[CTRL] Britlanders Provide Iraqi Haven

2002-01-08 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Reprinted from NewsMax.com

What Prevents U.S. Attack on Iraq

Dave Eberhart, NewsMax.com
Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2002

When Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz indicated to the New
York Times this week that the U.S.-led War on Terrorism would bypass
Iraq and concentrate on outlaw sanctuaries in Somalia, Yemen,
Indonesia and the Philippines, he did not surprise students of
international law.

The dilemma of what to do about Iraq has always sounded in the
vagaries of what is recognized by the United Nations’ Charter and
international law as acceptable means of self- defense. At the heart
of the conundrum are the nettlesome buzzwords "pre-emptory attack,”
or "anticipatory self-defense.”

And as soon as these watchwords appear in the mix, the "Caroline standard” is never 
far behind.

In 1837 British subjects destroyed an American vessel, the Caroline, in a U.S. port, 
justifying the act because the ship had been used in past American raids into Canadian 

The British claimed self-defense, but ultimately the dispute was decided in favor of 
the Americans, thanks to the statesmanship of no less a figure than Daniel Webster.

Secretary of State Webster offered the British a definition of "self-defense” that 
they could not reasonably refuse:

"There must be a necessity of self-defense, instant, overwhelming, leaving no choice 
of means, and no moment for deliberation. [The means of self-defense may involve] 
nothing unreasonable or excessive; since the act, just
ified by the necessity of self-defense, must be limited by that necessity, and kept 
clearly within it.”

This has been a recognized rule in international law ever since – a fact not lost on 
Secretary of State Colin Powell and the Bush administration.

Intrinsic in the rule: The more time that passes between the attack and the military 
response, the less it appears to be self-defense.

The most often-cited example of "anticipatory self defense” and the application of the 
Caroline standard was Israel’s strike against an Iraqi nuclear reactor in 1981. 
Israel’s justification: Eventually, the materials and
science developed at the reactor could have led to a nuclear-armed Iraq.

The U.N. Security Council condemned the attack because the threat to Israel, albeit 
foreseeable, was not "imminent.”

Despite the U.N. position, the matter was still gray enough to get mixed reviews from 
scholars of international law. A minority of experts maintained at the time and in 
hindsight that Israel indeed met the Caroline standa
rd, because destroying the reactor may have been Israel’s last clear chance to avoid a 
nuclear attack.

Also complicating the Iraq equation is the recognition by Powell and the 
administration that the U.N. resolution announced in the wake of Sept. 11 did not give 
a green light to any means the U.S. chooses to take in ferret
ing out and destroying terrorists.

U.N. Again

In Resolution 1368, the Security Council resolves that it (not a discrete nation or 
group of nations) was "determined to combat by all means threats to international 
peace and security caused by terrorist acts,” and "expr
essed its readiness to take all necessary steps to respond to the terrorist attacks of 
11 September 2001, and to combat all forms of terrorism, in accordance with its 
responsibilities under the Charter of the United Natio

And sister Resolution 1373 notes the Security Council’s hallowed responsibility under 
its charter, which allows force only under exigent circumstances, and when other 
measures are impossible - and then presumably under a
U.N. flag and command.

Resolution 1373 speaks of freezing terrorist assets, criminalizing the financing or 
support of terrorists, exchanging police and intelligence information about 
terrorists, preventing movement of terrorists across borders,
 and capturing and prosecuting terrorists.

The Bush administration has followed the U.N. recommendations and interpreted the 
Security Council resolution condemning the Sept. 11 attacks as authorizing U.S. 
military retaliation against al-Qaeda and the forces that h
ave harbored it.

In doing so, it has received the tacit, if not unequivocal, blessing of the U.N. and 
the solid support of the civilized world.

However, as Powell has apparently argued successfully, the U.S. must be concerned 
about the views of other states, especially with regard to the validity of U.S. 
claims. The U.S. has a substantial continuing interest in e
nforcing the principles of the U.N. Charter against nations that use force 
aggressively – such as Iraq.

Being caught between a rock and hard place in the fine print of international law will 
end, according to Powell and the White House, when clear and convincing evidence tying 
Saddam Hussein to Sept. 11 emerges.

Read more on this subject in related Hot Topics:
United Nations


Bush Administration

Middle East

Saddam Hussein/Iraq


[CTRL] Hemp Industry vs. DEA in U.S. Court

2002-01-08 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from the votehemp.com email list:

Today the Hemp Industries Association (HIA) and seven major hemp food
companies in the U.S. and Canada filed their opening brief urging the 9th
Circuit Court of Appeals to throw out the U.S. Drug Enforcement
Administration's (DEA's) "interpretive" rule, which attempts to ban the sale
of nutritious hemp foods containing harmless trace amounts of
naturally-occurring THC. The hemp industry is still awaiting the court's
ruling on their motion to stay the interpretive rule until the court case is

On October 9, 2001, without public notice or opportunity for comment, the
DEA issued an interpretive rule purporting to make hemp foods containing any
traces of naturally-occurring tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active
ingredient found in marijuana, immediately illegal under the Controlled
Substances Act (CSA) of 1970. Because trace THC does not pose any potential
for abuse as a drug, the U.S. Congress had exempted non-viable hemp seed and
oil from control under the CSA. Similarly, Congress exempted poppy seeds
from the CSA, although they contain trace opiates otherwise subject to

Sterilized hemp seeds have been available in the U.S. for decades and are
recognized as an exceptional source of protein, omega-3 and omega-6
essential fatty acids (EFA's) and Vitamin E. Independent studies and reviews
conducted by foreign governments have confirmed that trace THC found in the
increasingly popular hemp foods cannot cause psychoactivity or other health
effects, or result in a confirmed positive urine test for marijuana, even
when unrealistically high amounts of hemp seed and oil are consumed daily.
Hemp seeds and oil are as likely to be abused as poppy seed bagels for their
trace opiate content, or fruit juices because of their trace alcohol
content. Yet, DEA has not tried to ban poppy seed bagels despite their trace
opiates that have interfered with workplace drug testing, which hemp foods
do not.  The hemp industry is reassuring retailers and consumers that hemp
food products should remain on the shelves as victory in court seems likely,
and almost all all hemp foods on the market have undetectable THC according
to the official Health Canada testing protocol.

A positive court ruling will allow the hemp foods industry segment to
continue its phenomenal expansion. Popular hemp foods include pretzels,
tortilla chips, energy bars, waffles, bread, salad dressing, candy, cereal,
cooking oil, ice cream and even non-dairy milk.  Unlike the U.S., other
Western countries (Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Australia) have adopted
rational THC limits for foods, similar to those voluntarily observed by
North American hemp food companies (see hemp industry standards regarding
trace THC at (http://www.testpledge.com), and no other Western nation has
attempted to ban the consumption of hemp foods. The U.S. is also the only
major industrialized nation to prohibit the growing and processing of hemp.
The hemp industry's opening brief can be read online at

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Black Hawk -- and Truth -- Down

2002-01-08 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=12175

Black Hawk -- and Truth -- Down

Danny Schechter, MediaChannel.org

January 8, 2002

I went to a war last night, and for two and half hour had my adrenaline
pumped and my patriotic heart strings tugged by U.S. soldiers in battle,
bravely tracking down and trying to capture the enemy. No it wasn't Osama,
because the movie which felt like it might have taken place in the rubble of
Kabul was actually a replay of the battle of Mogadishu in l993. The film is
Black Hawk Down, an account of elite ranger and Delta force soldiers
fighting the good fight. Their mission, the publicity flyer tells us, "to
capture several top lieutenants of the Somali warlord Mohammed Farah Aidid,
as part of a strategy to quell the civil war and famine that is ravaging
that country." The action is non-stop only the outcome is disasterous.
Nineteen Americans were killed along with l,000 Somalis before U.S. forces
were withdrawn in an intervention that started nobly and ended in one of the
bloodiest messes you can imagine.

The movie showed what the TV news of the current war has not: actual combat,
and the feelings of those engaged in it. You see soldiers fighting with
great courage, but they are not motivated by a cause or an ideology; they
fight to protect each other, for personal survival. Obvious is that U.S.
forces have a clear advantage in terms of technology, helicopters,
communications, etc. But in the end they are defeated by the determination
of a far less organized urban guerilla force that sees itself defending its
hometown against a foreign intervention. And like the TV news accounts of
Afghanistan, the movie comes to us context-free, with a twisted and
distorted perspective that simplifies that conflict beyond recognition.

Black Hawk Down also seems part of a propaganda strategy aimed at Americans,
not people overseas, where it is unlikely to win many hearts and minds.
Notes Larry Chin in the Online Journal: "True to its post-9/11
government-sanctioned role as U.S. war propaganda headquarters, Hollywood
has released Black Hawk Down, a fictionalized account of the tragic 1993
U.S. raid in Somalia. The Pentagon assisted with the production, pleased for
an opportunity to 'set the record straight.' The film is a lie that
compounds the original lie that was the operation itself."

Forget the revelations that one of the story's big heroes, in real life,
later gets convicted as a rapist. Forget the dramatization formulas. Just
think about the impression left with the audience, and how that perception
has little to do with reality. After watching the film, which made me
uncomfortable because it showed how senseless the U.S. policy was as well as
how ineffective, I also realized how little it conveyed what really happened
in that tortured land.

The film starts with signposts -- literally, writing on the screen, a few
short paragraphs, to remind us what happened. The problem is the information
is false. It implies, for example, that U.S. troops were sent to Somalia to
feed the hungry. Not true. Later, I turned to David Halberstam's new book,
War in a Time of Peace, which recounts the Somalian mishap in some depth.

Halberstam's book mentions, but does not detail, the bloody background: The
massive crimes of the Somali dictator Siad Barre, who the U.S. backed and
who Somali warlord Mohammad Farrah Aidid ejected. It also does not fully
explain how the stage was set for a confrontation, and how the U.S. provoked
he fiasco that followed.

Halberstam does describe, however, the Washington debate and incompetence at
a time when a policy launched by one administration was handed off to
another. He tells us that the defense secretary told an associate, "We're
sending the Rangers to Somalia. We are not going to be able to control them.
They are like overtrained pit bulls. No one controls them." The Rangers were
indeed sent with great fanfare, to hunt and capture Aidid. Their mission

Halberstam also describes the American hatred for Somalis, expressed in the
much-bandied phrase, "The only good Somali is a dead Somali." Is it any
wonder Somalis fought back? (In the movie, the battle looks like a racial
war, with virtually all-white U.S. forces going mano-a-mano with an all
black city.) Halberstam reveals how these forces made arrogant assumptions
in Somalia, underestimating the resistance, and how the urban "battlefield
became a horror ... a major league CNN-era disaster..."

You can read Halberstam's book, and many others, if you want to know more.
But the point is that the romaticization of our modern warriors all too
often misses the underlying political dimension of a conflict. On Jan. 7 it
was reported that Green Beret Sgt. Nathan Ross Chapman, who was just killed
in Afghanistan, may have been set up by so-called Anti-Taliban allies. In
Somalia, we intervened in the domestic affairs and conflicts of another
society. What started as war on hunger became a

[CTRL] Ambassador Defends U.S. on Spy Chief

2002-01-08 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20020108/wl/peru_us_montesinos_9.html

Tuesday January 8 7:33 PM ET

Ambassador Defends U.S. on Spy Chief

By CRAIG MAURO, Associated Press Writer

LIMA, Peru (AP) - Newly declassified documents show that U.S. officials were
aware of possible death squad activity in Peru, but the U.S. ambassador on
Tuesday denied that his government kept quiet about the matter.

John Hamilton spoke a day after the State Department released 38 U.S.
diplomatic cables about jailed Peruvian spymaster Vladimiro Montesinos,
former President Alberto Fujimori (news - web sites)'s right-hand man for a

The documents provided a glimpse into how U.S. officials worked warily with
Montesinos while he was Fujimori's security chief and the key Peruvian
official for counter-narcotics operations.

In one, embassy officials said they received a report from an unidentified
former military intelligence officer only days after Fujimori took office in
1990 that Montesinos was organizing paramilitary death squads to fight
leftist rebels.

``I don't think you can rightly say that the government I represent kept
quiet,'' Hamilton told reporters. ``If you read the human rights reports
that the State Department publishes every year, the abuses that were
committed are fully denounced there.''

Montesinos faces dozens of charges involving corruption, arms smuggling,
drug trafficking and directing a death squad.

A Peruvian congressional committee had requested the documents under the
U.S. Freedom of Information Act as part of its investigation into
Montesinos' illegal activities.

``The American government, as far as I know, is the only one that provides
for the possibility of handing over those internal documents to a
government, to a foreign citizen,'' Hamilton said.

The 1990 cable quoted the Peruvian military source as saying Montesinos
planned a secret effort to train ``assassination teams'' to kill members of
rebel groups.

The U.S. Embassy could not independently confirm the secret plan, the cable

The documents also showed that U.S. officials considered Montesinos a
``close collaborator'' in fighting drugs but were concerned that he had ``a
significant amount of negative baggage.''

As an example, one cable included his expulsion from his post as an army
captain in the 1970s on suspicions he sold military secrets to the United
States and his past as a defense lawyer for accused drug traffickers.

``The question of whether our relationship with Montesinos will become a
liability looms before us,'' the cable noted.

Hamilton said U.S. officials' hands were tied since Fujimori had designated
Montesinos as the official liaison for intelligence, counterterrorism and
anti-drug matters.

``He was there. We had to deal with him. He was a reality,'' Hamilton said.
``I think we dealt with him in a way consistent with our commitment to
democracy and human rights throughout the 10 years.''

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fla. Pilot Took Controversial Drug

2002-01-08 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from - http://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/ap/20020108/us/tampa_crash_8.html

Tuesday January 8 7:30 PM ET

Fla. Pilot Took Controversial Drug

By VICKIE CHACHERE, Associated Press Writer

TAMPA, Fla. (AP) - A 15-year-old student pilot who killed himself by
crashing an airplane into a skyscraper was prescribed an acne medication
whose links to suicide and depression have been the subject of federal
inquiries, law enforcement officials said Tuesday.

A prescription for Accutane, used to treat severe acne, was found at the
home of Charles J. Bishop, Pinellas County Sheriff's Maj. Sam Lynn said.

``We are aware that he had a prescription,'' Tampa police spokeswoman Katie
Hughes said. ``We don't know if he was taking it, how long ... We don't know
those details.''

Calls to Bishop's family were not returned Tuesday.

The Food and Drug Administration (news - web sites) says 147 people taking
Accutane, which affects the body's central nervous system, either committed
suicide or were hospitalized for suicide attempts from 1982 to May 2000.

There has yet to be any conclusive evidence, however, that the drug causes
depression or suicide, and the manufacturer maintains it is safe.

Toxicology tests that will determine if any drugs were in Bishop's system
will be completed in about two weeks, said Lee Miller, an associate medical
examiner with the Hillsborough County Medical Examiner's Office.

Bishop, a freshman at East Lake High School, stole an airplane from a flight
school at the St. Petersburg-Clearwater International Airport on Saturday
and crashed it into the 28th floor of the Bank of America Plaza in downtown
Tampa. A note expressing sympathy for Osama bin Laden (news - web sites) and
support of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks was found in his pocket.

Police describe Bishop as a troubled loner. But the youth's family, teachers
and flight instructors said he never showed any signs of depression and that
his actions Saturday were out of character.

His family and teachers have described him as an intelligent, friendly young
man who was not isolated from others.

Bishop's best friend, 15-year-old Emerson Favreau, said Tuesday that Bishop
didn't seem depressed, and in fact, seemed happy.

``People who commit suicide don't usually talk about what they want to do in
the future,'' Favreau said. ``He talked all the time about being an airline
pilot. He wanted to fly 747s.''

But two days before he crashed the plane into the building, Favreau said
Bishop told him he was going to be on the news. Favreau said he didn't think
anything of it because his friend had made the claim before.

``This time when I heard a Cessna hit the building, what he said popped into
my head,'' Favreau said. ``I knew it had to be him.''

Hughes said Tuesday that the FBI (news - web sites) has found no evidence
worth pursuing on the computer hard drives taken from the homes of Bishop
and his grandmother. The FBI has subpoenaed Bishop's e-mail in the search
for more clues.

Police have said Bishop had no history of psychological problems or illegal
drug use.

Accutane's link to suicide has been the subject of a congressional
investigation, spearheaded by Rep. Bart Stupak (news), D-Michigan, whose
17-year-old son committed suicide while taking the drug. More hearings are
scheduled this spring.

Depression has been listed as a possible side effect on Accutane's label
since 1986, and the FDA in 1998 strengthened the warning to say suicide,
too, was possible.

Since last year, doctors prescribing Accutane have been asked to have
patients read and sign an informed consent form warning that some people
have developed mental problems while taking the drug.

The makers of the drug, Hoffman-La Roche, have agreed to conduct a study
looking at the link between the drug's use and depression, which will begin
later this year, company spokeswoman Carolyn Glynn said.

The company denies the drug can cause people to become depressed or
suicidal, and said the number of suicides by Accutane users is lower than
the general population.

Accutane has been marketed as an acne drug since 1982 and an estimated 12
million patients have used it. The first reports of its connection to
suicide and depression came in 1985.

Accutane also has been linked to birth defects and carries strong warnings
for women who use it.

Stupak, who has reviewed more than 50 suicides in his investigation of the
drug, said there was no explanation for many of the teen-agers involved
taking their own lives. In some instances in which suicide notes were left
behind, the notes made no sense to survivors, he said.

No one interviewed about Bishop could remember him expressing support for
the Sept. 11 attacks before the plane crash.

``Charles and his family have always fully supported our United States' war
on terrorism and Osama Bin Laden

[CTRL] Fwd: [the_octopus] Another Cessna crashed on Sunday (Michigan)

2002-01-08 Thread Samantha L.

(forwarded message)

--- Begin Message ---

Friday (01.04.02) in California, Sunday (01.06.02) in FL, CA, CO, PR,
perhaps MT, and now MI too.  All Cessnas.
Tuesday, January 08, 2002
Sturgis, Michigan
Sturgis Journal

Plane crash lands

[Photo: Lawrence Werschky and his family walked away from his Cessna 414
after it crash landed in a field west of Sturgis Sunday. Below, a piece of
the wing of the plane was lodged in a tree.]


A Sturgis family who left Kirsch Municipal Airport at about 12:30 p.m.
Sunday, didn't make it to their final destination.

Dr. Lawrence Werschky, 62, of Sturgis, was flying his Cessna 414 twin-engine
plane out of Sturgis with his wife and father on board when he called the
Kalamazoo airport shortly after takeoff to report an emergency.

The Kalamazoo tower notified Riley Aviation at the Sturgis airport,
according to the Michigan State Police.

Werschky reported having engine trouble that resulted in one of the two
engines quitting, said Sturgis police Sgt. David Ives. Werschky tried to
land at the Sturgis airport.

Residents in Sturgis reported seeing the plane circling the city at a low

Fire and rescue trucks were dispatched to meet the crippled plane at the
airport, but it never reached the runway.

When Werschky first tried to land the plane and failed, he circled southwest
of the airport to try again. But the plane went down before reaching the

The Cessna hit in a field between Balk and Stubey roads on the south side of
U.S. 12. It skidded across the road, coming to rest between two large trees
on the north side of the highway. Both wings were severed from the fuselage,
Ives said.

Brothers Bob and Andy Spence were outside their home on U.S. 12 and saw the
plane come to rest just yards away.

"It slid across the road. (The pilot and passengers) got out right away,"
11-year-old Andy Spence said. "There was gas everywhere," 15-year-old Bob
Spence said. "We ran in and told our mom a plane crashed. She didn't believe
us until she looked out the window."

Sturgis Fire and Rescue and Tri-township Fire Department personnel responded
to the scene. They found the three passengers with only minor injuries. The
plane was leaking more than 1,000 pounds of fuel, according to the Sturgis
Fire Department.

Werschky and his wife were treated for minor injuries. The plane is beyond
repair, according to police.

[Credit: Richard Hendricks]

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--- End Message ---

[CTRL] Did Mohammed invent profiling?

2002-01-08 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

This is a WorldNetDaily printer-friendly version of the article which
To view this item online, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/

Wednesday, January 9, 2002

Did Mohammed
invent profiling?

By Ilana Mercer

© 2002 Ilana Mercer

When it comes to the sensitive topic of profiling, Muslims,
historically, were innovators in their own right. The Nazis were not
the originators of the yellow cloth with which they tagged Jews. The
odious tagging rag has its origins in the laws of the Charter of Omar
– a set of vicious anti-infidel rules that were applied to Jews with
extra vim. These laws were introduced by the caliph who succeeded the
prophet Mohammed.

Prior to the prophet, Jews and Arabs did indeed live in relative
harmony, but when Mohammed failed to convert the Jews to Islam, our
proselytizing prophet of peace exterminated at least one Jewish
tribe, etched the Holy Koran with anti-Jewish vitriol, and launched
centuries of brutality against Jews. Arabs also preceded the Nazis by
centuries with that dubious dwelling demarcator, the Jewish ghetto,
known in Arabic as the hara or mella.

Following the Arab conquest in the 7th century, Jewish life in the
Islamic world became fraught with massacres, blood libel and plunder.
Synagogues were regularly torn down, and Jews were impelled to pay
special head and
property taxes. Meticulously sourced authoritative accounts of Jewish travails over 
the centuries under Islam are detailed in Joan Peters' seminal work, "From Time 
Immemorial: The Origins of the Arab-Jewish Conflict Over
Palestine." These reveal a population subject to the whim of the particular Muslim 
ruler, and the degree to which he was committed to implementing the anti-infidel laws 
of the Holy Koran and the Charter of Omar. Under Isl
amic religious law, for instance, if a Muslim murdered an infidel, he was liable only 
for a fine. But even this "blood money" was rarely forthcoming, because the testimony 
of an infidel was invalid against a Muslim.

In the land that was once Babylonia, the Jews of Iraq weathered the grim vicissitude 
of a daily life bereft of rights and filled with indignities. Some particularly 
murderous landmarks stand out: the A.D. 1000 expropriati
on of Jewish property, the 1333 destruction of their synagogues, and the 1776 Basra 
slaughter, leading up to mob killings in 1941, and numerous public- square hangings 
between 1969 and 1973.

The chronicles of Jewish life over the centuries in Aden, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, 
Syria and Libya are similarly marred. As one 19th-century observer recounted, the 
ancient community of Yemenite Jews was "in a position
of inferiority, and is oppressed by a people which declares itself holy and pious but 
which is very brutal, barbarous and hard-hearted." Of particular note is the murder in 
1032 of thousands of Jews in Fez, Morocco, follo
wed, in 1146, by the Almohad atrocities in which hundreds of thousands of Jews and 
Christians were massacred by the Muslim Almohads.

As Palestinian and Arab propaganda would have it, the Muslim's hate for the Jew is a 
contemporary phenomenon, caused entirely by the tiny "Zionist state." While the 
contempt for the dhimmi, as the Jew was derogatorily ter
med, has morphed over the years – drawing on "traditional Koranic slurs," as well as 
gathering vintage Nazi debris along the way – the hate boasts a pure Islamic pedigree.

"In 1940, the mufti (a kind of rabbi) of Jerusalem wrote to the Axis powers requesting 
the right of the Arabs to settle the question of the Jews along similar lines to those 
used to solve the Jewish question in Germany an
d Italy." Egyptian Minister Anwar Sadat's touch was somewhat comical. In 1950, Sadat, 
who may have confused Hitler for Houdini, published an open "Dear Adolph" letter, 
commending Hitler for "saving the world from this mal
ignant evil."

The kind of warning to the Syrian public in 1964 by a "scholar" from the University of 
Damascus, to refrain from "letting your children out at night, lest the Jew come and 
take their blood for the purpose of making matzot
 for Passover," is still very much within the realm of respected political and 
intellectual discourse throughout the Arab world. (Incidentally, my mother's matzo 
balls are nowhere near that labor intensive.) A czarist can
ard and fraud like "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" has been adopted as Arab 
lore. Last year, U.N.-funded Muslim pamphleteers handed out "The Protocols" at the 
"anti-racist" conference in Durban. The charge that Jews
 are taking over the world joins the deicide charge, and the denial – and 
justification – of the Holocaust, among Saudis, Egyptians, Palestinian … you name it.

Before Arab leaders realized they had won the propaganda war and could relax, they had 
frenetically and cunningly been extending specious invites for Arab Jews to return to 
their homelands. You see, the 1.5 million Jewish
 refugees from

[CTRL] Fwd: [the_octopus] As per my prediction: Tuesday's incredible Cessna suicide

2002-01-08 Thread Samantha L.

(forwarded message)  her prediction was...

Now watch for the Werther effect to kick in and do it's psychic driving
work.  Expect, within three days, by next Tuesday, (1) a commercial airline
crash, (2) a workplace violence situation, (3) school violence, or (4) a big
celebrity suicide.   And of course, (5) more small plane crashes today
through Tuesday. You heard it here first.


--- Begin Message ---

Passenger in Small Plane Falls to His Death in Southern England
The Associated Press
Published: Jan 8, 2002

LONDON (AP) - A man fell to his death from a small airplane Tuesday as it
flew over the countryside in southern England, police said.

The man was a passenger in the privately owned plane, which was piloted by a
woman who landed the aircraft safely, police said. The man's body was found
in a field in Fifield, Oxfordshire, 55 miles west of London.

Before the incident, which occurred at about 3 p.m., the pilot of the
single-engine Cessna had asked for permission to divert from her route due
to ice on the wings, the Civil Aviation Authority said.

Permission was given for the plane to land at a Royal Air Force base, the
authority said. But about 12 miles from its destination, the pilot reported
that "the passenger opened the door and jumped out," an official with the
aviation authority said on condition of anonymity.

The dead man was not immediately identified.

Air traffic controllers who first contacted police said "a passenger left an
aircraft without a parachute," said Superintendent Liam Macdougall of the
Thames Valley Police. "The circumstances surrounding this are unclear and
there is a full-scale investigation under way."

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[CTRL] Columbine Families Ask for Probe

2002-01-08 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-

from -

Tuesday January 8 9:59 PM ET

Columbine Families Ask for Probe

By NICK WADHAMS, Associated Press Writer

DENVER (AP) - The families of five students slain at Columbine High School
asked Tuesday that a federal grand jury investigate their claims of a
cover-up by authorities in the 1999 massacre.

"Lies have been told beyond any doubt," family attorney Barry Arrington said
after he submitted the request to the U.S. attorney's office in Denver. "The
only issue is, why are they lying?"

The families claim a police officer accidentally killed 15-year-old student
Daniel Rohrbough as he fled Columbine and that authorities tried to cover it

Investigators have maintained since the April 20, 1999, shooting that
seniors Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris killed all 13 victims before
committing suicide.

U.S. Attorney John Suthers said Tuesday he would meet with the U.S.
Department of Justice (news - web sites)'s civil rights office and the FBI
(news - web sites) to decide if a federal crime had been committed.

Jefferson County prosecutors last week said there was no new evidence for a
grand jury to review. Sheriff's spokeswoman Jacki Tallman did not return a
phone call seeking comment.

U.S. District Judge Lewis Babcock in November dismissed eight lawsuits
against Jefferson County sheriff's officers and school officials, including
those filed by the five families seeking the grand jury probe.

Babcock said school officials responded reasonably to the shootings.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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2002-01-08 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



AUGUST 6, 1996


President Clinton, in a speech in Washington at Geoge Washingon
University, decries Congress' response to his anti-terrorism
proposals, urging passage of laws that would increase wiretapping and
allow explosives taggants.

PRESIDENT CLINTON: We have pursued a concerted national and
international strategy against terrorism on three fronts. First, on
the international front, stopping the spread of terrorism clearly
requires common action. The United States has a special
responsibility to lead in this effort.

Over the past four years, our intelligence services have been sharing more information 
than ever with other nations. We've opened up a law enforcement academy in Budapest, 
which is training people from 23 nations, an FBI
office in Moscow, and just last Friday, Congress gave us the funding for FBI offices 
in Cairo, Islamabad, Tel Aviv, and Beijing.

I've also worked to rally other nations to the fight against terrorism--last year, at 
the UN General Assembly, this spring at the historic summit of peace makers at Sharm 
El-Sheikh, where 29 nations, including 13 Arab nat
ions, for the first time condemned terrorism in Israel and anywhere else it occurs in 
the Middle East and throughout the world, at the G-7 summit in Lyons, and the recently 
held follow on conference we called for in Paris
, where we were represented ably by the attorney general.

Now the point of all these efforts with other countries is not to talk but to act. We 
will not rest in our efforts to track down, prosecute, and punish terrorists, and to 
keep the heat on those who support them. And we mu
st not rest in that effort. The second part of our strategy is to give American law 
enforcement officials the most powerful tools available to fight terrorism without 
undermining our civil liberties.

In the wake of Oklahoma City, I strengthened a terrorism bill I had previously sent to 
Congress but which had not then been passed. Despite the vow of Congress to act 
quickly, it took a year before that bill came to my de
sk to be signed. The bill had some very good points. It made terrorism a federal 
offense, expanded the role of the FBI, imposed the death penalty for terrorism. As 
strong as it was, however, it did not give our law enforc
ement officials other tools they needed and that they had asked for, including 
increased wire tap authority for terrorists to parallel that which we have for people 
involved in organized crime now, and chemical markers fo
r the most common explosives so that we can more easily track down bomb makers.

After the bombing in Atlanta, Congress said it would reconsider these and other 
measures. I immediately called the congressional leadership to the White House and 
urged them to put together a package and vote it into law
before they left for the August recess last Friday. I am disappointed and more 
importantly, the American people are disappointed that that job was not done.

These additional measures would save lives. They would make us all more secure. When 
the Congress returns from the August recess, we will take them up again, and we must 
get the job done.

Finally, the third front of our struggle against terrorism is the airports and 
airplanes that bring us all closer together. Air travel remains the safest form of 
transportation, and our airlines have the best safety recor
d and security record in business. But that's of small consolation when a single 
attack can take so many lives.

Last year, we began field testing new high tech explosive detection machines in 
Atlanta and San Francisco. We significantly increased security at our airports, and 
the FAA created a new government and industry panel to re
view airline security. After the TWA crash, I ordered new measures to increase the 
security of air travel. As any of you have flown in recent days will have noticed, 
we're doing more hand searches and machine screening of
 luggage. We're requiring pre-flight inspections for every plane flying to or from the 
United States, every plane, every cabin, every cargo hold, every time. The Vice 
President is leading a commission on aviation security
 that is to report back to me within 45 days with an action plan to deploy machines 
that can detect the most sophisticated explosives and other needed changes.

Now I know all this has led to some extra inconvenience for air travelers, and it may 
lead eventually to a modest increase in the cost of air travel. But the increased 
safety and peace of mind will be worth it.

But I want to make it clear to the American people that while we can defeat 
terrorists, it will be a long time before we defeat terrorism. America will remain a 
target because we are uniquely present in the world, because
 we act to advance peace and democracy, because we have taken a tougher stand against 

[CTRL] Afghanis in Tejas to Discuss Pipeline

2002-01-08 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


Thursday, December 4, 1997 Published at 19:27 GMT
World: West Asia

Taleban in Texas for talks on gas pipeline

The 1,300km pipeline will carry gas across Afghanistan's harsh

A senior delegation from the Taleban movement in Afghanistan is in
the United States for talks with an international energy company that
wants to construct a gas pipeline from Turkmenistan across
Afghanistan to Pakistan.

A spokesman for the company, Unocal, said the Taleban were expected
to spend several days at the company's headquarters in Sugarland,

Unocal says it has agreements both with Turkmenistan to sell its gas
and with Pakistan to buy it.

The Afghan economy has been devasted by 20 years of civil war
But, despite the civil war in Afghanistan, Unocal has been in competition with an 
Argentinian firm, Bridas, to actually construct the pipeline.

Last month, the Argentinian firm, Bridas, announced that it was close to signing a 
two- billion dollar deal to build the pipeline, which would carry gas 1,300 kilometres 
from Turkmenistan to Pakistan, across Afghanistan.

In May, Taleban-controlled radio in Kabul said a visiting delegation from an 
Argentinian company had announced that pipeline construction would start "soon".

The radio has reported several visits to Kabul by Unocal and Bridas company officials 
over the past few months.

A BBC regional correspondent says the proposal to build a pipeline across Afghanistan 
is part of an international scramble to profit from developing the rich energy 
resources of the Caspian Sea.

With the various Afghan factions still at war, the project has looked from the outside 
distinctly unpromising.

Last month the Taleban Minister of Information and Culture, Amir Khan Muttaqi, said 
the Taleban had held talks with both American and Argentine-led consortia over transit 
rights but that no final agreement had yet been re
ached. He said an official team from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkmenistan should 
meet to ensure each country benefited from any deal.

However, Unocal clearly believes it is still in with a chance - to the extent that it 
has already begun training potential staff.

It has commissioned the University of Nebraska to teach Afghan men the technical 
skills needed for pipeline construction. Nearly 140 people were enrolled last month in 
Kandahar and Unocal also plans to hold training cours
es for women in administrative skills.

Women face working restrictions under Taleban rule
Although the Taleban authorities only allow women to work in the health sector, 
organisers of the training say they haven't so far raised any objections.

The BBC regional correspondent says the Afghan economy has been devastated by 20 years 
of civil war. A deal to go ahead with the pipeline project could give it a 
desperately-needed boost.

But peace must be established first -- and that for the moment still seems a distant 

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[CTRL] President wants ... new anti-terrorism laws

2002-01-08 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



President wants Senate to hurry with new anti-terrorism laws
July 30, 1996
Web posted at: 8:40 p.m. EDT

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Clinton urged Congress Tuesday to act
swiftly in developing anti- terrorism legislation before its August
recess. (1.6 MB AIFF or WAV sound)

"We need to keep this country together right now. We need to focus on
this terrorism issue," Clinton said during a White House news

But while the president pushed for quick legislation, Republican
lawmakers hardened their stance against some of the proposed anti-
terrorism measures.

Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, R-Mississippi, doubted that the Senate would rush 
to action before they recess this weekend. The Senate needs to study all the options, 
he said, and trying to get it done in the next thr
ee days would be tough.

One key GOP senator was more critical, calling a proposed study of chemical markers in 
explosives "a phony issue."

Taggants value disputed

Clinton said he knew there was Republican opposition to his proposal on explosive 
taggants, but it should not be allowed to block the provisions on which both parties 

"What I urge them to do is to be explicit about their disagreement, but don't let it 
overcome the areas of agreement," he said.

The president emphasized coming to terms on specific areas of disagreement would help 
move the legislation along. The president stressed it's important to get the 
legislation out before the weekend's recess, especially fo
llowing the bombing of Centennial Olympic Park and the crash of TWA Flight 800.

"The most important thing right now is that they get the best, strongest bill they can 
out -- that they give us as much help as they can," he said.

Hatch blasts 'phony' issues

Republican leaders earlier met with White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta for about 
an hour in response to the president's call for "the very best ideas" for fighting 

Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, emerged from the 
meeting and said, "These are very controversial provisions that the White House wants. 
Some they're not going to get."

Hatch called Clinton's proposed study of taggants -- chemical markers in explosives 
that could help track terrorists -- "a phony issue."

"If they want to, they can study the thing" already, Hatch asserted. He also said he 
had some problems with the president's proposals to expand wiretapping.

Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, D-South Dakota, said it is a mistake if Congress 
leaves town without addressing anti-terrorism legislation. Daschle is expected to hold 
a special meeting on the matter Wednesday with Co
ngressional leaders.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Related stories:

Congress passes anti-terrorism bill - April 18, 1996
Congress reached compromise on anti-terrorism bill - April 16, 1996

Related sites:

The White House
The Senate

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A merely fallen enemy may rise again, but the reconciled
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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Cops: Teen Pilot Supported bin Laden

2002-01-08 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This letter I was cut off the web  and the last line was not included in
the letter I was writing.   A Glitch or something.  And it comes up now
some six hours after I had written.

Hanging around airfield in Florida is risky business.and the kid
only had 6 hours in the air?

Well a truck driver piloted a plane into the President's bedroom
window.now that guy was a pilot surely, not a truck driver.

For six house in the air this kid had the makings of a great
pilot.smart..but it seemed like Kamikazi kids are beginning to
emerge and look at the connections?


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Tony Blair & Wife Perform Chant Ritual To Lizards/Pyramid In Mexico

2002-01-08 Thread Andrew Hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

ah but you haven't quite got it all .
Tony is to perform a rebirthing ceremony with the new labour party when he
gets back from his far eastern rock and roll tour.
facing him are rail strikes, recession, fragmentary debates over the euro, a
destroyed national health service - an unpleasant increase in public
taxation to fund the war and the health service, probably an increase in
fuel prices - and the obvious fact that he is not going to survive past the
election :)
Our lizard worshipping tony however probably fancies himself for President
of the United States of Europe where he can sit in the always vacant until
now seat number 666.
What we are all asking is exactly what is that asshole doing slipping into
kaftans and bedouin robes whilst the countries infrastructure and health
service is bankrupt.
He's obviously lost the plot since his mayan rebirth - it must have been all
the coca leaves in that mayan herbal mist.
can you imagine this git rolling about in mud and squashed fruit, screaming
like an extinct tyranosaurus in the new age swamp ?

makes yer sick dunnit :)

andrew hennessey

- Original Message -
From: "William Shannon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 12:18 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Tony Blair & Wife Perform Chant Ritual To Lizards/Pyramid In


Tony Blair & Wife
Perform Chant Ritual To
Lizards/Pyramid In Mexico

By Lorne Gunter

The Edmonton Journal

In August, during a family holiday on the Mexican Riviera, British Prime
Minister Tony Blair and his wife, Cherie, went through a "rebirthing

According to a report in the Dec. 15 edition of the Times of London, the
Blairs stayed at the very swanky Maroma Hotel near Cancun, where rooms fetch
as much as $1,800 Cdn a night. While there, they underwent the hybrid New
Age/Mayan ceremony.

Dressed only in bathing suits, Britain's first couple stood outside a brick
pyramid on the hotel's grounds and bowed toward each point of the compass
while chanting to each of the four winds.

The spiritual leader of the ceremony encouraged them "to feel at one with
Mother Earth," the Times reported, and to "experience inner feelings and

The Blairs then moved around the outside of the pyramid, one façade at a
time, praying first to the Mayan symbols of the sun and baby lizards,
signifying spring and childhood. They then prayed to another wall, on which
bird was painted, representing adolescence, summer and freedom. One a third
was a crab for maturity and autumn, and finally a serpent for winter and

Moving inside, Tony and Cherie immersed themselves in the herb-infused mist
of a Mayan steam bath to sweat the physical and spiritual impurities from
their bodies and to "balance their energy flow."

Mayan holy songs were incanted as they meditated and attempted to conjure up
visions of animals in the steamy air. The celebrant explained the meaning of
each of their hallucinations.

Before emerging from the pyramid, the Blairs were instructed to give voice
their hopes and fears (they said a prayer for world peace), and then undergo
a "rebirth."

This involved smearing one another with papaya and watermelon, then with mud
from the Mayan jungle outside, the Times explained.

Finally, while exiting the womb-door of the pyramid, "the Blairs were told
scream out loud to signify the pain" of birth. They then walked hand-in-hand
to the beach for a dip in the Caribbean.

I'm sorry. I know we live in a non-judgmental age in which no one's
practices and beliefs are to be pronounced better or worse than those of any
other (more on this in a minute), but this is just downright flaky. It is
just the antithesis of Christianity, but antipodal to the beliefs of all the
world's major monotheistic religions, Judaism and Islam as well.

It's just kooky. Any visions or spiritual ecstasy the Blairs experienced
psychosomatic, created by their own brains from their imaginations because
their need to say they saw something.

Mrs. Blair is said to be a devotee of all sorts of similar (and similarly
goofy) alternative therapies and spiritualisms. She is said to wear a
"bio-electric shield" pendant filled with "magic crystals" to absorb the
negative radiation of cellphones and computer terminals. She studies with a
New Age guru and officially opened a holistic medical centre in November.

Hillary Clinton, of course, while her husband Bill was President of the
United States, famously met on numerous occasions in a conservatory at the
White House with a mystic who helped her channel the spirit of Eleanor

Aline Chretien, the wife of our own prime minister, was so devoted to the
advice of psychic Jo-Jo Savard, that she once wrote a testimonial letter
figured prominently in television ads for Savard's psychic hotline.

And, lest you think I am picking on

Re: [CTRL] Sharon Ally Calls US Ambassador 'jewboy'

2002-01-08 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Now was he insulted because he was called a jew or a boy.

In court one time this juvenile judge - the NAACP called upon him and
the press and were insulted because this judge who had been mugged by
these 5 thugs, all juveniles, had called these little hoodlums "boys".
They nailed him for over 500 dollars cash, and appeared in court when
they got caught, wearing new clothese, etc., and the judge said "hey,
did I pay for those clothes".

When asked about calling these kids "boys" he said well I call them all

So obviously something offensive about being called a jew?

and there is no such word as "jewboy" - it is Jew Boy.


And those kids spend all that money on girls and clothes.But this
judge could afford it.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Somalis 'welcome' U.S. attack

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Somalis 'welcome' U.S. attack
By Thor Valdmanis

MOGADISHU, Somalia -- For many people in this bombed-out capital, the United
States can't bring its war on terrorism to their country soon enough.

''Tell Rumsfeld I'm happy the Americans are coming,'' says Sabri Mohammed,
16, referring to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Mohammed manages an
electronics shop where cartons of Chinese stereos and Japanese televisions
are stacked to the ceiling. He says he hopes U.S. forces can bring peace and
stability to his country: ''We need a rest from the tribal fighting.''

Even local warlords, the men responsible for destroying a U.S.-led
peacekeeping effort here eight years ago, say they want to see the United
States attack terrorist sites in Somalia.

''Americans should not worry about something like 1993 happening again,''
says Mohammed Kanyare Afrah, a wealthy businessman who controls 4,000
fighters and large areas of the capital and countryside. ''We've had enough.
We want to help'' in the war on terrorism.

That's the mood of many in Mogadishu. Known in happier times as the Pearl of
Africa, this city is now a lawless, dangerous place that makes shattered
Kabul, Afghanistan, look orderly in comparison.

Four warring factions claim control of the city. Their drug-addled militiamen
patrol in pickups fitted with anti-aircraft guns. Firefights regularly erupt,
fueled by half a million guns in a city of 2 million destitute people. Civil
war has reduced most of the buildings to piles of rubble. There hasn't been
an effective central government in Somalia since 1991. Dozens of warlords and
local heavyweights have divided up the countryside.

Not surprisingly, this failed city and nation, with a labyrinth of feuding
clans and subclans, have become a prime hideaway for terrorists. U.S.
investigators say, and court testimony has shown, that Somalia was the
launching pad for the bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in
1998. The bombings are believed to have been orchestrated by Osama bin Laden
and his al-Qaeda terrorist network.

Now the United States has to decide what to do about Somalia. Rumsfeld and
other top Pentagon officials say there's been no firm decision on whether
this place will be the next target for U.S. forces. But the ominous presence
in recent weeks of several U.S. warships just off the coast in the Indian
Ocean seems to be a clear signal that Somalia's turn could come soon.

Militant group

If targets are attacked in Somalia, likely to be hit first is a militant
group called al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, or Islamic Unity. U.S. officials say the
group has strong links to bin Laden and the embassy bombings.

Al-Itihaad was born out of an Islamic student movement at Mogadishu
University in the late 1980s. After a series of humiliating military defeats
over the past three years, al-Itihaad no longer controls any territory. It
now works more subtly, recruiting at educational institutions and penetrating
the judiciary and businesses, often with the financial support of Arab donors
in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, U.S. officials say.

Members of Somalia's nascent Transitional National Government say there are
no links between bin Laden and al-Itihaad. The TNG, formed in August 2000 at
a conference in neighboring Djibouti, says al-Itihaad's leaders have fled to
Saudi Arabia, Syria and the United Arab Emirates.

The warlords in northern and central Somalia say they, too, have no
connections to al-Itihaad. They say the group gets assistance only from
warlords in the south, who in turn get support from the government of
neighboring Ethiopia.

The United States has been wary of Somalia since it ended its most recent
mission there in the early 1990s. America led efforts to bring humanitarian
aid here, and it sent troops to prevent food and medical shipments from being
looted by the roaming gangs.

That relief effort ended after U.S. Army Rangers were attacked while on a
raid in Mogadishu in October 1993. The fight left 18 commandos dead. But the
Americans killed hundreds of their attackers and accomplished the goal of
their raid: the capture of 19 supporters of warlord Mohamed Farrah Aidid.

Memories of that experience -- dramatized in the movie Black Hawk Down -- are
likely one reason U.S. planners aim to limit the extent of any military
campaign in Somalia.

The United States is also under pressure from Arab leaders, United Nations
Secretary-General Kofi Annan and some European allies. Those parties have
expressed reservations about expanding the military campaign to Somalia,
Sudan, Iraq, Indonesia, the Philippines or other countries where
international terrorists are thought to be operating. They worry about
civilian casualties and stirring further unrest among militant Muslim groups.

Many Somalis, however, say they do hope that the Americans come h

[CTRL] The Green Berets Up Close

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Green Berets Up Close

On the ground with the Special Forces who turned the tide—and just lost one
of their own. A NEWSWEEK exclusive

By Donatella Lorch

  Jan. 14 issue —  They landed in darkness on an early November night,
deep in the mountains of northern Afghanistan. For six hours, they’d hunkered
down in the freezing hold of the transport helicopter, tossed by heavy winds,
before setting down 6,000 feet above sea level. Shouldering 200-pound packs
stuffed with weapons, ammunition and communications gear, the U.S. Army’s
First Battalion, Fifth Special Forces A-team piled out of the chopper and
onto the snowy turf.

 THE HELICOPTER RETREATED, a roar of rotor wash kicking dirt and ice into
the men’s faces. Then silence. For weeks, the 13-man Green Beret team had
trained and studied and obsessed about their mission. They were a tight-knit
group, each man trusting the others with his life. Yet it wasn’t until the
chopper faded from view and the vastness of the landscape came into focus
that they realized how far from home they were, and how alone: 90 miles
behind enemy lines, in the heart of Taliban territory.
   To the men, standing in the blackness that night, the mission ahead
seemed almost impossible. The team was to find and win the trust of an
elusive Northern Alliance commander they knew virtually nothing about and
whose language they didn’t speak, supply his ragtag team of fighters and
then, with his help, storm a key Taliban stronghold, the northern city of
Mazar-e Sharif. After wresting control from the enemy, they were to restore
order and help local leaders begin rebuilding the ravaged city. Along the
way, they were to sneak up on armed Taliban camps and caves, helping to
laser-guide U.S. bombers to the targets.

   In the harrowing, heroic days that followed, they did just that. The
fall of Mazar-e Sharif turned out to be a critical moment in the Afghan war,
setting off a domino effect that quickly led to the fall of the major cities
of Kabul and Kandahar, and the collapse of Taliban rule. It also provided a
dramatic victory for the elite Special Forces, whose daring missions in the
past had sometimes gone disastrously wrong.
Though sustained fighting in much of the country has subsided, at
least for now, the U.S. servicemen who remain in Afghanistan are still at
risk. Last Friday a Green Beret, Sgt. 1/c Nathan Ross Chapman, was shot and
killed when he was ambushed by enemy fighters near the Pakistan border in the
east. A CIA agent was also wounded in the attack. U.S. soldiers continue to
comb through southern cave complexes looking for Taliban and Qaeda
fighters—frustrated that they still have no clue where Mullah Mohammed Omar
and Osama bin Laden might be. At the same time, Special Forces teams remain
on hair-trigger alert in Mazar-e Sharif, keeping violence at bay.

Secretive and publicity averse, Special Forces units usually shun
outsiders, refusing to divulge details of their missions even years after the
shooting stops. But over the past week, a NEWSWEEK reporter was granted
round-the-clock access to the Special Forces soldiers who helped capture
Mazar-e Sharif, providing an unprecedented, real-time glimpse at an ongoing
Green Beret mission—and a look at how foreign wars will likely be fought in
the future. In this exclusive report, the soldiers recount how they fought
their way to the city, and detail the difficult second phase of their
mission: trying to keep peace in a country that for so long has known nothing
but war.

 Gathering up their gear that first night, the team spotted a
campfire in the distance. It was their guides, a shabby group of Afghan
fighters dressed in blankets and plastic shoes, trying to get warm over the
low flames. In preparation for the mission, the American soldiers had grown
their hair long and sported bushy beards. But one look at their underfed,
ragged allies made it clear that no one would ever mistake them for locals.

   The Afghans would take them to meet Atta Mohammed, a Northern Alliance
commander who was waiting for them in a hamlet miles away. The A-team knew
little about him. Preparing for the mission, they’d asked for any information
the Army had about Atta Mohammed. They were instead given files on Mohamed
Atta, the lead September 11 hijacker.
For the next two days, the men did not sleep as they made their way
across the countryside. They were used to working through extreme fatigue and
hunger. In training, they routinely performed complex tasks after days or
weeks with little food or rest. They followed their guides through the night,
down narrow icy trails and across steep drop-offs. Bobby, the team’s
communications sergeant, looked at the Afghans’ skimpy clothing as a way of


2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


 Eric S. Margolis, 2001

January 03, 2002

President George Bush's crusade against terrorism is going splendidly -
except for a few minor hiccups, such as that target Osma bin Laden and his
al-Qaida remain elusive, the Russians have reoccupied half of Afghanistan,
thousands of Afghan civilians have been killed by US bombs, and India is
playing nuclear chicken against Pakistan.

Last September 23rd, concerned that US intervention in Afghanistan might
spark a war between India and Pakistan, this column warned of the dangers of
an `enraged US bull in South Asia's nuclear china shop.' Ten weeks later,
India and Pakistan are on the edge of a nuclear conflict that could kill
millions and spread radioactive dust around the globe.

The chain of events that led to the current crisis are now plainly visible.
The US `war against terrorism' and invasion of Afghanistan upset the delicate
balance of enmity between old foes India and Pakistan. The Bush
Administration, seeking new allies for its crusade against Muslim opponents,
rashly signed a military alliance with India to fight `terrorism.' To India,
`terrorism' meant Kashmiri independence-seekers battling Indian rule in
occupied Kashmir, and their patron, Pakistan. India had also recently signed
a secret, anti - Islamic alliance with Israel, which has become a major
supplier of arms and nuclear weapons technology to India. So India, seeing
Pakistan of the defensive, upped the military pressure.

The Bush Administration, unaware or heedless of the dangers facing it, had
inadvertently stumbled into the 55-year old Kashmir dispute between three
nuclear powers, India, Pakistan, and China - just as it was getting drawn
ever deeper into Afghanistan's murky tribal politics. Bush's ugly faux pas in
referring to Pakistanis as `Pakis' this week gave an alarming insight into
how out of touch with foreign affairs and foreign sensibilities the Texas
president really is.

Still unidentified militants staged a series of outrageous attacks on Indian
targets, including the parliament in New Delhi, designed to bring simmering
tensions between the two old foes to a boil, and upset India's new alliances
with the US and with Israel. Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaida may have been
involved. The attackers remain unidentified, though India claims they came
from two Kashmiri militant groups harbored by Pakistan. Leaders of these two
groups were recently arrested by Pakistan.

India threatened to attack Islamic militants based in Pakistani territory, as
it has repeatedly done in the past. If the US could attack Afghanistan
because the elusive Osama bin Laden was presumed hiding there, then India,
according to President George Bush's own self-proclaimed rules of
international retribution, had just as much right to attack Pakistan. The
Indians, of course, were absolutely correct - according to Bush's logic. But
the US is now urging `restraint' on India, a virtue it failed to show in

Off on the sidelines, China, another player in this drama, is also urging
restraint on all concerned. Yet, at the same time, China is growing
increasingly alarmed by what now looks like a permanent presence of US forces
in Afghanistan, and the threat of an Indian attack against its most important
ally, Pakistan.

China's unease is being heightened by the accelerating strategic arms race
with India, which in 1998 proclaimed China its `number one enemy.' India
recently introduced its new Agni-II nuclear-armed missile that can hit most
of China's major cities.

The US has aggravated Indian-Chinese tensions by sharply tilting towards
India and winking at its secret nuclear programs, while keeping Pakistan
under a punishing sanctions regime. Washington clearly intends to use India
in the game of Asian strategic chess as a potential counterforce against
China. Russia is levering its revived strategic alliance with India to
advance its geopolitical interests in South and Central Asia, and, most
notably, in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, President Pervez Musharraf, finds himself squeezed between Indian
threats and US pressure. Musharraf has been trying to appease New Delhi
without appearing to do so. Last week, in an embarrassing new low for
Pakistan's battered image, Musharraf, who stoutly denied in the past that his
nation gave anything more than `moral support' to Kashmiri insurgents, lamely
announced his intelligence service would cut off arms and finance to
`non-indigenous' mujihadin in Kashmir - meaning non-Kashmiri volunteers. The
Indians, who have long accused Pakistan of `cross-border terrorism' and
sending `mercenaries' into their part of Kashmir, crowed with triumph while
Islamabad ate humble pie.

As India continued to mass troops on Pakistan's border, the US repeated
threats, made in September, to ruin Pakistan by cutting off the foreign loans

[CTRL] USS Russell rescues Air Force B-1B Crew from Indian Ocean

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

USS Russell rescues Air Force B-1B Crew from Indian Ocean
By U.S. Pacific Fleet Public Affairs



DIEGO GARCIA, British Indian Ocean Territory -- Pearl Harbor-based destroyer
USS Russell (DDG 59) rescued four crewmen of a U.S. Air Force B-1B bomber
aircraft that crashed in the Indian Ocean, 60 miles North of Diego Garcia in
the late evening hours of December 12th, local time.

During a DOD press conference via satellite telephone from onboard Russell
within hours after the rescue, Cmdr. Hank Miranda, Russell’s Commanding
Officer, and Lt. Dan Manetzke, the ship’s Weapons Officer and boat officer
for the rescue described the ship’s response.

“Everything was done by the book. When we got to them our first response was
to make sure they were okay medically. They were as happy to see us, as we
were to see them,” Manetzke remarked. B-1B Mission Commander U.S. Air Force
Captain William Steele, III, also participated in the interview, and was
quick to correct the record, “I have to disagree, we were much happier to see
them than they were to see us.”

When Cmdr. Miranda learned of the aircraft’s in flight emergency, he said the
ship “immediately vectored all aircraft in the area” to where the plane went
down. The aircraft which participated in the search and rescue efforts
included a Navy P-3C Orion from VP-4, currently deployed from Marine Corps
Air Station Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii and a U.S. Air Force KC-10 Tanker.

Miranda said the area in which the plane’s crewmembers were found was
especially shallow, so he had to navigate carefully to get the ship close
enough to launch the Rigid Hull Inflatable Boats for the rescue. “When we put
the boats into the water, we were seven miles away from them,” Miranda said.

The aircraft was about 15 minutes from Diego Garcia when, Steele said, it
encountered, “multiple malfunctions which made it impossible to fly the
aircraft.” Steele was attempting to return to the island when the plane went
down about 60 nautical miles north of the island, he said. Steele and his
crew experienced a “violent ejection” from about 15,000 feet.

Steele said he and his crew were cut and bruised as a result of the ejection,
but were all in good condition. The crewmembers were in the water for
approximately two hours before being rescued, some in individual life rafts.
Steele remarked that the water was warm and comfortable.

During the rescue effort, the crew of the P-3C had established communications
with two of the B-1B crewmembers after their ejection, and assisted USS
Russell in determining their exact location. P-3C Mission Commander LT Bill
Pennington remarked, “we were just pleased to be able to assist in bringing
these men to safety.”

USS Russell, based in Pearl Harbor, departed Hawaii on Oct. 25 for a
six-month deployment.

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
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in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Sen. Daschle's partisan tattoo

2002-01-08 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

Any complaint about partisan obstruction made by republicans after the
Clinton presidency has the cachet of a smiley sticker on an international
-- -- -- -- -- - -- - -- -- - -  - - -- --- -- - - -  - -- - - - --
 -- - -- -

Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and

Henrik Ibsen

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

> From: Bill Richer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 20:59:03 EST
> Subject: [CTRL] Sen. Daschle's partisan tattoo
> -Caveat Lector-
> http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=25966
> Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!
> Sen. Daschle's partisan tattoo
> --
> --
> © 2002 Creators Syndicate, Inc.
> Senate Majority Leader Daschle, the man who has done everything in his power
> to obstruct President Bush's domestic agenda, had the effrontery to say that
> Bush was ignoring domestic issues.
> This guy's motive to stall the economy couldn't be more transparent if he
> were wearing a see-through shirt and had the words "Block Bush tax bill, and
> win Democrat seats in 2002" tattooed on his chest.
> President Bush has been consistent on the economic issues from the beginning.
> During the campaign, he said that we needed tax cuts ­ not only to restore
> the people's money to its rightful owners, but also to preserve economic
> growth.
> Then shortly after he was elected, he warned that the economy was faltering
> and that fiscal action needed to be taken. The Democrats feigned outrage that
> the president-elect would badmouth the economy and thereby further damage it
> by undermining the people's confidence.
> But Bush was right about the economy, which was on the verge of a recession
> when he took office and which was made worse by the Sept. 11 attacks. That's
> why Bush and his Republican colleagues have been trying desperately to
> accelerate the implementation of the tax cut plan ­ to stimulate the supply
> side of our economy.
> Instead of heeding his own admonition that "No amount of hot rhetoric will
> get the economy back on track," Sen. Daschle said that President Bush's tax
> cuts, only a small part of which have been implemented, are responsible for
> the recession. Bush, he said, precipitated the "most dramatic fiscal
> deterioration in our nation's history" by pushing through the 10-year tax cut
> last year. Even Daschle's colleague, Sen. Feinstein, isn't letting him get
> away with this canard. "Over a trillion dollars of that tax cut has not yet
> gone into effect. The impact of the tax cut has not yet been felt, so I don't
> think it worsens the recession at all," she told CNN.
> Daschle's assertion also conveniently ignores that the recession began before
> any of the tax cuts went into effect and the devastating economic impact of
> Sept. 11. More importantly, it ignores common sense and history, which say
> that tax cuts, especially modest and largely deferred ones, are not likely to
> retard the economy.
> Mr. Daschle accuses Bush of failing to use fiscal discipline. And what is his
> prescription for the ailing economy? He would:
> redistribute money to lower income earners or non-earners, the people most
> likely to vote for him and his fellow Democrats.
> increase spending on homeland security. What might that have to do with
> improving the economy unless you are still caught in a Keynesian time warp
> and believe that the best way to jump start the economy is for the government
> to spend money it doesn't have?
> increase spending on job training and education. Doesn't it comfort you to
> know that the leader of the minority party believes that government
> bureaucrats training people in the art of work is a central component of job
> creation?
> block Bush's plan allowing people to become less dependent on government by
> choosing to invest a percentage of their Social Security in private funds.
> further socialize health care.
> As you can see, Senator Daschle's idea of fiscal discipline is for the
> government to increase spending in a variety of areas without suggesting any
> way to pay for it. As the National Taxpayers Union correctly observes,
> "Daschle's call for expansion of federal spending makes a mockery of his call
> for "restoring fiscal discipline."
> It is amazing that Senator Daschle is the one out front making accusations,
> when, for partisan reasons, he has single-handedly blocked action designed to
> resuscitate the economy. But a couple of good things have come out of his
> outbursts.
> First, it is enormously helpful that Daschle has come out of the closet and
> bared his chest so that everyone can see his partisan tattoo. Up until now,
> he has been masquerading as a 

[CTRL] Reservist puts monastery work aside to support Navy's mission

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Reservist puts monastery work aside to support Navy's mission
By Journalist 1st Class(SW) Scott Sutherland, Naval Station San Diego Public



SAN DIEGO (NNS) -- It's not every day that a Benedictine monk takes a leave
of absence from the abbey to join the Navy. But that's what Naval Reservist
Lt.j.g. Karl Nielson did.

In a way, Nielson helps pilots fly jets, he helps Sailors steam ships, and he
helps other Sailors perform their duties. How? The Catholic priest turned
Naval Reserve chaplain ministers to mobilized Naval Reservists being
processed at the Naval Mobilization Processing Site in San Diego.

"It's a sense of doing something to contribute as a priest," Nielson said.
"There's joy in being a bridge between people and God. To be with people when
they're sad and when they're happy is a great blessing."

Before he received the call to serve on special 29-day,
active-duty-for-training-orders in early December, Nielson spent his days at
the Mt. Angel Monastery near Portland, Ore., as both the director of the
choir and a formation director for seminarians studying to be priests.

On Dec. 9, he conducted the abbey's annual Christmas concert. Within 24
hours, he reported to San Diego to fulfill his other mission -- that of a
Naval Reserve chaplain.

At the processing center, Nielson provides guidance from different
perspectives to other "citizen-Sailors," Reservists who also received the
call to mobilize. Each Reservist sees a chaplain as part of the mobilization
check-in process. He also attends daily Mass at the Naval Station chapel.
Nielson normally drills at the Naval and Marine Corps Reserve Center in

Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, Nielson's life has been anything but
routine. He organized a benefit concert at Mt. Angel that raised more than
$20,000 for children of those killed in the terrorist attacks. The concert
came on the one-month anniversary of the tragedy. That date was chosen
following a Benedictine tradition of memorializing a death of a brother monk
after one month.

"The concert was a good reflection of the Benedictine spirit of prayer and
work," Nielson said. "Both parts are equally important. The work performed
through the concert will do concrete, material good in the world. The
prayers, both spoken and sung, joined those of millions of people worldwide
-- for Pope John Paul asked everyone to pray for peace on Oct. 11."

Nielson said in order to reconcile the fact that he serves God while also
serving during wartime, he noted that "Christians hold the theory of a just
war, and our current situation fits that criterion. We are obliged to help
save more lives. No Christian wants to be involved in war, but it's part of a
necessary action."

While fulfilling his Naval Reserve training obligations, Nielson expects to
be recalled to active-duty for a year to do God's work for the troops.

"Right now, the Navy is looking for the best place, and the best way, to use
my services," Nielson said. "This is where God wants me to be."

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any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Captain Admits Arms Ship Was for Palestinians

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Captain Admits Arms Ship Was for Palestinians
NewsMax.com Wires
Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2002
TEL AVIV, Israel – The Palestinian captain of a ship the Israelis caught with
weapons in the Red Sea last week said Monday that he's a longtime member of
Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement who undertook the risky operation to arm
``I'm a soldier. I obeyed orders,'' Capt. Omar Akawi said.

He told Israeli TV stations and Fox News that he received the weapons off
Iran's coast and was supposed to deliver them to smaller vessels off the
Egyptian coast.

Akawi spoke from Ashkelon prison south of Tel Aviv under the watchful eye of
the army, the Israeli Security Service and prison wardens.

Akawi, 44, identified himself as a captain in the Palestinian navy.

Akawi said he did not know whether Arafat knew of the attempt to smuggle 50
tons of arms and bombs to the Gaza Strip.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon on Sunday said the operation "was led by
Arafat. It was his initiative. He was instructed to pay the money. He sent
the people."

Arafat announced Monday that a Palestinian committee was formed to
investigate the Israeli allegations.

Arafat urged the European Union, the United States, Russia and the United
Nations to join an international committee to investigate.

"If there is any evidence that any Palestinian official is involved, he would
be taken to court," Arafat said.

Arafat made his announcement in a joint news conference after he met with the
European Union Chief of Foreign Policy Javier Solana in the West Bank town of

The Israeli government said the Palestinian Authority paid for the anti-tank
rockets, Katyusha rockets, mortars and mortar bombs, mines, sniper rifles and
other ammunition.

Akawi did not confirm that in the broadcasted interview. He said he
considered the shipment a contribution of the Arab and Islamic people to the
Palestinian people.

He said his orders were to carry the load though the Suez Canal to the
Mediterranean Sea and deliver it near Alexandria to three smaller vessels.

The smaller boats were to carry the shipments to Gaza or El Arish, in eastern
Egypt, near the Gaza Strip. Arms were packed in watertight cylinders that
could be set to float under the water.

Akawi, dressed in the prison's brown uniform, made a V-for-victory sign as he
entered the room for one of the interviews. At the end he seemed to become
emotional. "I want my daughter, Malak, to be proud of the fact her father
fought," he said. Channel 1 TV said his wife and daughter live in Libya.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Carrier barred from Vieques training

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Carrier barred from Vieques training
By Rowan Scarborough

 The Navy, overruling two top commanders, has decided not to let the USS
John F. Kennedy battle group train on the island of Vieques before deploying
this month for the Arabian Sea near Afghanistan. Top Stories
• Democrats dispute Daschle
• Bush keeps up drumbeat to pass stimulus package
• Pentagon gets tight-lipped about hunt for terror leaders
• Captain links cargo of weapons to Fatah
• Warner ponders closing campuses
• Girls gain on boys as road risks

 Citing the war on terrorism, Adm. Vern Clark, the chief of naval
operations, and Gen. James Jones, the Marine Corps commandant, had asked Navy
Secretary Gordon England to permit limited live-fire training for the Kennedy
armada on the Puerto Rican island. The Puerto Rican governor had urged him to
deny the request.
 Gov. Sila M. Calderon apparently has won.
 Navy officials said yesterday the carrier Kennedy will not train on
Vieques before departing. Instead, pilots and gun crews will use ranges in
Virginia and North Carolina.
 "The battle group will not use Vieques," Capt. Mike Brady, a spokesman
for the Atlantic Fleet, said in response to questions from The Washington
Times. "All exercises will be at training ranges on the East Coast. The
Kennedy battle group will not use Vieques."
 Capt. Brady said it is not unusual for a battle group to skip Vieques in
a final tuneup before deploying overseas. He said the Kennedy task force
ships were able to conduct preliminary exercises there in the fall using
dummy ammunition. Training has been limited to less-realistic inert bombs
under an agreement between Puerto Rico and the Clinton administration.
 However, both Adm. Clark and Gen. Jones thought enough of the value of
live-fire training for the Kennedy in January at Vieques that they sent a
private letter to Mr. England this fall asking for permission.
 "Their crews would benefit greatly from live-fire practice achieved over
a three-four day period at Vieques," the two said in a jointly signed letter,
a copy of which was obtained by The Washington Times. "This would ensure that
our sailors and Marines can train under combat conditions as they prepare for
deployment operations which may call for direct action missions in the war on
 Capt. Frank Thorpe, a spokesman for Adm. Clark, said yesterday, "The CNO
has great confidence in [the Atlantic Fleet commander's] plan to ensure we
deploy the JFK battle-ready."
 The Navy declined to comment on what spokesman called "private
communication." Capt. Brady said yesterday he had not seen the letter to Mr.
England and would not comment.
 The Kennedy is scheduled to leave its home port in Mayport, Fla., in
mid-January, two months ahead of schedule. Army Gen. Tommy Franks, who as
head of U.S. Central Command is running the war in Afghanistan, wants at
least two carrier battle groups on station in the Arabian Sea. By leaving
early, the Kennedy can relieve the carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt on station
without the Roosevelt having to extend its six-month deployment, Navy
officials said.
  Kennedy aircraft may see action over Afghanistan, where Navy aircraft
have conducted the bulk of the tactical missions. Somalia and Iraq are also
known terrorist-harboring states and could face air strikes.
 Two carriers, the USS Roosevelt, and West Coast-based USS John C.
Stennis, are now operating in the Arabian Sea. Two other carriers in the
region, the USS Carl Vinson and USS Kitty Hawk, had been in the Arabian Sea
and are returning to their home ports.
 Vieques has been a hot political topic for Congress, President Clinton
and now President Bush.
 Puerto Rican activists, joined by many leading liberal Democrats,
including members of the Kennedy family, demonstrated outside the range,
demanding an immediate end to practice bombing.
 The Navy, and pro-military members of Congress, say the training is
 Mr. Bush, in a decision critics linked to his desire to garner Hispanic
votes, announced earlier this year that the Navy must find alternative
training sites by 2003.
 Adm. Robert J. Natter, commander of the Atlantic Fleet, is now searching
for new sites, including ranges in North Carolina and Virginia.
 The Kennedy and its air wing will depart with a partial battle group of
cruisers, destroyers, an oiler and an attack submarine. Remaining ships will
leave the United States as originally scheduled in mid-March.
 Capt. Brady said the decision to send the Kennedy to other training
sites does not mean the Navy is abandoning Vieques before the deadline of May
1, 2003.
 "Right now, we don't have a suitable replacement for i

[CTRL] 'Death of the West': Where Have All the Children Gone?

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

'Death of the West': Where Have All the Children Gone?
Wes Vernon, NewsMax.com
Tuesday, Jan. 8, 2002
Editor's note: This is part two in a series on Patrick J. Buchanan’s book
"The Death of the West.” See part one, Buchanan: Western Civilization Is on
the Way Out.

WASHINGTON – By 2050, it is calculated that the United States will have the
dubious honor of being the first Western nation to turn its dominant culture
into a minority.

Bill Clinton has hailed this as a good thing. The disgraced former president,
it will be remembered, is a product of the 1960s counterculture that is
playing no small part in what author Patrick J. Buchanan’s new book calls
"The Death of the West.”

While some of this trend of de-Westernizing America can be traced to our lax
immigration laws and the even more lackadaisical enforcement of them (a
subject NewsMax.com will examine in a future installment in this series),
part of it can be attributed to lower birth rates.

The world population has doubled to 6 billion in 40 years. At the same time,
Buchanan says, European people – including Americans, Australians, and
Canadians – have "stopped reproducing. Their populations had begun to
stagnate in many countries.”

Not a single European country, except for Muslim Albania, has a birth rate
that will enable it to survive in its present form through this century. By
2050, the author warns, only one tenth of the world’s people will be of
European descent, and it will be the oldest tenth on Earth with a median age
of almost 50.

"The people of the west,” the former presidential speechwriter declares,
"have begun to fade away.”

The population of Europe’s 47 nations from Iceland to Russia in 2000 was 728
million. At present birthrates, without immigration, that is expected to come
crashing to 600 million by 2050. That forecast comes from a study by the
United Nations. Still another analysis, reported by the London Times, has
Europe’s population plummeting to 556 million by mid-century, a dive not seen
since the Black Plague of 1347-52.

"The Death of the West” quotes Jacqueline Kasun of California’s Humboldt
University as noting:

"A couple still has parents and grandparents to support, directly or through
their taxes. Since they’ve got fewer or no siblings to share that burden,
having children seems even more unaffordable. So how do you dig your way out
of a hole like a shrinking population?”

Excellent question, says Buchanan, "and if Europe does not find the answer
soon, Europe dies.” Americans in NATO, he adds, "will soon be defending a
vast Leisure World.”

The author lays part of the blame on European socialism.

Quoting Dr. John Wallace of Johns Hopkins University: "If everyone has the
promise of a state pension, children are no longer a vital insurance policy
against want in old age.”

Wallace completes the circle of consequences: "If women can earn more than
enough to be financially independent, a husband is no longer essential. And
if you can also have sex and not babies – and this seems to be true now of
Catholic Italy as it is of secular Britain – why marry?”

Socialists Make Families, and Europe, Obsolete

Thus Buchanan notes: "By freeing husbands, wives and children of family
responsibilities, European socialists have eliminated the need for families.
Consequently, families have begun to disappear. When they are gone, Europe
goes with them.”

And while this trend continues, the Third World adds 100 million people – the
equivalent of one new Mexico every 15 months.

Here are some of the highlighted facts and figures:

By 2050, "23 million Germans will have disappeared” from today’s 82 million
to 59 million.

Halfway through the 21st century, according to University of Rome demographer
Antonio Colini, Italy, which is already dependent on immigrants to bear the
load of its deeply indebted pension system, "will no longer be Italian.”
Fifty-two percent of Italian women between 16 and 24 planned to have no

Russia’s 147 million people will fall to 114 by 2050, with a population loss
of 22 million in just 15 years, warns President Vladimir Putin. That is
greater than all the Soviet Union’s losses in the Hitler-Stalin war, Buchanan
Muslims, China to Carve Russia?

It is calculated that Russia, already in a terminal population crisis, will,
by 2050, be driven out of Central Asia by Islamic invaders and lose huge
slices of its Far East to China, 15 times as populous. That would push Russia
back over the Urals to its European borders and fulfill Putin’s warning of "a
threat to the survival of the nation.”

Demographers have calculated that by the end of this century, the British
people will be a minority in their homeland. With fertility rates down in
England and Wales and ethnic minorities

[CTRL] Asteroid gives the Earth a close shave

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Asteroid gives the Earth a close shave

An asteroid big enough to wipe out a major country gave the Earth a close
shave yesterday, passing less than twice the distance of the Moon from our
planet, astronomers reported.

The space rock, designated 2001 YB5, measures between 220 and 490 metres and
at its closest point, at 6:37pm, Sydney time, was about 600,000km from the
Earth, according to varying estimates on US and European specialist websites.

2001 YB5 was spotted in early December by a Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking
(NEAT) survey telescope on Mount Palomar in California, NASA said on its
Near-Earth Object (NEO) Program website.

Although there was no danger of collision from the asteroid, experts said the
distance was a whisker in cosmic terms.

"Such an object would literally wipe out a medium-sized country and lead to a
global economic meltdown, unless we were extremely fortunate and it hit
somewhere remote," Benny Peiser, an asteroid expert at Liverpool John Moores
University, told AFP by phone.

Only one other identified asteroid, a rock called 1999 AN10, will come
closer, making a flyby on August 7 2027.

An object 220-490 metres across would release energy equivalent to hundreds
of atomic bombs if it hit the Earth.

A large object, believed to be up to 10km long, smashed into Mexico's Yucatan
peninsula 65 million years ago, triggering a firestorm and a dust cloud that
wiped out the dinosaurs, scientists believe.

In 1908, an asteroid or comet about 60 metres long exploded over Siberia with
the force of 600 times the Hiroshima bomb, reducing a 40km wide patch of
forest to matchwood.

2001 YB5 has been categorised by NEAT as a "potentially hazardous" asteroid.

Although it poses no danger at all to the Earth at the moment, that could
theoretically change in the future if its orbit around the Sun is deflected
by the gravitational pull of a nearby planet.

Its trajectory crosses the orbits of Mars, Earth, Venus, and Mercury, NEAT

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[CTRL] 1,300 enemy men killed by handful of Green Berets

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

1,300 enemy men killed by handful of Green Berets
By Ben Fenton in Washington
(Filed: 08/01/2002)

AN American special forces team was credited yesterday with the deaths of
1,300 Taliban and al-Qa'eda fighters and the destruction of more than 50
tanks and other pieces of heavy weaponry.

The so-called A-team, codenamed Tiger 03, which directed American bombers to
enemy positions, helped to unseat the Taliban and made a huge contribution to
the war, its commander said.

The first details of the covert operations of the A-teams, each composed of
up to 18 lightly armed infantrymen and air controllers, were released after
the Pentagon allowed reporters to spend three days with different units
operating within Afghanistan.

"We killed a lot of people here," "Kevin", the senior non-commissioned
officer in Tiger 03, told USA Today.

Tiger 03 was one of at least a dozen Green Beret teams inserted by helicopter
from Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan after Oct 20.

The first task for Kevin and his colleagues, none of whose full names can be
used under US army reporting restrictions, was to establish links with local
commanders of the Northern Alliance, which at the time was hemmed in by
Taliban and al-Qa'eda forces.

Although some of the unit's members were fluent in Arabic, none spoke Dari,
the predominant local language, so after making contact with local military
chiefs, they communicated largely in sign language until trusted interpreters
could be recruited.

The alliance was doubtful about the capabilities of the unexpected visitors
and, at first, would not take the A-team up to the front lines.

"We weren't really wanted," said Kevin. "We had to prove ourselves and they
weren't really happy to see us until the first bombs hit."

Among the most important pieces of equipment carried by the special forces
units were laser-designating devices, used to help bombers to destroy ground

Tiger 03 used its targeting expertise for the first time on Oct 28, on a
Taliban defensive position near the deserted town of Zard Kammar in the
north-east of Afghanistan.

A B-52 bomber following an infra-red designation beam dropped a full load of
2,000lb bombs in a direct hit on the Taliban bunkers.

"It lifted the whole top of the hill two feet in the air," Kevin said.
"Mark", an engineering specialist with the unit, said: "People were lining up
and clapping when we got back to the [base].

"They were slapping us on the back. It seemed like the more accurate the
bombing, the better they fed us."

Tiger 03 spent weeks touring front-line positions, bringing in a rain of
destruction from the air on the Taliban and al-Qa'eda and winning the
admiration of their new allies. They developed tactics as they went, Kevin

The team's targeters noticed that often when bombs were striking Taliban
targets, nearby comrades would come out of their bunkers to watch, so the
American special forces co-ordinated attacks to start a minute or two later
on emplacements close to their original targets.

"A good controller can sequence planes and munitions to accomplish what you
want," said Kevin.

"You bomb one side of a hill and push them in one direction, then bomb the
next hill over and push guys the other way. Then, when they're all bunched
up, you bring in more planes and drop right on them. Eventually they learn,
but then you start doing something else."

Tiger 03 had had occasional direct contact with its enemies, but tried to
stay remote from the ground fighting, according to "JJ", the team's
intelligence specialist.

"Our mission is not necessarily to outfight the enemy," he said. "We would
rather out-think them."

Col John Mulholland, commanding officer of the A-teams, said they had exerted
"a greater impact on the outcome of this war than anyone".

"John", another member of the team, said: "This area was full of Pakistanis
and Arabs and Chechens and al-Qa'eda, and we knew they would fight to the
death. There are bandits and diseases and brutal weather, so we were prepared
to lose our lives."

Kevin added: "None of us expected to survive, but it went just about as
perfectly as you could hope."

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[CTRL] New Drivers' Licenses Study Underway

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Big Brother has another idea!  Have you smelled the New World Odor Yet? --

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tuesday January 8 8:15 AM ET
New Drivers' Licenses Study Underway
By TED BRIDIS, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The government is working with the states to develop a new
generation of drivers' licenses that could be checked anywhere and would
contain electronically stored information such as fingerprints for the
country's 184 million licensed drivers.

Privacy experts fear the effort may lead to national identification cards
that would allow authorities to track citizens electronically, a backdoor way
to establish federal ID cards despite strong opposition from many Americans.

Supporters said it was predictable after Sept. 11, and after a briefly
raucous debate over U.S. identity cards, that officials would turn to
improving existing identification systems. With careful use, they say, these
new licenses could alert authorities to an attempt by a suspected terrorist
to board an airliner, withdraw cash or enter the country.

Under instructions from Congress, the Transportation Department is expected
to develop rules for states to encode data onto drivers' licenses to prevent
criminals from using them as false identification. Under a national standard,
a license from California could be verified and recorded using equipment in
Texas or Florida.

In a report accompanying spending legislation, Congress told the department
it would strongly encourage officials there to develop guides quickly with
states for electronically storing information on licenses. ``This could
benefit the nation's efforts to improve security,'' lawmakers wrote, and
could cut down on financial fraud and underage drinking.

Transportation officials told The Associated Press the department's new
security administration probably will take charge of the project, still in
its early stages. Already, 37 states store information on licenses
electronically, often using bar codes or magnetic stripes, but few are known
to have included fingerprints or imprints of retinal- or facial-scans.
Georgia, for example, includes a digital thumbprint on its licenses.

``What you're seeing here is sort of a hardening of the driver's license that
could lead to development of a national ID system without creating a national
ID card,'' said Marc Rotenberg, head of the Washington-based Electronic
Privacy Information Center.

``If they start scanning these things, they can track where I go,'' said
Richard Smith, former chief technology officer for the Privacy Foundation, an
advocacy organization in Denver. ``If we do this, come up with a national
standard, there's no difference between a driver's license and a national ID

Nathan Root, standards director for the American Association of Motor Vehicle
Administrators, said, ``When you look at the expense of improving what we
have already versus implementing a new national ID document, the hassle and
expense just don't compare.'' He said, ``It would be a better idea just to
work with what we have.''

The association, based in Arlington, Va., has already developed detailed
guides for storing information on licenses. Its current rules do not require
states to include biometric data, such as fingerprints or retinal scans, but
that could change. ``It was not practical, not before Sept. 11,'' Root said.
``It wasn't popular to include anything like that.''

The association represents all the state motor vehicle agencies in the United
States and Canada and counts as associate members the U.S. and Mexican

Privacy experts said a broadly adopted new standard for machines to check
state ID cards could allow authorities easily to track citizens nationwide,
using state licenses people already carry.

``The debate after Sept. 11 showed that Americans are instinctively
suspicious of a single federally issued card, but they might be more
sympathetic to identifications issued by businesses or perhaps states,'' said
Jeffrey Rosen, a leading privacy expert and associate law professor at George
Washington University.

Even supporters admit the impact of a national tracking network could be
significant, especially if groups as diverse as retailers, sports stadiums,
banks and movie theaters begin to demand ID checks using licenses.

``They're giving these systems too much credit in even assuming that somebody
would be able and interested to track everybody's whereabouts and doings,''
Root said. He said, however, that critics' warnings ``aren't totally without
merit. There should be some controls placed, some kind of accountability.''

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[CTRL] Sharon Ally Calls US Ambassador 'jewboy'

2002-01-08 Thread flw

-Caveat Lector-

Wednesday, January 09, 2002 Tevet 25, 5762 Israel Time: 03:54 (GMT+2)

MK Hendel dubs U.S. ambassador `jewboy'

By Gideon Alon

MK Zvi Hendel called U.S. Ambassador to Israel Daniel Kurtzer "a jewboy"
yesterday, prompting a wave of protests by other MKs, who will convene the
house ethics committee this morning to discuss the issue.

The National Union MK was protesting against the Jewish ambassador's
reported comment that Israel prefers investing in the settlements rather
than in the handicapped.

Speaking from the Knesset floor, Hendel said that "irrespective of the fact
that this is a representative of a foreign country, who can be Jewish or a
jewboy, religious or not religious, the state of Israel should not ignore
the intervention of a little jewboy who represents the U.S."

"I think that if we were a proud state, we would point this out to him and
to the country that sent him, because I have no doubt that American support
for Israel and the Jews is a thousand times greater than Ambassador
Kurtzer's empathy," he added.

Kurtzer is a modern Orthodox Jew, the first religious Jew to serve as a
U.S. ambassador to Israel, and only the second Jew to serve in the
position, after Martin Indyk. The late minister Rehavam Ze'evi, also of the
National Union Party, referred in the past to Indyk as a "jewboy."

The embassy and Kurtzer refused to comment on the affair, but an embassy
source was quoted last night as saying that Hendel's remarks "are
indicative of his character."

The Prime Minister's office said that Hendel's remarks should be "roundly
condemned," while Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, in India, said that the
remarks "were disgraceful and intolerable. Jews, too should not use
anti-Semitic phrases."

Hendel was following in the tradition of previous right-wing spokesmen,
including members of his own Gush Emunim (a settlement movement), who
routinely referred to then-U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger as a
"jewboy" when he tried to press for a disengagement of forces agreement
between Israel and Egypt after the 1973 Yom Kippur War.

Knesset Ethics Committee Chair Colette Avital (Labor) vehemently denounced
Hendel's remarks, and has called a session of the committee for today to
discuss what she called "a racist statement that could only incite
anti-Semitism. In the name of national pride, Hendel besmirched a person of
stature and a Jewish supporter of Israel, and displayed the ugly face of
the Knesset." She demanded that Hendel apologize.

MK Yossi Sarid, leader of the opposition and chairman of the Meretz party,
said he agrees with Kurtzer completely about investments in the
settlements, "and if because of it Hendel were to now call me a jewboy, I'd
wear the insult proudly."

Deputy Foreign Minister Michael Melchior, a rabbi, said that Hendel had
disgraced the honor of the Knesset and harmed the Jewish people.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Sen. Daschle's partisan tattoo

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Sen. Daschle's partisan tattoo



© 2002 Creators Syndicate, Inc.

Senate Majority Leader Daschle, the man who has done everything in his power
to obstruct President Bush's domestic agenda, had the effrontery to say that
Bush was ignoring domestic issues.

This guy's motive to stall the economy couldn't be more transparent if he
were wearing a see-through shirt and had the words "Block Bush tax bill, and
win Democrat seats in 2002" tattooed on his chest.

President Bush has been consistent on the economic issues from the beginning.
During the campaign, he said that we needed tax cuts – not only to restore
the people's money to its rightful owners, but also to preserve economic

Then shortly after he was elected, he warned that the economy was faltering
and that fiscal action needed to be taken. The Democrats feigned outrage that
the president-elect would badmouth the economy and thereby further damage it
by undermining the people's confidence.

But Bush was right about the economy, which was on the verge of a recession
when he took office and which was made worse by the Sept. 11 attacks. That's
why Bush and his Republican colleagues have been trying desperately to
accelerate the implementation of the tax cut plan – to stimulate the supply
side of our economy.

Instead of heeding his own admonition that "No amount of hot rhetoric will
get the economy back on track," Sen. Daschle said that President Bush's tax
cuts, only a small part of which have been implemented, are responsible for
the recession. Bush, he said, precipitated the "most dramatic fiscal
deterioration in our nation's history" by pushing through the 10-year tax cut
last year. Even Daschle's colleague, Sen. Feinstein, isn't letting him get
away with this canard. "Over a trillion dollars of that tax cut has not yet
gone into effect. The impact of the tax cut has not yet been felt, so I don't
think it worsens the recession at all," she told CNN.

Daschle's assertion also conveniently ignores that the recession began before
any of the tax cuts went into effect and the devastating economic impact of
Sept. 11. More importantly, it ignores common sense and history, which say
that tax cuts, especially modest and largely deferred ones, are not likely to
retard the economy.

Mr. Daschle accuses Bush of failing to use fiscal discipline. And what is his
prescription for the ailing economy? He would:

redistribute money to lower income earners or non-earners, the people most
likely to vote for him and his fellow Democrats.

increase spending on homeland security. What might that have to do with
improving the economy unless you are still caught in a Keynesian time warp
and believe that the best way to jump start the economy is for the government
to spend money it doesn't have?

increase spending on job training and education. Doesn't it comfort you to
know that the leader of the minority party believes that government
bureaucrats training people in the art of work is a central component of job

block Bush's plan allowing people to become less dependent on government by
choosing to invest a percentage of their Social Security in private funds.

further socialize health care.
As you can see, Senator Daschle's idea of fiscal discipline is for the
government to increase spending in a variety of areas without suggesting any
way to pay for it. As the National Taxpayers Union correctly observes,
"Daschle's call for expansion of federal spending makes a mockery of his call
for "restoring fiscal discipline."

It is amazing that Senator Daschle is the one out front making accusations,
when, for partisan reasons, he has single-handedly blocked action designed to
resuscitate the economy. But a couple of good things have come out of his

First, it is enormously helpful that Daschle has come out of the closet and
bared his chest so that everyone can see his partisan tattoo. Up until now,
he has been masquerading as a man of goodwill and compromise. Second, it
looks like Daschle has finally provoked President Bush into fighting back in
this unprovoked domestic war.

President Bush is beginning to use his enormous popularity and his powerful
bully pulpit to engage the obstructionist opposition party. And he is making
a proper connection between domestic and foreign policy, by re-labeling the
"economic stimulus plan," the "economic security plan."

I wonder if Daschle understands that he's pushed it one step too far by
convincing Bush to quit turning the other cheek and return an eye for an eye?



David Limbaugh, an attorney practicing in Cape Girardeau, Mo

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[CTRL] U.S. to Seek Options On New Nuclear Tests

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. to Seek Options On New Nuclear Tests
White House Worries About Arsenal's Reliability

By Walter Pincus
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, January 8, 2002; Page A04

The Bush administration plans to raise the possibility that it might resume
underground nuclear testing in the years ahead to help maintain the safety
and reliability of a scaled-back U.S. strategic nuclear weapons arsenal,
according to weapons specialists inside and outside the government.

The idea will be raised today when the administration lays out its broad
strategic nuclear plans to Congress, including the planned reductions in
nuclear weapons announced by President Bush at his meeting last month with
Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The highly classified Nuclear Posture Review will contain the
administration's justification for reducing strategic warheads over the next
decade from today's roughly 6,000 warheads to the level of 1,700 to 2,100
proposed by Bush.

But the review will say that the United States needs to be able to resume
testing at its Nevada test site in less time than than the two years it would
now take under Energy Department guidelines, according to Energy Department
sources. Some sources said that the department would like to reduce the
period to one year or less, but that the nuclear review does not establish a
definite time period.

"They do not want to say they are going to resume testing," one Energy
Department official said yesterday. "They want the option to do so if they
think they need it."

Bush's father, President George H.W. Bush, imposed a moratorium on
underground nuclear testing in 1992, and the moratorium was upheld by
President Bill Clinton. A decision to resume testing for the first time in a
decade would almost certainly provoke an outcry by countries around the
world, including leading U.S. allies, which largely support a global ban.

The testing language in the review is nonspecific because "they were trying
to not make waves," an administration official said.

But prominent supporters of renewed testing argue that it is necessary to
maintain the reliability of the country's nuclear arsenal as the Pentagon
refurbishes warheads designed over the past 20 years to last another two

The option to resume testing must continue, "particularly as the stockpile
gets smaller," said Richard Perle, chairman of the Pentagon's Defense Policy
Board, which has been advising Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld on broad
military matters.

Bush has said since taking office that he would maintain the moratorium,
though he has avoided ruling out future testing.

As a candidate for president, Bush said he supported the Senate's decision in
1999 not to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, an agreement aimed at
instituting a global ban on nuclear tests. The prospects for that treaty
becoming law remain dim, since it can only go into force after it is ratified
by all 44 countries that have the capacity to develop nuclear weapons.
Thirteen of those countries, including the United States, China, India,
Pakistan, North Korea and Israel, have yet to ratify the pact.

The nuclear review that will be presented to Congress also may discuss the
need for preliminary work on new weapons designs to train a new generation of
scientists and in case new nuclear devices are needed, according to sources.

Congress since 1994 has prohibited the Energy Department's nuclear weapons
labs from conducting research or development leading to a new low-yield
nuclear weapon or precision low-yield warhead. The fiscal 2002 defense
authorization bill prohibits the National Nuclear Security Agency, which runs
the labs for the Energy Department, from using funds "to initiate new weapons
development programs" not approved by Congress.

However, while the Defense Department recently told Congress it had no
current requirements for a low-yield nuclear weapon -- which would be
designed to destroy hard, underground bunkers -- several senior Bush defense
officials have supported removal of any congressional prohibition of design
work on such weapons.

A study on future requirements for U.S. nuclear forces, produced in December
2000 by a panel that included many current Bush administration defense
officials, raised the need for "a capacity to design and build new weapons."

Although the threat to resume nuclear testing may stir up opposition from the
arms control community and other signatory countries to the test ban treaty,
administration officials believe the whole subject of nuclear weapons has
receded into the background in the wake of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and
the war in Afghanistan.

"If we accept that we plan to keep nuclear weapons well into the future, I'm
not sure I disagree with the eventual necessity of testing," said William
Arkin, a weapons speciali

[CTRL] Taiwan exploring military pact with India?

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Taiwan exploring military pact with India?
Taipei likely provoking China as means of regaining U.S. attention



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Military sources in Taiwan reportedly have said that Taipei and New Delhi are
exploring military cooperation. These elements apparently decided to leak the
information to the media in hopes that it will help Taiwan regain relevance
as a priority for the United States. If successful, renewed attention from
Washington will help Taiwan avoid the slow reintegration into China that is
resulting from deepening economic relations between the two.

Taiwan's Chinese-language United Daily News reported Jan. 2 that "reliable
sources" within the military are saying that Taiwan and India have exchanged
military intelligence and that armed forces chiefs on both sides recently
have met. The Indian government has not confirmed or denied the report.

The leak appears to be an attempt by elements within the military to provoke
hostility from the Chinese government in the hope that this will put Taiwan
back on Washington's global agenda. Though the strategy is not without risk,
these elements in Taiwan likely view the move as the best option to keep the
country from completely falling under China's umbrella of influence.

The timing of the leak comes after the global war on terrorism has caused
China and Taiwan to drop off the U.S. radar of importance. This is a major
change from the early part of 2001, when tensions between Beijing and
Washington were near their peak over the spy plane incident. Taiwan's
visibility as a U.S. ally increased, especially with the Bush administration
promising a new weapons package and pledging to support Taipei from any
Chinese aggression.

But the focus on China, and consequently Taiwan, has shifted since the Sept.
11 attacks. The United States is placing its attention elsewhere, while China
has been busy with anti-corruption efforts and integration into the World
Trade Organization. The reduced threat from China has left Taiwan without
complete "big brother" support from the United States.

Furthermore, since the dissipation of the most recent tensions between China
and Taiwan due to the island's 2000 presidential elections, Taipei has
permitted a steady increase in economic relations with Beijing. Most recently
the Cabinet ruled that 122 Taiwanese products can be manufactured in China,
which has virtually the cheapest labor in Asia.

Although such cooperation is in its infancy, China has expressed its hope to
create a free trade zone with Taiwan that would also include Macau and Hong
Kong – both of whom have rejoined China. Though Taipei hopes that heightened
economic ties will help revitalize its struggling economy, it also knows such
links give Beijing a powerful lever to pressure Taiwan.

The threat that increased economic integration will reduce Taiwan's
independence has led elements in Taiwan's military to covertly call for
re-establishing some degree of tensions in the Taiwan Strait. The chosen
tactic of leaking the claims of military cooperation with India may very well
have the desired effect.

According to the United Daily News, the military officials said that
"Taiwan's military cooperation with India is like an ambush at the backdoor
of the communist mainland," and that "India seeks cooperation with Taiwan
because it wants Taiwan to serve as a 'thorn,' so that mainland China would
feel thorns at both sides."

This would not be the first time Taiwan has used the threat of China to its
own benefit, especially since Taipei's only true global significance comes
from its ability to counter Beijing. Although the United States adheres to
the official "one China" policy, it sent two carrier battle groups to defend
Taiwan in 1996, following the testing of missiles by Beijing in the Taiwan
Strait. Taiwan also has called upon Japan to step up its financial
involvement in the country to counter China's growing economic influence.

However, with tensions between Taipei and Beijing fairly low, Taiwan has lost
much of its global leverage. Floating the prospect of military cooperation
with India, in hopes of angering China, allows factions within Taiwan to
accomplish two goals with one stroke.

China has expressed its support of Pakistan in the current standoff between
Islamabad and New Delhi. Knowledge that India partic

[CTRL] Taliban Ministers Surrender but Manhunt Goes On

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Taliban Ministers Surrender but Manhunt Goes On

January 08, 2002 11:30 AM ET

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Reuters Photo
By Jeremy Page

KABUL, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Three former ministers of the ousted Taliban
government surrendered but the U.S.-led hunt for Osama bin Laden and Taliban
chief Mullah Mohammad Omar entered its fourth month with the trail growing

The new Afghan government said however both men were believed still in the
country. "It is most likely they are in Afghanistan," said Foreign Minister
Abdullah Abdullah.

In a reminder that bin Laden and other leaders of the al Qaeda network might
never be taken alive, a Sudanese fighter blew himself up while trying to
escape from a hospital in the southern city of Kandahar.

The U.N. food agency started aid operations Tuesday in the western city of
Herat for the first time since September, providing enough food to feed
340,000 people for a month in the city and 324,000 in the nearby Maslakh
refugee camp.

But the World Food Program warned that hundreds of thousands more were
desperately hungry around Kandahar and other areas because it was too
dangerous for aid agencies to go there.

The first 70 German troops to join the British-led international security
force left Tuesday for Kabul, first flying west to pick up Dutch soldiers.

So far a force of fewer than 5,000 foreign soldiers is envisaged. But interim
Afghan leader Hamid Karzai said on Tuesday he might ask foreign governments
to provide more.

"The delegations that I receive ... keep asking for a larger number of
international security forces and to be deployed in other provinces, other
cities of Afghanistan," he told the BBC.

"As need arises, we might ask for that."

A spokesman for Kandahar governor Gul Agha said the ousted ministers of
defense, justice and mines and industry had given themselves up to
authorities in Kandahar, the Taliban's former southern stronghold.

"Ministers of the Taliban and senior Taliban are coming one by one and
surrendering and joining with us," he said.

"Among those who surrendered were former minister of defense Mullah Ubai
Dullah, minister of justice Mullah Turabi and minister of mines and industry,
Mullah Saadudin," he said.

Separately, an Afghan tribal commander said the head of the militia's
information department and one of their senior spokesmen, Abdul Hayee
Motmain, had been detained and handed over to U.S. forces.

But the whereabouts of Saudi-born bin Laden and his ally Mullah Omar remained
a mystery.

A military spokesman said U.S. forces were going to stop "chasing the
shadows" of bin Laden and Omar, and focus on eradicating remaining pockets of
al Qaeda resistance.

U.S. aircraft dropped pamphlets over eastern Afghanistan on Tuesday warning
people not to shelter members of the Taliban and the al Qaeda network or risk
being bombed, the Pakistan-based news agency Afghan Islamic Press (AIP) said.


U.S. officials had raised hopes that Omar might be captured over the weekend
as anti-Taliban forces negotiated with tribal chiefs in Baghran, northwest of
Kandahar, for the surrender of fighters thought to be protecting him.

The body of the Sudanese al Qaeda fighter was found in a garden outside a
ward in a Kandahar hospital where he and several other wounded fighters,
mostly Arabs, had been holed up with weapons since early December.

It was unclear how many of the fighters were left barricaded in the ward.
"Nobody can get near them," a local official said. "Everybody is afraid they
will explode something."

A poll found that 60 percent of Americans believed the war would not be won
until bin Laden was found.

A U.S. military official said sweeps of Tora Bora caves in eastern
Afghanistan had found evidence bin Laden had been there, but it was unclear
how recently.

Britain's Tony Blair flew into Bagram air base north of Kabul Monday and said
the world would not forget Afghanistan.

"The international community is here to help in the long term, but
Afghanistan's future is the hands of the Afghan people," he said.

A delegation of U.S. senators said Tuesday Pakistani President Pervez
Musharraf, like the Afghan government, believed bin Laden was still hiding in
the Afghan mountains.

Pakistan, which until September 11 supported the Taliban, said it hoped to
reopen its Kabul embassy next week.

Afghan tribal leaders have protested at the continuing killings of Afghan
civilians in American air raids but U.S. officials say the bombing will
continue until the Taliban and al Qaeda are destroyed.

Karzai said Tuesday Afghanistan would not ask the United States to stop
bombing until the manhunt had been completed.

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) demanded a probe into the
"massacre of pris

[CTRL] U.S. Seeks Thousands Of Fugitive Deportees

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. Seeks Thousands Of Fugitive Deportees
Middle Eastern Men Are Focus of Search

By Dan Eggen and Cheryl W. Thompson
Washington Post Staff Writers
Tuesday, January 8, 2002; Page A01

Authorities will soon begin searching for thousands of Middle Eastern men in
the United States who have disappeared after being ordered to leave the
country, according to officials familiar with the operation.

The Justice Department has identified about 6,000 young men from the Middle
East who have ignored deportation orders, and has decided to make the arrest
and removal of them the highest priority among efforts to locate hundreds of
thousands of foreign nationals who have defied such rulings, authorities said.

The men hail from nations that U.S. authorities consider havens for members
of Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda terrorist network, and some have criminal
backgrounds, authorities said. U.S. officials declined to identify the
countries of origin or provide other details about the group.

The plan to give priority to a group of Arab and Muslim men over other
foreign nationals has raised concerns among some Arab American and immigrant
advocate groups that the Bush administration is practicing racial profiling
in its war on terrorism. The vast majority of people ignoring deportation
orders are Hispanics from Latin America.

Justice officials, including Attorney General John D. Ashcroft, have
repeatedly denied that ethnicity plays a role in their anti-terrorism

The latest effort stems from a broader initiative by the Immigration and
Naturalization Service to crack down on "absconders" -- the more than 300,000
foreign nationals who have remained in the country illegally after they were
ordered deported. INS Commissioner James W. Ziglar announced the effort last
month and authorities are preparing to enter the names into a national FBI
crime database over the next year.

Justice officials have decided to enter the names of the Middle Eastern group
first, and an undetermined number will be sought for capture and removal
through regional anti-terrorism task forces that include representatives from
the FBI, INS and U.S. attorney's offices, authorities said.

Wade Henderson, executive director of the Leadership Council on Civil Rights,
said men of Arab or Muslim backgrounds should not be singled out for law
enforcement actions.

"Obviously, these are highly sensitive times and nothing prevents INS from
following leads to apprehend suspects, even if those leads include
descriptions based on race or national origin," Henderson said. "But a
dragnet approach to law enforcement -- rounding up men based on national
origin rather than suspicious behavior or credible evidence -- is highly

James Zogby, president of the Arab American Institute, said he doubted that
focusing on absconders from the Middle East would aid investigators in
identifying potential terrorists. He noted that most of the Sept. 11
hijackers were in the United States legally.

"There's no question because of September 11 there's a lower tolerance level
for visa overstays, and there's a hyper-sensitivity to Arab overstays," Zogby
said. "The question is whether it's an effective use of law enforcement to go
after all these absconders when the purpose is to avert terrorism. The answer
is no, it's not."

But several officials stressed that the absconder program is aimed at foreign
nationals who should not be in the United States. Furthermore, these
officials said, an initial focus on individuals from terrorist havens is a
sensible public safety precaution that could provide investigators with
important leads.

"We are going to continue to use our anti-terrorism task forces to pursue
people . . . who may have information helpful in our investigation, and that
means focusing on people from countries with active al Qaeda cells," one
Justice official said.

The Justice Department is close to completing a controversial program in
which more than 5,000 visitors from the Middle East were asked to submit
voluntarily to questioning about their views of terrorism and radical groups.
That program also targeted mostly young Arab or Muslim men -- characteristics
shared by the 19 suspected hijackers who carried out the Sept. 11 attacks on
New York and Washington.

A nationwide dragnet since Sept. 11 has ensnared hundreds of other foreign
nationals who are being detained on alleged immigration violations or
non-terrorist criminal charges. Most of those detainees are Arab or Muslim
men, officials have said.

In announcing the absconder initiative in December, Ziglar said it was aimed
at solving a long-running immigration problem and was not part of the
government's anti-terrorism effort. Ziglar declined to comment yesterday on
the list of people from Middle East countries. Justice Department off

[CTRL] Mail Volume Down Nearly 3 Billion

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Tuesday January 8 2:52 PM ET
Mail Volume Down Nearly 3 Billion
By RANDOLPH E. SCHMID, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - The terrorist attacks and the slipping economy combined to
cause the biggest drop in mail volume in more than 30 years, the Postal
Service reported Tuesday.

The bleak news came amid negotiations between the post office and major
mailers on an agreement that would allow the agency to raise rates on June
30, three months sooner than planned.

In the first quarter of its fiscal year - Sept. 8 to Nov. 30 - mail volume
was 2.8 billion items below the same period last year, said postal Chief
Financial Officer Richard J. Strasser Jr.

That was the biggest drop-off since the current postal service was
established more than 30 years ago, Strasser said. It was led by advertising
mail, which was down 2.2 billion items, costing the agency millions of

The proposed rate increase would boost the price of a first-class stamp 3
cents to 37 cents and raise other rates as well, bringing a flow of cash to
an agency that lost $1.68 billion last year and faces billions in expenses
for protecting the mail from biological contamination.

``A settlement looks promising,'' said Robert F. Rider, chairman of the
postal governing board.

He said a majority of major mailers agreed to accept the proposed rate
increase and he believes those who have not yet accepted the deal will do so
- or at least will not formally oppose the new rates.

The post office announced plans to raise rates on Sept. 11 - minutes before
the hijacking attacks in New York and Washington. Raising rates is a complex
process that generally takes about a year.

Because of losses suffered by the agency due to the attacks, George Omas,
chairman of the independent Postal Rate Commission, suggested the negotiated

Under the deal, the rates would take effect three months early in return for
a promise that the agency would not seek another increase this year. The rate
commission is expected to rule on any settlement by late March.

The busy pre-Christmas mailing period is normally a moneymaker for the post
office, helping offset losses from slower times of the year. The reduced mail
volume in September-November resulted in net income of $108 million for the
three months, $521 million less than had been expected.

Strasser said the post office was able to cut expenses for the three-month
period to $15.3 billion, $355 million less than originally planned.

During the past 15 months, he said, the post office has reduced its staff by
16,300 full-time employees and continues to make reductions.

Strasser's report covers September through November. Final figures for
December were not immediately available but preliminary reports indicate the
agency is about $552 million in the red so far this fiscal year.

``We will continue to trim costs; it cannot be business as usual,''
Postmaster General John E. Potter said.

Nonetheless, officials noted that the post office now delivers to 138 million
locations daily, up 1.7 million over the past year.

Postal officials also said they have not yet decided when the cleanup of the
anthrax-contaminated Brentwood facility in Washington will get underway.

In other action, the board:

-Set 45 cents as the price for the new ``Heroes'' semi-postal stamp to raise
funds for the families of those injured and killed in the terrorist attacks.
Semi-postal stamps carry a surcharge in addition to normal postage to raise
money for charity. The stamp will go on sale this year and continue to be
sold through Dec. 31, 2004.

-Voted to raise the price of the breast cancer semi-postal from 40 cents to
45 cents when the first-class rate rises to 37 cents. The stamp has raised
$22 million so far and will remain on sale until Dec. 31, 2003.

-Announced that a new semi-postal to raise funds to combat domestic violence
will go on sale in January 2004 and remain on sale through 2006. No price was

-Re-elected Rider as chairman and David Fineman as vice chairman of the

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[CTRL] DefenseWatch – Jan. 2, 2002 Part 5

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


ARTICLE 07 – Let’s Proudly Fly the Blue Star Banner Again



I would like to forward you some information about the reintroduction of the
Blue Star Service Banner displayed by families with a member serving in the
U.S. Armed Forces.  I personally pitched this idea back in the spring, and it
ultimately became a resolution at the American Legion National Convention in
San Antonio last August. After Sept. 11, the decision was made to reintroduce
the banner as soon as possible.

Despite the Legion promoting this on a national level via www.legion.org,
this is still very much a grassroots effort, and mentioning this program in
DefenseWatch would help significantly to communicate this to our military. I
want to emphasize that we are not trying to sell banners; in fact, many flag
manufacturers are offering them free of charge. The American Legion's role is
merely to facilitate the introduction of the banners to the families so that
they can show their pride and support of their loved one. National Commander
Richard J. Santos has challenged local Posts to provide them to the families
for free; and, if that is not feasible, then to seek sponsorships to  allow
them to be gifted to the families. Anyone can go to

http://www.legion.org, where they can print off a copy free of charge for

Army Capt. Robert L. Queissner of the 5th Ohio Infantry created the Blue

Star Service Banner during World War I when two of his sons were serving on

the front lines. The banner quickly became the unofficial symbol of a

in military service.


Editor’s Note: The American Legion is offering several versions of the Blue
Star Service Banner for between $2.95 and $6.95. They include static banners,
static cling window decals for homes and cars, banner posters and lapel pins.

Table of Contents


ARTICLE 08 – Medal of Honor Recipient – BARNUM, HARVEY C., Jr.



Rank and organization: Captain (then Lt.), U.S. Marine Corps, Company H, 2d
Battalion, 9th Marines, 3d Marine Division (Rein).

Place and date: Ky Phu in Quang Tin Province, Republic of Vietnam, 18
December 1965.

Entered service at: Cheshire, Conn. Born: 21 July 1940, Cheshire, Conn.

Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life
above and beyond the call of duty. When the company was suddenly pinned down
by a hail of extremely accurate enemy fire and was quickly separated from the
remainder of the battalion by over 500 meters of open and fire-swept ground,
and casualties mounted rapidly, Lt. Barnum quickly made a hazardous
reconnaissance of the area, seeking targets for his artillery.

Finding the rifle company commander mortally wounded and the radio operator
killed, he, with complete disregard for his safety, gave aid to the dying
commander, then removed the radio from the dead operator and strapped it to
himself. He immediately assumed command of the rifle company, and moving at
once into the midst of the heavy fire, rallying and giving encouragement to
all units, reorganized them to replace the loss of key personnel and led
their attack on enemy positions from which deadly fire continued to come.

His sound and swift decisions and his obvious calm served to stabilize the
badly decimated units and his gallant example as he stood exposed repeatedly
to point out targets served as an inspiration to all. Provided with two armed
helicopters, he moved fearlessly through enemy fire to control the air attack
against the firmly entrenched enemy while skillfully directing one platoon in
a successful counterattack on the key enemy positions. Having thus cleared a
small area, he requested and directed the landing of two transport
helicopters for the evacuation of the dead and wounded.

He then assisted in the mopping up and final seizure of the battalion's
objective. His gallant initiative and heroic conduct reflected great credit
upon himself and were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Marine
Corps and the U.S. Naval Service.

Editor’s Note: If you know of any MOH recipient who is hospitalized or has
passed away recently, please email DefenseWatch MOH Editor Jim H. at

Table of Contents


EDITOR'S NOTE: Your Support is Important!



Footnote: The ultimate success in reviving and expanding SFTT depends on
everyone. We need your financial contributions to continue our ope

[CTRL] DefenseWatch – Jan. 2, 2002 Part 4

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


ARTICLE 05 – Interpersonal Skills Vital in Agent



By J. David Galland

It is a complicated and time-consuming process to recruit foreign
intelligence sources. During a period of personal cultivation by U.S.
intelligence (USI), the potential source is assessed as to his or her
interest in being recruited, as well as access to both established and future
intelligence interests.

One exception to the long-proven rule of pursuing and following a protracted
recruitment process of a potential source, is the "walk-in." This is a person
who suddenly presents himself, usually to an American embassy or consulate
overseas. In most cases, the person is seeking reward for information that he
believes is valuable to the United States.

In my professional experience, walk-ins frequently overestimate the value of
the information they claim to possess or have access to. In addition, many
walk-ins have been found to fabricate purported intelligence information

Once it has been determined that a walk-in is not a fabricator or mentally
unstable, and that he or she may indeed be of value to USI, then the
potential source must be cultivated accordingly. The first task is to confirm
the potential source's actual identity, to determine his or her true
motivation for volunteering as an intelligence source, and to confirm the
actual access to critical information the potential source

actually has. From this point on, all subsequent meetings with this
intelligence source must be conducted in a fully secure and clandestine
fashion and normally he or she will never see their initial point of contact

As with any other potential intelligence source, the walk-in source must be
subjected to a long process of extended cultivation and assessment by skilled
USI operatives. This process will usually begin with an initial chance or
contrived encounter, often one at a diplomatic reception. It is at this
meeting that the case officer's highly developed interpersonal skills must
immediately be brought into play. The goal at this encounter is to foster an
aura of trust and common ground that will set the stage for subsequent
meetings. The level of personal rapport and cordiality, that could lead to
productive follow-up meetings, must be very carefully employed. It is
imperative to avoid embarrassment for both parties if the source should
decline recruitment.

Not all walk-ins who are determined to be potential intelligence sources
ultimately accept recruitment. In many instances, this is because they do not
agree on the focus of the recruitment effort by USI case officers.

A designated case officer is responsible for setting and planning any
subsequent meetings agreed to by the source. Normally, only one case officer
initially manages the source, but an exception to this rule occurs if the
source has numerous areas of intelligence potential requiring several
specialists (e.g. experts in nuclear weapons or secure communications) to
handle the information.

Normally, face-to-face contact between the case officer and his source is
held to a minimum. In the event a personal meeting (PM) is required, anywhere
between two and five other case officers - not known by the source - are
employed for security monitoring and counter-surveillance duties. The latter
tasking is critically responsible since effective counter-surveillance and
surveillance detection can make or break an

intelligence operation.

Whether the newly-acquired source is the product of cultivation which leads
to successful recruitment, or an effectively validated walk-in, he or she
will require training and vetting from the very beginning. Very few sources
normally possess the knowledge of how to effectively protect their own
security. And often to the chagrin of both case officers and their superiors
(operations officers), many new sources show surprisingly little concern for
the security demands of their new activity.

If a source is already "street-smart" and has some knowledge of these
intelligence related protective measures, it constitutes an obvious area of

Initial training must focus on sharpening the source's sense of security and
the security means by which the operation must establish and sustain its
clandestine nature. This specifically refers to his or her role as a source,
as well as the acquisition, temporary storage, and ultimate transmittal of
sensitive intelligence information to the case officer.

The source's success in training and the level of achieved skill is often the
key factor in defining the success of the intelligence collection mission.
Nothing will be achieved if the intelligence source is not skilled at
conducting his or her movement to a

[CTRL] DefenseWatch – Jan. 2, 2002 Part 3

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

“Allah, there is no strength but your strength. Destroy, therefore, the
Zionist occupation and its helpers and its agents. Destroy the U.S. and its
helpers and its agents. Destroy Britain and its helpers and its agents.
Prepare those who will soon unite the Muslims of the world and march in the
footsteps of Saladin. Allah, we ask you for forgiveness, forgiveness before
death, and mercy and forgiveness after death. Allah, grant victory to Islam
and the Muslims in the coming war.”

What Freud might have described as “self-hating,” Muslims commit overt and
bloody atrocities against non-Muslims (but other Muslim sects will suffice if
there are no Jewish or Christian targets in the vicinity), and then claim
innocence – that they are being discriminated against, or that there is a
vast anti-Islamic conspiracy.  Bin Laden and other Muslim terrorists could
have given German Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels lessons about the
“big lie.”

The terror attack on Sept. 11 is an obvious case in point, where Muslims
screamed that “Jews” were behind the attacks to defame Islam. A short time
later, Muslim gunmen from the “Army of Omar” shot and killed 16 innocent
Christians who were praying in their church in Bahawalpur, Pakistan.
Pakistani officials (our “allies”) claimed it was the work of Western
influence in an attempt to defame Muslims. They attack and murder those who
do not accept their narrow view of the world, but when called to account for
their crimes, they claim it is plot to defame Islam! This goes beyond craven

There is no way to know how many people the Taliban murdered in the Kabul
soccer stadium, and elsewhere in Afghanistan, in the name of Islam.

Thousands of Christians have been brutally murdered in Nigeria in the name of
Islam. One man, a 26 year-old former Muslim who had not only had the audacity
to convert to Christianity, but had become an ordained Catholic priest, was
attacked, had his eyes gouged out and was left on the road to die. Nigerian
journalist Ulanugu Eneh wrote, “The greatest threat to Nigeria as a nation as
presently constituted is Islamic extremism.”

The Sudan has seen war and famine for generations, but in the past 20 years,
almost 2 million Christians and Animists have been murdered in the name of
Islam. In Algeria, some 100,000 people have died in the name of Islam,
including the murder of Bishop Clavier and the beheading of seven Trappist
monks. In Yemen, Catholic nuns were murdered, in the name of Islam. In Egypt,
the recipient of a billion U.S. tax dollars every year, a reign of terror
exists against Coptic Christians and other non-Muslims – again in the name of

Saudi Arabia, another supposed Arab ally, is listed by the U.S. State
Department as not allowing religious freedom. Christians there are flogged,
imprisoned and executed by a government that prevents non-Muslim worship,
even in the privacy of a home – also in the name of Islam. In the
Philippines, the Abu Sayyaf organization, with ties to bin Laden’s Al Queda
network, have tortured and murdered priests and other Christians, have taken
hostages and defaced churches, all in the name of Islam.

In a recent article, British journalist Paul Johnson argued the West has
evolved because it has grown and learned from mistakes, based on the secular
rule of law, which has allowed society to grow and in which democracy and
liberty take root, therefore wealth flourishes.  He argues, “All the systems
of the world, notably the Japanese, the Chinese, and the Indian, have learned
much from the West in turn, and benefited thereby. The Islamic world has been
the least willing to adopt the West’s fundamental excellences. This is why it
remains poor (despite its wealth of raw materials), unfree, and unhappy.”

Again, as Freud might point out, based on this have-not mentality, Islamic
fundamentalism is bent on destroying, rather than learning from, the West.
However, before the Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran and initiated the
Islamic revolution, Middle Eastern terrorists were politically motivated by
Marxist-Leninist ideology, rather than Jihad. Arab/Muslim terrorists have
attacked Western infrastructure since the 1960s, when Yasir Arafat was still
identified as a terrorist with the Fatah organization and Arab terrorists
were hijacking and blowing up planes to achieve their objectives.

As Islam is more a way of life than a religion, however, the fervor of the
Islamic revolution has replaced stale Marxist-Leninist ideology. The rise of
Islamic fundamentalism captured the existing fervor and convinced many
Muslims that secular revolution was passé, while becoming martyrs for Islam
carries with it much more value for self and family. Also, as a matter of
practicality, those holding the power over these “martyrs,” like bin Laden,
are assured that the death toll among “infid

[CTRL] DefenseWatch – Jan. 2, 2002 Part 2

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

ARTICLE 02 – The Surreptitious Importation Strike



By Robert G. Williscroft

In today's post-cold war world, conventional warfare no longer occupies
central stage. Enter SIS – the surreptitious importation strike (SIS). It's a
phrase coined in the mid-1980s by Charles Harrison, writing in the Mensa

Modern warfare no longer is just large armies facing one another across
battle lines, fighting ships in ferocious sea battles, or even exchanging
intercontinental ballistic missiles from opposite sides of the Earth. Since
September 11, 2001, SIS has become terribly real and immediate. Terrorism has
become the biggest threat to life, liberty, and happiness. Its ugly
implications are overwhelming: The New York World Trade Center, the Pentagon,
Anthrax attacks, the USS Cole, our Embassies around the world, and so on.

Special Atomic Demolition Munitions (SADMs) are so small that they can go
anywhere a man can. In the hands of terrorists, Mafia thugs, enemy
infiltrators, or even several disgruntled nuclear lab technicians, it is
entirely possible to discover one day that major industrial and cultural
centers throughout our country have been blanketed with these devices. They
would be nearly impossible to locate, would remain potent for years, and can
be activated by a simple coded radio command from almost anywhere.

Fortunately, SADM-like devices are very difficult to build. Even with actual
plans in hand, most organized groups would not be able to produce the final
product. In fact, good evidence indicates that the Communist Chinese
government held complete SADM plans for ten years without being able to
construct a working model, despite their relatively sophisticated technology.
We can, therefore, discount the chance that a terrorist group will be able to
build its own SADM devices in the near future.

Realistically, anyone wanting SADM devices must resort to theft. Our defense
against SADM attacks, therefore, is absolute control of SADMs in the first

We know the location of all our SADMs, and we keep them under strictest
possible control, with essentially zero chance that one could fall into enemy
hands. We believe the Soviets developed similar devices, but suspect theirs
lack our sophisticated miniaturization. Because of the disruption following
the demise of the Soviet Union, a terrorist organization might be able to
obtain one of the Soviet portable nukes, but it appears unlikely that they
could detonate the device-at least, not without outside expertise. The task
is formidable, but not impossible.

Chemical and biological weapons, on the other hand, are obvious choices for
terrorist strikes. A small group with limited resources has essentially zero
chance of obtaining a SADM, but most such groups can set up and operate a
modest nerve agent manufacturing facility. A nerve agent can be released in a
subway, inside a large building or concert hall with devastating effects.

Chemical weapons fall into four general categories: Choking agents,
blistering agents, blood agents, and organophosphate nerve agents.

Choking agents, which were extensively employed during World War I, are
gasses like chlorine and phosgene. In today's world, these agents really are
no alternative to the nerve agents discussed below. In order to be effective,
they can only be used in an enclosed space, and it takes a very large amount
of the gas to be anything other than annoying.

Similarly, blistering agents, like mustard gas (which was a frequent World
War I weapon), do not have a meaningful place in today's world. The one
exception would be a circumstance where a terrorist organization wanted to
tie up as much of an area's medical facilities as possible, but without any
widespread lethal results. The consequences of a blister gas attack is
painful and very disruptive, but not usually fatal.

Most blood agents are based on cyanide, and are toxic when blood levels reach
lethal amounts. Since lethal cyanide blood levels are similar to lethal
levels of phosgene, there really is little difference between blood agents
and lethal choking gases. Both require enclosed spaces to be effective, and
neither are as effective as nerve agents.

Organophosphates originally were developed as insecticides. In the early part
of the twentieth century there was even limited production and use of early
versions of what are now called nerve agents-before their lethal effect on
animals was fully understood. Currently, four substances occupy the nerve
agent platform. Their ease of manufacture, their volatility, and their
lethality all affect which of these are more suited to terrorist activities.

VX nerve agent is very lethal. Six to ten milligrams of this substance
absorbed through the skin or ten milligrams breathed into the lungs as an
aerosol wil

[CTRL] DefenseWatch – Jan. 2, 2002 Part 1

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

DefenseWatch – Jan. 2, 2002

Soldiers For The Truth (SFTT) Weekly Newsletter

When we assumed the Soldier, We did not lay aside the Citizen.
General George Washington, to the New York Legislature, 1775

In this week’s Issue of DefenseWatch: Stay Vigilant in 2002





Ed Offley
Editor, DefenseWatch

J. David Galland
Deputy Editor, DefenseWatch

David H. Hackworth
Senior Military Columnist

Chris Humphrey
SFTT Webmaster




Hack’s Target for the Week: Stay Alert, Stay Alive

Article 01 – A Commander’s Careless Words, by Matthew Dodd

Article 02 – The Surreptitious Importation Strike, by Robert G. Williscroft

Article 03 – We Ignore the Threat From Militant Islam At Our Peril, by
Patrick Hayes

Article 04 – U.S. Military Success: Beyond a ‘Hyperpower,’ by David Warren

Article 05 – Interpersonal Skills Vital in Agent Recruitment, by J. David

Article 06 – Feedback: Readers Respond to Hack and DefenseWatch

Article 07 – Let’s Proudly Fly the Blue Star Banner Again

Medal of Honor:
Article 08 – BARNUM, HARVEY C., Jr., Lt. USMC


Hack’s Target For The Week: Stay Alert, Stay Alive



By David H. Hackworth

I see fewer flags flying these days, and the patriotic flame that burned so
brightly after Sept. 11 also seems on the wane. A lot of folks are probably
thinking that since what's left of Osama's crazy crew is on the run, the war
is over. It's human nature to start taking things for granted again when
danger isn't banging loudly on the door.

I hope we don't go back to the fickleness of the Vietnam War.

In 1965, when the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division left Fort Campbell,
Ky., it was to ringing endorsements from President Lyndon Johnson, Congress
and the people. Eighty-five percent of Americans told the pollsters they were
"All the Way With LBJ."

Just a year later, the survivors of that storied fighting unit returned from
Vietnam to many of the same folks chanting, "Hey, Hey, LBJ, how many kids did
you kill today?"

But this time around, we're in a fight that's as critical as World War II.
Because our homeland and very survival are once more at stake, the American
people can't afford to treat this new war against terrorism like they did

We must stay the course and support this war from beginning to end, remaining
ever aware that the brilliant victory in Afghanistan is simply one battle,
with at least 60 more ahead. Fighting terrorism is not unlike fighting a
deadly cancer. It can't be treated just where it's visible – every diseased
cell in the body must be destroyed. Terrorism, too, must be excised wherever
it exists, which will take years, and which can't happen without the total
commitment and the everyday involvement of the American people.

Just as during World War II when our block wardens and other sharp-eyed
patriots looked out for enemy spies, subs and planes, we today must remain as
vigilant as our warriors overseas. Not an easily maintained mind-set for the
most laid-back and relaxed citizenry in the world.

But even on the battlefield, a leader's biggest problem has always been
alertness. Even with infantry troops, where fast reactions mean the
difference between life and death. Grunts on the line, where the enemy wants
them dead, still goof off – even knowing that by letting their guard down
they might die.

In order to drill into young men the need to stay alert and stay alive, I
used to punish offenders with my fists, boots and rifle butt, and with
stockade time. I was ruthless. I'd seen too many kids go down because someone
was asleep at the switch. There was no technique or punishment I didn't
employ except killing the sorry slackers, and I often threatened that.

Fortunately, it worked. In my last combat tour in Vietnam with a mainly
draftee battalion (the 4/39th), we didn't lose one soldier because our
opponent got the edge. Now it's not uncommon for a 52-year-old former
battalion member to thank me for kicking his butt and keeping him alive back
when he was 19.

We must all discipline ourselves into becoming super soldier-sensitive to
weird, suspicious stuff and reporting same to the FBI or local police. Two
years ago, for example, a very alert female customs inspector stopped 

[CTRL] U.S. Captures Top al-Qaida Pair

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

U.S. Captures Top al-Qaida Pair

01/08/2002 7:21 PM EST


WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S. troops captured two senior al-Qaida fighters and
confiscated their computers and cell phones near a huge underground cave
complex used by Osama bin Laden's terrorist network, the nation's top general
said Tuesday.

The discoveries in eastern Afghanistan came as U.S. forces were wrapping up
operations in Tora Bora and focusing on Zawar Kili, the complex used as a
training camp and assembly point for possible movement from Afghanistan into

The two men, found late Monday in a group of 14 suspected members of
al-Qaida, were deemed sufficiently important to be removed immediately to the
U.S.-run detention center in Kandahar, Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Richard
Myers said at a Pentagon briefing.

Army Gen. Tommy Franks, the war's commander, said clues to the pair's
importance included "the way that they carried themselves, their language
skill and that sort of thing." Franks, head of U.S. Central Command, spoke on

Besides the computers and phones, "some small arms and training documents
were also found," Myers said. "We're exploiting those as we speak."

American warplanes have struck repeatedly at the cave complex and at other
areas around Khost in eastern Afghanistan's Paktia province. U.S. special
forces teams are on the ground in that area, where a Green Beret soldier was
killed in an ambush Friday.

As U.S. forces sweep through the area, they have found a large network of
buildings, bunkers and a warren of underground caves, Myers said.

"We have found this complex to be very, very extensive. It covers a large
area. When we ask people how large, they often describe it as huge," the
four-star Air Force general said.

U.S. bombers struck a cache of tanks and weaponry in the area on Sunday. They
launched two new strikes on additional buildings and bunkers found nearby
late Monday, Myers said.

(AP) Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld gestures during a Pentagon news
conference Thursday, Dec. 27,...
Full Image

An F-14 fighter jet dropped two precision-guided bombs on one building, and
an F-18 jet dropped two more guided bombs on a bunker, he said.

The two al-Qaida, captured near the cave complex, were among a group of 14
fighters apprehended without resistance by U.S. forces on the ground, Myers
said. They were transferred to a detention center where U.S. officials have
been interrogating suspected al-Qaida and Taliban. The other 12 remain in the
custody of Afghan officials, the general said.

"They were the ones of interest that we thought were senior enough where they
might have the kind of information that we're looking for in terms of ...
future operations and so forth," Myers added.

In an interview with The Associated Press on Monday, Franks predicted that
the U.S. military in the next day or two would gain custody of one or two
Taliban or al-Qaida figures of great interest to the United States, but he
would not elaborate.

Myers said he did not know whether the two al-Qaida taken to Kandahar were
the ones mentioned by Franks.

The general noted that "other types of surveillance or reconnaissance" had
not in the past indicated the huge extent of the complexes located in the
Zawar Kili area.

But Myers said that once U.S. forces were able to explore on the ground
there, they found the complex much bigger than previous intelligence had

Paktia province has long been known as an area where al-Qaida terrorists had
a large training and supply complex. A camp hit this week was struck by U.S.
missiles in 1998 in retaliation for bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa
blamed on al-Qaida guerrillas.

Earlier, officials said that three more people identified as top al-Qaida
leaders are believed dead in the fighting across Afghanistan.

Abu Hafs the Mauritanian, also known as Mahfouz Ould al-Walid, Abu Jafar
al-Jaziri, also known as Omar Chaabani, and Abu Salah al-Yemeni are believed
to have been killed, said a U.S. official, who spoke on condition of
anonymity. Abu Hafs was believed to be about age 26 and had ties to al-Qaida
terrorist operations. Al-Jaziri and al-Yemeni were logistics coordinators for
the terrorist group.

Abd al-Hadi al-Iraqi, who ran some of bin Laden's training camps, has been
captured, the official said. Other details were unclear.

Myers said officials expected to make the first transfer soon of detained
suspected Taliban or al-Qaida members to a new site being built at the U.S.
Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Until then, U.S. forces guarding the
fighters inside Afghanistan are being extremely careful, aware that the
fighters would be willing to die to attack Americans, Myers said.

"Obviously, any time you have detainees who will sacrifice their life to kill
you or what you stand for ...

[CTRL] AF News 9 Jan 02

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

0027.  Commanders approve 82 percent of Stop-Loss waivers

RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFPN) -- More than 80 percent of Stop-Loss
waiver requests have been approved by major command commanders who have
reviewed about 900 requests from airmen currently affected by the program.

An approved waiver allows an airman to leave the Air Force despite the
Stop-Loss order which began Oct. 2.

Stop-Loss action keeps people from retiring or separating from the service
during national emergencies.  The current Stop-Loss action specifically
cites operations Noble Eagle, Enduring Freedom and any associated

The waiver process was included in the original program guidance that set
the rules for temporary Stop-Loss implementation.

"[Waivers] allow for MAJCOM commanders to judge, on a case-by-case basis,
whether someone has compelling enough personal reasons to leave the service
that outweigh the Air Force's need for [that airman] to stay," said Lt. Col.
Richard Binger, chief of retirements here at the Air Force Personnel Center.

As of Jan. 3, MAJCOM commanders approved waivers for 82 percent of enlisted
people and 81 percent of officers requesting them.  About 11,500 people with
original retirement or separation dates of Oct. 2 to April 30 are affected
by Stop-Loss -- 2,182 officers and 9,334 enlisted.

"What's interesting is that less than a thousand of those affected have
asked for waivers," Binger said.  "It seems that people are accepting that
their country needs them right now."

"We're happy that the waiver authority exists for those people who face
things in their personal lives that really make it hard for them to stay,"
Binger said.

The Air Force expects a review of Stop-Loss will be completed and announced
by the end of January.  The first review, after 30 days, led the Air Force
to continue Stop-Loss for everyone on active duty.

The current review, like the first, is exploring which, if any, career
fields can allow people to retire or separate at the end of their
commitments, or if Stop-Loss will continue for everyone, officials said.

"The goal with Stop-Loss is to not keep anyone from leaving the service
whose skills and abilities are not specifically needed to accomplish the
mission," Binger said.  (Courtesy of AFPC News Service)

0026.  CSAF survey ready to launch

by Master Sgt. Jim Greeley
Air Force Print News

SAN ANTONIO -- The Air Force chief of staff wants to know what changes Air
Force people want in their organizations, and what those people think of the
leaders they work for, from the squadron level through higher headquarters.

To that end service officials will launch the 2002 Chief of Staff survey
Jan. 22.  This survey, which has been done every two years since 1997, is an
avenue directly to the top.

"This is a great opportunity to provide direct feedback about how we're
doing in our organizations," said Gen. John P. Jumper, Air Force chief of
staff. "To sustain the world's pre-eminent aerospace force, we must ensure
excellence in the work environment for everyone. The survey provides me, and
leaders at all levels in your chain of command, valuable information."

The survey was originally slated to start in October, but was delayed when
operations Enduring Freedom and Noble Eagle started.

Developers have gone to great lengths to make the survey fast and easy to
take. The Web-based survey will take about 30 to 45 minutes, and has about
100 questions covering three major areas: organizational climate and
leadership, A-76 competitive sourcing and major command-specific questions.

Another key in developing the survey was ensuring anonymity.

"We've taken every measure to ensure all inputs are identity-masked," said
Lori Marcum, a member of the survey development team at Randolph Air Force
Base, Texas. "Anonymity is crucial because it allows people to be brutally
honest without fear of retribution."

The survey will be available for you to take during the entire seven-week
period.  Also, in order to optimize Web traffic flow, scheduled regional
e-mails will be sent out to stateside bases to remind people to take the

Honesty is exactly what the Jumper wants.

"I expect you to give direct and candid feedback," Jumper said. "That's why
the survey is anonymous, and that's why the questions on the survey are
intentionally hard-hitting."

The survey begins on Jan. 22 and runs through Mar 8.  You can take the
survey from a government computer (dot-mil or dot-gov) at
http://csafsurvey.af.mil/ and a non-government computer (dot-com) at
http://www.csafsurvey.com/ at any time during the survey period.  However,
if you start the survey on a dot-com Web site you must finish on a dot-com
Web site.

0030.  DOD establishes Missile Defense Agency

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld has announced
the redesignation of the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization a

[CTRL] Fwd: [Spy News] Vatican Moves on Pedophilia Cases

2002-01-08 Thread RoadsEnd

--- Begin Message ---


Vatican Moves on Pedophilia Cases

Associated Press Writer

January 8, 2002, 3:25 AM EST

VATICAN CITY -- The Vatican has come up with new guidelines for the Roman
Catholic Church to handle pedophilia accusations against priests, ordering
church officials worldwide to inform it swiftly of such cases and declaring
them subject to secrecy.

Promoted by the Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the
rules were approved by Pope John Paul II, who in the past has expressed
solidarity with the victims of sexual abuse by clergy.

The guidelines, which are apparently aimed at centralizing Vatican control
over such cases, are intended for use by Catholic dioceses and religious
institutions and do not apply to government inquiries or prosecutions.

Written in Latin and prepared several months ago, the church rules were
quietly published in the Holy See's official gazette. They surfaced Tuesday
in the newly printed 2001 yearbook of Vatican documents.

Pedophilia cases have been a major headache for the Catholic church. Besides
the sting of moral scandal, dioceses in the United States and other
countries have had to deal with expensive claims for financial damages.

The new guidelines came as a letter by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, a close
aide of John Paul and the guardian of doctrinal orthodoxy.

He wrote that pedophile cases were subject to pontifical secrecy. Only
priests should handle such cases, including those serving as judges,
prosecutor or defense advocate in church tribunals.

He also said victims must make their accusations within 10 years after
turning 18.

The Vatican urged local church officials to act swiftly where there is "at
least probable knowledge of a grave crime."

The letter didn't spell out what sanctions could be taken against priests
suspected or proven of being pedophiles, but their removal from the clerical
ranks is a possibility.

In 1994, at the request of U.S. church officials, the Vatican approved
policy for handling pedophilia cases in the United States. The 2001 policy
"incorporates the major points" of the American policy, said a spokesman for
the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Monsignor Francis Maniscalco.

Copyright © 2002, The Associated Press

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Cops: Teen Pilot Supported bin Laden

2002-01-08 Thread RevCOAL

-Caveat Lector-

From: Euphorian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Just now on the news, it said that this guy is claiming that he got
>>the plans on how to make the explosive off of the Internet...
>Is this a change from his earlier claim that he contacted the guy in
>Dutchland (home of the 9-11ers' flight schools' instructor/owners)
>via a chat room or email for merely procuring the substance?  Or is
>the news trying to make news again?

He's apparently claiming he got in touch with the Dutch guy via the
Internet (not clear whether it was a chatroom or via a website), and he
then paid the Dutch guy $1500 for the recipe on how to make the explosive...


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] alleged abuse by priest, nuclear test victims, bar complaint, masonic rituals

2002-01-08 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

These may be heavy for survivors of abuse.

Church allowed abuse by priest for years - Aware of Geoghan record,
archdiocese still shuttled him from parish to parish - By Globe Staff, 1/6/02
"Since the mid-1990s, more than 130 people have come forward with horrific
childhood tales about how former priest John J. Geoghan allegedly fondled or
raped them during a three-decade spree through a half-dozen Greater Boston
parishesThen came last July's disclosure that Cardinal Bernard F. Law
knew about Geoghan's problems in 1984, Law's first year in Boston, yet
approved his transfer to St. Julia's parish in Weston. Wilson D. Rogers Jr.,
the cardinal's attorney, defended the move last summer, saying the
archdiocese had medical assurances that each Geoghan reassignment was
"appropriate and safe." But one of Law's bishops thought that the 1984
assignment of Geoghan to St. Julia's was so risky, he wrote the cardinal a
letter in protest." http://www.boston.com/globe/metro/packages/geoghan/

A revered guest; a family left in shreds - By Matt Carroll, Globe Staff,
1/6/02 "But she did sue, finally, in 1997, and the church settled under terms
that remain secret. But for Dussourd, now 57, that was no victory.

Legal opinion boost for N-veterans - 1/8/02 - New Zealand nuclear test
veterans' hope of receiving compensation is growing after a legal report
concluded that a lawsuit against the British Government was sustainable.  The
veterans, numbering 220 survivors of 551 New Zealand naval personnel serving
on HMNZS Rotoiti and HMNZS Pukaki during Operation Grapple in the late 1950s,
sailed through radioactive areas after British nuclear bomb testing at the
Christmas (now Kiritimati) and Malden Islands in the Pacific Ocean. The
veterans say exposure to radiation has led to cancer and hereditary diseases
among themselves and their offspring.


Marin Teen Files State Bar Complaint Against Court Appointed Lawyer -
Misconduct Allegations Against Sandra Acevedo include Fraud, Perjury and
Conspiring to Cover Up Child Abuser, Neglect and Endangerment "...18-year-old
college honor student, Alanna Krause, formerly of San Geronimo, has filed a
complaint with the California State Bar against attorney Sandra M. Acevedo,
the lawyer appointed by then Marin Family Court Commissioner, Sylvia
Shapiro-Pritchard, to represent her best interests during her parents'
divorce." http://www.newsmakingnews.com/krausealanna1,7,02.htm

The following exposures of Masonic ritual are provided in a cooperative
effort between Ex-Masons for Jesus and  Ephesians 5:11, Inc.  Ex-Masons for
Jesus is a fellowship organization of men and women who have left the Masonic
Lodge and appendant bodies, such as the Order of the Eastern Star, Job's
Daughter's, the Order of Rainbow for Girls and the Order of DeMolay for boys.
Please use caution at this site, it may be very triggering. Also, please
note, listing this site is for fyi only, and doesn't necessarily mean we
agree with its content.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] AF News 8 Jan 02

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

0017.  New assistant secretary for acquisition sworn in

WASHINGTON (AFPN) -- Dr. Marvin R. Sambur was sworn in Jan. 4 as the new
assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, making him responsible
for all Air Force research, development and acquisition activities.  In his
new position he provides direction, guidance and supervision on all matters
in the formulation, review, approval and execution of acquisition plans,
policies and programs for the Air Force.

Before his appointment, Sambur was president and chief executive officer of
ITT Defense in McLean, Va., and has more than 33 years of experience in
high-technology program acquisition and management and engineering, focusing
on advanced wireless communications systems, sophisticated satellite
payloads, air traffic control systems and electronic warfare.

Sambur has a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from City College
of New York as well as a master's and doctorate of philosophy degree in
electrical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.  He
is a recipient of the IEEE Centennial Award for excellence in engineering

0022.  Hodja Village 'Clamshell' offers fun for deployed people

by Staff Sgt. Dale Yates
Operation Northern Watch Public Affairs

INCIRLIK AIR BASE, Turkey (AFPN) -- Calling a tent home means barely having
room to sleep. But Air Force services troops here maintain one of the
largest "living rooms" in a sprawling tent city that houses airmen deployed
for Operation Northern Watch.

Nicknamed "The Clamshell", the Hodja Village Pub is solely for residents of
Hodja Village - as the tent city is known - to socialize and unwind from
daily duties of ONW, which enforces a no-fly zone in northern Iraq.

"The pub in many respects is like your living room," said Air Force Capt.
Shawn Campbell, chief of Hodja Village Services. "This is your social place;
this is where you can come and spend time with your friends and coworkers
and get you out of the tent."

What makes this living room unique, other than its size, is that it is
changing for the better, Cambell said.

Free food nights, one of the pub's most popular programs, used to have the
same three items every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

"If you have egg rolls every Tuesday night, it's nice, it's free, but it's
still egg rolls every Tuesday night," Campbell said. "It would be nice that
this Tuesday it's egg rolls, next Tuesday it's potato bar and the following
Tuesday it's the taco bar."

Services expanded the menu, and now pub goers have a rotating list of five
items: egg rolls, pizza, hot dog bar, taco bar and a potato bar. On the free
food nights at 8 p.m., the Incirlik Consolidated Club will cater the next
item on the list.

But the services staff has not stopped there; they've also ordered two
popcorn machines to continuously provide free, fresh popcorn, and one
arrived this week.

Campbell said his staff cannot identify every need; they rely heavily on
customer feedback. Such feedback led to the purchase of a second ping-pong
table and a second foosball table, both of which join three pool tables and
four dart boards already on hand.

The changes keep coming. Campbell said the base services squadron is
actively seeking new live entertainment. The cast from the movie "Ocean's
11" visited the pub in December for an extended visit and autograph session,
and rock singer Joan Jett played live here recently.  In February, the
services staff is working on bringing in a rock band to play exclusively at
the pub.

Even when it comes to the evening's music, the pub's staff will change it to
meet the requests of the patrons.

Tech. Sgt. Krista Lindsey, pub staff, said she just hopes to provide "good
customer service, a place to go where (tent city residents) can relax and be
treated kindly and have good time."

Patrons agree that the pub is the place to have a good time.

"It's just a great place to hang out and relax with quality bar snacks and
cold beverages," said Staff Sgt. Theron Kammerer, an aircrew life support

Senior Airman Joseph Baszynski, a crew chief, said the pub is about "being
able to kick back and relax and not have to sit in your room and worry about

Two deployed Marines have made it a point to enjoy the pub's activities,
especially the free pool, every day since they arrived here in November.

"We come from the Marine Corps where they don't have these facilities where
you can actually enjoy this," said Cpl. Jason Cross. "This is outstanding,
and I'm taking advantage of it."

"What we've got here is Shangri-La compared to anything we've deployed to,"
said Marine Staff Sgt. Russell Ramos. "It's a great thing to get over here
after a hard day's work and just relax."

Getting out and relaxing is what the pub's staff wants tent residents to do.

"They can come and just talk with people, play pool for free, play ping-

[CTRL] No letup in Israeli iron fist on West Bank

2002-01-08 Thread William Shannon

No letup in Israeli iron fist on West Bank

By Richard Becker

"PM's Office: Arafat Stays Put," read the headline in the Dec. 26, 2001, Jerusalem Post. Translation: Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was continuing to prevent Palestinian Authority Chair Yasir Arafat from leaving the West Bank city of Ramallah, where he had been confined for the previous week.

For the first time in years, Arafat was prevented from traveling to the Palestinian city of Bethlehem for the traditional Christmas Eve ceremony on Dec. 24. A Muslim, the PA leader has attended the midnight mass every year since 1995. His attendance is seen as an expression of the unity of the Palestinian people regardless of religion. About 10 percent of Palestinians are Christians.

Israeli armor and infantry units surround Arafat's office in Ramallah. Many of the offices of the PA have been destroyed by U.S.-supplied F-16 fighter-bombers and attack helicopters in recent weeks.

Israeli military forces occupy much of the miniscule 5 percent of historic Palestine--Zone A, as it is called--that is supposedly under the control of the PA. Today about 60 percent of the tiny and densely populated Gaza Strip is Zone A, along with most of the eight largest Palestinian cities in the West Bank.

Israeli tanks and troops move freely in and out of Zone A, firing at will. At least 75 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire in the month of December alone. During the same period 37 Israelis were killed, most of them in two attacks by the Hamas-Islamic Resistance Movement.

The drive from Ramallah to Bethlehem would normally take no more than 30 minutes. But the situation has not been normal for a long time. The Israeli army has sealed off all of the main Palestinian cities. For Palestinians to travel from one West Bank city to another, they must pass through Israeli checkpoints, where they are almost always turned back.

Many of the roads have been dug up or blocked by concrete barriers brought in by Israeli army engineering units. The same is true of travel between different sections of Gaza. Nor is there any possibility of Palestinians traveling between the West Bank and Gaza, an hour-and-a-half drive, even for leading officials of the PA.

The fracturing of the West Bank and Gaza has greatly intensified the suffering of the people. Unemployment has soared along with poverty and hunger, while commercial activity has plummeted. The average West Bank Palestinian has one-tenth the per-capita income of an Israeli. For Gazans, it's far worse.

The Israeli soldiers have frequently used the checkpoints as a means of punishment and even torture, refusing to allow emergency medical cases to go through or slowing them down. Many deaths have resulted; many babies have been born in vehicles stopped on their way to hospitals.

A favorite Israeli checkpoint tactic last summer was to force Palestinian drivers to stay in their vehicles for hours in the broiling sun with the windows tightly shut.

Sharon provokes, demands 
no response

As a condition for re-starting negotiations Sharon has demanded a week of "absolute quiet" from the Palestinian side. The Palestinians must stop the struggle against the illegal occupation while nothing at all is required of the Israeli occupying army, according to this formula. Then, and only then, will the Israeli government agree to talk to the Palestinians.

Sharon, moreover, called the PA chair "irrelevant" and announced that the Israeli government would no longer talk to Arafat.

The U.S. has completely sided with the criminal Sharon regime. In astonishingly arrogant language, President Bush stated, "It is time for Arafat to perform."

Even as Arafat called for a cease-fire, the U.S. and Israel continued to step up their demands. When Hamas announced that it would halt armed actions inside the 1948 borders of Israel, while continuing the struggle in the West Bank and Gaza, U.S. officials responded by demanding that all resistance activities everywhere be halted.

Under international law, a people living under military occupation has the right to resist by whatever means are at its disposal. The universally hailed French Resistance to Nazi occupation in World War II used guerrilla tactics: ambush, sabotage, bombings, assassination of German officials, etc.

Virtually the entire world recognizes that the West Bank and Gaza, conquered by Israel in a 1967 war, are occupied territories. Even the U.S. government--which voted for United Nations resolutions 242 and 338 calling on Israel to withdraw--formally recognizes that the West Bank and Gaza are occupied lands.

Sharon, U.S. seek Palestinian 
civil war

Sharon's strategy of demanding Palestinian submission while Israel launches new provocations is designed to win support from U.S. public opinion. At the same time, Sharon, with the backing of the U.S., is seeking to split the Palestinian movement. What both the U.S. and Israel would really

[CTRL] Tony Blair & Wife Perform Chant Ritual To Lizards/Pyramid In Mexico

2002-01-08 Thread William Shannon

Tony Blair & Wife 
Perform Chant Ritual To 
Lizards/Pyramid In Mexico

By Lorne Gunter 

The Edmonton Journal 

In August, during a family holiday on the Mexican Riviera, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife, Cherie, went through a "rebirthing ritual." 

According to a report in the Dec. 15 edition of the Times of London, the Blairs stayed at the very swanky Maroma Hotel near Cancun, where rooms fetch as much as $1,800 Cdn a night. While there, they underwent the hybrid New Age/Mayan ceremony. 

Dressed only in bathing suits, Britain's first couple stood outside a brick pyramid on the hotel's grounds and bowed toward each point of the compass while chanting to each of the four winds. 

The spiritual leader of the ceremony encouraged them "to feel at one with Mother Earth," the Times reported, and to "experience inner feelings and visions." 

The Blairs then moved around the outside of the pyramid, one façade at a time, praying first to the Mayan symbols of the sun and baby lizards, signifying spring and childhood. They then prayed to another wall, on which a bird was painted, representing adolescence, summer and freedom. One a third was a crab for maturity and autumn, and finally a serpent for winter and transformation. 

Moving inside, Tony and Cherie immersed themselves in the herb-infused mist of a Mayan steam bath to sweat the physical and spiritual impurities from their bodies and to "balance their energy flow." 

Mayan holy songs were incanted as they meditated and attempted to conjure up visions of animals in the steamy air. The celebrant explained the meaning of each of their hallucinations. 

Before emerging from the pyramid, the Blairs were instructed to give voice to their hopes and fears (they said a prayer for world peace), and then undergo a "rebirth." 

This involved smearing one another with papaya and watermelon, then with mud from the Mayan jungle outside, the Times explained. 

Finally, while exiting the womb-door of the pyramid, "the Blairs were told to scream out loud to signify the pain" of birth. They then walked hand-in-hand to the beach for a dip in the Caribbean. 

I'm sorry. I know we live in a non-judgmental age in which no one's spiritual practices and beliefs are to be pronounced better or worse than those of any other (more on this in a minute), but this is just downright flaky. It is not just the antithesis of Christianity, but antipodal to the beliefs of all the world's major monotheistic religions, Judaism and Islam as well. 

It's just kooky. Any visions or spiritual ecstasy the Blairs experienced were psychosomatic, created by their own brains from their imaginations because of their need to say they saw something. 

Mrs. Blair is said to be a devotee of all sorts of similar (and similarly goofy) alternative therapies and spiritualisms. She is said to wear a "bio-electric shield" pendant filled with "magic crystals" to absorb the negative radiation of cellphones and computer terminals. She studies with a New Age guru and officially opened a holistic medical centre in November. 

Hillary Clinton, of course, while her husband Bill was President of the United States, famously met on numerous occasions in a conservatory at the White House with a mystic who helped her channel the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt. 

Aline Chretien, the wife of our own prime minister, was so devoted to the advice of psychic Jo-Jo Savard, that she once wrote a testimonial letter that figured prominently in television ads for Savard's psychic hotline. 

And, lest you think I am picking only on the wives of liberal politicians, Nancy Reagan, the wife of former U.S. President Ronald Reagan, was well known for her routine consulting of a West Coast astrologer for advice on when Ronnie should fly or hold press conferences. 

Now back to my point about this being a tolerant, non-judgmental age. 

I know I will be in the minority, at least within the chattering classes, for suggesting that the Blairs' enthusiastic participation in a rebirthing might raise questions about his intellectual fitness to preside over the British government. 

But now imagine the Blairs had instead joined in an ecstatic, full-immersion Christian baptism. Be honest, would you be as tolerant of them then as you are of their dabbling with Mayan paganism? 

If they had professed to have spoken in tongues, as many charismatic Christians do, would you be as tolerant and non-judgmental as you are of the Blairs' hallucinations in the basil and tarragon humidity of the Maroma Hotel's pyramid? 

Stockwell Day was deemed too dangerous to govern Canada by virtue of his fundamentalist Christian beliefs; why then is it any different to wonder if Tony Blair is too dangerous to govern Britain by virtue of his New Age spirituality? I am not a fundamentalist Christian. Yet I am curious why nearly every other faith or spirituality gets the benefit of the tolerance doubt, but not Christianity? 

[CTRL] Has Walker's Religious Quest Convinced The Administration To Go Easy?

2002-01-08 Thread William Shannon

Has Walker's Religious Quest Convinced The Administration To Go Easy?
 Thursday, Jan. 03, 2002

The case of John Walker, the American turned Taliban fighter and al Qaeda member, has proved challenging for the Bush Administration. When Walker was discovered in Afghanistan, the President's first reactions were tepid, as though Walker had been caught in a forgivable adolescent stunt.

Then Attorney General Ashcroft floated a trial balloon, suggesting that Walker might be charged with the crime of terrorist activity, with a maximum jail term of 10 years. The widespread view, however, was that the crime and the penalty were too light. As a result, the Administration now says other options are also on the table.

This back-and-forth raises an interesting question: Why has the Administration been so soft on Walker to date, despite the American public's clear preference for a stronger penalty for Walker's traitorous activities?

Does Walker's Religious Quest Play A Role? 

In the Administration's defense, the case presents serious legal hurdles. Many of these have been debated elsewhere - including the fact Congress never formally declared that the Afghanistan conflict was a war, and that two eyewitnesses are necessary to convict someone of treason. Yet the law of treason has been tested rarely enough to justify the Administration in trying to blaze a new legal path.

Thus, I wonder if there is not another element at play here, in the Administration's reluctance to charge Walker with treason. In the Administration's eyes, is the fact that Walker was on a religious quest significant in mitigating his culpability, even though the quest led him to join the enemy battling our military? After all, this is an Administration, like its predecessor actually, keenly attuned to religious life.

"Real" Religion: Purporting to Distinguish Walker's Beliefs From bin Laden's

Of course, one might point out in response that the Administration has hardly been soft on Osama bin Laden, even though he, too, claims religious motivation, and conclude that therefore religion has nothing to do with it. But paying more attention to the Administration's phrasing undermines that conclusion.

The Administration persistently has refused to acknowledge the scary reality that bin Laden is motivated by sincere if truly antisocial belief. Instead, it has argued over and over, usually via Colin Powell, that bin Laden's beliefs are not "true Muslim beliefs." In order to avoid acknowledging the monstrous truth that some religious beliefs lead to monstrous actions, the Administration and some in our society have had to pretend this it is not real religion prompting al Qaeda to act.

In taking this stance, however, the Administration has fallen into one of the most dangerous traps of our generation.

The McConnell Theory: Laws Come Second to Religious Beliefs

In 1990, Professor Michael McConnell published a Harvard Law Review article arguing that religious individuals have a constitutional right to be exempt from laws that conflict with their religious beliefs. McConnell's theory is worth understanding in order to gain a measure of insight into the Administration's Walker conundrum.

McConnell is an influential scholar who has been nominated by President Bush for a judgeship on the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. His article set the stage for a heated debate in academic and judicial quarters and society at large. The Supreme Court rightly rejected McConnell's reading of the Constitution in its 1990 decision in Employment Division v. Smith. But the debate still rages in the academy and the legislatures.

In his article, McConnell argued that the Free Exercise Clause was motivated by the theology of evangelicalism, which gives believers no choice but to follow God's dictates. Believers thus have no real choice but to disobey laws that conflict with their religious beliefs.

This theological argument has a lot of punch, because if that is how religion necessarily operates, then laws inconsistent with religious beliefs should come second - even if public safety, peace, and welfare are at stake. (McConnell acknowledged in his article that state free exercise clauses prevented citizens from abridging safety, peace, and welfare, but the logic of his reasoning from evangelical principles would admit of no such exceptions to the free exercise right.)

The Problem with McConnell's Theory: A Recipe for Anarchy 

McConnell's theory is appealing on its face, and I was initially convinced by it early in my career. Now, however, I believe its reasoning is a recipe for anarchy. Under McConnell's logic, religious belief becomes a full excuse from compliance with the law, and every citizen may carve out of the rule of law his or her own personal legal regime.

Moreover, McConnell's is not the only theological explanation of the s

[CTRL] Goldberg's ultimate hudzpah: media not Jewish enough

2002-01-08 Thread William Shannon

Goldberg's ultimate hudzpah: media not Jewish enough 


At first, he seemed like just another one of the types sent over from the left to lead the right. Bernard Goldberg, author of Bias, seemed destined to rank with Barry Goldwater, author of Conscience of a Conservative, in wooing dispossessed Americans into his leftist lair by posing as a "rightist." And, then, being discredited and brought down when exposed and countered.   

The ploy was not new. In fact, it had become almost commonplace, ever since Goldwater appeared on the scene as a "Messiah" after voting against the Civil Rights Bill in 1964, carrying arch-segregationist Mississippi with 86% of the vote as a presidential candidate. It was claimed that Goldwater was "really one of us" by the likes of Robert Welch, founder of the John Birch Society, William L. Buckley, editor of National Review and, later on, talk-show host, Rush Limbaugh.   

Taking power in the Republican Party, Goldwater, a life-time member of the NAACP, proceeded to dump established segregationists and push integration on a scale which dwarfed the efforts of even the Kennedies, although never counseling his own kinsmen to cohabit outside their own blood. The Arizona department-store owner ended his perfidious career by trying to repeal the Second Amendment, which guarantees the right to keep and bear arms.   

Goldberg received the same kind of "star" treatment. His book supposedly criticized the news media for being "biased." Goldberg's kinsmen own most of the news media, so any "attack" on them would seem to be a breaking of ranks, possibly a move to establish leadership over the right, which has, of late, been in open rebellion against New York and Hollywood. Nationalists have, actually, been calling for the overturning the entire media establishment, altogether.   

Arthur Neuharth's Gannett chain, for instance, was exposed by former newspaperman Tom Hamby as requiring the promotion of integration. Reporters were given "points" for photos and articles of whites and Negroes mixing together. Those failing to toe the miscegenationist line were axed. ABC's Nightline aired a "special" about Sam Bowers, tried by an affirmative-action jury thirty-five years after four previous juries had failed to convict him in the death of a Negro agitator. Although "experts" were presented, none mentioned that trying a man by such a kangaroo court might be a miscarriage of justice. 

Unmitigated gall   

But, Goldberg's book turned out to be a bit of a surprise. In English, the term would be "unmitigated gall." In Yiddish, the word is hudzpah. The author accused the news media of being biased against Israel. Ted Koppel just isn't doing enough to shore up Jewish bankers. Neither is Larry King interviewing enough members of the Israeli lobby nor Barbara Walters praising the Hollywood media-moguls enough.   

Never mind that when Richard Barrett appeared on WRC in Washington the station was deluged with calls from self-confessed Zionists wanting the interview stopped and the program banned. Or that when Nationalists venture to produce a television show calling for the cutting off of aid to Israel the Jewish Anti-Defamation League tries to badger stations to cancel it.   

Appearing on the G. Gordon Liddy Show, a nonplused Goldberg announced that there were not enough Jews in the news media and that not enough support was being given to Israel, with which Israelphile Liddy enthusiastically agreed. Goldberg exclaimed that when television producers use the phrase "tell me about the main character," they are, actually, using a secret "code" which means "keep the Negroes out." He concludes that broadcasters should "prove they are not biased" by placing more Negroes on the tube.   

Critics charge, however, that the exhorbitant number of Negroes and Jews being placed on television, these days, has caused the first downturn in viewership since the Fifties. Audiences are not only turning off the integrated bill-of-fare, but catapulting the popularity of pre-Civil Rights Act "oldies," even dating back to silent-film days.   

Notwithstanding, if Goldberg is to be believed, Jews are biased against Jews. And, whites must demand that Jews be less-biased against their own kind. Never mind that President George W. Bush has been saluting the Israeli flag in the White House, the head of the Pentagon is Donald Rumsfeld, whose second in command is Paul Wolfowitz, and presidential-spokesman is Ari Fleischer. Never mind that Israel has embroiled America in an atrocity-laden war to "make the world safe for Zionists," whether on the West Bank or the East River. 

No Jewish supremacists   

Goldberg finds no "bias" in the hysterical characterizing of Columbine-rampager Dylan Klebold in the press as a "white supremacist," only to fade to black when it was discovered that the killer was a Jew. When is the term 

[CTRL] 04 JANUARY 2002 Federalist Edition #02-01

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Conservative e-Journal of Record
* Veritas Vos Liberabit *

04 JANUARY 2002
Federalist Edition #02-01
Friday Digest

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The Foundation
Federalist Perspective


On behalf of The Federalist Editorial Board and staff, we are both
grateful and humbled by your encouragement and support in 2001. Though
we are still short of operating funds to get us through Independence
Day, we expect to meet our deadlines without interruption -- God


"The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man
living with power to endanger the public liberty."  --John Adams


Top of the fold...

The new year began without a repeat of terror strikes, but with
ominous auguries.  The Afghanistan front in our war on Jihadistan is
still in the dangerous phase of stalking wily prey. Al Qaeda's Osama
bin Laden is still alive and well, based on information from
intelligence assets close to the terror chief -- and sources tell The
Federalist that he is believed still to be in the northeastern
mountains of Afghanistan.

In his last video release of vitriolic enmity, bin Laden again praised
the 9-11 attacks on the U.S., restating his goals: "Our terrorism is
against America. Our terrorism is a blessed terrorism to prevent the
unjust person from committing injustice." And one piece of recent
intel disclosed that al Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al Zawahiri was
counseling a guerrilla-style retreat and regrouping as airstrikes
shook the Tora Bora caves where these evildoers were hunkering and
hiding. "The movement must pull out as many personnel as possible to
the safety of a shelter." Zawahiri further noted the terror group's
urgent circumstances, saying if they did not live to fight another
day, the 9-11 attacks "will be nothing more than disturbing acts,
regardless of their magnitude, that could be absorbed and endured."

Deposed Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, near the town of Baghran
in southern Afghanistan, is surrounded by supporters endeavoring to
negotiate terms of his surrender. And our Afghan allies confirmed one
great success in such endeavors last week, when our warplanes bombed
an eastern Afghanistan house where former Taliban intelligence chief
Qari Ahmadulla was hiding with associates. Moreover, our forces by
Thursday had taken into custody 248 detainees, who should soon
experience just rewards for their misdeeds.

And the hunt has now gone worldwide. "The [al Qaeda] network is well
organized," said Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. "It's global. We
continue to get additional intelligence information which reinforces
our conviction as to the breadth and depth of that terrorist network."
But Mr. Rumsfeld also noted,  "Their ability to move freely around the
world was much easier three months ago than it is today."

Sources tell The Federalist that there are currently military urban
assault teams positioned to strike in at least seven nations, ready to
lower the boom on terrorist cells. Gen. Tommy Franks,
commander-in-chief of U.S. Central Command, advised: "It is too early
to suggest which countries, but it is not too early to remind
ourselves that September 11 put us on course to root out this
terrorist problem around the world. If you look within this region and
other places around the planet, you find a lot of states which we
categorize as sponsors of terrorism, ... [and military operations are]
going on in a great many places that are designed to do away with
these pockets of terrorism."

And lest anyone avert their focus too far from home, FBI sources
confirm that there are still al Qaeda cells imbedded in American
suburbs, though, as with their Jihadistan infidels around the world,
their ability to function has been greatly diminished and the threat
they pose is reduced with each passing day as the FBI tightens the

President George W. Bush, marking the year's end as
Commander-in-Chief, noted,
"We are determined to fight this evil and fight until we are rid of
it. We will not wait for more innocent deaths. We will not wait for
the authors of mass murder to gain the weapons of mass destruction. We
act now because we must lift this dark threat from our age and save
generations to come."

(Relatedly, the Bush administration rounded out the year by adding six
European groups to its terrorist target list -- five active in Britain

[CTRL] Enron reflected in gold accounts racket

2002-01-08 Thread William Shannon

Enron reflected in gold accounts racket 

 By: Tim Wood

Posted: 2002/01/07 Mon 10:29  | © Miningweb 1997-2002

PRINCETON, NJ -- The circle is closing on US government accounting improprieties that mirror the events behind Enron's collapse. James Turk, full-time proprietor of GoldMoney.com and part-time conspiracy sleuth, has uncovered the sort of slick financial scheming that gave investors cause to abandon Enron. If the US no longer owns much gold reserve after pledging it for use in dubious off balance sheet transactions, then there is also every reason to short the country's stock - the dollar.

Turk shows that the application of business accounting standards to the national accounts has forced a clean up in how the US Treasury and Federal Reserve deal with gold. The net result is a $20 billion hole in the US balance sheet.

What he has found does not irrefutably prove the alleged conspiracy against gold, but the fast and loose behavior evident in Fed and Treasury accounting is astonishing. There is no company that could massage its accounts so blatantly, for so long, and not get carpeted for it. But, what is government's purpose if not to formalize dishonesty?


The first fiddle relates to the pricing of gold. Prior to 1997, the US gold reserve was priced at market value while gold liabilities were priced at $42.22. Hardly a conservative interpretation of assets and liabilities… GAAP makes that sort of fudge illegal, so the consolidated financial statements reflect the arbitrary lower value for both.

That pricing change neatly squares the $11 billion in gold the Treasury makes available to the Fed with its entire stock of bullion – 261.7 million ounces. A fifth of that gold appears to be in foreign hands.

Turk has argued previously that the US swapped 1,700 tonnes (54.7moz) of bullion with Germany's central bank, but could find no record in the accounts for it. Now he believes the transaction is revealed within a $31.2 billion foreign currency liability item.

He says the swap transaction was further secured by an issue of Special Drawing Rights (IMF funny money). The Bundesbank then transferred ownership of its gold to the US's Exchange Stabilization Fund which made it available to the bullion banks, presumably to cap increases in the metal's price. 

Turk supports his interpretation of the Bundesbank's call on US gold with the inexplicable reclassification of gold vaulted at Westpoint from "Bullion Reserve" to "Custodial Gold." Accounting phraseology is always more art than science, but its underlying meaning is always purposeful. 

Some bad news

While the new findings contribute greatly to making the case for a conspiracy to suppress the gold price, it is not all positive. 

Firstly, the Fed and Treasury are not acting illegally. Indeed, they are merely practicing that peculiar modern American art – doing what is legal even when it is wrong. They are free to act beyond the purview of Congress and are enjoying that liberty thoroughly.

Second, the national financial statements reveal a negative net worth of around $6 trillion. That makes gold a pinprick in the whole scheme of things. At $300 an ounce, the entire gold stock is only worth $80 billion, or a mere 1.6 per cent of the problem. In that sense it looks irrelevant in the whole scheme of things.

However, don't be too quick to dismiss the impact. Would you have rather owned Enron's oil and gas or its stock and bonds when things got pear shaped?

Answers are overdue

The Enron example goes further. When questions about Enron's murky accounting were first asked of ex-CEO Jeff Skilling and Chairman Ken Lay early last year, they brushed aside the critics as morons. But the morons were right all along. 

The least a chief executive can do when confronted with evidence of accounting problems is to reassure investors that all is well. As Enron demonstrated, personal assurances are not enough. Complete transparency is required or your stock is going to get flushed past the s-bend. 

Of course, you may not give a rat's backside about your shareholders because you set the stock price in the first place and you know you'll get paid the super pension regardless. Then the investors are going to get flushed. The best shareholders can do is at take a little insurance, say 5 per cent of your portfolio, and spend it on gold.

[CTRL] mixed muck 1-8

2002-01-08 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

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Re: [CTRL] Argentina: An Anti-IMF Revolution

2002-01-08 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

i thank you for your comments...i will send this on...

--- Martin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Having been in Argentina during those turbulent events, I have to
> say
> parts of this article are very inaccurate.
> The streets were not "filled with the bodies of those shot dead",
> although it seemed to our hearts, there were much too many, there
> where
> 28 dead as the result of looting, riots and police repression.
> Middle class didn't joined an "underclass popular rebellion"
> better to
> be called plain looting product of extreme poverty and a bit of
> manipulation, the middle class went to the streets with their
> families
> absolutely without violence to express their disagreement with
> the
> politicians mediocrity and their failure to conduct the nation's
> destiny. By the time extremists joined the protest, late that
> night, and
> with the first signs of violence, the immense majority retired
> back to
> their homes, to avoid this protest being associated with
> vandalism.
> >>In an effort to inject some semblance of cash into the economy
> and
> allow people to buy things like bread, the new president has
> announced
> >>the creation of a new currency, the argentino. This currency
> will join
> the peso and the dollar in January as the third form of legal >>>
> The idea of the argentino was not to "allow people to buy things
> like
> bread"!, (). Was simply a medium to help the way of a
> controlled
> devaluation. This is now just an idea, never came true. The peso
> has
> been devaluated today from 1 to 1 to 1.4 to 1.
> >>The old government didn't fall easily. In the face of universal
> outrage and days of street protests, somebody ordered the police
> to >>
> >>respond with live ammunition. The two dozen shooting deaths
> initially
> reported as being by shopkeepers defending their property from >>
> >>looters are now known to have been caused by police-issue
> bullets. And
> rather than firing against looters it appears the guns were
> turned
> >>upon peacefully demonstrating protesters. No one will admit to
> giving
> the order in which unarmed people were shot in the back by >>
> >>policemen in clear view of witnesses.
> Alas! This is accurate.
> >>The specter of a new dictatorship to once again "rescue"
> Argentina
> looms on the horizon. While ordinary Argentineans see their net
> worth
> Does not...citizenship maturity arises.
> Seems like many journalist would like to picture the people of
> this
> country as in the middle of a dramatic civil war walking the
> streets
> with torches trying to flame everything, the real picture is less
> "yellowish" but much more dramatically, it's the people telling
> their
> leaders you are mediocre stop stealing and start building back.
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing
> propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These
> are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths,
> mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different
> groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time
> and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of
> posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives
> no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

> Archives Available at:
> http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

[CTRL] CONGRESS ACTION: January 6, 2001

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

CONGRESS ACTION: January 6, 2001


ENDANGERED SPECIES FRAUD: Left-wing extremists will do just about anything to
advance their agenda -- including lies, fraud, and even committing acts of
violence. Several biologists who worked for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service,
the U.S. Forest Service, and the Washington State Department of Fish &
Wildlife came under investigation when, as part of an ongoing national survey
begun during the Clinton administration to study the habitat of the allegedly
endangered Canadian lynx, they planted false samples of lynx fur at locations
in various Washington state forests. If it was determined that lynx habitats
included those new areas, most human activity would have been banned. The
areas already off limits to most human use, in order to protect lynx
habitats, are not considered expansive enough by radical environmentalists.
Those who recall the arson committed by environmental terrorists at the Vail
Ski Resort in 1998, causing millions of dollars of damage, may also recall
that that arson was claimed to be in defense of lynx habitats. The biologists
accused were given counseling, and six of them have since retired.

Imagine if the reverse had taken place. Imagine if private property advocates
intentionally killed endangered species found on private land, in an attempt
to portray the land in question as free from such species so that it could be
developed? Actually, we know what happens -- even when the killing is purely
accidental. Remember that hapless California farmer who made the mistake of
accidentally killing five rats while plowing his fields in 1994? The feds
thought the rats in question were endangered Tipton kangaroo rats, and
launched a paramilitary raid of heavily armed agents to arrest the farmer and
seize the instrument of his crime -- his tractor. The feds then threatened
the farmer with 3 years in prison, a $300,000 fine, forfeiture of half of his
farm, and payment of $172,425 into a fund to operate a wildlife preserve. In
the end the feds were embarrassed into dropping the charges, settling the
case for a $5000 "voluntary" donation by the farmer to a local habitat
conservation fund.

One arrogant Earth Liberation Front spokesman denied that
environmentally-inspired arsons were terrorism at all with the following
empty-headed inanity: "How can you be violent against a piece of property.
It's ridiculous. How can you be a terrorist if you're just destroying a
building and nobody's in it?" A building, it must be pointed out, that he
didn't own, and that was torched with the specific intention of trying to
change the behavior of the person who owned it, such as inducing the owner to
abandon the property. By those standards, if bin Laden's plans had come to
fruition a few hours earlier and the World Trade Center was unoccupied, that
ELF idiot would probably have praised Al Qaida.

TALIBAN JOHN: Those who thought that the root cause of John Walker's decision
to take up arms against his country and fight alongside the Afghan Taliban
was his left-wing upbringing, sorry, you just don't get it. It wasn't treason
-- it was TV ads. Walker, you see, was simply pursuing "personal
authenticity" as demanded by American corporate consumerism. The New York
Times explained it all: "Extremism in the pursuit of intensity, the ad men
tell us, is no vice. . Maybe the boy Talib is simply an attentive consumer,
his ill-fated affair with extreme Islam merely a twisted continuation of his
search for the weapons-grade authenticity promised him so many times by
manufacturers of bell-bottom jeans and lemon-lime soda." Well, now that
that's settled, let's not hear any more talk about trials and treason! Just
give "the boy Talib" a plane ticket to the next protest against the World
Trade Organization, and the man who thought living a stone-age existence
practicing an ideology that treats women like dirt can take his rightful
place in the front ranks of the movement that thinks the whole world should
go back to living a stone-age existence.

And speaking of an ideology that treats women like dirt, we can thank an
"internationally renowned feminist", quoted in the Washington Post, for
enlightening us about the root cause of terrorism in general and the Taliban
in particular: "Travel to the heart of darkness that is terrorism and you
will find that one of its causes -- not much spoken about -- is the
definition of manhood that has been ingrained in nearly every society for
centuries." See -- it's all the fault of that standard feminist canard, the
male-dominated patriarchal society. The psycho-babble prattled on, "The
terrorist is the ultimate sexual idol of a male-centered cultural tradition..
The tragedy is this won't change until we raise our kids differently. There
will always be somebody willing to die for a cause." You know, willing to die
for a cause like those firemen who 

[CTRL] The ACLU and Military Commissions

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The ACLU and Military Commissions There is escalating debate, fueled by the
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and fostered by the media, about
Military Commissions. This following identifies and briefly discusses some of
the salient issues.

Military Commissions are not tribunals and they are neither courts-martial
nor courts of law. Military Commissions have their origins, as far as this
country is concerned, in English law that was adopted by the United States
upon its independence from England. There was a time when defeated
soldiers/officers were summarily killed, and if they were not killed,
sometimes they were enslaved or otherwise subjugated. With the passage of
time and the advent of more civilized warfare, (now there's an oxymoron),
some prisoners were brought before panels of the more enlightened European
countries, composed of military officials and were afforded the right to a

Fast forward. About 2500 International Tribunals were impaneled following
World War II. They were composed of selected civilian officials. As an aside,
two notable US Military Commissions were impaneled by General MacArthur
involving two Japanese Generals; both were executed, one by firing squad, the
other by hanging. Where it could be argued that international terrorism is an
inherently international issue that the UN should establish Tribunals to meet
out justice equitably. I disagree. The attacks of September 11th were
perpetrated against the United States; the Federal Government should not
abrogate US sovereignty to any International Tribunal where it is more than
likely to become an international media and propaganda circus than trial
proceedings. For similar, but not all-inclusive reasons, proceedings should
not be broadcast live.

Heretofore, Military Commissions use by the United States has been: to try
lawful combatants for violating the Law of War, or for committing crimes
against humanity; to try unlawful combatants, such as spies, unorganized
guerrilla fighters, and civilian terrorists for violating any law; and, to
try anyone for violating an law or military rule in a place under martial
law. At present, the rules of evidence, exclusions, witnesses, proof and
punishment are being devised by the Secretary of Defense with guidance
contained in the President's Military Order: Detention, Treatment, and Trial
of certain non-citizens in the war against terrorism. In the order, Section
2. (a), President Bush foreclosed the possibility of trying American citizens

Military Commissions are Constitutional, in the US Code and are the
prerogative of the President as spelled out in US Code, Title 10, Article 36,
of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, (UCMJ). They are an extension of
warfare and are not under the jurisdiction of the Justice Department or other
civil forum. The President has the authority to remove an applicable case
from District Court jurisdiction to a Military Commission and vice versa, as
circumstances warrant although it has never been done. With that noted, it
could happen, and it is the writer's hope that upon promulgation of the rules
for Military Commissions by the Secretary of Defense, Moussaoui will be moved
from District Court jurisdiction to a Military Commission for trial.

There have been challenges that made their way to the US Supreme Court as to
sentences, findings, (some challenges were before findings), and for
injunctive relief. Where the Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that Military
Commissions are Constitutional, it has held that American citizens cannot be
tried thereby as in "Milligan," a northern sympathizer with the South who
acted on his own, on behalf of the Confederacy during the Civil War; but
excepted in "Quirin," the case of an naturalized American citizen, "Haupt,"
who was as a German spy during WWII and who, when captured, claimed American
citizenship and the associated "Milligan" exemption. Whereas Milligan acted
on his own, Haupt by virtue of his allegiance to a foreign enemy and his
taking up arms on behalf of that enemy, was subject to military punishment,
rather than criminal justice. Haupt was "fair game" for a Military

Courts Martial are reserved for American military personnel who violate the
UCMJ and for prisoners of war who violate the rules while in captivity and
consequently may, but are not required to be tried by court-martial. What
about "American Taliban," Walker? Since Walker rendered allegiance to the
Taliban, engaged in combat on their behalf, subjected himself to their
control, it is the writer's opinion that he may have forfeited his American
citizenship. A determination as to citizenship is likely under active
consideration. If he is determined to have forfeited citizenship, he could be
tried before a Military Commission if it is determined that he committed a
violation of the Law

[CTRL] Week Ending: 5 January 2002/21 Tevet 5762

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

A weekly update of news and events regarding the nation and the people of

Week Ending: 5 January 2002/21 Tevet 5762

"Therefore say, 'Thus says the L-rd G-d, "Though I had removed them far
away among the nations, and though I had scattered them among the
countries, yet I was a sanctuary for them a little while in the countries
where they had gone."' Therefore say, 'Thus says the L-rd G-d, "I shall
gather you from the peoples and assemble you out of the countries among
which you have been scattered, and I shall give you the land of Israel."'"
Ezekiel 11.16-17

This Week's Headlines:


:: ISRAEL SEIZES WEAPONS SHIP: Israel Defense Forces Navy and Air Force
units captured a freighter in the Red Sea early Friday morning carrying 50
tons of weaponry and bound for Palestinian Authority [PA/PLO] occupied
territory, THE JERUSALEM POST reported. The ship originated from a port in
Iran and was loaded with weapons purchased there as well, Chief of General
Staff Lt.-Gen. Shaul Mofaz announced at a press conference. The Karin A, a
4,000-ton freighter owned and captained by a PA/PLO naval policeman, was
boarded by Israeli naval commandos without any altercations, about 500
nautical miles south of Israel in an operation code-named Noah's Ark. The
ship was loaded with long-range Katyusha rockets, LAW anti-tank missiles,
Sagger anti-tank missiles, long-range mortars, mines, and many explosives.
According to a CHANNEL 1 NEWS report on Saturday night, Omar Akawi, deputy
commander of the PA/PLO Naval Police, told Israeli investigators that the
Karin A freighter was heading to PA/PLO occupied Gaza with some 50 tons of
weapons on board. He explained the ship's route was to avoid Israeli
security in the north. Among the crew members aboard the weapons-laden ship
were PA/PLO officers and a Hizb'Allah member, Israeli officials revealed.
Defense Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer said that the weapons-smuggling
attempt showed that the PA/PLO is turning towards war, Israel Radio
reported. He also said that the capture of the vessel exposes the PA/PLO's
cynicism -- investing money to obtain weapons instead of helping the
Palestinian people. PLO Chairman Yasir Arafat almost certainly personally
approved the attempt to smuggle over 50 tons of arms on the ship that was
captured by IDF commandos in the Red Sea on Thursday, Israeli intelligence
sources said Saturday. The sources said the arms had cost the Palestinians
$15 million, plus another $400,000 for the ship itself, adding that such an
expensive deal would almost certainly have been personally approved by
Arafat, as he usually was the one to give the green light to exceptional
expenditures. The sources said Arafat's personal approval would also have
been needed for the contacts with Iran, which Israel believes supplied the
weapons, as the operation was considered a sensitive matter because of
Iran-U.S. relations.

In an effort to minimize damage from the capture of the weapons freighter
by Israel, the PA/PLO continues issuing denials, insisting it is not
connected to the ship. This despite the fact the boat is owned by the
PA/PLO and was being operated by a PA/PLO naval officer. The PA/PLO is now
calling for a third party to investigate the details of the case, claiming
Israel's tying the boat and weapons to the PA/PLO is not based on fact. The
PA/PLO effort is being assisted by the US administration and the NY TIMES.

:: ZINNI ARRIVES, RESTRICTIONS EASED: U.S. Envoy Gen. Anthony Zinni arrived
in Israel Thursday on a four-day mission to meet with Israeli and Arab
leaders. Zinni says he is optimistic of guiding Israelis and Palestinians
towards a truce, after Israel said it would ease its blockade of
Palestinian areas and the Palestinian continued clampdown on terrorists.
Israeli-Palestinian security talks chaired by Zinni are due to resume for
the first time in a month on Sunday. They will coincide with the arrival of
European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana who hopes to build on
Zinni's efforts. Zinni ends his four-day mission on Monday, and Palestinian
officials said he was expected to return to the region on 18 January to
evaluate progress.

In anticipation of Gen. Zinni's arrival, DM Ben-Eliezer ordered a
significant easing of restrictions on the general Arab population
throughout Yesha (Judea, Samaria and Gaza). The IDF [Israel Defense Force]
retreated from almost all positions it seized after the Emanuel bus bombing
on 12 December. Soldiers withdrew from the city of Jenin and the a-Tira
neighborhood of Ram'Allah, both under PA/PLO con

[CTRL] Clinton's Connection To Our Dangerous Future Part 2

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Whoever controls the media controls a nation’s policy apparatus and how a
nation thinks. As a media-created and media-controlled puppet Clinton’s
mind-set projected into his foreign policy. Israel continues to be harassed
and attacked by Palestinians who want to exterminate all Jews. This had the
quiet, tacit approval of Clinton during his term in office. The classic hated
of father was obvious in Clinton’s Mideast policy. Whenever Israel took a
stand against the incessant Palestinian violence, Arafat was offended and
outraged. He became expert at pretending the Palestinians were victims of
Israeli aggression.

What did Clinton do? He encouraged and often tried to intimidate Israel into
making peace, meaning "give in to the tyrants." His phony peace initiatives
conned the world into believing that both sides were morally equivalent. As
designed, this fueled a Palestinian aggression that aimed to annihilate
Israel. This is only one small aspect of Clinton’s political pathology, being
an early convert to feminism. He is still connected to our tumultuous future.

The "no energy policy" of the Clinton administration was carefully crafted to
make our country weak and dependent on foreign oil. Clearly this policy
created a dependency on America-hating Islamic oil producers. These are the
same dictators who yearn to drive a spear through our hearts. They fear the
redeeming power of America and Israel. They dream of overcoming us but lack
the military strength to do so. So, like all spiders who are not fighters,
they set web-traps for America to fall into. The oil trap is only the

In the Balkans the same Clinton/Blair treachery was at work when they took
the wrong side in favor of what we were told were "ethnic Albanians."
Actually they were Muslims out to populate and take over Kosovo, setting the
stage for the real prize, a later invasion of Europe. This trail of
father-hating blood can be traced around the world. But the corpse is here in

What would you call Mexican nationals who out-populate American citizens in a
few western states? The media call them Immigrants, often painting the
picture that they are only looking for a chance to escape poverty. What many
of them really want is to establish their own communist government in
Southern California! The border policy, especially during Clinton’s term,
showed that government refused to see this problem for what it was, an act of
war. By bombing Yugoslavia, perhaps Bill Clinton unwittingly set a precedent.
What should we do in the event that "ethnic Mexicans" want to claim
California as Mexican territory? If we defend ourselves, we would then look
like the aggressor. What then? Easy answer, a United Nations intervention
with all those foreign generals itching to get onto American soil.

The hell that begins with a man’s abuse of woman is global in its
implications. Western-style democracy collapsed in Iran, allowing the
Ayatollah to rise to power. Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, crumbled into a
murderous anarchy. South Africa descended into a violent, AIDS-ravaged,
despotic, black-communist, racist dictatorship. The United Kingdom is mostly
a country of broken homes, where children can’t read or write, and where
crime is out of control. Europe is degenerating into a nation of socialist
states, all hushed by the same propaganda. America is not far behind the
disintegrating European alliance.

Our fall accelerated when we lost the war in Vietnam. Our returning sons were
degraded and spat upon by media-poisoned Americans. Little was said about the
slaughter of one million pro-American South Vietnamese. A vile and violent
socialism is now working behind the scenes there and elsewhere. Communism is
not dead as we are told. Its work to corrupt all of our institutions is near
complete, having turned us against our founding fathers.

Clinton was America’s Manchurian candidate, financed by American-bred
betrayers who recognized early on that his background and woman-centered
personality would serve their purposes well. Who do you suppose financed his
rise to power? And who do you suppose saved him from impeachment? Surely you
can now see the media flaunting their victory it in our faces, daily.

Bill Clinton, like most men who have no masculine reference, remains
unconscious of what drives him. He still feels what his mother, now his wife,
feels toward everything masculine. There is no real Bill Clinton, as God made
him at birth; he has been displaced. He is both the manipulator and
manipulated. He is controlled through his need to be reassured, and controls
others through reassuring them. He derived his base of political power
through rewarding an irresponsible electorate of passive- aggressive men and
women. He placed many of his most devious co-haters in positions of power,
especially in the judiciary.

When President Clinton was firs

[CTRL] Bush says terror war may require deficits

2002-01-08 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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AFP. 8 January 2002. Bush says terror war may require deficits.

President George W. Bush said US federal budget deficits may be the
price to pay to battle global terrorism, ensure homeland security and
pull the US economy out of recession.

Bush noted his administration had said deficits are justified in times
of war, national emergency, or recession, "and we're still at all
three," as he worked to ensure voters that he is focused on restoring

Bush acknowledged that "we may not balance the budget" for 2003 but
rejected calls to slow or freeze portions of his 11-year, 1.35
trillion-dollar tax cut that affect the richest Americans.

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[CTRL] Clinton's Connection To Our Dangerous Future Part 1

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Clinton's Connection To Our Dangerous Future

By  Roy Masters

It is said that the history of a nation can be likened to the life of a
single man. Likewise the life of a single man can be a snapshot of a nation’s
history. Little is more true when analyzing the life and personality of one
of America’s most enigmatic chief executives, ex-president William Jefferson
Clinton. My analysis of Clinton’s behavior, while not based on intimate
knowledge, is grounded in certain simple principles that apply to anyone in
similar circumstances.

It is irrelevant whether Clinton's mother was married three, four, five or
six times. Anyone who practices serial matrimony and promiscuity is a loser
on many levels, with certain identifiable character flaws, easily observable.
The real relevance here isn’t all the gory details we already know about but
to open the aperture of understanding so as to see what has happened all over
America and to gauge the extent of Clinton’s connection to America’s
dangerous future.

It is an established psychological fact that all children bond to their
mothers at birth. They tend to feel whatever mother feels toward anything or
anyone, especially dad. As a young boy, Bill Clinton saw the world through
his mother’s eyes. As president of the United States, he projected his
mother’s lifelong hostility toward men onto patriarchal America. His mother's
contempt for her father classically duplicated itself and was carried forward
through her as a compulsion to sabotage all male relationships. Like all
abused women she tended to choose abusive men or set good men up to fail.
Then she, again classically, reacted like a victim of male abuse.

As Clinton's embittered mother reached sexual maturity, she began to work her
revenge on men by selecting mates (fathers) with that special weakness for
women. Following the hook-ups she becomes confusing and manipulating, as if
to punish men for their abusive weakness. These dark skills were passed on to
young Clinton, who rose to the highest office on earth and was celebrated for
his ability to confound and confuse.

With no knowledge of it in early childhood, Clinton identified with what his
mother felt toward men. Little did he or she realize that he was set up to
project her contempt toward everything American and masculine. This
development, spreading itself far beyond Little Rock, shaped Clinton’s hidden
perception and behavior towards women. In time he actually became like his
abusive fathers, the kind of man his mother secretly hated. Clinton’s altered
identity drove him to seek completion and absolution through many unsavory
affairs. By the time of college his degraded ego had already learned how to
survive by setting others up to fail. Such a person’s entire sense of worth
comes to depend upon a typical rush to judgment in all matters.

Since ancient times the fall of empires and nations has come by exploiting
the inherited enmity between men and women. Our liberal media now promote
America’s demise by a scorched-earth cultural war against manhood. The
biggest casualty may be not those men who live now but succeeding generations
of boys. In the past 50 years the cultures of America and Europe have both
fallen on this sword. Long before young boys become men they are set up to
become feminized failures.

No nation can survive the loss of its manhood. Real heroes and natural
leaders have been displaced with perverts, rock stars and flamboyants of all
kinds. Now out of the closet, the Left works tirelessly for the chaotic
collapse of our patriarchal Democratic Republic, replacing it with an
effeminate socialism.

Young Clinton's abuse and neglect by the men his mother chose and frustrated
caused him to turn against his own masculinity only to take refuge in his
mother's compassion. Seeing his mother as the abused victim of beastly men
literally spawned in him a strange sympathy for evil. It is in this stage of
evolution that he began to bond with everything female including the
political art of conniving. At 16 years old he knew he would be a politician.

An unhealthy craving for women is not love in any sense and honest women know
it. Such need, masquerading as love, typically devolves into a slavish
loyalty to lust. Like other men born to a mother void of genuine love,
Clinton became a lecherous, co-dependent male, growing ever more abusive for
the sake of his psychosexual need. In this he was just like all his fathers
before him. Here is the pattern and principal. Angry, abused women set men up
to fail, who in turn degrade women. Children growing up under an angry,
abused woman’s roof become the next generation’s abusers, both male and
female. This is the age-old enmity that Liberals encourage, using it to
demoralize and bring down a masculine nation, giving them control of the
clean-up, and l

[CTRL] Kissinger Had a Hand in 'Dirty War'

2002-01-08 Thread William Shannon

January 28, 2002 

Kissinger Had a Hand in 'Dirty War'
Posted Jan. 7, 2002
By Martin Edwin Andersen and John Dinges

Newly released U.S. documents obtained by Insight show that in 1976 Secretary of State Henry Kissinger played a key role in assuring Argentina's military rulers that their antiterrorist campaign involving the disappearance, torture and assassination of at least 15,000 people — many of whom were not combatants — would not be criticized by the United States on human-rights grounds.

The documents, which cover events between June and October of that year — the period of some of the most intense repression in Argentina — show that the military regime was "convinced that there was no real problem with the United States over the issue." The Argentine foreign minister, Adm. Cesar Guzzetti, drew that conclusion after meetings in October 1976 with Kissinger, Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and other top State Department officials, according to a U.S. Embassy cable.

The new documents provide a detailed look at the bitter dispute about U.S. support for a military dictatorship and include a rare example of an ambassador daring directly to oppose Kissinger, one of the most powerful figures in postwar U.S. history.

U.S. Ambassador Robert Hill described Guzzetti as "euphoric" and "almost ecstatic" and "in a state of jubilation" after returning from Washington to report on the meetings to Argentine President Jorge R. Videla. According to Hill, who since has died, "[Guzzetti] said the vice president urged him to advise President Videla to 'finish the terrorist problem quickly.' " 

Hill, in contrast, showed barely concealed outrage that his superiors in Washington were undercutting his efforts to encourage human-rights improvements. His three-page cable, dated Oct. 19, 1976, had the effect of putting "bitter criticism" of Kissinger's handling of the meetings with Guzzetti on the record, according to a memo by another U.S. official who recommended an immediate response. 

Hill quoted Guzzetti as saying Kissinger "had assured him that the United States 'wants to help Argentina.' " Kissinger told Guzzetti "that if the terrorist problem was over by December or January, he [the secretary] believed serious problems could be avoided in the United States," according to Hill's cable. A reply to Hill from Kissinger's chief Latin American officer claimed Guzzetti "heard only what he wanted to hear" and had arrived at his interpretation "perhaps [because of] his poor grasp of English." 

Hill, in a carefully phrased "comment" ending the cable to Washington, veils his criticism of Kissinger by speaking only in terms of Guzzetti's impressions of the meetings. But, significantly, Hill seems to stress that Guzzetti received the same message from a total of five top U.S. officials in four separate meetings, and Hill does not raise the possibility that Guzzetti misinterpreted what he heard in those meetings. 

Guzzetti's meetings in Washington, coming just six months after the coup against the constitutional left-wing government of Isabel Peron, took place at a critical time in Argentina. Before Guzzetti traveled to the United States, Hill forcefully told him that the continuing atrocities could not be defended. In the view of the United States, Hill recalled in a subsequent cable to the State Department, dated Sept. 20, 1976, having told Guzzetti that "murdering priests and dumping 47 bodies in the street in one day could not be seen in context of defeating the terrorists quickly; on the contrary, such acts were probably counterproductive. What the USG [U.S. government] hoped was that the GOA [government of Argentina] could soon defeat terrorists, yes, but do so as nearly as possible within the law."

Guzzetti went to the United States "fully expecting to hear some strong, firm, direct warnings on his government's human-rights practices," Hill wrote after meeting with the Argentine leader upon the latter's return to Buenos Aires. "Rather than that, he has returned in a state of jubilation, convinced that there is no real problem with the United States over this issue. Based on what Guzzetti is doubtless reporting to the GOA, it must now believe that if it has any problems with the U.S. over human rights, they are confined to certain elements of Congress and what it regards as biased and/or uninformed minor segments of public opinion." 

Hill ended the cable on a pessimistic note: "While this conviction exists, it will be unrealistic and ineffective for this Embassy to press representations to the GOA over human-rights violations." 

The documents are part of thousands of pages of secret archives on U.S.-Argentine diplomacy that were declassified following a visit by then-secretary of state Madeleine Albright to Buenos Aires in 2000, during which she promised their release. The cables cited in this article were obtained by Insight in anticipation

Re: [CTRL] Operation Enduring Freedom = Operation Final Solution

2002-01-08 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> -- Forwarded message --
> Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 13:09:46 -0800 (PST)
> From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Trotskyite Regime turns to "The Final Solution" to the
> Muslim
> Problem
> The US Puppet Government seems inclined to obey its Trotskyite
> masters
> once again.

methinks that the NWO has in mind that 10% of the world's wealth be
divvied up between us all and 90% for them...

mealsothinks that trotsky would cringe at this

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2002-01-08 Thread William Shannon

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x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture


= = = = = = = =

Explosive New Book Published in France Alleges that U.S.
Was in Negotiations to Do a Deal with Taliban

Aired January 8, 2002 - 07:34 ET

PAULA ZAHN, CNN ANCHOR: Time to check in with ambassador-in-
residence, Richard Butler, this morning. An explosive new book published
in France alleges that the United States was in negotiations to do a deal
with the Taliban for an oil pipeline in Afghanistan.

Joining us right now is Richard Butler to shed some light on this new book.
He is the former chief U.N. weapons inspector. He is now on the Council
on Foreign Relations and our own ambassador-in- residence -- good

morning, Paula.

ZAHN: Boy, if any of these charges are true...


ZAHN: ... this...


ZAHN: ... is really big news.

BUTLER: I agree.

ZAHN: Start off with what your understanding is of what is in this book --
the most explosive charge.

BUTLER: The most explosive charge, Paula, is that the Bush
administration -- the present one, just shortly after assuming office slowed
down FBI investigations of al Qaeda and terrorism in Afghanistan in order
to do a deal with the Taliban on oil -- an oil pipeline across Afghanistan.

ZAHN: And this book points out that the FBI's deputy director, John
O'Neill, actually resigned because he felt the U.S. administration was

BUTLER: A proper...

ZAHN: ... the prosecution of terrorism.

BUTLER: Yes, yes, a proper intelligence investigation of terrorism. Now,
you said if, and I affirmed that in responding to you. We have to be careful
here. These are allegations. They're worth airing and talking about, because
of their gravity. We don't know if they are correct. But I believe they
should be investigated, because Central Asian oil, as we were discussing
yesterday, is potentially so important. And all prior attempts to have a
pipeline had to be done through Russia. It had to be negotiated with

Now, if there is to be a pipeline through Afghanistan, obviating the
need to
deal with Russia, it would also cost less than half of what a pipeline through
Russia would cost. So financially and politically, there's a big prize
to be
had. A pipeline through Afghanistan down to the Pakistan coast would
bring out that Central Asian oil easier and more cheaply.

ZAHN: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) as you spoke about this yesterday, we
almost immediately got a call from "The New York Times."

BUTLER: Right.

ZAHN: They want you to write an op-ed piece on this over the weekend.

BUTLER: Right, and which I will do.

ZAHN: But let's come back to this whole issue of what John O'Neill, this
FBI agent...

BUTLER: Right.

ZAHN: ... apparently told the authors of this book. He is alleging that --
what -- the U.S. government was trying to protect U.S. oil interests? And
at the same time, shut off the investigation of terrorism to allow for
that to

BUTLER: That's the allegation that instead of prosecuting properly an
investigation of terrorism, which has its home in Afghanistan as we now
know, or one of its main homes, that was shut down or slowed down in
order to pursue oil interests with the Taliban. The people who we have
now bombed out of existence, and this not many months ago. The book
says that the negotiators said to the Taliban, you have a choice. You
have a
carpet of gold, meaning an oil deal, or a carpet of bombs. That's what the
book alleges.

ZAHN: Well, I know you're going to be doing your own independent
homework on this...


ZAHN: ... to see if you can confirm any of this. Let's move on to the whole
issue of Iraq. The deputy defense secretary, Paul Wolfowitz, at one time
was considered one of those voices within the administration...


ZAHN: ... that was pushing for moving beyond Afghanistan. He seemed to
back off a little from that yesterday.


ZAHN: What do you read through the tea leaves here?

BUTLER: A very interesting report that the administration will focus on the
Philippines, Yemen, Somalia as places where there are al Qaeda cells. But
the word Iraq wasn't used by the man who was the chief hawk -- used as
a, you know, as a future target. So what I interpret from that is this: That
very likely our allies have been saying to us, this is too hard. This is really
serious. Be careful. Saddam is essentially contained at the moment. Don't
start, you know, a bigger problem either in the Arab world or in the
coalition by going after him. And Wolfowitz, it seems, has probably
accepted that.

ZAHN: A quick thought on the Israelis intercepting this latest armed
shipment? What that means? You've got to do it in about 15 seconds.

BUTLER: It's extraordinarily serious, because it seems to have been tied to
Yasser Arafat himse

Re: [CTRL] Jim Jones NOT CIA???

2002-01-08 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "eric stewart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 10:55 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Jim Jones NOT CIA???

> -Caveat Lector-
> --- Molli Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > -Caveat Lector-
> >
> > Dear Dale - I agree with much of what you say. However I
> > have a problem with 'getting metaphysical'
> then you're gonna HATE this:
> http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/Goobie.htm

funny peculiar really, to get to the end of the page after enduring all the
sexual torture descriptions to discover that it is all fiction... all the
quotes are from her book "The Only-Good Heart". i say funny peculiar because
it seems so harrowing when reading these quotes about how she was tortured
and then over the course of the piece she mentions arousal and "my
pre-school body" amongst other things. but i move on- thinking she is
delusional, but sincere in her delusion- accepting that she has been abused
or tricked by regression therapy to believe these things happened (or that
in act some of these things did happen or at least someting bad happened).
but to find that these quotes are from a piece of fiction she has written is
fucked up and no mistake. but, sitting here wondering about the reason for
it and suspicious as to the motivation. is she ill? or is the apparent
inuendo being introduced through the piece for a specific, wicked reason? is
it just porn?

"Beth Goobie is the author of 15 books of fiction and poetry. Her three
books concerning cults are The Only-Good Heart (fiction, published by Pedlar
Press, Toronto, ISBN 0-9681884-1-9"

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

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[CTRL] MAJOR holes in Feds' Tampa mind-controlled hijacker story

2002-01-08 Thread William Shannon

--- Begin Message ---

X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Skull&Bones Weirdo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: MAJOR holes in Feds' Tampa mind-controlled hijacker story
X-Priority: 2 (High)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

MAJOR holes in Feds' Tampa mind-controlled hijacker story

MORE excellent research and analysis on the WHOLE story about what
REALLY happened in Tampa/St. Pete on Saturday, when 15-year-old Charles
Bishop -- a well-liked, friendly STRAIGHT-A honor-student KNOWN to be
HEAVILY patriotic; who avowed he'd join the USAF after 911 as he sported
a US AIR FORCE T-shirt -- stole a small plane from Clearwater airport in
crashing it into Tampa's B of A building, causing his own death.

The spook divisions of the Air Force are KNOWN to be HEAVILY involved in
major mind-control activities, using a wide variety of devastatingly
effective techniques to mold, condition, brainwash, manipulate and
otherwise CONTROL minds -- especially of highly-impressionable children
and young teenagers, as was Charles Bishop.

All day Saturday, Feds couldn't tell us often enough that the incident
had NOTHING to do with any "terrorism".

By SUNDAY, Fed spin-meisters were claiming to have found a note in the
unfortunate mind-controlled hijacker's pocket, which SUPPOSEDLY stated
he SUPPORTED bin Laden.

(Who WROTE this alleged note, of course, is VERY MUCH in question.)

By MONDAY, it was claimed the INDESTRUCTIBLE piece of paper was found in
the burnt wreckage of the Cessna. And the Feds couldn't tell us often
enough that this was an incident of "domestic terrorism", and that there
are sure to be many more.

And if you believe THAT, these guys have two 110-story buildings in
lower Manhattan they'd love to sell you, too.
= = = = = = = =
No More Fake News
by Jon Rappoport

TUESDAY, JANUARY 8. As one astute observer said, "If a completely normal
person commits a crime, people enter into a confusion. They think that
ANYONE could commit a crime, and in these times, they also think they
should report all 'suspicious' behavior..."

ADD: The more (or less) we learn about Charles Bishop, the 15-year old
who stole a small pane and crashed it into the B of A building in Tampa,
the higher the paradoxes pile up.

ADD: At his former school, he was a straight-A student. He carried the
American flag in daily processions. He sang patriotic songs with
passion, noted his teachers.

ADD: He entered patriotic essays in contests sponsored by groups like
Daughters of the American Revolution.

ADD: After 9/11, he wore a US Air Force T-shirt to school and said he
would become a fighter pilot.

ADD: His flight instructor wrote a letter of recommendation to get
Bishop into an honors student travel program to Australia. Bishop had
just been accepted.

ADD: The boy wanted to learn to fly so much that he washed planes at the
training school to earn $$ credits for his lessons.

ADD: This is hardly the story of a boy who decides to kill himself in a
plane, who writes a suicide note saying he supports bin Laden.

ADD: This is a set-up.

ADD: Now we are told that MacDill AFB, command central for the whole
US-Afghan war, does not have any fighter planes. In fact, it has few
security defenses at all. Some machine guns and the like. That's why
fighter jets had to be scrambled out of Homestead, 200 miles away.

ADD: This whole story smells to high heaven.

ADD: But one result is, the public becomes more suspicious of "possible
terrorist activity" by Americans, even the most "normal" Americans.
Which adds to the climate of fear. Which seems to justify surrendering
even more freedoms in return for tighter protection.

--- End Message ---

Re: [CTRL] ken thomas

2002-01-08 Thread William Shannon
In a message dated 1/8/02 10:12:49 AM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

ok there are two ken thomas' around...apparently the one that i had
altercations with is not the same one that runs steamshovel

Yeah, the "good" Thomas is Kenn Thomas, with two "N"s...


[CTRL] Fwd: T

2002-01-08 Thread William Shannon

--- Begin Message ---

x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

WTC collapse investigators DON'T buy Fed jet fuel story, dished up by
Scientific American and MANY other establishment mouthpieces

Compare these two items, reprinted below.

The first is a compilation of recent articles from the New York Times
and New York Daily News, which report on major criticisms of the
currently ongoing "official" investigation into the WTC collapse, from
the INVESTIGATORS themselves!

MASSIVE complaints have been made by the VERY INVESTIGATORS hired by
FEMA to INVESTIGATE the twin towers' destruction; to the effect that
they (investigators) were being deliberately obstructed on nearly EVERY
FRONT in efforts to determine conclusively -- NOT SPECULATE -- precisely
why the buildings collapsed. Major amounts of KEY EVIDENCE have ALREADY
been destroyed; investigators are being PREVENTED from actually
EXAMINING any remaining evidence; and they're receiving THREATS saying
to back off from probing too deeply.

These serious professionals are very distressed over attempts being made
RIGHT NOW, to manipulate and maneuver them into RUBBER-STAMPING the
speculative "assessment" propagated to the ends of the Earth by Feds and
their countless mouthpieces (like Sci Am) within hours of the WTC
collapse -- that burning jet fuel caused it. MANY of the investigators
who are supposed to examine the actual EVIDENCE and figure out for SURE
what brought the towers down HAVE SAID they consider it unlikely that
structural damage from burning jet fuel was sufficient to have caused
the collapse of the buildings.

The second item is a total gov't con job article, promulgated only WEEKS
after 911 by nattering nabobs on government payrolls at MIT and
Scientific American; who new -- at THAT point in time -- probably only
just as MUCH about the WTC attack/collapse as YOU OR ME and EVERYONE

They hadn't so much as touched, or looked at, a single piece of debris. 
Investigators: Burning fuel damage 'NOT ENOUGH' to have crumbled WTC **
Explosives involved as well
** Experts charge official cover-up/destruction of evidence

-- 'A growing number of fire protection engineers have theorized that
"the structural damage from the planes and the explosive ignition of jet
fuel in themselves were not enough to bring down the towers...' -- NY
Daily News

= = = = = = = =
Firefighter Mag Raps 9/11 Probe
By Joe Calderone
NY Daily News Chief of Investigations

A respected firefighting trade magazine with ties to the city Fire
Department is calling for a "full-throttle, fully resourced"
investigation into the collapse of the World Trade Center.

A signed editorial in the January issue of Fire Engineering magazine
says the current investigation is "a half-baked farce."

The piece by Bill Manning, editor of the 125-year-old monthly that
frequently publishes technical studies of major fires, also says the
steel from the site should be preserved so investigators can examine
what caused the collapse.

"Did they throw away the locked doors from the Triangle Shirtwaist fire?
Did they throw away the gas can used at the Happy Land social club fire?
... That's what they're doing at the World Trade Center," the editorial
says. "The destruction and removal of evidence must stop immediately."

Fire Engineering counted FDNY Deputy Chief Raymond Downey, the
department's chief structural expert, among its senior advisers. Downey
was killed in the Sept. 11 attack. John Jay College's fire engineering
expert, Prof. Glenn Corbett, serves as the magazine's technical editor.

A group of engineers from the American Society of Civil Engineers, with
backing from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, has been studying
some aspects of the collapse. But Manning and others say that probe has
not looked at all aspects of the disaster and has had limited access to
documents and other evidence.

A growing number of fire protection engineers have theorized that "the
structural damage from the planes and the explosive ignition of jet fuel
in themselves were not enough to bring down the towers," the editorial stated.

A FEMA spokesman, John Czwartacki, said agency officials had not yet
seen the editorial and declined to comment. Norida Torriente, a
spokeswoman for the American Society of Civil Engineers, described her
group's study as a "beginning" and "not a definitive work."

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has joined a group of relatives of
firefighters who died in the attack in calling for a blue-ribbon panel
to study the collapse.

"We have to learn from incidents through investigation to determine what
types of codes should be in place and what are the best practices for
high-rise construction," Manning told the Daily News. "The World Trade
Center is not the only lightweight, core construction high-rise in the
U.S. It's a typical method of construction."

http://www.rense.com/general18/firefighter.htm = = = =
December 25, 2001 T

[CTRL] CheneyWatch: sighting reported: may be stuffed, half-dead, or else clon...

2002-01-08 Thread William Shannon

--- Begin Message ---

X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.51 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
X-Accept-Language: en
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: El Shrubbo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: CheneyWatch: sighting reported: may be stuffed, half-dead, or else
 clone/double seen
X-Priority: 1 (Highest)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

x ** TOP_VIEW ** x
The Bigger Picture

CheneyWatch: sighting reported: may be stuffed, half-dead, or else
clone/double seen

A reader reports having just sighted the HEAVILY-unavailable bin cheney
in an economic powwow with other global-governance/NWO/CFR/Illuminati
elitocrats of the Bush Int'l Crime Empire.

Bin cheney probably only gives the appearance of being "alive". Most
likely, he's being kept in this semi-functional condition fro public
viewing, by means of drugs, electricity, implants, replaced parts and
radio-controlled commands.

It could also be that bin cheney is dead, and his stuffed carcass was
propped up in a chair, with movements controlled by wires, etc.

On the other hand, it could really be a fully-functional living "being"
that was sighted: HOWEVER, whether or not this was the "real" bin cheney
is open to some SERIOUS question; considering the fact the REAL bin
cheney had one ticker in the grave a YEAR ago, and had been carrying
around a MASSIVE amount of dead weight to tax a weak heart with, from
all those hi-calorie cannibal barbecues.

We'd say if it WAS an actual LIVE being that was sighted, it was almost
certainly a replicant, clone  or double of Dick "Mengele/Angel of Death"
bin cheney.

Remember just HOW MANY "Osama/USAma bin Ladens" there are running around
the world these days!!

From: UN News Monitor
Subject: A message for Top View

Date: Tue Jan 8 00:58:18 2002

Dear Top View,
I hate to have to tell you this but I just witnessed your old friend
Dick(head) bin-Cheney alive.

He was with the Traitor-in-chief baby bushladen, sitting across the
table from alan redspan in an economic meeting.

I am pretty sure bin cheney was alive but I didn't see him talk.
However, he was blinking his eyes.

Of course they could have had him propped up there for show.

He must have crawled out from under his rock to make a showing just for you.

I feel quite sure his spies are keeping tabs.

Personally, I enjoy you guys' posts about the evil satin worshipping
bas-TURD. Keep up the good work, Top View.

-  -  -  -

--- End Message ---


2002-01-08 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

does anyone know anything about gordon thomas?


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

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[CTRL] No Compromise,' Says Armed Women's Group

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

'No Compromise,' Says Armed Women's Group
By Michael L. Betsch
CNSNews.com Editorial Assistant
January 07, 2002

(CNSNews.com) - Big or small, rapid-fire or semi-automatic - the Armed
Females of America (AFA) are on a mission to protect every American's
constitutional right to own and possess a firearm.

And don't mistake this women's group with a homemakers association, warns the

"If you're looking for a women's organization to exchange cooking recipes,
talk about child rearing or stitchery, then this is not the place for you,"
the AFA's newly launched website reads.

The AFA is strictly a Second Amendment advocacy organization, explained AFA
of Texas Director Kathryn Graham. "We're trying to educate women concerning
firearms and promote laws that are friendlier to the Second Amendment of the
U.S. Constitution."

The focus of the AFA, said its National Director Carma Lewis, is "to educate,
motive and activate women" with regards to firearms. And the group strictly
adheres to a policy of 'no compromise,' she added.

'No compromise," Lewis stated, means "every single firearm law that is on the
books is illegal." The AFA wants all laws pertaining to firearms repealed.

Lewis said her group considers it "unfortunate" that the National Rifle
Association (NRA) has, in AFA's view, succumbed to a policy of compromise.
She said the NRA "felt that the only way to hang onto our rights was to
compromise," something it did when it endorsed the first Handgun Control Act
of 1968.

It was compromises such as the one the NRA displayed in 1968 that led Lewis
to launch Armed Females of America in 2002. "The Second Amendment is in our
Constitution for a reason and it should stay there," she said.

Lewis is a firm believer in the Constitution. By her account, "Everything
hinges on the Second Amendment." Any compromise made with regards to the
Second Amendment puts America one step close to tyranny, and she warned that
could mean, "We lose everything."

According to Nancy Hwa, a spokesperson for the anti-gun Brady Campaign and
its affiliate Million Mom March, the AFA's goals are off-target.

Hwa contends that sensible gun laws are imperative to reducing gun violence
in the U.S. "And sensible gun laws," she said, "include safety training for
gun owners and registration of guns, you know, keeping the records of sales
of all guns."

"What we're doing is trying to have reasonable standards, not just for the
weapons but for the user too, to make sure the person isn't a criminal; that
they're not a juvenile; and that they have proper training," Hwa added.

But the AFA's Graham said the "sensible gun laws" Hwa mentions aren't
"friendly to the Second Amendment." The AFA strongly believes that guns don't
kill people, people kill people.

The Brady Campaign's Hwa remarked, "That's the same argument that gun people
make all the time. Well, people with guns kill people."

Touched by gun violence

AFA founder Lewis said she knows firsthand that people kill people. Her
12-year-old son was murdered at the hands of another child with a gun.

Despite her grief over the loss of her son, Lewis does not point her trigger
finger at a gun as being responsible for her son's tragic death. "It took an
idiotic, irresponsible and evil-hearted person to pull the trigger -- in this
case, another child who bragged about how easy it would be to kill someone
and get away with it."

"And they still blame the gun," she said of the anti-gun lobby.

According to Graham, the anti-gun lobby's attempts to restrict firearms
ownership and the privileges granted to Americans under the Second Amendment
"give a lot of people a very warm and fuzzy feeling."

"They think they're helping to end violence," Graham said of groups such as
the Million Mom March. "As we have seen over the last few years, the opposite
seems to be true, but they aren't getting the message."

In order to clarify that message, Lewis said her main focus is to pursue
lawmakers elected by pro-gun Americans who "aren't doing their job that we
voted them in for." Those representatives "forget that they work for us" once
they are elected to office, she said.

As an example, she points to Senate passage of the Lautenberg Amendment in
1999. Under that amendment, Lewis says, "If you've ever been a felon, it
doesn't matter for what reason, you can never own a firearm. Even if you're a
police officer, it does not matter."

According to Lewis, one of the most egregious violations to the Second
Amendment contained in the Lautenberg Amendment is the provision forbidding
white-collar felons who "didn't do anything violent" from ever owning a gun.

"We feel that if somebody has served their time and they're eligible for
parole and they're qualified to be sent back out on the streets - then they
have the right to self defense," Lewis declared. "To me, that right is a
human right."

And how does the Brady Campaign

[CTRL] Armed Females of America

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Mission Statement

As Armed Females, our mission is to proudly represent all patriotic, strong,
intelligent women who believe that…

NO-COMPROMISE means our rights and liberties are not bargained for, ever,
especially when we get nothing in return. Giving something up without getting
anything in return is not "compromise," it's surrender.

COMPROMISING our sovereignty, liberty, birthrights or honor is a direct slap
in the face to our Forefathers' sacrifices, the Constitution, and all
freedom-loving Americans.

OUR RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS is an individual, unalienable right endowed
by our Creator, guaranteed by the Second Amendment of the Bill of Rights, and
directly supports our lives, liberties, safeties and pursuits of happiness.

A GOD GIVEN RIGHT cannot be legislated; cannot be turned into a privilege by
a self-serving government who may then revoke it; cannot be judged or
interpreted, and cannot be amended, added to a ballot, or repealed.

OUR RIGHTS have no "loopholes." Any law restricting use, quantity owned or
purchased, magazine capacity, configuration, caliber, firing operation, or
age limits is unconstitutional.

REQUIRING ANY PERMITS, licenses, fingerprinting, background checks or ID
cards is illegal under the Constitution. Registering guns means registering
people and makes criminals of the lawful. All of the above mentioned
restrictions are infringements on our rights as free Americans and we must
not tolerate them any longer.

WE MUST PRESERVE and restore our rights immediately-and resist with full
measure any attempt to reduce our rights with the same intensity, ferocity
and commitment exhibited by our Founding Fathers and Mothers.

BEING A "PATRIOT" is honorable; whoever says different is WRONG!

BEING POLITICALLY CORRECT, at the expense of the truth, is a weakness and has
no place in a free society.

GUN OWNERSHIP is our right as secured by the US Constitution, and we will not
beg our government for permission to exercise that right.

OUR HUMAN RIGHTS are worth fighting for -- specifically, our right to keep
and bear arms, and we're prepared to fight to our death to preserve those
rights. We always seek peaceful solutions first, but never underestimate the
aim of . . .

Armed Females

WITH GOD'S BLESSING and our diligence, we aim to remain FREE!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html";>Archives of

 http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/";>ctrl

To subscribe to Conspiracy Theory Research List[CTRL] send email:

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[CTRL] The Story we Hear on the News and Read in the Newspapers is not believable

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

The Story we Hear on the News and Read in the Newspapers is simply not
by Stan Goff
Retired US Special Forces Master Sergeant

Centre for Research of Globalisation, globalresearch.ca, 20 October 2001



I'm a retired Special Forces Master Sergeant. That doesn't cut much for those
who will only accept the opinions of former officers on military matters,
since we enlisted swine are assumed to be incapable of grasping the nuances
of doctrine.

But I wasn't just in the army, I studied and taught military science and
doctrine. I was a tactics instructor at the Jungle Operations Training Center
in Panama, and I taught Military Science at West Point. And contrary to the
popular image of what Special Forces does, SF's mission is to teach. We offer
advice and assistance to foreign forces. That's everything from teaching
marksmanship to a private to instructing a Battalion staff on how to
coordinate effective air operations with a sister service.

Based on that experience, and operations in eight designated conflict areas
from Vietnam to Haiti, I have to say that the story we hear on the news and
read in the newspapers is simply not believable. The most cursory glance at
the verifiable facts, before, during, and after September 11th, does not
support the official line or conform to the current actions of the United
States government.

But the official line only works if they can get everyone to accept its
underlying premises. I'm not at all surprised about the Republican and
Democratic Parties repeating these premises. They are simply two factions
within a single dominant political class, and both are financed by the same
economic powerhouses. My biggest disappointment, as someone who identifies
himself with the left, has been the tacit acceptance of those premises by
others on the left, sometimes naively, and sometimes to score some morality
points. Those premises are twofold. One, there is the premise that what this
de facto administration is doing now is a "response" to September 11th. Two,
there is the premise that this attack on the World Trade Center and the
Pentagon was done by people based in Afghanistan. In my opinion, neither of
these is sound.

To put this in perspective we have to go back not to September 11th, but to
last year or further.

A man of limited intelligence, George W. Bush, with nothing more than his
name and the behind-the-scenes pressure of his powerful father-a former
President, ex-director of Central Intelligence, and an oil man-is
systematically constructed as a candidate, at tremendous cost. Across the
country, subtle and not-so-subtle mechanisms are put into place to
disfranchise a significant fraction of the Democrat's African-American voter
base. This doesn't come out until Florida becomes a battleground for
Electoral College votes, and the magnitude of the story has been suppressed
by the corporate media to this day. In a decision so lacking in legitimacy,
the Supreme Court will neither by-line the author of the decision nor allow
the decision to ever be used as a precedent, Bush v. Gore awards the
presidency of the United States to a man who loses the popular vote in
Florida and loses the national popular vote by over 600,000.

This de facto regime then organizes a very interesting cabinet. The Vice
President is an oil executive and the former Secretary of Defense. The
National Security Advisor is a director on the board of a transnational oil
corporation and a Russia scholar. The Secretary of State is a man with no
diplomatic experience whatsoever, and the former Chair of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff. The other interesting appointment is Donald Rumsfeld as Secretary of
Defense. Rumsfeld is the former CEO of Searle Pharmaceuticals. He and Cheney
were featured as speakers at the May, 2000, Russian-American Business Leaders
Forum. So the consistent currents in this cabinet are petroleum, the former
Soviet Union, and the military.

Based on the record of Daddy Bush, in all his guises, and the general
trajectory of US foreign policy as far back as the Carter Administration, I
feel I can reasonably conclude that Middle Eastern and South Asian fossil
fuels are one of their major preoccupations. Not just because this klavern
has some very direct financial interests in fossil fuel, but because they
surely know that worldwide oil production is peaking as we speak, and will
soon begin a permanent and precipitous decline that will completely change
the character of civilization as we know it within 20 years. Even the left
seems to be in deep denial about this, but the math is available. And, no,
alternative energies and energy technologies will not save us. All the
alternatives in the world can not begin to provide more than a tiny fraction
of the energy


2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

by Col. Archibald E. Roberts ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Committee to Restore the Constitution   Jan 7 2002


"None of the funds appropriated in this title shall be used to pay the United
States contribution to any international organization which engages in the
direct or indirect promotion of the principle of one-world government or
one-world citizenship."   Public Law 495, Section 112, 82d Congress

At this point in our study we have, I believe, clearly defined the terrifying
war-making functions of the United Nations Security Council. Now, let us
learn something about the international slight-of-hand which has transferred
our soldiers to the United Nations army. For this part of our search we must
turn again to the military articles of the United Nations Charter. Under
Article 43, Chapter VII is found the basic "treaty law" for establishing an
"Armed United Nations."

"All members of the United Nations," states Article 43, "in order to
contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security, undertake
to make available to the Security Council, on its call and in accordance with
a special agreement, or agreements, armed forces, assistance, and facilities,
including rights of passage, necessary for the purpose of maintaining
international peace and security."

The most cursory examination of Article 43 permits only one conclusion: It is
the intent of this article to provide the United Nations with unlimited
war-making powers. Article 43 will wipe national boundaries off the map. It
will create an
irresistible international army. And, it will chain the people of the world
to the wheel of a military juggernaut. We have now arrived at the concealed
objective of the United Nations Charter. Absolute, monolithic world military
power is the concealed objective of the United Nations.

Inc., Post Office Box 986 Fort Collins, CO 80522
FREE: Introduction packet - Tactical Operation to `criminalize' the men and
the system engaged in the conspiracy to overthrow the Constitution of the
United States and substitute a `world government' administration on ruins of
the Republic.  Send name and USPS mailing address to above address. Archibald
E. Roberts, LtCol, AUS, ret, Director

The Restore the Constitution Network began last year when the UN TAC OPS was
started here in Tennessee.  We are fully aware of the "Plan to Surrender
America to the New World Order" - and we are planning to continue this
operation. .  We delivered a 37-page packet of information along with TWO
model State Bills (see below) to the desks of ALL Tennessee Legislators last
February 2001.  Since none of the Legislators introduced these bills, we will
once again deliver MORE information to the Legislators' Desks this week.

We will be asking the Legislators to introduce THREE MODEL STATE BILLS
written by Attorney T. David Horton of the Committee to Restore the
  1 - Model State Bill to Investigate the Legality of the Action of
Federal Agents.
  2 - Model State Bill to Provide for the Enforcement of the Constitution
of the
 United States with regard to the So-Called United Nations
 (provides criminal sanctions).
  3 - Model State Bill to Provide for the Enforcement of the United
 Constitution with Regard to Federal Regionalism.

Since these Legislators were SWORN into office "to defend and preserve the
Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic",
they will be reminded that by not criminalizing the usurpers of State powers
and fine the guilty $20,000 or imprison each for twenty years, or both  [USC
Title 18 Sec 2384, that they should resign from office, since they too are
guilty of the same offense.

MORE CITIZENS in TENNESSEE and all across these United States are needed to
carry out UN TAC OPS.  This may be the last and only hope of saving our
Constitutional Republic that is piece-by-piece being taken away from us. It
is the CITIZEN, the source of all political power, who are required to
instruct local and State officials to honor their oath of office.

Recipients of this newsletter can also help in this effort by sending $25 to
the Committee to Restore the Constitution, PO Box 986, Ft Collins CO 80522.
You will receive the monthly BULLETIN and you will be helping to send more
FREE information to those who request it.  Call Col. Roberts at 970-484-2575
or send an eMail message to comminc@ webaccess.net and ask to be added to the
mailing list for updates

Re: [CTRL] Jim Jones NOT CIA???

2002-01-08 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- Molli Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> Dear Dale - I agree with much of what you say. However I
> have a problem with 'getting metaphysical'

then you're gonna HATE this:


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Is Mexico reconquering U.S. southwest?

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Is Mexico reconquering U.S. southwest?
Illegal immigration fueling aims of Hispanic radicals



By Art Moore
© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com

A radical Hispanic movement's dream to retake the southwestern United States
is becoming a reality with the aid of Mexican and U.S. policies, according to
some immigration watchers.

A massive influx of illegal immigrants is "importing poverty" and growing an
ethnic community with greater loyalty to Mexico than the U.S., maintains
Glenn Spencer, president of Voices of Citizens Together, a California-based
non-profit group.

"Unless this is shut down within two years, I believe that it will be
irreversible, and that it will most certainly lead to a breakup of the United
States," Spencer told WorldNetDaily. "I don't think there is any doubt about

A breakaway of U.S. states is a distinct possibility, according to prominent
Chicano activist and University of California at Riverside professor Armando
Navarro. In an interview with WorldNetDaily, Navarro would not answer
directly whether he shared separatist aspirations, but said that if
demographic and social trends continue, secession is inevitable.

"If in 50 years most of our people are subordinated, powerless, exploited and
impoverished, then I will say to you that there are all kinds of
possibilities for movements to develop like the ones that we've witnessed in
the last few years all over the world, from Yugoslavia to Chechnya," Navarro

"A secessionist movement is not something that you can put away and say it is
never going to happen in the United States," he continued. "Time and history

In a 1995 speech to Chicano activists, Navarro said demographic trends are
leading to "a transfer of power" to the ethnic Mexican community in the
Southwest. He notes that most studies show that within the next 20 to 30
years Latinos will comprise more than 50 percent of the population of
California. This fact, and other cultural and social developments, are
opening the door for "self-determination" and even "the idea of an Aztlan,"
he said in his speech.

Aztlan, the mythical birthplace of the Aztecs, is regarded in Chicano
folklore as an area that includes California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and
parts of Colorado and Texas. Spencer believes the aim is to create a
sovereign state, "Republica del Norte," the Republic of the North, that would
combine the American Southwest with the northern Mexican states and
eventually merge with Mexico.

"I see that as the overarching goal of the Mexican government and many
Mexicans who want self-determination," Spencer said.

'America's Palestinians'

On its website, a group called "La Voz de Aztlan," the Voice of Aztlan,
identifies Mexicans in the U.S. as "America's Palestinians." Many Mexicans
see themselves as part of a transnational ethnic group known as "La Raza,"
the race. A May editorial on the website, with a dateline of Los Angeles,
Alta California, declares that "both La Raza and the Palestinians have been
displaced by invaders that have utilized military means to conquer and occupy
our territories."

But the threat of secession is not merely from groups that might be
considered on the fringe, Spencer insists, noting the declarations of Mexican
leaders, up to the highest office. Former Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo
said in a 1997 speech in Chicago to the "National Council of La Raza, a
Hispanic advocacy group, that he "proudly affirmed that the Mexican nation
extends beyond the territory enclosed by its borders and that Mexican
migrants are an important – a very important – part of this."

Zedillo said that because of this fact his government proposed a
constitutional amendment that allows Mexican citizens to hold dual
citizenship. Spencer believes that the objective is to enable Mexicans in the
United States to vote in the interest of Mexico.

Ultimately, many Mexicans hope for a "reconquista," a reconquest of territory
lost when Mexico signed the 1848 Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidlago at the end of
the Mexican-American War.

"One could argue that while Mexico lost the war in 1848, it will probably win
it in the 21st century, in terms of the numbers," Navarro told WorldNetDaily.
"But that is not a reality based on what Mexico does, it's based on what this
country does."

Spencer argues that misguided U.S. policies and lax enforcement have allowed
a steady stream of 1 million illegal immigrants a year to enter the country.
Demographers agree that instead of integrating into a "melting pot," new
Hispanic immigrants, both legal and illegal, are building a distinct,
politically active community.

The problem is not that they have a voice, Spencer says, but that they
increasingly are acting according to the interests of Mexico.

[CTRL] Attack on Somalia said "imminent"

2002-01-08 Thread eric stewart

Note: forwarded message attached.

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Title: Attack on Somalia said "imminent"

US attack on Somalia said "imminent"
BBC Monitoring Service - United Kingdom; Jan 7, 2002 

Reports of an imminent US attack on Somalia continue to increase in the context of US efforts to crack down and pursue what it describes as Usamah Bin Ladin's Al Qa'idah affiliates. 

This week, international media reports have been carrying reports on Somalia. All internationally recognized newspapers, quoting unnamed officials, are predicting that a US attack on Somalia is imminent. 

It is increasingly suspected that the US might use Ethiopia to conduct the infantry phase of the war, while the USA will facilitate the logistics and the financial requirements. 

Talking to Newsweek International, the prime minister of the Transitional Government of Somalia [TGS], Hasan Abshir Farah, expressed great concern on the matter, and said Ethiopia had been a traditional adversary. He said if the USA used Ethiopia for its operation, there would be a serious problem. The premier said he would rather prefer a unilateral US attack on Somalia instead of involving Ethiopia. 

It is also said the SRRC [Somali Reconciliation and Reconstruction Council] is mobilizing militiamen in Baydhabo [Baidoa, south-central Somalia] in a bid to prepare for the planed anti-terror ground assault. Up to now areas clearly targeted in the war include Kismaayo and its environs, Marka town and the capital city, Mogadishu. 

However, there is no clear proof to show the presence of terrorists in the country, except mere claims in this regard. 

Recently, American journalists visited Kismaayo town and found no evidence of terrorism. They also visited Mogadishu and Somaliland. It is said US intelligence personnel also visited Somalia. 

At the moment, US, German and French warships are stationed off the Somali coast, inspecting any ship entering Somalia's territorial waters, in a bid to check for fleeing Al-Qa'idah members who had been defeated in Afghanistan. 

Reports coming in say the US administration wants to begin its operation first against the TGS, which the SRRC is accusing of comprising some terrorist-affiliated groups. Earlier, an American official said the US government did not recognize the TGS. This suggests that in principle, the US administration prefers the formation of a new government in the place of the TGS... 

It is crystal clear that the USA will not attack Somalia with an intention of forming a government, but rather with the sole purpose of hunting down certain individuals whom it sees as a threat to USA's existence. 

If lessons could be learnt from history, the 1993 incident is enough for Somalia, when US forces, with highly sophisticated weapons, entered the country but did not try even to disarm the armed militiamen who were destroying the country. 

Source: Mudugonline.com web site, Ottawa, in Somali 6 Jan 02 

/BBC Monitoring/ © BBC. 

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[CTRL] A Veteran's Story

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

  A Veteran's Story

Before some of the purists get crazy, I have researched this on the
"snopes2", "urban legends and folklore" and "truth or fiction"
websites.  Nothing indicates a hoax or urban legend.  For those of us
who were part of the military "experience" during the Viet Nam War it
brings back memories of how America's veterans were treated at home.
This came from another military friend of mine.

This is a better story than you would expect!

Richard, (my husband), never really talked a lot about his time in Viet
Nam other than he had been shot by a sniper.  However, he had a rather
grainy, 8 x 10 black & white photo he had taken at a USO show of Ann
Margaret with Bob Hope in the background that was one of his treasures.

A few years ago, Ann Margaret was doing a book signing at a local
bookstore.  Richard wanted to see if he could get her to sign the
treasured photo so he arrived at the bookstore at 12 o'clock for the
7:30 signing.

When I got there after work, the line went all the way around the
bookstore, circled the parking lot, and disappeared behind a parking
garage.  Before her appearance, bookstore employees announced that she
would sign only her book and no memorabilia would be permitted.

Richard was disappointed, but wanted to show her the photo and let her
know how much those shows meant to lonely GI's so far from home.

Ann Margaret came out looking as beautiful as ever and, as 2nd in line,
it was soon Richard's turn.  He presented the book for her signature and
then took out the photo.  When he did, there were many shouts from the
employees that she would not sign it.

Richard said, "I understand. I just wanted her to see it".

She took one look at the photo, tears welled up in her eyes and she
said, "This is one of my gentlemen from Viet Nam and I most certainly
will sign his photo.  I know what these men did for their country and I
always have time for "my gentlemen".  With that, she pulled Richard
across the table and planted a big kiss on him.

She then made quite a to do about the bravery of the young men she met
over the years, how much she admired them, and how much she appreciated
them.  There weren't too many dry eyes among those close enough to hear.
She then posed for pictures and acted as if he was the only one there.

Later at dinner, Richard was very quiet.  When I asked if he'd like to
talk about it, my big strong husband broke down in tears.  "That's the
first time anyone ever thanked me for my time in the Army", he said.

Richard, like many others, came home to people who spit on him and
shouted ugly things at him.  That night was a turning point for him.  He
walked a little straighter and, for the first time in years, was proud
to have been a Vet.

I'll never forget Ann Margaret for her graciousness and how much that
small act of kindness meant to my husband.  I now make it a point to say
Thank You to every person I come across who served in our Armed Forces.

Freedom does not come cheap and I am grateful for all those who have
served their country.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Kamikaze: Japan's Last Offensive in Okinawa

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Kamikaze: Japan's Last Offensive in Okinawa


The source of this timeline is The Fast Carriers:Forging of an Air Navy, by
Clark Reynolds.
March 1945 Task Force 58 begins making attacks on Okinawa, Kyushu and Tokyo
in preperation of the landing on Okinawa 4/1.

The intention of these attacks was to eliminate the Kamikaze threat that had
proven to be such a problem at Leyte Gulf and Okinawa.
This would also be the time for recon of the Okinawa invasion beaches by
Naval airplanes.
3/10 U.S. carrier Randolph hit by a lone Kamikaze in the base of Ulithi
Same day Task Force Commander Adm. Mitscher transfers flag to the carrier
Bunker Hill.
3/18 While U.S. carrier planes are striking Kyushu the Japanese retaliate
with suicide attacks that lightly damage carriers Yorktown, Enterprise and
Same day a special unit of Japanese pilots flying the new "Shinden-Kai"
fighters led by Capt. Genda inflict losses on U.S. Naval pilots flying
U.S. planes damage Japanese carrier Ryuho, Amagi and Battleship Yamato.
3/19 Japanese counter attacks by bombers and fighters severly damage carriers
Wasp and Franklin.
Between the two carriers over 900 died in these preperatory attacks.
Task Force 58 now shifted to prelanding bombardment of the invasion beaches.
U.S. naval planes remain constant alert for attacking Kamikaze planes.
Visual sighting now the key since the Japanese had figured out how to evade
the Destroyer pickets that would pick the up by radar contact.
The Japanese planes would fly below the radar screen.
They would also make the destroyers their target and knock out the U.S. early
warning ability from attacks.
3/21 First attempt of Japanese using Okha suicide jet aircraft. Attacks

3/27 British Task Force57 joins Task Force 58 in Okinawa area of operations.

Their job is to eliminate Sakishima Gunto an island south of Okinawa used as
staging base for planes being shuttled to Okinawa.
3/31 Begin their first series of attacks also face strong Kamikaze attacks.
British inexperience and few 40MM Bofors made shooting at Japanese plans all
but impossible after they had started their dives.
The one saving grace of all the British carriers was their thick armouring of
the flight decks that could with stand heavy damage.
British carrier Indefatigable struck by a Kamikaze and able to continue
normal flight operations after the wreckage was cleared.
4/1 D-Day on Okinawa the U.S. troops land unopposed with strong air support.

Looking For the Next Japanese Attack
4/6 Japanese strike with a Kamikaze raid of over 350 planes.

U.S. send all bombers below decks and only fly fighter sorties.
Only carrier Belleau Wood slightly damaged.
Defense of the ships came down to the experienced U.S. antiaircraft gunners.

A 40 MM Bofors in action
4/6 Japanese super battleship Yamato sighted heading tward Okinawa escorted
by a light cruiser and 4 destroyers.

4/7 Yamato on a suicide course to attack the invasion fleet at Okinawa and
force the U.S. fleet to retreat.

Without air cover the ship was defenseless to airplane attacks.
The ship was sunk long before it ever made sight of Okinawa.
One of the final chapters of the battleship and it being replaced by the
carrier as the dominant capitol ship.
4/7-4/30 Task Force 58 forced to support the ground troops because bad
weather delays the construction of airfields on Okinawa.

Kamikazes still attacking in great numbers
Carrier Hancock severly damaged 4/7.
Enterprise damaged 4/11
Intrepid damaged 4/16
Numerous picket destroyers sunk and damaged by Kamikaze attacks.
5/11 Adm. Mitscher flag ship carrier Bunker Hill hit by a Kamikaze that
Killed 350.

5/14 Adm. Mitscher moves flag to night carrier Enterprise and decides to move
TF 58 north for a raid on Kyushu.

Enterprise later damaged after recieving Kamikaze attack.
After 59 days off Okinawa Mitscher requests TF 58 be relieved.
Luckily no more major raids were attempted by the Japanese.
>From Oct. 25, 1944 to Jan. 25, 1945 Japanese Kamikazes were able to sink 2
Escort Carriers, 3 Destroyers. They were also able to damage 23 Carriers, 5
Battleships, 9 Cruisers, 23 Destroyers and 27 other ships. There had also
been 738 killed and another 1,300 wounded from the result of these attacks.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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Re: [CTRL] Baruch

2002-01-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/7/02 3:22:42 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 This is one of the 150 illustrated true stories of American heroism
 included in Jewish Heroes & Heroines of America >>

And  that's  what makes it great--true stories of "American" heroism.  The
truly important thing about Bernard Baruch was that he was an "American" hero.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Marines in Northeast mobilized for duty

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Marines in Northeast mobilized for duty
Submitted by: Headquarters Marine Corps
Story Identification Number: 20021394715
Story by LCpl. Damian McGee

WORCESTER, Mass.?(December 13, 2001) -- The Reserve Marines here are about to
get a taste of life in the active duty Marine Corps and they?re ready for it.
One hundred thirty-three Reserve Marines, including 40 from Headquarters
Company, 25th Marines, here, were called to active duty this week in support
of Operation Enduring Freedom.

The Marines, members of Headquarters Company, 25th Marines and 2nd Battalion,
25th Marines based in Worcester and Chicopee, Mass., Garden City and Albany,
N.Y., Harrisburg, Pa., and Dover, N.J., will act as the advance party for the
mobilization of their units in mid-January. The units will deploy to Camp
Lejeune, N.C., after mobilization to augment and reinforce II Marine
Expeditionary Force.

On Dec. 12, members of the units were personally contacted via telephone and
notified of the mobilization.

Here in Worcester, about 40 miles west of Boston, many of the Marines are
finishing semesters in college or starting families, and the transition will
be hard initially. However, the majority are adamant about their excitement
to do their part.

"I was a little worried that I would have gotten this far in school and not
been able to finish my semester," said Sgt. Jason L. Cross, a native of
Boston, Mass. "However, I was ready to do whatever my country needed me to do
in an effort to rid ourselves of this current situation. Not to mention, I
will be finishing my finals this week, so I'm not going to miss any school

Cross was one of many who lives within commuting distance of his reserve
center and stopped in to pick up his orders and other information on Dec. 13.
Those who could not come in received their packages via fax or overnight

Because there have not been mobilizations of this nature since the Gulf War,
many of the Marines were new to the experience and wondering what to expect.
But, for the Marines and spouses who've done this before, the call-up was
expected, enabling them to prepare for whatever was to come.

"I wasn't surprised when it happened," said Mary Beth Hamilton, a Marine
spouse from West Hartford, Conn. "My husband did this during the Gulf War, so
I was somewhat ready for whatever was going to come our way. It's one of
those things that you know is going to happen, but you don't really know

Because of her involvement with this and previous activations, Hamilton was
able to offer helpful advice to others.

"All I would tell mothers, spouses, girlfriends, or anyone else who may be in
this situation, is that you have to be very patient," Hamilton said. "Over
the years, I've found that programs like the Key Volunteer Network are very
important for getting through situations like these."

According to Lt. Col Kevin Murphy, executive officer, 25th Marines, the
experience will be a very beneficial one for the Marines.

"This is definitely going to be a great experience for these Marines," Murphy
said. "Doing only two days a month and two weeks a year doesn't give these
Marines the full appreciation of what active duty Marines do. This experience
will allow these Marines to experience, firsthand, life as an active duty

As the first large unit to be mobilized, they will also be showing the rest
of the Marine Corps that the reserves are capable of performing any mission
given them.

"With their monthly training and two-week ATs (annual training), I have no
doubt these Marines are ready for whatever comes their way," Murphy said.
"This activation will simply give the Marines a chance to show that we're
able to mobilize at any time and keep up with the current tempo of things."

Murphy, of Wakefield, Mass., was also with the unit when it was activated
during the Gulf War.

The Marines have been activated for one year but could be extended to up to
two years under the Partial Mobilization authorized by President Bush.

*COPYRIGHT NOTICE** In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107,
any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use
without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest
in receiving the included information for nonprofit research and educational
purposes only.[Ref. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ]

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Write to same address to be off lists!

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used p

[CTRL] Number of Detainees continues to grow

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-



Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Number of Detainees continues to grow
Submitted by: Headquarters Marine Corps
Story Identification Number: 200212152355
Story by U.S. Central Command Release

MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.(Jan. 1, 2002 ) -- According to a Central Command
Release, the number of detainees in U.S. control continues to grow. The eight
detainees aboard ship are now on the USS Bataan. The detainees have been
transferred so the USS Peleliu can prepare for follow-on missions. The
Kandahar facility now holds 189 detainees, 12 are at the Bagram facility and
one remains in Mazar-e-Sharif.

U.S. Marines over the past 24 hours have been actively participating in
intelligence-gathering operations in the Helmand Province west of Kandahar.
The purpose of these operations is to examine an estimated 14 structures
which have been utilized at various times by Taliban and Al Qeada forces. The
Marines traveled by convoy with close air support. The Marines are supporting
anti-Taliban forces for this operation. To this point, no opposition has been
met, no shots have been fired, and no injuries have been reported. The
Marines have conducted about a dozen of these missions since their movement
into Kandahar.

The Marine mission continues to include aggressive patrolling around the Camp
Rhino. Intelligence gathering, detainee, infrastructure, security and
airfield operations continue at the Kandahar airport. The Marines have not
organized a specific effort to search for Omar. However, General Tommy
Franks, the Commanding General of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM, can deploy
forces wherever and whenever he needs to accomplish a specific mission.

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[CTRL] They Want Your Children Part 2

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

This is the repellent reality behind the Lavender Lobby’s rhetoric of
"tolerance" and "inclusion." From "academic" settings such as the "Exposed!"
conference radiate initiatives and measures which use the classroom as a
recruiting ground.

Teaching Tools

In 1996, the National Education Association (NEA) — which was arguably the
most powerful element of the Clinton coalition — adopted as part of its
bylaws Resolution B-7, which deals with "Racism, Sexism, and Sexual
Orientation Discrimination." The measure called for the elimination of
"discrimination" against homosexuality, the imposition of policies to
"increase acceptance" of "gays and lesbians," the integration of an "accurate
portrayal" of homosexuals "throughout history and across the curriculum," the
eradication of "subtle practices that favor the education of one student over
another on the basis of … sexual orientation," and the development and
implementation of "training programs on these matters."

One of the tools available to achieve the goals outlined by the NEA is a
video entitled It’s Elementary: Talking About Gay Issues in School, which has
been screened in classrooms across the country. Set in six elementary and
middle schools, the agitprop video depicts supposedly candid discussions
between "enlightened" teachers and schoolchildren. The discussions follow a
predictable script: Homosexuals are treated as oppressed victims; objection
to the practice is scorned as bigotry; and Christianity is singled out for
individualized condemnation.

"Some Christians believe if you’re gay, you’ll go to hell, so they want to
torture them and stuff like that," insists a fifth grader with the
enthusiastic certainty typical of misled innocence. An eighth grader recites
one of the sodomite lobby’s preferred sophistries: "If kids are too young to
be taught about homosexuality, then they are too young to be taught about
heterosexuality." A first-grade teacher from Wisconsin insists that parents
should be compelled to enroll their children in sodomite mind-laundry
classes: "If parents are allowed to have their children opt out of gay and
lesbian units [classes], what will happen when we teach about Dutch culture
or African-American history? It scares me."

"It’s Elementary is the latest tool in a fast-growing campaign," reports
Robert H. Knight of the Family Research Council. "A homosexual teachers
group, Gay, Lesbian and Straight Teachers Network (GLSTN), has produced its
own video, Teaching Respect for All, as part of its second annual ‘back to
school’ campaign. The 50-minute video is based on the staff training program
created by GLSTN for the Massachusetts Department of Education under
Republican Governor William Weld."

It was under Weld that the Bay State became the trendsetter in officially
sanctioned pro-homosexuality classroom indoctrination. Peter LaBarbera,
publisher of the Lambda Report, observes that under Weld’s leadership,
"Massachusetts became ground zero in the movement to promote
homosexual-affirming education policies, and the state’s ‘educrats’ are now
working with gay groups to export them to other school districts nationwide.
In 1994, after Weld created his precedent-setting ‘Governor’s Commission on
Gay and Lesbian Youth,’ Massachusetts became the first state to enact a ‘gay
rights’ law for schools."

Among the innovations mandated by the Governor’s Commission, in a February
1993 report entitled Making Schools Safe for Gay and Lesbian Youth: Breaking
the Silence in Schools and Families, was the requirement that "all certified
teachers and educators will receive training in issues relevant to the needs
and problems faced by gay and lesbian youth. Such training should be a
requirement for teacher certification and school accreditation."
Significantly, no exception was recommended for accredited religious and
private schools. The Commission also decreed that pro-homosexual messages be
"integrated into all subject areas" and the removal of "biases in existing
curriculum, such as the exclusive use of opposite-sex couples in math or
foreign language exercises."

Not content with compelled indoctrination of both teachers and students and
the censorship of "homophobic" classroom material, the Commission dictated a
set of "Anti-Harassment Policies and Guidelines." "Schools should adopt and
publicize policies which prohibit anti-gay language and harassment on the
part of faculty and students" and propound "clear guidelines … for dealing
with anti-gay epithets and speech," decreed the Commission. The body further
directed teachers and staff to take all necessary measures to eliminate
"discriminatory attitudes directed against gay and lesbian people in
general." The Commission also called for the creation of "Gay/Straight
Student Alliances" in "every high school in the Commonwealth"; these
"alliances" are esse

[CTRL] They Want Your Children Part 1

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

They Want Your Children
by  William Norman Grigg

Homosexuality is a chosen behavior with self-destructive consequences. Young
people sometimes fall prey to it in early adolescence; the initial repugnance
provoked by the vice in many cases yields to fascination and eventually
results in addiction. As a result of homosexuality, promising lives are cut
tragically short by disease, and health care costs are incurred that are
absorbed by families and the community at large.

Every element of this description applies to smoking, a practice that, unlike
homosexuality, is not condemned by the Bible as an abomination before God and
has not been denounced by millennia of Western moral teaching as a dire
perversion. Just as there are many people who have abandoned tobacco after
adolescent experimentation or even years of regular use, there are many
people who have abandoned the vice of homosexuality after dabbling with it as
confused adolescents or struggling with it for years. Accordingly, the
contrast between the Clinton Administration’s crusade against youth smoking
and its efforts to encourage acceptance of homosexual behavior among youth is

Dangerous Double Standard

"Today, the epidemic of teen smoking is raging throughout our nation as, one
by one, our children are lured by multimillion dollar marketing schemes
designed to do exactly that," intoned Mr. Clinton in a March 7th radio
address. "Three thousand children start to smoke every day illegally, and
1,000 of them will die sooner because of it. This is a national tragedy that
every American should be honor-bound to prevent."

After enumerating the steps already taken to "educate" schoolchildren about
the evils of tobacco, "reduce their access to tobacco products," and severely
"restrict tobacco companies from advertising to young people," Mr. Clinton
insisted that "even this is not enough to fully protect our children." He
urged the public to support legislation that would dramatically raise the
price of cigarettes, penalize the tobacco industry if it "keeps selling
cigarettes to our children," and "restrict tobacco ads aimed at young people,
so that our children can’t fall prey to the deadly threat of tobacco."

In short, the Clinton Administration, in defiance of constitutional
impediments, seeks to mobilize the full regulatory and enforcement resources
of the central government in a campaign to protect schoolchildren against a
form of self-destructive behavior. Of course, no similar crusade has been
mounted by the Administration to discourage the similarly self-destructive
form of behavior called homosexuality.

For anti-tobacco zealots, the evil lure of tobacco is embodied in "Joe
Camel," a commercial mascot created by R.J. Reynolds Company whose seductive
appeal supposedly overpowers the resistance of suggestible youth. Teen
smoking, claimed Bill Clinton recently, "has everything to do with Joe
Camel." In her syndicated newspaper column, Hillary Clinton inveighed against
actress Julia Roberts for chain-smoking in the popular film My Best Friend’s
Wedding. "Movie stars who puff away on screen equate smoking with status,
power, confidence, and glamour," pontificated Mrs. Clinton. The First Lady
did not condemn the same film for featuring a homosexual character that
embodied "status, power, confidence, and glamour," of course.

Thus, it is not surprising that the same Clinton Administration which has
made Joe Camel a totem of evil has embraced homosexual actress Ellen
DeGeneres, who has made herself a living advertisement for the normalization
of her chosen perversion. DeGeneres and her "lover" Anne Heche have been
welcomed at White House social events, and have been photographed with the

In an October 16th speech before the Hollywood Radio and Television Society,
Vice President Al Gore applauded DeGeneres for using her television program
to propagandize on behalf of homosexuality. When she "came out" on her
program, Gore explained to a Hollywood audience, "millions of Americans were
forced to look at sexual orientation in a more open light." Compounding the
irony is the fact that DeGeneres, in a fit of petulant militancy, demanded
that the ABC television network remove the "TV 14" rating from her program,
in order to make it more accessible to impressionable children.

The Administration’s anti-tobacco rhetoric casts tobacco companies as
predators who brazenly target young potential customers as a means of
expanding their markets. Whether or not this charge applies to tobacco
companies, it is certainly true of radical homosexual activists. Writing in
The Advocate, lesbian activist Donna Minkowitz urged her comrades to "take
the offensive for a change, whether the issue is promiscuity or recruiting
the previously straight Ten percent is not enough! Re

Re: [CTRL] State Department works to create brand of the free

2002-01-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/6/02 3:57:17 PM Eastern Standard Time,

<<  This "highly
 orchestrated" endeavor is, the paper said, "a first step in a
 broader campaign to create a 21st-century version of the muscular
 propaganda war that the United States waged in the 1940s." >>

I told you they wouldn't need to worry about history.  The Bushies will
create one for us.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] Bush's first big scandal rises from the ashes of Enron

2002-01-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

Yes, and I assure you that it will be swept under a rug--ashes and all.  The
Bush family have been quietly obliterating their more questionable activities
for years.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] "Black Hawk Down"

2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-


Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 "Black Hawk Down" – Hollywood drags bloody corpse of truth across movie
By Larry Chin
January 3, 2002 -- True to its post-9/11 government-sanctioned role as US war
propaganda headquarters, Hollywood has released "Black Hawk Down," a
fictionalized account of the tragic 1993 US raid in Somalia. The Pentagon
assisted with the production, pleased for an opportunity to "set the record
straight." The film is a lie that compounds the original lie that was the
operation itself.

Somalia: the facts

According to the myth, the Somalia operation of 1993 was a humanitarian
mission, and a shining example of New World Order morality and altruism. In
fact, US and UN troops waged an undeclared war against an Islamic African
populace that was hostile to foreign interests.

Also contrary to the legend, the 1993 Somalia raid was not a "Clinton foreign
policy bungle." In fact, the incoming Clinton administration inherited an
operation that was already in full swing -- planned and begun by outgoing
President George Herbert Walker Bush, spearheaded by deputy national security
adviser Jonathan Howe (who remained in charge of the UN operation after
Clinton took office), and approved by Colin Powell, then head of the Joint

The operation had nothing to do with humanitarianism or Africa-love on the
part of Bush or Clinton. Several US oil companies, including Conoco, Amoco,
Chevron and Phillips were positioned to exploit Somalia's rich oil reserves.
The companies had secured billion-dollar concessions to explore and drill
large portions of the Somali countryside during the reign of pro-US President
Mohamed Siad Barre. (In fact, Conoco's Mogadishu office housed the US embassy
and military headquarters.) A "secure" Somalia also provided the West with
strategic location on the coast of Arabian Sea.

UN military became necessary when Barre was overthrown by warlord Mohammed
Farrah Aidid, suddenly rendering Somalia inhospitable to US corporate

Although the pretext for the mission was to safeguard food shipments, and
stop the "evil Aidid" from stealing the food, the true UN goal was to remove
Aidid from the political equation, and form a pro-Western coalition
government out of the nation's warring clans. The US operation was met with
"surprisingly fierce resistance" -- surprising to US officials who
underestimated Somalian resolve, and even more surprising to US troops who
were victims and pawns of UN policy makers.

The highly documented series by Mark Bowden of the Philadelphia Inquirer on
which the film is based , focuses on the participants, and the "untenable"
situation in which troops were placed. But even Bowden's gung-ho account
makes no bones about provocative American attacks that ultimately led to the
decisive defeat in Mogadishu.

Bowden writes: "Task Force Ranger was not in Mogadishu to feed the hungry.
Over six weeks, from late August to Oct. 3, it conducted six missions,
raiding locations where either Aidid or his lieutenants were believed to be
meeting. The mission that resulted in the Battle of Mogadishu came less than
three months after a surprise missile attack by U.S. helicopters (acting on
behalf of the UN) on a meeting of Aidid clansmen. Prompted by a Somalian
ambush on June 5 that killed more than 20 Pakistani soldiers, the missile
attack killed 50 to 70 clan elders and intellectuals, many of them moderates
seeking to reach a peaceful settlement with the United Nations. After that
July 12 helicopter attack, Aidid's clan was officially at war with America --
a fact many Americans never realized."

Hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Somalis were killed in the course of US
incursions that took place over three months. In his book The New Military
Humanism, Noam Chomsky cites other under-reported facts. "In October 1993,
criminal incompetence by the US military led to the slaughter of 1,000
Somalis by American firepower." Chomsky writes. "The official estimate was
6-10,000 Somali casualties in the summer of 1993 alone, two-thirds women and
children. Marine Lt. Gen. Anthony Zinni, who commanded the operation,
informed the press that 'I'm not counting bodies . . . I'm not interested.'
Specific war crimes of US forces included direct military attacks on a
hospital and on civilian gatherings. Other Western armies were implicated in
serious crimes as well. Some of these were revealed at an official Canadian
inquiry, not duplicated by the US or other governments."

Bowden's more forgiving account does not contradict Chomsky's in this regard:

"Official U.S. estimates of Somalian casualties at the time numbered 350 dead
and 500 injured. Somalian clan leaders made claims of more than 1,000 deaths.
The United Nations placed the number of dead at ``between 300 to 500.''
Doctors and intellectuals in Mogadishu not aligned with the feuding c


2002-01-08 Thread Bill Richer

-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!


I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some
individual or their culture.  Since the terrorist attacks on Sept.  11, we
have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Americans.

However, the dust from the attacks had barely settled when the "politically
correct" crowd began complaining about the possibility that our patriotism
was offending others.

I am not against immigration, nor do I hold a grudge against anyone who is
seeking a better life by coming to America.  Our population is almost
entirely comprised of descendants of immigrants.  However, there are a few
things that those who have recently come to our country, and apparently some
born here, need to understand.

This idea of America being a multicultural community has served only to
dilute our sovereignty and our national identity.  As Americans, we have our
own culture, our own society, our own language and our own lifestyle.

This culture has been developed over centuries of struggles, trials, and
victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.

We speak ENGLISH, not Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any
other language.  Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn
the language!

"In God We Trust" is our national motto.  This is not some Christian, right
wing, political slogan.  We adopted this motto because Christian men and
women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly
documented.  It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our
schools.  If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of
the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.

If Stars and Stripes offend you, or you don't like Uncle Sam, then you
should seriously consider a move to another part of this planet.

We are happy with our culture and have no desire to change, and we really
don't care how you did things where you came from.  This is OUR COUNTRY, our
land, and our lifestyle.

Our First Amendment gives every citizen the right to express his opinion and
we will allow you every opportunity to do so.  But, once you are done
complaining, whining, and griping about our flag, our pledge, our national
motto, or our way of life, I highly encourage you to take advantage of one
other great American freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.

Yeah!!! and Don't let those big doors hit you in the ass either..

Jack from Texas

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Re: [CTRL] Does J2 have G-d's Deed to the Chosen People?

2002-01-08 Thread Prudence L. Kuhn

-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 1/6/02 12:59:45 AM Eastern Standard Time,

 You know, throughout history, the winner of the war has always gotten
 to draw the borders, with the exception of post-1948 Israel. >>

You don't know how bad that makes me feel.  Prudy

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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Arms Ship PR move fails

2002-01-08 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- thew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> -Caveat Lector-
> either way the weapons would have been used against Israelis, no?
> --

the israelis are as capable as anyone of determining where they
were going...they are caught in another lie...

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2002-01-08 Thread eric stewart

-Caveat Lector-

--- William Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The FBI's only interest was to know my sources, and of course
> that would
> never be revealed to any one. So a deal was never cut.

some patriot...no justice without bucks eh?

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Arms Ship PR move fails

2002-01-08 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

either way the weapons would have been used against Israelis, no?
   Doubt thyself.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest thyself.
   Doubt all.
   Doubt even if thou doubtest all.
   It seems sometimes as if beneath all conscious doubt
 there lay some deepest certainty.  O kill it!  Slay the
   The horn of the Doubt-Goat be exalted
   Dive deeper, ever deeper, into the Abyss of Mind,
 until thou unearth the fox THAT.  On, hounds!
 Yoicks!  Tally-ho!  Bring THAT to bay!
   Then, wind the Mort!

   Uncle Al. the kiddies pal

NEURONAUTIC INSTITUTE on-line: http://home.earthlink.net/~thew

> From: eric stewart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 08:43:47 -0800
> Subject: [CTRL] Israeli Arms Ship PR move fails
> -Caveat Lector-
> Israel's navy has captured a boat full of weapons that officials
> said was heading for the Palestinian Authority. But U.S. officials
> said the destination was Lebanon and the Iranian-based Hizbullah.
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/agentsmiley/message/2834
> __
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> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance?not soap-boxing?please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'?with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds?is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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Re: [CTRL] Saudi Royal Family 'in complete panic' during recent riots

2002-01-08 Thread thew

-Caveat Lector-

that's right
because we prop up a corrupt Saudi regime, so they won't cut off our oil
-- -  --- - --- ---
Complete liberty of contradicting our opinion is the very condition which
justifies us in assuming its truth.

John Stuart Mill

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> From: Saba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: Conspiracy Theory Research List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 16:19:17 -0500
> Subject: Re: [CTRL] Saudi Royal Family 'in complete panic' during recent riots
> Saudis have no reason to go to war against USA or Israel or anyone else.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Antichrist revealed by jesuit priest

2002-01-08 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Party of Citizens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 9:31 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Antichrist revealed by jesuit priest

> On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, c. wrote:
> > "allow"? you are either ignorant or evil. or both.
> Maybe I am THE antichrist. For three easy payments of $19.95 I can sell
> you an antichrist detector.

you cannot be something that only exists in people's imagination, can you?
but if you want to barter i'll give you 11 of st.peter's fingers and a shard
from the cross for the detector.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Fwd: Emperors Clothes Website Is Down!

2002-01-08 Thread eric stewart

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Re: [CTRL] Antichrist revealed by jesuit priest

2002-01-08 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

* POC Plans: For BC Election 2005, Political Avatars under
development; For BC Election 2009, Political Avatars run on trial basis;
For Election 2013, Political Avatars with super-human AI online *

On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, c. wrote:

> "allow"? you are either ignorant or evil. or both.

Maybe I am THE antichrist. For three easy payments of $19.95 I can sell
you an antichrist detector.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Operation Enduring Freedom = Operation Final Solution

2002-01-08 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 13:09:46 -0800 (PST)
From: Party of Citizens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Trotskyite Regime turns to "The Final Solution" to the Muslim

The US Puppet Government seems inclined to obey its Trotskyite masters
once again. The Holocaust of 66,000,000 in Christian Russia and
surrounding countries post 1917 by the Schiff-Trotsky Cabal from New York
was a trial run for "Operation Final Solution". With Christendom now
destroyed in the West and whores running Protestant and Roman
"churches" they now turn to The Final Solution to the Muslim Problem.

There will be a DOMINO EFFECT after Afghanistan as the Trotskyites move
against the Muslim countries in a vice-grip between Israel and
Afghanistan. Syria, Iran and Iraq are obvious targets for carpet bombing,
genocide and enslavement. The political instability in Saudi Arabia could
lead to a change of regime as quickly as the Shah's regime changed in
Iran. So Saudi Arabia too will be targeted for genocide and ethnocide.

WASHINGTON (UPI)- Former Secretary of State Gen. Alexander M. Haig Jr. said Monday 
that Syria, not Iraq, should be the next target in the war against international 

His comments came in an exclusive interview with United Press International's editor 
at large, Arnaud de Borchgrave.

Here is the transcript of the interview:

Q (de Borchgrave): What did the United States do right in Afghanistan and what did it 
do wrong? And what lessons have we learned for the future?

A (Haig): We didn't do anything wrong, but among the lessons learned, given the 
magnitude of the problems we now face in Afghanistan, a major U.S. force on the ground 
would convince the world we were in for the long-haul recovery of a country devastated 
by 21 years of warfare.

We lost interest in Afghanistan and left it in the lurch after the Soviets pulled out 
in 1989, and paid a terrible price for our shortsightedness, witness the emergence of 
Taliban and its alliance with al Qaida. If we are to thwart another round of 
warlordism and tribal warfare, such as what followed the Soviet withdrawal, and 
encourage the Afghans to get on with rebuilding their own nation, U.S. assistance, 
diplomacy and a muscular military presence will be required.

In Desert Storm, we had too many troops, in Afghanistan probably not enough for the 
major commitment we have made. President Bush and his team did a superb job winning 
the war, and we need to remember how he achieved maximum success despite a number of 
formidable restraints. The United States first had to negotiate with Pakistan, 
Uzbekistan and Tajikistan for basing rights to bridge enormous distances to a 
land-locked Afghanistan.

Q: Is a lack of an institutional memory and a sense of history to blame for the crises 
that seem to hit us with tedious regularity in that part of the world?

'Clinton's Woefully Inadequate and Weak Iraqi Policy'

A: You have to look at the history of the Middle East in particular. It has been one 
of failure and frustration, of feudalism and tribalism, of Pan Arabism under Egypt's 
[Gamal Abdel] Nasser and its flirtation with the Soviet Union, then a flirtation with 
the Western world which led to more frustration when our great victory over the Iraqi 
aggressor left Saddam Hussein in power who then became a hero to the Arab masses 
because of Clinton's woefully inadequate and weak Iraqi policy.

Then you look at Iran, which became the crucible of fundamentalism coupled with 
terrorism, a situation we totally misread. Prior to his takeover of Iran, Ayatollah 
Khomeini was camping near Paris, giving daily news conferences to a fawning 
international press corps without a murmur of complaint to France from the United 
States about the disaster it was coddling in the incredibly naïve liberal belief that 
this extremist cleric would be an improvement over the Shah.

Stabbing the Shah in the Back

For years we leaned on the Shah for land reform, which led to the expropriation of the 
massive land holdings of the clergy, which, in turn, triggered the clergy's revolution 
against the monarchy. And when the Shah found himself in trouble, we quite literally 
stabbed him in the back.

It didn't take long for the world to realize that the Shah was an enlightened liberal 
next to the bloody reactionary regime that followed, and which executed more people in 
three months than the Shah had done in 30 years.

Then came the hostage crisis during which Carter did nothing to rattle the ayatollahs 
who hung tough until Ronald Reagan was inaugurated, when they suddenly backed down. 
After that we saw the killing of 241 U.S. Marines and 58 French soldiers in Beirut on 
Oct. 23, 1983. But the two culprits - Syria and Iran - got away scot-free.

Q: You mean the United States and its allies never understood that terrorism was a 
transnational terrorism?

A: Exactly right. We

Re: [CTRL] Antichrist revealed by jesuit priest

2002-01-08 Thread c.

-Caveat Lector-

- Original Message -
From: "Party of Citizens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 8:46 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Antichrist revealed by jesuit priest

> IMO, freedom of religion allows Jews and Satanists to be antichrist.

this statement shows so much about christian attitude. "allow"? for goodness
sake, POC, are you so far down the the intellectual ladder that you do not
recognise the validity of religions other than christian? it is the most
distasteful aspect of religion of any kind- the arrogance of being certain
that their religion is correct. in your thinking all other beliefs except
yours is wrong. do you not believe that all you have is a belief? christian
religion's mainstay is faith without evidence- that is a self declared
mainstay, one underlined by the religion itself.
jew, muslims, hindus, athiests, buddhists, whoever... they all do not
believe in your god. that makes you the antichrist of their religion (if
applicable of course- some religions have moved on from such wooly theories
about the nature of existence).
that is what is so incredible about these kindergarten religions such as
christianity- it is on such a basic, divisive level. good and bad- right and
wrong. and not right and wrong morally either- right means believing what
you believe and wrong is not believing what you believe. personal experience
is worth nothing- only the dogma of thousands of years ago. a static
undeveloping religion locked into base human emotion- guilt of the sacrifice
of one man, guilt of being alive- born with sin. to grow up in a state of
apology for being alive and naked and aware.
do you not realise that there is no literal truth in christianity? that it
is metaphor and abstraction to allow self development through understanding
of oneself, of others, of our place in the world? literal interpretation of
gods is deplorable, dangerous to others and graceless and just damned rude.
religion is not even needed to enforce stability and moral responsibility
anymore due to education and access to information. poeple can accept
responsibility for themselves- no excuse anymore. if someone does something
that harms someone else, it is down to them. the devil does not make anyone
kill and god does not heal anyone. it is free will and personal
responibility- or the lack of it- that is happening within people- we are
not puppets of supernatural forces, we are not playthings of higher
lifeforms that demand worship or sacrifice or slavery or devotion.
when you thank god you are cheating yourself or the people around you. when
you blame the devil you are evading responsibility or releasing others from
"allow"? you are either ignorant or evil. or both.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] [Para-Discuss] Don't leave home without the new Antichrist detecto (fwd)

2002-01-08 Thread Party of Citizens

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 13:48:06 -0600
From: Billie Brinkley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Para-Discuss] Don't leave home without the new Antichrist detecto

LOL...From the Weekly World News.

New Antichrist detector will keep you safe for just 3 EZ payments of $19.95,
say Japanese inventors


TOKYO - Scientists have invented a nifty new handheld devicethat promises to
take the guesswork out of identifying the Antichrist!

The Antichrist Detector, as the high-tech gadget is called, can pinpoint
evil Satan's earthly incarnation at up to 600 yards, according to the
manufacturer, Sapporo Industries.

"The Antichrist may be the master of deception, but no matter what guise he
chooses to adopt, this device will nail him instantly," says chief designer
Dr. Noburu Kanazawa.

With world events spiraling out of control and corresponding to signs of the
End Times foretold in the Holy Bible, more religious scholars than ever are
now firmly convinced that the Apocalypse is just around the corner.

And they believe that in keeping with biblical prophecy, the Antichrist will
soon attempt to seize power worldwide.

But fingering the master of disaster will be a cinch using the device, which
employs an array of super-sensitive sensors to pick up what the inventors
call "demonic energy."

"Our device is designed to pick up unusual wavelengths that would be
inconsistent with an ordinary human being," Dr. Kanazawa explained.

"It is constantly monitoring the entire spectrum, from the most obscure
microwave frequencies to cosmic radiation."

When the gizmo recognizes that Antichrist is in close proximity, a LED
flashes a red warning light and an arrow points to the direction where he -
or she - is standing.

Sapporo Industries says it will begin a massive marketing blitz in the
UnitedStates by Thanksgiving, offering the detectors to all comers for three
payments of $19.95 via TV infomercials.

Published on: November 19, 2001

Read this story, with pictures, at:

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Re: [CTRL] Saudi Royal Family 'in complete panic' during recent riots

2002-01-08 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

This royal famly is not a war mongering family but now they are dealing
with war mongers - Israel and the USA.for the USA has taken the
image of Israel.

So lots of oil out there we stand to lose all for the sake of Zionists?

We give Israel enough money to defend themselves.if they want to go
to war iwth Palestine and blow each other off face of earth, let them
go.   Who the hell cares after the 911 deal.

Saudis have no reason to go to war against USA or Israel or anyone else.

But face it - the USA is now as hated as Israel.

Maybe more so - but Osama bin Laden did not take out those Twin Towers
and when we learn who did  we will see the end of war, for sure.

Strange we fought two world wars without being bombed but there were
sabotuers over here.yet we are led to believe that that Osama bin
Laden masterminded the Twin Towers job?

Why?   What the hell does anybody want with that piece of crap they call
Israel in its present mode which is self destruct.  Land of rocks and
now no water.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Cops: Teen Pilot Supported bin Laden

2002-01-08 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

so my letter just flew away.

Anyway stupid is as stupid does.   This kid at 13 taking flying lessons
or 14, both dates reported he sitll only had 6 hours in the air.

What about landing?   And take off and navigation?   Anyone can hit the
boradside of a barn with a plane but it seemed to me this chase in the
sky ran him dead on into this building for I think he was headed
someplace else.

The note - what is it national security involved?   Somebody going to
sell it for big bucks to CNN or someplace for now it is of some value to

It is January, remember - evil Janus, double faced - we see dark souls
of men and two faces each contradicting the other?

Anyway we know it is Showtimeand cui bono?

So now we will be exposed to the trial of this woman who murdered her
kids.   Such lovely people and she home schooled?   Do not believe it -
for she kept the house like a pig stye.

So kids see and feel - and the see they are not really wanted, some of
them - right?

So Tuesday is Woden's Day or Odin's Day, do not know - is Saturday
Saturn or Satan's Daytake your pick.

Odin or Woden or Satan or Saturn - lots more involve here this masonic
allegory says so.


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Fwd: Cops: Teen Pilot Supported bin Laden

2002-01-08 Thread Saba

-Caveat Lector-

Flying lessons cost $25.00 to $35.00 an hour in a Cessna down there.

As one progresses to different type planes assume lessons more
expensive.   It was
car for his birthday presen

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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