[CTRL] Beware the Wahhab

2001-12-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Shia News.com

A Warning to Muslims against the Bid'ahs preached by Muhammad Ibn

By: Shaykh Abdul Hadi Palazzi and Zubair Qamar
This article has been written by prominent scholars of Ahlul Sunnah.
Although there are many articles and fatwas by Shia scholars
regarding the menace of Wahabism, we have published this fatwa by
Sunni scholars so that our Sunni brothers will not fall in the traps
laid down by the Wahabis who disguise their evil preachings as
Sunnism. Using this article does not mean that we agree with ALL the
fatwas by the above mentioned scholars.

Praised by Allah, Lord of the worlds, and blessing and peace upon the
best of His creatures, the Prophet Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdi-Llah, upon his
noble family, his pure wives, his purified Sahabahs and upon all
those who follow
his path till the Day of resurrection. This paper has been compiled by Shaykh Abdul 
Hadi Palazzi, Director of the Cultural Institute of the Italian Islamic Community and 
by Zubair Qamar as a mean to seek Allah’s favor and
 as a warning against the founder of the heretic Wahhabi-Salafi cult and against the 
bid’ahs he preached. May Allah save this Ummah from bid’ahs and dalalah, and preserve 
us on the right path followed by Asyaduna al-akram
in. Amin.

Rasul-Ullah (S) said:Allahumma, bless Yemen, Allahumma, bless Sham. He was asked: 
And what about Najd? He answered: From Najd Shaytan’s horn will rise.

He (S) also said: Beware of Shaykhu-n-Najdi, since he is Shaytan.

He (S) also said: There will be people who come from the eastern side of Arabia who 
will recite Qur’an, but their recitation will not pass beyond their collarbones. They 
will go out of Islam as swiftly as the arrow goes
through the prey. Their sign is shaving their heads.

Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdi-l-Wahhab was a descendent of the Bani Tamim tribe and was born in 
the Uyaynah village (Najd) in  H. (1699 M.). His father was a learnt Hanbali 
scholar, and sent him to study tafsir, fiqh and tasawwu
f in Mecca, Medina, Baghdad, Basrah and Damascus, as well as in Iran and India. His 
attitude, from the beginning, was very much polemic, and he took active part in 
scholarly debates. During this period, he received the su
rname Shaykhu-n-Najdi. He contacted many Shaykhs of tasawwuf, and tried his best to 
be appointed as a khalifah. This request of his, however, was not accepted, since the 
Shaykhs realized he was too must influenced by ki
br and by the desire to become a leader.

At the age of thirty-two he came back to Najd and started working as a teacher for 
Bedouins; he also started exercising ijtihad, and accusing Sunni scholars and 
Ahlu-t-tasawwuf of bid’ahs. In 1143 H. (1730 M.) he met a le
ader of a gang of marauders called Muhammad Ibn Sa’ud, whose main activity was 
plundering travelers in the desert of Najd. Since most of those Bedouins living in 
Dar’iyyah were completely unlearnt, Ibn ‘Abdi-l-Wahhab coul
d easily convict them of his theories; Ibn Sa’ud and him made an agreement, according 
to which the former was appointed as the Amir, and the latter as the Shaykh. The 
Shaykh declared he was ready to publish fatwahs
 where non-Wahhabi Muslims were described as apostates and idol-worshippers; this 
point of view obviously represented a sort of religious justification for Ibn 
Sa’ud’s gang. They were not, anymore, robbers and criminals
, but mujahids, authorized to kill kuffars, to plunder their properties and to 
rape their women.

The Shaykh also appointed some wakils and send them to preach Wahhabism in Mecca, 
but scholars living in the Blessed City were ready in understanding how dangerous this 
doctrine was. Sayyid Ahmad Zayni Dahlan as-Shaf'
i (D) was the Chief Mufti of Mecca. In wrote in the book Al- Futuhatu-l-Islamiyyah:

To deceive the ‘ulemas in Mecca and Medina, those people sent emissaries in al- 
Haramayn, but these missionaries were not able to answer questions asked by Sunni 
scholars. It became evident that they were ignorant bid’ah
 holders. Muftis of the four madhhabs wrote a fatwah that declared them kuffars, and 
this document was distributed in the whole Jazirah. The Amir of Mecca, Sharif Mas’ud 
Ibn Sa’id, ordered that the Wahhabis should be impr
isoned. Some Wahhabis fled to Dar’iyyah and informed their leader of what was 

Muhammad Ibn ‘Abdi-l-Wahhab’s brother, Sulayman Ibn ‘Abdi-l-Wahhab (D), studied his 
works and tried his best to invite him to tawbah. At least, when he realized verbal 
admonitions had no effect, decided to write a book ca
lled As-Sawa’iqu-l-Ilahiyyah fi-r-Raddi ‘ala-l-Wahhabiyyah. It contains a detailed 
refutation of his brother’s heresies, and states:

One of the dalils showing that your path is heretic is the hadith sharif narrated by 
‘Uqbah Ibn Amir and collected in the Sahihayn [Bukhari and Muslim]: ‘Rasul- Ullah (S) 
ascended the minbar, and it was the last time I s

[CTRL] The Menace of THC ... er ... DEA

2001-12-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



White House Watch: THC madness

The drug war blunders on: The DEA is cracking down on hempseed oil in
tortilla chips

Sunday, December 09, 2001

By Ann McFeatters

WASHINGTON - And now, for something completely different, to borrow a
phrase from Monty Python.

The three earnest young men burdened with plastic bags came to the
office bearing food. Pretzels with seeds. A snack bar. An energy bar.
Tortilla chips.

Ann McFeatters is National Bureau chief for the Post- Gazette and The Blade of Toledo, 
Ohio. Her e-mail address is amcfeatters@

Never mind the caloric sin. We're talking serious evil here.

Or so the government says.

Unless you are an avid reader of the Federal Register and perused the tiny print of 
almost undecipherable bureaucratese on pages 51,539 through 51,544, you might have 
missed it -- but the government has returned to normal

The Drug Enforcement Administration, under the direction of Asa Hutchinson, the former 
GOP congressman from Arkansas, has announced rules to ban certain brands of a wide 
variety of foods -- beer, cheese, coffee, corn chi
ps, energy drink, flour, ice cream, snack bars, salad oil, soda and veggie burgers -- 
if they contain trace amounts of THC.

THC, as those who came to the age of majority in the 1960s know well, is 
tetrahydrocannabinols. As DEA succinctly explains: That's the hallucinogenic 
substance in marijuana that causes the psychoactive effect or high.

The THC found in certain brands of the above-mentioned food comes from hempseeds and 
hempseed oil, popular with some so-called natural food manufacturers because they 
are high in protein and serve as a fatty acid supple
ment -- good fats that doctors like. But DEA says such foods are now controlled 
substances illegal for everyone.

Makers of foods with hempseeds or oil, with $5 million in annual sales, argue that the 
amount of THC is so infinitesimal that inhumanly high consumption of them would be 
required to get high. They liken it to getting a bu
zz from eating the opiate-containing poppy seeds on bagels or the alcohol in orange 

But the Controlled Substances Act says that any consumption of THC is forbidden. And 
any food that contains it is no longer to be sold, distributed or eaten.

Says the DEA: If you wish to err on the side of caution, you may freely dispose of 
the product. As stated in the rules that DEA published on Oct. 9, 2001, anyone who has 
purchased a food or beverage product that contains
 THC has 120 days (until Feb. 6, 2002) to dispose of the product without penalty under 
federal law.

After Feb. 6, it will be illegal to sell or import any hemp-containing foods.

The DEA, in its wisdom, notes that bird seed with cannabis seeds, clothing such as 
hats, shirt and shoes, cosmetics, lotion, paper, rope, twine and, yes, shampoo and 
soap, which also can contain hemp, are not illegal. Ba
sed on the information currently available, DEA believes that [such products] do not 
cause THC to enter the human body and are therefore legal.

Confronted with the thought that the government's investing time, money and energy in 
such a campaign during a time of war is, possibly, ridiculous, Hutchinson says, Many 
Americans do not know that hemp and marijuana are
 both parts of the same plant and that hemp cannot be produced without producing 

Not surprisingly, supporters of food with hempseed oil have gone to court, beseeching 
the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to block the DEA rule. DEA says it is permitted 
to issue the ban on THC-laced products without a
formal rule-making procedure although the public may comment until Dec. 10. It's like 
the judge announcing the verdict before the trial, complained John Young, a lawyer 
for the hemp-food lawsuit, to the National Law Jou

Groups which are applauding the DEA's action, such as the conservative Family Research 
Council, say food with hempseeds sends a pro-drug message to children and is 
camouflage for a campaign to legalize marijuana.

The other day, confronted by a man in Florida who said the government was not 
responding to his needs, President Bush muttered, I can't stand bureaucracy.

Bush remembered the cameras were rolling and said that he appreciated the 
hard-working people who care enough to work for the government. But what I don't like 
is systems that get so cumbersome that those who are trying
to help you don't get the product out.

In the course of writing this, I have munched on the 120-calorie corn
chips, the 220-calorie pretzels and devoured the 170-calorie snack
bar. In truth, I feel nothing but my waistband.

And a curious desire to watch Monty Python's Flying Circus.

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[CTRL] The menace of NA

2001-12-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From Taipei Times

Monday, December 17th, 2001

w w w . t a i p e i t i m e s . c o m
A  M e m b e r  o f  t h e  L i b e r t y  T i m e s  G r o u p
21,411,336 v i s i t s

Unpaid Alliance soldiers spark crime wave in Kabul


Gangs of Northern Alliance soldiers have unleashed a crime wave of
looting and killing in Kabul which is awakening nostalgia for the

Lawlessness is creeping into daily life, after six years of Taliban
order, in the form of robberies, extortion and murder aimed at the
few Kabul residents with visible wealth.

Parts of the city have become no-go areas for taxi drivers after a
spate of abductions and roadside executions of their colleagues by
soldiers loyal to the new Afghan government.

Many of the fighters have not been paid since July and admit they are
hungry for spoils after last month's sweep into the capital.

The breakdown in discipline appears confined to a small minority of the thousands of 
newly arrived troops and is nowhere near the scale of banditry that ravaged Kabul when 
the mujahidin ruled from 1992 to 1996. But fear t
hat crime will worsen has induced nostalgia for the ruthlessly effective law-and-order 
policies of the Taliban, if not its brand of Islamic fundamentalism.

Random interviews with Kabul residents suggest the looting has deepened support for 
the proposed British-led multinational force.

I would love it if foreign soldiers came. It is not safe anymore. I am afraid to go 
to certain areas because of what the Northern Alliance men are doing, said Wahid 
Aullah, 31, a taxi driver.

Colleagues echoed his observation that the Taliban had tended to be disciplined and 
honest until their final days.

The Butkhak and Baysabaz districts had become out of bounds for taxis in the wake of 
robberies by soldiers, who turned violent after ordering drivers to remote locations, 
Aullah said. Yesterday my friend was beaten very
badly and had his car stolen.

A driver known only as Rassoul was less lucky. Last week shopkeepers in Taimaney 
district saw four soldiers getting into his car at 2pm and asking to be taken to 
Sorobi, a stretch of desert on Jalalabad road that is notor
ious for bandits.

The next day Rassoul's body was found in Sorobi with four bullet wounds in the chest. 
His Toyota, worth about US$2,880, had disappeared.

We have not complained to the police. There is no point because the people who killed 
him are government people, said Rassoul's cousin, Siar.

The shopkeepers claimed the soldiers responsible belonged to the Northern Alliance 
faction of Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, a power broker in the interim government. At least 
three other abductions and killings have been reported.

Crimes were also allegedly committed by troops of the Jamiat-i-Islami faction, the 
backbone of the Northern Alliance, which is headed by General Mohammad Fahim, the 
defense minister.

A businessman who asked not to be named said he had been visited at home by three 
soldiers who demanded he sign and apply a thumbprint to a legal document declaring he 
owed them US$1,200. They set a two-week deadline for
the cash and visit every few days to remind him.

I will have to sell my car by the weekend. It's the only way, he said.

Such crimes pale beside the mass murders, rapes and kleptomania which disgraced the 
Northern Alliance's previous incarnation as the mujahidin, when rival warlords fought 
each other and opened the way for the Taliban takeo
ver. Memory of those days swells support for the proposed UN peacekeepers.

Morale among the alliance troops is low for a victorious force. Mostly strangers to 
Kabul, they are housed in grim barracks and subsist on meager rations.

Wages have not been paid in five months and what booty was grabbed on the way to Kabul 
has been cashed in and spent, according to several junior ranking troops.

Commanders said they might be paid a month's salary -- ranging from US$21 to US$36 -- 
in time for Id al-Fitr, the end of Ramadan, which begins today. But for some that will 
not be enough.

I have had to borrow money since coming to Kabul and it'll take three months' salary 
to pay it off, said Joma Khan, 33, wandering through a market with a rifle over a 

There's good food and clothes here but I can't buy anything, Khan said.

A guard outside the culture ministry eyed passing barrows of dried fruit and 
complained of not being able to afford sweets for Id despite risking his life to expel 
the Taliban.

It's not right, he said.

This story has been viewed 2878 times.


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[CTRL] Glenn Miller Mystery Resolved

2001-12-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From The Nat'l Post

Page URL:

December 15, 2001

Glenn Miller killed by friendly fire, paper says
Big-band leader disappeared in 1944


LONDON - It has been one of the most enduring mysteries of
entertainment history.

On the night of Dec. 15, 1944, U.S. big-band leader Glenn Miller, the
hottest pop star of the wartime era, left an airbase in southeast
England to entertain U.S. soldiers in Paris.

Within minutes, his plane had disappeared in fog and Mr. Miller was never seen again.

Wild theories about his demise sprang up -- from his torture and death at the hands of 
the Nazis to the less respectful rumour that he had died in the arms of a Paris 
prostitute and it had all been hushed up.

But a documentary to be shown on British television claims to have unravelled the 
mystery: Mr. Miller was a victim of friendly fire, a hail of British bombs blowing his 
tiny single-engined Noorduyn Norseman plane out of t
he sky, the Guardian newspaper reports today.

Documentary-makers believe that a fleet of 139 Lancaster bombers returning on the 
fateful night from an abortive mission over Nazi Germany dumped their payload into the 
English Channel -- and right on to Mr. Miller's plan

In a recently uncovered amateur film interview, Fred Shaw, a navigator on one of the 
Lancasters, said he saw the bombs hit a small plane beneath him, the paper said.

I had never seen a bombing before so I crawled from my navigator seat and put my head 
in the observation blister. I saw a small high-wing monoplane, a Noorduyn Norseman, 
underneath, Mr. Shaw reportedly said in the inter
view recorded before his death several years ago.

'There's a kite down there,' I told the rear-gunner. 'There's a kite
gone in.' He said 'Yes, I saw it.' 

Mr. Shaw did not make the connection with Mr. Miller until 1956 when
he saw the film The Glenn Miller Story.

But with several unanswered questions remaining, his claims were
dismissed at the time as publicity seeking.

However, the paper said new research into Mr. Miller's flight path
and time had left little room for doubt.

Mr. Miller and his band became famous for such tunes as Tuxedo
Junction, In the Mood, Moonlight Serenade and the million-selling
Chattanooga Choo Choo.

The documentary is to be screened on Britain's Channel Four on New
Year's Eve.


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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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[CTRL] Chopping At the Shrub

2001-12-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


The overall article is about withdrawing from the ABM Treaty

}}}Begin excerpt
Does Bush realize that these moves, as well as the phony war on
terrorism, are taking the country closer to a world war? Probably
not, given his shallow background. There are plenty of superficial
reasons his advisors can give him for these moves--in line with such
lofty ideas as world peace and international disarmament (notions
only fools really believe in). The ultimate game plan for world
government is kept in a very close-knit circle--lest those who are
mere predictable lackeys in the process develop pangs of conscience,
or worse yet, spill the beans. Still, Bush is not totally blameless.
He has made his pact of allegiance to those who govern the country
behind the scenes, and for this he is fully responsible.

End excerpt{{{
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expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
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The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
 German Writer (1759-1805)
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
It is preoccupation with possessions, more than anything else, that
prevents us from living freely and nobly. -Bertrand Russell
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Everyone has the right...to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas through any media and regardless
of frontiers.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] The Iraqi Meddlers Menace

2001-12-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Iraqi opposition urges US to make war on Baghdad

David Teather in New York
Monday December 17, 2001
The Guardian

An Iraqi opposition leader has lobbied the US government with a war
plan against Saddam Hussein, calling for an air assault and the
deployment of American special forces.

He also wants the participation of Iran, which has reportedly agreed
to accommodate offices of the opposition Iraqi National Congress and
would allow an invasion across its border into southern Iraq.

According to the respected commentator Seymour Hersh, writing in the
Christmas edition of the New Yorker magazine, published today, the
Bush administration has been encouraged by its success in
Afghanistan, and some quarters are pushing for similar action in
Iraq, using the opposition led by Ahmed Chalabi.

America's success in routing the Taliban has improved Chalabi's standing with some 
elements of Washington's defence community, he writes.

One defence analyst said: They believe they have found the perfect model and it 
works. The model is bombing, a modest insertion of special forces plus an uprising.

Iraq has been a clear potential target for the US-led campaign since the terrorist 
attacks of September 11 jolted the US out of complacency. Many politicians have argued 
that a campaign against terrorism which excluded Sa
ddam Hussein would prove to be an empty war.

Suspicions have been voiced that Iraq has links with Osama bin Laden's al-Qaida 
network and may have sponsored the anthrax attacks in the US.

Iraq has denied any link to Bin Laden but tensions with the US have heightened in 
recent weeks.

Last week a House of Representatives panel endorsed a resolution dubbing Iraq's 
refusal to allow the unrestricted return of UN weapons inspectors a mounting threat to 
the US and the world.

President George Bush demanded two weeks ago that Iraq open its doors to the 
inspectors, who have been absent for three years, or face the consequences.

September 11 changed the whole equation, the New Yorker quotes former New York 
congressman Stephen Solarz as saying. Before then, an argument could be made that 
deterrence worked.

The national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, recently declined to comment on 
whether Iraq would be the next target for the US campaign on terrorism.

Iraq, she said, had been a problem before September 11 and continues to be a problem 
since September 11, as President Saddam had made it clear that he was seeking weapons 
of mass destruction. But she added: Iraqi invol
vement is not the key issue here.

The New Yorker claims that Pentagon officials are at odds with the state department 
over what step to take next.

Russian president Vladimir Putin has said that he expects the US to consult Moscow 
before taking the war on terrorism beyond Afghanistan.

He told the Financial Times that the top priority should be blocking the financing of 
terrorism and he specifically warned against military action in Iraq. Asked if he 
expected Washington to consult him before embarking o
n any further military actions, Putin said: Yes, we expect this.

Many within the Bush administration are reported to be sceptical of
Mr Chalabi and his supporters. One senior official said the
administration has no intention of allowing a bunch of half-assed
people to send foreigners into combat.

He added: Who among them has ever smelled cordite? These are
pissants [nonentities] who can't get the president's ear and have to
blame someone else. We're not going to let them lead others down the
garden path.
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In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material
is distributed without charge or profit to those who have
expressed a prior interest in receiving this type of information
for non-profit research and educational purposes only.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking
new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann 

[CTRL] (Fwd) Dr. Horowitz' s Open Letter to FBI Director Re: Anthrax

2001-12-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

Subject:Dr. Horowitz' s Open Letter to FBI Director Re: Anthrax 

An Open Letter and Question for FBI Director, Robert Mueller,
from Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz, Prepared for Broadcast on “Inside
Out,” Hosted by Michael Levine on KRLA radio in Los Angeles
December 17, 2001.

Dear FBI Director Robert Mueller,

I don’t know whether you have seen Sunday’s Washington Post
(Dec. 16, 2001) article by authors Rick Weiss and Susan Schmidt
entitled “Capitol Hill Anthrax Matches Army’s Stocks: 5 Labs
Can Trace Spores to Ft. Detrick,” in which a short list of your
chief suspects is provided?  I am pleased to read these
revelations, and wish to further facilitate your investigation
toward a successful conclusion. As a Harvard-trained public
health authority and independent investigator published in the
field of using the FBI’s motivational model for investigating
serial homicides involving infectious agents, I want you to
know that on Monday December 10, I released a 20-page detailed
report to the press, to members of Congress, and to your bureau
chiefs, which has largely propelled these recent mainstream
media identifications of the Battelle Memorial Institute (BMI)
and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) as your principle
suspects in the anthrax mailings mystery. (Download report at:

Given this opportunity on Los Angeles radio, I would like to
have you respond to the following facts, and question, “Why
should the people of the United States trust you and the FBI to
fulfill your expressed mission to solve this case when:

1)  On October 1, 2001, approximately two weeks prior to
the first publicized anthrax mailing, I personally delivered
information to the FBI that should have prompted an immediate
investigation of affiliated military-industrial and
pharmaceutical contractors that maintain intimate ties to BMI
and the CIA—-information and an investigation that might have
prevented the mailings sent more than a week later from
Trenton, NJ. In fact, as evidenced by Sunday’s report in the
Washington Post, this information still appears to be actively
suppressed, namely, the most obvious motives behind the mailed
anthrax was to fan fears, dramatically expand pharmaceutical
industry profits, and meet military-industrialists’ and
political objectives grossly jeopardizing American freedoms and
civil rights.

2)  Here are the incriminating facts Mr. Mueller: The
Battelle Memorial Institute administers and supplies the Dugway
anthrax proving facility in Utah where the only virtually
identical Ames strain of silica-impregnated hyper-weaponized
anthrax was found. According to Sunday’s Washington
Post, “Dugway is the only facility known in recent years to
have processed anthrax spores into the powdery form that is
most easily inhaled. Dugway’s military supply is allegedly well
protected by “multiple security measures,” (according to Scott
Shane reporting in the Baltimore Sun, Dec. 12, 2001). BMI’s
security is apparently not as strict.

3)  The Battelle Memorial Institute, (according to William
Broad and Judith Miller in the New York Times, Thursday, Dec.
13) provides services as “a military contractor in [West
Jefferson] Ohio,” and “has experience making powdered
germs. . . . [T]he contractor participated in a secret Central
Intelligence Agency program, code-named Clear Vision [that]
began in 1997, that used [allegedly] benign substances similar
to anthrax.

4)  BMI directs the Defense Department’s “Joint Vaccine
Acquisition Program” worth more than $1 billion in vaccine
contracts; an acquisition program in which Battelle, as a CIA
contractor, partnered with Bioport for America’s sole anthrax
vaccine production. Bioport—largely owned by Britain’s top
secret biowarfare consortium Porton Down, bin Laden family
associate Faud El Hibri, Admiral William J. Crowe, Jr., a
former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and others
(including, according to some investigators, the multinational
investment firm and defense contractor, the Carlyle Management
Group, that managed bin Laden family millions prior to 9-11,
directed by past CIA director Frank Carlucci, James Baker, III,
and Past President George H.W. Bush); a vaccine maker that has
negotiated a steady stream of controversy and illegalities
since 1996, the year before the CIA contracted with Battelle to
conduct a special study of aerosolized hyper-weaponized anthrax.

5)  Based on a September 7, 2001 Associated Press report,
a “new strain” of extremely lethal anthrax had been under
development before September 2001, by a U.S. biological weapons
contractor, apparently Battelle Memorial Instititue in West
Jefferson, Ohio, as this fit the intelligence published by the
New York Times (wherein America’s top anthrax expert, William
C. Patrick III, “said the American program had achieved [an

Re: [CTRL] Is Arafat provoking full-scale war?

2001-12-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/13/01 11:41:08 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Israeli security sources say there is growing evidence that Palestinian
 leader Yasser Arafat is plotting to lead the Middle East into a major new
 conflict, which they say could be part of a larger effort to bring much of
 the world to war.

 Although the evidence is still mainly circumstantial at this point, sources
 maintain it is substantial enough to be taken seriously by regional and
 international leaders.

 The security sources point out that several recent Palestinian terror attacks
 appeared to be joint operations carried out by groups that Arafat is supposed
 to be suppressing, working with terrorists connected to his own PLO Fatah
 movement. More ominously, they seem to have coordinated their operations with
 the Iranian and Syrian backed Hezbollah militia stationed in southern

This is funny.  Poor old Arafat couldn't promote or provoke anything, and the
Israeli know it.  The fact is that the various Palestinian organizations
ignore him and do what they want.  If he wanted to do Palestinians a favor,
Arafat would resign and go into exile.  That way, the Israeli would have to
find another horse to flog, and might even have to let up on killing
Palestinians for a while.  Not for long of course.  Right now all systems are
go for them.  Prudy

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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Bush Shields Clinton Scandals

2001-12-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

Dubya is not shielding Clinton.  He is making sure there is no precedent
where he has to release information about Bush the First.  Prudy

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Glenn Miller Mystery Resolved

2001-12-17 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Well this story I do not believe is true; and, further I have a picture
of Glen Miller, a snap shot, standing in front of a brick wall with my
brother in law who was stationed at East Wycombe (bomber pilot) during
WWII.this was the last picture taken of Miller to my knowledge.

Back maybe in 1987 my sister found the picture which had slipped behind
a dresser drawer - full of memorandum, etc., and the New York Times did
a story on it.

My brother in law in the story told Miller not go go that night - the
weather was furious..and I believe no way anybody could have seen
this small plane - he had told Miller no experienced flyer would take a
plane like his out on a night like that.

So - when  saw this photo - which the New York Times used - I thought,
my gosh it looks like they are to be shot before a firing squad with
that brick wall behind them.

During WWII this bunch dropped a lot of bombs on German - some of which
contained the melted down plates of William Hogarth..

So this friendly fire bit, well some of these guys are getting pretty
old - maybe truth in both stories - only remember the inclement weather
bit -

Years ago when I used to go with a young Navy Lt. Commander, we would go
out to Port Columbus where they had this big light shining up in the air
- he could tell if he would fly the next day using this light.if the
weather was bad - we would stay out later going to the old Monkey Bar
Club at the old Port Columbus...that was long ago but nobody took
any chances with a pilots life then if the weather would be bad, cloudy,

At least the Navy did not.

So Miller took nobody's advice; he had a mission as I recall - how to
salvage American planes shot down and their return.at least this was
part of the story.

So in the picture Miller looked very handsome, but he sure as hell could
not compare to Phil - who was more handsome - some saidi he looked like
a movie star - but he was also a hero with evry medal but the top two
and a croix d'guerre (with palm means he got it twice and kissed by

It was then he used the old line so often used with the real men in that
war who some it is said flew by the seat of their pants - blind
flying, was really blind flying.but he said there was a war going
on, and he was just another trumpet player.

Good guy though..but I never liked his music...would rather go
to war playing Dixie than Little Brown Jug.

My brother in law only made one mistake that my sister caught - a
picture of two young officers, and a woman - he was beaming in the
picture - but my sister said okay, who took the picture

A picture is worth a thousand words but there was, a war going on.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan

-Caveat Lector-

Lots of links and more at site.


Just as the Louisiana Purchase opened the West to settlers in 1803, the
Disston Purchase of 1881 cleared the way for a mass development of South
Florida, a development that would seriously reshape Florida's political and
economic future.

Thirty years earlier the State of Florida purchased from the Federal
Government's Swamp and Submerged Lands program millions of acres of land for
public sale and railroad construction. The Florida Internal Improvement Fund
held title to this land, but during the Civil War era its trustees found few
customers except land speculators. Most payments were made in worthless
Confederate script, rendering the entire system about a million dollars in
debt and tied up in legal battles.

The largest creditor of the state debt was Francis Vose who tied up the land
in court until the state found the money to pay off its debts. The Bourbon
Democrats, mostly planters and businessmen, did not want to spend tax moneys
on this debt, but Florida needed to clear the debt to expand. Investment in
the least populated state east of the Mississippi was stymied, but Governor
Bloxham found a white knight to rescue the state in Philadelphia saw
manufacturer HAMILTON DISSTON Hamilton Disston.

Disston recognized the tremendous potential of Florida real estate south of
Gainesville and agreed in 1881 to purchase four million acres of listed
swamp and submerged lands, from the Kissimmee Basin to the Everglades, with
large sections along the Gulf Coast, at just twenty-five cents an acre. Most
of the land was suitable for some form of successful agriculture.

Tallahassee businessmen cheered their Northern savior and the ending of debts
without increased tax burden. Disston was no generous patron; he realized the
potential wealth of much of his purchase. He was also no friend to the
hundreds of farmers who squattered in the Kissimmee Valley under the Armed
Occupation Act of 1842. The Swamp Act superseded their homestead titles and
they only had to pray Disston did not demand payment for their isolated

Disston's canal company immediately dredged large sections of fertile muck
lands out of the Kissimmee marshes. Overnight new agricultural regions opened

In the Pinellas Peninsula, Disston started a town on the bayou of Lake
Butler, invited rich Northern to build winter homes, and made the birth of
Tarpon Springs. Disston City, today near the town of Gulfport, was opened in
1884 as the beginning of that region's farm growth.

Visit historic and distinctive TARPON SPRINGS

The intrusion of Disston's huge dredges in the Caloosahatchee Valley was a
warning to the cattlemen that the days of the homesteaders were beginning. In
the winter of 1884-85 hundreds of Northern visitors arrived in the region
including Thomas Alva Edison who decided to bring a prefab winter complete,
complete with South Florida's first swimming pool, to Fort Myers. The father
of the electric bulb and the phonograph attracted dozens of other winter
residents including Henry Ford.


Before the railroad steamboats controlled the destiny of much of Florida. If
you did not live along the coast or along a navigable river, you were living
in isolation. The fur trappers and Seminoles, cowboys and fishermen ruled the
frontier, but not for long.

The Disston Purchase stimulated the interest in railroad builder, for the
State of Florida could offer land deals to railroad development much like the
transcontinental railroad system growing in the West.

The greatest development was due to three major railroad barons: William D.
Chipley in the Panhandle; Henry B. Plant on the Gulf of Mexico; and Henry F.
Flagler on the Atlantic Coast. Their domain contained more than just railroad
track - they built hotels, roads, and villages. Their track gave birth to new
towns and small trunk railroad developments.

WILLIAM D. CHIPLEY, the son of a Georgia Baptist preacher, became the most
important developer of the growth of West Florida, an area of lumbering and
farming interests. Chipley had a knack of buying up bankrupted railroads and
turning them into profitable enterprises, by improving the rolling stock and
developing a shipping 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Helpful comments from AngloGold's Godsell, and heartfelt thanks from S. Africa

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


By Bill Murphy, Chairman
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
Sunday, December 16, 2001

The Christmas/end-of-year holiday season is a time of
reflection for many of us. As a result of the terrorist
attacks and other strife in the world, the closing of
2001 may be more poignant than most years. It certainly
is for me, as chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust Action

Chris Powell and I will soon commence Year 4 in our
effort to expose the manipulation of the gold price.
From Day 1 we stated that our main goal was to expose
the truth about the gold market. That is what we told
the speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives,
Dennis Hastert; the chairman of the House Subcommittee
on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Rep.
Spencer Bachus; the House chairman of the Joint
Economic Committee, Rep. James Saxton; and the
president of the United States, George W. Bush.

Over the past four years we had discovered massive
evidence of gold market manipulation. None of that
evidence contradicts our initial assertion that gold
was not allowed to rise in price due to an orchestrated
effort of certain bullion banks. Unfortunately, we have
learned the gold price manipulation extends to the
International Monetary Fund, the Bank for International
Settlements, the Federal Reserve Bank of the United
States, and the U.S. Treasury's Exchange Stabilization

It is not a pretty picture. We are talking about the
most powerful and wealthiest institutions in the world.
Who wants to take them on?

That is especially the case for the world's major gold
producers, which count on the bullion bankers for
financing and on the politicos for mining rights,
permits, etc.

To question these powerful institutions is to challenge
the elites of the world.

But that is just what must be done if truth is to
remain a standard to be aspired to. It saddens me to
say that GATA has found out the tedious way the truth
is often sacrificed by the establishment and mainstream
press to preserve the interests of big money. How else
can you explain the three-year U.S. news media blackout
of GATA and Reg Howe's lawsuit against the gold cartel
in federal court in Massachusetts?

Fortunately, that has not been the case in South
Africa. The GATA African Gold Summit held in Durban on
May 10, 2001, was covered by all the major South
African news organizations and covered for two days by
the South African Broadcasting Co. All the major gold
producers in South Africa have supported financially
GATA's search for the truth about gold. We are most

One of GATA's supporters in South Africa is AngloGold,
the world's largest gold producer. Its respected CEO,
Bobby Godsell, is also the chairman of the World Gold
Council. He is unique in that he is willing to share
his thoughts, ideas, and opinions with AngloGold
shareholders over the Internet. It is most admirable
and reflects a serious truth-finding effort on his

The following is recent correspondence between Godsell
and Jim Bruce, a GATA supporter and member of
www.LeMetropoleCafe.com. With all the commotion in the
gold world these days, I think you will find the
exchange illuminating. Godsell has authorized its

* * * * * * * * *

Dear Jim:

Thank you for your email. For ease of reference I offer
you a response to your five questions, under each
question, and simply to distinguish answer from
question I have put the answer in capitals. Please do
not hesitate to come back with a further response. I
know I work with less than full information, and so I
value what I have learnt from many sources, including


Bobby Godsell

* * *

Dear Mr. Godsell:

It is an honor to write you, and I thank you very much
for the time you take with this email.

I am an AngloGold shareholder (through a number of
funds) and am in my mid-60s. I own my own computer
services company in upstate South Carolina. I have been
a gold buff for many years, going back to at least the
early 1980s.

I am frustrated because I cannot help but believe that
the gold markets have to have been manipulated over the
last few years. Nor can I understand why the World Gold
Council is not standing up to that or promoting, with
gusto, gold as having primarily monetary value and
being an integral part of one's investment portfolio,
rather than push an agenda to sell jewelry.

I've read some of your commentary on the Internet and
respect your views. I have also followed GATA and its
chairman, Bill Murphy, and visited
www.LeMetropoleCafe.com many times.

While Murphy may seem eccentric at times and can get
quite angry and frustrated, thereby ticking off the
gold establishment, he and his team do throw enough
wood on the fire to make the average person lean toward
manipulation as the only logical reasoning for the
suppression of gold prices. With half of the larger
mines, the WGC, the Fed, the bullion banks, most of the
news media, and most of the central banks ignoring him
(other than 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Moorgate Name Game

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


According to the following item, the intended target was an area name
Moorgate.  Ah, do we have a little Name Game here?   Even though it
actually may be the gateway to the wild open peat moors, it is an
interesting name-lex-link to the Arabs called Moors (literally dark
people)? And is it one of the Masonic gates, temples, and bridges
found throughout London?

Just Fortean-curious, of course,

Bin Laden in plot to bomb City

Terror blueprint for attack on London
War on Terrorism: Observer special

Peter Beaumont, foreign affairs editor, Kandahar
Sunday December 16, 2001
The Observer 

Chilling plans for a devastating bomb attack on the City of London have been
discovered in a terrorist base in Afghanistan, revealing a sophisticated
al-Qaeda training programme to spread its terror campaign to Britain.

The blueprint is contained in a notebook written in clear English discovered
by The Observer at an al-Qaeda camp in the former Taliban stronghold of

Disturbingly for British police and intelligence services, there is no
indication whether the terrorist who drew up the plan stayed to fight and
die with Osama bin Laden's group, or whether he had already left on his
mission to Britain before the suicide hijackings of 11 September and the US
bombing of Afghanistan.

In step-by-step instructions it describes how to construct a huge
remote-controlled van bomb - identical to those used by al-Qaeda against the
US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania with lethal effect in 1998.

A scribbled note on top of one page suggests the intended target was
Moorgate in the centre of London's financial district.

The discovery of the notebook comes after the US released a video, also
apparently found in an abandoned al-Qaeda base, showing a giggling bin Laden
boasting of how he had planned the suicide hijackings. It confirms a growing
body of evidence that bin Laden - who American intelligence last night said
was co-ordinating his last stand by his fighters through shortwave radio
broadcasts in the Tora Bora area - was orchestrating a global terrorism
campaign against Western interests.

But the notebook is the first hard evidence that London was also an intended
target. It appears to confirm the fears of intelligence services and the
Metropolitan Police that an al-Qaeda sleeper cell may already be in Britain
preparing an attack.

A Scotland Yard source said yesterday that The Observer's discovery in
southern Afghanistan would be investigated by anti-terrorist officers. 'We
have to recognise that there are some very big targets in the City,' he

Written in note form - apparently as an aide-mémoire by the man who would
construct the bomb - the language used suggests that the author was a
British fundamentalist who prepared the document while training in the
Sheragha Jama district of Kandahar, an area riddled with the former homes
and compounds of al-Qaeda fighters.

Other documents found with the notebook indicate it was probably written in
the early part of this year.

Although most of the al-Qaeda camps around Kandahar had already been cleared
of their document caches by US Special Forces, The Observer came across the
padlocked compound, riddled with bunkers, when local Afghan residents led us
to it. 

In one small room papers had been tossed on to a bonfire by al-Qaeda
fighters who, locals said, had abandoned the area to join the fight for the
city's airport against anti-Taliban fighters. It was here that the notebook
was discovered. 

It appears to be a record of meetings between al-Qaeda's master bomb-maker
and an English-speaking activist in which he is guided through each step in
building a bomb. In places the author has revisited his notes, adding
information in a small, neat hand, often underlined, suggesting he has tried
some of the procedures in the camp, had problems and been talked through his

The notebook is a mixture of apparently sophisticated data and simplistic
checklists consistent with the tone of documents found in the luggage of the
11 September hijackers. It provides a detailed guide about how to behave
while working under cover during the operation.

The intended target is made clear by references to what to expect when
entering Britain. The target itself is identified by scribbled notes on how
to find Moorgate, including reminders to use an A-Z and a Business Directory

The bomb-maker's guide is written by someone familiar with electrical
engineering and chemical procedures. The first of the 80 pages include
calculations of the weight of boxes of detonators and discusses safety
arrangements for handling explosives. The author lists equipment and
material needed to make the bomb, which will be installed in a van.

Under the heading 'Business Plan' he writes: 'Connect the wires properly.
Isolate connecting wires (Sellotape). Constantly refer to diag[ram], nobody
work alone, const[ant] double checking.'

[CTRL] Fwd: [MadCowMorningNews] Osama the Mob

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


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Taliban Planned to Supplant Cali Cartel

December 15--Venice, Florida. 

In an exclusive interview with the MadCow Morning News, a Special 
Forces Commander just returned from Afghanistan has offered a 
reluctant-but-candid assessment of the reasons for the increase in 
hostility last summer between the U.S. and the Evil Ones that led 
to the heinous September 11 attack...

The Taliban were launching an effort to take over the worldwide 
heroin trade, and then use that as a basis to move into cocaine 
distribution as well, stated this grizzled veteran of recent rescue 
missions behind enemy lines. 

They were planning on supplanting the Cali Cartel.

Who, one wonders, might have gotten a little bent out of shape about 

Oil, heroin, Asa Hutchinson, and loaded guns in desk drawers at City 
Hall in Venice Florida... 

available now at www.madcowprod.com

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: Dr. Charles Crenshaw on JFK Murder

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


Published Thursday, November 22, 2001

JFK gunmen theorist, 68
Los Angeles Times Service

Dr. Charles Andrew Crenshaw, who became a favorite of conspiracy buffs [!]
when he asserted three decades after the assassination of John F. Kennedy
that Lee Harvey Oswald had not acted alone and that as a surgical resident
he saw four gunshot wounds in the fallen president, has died. He was 68.

Crenshaw, who disclosed his multiple-gunmen opinions in the 1992 book JFK:
Conspiracy of Silence, died Nov. 15 of what his family described as natural
causes at his Fort Worth, Texas, home after years of deteriorating health.

On Nov. 22, 1963, Crenshaw was a third-year resident on the trauma team at
Dallas' Parkland Memorial Hospital when Kennedy was brought to the emergency

Crenshaw disputed the findings of the Warren Commission in his book. The
commission, appointed by President Johnson to investigate the Kennedy
slaying and the killing of Oswald by Jack Ruby, concluded that Kennedy was
killed by two shots through the back of the head and neck that were fired
solely by Oswald.

But Crenshaw's book claimed that Kennedy had four wounds. The fatal shot, he
insisted, was fired from the front and could have come from a second gunman.

Crenshaw is survived by his wife, Susan; a son, Charles A. Crenshaw II; a
daughter, Adelaide Andrews; and two grandchildren.

---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Nine-page special report about GATA in New African magazine

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


6:05p ET Sunday, December 16, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA Chairman Bill Murphy's dispatch this evening mentioned
briefly something of great encouragement to us: a nine-page
special report in the December issue of the New African
magazine about GATA and the suppression of the gold price.

The report includes the full text of Murphy's speech to the
GATA African Gold Summit in Durban, South Africa, last May,
as well as essays by one of the magazine's correspondents,
Pusch Commey, and financial analyst and GATA supporter Adam

The subheadline on Commey's essay reads: Pusch Commey,
the prodigal son, returns home with one of the biggest
stories of the year he forgot to report -- GATA's
all-revealing gold summit in Durban on 10 May. It is
worth every ounce in gold.

Commey writes that he attended the conference but,
distracted by pressing personal matters, didn't get
around to writing about it until now.

Well, better late than never, and the New African's
treatment of the suppression of the gold price is sure
to help awaken the continent -- help it realize that,
far from being poor, it is rich beyond imagining, if
it will just stand up and claim its birthright.

The magazine's special report shows that GATA's message
IS getting out and that we ARE making a difference.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Beast of the Month - October 2001

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan

In a message dated 12/16/01 3:32:13 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

against Afghanistan, for their refusal to surrender Osama bin Laden.
No evidence has yet been supplied to Afghanistan or the world public
showing his supposed guilt.


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Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist


Beast of the Month - October 2001
The Shrub Military-Industrial Police State, American Terrorist Network

I yam an anti-Christ...
John Lydon (aka Johnny Rotten) of The Sex Pistols, Anarchy in the UK

Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.''
president George W. Bush

Ah, it seems like it was only yesterday that the biggest outrage in
the world was Gary Condit and his lies surrounding the disappearance
of Chandra Levy.

Since the day of infamy on September 11, 2001, conspiracy theories
have been rampant about what happened in the terror attacks against
the World Trade Center and the Pentagon by hijacked planes.  (Gee,
imagine that?)  There's been many questions asked, but the biggest of
all, of course, is Who done it?  While the chorus of the korporate
media has focused almost completely on lone nut evil madman Osama bin
Laden - or, perhaps, that other evil crazy Muslim monster Saddam
Hussein - in their own officially sanctioned conspiracy theory, there
have been numerous alternative theories presented in the underground
press: Israel and Mossad, China and the PLA, Russia and the KGB, MI6
and the Royal Crown, and, of course, the always nominated Illuminati.

Still, one theory seemed to stick out as a popular choice, and indeed
its popularity is an obvious one: the idea that this was an inside
job.  Specifically, the theory (or theories, as there is more than
one strain) posit that the 911 attacks involved US intelligence
agents and military people who wanted to let the attacks happen for
cynical and amoral (or immoral) reasons.  Some believe that they were
even the masterminds of the operation, and not merely passive
supporters.  Whether it be a Pearl Harbor (which was known about
beforehand by many US military leaders) or Reichstag (which appears
to have been staged by the Nazis themselves), this secret network, so
the theory goes, is linked to the BushMob, and some allege includes
Dubya himself.

For once, the official viewpoint of The Konformist editorial board is
in rejection of the most anti-Shrub konspiracy, as much as we detest
the sorry excuse for a man.  Of course, that's partly why we reject
the more extreme version: the look on Shrub's face after he was
alerted of the attacks was the face of true cowardly fear and self-
concern.  As good of a liar Bush is, he couldn't have faked being so
scared for his own life and political future as he showed in those
first hours.  In fact, his behavior was so lacking in any virtue, the
White House had to lie and claim that the White House and Air Force
One were targeted in order to cover for his courage deficiency.
(Little surprise there: like father, like son, and George I was a
wimp, after all.)

One thing is pretty clear: whether or not Team Bush was behind in any
way the 911 tragedy, as luck would have it, they are the main
beneficiaries.  Actually, luck has little to do with it, as such a
reaction to such a terrible event could've been easily predicted.  So
much so, it almost makes you wonder.  And that is why what we dub the
Shrub Military-Industrial Police State is The Konformist Beast of the
Month.  Whatever enemy lurks from without, from within the gates is
something that is perhaps even more frightening.  And with
a defense budget of $345 billion (plus another $40 billion for
emergency funds) it is the richest and most heavily armed network of
terror - which, let's face it, is precisely what all that weaponry is
for - the world has ever known.  All without even having to win an
election.  With such a nebulous group of Beasts in our midst, it is
important to identify who they are and what they stand for.

Let's start with PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH, the top winner in the
911 sweepstakes.  Rather than pointing out what a terrible job he is
doing in an office he never won, pundits, in a predictably cowardly
display of false patriotism, have tried to compare his embarrassing
speeches to the words of Winston Churchill.

Of course, it isn't just in mere political survival that Shrub has
won out.  The bloated defense contractors (with increased
expenditures) and oil companies (who stand to gain big time from a
Caspian Sea pipeline) are the big winners of the sweepstakes as well,

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Essay in Barron's protests Fed's shredding its minutes

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


8:45p ET Sunday, December 16, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Last week Barron's published an essay by Robert D.
Auerbach, a professor at the University of Texas,
complaining about the Federal Reserve's active
concealment of the public policies it carries out.
Interestingly, one of the Fed meetings cited by
Auerbach is the one in whose minutes GATA's
investigators discovered what we consider to be the
smoking-gun reference to gold swaps undertaken by
the U.S. Treasury Department, the Federal Open
Market Committee meeting of January 31, 1995.

The Fed clearly has a lot to hide, about gold and
other things.

We ask that our supporters in the United States share
this essay with their representatives in Congress as a
way of reiterating their request that the Fed and the
Treasury Department be compelled to do their business
fully in public and come clean about gold.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *

That Shreddin' Fed

Just 18 minutes of Watergate tapes were erased, while
the Fed's edits veil years of historic record

By Robert D. Auerbach
December 2001

Richard Nixon regretted not having burned the infamous
Watergate tapes. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan
Greenspan, who, shortly after Nixon's resignation, came
to Washington to be Gerald Ford's chairman of the
Council of Economic Advisers, evidently intends not to
make the same mistake.

When the Federal Open Market Committee gets together
Tuesday, certain portions of the meeting may not be
recorded. Moreover, unedited transcripts of what is
taped will be disposed of, leaving only records edited
by Fed staffers for the public to read, and then only
after a wait of five years.

That could leave a serious gap in the historical record
of the Fed's response to the national emergency after
the terrorist attacks of September 11, when U.S.
monetary authorities provided unprecedented liquidity
to prevent a meltdown of the global financial system.

In another instance when the central bank, under
Greenspan, deftly defused a crisis -- the October 1987
stock-market crash -- the records of Fed officials'
crucial telephone conference calls are conspicuously

Since early 1995, some discussions among the 12 FOMC
members, the Fed's policy-setting panel, have been
declared off the tape. Supposedly, these unrecorded
talks don't relate to devising monetary policy. But at
the two-day meeting of January 31-February 1, 1995, the
FOMC voted to pull the plug on recording its meetings
if the discussion fell under the undefined rubric
organizational. And Greenspan stated: I am not going
to record these votes because ... there is no legal
requirement. The vote was taken without recording
members' names.

Ironically, that vote came after Greenspan noted prior
FOMC reluctance to have its discussions recorded
mainly on the grounds that we thought the taping
inhibited the deliberative process. But he added ...
with perhaps a qualification [a subpoena for early
release of the transcript] ... there is very little
evidence that the quality of our discussions has been

Prior to the vote, a report from an FOMC subcommittee
suggested a policy of off-the-tape discussion that is
not about monetary policy. But Lawrence Lindsey, then
a Fed governor and now a Bush economic adviser, warned
that one might think of it as a witch hunt in which we
are turning over to the prosecutors evidence that is
really none of their business. It is possible for us to
prevent taping under those circumstances by turning off
the tape now.

The Fed chairman was determined to turn off the
recorder for organizational discussions after what he
called a frankly outrageous request for the tape of
our discussion in October a year ago, according to the
January 31-February 1, 1995, meeting transcript. Once
the motion passed, FOMC members also were told to move
some discussions to lunchtime, when the tape is not

The outrageous request Greenspan referred to came
from former House Banking Committee Chairman Henry
Gonzalez, who insisted that congressional staff members
hear a recording of an October 15, 1993, FOMC
conference call. In that tape, most of the presidents
of Fed district banks and board governors agreed not to
mention the previously unknown existence of the FOMC
transcripts when they testified before the Banking
Committee about FOMC written records. Greenspan, who
was to cover this subject for the banking panel, didn't
mention the 17 years of transcripts at the hearing.

Gonzalez later accused the witnesses of misleading

A week after the hearing, Greenspan ended the Fed's 17-
year secret by informing the Banking Committee that
unedited transcripts exist for each regular meeting of
FOMC held after the meeting of March 15-16, 1976, in a
letter to Gonzalez. Thirty-eight of the transcripts (or
tapes) for 104 FOMC conference calls were reported
missing, however.

The FOMC also has shredded its unedited transcripts 

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Silver as money is proposed for Mexico's economic liberation

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


9p ET Sunday, December 16, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The Mexican industrialist and patriot Hugo Salinas Price,
a longtime GATA supporter, got onto national television
in Mexico a couple of weeks ago for an interview advocating
the remonetarization of silver in that country.

Price was explaining and warning about dollar imperialism
long before GATA was even founded, and his analysis of
the world financial situation has strongly shaped ours. With
silver, Price has found a method of economic liberation
uniquely suited to Latin America. He makes a compelling case
amid the catastrophe under way in Argentina.

You can read a transcript of his interview here:


That Internet site also has other insightful essays on the
money problem that you well may want to read.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Will Barrick bid for Normandy, or even for AngloGold?

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


By Michael Weir
The West Australian
December 17, 2001

North American gold miners Barrick Gold and Homestake
Mining have wrapped up their $US2.3 billion ($4.43 billion)
merger, clearing the way for the expanded Barrick to enter
the battle for Normandy Mining.

Barrick remains the last realistic contender to take on
AngloGold and Newmont Mining in the tug-of-war for
Australia's biggest gold producer.

At stake is the ability to lay claim to being the biggest
gold miner in the world.

For the past couple of weeks there has been speculation
Barrick would mount a counter-bid, but no firm evidence
to suggest it would.

On Friday Homestake shareholders approved the merger,
which was announced in June.

The new company will be the second-biggest gold producer,
pouring an estimated 5.7 million ounces a year, compared
with AngloGold's 7 million ounces.

Our goal is to be the most profitable, lowest-cost producer,
not to be the biggest producer, Randall Oliphant, Barrick's
president and chief executive, said in a statement.

Views are still mixed over whether Barrick will make a tilt
for Normandy and get involved in what is already a two-way
tussle between Newmont and AngloGold.

Newmont has the upper hand with its revised bid last week,
which values Normandy at $1.86 a share. Newmont has
also secured the support of the Normandy board and
chairman Robert de Crespigny, who has recommended the
bid to shareholders.

AngloGold's revised cash and scrip bid was worth $1.75
based on Friday's closing share price.

Normandy closed on Friday at $1.76, which suggests the
market is not expecting much more money to be put on
the table.

In a note to clients, Credit Suisse First Boston said it
appeared there was very little left in the battle for

However, it suggested AngloGold may offer an incremental
sweetener, which could largely close any pricing gap that
exists in several days.

One school of thought has AngloGold letting Normandy fall
to Newmont, then organising its own merger with the new

An AngloGold-Barrick, with annual production approaching
13 million ounces, would once again take the title as the
biggest gold producer from an expanded Newmont (8 million

One thing for certain is that Normandy shareholders will be
big winners out of the latest round of corporate

The latest Newmont bid values Normandy at more than $4
billion, double what it was before AngloGold kicked off the
bidding duel in early September.

Mr. de Crespigny has warned shareholders not to do
anything until they receive Normandy's response to the
formal Newmont offer, which has not yet been lodged.

It is expected to go out today or tomorrow.

On Friday Normandy formally rejected AngloGold's revised

Having regard to the increased value and improved terms
of the proposed Newmont offer and the fact that it exceeds
the value of AngloGold's revised offer ... by a significant
margin and all other relevant considerations, the Normandy
directors recommend you reject the AngloGold offer, Mr.
de Crespigny said.


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---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: FW: EO Order 12333 --- Critical to Trafficking/WOD by Government Agencies

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


-Original Message-
From: Catherine Austin Fitts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, December 16, 2001 10:10 PM
To: G. Alan Robison; Tom O'Connell; Tom Flocco
Subject: EO Order 12333 --- Critical to Trafficking/WOD by Government

My guess is that this Executive Order has a dramatic impact on the ability
of private investors to use government for narcotics trafficking and WOD
mischief. I would recommend that you make sure that you learn about it and
the MOU that DOJ and CIA created in the early 80's shortly thereafter to
faciltiate drug dealing by CIA proprietaries.

I was once speaking with Bill Tyree, a researcher who had been in the
special forces in the '70's, helping with government narcotics trafficking
in connection with Operations Watchtower (Why I keep sending you the
transcript on Corone, a key player for Bush in Watchtower. He kept using
enforcement and Narcotics trafficking as synonymous...as those moving
the drugs was an enforcement function.

It was after the Tyree blow up that caused so much trouble for Bush, etc,
that the EO 12333 and the MOU was implemented, making it possible for folks
like Casey, Bush, North, to run the drugs through government contractors and
avoid the line management problems with running them with government

Same general issues arise with the takeover of sensitive federal agency and
Treasury accounting, transaction and information systems by government
contractors loyal to the Fed owners and outside investors.

I will continue to send the Carone pieces as they are transcribed...

From the Harvard DataDump:

Promis Allegation #4: Finally, the Promis allegations raise whole new
questions about Executive Order 12333 and the shift during the Reagan and
Bush years of our national security intelligence infrastructure and
technology into private hands through government contracting with firms such
as DynCorp, as part of the events that have come to be referred to as

---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: [GATA] Rep. Paul would outlaw ESF intervention in metals markets

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


10:24p ET Sunday, December 16, 2001

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Our friend Jay Taylor of J Taylor's Gold  Technology Stocks
newsletter reports that U.S. Rep. Ron Paul believes that the
Exchange Stabilization Fund is intervening in the gold and
silver markets and that he is drafting legislation to forbid
it. Read about it here at www.Gold-Eagle.com:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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---End Message---

[CTRL] so you say you want a solution

2001-12-17 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


Let the Jews, who claim to be the chosen race, prove
their title by choosing the way of non-violence for
vindicating their position on earth.

--Mahatma Gandhi, Nov. 26, 1938 (full text below)

M.K. Gandhi, Towards Lasting Peace, ed. by Anand T.
Hingorani (Chowpatty: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1956)

Gandhi on The Jews, November 26, 1938:

Several letters have been received by me asking me to
declare my views about the Arab-Jew question in
Palestine, and the persecution of Jews in Germany.
It is not without hesitation that I venture to offer
my views on this very difficult question.

My sympathies are all with the Jews. I have known them
intimately in South Africa. Some of them became
life-long companions. Through these friends, I came to
learn much of their age-old persecution. They have
been the untouchables of Christianity. The parallel
between their treatment by Christians and the
treatment of untouchables by hindus is very close.
Religious sanction has been invoked in both cases for
the justification of the inhuman treatment meted out
to them. Apart from the friendships, therefore, there
is the more common universal reason for my sympathy
for the Jews.

But the sympathy does not blind me to the requirements
of justice. The cry for the national home for the Jews
does not make much appeal to me. The sanction for it
is sought in the Bible and the tenacity with which the
Jews have hankered after return to Palestine. Why
should they not, like other peoples of the earth, make
that country their home where they are born and where
they earn their livelihood?

Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that
England belongs to the English, or France to the
French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on
the Arabs. What is going on in Palestine to-day cannot
be justified by any moral code of conduct. The
mandates have no sanction but that of the last war.
Surely, it would be a crime against humanity to reduce
the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to
the Jews, partly or wholly, as their national home.

The nobler cause would be to insist on a just
treatment of the Jews wherever they are born and bred.
The Jews born in France are French in precisely the
same sense that Christians born in France are French.
If the Jews have no home but Palestine, will they
relish the idea of being forced to leave the other
parts of the world in which they are settled? Or, do
they want a double home where they can remain at will?
This cry for the national home affords a colourable
justification for the German expulsion of the Jews.

But the German persecution of the Jews seems to have
no parallel in history. The tyrants of old never went
so mad as Hitler seems to have gone. And he is doing
it with religious zeal. For, he is propounding a new
religion of exclusive and militant nationalism, in the
name of which any inhumanity becomes an act of
humanity to be rewarded here and hereafter. The crime
of an obviously mad but intrepid youth is being
visited upon his whole race with unbelievable
ferocity. If there ever could be a justifiable war in
the name of and for humanity, a war against Germany,
to prevent the wanton persecution of a whole race,
would be completely justified. But I do not believe in
any war. A discussion of the pros and cons of such a
war is, therefore, outside my horizon or province.

But if there can be no war against Germany, even for
such a crime as is being committed against the Jews,
surely there can be no alliance with Germany. How can
there be an alliance between a nation which claims to
stand for justice and democracy and one which is the
declared enemy of both? Or, is England drifting
towards armed dictatorship and all it means.

Germany is showing to the world how efficiently
violence can be worked, when it is not hampered by any
hypocrisy or weakness masquerading as humanitarianism.
It is also showing how hideous, terrible and
terrifying it looks in its nakedness.

Can the Jews resist this organized and shameless
persecution? Is there a way to preserve their
self-respect, and not to feel helpless, neglected and
forlorn? I submit there is. No person who has faith in
a living God need feel helpless or forlorn. Jehovah of
the Jews is a God more personal than the God of the
Christians, the Mussalmans or the Hindus, though, as a
matter of fact, in essence, He is common to all and
one without a second and beyond description. But as
the Jews attribute personality to God and believe that
He rules every action of theirs, they ought not to
feel helpless. If I were a Jew and were born in
Germany and earned my livelihood there, I would claim
Germany as my home even as the tallest gentile German
might, and challenge him to shoot me or caste me in
the dungeon; I would refuse to be expelled or to
submit to discriminating treatment. And for doing
this, I should not wait for the fellow Jews to join me
in civil resistance, but would have confidence that in

[CTRL] Fwd: Fw: National ID Card Gaining Support-Wash Post

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


-Original Message-From: 
Robert Lederman [EMAIL PROTECTED]To: 
Robert Lederman [EMAIL PROTECTED]Date: 
Monday, December 17, 2001 7:00 AMSubject: National ID Card 
Gaining Support-Wash Post

Washington Post
National ID Card Gaining Support
by Robert O'Harrow Jr. and Jonathan Krim
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, December 17, 2001; Page A01 

Second in a series 
of occasional articles 
Navy Petty Officer Wellington Jimenez walked into the identification room at 
Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn one day recently and gave his name, rank and 
fingerprint. In return, he got a token of the future: a plastic ID card embedded 
with a computer chip.
The card -- with two photos, two bar codes, a magnetic stripe and the etched 
gold chip -- looks like a driver's license on steroids. More than 120,000 active 
duty military personnel, selected reserves, Defense Department civilians and 
some contractors have received the cards in recent months.About 4 million are to 
be issuedover the next two years.
When Jimenez sits down at a computer on his next ship, the USS George 
Washington, he will slip the card into a device that will electronically 
scramble, or encrypt, his e-mail to prevent outsiders from reading it. The same 
card will automatically give him access to secure rooms across the world. At a 
military hospital, its chip will one day summon his medical records. Used as a 
debit card, it may even buy him a sandwich at a base cafeteria.
And more than ever, the cards will enable Defense Department officials to 
look into their databases and know the doorways he passes through, the computer 
he accesses, the doctor he sees, all of which is fine with Jimenez.
"I know the government will have more access to my information," Jimenez 
said. "But I know it's going to be used in the right way. I feel protected."
The high-tech IDs, the latest in "smart cards," were designed for tracking 
personnel across the globe and running more secure and efficient military 
operations. But now they are models for something that was unthinkable before 
Sept. 11: national identification cards for all U.S. citizens.
Almost from the day the planes hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, 
members of Congress, security experts and high-tech executives have endorsed the 
idea of some new form of identification system as a critical weapon in the fight 
against terrorism.They believe the cards, linked to giant databases, would be 
invaluable in preventing terrorists from operating under assumed names and 
Any such proposals in the past foundered on a distrust of centralized 
government as old as the American republic. Opponents raised the specter of 
prying bureaucrats with access to databases full of personal information, of 
Gestapo-like stops on the street and demands to produce papers, and the kind of 
unchecked police authority that would erode constitutional protections.
The nation's new consciousness of terrorism, a product of both the fear and 
anger engendered by Sept. 11, has markedly changed the way Americans think about 
security, surveillance and their civil liberties. For many people, the trade-off 
of less privacy for more security now seems reasonable.
As Alan M. Dershowitz, a Harvard University law professor, wrote in October 
in endorsing a national ID card, the "fear of an intrusive government can be 
addressed by setting criteria for any official who demands to see the card."
"Even without a national card, people are always being asked to show 
identification," he said. "The existence of a national card need not change the 
rules about when ID can properly be demanded."
Airport Security Needs

The new enthusiasm for ID cards is not the only example of a changed attitude 
toward privacy issues. Face recognition systems that link computers and cameras 
to watch passing crowds spurred so much controversy last summer that many public 
officials refused to consider using the technology. Now airports across the 
country are clamoring to test and install such systems. Congress in October 
approved a sweeping anti-terrorism bill that gives authorities much broader 
powers to monitor e-mail, listen to telephone calls and secretly gather records. 
And the Bush administration, led by Attorney General John D. Ashcroft, has 
proposed a series of other measures with wide public support.
In a recent Washington Post-ABC News poll, almost 3 of 4 people said they 
support government eavesdropping on telephone conversations between terrorist 
suspects and their lawyers. For the first time, there is also strong support for 
secret tribunals for terrorist suspects and more government wiretapping. On the 
specific question of a a national ID card, about 70 percent of those recently 
polled by the Pew Research Center said they favor a system that would require 
people to show a card to authorities who request it.
"We're willing to accept this immense flow of data to law enforcement and 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Enron-gate

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


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Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

Molly Ivins - Creators Syndicate 

12.06.01 - AUSTIN -- Hail and farewell, o Enron! What a flameout. The 
Establishment media, sucking its collective thumb with unwonted 
solemnity, is treating us to meditations on two themes: How the 
mighty have fallen, and, Who would have thunk it? Pardon me while 
I snort, in lieu of ruder noises, and offer two themes of my 
own: What took so long? and, Anyone with an ounce of common 

If you want to know what this story is about, pretend Bill Clinton is 
still president. Pretend Clinton's long-time, all-time biggest 
campaign contributor, a guy for whom Clinton has carried water for 
over the years, a guy with unparalleled access, a shaper of policy, 
a man with a veto on regulatory appointments affecting his business, 
with connections at every level of the administration, a political 
fixer beyond the wildest dreams of James Riady -- imagine that this 
guy's worldwide empire has tumbled into bankruptcy in just three 
months amid cascading reports of lies, monumental accounting errors, 
evasions, iffy financial statements, insider deals, a board of 
directors rife with conflicts of interest, top executives bailing out 
with millions while regular employees see their life savings shrink 
to nothing -- imagine all this back in the day of Bill Clinton. 

Holy moley, we'd have four congressional investigations, three 
special prosecutors, two impeachment inquiries and a partridge in a 
pear tree by now. The Republicans would all be drumming their heels 
on the floor in full tantrum. 

But this is not President Clinton, it is President Bush -- so of 
course different standards must apply. The fact that Ken Lay, Enron's 
chairman, has been Bush's chief money man and key backer since he 
first went into politics is mentioned only in passing. The media 
don't want to be impolite. They have been credulously swallowing 
Enron's p.r. and overlooking the obvious for years. 

The main problem with Enron is that it has never produced much of 
anything in the way of either goods or services; it has not added a 
single widget to the world widget supply. Enron was in the business 
of financializing, making markets, trading in wholesale 
electricity, water, data storage, fiber-optics, just about anything. 
One Enron executive told The New York Times the company's achievement 
was to create a regulatory black hole to suit its core management 
philosophy, which was to be the first mover into a market and to make 
money in the initial chaos and lack of transparency. 

Enron started as a gas pipeline company that went into trading 
natural gas, and even then the company's critics claimed Enron was 
making profits by stoking volatility in gas prices. The same charge 
showed up again in spades with the newly deregulated electricity 
markets. Enron had lobbied for utility deregulation relentlessly, 
formidably and very expensively at both the state and national 
levels. The company seemed to spend more time influencing government 
than doing business. Like Long Term Capital Management, the hedge 
fund that went awry, it seemed to have only a parasitic relationship 
to actual economic activity. The problem with deregulating utilities 
is the reason they were regulated in the first place -- monopoly 
power and the threat of market manipulation are a set-up for unholy 
price-gouging. How many times do we have to re-learn that lesson? 

Just a few spiffy eye-openers on Enron's connections: 

Lay and Enron together donated $2 million to George W. Bush. In 2000, 
a company memo that was an open strong-arm recommended employees give 
campaign checks for Bush to the political action committee: low-level 
managers were urged to contribute $500 and senior executives at least 
$5,000. Another $1 million was given to mostly Republican 
congressional candidates. It gave more money last cycle than any 
other energy company. 

Lawrence B. Lindsey, Bush's top economic adviser, got $50,000 from 
Enron in 2000 for consulting, presumably giving the company the same 
excellent economic advice now proving so healthy for the nation's 

Karl Rove, Bush's top political strategist, sold between $100,000 and 
$250,000 worth of Enron stock earlier this year, after being 
criticized for conflict of interest. 

The California Legislature passed a contempt motion against Enron for 
failure to respond to a June 11 subpoena. The legislature is 
investigating whether power generating companies willfully 

[CTRL] Fwd: Konformist: Times Cries Eke! Buries Al Gore

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


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Please send as far and wide as possible.


Robert Sterling
Editor, The Konformist

 Printed from http://www.thenation.com
© 2001 The Nation Company, L.P.
FEATURE STORY | December 17, 2001 

Times Cries Eke! Buries Al Gore

The late Murray Kempton once noted that although the New York Times 
likes to pose as being above the battle, this position has never 
stopped the Times, once the battle's fought, from sneaking onto the 
field and shooting the wounded. November 12, krauthammers at the 
ready, Times persons swept through the electoral swamps of Florida, 
shooting those survivors who questioned President Bush's alleged 

In the old Soviet Union, various Russian friends were often 
surprisingly well informed about the world despite the fact that 
their view of it was largely shaped by their New York Times, Pravda. 
When asked how do you find out what's really going on, they would 
give secret smiles: You must know how to read Pravda. Now the USSR 
is gone and we are on our own, trying to sort out our Pravda's often 
contradictory mendacities, on such lurid view a few weeks ago in an 
edition that contained three or four not exactly synoptic tales of 
the findings of a ballot review conducted for a consortium of news 
organizations. Apparently, 175,010 ballots from throughout Florida 
were examined. As always, when the Times's dread sharpshooters are 
slithering across a bloody no-man's land, one must first deconstruct 
the headline for clues. Study of Disputed Florida Ballots Finds 
Justices Did Not Cast the Deciding Vote. So much for those 
conspiracy theorists who dared attack the Court's interference in the 
election when the Court was, simply, as always, anticipating the will 
of the majority of those people that the Court has, from the very 
first admiralty suits of the original Republic to now, cherished--
property owners. Wall Street Journal headline: In Election Review, 
Bush Wins Without Supreme Court Help. Conspiracy? No. They all think 

The story: Paragraph one: A comprehensive review of the uncounted 
Florida ballots from last year's presidential election reveals that 
George W. Bush would have won even if the United States Supreme Court 
had allowed the statewide manual recount of the votes that the 
Florida Supreme Court had ordered to go forward. That's pretty 
plain. State was always for Bush. No point in wading any farther into 
the joint prose of sharpshooters Ford Fessenden and John Broder (the 
second name suggests that the hereditary principle is at work not 
only at the presidential level but even at the humblest journalistic 
one--but since John M. is not related to David M., was he, like a 
pope, obliged to change his name from...whatever?). 

Paragraph two: Contrary to what many partisans of former Vice 
President Al Gore have charged... Note partisan. Ugly word. Do 
anything to win. We know about them. Bushites compassionate. Dumb 
maybe but real nice. Sincere. ...close examination of the ballots 
found that Mr. Bush would have won if the Florida court's order to 
recount had not been reversed by the Supreme Court. This is bald, 
bold. True? Keep reading the Times. 

Paragraph three: Gist: Even if Gore had got his four-county hand 
count, which the Supreme Court denied him, Bush would have kept his 
lead. Get that, sore losers? Real Americans hate a sore loser. You 
may stop reading this story now because... 

Paragraph four: The Times's two scouts step on a landmine. Watch two 
scouts explode. But the consortium, looking at a broader group of 
rejected ballots than those covered in the court decisions...found 
that Mr. Gore might have won if the courts had ordered a full 
statewide recount of all the rejected ballots The findings 
indicate that Mr. Gore might have eked out a victory Only 
someone truly slimy ekes. A real man wins big with a 5-to-4 
vote. ...if he had pursued in court a course like the one he 
publicly advocated when he called on the state to 'count all the 
votes.' So after paragraph three's firm Bush wins without Supreme 
Court, the Times, on further evidence, finds Gore eking out a 
victory. What next? 

Paragraphs five and six: In addition, the review found statistical 
support for the complaints of many voters, particularly elderly 
Democrats in Palm Beach County, that the ballot was so confusing 
that more than 113,000 voters cast ballots for two or more 
presidential candidates. Of those, 75,000 chose Mr. 

[CTRL] Osama Hollywood bin Laden - TAKE TWO

2001-12-17 Thread eric stewart

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Bin Laden, Terrorist Monster: Take Two!
by Jared Israel
[9 October 2001]

In 'US Army Gets Secret Advice from Hollywood,' the BBC (British Broadcasting 
Corporation) notes that: 

American intelligence specialists are reported to have 'secretly' sought 
advice on handling terrorist attacks from Hollywood film-makers. 
(http://emperors-clothes.com/news/hollywood-i.htm )

Among said film-makers is Steven E De Souza, the screenwriter for the movie 
'Die Hard,' whose plot deals with terrorists trying to destroy a big city 

The goal of this interaction? 

In particular...the entertainment industry can offer [the Army] expertise in 
understanding plot and character, as well as advice on scenario training. 

Have the black ops boys by any chance lent their script doctors to Osama bin 

Consider the following.

Bin Laden was interviewed September 28th by a pro-Taliban newspaper. Here's a 

In an interview with 'Ummat' -- a publication sympathetic to Afghanistan's 
ruling Taliban -- bin Laden said both he and al Qaida had 'nothing to do with 
the terrorist attacks in America' and that 'hard-line Jewish organizations 
might be involved…' 

Ummat said it sent questions to bin Laden through Taliban officials, and 
received written responses. Bin Laden reportedly said in his replies that 
dozens of terrorists organizations from countries like Israel, Russia, India 
and Serbia could be responsible for the attacks on the World Trade Center and 
Pentagon that left over 6,000 people dead or missing. 

He also insisted that al Qaida does not consider the United States its 
enemy… ('United Press International,' 28 September 28, 2001, Friday)

This interview was seized on by those opposed to bombing Afghanistan. They 
noted that terrorists always take credit for their murders. Indeed, the whole 
point of terror is to take credit. How else can the terrorists intimidate the 
target group and force them to flee, give up, change their political 
allegience or make concessions to terrorist demands?

Since bin Laden wasn't taking credit, how, asked critics, could anybody be 
sure he was behind the WTC attacks? And if nobody could be certain he was 
behind the attacks why was the U.S. so anxious to 'counter'attack against 

Now bin Laden has issued a speech which he recorded on videotape. This speech 
has been broadcast on TV. Transcripts have been published in major 
newspapers. His picture is on the front page of the 'NY Times,' holding a 
microphone, looking like a maniacal crooner. 

This is in itself remarkable. As opponents of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia 
and the U.S.-supported, Kosovo Liberation Army attacks on that country will 
testify, it is virtually impossible for people critical of U.S. foreign 
policy to get their views presented in major newspapers or on TV in the U.S. 

But here is bin Laden, front page and prime time. 

And mind you, he's no longer saying, Russia, India, Serbia and Israel did 
it, or America is not the enemy. Rather, his expressed views have altered:

God Almighty hit the United States at its most vulnerable spot. He destroyed 
its greatest buildings. Praise be to God. Here is the United States. It was 
filled with terror from its north to its south and from its east to its west. 
Praise be to God... 

But if the sword falls on the United States after 80 years, hypocrisy raises 
its head lamenting the deaths of these killers who tampered with the blood, 
honour, and holy places of the Muslims. 

… When Almighty God rendered successful a convoy of Muslims, the vanguards 
of Islam, He allowed them to destroy the United States. I ask God Almighty to 
elevate their status and grant them Paradise. (1)

Quite a change.

The 'Times' commented:

Within hours of the first American bombs dropping on Afghanistan, the 
world's most wanted man, Osama bin laden, appeared in a videotape broadcast, 
worldwide in which he taunted the United States and celebrated the Sept 11 
terrorist attacks. (Our emphasis)

Allow me to remind you, Osama bin Laden's tape was not broadcast worldwide by 
Osama bin Laden, nor by chance. Rather, it was broadcast worldwide by the 
mainstream mass media, that is, by the conscious effort of bin Laden's 
supposed enemies.

The 'Times' 

[CTRL] Bin Laden, Terrorist Monster: Take Two!

2001-12-17 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


Bin Laden, Terrorist Monster: Take Two!
by Jared Israel
[9 October 2001]

In 'US Army Gets Secret Advice from Hollywood,' the
BBC (British Broadcasting Company) notes that:

American intelligence specialists are reported to
have 'secretly' sought advice on handling terrorist
attacks from Hollywood film-makers.
(http://emperors-clothes.com/news/hollywood-i.htm )

Among said film-makers is Steven E De Souza, the
screenwriter for the movie 'Die Hard,' whose plot
deals with terrorists trying to destroy a big city

The goal of this interaction?

In particular...the entertainment industry can offer
[the Army] expertise in understanding plot and
character, as well as advice on scenario training.

Have the black ops boys by any chance lent their
script doctors to Osama bin Laden?

Consider the following.

Bin Laden was interviewed September 28th by a
pro-Taliban newspaper. Here's a summary:

In an interview with 'Ummat' -- a publication
sympathetic to Afghanistan's ruling Taliban -- bin
Laden said both he and al Qaida had 'nothing to do
with the terrorist attacks in America' and that
'hard-line Jewish organizations might be involved…'

Ummat said it sent questions to bin Laden through
Taliban officials, and received written responses. Bin
Laden reportedly said in his replies that dozens of
terrorists organizations from countries like Israel,
Russia, India and Serbia could be responsible for the
attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon that
left over 6,000 people dead or missing.

He also insisted that al Qaida does not consider the
United States its enemy… ('United Press
International,' 28 September 28, 2001, Friday)

This interview was seized on by those opposed to
bombing Afghanistan. They noted that terrorists always
take credit for their murders. Indeed, the whole point
of terror is to take credit. How else can the
terrorists intimidate the target group and force them
to flee, give up, change their political allegience or
make concessions to terrorist demands?

Since bin Laden wasn't taking credit, how, asked
critics, could anybody be sure he was behind the WTC
attacks? And if nobody could be certain he was behind
the attacks why was the U.S. so anxious to
'counter'attack against Afghanistan?

Now bin Laden has issued a speech which he recorded on
videotape. This speech has been broadcast on TV.
Transcripts have been published in major newspapers.
His picture is on the front page of the 'NY Times,'
holding a microphone, looking like a maniacal crooner.

This is in itself remarkable. As opponents of the NATO
bombing of Yugoslavia and the U.S.-supported, Kosovo
Liberation Army attacks on that country will testify,
it is virtually impossible for people critical of U.S.
foreign policy to get their views presented in major
newspapers or on TV in the U.S.

But here is bin Laden, front page and prime time.

And mind you, he's no longer saying, Russia, India,
Serbia and Israel did it, or America is not the
enemy. Rather, his expressed views have altered:

God Almighty hit the United States at its most
vulnerable spot. He destroyed its greatest buildings.
Praise be to God. Here is the United States. It was
filled with terror from its north to its south and
from its east to its west. Praise be to God...

But if the sword falls on the United States after 80
years, hypocrisy raises its head lamenting the deaths
of these killers who tampered with the blood, honour,
and holy places of the Muslims.

… When Almighty God rendered successful a convoy of
Muslims, the vanguards of Islam, He allowed them to
destroy the United States. I ask God Almighty to
elevate their status and grant them Paradise. (1)

Quite a change.

The 'Times' commented:

Within hours of the first American bombs dropping on
Afghanistan, the world's most wanted man, Osama bin
laden, appeared in a videotape broadcast, worldwide in
which he taunted the United States and celebrated the
Sept 11 terrorist attacks. (Our emphasis)

Allow me to remind you, Osama bin Laden's tape was not
broadcast worldwide by Osama bin Laden, nor by chance.
Rather, it was broadcast worldwide by the mainstream
mass media, that is, by the conscious effort of bin
Laden's supposed enemies.

The 'Times' described Mr. bin Laden's performance as
an evident attempt to rally the entire Islamic world
against the United States.

I beg to differ.

By providing this videotape at this time, bin Laden
has given the mass media an effective and timely
argument to justify bombing Afghanistan and perhaps
other countries.

The other day the British government published a
document purporting to prove bin laden was behind
9-11. In fact, the document proved no such thing.
Rather, it listed some horrific crimes in which he was
involved, or probably involved, prior to 9-11, and it
repeated various violent things he purportedly said.
This might constitute negative character 

[CTRL] The Rockefeller Syndicate

2001-12-17 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


The Rockefeller Syndicate
by Eustace Mullins


Many American conservatives believe as a matter of
faith that the Rockefellers and the Council on Foreign
Relations exercise absolute control over the
government and the people of United States .  This
thesis can be accepted as a working formula if one
remains conscious of the larger issues .  Two writers
for whom the present writer has great respect, Dr.
Emanuel Josephson and Morris Bealle, insisted on
focusing on the Rockefellers and excluding all other
aspects of the World Order .  This severely limited
the effect of their otherwise ground breaking work on
the Medical Monopoly.

This writer advanced a contrary view in The World
Order, fixing upon the Rothschild monetary power,
which reached a point of world control by 1885, and
its London policy group, the Royal Institute of
International Affairs, a the policy makers for what
has essentially been since 1900, re-established
colonial government in the United States The colonial,
or occupation, government, functions primarily through
the Council on Foreign Relations, but only as the
subsidiary of RIIA and through the Rockefeller
Foundation which controls government functions, the
educational establishments, the media, the religions
and the state legislatures.

It is true that the American colonials have free
elections, in which they have the absolute right to
vote for one of two opposing candidates, both of whom
have been handpicked and financed by the Rockefeller
syndicate .  This touching evidence of democracy
serves to convince most Americana that we are indeed a
free people .  We even have a cracked Liberty Bell in
Philadelphia to prove it .  American youth have been
free since 1900 to be marched off to die in Hegelian
wars in which both combatants received their
instructions from the World Order .  We are free to
invest in a stock market which the daily quantity,
price and value of the monetary unit is manipulated
and controlled by a Federal Reserve System which is
answerable only to the Bank of England .  It has
maintained its vaunted independence from our
government’s control, but this is the only
independence it has ever had .

The realization that we do indeed live under the
dictate of the ;Rockefeller Syndicate can well be
the starting point of the long road back of a genuine
struggle for American independence .  In exposing the
Rockefellers as agents of a foreign power, which is
not merely a foreign power, but a genuine world
government, we must realize that this is not merely a
group dedicated to making money, but a group which
committed to maintaining the power of a colonial form
of government over the American people .  Thus the
ancient calumny of John D. Rockefeller as a man
obsessed by greed (a category in which he has plenty
of company) obscures the act that from the day the
Rothschilds began to finance his march towards a total
oil monopoly in the United States from their coffers
at the National City Bank of Cleveland, Rockefeller
was never an independent power, nor does any
department of the Rockefeller Syndicate operate as an
independent power .  We know that the Cosa Nostra, or
Mafia, with which the Syndicate is closely allied has
somewhat autonomous power in the regions which have
been assigned to that particular ;family by the
national directors, but this always implies that that
family remains under total control and answerable for
everything which occurs in its territory .

Similarly, the Rockefeller Syndicate operates under
clearly defined spheres of influence .  The
charitable organizations, the business companies,
and the policy groups always meld into a working
operation, nor can any department of the Syndicate
strike out on its own or formulate an independent
policy, no matter what may be its justification.

The Rockefeller Syndicate operates under the control
of the world financial structure, which means that on
any given day, all of its assets could be rendered
close to worthless by adroit financial manipulation
.nubs; This is the final control, which insures that
no one can quit the organization .  Not only would he
be stripped of all assets, but he would be under
contract for immediate assassination .  Our Department
of Justice is well aware that the only terrorists
operating in the United States are the agents of the
World Order, but they prudently avoid any mention of
this fact .

The world financial structure, far from being an
unknown or hidden organization, is actually well known
and well defined .  It consists of the major Swiss
Banks ;  the survivors of the old Venetian-Genoese
banking axis ;  the Big Five of the world grain trade
;  the British combine, centered in the Bank of
England and its chartered merchant banks, functioning
trough the Rothschilds and the Oppenheimers and having
absolute control over their Canadian colony through
the Royal Bank of 

Re: [CTRL] $158 fine for distributing religious tracts?

2001-12-17 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

No, it was a $158 fine for violating the law against putting ANY sort of
literature on the windshield of a car...it just happened to be literature
pushing a form of superstition in this case


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-12-17 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: Nakano Nakamura [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Has anyone on this list seen a picture or video
of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center?
We all saw the second plane hit the second Tower
over and over and over.
But were there any pictures ever shown of the
first plane as it hit the WTC?

Yes, most people have seen the clip of the first plane hitting that was
caught from a ground-level training video that was being shot in the Wall
Street area that morning...but that clip wasn't broadcast until more than
an hour after the plane hit, and then it too was played and replayed over
and over...

In addition, I remember the NYC station I was watching also showing a clip
of the FIRST plane hitting that was caught by one of the many traffic
helicopters that fly in the area on weekday mornings; I at first thought it
was one of the many replays of the video of the 2nd plane hitting until the
reporter stressed that it was the first plane, and indeed both towers were
intact and not on fire until the plane hit the North Tower; this clip was
replayed for a couple of minutes on this one station, and never
repeated...neither did I ever see it shown on another station -- why it
disappeared and what happened to it, I do not know.  But this clip wasn't
shown until almost noon time, so it couldn't have been what Bush was
referring to...

People are taking a simple statement from a simple mind, and blowing it out
of context; what Bush ACTUALLY said was that he was watching TV at 9am and
saw *A* plane hit the WTC...he does not specify 'first' or 'second' plane,
just 'a' plane; a few minutes later he says an aide whispered in his ear
that 'a second plane hit the WTC'; from this people are imagining that Bush
said he saw the FIRST plane hit the WTC...

But that isn't what he said, and it would have been impossible even if he
DID say it, because the first plane hit the North Tower at 8:45 a.m., NOT
at 9 a.m. when Bush says he watched as a plane hit the WTC; the second
plane hit the South Tower at 9:02 a.m., so what ACTUALLY seems to have
happened is:

  1) the first plane hit the WTC North Tower at 8:45

  2) all the media switched to live coverage of the burning tower

  3) as Bush waited to go in to read to the kiddies, a TV was switched on
for him to see the breaking news

  4) at 9:02 all the live media coverage of the burning North Tower showed
a plane plowing into the South Tower (the 2nd plane)

  5) Bush then went in to read to the kiddies, a photo op that had already
been put in place and couldn't be avoided

  6) as he read to the kiddies, an aide came in and CONFIRMED that a second
plane had crashed into the WTC

Quite simple, really


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Economic Totalitarianism at Your Grocery Store

2001-12-17 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

Reminds me of something I learned in a Marketing class I took at a local
community college back in the 70s...

(That college had some really good teachers, people who came from 'the real
world' as opposed to the elite academia one found at the 4-year colleges in
the area, and these community college teachers quite often ignored the
required textbook and taught from their own real-life experiences)...

Anyhow, this Marketing teacher actually worked in advertising and marketing
and only taught part time, and one of the things he stressed to us was the
scam of supermarket coupons, of which the present-day 'bargain cards' are I
feel a variation...

And the bottom line was that not only the retailer (the supermarket chain),
but the manufacturer artificially inflate the price of an item to then
offer a 'discount' via coupons (or by the modern-day equivalent of the
'bargain card')

In other words, a bottle of dishwashing detergent may only be worth 98
cents, and that is factoring in profit for both the manufacturer AND the
supermarket chain; but both wish to entice shoppers with 'sales', so the
manufacturer may tack on 50 cents, requiring the supermarket to charge at
least $1.48 for the bottle, unless the manufacturer itself offers sales
coupons on the item.  But the supermarket is free to tack on ADDITIONAL
charges, so the store may actually usually sell the stuff at $1.78 and
occasionally offer it 'on sale' for $1.48...

But remember, the stuff at 98 cents a bottle still makes a profit for both
the manufacturer AND the store; the manufacturer could offer a 50-cents-off
coupon at the same time that the store could offer it's additional 'sale'
(or require clipping a coupon from its weekly flyer) offering an additional
30-cents off; a shopper with both coupons would get the bottle for 98 cents
and think they just got a huge bargain.

The modern-day 'bargain card' is just a replacement for traditional
coupons; and as my teacher explained, if there weren't any coupons (or
'bargain cards'), prices would naturally be lower, as there would be no
need to artificially inflate prices to make up for occasional 'sale'
prices.  But just as 25 years ago it was a losing battle to convince people
to give up clipping coupons so that prices across-the-board would go down,
so to is it today in trying to convince people that they really aren't
saving money with the so-called 'bargain cards'...

Another thing we learned in that class was that coupons were only directed
to those in the middle and upper classes -- in other words, coupons were
very rarely available to those living in the inner city, or printed in
papers read by people deemed to be in an economic stata below 'middle
class'...in other words, the people who could most benefit from getting
'discounts' at the supermarket rarely had the opportunity to do so.  I
suspect that these 'bargain cards' are marketed in the same manner...


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: LIES, TRICKS, DECEPTIONS...then and now?

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


___      __
  /  |/  /  /___/  / /_ //M I D - E A S T   R E A L I T I E S
 / /|_/ /  /_/_   / /\\ Making Sense of the Middle East
/_/  /_/  /___/  /_/  \\http://www.MiddleEast.Org 
  News, Information,  Analysis That Governments, Interest Groups, 
 and the Corporate Media Don't Want You To Know! 
  To receive MER regularly with our compliments:

 LIES, TRICKS, DECEPTIONS...then and now?
  Will the real OSB please stand up

MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 12/17/2001:Like on the 
American TV game show, it's now Will the Real Osama Bin Laden (he has now been dubbed 
OSB putting him in a class like IBM or JFK it seems) please stand up?
Was what the world watched a few days ago, originally broadcast direct from the 
Pentagon no less, the real OSB and the whole truthful story of the conveniently found 
and timed tape?  Was this just a part of the real but more more complex and convoluted 
story?   Was there a CIA Sting involved as has been reported by the establishment 
British press in London over the weekend?
Who knows the answers for sure at this point.   BUT, we do know this:  the timing 
and many other factors relating to this whole affair are in themselves very 
suspicious; AND the source for this tape, and its conveniently supplied and timed 
story, has many past tricks and deceptions to its credit; though we no doubt learn 
about only a few of them and usually much after the fact when it's too late to really 


Take for instance a forgotten episode from not that many years ago in which the 
same cast of players were involved.  Flashback to 1990 and the campaign to whip up 
support for American military intervention in Saudi Arabia to liberate Kuwait (for 
the Royal al-Sabah family then comfortably esconced in a Saudi hotel) and overthrow 
Saddam and his regime.  By the way, at this time OSB was himself sitting with the 
Saudi Royals in Riyadh, discusing with none other than King Fahd and entourage what 
should be Saudi policies.  This was the period in which the al-Queda of the future and 
the OSB of history was born; a direct result from what happened in those days not all 
that long ago.
The political climate was quite different at the time.  Bush 41/Cheney and Powell 
(then Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs) needed a Senate 
resolution of war to back their war plans of the day, and it was a close divide on 
Capitol Hill.  Then, perfectly timed, a young Kuwaiti woman was brought before the 
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and the lined-up TV cameras of the world, to plead 
the case.  She had witnessed first-hand she said the brutality of the Iraqis in 
Kuwait, including throwing babies out of their incubators and described in detail 
wanton acts of cruelty.  It was powerful threater fitting for the West Wing TV drama 
of today.  Tears flow.  Blood boiled.  The desire to pursue good over evil rose 
perceptibly like a thermometer.  And then, by a narrow vote, the Senate gave 
Bush/Cheney/Powell and the American militarists what they wanted.  And a new phase of 
history in the Middle East, and in world affairs, was launched -- New World Order I.
But when the political and military smoke cleared, not to mention the deaths of 
more than a million Iraqis, it turned out that the  woman who told her captivating 
story had not only made most of it; but she was actually in the US at the time, not 
Kuwait, and she was in fact the daughter  of the Kuwaiti Ambassador to the U.S.!   
Yes, hard to believe we know; but nevertheless true.  In fact, working in tandem with 
the CIA and the Pentagon, the Kuwaits had hired a very expensive American Public 
Relations firm which had designed the political strategy to manipulate the American 
people, the media, and the Congress.  And no, no one was ever held accountable -- like 
white collar crime, such political crimes by the rich and powerful were overlooked 
even though the very credibility of the American Congress was undermined.  Indeed, 
it's all rather conveniently forgotten by the ever-compliant corporate media who job 
it should be to uncover, remember, and reveal.
Additionally, then like now, there was much help and advice behind the scenes and 
under the table for the war makers from the legendary Jewish/Israeli lobby, whose 
power to manipulate and control Congress and the media is well-known if not well 
Moral of the story?  When dealing with the new/old cast of characters -- now Bush 
43/Cheney/Powell/Rumsfeld -- and the same powerful, secret and 

Re: [CTRL] UBL Tape (some ongoing observations)

2001-12-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/14/01 10:18:50 PM Eastern Standard Time,

 That's cause those caves in Tora Bora are world-famous for their
 goat curry 

Not curry, Owl, pilav.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] The Terrorist Web

2001-12-17 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

This is really weird.  I recall that Claire Sterling said the IRA was linked
to all the rest of the terrorist groups.  Why isn't it listed here?  Prudy

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[CTRL] The Hunt for the Menace

2001-12-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


This is expected considering UbL and Iranians have been reportedly
(*UbL*, Bodansky) working together for years attempting to radicalise
the Moslem world and recreate something on the order of the Ottoman
Empire but a modern form that is entirely Islamic.  Reportedly, UbL
is one of a Committee of Three, he and two others, Imad Mughaniyah
and Ahmad Salah.  They work under an Irani, Mahdi Chamran, for
coordination, planning and attacks by HizbAllah Int'l of world-wide
terror activities.  Two of the three (UbL and Salah) are Sunni with
the third a Shi'ite, something that has evolved in order to unite the
Islamists despite their sectual differences until the Kufr
(unIslamic, apostate peoples) are purged from the lands of
Mohammedists.  AER

Bin-Ladin said to be in Iran - Pakistani newspaper report

[Report by Saleh Zaafir: Usamah arrives in Iran; provided shelter by
a group]

Islamabad: Usamah Bin-Ladin, wanted by the United States and its
allies for terrorism, mysteriously left Afghanistan and arrived in
Iran, where he was provided shelter by an ethnic group, which is not
in full harmony with the Iranian government.

Highly credible diplomatic sources informed a special central
reporting cell of daily Jang late Saturday night [15 December] that
Usamah Bin-Ladin, after leaving Tora Bora via a comparatively long
and non-traditional route, entered Iran, where he was taken to an
unknown place.

Usama left his mountainous hideout while local mojahedin commanders
were holding talks with Al-Qa'idah fighters last week. The US bombing
was also relented during this period.

The sources said that the disclosure about fleeing of Usamah and his arrival in Iran 
was made by those detained Taleban, who lived with him and captured by the mojahedin.

These Taleban said that Usamah Bin-Ladin was informed by his
associates that he could not cross the Pakistani border due to the
extraordinary security arrangements there. So, they informed him that
his entry into Pakistan would be very difficult.

When an attempt was made late in the night to contact the Iranian
Ambassador to Pakistan, Mr Serjeddin Musavi, about the fleeing of
Usamah Bin-Ladin to Iran, his relative, Mr Hassan, said that the
envoy was not available at the moment.
Source: Jang, Rawalpindi, in Urdu 16 Dec 01 pp 1, 7
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new landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
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believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
one is truly vanquished. -Johann Christoph Schiller,
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[CTRL] The Menace the Czechs

2001-12-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


December 16, 2001

New Clue Fails to Explain Iraq Role in Sept. 11 Attack


hen Czech officials disclosed that Mohamed Atta, the suspected
mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, had met last April with an Iraqi
diplomat in Prague, it stirred immediate speculation about whether
Iraq had a role in killing thousands of Americans.

But in the weeks since, the Prague meeting has emerged as an object
lesson in the limits of intelligence reports rather than the
cornerstone of the case against Iraq. Interviews with Iraqi
defectors, Czech officials, and people who knew the Iraqi diplomat
have only deepened the mystery surrounding Mr. Atta's travels through
central Europe.

Iraqi opposition groups say the episode cannot have been a coincidence. According to 
several former Iraqi intelligence officials, the diplomat was actually a well trained 
spy with ties to terrorist operations, a master of
 disguise whose movements are supervised by Iraq's most senior officials.

American officials in Washington, by contrast, said the diplomat was a minor 
functionary who happens to have the same last name as a more important Iraqi 
intelligence agent. These officials said that they had no evidence
that Iraq was involved in the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

There are even questions about whether the reports of the meeting took place. An 
associate said the Iraqi diplomat had a business selling cars and met frequently with 
a used car dealer from Germany who bore a striking res
emblance to Mr. Atta. Just this week, there were even reports from Prague that the 
Mohamed Atta who visited Prague last April was a different man with the same name.

In a retreat from the earlier definitive statements by his government, the president 
of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Havel, recently said there was a 70 percent chance the 
meeting between Mr. Atta and an Iraqi agent named
 Ahmed Khalil Ibrahim Samir al-Ani took place.

With the Taliban vanquished and Osama bin Laden's Al Qaeda fighters cornered in 
Afghanistan, this sort of arcane debate among experts has taken on new significance. 
President Bush has said he intends to defeat the nations
 and groups that support terrorism, a global war whose targets will be selected by 
intelligence agencies sifting through fragmentary conflicting evidence comparable to 
the reports about the Prague meeting.

There was definitely one meeting, between Mr. Ani and Mr. Atta, an intelligence 
official in Washington said. We don't know if it was significant. We certainly don't 
attribute to it the significance others attribute to
it automatically. Just because there was a meeting doesn't mean it was connected to 

This much has been asserted. Mr. Atta went to Prague last April and then flew to 
Florida as the plot to ram jetliners into buildings gained momentum. It has been 
reported by Czech authorities that he met with Mr. Ani, the
 diplomat who Iraqi opposition leaders insist is an important spymaster for Saddam 

American intelligence officials who believe that Mr. Ani is a low- ranking diplomat of 
little consequence emphasize that the Iraqi National Congress, the opposition group 
seeking to overthrow Saddam Hussein, has an agenda
 and a history of coloring fact to suit its needs.

As if the waters were not muddied enough, some in Prague who knew the diplomat say he 
met with a used car salesman named Saleh from Nuremberg, Germany, who looked like Mr. 
Atta. He is a perfect double for Atta, said a S
yrian businessman who has lived in Prague for 35 years and says he knew the diplomat 
and the car salesman. I saw him several times with Mister Consul.

On Friday, a major Czech newspaper, quoting Czech intelligence officials, offered 
still another theory: the Mohamed Atta who came to Prague last April was not the 
hijacker but a Pakistani of the same name.

He didn't have the same identity card number, an unidentified Interior Ministry 
official told the newspaper Mlada Fronta Dnes. There was a great difference in their 
ages, their nationalities didn't match, basically not
hing — it was someone else. The details of the meeting, as reported by the Czech 
authorities, remain vague. The Czech intelligence service has not said how it knows 
the meeting took place, or what was said.

We went to the public just with the thing we can really prove, said Hynek Kmonicek, 
the Czech ambassador to the United Nations who gave Mr. Ani his expulsion orders last 
April. And we can really prove just one thing: t
hat these two people met. But his proof, he acknowledged, is the Czech Interior 
Ministry announcement.

Mr. Ani was expelled from Prague for activities that were described as incompatible 
with his diplomatic status. Details of his infraction have never been made 


2001-12-17 Thread Nakano Nakamura

-Caveat Lector-

Thank you for this information.
Somehow I missed seeing the first plane video.
I think your explanation of what Bush said is
probably what occured.
I find one thing about all this still puzzling.
The President sees the second plane hit the
Trade Center. He goes ahead with the plan to read
to the children. His aide steps up and whispers in
his ear, something to the effect of:
Mr. President we definitely have had a terrorist
attack on the World Trade Center.
Bush gives no visible reaction to this information.
He calmly goes back to reading to the children for
another 20 minutes???
This reactionor lack of reaction by the
President of the United States makes no sense at all.
 -Caveat Lector-

 From: Nakano Nakamura [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Has anyone on this list seen a picture or video
 of the first plane hitting the World Trade Center?
 We all saw the second plane hit the second Tower
 over and over and over.
 But were there any pictures ever shown of the
 first plane as it hit the WTC?

 Yes, most people have seen the clip of the first
 plane hitting that was
 caught from a ground-level training video that was
 being shot in the Wall
 Street area that morning...but that clip wasn't
 broadcast until more than
 an hour after the plane hit, and then it too was
 played and replayed over
 and over...

 In addition, I remember the NYC station I was
 watching also showing a clip
 of the FIRST plane hitting that was caught by one of
 the many traffic
 helicopters that fly in the area on weekday
 mornings; I at first thought it
 was one of the many replays of the video of the 2nd
 plane hitting until the
 reporter stressed that it was the first plane, and
 indeed both towers were
 intact and not on fire until the plane hit the North
 Tower; this clip was
 replayed for a couple of minutes on this one
 station, and never
 repeated...neither did I ever see it shown on
 another station -- why it
 disappeared and what happened to it, I do not know.
 But this clip wasn't
 shown until almost noon time, so it couldn't have
 been what Bush was
 referring to...

 People are taking a simple statement from a simple
 mind, and blowing it out
 of context; what Bush ACTUALLY said was that he was
 watching TV at 9am and
 saw *A* plane hit the WTC...he does not specify
 'first' or 'second' plane,
 just 'a' plane; a few minutes later he says an aide
 whispered in his ear
 that 'a second plane hit the WTC'; from this people
 are imagining that Bush
 said he saw the FIRST plane hit the WTC...

 But that isn't what he said, and it would have been
 impossible even if he
 DID say it, because the first plane hit the North
 Tower at 8:45 a.m., NOT
 at 9 a.m. when Bush says he watched as a plane hit
 the WTC; the second
 plane hit the South Tower at 9:02 a.m., so what
 ACTUALLY seems to have
 happened is:

   1) the first plane hit the WTC North Tower at 8:45

   2) all the media switched to live coverage of the
 burning tower

   3) as Bush waited to go in to read to the kiddies,
 a TV was switched on
 for him to see the breaking news

   4) at 9:02 all the live media coverage of the
 burning North Tower showed
 a plane plowing into the South Tower (the 2nd plane)

   5) Bush then went in to read to the kiddies, a
 photo op that had already
 been put in place and couldn't be avoided

   6) as he read to the kiddies, an aide came in and
 CONFIRMED that a second
 plane had crashed into the WTC

 Quite simple, really


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Re: [CTRL] The Terrorist Web

2001-12-17 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Okay sign me up.

O'Saba, Chairman of Board
International Order of Irish Mafia

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Re: [CTRL] The New [Pseudo] Patriotism

2001-12-17 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

 -Caveat Lector-

 I've found myself spending time putting my finger on
 what is troublesome about the new patriotism. It is
 superficial. From somewhere I recall hearing a
 sarcastic, 'Instant patriotism. Add water and stir.'
 Real patriotism is not simply worn on your lapel, or
 flown from your car. Real patriotism costs

well said!

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[CTRL] Alan D on Usama bL

2001-12-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From Nat'l Post

Normally, I'm not a fan of Alan D.  However, it is interesting to
see this whole thing from the standpoint of such a thing as the rule
of law (where have I heard THAT before and how MANY times?).
Buckaroo Bush and his posse are out riding the range (remember the
Rambo movie then the images of the SpecOps guys on horses, both in
Afghanland) seeking outlaws and saving native gals in distress.
While they are doing this, they're operating on some yet-to-be-
defined pretext of legitimacy.  This ought to go into Guinness as the
world's largest man-hunt, lynch mob, and vigilante (frontier justice)
action as UbL has yet to be tried, yet he's been given the sentence..
This is like feeding a goat meadow muffins and having them come out
carrots, eh, what?  AER

Page URL:

December 15, 2001

Tape doesn't prove bin Laden's guilt

National Post

Alan M. Dershowitz, a professor of law at Harvard University and an
appellate lawyer, has represented such clients as Claus von Bulow,
Mike Tyson and O.J. Simpson. In an exclusive to the National Post, he
analyzes the legal merits of the Osama bin Laden videotape, released
on Thursday.

- - -

Now that the world has seen and heard Osama bin Laden and his fellow Islamic 
extremists taking credit and praising Allah for the mass murder of thousands of 
innocent people, few reasonable people will doubt the moral culp
ability, despicability and dangerousness of these misguided Muslims. But does the tape 
actually strengthen the legal case against bin Laden, Zacarias Moussaoui and others 
likely to face trial in connection with the outrag
es of Sept. 11?

In assessing the legal implications of the tape, it is as important to focus on what 
is missing from the tape as what is present on it. There is nothing on the tape that 
reveals bin Laden possessed information only a pers
on guilty of planning this horrible crime would possess. In other words, the truth of 
the incriminating statements made on the tape is not self-proving: It relies on 
believing bin Laden is telling the truth.

Contrast this tape with tapes that are sometimes introduced in organized-crime or drug 
cases that are self-proving. Such tapes contain information that is not in the public 
domain and could be known only by the criminal.
Such information might include the calibre of bullets used, the location of transit 
points for drugs, the names of undisclosed associates, etc. The bin Laden tape, in 
contrast, includes only information known to everybody
. For example, bin Laden's assertion that Mohammed Atta was the leader of the 
hijackers has been widely reported and cannot be independently confirmed.

It could be argued bin Laden's statement that several of the hijackers were unaware of 
their mission until just before they boarded the plane is precisely the kind of 
information that would be known only to the planner. B
ut there is no independent evidence that this claim is true. It is exactly the sort of 
statement that would be made by someone falsely seeking to claim credit for something 
he did not plan, since it suggests unique knowle
dge that can never be disproved. It, too, had been widely reported in the press before 
bin Laden made his statements. In other words, it is entirely possible bin Laden is 
boasting and claiming credit for a success for w
hich he had little personal responsibility and no advance knowledge.

Why, one may ask, would bin Laden lie to his fellow Muslim idealogues? What motive 
might he have for taking credit for so horrible a deed if he was not, in fact, 
responsible? There are no easy answers to these questions,
but it will be argued by some that in that part of the world people often take credit 
for the terrorist acts of others. There is a long history of multiple groups claiming 
credit for a single act of terrorism -- even of g
roups claiming credit for explosions that turned out to be accidents. It is possible 
this tape, despite its poor quality, was intended as a recruiting device, and that 
claiming credit for the largest attack on the United
States was seen as helping the recruiting effort. It is also possible bin Laden was 
responsible for creating the terrorist holding company that commissioned specific 
groups to design and carry out terrorist acts against t
he United States, without himself knowing the specifics in advance. It is also 
possible -- I would say probable -- that bin Laden was directly involved in planning 
the attacks, but this tape by itself does not prove legal
 guilt, as I hoped it would.

There may well be other evidence proving bin Laden's culpability, but the tape alone 
consists primarily of dreams, Koranic quotations, boasts, congratulatory statements 
and information that has been widely reported or can
not be confirmed independently. If a prosecutor sought to have the tape admitted 
against bin Laden himself, it would 

[CTRL] McVeigh

2001-12-17 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

By 1966, MKULTRA had spawned Operation MKSEARCH, the
use of biological, chemical, and radiological
substances to induce psychological and physiological
changes in the CIA's victims. MKSEARCH spawned
Operations OFTEN and CHICKWIT, using biological,
chemical, and radiological substances to induce
psychological and physiological changes. Operations
THIRD CHANCE and DERBY HAT involved the Army's
Military Intelligence Group's (M.I.G.) surreptitious
dosing of victims in Europe and the Far East. MKDELTA,
an offshoot of MKULTRA, involved spraying massive
doses of LSD and other drugs by the Army over areas
inhabited by Viet Cong.[200]

[The preeminent don of the CIA's psychological warfare
program was Dr. Louis Jolyn West. As part of his
MKULTRA experiments, West decided to send an elephant
at the Oklahoma City Zoo on an LSD trip. Apparently,
the poor creature did not appreciate the effects of
Dr. West's Magical Mystery Tour. It died several hours

A close associate of Drs. Cameron and Gottlieb, West
studied the use of drugs as adjuncts to interpersonal
manipulation or assault, and was among one of the
pioneers of remote electronic brain experimentation,
including telemetric brain implants on unwitting

West's good friend, Aldous Huxley, suggested that he
hypnotize his subjects before administering LSD, in
order to give them post-hypnotic suggestions which
would orient the drug-induced experience in a desired

Interestingly, West was the psychiatrist who examined
Jack Ruby, the assassin of Lee Harvey Oswald. Ruby's
assertion that an ultra-Right-wing cabal was
responsible for JFK's murder, and his refusal to admit
insanity, led West to conclude that he was paranoid
and mentally ill. West placed Ruby on
anti-depressants, which did little to modify his
claims of conspiracy. He died of cancer two years
later, claiming to the end that he had been injected
with cancerous biological material.

West also examined Sirhan Sirhan, a controlled
hypo-patsy who allegedly killed Robert F. Kennedy.
Currently chairman of UCLA's Neuropsychiatric
Institute, West headed the American Psychological
Association (APA) trauma response team that rushed to
Oklahoma City in the wake of the disaster.

I interviewed Dr. West by phone. While confirming that
he had indeed traveled to Oklahoma City with his team,
the eminent psychiatrist made a curious Freudian
Slip. When asked if he had examined McVeigh, he said,
No, I haven't been asked to do that. I think his
lawyer wouldn't want someone he didn't trus…

West nevertheless told me that someone from the FBI's
Behavioral Sciences unit would have interviewed
McVeigh. In fact the FBI's Behavioral Sciences unit
did interview the prisoner. John Douglas of the FBI's
Psychological Profile Unit was later quoted in the
Times as saying, This is an easily controlled and
manipulated personality. What Douglas is unwittingly
confirming is that McVeigh was perfect material for
the CIA's psychological mind-control program.


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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] 'The US is an indicted terrorist state'

2001-12-17 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


November 11 2001 at 07:01PM
'The US is an indicted terrorist state'

Madras, India - The bombing of Afghanistan was a
greater crime than the September 11 US terror attacks,
noted American social critic and philosopher Noam
Chomsky told a seminar here on Sunday.

He said the Western approach to the Afghan conflict
was both shortsighted and catastrophic.

The United States is an indicted terrorist state,
Chomsky said. It had committed several acts of
aggression against other nations and frequently
violated all canons of international law. He said it
had no moral right to be a critic of terrorism, having
committed the same crimes.

The US has trained groups of terrorists to overthrow
governments found to be inconvenient to its interests
and replace them with its own lackeys, Chomsky said.

He added that the US did not bother to get the
sanction of the UN Security Council for its war on
Afghanistan. Despite knowing it was easily
obtainable, it did not get the sanction only because
it did not want to acknowledge such a need and thereby
compromise on its own right to act unilaterally.

He added that globalisation, as passionately
promoted by the Western world, only led to a further
divide between the haves and have-nots.

Globalisation is a conspiracy of the Western elite to
establish private tyrannies across the world, said

The globalisation process invariably benefited a small
community, even within a prosperous nation like the

The argument that globalisation will promote
prosperity is only a myth, said Chomsky.

In the backdrop of such pressures being exerted on
the rest of the world by affluent Western powers, the
future of the masses can only be guaranteed by popular
movements championing human rights and environmental

He said US hegemony had increased with the collapse
of the Soviet Union and the emergence of a unipolar

During the existence of the Soviet Union, the rest of
the world had some manoeuvring space between the two
superpowers, and the Non-Aligned Movement gathered

Also, the victims of one superpower managed to get
support from the other.

Saying the US was not a democracy, Chomsky said it was
dominated by the rich, who indoctrinated society with
a consumerist culture.

Chomsky is one of America's most prominent political
dissidents. - Sapa-AFP

also see:

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: A BuzzFlash News Alert: Newspaper Publisher Heckled for Speech About Thr...

2001-12-17 Thread Samantha L.

forwarded message

Title: A BuzzFlash News Alert: Newspaper Publisher Heckled for Speech about Threats to Civil Liberties

A BuzzFlash News Alert: Newspaper Publisher Heckled for Speech About Threats to Civil Liberties.

BuzzFlash is concerned about that state of free speech in America. When someone questions the actions of our government it is quickly labeled by many as "anti-American" and sandbagged. We don't know why this is happening -- other than some symptom of September 11th post-traumatic stress disorder -- but we wish it would stop.

Without free speech and the ability to have non-violent dissenting opinions about our government's actions and deeds, we become no better than every other repressive regime that ever inhabited our planet.

And that, indeed, is a sad thing.

Below is a report in the Sacramento Bee on the speech and the complete text of the speech by Janis Besler Heaphy, president and publisher of The Sacramento Bee.



Graduation speech cut short by hecklers
By Nancy Weaver Teichert -- Bee Staff Writer
Published 5:15 a.m. PST Sunday, Dec. 16, 2001


The commencement address for mid-year graduates at California State University, Sacramento, was halted Saturday after audience members in the packed house at Arco Arena drowned out the speech with heckling.

Janis Besler Heaphy, president and publisher of The Sacramento Bee, was speaking before the largest crowd ever for a CSUS graduation ceremony about the threats to civil liberties posed by the federal government's investigation into the Sept. 11 attacks. Her comments were drowned out about five minutes into the eight-minute speech when a segment of the audience began to stomp and clap in protest to her words.

University President Don Gerth said he could not provide exact figures for the number of people attending Saturday's event, but said Arco Arena was packed for the ceremony, which combined the graduation rites for several schools at the university. The arena can hold more than 17,000.

"This was a message about civil liberties and our acceptance of differing points of view in American society," Heaphy said in an interview after the commencement. "It's a message that needs to continue to be heard."

During her speech, the heckling began after Heaphy voiced concerns about racial profiling, the suspension of civil rights of suspects in the Sept. 11 attacks, and the establishment of military tribunals.

Gerth said the graduating students were respectful and that the interruptions came from family members and friends in the audience. He said several students came up to Heaphy afterward to apologize.

Before Heaphy was interrupted, Gerth said, she was making a point about the potential consequences of the methods being used to investigate the terrorist attacks. He said that, in light of the many lives lost in the attacks, some members of the audience may have found the message hard to hear.

"The temper of the times is not terribly open to that," he said. "Our students have a right to hear our speaker. I have never seen behavior like this. It is a day I will never forget. I am not proud of it."

Gerth said he took the microphone and quieted the audience after the first interruption, but that Heaphy stopped speaking about three-quarters of the way through her speech after more loud heckling.

"When the university invited me to speak," Heaphy said, "I thought about what to say. I decided that the message should be one that emphasizes the need to continue to embrace the traditions of liberty that are at the core of American democracy.

"Nothing that happened today changes my mind for the need to continue to articulate those values."

Gerth concluded the ceremony by announcing that the speech will be posted Monday on the university's Web site. The Bee will publish the address on Monday's opinion page.


Text from Saturday's Winter 2001 Commencement address

Janis Besler Heaphy, 
Publisher and President of The Sacramento Bee commencement address


Thank you, Dr. Gerth.

Honored guests, faculty, parents, graduates:

It's challenging to give a commencement address. Understandably, the parents would like a speech that is somewhat sentimental. The faculty would prefer a speech that is substantive. And the graduates want a speech that is, well short .

I'll do my best to strike a balance among all those demands.

A common theme at commencement ceremonies is the future. 

And why not?

For you, the graduates, today marks the end of one journey. And the beginning of another. That is as true for you today as it has been for the thousands of students that have walked before you. Each graduate, enriched by his or her academic experiences, has been poised to take 

[CTRL] Stateless Socialism: Anarchism

2001-12-17 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Stateless Socialism: Anarchism
by Mikhail Bakunin 1814-1876


From The Political Philosophy of Bakunin
by G.P. Maximoff
1953, The Free Press, NY


Effect of the Great Principles Proclaimed by the
French Revolution. From the time when the Revolution
brought down to the masses its Gospel - not the mystic
but the rational, not the heavenly but the earthly,
not the divine but the human Gospel, the Gospel of the
Rights of Man - ever since it proclaimed that all men
are equal, that all men are entitled to liberty and
equality, the masses of all European countries, of all
the civilized world, awakening gradually from the
sleep which had kept them in bondage ever since
Christianity drugged them with its opium, began to ask
themselves whether they too, had the right to
equality, freedom, and humanity.

As soon as this question was posed, the people, guided
by their admirable sound sense as well as by their
instincts, realized that the first condition of their
real emancipation, or of their humanization, was above
all a radical change in their economic situation. The
question of daily bread is to them justly the first
question, for as it was noted by Aristotle, man, in
order to think, in order to feel himself free, in
order to become man, must be freed from the material
cares of daily life. For that matter, the bourgeois,
who are so vociferous in their outcries against the
materialism of the people and who preach to the latter
the abstinences of idealism, know it very well, for
they themselves preach it only by word and not by

The second question arising before the people - that
of leisure after work - is the indispensable condition
of humanity. But bread and leisure can never be
obtained apart from a radical transformation of
existing society, and that explains why the
Revolution, impelled by the implications of its own
principles, gave birth to Socialism.

Socialism Is Justice...Socialism is justice. When we
speak of justice, we understand thereby not the
justice contained in the Codes and in Roman
jurisprudence - which were based to a great extent
upon facts of violence achieved by force, violence
consecrated by time and by the benedictions of some
church or other (Christian or pagan), and as such
accepted as absolute principles, from which all law is
to be deduced by a process of logical reasoning - no,
we speak of that justice which is based solely upon
human conscience, the justice to be found in the
consciousness of every man - even in that of children
- and which can be expressed in a single word: equity.

This universal justice which, owing to conquests by
force and religious influences, has never yet
prevailed in the political or juridical or economic
worlds, should become the basis of the new world.
Without it there can be neither liberty, nor republic,
nor prosperity, nor peace. It then must govern our
resolutions in order that we work effectively toward
the establishment of peace. And this justice urges us
to take upon ourselves the defense of the interests of
the terribly maltreated people and demand their
economic and social emancipation along with political

The Basic Principle of Socialism. We do not propose
here, gentlemen, this or any other socialist system.
What we demand now is the proclaiming anew of the
great principle of the French Revolution: that every
human being should have the material and moral means
to develop all his humanity, a principle which, in our
opinion, is to be translated into the following

To organize society in such a manner that every
individual, man or woman, should find, upon entering
life, approximately equal means for the development of
his or her diverse faculties and their utilization in
his or her work. And to organize such a society that,
rendering impossible the exploitation of anyone's
labor, will enable every individual to enjoy the
social wealth, which in reality is produced only by
collective labor, but to enjoy it only in so far as he
contributes directly toward the creation of that

State Socialism Rejected. The carrying out of this
task will of course take centuries of development. But
history has already brought it forth and henceforth we
cannot ignore it without condemning ourselves to utter
impotence. We hasten to add here that we vigorously
reject any attempt at social organization which would
not admit the fullest liberty of individuals and
organizations, or which would require the setting up
of any regimenting power whatever. In the name of
freedom, which we recognize as the only foundation and
the only creative principle of organization, economic
or political, we shall protest against anything
remotely resembling State Communism, or State

Abolition of the Inheritance Law. The only thing
which, in opinion, the State can and should do, is
first to modify little by little 

[CTRL] Conspiracism

2001-12-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Go down the page and there you will find an entry that reads:

 The Sucker Punch of Right/Left Coalitions Conspiracy theories about
 9/11 are being featured on progressive news programs and Internet
 lists. What's going on? Why is this a problem?

Cliquez there and follow the linques.  Each entry below is a Hot
Linque.  AER

Dynamics of Scapegoating, Conspiracism, and Populism - 1


Scapegoating as Ideological Weapon

The Scapegoat

Constructing the Enemy as Scapegoat

Social Psychology

Scapegoating in Society

Some Examples

The Role of the Demagogue



The Dynamics of Conspiracism

Conspiracism as Scapegoating

Conspiracism and Apocalypticism

Conspiracism and Countersubversion

Conspiracism and Social Conflict

Conspiracism and Secret Elites

Conspiracism as Parody of Institutional Analysis

The Political Assumptions of Conspiracism

Conspiracism and Right-Wing Populism

Repressive Populism

Rethinking Populism
Agrarian populism
Political populism

Right-Wing Populism

Populism as Core Element of Fascism

From Whence a Mass Base?


The Sucker Punch Series

Buchanan, Fulani, Perot,  the Reform Party
Lenora Fulani and the Politics of Opportunism
Right Wing Populism
Right Wing Anti-Globalism
Conspiracism as a form of Scapegoating {you are here}

The Public Eye web site is hosted by  the Mindspring

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Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
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teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Message From the Last Libertarian

2001-12-17 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Message From the Last Libertarian
A Letter to the Editor of The Match
Taken from Issue #86, Summer 1991
P.O. Box 3488
Tucson, Arizona 85722
Dear Fred: I'm a 1967-style Libertarian, and that
seems to have little in common with the Libertarians
we've picked up since 1980.

You have no idea of the corruption that entered the
Party of Principle. Reason Magazine sold out. The
great anarchistic Mr. Libertarian, Murray Rothbard,
joined with an arch-fascist; most state-level
positions have been lost to the conservatarians. Why?
Because the right-wingers had so much more money than
the left-wingers. They were able to flit about the
country and create a controlling clique that people
without money couldn't keep up with.

Many Libertarian organizations have gone under. USA
Today recently ran a guest column supporting the
beating of that guy by the Los Angeles Cops. The
writer was a newcomer who repeatedly called himself a

Like the writer of the Summer 1990 editorial in The
Match, I too have swerved from hating government to
hating government-lovers.

I love the editorial response to Mike Hall in the
letters column of issue 83. I've worked my ass off
since childhood at junk jobs because of the very
conditions mentioned. Correct: too many of these
pseudo-Libertarians have had it too easy in life. I
had to collect bottles at factories at age five and I
was shoveling coal in basements at age nine, but
according to these pseudo-Libertarians who spent those
years playing, I'm poor and they're rich because I
didn't work as much as they did. An inverted
crazy-quilt world made by people who inherited while
demanding that others earn and don't even want to face

But remember, if nine out of ten Anarchists are really
secret government informers who misrepresent
Anarchism, that still doesn't mean Anarchism is what
they say it is. I'm a Libertarian, and a lot of these
other guys aren't. Having more money, they can make
everybody think they are Libertarians.

One of my biggest problems is with inheritance. On
the one hand I do not support inheritance taxes as
they strengthen the State. On the other hand, I'm sick
of hearing Libertarians and Objectivists say how
everything in life must be earned and then they look
away and whistle when I say, True, but how about
inheritance? It's not earned.

Perhaps it's because having been born along the East
River in New York City, I've never known what it's
like to be middle-class and to have the necessities of
life handed to me so I'd be set up in life. I've never
known any Ayn Rand fans to be Hank Reardens
themselves; they seem to be born owners, not renters.
I've watched my fellow libertarians sell out as they
got older; they no longer care about personal liberty,
just economic freedom. They liked to play at being
poor by dressing and living ratty while in their
early twenties, but quickly joined the establishment
when their parents helped get them set up in polite

Personally, I think the whole Capitalism vs. Socialism
argument is a red herring. We're still in medievalism.
You tell me what class your daddy was and I'll tell
you which one you're in - just like the twelfth
century. First, we get out of medievalism, then with
everyone starting off equally, we'll see about the
Capitalism vs. Socialism bit.

However, you would be doing the real Libertarians a
favor if you called these pseudo-Libertarians by their
true name: Conservatarians. How would you like it if
government-lovers started calling themselves
Anarchists and proceeded to embarrass true Anarchists?
These phonies, Conservatarians, are far more
interested in profit than liberty, that's for damn
sure. Don't blame us because these rich bastards came
in since 1980, expropriated our name and disgraced us.
It was just like LaRouche taking over the Chicago
Democrats. Most people who came in since 1980 are
phony and many of those who came in during the '60's
sold out - but there are still some real Libertarians
left. Don't hurt us by letting them get away with
stealing the word Libertarian. At least help us by
calling them pseudo-Libertarians or Conservatarians.

These pseudo-Libertarians like to mock the idea of a
diligent person being homeless. Diligent? I used to
load boxcars in the rain for minimum wage. Considering
the rents nowadays, how the hell does one pay them?
The modern jerks won't admit to themselves that their
parents greased their way through life. It was nothing
they did. People I know, including myself, now live in
places doubled-up, without even heat or running water.
And we're grateful for even that much. Thank goodness
for libraries and their warmth between junk jobs.
Thank goodness for college shower rooms that one can
sneak into to get clean.

More Conservatism posing as Libertarianism - using the
average income rather than the mode. Hell, by that
reasoning all serfs and slaves were middle-class when
you average in the vast wealth of the lord with the
zero of the lackeys. 

[CTRL] Fwd: [the_octopus] Obit: Susan Forrest, 42, won Pulitzer for Horton story

2001-12-17 Thread Samantha L.

forwarded message


Atlanta Constitution

THURSDAY € December 13, 2001

OBITUARIES: Susan Forrest, reporter who won Pulitzer
Associated Press
Thursday, December 13, 2001

Susan Forrest, who won a Pulitzer Prize for her coverage of Massachusetts
Gov. Michael Dukakis' furlough of convicted murderer Willie Horton, died
while visiting her sister in Decatur.

Her mother, Phyllis Davidson of Boca Raton, Fla., said Tuesday that Ms.
Forrest, 42, of Queens, N.Y., died in her sleep Dec. 5.

She said an autopsy was performed on her daughter's body, which was
cremated, to determine the cause of death. Results will not be known for six
to eight weeks, she said.

Ms. Forrest's coverage of Mr. Dukakis' furlough of Mr. Horton helped doom
Mr. Dukakis' 1988 presidential bid. George Bush effectively used the
furlough, during which Mr. Horton raped a woman, to help clinch his win.

She won journalism's top prize while working at the Lawrence Eagle-Tribune
in Massachusetts. She later worked for Newsday and the New York Post. She
graduated from the University of Nevada, Reno, in 1982.

Ms. Davidson said Ms. Forest was visiting her sister, Debra Sidell, for the
holidays while looking for a job in the Atlanta area.

She said her daughter was laid off from the New York Daily News in June and
had been working as a Red Cross volunteer at the World Trade Center while
looking for another job.

''She sounded fine,'' Ms. Davidson said. ''I asked her if it was too much
for her, and she told me it wasn't as long as she was helping out.''

''She wrote passionate, compassionate stories,'' said Joe Demma, a former
editor at Newsday. A memorial service is scheduled Sunday at Temple Beth El
in Boca Raton. 

The Octopus:  A Yahoo! Groups Message Service
Founded August 25th, 1999

In Memoriam: 
Danny Casolaro
Jim Keith
Ron Bonds


Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/ 

---End Message---


2001-12-17 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Afghan Civilian Death Toll Surpasses Sept. 11

2001-12-17 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

Afghan Civilian Death Toll Surpasses Sept. 11

A new study by Marc Herold lifts the veil of the US
media blackout regarding civilian casualties of the
war in Afghanistan, and concludes that US military
strikes have now killed over 3700 Afghan civilians,
compared to 3148 killed by Sept. 11 attacks.

Herold's research combines a broad range of
international news reports with first-hand accounts,
and leads to a damning indictment of the mainstream
news media, whose slanted, ideological coverage of the
war has encouraged the US public to look the other


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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2001-12-17 Thread William Shannon

20:03 2001-12-17


Relations between the USA and Israel have become complicated recently. America decided to support Israel’s rough actions towards the Palestinians. At the same time, US special services detain Israeli spies on American territory and struggle with home-bred Jewish extremists. 

Fox TV reports that during the investigation of the Sept.11 terrorist acts, about 60 Israelis were detained in the USA on suspicion of intelligence activity. Several of the detained are Israeli military men and secret intelligence agents operating on the US territory, the TV company reports. Charges of the violation of immigration rules have been brought against most of the detained. 

A polygraph was used for the interrogation of the Israelis suspected of spying against America. Investigators say that for some of the detained, the polygraph became an obstacle. 

The detained Israelis are not accused in connection with the terrorist acts in New York and Washington, although the version is well spread in many Arab states. The detained are said to have been aware of the terrorist acts, but they provided no information about them. Israel’s embassy in the USA denies any connection of Israeli with intelligence activity against the USA. Fox reports that before the Sept.11 events, 140 Israelis were detained on suspicion of espionage. Israel’s special services have created a wide spy network in the USA. Students studying art in Jerusalem penetrated US army bases, anti-drug services, governmental institutions, secret offices, and homes of law enforcement officers. US intelligence considers Israel as an A-category country. States that carry out the most aggressive intelligence operations against the USA are in this category. 

Fox cited a report US intelligence agencies on the problem. “The actions of Israeli in the political and economic spheres are dictated by their strong survival instinct. That is why Israel is aggressive in itst collection of information about US military and industrial technologies." 

However, the USA has to struggle not only with “harmless” Israeli spies on its territory. Recently, two leaders of the Jewish Defense League (JDL)were detained on suspicion of organizing bombings of a mosque, a congressman's office, and the headquarters of an Arab-American group in Los Angeles. 

A special anti-terrorism team of the US Department of Justice detained the two leaders of the JDL, Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel, as the plotters of terrorist acts aimed at the King Fahd Mosque in Culver City near Los Angeles and office of Senator Issa in San Diego. 

Issa, the grandson of Lebanese immigrants, is a Christian of Arab origin and a member of the Republican party. He is on the House Committee for International Relations and supports the Israeli-Palestinian peace talks. The senator cannot understand why he has become a target for extremists. In Issa’s words, most American Jews are in a panic after information about more explosions. The senator says that the same panic was observed among American Arabs after the Sept.11 explosions. 

Investigators say that the plans of the terrorists were frustrated when the last component, explosive powder, was delivered to Krugel’s home. 

One of the League’s members, whom Krugel asked to assist in the bombings, told the FBI about the plan. Now, attorneys of the detained say that it was this FBI special agent who brought explosives to Krugel’s home. The prosecution does not deny the fact. Krugel’s attorney considers the FBI agent the producer of the whole act. The preparation for the explosions is said to have been taped. The tapes reveal that, to avoid numerous victims, the targets were to be exploded at night. The amount of the explosive powder found in Rubin’s home is not enough to explode a building, experts say. 

The US press reports that the JDL's leaders have been detained after recent promises of the Public Prosecutor and the FBI director on prevention of response attacks against American Arabs. 

The Jewish Defense League (13 000 members) was founded in 1968 as an armed response to anti-Semitism. It also stood for the punishment of Nazi criminals and immigration of the Jewish population from the USSR. The League’s founder, Meir Kahane, quit the organization in the 1980s and was assassinated in 1990. El Sayyid Nosair, 36, an Egyptian-born Muslim, was convicted in connection with the shooting. 

The situation in the Middle East is extremely tense; Americans support Israel’s strict actions in its struggle with terrorists. That is why the JDL's preparation for bombings in the USA were so unexpected. 

Attorneys of the two terrorists are more likely to stress this fact in court. The JDL's attorneys will say that law enforcement authorities have already lunched an anti-Jewish campaign for the sake of a balance. 

Several Arab-American organizations have asked authorities 

[CTRL] FBI reportedly wants Badtrans worm's pilfered data --Rotten.com

2001-12-17 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-


The FBI is asking for access to a massive database
that contains the private communications and passwords
of the victims of the Badtrans Internet worm. Badtrans
spreads through security flaws in Microsoft mail
software and transmits everything the victim types.
Since November 24, Badtrans has violated the privacy
of millions of Internet users, and now the FBI wants
to take part in the spying.

December 17, 2001
FBI wants access to worm's pilfered data

The FBI is asking for access to a massive database
that contains the private communications and passwords
of the victims of the Badtrans Internet worm. Badtrans
spreads through security flaws in Microsoft mail
software and transmits everything the victim types.
Since November 24, Badtrans has violated the privacy
of millions of Internet users, and now the FBI wants
to take part in the spying.

Victims of Badtrans are infected when they receive an
email containing the worm in an attachment and either
run the program by clicking on it, or use an email
reader like Microsoft Outlook which may automatically
run it without user intervention. Once executed, the
worm replicates by sending copies of itself to all
other email addresses found on the host's machine, and
installs a keystroke-logger capable of stealing
passwords including those used for telnet, email, ftp,
and the web. Also captured is anything else the user
may be typing, including personal documents or private

Coincidentally, just four days before the breakout of
Badtrans it was revealed that the FBI was developing
their own keystroke-logging virus, called Magic
Lantern. Made to complement the Carnivore spy system,
Magic Lantern would allow them to obtain target's
passwords as they type them. This is a significant
improvement over Carnivore, which can only see data
after it has been transmitted over the Internet, at
which point the passwords may have been encrypted.

After Badtrans pilfers keystrokes the data is sent
back to one of twenty-two email addresses (this is
according to the FBI-- leading anti-virus vendors have
only reported seventeen email addresses). Among these
are free email addresses at Excite, Yahoo, and
IJustGotFired.com. IJustGotFired is a free service of
MonkeyBrains, a San Francisco based independent
Internet Service Provider.

In particular, [EMAIL PROTECTED] began
receiving emails at 3:23 PM on November 24. Triggering
software automatically disabled the account after it
exceeded quotas, and began saving messages as they
arrived. The following day, MonkeyBrains' mail server
was sluggish. Upon examination of the mail server's
logs, it quickly became apparent that 100 emails per
minute to the suck_my_prick alias were the source of
the problem. The mails delivered the logged keystrokes
from over 100,000 compromised computers in the first
day alone.

Last week the FBI contacted the owner of MonkeyBrains,
Rudy Rucker, Jr., and requested a cloned copy of the
password database and keylogged data. The database
includes only information stolen from the victims of
the virus, not information about the perpetrator. The
FBI wants indiscriminant access to the illegally
extracted passwords and keystrokes of over two million
people without so much as a warrant. Even with a
warrant they would have to specify exactly what
information they are after, on whom, and what they
expect to find. Instead, they want it all and for no
justifiable reason.

One of the most basic tenets of an authoritarian state
is one that claims rights for itself that it denies
its citizens. Surveillance is perhaps one of the most
glaring examples of this in our society. Accordingly,
rather than hand over the entire database to the FBI,
MonkeyBrains has decided to open the database to the
public. Now everyone (including the FBI) will be able
query which accounts have been compromised and search
for their hostnames. Password and keylogged data will
not be made available, for obvious legal reasons.

The implications of complying with the FBI's request,
absent any legal authority, are staggering. This is
information that no one, not even the FBI, could
legally gather themselves. The fact that they seek to
take advantage of this worm and benefit from its
illicit spoils, demonstrates the FBI's complete and
utter contempt for constitutionally mandated due
process and protection from unreasonable search and
seizure. It defies reason that the FBI expects the
American people to trust them to only look at certain
permissible nuggets of data and ignore the rest of
what they collect. One need only imagine what J. Edgar
Hoover would do with today's expansive surveillance
system, coupled with the new powers granted by the
Patriot Act, to appreciate the Orwellian nightmare
that the United States is becoming. The last thing the
FBI should have is a spying Internet worm, and it
looks like they've found one. Welcome to the Magic

[CTRL] Every person in the world would be fingerprinted and registered under a universa

2001-12-17 Thread Carl Amedio

Refugees meeting hears proposal to register every human in
GENEVA, Dec 13 AAP|Published: Friday December 14, 7:18 AM

Every person in the world would be fingerprinted and registered under a universal identification scheme to fight illegal immigration and people smuggling outlined at a United Nations meeting today.

The plan was put forward by Pascal Smet, the head of Belgium's independent asylum review board, at a roundtable meeting with ministers including Australian Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock this afternoon.

Mr Smet said the European Union was already considering a Europe-wide system, using either fingerprints or eye scanning technology, to identify citizens.

But he said the plan could be extended worldwide.

"There are no technical problems. It is only a question of will and investment," he said.

"If you look to our societies, we are already registered from birth until death. Our governments know who we are and what we are. But one of the basic problems is the numbers of people in the world who are not registered, who do not have a set identity, and when these people move with real or fake passports, you cannot identify them.

"It's a basic rule of management that if you want to manage something, you measure it. It's the same with human beings and migration.

"But instead of measuring it, you have to register them."

Mr Smet said the scheme would give people dignity by giving them an identity if their papers had been lost or destroyed.

And he said it would allow countries to open their borders to genuine travellers or asylum seekers, because they would be able to prove the identity of any over-stayers and deport them without argument from their home country.

Mr Ruddock appeared unconvinced by the merits of the plan.

"In principle we would be supportive of a system which would crack down on multiple asylum claims, but a universal identification system would be taking it too far," he said through a spokeswoman.

By Maria Hawthorne

[CTRL] Bush

2001-12-17 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Has *anything* gotten any better since Bush has been in office? I can't think
of a single thing, can you?


In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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[CTRL] Peter Dale Scott - Interview Transcript

2001-12-17 Thread William Shannon


Peter Dale Scott - Interview Transcript 

Stephen Marshall: Hello Peter. I guess I wanted to start off by turning to some of the work you have done, some of the analysis of U.S. policy and what you have described as 'deep politics' and 'para-politics' in your books. One of the things that I feel many people, specifically young people, are lacking in their approach to understanding what is happening right now is a good historical context. So let's start with that. 

Peter Dale Scott: Alright. 

On many of the forums and chat rooms around the web, people are referring to the current course of action (in the War on Terrorism) and what the "U.S. government" is going to do. And they think of the government as one singular, monolithic entity. But in your books Cocaine Politics and Deep Politics you describe a government that is not a unified organization. Rather, that it is one of factions and interests who don't always operate from the same agenda. Can you describe how we should be looking at the government right now? Is it a monolithic entity being run by the President or is it a group of factions working with different objectives and agendas? 

Well, I think that particularly in a country like the United States, which has such diverse elements in it, you are going to see those diverse elements reflected inside the government. There are a lot of tensions. One is, for example, whether America should try to live as a partner in a world with many other, different cultures and states within it or whether America should assert its supremacy. And even in that second camp, there is tension between the people who believe the military and the use of force is the answer to problems versus the people who believe in political understanding of other cultures and states and who advocate a more political and diplomatic approach. 

This is very much being debated at this moment in Washington. 

Right. Now you are a person who finds the origins of their work as an FOIA activist and critical thinker back in the era of the Vietnam War. Maybe even before then… but, let me ask you, as a person who has witnessed the various stages of the post-WW II evolution of the U.S. as the dominant global military power, where would you place this recent event on that timeline? Is it even linked to that timeline? Where does it emanate from… 

Well, I think that the best way to place what is happening right now in perspective is to see it as fall-out from the Cold War. Back in the 1950's… first in 1950 and then, again, in 1954, America - rightly or wrongly, I think wrongly - decided they were dealing with an implacable and absolutely unscrupulous enemy and actually decreed on paper, in internal documents, that the United States should be equally unscrupulous in fighting back. And that was the beginning of the (U.S.) cultivation of terrorism. 

We trained the Cuban exiles against Castro, we trained the Contras in Nicaragua and most relevant to this new crisis, we trained a lot of Afghans in terrorism… taught them how to commit sabotage and to plant bombs and blow things up. And now some of those people are fighting back against us. Coordinating terrorist activities against the United States. 

So, when yyou look at the people who make up Bush's cabinet and various military advisors, what can we expect to be the dominant or, maybe I should say, policy response to the attacks? 

Well I think its not just the heads in the Cabinet that matter, it’s the bureaucracy. And there will be a State Department faction that will say we need to understand the Middle East better and figure out why it is that we're so hated there. And there are some people who will say we have to do more of what we've done. And, you know, Congress has just passed a huge blank check, $40 billion. Well, only $10 billion of it is a completely blank check and the speculation is that a lot it will be used to build up the CIA in precisely the areas where the cultivation of terrorism has brought about the culture of terrorism that is now being used against us. 

That's right on point. Now, since the attack on 9-11 there has been a lot of independent speculation about the origin and nature of the operation. One camp puts it all in the realm of a totally unforeseen and pre-meditated attack on the United States while some others see it as a quasi-covert intelligence operation that is being likened to the American foreknowledge about Pearl Harbor. What is your opinion? 

Well, I'm somewhere in between. I think that they're both wrong. It's absolutely clear… it's a fact and not a speculation that the United States had some forewarning of this because they did send out an advisory to V.I.P.'s - one of them was Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco - not to travel by airplane. So they had some degree of knowledge. But that doesn't mean that they foresaw the whole thing. One of the problems is - and it is a real 

[CTRL] Year 2004: G. Bush to be Crowned the Emperor of United States

2001-12-17 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

On Mon, 17 Dec 2001, Steve wrote:

 Steve Wingate, Webmaster:

 Has *anything* gotten any better since Bush has been in office? I can't think
 of a single thing, can you?

 In little more than a year we have
 gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous economy in our
 history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a
 nation being transformed before our very eyes.


That depends on your point of view and your placement in the society.
Many people are getting richer now, that didn't before. Military,
defence and oil company executives come to my mind at least.

Of course, if you are a lower class working American and have no
government connections, you are in deeper shit than ever before. The
national debt is increasing like crazy and the lower class taxpayers
will have to pay the bill during the years to come. Unemployment is going
rapidly up, as internationals are moving the work to cheap labor countries
such as China.

All that has happened makes me wonder: just how much worse can
the things still get during the remaining years that your prez
is going to be in power? I mean, the guy just started and he's
making a very good pace.

I bet he'll probably name himself the Emperor of the United States
before his term is over, if he continues at this rate.

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[CTRL] CIA's Phoniest Home Video (Part 2)

2001-12-17 Thread William Shannon

CIA's Phoniest Home Video (Part 2)


Fun with sound tracks

Long ago, for six very intense and interesting months, I was a hands on, minority partner in a then struggling motion picture sound editing studio. Our offices were on the 13th floor of New York City's then decrepit Film Center building on Ninth Avenue, two blocks north of the Port Authority bus terminal 

I won't mention the name of the company or my then partner because he is not only apolitical, he also finds my opinions horrifying and "negative", However, if you've ever seen "Like Water for Chocolate" (the highest grossing Spanish language film of all time) or "When We Were Kings" (Academy Award winner for Best Documentary), you know his sound editing work. 

Anyway, in that brief period, I learned quite a bit about the practical details of manipulating the sound that accompanies film and video so that it seems not only plausible, but *perfect* 

Here's some of the things I learned: 

First, creating a movie *always* requires the meticulous, step-by-step cobbling together of audio and visual materials to create the illusion of reality.

A good percentage of this work takes place *after*the film is shot. It's called post production. 

Second, sound editing (or sound manipulation) is a profession. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of people all over the world who practice it every day of the week. It's no big deal. Digital tools have made it easier, but the principles have been in play since the first "talkie." 

Third, every television program and motion picture you see depends of aural as well as visual manipulation. In fact - and note this well - of the two, sound manipulation is the more essential. 

Here's what I mean. Have you ever seen a godzilla movie where the dubbing is off? The lips are moving, but no sound comes out and then suddenly you hear the person speak with his mouth closed. It kills the "suspension of belief" doesn't it? You're instantly reminded that you're watching a movie, a fake. On the other hand, visual blemishes are routinely overlooked by movie goers and TV watchers. Black and white, for example, does not look real, but within seconds we accept it and become engrossed in the story. 

Because of this phenomenon, huge quantities of time, money and energy are spent to manipulate audio tracks (sounds effects and dialog) in the post production process so that they sound "right." It's not at all unusual that due to production problems (a plane flying overheard, a faulty microphone, a muddled line) an entire dialog track has to be re-recorded long after the movie is "in the can." This process is known as "looping" or ADR (automatic dialog replacement) and *every* film actor and film studio is familiar with it. 

Any time you see a movie and are not jarred by audio discrepancies, you're experiencing a masterpiece of audio manipulation, the product of HUNDREDS of hours of minute attention to creating, modifying and matching sound to picture so that it is experienced as "real.". 

Think about the number of film and TV movies you've seen. How many times have you experienced an audio error? Answer: With the exception of the godzilla flicks, never. The reason: Audio errors are intolerable and they are virtually always fixable. (Audio is far more malleable than visuals.) 

Let's get practical. 

If the Osama bin Laden "confession" was a faked, how would it have been done? 

Before I answer, let me say that I'd love to have a copy of the video for further study. I'd ESPECIALLY love to have the very video that was purportedly found in Afghanistan. It would be pretty easy to detect manipulation of the audio track on the original. It may even be possible to do it from a copy, but the closer to the original the better. 

Given that no one is going to give me the original, let me suggest how I, as a former audio manipulation professional, would have created this particular tape. I'll start with an easy method and advance to more complicated ones. However, keep in mind that nothing that I'm describing is rocket science. It is done every day in Hollywood and anywhere else where there are people who make movies for a living. 

- The easy way 

First: Find some footage of bin Laden. Muddy the video and darken it so it's not easy to match his lip movements with what comes out of his mouth. 

Second: Muddy the audio so it cannot be heard clearly. Obscure any passages where he says things that create a context that does not support the "confession" interpretation of what he is saying. 

Third: Hire friendly interpreters to create subtitles that interpret everything he says in such a way as to support the "confession" story. 

Fourth: Thank Allah the whole thing is in Arabic so the intended audience won't have the faintest clue as to what he was or was not saying. 

- A somewhat more involved way 

First: Hire an Osama bin Laden look alike. Intelligence agencies are 

[CTRL] Michael Hoffman's Xmas Message

2001-12-17 Thread William Shannon

Keep the Faith!

The HOFFMAN WIRE Dec. 17, 2001
by Michael A. Hoffman II

In the last decades of the American Empire, as it heads down its long peregrination toward decay and eventual collapse--a collapse as certain as that of the Twin Towers-- some have lost vision, and therefore faith, in the struggle for God's truth, our culture and our immemorial rights. They see instead the Great Beast Leviathan rumbling toward them with all the inevitability which the Cryptocracy's predictive programming can muster. It seems that there are millions of Americans processed to expect the worst. I have analyzed this loser psychology in audiotapes and newsletters and in "Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare 2001".

The establishment of the groundwork for martial law courts on the part of President Bush is but one example of the fundamental weakness of the American Empire over which he presides as figurehead. The tutelary powers behind Bush's throne are using the Revelation of the Method stratagem, starting with the raw underlying truth that the U.S. in its role as world policeman over countless warring sects, factions and races, brought war to these faraway groups first. The war has come to our shores mainly as a result of Washington's betrayal of the solemn, farewell counsel of its namesake, to say nothing of its covert role in shaping and shepherding the terrorists themselves.

As of this writing, not one shred of credible evidence has been produced connecting bin Laden to Sept. 11. Yet, according to the Nov. 28 Wall Street Journal, US officials are reportedly "seeking to kill rather than capture bin Laden and his henchmen." Such assassinations are authorized by "media law courts," since that is the only place bin Laden has been "tried and convicted." I am not asserting bin Laden's innocence, since the bin Laden family had the bad judgement to be business partners of the Bush family (cf. "Towering Inferno: The Cryptocracy's Great Game" Revisionist History newsletter no. 20); but I require more evidence for culpability in the 9/11 attacks than the wild rumors and hearsay which the five corporate TV networks have thus far proffered.

The unilateral declaration of martial law courts by Emperor Bush (cf. Revisionist History newsletter no. 21, "In the Kingdom of Anthraxistan"), signals that we are approaching the Soviet model, slightly disguised under a layer of lip service in support of Mom, apple pie and Americanism. Attorney General John Ashcroft launches a court fight in Oregon against euthanasia and Bush condemns the cloning of human embryos. I hope you can detect the cheat. Those who bomb women and children in Afghanistan to kingdom-come, who machine gun prisoners in POW camps in northern Afghanistan, who sponsor Israeli child-murder sprees in Palestine are themselves terrorists and war criminals, not sagacious demi-gods of democracy and Americanism.

The First Lady, Laura Bush, privately works for the abortion-on-demand dogma of Hillary and the rest of the corps of baby-killers. Together with the United Nations they are hectoring the people of Afghanistan with lofty sermons about "women's rights," i.e. the imposition of the scourge of abortion.

One cannot have abortion-on-demand and Christian culture. One cannot have abortion-on-demand and the American Republic that always regarded abortion as an abominable crime and deadly sin crying to heaven for vengeance.

In the American Republic the attitude toward human life in the womb came from the Bible, where God said, "Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you." In other words (1) the unborn baby is sent to the mother by the will and command of the Almighty and (2) the unborn baby is a human person by virtue of God declaring He knows him.

In the American Empire, the attitude toward human life in the womb is derived from the Talmud, where the "sages" say that if the Judaic woman is being "pursued" by her unborn infant (please don't ask what "pursued" means in this context, for we are dealing with a mentality sunk in utter delusion), she may abort it. The USA has adopted the infanticidal horror of the Talmud, which is the root of euthanasia and cloning.

The media are very keen on publishing videotape of supposed Taliban officials allegedly beating women, but the people who championed serial rapist Bill Clinton care nothing for women. The Taliban were notable opponents of rape and put a stop to it in Afghanistan, while the American surrogate in Kabul, Rabbani, is a notorious rapist who has the American feminist seal of approval.

In this context, where, pray tell, is the video footage on TV news of the thousands of slavic women kidnapped from East European nations and sold into white slavery in the "Holy Land" to vile prostitution rings operated by Israelis?

However hopeless the situation may seem as even poor and working class Americans flag-wave themselves into a stupor of big-government boosterism, it is a grave 

Re: [CTRL] BIN LADEN TAPE: 10 Points

2001-12-17 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

quite apart from the obvious political inconsistencies you mention,
the tape looks like some spook got a cheap video card with
an old PC and blacked out the lower half of ladens face -
and Only ladens face was the darkest - which was totally inconsistent with
the lighting in the room -
Bin Laden is also a talented ventriloquist because not only were his lips
not synched but at one point where his speech was the loudest - his
silhouetted mouth was obviously closed -

The spooks never seem to employ anyone with artistic merit

andrew hennessey

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Re: [CTRL] Bin Laden, Terrorist Monster: Take Two!

2001-12-17 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

c'mon, the poor little rich kid has already shaved his beard
and is spending his unlimited credit on the french riviera or
north west australia - you don't seriously believe this runt can be
cornered down some dark cave - next week ??
all he has to do is get on the shortwave radio to rent a gangster,
american express - that'll do nicely for a rental of a stealth helicopter
from some black ops unit - and he's out - and he probably did that last

andrew hennessey


 Bin Laden, Terrorist Monster: Take Two!
 by Jared Israel
 [9 October 2001]

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Re: [CTRL] The Terrorist Web

2001-12-17 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

 O'Saba, Chairman of Board
 International Order of Irish Mafia

aleisha macSaba of the third scottish foot in mouth,
I hope that you're well and that you're not too terrified yourself
of all these unconstitutional acts that are being passed -
and their evil detention camps.
I did say that china is more american than america -
it has fully operational factory Gulags AND pepsi and macdonalds and
disney -
america are still looking for good dependable factory workers
that can do an 18 hour day -
maybe the local ladies sewing circle will be able to increase their output
under intense supervision ??
Take care of yourself

andrew hennessey

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Re: [CTRL] Bin Laden, Terrorist Monster: Take Two!

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Kalivas

-Caveat Lector-

Maybe this has been brought up before, but do the powers that be want Bin
Laden caught? He is a convenient bad guy.
Bill Kalivas

- Original Message -

 -Caveat Lector-

 c'mon, the poor little rich kid has already shaved his beard
 and is spending his unlimited credit on the french riviera or
 north west australia - you don't seriously believe this runt can be
 cornered down some dark cave - next week ??
 all he has to do is get on the shortwave radio to rent a gangster,
 american express - that'll do nicely for a rental of a stealth helicopter
 from some black ops unit - and he's out - and he probably did that last

 andrew hennessey

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Bin Laden, Terrorist Monster: Take Two!

2001-12-17 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

well, if they can pull a stunt like faking a bad home video on us,
then we may yet see a body mangled beyond recognition -
some lookalike that is not too identifiable -
of course, the DNA tests will confirm it was osama -
after all the very useful osama and the bush/carlyle/laden cartel will want
to get the heat off their NWO luciferic star child.
Friend of the reptoid hive and honey bee and grand sufi initiate
into the dark demonic ways of the king of the earth

then, after the 'conspiracists' go on the rampage disclaiming it
was obviously not osama - a new 'video' will turn up of osama
being ceremonially shot by his sons - and if we get to the end of the film -
we might see 'dreamworks' or disney -
and then 'everybody' will be convinced that enemy of the state is truly dead

- Original Message -
From: Bill Kalivas [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 1:27 AM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Bin Laden, Terrorist Monster: Take Two!

 -Caveat Lector-

 Maybe this has been brought up before, but do the powers that be want Bin
 Laden caught? He is a convenient bad guy.
 Bill Kalivas

 - Original Message -

  -Caveat Lector-
  c'mon, the poor little rich kid has already shaved his beard
  and is spending his unlimited credit on the french riviera or
  north west australia - you don't seriously believe this runt can be
  cornered down some dark cave - next week ??
  all he has to do is get on the shortwave radio to rent a gangster,
  american express - that'll do nicely for a rental of a stealth
  from some black ops unit - and he's out - and he probably did that last
  andrew hennessey

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 CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing
 screeds are unwelcomed. Substance-not soap-boxing-please!  These are
 sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'-with its many half-truths, mis-
 directions and outright frauds-is used politically by different groups
 major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and
 That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
 always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
 credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

 Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Cuba: Sunken City Resurrects Atlantis Myth

2001-12-17 Thread Steve

-Caveat Lector-

Forwarded From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SOURCE: El Nuevo Herald
DATE: Sunday, December 16, 2001
Sunken City Resurrects Atlantis Myth
B elieve to have existed 6,000 years ago in Western Cuba.
The discovery  of what appear to be the remains of a city off the Cuban
coast by a group of Canadian researchers has fired the imaginations of
many who have begun dreaming that fabled Atlantis could have been a
Following a series of explorations using an underwater robot, the couple
formed by Russo-Canadian researcher Paulina Zelitsky and Canadian Paul
Weinzweig--together with the former's son, Ernesto Tapanés, a Cuban
national -- believes that the structures form part of a city erected over
six thousand years ago on the slopes of a volcano.
This information, based on images taken by the underwater robot and by a
modern sonar system, places the construction of the Cuban city fifteen
centuries earlier than the building of the Gizeh pyramid in Egypt. While
the researchers have still not obtained any physical evidence to date the
remains, the possibility that a lost civilization had built highly
specialized buildings in such a distant age seems too enticing to
restrain the imagination.
One of the hypotheses suggested in the past--and which could be confirmed
with this discovery--is that Cuba was linked to the Yucatan Peninsula by
a land bridge which sank into the Caribbean due to volcanic activity. To
others, the notion of a civilization submerged under the Caribbean brings
to mind the stories of the Greek philosopher Plato concerning lost
Zelitsky told the Canadian press that the megaliths located both by sonar
and the underwater robot are of a type similar to the one found at
Stonehenge [Great Britain] or on Easter Island. Images taken with sonar
and converted into photographs have been shown to U.S. and Cuban
scientists who belive that pyramids, streets and buildings can be
An antrhopologist with the Cuban Academy of Sciences consulted by the
Canadian couple has pointed out that some of the images contain signs
and inscriptions and that the shapes are reminiscent of the pyramidal
designs of the Mayan or Aztec cultures.
Zelitsky and Weinzweig, while currently residing in Cuba, are the owners
of British Columbia-based Advanced Digital Communications (ADC), which
has specialized in locating underwater treasrue in the Caribbean.
ADC has participated in the search for old Spanish galleons lost in Cuban
waters and which could contain great riches.
The team has scheduled another venture in January in the Guanahacabibes
Peninsula area, where the archaeological remains were located. In the
summer of 2002, they plan to use an underwater excavator to explore the
Translation (C) 2001. Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology.
Special thanks to Gloria Coluchi.

In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace and the most prosperous 
economy in our
history, to a nation plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being 
transformed before
our very eyes.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Fwd: US Can't Find G.W. Bush's Business Partner

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


Times of London

US doesn't know where Bin Laden is
The Pentagon says it is anybody's guess where terror suspect Osama bin
Laden is. The admission comes from Rear Admiral John Stufflebeem, of the
joint chiefs of staff, who says there is no information about Bin Laden's
whereabouts. United States military chiefs had believed Bin Laden was hiding
in the cave complex of Tora Bora but Stufflebeem says it has been a few
days since any evidence of his presence there has been found.

---End Message---

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] Ruppert on Rense.com Tonight

2001-12-17 Thread Kris Millegan


Mike Ruppert has a scheduled interview tonight with Jeff Rense (7:00 pm
Pacific/10:00 pm Eastern) at http://www.rense.com.

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---End Message---

[CTRL] NWO Christmas CD

2001-12-17 Thread THe eXTReMiST

-Caveat Lector-

NWO Christmas CD
Get yours today!
Send Forfeitures, copy of your National ID, and complete set of fingerprints to:

Homeland Security
c\o Gestapo Division
Washington, DeCeived 00666

Bring back holiday memories with old time favorites such as...

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Russia
Deck The Streets With Mics And Cameras, Tra La La La La La Lalala
What Child Is This With No Microchip?
Oh Christians Flee, Oh Christians Flee
God, Rest Ye Merry Jack-Booted Thugs
We Three Kings Are Bhutros, Bush, And Annon
Ashcroft, The Nazi Overseer
O Come All Ye Commies
Silent Night, Kristallnacht
Blow Up The World
Jay-El Cells, Jay-El Cells
O Little Clown Of Washington
I'm Dreaming Of A New World Order
Hark!  The Clinking Clanking Chains
I Saw Three Tanks Come Rolling In

plus many other holiday hits!

We Want to Give it to you!
Get Yours TODAY!

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Free trade: Pied piper to global government

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Free trade: Pied piper to global government



© 2001 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

John M. Culbertson, an economist known for mounting an articulate defense of
protectionist economic policy long after the tenets of free trade were de
rigueur among his colleagues, died on Sunday, in Madison, Wis. He was 80.

So read Sunday's obit in The New York Times, which went on to quote a
Culbertson essay in 1986: The future of the United States depends on whether
we can escape from the childish dream world in which 'free trade' is The Good
Fairy and 'protectionism' is The Wicked Witch of the West.

The first line of the next paragraph of the obit said it all: Unable to find
publishers for his books ... Culbertson, author of a major college textbook,
Money and Banking, could not find anyone to publish his patriotic dissent
on free trade.

Orwell spoke of the smelly little orthodoxies of his age, and this
intolerant free-trade cult is one of ours. What has it produced?

Republicans promised us free trade would cut government, as taxes and
regulations must be cut to keep products competitive. But government has
exploded. Europe's Common Market gave birth to a Frankenstein they call the
EU – a transnational monstrosity with a legal code of 80,000 pages that is
swallowing up the once-free nations of Europe.

As every national economy – Bismarck's Germany or Hamilton's America – gives
birth to a national government, a global economy must end in global
government. That is why international socialism has signed on. Has the Right
lost its principles – or its mind?

The Financial Times' Amity Shlaes scourges the AFL-CIO for fast moving
leftward on trade. But protectionism was always championed by men of the
right – Washington, Hamilton, Madison, Clay, Lincoln, McKinley, T.R., Cal
Coolidge. It is the left's icons – Wilson and FDR – who gave us free trade.
And that ideology was spawned by 19th-century scribblers and utopians like
John Stuart Mill and Richard Cobden, none of whom was a Man of the Right.

The Republican House has now buckled to Bush's demand for fast track. But
what is fast track, but abject surrender by Congress of all rights to amend
trade treaties? Is abdication to the executive by Congress what we now mean
by conservatism? When did it become so?

What has 30 years of free trade produced but 30 trade deficits totaling $2
trillion, a hollowed-out manufacturing base that now employs 13 percent of
U.S. workers – where in 1960 it employed 26 percent – and a vast disparity
between workers' wages and corporate salaries? Real wages for working
Americans have hardly risen in 30 years.

Last year, free trade gave America a merchandise trade deficit of $450
billion. Our pre-NAFTA trade deficit of $10 billion with Canada and Mexico
now exceeds $90 billion. Our total trade deficit with China in the Clinton
decade reached $400 billion, a transfer of wealth, factories and technology
that has made China a threat to America.

U.S. companies like GM, Ford and Boeing now call themselves global
companies, and their loyalty to America is dying as fast as their allegiance
to their workers. And there are the hidden costs.

Republicans had to prostitute themselves to vote vast sums for the IMF to
bail out bankrupt regimes, so those corrupt regimes could keep paying back
rich investors who preferred to risk their capital outside the United States.
Meanwhile, Congress lets our great industries like steel and textiles die in
the name of free trade principles.

Are we more secure in this free-trade world? Why, then, the wild panic when
Asian nations began to default in 1997? But one country never caught the
Asian flu, and one country still grows at 9 percent. Protectionist China
remembers what the West has forgot: Every nation to rise to world power –
Britain before 1850, the United States before 1914, Japan after 1945 –
rejected free trade to put the nation first.

There are other hidden costs: the enormous subsidies to keep our farmers
alive, now that the price of their produce does not cover their costs. Broken
families, dying towns, shattered communities from what our think-tank welfare
queens hail as creative destruction – i.e., U.S. factories shutting down
here and opening up abroad.

America herself is being sacrificed on the altar of this Moloch. For the
ultimate cost of this free-trade addiction will be the loss of America's
industrial base, the loss of our economic independence and, finally, the loss
of our national sovereignty. Then the global parasites will have it all.

I didn't know Culbertson. But from his brief obituary, he had common sense, a
love of country and intellectual courage – as rare in politics as they are
among the academics who scorned him.

[CTRL] Bringing back civil defense

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Bringing back civil defense



© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

If there's a silver lining to the dark cloud of terrorist attacks on America,
I hope it is the awareness that our country is virtually defenseless against
attacks on our homeland.

For far too long, America has relied exclusively on the doctrine of Mutually
Assured Destruction as its only defense of U.S. soil. In fact, the very word
defense, in the American lexicon, has come to mean offense. The Pentagon
is solely focused on fighting foreign wars in foreign lands and has abdicated
its authority and responsibility for defense of the civilian population of
the USA.

If a nuclear war is launched against the United States, our only recourse is
to watch millions of Americans die, while raining death and destruction on
the attacker. There are several problems with the MAD doctrine in the
post-Sept. 11 world.

How would we respond to a terrorist nuclear attack on U.S. soil? Who would we
kill? And what difference would it make to the untold number of Americans

What about the even more likely scenario of a large-scale chemical or
biological attack by terrorists on the U.S.?

How does mutually assured destruction protect us from suicide bombers – who,
by definition, kill themselves in the attack?

MAD assumes our potential adversaries are as defenseless as we are – but are
Some time during the first Bush administration, America completely scrapped
any vestige of its fledgling civil defense structure. It had eroded badly
during President Carter's administration, when the Federal Emergency
Management Agency took over as the lead agency for civil defense. In other
words, the real defense work – protecting the American people from attack
– was removed from the Defense Department. That is when the Defense
Department became the Offense Department.

It got worse during eight years of Clinton. FEMA's meager efforts to maintain
equipment needed for saving lives in a future nuclear war were cut from the
budget. The equipment was destroyed, lost, sold or abandoned.

For years, a political movement determined to disarm America had persuaded
the public there was no use in trying to save lives during a nuclear war. We
were all going to die. We might as well be vaporized. There was no point in
trying to prepare, no point in defending ourselves, no point in living if we
were attacked.

This movement ultimately won out and became official national policy during
the Clinton years.

But the movement is based totally on lies. People do survive nuclear blasts.
Most people survived the initial blasts on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Many
emerged from the rubble unscathed – only to die a miserable and unnecessary
death from fallout. There were dire predictions the two islands would never
be inhabited again – or at least for 75 years. Nagasaki and Hiroshima today
are bustling metropolises – much bigger, more prosperous and more healthy
places to live than they were before the blasts.

There is no question that properly constructed and stocked shelters can and
do save lives during nuclear attacks. The proof? Russia has built them. China
has built them. The Swiss have built them. All of them, by the way, built
based on technology developed by the U.S. government and paid for by U.S.
taxpayers – who remain defenseless.

There's more proof. Not all Americans are left defenseless. Your federal
government has used your tax dollars to build shelters for itself and its key
people – tens of thousands of them. They will survive the inevitable attack
on the U.S. You, the taxpaying public, will not.

That's the plan. National suicide. It may be the biggest scandal involving
government I have ever witnessed in my life. And it's the theme topic of the
January issue of Whistleblower magazine – based largely on the revelations of
a real-life whistleblower, Art Robinson, who has spent some 20 years trying
to alert the public to the need for civil defense and the intrepid reporting
of my wife, Elizabeth Farah.

There's been a great deal of debate in the last 20 years about strategic
missile defense. Yet, as important as that component of defense is to our
future, it is no substitute for civil defense – as the terrorist attacks
illustrate so well. The first nuclear attack on the U.S. may well be a
hand-delivered bomb – not one delivered on an intercontinental ballistic

This is a big topic – one, granted, no one else is talking about. And that's
why this special issue of Whistleblower is so important, so urgent, so

Find out how the government is planning to sacrifice you, your kids and your
grandchildren on the altar of political correctness. You will be shocked –
and I hope shocked into action, before 

[CTRL] Al-Qaida fighters welcomed home

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Al-Qaida fighters welcomed home
Some 'veterans' taking leadership roles in Islamic movement



By Toby Westerman
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

While some captured Taliban fighters have been portrayed as humiliated and
sobbing, other Islamic militants are well on their way – or have already
arrived – home.

Once their wounds are healed, they will reorganize and be ready for a
new mission, according to the influential Italian news daily Corriere della

Though defeated in battle by the United States and its allies, the embattled
al-Qaida veterans return to their respective villages, from Saudi Arabia to
Morocco, commanding respect – and even leadership – of local militant

Many militants have returned enlarging the local Islamic movements and
[assuming] leadership of them, according to the paper.

Local authorities in the Islamic world are watching warily as those involved
in the fighting in Afghanistan return home, but they are not expected to seek
assistance from the international community, preferring to wash their own
dirty cloths, according to Corriere della Sera.

In Algeria, where tens of thousands have already died during a prolonged
civil war between the government and Islamic militants, the national
authorities are attempting to avoid additional fighting. The Algerian
government is prepared to treat returning fighters as prodigal sons – as
long as the former Taliban militants return peacefully to their homes.

Dozens of al-Qaida fighters have slipped into Somalia, torn for years by a
many-sided civil war that has left the country without a functioning national
authority. The local Somali warlords fear an Islamic rebellion arising in the
far north and south of the country, fomented by the newly arrived militants.

Some of the al-Qaida organization are finding their way to the Balkans, a
region still suffering civil strife, especially in Macedonia. The Islamic
fighters have been seen in Albania and in Bosnia, a primarily Muslim nation
that, like Macedonia, was once part of the Federation of Yugoslavia.

Not all of the al-Qaida entering into the Balkans using Bosnian passports are
Bosnians, according to Corriere della Sera. Some are also of Egyptian,
Tunisian or Algerian origin.

The article from Corriere della Sera appears to verify earlier reports of
links between militant Islamic fighters in Afghanistan and in the Balkans.

According to a Sept. 22 report from Radio Yugoslavia, former Muslim leader
in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegovic, approved the issuance of Bosnian
passports to citizens of various Islamic nations who proved themselves to be
meritorious combatants during the Bosnia-Herzegovina struggle against

Citing the Sarajevo weekly newspaper DANI, Radio Yugoslavia stated that
Izetbegovic on one occasion ordered 50 passports to Mujahedin [Islamic
warriors] from Islamic countries who fought on the Bosniak side during
Bosnia's war for independence in the mid 1990s.

Not all al-Qaida fighters, however, have enjoyed a homecoming. The Corriere
della Sera article warns that there is still an appreciable pool of displaced
soldiers on the Afghan/Pakistani border seeking escape. The number is at
least 2,500 Islamic militants.

The most reliable method of crossing the border from Afghanistan into
Pakistan is through bribery, according to Corriere della Sera in another

In event of capture, between $1,600-$3,300, depending upon one's rank in the
Taliban, has proven, so far, to purchase freedom. If the detainee lacks
funds, the family contributes, or in several cases, even local tribal
chiefs have opened [their] purses.

Although defeated, the militants escaping the collapse of the Taliban are not
repentant. They remain loyal to Mullah Omar and still, by and large,
unquestionably support Osama Bin Laden. Those coming across the
Afghan/Pakistani border also universally condemn the United States, as well
as its main ally on the ground, the Northern Alliance.



I.J. Toby Westerman, is a contributing reporter for WorldNetDaily who focuses
on current events in the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Balkans.

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[CTRL] Chinese ammo found in al-Qaida hideouts

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Chinese ammo found in al-Qaida hideouts
Evidence of links between terrorists, Taliban, Beijing continues to grows



Editor's note: DEBKAfile's electronic news publication is a news-cum-analysis
live wire, online round the clock seven days a week. A weekly
edition,DEBKA-Net-Weekly, is now available through WorldNetDaily.com. Drawing
on DEBKAfile's unique sources, analytical talents and forward-looking
insights, it is presented as a compact, intelligence-angled weekly package.
It is available as a direct e-mail feed or via the Internet.

© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Pentagon officials aboard the plane taking Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
to Brussels revealed large quantities of Chinese-manufactured ammunition were
discovered in the Tora Bora cave hideouts of Osama bin Laden.

This disclosure lends further support to earlier reports by WorldNetDaily,
based in part on the intelligence sources of DEBKA-Net-Weekly, that Beijing
has supported the Taliban and the al-Qaida terrorist network in various ways
– including men and materiel.

The arms cache included mortar shells, anti-tank rockets and ammunition for
various types of automatic rifles and machine guns of Chinese manufacture,
abandoned by fleeing al-Qaida men.

Earlier today, WorldNetDaily reported China was seeking the return of some
ethnic Uighurs from northwestern Xinjiang province who were captured while
fighting with Taliban. The U.S. is refusing to turn them over, according to a
STRATFOR report.

WorldNetDaily also reported the findings of author Gordon Thomas, who has
written a book claiming that Beijing had an actual role in the Sept. 11
attack on America. In Seeds of Fire, Thomas purports to show how Beijing is
positioning itself to become America's new major enemy.

Citing DEBKA's intelligence sources, WorldNetDaily has also reported that
Chinese troops, fighting with the Taliban, have been killed in Afghanistan.

In addition, citing those same sources, WorldNetDaily first reported Chinese
troop and materiel support to the Taliban early in the war in Afghanistan.

The Washington Post earlier confirmed a pact signed between Beijing and the
Taliban announced, ironically, Sept. 11 of this year. Sky Television also
later reported the presence of Chinese fighters alongside the Taliban and
al-Qaida in the battles of Konduz and Khanabad in northern Afghanistan.



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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] China simulates attacks on U.S. carriers

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

China simulates attacks on U.S. carriers
Beijing forces also practice invasion of island neighbor



By Jon Dougherty
© 2001 WorldNetDaily.com

Along the coast of China's two southernmost provinces, Beijing has conducted
large-scale amphibious and naval exercises designed to practice attacking and
sinking U.S. aircraft carriers and to rehearse an invasion of the island
nation of Taiwan.

According to Al Santoli, national security advisor for Rep. Dana Rohrabacher,
R-Calif., and editor of China Reform Monitor, which is published by the
American Foreign Policy Council, the exercises – called Liberation 2 –
were held in the Guangdong and Zheijiang provinces and simulated amphibious
landings on Taiwan as well as attacks against American carriers.

Santoli, in a recent issue of CRM, said details of the exercises were
published in the Hong Kong Sing Tai Jih Pao newspaper. He quoted Chinese
officials as saying that preparations for the exercises, which coincided with
parliamentary elections in Taipei, were personally inspected by Chinese
President Jiang Zemin.

CRM quoted a top Beijing official as saying that as long as [China] can
strike and sink U.S. aircraft carriers that come to Taiwan's aid, there is no
problem settling the issue of forcing the reunification of both Chinas.

Any such attacks would include strikes using DF-31 road mobile ICBMs, the
report said, which have a range of 8,000 miles. The missiles could be
launched either from land or by submarine.

The drills are part of an ongoing effort by Beijing to expand its influence
in the region. Besides practicing how to attack and sink U.S. aircraft
carriers, Santoli said Chinese officials have implemented a southeasterly
expansion of China's airspace over Hainan Island, the site of major
U.S.-Chinese tensions last spring.

On April 1, one of a pair of Chinese F-8 fighters shadowing a U.S. Navy EP-3
Aries II made contact with the prop-driven electronic surveillance plane,
damaging it and forcing its crew to land on Hainan Island. The crew was
released after 11 days, but U.S. officials said China virtually stripped what
sensitive onboard equipment that could not be destroyed by the crew prior to

The airspace, Santoli said, includes some of the air space over the Zhongsha
Islands and the Xisha Islands – an area rich in natural resources and which
surrounding countries claim sovereignty. ... The move strengthens Chinese
control over the area, he said.

Specifically, China's claim over the area is strongly contested by Vietnam,
Santoli said – a nation invaded by China in 1979. Washington has recently
rebuilt its diplomatic relations with Hanoi, some 25 years after the U.S.
pulled out of its 11-year war in South Vietnam.

China has set up a number of 'dangerous airspace' areas in the [spaces] over
the southern part of Hainan Island, said Santoli, where Chinese forces have
conducted numerous training and tests of new weapons and technologies such as
aerial tankers.

He said some experts believe China's policy of moving south through the air
is being pursued as part of their military modernization.

In addition, transit fees [being paid] by at least 30 commercial airlines
that pass through the space will provide China with millions of dollars in
annual revenue, Santoli said.

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Iran to aid US attack on Iraq as al-Qaeda crumbles

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Iran to aid US attack on Iraq as al-Qaeda crumbles

Nick Drainey

PLANS for US air attacks and ground assaults on Iraq to open a new phase in
the war against terrorism were at the centre of a Washington power struggle
last night as al-Qaeda’s last major stronghold collapsed in Afghanistan.

The New Yorker magazine claims Iraqi opposition leader Ahmed Chalabi has
delivered the Bush administration a war plan using Iranian help in an
offensive against Iraq which calls not only for bombing but for the
deployment of thousands of American Special Forces troops.

The news came as US forces failed to find Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan
despite claiming they had caught him sending radio broadcasts to his troops
in the Tora Bora region.

Chalabi has won permission to open an office for his party, the Iraqi
National Congress, in the Iranian capital Tehran, according to the New
Yorker. The magazine, which is published today, also claims the move has put
Pentagon officials at odds with the State Department.

One senior Bush administration official is quoted as referring to Chalabi and
his supporters as a bunch of half-assed people to send foreigners into

As the US war commander for Afghanistan, General Tommy Franks, said, it was
not actually certain if bin Laden had been heard broadcasting to his troops
in the Tora Bora as previously claimed. Colin Powell, the US Secretary of
State last night admitted: We don’t know where he is.

The fruitless search in the east of Afghanistan apparently ended as US
defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld arrived in the country to meet the new
interim prime minister, Hamid Karzai, at Bagram airport, outside the capital,

Mr Rumsfeld is the first senior US official to arrive in the country since
the Taleban regime was stopped.

His visit though was tarnished with news that the main US target in the war
against terrorism was still at large and no-one knows where he is.

With the Tora Bora seemingly empty of senior Taleban leaders, the US is now
trying to find other small hideouts in the mountainous country where bin
Laden and Taleban supremo Mullah Omar could be.

They are believed to be in the western Shindand area, the Halmand province
north-west of Kandahar and the southern city itself.

Three US marines were injured by a landmine yesterday at the newly opened
airport in Kandahar. All are stable but one could lose a leg.

The reopening by the US of Kandahar airport to military flights further
strengthens its grip on Afghanistan. American forces have been scouring
training camps near Kandahar for traces of chemical and biological weapons
material. Documents reportedly found by a Sunday newspaper in one of the
camps detail planned terror attacks in London. The information includes
instruction on how to build a remote controlled van bomb, similar to those
used by al-Qaeda in Kenya and Tanzania, which would be targeted on the
financial Moorgate area of the capital.

Despite the fall of Kandahar, some fear civil unrest will break out in the
former Taleban heartland.

Four out of 13 armed Arabs holed up in a hospital in the city escaped early
yesterday, apparently with the blessing of their guards, according to the
hospital’s head nurse, Ghulam Mohammed Afghan.

The guards are loyal to tribal leader Mullah Naqibullah, a fierce rival of
Gul Agha, the governor. Mr Afghan predicted a battle if Mr Agha’s men tried
to seal off the hospital.

On his visit to Bagram yesterday, Mr Rumsfeld met the interim prime minister
in an upstairs room in a wrecked Soviet-era aircraft hangar, with burnt
skeletons of destroyed Russian-made MiG fighter jets littering the tarmac

He told him: The United States coveted no territory. We were here for the
sole purpose of expelling terrorists from the country and establishing a
government that would not harbour terrorism.

Mr Karzai said the Afghans were thankful for US help in battling terrorism
and the Taleban.

Mr Rumsfeld told US troops at the airport that he expected an international
peacekeeping force for Afghanistan of up to 5,000 troops would be put in
place sometime after Mr Karzai is due to take over on 22 December. He warned
that the US role in the country would not be over until Mullah Omar and bin
Laden were found. We’re not leaving till we get the job done, he added.

Britain has said that it is happy to lead a peacekeeping force and troop
figures are expected to be announced this week.

Discussions in London at the weekend between military officials from Britain,
Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Turkey and Jordan had been very successful,
Prime Minister Tony Blair’s spokesman said. The spokesman also dismissed
reports that troops in Afghanistan would overstretch the British military
presence in other areas such as Macedonia and Sierra Leone.

The last of the Tora Bora caves 

[CTRL] Mullah Omar 'holed up with 500 men in cave hide-out'

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Mullah Omar 'holed up with 500 men in cave hide-out'
By Barbie Dutter in Kandahar
(Filed: 18/12/2001)

THE Taliban leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, is thought to holed up with
hundreds of heavily armed men at a mountain hide-out in southern Afghanistan,
the interim intelligence chief in Kandahar disclosed last night.

In the first detailed report of Mullah Omar's possible whereabouts, Haji
Gullalai, a senior anti-Taliban commander, said witnesses' accounts placed
the fugitive leader and up to 500 fighters in an area of hills and caves near
Baghran village, 100 miles north west of Kandahar.

He said they had taken all their weapons, ammunition, vehicles and even
office equipment as they fled Kandahar 12 days ago, when the city surrendered.

Mr Gullalai claimed that local tribal fighters were preparing to hunt down
Mullah Omar with support from the air by American forces, who had been given
regular updates on the Taliban leader's suspected escape route.

We are completely ready to face the situation if it is confirmed. We have
enough forces to fight against them, he said. Even with 400 or 500 guys he
is alone because the Afghan nation is with us.

But he said the assault would not begin for two or three days as the
security of Kandahar and the welfare of its citizens were a top priority for
the security forces.

There were no fears that Mullah Omar would escape from Baghran as he has no
other place to hide. If he tries to go further the Northern Alliance are also
trying to find him and kill him.

Mr Gullalai also said Hafiz Majid, a former right-hand man to Mullah Omar, is
negotiating his surrender.

Majid sent family members to Kandahar to hand over weapons and vehicles, but
is seeking guarantees that he will not be executed or handed over to US
forces before leaving the village of Sperwan, 20 miles from Kandahar, where
he has been holding out with an unknown number of men.

Meanwhile, the faithful were gathered yesterday at the Taliban cemetery in
Kandahar, chanting verses from the Koran at the graves of commanders and
warriors who have fallen in the name of Islam over the years.

As the Muslim festival of Eid-ul-Fitr entered its second day, Taliban
diehards went to the 2,000-grave burial ground to pay homage to the dead and
offer prayers for their fundamentalist rulers' return.

We pray that God gives Mullah Omar 200 more years of life, said Janan, a
31-year-old goat seller whose home in Durai, a village on Kandahar's hilly
hinterland, was damaged in a bombing raid last month.

We miss him and are very sad he has gone, he said of the regime's supreme
leader. We pray five times a day and in every prayer we ask for his long
life and his health and for him to come back.

The men brimmed with confidence that their fighters would one day regroup and
reclaim Kandahar, the regime's spiritual cradle and last sanctuary before its

It was in the city and its surrounding districts that Mullah Omar emerged as
a Robin Hood figure in the early 1990s, protecting the poor and the abused
from the region's rapacious warlords.

He asked for no reward, save for his supporters to follow him in setting up a
just Islamic system.

In 1996, he was named Leader of the Faithful after taking out the reputed
cloak of the Prophet Mohammed and showing it to a large crowd of Taliban
supporters in Kandahar, a gesture aimed at legitimising his role as a man
chosen by God to lead the Afghan people.

The Taliban's political power base has now dissolved and Kandahar is in the
tenuous care of the same rival tribal factions from whom Mullah Omar seized
the city seven years ago. But support for the regime remains strong in the
dilapidated city.

The Taliban brought Islamic laws to our country and they solved everyone's
problems. There was peace in the city. Now we have no law, no justice, only
guns on the streets, said Raz Mohammad, a 21-year-old shopkeeper.

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[CTRL] Strong Japan Quake Causes Tsunami

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Strong Japan Quake Causes Tsunami

 By Kozo Mizoguchi
Associated Press Writer
Monday, December 17, 2001; 11:52 PM

TOKYO –– A fairly strong earthquake struck parts of southern Okinawa and
Taiwan on Tuesday, generating small tsunami, or ocean waves caused by seismic
activity, officials said.

There were no immediate reports of injuries or damage.

The quake, which had an estimated preliminary magnitude of 7.3, was located
off the coast of Taiwan and several small islands in Okinawa, Japan's
southernmost state, Meteorological Agency officials in Tokyo said.

The quake was centered about six miles under the sea floor about 90 miles
west-southwest of Ishigaki island, which has a population of about 41,000.

Japan's Meteorological Agency estimated the size of the tsunami at about 20

Live video from Ishigaki showed no obvious damage, and all appeared calm. The
video was broadcast on NHK, Japan's national television network.

Officials in nearby Taiwan also reported feeling the earthquake, though they
estimated that it had a 6.7-magnitude.

In Taiwan, the tremor lasted long enough to shake and move objects on shelves
and was felt more strongly in the northern half of the island. Mass rapid
transit in the capital, Taipei, was temporarily halted following the quake.

Every year, hundreds of earthquakes rattle the Okinawa area and Taiwan. Most
of the tremors cause little or no damage. But two years ago, a 7.6-magnitude
quake in central Taiwan killed about 2,400 people.

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[CTRL] Radio silence in bin Laden hunt

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Radio silence in bin Laden hunt


THE United States admitted last night that the trail had gone cold in the
hunt for Osama bin Laden and that it was unclear even if he was dead or
After pounding the mountains of Tora Bora for days in the belief that the
terrorist mastermind was hiding there, the Pentagon said that intelligence
“chatter” had gone quiet and that he may have escaped the area. A senior
Pentagon official said that “anybody’s guess is the latest thinking” on bin
Laden’s location.

As the air assault on the area was scaled back and special forces joined
Afghan fighters in moving from cave to cave in the White Mountains in search
of final pockets of resistance, the fear was that bin Laden had escaped,
possibly to Pakistan.

“Indicators were there, and now indicators are not there. So maybe he still
is here, maybe he was killed, or maybe he’s left,” Rear-Admiral John
Stufflebeem, deputy director of operations for the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
said. “A few days ago we believed that he was in that area. And now we’re
not as sure. I’m not sure how close we ever really have been.”

He likened the pursuit of fleeing al-Qaeda forces to “searching for fleas on
a dog. If you see one and you focus on the one, you don’t know how many
others are getting away.”

Admiral Stufflebeem said that the US had received reports of al-Qaeda troops
fleeing across the border into Pakistan and that while some had been detained
by the Pakistani authorities, it was believed that others were “hiding out”
in the area. There are concerns that elements in Pakistan sympathetic to bin
Laden could provide him with shelter.

Western intelligence sources are worried that he may try to escape from
Pakistan back to Saudi Arabia, posing as one of the tens of thousands of
pilgrims who begin the haj to Mecca next month. Although the pilgrimage does
not begin until the end of February, the first of hundreds of charter flights
carrying some 120,000 people will start leaving six cities in Pakistan in the
middle of January.

Security is generally lax and identifying bin Laden could be harder as
pilgrims look much the same during the huge annual religious migration. Men
usually wear identical white gowns and shave their heads.

Bin Laden was stripped of his Saudi nationality a decade ago, but his
extended family still lives in Jedda. Many of his al-Qaeda fighters come from
Saudi Arabia, where some regard him as a national hero.

In Afghanistan, coalition forces are preparing for a possible assault on
mountains northwest of Kandahar, where Mullah Muhammad Omar, the Taleban’s
spiritual leader, is thought to be hiding.

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[CTRL] Hamas, Islamic Jihad reject Arafat's call for quiet

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Hamas, Islamic Jihad reject Arafat's call for quiet
By Lamia Lahoud

JERUSALEM (December 18) - Hamas and Islamic Jihad issued a leaflet yesterday
rejecting Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat's call for an end to
all armed activities and terror attacks and called for a continuation of the
intifada until the end of the occupation.

They also vowed to continue suicide attacks and denounced the US as the enemy
of the Palestinian people, threatening to target US targets in the future.

The statement was issued before Israel assassinated Yakub Idkadak, a leader
of Hamas in Hebron suspected of sending suicide bombers, a PA source said.

The source was not sure what action Arafat would order following their
rejection of his call for an end to terror.

Hamas leaders said their actions would depend on Israeli actions. They said
that the assassination of Idkadak proves that Israel does not want a truce
and vowed revenge.

We are waiting to see whether the Israeli government will stop its
aggression against the Palestinian people. The operation in Hebron proves
there is no Israeli truce, said Sheikh Abdel-Majid, Hamas representative in

While local Hamas leaders tried to link their rejection of Arafat's call for
an end of all attacks to Idkadak's assassination, the leadership of Hamas and
Islamic Jihad abroad rejected Arafat's call outright.

Nobody has the right to strip the Palestinian people of its natural right to
self-defense, said Abu Imad Rifai, a Beirut spokesman for Islamic Jihad.

The justification for the resistance is the existence of the occupation.
Until now, there is nothing that signals that this occupation might end,
said Osama Hamdan, a Lebanese representative of Hamas.

The PFLP also rejected Arafat's call.

Arafat's speech was directed at Fatah and the PLO, a PA source said. As long
as Arafat can convince his Fatah movement, most of the PLO, and most of the
Palestinian population that his call for an end to terror is in their
interest, he can go ahead with measures against the militants and those who
oppose his cease-fire orders, the PA source explained.

Fatah has not reacted to the speech. But many independent Palestinians
responded favorably, he said.

He did not know what actions Arafat would take against violators of his
orders, but said the decision to end the violence was taken by the PA
leadership, and Arab and international responses encouraged the PA to go
forward with it. He said the matter is now in the hands of the security

The media in moderate Arab states expressed support for Arafat's statements
and called upon the Palestinians to follow the order.

Whatever the choice of the Palestinian leadership, the people must embrace
it regardless of their political preferences, to avoid falling into the trap
of Israel, which wants to reoccupy the free areas and tear up the signed
agreements, Al-Ittihad of the United Arab Emirates editorialized.

Jordan and Egypt also welcomed Arafat's speech. Both are eager to see an end
to the uprising, which has caused tension in their countries.

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[CTRL] Russia Announces Big Push to Build Nuclear Reactors at Home and Abroad

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Russia Announces Big Push to Build Nuclear Reactors at Home and Abroad
By Vladimir Isachenkov Associated Press Writer
Published: Dec 17, 2001

MOSCOW (AP) - Russia will build at least four nuclear reactors at home and
others in China, Iran, India and ex-Soviet republics as part of an ambitious
plan to revive the atomic industry after the Chernobyl disaster, the nation's
top nuclear power official said Monday.
Russia's nuclear power industry is now coming through what can be called the
post-Chernobyl renaissance, Nuclear Power Minister Alexander Rumyantsev said
at a news conference.

A reactor at the Chernobyl plant in Ukraine, at that time a part of the
Soviet Union, exploded in 1986, contaminating a huge area and sending a
radioactive cloud over much of Europe. The world's worst nuclear accident is
believed to have killed some 8,000 people in the explosion and aftermath.

The catastrophe long stalled plans to build new nuclear reactors. But nuclear
fears have gradually faded, and blackouts and electricity shortages in the
post-Soviet turmoil have raised interest in building new power plants.

In March, Russia launched its first nuclear reactor since the Chernobyl
catastrophe, at the southern Rostov plant.

Rostov's 1,000-megawatt reactor is of the VVER-1000 type using pressurized
water to cool its fuel rods instead of the less-stable graphite used in RBMK
reactors such as the one that exploded at Chernobyl.

International industry trade groups and environmental watchdogs acknowledge
the VVER-1000 model is the safest of Russia's reactors, but they say it is
less reliable than modern Western counterparts.

Next year, Russia will launch another nuclear reactor near the western city
of Kursk, this one of the modernized RBMK type, Rumyantsev said.

In 2003, Russia will put into service another VVER-type reactor at the
Kalinin plant, and will launch a second reactor of that type in Rostov in
2005. In 2009 a new fast-neutron reactor will be launched at the northern
Beloyarsk plant, Rumyantsev said.

The nuclear ministry is considering plans to complete another two nuclear
reactors in Ukraine, unfinished since Soviet times, and another one in the
ex-Soviet republic of Kazakstan, Rumyantsev said.

The ministry has also signed contracts to build nuclear power plants in
China, India and Iran. The United States has long pushed Moscow to abandon
its $800 million deal with Tehran, voicing concern that Iran could use the
technology to develop nuclear weapons.

Moscow has dismissed the U.S. warnings, saying that the reactor at Bushehr
can be used only for civilian purposes and will be under international

Rumyantsev said the Bushehr reactor would be finished by 2005 and reaffirmed
that the project posed no risks for nuclear weapons proliferation.

It fully corresponds to all requirements of the international law and
Russia's international obligations, he said.

On other issues, Rumyantsev said:

- Russia remains unable to reach an agreement with the European Union nations
willing to provide aid for dismantling Russia's decommissioned nuclear
submarines. Russia can't accept the EU's demand that Russia accept full legal
responsibility for all nuclear risks, offer more breaks and give Western
officials unlimited access to all dismantling sites;

- Despite much-publicized plans to accept spent nuclear fuel for reprocessing
and storage, Russia has so far failed to wedge itself into the market
dominated by Britain and France.

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[CTRL] Schumer, Kennedy Want to Register Gun Owners

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

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Schumer, Kennedy Want to Register Gun Owners
Jeff Johnson, CNSNews.com
Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2001
WASHINGTON – Sen. Charles Schumer wants the Department of Justice to keep
personal data on law-abiding gun buyers from the National Instant Check
System (NICS), and to offer the information for unlimited use by state and
local agencies.
National Rifle Association Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre called the
move gun owner registration, plain and simple.

Making good on a promise he made during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing
Dec. 6, Schumer, D-N.Y., introduced the Use NICS in Terrorist Investigations
Act (S. 1788) after Attorney General John Ashcroft refused to allow the FBI
access to NICS records of lawful gun purchases.

Schumer introduced the bill one day after Ashcroft explained that he was
merely obeying the law Congress had passed.

The law which provided for the development of the NICS, the National Instant
Check System, indicates that the only permissible use for the National
Instant Check System is to audit the maintenance of that system, Ashcroft
responded. The Department of Justice is committed to following the law.

Ashcroft also reminded the senators that NICS records from any illegal
attempt to buy a weapon, whether by a convicted felon, a terrorist, an
illegal alien or a person with a history of mental illness, are maintained
indefinitely, and completely available to police.

But Schumer, along with Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., and five other
co-sponsors, dismissed Ashcroft's explanation and offered the Use NICS in
Terrorist Investigations Act in response.

No Reference to Terrorist Probes

Despite the bill's title, the language of the proposal makes no reference to
terrorist investigations, and no limits are placed on the use of the

The proposal would allow the Federal Bureau of Investigation to access NICS
audit log records for the purpose of responding to an inquiry from any
federal, state, or local law enforcement agency in connection with a civil or
criminal law enforcement investigation.

It would require the Department of Justice to maintain the records of lawful
gun purchases in no event fewer than 90 days after the date on which the
licensee first contacts the system with respect to the transfer. Present
federal law and DOJ policy require the records to be destroyed within 24
hours of a purchaser's approval.

The NRA's Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) had harsh words for
Schumer and the co-sponsors of S. 1788.

'Anti-gun Extremists' Exploit 9-11

Anti-gun extremists have been attempting for weeks to invoke the specter of
terrorists acquiring firearms as justification for their attempts to end
traditional American gun shows, the organization said in a fax alert Friday,
and now they are doing the same to promote their attempts to create the
mechanism to establish a registry of law-abiding gun purchasers.

LaPierre explained further.

Clearly, this will be the basis of a national firearms-owner computer
registry that would profile decent honest citizens, violate their privacy,
and provide a locator to assist Kennedy's and Schumer's vision of ultimately
banning private ownership of firearms, he said. Of more immediate danger
are the civil data-sharing provisions in this legislation.

You have to think about what a Janet Reno or any future anti-gun-rights
attorney general would do with this power, he added.

While the legislation mandates that the FBI and the Treasury Department
destroy any records they maintain for auditing NICS sometime after 90 days,
no such restriction applies to information shared with state or local law
enforcement agencies.

Once the personal information is out of the hands of the feds, it could
become part of a permanent record elsewhere, the NRA warned.

NRA-ILA Executive Director James Jay Baker says it's vital that Americans
understand the need to protect the NICS data.

This is not about denying law enforcement any records that bear on criminals
or terrorists and guns, he said. This is about preserving the privacy
rights of decent, innocent people.

Calls to the offices of Kennedy and Schumer were not returned prior to
publication of this story.

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[CTRL] Reverse Decision to Cut Navy Missile Defense Program

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

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Reverse Decision to Cut Navy Missile Defense Program
Center for Security Policy
Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2001
CSP Decision Brief
No. 01-D 80

Decision to Cancel Navy Missile Defense Program Should be Reversed and New
Management, Willing to Deploy Sea-Based Systems, Hired

WASHINGTON: Two amazing things happened in the aftermath of President Bush's
visionary and courageous decision to withdraw from the 1972 Anti-Ballistic
Missile (ABM) Treaty.

First, contrary to the confident predictions of many so-called experts, the
sky remained in its place. Russian President Putin called the Bush action a
mistake, but did not launch nuclear Armageddon or otherwise respond
aggressively. In fact, he observed that it would not threaten Russia's
security and that U.S.-Russian relations should continue at the same level.

For its part, China mildly groused, but there was no talk of breaking off
diplomatic – let alone commercial – relations with the United States. As for
our allies, the worst of their reaction was confined to mild tut-tutting.

So Much for the Chicken-Littles

In other words, the concerted and sustained campaign to intimidate the United
States into remaining within a treaty that prohibited the development and
deployment of effective anti-missile defenses is now seen for what it always
was: a flim-flam operation whose fraudulent character should have been
exposed and rejected years ago.

The upshot of our having failed to do that before now is that this country
has been left vulnerable to the real and growing danger of ballistic
missile-backed blackmail and/or attack.

The Kremlin's exceedingly muted reaction has left the few congressional
Democrats who have publicly assailed Mr. Bush (notably, Sens. Tom Daschle,
Joe Biden and Carl Levin) in the unhappy position of being holier than the
pope – professing more concern about how badly the Russians would take this
than the Russians themselves were actually taking it.

The foolishness of this stance may be why so few of the senators' colleagues
are publicly following their lead. In fact, after the withdrawal notification
was announced, Congress authorized full funding for the president's missile
defense budget.

In short, President Bush has now succeeded in creating legal, diplomatic and
political conditions that give him essentially complete latitude in pursuing
and putting into place the missile defenses he has so clearly recognized are
needed now.

Seize the Day, Cancel Missile Defenses

This makes all the more amazing the second thing that happened after Mr. Bush
withdrew from the ABM Treaty on Thursday. On Friday, a small coterie of
civilian Pentagon officials decided to cancel the Navy's short-range Area
Missile Defense program.

As a result, the Navy will be sent back to the drawing board, postponing –
perhaps by years – the day when forward-deployed U.S. amphibious forces and
naval battle groups will have any protection against the danger currently
posed to them by widely proliferated ballistic missiles and weapons of mass

Predictably, missile defense critics – reeling from the body blow delivered
by the president's disposing of their cherished cornerstone of strategic
stability – were euphoric. They chided the Defense Department, saying if it
could not do something as relatively easy as building short-range
anti-missile systems, it certainly couldn't build more complex defenses
against longer-range ballistic missiles.

And they claimed vindication in asserting that the president had not needed
to abandon the ABM Treaty at this juncture since no developing missile
defenses were ready to bump up against the treaty's limitations.

Needed Now: Navy Area

Regrettably, giving comfort to the president's political opponents is the
least of the reasons why it was a mistake to terminate the Navy Area Missile
Defense at this juncture.

While this short-range anti-missile system has experienced both considerable
cost growth and schedule slippage, it was described just last August by the
current chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Richard Myers, as
essential to national security.

He declared that a robust, sea-based, lower-tier theater ballistic missile
defense capability, found in the Navy Area Missile Defense Program, is
critical to reducing operational risk to the warfighter.

Of particular relevance to the Friday decision, Gen. Myers' letter stated,
There are no alternatives to this program that would provide equal or
greater military capability at less cost.

This assessment was foreshadowed in a letter sent to the Joint Chiefs
chairman in January by the chief of naval operations and Marine Corps
commandant. They emphasized the critical importance of early deployment of
Navy Area Missile Defense capability. Navy Area is the number one priority of
the Navy and Marine 

[CTRL] His narcissism, our problem

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

His narcissism, our problem
By Ralph R. Reiland
Monday, December 17, 2001

A car bomb exploded in Saudi Arabia at 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 13, 1995, at an
American training camp in Riyadh, killing five U.S. servicemen and wounding
34. It was the same day Monica Lewinsky landed a paying job at the White
House's Office of Legislative Affairs.

In May 1998, some 30 months later, with a federal judge ruling against Bill
Clinton's claim of executive privilege and Linda Tripp tucked away in a safe
house, Osama bin Laden met with ABC News to applaud those who kill Americans
for Allah, pointing specifically to Riyadh: We called and they answered.
They have washed away some of the dishonor we had to bear by the Saudi
government's collaboration with the American government in the land of

The attack, said bin Laden, had raised the head of the Muslim nation high.
In fact, the four heads of the Saudis found guilty of the Riyadh blast had
been lopped off in a public beheading two years earlier, on May 30, 1996, two
days after a Little Rock jury had convicted Clinton business partners Jim and
Susan McDougal of bank robbery.

Less than a month after the decapitations, militant Islamic terrorists struck
again with a massive truck bomb on June 25, 1996, at the U.S. base in Khobar
with what Clinton National Security Adviser Anthony Lake said was probably
the biggest terrorist bomb ever set off, killing 19 American servicemen.

As it turned out, those servicemen in Khobar were killed during a month when
the White House was crawling with Chinese agents. Cooperating with the
Justice Department, Johnny Chung told federal investigators that he'd
transferred illegal funds to Clinton's 1996 campaign from high-ranking
Chinese military officers and Chinese Communist Party officials. More
specifically, Chung told investigators how he'd slipped money to the Clinton
White House from the daughter of the top commander of China's People's
Liberation Army, General Liu Huaqing, a top member of the Chinese Communist
Party's ruling Politburo.


Bernard Schwartz, CEO of rocket manufacturer Loral Space and Communications,
was also adding to the stack of campaign loot during this period. Lobbying
Clinton to relax export controls so Loral could sell rocket technology to
China, Schwartz dropped a record $632,000 in the Democrats' coffers, becoming
Bill Clinton's largest single campaign contributor.

Clinton, predictably, relaxed export controls and signed an executive order
that protected Loral from prosecution for handing over top-secret U.S.
targeting know-how to the communist Chinese, missile technology that key
officials in Clinton's own administration said would make it easier for the
Chinese to hit U.S. cities with nuclear weapons.

All told, by the time a re-elected Clinton had stood up to promise to
preserve, protect, and defend for a second time, Lewinsky already had
spilled the beans to co-worker Linda Tripp at the Pentagon and nearly 100
potential witnesses to the Clinton-Gore illegal foreign campaign
contributions had either fled the country or taken the Fifth.

On Aug. 7, 1998, Islamic terrorists struck again, bombing the U.S. embassies
in Kenya and Tanzania. Ten days later, with unparalleled media interest, Bill
Clinton made history by becoming the first U.S. president to testify in front
of a grand jury regarding his own criminal conduct. Lost in the media circus,
shoved off to an inconsequential side ring and off the White House radar
screen, were the thousands who were killed and wounded in the latest episode
of anti-American terrorism.

On Aug. 11, with rescue crews still digging through the ruins in Kenya and
Tanzania, Clinton announced an early release from prison for 16 militant
members of a Puerto Rican terrorist group that was involved in 130 bombings
in the United States. Nothing showed more clearly how things vital had become
marginal, how national security had ended up in the back seat.


On Dec. 16, 1998, exactly one day before the House was scheduled to vote on
the articles of impeachment, Clinton launched an air strike against Iraq.

By a margin of 74 percent to 13 percent, reported Gallup, Americans supported
the air attack. Still, the House approved two of the four articles of
impeachment three days later - perjury and obstruction of justice - making
Bill Clinton the first elected president in American history to be impeached.

A year later, Hillary Rodham Clinton caused an international stir by kissing
Yasser Arafat's wife, Suha, after hearing her deliver a speech in which she
accused Israel of murdering Arab children - with poison gas! The solidarity
and kisses, however, didn't stop a suicide strike on the USS Cole 11 months
later, an attack that killed 17 American sailor.

It was Feb 26, 1993, only 36 days into 

[CTRL] Is This the End of Christmas in America?

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Is This the End of Christmas in America?
By Chuck Baldwin
December 18, 2001

All across America, Christmas is being expunged. In spite of the events of
three months ago, there is little room for Christmas in America's public
life. In fact, Christmas seems to be losing ground even faster than in the

School districts across the country are forbidding students from passing out
personal Christmas cards. In Minnesota, two middle school students were
disciplined for wearing red and green scarves. In Massachusetts, ninth grade
students were warned to refrain from wishing friends Merry Christmas. In
Illinois, a teacher was instructed by her principal to not read a story
about Christmas to her second graders. In Georgia, a school removed the word
Christmas from its calendar after threats from the A.C.L.U.

Throughout the United States, nativity scenes and Christmas trees have been
removed. In one South Florida veterans hospital, even a Christmas angel was
taken down. In most public places today, all references to Christmas have
been obliterated. Taking its place is the politically correct,
non-offensive, multicultural, full-of-diversity greeting, Happy
 Holidays. What is with all this lunacy? It's as if Scrooge has been
institutionalized. It is not hyperbole to observe that in many (if not most)
American homes, Harry Potter is more popular than the Christ-child is.

America's Founding Fathers must be rolling over in their graves! In their
wildest dreams, they could never have imagined such a display of religious
intolerance happening in the land founded by Christians on the Gospel of
Jesus Christ (Patrick Henry).

The longest-living Founding Father was John Quincy Adams. As such, he was a
much sought after speaker for patriotic events. On July 4, 1837, he made a
very astute observation. He said, Why is it that, next to the birthday of
the Savior of the world, your most joyous and most venerated festival
returns on this day? Is it not that, in the chain of human events, the
birthday of the nation is indissolubly linked with the birthday of the
Savior? That it forms a leading event in the Progress of the Gospel
dispensation? Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized
the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemer's mission upon earth?
That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of
Christianity and gave to the world the first irrevocable pledge of the
fulfillment of the prophecies announced directly from Heaven at the birth of
the Savior and predicted by the greatest of the Hebrew prophets 600 years

Adams' sentiments seem quite out of fashion today, don't they? His penchant
for Christian liberty is as popular these days as limited government is.
Then again, I remember a time when children prayed and read the Bible in
public schools. That day is gone for good, and it appears that the public
celebration of Christmas is nearing its end, also. However, people should
not fret. In the new socialist Amerika now under construction, Ramadan and
Kwanzaa are perfectly acceptable.

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[CTRL] Did You Notice The US Is Having A Coup?

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Did You Notice The US Is Having A Coup?
From: Brasscheck

1. What great American statesman said this yesterday about the likely
authenticity of the bin Laden confession tape?

That's just a feeble excuse to provide weak support for an incredibly evil

Answer below.

2. Even the Washington Post must finally report, long after the fact was
widely known, that the anthrax spores that hit Capital Hill, and killed
several postal workers, were government issue, from Ft. Detrick.


They waited until FIVE different labs confirmed it.

3. This today from CNN was pretty interesting:

Lead: The CIA uses anthrax in its bio-warfare program...

What the *%$#! Since when was the CIA been empowered to conduct bio-warfare?

Better read it soon before someone wakes up and takes it down:


4. The Post is also starting to ask question about what really happened to
CIA bio-warfare expert Frank Olson who purportedly jumped out a window after
a bad acid trip. (A later autopsy revealed he also hit himself on the back of
his head with a heavy blunt instrument before taking flight.)


5. By the way, did you notice the US is having a coup?

Bush is now denying Congress access to routine information (FBI records about
an organized crime investigation in Boston.)

He also has a major domestic problem called E-N-R-O-N to deal with that
involves a lot of his close friends eligible for jail. The difference between
Enron and Whitewater is Enron has the very real potential to tank US
financial markets thanks to wildly out of control derivatives exposures.

What is a derivative? To put it as simply as possible, it's a bet on market
movements that, if it goes wrong, can not only wipe out your investment in an
eye blink, but leave you owing far more money than you put in the first

A good derivatives scam can take down one of the world's oldest banks
(Barings), one of the world's richest counties (Orange County, California),
and many believe even has chance of bringing chaos to the world's largest

From F.I.A.S.C.O a book about the derivatives business written by a foot
soldier:  (Derivative) salesmen often joke about their creations as weapons
of mass destruction; and, in fact, the clients are often 'blown up' or have
their 'faces ripped off.'

Nice business, huh?

Derivatives are commonly packaged as bond-like instruments and sold to the
knuckleheads that manage things like pension funds and the treasuries of
state and local governments.

Friends who know the futures business have been long scratching their heads
as to how a bunch of energy traders suddenly became the 8th largest business
in the US. As we're finding out, they weren't. Billions of dollars have
disappeared in the 'learning' process and, thanks to the the derivatives they
sold far and wide, we may have only just seen the warm up.


Answer to the quiz question #1.

Who said:

That's just a feeble excuse to provide weak support for an incredibly evil

George Bush Jr. He was talking about people who question the authenticity of
the bin Laden video that was released coincidentally *at the same time* he
told Congress he was withholding information from them about the FBI case and
the CEO of Arthur Anderson testified before Congress that he believes his
client Enron was engaged in fraud.

Where's a cop when you need one?

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] 17 December 2001 Federalist Edition #01-51

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

17 December 2001
Federalist Edition #01-51
Monday Brief

*To retrieve today's Brief as HTML printer-friendly text or PDF
Link to -- http://www.Federalist.com/current2001.asp
*To change your e-mail address or format, see instructions in footer.


Lend us your support! We are often asked, Who are you? Contrary to
publishing convention, the reason for the notable absence of promotion
for our editors is, in a word, humilitas. Our mission is to promote
the central theme of liberty, that all men are created equal, that
they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
These God-given rights are timeless and originate, as declared by our
Founders, with the Author of life.

Also contrary to publishing convention, The Federalist depends
completely on the goodwill and voluntary support of our readers --
creating some consternation among our accountants and bankers. Your
goodwill has enabled The Federalist to become the most highly
subscribed e-journal on the Internet. But that is not the whole story.
The Federalist is also one of the most widely distributed e-journals
on the Internet, in part because we authorize the redistribution of
our publications to various student, media and political lists --
readers who would not otherwise pay for conservative views. It is
critical that we keep these ideas before those groups without a
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Please register your support for The Federalist today. We are still
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We encourage our readers to take a moment and send an e-mail to
service personnel overseas, who will not be home for Christmas. The
USN has set up a secure Web site where you can post Christmas
greetings to American Sailors, Marines, Soldiers, Airmen and Coast
Guardsmen. Link to -- http://anyservicemember.navy.mil/  and consider
having your kids participate! How about a class project!

The Foundation
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ICTUS Imprimis
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Editorial Exegesis
The Gipper
Political Futures
For the Record
Policy Pages
Reader Comments
The Last Word


If you love wealth better than liberty, the tranquillity of servitude
better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in
peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. May your chains set lightly
upon you and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.
--Samuel Adams


The characteristic of heroism is its persistency.  All men have
wandering impulses, fits and starts of generosity. But when you have
chosen your part, abide by it, and do not weakly try to reconcile
yourself with the world.  The heroic cannot be the common, nor the
common heroic.  Yet we have the weakness to expect the sympathy of
people in those actions whose excellence is that they outrun sympathy
and appeal to a tardy justice.  If you would serve your brother
because it is fit for you to serve him, do not take back your words
when you find that prudent people do not commend you.  --Ralph Waldo


For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith
goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control;
and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and
to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. (2
Peter 1:5-7)  ++  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit,
but in 

[CTRL] It's 1984 in Massachusetts And Big Brother Is Gay

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Massachusetts is definitely the pits! -- Bill

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Insight Magazine

It's 1984 in Massachusetts – And Big Brother Is Gay
Posted Dec. 17, 2001
By John Haskins

Mary Clossey's children see no American flags at school to remind
them that it is their safety that young men are risking their lives
to defend. Rather, her daughter and other pupils are filed into an
auditorium to hear a speaker liken the U.S. military to terrorists.

For years the Newton, Mass., public schools have blithely violated a
Massachusetts law that the flag be on display in every classroom. On
the other hand, there are many flags on display if you count rainbow
flags that symbolize a gay-friendly environment.

When Clossey enrolled her son in Newton North High School's reading
program little did she know that the teacher had bragged in the
Boston Globe (July 8, 2001) of quietly introducing homosexual and
transsexual subjects into his classes. The teacher, Michael Kozuch,
handed out The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky with
instructions to write an essay on it. What literary treats did
Kozuch consider mandatory for other people's children? Sex between a
boy and a dog, man-boy sex, anal sex between boys, male masturbation
and female masturbation with a hot dog. By chance Clossey opened the
book her son brought home. But what came after that shock was worse:
She encountered public officials who saw protective parents as

Clossey called her mayor. He never called back. Calling school
officials, she says she encountered arrogant disrespect for
parents. So she filed a criminal complaint against the teacher for
corrupting a minor. Even Boston's hard-line pro-homosexuality
newspapers and TV stations couldn't sit on this. But the complaint
went nowhere. It emerged that Kozuch was not acting alone. The book
was on a reading list given to every student. Urged by other furious
parents, Clossey went to the local prosecutor. But the receptionist
had been warned to expect her, according to Clossey. She waited and
waited, but was not allowed to speak to her district attorney.

After parents discovered the book, Newton North High School educators
removed it from class discussion but refused to remove it from the
reading list. Alert parents already knew the high-school language
department, on one pretext or another, had showed Ma Vie en Rose, an
R-rated film about a homosexual child. Pupils learned how Ludo
enjoys being a girl. Borrowing mommy's red high heels, her lipstick,
her earrings … yummy! Trouble is, 7-year-old Ludo is a boy, even if
he is pretty in pink.

Freshmen learn about masturbation and sodomy in a required course
that uses street language, as if proper vocabulary would ruin the
educational experience. A large mural in a corridor depicts two girls
holding hands, reading something called Romea and Juliet.

Is Newton a rogue town? In nearby Brookline a transsexual told first-
graders how his penis was cut off and he became a woman. With no
sense of irony, the Globe called it sex-change counseling. Parents,
never notified, had to comfort their terrified children.

Ashland children were instructed to play homosexuals in a skit. As
reported in the Middlesex News on April 1, 1994, one boy's line
was: It's natural to be attracted to the same sex. Girls were told
to hold hands and pretend they were lesbians.

As reported widely in Massachusetts in 1992, at a required assembly
in Chelmsford, an instructor used four-letter words describing the
joys of anal and oral sex. The children then licked condoms.

Framingham pupils found themselves answering this Orwellian
questionnaire: 1. What do you think caused your heterosexuality? 2.
When did you first decide you were heterosexual? 3. Is it possible
heterosexuality is a phase you will grow out of? 4. Is it possible
you are heterosexual because you fear the same sex? 5. If you have
never slept with anyone of the same sex, how do you know you wouldn't
prefer it? Is it possible you merely need a good gay experience? 6.
To whom have you disclosed your heterosexuality? How did they react?
7. Why are heterosexuals so blatant, always making a spectacle of
their heterosexuality? Why can't they just be who they are and not
flaunt their sexuality by kissing in public, wearing wedding rings,

In Lexington, a parent discovered that her 13-year-old could borrow a
book telling how gay men at the opera can socialize with the backs
of their trousers discreetly parted so they could experience a little
extra pleasure while viewing the spectacle on stage. Her school
purchased it with health funds.

A prominent psychiatrist says the sex-ed curricula at these schools
can lower children to the level of animals and inflict lasting
harm. Massachusetts schools' systematic promotion of homosexuality
and promiscuity fosters sexual confusion and experimentation, says
Nathaniel S. Lehrman, former clinical 

[CTRL] Highway Hero

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

  Highway Hero
 By Carol A. Price-Lopata

  During my third year as a speaker, giving seminars all
over the country, I was driving into Wheeling, West
Virginia, to teach a class on self-esteem to 150 women.
 My background includes being raised by a mother and
grandmother who took great pains to teach me that families
take care of one another no matter what.  I knew I could
always count on them when I was in trouble, and they knew
they could do the same.
 I was driving faster than I should have been because I
desperately wanted to make it to Wheeling before the severe
rains that had been predicted began to fall.
  As I saw the sign telling me Wheeling was eight miles
away, I speeded up even a bit more, even though a few
raindrops had just begun to fall.
 With no warning, I heard a boom - not too loud, but
loud enough to know it wasn't a good sound.  When I turned
off the radio to further evaluate the sound, it became
clear I had a tire problem: probably a flat.  I slowed
down, knowing from high school driver's education not to
brake hard, but knowing still that I needed to get off the
road for my safety.
 On the side of the road, I looked around, saw nothing
but rugged hills, a six-lane highway and very fast traffic.
I locked the door, to be safe, and tried to figure out what
to do.  I did not have a cellular phone, as they were not
that common many years ago.
 Every story I had ever heard about women having bad
experiences on the side of the road in strange cities ran
through my mind like a movie reel, and I tried to decide if
I would be safer staying with the car or walking to the
next exit.  It was beginning to get dark, and I truly was
becoming afraid.
 My grandmother taught me as a very little girl that
things work out if you keep your head about you, and I was
trying very hard to do just that.
 At that very moment, a large semi passed very fast on
my left, causing my car to shudder, and I saw that the
directional light was on, indicating he was pulling over in
front of me.  I could hear his brakes squeal, as he was
braking fast and hard.
 I again thought, 'Am I safer or in more danger?'  I
could see the truck as it slowly backed up on the shoulder
of the road and decided that to be very safe, I would take
a precaution I had seen in a movie.  I took out a pad in my
briefcase and wrote down the name of the trucking company
and the Ohio license number, as they both were visible from
my car.  I put the pad with this information under the
driver's seat just in case!
 Even though it was now raining quite hard, the driver
came running back from the truck to my car and said through
my window that I had opened only three inches, that he had
seen the tire blow and would be glad to change it.  He
asked for the car keys to get into the trunk; and although
I knew I was about to lose all my safety precautions, it
seemed to be my best choice.  I gave him the keys.  He
changed the tire and gave me back the keys.  I asked him
through the three-inch opening in the window if I could pay
him for his kindness.  He said, We drivers in Ohio believe
in taking care of women in trouble on the highway.
 I then asked him for the name of his boss so I could
send him or her a letter relaying how wonderful he had
been.  He laughed a very odd laugh and gave me the name of
his boss, a woman, and his card, which had the name of the
trucking company, the address and the phone number.  I
thanked him again, and the now soaking-wet man ran back to
the truck.  Gratefully, I went on to Wheeling to present my
 Upon returning to Florida, I had a T-shirt made for
this man that showed an angel in a truck with the words
printed across the picture, Highway Hero, and sent it to
the address on the card.
 It came back, addressee unknown.
 I called the number on the card and got a recording
saying no such number existed.  I called the city newspaper
for that town, asked for the editor, explained the dilemma
and asked that a letter to the editor be placed in the
paper thanking the driver.  The editor, who had lived there
all his life, said there was no such company in that city.
He further investigated and called me back and said there
was no such business registered in Ohio.
 The editor went one step further.  He called the state
motor vehicle bureau to ask about the license and was told
no such plate had ever been issued.
 The upshot is that this man, his truck and the company
never existed, the rescue never happened and I must have
been dreaming.
 But I know I wasn't.

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[CTRL] French farce of the force de frappe

2001-12-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


French farce of the force de frappe
By Kim Willsher in Paris
(Filed: 16/12/2001)

FRANCE'S armed forces are in such a state of disarray that the
country could barely defend itself if it were attacked, according to
a series of alarming reports by defence experts.

Click to enlarge
A decade of budget cuts, reorganisation and mismanagement has, it is
claimed, rendered all three branches of the country's military
powerless to react rapidly and efficiently at home or abroad.

In spite of the billions spent on the latest equipment, much of it
cannot be used: half of France's fleet of helicopters is grounded and
a third of its tanks are out of action, according to a confidential
ministry of defence report leaked to newspapers.

The conflict in Afghanistan has highlighted the crisis and created
widespread public criticism about the country's lack of involvement
in the international war against terror.

Political leaders have attempted to restore national self-respect by
dispatching the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle to
join American forces in the Arabian Sea.

It is hoped that the 40,000-ton accident-prone vessel, which cost a total of £2 
billion to build, should be en route by today and will complete its mission without 
the embarrassing accidents and hitches that have led its
crew to nickname it le bateau maudit - the damned ship.

French defence spending, currently around 189 billion francs (£18.9 billion) a year, 
has fallen from 15 per cent of the state budget to 11 per cent since the end of the 
Cold War in the 1990s. The ending of national servic
e and the creation of a professional army, announced by President Jacques Chirac in 
1996 and intended to save £200 million a year, has drained the defence budget of at 
least £100 million extra this year.

A lack of money, however, is not the only problem. While enormous sums have been spent 
on such prestigious and high-profile projects as the carrier Charles de Gaulle, the 
Leclerc tank and the Rafale fighter plane, the arm
ed forces lack the resources to maintain and repair their equipment.

A confidential report by the general armed forces board, leaked to the economic 
magazine Capital, concluded that more than a third of Leclerc tanks - which at a cost 
of £10.4 million each were intended to be the pride of
France's ground forces - are currently out of use. A shortage of spare parts meant 
that the army was having to cannibalise part of its fleet to keep the rest in action.

Around half of France's Puma, Cougar and Gazelle helicopters are grounded awaiting 
repairs and only a fraction of the air force's planes are fit to fly, defence experts 
say. While the air force has 517 fighter planes, on
ly 12 aircraft are ready to take off within two minutes in order to defend our country 
in the event of an attack, wrote Thierry Fabre, Capital's defence correspondent. The 
others might take hours or even days to get up
in the air. A large part of our aircraft are in fact nailed to the ground because of 
insufficient maintenance.

While admitting that it had budget problems, the French ministry of defence contended 
that reports of a crisis are exaggerated. Of course only 12 planes are on standby 
to fly as part of the air defence mission. No coun
try has all its entire air force on red alert 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, a 
spokesman said.

However, Pierre Dabezies, a military expert and adviser to Jean-Pierre Chevenement, 
the former interior minister, said that at the military air base at Metz half the 
planes aren't able to fly.

The navy is faring little better, with only 32 of its 76 ships reported to be in a 
state of seaworthiness. An alarming cross-party report by MPs Charles Cova of the 
Right-wing RPR party and Jean-Noel Kerdraon of the rulin
g socialist party blames staggering delays and disorganisation at French shipyards 
for holding up vital repairs.

It would be better to carry out small repairs in other European ports. The 
minesweeper Verseau was repaired in several hours in the United Kingdom compared with 
the four weeks minimum it would have taken if the boat had
gone to Brest, the report said.

The Rafale fighter plane is another example of the style over substance extravagance. 
The air force should have taken delivery of 137 aircraft, commissioned in 1988, almost 
a year ago. To date only five of the 294 planes
ordered have been delivered by the manufacturer, Dassault.

Hopes of recovering some of the vast cost through exports have been dashed because the 
plane will compete for sales against the Eurofighter, being developed by a European 
consortium that includes Britain, and America's Jo
int Strike Fighter combat plane being produced by Lockheed Martin. Each rival is three 
times cheaper.

Jean-Paul Hebert, a military economist, believes that the French defence ministry gave 

[CTRL] AF News 18 Dec 01

2001-12-17 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

1806. Air Force alters method for airdrops over Afghanistan

RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany (AFPN) -- Gen. Richard Myers, chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, recently said the Air Force would stop the airdrop of
humanitarian daily rations via the tri-wall aerial delivery system.

Air Force units have been using the TRIADS method to airdrop food since Oct.

The greatly expanded flow of humanitarian relief supplies by rail, road and
across the river, as well as airlift to some of the airfields in
Afghanistan, has rendered this form of delivery as unnecessary at this
point, Myers said.

The Air Force will continue to drop humanitarian aid via the container
deliver system, or CDS.

Even though we've stopped using TRIADS, we will continue to fly
humanitarian airdrop missions, said Lt. Col. John Zazworsky, commander of
the 437th Expeditionary Airlift Squadron here.  We're using the CDS method
to deliver boxes of the humanitarian daily rations, in addition to wheat,
blankets and winter clothing.

The CDS airdrop method uses parachutes to drop large bundles (up to 2,000
pounds) of food and supplies.

To honor the end of Ramadan on Dec. 16, Air Force airdrops included packages
of dates in the CDS bundles.  Dates are a fruit that Muslims traditionally
use to break the fast of Ramadan, an Islamic holiday celebrated by fasting
from sunrise to sunset for a month.

By including dates in our airdrop bundles, we are showing our respect for
this significant Muslim holiday, Zazworsky said.

To date, the C-17 Globemaster IIIs assigned to the 437th EAS have flown more
than 180 humanitarian airdrop missions and dropped more than 1,200 CDS
bundles of food and clothing and more than 2.4 million daily rations.  Total
delivery of humanitarian assistance via TRIADS and CDS is more than 3,800
tons.  (Courtesy of U.S. Air Forces in Europe News Service)

1810.  Cook assumes command of AETC

by Master Sgt. Michael Briggs
Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- Gen. Donald G. Cook assumed command
of Air Education and Training Command on Dec. 17, in a ceremony held here.

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. John Jumper presided over the ceremony that
was attended by about 1,000 people.

In his remarks prior to bestowing command, Jumper said there is no one more
qualified, able or energetic to take command of AETC than Cook.

He's been an instructor in the former Air Training Command; he's commanded
at every level; he's flown bombers; he's had three wing commands; he's got
extensive experience in space; he's been mentored by the greatest of our Air
Force leadership; and he takes the helm at a time when we need him most,
Jumper said.

That need stems from America's war on terrorism and the challenges the men
and women face who will fight and win the war, he said.

Where do the people come from who will do this duty? Jumper asked.  They
come from right here ... those in uniform and the civilians in this command
who take youngsters off the streets of our nation and turn them into skilled
and trained airmen; who train more than 200,000 a year; and who have more
than 1,000 people deployed overseas in support of operations in Afghanistan

Cook had a message for the nearly 50,000 military people, 15,000 civilians
and 10,000 contract employees who make up AETC.

AETC's mission is essential and its reputation is renowned, he said.  We
are a vital part of the world's most respected Air Force.  It is up to us to
continue to instill, develop and refine ... the skill and dedication that
make us the most respected Air Force in the world.

In looking to the future, Cook said AETC people must reach beyond what is
getting the job done today to what will make the Air Force successful in
meeting the challenges of tomorrow.

We must continue to recruit the right individuals -- airmen able to meet
tomorrow's challenges, he said.  We must train with a view to the future
to combat unknown threats.  We must educate our officers and enlisted
members to think critically, preparing them to make the tough decisions

AETC people must always be mindful of the trust placed in them by the people
of the United States, Cook said.

America's families trust us with the health, safety and welfare of their
sons and daughters, Cook said.  We must work each and every day to keep
that trust.  The impact we have on the lives of young airmen and lieutenants
that emerge from AETC cannot be understated.  Not only are we shaping the
lives of individuals, we are shaping the force that will protect the lives
of all Americans.

Cook received his fourth star at a promotion ceremony in the officers club
here immediately before the assumption of command ceremony.  (Courtesy of
AETC News Service)

1807.  Every day challenging for U.S. troops

by Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

BAGRAM AIR BASE, Afghanistan (AFPN) -- 

[CTRL] nuclear attack on Israel

2001-12-17 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

Iran's Rafsanjani suggests nuclear attack on Israel

Monday, December 17, 2001

One of Iran’s most influential ruling clerics called on the Muslim
states to use nuclear weapon against Israel, assuring them that while
such an attack would annihilate Israel, it would cost them damages

The speech by former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani
failed to catch the attention of the western press but made waves in
the Middle East.

If a day comes when the world of Islam is duly equipped with the
arms Israel has in its possession, the strategy of colonialism would
face a stalemate because application of an atomic bomb would not
leave anything in Israel but the same thing would just produce
damages in the Muslim world, Former Iranian President Akbar Hashemi
Rafsanjani told the crowd at the traditional Friday prayers in

In Washington Sunday, administration officials said the United States does not plan to 
target Iran in the war against terrorism.  Iran is a situation where there are 
clearly some pressures from young people, there are pr
essures from women in that country, U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said. 
Iran had a different history than Iraq. I don't know, if nothing else happened and 
one looked at those two countries, I would say the like
lihood of Iraq reforming itself is zero. The possibility, the remote possibility of 
Iran reforming itself is considerably above zero.

Dr. Assad Homayou, president of the Azadegan Foundation in Washington, D.C. agreed.  
To me the issue is not nuclear weapons but the responsibility of the regime, he 
said. This regime is not responsible and that is why
I have always emphasized that the removal of this regime is imperative. As the U.S. 
secretary of defense said the situation with Iran is different from that of Iraq. 
People only need the moral support of the United States
. Analysts told the Iranian Press Service that Rafsanjani's speech marks the first 
time a prominent leader of the Islamic Republic had openly suggested the use of 
nuclear weapon against the Jewish State.

Rafsanjani advised Western states not to pin their hopes on Israel's violence because 
it will be very dangerous. We are not willing to see security in the world is 
harmed, he said, warning that a war of the pious and
 martyrdom seeking forces against peaks of colonialism will be highly dangerous and 
might fan flames of World War III. Rafsanjani, who, as the Chairman of the Assembly 
to Discern the Interests of the State, is the Islami
c Republic’s number two man after Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. He was speaking on 
International Qods (Jerusalem) Day which is celebrated in Iran only.

The Pentagon, which has pressed for a second stage in the U.S. war against 
terrorism, does not support any military campaign against Iran. Instead, officials 
have urged that Washington target the regime of Iraqi Presi
dent Saddam Hussein.

  On Monday, Iranian President Mohammed Khatami said the stifling of dissent in 
the country could spark a new wave of student protests, Middle East Newsline reported. 
Over the last 20 months, officials said, 56 public
ations have been closed. This includes 24 daily newspapers.

   U.S. officials acknowledge that Iran is more advanced than Iraq in both missile 
development and weapons of mass destruction. They said that Iran, with Russian help, 
has succeeded in advancing its nuclear project and th
ey could arrive at weapons capability as early as 2005.

   But the officials said the administration has been impressed with Iran's help in 
the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan. The help has included military coordination, security 
along the Afghan border and intelligence exchange.
Some officials expect Iran to also quietly support any U.S. military campaign 
against Iraq. Iraq is Teheran's rival and neighbor and Saddam used chemical weapons 
against Iran during their 1980-88 war.

   One scenario being envisioned by Pentagon sources is increased Iranian help to 
Shi'ite opposition forces in southern Iraq. The Iranian help could also include 
coordination for any U.S. ground attack in the oil fields a
round the southern port of Basra.

   I would characterize Iraq as a dictator in a repressive system that is unlikely to 
be altered from within absent an assassination or something like that, Rumsfeld said.
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