[CTRL] For your attention

2002-12-30 Thread Alamaine Ratliff
-Caveat Lector-

Euphorian spotted this on the Guardian Unlimited site and thought you should see it.

To see this story with its related links on the Guardian Unlimited site, go to 

Rumsfeld 'offered help to Saddam'
Declassified papers leave the White House hawk exposed over his role during the 
Iran-Iraq war
Julian Borger in Washington
Monday December 30 2002
The Guardian

The Reagan administration and its special Middle East envoy, Donald Rumsfeld, did 
little to stop Iraq developing weapons of mass destruction in the 1980s, even though 
they knew Saddam Hussein was using chemical weapons "almost daily" against Iran, it 
was reported yesterday.

US support for Baghdad during the Iran-Iraq war as a bulwark against Shi'ite militancy 
has been well known for some time, but using declassified government documents, the 
Washington Post provided new details yesterday about Mr Rumsfeld's role, and about the 
extent of the Reagan administration's knowledge of the use of chemical weapons.

The details will embarrass Mr Rumsfeld, who as defence secretary in the Bush 
administration is one of the leading hawks on Iraq, frequently denouncing it for its 
past use of such weapons.

The US provided less conventional military equipment than British or German companies 
but it did allow the export of biological agents, including anthrax; vital ingredients 
for chemical weapons; and cluster bombs sold by a CIA front organisation in Chile, the 
report says.

Intelligence on Iranian troop movements was provided, despite detailed knowledge of 
Iraq's use of nerve gas.

Rick Francona, an ex-army intelligence lieutenant-colonel who served in the US embassy 
in Baghdad in 1987 and 1988, told the Guardian: "We believed the Iraqis were using 
mustard gas all through the war, but that was not as sinister as nerve gas.

"They started using tabun [a nerve gas] as early as '83 or '84, but in a very limited 
way. They were probably figuring out how to use it. And in '88, they developed sarin."

On November 1 1983, the secretary of state, George Shultz, was passed intelligence 
reports   of "almost daily use of CW [chemical weapons]" by Iraq.

However, 25 days later, Ronald Reagan signed a secret order instructing the 
administration to do "whatever was necessary and legal" to prevent Iraq losing the war.

In December Mr Rumsfeld, hired by President Reagan to serve as a Middle East 
troubleshooter, met Saddam Hussein in Baghdad and passed on the US willingness to help 
his regime and restore full diplomatic relations.

Mr Rumsfeld has said that he "cautioned" the Iraqi leader against using banned 
weapons. But there was no mention of such a warning in state department notes of the 

Howard Teicher, an Iraq specialist in the Reagan White House, testified in a 1995 
affidavit that the then CIA director, William Casey, used a Chilean firm, Cardoen, to 
send cluster bombs to use against Iran's "human wave" attacks.

A 1994 congressional inquiry also found that dozens of biological agents, including 
various strains of anthrax, had been shipped to Iraq by US companies, under licence 
from the commerce department.

Furthermore, in 1988, the Dow Chemical company sold $1.5m-worth (£930,000) of 
pesticides to Iraq despite suspicions they would be used for chemical warfare.

The only occasion that Iraq's use of banned weapons seems to have worried the Reagan 
administration came in 1988, after Lt Col Francona toured the battlefield on the 
al-Faw peninsula in southern Iraq and reported signs of sarin gas.

"When I was walking around I saw atropine injectors lying around. We saw 
decontamination fluid on vehicles, there were no insects," said Mr Francona, who has 
written a book on shifting US policy to Iraq titled Ally to Adversary. "There was a 
very quick response from Washington saying, 'Let's stop our cooperation' but it didn't 
last long - just weeks."

Copyright Guardian Newspapers Limited

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Leaky Likud

2002-12-30 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

World Socialist Web Site www.wsws.org

WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East

Israel: Corruption scandal grips ruling Likud

By David Cohen
31 December 2002

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Israeli politics has been shaken by allegations of corruption and ballot rigging in the
leadership elections within the ruling party, Likud. The scandal comes as parties are
preparing for the general election scheduled for January 28.

The liberal daily Haaretz wrote on December 11 that although the Likud elections
seemed to be properly conducted, “behind that formal procedure was an ugly and
dangerous political reality ... the result is glaringly evident in the Knesset 
list proposed by the Likud: Of the 40 top candidates, 19 are new faces, and many of
them are men and women without an appropriate record of public service and
without the necessary qualifications to be counted as members of the Israeli

The police have since decided to investigate leading Likud members and MPs with
regard to how the primaries were conducted and the methods by which candidates
won high places in the Likud’s list. The scandal began after Knesset member (MK)
Nehama Ronen, who failed to win a realistic slot in the Likud Knesset list, revealed
that during her campaign four Central Committee members had asked her for
payoffs of between NIS 1,000 (US$200+) to NIS 1,500 (US$250+) per head in return
for votes in her favour. Ronen rejected all the requests for money.

Haaretz reported that Ronen told its journalist that “out of the hundreds of Central
Committee members she met during her campaign, only four explicitly demanded
payment. She refused to identify them, other than to say three live in the centre of 
country and one lives in the south.” She said, “They presented themselves as
powerful, able to bring me as many as 40 votes, and when I inquired afterward, I was
told that was true One asked me right at the start, ‘How much are you paying?’ I
said I’m not paying, nothing.” She added, “another said that he usually takes NIS
2,000 [more than US$400] per Central Committee vote from the candidates, but
since I was new in the Likud, he was ready to give me a discount, between NIS 1,000
to NIS 1,500 per Central Committee vote he brought me One explained to me the
‘logic’ behind the bribery. He said he and his colleagues spent a lot of money to get
elected to the Central Committee, so this was his way of regaining his expenditures. I
told him that I had no intention of paying, and innocently asked if there are people
who pay. He said, of course, since those who don’t pay don’t get votes.”

The most sensational scandal was the Inbal Gavrieli’s affair, a relative unknown who
managed to grab the twenty-ninth spot on the Likud list for the forthcoming elections.
Inbal Gavrieli’s father, Shoni Gavrieli, has been suspected of involvement in a
number of illegal gambling scandals but has so far escaped conviction. Police have
investigated her family’s attempts to form relationships with members of the
legislature, but failed to find any evidence of wrongdoing. All that is known is that 
family hosted bountiful events at the night club they own in the city of Jaffa, to 
senior party members and central committee members were invited. Gavrieli
managed to garner 400 votes, which was enough to earn her a realistic place on the
Knesset list.

Haim Cohen, another candidate in the Likud primary, told police that a fellow
member of the party’s central committee had demanded $70,000 in return for
political support in the internal elections and $500 for each supporter he succeeded
in recruiting. Israel Radio reported that Cohen said the same committee member had
told him, “My support is a question of money, and my participation in Likud is a
business matter.”

In addition, a secretary for a candidate who ran in the Likud primary has alleged that
her boss had asked her to hint to Likud Central Committee members that she would
be willing to have sex with them in return for their votes.

The fraud squad is also planning to question Deputy Infrastructure Minister Naomi
Blumenthal on suspicion of involvement in alleged vote buying. Blumenthal, a
popular Likud politician who came in ninth in rankings for the Likud Knesset slate, is
suspected of paying for rooms for MKs at the luxury City Tower Hotel in Ramat Gan
City the night before the party’s primary. Police arrested Blumenthal’s aide and driver
and a Magistrate’s Court gave investigators warrants to access a printout of
incoming and outgoing calls from the man’s cell phone.

The scandal has called into question the future of Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s

Israel’s Attorney General Elyakim Rubinstein instructed the police December 14 to
open an investigation into bribes and payoffs allegedly proposed by Likud Central
Committee members. He has also asked the Communications Ministry for an
explanation of M

[CTRL] Cost of War Reduced

2002-12-30 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


December 31, 2002

White House Cuts Estimate of Cost of War With Iraq


WASHINGTON, Dec. 30 — The administration's top budget official estimated today
that the cost of a war with Iraq could be in the range of $50 billion to $60 billion, a
figure that is well below earlier estimates from White House officials.

In a telephone interview today, the official, Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., director of the
Office of Management and Budget, also said there was likely to be a deficit in the
fiscal 2004 budget, though he declined to specify how large it would be. The
administration is scheduled to present its budget to Congress on Feb. 3.

Mr. Daniels would not provide specific costs for either a long or a short military
campaign against Saddam Hussein. But he said that the administration was
budgeting for both, and that earlier estimates of $100 billion to $200 billion in Iraq 
costs by Lawrence B. Lindsey, Mr. Bush's former chief economic adviser, were too

Mr. Daniels cautioned that his budget projections did not mean a war with Iraq was
imminent, and that it was impossible to know what any military campaign against Iraq
would ultimately cost.

"This is nothing more than prudent contingency planning," Mr. Daniels said from his
home in Indianapolis, where he was reviewing the fiscal 2004 budget at his kitchen
table. "At this point there is no war."

Mr. Daniels's projections place the cost of an Iraq war in line with that of the 1991
Persian Gulf war, which cost more than $60 billion, or about $80 billion in current
dollars. But the United States paid for only a small part of that conflict, with Saudi
Arabia, Kuwait and Japan bearing the brunt of the costs.

This time, the gulf nations are less supportive of the United States and, diplomats
say, Americans are likely to bear most of the cost of a war with Iraq.

Mr. Daniels declined to explain how budget officials had reached the $50 billion to
$60 billion range for war costs, or why it was less in current dollars than the 43-day
gulf war in 1991. He also declined to specify how much had been budgeted for
munitions and troops.

"All of these are major costs," he said.

The driving expense for the military in any war would be the size of the American
force and the length of the conflict. In the 1991 war, 550,000 American troops were
based in Saudi Arabia, which picked up the cost of virtually all housing, fuel and 

If President Bush orders an attack against Iraq, the American force would be half the
size of that in the 1991 war. The Pentagon's war plans call for deploying as many as
250,000 military personnel, but the initial offensive should start with a much smaller
number, with a sizable force in reserve.

The budget director's projections today served as a more politically palatable
corrective to figures put forth by Mr. Lindsey in September, when he said that a war
with Iraq might amount to 1 percent to 2 percent of the national gross domestic
product, or $100 billion to $200 billion. Mr. Lindsey added that as a one-time cost for
one year, the expenditure would be "nothing."

Mr. Lindsey was criticized inside and outside the administration for putting forth such
a large number, which helped pave the way for his ouster earlier this month. He
could not be reached for comment this evening. (Congressional Democrats have
estimated that the cost would be $93 billion, not including the cost of peacekeeping
and rebuilding efforts after a war.)

But today, Mr. Daniels sought to play down his former colleague's remarks. "That
wasn't a budget estimate," he said. "It was more of a historical benchmark than any
analysis of what a conflict today might entail."

Pentagon officials say the cost of munitions in a potential war with Iraq will not be
materially more than the cost of munitions in the 1991 gulf war. The reason, they say,
is that the military now uses more precision-guided bombs, which are far more
accurate, so fewer are needed.

In 1991, about 10 percent of bombs and munitions were precision guided. In the
conflict in Afghanistan, the share of precision weapons rose to about 60 percent.

Although precision-guided bombs cost more than conventional munitions, they are
not always exorbitantly more expensive, at least by Pentagon standards. Many of the
"smart" bombs used in Afghanistan, for example, were simply 2,000-pound unguided
bombs with a $20,000 mechanism attached to the bomb's tail that allowed it to be
steered to a target by satellite.

The major costs of an Iraq war, Pentagon officials say, will be those for dispatching
tens of thousands of military personnel overseas, feeding and sheltering them, and
maintaining equipment deployed to the gulf.

Mr. Daniels said that Mr. Bush had been kept apprised of the budget projections for a
war with Iraq and that all preparations were still in the realm

[CTRL] Temperatures Are Likely to Go From Warm to Warmer

2002-12-30 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-


December 31, 2002

Temperatures Are Likely to Go From Warm to Warmer


Climate experts say global temperatures in 2003 could match or beat the
modern record set in 1998, when temperatures were raised sharply by El Niño,
a periodic disturbance of Pacific Ocean currents that warms the atmosphere.

El Niño that year was the strongest ever measured. A new one is brewing in
the Pacific but is expected to remain relatively weak, experts say. Still,
they say, a persistent underlying warming trend could be enough to push
temperatures to record highs.

Some of the warming could be the result of natural climate variation, but the
experts say it is almost impossible to explain without including the heat-
trapping properties of rising levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse
gases emitted by smokestacks and tailpipes.

The mounting evidence of human contributions to climate warming has raised
pressure on American policy makers to reconsider their reliance on voluntary
measures for reducing heat-trapping emissions.

At a meeting of climate scientists organized by the Bush administration this
month, White House officials said President Bush was no longer locked into
the stance he announced last year — calling for nothing beyond voluntary
measures to slow the growth in emissions until 2012.

And Senator John McCain, Republican of Arizona, and Senator Joseph I.
Lieberman, Democrat of Connecticut, plan to introduce legislation early in
2003 that would gradually establish mandatory greenhouse gas restrictions and
a system in which companies could trade credits they would earn by making
emissions cuts.

The European Union, Japan and most other industrial powers have ratified the
Kyoto Protocol, a treaty that, once in effect, will require them to make

The growing shift toward action in the American debate over greenhouse
emissions comes after a decade of mounting evidence that the recent warming
is caused mainly by rising concentrations of such substances.

The main means of tracking climate change has been to synthesize hundreds of
measurements of surface temperatures around the world into a global average.

This average reading is meaningless for any particular spot, but it is a
valuable way to measure long-term trends, and it puts the planet in its
warmest period in a millennium, with the trajectory still headed upward.

According to the Commerce Department, the global average surface temperature
increased at a rate of about one degree per 100 years over the 20th century,
but since 1976 the earth has been warming at the rate of about three degrees
per century.

The Hadley Center for Climate Prediction and Research in Britain put the odds
at 50-50 for 2003 to match or exceed the temperature record set in 1998. Dr.
James E. Hansen, the director of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, put the odds higher
than that, barring a big new sun-blocking volcano or the like.

A decade-long paucity of big volcanic eruptions and a peak in solar intensity
can account for only part of the overall warming, he said, adding, "Clearly
it's primarily due to human forcing."

The global average temperature reached 58.0 degrees in 1998, while the
average from 1880 to 2001 was 56.9 degrees.

Preliminary estimates put the global temperature in 2002 at 57.9 degrees.

Areas like Alaska have experienced sharper warming, in patterns that largely
match projections produced by computer simulations of the climatic effect of
rising greenhouse gases.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reported this month that
satellite tracking of surface conditions on Greenland's vast ice sheet saw
more melting last summer than at any time in the 24-year satellite record.

Arctic sea ice also retreated more than it had done before in that span, the
agency said.

These time spans are short when it comes to climate, and polar experts say it
remains exceedingly difficult to ascribe regional changes to human actions
rather than natural cycles in ocean and weather circulation around the
Northern Hemisphere.

The continuing global climb in temperatures, however, is getting harder to
link to natural climate fluctuations, many scientists say.

Even if 2003 does not set a record, many experts say, it almost undoubtedly
will follow a generation-long rise in temperatures that has put the planet on
course for substantial shifts in drought and storm patterns, continuing and
significant retreats of terrestrial ice, and a resulting rise in sea levels
in coming decades.

This month, American and British climate teams and the World Meteorological
Organization reported that 2002 would nudge out 2001 as the second-warmest
year since the late 1800's.

Some scientists still doubt that the human influence will alter the climate
beyond the range of natural variability, which they say has produced
significant shi

[CTRL] White House Cuts Estimate of Cost of War With Iraq

2002-12-30 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

The budget director's projections today served as a more politically
palatable corrective to figures put forth by Mr. Lindsey in September, when
he said that a war with Iraq might amount to 1 percent to 2 percent of the
national gross domestic product, or $100 billion to $200 billion. Mr. Lindsey
added that as a one-time cost for one year, the expenditure would be

December 31, 2002

White House Cuts Estimate of Cost of War With Iraq


WASHINGTON, Dec. 30 — The administration's top budget official estimated
today that the cost of a war with Iraq could be in the range of $50 billion
to $60 billion, a figure that is well below earlier estimates from White
House officials.

In a telephone interview today, the official, Mitchell E. Daniels Jr.,
director of the Office of Management and Budget, also said there was likely
to be a deficit in the fiscal 2004 budget, though he declined to specify how
large it would be. The administration is scheduled to present its budget to
Congress on Feb. 3.

Mr. Daniels would not provide specific costs for either a long or a short
military campaign against Saddam Hussein. But he said that the administration
was budgeting for both, and that earlier estimates of $100 billion to $200
billion in Iraq war costs by Lawrence B. Lindsey, Mr. Bush's former chief
economic adviser, were too high.

Mr. Daniels cautioned that his budget projections did not mean a war with
Iraq was imminent, and that it was impossible to know what any military
campaign against Iraq would ultimately cost.

"This is nothing more than prudent contingency planning," Mr. Daniels said
from his home in Indianapolis, where he was reviewing the fiscal 2004 budget
at his kitchen table. "At this point there is no war."

Mr. Daniels's projections place the cost of an Iraq war in line with that of
the 1991 Persian Gulf war, which cost more than $60 billion, or about $80
billion in current dollars. But the United States paid for only a small part
of that conflict, with Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Japan bearing the brunt of
the costs.

This time, the gulf nations are less supportive of the United States and,
diplomats say, Americans are likely to bear most of the cost of a war with

Mr. Daniels declined to explain how budget officials had reached the $50
billion to $60 billion range for war costs, or why it was less in current
dollars than the 43-day gulf war in 1991. He also declined to specify how
much had been budgeted for munitions and troops.

"All of these are major costs," he said.

The driving expense for the military in any war would be the size of the
American force and the length of the conflict. In the 1991 war, 550,000
American troops were based in Saudi Arabia, which picked up the cost of
virtually all housing, fuel and food.

If President Bush orders an attack against Iraq, the American force would be
half the size of that in the 1991 war. The Pentagon's war plans call for
deploying as many as 250,000 military personnel, but the initial offensive
should start with a much smaller number, with a sizable force in reserve.

The budget director's projections today served as a more politically
palatable corrective to figures put forth by Mr. Lindsey in September, when
he said that a war with Iraq might amount to 1 percent to 2 percent of the
national gross domestic product, or $100 billion to $200 billion. Mr. Lindsey
added that as a one-time cost for one year, the expenditure would be

Mr. Lindsey was criticized inside and outside the administration for putting
forth such a large number, which helped pave the way for his ouster earlier
this month. He could not be reached for comment this evening. (Congressional
Democrats have estimated that the cost would be $93 billion, not including
the cost of peacekeeping and rebuilding efforts after a war.)

But today, Mr. Daniels sought to play down his former colleague's remarks.
"That wasn't a budget estimate," he said. "It was more of a historical
benchmark than any analysis of what a conflict today might entail."

Pentagon officials say the cost of munitions in a potential war with Iraq
will not be materially more than the cost of munitions in the 1991 gulf war.
The reason, they say, is that the military now uses more precision-guided
bombs, which are far more accurate, so fewer are needed.

In 1991, about 10 percent of bombs and munitions were precision guided. In
the conflict in Afghanistan, the share of precision weapons rose to about 60

Although precision-guided bombs cost more than conventional munitions, they
are not always exorbitantly more expensive, at least by Pentagon standards.
Many of the "smart" bombs used in Afghanistan, for example, were simply 2,000-
pound unguided bombs with a $20,000 mechanism attached to the bomb's tail
that allowed it to be steered to a target by satellite.

The major costs of an Iraq war, Pentagon officials say, will be those for
dispatching tens of thousands 

[CTRL] Israelis Execute 18 Yr Old Gas Station Attendant by Beating Him to Death

2002-12-30 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Print Edition  Ha'aretz
 Tuesday, December 31, 2002 Tevet 26, 5763
Israel Time:  04:34  (GMT+2)

IDF checks report that Border Patrol beat youth to

By Arnon Regular

An 18-year-old Palestinian from Hebron was brought to hospital last night
where he was declared dead, apparently the result of a beating, that
Palestinian witnesses said was inflicted by Border Patrolmen. According to
the witnesses, the youth, Amram Abu Hamediye, was working at the Andalus
petrol station in the industrtial zone in south Hebron when around 8:30
P.M. a Border Patrol jeep patrol arrived on the scene. The Border Police
checked a group of youths and then pulled Hamediye onto the jeep and drove
away. About 15 minutes later the jeep returned, and drove through the gas
statuion, throwing the body of the youth out of the jeep without stopping.
His friends took him to the hospital, where sources said the body was
covered with brusies and he had injuries to his head. The IDFsaid it was
checking the report.

© Copyright 2002 Ha`aretz. All rights reserved

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Greetings

2002-12-30 Thread klewis
-Caveat Lector-

>From me ("the wishor") to you ("the wishee"):

  Please accept without obligation, implied or implicit, my best
wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible,
politicallycorrect, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral,
celebration of thewinter solstice holiday, practiced within the most
enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or
secular practices of your choice, with respect for the
religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their
choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all.

  I wish you a financially successful, personally fulfilling and
medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally
accepted calendar year 2003, but with due respect for the calendars
ofchoice of other cultures or sects, and having regard to the race,
creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith, choice of computer
platform or sexual preference of the wishee.

 By accepting this greeting you are bound by these terms that:

- This greeting is subject to further clarification or withdrawal.

- This greeting is freely transferable provided that no alteration shall
be made to the original greeting and that the proprietary rights of the
wishor are acknowledged.

- This greeting implies no promise by the wishor to actually
implement any of the wishes.

- This greeting may not be enforceable in certain jurisdictions
and/or the restrictions herein may not be binding upon certain
wishees in certain jurisdictions and is revocable at the sole
discretion of the wishor.

 This greeting is warranted to perform as reasonably may be
expected within the usual application of good tidings, for a period of
one year or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting,
whichevercomes first.

  The wishor warrants this greeting only for the limited
replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole
discretion of the wishor.

  Any references in this greeting to "The Lord", "Father
Christmas", "Our Savior", "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" or any
other festive figures, whether actual or fictitious, dead or alive, shall
not imply any endorsement by or from them in respect of this
greeting, and allproprietary rights in any referenced third party
names and images are hereby acknowledged.

  Happy New Year!


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] From Trent Lott to Ariel Sharon...

2002-12-30 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

December 30, 2002
>From Trent Lott to Ariel Sharon
Wherever Segregationists Are Found

Trent Lott's recent and now-infamous faux pas precipitated an avalanche of media editorials, mostly calling on him to resign his post as U.S. senate majority leader. Lott's statement that the country would have been better off if U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond's segregationist Dixiecrat candidacy in the 1948 presidential race had succeeded was deemed evidence of his failure to shed deep-rooted racist sentiments. His attitude was widely described as intolerable.

In the immediate aftermath of Lott's gaffe, questions swirled about whether he had said what he meant or meant what he said. Those questions were quickly swept aside and replaced by near-unanimous editorial assertions that all manifestations of racism are to be condemned. But when editors of American newspapers correctly posit, as some have, that discrimination, bigotry and intolerance deserve to be condemned wherever they are found, it is fair to question whether they really mean what they say.

It is an article of faith for most Americans that discrimination, bigotry and intolerance should be condemned, whether practiced by individuals, groups, organizations, or states. It is held with equal conviction that condemnation is not only appropriate for discrimination and intolerance based on skin color, but also when the differentiator is sex, ethnicity, religion, or whatever else sets human beings apart from each other. But do we indeed condemn discrimination and bigotry wherever they are found?

On March 4th, 2002, the U.S. Department of State released its latest report on human rights practices in Israel and the occupied territories. The report in its entirety is available on the state department's web site. It states that the Government of Israel has made little headway in reducing institutional, legal, and societal discrimination against Israel's Arab citizens, who constitute approximately 20 percent of the population but do not share fully the rights provided to, and obligations imposed on, the country's Jewish citizens. Among the report's specific examples: 

* Under Israel's Law of Return, automatic citizenship and residence rights are granted to Jewish immigrants and their families, but not to Christians, Muslims or other non-Jews. 

* The Government provides proportionally greater financial support to institutions in the Jewish sector compared with those in the Muslim, Christian and Druze sectors. . A Ministry of Education special program to provide academic assistance to students from disadvantaged backgrounds is available only to Jewish students. Muslims and Christians do not qualify. The 2002 budget did not contain provisions to equalize spending on Jewish and non-Jewish special education. 

* The Government has not allocated sufficient resources or taken adequate measures to provide Israeli Christians, Muslims and Druze with the same quality of housing and social services, as well as the same opportunities for government employment, as Jews. 

* On a per capita basis, the Government spends two-thirds as much for Christians, Muslims and Druze as for Jews. 

* A ruling by Israel's High Court of Justice found the Government's use of the Jewish National Fund for development of public land to be discriminatory, since the fund's by-laws prohibit the sale or lease of land to non-Jews. 

* Christians and Muslims are barred from military service. Many employers, including municipalities, advertise "military service" as a prerequisite for job applicants, even for parking lot attendants. 

* Foreign workers are barred from obtaining permanent residence status unless they are Jewish. 

* When a group of approximately 1,000 Israeli Jews attacked non-Jewish homes in Nazareth, Israeli police inserted themselves between the two groups and fired live ammunition, rubber bullets and tear gas at the Arab citizens. 

* During demonstrations and riots in October 2000, Israeli police snipers used live ammunition against unarmed Arab demonstrators, killing 13 non-Jewish citizens of the state.

Mainstream American media editorials ignore the picture of pervasive discrimination painted by the U.S. State Department report, preferring instead to laud Israel for its "shared values" with America. They abstain from condemning the Government of Israel for practices that even Israel's High Court of Justice considers discriminatory. It cannot be that racial discrimination is abhorrent only when it rears its ugly head in America, but is a phenomenon to be supported with annual billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars when practiced by our allies on the other side of the globe.

Selective application of any principle is hypocrisy, and hypocrisy negates credibility. The cacophony of American voices denouncing Trent Lott for his transgressions rose inexorably, until he became the first senate majority leader forced to

[CTRL] The USS Cole Bombing And Israeli Black Propaganda Ops

2002-12-30 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The USS Cole bombing against the backdrop of Israeli "Black Propaganda" Operations 

by Michael Gillespie

Many in the Arab and Muslim communities in the United States are inclined to suppose that Israel may be responsible for the terror-bombing of the USS Cole in the Yemen port city of Aden on October 13. Although few Americans would suspect Israel, a trusted U.S. ally, of such a dastardly act, they may well be wrong while better informed and more experienced Arab and Muslim observers may be correct.

The Israeli intelligence agencies have a long history of carrying out what have been called "black propaganda" operations. Such covert actions are designed to create suspicion and inflame animosity between Israel's perUnived enemies in the Middle East and Americans. While Israel's deadly surprise attack on the USS Liberty on June 6, 1967, is now widely viewed as having been carried out for the purp twoof keeping the USS Liberty's electronic monitoring capabilities from uncovering and reporting to Washington on the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)'s military preparations in advance of the attack on the Golan Heights, which would have allowed the Johnson administration to apply diplomatic pressure to forestall the IDF's aggression against Syria, there are many other clear examples of Israeli intelligence agencies engaging in "black propaganda" for the purpose of damaging the public image of Arabs and Arab states and organizations and fomenting trouble between Arabs and Arab states and organizations and the U.S. government.

Lets look at just three examples. The hi-jacking of the Italian cruise ship the Achille Lauro by "Palestinian terrorists" was later reliably reported by former IDF arms dealer Ari Ben-Menashe in his 1992 book, Profits of War: Inside the Secret U.S.-Israeli Arms Network, to have been ordered and funded by Mossad. Ben-Menashe revealed that Israeli intelligence organizations regularly engaged in "black operations," espionage activity designed to portray Palestinians and others in the worst possible light. "An example," wrote Ben-Menashe, "is the case of the 'Palestinian' attack on the cruise ship Achille Lauro in 1985. That was, in fact, an Israeli 'black' propaganda operation to show what a deadly, cutthroat bunch the Palestinians were." According to Ben-Menashe, Israeli spymasters arranged the attack through "Abu'l Abbas, who, to follow such orders was receiving millions from Israeli intelligence officers posing as Sicilian dons. Abbas . . . gathered a team to attack the cruise ship. The team was told to make it bad, to show the world what lay in store for other unsuspecting citizens if Palestinian demands were not met. As the world knows, the group picked on an elderly American Jewish man in a wheelchair, killed him, and threw his body overboard. They made their point. But for Israel, it was the best kind of anti- Palestinian propaganda." It should be noted that in April 1996, Abbas returned to Gaza and in a show of support for Yasser Arafat apologized for the hi-jacking and the killing of the American Jewish passenger Leon Klinghoffer without mentioning him by name, saying, "The hi-jacking was a mistake, and there were no orders to kill civilians." Abbas made no mention of Mossad involvement in the hi-jacking according to the April 23, 1996 Associated Press report.

The attack by over 150 U.S. warplanes on Libya, on April 14, 1986, which caused great destruction and over 40 civilian deaths including that of Col. Qaddafi's adopted daughter, was carried out only after Mossad field agents entered Libya in February of 1986 and placed a "Trojan" radio transmitter there to broadcast false signals, according to former Mossad field officer Victor Ostrovsky writing in The Other Side of Deception: A Rogue Agent Exposes the Mossad's Secret Agenda in 1994. The spurious signals duped American intelligence officials monitoring the broadcasts causing them to believe the Libyan government was sponsoring terrorism in Europe and was responsible for the deadly April 5, 1986, terror-bombing of the La Belle discotheque in Berlin which took the lives of two American soldiers and a Turkish woman. Reports that Spanish and French intelligence agencies were not fooled by the Israeli "Trojan" transmitter broadcasts lend credence to suggestions that American intelligence officials may have been unable to resist political pressure for retaliation or perhaps exercised judgment that was influenced by Israeli sympathies. If, as it appears, Libya was not responsible for the bombing of the Berlin night spot and the loss of three lives, the question of who was remains unanswered, as does another obvious question: Was it the Mossad? Ostrovsky also revealed Israeli espionage that occurred on American soil, in Washington, DC. in 1979. In his scathing 1990 expose, By Way of Deception: A Devastating Insiders Portrait of the Mossad,

Ostrovsky reported that Mossad gents b

[CTRL] The Public And The Elite Are At Odds On Immigration

2002-12-30 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

The Public And The Elite Are At Odds On Immigration

Commentary by Thomas D. Segel
Dec 28, 2002

Just whose borders are these? We are referring to the borders, which define our national boundaries. Most Americans believe they are boundaries, which should be controlled on behalf of our people. The Washington elite, however, believe the borders are just political ammunition for their class to use in any manner they deem suitable.

A large new study reveals 60% of the American public view the present immigration situation as a “critical threat to the vital interests of the United States”. At the same time only 14% of our national leadership and opinion makers hold the same views. This reflects a huge disagreement between the people of America and the political elite. It also reveals why so little has been done to correct a problem everyone knows is worsening with every passing day...

One surprising thing is the lack of media attention given to this large study, conducted by the Council on Foreign Relations. The organization interviewed 2,800 people over a three-month period to learn how the American public viewed the issue. At the same time the Council interviewed 400 opinion leaders, ranging from members of the current administration to union leaders, journalists and members of Congress.

Most of the difference in viewpoint can best be understood when the motives of all concerned are examined. The American people see borders as homeland boundaries. If these boundaries are ignored, people view the intrusion as a threat to national security, a national economic threat, or an out and out violation of law.

Our political elitists see immigration with very different eyes.

The Democrats have an unspoken view all immigrants. Be they legal or illegal, all are seen as potential future votes for the party. These party leaders refuse to take any action, which might turn off the flow of bodies, believing all immigration movement will eventually translate into votes.

Republicans also have a silent rationale behind their inaction on immigration. Their view is immigration translates into cheap labor. Because GOP support emanates from the business and agri- business world, the party does not want to take actions, which could harm those who provide needed funding. Further, they do not want to take actions, which could impede their attempts to generate more minority participation.

These attitudes, on the part of both parties, combine to form a completely unmanageable immigration policy.

The administration’s lack of response on immigration issues seems to be one area where President Bush does not enjoy public support. While his overall job performance ratings continue to hover in the mid 60s, when it comes to immigration 70 % of the people rated his actions poor to fair, the lowest rating received on any foreign policy matter.

Though the American public has desired reductions in all immigration for years, our leaders have continued to move in the opposite direction. They have regularly raising the numerical level of legal immigration above levels, which can be assimilated by our society. At the same time they have failed to take any meaningful steps to reduce the inflow of illegal aliens.

The Democrats have proposed amnesty for most of the estimated 8.5 million illegal aliens in the country. The White House also wants amnesty, but only for about 4 to 5 million illegal aliens from Mexico.

Some Republicans want illegal aliens to have the right to pay in-state tuition to attend college, while there is a Democrat move to make it easier for immigrants convicted of felonies to remain in the United States.

The feeling of the general public on immigration is almost a complete reversal of those attitudes reflected by the country’s leadership. In addition to the 60% of Americans who see immigration concerns as a critical threat, another 31% of the public see immigration as an important issue, but not critical. This means less then 10% of the general public remain unconcerned about the flow of human beings into the United States.

Within our national leadership there are those who view immigration as an important threat, but not critical. Overall 59% of the leadership compared to 91% of the public see the flow of foreign nationals into the United States as either an important or critical concern. But, it should also be noted only those who view the problem as critical are likely to take any action that might lead to a realistic solution.

One of the most interesting findings of the study is our political elite have not developed any increase in concern about immigration since the horror of 9-11. While the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon have increased public concern about immigration, among the national leaders concern actually declined.

The opinion leaders of our country drive most public policy issues. This alone sh

[CTRL] Air Defense Is Key

2002-12-30 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

Air Defense Is Key
by Charley Reese

I don't know if Iraq has chemical or biological weapons. It is certain that Iraq has no nuclear weapons. If Iraq is smart, it will have gotten rid of its chemical and biological weapons so it can concentrate on getting the sanctions lifted. Then, once Iraq's economy is repaired, it can resume the weapons programs if it wants to.

We have to face the fact that how to make a nuclear weapon is, for all practical purposes, common knowledge these days. The United States did not want India and Pakistan to develop nuclear weapons, but they did, and they did it entirely with local talent. The Israelis also did it, though the United States was too chicken to even protest. Knowledge is very difficult to ban or to banish.

There are a lot of lies floating around in this buildup to war. I have no doubt that the president intends to go to war at the end of January regardless of what the inspectors find or don't find. That's a mistake, but as our elected president, Mr. Bush has two more years in which to make mistakes.

At any rate, one of the dumbest lies floated out of Washington is that Saddam Hussein needs weapons of mass destruction to stay in power. This is put out as a weak argument for the claim that he must have them. In fact, it's a stupid statement. No dictator in human history has ever relied on weapons of mass destruction to stay in power. Saddam controls the Iraqis the old-fashioned way — with a secret police, a network of informers and conventional torture and execution. That works just fine.

The Iraqis used chemical weapons against the Kurds when the Kurds had sided with Iran, which was also using chemical weapons against the Iraqis. There is even some question, according to an Army War College study, whether the Kurds in that well-publicized attack were killed by the Iraqis or the Iranians. Both armies were in the vicinity, and both were using chemical weapons — as, by the way, we, the British and the French used them in World War I. I don't recall anyone calling Woodrow Wilson or Gen. John Pershing a war criminal.

Nevertheless, what Iraq really needs is an air-defense system. In that part of the world, the outcome of the war depends on control of the skies. No tank — not even our Abrams, which is the finest in the world — has any defenses at all against an aircraft. Therefore, to move troops and tanks, you have to control the skies. The technological superiority of the United States and Israel in aircraft and supporting systems is what makes them the 800-pound gorillas in conventional war.

Offensive air capability has far outrun conventional air-defense systems, and you can bet your family car that in Russia, China, India and Pakistan, to name just a few, scientists and engineers are working to achieve a breakthrough in air defenses. If such a breakthrough is ever achieved, then the balance of power will readjust itself, and the outcomes of wars will become more iffy. The history of war science is that as soon as one advantage is achieved, work begins on how to counter it. But until air defense catches up with air offensive systems, the United States will enjoy the dubious privilege of whacking any small country it wishes to whack.

I personally would take great pleasure in that, except that the existence of the power seems to tempt political leaders to use it in ways that in the long run are not in our national interest. Too often it seems we are more bully than protector, more arrogant than wise. We can destroy Iraq, but we cannot avoid the consequences of destroying Iraq. But that decision rests with George Bush, not with us.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] A RELIGION OF PEACE? It's a contradiction in terms

2002-12-30 Thread William Shannon
-Caveat Lector-

December 30, 2002
It's a contradiction in terms 

One good aspect of the holiday season was that veteran Arab-hater James Taranto, whose column "Best of the Web" runs on the Wall Street Journal's website, went on vacation, and the world was spared his unsparing hatred for all things Arab for a few blessed days. Not for long, however: he's back at the same old stand, picking up little items from Memri about the innate evil of Muslims and always appending the same hateful headline: "A Religion of Peace?" But two can play that game….

The Washington Post reports that there's "tension at [the] Holy Land's tombs," and the source of it is … well, let them report. You decide:

"In Bethlehem, Rachel's Tomb – which is also venerated by Muslims and Christians – has been sealed inside a heavily fortified building. The tomb is no longer visible from the outside, and Palestinians are not allowed access. Foreign tourists can visit, but only Jews are allowed to pray."

Imagine if the Post had titled its story "A Religion of Peace?" The yelps of outrage would have been deafening. Yet Taranto gets away with precisely this kind of hate-mongering five days a week. I note, in passing, that Taranto was one of those who led the conservative wing of the Jacobin mob that detached Senator Lott from his job as Majority Leader, screaming that even the merest hint of "racism" had to be expunged from the GOP. But what about Taranto's own preferred form of bigotry – attributing all the evil on earth to the world's billion-plus Muslims? 

So, what's the penalty for Christians and Muslims who break the ban on non-Jewish prayers? And do they have hall monitors, watching for signs of gentiles looking a bit too prayerful as they traverse Rachel's Tomb? Scary. 

Even scarier is the news that fanatical "settlers" – i.e. Israeli fundamentalists – are mobilizing around these holy sites as rallying points for their expansionist program. As George Giacaman, of the Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy, puts it:

"The strategy of settlers is to use every small place with some religious connection as an excuse to expand the settlement project. It's not a question of prayer rights for Jews. The issue is using holy sites as a ruse to expand settlements."

As in Hebron, where Kach extremists have set up an outpost in the midst of an ancient Palestinian community, and now enjoy the "protection" (i.e. collaboration) of the Israeli Defense Force. And in Bethlehem, where the Vatican had pleaded with the IDF to permit the Christmas celebration to proceed, it was the saddest Christmas ever in the town where Jesus was born. The Latin Patriarch, Michel Sabbah, the highest Catholic cleric in the region, spoke for many Christians, Muslims, and Jews when he delivered this rebuke to the Israeli authorities in his Christmas message:

"We say no to violence, no to terrorism and no to oppression, but we ask you (Israelis) to understand the reason for the violence and this is occupation. Blood has been flowing in your cities and streets, but the key to solving this conflict is in your hands. By your actions so far, you have crushed the Palestinian people but you still have not achieved peace."

Although many hoped that the twelve days of Christmas would give Bethlehem a brief respite, it was even briefer than that: the IDF withdrew for a single day – and then moved right back in, guns blazing.

In Gaza, they killed a 9-year-old Palestinian child: Hanneen Abu Suleiman was shot in the head outside her home in the Gaza Strip town of Khan Younis. Presiding over this orgy of mindless violence, the Chief Rabbi, Israel Meir Lau, spread Christmas cheer by urging Jews not to succumb to the temptations of the holiday season, warning them against celebrating Christmas or New Year's Day. According to the Associated Press, Lau ranted that "such observances threaten the identity of the Jewish state." With the expulsion of many Palestinian workers, and their replacement by Christians from abroad, the celebration of Christmas and the New Year has become more widespread in Israel, a trend that upsets the Chief Rabbi, who declared in a Christmas Eve statement:

"Why should we have anything to do with Christmas or New Year's Eve, in the shade of the Christmas tree? We never imagined that even in our independent country of the Jewish nation, foreign cultures would threaten our identity as a people and a nation."

If Israel's sense of national identity is threatened by a few Christmas trees and toasts to the New Year, then it is too fragile to survive in any case, and nothing can save it: not the IDF, not more billions in U.S. aid, not all the angels in heaven. In a country where endless war, official corruption, and rising religious extremism are everyday facts of life, are Christmas trees and seasonal conviviality really a major problem?

If the Pope, or Trent Lott, had said 

[CTRL] U.S. Played a Key Role In Iraq Military Buildup

2002-12-30 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-


U.S. Played a Key Role In Iraq Military Buildup
  By Michael Dobbs
  Washington Post Staff Writer

  Monday 30 December 30 2002; Page A01

  * Rumsfeld Visited Baghdad In 1983 as Hussein Used Chemical Weapons
  * Trade in Chemical Arms Allowed Despite Their Use on Iranians, Kurds

High on the Bush administration's list of justifications for war against Iraq
are President Saddam Hussein's use of chemical weapons, nuclear and
biological programs, and his contacts with international terrorists. What
U.S. officials rarely acknowledge is that these offenses date back to a
period when Hussein was seen in Washington as a valued ally.

Among the people instrumental in tilting U.S. policy toward Baghdad during
the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war was Donald H. Rumsfeld, now defense secretary,
whose December 1983 meeting with Hussein as a special presidential envoy
paved the way for normalization of U.S.-Iraqi relations. Declassified
documents show that Rumsfeld traveled to Baghdad at a time when Iraq was
using chemical weapons on an "almost daily" basis in defiance of
international conventions.

The story of U.S. involvement with Saddam Hussein in the years before his
1990 attack on Kuwait -- which included large-scale intelligence sharing,
supply of cluster bombs through a Chilean front company, and facilitating
Iraq's acquisition of chemical and biological precursors -- is a topical
example of the underside of U.S. foreign policy. It is a world in which deals
can be struck with dictators, human rights violations sometimes overlooked,
and accommodations made with arms proliferators, all on the principle that
the "enemy of my enemy is my friend."

Throughout the 1980s, Hussein's Iraq was the sworn enemy of Iran, then still
in the throes of an Islamic revolution. U.S. officials saw Baghdad as a
bulwark against militant Shiite extremism and the fall of pro-American states
such as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and even Jordan -- a Middle East version of the
"domino theory" in Southeast Asia. That was enough to turn Hussein into a
strategic partner and for U.S. diplomats in Baghdad to routinely refer to
Iraqi forces as "the good guys," in contrast to the Iranians, who were
depicted as "the bad guys."

A review of thousands of declassified government documents and interviews
with former policymakers shows that U.S. intelligence and logistical support
played a crucial role in shoring up Iraqi defenses against the "human wave"
attacks by suicidal Iranian troops. The administrations of Ronald Reagan and
George H.W. Bush authorized the sale to Iraq of numerous items that had both
military and civilian applications, including poisonous chemicals and deadly
biological viruses, such as anthrax and bubonic plague.

Opinions differ among Middle East experts and former government officials
about the pre-Iraqi tilt, and whether Washington could have done more to stop
the flow to Baghdad of technology for building weapons of mass destruction.

"It was a horrible mistake then, but we have got it right now," says Kenneth
M. Pollack, a former CIA military analyst and author of "The Threatening
Storm," which makes the case for war with Iraq. "My fellow [CIA] analysts and
I were warning at the time that Hussein was a very nasty character. We were
constantly fighting the State Department."

"Fundamentally, the policy was justified," argues David Newton, a former U.S.
ambassador to Baghdad, who runs an anti-Hussein radio station in Prague. "We
were concerned that Iraq should not lose the war with Iran, because that
would have threatened Saudi Arabia and the Gulf. Our long-term hope was that
Hussein's government would become less repressive and more responsible."

What makes present-day Hussein different from the Hussein of the 1980s, say
Middle East experts, is the mellowing of the Iranian revolution and the
August 1990 invasion of Kuwait that transformed the Iraqi dictator, almost
overnight, from awkward ally into mortal enemy. In addition, the United
States itself has changed. As a result of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
attacks on New York and Washington, U.S. policymakers take a much more
alarmist view of the threat posed by the proliferation of weapons of mass

U.S. Shifts in Iran-Iraq War

When the Iran-Iraq war began in September 1980, with an Iraqi attack across
the Shatt al Arab waterway that leads to the Persian Gulf, the United States
was a bystander. The United States did not have diplomatic relations with
either Baghdad or Tehran. U.S. officials had almost as little sympathy for
Hussein's dictatorial brand of Arab nationalism as for the Islamic
fundamentalism espoused by Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. As long as the
two countries fought their way to a stalemate, nobody in Washington was
disposed to intervene.

By the summer of 1982, however, the strategic picture had changed
dramatically. After its initial gains, Iraq was on the defensive, and Ir

[CTRL] The New West Nile Virus Epidemic: Bioterrorism? - Or Mother Nature (Again)?

2002-12-30 Thread Jei
-Caveat Lector-


The New West Nile Virus Epidemic: Bioterrorism? - Or Mother Nature (Again)?
Alan Cantwell, Jr., MD
December 2002

West Nile Virus encephalitis is yet another new infectious disease that has
mysteriously appeared in the U.S., seemingly out of the blue. Is this another
disease, like AIDS, that poses a threat to certain "high risk" groups? Could
the outbreak of WN virus be some sort of biologic "test" (like the anthrax
mailings) to wake people up to the dangers of bioterrorism? Are all these new
"emerging diseases" and "emerging viruses" merely continuing (and unprecedented)
cruel acts of Mother Nature? Or could the "hand of man" in the form of crazy
biological warfare scientists be causing these new outbreaks? Is it just a
"coincidence" that all these weird bugs and illnesses have erupted in the past
two decades? Or is all this just "paranoid" thinking?

Continues at: http://www.paranoiamagazine.com/westnile.html

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Historian explains controversial Holocaust quotes

2002-12-30 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

I don¹t think that¹s what that article was about
Nut it was early in the morning so I may have misunderstood.

on 12/30/02 2:41 PM, flw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> These shameless debates over what ethnic group suffered the
> most deaths from the Nazis are sad and pathetic - as if
> we are not all diminished by such atrocities.
> We live in a strange world where some compete to wear the
> mantle of past victimhood - so they can self righteously pursue the
> murder of others.
> flw
> http://www.ctrl.org/";>www.ctrl.org
> ==
> CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
> screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
> sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
> directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
> major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
> That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
> always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
> credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.
> Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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   Kahil Gibran, Spirits Rebellious

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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Schools Create Sheeple

2002-12-30 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

>From http://www.scoop.co.nz/mason/stories/HL0212/S00146.htm

John Kaminski: How U.S. Schools Create Sheeple
Sunday, 29 December 2002, 11:21 am
Opinion: John Kaminski

How U.S. Schools Create Sheeple

Why Most Americans Are Unable To Perceive And Protest America's Slide Into
By John Kaminski

In 1896 the famous John Dewey, then at the University of Chicago, said that
independent, self-reliant people were a counter-productive anachronism in the
collective society of the future. In modern society, said Dewey, people would be
defined by their associations—not by their own individual accomplishments. In such
a world people who read too well or too early are dangerous because they become
privately empowered, they know too much, and know how to find out what they don’t
know by themselves, without consulting experts. — Kurt Johmann

The question on the minds of many people with consciences who are so aghast at
the sudden savagry of the new terror-based policies of the U.S. goverment is how
has the American public so silently and willingly acquiesced to the dishonest and
murderous attitudes of George W. Bush and his criminal oil cartel.

The hypnotic power of television is of course one main component of the fearful
powerlessness that now grips the American populace and has the rest of the world
cringing in fear about where the power elite's military monster will strike next. That 
a subject for another time.

The real credit for this continuing American coma belongs to something that has
been right in front of our eyes all the time. It's something we have supported, spent
our money on, and prayed for, something we have participated in ourselves.

The reason Bush has been able to get away with lie after lie in his drive to obliterate
our Constitution and install himself as dictator of the world is our public school
system. What they did to all of us is directly related to what is happening now in the

This connection becomes perfectly obvious when you read Kurt Johmann's essay,
"Unschooling: Self-directed learning is best," on his website (
http://www.johmann.net/ )

Johmann, a software developer who lives in Florida, quotes John Taylor Gatto, an
award-winning teacher who taught in New York City government schools for 26 years
and quit teaching in 1991 "so he wouldn't harm any more children." Gatto, author of
"Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling," and other
books investigating the fallacies of public education, insists American public schools
teach a hidden curriculum of seven lessons:

1. Confusion. Gatto notes several things contributing to what he calls the lesson of
confusion, including: a lack of subject-related context for what is taught; too many
unrelated facts and unrelated subjects; a lack of meaning and critical thinking about
what is taught.

About this lack of critical thinking Gatto says: "Few teachers would dare to teach the
tools whereby dogmas of a school or a teacher could be criticized, since everything
must be accepted."

With this kind of training, how would it be possible for a kid to know what valuable
things are NOT in public school curricula? And by extension, how would it be
possible for that same adult to discern that what her leaders tell her about American
history bears little resemblance to what happened to the victims of those who wrote
the histories?

2. Class position. Gatto points to the way students are kept in the same class by age,
and, within this age classification, further classified and separated depending on how
the students have done schoolwise (for example, classification into so-called gifted

About this lesson Gatto says: "That’s the real lesson of any rigged competition like
school. You come to know your place."

As someone who has suffered from this myself, you have to ask how many learning
opportunities are lost because children are not properly identified using rigidly
mechanistic criteria.

3. Indifference. For this lesson Gatto is referring to the effects of the ringing bell 
announces the end of the current class and the need of the student to drop whatever
she is doing and proceed to the next class where a different teacher and subject
await her.

About bells Gatto says: "Indeed, the lesson of bells is that no work is worth 
so why care too deeply about anything?"

And as far as educational evolution goes in kids, this rigidity causes children to
assign equal value to all classes, say math and gym, without regard to their relative

4. Emotional dependency. This lesson results from students having to submit to the
designated authority, the teacher, regarding their personal desires during class time.
As Gatto says: "By stars and red checks, smiles and frowns, prizes, honors, and
disgraces, I teach kids to surrender their will to the predestined chain of command."

By the time this learned tendency reaches adulthood, it prevents many people from

Re: [CTRL] Historian explains controversial Holocaust quotes

2002-12-30 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

These shameless debates over what ethnic group suffered the
most deaths from the Nazis are sad and pathetic - as if
we are not all diminished by such atrocities.

We live in a strange world where some compete to wear the
mantle of past victimhood - so they can self righteously pursue the
murder of others.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Threat to World Peace

2002-12-30 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

German Nobel Laureate: Bush "Threat to World Peace"

Grass: Bush resembles a Shakespearean character
By Khaled Shmitt, IOL Germany

BONN, December 30 (IslamOnline) - Renowned German writer Guenter Grass,
attacked U.S. president George W. Bush, saying he is a threat to world peace,
adding that his actions are based on a disturbed familial atmosphere.

In an interview Sunday, December 29, with the German Welt am Sonntag, Grass,
who won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1999, said that in the current political
situation, the dangerous mix of financial, political and family-related interests have
made Bush a truly dangerous politician.

Grass, who is a personal friend of German chancellor Schroeder, also said that
Bush's personality strikes a resemblance between the new liberalism which the
United States presents and the terror which it's fighting against.

In addition, Grass, who is dubbed by the German media as the 'German
Conscience', felt that there is a resemblance between Bush and one of the
Shakespearean characters who had a psychological complex and who only wanted
to please his father regardless of the consequences.

Grass also said that the higher purpose for the war against Iraq, according to Bush,
was to prove to his father that he is able to succeed in what he failed to do during 
1991 war. He also stressed that Bush's intent in creating a conflict in Iraq in this
'boyish manner', especially after waging a war on Afghanistan, will lead to the
creation of a new wave of terrorism in the world.

Regarding the real reasons behind the war on Iraq, Grass said that economic
reasons play an important role because it combines a general, unannounced reason
from the United States, which entails the U.S.'s desire to control the oil in Iraq and 
private, also unannounced reason which entails saving his family, which controls
several large oil companies from the economic crisis which it faces.

Grass also said that another reason for the war includes the U.S. obsession with
parading itself as the world's only super power which can control the rest of the
world, despite the fact that its president lacks the general knowledge concerning
these countries.

Forwarded as information only; everything sent has to stand on
its own merits, not on my recommendation.  Dissenting ideas are
the health of the American system.  A<:>E<:>R
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research and educational purposes only.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
The only real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new
landscapes but in having new eyes. -Marcel Proust
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.
Do not believe simply because it has been handed down for
many generations. Do not believe in anything simply because
it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything
simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not believe
in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise
men. Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when
you find that it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good
and benefit of one and all.  Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"War is the health of the state.  It automatically sets in motion
throughout society these irresistible forces for uniformity, for
passionate cooperation with the government in coercing into
obedience the minority groups and individuals which lack the
larger herd sense."
RANDOLPH BOURNE (1886-1918) in War and the Intellectuals
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. That will teach
you to keep your mouth shut."  --- Ernest Hemingway

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Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Liberating America From Israel

2002-12-30 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/29/2002 9:34:04 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> You find what it did with Kuwait noble, but you find what the British did
> with Palestine horrific.
> At any rate I think you are wrong - Pretty much everyone
> knows that there
> will be a Palestinian state,

I don't think anything about the Kuwait issue to be noble, and I don't think there 
will ever be a Palestinian state unless Israel names one in memory of the Palestinians 
who will be long gone.  Prudy

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Lennon tied to priest probe, European Union, Afghan pipeline project signed

2002-12-30 Thread Smart News
-Caveat Lector-

this may be heavy for survivors

Lennon tied to priest probe: Foster case memo shows bishop was at meeting by Robin Washington and Tom Mashberg 12/26/02 Boston Herald "Church records show Bishop Richard G. Lennon, the interim leader of the Archdiocese of Boston, attended a two-hour meeting on the fate of an accused priest - even though Lennon publicly denied having any role in the case. A memo in the file of Msgr. Michael Smith Foster places Lennon and six other clerics at a Sept. 13 meeting "to discuss new allegations against (Foster) of sexual misconduct with a minor."  

27.12.2002 - 09:11 CET
Member states attacked for signing US proposal 
EUOBSERVER / LONDON - The European Union has begun proceedings against member states which have agreed to co-operate with a controversial US proposal on container security. The Commission earlier this week announced that it would be taking action against the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and France for signing agreements concerning the US' Container Security Initiative (CSI) . The US describes the CSI as being "designed to detect and deter terrorists from exploiting the vulnerabilities of containerised cargo" but has been heavily criticised by the Commission as having trade distorting influence.  


(*Editors Note | Since September 11th, 2001, there has been intense speculation regarding Bush administration negotiations with the Taliban regarding this very project prior to the attacks. American petroleum giant Unocal very much wanted this project for years, but it was stymied in 1998 after bin Laden blew up two American embassies in Africa, causing the Taliban to be diplomatically isolated. There are a number of reports that describe a reinvigoration of this pipeline plan after Bush took office, and further describe the Bush administration's negotiations with the Taliban including threats of war if the project was not allowed to pass through Afghanistan. Some say these threats, in the name of the pipeline, triggered the 9/11 attacks. The Taliban is gone, Afghan President Harmid Karzai is a former Unocal consultant, and the pipeline deal is finally done. - wrp)

Agreement On US 3.2 Billion Gas Pipeline Project Signed 
PakNews.com December 28, 2002 Pakistan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan on Friday signed here a framework agreement for a US $ 3.2 billion gas pipeline project passing through the three countries. The ceremony was held at the Presidential Palace with the three leaders, Prime Minister Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali, President Saparmurat Niyazov of Turkmenistan and Afghan President Hamid Karzai signing the document. The framework agreement defines legal mechanism for setting up a consortium to build and operate the pipeline. 

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Dow sues penniless Bhopal survivors

2002-12-30 Thread Prudy L
-Caveat Lector-

In a message dated 12/30/2002 11:51:58 AM Eastern Standard Time, 

>  http://www.greenpeace.org/news/details?news_id=95504
> How low can Dow go?
> Dow sues penniless Bhopal survivors
> Mon 23 December 2002
> In a stunning example of corporate insensibility, Dow Chemical, the worlds largest 
>chemical company, and new owners of Union Carbide is to sue survivors of the 1984 
>Union Carbide gas disaster in Bhopal, India. While the site of the disaster lies 
>covered in toxic waste and survivors struggle with continuing ill health and deadly 
>pollution from the site, Dow has
> decided to add to their woes with a Indian lawsuit.

But of course.  The corporations are your friend.  Especially the ones that do the 
chemical thing.  It's all right for them to poison you, you know.  It's just that you 
have to die quietly and not make a fuss.  If you bother chemical companies, you get 
slapped.  They don't care if you're poor.  In fact they prefer it that way.  Prudy

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] Dow sues penniless Bhopal survivors

2002-12-30 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Christmas Grinch: Dow sues penniless Bhopal survivors

posted by Reverend Chuck0 on Tuesday December 24 2002 @ 04:14PM PST

How low can Dow go?
Dow sues penniless Bhopal survivors
Mon 23 December 2002
In a stunning example of corporate insensibility, Dow Chemical, the worlds largest chemical company, and new owners of Union Carbide is to sue survivors of the 1984 Union Carbide gas disaster in Bhopal, India. While the site of the disaster lies covered in toxic waste and survivors struggle with continuing ill health and deadly pollution from the site, Dow has decided to add to their woes with a Indian lawsuit.
Yes that's right - the very people Dow should be helping are now facing a lawsuit from one of the world most powerful corporations. Why are they acting in such an amazingly perverse manner? On December 2nd a peaceful march of 200 women survivors from Bhopal delivered toxic waste from the abandoned Carbide factory back to Dow's Indian headquarters in Bombay with the demand that Dow take responsibility for the disaster and clean up the site. Dow obviously has other ideas because they are suing survivors for about US$10,000 for "loss of work". That's US$10,000 compensation demanded for a two hour peaceful protest where only one Dow employee briefly ventured out of the Mumbai corporate business park to meet the women protestors.
Satyu, a Bhopal activist and one of the protestors charged by Dow highlighted how ridiculous this "loss of work" claim is: "Thousands of us lost their lives, many more have not been able to do our jobs for the last 18 years and 150,000 people in Bhopal are still suffering ill health because of the Union Carbide gas tragedy in 1984. Even today people die and children are born with gas related diseases. It is outrageous that Dow is charging us US$10,000 and tries to shut us down from seeking justice from them".
The damages demanded by Dow will amount to about 10 years income for the survivors charged but is less than one days sales revenue for Dow. Also Dow is seeking to silence protest by demanding that survivors be banned from holding protests within 100m of Dow offices in India.
Dow has just appointed a new CEO, William Stravopoulos, who engineered the Dow merger with Union Carbide in 2001. If this lawsuit is how he intends to deal with the ongoing Bhopal disaster then it will be a huge public relations own goal. Dow proudly proclaims it slogan as "living improved daily". How does that fit with the suing of poor protestors who have a real grievance with the company? 
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[CTRL] A Microchip Makes Its Mark: VeriChip & the Beast

2002-12-30 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
Science: A Microchip Makes Its Mark: VeriChip & the BeastPosted by: valis on Dec 27, 2002 - 07:08 PM
CBN.com - PALM BEACH, FL — Imagine having a microchip inside your body that would store your identity and important medical information, and might even tell people where you are. Is it a sign of the end times or simply a sign of progress?
 Do you Yahoo!?
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] North Korea and The Axis of Oil

2002-12-30 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
"the real WWII Axis powers - Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan - had a major strategic problem in common. Unlike GW's Axis of Evil, none had oil reserves, a prerequisite for world domination. Getting access to oil was part of their reason for invading other countries. Bush is doing exactly what they were doing in WWII, creating a justification for war, threatening war and then invading..."
Axis of Oil?Posted by: souljah on Dec 28, 2002 - 06:28 PM
Axis of Oil?by Robert Lederman[EMAIL PROTECTED] February 11, 2002[Detailed notes substantiating this article are at the end]States like these [Iran, Iraq and North Korea], and their terrorist allies, constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world.GW Bush, State of the Union address 1/29/2002The leaders of many nations are scoffing at GW Bush's Axis of Evil comment in his State of the Union speech. Among their complaints is that Iraq, Iran and North Korea have little in common, share no agreement on joining an axis of anything and in the case of Iran and Iraq are each other's worst enemies.But was GW actually correct in lumping them together? Have the uninitiated missed the profound geopolitical wisdom of the man CNN's talking heads have begun to call, "the greatest American President''?There is one very important issue tying North Korea, Iran and Iraq together.Oil!The slippery black gold is very dear to GW Bush's heart and to the corporate sponsors of his administration like David Rockefeller and Enron, which Rockefeller's Chase Bank disastrously financed. The three nations Bush elevated to the status of "evil" just happen to be competitors of the Saudi Arabian oil fields that the Bush and Rockefeller families have been aligned with for the past 70 years.Outside of Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq and the offshore oil fields of North Korea, the other main source of oil for the future is in the former Soviet Republics. For those oil and gas deposits to become an economically viable source for the West a huge pipeline has to be built through Afghanistan - exactly what Enron and the Bush administration were negotiating with the Taliban before 9/11.If the U.S. can't gain peaceful control over these nations' oil wealth, an invasion or overthrow of their governments will do the trick. To justify such an invasion Bush just needs the right excuse, such as an unending, "war on terrorism".Within each of these countries are factions and individuals -many of them with CIA training and/or funding - who will gladly stir up a little revolution when ordered to do so - or launch a terrorist attack. Then we can send in the bombers to "defend democracy".Contrary to the impression Bush has conveyed to the American public Afghanistan as a nation did not attack the U.S. and was actually peacefully negotiating an oil deal with U.S. corporations before 9/11. Although none of the alleged 9/11 hijackers were from Afghanistan, 15 of the 19 and bin Laden himself are from our great ally in the war against terrorism, Saudi Arabia.Saudi Arabia massively funds terrorists and is as anti-American as a nation can get yet it's not part of Bush's Axis of Evil. Maybe that's because the Saudi royal family and the bin Laden family are long-time business partners with the Bush family.If as Bush claims we are focusing on Iran, Iraq and north Korea because they sell weapons and fund terrorists then why aren't we threatening England, France, Germany, Russia...and ourselves? The U.S. is the world's largest seller of weapons, has by far the largest biological and chemical weapons program and is the only nation that has ever used nuclear weapons. The U.S. finances terrorists like bin Laden all over the world and like Sadamn Hussein, we've used biological and chemical weapons against our own population.We also lead all other nations in funding terrorists. It was William Casey, founder of the eugenics-centered Manhattan Institute, who as CIA director in the Reagan/Bush administration built up Islamic fundamentalism in Afghanistan by supplying bin Laden and friends with billions of dollars in weapons, training and aid. If Al Qaida actually was behind the 9/11 attacks, we can thank Bill Casey for giving them the know-how to bring it off.Calling Iran, Iraq and North Korea, "uncivilized"as GW did in his address is somewhat ironic since they each existed as high cultures thousands of years before the U.S. became a nation. According to historians, six thousand years ago the area of the world we know as Iran and Iraq was the birthplace of what we euphemistically call Western civilization.It's also considered the homeland of the so-called Aryan race. Perhaps GW just wants to reclaim der fatherland.Korean culture is likewise thousands of years old and was highly developed when Europe was in the Dark Ages. It might come as quite a shock to Koreans to find that our semi-literate pretzel-munchin

[CTRL] Participatory Democracy in Venezuela

2002-12-30 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-

Chaos and Constitution
 With his country teetering on the brink of disaster, Venezuela's Hugo Chávez clings to power -- thanks primarily to the passionate support of the nation's poor. By Barry C. Lynn January/February 2003 Issue 
The populist former paratrooper has mobilized Venezuela's poor to participate in their own government 

 Venezuela, strike, strikes, Chavez, Chávez, unrest, Caracas 
You can buy a plastic-bound copy of the Venezuelan Constitution for 60 cents, a leather-clad copy for $3, a coffee-table edition for $5. Not that you really need a copy of your own, since someone standing near you on the subway in Caracas will have one in his pocket. Or you can always listen to one of the ongoing debates at a downtown park. "Look at this article," someone will shout, and a half dozen people will flip through the constitution's 35,000 words and 350 articles to find the pertinent passage. "Yes," someone else will cry out. "But this one here is more to the point." 

E-mail articlePrint article 
· Whose Coup?· A Well Armed Chaos
· The Bolivarian Fund· Caracas Chronicles Web Log· Venezuelan Constitution (in Spanish)· E-mail the editor 

Leila Escobar, a lab technician in her early 30s, carries a pocket-size copy of the new constitution, bound in blue plastic. I meet her late one morning in Nueva Grenada, a grimy, run-down neighborhood in the Venezuelan capital, and the mid-October day is unseasonably hot. As a passing cloud offers relief, Escobar pauses to wipe the sweat from her face with a red handkerchief. She has walked seven miles already, near the head of a march by hundreds of thousands who have come out in support of President Hugo Chávez. It has been six months since Chávez was ousted briefly in a coup, and now his opponents -- business leaders, a handful of military officers, almost all of the nation's media -- are once again trying to orchestrate his removal. So Escobar and other chavistas have taken to the streets, vowing to protect the president -- with their bodies, if necessary.
The reason for their support has everything to do with the little blue book Escobar carries. In one of his first acts as president, Chávez held a nationwide referendum on the constitution that effectively redrew the political boundaries of Venezuela from the ground up. Over the past four years, through a series of new laws and programs, he has mobilized the poor to participate in what had always been a top-down, two-party political system dominated by the country's upper and middle classes. "The president has brought us hope, and he has brought us democracy," says Escobar. "They will not take him from us."
Like most Venezuelans, Escobar has plenty of reason to be dissatisfied. Since Chávez won election in 1998, even many of his staunchest supporters believe he has mismanaged the economy and picked needless fights with the opposition. Under his leadership, Venezuela has fallen into severe recession: Factories are shuttered, inflation is soaring, and credit has disappeared. The government sits atop the largest reserve of oil in the hemisphere, yet upwards of 40 percent of Venezuelans still live in poverty. But despite the widespread economic misery, what upsets Escobar most is that Venezuela's rich want Chávez out of power, now. Chávez, she says, is the only leader who has ever cared for Venezuela's poor. "The rich have always had so much, and we, nothing," she explains as thousands of marchers -- mostly of mestizo or African descent -- surge past, blowing whistles, singing, waving flags. "Now Chávez wants the rich still to have, but us too, a little."
Since the demonstration in October, tensions in Venezuela have escalated to the brink of civil war. A nationwide general strike, called by Chàvez opponents, has stretched into its third week. Almost every day, it seems, some sort of protest disrupts life in Caracas -- mass demonstrations, street riots, clashes between government supporters and Chàvez critics. In recent weeks, Chàvez has ordered the military to take over oil tankers whose crews refused to deliver their cargo, and the Bush administration has weighed in, calling for early elections. For the United States, the stakes in this struggle are high. Venezuela is America's fourth-largest supplier of oil, providing nearly 15 percent of all U.S. imports. With the Bush administration authorized to wage a war in Iraq that could destabilize oil supplies in the Middle East, Venezuela's importance to the U.S. economy can scarcely be overstated. "We are married to Venezuela, for better or worse," says Stephen Johnson, a Latin America analyst at the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.
Yet Venezuela's government remains in the hands of a man who has become one of the most vocal -- and effective -- opponents of U.S. interests abroad. Chávez, with his red berets and revolutionary rhetoric, does far more than talk and dress the role of a second Castro. In 1999, he banned U

[CTRL] Americas First Anti-Globalization Protest: The Boston Tea Party

2002-12-30 Thread Jay Lowry
-Caveat Lector-
"Resistance was organizing and growing and the Tea Act was the final straw. The citizens of the colonies were preparing to throw off one of the corporations that for almost two hundred years had determined nearly every aspect of their lives through its economic and political power. They were planning to destroy the goods of the world’s largest multinational corporation, intimidate its employees, and face down the guns of the government that supported it." 
Government: America’s First Anti-Globalization Protest: The Boston Tea PartyPosted by: souljah on Dec 23, 2002 - 12:31 PM
America’s First Anti-Globalization Protest The Boston Tea Party
By Thom Hartmann
I shall therefore conclude with a proposal that your watchmen be instructed, as they go on their rounds, to call out every night, half-past twelve, “Beware of the East India Company.”
-Pamphlet signed by “Rusticus,” 1773
Now that Bush administration Treasury Secretary and former Alcoa CEO Paul O’Neill has publicly called for the complete elimination of all corporate income taxes (and the elimination of Social Security), many people are wondering if history is repeating itself in a way that may be particularly dangerous for democracy.
Conventional wisdom has it that the 1773 Tea Act - a tax law passed in London that led to the Boston Tea Party - was simply an increase in the taxes on tea paid by American colonists. In reality, however, the Tea Act gave the world’s largest transnational corporation - The East India Company - full and unlimited access to the American tea trade, and exempted the Company from having to pay taxes to Britain on tea exported to the American colonies. It even gave the Company a tax refund on millions of pounds of tea they were unable to sell and holding in inventory.
The primary purpose of the Tea Act was to increase the profitability of the East India Company to its stockholders (which included the King and the wealthy elite that kept him secure in power), and to help the Company drive its colonial small-business competitors out of business. Because the Company no longer had to pay high taxes to England and held a monopoly on the tea it sold in the American colonies, it was able to lower its tea prices to undercut the prices of the local importers and the mom-and-pop tea merchants and tea houses in every town in America.
This infuriated the independence-minded American colonists, who were wholly unappreciative of their colonies being used as a profit center for the world’s largest multinational corporation, The East India Company. They resented their small businesses still having to pay the higher, pre-Tea Act taxes without having any say or vote in the matter. (Thus, the cry of “no taxation without representation!”) Even in the official British version of the history, the 1773 Tea Act was a “legislative maneuver by the British ministry of Lord North to make English tea marketable in America” with a goal of helping the East India Company quickly “sell 17 million pounds of tea stored in England…”
America’s first entrepreneurs’ protest
This economics-driven view of American History piqued my curiosity when I first discovered it. So when I came upon an original first edition of one of this nation’s earliest history books, I made a sizeable investment to buy it to read the thoughts of somebody who had actually been alive and participated in the Boston Tea Party and subsequent American Revolution. I purchased from an antiquarian book seller an original copy of Retrospect of the Boston Tea Party with a Memoir of George R.T. Hewes, a Survivor of the Little Band of Patriots Who Drowned the Tea in Boston Harbor in 1773, published in New York by S. S. Bliss in 1834.
Because the identities of the Boston Tea Party participants were hidden (other than Samuel Adams) and all were sworn to secrecy for the next fifty years, this account (published 61 years later) is singularly rare and important, as it’s the only actual first-person account of the event by a participant that exists, so far as I can find. And turning its brittle, age-colored pages and looking at printing on unevenly-sized sheets, typeset by hand and printed on a small hand press almost two hundred years ago, was both fascinating and exciting. Even more interesting was the perspective of the anonymous (“by a citizen of New York”) author and of Hewes, whom the author extensively interviewed for the book.
Although Hewes’ name is today largely lost in history, he was apparently well known in colonial times and during the 19th century. Esther Forbes’ classic 1942 biography of Paul Revere, which depended heavily on Paul Revere’s “many volumes of papers” and numerous late 18th and early 19th century sources, mentions Hewes repeatedly throughout her book. For example, when young Paul Revere went off to join the British army in the spring of 1756, he took along with him H

Re: [CTRL] Liberating America From Israel

2002-12-30 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

> At any rate I think you are wrong - Pretty much everyone knows that there
> will be a Palestinian state, now its about  a) what form it will have, b)
> who will be in control, and what that means to the region, and c) how
> profit can be squeezed out of current situation by all parties in
question -
> so it's pretty much politics as usual - Same as anywhere

If only that were so. The fanatic Sharonites never want to see a
Palestinians state. Their goal is to eliminate the Palestinian people
from the W Bank and Gaza. Although I doubt this will happen (but
cannot be completely dismissed) these fanatic racists might very
well bestow untold suffering to both the Palestinian and Israeli

Ironically the racist fanaticism of the Sharonites, in the long term,
will probably result in the end of Israel as a 'Jewish' state and
demographics will force it to evolve into a secular mutli ethnic
religious state - this will probably be all for the good.

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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Israeli Military Given License to Murder Civilians (Boston Globe)

2002-12-30 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

> Those comments might be legitimate if every one of those deaths was a
> soldier.
> The claim falls flat when it turns out than many are teenagers in discos,
> children in school buses, etc.

Wrong again. Most casualties in war ARE civilians.

The bottom line is that Israel is an established nation state
that has as its national policy a brutal colonial apartheid occupation
of another people. Part of that national policy is to bomb and murder
civilians. This is called state terrorism.

The Palestinians have no state, army, or nation. They are
the victims of an attacking nation that seeks to occupy and
dominate them and hopefully drive them off their land.

According to your attitude, the Palestinians should maintain their
moral purity by gladly accepting the murder of their population,
the stealing of their land, the stealing of their water and the
imposing of a brutal occupation that attempts to destroy their
civil society, economy and educational system.

Under your reasoning, Nelson Mandella should still be in jail for
participating in anti apartheid bombings and South Africa blacks
should still be living in Bantuland.

There is no moral equivilency.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

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[CTRL] Fwd: News from the indymedia.org:8081 newswire

2002-12-30 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Story from the indymedia.org:8081 newswire

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Article by: constitution.org
Sunday 29 Dec 2002

Summary:How do you get around international law? Employ the lawless. (Or, hand 
prisoners over to OTHER countries for torture-by-proxy).

Reference at indymedia website: http://indymedia.org:8081//front.php3?article_id=225701

The Covert Cowboys

The use of former enemy soldiers, criminals, and terrorists for their dirty work is 
also a time-honored tradition among intelligence agencies, who stand to gain the 
\"plausible deniability\" so coveted in the world of covert operations.[1159]

At the close of WWII, the U.S. Government helped thousands of Nazi war criminals 
escape justice, integrating them into its scientific/military/intelligence 
establishment. Reinhard Gehlen, Hitler\'s senior intelligence officer on the Eastern 
Front, and other high-ranking Nazis, were spirited out of Germany with the aid of the 
OSS and the Vatican, then installed in top-secret, sensitive posts in the U.S. and 

Gehlen\'s SS officers had been instrumental in the mass extermination of Gypsies and 
Jews, and Gehlen was personally responsible for the torture, interrogation, and murder 
by starvation of some 4 million Soviet prisoners of war.

Gehlen later boasted of teaching the newly formed CIA everything it knew.

Many of the world\'s deadliest terrorists were in fact trained by agencies such as the 
CIA and KGB, who went on to commit mayhem and murder on an unprecedented scale. A 
prime example is Shackley\'s JM/WAVE anti-Casto campaign of the mid-1960s, which 
trained Cuban exiles in techniques of assassination and terror, then unleashed them on 
their native country. The most infamous of these \"Cuban Cowboys,\" Luis Posada 
Carriles (AKA: Ramon Medina), a member of the anti-Casto group CORU (also a member of 
the CIA\'s ZR/RIFLE assassination team under the command of E. Howard Hunt), killed 78 
people in October of 1976 by bombing a Cuban airliner.[1160]*

Carriles said he planned the bombing at the CIA\'s instigation.

As one of CORU\'s members explained in a CBS interview, \"We use the tactics that we 
learned from the CIA because we — we were trained to do everything. We are trained 
to set off a bomb, we were trained to kill… we were trained to do everything.\"[1161]

The mastermind of the bombing, Orlando Bosch, responsible for more than 50 anti-Castro 
bombings in Cuba and elsewhere, was released from prison at the behest of George 
Bush\'s son Jeb, who has strong ties to both the Cuban expatriate community and the 

As Vice-President, Bush also headed the Task Force on Combating Terrorism. Proudly 
displaying his condemnation of terrorism, Bush pardoned Bosch, giving him special 
permission to live in Miami.[1162][1163]

The CIA\'s support of the Afghani Mujahadeen between 1979 and 1989 resulted in a huge 
wave of well-armed and trained Muslim extremists bent on venting their political and 
ideological rage against the U.S. At the same time, the overflow from the Afghani 
operation resulted in one of the largest pools of potential recruits for covert 

One of the main operatives the CIA had utilized in its war against the Soviets was 
Sheik Abdel Omar Rahman. The CIA utilized Rahman because of his influence over the 
Mujahadeen, then brought him into the U.S. on a CIA-sponsored visa. While the She

[CTRL] Fwd: [CIA-DRUGS] FWS : Briton tells of ordeal in Bush's torture jail

2002-12-30 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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-Caveat Lector-

>From the top British broadsheet newspaer The Observer


Al-Qaeda suspect 'is starved of food and sleep' at army base where
two have died

Paul Harris and Burhan Wazir
Sunday December 29, 2002
The Observer

The letter contained only hints of what Moazzam Begg's interrogators
may have done to him. He wrote of hunger and being kept awake by
bright lights. 'I still don't know what will happen with me,' he
lamented to his wife back home in Birmingham.
Begg, 35, was writing from Bagram military base just outside Kabul.
He is the only British prisoner inside a cluster of metal shipping
containers at the heart of the United States army part of the base,
which serves as a 'jail' for al-Qaeda suspects.

Now the camp is at the centre of a furious row over US behaviour in
the war on terror. Evidence is growing that prisoners inside the
containers are being tortured by American soldiers and CIA agents.
Begg may have written of more damaging details of his own treatment,
but many of his previous letters were never delivered.

It appears the US soldiers at Bagram have much to hide. Human rights
groups are calling for an inquiry into the methods used by American
interrogators at Bagram and other bases in Afghanistan.

US officials have admitted that suspects captured in the region
are 'softened up' on their way to detention by brutal beatings from
US military police and special forces soldiers. They are confined to
tiny rooms, blindfolded and thrown into walls. They are tied up in
painful positions, subjected to loud noises and deprived of sleep by
having lights shone on them all day and night. Sometimes they are
forced to stand for long periods in black hoods or wearing goggles
which have been spray-painted so as to render them blind.

The aim is to disorientate and confuse the suspects, as they face a
barrage of questions about their activities in Afghanistan and
elsewhere. It is believed that some, who had battle wounds when
captured, are denied painkillers as a further way of coaxing
information from them.

'Pain control is a very subjective thing,' one US official said,
deadpan, to the Washington Post last week.

Those who do not crack, or perhaps have nothing to tell, are often
handed over to foreign intelligence services such as those of Morocco
or Saudi Arabia, where less sophisticated and bloodier torture
techniques are regularly employed.

Critics point out that the US forces have picked up innocent men
before. In October three Afghan men were released without charge
after they had been held for a year at the American base at
Guantanamo Bay in Cuba. They were given $500 compensation between

So far the US has admitted that two men held at Bagram have died in
custody - one from a heart attack and the other from a pulmonary
embolism, or blood clot on the lung. A criminal investigation is now
under way, but no reason has been given of what caused the men's

In the case of Begg, who grew up in the Moseley area of Birmingham,
the Americans have been equally silent. Foreign Office officials
admit that after 11 months of asking they have still not been able to
see him to check on his health. 'We are still pressing the Americans,
but as yet we have not been allowed access,' said a spokesman.

Begg has not seen a lawyer, a Red Cross official or any member of his
family either since he was arrested in the Pakistani capital of
Islamabad last February.

Just why the Briton was sought by the Americans is also a mystery.
But they wanted him badly. When the US bombing began in November
2001, Begg closed down the school he had opened in Kabul and mo

[CTRL] TIME 2002 Partnership of the Year: George W & Dick Cheney

2002-12-30 Thread RoadsEnd
-Caveat Lector-

TIME 2002 Partnership of the Year: George W. ...
Click Here: http://www.time.com/time/personoftheyear/2002/poyrelationship.html";>
TIME 2002 Partnership of the Year: George W. ...

THE PARTNERS: Bush and Cheney at an economic forum last August in Waco, Texas
Double-Edged Sword
Why George W. Bush and Dick Cheney are a formidable team

By Nancy Gibbs

Posted Sunday, December 22, 2002; 4:31 a.m. EST
This war has two faces, one a promise, one a growl. One says we will defend
liberty wherever it lives, plant our values where they have never grown. The
other says if you challenge us or threaten us or even just invade our sense
of security, you will have started a fight that you will certainly lose.
Wartime leadership requires a dual message. It has been President Bush's role
from the earliest days to handle our hopes, reacquaint us with our resilience
and remind our allies of our resolve. It has fallen to Vice President Cheney,
a nighthawk with a darker imagination, to focus our fears. The risks of
inaction outweigh the risks of action, he warned this summer, because we face
an enemy that will never relent and never recede until it is destroyed.

With that posture—leaning forward, fists clenched—the Bush Administration
has promised to set aside a longtime tradition of restraint in waging war,
because the danger demands no less. Its members believe that the enemy is
mobile and can't be deterred, the targets are soft and can't be protected,
and the old rules of battle no longer apply. The war on terror is a war of
annihilation, and the President's every instinct tells him that however
divided America may be over policy or priorities, this is the only fight that

The American public, awakened to danger but wary of responses that could be
more dangerous still, finds itself this winter at war's door, and holding the
key are a President and Vice President who together wield a kind of power
that is more than the sum of its parts. Like any other partnership, whether
of business or brotherhood, Bush and Cheney's is more complicated than it
looks. What is beyond dispute is that two men of very different skills,
instincts and histories found in each other the counterpart who could take
them places they couldn't go alone, at a time when the American journey
turned suddenly perilous. Together they are leading us along a rough road
with sharp curves, and while we may argue about where we're heading, we have
no choice but to follow, because a nation fights as one.

To understand this year, it helps to understand their union, including the
mysteries of how it works and what it means. Most running mates, chosen to
help the presidential candidate win, find that once they are elected their
job is done. Presidents come into office and quickly find an unpleasant and
unsolvable chore—trade policy, deregulation, the war on drugs—to keep their
sidekicks busy, out of sight and out of trouble. It was always the office
where ambition goes to die, unless the President does so first.

Had Sept. 11 never happened, there is no telling what kind of presidency Bush
would have had or what kind of deputy he would have needed. But in the
national crisis, when all the bright lights came up on the White House stage,
there was a chance to rewrite the rules, rewire the whole Executive Branch.
Bush had the zeal to make the war on terrorism his mission; Cheney provided
the theology. "With Bush, it's all gut; it's visceral," a White House
official says. "He hates Saddam. He's an evil guy who tried to assassinate
his dad, and he's gonna get him. With Cheney, it's all logical and deliberate
and thought through. He knows the issues, he's studied them, and he really
believes—he's convinced by the facts—that Saddam poses an unacceptable
threat to the United States."

In the days that followed 9/11, Bush found his voice and rallied the country,
while Cheney was whisked off to his "undisclosed location." It was the
ultimate testimonial: most Vice Presidents disappear from view because they
don't matter; Cheney had to disappear because he does. He quickly emerged as
first among equals in the war cabinet, which was all the more striking given
who the equals are. Colin Powell is the untouchable star, both at home and
abroad; his job-approval rating, which hovers around 85%, is typically 20
points higher than Bush's good marks, which means he is both a partner in
this Administration and a potential rival. Defense chief Donald Rumsfeld used
his Pentagon briefings to turn up his star wattage and in private meetings is
the fire breather; he runs much hotter about the dangers of Saddam Hussein
than anyone else. As National Security Adviser, Condoleezza Rice has the
advantage of a sweet spot in Bush's comfort zone; she is the one spending
weekends with the family at Camp David or quietly arbitrating among warring

Re: [CTRL] The Dome of the Rock

2002-12-30 Thread John Miller
-Caveat Lector-

Hello there,

As some are expecting the Dome of the Rock soon to 'fall', I thought I would
post this.

The Alchemy of Numbers - The Dome of the Rock and the Son of Man

Sometimes I surprise myself with how I manage to contrive two related
results from one basic number.

I suppose the most bloody place in the world was the Altar of the Temple of
Yahweh, Temple Mount, Jerusalem, when from about 954BC at the completion of
the magnificent Temple, the slaughter and sacrifice began of millions of
sheep and oxen, ending finally in AD70, when the Roman soldiers burnt down
the Temple. The period of 1,000 years was not continuous by way of animal
sacrifices, for it first ceased leading up to the destruction of the first
Temple by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon and the Exile of the Jews. The
sacrifices were not offered up again until the second Temple was finished in
about 515BC. There were other times when the Jews were forced not to
sacrifice their animals on the sacred rock.

In about the year AD685 the Moslems, under the 9th Caliph, Abd al-Malik,
built their sacred shrine, called the Mosque of Omar, but known as the Dome
of the Rock, on Temple Mount, (in Arabic as Haram al Sharif), over the very
sacred Jewish rock, the Altar of Yahweh.

My source for the size of the sacred rock itself is from 'The Way of the
Cross' published some 100 years ago by George Newnes Limited, a size of 57 x
43 feet and from the pavement it is 6.5 feet high. Thus the level of the
pavement controls the reference number for the rock itself, the bloodiest
rock in world, at 15,931.5 cubic feet.

The Sarcophagus

The first calculation changes the rock's volume at 15,931.5 cubic feet into
the internal volume of sarcophagus in the King's Chamber of the Great
Pyramid, at some 41.686296 cubic feet, some 72,033.92 cubic inches thanks to
78.06 x 26.81 x 34.42 inches according to Flinders Petrie.

This change happens because the bloody rock at 15,931.5 cubic feet x the
'Door' that is Phi, at 1.618033989 x 1,000 x 0.75 and squared, the cube root
is 72,033.92 cubic inches, the internal volume of the most famous Coffer in
the world.

The Son of Man

Probably, the most important number in the world is '126' for it represents
the spirit body, (a Man) within all humans.

And 126 is the reference for a 'Burning Lamp' or one branch of the Menorah
at 17 for holder and 109 for the fire, the Spirit of God.

The Eye of Horus also has the reference number 126.

The Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation speak of 1,260 days as 'time,
times and half a time.'

But for Christians the Son of Man, that is Jesus Christ includes the number
126 in his reference portfolio. And Christ was crucified some 12,600 days
from the bloody covenant, that is his circumcision, to his bloody
crucifixion on Passover Eve, Friday, April 7th AD30.

Curiously, the Son of Man's crucifixion, to replace all the animal
sacrifices, can be contrived out of the Altar of Yahweh, the bloody sacred
rock, thanks to the person who set the level of the pavement within the Dome
of the Rock at 6.5 feet below the height of the rock.

Because 12,600 x 10,000 at 126,000,000 and squared twice and /200 and cubed
x 2 and square root and /3 and square root 5 times is 15,931.5030 cubic

So the Islamic shrine of the Dome of the Rock, is the 'House of the Son of
Man' thanks to the architect (a Moslem?) who set the level of the pavement
according to the height of the sacred rock.

Thus, the sacred rock, reveals the sarcophagus in the King's Chamber and
also the Son of Man, said to be the King of kings.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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[CTRL] U.S. aid workers killed in Yemen

2002-12-30 Thread thew
Title: U.S. aid workers killed in Yemen
-Caveat Lector-

U.S. aid workers killed in Yemen

SAN'A, Yemen (CNN) --A suspected Islamic extremist shot dead three U.S. humanitarian workers and wounded a fourth at a missionary hospital in southern Yemen, according to a hospital spokeswoman.

A 35-year-old man, identified as Abid Abdulrazzaq Al-Kamil, was arrested by Yemeni security officials shortly after Monday's attack, according to Walid Al-Saqqaf, editor-in-chief of the Yemen Times.

Yemeni officials said the suspect was an Islamist militant who told police after his arrest that he had shot the two men and two women to "cleanse his religion and get closer to Allah," according to Reuters.

Al-Saqqaf said the gunman reportedly sneaked into the hospital, posing as a father.

"One of the eyewitnesses there said that he came in the office as if he had a child beneath his jacket [but] it turned out to be ... a semi-automatic rifle that he used against them," he said.

The dead are William Koehn, the hospital administrator; Kathleen Gariety, the hospital business manager; and Dr. Martha Myers, an obstetrician, said Wendy Norvelle of the Southern Baptist International Mission Board, which runs the hospital.

The wounded worker is Don Caswell, a pharmacist. He was taken into surgery shortly after the attack and is expected to recover from his wounds, Norvelle said.

The gunman opened fire at the Baptist hospital in Jibla -- about 120 miles south of the capital San'a -- as the U.S. staff prepared to hand over control to local authorities, hospital spokeswoman Julie Toma told CNN.

The gunman apparently tracked down one of the victims in a separate room inside the hospital, Al-Saqqaf said.

"It seemed somewhat a pre-planned attack," he said. "Perhaps the person who knew that [the hospital staff] would be coming at that particular time ... wanted to do as much damage and harm as possible."

Norvelle said the three who were slain had served at the hospital for a number of years, and Koehn was planning to retire next year.

"We've been operating a hospital for 35 years, and we've treated more than 40 thousand patients a year...and we continue to have plans to have personnel here," said Norvelle.

The U.S. Embassy in San'a issued a statement condemning the shooting, and urged Yemen's government to bring those responsible for the attack to justice.

"We call upon the Yemeni government to bring those responsible to justice," the statement said.

"We are advising American citizens in Yemen to enhance their personal security and are requesting additional protection for American citizens in Yemen."

Toma said hospital administrators believed the attack was an isolated event perhaps triggered by backlash against the transfer of power.

About 30,000 Americans live in Yemen, most of them Yemeni-Americans, said U.S. Embassy spokesman John Balian.

Security in Yemen has been a U.S. priority since the October 2000 attack on the USS Cole that killed 17 sailors. That was blamed on terrorist group al Qaeda, which is held responsible for the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington.

Yemen, the ancestral homeland of al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, is a hotbed for extremist Islamic militant groups, finding refuge in the country's mountainous, tribal strongholds.


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[CTRL] Palestinian factions look to agree on 'nature of state' in Cairo talks (UPDATE

2002-12-30 Thread thew
Title: Palestinian factions look to agree on 'nature of state' in Cairo talks (UPDATE
-Caveat Lector-


Palestinian factions look to agree on 'nature of state' in Cairo talks (UPDATE)

The Associated Press    Dec. 30, 2002

CAIRO, Egypt - Egypt, a senior mediator in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, will host a number of Palestinian factions at unity talks next week, an Egyptian official close to the talks said Monday. 

"We want to invite the biggest number of factions possible to reach an agreement on the shape of the new Palestinian state," the official told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity. 

He said the meeting was scheduled Sunday. 

Egypt has been recently hosting talks with Yasser Arafat's Fatah movement and other radical groups in an attempt to unify the Palestinian stance. 

Hamas-Fatah talks that were held in Cairo in mid-November ended with no agreement on abandoning Hamas's suicide bombings, but the sides committed to keeping channels of communication open. 

During the first round, an Egyptian official told the AP that Hamas had agreed to consider ending suicide attacks, but first wanted Israeli guarantees that it would stop targeted killings of suspected Palestinian militants. 

Arafat told reporters in Ramallah Monday that the Cairo meeting is "very important." 

"We are so grateful for these efforts for it will help peace in the region," he said. 

In Syria Monday, visiting Palestine Liberation Organization envoy Farouk Kaddoumi, said the Cairo talks were aimed not at ending the Palestinian uprising but at "augmenting resistance so long as the Israeli occupation and terrorism are still on." 

Kaddoumi, head of the Palestine Liberation Organization's political department, is on a three-day visit for talks with Syrian officials and leaders of Damascus-based Palestinian factions that oppose negotiations with Israel. 

Officials from other Palestinian groups, including the Damascus-based Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, have also been shuttling to Egypt. 

The Egyptian official said "all those who want to come are welcome." 

Palestinian Cabinet Minister Nabil Shaath told the AP on Sunday that so far attending the meeting will be Fatah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Palestinian Liberation Front. 

"The idea (of the Cairo meeting) was welcomed by everybody," he said. 

Shaath said whatever is agreed to in the meeting will be codified in a "Cairo Declaration" aimed at reaching "a joint political program that everybody will be committed to and to give the Palestinian Authority the opportunity to negotiate with Israel for a cease-fire." 

He said he had sensed in earlier meetings that Palestinian factions were ready for "harmony."


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To be nobody but yourself, in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle that any human being can fight--and never stop fighting.

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[CTRL] Historian explains controversial Holocaust quotes

2002-12-30 Thread thew
Title: Historian explains controversial Holocaust quotes
-Caveat Lector-


Historian explains controversial Holocaust quotes

Elli Wohlgelernter    Dec. 30, 2002

A well-known Yugoslav scholar has apologized for any misunderstanding regarding what he previously published on the role of Jews at the Jasenovac concentration camp, thereby defusing a potential showdown at a Holocaust conference on Sunday. 

Dr. Milan Bulajic, who for many years headed the Museum of Genocide Victims in Belgrade and has written many books on the Holocaust in Yugoslavia and particularly on Jasenovac, made a dramatic apology Sunday for failing to present the historical context of testimonies published in his 1989 book Ustaski Zlocini Genocida (The Genocide Crimes of the Ustasha). 

According to those testimonies - by Serb inmates of the camp who came under heavy pressure by the collaborationist administration in Belgrade to blame the Jews for the crimes committed there - Jews ran the camp and were actively involved in the mistreatment of Serb inmates, charges that Jewish historians say are totally exaggerated and are based primarily on false testimony made under duress by Serb inmates. 

"I said I do apologize if this quotation resulted in misunderstanding," said Bulajic, speaking at the opening of the conference being held at Hebrew University. "I wrote 75 pages about genocide against Jews, and at the end, in the fourth volume, I quoted testimony from a Serb who was released from Jasenovac. I was just showing that it was not valid. I explained in 75 pages that it was not valid. I would appreciate if people would say what I was responsible for." 

Dr. Bernard Klein, chairman of the conference, said the misunderstanding was "a matter of degree. There were some Jews who did behave that way. The problem was that Bulajic claimed that all the Jews acted this way. The testimony not presented in context, and the apology was accepted." 

Klein said it was a 13-year misunderstanding because "nobody talked about it. That was the purpose of our coming here." 

Dr. Efraim Zuroff, Israel director of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, has worked with Bulajic in the past in bringing Croatian Nazi war criminals to justice. Zuroff demanded at the conference that the Yugoslav scholar publicly apologize for failing to explain the background and context of the testimonies. 

"It was extremely important that this evidence was finally put into its proper historical context by Bulajic himself, who apologized for not explaining the historical circumstances. He has done much important work on the subject of the Holocaust, and therefore this was particularly important, and we are very happy this was clarified to our satisfaction, and that we can continue to work together in the future."


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
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Re: [CTRL] "Attack of the Violent Vaudevillians"

2002-12-30 Thread thew
-Caveat Lector-

I thought deconstructionism was dead

You know this movie is based on real happenings in new york?

The gang wars, the draft riots, etc were all real, and all far more violent
than anything we have going on today, yes - even in new york.

on 12/30/02 4:32 AM, Euphorian at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> -Caveat Lector-
> URL @ Bottom
> Politically Incorrect Movie Reviews
> Gangs of New York
> by RadioFree Rocky D
> Published 12. 29. 02 at 19:15 Sierra Time
> Cast:
> Leonardo DiCaprio (Amsterdam) – pouting, scowling, violent drunken Irishman.
> Daniel Day Lewis (Bill The Butcher) – knife-wielding violent drunken Irishman.
> Cameron Diaz (Jenny) – cleavage-wielding violent drunken Irishwoman.
> Liam Neeson (Priest) – cross-wielding violent drunken Irishman.
> Brendan Gleeson (McGinn) – cudgel-wielding drunken Irishman.
> Henry Thomas (Johnny) – tattletale drunken Irishman.
> Micheal Byrne (Horace Greeley) – Abe Lincoln’s buddy who publishes stories
> about
> drunken
> Irishmen..
> Jim Broadbent (Boss Tweed) – crooked politician drunken Irishmen.
> Roger Ashton Griffiths (P.T Barnum) – knows there’s a drunken Irishman born
> every
> minute.
>Charles Dickens meets Braveheart in 19th century New York City as the
> biggest, bloodiest and bawdiest movie of the year, Gangs Of New York hits the
> screen harder than a right uppercut from an irate Irishman. The year is 1863,
> and in
> New York City all the Irishmen are drunken clods who beat the stuffin’s out of
> one
> another, the streets are caked with blood and crowded with prostitutes, the
> politicians
> are corrupt, the cops are on the take and all the New Yorkers are racists. So
> basically, what I’m saying here is that in 140 years not much changed.
>  Old Irish saying #1: Fad saol agat, gob fliuch, agus bas in
> Eirinn (Long life
> to you, a wet mouth, and death in Ireland).
>Gangs O’NY is easily the bloodiest film to come out of Hollyweird’s
> blame-it-on-
> whitey-factory in a long time (not including slasher films, which are supposed
> to be
> that way). Don’t dare blink while watching Gangs O’NY or you may miss another
> incensed Irishman whacking some other oafish Irishman upside his noggin or
> slicing
> him up like corned beef. These are the immigrants and the sons of immigrants
> from
> Northwest Europe, and we all know how evil those places are. Plus, they come
> here
> at a time when Big Brother Guv’mint Welfare is not there to rescue them from
> immediate poverty, which we all know is an excuse for violent criminal
> behavior.
>Poor people and new immigrants to this country are really peace-loving
> pacifists, but they are forced into a life of violent crime by evil Capitalist
> Americans
> who seek only to take advantage of them. The answer to this is a more
> socialist
> America, where no one is allowed to have more stuff than another (Hollyweird
> Capitalists excepted). I know this, because Hollyweird tells me so.
>Old Irish saying #2: Go maire sibh bhur saol nua (May you enjoy your
> new life).
>It is odd, however, to see a Hollyweird movie touch on the fact that
> not
> everyone in the North in 1863 liked President Abe Lincoln. He was, in fact,
> heartily
> made fun of and often looked at as a fool for usurping the Constitution of the
> United
> States by not recognizing the Southern States’ right to secede. Newspapers of
> the
> day wrote articles scorning Lincoln’s famed Gettysburg Address for
> inaccuracies and
> political puffery. It was not for another 60 years – long after everyone who
> actually
> knew ol’ dishonest Abe was long since dead – that history-revisionists rewrote
> Lincoln into hero status. People in the North and the South in 1863 knew that
> the
> War Between The States was unnecessary. For a great book that makes the case
> for Southern secession, check out When In The Course Of Human Events, by
> Charles Adams. He really rips into the Gettysburg Address in that one.
>The PC pops out of Gangs O’NY like a cork from an Irish whiskey bottle.
> In this
> story, there are good drunken Irishmen and bad drunken Irishmen. Only the bad
> drunken Irishmen say scurrilous things about President Lincoln. One of them
> even
> throws a knife at Lincoln’s picture; lodging a meat cleaver smack dab in the
> middle of
> Abe’s bushy eyebrows. These are the same bad drunken Irishmen who do not want
> anymore foreigners – Irish or otherwise – to land on the shores of the mighty
> USA.
> Bill The Butcher is the leader of these “Natives.” Natives as in the real
> definition of
> Native American; i.e., one who is born on American soil. I’m surprised that
> the
> Hollyweird PC thought-police let that one slip through.
>Old Irish saying #3: Fad saol agat, gob fliuch, agus bas in Eirinn
> (Long life to
> you, a wet mouth, and death in Ireland).
>Additionally, the good-guy drunken Irishmen befriend a black man. The

[CTRL] Israelis Execute 8 Yr Old Boy Terrorist

2002-12-30 Thread flw
-Caveat Lector-

Monday, December 30, 2002 Tevet 25, 5763
Israel Time:  04:53  (GMT+2)

Two Palestinian children killed in territories by IDF

By Amos Harel and Arnon Regular

 Cameraman Taner Ziara being led to an ambulance after being hit by an IDF
bullet yesterday in Gaza.
(Photo: AP)

Two Palestinian children were killed by the Israel Defense Forces in the
territories yesterday, an eight-year-old boy and a nine-year-old girl.

Also yesterday, a cameraman on assignment for Associated Press Television
News was injured when IDF forces fired warning shots at demonstrators
approaching a checkpoint in the Gaza Strip.

In the West Bank village of Dura, on the outskirts of Hebron, IDF troops
arrested three Islamic Jihad activists suspected of belonging to the
terrorist cell responsible for the attack on the West Bank settlement of
Otniel on Friday night, which killed four Israelis.

In Gaza, two IDF soldiers were wounded overnight on Saturday by an antitank
rocket fired at the armored vehicle in which they were traveling near
Rafah, on the Israeli-Egyptian border. One of the soldiers suffered
light-to-moderate injuries while the other was lightly wounded. The two
were taken to Soroka Medical Center in Be'er Sheva.

In the West Bank city of Tul Karm, 8-year-old Abdel Karim Salameh was
killed by a shot to the head, according to the director of the town's
hospital, Dr. Ahmed Abu Baker. A second boy, aged 11, was injured by a
rubber-coated steel bullet in the leg, the director said.

Palestinian witnesses had charged that Salameh was killed by a tank shell.

An IDF spokesman said that the soldiers had fired rubber bullets and used
tear gas to disperse stone-throwing youths. Senior IDF officers said there
was no tank fire in the area of the incident.

The nine-year-old girl was killed overnight on Saturday as she stood
outside her home in a refugee camp near Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip.
Military sources said that soldiers had responded to gunfire from the area
of the incident.

AP cameraman Taner Ziara was injured by a ricochet while covering a protest
march by about 150 Palestinians and foreign supporters. The demonstrators
marched toward an IDF military checkpoint to protest restrictions on
Palestinian movement. When the supporters were about 50 meters away from
the checkpoint, soldiers fired to keep the marchers away. According to
Mohammed al-Hawaja, one of the organizers of the march, a ricochet hit
Ziara in the head.

Ziara was taken to nearby Rafah Hospital. Doctors there said the bullet cut
the back of Ziara's head, but that he was in stable condition.

The protest took place at a checkpoint on the outskirts of the Mowasi area,
near the Gush Katif settlement bloc. Mowasi, home to tens of thousands of
Palestinians, has come under especially severe restrictions in the past 27
months of fighting because of its proximity to the settlements. Residents
can pass through checkpoints only with special permits and Mowasi is
off-limits to visitors.

An attempt by a terrorist to infiltrate Kiryat Arba was thwarted by the
West Bank settlement's security patrol overnight on Saturday, Israel Radio
reported. According to the report, the Kiryat Arba security officer saw a
suspicious figure approaching the southern entrance to the security fence
and fired in the air. An exchange of fire ensued and additional security
forces arrived at the scene, but the gunman apparently fled the area.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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2002-12-30 Thread Nessie SFBG
-Caveat Lector-


CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] GeneticEngineering.net - Seeds of Secrecy

2002-12-30 Thread Steve Wingate
-Caveat Lector-

--- Forwarded message follows ---

The Mexican government has tried to silence scientists who discovered
genetically modified corn where it doesn't belong.

by Kristi Coale, MotherJones.com, May/June 2002

GeneticEngineering.net - Seeds of Secrecy


--- End of forwarded message ---

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so
long as I'm the dictator."

 -GW Bush during a photo-op with Congressional leaders on
12/18/2000. As broadcast on CNN and available in transcript on
their website http://www.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0012/18/nd.01.html

Steve Wingate, Webmaster

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] "Attack of the Violent Vaudevillians"

2002-12-30 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-

URL @ Bottom

Politically Incorrect Movie Reviews
Gangs of New York
by RadioFree Rocky D
Published 12. 29. 02 at 19:15 Sierra Time

Leonardo DiCaprio (Amsterdam) – pouting, scowling, violent drunken Irishman.

Daniel Day Lewis (Bill The Butcher) – knife-wielding violent drunken Irishman.

Cameron Diaz (Jenny) – cleavage-wielding violent drunken Irishwoman.

Liam Neeson (Priest) – cross-wielding violent drunken Irishman.

Brendan Gleeson (McGinn) – cudgel-wielding drunken Irishman.

Henry Thomas (Johnny) – tattletale drunken Irishman.

Micheal Byrne (Horace Greeley) – Abe Lincoln’s buddy who publishes stories about

Jim Broadbent (Boss Tweed) – crooked politician drunken Irishmen.

Roger Ashton Griffiths (P.T Barnum) – knows there’s a drunken Irishman born every

 Charles Dickens meets Braveheart in 19th century New York City as the
biggest, bloodiest and bawdiest movie of the year, Gangs Of New York hits the
screen harder than a right uppercut from an irate Irishman. The year is 1863, and in
New York City all the Irishmen are drunken clods who beat the stuffin’s out of one
another, the streets are caked with blood and crowded with prostitutes, the politicians
are corrupt, the cops are on the take and all the New Yorkers are racists. So
basically, what I’m saying here is that in 140 years not much changed.

   Old Irish saying #1: Fad saol agat, gob fliuch, agus bas in Eirinn 
(Long life
to you, a wet mouth, and death in Ireland).

 Gangs O’NY is easily the bloodiest film to come out of Hollyweird’s 
whitey-factory in a long time (not including slasher films, which are supposed to be
that way). Don’t dare blink while watching Gangs O’NY or you may miss another
incensed Irishman whacking some other oafish Irishman upside his noggin or slicing
him up like corned beef. These are the immigrants and the sons of immigrants from
Northwest Europe, and we all know how evil those places are. Plus, they come here
at a time when Big Brother Guv’mint Welfare is not there to rescue them from
immediate poverty, which we all know is an excuse for violent criminal behavior.

 Poor people and new immigrants to this country are really peace-loving
pacifists, but they are forced into a life of violent crime by evil Capitalist 
who seek only to take advantage of them. The answer to this is a more socialist
America, where no one is allowed to have more stuff than another (Hollyweird
Capitalists excepted). I know this, because Hollyweird tells me so.

 Old Irish saying #2: Go maire sibh bhur saol nua (May you enjoy your new 

 It is odd, however, to see a Hollyweird movie touch on the fact that not
everyone in the North in 1863 liked President Abe Lincoln. He was, in fact, heartily
made fun of and often looked at as a fool for usurping the Constitution of the United
States by not recognizing the Southern States’ right to secede. Newspapers of the
day wrote articles scorning Lincoln’s famed Gettysburg Address for inaccuracies and
political puffery. It was not for another 60 years – long after everyone who actually
knew ol’ dishonest Abe was long since dead – that history-revisionists rewrote
Lincoln into hero status. People in the North and the South in 1863 knew that the
War Between The States was unnecessary. For a great book that makes the case
for Southern secession, check out When In The Course Of Human Events, by
Charles Adams. He really rips into the Gettysburg Address in that one.

 The PC pops out of Gangs O’NY like a cork from an Irish whiskey bottle. In 
story, there are good drunken Irishmen and bad drunken Irishmen. Only the bad
drunken Irishmen say scurrilous things about President Lincoln. One of them even
throws a knife at Lincoln’s picture; lodging a meat cleaver smack dab in the middle of
Abe’s bushy eyebrows. These are the same bad drunken Irishmen who do not want
anymore foreigners – Irish or otherwise – to land on the shores of the mighty USA.
Bill The Butcher is the leader of these “Natives.” Natives as in the real definition of
Native American; i.e., one who is born on American soil. I’m surprised that the
Hollyweird PC thought-police let that one slip through.

 Old Irish saying #3: Fad saol agat, gob fliuch, agus bas in Eirinn (Long life 
you, a wet mouth, and death in Ireland).

 Additionally, the good-guy drunken Irishmen befriend a black man. The bad-
guy drunken Irishmen hang them. Yeesh. I’m guessing Spike Lee wrote that part in.
This, of course, entitles this lone minority the sacred minority status; wherein he 
be endowed with angelic qualities.

The drunken Irishmen who were born in the USA and who want to stop massive
immigration are portrayed as racist-bigot-sexist-homophobic-xenophobes. Even the
wealthier of the “Natives” have abusive and exploitive plans for these new American

 Bad immigrant-exploiting whitey

[CTRL] Nazi bear

2002-12-30 Thread Euphorian
-Caveat Lector-


Nazi bear a cultural boo-boo

Canadian Press

Sunday, December 29 – Online Edition, Posted at 9:38 PM EST

Montreal — A cross-cultural misunderstanding about one of the

world's oldest religious symbols might be at the heart of the mystery that had "Nazi"
pandas popping out of Christmas crackers.

Last Friday, a Lachine, Que., manufacturer of the festive crackers was horrified to
learn that a northern Alberta couple celebrating Christmas found tiny plastic panda
bears with swastikas on military- style caps in their Christmas crackers.

In the Western world, the swastika is indelibly linked to Adolf Hitler, Nazi Germany
and the horrors practised by that regime. Martin Walpert — president of Lachine's
Walpert Industries Inc., where crackers are a family tradition and business — was
already well aware of this.

But as the businessman's investigation into the suspected sabotage of his crackers
quickly revealed, the Nazis had appropriated the swastika, a symbol still widely used
in several major religions, including Buddhism.

In China, where Walperts' crackers are made, the swastika has become an icon and
denotes, among other things, prosperity.

"I'm becoming something of an expert on the swastika," said Mr. Walpert, who was
alerted to the symbol's wider significance by a Chinese friend.

The tale began when Mr. Walpert's firm bought a supply of another Chinese icon —
the panda bear — to include with jokes and other tiny items in 1,350 boxes of
crackers. The pandas Mr. Walpert approved were unadorned, he said.

But if a few swastika-bearing pandas made it onto the production line, Chinese
workers probably wouldn't find anything amiss, Mr. Walpert said.

"They sure as heck know what the Buddhist symbol is and that, in their mind, is not
going to be offensive," Mr. Walpert said.

"What they saw was a panda bear and a [positive] symbol. That's the innocence of
it," said Mr. Walpert who thinks — and hopes — that no more than 10 swastika-
bearing pandas got into the mix.

Nonetheless, Mr. Walpert intends to get to the bottom of the matter and to ensure it
doesn't happen again.

"It doesn't matter that it is a Buddhist symbol. It matters that it is interpreted [in
countries such as Canada] as a negative image," he said.

The Nazi panda controversy suggests that we in the global village can be more
attuned to our neighbours, said Laurence Nixon, chairman of the religion department
at Montreal's Dawson College.

In Hinduism and Buddhism, the swastika "has absolutely no connotation of
nationalism, socialism, much less anti-Semitism," Prof. Nixon said.

According to Prof. Nixon and a wide array of solid reference material about religious
symbols, the swastika — which appears in both left- handed and right-handed
versions, each with different meanings — has had an interesting history.

It has been found in almost every ancient and primitive cult all over the world, 
up among the Hindus, the Celts, the Germanic peoples and in central Asia as well as
in pre-Columbus America.

The Encyclopedia Britannica refers to the swastika as the Crux Gammata, a pre-
Christian cross composed of four Greek capitals of the letter gamma.

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Do not believe simply because it has been handed down for
many generations. Do not believe in anything simply because
it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything
simply because it is written in Holy Scriptures. Do not believe
in anything merely on the authority of Teachers, elders or wise
men. Believe only after careful observation and analysis, when
you find that it agrees with reason and is conducive to the good
and benefit of one and all.  Then accept it and live up to it."
The Buddha on Belief, from the Kalama Sutta
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
"War is the health of the state.  It automatically sets in motion
throughout society these irresistible forces for uniformity, for
passionate cooperation with the government in coercing into
obedience the minority groups and individuals w