[CTRL] Waking The Left Up To Skull And Bones

2004-10-07 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-
Waking The Left Up To Skull And Bones
By Chuck Zlatkin
The world is still here, so I can continue to wonder about how my
friends, who once agonized about having to vote for John Kerry, and are
now happy about voting for him. I think when you have the need to be on
the winning side against Bush; you can even convince yourself that you
really like him. Kerry supported the war in Iraq, along with NAFTA,
GATT, the WTO, the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, the
Telecommunications Act of 1996 and so on and so forth. Kerry is called a
liberal as Clinton was, but really he follows the Democratic Leadership
Council line. That line was once called Republican. It will be a heavy
price to pay when John Kerry,s version of anybody but Bush, turns out to
be surprisingly close to the original.
I will assume that you are really knowledgeable about the issues. I am
confused as to how are you not terribly concerned about the fact that
both George W. Bush and John F. Kerry are blood brothers in the most
exclusive secret society?
The Skull and Bones Society admits only fifteen new members each year.
So if you figure that the average new member is 21 years old when tapped
there can,t even be as many as 800 living members in the world.
What is the population of the United States now? According to the Census
Bureau PopClock at http://www.census.gov/main/www/popclock.html the
current population is 294,423,981.
Do you really think that the odds would point to the two presidential
candidates coming from the same secret society with not even 800 living
When I talk to people about this I always ask them how much they really
know about the Skull and Bones Society? They usually say not that much.
Most people that I know are left of center and so am I. But being left
of center didn,t stop me from reading Fleshing Out Skull and Bones:
Investigation Into America,s Most Powerful Secret Societies by Antony
Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Milligan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin 
Webster Griffin Tarpley, Edited by Kris Milligan. Published 2003.
Last night Norman Nobody Sommer called me. He is the founder and
president of the Umbrella Movement to Counteract the Right. Its web site
is www.therightiswrong.us and you might see why what he has to say
interests me (at least Alan Colmes credited me when he lifted my name).
Sommer claims he got the phrase from his granddaughter and it was all
innocent. As Sommer pitched me to get involved with his movement, I got
into conversation with him about Kerry. Sommer is an erudite,
politically astute gentleman. But when I asked him how much he knew
about the Skull and Bones society, he mentioned that he didn,t know
much. I,m going to send him a copy of Milligan,s book.
When it comes to understanding who the powers-that-be are and what they
do, I have found much valuable information from the work of Alex Jones.
Jones uncovers plenty. He filmed inside the Bohemian Grove compound
showing all the world what depravity goes on there. I would recommend
going to Alex Jones two websites www.infowars.com and
www.prisonplanet.com to witness for yourself what Jones make available
to you. I would also suggest seeing American Dictators by Alex Jones
and Kevin Booth. In this videotape Jones makes a strong argument that we
are a lot further along the road to fascism than most of us want to admit.
Alex Jones is a broadcaster out of Austin, Texas. I,m afraid that too
many people on the left are unable to hear what Jones is telling them.
Alex Jones is a 2nd Amendment, anti-abortion, United Nations-fearing,
Christian patriot. He also is unrelenting in his quest for the truth
about those who wish to enslave us. Jones,s personal beliefs didn't stop
Cynthia McKinney from respecting him for the truth that he has
unearthed, and it doesn,t stop me, either.
I would submit to you that requiring people to pass litmus tests before
we allow them to share truth with us, is a true failing of much of the
left. I remember when George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography by
Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin was originally published, many
people on the left doubted the work or ignored it completely because of
the authors rumored association with Lyndon Larouche. How foolish.
Tarpley and Chaitkin,s work was groundbreaking. You can check it out for
yourself. It is available for free on the web at
http://www.tarpley.net/bushb.htm and by the way Lyndon Larouche is
supporting Kerry.
I haven,t really changed, in the sense that I still feel much more
comfortable with sources from the left. But what am I supposed to do
when Noam Chomsky, Ronnie Dugger, Barbara Ehrenreich, Richard Falk, Jim
Hightower, Saul Landau, Michael Lerner, Manning Marable, Robert
McChesney, Marcus Raskin, Tim Robbins, Susan Sarandon, Studs Terkel,
Harvey Wasserman, and Howard Zinn have all joined the Kerry for
President movement?
I have been predicting that Kerry would be the 

Re: [CTRL] The Order of Skull Bones,CIA-Drugs and why Marijuanais'illegal.' - 2003 Cann

2003-11-14 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

 Original Message 
Subject: [blue honey] Jack Herer and James Arthur Cannabis Cup Nov. 20th 2003
Date: Fri, 14 Nov 2003 05:54:12 -
From: toosirius666 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Jack Herer and James Arthur Cannabis Cup Nov. 20th 2003

LIVE From Amsterdam Cannabis Cup (This year it is themed as the
Conspiracy Cup). Jack Herer is being inducted into the Counter
Culture Hall of Fame (He also received earlier this year the NORML
lifetime achievement award) he was awarded Man of The Century from
High Times Magazine for uncovering the greatest conspiracy of all
time (The Conspiracy against Hemp/Marijuana) in Dec 1999. Jack herer
has been working with James Arthur on a new beek entitled  The Most
High, Plants of The Gods, an Exploration into The End Of The World ,
As You Know It. Check out the links below.

Amsterdam Cannabis Cup


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] The Order of Skull Bones,CIA-Drugs and why Marijuana is'illegal.' - 2003 Cann

2003-11-13 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Congratulations, you lucky f*ck!

Kris Millegan wrote:

 Howdy One and All,

 I shall be at the High Times 2003 Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam,Netherlands on
 Tuesday, November 25th at 1:00 p.m. for a  presentation,The Order of Skull 
 Bones, CIA-Drugs and why Marijuana is'illegal.' 2003 Cannabis Cup Schedule

 Stop by if you can. It shall be my first time in Amsterdam.

 Kris Millegan
 Fleshing Out Skull  Bones

If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for
drugs, we should test them for. . . greed and love of power. - P.J. O'Rourke

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] The Corporate Media abandons the sinking Ship-of-Fools in Washington

2003-11-12 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

The Corporate Media abandons the sinking Ship-of-Fools in Washington
by Les Blough 11-11-2003, 09:44

The real story in the New York Times article about Paul Bremer's complaints
about the media is not just about a political bum moaning about a great
media-watchdog - as the NYT would have us believe.

Quite the contrary. Lest we forget, - this same media about which Paul Bremer
bitterly complains - is the media that supported the war on Iraq until the
destruction was complete. The Neocons in Zionist think-tanks who served as
advisors to the Bush regime - engineered the war. The corporate media garnered
and maintained the support of the flag-waving U.S. population for the war.

The U.S. economy is weakened. The media is reporting a surging stock market
to be enjoyed by the rich. - while the national debt grows to burden future
generations of young American taxpayers and joblessness, homelessness,
personal bankruptcies, home foreclosures and living-on-debt become a
fact-of-life for the bourgeois and poor. Funds have been diverted from
education, healthcare and support for our poor to war on others.

The assault on civil liberties in the U.S. is now institutionalized in the
Homeland Security Act. U.S. soldiers are being critically wounded and dying
in Iraq in increasing numbers. And U.S. citizens are enjoying the status of the
most hated people in the world. Ordinary Muslims and Arabs have been
successfully villainized by a new, virulent, media-driven racism.

The Zionists have been given the greenlight for escalated atrocities,
destruction and land-theft in Palestine. The guns are cocked in other
Middle-Eastern nations and Russia.

The Middle East is now destabilized. Israel is prowling the seas with
submarines equipped with America's nuclear warheads. Israel has
cash-on-demand as never before at the U.S. Congressional ATM.

$$Billions are tucked away in the coffers of the corrupt Rebuild Iraq
corporations and the industrial military complex. Iraq and Afghanistan -
whatever their prewar conditions - have been destroyed as a nation with tens
of thousands of Afgans and Iraqis dead and maimed, their infrastructure in
ruins, their way of life turned to chaos and anarchy, tribal wars, chaos and
heroin thriving in Afghanistan, Iraq's antiquities looted by foreigners and
their proud history - as humans - our history - the cradle of civilization -

Now this same corporate-media - distances itself from the war it wanted all
along, burning it's U.S. and U.K. lapdog-governments along the way - with
headlines that scream about the injustice of this ill-conceived, criminal war
against the sovereign nations of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Justification for pre-emptive wars has been established as a valid way of
dealing with conflict for all nations. The world may be skirting the edges of
thermonuclear war and anyone who says so is marginalized by the media as a
conspiracy-kook. In the article cited above, the New York Times has it both
ways - preserving it's status as a watchdog, victimized by Bremer and
Bush-administration, but also selling the propaganda for the regime in
Washington that things aren't as bad as they seem to be in Iraq.

So I ask, - What did Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rumsfield, Ashcroft, Bremer crowd
think? - Were they really stupid enough to believe that the media who helped
them get appointed by the U.S. Supreme Court - would remain on-board and go
down with the sinking ship-of-fools in Washington?

Throw the Bush regime out of Washington in 2004? Of course! But make no
mistake, whatever regime takes their place - Republican or Democrat - it will
be owned and operated by the same neocons and their media backers who
managed the Bush regime.

Do we really want to address the atrocities of the U.S. government in the
Middle East? Are we willing to pay the price for real change? If our answer is
Yes! to these questions, we will not have it by voting for the next corrupt
politician offered to us by this corporate owned democracy in 2004. We will
only have it by turning out en-masse on Pennsylvania Avenue.

Watch for the next national protest and march against Washington. Even if you
have never participated in a political demonstration before, make plans to be

Les Blough is an editor at Axis of Logic - a webiste committed to publishing
news and commentary that is often not presented in the major news outlets. The
website can be visited at www.axisoflogic.com

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the 

[CTRL] Outsourcing is tantamount to legalized slave labor

2003-11-12 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-


American Workers can safely say, Bye, Bye to the Slice of the American Pie
Norma Sherry

11/11/03: (ICH) I’m just going to blurt it out; tell it like it is. In the
words of the venerable, Walter Cronkite, “that’s the way it is”. Here it is
folks; outsourcing is tantamount to legalized slave labor.

Of course, it’s much more than that to the American worker. Ask anyone who is
out of work, out of unemployment, on the verge of losing their home and all
that they worked for and thought was their American dream come true. Their jobs
by the multi-millions have left the shores of the U.S. for greener, cheaper
labor. Slave labor.

A dollar an hour versus twenty-five or fourteen, or even ten, you figure the
math, big business, not-so-big business, even the little businesses are moving
in droves to lands faraway. The problem with doing so, however, is

For the millions of American workers who have lost their jobs, the prospects
are very dim. Jody, who has worked as an IT professional for twenty years, lost
her job when her company outsourced its workforce to a foreign land and foreign
workers. In five months, she hasn’t been interviewed even once despite her very
marketable skills. When her unemployment runs out, she fears she’ll have no
recourse but to sell their home.

Beverly says, “I completed my graduate degree in engineering and truly thought
that I was living the American dream.” That is until three years ago when she
and her co-workers watched as the jobs dwindled down and were shipped first to
Mexico and then elsewhere. All the years of bettering herself, securing her
future in the finality were measured in her ability to instruct her replacement
to do her job. Humiliation and degradation were her reward.

Fern was in healthcare for thirty years. She watched as nursing jobs were given
to immigrant nurses rather than American graduates. Sadly, she laments
observing sweet, dedicated and idealistic young women she trained become
hardened and embittered.

How did this happen. Where were we? Did we have our heads buried in the sand?
Or were we preoccupied with the realities of everyday life? Perhaps that’s what
our policy makers counted on. But I can tell you one thing for certain. It
didn’t happen overnight.

In fact, it began to surface in the late 70’s championed by the very
conservative Heritage Foundation. Under the auspices of President Ronald
Reagan, free trade “throughout the hemisphere” was borne.

But truth be known, the seeds were sown long before Ronald Reagan. Richard
Milhous Nixon was the first President given authority in the 1974 Fast Track
Bill. It was awarded every president thereafter through 1998.

Fast Track gives the President sole authority over trade negotiations.
Congress, after the fact, can accept or reject the negotiation, but it cannot
amend it in any way whatsoever. In effect, Fast Track effectively removes
Congress from the process of world trade negotiations.

Ronald Reagan, however, was the first to propose a free trade agreement in his
1980 presidential campaign. Proudly, The Heritage Foundation boasts its role in
articulating President Reagan’s vision in no less than three dozen reports.

The Heritage Foundation predicted that free trade would, “over a fifteen-year
time span, create the world's largest market: some 360 million people, with an
economic output of more than $6 trillion a year.” Moreover, they asserted that
NAFTA would guarantee that American workers would remain the most competitive
in the world. That American consumers would continue to have access to the
world's finest goods and services.

They also emphasized that NAFTA would assure Americans cheaper goods while
increasing U.S. exports to the rest of the world. Moreover, the American
workforce was told NAFTA would stimulate and create an estimated 200,000 jobs

Later, The Heritage Foundation wrote, “Economists are virtually unanimous in
their conclusion that the NAFTA will have a strongly positive impact on job
growth throughout the US, with most estimates in the hundreds of thousands.”
They also predicted NAFTA would effectively reduce illegal immigration from
Mexico, would be instrumental in tackling drug trafficking, would strengthen
Mexican democracy and human rights, and above all else, would serve as a model
for the rest of the world. It all sounded so cheeky.

Lofty predilections. The only aspect that has proven true for Americans is
“cheaper goods.” Instead of the 200,000 promised new jobs yearly for Americans,
American workers are losing their jobs – to date, conservatively speaking by
2.7 million. The rate of which is growing steadily. As a matter of fact,
200,000 additional jobs were lost to American workers in September alone.
However, The Heritage Foundation and the Office of the US Trade Representative
(USTR) say the converse is true.


Re: [CTRL] December 8, 2002

2003-11-11 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Eric Stewart wrote:


 Sunday, 8 December, 2002, 01:22 GMT
 Israel 'faked al-Qaeda presence'

 Officials from the Palestinian Authority have accused the Israeli spy
 agency Mossad of setting up a fake al-Qaeda terrorist cell in Gaza.

In George Orwell's 1984, the state aka Big Brother needed an enemy to keep
the population scared and obedient. Lacking an enemy who was credible as a
threat without actually being one, the state invented Emmanuel Goldstein, a
fictitious enemy splashed across the view-screens as a target for the public
two minute hate.

Orwell wrote 1984 as a warning of the depths that governments would sink to
to maintain power. And, it appears that he was correct if underscoring the
creation of fake villains.


The above photo is of the arrest of an Al Qaeda cell in Palestine. Surprise,
surprise, the arrested men turned out to be working for Israel's Mossad, tasked
with CREATING an Al Qaeda menace where none actually existed. This raises the
interesting question that if at least SOME of Al Qaeda are Mossad, what if they
all are? Just as Big Brother needed Emmanuel Goldstein to justify its policies,
so to does the US and Israel NEED an Al Qaeda to justify expansion into
oil-rich Arab nations. As this Christian Science Monitor article suggests, the
claim of a unified Al Qaeda may be a manufactured myth, as fake as Saddam's
nuclear bombs. - M. R. whatreallyhappened.com

Mossad Exposed In Phony 'Palestinian Al Qaeda' Caper
by Michele Steinberg, Tuesday, February 11, 2003

BY WAY OF DECEPTION by Justin Raimondo
Israel pulls a fast one – and gets caught

Did Jewish Diamond Merchants, Israeli Arm Smugglers and Jewish/Russian Mobsters
Finance Al Qaeda?
And if they did, doesn't it support the theory that, like the cell arrested in
Palestine, Al Qaeda is a Mossad operation. - M. R.

Does Al-Qaida exist?

An Al Qaeda magazine? Tell me another one.

Disinformation Busted! CIA posing as Al Qaeda muslamaniacs at jihadunspun.com


Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear -- kept us in a
continuous stampede of patriotic fervor -- with the cry of grave national
emergency... Always there has been some terrible evil to gobble us up if we did
not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant sums demanded. Yet, in
retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have
been quite real. --General Douglas MacArthur

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence
clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of
hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. --H.L. Mencken

The people never give up their liberty but under some delusion.
--Edmund Burke

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Rothschilds Conduct 'Red Symphony' - The 20th Century Unveiled

2003-11-10 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-


Makow - Rothschilds Conduct 'Red Symphony'
The 20th Century Unveiled
By Henry Makow PhD

Incredible and bizarre as it sounds, humanity is indeed the victim of a
diabolical conspiracy.

War, depression and genocide in the past century were not accidental or
inevitable but the result of a malevolent design.

Shocking evidence is a 1938 Stalinist police (NKVD) interrogation of a founder
of the Communist International, Christian G. Rakovsky, 65, who was facing the
firing squad for plotting to overthrow Stalin.

 The 50-page transcript of his interrogation, dubbed The Red Symphony, was
not meant to become public. It confirms that the Rothschild-Illuminati planned
to use Communism to establish a world dictatorship of the super rich.

This is perhaps the most explosive political document in modern history. It
reveals why the Illuminati financed Hitler and then tried to destroy him, and
why Stalin made a pact with Hitler in 1939.

Christian Rakovsky was a veteran Communist insider. Born Chaim Rakeover in
1873, he studied medicine in France before becoming a revolutionary. He was the
leader of a terror group that attacked government officials.

In 1919, Lenin put him in charge of the Soviet Ukraine government. He
successfully kept the area for the Bolsheviks during the Civil War. Stalin
appointed him Russian ambassador to Paris in 1925,

Rakovsky belonged to the powerful Trotskyite faction that took their orders
from the Rothschilds. Many of this group were shot in Stalin's 1937 Communist
Party purge.


Thus, the circumstances of the midnight interrogation Jan. 26, 1938 were very

What could Rakovsky say that would save his life?

Rakovsky appears to use the tactic of deceiving with the truth. He wins trust
by revealing the truth but leaves some of it out. He tries to impress Kus'min
that he and Trotsky represent an invincible power he calls the
Capitalist-Communist Financial International.

He confirms that the revolutionary movement was designed to enlist support by
pretending to serve mankind's moral and collective ideals. The real aim,
however, is to divide society, undermine established authority and create
totalitarian rule.

Revolution really means, overturning Western civilization.

Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic
phenomena of the bourgeois states are only its consequences, Rakovsky says.
(Griffin, p. 264)

Peace is counter-revolutionary since it is war that paves the way for

Rakovsky refers to the Illuminati as they or them. He claims he does not
know them but I suspect he does.

He explains that the Illuminati is a Masonic secret society dedicated to
Communism. Significantly, its founder Adam Weishaupt took the name from the
second anti-Christian conspiracy of that era, gn
osticism. (249)


The interrogator was one of Stalin's cleverest agents, Gavriil Kus'min known as
Apart from him and a hidden sound technician, a doctor Jose Landowsky was the
only other person present.

Conscripted by the NKVD to help loosen the tongues of detainees, Dr.
Landowsky was sickened by the many tortures he witnessed.

The interrogation of Rakovsky, however, was cordial. Dr. Landowsky doubts if
the mild euphoric he put in Rakovsky's drink had much effect.

The interrogation, conducted in French lasted from midnight until 7 a.m. After,
Kus'min ordered Landowsky to translate the interview into Russian and make two

The content was so mind boggling that Landowsky made an additional carbon for
himself. I am not sorry that I had the courage for this, he wrote. (279) (The
Bolsheviks had shot Landowsky's father, a Tsarist colonel, during the 1917

A Spanish volunteer later found the manuscript on Landowsky's dead body in a
hut on the Petrograd front during World War Two. He took it back to Spain where
it was published as Sinfonia en Rojo Mayo. in 1949.

A person with the nickname Yamaguchi has posted the first half of Red
Symphony on the Internet at http://yamaguchy.netfirms.com/symphony/red1.html

The whole transcript was published in English in 1968 as The Red Symphony:
X-Ray of Revolution. You can find it in Des Griffin's Fourth Reich of the
Rich. (1988) I recommend this book.


Rakovsky gives his interrogator an astonishing inside view of modern history in
order to prove that his sponsors control the world.

Money is the basis of power, Rakovsky says, and the Rothschilds manufacture
it thanks to the banking system.

The Revolutionary Movement was an attempt by Meyer Rothschild and his allies
to protect and extend this monopoly by establishing a New World Order using the
revolutionary movement.

According to Rakovsky, The Rothschilds were not the treasurers, but the chiefs
of that first secret Communism...Marx and the highest chiefs of the First

Re: [CTRL] Sept. 11 panel to subpoena NORAD

2003-11-09 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Eric Stewart wrote:


 Sept. 11 panel to subpoena NORAD
 Air defense command promised records but didn’t deliver

9/11 inquiry subpoenas Pentagon

A United States federal commission investigating the 11 September 2001 attacks
has voted to subpoena the Pentagon.

The panel said they were dismayed that documents they had requested about the
country's air defences on the day of the attack had not been provided.

They subpoenaed the Federal Aviation Administration last month, accusing the
organisation of slowing down their inquiry.

The 10-member, bipartisan panel has until May to report on its investigation
into lapses in national security relating to the plane hijackings that led to
the deaths of about 3,000 people.

They had requested information from the North American Aerospace Defense
Command, Norad, which is responsible for protecting North American airspace.

Ministerial backing

The commission has encountered some serious delays in obtaining needed
documents from the Department of Defense, they said in a statement.

We are especially dismayed by problems in the production of the records of
activities of ... Norad and certain Air Force commands on September 11, 2001.

The commission has therefore voted to issue a subpoena requiring the
production of these records.

They issued a subpoena to the Federal Aviation Administration in October
requesting information on air traffic control tracking of hijacked aircraft.

Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was said to back the commission's request for

The commission has a statutory deadline to meet, said Defense Undersecretary
for Intelligence, Stephen Cambone.

The Secretary has directed that the department be responsive to held ensure
the commission can meet its deadlines.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] Iraq is not America's to sell

2003-11-08 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

They lacked legitimate authority to invade and occupy, why would they care
about having legitimate authority to loot and plunder? They're cowardly and
vicious, with no legal or moral scruples, only pretentions. Once one
understands this fact, the activities and motivations of these cheats,
and usurpers, and robbers, and murderers should be of no surprise:

200 Iraqi state companies would be privatised; decreed that foreign firms can
retain 100% ownership of Iraqi banks, mines and factories; and allowed these
firms to move 100% of their profits out of Iraq. The Economist declared the new
rules a capitalist dream.

Eric Stewart wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


 Iraq is not America's to sell
 International law is unequivocal - Paul Bremer's economic reforms are

 Naomi Klein
 Friday November 7, 2003
 The Guardian

 Bring Halliburton home. Cancel the contracts. Ditch the deals. Rip up the
 rules. Those are just a few of the suggestions for slogans that could help
 unify the growing movement against the occupation of Iraq. So far, activist
 debates have focused on whether the demand should be for a complete
 withdrawal of troops, or for the United States to cede power to the United

 But the troops out debate overlooks an important fact. If every last
 soldier pulled out of the Gulf tomorrow and a sovereign government came to
 power, Iraq would still be occupied: by laws written in the interest of
 another country; by foreign corporations controlling its essential
 services; by 70% unemployment sparked by public sector layoffs.

 Any movement serious about Iraqi self-determination must call not only for
 an end to Iraq's military occupation, but to its economic colonisation as
 well. That means reversing the shock therapy reforms that US occupation
 chief Paul Bremer has fraudulently passed off as reconstruction, and
 cancelling all privatisation contracts that are flowing from these reforms.

 How can such an ambitious goal be achieved? Easy: by showing that Bremer's
 reforms were illegal to begin with. They clearly violate the international
 convention governing the behaviour of occupying forces, the Hague
 regulations of 1907 (the companion to the 1949 Geneva conventions, both
 ratified by the United States), as well as the US army's own code of war.

 The Hague regulations state that an occupying power must respect unless
 absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country. The coalition
 provisional authority has shredded that simple rule with gleeful defiance.
 Iraq's constitution outlaws the privatisation of key state assets, and it
 bars foreigners from owning Iraqi firms. No plausible argument can be made
 that the CPA was absolutely prevented from respecting those laws, and yet
 two months ago, the CPA overturned them unilaterally.

 On September 19, Bremer enacted the now infamous Order 39. It announced
 that 200 Iraqi state companies would be privatised; decreed that foreign
 firms can retain 100% ownership of Iraqi banks, mines and factories; and
 allowed these firms to move 100% of their profits out of Iraq. The
 Economist declared the new rules a capitalist dream.

 Order 39 violated the Hague regulations in other ways as well. The
 convention states that occupying powers shall be regarded only as
 administrator and usufructuary of public buildings, real estate, forests
 and agricultural estates belonging to the hostile state, and situated in
 the occupied country. It must safeguard the capital of these properties,
 and administer them in accordance with the rules of usufruct.

 Bouvier's Law Dictionary defines usufruct (possibly the ugliest word in
 the English language) as an arrangement that grants one party the right to
 use and derive benefit from another's property without altering the
 substance of the thing. Put more simply, if you are a housesitter, you can
 eat the food in the fridge, but you can't sell the house and turn it into
 condos. And yet that is just what Bremer is doing: what could more
 substantially alter the substance of a public asset than to turn it into
 a private one?

 In case the CPA was still unclear on this detail, the US army's Law of Land
 Warfare states that the occupant does not have the right of sale or
 unqualified use of [non-military] property. This is pretty
 straightforward: bombing something does not give you the right to sell it.
 There is every indication that the CPA is well aware of the lawlessness of
 its privatisation scheme. In a leaked memo written on March 26, the British
 attorney general, Lord Goldsmith, warned Tony Blair that the imposition of
 major structural economic reforms would not be authorised by international

 So far, most of the controversy surrounding Iraq's reconstruction has
 focused on the waste and corruption in the awarding of contracts. This
 badly misses the scope of the violation: even if the sell-off of Iraq were

[CTRL] Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign

2003-11-08 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Sign, Sign, Everywhere A Sign!   Part 1
Free Press International
By Greg Ericson


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Activists Distribute Red Pill to Matrix Movie Goers

2003-11-06 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Activists Distribute Red Pill to Matrix Movie Goers
November 6, 2003

SAN FRANCISCO, A group of East Bay activists showed up at San Francisco movie
theaters yesterday to distribute red pills, or New World Order matrix cards, to
Matrix Revolutions’ moviegoers. The activists, known as Neo, Morpheus, Trinity
and Agent Smith, hit the Loews and the Coronet theaters with exhortations for
people to “take the red pill” and “learn about the REAL matrix that we live

The cards list twenty websites where people can learn about the New World Order
-- the World Bank, the neo-cons, privatization, militarization, enemy creation
and the corporate media -- and how these bodies and agents are working for
social and structural control the world and crafting the scenarios to make it

People in the lines enthusiastically started reading the cards including a
Trinity Trio, three women dressed in patent leather and dark sunglasses, who
instantly got the connection between the movie and the cards. “Oh, we know we
are living in another matrix. These are wonderful,” one Trinity said about the
cards.  http://sf.indymedia.org/uploads/matrixcard.jpg


Human salvation lies in the hands of the creatively maladjusted
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Shock And Awe Not Only For Iraqis

2003-11-06 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Shock And Awe Not Only For Iraqis
By Joan Veon

While Americans can't help but be fixated by America's Revolutionary military
operation called Shock and Awe, designed to render great physical and
psychological damage to the enemy by raining down a huge number of devastating
cruise missiles in a short period of time, most are not aware that Americans
are about to receive their own economic Shock and Awe. Many forget that while
Rome burned, Nero was busy deflecting attention away from the real center of

The front page of Saturday's Washington Post featured a huge picture showing
the burning of Baghdad with all but five percent of the front page devoted to
the war in Iraq. However, at the bottom was the bunker buster which will
shatter our own field of dreams here in America.

The Post reported that a few hours before the Senate action, the
House--meeting well past midnight on its version of the budget--voted 215 to
212 to approve Bush's full $726B tax cut request. Furthermore with the House
and Senate controlled by the GOP, it is expected that by Wednesday, a final
version of Bush's growth and stimulus bill will be ready.

Unfortunately, our government has not really made clear what this tax law is
all about. I consider this proposal to be the most heinous change as it will
destroy the ability of the middle class to sustain their economic power while
enhancing the upper classes.

If enacted, this legislation which will deliver the final blow to the ability
of Joe and Jane Average to get ahead. It should be pointed out that its title
is a misnomer. This plan will not stimulate the economy but will cause much
larger deficits, which will be borne by Americans as a result of the war, which
is being waged. According to many key economists, the proposed legislation will
change the ENTIRE TAX CODE OF AMERICA from a tax on income to a tax on
consumption. At this point in history, we are the only developed country not to
have this form of taxation which means Bush is globalizing our tax laws. In
other words, he is harmonizing our tax laws and system to conform to what the
major European industrial countries have. In my opinion, this basically will
set the platform for a global IRS.

Under this Value Added Tax-VAT, every time a purchase is made, there will be up
to a possible 27% tax on it. This tax will replace the tax on income, making
only consumption taxable while all forms of income are tax-free. For those who
have enough savings to live off of their income, this is a windfall, but for
those who have only debt with little or no savings, this will create a
financial burden equal to the Israelites having to make bricks without straw.

At the heart of this plan is the elimination of tax on corporate dividends.
Again, if you obtain your living from stock dividends, this will be like going
to heaven. No tax on INCOME--only a tax on what you buy. Let's look at three
different sets of individuals.

First we have Old Money Harry. He has never had to have a real job because he
gets his living from the family trust. All of the family assets--the fabulous
house, the cars, the summer homes, the yacht, the Mercedes and Rolls are held
by the family trust, along with title to three large commercial pieces of real
estate. Harry made several killings buying and selling real estate because the
gains were tax-free since they were inside the family trust. The only downside
is that the income from the trust is taxed. However, under the proposal to
reduce tax brackets from 38% to 21%, it won't hurt as much. Harry will have 17%
more to spend. Only what you buy--will be taxed, however, if you have it in a
trust--NO TAX. Old Money Harry will achieve growth unsurpassed under the
proposed tax stimulus plan, just like the Kennedy's the Rockefellers, the
Mellon's and anyone else with this arrangement.

Next are John and Jane Middleclass. Both have reasonably good jobs with
attractive incomes. They both have advanced degrees and live in the executive
home to match their rising social status. They lease a Lexus and Jaguar and
think nothing of packing up and going to Vale or to the Bahamas at a moments
notice. They have re-financed the house several times to add a new wing,
exceptional landscaping and a pool. While they know they are basically spending
everything they are bringing in, they rationalize by thinking about the rising
equity in their home and how much they will be able to cash out when they
retire. Unfortunately their 401k's got zapped during the NASDAQ crash.

Donnie and Susie Squeeze are twenty-five years old. Donnie served in the
military and works as a mechanic for the local Honda dealer. They have three
small children and Susie works part-time at the local grocery store. They are
saving for a down payment on a home and hope to send their kids to college if
they can afford it. Right now they are just barely making ends meet.

Re: [CTRL] Faction 2 3

2003-11-06 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Daniel Harrison wrote:

 Can anyone enlighten myself on the origans of Faction 2  3?


CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Billions are wondering why

2003-10-31 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Billions are wondering why
by John Kaminski

Several billion people in the world — including myself — are wondering why:

• America is hell-bent on destroying its own Constitution. The first Patriot
Act torpedoed most of it, but now the new Patriot Act II — currently under
wraps and about to be deployed secretly for a rigged vote in Congress —
actually contains a provision to revoke the citizenship of American citizens if
they are deemed to be connected with a terrorist organization. This decision
would require no proof, only an assertion by the government. It means that
people who attend peace protests are now eligible for indefinite detention
without access to lawyers or phone calls to family. To be clear, it means quite
literally that America is no longer a free country, and that its citizens are
no longer Constitutionally protected from arbitrary punishment by its war-mad

Several billion people don't understand why all Americans aren't out screaming
in the streets that their freedom has been taken away by rich fascists who
don't tell the truth about anything.

• Nobody is talking about the experiments by an Israeli astronaut that may have
brought down space shuttle Columbia. Despite controversial photos of lightning
hitting the craft, and knowledge that Ilan Ramon was working on a new way to
spy on Iraq, the phrase americium-242 — which is apparently the new
technology to take us to Mars — remains hidden from the public. As Yoichi Clark
Shimatsu wrote: The negative charge of the high-energy electron pulse from the
americium-242 would attract the positive charge of the gas plasma generated by
sprites (lightning is positive in the upper elevations)... A lightning burst
would account for the sudden surge in temperature, the immediate shutdown of
heat sensors and communications systems (why the ghostly last words were
never transmitted to NASA monitors), and for the tumbling that sent Columbia, a
flaming chariot of the heavens, to her doom. Ramon was testing an infrared spy
camera that can see through clouds.

• Anyone believes these terror alerts so frequently declared by the American
government. More people are beginning to notice that these things are called
for one of two reasons: either when some nasty bit of political revelation
threatens to further tarnish the already-trashed reputation of the Bush regime
— as most recently when Secretary of State Powell used plagiarized material to
impress the world about how dangerous Iraq was — or, when the Bush regime wants
to clandestinely sneak another repressive legislative measure past American's
comatose Congress, as it does now, with Patriot Act II. Because the spin-off
stories completely seize control of the attention of the prostituted major news
media, these terror alerts are clearly meant to distract the public from the
actual news, as in the current case, which is the dismantling of the
Constitution, and the continued cover-up of Bush financial crimes.

• There has never been an effort to investigate the events of 9/11 and explain
what happened on this sad day to the general public. Clearly most of the
several billion — including myself — believe that the reason is obvious:
because the people who did the crime are doing the cover-up. How else could
eight of the named hijackers still be alive? A good point made by a friend the
other day was that how could Osama bin Laden have been praising the devotion of
suicide hijackers when eight of them were still alive. Or how about: how does
Colin Powell already know what bin Laden is saying before the TV station which
is going to reveal the piece has done so? Did you know al-Jazeera used to be a
BBC outlet? Who is bin Laden, what is his purpose, and who does he really work
for? Um-hmm.

• Few people are raising questions about the obviously false statements we have
been told about 9/11? Why did it take 28 minutes for flight controllers to
notify NORAD two planes had been hijacked when the average time to do so in
such a case is 3 minutes? Why were fighters scrambled from a base 180 miles
away when seven other bases had fighter jets ready that could have done the job
in a fraction of the time? Why was FEMA in New York the night before the
crashes? Why did those fires at the base of the towers burn for 100 days? Why
did Bush read a book for a half hour when he knew two planes had hit and two
more were hijacked? Why was the bin Laden family flown out of the country when
all flights were grounded? Why did the FBI chief say we had no warning this was
coming and everybody else in the FBI say we had plenty of warning? Who did make
the millions of dollars from all those put options on two airlines the day
before the attacks? These are only a fraction of the questions the government
continues to cover up, as several billions of people know.

• All the targets of American aggression in recent history have been former
allies who were armed and 

[CTRL] Russia Ready to Vaporize the Jewish State

2003-10-29 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Russia Ready to Vaporize the Jewish State
And then kick America out of the Eastern Hemisphere’s oilfields
Copyright Joe Vialls, 28 October 2003

   During the Cold War of the sixties, the only thing stopping American
or Russian psychopaths from taking over the entire world was the doctrine of
Mutually Assured Destruction [MAD], where a multiple ICBM launch by America on
Russia or vice versa, would automatically lead to a “doomsday” response by the
nation under attack. Mutual destruction of both America and Russia was thereby
guaranteed, resulting in nearly thirty years of unprecedented peace and quiet,
caused solely by mutual nuclear fear.

About one month ago, Russia discreetly invoked MAD again, but this
time in the Middle East in direct response to hysterical Israeli threats to
nuke Iran with submarine-launched American Harpoon missiles. Quietly and with
the minimum of fuss, Russia deployed its most advanced tactical nuclear
missiles and crews to both Syria and Iran, thereby sending an unmistakable
diplomatic signal that if Israel attacked Tehran or Damascus with nuclear
weapons, Russia would in return instantly and anonymously vaporize the Jewish

This is not an idle or exaggerated threat. The Russian missile type
deployed in Syria and Iran is the P270 Moskit [Mosquito], known in NATO circles
as the SS-N-22 Sunburn, once described by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher as the most
dangerous anti-ship missile in the Russian, and now the Chinese, fleet.” The
ship borne version of this missile is launched from deck mounted quad tubes,
but since Rohrabacher made his comments, Russia has adapted the Sunburn for
submerged launch from submarines, air launch from Sukhoi 27s, and single
surface launch from modified 40’ flatbed trucks.  Nowadays, western defense
experts unambiguously view all versions of Sunburn as the “most dangerous
missiles in the world”.

   To see exactly how the Zionists drove us to this nuclear flash
point, it is necessary to go back a few years to discover how the Jewish State
managed to acquire sophisticated German submarine launch platforms, and
American nuclear-tipped Harpoon missiles, thereby allowing a bunch of psychotic
religious crazies in Tel Aviv to bring the Middle East, and perhaps the entire
world, to the very brink of thermonuclear war.

Around 1989 Israel was trying to replace its obsolescent Gal-class
submarine fleet, while simultaneously whining that it didn’t have the funds to
do so. Predictably perhaps, the Jewish State was looking for a free hand out.
Having failed to extract these big-ticket items as gifts from America, in 1991
Israel turned its sights on Germany, perpetually in moral debt to the Zionists
because of the brilliantly managed and highly successful holocaust industry.

After a pathetically short period of Zionist arm wrestling in
Berlin, Germany caved-in and agreed to build and provide the first two Dolphin
class submarines free of charge, and extend a loan to Israel for the third.
Naturally this loan was never repaid, meaning that German taxpayers had
unwittingly funded Israel’s entire submarine fleet, custom-designed to launch
nuclear-tipped missiles from specially designed torpedo tubes.

Obtaining the deadly American Harpoon missiles was relatively easy.
For decades American taxpayers have unwittingly provided the Jewish State with
enough free “expendable” munitions to crush the Palestinian people in their own
country, and the Harpoon missile is classed as an expendable munition. What
this means is that Harpoon falls into the same generic category as rifle
bullets and hand grenades, so Washington went ahead and gifted the Jewish State
with more than fifty nuclear-capable Harpoons.

The nuclear warheads for these missiles can be either American or
homegrown Dimona products, but no matter which, Israel had to make it known
that the nuclear capability was real, for there is no point making a nuclear
threat if you cannot back it up with real nuclear muscle. This was achieved by
leaking the information through high profile Israeli media assets, who
initially plastered the information all over the Internet. This completed stage
one of the exercise, which then had to be swiftly followed by a quasi-official
statement of absolute deniability. Think about this one carefully people, think
about it very carefully.

If Damascus or Tehran should suddenly turn into heat and light any
time soon, the Israelis will instantly get the blame, in the first place
because of their leaked high-profile threats, and secondly because of their
known hatred of anything even remotely related to Islam or Arabs. We did not
have very long to wait for this “on the record” deniability statement, which
was issued less than 24-hours after the initial threats.

Former Israeli deputy defence minister 

[CTRL] Too many Journalists parrot the establishment's spin on 9/11

2003-10-27 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Too many Journalists parrot the establishment's spin on 9/11
by Paul Donovan
(Friday, October 24, 2003)

The willingness of journalists to accepts the establishment's view of events
during and after 9/11 is truly staggering.

One of the major weaknesses of journalism today is how easily some are seduced
by power. The premier role of the journalist should be as a check on power;
however, many seem to turn this dictum on its head and seek greater job
satisfaction as parrots of the official truth.

Nowhere is this tendency more prevalent than amongst Parliamentary lobby
correspondents in Westminster. It has been the supine nature of many of these
individuals that has allowed the likes of Alastair Campbell and his cohorts to
become so powerful in spinning their version of events to the wider world.

There is much rubbish given our about spin when what it really amounts to is
putting an emphasis on a story that is favourable to a valued contact and
acceptable to the owner of the media organization concerned. The easiest
spinning comes, of course, when the interests of the source and the owner

The ease with which journalists are seduced by the powerful was nicely
illustrated recently by Simon Hoggart in the Guardian. Hoggart went into some
detail as to why Dr. David Kelly could not have been murdered. Justifying the
depth of his analysis, he stated I mention this only because the internet
mill, favoured by Michael Meacher in his researches into 9/11, will no doubt
grind out more conspiracy theories. Hoggart continued, confirming his touching
relationship with power, describing Lord Hutton's soft, educated almost
beguiling Ulster accent. In these few words Hoggart proved himself to be
completely taken in by the establishment figure whilst dismissing anyone, like
Meacher, who might suggest the whole train of events that led to wars in Iraq
and Afghanistan had more than a touch of coincidence to them.

For those who inhabit a world outside of the Parliamentary lobby, the views
expressed by Meacher as to the way the whole 9/11 scenario and what followed so
easily fitted with the Bush administration's agenda is anything but
conspiratorial. In his piece Meacher quoted from sources across the media
including the Times, the Daily Telegraph, Newsweek, the BBC and Time magazine.
His crime for establishment journalists is in putting together the various
pieces of information to come up with a credible rationale for what has
happened over the past two years. The fact that the account seems so incredible
is reflective of how poorly others have done their jobs in terms of informing
the public.

Meacher is not the first to raise questions regarding the sequence of events
post-9/11. John Pilger and Noam Chomsky have consistently exposed the truth and
put the sequence of events of the past two years in context. Another is
American writer (and confidante of the late President John F. Kennedy), Gore
Vidal, who in the Observer last year suggested that George W. Bush will be
impeached for his handling of 9/11 and events thereafter. In his excellent
book, Dreaming War, Vidal continues to ask crucial questions that until
recently have been swept under the carpet. He quotes at some length from
retired U.S. army veteran Stan Goff, who taught military science and doctrine
at West Point.

Goff is astonished that people are not asking questions about the actions of
Bush and company on the day of the attacks. As some will remember, Bush went to
a school on that day to talk to the children. In the U.S. there is a standard
order of procedure that once a plane has deviated from its flight plan, fighter
planes are sent up to find out why.

The planes are all hijacked between 7:45 and 8:10 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time.
Who is notified? This is an event already that is unprecedented. But the
president is not notified and [is] going to a Florida elementary school to hear
children read, says Goff. By around 8:15 a.m. it should be very apparent that
something is terribly wrong. The President is glad-handing teachers. By 8:45
when American Airlines Flight 11 crashes into the World Trade Centre, Bush is
settling in with children for his photo ops at Booker Elementary. Four planes
have obviously been hijacked simultaneously, an event never before seen in
history, and one has just dived into the world's best-known twin towers, and
still no-one notifies the nominal Commander in Chief.

At 9:03 a.m. the second plane crashes into the World Trade Centre. Bush is told
but continues with his school visit. Some 25 minutes later Bush tells the
public what they know already; namely, that there has been an attack by
hijacked planes on the World Trade Centre. At this time, an airliner is heading
for Washington DC, but still no fighter planes have been scrambled.

At 9:35 one of the hijacked planes does a 360-degree turn over the Pentagon,

[CTRL] Looters in the White House

2003-10-27 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Looters in the White House
by Liberez L'Ours, Unknown News
Oct. 23, 2003

Is it a rat I smell? No. Worse ...

It is the aroma of the Bush Regime preparing to loot the USA as never before
... as never before even imagined!

Here's the deal: Fannie Mae (FNM, Federal National Mortgage Association) and
Freddie Mac (FRE, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) are
pseudo-government agencies that fund mortgages in a big way. They are actually
private companies but have the implicit backing of the US government and have
parlayed that implicit backing into outstanding debts of $1.5 trillion dollars.

Those debts are leveraged 50:1, by the way, meaning that Fannie Mae and Freddie
Mac have 2% collateral supporting their merry business.

This summer, accounting scandals rocked Freddie, and neither company is
required by law to make normal corporate disclosures to the Securities and
Exchange Commission (SEC) -- even though their stock trades on the New York
Stock Exchange! It gets even worse: they are regulated by the U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)! Ho ho.

And ... their business has involved lending huge sums of money at the lowest
interest rates in 40 years, with derivative wagers used to offset the risk of
rising interest rates. But with 50:1 leverage, a tiny error would wipe out
their balance sheets. That is where the fun really begins.

You see, the U.S. dollar has been tanking, big time, thanks to the Bush Regime
treating the U.S. Treasury like its own piggy bank — or rather, behaving like a
military junta in a banana republic.

Right now people aren't freaking out about the U.S. dollar falling because
foreign countries still recycle their export earnings back into U.S. debts,
such as debts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. You can tell the worry factor is
small because, though the dollar is falling, interest rates are stable.

If and when the disaster hits, the dollar will fall and the stock markets will
fall but interest rates will rise. And when that day happens, a mere 2% jump in
interest rates that Fannie and Freddie cannot hedge away will mean that they
are technically broke.

Now, the government won't really want to allow Fannie and Freddie to stop
creating mortgages, but according to the latest news, Congress isn't
particularly interested in restructuring these casino-like corporations either.

From the Bush Regime's perspective, it will be better to allow Fannie and
Freddie to fail momentarily, and then swoop in and seize the assets — which can
then be salvaged with money from the U.S. Treasury, and re-sold to FOB (Friends
of Bush) for pennies on the dollar.

Nice theory? Crazy? Well, that's basically what happened in the Savings and
Loan crisis. Pennies on the dollar, baby. Hundreds of billions of dollars in
free profits to connected insiders (anyone who wants to see the correct
details, send an email...). Historians will recall the name of Neil Bush in the
SL debacle.

Neil Bush served no jail time for that, either. He's still in business, but of
course he'll never be able to run for public office. Why? Because he is a
crook? No, because he got caught. (Heheh.)

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Truth, Lies, and The Legend of 9/11

2003-10-22 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

There's Something About Omar:
Truth, Lies, and The Legend of 9/11
by Chaim Kupferberg
www.globalresearch.ca , 21  October 2003

What follows is a reconstruction of one of the most extensive disinformation
campaigns in history, and the chronicle of a legend that may now shine a
devastating spotlight on some of the cliques behind 9/11 - and the FBI Director
covering the paper trails.

http://globalresearch.ca/articles/KUP310A.html (280k - text)

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] 9/11 Conspiracy Theory Books Dominate Debate at Frankfurt Book Fair

2003-10-10 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

posted by ewing2001 on Friday October 10, @11:00AM
from the Deutsche-Welle dept.

9/11 Conspiracy Theory Books Dominate Debate at Frankfurt Book Fair
Deutsche Welle -October 10

At the Frankfurt Book Fair, 9/11 conspiracy theory books are a hot topic of
conversation. And three books -- all by German authors -- are topping the
country's bestseller list. Why are the works such a focus of interest? At this
year's Frankfurt Book Fair, the world's largest gathering of publishers,
editors and writers, everyone's talking about 9/11 conspiracy theory books.
Organizers may have highlighted Russia as the official country of this year's
conference, but it's the United States -- particularly its role in 9/11 -- that
has captured the popular imagination.

Three books, all by German authors currently topping the German bestseller
list, are conspiracy theory accounts about 9/11. Perhaps the most famous of the
bunch is written by Andreas von Bülow entitled The CIA and September 11 . A
former government minister of Research and Technology, von Bülow suggests that
U.S. and Israeli intelligence services blew up the World Trade Center from the
inside and that the two planes were flown in by remote control.

Why? This, quite obviously to von Bülow, was part of a plot by the
neoconservatives to give the Bush administration the necessary cover to launch
an attack against Iraq and, ultimately, take over the world.

Perhaps von Bülow could be dismissed as a one-off crack-pot, if there weren't
so many others peddling similar tales of deleterious intent. Von Bülow is
joined by fellow authors Mathias Bröckner and Gerhard Wisnewski. Wisnewski, in
his book Operation 9/11, also believes that the towers were toppled using
explosives, and Bröckner, in Conspiracies, Conspiracy Theories and the Secrets
of September 11th, offers, as the title suggests, a similar catalogue of such

Profits driving publishing buzz
Clearly, writers making such allegations are open to criticism. And the best
means of isolating themselves from attack would be to rely on iron-clad sources
and systematically substantiate each and every one of their claims. Yet, these
books largely rely on dubious sources, and that is why they have become a
subject of debate at this year's book fair. Editors are not only debating the
validity of the claims made by von Bülow and friends, but they are debating
whether the publishing industry is doing itself a disservice by distributing
work based on questionable reporting.

Klaus Stadler, the editor of Piper Publishers, which published von Bulow's
book, knew his company would face criticism. We told ourselves that we would
take it seriously, but we do not feel obligated to independently check each and
every detail, Stadler told Deutsche Welle. And my own personal position is
that Mr. von Bülow poses a number of very interesting and important questions.
The answers to these questions should be weighed by responsible readers, who
should take time to consider them. We don't want to patronize people.

Others, however, who have observed the German book industry of late, believe
that the drive to increase profits is what has prompted publishers to accept
and distribute such books. They are likely to sell, and in a competitive market
-- 90,000 new titles appear every year -- publishers must take on ever more
spectacular tomes in an effort to gain an edge over their competitors.

The pressure to be successful has increased, Christoph Heimann, from German
bookstore Börsenblatt said. And that might help explain why some books that
are appearing today might not have appeared five or six years ago -- or at
least not so quickly.

Conspiracy theories finding increasing takers?
But it's not just the publishers who have shown interest in the conspiracy
theory books. A recent poll published in German weekly newspaper Die Zeit,
found one in five Germans believe Bush orchestrated 9/11 as a pretext to
further his aims of world domination.

In some ways, these books are not entirely out of the ordinary in Germany. They
are simply an extreme example of books and journalism critical of the U.S.
government, which increasingly resonates with the German public. Michael
Moore's Stupid White Men, a biting criticism of the Bush administration, has
enjoyed great success.

German editorials and magazines too have hinted that a sinister plot -- though
perhaps not so malefic as suggested by von Bülow -- is behind the Bush
administration's foreign policy. In a cover story earlier this year, respected
German news magazine Der Spiegel suggested that U.S. policy, largely influenced
by the oil industry and the religious right, was driven by a desire to control
the world.

Top 20 German 9/11 Sites
(compiled by ewing2001, October 2003)

Re: [CTRL] New World Order Quotes

2003-09-27 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:

 -Caveat Lector-


Ron Paul Admits Conspiracy to Create World Government

http://911exposed.com/ and

Eric Rainbolt - audience member asking question of Congressman Paul at event
near Austin, Texas on August 30th, Congressman Paul, I have a question...

Moderator: Over here (pointing to Eric Rainbolt.)

Eric Rainbolt: Great! If we can take a look at the big picture, could you
tell us, the people in this room, any information that you may have of an
international and deceptive conspiracy to overthrow the American Republic
and its Constitution  Bill Of Rights in order to set up and usher in a
totalitarian World Government likely espoused under the UN also..

Congressman Paul: He asked if there was an international conspiracy to
overthrow our government. The answer is 'Yes'. I think there are 25,000
individuals that have used offices of powers, and they are in our Universities
and they are in our Congresses, and they believe in One World Government.
And if you believe in One World Goverment, then you are talking about
undermining National Sovereignty and you are talking about setting up
something that you could well call a Dictatorship - and those plans are there!

Windows Media Format

CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!   These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) MSNBC: Positive test for terror toxins in Iraq

2003-04-05 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

So a toxin derived from castor beans - a trace of which was found on soles
of a boot - is Saddam's big, bad WMD threat?

klewis wrote:

 --- Forwarded message follows ---



 Positive test for terror toxins in Iraq

 EXCLUSIVE By Preston Mendenhall, MSNBC

 MSNBC.com tests reveal evidence of the deadly toxins ricin and botulinum at a
 laboratory in a remote mountain region of northern Iraq allegedly used as a terrorist
 training camp by Islamic militants with ties to the al-Qaida terrorist network.  The 
 Central Intelligence Agency is conducting its own tests at the same area, but has not
 yet released the results, according to officials in northern Iraq.

 MSNBC.COM'S TESTS were conducted over a two-day period at Sargat, an alleged
 terrorist training camp a mile from the Iraq-Iran border.  The camp, set back in an
 isolated valley and surrounded by snowcapped peaks, was home to the radical
 Islamic militant group Ansar al-Islam, which counts among its some 700 followers
 scores of al-Qaida fighters.  In a Feb.  5 speech to the U.N.  Security Council, U.S.
 Secretary ofState Colin Powell showed a satellite photo of the Sargat camp and
 described Ansar al-Islam as teaching its operatives how to produce ricin and other
 poisons. U.S. officials have repeated the allegations in recent weeks.

 In an operation timed to coincide with the war on Iraq,U.S.  special operations
 forceshave targeted Ansar al-Islam's militants in northern Iraq.  Hundreds of
 Islamists, including al-Qaida fighters who took refuge in northern Iraq after the 
 fall of
 the Taliban in Afghanistan, have been killed.

 Although U.S.  officials for months have leveled charges that the Ansar al-Islam and
 al-Qaida militants were producing poisons in northern Iraq, it wasn't until this week
 that specialist American teams were able to gain access to the Sargat camp to test
 for traces ofbiological and chemical weapons.

 Experts believe the Islamic group was producing the substances in the camp as both
 toxins can be created from everyday products and simple procedures.

 MSNBC.com's samples of ricin and botulinum, two deadly biological agents, were
 taken from the soles of a boot and a shoe recovered from the Sargat camp.  The
 facility has been flattened by several Tomahawk cruise missiles, fired as part of the
 U.S.  campaign against Ansar al-Islam.

 The thick rubber boot twice tested positive for ricin, a toxin derived from castor
 beans.  Ingesting a pinch of ricin, which causes shock and respiratory failure, can 
 a human being within 72 hours.  There is no cure.

 A black running shoe, shredded by the U.S.  bombing, tested positive for botulinum.
 U.S.  officials say terrorists have a particular interest in botulinum and ricin 
 which may be delivered through release in food and water.

 Botulism, the illness resulting from botulinum ingestion, is a muscle-
 paralyzing disease that can cause a person to stop breathing and die, according to
 the U.S.  Centers for Disease Control.  Since Sept.  11, 2001, law enforcement
 officials have seen an increase in attempts to produce deadly toxins like ricin and

 In Britain, anti-terrorism authorities in January charged four men with producing
 deadly agents after they found traces of ricin in a north London apartment.  More
 than a dozen arrests have been made in the investigation.

 On Thursday, the FBI issued a warning to Americans that deadly agents like ricin
 and botulinum could be used to contaminate the nation's water or food supply.

 And in France, police are on alert after recently finding traces of ricin in flasks 
 in a
 train station locker in Paris.

 The territory of northern Iraq where the traces of ricin were detected is not under 
 control of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

 Baghdad admitted to U.N.  weapons inspectors in the 1990s that it had successfully
 weaponized ricin, botulinum and anthrax.  There is no immediate evidence that
 suggests Saddam's regime provided the easily produced toxins to Ansar al-Islam or

 A test for anthrax at the Sargat camp gave a negative result.

 The tests, developed by Osborn Scientific Group in Lakeside, Ariz., are widely
 admired by experts.  Called BioWarfare Agent Detection Devices, they were used by
 U.N.  weapons inspectors in Iraq before their departure ahead of the U.S.-led war
 against Saddam.

 Dr.  Robert Bohannon, the inventor of the test, said in a phone interview that
 numerous U.S.  federal agencies employ the tests in the field.  He said the tests
 were developed to give a rapid yes-no result.

 In recent days, specialist chemical-biological survey teams, some from the CIA, have
 collected samples from camps used by Islamic militants in northern Iraq.  At least
 two teams visited the Sargat camp, taking similar rapid fields tests and 

[CTRL] Gas Baghdad, blame Saddam

2003-04-03 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

This assertion (about a possible use of UW by the coalition) explains:

a) why the military campaign's been so poorly prepared;
b) why there aren't enough ground forces for its realisation;
c) why reserves are far from the battleground and, correspondingly, won't be
able to approach it in the moment when unconventional weapons are used,
something that'll spare unnecessary coalition victims;
d) why a force that's not enough to capture the city, is longing towards
Baghdad, in spite of an impossibility of taking over the town with such forces;
e) why exactly in the final stage of the attack an outrageously false
information of victories in the operation, has started to be fed - exactly so
as to present the use of UW as a desperate gesture on behalf of the defenders.

April 3rd, 2003
About A Possible Use of Unconventional Weapons in the Conflict Between Iraq and
the Anglo-American Coalition

Today a feeling of concern wouldn't leave since the morning.

1. The war's been planned, especially, as an elimination of Iraq's UW.

2. Routinely since the beginning of the conflict, the coalition's asserting
that Saddam's going to use UW, although the only place where he could succeed
in doing so, is his own territory.

3. In recent reports the coalition speaks of a 95% probability of its (UW's)
use (a precise probability! not clear how exactly counted), and about a certain
red line around the city, although it's obvious that the use of chemical
weapons in one's own capital is a suicide of the regime, and something Saddam
shall never do.

4. The coalition's forces weren't enough even to capture a single town,
excluding the scarcely populated regional seaport Umm-Qasr.

5. The ground forces' insufficiency has been revealed as early as after a week
of fighting, in the beginning of the battle for Nasiriya, when the coalition's
troops had to retreat for a day to regroup. However, in spite of the necessity
of reinforcement with reserves, troops were sent round the town, without
capturing it, and such a tactic has been observed during the entire course of
the operation.

6. The impossibility of seizing any specific town is being ignored, and a
movement towards a next town up north happens, up-stream the Euphrates.

7. In spite of the insufficiency of the ground forces and reserves present in
the combat area that could enter combat immediately, the troops are shoving
towards Baghdad.

8. To capture a city such as Baghdad, at least an equality in the numbers of
the attacking and defending, is needed, something that really isn't there.

9. Despite an amassing superiority in the air, use of aviation and armoured
vehicles inside a city is difficult, without carpet bombings and a complete
destruction of the defending living blocks.

10. The only possible choice for attackers to win - is to use weapons of mass
destruction. Having claimed the enemy's used it.

11. It's obvious that Iraq's inability to use nuclear weapons leads to a simple
conclusion - Iraq's application of chemical or bacteriological weapons on a
large scale.

12. Because it'd be impossible to find out the producer of chemical weapons
used on the battlefield, there's absolutely no doubt that its use is going to
be written off to the insane malicious tyrant, who's already used it in the
past. And who won't forgo losing lives of the town's civilians.

13. This assertion (about a possible use of UW by the coalition) explains:

a) why the military campaign's been so poorly prepared;
b) why there aren't enough ground forces for its realisation;
c) why reserves are far from the battleground and, correspondingly, won't be
able to approach it in the moment when unconventional weapons are used,
something that'll spare unnecessary coalition victims;
d) why a force that's not enough to capture the city, is longing towards
Baghdad, in spite of an impossibility of taking over the town with such forces;
e) why exactly in the final stage of the attack an outrageously false
information of victories in the operation, has started to be fed - exactly so
as to present the use of UW as a desperate gesture on behalf of the defenders.

14. It's obvious that a very narrow circle of people is initiated into the plan
of use of chemical weapons - that explains the appearance of conflicts between
the military and political command of the entire operation. The military
haven't been cleared on the true reason of their movements towards Baghdad.

15. This explains an absolute confidence in victory after two weeks of
protracted battles without capturing cities, without much-needed reserves and
without a sufficient number of troops to storm the city.

16. A quick ending to the operation and its justifying in the eyes of the world
community shall make up for the losses that the coalition suffered and shall
suffer as a result of using UW on its own troops.

17. Furthermore, it shall allow to hide any previous combat 

Re: [CTRL] Fwd: CAS: British Link Iraq to al-Qaeda

2003-03-31 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

klewis wrote:


 British intelligence officers have learned that up to a dozen al-Qaeda
 volunteers were fighting alongside the pro-Baghdad guerrilla forces in As
 Zubaya, a town outside Basra.

Russian intel reports that since Bush's illegal conquest of Iraq began, Islamic
radicals from all over Eurasia have come to Iraq to fight alongside the
so-called pro-Baghdad guerrilla forces. The fact that some of these Islamic
radicals that have come to Iraq to fight alongside the pro-Baghdad guerrilla
forces happen to al-Qaeda should surprise no one.

Obviously, al-Qaeda members in Iraq are not fighting for Saddam as much as
they're fighting against Anglo-American imperialism in the Middle East. They
would be fighting alongside guerrilla forces if this illegal invasion had
taken place in Iran, Syria, Libya, etc., or any of the Mid-East countries on
the 'neocon' wish list. Implying that al-Qaeda presence in war-torn Iraq
signifies a link between Saddam and 9-11 is absurd.

Hell, its been a year and a half since 9-11 and I'm still waiting for them to
present any type of compelling evidence that links al-Qaeda itself to 9-11!

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Allies not telling truth - things are going wrong

2003-03-26 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Allies not telling truth - things are going wrong
Robert Fisk (26.03.2003)

So far, the Anglo-American armies are handing their propaganda to the Iraqis on
a plate.

First, on Sunday, we were told - courtesy of the BBC - that Umm Qasr, the tiny
Iraqi seaport on the Gulf, had fallen. Why cities have to fall on the BBC
is a mystery to me; the phrase comes from the Middle Ages when city walls
literally collapsed under siege.

Then we were told - again on the BBC - that Nasiriyah had been captured. Then
its embedded correspondent informed us - and here my old journalistic
suspicions were alerted - that it had been secured.

Why the BBC should use the military expression secured is also a mystery to
me. Secured is meant to sound like captured but almost invariably means
that a city has been bypassed or half-surrounded or, at the most, that an
invading Army has merely entered its suburbs.

And sure enough, within 24 hours, the Shia Muslim city west of the junction of
the Euphrates and Tigress Rivers proved to be very much unsecured, indeed had
not been entered in any form - because at least 500 Iraqi troops, supported by
tanks, were still fighting there.

With what joy did Taha Yassin Ramadan, the Iraqi Vice-President, inform us all
that they claimed they had captured Umm Qasr but now you know this is a lie.
With what happiness did Mohamed Said al-Sahaff, the Iraqi Information Minister,
boast that Basra was still in Iraqi hands, that our forces in Nasiriyah
were still fighting.

And well could they boast because, despite all the claptrap put out by the
Americans and British in Qatar, what the Iraqis said on this score was true.

The usual Iraqi claims of downed US and British aircraft - four supposedly
shot down around Baghdad and another near Mosul - were given credibility by
the Iraqi ability to prove the collapse of their forces in the south was untrue
- quite apart from the film of prisoners.

We know that the Americans are again using depleted uranium munitions in Iraq,
just as they did in 1991. But yesterday, the BBC told us that US Marines had
called up an A-10 strike aircraft to deal with pockets of resistance - a bit
more military-speak from the BBC - but failed to mention that the A-10 uses
depleted uranium rounds.

So for the first time since 1991, we - the West - are spraying these uranium
aerosols in battlefield explosions in southern Iraq, and we're not being told.
Why not?

And where, for God's sake, does that wretched, utterly dishonest phrase
coalition forces come from? There is no coalition in this Iraq war. There
are the Americans and the British and a few Australians. That's it.

The coalition of the 1991 Gulf War does not exist. The coalition of nations
willing to help with this illegitimate conflict includes, by a vast stretch
of the imagination, even Costa Rica and Micronesia and, I suppose, poor old
neutral Ireland, with its transit rights for US military aircraft at Shannon.
But they are not coalition forces. Why does the BBC use this phrase? Even in
World War II, which so many journalists think they are now reporting, we didn't
use this lie. When we landed on the coast of North Africa in Operation Torch,
we called it an Anglo-American landing.

And this is an Anglo-American war, whether we - and I include the embedded
ones - like it or not.

The Iraqis are sharp enough to remember all this. At first, they announced that
captured US or British troops would be treated as mercenaries, a decision that
Saddam himself wisely corrected yesterday when he stated that all prisoners
would be treated according to the Geneva Convention.

All in all, then, it has not been a great couple of days for Bush and Blair.
Nor, of course, for Saddam although he's been playing at wars for almost half
the lifetime of Blair.

So here's a question from one who believed, only a week ago, that Baghdad might
just collapse and that we might wake up one morning to find the Baathist
militia and the Iraqi Army gone. If the Iraqis can still hold out against such
overwhelming force in Umm Qasr for four days, if they can keep fighting in
Basra and Nasiriyah, why should Saddam's forces not keep fighting in Baghdad?

Of course, this might all be a miscalculation. The pack of cards may be more
flimsy that we think. But suddenly, the quick and easy war, the conflict of
shock and awe, doesn't seem so realistic. Things are going wrong. We are not
telling the truth. And the Iraqis are riding high on it all.


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screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and 

Re: [CTRL] More Bush/Cheney Crimes

2003-03-26 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Steve Wingate wrote:

  Thorn in the side of the American administration, and former UN weapons
 inspector Scott Ritter, has warned that America will loose the Iraq war and
 the American military: will leave Iraq with its tail between its legs.


Vincent Browne:

 Scott Ritter... are you surprised by how the assault in Iraq is going?

Scott Ritter:

 No actually, I wrote a paper that was published last Fall, that predicted
just this. And i'm a little disturbed in listening to some of the analysis
going along here.

I think that one of the reasons the American find themselves in such
difficulties in Iraq, is that so many in the Pentagon have listened to the...
blithering of Iraqi expatriots who have spoken out --rightly so-- against
Saddam Hussein, and who think that it's a) the role of the United States to
liberate Iraq; and b) think that the Iraqi people want us to liberate them from

And I think that the harsh reality is that in buying off on the expectations of
being greeted in the streets of Iraq with song and flowers... we now find we
are being greeted with bullets and bombs.

And it's the Shia in the south who are fighting us. They're not doing it
because Chemical Ali is down there with his death squads threatening to execute

They're doing it because, the American Crusader Infidel has invaded and
violated Holy Iraq, and they will resist us, and they will resist us strongly.

And no matter how many Iraqi's we kill and slaughter, I predict that America
will loose this war and ultimately the American military will leave Iraq with
its tail between its legs.

Unfortunately, we're going to inflict a tremenduous amount of death and
destruction on the people of Iraq; the American soldiers and Marines will also
pay a price.

And all those who sit outside of Iraq and courageously encourage Americans to
go in and slaughter Iraqi's should be ashamed of themselves.

Vincent Browne:

...You think the Americans will loose this war? 

Scott Ritter:

 We lost Vietnam

Remember we can kill many, many Iraqui's and we will do so. But I am telling
you right now, that we do not have sufficient combat power in Iraq --as we
speak-- to win this battle. So we will have to reinforce considerably.
The current posture, in terms of American deployment, is predicated on a
presumption that the Iraqi Army would surrender; that the Iraqi people would
welcome; that the internsational community would support.
The exact opposite is happening.

And now we find ourselves with fewer than 120,000 boots on the ground; facing a
nation of 23 million, with armed elements numbering around 7 million --who are
concentrated at urban areas.

We will not win this fight. America will loose this war.

Saddam Hussein may die... But you know what?

I'm betting that Saddam's gonna be around a lot longer than anyone can predict.

I'm betting that we don't capture Bhagdad.

I'm betting that we stall outside Bhagdad.

I'm betting that this becomes an absolute quagmire.

I hope I'm wrong, for the sake of the American lives that are going to be lost.
Remember I'm a 12 year veteran of the Marine Corps. I fought in the first Gulf
War. I know what war is about. I know what defending my country is about.

This is a bad war, because it has nothing to do with the defense of the United
States of America. Iraq doesn't have weapons of mass destruction. The Bush
Administration has pulled an enormous lie to the international community; to
the American people.

And now we're in Iraq --carrying out the right-wing neo-conservative motives of
a handful of people; the Richard Perle's, Paul Wolfowitz's; the Dick Cheney's.
And we've allowed them to hijack our foreign policy.

And they've been cheered on by these Iraqi expatriots, who have zero
credibility in my eyes. They're so brave and they want Iraq liberated... Then
my goodness man, go to Iraq... fight and die for your country... But don't ask
Americans to do it.

Listen to full Gulf War Analysis Segment Audio - 25 minutes Realplayer

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CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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[CTRL] Am I getting this right?

2003-03-25 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

All right, let me see if I understand the logic of this correctly. We are
going to ignore the United Nations in order to make clear to Saddam Hussein
that the United Nations cannot be ignored. We're going to wage war to preserve
the UN's ability to avert war. The paramount principle is that the UN's word
must be taken seriously, and if we have to subvert its word to guarantee that
it is, then by gum, we will.

Peace is too important not to take up arms to defend. Am I getting this right?

Further, if the only way to bring democracy to Iraq is to vitiate the
democracy of the Security Council, then we are honor-bound to do that too,
because democracy, as we define it, is too important to be stopped by a little
thing like democracy as they define it.

Also, in dealing with a man who brooks no dissension at home, we cannot afford
dissension among ourselves. We must speak with one voice against Saddam
Hussein's failure to allow opposing voices to be heard.

We are sending our gathered might to the Persian Gulf to make the point that
might does not make right, as Saddam Hussein seems to think it does. And we are
twisting the arms of the opposition until it agrees to let us oust a regime
that twists the arms of the opposition.

We cannot leave in power a dictator who ignores his own people. And if our
people, and people elsewhere in the world, fail to understand that, then we
have no choice but to ignore them. - PETER FREUNDLICH

A HREF=http://www.ctrl.org/;www.ctrl.org/A
CTRL is a discussion  informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] (Fwd) [I-S] I was a naive fool to be a human shield for Saddam

2003-03-24 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

klewis wrote:

 Anyone with half a brain must see that Saddam has to be taken out. It is
 extraordinarily ironic that the anti-war protesters are marching to
 defend a government which stops its people exercising that freedom.

Deep down everyone agrees that Saddam is a tyrant, and Iraqis would be better
off if he were taken out. Its a matter of legitimacy. If it was proved beyond
a reasonable doubt that Saddam had stashes of WMD, that he was supplying
terrorists with WMD, etc., then perhaps, within the pretext of the war on
terror, this invasion would be legit.

It's not about whether Bush has the power to topple Saddam, it's whether he
has the legitimate right to. If Saddam is going to be taken out, he needs to be
taken out within the established bounds of law and justice, not on the whim
of the US prez. It's an absurdity for Bush to claim he going to enforce
international law and treaties, and take out Saddam; while at the same time
he violates numerous international laws and treaties in order to take him out.
This is an attempt to falsify the very nature of things. It is, in short, the
assumption of a right to banish the principle of justice itself, from off the
earth, and set up Bush's own personal will, pleasure, and interest in its

War is the greatest of all crimes - the prime evil. It is only justified in
self-defense. This pre-emptive war is not in self defense. It is evil no matter
how noble the professed intentions may be. That's something worth protesting
over (being a human shield for Saddam is taking it a bit too far though).

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[CTRL] Iraqi Scuds were US, sea-launched cruise missiles

2003-03-23 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

At least two of the eight supposedly Iraqi missiles that hit Kuwait turned out
to be US sea-launched cruise missiles that strayed off course. This can be
clearly seen even from the craters left in the ground by the explosions of
these missiles. After detonation the “Scud” warhead leaves a crater as much as
8 meters deep. What was observed in Kuwait, however, is the typical crater left
by the detonation of a cruise missile’s warhead. The story with the rest of the
Iraqi missile launches is also unclear. Experts are leaning toward a
possibility that the explosions in the Kuwaiti border regions were caused not
by missiles but by 120-mm mortar shells fired by the Iraqi mobile units.

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[CTRL] In regards to 911 we find the Israelis involved with many things

2003-03-23 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-


The Mountain of Evidence!

So in regards to 911 we find the Israelis involved with many things. . . .

1. It was Israelis who were caught watching the WTC burn and crumble and
celebrating it with joy. . . .

2. It was Israelis whose van was stopped and maps and other paraphernalia were
found leading the FBI to believe that they had definite involvement with 911.

3. It was the Israeli owner of the Moving van company that immediately shutdown
his business, put his house up for sale and fled to Israel when his employees
were caught. Aren’t these drastic actions and shouldn’t we want to know why the
owner behaved that way?

4. It was Israelis who were caught spying on the US and lived in the same
vicinity as the supposed “hijackers”.

5. It was Israelis who were part of a spy ring that Carl Cameron reported about
in Foxx News saying that government officials stated that they had “tie-ins” to
911. By the way this news was suppressed and the story taken off the Foxx News
website. The people responsible for that were JINSA (the Jewish Institute for
National Security Affairs). JINSA President and CEO David Steinmann is also a
director of CAMERA (Committee for Accurate Middle East Reporting in America),
the group that actually staged the e-mail, fax, letter, and phone call
mobilization that squeezed Fox TV, to the point that they removed the
transcripts of the four Carl Cameron segments from their own web site. . . .

6. It was Israelis who the following was reported about by U.S. government
authorities when the Israeli spies were found: “An Israeli government spokesman
reported a few days ago the news of arresting a number of Israelis by the US
intelligence bodies in Florida. This might seem strange but what is more
significant is the deliberate ignorance by the Israeli government of the reason
for the arrests. The Israelis did not even mention the reason or the case for
which their subjects were detained. The point is that a big quantity of the
Anthrax germ was held with the Israelis when they were arrested. Moreover, the
detainees had 15 charts of the New York Trade Center and eight charts of the
Pentagon building which were attacked on September 11th. This is in addition to
other six charts of the White House, which was among the would-be targets of
the September 11th attacks. According to discreet US reports, the charts found
with the Israelis had accurately drawn the Pentagon building and the World
Trade Center and defined their geometric projections, as well as, precisely
depicted the many floors. Further, some data included in the charts define the
itineraries of civil passenger planes and their destinations!!!...”

7. It was Israelis who the Jerusalem Post reported about that 4000 were missing
or expected to be dead as a result of doing business and working at the WTC on

8. It was the Israeli general counsel Alon Pinkas who reported that out of the
4000 Israelis dead or missing actually only one was killed, a visitor. The
statistics of this happening is IMPOSSIBLE. The only reason this could happen
is if somehow Israelis were warned ahead of time about the planes crashing into
the WTC. The natural question to ask is are there any evidence of prior
warnings of the impending WTC attacks given to anyone in the world? If there is
let’s narrow the list down to see if any warnings happen to be given to
Israelis. Well it just so happens that there were prior warnings and the only
people in the world to receive them were Israelis

9. It was Israelis who received Odigo warnings two hours before the planes
struck the WTC buildings. This was reported both in the Ha’aertz and Washington
Post newspapers. This is proof positive that someone who cares for the lives of
Israelis knew that planes were going to be crashed into the WTC ahead of time
and wanted to make sure Israelis were not killed. I am sure the identity of
that person was not Bin laden. This succinctly explains why only one Israeli
got killed on 911 although the number was expected to be as much as 4000.

10. It was Israelis who were armed with 9mm pistols, nine grenades, explosives,
three detonators and 58 bullets and caught in Mexico in an attempt to blow the
Mexican Congress up on October 10, 2001. The Israelis were booked for
conspiracy to destroy a building by means of an explosive by the Mexican
police. If they were successful in blowing up the Mexican Congress then like
911 it would have been blamed on Muslim terrorists. They got caught red-handed
here and only God knows how many other incidents that innocent Muslims are
being blamed for that were really done by Israelis.

11. General Gul, who at one time was a close ally of the U.S. and a staunch
supporter of western values, who could have blamed 911 on his Russian or Indian
enemies but instead choose to blame 911 on Israelis. This former director of
the Pakistani 

[CTRL] LaGuardia Powder Incident (tests positive for anthrax)

2003-03-22 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-


3/22/03 LaGuardia Airport evacuated The central terminal of LaGuardia Airport
was evacuated. It happened Friday when a gas mask and white powder were found
in an Israeli woman's bag. She was traveling from Israel to Texas. The first
test came up positive for anthrax, but a second test proved negative. 
3/22/03 LaGuardia Powder Incident This seems to be the same story which was
initially reported, then removed, on CNN. This version says the powder was
harmless, but fails to say why the screeners still had to be decontaminated.
Note that in this version of the story, the powder was found in a checked bag
and the woman was on the plane before she could be questioned.

3/22/03 La Guardia: Ten People felt sick from powder Symptoms were minor

3/22/03 Ten people made ill by harmless powder

3/22/03 In this story, the powder was found on the Israeli woman's handbag, not
the checked luggage So how did she escape arrest and get on the plane to Texas?

3/22/03 Another report on the harmless powder that made people ill. Again the
report that the powder was found in the woman's handbag, so why wasn't the
woman detained?

3/22/03 Powder was in 9 inch cylinder alongside gas mask. Screener developed
rash on hands after handling.

Powder and gasmask found in luggage but Israeli woman not detained, allowed to
board plane to Texas. The Texas FBI won't return calls asking if the woman has
actually been interviewed. The powder tests positive for anthrax, then is
declared to be harmless, but ten people become sick and are treated, plus the
screeners (one of whom gets a rash on his hands) are decontaminated.  Why do I
get the feeling that a staged terror attack to blame on Iraq just fell apart?

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Re: [CTRL] US is hard at work to fool the world again

2003-03-21 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

RevCOAL wrote:

 Paul Meares wrote:

 I only wonder how long it takes the world to figure out just why the twelve(?)
 odd missiles that were purchased from North Korea by this North African

 You really need to invest in an atlas if you believe that Iraq is anywhere
 in the African continent...  ;-)

I didn't write that. It was a letter sent in by a reader to Rivero's site.

I assumed the author was saying that missiles were intercepted on the way from
N.Korea to a N.African country - not to Iraq - and these intercepted missiles
(paid for by the cia?) were smuggled into Iraq by US or Israeli special
forces, and launched by them to make it appear that Saddam had fired off some
'illegal' missiles; whereby justifying Bush's illegal invasion in the eyes of
the international community. Much like reports by '91 vets saying US special
forces set off the oil well fires in the last war, and blamed it on Saddam.

I'm not saying that I believe this, or many of the other speculations in the
letter. But there were a few underlying themes that seemed to make it worth
passing on.

 I wonder, too, with all this talk of Saddam Hussein's having many 'body
 doubles', if he is reported dead how can we be sure that the body is really
 his, and not one of his doubles?

Also amusing that when some researchers were questioning whether the Bin Laden
in the post-9/11 videos was actually Bin Laden, they were quickly dismissed as
'conspiracy kooks' by the establishment types. Yet now these same establishment
feebs promoting the Hussein 'body doubles' theory. Shameless hypocrites.

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Re: [CTRL] Geopolitical Grease and Death

2003-03-21 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Dave wrote:
Well he must like you. Ray is, after
all, putting into practice what you preach - dissent.

I suppose Ray just feels there is an
inordinate amount of consensus reality being projected on this forum.
His role is that of the nonconformists

Translation: Ray was your garden-variety, establishment shill.

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[CTRL] Marine would serve time rather than serve bush

2003-03-21 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

I wouldn’t go to war again as I have done to defend some
lousy investment of the bankers. We should fight only for
the defense of our home and the Bill of Rights. War for any
other reason is simply a racket. - Smedley Butler, USMC


Marine would serve time rather than serve bush
Michael Mayo
March 20, 2003

This is the point where some confused souls -- mistaking paternalism for
patriotism -- think we should all shut up, rally around the flag and stand
behind President Bush, no matter what dark alley he's leading us down
or how we feel about this war.

These are not easy days for dissenters. But Travis Clark doesn't care.

This is completely crazy, Clark said Wednesday, each minute bringing the
United States closer to invasion of Iraq. We're about to step off a moral
cliff. We're talking about bombing a whole region, killing lots of innocent
people and inflaming things around the world. This is the time we as Americans
should be questioning and reviewing everything that's happening, not just going
along with everything the president says.

Clark spent five years in the Marines on active duty, in Hawaii and Asia, but
he will not serve a day more.
Now he is willing to make a different sacrifice for the country he loves.

He is ready to go to jail.

He might be arrested in the next few days for an act of civil disobedience near
the United States Courthouse in Fort Lauderdale, where several organizations
plan to protest.

We've told people to turn out at 5 p.m. the day the war starts, said Clark,
26, an activist with Peace South Florida. We've told people to bring their
banners, posters, whistles and drums. We want to make a lot of noise. I think
it'll be chaotic.

Or he might be jailed if he formally breaks his military contract, which runs
through 2004.

Every day, he goes to his mailbox in Plantation wondering whether the papers
summoning him from his 3-year call-up period will arrive. If they do, he will
refuse reinstatement and apply for conscientious objector status.

Clark moved to South Florida from Michigan last fall. He now works at a
Starbucks, and you can make all the jokes you want about him being some latte
liberal or cappuccino commie. Since he was quoted in a South Florida
Sun-Sentinel story about conscientious objectors a few weeks ago, he's been
called everything from a hippie to a terrorist.

It's been kind of bizarre, Clark said.

He said his transformation has been a gradual process, born of self-education
and exposure to the world.

It wasn't one moment where I said, that's it, I'm a pacifist, Clark said. I
just started reading some different things and thinking. His influences
include Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Henry David Thoreau and George Orwell.

Orwell came to his mind as he listened to President Bush's speech on Monday
night. He couldn't help but notice how some of the language used to indict
Saddam Hussein's regime (reckless aggression, thugs and killers) might also
apply to the United States if bombs harm innocent civilians in Baghdad.

And Clark wondered what would happen if American troops followed the same logic
Bush demanded of Iraqi officers when Bush said, War crimes will be prosecuted
... and it will be no defense to say, `I was just following orders.'

Totally hypocritical, Clark said. According to American military law, if a
superior gives an unlawful order, you're not allowed to obey it. To me,
invading Iraq would be unlawful.

He noted how Bush is quick to trumpet U.N. resolutions as justification for war
even as Bush has turned his back on the United Nations and even though the
United States will violate the U.N. demilitarized zone along the Iraqi-Kuwait
border to launch a ground attack.

Clark now considers himself a different kind of freedom fighter, one who
follows his conscience and not his commander in chief.

His thoughts as the deadline approached? I'm excited in a way, because all the
peace movements will kick up a step when the war starts. I'm pretty horrified,
because Americans are for the most part supporting it and cheering it on. And
I'm scared, because I've got a cousin and some friends in Kuwait. None of us
know how this is going to turn out.

Michael Mayo is the metro columnist for Broward County. He can be reached at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or 954-356-4508.

Copyright (c) 2003, South Florida Sun-Sentinel


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[CTRL] US is hard at work to fool the world again

2003-03-21 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-


So if anyone needs confirmation that Saddam is a threat, here it is: Scuds at
Kuwait. So far six were supposedly launched. I am awaiting another six for Isr.

Isn't it just great, our foreign minister a.downer already used them as proof
that Saddam is just the liar he was said to be.

Isn't it amazing, everyone thought that the us would attack big time and then
just a quick little target of opportunity... And guess what? Here's the proof
that bush was right and the world was wrong: six scuds!

I only wonder how long it takes the world to figure out just why the twelve (?)
odd missiles that were purchased from North Korea by this North African Country
(paid for by the cia?) and that were intercepted and then quickly released
could be the same ones now used by none other then the us or isr. spec. forces
to give the world some of the massive overkill proof the world is bound to see
within the next few days and weeks.

ANY proof that Saddam had WMD's is suspicious from now on, we all know that the
us and isr. forces have been deep inside Iraq for months, trying to bribe
locals and obviously staging just the events that you are going to see in the
coming days.

The us wasn't able to provide the un with and real hard evidence, but now, as
if by a miracle they have all these suspect sites where these wmd's are
fabricated and stored... doesn't that beg the question? Hollywood has had
months to prepare the slides and grapics and animations that we will be shown
of bunkers loaded with chemicals etc.

ANY scud, any chemical bio or nuke attack is now more likely to be set up by
the same people that will N E E D them to be used to justify their wilful act
of aggresion, them being the zionist lot behind the puppet bush.

Oh, check how many times you'll hear the words: Oh, we seem to have lost him
when interviews are being held, especialy when isr. or saddams non-guilt is
being discussed...

Be warned, the us is hard at work to fool the world again.

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] Iraq - The Torrent Of Deceit

2003-03-20 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-


Iraq - The Torrent Of Deceit
By Robin Miller
Liberal Slant.com
c. 2003 All Rights Reserved

The Bush team's campaign for war on Iraq would have made Nazi master
propagandist Joseph Goebbels proud.

Fabrications are announced as facts. Lies are repeated until they displace the
truth. Deception is the order of the day.[1]

And demagoguery supplants democracy.

Sadly, this deceit has born fruit: At least 60 percent of Americans think Iraq
is close to having, or already has, nuclear weapons,[2] and more than half
believe Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the September 11
atrocities,[3] although there's no significant evidence for either proposition.

Even proof of the Bush team's duplicity doesn't derail the propaganda train.

Case in point: Administration spokespeople have characterized testimony by
Hussein Kamal, the director of Iraq's weapons program prior to his 1995
defection, as proving that Iraq still possesses chemical and biological

Now a transcript of Kamal's testimony has surfaced, and he actually said
exactly the opposite--that he had personally ordered the destruction of all of
Iraq's nonconventional weapons.[5]

But Bush, Powell and the rest didn't miss a beat.

Our government's propaganda began with the first Gulf War. Americans were told
that Iraqi soldiers were pulling Kuwaiti babies from incubators to die, and
that Iraq was massing hundreds of thousands of troops to invade Saudi Arabia.

Both stories were fabrications.

The incubator babies ruse, in particular, galvanized America. In October 1990
a 15-year-old Kuwaiti girl, identified only as Nayirah and described as a
refugee, appeared at a congressional hearing. She claimed that Iraqi soldiers
had pulled hundreds of babies from hospital incubators and left them on the
cold floor to die.

It was all a lie cooked up by public relations powerhouse Hill  Knowlton under
a $12 million contract with the Kuwaiti aristocracy. Nayirah was actually the
daughter of Kuwait's ambassador to the U.S. She had never been to the hospital
she described.[6]

(Of course, real babies died during the Gulf War when U.S. bombing knocked out
Iraqi electrical supplies.[7] And real babies die today in Iraq because U.N.
sanctions prohibit importing necessary medical equipment.[8])

And as for the first Bush administration's dire warnings that Iraq had massed
250,000 troops preparing to invade Saudi Arabia?

Another lie. Jean Heller, an enterprising reporter for the St. Petersburg Times
newspaper, persuaded her employer to buy two photographs from a Russian
commercial satellite.

Massed Iraqi troops were notably absent from the photos' panoramic expanse.

The intelligence photographs allegedly showing the Iraqi formations remain
classified to this day.[9]

Now, fast forward to the present.

(Pause briefly, though, to recall the leaks suggesting September 11
mastermind Mohammed Atta met an Iraqi agent in Prague.[10] Richard Perle, now
deeply entrenched in Bush's circle, even claimed that Atta met Saddam Hussein
himself in Baghdad: We have proof of that, and we are sure he wasn't just
there for a holiday.[11])

Today, the administration's torrent of deceit flows unabated.

Bush claims Iraq presents a nuclear threat, yet according to head U.N. nuclear
weapons inspector Mohamed ElBaradei, three months of intrusive inspections have
found no evidence or plausible indication of an Iraqi nuclear program--and
documents allegedly describing Iraqi attempts to buy uranium in Niger were

Bush calls Iraq's disarmament a charade, but Hans Blix, the chief chemical
and biological weapons inspector who has found no evidence of either, insists
that Iraq has undertaken a substantial measure of disarmament.[13]

And South African disarmament experts visiting Iraq maintain it's doing its

Bush asks America to go to war based on secret evidence, but weapons inspectors
complain that the intelligence given them by the U.S. has been garbage after
garbage after garbage.[15]

Insisting that Resolution 1441 gives the U.S. authority to attack Iraq
unilaterally, Bush seems to feel he can wish away the historical record: After
that measure was adopted, the U.N. ambassador of every Security Council
member--including the U.S. and U.K.--affirmed that it didn't provide for
automaticity--the resort to force without a further vote.[16]

Nor does 1441 authorize member states to use all necessary means, the
accepted language for military force.[17]

(It should be unnecessary to observe that neither 1441 nor any prior resolution
authorizes, or could authorize, forcible regime change in any country.)

Bush continues to link Saddam with al Qaeda, even though the CIA, FBI and
Britain's MI6 all disagree.[18]

Bush invokes the U.N.'s failure to prevent genocide in Rwanda while concealing
the reason for that failure: Washington's own opposition.

(During his 2000 campaign, Bush expressly rejected the use of U.S. troops in
Rwanda, even 

[CTRL] Warmonger Explains War With Iraq To Peacenik

2003-03-20 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-


Warmonger Explains War With Iraq To Peacenik
Author Unknown

Peacenik: Why did you say we are invading Iraq?

Warmonger: We are invading Iraq because it is in violation of security council
resolution 1441. A country cannot be allowed to violate security council

PN: But I thought many of our allies, including Israel, were in violation of
more security council resolutions than Iraq.

WM: It's not just about UN resolutions. The main point is that Iraq could have
weapons of mass destruction, and the first sign of a smoking gun could well be
a mushroom cloud over NY.

PN: Mushroom cloud? But I thought the weapons inspectors said Iraq had no
nuclear weapons.

WM: Yes, but biological and chemical weapons are the issue.

PN: But I thought Iraq did not have any long range missiles for attacking us or
our allies with such weapons.

WM: The risk is not Iraq directly attacking us, but rather terrorists networks
that Iraq could sell the weapons to.

PN: But couldn't virtually any country sell chemical or biological materials?
We sold quite a bit to Iraq in the eighties ourselves, didn't we?

WM: That's ancient history. Look, Saddam Hussein is an evil man that has an
undeniable track record of repressing his own people since the early eighties.
He gasses his enemies. Everyone agrees that he is a power-hungry lunatic

PN: We sold chemical and biological materials to a power-hungry lunatic

WM: The issue is not what we sold, but rather what Saddam did. He is the one
that launched a pre-emptive first strike on Kuwait.

PN: A pre-emptive first strike does sound bad. But didn't our ambassador to
Iraq, April Glaspie, know about and green-light the invasion of Kuwait?

WM: Let's deal with the present, shall we? As of today, Iraq could sell its
biological and chemical weapons to Al Qaida. Osama BinLaden himself released an
audio tape calling on Iraqis to suicide attack us, proving a partnership
between the two.

PN: Osama Bin Laden? Wasn't the point of invading Afghanistan to kill him?

WM: Actually, it's not 100% certain that it's really Osama Bin Laden on the
tapes. But the lesson from the tape is the same: there could easily be a
partnership between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein unless we act.

PN: Is this the same audio tape where Osama Bin Laden labels Saddam a secular

WM: You're missing the point by just focusing on the tape. Powell presented a
strong case against Iraq.

PN: He did?

WM: Yes, he showed satellite pictures of an Al Qaeda poison factory in Iraq.

PN: But didn't that turn out to be a harmless shack in the part of Iraq
controlled by the Kurdish opposition?

WM: And a British intelligence report...

PN: Didn't that turn out to be copied from an out-of-date graduate student

WM: And reports of mobile weapons labs...

PN: Weren't those just artistic renderings?

WM: And reports of Iraqis scuttling and hiding evidence from inspectors...

PN: Wasn't that evidence contradicted by the chief weapons inspector, Hans

WM: Yes, but there is plenty of other hard evidence that cannot be revealed
because it would compromise our security.

PN: So there is no publicly available evidence of weapons of mass destruction
in Iraq?

WM: The inspectors are not detectives, it's not their JOB to find evidence.
You're missing the point.

PN: So what is the point?

WM: The main point is that we are invading Iraq because resolution 1441
threatened severe consequences. If we do not act, the security council will
become an irrelevant debating society.

PN: So the main point is to uphold the rulings of the security council?

WM: Absolutely. ... unless it rules against us.

PN: And what if it does rule against us?

WM: In that case, we must lead a coalition of the willing to invade Iraq.

PN: Coalition of the willing? Who's that?

WM: Britain, Turkey, Bulgaria, Spain, and Italy, for starters.

PN: I thought Turkey refused to help us unless we gave them tens of billions of

WM: Nevertheless, they may now be willing.

PN: I thought public opinion in all those countries was against war.

WM: Current public opinion is irrelevant. The majority expresses its will by
electing leaders to make decisions.

PN: So it's the decisions of leaders elected by the majority that is important?

WM: Yes.

PN: But George B-

WM: I mean, we must support the decisions of our leaders, however they were
elected, because they are acting in our best interest. This is about being a
patriot. That's the bottom line.

PN: So if we do not support the decisions of the president, we are not

WM: I never said that.

PN: So what are you saying? Why are we invading Iraq?

WM: As I said, because there is a chance that they have weapons of mass
destruction that threaten us and our allies.

PN: But the inspectors have not been able to find any such weapons.

WM: Iraq is obviously hiding them.

PN: You know this? How?

WM: Because we know they had the weapons ten years 

Re: [CTRL] Byrd

2003-03-20 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

From your postings, sounds like you believe Bush's words are almost
as infallible and divinely inspired as those in the Bible.

Ray Boeche wrote:

 No, you see, I, like George Bush, your Great Satan, am a Christian.

 In fact, I'm a priest in the Reformed Episcopal Church (that's the one
 that actually believes in the Bible as God's Word

[The Bible is] an anthology of ancient literature that contains sublime
wisdom along with barbaric histories and the war songs of tribes on the
rampage. All this is taken as the literal Word and counsel of God, as it is
by fundamentalist sects, which — by and large — know nothing of the history
of the Bible, of how it was edited and put together. So we have with us the
social menace of a huge population of intellectually and morally
irresponsible people.

[The Bible is a] translation of Hebrew and Greek documents composed
between 900 B.C. and A.D. 120. There is no manuscript of the Old Testament;
that  is, of the Hebrew Scriptures, written in Hebrew, earlier than the
Ninth Century B.C. But we know that these documents were first put together
and recognized as the Holy Scriptures by a convention of rabbis held at
Jamnia (Yavne) in Palestine shortly before A.D. 100. On their say-so.
Likewise, the composition of the Christian Bible, which documents to
include and which to drop, was decided by a council of the Catholic Church
held in Carthage in the latter part of the Fourth Century.

The point is that the books translated in the . . . Bible were declared
canonical and divinely inspired by the authority (A) of the Synod of Jamnia
and (B) of the Catholic Church, meeting in Carthage more than 300 years
after the time of Jesus. It is thus that fundamentalist Protestants get
the authority of their Bible from Jews who had rejected Jesus and from
Catholics whom they abominate as the Scarlet Woman mentioned in
Revelation. -- Alan Watts

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[CTRL] Education's Hidden Agenda

2003-03-20 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

John Taylor Gatto; audio interview

Award winning teacher of 30 years says public school’s hidden agenda is to
produce “good worker and consumer bees” for corporate and economic benefit.
Education used to be about developing the human character and soul.

Tracing the militaristic and historical models for today’s schools. How the
soul is psychologically ensnared. How to fix the system. What true education
could do, and how http://lauralee.com/archives/asx/080902.asx

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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Re: [CTRL] Washington or Wilson?

2003-03-15 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Ray Boeche wrote:

 I believe you may be too deeply mired in the nonsensical fiction of

You wrote, ...Britain, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Poland and the other 80+
nations who are in support of our actions..., implying that a MAJORITY OF THE
INDIVIDUALS who populate those 80+ nations support our actions (our
actions being warfare: the work of murder the Bush regime has planned for the
people of 'Iraq').

If less than a MAJORITY OF THE INDIVIDUALS who populate those 80+
nations support the Bush regime's scheme, then how can the claim that those
80+ nations, as a whole, support it, have any legitimacy?

Implying that the miscreants and scoundrels who call themselves the leaders of
those 80+ nations support the work of murder the Bush regime has planned
for the people of 'Iraq' is a bit more believable. They have supporters in each
of their respective nations as well. You can toss them into the mix too. Yet
when you add it all up you'll still fall far short of having a majority of the
individuals who populate the 80+ nations actually supporting the work of
murder the Bush regime has planned.

Even if a majority of individuals are included, it doesn't change the fact that
the entire science of justice is based on the right to defend oneself against
an aggressor. Bush's claim that an invasion of Iraq is for the defense of
America is absurd, and contradicts the most basic principles of natural law
and justice.

The official FBI definition of terrorism:

 Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons
 or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian
 population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political
 or social objectives.

What the Bush regime has planned for the people of 'Iraq' is nothing less
then the unlawful use of force and violence against persons and property to
intimidate and coerce the 'Iraqi government', the 'Iraqi' civilian population,
or any segment thereof, in furtherance of the Bush regime's political
objectives. In other words: terrorism. Or does one have to be deeply
mired in the nonsensical fiction of deconstructionism to get it?


All the great governments of the world -- those now existing, as well as those
that have passed away -- have been of this character: They have been mere bands
of robbers, who have associated for purposes of plunder, conquest, and the
enslavement of their fellow men. And their laws, as they have called them, have
been only such agreements as they have found it necessary to enter into, in
order to maintain their organizations, and act together in plundering and
enslaving others, and in securing to each his agreed share of the spoils.
- Lysander Spooner, Natural Law

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Re: [CTRL] Washington or Wilson?

2003-03-14 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Ray Boeche wrote:

 I'm sure Britain, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Poland and the other 80+
 nations who are in support of our actions appreciate your
 consideration of them as non-entities.

The State is the great fictitious entity by which everyone expects
to live at the expense of everyone else. -- Frederic Bastiat

Every body politic on this planet is a corporation, an artificial entity, a
fiction at law. They only exist in your mind. When you write of Britain,
Spain, Greece, Hungary, Poland and the other 80+ so-called nations
you're referring to non-entities.  At most, you're referring to a number of
hucksters who masquerade around styling themselves as government
and a multitude of suckers who support them.

As Frederick Mann put it:

In his book Cat's Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut coined the word granfalloon
to describe abstract concepts like nation, state, country, government,
society, IBM, etc. He wrote, To discover the substance of a granfalloon,
just prick a hole in a toy balloon. In his book The Incredible Secret Money
Machine, Don Lancaster explains:

A granfalloon is any large bureaucratic figment of people's imagination.
For instance, there's really no such thing as the Feds or General Veeblefeltzer
Corporation. There are a bunch of people out there that relate to each other,
and there's some structures, and some paper. In fact, there's lots and lots of
paper. The people sit in the structures and pass paper back and forth to each
other and charge you to do so.

All these people, structures, and paper are real. But nowhere can you point to
the larger concept of government or corporation and say, There it is,
kiddies! The monolithic, big they is all in your mind.

A granfalloon is the lumping together of many diverse elements into an
abstract collection, and to then think and speak as if the abstract collection
is one single entity capable of performing actions. This phenomenon leads
people to say things like the government runs the country. I hope you realize
(or will soon) just how absurd the previous sentence is.

Government Consists of Individual Human Beings

The human brain is an abstracting device. We might call the first level of
abstraction the concrete abstract. Consider the concept table. The concept
or word corresponds to and represents a physical object table. However, the
concept table is more general than the object table - because the concept
table can be applied to any of a large number of objects with flat surfaces
and (usually) four legs; whereas the physical object table is one specific

Our next level of abstraction we might call the collective abstract - for
example, furniture. It's very useful to lump together a number of diverse but
related objects and use the abstract word or concept furniture to represent
all of them. It makes thinking and communicating more efficient. Instead of
saying, Clean the chairs, the tables, the shelves, the mirrors, the cupboards,
etc., you can simply say, Clean the furniture. It's much more efficient. But
with the increase in efficiency comes a potential lack of distinction...

Government can be described as a collection of individuals, pieces of paper,
buildings, weaponry, etc. Let's take a look at what becomes possible when we
think in terms of individual human beings, instead of the monolithic collective
abstract government - a two-sentence refutation of all the arguments for
Government consists of individual human beings - or people.
When people say government is necessary to do X (whatever), or only
government can do X, or government must do for people what they can't do for
themselves - what they're really saying is: people are necessary to do X, or
only people can do X, or people must do for people what they can't do for
themselves. http://buildfreedom.com/tl/tl07b.shtml

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
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[CTRL] American State Terrorism

2003-03-12 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

is the World’s Greatest

The greatest acts of terrorism are not committed by furtive gangs
of masked desperados in foreign lands. The most horrific acts of
terrorism in world history have always been committed by
governments and their militaries.

The government and military of the United States of America have
committed massive acts of international terrorism and brutal
genocide — from 1899 to the present day.

Official FBI definition of terrorism:

 “Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons
 or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian
 population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political
 or social objectives.”

Even by its own definition the hypocrite U.S. government is guilty of
terrorism — on a massive, international scale. And for over 100 years!

The U.S. government has broken international law and the Geneva
Convention many times with its brutal use of force and horrific
violence against persons and property, to intimidate and coerce
governments, civilian populations, and many segments thereof,
in furtherance of political, social and especially *economic*



I wouldn’t go to war again as I have done to defend some
lousy investment of the bankers. We should fight only for
the defense of our home and the Bill of Rights. War for any
other reason is simply a racket.
There isn’t a trick in the racketeering bag that the military
gang is blind to. It had its 'finger men' to point out enemies,
its 'muscle men' to destroy enemies, its 'brain men' to plan
war preparations and a 'Big Boss' - supernationalistic capitalism.
- USMC Major General Smedley Butler, Common Sense (1935)

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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[CTRL] Best News, Information And 911 Sites - 4th Edition

2003-02-04 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-


Best News, Information And 911 Sites - 4th Edition
By John Kaminski  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (2-4-3)

If you were to read every story on every website mentioned in this post, we
wouldn't hear from you for years.

However, if you were to scan all the sites mentioned here, and picked out
stories that piqued your interest, something profound would happen. You would
never trust what you read in your local newspaper or believed what you heard on
TV ever again.

And that is exactly the point of this list.

The World Wide Web is where the genuine information is today. The mass media
have deteriorated into a deceptive and delusional miasma of propaganda pitches
designed not to tell the truth about current events, but to spin them in ways
that will be profitable to the patricians who own the media outlets and pay for
the deceptive advertising that ruin the health and the fortunes of ordinary
citizens who are just trying to live their lives in a peaceful and orderly

Print and broadcast mass media are the agents of deception and delusion - no

The corporate mainstream media are all colluding in a criminal
obstruction-of-justice coverup with corrupt government officials who have
morphed the United States of America from a relatively functioning democratic
republic into a private plunder preserve for the rich where ordinary people are
regularly robbed of their hard-earned money and the privileged yet uneducated
elite are free to trash the resources of the world's most gifted nation and
sell them to the highest bidder.

With the help of corrupt judges and conscienceless politicians, America has
become the scourge of the world as it loots country after country at the same
time it deprives its own citizens not only of their basic rights that were once
protected by a functioning Constitution, but also of their security, their
wealth, and their self-respect as scam after scam  drugs, wars, and products
you don't need that don't work  are foisted on unsuspecting consumers.

The information contained on these websites will help you see things
differently, and more accurately.

This is the fourth time I've compiled this list. Each time it has expanded and
changed slightly. A few sites have dropped off. Many more have been added.

If you're reading this, it's because we write regularly, you've sent me an
interesting e-mail, or you are the creator of or work for an interesting
website. This list is only one person's opinion of what's out there on the web
regarding information about the coverup of 9/11.

This list as meant as a recommendation of where to find valid information not
curdled by corporate contempt.

It is not meant to be a complete list, and apologies to all those great sites
out there I haven't found yet. I always like getting recommendations and I
understand that what I like might not be what you like.

Nevertheless, after a year of surfing every day, these are the sites I've found
to be most valuable. I would sincerely urge you to check all of them out at
your leisure and support them financially if you are able.

Everything recommended on this list is free (although with some, you can get
add-ons that do cost money). I have taken pains not to include any sites of an
overtly religious or spiritual nature, being a believer in the following
statement: Anytime an adherent of one religion says anything at all about
another religion, it is not to be taken seriously because the speaker can't
help but be completely biased, and is therefore unreliable.

I have also excluded the categories of economics and the law, because not being
an economist or a lawyer, I'm not sure when I'm being bamboozled by fancy
rhetoric and references to documents with which I am unfamiliar.


Most Important Site


Best News Sources

(See note at end)

Best 9/11 Timelines


Best Liberal Leftie Sites


Best Patriot Right Sites


Best Mainstream Right Sites


Re: [CTRL] The Reluctant Anarchist

2003-01-29 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

klewis wrote:


 Murray died a few years ago without quite having made an anarchist of
 me. It was left to his brilliant disciple, Hans-Hermann Hoppe, to finish
 my conversion. Hans argued that no constitution could restrain the
 state. Once its monopoly of force was granted legitimacy, constitutional
 limits became mere fictions it could disregard; nobody could have the
 legal standing to enforce those limits. The state itself would decide,
 by force, what the constitution meant, steadily ruling in its own
 favor and increasing its own power. This was true a priori, and American
 history bore it out.

 `The thing I keep running into with libertarians is that
 they are purposely blind to the following: if you start
 with a weak state and a laissez-faire economy,
 eventually megacorporations will coalesce and become a
 defacto state, usually fascist and obviously not held
 accountable by the democratic process. And the
 megacorps will mold and embolden the state so that it
 has the authority and agenda to serve them. I don't
 have to wonder about the viability of this theory, since
 I have discovered that the US is more or less living
 proof.' -Daniel Pouzzner

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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] The Shocking Pagan Origin Of Christmas

2002-12-20 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-


Jeff Rense - Fri., Dec. 19 '02


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major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] The End of the World...Maybe

2002-04-30 Thread Paul Meares

-Caveat Lector-

William Shannon wrote:


 The End of the World...Maybe

 by Bob Wallace

Wow, this guy's a REAL trip! Lots of ass-kickin' articles in his
archive. Ayn Rand, Science-Fiction Writer was an *extremely*
entertaining read, as were several others I've just had the pleasure to
go through. Thanks!


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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
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Re: [CTRL] Skousen On Vreeland Red Mercury 4/12/02

2002-04-18 Thread Paul Meares
-Caveat Lector-

Jeff Rense Interview (RealPlayer - 3 hrs):
April 17th
Michael Ruppert  Delmart 'Mike' Vreeland:
Russian Documents and 911 Controversy

William Shannon wrote:
a message dated 4/13/02 1:05:07 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

do you think Bill? Has Mike Ruppert backed Vreeland at great risk
himself and
his reputation?
Ruppert has
indeed put his credibility on the line for Vreeland and I'm torn here as
I like and trust both Ruppert and Skousen. If push came to shove I'd probably
have to side with Ruppert. But it is an interesting analysis from Skousen
and it is merely his opinion.

CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.

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Re: [CTRL] So much for Conservative TalkRadio

2002-04-13 Thread Paul Meares

-Caveat Lector-

InfoWarz wrote:

 They viciously attacked the idea that Bush and
 high government officials had prior knowledge of the 9-11
 attack.  No mention of any evidence, or intelligent
 discourse, just total denigration of the whole notion of
 prior knowledge and involvement.

Of course, the talking heads on the idiot tube yesterday
morning were all frothing at the mouths over this issue as
well - except one. A guest on the C-SPAN morning show, Peter
Jennings was taking calls from listeners; most of the ones I
caught were conspiracy theories dealing w/ 911, etc., (the
callers sounded like a bunch of well-informed, Jeff Rense-type
listeners, one right after the other - you could tell that the
host was getting pissed) and SURPRISINGLY Jennings didn't
dismiss them with the usual ad hominem attacks and other BS
fallacies the media often use. Instead he seemed to enjoy them
- even said as much at one point.  And when the host was
trying to smear the callers as nutty conspiracy theorists who
should be ignored, Jennings pointed out that he was in the
media business long enough to have seen far too many things he
initially dismissed as BS, turned out to be true, so he tries
to keep an open mind. The entire time he was on, he did.
Pleasant surprise, to say the least. Every time the C-SPAN
host tried to get Jennings to denounce or ridicule conspiracy
theory (which he did on several occasions), Jennings left him
hanging. No shit.

Seems that Jennings was sleeping through Bush's 911 speech at
the UN, Let us never tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories
concerning the attacks of September the 11th - either that,
or he just flipped 'em the bird.

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directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
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[CTRL] Hiding Humanity's True History - 'The Brain Police' and 'The Big Lie'

2002-04-08 Thread Paul Meares

-Caveat Lector-


Hiding Humanity's True History
'The Brain Police' and 'The Big Lie'
By Will Hart
Extracted from Nexus Magazine
Volume 9, Number 3
April-May 2002

Any time you allege a conspiracy is afoot, especially in the
field of science, you are treading on thin ice. We tend to be
very sceptical about conspiracies--unless the Mafia or some
Muslim radicals are behind the alleged plot. But the evidence
is overwhelming and the irony is that much of it is in plain

The good news is that the players are obvious. Their game plan
and even their play-by-play tactics are transparent, once you
learn to spot them. However, it is not so easy to penetrate
through the smokescreen of propaganda and disinformation to
get to their underlying motives and goals. It would be
convenient if we could point to a plumber's unit and a
boldface liar like Richard Nixon, but this is a more subtle

The bad news: the conspiracy is global and there are many
vested interest groups. A cursory investigation yields the
usual suspects: scientists with a theoretical axe to grind,
careers to further and the status quo to maintain. Their modus
operandi is The Big Lie--and the bigger and more widely
publicised, the better. They rely on invoking their academic
credentials to support their arguments, and the presumption is
that no one has the right to question their authoritarian
pronouncements that: 1. there is no mystery about who built
the Great Pyramid or what the methods of construction were,
and the Sphinx shows no signs of water damage; 2. there were
no humans in the Americas before 20,000 BC; 3. the first
civilisation dates back no further than 6000 BC; 4. there are
no documented anomalous, unexplained or enigmatic data to take
into account; 5. there are no lost or unaccounted-for
civilisations. Let the evidence to the contrary be damned!

Personal Attacks: Dispute over Age of the Sphinx and Great

In 1993, NBC in the USA aired The Mysteries of the Sphinx,
which presented geological evidence showing that the Sphinx
was at least twice as old (9,000 years) as Egyptologists
claimed. It has become well known as the water erosion
controversy. An examination of the politicking that
Egyptologists deployed to combat this undermining of their
turf is instructive.

Self-taught Egyptologist John Anthony West brought the water
erosion issue to the attention of geologist Dr Robert Schoch.
They went to Egypt and launched an intensive on-site
investigation. After thoroughly studying the Sphinx first
hand, the geologist came to share West's preliminary
conclusion and they announced their findings.

Dr Zahi Hawass, the Giza Monuments chief, wasted no time in
firing a barrage of public criticism at the pair. Renowned
Egyptologist Dr Mark Lehner, who is regarded as the world's
foremost expert on the Sphinx, joined his attack. He charged
West and Schoch with being ignorant and insensitive. That
was a curious accusation which took the matter off the
professional level and put the whole affair on a personal
plane. It did not address the facts or issues at all and it
was highly unscientific.

But we must note the standard tactic of discrediting anyone
who dares to call the accepted theories into question.
Shifting the focus away from the issues and personalising
the debate is a highly effective strategy--one which is often
used by politicians who feel insecure about their positions.
Hawass and Lehner invoked their untouchable status and
presumed authority. (One would think that a geologist's
assessment would hold more weight on this particular point.)

A short time later, Schoch, Hawass and Lehner were invited to
debate the issue at the American Association for the
Advancement of Science. West was not allowed to participate
because he lacked the required credentials.

This points to a questionable assumption that is part of the
establishment's arsenal: only degreed scientists can practise
science. Two filters keep the uncredentialled, independent
researcher out of the loop: (1) credentials, and (2) peer
review. You do not get to number two unless you have number

Science is a method that anyone can learn and apply. It does
not require a degree to observe and record facts and think
critically about them, especially in the non-technical social
sciences. In a free and open society, science has to be a
democratic process.

Be that as it may, West was barred. The elements of the debate
have been batted back and forth since then without resolution.
It is similar to the controversy over who built the Giza
pyramids and how.

This brings up the issue of The Big Lie and how it has been
promoted for generations in front of God and everyone. The
controversy over how the Great Pyramid was constructed is one
example. It could be easily settled if Egyptologists wanted to
resolve the dispute. A simple test could be designed and
arranged by impartial engineers that would either prove or
disprove their