[CTRL] Forward, hahr ... Right French, Right ...

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From FT (URL @ bottom)

Now I ain't beatin' my own drum laydyes and gentermens, but I 've been watching
this seep up from the ground like an early spring fogginess off the bayou, misting
ever so slightly above the ground and then up through the trees ... we still got
visibility folks ... don't bail out ... keep your seats.  Anyway, with the events in 
(blocking the North Africans, the hostel burnings in Germany, the Belgians' elections,
and others, they themselves watching their aeons-old societies being eroded by
excessive (to them) immigration and dilution of the Old Stock, this is not surprising.
The Socialists are conceding.


Jospin quits after Le Pen beats him into run-off
By Robert Graham and Raphael Minder in Paris, and FT.com staff
Published: April 21 2002 19:00 | Last Updated: April 22 2002 07:57

Jacques Chirac on Sunday night looked set to retain the French presidency for a
second term as a disgruntled electorate gave a huge protest vote to Jean-Marie Le
Pen, the hard right leader of the National Front ejecting Socialist premier Lionel
Jospin from the second round contest.

Emerging victorious from the first round Mr Chirac immediately sought to rally the
nation warning of a threat to democracy should the extremist 73 year-old Mr Le Pen
be elected France's next head of state.

Mr Jospin on Sunday night conceded defeat after gaining a provisional 16 per cent,
behind the 17.2 per cent gained by Mr Le Pen and Mr Chirac's 20 per cent. He also
announced he would resign from the premiership and withdraw from politics once the
second round vote was over on May 5.

The vote was the biggest electoral upset in France's post-war political history. The
results are an enormous clap of thunder - the fact that the extreme right represents
20 per cent is a very worrying sign for France and our democracy, Mr Jospin said.

In addition to Mr Le Pen, Bruno Mégret, his onetime ally and dauphin in the National
Front, received 3 per cent of the vote.

The French electorate now faces a second-round choice between the 69 year-old
outgoing president, whose image has suffered from corruption scandals and Mr Le
Pen, a former paratrooper whose National Front has openly identified with racist
policies and has no parliamentary representation.

Thousands of anti-Le Pen protesters took to the streets of Paris early on Monday.
Reuters news agency reported that police had used tear gas against the
demonstrators, though there were no reports of injuries.

The contest raises the prospect of a tilt towards the right in France which will 
affect the political colour of Europe after the impact of the Berlusconi government in

What is at stake to day is national cohesion, said Mr Chirac on Sunday night. If an
election allows rejection and dissatisfaction to be expressed, this is not enough to
form the basis of a government's policy.

France's moderate and fragmented right is expected to rally round Mr Chirac for the
second round. On Sunday night pollsters forecast a 78-22 per cent split in favour of
Mr Chirac. But this may not provide enough momentum for the moderate right to win
a tough general election in June - and without control of parliament France would
face another left-right cohabitation.

All the ingredients are unfortunately now there to get a co-habitation, said Alain
Madelin, the liberal leader who won less than 4 per cent but who is a an important
potential Chirac ally.

Commentators said in the unlikely event of Mr Le Pen being elected president of
France, this would raise far worse problems for the European Union than those
presented by the entry of the Haidar faction into the Austrian government three years

This is a big defeat for the two leaders of the establishment, Mr Le Pen said on
Sunday night. This is first of all a rejection by the French people of the ineffective
way in which they have been governed.

Mr Le Pen profited from an election system which allowed 16 candidates to enter the
field. His support was eroded by the three hard left candidates, the Communist and
Green candidates Jean-Pierre Chevenement, his former interior minister. But none
of these candiates believed his presence in the second round was in doubt.

The vote saw an unprecedented level of abstention with 28 per cent of voters staying
away from the polling booths.

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[CTRL] And some don't like the cadence ...

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


 Monday, April 22, 2002

French press agog at Le Pen poll shock

PARIS, April 22 (Reuters) - Following is a selection of headlines and commentary in
early Monday editions of French newspapers after far-right nationalist Jean-Marie Le
Pen unexpectedly won through to the final round of presidential elections.

Le Pen beat Socialist Prime Minister Lionel Jospin into third place in Sunday's first
round of voting and will face conservative President Jacques Chirac in the May 5

Many newspapers, from Communist-supporting Humanite to the conservative le
Figaro, abandoned their usual format to splash banner one-word headlines after an
electoral upset that has sent shockwaves across France and its European

LIBERATION (left-leaning daily)

- Under a single-word front-page headline NON, the paper says thousands of
people descended into the streets to protest after far-right leader Le Pen gained a
place in the second round of presidential elections against Jacques Chirac.

In an editorial headlined Awful, the paper says the suicide of the left, defeated 
the first round for the first time since 1969, leaves a caricature of a contest that 
is in
many ways shameful.

LE FIGARO (conservative daily)

- Earthquake. For the first time since 1969 the left will be absent from the second

The large number of candidates on the left and extreme left eroded the Jospin vote.
The prime minister also paid in stinging fashion for his five years in government and
a blurred political message throughout his campaign.

HUMANITE (former Communist party newspaper)

- The newspaper runs the headline NON! under a picture of Le Pen's face daubed
with a red cross. France does not deserve this. Exasperation and frustration
provoke a scathing disavowal of policies carried out for years. A dangerous situation
is created, reads the paper's front-page comment.

PARISIEN (tabloid)

- Shock.

FRANCE SOIR (tabloid)

- The Le Pen bomb.

A campaign focused on insecurity, a fragmented vote shared between 16
candidates and record abstentions led to this unimaginable result.

LES ECHOS (financial daily)

- Presidential earthquake. Shocked left-wing leaders urge voters to block the path to
power of Jean-Marie Le Pen.

Jean-Marie Le Pen profited from the rise of insecurity to the top of the political
agenda. Upsetting France's political life and its image abroad, the result places
Jacques Chirac in the position of almost certain victor in the second round.

LA TRIBUNE (financial daily)

- Le Pen imposes a duel laden with menace on Chirac.

Almost a third of voters supported candidates whose stock in trade is hatred of
parliamentary democracy. The result is above all an act of defiance to the governing
parties of both right and left who managed France over the years.


- In one of post-war Europe's most startling political implosions, Jean-Marie Le Pen,
the rightist extremist who has run on racially divisive platforms for three decades,
advances into final round of French presidential election. (web edition)

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not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being 

[CTRL] Up to their knees in quicksand ?

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From SMH URL @ bottom

This makes no sense at all.  If they offend the leaders of a UN group, how is it
that any substitutes aren't gonna have an even stricter agenda  to go by and bye (by
the book, by the numbers, bye-bye Ariel).  Watch out for this when Foul is cried
because of the lack of leniency.  AER 

Israeli anger aimed at 'unfit' UN envoy
By Ross Dunn, Herald Correspondent in Jerusalem
April 22 2002

Israel yesterday launched unprecedented criticism against the United Nations special
Middle East envoy, Terje Roed-Larsen, saying he should be considered persona non
grata and was no longer fit to serve in the region.

The unusually harsh language used against him came after he described conditions
in the Jenin refugee camp after an Israeli Army incursion as horrifying beyond

Mr Larsen is among three leading UN officials whom Israel says are biased and must
be excluded from an inquiry into the army's military assault against Jenin.

Israel has agree to co-operate with the investigation, but officials in Jerusalem said 
must not include Mr Roed-Larsen, the UN Human Rights high commissioner, Mary
Robinson, and Peter Hansen, who as director-general of the UN Relief and Works
Agency is responsible for the Palestinian refugee camps.

Israeli officials say all three have strongly denounced the army's actions in recent
days, thereby making them incapable of presenting a fair picture.

Mr Roed-Larsen, who during a tour of Jenin last week spoke out against the Israeli
Army's operations, came in for heavy criticism during a meeting of the Israeli cabinet.

The Attorney-General, Elyakim Rubinstein, said the Government should consider
declaring him persona non grata. Mr Rubinstein said he had reviewed Mr Larsen's
recent statements and described
them as lies. Some cabinet ministers were similarly outraged.

Larsen has disqualified himself from continuing as an honest broker between Israel
and the Palestinians, said the Trade and Industry Minister, Dalia Itzik.

The Defence Minister, Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, said Mr Roed-Larsen was guilty of
incitement against Israel.

It is not only UN officials who are viewing what happened in Jenin with alarm. The US
Under-Secretary of State, William Burns, toured the camp at the weekend and said
the situation there was a terrible human tragedy.

It is obvious that what happened in the Jenin camp has caused enormous human
suffering for thousands of Palestinian civilians, Mr Burns said.

But he and Mr Larsen have refused to say whether they had seen any evidence to
support the claims of the Palestinian leadership that a massacre had happened.

The Palestinian chief negotiator, Saeb Erekat, said he hoped the UN mission would
lead to an international force to protect Palestinians. We hope that the first stop 
the panel submits this report is the creation of an international force, he said.

Also yesterday, Israeli troops began withdrawing from some parts of the West Bank,
while stepping up operations in other areas of the territory.

Tanks fired into the air as they began pulling out of Nablus, the largest Palestinian
self-rule area in the West Bank.

The soldiers also withdrew from most parts of Ramallah but continued to surround
the city headquarters of the Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat.

Security officials were discussing the possibility of storming the compound. The
action would be designed to arrest four Palestinians holed up inside Mr Arafat's
offices who are wanted over the murder of the Israeli tourism minister, Rehavam
Ze'evi, last October.

And an elite Israeli commando unit raided the Qalandiyah refugee camp in Ramallah,
searching for what the army referred to as wanted Palestinian terrorists.

At least 13 armed Palestinians were arrested during the operation, amid heavy
exchanges of gunfire between Palestinian gunmen and Israeli troops.

This story was found at: http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/04/


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believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, 

[CTRL] 75,000 and many more in spirit

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News  Analysis : North America

75,000 march in Washington against US militarism and Israeli aggression

By Jerry Isaacs
22 April 2002

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Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched in Washington DC on Saturday to
oppose US militarism and the Bush administration’s attacks on democratic rights, as
well as Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people. The Capitol Police said the
protest was larger than anticipated, estimating 75,000 participants. It was the largest
anti-war demonstration in Washington since the Gulf War more than a decade ago.

The demonstration began with three separate rallies, which then converged in a
march up Pennsylvania Avenue to the US Capitol. The April 20th Mobilization to Stop
the War, a coalition of pacifist and radical groups, held a rally just south of the
Washington Monument. Another protest was held near the White House by a
separate coalition, International ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism),
focusing on Israel’s invasion of the West Bank and attracting large numbers of

Finally, anti-globalization protesters opposed to the policies of the World Bank and
International Monetary Fund demonstrated near the headquarters of those two
institutions, before feeding into the march to the Capitol.

Another 15,000 to 20,000 marched in San Francisco in a simultaneous protest on the
West Coast. Smaller demonstrations were held in a number of other cities.

A large contingent of Arab-Americans and Muslim immigrants, who have borne the
brunt of the anti-democratic measures carried out by the Bush administration since
September 11, attended the Washington demonstration to protest US backing for the
Israeli invasion of the West Bank.

Thousands of Palestinian-Americans made the 12-hour bus trip from Detroit or
traveled from other cities such as New York in what organizers said was the largest
pro-Palestinian demonstration in US history. They carried Palestinian flags, coffins
symbolizing those murdered in the Jenin refugee camp, and photos of massacred
civilians. Many denounced the US policy of arming and financing the Israeli military
machine, carrying signs that read: “Sharon and Bush are terrorists,” “Palestinians live
9-11 24/7,” and “Rocks vs. F-16s, Who’s the terrorist?”

Mahmoud Mansour came to the march with his wife and children from Groton,
Connecticut. He said that much of his family remained in Ramallah, Nablus and the
Gaza Strip. His wife’s cousin was shot dead in Ramallah a week earlier, while other
relatives had disappeared, he said.

“I’m here to object to US policy and to show my support for the people of Palestine,”
he said. “It is horrible for the people there. People cannot leave their homes without
being shot; they don’t have enough food or water.

“The truth is that most American people don’t understand what is happening. They
say it is a democracy here in America, but it is not really a democracy. The 
are for sale and do not reflect real American values and ethics. That is the only way
you can explain a government that ignores Israeli massacres and says that it is
fighting to stop terrorism. What are they talking about? Democracy is supposed to be
the people running their own government, but here it is the one who has the money
who runs everything.”

At one point a group of Jewish demonstrators opposed to the Israeli occupation
joined the Arab-American protesters, chanting “Yes to Judaism! No to Zionism!”
Throughout the day, references to the refusal of Israeli military reservists to serve 
the occupied territories evoked thunderous applause.

The atrocities carried out by the Israeli government further galvanized those opposed
to the war in Afghanistan and Bush’s open-ended “war on terrorism,” including the
planned military assault against Iraq and the dispatch of US troops to Central Asia,
Yemen, the Philippines and Latin America. Protesters denounced the bombing of
Afghan civilians and carried signs and banners reading, “No blank check for endless
war,” “Criminals in the White House again” and “War without an end. Not in our

Many protesters denounced the detention of 1,200 immigrants without due process
and the unprecedented powers given to the FBI and other government agencies to
carry out surveillance and wire-tapping. Others demanded funding for jobs, education
and social programs instead of increasing the already huge military budget and
giving more tax breaks to the rich.

The large turnout was particularly significant in the face of the campaign by the
media to promote pro-war and patriotic sentiment in the aftermath of the September
11 terrorist attacks, as well as the Bush administration’s efforts to silence dissent 
brand government critics as accomplices to terror.

In the days leading up to the demonstration the media 

[CTRL] Livin' On Tulsa Time / Integration of Church State

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.senate.gov/~inhofe/bio.html

United States Senator Jim Inhofe, one of the leading conservative voices in the
Senate, is a strong advocate of common sense Oklahoma values including less
government, less regulation, lower taxes, fiscal responsibility and a strong national
He was first elected to the Senate in 1994 to complete the unexpired term of Senator
David Boren who resigned to become president of the University of Oklahoma. He
was re-elected in 1996.
He is a member of the Armed Services Committee (Subcommittees: Readiness 
Management Support- Ranking Member; Strategic Forces; and Airland); the
Environment  Public Works Committee(Subcommittees: Transportation 
Infrastructure-Ranking Member; Clean Air, Wetlands, Private Property  Nuclear
Safety; and Superfund; Waste Control  Risk Assessment); the Intelligence
Committee; and the Indian Affairs Committee.
Inhofe plays a leadership role on defense and national security issues. As the former
chairman, and now ranking member, of the Subcommittee on Readiness, he has
fought to improve the condition of the U.S. military, both by providing greater
resources and by fighting for necessary equipment and training. He believes
overseas military missions should serve vital national interests, and he is one of the
Senate's prime advocates for deploying a national missile defense system.
Inhofe is also a leader on important environmental and regulatory issues, fighting to
restore common sense and sound science to the regulatory decisions of the
Environmental Protection Agency on such issues as global warming, clean air
mandates, wetlands, and endangered species. As ranking member of the
Subcommittee on Transportation  Infrastructure, he plays an important role in
overseeing the wise expenditure of Highway Trust Fund dollars.
Inhofe previously served four terms in the U.S. House of Representatives,
representing Oklahoma's First Congressional District which encompasses Tulsa
County. In 1993, he came to national attention when he succeeded in reforming the
arcane discharge petition rule which the Congressional leadership had long used to
keep popular bills bottled up in committees. The rule change he made possible
eliminated secrecy in the legislative process. One of the first bills to benefit from 
reform was the landmark Inhofe-sponsored aviation liability bill which put America
back in the aviation manufacturing business.
Inhofe grew up in Tulsa and graduated from the University of Tulsa with a degree in
economics. He served in the U.S. Army and has been a small businessman (working
in aviation, real estate and insurance) for over 30 years. He was elected to the
Oklahoma State House of Representatives in 1966, served one term, and was then
elected to the State Senate where he served two terms and became Minority Leader.
From 1978 to 1984, he was Mayor of Tulsa. Active in aviation, Inhofe became the
only member of Congress to fly an airplane around the world when he recreated
Wiley Post's legendary trip around the globe. Inhofe has been married to his wife,
Kay, for 42 years and has four grown children and eleven grandchildren.
Inhofe: an act of political courage.
(Boston Herald)

(When) the Inhofe petition succeeds, we're talking about
a revolution in the House of Representatives.
(The Wall Street Journal)

Republicans will have to offer a bigger vision...
Jim Inhofe could be a model for that vision.
(The Washington Times)

U.S. Senator James M. Inhofe (R - Oklahoma)


From http://www.senate.gov/~inhofe/fl120401.html


America's Stake in Israel's War on Terrorism Senate Floor Statement by
U.S. Sen. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla)

December 4, 2001

Willie George was right. Lest some of you do not know who Willie George is, some
people consider Willie George a preacher, but he is also a very able historian. As I
listened to him and added some perspectives on what the attack on America was all
about, I realized the inside-Washington mentality is sometimes and often flawed and
that mentality that comes from Oklahoma reflects more of real America.

The Apostle Paul gave us our marching orders in Ephesians 6, verses 10, 11, and
12. He said:

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the
whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For
we wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against 
powers, against the rulers of this darkness-- About which we are talking-- against the
spiritual hosts of wickedness in high places.

Make no mistake about it. This war is first and foremost a spiritual war. It is not a
political war. It has never been a political war. It is not about politics. It is a 
war. It has its roots in spiritual conflict. It is a war to be fought to destroy the 
fabric of our society and the very things for which we stand.

Many of the wars in 

[CTRL] Iraq attack could topple Blair

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-



Iraq attack could topple Blair

An attack on Iraq would split the Government down the middle and could even
topple Tony Blair's leadership, warns a Labour backbencher.

George Galloway says there is already a lot of unhappiness with the Prime Minister
on a range of policies. He suggests action against Saddam Hussein's regime could
be the last straw for Tony Blair.

The Glasgow Kelvin MP also suggests an attack on Iraq could see the overthrow of
the western states' puppet kings and stooge presidents.

I think it would split the Labour Party down the middle and it could lead to the 
of the Blair leadership in the Labour Party, he said.

If he led us into such a disaster as this behind the generalship of George W Bush, it
could be the last straw for Tony Blair.

Earlier this week, Foreign Secretary Jack Straw tried to reassure MPs concerned
about possible action against the Iraqi dictator, insisting no decision on military 
was likely to be made for some time.

But he warned Saddam Hussein's regime to allow weapons inspectors back into
Iraq, saying the country was in breach of nine separate United Nations Security
Council Resolutions.

Mr Straw told the Commons: Our message is clear, if (Saddam) has nothing to hide,
he has nothing to fear from weapons inspectors.

He added: As the Prime Minister said, no decisions about military action have been
made, nor, might I add, are likely to be made, if made at all, for some time.

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Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] axis of evil

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


 Al-Sudais said Arabs should bid farewell to peace with the Jews,
 whom he described as the scum of the human race, the rats of the
 world, the killers of prophets and the grandsons of monkeys and

Saudi intellectuals say U.S. and Israel are axis of evil
Sun Apr 21,11:36 AM ET

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - A group of Saudi intellectuals and writers has condemned
the United States and Israel and described them as the axis of evil in the world —
borrowing a phrase U.S. President George Bush has used for Iran, Iraq and North
Korea (news - web sites).


Franks Concerned About Iraq (AP)

The 113 Saudis, some of them prominent writers for respected Saudi papers, said
the American role in the Israeli military operation against the Palestinians was
shameful and said the Israeli massacres do not differ in shape or form from what
the Nazis did.

The writers called in a statement released Saturday on all Arab governments to
severe diplomatic, political and economic ties with Israel and urged Arabs to boycott
all American products.

We consider the United States and the current American administration the nurturer
of international terrorism with distinction and it, along with Israel, form the axis of
terrorism and evil in the world, said the statement.

The statement said Arab governments should take serious and responsible steps ...
and apply all means of pressure on the American administration to make it feel that
its huge interests in the Arab region are threatened.

It said failure to do so will lead to national disasters that will include everyone.

Among the signatories were a writer for the widely respected Al-Hayat and a former
undersecretary of the Saudi Interior Ministry.

The statement comes at a time when anti-American sentiment is at a high level over
what Arabs see as U.S. support for Israel in the conflict with the Palestinians.

On Friday, the chief cleric of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Sheik Abdul Rahman al-
Sudais, called on the Arabs to abandon peace efforts with Israel because they were

Al-Sudais said Arabs should bid farewell to peace with the Jews, whom he described
as the scum of the human race, the rats of the world, the killers of prophets and the
grandsons of monkeys and pigs.

He called on Muslims to stand with the Palestinians financially and in kind, saying
that peace with Israel was futile because it only accepts liquidating its opponent,
taking over his land, making his people homeless and canceling his dignity. They
want the state of Greater Israel. They want to eliminate the nation of one God and
the Quran.


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British-born Islamic militant Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh pleads innocent to slaying of
Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl
Mon Apr 22, 3:54 AM ET - (AP)

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Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat 

[CTRL] Bill Bennett and AVOT

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig2/fallavollita3.html

Bill Bennett and AVOT: Intergenerational Thieves

by Paul Fallavollita

By now, most of us on the Old Right are painfully aware of the project spearheaded
by Bill Bennett, the organization called Americans for Victory over Terrorism (AVOT).
According to Jim Lobe’s AlterNet piece, War on Dissent Widens, one of the goals
of AVOT is to propagandize college campuses in order to prevent a public backlash
against the War on Terror similar to the one that doomed the Vietnam War.
Bennett’s choice of the Vietnam War as his point of departure reveals much about
his statist commitments, and exposes him as an intellectual accessory to the crime
that the War on Terror constitutes against America’s youth.

Bill Bennett’s statist roots stretch back to the 1960s, when he spent his time rooting
for Martin Luther King, Jr. to encourage the government to abrogate the freedom of
association. My parents spent those years going to school, working for a living, and
then supporting Governor George Wallace’s presidential campaigns. They hoped to
defend the America they grew up in, and countervail both Bennett’s efforts as well as
those of the counter-cultural Left.

Bennett, as a statist cheerleader of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement, harmed my
generation before it was born. As a fervent war propagandist, Bennett again
threatens to harm my Twentysomething generation, some forty years later.
Bennett’s warmongering activities constitute a theft of terrible and enraging
magnitude, for it violates the pact between the dead, the living, and the yet unborn
that was spoken of by Edmund Burke. It is sad and ironic that someone young like
me has to remind Bennett about the implications of true conservatism.

The short familial political history I provide above is meant to set the proper context
in evaluating Bennett’s Vietnam comparisons, which are straw men. Bennett is wrong
to portray the anti-war position as Leftist or otherwise unpatriotic. The true 
to the War on Terror does not come from the minuscule yet loudmouthed counter-
cultural Left, which can always be expected to shill for the latest cause-of-the-month
at a moment’s notice. The true opposition arises from those on the unreconstructed
Right that Bennett and his neocon allies have forsaken, those who still love the more
permanent things, the little platoons that make life worth living.

AVOT proselytizes for a War on Terror that runs the risk of becoming perpetual and
much more destructive. It is following a course that will needlessly sacrifice
America’s flower, Midwestern farm boys, across the world, from far-flung Philippine
jungles to the burning sands of the Middle East. My parents saw their friends return
home in body bags from Vietnam. I do not want to see my friends (who are part of
the little platoons that make life worth living) meet that same fate in the War on
Terror, which is merely another war that is neither necessary nor justified.

Bennett’s Remember 9/11 crowd fails to grasp that 9/11 stems from an immigration
problem, not a military problem. The events of 9/11 are ultimately traceable to the
resentment caused by America’s interventionist foreign policy abroad. The very fact
that 9/11 occurred is a striking testament to the congenital incompetence and
malignancy of government. Government is forever cursed with the Midas touch in
reverse. As my parents saw from its behavior in Vietnam, government always brings
pain and betrayal. It never delivers on its promise of a quality product or outcome. It
never restrains itself within limited, rational objectives. The War on Terror is a 
example of these inherent failures of the State. We still have not captured Osama bin
Laden or Mohammed Omar, and the war has expanded across the world with no end
in sight.

The War on Terror reveals a slight difference between liberals and neocons in their
orientation toward government: liberals want to spend other people’s money on
projects intended to benefit special interests, while neocons prefer to sacrifice other
people’s lives in service of their pet crusades. Life and private property are
inextricable, so the varying tactics of the liberals and the neocons are equally
dangerous and immoral.

Another slight difference between the liberals and the neocons lies in their choice of
which special interest they favor. Lobe’s article traces a major source of AVOT’s
funding to Lawrence Kadish, showing that the special interest that the neocons
slavishly promote is the State of Israel. Israel is to the United States what Cuba was
to the former Soviet Union: an entity that remains solvent only through massive
transfer payments from the host nation. The liberals, in contrast to the neocons, have
always tended to be fans of the Soviet Union privately, and of Cuba more openly.
This analogy becomes stretched, however, when one considers what the United
States gets in return from Israel. 

[CTRL] America's Version of the Palestinians ?

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A25625-2002Apr21.html


Lost Trust: Billions Go Uncounted
Indians in Century-Old Fight to Tally Money Owed for Land Use

By Ellen Nakashima and Neely Tucker
Washington Post Staff Writers
Monday, April 22, 2002; Page A01

In the whispering grasslands of North Dakota, Tex Hall's family has grazed cattle for
four generations. More than a century ago, most of their land was among Indian
acreage taken by the U.S. government, held in trust and leased to strangers. When
Hall was a boy, his parents, members of the Mandan-Hidatsa-Arikara tribes, would
await the arrival of a U.S. Treasury check each December.

Sometimes the check was for $5,000. The next year, perhaps $4,000. Another year,
another sum. His mother wondered why the amounts varied. The yellow government
envelope contained no explanation.

His father would call the Bureau of Indian Affairs. We'll get back to you, the local
officials said. But they never did. The frustration would mount. I want an
accounting! his father would shout, startling his eight children.

Now the parents are dead, and, come December, it is Hall and his remaining six
brothers and sisters who await the checks. The amounts still vary, and the Halls still
have no explanation. They are among hundreds of thousands of Indians in the West
whose lands were taken into government trust -- and now lie at the center of one of
the most intractable accounting messes in U.S. history.

For more than a century, ranchers, miners and loggers have contracted with the
government to harvest timber, graze cattle and extract oil, gas and minerals from
Indian land; the money paid the government is supposed to be forwarded to each
landowner. But from the beginning, the government paid little attention to which
landowner was owed what. Over time, as Indians died and land was divided among
heirs, the accounting problems grew exponentially. Tribes and individuals have never
been sure they were getting their due.

To this day, when I get my check there is nothing that shows what tract of land it's
for, said Hall, president of the National Congress of American Indians. Isn't that

Congress has tried to fix the system and failed. Accounting firm Arthur Andersen was
paid $20 million in the early 1990s to reconcile tribal accountsand failed. The 
Department, which oversees the BIA, tried to fix the system. It, too, failed and ended
up in court with individual account holders. Evidence made it clear that relevant
documents were shredded and e-mails deleted. Already, two Clinton Cabinet
members have been found in contempt of court, and now Interior Secretary Gale A.
Norton and 40 deputies face contempt charges.

That case -- one of the largest class action lawsuits in history in terms of 
plaintiffs --
was filed six years ago to secure a reckoning of 300,000 accounts belonging to
individual Native Americans. In separate litigation, tribesare seeking similar 
for about 1,400 tribal accounts.

The government, the Native Americans contend, still cannot provide an accurate
balance sheet for a single one.

We call this the Indian Enron case, Hall said. Even that may fail to capture the
scope of an accounting disaster that has shaped the lives and lands of Indians since
the 1820s.

Plaintiffs in the class action, led by Elouise Cobell, treasurer of the Blackfeet 
in Montana, say they are owed at least $10 billion. U.S. District Judge Royce C.
Lamberth has already found the government breached its fiduciary duty to the
Indians; he is considering how the system might be repaired and will later determine

At least 18 tribal suits were filed in January and February, claiming billions of 
in damages and seeking an accounting of their own. But there is no consensus on
how to accomplish either an accounting dating back more than a century or a long-
term fix for the future -- or even a settlement.

Norton wants to create an agency to overhaul the trust fund -- the Bureau of Indian
Trust Asset Management (BITAM). Cobell wants the judge to appoint an
independent receiver, which would focus solely on the individual accounts. A task
force of 36 tribal leaders is considering calling for legislation that would create a 
akin to a Resolution Trust Corp., which restored the savings and loan industry in the
1980s and which would address both tribal and individual accounts.

Some lawmakers are proposing their own fix. Senate Majority Leader Thomas A.
Daschle (D-S.D.) and Sens. Tim Johnson (D-S.D.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.)
introduced legislation Friday to create an Interior Department position of deputy
secretary for trust management and reform to handle all trust fund duties, and to
make it easier for tribes to directly manage or co-manage their own trust funds,
which few tribes do now.

The way these trust fund holders have been treated . . . is a national disgrace, said
Rep. Tom Udall 

Re: [CTRL] Livin' On Tulsa Time / Integration of Church State

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

 With the exception of last May, the Israelis had not used F-16s
 since the 1967 7-Day War

I don't know what this guy takes at communion but F-16s were not in ANYONE's
inventory until the late 1970s.


A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] America used Islamists

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.guardian.co.uk/yugo/article/0,2763,688327,00.html

America used Islamists to arm the Bosnian Muslims

The Srebrenica report reveals the Pentagon's role in a dirty war

Richard J Aldrich
Monday April 22, 2002
The Guardian

The official Dutch inquiry into the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, released last week,
contains one of the most sensational reports on western intelligence ever published.
Officials have been staggered by its findings and the Dutch government has
resigned. One of its many volumes is devoted to clandestine activities during the
Bosnian war of the early 1990s. For five years, Professor Cees Wiebes of
Amsterdam University has had unrestricted access to Dutch intelligence files and
has stalked the corridors of secret service headquarters in western capitals, as well
as in Bosnia, asking questions.

His findings are set out in Intelligence and the war in Bosnia, 1992-1995. It 
remarkable material on covert operations, signals interception, human agents and
double-crossing by dozens of agencies in one of dirtiest wars of the new world
disorder. Now we have the full story of the secret alliance between the Pentagon and
radical Islamist groups from the Middle East designed to assist the Bosnian Muslims
- some of the same groups that the Pentagon is now fighting in the war against
terrorism. Pentagon operations in Bosnia have delivered their own blowback.

In the 1980s Washington's secret services had assisted Saddam Hussein in his war
against Iran. Then, in 1990, the US fought him in the Gulf. In both Afghanistan and
the Gulf, the Pentagon had incurred debts to Islamist groups and their Middle
Eastern sponsors. By 1993 these groups, many supported by Iran and Saudi Arabia,
were anxious to help Bosnian Muslims fighting in the former Yugoslavia and called in
their debts with the Americans. Bill Clinton and the Pentagon were keen to be seen
as creditworthy and repaid in the form of an Iran-Contra style operation - in flagrant
violation of the UN security council arms embargo against all combatants in the
former Yugoslavia.

The result was a vast secret conduit of weapons smuggling though Croatia. This was
arranged by the clandestine agencies of the US, Turkey and Iran, together with a
range of radical Islamist groups, including Afghan mojahedin and the pro-Iranian
Hizbullah. Wiebes reveals that the British intelligence services obtained documents
early on in the Bosnian war proving that Iran was making direct deliveries.

Arms purchased by Iran and Turkey with the financial backing of Saudi Arabia made
their way by night from the Middle East. Initially aircraft from Iran Air were used, 
as the volume increased they were joined by a mysterious fleet of black C-130
Hercules aircraft. The report stresses that the US was very closely involved in the
airlift. Mojahedin fighters were also flown in, but they were reserved as shock troops
for especially hazardous operations.

Light weapons are the familiar currency of secret services seeking to influence such
conflicts. The volume of weapons flown into Croatia was enormous, partly because
of a steep Croatian transit tax. Croatian forces creamed off between 20% and 50%
of the arms. The report stresses that this entire trade was clearly illicit. The Croats
themselves also obtained massive quantities of illegal weapons from Germany,
Belgium and Argentina - again in contravention of the UN arms embargo. The
German secret services were fully aware of the trade.

Rather than the CIA, the Pentagon's own secret service was the hidden force behind
these operations. The UN protection force, UNPROFOR, was dependent on its
troop-contributing nations for intelligence, and above all on the sophisticated
monitoring capabilities of the US to police the arms embargo. This gave the
Pentagon the ability to manipulate the embargo at will: ensuring that American
Awacs aircraft covered crucial areas and were able to turn a blind eye to the frequent
nightime comings and goings at Tuzla.

Weapons flown in during the spring of 1995 were to turn up only a fortnight later in
the besieged and demilitarised enclave at Srebrenica. When these shipments were
noticed, Americans pressured UNPROFOR to rewrite reports, and when Norwegian
officials protested about the flights, they were reportedly threatened into silence.

Both the CIA and British SIS had a more sophisticated perspective on the conflict
than the Pentagon, insisting that no side had clean hands and arguing for caution.
James Woolsey, director of the CIA until May 1995, had increasingly found himself
out of step with the Clinton White House over his reluctance to develop close
relations with the Islamists. The sentiments were reciprocated. In the spring of 1995,
when the CIA sent its first head of station to Sarajevo to liaise with Bosnia's 
authorities, the Bosnians tipped off Iranian intelligence. The CIA learned that the
Iranians had targeted him for liquidation and 

[CTRL] Greece to crack down on sex traffickers

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/story/0,3604,688352,00.html

Greece to crack down on sex traffickers

Helena Smith in Athens
Monday April 22, 2002
The Guardian

Greece is poised to pass draconian legislation to fight Europe's burgeoning trade in
people-trafficking, after revelations that one in two Greek men has used a sex slave.

Outrage at Greece's reluctance to combat the trade has been compounded by
growing evidence that the country is the transit route most favoured by traffickers
dealing in women and children.

Girls as young as 12, often abducted and then held in debt bondage, are among an
estimated 40,000 trafficked females serving more than a million Greeks - a third of
the sexually active male population - every year.

Greece's geographic position as a frontier state, at the crossroads of east and west,
has made it the centre of trafficking in Europe, criminology professor Grigoris Lazos

Most victims come from the former Soviet Union, the Balkans and, increasingly,
Africa. In Albania, Moldova, southern Bulgaria and Romania, entire towns have been
robbed of their young female populations, sociologists say. While some victims are
kidnapped at gunpoint, others are lured by promises of marriage, jobs and better
living conditions.

At least one in two men, and half of all married men here, go with prostitutes who
are mainly foreign women forced into the sex trade, Thanos Askitis, a socialist MP


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Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will
teach you to keep your mouth shut.
--- Ernest Hemingway

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-22 Thread Don S. Brown
Well, this is an interesting question. When you ask which is the most serious I suppose that depends on ones standards.
Certainly the myth that Joseph and Mary were fleeing to avoid the killing of male Jewish babies by Herod is a myth. This was built upon the fact that Herod had married a Jew and in fact had her and eventually her offspring killed. This is a midrashing of the tale of Moses being secreted away as an infant to escape Pharaoh's killing of all male Jewish babies, another myth. It presents the same image/lessons with modern characters and places as the Old Testament.
What occurred was that the writers of the Gospels used people and places from a period of about 100 years after the supposed times of Jesus and used them to weave tales that had lessons to their given communities spiritual needs. Geography is mistaken, times and dates are wrong in general and of course the whole clothe of the passion was formulated from common themes and myths of that era and joined with the "Christian Beliefs" of the time. At this time these stories were not taken literally. It was over a period of another 100 plus years that the case for an historical Jesus was put together.

In a message dated 4/21/02 11:17:37 PM !!!First Boot!!!, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Of all the alleged historical errors in the Gospels, which would you say
is the most serious?

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-22 Thread Don S. Brown
No. It cannot be proven by Roman tax records. All documents that have been recovered from that time have no reference to Jesus. If you know of some then you are the only person in this area of study that has seen them.
I do not mean to be trite, those are just the facts.
The introduction of letters, correspondences and other writings concerning Jesus in an historical setting are all later forgeries put out by church fathers from about 150CE onwards. Preposterous letters from Jesus to Pontius Pilate and from neighboring Communities from and to Jesus. In fact the forgeries became so embarrassing to the church in later years they were removed from circulation. At one time the Catholic church had 32 spears of Longinus.

In a message dated 4/22/02 3:21:09 AM !!!First Boot!!!, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

well, sorry to cut your post off like this, but i dunno about that. i'm no
theist, and i certainly wouldn't call myself a christian, but can it not be
proven that jesus was a real person that existed [through roman tax
records]? i'm not referring to the census given as an excuse for him being
born in bethlehem instead of nazareth; i'm quite certain that this
information is out there from some tax record when he was a young adult. the
fact that i can't seem to locate a source is not helping me. anybody know
what the hell i'm talking about?

of course, it could always be argued that they were forged.

As to the next part:

i look at jesus more as awella daniel boone type character, where
stories are created around the person due to awe and admiration. who knows,
if we ever go through a nuclear war then maybe when the people emerge
they'll stumble upon data [electronic or, maybe, from a half destroyed
library] describing george washington as a super human that can throw a rock
across potomac bay, and, thus, assume him to be myth. but, we all know him
to have existed.

Well, they will find documents and writings of his contemporaries that will show that he was known and did walk on earth. This is not the case for Jesus. There are no contemporary writings of or about him until the first Gospel written after 100Ce.

i *am* definately suspicious, and i take very little of what is in either
testament at face value..but i don't see how you can flat out declare
his existence to be a myth. i mean, how many sources are there *really* that
prove thati dunnoramses II existed? alexander the great? that the
pelopponesian war happened? maybe one or two or three at most. yet we take
this as historical fact, even though it's probably quite embellished. the
scriptures may not be a good source of real historical happenings, but
they're good enough to prove that the guy actually lived as far as i'm


Well, I suppose that I would ask what is it that allows some one with no sources other than the bible to say he does exist? My friend, extraordinary claims need extraordinary proofs.
As to my opinion, I have studied this subject for many years and have an extensive library on this subject. I have utilized web sources of early church documents and historical writtings of contemporary historians Jewish, Roman, Greek and others.I have found no writtings of that era, and this is crucial, to support the gospel version.
As to the scriptures being all you need to establish proof that he existed, well that is why Zues and Thor were really here because the Greeks wrote of them. Horus was in fact a true life God because Egyptian writtings are abundant in reference to him.
That is not a very good argument in regard to logic. Belief is another thing. However, it is this baseless belief that causes people to blow themselves and others up from the middle east to abortion clinics in the name of events and people that never existed or happened.

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-22 Thread Don S. Brown
Well, I appreciate the compliment. I have spent a lot of time and money in researching this field. I am however a part of no movement expect to try and eliviate ignorance and help people seperate from their superstitions whenever I can.
When we talk about this, "here is a big
academic religious movement bent on saying that nothing in Jewish or
Christian history can be accepted with certainty. " 
Please remember that the historical study of the bible is only a couple of hundred years old. It was punishable by death, torture, banishment and a host of other nasties to even question Christian (or Judaic) dogma. That is why the meme of Christianity is so heavy with us still. We are fortunate to live in a time when so many archeological data and historical documents have been found and translated. For instance the Nag Hamadi library with early Christian writings that share a lot of common threads, but no historical Jesus.
When we talk of a trend, I see it more as the natural evolutionary response from free thinking individuals to investigate and refute these age old myths. To be able to use logic and reason in attempting to piece together this Judeo/Christian history.
I refer again to the amount of significant data recovered over the past 100 years that leads to a more realistic accounting of these times rather than simply accepting the, "you must believe because it is written" rhetoric. Remember, that brain washing begins in the crib. Of course there are religious conversions, but most people are a product of their spiritual upbringing. What I mean is that if you are from the Punjab, you are probably going to be Hindu. If you are from Tel Aviv, Jewish and from Birmingham, Alabama a Baptist or some such denomination. Of course these are generalities, but the gist is that parents start that process of belief in their offspring.
I think that you presume to much in thinking that free thinking people are only exercising their options in regard to historical study in order to establish a new world order of secular zombie's or whatever.

n a message dated 4/22/02 3:55:31 AM !!!First Boot!!!, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Hammurabi did a nice academic presentation of what some academics know about
that part of history. Those who read here should know that there is a big
academic religious movement bent on saying that nothing in Jewish or
Christian history can be accepted with certainty. No Jesus, no apostles, no
Abraham, no King David, no Exodus, no Moses, etc. There is no indication
that Hammurabi is part of that movement, but he may be influenced by it. Why
the trend? Well, if we are to move into one world religion, people must be
convinced that humans all have some sort of good sweet center, kind of like
a Fannie Mae chocolate, that has come out in every religious group to form
the core of their beliefs. If we could just discard all of the outside
shells, all of the sweet centers will come together to form a single candy
that everyone can nibble from.

As to:

That the core of Christianity should be belief in a person makes it
difficult.  I don't believe in Christianity, but I also don't think the
movement would have come together without a focal point.

This is a weak argument. I like the quote from one of the Coral Ridge Ministry bigwigs that said the grand canyon was not made by a Hopi Indian dragging a stick and something as large as Christianity was not built on a myth.
Well, he was wrong.
There have been many cults that were powerful and far reaching that were based on religious texts and nothing more. Take Greek mythology for instance. Take Paganism. Take basicaly any religion and you must use the same criteria on them. People believe. People have holy text's. Therefore there must be historical God Men/Women at the core of their beliefs.
In studying the history of Christianity, one must study it. Simple statement made here about Christianity must have had a focal point and that focal point was a living, breathing, tried, convicted, crucified and reborn Jesus is not an educated statement.
The history of Christianity is a metamorphasising one sprung from Jewish cults and was a product of the times and events that transpired in Judah during the period of bout 200BCE (maybe further) to the canonization of text's by Constantine in the 4th century. From the advent of Greek influence with the invasion of Alexander in 330CE (or there abouts) to the Orient to the partial destruction of Judah in 70Ce and then total destruction in 135Ce by the Romans and onwards to the gathering of miscellaneous letters from religious communities (pauls epistles) and the writing of the Gospels from 100CE onward. There was a period in time that Paganism almost won out and we would be worshipping Mithra right now. These texts were not heavenly ordained, they were the product of men and women responding to their beliefs and the political and theological events of their time.

And to this:

We should look carefully at the promotion 

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-22 Thread janesaved

-Caveat Lector-

I dispute the word christian in this so-called
history, and request that the word catholic be used
--- Don S. Brown [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, I appreciate the compliment.  I have spent a
 lot of time and money in
 researching this field.  I am however a part of no
 movement expect to try and
 eliviate ignorance and help people seperate from
 their superstitions whenever
 I can.
 When we talk about this, here is a big
 academic religious movement bent on saying that
 nothing in Jewish or
 Christian history can be accepted with certainty. 

 Please remember that the historical study of the
 bible is only a couple of
 hundred years old.  It was punishable by death,
 torture, banishment and a
 host of other nasties to even question Christian (or
 Judaic) dogma.  That is
 why the meme of Christianity is so heavy with us
 still.  We are fortunate to
 live in a time when so many archeological data and
 historical documents have
 been found and translated.  For instance the Nag
 Hamadi library with early
 Christian writings that share a lot of common
 threads, but no historical
 When we talk of a trend, I see it more as the
 natural evolutionary response
 from free thinking individuals to investigate and
 refute these age old myths.
  To be able to use logic and reason in attempting to
 piece together this
 Judeo/Christian history.
 I refer again to the amount of significant data
 recovered over the past 100
 years that leads to a more realistic accounting of
 these times rather than
 simply accepting the, you must believe because it
 is written rhetoric.
 Remember, that brain washing begins in the crib.  Of
 course there are
 religious conversions, but most people are a product
 of their spiritual
 upbringing.  What I mean is that if you are from the
 Punjab, you are probably
 going to be Hindu.  If you are from Tel Aviv, Jewish
 and from Birmingham,
 Alabama a Baptist or some such denomination.  Of
 course these are
 generalities, but the gist is that parents start
 that process of belief in
 their offspring.
 I think that you presume to much in thinking that
 free thinking people are
 only exercising their options in regard to
 historical study in order to
 establish a new world order of secular zombie's or

 n a message dated 4/22/02 3:55:31 AM !!!First
 Boot!!!, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

  Hammurabi did a nice academic presentation of what
 some academics know about
  that part of history.  Those who read here should
 know that there is a big
  academic religious movement bent on saying that
 nothing in Jewish or
  Christian history can be accepted with certainty.
 No Jesus, no apostles, no
  Abraham, no King David, no Exodus, no Moses, etc.
 There is no indication
  that Hammurabi is part of that movement, but he
 may be influenced by it.
  the trend?  Well, if we are to move into one world
 religion, people must be
  convinced that  humans all have some sort of good
 sweet center, kind of like
  a Fannie Mae chocolate, that has come out in every
 religious group to form
  the core of their beliefs.  If we could just
 discard all of the outside
  shells, all of the sweet centers will come
 together to form a single candy
  that everyone can nibble from.

 As to:

 That the core of Christianity should be belief in a
 person makes it
 difficult.  I don't believe in Christianity, but I
 also don't think the
 movement would have come together without a focal

 This is a weak argument.  I like the quote from one
 of the Coral Ridge
 Ministry bigwigs that said the grand canyon was not
 made by a Hopi Indian
 dragging a stick and something as large as
 Christianity was not built on a
 Well, he was wrong.
 There have been many cults that were powerful and
 far reaching that were
 based on religious texts and nothing more.  Take
 Greek mythology for
 instance.  Take Paganism.  Take basicaly any
 religion and you must use the
 same criteria on them.  People believe.  People have
 holy text's.  Therefore
 there must be historical God Men/Women at the core
 of their beliefs.
 In studying the history of Christianity, one must
 study it.  Simple statement
 made here about Christianity must have had a focal
 point and that focal point
 was a living, breathing, tried, convicted, crucified
 and reborn Jesus is not
 an educated statement.
 The history of Christianity is a metamorphasising
 one sprung from Jewish
 cults and was a product of the times and events that
 transpired in Judah
 during the period of bout 200BCE (maybe further) to
 the canonization of
 text's by Constantine in the 4th century.  From the
 advent of Greek influence
 with the invasion of Alexander in 330CE (or there
 abouts) to the Orient to
 the partial destruction of Judah in 70Ce and then
 total destruction in 135Ce
 by the Romans and onwards to the gathering of
 miscellaneous letters from
 religious communities (pauls epistles) and the
 writing of the Gospels from

Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-22 Thread Don S. Brown
Well, I am not talking about Catholic history. I am talking about Christian history and like it or not after about 350CE Christian history became Catholic but before that it was Christian history. There were Christians over a hundred years before the supposed birth of Jesus. There were no Catholics.
If you are of a Christian faith then your root is Catholicism. That is the well spring of Protestant, Lutheran and other sects.

In a message dated 4/22/02 11:49:16 AM !!!First Boot!!!, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

I dispute the word "christian" in this so-called
history, and request that the word "catholic" be used
--- "Don S. Brown" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, I appreciate the compliment. I have spent a
 lot of time and money in
 researching this field. I am however a part of no
 movement expect to try and
 eliviate ignorance and help people seperate from
 their superstitions whenever
 I can.
 When we talk about this, "here is a big
 academic religious movement bent on saying that
 nothing in Jewish or
 Christian history can be accepted with certainty. "

 Please remember that the historical study of the
 bible is only a couple of
 hundred years old. It was punishable by death,
 torture, banishment and a
 host of other nasties to even question Christian (or
 Judaic) dogma. That is
 why the meme of Christianity is so heavy with us
 still. We are fortunate to
 live in a time when so many archeological data and
 historical documents have
 been found and translated. For instance the Nag
 Hamadi library with early
 Christian writings that share a lot of common
 threads, but no historical

[CTRL] Jenin: The Big Lie

2002-04-22 Thread andrew hennessey

-Caveat Lector-

Jenin: The Big Lie
Fighting the media war.

By Ariel Cohen

As the Israelis were busy hosing pools of blood off the streets after the
latest murder-suicide bombing at Jerusalem's Machane Yehuda market, the
Palestinian propaganda machine was busy churning out yet another Big Lie:
massacre of Jenin.

alestinian mouthpieces claim that the Israeli military killed as many as
civilians in Jenin, a stronghold of Hamas and Islamic Jihad. When the
Israelis cleared the booby traps and allowed Western media into the city on
Monday, the reality turned to be completely different: difficult
infantry fight; 23 Israeli soldiers fallen in battle; dozens of terrorists
killed. No massacre.

When Israeli troops surrounded Jenin, it was widely reported by the Western
and Arab media that the local terrorist commanders swore to fight them to
death. Arafat, holed up in Ramallah but still pushing for more violence, had
called for a million martyrs to march to Jerusalem - and Jenin looked like
a good place to start.

There were important assets to be protected in the refugee camp. Several
dozen chemical labs where explosives for suicide-bomber belts and Kassam
rockets were being manufactured, and arsenals of machine guns and anti-tank
weapons, and a cadre of would-be suicide bombers. Trapped.

The fierce fighting went on for days in the small, winding alleys of the
and in the Jenin refugee camp that Arafat did not even think to eliminate
despite years of his rule. Many houses were booby trapped by the terrorists
who hoped to blow Israelis to smithereens. The IDF repeatedly ceased fire
demanded that all civilians leave the area, but the top Palestinian
terrorists, true to form, were using them as human shields.

If this action had taken place in Afghanistan, U.S. troops would have called
in the vitamin B: B-1, B-2 and B-52 bombers. If it had happened in
Chechnya, the Russian generals would have called in artillery and flattened
Jenin, just as they did Grozny. Israeli tanks were there, and they could
shot straight into town and the refugee camp. Instead, Israelis fought on
foot, placing themselves at risk while trying to protect Palestinian lives.
One of the fighters, reportedly a young boy, detonated a booby trap in a
building already taken by the Israeli reservists, and 13 were killed on the

After the city fell, 1,000 Palestinian fighters surrendered. In any other
place, in any other war, there would be no one left to surrender. The air
force, rockets, and artillery would have done the job. The Israeli Army is
putting the number of Palestinians killed in a five-day battle at about 200,
while 30 Israeli soldiers were killed. While crying foul in English, the
Palestinian and Arab media are praising the martyrs in Arabic, and the
Saudi TV has raised millions in a Jerry Lewis style telethon to pay off the

The Jenin massacre that never was is yet another Big Lie in the
PR campaign, a campaign that for its persistence and audacity would have
Joseph Goebbels, Adolph Hitler's propaganda chief, proud. And with good
reason. Goebbels's legacy lives today - from Damascus to Ramallah to Cairo.
According to a prominent Egyptian writer, the Egyptian press ministry was
up in the early 1950s by the East Germans who learned the trade under
but before that, under Hitler and Goebbels. And Communist archives in Moscow
demonstrate that many Palestinian leaders were trained at the Patrice
University in Moscow and KGB camps in the Crimea, both temples of Soviet
propaganda and subversion.

One of Goebbels's contributions to the world of black PR was the concept
the Big Lie - repeating something so loudly and persistently that people
begin to believe it. Yasser Arafat is fond of blaming Israelis for using
uranium shells against Palestinians, implying radioactive damage. The
Egyptian propaganda machine made up the immoral Israeli chewing gum,
purported to drive up the libidos of Egyptian women. President Bashar Assad
of Syria accused Israel at the recent Arab League Summit of killing
thousands of Palestinians a day. His long-time defense minister, Mustafa
Tlas is getting into show business: He wrote a book called The Matsa of
and is now producing a movie in Egypt that accuses Jews of using the blood
a Christian priest for baking Passover matzah breads. The Saudi
government-owned newspaper recently also ran a story alleging that Jews use
baby blood for another traditional food, the triangular cookies known as
Hamentashen, baked for the holiday of Purim. It is no surprise, therefore,
that Hitler's Mein Kampf is selling briskly on the Palestinian street.

Other people at other times have used the Big Lie to dehumanize their
targets. The Soviet KGB planted rumors that the CIA manufactured AIDS. Louis
Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam has said repeatedly that Jewish doctors
infected black babies with AIDS. And the grand wizard himself, 

Re: [CTRL] The Imperial Bush We Feared

2002-04-22 Thread andrew hennessey

"Every nation that joins our cause is welcomed. Every nation 
that needs our help will have it. And no nation continues (pause) -- around the 
world the nations must choose: They are with us or they’re with the 
terrorists."Significantly, there was no applause from the 
audience.How did we get from: "You are either with us or against 
us", elevated to support for terrorism? Are you saying that no one 
can or should question U.S. government definitions and identification of a 
terrorist ?

Hey guys - our ex-colonial brothers [some would say not even ex !!] 
he didn't get the popular vote and he's activelyfomenting a 
global cataclysm.

Does anyone ever step over the line in America ??


[CTRL] Prophetic Surveillance

2002-04-22 Thread Edward Britton

By all means, let's ignore the in your face
conspiracies on behalf of pursuing those which require wild speculation
with no evidence :-):

Robot cameras 'will predict crimes before they happen'
CCTV: By learning behaviour patterns, computers could soon alert police
when an unmanned camera sees 'suspicious' activity

By Andrew Johnson
21 April 2002
Computers and CCTV cameras could be used to predict and prevent crime
before it happens.
Scientists at Kingston University in London have developed software able
to anticipate if someone is about to mug an old lady or plant a bomb at
an airport.
It works by examining images coming in from close circuit television
cameras (CCTV) and comparing them to behaviour patterns that have already
programmed into its memory.
The software, called Cromatica, can then mathematically work out what is
likely to happen next. And if it is likely to be a crime it can send a
warning signal to a security guard or police officer.
The system was developed by Dr Sergio Velastin, of Kingston University's
Digital Imaging Research Centre, to improve public transport.
By predicting crowd flow, congestion patterns and potential suicides on
the London Underground, the aim was to increase the efficiency and safety
of transport systems.
The software has already been tested at London's Liverpool Street
Dr Velastin explained that not feeling safe was a major reason why some
people did not use public transport. In some ways, women and the
elderly are effectively excluded from the public transport system,
he said.
CCTV cameras help improve security, he said, but they are monitored by
humans who can lose concentration or miss things. It is especially
difficult for the person watching CCTV to remain vigilant if nothing
happens for a long period of time, he said.
Our technology excels at carrying out the boring, repetitive tasks
and highlighting potential situations that could otherwise go
unnoticed, he added.
While recent studies have shown that cameras tend to move crime on
elsewhere rather than prevent it completely, in certain environments,
such as train stations, they are still useful.
And Dr Velastin believes his creation has a much wider social use than
just improving transport.
His team of European researchers are improving the software so that
eventually it will be capable of spotting unattended luggage in an
airport. And it will be able to tell who left it there and where that
person has gone.
However, the computer is not yet set to replace the human being
The idea is that the computer detects a potential event and shows
it to the operator, who then decides what to do ­ so we are still a long
way off from machines replacing humans, Dr Velastin says

Edward +

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only
one problem.

[CTRL] A School System Without Memory

2002-04-22 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-


Copyright 2002 The Washington Post Company
The Washington Post
Saturday, April 20, 2002; Page A14

A School System Without Memory
Palestinian Records, Computer Gear Seized in Israeli Raids
By Doug Struck
Washington Post Foreign Service

RAMALLAH, West Bank, April 19 -- After the Israeli raids, computers lie
scattered about the Palestinian Education Ministry, each machine neatly
disemboweled of its hard drive.

What do the Israeli authorities want, Palestinian school officials
wondered, with the test scores of students? Or the minutiae of school
construction contracts? Or the time sheets of clerks, teachers and

Israeli officials said they could not confirm what data were seized by
troops who entered Palestinian Authority ministries in Ramallah. But in
general, we are looking for documents that show a connection between the
Palestinian Authority and terrorists, said Lt. Col. Adir Haruvi, a
spokesman for the Israeli army.

Israeli technicians spent nine hours removing the data storage units from
more than 40 computers in the Education Ministry, according to two
ministry workers forced at gunpoint to open the offices. The Israelis blew
open two safes and cleaned them of official school seals, cash and other
documents.  They rifled through files, selectively removing some and
leaving others. They took the high school graduation scores of more than 1
million students stretching back to 1960, the ministry officials said.

The only conclusion I can make is they don't want to see any Palestinian
institution able to work again, said Naim Abu Hommos, acting education
minister, as he surveyed the damage during a brief break in the curfew
that has locked down this town on the northern outskirts of Jerusalem.

Asked why troops would seize education records of students, Haruvi
replied, What we cannot understand is why they are educating 6-, 7-,
8-year-old students to say that 'I want to be a martyr.' You go in these
schools and you see pictures of martyrs and students saying they want to
grow up to be a martyr and explode [themselves] in the middle of

That turns the truth totally on its head, said Hommos. The pictures you
see in the classrooms are of children killed by the Israelis. There have
been 172 students killed since the current Palestinian uprising began in
September 2000, he said.

As the Israeli military begins to withdraw from some of the West Bank
towns it has reoccupied, local officials are looking for ways to restore
some semblance of normal life.

Some of those towns, such as Jenin, still are reeling from extensive
physical destruction. Here in Ramallah, the administrators in charge of
nearly 2,000 Palestinian schools must deal with what they said was a
longer-reaching attack -- the removal of key data.

Salah Soubana, one of three ministry officials sleeping at his office
because he could not return home during curfew, said 150 soldiers backed
by several dozen tanks raided the offices April 3, five days after the
start of Israel's West Bank attacks, and returned last Sunday.

Soubana said he was used as a human shield, shoved first into each
office by soldiers who apparently feared being shot at or blown up, even
though he told them the building was empty. The soldiers then opened each
computer to remove its drives and data needed to keep the school system
running, according to Soubana and others.

Schools for 650,000 students in the West Bank have been closed for the
three weeks since the Israeli attacks began. When classes resume,
officials must quickly try to retrieve thousands of scores on paper
documents in storage and re-create student files, Hommos said.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has said his intention is to destroy
what he describes as the Palestinians' terrorist infrastructure. Army
officials said they have found proof in captured documents linking the
Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, and his Palestinian Authority to
payments supporting attacks on Israeli targets.

But Palestinian officials said they believe the Sharon government wants
the school information to re-exert control over Palestinian daily life.
Until 1994, when Arafat returned after signing the Oslo peace accords, the
Israeli Civil Administration ran Palestinian schools and almost all other
government functions.

Sharon's strategy is to dictate everything, said Abdul Jawad Salah, a
member of the Palestinian Legislative Council who, like others in
Ramallah, went to the town market for fresh vegetables when the curfew was
lifted for the first time in three days. Now, they don't want any
municipality to work.  Look at all the garbage. They don't allow us to
collect it.

Amid the piles of trash and stores darkened by power cuts, vendors worked
at a furious pace to load shoppers' plastic bags with cucumbers and
peppers before the curfew resumed. A block away, Israeli soldiers waited
in a makeshift camp of armored 

[CTRL] Palestinians Say Israeli Aim Was to Destroy Framework

2002-04-22 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

-Original Message-
From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
On Behalf Of Thomas Keenan
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 8:28 PM
Subject: Palestinians Say Israeli Aim Was to Destroy Framework

Serge Schmemann had an important story Tuesday in the Times which seems to
have passed largely unremarked. Among the other casualties of the Israeli
assault on the West Bank was most of the *information* produced over the
years since Oslo by the Palestinian Authority.  A senior Palestinian
official called it an administrative massacre.  Everyone recalls the
outrageous stripping of Kosovar identity documents by the MUP and VJ in
1999; it seems that the IDF has chosen to work the other side of the data
street, skipping the individuals and going directly to the source.

[A]n abridged tour showed signs of a systematic effort by the
Israeli Army to strip institutions of the Palestinian Authority of
as much data as possible, with some apparent pillaging on the
side. Officials at afflicted ministries and institutions said
money was missing, as well as laptop computers, RAM modules,
pocket organizers, video players and other items.

What they are doing, and what is not being noticed enough, is
that they are destroying all the records, all the archives, all
the files, of the Palestinian Authority, said Yasir Abed Rabbo,
the Palestinian minister of information. This is an
administrative massacre, and this will lead to chaos.

An Israeli military officer said the reason for seizing documents
from the ministries was the same as for seizing them from Yasir
Arafat's compound in Ramallah, namely, to see what's going on

That's the idea, the officer said. A lot of these places turn
up unexpected things, by accident. Documents have a very important

But the officer said it was not Israel's intention to have the
Palestinian Authority collapse.

Officials of the various international organizations that have
been trying to build Palestinian institutions for self-rule said
the damage to Palestinian records and data was a very high price
to pay for the possibility of finding some incriminating
information. They said the Israelis seemed not to have made a
distinction between the political leadership and the civil

Thomas Keenan
Human Rights Project
Bard College



Copyright 2002 The New York Times Company
The New York Times
Tuesday, April 16, 2002

Palestinians Say Israeli Aim Was to Destroy Framework

RAMALLAH, West Bank, April 15 -- In one room of the Palestinian Ministry
of Education, the litter of papers, glass, paper clips and periodicals was
ankle-deep. The filing cabinets had been ransacked, and some toppled.
Personal computers sat on the desks, their hard drives ripped out.

In another room, the Israeli soldiers had blasted open the safe. The
explosion brought down the suspended ceiling there and in adjoining rooms,
leaving a mess. Dr. Naim Abu Hommos, the deputy minister of education,
said the safe had been used to keep all school test records since 1960.
All were gone, he said, along with 40,000 shekels -- about $8,500 -- that
had been kept there for petty cash.

That was the Ministry of Education. The neighboring Palestinian
Legislative Council meeting hall was torn apart, and officials said the
video archives of its sessions were gone. At the Ministry of Agriculture,
the door had been blasted open by an explosion that also took out all the
windows, and a neighbor said Israeli soldiers had filled two armored
personnel carriers with boxes, presumably of records. It was the same at
the Ministry of Industry.

At the Ministry of Health, visitors were blocked today by Israeli soldiers
packing duffel bags and boxes of food into two armored personnel carriers.
They had apparently stayed in the building, perhaps using it as a position
for observation and sniping. An officer said the visitors could come back
in an hour, but today's five-hour lifting of the curfew had almost run

Similar reports came from all across Ramallah -- offices in ruins, files
and hard drives gone. The Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Central Bureau of
Statistics, the Ministry of Finance, the Land Registry, the municipal
administration buildings of Ramallah and neighboring Al-Bireh, including
its library, had all been raided.

Many private institutions had been similarly invaded. The windows of the
elegant Khalil Sakakini Cultural Center were smashed, the records of the
Palestinian Insurance Company were gone, and there were many more

With only a few hours to circulate in the streets while the Israeli Army
lifted the 

[CTRL] U.S. Invents New Crimes for Tribunals

2002-04-22 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

Will the members of Israel's army and Ariel Sharon
be tried on the same legal basis?

-Original Message-
From: International Justice Watch Discussion List
On Behalf Of Thomas Keenan
Sent: Sunday, April 21, 2002 8:10 PM
Subject: U.S. Weighing New Doctrine for Tribunals

Many have wondered over the last few months what exactly the U.S. was
going to do with those guys in Camp X-Ray, and what the celebrated
military tribunals would actually be trying. Were the prisoners simply
POWs (whatever the U.S. claimed as to their 'combattant' status), subject
to indefinite storage in the face of a war without end, or had they
actually committed war crimes, and if so, what might the evidence and
charges be?

Neil Lewis writes on the front page of Sunday's New York Times that the
U.S. is having a very difficult time getting the captives to talk, let
alone finding out whether they've done anything particularly bad, and so
Washington is producing a new legal doctrine that effectively
criminalizes membership in Al Qaeda. He writes that the new guidance
would probably require a finding that a prisoner was not only a member of
Al Qaeda but also that he furthered its aims. But that's all. Having
dramatically relaxed the evidentiary standards for criminal cases in the
tribunals, it now appears that the Pentagon would (more or less) like to
do away with the need for evidence of specific war crimes altogether:

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the
questioning was going slowly and the prisoners were largely
uncooperative. No one, the official said, has confessed to
any atrocity or violation of the laws of war. Nor, the
official added, have the interrogators had much success in
getting prisoners to provide information that could be used
against other captives.

Another official said the new approach would allow military
prosecutors to charge some captives even without evidence
from witnesses or documents that they committed war crimes.

It could be enough to show that they were part of a group
and furthered its aims, this official said.

They would be shown, the official said, to be a part of
a group that did things like killing civilians and
noncombatants, attacked targets with no military value or
took or killed hostages - the traditional roster of war
crimes. Also engaging in torture, the official said.

Thomas Keenan
Human Rights Project
Bard College



Copyright 2002 The New York Times Company
The New York Times
Sunday, April 21, 2002; page one

U.S. Weighing New Doctrine for Tribunals

WASHINGTON, April 20 - Uncertain about how they will be
able to prosecute many of the nearly 300 prisoners detained
at a naval base in Cuba, Bush administration officials are
considering a new legal doctrine that would allow prisoners
to be brought before military tribunals without specific
evidence that they engaged in war crimes.

The new approach would make it an offense to have been a
senior member or officer of a Qaeda unit that was involved
in any of the regular crimes of war, like mistreatment of

One administration official said the effort came out of
increasing uneasiness that the interrogations of the
prisoners, who were taken from Afghanistan to the naval
base at Guántanamo Bay, had not yielded enough information
to charge very many with traditional war crimes.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the
questioning was going slowly and the prisoners were largely
uncooperative. No one, the official said, has confessed to
any atrocity or violation of the laws of war. Nor, the
official added, have the interrogators had much success in
getting prisoners to provide information that could be used
against other captives.

Another official said the new approach would allow military
prosecutors to charge some captives even without evidence
from witnesses or documents that they committed war crimes.

It could be enough to show that they were part of a group
and furthered its aims, this official said.

They would be shown, the official said, to be a part of
a group that did things like killing civilians and
noncombatants, attacked targets with no military value or
took or killed hostages - the traditional roster of war
crimes. Also engaging in torture, the official said.

Officials said the legal mechanism for charging someone
with being a member of a Qaeda unit involved in crimes was
not complete but would probably be detailed in a document
to guide military prosecutors.

Administration lawyers have already begun work on the
issue, officials said, and expect that their efforts will
produce the document, which would be formally issued by the
Defense Department.

Prof. Detlev Vagts of 

[CTRL] U.S.-Saudi oil imports fund American mosques

2002-04-22 Thread Archibald Bard

Monday, April 22, 2002 


U.S.-Saudi oil imports fund American mosques Hijackers' homeland has pumped 
millions into some of largest Islamic centers here 

Posted: April 22, 2002 1:00 a.m. Eastern 

By Paul Sperry 

© 2002 WorldNetDaily.com 

Every time you fill up your tank, you may be helping to finance an Islamic 
mosque in America. 

If that sounds far-fetched, consider this: 

Some of the largest mosques and Islamic centers in America are funded by 
the royal government of Saudi Arabia, which gets most of its revenues from oil 
exports. And America is its biggest customer. 

"You certainly can say that U.S. oil purchases end up funding U.S. 
mosques," said Daniel Pipes, a former State and Defense department official who 
now heads the Middle East Forum in Philadelphia. 

So what? More and more, Saudi is embracing a radical and acutely violent 
strain of Islam called "Wahabbism," one that is spreading rapidly from its 
borders. Most of the Saudi people adhere to this increasingly anti-American 

Saudi was home to 15 of the 19 Sept. 11 hijackers, as well as their leader, 
Osama bin Laden. And it has been a reluctant ally in America's war on terror. 

Of the more than 1,200 mosques in America, more than 80 percent have been 
built within the last 20 years – thanks in large part to Saudi money, according 
to Reza F. Safa, author of "Inside Islam." 

"Saudi Arabia alone has spent $87 billion since 1973 to spread Islam 
throughout the United States and the Western hemisphere," Safa said. 

For example, King Fahd of Saudi pledged as much as $8 million to build a 
new mosque at the site of the Masjid Bilal Islamic Center, the large black 
mosque in South Central Los Angeles. Last year, Saudi's Islamic Development Bank 
committed an additional $295,000 for the construction of the Bilal Islamic 
Primary and Secondary School. 

Bilal is just one of many black mosques funded by Saudi. Most of them, 
including Bilal, are associated with Imam W. Deen Mohammed, head of the 
Chicago-based Muslim American Society, or MAS, which has been credited with 
helping convert more than a million U.S. blacks to Islam. 

A spokesman for the group said "hundreds of American mosques are associated 
with" MAS, explaining that each major city has "one main mosque and two or three 
smaller centers in the suburbs." The Chicago area, for example, has a MAS mosque 
and three related centers, he says. 

Black converts make up the fastest-growing segment of the Muslim population 
in America. 

An estimated 60 to 90 percent of all U.S. converts to Islam are black, Safa 

"Eighty percent of these converts were raised in the church," he added. 

Christianity Today predicts that if the conversion rates continue, Islam 
could become the dominant religion in black urban areas by 2020. 

Nation of Islam 

Mohammed originally took over the Nation of Islam after the death of his 
father, Elijah Muhammad, who founded the group. A rift with Louis Farrakhan, 
then a rising Nation of Islam star, led him to found MAS, which is considered 
less radical than Farrakhan's Nation of Islam today. 

But Pipes notes that Mohammed has recently been steering MAS toward 
fundamentalism to cater to the growing number of immigrants attending his 

His for-profit Collective Purchasing Conference, also based in Chicago, 
sells members orthodox Muslim clothing and "halal" meats butchered according to 
the Koran, the sacred book of Muslims. 

Mohammed's father, Elijah, "hated" the U.S. and celebrated when Japan 
attacked Pearl Harbor, Pipes said. He was arrested and served three years in 
jail for draft evasion. 

Though he expressed "shock" at the Sept. 11 terrorism, W. Deen Mohammed 
didn't categorically condemn the attacks in a statement to MAS members. 

That Saudi Arabia is stoking the black Muslim movement in America does not 
comfort Islam-watchers, given growing resentment of Saudis toward the U.S. – 
which, as it happens, dovetails with black attitudes, recent polls show. 

Sixty-four percent of Saudis have an "unfavorable" view of the U.S., 
according to a Gallup poll taken December and January, after the terrorist 

That compares with 57 percent of black Muslims who think America is an 
"immoral society," according to a Zogby International poll taken November and 

Black attitudes 

Like the Saudis, the vast majority of black Muslims oppose U.S. foreign 
policy in the Middle East. 

Fully 70 percent, in fact, blame the Sept. 11 attacks on that policy, the 
Zogby poll says. Echoing Saudis, most black Muslims say America should stop 
aiding Israel and support a Palestinian state. 

Tellingly, the Saudi government prevented Gallup from asking the following 
questions of its citizens: 

Is U.S. military action in Afghanistan morally justifiable? 

Do you believe news reports that Arabs carried out the Sept. 11 attacks? 

Do you like or dislike President Bush? Analysts speculate Saudi officials 

[CTRL] SODOM GOMORRAH (must view website)

2002-04-22 Thread Archibald Bard


While we were sleeping, the enemy came and sowed 
weeds among the wheat. Matthew 13:25

Archibald BardICQ 83834746


Description: Binary data

[CTRL] Enormous Taxpayers' Aid to Israeli Jews - US Congress

2002-04-22 Thread Jei

-Caveat Lector-

Indeed, it pays well to have mind control over the US congress.
- Over $1-2 per day to each Israeli Jew. A fraction of that very
same money buys the control of the whole US Congress, in the form
of campaign donations and other niceties ( namely press support
 cheap adds).

Maybe Palestinians should learn to do the same? You need to learn
to give some back, to get some. - From US Congress anyway. :-)

Also other poor nations should perhaps take a note and learn
how a few million rich Israelis can manage to leech the US
taxpayers for insane amounts of money, when you look at the
figures of what anyone else is getting and bring it into perspective.

Creating a feedback loop for the money seems to be the key for
winning support from US Congress.

US should use aid to Israel as leverage for peace: Carter

US should use aid to Israel as leverage for peace: Carter

WASHINGTON, April 21 AFP|Published: Monday April 22, 4:35 AM

Former US president Jimmy Carter today suggested Washington use its
considerable military and economic aid to Israel as leverage to persuade
the Jewish state to accept a just peace settlement with the
In an editorial carried in the New York Times, the former president
said: Normal diplomatic efforts have failed. It is time for the United
States, as the sole recognised intermediary, to consider more forceful
action for peace.
The rest of the world will welcome this leadership.
Asked to comment on Carter's suggestion of an aid cutoff, US
secretary of state Colin Powell told NBC Sunday: We are not considering
any cutoffs at this time, and it would be hypothetical to talk about
what we might do in the future.
Israel receives roughly $US3 billion ($A5.58 billion) in aid, both
military and economic, a year from the United States.
Carter cited two factors that could persuade Israel to accept a
settlement based on implementations of UN resolutions and on the recent
Saudi proposal calling for Arab normalisation with Israel in return for
Israeli withdrawal from territory captured in the 1967 Middle East war.
One is the legal requirement that American weapons are to be used
by Israel only for defensive purposes, a premise certainly being
violated in the recent destruction in Jenin and other towns of the West
Bank, he added.
Carter pointed out that this requirement was imposed by the Richard
Nixon administration to stop Israel's military advance into Egypt during
the 1973 Middle East war and noted that he also used it to deter Israeli
attacks on Lebanon in 1979.
The Israeli Defence Force is heavily supplied with US weapons, so
any operation they conduct, there are always US weapons involved,
Powell told ABC. There are laws, and we're always examining those to
make sure that use is consistent.
Carter meanwhile also pointed to the approximately $US10 million
($A18.58 million) daily in American aid to Israel and noted that former
president George H Bush had threatened to cut off this assistance in
1992 to prevent the building of Israeli settlements between Jerusalem
and Bethlehem.
I understand the extreme political sensitivity in America of using
persuasion on the Israelis, but it is important to remember that none of
the actions toward peace would involve an encroachment on the sovereign
territory of Israel, he added.
The former US president had some harsh words for Israeli Prime
Minister Ariel Sharon.
His rejection of all peace agreements that included Israeli
withdrawal from Arab lands, his invasion of Lebanon, his provocative
visit to the Temple Mount, the destruction of villages and homes, the
arrests of thousands of Palestinians and his open defiance of President
George W Bush's demand that he comply with international law have all
been orchestrated to accomplish his ultimate goals: to establish Israeli
settlements as widely as possible throughout occupied territories and to
deny Palestinians a cohesive political existence, Carter said.
He was also critical of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, citing his
failure to exert control over Hamas and other radical Palestinians who
reject the concept of a peaceful coexistence and adopt any means to
accomplish their goal.
And he slammed the abhorrent suicide bombings targeting Israeli
civilians as counterproductive in that they discredit the Palestinian
cause, help perpetuate the military occupation and destruction of
villages, and obstruct efforts toward peace and justice.

The Age

America Can Persuade Israel to Make a Just Peace
The New York Times, April 21, 2002

April 21, 2002

America Can Persuade Israel to Make a Just Peace


ATLANTA - In January 1996, with full support from Israel and 

[CTRL] But the practice of homosexuality is truly sinful.

2002-04-22 Thread Archibald Bard

Edward Cardinal Egan's stand-in at St. Patrick's Cathedral pointedly blamed 
the priest sex abuse scandal yesterday on homosexuality, a "sex-saturated" 
society and a constant assault on celibacy by liberals.

While we were sleeping, the enemy came and sowed 
weeds among the wheat. Matthew 13:25

Archibald BardICQ 83834746


New York Daily News Online  News and Views  City Beat  St. Pat Msgr. Hits Gays on Scandal.url
Description: Binary data

[CTRL] Valerie Wolf, dead at age 52

2002-04-22 Thread Samantha L.

-Caveat Lector-



Valerie B. Wolf, a graphic arts student and former social worker, died Monday
of cancer at Memorial Medical Center. She was 54. Mrs. Wolf was born in
Vancouver, B.C., Canada, and lived in New Orleans since 1975. She received a
master's degree in social work from Syracuse University and a master's in
physical education from Ithica College. She was enrolled at Tulane
University. She was a member of Touro Synagogue, a past president of the New
Orleans Chapter of the National Council of Jewish Woman and a member of Sweet
Adelines. Survivors include her husband, Thomas M. Wolf; a son, Mark H. Wolf;
a brother, Guy Winchester of Toronto, Canada; and two sisters, Holly
Winchester of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Deirdre Evans of Vancouver. A funeral
will be held today at noon at Touro Synagogue, 4238 St. Charles Ave.
Visitation will begin at 10:30 a.m. Burial will be in Hebrew Rest Cemetery.
Tharp-Sontheimer-Tharp Funeral Home is in charge of arrangements.


(Valerie Wolf's testimony before the President's Committee on Radiation,
advocating for survivors of mind control experimentation and operations.)
God Bless You, Valerie.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] NIGER - Is this hate language or another association?

2002-04-22 Thread laural

-Caveat Lector-

NIGER - Is this hate language or another association? (c)2002

Africa has many tribes and many different governments
and because of the wars between those tribes selling
a families children into slavery or prostitution has
become the main commerce item of some African
countries. Nigeria and Nigerians have been highlighted
because the country seemingly has been emulating Nazi
Germany - which means that the term Niger was for those
that believed the end justifies the means or that they could
steal what they wanted.

Negro is a Spanish word that means
black and considering that the underlying skin tones seem to be
pink, yellow, brown or red; Negro describes the majority of
people from Africa. The red man or American Indian is another
example of a skin tone, and European Mediterranean area
shading to the yellow. I am guessing that yellow man may
not have become an established term because any skin color
may have an yellowish cast from jaundice.

To accuse a black of trying to be white is America seems to have
come to mean that they are trying to be American and reap some
of the advantages that being American brings.  Black culture for
some means the same as Nazi Germany which is in direct
conflict with our constitution.

I am writing this because I have met more white and yellow
NIGERs than I have black ones.  So, if I were to hear a
Ku Klux Klan member say Niger I would reply
You mean a white Nazi like you or someone from
one of the African countries that does not have a
Constitutional Government, yet?

Laura Lee Lanning~Shipton (c)2002


LL Lanning~Shipton
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makes NO medical claims nor are we saying that any products
discussed will treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any problems
you have. This information is intended as an educational guide
only, and should not be used as a substitute for informed
professional diagnosis, advice, therapy, or care of
a qualified medical or educational professional.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Prophetic Surveillance

2002-04-22 Thread andrew hennessey

  By all means, let's ignore the "in your face" conspiracies 
  on behalf of pursuing those which require wild speculation with no evidence 
  c'mon edward whats evidence of rational 
  conspiracy - that pseudo science article -
  certainly a software like that could never cut 
  the mustard.
  it is a conspiracy that its inaccuracies will be 
  misused - but I am starting to laugh
  at the people who conviently or naively associate 
  reptiles with icke.
  my own group came to similar conclusions in 1996 
  with reference to the overabundant
  sumerian archaeological evidence - such as the 
  solar system etched out amongst the
  hieroglyphs in a way/formation that nasa has only 
  recently discovered
  and the planets named by colour - colours that 
  nasa are only recently able to confirm,
  and by whom ?? the reptilian 'gods' for which 
  there are heaps of staues and statuettes.
  I find that the reptilian issue is in our faces - 
  if not usually up our other bodily orifices.
  and if you canot see anything reptilian about 
  historical and archaeological evidence,
  you must either be stupid, or incapable of doing 
  adequate research, or as steve suggests,
  alas, a pro-reptoid spook 
  andrew hennessey

[CTRL] New Email Address! Please note change!

2002-04-22 Thread - Anonymous
Dear Ones,

Just letting you know that my email address is changing. Please see changes as listed below. 

New address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [CTRL] Prophetic Surveillance

2002-04-22 Thread c.

everyone's a pro-reptoid spook when they disagree 
with you, aren't they? 

  - Original Message - 
  andrew hennessey 
  Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 7:21 
  Subject: Re: [CTRL] "Prophetic" 
  alas, a 
  pro-reptoid spook 

andrew hennessey

Re: [CTRL] Prophetic Surveillance

2002-04-22 Thread Edward Britton


a pro-reptoid spook when they disagree with you, aren't they?

- Original Message - 
From: andrew
Sent: Monday, April 22, 2002 7:21 PM

But alas, I AM a pro-reptoid spook (whatever that means) according to Andrew. You see, Andrew and ilk require no evidence beyond the paranoid whirring inside their own heads or the heads of their heroes (e.g., Cynthia McKinney or David Icke).

So, in keeping with Andrew's rules, if I suggest that he has a special sexual fondness for tiny farm animals, it is true beyond question. There you have it. Andrew and company conspire to distract us from the fact that they screw chickens in their spare time. There's no doubt about it.

Subject: Re: [CTRL] Prophetic Surveillance
alas, a pro-reptoid spook 

andrew hennessey

Edward +

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only one problem.

[CTRL] Evidence 101 for Andrew

2002-04-22 Thread Edward Britton


By all means, let's ignore the in your face conspiracies
on behalf of pursuing those which require wild speculation with no
evidence :-):
c'mon edward whats evidence of rational

Evidence: the material or, in certain instances, anecdotal indication of
the existence of postulate fact in which either cannot be disputed by
reasonable objective analysis or is otherwise acquired by objective
(casual) observation.

- that pseudo science article
certainly a software like that could never cut the
it is a conspiracy that its inaccuracies will be misused - but I am
starting to laugh
at the people who conviently or naively associate reptiles with

And I am starting to get tired of those who associate whack jobs like
Icke with any form of rational thought or inquiry. :-)

my own group came to similar conclusions in 1996 with reference to
the overabundant
sumerian archaeological evidence - such as the solar system etched
out amongst the
hieroglyphs in a way/formation that nasa has only recently
and the planets named by colour - colours that nasa are only recently
able to confirm,
and by whom ?? the reptilian 'gods' for which there are heaps of
staues and statuettes.

Oh, so you have artifacts to present as evidence for the existence of an
elite line of reptoids? By all means, dude, deliver it
up for the world to see! But, if you don't mind, please spare us a
hokey video of some alien autopsy :-)

I find that the reptilian issue is in our faces - if not usually up
our other bodily orifices.

Is this like the running of the gerbils? Never mind. I don't want
to know.
What you do with lizards in your spare time is none of my business!

and if you canot see anything reptilian about historical and
you must either be stupid, or incapable of doing adequate research,
or as steve
alas, a pro-reptoid spook 

Yep, that's me; lizard through and through.


Edward +

If you have fifty problems and one of them is government, you have only
one problem.

Re: [CTRL] Evidence 101 for Andrew

2002-04-22 Thread andrew hennessey

EDWARDEvidence: the material or, 
in certain instances, anecdotal indication of the existence of postulate fact in 
which either cannot be disputed by reasonable objective analysis or is otherwise 
acquired by objective (casual) observation.well 
that certainly fits the known sumerian archaeology, indian, chinese, south 
american and european ethnological
evidence of beliefs and artefacts and other 
collected anecdotes from the 17 -19 century that substantiate reptoid 
you plead ignorance of the supporting facts for the 
reptoid thesis edward. yetthere is a global museum full of
reptoid references; material, anecdotal, objective 
and non-human. How do you rationally explain this empirical data ?
lets get philosophy of science then 

How do you manage to refute the conjecture that the 
mountain of reptilian artefacts and ethnological evidence points
to the existence of a reptilian species on this 
planet ???
What reason do you have to dismiss the more than 
obvious data ???
I really want to understand.
There's me and my chickens and gerbils - and you 
with the ostriches and dinosaurs

lets have one of your allegedly reasonable 
objective analysis of the known reptilian thesis
- and frequent references to david icke wont be 
your get out here - lets deal with just the
known facts - I want to see your rational mind at 
work here.

What irrationally propels you to discount the known 
obvious empirical data and 
artefacts for reptilian civilisation - and don't be 
afraid to gimme philosophy of science,
and all them rational stuff coz me and ma gerbils 
iz intae epistemology.

andrew hennessey
www.trans4rm.co.uk [ps. educated in 


Re: [CTRL] Why not be Anti, Semites?

2002-04-22 Thread Xxx Yyy

-Caveat Lector-

Hammurabi, you are so sure of yourself.  Every statement is a major
pronouncement of The Truth.  You have come as a messiah to save us from our
lives based on ignorance of The Truth or at least that is how your writing
appears to me.  All of the scholars of the past in the area of religion were
just ignorant, superstitious peasants compared to you and your peers.  How

You said you would answer questions, so let me ask youof all of the areas
of knowledge in this wide world, past and present, that need debunking, what
made you feel the world needed your efforts in the area of the history of

To those who might question the need for the exchange, exploring conspiracy
is not just exploring the communicated word, but understanding why something
has been communicated.

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] NIGER - Is this hate language or another association?

2002-04-22 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

laural wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-

 NIGER - Is this hate language or another association? (c)2002

 Africa has many tribes and many different governments
 and because of the wars between those tribes selling
 a families children into slavery or prostitution has
 become the main commerce item of some African
 countries. Nigeria and Nigerians have been highlighted
 because the country seemingly has been emulating Nazi
 Germany - which means that the term Niger was for those
 that believed the end justifies the means or that they could
 steal what they wanted.

 Negro is a Spanish word that means
 black and considering that the underlying skin tones seem to be
 pink, yellow, brown or red; Negro describes the majority of
 people from Africa. The red man or American Indian is another
 example of a skin tone, and European Mediterranean area
 shading to the yellow. I am guessing that yellow man may
 not have become an established term because any skin color
 may have an yellowish cast from jaundice.

 To accuse a black of trying to be white is America seems to have
 come to mean that they are trying to be American and reap some
 of the advantages that being American brings.  Black culture for
 some means the same as Nazi Germany which is in direct
 conflict with our constitution.

 I am writing this because I have met more white and yellow
 NIGERs than I have black ones.  So, if I were to hear a
 Ku Klux Klan member say Niger I would reply
 You mean a white Nazi like you or someone from
 one of the African countries that does not have a
 Constitutional Government, yet?

 Laura Lee Lanning~Shipton (c)2002

Is this writer's native language English?  Her syntax is that of a
foreigner attempting expository writing.

Mark McHugh

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Palestinians Say Israeli Aim Was to Destroy Framework

2002-04-22 Thread Mark McHugh

-Caveat Lector-

Jei wrote:


 Copyright 2002 The New York Times Company
 The New York Times
 Tuesday, April 16, 2002

 Palestinians Say Israeli Aim Was to Destroy Framework

 RAMALLAH, West Bank, April 15 -- In one room of the Palestinian Ministry
 of Education, the litter of papers, glass, paper clips and periodicals was
 ankle-deep. The filing cabinets had been ransacked, and some toppled.
 Personal computers sat on the desks, their hard drives ripped out.

 In another room, the Israeli soldiers had blasted open the safe. The
 explosion brought down the suspended ceiling there and in adjoining rooms,
 leaving a mess. Dr. Naim Abu Hommos, the deputy minister of education,
 said the safe had been used to keep all school test records since 1960.
 All were gone, he said, along with 40,000 shekels -- about $8,500 -- that
 had been kept there for petty cash.


I saw a report on CNN this afternoon that echoed this article.  Safes
blown open, classroom computers and equipment crushed, evidence of an
unsuccessful attempt at cracking an ATM and main vault at a private
bank.  Looking for terrorists...ja, right.  I suppose the heroic IDF
has looting yahoos and a slack discipline like many other invading

Mark McHugh

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Plot to get Bush now on drawing board

2002-04-22 Thread Party of Citizens

-Caveat Lector-

On Sun, 21 Apr 2002, saba wrote:

 ... the name of the pilot is being withheld and I am
 wondering why.  Was it even an American pilot?Sounded more like the
 attack on the USS Liberty.

The polls tell us 84% of Canadians are not willing to buy the friendly
fire explanation so glibly given. THEY WANT THE PILOT PUT ON TRIAL. There
is something rotten in this alright. Let's find out what. If there is
nothing to hide the pilot will be exonerated. Contact Defence Minister
Eggleton at [EMAIL PROTECTED].

John Knight

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

Archives Available at:
 A HREF=http://peach.ease.lsoft.com/archives/ctrl.html;Archives of


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[CTRL] The Vicious Federal Injustice System

2002-04-22 Thread Joshua Tinnin

-Caveat Lector-


The Vicious Federal Injustice System
by William L. Anderson

For the last several months, the LRC page has dealt with the U.S. war in
Afghanistan, mistakenly called the War on Terror.  (If President George W.
Bush believes that he can use the U.S. Armed Forces to eliminate terror
from the earth, perhaps he can use these guys to get rid of the scary
monsters that seem to lurk in my two-year-old daughter's room at night.)
One reason for the war, as we have been told ad nauseum, has been to punish
those entities that helped plan and carry out the September 11 attacks.

In theory, this is all well and good, provided the evil doers are punished
and those who are innocents and noncombatants are spared, something that has
not been the case in this era of collateral damage.  However, this war has
also been trumpeted as a mechanism to transfer our superior system of
justice abroad, and for that Bush has sought the support both of liberals
and conservatives.

From what I see, however, I am not sure that people in Afghanistan or
anywhere else will be better off by our exporting of the U.S. system of
justice.  For the past century, and especially in the last three decades,
the U.S. Government has slowly been imposing a vicious, arbitrary, and
unconstitutional regime of injustice, one that in some ways is as bad as
anything that has been imposed by the worst totalitarian governments that we
have come to vilify.  Thanks to our various wars on crime, the U.S.
Department of Justice has become the staging area for crimes against
Americans who are not criminals themselves.

While some of my article will be anecdotal, let me point out a chilling
statistic that by itself tells the story of injustice in the USA.  This
nation, which has about five percent of the world's population, imprisons
more people than any other country.  At present, there are about eight
million people in prison worldwide; two million of those are imprisoned in
this country.  To put it in plain arithmetic, the USA's prison hold
one-fourth of the world's prisoners, while we have about one-twentieth of
the world's population.  Either Americans are more criminally oriented than
anyone else on the face of the earth, or there is a real problem with our
legal system.  I'd like to think it is the latter.

Libertarians are quite familiar with my last set of statistics, and many
have pointed out that more than half of those imprisoned in the USA are
incarcerated for crimes associated with the use, sale, and production of
illegal drugs.  People from Lew Rockwell to Gary Becker have correctly noted
that this regime of prohibition criminalizes acts that by any stretch of the
imagination are not criminal.  Furthermore, even the violent crime
associated with illegal drugs occurs mostly because prohibition destroys the
property rights that permit the sale of other goods to be conducted in a
peaceful manner.

(As a libertarian friend of mine once said, one does not see drivers of beer
trucks shooting at each other.  However, one of the most infamous crimes in
U.S. history, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, involved the simple
distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages during the infamous era of
Prohibition during the 1920s and early 1930s.)

Yet, the drug war is not the only federal government initiative that
wrongfully fills our prisons.  The most devastating weapon in the federal
prosecutor's arsenal is the 1970 Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations
Act (RICO), and it has managed to send thousands of people to prison, even
though few of those people actually were criminals by any stretch of the

Passed in 1970 as the centerpiece of President Richard M. Nixon's War on
Crime, RICO was an attempt to do an end run around constitutional
protections of criminal defendants.  Up to then, a number of alleged
mafiosos were being acquitted in state courts - and especially those in
New York City and Philadelphia - of serious charges such as murder and

Frustrated with what they perceived to be a lack of justice, Nixon and
numerous members of Congress sought a way to try these characters in federal
courts and have what essentially would be a lower burden of proof to boot.
Instead of having to prove to juries that Jimmy da Weasel had ordered the
murder of Tommy da Capo, federal prosecutors simply had to allege a
pattern of racketeering, that is to show that a number of illegal
activities in which the defendant was directing constituted a conspiracy
to violate the laws of the United States.

The legalities are a bit complicated, but the end result was this: no longer
did prosecutors have to prove murder or robbery or such cases.  Rather, the
prosecutor simply had to prove that that Jimmy seemed to be doing some
illegal things, which in itself became a federal crime.  While the burden of
proof still remained guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, what was needed to
be proven was much 

[CTRL] Rioghjt On, Off, Away, Now, Field, ...

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-


ight-wing tide surges straight to the heart of Europe
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in Brussels
(Filed: 22/04/2002)

EUROPE'S rising Right-wing tide swept into the core countries of the European
Union yesterday, rocking Germany's Social Democrats and threatening France's
socialist government.

Over the last two years, Austria, Italy, Denmark, Portugal, and Norway have all
turned against the centre-Left consensus that had such a lock on Europe during the
1990s, opting instead for law- and-order parties promising tax cuts, deregulation, and
a much tougher line on immigrants.

But the pace is now quickening as ever more radical figures build mass support,
often outflanking the conventional centre-Right with wild rhetoric.

Even Holland, the model of easy-going tolerance, has fallen under the spell of Pim
Fortuyn, an anti- Islamic populist who came from nowhere last month to take control
of Rotterdam.

Just across the border, the Flemish Vlaams Blok far- Right movement is now the
biggest party in Antwerp, much to the horror of Belgium's press and the political

In both Rotterdam and Antwerp, Muslim populations dominate very large quarters,
living in uneasy truce with a white working class that has never accepted the
legitimacy of mass immigration from the Third World.

Now France's industrial cities, led by Marseilles, are following suit, and the 
earthquake can no longer be ignored.

The second-place finish of Jean-Marie Le Pen is all the more stunning given that the
Right-wing vote was split so many ways - shared with the Hunting and Fishing Party;
a rival National Front candidate; another candidate promising zero-tolerance on
crime; and Jean-Pierre Chevenement extolling sovereignty.

Taken together they amount to a devastating defeat for all the forces of the French
Left, challenging the long-held assumption that the French nation is fundamentally
committed to a bedrock welfare state in a social Europe with high taxes.

The shift to the Right is subtly different across the mosaic of Europe's tribal 

In Germany, the Christian Democrats increased their vote from 22 to 37 per cent in
the depressed rust- belt land of Saxony-Anhalt, carving into the core support of the
Left by turning the election into a verdict on Chancellor Schröder's failure to make a
dent on Germany's four million unemployed.

The pro-business Free Democrats went up from four to 13 per cent.

While in Denmark last November, the free-market Ventre Party swept the country
after 80 years in the wilderness, promising to preserve Denmark's public services,
but also tapping into fears that mass immigration threatened the nation's cradle-to-
grave welfare model, and the tight-knit feeling of Danish society.

In Brussels last night, European Union officials were remaining studiously silent
about the surging fortunes of M Le Pen's French National Front.

Nobody wants to repeat the disastrous mistake made two years ago when the EU
reacted precipitously to the triumph of Jorg Haider's far-Right Freedom Party in
Austria by issuing a formal warning that Vienna would face punitive measures if
Haider's party was allowed to join the ruling coalition.

The move was widely viewed as an attempt to overturn the result of a free
democratic election in a member state before there had been any violation of
civilized conduct or human rights.

In the end the EU was forced to climb down ignominiously.

At the time, the Left controlled most EU capitals. Now Silvio Berlusconi is in power in
Rome, backed by a coalition including the post-fascist Alleanza Nazionale, which
boasts Allesandra Mussollini as one of its leaders, as well as the anti-immigrant
Northern League of Umberto Bossi, who recently excoriated the EU as a relic of

In Madrid, Spain's centre-Right prime minister, Jose Maria Aznar, holds the chair as
the EU's rotating president, and no EU initiative can get off the ground without his

9 March 2002: 'Holland's Haider' wins elections in Rotterdam

22 November 2001: Denmark's Right ends 80 years in wilderness

15 May 2001: Berlusconi voted in to run Italy 'like a company'

13 September 2000: Victory for Austria as EU lifts sanctions

5 February 2000: Vienna is cold-shouldered by its European partners

5 February 2000: Jeers as far Right takes share of power in Austria

Related reports

Le Pen's poll triumph rocks France

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[CTRL] TB in Cattle

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.guardian.co.uk/footandmouth/story/0,7369,687632,00.html

And the beat goes on.  I just don't get it.  Animal husbandry has been an integral
part of human culture for aeons and for all the quarantines and restrictions that the
English have had on foreign animals for years and years, they keep getting worse
outbreaks of disease than nations who actually have rabies and such.  Karma?  

Cattle TB could hit foot and mouth level

James Meikle
Saturday April 20, 2002
The Guardian

Farmers yesterday expressed fears that TB in cattle could become worse than the
foot and mouth epidemic. Evidence suggests that the disease, which should not
pose a major risk to people, is still spreading quickly in parts of Britain.

Ten beef cattle were culled at a farm in Denbighshire, north Wales, this week, the
first time TB has reached that part of the country. In the first three months of this
year, nearly 800 cattle on 130 farms in Wales tested positive and were slaughtered.
During the whole of 2000, 150 farms in Wales were affected by new TB cases.

Testing was suspended during most of the foot and mouth crisis, but has been

The disease has been spreading for years, and the government has sparked anger
among wildlife campaigners by culling badgers to establish whether the popular
animals can be blamed for the sharp rise in cases in recent years.

Alan Morris, of the Farmers Union of Wales, said the organisation was deeply
worried that TB in cattle could get out of control and become worse than the foot
and mouth crisis.

Tony Edwards, chief veterinary officer for Wales, was worried by the spread to a new
area. We need to establish how it got there. We have tried to get the message to
farmers buying livestock to ensure the animals are not infected.

The latest figures for Britain as a whole, covering January and February, suggest 184
herds were confirmed as having new TB cases, 147 in England, 34 in Wales and
three in Scotland. This was fewer than the 311 in the first two months of last year,
and 478 cases for all of 2001. Unlike foot and mouth cases, only affected animals
are slaughtered, although others are put under restrictions and tested again two
months later.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited 2002


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The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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[CTRL] Jimmeh on the Mid East

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.voanews.com/article.cfm?objectID=42BC4972-4DF2-46B8-


Carter Urges Economic Pressure on Israel
VOA News
21 Apr 2002 18:18 UTC

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter says the United States should leverage
economic and military aid to Israel to persuade the Jewish state to withdraw from
Palestinian lands in exchange for Middle East peace.

Writing Sunday in The New York Times, Mr. Carter - who brokered the landmark
1979 peace deal between Israel and Egypt - said Washington provides nearly $10
million daily in aid to Israel. In calling for economic pressure on the Jewish state, 
said normal diplomatic efforts to end Middle East violence have failed.

He called Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon a strong and forceful man. He said he
believes Mr. Sharon's ultimate goals are to establish Israeli settlements as widely as
possible throughout the occupied territories and to deny Palestinians what he called
a cohesive political existence.

He said there is adequate blame on the Palestinian side as well. He said Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat has never exerted control over the radical Hamas movement or
other Palestinian groups who reject the concept of a peaceful Israeli existence. He
called Mr. Arafat's infrequent denunciations of violence spasmodic and probably

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Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all.
Then accept it and live up to it.
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
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--- Ernest Hemingway

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Re: [CTRL] NIGER - Is this hate language or another association?

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

This reminds of the guy that was either fired or asked to resign because he used the
word niggard (meaning stingy).  The interesting thingabout this is people are
shooting first and aksing questions later based on appearance or sounds without
having the depth of knowledge or experience to justify theiur reactions.  Note that the
country name of Niger is usually pronouced Nigh-jeer.  And I don't know who
named it that.  Could it have been the indigenous population?  AER

On 22 Apr 2002 at 13:18, laural wrote:

 NIGER - Is this hate language or another association?

Main Entry: Ni.ger
Pronunciation: 'nI-jr, nE-'zher
Usage: geographical name
1 river 2600 miles (4184 kilometers) W Africa flowing from Fouta Djallon NE, SE,  S
into Gulf of Guinea
2 country W Africa; a republic, until 1958 a territory of French West Africa capital
Niamey area 459,073 square miles (1,188,999 square kilometers), population
- Ni.ger.ois /nE-zhr-'w@, -zher-/ noun
Main Entry: Ni.ger-Con.go
Pronunciation: nI-jr-'kä[ng]-()gO
Function: noun
Etymology: Niger (river) + Congo (river)
Date: circa 1950
: a language family that includes the Mande and Kwa branches and that is spoken by
most of the indigenous peoples of west, central, and south Africa

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] September 11: The circumstantial case Part 2 of a four-part series

2002-04-22 Thread William Shannon

Part 2 of a four-part series
September 11: The circumstantial case

By Bill Molson
Online Journal Contributing Writer  

The Pipeline

April 19, 2002—In 1997, two things of note happened in Texas. Representatives of the Taliban, which had recently consolidated its power over most of Afghanistan, came to Houston. They were wined and dined by Unocal, one of the largest energy firms in the United States. Also, the governor of Texas, George W. Bush, was pushing legislation which would allow him to store all of his gubernatorial papers at his father's presidential library, away from the archivists in Austin, and be protected by the Federal Freedom of Information Act rather than Texas state law.

Unocal was hoping to construct an ambitious pipeline project which would transport Central Asian oil to the Arabian Sea. Central Asia has what is estimated to be 30 percent of the world's proven oil reserves, second only to the Persian Gulf. Dick Cheney, who at the time was president of Halliburton, was quoted in 1998 as saying, "I cannot think of a time when we have had a region emerge as suddenly to become as strategically important as the Caspian."

In 1998 after the U.S. Embassy bombings, talks with the Taliban were broken off. Then came the attack on the USS Cole. President Clinton ordered a cruise missile attack on al-Qaeda camps in Afghanistan. Despite a connection with al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden's shadowy terrorist organization, the FBI's chief anti-terrorism investigator was prevented from properly investigating the attack on the Cole. John O'Neill complained publicly that American and Saudi oil interests prevented him from tracking down or properly investigating Osama bin Laden and his network. He later resigned in protest.

Relations with the Taliban got considerably warmer after George W. Bush came to office. With a cabinet of former oil executives and consultants, and bankrolled largely by energy companies, such as Enron, Bush wanted to try to get negotiations back on track.

Much of what happened in those negotiations has been revealed by a book published in France, entitled "Bin Laden: La Verite Interdite" (Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth). Its authors are former French intelligence agent Jean-Charles Brisard and investigative journalist Guillame Dasquie. They claim that the United States was negotiating with the Taliban up until August, just before the attacks. According to the authors, in August, only one month before the attacks, one of the negotiators warned the Taliban with the words, "either accept our offer of a carpet of gold, or we'll bury you in a carpet of bombs." If their allegations are true, the words would prove an eerily accurate prediction of the future.

In May 2001, as reported in the Los Angeles Times, the Bush administration gave the Taliban government $43 million dollars, ostensibly to offset farmers' losses for destroying their opium crops in the War on Drugs. This was at a time when only three governments in the world recognized the Taliban. 


According to several British newspapers, the U.S. was planning military action against Afghanistan well before September 11.

In an interview with the BBC, Niaz Naik, a former Pakistani diplomat and foreign secretary, said that he was told by senior American officials in mid-July that the U.S. was already planning an attack against Afghanistan. He received this information at a UN sponsored conference on Afghanistan in Berlin. This would seem to corroborate the "carpet of gold, carpet of bombs" speech claimed by the French authors. According to the BBC, Mr. Naik claimed that the U.S. objective was to capture bin Laden and install a moderate, Western-friendly government in Afghanistan. He added that the attack would take place from bases in Tajikistan, where military advisors were already in place, and that it would occur by mid-October at the latest.

The presence of the military in Central Asia is confirmed by the British newspaper The Guardian. According to it, a U.S. department of defense official, Dr. Jeffrey Starr, visited Tajikistan in January, and U.S. Rangers were training special troops in Kyrgyzstan. The head of the current Afghan war, General Tommy Franks, visited Dushanbe on May 16, 2001, calling Tajikistan "a strategically significant country." 

This does not, by itself, indicate any guilt. It is entirely possible that the United States had tired of bin Laden's games, and decided to eliminate the danger once and for all. It is possible bin Laden got wind of this and decided to launch a preemptive strike. It would be an amazing coincidence, however, if the U.S. had planned to attack Afghanistan last October no matter what, and then terrorists loyal to bin Laden committed the worst terrorist atrocity in world history upon New York City only one month prior to the scheduled assault. A pre-emptive strike? Perhaps. But the pilots had been 

[CTRL] ''Building an enemy''

2002-04-22 Thread William Shannon

''Building an enemy'' 

Posted on Sunday, April 21, 2002 @ 11:26:32 EDT 
By Jak King
YellowTimes.org Guest Columnist (Canada) 

(YellowTimes.org) – The corporations which are America require huge amounts of public money – taxpayers' money in the form of subsidies, tax breaks and purchase orders – simply in order to survive. Defense budgets, typically, provide massive amountes of such "free" money for corporations, expending trillions of public dollars on research and development to the ultimate benefit of private corporations. But a military funded in this way is hard to sustain in the face of the inevitable resistance to the constant drain on taxpayers’ resources in the absence of a clear and present danger. Therefore an enemy is always required.

For over half a century, from the 1940s on, Soviet Communism was the perfect adversary; strong, vigorous, heavily armed, with an intellectually sustainable version of capitalism based on state enterprise rather than private enterprise. Both versions of capitalism needed the other to feed the military tax drain. Finally, the state enterprise model collapsed, throwing the now-former Soviet Empire into a phase of primitive capitalism that has taken them out of the game. 

For a moment there was a kind of peace. 

Then the Kuwaitis acted and Saddam Hussein took the bait; the good old days of million-man armies were back. But for only a season; Saddam was simply not strong enough to engage the superpower for long. Through most of the 1990s, the U.S. military-industrial complex found itself missionless, the victim of falling budgets and insistent demands for the fabled peace dividend, with a civilian leadership focused on a domestic agenda. 

Today, that vital need for the military-industrial complex to maintain taxpayer’s agreement to their depredations, meets the energy sector’s problem of trying to keep up with America’s insatiable demand for ever more of the earth’s limited resources. The resources they need are in the Middle East and Central Asia, and a ready-made enemy in the form of so-called Muslim extremists stands in the way of their seizure and control. 

As occasional American facilities and interests began to be attacked by “terrorists” around the world, as Palestinian resistance to the occupying American client state expressed itself in direct action “terrorism,” and as “terrorist” links could be found or manufactured to older foes such as Saddam and Qaddafi, the think tanks in and out of the bureaucracy began to weave the threads of the next enemy myth out of both truth and fantasy. Osama bin Laden’s mad attacks solidified the myth into reality. 

But the marketing of the myth need more work. Bush’s State of the Union speech tried to rally the country against an ill-defined “terrorism” that – in the Cole’s Notes version of the mass media – has become Iran, Iraq and North Korea. Now, most third-graders know that, if push comes to shove, the United States could destroy all three with its current manpower and weaponry without getting its heart rate up. This kind of threat doesn’t generate the enthusiasm that the crusade against Communism could inspire, and pretty soon there will be grumbling over the costs. Many Americans have already come to understand that most of the money spent in tax breaks is going to relatively few absurdly rich individuals and corporations, while the public has to make do with second class services in order to pay for them. Pretty soon they’ll begin to wonder why $400 billion a year – more than $1,400 from every man, woman and child in the United States – is being spent to defend against a motley crew of dirty riflemen currently being chased from cave to cave. 

What’s needed for the right wing is a new battle cry, carefully manipulated with Madison Avenue precision, to become the excuse to spend trillions of dollars on dangerous toys for the boys. The next stage, the demonization of Islam itself, is already well under way. Maggie Thatcher, the old girl of the old conservatism has been dragged out onto the stage for the last time to state the case directly, declaring Islam to be the new Bolshevism: 

"Islamic extremism today, like bolshevism in the past, is an armed doctrine," she declared. "It is an aggressive ideology promoted by fanatical, well-armed devotees. And, like communism, it requires an all-embracing long-term strategy to defeat it."

Rudely reminiscent of previous campaigns launched in America to create the enemy – against Italian “anarchists” in the 20s, the “inhuman” Japanese of World War Two, the Red Menace and Yellow Peril from the 40s through the 1980s – the anti-Islamic “crusade” builds on the deep historical strains of anti-Other in American society. The Know-Nothings, the KKK, the America Firsters, McCarthyism, Organization Man, the homogeneity of American culture, moves to seal the borders, and growing protectionist sentiment all feed from a 

[CTRL] Cross Crusaders

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.washtimes.com/world/20020422-41009042.htm

This has to be taken in the context of  their elections.  It may be useful to some
to try to pin it on the Arabs or other Moslems but one has to look at the leadership's
composition.   Recall that the little Austrian had his brownshirts do the dirty work
before he got rid of them, too.  AER 

The Washington Times

Synagogues burn as Europeans rage

Al Webb
THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published 4/22/2002

 LONDON — A wave of anti-Jewish attacks — ranging from hate mail and graffiti
to stonings, shotgun blasts, gasoline bombs and synagogue bombings — has swept
Europe from Britain to Ukraine as the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians
worsens in the Middle East.
 A streak of anti-Semitism, never far beneath the surface of the Continent since
World War II, re-erupted with the latest Palestinian intifada, or uprising, in
September 2000 and has taken a particularly ugly turn with Israel's campaign against
Palestinian territories that started March 29.
 In recent days, one synagogue in Marseille, France, has been doused in gasoline
and burned to the ground; another in Lyon, France, was damaged in a car attack; a
third, in Brussels, was firebombed; and a fourth, in Kiev, was attacked by 50 youths
chanting, Kill the Jews, who then beat up a rabbi. An unidentified assailant hurled a
stone through the window of another synagogue in southern Ukraine yesterday.
 In Britain, which takes pride in a multicultural society, police have logged at 
15 anti-Jewish episodes this month, including eight physical assaults, synagogues
daubed with racist slogans and hate mail sent to prominent figures among the
nation's 300,000 Jews.
 The attacks prompted Jonathan Sacks, Britain's chief rabbi, to say that anti-
Semitism is on the rise in Europe as a whole. He blamed Islamic extremists for
whipping up sentiment against Jews in Britain and throughout the Continent.
 But it is in France, where some 700,000 Jews and 4 million Muslims uneasily
coexist, that the problem is particularly acute. The French Interior Ministry has
recorded nearly 360 crimes against Jews and Jewish institutions in April alone,
coinciding with the escalating violence between Israelis and Palestinians.
 The destruction of the synagogue at Marseille was the sixth attack on a Jewish
religious site in France in less than a week. In Lyon, 15 masked assailants smashed
two cars into a synagogue and set it on fire. Other arsonists tried to set fire to a
synagogue in Strasbourg, but the damage was minimal.
 There were also attacks on Jewish citizens. A man opened fire on a kosher
butcher's shop in a village near Toulouse. A Jewish school at Sarcelles, near Paris,
was ransacked. Youths stoned one Jewish school bus and set fire to two others in
Paris, and a gang waded into a team of Jewish soccer players, beating them with
iron bars.
 In Belgium, authorities blamed the increased tensions in the Middle East for the
attack on the synagogue in the Anderlecht district of Brussels.
 There is really a climate of hostility, which is a result of the 
conflict being transposed into the most troubled district of our capital, said the 
mayor, Jacques Simonet.
 With one eye on the growing anti-Jewish violence and another on the 113th
anniversary of Adolf Hitler's birthday April 20, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, which
keeps track of neo- Nazi activities around the world, issued a travel advisory urging
Jews to exercise extreme caution in traveling to France and Belgium.
 In a telling reminder of the Holocaust, a synagogue in the German town of
Herford was daubed with the words Six million were not enough — a reference to
the 6 million Jews who died at the hands of Nazis during World War II.
 The war did not eliminate anti-Jewish sentiment. Less than a year ago, a survey
showed that 24 percent of all Austrians would prefer to live in a country without
Jews. And even in supposedly neutral Switzerland, a survey reported by the BBC
indicates that 16 percent of Swiss people are fundamentally anti-Semitic, while 60
percent have anti-Semitic views.
 In Lithuania, Jewish leaders on Friday reported a rise in anti-Semitism that they
believe is related to the prospects that property seized from Jews before World War
II will be returned to its original owners. Prime Minister Algirdas Brazauskas asked
the international Jewish community on Tuesday to select representatives to open
talks with the government on the issue of property restitution, Agence France-Presse
reported. The extremist Freedom Union party then accused the government of
groveling to Jews, while another group ripped up an Israeli flag at a protest the
following day.
 Meanwhile in France, 70 persons have been questioned and 16 jailed in the latest
attacks on Jews and Jewish interests — violence that French authorities say has

[CTRL] Balkan / ICC Backblows Back on Bill Jeff

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.washtimes.com/world/20020422-7801660.htm

The Washington Times

U.S., Clinton accused of war atrocities

Jeffrey T. Kuhner
THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published 4/22/2002

 The lawyer for a Croatian general indicted by the war crimes tribunal in The
Hague says his client's case opens the possibility that former President Clinton will
be charged with crimes against humanity for authorizing a Croatian military offensive
in 1995 that recaptured territory from rebel Serbs.
 According to the unjust indictment brought against my client, there is a basis 
an investigation and indictment of high-ranking Clinton administration officials who
oversaw Operation Storm, said Luka Misetic, the defense attorney for Gen. Ante
 The high-ranking Croatian general was indicted in June 2001 by the prosecutor's
office at the U.N. War Crimes Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague on
charges that he exercised command responsibility over the military campaign in
which 150 Serbian civilians were killed.
 Secretly supported by the Clinton administration, Croatian forces launched a
three-day massive military offensive — known as Operation Storm — on Aug. 5,
1995 in which Croatia recovered territories occupied by rebel Serbs following
Croatia's bloody drive for independence from Yugoslavia in 1991.
 Gen. Gotovina was the military commander of Sector South of the operation,
which was responsible for the capture of the rebel-held city of Knin. He is also
accused of overseeing the ethnic cleansing of 150,000 Serbs who fled from Croatia
during the military offensive.
 The United States provided military and technical assistance to Operation Storm
in order to block then-Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic's goal of forging an
ethnically pure Greater Serbia.
 The Clinton administration viewed Croatia's military campaign as pivotal to 
the strategic balance of power in the region against Serbian forces, paving the way
for the 1995 Dayton Peace Accords that ended the war in neighboring Bosnia.
 However, Mr. Misetic said U.S. support and approval for the military offensive
means the indictment against Gen. Gotovina could lead to the prosecution by The
Hague tribunal of Mr. Clinton and other high-ranking U.S. officials on charges of
having command responsibility for war crimes that were committed during the
 The theory against Gotovina can now be brought against Clinton, [Assistant
Secretary of State Richard] Holbrooke and all the way down the U.S. chain of
command. On the prosecution's logic, they should be indicted as well. They knew the
attack was coming and gave it the green light, Mr. Misetic said.
 The prosecutor's office is punting on an issue that is clearly there. They are
claiming that ethnic cleansing took place during this operation. They are claiming that
by virtue of his position, Gotovina had knowledge of war crimes. His knowledge was
shared and given to him by the Pentagon, he said.
 Florence Hartmann, spokeswoman for chief prosecutor Carla del Ponte, said the
tribunal is not challenging the legitimacy of Croatia's military offensive but 
atrocities carried out by Croatian soldiers whose actions fell under the responsibility
of Gen. Gotovina.
 It is not Operation Storm that is being indicted, but the crimes that were
committed during and afterward, Mrs. Hartmann said.
 U.S. support for the operation has to be established, she said. I don't know 
the [Clinton] administration was involved.
 Asked whether the prosecutor's office was planning to issue indictments against
either Mr. Clinton or other administation officials, Mrs. Hartmann said: We have no
comment because there is no evidence to substantiate the charges of Gen.
Gotovina's lawyers. They can make their case with evidence to the court.
 Mr. Misetic dismissed Mrs. Hartmann's comments as blatant hypocrisy.

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+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe
simply because it has been handed down for many generations. Do not
believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do
not believe in anything simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not
believe in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise men.
Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when you find that it
agrees with reason

[CTRL] Fascist Netanyahu Didn't Get Expected Support in U.S

2002-04-22 Thread William Shannon

This article appears in the April 26, 2002 issue of Executive Intelligence Review. 

Fascist Netanyahu Didn't Get
Expected Support in U.S.
by Scott Thompson

Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu, acting as spokesman for his Likud party rival Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, staged a Nuremberg Nazi Party-style rally on Capitol Hill on April 15, capping a week of openly defending a genocide policy. Despite Netanyahu's willingness to kill the postwar Nuremberg Tribunal statutes against "crimes against humanity" and international law when it comes to liquidating the Palestinian Authority, "Bibi" did not receive quite the red carpet treatment he had expected.

At an April 10 visit to the U.S. Senate, for example, where that day's Roll Call had announced that most of the 100 Senators were expected, only 20 came—and many of them questioned the rabidness of Bibi's Clash of Civilizations approach to Israel-Palestine. At the National Press Club the same day, Netanyahu had been greeted by a half-empty room and almost no applause, and pelted by hostile questions, including one from EIR's Counterintelligence Editor Michele Steinberg. She demanded a response to the revelation of EIR and others, acknowledged by Sharon spokesman Ra'anan Gissen, that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) were employing Nazi SS Gen. Jürgen Stroop's model for destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto, to destroy the Palestinian Authority.

Seeking to threaten President George W. Bush with the combined clout of U.S.-based Zionists and "Christian Zionists" as an election draws near, Bibi's April 15 rally drew no more than 40,000 people, where "Christian Zionists" from the co-sponsoring National Unity Coalition for Israel had been trumpeting that there would be several hundred thousand, and where Minister Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam brought more than 1 million to the same spot in 1996.

Phase One of Propaganda Blitzkrieg

On April 4, according to the Israeli Press Office, Prime Minister Sharon had met with Netanyahu to discuss the "diplomatic-communications campaign in the United States and Europe." They apparently agreed to coordinate their wartime propaganda thrust, and Prime Minister Sharon, feeling the knife at his back from the Israeli extreme right wing which has made Bibi their poster boy, told him to become a spokesman for Israel. Netanyahu set off for the mecca of all would-be Israeli prime ministers, New York City. Already, on April 7, Bibi appeared on CBS's "Face the Nation," where he described his role to host Bob Schieffer: "I told the Prime Minister, when I met with him a few days ago, that I would gladly help present Israel's most basic case, but I'm not a spokesman for [the government's] day-to-day policies." The "basic case" is that Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat "must be removed," and the entire Palestinian Authority dismantled as "part of the infrastructure of terror."

At the National Press Club in Washington, Netanyahu was all aggression, calling for a two-front war that would simultaneously eliminate Iraq's Saddam Hussein and Yasser Arafat—"Arafatistan must be destroyed like Afghanistan"—and denouncing Europe for "backing murderers" (i.e., the Palestinians) after Europe had remained silent 60 years ago when Jews were being slaughtered. The first two questions were hostile, and already got under Bibi's skin, especially a quote from columnist William Raspberry that Ariel Sharon "is no different from suicide terrorists." Then Steinberg's challenge—"Many people are comparing the attacks on Jenin exactly to that Warsaw Ghetto strategy. What is your comment on this; do you dissociate from this view?"—made Bibi furious.

"This is obscene!" he spat, and warned that Israel "could be using squadrons and squadrons of air power" if it wanted to, but is being restrained, and "protecting civilians." When Steinberg reminded him that an Israeli daily newspaper had first revealed the IDF's study of Nazi Warsaw Ghetto methods, Netanyahu denounced that paper, Ha'aretz—whose articles are used by the Israeli Government Press Office in their daily report. Finally, when Steinberg asked about United Nations Resolutions 1402 and 1403 demanding IDF withdrawal from the Palestinian Territories, Netanyahu denounced them as well: "Look, if Israel listened to the UN, it wouldn't exist!! Do you know that the UN condemned Israel for destroying Saddam Hussein's nuclear bomb in 1981 just in the nick of time?"

At the under-attended Senate event, organized by Sen. John Kyl (R-Ariz.), former Democratic Party Vice Presidential candidate Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) introduced Netanyahu. "The suicide killers in Israel," pronounced Lieberman, "are cut out of the same cloth as the suicide killers who killed 3,000 Americans on Sept. 11th." President Yasser Arafat "had hijacked the legitimate Palestinian cause," he claimed, and added that "no one was better suited to 

[CTRL] LaRouche Tells Bush: Do Not Repeat Bill Clinton's Mistake!

2002-04-22 Thread William Shannon

LaRouche Tells Bush:
Do Not Repeat Bill Clinton's Mistake!

Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. issued the following statement on April 14, 2002.

President Bush has but one problem which he must face personally, if he is going to escape successfully from the "lame duck" trap being set for him currently by both the Lieberman- Brzezinski cabal, which is doing just that intentionally, and also the manifest majority among his relevant current advisors, who are doing it out of stupidity.

He must dump every consideration but standing before a mirror, to ask himself, "Forget the election-campaign. Do what neither Senator Lieberman or Al Gore would be capable of doing: Think like the kind of President our Constitution implies." Remember President Eisenhower and the Suez Crisis. It would help the President to see his available pathway more clearly, if he would tell Ari Fleischer to dump the current White House line on Bill Clinton's performance.

Clinton expressed excellent intentions, but he failed on four leading counts, four counts on which he acted more like a sponsor and lawyer for Ehud Barak's career, than as the President of the U.S.A. First, he entangled himself in Barak's career publicly. Second, when Barak set the President up as a patsy, Clinton swallowed it. To this he added two fatal mistakes which helped to make Ariel Sharon's currently ongoing, Nazi- Warsaw-Ghetto-like operations against the Palestinians possible. First, he evaded the fact that no peace between Israel and Palestine would ever become possible, without a major economic-development program based upon massive desalination and related water development programs. Second, when Chairman Arafat had been ready to sign on the dotted line, so to speak, the President publicly blamed Arafat, rather than Barak, for blowing up the Camp David negotiations, by bringing the issue of redistributing Middle East religious sites, such as Holy Mountain, thus creating the circumstances under which Sharon unleashed the present campaign of religious warfare and radical-right-wing Likud ethnic cleansing policies, into the situation.

Clinton's biggest blunder of all, was his fatal error of allowing himself to be put in the position of presiding over a negotiation over Middle East religious sites, thus helping Sharon set the stage for unleashing a form of religious warfare in the Middle East which threatens to enflame most of the world.

No inaugurated President of the U.S.A. should ever permit any political or personal pressures to cause him to forget the unique meaning of the words "President of the U.S.A." among the governments of the world. President Eisenhower typifies the quality of President who made a decision of that quality in the matter of the Suez Crisis. A President must put his political career at total risk, if need be, if he must take that risk by making a Presidential, rather than a partisan political or career decision, in any moment in which the nature of the constitutional office of President is a stake. Such a moment, such a decision, hovers before President Bush right now.

Our Federal constitutional government is historically unique among the nations of the world. In spite of the several existential crises which our system of self-government has suffered, such as that of 1932-1933, it has never been necessary to disturb the principles of our Constitution, especially as this pertains to our Executive Branch, with its implicit constitutional personal powers and responsibilities of the President. The assurance that this will continue to be the case, depends upon the degree to which the incumbent President, as a person, is able to recognize that it is to that Constitution and its implications, that he must be faithful, above all other possibly conflicting considerations.

The President who can say "No. Do not push me to cross this line," even when virtually all his advisors and constituents are pushing him, is a true President, whenever that decision is based on Constitutional considerations inherent in that office.

The present Middle East crisis is such a point of decision, one of several most crucial such tests which are now piling up to confront the recently inaugurated President. The United States' most vital strategic and related interests, including the interests of our European partners, requires an immediate historic intervention establishing a just peace in the Middle East, meaning an immediate establishment of the Palestinian State under its currently elected head of government, Arafat. If President Bush makes that decision right now, it will happen, since the President's decision as President will set into motion the other forces, around the world, which would produce that result. Indeed, all things considered, the fate of the planet as a whole could depend upon just such a decision.

Admittedly, it has been a long time, perhaps since President Johnson on civil rights, 


2002-04-22 Thread William Shannon

April 22, 2002

Is Israel still part of the West?

Jenin – the name is now a synonym for the brutality of the Israeli war machine, and for the heroism of the Palestinian people as they seek to defend themselves against a merciless assault. The Israelis and their amen corner aren't going to spin their way out of this one, and they know it. Here's Janine di Giovanni in the London Times:

"The refugees I had interviewed in recent days while trying to enter the camp were not lying. If anything, they underestimated the the carnage and the horror. Rarely, in more than a decade of war reporting from Bosnia, Chechnya, Sierra Leone, Kosovo, have I seen such deliberate destruction, such disrespect for human life."

Using civilians as human shields, the Israelis went on a rampage of vengeance and bloodlust that only ran its course when the streets of Jenin were running with blood – not only the gore of fighters, as the Israelis are now claiming, but that of innocent civilians wantonly murdered. Here's Marie Colvin, of the Times, tracking down the horrific truth. Apparently, she had only to – literally – follow her nose:

"The first medical teams allowed into the Jenin refugee camp last week followed the chickens. Human senses were overwhelmed by the devastation and the stench of death, but the birds were not distracted. They were hungry. Two rusty-colored fowl pecking away at a bundle in the street drew a Red Cross team to the remains of Jamal Sabagh. 

"He wasn't really recognizable to an untrained eye. His body had been lying there for more than a week. The Israeli army had banned ambulances from the camp for 11 days, and neighbors were too terrified to go to him."

"Tank tracks led to his body, over it and onwards through the mud. What had once been a young man was rotting flesh mingled with shredded clothing, mashed into the earth. One foot was all that looked human."


Oh, can't you just hear Bill Bennett and his fellow Israel Firsters trying to justify this atrocity? After all, Sabagh was a terrorist, a potential suicide bomber, a fanatic bent on the destruction of Israel, and was killed in the course of what the IDF calls a "battle." Except that Sabagh wasn't a fighter. A diabetic too ill to flee, he was also fearful that he might be mistaken for a fighter if he left his house. So he stayed – definitely a mistake:

"Two days later, he left his house when the Israelis yelled over megaphones that they were going to blow it up. He walked, directed by soldiers in armoured personnel carriers, with other men to Seha Street at the centre of the camp, carrying his bag of medicines. He joined the crowd. Soldiers yelled at him to take off his shirt, then his trousers. He clung to his bag of medicine as he tried to unbuckle his belt, and he was slow. The soldiers shot him, friends say."

The editorially pro-Israel Telegraph was equally damning, with one story headlined "Horror Stories from the Siege of Jenin." Summary executions, including the murder of young children, vicious beatings of women, and a complete disregard for the elementary rules of war, marks the Israelis' "Operation Defensive Shield" – what a name! – as the devilish work of homicidal maniacs. Why else would the IDF have bulldozed houses, without warning, while whole families were still in them? This was the Homicide Offensive, meant to deliver a death blow to the Palestinian nation. But swiftly burying the bodies under tons of rubble wasn't deep enough: as Nahum Barnea, whom the Telegraph describes as Israel's leading newspaper commentator, put it:

"If Israel does not find some way to give them a dignified burial, the bodies will bury Israel."


Barnea recognizes that the main front in the war for a Greater Israel is not on the West Bank, but in the West Wing – and in the West generally. In the propaganda war for the hearts and minds of their American patrons – without whom Israel would not last a year – the Sharon government is conducting a desperate struggle to suppress the truth not only about Jenin, but about their own annexationist agenda. "Operation Defensive Shield," eh? Now comes the news that Sharon plans to absorb half the West Bank into Israel proper. The Israeli blitzkrieg was about as "defensive" as Germany's invasion of Czechoslovakia in the dark days prior to World War II – and just as ominous.


For weeks, the pro-Israel lobby in the US has been on the offensive, mirroring the IDF's scorched earth tactics with a take-no-prisoners propaganda blitz. Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu led the charge up Capitol Hill, with the usual array of sniper pundits giving him plenty of cover. Bob Novak archly remarked that Bibi's trip seemed to be an electioneering jaunt – perhaps to get his old job back – but left tantalizingly open the question of which election in which country. In a dress rehearsal for the key 

[CTRL] The C Word

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.newsmax.com/commentmax/print.shtml?a=2002/4/21/144258


Stiff Right Jab
The 'C' Word: An American Taboo
Steve Farrell
April 22, 2002

In journalism, some subjects are strictly taboo. Here's one:

Politicians, pundits and professors can talk about capitalists conspiring together to
form monopolies and cartels – even to the point of rigid regulation and prosecution of
such activity via the Justice Department.

Politicians, pundits and professors can talk about right-wing religious fanatics
conspiring together to form terrorist organizations – even to the point of waging
worldwide open-ended wars, in hopes of rooting them out.

Politician, pundits and professors can talk about vast right-wing conspiracies
burning down black churches, bombing abortion clinics, beating up on gays and
blowing up federal buildings – even to the point of radically reining in our freedoms 
order to insure such activities never occur again.

And politician, pundits and professors can talk about rich and greedy Enron
executives conspiring together to deny the little man his fair share of a sinking 
booty – even to the point of moving the government ever closer to the elimination of
all private economic activity so as to guarantee worker and investor security.

But never, oh never, can The Three P's dare talk about, dare regulate or dare
eradicate conspiring men on the left. This is why: Such men on the left don't exist –
and have, in fact, never existed, except in the minds of Art Bell fans.

Admit it. The left (I include globalists) accuse and regulate the right for 
The right, however, is forbidden from counter-accusing, counter-regulating the left for

Yet clearly, the left involves itself as principals, provocateurs, participants and
partisans in the same activities, meaning in monopolies, terrorism, bombings and
persecuting employees.

Moreover, the left has a history of orchestrating protests, boycotts, parades,
editorials, lawsuits, violence and revolution, with but one goal in mind: eradicating
the Four Corrupt C's: Colonialism, Constitutionalism, Capitalism and Judeo-

But never mind. The right must keep its peace. The right must concede that the right,
because it is the Capitalist, always exploits, bullies and conspires to sustain its
profitable, ruling-class position; and that the left, because it is the victim, always
spontaneously arises in loose temporary groupings and alliances, which of
necessity step forward to correct social, economic and political injustice wherever it 

If you believe that, I've got some white-sand, palm-tree-laden property to sell you in
the tropics of Antarctica.

But then again, this politically correct thinking prevails.

And so, in honor of such thinking, this week's Leftist, Globalist Apologist, There-
Ain't-No-Such-Thing-as-a-Left-Wing-Conspiracy Award goes to David Rockefeller,
founder of the Trilateral Commission, for his – Hah, Hah! Hee, Hee! – retort in the
April 6 Washington Times, in reference to conspiracy theories persistently besieging
the Trilateral Commission.

Before proceeding, for those unfamiliar with the Trilateral Commission, here's a
quick synopsis: As the name Trilateral reflects, its mission is to divide the world 
three regional trade regimes, or three regional super-governments, as an interim
step toward world government.

David Rockefeller, at the time of the commission's creation, confessed that Zbigniew
Brzezinski's book Between Two Ages gave him the inspiration for the commission,
and thus, the appointment of Brzezinski as its first director, was a natural.

Yet in that book, Brzezinski called Marxism the best available insight into
contemporary reality and outlined the goal of the Trilateral Commission as being
[the forging of a] community of the developed nations that would embrace the
Atlantic states, the more advanced European communist states, and Japan as a
stepping stone to world government. Dub them, as did Orwell, Oceania, Eurasia and

I'm not sure what could be clearer, other than to add that an upfront call for world
government was deemed too bold, too likely to arouse suspicion among America's
sleeping conservatives. Progressive regionalization was thought better – hence, the
Trilateral Commission.

All this is true, though known by too few Americans. Yet Mr. Rockefeller, in the
aforementioned Washington Times article, responded to conspiracy/shadow
government charges as being absurd ... but, to some extent, ... amusing, as did
the commission's press officer, Francois Sauzey.

The afraid to say the 'C' word Washington Times let the two dismiss the loonies
on the right, without a thoughtful counterbalance.

OK, fine. That's my point.

What matters is intent. So, of course, when leftist globalists plan on regional
government, leading to world government, leading to a world Marxist order, it is only
like-minded individuals 


2002-04-22 Thread William Shannon
 Post - Last year was the fifth year in a row
that transit ridership grew faster than highway use, according to statistics
compiled by the American Public Transportation Association . . . Americans
made a record 9.5 billion trips on mass transit last year, 2 percent more
than in 2000. Highway use grew 1 percent, with Americans driving 2.8
trillion miles.



||| LA had a 61% increase in subway ridership last year. Leaders in new
commuter rail ridership include Burlington Vermont, Seattle, Dallas and San
Jose. Denver, Phoenix, and Philadelphia all saw major jumps in bus ridership.


||| Mark Henderson, times, London - The world will become up to 1.3C (2.3F)
warmer over the next three decades, according to a new 30-year forecast of
climate change prepared by British scientists . . . While the figures do not
look large, the total warming effect seen during the entire 20th century was
just 0.6C, and the predicted rise would have profound consequences for
agriculture and sea levels around the world.


||| KIM MURPHY, LA TIMES - While the Bush administration appears to have
lost its bid to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration,
the Interior Department is preparing to allow oil leasing on an even larger
tract of pristine coastal land on the other side of Alaska's North Slope.
Unlike the refuge, the 9.6 million acres within the National Petroleum
Reserve-Alaska, west of the Prudhoe Bay oil field, would not require further
congressional approval before oil and gas exploration could expand in 2004 .
. . The reserve is the summer home to millions of migratory birds, the
largest lake in the American Arctic and half a million caribou.  With 23.5
million acres, the NPRA is the largest tract of undeveloped land in North



The government of Bologna has acquitted a young man arrested for possession
of 512 ecstasy tablets. According to the defence's plea, accepted by the
court, quantity is not a determining factor for distinguishing between
personal use and peddling. \


JOEL MILLER, WOLRD NET DAILY - A music teacher in an inner-city Michigan
grade school is getting an earful from the higher-ups about the type of
songs she can use in her classroom. According to the April 17 issue of the
Rutherford Institute's Insider, the teacher isn't in trouble for having the
children sing lines from the latest Snoop Dogg rap album or even getting the
tykes to trot out with something as strictly verboten as Jesus Loves Me.
No, said the Insider, school administrators informed her that she could not
use any songs in class that contain the words 'freedom' or 'liberty.' Why
not, you might wonder. Simple: Because some children in the school are not
U.S. citizens.



||| JOYCE Howard Price, WASHINGTON TIMES - A California dentist who has
survived a heart attack, liver cancer and three liver transplants is trying
to start a national campaign to pressure Congress to base funding for
disease research on mortality, a move that would sharply reduce AIDS
funding. Dr. Richard Darling, 55, of Palm Desert calls it grossly unfair
that the money spent by the National Institutes of Health for research into
AIDS  which killed 15,245 Americans last year, according to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention  exceeds the amount allotted for research
into heart disease, which kills more than 700,000 Americans annually. The
NIH research budget for cardiovascular diseases totaled $1.9 billion in this
fiscal year, while its AIDS counterpart was $2.5 billion, according to NIH's
Office of AIDS Research . . .  The entire allocation system is outrageously
biased toward AIDS. The system is extremely unfair to heart disease, lung
disease, liver disease, diabetes, breast cancer, prostate disease,
Alzheimer's and leukemia, Dr. Darling said in a telephone interview, citing
some of the medical conditions that outstrip AIDS in terms of deaths but
which lag far behind in funding . . .  Dr. Darling, who's given up his
dental practice and is trying to stay alive, notes that NIH's $900 million
increase for AIDS research between fiscal 1998 and 2002 is more than the
total $772 million research budget for diabetes in fiscal 2002. While AIDS
has killed a total of fewer than 31,000 in the past two years, diabetes
killed nearly 68,700 in 2000 alone


||| UN WIRE - Nearly 30 percent of South Africa's labor force will be
infected with HIV by 2005, according to NMG-Levy Consultants and Actuaries'
annual report on labor relations and employee benefits, released yesterday.
Showing how hard the HIV/AIDS pandemic has hit South Africa, the report says
the life expectancy of women

Re: [CTRL] Evidence 101 for Andrew

2002-04-22 Thread Edward Britton


Ok, since you appear to be serious this time, let's take this from the

Evidence: the material or, in
certain instances, anecdotal indication of the existence of postulate
fact in which either cannot be disputed by reasonable objective analysis
or is otherwise acquired by objective (casual) observation.
well that certainly fits the known
sumerian archaeology,

Then you can cite examples (URLS to objective materials will do) of
either reptilian cultural artifacts or of the remains of
transgenic/xenomorphic life forms which do not fall within any terran
phylogeny, AND which clearly depart from any known humanoid
genome (e.g, Neanderthal, Homo Sapiens or any other primate in

chinese, south american and european
evidence of beliefs and artefacts and
other collected anecdotes from the 17 -19 century that substantiate
reptoid civilisation.

Likewise here, but I would only accept *multiple* (two or more) vicarious
accounts of the *same phenomena* from the mythology/folklore of differing
cultures as adequate anecdotal evidence--provided that all accounts are
published side by side for comparison (for example, multiple accounts
from differing cultures of the great flood).

plead ignorance of the supporting

What supporting facts? I've seen none thus far. I've seen
tons of speculation on the basis of remotely similar cultural anecdotes,
but no facts. Here's your chance to convince me.

the reptoid thesis edward.

That's just it. I've seen multiple theses, but no evidence to back
any of them up.

there is a global museum full of
reptoid references; material, anecdotal,
objective and non-human.

Such as? I'm sure you could pop out a URL to some really good
source. A page put up by some high school kid on Geocities
doesn't count :-)

do you rationally explain this empirical data

Such as?

get philosophy of science then 
How do you manage to refute the
conjecture that the mountain of reptilian artefacts and ethnological
evidence points
to the existence of a reptilian species
on this planet ???

I don't refute it any longer. Quite honestly, after an
initial--fruitless--search for rational information on the subject, I
consigned the whole business to being the work of cheap shills who wanted
nothing more than to sell books to sc-fi buffs. I then discovered
that people were actually taking this nonsense seriously.

reason do you have to dismiss the more than obvious data

Simple: I've seen NO data.

have one of your allegedly reasonable objective analysis of the known
reptilian thesis
- and frequent references to david icke
wont be your get out here - lets deal with just
known facts - I want to see your
rational mind at work here.

OK, provide some facts, and we'll go from there.

irrationally propels you to discount the known obvious empirical data and

artefacts for reptilian

Uh, maybe the absence of known, obvious, empirical data
propels me. :-)

and don't be afraid to gimme philosophy of
and all them rational stuff coz me and
ma gerbils iz intae epistemology.

[ps. educated in scotland]

Educated in Scotland as what? :-)

BTW, while you're rustling up the facts, could you please change the
background image on your page? It sure would make the text easier
to read :-)

Edward +

I'm not paranoid. I just wear this foil hat to keep the
government mind control rays from penetrating my skull.


[CTRL] Drug War: Covert Money, Power Policy: Propaganda

2002-04-22 Thread William Shannon

Drug War: Covert Money, Power  Policy: Propaganda 

Prohibition is about economic and military power, not health. It was the geopolitical utility of medical monopoly that saw it come to pass. The Harrison Act was conceived in China, at the 1909 Shanghai Opium Commission, the idea being that America should pass a model "no license" law it could then ask other nations to adopt. President Roosevelt had arbitrated the end of the Russo-Japanese War only to observe Russia and Japan dividing Manchuria, Mongolia and Korea between them. With China beginning to industrialize on a massive scale, all the imperial powers were delighted to have a "pro-Chinese" issue they could sell while competing for China. 

America, with never more than 2500 troops in China, had the weakest military position, and so led the fight for an "open door" and an end to the opium trade. The Chinese leadership had grown to hate opium because the British controlled the nationwide trade, and had used it as a lever to control China. Industrialization, however, with its mills, mines and railroads, had created different stakes. For America, Chinese cooperation in the industrial competition was essential. The weaker the British position, the stronger the U.S. The Chinese government encouraged groups like the Foochow Anti-opium Society, below, to express their politically correct feelings for the foreign press. 

Wright criminalized "nonmedical" use of "opium or coca leaves or any compound, manufacture, salt, derivative, or preparation thereof." Wiley's unempirical equation of herbs and alkaloids had already achieved the status of legal precedent. Lobbying Congress in 1910 for his new bill, Wright fretted about cocaine's "encouragement among the humbler ranks of the Negro population in the Southit has been authoritatively stated that cocaine is often the direct incentive to the crime of rape by the Negroes of the South and other sections of the country." Here you have the geopolitical, the economic utility of racism. Wright wrote the editor of the Louisville Journal Courier that "a strong editorial from you on the abuse of cocaine in the South would do a great deal of good - do not quote me or the Department of State."

The 1912 Hague Opium Convention, which grew out of the Shanghai Commission, committed the U.S. by treaty to Wright’s law, the 1914 Harrison Act, a domestic law controlling opium and coca products. Below, Hearst’s Magazine revivifies the 1880’s pulp legend of the roué Clendenin, in time to support Harrison. Domestic drug propaganda is still the tool of imperial foreign policy. Today the operative treaties, also engineered by the U.S., are the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances and the 1988 Vienna Antitrafficking Convention. 

Wright wrote Bishop Brent, his fellow delegate to the Shanghai Opium Commission, that the new Secretary of State Knox was "only now grasping the fact that in this opium business he has the oil to smooth any troubled waters he may meet with at Peking in his aggressive business enterprises there." The other delegate, future President William Howard Taft, the inventor of "dollar diplomacy," likewise worried about "one of the greatest commercial prizes in the worldthe trade with the 400,000,000 Chinese."

America's "aggressive business enterprises" were challenged head-on by anti-prohibitionist Eugene Debs, leader of the powerful American Railway Union. Debs' moderate, libertarian Socialist Party was the electoral umbrella for scores of left-wing groups, including the industrial workers in the Northeast; German and Scandinavian enclaves in the upper Midwest; the radical populists of the Great Plains; Big Bill Haywood's tough miners and lumberjacks in the Western Federation of Miners - core group of the IWW; Margaret D. Robins' National Women's Trade Union League, and Alice Paul's direct action National Woman's Party - the radical spearhead that actually forced through woman suffrage. 

It was their ideas of the minimum wage, social security and unemployment insurance that helped stabilize capitalism during the Great Depression. And it was Lippmann who warned that "the manufacture of consent" by the corporate owners of the media was a deadly threat to real democracy. As corporate hit-man Edward Bernays, "the father of public relations" put it, in 1928, in Propaganda: "The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country…it is the intelligent minorities which need to make use of propaganda continuously and systemically." 

Propaganda during these years meant William Randolph Hearst, who owned the most powerful chain of yellow journals in the country. Hearst built its core circulation, the 

[CTRL] 3-year-old Palestinian shot dead by Israelis

2002-04-22 Thread William Shannon

3-year-old Palestinian shot dead by Israelis 

AFP [ SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2002 7:43:52 PM ]  

GAZA CITY: Four Palestinian children were wounded, including a three-year-old shot in the head, when Israeli troops fired on them as they threw stones at Israeli bulldozers in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, Palestinian witnesses and medics said.

The children were lobbing stones at tanks and bulldozers trying to clear an area between the autonomous southern town of Rafah and the neighbouring refugee camp, both close to the border with Egypt.

The soldiers opened fire with live bullets, witnesses said, hitting three-year-old Ahmad Zaanoun in the head.

His condition was critical, medics said.

On Saturday, the army wounded 20 Palestinians near Rafat and Khan Yunis, during a similar operation to clear an area of land, hospital sources said.

Israel frequently raids Palestinian self-rule areas in Gaza to flatten areas that could be used by militants to launch attacks, although since the end of March it has concentrated its military might in the West Bank.


[CTRL] 2 Palestinian farmers shot by Jewish settlers who then steal their goats.

2002-04-22 Thread William Shannon

2 Palestinian farmers shot by Jewish settlers 

AFP [ SUNDAY, APRIL 21, 2002 3:25:43 AM ]  

NABLUS: A gang of 20 Jewish settlers shot two Palestinian farmers, injuring one seriously, in the northern West Bank village of Urif near Nablus, Palestinian security sources told AFP late Saturday.

The settlers, who were thought to be from the Jewish settlement of Yizhar, south of Nablus, busted into a Palestinian goat farm and shot two farmers, the sources said.

A 42-year-old man was in very serious condition, while the other was only lightly wounded, the sources said.

The group then stole some 50 goats from the farm, 10 of which they had shot, they added.

Although the Israeli army appeared at the scene, they did nothing to stop the settlers, the sources told AFP.

It was not clear where the settlers might have come from but Urif lies just a few kilometers southwest of the Jewish settlement of Yizhar.

The Israeli police said it had no knowledge of the event, while the army had no immediate comment.



2002-04-22 Thread William Shannon

Pravda.RU:Top Stories:More in detail

 17:14 2002-04-10


April 9 was a memorial day for the victims of the Holocaust. “Holocaust” means “burnt-offering,” as translated from the ancient Greek language. The Nazis were trying to destroy Jews as a nation, sending them to concentration camps, gas chambers, and performing mass executions by shootings. Fascists reportedly killed about six million Jews during the years of the World War II. Why does this memorial day fall on April 9th? This was the day when prisoners rebelled in the Warsaw ghetto, but the prisoners were not only Jews by the way. Fifty-six thousand people were killed when the fascists suppressed the rebellion. 

Alla Gerber, the president of the Holocaust fund, remembers the following: “I know that my grandmother from Kiev did not have enough energy to get into the ghetto in the city of Odessa. She fell down and was shot. I know that the family of my other grandmother from Kiev was killed in Babiy Yar. I remember this, and I always will. I will never be able to forget this, because I do not want this to repeat again (Babiy Yar is a settlement on the outskirts of Kiev.) Thirty-five thousand Jews were shot in that village in 1941, and some 200-thousand civilians and prisoners were killed there during 1941-1943). 

The Russian Jewish Congress distributed a statement today, in which the following was said: “Paying tribute to the six million Jews who were killed in the fire of the World War II, we cannot separate the tragic events of sixty years ago from what is going on with Jews and the Jewish state. The Nazi genocide, from which many Jews suffered in the twentieth century, is not comparable with the current events in the Middle East. When anti-Semites raise their heads in “the tolerant Europe,” when skinheads are active in Russia, and when blood is being shed in the Middle East, we remember and mourn the millions of people who were killed just because for being different from their murderers.” 

What can be noticed about the Jews of the whole world is their unity and solidarity, which they have exercised throughout history. It seems that any unbiased observer can see the aggressiveness of the current Tel Aviv policy (of the policy since 1967, to be more precise) against the Palestinian autonomy and other countries of the Arab world. However, this is not the way that the Jews think. Moreover, the congress draws a parallel between the elimination of Jews of the past and their “genocide” today, allegedly, with the consent of the international community. 

This is an overwhelming feeling of offence for the whole world. The feeling that “everybody owes something to me,” is a peculiar feature of the Jewish national character. This feature dictates a certain stereotype of behavior: each Jew enjoys the full rights of being a citizen of Israel, even if this Jew lives in Zimbabwe or East Timor. 

Speaking about the Holocaust of the World War II, the latest research that has been conducted by scientists of different countries regarding the mass genocide against Jews and the real number of victims, testifies to multiple and unjustified exaggerations and distortions of the real events. 

There was a conference in Moscow devoted to the global problems of world history. One of the reporters said at the conference that, after performing a special electromagnetic examination of the “mass burial” in two camps (Treblinka and Belsits), it became known that the “official version” of the burial could not withstand any criticism: the soil could not be influenced with any external effect, ect. 

It should also be mentioned here that the adversaries of the Holocaust (or revisionists, as they are often called), do not try to prove it to the world that Jews were not persecuted in National-Socialist Germany, or that there were no losses among the Jewish nation during the war. It goes about the fact that Nazis were eliminating not only Jews. They were running the genocide policy against Gypsies, the Slavs, and other representatives of lower races. There is no other nation in the world that has suffered so much during the war, as the people of Belarus did. But everyone is silent about it. 

Valery Lebedev, who read The Myth of the Holocaust, said: “When I found out that the furnaces in the crematoriums of the fascist camps were muffle, and the Zyclone-B gas was insecticide (insect poison), that was enough for me. Those readers who do not know much of chemistry, may not understand anything here, but I know what muffle is, since I have worked in the gas industry. I even feel shame for myself. Why didn't I pay attention to that stupid Zyclone-B gas that was evolving from granules within two hours? There was no killing of Jews in gas chambers of the Nazi camps, since there were no chambers there. The bombing of Germany and the evacuation of the camps blocked 

[CTRL] Fired-Up Fascists Fault Fuming Flames

2002-04-22 Thread Euphorian

-Caveat Lector-

From http://www.au.org/churchstate/cs3023.htm

Witch Hunt

Why  The Religious Right Is Crusading To Exorcise Harry Potter Books From Public
Schools And Libraries

By Rob Boston

Robert Fichthorn had decided to take a stand.

Fichthorn, captain of the Penryn, Pa., fire police, a volunteer body that provides
traffic control services during fires, auto accidents and civic events, declared in 
January that his officers would not help cordon off streets during a YMCA-sponsored
triathlon scheduled for this September.

Fichthorn’s reason surprised many in the community. Despite its Christian roots,
Fichthorn asserted, the YMCA is in fact supporting witchcraft by allowing students
taking part in an after-school program to read the popular Harry Potter books. The
fire police would do nothing, he insisted, to aid this nefarious behavior.

I don’t feel right taking our children’s minds and teaching them [witchcraft],
Fichthorn hold the Lancaster New Era. As long as we don’t stand up, it won’t stop.

Fichthorn’s declaration hit the local papers and promptly sparked an uproar in the
tiny central Pennsylvania community. But things really got interesting after the story
was circulated nationally by the Associated Press and spread worldwide over the
Internet. Irate residents squared off in letters to the editor. YMCA officials were
swamped with messages from all over the country and even overseas as people
offered to stand in for the fire police.

Newspaper columnists blasted Fichthorn and the rest of his department as narrow-
minded and silly. Sports Illustrated cited the flap as This Week’s Sign of the
Apocalypse. The Denver Post gave Fichthorn its Doofus of the Month award.

Many in the community and surrounding area were not pleased with the attention.
Yes, all across the country, people are reading about the Penryn Fire Police
decision to spurn the triathlon because Harry Potter goes against their Christian
morals, groused Gil Smart, a columnist with the Lancaster Sunday News. And all
across the country, people are thinking: What bumpkins.

But if the Penryn Fire Police are bumpkins for hating Harry Potter, they are not the
only ones. All over the country, Religious Right groups and local activists have put
the Potter series in their theological crosshairs. The Penryn incident captured
national headlines, but it is in no way an aberration.

According to the American Library Association (ALA), the Potter series, authored by
Scottish writer J.K. Rowling, now holds the dubious distinction of being the most
censored books in America. Public schools and libraries in many communities are
under siege as far-right forces demand that the books be removed outright or placed
on restricted access.

At first glance, the books look like unlikely candidates for all this fuss. Designed 
pre- and early teens, the series recounts the adventures of Harry Potter, an orphan
growing up in London. Verbally abused and forced to live in a dingy space at his
domineering uncle’s house, Potter’s fortunes take a dramatic turn for the better when
he learns he is descended from a long line of wizards and is invited to attend
Hogwarts, a private academy for wizards in training.

The series is phenomenally popular, and the four books so far have sold in the
millions worldwide. Late last year, a movie based on the first book, Harry Potter and
the Sorcerer’s Stone, opened to long lines and generally favorable reviews.

But not everyone is wild about Harry. Religious Right forces, including TV preacher
Pat Robertson’s 700 Club, James Dobson’s Focus on the Family, the Rev. Louis P.
Sheldon’s Traditional Values Coalition and a host of far-right lesser lights are
convinced that the books promote evil and the occult – and they are spurring local
activists to drive the books from public schools and libraries.

A sampling of recent incidents includes:

• York, Pa.: Led by a local pastor who is also an elementary school teacher, a
handful of parents demanded that the Harry Potter books be removed from the
Eastern York schools, asserting that the tomes promote witchcraft. It’s against my
daughter’s constitution, it’s evil and it promotes witchcraft, parent Deb Eugenio told
reporters. I’m not paying taxes to teach my child witchcraft.

The school board voted 7-2 in January to allow teachers to continue to use the Potter
books provided that parents first sign permission slips. Sixth-grade teacher Ed
Althouse had been using the first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, during
a unit on fantasy literature. The parents of four students declined to sign the
permission slips, and their children were given an alternate assignment.

• Alamogordo, N.M.: In an incident that captured headlines worldwide, Pastor Jack
Brock of the Christ Community Church led a mass burning of Harry Potter books
Dec. 30. Brock told reporters that the books encourage our youth to learn more
about witches, warlocks and sorcerers, and those things 

[CTRL] Ariel Sharon and Slobodan Milosevic- What's the difference?

2002-04-22 Thread William Shannon

Falling scales
Arab News Editorial 20 April 2002

What is the difference between Ariel Sharon and Slobodan Milosevic, now on trial for war crimes? Apart from the fact that one killed Bosnians and Albanians while the other kills Palestinians, the answer is none whatsoever. At least, that is the answer heard across the Arab and Muslim world. Now, across the West too, the same judgment is heard. Public opinion has started to regard Sharon as a war criminal. 

Over the past couple of weeks, the scales have fallen from millions of eyes. No longer is it seen in the way it has long tired to present itself, as the underdog, the plucky little David battling against an Arab Goliath that seeks to destroy it. Rather, it is the Israelis who are seen as the jackbooted thugs, the Palestinians as the defenseless victims. 

If any one thing has changed Western views — and they have changed even in the US — it is Jenin. Taking the lead from the media, which has never been so uniformly hostile and critical of Israel, Western public has been visibly shocked and sickened by reports of innocent Palestinians civilians being slaughtered or being left to bleed to death and their newborn infants to perish because they were prevented from getting medical attention. There is still repugnance for the suicide bombers and little affection for the Palestinian leadership. But there is unprecedented sympathy for the Palestinians, mirrored by anger at Israel and disgust with Sharon. 

This is new, and its significance should not be underestimated. For example, for one of Britain’s leading Jewish politicians, former Labor government minister Gerald Kaufman, hitherto a strong supporter of everything Israel does, to describe the Israeli prime minister as a "war criminal" as he did in Parliament last week, is an unheard-of development. The shift is seen in other ways. When, again in the UK, the French ambassador was recently reported to have described Israel as that "shitty little state", there was little condemnation or outrage, other than from overtly pro-Israeli sources. Indeed, it now seems as if many concur, if not in words then in sentiment.

Israel’s onslaught tops the news throughout the Western world, even in France which, with its presidential election just days away, might have been thought to be otherwise preoccupied. In London, Paris, Amsterdam people can be heard starting conversations with questions such as "What do you think about the Israelis?" (the inference being "Who would have believed it, or more bluntly: "Are the Israelis insane?" 

>From an Arab perspective, coming at a time when the news is otherwise depressing and cause for the deepest anger, this development is immensely encouraging. Already, the EU has floated the idea of sanctions against Israel. It may not happen; but Israel is fast assuming pariah status. The possibility that Sharon will one day be brought to international justice for his crimes certainly becomes daily more credible. 

For years, Arabs and Muslims have told an unreceptive world that Israel is a racist, militaristic state. Finally people are listening, thanks to Sharon. Just as Milosevic’s bigoted warmongering all but destroyed Serbia, he has ironically done more to undermine and destroy the credibility of Israel than any Palestinian. It is encouraging.

[CTRL] Ruppert:The Case For Bush Administration Advance Knowledge Of 911 Attacks

2002-04-22 Thread William Shannon

The Case For Bush Administration 
Advance Knowledge Of 911 Attacks
By Michael C. Ruppert

© COPYRIGHT 2002, Michael C. Ruppert and FTW Publications, http://www.copvcia.com/ all rights reserved. May be reprinted, distributed or posted on web sites for non-profit purposes only.]

April 22, 2002, 1200 PDT (FTW) -- A dispassionate examination of existing reliable, open-source evidence on advance warnings of the Sept. 11 attacks provides strong and sustainable grounds to conclude the Bush Administration was in possession of sufficient advance intelligence to have prevented the attacks, had it wished to do so. With a known intelligence budget of approximately $30 billion, it must be assumed there are classified files that only add to the weight of the available data presented here. Is it reasonable to assume that what is presented here is the only intelligence the U.S. possessed?

This article will focus on four primary areas where the U.S. had information that forewarned of the attacks in sufficient detail to have prompted their prevention. Those areas are: Documented warnings received by the United States Government (USG) from foreign intelligence services; Obvious and large scale insider stock trading in the days before the attacks; Known intelligence successes achieved by the USG in its penetrations of Al Qaeda; and, the case of Delmart Mike Vreeland, a U.S. Naval intelligence officer jailed in Canada at the request of U.S. authorities, who -- with his attorneys -- spent months attempting to warn USG and Canadian intelligence officials of the pending attacks, only to be rebuffed and ignored.

This article will not focus on a number of well-known and documented instances where the Bush Administration actively interfered with or curtailed investigations into Al Qaeda-linked groups that could have provided even more intelligence. Included in this category are reports by the BBC s Gregg Palast, the French book The Forbidden Truth, and a lawsuit/OPR complaint filed by an active FBI agent alleging investigations that could have prevented the attacks were derailed by superiors, in some cases on orders from the White House.


This section focuses on known advance warnings received by the U.S. government from foreign intelligence services that proved to be specific enough to have identified the date (within one week), method, targets, and perpetrators of the attacks. It will not include warnings issued to the USG that could be considered vague or non-specific. The latter includes documented warnings sent by the governments of Egypt and Israel. However, in light of the specific warnings, these additional warnings add greater weight to the argument that the Administration was in possession of sufficient information to have prevented the attacks.

As reported in the respected German daily Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung (FAZ) on Sept. 14, 2001 the German intelligence service, the BND, warned both the CIA and Israel that Middle Eastern terrorists were planning to hijack commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of American and Israeli culture. The story specifically referred to an electronic eavesdropping system known as Echelon, wherein a number of countries tap cell phone and electronic communications in partner countries and then pool the information. The BND warnings were also passed to the United Kingdom.

No known denial by the BND of the accuracy of this story exists, and the FAZ story indicates that the information was received directly from BND sources.

According to a Sept. 14 report in the Internet newswire online.de, German police, monitoring the phone calls of a jailed Iranian man, learned the man was telephoning USG intelligence agencies in summer 2001 to warn of an imminent attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) in the week of Sept. 9. German officials confirmed the calls to the USG for the story but refused to discuss additional details.

In August 2000 French intelligence sources confirmed a man recently arrested in Boston by the FBI was an Islamic militant and a key member of Osama bin Laden s Al Qaeda network. The FBI knew the man had been taking flying lessons at the time of his arrest and was in possession of technical information on Boeing aircraft and flight manuals, as reported by Reuters on Sept. 13.

According to a story in Izveztia on Sept. 12, Russian intelligence warned the USG that as many as 25 suicide pilots were training for missions involving the crashing of airliners into important targets.

In an MSNBC interview on Sept. 15, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated that he had ordered Russian intelligence to warn the USG in the strongest possible terms of imminent assaults on airports and government buildings before the attacks on Sept. 11.

As reported by CNN s Daniel Seberg on Sept. 28, Newsbytes Brian McWilliams on Sept. 27 and the Israeli newspaper Ha aretz, Odigo, the 

[CTRL] Army Aerial Spraying Tests Panic,Anger Florida Keys Residents

2002-04-22 Thread William Shannon

Army Aerial Spraying Tests Panic, 
Anger Florida Keys Residents
By Jennifer Babson 

BOCA CHICA KEY - They worry about allergies and immune system difficulties and ailments yet to be diagnosed. 

A few bolted for points north; others shuttered windows and stayed inside. 

Word that the U.S. Army was conducting biological and chemical detection tests off Key West last week -- using a crop duster to spray what it says are benign substances over a small swath of the Gulf -- set alarm bells ringing for some on this island chain. 

''Monday I had my house closed up all day and the air conditioner running because I was concerned and I couldn't find out what was going on. The newspaper didn't say exactly where they were dropping,'' said Bill Eardley, a retiree who lives on Sugarloaf Key. "If I had known in advance, and I was concerned, I would have jumped in a car or plane and gotten out of here.'' 

Using a small plane to release egg white powder, clay dust, ethanol, irradiated vegetable spores and a chemical compound commonly found in drugstore cosmetics -- all designed to simulate more ominous compounds -- Army and Environmental Protection Agency researchers were trying to determine whether civilian Doppler and drug interdiction radars can tell the difference between a raincloud carrying moisture and a cloud carrying something more ominous. 

The experiments -- concluded last week -- were deemed a success, though the Army still says it needs to conduct an additional $15 million to $20 million worth of testing in the U.S. 

Researchers are hoping software could be attached to civilian radars like those used by the National Weather Service to alert military and civilian authorities to unusual chemical or biological events or attacks. 

But some locals greeted the tests themselves as a kind of preliminary attack. 

''The weirdest thing I heard from a couple of people was that spores can travel 1,300 miles. They said that there was a spore release in Texas that arrived in Florida,'' said Mickey Morales, an Army spokesman who was on hand for the drill. ``Some people have told me they have left the area or they have recommended to people that they leave the area.'' 

It probably didn't help matters locally that the Pentagon went public with details of the tests less than a week before they began. 


A few days earlier, a free Key West newspaper carried a front-page exposé on suspicious, Keys-photographed contrails that sources -- including an unnamed wife of a Navy service member -- insisted were actually ''chemtrails'' that could be the results of secret military experiments. 

Some worried residents contacted the Army, the media, municipal officials, the EPA and U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson with their concerns -- prompting Nelson's Washington office to inquire about the nature of the tests, Morales said. 

Last week, it was Morales' job to make the words ''military experiment'' seem palatable. 

It was a challenge in some quarters. 

''A lot of people have claimed they have read X, Y, and Z on the Internet,'' Morales said. ``Somebody called me on his cell phone and wanted to know if it was OK to go boating.'' 

Liz Holloway's neighbor on Sugarloaf Key ''evacuated'' to a place north of the Everglades when she heard the tests were imminent. 

''She has chronic fatigue syndrome and thought it might exacerbate her condition,'' Holloway said. ``Am I worried I am going to get sick 15 years from now? Maybe. But who knows?'' 


Holloway said she would have liked more advanced notice. 

''My major problem was that I read the stuff in the newspaper and I called the agencies that were supposed to be responsible for the activity, and even their public information officers had no clue what was going on,'' she said. ``I don't begrudge them that they have to do this kind of thing, but at least give us a choice to not be here.'' 

Some in the Pentagon considered forgoing the public information campaign altogether, said Col. Stephen V. Reeves, program executive officer for the Chemical and Biological Defense program. Reeves was in the Keys Thursday to monitor testing. 

'I received [a recommendation] from counsel, `Maybe we should just go ahead,' '' Reeves said. ``I decided not to do that. If we had been quiet about it and somebody had suddenly discovered it, it would have confirmed everybody's worst suspicions.'' 

The decision on how to publicize the tests apparently went all the way up the chain of command to Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld's office. 

And so, last week, a steady parade of Keys residents was escorted to a blue tent pitched next to a government RV across U.S. 1 from the entrance to the Boca Chica Naval Air Field. 

In an effort to allay local fears, Morales made a run to a local grocery, picking up an angelfood cake, Visine eyedrops and a mud mask of the kind used to combat acne -- all of which he 

[CTRL] abuse figures, clergy abuse, Venezuela - NY Times

2002-04-22 Thread Smart News

-Caveat Lector-

With yesterday's resignation of President Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan democracy
is no longer threatened by a would-be-dictator, the venerable newspaper
intoned, matched only for boldness in mendacity by the White House's, Now
the situation will be one of tranquility and democracy. Of course, the
situation was neither one of tranquility nor democracy. Pedro Carmona
Estanga, a former oil executive and head of the country's largest business
organization, committed a series of monumentally authoritarian acts. With the
stroke of a pen, without a mandate from the public, backed only by the
authority vested in him by the country's generals, he dissolved the congress,
disbanded the Supreme Court, closed the Attorney-General's and comptroller's

Study shows sex abuse figures here higher than Europe, US - by Kitty Holland
Prof David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes Against Children Research
Centre at the University of New Hampshire, said the figures were particularly
stark for boys and men.  He was speaking at a conference to mark the
publication of a study which shows more than 40 per cent of women (42 per
cent) and more than a quarter of men (28 per cent) here have been sexual
abused or violated in their lifetimeSexual abuse is defined as either
contact or non-contact abuse. Non-contact abuse could involve forcing someone
to view pornography or watch sexual acts He compared child sexual abuse
rates in the three areas and found that while 17 per cent of women in Europe
had experienced sexual abuse as children and 29 per cent had in North
America, some 30 per cent of Irish women said they had been sexually abused
as children. Among men, 5 per cent in Europe and 7 per cent in North America
had experienced sexual abuse as children. In Ireland, however, 24 per cent of
men were sexually abused as boys.



Sex Abuse by Clergy a Global Problem - By Richard N. Ostling AP - NY (AP) -
Canada, Australia, Ireland, Britain, France, Germany, Mexico, Poland. It may
be the American cardinals who are headed to the Vatican, but the Roman
Catholic Church has faced clergy sex scandals around the globe - with the
most widespread problems in English-speaking countries. from AOL 4/19/02

L.A. cardinal's role outrages abuse victims - Mahony lacks credibility to
protect kids, critics say - Don Lattin, Chronicle Religion Writer   4/19/02
- Abuse victims familiar with a Stockton pedophile case are outraged that
Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles -- one of eight U.S. cardinals called to
Rome next week over the sex scandal rocking the Catholic Church -- is
entrusted with carrying out new policies to protect children from harm.
Testimony in the 1998 Stockton case, in which a jury awarded two brothers
millions of dollars in damages, indicated that Mahony had knowingly allowed a
pedophile priest to continue working and taken no action to keep him away
from children.


from Lynne Moss-Sharmann Suit alleges sex abuse at private school Boston
Globe 4/22/02  A former employee of a Lenox school for girls with learning
and emotional difficulties has sued the school, contending she was fired for
complaining about sexual abuse and other problems at the school. Laura
Knoepler worked as the clinical coordinator at the Valleyhead School. In her
lawsuit filed April 11 in Berkshire Superior Court, she asserts she was fired
last November after uncovering ''terrifying, shocking, repulsive, and illegal
activities'' at the school. Knoepler alleges that staff members sexually
abused students and did not provide proper health care or therapy. Valleyhead
founder Matthew J. Merritt Jr. declined to comment on the suit. Knoepler's is
the second lawsuit filed against Valleyhead in recent months. Former students
filed the first, contending that students were regularly coerced to perform
sexual favors for the staff.


Orwellian Inversion, Or Just Another Day At The New York Times? by Stephen
Gowans April 22, 2002

 So it was that when Venezuela's military high command told the country's
elected president, Hugo Chavez, that he would have to step down for the
intolerable crime of supposing his countrymen, 80 percent of whom live below
the poverty line, should share in the country's immense oil wealth, the
Western world's newspaper of record cheered the coup as a victory for
democracy. With yesterday's resignation of President Hugo Chavez, Venezuelan
democracy is no longer threatened by a would-be-dictator, the venerable
newspaper intoned, matched only for boldness in mendacity by the White
House's, Now the situation will be one of tranquility and democracy. Of
course, the situation was neither one of tranquility nor 

Re: [CTRL] Evidence 101 for Andrew

2002-04-22 Thread andrew hennessey

Evidence: the material or, in certain instances, anecdotal indication 
of the existence of postulate fact in which either cannot be disputed by 
reasonable objective analysis or is otherwise acquired by objective (casual) 
observation.well that certainly fits 
the known sumerian archaeology,Then you can cite 
examples (URLS to objective materials will do) of either reptilian cultural 
artifacts or of the remains of transgenic/xenomorphic life forms which do 
not fall within any terran phylogeny,


firstly recently excavated reptilian statuettes 
for which I collected the photos. these came from mexico - I can send those 
on. plus the reptilian figures in egyptian and indian art.

The story of the dogon tribe and its acquired 
knowledge of sirius from reptilians

the photographic/archaeological evidence of :

SITCHIN, on nibiru and the 
great reptile art work and ET knowledge of the 
solar system that is thousands of years old - certainly before 
GARDNER genesis of the grail kings
great reptile photos/statues
TEMPLE on Dogon and Sirius
irrefutable in your face reptilian 
GILBERTSON 1985 the dark 
absolute seminal work on the ideas and 
symbolism of humanities dark influences.

in these books are reference to 
life and intelligence and their artefacts and 
culture as they impacted on ancient human
civilisation. with photographs of the reptilain 
statues eg . marduk

GENISIS david wood which imparts the gnostic 
take on ophiucus and the 13 astrological house of the red 
and the origins of the mero and 

there are books of star charts published today 
whose 'horizon' of ground zero is the serpens constellation.

The Norse and finnish eddae and 
which mention the giants and serpents and the 
ancient war between the species 
commemorated in the reptilian 
statues of greece. eg. ophicius the greek 
serpent god of medicine - also poseidon etc

The shapshifting legends of the naga from tibet 
collected by osendowski and nicholas roerich.
the arhat legends of tibet, the rakshasha 
legends of india.

the shapeshifting origins of the gorgon and 
athena came from africa originally

south american reptilian art and 
chinese and european and indian culture 

pays tribute to the serpent gods
on vases, decorative artwork, 

Countess Bathory [countess dracula] a recent 
book on an eastern european dark agesnoblewoman and murderer - the 
midwife tells of the newborn baby turning into a fish and slipping into the 

1697ad the secret commonwealth of elves fauns 
and faeries by the rev robert kirk
early academic treatise on the 


icelandic folk tales
scottish standing stones eg. st giles, brechin 
cathedrals, [pictish culture]

the global myth of the sea 
and her blueblood is commemorated all over the 
planet in folk lore - and especially by the 
use of the clamshell in heraldry and in the 
legend of aphrodite.

the writings and drawings of john 
elizabethan mage and his enochian 
he drew demonic beings.

AND which clearly depart from any known "humanoid" 
genome (e.g, Neanderthal, Homo Sapiens or any other primate in 
  the archaeological finds of benjamin cremo 
eg. giant related finds - 11 dollars from 
amazon - forbidden archaeology

southern irelands coneheaded 10 foot knights 
of reknown, coneheaded skulls south america - 
I have those photos.

fossilised giant footprints -
eg. brad steiger,
or check out the bibliography of the dragon and 
the disk by ew holiday 1973 isbn0860070565

gods and spacemen in the ancient 
w raymond drake isbn 0722130449 

strange creatures from time and 
j keel isbn0722151470 
biblical references from the king james bible 
to the serpent of eden AND in conjunction with satanic ideologies and 
  the pseudopiggrypha ie. the first book of adam. references to satan 
being a shapeshifter 
Likewise here, but I would only accept 
accounts of the *same phenomena* from the mythology/folklore of differing 
cultures as adequate anecdotal evidence--provided that all accounts are 
published side by side for comparison (for example, multiple accounts from 
differing cultures of the great flood).I 
hope that you don't expect me to research and write a book for you - what 
you need 

[CTRL] Fwd: Orwellian Inversion

2002-04-22 Thread RoadsEnd


Greetings from the Center
for an Informed America! Please forward this message widely. If this
message was forwarded to you and you would like to receive future mailings,
a request to be added to this mailing list.
This article comes courtesy of Swans. The original
is at: http://www.swans.com/library/art8/gowans28.html
[Editor's Note: In the time that I have been maintaining this web site
and running this mailing list, I have never received a fraction of the
hostile responses that have been generated by recent mailings concerning
the current conflict in the Mideast. It amazes me, quite frankly, that
so many people who describe themselves as 'progressives' can be so blinded
by religious zealotry as to deny the atrocities being perpetrated by the
nation of Israel. All is fine and dandy, it would appear, so long as criticism
is directed at the foreign and domestic policies of the United States,
but raise your voice to criticize Israel and suddenly one finds their mailbox
overflowing with accusations of being an "anti-semite," a "terrorist sympathizer,"
or an "apologist for suicide bombers." Let's make one thing perfectly clear:
there is a very real difference between attacking the policies of the government
of Israel and attacking the Jewish faith -- something that any reasonable
person should understand. Let's make a couple of other things perfectly
clear: first, this web site and mailing list do not toe the media-imposed
pro-Israel line; and, second, a fascist is a fascist -- whether sporting
a swastika or whether sporting a star of David.]

Orwellian Inversion,
Or Just Another Day At The New York Times?

by Stephen Gowans
April 22, 2002
A lie so bold that it turns truth on its head is more
likely to be believed than a little lie. Hitler said it, George Orwell
explored it in his novel 1984 (whence comes the eponymous "Orwellian inversion"),
and The New York Times -- and congeries of New York Times
wanna-be's -- practice it.
So it was that when Venezuela's military high command
told the country's elected president, Hugo Chavez, that he would have to
step down for the intolerable crime of supposing his countrymen, 80 percent
of whom live below the poverty line, should share in the country's immense
oil wealth, the Western world's newspaper of record cheered the coup as
a victory for democracy. "With yesterday's resignation of President Hugo
Chavez, Venezuelan democracy is no longer threatened by a would-be-dictator,"
the venerable newspaper intoned, matched only for boldness in mendacity
by the White House's, "Now the situation will be one of tranquility and
Of course, the situation was neither one of tranquility
nor democracy. Pedro Carmona Estanga, a former oil executive and head of
the country's largest business organization, committed a series of monumentally
authoritarian acts. With the stroke of a pen, without a mandate from the
public, backed only by the authority vested in him by the country's generals,
he dissolved the congress, disbanded the Supreme Court, closed the Attorney-General's
and comptroller's offices, repealed 48 laws that shifted some of the country's
wealth from the elite and oligarchs to the country's poor, ripped up the
constitution, and then announced a cabinet whose members comprised the
country's most conservative elements. That, apparently, is democracy.
Carmona, however, did a quick volte-face when the poor
of the country poured into the streets and demanded Chavez's return. Dozens
were killed in clashes with the police, a point the country's television
stations, almost all controlled by the oligarchs, failed to mention. Unmentioned,
too, was the fact that all was not well, and that the situation was neither
one of tranquility nor democracy.
As for The New York Times' reassurance that Chavez's
ouster meant that no one could threaten Venezuela's democracy anymore,
the absurdities were so rich, one hardly knew where to start.
Since Carmona had cancelled democracy, exactly what democracy
Chavez no longer threatened was never clear. Someone at the Times
must have been reading Lady Thatcher's memoirs. "Pinochet restored democracy
to Chile." Yes, after having cancelled it and making sure that everyone
knew what would happen the next time democracy was carried too far to mean
something for the majority. Chile's current "socialist" president, who
would never dream of being as "socialist" as Salvador Allende (in some
ways, an earlier version of Chavez), makes clear Pinochet's point sunk
in. For that, Lady Thatcher, champion of that rhetorical form of democracy
that reduces to the right of the wealthy to pile up profits unimpeded,
and damn the consequences for everyone else, will be forever pleased.
And what exactly is a "would-be" dictator, anyway? Something
different, I imagine, than Pinochet, the Shah of Iran, Diem, Samoza, Saddam
Hussein (when he was still in Washington's good books and before he became
a convenient excuse to keep 

[CTRL] Breakthrough in Calif power contracts

2002-04-22 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

(Take that, Bush, Cheney, Enron, and friends (fiends?). --SW)

Breakthrough in Calif power contracts

From the National Desk Published 4/22/2002 8:58 PM

SAN FRANCISCO, April 22 (UPI) -- Eight long-term contracts between California
and four private power suppliers have been renegotiated at a savings of $3.5
billion to the taxpayers, Gov. Gray Davis announced Monday.

The revamped contracts are the first to be renegotiated by the state and could
represent a breakthrough in what has become a major election-year issue for
Davis, who has been criticized for signing long-term contracts last year that
left the state locked in when prices on the open market collapsed.

This was a team effort by all parties, Davis said in announcing the
agreements in San Francisco. They brought back a better product for less
money. The state has gotten the power it needs, where it needs it, when it
needs it and at a more competitive rate.

The original contracts were hurriedly negotiated by Davis' administration in
order to secure a guaranteed supply of power for the state at prices below
those being charged on the day-ahead, usually expensive spot market. While they
may have accomplished their role last winter, spot market prices have since
corrected to levels below the set prices of the long-term deals.

The renegotiated contracts total around $11.4 billion, a 23-percent reduction
from the original $15 billion; four of the eight pacts were with San Jose-based
Calpine. Another was with High Desert Power Plant LLC, a subsidiary of
Constellation Energy, which is building a 700-megawatt plant outside Los
Angeles; the other three contracts were with renewable-energy companies Capitol
Power, Cabazon and Whitewater Hill.

Two of Calpine's contracts will provide a total of 1,400 megawatts of baseline
power this year, an amount that will increase over the next two years. The
other two contracts are for peaker generation that comes on line only during
periods of extremely high demand.

Some energy industry representatives had warned that pressing for a
renegotiation of the contracts would sour the business climate in the
California power market, possibly scuttling plans for new power plants and
encouraging marketers to sell their electricity in other states.

Davis's office said the new contracts provided stronger commitments for power
plant construction.

Calpine Executive Vice President Jim Macias said his company had no complaints
about the new contracts.

The state is assured that electricity will be available under more flexible
terms when supplies will be critically needed, Macias said. Calpine
continues to benefit from solid, long-term power contracts and increased
revenue and cash flow in the early years.

Macias said the growth potential of California made the state a desirable
market that warranted some flexibility on the industry's part.

Calpine remains bullish on the long-term California power market, he said.
We believe the growing need for new power in California is significant --
particularly as the economy recovers, weather normalizes and older, less-
efficient generating assets need to be replaced.

(Reported by Hil Anderson, UPI Chief Energy Correspondent)

Copyright © 2002 United Press International

If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator.
 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on 12/18/2000.
As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on their website

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Gore hits Bush on environment

2002-04-22 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

Gore hits Bush on environment

From the Washington Politics  Policy Desk
Published 4/22/2002 7:40 PM

NASHVILLE, April 22 (UPI) -- Former presidential candidate Al Gore used Earth
Day to criticize President Bush, saying the administration's environmental
policies focused on special interests instead of public interests.

America is only as healthy as the air our children breathe, the water they
drink and the earth they will inherit, Gore told students and environmental
activists Monday at Vanderbilt University.

But instead of embracing the bipartisan national consensus to improve our
environment, the Bush administration has chosen to serve the special interests
instead of the public interests and subsidize the obsolete, failed approaches
of the past, instead of the exciting new solutions of the future, Gore said.

The former vice president's speech was in stark contrast to one given earlier
in the day by Bush who said, Limits on toxic emissions have greatly improved
the quality of the air we breathe.

Bush, who celebrated Earth Day with a brief hike in the snowy Adirondack
Mountains in New York, said, The Clean Air Act has helped reduce acid rain and
urban air pollution.

We've done all this at a time when our economy and population grew
dramatically, the president said. We have shown that we can expand our
economy for the good of all of is, while also being good and conscientious
stewards of the environment.

Gore said instead of working to reduce air pollution, the Bush
administration's so-called 'Clean Skies' initiative actually allows more toxic
mercury, nitrogen oxide and sulfur pollution than if we enforced the laws on
the books today.

Gore, who was joined at the rally by his wife Tipper, also criticized the Bush
administration for favoring increased domestic oil production over

Obviously, we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, so that America
cannot be held hostage to global chaos and tin-horn tyrants like (Iraqi
President) Saddam Hussein, he said.

However, Gore stressed that drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge
would cause decades of environmental damage -- to reap just a few months of
increased oil supply.

The fact is when 65 percent of the world's oil supply is in the Gulf and only
3 percent in America, we cannot drill our way to self-sufficiency, he said.

Gore who has not announced whether he will challenge Bush in 2004, authored
Earth in the Balance in 1992.

Copyright © 2002 United Press International

In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace
and the most prosperous economy in our history, to a nation
plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being
transformed before our very eyes.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Probe into Cuba's possible sunken city advances

2002-04-22 Thread Steve Wingate

-Caveat Lector-

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Date sent:  Mon, 22 Apr 2002 13:34:51 -0400 (EDT)
Subject:[SO] Probe into Cuba's possible sunken city advances
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Probe into Cuba's possible sunken city advances

By Andrew Cawthorne

HAVANA, March 29 (Reuters) - Scientific investigators said on Friday they
hope to better determine later this year if an unusual rock formation deep
off Cuba's coast could be a sunken city from a previously unknown ancient

These are extremely peculiar structures ... They have captured all our
imagination, Cuban geologist Manuel Iturralde said at a conference after a
week on a boat over the site.

If I had to explain this geologically, I would have a hard time, he told
reporters later, saying examination of rock samples due to be collected in a
few months should shed further light on the formation off the Guanahacabibes
Peninsula on Cuba's western tip.

Iturralde, research director of Cuba's Natural History Museum, has joined
Canadian exploration company Advanced Digital Communications (ADC) in efforts
to solve the mystery of the smooth, geometrically shaped, granite-like rocks.
They are laid out in structures resembling pyramids, roads and other
structures at more than 600 meters deep (2,000 feet) in a 20 km-square (7-3/4
mile-square) area.

ADC has suggested they might belong to a civilization that colonized the
American continent thousands of years ago, possibly sitting on an island that
was sunk to great depths by cataclysmic earth movement such as an earthquake.

That theory, and its inevitable parallel with the myth of the lost city of
Atlantis, has provoked skepticism from some scientists around the world who
say the depth and age -- ADC has spoken of at least 6,000 years' old -- were
not credible.

Some European archaeologists said the stones, stumbled upon in July 2000
while ADC was hunting with sonar equipment for treasure and sunken Spanish
galleons, could be formed by natural limestone.

But Iturralde's conclusion that there is no immediately apparent natural
explanation for the rocks has lent credence to ADC's theory.


It appears like there is some kind of intelligent design in the structure's
configuration and planning, ADC's Soviet-born Canadian ocean engineer,
Paulina Zelitsky, said on the sidelines of the geophysical conference in

I have worked in this field over 30 years and I have never before seen
natural structures shaped with such intelligent symmetry and plan. From the
very first moment, I was suspecting that these structures were not natural.

While Iturralde gave evidence in his paper on Friday for seismic movement at
the site, and possible submerging of the land, he drew short of definitively
concluding the rocks were not shaped by nature. If, however, that theory was
proven, it would revolutionize understanding of the history of the Americas,
he told reporters.

It would change a lot our knowledge of humans and the evolution of the
Americas, Iturralde said.

Recently, a French archaeologist found some evidence of people being here in
South America 40,000 years ago, something we never expect, so you need to be
always open to things that you are not expecting, that are not in the
framework of present-day knowledge ... We may have found something that
nobody has thought about.

ADC plans to take a specially designed robot to the site in a few months to
take samples of the rocks and the sediment they are embedded in to try to
date them and seek signs they may have once been on dry land. They will also
be searching for any sign of human life such as drawings, sculptures or

To drill samples from these structures is not easy because they look like
granite. And to drill granite at a depth of 600 meters is very difficult,
Zelitsky said.

She said their discoveries could make history. I think we are talking about
the origins of the American continent. There are many hypotheses about how
the continent was colonized ... There is quite a controversy, and I think our
discovery will be the  first physical evidence of the true origins of
developed civilization in the Americas.

18:12 03-29-02

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--- End of forwarded message ---

In little more than a year we have gone from enjoying peace
and the most prosperous economy in our history, to a nation
plunged into war, recession and fear. This is a nation being
transformed before our very eyes.


Steve Wingate, Webmaster