comment on further investigations.

©The Mercury 2001

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives 

Re: [CTRL] Sharon warns of war.......

2001-10-19 Thread Fernando Sobral

-Caveat Lector-

Se viene la segunda en la zona  matan al pelotudo de Arafat (un tipo poco luchador 
y de mucho negociar y ceder), viene uno más jodido y aguerrido, se juntan los estados 
árabes entre las dos guerras y se arma el gran quilombo.

Hablaste con Tati? Qué ondina? Qué llevamos? Qué so? Qué mado?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 19/10/01 08:03 
-Caveat Lector-



  Israel says Arafat era is over
   PLO fears leader is target of assassination plot
   Sharon warning of war within a week
  THE Middle East moved closer to a new war
  yesterday as Ariel Sharon declared the Arafat era
  over and moved tanks into three West Bank towns.

  Israel also killed a leading Palestinian militant, and the
  PLO claimed to have evidence that the Jewish state
  was plotting to assassinate its leader, Yassir Arafat.

  The rapid collapse of the peace process followed the
  murder of Rehavam Zeevi, the Israeli Tourism
  Minister, by the Popular Front for the Liberation of
  Palestine (PFLP) on Wednesday. Mr Sharon said:
  Arafat has seven days to impose absolute quiet in
  the (occupied) territories. If not, we will go to war
  against him. As far as I am concerned, the era of
  Arafat is over.

  The Palestinians suspect that Israel has decided on its
  response to the killing of Mr Zeevi. Nabil Abu
  Rdainah, an Arafat aide, said that the Palestinian
  Authority had evidence that Israel was planning to
  assassinate Mr Arafat.

  Israel's Security Cabinet is understood to have sent a
  blunt message to Mr Arafat that unless Israel's
  conditions for the extradition of the killers and the
  outlawing of all Palestinian terror organisations were
  adhered to within one week he would be treated in
  the way in which the US treats the Taleban.

  Although there was some confusion about the precise
  timing of the new Israeli deadline for the surrender of
  the PFLP killers * whose identity ministers claimed
  to know * officials said that it would run out at the
  end of the seven-day mourning period for Mr Zeevi.

  In a reflection of the mood across much of Israel as
  Mr Zeevi, a former army general, was buried with full
  military honours in Jerusalem, his family and other
  mourners called for retaliation on a massive scale to
  avenge his murder.

  The latest Israeli targeted killing near the West Bank
  town of Bethlehem was that of Ataf Abayat, a
  member of the Tanzim militia of Mr Arafat's Fatah
  faction. He died instantly in a car bomb explosion.
  He was high on Israel's wanted list and blamed for
  the recent death of a woman settler.

  At least three other Palestinians were killed in clashes
  across the West Bank, as Israeli tanks entered the
  Palestinian towns of Jenin, Nablus and Ramallah. A
  10-year-old schoolgirl was killed in Jenin and two
  Palestinian security men using automatic rifles to try
  to prevent tanks advancing into Ramallah also died.
  The Palestinians said that four other schoolgirls and
  three adults were wounded in Jenin.

  The killing of Mr Abayat, and two other Palestinian
  militants who were with him, led to reprisals by
  Palestinian gunmen, who fired on the Jerusalem
  suburb of Gilo, which Palestinians regard as an illegal
  Jewish settlement. A mortar bomb was fired late in
  the evening but there were no reports of injuries.

  In another incident an Israeli man was shot and killed
  and two of his companions were wounded in a
  drive-by shooting on the road between Jerusalem and
  the West Bank town of Jericho.

  Israeli sources refused to comment on the killing of
  Mr Abayat, who had recently been picked up by the
  Palestinian police and released soon after. He was on
  a wanted list Israel had given to Mr Arafat.

  The Palestinian Authority said that it had arrested 11

[CTRL] Excuse me

2001-10-19 Thread Fernando Sobral

-Caveat Lector-

Sorry, that mail was to my sister, not to CTRL !


 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 19/10/01 09:26 
-Caveat Lector-

Se viene la segunda en la zona  matan al pelotudo de Arafat (un tipo poco luchador 
y de mucho negociar y ceder), viene uno más jodido y aguerrido, se juntan los estados 
árabes entre las dos guerras y se arma el gran quilombo.

Hablaste con Tati? Qué ondina? Qué llevamos? Qué so? Qué mado?

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] 19/10/01 08:03 
-Caveat Lector-



  Israel says Arafat era is over
   PLO fears leader is target of assassination plot
   Sharon warning of war within a week
  THE Middle East moved closer to a new war
  yesterday as Ariel Sharon declared the Arafat era
  over and moved tanks into three West Bank towns.

  Israel also killed a leading Palestinian militant, and the
  PLO claimed to have evidence that the Jewish state
  was plotting to assassinate its leader, Yassir Arafat.

  The rapid collapse of the peace process followed the
  murder of Rehavam Zeevi, the Israeli Tourism
  Minister, by the Popular Front for the Liberation of
  Palestine (PFLP) on Wednesday. Mr Sharon said:
  Arafat has seven days to impose absolute quiet in
  the (occupied) territories. If not, we will go to war
  against him. As far as I am concerned, the era of
  Arafat is over.

  The Palestinians suspect that Israel has decided on its
  response to the killing of Mr Zeevi. Nabil Abu
  Rdainah, an Arafat aide, said that the Palestinian
  Authority had evidence that Israel was planning to
  assassinate Mr Arafat.

  Israel's Security Cabinet is understood to have sent a
  blunt message to Mr Arafat that unless Israel's
  conditions for the extradition of the killers and the
  outlawing of all Palestinian terror organisations were
  adhered to within one week he would be treated in
  the way in which the US treats the Taleban.

  Although there was some confusion about the precise
  timing of the new Israeli deadline for the surrender of
  the PFLP killers * whose identity ministers claimed
  to know * officials said that it would run out at the
  end of the seven-day mourning period for Mr Zeevi.

  In a reflection of the mood across much of Israel as
  Mr Zeevi, a former army general, was buried with full
  military honours in Jerusalem, his family and other
  mourners called for retaliation on a massive scale to
  avenge his murder.

  The latest Israeli targeted killing near the West Bank
  town of Bethlehem was that of Ataf Abayat, a
  member of the Tanzim militia of Mr Arafat's Fatah
  faction. He died instantly in a car bomb explosion.
  He was high on Israel's wanted list and blamed for
  the recent death of a woman settler.

  At least three other Palestinians were killed in clashes
  across the West Bank, as Israeli tanks entered the
  Palestinian towns of Jenin, Nablus and Ramallah. A
  10-year-old schoolgirl was killed in Jenin and two
  Palestinian security men using automatic rifles to try
  to prevent tanks advancing into Ramallah also died.
  The Palestinians said that four other schoolgirls and
  three adults were wounded in Jenin.

  The killing of Mr Abayat, and two other Palestinian
  militants who were with him, led to reprisals by
  Palestinian gunmen, who fired on the Jerusalem
  suburb of Gilo, which Palestinians regard as an illegal
  Jewish settlement. A mortar bomb was fired late in
  the evening but there were no reports of injuries.

  In another incident an Israeli man was shot and killed
  and two of his companions were wounded in a
  drive-by shooting on the road between Jerusalem and
  the West Bank town of Jericho.

  Israeli sources refused to comment on the killing of
  Mr Abayat, who had recently been picked up by the
  Palestinian police and released soon after. He was on
  a wanted list Israel 

Re: [CTRL] Sharon warns of war.......

2001-10-19 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Hables espanol?   Something like that - so, Sharon now wants to murder

Big deal - the guy is so old now he needs help to get to the john.

So what we need and this is my game plan we poison the water with
aphrosdiacs, that is a sex drug - make love not war...

Like K 9 dogs, they have to neuter those dogs before they go to war
because, dogs will be dogs, but then men will be men too and for every
goodlooking man, there is a woman who lets him believe, he is doing the
chasing, while she lays the trap.

So much for Peace In Our Time - to be continued.

Imagine sending in all these handsome men with bright cheery handsome
faces - true Sons of the Prophets - run for office and take over.

You know that guy that was just assassinated was going to nail Sharon,
so Sharon nailed him first..why the hell would the Palestinians
knock off this Minister of Tourism who had just resignedthink
about that - so are some of these so called terrorists in the employ of
the Mossad.

stop the welfare to Israel and stop the war.

And this Ariel Sharon - now imagine a Rudolph Valentino with love in his
eyes, running against this fat assed creep.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] RE: [CTRL] Interview W/ Michael Ruppert

2001-10-19 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

Bear in mind that Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) has documented that 300
billion dollars a year in drug money moves through the US banking system.
And that was in a minority report to the Senate Banking Committee released
this February, I believe it was. But that money is now an integral component
to sustaining the bubble.

They're not teaching my daughter about that in economics class, that's for

The fact is, any money spent is good according to the economists; that's the
dirty little secret of the American way of life. The worst thing for the US
economy is a consumer who is not consuming (spending). That's why we have
personal bankruptcy, which basically allows people to resume consumption.

So the moral answer, decriminalizing drugs so the price drops and profits
shrivel, is in opposition to expanding the economy, which I contend is the
real religion of the USA at this point.

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) LP RELEASE: Anthrax attacks

2001-10-19 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

the interesting thing of course is that all this anthrax is being mailed
domestically, and no one knows who is doing it. hard to blame foreign policy
when you dont know who the perpetrator is yet
-- --- -
Well, I've wrestled with reality for 35 years, doctor, and I'm happy to
state I finally won out over it

Elwood P Dowd

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Euphorian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 00:11:48 -0500
 Subject: [CTRL] (Fwd) LP RELEASE: Anthrax attacks

 -Caveat Lector-

 --- Forwarded message follows ---
 Date sent:  Thu, 18 Oct 2001 14:05:45 -0400 (EDT)
 Subject:LP RELEASE: Anthrax attacks
 From:   Libertarian Party Announcements
 Send reply to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, Suite 100
 Washington DC 20037
 World Wide Web: http://www.LP.org
 For release: October 18, 2001
 For additional information:
 George Getz, Press Secretary
 Phone: (202) 333-0008 Ext. 222

 There's only one way to protect the
 U.S. against anthrax terrorist attacks

 WASHINGTON, DC -- The outbreak of anthrax on Capitol Hill is ultimate
 proof that nothing can protect all Americans from unpredictable
 retail terrorist attacks -- and that the only long-term solution is
 to move towards a Protect America First foreign policy to deprive
 terrorists of their rationale for targeting us, the Libertarian Party
 said today.

 With these anthrax attacks, terrorists have demonstrated that they
 have the ability to attack and injure Americans in grisly ways no one
 predicted, and in ways that are all but impossible to protect against,
 said Steve Dasbach, the party's national director.

 That's why, even as we pray for the men and women in Washington, DC
 who have been exposed to this deadly disease, we must point out: A non-
 interventionist foreign policy is the only real protection against
 ruthless, cunning, and savage terrorists.

 Only a non-interventionist foreign policy will help keep Americans
 safe from hijackings, bioterrorism, and whatever vicious and evil
 future attacks such terrorists might conceive.

 This week, 31 Congressional staffers and police tested positive for
 anthrax exposure, causing panic on Capitol Hill and prompting the U.S.
 House to temporarily shut down. The airborne anthrax spores that
 triggered the infections had apparently been mailed in an envelope to
 Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle's office.

 The anthrax is believed to be the same strain that caused outbreaks in
 at least two other states and killed one man in Florida, leading the
 FBI to speculate that the attacks are the work of terrorists.

 If that is indeed the case, the anthrax assault is evidence that law
 enforcement can never completely stop unconventional terrorist attacks,
 said Dasbach.

 Most of the U.S. government's anti-terrorism plans revolve around what
 might be called wholesale terrorism: Airline hijackings, truck bombs,
 poisoned water supplies, and so on, he said. Those kinds of attacks
 focus on killing large numbers of people, and are best thwarted by
 heightened vigilance and traditional law enforcement techniques.

 But with the anthrax assault, the terrorists have begun to engage in
 retail terrorism -- using methods that kill individually, but are
 designed to strike fear into the entire population.

 The problem with such retail terrorism, said Dasbach, is that it is
 nearly impossible to individually defend 280 million Americans from
 such threats, especially if the terrorists continue to use original and
 innovative methods.

 If you look at countries that are most vigilant against terrorism --
 like Israel -- you see that terrorists are still able to assassinate
 politicians, bomb restaurants, and launch sniper attacks on remote
 farms, he said.

 The danger is even greater in the United States, since we are a more
 open nation. Who knows what terrorists might do next: Plant anthrax
 spores in food products in your local supermarket? Put smallpox
 bacteria in a public swimming pool? Drop plague-causing agents into the
 ventilation system of a hotel? Or launch some other kind of deadly
 offensive we can't even predict?

 That's why the only viable long-term solution is to make sure that
 terrorists have less incentive to try to kill Americans, said Dasbach.
 And the only way to accomplish that is to adjust our foreign policy so
 it focuses on defending America, while steering clear of foreign
 conflicts, hatreds, and feuds.

 Our foreign policy 

Re: [CTRL] 2 found with video of Sears Tower

2001-10-19 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

so now anyone who took a picture of the WTC is a suspect?
-- -- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - -
--  -- - -- -
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. We must remember always that
accusation is not proof and that conviction depends upon evidence and due
process of law.

Edward R. Murrow

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

 From: Yardbird [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 08:07:26 -0300
 Subject: [CTRL] 2 found with video of Sears Tower

 -Caveat Lector-


 2 found with video of Sears Tower

 MICHELLE MOWAD, Special to The Mercury October 17, 2001

 PLYMOUTH -- Two men whom police described as Middle Eastern were detained
 in the township by federal immigration authorities after being found with
 detailed video footage of the Sears Tower in Chicago.
 Plymouth Police encountered the men after an officer responded to Pizzeria
 Uno on the 1000 block of West Ridge Pike at 2:40 p.m. Thursday for a report
 of illegal dumping, according to reports.

 A manager there advised the police officer that a tractor-trailer was
 observed backed up to the Dumpster at the rear of the restaurant. The
 manager noticed a freshly dumped pile of furniture adjacent to the
 Dumpster, according to police.

 The manager confronted the vehicle's operator, a Middle Eastern man, police

 The man, who later identified himself as Moshe Elmakias, 30, denied that he
 did anything and fled the scene, heading west on West Ridge Pike, according
 to police.

 The manager was able to provide township police with the Florida
 registration number of the tractor-trailer and said that a sign posted on
 the side of the vehicle read Moving Systems Incorporated and included a
 phone number, police said.

 The area was searched by township police, and the vehicle was spotted
 parked on the curb in front of John Kennedy Ford on Ridge Pike, just west
 of Industrial Way.

 An officer proceeded to make contact with the occupants of the truck by
 knocking on the cab, according to reports.

 A Middle Eastern man, later identified as Ron Katar, 23, exited the sleeper
 area of the cab and said that the operator was across the street as he
 pointed toward the Don Rosen Porsche dealer, reports said.

 Elmakias and a white female, Ayelet Reisler, 23, were approaching the
 vehicle from the dealership, but the female then began walking in a
 different direction, acting as if she were not with Elmakias, according to

 Reisler was detained and checked for identification. She had a German
 passport in her name and medication in a different name, police said.

 Plymouth Police Sgt. Thomas Longo was notified and responded to the incident.

 Elmakias allegedly admitted to being behind Pizzeria Uno, although he said
 that he did not dump furniture, he was only turning around.

 Elmakias said that his destination was New York and that he was also coming
 from New York. He said he was in Plymouth because he was supposed to make a
 pickup from a male in the morning and pointed toward the Storage USA
 facility on Belvoir Road and West Ridge Pike, police said.

 Elmakias could not, however, provide a name or telephone number of the

 Township police dispatched a request for a Motor Carrier Safety Assistance
 Program Inspector. Officer Gerald Schwartz of the Whitpain Police
 Department responded.

 Schwartz discovered through his investigation that the operator's log had
 been falsified and put the truck out of service due to violations, police
 said. In addition, the vehicle reportedly had numerous equipment violations
 that rendered the truck unsafe.

 Inspection of the tractor-trailer's contents revealed a load three-quarters
 full containing household items, including furniture and boxes.

 Among the items in the truck was a Sony video camera.

 Plymouth Police Officer David McCann reviewed the tape found inside the
 camera. The tape had video footage of Chicago with zoomed-in shots of the
 Sears Tower, according to police.

 The Federal Bureau of Investigation was notified of the incident and all
 three subjects were transported to the Plymouth Police station.

 The subjects were then processed through the National Crime Information
 Center and placed into detention, according to the report.

 FBI Agents James Sweeney and Richard Tofani arrived at the station and
 proceeded to investigate both the subjects and their belongings with the
 assistance of Immigration and Naturalization Services.

 Elmakias and Katar were eventually detained by INS and transported to a
 federal facility, said police. Reisler was released.

 All evidence collected by Plymouth and Whitpain officers was transferred to
 federal facilities with the exception of a VCR.

 Special Agent Linda Vizi, a 

[CTRL] The Rifle and the Veil

2001-10-19 Thread klewis

-Caveat Lector-


October 19, 2001
The Rifle and the Veil

 Anyone who has paid attention to the situation of women in
Afghanistan should not have been surprised to learn that the
Taliban are complicit in terrorism. When radical Muslim movements
are on the rise, women are the canaries in the mines. The very
visible repression of forced veiling and loss of hard-won freedoms
coexists naturally with a general disrespect for human rights. This
repression of women is not about religion; it is a political tool for
achieving and consolidating power.

Sher Abbas Stanakzai, then the Taliban regime's deputy foreign
minister, admitted as much in a 1997 interview. Our current
restrictions of women are necessary in order to bring the Afghan
people under control, he said. We need these restrictions until
people learn to obey the Taliban.

In the same way that many Islamic extremist crusades use the
oppression of women to help them gain control over wider
populations, the Taliban and Osama bin Laden are now employing
the tactics of terrorism to gain control.

The Taliban did not start the oppression of Afghan women, nor
have they been its only practitioners.

In 1989, Arab militants working with the Afghan resistance to the
Soviet Union based in Peshawar, Pakistan — and helping to
finance the resistance fighters — issued a fatwa, or religious ruling,
stating that Afghan women would be killed if they worked for
humanitarian organizations. At that time, a third of the Afghan
population of 15 million were displaced from their homes, and many
were heavily dependent on humanitarian groups for food and other
necessities. Among the 3.5 million of these refugees who were then
living in Pakistan, many were war widows supporting their families
by working for the aid groups. After the fatwa, Afghan women going
to work were shot at and several were murdered. Some
international aid groups promptly stopped employing Afghan
women, and though many women were infuriated, most complied
after being intimidated by the violent attacks. Soon afterward,
another edict in Peshawar forbade Afghan women to walk with
pride or walk in the middle of the street and said they must wear
the hijab, the Arab black head and body covering and half-face veil.
Again, most women felt they had no choice but to comply.

In 1990, a fatwa from Afghan leaders in Peshawar decreed that
women should not attend schools or become educated, and that if
they did, the Islamic movement would meet with failure. The
document measured 2 feet by 3 feet to accommodate the
signatures of about 200 mullahs and political leaders representing
the majority of the seven main mujahedeen parties of Afghanistan.
The leading school for Afghan girls in Peshawar, where many
Afghan refugees still lived, was sprayed with Kalashnikov gunfire. It
closed for months, and its principal was forced into hiding.

When an alliance of mujahedeen groups took over in Kabul in
1992, it forced women out of news broadcasting and government
ministry jobs and required them to wear veils. But it was the Taliban
who institutionalized the total oppression of women after Kabul fell
to them four years later, and who required the total coverage of the
now familiar burqa.

Now, as Afghans, Pakistanis and Americans look to the future of
Afghanistan, most plans call for a broad-based new government
giving representation to all of Afghanistan's ethnic groups and
major political parties, including the Taliban. No one, however, has
called for the participation of women, even though women, after
many years of war, now almost certainly make up the majority of
the adult Afghan population.

Afghan women gradually gained rights in the first decades of the
20th century. Women helped write their country's Constitution in
1964. They served in parliament and the cabinet and were
diplomats, academics, professionals, judges and even army
generals. All of this happened well before the Soviets arrived in
1979, with their much-touted claim of liberating Afghan women.
Many of the forces now opposing the Taliban include signatories of
the later fatwas that deprived Afghan women of their rights. History
is repeating itself.

Any political process that moves forward without the representation
and participation of women will undermine any chances that the
principles of democracy and human rights will take hold in
Afghanistan. It will be the first clue that little has changed.

Jan Goodwin is author of Price of Honor, a book on women and
Islamic extremism. Jessica Neuwirth is president of Equality Now,
an international women's rights group.

Best wishes

I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are
good people and the bad peopleYou're wrong, of course.  There
always and only, the bad people, *but some of them are on
ùThe Patrician, character in  _Guards, Guards_, Terry Pratchett

[CTRL] The Aliens Amongst Us (fwd)

2001-10-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

[Note:  Personally I believe that the radical elements of Islam, those who
are NOT following the dictates of the Koran, are those who proclaim peace.
The Islamic Arab who is waging war against us is indeed following the Koran
rather than the other way around, and they are in the majority.  I also
believe that Islam sees this war as the beginning of a new world totally
under Islam, as Yousef Salem proclaimed to Joseph Farah in an email to
WorldNetDaily  The days of light will soon dawn and you will find yourself
in the dark along with your ilk. - Tony]

October 19, 2001

The Aliens Amongst Us

Hello infidels! I feel as though I am living in a science fiction movie
of the 1950s. You know - where the aliens have invaded and they're killing
us. That's where the analogy with the 1950s science fiction movie ends. You
see, in the 1950s science fiction movies, when the thing invaded us, or
when the aliens invaded us, we called out the military and they threw
everything they had at the aliens. We have been invaded by the aliens who
are killing us, and yet we act as though we do not know what they look
like, nor where they live. Yes, ladies and gentlemen we are fighting a
politically correct war and the outcome is not certain. Unless there is a
systemic change in the mentality of our government, I do not predict an
early victory.

There's a situation going on that we all know is getting out of control and
yet we have the same group of people who let it happen, telling us to trust
them. The very same people, who like the Keystone Cops let the terrorists
do this to us, are now telling us to have perfect confidence in them. They
have yet to fire anybody, they have yet to arrest anybody in the government
for having failed us. They have not replaced any heads of the security
agencies, but we're supposed to say everything is good now, because the
government is all perfect.

Think back to a 1950s sci-fi movie. We've been invaded by aliens. They're
killing us and they're spreading a toxin throughout the nation. They blew
up two of our biggest buildings; they killed five thousand beautiful
people, each one of who is worth one thousand or ten thousand of them. I
see beautiful men and women who kissed their husband or wife goodbye and
worked so hard to raise their families right. And they were killed for
nothing by degenerate, jealous, low-life scum who have never created
anything, who live only to kill, and who are jealous of what we have and
what we've created. We've been invaded by these aliens; we know just what
they look like and we know where they live, and yet we hear, Leave it to
us, leave it to us.

Aliens have invaded us, they are amongst us, they're killing us, yet we act
as though we do not know what they look like, nor where they live. Why do
you suppose that is? You wouldn't know it by watching the news. You would
think they are talking about a nefarious group of people called
terrorists. Well, they have names and faces and I am getting good and
sick of pretending that we do not know where they are!

Michael Savage is America's fastest growing nationally syndicated talk show

Visit his Paul Revere Society Web site at http://www.thepaulreveresociety.com

[Forwarded For Information Purposes Only - Not
Necessarily Endorsed By The Sender - A.K. Pritchard]


A.K. Pritchard

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Freedom is strangely ephemeral. It is something
like breathing; one only becomes acutely aware
of its importance when one is choking.
William E. Simon
Secretary of the Treasury (Nixon  Ford)
A Time for Truth, 1978

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.


Re: [CTRL] The Aliens Amongst Us (fwd)

2001-10-19 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

 Michael Savage is America's fastest growing nationally
 syndicated talk show

Does that mean he will soon be 8 feet tall? Or is he just getting fat?

 Visit his Paul Revere Society Web site at

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) LP RELEASE: Anthrax attacks

2001-10-19 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/19/01 7:35:14 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 the interesting thing of course is that all this anthrax is being mailed
domestically, and no one knows who is doing it. hard to blame foreign policy
when you dont know who the perpetrator is yet 

The only thing we know about the anthrax situation is that it is intended to
cause panic and fear. Anthrax as a weapon is hard to produce and hard to
deliever, there are better choices, i.e., West Nile fever, small pox, flu.
This is being done to scare the bee Jesus out of us as a nation, and it is

Never engage in a philosophical debate on the battlefield of the absurd.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] 2 found with video of Sears Tower

2001-10-19 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/19/01 7:37:02 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 so now anyone who took a picture of the WTC is a suspect? 

Could be. But, then, they could be innocent tourists.
 What about the young man who was denied boarding in Philly because the book
he was reading had a piture of a bomb on the jacket. Our duly deputized law
enforcement officials are losing it, big time.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Mogen David over Foggy Bottom-Some interesting quotations (fwd)

2001-10-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 10:05:39 -0500
From: Robert E. Nordlander [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [PalestineDiary] Mogen David  over Foggy Bottom-Some interesting quotations

The Zionist lobby has a hobby
Leading Congress by the nose,
So anywhere the lobby points
There surely Congress goes.

Dr. Edwin Wright
   former US State Dept. employee and
   interpreter for President Eisenhower

We can't have all our policies made in Jerusalem.

WARRIORS AT SUEZ by Donald Neff, p. 432

Secretary of State John Foster Dulles

I am aware how almost impossible it is in this country to carry out a
foreign policy not approved by the Jews. Marshall and Forrestal
learned that. I am going to try to have one.

Ibid., p. 433


I am very much concerned over the fact that the Jewish influence
here is completely dominating the scene and making it almost
impossible to get Congress to do anything they don't approve of.
The Israeli embassy is practically dictating to the Congress
through influential Jewish people in this country.



A great deal depends on whether Ben Gurion can control our
government through the Jewish pressure here.



There is a strong Jewish lobby. I do not understand why
the Jewish community should resent it being labeled as
such. They are a very effective lobby.  (Rep. Paul M.
McCloskey, July 7, 1981, A CHANGING IMAGE:
DISPUTE. Richard H. Curtiss, p. 262.).

 We have to respect the views of our Jewish
citizens, but not be controlled by them. (IBID., p .268).

 I've never seen a President--I don't care who he is--
stand up to them...They always get what they want. The
Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the
point where I wasn't writing anything down. If the American
people understood what a grip these people have got
on our government, they would rise up in arms.
(Admiral Thomas Moorer, Former Chairman, Joint
Chiefs of Staff, 1984, IBID., p. 267).

 Don't look to Congress to act. All we know is how to
increase aid to Israel.
(Rep. Lee Hamilton, IBID., p. 339).

 The death of U.S. Senator Henry Jackson has been
one of the greatest losses Israel has suffered during the
past 10 years...He was a one-man Israeli Army.
(IBID., [Editorial in Israeli newspaper
YEDIOT AHARONOT, November 9, 1983]).

 Long ago I decided that I'd vote for anything AIPAC
wants...I don't need the trouble (pro-Israel lobbyists) can
cause. I made up my mind I would get and keep their
support... (Rep. Clarence D. Long, 1982, IBID.).

 ...It is no overstatement to say that AIPAC has
effectively gained control of virtually all of Capitol Hill's
action on Middle East policy. Almost without exception,
House and Senate members do its bidding, because
most of them consider AIPAC to be the direct Capitol
Hill representative of political forces that can make or
break their chances at election time. (Paul Findley,
Former Representative, 1985, IBID.).

 At the State Department we used to predict
that if Israel's prime minister should announce that t
he world is flat, within 24 hours Congress would pass
a resolution congratulating him on the discovery.
(Don Bergus, Former Ambassador to Sudan, 1985, IBID.).

 The discussion in this chapter [The
Israeli Lobby] leads to the conclusion that
the power of the Israeli lobby over the formation
  and execution of U.S. Middle East policy has
become a virtual stranglehold. (p. 374,
University of Illinois Press, Chicago.).

Cheryl Rubenberg,


At 07:41 AM 10/19/01 -0700, you wrote:
The Arabists have been steering the State Department now for decades.
Even after 11 September we hear the fiction that Islam is a religion
(howzzat grabya?) of peace.

State even compelled the Zionists to recognize and aid Croatia.

A refreshing change from the Clinton administrations when the Zionists
ran the show.


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[CTRL] Words of Wisdom About Gas, Germs, and Nukes (fwd)

2001-10-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


These weapons are made to cause panic, terror, and to demoralize. If we
don't run around like sheep, they won't use this stuff after they find out
it's no fun and does them little good. The government is going nuts over
this stuff because they have to protect every inch of America. You only
have to protect yourself, and by doing that, you help the country. 

Words of Wisdom About Gas, Germs, and Nukes
By SFC Red Thomas, Armor Master Gunner
U.S. Army (Ret) 10.19.01


Since the media have decided to scare everyone with predictions of
chemical, biological, or nuclear warfare on our turf I decided to write a
paper and keep things in their proper perspective. I am a retired military
weapons, munitions, and training expert.

Lesson number one: In the mid 1990s there was a series of nerve gas attacks
on crowded Japanese subway stations. Given perfect conditions for an
attack, less than 10% of the people there were injured (the injured were
better in a few hours) and only one percent of the injured died.
CBS-Television's 60 Minutes once had a fellow telling us that one drop of
nerve gas could kill a thousand people. He didn't tell you the thousand
dead people per drop was theoretical. Drill Sergeants exaggerate how
terrible this stuff is to keep the recruits awake in class (I know this
because I was a Drill Sergeant too).

Forget everything you've ever seen on TV, in the movies, or read in a novel
about this stuff, it was all a lie (Read this sentence again out loud!).
These weapons are about terror, if you remain calm, you will probably not

This is far less scary than the media and their experts make it sound.
Chemical weapons are categorized as Nerve, Blood, Blister, and
Incapacitating agents. Contrary to the hype of reporters and politicians,
they are not weapons of mass destruction. They are means of Area Denial,
effective to keep an enemy out of a particular zone for a limited period of
time: terror weapons that don't destroy anything. When you leave the area
you almost always leave the risk.

That's the difference; you can leave the area and the risk. Soldiers may
have to stay put and sit through it and that's why they need all that
spiffy gear.

These are not gasses; they are vapors and/or airborne particles. Any such
agent must be delivered in sufficient quantity to kill or injure, and that
defines when and how it's used.

Every day we have a morning and evening atmospheric inversion where
stuff, suspended in the air gets pushed down. This inversion is why
allergies (pollen) and air pollution are worst at these times of the day.

So, a chemical attack will have its best effect an hour of so either side
of sunrise or sunset. Also, being vapors and airborne particles, the agents
are heavier than air, so they will seek low places like ditches, basements
and underground garages. This stuff won't work when it's freezing, it
doesn't last when it's hot, and wind spreads it too thin too fast.

Attackers have to get this stuff on you, or, get you to inhale it, for it
to work. They also have to get the concentration of chemicals high enough
to kill or injure you: too little and it's nothing, too much and it's
wasted. What I hope you've gathered by this point is that a chemical
weapons attack that kills a lot of people is incredibly hard to achieve
with military grade agents and equipment. So you can imagine how hard it
would be for terrorists. The more you know about this stuff, the more you
realize how hard it is to use.

A Case of Nerves

We'll start by talking about nerve agents. You have these in your house:
plain old bug killer (like Raid) is nerve agent. All nerve agents work the
same way; they are cholinesterase inhibitors that mess up the signals your
nervous system uses to make your body function. It can harm you if you get
it on your skin but it works best if you to inhale it. If you don't die in
the first minute and you can leave the area, you're probably going to live.

The military's antidotes for all nerve agents are atropine and pralidoxime
chloride. Neither one of these does anything to cure the nerve agent. They
send your body into overdrive to keep you alive for five minutes. After
that the agent is used up. Your best protection is fresh air and staying
calm. Listed below are the symptoms for nerve agent poisoning.

Sudden headache, Dimness of vision (someone you're looking at will have
pinpointed pupils), Runny nose, Excessive saliva or drooling, Difficulty
breathing, Tightness in chest, Nausea, Stomach cramps, Twitching of exposed
skin where a liquid just got on you.

If you are in public and you start experiencing these symptoms, first ask
yourself, did anything out of the ordinary just happen, a loud pop, did
someone spray something on the crowd? Are other people getting sick too? Is
there an odor of new mown hay, green corn, something fruity, or camphor
where it shouldn't be?

If the answer is 

Re: [CTRL] The Aliens Amongst Us (fwd)

2001-10-19 Thread Bill Howard

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/19/01 8:13:15 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 [Note:  Personally I believe that the radical elements of Islam, those who
are NOT following the dictates of the Koran, are those who proclaim peace.
The Islamic Arab who is waging war against us is indeed following the Koran
rather than the other way around, and they are in the majority.  I also
believe that Islam sees this war as the beginning of a new world totally
under Islam, as Yousef Salem proclaimed to Joseph Farah in an email to
WorldNetDaily  The days of light will soon dawn and you will find yourself
in the dark along with your ilk. - Tony] 

Yup, I agree, totally.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) LP RELEASE: Anthrax attacks

2001-10-19 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

 the interesting thing of course is that all this anthrax is being mailed
 domestically, and no one knows who is doing it.

The anthrax letter mailed to Microsoft in Reno, Nevada was mailed from


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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Rifle and the Veil

2001-10-19 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

 In 1990, a fatwa from Afghan leaders in Peshawar decreed that
 women should not attend schools or become educated, and that if
 they did, the Islamic movement would meet with failure.

It would seem that the extreme Islamic fundamentalists don't want male
children educated, either...read the articles about the fundamentalist
schools that Islamic boys are being sent to, schools that are thought to be
'breeding grounds for future terrorists', and you read that the only thing
the boys are taught are passages from the Koran...probably selective
passages, and considering that they are taught these passages in Arabic,
which is not their native tongue, it is doubtful that they are taught how
to critically read and THINK about the Koran, only to blindly obey the
passages they are taught like parrots to repeat, taken out of context

These boys aren't being taught grammar and writing skills, they aren't
taught math, geography, science...

So it would seem that an uneducated populace is the crux of the extreme
Islamic fundamentalists' power...

I wonder what would happen if Pakistan, while allowing these fundamentalist
schools to continue within its borders, also passed a law requiring these
children to attend classes in reading, writing, math, and physical and
social sciences...how many future fanatical terrorists would be turned out


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] CTRL CHANGES . . . Please read!!!!!

2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Howdy One and All,

Been giving some thought and have been watching and listening to the list,
and am going to try something.

After the events of 9/11 CTRL opened up its daily limit of total posts and
amount that folks may post. Then on 10/3 AOL had an event with their List
Server and the List was down for almost three days.   And the archive server
at http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/  also stopped it
archiving. Because of these things I activated a spare list -ctrl- I was
running on yahoo.

There has always been a bit of a balancing act between discussion and
info-exchange posts on the list

Here is what I am proposing to do.

Make CTRL primarily info-exchange with a small ability for discussion. For
people that want more discussion they may use ctrl. It would work as such:


1. CTRL will go back to a 100 per day limit -  Long-time listees know that I
do free the list as soon as I become aware that the list is held because it
has hit its daily limit.

2. CTRL will have a 5 per day post limit, except for editors AND there will
be quite a few editors so that CTRL can continue to supply many points of
view and we may see info and spin, etc.

3. To Post to CTRL one must be a member.

4.  CTRL will be archived at
http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/  -- The site is back up.
Archives are public.


1. ctrl will have no daily total post limit

2. ctrl will have no per day post limit. It will also be a place where folks
who wish to be editors at CTRL may show their stuff.

3.  Anyone may post to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

4. ctrl is archives at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ctrl and are public , so
you may read online if you wish.

How will this work?

Hopefully well and a goal is t o make CTRL more useful in quality not

I and some editors will be sending the same items to both list and I  and
others will be watching ctrl and fowarding any interesting items to CTRL.


I will be implementing this Saturday 10/20.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: Carlyle Group

2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

While I don't have the NY Times articles, I do know that in 1999
Carlyle acquired EGG (Edgarton, Germhausen  Greer). EGG is so
deeply involved with almost every aspect of US Government black
projects that you could consider it a tentacle of the Octopus.

Their web site:  http://www.egginc.com/index.htm

The following is a list of recently awarded contracts that EGG is
proud to tell the public about:

Recent Contract Awards

Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)

EGG's Science  Engineering Division, as a teaming partner with the
Raytheon Technical Services Company, was one of five teams selected
for award of a Defense Threat Reduction Agency contract to eliminate
Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Former Soviet Union. Each of the
teams will receive IDIQ contracts valued at $1 Billion for a period
of five years beginning on October 1, 2001. EGG will perform
chemical demilitarization services as a subcontractor to Raytheon.
The estimated value of EGG's effort is anticipated to be $50 Million
over the period of performance.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

EGG's Installations  Logistics Division, as part of The
CubeCorp/EGG/Unisys Team, has been awarded the Wallops Institutional
Consolidated Contract (WICC) by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
(GSFC). The Team will provide institutional services at GSFC's
Wallops Flight Facility located at Wallops Island, VA. This contract
is a performance-based, cost-plus-incentive-fee, award-term contract
with EGG's effort being over 110 employees with an annual estimated
value of $7M.

U.S. Air Force

Joint Test, Tactics and Training, Las Vegas, NV, has been awarded a
$96,779,436 cost-plus-award-fee/term-cost-reimbursable/no-fee
contract to provide support of Joint Range Technical Services Program
fiscal year 2002 requirements including engineering and technical
support services in support of research, development, test and
evaluation and the training mission of the Nevada Test and Training
Range, the Utah Test and Training Range, the Air Force Flight Test
Center at Edwards Air Force Base, CA, and the Navy's Electronic
Combat Range at China Lake, CA. This work is expected to be completed
September 2002. The Air Logistics Center, Hill Air Force Base, Utah,
is the contracting activity (F42650-01-C-7218). [taken from U.S.
Department of Defense, DefenseLINK News, No. 269-01, June 15, 2001]

U.S. Customs Service

EGG Technical Services, Inc. was recently awarded a contract with
the U.S. Customs Service, as the Treasury Department's prime
contractor responsible for managing and disposing of seized/forfeited
real property which includes homes, buildings, commercial properties,
and vacant land. The total value of this contract is estimated at $51

U.S. Department of Energy

EGG's Science  Engineering Division has been awarded a contract by
Wackenhut Services, Inc. to operate the Emergency Operations Training
Academy (EOTA) at the U.S. Department of Energy's Nonproliferation
and National Security Institute (NNSI), located at Kirtland Air Force
Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico. This contract, commencing in July
2001, has a three-year base period, with two one-year options, and an
estimated value of over $6.5 million.

U.S. Navy

EGG's Defense Systems  Services Division has been awarded a Naval
Sea Systems Command (NAVSEASYSCOM) Schedule award to provide
Submarine Towed Array and Towed Array Handling System Management,
Engineering and Logistic Support Services to PMS 435. This cost-plus-
fixed-fee award is for 3.5 years with an expected total value of $7.7
million. The award provides for a continuation of current EGG
support being provided under a General Services Administration
Schedule contract.

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[CTRL] Enduring Diversity

2001-10-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-

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published when sending VDARE email.

 Letter Archive...

  TODAYS LETTER: An LA Fireman Endures Diversity Training.

 From:  Kevin Rudd

 Your piece on the abolition of the West was dead on. All this talk
   about the peaceful religion of Islam, and how it is one of the three
 great traditions that recognizes the people of the book is sheer
fantasy. I think it is just part of the delusion that all people are
in almost all ways just like themselves. We hear it constantly about
  all the cultures that have established themselves in the United

   I'm a firefighter in the city of Los Angeles and was recently required
to attend our department's Diversity Training. I'm sure you're well
  aware of the Orwellian nature of these exercises. There were two
 specific aims to our particular training. The first was to try to
   convince us that despite all evidence to the contrary, no one is ever
  promoted or treated differently on the basis of sex or race. The
 second was to help us to acknowledge that there are basically two
   groups in this world: privileged white males, and persecuted women and
  people of color.

My session turned out to be quite revealing. The instructors weren't
  all that well versed in their subject and seemed to count on the
   squeamishness that most have in talking about race in a mixed crowd to
 prevent any opposition. I had heard enough of this garbage before
though, and I asked some general questions to demonstrate they were
 bald-faced liars.

The first part of their presentation explained how much more diverse
  the country, as well as our fire department had become in recent
   history.[VDARE.COM note: LAFD is under a consent decree to increase
minority representation.] They then tried to define diversity. They
took great pains in explaining that while many think of diversity in
terms of gender and race, this is inaccurate, and that diversity is
  really all about our uniqueness as individuals i.e. our talents,
   abilities, and points of view.

  I asked, excluding race and sex, in what ways has our country or
  department become more diverse? I also asked, according to your
 definition, how will the department measure itself with respect to
   diversity? They told me they would cover that later and couldn't give
 an answer then (of course they never did).

 The part that was most infuriating, though, was when they stated,
Diversity recognizes no one culture as being intrinsically superior
 to any other. I asked that in light of the recent attacks on the
  United States we might be able to proclaim that the Taliban was
   inferior to another culture? No, was the answer. I restated, you mean
you do not believe that your own culture is superior to one that is
   dedicated to the destruction of your own? No, was the reply along with
   the question, well, what are you going to do if you meet a Muslim on
   the street? I replied that I had said nothing of Islam or any
 individual, only of the culture of the Taliban. I then asked, how
 about the Nazi culture, you know, the one dedicated to the
extermination of the Jews, inferior to our own? Well not all Germans
were Nazis, was the reply. I again noted that I had said nothing of
   Germans only of the Nazi culture. The response was that people are the
   product of their environment and thus can't be judged.

  The whole exchange was like beating one's head against the wall.

The last part of the training was a personal inventory consisting of
 80 questions designed to measure one's conformity to the diversity
dogma. All responses were graded from 1-4 and the higher number was
   the correct answer. Some highlights: you received the minimum points

1.  Not believing that Whites benefit from diversity programs in the

 2.  Not believing that Whites have more advantages than any other
 group in America.

   3.  Not believing that minorities are never promoted for any reason
 other than merit.


[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Re: REVLATION$ - Book details now available

2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

It's taken a few days as I have been trying to
reach Denis Roberts, the author of the explosive book REVELATION$. He is
away and not reachable at present.

This important book is only available in a French
Language edition so far. I have, therefore, written a summary of the basic
core of the book that I have been able to assemble from other European
journalists and friends of Denis Roberts. 

There are many aspects of the story that will be of
considerable interest to American readers,I think, and it is my hope to be
able to bring a lot more detail about the book forward once i am in direct
contact with the authors.

Rather coincidentally, I met the two central
characters, Gerard Soisson and Ernest Backes in the mid 1970's when I visited
Luxembourg for a Wall Street firm I had been headhunted by. Such is life,
I guess.

Anyway, go to:


and read what I have written in the Bulletin just
posted on this subject.

David Guyatthttp://www.deepblacklies.co.uk


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[CTRL] Fwd: 70,000 Graduates of Bin Laden University

2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan


Number 84  October 18, 2001


 On October 11, Winston Churchill spoke to the National
Press Club in Washington.  Shirley MacClaine served as his

 Actually, it was Winston Churchill, the grandson, son
of Randolph Churchill and Pamela Beryl Digby Churchill
Hayward Harriman.  His mother was the lady who, in 1992,
introduced Washington Democrats socially to W. J. Clinton
of Arkansas.  She held one of her famous Party parties for
him.  For this, late in her maritally astounding career,
Clinton appointed her the U.S. Ambassador to France.

 Churchill gave a rousing speech on the war against
terrorism.  Midway in the speech, he got to the topic at
hand: funding.  I find it ominous.

   It is impossible to guess how long it will
 take to apprehend bin Laden and his henchmen and
 to bring them to justice.  That it will be done
 in time, I have no doubt.  Meanwhile, the
 overthrow of the cruel, barbaric Taliban regime
 which harbors him is clearly the top priority.
 This is an alien regime, established only in the
 past five years with funding and arms from the
 Arab countries, by way of Pakistan, which acted
 as godfather to the creation of the Taliban.
 Their rule has been so brutal and so disastrous
 that an estimated one in four Afghans have fled
 as refugees to Iran or Pakistan, creating a
 massive humanitarian crisis in the region.

Once the Taliban have been overthrown, a
 high priority must be to cut off the funding --
 not only for the terrorists, but also for the
 fundamentalist madrassas, the theological schools
 established in numerous countries around the
 world where the gospel of Islamic purity and
 anti-Western hatred is preached.  Unbelievable
 though it may seem, no country has been more
 responsible for this than Saudi Arabia, the
 West's principal ally in the Middle East.  In
 order to appease and deflect criticism of their
 pro-Western leanings and opulent lifestyle, the
 Saudi ruling family, in an act of consummate
 folly, has poured vast resources into the
 establishment of these schools and religious
 universities in their own countries and overseas.
 They now find that they are riding a tiger of
 extreme fundamentalism, entirely of their own
 creation, which threatens the very foundations of
 their hold on power.  As a result, today almost
 half the young Saudi males coming onto the jobs
 market have only religious qualifications, making
 them not only unemployed, but effectively
 unemployable.  In consequence, barely one in four
 is able to find a job.  The rest make a fertile
 field of disaffection, from which bin Laden is
 able to recruit new generations of suicide
 bombers, hijackers and terrorists.  And it is no
 coincidence that many of last month's hijackers
 were Saudi citizens.

   More horrifying yet, if that were possible,
 if estimates attributed to the CIA are to be
 believed, in recent years some 70,000 militants
 have passed through bin Laden's terrorist
 training camps in Afghanistan, and are currently
 dispersed across no fewer than 55 countries
 around the world, including our own.  New attacks
 are inevitable, and some undoubtedly will
 succeeded before this hydra-headed monster of
 international terrorism is destroyed.

   While it will be difficult for the Saudi
 government to bring its extremist theological
 schools under control and integrate them as they
 must within the state education system, if it
 fails to do so it is inevitable that the Saudi
 ruling family will sooner or later -- and
 probably sooner than later -- forfeit its hold on
 power and be drowned in a tidal wave of

 What is the likelihood that the Saudis will shut down
these schools?  Not high, surely.  The Saudis are already
distancing themselves from the United States.  This article
appeared the day after we began bombing Kabul.

 RIYADH: The US ally Saudi Arabia said on Monday
 that it was unhappy about the bombing of
 Afghanistan, sending the clearest signal yet that
 its relations with Washington are being tested by
 the war on terrorism.

 Interior Minister Prince Naif broke Saudi silence
 on the bombing late on Sunday, telling reporters
 that the kingdom opposed terrorism but did not
 approve of the US response. We wish the United
 States had been able to flush out the terrorists
 in Afghanistan without resorting to the current
 action ... because this is killing innocent
 people, he said. . . .

 It's unbelievable the way the feeling here has
 changed from sympathy to anger in such a short

[CTRL] Fwd: Saudi Amb Bandar Badly Fails, Saudi Royals in Paralysis, US Relations in Doubt

2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

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 This is a moral crusade.  Oh, I suppose
  we're not supposed to use that word..
  This is a moral campaign...  
 Sir David Frost - on CNN, 10/17


   Abdullah Will Not Really Be King As Long As Bandar Is On His Washington Throne

One sign of how things are really going in Arabia 
will be just how much longer Bandar bin Sultan 
remains on his own throne in the American capital.  
For if Bandar is left to work his own will in modern-
day Rome then Abdullah will not truly be King.

MID-EAST REALITIES © - MER - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 10/19:   Prince Bandar 
bin Sultan's 20+ year strategy has now substantially failed.  Years ago, very much 
behind-the-scenes of course, the very controversial and in some circles much despised 
Saudi Ambassador in Washington began a relationship with the some of the most 
conservative and militant circles in Washington, very much including those associated 
with the powerful Israeli/Jewish lobby.  His goal was quite simple -- by ingratiating 
himself within these circles; by spreading around much money, influence and favors; 
Bandar felt he could assure that those who run the big corporations and own the major 
media, along with those who dominate on Capitol Hill, as well as those in the 
Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, could be counted on to support, and if 
necessary defend, the Saudi Royal family come what may.
   It is Bandar who has personally acted as intermediary all these years as the U.S. 
has spent an estimated $300+ billion dollars to build up military infrastructure and 
stockpile vast quantities of military hardware in the Kingdom.  But all that was 
before Osama bin Laden and 11 September 2001, before the Royal elders of the Kingdom 
decided that the just completed U.S.regional military command center at Prince Sultan 
Airbase could not in fact be used as the Americans at first demanded.  And from that 
disguised confrontation decision a counterflow of news leaks, pressures, and threats 
have started flowing -- including from many of those long courted and essentially paid 
by Bandar -- which is seriously undermining al-Saud/Wahabi control over Arabia in this 
new millenium.
   Bandar is now the dean of the Washington Ambassador corp -- simply meaning he's 
been representing Saudi Arabia in Washington longer than any other country's 
ambassador here.  Bandar has spent a great deal of money in the past two decades 
(multi-billions), hired a great many people, been a primary force in creating a 
network of influence-peddling centers, some of the  client organizations  we have 
spoken about that are creatures of the client regimes -- including the Arab American 
Institute (AAI - Zogby), ANA, American Muslim Council (ADC - Alamoudi), Washington 
Report, ADC and the list goes on.
   As for the Kingdom Bandar so ostentatiously represents, for more than 50 years 
now Saudi Arabia has served as a kind of oil cow for the U.S.; and for the fast few 
decades a petrodollar recycling and arms buying megacenter as well.  The real need for 
Saudi Arabia's Royal family has not been just oil supplies which are actually 
plentifully available in many places, but rather controlling OPEC on behalf of Western 
countries thus assuring plentiful amounts of very cheap Middle Eastern oil -- as well 
as a recycling of all those petrodollars into U.S. and Western banks and corporations. 
 Even today one can purchase a gallon of oil that started life in the deserts of 
Arabia, was transported halfway around the world, then refined, then shipped, then 
pumped, for about the same price as a gallon of locally bottled water at the 
neighborhood grocery store -- this while so many in the Middle East region itself 
remain destitute and impoverished.  The United States especially has floated its 
modern prosperous economy on very cheap very plentiful foreign oil, with the Saudis 
playing the central role in this whole historic arrangements.
   But in the process, the al-Saud's have wasted and squandered so many 


2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-



A book by Denis Robert  Ernest Backes

Summary by David Guyatt

Inquisitive French journalist and writer Denis Robert teamed up with Ernest
Backes, a former senior banking executive, to reveal the money laundering
scandal buried deep within one of Europe's top international securities
clearing systems, Cedel International which owns a 50% stake with the
Deutsche Bourse of Clearstream International.

Located in the very heart of Luxembourg City, CEDEL was one of two European
based clearing systems used by the worlds banks and securities houses to
clear securities transaction.  The other, located in the centre of Brussels
is Euroclear.  Cedel was founded in 1970 by 66 banks and financial
institutions from eleven countries.  Today, it is owned by 92 banks and
institutions from around the world.

On the board of Cedel International are bankers from Banco de Bilbao Vizcaya
Argentaria, Sanpaolo IMI, the Bank of China, the Industrial Bank of Japan and
ING Group.  The Chairman of the Board, Robert R. Douglas, is a former
secretary to the Rockerfellers, say the authors.

What is significant about this French language book, published by Editions
Arenas in Paris, is that the co-author, Ernest Backes, was formerly the
number three man at Cedel and so is speaking from personal insiders knowledge.

Back in the mid 1970's, Backes along with the then number one man at Cedel,
Gerard Soisson, were asked to set-up secret accounts by Mafia financier
Michele Sindona and Roberto Calvi, the former Chairman of Banco Ambrosiano.
Thus began a snowball of secret accounts being established for international
banks like the French state-owned Credit Lyonnais, as well as leading central
banks.  For example the General Division the Foreign Services (DGSE) of the
Banque de France had an unpublished account with Cedel.

The laundry operation started off slowly but soon began to explode as the
good word began to spread.  In 1983, there were just two unpublished
accounts.  Over a decade later this had spiked upwards alarmingly, with
around 2,000 secret accounts being operated.  Last year, 2000, as many as 8
,000 unpublished accounts were active.

According to the account of insider, Ernest Backes, Cedel was used to launder
a payment of $7 million dollars from Chase Manhattan and Citibank to National
Bank of Algeria.  This Backes says was part of a larger sum (as much as $150
million he believes) transferred as part of the negotiations between Vice
President Bush and Iran.  Known as October Surprise this was a secret plan
for Iran to keep US hostages captive in order to discredit US President,
Jimmy Carter, thus clearing the way for the election of President Ronald

Other scandals that Cedel were a party to included the collapsed Pakistani
bank BCCI, that laundered huge sums of Columbian drug money amongst many
other highly illegal activities.  BCCI's head office, the Bank of Credit and
International Trade was in Luxembourg and used Cedel accounts to effect
transfers of one hundred million French Francs to an unpublished Cedel
account for the Bank General of Luxembourg.  This, Backes says, took place, o
ne month and a day after the liquidation of BCCI.

At that time, Bank General of Luxembourg was managed by Marcel Marthe, a
former Economic Minister for :Luxembourg who had a very close and friendly
relationship to the royal family of Luxembourg.

Another former employee of Cedel, interviewed by Denis Robert, stated that
Russian banks controlled by the Russian Mafia also laundered large volumes of
funds through Cedel.

There is a personal aspect to this story so far as I am concerned.  During a
whistle-stop tour of Paris, Brussels and Luxembourg in 1976, I met Gerard
Soisson along with Ernest Backes, Roland Hoffman and a few others when I
spent a day visiting Cedel on behalf of Wall Street investment bank, Blyth
Eastman Dillon.  This followed my recruitment by them to set-up the
operations side of their new London based Eurobond trading arm Blyth Eastman
Dillon International Limited.  The account I opened with Cedel was a
published account,  I hasten to add.

Some years following the opening of the first two accounts Roberto Calvi was
later found hanging beneath London's Blackfriars Bridge (1982).  Sindona died
following a sip of cyanide laced coffee in his prison cell in Milan.  He was
pronounced dead on 22 March 1986.  Gerard Soisson's fate was sealed in
Corsica in 1983, where he died under mysterious circumstances, according to
the authors.

Ever since I began investigating the shadowy world of Collateral Trading
Programmes (see the on-site downloadable dossier The Project Hammer File), I
have often heard mention of Cedel (and, in fact, Euroclear).  I have not,
thus far, been able to verify that these clearing systems are used to settle
collateral trades but common sense 

[CTRL] Fwd: Who is Unocal, and what are its true motives and links to Bush?

2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

American Patriot Friends Network [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Date: Friday, October 19, 2001 1:37 AM
 Two major infrastructure projects  are seeking to meet the need for
 export capacity. One, under the aegis of the Caspian
 Pipeline  Consortium,  plans  to  build  a  pipeline west  from  the
 Caspian to  the Russian Black Sea  port of Novorossiysk. Oil  would then
go by
 tanker through the Bosporus to the Mediterranean and world markets.

Click on public information in frames.  Then click on Project Description,
then CPC Ownership Structure.
(Attachment CPC Owners.pdf)
Click on Pipeline Route. (Attachment CPC route.pdf)  The political map can
be viewed under Public Information--Pipeline Route.  This shows the pipeline
to be built will connect two ports across Russia, one on the Caspian Sea and
one on the Black Sea. Afghanistan does not appear on this map.
Access is denied on all topics other than public information.

 The   other   project   is   sponsored   by   the   Azerbaijan
 Operating Company,  a consortium  of 11 foreign oil  companies, including
 American  companies,  Unocal,  Amoco,  Exxon  and  Pennzoil.  This
 conceives of  two possible  routes, one line  would angle north  and cross
 north  Caucasus  to Novorossiysk.  The other  route would  cross Georgia
to a
 shipping terminal  on the Black Sea. This second  route could be extended
 and south across Turkey to the Mediterranean port of Ceyhan.

[This shows ownership pie map.  BP owns 34%, Unocal 10.3%, Lukoil 10%, Exxon
8%, Pennzoil 5.6%, Socar 10%, Statoil 8.6%, with other companies at less
than 7%.]

[Shows a map of each consortium member's drilling contracts in Azerbaijan
and offshore in the Caspian Sea.]
The main part of the Early Oil Project has been concluded which included the
refurbishment of the Chirag-1 platform, the construction of a new onshore
terminal at Sangachal and a 230 km subsea pipeline system, and the
rehabilitation of two existing export pipelines to transport Early Oil to
the Black Sea north through Russia to Novorossiysk and west through Georgia
to Supsa. The Russian route has been operational since last year and the
first tanker lifted 80,000 tons of AIOC-produced oil on March 24, 1998. AIOC
plans to lift 2-3 tankers per month for the remaining months of 1998 to
total 1.5 million tons this year. Meanwhile, the second Early Oil Export
Pipeline (via Georgia) is still under refurbishment, and work continues on
selecting the ultimate Main Export Pipeline.

... Newly  Independent States of the  former Soviet Union
 are all slow growth markets where demand will grow at only a half a
percent to
 perhaps 1 .2 percent per year during the period 1995 to 2010.

 Asia  is a  different story all  together. It  will have a  rapidly
 energy consumption  need. Prior to the recent  turbulence in the Asian
 economies, we  at Unocal anticipated  that this region's demand  for oil
 almost do uble by 2010. Although the short-term
 increase in demand will  probably not meet these expectations, we stand
 our long-term estimatesIf Asia's energy needs are
 not satisfied,  they will  simply put pressure  on all world  markets,
 prices upwards everywhere.
[There are two options.]
 The second option is to build a pipeline south from Central Asia to the
 Ocean. One  obvious route south would  cross Iran, but this  is foreclosed
 American companies because of U.S. sanctions legislation. The only other
 ble  route  is  across  Afghanistan ,  which  has  of course  its  own
 challenges. The  country has  been involved in  bitter warfare for  almost
 decades, and is  still divided by civil war. From the  outset, we have
made it
 clear that construction of the pipeline we have proposed across
 could  not  begin until  a  recognized government  is  in place  that has
 confidence of governments, lenders, and our company

 Unocal foresees  a pipeline which would become part  of a regional system
 will  gather  oil  from  existing  pipeline  infrastructure  in
 Uzbekistan,  Kazakhstan and  Russia.  The 1,040-mile  long oil  pipeline
 extend  south  through  Afghanistan to  an  export  terminal  that would
 constructed on the Pakistan  coast. This 42-inch diameter pipeline will
have a
 shipping capacity of one million barrels of oil per day. The estimated
cost of
 the project, which is  similar in scope to the trans-Alaska pipeline, is
 $2.5 billion.
Unocal   and   theTurkish   company   Koc

 Holding  are interested in  bringing competitive  gas supplies to  Turkey.
 proposed Eurasia  natural gas  pipeline would transport 


2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Rohrabacher, I certainly do agree with you with respect
to the contributions and plight of the Afghan people, and also the importance
of what we have to do with respect to the Central Asian republics. I hope
that the hearing today helps contribute to what you and I will have to pursue
with our colleagues.


Donna K wrote:

 Excuse me Sir, but your slip is showing………..

 Article written by Mr. E. Avatar a freelance reporter.

 October 12, 2001

 On October 12, 2001 Friday evening, nightly broadcast of the KPBS news program
 called: The Jim Lehrer’s  News Hour Vice President Dick Cheney gave a fairly
 long sit  down interview to Jim  Lehrer, in the office  of the Vice President.

 A significant  part of the interview  focused on the fact  that Mr. Cheney has
 been  at an  undisclosed, secured  facility and  has not appeared  in public
 together   with  the   President  for   several  days,   if  not   for  weeks.

 In fact he was absent for sometimes from the news.

 The nation  who looked for the experience and  management skills of Mr. Cheney
 to  support a somewhat  inexperienced President  in foreign policy  issues was
 getting anxious to see Mr. Cheney absent in these days of tension filed hours.

 Mr. Cheney  explained that due to security  considerations they have agreed to
 be  at different locations  and never  travel together since  the Presidential
 campaign was over, but never the less they are constantly in touch via secured
 high quality, video conferencing numerous times daily.

 During  the interview  Jim Lehrer  commented to  the Vice President  about the
 fact, that  only a few hours  after the 11th  of September attack was launched
 against  the  World Trade  Center  and  targeting the  Pentagon,  a number  of
 Government  Officials who  were contacted from  the news station  were already
 saying: Yes  we know exactly who is responsible, we  know who is behind these
 terrorist  attacks.  We  are  certain  that  it’s  Osama  Bin  Laden  and  his
 international  terrorist  network that’s  resp  onsib le  for these  attacks.

 Lehrer’s question  to the Vice President was  coined Well, Mr. Vice President
 if we knew  that Osama Bin Laden have posed such threat  to us that mere hours
 after the  attack everybody  knew who was  responsible, how come  we didn’t do
 anythin  g about  preventing it  from happening,  or trying  to stop  him from
 carrying out these attacks against us?

 Cheney’ response was: Well if you recall, right after the US Embassy bombings
 the Clinton  administration made an attempt to launch  a missile attack on Bin
 Laden’s  terrorist training  camp inside  Afghanistan, but  failed to  get Bin
 Laden .

 Here Lehrer  did not pursue the subject but  simply continued the interview to
 focus on how the  administration functioned and how the Vice President remains
 involved  while living  in  an undisclosed  location. And  how come  that each
 Governme  nt Agency  is intensifying  the fear,  wile issuing  assurances, but
 meanwhile supplying the foreign Embassies with antibiotics and the US Congress
 with gas masks.

 Later,  during the  same  interview Jim  Lehrer  asked the  Vice President  to
 explain   how  the   actual   decision  making   process  worked   within  the
 administration  and  how  the  President would  be  directly  involved in  the
 decision making  process and in  the daily supervision of  a military actions.

 The  Vice President,  Mr.  Cheney assured  Jim Lehrer  that the  President was
 intimately  involved with  issuing  orders and  signing off  on  the different
 phases of the military  response launched against the Taliban and Afghanistan.

 Almost immediately at the very beginning, starting from the 12th of September
 certain preparations  and orders of deployments  were authorized personally by
 the  President,  to start  mobilizing  the  forces and  start deployment  into
 position around Afghanistan. Cheney went on explaining.

 It takes  times to move forces and military assets  into position half a world

 A military  deployment also  requires the support of  a coordinated diplomatic
 effort, and that takes time.

 It is up to the President to instruct his cabinet and to dispatch Colin Powell
 and Rumsfeld  to visit certain  regions, world leaders and  have a coordinated
 diplomatic effort undertaken along with the military ones.

 Jim Lehrer  in my opinion has missed two of  the most obvious questions that’s
 still awaiting answers.

 How could everybody in the administration know that it was Osama Bin Laden who
 was responsible, only minutes or even hours after the attack?

 The second  very 

[CTRL] Date with Destiny?

2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: A HREF=http://citypaper.net/articles/101801/sl.howcol.shtml;
Date with Destiny?/A

October 18–25, 2001
pretzel logic

Date with Destiny?

by Howard Altman

It is a matter of public record that the bin Laden family has vociferously
disavowed their wayward 17th child. And who could blame them?

No mere wanton wastrel, the world’s most wanted man has brought great shame
upon this wealthy family. Even worse than shame, though, Osama’s actions have
endangered the clan’s coffers.

So it is not surprising that the bin Ladens have cut ties to the evildoer,
as George Dubya likes to refer to him.

Or did they?

A web domain registered to the Saudi Binladin Group (the megabucks
corporation uses the alternate spelling of the family name) raises questions
about what role, if any, the family has played in the Sept. 11 terrorist

The domain was registered on Sept. 11, 2000, with a preset expiration date of
Sept. 11, 2001, according to a technician with VeriSign, an Internet domain
registry service formerly known as Network Solutions.


Or was this website set up to start the countdown on the most devastating
attack in U.S. history?

Like a lot of information that has been pouring in to me since shortly before
9 a.m. Sept. 11, the tidbit about www.saudi-binladin-group.com was amazingly

Unlike a lot of the tidbits, however, this morsel, delivered last week by an
anonymous source I will refer to as Deep Spore, has a paper trail attached to

The paper trail began with a web search of the Binladin Group that revealed
the aforementioned website. A check of that site showed that it no longer
existed. A quick whois check on VeriSign’s website — which lists who set up
a particular site and when — showed that, unlike Binladin-related sites that
were taken down right after the attacks on New York and Washington,
saudi-binladin-group.com expired on the day of the attacks.

This was no accident, according to a VeriSign technician in Mountainview,

This was timed so it would expire on that date, says the technician, who
identified herself only by her first name, Antonette, and by her employee
number, 001. Antonette also verified that the information listed in the whois
search was accurate and not tampered with by an outside party.
Antonette added that VeriSign had already been contacted by law enforcement
about other attack-related domain names the company had registered.

I had a call from the L.A. police, she said. He was also asking about a
domain name that expired on Sept. 11. I can’t remember the name of it, but it
had something to do with the WTC.

The Binladin website was created by a company called Arq Limited, a U.K. web
design firm. The administrative, technical and billing contact listed on the
whois search is a man named Philip Lumsden.

After several calls to the U.K., I learned that Arq Limited went out of
business, replaced by a company called Active 8 Solutions, which shares the
same Bath, England, mailing address and a telephone number that is only one
digit off from Arq Limited’s old number.

I learned one more interesting thing.

Mr. Lumsden left a week ago, said a man who answered the phone at Active 8
Solutions. I am not aware of why he left.

The man, who would not give his name, added that he had no clue about the
saudi-binladin-group.com website.

A half-dozen odd calls Tuesday, October 15, to the Saudi Binladin Group’s
headquarters in Jedda, Saudi Arabia, turned up little other than assurances
that if I called back in 20 minutes or a half-hour, then somebody would be
able to give me some information about the website.

Each time I called, I explained that I wanted to ask somebody at the company
why the website expired on Sept. 11, 2001, a rather significant date in world
history. Each time I was told to call back until, finally, I spoke with
someone who could answer my questions.

But not for long.

You can check with VeriSign, said a man who did not identify himself.
VeriSign has all the details.

The man then asked me to hold on because he had to take another call. Then I
was disconnected. I called back, only to be disconnected again. When I called
back a third time, another man answering the phone asked if I could send an
e-mail listing my questions.
It is already after 6 p.m. here, said the man. Nobody is in anymore.

The next day, I called again and again was told to call back later. By
deadline, neither of the two emails I sent seeking comment were answered.

If the attackers did use this website, the FBI, which is tracking down
thousands and thousands of leads, may be interested.

I am not aware of [the website], and I do not know whether the FBI is aware
of it, but I can’t speak for the entire FBI, said Joe Valiquette, spokesman
for the FBI’s New York office. Generally speaking, we would be interested in
something like that.

© Copyright 1995–2001 CP 

[CTRL] Illogic of India's wish for non-involvement of third party in Kashmir settlement (fwd)

2001-10-19 Thread Yardbird

-Caveat Lector-


World Kashmir Freedom Movement,
Kashmir Centre, Brownlow Road, London
W13 0SQ. Phone:0044(020)8840 7999;

Kashmiri Scandinavian Council (KSC)
Grensevien-61-0663 Oslo
Tel:+47 90091376

19 October, 2001

Illogic of India's wish for non-involvement of third party in Kashmir

From the day one of the Kashmir conflict more than half a century ago,
Delhi's stand not to entertain third -party involvement in settling the
conflict is as illogical as it is unmistakable. The absurdity of Delhi's
view in not wanting third party participation has been the principle cause
of the trauma of the Kashmiri people.

India took the Kashmir conflict to the United Nations Security Council
with a complaint against Pakistan of intrusion into Kashmir.  Indian
expectations were dashed when the Security Council questioned India's
legitimacy over Kashmir and turned down its manipulated accession. And the
Security Council directed that the will of the Kashmiri people is
paramount and must be determined in a free and fair plebiscite under UN

Since the resolutions of the Security Council of 13 August 1948 and 5
January 1949, Indian leaders have stuck to their illogical stand and have
not allowed Kashmir decide their political future, though they did not
make their views public till 1954 when Pakistan became a member of western

Soon after 1954, Delhi started harping loudly about its unwillingness to
allow any third-party involvement in settling the Kashmir conflict. The
reason was obvious. Allowing such a participation - which would be none
other than an outside government fully conversant with the causes of the
conflict and UN's involvement with it and its resolutions, would reiterate
the universal principle of letting the Kashmiris decide their political

To let Kashmiris freely decide their political future has been an
abomination with Delhi hence its unwillingness about the idea of
third-party involvement. Delhi also fears that in the presence of a third
party, it would be confronted with its very weak case on Kashmir, and that
it would be required to accord serious consideration to the settlement of
the conflict without wasting time on subjects having little or no bearing
on the crux of the problem.

To counter the argument why Delhi is against allowing Kashmiris freely
decide their future, a lame excuse has often been put up by Delhi that
Kashmiris have already decided to be part of India.

That decision was taken by a tame assembly.  In fact all elections in
Indian occupied Kashmir since Delhi's take-over of Kashmir has been rigged
at Delhi's behest. And soon after the that decision, the UN Security
Council warned India it would not recognise the faked decision of the
Kashmir state assembly and that only a free and fair process of
self-determination of the Kashmiri people under independent auspices would
be acceptable as envisaged in Security Council resolutions.

Now in the wake of the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington and
the US- led coalition war on Afghanistan, Delhi has been shouting about
its own fight against so-called terrorism in occupied Kashmir and has been
desperate in bringing US and UK attention to it.

However, its assumed fears are getting cold response from world's major
capitals.  Delhi has now resorted to military attacks on positions across
the cease-fire line in Kashmir, hoping its action would be duly noted as
Delhi's concern over the Kashmir situation.  But again Delhi failed to
provoke the coalition partners raising noises in favour of India.

One hopes that Delhi realises that in wanting the world to respond
appropriately against what it terms 'Pakistan sponsored terrorism' in
occupied Kashmir, it is, indeed, inviting a third-party involvement in
occupied Kashmir. Under the circumstances, Delhi should also understand
that it cannot impede real progress towards the settlement of the
conflict, and would bury half a century of its illogic associated with
third-party involvement in Kashmir.

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First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out because I was
not a socialist.  Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not
speak out because I was not a trade unionist.  Then they came for the

[CTRL] Gulag Britannia

2001-10-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From www.wsws.org
WSWS : News
 Analysis : Europe
: Britain
Britain: Labour government plans to introduce internment
By Richard Tyler
19 October 2001
Back to screen version| Send this link by email | Email the author
Last October, the Labour government incorporated the European
Convention on Human Rights into British law. Its passage was supposed
to enshrine certain fundamental civil liberties in Britain’s statue
Just one year later, Home Secretary David Blunkett has told
parliament he would be seeking the “derogation” of the Convention’s
Article 5 outlawing arbitrary detention and imprisonment. This would
effectively enable the British authorities to introduce
internment—detention without trial for foreign nationals who are
considered a “threat to national security”.
The Home Secretary said that the emergency anti-terrorist legislation
was needed for “specific and targeted measures.” However, the new
laws will be cast so broadly that they could be used not just against
alleged terrorists but anyone engaged in acts of civil disobedience
or protest.
Labour is seeking to rush through legislation for the “war against
terrorism” with a minimum of debate or scrutiny. Speaking in the
Commons on Monday, Blunkett announced a swathe of new measures that
overturn basic democratic and legal norms. This includes an Emergency
Anti-Terrorist Bill and Extradition Bill, expected to be presented to
parliament over the next days, as well as a series of non-legislative
regulations stepping up state powers.
Significantly, the Anti-Terrorist Bill will include an “enabling
power,” allowing measures to be implemented by “affirmative order”,
i.e. without extensive parliamentary scrutiny.
Blunkett’s speech was a concoction of hypocrisy and barely concealed
threats. “None of those measures is intended to stifle free speech,
dialogue, or debate”, the Home Secretary claimed, but “There is a
compelling need for more effective powers to exclude and remove
suspected terrorists from our country.”
In the name of defending democracy and safeguarding freedoms, the
Labour government proposes to turn back the clock to a time when mere
suspicion of committing a crime, or an accusation from those in
authority, was sufficient to justify incarceration. Detention could
be based on membership of the 21 organisations outlawed in the
Terrorism Act 2000, which includes the Liberation Tigers of Tamil
Eelam and the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), as well as a host of
Islamic groups such as Hamas.
The Labour government is using the September 11 events to introduce
far harsher asylum and immigration provisions. Under the emergency
legislation, claims for asylum from those “suspected of terrorist
associations” can be rejected without any recourse to appeal or
judicial review. The state, and its various agencies will become
judge, jury and executioner for those seeking to claim asylum. Once a
refugee is labelled a “terrorist” they can be locked up without the
need for a court appearance, or be deported without any recourse to
legal redress.
Blunkett also announced that he would be undertaking a review of
Britain’s extradition procedures, with a view to enabling a suspect’s
rapid expulsion to a third state. This forms part of moves initiated
at European Union level to scrap existing national extradition laws
and replace them with an EU arrest warrant that would be recognised
in all 15 member states. It has been mooted that such warrants might
also be extended to enable the authorities in one EU state to order a
search or seizure of goods in another.
Other non-legislative measures include forcing communication service
providers, such as telecoms firms and Internet Service Providers, to
retain data from their customers for up to twelve months, which the
police and secret services can then “trawl” though to extract
information. This would include all emails sent or received over an
ISPs network, logs recording an individual’s visits to websites, as
well as details of phone and fax calls.
Stressing the need for “good intelligence,” Blunkett said police
would be given access to passenger lists and freight manifests, with
customs and revenue departments also being able to share data with
the police and other agencies. In addition to strengthening airport
security, wider powers would be granted to British Transport Police,
as well as Ministry of Defence and Atomic Energy Authority police,
enabling them to operate outside their normal jurisdictions.
One insidious proposal is the introduction of a new offence of
“incitement to religious hatred”, punishable by up to seven years
imprisonment. This has been justified by claims it will be used
against those expressing anti-Muslim sentiments. While it is far more
likely to be turned against more militant Islamic groups, it also has
the potential to stifle any public criticism of religion.
Given the seriousness of the planned legislation, the response from
the liberal media and human rights groups 

[CTRL] ME Illegals From the South

2001-10-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From WND

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
To view this item online, visit

Friday, October 19, 2001
'Arab terrorists'
crossing border
Middle Eastern illegals find easy entrance into U.S. from Mexico
By J. Zane Walley
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com
COCHISE COUNTY, Ariz. -- The U.S.-Mexican border here is the most
heavily used corridor for illegal alien traffic on America's southern
boundary.  With its difficult topography that is folded, creased and
convoluted, it is a land that yields well to smuggling.  The
Huachuca, Chiricahua, Dragoon and Whetstone Mountains are riddled
with hundreds of deep canyons, caves and arroyos that offer superb
concealment for the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens that
annually cross here.

The numbers of unauthorized immigrants smuggled across this porous
border dumbfound the imagination.  To date, the U.S. Border Patrol
has apprehended 158,782 illegals in 2001. By the Border Patrol's own
admission, it catches one alien in five, and admits that around
800,000 have slipped across the U.S. line this year.  The local
ranchers, who have been watching the border for several generations,
strongly disagree.  They contend the agency only nets one in 10, and
estimate that in 2001 over 1.5 million unlawful immigrants have
crossed into America in what the Border Patrol calls the Tucson

Many border ranch-owners are validly apprehensive of speaking about their desperate 
situations because of likely retribution by narco-militarists (drug runners) and 
coyotes (smugglers of humans). Unsolved murders and arso
ns are alarmingly ordinary in Cochise County, so pure fear keeps locals from speaking 
on the record.

Line of illegals moving across a ranch on the Cochise County, Ariz.-Mexican border. 
Photo by Donald Barnett, Bisbee, Ariz.

The foot traffic is so heavy that the backcountry has the ambience of a garbage dump 
and smells like an outdoor privy.  In places, the land is littered a foot deep with 
bottles, cans, soiled disposable diapers, sanitary n
apkins, panties, clothes, backpacks, human feces, used toilet paper, pharmacy bottles 
and syringes (the drug runners inject stimulants to keep their energy up).

U.S. Border Patrol agents are doing the best they can, considering their sparse 
numbers and the impossible terrain they patrol in four-wheel-drive vehicles, 
quad-runners and on foot.  Agents of the Border Patrol have thei
r other fears besides being ambushed by rock-chucking illegals and confrontations with 
assault-rifle-armed narcos: They are not allowed to speak about what they cope with 
each day.

As one agent who spoke anonymously said, Look, I can tell you a lot of stories, but I 
have to remain unnamed or I will be blackballed and might lose my job.  Then, 
worriedly, he added, I have a family depending on me.

Another agent, of supervisory rank, stated, The smuggling traffic of Mexicans has 
really slowed.  We are experiencing a tremendous increase in OTMs – border lingo for 
other than Mexicans.  When queried about the ethni
c make up of the OTMs, he answered, Central and South Americans, Orientals and 
Middle-Easterners.  Middle-Easterners?  Yeah, it varies, but about one in every 10 
that we catch, is from a country like Yemen or Egypt.

Border Patrol spokesperson Rene Noriega stated that the number of other-than-Mexican 
detentions has grown by 42 percent. Most of the non-Mexican migrants are from El 
Salvador and other parts of Central America, she said,
but added that agents have picked up people from all over the world, including the 
former Soviet Union, Asia and the Middle East.

Pick-up truck load of mixed-nationality illegals destined for Tucson or Phoenix, Ariz. 
Once in those cities, an organized pipeline disburses them across America.  The 
trucking is generally handled by street gangs. Photo
 by Donald Barnett, Bisbee, Ariz.

Arabs have been reported crossing the Arizona border for an unknown period.  Border 
rancher George Morgan encounters thousands of illegals crossing his ranch on a 
well-used trail.  He relates a holiday event: It was Than
ksgiving 1998, and I stepped outside my house and there were over a hundred 'crossers' 
in my yard.  Damnedest bunch of illegals I ever saw. All of them were wearing black 
pants, white shirts and string ties.  Maybe they w
ere hoping to blend in, he chuckled. They took off, I called the Border Patrol, and 
a while later, an agent, Dan Green, let me know that they had caught them.  He said 
that they were all Iranians.

According to Border Patrol spokesperson Rob Daniels, Ten Egyptians were arrested 
recently near Douglas, Arizona.  Each had paid $7,000 to be brought from Guatemala 
into Mexico and then across the border.

According to the San Diego Union-Tribune, hours after the 9-11 attacks on the World 
Trade Center and the Pentagon, an anonymous 

[CTRL] [Spy News] FW: Who Terrorizes Whom? (fwd)

2001-10-19 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 04:21:54 +0200
From: Mario Profaca [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: [Spy News] FW: Who Terrorizes Whom?

-Original Message-
On Behalf Of Michael Albert
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2001 12:03 AM
Subject: ZNet Update - News and Herman Peterson Essay...

October 18
By Edward S. Herman and David Peterson

One of the marks of exceptional hegemonic power is the ability to
define words and get issues framed in accord with your own political
agenda. This is notorious at this moment in history as regards
terrorism and antiterrorism.

Since the September 11 attacks, two truths have been indisputable
and universally reported. One is that the hijacker bombings of the
World Trade Center and Pentagon were atrocities of a monumental
and spectacular scale (and media coverage of that day's events
alone may have generated more words and graphic images than any
other single event in recent history). A second truth is that the
bombings were willful acts of terrorism, accepting the basic and
widely agreed-upon definition of terrorism as the use of force or the
threat of force against civilian populations to achieve political
objectives. And let us also recognize that sponsorship of terrorism
means organizing, and/or underwriting and providing a safe harbor
to state or nonstate agents who terrorize.

But there is a third indisputable truth, although much less
understood, let alone universally reported: namely, that from the
1950s the United States itself has been heavily engaged in
terrorism, and has sponsored, underwritten, and protected other
terrorist states and individual terrorists. In fact, as the greatest and
now sole superpower, the United States has also been the world's
greatest terrorist and sponsor of terror. Right now this country is
supporting a genocidal terrorist operation against Iraq via sanctions
of mass destruction and regular bombing attacks to achieve its
political objectives; it is underwriting the army and paramilitary
forces in Colombia, who openly terrorize the civilian population; and
it continues to give virtually unconditional support to an Israeli state
that has been using force to achieve its political objectives for
decades. The United States has terrorized or sponsored terror in
Nicaragua, Brazil, Uruguay, Cuba, Guatemala, Indonesia/East
Timor, Zaire, Angola, South Africa, and elsewhere. And it stands
alone in both using and brandishing the threat to use nuclear
weapons. It has for many years provided a safe harbor to the Cuban
refugee terror network, and it has done the same for a whole string
of terrorists in flight from, among other places, El Salvador, Haiti,
Vietnam, and even Nazi Germany (see Christopher Simpson's

Even in its response to the September 11 terrorist events the United
States resorted instantly to its own terrorism. Ignoring legal niceties--
despite its supposed devotion to the rule of law- -the United States
immediately began to threaten to take out states harboring
terrorists, threatened the Afghans with bombing--itself an act of
terrorism--and by such threats succeeded in blocking the flow of
food supplies to a starving population, which is yet another act of
terrorism, and a major one. (A spokesman for Oxfam International
stationed in Islamabad recently stated that Prior to this crisis, the
World Food Program, with the help of Oxfam and other groups, was
feeding 3.7 million [Afghan] people. But with the onset of the
bombing campaign, this has stopped as the aid workers have been
force to withdraw. The airdrops will--at their very best--feed 130,000
people, or only 3.5 percent of those facing winter and starvation).
On October 7 the United States then began to bomb this
impoverished country--not just a further act of terrorism, but the
crime of aggression.

All serious observers recognize that the U.S. actions against
Afghanistan have and will cause many, many more deaths than the
6,000 killed in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania. But U.S.
power and self-righteousness, broadcast and justified to the whole
world by a subservient media machine, assure that what the United
States does will neither be called terrorism, nor aggression, nor elicit
indignation remotely comparable to that expressed over the events
of September 11--however well its actions fit the definitions. The
same bias extends to other Western countries, diminishing in scope
and intensity from Britain to the others, and weakening further in the
Third World. In the Middle East, for most of the population the bias
disappears and U.S. terrorism is called by its right name, although
the U.S.-dependent governments toe their master's line, if
nervously. In these more remote areas the press speaks a different
language, calling the United States a rogue state par 

[CTRL] How Many American Elite ... ?

2001-10-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

NewsMax.com How Many American Elite Does It Take to Screw In a
Diane Alden
Oct. 18, 2001
Even while courage and American can-do are being exhibited and
hither and yon among the common folk, America's evil, banal and
other self is still running true to form.
In Washington, the bureaucrats,
academe, politicos, celebrities, the media, and ninnies of various
kinds --
our elite -- are once more showing us that America's brightest and
best have a very difficult time learning life's lessons.
We don't know our friends from our enemies. We marginalize Israel and
turn a
blind eye to a despotic ruling family in Saudi Arabia, which gives or
launders money to the Taliban.
When the royal house of Saudi crumbles, so
will our interests there. The result will be a nearly catastrophic
in which it will be war over oil as we fight the warriors of Islam here and
abroad. It is no small deal that bin Laden and his minions are serious about
American presence near the holy places of Mecca and Medina being one of the
root causes of their hatred for the U.S.
Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh tells us in a recent article in The 
New Yorker: The American intelligence officials have been particularly angered by the 
refusal of the Saudis to help the F.B.I. and the C
.I.A. run 'traces' -- that is, name checks and other background information -- on the 
nineteen men, more than half of them believed to be from
Saudi Arabia, who took part in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the
They knew that once we started asking for a few traces the list
would grow, one former official said. It's better to shut it down right
Hersh points out that  thousands of disaffected Saudis have joined fundamentalist 
groups throughout the Middle East. Other officials said that
there is a growing worry inside the F.B.I. and the C.I.A. that the actual
identities of many of those involved in the attacks may not be known
definitively for months, if ever. Last week, a senior intelligence official
confirmed the lack of Saudi cooperation and told me, angrily, that the
Saudis 'have only one constant -- and it's keeping themselves in power.' 
Meanwhile, investigative journalist Paul Sperry reports that it's business as
usual at America's small private airports. Flying is again allowed in and
around our major cities.
What is really truly weird is that as soon as the
ban against flying out of private airports was lifted, 14 Syrians were
allowed into the United States to take flying lessons. Syria, by the way,  is
listed as one of those nations that harbors terrorists.
But we are giving
their sons flying lessons. Why is that? Is it merely to make a buck? Or are
we being a sympathetic ally in some phantom coalition we wish we had with
Or is it because we are incompetent boobs who keep doing dumb things because no one is 
talking to anyone else and no one is really in charge? We
are telling everyone we are a free nation for foreign residents, but on the
other hand we seek to inflict heavy penalties on our legal citizens. We do
that through hundreds of gun control laws even as we keep the door ajar for
the odd terrorist who might slip in.
So you thought now that we have Homeland Defense czar Tom Ridge we have
nothing more to worry about? Try this on for size.
According to the
Washington Times,  Floyd Horn, administrator of the Agriculture
Research Service, warned the food industry and farmers to watch for unusual
plant and animal diseases because terrorists might resort to biological
weapons that can infect and destroy them. There are diseases that can wipe
out our herds and crops, he said.
How might those be spread? Could a number
of pilots from Middle Eastern countries trained and HERE in the U.S. be the
corn crop bombers, the dust off in the Central Valley, the wheat rot in
Kansas, the cow deaths in Colorado?
The government asks us to remain calm
and go about our daily lives as usual. How can we do that when that same
government can't do commonsense preventive measures -- like not allowing
Middle Eastern men from countries that are acknowledged homes to terrorists to take 
flying lessons in the U.S.?
One would think that the brain trust in D.C. would order a little more vigilance at 
the gates of the U.S., considering we are in a sorta kinda war?
Think again. For every detainee that John Ashcroft talks about putting in federal 
detention, we are letting twice and three times that many into
the U.S. right at this very moment.
Did you know that since Sept. 11
there has been no change in our visa program and that the same laws still
Did you know that last year around 80,000 people came into the U.S. from Syria, Egypt, 
Iraq, Algeria, Libya and even Afghanistan?
Did you know that up to 250,000 a year can get into and out of the United States from 
Middle East?
As Martin Gross states in his Washington Times piece, The most generous visa is 
granted to citizens of 

[CTRL] The Cursed at Amherst

2001-10-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Anyone who touches an American Flag and obviously disgraces it
needs to find another place to live.  What it represents is not
perfect but there are a whole bunch of people who make the journey to
American shores each an every day because, although not perfect, it
comes a whole lot closer to perfection than where they came from.

I don't get really upset about the Flag burners because burning the
Flag is actually the proper way to dispose of it when it is soiled,
and those who engage in such activities are - ironically - doing the
correct thing.

Now we get these spoiled brats at Amherst College who have taken upon
themselves to trample on it and chanting various things.  These are
the first that should be grouped and inducted into the Cannon Fodder
Corps and sent somewhere, where they can see what some other parts of
the world looks like.  A thousand to one, none of them have had any
credible experience outside of the United States and been able to see
at ground level (away from the tourist busses) how different things
are for their counterparts in many if not most other countries.

Having grown up on foreign shores, and having spent many years
overseas as an adult, the first thing I wanted to see in case of
trouble in that Flag.  This is the lesson these exponentiated naives
have never had to learn, having been able to take for granted that
all the things OTHER people fought and died for are theirs gratis.

Bring back the draft.  Anyone can peel a potato or rake a lawn.



Campus protesters ignite U.S. flags
Friday, October 19, 2001
AMHERST   —   Amherst College students were stunned moments after a
pro-America rally involving more than 100 people ended yesterday when
several protesters emerged from the crowd to set fire to a U.S. flag.
As the sounds of God Bless America continued through the public
address system in front of the Keefe Campus Center, as many as 10
demonstrators doused two flags with lighter fluid and set them on
Five members of the group then spread a larger flag on the ground and
stood on it while chanting This flag doesn't represent me; this flag
doesn't represent us.
The crowd of more than 100 people, mostly Amherst College students
who moments before rallied around the flag, stood in stunned silence
as the same flag was desecrated.
This is really upsetting to me, said Christopher Palacios, a
sophomore from Miami.
Palacios, who said his parents fled Cuba in the 1960s to escape Fidel
Castro, said, It makes me sick when American kids say the American
flag scares them.
The pro-America rally yesterday was organized by a new student group
called Amherst Assembly for Patriotism.
The group formed in response to peace rallies at each of the Five
Colleges in recent weeks as well as the controversial decision by the
town of Amherst to limit flag displays downtown.
Amherst is 25 square miles surrounded by reality, said Theodore Hertzberg, a 
sophomore from Long Island. I'm relieved the rest of the country does not feel the 
same way.
The crowd had just finished a group recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance and was 
beginning to disperse when as many as 10 protesters came forward.
Most of those protesting the flag declined to be interviewed.
One who did, 19-year-old Dan Griffin of Minneapolis, Minn., said the protest sought to 
show that the United States is responsible for much of the pain and suffering in the 
The United States has helped continue a spree of genocide that dates back to Columbus 
in 1492, he said.
How people take it is how they take it, he said.
Griffin identified himself as a student but declined to say at which college. He said 
the others are from different area colleges but would not say which.
Hampshire College officials confirmed a student named Dan Griffin is registered.
The University of Massachusetts records show a Daniel Griffin was enrolled but he 
withdrew at the start of the semester.
Michael Flood, co-founder of the Amherst Assembly for Patriotism,
said he found the actions of the protesters to be inappropriate,
especially since he suspects none of them are from Amherst College.
I believe they have a right to burn the flag, but this is
inappropriate, he said.
Sophomore Nick Echelbarger from Seattle said the burning was free
speech of the lowest form.
It doesn't make a point. It's just poor taste, he said.
© 2001 UNION-NEWS. Used with permission.
Copyright 2001 Masslive.com.  All Rights Reserved.

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2001-10-19 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Date:   10/18/01 12:42:46 PM Central Daylight Time
From:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (BuzzFlash.com)




October 18, 2001
Bush Links Terror Attacks to Trade Bill

RAVIS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif., Oct. 17 — President Bush used the terrorist
attacks today to press for a quick vote on new authority to negotiate trade
agreements without allowing amendment by the Senate.

The terrorists attacked the World Trade Center, and we will defeat them by
expanding and encouraging world trade, Mr. Bush said, seeming to imply that
trade was among the concerns of terrorists who brought down the towers. In
order to help me expand world trade, I've asked the Congress to give me
what's called trade promotion authority — the ability to seek America's
interests around the world.

Opponents of the bill, which would limit Congress to approving or denying
accords, say Mr. Bush is trying to force it through by wrapping it in the
attacks, even though the connection is tangential at best. The strategy came
from Robert B. Zoellick, the United States trade representative, who began
making the argument soon after Sept. 11.

Copyright 2001 The New York Times Company

RECEIVE TALIBAN: Militant Islam, Oil  Fundamentalism in Central Asia With
a $30 Voluntary Subscription to BuzzFlash.com (Not Tax-Deductible) Yale
University Press.



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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Washington Plots, Moscow Crawls, Kabul Burns

2001-10-19 Thread Chris Case

-Caveat Lector-

URL for this article is http://emperors-clothes.com/misc/burns.htm

Join our email list at http://emperors-clothes.com/f.htm. Receive about
one article/day.

Washington Plots, Moscow Crawls, Kabul Burns
by Jared Israel [19 October 2001]

We in India have always been victims of terrorists from Pakistan. Many
times the Pakistan government would be on the Terrorist Watch List of
the U.S., but the U.S. would never brand them terrorists. How can the
Pakistan government be an ally to fight terrorism? They are the
terrorists. Remember that the 1993 bomber of WTC found sanctuary in
Pakistan. As for the U.S., when Indians were being killed by the Islamic
terror groups from Pakistan and Afghanistan, it wasn't terrorism - it
was a dispute. But when the exact same groups attack the U.S., it is
World Terrorism. (Arvind Kumar, a reader in California)

Colin Powell flew into Pakistan and gave a press conference two days
ago. U.S. fighter-bombers have been flying into Afghanistan all week.

On 17 October, the 'New York Times' reported:

American pilots have for the first time been freed to choose their own
targets and fire at will within specific zones around Taliban
strongholds in Afghanistan, senior Pentagon officials said today. United
States commanders warned that none of the Kabul leadership's forces were
immune from attack.

Tell that to the Red Cross. While President Bush was exhorting school
children to:

“'go out and mow a lawn or do somebody a favor to earn a dollar' to help
the children of Afghanistan, and told them to send it directly to the
White House to be turned over to a Red Cross fund. ('Washington Post,'
17 October)

U.S. planes were bombing the Red Cross in Afghanistan:

'U.S. forces did not know that I.C.R.C. was using one or more of the
warehouses,' a Pentagon statement said. The Red Cross said each of five
warehouses in its compound was marked on the roof with a large red
cross. The raids occurred at about 1 p.m., in daylight, the agency
said. ('N.Y. Times,' 17 October 2001)

This is strikingly reminiscent of U.S. military crimes and
justifications in the 1999 war against Yugoslavia. There too, buildings
with red crosses on the roofs were bombed in daylight, though always by
accident. (1)

If clearly marked Red Cross buildings are not safe in the bright light
of day, then any structure, animal or person, with the bad luck to be
situated in a 'fire at will' zone may be blown to pieces. And we will
never hear about most such crimes because a) the U.S. military is
enforcing tight media control and b) most of the victims won't have the
Public Relations clout of the International Red Cross. Here's a
philosophical problem for you: if a child screams in pain but you are
not there to hear it, is he or she actually wounded?

[Residents of Kabul, Afghanistan look for belongings amid the rubble of
their home, Oct. 18. Four children were killed. Sayed Salahuddin/Reuters]

Why isn't this terrorism?

Because the U.S. government says it's not. Instead, we are told, it is
the unfortunate but unavoidable consequence of war, as if some natural
process were in control, as if the U.S. military command were helpless
to prevent the occurrence of 'fire at will' zones.

According to Washington, which has yet to present evidence that the WTC
horror was in fact masterminded from Afghanistan, it has no choice. but
to bomb. Thousands of hours of media broadcasts and miles of newsprint
support this claim, so who are we to ask for evidence?

Government officials and the media say: Bin Laden's terrorists are
attacking us. We have no choice but to wage 'infinite war' to root out
such terrorism.

Elsewhere we have argued that this answer is either weak or crazy. But
as more facts come to light, it becomes increasingly clear that this
answer is a conscious lie. (2)

The proof lies in one word: Pakistan. Pakistan is a key supporting
player in the infinite war, supposedly against terrorism.

On the 16th, Secretary Colin Powell held a joint press conference in
Islamabad with Gen. Pervez Musharraf, military dictator of Pakistan.
Here's what the 'New York Times' reported:

[Start 'New York Times' Quote:]
The United States and Pakistan agreed today to work urgently for the
creation of a new, broad-based government in Afghanistan that both sides
said could include moderate elements of the Taliban movement whose
present leadership is now a target for the American-led military

Secretary Powell said he had come to tell Pakistan that the United
States -- long chastised here as having abandoned its cold war ally
following the collapse of the Soviet Union -- was returning to
demonstrate our enduring commitment to a great Muslim nation. ...
The high praise heaped on Pakistan provided a curious sight: an
American secretary of state standing next to a general in uniform who
seized power in a military coup, and lauding his achievements.

Re: [CTRL] US Troops Abandoning Army, Seeking Conscientious Objector Status...

2001-10-19 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/18/01 6:06:26 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Yantis also said it would be disingenuous, for a soldier to say, 'Oh, I
  joined up to be an infantryman. I never knew that that meant I might have
  to go to war.'

  I agree.  The military is a large, organized killing apparatus.  That's all
it is and all it's ever been.  How can anyone not know this?   If the
military tried to seduce them into joining this killing apparatus by
misrepresenting the facts, who is surprised?  An organization that prides
itself on researching and implementing various ways to cause suffering and
death is not exactly above lying.  This situation now increases the
probablility of a draft for those young people who knew enough not to


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy

2001-10-19 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

  I ordered this video and watched it last night.  I knew most of what was
presented already, but seeing the images made a deep impression.  I learned
new things about Panama, and especially about East Timor.  Needless to say, I
didn't sleep very well last night.  People need to know this stuff, though it
will probably cost a few nights' sleep.


In a message dated 9/28/01 12:03:17 AM Central Daylight Time,

 My name is Frank Dorrel. I live in Culver City, California. I
  consider myself to be a peace activist. I am a Veteran for
  Peace. I work with the Save the Iraqi Children Coalition, and
  with many of the other peace organizations here in Los Angeles.

  I put together video compilations on U.S. foreign policy. My
  Covert Operations and U.S. Interventions Since World War II- What You
  Learn in School and Don't Hear on the Mainstream Media.

  It is available for a $5 donation, plus postage. I am willing to mail it to
  you before receiving payment. It is a 2-hour compilation featuring 10
  segments which I have edited. They are as follows:

  1. Martin Luther King Jr., Civil rights leader who was killed
 after he spoke out against the U.S. war in Vietnam.

  2. John Stockwell, Former CIA Chief of Station in Angola in 1975,
  working for then CIA Director, George Bush Sr.

  3. Bill Moyers' The Secret Government Played on PBS-1987. Excellent!

  4.Coverup:Behind the Iran-Contra Affair, What we did to Nicaragua.
  Narrated by Elizabeth Montgomery. Produced by the Empowerment Project.

  5.School of Assassins with Father Roy Bourgeois on the School of
the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia. Narrated by Susan Sarandon.

  6.Genocide by Sanctions shows the effects of the sanctions in Iraq,
  Ramsey Clark talking to Iraqi doctors. Made by Gloria La Riva.

  7.The Panama Deception Won the academy award for best documentary.
Narrated by Elizabeth Montgomery, made by The Empowerment Project.

  8.Ramsey Clark, Former Attorney General, talking on U.S. militarism.
Very powerful! Filmed by Ralph Cole of JusticeVision.

  9.Amy Goodman, Host of Democracy Now, FM Radio NY, talking on two genocides
  committed by the Indonesian military. First against it's own people  then
  against the people of East Timor, both aided by the CIA. Filmed by Ralph
  Cole of JusticeVision.

  10. S. Brian Willson, Vietnam Veteran who lost his legs when he was
  run over by a naval train carrying weapons headed to kill innocent
  in Central America. Brian wages Unconditional Peace. Brian is introduced by
  Kris Kirstofferson.

  This video is an excellent educational tool that reveals the
  true nature of U.S. foreign policy. It has been seen in college
  classrooms, at churches and at various political groups. It is
  very convincing! People such as Howard Zinn, Brian Willson, Blase Bonpane,
  Ed Asner, Amy Goodman, Michael Parenti, Oliver Stone, Father Roy Bourgeois,
  Ramsey Clark, Casey Kasem, Ralph Cole and many others have seen this video
  and find it very worthwhile and informative.

  If you are interested in getting a copy of this video, email me
  your mailing address and I will mail you the tape. I do ask for a $6
  donation, which includes postage. I will send you the video before I
  the payment. I do this in good faith and as a way to protect you. The
  donations do help me to keep this project going.

  My goal is to provide this information to as many people as possible.
  This is difficult because the mainstream media is owned by the
  multi-national corporations and the military-industrial-complex. They do
  want to the truth to be known by the masses. This information is not what
  learned in school. It is not what we see on TV, hear on the radio, read in
  the newspapers or experience in our own lives. The people on these videos
  are telling a truth that all Americans need to hear, if we are ever going
  put a stop to U.S. imperialism.

  We have been lied by experts in propaganda and misinformation.
  We live in a state of mass denial, of mass hypnosis. If you
  really care about having Peace in the world, if you care about
  Justice and Freedom for all of the people who share the Earth
  with us, I believe the first step is to educate yourself to the
  true nature of U.S. foreign policy and then begin to share this
  information with other people. That is what this tape is about.

  And to those of you whose primary concern is the environment,
  you should be aware that United States militarism is one of the
  main contributing factors in polluting the Earth.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its 

[CTRL] Off-kilter Coulter

2001-10-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Embedded linques at site

10/18 Brendan: Coulter goes even farther off the deep end
After reading the Washington Monthly's compilation of past statements
by conservative commentator Ann Coulter, it seems hard to imagine how
she could be any more strident or irresponsible.  Not anymore.
Despite the National Review Online's decision to stop running her
column and plagiarism charges from a former co-worker at Human
Events, Coulter continues to turn up the volume.  Her newest
syndicated column opens with this jaw-dropper: Liberals are up to
their old tricks again.  Twenty years of treason haven’t slowed them
It is difficult to condemn this statement strongly enough.  Coulter
is known for her sweeping ad hominem attacks, which we have strongly
criticized. We’ve also denounced her recent foray into ethnic slurs.
But making a cavalier charge of treason against American liberals is
simply unconscionable, especially in a time of war.  It is an
accusation of criminal disloyalty against millions of Americans.
After claiming that liberals have returned to their typical hysteria
and defeatism, Coulter goes on to argue that the thought that
America may lose the war on terrorism perks [them] up ... because it
reminds them of th
eir favorite war - Vietnam.  They are only disconsolate when America wins wars.
Mid-diatribe and in search of a new target, she then trots out this
ethnic slur: Camel-riding nomads may excel at the sucker punch, but
wait until they see Western Civilization’s response.  Of course,
many of the terrorist hijackers were middle class college graduates,
and Osama Bin Laden himself is a multi-millionaire from a wealthy
Saudi Arabian family.  But such complexity is always lost in
Coulter's cartoonish worldview.
For her grand finale, Coulter attacks a New York Times editorial
praising President Bush for repeatedly extolling the crucial role of
the federal government in providing for the safety of the American
If you support the Marines, then how in God's name can you oppose
taxpayer-funded photos of bullwhips up men's anuses? At least I think
that's the logic.
Coulter's propagandizing has become completely incoherent.  This is a
farcically heavy-handed and illogical attempt to inflame readers with
no relevance to the Times editorial.
In general, these grossly manipulative arguments are shameful.  But
the charges of treason Coulter levels against liberals deserve
especially strong condemnation from all quarters.

Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time 

Re: [CTRL] CTRL CHANGES . . . Please read!!!!!

2001-10-19 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/19/01 11:28:42 AM Central Daylight Time,

 3. To Post to CTRL one must be a member.

If we're on the list now, does it mean we are already members?

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Only Planet of Choice online

2001-10-19 Thread Dale Stonehouse

-Caveat Lector-

The ultimate conspiracy, the Council of Nine, Gene Roddenberry's unseen

The entire book online, and now you know where Deep Space Nine got its name.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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Re: [CTRL] CTRL CHANGES . . . Please read!!!!!

2001-10-19 Thread Tenorlove

-Caveat Lector-

One nice thing about the Yahoogroup list is that the subscriber has the
option of having mail sent in HTML converted to plain text. Saves
bandwidth big time.


Do You Yahoo!?
Make a great connection at Yahoo! Personals.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] Bosnian Blowback

2001-10-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Threats Prompt U.S. to Close Embassies in Bosnia
By Beth Kampschror
CNSNews.com Correspondent
October 18, 2001
Sarajevo (CNSNews.com) - The United States has shut down its embassy
in Sarajevo until further notice, citing security threats throughout
Bosnia. Two embassy branch offices, in Mostar and Banja Luka, have
also been closed, as have the British embassy and its cultural center
in Sarajevo.
This step has been taken due to a credible security threat to the
official U.S. presence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the U.S. embassy
said in a statement.
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), a high-profile
institution employing dozens of Americans, is also closed until
further notice.
The nature of the threat has not yet been disclosed, but a Mostar
daily reported that the threat is connected with a bomb that was
reportedly found outside Sarajevo Airport on Tuesday.
The police minister for the Muslim-Croat portion of Bosnia said the embassy closures 
were preventative measures.
You know that the U.S. operation in Afghanistan is entering an important phase, 
Tomislav Limov said Wednesday. It's estimated that there could be reactions, and that 
is why the American embassy decided on the steps tha
t they took.
The embassy urged American citizens in Bosnia to maintain the highest level of 
vigilance for the foreseeable future and warned them to be careful of establishments 
where Americans or other members of the international c
ommunity were known to gather.
Security had been increased at the embassy following the Sept. 11 attacks on New York 
and Washington.
Bosnian Prime Minister Zlatko Lagumdzija announced Wednesday that the government would 
provide extra security for the embassies. Both buildings are now under heavy guard, 
and armed guards could be seen patrolling outside
several other countries' embassies in Sarajevo Thursday.
A spokesperson for the 20,000-strong international peacekeeping force in Bosnia said 
that the Stabilization Force (SFOR) has not taken any extra precautions in connection 
to the latest threat. About 3,500 American troops
currently serve in SFOR.
SFOR is aware of the most recent events. We haven't taken any additional measures 
besides those taken after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, spokesperson Daryl 
Morrell told reporters.
SFOR's recent new measures have included arresting people suspected
of being linked to international terrorism. At the beginning of
October, the forces arrested four men, who were later released.
Another man, Bensayah Belkacem, was arrested last week, found to be
carrying Algerian and Yemeni passports.
He is accused of having telephone conversations with an aide of Osama
bin Laden on how to procure foreign passports.
Local police are currently questioning 20 other people at the request
of the United States.
The United Nations war crimes tribunal's chief prosecutor, Carla del
Ponte, also turned over documents to the U.S. last week concerning
people in Bosnia who have connections to terrorist groups. Those are
thought to include some of the about 420 Islamic fighters who settled
in the country after fighting with the mainly Muslim Bosnian Army
during the 1992-95 war.

Forwarded as information only; no endorsement to be presumed
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Re: [CTRL] CTRL CHANGES . . . Please read!!!!!

2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/19/01 12:26:38 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 3. To Post to CTRL one must be a member.

If we're on the list now, does it mean we are already members?
 You betcha and anyone may join in.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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To UNsubscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:


Re: [CTRL] Fwd: What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy

2001-10-19 Thread Don S. Brown

Hola Samantha
Could you provide an address or phone/e0mail for this guy.

In a message dated 10/19/01 7:19:21 PM !!!First Boot!!!, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I ordered this video and watched it last night. I knew most of what was
presented already, but seeing the images made a deep impression. I learned
new things about Panama, and especially about East Timor. Needless to say, I
didn't sleep very well last night. People need to know this stuff, though it
will probably cost a few nights' sleep.


In a message dated 9/28/01 12:03:17 AM Central Daylight Time,

 My name is Frank Dorrel. I live in Culver City, California. I
 consider myself to be a peace activist. I am a Veteran for
 Peace. I work with the Save the Iraqi Children Coalition, and
 with many of the other peace organizations here in Los Angeles.

 I put together video compilations on U.S. foreign policy. My
 Covert Operations and U.S. Interventions Since World War II- What You
 Learn in School and Don't Hear on the Mainstream Media".

 It is available for a $5 donation, plus postage. I am willing to mail it to
 you before receiving payment. It is a 2-hour compilation featuring 10
 segments which I have edited. They are as follows:

[CTRL] More On Arlington Road: The Terrorist Next Door

2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


Offline Illumination

More On Arlington Road: The Terrorist Next Door

by Uri Dowbenko

The power elite cryptocracy has a special message for you in Arlington Road
-- no matter, what you see on the evening news, you'll never know the real

By thinly disguising traumatic events like the Oklahoma City Bombing and the
Ruby Ridge Shootout, the film subverts them in a mind-bending conclusion that
the forces of the cryptocracy, always behind the scenes, are always in

In the movie, in fact, the mad bomber-terrorist tricks the chump, the
protagonist, into doing the dirty deed for him.

Set in the midst of a melange of conspiracy theories and homegrown terrorism,
in a kind of 1950s Leave it to Beaver style Washington, D.C. suburbs,
Arlington Road is about the subversion of history, and ultimately its
unknowability, when the string-pullers are pulling the strings.

Michael Faraday (Jeff Bridges), a history professor at George Washington
University, becomes obsessed while teaching his course on American Terrorism.
Explaining the bombing of an IRS Building, he tells his students, The Feds
did this huge investigation, but the investigation didn't satisfy me.

We want one man, and we want it fast because we want our security back, he
continues, regarding the media coverup and killing of the lone-nut bomber
scapegoat patsy supposedly responsible.

Michael's wife, meanwhile, was an FBI agent, killed in a botched Ruby Ridge
style assault in West Virginia. She died for her country, an agent named
Carver (Robert Gossett tells him. 'She shouldn't have, re lies Michael.

Regarding his bitterness toward the government, Michael says, When she died,
all I wanted was someone to say we made a mistake.

Meanwhile Michael's girlfriend, a former teaching assistant, Brooke Wolfe
(Hope Davis) tries to help him get on with his life and become more than his
significant other.

The movie begins with a David Lynch styled scene of disorienting trauma in
which a boy wanders in the streets with blood all over him, the result of an
apparent explosion. It turns out he's the son of Michael's neighbors, Oliver
Lang (Tim Robbins) and his wife Cheryl (Joan Cusack).

At a backyard barbeque, later, Cheryl desribes her husband to Michael, He's
such a good man; he's such a good father. But Michael becomes suspicious
when he sees engineering plans at his neighbor's house. Checking him out,
Michael finds out that his neighbor changed his identity, possibly stealing
his best friend's name. As a 16- year old, he was also involved in a bombing
when his father killed himself after the Bureau of Land Management absconded
with the family' farm's water, thus driving them into bankruptcy.

This supposedly turned the mild-mannered farm boy into a Unabomber clone bent
on destruction. Then to compound his motives, the movie posits a conspiracy
of like-minded individuals, a veritable army of homegrown lone-nut bombers
living right next door to you.

Arlington Road is mass mind control at its classiest. First, in the standard
divide- and-rule tactics of the cryptocracy, it directs suspicion at
so-called normal people in any typical neighborhood suburb. In other words,
you might be unaware, living across the street from some nut-case who's
planning to blow up the FBI Building.

The movie also perpetuates the Big Media myth of armed and dangerous militia
members who operate in an organized army against the federal governnent. And
it promotes the concept that the Internet is too dangerous and must be
controlled. Why? Because people can get information which violates others'
right to privacy.

The parallels between the scapegoat bomber of Arlington Road and the
so-called Unabomber are striking. For example, in a fascinating piece called
Profiling the FBI's Unabom Charade' (http:/
/wwwhoffman-info.com/unabom.html), Michael A. Hofftnan II describes Ted
Kaczynski, the Designated Bomber, with the following, As for his alleged
guilt, it should be recalled that the Unabomber is the FBI's concoction. The
grouping of various bombings since 1978 under the 'Unabom' nomenclature is
their invention. No credible evidence has been put forth to link Kaczynski to
all or even most of these cowardly and reprehensible bombing.

Tbe most prominent sketch of an alleged 'Unabom' suspect by a witness
emanated from the 1987 bombing of a computer store in Salt Lake City. It
depicts a hooded man with sunglassses, a mustache, curly red hair and bears
no resemblance to Kaczynski, continues Hoffman.

The drawing was executed by forensic artist Jeanne Boylan, an FBI contract
employee. The female witness who provided the details upon which the drawing
is based, apparently could not identify Kaczynski as the man she saw in 1987.

Remember the mysterious John Doe II from the Oklahoma City Bombing? Was he
another FBI concoction, a suspect who was first touted as an accomplice of
Timothy McVeigh, then mysteriously 


2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


How The British Use The Media for Mass Psychological Warfare

by L. Wolfe

Printed in The American Almanac, May 5, 1997.

End of Page Mass Brainwashing   Site MapOverview Page

``I know the secret of making the average American believe anything I want
him to. Just let me control television You put something on the
television and it becomes reality. If the world outside the TV set
contradicts the images, people start trying to change the world to make it
like the TV set images''
--Hal Becker, media ``expert'' and management consultant, the Futures Group,
in an interview in 1981 [1]

In the 15 years since Becker's comment, Americans have become even more
``wired'' into a mass media network that now includes computer and video
games, as well as the Internet--an all-surrounding network whose power is so
pervasive that it is almost taken for granted. As the standup comic said,
``We are really a media conscious people. I know a guy who was run over by a
car in the street. He didn't want to go to the hospital. Instead, he dragged
himself over to the nearest bar, to check out whether he made it onto the
evening news. When it wasn't on, he said, `What does a guy have to do, get
killed, to get on television?'|''

In the highest circles of the British monarchy and its Club of Isles, this
great power is not taken for granted. Rather, it is carefully manipulated and
directed, as Becker describes from a limited standpoint, to create and mold
popular opinion. In a 1991 report published by the Malthusian Club of Rome,
entitled ``The First Global Revolution,'' Sir Alexander King, top adviser on
science and education policy to the royal family and Prince Philip, wrote
that new advances in communications technology will greatly expand the power
of the media, both in the advanced and developing sectors. The media, he
proclaimed, is the most powerful weapon and ``agent of change'' in the fight
to establish a ``one-worldist,'' neo-Malthusian order that will transcend and
obliterate the concept of the nation-state.

``It is certainly necessary to engage in a broad debate with the journalists
and the top media executives involved to study the conditions for them to be
able to define this new role,''
 King wrote.

In his project, King's Club of Rome can count on cooperation from the media
cartel, which is a British asset, as documented in our report. It can also
call on the capabilities of a mass psychological warfare machine, also run by
the British and their assets, which extends into key phases of media
production, and includes writers and psychiatrists who help shape the
content, and the pollsters who fine-tune and analyze the impact on targetted
populations. Beyond this interacting network, there are millions of
participants involved in the production, distribution, and transmission of
media messages, whose thinking, in turn, has been shaped by the content of
the media product, and who are, effectively, self-brainwashed by the culture
within which they live.

The Tavistock Mother
The historic center of this mass psywar apparatus is based outside London, in
the Tavistock Center. [2] Established in the aftermath of World War I under
the patronage of the Duke George of Kent (1902-42), the original Tavistock
Clinic, led by John Rawlings Rees, developed as the psychological warfare
center for the royal family and British intelligence. Rees and a cadre group
of Freudian and neo-Freudian psychiatrists, applied wartime experience of
psychological collapse, to create theories about how such conditions of
breakdown could be induced, absent the terror of war. The result was a theory
of mass brainwashing, involving group experience, that could be used to alter
the values of individuals, and through that, induce, over time, changes in
the axiomatic assumptions that govern society.

In the 1930s, Tavistock's extended networks developed a symbiotic
relationship with the Frankfurt Institute for Social Research, created by
European oligarchical networks, which focussed on the study and criticism of
culture from a neo-Freudian standpoint. In the late 1930s, with its
operations transferred from Germany to the New York area, the Frankfurt
School coordinated the first analysis of the impact of a mass media
phenomenon, i.e., radio, on culture--the Princeton-based ``Radio Research
Project.'' [3]

With the outbreak of World War II, Tavistock operatives took effective
control of the Psychological Warfare Directorate of the British Army, while
its allied network in the United States embedded itself in the American
psychological warfare apparatus, including the 

[CTRL] The Cartelization of the News Industry

2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-


The Cartelization of the News Industry

by Jeffrey Steinberg

Printed in The American Almanac, May 5, 1997.

End of Page Mass Brainwashing   Site MapOverview Page

In 1996, the 104th Congress, with overwhelming bipartisan support, and with
the backing of the White House, passed a telecommunications bill that removed
the last remaining obstacles to the complete cartelization of America's mass
media and ``news'' industry. The door was opened for a handful of
predominantly British and British-allied media giants to take over the
newspaper, radio, and television markets in the major urban centers of the
United States.

Perhaps one reason that the sweeping deregulation of the communications,
entertainment, and news media took place, with hardly a whimper of opposition
from any factions in government, is that the process of corporate
cartelization and mass-media tyranny had already advanced so far, that the
new law represented merely a codification of something that had already been

In a rapidly growing number of cases, these media giants are not even
American companies. Many of the most influential media conglomerates are
directly British owned and operated:

*   The Hollinger Corporation, a direct outgrowth of World War II British
Secret Intelligence Service operations, housed in Canada and the United
States, owns more than 100 daily and weekly newspapers in the United States,
concentrated in the Midwest. The Hollinger Corp. has been the driving force
behind the campaign to destroy the institution of the U.S. Presidency,
through what has come to be known as ``Clintongate.'' Hollinger has been
acting as a branch of British intelligence in this effort, employing the most
advanced methods of psychological warfare, and deploying its own resources as
well as those of allied media organizations, private tax-exempt foundations,
and ``wanna-be'' Tory factions of the U.S. Republican Party, to sink the

Hollinger is at the forefront of the Redcoat-media invasion of America, but
they are not alone.

*   The Thomson Group, another British media conglomerate with long-standing
ties to the British monarchy and British intelligence, owns over 100
newspapers all across America. Pearson, another Fleet Street giant, owns a
large stake in the London Economist, the chief propaganda organ for the City
of London financial establishment.

*   Rupert Murdoch, the Australian media mogul and personal protégé of
Britain's World War II propaganda chief, Lord Beaverbrook, has spread his
News Corporation all across the United States, in print media, radio, and
television, while at the same time owning the semi-official organ of the
British monarchy, the Times of London.

A Near-Total Monopoly
Among the American-owned media giants, a half-dozen companies share, with
their British cousins, a near-total monopoly over the news. The Associated
Press, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the Los Angeles Times
(Times Mirror Corp.) are, along with Reuters and the British Broadcasting
Corporation (BBC, and its U.S. de facto subsidiaries, National Public Radio
and the Public Broadcasting System), almost the sole sources of news for the
overwhelming majority of Americans.

Except, that is, for the four television news departments at NBC, CBS, ABC,
and CNN (FOX-TV has recently built up its own news department). But, these
four companies are themselves subsidiaries of even larger multimedia
conglomerates: General Electric owns NBC; Time Warner recently absorbed CNN;
Disney/Capital Cities owns ABC; and Westinghouse owns CBS. Each of these
mega-media-entities owns local TV and radio stations in major urban centers,
as well as magazines, motion picture companies, and record companies, (in
addition to their more familiar product lines), throughout the United States.

The reach of this cartel extends far beyond the borders of the United States,
to reach English speakers around the world. For example, the International
Herald Tribune, the English-language ``newspaper of record'' abroad, is a
joint venture of the Washington Post and New York Times.

Whereas, not too long ago, various trade journals would compile a profile of
the 100 most powerful media executives, the list has now dwindled down to no
more than 20 multimedia CEOs.

This, then is the structure of an enormous cartel, operating in a mode that
British Intelligence official H.G. Wells dubbed an ``open conspiracy.''
Murdoch, Ted Turner and similar media moguls have been trumpeted in the pages
of the British-influenced ``American'' society journal, Vanity Fair as
holding the ``real power'' in what is called the ``New Establishment.'' But,
that too, like the 

[CTRL] Fwd: Assassinated Israeli Minister Had Ties To Jewish-Russian Organized Crime...

2001-10-19 Thread William Shannon

Assassinated Israeli Minister Had Ties To Jewish-Russian Organized Crime
Had Been Denied Government Most In 1980s Because Of Links To Sex Slavery /

10/19/01 10:59:28 AM
LSN Staff

Jerusalm, Occupied Palestine -- Assassinated Israeli Tourism Minister
Rehavem Ze'evi had ties to ethnically-
based Jewish criminal organizations in Russia and the Former Soviet Union,
has been praviously tied to the trafficking of prostitutes and sex slaves
Israel from Russia and Eastern Europe, according to a series of Israeli
newspaper articles that ran in 1990 when Ze'evi was nominated to be
Minister of
Police by the government of Yitzhak Shmair.

Organized Jewish criminals in Russia, as highlighted in a Jeruslam Post
in 1999, have been involved in the transport of Russian and Eastern
women, either through actual kidnap or through promises of a new job and a
life, into Israel, where the women are raped and forced into prostitution.
This activity is tacitly approved of by extreme racist elements in the
government, who upon ecnountering a sex slave, promptly arrest them for
entering the country without a visa and deport them before they can
against their accusers.  The Jeruslam Post article also discusses how
there is
no law in Israel against slavery, and thus police could not arrest the
traders in most situations even if they wanted to.

The articles regarding Ze'evi are not available on line, as no Israeli
newspapers have their articles archived back to 1990, but an article that
appeared in a recent edition of Forward hints at Ze'evi's connections to
organized crime (for those who want an immediate reference):


Libertarian Socialist News
Post Office Box 12244
Silver Spring, MD 20908

(check out our messageboards -- discuss this story on-line!)

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[CTRL] The end of an unserious decade

2001-10-19 Thread Carl Amedio
This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which follows. 
To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=24997 Friday, October 19, 2001
 The end of an unserious decade

By Patrick J. Buchanan
© 2001 Creators Syndicate, Inc. In September 1929, "the Roaring Twenties," "the Era of Wonderful Nonsense," of sex, booze and jazz, ended with the stock market crash that began the Great Depression. There followed the "low dishonest decade" of poet W. H. Auden's depiction, as Western statesmen sought to appease their way to security and peace. On Sept. 11, 2001, as the 767s smashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center and Pentagon, killing 5,000 Americans, another unserious era of sex scandals and stock market silliness came to an end. Recall, if you will, the summer of 2001. The story that had CNN, MSNBC and FOX News transfixed was the saga of Gary Condit. Nightly, talk-show hosts demanded answers to the great questions: Why did Gary throw away the watch box? Where did stewardess Anne Marie Smith spend her D.C. nights? By Sept. 11, the story seemed about to end in a great courtroom drama, with Anne Marie charging Gary with libel – for denying she committed adultery. What will the decade be remembered for? The Trial of O. J.? Who killed Jon-Benet Ramsey? The Oval Office trysts of Bill and Monica? Condit summer? Meanwhile, not to worry about the world. For America is "the last superpower," the "indispensable nation." The New Economy will take us to "Dow 36,000!" "Pax Americana" and "Global Democracy" are our destiny. On Sept. 11, the frivolous era came to an end. Suddenly, for the first time since Gen. Jackson drove the British army out of Louisiana, the enemy was inside the gates, slaughtering thousands. Why? Because we adopted an open-borders policy that left tens of millions of illegal aliens wandering about America, few of whom had any loyalty to us, some of whom were willing to murder us on the orders of their foreign masters. To keep the cost of labor down, we let millions of strangers, and not a few enemies, into our home. Never before has America been so vulnerable, and corporate greed and craven politics did it to us. Tuesday, the U.S. reported that industrial production fell for the 12th straight month. Bethlehem Steel became the latest U.S. company to go Chapter 11. U.S. factories now produce at 75 percent of capacity. Last year, the U.S. trade deficit in manufactureds hit $324 billion and the merchandise trade deficit $450 billion. The de-industrialization of America is well advanced. In a triumph of the globalists, America has become again what she has not been in generations: a dependent nation. For the loss of our economic independence, we may thank the free-trade-uber-alles crowd. They tell us their high principles prevent them from saving the U.S. industries their policies are designed to kill. But, routinely, they loot our tax dollars to bail out their banker friends and foreign collaborators from Indonesia to Russia to Argentina. With the collapse of the Soviet Empire, the U.S. had a chance to dissolve old Cold War alliances and adopt an America First policy of non-intervention in wars that were none of our business. Instead, we launched the Gulf War, expanded NATO to Russia's border, went nation-building in Somalia, invaded Haiti, plunged into the Balkans, smashed Serbia and imposed sanctions that may have killed half a million Iraqis. Today, U.S. war commitments in Eastern Europe, the Balkans, the Gulf, Central Asia and the Taiwan Strait exceed those of Ronald Reagan. Yet, Mr. Bush has only half the Army, Navy and Air Force Mr. Reagan had. Never has America been so over-extended. How has the American Empire profited the American people? Only the Brits are with us in Afghanistan, and they will take a pass on the next war planned by our war hawks: The invasion of Iraq. Meanwhile, once-friendly regimes from Jordan to Malaysia squirm to distance themselves from "the indispensable nation." With the FBI warning of a 100 percent chance of terrorist attacks, with anthrax scares shutting down Congress, with daily calls to curtail civil liberties, questions arise: Are we more or less free and secure than when we began to build this "New World Order"? Are we better off now than we were before we ignored our founding fathers and decided to go abroad "in search of monsters to destroy"? The president has moved with great prudence in the Afghan war. Let us go in, get them, get out and go home – and let the Arab and Islamic world work out its own destiny. But of this we may be sure: History will hold the globalists and latter-day imperialists of left and right accountable. Their epitaph is already written: "On the altar of global empire, they sacrificed their country."Pat Buchanan has been a senior adviser to three presidents, twice a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination and the presidential nominee of the Reform Party in 

[CTRL] Bush,Cheney The Saudi Status Quo

2001-10-19 Thread William Shannon

Oil omissions
Bush Sr., Cheney have big stakes in Saudi status quo

The New York Times ran an interesting article Sunday, as interesting for what it did not say as for what it did.

Headlined, "Fears, Again, of Oil Supplies at Risk," the piece by Neela Banerjee addressed the nightmares that George W's war has raised among those concerned about oil. Politicians and oil executives imagine, says Banerjee, a potential domino effect that could end up with angry Persian Gulf states cutting off the flow of oil to the west, terrorism blocking its transport through the Strait of Hormuz and even Osama bin Laden taking control of Saudi Arabia from a toppled Saud family.

"If bin Laden takes over and becomes king of Saudi Arabia, he'd turn off the tap," Roger Diwan, a managing director of the Petroleum Finance Company, a consulting firm in Washington, told Banerjee. "He said at one point that he wants oil to be $144 a barrel - about six times what it sells for now." And Saudi Arabia, the Times reminds us, is Osama bin Laden's Enemy No. 1: "Mr. bin Laden has long made clear that his ultimate goal, more than wreaking havoc in the West, is toppling the Saud family. And Saudi Arabia would be a crucial target for anyone seeking to cut deeply into the world oil flow."

Banerjee restates other points that need emphasizing, such as the fact that while U.S.-dependence on Gulf oil is down to 13 percent of overall use, Saudi Arabia is still the country's biggest single supplier of crude. Moreover, "The Saudis are the only ones with enough spare oil-field capacity to call on if there is a severe disruption elsewhere," he writes. There are some major omissions, however, in Banerjee's piece.

The first of these is that in an article focusing on Saudi Arabia, oil and the United States, there is no acknowledgement of the Bush family's ties to the corrupt Kingdom of Saud, and its explicit investment in maintaining the status quo in that fundamentalist country.

Most obviously, ex-President and ex-CIA Director George Bush has been working his assets for the Washington-based Carlyle Group, a $12 billion private equity firm, since he left office. He specializes in Saudi Arabia and certainly has in interest in the Kingdom's enduring profitability.

The public-interest law firm Judicial Watch earlier this year strongly criticized this situation, pointing out in a March 5 statement that it is a "conflict of interest [which] could cause problems for America's foreign policy in the Middle East and Asia." In a Sept. 29 statement, Judicial Watch added that, "This conflict of interest has now turned into a scandal. The idea of the president's father, an ex-president himself, doing business with a company under investigation by the FBI in the terror attacks of September 11 is horrible." They demanded President Bush make his father pull out of the Carlyle Group.

Additionally, an article about oil supplies that doesn't mention the Caspian Sea is quite something to see. Banerjee entirely ignores the story that is burning up progressive talk radio waves this month, and buzzing around thoughtful alternative Web sites. Hidden behind President Bush's war to avenge the victims of September 11, could there be an Oil Agenda? Michael Klare, author of "Resource Wars," has suggested that the long-term Bush/Cheney plan is to establish a Pax Americana in Central Asia and secure the vast oil resources of the Caspian Basin.

U.S. oil companies have been negotiating with the post-Soviet republics of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan for access to the oil for years, but have been stymied by political instability in the region. Oil conglomerates were torn between two possible pipeline routes to Western markets: west through the war-torn Caucasus Mountains to Turkey, or south through war-torn Afghanistan to Pakistan and the Arabian Sea.

Until it was put on hold in 1998, Unocal, which spearheaded the Afghan project was to have built a 1,005-mile oil pipeline and a companion 918-mile natural gas pipeline, in addition to a tanker loading terminal in Pakistan's Arabian Sea port of Gwadan. The company projected annual revenues of $2 billion, or enough to recover the cost of the project in five years. As reported by journalist Jan Goodwin, Unocal opened offices in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and Turkmenistan and got every faction of the Afghan Northern Alliance to sign on. Even former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger got on board to help sell the project in the region. [See: New York Times, 12/5/98]

Backing the Caspian plan is none other than Vice President Dick Cheney, who, as CEO of Halliburton was successful in winning contracts from Caspian Sea states to be part of any future development. In 1994, Cheney helped to broker a deal between the oil company Chevron and the state of Kazakhstan when he sat on the Oil Advisory Board of that former soviet state.

The Amarillo Globe-News reported on a 1998 talk 

[CTRL] [ctrl] Ted Turner Alcholic Bum to Decide Who Lives and dies? (fwd)

2001-10-19 Thread William Bacon

visit my web site at  http://www.voicenet.com/~wbacon
My ICQ# is 79071904
for a precise list of the powers of the Federal Government linkto:

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 22:22:40 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [ctrl] Ted Turner Alcholic Bum to Decide Who Lives and dies?

this man has given oh so much money to the UN and this man has always
been a front man for someone else.

In this item this alcoholic bum, Ted Turner is alleged to have said 98
percent of the people are not fit to live where they are permitted to
pollute the earth.   This drunken bum, is nothing but a front man for
organized crime and always has been the fact that he married a woman
who, had Viet Nam been a legal war, could have been executed for treason
like a Tokyo Rose or a Lord Haw Haw - does not seem to phase him but he
did sober up long enough to get a good look at what he had married, and
gave her the boot.

This item is very long, but in it is big germ of truth from the
population control to even mention of Green Berets.

It is obvious to me the Calendar of Death I have keyed to the Stars and
the Testaments is not only the Communist Timetable, but is used by the
head assassins who put out the hits on unsuspecting heads of the
countries wth whom they disagree - and all roads do lead, to this
Christian Zionist crap.

Anyway, if you pull up this article think those on list interested in
this kind of material will enjoy same for herein lay part of the great
conspiracy as old as the original bible itself and the bible in the
wrong hands, is a very dangerous book.but then Hitler found that out
in the end, didn't he?


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Re: [CTRL] US Troops Abandoning Army,Seeking Conscientious Objector Status...

2001-10-19 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Samantha L wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 In a message dated 10/18/01 6:06:26 PM Central Daylight Time,

  Yantis also said it would be disingenuous, for a soldier to say, 'Oh, I
   joined up to be an infantryman. I never knew that that meant I might have
   to go to war.'

   I agree.  The military is a large, organized killing apparatus.  That's all
 it is and all it's ever been.  How can anyone not know this?   If the
 military tried to seduce them into joining this killing apparatus by
 misrepresenting the facts, who is surprised?  An organization that prides
 itself on researching and implementing various ways to cause suffering and
 death is not exactly above lying.  This situation now increases the
 probablility of a draft for those young people who knew enough not to

Basic Training should have erased all doubts as to purpose of the
armed forces.

Mark McHugh

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: [BIOWAR] Cipro Takers Developing Toxic Shock

2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

Can anyone corroborate this?


LUCIANNE.COM EXCLUSIVE - Cipro Takers Developing Toxic Shock
Lucianne.com, by LComStaff   Original Article
Posted By: LComStaff - 10/19/2001 5:18:19 PM
Sources close [to] the American Media in Florida reporting a problem no one
wants to talk about. Several people taking Cipro have developed toxic shock
reactions. A half-dozen ambulance calls to new building in last couple days.
. . people having convulsions. As Drudge would say..developing.

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[CTRL] Fwd: FTW SUBSCRIBER BULLETIN 01-19 Terrorist Surface to Air Missiles May Be in U.S. - Nuke Plants Possible Targets

2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

Surface to Air Missiles Possibly in U.S. 

Government is in No Comment 

Michael C. Ruppert

[© Copyright 2001, Michael C. Ruppert and From The 
Wilderness Publications. All Rights Reserved.  May be recopied or distributed 
for non-profit purposes only.]
(Editorial Note: Although FTW has received many 
reports pertaining to the likely nature of future terrorist attacks we have 
refrained from publishing them because we either felt that they were 
unsubstantiated or risked causing unnecessary alarm. This story is the first 
such story that we have felt it essential to report. We view the anthrax 
outbreaks of recent weeks as a distracting form of psychological warfare, which 
do not pose an immediate risk to any large numbers of 

FTW, October 19, 2001, 1400 PDT  Credible information 
received by FTW from a source long connected to intelligence operations, and 
circumstantially supported by recent but little publicized events  including 
government alerts - indicates that a number of hand-held surface-to-air 
missiles, perhaps as many as 35, may have been smuggled into the U.S. from 
Events in the last two days at U.S. and French nuclear 
generating plants lend credibility to the sources claims.
October 15 Michael Riconosciuto, a computer programmer connected by government 
documents to CIA and FBI intelligence operations involving Promis software, made 
contact with a radio talk show host who has requested anonymity. Riconosciuto 
passed on a warning that as many as 35 Russian-made surface to air missiles had 
been smuggled across the Canadian border into the U.S. The movement of the 
missiles reportedly occurred within the last week to ten days. According to the 
broadcaster the missiles were part of a two-phase attack on the United States 
that began with the World Trade Center attacks on September 11. The second phase 
of the plan was to shoot down large aircraft over population centers and/or 
high value targets.
Although Riconosciuto is currently an inmate in the 
federal penitentiary at Allenwood, PA  serving a sentence on a drug conviction 
- he has repeatedly been the source of highly accurate information as documented 
in a number of press stories, even while in prison. His status as a credible 
intelligence source, both for U.S. and foreign agencies was confirmed last year 
in an investigation by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) national 
security staff. During that investigation, members of the RCMP  tracking 
developments around an intelligence software program known as Promis - visited 
FTW editor Michael Ruppert and acknowledged that Riconosciuto was a key player 
with highly sensitive intelligence knowledge. However, both the RCMP 
investigators and Ruppert shared the opinion that Riconosciutos information was 
not always 100% accurate. (To read a fuller description on the RCMP/Promis 
investigation please visit http://www.copvcia.com/stories/may_2001/052401_promis.html.) 

In a 
recent and unrelated development, United States government agencies, including 
the Department of Justice and the FBI, acknowledged in FOX News reports on 
October 17, that they had stopped using Promis. FTW has confirmed that the FBI 
now admits use of the software. These sudden reversals came after years of 
denials - including court testimony - from those agencies that they had ever 
used the software. These confirmations support longstanding claims made by 
On the 
evening of October 17, as confirmed by brief but unpublicized stories by the 
Associated Press and in direct interviews by FTW, the Three Mile Island (TMI) 
nuclear plant outside of Harrisburg, PA was put on a state of high alert. At the 
same time the FAA ordered an immediate and unexplained shutdown of the 
Harrisburg airport located just a few miles from the 
October 19, an AP report disclosed that France had suddenly set up a radar 
system in northwest France to sweep the skies above Europes largest nuclear 
reprocessing plant as a precaution against airborne suicide attacks. Taken at 
its face the AP story seems to indicate preparations for a different kind of 
attack. However, it raises questions about why military and civilian radar 
systems currently in operation would not detect an aircraft moving off course 
toward the plant and might possibly be a cover to disguise other kinds of 
preparations. There are too many operational variables to determine, one way or 
another, if the French move is connected to events at TMI.
Harrisburg airport spokesperson, Scott Miller, told 
FTW that he had no knowledge of why the FAA ordered the shutdown of the 
Harrisburg airport on Wednesday night. We were just following orders from the 
FAA Eastern Regional spokesperson Jim Peters told 
FTW, Even if I knew, Id have to refer you to the FBI.
unidentified spokesperson at FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. told FTW, No 
Harrisburg airport reopened 

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Was CIA Running Terrorist Flight School?

2001-10-19 Thread Kris Millegan

from www.madcowprod.com

19--Your legend is your cover story, in intelligence parlance;
the lie that holds together long enough to let you skip the country...

The legends of Rudi Dekkers as flight school owner and Mohamed Atta as
fanatic 'Islamic fundamentalist have been fraying at the edges since the
collapse of the World Trade Center.
Still, they may have lasted long enough to do the job for which they were
intended. With a war on, no one seems to be losing sleep over the fact that the
version of events currently being peddled about the September 11th disaster
relies on what one law enforcement source wryly calls 'the magic Dutch boy'
In the Kennedy assassination 'the Magic Bullet' theory allowed the FBI
to apply Lee Harvey Oswalds lone nut gunman tag. The current 'lone nut cadre
theory' of the FBI for the Sept 11 disaster, goes this latest reasoning, will
only fly through use of a similarly-twisted logic trail, one now being called
'the magic Dutch boy theory.'
It goes like this:
Both of the pilots who guided planes into the twin towers of the World Trade
Center had trained at Rudi Dekkers Huffman Aviation when they first got to
America. Dekkers, a Dutch national, had only recently purchased the flight
school located at the small out of the way Venice Florida Airport.
The terrorist duo practicing touch and gos in the humid September air on
Floridas Gulf coast were soon joined by a third student terrorist pilot, the
one on UAL Flight 93. He signed up at the Florida Flight Training Center almost
next door to Dekkers Huffman Aviation, making it a terrorist trifecta out at
the unsuspecting Venice Airport.
Just like Dekkers Huffman Aviation, this second flight school had also just
changed owners. And the new owner of this flight school too turns out to be a
Dutch national. His name is Arne Kruithof, from Rotterdam in the
The magic Dutch boy theory says that the appearance of these two foreign
nationals, both Dutch, purchasing flight schools at the same time at the same
airport is merely a 'magical' coincidence...
Because if the appearance of a second Dutch national purchasing a flight
school right as the terrorist cadre show up isn't just the a
strange coincidence belonging on Ripleys Believe it Or Not... then they're
hiding what looks unmistakably like a covert intelligence operation down in
Venice Florida.
It being Florida, that means the CIA, reputed to be active in the state.
"Two Dutch boys buying adjacent flight schools which shortly thereafter get
'overrun by terrorists is one damn Dutch boy too many," stated our law
enforcement source. "Its untidy."
Was the CIA running a covert, or black, operation out of the Venice, Florida
Airport? Might they have been training pilots for Bin Laden in an effort to
penetrate his organization that went more-than-just-slightly-horrifically
Will we someday be adding Magic Dutch Boy to the 'Magic Bullet' Wing
of the Secret History Museum?
The local Venice Gondolier two days after the disaster ran a huge black
headline reading: "Evil in our own backyard."
Underneath it they had placed a picture of Rudi Dekkers facing a phalanx of
TV cameras out at the Venice Airport. The irony of the juxtaposition did not go
"At first everyone just thought it was kind of amusing," an aviation employee
at the airport said, "because it made Dekkers look like he was the evil in our
backyard, which the newspaper probably didnt mean."
Pause. "And then it hit me. Dekkers had purchased his aviation school at just
about the time the terrorist pilots moved into town and began their
Is Rudi Dekkers just an innocent aviation executive whose flight school
received the most unfortunate business publicity since Ryder Trucks at the time
of the Oklahoma City bombing? Or is there a darker reality lurking behind his
widely promoted public persona?
Reporters swarmed the Venice airport in the days after the identity of the
terrorist pilots and their relationship with the local flight schools became
known. An analysis of their stories reveals that there were two different
versions of events being given by flight school representatives, that were in
disagreement even on basic chronology, like which of their schools the
terrorists attended first.
A flight instructor at Jones Aviation Flying Service Inc. which operates from
the Venice-adjacent Sarasota Bradenton International Airport, told the
Associated Press that Atta and Al-Shehhi arrived in "September or October" and
asked to be given flight training.
Jones Instructor Ivan Chirivella said the two came to Jones Aviation from
Huffman Aviation in Venice. Chirivella said he spent four hours almost every
morning from September to October last year instructing Mohamed Atta, 33, and
Marwan Yousef Alshehhi, 23.
But Rudi Dekkers at Huffman Aviation, who has been getting all the national
face-time, had been telling a different tale.They signed up at Huffman in late
July, he stated in innumerable 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy

2001-10-19 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 10/19/01 4:08:21 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Hola Samantha
  Could you provide an address or phone/e0mail for this guy.

  Oops, I thought I'd included that portion.  I also left out another
important part, about a reprint of a book.  Here is all the additional info:

In Peace, Truth, Justice  Hope for All of the People of the Earth!

Frank Dorrel
3967 Shedd Terrace
Culver City, Calif. 90232



  by Joel Andreas

We are also reprinting this brilliant 64 page illustrated expose, first
published in 1993, which is now out of print. This is the best book I have
ever read on this subject! It is endorsed by Howard Zinn, Michael Parenti,
Blase Bonpane, S. Brian Willson, Ed Asner, George Carlin, Casey Kasem, Susan
Sarandon, Michael Ruppert and many others.

Addicted to War takes on the most powerful and destructive military in the
world. Hard-hitting, carefully documented, and heavily illustrated, it
reveals why the United States has been involved in more wars in recent years
than any other country. Read it to find out who benefits from these military
adventures, who pays, who dies.

This book is easy to read and understand. It has 161 footnotes. It also has
great quotes from some of the military, government  business leaders who
have been in control of our American system. Our tax dollars have been used
to exploit the people of the Third World, while many of the problems here at
home have not be taken care of.

At this point I can send you a xerox copy of Addicted to War for $6, or
you can send me an email letting me know that you would like to get a new
copy ($8), as soon as it is reprinted, hopefully sometime in December. Joel
Andreas will be updating this book, as it was written in 1993. He will
include the events of September 11th, asking the question, Why did this

It is my belief that in order to bring about peace in this world, the truth
needs to be understood by a certain percentage of the American people. This
tape and this book will go along way in doing just that. They are learning
tools that each of you can use in the struggle for Peace and Justice. Thank
you for being concerned and involved. And thanks to Ralph Cole for the work
he has done in order to bring to you the best speakers and events on these
issues, all across the country.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Ron Bonds - Rarely fatal bacteria contributed to his death

2001-10-19 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Subj:[the_octopus] {Ron Bonds} Rarely fatal bacteria contributed to
diner's death
Date:   10/19/01 8:25:06 PM Central Daylight Time

Widow sues restaurant
Rarely fatal bacteria contributed to diner's death


Just after noon on April 7, Ron Bonds and his wife sat down to lunch at the
El Azteca restaurant on Ponce de Leon Avenue. They both ordered and ate
meals that contained ground beef. An hour later, they paid their bill and

At 9 p.m., a wave of nausea hit Bonds. Then the vomiting and diarrhea set
in. Six hours later, his condition alarmed him enough to ask his wife, who
had become slightly ill, to call an ambulance. Shortly after it pulled up to
their Morningside home, Bonds collapsed on the bathroom floor.

For years, Bonds had suffered both gastritis, a swelling of the stomach, and
diverticulosis, a tiny pouch-like scarring of the colon and intestinal
walls. Those pouches, when irritated by a foreign substance such as
food-borne bacteria, can swell and cause painful inflammation and bleeding.

When Bonds arrived at Grady Memorial Hospital, tubes were inserted into his
nose and mouth, reaching into his intestines and lungs. But doctors could do
little to stop the internal swelling or to rouse him from unconsciousness.

At 5:30 a.m. April 8, Bonds died. He was 48.

Nancy Kratzer didn't believe the doctors when they told her her husband was
dead. According to her attorney Mark Harper, she kept repeating, No, that
can't be; it was only food poisoning.

A Fulton County medical examiner performed an autopsy April 9. According to
the death certificate, severe swelling of the stomach and the intestines
killed Bonds. The swelling was triggered by bacteria called Clostridium
perfringens, the certificate states. It describes the injury as ingested
contaminated food and lists the place of injury as restaurant ... 939
Ponce de Leon Ave.

On the day following the autopsy, the medical examiner notified the county
health department that a large amount of Clostridium perfringens had been
found in Bonds' stool. The day after, county health inspectors visited El
Azteca. Four days had passed since Bonds ate there. The inspectors took
samples of beef from a steam table and delivered them that afternoon to a
state lab, according to the health department's investigative report. State
epidemiologists found 6 million cells of the bacteria per gram of beef.

Fulton health department officials said those numbers warrant attention,
since as few as 10,000 cells per gram can cause illness. But the numbers
don't indicate how harmful the beef could be, because different people have
different reactions to the bacteria, officials told CL.

Clostridium perfringens multiplies in cooked food that is cooled too slowly,
according to Michael Doyle, a professor at the University of Georgia's
Center for Food Safety. Even if cooked ground beef is refrigerated
immediately, a big vat can take hours or even a day to cool, Doyle says. To
kill the bacteria, food must be reheated to a specific degree.

Doyle says ingesting too much of the bacteria typically entails a day or two
of diarrhea and, sometimes, vomiting. But on rare occasion, especially when
somebody has underlying illnesses, it can be worse, he says.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported in a 1999 study that
a fatal reaction to Clostridium perfringens food poisoning occurs in .0005
percent of cases.

A week after health inspectors took El Azteca meat samples, the health
department obtained credit card receipts from all of the customers who ate
at the restaurant the day Bonds and his wife did, according to the
department's report.

From 217 names, the inspectors tracked down 118 potential customers. Seven
said they'd had diarrhea anywhere from 12 to 81 hours after eating at El
Azteca. Five said they had suffered cramps in that time period. Three said
they had vomited.

Although none of those people was able to submit a stool sample, the
department report states that one suffered a probable case of Clostridium
perfringens infection, judging from the length of incubation time and the
characteristics of the symptoms.

After identifying the other possible illness, the department put the
restaurant on probation, testing samples of El Azteca beef weekly until two
consecutive weeks passed without notable amounts of the bacteria. Because
the next two tests proved relatively bacteria free, the department ceased
testing after two weeks and concluded its investigation.

In order to suspend or revoke a restaurant's permit following a food-borne
illness outbreak, the health director must determine that the outbreak is a
substantial or imminent health hazard to the public, according to
department rules. Fulton Health Director Adewale Troutman did not reach that

Although inspectors haven't checked the restaurant for Clostridium
perfringens since April, three routine 

Re: [CTRL] Americans Target Of Largest Brainwashing...In History (Pt.2)

2001-10-19 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-

Bill -

  I'm late in reading these articles.  This part really surprised me.  These
are exact quotes from The Siege?  Amazing!


In a message dated 10/16/01 6:58:38 PM Central Daylight Time,

 Somewhere in your memory banks, were planted the pictures in your head of
  the WTC attack. New Yorker film critic Anthony Lane writes in the
  Sept. 24 issue, How often have we listened to these words [since Sept.
  The statement of fact: `The worst terrorist bombing since Oklahoma City.'
 The promise: `Make no mistake about it--we will hunt down the enemy, we
 find the enemy, and we will kill the enemy.' The caution: `You can't fight
a war
  against an enemy you can't see.' And the ominous look ahead: `This is a
  of war; the fact that it is inside our border means that it is a new kind
  war.' We have learned such sentiments like a script; that we have heard it
  again and again [in the days since Sept. 11] has not diminished the
 sternness with which we have given our assent.

  Just one problem: it IS a script. All the lines quoted come from `The
  Siege,' a 1998 thriller directed by Edward Zwick.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Returnees From Albania

2001-10-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Al-Ahram Weekly Online
18 - 24 October 2001
Issue No.556
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
Current issue | Previous issue | Site map
Egypt's most wanted
Egyptian Afghans, the hard core of Al-Qa'ida, are based not only in
Afghanistan but across Europe. In the United Kingdom, Germany, and
Austria, Bin Laden's lieutenants have for years enjoyed political
asylum. Only recently have some found their way to prison, or were
delivered -- handcuffed -- to Egypt. Ahmed Moussa reports
Afghan Arabs. Al-Qa'ida. If they stick, these labels can elevate
people to the dubious ranks of the most-wanted list. Since 11
September, members of Osama Bin Laden's outfit, blamed for the
attacks on New York and Washington, have been the subject of one of
the largest manhunts known in modern times.
The men often referred to as Afghan Arabs were mostly young people
when they headed to Afghanistan in the early 1980s to fight the
Soviets. Mission accomplished, many of them returned home after the
war, only to face and
cause trouble. Others moved on, taking residence in over 25 countries, obtaining 
political asylum, often with the blessing of the intelligence services of the host 
countries. Some, it is claimed, even worked for these int
elligence services.
Now the focus of international attention is: who are these men, where are they, and 
what links have they kept with Bin Laden?
The Egyptian roster of most-wanted men is long. Below is a list of the key figures.
1. Ayman Rabi' El-Zawahri, leader of Al-Jihad group. El-Zawahri was sentenced to death 
in Egypt in 1999 in a case dubbed the Returnees from Albania. Born in Giza in 1951, 
El-Zawahri was the eldest son in the family. Two
 of his brothers are known militants. Mohamed is in charge of Al-Jihad's military 
wing. Hussein was convicted for his role in the assassination attempt against former 
Interior Minister Hassan Abu Basha in 1987.
Security records say El-Zawahri began his terrorist career in 1974 with a group dubbed 
Yehya Hashim. In the late 1970s, El-Zawahri joined Al-Jihad and was sentenced to 
three years in prison in connection with the assass
ination of President Anwar El-Sadat in 1981. He was released in 1984 and left the 
country for Saudi Arabia. Later, he moved to Pakistan, where he set up an Al-Jihad 
office in Peshawar. He met Bin Ladin for the first time
in 1989 and the two men became virtually inseparable. In the absence of Bin Laden, 
security sources believe El- Zawahri is the only man capable of leading Al- Qa'ida. 
This is why the two have taken shelter in separate hid
ing places, in anticipation of US strikes.
Former colleagues of El-Zawahri say he travelled in the mid-1990s to the United States 
where he collected donations to support his group. He is also said to have instructed 
his aides to buy sophisticated communications te
chnology capable of tracing satellite radio frequencies. El-Zawahri's name appears on 
US terror lists with a promise of a $5 million reward to anyone providing information 
leading to his capture. Egypt had given his name
to Interpol in 1996 and again in 1997, requesting his arrest and extradition.
El-Zawahri kept in touch with his followers in Europe and other countries, 
particularly after the 1998 US air raid on Bin Laden's camps in Afghanistan, which he 
narrowly survived. Two years earlier, he had visited several
 countries including the United States and the United Kingdom, at one point staying 
with Bin Laden in a villa in Wembley, north London, owned by the latter. El-Zawahri 
joined the World Front for the Fight Against Jews and
 Crusaders, set up by Bin Laden in 1998 with the purpose of striking against US and 
Jewish interests.
2. Rifa'i Ahmed Taha, a key official of Al- Gama'a Al-Islamiya, received a death 
sentence in absentia in connection with the case dubbed the Returnees from 
Afghanistan. Taha, 51, with a degree in commerce from Assiut Un
iversity, served a five-year sentence for terrorist activities. Following his release, 
he left the country and settled in Afghanistan. He is credited with planning the 
massacre of tourists in Luxor in 1997. He signed the
statement Bin Laden issued in support of operations against US interests and Israelis. 
But he did not join the World Front, the keystone of Al-Qa'ida.
3. Subhi Abdel-Aziz El-Gohari Abu Sittah, who also goes by the names Abu Hafs El-Masri 
and Mohamed Atif. He is wanted by the United States and is believed to be one of Bin 
Laden's key planners and a mastermind of Al-Qa'id
a's military operations.
Abu Sittah went to Afghanistan in the early 1980s, where he worked in training camps 
for Arab mujahidin. He became the top military officer in Al-Qa'ida after the death of 
Ali Amin El- Rashidi, who drowned in Lake Victori
a in 1994. A year ago, a daughter of his married one of Bin Ladin's sons.
4. Nasr Fahmi Nasr Hassanein, also known as Mohamed Salah. He received a 

[CTRL] Backdoor to Afghania

2001-10-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Al-Ahram Weekly Online
18 - 24 October 2001
Issue No.556
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
Current issue | Previous issue | Site map
Backroom diplomacy and street violence
While the streets of Peshawar are wracked by virulent anti-US
protests, the Pakistani city is playing host to scores of secret
meetings that are likely to determine the shape of the future
government in Kabul, reports Khaled Dawoud
 Since the former Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, the
Pakistani border city of Peshawar has been the city most affected by
developments taking place in its war-torn neighbour. Out of the more
than 2.5 million Afghan refugees who fled to Pakistan over the past
two decades, over one million have settled in Peshawar, which, at an
hour's drive from the border, is the major Pakistani city closest to
the Afghan capital, Kabul.
This city of five million people, which has a strong rural character,
was also the last transit stop for thousands of young Arab and Muslim
militants from throughout the world before they entered Afghanistan
to take part
in the US-funded war against the former Soviet Union.
Accordingly, extremist Islamist parties and groups in Pakistan wield considerable 
influence in Peshawar, and the city has witnessed some of the most violent anti-US 
protests since the US initiated its military campaign ag
ainst Afghanistan nearly two weeks ago. Armoured vehicles and trucks carrying 
Pakistani army soldiers have established a foreboding presence on the main streets of 
the overcrowded and largely impoverished city. Pakistani
forces are taking stringent security measures to quell anti-US violence in the city of 
Quetta in Baluchistan province, also bordering Afghanistan and the closest Pakistani 
urban centre to the Taliban's headquarters in Kan
Pashtun tribes -- of the same ethnic origin as the ruling Taliban and half of 
Afghanistan's population, and living along the border near Peshawar -- have also been 
staging heated protests in which they brandished their we
apons and announced the recruitment of thousands of young men to join the war 
alongside the Taliban against the United States. The tribal area is untouched by 
Pakistani law and governed only by tribal codes of honour, u
nder which the most important rule is to provide unconditional support to members of 
the same tribe.
Yet, extremely tight security measures were also in evidence outside the luxurious 
villa of Commander Abdel-Haq, a former Afghan warlord who took part in the war against 
the Russians, but later disagreed with the Taliban
and fled to Peshawar.
When Al-Ahram Weekly tried to meet Abdel-Haq in Peshawar, his assistant, Abdel- Rehim 
Zalmai, who speaks fluent English, apologised, saying that Abdel-Haq had meetings with 
dozens of people who came from Afghanistan to s
ee him. Added to this startling revelation, Zalmai said Abdel-Haq's appointment 
agenda included meetings with Japan's ambassador and French diplomats. He added that 
since it became clear to exiled anti- Taliban Afghan
groups that the days of the extremist regime were numbered, many similar meetings have 
been taking place.
According to informed Pakistani sources, intensive secret contacts that enjoy the 
backing of President Pervez Musharraf's government are being conducted by the former 
Pashtun commander to determine the nature of a post- T
aliban government in Afghanistan.
Abdel-Haq is a key figure in the Assembly for Peace and National Unity of Afghanistan 
(APNUA). The leader of this group, Pir Syed Ahmed Gillani, is a powerful religious 
leader. He left on Saturday for Rome to hold talks w
ith former Afghan King Zaher Shah.
The United States, the United Nations and Pakistan have circulated the 86-year-old 
monarch's name as the possible leader of a post-Taliban government. Pakistani sources 
said, however, that Shah is not foreseen as the actu
al future ruler of Afghanistan, but more as a symbol that could help unite the various 
Afghan factions. King Zaher Shah's Pashtun ethnicity is a key requirement for Pakistan 
to give its approval for any future leader of a
 government in Kabul. Other Afghan anti-Taliban groups fear that the king would not 
last for long due to his age, and that his son and family members would seek to 
restore the monarchy, which was toppled in 1973.
Before his departure for Rome to meet the former king, APNUA leader Gillani renewed an 
appeal for unity among exiled Afghan groups. We are inviting all Afghans, whoever 
they are and wherever they may be, to come and disc
uss the ongoing crisis and find ways to restore peace in their war-torn country. He 
added that he includes members of the ruling Taliban in his call, but only those 
committed to ending the violence that has left our cou
ntry in ruins. Gillani said that there are those Taliban who find that their 
personal, spiritual and national duty is to stand with, not 

[CTRL] Fwd: Democrats.com Daily News for October 19, 2001

2001-10-19 Thread Samantha L.

forwarded news summaries

___DEMOCRATS.COMThe Aggressive Progressives__

Democrats.com is the largest independent community of Democrats.
We publish the only Democratic daily news service - and it's free!
Our members make it possible through generous contributions.
Please help by clicking below!

___.COMPOSITION__In This Issue___

Protest The Cancellation Of Talk Show Host Peter Werbe By Right Wing Station

Bush v. Democrats.com: Karl Rove Takes on the 'Credibility Gap'

Bush v. Terror: Cheney Leaves Bunker to Tell America that the War Against Terror Will 
Last Forever

More Evidence Of A 'Colossal Intelligence Failure'

Bush v. Bush: What Is Bush's Connection to Khalid bin Mahfouz, a Funder of Osama Bin 

Why Government-Sponsored Assassination is Idiotic - and Wrong

US Exports Anthrax Terror to Africa

Bush v. Islam: Powell Taps Ad Executive Charlotte Beers to Win Muslim Hearts  Minds

Fund for Afghan Children Is Another PR Move By The Bush Propaganda Machine

Bush v. Fiction: Hey Ari - Do We Need to Watch What we READ?

War of the Absurd: CNN Waits for Bin Laden Video

Ann Coulter – Plagiarist?

Cokie Dismisses All Dissenting Voices as 'None That Matter'

Bush Administration Rules Against Statistical Sampling; Minorities Will Likely Be 

GOP 'Stimulus' Tax Bill Would Almost Double Bush Tax Cuts Over Next Three Years; Cuts 
Skewed Towards Those With Highest Incomes

Interior Secretary Gale Norton Twists Facts on ANWR in Answering Senate

Ignoring Allergy Testing, EPA Approves Genetically Modified Corn as Payback for 
BioTech Campaign Contributions

The Globalizer Who Came In From the Cold

__Protest The Cancellation Of Talk Show Host Peter Werbe By Right Wing Station

After broadcasting for a year on a Santa Cruz AM station, left-of-center talk show 
host, Peter Werbe, had his program suddenly yanked from KOMY-AM without even 
notification to him or his network…The station never sought ads for the program, but 
the management said it aired Peter's program to balance its bevy of right-wing shows. 
However, even without any promotion, the show had a growing audience as evidenced by 
the high number of calls Peter's program received daily from the station's broadcast 
area...KOMY owner's mother, Kay Zwerling, the power behind the throne, similarly 
denounced the show and Peter during an on-air editorial, October 16…Please call the 
station at 831-475-1080 or email KOMY owner, Michael Zwerling, at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and tell 
them politely this assault on the 1st Amendment is unacceptable and inconsistent with 
their FCC operating license. So reports the Democratic Underground. 

__Bush v. Democrats.com: Karl Rove Takes on the 'Credibility Gap'

We've long known that Karl Rove secretly reads Democrats.com, because we're the only 
news channel that exposes the truth about the thoroughly corrupt Bush administration. 
So it comes as no surprise that two days after Democrats.com said Bush's biggest war 
risk was reviving the 'Credibility Gap' of the Vietnam era, Karl Rove consolidated 
several announcements into the first press conference by Vice President-in-Waiting Tom 
Ridge. Rove's mouthpiece Dan Bartlett said: The worst thing that can happen to the 
federal government is to lose credibility with the American people, and that's why we 
will continue to be very careful with the information we have and make sure it will be 
accurate. Bartlett, of course, is best known to loyal Democrats.com readers for his 
role in scrubbing Bush's AWOL from the media (see democrats.com/smokingjet). Hey Karl, 
thanks for reading Democrats.com - but when are you going to tell the truth about 
stealing the election? http://nytimes.com/2001/10/19/national/19ANTH.html

__Bush v. Terror: Cheney Leaves Bunker to Tell America that the War Against Terror 
Will Last Forever

Dick Cheney left his bunker to visit New York for the first time since September 11. 
In his remarks to a Catholic political dinner, he warned Americans to prepare 
themselves for further attacks, and he said that the increased security that is 
beginning to alter life in the United States will be a lasting change. 'Americans 
reasonably wonder How long will it last? The answer is that many of these changes we 
have made are permanent, at least in the lifetime of most of us... For the first time 
in our history, we will probably suffer more casualties here at home in America than 
will our troops overseas.' Cheney claimed the war is proceeding on course, but gave 
no timetable for defeating the Taliban, let alone our larger enemy, Terrorism. Does 
Bush plan to keep America at war FOREVER? 

__More Evidence Of A 'Colossal Intelligence Failure'

The one thing everybody agrees on is that a CIA cable transmitted Aug. 27 over a 

[CTRL] Emergency

2001-10-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Here's a nifty little (!) site that has many MANY resources on
emergencies, including an Usama (yeah, him) page.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Albanian Returnees

2001-10-19 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


 Al-Ahram Weekly
2 - 8 March 2000
Issue No. 471
Published in Cairo by AL-AHRAM established in 1875
Time Out
Letters  'Albanian returnees' executed
By Jailan Halawi
Two leading figures in the militant organisation Jihad, Ahmed Ibrahim El-Naggar and 
Ahmed Ismail Osman, were hanged last Thursday at a Cairo prison. Both, along with 10 
others, had been extradited to Egypt by Albania in 1
998. The 12 were put on trial, along with 97 other Jihad members, before a military 
tribunal last year in a case dubbed by the local press as the returnees from Albania.
El-Naggar, a key defendant in the case, was sentenced to life with hard labour, but 
had been sentenced to death in absentia in October 1997 for his role in a 1995 
conspiracy to blow up Cairo's historic Khan El-Khalili baz
Osman was sentenced to 15 years hard labour in the returnees from Albania case, but 
had been sentenced to death in absentia in 1994 for ordering a failed assassination 
attempt on then Prime Minister Atef Sidki.
A number of Jihad members are known to be close associates of Saudi dissident Osama 
bin Laden, accused by the United States of masterminding the August 1998 twin bombings 
of its embassies in Kenya and Tanzania. Jihad, led
 by Ayman El-Zawahri, joined the Front for the Liberation of Islamic Holy Sites set up 
in February 1998 in Peshawar, Pakistan, under the leadership of bin Laden.
The confessions of the two prominent Jihad members helped authorities get a better 
understanding of how the group is organised overseas, dismantle Jihad cells in Egypt 
and arrest members infiltrating from abroad, security
 sources said.
Although none of the defendants who faced the death penalty was accused of having 
carried out attacks themselves, they were charged with having headed an organisation 
whose aim was to thwart the working of state institut
ions and using terrorism to achieve its aims.
They were also accused of having set up paramilitary training camps and ordering 
insurgency against the government, the tracking and assassination of public figures 
and security officials and attacks on public and econom
ic institutions.
Jihad and Al-Gama'a Al-Islamiya have been fighting since 1992 to topple the government 
and establish an Islamist state. More than 1,200 people have died in the insurgency, 
mostly militants and policemen.
The number of clashes between security forces and militants has fallen steeply since 
the November 1997 Luxor massacre which claimed the lives of 58 foreigners and four 
Egyptians. The Ministry of Interior has stepped up se
curity measures in line with the preemptive strategy adopted by Interior Minister 
Habib El-Adli. This strategy focuses on reining in terrorism while reintegrating 
militants into society once they repent and are released
During the past two years, thousands of detained militants have been released, prison 
conditions have been improved and detainees allowed more visits.
The Luxor carnage was followed by a cease-fire declaration from what could be 
described as the moderate wing of Al-Gama'a's incarcerated leaders. This campaign 
was spearheaded by lawyer Montasser El-Zayat who was detain
ed for seven months in 1995 for acting as Al-Gama'a's de facto spokesman. He and 
others inside this wing maintain that violence has harmed the group and denied it the 
benefits of public activities. The government had tole
rated the group before it took up arms in mid-1992.
Tough state security tactics appear to have broken the power of the
militant groups, whose leaders are mostly dead, in prison or on the
run. Many of the networks they once used to coordinate the flow of
orders, guns and money have folded.
We are now in a much better situation, a security source, speaking
on condition of anonymity, told Al-Ahram Weekly.
Contacts between the terrorists abroad and their followers at home
have been cut off almost completely and those hiding in Egypt have
been deprived of their sources of finance and arms. The expatriates
are constantly on the run and do not have the opportunity to
mastermind fresh attacks. However, we will remain alert because we
cannot trust terrorists or their declarations, the source said.



Assessment Services-Tuesday, April 20, 1999; Vol. 5 - 110, 10:32CDT
By Steve Macko, ERRI Risk Analyst
UNITED KINGDOM/EGYPT (EmergencyNet News) - This past weekend there
was a report of
interest in the Al-Quds Al-'Arabi newspaper that warned of plans for
a fundamentalist Muslim attack against United States and Persian Gulf
interests. ERRI analysts have several